Order for Enforcement of the Insurance Business Act
Cabinet Order No. 425 of 1995
Cabinet Order No. 201 of 2009
Order for Enforcement of the Insurance Business Act (Cabinet Order No. 425 of December 22, 1995)
Pursuant to the provisions of the Insurance Business Act (Act No. 105 of 1995) and for the purpose of enforcement of said Act, the Cabinet hereby enacts this Cabinet Order in replacement of the Order for Enforcement of the Insurance Business Act (Imperial Ordinance No. 904 of 1939) in its entirety.
Table of Contents
第一章 総則(第一条―第二条)
Chapter I General Provisions (Article 1 - Article 2)
第二章 保険会社、外国保険会社等及び少額短期保険業者
Chapter II Insurance Companies, Foreign Insurance Companies, etc. and Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers
第一節 保険会社、外国保険会社等及び少額短期保険業者(第二条の二―第三十七条の九)
Section 1 Insurance Companies, Foreign Insurance Companies, etc. and Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers (Article 2-2 - Article 37-9)
第二節 少額短期保険業者の特例(第三十八条―第三十八条の十五)
Section 2 Special Provisions on Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers (Article 38 - Article 38-15)
第三章 保険募集(第三十九条―第四十四条の六)
Chapter III Insurance Solicitation (Article 39 - Article 44-6)
第四章 雑則(第四十五条―第四十七条の三)
Chapter IV Miscellaneous Provisions (Article 45 - Article 47-3)
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 この政令において、「保険業」、「保険会社」、「生命保険会社」、「損害保険会社」、「相互会社」、「外国保険業者」、「外国保険会社等」、「外国生命保険会社等」、「外国損害保険会社等」、「外国相互会社」、「総株主等の議決権」、「子会社」、「主要株主基準値」、「保険主要株主」、「保険持株会社」、「少額短期保険業者」、「生命保険募集人」、「損害保険代理店」、「少額短期保険募集人」、「保険募集人」、「所属保険会社等」、「保険仲立人」、「保険募集」又は「公告方法」とは、それぞれ保険業法(以下「法」という。)第二条に規定する保険業、保険会社、生命保険会社、損害保険会社、相互会社、外国保険業者、外国保険会社等、外国生命保険会社等、外国損害保険会社等、外国相互会社、総株主等の議決権、子会社、主要株主基準値、保険主要株主、保険持株会社、少額短期保険業者、生命保険募集人、損害保険代理店、少額短期保険募集人、保険募集人、所属保険会社等、保険仲立人、保険募集又は公告方法をいう。
Article 1 In this Cabinet Order, the terms "Insurance Business," "Insurance Company," "Life Insurance Company," "Non-Life Insurance Company," "Mutual Company," "Foreign Insurer," "Foreign Insurance Company, etc.," "Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc.," "Foreign Non-Life Insurance Company, etc.," "Foreign Mutual Company," "All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.," "Subsidiary Company" and "Subsidiary" "Major Shareholder Threshold," "Insurance Company's Major Shareholder," "Insurance Holding Company," "Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers," "Life Insurance Agent," "Non-Life Insurance Representative," "Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Agent," "Insurance Agent," "Affiliated Insurance Company, etc.," "Insurance Broker," "Insurance Solicitation," and "Method of Public Notice" mean "Insurance Business," "Insurance Company," "Life Insurance Company," Non-Life Insurance Company," "Mutual Company," "Foreign Insurer," "Foreign Insurance Company, etc.," "Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc.," "Foreign Non-Life Insurance Company, etc.," "Foreign Mutual Company," "All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.," "Subsidiary Company" and "Subsidiary" "Major Shareholder Threshold," "Insurance Company's Major Shareholder," "Insurance Holding Company," "Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers," "Life Insurance Agent," "Non-Life Insurance Representative," "Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Agent," "Insurance Agent, "Affiliated Insurance Company, etc.," "Insurance Broker," "Insurance Solicitation," and "Method of Public Notice" as respectively defined in Article 2 of the Insurance Business Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act").
(Scope of Persons Excluded from the Category of "Company or Other Enterprise")
第一条の二 法第二条第一項第二号ロに規定する政令で定める事業者は、当該会社その他の事業者又はその役員若しくは使用人(役員又は使用人であった者を含む。以下この項並びに次条第二号及び第三号において同じ。)が構成する団体がその役員若しくは使用人又はこれらの者の親族(配偶者並びに二親等以内の血族及び姻族に限る。以下同じ。)を相手方として法第三条第四項各号又は第五項各号に掲げる保険の引受けを行う事業を行うことを専ら目的とする会社(外国会社を含む。次条第二号において同じ。)その他の事業者(保険会社、外国保険会社等、免許特定法人(法第二百二十三条第一項に規定する免許特定法人をいう。以下同じ。)の引受社員(法第二百十九条第一項に規定する引受社員をいう。以下同じ。)及び少額短期保険業者を除く。)とする。
Article 1-2 (1) The enterprise specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (b) of the Act, shall be a company (including a foreign company; the same shall apply in item (ii) of the following Article) or any other enterprise (excluding an Insurance Company, Foreign Insurance Company, etc., Underwriting Member (meaning an Underwriting Member as defined in Article 219, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) of a Licensed Specified Juridical Person (meaning a Licensed Specified Juridical Person as defined in Article 223, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter), and also excluding a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer) whose sole purpose is for an organization comprising said company or other enterprise or the officers or employees thereof (including persons who formerly held positions as officers or employees; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and Article 1-3, items (ii) and (iii)) to render underwriting services for the insurance specified in the items of Article 3, paragraph (4) of the Act or in the items of paragraph (5) of that Article with those officers or employees or the relatives thereof (limited to their spouses and their relatives by blood or affinity within the second degree of kinship; the same shall apply hereinafter) as the other parties thereto.
2 法第二条第一項第二号ロに規定する政令で定める親族は、配偶者並びに二親等以内の血族及び姻族とする。
(2) The relatives specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (b) of the Act, shall be spouses and relatives by blood or affinity within the second degree of kinship.
(Business Excluded from the Definition of Insurance Business)
第一条の三 法第二条第一項第二号トに規定する政令で定めるものは、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 1-3 The business specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (g), shall be as follows:
一 地方公共団体が事業者(当該地方公共団体の区域内に所在するものに限る。)又はその役員若しくは使用人を相手方として行うもの(法第二条第一項第二号イに掲げるものを除く。)
(i) that which a local government undertakes with an enterprise (limited to enterprises located within the district of said local government) or its officers or employees (excluding the business set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (a)) as the other party thereto;
二 一の会社(当該会社若しくはその連結子会社等(内閣府令で定めるところにより当該会社と連結してその計算書類その他の書類を作成するものとされる子会社その他の会社をいい、連結子会社等であった会社を含む。以下この号において同じ。)又はこれらの役員若しくは使用人が構成する団体がその構成員又はその親族を相手方として法第三条第四項各号又は第五項各号に掲げる保険の引受けを行う事業を行うことを専ら目的とする会社(保険会社、外国保険会社等、免許特定法人の引受社員及び少額短期保険業者を除く。)を除く。)若しくは当該会社の連結子会社等又はこれらの役員若しくは使用人が構成する団体がその構成員又はその親族を相手方として行うもの(法第二条第一項第二号ロ又はニに掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) that which a single company (excluding a company (other than an Insurance Company, Foreign Insurance Company, etc., Underwriting Members of a Licensed Specified Juridical Person, and also excluding Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers) whose sole purpose is for an organization comprising such company or its Consolidated Subsidiary Company, etc. (meaning a Subsidiary Company or other type of company which is required to prepare its financial statements or any other documents on a consolidated basis together with such company pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, and including a company which was a Consolidated Subsidiary Company, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) and their officers or employees to render underwriting services for the insurance specified in the items of Article 3, paragraph (4) of the Act and in the items of paragraph (5) of that Article with the members of that organization or their relatives as the other parties) or its Consolidated Subsidiary Company, etc. and their officers or employees undertake for its members and their relatives as the other parties (excluding business set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (b) or (d));
三 一の包括宗教法人(宗教法人法(昭和二十六年法律第百二十六号)第五十二条第二項第四号に規定する宗教団体がある場合における当該宗教団体であって、宗教法人(同法第四条第二項に規定する宗教法人をいう。以下この号において同じ。)であるものをいう。)若しくは当該包括宗教法人に包括される宗教法人又はこれらの役員若しくは使用人が構成する団体がその構成員又はその親族を相手方として行うもの(法第二条第一項第二号ロに掲げるものを除く。)
(iii) that which an organization comprising a single umbrella religious corporation (meaning, where there exists a religious organization as defined in Article 52, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Religious Corporations Act, (Act No. 126 of 1951), an entity that is the relevant religious organization and that is a religious corporation (meaning a religious corporation as defined in Article 4, paragraph (2) of the same Act); the same shall apply hereinafter in this item), a religious corporation under the control of said umbrella religious corporation, or the officers or employees thereof undertakes with the members of said organization or their relatives as the other parties thereto (excluding business set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (b));
四 一の国家公務員共済組合(国家公務員共済組合法(昭和三十三年法律第百二十八号)第三条第一項又は第二項の規定により設けられた国家公務員共済組合をいう。)又は一の地方公務員共済組合(地方公務員等共済組合法(昭和三十七年法律第百五十二号)第三条第一項の規定により設けられた地方公務員共済組合をいう。以下この号において同じ。)の組合員(組合員であった者を含む。以下この号において同じ。)が構成する団体(地方公務員共済組合の組合員が構成する団体にあっては、同一の任命権者により任用された組合員が構成するものに限る。)がその構成員又はその親族を相手方として行うもの
(iv) that which an organization comprising members (including persons who formerly were members; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) of a single National Government Employees' Mutual Aid Association (meaning a National Government Employees' Mutual Aid Association established under Article 3, paragraph (1) or (2) of the National Government Employees' Mutual Aid Association Act (Act No. 128 of 1958)) or members of a Local Government Employees' Mutual Aid Association (meaning a Local Government Employees' Mutual Aid Association established under Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Local Government Employees', etc. Mutual Aid Association Act (Act No. 152 of 1962); hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) (in the case of an organization comprising members of a Local Government Employees' Mutual Aid Association, limited to an organization comprising members appointed by the same appointer) undertakes with the members thereof or their relatives as the other parties thereto;
五 国会議員(国会議員であった者を含む。)が構成する団体又は一の地方議会議員共済会(地方公務員等共済組合法第百五十一条第一項に規定する地方議会議員共済会をいう。)の会員(会員であった者を含む。)が構成する団体(同一の地方公共団体の議会に属する会員が構成するものに限る。)がその構成員又はその親族を相手方として行うもの
(v) that which an organization comprising members of the Diet (including persons who were formerly members of the Diet) or by members (including persons who formerly were members) of a single Regional Council Members' Mutual Aid Association (meaning a Regional Council Members' Mutual Aid Association as defined in Article 151, paragraph (1) of the Local Government Employees', etc. Mutual Aid Association Act; and limited to an association comprising members belonging to the council of the same local government) undertakes with the members thereof or their relatives as the other parties thereto;
六 一の学校(学校教育法(昭和二十二年法律第二十六号)第一条に規定する学校をいう。第八号において同じ。)がその児童又は幼児を相手方として行うもの
(vi) that which a single School (meaning a school as defined in Article 1 of the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947); the same shall apply in item (viii)) undertakes with the children or young children thereof as the other parties thereto;
七 一の専修学校(学校教育法第百二十四条に規定する専修学校をいう。以下この号及び次号において同じ。)、一の各種学校(同法第百三十四条第一項に規定する各種学校のうち、内閣府令で定めるものに限る。以下この号及び次号において同じ。)又は一の専修学校若しくは各種学校の生徒(各種学校にあっては内閣府令で定めるものに限る。以下この号及び次号において同じ。)が構成する団体がその生徒を相手方として行うもの
(vii) that which an organization comprising a single Specialized Training College (meaning a Specialized Training College as defined in Article 124 of the School Education Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and the following item), a single School for Specialized Education (limited to a School for Specialized Education as defined in Article 134, paragraph (1) of that Act that is as specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and the following item) or by students of a single Specialized Training College or School for Specialized Education (for a School for Specialized Education, limited to an institution as specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and the following item) undertakes with the students thereof as the other parties thereto;
八 同一の設置者(国及び地方公共団体を除く。次号において同じ。)が設置した二以上の学校等(学校、専修学校又は各種学校をいう。同号において同じ。)の学生又は生徒が構成する団体がその学生等(学生、生徒、児童又は幼児をいう。同号において同じ。)を相手方として行うもの
(viii) that which an organization comprising the students of two or more Schools, etc. (meaning Schools, Specialized Training Colleges, and Schools for Specialized Education; the same shall apply in the following item) established by the same founder (excluding the State and local governments; the same shall apply in the following item) undertakes with the Students, etc. (meaning students, children, or young children; the same shall apply in that item) thereof as the other parties thereto; and
九 一の学校等又は同一の設置者が設置した二以上の学校等の学生等の保護者(親権を行う者又は後見人をいう。)又は教職員が構成する団体がその構成員又は学生等を相手方として行うもの
(ix) that which an organization comprising the guardians (meaning the persons who exercise parental authority or who are the curators) of the Students, etc. of a single School, etc., the guardians of the Students, etc. of two or more Schools, etc. established by the same founder, or the teachers and staff members thereof, undertakes with its members or Students, etc. as the other parties thereto.
第一条の四 法第二条第一項第三号に規定する政令で定める人数は、千人とする。
Article 1-4 (1) The number of persons specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act, shall be one thousand.
2 法第二条第一項第三号に規定する政令で定めるものは、次の各号のいずれかに該当するものとする。
(2) The business specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act, shall be that which falls under any of the following items:
一 二以上の団体が同一の者に業務及び財産の管理を委託している場合その他当該二以上の団体の間に内閣府令で定める密接な関係がある場合において、当該二以上の団体が相手方とする者の総数が千人を超えるもの
(i) where two or more organizations have entrusted the management of their business and property to the same person, or where two or more organizations are closely related as specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance, business in which the total number other parties for said two or more organizations does not exceed one thousand;
二 二以上の団体が、保険料として収受した金銭その他の資産を協同して運用し、又は引き受けた保険契約を協同して再保険に付している場合において、当該二以上の団体が相手方とする者の総数が千人を超えるもの
(ii) where two or more organizations have jointly invested of monies or other assets collected as insurance premiums, or where they have jointly reinsured insurance contracts underwritten thereby, business in which the total number of other parties for said two or more organizations does not exceed one thousand;
三 再保険の引受けを行うもの
(iii) the business of underwriting reinsurance; and
四 一の個人から一年間に収受する保険料(内閣府令で定める保険契約にあっては、内閣府令で定める保険料とする。以下この号において同じ。)の合計額が五十万円を超える保険の引受け又は一の法人から一年間に収受する保険料の合計額が千万円を超える保険の引受けを含むもの
(iv) business that includes the underwriting of insurance and in which the total amount of annual insurance premiums (for an insurance contract specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance, meaning insurance premiums as specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) collected from a single individual exceeds five hundred thousand yen; or business that includes the underwriting of insurance and in which the total amount of annual insurance premiums collected from a single juridical person exceeds ten million yen.
(Terms of Coverage for Insurance under Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Services)
第一条の五 法第二条第十七項に規定する政令で定める期間は、一年(法第三条第五項第一号に掲げる保険にあっては、二年)とする。
Article 1-5 The period specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 2, paragraph (17) of the Act, shall be one year (or two years, for the insurance specified in Article 3, paragraph (5), item (i) of the Act).
(Amounts of Insurance Proceeds for Insurance Connected with Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Services)
第一条の六 法第二条第十七項に規定する政令で定める金額は、一の被保険者につき、次の各号に掲げる保険の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める金額とする。
Article 1-6 The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 2, paragraph (17) of the Act, shall be, per insured person, the amount specified in each of the following items in accordance with the categories of insurance set forth therein:
一 人の死亡に関し、一定額の保険金を支払うことを約する保険(第五号に掲げるものを除く。) 三百万円
(i) insurance where the insurer promises to pay a fixed amount of insurance proceeds in connection with a person's death (excluding insurance as specified in item (v)): three million yen
二 法第三条第四項第二号イ、ロ、ニ又はホに掲げる事由に関し、一定額の保険金を支払うこと又はこれらによって生ずることのある当該人の損害をてん補することを約する保険(次号及び第四号に掲げるものを除く。) 八十万円
(ii) insurance where the insurer promises to pay a fixed amount of insurance proceeds in connection with any of the events specified in Article 3, paragraph (4), item (ii), sub-item (a), (b), (d) or (e) of the Act, or to compensate the relevant person for damages thereto that arise therefrom (excluding insurance specified in the following item and item (iv)): eight hundred thousand yen
三 重度障害保険(法第三条第四項第二号ロ又はニに掲げる事由のうち、人の重度の障害の状態として内閣府令で定めるものに関し、一定額の保険金を支払うこと又はこれらによって生ずることのある当該人の損害をてん補することを約する保険をいう。以下この号及び次号において同じ。)であって、同一の被保険者について引き受ける保険に重度障害保険のほか第一号、次号又は第五号に掲げる保険が含まれる場合には、当該重度障害保険に係る保険金の支払又は損害のてん補(以下この条において「保険金の支払等」という。)により、第一号、次号又は第五号に掲げる保険の保険金額から当該保険金の支払等に係る金額に相当する部分が減額されることとされているもの(次号に掲げるものを除く。) 三百万円
(iii) Critical Illness Insurance (meaning insurance where the insurer promises to pay a fixed amount of insurance proceeds, in connection with a person's critically ill state as specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance from among the events specified in Article 3, paragraph (4), item (ii), sub-item (b) or (d) of the Act; or insurance where the insurer promises to compensate such person for damages thereto that arise therefrom; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and the following item) that requires that, where any insurance set forth in item (i), the following item, or item (v) has been included in addition to said Critical Illness Insurance in the insurance underwritten for the same insured, the insurance proceeds or damage compensation under the Critical Illness Insurance (hereinafter referred to as "Payment, etc. of Insurance Proceeds" in this Article) will accordingly result in a reduction in the amount of insurance proceeds from the insurance set forth in item (i), the following item, or item (v) by the portion corresponding to the amount of such Payment, etc. of Insurance Proceeds (excluding insurance as specified in the following item): three million yen
四 特定重度障害保険(重度障害保険のうち、傷害を受けたことを原因とする人の重度の障害の状態に関するものをいう。以下この号において同じ。)であって、同一の被保険者について引き受ける保険に特定重度障害保険のほか第一号、前号又は次号に掲げる保険が含まれる場合には、当該特定重度障害保険に係る保険金の支払等により、第一号、前号又は次号に掲げる保険の保険金額から当該保険金の支払等に係る金額に相当する部分が減額されることとされているもの 六百万円
(iv) Specific Critical Illness Insurance (meaning Critical Illness Insurance that covers a person's critically ill state resulting from an injury he/she has received; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) that requires that, where any insurance set forth in item (i), the preceding item or the following item has been included in addition to said Specific Critical Illness Insurance in the insurance underwritten for the same insured, the Payment, etc. of such Insurance Proceeds will accordingly result in a reduction in the insurance proceeds under the insurance set forth in item (i), the preceding item or the following item by the portion corresponding to the amount of such Payment, etc. of Insurance Proceeds.: six million yen
五 傷害死亡保険(法第三条第四項第二号ハに掲げる事由に関し、一定額の保険金を支払うこと又はこれによって生ずることのある当該人の損害をてん補することを約する保険をいう。以下この号において同じ。) 三百万円(同一の被保険者について引き受ける保険に傷害死亡保険のほか第一号に掲げる保険が含まれる場合に、当該傷害死亡保険に係る保険金の支払等により、同号に掲げる保険の保険金額から当該保険金の支払等に係る金額に相当する部分が減額されることとされているものにあっては、六百万円)
(v) Accidental Death Insurance (meaning insurance where the insurer promises to pay a fixed amount of insurance proceeds in connection with the event specified in Article 3, paragraph (4), item (ii), sub-item (c) of the Act; or insurance where the insurer promises to compensate the relevant person for damage arising therefrom; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): three million yen (or six million yen where any insurance set forth in item (i) has been included in addition to said Accidental Death Insurance in the insurance underwritten for the same insured, the Payment, etc. of Insurance Proceeds under the Accidental Death Insurance will accordingly result in a reduction in the amount of insurance proceeds from the insurance set forth in item (i) by the portion corresponding to the amount of such Payment, etc. of Insurance Proceeds); or
六 法第三条第五項第一号に掲げる保険 千万円
(vi) insurance specified in Article 3, paragraph (5), item (i) of the Act: ten million yen
(Insurance Excluded from Insurance Connected with Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Services)
第一条の七 法第二条第十七項に規定する政令で定めるものは、次に掲げる保険とする。
Article 1-7 Insurance specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 2, paragraph (17) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 人の生存に関し、一定額の保険金を支払うことを約する保険
(i) insurance where the insurer promises to pay a fixed amount of insurance proceeds, in connection with a person's survival;
二 保険期間の満了後満期返戻金を支払うことを約する保険
(ii) insurance where the insurer promises to pay a maturity refund upon expiration of the term of coverage;
三 法第百十八条第一項の規定により同項に規定する特別勘定を設けなければならない保険
(iii) insurance for which the creation of a Special Account as set forth in Article 118, paragraph (1) is required under that paragraph;
四 再保険
(iv) reinsurance;
五 保険料又は保険金、返戻金その他の給付金の額が外国通貨で表示された保険
(v) insurance for which the amount of insurance premiums, or the amount of benefits such as insurance proceeds or refunds, is denominated in a foreign currency; and
六 保険金の全部又は一部を定期的に、又は分割払の方法により支払う保険であって、その支払の期間が一年を超えるもの
(vi) insurance whose insurance premiums, in whole or in part, are to be paid on a regular basis or by way of installment payments, and where the payment period exceeds one year.
(Special Relationships)
第二条 法第二条の二第一項第六号に規定する政令で定める特別な関係は、三親等以内の親族関係とする。
Article 2 The special relationship specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 2-2, paragraph (1), item (vi) of the Act, shall be the relationship of relatives within the third degree of kinship.
第二章 保険会社、外国保険会社等及び少額短期保険業者
Chapter II Insurance Companies, Foreign Insurance Companies, etc. and Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers
第一節 保険会社、外国保険会社等及び少額短期保険業者
Section 1 Insurance Companies, Foreign Insurance Companies, etc. and Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers
(Minimum Requirements for the Amount of Stated Capital or Total Amount of Funds)
第二条の二 法第六条第一項に規定する政令で定める額は、十億円とする。
Article 2-2 The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be one billion yen.
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第三条 法第十七条第五項に規定する政令で定める権利は、次に掲げる権利とする。
Article 3 The rights specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 17, paragraph (5) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 保険金請求権
(i) insurance claims;
二 損害をてん補することを請求する権利(前号に掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) the right to claim compensation for damages (excluding the claims specified in the preceding item); and
三 返戻金、剰余金、契約者配当(法第百十四条第一項に規定する契約者配当をいう。第三十六条の四第四号及び第三十七条の四の六第四号において同じ。)に係る配当金その他の給付金(保険金を除く。)を請求する権利
(iii) a right to claim refunds, surplus, Policy Dividends (meaning policy dividends as defined in Article 114, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same shall apply in Article 36-4, item (iv) and Article 37-4-6, item (iv)) or any other type of benefit (excluding insurance proceeds).
第四条 法第十七条第六項の保険金請求権等は、同条第二項の規定による公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 4 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 17, paragraph (6) of the Act shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of the public notice given pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article.
(Replacement of Terms in the Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Instances Where There Has Been a Violation of the Restriction on the Distribution of Dividends of Surplus to Shareholders)
第四条の二 法第十七条の六第二項の規定において同条第一項の規定に違反して株式会社が同項各号に掲げる行為をした場合について会社法(平成十七年法律第八十六号)第四百六十三条第二項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 4-2 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 17-6, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 463, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005) are applied mutatis mutandis to instances where a stock company has engaged in any act specified in the items of Article 17-6, paragraph (1) of the Act, in violation of that paragraph, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in the Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Employees, etc. of Mutual Company)
第四条の三 法第二十一条第一項の規定において相互会社の使用人について会社法第十条、第十二条第一項及び第十三条の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 4-3 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (1) of the Act, the provisions of Article 10, Article 12, paragraph (1) and Article 13 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the employees of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第二十一条第一項の規定において相互会社のために取引の代理又は媒介をする者について会社法第十七条第一項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (1) of the Act, the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (1) the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the person acting as the agent or intermediary for transactions on behalf of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
3 法第二十一条第一項の規定において相互会社が事業を譲渡し、又は事業若しくは営業を譲り受けた場合について会社法第二十二条及び第二十三条の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(3) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (1) of the Act, the provisions of Articles 22 and 23 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to instances where a Mutual Company either assigns its business, or takes over any business or operation, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in the Provisions of the Commercial Code That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Activities of Mutual Companies)
第四条の四 法第二十一条第二項の規定において相互会社の行う行為について商法(明治三十二年法律第四十八号)第五百二十二条の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 4-4 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 522 the Commercial Code (Act No. 48 of 1899) are applied mutatis mutandis to the activities of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in the Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to an Inspector's Investigation of Particulars Detailed or Recorded in the Articles of Incorporation of a Mutual Company)
第四条の五 法第二十四条第二項の規定において相互会社の定款に同条第一項各号に掲げる事項についての記載又は記録があるときの検査役による当該事項の調査について会社法第三十三条第一項及び第十一項並びに第八百七十条(第二号及び第五号に係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 4-5 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 33, paragraphs (1) and (11) and Article 870 (limited to the portion involving items (ii) and (v)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an inspector's investigation of the particulars listed in items of Article 24, paragraph (1) of the Act detailed or recorded in the articles of incorporation of a Mutual Company, if any, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Consent for Particulars That Are Required to Be Included in Written Documents to Be Provided by Electromagnetic Means)
第四条の六 次に掲げる規定に規定する事項を電磁的方法(法第十六条第二項第四号に規定する電磁的方法をいう。以下同じ。)により提供しようとする者(次項において「提供者」という。)は、内閣府令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該事項の提供の相手方に対し、その用いる電磁的方法の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。
Article 4-6 (1) A person who seeks to provide the information specified in the provisions set forth in the following items by Electromagnetic Means (meaning Electromagnetic Means as defined in Article 16, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter; and such person shall be referred to as a the "Sender" in the following paragraph) shall, in advance and pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, indicate to the recipient of such information the type and contents of the Electromagnetic Means that the Sender will use and obtain his/her consent in writing or by Electromagnetic Means:
一 法第二十八条第三項(法第六十条の二第四項及び第七十八条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)
(i) Article 28, paragraph (3) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 60-2, paragraph (4) and Article 78, paragraph (3) of the Act);
二 法第三十条の七第三項
(ii) Article 30-7, paragraph (3);
三 法第三十条の八第六項において準用する会社法第七十四条第三項及び第七十六条第一項
(iii) Article 74, paragraph (3) and Article 76, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-8, paragraph (6) of the Act;
四 法第四十一条第一項において準用する会社法第三百十条第三項及び第三百十二条第一項
(iv) Article 310, paragraph (3) and Article 312, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 41, paragraph (1) of the Act;
五 法第四十四条の二第三項(法第七十七条第六項において準用する場合を含む。)において準用する会社法第三百十条第三項
(v) Article 310, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 44-2, paragraph (3) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph (6) of the Act);
六 法第四十九条第一項において準用する会社法第三百十二条第一項
(vi) Article 312, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 49, paragraph (1) of the Act;
七 法第六十一条の二第三項
(vii) Article 61-2, paragraph (3) of the Act;
八 法第六十一条の八第二項において準用する会社法第七百二十一条第四項、第七百二十五条第三項、第七百二十七条第一項及び第七百三十九条第二項
(viii) Article 721, paragraph (4), Article 725, paragraph (3), Article 727, paragraph (1) and Article 739, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 61-8, paragraph (2) of the Act;
九 法第七十四条第三項において準用する会社法第七十四条第三項
(ix) Article 74, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 74, paragraph (3) of the Act;
十 法第七十四条第三項(法第七十七条第六項において準用する場合を含む。)において準用する会社法第七十六条第一項
(x) Article 76, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 74, paragraph (3) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph (6) of the Act);
十一 法第九十三条第三項
(xi) Article 93, paragraph (3) of the Act;
十二 法第百八十四条において準用する会社法第五百五十五条第三項及び第五百五十七条第一項
(xii) Article 555, paragraph (3) and Article 557, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 184 of the Act;
十三 法第二百十二条第四項において準用する会社法第五百五十五条第三項及び第五百五十七条第一項
(xiii) Article 555, paragraph (3) and Article 557, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 212, paragraph (4) of the Act;
十四 法第二百十三条において準用する会社法第八百二十二条第三項において準用する同法第五百五十五条第三項及び第五百五十七条第一項
(xiv) Article 555, paragraph (3) and Article 557, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 822, paragraph (3) of that Act as further applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 213 of the Act; and
十五 法第二百三十五条第四項において準用する会社法第五百五十五条第三項及び第五百五十七条第一項
(xv) Article 555, paragraph (3) and Article 557, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 235, paragraph (4) of the Act.
2 前項の規定による承諾を得た提供者は、同項の相手方から書面又は電磁的方法により電磁的方法による事項の提供を受けない旨の申出があったときは、当該相手方に対し、当該事項の提供を電磁的方法によってしてはならない。ただし、当該相手方が再び同項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) When a Sender who has obtained the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph is notified in writing or by Electromagnetic Means to the effect that a recipient refuses to be provided with the information by Electromagnetic Means, the Sender shall not provide the recipient with the relevant information by Electromagnetic Means; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the recipient has given his/her consent under that paragraph again.
(Approval of Notice by Electromagnetic Means)
第四条の七 次に掲げる規定により電磁的方法により通知を発しようとする者(次項において「通知発出者」という。)は、内閣府令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該通知の相手方に対し、その用いる電磁的方法の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。
Article 4-7 (1) A person who, pursuant to the provisions set forth in the following items, seeks to send a notice by Electromagnetic Means (referred to as the "Notifier" in the following paragraph) shall, in advance and pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, indicate to the recipient of such notice the type and contents of the Electromagnetic Means the Notifier will use and obtain his/her consent in writing or by Electromagnetic Means:
一 法第三十条の八第六項において準用する会社法第六十八条第三項
(i) Article 68, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-8, paragraph (6) of the Act;
二 法第四十一条第一項において準用する会社法第二百九十九条第三項
(ii) Article 299, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 41, paragraph (1) of the Act;
三 法第四十九条第一項において準用する会社法第二百九十九条第三項
(iii) Article 299, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 49, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四 法第六十一条の八第二項において準用する会社法第七百二十条第二項
(iv) Article 720, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 61-8, paragraph (2) of the Act;
五 法第七十四条第三項(法第七十七条第六項において準用する場合を含む。)において準用する会社法第六十八条第三項
(v) Article 68, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 74, paragraph (3) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph (6) of the Act);
六 法第百八十四条において準用する会社法第五百四十九条第二項
(vi) Article 549, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 184 of the Act;
七 法第百八十四条において準用する会社法第五百四十九条第四項において準用する同条第二項
(vii) Article 549, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 549, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act, as further applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 184 of the Act;
八 法第二百十二条第四項において準用する会社法第五百四十九条第二項
(viii) Article 549, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 212, paragraph (4) of the Act;
九 法第二百十二条第四項において準用する会社法第五百四十九条第四項において準用する同条第二項
(ix) Article 549, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 549, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act, as further applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 212, paragraph (4) of the Act;
十 法第二百十三条において準用する会社法第八百二十二条第三項において準用する同法第五百四十九条第二項
(x) Article 549, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 822, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act, as further applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 213 of the Act;
十一 法第二百十三条において準用する会社法第八百二十二条第三項において準用する同法第五百四十九条第四項において準用する同条第二項
(xi) Article 549, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 549, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 822, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act, and as further applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 213 of the Act;
十二 法第二百三十五条第四項において準用する会社法第五百四十九条第二項
(xii) Article 549, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 235, paragraph (4) of the Act; and
十三 法第二百三十五条第四項において準用する会社法第五百四十九条第四項において準用する同条第二項
(xiii) Article 549, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 549, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act, as further applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 235, paragraph (4) of the Act.
2 前項の規定による承諾を得た通知発出者は、同項の相手方から書面又は電磁的方法により電磁的方法による通知を受けない旨の申出があったときは、当該相手方に対し、当該通知を電磁的方法によって発してはならない。ただし、当該相手方が再び同項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) Where a Notifier who has obtained the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph is notified in writing or by Electromagnetic Means to the effect that a recipient refuses to be provided with notices by Electromagnetic Means, the Notifier shall not provide said recipient with notices by Electromagnetic Means; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the recipient has given his/her consent under that paragraph again.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to an Action for a Declaratory Judgment as to the Absence or Invalidity of a Resolution of an Organizational Meeting of a Mutual Company and to an Action to Revoke a Resolution of an Organizational Meeting of a Mutual Company)
第四条の八 法第三十条の八第六項の規定において相互会社の創立総会の決議の不存在若しくは無効の確認又は取消しの訴えについて会社法第九百三十七条第一項(第一号トに係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 4-8 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 30-8, paragraph (6) of the Act, the provisions of Article 937, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act (limited to the portion involving sub-item (g) of item (i)) are applied mutatis mutandis to an action for a declaratory judgment as to the absence or invalidity of a resolution of an organizational meeting of a Mutual Company or an action to revoke a resolution of an organizational meeting of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Investigations by the Directors at Incorporation, etc.)
第四条の九 法第三十条の十一第二項の規定において同条第一項の規定による調査について会社法第九十三条第三項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 4-9 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 30-11, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 93, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an investigation under Article 30-11, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Liability of the Incorporators, Directors at Incorporation, and Auditors at Incorporation of a Mutual Company)
第四条の十 法第三十条の十四の規定において相互会社の発起人、設立時取締役又は設立時監査役の責任について会社法第五十二条第二項(第二号を除く。)及び第五十五条の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 4-10 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 30-14 of the Act, the provisions of Article 52, paragraph (2) (excluding item (ii)) and Article 55 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the liability of the incorporators, Directors at Incorporation, or Auditors at Incorporation of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Rights for which a Base Date Cannot be Fixed)
第四条の十一 法第三十三条第三項に規定する政令で定める権利は、次に掲げる権利とする。
Article 4-11 The rights specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 33, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 剰余金の分配を受ける権利
(i) rights to receive distributions of surplus; and
二 残余財産の分配を受ける権利
(ii) rights to receive distributions of residual assets.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Granting of Benefits in Relation to the Exercise of a Member's or Representative Member's Rights)
第五条 法第三十三条の二第二項の規定において同条第一項の場合について会社法第百二十条第二項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 5 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 33-2, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 120, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the case set forth in Article 33-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第三十三条の二第二項の規定において同項において準用する会社法第百二十条第三項の利益の返還を求める訴えについて同法第八百五十一条第一項(第一号を除く。)及び第三項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 33-2, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 851, paragraph (1) (excluding item (i)) and paragraph (3) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an action for the return of benefits under Article 120, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33-2, paragraph (2) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Specified Mutual Companies)
第五条の二 法第三十八条第一項に規定する政令で定めるものは、社員総数が五万名以下の相互会社とする。
Article 5-2 The Mutual Company specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be a Mutual Company with fifty thousand or less members in total.
(Number of Members Required to Exercise the Right to Demand That a Meeting of the General Members' Council of a Specified Mutual Company Be Called)
第五条の二の二 法第三十八条第一項に規定する政令で定める数は、社員総数の百分の三に相当する数又は百五十名のうちいずれか少ない数とする。
Article 5-2-2 The number of members specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall three percent of the total number of members or 150 members, whichever is less.
(Number of Members Required to Exercise the Right to Submit a Proposal in Regard to a Specified Mutual Company)
第五条の二の三 法第三十九条第一項に規定する政令で定める数は、社員総数の百分の一に相当する数又は五十名のうちいずれか少ない数とする。
Article 5-2-3 The number of members specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 39, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be one percent of the total number of members or 50 members, whichever is less.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the General Members' Council of a Mutual Company)
第五条の二の四 法第四十一条第一項の規定において相互会社の社員総会について会社法第三百十九条第五項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 5-2-4 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 41, paragraph (1) of the Act, the provisions of Article 319, paragraph (5) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the general members' council of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to an Action for a Declaratory Judgment as to the Absence or Invalidity of a Resolution of the General Members' Council of a Mutual Company and to an Actions to Revoke a Resolution of the General Members' Council of a Mutual Company)
第五条の二の五 法第四十一条第二項の規定において相互会社の社員総会の決議の不存在若しくは無効の確認又は取消しの訴えについて会社法第八百三十六条第一項及び第九百三十七条第一項(第一号トに係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 5-2-5 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 41, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 836, paragraph (1) and Article 937, paragraph (1) (limited to the portion involving sub-item (g) of item (i)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an action for a declaratory judgment as to the absence or invalidity of a resolution of the general members' council of a Mutual Company or an action to revoke a resolution of the general members' council of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Proxy Voting)
第五条の二の六 法第四十四条の二第三項の規定において同条第一項の場合について会社法第三百十条第三項、第四項、第六項及び第七項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 5-2-6 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 44-2, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 310, paragraphs (3), (4), (6) and (7) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the case set forth in paragraph (1) of Article 44-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to an Action for a Declaratory Judgment as to the Absence or Invalidity of a Resolution of the General Representative Members' Council of a Mutual Company and to an Action to Revoke a Resolution of the General Representative Members' Council of a Mutual Company)
第五条の二の七 法第四十九条第二項の規定において相互会社の総代会の決議の不存在若しくは無効の確認又は取消しの訴えについて会社法第八百三十六条第一項及び第九百三十七条第一項(第一号トに係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 5-2-7 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 49, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 836, paragraph (1) and Article 937, paragraph (1) (limited to the portion involving sub-item (g) of item (i)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an action for a declaratory judgment as to the absence or invalidity of a resolution of the General Representative Members' Council of a Mutual Company or an action to revoke a resolution of General Representative Members' Council of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Number of Members Required to Exercise the Right to Demand That a Meeting of the General Representative Members' Council Be Called at a Specified Mutual Company with a General Representative Members' Council)
第五条の二の八 法第五十条第一項に規定する政令で定める数は、社員総数の百分の五に相当する数又は二百五十名のうちいずれか少ない数とする。
Article 5-2-8 The number specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 50, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be five percent of the total number of members or 250 members, whichever is less.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Company Auditors of a Mutual Company)
第六条 法第五十三条の六第二項の規定において相互会社の監査役について会社法第三百三十六条第四項(第二号に係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 6 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 53-6, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 336, paragraph (4) (limited to the portion involving item (ii)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the company auditors of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Statements of Opinions on the Election, Dismissal, or Resignation of the Accounting Advisors, etc. of a Mutual Company)
第六条の二 法第五十三条の十一の規定において相互会社の会計参与、監査役又は会計監査人の選任若しくは解任又は辞任についての意見の陳述について会社法第三百四十五条第五項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 6-2 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 53-11 of the Act, the provisions of Article 345, paragraph (5) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the statement of opinions on the election, dismissal, or resignation of the accounting advisor, company auditor, or accounting auditor of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Accounting Advisors of a Mutual Company)
第七条 法第五十三条の十七の規定において相互会社の会計参与について会社法第三百七十四条第一項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 7 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 53-17 of the Act, the provisions of Article 374, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the accounting advisors of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Company Auditors of a Mutual Company)
第七条の二 法第五十三条の二十の規定において相互会社の監査役について会社法第三百八十三条第一項及び第三百八十八条の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 7-2 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 53-20 of the Act, the provisions of Article 383, paragraph (1) and Article 388 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the company auditors of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Liability for Damages of the Officers, etc. of a Mutual Company)
第七条の三 法第五十三条の三十六の規定において相互会社の役員等の損害賠償責任について会社法第四百二十五条第一項(第二号を除く。)及び第四百二十八条第一項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 7-3 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 53-36 of the Act, the provisions of Article 425, paragraph (1) (excluding item (ii)) and Article 428, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the liability for damages of the officers, etc. of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Liability Actions in a Mutual Company)
第七条の四 法第五十三条の三十七の規定において相互会社における責任を追及する訴えについて会社法第八百五十条第四項並びに第八百五十一条第一項(第一号を除く。)及び第三項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 7-4 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 53-37 of the Act, the provisions of Article 850, paragraph (4) and Article 851, paragraph (1) (excluding item (i)) and paragraph (3) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a liability action in a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第五十三条の三十七の規定において相互会社の役員の解任の訴えについて会社法第八百五十四条第一項(第一号イ及び第二号を除く。)の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 53-37 of the Act, the provisions of Article 854, paragraph (1) (excluding sub-item (a) of item (i) and also excluding item (ii)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an action to dismiss the officer of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Consolidated Financial Statements)
第八条 法第五十四条の十第六項の規定において連結計算書類について法第五十四条の五及び第五十四条の六第一項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 8 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 54-10, paragraph (6) of the Act, the provisions of Article 54-5 and Article 54-6, paragraph (1) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to consolidated financial statements, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Reduction of Reserves for the Redemption of Funds)
第八条の二 法第五十七条第四項の規定において同条第一項の基金償却積立金の取崩しについて法第十六条第一項(ただし書を除く。)及び第二項、第十七条第一項(ただし書を除く。)、第二項及び第四項、第十七条の二第四項並びに第十七条の四の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 8-2 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 57, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (1) (excluding the proviso thereto) and paragraph (2), Article 17, paragraph (1) (excluding the proviso thereto), paragraph (2) and paragraph (4), Article 17-2, paragraph (4) and Article 17-4 of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a reduction of the reserves for the redemption of funds under Article 57, paragraph (4) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第八条の三 法第五十七条第四項において準用する法第十七条第六項の保険金請求権等は、同条第二項の規定による公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 8-3 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 17, paragraph (6) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 57, paragraph (4) of the Act shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of the public notice given pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Solicitation of Funds)
第八条の四 法第六十条の二第四項の規定において法第六十条第一項の基金の募集について会社法第二百九条第一号の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 8-4 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 60-2, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 209, item (i) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the solicitation of funds under Article 60, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Instances Where a Mutual Company Issues Corporate Bonds)
第九条 法第六十一条の五の規定において相互会社が社債を発行する場合について会社法第六百九十七条第一項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 9 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-5 of the Act, the provisions of Article 697, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to instances where a Mutual Company issues corporate bonds, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Corporate Bond Administrators)
第九条の二 法第六十一条の七第八項の規定において社債管理者について会社法第七百九条第二項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 9-2 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-7, paragraph (8) of the Act, the provisions of Article 709, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Corporate Bond Administrator, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Instances Where a Mutual Company Issues Corporate Bonds)
第九条の三 法第六十一条の八第二項の規定において相互会社が社債を発行する場合について会社法第七百十六条、第七百二十四条第二項、第七百二十九条第一項、第七百三十三条、第七百四十条第二項及び第七百四十一条第三項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 9-3 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-8, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 716, Article 724, paragraph (2), Article 729, paragraph (1), Article 733, Article 740, paragraph (2) and Article 741, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to instances where a Mutual Company issues corporate bonds, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Application of Laws and Regulations Governing the Issuance of Corporate Bonds by a Mutual Company)
第九条の四 法第六十一条の九に規定する政令で定める法令は、担保付社債信託法(明治三十八年法律第五十二号)並びに企業担保法(昭和三十三年法律第百六号)及び企業担保登記登録令(昭和三十三年政令第百八十七号)とし、法第六十一条に規定する社債に係るこれらの法令の規定の適用については、相互会社又はその名称、主たる事務所若しくは社員は、それぞれ会社法第二編の規定に規定する株式会社又はその商号、本店若しくは株主とみなす。この場合において、企業担保法第四条第一項中「株式会社登記簿」とあるのは、「相互会社登記簿」とする。
Article 9-4 The laws and regulations specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 61-9 of the Act, shall be the Secured Bonds Trust Act (Act No. 52 of 1905), the Enterprise Mortgage Act (Act No. 106 of 1958) and the Order for the Registration of Enterprise Mortgages (Cabinet Order No. 187 of 1958); and, for the purpose of the application of the provisions of these laws and regulations to the corporate bonds set forth in Article 61 of the Act, a Mutual Company, its name, principal office, and members shall be deemed to be a stock company, its trade name, head office, and shareholders as set forth in the provisions of Part II of the Companies Act, respectively. In this case, the term "registry of stock companies" in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Enterprise Mortgage Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "registry of mutual companies."
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Dissolution Order for a Mutual Company)
第九条の五 法第六十三条の二の規定において相互会社の解散の命令について会社法第八百二十四条第一項第三号の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 9-5 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 63-2 of the Act, the provisions of Article 824, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a dissolution order for a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Mutual Companies)
第十条 法第六十四条第三項の規定において相互会社について会社法第九百十六条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)並びに第九百三十条第一項及び第二項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 10 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 64, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 916 (limited to the portion involving item (i)) and Article 930, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are and Other Acts Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Registration of a Mutual Company)
第十条の二 法第六十七条の規定において相互会社に関する登記について会社法第九百八条第一項、第九百九条及び第九百十条の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 10-2 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 67 of the Act, the provisions of Article 908, paragraph (1), Article 909 and Article 910 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the registration of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第六十七条の規定において相互会社に関する登記について商業登記法(昭和三十八年法律第百二十五号)の規定を準用する場合における同法の規定(当該規定において準用する同法の規定を含む。)に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 67 of the Act, the provisions of the Commercial Registration Act (Act No. 125 of 1963) are applied mutatis mutandis to the registration of a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of such Act (including the provisions of such Act as applied mutatis mutandis to the relevant provisions) shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Instances Where Mutual a Company Gives a Public Notice under the Insurance Business Act and Other Acts by Means of Electronic Public Notice)
第十条の三 法第六十七条の二の規定において相互会社が電子公告により法又は他の法律の規定による公告をする場合について会社法第九百四十条第一項及び第九百四十六条第三項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 10-3 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 67-2 of the Act, the provisions of Article 940, paragraph (1) and Article 946, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to instances where a Mutual Company gives a public notice under the Act or any other Act by means of Electronic Public Notice, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第十一条 法第七十条第五項から第七項までの保険金請求権等は、同条第二項の規定による公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 11 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 70, paragraphs (5) to (7) inclusive of the Act shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of public notice given pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Instances Where a Converting Stock Company Has Issued Share Options)
第十一条の二 法第七十一条の規定において組織変更をする株式会社が新株予約権を発行している場合について会社法第七百七十七条第三項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 11-2 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 71 of the Act, the provisions of Article 777, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to instances where a converting stock company has issued share options, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Policyholders' Meetings, etc.)
第十一条の三 法第七十四条第三項の規定において保険契約者総会について会社法の規定を準用する場合における同法の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 11-3 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 74, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Policyholders' Meeting, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of said Act shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第七十四条第三項の規定において保険契約者総会の決議の不存在若しくは無効の確認又は取消しの訴えについて会社法第八百三十六条第一項及び第九百三十七条第一項(第一号トに係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 74, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 836, paragraph (1) and Article 937, paragraph (1) (limited to the portion involving sub-item (g) of item (i)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an action for a declaratory judgment as to the absence or invalidity of a resolution of a Policyholders' Meeting or an action to revoke a resolution of a Policyholders' Meeting, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are, etc. Applied Mutatis Mutandis to General Representative Policyholders' Council)
第十一条の四 法第七十七条第六項の規定において保険契約者総代会について法第四十四条の二第一項並びに第七十四条第一項から第三項まで及び第六項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 11-4 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 77, paragraph (6) of the Act, the provisions of Article 44-2, paragraph (1) and Article 74, paragraphs (1) to (3) inclusive and (6) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a General Representative Policyholders' Council, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第七十七条第六項の規定において保険契約者総代会について法第四十四条の二第三項前段の規定を準用する場合における同項前段において準用する会社法第三百十条第三項、第四項、第六項及び第七項の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where the provisions of the first sentence of Article 44-2, paragraph (3) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a General Representative Policyholders' Council pursuant to the provisions of Article 77, paragraph (6), the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of Article 310, paragraphs (3), (4), (6) and (7) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the first sentence of the first-mentioned paragraph shall be as set forth in the following table:
3 法第七十七条第六項の規定において保険契約者総代会について法第七十四条第三項の規定を準用する場合における同項において準用する会社法の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(3) Where the provisions of Article 74, paragraph (3) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a General Representative Policyholders' Council pursuant to the provisions of Article 77, paragraph (6), the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the first-mentioned paragraph shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Solicitation of Funds by a Converted Mutual Company)
第十一条の五 法第七十八条第三項の規定において同条第一項の募集について法第三十条並びに第三十条の三第一項及び第五項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 11-5 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 78, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 30 and Article 30-3, paragraphs (1) and (5) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to solicitation under paragraph (1) of the first-mentioned Article, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Commercial Registration Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Where a Stock Company Has Effected an Entity Conversion)
第十一条の六 法第八十四条第三項の規定において同条第一項の場合について商業登記法第七十八条第三項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 11-6 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 84, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 78, paragraph (3) of the Commercial Registration Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the case set forth in paragraph (1) of the first-mentioned Article, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Actions to Invalidate an Entity Conversion)
第十一条の七 法第八十四条の二第四項の規定において組織変更の無効の訴えについて会社法第八百三十六条第一項及び第九百三十七条第三項(第一号に係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 11-7 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 84-2, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 836, paragraph (1) and Article 937, paragraph (3) (limited to the portion involving item (i)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to an action to invalidate an entity conversion, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第八十四条の二第四項の規定において法第七十八条第一項の基金の募集を伴う組織変更の無効判決について会社法第八百四十条第一項及び第二項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 84-2, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 840, paragraphs (1) and (2) the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a judgment of the invalidity of an entity conversion accompanied by the solicitation of funds as set forth in Article 78, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第十二条 法第八十八条第五項から第七項までの保険金請求権等は、同条第二項の規定による公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 12 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 88, paragraphs (5) to (7) inclusive of the Act shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of the public notice given pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Instances Where the Particulars of Contributions in Kind Are Prescribed in an Entity Conversion Plan)
第十二条の二 法第九十六条の四の規定において法第九十二条第三号に掲げる事項を定めた場合について会社法第二百七条第八項及び第二百十三条第一項(第一号及び第三号を除く。)の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 12-2 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-4 of the Act, the provisions of Article 207, paragraph (8) and Article 213, paragraph (1) (excluding items (i) and (iii)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to instances where the particulars set forth in Article 92, item (iii) of the Act are prescribed, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Mutual Company, etc. Implementing an Entity Conversion Involving a Share Exchange on Entity Conversion)
第十二条の三 法第九十六条の五第三項の規定において組織変更株式交換を伴う組織変更をする相互会社について会社法第七百九十一条第一項(第一号を除く。)及び第四項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 12-3 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-5, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 791, paragraph (1) (excluding item (i)) and paragraph (4) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Mutual Company implementing an Entity Conversion involving a Share Exchange on Entity Conversion, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第九十六条の五第三項の規定において組織変更株式交換完全親会社について会社法の規定を準用する場合における同法の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-5, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Wholly Owning Parent Company in a Share Exchange on Entity Conversion, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of said Act shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Mutual Company Implementing an Entity Conversion Involving a Share Transfer on Entity Conversion)
第十二条の四 法第九十六条の九第四項の規定において組織変更株式移転を伴う組織変更をする相互会社について会社法第八百十一条第一項(第一号を除く。)及び第四項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 12-4 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-9, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 811, paragraph (1) (excluding item (i)) and paragraph (4) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Mutual Company implementing an Entity Conversion involving a Share Transfer on Entity Conversion, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第九十六条の九第四項の規定において同条第一項第九号の株式会社について会社法第三百九条第二項(各号を除く。)、第八百六条第三項、第八百八条第三項(第一号及び第二号を除く。)及び第八百十条第二項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-9, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 309, paragraph (2) (excluding each of the items), Article 806, paragraph (3), Article 808, paragraph (3) (excluding items (i) and (ii)) and Article 810, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a stock company as set forth in Article 96-9, paragraph (1), item (ix) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Commercial Registration Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Where a Converting Mutual Company Carries Out a Share Exchange on Entity Conversion)
第十二条の五 法第九十六条の十四第二項の規定において組織変更をする相互会社が組織変更株式交換をする場合について商業登記法第八十九条(第一号から第四号までに係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 12-5 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-14, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 89 (limited to the portion involving items (i) to (iv) inclusive) of the Commercial Registration Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a converting Mutual Company implementing a Share Exchange on Entity Conversion, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第九十六条の十四第二項の規定において組織変更をする相互会社が組織変更株式移転をする場合について会社法第九百二十五条(第二号及び第四号を除く。)の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-14, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 925 (excluding items (ii) and (iv)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to where a converting Mutual Company implements a Share Transfer upon Entity Conversion, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
3 法第九十六条の十四第二項の規定において組織変更をする相互会社が組織変更株式移転をする場合について商業登記法第九十条の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(3) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-14, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 90 of the Commercial Registration Act are applied mutatis mutandis to where a converting Mutual Company implements a Share Transfer on Entity Conversion, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Commercial Registration Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Registration Made by Mutual Company Upon Entity Conversion)
第十二条の六 法第九十六条の十四第六項の規定において同条第一項の場合について商業登記法第七十六条及び第七十八条第三項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 12-6 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-14, paragraph (6) of the Act, the provisions of Article 76 and Article 78, paragraph (3) of the Commercial Registration Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the case set forth in Article 96-14, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to an Entity Conversion from a Mutual Company to a Stock Company)
第十二条の七 法第九十六条の十五の規定において相互会社から株式会社への組織変更について法第八十二条第二項及び第三項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 12-7 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 96-15 of the Act, the provisions of Article 82, paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an Entity Conversion from a Mutual Company to a Stock Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Actions to Invalidate an Entity Conversion)
第十二条の八 法第九十六条の十六第四項の規定において組織変更の無効の訴えについて会社法第八百三十六条第一項並びに第九百三十七条第三項(第一号に係る部分に限る。)及び第四項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 12-8 Where, pursuant to the provision of Article 96-16, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 836, paragraph (1) and Article 937, paragraph (3) (limited to the portion involving item (i)) and paragraph (4) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an action to invalidate an Entity Conversion, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Application of Laws and Regulations to the Entrustment of Solicitation or Management in Relation to Corporate Bonds, etc.)
第十三条 法第九十九条第六項に規定する政令で定める法令は、次の各号に規定する法令とし、これらの法令の規定の適用については、当該各号に定めるところによるほか、当該法令の同条第二項各号に掲げる業務に関する規定の適用については、相互会社の名称、主たる事務所又は事業を、それぞれ会社法第二編に規定する株式会社の商号、本店又は事業とみなす。
Article 13 The laws and regulations specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 99, paragraph (6) of the Act, shall be those prescribed in each of the following items; the application of the provisions of these laws and regulations shall be in accordance with the provisions of the relevant item; and, for the purposes of the application of the provisions of such laws and regulations to the business activities set forth in the items of Article 99, paragraph (2) of the Act, the name, principal office, and business activities of a Mutual Company shall be deemed to be the trade name, head office, and business activities of a Stock Company as set forth in Part II of the Companies Act, respectively.
一 地方財政法施行令(昭和二十三年政令第二百六十七号)その他の法令で社債等(地方債又は社債その他の債券をいう。以下この号において同じ。)の募集若しくは管理の委託又は社債等の発行その他の社債等に関する事務の委託(以下この号において「社債募集等の委託」という。)に関して規定するものの社債募集等の委託に係る規定の適用については、株式会社である保険会社を社債募集等の委託を受けることができる銀行(銀行法(昭和五十六年法律第五十九号)第二条第一項(定義)に規定する銀行をいう。以下同じ。)と、相互会社である保険会社を社債募集等の委託を受けることができる会社又は銀行とみなす。
(i) For the purpose of application of the provisions of the Order for Enforcement of the Local Government Finance Act (Cabinet Order No. 267 of 1948) or any other laws and regulations that contain provisions concerning entrustment of solicitation or management in relation to Corporate Bonds, etc. (meaning municipal bonds, corporate bonds or any other types of debentures; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) or entrustment of business related to Corporate Bonds, etc. such as the issuance thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Entrustment of Solicitation, etc. in relation to Corporate Bonds" in this item), with regard to the provisions concerning Entrustment of Solicitation, etc. in relation to Corporate Bonds, an Insurance Company that is a stock company shall be deemed to be a Bank (meaning a Bank as defined in Article 2, paragraph (1) (Definitions) of the Banking Act (Act No. 59 of 1981); the same shall apply hereinafter) that is allowed accept Entrustment of Solicitation, etc. in relation to Corporate Bonds, and an Insurance Company that is a Mutual Company shall be deemed to be a company or a Bank that is allowed to accept Entrustment of Solicitation, etc. in relation to Corporate Bonds.
二 担保付社債信託法の規定(他の法令において準用する場合を含む。)の適用については、相互会社を同法第三条の規定により担保付社債に関する信託事業の免許を受けることができる会社とみなす。
(ii) With regard to the application of the provisions of the Secured Bonds Trust Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to any other laws and regulations), a Mutual Company shall be deemed to be a company eligible to obtain a license for trust business in relation to secured bonds as referred to in Article 3 of that Act.
(Amount of Business Deposits for a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services)
第十三条の二 法第九十九条第八項(法第百九十九条(法第二百四十条第一項の規定により適用する場合を含む。)において準用する場合を含む。以下同じ。)において準用する信託業法(平成十六年法律第百五十四号)第十一条第二項に規定する政令で定める金額は、二千五百万円とする。
Article 13-2 The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Trust Business Act (Act No. 154 of 2004) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 199 of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 240, paragraph (1) of the Act); the same shall apply hereinafter) shall be twenty five million yen.
(Terms and Conditions of a Contract That Replaces a Business Deposit)
第十三条の三 保険金信託業務(法第九十九条第三項に規定する保険金信託業務をいう。以下同じ。)を行う生命保険会社等(保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社又は外国生命保険会社等(法第二百四十条第一項第一号の規定により外国生命保険会社等とみなされる法第二百十九条第四項の特定生命保険業免許を受けた者の引受社員を含む。)をいう。以下同じ。)は、法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第十一条第三項に規定する契約を締結する場合には、銀行その他内閣府令で定める金融機関を相手方とし、その内容を次に掲げる要件に適合するものとしなければならない。
Article 13-3 Where a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services (the term "Insurance-Proceed Trust Services" shall mean the Insurance-Proceed Trust Services as set forth in Article 99, paragraph (3) of the Act, and the same shall apply hereinafter; and the term "Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services" means a Life Insurance Company or a Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc. (including an Underwriting Member of a party that has obtained a specified life insurance business license as set forth in Article 219, paragraph (4) of the Act and that is deemed to be a Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 240, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act) that engages in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services; the same shall apply hereinafter) concludes a contract as set forth in Article 11, paragraph (3) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act, it shall have a Bank or other type of financial institution specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the other party thereto, and the terms and conditions thereunder shall satisfy the following requirements:
一 法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第十一条第四項の規定による内閣総理大臣の命令を受けたときは、当該保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等のために当該命令に係る額の営業保証金が遅滞なく供託されるものであること。
(i) that, when an order of the Prime Minister under Article 11, paragraph (4) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act has been issued, the business deposit in the amount so ordered will be deposited without delay on behalf of the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services;
二 一年以上の期間にわたって有効な契約であること。
(ii) that the contract is effective for a period of one year or longer; and
三 金融庁長官の承認を受けた場合を除き、契約を解除し、又は契約の内容を変更することができないものであること。
(iii) that the contract may not be cancelled and that the terms thereof may not be amended, unless this is done with the approval from the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Procedures for the Fulfillment of Rights in Connection with Business Deposits)
第十三条の四 法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第十一条第六項の権利(以下この条において単に「権利」という。)を有する者は、金融庁長官に対し、その権利の実行の申立てをすることができる。
Article 13-4 (1) A person who holds rights pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (6) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act (hereinafter simply referred to as "Rights" in this Article) may file a petition for the fulfillment of those Rights with the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
2 金融庁長官は、前項の申立てがあった場合において、当該申立てを理由があると認めるときは、当該営業保証金につき権利を有する者に対し、六十日を下らない一定の期間内に権利の申出をすべきこと及びその期間内に申出をしないときは配当手続から除斥されるべきことを公示し、かつ、その旨を同項の申立てをした者(以下この条において「申立人」という。)及び供託者(供託者が法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第十一条第四項の命令により同条第三項の契約に基づき保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等のために同条第一項の営業保証金の全部を供託している場合にあっては、当該保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等を含む。第四項及び第五項において同じ。)に通知しなければならない。
(2) Where a petition set forth in the preceding paragraph has been filed and where the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency finds the petition to have reasonable grounds, he/she shall issue a public notice notifying persons who have a Right to the business deposit that they must report their Rights within a fixed period of time not shorter than sixty days and that they will be excluded from the distribution process if they fail to report their Rights within that period, and he/she shall also notify the person who filed the petition under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Petitioner" in this Article) and the depositor (where the depositor has deposited the full amount of the business deposit under Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act on behalf of a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services pursuant to the contract set forth in paragraph (3) of that Article and in response to the order issued under paragraph (4) of that Article, the depositor shall include said Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services; the same shall apply in paragraphs (4) and (5)) to that effect.
3 前項の規定による公示があった後は、申立人がその申立てを取り下げた場合においても、手続の進行は、妨げられない。
(3) Once the public notice under the preceding paragraph has been given, even in the event that the Petitioner withdraws his/her petition, this shall not prevent the procedures from proceeding.
4 金融庁長官は、第二項の期間が経過した後、遅滞なく、権利の調査をしなければならない。この場合において、金融庁長官は、あらかじめ期日及び場所を公示し、かつ、供託者に通知して、申立人、当該期間内に権利の申出をした者及び当該供託者に対し、権利の存否及びその権利によって担保される債権の額について証拠を提示し、及び意見を述べる機会を与えなければならない。
(4) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall assess the Rights without delay after the period of time set forth in paragraph (2) has elapsed. In this case, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall give public notice of the date and place and notify the depositor of such information, in advance, and afford the Petitioner, any person who has reported his/her Rights within the designated period, and the depositor an opportunity to introduce evidence and to express their opinions as to the existence of the Rights and the amount of the claims secured by such Rights.
5 金融庁長官は、前項の規定による調査の結果に基づき、遅滞なく配当表を作成し、これを公示し、かつ、供託者に通知しなければならない。
(5) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall, without delay, prepare a distribution list based on the results of the assessment under the preceding paragraph, shall put such list on public notice, and shall notify the depositor of such list.
6 配当は、前項の規定による公示をした日から八十日を経過した後、同項の配当表に従い実施するものとする。
(6) The distribution shall be implemented in accordance with the distribution list set forth in the preceding paragraph, after eighty days have elapsed since the day on which the public notice was given under the preceding paragraph.
7 金融庁長官は、有価証券(社債、株式等の振替に関する法律(平成十三年法律第七十五号)第二百七十八条第一項に規定する振替債を含む。以下同じ。)が供託されている場合において、権利の実行に必要があるときは、これを換価することができる。この場合において、換価の費用は、換価代金から控除する。
(7) Where any securities (including book-entry transfer bonds as defined in Article 278, paragraph (1) of the Act on Transfer of Corporate Bonds, Shares, etc. (Act No. 75 of 2001); the same shall apply hereinafter) have been deposited, and where it is necessary for fulfillment of the Rights, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency may realize such securities. In this case, the expenses incurred in relation to the realization of such securities shall be deducted from the proceeds of the realization.
(Recovery of Business Deposits)
第十三条の五 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等若しくはその承継人又は当該保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等のために営業保証金を供託した者は、当該保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等が次に掲げる場合に該当することとなったときは、その供託していた営業保証金の全部を、金融庁長官の承認を受けて取り戻すことができる。
Article 13-5 (1) A Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services, the successor thereof, or the party that has deposited the business deposit on behalf of said Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services may, when it comes to fall under any of the cases set forth in the following, recover the full amount of the business deposit it has deposited, with the approval of the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency:
一 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等の本店等(保険会社にあっては本店又は主たる事務所、外国保険会社等にあっては法第百八十七条第一項第四号に規定する日本における主たる店舗、免許特定法人及びその引受社員にあっては法第二百二十条第一項第五号に規定する日本における主たる店舗をいう。第四十七条第一項から第三項までにおいて同じ。)の位置の変更により法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第十一条第一項に規定する供託所を変更し、かつ、当該変更後の供託所に営業保証金の全部を供託した場合
(i) when the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services has relocated its Head Office, etc. (meaning its head office or principal office for an Insurance Company; meaning its principal branch in Japan as defined in Article 187, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act for a Foreign Insurance Company, etc.; and meaning its principal branch in Japan as defined in Article 220, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Act for a Licensed Specified Juridical Person and its Underwriting Members; the same shall apply in Article 47, paragraphs (1) to (3) inclusive), thereby resulting in a change to the official depository as set forth in Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act, and when the full amount of the business deposit is deposited with the new official depository;
二 次のいずれかに該当し、かつ、信託財産の新受託者への譲渡又は帰属権利者への移転が終了した場合
(ii) when any of the following sub-items applies, and when the transfer of the trust property to the new trustee or assignment of trust property to its right holder is completed:
イ 法第百三十三条又は第百三十四条の規定により法第三条第一項の免許が取り消された場合
(a) when the license under Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act has been rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 133 or 134 of the Act;
ロ 法第二百五条又は第二百六条の規定により法第百八十五条第一項の免許が取り消された場合
(b) when the license under Article 185, paragraph (1) of the Act has been rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 205 or 206 of the Act;
ハ 法第二百三十一条又は第二百三十二条の規定により法第二百十九条第一項の免許が取り消された場合
(c) when the license under Article 219, paragraph (1) of the Act has been rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 231 or 232 of the Act;
ニ 法第二百三十六条の規定により法第二百十九条第一項の免許がその効力を失った場合
(d) when the license under Article 219, paragraph (1) of the Act has ceased to be effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 236 of the Act; or
ホ 法第二百七十三条の規定により法第三条第一項又は第百八十五条第一項の免許がその効力を失った場合
(e) when the license under Article 3, paragraph (1) or Article 185, paragraph (1) of the Act has ceased to be effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 273 of the Act.
2 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等又は当該保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等のために営業保証金を供託した者は、当該保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等が法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第十一条第三項に規定する契約を締結し、又は当該契約の内容を変更し、その旨を金融庁長官に届け出た場合において、当該保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等に係る営業保証金の額(契約金額(同項に規定する契約金額をいう。以下この項において同じ。)を含む。)が同条第一項及び第二項の規定により供託すべき金額を超えることとなったときは、当該営業保証金の額から契約金額を控除した額の範囲内において、その超える額の全部又は一部を、金融庁長官の承認を受けて取り戻すことができる。
(2) Where a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services has concluded a contract as set forth in Article 11, paragraph (3) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act, or has effected any amendment to the terms and conditions thereunder, and has notified the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency to that effect, in which case the amount of the business deposit (including the Contract Amount (meaning a Contract Amount as defined in that paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph)) for said Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services exceeds the amount required to be deposited under that paragraph, the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services or the party that has deposited the business deposit on behalf of said Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services may recover all or part of the amount in excess thereof, only to the extent of the amount of the business deposit less the Contract Amount, with the approval of the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Persons Closely Related to the Settlor and the Trustee)
第十三条の五の二 法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第二十三条第二項に規定する委託者と密接な関係を有する者として政令で定める者は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 13-5-2 (1) The persons specified by Cabinet Order as being closely related to the settler under Article 23, paragraph (2) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該委託者の役員(取締役、執行役、会計参与若しくはその職務を行うべき社員、監査役又はこれらに類する役職にある者をいう。以下この条及び第十三条の七において同じ。)又は使用人
(i) any Officer (meaning a director, executive officer, accounting advisor, or member who performs the duties thereof, or company auditor or any other person in a position similar to any of the aforementioned persons; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and Article 13-7) or employee of the settlor;
二 当該委託者の子法人等
(ii) any Subsidiary, etc. of the settlor;
三 当該委託者を子法人等とする親法人等
(iii) the Parent Juridical Person, etc. that has the settlor as its Subsidiary, etc.;
四 当該委託者を子法人等とする親法人等の子法人等(当該委託者及び前二号に掲げる者を除く。)
(iv) any Subsidiary, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. that has the relevant settlor as its Subsidiary, etc. (excluding the relevant settler itself, and also excluding juridical persons referred to in the preceding two items);
五 当該委託者の関連法人等
(v) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the settlor;
六 当該委託者を子法人等とする親法人等の関連法人等(前号に掲げる者を除く。)
(vi) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. that has the relevant settlor as its Subsidiary, etc. (excluding the juridical person set forth in the preceding item);
七 当該委託者の特定個人株主等
(vii) any Specified Individual Shareholder, etc. of the relevant settlor; and
八 前号に掲げる者に係る次に掲げる会社、組合その他これらに準ずる事業体(外国におけるこれらに相当するものを含み、当該委託者を除く。以下この号において「法人等」という。)
(viii) the following company, partnership, or any other business entity equivalent thereto (including the equivalent entities in foreign states, but excluding the settlor; hereinafter referred to as the "Juridical Person, etc." in this item) that is associated with the person set forth in the preceding item.
イ 前号に掲げる者がその総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権(法第二条第十一項に規定する議決権をいう。以下同じ。)を保有する法人等(当該法人等の子法人等及び関連法人等を含む。)
(a) a Juridical Person, etc. (including the Subsidiary, etc. and the Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of such Juridical Person, etc.) in which the person referred to in the preceding item holds voting rights (meaning voting rights as set forth in Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.; and
ロ 前号に掲げる者がその総株主等の議決権の百分の二十以上百分の五十以下の議決権を保有する法人等
(b) a Juridical Person, etc. in which the person referred to in the preceding item holds voting rights that are at least twenty percent and up to fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.
2 法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第二十三条第二項に規定する受託者と密接な関係を有する者として政令で定める者は、次に掲げるものとする。
(2) The persons specified by Cabinet Order as being closely related to the trustee set forth in Article 23, paragraph (2) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act shall be as follows:
一 当該受託者の役員又は使用人
(i) any Officer or employee of the trustee;
二 当該受託者の子法人等
(ii) any Subsidiary, etc. of the trustee;
三 当該受託者を子法人等とする親法人等
(iii) the Parent Juridical Person, etc. that holds the trustee as its Subsidiary, etc.;
四 当該受託者を子法人等とする親法人等の子法人等(当該受託者及び前二号に掲げる者を除く。)
(iv) any Subsidiary, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. that holds such trustee as its Subsidiary, etc. (excluding said trustee, and also excluding the juridical persons set forth in the preceding two items);
五 当該受託者の関連法人等
(v) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of such trustee;
六 当該受託者を子法人等とする親法人等の関連法人等(前号に掲げる者を除く。)
(vi) any Affiliated Juridical Persons, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. that holds the trustee as its Subsidiary, etc. (excluding the juridical person set forth in the preceding item);
七 当該受託者の特定個人株主等
(vii) any Specified Individual Shareholder, etc. of the trustee; and
八 前号に掲げる者に係る次に掲げる会社、組合その他これらに準ずる事業体(外国におけるこれらに相当するものを含み、当該受託者を除く。以下この号において「法人等」という。)
(viii) the following company, partnership, or other business entity equivalent thereto (including equivalent entities in foreign states, but excluding the trustee itself; hereinafter referred to as the "Juridical Persons, etc." in this item) that is associated with the person set forth in the preceding item;
イ 前号に掲げる者がその総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権を保有する法人等(当該法人等の子法人等及び関連法人等を含む。)
(a) a Juridical Person, etc. in which the person referred to in the preceding item holds voting rights (meaning voting rights as set forth in Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights , etc.; and
ロ 前号に掲げる者がその総株主等の議決権の百分の二十以上百分の五十以下の議決権を保有する法人等
(b) a Juridical Person, etc. in which the person referred to in the preceding item holds voting rights that are at least twenty percent and up to fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.
3 前二項に規定する「親法人等」とは、他の法人等(会社、組合その他これらに準ずる事業体(外国におけるこれらに相当するものを含む。)をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の財務及び営業又は事業の方針を決定する機関(株主総会その他これに準ずる機関をいう。以下この項において「意思決定機関」という。)を支配している法人等として内閣府令で定めるものをいい、前二項に規定する「子法人等」とは、親法人等によりその意思決定機関を支配されている他の法人等をいう。この場合において、親法人等及び子法人等又は子法人等が他の法人等の意思決定機関を支配している場合における当該他の法人等は、その親法人等の子法人等とみなす。
(3) The term "Parent Juridical Person, etc." as set forth in the preceding two paragraphs means a Juridical Person, etc. (meaning a company, partnership, or any other type of entity similar thereto (including an equivalent entity in a foreign state); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph) that is specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the Juridical Person that controls the mechanism that is responsible for decisions on the financial policies and business or operational policies (meaning shareholders' meetings or any other mechanism equivalent thereto; hereinafter referred to as a "Decision-Making Mechanism" in this paragraph) of any other Juridical Person, etc.; and the term "Subsidiary, etc." as set forth in the preceding two paragraphs shall mean a Juridical Person, etc. whose Decision-Making Mechanism is controlled by its Parent Juridical Person, etc. In this case, where the a Parent Juridical Person and its Subsidiary, etc. jointly control, or where the Subsidiary, etc. solely controls, any other Juridical Person's Decision-Making Mechanism, such other Juridical Person, etc. shall be deemed to be said Parent Juridical Person's Subsidiary, etc.
4 第一項及び第二項に規定する「関連法人等」とは、法人等(当該法人等の子法人等(前項に規定する子法人等をいう。以下同じ。)を含む。)が出資、取締役その他これに準ずる役職への当該法人等の役員若しくは使用人である者若しくはこれらであった者の就任、融資、債務の保証若しくは担保の提供、技術の提供又は営業上若しくは事業上の取引等を通じて、財務及び営業又は事業の方針の決定に対して重要な影響を与えることができる他の法人等(子法人等を除く。)として内閣府令で定めるものをいう。
(4) The term "Affiliated Juridical Person, etc." as set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) means a Juridical Person, etc. (including a Subsidiary, etc. (meaning a Subsidiary, etc. as set forth in the preceding paragraph; the same shall apply hereinafter)) that is specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as a Juridical Person, etc. that may have a material impact on the decision-making of any other Juridical Person, etc. (excluding its Subsidiary, etc.) in terms of financial affairs, operational policies, or business policy, by such means as equity contributions, assumption of the office of director or any other position similar thereto by the present or former officer or employee of the first-mentioned Juridical Person, etc., financing, guarantees of obligations, the provision of security, the transfer of technology, operational transactions or business transactions, and others.
5 第一項及び第二項に規定する「特定個人株主等」とは、その総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える対象議決権(信託業法第五条第五項に規定する対象議決権をいう。)を保有する個人をいう。
(5) The term "Specified Individual Shareholder, etc." as set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) means an individual person who holds Subject Voting Rights (meaning Subject Voting Rights as defined in Article 5, paragraph (5) of the Trust Business Act) in the relevant juridical person greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.
6 第一項第八号又は第二項第八号の場合において、第一項第七号に掲げる者又は第二項第七号に掲げる者が保有する議決権には、社債、株式等の振替に関する法律第百四十七条第一項又は第百四十八条第一項(これらの規定を同法第二百二十八条第一項、第二百三十五条第一項、第二百三十九条第一項及び第二百七十六条(第二号に係る部分に限る。)において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により発行者に対抗することができない株式又は出資に係る議決権を含むものとする。
(6) Where item (viii) of paragraph (1) or item (viii) of paragraph (2) applies, the voting rights held by a person specified in item (vii) of paragraph (1) or item (vii) of paragraph (2) shall include the voting rights represented by the share or contribution that cannot be asserted against the issuer pursuant to the provisions of Article 147, paragraph (1) or Article 148, paragraph (1) of the Act on Transfer of Corporate Bonds, Shares, etc. (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 228, paragraph (1), Article 235, paragraph (1), Article 239, paragraph (1) and Article 276 (limited to the portion involving item (ii)) of that Act).
(Provision of Information by Use of Information and Communications Technology)
第十三条の五の三 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等は、法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第二十四条の二において準用する金融商品取引法(昭和二十三年法律第二十五号。以下この条から第十三条の五の五までにおいて「準用金融商品取引法」という。)第三十四条の二第四項(準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の四第三項及び第三十七条の三第二項において準用する場合を含む。以下この条において同じ。)の規定により準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の二第四項に規定する事項を提供しようとするときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該事項を提供する相手方に対し、その用いる同項に規定する方法(以下この条において「電磁的方法」という。)の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。
Article 13-5-3 (1) When a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services seeks to provide information set forth in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-2 of the Trust Business Act as further applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis" in this Article to Article 13-5-5 inclusive), pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as applied Mutatis Mutandis (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (3) and Article 37-3, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), it shall, in advance and pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, indicate to the recipient of such information the type and details of the means set forth in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis that it will use (hereinafter referred to as the "Electromagnetic Means" in this Article) and shall obtain consent therefrom in writing or by Electromagnetic Means.
2 前項の規定による承諾を得た保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等は、当該相手方から書面又は電磁的方法により電磁的方法による提供を受けない旨の申出があったときは、当該相手方に対し、準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の二第四項に規定する事項の提供を電磁的方法によってしてはならない。ただし、当該相手方が再び前項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) Where a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services that has obtained the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph is notified in writing or by Electromagnetic Means to the effect that a recipient refuses to be provided with the information by Electromagnetic Means, it shall not provide the recipient with the information set forth in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis by Electromagnetic Means; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the recipient gives his/her consent under that paragraph again.
(Acquisition of Consent by Use of Information and Communications Technology)
第十三条の五の四 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等は、準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の三第三項(準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の四第四項において準用する場合を含む。以下この条において同じ。)の規定により、準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の三第二項の規定による書面による同意に代えて同条第三項に規定する内閣府令で定める方法(以下この条において「電磁的方法」という。)により同意を得ようとするときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該同意を得ようとする相手方に対し、その用いる電磁的方法の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。
Article 13-5-4 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-3, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services, seeks to obtain another party's agreement by the method specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance that is referred to in Article 34-3, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis (hereinafter referred to as "Electromagnetic Means" in this Article) in lieu of the written agreement set forth in paragraph (2) of that Article, it shall, in advance and pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, indicate the type and details of the Electromagnetic Means to the other party from whom it seeks to obtain agreement, and shall obtain the consent thereof in writing or by Electromagnetic Means.
2 前項の規定による承諾を得た保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等は、当該相手方から書面又は電磁的方法により電磁的方法による同意を行わない旨の申出があったときは、当該相手方に対し、準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の三第三項に規定する同意の取得を電磁的方法によってしてはならない。ただし、当該相手方が再び前項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) Where a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services that has obtained the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph is notified in writing or by Electromagnetic Means to the effect that the other party refuses to give his/her agreement by Electromagnetic Means, it shall not obtain the agreement set forth in Article 34-3, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis from the other party by Electromagnetic Means; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the other party has given his/her consent under the preceding paragraph again.
(Important Particulars That May Influence a Customer's Judgment)
第十三条の五の五 準用金融商品取引法第三十七条第一項第三号に規定する政令で定めるものは、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 13-5-5 (1) The particulars specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 37, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis shall be as follows;
一 特定信託契約(法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第二十四条の二に規定する特定信託契約をいう。以下この条において同じ。)に関して顧客が支払うべき手数料、報酬その他の対価に関する事項であって内閣府令で定めるもの
(i) those related to the fees, remuneration, or any other type of consideration payable by a customer under a Specific Trust Agreement (meaning a Specific Trust Agreement as defined in Article 24-2 of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), as specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance;
二 顧客が行う特定信託契約の締結について金利、通貨の価格、金融商品市場(金融商品取引法第二条第十四項に規定する金融商品市場をいう。以下同じ。)における相場その他の指標に係る変動を直接の原因として損失が生ずることとなるおそれがある場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項
(ii) where, with regard to the conclusion of a Specific Trust Agreement by a customer, there is a risk of losses arising directly from a fluctuation in such indicators as the interest rate, the value of currencies, or quotations on a Financial Instruments Market (meaning a Financial Instruments Market as defined in Article 2, paragraph (14) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same shall apply hereinafter), the following particulars:
イ 当該指標
(a) the indicators; and
ロ 当該指標に係る変動により損失が生ずるおそれがある旨及びその理由
(b) the fact that there is a risk of losses from fluctuations in the relevant indicators, and the reason therefor.
三 前二号に掲げる事項に準ずるものとして内閣府令で定める事項
(iii) particulars specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as those equivalent to the particulars specified in the preceding two items.
2 準用金融商品取引法第三十七条第一項に規定する行為を一般放送事業者(放送法(昭和二十五年法律第百三十二号)第二条第三号の三に規定する一般放送事業者をいう。第四十四条の五第二項において同じ。)の放送設備により放送をさせる方法その他これに準ずるものとして内閣府令で定める方法によりする場合における準用金融商品取引法第三十七条第一項第三号に規定する政令で定めるものは、前項の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げるものとする。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, where the conduct specified in Article 37, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis is to be implemented by means of broadcasting by the use of the broadcasting facilities of a Private Broadcaster (meaning a Private Broadcaster as prescribed in Article 2, item (iii)-3 of the Broadcast Act (Act No. 132 of 1950); the same shall apply in Article 44-5, paragraph (2)) or any other equivalent means specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance, the particulars specified by Cabinet Order that are referred to in Article 37, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis shall be as follows:
一 顧客が行う特定信託契約の締結について金利、通貨の価格、金融商品市場における相場その他の指標に係る変動を直接の原因として損失が生ずることとなるおそれがある場合にあっては、当該おそれがある旨
(i) where, with regard to the conclusion of a Specific Trust Agreement by a customer, there is a risk of losses arising directly from fluctuations in such indicators as the interest rate, the value of currencies, or quotations on a Financial Instruments Market, such fact:
二 前号に掲げる事項に準ずるものとして内閣府令で定める事項
(ii) particulars specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the particulars equivalent to those specified in the preceding item.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis Pursuant to Provisions of the Trust Business Act, When Such Provisions are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Where a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engages in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services)
第十三条の五の六 法第九十九条第八項の規定において生命保険会社等が保険金信託業務を行う場合について信託業法第二十四条の二の規定を準用する場合における同条において準用する金融商品取引法の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 13-5-6 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act, the provisions of Article 24-2 of the Trust Business Act are applied mutatis mutandis to where a Life Insurance Company, etc. engages in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, which are applied mutandis pursuant to Article 24-2 of the Trust Business Act, shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Methods That Use Information and Communications Technology)
第十三条の六 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等は、法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第二十六条第二項の規定により同項に規定する事項を提供しようとするときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該委託者に対し、その用いる同項に規定する電磁的方法(以下この条において「電磁的方法」という。)の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。
Article 13-6 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (2) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act, a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services seeks to provide the information set forth in that paragraph, it shall, in advance and pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, indicate to the settlor the type and details of the electromagnetic means set forth in that paragraph that it will use (hereinafter referred to as the "Electromagnetic Means" in this Article) and shall obtain consent therefrom in writing or by Electromagnetic Means.
2 前項の規定による承諾を得た保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等は、当該委託者から書面又は電磁的方法により電磁的方法による提供を受けない旨の申出があったときは、当該委託者に対し、法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第二十六条第二項に規定する事項の提供を電磁的方法によってしてはならない。ただし、当該委託者が再び前項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) Where a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services that has obtained the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph is notified in writing or by Electromagnetic Means to the effect that the settler refuses to receive the information by Electromagnetic Means, it shall not provide the settlor with the information set forth in Article 26, paragraph (2) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act by Electromagnetic Means; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the settlor has given his/her consent under the preceding paragraph again.
3 前二項の規定は、法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第二十七条第二項及び第二十九条第四項において同法第二十六条第二項の規定を準用する場合について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「委託者」とあるのは、「信託財産に係る受益者」と読み替えるものとする。
(3) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to where the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (2) of the Trust Business Act are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27, paragraph (2) and Article 29, paragraph (4) of that Act, as further applied mutatis mutandis to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act. In such case, the term the "settlor" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "beneficiary of the trust property."
(Persons Closely Related to a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services)
第十三条の七 法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第二十九条第二項第一号に規定する政令で定める者は、次に掲げる者とする。
Article 13-7 (1) The persons specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 29, paragraph (2) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等の役員又は使用人
(i) any officer or employee of the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services;
二 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等の子法人等
(ii) any Subsidiary, etc. of the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services;
三 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等を子法人等とする親法人等(第十三条の五の二第三項に規定する親法人等をいう。以下同じ。)
(iii) the Parent Juridical Person, etc. (meaning a Parent Juridical Person, etc. as defined in Article 13-5-2, paragraph (3); the same shall apply hereinafter) that has the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services as its Subsidiary, etc.;
四 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等を子法人等とする親法人等の子法人等(当該保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等及び前二号に掲げる者を除く。)
(iv) any Subsidiary, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. that has said Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services as its Subsidiary, etc. (excluding said Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services and the juridical persons set forth in the preceding two items);
五 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等の関連法人等(第十三条の五の二第四項に規定する関連法人等をいう。以下同じ。)
(v) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. (meaning an Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. as defined in Article 13-5-2, paragraph (4); the same shall apply hereinafter) of the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services;
六 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等を子法人等とする親法人等の関連法人等(前号に掲げる者を除く。)
(vi) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. that has said Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services as its Subsidiary, etc. (excluding the juridical person set forth in the preceding item);
七 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等の特定個人株主等(第十三条の五の二第五項に規定する特定個人株主等をいう。)
(vii) a Specified Individual Shareholder, etc. (meaning a Specified Individual Shareholder, etc. as defined in Article 13-5-2, paragraph (5); the same shall apply hereinafter) of the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services; and
八 前号に掲げる者に係る次に掲げる会社、組合その他これらに準ずる事業体(外国におけるこれらに相当するものを含み、保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等を除く。以下この号において「法人等」という。)
(viii) the following company, partnership, or other business entity equivalent thereto (including equivalent entities in foreign states, but excluding the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services, itself; hereinafter referred to as the "Juridical Person, etc." in this item) that is associated with the person set forth in the preceding item.
イ 前号に掲げる者がその総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権を保有する法人等(当該法人等の子法人等及び関連法人等を含む。)
(a) a Juridical Person, etc. in which the person referred to in the preceding item holds voting rights that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.; and
ロ 前号に掲げる者がその総株主等の議決権の百分の二十以上百分の五十以下の議決権を保有する法人等
(b) a Juridical Person, etc. in which the person referred to in the preceding item holds voting rights that are at least twenty percent and up to fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.
2 保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等が法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第二十二条第一項の規定により保険金信託業務の委託をした場合における当該委託を受けた者についての前項の規定の適用については、同項中「保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等」とあるのは、「保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等から保険金信託業務の委託を受けた者」とする。
(2) Where a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services has entrusted its Insurance-Proceed Trust Services to another party pursuant to the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (1) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act, for the purpose of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph to the person who has been entrusted with those Insurance-Proceed Trust Services, the term "Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "person entrusted with Insurance-Proceed Trust Services by the Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services."
3 第十三条の五の二第六項の規定は、第一項第八号の場合において同項第七号に掲げる者が保有する議決権について準用する。
(3) The provisions of Article 13-5-2, paragraph (6) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the voting rights held by the person set forth in item (vii) of paragraph (1), where item (viii) of that paragraph applies.
(Scope of Parent Financial Institutions, etc. and Subsidiary Financial Institutions, etc.)
第十三条の八 法第百条の二の二第二項に規定する政令で定める者は、次に掲げる者とする。
Article 13-8 (1) The parties specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 100-2-2, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該保険会社の親法人等
(i) the Parent Juridical Person, etc. of the Insurance Company;
二 当該保険会社の親法人等の子法人等(自己並びに前号及び第三項第一号に掲げる者を除く。)
(ii) any Subsidiary, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. of the Insurance Company (excluding the Insurance Company itself and juridical persons as set forth in the preceding item and in item (i) of paragraph (3));
三 当該保険会社の親法人等の関連法人等(第三項第二号に掲げる者を除く。)
(iii) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. of such Insurance Company (excluding a juridical person set forth in item (ii) of paragraph (3));
四 当該保険会社の総株主の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権を保有する個人(以下この号及び第三十七条の九第一項第四号において「特定個人株主」という。)に係る次に掲げる会社、組合その他これらに準ずる事業体(外国におけるこれらに相当するものを含み、自己並びに前三号及び第三項各号に掲げる者を除く。以下この号において「法人等」という。)
(iv) the following company, partnership, or other business entity equivalent thereto (including equivalent entities in foreign states, and excluding the Insurance Company itself and juridical persons specified in the preceding three items and in the items of paragraph (3); hereinafter referred to as a "Juridical Person, etc." in this item) that is associated with an individual person who holds voting rights that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc. in the relevant Insurance Company (hereinafter referred to as a "Specified Individual Shareholder" in this item and Article 37-9, paragraph (1), item (iv));
イ 当該特定個人株主が総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権を保有する法人等(当該法人等の子法人等及び関連法人等を含む。)
(a) a Juridical Person, etc. (including its Subsidiary, etc. and Affiliated Juridical Person, etc.) in which a Specified Individual Shareholder holds voting rights that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.; or
ロ 当該特定個人株主が総株主等の議決権の百分の二十以上百分の五十以下の議決権を保有する法人等
(b) a Juridical Person, etc. in which a Specified Individual Shareholder holds voting rights that are at least twenty percent and up to fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.
2 法第百条の二の二第二項に規定する政令で定める金融業を行う者は、次に掲げる者とする。
(2) The other persons engaged in financial business specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 100-2-2, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 外国保険会社等
(i) Foreign Insurance Companies, etc.;
二 少額短期保険業者
(ii) Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers;
三 長期信用銀行(長期信用銀行法(昭和二十七年法律第百八十七号)第二条(定義)に規定する長期信用銀行をいう。第三十九条第二号において同じ。)
(iii) Long Term Credit Banks (meaning Long Term Credit Banks as defined in Article 2 (Definitions) of the Long Term Credit Bank Act (Act No. 187 of 1952); the same shall apply in Article 39, item (ii));
四 株式会社商工組合中央金庫
(iv) Shoko Chukin Bank Limited;
五 信用金庫連合会
(v) federations of shinkin banks;
六 労働金庫連合会
(vi) federations of labor banks;
七 中小企業等協同組合法(昭和二十四年法律第百八十一号)第九条の九第一項第一号(協同組合連合会)の事業を行う協同組合連合会
(vii) federations of cooperatives engaged in the business prescribed in Article 9-9, paragraph (1), item (i) (Federation of Cooperatives) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act (Act No. 181 of 1949);
八 農業協同組合法(昭和二十二年法律第百三十二号)第十条第一項第十号(事業)の事業を行う農業協同組合連合会
(viii) federations of agricultural cooperatives engaged in the business prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (1), item (x) (Business) of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act (Act No. 132 of 1947);
九 共済水産業協同組合連合会
(ix) mutual aid federations of fishery cooperatives;
十 金銭の貸付け又は金銭の貸借の媒介(手形の割引、売渡担保その他これらに類する方法によってする金銭の交付又は当該方法によってする金銭の授受の媒介を含む。)を業として行う者(保険会社、銀行、金融商品取引業者(金融商品取引法第二条第九項(定義)に規定する金融商品取引業者をいう。次号において同じ。)及び前各号に掲げる者を除く。)
(x) parties that grant monetary loans or that intermediate therefor in the course of trade (including granting of monies by means of discounted bills, assignments for security or any other means similar thereto, and also including intermediation for the receipt of monies by any of the aforementioned means) (such party shall exclude an Insurance Company, a Bank, a Financial Instruments Transaction Business Operator (meaning a Financial Instruments Transaction Business Operator as defined in Article 2, paragraph (9) (Definitions) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same shall apply in the following item); and shall also exclude parties specified in the preceding items);
十一 外国の法令に準拠して外国において次に掲げる事業を行う者(保険会社、銀行、金融商品取引業者及び前各号に掲げる者を除く。)
(xi) persons engaged in any of the following business in a foreign state, in accordance with the laws and regulations of that State (excluding an Insurance Company, Bank, Financial Instruments Transaction Business Operator and parties specified in the preceding items):
イ 保険業
(a) insurance business;
ロ 銀行法第二条第二項(定義)に規定する銀行業
(b) Banking Business as defined in Article 2, paragraph (2) (Definitions) of the Banking Act; or
ハ 金融商品取引法第二条第八項に規定する金融商品取引業
(c) Financial Instruments Business as defined in Article 2, paragraph (8) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
3 法第百条の二の二第三項に規定する政令で定める者は、次に掲げる者とする。
(3) The person specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 100-2-2, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該保険会社の子法人等
(i) any Subsidiary, etc. of the relevant Insurance Company; and
二 当該保険会社の関連法人等
(ii) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Insurance Company.
4 法第百条の二の二第三項に規定する政令で定める金融業を行う者は、第二項第一号から第三号まで、第十号及び第十一号に掲げる者とする。
(4) The person conducting financial business which is specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 100-2-2, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be the persons specified in items (i) to (iii) inclusive and items (x) and (xi) of paragraph (2).
(Specified Related Parties of an Insurance Company)
第十四条 法第百条の三本文に規定する政令で定める特殊の関係のある者は、次に掲げる者とする。
Article 14 The parties to which an Insurance Company is specially related as specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in the main clause of Article 100-3 of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該保険会社の子会社
(i) any Subsidiary Company of such Insurance Company;
二 当該保険会社の主要株主基準値以上の数の議決権を保有する保険主要株主
(ii) the Insurance Company's Major Shareholder who holds a number of voting rights in such Insurance Company equal to or exceeding the Major Shareholder Threshold;
三 当該保険会社を子会社とする保険持株会社
(iii) any Insurance Holding Company whose Subsidiaries include the relevant Insurance Company;
四 前号に掲げる者の子会社(当該保険会社及び第一号に掲げる者を除く。)
(iv) any Subsidiary Company of the juridical person specified in the preceding item (excluding the relevant Insurance Company and the juridical person specified in item (i));
五 当該保険会社の子法人等(第一号に掲げる者を除く。)
(v) any Subsidiary, etc. of such Insurance Company (excluding a person set forth in item (i));
六 当該保険会社を子法人等とする親法人等(第二号及び第三号に掲げる者を除く。)
(vi) the Parent Juridical Person, etc. whose Subsidiaries, etc. include the relevant Insurance Company (excluding juridical persons set forth in items (ii) and (iii));
七 当該保険会社を子法人等とする親法人等の子法人等(当該保険会社及び前各号に掲げる者を除く。)
(vii) any Subsidiary, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. whose Subsidiaries, etc. include the relevant Insurance Company, etc. (excluding the relevant Insurance Company itself and the juridical persons set forth in the preceding items);
八 当該保険会社の関連法人等
(viii) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of such Insurance Company;
九 当該保険会社を子法人等とする親法人等の関連法人等(前号に掲げる者を除く。)
(ix) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. whose Subsidiaries, etc. include the relevant Insurance Company (excluding the juridical person set forth in the preceding item);
十 当該保険会社の主要株主基準値以上の数の議決権を保有する保険主要株主のうちその保有する当該保険会社に係る議決権が当該保険会社の総株主の議決権の百分の五十を超えるもの(個人に限る。以下この号において「特定個人保険主要株主」という。)に係る次に掲げる会社、組合その他これらに準ずる事業体(外国におけるこれらに相当するものを含み、当該保険会社を除く。以下この号において「法人等」という。)
(x) the following company, partnership, or other type of business entity equivalent thereto (including an equivalent entity in a foreign state, and excluding the Insurance Company itself; hereinafter referred to as a "Juridical Person, etc." in this item) that is associated with a person who, from among the Insurance Company's Major Shareholders who hold a number of voting rights in said Insurance Company equal to or exceeding the Major Shareholders Threshold, holds voting rights in said Insurance Company that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights in said Insurance Company (limited to an individual person; hereinafter referred to as the "Insurance Company's Specified Individual Major Shareholder" in this item):
イ 当該特定個人保険主要株主がその総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権を保有する法人等(当該法人等の子法人等及び関連法人等を含む。)
(a) a Juridical Person, etc. (including its Subsidiary, etc. and Affiliated Juridical Person, etc.) in which the Insurance Company's Specified Individual Major Shareholder holds voting rights that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.;
ロ 当該特定個人保険主要株主がその総株主等の議決権の百分の二十以上百分の五十以下の議決権を保有する法人等
(b) a Juridical Person, etc. in which the Insurance Company's Specified Individual Major Shareholder holds voting rights that are at least twenty percent and up to fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.
(Insurance Contracts Excluded from Portfolio Transfers)
第十五条 法第百三十五条第二項に規定する政令で定める保険契約は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 15 The insurance contracts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 135, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 法第百三十七条第一項の公告(次号において「公告」という。)の時において既に保険事故が発生している保険契約(当該保険事故に係る保険金の支払により消滅することとなるものに限る。)
(i) an insurance contract under which an insured event has already occurred as of the time of the public notice under Article 137, paragraph (1) of the Act (referred to as the "Public Notice" in the following item) (limited to an insurance contract that expires upon the payment of the insurance proceeds in connection with an insured event); and
二 公告の時において既に保険期間が終了している保険契約(公告の時において保険期間の中途で解約その他の保険契約の終了の事由が発生しているものを含み、前号に掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) an insurance contract whose term of coverage has already ended by the time of the Public Notice (including an insurance contract that has been canceled in the middle of the term of coverage or one under which any other grounds for the termination thereof have occurred as of the time of the Public Notice, and excluding an insurance contract set forth in the preceding item).
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Causes for the Dissolution of a Mutual Company)
第十五条の二 法第百五十二条第二項の規定において相互会社について同条第一項の規定を準用する場合における同項の規定により読み替えて適用する会社法第四百七十一条第六号の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 15-2 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 152, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of paragraph (1) of that Article are applied mutatis mutandis to a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of Article 471, item (vi) of the Companies Act as applied by replacing certain terms pursuant to Article 152, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Insurance Contracts That Are Not Grounds for Refusing Authorization for a Dissolution, etc.)
第十六条 法第百五十三条第三項に規定する政令で定める保険契約は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 16 The insurance contracts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 153, paragraph (3) shall be as follows:
一 保険契約者が社員である保険契約
(i) an insurance contract in which the Policyholder is a member; and
二 前号に掲げる保険契約以外の保険契約で次に掲げるもの
(ii) an insurance contract as specified in the following sub-items, excluding the insurance contract referred to in the preceding item:
イ 法第百五十三条第一項の認可の申請(ロにおいて「申請」という。)の日において既に保険事故が発生している保険契約(当該保険事故に係る保険金の支払により消滅することとなるものに限る。)
(a) an insurance contract under which an insured event has already occurred as of the date of the application for authorization under Article 153, paragraph (1) of the Act (referred to as an "Application" in sub-item (b)), (limited to a contract to be expired upon the payment of insurance proceeds in connection with an insured event); and
ロ 申請の日において既に保険期間が終了している保険契約(申請の日において保険期間の中途で解約その他の保険契約の終了の事由が発生しているものを含み、イに掲げるものを除く。)
(b) an insurance contract whose term of coverage has already ended as of the Application date (including an insurance contract that has been canceled in the middle of the term of coverage or one under which any other grounds for the termination thereof have occurred as of the Application date, and excluding an insurance contract set forth in sub-item (a)).
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act, etc. That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Mutual Company)
第十六条の二 法第百五十八条の規定において相互会社について会社法第九百二十六条の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 16-2 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 158 of the Act, the provisions of Article 926 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第百五十八条の規定において相互会社について商業登記法第七十一条第三項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 158 of the Act, the provisions of Article 71, paragraph (3) of the Commercial Registration Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Absorption-Type Mergers between Stock Companies and Mutual Companies Where the Stock Company Survives)
第十七条 法第百六十四条第三項の規定において同条第一項の吸収合併について法第九十条第三項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 164, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 90, paragraph (3) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an absorption-type merger under Article 164, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Consolidation-Type Mergers between Stock Companies and Mutual Companies Where the Stock Company Is Incorporated)
第十七条の二 法第百六十五条第五項の規定において同条第一項の新設合併について法第九十条第三項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-2 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165, paragraph (5) of the Act, the provisions of Article 90, paragraph (3) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a consolidation-type merger under Article 165, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第百六十五条第五項の規定において新設合併消滅相互会社について法第百六十二条第三項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165, paragraph (5) of the Act, the provisions of Article 162, paragraph (3) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Consolidated Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Share Purchase Demand Against an Extinct Stock Company)
第十七条の三 法第百六十五条の五第二項の規定において同条第一項の規定による請求について会社法第七百八十五条第五項及び第七項並びに第七百八十六条第一項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-3 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-5, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 785, paragraphs (5) and (7) and Article 786, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the request under Article 165-5, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Share Option Purchase Demand Against an Extinct Stock Company)
第十七条の四 法第百六十五条の六第二項の規定において同条第一項の規定による請求について会社法第七百八十七条第五項及び第七項並びに第七百八十八条第一項及び第五項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-4 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-6, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 787, paragraphs (5) and (7) and Article 788, paragraphs (1) and (5) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a request under Article 165-6, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to an Objection of the Creditors of an Extinct Stock Company)
第十七条の五 法第百六十五条の七第四項の規定において同条第一項の規定による債権者の異議について法第七十条第四項及び第六項から第八項までの規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-5 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-7, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 70, paragraph (4) and paragraphs (6) to (8) inclusive of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an objection of the creditors as set forth in Article 165-7, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第十七条の六 法第百六十五条の七第四項において準用する法第七十条第五項から第七項までの保険金請求権等は、法第百六十五条の七第二項の規定による公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 17-6 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 70, paragraphs (5) to (7) inclusive of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-7, paragraph (4) of the Act shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of the public notice given pursuant to Article 165-7, paragraph (2) of the Act.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act, etc. That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to an Absorbing Stock Company)
第十七条の七 法第百六十五条の十二の規定において吸収合併存続株式会社について法第百六十五条の四第一項、第百六十五条の五第二項及び第百六十五条の七第二項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-7 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-12 of the Act, the provisions of Article 165-4, paragraph (1), Article 165-5, paragraph (2) and Article 165-7, paragraph (2) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an Absorbing Stock Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第百六十五条の十二の規定において吸収合併存続株式会社について法第百六十五条の五第二項の規定を準用する場合における同項において準用する会社法第七百九十七条第五項及び第七項の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-12 of the Act, the provisions of Article 165-5, paragraph (2) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an Absorbing Stock Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of Article 797, paragraphs (5) and (7) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-5, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be as set forth in the following table:
3 法第百六十五条の十二の規定において吸収合併存続株式会社について法第百六十五条の七第四項の規定を準用する場合における同項において準用する法第七十条第四項及び第六項から第八項までの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(3) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-12 of the Act, the provisions of Article 165-7, paragraph (4) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an Absorbing Stock Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of Article 70, paragraph (4) and paragraphs (6) to (8) inclusive of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-7, paragraph (4) of the Act shall be as set forth in the following table:
4 法第百六十五条の十二の規定において吸収合併存続株式会社について会社法第七百九十七条第一項及び第二項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(4) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-12 of the Act, the provisions of Article 797, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an Absorbing Stock Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第十七条の八 法第百六十五条の十二において準用する法第百六十五条の七第四項において準用する法第七十条第五項から第七項までの保険金請求権等は、法第百六十五条の十二において準用する法第百六十五条の七第二項の規定による公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 17-8 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 70, paragraphs (5) to (7) inclusive of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-7, paragraph (4) of the Act as further applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-12 of the Act, shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of the public notice given pursuant to Article 165-7, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-12 of the Act.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Stock Company Established by Consolidation-Type Merger)
第十七条の九 法第百六十五条の十四第三項の規定において新設合併設立株式会社について法第百六十五条の十三第一項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-9 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-14, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 165-13, paragraph (1) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Stock Company Established by Consolidation-Type Merger, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Objections of the Creditors of an Extinct Mutual Company)
第十七条の十 法第百六十五条の十七第四項の規定において同条第一項の規定による債権者の異議について法第八十八条第四項、第六項、第七項及び第九項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-10 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-17, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 88, paragraphs (4), (6), (7) and (9) are applied mutatis mutandis to an objection of the creditors as set forth in Article 165-17, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第十七条の十一 法第百六十五条の十七第四項において準用する法第八十八条第五項から第七項までの保険金請求権等は、法第百六十五条の十七第二項の規定による公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 17-11 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 88, paragraphs (5) to (7) inclusive of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-17, paragraph (4) of the Act shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of the public notice given pursuant to Article 165-17, paragraph (2) of the Act.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to an Absorbing Mutual Company)
第十七条の十二 法第百六十五条の二十の規定において吸収合併存続相互会社について法第百六十五条の十七第二項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-12 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-20 of the Act, the provisions of Article 165-17, paragraph (2) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an Absorbing Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第百六十五条の二十の規定において吸収合併存続相互会社について法第百六十五条の十七第四項の規定を準用する場合における同項において準用する法第八十八条第四項、第六項、第七項及び第九項の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-20 of the Act, the provisions of Article 165-17, paragraph (4) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an Absorbing Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of Article 88, paragraphs (4), (6), (7) and (9) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-17, paragraph (4) of the Act, shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第十七条の十三 法第百六十五条の二十において準用する法第百六十五条の十七第四項において準用する法第八十八条第五項から第七項までの保険金請求権等は、法第百六十五条の二十において準用する法第百六十五条の十七第二項の規定による公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 17-13 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 88, paragraphs (5) to (7) inclusive of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-17, paragraph (4) of the Act as further applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-20 of the Act, shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of the public notice given pursuant to Article 165-17, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-20 of the Act.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Formed Mutual Company)
第十七条の十四 法第百六十五条の二十二第三項の規定において新設合併設立相互会社について法第百六十五条の二十一第一項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-14 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 165-22, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 165-21, paragraph (1) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Formed Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第十七条の十五 法第百六十五条の二十四第五項から第七項までの保険金請求権等は、同条第二項の規定による公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 17-15 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 165-24, paragraphs (5) to (7) inclusive of the Act, shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of the public notice given pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Commercial Registration Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Registration of a Mutual Company)
第十七条の十六 法第百七十条第三項の規定において相互会社に関する登記について商業登記法の規定を準用する場合における同法の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-16 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 170, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of the Commercial Registration Act are applied mutatis mutandis to registrations concerning a Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of that Act shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Actions to Invalidate a Merger between One Mutual Company and Another Mutual Company, etc.)
第十七条の十七 法第百七十一条の規定において法第百五十九条第一項の合併の無効の訴えについて会社法第八百三十六条第一項並びに第九百三十七条第三項(第二号及び第三号に係る部分に限る。)及び第四項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 17-17 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 171 of the Act, the provisions of Article 836, paragraph (1), Article 937, paragraph (3) (limited to the portions involving items (ii) and (iii)) and paragraph (4) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to an action to invalidate a merger as set forth in Article 159, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Insurance Contracts Not Subject to a Company Split)
第十七条の十八 法第百七十三条の二第一項に規定する政令で定める保険契約は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 17-18 The insurance contracts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 173-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 法第百七十三条の四第二項の規定による公告(次号及び次条において「公告」という。)の時において既に保険事故が発生している保険契約(当該保険事故に係る保険金の支払により消滅することとなるものに限る。)
(i) an insurance contract under which an insured event has already occurred as of the time of the public notice under Article 173-4, paragraph (2) of the Act (referred to as the "Public Notice" in the following item and the following Article) (limited to a contract that expires upon the payment of insurance proceeds in connection with the insured event); and
二 公告の時において既に保険期間が終了している保険契約(公告の時において保険期間の中途で解約その他の保険契約の終了の事由が発生しているものを含み、前号に掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) an insurance contract whose term of coverage has already ended as of the time of the Public Notice (including an insurance contract that has been canceled in the middle of the term of coverage or one under which any other grounds for the termination thereof have occurred as of the time of the Public Notice, and excluding an insurance contract set forth in the preceding item).
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第十七条の十九 法第百七十三条の四第五項から第七項までの保険金請求権等は、公告の時において既に生じているものに限るものとする。
Article 17-19 Insurance Claims, etc. under Article 173-4, paragraphs (5) to (7) inclusive of the Act, shall be limited to the claims that have already arisen as of the time of public notice.
(Creditors Not Requiring Separate Demands)
第十七条の二十 法第百七十三条の四第十一項に規定する政令で定める債権者は、保険契約に係る権利を有する者、法第九十九条第三項に規定する保険金信託業務に係る金銭信託の受益者その他の債権者のうち、法第百七十三条の四第二項の知れている債権者以外の者とする。
Article 17-20 The creditors specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 173-4, paragraph (11) of the Act, shall be, from among the persons who have rights under an insurance contract, the beneficiaries of a monetary trust in connection with the Insurance-Proceed Trust Services set forth in Article 99, paragraph (3) of the Act, and any other creditors, persons who are other than the known creditors referred to in Article 173-4, paragraph (2) of the Act.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Commercial Registration Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Liquidators Appointed by Prime Minister)
第十八条 法第百七十四条第十一項の規定において内閣総理大臣が選任した清算人について商業登記法第七十三条第三項及び第七十四条第一項(法第百八十三条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 18 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 174, paragraph (11) of the Act, the provisions of Article 73, paragraph (3) and Article 74, paragraph (1) of the Commercial Registration Act (including the case where these provisions are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 183, paragraph (2) of the Act) to a liquidator appointed by the Prime Minister, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Liquidators of a Mutual Company in Liquidation)
第十八条の二 法第百八十条の五第四項の規定において同条第一項の清算人について会社法第九百三十七条第一項(第二号ロ及びハに係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 18-2 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 180-5, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Article 937, paragraph (1) (limited to the portions involving sub-items (b) and (c) of item (ii)) of the Companies Act is applied mutatis mutandis to a liquidator as set forth in Article 180-5, paragraph (1) of the Act, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Liquidators)
第十八条の三 法第百八十条の八第四項の規定において清算人について会社法第三百五十三条から第三百五十五条まで、第三百五十六条第一項、第三百五十七条第一項、第三百六十条第一項及び第三百六十一条第一項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 18-3 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 180-8, paragraph (4) of the Act, the provisions of Articles 353 to 355 inclusive, Article 356, paragraph (1), Article 357, paragraph (1), Article 360, paragraph (1) and Article 361, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a liquidator, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Representative Liquidator, etc. of a Mutual Company in Liquidation)
第十八条の四 法第百八十条の九第五項の規定において清算相互会社の代表清算人について会社法第三百四十九条第四項及び第三百五十一条第三項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 18-4 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 180-9, paragraph (5) of the Act, the provisions of Article 349, paragraph (4) and Article 351, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the representative liquidator of a Mutual Company in Liquidation, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第百八十条の九第五項の規定において民事保全法(平成元年法律第九十一号)第五十六条に規定する仮処分命令により選任された清算相互会社の清算人又は代表清算人の職務を代行する者について会社法第三百五十二条の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 180-9, paragraph (5) of the Act, the provisions of Article 352 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the person who is appointed by a provisional disposition order under Article 56 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act (Act No. 91 of 1989) to perform duties on behalf of the liquidator or the representative liquidator of a Mutual Company in Liquidation, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
3 法第百八十条の九第五項の規定において清算相互会社の一時代表清算人の職務を行うべき者について会社法第九百三十七条第一項(第二号ロ及びハに係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(3) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 180-9, paragraph (5) of the Act, the provisions of Article 937, paragraph (1) (limited to the portions involving items (b) and (c) of item (ii)) of the Companies Act is applied mutatis mutandis to a person who is to temporarily perform the duties of the representative liquidator of a Mutual Company in Liquidation, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Mutual Company with a Board of Liquidators)
第十八条の五 法第百八十条の十四第九項の規定において清算人会設置相互会社について会社法第三百六十四条及び第三百六十五条の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 18-5 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 180-14, paragraph (9) of the Act, the provisions of Articles 364 and 365 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Mutual Company with a board of liquidators, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Administration by the Board of Liquidators in a Mutual Company with a Board of Liquidators)
第十八条の六 法第百八十条の十五の規定において清算人会設置相互会社の清算人会の運営について会社法第三百六十六条、第三百六十八条、第三百六十九条第一項から第三項まで及び第五項、第三百七十条、第三百七十一条第四項及び第六項並びに第三百七十二条第一項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 18-6 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 180-15 of the Act, the provisions of Article 366, Article 368, Article 369, paragraphs (1) to (3) inclusive and paragraph (5), Article 370, Article 371, paragraphs (4) and (6) and Article 372, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to administration by the board of liquidators in a Mutual Company with a board of liquidators, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Mutual Company in Liquidation)
第十八条の七 法第百八十条の十七の規定において清算相互会社について会社法第四百九十六条第一項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 18-7 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 180-17 of the Act, the provisions of Article 496, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Mutual Company in Liquidation, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act, etc. That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Registration of a Mutual Company's Liquidation)
第十八条の八 法第百八十三条第二項の規定において相互会社の清算に関する登記について会社法第九百二十八条第一項及び第三項並びに第九百二十九条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 18-8 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 183, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 928, paragraphs (1) and (3) and Article 929 (limited to the portion involving item (i)) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to registration of a Mutual Company's liquidation, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第百八十三条第二項の規定において相互会社の清算に関する登記について商業登記法第七十三条第二項及び第三項、第七十四条第一項並びに第七十五条の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 183, paragraph (2) of the Act, the provisions of Article 73, paragraphs (2) and (3), Article 74, paragraph (1) and Article 75 of the Commercial Registration Act are applied mutatis mutandis to registration of a Mutual Company's liquidation, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Mutual Company in Liquidation)
第十八条の九 法第百八十四条の規定において清算相互会社について会社法第五百二十一条、第五百二十二条第二項、第五百三十六条第三項、第五百四十二条第一項及び第九百三十八条第二項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 18-9 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 184 of the Act, the provisions of Article 521, Article 522, paragraph (2), Article 536, paragraph (3), Article 542, paragraph (1) and Article 938, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to a Mutual Company in Liquidation, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Insurance Contracts That May Be Concluded by a Foreign Insurer With No Branch Office, etc. in Japan)
第十九条 法第百八十六条第一項本文に規定する政令で定める保険契約は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 19 The insurance contract specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in the main clause of Article 186, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 再保険契約
(i) a reinsurance contract;
二 国際海上運送に使用される日本国籍の船舶及びこれにより国際間で運送中の貨物並びにこれらのものから生ずる責任のいずれか又はすべてを対象とする保険契約
(ii) an insurance contract that covers, in whole or in part, Japanese vessels used for international maritime transportation, cargo being internationally transported by such vessels, and obligations arising from either of these;
三 商業航空に使用される日本国籍の航空機及びこれにより国際間で運送中の貨物並びにこれらのものから生ずる責任のいずれか又はすべてを対象とする保険契約
(iii) an insurance contract that covers, in whole or in part, Japanese aircrafts used for commercial flights, cargo being internationally transported by such aircrafts, and obligations arising from either of these; and
四 その他内閣府令で定める保険契約
(iv) any other insurance contract specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(Limited Counterparties to Insurance Underwritten under a Conditional License)
第二十条 法第百八十八条第一項に規定する政令で定める者は、日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の相互協力及び安全保障条約第六条に基づく施設及び区域並びに日本国における合衆国軍隊の地位に関する協定第一条に規定する合衆国軍隊の構成員、軍属及び家族その他の外国為替及び外国貿易法(昭和二十四年法律第二百二十八号)第六条第一項第六号に規定する非居住者とする。
Article 20 The persons specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 188, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be the members of the United States armed forces, the civilians in the employ thereof, and the dependents thereof provided for in Article 1 of the "Agreement under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States of America Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan," and any other non-residents as defined in Article 6, paragraph (1), item (vi) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Act No. 228 of 1949).
(Provisions Not Applicable to Conditionally Licensed Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc.)
第二十一条 法第百八十八条第二項に規定する政令で定める規定は、法第百九十二条第五項及び第六項の規定、法第百九十四条の規定、法第百九十六条の規定、法第百九十七条の規定、法第百九十九条において準用する法第九十七条第二項、第九十七条の二第一項及び第二項、第九十八条第一項(第二号から第十一号までに係る部分に限る。)及び第三項から第九項まで、第九十九条、第百十一条第一項及び第三項から第六項まで、第百十二条並びに第百十四条から第百二十二条までの規定並びに法第二百四条第一項(改善計画の提出及び変更に係る部分に限る。)の規定とする。
Article 21 The provisions specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 188, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be Article 192, paragraphs (5) and (6) of the Act; Article 194 of the Act; Article 196 of the Act; Article 197 of the Act; Article 97, paragraph (2), Article 97-2, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 98, paragraph (1) (limited to the portion involving items (ii) to (xi) inclusive) and paragraphs (3) to (9) inclusive, Article 99, Article 111, paragraph (1) and paragraphs (3) to (6) inclusive, Article 112 and Articles 114 to 122 inclusive of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 199 of the Act; and Article 204, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to the portion involving the submission or modification of the improvement plan).
(Special Provisions on Conditionally Licensed Foreign Life Insurance Companies, etc.)
第二十二条 法第百八十八条第一項の条件が付された法第百八十五条第一項の免許を受けた外国生命保険会社等(以下この条及び第二十四条において「条件付免許外国生命保険会社等」という。)に係る法第百九十五条の規定の適用については、同条中「事業年度ごとに」とあるのは「金融庁長官が必要と認めて指定した事業年度について」と、「当該事業年度終了後相当の期間内に」とあるのは「金融庁長官の指定した日までに」とする。
Article 22 (1) For the purpose of application of the provisions of Article 195 of the Act in relation to a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. licensed pursuant to Article 185, paragraph (1) of the Act under the conditions set forth in Article 188, paragraph (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "Conditionally Licensed Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc." in this Article and Article 24), the term "for each business year" and "within a reasonable period of time following the end of the business year" in that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "for each business year designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as he/she may find necessary" and "no later than the date designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency," respectively.
2 条件付免許外国生命保険会社等に係る法第百九十九条において準用する法第百十条第一項の規定の適用については、同項中「日本における事業年度ごとに」とあるのは、「金融庁長官が必要と認めて指定した日本における事業年度について」とする。
(2) For the purpose of application of the provisions of Article 110, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 199 of the Act in relation to a Conditionally Licensed Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc., the term "for each business year in Japan" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "for each business year in Japan that is designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as he/she may find necessary."
3 条件付免許外国生命保険会社等に係る法第二百三条の規定の適用については、同条中「第百八十七条第三項第二号から第四号まで」とあるのは、「第百八十七条第三項第二号」とする。
(3) For the purpose of application of the provisions of Article 203 of the Act in relation to a Conditionally Licensed Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc., the term "Article 187, paragraph (3), items (ii) to (iv) inclusive" in that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 187, paragraph (3), item (ii)."
4 条件付免許外国生命保険会社等が法第百八十七条第三項第二号に掲げる書類に定めた事項を変更しようとする場合における法第二百七条において準用する法第百二十三条から第百二十五条までの規定の適用については、法第二百七条において準用する法第百二十三条第一項中「第百八十七条第三項第二号から第四号までに掲げる書類」とあるのは「第百八十七条第三項第二号に掲げる書類」と、法第二百七条において準用する法第百二十四条中「次の各号に掲げる事項」とあるのは「第一号に掲げる事項」と、「当該各号に定める基準」とあるのは「同号に定める基準」と、同条第一号中「第百八十七条第三項第二号及び第三号に掲げる書類」とあるのは「第百八十七条第三項第二号に掲げる書類」と、法第二百七条において準用する法第百二十五条中「又は第四号イからハまでに掲げる基準」とあるのは「に掲げる基準」とする。
(4) For the purpose of application of provisions of Articles 123 to 125 inclusive of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 207 of the Act to where a Conditionally Licensed Foreign Insurance Company, etc. seeks to modify the particulars prescribed in the document set forth in Article 187, paragraph (3), item (ii) of the Act, the term "the documents specified in Article 187, paragraph (3), items (ii) to (iv) inclusive" in Article 123, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 207 of the Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the documents specified in Article 187, paragraph (3), item (ii)"; the terms "particulars set forth in each of the following items" and "standards prescribed in the relevant item" in Article 124 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 207 of the Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "particulars set forth in item (i)" and "standards prescribed in that item," respectively; the term "the documents specified in Article 187, paragraph (3), items (ii) and (iii)" in item (i) in that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the documents specified in Article 187, paragraph (3), item (ii)"; and the term "the standards listed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iii), sub-item (a) to (e) inclusive of or item (iv), sub-item (a) to (c) inclusive" in Article 125 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 207 of the Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the standards listed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iii), sub-item (a) to (e) inclusive".
(Special Provisions on Procedures for Applying for Licenses)
第二十三条 法第百八十八条第一項に規定する場合における法第百八十五条第一項の免許の申請(以下この条において「条件付免許の申請」という。)をする外国保険業者は、法第百八十七条第一項の免許申請書に、同項各号に掲げる事項のほか、保険金額が外国通貨で表示された保険契約で第二十条に規定する者を相手方とするものに係る業務のみを行う旨を付記しなければならない。
Article 23 (1) Where the provisions of Article 188, paragraph (1) of the Act apply, a Foreign Insurer filing an application for a license under Article 185, paragraph (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "Application for a Conditional License" in this Article) shall, in addition to the particulars listed in the items of Article 187, paragraph (1) of the Act, add a statement in its written application for a license under that paragraph, to the effect that its business will be limited to that related to insurance contracts whose insurance amounts are denominated in foreign currencies and in which the counterparties are the parties specified in Article 20.
2 条件付免許の申請をする外国保険業者に係る法第百八十七条第三項の規定の適用については、同項中「次に掲げる書類」とあるのは、「第一号及び第二号に掲げる書類」とする。
(2) For the purpose of application of the provisions of Article 187, paragraph (3) of the Act in relation to a Foreign Insurer filing an Application for a Conditional License, the term "the following documents" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the documents specified in items (i) and (ii)."
3 条件付免許の申請があった場合における法第百八十七条第五項において準用する法第五条第一項の規定の適用については、同項各号列記以外の部分中「次に掲げる基準」とあるのは「第一号から第三号までに掲げる基準」と、同項第三号中「第百八十七条第三項第二号及び第三号」とあるのは「第百八十七条第三項第二号」とする。
(3) For the purpose of application of the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 187, paragraph (5) of the Act to where an Application for a Conditional License has been filed, the term "the following standards" in the non-itemized part of the items of that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the standards set forth in items (i) to (iii) inclusive"; and the term "Article 187, paragraph (3), items (ii) and (iii)" in item (iii) of that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 187, paragraph (3), item (ii)."
(Amount to Be Deposited by a Foreign Insurance Company, etc.)
第二十四条 法第百九十条第一項に規定する政令で定める額は、外国保険会社等(条件付免許外国生命保険会社等を除く。)にあっては二億円、条件付免許外国生命保険会社等にあっては千万円とする。
Article 24 The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to Article 190, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be two hundred million yen for a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. (excluding a Conditionally Licensed Foreign Insurance Company, etc.); or ten million yen for a Conditionally Licensed Foreign Insurance Company, etc.
(Terms and Conditions of a Contract That Wholly or Partially Replaces a Deposit)
第二十五条 外国保険会社等は、法第百九十条第三項の契約を締結する場合には、銀行その他内閣府令で定める金融機関を相手方とし、その内容を次に掲げる要件に適合するものとしなければならない。
Article 25 Where a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. concludes a contract as set forth in Article 190, paragraph (3) of the Act, it shall have a Bank or other type of financial institution specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the other party to thereto, and the terms and conditions thereunder shall satisfy the following requirements:
一 法第百九十条第四項の規定による内閣総理大臣の命令を受けたときは、当該外国保険会社等のために当該命令に係る額の供託金が遅滞なく供託されるものであること。
(i) that, when an order of the Prime Minister under Article 190, paragraph (4) of the Act has been issued, the amount of deposit so ordered will be deposited without delay on behalf of the Foreign Insurance Company, etc.;
二 一年以上の期間にわたって有効な契約であること。
(ii) that the contract is effective for the period of one year or longer; and
三 金融庁長官の承認を受けた場合を除き、契約を解除し、又は契約の内容を変更することができないものであること。
(iii) that the contract may not be cancelled and that the terms and conditions thereof may not be amended, unless this is done with the approval from the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Procedures for the Fulfillment of Rights)
第二十六条 法第百九十条第六項の権利(以下この条から第二十八条までにおいて単に「権利」という。)を有する者は、金融庁長官に対し、その権利の実行の申立てをすることができる。
Article 26 (1) A person who holds rights as set forth in Article 190, paragraph (6) of the Act (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Rights" in this Article to Article 28 inclusive) may file petition for the fulfillment of those Rights with the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
2 金融庁長官は、前項の申立てがあった場合において、当該申立てを理由があると認めるときは、法第百九十条第一項、第二項、第四項又は第八項の規定により供託された供託金につき権利を有する者に対し、六十日を下らない一定の期間内に権利の申出をすべきこと及びその期間内に申出をしないときは配当手続から除斥されるべきことを公示し、かつ、その旨を前項の申立てをした者(次項及び第四項において「申立人」という。)及び当該供託金に係る外国保険会社等(当該外国保険会社等が法第百九十条第三項の契約を締結している場合においては、当該契約の相手方を含む。第四項及び第五項において同じ。)に通知しなければならない。
(2) Where a petition set forth in the preceding paragraph has been filed and where the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency finds the petition to have reasonable grounds, he/she shall issue a public notice notifying persons who have a Right to the monies deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 190, paragraph (1), (2), (4) or (8) of the Act that they must report their Rights within a fixed period of time not shorter than sixty days and that they will be excluded from the distribution process if they fail to report their Rights within that period, and he/she shall also notify the person who filed the petition under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Petitioner" in the following paragraph and paragraph (4)) and the Foreign Insurance Company, etc. for which the deposit was made (where the Foreign Insurance Company, etc. has concluded a contract under Article 190, paragraph (3) of the Act, including the counterparty to said contract; the same shall apply in paragraphs (4) and (5)) to that effect.
3 前項の規定による公示があった後は、申立人がその申立てを取り下げた場合においても、権利の実行の手続の進行は、妨げられない。
(3) Once the public notice under the preceding paragraph has been given, even in the event that the Petitioner withdraws his/her petition, this shall not prevent the procedures for the fulfillment of the Rights from proceeding.
4 金融庁長官は、第二項の期間が経過した後、遅滞なく、権利の調査をしなければならない。この場合において、金融庁長官は、あらかじめ期日及び場所を公示し、かつ、当該外国保険会社等に通知して、申立人、当該期間内に権利の申出をした者及び当該外国保険会社等に対し、権利の存否及びその権利によって担保される債権の額について証拠を提示し、及び意見を述べる機会を与えなければならない。
(4) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall assess the Rights without delay after the period set forth in paragraph (2) has elapsed. In this case, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall give public notice of the date and place and notify the Foreign Insurance Company, etc. of such information, in advance, and afford the Petitioner, any person who has reported his/her Rights within the designated period, and the Foreign Insurance Company, etc. an opportunity to introduce evidence and to express their opinions as to the existence of the Rights and the amount of the claims secured by such Rights.
5 金融庁長官は、前項の規定による調査の結果に基づき、遅滞なく配当表を作成し、これを公示し、かつ、当該外国保険会社等に通知しなければならない。
(5) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall, without delay, prepare a distribution list based on the results of the assessment under the preceding paragraph, shall put such list on public notice, and shall notify the Foreign Insurance Company, etc. thereof.
6 配当は、前項の規定による公示をした日から八十日を経過した後、配当表に従い実施するものとする。
(6) The distribution shall be implemented in accordance with the distribution list set forth in the preceding paragraph, after eighty days have elapsed since the day that the public notice was given under the preceding paragraph.
(Recovery of Deposits)
第二十七条 法第百九十条第十項に規定する供託金を供託した者(次項において「供託者」という。)は、同条第十項各号のいずれかに該当する場合には、金融庁長官に対し、同項の規定による供託金の取戻し(以下この条において「供託金の取戻し」という。)の申立てをすることができる。ただし、前条の権利の実行の手続がとられている間は、この限りでない。
Article 27 (1) A person who has deposited monies pursuant to the provisions of Article 190, paragraph (10) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Depositor" in the following paragraph) may, where any of the items of paragraph (10) of that Article applies, file a petition for recovery of the deposit under that paragraph (hereinafter referred to as "Recovery of the Deposit" in this Article) with the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the period during which the procedures for the fulfillment of Rights under the preceding Article are still pending.
2 前項の申立てがあった場合において当該申立てをした供託者のほかに当該供託金に係る他の供託者がいるときは、当該他の供託者についても供託金の取戻しの申立てがあったものとみなす。
(2) Where a petition under the preceding paragraph has been filed, when, in addition to the Depositor who has filed said petition, there is any other Depositor in connection with the relevant deposit, the petition for Recovery of the Deposit shall be deemed to have been filed by said other Depositor as well.
3 金融庁長官は、第一項の申立てがあった場合には、当該供託金につき権利を有する者に対し、六月を下らない一定の期間内に権利の申出をすべきこと及びその期間内に申出をしないときは配当手続から除斥されるべきことを公示し、かつ、当該供託金に係る外国保険会社等であった者(その者が法第百九十条第三項の契約の締結をしている場合においては、当該契約の相手方を含む。)に通知しなければならない。
(3) Where a petition set forth in paragraph (1) has been filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall issue a public notice notifying persons who have a Right to the deposited monies that they must report their Rights within a fixed period of time not shorter than sixty days and that they will be excluded from the distribution process if they fail to report their Rights within that period, and he/she shall also notify the party that formerly was the Foreign Insurance Company, etc. for which said deposit was made (where that party has concluded a contract under Article 190, paragraph (3) of the Act, the counterparty to said contract shall be included).
4 金融庁長官は、前項の期間内に権利の申出がなかった場合には、供託金の取戻しを承認するものとする。
(4) Where no Rights have been reported within the period of time specified in the preceding paragraph, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall approve the Recovery of the Deposit.
5 前条第四項から第六項までの規定は、第三項の期間内に権利の申出があった場合について準用する。この場合において、前条第四項中「第二項」とあるのは「次条第三項」と、「当該外国保険会社等に通知して、申立人」とあるのは「当該供託金に係る外国保険会社等であった者(その者が法第百九十条第三項の契約の締結をしている場合においては、当該契約の相手方を含む。以下この項及び次項において「供託金関係者」という。)に通知して」と、「当該外国保険会社等に対し」とあるのは「当該供託金関係者に対し」と、同条第五項中「当該外国保険会社等」とあるのは「当該供託金関係者」と読み替えるものとする。
(5) The provisions of paragraphs (4) to (6) inclusive of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to where Rights have been reported within the period set forth in paragraph (3). In such case, the term "paragraph (2)" in paragraph (4) of the preceding Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (3) of the following Article"; the term "notify the Foreign Insurance Company, etc. of such information, and afford the Petitioner" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "notify the party who was formerly the Foreign Insurance Company, etc. connected to said deposit (where that party has concluded a contract under Article 190, paragraph (3) of the Act, the counterparty to said contract shall be included; hereinafter referred to as the "Parties Relevant to the Deposit" in paragraph (3) and the following paragraph), and afford"; the term "and the Foreign Insurance Company, etc." shall be deemed to be replaced with "and the Parties Relevant to the Deposit"; and the term "the Foreign Insurance Company, etc." in paragraph (5) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Parties Relevant to the Deposit."
6 金融庁長官は、第三項の期間内に権利の申出があった場合には、前項において準用する前条第四項から第六項までの規定による手続をとった後に供託金の残額があるときに限り、当該残額についての供託金の取戻しを承認するものとする。
(6) Where any Rights have been reported within the period set forth in paragraph (3), the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall grant his/her approval for the Recovery of the Deposit, only to the extent of the amount remaining after completion of the procedures under paragraphs (4) to (6) inclusive of the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraphs, if any.
(Realization of Securities Deposited in Lieu of Monies)
第二十八条 金融庁長官は、法第百九十条第九項の規定により有価証券が供託されている場合において、権利の実行に必要があるときは、当該有価証券を換価することができる。この場合において、換価の費用は、換価代金から控除する。
Article 28 Where any securities have been deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 190, paragraph (9) of the Act, and where it is necessary for fulfillment of the Rights, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency may realize such securities. In this case, the expenses incurred in relation to the realization of such securities shall be deducted from the proceeds of the realization.
(Scope of Parent Financial Institutions, etc. and Subsidiary Financial Institutions, etc.)
第二十八条の二 法第百九十三条の二第二項に規定する政令で定める者は、次に掲げる者とする。
Article 28-2 (1) The persons specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 193-2, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該外国保険会社等の親法人等
(i) the Parent Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc.;
二 当該外国保険会社等の親法人等の子法人等(自己並びに前号及び第三項第一号に掲げる者を除く。)
(ii) any Subsidiary, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc. (excluding such Foreign Insurance Company, etc. itself and juridical persons set forth in the preceding item and item (i) of paragraph (3));
三 当該外国保険会社等の親法人等の関連法人等(第三項第二号に掲げる者を除く。)
(iii) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc. (excluding a juridical person set forth in item (ii) of paragraph (3));
四 当該外国保険会社等の総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権を保有する個人(以下この号において「特定個人株主等」という。)に係る次に掲げる会社、組合その他これらに準ずる事業体(外国におけるこれらに相当するものを含み、自己並びに前三号及び第三項各号に掲げる者を除く。以下この号において「法人等」という。)
(iv) the following company, partnership, or other business entity equivalent thereto (including equivalent entities in foreign states, and excluding the Foreign Insurance Company, etc. itself and juridical persons specified in the preceding three items and the items of paragraph (3); hereinafter referred to as a "Juridical Person, etc." in this item) that is associated with an individual who holds voting rights that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc. in the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc. (hereinafter referred to as a "Specified Individual Shareholder, etc." in this item);
イ 当該特定個人株主等が総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権を保有する法人等(当該法人等の子法人等及び関連法人等を含む。)
(a) a Juridical Person, etc. (including its Subsidiary, etc. and Affiliated Juridical Person, etc.) in which a Specified Individual Shareholder, etc. holds voting rights that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.; or
ロ 当該特定個人株主等が総株主等の議決権の百分の二十以上百分の五十以下の議決権を保有する法人等
(b) a Juridical Person, etc. in which a Specified Individual Shareholder, etc. holds voting rights that are at least twenty percent and up to fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.
2 法第百九十三条の二第二項に規定する政令で定める金融業を行う者は、第十三条の八第二項各号(第四号、第六号及び第七号を除く。)に掲げる者とする。
(2) The persons engaged in financial business specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 193-2, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be the persons listed in the items of paragraph (2) of Article 13-8 (excluding items (iv), (vi) and (vii)).
3 法第百九十三条の二第三項に規定する政令で定める者は、次に掲げる者とする。
(3) The persons specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 193-2, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該外国保険会社等の子法人等
(i) any Subsidiary, etc. of the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc.; and
二 当該外国保険会社等の関連法人等
(ii) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc.
4 法第百九十三条の二第三項に規定する政令で定める金融業を行う者は、第十三条の八第二項第一号から第三号まで、第十号及び第十一号に掲げる者とする。
(4) The persons engaged in financial business specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 193-2, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be the persons specified in Article 13-8, paragraph (2), items (i) to (iii) inclusive and items (x) and (xi).
(Specially Related Parties of a Foreign Insurance Company, etc.)
第二十九条 法第百九十四条本文に規定する政令で定める特殊の関係のある者は、次に掲げる者とする。
Article 29 The parties to which a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. is specially related as specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in the main clause of Article 194 of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該外国保険会社等の子法人等
(i) any Subsidiary, etc. of the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc.;
二 当該外国保険会社等を子法人等とする親法人等
(ii) the Parent Juridical Person, etc. whose Subsidiaries, etc. include the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc.;
三 前号に掲げる者の子法人等(当該外国保険会社等及び第一号に掲げる者を除く。)
(iii) any Subsidiary, etc. of the juridical person specified in the preceding item (excluding the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc. itself and the juridical person specified in item (i));
四 当該外国保険会社等の関連法人等
(iv) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Foreign Insurance Company, etc.; and
五 第二号に掲げる者の関連法人等(前号に掲げる者を除く。)
(v) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the juridical person specified in item (ii) (excluding the juridical person specified in the preceding item).
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Employees of a Foreign Mutual Company)
第二十九条の二 法第百九十八条第一項の規定において外国相互会社の使用人について会社法第十条、第十二条第一項及び第十三条の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 29-2 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 198, paragraph (1) of the Act, the provisions of Article 10, Article 12, paragraph (1) and Article 13 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the employees of a Foreign Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第百九十八条第一項の規定において外国相互会社のために取引の代理又は媒介をする者について会社法第十七条第一項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 198, paragraph (1) of the Act, the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (1) the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the person acting as an agent or intermediary in transactions for a Foreign Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
3 法第百九十八条第一項の規定において外国相互会社が事業を譲渡し、又は事業若しくは営業を譲り受けた場合について会社法第二十二条及び第二十三条の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(3) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 198, paragraph (1) of the Act, the provisions of Articles 22 and 23 of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to where a Foreign Mutual Company either transfers its business, or accepts a transfer of business or operations, the technical replacement of terms in connection with these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Insurance Contracts Concluded by Foreign Insurance Companies, etc. in Japan That Are Excluded from Portfolio Transfers)
第三十条 法第二百十条第一項において準用する法第百三十五条第二項に規定する政令で定める保険契約は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 30 The insurance contracts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 135, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 210, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 法第二百十条第一項において準用する法第百三十七条第一項の公告(次号において「公告」という。)の時において既に保険事故が発生している日本における保険契約(当該保険事故に係る保険金の支払により消滅することとなるものに限る。)
(i) an insurance contract in Japan under which an insured event has already occurred as of the time of the public notice under Article 137, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 210, paragraph (1) of the Act (referred to as the "Public Notice" in the following item) (limited to a contract that expires upon the payment of insurance proceeds in connection with insured event); and
二 公告の時において既に保険期間が終了している日本における保険契約(公告の時において保険期間の中途で解約その他の保険契約の終了の事由が発生しているものを含み、前号に掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) an insurance contract whose term of coverage has already ended as of the time of the Public Notice (including an insurance contract that has been canceled in the middle of the term of coverage or one under which any other grounds for the termination thereof have occurred as of the time of Public Notice, and excluding an insurance contract as set forth in the preceding item).
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Registration of a Foreign Mutual Company)
第三十条の二 法第二百十五条の規定において外国相互会社の登記について会社法第九百三十三条第一項(第一号を除く。)、第二項(第七号を除く。)、第三項及び第四項、第九百三十四条第二項、第九百三十五条第二項並びに第九百三十六条第二項の規定を準用する場合におけるこれらの規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 30-2 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 215 of the Act, the provisions of Article 933, paragraph (1) (excluding item (i)), paragraph (2) (excluding item (vii)), paragraph (3) and paragraph (4), Article 934, paragraph (2), Article 935, paragraph (2) and Article 936, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the registration of a Foreign Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms connection with in these provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第二百十五条の規定において外国相互会社の登記について会社法第九百三十三条第四項の規定を準用する場合における同項において準用する同法第九百十五条第一項の規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 215 of the Act, the provisions of Article 933, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the registration of a Foreign Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of Article 915, paragraph (1) of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 933, paragraph (4) of that Act shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Commercial Registration Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Registration of a Foreign Mutual Company)
第三十条の三 法第二百十六条の規定において外国相互会社に関する登記について商業登記法の規定を準用する場合における同法の規定(当該規定において準用する同法の規定を含む。)に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 30-3 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 216 of the Act, the provisions of the Commercial Registration Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the registration of a Foreign Mutual Company, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the provisions of that Act (including the provisions of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis to such provisions) shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Companies Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to a Foreign Mutual Company, etc. Giving Public Notice under the Insurance Business Act or Other Act by Means of Electronic Public Notice)
第三十条の四 法第二百十七条第三項の規定において外国保険会社等が電子公告により法又は他の法律の規定による公告をする場合について会社法第九百四十六条第三項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 30-4 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 217, paragraph (3) of the Act, the provisions of Article 946, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the case where a Foreign Mutual Company, etc. gives a public notice under the Insurance Business Act or any other Act by means of electronic public notice, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Amount to Be Deposited by a Licensed Specified Juridical Person)
第三十一条 法第二百二十三条第一項に規定する政令で定める額は、二億円とする。
Article 31 The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 223, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be two hundred million yen.
(Terms and Conditions of a Contract That Wholly or Partially Replaces a Deposit)
第三十二条 免許特定法人は、法第二百二十三条第三項の契約を締結する場合には、銀行その他内閣府令で定める金融機関を相手方とし、その内容を次に掲げる要件に適合するものとしなければならない。
Article 32 Where a Licensed Specified Juridical Person concludes a contract as set forth in Article 223, paragraph (3) of the Act, it shall have a Bank or other type of financial institution specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the other party thereto, and the terms and conditions thereunder shall satisfy the following requirements:
一 法第二百二十三条第四項の規定による内閣総理大臣の命令を受けたときは、当該免許特定法人のために当該命令に係る額の供託金が遅滞なく供託されるものであること。
(i) that, when an order of the Prime Minister under Article 223, paragraph (4) of the Act has been issued, the amount of deposit so ordered will be deposited without delay on behalf of such Licensed Specified Juridical Person;
二 一年以上の期間にわたって有効な契約であること。
(ii) that the contract is effective for the period of one year or longer; and
三 金融庁長官の承認を受けた場合を除き、契約を解除し、又は契約の内容を変更することができないものであること。
(iii) that the contract may not be cancelled and the terms and conditions thereof may not be amended, unless this is done with the approval of the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Procedure for the Fulfillment of Rights)
第三十三条 法第二百二十三条第六項の権利(以下この条から第三十五条までにおいて単に「権利」という。)を有する者は、金融庁長官に対し、その権利の実行の申立てをすることができる。
Article 33 (1) A person who holds the rights as set forth in Article 223, paragraph (6) of the Act (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Rights" in this Article to Article 35 inclusive) may file a petition for the fulfillment of those Rights with the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
2 金融庁長官は、前項の申立てがあった場合において、当該申立てを理由があると認めるときは、法第二百二十三条第一項、第二項、第四項又は第九項の規定により供託された供託金につき権利を有する者に対し、六十日を下らない一定の期間内に権利の申出をすべきこと及びその期間内に申出をしないときは配当手続から除斥されるべきことを公示し、かつ、その旨を前項の申立てをした者(次項及び第四項において「申立人」という。)及び当該供託金に係る免許特定法人(当該免許特定法人が法第二百二十三条第三項の契約を締結している場合においては、当該契約の相手方を含む。第四項及び第五項において同じ。)に通知しなければならない。
(2) Where a petition set forth in the preceding paragraph has been filed and where the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency finds the petition to have reasonable grounds, he/she shall issue a public notice notifying persons who have a Right to the monies deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 223, paragraph (1), (2), (4) or (9) of the Act that they must report their Rights within a fixed period of time not shorter than sixty days and that they will be excluded from the distribution process if they fail to report their Rights within that period, and he/she shall also notify the person who filed the petition under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Petitioner" in the following paragraph and paragraph (4)) and the Licensed Specified Juridical Person for which such deposit was made (where the Licensed Specified Juridical Person has concluded a contract under Article 223, paragraph (3) of the Act, including the counterparty to said contract; the same shall apply in paragraphs (4) and (5)) to that effect.
3 前項の規定による公示があった後は、申立人がその申立てを取り下げた場合においても、権利の実行の手続の進行は、妨げられない。
(3) Once the public notice under the preceding paragraph has been given, even in the event that the Petitioner withdraws his/her petition, this shall not prevent the procedures for the fulfillment of the Rights from proceeding.
4 金融庁長官は、第二項の期間が経過した後、遅滞なく、権利の調査をしなければならない。この場合において、金融庁長官は、あらかじめ期日及び場所を公示し、かつ、当該免許特定法人に通知して、申立人、当該期間内に権利の申出をした者及び当該免許特定法人に対し、権利の存否及びその権利によって担保される債権の額について証拠を提示し、及び意見を述べる機会を与えなければならない。
(4) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall assess the Rights without delay after the period set forth in paragraph (2) has elapsed. In this case, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall give public notice of the date and place and notify the Licensed Specified Juridical Person of such information, in advance, and afford the Petitioner, any person who has reported his/her Rights within the designated period, and the Licensed Specified Juridical Person an opportunity to introduce evidence and to express their opinions as to the existence of the Rights and the amount of the claims secured by such Rights.
5 金融庁長官は、前項の規定による調査の結果に基づき、遅滞なく配当表を作成し、これを公示し、かつ、当該免許特定法人に通知しなければならない。
(5) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall, without delay, prepare a distribution list based on the results of the assessment under the preceding paragraph, shall put such list on public notice, and shall notify the Licensed Specified Juridical Person thereof.
6 配当は、前項の規定による公示をした日から八十日を経過した後、配当表に従い実施するものとする。
(6) The distribution shall be implemented in accordance with the distribution list set forth in the preceding paragraph, after eighty days have elapsed since the day that the public notice was given under the preceding paragraph.
(Recovery of Deposits)
第三十四条 法第二百二十三条第十一項に規定する供託金を供託した者(次項において「供託者」という。)は、同条第十一項各号のいずれかに該当する場合には、金融庁長官に対し、同項の規定による供託金の取戻し(以下この条において「供託金の取戻し」という。)の申立てをすることができる。ただし、前条の権利の実行の手続がとられている間は、この限りでない。
Article 34 (1) A person who has deposited monies pursuant to the provisions of Article 223, paragraph (11) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Depositor" in the following paragraph) may, where any of the items of paragraph (11) of that Article applies, file a petition for the recovery of the deposit under that paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Recovery of the Deposit" in this Article) with the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency; provided, however, that this shall not apply during the period when the procedures for fulfillment of the Rights under the preceding Article are still pending.
2 前項の申立てがあった場合において当該申立てをした供託者のほかに当該供託金に係る他の供託者がいるときは、当該他の供託者についても供託金の取戻しの申立てがあったものとみなす。
(2) Where a petition under the preceding paragraph has been filed, when, in addition to the Depositor who has filed said petition, there is any other Depositor in connection to such deposit, the petition for the recovery of said deposit shall be deemed to have been filed by said other Depositor as well.
3 金融庁長官は、第一項の申立てがあった場合には、当該供託金につき権利を有する者に対し、六月を下らない一定の期間内に権利の申出をすべきこと及びその期間内に申出をしないときは配当手続から除斥されるべきことを公示し、かつ、当該供託金に係る免許特定法人であった者(その者が法第二百二十三条第三項の契約の締結をしている場合においては、当該契約の相手方を含む。)に通知しなければならない。
(3) Where a petition as set forth in paragraph (1) has been filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall issue a public notice notifying persons who have a Right to the deposited monies that they must report their Rights within a fixed period of time not shorter than sixty days and that they will be excluded from the distribution process if they fail to report their Rights within that period, and he/she shall also notify the party that formerly was the Licensed Specified Juridical Person for which said deposit was made (where that party has concluded a contract under Article 223, paragraph (3) of the Act, the counterparty to said contract shall be included).
4 金融庁長官は、前項の期間内に権利の申出がなかった場合には、供託金の取戻しを承認するものとする。
(4) Where no Rights have been reported within the period of time specified in the preceding paragraph, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall approve the Recovery of the Deposit.
5 前条第四項から第六項までの規定は、第三項の期間内に権利の申出があった場合について準用する。この場合において、前条第四項中「第二項」とあるのは「次条第三項」と、「当該免許特定法人に通知して、申立人」とあるのは「当該供託金に係る免許特定法人であった者(その者が法第二百二十三条第三項の契約の締結をしている場合においては、当該契約の相手方を含む。以下この項及び次項において「供託金関係者」という。)に通知して」と、「当該免許特定法人に対し」とあるのは「当該供託金関係者に対し」と、同条第五項中「当該免許特定法人」とあるのは「当該供託金関係者」と読み替えるものとする。
(5) The provisions of paragraphs (4) to (6) inclusive of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to where any Rights have been reported within the period of time set forth in paragraph (3). In such case, the term "paragraph (2)" in paragraph (4) of the preceding Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (3) of the following Article"; the term "notify the Licensed Specified Juridical Person of such information, and afford the Petitioner" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "notify the party who was formerly the Licensed Specified Juridical Person for which said deposit was made (where that party has concluded a contract under Article 190, paragraph (3) of the Act, the counterparty to said contract shall be included; hereinafter referred to as the "Parties Relevant to the Deposit" in paragraph (3) and the following paragraph), and afford"; the term "and the Licensed Specified Juridical Person" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "and the Parties Relevant to the Deposit"; and the term "the Licensed Specified Juridical Person" in paragraph (5) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Parties Relevant to the Deposit."
6 金融庁長官は、第三項の期間内に権利の申出があった場合には、前項において準用する前条第四項から第六項までの規定による手続をとった後に供託金の残額があるときに限り、当該残額についての供託金の取戻しを承認するものとする。
(6) Where any Rights have been reported within the period set forth in paragraph (3), the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall grant approval for Recovery of the Deposit, to the extent of the amount remaining after completion of the procedures under paragraphs (4) to (6) inclusive of the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph, if any.
(Realization of Securities Deposited in Lieu of Monies)
第三十五条 金融庁長官は、法第二百二十三条第十項の規定により有価証券が供託されている場合において、権利の実行に必要があるときは、当該有価証券を換価することができる。この場合において、換価の費用は、換価代金から控除する。
Article 35 Where any securities have been deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 223, paragraph (10) of the Act, when it is necessary for fulfillment of the Rights, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency may realize such securities. In this case, the expenses incurred in relation to the realization of said securities shall be deducted from the proceeds of the realization.
(Application of Other Laws and Regulations to the Underwriting Members of a Licensed Specified Juridical Person)
第三十六条 法第二百四十条第二項に規定する政令で定める法令は、宅地建物取引業法(昭和二十七年法律第百七十六号)、原子力損害の賠償に関する法律(昭和三十六年法律第百四十七号)、原子力損害賠償補償契約に関する法律(昭和三十六年法律第百四十八号)、犯罪による収益の移転防止に関する法律(平成十九年法律第二十二号)、貿易保険法施行令(昭和二十八年政令第百四十一号)、金融商品取引法施行令(昭和四十年政令第三百二十一号)、船舶油濁損害賠償保障法施行令(昭和五十一年政令第十一号)、船舶の所有者等の責任の制限に関する法律施行令(昭和五十一年政令第二百四十八号)、ゴルフ場等に係る会員契約の適正化に関する法律施行令(平成五年政令第十九号)、金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律施行令(平成五年政令第三十一号)及び信託業法施行令(平成十六年政令第四百二十七号)とし、宅地建物取引業法第四十一条第一項(第二号に係る部分に限る。)、犯罪による収益の移転防止に関する法律第二条第二項第十七号、金融商品取引法施行令第十五条の十三、船舶の所有者等の責任の制限に関する法律施行令(第七号に係る部分に限る。)、ゴルフ場等に係る会員契約の適正化に関する法律施行令第二条、金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律施行令第五条及び信託業法施行令第十条の規定の適用については免許特定法人の引受社員を外国保険会社等とみなし、原子力損害の賠償に関する法律第八条、原子力損害賠償補償契約に関する法律第十八条第一項、貿易保険法施行令第二十五条並びに船舶油濁損害賠償保障法施行令第二条第一項(第三号に係る部分に限る。)及び第二項(第一号のうち同条第一項第三号に係る部分に限る。)の規定の適用については法第二百十九条第五項の特定損害保険業免許を受けた者の引受社員を外国損害保険会社等とみなす。
Article 36 The laws and regulations specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 240, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be the Building Lots and Buildings Transactions Business Act (Act No. 176 of 1952), the Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage (Act No. 147 of 1961), the Act on Contracts for Indemnification of Nuclear Damage (Act No. 148 of 1961), the Act on Prevention of the Transfer of Criminal Proceeds (Act No. 22 of 2007), the Order for Enforcement of the Trade and Investment Insurance Act (Cabinet Order No. 141 of 1953), Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Cabinet Order No. 321 of 1965), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (Cabinet Order No. 11 of 1976), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Limitation of Shipowner Liability (Cabinet Order No. 248 of 1976), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Regulation of Membership Contracts concerning Golf Courses and Related Facilities (Cabinet Order No. 19 of 1993), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Concurrent Engagement, etc. in Trust Business by Financial Institutions (Cabinet Order No. 31 of 1993) and the Order for Enforcement of the Trust Business Act (Cabinet Order No. 427 of 2004); an Underwriting Member of a Licensed Specified Juridical Person shall be deemed to be a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. for the purpose of application of the following provisions: Article 41, paragraph (1) of the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act (limited to the portion involving item (ii)), Article 2, paragraph (2), item (xvii) of the Act on Prevention of the Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, Article 15-13 of the Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Limitation of Shipowner Liability (limited to the portion involving item (vii)), Article 2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Regulation of Membership Contracts concerning Golf Courses and Related Facilities, Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Concurrent Engagement, etc. in Trust Business by Financial Institutions and Article 10 of the Order for Enforcement of the Trust Business Act; and the Underwriting Member of a party that has obtained a specified non-life insurance business license shall be deemed to be a Foreign Non-Life Insurance Company, etc. for the purpose of application of the following provisions: Article 8 of the Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage, Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Act on Contracts for Indemnification of Nuclear Damage, Article 25 of the Order for Enforcement of the Trade and Investment Insurance Act and Article 2, paragraph (1) (limited to the portion involving item (iii)) and paragraph (2) (limited to the portion of item (i) which pertains to item (iii), paragraph (1) of that Article) of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage.
(Scope of Insurance Contracts Not Subject to Amendment)
第三十六条の二 法第二百四十条の二第四項に規定する政令で定める保険契約は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 36-2 The insurance contracts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 240-2, paragraph (4) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 契約条件の変更の基準となる日(次号において「基準日」という。)において既に保険事故が発生している保険契約(当該保険事故に係る保険金の支払により消滅することとなるものに限る。)
(i) an insurance contract under which an insured event has already occurred as of the reference date for amendments to the contract terms and conditions (referred to as the "Base Date" in the following item), (limited to a contract that expires upon the payment of the insurance proceeds in connection with an insured event); and
二 基準日において既に保険期間が終了している保険契約(基準日において保険期間の中途で解約その他の保険契約の終了の事由が発生しているものを含み、前号に掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) an insurance contract whose term of coverage has already ended as of the Base Date (including an insurance contract that has been canceled in the middle of the term of coverage or one under which any other grounds for the termination thereof have occurred as of the Base Date, and excluding an insurance contract set forth in the preceding item).
(Limitation on Changes to Contract Terms and Conditions)
第三十六条の三 法第二百四十条の四第二項に規定する政令で定める率は、年三パーセントとする。
Article 36-3 The rate specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 240-4, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be three percent per annum.
(Scope of the Right to Claim Covered Insurance Proceeds)
第三十六条の四 法第二百四十五条第一号に規定する政令で定める権利は、次に掲げる権利とする。
Article 36-4 The rights specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 245, item (i) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 保険金請求権
(i) insurance claims;
二 損害をてん補することを請求する権利(前号に掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) the right to claim compensation of damages (excluding the claims set forth in the preceding item);
三 満期返戻金を請求する権利
(iii) the right to claim refunds on maturity;
四 契約者配当に係る配当金又は社員に対して分配された剰余金を請求する権利(前三号に掲げるものと同時に請求する場合に限る。)
(iv) the right to claim dividends from policyholders' dividends or surplus distributed to members (limited to where the payment claim is filed simultaneously with the claims referred in the preceding three items); and
五 未経過期間(保険契約に定めた保険期間のうち、当該保険契約が解除され、又は効力を失った時において、まだ経過していない期間をいう。第三十七条の四の六第五号において同じ。)に対応する保険料の払戻しを請求する権利(第一号又は第二号に掲げるものと同時に請求する場合に限る。)
(v) the right to claim a refund of insurance premiums corresponding to the unfulfilled term (meaning the period of time left in the term of coverage under the insurance contract that has not yet elapsed as of the time of cancellation thereof or as of the time when such contract ceases to be effective; the same shall apply in Article 37-4-6, item (v); and limited to the case where the claim is filed simultaneously with the claims referred to in item (i) or (ii)).
(Scope of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第三十七条 法第二百五十五条第二項において読み替えて適用する法第百六十五条の七第四項(法第百六十五条の十二において準用する場合を含む。)において準用する法第七十条第六項、法第百六十五条の十七第四項(法第百六十五条の二十において準用する場合を含む。)において準用する法第八十八条第六項又は法第百六十五条の二十四第六項に規定する政令で定める権利は、第三条各号に掲げる権利とする。
Article 37 The rights specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 88, paragraph (6) or Article 165-24, paragraph (6) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 70, paragraph (6), Article 165-17, paragraph (4) (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-20 of the Act), as further applied mutatis mutandis to Article 165-7, paragraph (4) of the Act as applied by replacing certain terms under Article 255, paragraph (2) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-12 of the Act), shall be the rights specified in the items of Article 3.
(Insurance Companies Specified by Cabinet Order, Referred to in Article 265-2, Paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act)
第三十七条の二 法第二百六十五条の二第一項に規定する政令で定める保険会社は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 37-2 The Insurance Companies specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 265-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 再保険契約に係る業務のみを行う保険会社(外国保険会社等及び免許特定法人を含む。以下この条において同じ。)
(i) any Insurance Company (including a Foreign Insurance Company and a Licensed Specified Juridical Person; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) engaged solely in business related to reinsurance contracts;
二 保険金額が外国通貨で表示された保険契約で第二十条に規定する非居住者を相手方とするものの引受けに係る業務のみを行う保険会社
(ii) any Insurance Company engaged solely in business related to underwriting insurance contracts whose insurance proceeds are denominated in foreign currencies and whose counterparties are non-residents as set forth in Article 20; and
三 船舶の所有者若しくは賃借人又は用船者その他その運航に携わる者の当該船舶の運航に伴って生ずる自己の費用及び責任に関する保険契約(当該保険契約に係る再保険契約を含む。次条第三号において「船主等責任保険契約」という。)に係る業務のみを行う保険会社(第一号に該当する保険会社を除く。)
(iii) any Insurance Company (excluding an Insurance Company set forth in item (i)) engaged solely in business related to insurance contracts for the expenses and liability of the owners, lessees, or charterers of vessels and any other parties engaged in vessel navigation, incurred in relation to the navigation of a vessel (including reinsurance contracts related to such insurance contracts; referred to as "Shipowners, etc. Liability Insurance Contracts" in item (iii) of the following Article).
(Persons Specified by Cabinet Order, Referred to in Article 265-3, Paragraph (2) of the Insurance Business Act)
第三十七条の三 法第二百六十五条の三第二項に規定する政令で定める者は、次に掲げる者とする。
Article 37-3 The persons specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 265-3, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 再保険契約に係る業務のみを行おうとする者
(i) any person who wishes to engage solely in business related to reinsurance contracts;
二 保険金額が外国通貨で表示された保険契約で第二十条に規定する非居住者を相手方とするものの引受けに係る業務のみを行おうとする者
(ii) any person who wishes to engage solely in business related to underwriting insurance contracts whose insurance proceeds that are denominated in foreign currencies and whose counterparties are non-residents set forth in Article 20; and
三 船主等責任保険契約に係る業務のみを行おうとする者(第一号に該当する者を除く。)
(iii) any person who wishes to engage solely in business related to Shipowners, etc. Liability Insurance Contracts (excluding a person who falls under item (i)).
(Maximum Amount of Loans Granted by an Insurance Company or Financial Institution)
第三十七条の四 法第二百六十五条の四十二に規定する政令で定める金額は、生命保険契約者保護機構(法第二百六十五条の三十七第一項に規定する生命保険契約者保護機構をいう。以下同じ。)にあっては四千六百億円、損害保険契約者保護機構(法第二百六十五条の三十七第二項に規定する損害保険契約者保護機構をいう。以下同じ。)にあっては五百億円とする。
Article 37-4 The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 265-42 of the Act, shall be as follows: 460 billion yen for a Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation (meaning a Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation as defined in Article 265-37, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter); or 50 billion yen for a Non-Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation (meaning a Non-Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation as defined in Article 265-37, paragraph (2) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter).
(Amount of Losses Incurred by the Successor Insurance Company Under an Agreement)
第三十七条の四の二 法第二百七十条の三の九に規定する政令で定めるところにより計算した金額は、協定承継保険会社(法第二百七十条の三の六第一項第一号に規定する協定承継保険会社をいう。以下同じ。)の各事業年度の第一号に掲げる金額又は第二号に掲げる金額のいずれか少ない金額とする。
Article 37-4-2 The amount calculated in accordance with the provisions of Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 270-3-9 of the Act, shall be the lesser of the amounts set forth in item (i) or (ii), calculated for each business year of the Successor Insurance Company Under the Agreement (meaning the Successor Insurance Company Under the Agreement under Article 270-3-6, paragraph (1), item (i); the same shall apply hereinafter).
一 法第二百七十条の三の七の規定により協定承継保険会社の資産の買取りが行われた場合における当該資産に係る譲渡損に相当する金額
(i) the amount equivalent to the loss resulting from the transfer of the assets where the assets of the Successor Insurance Company Under the Agreement were purchased pursuant to the provisions of Article 270-3-7 of the Act; and
二 損益計算上の損失として内閣府令・財務省令で定めるところにより計算した金額
(ii) the amount calculated in accordance with Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of Ministry of Finance as the loss resulting from the settlement of profits and losses.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Insurance Business Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Transfer of Insurance Contracts from a Bankrupt Insurance Company to an Affiliated Corporation)
第三十七条の四の三 法第二百七十条の四第九項の規定において保険契約の引受けに係る破綻保険会社からの加入機構への保険契約の移転について法第百三十六条の二第一項の規定を準用する場合における当該規定に係る技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。#破綻(はたん)#
Article 37-4-3 Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 270-4, paragraph (9) of the Act, the provisions of Article 136-2, paragraph (1) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis to transfer of insurance contracts from a Bankrupt Insurance Company to an Affiliated Corporation in relation to the Underwriting of Insurance Contracts, the technical replacement of terms in connection with the relevant provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Amount of Losses in Special Insurance Accounts)
第三十七条の四の四 法第二百七十条の五第四項に規定する政令で定めるところにより計算した金額は、保険特別勘定(法第二百六十五条の四十に規定する保険特別勘定をいう。以下同じ。)における損益計算上の損失として内閣府令・財務省令で定めるものの額に相当する金額とする。
Article 37-4-4 The amount calculated in accordance with Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 270-5, paragraph (4) of the Act, shall be the amount equivalent to the losses in the Special Insurance Account (meaning a Special Insurance Account pursuant to Article 265-40 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) resulting from the settlement of profits and losses, as specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of Ministry of Finance.
(Application of Other Laws and Regulations to Where a Policyholders Protection Corporation Engages in Insurance Business)
第三十七条の四の五 法第二百七十条の六第三項に規定する政令で定める法令は、臨時金利調整法(昭和二十二年法律第百八十一号)、消防法(昭和二十三年法律第百八十六号)、損害保険料率算出団体に関する法律(昭和二十三年法律第百九十三号)、相続税法(昭和二十五年法律第七十三号)、船主相互保険組合法(昭和二十五年法律第百七十七号)、地方税法(昭和二十五年法律第二百二十六号)、税理士法(昭和二十六年法律第二百三十七号)、漁船損害等補償法(昭和二十七年法律第二十八号)、厚生年金保険法(昭和二十九年法律第百十五号)、出資の受入れ、預り金及び金利等の取締りに関する法律(昭和二十九年法律第百九十五号)、住宅融資保険法(昭和三十年法律第六十三号)、自動車損害賠償保障法(昭和三十年法律第九十七号)、準備預金制度に関する法律(昭和三十二年法律第百三十五号)、国民年金法(昭和三十四年法律第百四十一号)、原子力損害の賠償に関する法律、所得税法(昭和四十年法律第三十三号)、地震保険に関する法律(昭和四十一年法律第七十三号)、印紙税法(昭和四十二年法律第二十三号)、勤労者財産形成促進法(昭和四十六年法律第九十二号)、船舶油濁損害賠償保障法(昭和五十年法律第九十五号)、確定給付企業年金法(平成十三年法律第五十号)、犯罪による収益の移転防止に関する法律、予算決算及び会計令(昭和二十二年勅令第百六十五号)、中小企業信用保険法施行令(昭和二十五年政令第三百五十号)、漁船損害等補償法施行令(昭和二十七年政令第六十八号)、公認会計士法施行令(昭和二十七年政令第三百四十三号)、貿易保険法施行令、関税法施行令(昭和二十九年政令第百五十号)、自動車損害賠償保障法施行令(昭和三十年政令第二百八十六号)、自動車損害賠償保障事業賦課金等の金額を定める政令(昭和三十年政令第三百十六号)、租税特別措置法施行令(昭和三十二年政令第四十三号)、割賦販売法施行令(昭和三十六年政令第三百四十一号)、所得税法施行令(昭和四十年政令第九十六号)、法人税法施行令(昭和四十年政令第九十七号)、金融商品取引法施行令、地震保険に関する法律施行令(昭和四十一年政令第百六十四号)、印紙税法施行令(昭和四十二年政令第百八号)、外航船舶建造融資利子補給臨時措置法施行令(昭和四十四年政令第百九十五号)、船舶油濁損害賠償保障法施行令、船舶の所有者等の責任の制限に関する法律施行令、国家公務員共済組合及び国家公務員共済組合連合会が行う国家公務員等の財産形成事業に関する政令(昭和五十二年政令第百九十九号)、地方公務員共済組合等が行う地方公務員等の財産形成事業に関する政令(昭和五十三年政令第二十五号)、前払式証票の規制等に関する法律施行令(平成二年政令第百九十三号)、ゴルフ場等に係る会員契約の適正化に関する法律施行令、金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律施行令、信託業法施行令及び株式会社日本政策金融公庫法施行令(平成二十年政令第百四十三号)とし、臨時金利調整法第一条第一項、消防法第三十三条、相続税法第五十九条第一項第一号、税理士法第五条第一項第一号ハ、漁船損害等補償法第百十二条第七項、出資の受入れ、預り金及び金利等の取締りに関する法律第三条、住宅融資保険法第二条第三号、船舶油濁損害賠償保障法第十四条第二項及び第三十九条の五第二項、犯罪による収益の移転防止に関する法律第二条第二項第十六号、予算決算及び会計令第七十七条第一号及び第百条の三第一号及び第二号、中小企業信用保険法施行令第一条の二第十四号、漁船損害等補償法施行令第二十四条、公認会計士法施行令第二条第一項第二号、関税法施行令第六十二条の七第一項及び第六十二条の二十一第一項、自動車損害賠償保障法施行令、自動車損害賠償保障事業賦課金等の金額を定める政令第一条、割賦販売法施行令第七条、金融商品取引法施行令第一条の九第二号(金融商品取引法第二十七条の二十八第三項に係るものに限る。)及び第十五条の十三、印紙税法施行令第二十二条第二号、外航船舶建造融資利子補給臨時措置法施行令第一条第三号、船舶の所有者等の責任の制限に関する法律施行令第六号、前払式証票の規制等に関する法律施行令第九条第二項第一号、ゴルフ場等に係る会員契約の適正化に関する法律施行令第二条、金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律施行令第五条、信託業法施行令第十条並びに株式会社日本政策金融公庫法施行令第十一条及び第十三条の規定の適用については保険契約者保護機構を保険会社とみなし、損害保険料率算出団体に関する法律第二条第二項、地方税法第三十四条第一項第五号及び第八項並びに第三百十四条の二第一項第五号及び第八項、厚生年金保険法第百三十条第五項及び第百五十九条第七項、準備預金制度に関する法律第二条第一項第七号、国民年金法第百二十八条第五項及び第百三十七条の十五第六項、所得税法第七十六条第三項第一号及び第四号、印紙税法別表第三、勤労者財産形成促進法第六条、第六条の二及び第十二条、確定給付企業年金法第九十三条、租税特別措置法施行令第三十九条の三十六、所得税法施行令第七十六条第二項第一号、第二百九条第三項及び第三百二十六条第二項第一号、法人税法施行令附則第十六条第一項、第十七条及び第十八条、国家公務員共済組合及び国家公務員共済組合連合会が行う国家公務員等の財産形成事業に関する政令第四条並びに地方公務員共済組合等が行う地方公務員等の財産形成事業に関する政令第四条の規定の適用については生命保険契約者保護機構を生命保険会社とみなし、損害保険料率算出団体に関する法律第二条第一項第四号、第三条第一項及び第二項、第六条、第七条並びに第十条第一項、船主相互保険組合法第八条、地方税法第三十四条第一項第五号及び第八項並びに第三百十四条の二第一項第五号及び第八項、自動車損害賠償保障法、原子力損害の賠償に関する法律第八条、所得税法第七十六条第三項第四号及び第七十七条第二項第一号、地震保険に関する法律、印紙税法別表第三、勤労者財産形成促進法第六条、第六条の二及び第十二条、貿易保険法施行令第二十五条、所得税法施行令第二百九条第三項及び第三百二十六条第二項第一号、地震保険に関する法律施行令第三条、船舶油濁損害賠償保障法施行令第二条第一項第三号及び第二項第一号(同条第一項第三号に係る部分に限る。)、国家公務員共済組合及び国家公務員共済組合連合会が行う国家公務員等の財産形成事業に関する政令第四条並びに地方公務員共済組合等が行う地方公務員等の財産形成事業に関する政令第四条の規定の適用については損害保険契約者保護機構を損害保険会社とみなす。
Article 37-4-5 The laws and regulations specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 270-6, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be as follows: the Temporary Interest Rate Adjustment Act (Act No. 181 of 1947), the Fire and Disaster Management Act (Act No. 186 of 1948), the Act on the Non-Life Insurance Rating Organization of Japan (Act No. 193 of 1948), the Inheritance Tax Act (Act No. 73 of 1950), the Ship Owner's Mutual Insurance Union Act (Act No. 177 of 1950), the Local Tax Act (Act No. 226 of 1950), the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act (Act No. 237 of 1951), the Act on Compensation of Damages Related to Fishing Vessels (Act No. 28 of 1952), the Employees' Pension Insurance Act (Act No. 115 of 1954), the Act Regulating the Receipt of Contributions, Receipt of Deposits and Interest Rates (Act No. 195 of 1954), the Housing Loan Insurance Act (Act No. 63 of 1955), the Automobile Liability Security Act (Act No. 97 of 1955), the Act on the Reserve Requirement System (Act No. 135 of 1957), the National Pension Act (Act No. 141 of 1959), the Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage, the Income Tax Act (Act No. 33 of 1940), the Act on Earthquake Insurance (Act No. 73 of 1966), the Stamp Tax Act (Act No. 23 of 1967), the Workers' Property Accumulation Promotion Act (Act No. 92 of 1971), the Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (Act No. 95 of 1975), the Defined-Benefit Corporate Pension Act (Act No. 50 of 2001), the Act on the Prevention of the Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, the Order for Budget Settlement and Accounting (Imperial Ordinance No. 165 of 1947), the Order for Enforcement of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Credit Insurance Act (Cabinet Order No. 350 of 1950), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Compensation of Damages Related to Fishing Vessels (Cabinet Order No. 68 of 1952), the Order for Enforcement of the Certified Public Accountants Act (Cabinet Order No. 343 of 1952), the Order for Enforcement of the Trade and Investment Insurance Act, the Order for Enforcement of the Customs Act (Cabinet Order No. 150 of 1954), the Order for Enforcement of the Automobile Liability Security Act (Cabinet Order No. 286 of 1955), the Order Providing for the Amount of the Automobile Liability Guarantee Business Levy (Cabinet Order No. 316 of 1955), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (Cabinet Order No. 43 of 1957), the Order for Enforcement of the Installment Sales Act (Cabinet Order No. 341 of 1961), the Order for Enforcement of the Income Tax Act (Cabinet Order No. 96 of 1965), the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act (Cabinet Order No. 97 of 1965), the Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Earthquake Insurance (Cabinet Order No. 164 of 1966), the Order for Enforcement of the Stamp Tax Act (Cabinet Order No. 108 or 1967), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Temporary Measures concerning Interest Subsidies Related to Loans for Building Oceangoing Vessels (Cabinet Order No. 195 of 1969), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Limitation of Shipowner Liability, the Order for Asset Saving Projects for National Government Employees Implemented by National Government Employees' Mutual Aid Associations and Federations of National Government Employees' Mutual Aid Associations (Cabinet Order No. 199 of 1977), the Order for Asset Saving Projects for Local Government Employees Implemented by Local Government Employees' Mutual Aid Associations, etc. (Cabinet Order No. 25 of 1978), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Regulations, etc. on Advanced Payment Certificates (Cabinet Order No. 193 of 1990), the Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Regulation of Membership Contracts concerning Golf Courses and Related Facilities, the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Concurrent Engagement in Trust Business by Financial Institutions, the Order for Enforcement of the Trust Business Act, and the Order for Enforcement of the Japan Finance Corporation Act (Cabinet Order No. 143 of 2008); a Policyholders Protection Corporation shall be deemed to be an Insurance Company for the purpose of application of the following provisions: Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Temporary Interest Rate Adjustment Act, Article 33 of the Fire and Disaster Management Act, Article 59, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Inheritance Tax Act, Article 5, paragraph (1), item (i), sub-item (c) of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act, Article 112, paragraph (7) of the Act on Compensation of Damages Related to Fishing Vessels, Article 3 of the Act Regulating the Receipt of Contributions, Receipt of Deposits and Interest Rates., Article 2, item (iii) of the Housing Loan Insurance Act, Article 14, paragraph (2) and Article 39-5, paragraph (2) of the Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, Article 2, paragraph (2), item (xvi) of the Act on the Prevention of the Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, Article 77, item (i) and Article 100-3, items (i) and (ii) of the Order for Budget Settlement and Accounting, Article 1-2, item (xiv) of the Order for Enforcement of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Credit Insurance Act, Article 24 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Compensation of Damages Related to Fishing Vessels, Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Order for Enforcement of the Certified Public Accountants Act, Article 62-7, paragraph (1) and Article 62-21, paragraph (1) of the Order for Enforcement of the Customs Act, the Order for Enforcement of the Automobile Liability Guarantee Act, Article 1 of the Order Providing for the Amount of the Automobile Liability Guarantee Business Levy, Article 7 of Order for Enforcement of the Installment Sales Act, Article 1-9, item (ii) (limited to the portion involving Article 27-28, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) and Article 15-13 of the Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Article 22, item (ii) of the Order for Enforcement of the Stamp Tax Act, Article 1, item (iii) of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Temporary Measures concerning Interest Subsidies Related to Loans for Building Oceangoing Vessels, item (vi) of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Limitation of Liability of Shipowners, Article 9, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Regulation, etc. on Advanced Payment Certificates, Article 2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Regulation of Membership Contracts concerning Golf Courses and Related Facilities, Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act Concurrent Engagement in Trust Business by Financial Institutions, Article 10 of the Order for Enforcement of the Trust Business Act and Articles 11 and 13 of the Japan Finance Corporation Act; a Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation shall be deemed to be a Life Insurance Company for the purpose of application of the following provisions: Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on the Non-Life Insurance Rating Organization of Japan, Article 34, paragraph (1), item (v) and paragraph (8), and Article 314-2, paragraph (1), item (v) and paragraph (8) of the Local Tax Act, Article 130, paragraph (5) and Article 159, paragraph (7) of the Employees' Pension Insurance Act, Article 2, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the Act on the Reserve Requirement System, Article 128, paragraph (5) and Article 137-15, paragraph (6) of the National Pension Act, Article 76, paragraph (3), items (i) and (iv) of the Income Tax Act, Appended Table No. 3 of the Stamp Tax Act, Article 6, Article 6-2 and Article 12 of the Workers' Property Accumulation Promotion Act, Article 93 of the Defined-Benefit Corporate Pension Act, Article 39-36 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation, Article 76, paragraph (2), item (i), Article 209, paragraph (3) and Article 326, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Income Tax Act, Article 16, paragraph (1), Article 17 and Article 18 of the Supplementary Provisions in the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, Article 4 of the Order for Asset Saving Projects for National Government Employees Implemented by National Government Employees' Mutual Aid Associations and Federations of National Government Employees' Mutual Aid Associations, and Article 4 of the Order for Asset Saving Projects for Local Government Employees Implemented by Local Government Employees' Mutual Aid Associations, etc.; and a Non-Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation shall be deemed to be a Non-Life Insurance Company for the purpose of application of the following provisions: Article 2, paragraph (1), item (iv), Article 3, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 6, Article 7 and Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Non-Life Insurance Rating Organization of Japan, Article 8 of the Ship Owner's Mutual Insurance Union Act, Article 34, paragraph (1), item (v) and paragraph (8) and Article 314-2, paragraph (1), item (v) and paragraph (8) of the Local Tax Act, the Automobile Liability Guarantee Act, Article 8 of the Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage, Article 76, paragraph (3), item (iv) and Article 77, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Income Tax Act, the Act on Earthquake Insurance, Appended Table No. 3 of the Stamp Tax Act, Article 6, Article 6-2 and Article 12 of the Workers' Property Accumulation Promotion Act, Article 25 of the Order for Enforcement of the Trade and Investment Insurance Act, Article 209, paragraph (3) and Article 326, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Income Tax Act, Article 3 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Earthquake Insurance, Article 2, paragraph (1), item (iii) and Article 2, paragraph (2), item (i) (limited to the portion involving item (iii), paragraph (1) of that Article) of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, Article 4 of the Order for Asset Saving Projects for National Government Employees Implemented by National Government Employees' Mutual Aid Associations and Federations of National Government Employees' Mutual Aid Associations, and Article 4 of the Order for Asset Saving Projects for Local Government Employees Implemented by Local Government Employees' Mutual Aid Associations, etc.
(Scope of Rights That Can Be Purchased)
第三十七条の四の六 法第二百七十条の六の八第一項に規定する政令で定める権利は、次に掲げる権利とする。
Article 37-4-6 The rights specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 270-6-8, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 保険金請求権
(i) insurance claims;
二 損害をてん補することを請求する権利(前号に掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) the right to claim compensation for damages (excluding the right specified in the preceding item);
三 満期返戻金を請求する権利
(iii) the right to claim refunds at maturity;
四 契約者配当に係る配当金又は社員に対して分配された剰余金を請求する権利(前三号に掲げるものと同時に請求する場合に限る。)
(iv) the right to claim dividends from policyholders' dividends, or surplus distributed to members (limited to where the claim is filed simultaneously with the claims referred in the preceding three items);
五 未経過期間に対応する保険料の払戻しを請求する権利(第一号又は第二号に掲げるものと同時に請求する場合に限る。)
(v) the right to claim a refund of insurance premiums corresponding to the unfulfilled term (limited to the case where the claim is filed simultaneously with the claims referred to in item (i) or (ii)).
(Special Provisions on the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation, Applicable to the Purchase of Insurance Claims, etc.)
第三十七条の四の七 租税特別措置法(昭和三十二年法律第二十六号)第四条の二第一項に規定する勤労者財産形成住宅貯蓄契約又はその履行につき、勤労者財産形成促進法第六条第四項第二号ハ若しくはニ又は同項第三号ハ若しくはニに定める要件に該当しないこととなる事実が生じた場合であって、当該事実が保険金請求権等の買取り(法第二百七十条の六の八第一項に規定する保険金請求権等の買取りをいう。次項において同じ。)により生じたものであるときにおける租税特別措置法第四条の二第二項及び第九項の規定の適用については、当該事実は、同条第二項に規定する政令で定める場合及び同条第九項に規定する事実に該当しないものとみなす。
Article 37-4-7 (1) For the purpose of application of Article 4-2, paragraphs (2) and (9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (Act No. 26 of 1957), where an event has occurred, in connection with a workers' housing fund savings contract referred to in Article 4-2, paragraph (1) of that Act or in connection with performance of the obligations thereunder, that has rendered any of the requirements set forth in Article 6, paragraph (4), item (ii), sub-item (c) or (d) or in Article 6, paragraph (4), item (c) or (d) of the Workers' Property Accumulation Promotion Act non-applicable, when such event has occurred due to a Purchase of Insurance Claims, etc. (meaning a Purchase of Insurance Claims, etc. as set forth in Article 270-6-8, paragraph (1) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph), such event shall be deemed not to fall under the case specified by Cabinet Order that is referred to in Article 4-2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation or the event set forth in paragraph (9) of that Article.
2 租税特別措置法第四条の三第一項に規定する勤労者財産形成年金貯蓄契約又はその履行につき、勤労者財産形成促進法第六条第二項第二号ロ若しくはハ又は同項第三号ロ若しくはハに定める要件に該当しないこととなる事実が生じた場合であって、当該事実が保険金請求権等の買取りにより生じたものであるときにおける租税特別措置法第四条の三第二項及び第十項の規定の適用については、当該事実は、同条第二項に規定する政令で定める場合及び同条第十項に規定する事実に該当しないものとみなす。
(2) For the purpose of application of Article 4-3, paragraphs (2) and (10) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation, where an event has occurred, in connection with a workers' pension savings contract set forth in Article 4-3, paragraph (1) of that Act or in connection with performance of the obligations thereunder, that has rendered any requirement set forth in Article 6, paragraph (2), item (ii), sub-item (b) or (c) or in Article 6, paragraph (2), item (iii), sub-item (b) or (c) of the Workers' Property Accumulation Promotion Act non-applicable, when such an event has occurred due to a Purchase of Insurance Claims, etc., such event shall be deemed not to fall under the case specified by Cabinet Order that is referred to in Article 4-3, paragraph (2) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation or the event set forth in paragraph (10) of that Article.
(Juridical Persons Equivalent to State and Local Governments)
第三十七条の五 法第二百七十一条の三第一項に規定する国及び地方公共団体に準ずるものとして政令で定める法人は、次に掲げる法人とする。
Article 37-5 The juridical persons specified by Cabinet Order as being equivalent to the State and local governments, referred to in Article 271-3, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 金融商品取引法第七十九条の二十一に規定する投資者保護基金
(i) Investor Protection Funds under Article 79-21 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act;
二 預金保険機構
(ii) The Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan;
三 農水産業協同組合貯金保険機構
(iii) The Agricultural and Fishery Co-operative Savings Insurance Corporation;
四 保険契約者保護機構
(iv) Policyholders Protection Corporations;
五 年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人
(v) The Government Pension Investment Fund;
六 銀行等保有株式取得機構
(vi) The Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corporation; and
七 外国政府
(vii) the national governments of foreign states.
(Holidays Excluded from Notification Periods)
第三十七条の五の二 法第二百七十一条の三第一項に規定する政令で定める休日は、行政機関の休日に関する法律(昭和六十三年法律第九十一号)第一条第一項各号に掲げる日(日曜日を除く。)とする。
Article 37-5-2 The holidays specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 271-3, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be the days (excluding Sundays) specified in the items of Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Holidays of Administrative Organs (Act No. 91 of 1988).
(Standards for Short-Period, Large Volume Transfers)
第三十七条の五の三 法第二百七十一条の四第二項に規定する短期的に大量の議決権を譲渡したものとして政令で定める基準は、同項の変更報告書に記載すべき変更後の議決権保有割合(法第二百七十一条の三第一項第一号に規定する議決権保有割合をいう。以下この条において同じ。)が当該変更報告書に係る保険議決権保有届出書(法第二百七十一条の三第一項又は第二百七十一条の五第一項に規定する保険議決権保有届出書をいう。)又は当該保険議決権保有届出書に係る他の変更報告書(法第二百七十一条の四第一項又は第二百七十一条の五第二項に規定する変更報告書をいう。)に記載された又は記載されるべきであった議決権保有割合(当該変更後の議決権保有割合の計算の基礎となった日の六十日前の日以後の日を計算の基礎とするもの及び当該六十日前の日の前日以前の日を計算の基礎とするもので当該六十日前の日に最も近い日を計算の基礎とするものに限る。)のうち最も高いものの二分の一未満となり、かつ、当該最も高いものより百分の五を超えて減少したこととする。
Article 37-5-3 The standards specified by Cabinet Order for a case where a large number of voting rights have been transferred within in a short period, referred to in Article 271-4, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be that the new Proportion of Voting Rights Held (meaning the Proportion of Voting Rights Held as defined in Article 271-3, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) that is to be detailed in the Statement of Changes set forth in that paragraph has come to be less than half of the highest Proportion of Voting Rights Held, among the Proportions of Voting Rights Held (limited to proportions calculated as of a record date that falls on or after the day sixty days prior to the new record date for the calculation of the new Proportion of Voting Rights Held, and proportions calculated as of a record date that falls on or before the day immediately preceding the day sixty days prior to said new record date whose record date is the closest to the sixty days prior to said new record date) that were detailed or was required to have been have been detailed in the Statement of Insurance Company Voting Right Holdings (meaning the Statement of Insurance Company Voting Right Holdings as set forth in Article 271-3, paragraph (1) of Article 271-5, paragraph (1) of the Act) in connection with the relevant Statement of Changes or in any other Statement of Changes (meaning a Statement of Changes as set forth in Article 271-4, paragraph (1) or Article 271-5, paragraph (2) of the Act) in connection with the relevant Statement of Insurance Company Voting Right Holdings, and that it has decreased by greater than five percent from said highest proportion.
(Transactions and Acts That Require Authorization under Article 271-10, Paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act)
第三十七条の五の四 法第二百七十一条の十第一項第三号に規定する政令で定める取引又は行為は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 37-5-4 The transactions or acts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 271-10, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該議決権の保有者になろうとする者による保険会社以外の会社等(法第二条の二第一項第二号に規定する会社等をいう。)の議決権の取得(担保権の実行による株式又は持分の取得その他の内閣府令で定める事由によるものを除く。)
(i) acquisition of voting rights in Companies, etc. (meaning Companies, etc. as defined in Article 2-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act) other than Insurance Companies, by a person who wishes to become a holder of said voting rights (excluding the acquisition of shares or equity interests due to the exercise of a security interest, and also excluding acquisition due to any other grounds specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance);
二 当該議決権の保有者になろうとする会社(以下この条において「特定会社」という。)を当事者とする合併であって、当該合併後も当該特定会社が存続するもの
(ii) a merger to which a company that wishes to become the holder of voting rights (hereinafter referred to as a "Specified Company" in this Article) is a party, in which said Specified Company survives;
三 特定会社を当事者とする会社分割(当該会社分割により事業の一部を承継させるものに限る。)
(iii) a company split to which a Specified Company is a party (limited to a company split in which the Specified Company causes its business to be succeeded to in part); and
四 特定会社による事業の一部の譲渡
(iv) the transfer of a part of business by such Specified Company.
(Replacement of Terms Concerning the Major Foreign Shareholders of an Insurance Company)
第三十七条の五の五 法第二百七十一条の十七の規定による外国保険主要株主(同条に規定する外国保険主要株主をいう。以下同じ。)に対する法の規定の適用についての技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 37-5-5 The technical replacement of terms for applying the provisions of the Act to the Major Foreign Shareholders of an Insurance Company (meaning the Major Foreign Shareholders of an Insurance Company under Article 271-17 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) pursuant to the provisions of Article 271-17 of the Act, shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Transactions and Acts That Require Authorization under Article 271-18, paragraph (1) of Insurance Business Act)
第三十七条の五の六 法第二百七十一条の十八第一項第三号に規定する政令で定める取引又は行為は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 37-5-6 The transactions and acts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 271-18, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該会社又はその子会社による保険会社以外の会社の議決権の取得(担保権の実行による株式又は持分の取得その他の内閣府令で定める事由によるものを除く。)
(i) acquisition by the relevant company or its Subsidiary Company of voting rights in a company other than an Insurance Company (excluding the acquisition of shares or equity interests due to the exercise of a security interest, and also excluding acquisition due to any other grounds specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance);
二 当該会社を当事者とする合併で当該合併後も当該会社が存続するもの
(ii) a merger to which the relevant company is a party, and in which said company survives;
三 当該会社を当事者とする会社分割(当該会社分割により事業の一部を承継させるものに限る。)
(iii) a company split to which the relevant company is a party (limited to a company split in which the company causes its business to be succeeded to in part); and
四 当該会社による事業の一部の譲渡
(iv) the transfer of a part of business by the relevant company.
(Company Splits Involving Insurance Holding Companies That Do Not Require Authorization from the Prime Minister)
第三十七条の五の七 法第二百七十一条の三十一第二項に規定する政令で定めるものは、次に掲げる会社分割(当該会社分割により事業の一部を承継させ、又は承継するものに限る。以下この条において同じ。)とする。
Article 37-5-7 (1) The types of company split specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 271-31, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be the following types of company split (limited to a company split in which the relevant company succeeds to a part of business or causes a part of business to be succeeded to; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article):
一 当該会社分割により承継させる資産又は負債の額がいずれも当該保険持株会社の総資産又は総負債の額の二十分の一以下である会社分割
(i) a company split in which the amount of assets or liabilities to be transferred is not more than one-twentieth of the amount of total assets or total liabilities of the relevant Insurance Holding Company; or
二 当該会社分割により承継する資産又は負債の額がいずれも当該保険持株会社の総資産又は総負債の額の二十分の一以下である会社分割(次に掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) a company split in which the amount of assets or liabilities to be succeeded to is not more than one-twentieth of the amount of total assets or total liabilities of the relevant Insurance Holding Company (excluding the cases specified in the following sub-items).
イ 当該保険持株会社が承継する吸収分割会社(会社法第七百五十八条第一号に規定する吸収分割会社をいう。以下この号において同じ。)の債務の額として内閣府令で定める額(ロにおいて「承継債務額」という。)が当該保険持株会社が承継する吸収分割会社の資産の額として内閣府令で定める額(ロにおいて「承継資産額」という。)を超えることとなる会社分割
(a) a company split in which the amount specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the amount of obligations of the Splitting Company in an Absorption-type Company Split (meaning a Splitting Company in an Absorption-type Company Split as defined in Article 758, item (i) of the Companies Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) that are to be succeeded to by the relevant Insurance Holding Company (referred to as "Obligations Succeeded to" in item (b)) exceeds the amount specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the amount of assets of the Splitting Company in an Absorption-type Company Split that are to be succeeded to by the relevant Insurance Holding Company (referred to as "Assets Succeeded to" in item (b)); or
ロ 当該保険持株会社が吸収分割会社に対して交付する金銭等(当該保険持株会社の株式等(会社法第百七条第二項第二号ホに規定する株式等をいう。)を除く。)の帳簿価額が承継資産額から承継債務額を控除して得た額を超えることとなる会社分割
(b) a company split in which the book value of the monies, etc. to be delivered from the Insurance Holding Company to the Splitting Company in an Absorption-type Company Split (excluding the Shares, etc. (meaning the Shares, etc. as set forth in Article 107, paragraph (2), item (ii), sub-item (e) of the Companies Act) in the relevant Insurance Holding Company) exceeds the Assets Succeeded to less the Obligations Succeeded to.
2 前項の規定を適用する場合における同項の資産(同項第二号イの資産を除く。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは負債又は総資産若しくは総負債の額は、当該会社分割の直前における帳簿価額(同項第二号に掲げる会社分割により承継する資産又は負債にあっては、当該会社分割の際に付すこととなる帳簿価額)によるものとする。
(2) For the purpose of application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the amount of assets (excluding assets as set forth in sub-item (a), item (ii) of that paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or liabilities, or the amount of total assets or total liabilities as referred to in that paragraph shall be based on the book value (for assets or liabilities to be succeeded to in a company split as referred to in item (ii) of that paragraph, meaning the book value to be assigned upon such company split) immediately prior to the company split.
(Transfers and Acquisitions of Business Involving an Insurance Holding Company That Do Not Require Authorization from the Prime Minister)
第三十七条の六 法第二百七十一条の三十一第三項に規定する政令で定めるものは、次に掲げる事業の譲渡又は譲受けとする。
Article 37-6 (1) The transfers and acquisitions of business specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 271-31, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be transfers and acquisitions of business specified in the following items:
一 当該事業の一部の譲渡に伴い譲渡する資産又は負債の額がいずれも当該保険持株会社の総資産又は総負債の額の二十分の一以下である事業の一部の譲渡
(i) a transfer of a part of business in which the amount of assets or liabilities to be transferred incidental thereto is not more than one-twentieth of the amount of total assets or total liabilities of the relevant Insurance Holding Company; and
二 当該事業の一部の譲受けに伴い譲り受ける資産又は負債の額がいずれも当該保険持株会社の総資産又は総負債の額の二十分の一以下である事業の一部の譲受け
(ii) a transfer of a part of business in which the amount of assets or the liabilities to be acquired incidental thereto is not more than one-twentieth of the amount of total assets or total liabilities of the relevant Insurance Holding Company.
2 前項の規定を適用する場合における同項の資産若しくは負債又は総資産若しくは総負債の額は、同項第一号に掲げる事業の譲渡にあっては当該譲渡の直前における帳簿価額によるものとし、同項第二号に掲げる事業の譲受けにあっては当該譲受けの直前における帳簿価額(当該譲受けに係る資産又は負債にあっては、当該譲受けの際に付すこととなる帳簿価額)によるものとする。
(2) For the purpose of application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the amount of assets or liabilities, or the amount of total assets or total liabilities as referred to in that paragraph shall be based on the book value as of the time immediately prior to the implementation of the transfer for a transfer of business referred to in item (i) of that paragraph, or based on the book value (with regard to assets or liabilities to be acquired, meaning the book value to be assigned upon the implementation of the acquisition) as of the time immediately prior to the acquisition for an acquisition of business referred to in item (ii) of that paragraph.
(Replacement of Terms for a Foreign Holding Company Whose Subsidiaries Include an Insurance Company)
第三十七条の七 法第二百七十一条の二十において準用する同法第二百七十一条の十七の規定による保険会社を子会社とする持株会社であって外国の法令に準拠して設立されたもの(以下「保険会社を子会社とする外国の持株会社」という。)に対する法の規定の適用についての技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 37-7 The technical replacement of terms for applying the provisions of the Act to a Holding Company whose Subsidiaries include an Insurance Company and that was incorporated in accordance with the laws and regulations of a foreign state (hereinafter referred to as a "Foreign Holding Company Whose Subsidiaries Include an Insurance Company") pursuant to the provisions of Article 271-17 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 271-20 of that Act, shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Special Provisions on the Due Date for the Filing of Notifications by a Foreign Specified Holding Company)
第三十七条の八 法第二百七十一条の十八第二項に規定する特定持株会社が保険会社を子会社とする外国の持株会社である場合には、当該保険会社を子会社とする外国の持株会社は、同項の規定にかかわらず、同項に規定する事由の生じた日の属する事業年度終了後六月以内に、同項に規定する事項を金融庁長官に届け出るものとする。ただし、その本国(当該保険会社を子会社とする外国の持株会社の設立に当たって準拠した法令を制定した国をいう。)の商業帳簿の作成に関する法令又は慣行その他の正当な事由により、当該六月以内にその届出をすることができない場合には、金融庁長官の承認を受けてその期限を延長することができる。
Article 37-8 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 27-18, paragraph (2) of the Act, where a Specified Holding Company as referred to in that paragraph is a Foreign Holding Company Whose Subsidiaries Include an Insurance Company, said Foreign Holding Company Whose Subsidiaries Include an Insurance Company shall, within six months from the end of the business year that includes the day on which the grounds specified in that paragraph have occurred, notify the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency of the particulars specified in that paragraph; provided, however, that where, due to the laws and regulations or practices of its home state (meaning the State that has enacted the laws and regulations governing the incorporation of the Foreign Holding Company Whose Subsidiaries Include an Insurance Company) that are applicable to the preparation of business accounting books or any other justifiable reasons, it is unable to file the relevant notification within the six-month period, the due date may be extended, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Scope of a Parent Financial Institution, etc. and Subsidiary Financial Institution, etc.)
第三十七条の九 法第二百七十一条の二十一の二第二項に規定する政令で定める者は、次に掲げる者とする。
Article 37-9 (1) The person specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 271-21-2, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該保険持株会社の親法人等
(i) the Parent Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Insurance Holding Company;
二 当該保険持株会社の親法人等の子法人等(自己並びに前号及び第三項第一号に掲げる者を除く。)
(ii) any Subsidiary, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Insurance Holding Company (excluding the Insurance Holding Company itself and juridical persons set forth in the preceding item and item (i) of paragraph (3));
三 当該保険持株会社の親法人等の関連法人等(第三項第二号に掲げる者を除く。)
(iii) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Insurance Holding Company (excluding a juridical person set forth in item (ii) of paragraph (3));
四 当該保険持株会社の特定個人株主に係る次に掲げる会社、組合その他これらに準ずる事業体(外国におけるこれらに相当するものを含み、自己並びに前三号及び第三項各号に掲げる者を除く。以下この号において「法人等」という。)
(iv) the following company, partnership, or other business entity equivalent thereto (including equivalent entities in foreign states, and excluding the Insurance Holding Company itself and the juridical persons specified in the preceding three items and the items of paragraph (3); hereinafter referred to as a "Juridical Person, etc." in this item) that is associated with the Specified Individual Shareholder of the relevant Insurance Holding Company:
イ 当該特定個人株主が総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権を保有する法人等(当該法人等の子法人等及び関連法人等を含む。)
(a) a Juridical Person, etc. (including its Subsidiary, etc. and Affiliated Juridical Person, etc.) in which the relevant Specified Individual Shareholder holds voting rights that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.; or
ロ 当該特定個人株主が総株主等の議決権の百分の二十以上百分の五十以下の議決権を保有する法人等
(b) a Juridical Person, etc. in which the relevant Specified Individual Shareholder holds voting rights that are at least twenty percent and up to fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.
2 法第二百七十一条の二十一の二第二項に規定する政令で定める金融業を行う者は、第十三条の八第二項各号に掲げる者とする。
(2) The person conducting financial business that is specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 271-21-2, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be any person specified in the items of paragraph (2) of Article 13-8.
3 法第二百七十一条の二十一の二第三項に規定する政令で定める者は、次に掲げる者とする。
(3) The person specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 271-21-2, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該保険持株会社の子法人等
(i) any Subsidiary, etc. of the relevant Insurance Holding Company; and
二 当該保険持株会社の関連法人等
(ii) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Insurance Holding Company.
4 法第二百七十一条の二十一の二第三項に規定する政令で定める金融業を行う者は、第十三条の八第二項第一号から第三号まで、第十号及び第十一号に掲げる者とする。
(4) The person conducting financial business that is specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 271-21-2, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be any person specified in Article 13-8, paragraph (2), items (i) to (iii) inclusive, and items (x) and (xi).
第二節 少額短期保険業者の特例
Section 2 Special Provisions on Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers
(Standards for Insurance Premiums Received by Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers)
第三十八条 法第二百七十二条第二項に規定する政令で定める基準は、前事業年度の年間収受保険料(一事業年度において収受した保険料又は収受すべきことの確定した保険料(当該保険料のうちに払い戻したもの又は払い戻すべきものがある場合には、その金額を控除した金額。第三十八条の四第二号において同じ。)、再保険返戻金その他内閣府令で定めるものの合計額から当該事業年度において支払った再保険料及び解約返戻金又は支払うべきことの確定した再保険料及び解約返戻金の合計額を控除した額をいう。)が五十億円であることとする。
Article 38 The standard specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 272, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be that the amount of Annual Insurance Premiums Collected (meaning the total amount of insurance premiums that have been collected or that it has been determined will be collected in a business year (if the amount of insurance premiums include an amount that already has been or that will be refunded, the amount after deducting such amount; the same shall apply in Article 38-4, item (ii)), reinsurance refunds, and any other amount specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance, less the total of the amounts of reinsurance premiums and cancellation refunds that have been paid or that it has been determined will be paid in the relevant business year) for the previous business year is five billion yen.
(Amount of Stated Capital, etc. of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer That Requires an Accounting Auditor's Audit)
第三十八条の二 法第二百七十二条の四第一項第一号イに規定する政令で定める額は、三億円とする。
Article 38-2 The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 272-4, paragraph (1), item (i), sub-item (a) of the Act, shall be three hundred million yen.
(Amount of Stated Capital, etc. of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer That Is Required for the Protection of the Policyholders, etc.)
第三十八条の三 法第二百七十二条の四第一項第二号に規定する政令で定める額は、千万円とする。
Article 38-3 The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 272-4, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act, shall be ten million yen.
(Amount to Be Deposited by Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers)
第三十八条の四 法第二百七十二条の五第一項に規定する政令で定める額は、次の各号に掲げる区分に応じ、当該各号に定める額とする。
Article 38-4 The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 272-5, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be the amount specified in the following items, in accordance with the categories set forth in each of said items:
一 事業開始の日から最初の事業年度の終了の日後四月を経過する日までの間 千万円
(i) for the period from the day on which business commences to the day on which four months have elapsed since the last day of the first business year: ten million yen
二 各事業年度(最初の事業年度を除く。以下この号において同じ。)の開始の日以後四月を経過した日(次条及び第三十八条の八において「改定日」という。)から当該各事業年度終了の日後四月を経過する日までの間 千万円に当該各事業年度の前事業年度の年間収受保険料(一事業年度において収受した保険料又は収受すべきことの確定した保険料及び再保険返戻金の合計額から当該事業年度において支払った再保険料及び解約返戻金又は支払うべきことの確定した再保険料及び解約返戻金の合計額を控除した額をいう。)に内閣府令で定める率を乗じた額(その額に百万円未満の端数があるときは、これを切り捨てるものとする。)を加えた額
(ii) for the period from the day on which four months have elapsed from the day on which each business year begins (excluding the first business year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) (such day shall be referred to as the "Reference Date" in the following Article and Article 38-8) to the day on which four months have elapsed since the last day of the relevant business year: ten million yen, plus the product of the amount of the Annual Insurance Premiums Collected (meaning the total of the amount of insurance premiums that have been collected or that it has been determined will be collected in a business year, less the total of the amount of reinsurance premiums and cancellation refunds that have been paid or that it has been determined will be paid in the relevant business year) for the business year immediately prior to the relevant business year and the ratio specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance (if this results in an amount that includes a value of less than one million yen, such a value shall be rounded off).
(Terms and Conditions of a Contract That Wholly or Partially Replaces a Deposit)
第三十八条の五 少額短期保険業者は、法第二百七十二条の五第三項の契約を締結する場合には、銀行その他内閣府令で定める金融機関を相手方とし、その内容を次に掲げる要件に適合するものとしなければならない。
Article 38-5 Where a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer concludes a contract as set forth in Article 272-5, paragraph (3) of the Act, it shall have a Bank or other type of financial institution specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the other party thereto, and the terms and conditions thereunder shall satisfy the following requirements:
一 次に掲げる場合に該当することとなったときは、当該少額短期保険業者のために法第二百七十二条の五第四項の規定による内閣総理大臣の命令(以下この号において単に「命令」という。)に係る額の供託金が遅滞なく供託されるものであること。
(i) that, when any of the cases set forth in the following come to apply, the deposit in connection with the order issued by the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of Article 272-5, paragraph (4) of the Act (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Order" in this item) will be deposited without delay on behalf of the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer;
イ 当該少額短期保険業者の業務開始の日又は改定日からこれらの日後の最初の改定日の前日までの間に命令を受けた場合
(a) where an Order has been issued within the period from the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer's business commencement date or the Reference Date, to the day immediately prior to the first Reference Date that falls after either of the aforementioned dates; and
ロ 当該少額短期保険業者がイに規定する最初の改定日に係る法第二百七十二条の五第一項の供託金につき当該改定日以後においても供託(同条第三項の契約の締結を含む。)をしていない場合において、当該契約の相手方が命令を受けたとき。
(b) where the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, even after the first Reference Date that falls after either of the other dates referred to in sub-item (a), has failed to make the deposit under Article 272-5, paragraph (1) of the Act (including conclusion of a contract as set forth in paragraph (3) of that Article), when the other party to said contract has been issued an Order to make the deposit.
二 一年以上の期間にわたって有効な契約であること。
(ii) that the contract will be effective for a period of one year or longer; and
三 金融庁長官の承認を受けた場合を除き、契約を解除し、又は契約の内容を変更することができないものであること。
(iii) that the contract may not be cancelled and the terms and conditions thereunder may not be amended, unless this is done with the approval from the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Procedures for the Fulfillment of Rights)
第三十八条の六 法第二百七十二条の五第六項の権利(以下この条及び次条において単に「権利」という。)を有する者は、金融庁長官に対し、その権利の実行の申立てをすることができる。
Article 38-6 (1) A person who holds the rights set forth in Article 272-5, paragraph (6) of the Act (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Rights" in this Article and the following Article) may file a petition for the fulfillment of those Rights with the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
2 金融庁長官は、前項の申立てがあった場合において、当該申立てを理由があると認めるときは、法第二百七十二条の五第一項、第二項、第四項又は第八項の規定により供託された供託金につき権利を有する者に対し、六十日を下らない一定の期間内に権利の申出をすべきこと及びその期間内に申出をしないときは配当手続から除斥されるべきことを公示し、かつ、その旨を前項の申立てをした者(次項及び第四項において「申立人」という。)及び当該供託金に係る少額短期保険業者(当該少額短期保険業者が同条第三項の契約を締結している場合においては、当該契約の相手方を含む。第四項及び第五項において同じ。)に通知しなければならない。
(2) Where a petition set forth in the preceding paragraph has been filed and where the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency finds the petition to have reasonable grounds, he/she shall issue a public notice notifying persons who have a Right to the monies deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 272-5, paragraph (1), (2), (4) or (8) of the Act that they must report their Rights within a fixed period of time not shorter than sixty days and that they will be excluded from the distribution process if they fail to report their Rights within that period, and he/she shall also notify the person who filed the petition under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Petitioner" in the following paragraph and paragraph (4)) and the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer for which said deposit was made (where the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer has concluded a contract under Article 272-5, paragraph (3) of the Act, the counterparty to said contract shall be included; the same shall apply in paragraphs (4) and (5)) to that effect.
3 前項の規定による公示があった後は、申立人がその申立てを取り下げた場合においても、権利の実行の手続の進行は、妨げられない。
(3) Once the public notice under the preceding paragraph has been given, even in the event that the Petitioner withdraws his/her petition, this shall not prevent the procedures for the fulfillment of the Rights from proceeding.
4 金融庁長官は、第二項の期間が経過した後、遅滞なく、権利の調査をしなければならない。この場合において、金融庁長官は、あらかじめ期日及び場所を公示し、かつ、当該少額短期保険業者に通知して、申立人、当該期間内に権利の申出をした者及び当該少額短期保険業者に対し、権利の存否及びその権利によって担保される債権の額について証拠を提示し、及び意見を述べる機会を与えなければならない。
(4) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall assess the Rights without delay after the period set forth in paragraph (2) has elapsed. In this case, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall give public notice of the date and place and notify the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer of such information, in advance, and afford the Petitioner, any person who has reported his/her Rights within the designated period, and the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer an opportunity to introduce evidence and to express their opinions as to the existence of the Rights and the amount of the claims secured by such Rights.
5 金融庁長官は、前項の規定による調査の結果に基づき、遅滞なく配当表を作成し、これを公示し、かつ、当該少額短期保険業者に通知しなければならない。
(5) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall, without delay, prepare a distribution list based on the results of the assessment under the preceding paragraph, put such list on public notice, and shall notify the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer thereof.
6 配当は、前項の規定による公示をした日から八十日を経過した後、配当表に従い実施するものとする。
(6) Any distribution shall be implemented in accordance with the distribution list set forth in the preceding paragraph, after eighty days have elapsed since the public notice was given under the preceding paragraph.
7 金融庁長官は、法第二百七十二条の五第九項の規定により有価証券が供託されている場合において、権利の実行に必要があるときは、当該有価証券を換価することができる。この場合において、換価の費用は、換価代金から控除する。
(7) Where any securities have been deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 272-5, paragraph (9) of the Act, and where it is necessary for fulfillment of the Rights, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency may realize such securities. In this case, the expenses incurred in relation to the realization of such securities shall be deducted from the proceeds of the realization.
(Recovery of Deposits)
第三十八条の七 法第二百七十二条の五第十項に規定する供託金を供託した者(次項において「供託者」という。)は、同条第十項各号のいずれかに該当する場合には、金融庁長官に対し、同項の規定による供託金の取戻し(以下この条において「供託金の取戻し」という。)の申立てをすることができる。ただし、前条の権利の実行の手続がとられている間は、この限りでない。
Article 38-7 (1) A person who has deposited monies pursuant to the provisions of Article 272-5, paragraph (10) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Depositor" in the following paragraph) may, where any of the items of paragraph (10) of that Article applies, file a petition for the recovery of the deposit under that paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Recovery of the Deposit" in this Article) with the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the period during which the procedures for fulfillment of the Rights under the preceding Article are still pending.
2 前項の申立てがあった場合において当該申立てをした供託者のほかに当該供託金に係る他の供託者がいるときは、当該他の供託者についても供託金の取戻しの申立てがあったものとみなす。
(2) Where the petition under the preceding paragraph has been filed, and where, in addition to the Depositor who has filed said petition, there is any other Depositor in connection to such deposit, the petition for the recovery of the deposit shall be deemed to have been filed by said other Depositor as well.
3 金融庁長官は、第一項の申立てがあった場合には、当該供託金につき権利を有する者に対し、六月を下らない一定の期間内に権利の申出をすべきこと及びその期間内に申出をしないときは配当手続から除斥されるべきことを公示し、かつ、当該供託金に係る少額短期保険業者であった者(その者が法第二百七十二条の五第三項の契約の締結をしている場合においては、当該契約の相手方を含む。)に通知しなければならない。
(3) Where a petition set forth in paragraph (1) has been filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall issue a public notice notifying persons who have a Right to the deposited monies that they must report their Rights within a fixed period of time not shorter than sixty days and that they will be excluded from the distribution process if they fail to report their Rights within that period, and he/she shall also notify the party that formerly was the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer for which said deposit was made (where the relevant party has concluded a contract under Article 272-5, paragraph (3) of the Act, the counterparty to said contract shall be included) to that effect.
4 金融庁長官は、前項の期間内に権利の申出がなかった場合には、供託金の取戻しを承認するものとする。
(4) Where no Rights have been reported within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall approve the Recovery of the Deposit.
5 前条第四項から第六項までの規定は、第三項の期間内に権利の申出があった場合について準用する。この場合において、次の表の上欄に掲げる規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、同表の下欄に掲げる字句に読み替えるものとする。
(5) The provisions of paragraphs (4) to (6) inclusive of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to where any Rights have been within the period specified in paragraph (3). In such case, the terms specified in the middle column of the following table as referred to in the provisions specified in the left column thereof shall be deemed to be replaced with the terms as respectively set forth in the right column thereof.
6 金融庁長官は、第三項の期間内に権利の申出があった場合には、前項において準用する前条第四項から第六項までの規定による手続をとった後に供託金の残額があるときに限り、当該残額についての供託金の取戻しを承認するものとする。
(6) Where any Rights have been reported within the period set forth in paragraph (3), the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall approve Recovery of the Deposit, only to the extent of the amount remaining after completion of the procedures under paragraphs (4) to (6) inclusive of the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraphs, if any.
(Terms and Conditions under a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer's Liability Insurance Contract that is Substituted for Part of a Deposit)
第三十八条の八 少額短期保険業者は、法第二百七十二条の六第一項の少額短期保険業者責任保険契約(次項において「責任保険契約」という。)を締結する場合には、損害保険会社(外国損害保険会社等及び法第二百十九条第五項の特定損害保険業免許を受けた者の引受社員を含む。第四十四条第一項において同じ。)その他内閣府令で定める者を相手方とし、その内容を次に掲げる要件に適合するものとしなければならない。
Article 38-8 (1) Where a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer concludes a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers' Liability Insurance Contract as set forth in Article 272-6, paragraph (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Liability Insurance Contract" in the following paragraph), it shall have a Non-Life Insurance Company (including a Foreign Non-Life Insurance Company, etc. and also including an Underwriting Member of a juridical person which has obtained a specified non-life insurance business license as referred to in Article 219, paragraph (5) of the Act; the same shall apply in Article 44, paragraph (1)) or any other party specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the other party thereto, and the terms and conditions thereunder shall satisfy the following requirements:
一 少額短期保険業者が保険金の支払に不足を生ずる場合において、当該少額短期保険業者が支払うべき保険金の全部又は一部に相当する額の支払を約するものであること。
(i) the contract promises payment of the amount equivalent to all or part of the insurance proceeds payable by the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, in the event of a shortage in funds to pay insurance proceeds;
二 当該少額短期保険業者の業務開始の日又は改定日から一年以上の期間にわたって有効な契約であること。
(ii) the contract will remain in effect for a period of one year or longer starting from the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer's business commencement date or the Reference Date;
三 金融庁長官の承認を受けた場合を除き、契約を解除し、又は契約の内容を変更することができないものであること。
(iii) the contract may not be cancelled, and the terms and conditions thereunder may not be modified, unless this is done with the approval from the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency; and
四 その他内閣府令で定める要件
(iv) any other requirements specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance.
2 責任保険契約を締結した少額短期保険業者が法第二百七十二条の六第一項の供託金の一部の供託をしないことができる額として内閣総理大臣が承認することができる額は、当該供託金の額から千万円を控除した額に相当する金額を限度とする。
(2) Where a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer has concluded a Liability Insurance Contract, the amount that the Prime Minister may approve as the portion of the deposit that it need not deposit under Article 272-6, paragraph (1) of the Act shall have as its limit the amount equivalent to the amount to be deposited less ten million yen.
(Insurance Proceeds Per Policyholder)
第三十八条の九 法第二百七十二条の十三第一項に規定する政令で定める額は、一の被保険者当たり千万円とする。ただし、当該一の被保険者について引き受けるすべての保険のうちに低発生率保険(第一条の六第六号に掲げる保険のうち、特に保険事故の発生率が低いと見込まれるものとして内閣府令で定めるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)を含むものがある場合であって、当該一の被保険者当たりの低発生率保険に係る保険金額の合計額及び低発生率保険以外の保険に係る保険金額の合計額がそれぞれ千万円以下であるときは、二千万円とする。
Article 38-9 (1) The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 272-13, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be ten million yen per insured; provided, however, that where the insurance to be underwritten for the insured includes Low-Incidence Insurance (meaning insurance specified in Article 1-6, item (vi) that is designated by the Cabinet Office Ordinance as being projected to have an especially low incidence of insured events; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), and where the total amount of the insurance proceeds per insured for said Low-Incidence Insurance and the total amount of the insurance proceeds per insured for any insurance other than the Low-Incidence Insurance is not more than ten million yen, each, such amount shall be twenty million yen.
2 前項の場合において、一の保険契約者に係る被保険者の総数は、百人を超えてはならず、一の被保険者当たりの第一条の六各号に掲げる保険の区分に応じた保険金額の合計額は、それぞれ当該各号(当該一の被保険者について引き受けるすべての保険のうちに低発生率保険を含むものがある場合にあっては、同条第六号を除く。)に定める金額を超えてはならない。
(2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the aggregate number of insured persons under a single Policyholder may not exceed one hundred, and the total amount of insurance proceeds per insured, categorized in accordance with the insurance set forth in each of the items of Article 1-6, shall not exceed the amounts set forth in each of those items (where the insurance to be underwritten for the insured contains a Low-Incidence Insurance, item (vi) shall be excluded).
(Specified Related Parties of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer)
第三十八条の十 法第二百七十二条の十三第二項において準用する法第百条の三本文に規定する政令で定める特殊の関係のある者は、次に掲げる者とする。
Article 38-10 The parties to which the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer is specially related as specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in the main clause of Article 100-3 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-13, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該少額短期保険業者の子会社
(i) any Subsidiary Company of the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer;
二 当該少額短期保険業者の主要株主基準値以上の数の議決権を保有する少額短期保険主要株主(法第二百七十二条の三十四第一項に規定する少額短期保険主要株主をいう。以下この条及び第四十七条の二第八項から第十項までにおいて同じ。)
(ii) the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer's Major Shareholder (meaning a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer's Major Shareholder as defined in Article 272-34, paragraph (1) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and Article 47-2, paragraphs (8) to (10) inclusive) who holds a number of voting rights in the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer equal to or exceeding the Major Shareholder Threshold;
三 当該少額短期保険業者を子会社とする少額短期保険持株会社(法第二百七十二条の三十七第二項に規定する少額短期保険持株会社をいう。以下この条並びに第四十七条の二第十三項及び第十四項において同じ。)
(iii) the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company (meaning a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company as defined in Article 272-37, paragraph (2) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and Article 47-2, paragraphs (13) and (14)) whose Subsidiaries include the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer;
四 前号に掲げる者の子会社(当該少額短期保険業者及び第一号に掲げる者を除く。)
(iv) any Subsidiary Company of the company specified in the preceding item (excluding the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer itself and the company specified in item (i));
五 当該少額短期保険業者の子法人等(第一号に掲げる者を除く。)
(v) any Subsidiary, etc. of the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer (excluding a company set forth in item (i));
六 当該少額短期保険業者を子法人等とする親法人等(第二号及び第三号に掲げる者を除く。)
(vi) the Parent Juridical Person, etc. whose Subsidiaries, etc. include the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer (excluding persons set forth in items (ii) and (iii));
七 当該少額短期保険業者を子法人等とする親法人等の子法人等(当該少額短期保険業者及び前各号に掲げる者を除く。)
(vii) any Subsidiary, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. whose Subsidiaries include the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer as its Subsidiary, etc. (excluding such Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer itself and the persons set forth in the preceding items);
八 当該少額短期保険業者の関連法人等
(viii) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer;
九 当該少額短期保険業者を子法人等とする親法人等の関連法人等(前号に掲げる者を除く。)
(ix) any Affiliated Juridical Person, etc. of the Parent Juridical Person, etc. that has the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer (excluding the juridical person set forth in the preceding item);
十 第二号に掲げる者のうちその保有する当該少額短期保険業者に係る議決権が当該少額短期保険業者の総株主の議決権の百分の五十を超えるもの(個人に限る。以下この号において「特定個人少額短期保険主要株主」という。)に係る次に掲げる会社、組合その他これらに準ずる事業体(外国におけるこれらに相当するものを含み、当該少額短期保険業者を除く。以下この号において「法人等」という。)
(x) the following company, partnership, or other type of business entity equivalent thereto (including an equivalent entity in a foreign state, and excluding the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer itself; hereinafter referred to as a "Juridical Person, etc." in this item) that is associated with a person who, from among the persons specified in item (ii), holds voting rights in the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights in said Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer (limited to an individual person; hereinafter referred to as a "Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer's Specified Individual Major Shareholder" in this item):
イ 当該特定個人少額短期保険主要株主がその総株主等の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権を保有する法人等(当該法人等の子法人等及び関連法人等を含む。)
(a) a Juridical Person, etc. (including its Subsidiary, etc. and Affiliated Juridical Person, etc.) in which the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer's Specified Individual Major Shareholder holds voting rights that are greater than fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.; or
ロ 当該特定個人少額短期保険主要株主がその総株主等の議決権の百分の二十以上百分の五十以下の議決権を保有する法人等
(b) a Juridical Person, etc. in which the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer's Specified Individual Major Shareholder holds voting rights that are at least twenty percent and up to fifty percent of All Shareholders' Voting Rights, etc.
(Insurance Contracts Concluded by a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer That Are Excluded from Portfolio Transfers)
第三十八条の十一 法第二百七十二条の二十九において準用する法第百三十五条第二項に規定する政令で定める保険契約は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 38-11 The insurance contracts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 135, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-29 of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 法第二百七十二条の二十九において準用する法第百三十七条第一項の公告(次号において「公告」という。)の時において既に保険事故が発生している保険契約(当該保険事故に係る保険金の支払により消滅することとなるものに限る。)
(i) an insurance contract under which an insured event has already occurred as of the time of the public notice under Article 137, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-29 of the Act (referred to as the "Public Notice" in the following item) (limited to a contract that expires upon the payment of insurance proceeds in connection with the insured event); and
二 公告の時において既に保険期間が終了している保険契約(公告の時において保険期間の中途で解約その他の保険契約の終了の事由が発生しているものを含み、前号に掲げるものを除く。)
(ii) an insurance contract whose term of coverage has already ended as of the time of the Public Notice (including an insurance contract that has been canceled in the middle of the term of coverage or one under which any other grounds for the termination thereof have occurred as of the Public Notice, and excluding an insurance contract set forth in the preceding item).
(Transactions and Acts Requiring Approval in Connection with Holders of a Number of Voting Rights in a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer Equal to or Exceeding the Major Shareholder Threshold)
第三十八条の十二 法第二百七十二条の三十一第一項第三号に規定する政令で定める取引又は行為は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 38-12 The transactions and acts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 272-31, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該議決権の保有者になろうとする者による少額短期保険業者以外の会社等(法第二条の二第一項第二号に規定する会社等をいう。)の議決権の取得(担保権の実行による株式又は持分の取得その他の内閣府令で定める事由によるものを除く。)
(i) acquisition of voting rights in a Company, etc. (meaning a Company, etc. as defined in Article 2-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act) other than a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, by a person who wishes to become the holder of said voting rights (excluding the acquisition of shares or equity interests due to the exercise of a security interest, and also excluding acquisition due to any other grounds specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance);
二 当該議決権の保有者になろうとする会社(以下この条において「特定会社」という。)を当事者とする合併であって、当該合併後も当該特定会社が存続するもの
(ii) a merger to which a company that wishes to become the holder of said voting rights (hereinafter referred to as a "Specified Company" in this Article) is a party, and where said Specified Company survives;
三 特定会社を当事者とする会社分割(当該会社分割により事業の一部を承継させるものに限る。)
(iii) a company split to which the relevant Specified Company is a party (limited to a company split whereby the Specified Company causes part of its business to be succeeded to); and
四 特定会社による事業の一部の譲渡
(iv) the transfer of a part of business by the relevant Specified Company.
(Transactions and Acts That Require Approval in Connection with a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company)
第三十八条の十三 法第二百七十二条の三十五第一項第三号に規定する政令で定める取引又は行為は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 38-13 The transactions and acts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 272-35, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該会社又はその子会社による少額短期保険業者以外の会社の議決権の取得(担保権の実行による株式又は持分の取得その他の内閣府令で定める事由によるものを除く。)
(i) acquisition of voting rights in a company other than a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, by the relevant company or its Subsidiary Company (excluding the acquisition of shares or equity interests due to the exercise of a security interest, and also excluding acquisition due to other grounds specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance):
二 当該会社を当事者とする合併で当該合併後も当該会社が存続するもの
(ii) a merger to which the relevant company is a party, and where said company survives;
三 当該会社を当事者とする会社分割(当該会社分割により事業の一部を承継させるものに限る。)
(iii) a company split to which the relevant company is a party (limited to a company split in which said company causes a part of its business to be succeeded to); and
四 当該会社による事業の一部の譲渡
(iv) the transfer of a part of business by the relevant company.
(Replacement of Terms Concerning the Major Shareholder of a Foreign Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, etc.)
第三十八条の十四 法第二百七十二条の四十一の規定による外国少額短期保険主要株主等(同条に規定する外国少額短期保険主要株主等をいう。)に対する法の規定の適用についての技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 38-14 The technical replacement of terms for applying the provisions of the Act to the Major Shareholder of a Foreign Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, etc. (meaning the Major Shareholder of a Foreign Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, etc. provided for in that Article) pursuant to the provisions of Article 272-41 of the Act, shall be as set forth in the following table:
(Special Provisions on the Due Date for Notification by a Foreign Specified Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company)
第三十八条の十五 法第二百七十二条の三十五第二項に規定する特定少額短期持株会社が少額短期保険業者を子会社とする外国の持株会社である場合には、当該少額短期保険業者を子会社とする外国の持株会社は、同項の規定にかかわらず、同項に規定する事由の生じた日の属する事業年度終了後六月以内に、同項に規定する事項を金融庁長官に届け出るものとする。ただし、その本国(当該少額短期保険業者を子会社とする外国の持株会社の設立に当たって準拠した法令を制定した国をいう。)の商業帳簿の作成に関する法令又は慣行その他の正当な事由により、当該六月以内にその届出をすることができない場合には、金融庁長官の承認を受けてその期限を延長することができる。
Article 38-15 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 272-35, paragraph (2) of the Act, where a Specified Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company referred to in that paragraph is a foreign Holding Company whose Subsidiaries include a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, such foreign Holding Company whose Subsidiaries include the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer shall, within six months from the end of the business year containing the day on which the grounds specified in that paragraph have occurred, notify the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency of the particulars specified in that paragraph; provided, however, that where, due to laws and regulations or practices of its own State (meaning the State that has enacted the laws and regulations governing the incorporation of the foreign Holding Company whose Subsidiaries include the relevant Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer) that are applicable to its business accounting books or for any other justifiable reason, it is unable to file the relevant notification within the six-month period, the Due Date may be extended, subject to approval by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
第三章 保険募集
Chapter III Insurance Solicitation
(Parties Eligible to Engage in Insurance Solicitation)
第三十九条 法第二百七十五条第一項第一号に規定する政令で定める者は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 39 Parties specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 275, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 銀行
(i) Banks;
二 長期信用銀行
(ii) Long Term Credit Banks;
三 株式会社商工組合中央金庫
(iii) Shoko Chukin Bank Limited;
四 信用金庫及び信用金庫連合会
(iv) shinkin banks and federations of shinkin banks;
五 労働金庫及び労働金庫連合会
(v) labor banks and federations of labor banks;
六 農林中央金庫
(vi) Norinchukin Bank;
七 信用協同組合及び中小企業等協同組合法第九条の九第一項第一号(協同組合連合会)の事業を行う協同組合連合会
(vii) credit cooperatives and any federation of cooperatives that is engaged in business set forth in Article 9-9, paragraph (1), item (i) (Federations of Cooperatives) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act;
八 農業協同組合法第十条第一項第三号(事業)の事業を行う農業協同組合及び農業協同組合連合会
(viii) agricultural cooperatives and any federation of agricultural cooperatives that is engaged in business set forth in Article 10, paragraph (1), item (iii) (Business) of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act;
九 水産業協同組合法(昭和二十三年法律第二百四十二号)第十一条第一項第四号(事業の種類)の事業を行う漁業協同組合及び同法第八十七条第一項第四号(事業の種類)の事業を行う漁業協同組合連合会並びに同法第九十三条第一項第二号(事業の種類)の事業を行う水産加工業協同組合及び同法第九十七条第一項第二号(事業の種類)の事業を行う水産加工業協同組合連合会
(ix) fishery cooperatives engaged in business set forth in Article 11, paragraph (1), item (iv) (Types of Business) of the Fishery Cooperatives Act (Act No. 242 of 1948); federations of fishery cooperatives engaged in business set forth in Article 87, paragraph (1), item (iv) (Types of Business) of that Act; marine products processing cooperatives engaged in business set forth in Article 93, paragraph (1), item (ii) (Types of Business) of that Act; and federations of marine products processing cooperatives engaged in business set forth in Article 97, paragraph (1), item (ii) (Types of Business) of that Act.
(Insurance Contracts with Foreign Insurers Other Than a Foreign Insurance Company, etc., that Insurance Brokers, etc Are Permitted to Engage in Insurance Solicitation)
第三十九条の二 法第二百七十五条第一項第四号に規定する政令で定める保険契約は、第十九条第一号から第三号までに掲げる保険契約その他内閣府令で定める保険契約とする。
Article 39-2 The insurance contracts specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 275, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act, shall be insurance contracts specified in Article 19, items (i) to (iii) inclusive and any other insurance contracts specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(Registration Fees)
第三十九条の三 法第二百八十一条に規定する政令で定める額は、生命保険募集人にあっては千百五十円、損害保険代理店にあっては千七百円、少額短期保険募集人にあっては千百五十円とする。
Article 39-3 (1) The amount specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 281 of the Act, shall be as follows: 1,150 yen for a Life Insurance Agent; 1,700 yen for a Non-Life Insurance Representative; and 1,150 yen for a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Agent.
2 前項の手数料は、登録申請書に手数料の金額に相当する額の収入印紙をはって納めなければならない。ただし、行政手続等における情報通信の技術の利用に関する法律(平成十四年法律第百五十一号)第三条第一項の規定により同項に規定する電子情報処理組織を使用して法第二百七十六条の登録の申請をするときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、現金をもってすることができる。
(2) The fees set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be paid through the submission of a revenue stamp equivalent to the amount of the fees, which shall be affixed on the written application for registration; provided, however, that where a registration under Article 276 of the Act is being filed by means of an electromagnetic data processing system as set forth in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act on Use of Information and Communications Technology in Administrative Procedure (Act No. 151 of 2002) in accordance with the provisions of that paragraph, payments may be made in cash pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(Cases Excluded from Restrictions Imposed on Life Insurance Agents)
第四十条 法第二百八十二条第三項に規定する政令で定める場合は、次に掲げる場合とする。
Article 40 The cases specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 282, paragraph (3) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 当該生命保険募集人及びその使用人(当該生命保険募集人が法人(法人でない社団又は財団で代表者又は管理人の定めのあるものを含む。)であるときはその役員(法人でない社団又は財団におけるその代表者又は管理人を含む。)及び使用人)のうちに、二以上の所属保険会社等のために行う保険募集に係る業務を的確かつ公正に遂行するために、所要の知識等の修得をし、又は業務の適正な管理を行い得る者として金融庁長官の定める資格を有する者がいる場合
(i) cases in which, among a Life Insurance Agent and its employees (where the Life Insurance Agent is a juridical person (including an association or a foundation without a juridical personality but for which a representative or administrator has been appointed), this means its officers (including a representative or an administrator of an association or a foundation without a juridical personality) and employees) there is a person who has acquired knowledge, etc. that is required for carrying out business in connection with Insurance Sales on behalf of two or more Affiliated Insurance Companies, etc. in an accurate and fair manner, or a person who has been specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as a person who is qualified to manage such business in an appropriate manner;
二 当該生命保険募集人が、当該生命保険募集人と密接な関係を有する生命保険会社(外国生命保険会社等を含む。)として金融庁長官の定める者を所属保険会社等とすることにより二以上の所属保険会社等を有することとなる場合であって、かつ、当該生命保険募集人が当該二以上の所属保険会社等のために行う保険募集に係る業務を的確かつ公正に遂行することができる状況に置かれていると認められる場合として金融庁長官の定める場合
(ii) cases in which the relevant Life Insurance Agent comes to have two or more Affiliated Insurance Companies, etc. by making a person specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as a Life Insurance Company (including a Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc.) that is closely related to said Life Insurance Agent, its Affiliated Insurance Company, etc., and where the relevant case has been specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as a case in which said Life Insurance Agent is found to be in a position to provide services in connection with Insurance Solicitation it engages in on behalf of the two or more Affiliated Insurance Companies, etc. in an accurate and fair manner.
(Amount of Security Deposits)
第四十一条 法第二百九十一条第二項に規定する政令で定める保証金の額は、四千万円とする。ただし、保険仲立人の最初の事業年度終了の日後三月を経過した日以後においては、当該保険仲立人の各事業年度開始の日以後三月を経過した日(次条及び第四十四条において「改定日」という。)から当該各事業年度終了の日後三月を経過する日までの期間を対象とする保証金の額は、当該各事業年度開始の日の前日までの過去三年間に当該保険仲立人が保険契約の締結の媒介に関して受領した手数料、報酬その他の対価を合計した金額(当該金額が四千万円に満たない場合は四千万円とし、当該金額が八億円を超える場合は八億円とする。)に相当する額とする。
Article 41 The amount of security deposit specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 291, paragraph (2) of the Act, shall be forty million yen; provided, however, that on or after the day when three months has elapsed since the last day of an Insurance Broker's first business year, the amount of the security deposit for the period between the day on which three months have elapsed since the last day of the Insurance Broker's first business year (hereinafter referred to as the "Reference Date" in the following Article and Article 44) and the day when three months has elapsed since the day on which each of the relevant business years end shall be the amount equivalent to the total of fees, remuneration and other types of consideration received by the Insurance Broker in connection with brokerage for the conclusion of insurance contracts in the three years prior to the day immediately preceding the day on which each business year begins (if such total amount is less than forty million yen, the amount of the security deposit shall be forty million yen; and if the total amount exceeds eight hundred million yen, the amount of the security deposit shall be eight hundred million yen).
(Terms and Conditions of a Contract That Wholly or Partially Replaces a Deposit)
第四十二条 保険仲立人は、法第二百九十一条第三項の契約を締結する場合には、銀行その他内閣府令で定める金融機関を相手方とし、その内容を次に掲げる要件に適合するものとしなければならない。
Article 42 Where an Insurance Broker concludes a contract as set forth in Article 291, paragraph (3) of the Act, it shall have a Bank or other type of financial institution specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the other party thereto, and the terms and conditions thereunder shall satisfy the following requirements:
一 次に掲げる場合に該当することとなったときは、当該保険仲立人のために法第二百九十一条第四項の規定による内閣総理大臣の命令(以下この号において単に「命令」という。)に係る額の供託金が遅滞なく供託されるものであること。
(i) that, when any of the cases set forth in the following come to apply, the deposit in connection with the order issued by the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of Article 291, paragraph (4) of the Act (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Order" in this item) will be deposited without delay on behalf of such Insurance Broker:
イ 当該保険仲立人の業務開始の日又は改定日からこれらの日後の最初の改定日の前日までの間に命令を受けた場合
(a) where an Order has been received within the period of time from the Insurance Broker's business commencement date or the Reference Date, to the date immediately prior to the first Reference Date that falls after either of the aforementioned dates;
ロ 当該保険仲立人がイに規定する最初の改定日に係る法第二百九十一条第一項の保証金につき当該改定日以後においても供託(同条第三項の契約の締結を含む。)をしていない場合において、当該契約の相手方が命令を受けたとき。
(b) where the Insurance Broker, even after the first Reference Date that falls after either of the other dates referred to in sub-item (a), has failed to make the deposit under Article 291, paragraph (1) of the Act (including the conclusion of a contract as set forth in paragraph (3) of that Article), when the other party to said contract has been issued an Order to make the deposit.
二 金融庁長官の承認を受けた場合を除き、契約を解除し、又は契約の内容を変更することができないものであること。
(ii) that the contract may not be cancelled and that the terms thereof may not be amended, unless this is done with the approval from the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Procedures for the Fulfillment of Rights)
第四十三条 法第二百九十一条第六項の権利(以下この条において単に「権利」という。)を有する者は、金融庁長官に対し、その権利の実行の申立てをすることができる。
Article 43 (1) A person who holds the rights set forth in Article 291, paragraph (6) of the Act (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Rights" in this Article and the following Article) may file a petition for the fulfillment of those Rights with the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
2 金融庁長官は、前項の申立てがあった場合において、当該申立てを理由があると認めるときは、法第二百九十一条第一項、第四項又は第八項の規定により供託された保証金につき権利を有する者に対し、六十日を下らない一定の期間内に権利の申出をすべきこと及びその期間内に申出をしないときは配当手続から除斥されるべきことを公示し、かつ、その旨を前項の申立てをした者(次項及び第四項において「申立人」という。)及び当該供託金に係る保険仲立人(当該保険仲立人が法第二百九十一条第三項の契約を締結している場合においては、当該契約の相手方を含む。第四項及び第五項において同じ。)に通知しなければならない。
(2) Where a petition set forth in the preceding paragraph has been filed and where the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency finds the petition to have reasonable grounds, he/she shall issue a public notice notifying persons who have a Right to the amount deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 291, paragraph (1), (2), (4) or (8) of the Act that they must report their Rights within a fixed period of time not shorter than sixty days and that they will be excluded from the distribution process if they fail to report their Rights within that period, and he/she shall also notify the person who filed the petition under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Petitioner" in the following paragraph and paragraph (4)) and the Insurance Broker for which said deposit was made (where the Insurance Broker has concluded a contract under Article 291, paragraph (3) of the Act, including the counterparty to said contract; the same shall apply in paragraphs (4) and (5)) to that effect.
3 前項の規定による公示があった後は、申立人がその申立てを取り下げた場合においても、権利の実行の手続の進行は、妨げられない。
(3) Once the public notice under the preceding paragraph has been given, even in the event that the Petitioner withdraws his/her petition, this shall not prevent the procedures for the fulfillment of the Rights from proceeding.
4 金融庁長官は、第二項の期間が経過した後、遅滞なく、権利の調査をしなければならない。この場合において、金融庁長官は、あらかじめ期日及び場所を公示し、かつ、当該保険仲立人に通知して、申立人、当該期間内に権利の申出をした者及び当該保険仲立人に対し、権利の存否及びその権利によって担保される債権の額について証拠を提示し、及び意見を述べる機会を与えなければならない。
(4) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall assess the Rights without delay after the period set forth in paragraph (2) has elapsed. In this case, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall give public notice of the date and place and notify the Insurance Broker of such information, in advance, and afford the Petitioner, any person who has reported his/her Rights within the designated period, and the Insurance Broker an opportunity to introduce evidence and to express their opinions as to the existence of the Rights and the amount of the claims secured by such Rights.
5 金融庁長官は、前項の規定による調査の結果に基づき、遅滞なく配当表を作成し、これを公示し、かつ、当該保険仲立人に通知しなければならない。
(5) The Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency shall, without delay, prepare a distribution list based on the results of the assessment under the preceding paragraph, put such list on public notice, and notify the Insurance Broker thereof.
6 配当は、前項の規定による公示をした日から八十日を経過した後、配当表に従い実施するものとする。
(6) Distribution shall be implemented in accordance with the distribution list set forth in the preceding paragraph, after eighty days have elapsed since the public notice was given under the preceding paragraph.
7 金融庁長官は、保険仲立人の事務所の所在地を確知できないときは、第二項、第四項及び第五項の規定による保険仲立人への通知をすることを要しない。
(7) Where the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency is unable to locate the office of the Insurance Broker, he/she need not notify said Insurance Broker pursuant to paragraphs (2), (4) and (5).
8 金融庁長官は、法第二百九十一条第九項の規定により有価証券が供託されている場合において、権利の実行に必要があるときは、当該有価証券を換価することができる。この場合において、換価の費用は、換価代金から控除する。
(8) Where any securities have been deposited pursuant to the provisions of Article 291, paragraph (9) of the Act, and where it is necessary for fulfillment of the Rights, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency may realize such securities. In this case, the expenses incurred in connection to such realization of securities shall be deducted from the proceeds of the realization.
(Terms and Conditions of an Insurance Broker Liability Insurance Contract That Partially Replaces a Security Deposit)
第四十四条 保険仲立人は、法第二百九十二条第一項の保険仲立人賠償責任保険契約(次項において「賠責保険契約」という。)を締結する場合には、損害保険会社その他内閣府令で定める者を相手方とし、その内容を次に掲げる要件に適合するものとしなければならない。
Article 44 (1) Where an Insurance Broker concludes an Insurance Broker Liability Insurance Contract as set forth in Article 292, paragraph (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "Liability Insurance Contract" in the following paragraph), it shall have a Non-Life Insurance Company or any other party specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the other party thereto, and the terms and conditions thereunder shall satisfy the following requirements:
一 保険仲立人に保険契約の締結の媒介に関して生じた損害の賠償の責任が発生した場合において、当該損害のうち一定の事由によるものを当該保険仲立人が賠償することにより生ずる損失(次号において「一定の事由による損失」という。)がてん補されるものであること。
(i) that, where the Insurance Broker has incurred any liability to compensate for damages in connection with its intermediation for the conclusion of insurance contracts, losses it incurs through the compensation of damages that were due to specific grounds (referred to as "Losses Due to Specific Grounds" in the following item) will be covered; and
二 一定の事由による損失の額が一定の金額を超える場合に限りその超える部分の額につき損失がてん補されるものである場合には、当該一定の金額が、保険仲立人の業務の状況及び保険契約者等の保護を考慮して金融庁長官の定める額以下であること。
(ii) that, where the loss that will be covered is limited to where the amount of Loss Due to Specific Grounds exceeds a fixed amount of money and said covered loss will be the portion of the loss that is greater than that fixed amount of money, said fixed amount is not more than the amount specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency in consideration of the Insurance Broker's business status and the protection of Policyholders, etc.;
三 当該保険仲立人の業務開始の日又は改定日から一年以上の期間にわたって有効な契約であること。
(iii) that the contract will remain in effect for a period of one year or longer starting from the Insurance Broker's business commencement date or the Reference Date; and
四 金融庁長官の承認を受けた場合を除き、契約を解除し、又は契約の内容を変更することができないものであること。
(iv) that the contract may not be cancelled, and the terms and conditions thereunder may not be modified, unless this is done with the approval from the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency; and
五 その他金融庁長官の定める要件
(v) any other requirements set forth by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
2 前項の賠責保険契約を締結した保険仲立人が法第二百九十一条第一項の保証金の一部の供託をしないことができる額として内閣総理大臣が承認することができる額は、当該保証金の額から四千万円を控除した額に相当する金額を限度とする。
(2) Where an Insurance Broker has concluded a Compensation Liability Insurance Contract, the amount that the Prime Minister may approve as the portion of the security deposit that it need not deposit under Article 291, paragraph (1) of the Act shall have as its limit the amount equivalent to the amount to be deposited less forty million yen.
(Ways of Using Information and Communication Technology to Indicate the Name, etc. of an Insurance Broker)
第四十四条の二 保険仲立人は、法第二百九十六条第二項の規定により同項に規定する事項を提供しようとするときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該顧客に対し、その用いる同項に規定する方法(以下この条において「電磁的方法」という。)の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。
Article 44-2 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 296, paragraph (2) of the Act, an Insurance Broker seeks to provide the information set forth in that paragraph, it shall, in advance and pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, indicate to the customer the type and details of the means set forth in that paragraph that it will use (hereinafter referred to as "Electromagnetic Means" in this Article) and obtain consent therefrom in writing or by Electromagnetic Means.
2 前項の規定による承諾を得た保険仲立人は、当該顧客から書面又は電磁的方法により電磁的方法による提供を受けない旨の申出があったときは、当該顧客に対し、法第二百九十六条第二項に規定する事項の提供を電磁的方法によってしてはならない。ただし、当該顧客が再び前項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) Where an Insurance Broker that has obtained the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph is notified in writing or by Electromagnetic Means to the effect that the customer refuses to be provided with the information by Electromagnetic Means, he/she shall not provide said customer with the information set forth in Article 296, paragraph (2) of the Act by Electromagnetic Means; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the customer has given his/her consent under the preceding paragraph again.
(Provision of Information by Use of Information and Communications Technology)
第四十四条の三 保険会社等(法第二条の二第一項に規定する保険会社等をいう。次項、次条、第四十五条第一号及び第五号並びに第四十五条の二において同じ。)、外国保険会社等、保険募集人又は保険仲立人は、法第三百条の二において準用する金融商品取引法(以下この条から第四十四条の五までにおいて「準用金融商品取引法」という。)第三十四条の二第四項(準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の四第三項、第三十七条の三第二項及び第三十七条の四第二項において準用する場合を含む。以下この条において同じ。)の規定により準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の二第四項に規定する事項を提供しようとするときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該事項を提供する相手方に対し、その用いる同項に規定する方法(以下この条において「電磁的方法」という。)の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。
Article 44-3 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 300-2 of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-3, paragraph (3), Article 37-3, paragraph (2) and Article 37-4, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) (such provisions shall be hereinafter referred to as the "Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis" in this Article to Article 44-5 inclusive), an Insurance Company, etc. (meaning an Insurance Company, etc. as defined in Article 2-2, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same shall apply in the following paragraph, the following Article, Article 45, items (i) and (v) and Article 45-2), a Foreign Insurance Company, etc., an Insurance Agent, or an Insurance Broker seeks to provide the information set forth in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis, it shall, in advance and pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, indicated to the recipient of such information the type and details of the means that it will use (hereinafter referred to as the "Electromagnetic Means") and obtain consent therefrom in writing or by Electromagnetic Means.
2 前項の規定による承諾を得た保険会社等、外国保険会社等、保険募集人又は保険仲立人は、当該相手方から書面又は電磁的方法により電磁的方法による提供を受けない旨の申出があったときは、当該相手方に対し、準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の二第四項に規定する事項の提供を電磁的方法によってしてはならない。ただし、当該相手方が再び前項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) Where an Insurance Company, etc., Foreign Insurance Company, etc., Insurance Agent or Insurance Broker that has obtained the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph is notified in writing or by Electromagnetic Means to the effect that such recipient refuses to be provided with the information by Electromagnetic Means, it shall not provide the recipient with the information set forth in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis by Electromagnetic Means; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the recipient has given his/her consent under that paragraph again.
(Acquisition of Agreement by Use of Information and Communications Technology)
第四十四条の四 保険会社等若しくは外国保険会社等又は保険仲立人は、準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の三第三項(準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の四第四項において準用する場合を含む。以下この条において同じ。)の規定により、準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の三第二項の規定による書面による同意に代えて同条第三項に規定する内閣府令で定める方法(以下この条において「電磁的方法」という。)により同意を得ようとするときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該同意を得ようとする相手方に対し、その用いる電磁的方法の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。
Article 44-4 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-3, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), an Insurance Company, etc., a Foreign Insurance Company, etc., or an Insurance Broker seeks to obtain agreement by the method specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance that is referred to in Article 34-3, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis (hereinafter referred to as "Electromagnetic Means" in this Article) in lieu of via the document set forth in paragraph (2) of that Article, it shall, in advance and pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, indicate the type and details of the Electromagnetic Means to the other party from whom it seeks to obtain agreement, and obtain consent therefrom in writing or by Electromagnetic Means.
2 前項の規定による承諾を得た保険会社等若しくは外国保険会社等又は保険仲立人は、当該相手方から書面又は電磁的方法により電磁的方法による同意を行わない旨の申出があったときは、当該相手方に対し、準用金融商品取引法第三十四条の三第三項に規定する同意の取得を電磁的方法によってしてはならない。ただし、当該相手方が再び前項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) Where an Insurance Company, etc., Foreign Insurance Company, etc. or Insurance Broker who has obtained the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph is notified in writing or by Electromagnetic Means to the effect that the other party refuses to give his/her agreement by Electromagnetic Means, it shall not obtain the agreement set forth in Article 34-3, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis from the other party by Electromagnetic Means; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the other party has given his/her consent under the preceding paragraph again.
(Important Particulars That May Influence a Customer's Judgment)
第四十四条の五 準用金融商品取引法第三十七条第一項第三号に規定する政令で定めるものは、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 44-5 (1) The particulars specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 37, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis, shall be as follows:
一 特定保険契約(法第三百条の二に規定する特定保険契約をいう。以下同じ。)に関して顧客が支払うべき手数料、報酬その他の対価に関する事項であって内閣府令で定めるもの
(i) particulars related to the fees, remuneration, or any other type of consideration payable by a customer under Specified Insurance Contract (meaning a Specified Insurance Contract as defined in Article 300-2 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter), as specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance;
二 顧客が行う特定保険契約の締結について金利、通貨の価格、金融商品市場における相場その他の指標に係る変動を直接の原因として損失が生ずることとなるおそれがある場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項
(ii) where, with regard to the conclusion of a Specified Insurance Contract by a customer, there is a risk of losses arising directly from a fluctuation in such indicators as the interest rate, the value of currencies, or quotations on a Financial Instruments Market, the following particulars:
イ 当該指標
(a) the indicators; and
ロ 当該指標に係る変動により損失が生ずるおそれがある旨及びその理由
(b) the fact that there is a risk of losses from fluctuations in the relevant indicators, and the reason therefor.
三 前二号に掲げる事項に準ずるものとして内閣府令で定める事項
(iii) particulars specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as those equivalent to the particulars specified in the preceding two items.
2 準用金融商品取引法第三十七条第一項に規定する行為を一般放送事業者の放送設備により放送をさせる方法その他これに準ずるものとして内閣府令で定める方法によりする場合における同項第三号に規定する政令で定めるものは、前項の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げるものとする。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, where the action specified in Article 37, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis is to be implemented by means of broadcasting through the use of a Private Broadcaster's broadcasting facilities or by any other means specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as equivalent thereto, the particulars specified by Cabinet Order that are referred to in Article 37, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as Applied Mutatis Mutandis shall be as follows:
一 顧客が行う特定保険契約の締結について金利、通貨の価格、金融商品市場における相場その他の指標に係る変動を直接の原因として損失が生ずることとなるおそれがある場合にあっては、当該おそれがある旨
(i) where, with regard to the conclusion of a Specified Insurance Contract by a customer, there is a risk of losses arising directly from a fluctuation in such indicators as the interest rate, the value of currencies, or quotations on a Financial Instruments Market, such risk; and
二 前号に掲げる事項に準ずるものとして内閣府令で定める事項
(ii) particulars specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as those equivalent to the particulars specified in the preceding item.
(Replacement of Terms in Provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act That Are Applied Mutatis Mutandis to the Conclusion of Specified Insurance Contracts, etc.)
第四十四条の六 法第三百条の二の規定において保険会社等若しくは外国保険会社等又は保険仲立人が行う特定保険契約又は顧客のために特定保険契約の締結の媒介を行うことを内容とする契約の締結について金融商品取引法第三十四条の規定を準用する場合における技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
Article 44-6 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 300-2 of the Act, the provisions of Article 34 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the conclusion of a Specified Insurance Contract by an Insurance Company, etc., a Foreign Insurance Company, etc., or an Insurance Broker or to the conclusion of a contract that has as its content intermediation for the conclusion of a Specified Insurance Contract thereby on behalf of the customer, the technical replacement of terms in those provisions shall be as set forth in the following table:
2 法第三百条の二の規定において保険会社等、外国保険会社等、保険募集人又は保険仲立人が行う特定保険契約の締結又はその代理若しくは媒介について金融商品取引法第三十七条の三第一項(第二号及び第六号を除く。)の規定を準用する場合における技術的読替えは、次の表のとおりとする。
(2) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 300-2 of the Act, the provisions of Article 37-3, paragraph (1) (excluding items (ii) and (vi)) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act are applied mutatis mutandis to the conclusion of a Specified Insurance Contract by an Insurance Company, etc., a Foreign Insurance Company, etc., an Insurance Agent, or an Insurance Broker or to its agency or intermediation therefor, the technical replacement of terms in such provision shall be as set forth in the following table:
第四章 雑則
Chapter IV Miscellaneous Provisions
(Cases Where an Application for a Policy under an Insurance Contract May Not Be Withdrawn)
第四十五条 法第三百九条第一項第六号に規定する政令で定める場合は、次に掲げる場合とする。
Article 45 The cases specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 309, paragraph (1), item (vi) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 申込者等(法第三百九条第一項に規定する申込者等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)が、保険会社等、外国保険会社等(免許特定法人の引受社員を含む。第五号及び次条において同じ。)、特定保険募集人(法第二百七十六条に規定する特定保険募集人をいう。第四十七条の三第一項及び第四項において同じ。)又は保険仲立人(以下この条において「保険業者」と総称する。)に対し、あらかじめ日を通知してその営業所、事務所その他これらに準ずる場所(以下この号及び次号において「営業所等」という。)を訪問し、かつ、当該通知し、又は訪問した際に自己の訪問が保険契約の申込みをするためのものであることを明らかにした上で、当該営業所等において当該保険契約の申込みをした場合
(i) where the Applicant, etc. (meaning the Applicant, etc. as defined in Article 309, paragraph (1) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), upon notifying the relevant Insurance Broker of the day of his/her visit in advance, visited the business office, office or any other facilities similar thereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Business Office, etc." in this item and the following item) of the Insurance Company, etc., Foreign Insurance Company, etc. (including an Underwriting Member of a licensed specified juridical person; the same shall apply in item (v) and the following Article), Specified Insurance Agent (meaning a Specified Insurance Agent as defined in Article 276 of the Act; the same shall apply in Article 47-3, paragraphs (1) and (4)) or Insurance Broker (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Insurer" in this Article); where the Applicant, etc. after having expressly indicated in such notice or at such visit that the purpose of his/her visit was to apply for a policy under an insurance contract, the Applicant, etc. applied for such a policy under an insurance contract at the relevant Business Office, etc.;
二 申込者等が、自ら指定した場所(保険業者の営業所等及び当該申込者等の居宅を除く。)において保険契約の申込みをすることを請求した場合において、当該保険契約の申込みをしたとき。
(ii) where the Applicant, etc. requested to apply for a policy under an insurance contract at a place designated by himself/herself (excluding the Business Office, etc. of the Insurer, and also excluding his/her residence), when he/she has applied for such a policy under an insurance contract;
三 申込者等が、郵便その他の内閣府令で定める方法により保険契約の申込みをした場合
(iii) where the Applicant, etc. has applied for a policy under an insurance contract by mail or any other means specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance;
四 申込者等が、保険契約に係る保険料又はこれに相当する金銭の払込みを保険業者の預金又は貯金の口座への振込みにより行った場合(当該保険契約の相手方である保険業者若しくは当該保険契約に係る保険募集を行った保険業者又はこれらの役員若しくは使用人に依頼して行った場合を除く。)
(iv) where the Applicant, etc. has paid insurance premiums under an insurance contract or made any other payment equivalent thereto, by means of remittance to the deposit account or savings account of the Insurer (excluding where such Applicant, etc. made such payment at the request of the Insurer that is the other party to the insurance contract, the Insurer that engaged in Insurance Solicitation for the relevant insurance contract, or to the officer or employee thereof);
五 申込者等が、保険会社等又は外国保険会社等の指定する医師による被保険者の診査をその成立の条件とする保険契約の申込みをした場合において、当該診査が終了したとき。
(v) where the Applicant, etc. applied for a policy under an insurance contract that comes into effect contingent upon a diagnostic examination by a medical doctor designated by the Insurance Company, etc. or a Foreign Insurance Company, etc., when such diagnostic examination has been completed;
六 当該保険契約が、勤労者財産形成促進法第六条に規定する勤労者財産形成貯蓄契約、勤労者財産形成年金貯蓄契約又は勤労者財産形成住宅貯蓄契約であるとき。
(vi) where the insurance contract falls under the category of a workers' asset saving contract, workers' pension saving contract, or workers' housing fund saving contract as defined in Article 6 of the Workers' Property Accumulation Promotion Act;
七 当該保険契約が、金銭消費貸借契約、賃貸借契約その他の契約に係る債務の履行を担保するための保険契約であるとき。
(vii) where the insurance contract is intended to provide a security for the performance of obligations under a monetary loan agreement, lease agreement, or any other types of agreement; and
八 当該保険契約が、既に締結されている保険契約(以下この号において「既契約」という。)の更改(保険金額その他の給付の内容又は保険期間の変更に係るものに限る。)若しくは更新に係るもの又は既契約の保険金額、保険期間その他の内容の変更に係るものであるとき。
(viii) where the insurance contract is intended as the renewal (limited to renewals for the purpose of effecting any change to insurance benefits such as the insurance proceeds or term of coverage) or extension of any insurance contract that has already been concluded (hereinafter referred to as an "Existing Contract" in this item), or for amending the insurance proceeds, term of coverage, or any other terms and conditions under the Existing Contract.
(Ways of Using Information and Communications Technology to Withdraw an Application for a Policy under an Insurance Contract)
第四十五条の二 保険会社等又は外国保険会社等は、法第三百九条第二項の規定により同項に規定する事項を提供しようとするときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該申込者等に対し、その用いる同項前段に規定する方法(以下この条において「電磁的方法」という。)の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。
Article 45-2 (1) Where, pursuant to the provisions of Article 309, paragraph (2) of the Act, an Insurance Company, etc. or Foreign Insurance Company seeks to provide the information set forth in that paragraph, it shall, in advance and pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance, indicate to the Applicant, etc. the type and details of the means it will use as set forth in the first sentence of that paragraph (hereinafter referred to as "Electromagnetic Means" in this Article) and obtain consent therefrom in writing or by Electromagnetic Means.
2 前項の規定による承諾を得た保険会社等又は外国保険会社等は、当該申込者等から書面又は電磁的方法により電磁的方法による提供を受けない旨の申出があったときは、当該申込者等に対し、法第三百九条第二項に規定する事項の提供を電磁的方法によってしてはならない。ただし、当該申込者等が再び前項の規定による承諾をした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) Where an Insurance Company, etc. or a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. that has obtained the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph is notified in writing or by Electromagnetic Means to the effect that the Applicant, etc. refuses to be provided with information by Electromagnetic Means, it shall not provide the Applicant, etc. with the information set forth in Article 309, paragraph (2) of the Act by Electromagnetic Means; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the Applicant, etc. has given his/her consent under the preceding paragraph again.
(Authority Excluded from the Scope of Authority Delegated to the Commissioner of Financial Services Agency)
第四十六条 法第三百十三条第一項に規定する政令で定める権限は、次に掲げるものとする。
Article 46 The authority specified by Cabinet Order, referred to in Article 313, paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be as follows:
一 法第三条第一項、第百八十五条第一項及び第二百十九条第一項の規定による免許
(i) licensing under Article 3, paragraph (1), Article 185, paragraph (1) and Article 219, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二 法第百三十三条、第百三十四条、第二百五条、第二百六条、第二百三十一条及び第二百三十二条の規定による法第三条第一項、第百八十五条第一項及び第二百十九条第一項の免許の取消し
(ii) rescission of licenses granted under Article 3, paragraph (1), Article 185, paragraph (1) and Article 219, paragraph (1) of the Act, as effected pursuant to the provisions of Article 133, Article 134, Article 205, Article 206, Article 231 and Article 232 of the Act;
三 法第二百六十五条の九第二項並びに第二百七十一条の十八第一項及び第三項ただし書の規定による認可
(iii) authorization under Article 265-9, paragraph (2), Article 271-18, paragraph (1) and the proviso to Article 271-18, paragraph (3) of the Act;
四 法第二百六十五条の四十七及び第二百七十一条の三十第一項の規定による法第二百六十五条の九第二項並びに第二百七十一条の十八第一項及び第三項ただし書の認可の取消し
(iv) rescission of authorization under Article 265-9, paragraph (2), Article 271-18, paragraph (1) and the proviso to Article 271-18, paragraph (3) of the Act, as effected pursuant to the provisions of Article 265-47 and Article 271-30, paragraph (1) of the Act;
五 法第百八十九条前段及び第二百二十二条前段並びに第二百三十七条(第二号に係る部分に限る。)及び第二百七十四条(第二号及び第六号に係る部分に限る。)の規定による告示
(v) public notice under the first sentence of Article 189, the first sentence of Article 222, Article 237 (limited to the portion involving item (ii)) and Article 274 (limited to the portion involving items (ii) and (vi)) of the Act; and
六 法第三百十一条の三第一項(第一号(法第二百七十二条第一項の規定による登録に係る部分を除く。)、第二号(法第二百七十一条の十八第一項及び第三項ただし書の規定による認可に係る部分に限る。)、第四号(法第二百七十二条第一項の登録の取消しに係る部分を除く。)及び第五号(法第二百七十一条の十第一項若しくは第二項ただし書の認可の取消し及び法第二百七十一条の十八第一項若しくは第三項ただし書の認可の取消しに係る部分に限る。)に係る部分に限る。)の規定による通知
(vi) notice under Article 311-3, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to the portions involving item (i) (excluding the portion involving the registration under Article 272, paragraph (1) of the Act), item (ii) (limited to the portion involving the authorization under Article 271-18, paragraph (1) and the proviso to Article 271-18 of the Act), item (iv) (excluding the portion involving rescission of the registration under Article 272, paragraph (1) of the Act) and item (v) (limited to the portion involving rescission of authorization under Article 271-10, paragraph (1) or the proviso to Article 271-10, paragraph (2) of the Act and rescission of authorization under Article 271-18, paragraph (1) and the proviso to Article 271-18, paragraph (3) of the Act)).
(Delegation of Authority Over Insurance Companies, etc. to the Directors-General of Local Finance Bureaus and Other Officials)
第四十七条 法第三百十三条第一項の規定により金融庁長官に委任された権限及びこの政令による金融庁長官の権限(以下「長官権限」という。)のうち次に掲げるものは、保険会社、外国保険会社等又は免許特定法人及びその引受社員(次項及び第三項において「保険会社等」という。)の本店等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
Article 47 (1) Within the authority delegated to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency under Article 313, paragraph (1) of the Act and the authority of the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency conferred under this Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as the "Commissioner's Authority"), the following authority may be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the Head Office, etc. of the Insurance Company, Foreign Insurance Company, etc., or Licensed Specified Juridical Person or its Underwriting Members (hereinafter referred to as the "Insurance Company, etc." in the following paragraph and paragraph (3)) is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau):
一 法第百二十八条第一項及び第二項、第二百条第一項及び第二項並びに第二百二十六条第一項及び第二項の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令
(i) orders for the submission of reports and materials under Article 128, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 200, paragraphs (1) and (2) and Article 226, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act;
二 法第百二十九条第一項及び第二項、第二百一条第一項及び第二項並びに第二百二十七条第一項及び第二項の規定による質問及び立入検査
(ii) questioning and on-site inspections under Article 129, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 201, paragraphs (1) and (2) and Article 227, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act; and
三 法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第四十二条第一項の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令並びに質問及び立入検査
(iii) orders for the submission of reports and materials, questioning, and on-site inspections as set forth in Article 42, paragraph (1) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act.
2 前項各号に掲げる権限で営業所等(保険会社等の本店等以外の営業所、事務所その他の施設又は保険会社の子法人等(法第百二十八条第二項に規定する「子法人等」をいい、その施設を含む。)、保険会社から業務の委託を受けた者(その施設を含む。)、法第百九十四条に規定する特殊関係者(その施設を含む。)、外国保険会社等から日本における業務の委託を受けた者(その施設を含む。)、法第二百二十六条第二項に規定する免許特定法人等から業務の委託を受けた者(その施設を含む。)、保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等とその業務に関して取引をする者(その施設を含む。)若しくは保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等を子会社とする持株会社(信託業法第五条第二項第九号に規定する持株会社をいい、その施設を含む。)をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)に関するものについては、前項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、当該営業所等の所在地(当該保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社等と取引をする者が個人の場合にあっては、その住所又は居所。以下この項において同じ。)を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(2) The authority referred to in the items of the preceding paragraph in relation to a Business Office, etc. (meaning the business office, office, or any other facilities of an Insurance Company other than its Head Office, etc.; a Subsidiary, etc. (meaning a Subsidiary, etc. as defined in Article 128, paragraph (2) of the Act; and including its facilities) of an Insurance Company; a person that an Insurance Company has entrusted with its business (including its facilities); a Specified Related Party as defined in Article 194 of the Act (including its facilities); a person that a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. has entrusted with business in Japan (including its facilities); a person who a Licensed Specified Juridical Person, etc. as defined in Article 226, paragraph (2) of the Act (including its facilities) has entrusted with its business; a person who conducts business transactions with a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services (including its facilities); or a Holding Company (meaning a Holding Company as defined in Article 5, paragraph (2), item (ix) of the Trust Business Act, and including its facilities) whose Subsidiaries include a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph) may, in addition to being exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in the preceding paragraph, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which said Business Office, etc. is located (or over the domicile or residence, where the person who engages in business transactions with a Life Insurance Company, etc. Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services is an individual person; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
3 前項の規定により、保険会社等の営業所等に対して報告若しくは資料の提出の求め又は質問若しくは立入検査(以下この項において「検査等」という。)を行った財務局長又は福岡財務支局長は、当該保険会社等の本店等又は当該営業所等以外の営業所等に対して検査等の必要を認めたときは、当該本店等又は当該営業所等以外の営業所等に対し、検査等を行うことができる。
(3) When the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau has ordered the Business Office, etc. of an Insurance Company, etc. to submit a report and materials or has conducted questioning or on-site inspections (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Inspection, etc." in this paragraph) at such a Business Office, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and where he/she finds it necessary to conduct an Inspection, etc. at the Head Office, etc. or at any Business Office, etc. other than the first-mentioned Business Office, etc. of such Insurance Company, etc., he/she may conduct such an Inspection, etc. at the Head Office, etc. or at such other Business Office, etc.
4 長官権限のうち次に掲げるものは、保険議決権大量保有者(法第二百七十一条の三第一項に規定する保険議決権大量保有者をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の主たる事務所(個人の場合にあっては、その住所又は居所。以下この条及び次条において「主たる事務所等」という。)の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任する。ただし、第一号及び第二号に掲げる長官権限であって保険会社の主要株主基準値以上の数の議決権の保有者又は法第二百七十一条の十第三項及び第二百七十一条の三十二第一項第三号の届出をしなければならない者に係るものを除き、第三号及び第四号に掲げる権限は、金融庁長官が自ら行うことを妨げない。
(4) The following Commissioner's Authority shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the principal office (for an individual person, his/her domicile or residence; hereinafter referred to as "Principal Office, etc." in this Article and the following Article) of the Large-Volume Holder of Insurance Company Voting Rights (meaning a Large-Volume Holder of Insurance Company Voting Rights as defined in Article 271-3, paragraph (1) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau); provided, however, that the foregoing shall not preclude the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency from exercising the authority specified in items (iii) and (iv), himself/herself, excluding the Commissioner's Authority set forth in items (i) and (ii) in relation to the holder of a number of voting rights in the Insurance Company equal to or exceeding the Major Shareholder Threshold or in relation to a person required to file a notification under Article 271-10, paragraph (3) and Article 271-32, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act.
一 法第二百七十一条の三第一項、第二百七十一条の四第一項、第三項及び第四項並びに第二百七十一条の五第一項及び第二項の規定による書類又は届出の受理
(i) acceptance of documents and notifications under Article 271-3, paragraph (1), Article 271-4, paragraphs (1), (3) and (4), and Article 271-5, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act;
二 法第二百七十一条の六及び第二百七十一条の七の規定による訂正報告書の提出の命令及び当該命令に係る聴聞
(ii) orders for the submission of amended reports under Article 271-6 and Article 271-7 of the Act, and hearings related to such orders;
三 法第二百七十一条の八の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令
(iii) orders for the submission of reports and materials under Article 271-8 of the Act; and
四 法第二百七十一条の九第一項の規定による質問及び立入検査
(iv) questioning and on-site inspections under Article 271-9, paragraph (1) of the Act.
5 前項第三号及び第四号に掲げる権限は、前項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、保険議決権大量保有者に係る保険会社又は保険持株会社の本店又は主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(5) The authority specified in items (iii) and (iv) of the preceding paragraph may, in addition to being exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in the preceding paragraph, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the head office or principal office of the Insurance Company or Insurance Holding Company with which the Large-Volume Holder of Insurance Company Voting Rights is connected, is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
6 第四項第三号及び第四号に掲げる権限で保険議決権大量保有者の主たる事務所等以外の事務所その他の施設(以下この項及び第十二項並びに次条第九項において「従たる事務所等」という。)に関するものについては、前二項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、当該従たる事務所等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(6) The authority specified in items (iii) and (iv) of paragraph (4) in relation to an office or other facility other than the Principal Office, etc. of the Large-Volume Holder of Insurance Company Voting Rights (hereinafter referred to as "Secondary Office, etc." in this paragraph, paragraph (12) of this Article and paragraph (9) of the following Article) may, in addition to being exercised by the Directors-General of the Local Finance Bureaus or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which said Secondary Office, etc. is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
7 第四項各号に掲げる長官権限のうち金融庁長官の指定するもの(次項において「特定長官権限」という。)については、前三項の規定にかかわらず、金融庁長官の指定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長に委任する。
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, within the Commissioner's Authority that is specified in the items of paragraph (4), that designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency (referred to as "Commissioner's Specific Authority" in the following paragraph) shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau.
8 第四項から第六項までの規定は、第四項各号に掲げる長官権限(特定長官権限を除く。)のうち金融庁長官の指定するものについては、適用しない。
(8) The provisions of paragraphs (4) to (6) inclusive shall not apply to the Commissioner's Authority specified in the items of paragraph (4) (excluding the Commissioner's Specific Authority) that is designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
9 金融庁長官は、前二項の指定をした場合には、その旨を告示するものとする。これを廃止し、又は変更したときも、同様とする。
(9) When the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency has made a designation under the preceding two paragraphs, he/she shall issue a public notice to that effect. The same shall apply where he/she has abolished, or effected any amendment to, such designation.
10 保険議決権大量保有者(外国人又は外国法人であるものに限る。以下この項において同じ。)で国内に事務所その他の施設を有するものについては国内における主たる事務所等を主たる事務所等と、保険議決権大量保有者で国内に事務所その他の施設を有しないものについては主たる事務所等が関東財務局の管轄区域内に所在するものとみなして、第四項から前項までの規定を適用する。
(10) With regard to the Large-Volume Holder of Insurance Company Voting Rights (limited to a holder who is a foreign national or a foreign juridical person; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) with an office or any other facilities in Japan, its Principal Office, etc. in Japan shall be deemed to be its Principal Office, etc., and a Large-Volume Holder of Insurance Company Voting Rights that does not have an office or other facilities in Japan, its Principal Office, etc. shall be deemed to be located in the district under the jurisdiction of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau, and the provisions of paragraphs (4) to (9) shall apply.
11 長官権限のうち次に掲げるものは、保険主要株主(第三号に掲げる権限にあっては、保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社の主要株主(信託業法第五条第五項に規定する主要株主をいう。以下この項において同じ。)及び保険金信託業務を行う生命保険会社を子会社とする持株会社(信託業法第五条第二項第九号に規定する持株会社をいう。)の主要株主とする。以下第十三項までにおいて同じ。)の主たる事務所等又は当該保険主要株主に係る保険会社の本店の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(11) The Commissioner's Authority as specified in the following items may be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the Principal Office, etc. of the Insurance Company's Major Shareholder is located (for the authority specified in item (iii), this means the Major Shareholder (meaning a Major Shareholder as defined in Article 5, paragraph (5) of the Trust Business Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) of a Life Insurance Company engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services, or the Major Shareholder of a Holding Company (meaning a Holding Company as defined in Article 5, paragraph (2), item (ix) of the Trust Business Act) whose Subsidiaries include a Life Insurance Company Engaged in Insurance-Proceed Trust Services; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph to paragraph (13) inclusive) or the place in which the head office of the Insurance Company with which said Major Shareholder is connected is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau):
一 法第二百七十一条の十二の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令
(i) orders for the submission of reports and materials under Article 271-12 of the Act;
二 法第二百七十一条の十三第一項の規定による質問及び立入検査
(ii) questioning and on-site inspections under Article 271-13, paragraph (1) of the Act; and
三 法第九十九条第八項において準用する信託業法第四十二条第二項の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令並びに質問及び立入検査
(iii) orders for the submission of reports and materials, questioning, and on-site inspections under Article 42, paragraph (2) of the Trust Business Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 99, paragraph (8) of the Act.
12 前項各号に掲げる権限で保険主要株主の従たる事務所等に関するものについては、前項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、当該従たる事務所等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(12) The authority specified in the items of the preceding paragraph in relation to the Secondary Office, etc. of an Insurance Company's Major Shareholder may, in addition to being exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in the preceding paragraph, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which said Secondary Office, etc. is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
13 保険主要株主(外国人又は外国法人であるものに限り、保険主要株主が保険主要株主でなくなった場合における当該保険主要株主であった者を含む。以下この項において同じ。)で国内に事務所その他の施設を有するものについては国内における主たる事務所等を主たる事務所等と、保険主要株主で国内に事務所その他の施設を有しないものについては主たる事務所等が関東財務局の管轄区域内に所在するものとみなして、前二項の規定を適用する。
(13) With regard to an Insurance Company's Major Shareholder (limited to a foreign national or a foreign juridical person, and including a person who formerly was an Insurance Company's Major Shareholder if said Insurance Company's Major Shareholder has ceased to be the Insurance Company's Major Shareholder; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) with an office or any other facilities in Japan, its Principal Office, etc. in Japan shall be deemed to be its Principal Office, etc., and with regard to an Insurance Company's Major Shareholder that does not have an office or other facilities in Japan, its Principal Office, etc. shall be deemed to be located in the district under the jurisdiction of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau, and the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply.
14 長官権限のうち次に掲げるものは、保険持株会社の主たる事務所又は当該保険持株会社の子会社である保険会社の本店の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(14) The Commissioner's Authority specified in the following items may be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the principal office of the Insurance Holding Company or the head office of the Insurance Company that is the Subsidiary Company of said Insurance Holding Company is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau):
一 法第二百七十一条の二十七第一項の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令
(i) orders for the submission of reports and materials under Article 271-27, paragraph (1) of the Act; and
二 法第二百七十一条の二十八第一項及び第二項の規定による質問及び立入検査
(ii) questioning and on-site inspections under Article 271-28, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act.
15 前項各号に掲げる権限で支店等(保険持株会社の主たる事務所以外の事務所その他の施設又は保険持株会社の子法人等(法第二百七十一条の二十七第一項に規定する「子法人等」をいい、その施設を含む。)若しくは保険持株会社から業務の委託を受けた者(その施設を含む。)をいう。以下この項において同じ。)に関するものについては、前項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、当該支店等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(15) The authority specified in the items of the preceding paragraph in relation to the Branch Office, etc. (meaning an office or other facilities of an Insurance Holding Company excluding its principal office; a Subsidiary, etc. (meaning a "Subsidiary, etc." as defined in Article 271-27, paragraph (1) of the Act, and including its facilities) or an Insurance Holding Company; or a person that an Insurance Holding Company has entrusted with its business (including its facilities); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) may, in addition to being exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in the preceding paragraph, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which said Branch Office, etc. is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
16 保険会社を子会社とする外国の持株会社で国内に事務所を有するものについては国内における主たる事務所を主たる事務所と、保険会社を子会社とする外国の持株会社で国内に事務所を有しないものについては主たる事務所が関東財務局の管轄区域内に所在するものとみなして、前二項の規定を適用する。
(16) With regard to a Foreign Holding Company Whose Subsidiaries Include an Insurance Company and that has an office in Japan, its principal office in Japan shall be deemed to be its principal office, and with regard to a Foreign Holding Company Whose Subsidiaries Include an Insurance Company but that does not have an office in Japan, its principal office shall be deemed to be located in the district under the jurisdiction of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau, and the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply.
(Delegation of Authority Over Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers to the Directors-General of Local Finance Bureaus and Other Officials)
第四十七条の二 長官権限のうち次に掲げるもの(少額短期保険業者(金融庁長官の指定する少額短期保険業者を除く。)に係るものに限る。)は、少額短期保険業者の本店等(本店又は主たる事務所をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任する。ただし、第十三号、第十五号及び第十六号に掲げる権限は、金融庁長官が自ら行うことを妨げない。
Article 47-2 (1) The following Commissioner's Authority (limited to authority over Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers (excluding the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurers designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency)) shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the Head Office, etc. (meaning the head office or a principal office; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) of the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau); provided, however, that the foregoing shall not preclude the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency from exercising the authority specified in items (xiii), (xv) and (xvi), himself/herself.
一 法第十七条の二第三項、第五十五条の二第五項、第五十七条第五項、第八十条第一項、第九十六条の十第一項及び第百五十三条第一項の規定による認可
(i) authorization under Article 17-2, paragraph (3), Article 55-2, paragraph (5), Article 57, paragraph (5), Article 80, paragraph (1), Article 96-10, paragraph (1) and Article 153, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二 法第百六十七条第一項の規定による認可(保険会社を当事者としない合併に係るものに限る。)
(ii) authorization under Article 167, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to authorization for a merger to which an Insurance Company is not a party);
三 法第百七十三条の六第一項の規定による認可(保険会社を当事者としない会社分割に係るものに限る。)
(iii) authorization under Article 173-6, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to authorization for a company split to which an Insurance Company is not a party);
四 法第百七十四条第一項及び第四項の規定による清算人の選任
(iv) appointment of liquidators under Article 174, paragraphs (1) and (4) of the Act;
五 法第百七十四条第八項の規定による届出の受理
(v) acceptance of notifications under Article 174, paragraph (8) of the Act;
六 法第百七十四条第九項の規定による清算人の解任及び選任
(vi) dismissal and appointment of liquidators under Article 174, paragraph (9) of the Act;
七 法第百七十四条第十二項の規定による登記の嘱託
(vii) commissioning of registrations under Article 174, paragraph (12) of the Act;
八 法第百七十五条第二項の規定による決定
(viii) decisions under Article 175, paragraph (2) of the Act;
九 法第百七十六条の規定による書類の受理
(ix) acceptance of documents under Article 176 of the Act;
十 法第百七十八条において読み替えて適用する会社法第五百条第二項(法第百八十一条の二において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による許可
(x) permission under Article 500, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 181-2 of the Act), as applied by replacing certain terms under Article 178 of the Act;
十一 法第百七十九条第一項の規定による命令
(xi) orders under Article 179, paragraph (1) of the Act;
十二 法第百八十二条第六項の規定による認可
(xii) authorization under Article 182, paragraph (6) of the Act;
十三 法第二百四十一条第一項の規定による命令
(xiii) orders under Article 241, paragraph (1) of the Act;
十四 法第二百四十一条第三項の規定による申出の受理
(xiv) acceptance of notifications under Article 241, paragraph (3) of the Act;
十五 法第二百四十二条第二項の規定による保険管理人の選任
(xv) appointment of Insurance Administrators under Article 242, paragraph (2) of the Act;
十六 法第二百四十二条第三項の規定による命令
(xvi) orders under Article 242, paragraph (3) of the Act;
十七 法第二百四十二条第四項の規定による保険管理人の選任及び解任
(xvii) appointment and dismissal of Insurance Administrators under Article 242, paragraph (4) of the Act;
十八 法第二百四十二条第五項の規定による通知及び公告
(xviii) notices and public notices under Article 242, paragraph (5) of the Act;
十九 法第二百四十四条第一項(法第二百四十八条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による通知及び登記の嘱託
(xix) commissioning of a notices and registrations under Article 244, paragraph (1) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 248, paragraph (2) of the Act);
二十 法第二百四十五条の規定による認可
(xx) authorization under Article 245 of the Act;
二十一 法第二百四十六条の規定による命令
(xxi) orders under Article 246 of the Act;
二十二 法第二百四十六条の二の規定による報告の受理
(xxii) acceptance of reports under Article 246-2 of the Act;
二十三 法第二百四十七条第一項及び第五項の規定による命令
(xxiii) orders under Article 247, paragraphs (1) and (5) of the Act;
二十四 法第二百四十七条第二項及び第四項の規定による承認
(xxiv) approvals under Article 247, paragraphs (2) and (4) of the Act;
二十五 法第二百四十七条の五第一項の規定による承認
(xxv) approvals under Article 247-5, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二十六 法第二百四十八条第一項の規定による取消し
(xxvi) rescissions under Article 248, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二十七 法第二百五十条第五項、第二百五十四条第四項及び第二百五十五条の二第三項の規定による認可
(xxvii) authorization under Article 250, paragraph (5), Article 254, paragraph (4) and Article 255-2, paragraph (3) of the Act;
二十八 法第二百七十一条第二項の規定による意見の陳述
(xxviii) statements of opinions under Article 271, paragraph (2) of the Act; and
二十九 法第二百七十三条第一項第五号の規定による承認
(xxix) approvals under Article 273, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Act.
2 長官権限のうち次に掲げるものは、少額短期保険業者(法第二百七十二条第一項の登録を受けようとする者を含む。)の本店等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任する。
(2) The Commissioner's Authority specified in the following items shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the Head Office, etc. of the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer (including a person who seeks to obtain a registration under Article 272, paragraph (1) of the Act) is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau):
一 法第二百七十二条の二第一項の規定による登録申請書の受理
(i) acceptance of written applications for registration under Article 272-2, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二 法第二百七十二条の三第一項及び第二百七十二条の七第二項の規定による登録
(ii) registrations under Article 272-3, paragraph (1) and Article 272-7, paragraph (2) of the Act;
三 法第二百七十二条の三第二項の規定による公衆への縦覧
(iii) offering of information for public inspection under Article 272-3, paragraph (2) of the Act; and
四 法第二百七十二条の四第一項の規定による登録の拒否
(iv) refusal of registrations under Article 272-4, paragraph (1) of the Act.
3 長官権限のうち次に掲げるもの(金融庁長官の指定する少額短期保険業者に係るものを除く。)は、少額短期保険業者の本店等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任する。ただし、第十七号から第二十号まで及び第二十二号に掲げる権限は、金融庁長官が自ら行うことを妨げない。
(3) The Commissioner's Authority specified in the following items (excluding authority of the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency) shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the Head Office, etc. of the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau); provided, however, that the foregoing shall not preclude the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency from exercising the authority specified in items (xvii) to (xx) inclusive and item (xxii), himself/herself.
一 法第二百七十二条の五第二項及び第四項の規定による命令
(i) orders under Article 272-5, paragraphs (2) and (4) of the Act;
二 法第二百七十二条の五第三項、第五項及び第八項の規定による届出の受理
(ii) acceptance of notifications under Article 272-5, paragraphs (3), (5) and (8) of the Act;
三 法第二百七十二条の六第一項の規定による承認
(iii) approval under Article 272-6, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四 法第二百七十二条の六第二項の規定による命令
(iv) orders under Article 272-6, paragraph (2) of the Act;
五 法第二百七十二条の七第一項の規定による届出の受理
(v) acceptance of notifications under Article 272-7, paragraph (1) of the Act;
六 法第二百七十二条の十第一項、第二百七十二条の十一第二項、第二百七十二条の十三第二項において準用する法第百条の三及び第二百七十二条の十四第二項の規定による承認
(vi) approval under Article 272-10, paragraph (1) of the Act, Article 272-11, paragraph (1) of the Act, Article 100-3 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-13, paragraph (2) of the Act, and Article 272-14, paragraph (2) of the Act;
七 法第二百七十二条の十六第一項及び第二項並びに同条第三項において準用する法第百十条第二項の規定による報告書等の受理
(vii) acceptance of reports, etc. under Article 272-16, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act, and Article 110, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of that Article;
八 法第二百七十二条の十八において準用する法第百十五条第一項及び第二項の規定による認可
(viii) authorization under Article 115, paragraphs (1) and (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-18 of the Act;
九 法第二百七十二条の十八において準用する法第百二十条第三項の規定による届出の受理
(ix) acceptance of notifications under Article 120, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-18 of the Act;
十 法第二百七十二条の十八において準用する法第百二十一条第二項の規定による意見書の写しの受理
(x) acceptance of copies of written opinions under Article 121, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-18 of the Act;
十一 法第二百七十二条の十八において準用する法第百二十一条第三項の規定による意見の聴取
(xi) hearings of opinions under Article 121, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-18 of the Act;
十二 法第二百七十二条の十八において準用する法第百二十二条の規定による命令
(xii) orders under Article 122 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-18 of the Act;
十三 法第二百七十二条の十九第一項の規定による届出の受理
(xiii) acceptance of notifications under Article 272-19, paragraph (1) of the Act;
十四 法第二百七十二条の二十第二項及び第三項の規定による通知
(xiv) notices under Article 272-20, paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Act;
十五 法第二百七十二条の二十第四項の規定による命令
(xv) orders under Article 272-20, paragraph (4) of the Act;
十六 法第二百七十二条の二十一第一項の規定による届出の受理
(xvi) acceptance of notifications under Article 272-21, paragraph (1) of the Act;
十七 法第二百七十二条の二十二第一項(法第百七十九条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)及び第二項の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令
(xvii) orders for the submission of reports and materials under Article 272-22, paragraph (1) (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph (2) of the Act) and paragraph (2) of the Act;
十八 法第二百七十二条の二十三第一項(法第百七十九条第二項及び第二百七十一条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)及び第二項の規定による質問及び立入検査
(xviii) questioning and on-site inspections under Article 272-23, paragraph (1) (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph (2) and Article 271, paragraph (3) of the Act) and paragraph (2) of the Act;
十九 法第二百七十二条の二十四第一項及び第二項並びに第二百七十二条の二十五第一項の規定による命令
(xix) orders under Article 272-24, paragraphs (1) and (2) and Article 272-25, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二十 法第二百七十二条の二十六第一項の規定による業務の全部又は一部の停止の命令及び登録の取消し
(xx) orders for the suspension of business in whole or in part, and rescission of registrations under Article 272-26, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二十一 法第二百七十二条の二十六第二項の規定による命令
(xxi) orders under Article 272-26, paragraph (2) of the Act;
二十二 法第二百七十二条の二十七の規定による登録の取消し
(xxii) rescission of registrations under Article 272-27 of the Act;
二十三 法第二百七十二条の二十九において準用する法第百三十九条第一項の規定による認可(保険会社(外国保険会社等を含む。次号において同じ。)を移転先会社(法第百三十五条第一項に規定する移転先会社をいう。)とする保険契約の移転に係るものを除く。)
(xxiii) authorization under Article 139, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-29 of the Act (excluding authorization for the transfer of an insurance contract under which an Insurance Company (including a Foreign Insurance Company, etc.; the same shall apply in the following item) is the Transferee Company (meaning a Transferee Company as defined in Article 135, paragraph (1) of the Act));
二十四 法第二百七十二条の三十第一項において準用する法第百四十二条の規定による認可(保険会社を当事者としない事業の譲渡又は譲受けに係るものに限る。)
(xxiv) authorization under Article 142 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-30, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to authorization for the transfer or acquisition of business to which an Insurance Company is not a party);
二十五 法第二百七十二条の三十第二項において準用する法第百四十五条第一項及び第百四十九条第二項の規定による認可(保険会社(外国保険会社等(内閣府令で定めるものを除く。)を含む。)を受託会社(法第二百七十二条の三十第二項において準用する法第百四十四条第一項に規定する受託会社をいう。)とする業務及び財産の管理の委託に係るものを除く。)
(xxv) authorization under Article 145, paragraph (1) and Article 149, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-30, paragraph (2) of the Act (excluding authorization for the entrustment of business and property management to which an Insurance Company (including a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. (excluding the companies specified in Cabinet Office Ordinance)) is an Entrusted Company (meaning an Entrusted Company as defined in Article 144, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-30, paragraph (2) of the Act));
二十六 第三十八条の五第三号及び第三十八条の八第一項第三号の規定による承認
(xxvi) approval under Article 38-5, item (iii) and Article 38-8, paragraph (1), item (iii);
二十七 第三十八条の六の規定による申立ての受理、公示、通知、調査、意見を述べる機会の付与、配当表の作成及び換価
(xxvii) acceptance of applications, public notices, notices, assessments, affording of opportunities for presenting opinions, preparation of distribution lists, and realization under Article 38-6; and
二十八 第三十八条の七及び同条第五項において準用する第三十八条の六の規定による申立ての受理、公示、通知、承認、調査、意見を述べる機会の付与及び配当表の作成
(xxviii) acceptance of applications, public notices, notices, approval, assessments, affording of opportunities for presenting opinions, and preparation of distribution lists under Article 38-7, and under Article 38-6 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of that Article.
4 前項第十七号及び第十八号に規定する権限で営業所等(少額短期保険業者の本店等以外の営業所、事務所その他の施設又は少額短期保険業者の子法人等(法第二百七十二条の二十二第二項に規定する「子法人等」をいい、その施設を含む。)若しくは少額短期保険業者から業務の委託を受けた者(その施設を含む。)をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)に関するものについては、前項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、当該営業所等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(4) The authority specified in items (xvii) and (xviii) of the preceding paragraph in relation to a Business Office, etc. (meaning the business office, office, or any other facilities of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer other than its Head Office, etc., a Subsidiary, etc. (meaning a "Subsidiary, etc." as defined in Article 272-22, paragraph (2) of the Act, and including its facilities) of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, or a person that a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer has entrusted with its business (including its facilities); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph) may, in addition to being exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in the preceding paragraph, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the Business Office, etc. is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where its location falls within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
5 前項の規定により、少額短期保険業者の営業所等に対して報告若しくは資料の提出の求め又は質問若しくは立入検査(以下この項において「検査等」という。)を行った財務局長又は福岡財務支局長は、当該少額短期保険業者の本店等又は当該営業所等以外の営業所等に対して検査等の必要を認めたときは、当該本店等又は当該営業所等以外の営業所等に対し、検査等を行うことができる。
(5) When the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau that has ordered the Business Office, etc. of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer to submit a report and materials or that has conducted questioning or on-site inspections (hereinafter referred to as "Inspection, etc." in this paragraph) pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph finds it necessary to conduct such an Inspection, etc. at the Head Office, etc. or at any Business Office, etc. other than the first-mentioned Business Office, etc., he/she may conduct said Inspection, etc. at the Head Office, etc. or at such other Business Office, etc.
6 長官権限のうち次に掲げるものは、少額短期保険業者の本店の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任する。
(6) The Commissioner's Authority specified in the following items shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the head office of the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau):
一 法第二百七十二条の三十一第一項及び第二項ただし書の規定による承認
(i) approval under Article 272-31, paragraph (1) of the Act and the proviso to paragraph (2) of that Article;
二 法第二百七十二条の三十一第三項の規定による届出の受理
(ii) acceptance of notifications under Article 272-31, paragraph (3) of the Act;
三 法第二百七十二条の三十二第一項の規定による承認申請書の受理
(iii) acceptance of written applications for approval under Article 272-32, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四 法第二百七十二条の四十二第一項の規定による届出の受理
(iv) acceptance of notifications under Article 272-42, paragraph (1) of the Act; and
五 法第二百七十二条の四十三において準用する法第二百七十一条の三十三第一項第一号の規定による承認
(v) approval under Article 271-33, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-43 of the Act.
7 長官権限のうち次に掲げるもの(金融庁長官の指定する少額短期保険業者に係るものを除く。)は、少額短期保険業者の本店の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任する。ただし、第二号及び第三号に掲げる権限は、金融庁長官が自ら行うことを妨げない。
(7) The Commissioner's Authority specified in the following items (excluding authority in relation to Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency) shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the head office of the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau); provided, however, that the foregoing shall not preclude the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency from exercising the authority specified in items (ii) and (iii), himself/herself.
一 法第二百七十二条の三十一第四項の規定による命令
(i) orders under Article 272-31, paragraph (4) of the Act;
二 法第二百七十二条の三十四第一項において準用する法第二百七十一条の十二の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令
(ii) orders for the submission of reports and materials under Article 272-12 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-34, paragraph (1) of the Act;
三 法第二百七十二条の三十四第一項において準用する法第二百七十一条の十三第一項の規定による質問及び立入検査
(iii) questioning and on-site inspections under Article 271-13, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-34, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四 法第二百七十二条の三十四第一項において準用する法第二百七十一条の十四の規定による命令
(iv) orders under Article 271-14 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-34, paragraph (1) of the Act; and
五 法第二百七十二条の三十四第一項において準用する法第二百七十一条の十六第一項の規定による命令及び承認の取消し
(v) orders and rescissions of approval referred to in Article 271-16, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-34, paragraph (1) of the Act.
8 前項第二号及び第三号に掲げる権限は、同項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、少額短期保険主要株主の主たる事務所等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(8) The authority specified in items (ii) and (iii) of the preceding paragraph may, in addition to being exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in that paragraph, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the Principal Office, etc. of the Major Shareholder of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where its location falls within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
9 第七項第二号及び第三号に規定する権限で少額短期保険主要株主の従たる事務所等に関するものについては、前二項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、当該従たる事務所等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(9) The authority specified in items (ii) and (iii) of paragraph (7) in relation to the Secondary Office, etc. of the Major Shareholder of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer may, in addition to being exercised by the Directors-General of the Local Finance Bureaus or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which said Secondary Office, etc. is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where its location falls within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
10 少額短期保険主要株主(少額短期保険主要株主であった者を含み、外国人又は外国法人であるものに限る。以下この項において同じ。)で国内に事務所その他の施設を有するものについては国内における主たる事務所等を主たる事務所等と、少額短期保険主要株主で国内に事務所その他の施設を有しないものについては主たる事務所等が関東財務局の管轄区域内に所在するものとみなして、前二項の規定を適用する。
(10) With regard to a Major Shareholder of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer (including a person who formerly was the Major Shareholder of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer, and limited to a foreign national or a foreign juridical person; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) with an office or any other facilities in Japan, its Principal Office, etc. in Japan shall be deemed to be its Principal Office, etc., and with regard to a Major Shareholder of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer that does not have an office or any other facilities in Japan, its Principal Office, etc. shall be deemed to be located in the district under the jurisdiction of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau, and the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply.
11 長官権限のうち次に掲げるものは、少額短期保険業者の本店の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任する。
(11) The Commissioner's Authority specified in the following items shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the head office of the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau):
一 法第二百七十二条の三十五第一項及び第三項ただし書の規定による承認
(i) approval under Article 272-35, paragraph (1) of the Act and the proviso to paragraph (3) of that Article;
二 法第二百七十二条の三十五第二項及び第四項の規定による届出の受理
(ii) acceptance of notifications under Article 272-35, paragraphs (2) and (4) of the Act;
三 法第二百七十二条の三十六第一項の規定による承認申請書の受理
(iii) acceptance of written applications for approval under Article 272-36, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四 法第二百七十二条の三十九第一項及び第四項ただし書の規定による承認
(iv) approval under Article 272-39, paragraph (1) of the Act and the proviso to paragraph (4) of that Article;
五 法第二百七十二条の三十九第二項の規定による申請書の受理
(v) acceptance of written applications under Article 272-39, paragraph (2) of the Act;
六 法第二百七十二条の四十二第二項の規定による届出の受理
(vi) acceptance of notifications under Article 272-42, paragraph (2) of the Act;
七 法第二百七十二条の四十三において準用する法第二百七十一条の三十三第二項第一号の規定による承認
(vii) approval under Article 271-33, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-43 of the Act; and
八 第三十八条の十五本文の規定による届出の受理及び同条ただし書の規定による承認
(viii) acceptance of notifications under the main clause of Article 38-15 and approval under the proviso to that paragraph.
12 長官権限のうち次に掲げるもの(金融庁長官の指定する少額短期保険業者に係るものを除く。)は、少額短期保険業者の本店の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任する。ただし、第三号及び第四号に掲げる権限は、金融庁長官が自ら行うことを妨げない。
(12) The Commissioner's Authority specified in the following items (excluding authority in relation to the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency) shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the head office of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurer is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau); provided, however, that the foregoing shall not preclude the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency from exercising the authority specified in items (iii) and (iv), himself/herself.
一 法第二百七十二条の三十五第五項の規定による命令
(i) orders under Article 272-35, paragraph (5) of the Act;
二 法第二百七十二条の四十第一項において準用する法第二百七十一条の二十四第一項の規定による業務報告書等の受理
(ii) acceptance of business reports, etc. under Article 271-24 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-40, paragraph (2) of the Act;
三 法第二百七十二条の四十第二項において準用する法第二百七十一条の二十七の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令
(iii) orders for the submission of reports and materials under Article 271-27 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-40, paragraph (2) of the Act;
四 法第二百七十二条の四十第二項において準用する法第二百七十一条の二十八第一項及び第二項の規定による質問及び立入検査
(iv) questioning and on-site inspections under Article 271-28, paragraphs (1) and (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-40, paragraph (2) of the Act;
五 法第二百七十二条の四十第二項において準用する法第二百七十一条の二十九第一項及び第二項の規定による命令
(v) orders under Article 271-29, paragraphs (1) and (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-40, paragraph (2) of the Act; and
六 法第二百七十二条の四十第二項において準用する法第二百七十一条の三十第一項及び第四項の規定による命令及び承認の取消し
(vi) orders and the rescission of approval referred to in Article 271-31, paragraphs (1) and (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-40, paragraph (2) of the Act.
13 前項第三号及び第四号に掲げる権限は、同項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、少額短期保険持株会社の主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(13) The authority specified in items (iii) and (iv) of the preceding paragraph may, in addition to being exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in that paragraph, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the principal office of the Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where its location falls within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
14 第十二項第三号及び第四号に規定する権限で支店等(少額短期保険持株会社の主たる事務所以外の事務所その他の施設又は少額短期保険持株会社の子法人等(法第二百七十二条の四十第二項に規定する子法人等をいい、その施設を含む。)若しくは少額短期保険持株会社から業務の委託を受けた者(その施設を含む。)をいう。以下この項において同じ。)に関するものについては、前二項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、当該支店等の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(14) The authority specified in items (iii) and (iv) of paragraph (12) in relation to the Branch Office, etc. (meaning the office or other facilities of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company excluding its principal office, a Subsidiary, etc. (meaning a "Subsidiary, etc." as defined in Article 271-40, paragraph (2) of the Act, and including its facilities) of a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company or in relation to the person that a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company has entrusted with its business (including its facilities); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) may, in addition to being exercised by the Directors-General of the Local Finance Bureaus or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which said Branch Office, etc. is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
15 少額短期保険業者を子会社とする外国の持株会社で国内に事務所を有するものについては国内における主たる事務所を主たる事務所と、少額短期保険業者を子会社とする外国の持株会社で国内に事務所を有しないものについては主たる事務所が関東財務局の管轄区域内に所在するものとみなして、前二項の規定を適用する。
(15) With regard to a foreign Holding Company whose Subsidiaries include a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company and that has an office in Japan, its principal office in Japan shall be deemed to be its principal office, and with regard to a foreign Holding Company whose Subsidiaries include a Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Holding Company and that does not have an office in Japan, its principal office shall be deemed to be located in the district under the jurisdiction of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau, and the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply.
16 金融庁長官は、第一項、第三項、第七項及び第十二項の指定をした場合には、その旨を官報で告示するものとする。これを取り消したときも、同様とする。
(16) When the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency has made a designation under paragraphs (1), (3), (7) and (12), he/she shall issue a public notice to that effect. The same shall apply where the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency has rescinded such a designation.
(Delegation of Authority Over Insurance Agents, etc. to the Directors-General of Local Finance Bureaus and Other Officials)
第四十七条の三 長官権限のうち次に掲げるものは、特定保険募集人の主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任するものとする。ただし、第七号に掲げる権限は、金融庁長官が自ら行うことを妨げない。
Article 47-3 (1) The Commissioner's Authority specified in the following items shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the principal office of the Specified Insurance Agent is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau); provided, however, that the foregoing shall not preclude the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency from exercising the authority specified in item (vii), himself/herself.
一 法第百二十七条第一項第八号、第二百九条第九号、第二百三十四条第八号及び第二百七十二条の二十一第一項第六号の規定による届出(特定保険募集人又はその役員若しくは使用人に関するものに限る。)のうち内閣府令で定めるものの受理
(i) acceptance of the notifications under Article 127, paragraph (1), item (viii), Article 209, item (ix), Article 234, item (viii) and Article 272-21, paragraph (1), item (vi) of the Act (limited to notifications related to a Specified Insurance Agent or its officers or employees) that are specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance;
二 法第二百七十六条、第二百七十八条第一項及び第二百八十条第二項の規定による登録並びに法第二百七十九条第一項の規定による登録の拒否
(ii) registrations under Article 276, Article 278, paragraph (1) and Article 280, paragraph (2) of the Act, and refusal of registrations pursuant to Article 279, paragraph (1) of the Act;
三 法第二百七十七条第一項の規定による登録申請書の受理並びに法第二百八十条第一項及び第三百二条の規定による届出の受理
(iii) acceptance of written applications for registration under Article 277, paragraph (1) of the Act, and acceptance of notifications under Article 280, paragraph (1) and Article 302 of the Act;
四 法第二百七十八条第一項の規定による生命保険募集人登録簿、損害保険代理店登録簿及び少額短期保険募集人登録簿の備付け
(iv) custody of the registry of Life Insurance Agents, the registry of Non-Life Insurance Representatives, and the registry of Low-Cost, Short-Term Insurance Agents under Article 278, paragraph (1) of the Act;
五 法第二百七十八条第二項、第二百七十九条第二項及び第四項、第二百八十条第二項並びに第三百八条第二項の規定による通知
(v) notices under Article 278, paragraph (2), Article 279, paragraphs (2) and (4), Article 280, paragraph (2) and Article 308, paragraph (2) of the Act;
六 法第二百七十九条第二項の規定による出頭の要求、証拠の提出の機会の付与及び意見の聴取
(vi) orders to appear, affording opportunities to present evidence, and hearings of opinions referred to in Article 279, paragraph (2) of the Act;
七 法第三百五条の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令並びに立入検査及び質問
(vii) orders for the submission of reports and materials under Article 305 of the Act, and implementation of on-site inspections and questioning under that Article;
八 法第三百六条の規定による命令
(viii) orders under Article 306 of the Act;
九 法第三百七条第一項の規定による登録の取消し及び業務の全部又は一部の停止の命令
(ix) rescission of registrations under Article 307, paragraph (1) of the Act, and orders to suspend all or a part of business pursuant to that paragraph;
十 法第三百七条第二項の規定による公告及び登録の取消し
(x) public notices and rescission of registrations referred to in Article 307, paragraph (2) of the Act; and
十一 法第三百八条第一項の規定による登録の抹消
(xi) cancellation of registrations pursuant to Article 308, paragraph (1) of the Act.
2 長官権限のうち次に掲げるものは、保険仲立人の主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)に委任するものとする。ただし、第十号に掲げる権限は、金融庁長官が自ら行うことを妨げない。
(2) The Commissioner's Authority specified in the following items shall be delegated to the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which the principal office of the Insurance Broker is located (or to the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau); provided, however, that the foregoing shall not preclude the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency from exercising the authority specified in item (x), himself/herself.
一 法第二百八十六条、第二百八十八条第一項及び第二百九十条第二項の規定による登録並びに法第二百八十九条第一項の規定による登録の拒否
(i) registration under Article 286, Article 288, paragraph (1) and Article 290, paragraph (2) of the Act, and refusal of registrations under Article 289, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二 法第二百八十七条第一項及び第三百四条の規定による書類の受理並びに法第二百九十条第一項、第二百九十一条第三項、第五項及び第八項並びに第三百二条の規定による届出の受理
(ii) acceptance of documents under Article 287, paragraph (1) and Article 304 of the Act, and acceptance of notifications under Article 290, paragraph (1), Article 291, paragraphs (3), (5) and (8) and Article 302 of the Act;
三 法第二百八十八条第一項の規定による保険仲立人登録簿の備付け
(iii) custody of the registry of Insurance Brokers under Article 288, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四 法第二百八十八条第二項並びに第二百八十九条第二項及び第四項の規定による通知
(iv) notices under Article 288, paragraph (1), and Article 289, paragraphs (2) and (4) of the Act;
五 法第二百八十八条第三項の規定による公衆への縦覧
(v) offering information for public inspection under Article 288, paragraph (3) of the Act;
六 法第二百八十九条第二項の規定による出頭の要求、証拠の提出の機会の付与及び意見の聴取
(vi) orders to appear, affording opportunities to present evidence, and hearings of opinions referred to in Article 289, paragraph (2) of the Act;
七 法第二百九十一条第四項及び第二百九十二条第二項の規定による供託の命令
(vii) orders for deposits under Article 291, paragraph (4) and Article 292, paragraph (2) of the Act;
八 法第二百九十一条第十項及び第二百九十二条第一項の規定による承認
(viii) approval under Article 291, paragraph (10) and Article 292, paragraph (1) of the Act;
九 法第二百九十一条第十一項の規定による指定
(ix) designation under Article 291, paragraph (11) of the Act;
十 法第三百五条の規定による報告及び資料の提出の命令並びに立入検査及び質問
(x) orders for the submission of reports and materials under Article 305 of the Act, and on-site inspections and questioning under that Article;
十一 法第三百六条の規定による命令
(xi) orders under Article 306 of the Act;
十二 法第三百七条第一項の規定による登録の取消し及び業務の全部又は一部の停止の命令
(xii) rescission of registrations under Article 307, paragraph (1) of the Act, and orders to suspend all or a part of business under that paragraph;
十三 法第三百七条第二項の規定による公告及び登録の取消し
(xiii) public notices and rescission of registrations pursuant to in Article 307, paragraph (2) of the Act; and
十四 法第三百八条第一項の規定による登録の抹消
(xiv) cancellation of registrations under Article 308, paragraph (1) of the Act.
3 第一項第一号及び第七号並びに前項第十号に掲げる権限で特定保険募集人又は保険仲立人(以下この項及び次項において「特定保険募集人等」という。)の主たる事務所以外の事務所(以下この項及び次項において「従たる事務所」という。)に関するものについては、第一項及び前項に規定する財務局長又は福岡財務支局長のほか、当該特定保険募集人等の当該従たる事務所の所在地を管轄する財務局長(当該所在地が福岡財務支局の管轄区域内にある場合にあっては、福岡財務支局長)も行うことができる。
(3) The authority specified in items (i) and (vii) of paragraph (1) and in item (x) of the preceding paragraph in relation to the offices of a Specified Insurance Agent or Insurance Agent (hereinafter collectively referred to as a "Specified Insurance Agent, etc." in this paragraph and the following paragraph) that are other than its principal office (hereinafter referred to as "Secondary Office(s)" in this paragraph and the following paragraph) may, in addition to being exercised by the Directors-General of the Local Finance Bureaus or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau set forth in paragraph (1) and the preceding paragraph, be exercised by the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the place in which said Secondary Office is located (or by the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, where the relevant location is within the district under the jurisdiction of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau).
4 前項の規定により、特定保険募集人等の従たる事務所に対して報告若しくは資料の提出の求め又は立入検査若しくは質問(以下この項において「検査等」という。)を行った財務局長又は福岡財務支局長は、当該特定保険募集人等の主たる事務所又は当該従たる事務所以外の従たる事務所に対して検査等の必要を認めたときは、当該主たる事務所又は当該従たる事務所以外の従たる事務所に対し、検査等を行うことができる。
(4) When the Director-General of the Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau who, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, has ordered the Secondary Office, etc. of a Specified Insurance Agent, etc. to submit reports or materials or has conducted questioning or on-site inspections (hereinafter referred to as "Inspection, etc." in this paragraph) finds it necessary to conduct any Inspection, etc. at the Principal Office or at any Secondary Office other than the first-mentioned Secondary Office, he/she may conduct such Inspection, etc. at the Principal Office or at said other Second Office.
5 前各項の規定は、第一項各号に掲げる長官権限及び第二項各号に掲げる長官権限のうち金融庁長官の指定するものについては、適用しない。
(5) The provisions of each of the preceding paragraphs shall not apply to the Commissioner's Authority set forth in the items of paragraph (1) and the Commissioner's Authority set forth in the items of paragraph (2) that are designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
6 金融庁長官は、前項の指定をした場合には、その旨を官報で告示するものとする。これを廃止し、又は変更したときも、同様とする。
(6) When the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency has made a designation under the preceding paragraph, he/she shall issue a public notice to that effect. The same shall apply where the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency has abolished or effected any amendment to such a designation.
Provisions of the Commercial Registration Act whose terms are to be replaced
Original terms
Terms to replace the original terms
Article 89, item (ii)
in the main clause of paragraph (1) or of paragraph (3) of Article 796 of the Companies Act
in the main clauses of Article 796, paragraphs (1) or paragraph (3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 96-5, paragraph (3) of the Insurance Business Act
paragraph (4) of said Article
Article 796, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 96-5, paragraph (3) of the Insurance Business Act
Article 89, item (iii)
Article 799, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act
Article 796, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 96-5, paragraph (3) of the Insurance Business Act