薬剤師法 Pharmacists Act 第一章 総則(第一条) Chapter I General Provisions (Article 1) 第二章 免許(第二条―第十条) Chapter II License (Articles 2 to 10) 第三章 試験(第十一条―第十八条) Chapter III Examination (Articles 11 to 18) 第四章 業務(第十九条―第二十八条の三) Chapter IV Services (Articles 19 to 28-3) 第五章 罰則(第二十九条―第三十三条) Chapter V Penal Provisions (Articles 29 to 33) 第一章 総則 Chapter I General Provisions (薬剤師の任務) (Duties of a Pharmacist) 第一条 薬剤師は、調剤、医薬品の供給その他薬事衛生をつかさどることによつて、公衆衛生の向上及び増進に寄与し、もつて国民の健康な生活を確保するものとする。 Article 1 A pharmacist is to contribute to the improvement and promotion of public health by administering the dispensing of medicine, supply of medicine and other pharmaceutical health and sanitation services, thereby ensuring the healthy living of citizens. 第二章 免許 Chapter II License (免許) (License) 第二条 薬剤師になろうとする者は、厚生労働大臣の免許を受けなければならない。 Article 2 A person who intends to be a pharmacist must obtain a license from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. (免許の要件) (Requirements for License) 第三条 薬剤師の免許(以下「免許」という。)は、薬剤師国家試験(以下「試験」という。)に合格した者に対して与える。 Article 3 A pharmacist license (hereinafter referred to as "License") is to be granted to a person who has passed a national examination for pharmacists (hereinafter referred to as the "Examination"). (絶対的欠格事由) (Absolute Grounds for Disqualification) 第四条 未成年者、成年被後見人又は被保佐人には、免許を与えない。 Article 4 The License will not be granted to a minor, adult ward, or person under curatorship. (相対的欠格事由) (Relative Grounds for Disqualification) 第五条 次の各号のいずれかに該当する者には、免許を与えないことがある。 Article 5 The License might not be granted to a person who falls under any of the following items: 一 心身の障害により薬剤師の業務を適正に行うことができない者として厚生労働省令で定めるもの (i) a person specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as being unable to properly perform the services of pharmacist due to mental or physical disorder; 二 麻薬、大麻又はあへんの中毒者 (ii) a person who is addicted to narcotics, cannabis, or opium; 三 罰金以上の刑に処せられた者 (iii) a person who has been punished by a fine or heavier punishment; or 四 前号に該当する者を除くほか、薬事に関し犯罪又は不正の行為があつた者 (iv) beyond one falling under the preceding item, a person who has committed a crime or wrongful act related to pharmaceutical affairs. (薬剤師名簿) (Register of Pharmacists) 第六条 厚生労働省に薬剤師名簿を備え、登録年月日、第八条第一項又は第二項の規定による処分に関する事項その他の免許に関する事項を登録する。 Article 6 The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare maintains the register of pharmacists, in which the date of registration, matters concerning any disposition made pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) or (2), and other matters concerning the License are registered. (登録及び免許証の交付) (Registration and Issuance of a License Certificate) 第七条 免許は、試験に合格した者の申請により、薬剤師名簿に登録することによつて行う。 Article 7 (1) Licensure is performed by registering a person who has passed the Examination in the register of pharmacists, in response to an application filed by said person. 2 厚生労働大臣は、免許を与えたときは、薬剤師免許証を交付する。 (2) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare issues a pharmacist license certificate when the Minister has granted a License. (意見の聴取) (Hearing of Opinions) 第七条の二 厚生労働大臣は、免許を申請した者について、第五条第一号に掲げる者に該当すると認め、同条の規定により免許を与えないこととするときは、あらかじめ、当該申請者にその旨を通知し、その求めがあつたときは、厚生労働大臣の指定する職員にその意見を聴取させなければならない。 Article 7-2 When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds that a person applying for a License falls under item (i) of Article 5, and decides not to grant him/her a License pursuant to the provisions of the same Article, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare must notify said applicant to that effect in advance and cause an official designated by him/her to hear the opinions of said applicant at the request of said applicant. (免許の取消し等) (Revocation of a License) 第八条 薬剤師が、成年被後見人又は被保佐人になつたときは、厚生労働大臣は、その免許を取り消す。 Article 8 (1) When a pharmacist becomes an adult ward or person under curatorship, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare will revoke the pharmacist's License. 2 薬剤師が、第五条各号のいずれかに該当し、又は薬剤師としての品位を損するような行為のあつたときは、厚生労働大臣は、次に掲げる処分をすることができる。 (2) When a pharmacist falls under any item of Article 5 or acts in a way that may damage the standing as a pharmacist, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may make any of the following dispositions: 一 戒告 (i) admonition; 二 三年以内の業務の停止 (ii) suspension of services for not more than three years; or 三 免許の取消し (iii) revocation of License. 3 都道府県知事は、薬剤師について前二項の処分が行なわれる必要があると認めるときは、その旨を厚生労働大臣に具申しなければならない。 (3) When a prefectural governor finds it necessary to make any of the dispositions set forth in the preceding two paragraphs against a pharmacist, the prefectural governor must inform the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare to that effect. 4 第一項又は第二項の規定により免許を取り消された者(第五条第三号若しくは第四号に該当し、又は薬剤師としての品位を損するような行為のあつた者として第二項の規定により免許を取り消された者にあつては、その取消しの日から起算して五年を経過しない者を除く。)であつても、その者がその取消しの理由となつた事項に該当しなくなつたとき、その他その後の事情により再び免許を与えるのが適当であると認められるに至つたときは、再免許を与えることができる。この場合においては、第七条の規定を準用する。 (4) A person whose License has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or (2) (in the case of a person whose License has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) as falling under Article 5, item (iii) or (iv), or as acting in a way that may damage the standing as a pharmacist, excluding one for whom five years have not elapsed from the date of revocation) may be regranted a License when said person ceases to fall under the case which gave rise to the revocation or when it becomes deemed appropriate to regrant him/her a License due to other subsequent circumstances. In this case, the provisions of Article 7 apply mutatis mutandis. 5 厚生労働大臣は、第一項、第二項及び前項に規定する処分をするに当たつては、あらかじめ、医道審議会の意見を聴かなければならない。 (5) Prior to making any of the dispositions prescribed by paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare must hear the opinions of the Medical Ethics Council. 6 厚生労働大臣は、第一項又は第二項の規定による免許の取消処分をしようとするときは、都道府県知事に対し、当該処分に係る者に対する意見の聴取を行うことを求め、当該意見の聴取をもつて、厚生労働大臣による聴聞に代えることができる。 (6) When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare intends to make a disposition to revoke a License pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or (2), the Minister may request the prefectural governor to hear the opinions of the person subject to said disposition, and may substitute said hearing of opinions with the Minister's own hearing. 7 行政手続法(平成五年法律第八十八号)第三章第二節(第二十五条、第二十六条及び第二十八条を除く。)の規定は、都道府県知事が前項の規定により意見の聴取を行う場合について準用する。この場合において、同節中「聴聞」とあるのは「意見の聴取」と、同法第十五条第一項中「行政庁」とあるのは「都道府県知事」と、同条第三項(同法第二十二条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)中「行政庁は」とあるのは「都道府県知事は」と、「当該行政庁が」とあるのは「当該都道府県知事が」と、「当該行政庁の」とあるのは「当該都道府県の」と、同法第十六条第四項並びに第十八条第一項及び第三項中「行政庁」とあるのは「都道府県知事」と、同法第十九条第一項中「行政庁が指名する職員その他政令で定める者」とあるのは「都道府県知事が指名する職員」と、同法第二十条第一項、第二項及び第四項中「行政庁」とあるのは「都道府県」と、同条第六項、同法第二十四条第三項及び第二十七条第一項中「行政庁」とあるのは「都道府県知事」と読み替えるものとする。 (7) The provisions of Section 2, Chapter III of the Administrative Procedure Act (Act No. 88 of 1993) (excluding Articles 25, 26 and 28) apply mutatis mutandis to the case where the prefectural governor holds a hearing of opinions pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. In this case, the term "hearings" in the same Section is deemed to be replaced with "hearing of opinions"; the term "administrative agencies" in Article 15, paragraph (1) of the same Act with "prefectural governors"; the phrase "Administrative agencies may" in paragraph (3) of the same Article (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 22, paragraph (3) of the same Act) with "Prefectural governors may", the phrase "of their offices" in the same paragraph with "of the offices of the prefecture", and the phrase "the administrative agency will" with "the prefectural governor will"; the term "the administrative agencies" in Article 16, paragraph (4) of the same Act with "the prefectural governor"; the phrase "from the administrative agency" in Article 18, paragraph (1) of the same Act with "from the prefectural governor" and the phrase "administrative agencies may not" in the same paragraph with "prefectural governors may not"; the term "Administrative agencies" in Article 18, paragraph (3) of the same Act with "Prefectural governors"; the phrase "an official designated by the administrative agencies or such other persons as may be provided for by a Cabinet Order" in Article 19, paragraph (1) of the same Act with "an official designated by the prefectural governor"; the term "the administrative agency" in Article 20, paragraphs (1), (2) and (4) of the same Act with "the prefecture"; and the term "administrative agencies" in paragraph (6) of the same Article with "prefectural governors"; the term "the administrative agency" in Article 24, paragraph (3) of the same Act with "the prefectural governor"; and the term "administrative agencies" in Article 27, paragraph (1) of the same Act with "prefectural governors". 8 厚生労働大臣は、都道府県知事から当該処分の原因となる事実を証する書類その他意見の聴取を行う上で必要となる書類を求められた場合には、速やかにそれらを当該都道府県知事あて送付しなければならない。 (8) When the documents to prove the fact giving rise to the disposition and other documents necessary for holding a hearing of opinions are requested by a prefectural governor, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare must promptly send them to the prefectural governor. 9 都道府県知事は、第六項の規定により意見の聴取を行う場合において、第七項において読み替えて準用する行政手続法第二十四条第三項の規定により同条第一項の調書及び同条第三項の報告書の提出を受けたときは、これらを保存するとともに、当該処分の決定についての意見を記載した意見書を作成し、当該調書及び報告書の写しを添えて厚生労働大臣に提出しなければならない。 (9) When a hearing of opinions is held pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6), and the prefectural governor receives, pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (3) of the Administrative Procedure Act as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms in paragraph (7), a record set forth in paragraph (1) of the same Article or a written report set forth in paragraph (3) of the same Article, the prefectural governor must keep it, draw up a written opinion in which the prefectural governor states the opinion on the disposition, and submit said opinion to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare with a copy of said record and written report attached thereto. 10 厚生労働大臣は、意見の聴取の終結後に生じた事情にかんがみ必要があると認めるときは、都道府県知事に対し、前項の規定により提出された意見書を返戻して主宰者に意見の聴取の再開を命ずるよう求めることができる。行政手続法第二十二条第二項本文及び第三項の規定は、この場合について準用する。 (10) When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds it necessary in light of the circumstances arising after the conclusion of hearing of opinions, the Minister may return to the prefectural governor the written opinion submitted pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and request him/her to order the presiding official to reopen the hearing of opinions. The provisions of the main clause of Article 22, paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the Administrative Procedure Act apply mutatis mutandis to this case. 11 厚生労働大臣は、当該処分の決定をするときは、第九項の規定により提出された意見書並びに調書及び報告書の写しの内容を十分参酌してこれをしなければならない。 (11) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare must fully consider the details of the written opinion and a copy of the record and written report submitted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (9) when the Minister makes a decision on the disposition. 12 厚生労働大臣は、第二項の規定による業務の停止の命令をしようとするときは、都道府県知事に対し、当該処分に係る者に対する弁明の聴取を行うことを求め、当該弁明の聴取をもつて、厚生労働大臣による弁明の機会の付与に代えることができる。 (12) When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare intends to issue an order for suspension of services pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2), the Minister may request the prefectural governor to hear the explanations of the person who is subject to said disposition, and may substitute said hearing of explanations with the granting of an opportunity for explanation by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. 13 前項の規定により弁明の聴取を行う場合において、都道府県知事は、弁明の聴取を行うべき日時までに相当な期間をおいて、当該処分に係る者に対し、次に掲げる事項を書面により通知しなければならない。 (13) When an explanation hearing is held pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the prefectural governor must notify the person who is subject to the disposition of the following matters in writing, within a reasonable period of time prior to the date and time for the explanation hearing: 一 第二項の規定を根拠として当該処分をしようとする旨及びその内容 (i) the intention to make the disposition based on the provisions of paragraph (2) and the details thereof; 二 当該処分の原因となる事実 (ii) the fact giving rise to the disposition; and 三 弁明の聴取の日時及び場所 (iii) the time, date and place of the explanation hearing. 14 厚生労働大臣は、第十二項に規定する場合のほか、厚生労働大臣による弁明の機会の付与に代えて、医道審議会の委員に、当該処分に係る者に対する弁明の聴取を行わせることができる。この場合においては、前項中「前項」とあるのは「次項」と、「都道府県知事」とあるのは「厚生労働大臣」と読み替えて、同項の規定を適用する。 (14) In addition to the cases prescribed by paragraph (12), the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may cause a member of the Medical Ethics Council to hear the explanations of the person who is subject to the disposition, in lieu of the granting of an opportunity for explanation by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. In this case, the provisions of the preceding paragraph applies by replacing the term "the preceding paragraph" in the same paragraph with "the following paragraph" and the term "the prefectural governor" with "the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare". 15 第十三項(前項後段の規定により読み替えて適用する場合を含む。)の通知を受けた者は、代理人を出頭させ、かつ、証拠書類又は証拠物を提出することができる。 (15) A person who has received the notification set forth in paragraph (13) (including the cases where it is applied by replacing certain terms pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of the preceding paragraph) may cause the person's agent to appear and submit documentary evidence or articles of evidence. 16 都道府県知事又は医道審議会の委員は、第十二項又は第十四項前段の規定により弁明の聴取を行つたときは、聴取書を作り、これを保存するとともに、当該処分の決定についての意見を記載した報告書を作成し、厚生労働大臣に提出しなければならない。 (16) When a prefectural governor or a member of the Medical Ethics Council has held an explanation hearing pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (12) or the first sentence of paragraph (14), the prefectural governor or the member must prepare and keep a hearing report, draw up a written report in which the prefectural governor or the member states the opinion on the disposition, and submit said report to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. 17 厚生労働大臣は、第六項又は第十二項の規定により都道府県知事が意見の聴取又は弁明の聴取を行う場合においては、都道府県知事に対し、あらかじめ、次に掲げる事項を通知しなければならない。 (17) When a prefectural governor holds a hearing of opinions or an explanation hearing pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6) or (12), the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare must notify the prefectural governor of the following matters in advance: 一 当該処分に係る者の氏名及び住所 (i) the name and address of the person who is subject to the disposition; 二 当該処分の内容及び根拠となる条項 (ii) the details of the disposition and the provisions on which it is based; and 三 当該処分の原因となる事実 (iii) the fact giving rise to the disposition. 18 第六項の規定により意見の聴取を行う場合における第七項において読み替えて準用する行政手続法第十五条第一項の通知又は第十二項の規定により弁明の聴取を行う場合における第十三項の通知は、それぞれ、前項の規定により通知された内容に基づいたものでなければならない。 (18) The notice set forth in Article 15, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms in paragraph (7) for a hearing of opinions held pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6), or the notification set forth in paragraph (13) for an explanation hearing held pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (12) must be based on the contents of the respective notifications made pursuant to the preceding paragraph. 19 第六項若しくは第十二項の規定により都道府県知事が意見の聴取若しくは弁明の聴取を行う場合又は第十四項前段の規定により医道審議会の委員が弁明の聴取を行う場合における当該処分については、行政手続法第三章(第十二条及び第十四条を除く。)の規定は、適用しない。 (19) With regard to a disposition where a hearing of opinions or an explanatory hearing is held by a prefectural governor pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6) or (12), or where an explanatory hearing is held by a member of the Medical Ethics Council pursuant to the provisions of the first sentence of paragraph (14), the provisions of Chapter III of the Administrative Procedure Act (excluding Articles 12 and 14) do not apply. (再教育研修) (Re-education and Training) 第八条の二 厚生労働大臣は、前条第二項第一号若しくは第二号に掲げる処分を受けた薬剤師又は同条第四項の規定により再免許を受けようとする者に対し、薬剤師としての倫理の保持又は薬剤師として必要な知識及び技能に関する研修として厚生労働省令で定めるもの(以下「再教育研修」という。)を受けるよう命ずることができる。 Article 8-2 (1) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may order a pharmacist who has become subject to the disposition set forth in item (i) or (ii) of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article or a person who intends to reobtain a License pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of the same Article to receive the training specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare concerning the maintenance of ethics as a pharmacist or the knowledge and skills required of a pharmacist (hereinafter referred to as "Re-education and Training"). 2 厚生労働大臣は、前項の規定による再教育研修を修了した者について、その申請により、再教育研修を修了した旨を薬剤師名簿に登録する。 (2) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare registers in the register of pharmacists the completion of Re-education and Training by a person who has completed the Re-education and Training pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in response to an application filed by said person. 3 厚生労働大臣は、前項の登録をしたときは、再教育研修修了登録証を交付する。 (3) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare issues a registration certificate for completion of re-education and training when the Minister has made a registration set forth in the preceding paragraph. 4 第二項の登録を受けようとする者及び再教育研修修了登録証の書換交付又は再交付を受けようとする者は、実費を勘案して政令で定める額の手数料を納めなければならない。 (4) A person who intends to be registered as set forth in paragraph (2) or a person who intends to obtain a replacement or reissuance of registration certificate for completion of re-education and training must pay fees in the amount specified by a Cabinet Order taking into account the actual costs. 5 前条第十二項から第十九項まで(第十四項を除く。)の規定は、第一項の規定による命令をしようとする場合について準用する。この場合において、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 (5) The provisions of paragraphs (12) through (19) of the preceding Article (excluding paragraph (14)) apply mutatis mutandis to the cases where the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare intends to issue an order pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1). In this case, any necessary technical replacement of terms and phrases will be specified by a Cabinet Order. (調査のための権限) (Authority for Investigation) 第八条の三 厚生労働大臣は、薬剤師について第八条第二項の規定による処分をすべきか否かを調査する必要があると認めるときは、当該事案に関係する者若しくは参考人から意見若しくは報告を徴し、調剤録その他の物件の所有者に対し、当該物件の提出を命じ、又は当該職員をして当該事案に関係のある薬局その他の場所に立ち入り、調剤録その他の物件を検査させることができる。 Article 8-3 (1) When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds it necessary to investigate whether a disposition should be made against a pharmacist pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (2), the Minister may collect the opinions of or reports from any person connected with the relevant case or any witness, order the owner of dispensing records and other articles to submit them, and cause a relevant official to enter the pharmacy or any other location connected with the relevant case and to inspect the dispensing records and other articles. 2 前項の規定により立入検査をしようとする職員は、その身分を示す証明書を携帯し、関係人の請求があつたときは、これを提示しなければならない。 (2) The official who intends to conduct an on-site inspection pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph must carry the identification certificate and present the same at the request of any relevant person. 3 第一項の規定による立入検査の権限は、犯罪捜査のために認められたものと解してはならない。 (3) The authority of on-site inspection prescribed by the provisions of paragraph (1) must not be constructed as being granted for the purpose of criminal investigation. (届出) (Notification) 第九条 薬剤師は、厚生労働省令で定める二年ごとの年の十二月三十一日現在における氏名、住所その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を、当該年の翌年一月十五日までに、その住所地の都道府県知事を経由して厚生労働大臣に届け出なければならない。 Article 9 A pharmacist must notify the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of the pharmacist's name, address and other particulars specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as of December 31 of every second year specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, via the prefectural governor of the region where the domicile of the pharmacist is located, on or before January 15 of the following year. (政令等への委任) (Delegation to Cabinet Order) 第十条 この章に規定するもののほか、免許の申請、薬剤師名簿の登録、訂正及び消除並びに免許証の交付、書換交付、再交付及び返納に関し必要な事項は政令で、第八条の二第一項の再教育研修の実施、同条第二項の薬剤師名簿の登録並びに同条第三項の再教育研修修了登録証の交付、書換交付及び再交付に関して必要な事項は厚生労働省令で定める。 Article 10 Beyond what is provided for in this Chapter, matters necessary for application for a License, registration, correction and deletion in and from the register of pharmacists as well as issuance, replacement, reissuance and return of a license certificate will be specified by a Cabinet Order, and matters necessary for conducting the Re-education and Training set forth in Article 8-2, paragraph (1), the registration in the register of pharmacists set forth in paragraph (2) of the same Article as well as the issuance, replacement and reissuance of the registration certificate for completion of re-education and training will be specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 第三章 試験 Chapter III Examination (試験の目的) (Purpose of Examination) 第十一条 試験は、薬剤師として必要な知識及び技能について行なう。 Article 11 The Examination is conducted with respect to the knowledge and skills required of a pharmacist. (試験の実施) (Conduct of Examination) 第十二条 試験は、毎年少なくとも一回、厚生労働大臣が行なう。 Article 12 (1) The Examination is conducted by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare at least once every year. 2 厚生労働大臣は、試験の科目又は実施若しくは合格者の決定の方法を定めようとするときは、あらかじめ、医道審議会の意見を聴かなければならない。 (2) When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare intends to determine the subjects of Examination, or the method of conducting the Examination or of deciding successful examinees, the Minister must hear the opinions of the Medical Ethics Council in advance. (薬剤師試験委員) (Pharmacist Examiner) 第十三条 試験に関する事務をつかさどらせるため、厚生労働省に薬剤師試験委員を置く。 Article 13 (1) The position of Pharmacist Examiner is established in the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to administer affairs related to the Examination. 2 薬剤師試験委員に関し必要な事項は、政令で定める。 (2) Necessary matters concerning the Pharmacist Examiner will be specified by a Cabinet Order. (試験事務担当者の不正行為の禁止) (Prohibition of Misconduct by Person Administering Examination Affairs) 第十四条 薬剤師試験委員その他試験に関する事務をつかさどる者は、その事務の施行に当たつて厳正を保持し、不正の行為がないようにしなければならない。 Article 14 The Pharmacist Examiner and any other person administering affairs related to the Examination must maintain a strict and fair attitude and avoid any wrongful act in the administration of said affairs. (受験資格) (Qualifications to Sit for Examination) 第十五条 試験は、次の各号のいずれかに該当する者でなければ、受けることができない。 Article 15 No person other than one who falls under either of the following items is qualified to take the Examination: 一 学校教育法(昭和二十二年法律第二十六号)に基づく大学において、薬学の正規の課程(同法第八十七条第二項に規定するものに限る。)を修めて卒業した者 (i) a person who has studied at and graduated from a university under the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947) by completing a regular course in pharmaceutical science (limited to one prescribed by Article 87, paragraph (2) of the same Act); or 二 外国の薬学校を卒業し、又は外国の薬剤師免許を受けた者で、厚生労働大臣が前号に掲げる者と同等以上の学力及び技能を有すると認定したもの (ii) a person who has graduated from a pharmacy school in a foreign country or who has obtained a pharmacist license granted in a foreign country, whom the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds to have academic ability and skills equivalent or superior to the person set forth in the preceding item. (受験手数料) (Examination Fees) 第十六条 試験を受けようとする者は、実費を勘案して政令で定める額の手数料を納めなければならない。 Article 16 (1) A person who intends to take the Examination must pay examination fees in the amount specified by a Cabinet Order by taking into account the actual costs. 2 前項の規定により納めた手数料は、試験を受けなかつた場合においても、返還しない。 (2) The examination fees paid pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph will not be refunded even if the relevant person does not take the Examination. (不正行為の禁止) (Prohibition of Misconduct) 第十七条 試験に関して不正の行為があつた場合には、その不正行為に関係のある者について、その受験を停止させ、又はその試験を無効とすることができる。この場合においては、なお、その者について、期間を定めて試験を受けることを許さないことができる。 Article 17 When there is any wrongful act related to the Examination, the person involved in the misconduct may be stopped from taking the Examination, or the Examination of said person may be invalidated. In this case, said person may be barred from taking the Examination for a specified period. (省令への委任) (Delegation to Ministerial Ordinance) 第十八条 この章に規定するもののほか、試験の科目、受験手続その他試験に関し必要な事項は、厚生労働省令で定める。 Article 18 Beyond what is provided for in this Chapter, the subjects of Examination, procedures for taking the Examination and other necessary matters concerning the Examination will be specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 第四章 業務 Chapter IV Services (調剤) (Dispensing of Medicine) 第十九条 薬剤師でない者は、販売又は授与の目的で調剤してはならない。ただし、医師若しくは歯科医師が次に掲げる場合において自己の処方せんにより自ら調剤するとき、又は獣医師が自己の処方せんにより自ら調剤するときは、この限りでない。 Article 19 No person other than a pharmacist may dispense medicine for the purpose of sale or provisions thereof; provided, however, that this does not apply where a medical practitioner or dental practitioner dispenses medicine according to the practitioner's own prescription in either of the following cases, or where a veterinarian dispenses medicine according to the veterinarian's own prescription: 一 患者又は現にその看護に当たつている者が特にその医師又は歯科医師から薬剤の交付を受けることを希望する旨を申し出た場合 (i) where a patient or a person caring for the patient requests to take delivery of the medicine specifically from said medical practitioner or dental practitioner; or 二 医師法(昭和二十三年法律第二百一号)第二十二条各号の場合又は歯科医師法(昭和二十三年法律第二百二号)第二十一条各号の場合 (ii) the cases listed in each item of Article 22 of the Medical Practitioners' Act (Act No. 201 of 1948) or in each item of Article 21 of the Dental Practitioners Act (Act No. 202 of 1948). (名称の使用制限) (Restriction on Use of Titles) 第二十条 薬剤師でなければ、薬剤師又はこれにまぎらわしい名称を用いてはならない。 Article 20 No person other than a pharmacist may use the title of pharmacist or any other confusingly similar title. (調剤の求めに応ずる義務) (Obligation to Accept a Request for Dispensing of Medicine) 第二十一条 調剤に従事する薬剤師は、調剤の求めがあつた場合には、正当な理由がなければ、これを拒んではならない。 Article 21 A pharmacist engaged in the dispensing of medicine may not reject any request for the dispensing of medicine without justifiable reason. (調剤の場所) (Location of Dispensing of Medicine) 第二十二条 薬剤師は、医療を受ける者の居宅等(居宅その他の厚生労働省令で定める場所をいう。)において医師又は歯科医師が交付した処方せんにより、当該居宅等において調剤の業務のうち厚生労働省令で定めるものを行う場合を除き、薬局以外の場所で、販売又は授与の目的で調剤してはならない。ただし、病院若しくは診療所又は飼育動物診療施設(獣医療法(平成四年法律第四十六号)第二条第二項に規定する診療施設をいい、往診のみによつて獣医師に飼育動物の診療業務を行わせる者の住所を含む。以下この条において同じ。)の調剤所において、その病院若しくは診療所又は飼育動物診療施設で診療に従事する医師若しくは歯科医師又は獣医師の処方せんによつて調剤する場合及び災害その他特殊の事由により薬剤師が薬局において調剤することができない場合その他の厚生労働省令で定める特別の事情がある場合は、この限りでない。 Article 22 Except for the cases where a pharmacist performs those dispensing services which are specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare at the home of a person receiving medical care or other location (meaning the home or other location specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) according to a prescription issued by a medical practitioner or dental practitioner at said home or other location, the pharmacist may not dispense medicine at any location other than a pharmacy for the purpose of sale or provisions thereof; provided, however, that this does not apply where a pharmacist dispenses medicine at a dispensing room of a hospital or clinic, or of a medical facility for human-reared animals (meaning a medical facility prescribed by Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Veterinary Practice Act (Act No. 46 of 1992) and including the address of a person who causes a veterinarian to practice medicine for human-reared animals only by visiting them; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) according to a prescription issued by a medical practitioner or dental practitioner, or veterinarian engaged in medical care at said hospital or clinic, or medical facility for human-reared animals, where a pharmacist is unable to dispense medicine at a pharmacy due to a disaster or other special event, or where there are other special circumstances specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. (処方せんによる調剤) (Dispensing of Medicine According to Prescription) 第二十三条 薬剤師は、医師、歯科医師又は獣医師の処方せんによらなければ、販売又は授与の目的で調剤してはならない。 Article 23 (1) A pharmacist may dispense medicine for the purpose of sale or provisions thereof only according to a prescription issued by a medical practitioner, dental practitioner, or veterinarian. 2 薬剤師は、処方せんに記載された医薬品につき、その処方せんを交付した医師、歯科医師又は獣医師の同意を得た場合を除くほか、これを変更して調剤してはならない。 (2) A pharmacist must not dispense medicine by making any change in the medicine described in a prescription, except otherwise agreed by a medical practitioner, dental practitioner, or veterinarian who has issued the prescription. (処方せん中の疑義) (Uncertainty in Prescription) 第二十四条 薬剤師は、処方せん中に疑わしい点があるときは、その処方せんを交付した医師、歯科医師又は獣医師に問い合わせて、その疑わしい点を確かめた後でなければ、これによつて調剤してはならない。 Article 24 In case of any uncertain point in a prescription, a pharmacist may dispense medicine according thereto only after contacting the medical practitioner, dental practitioner, or veterinarian who has issued the prescription and resolving said uncertain point. (調剤された薬剤の表示) (Indication of Medicine Dispensed) 第二十五条 薬剤師は、販売又は授与の目的で調剤した薬剤の容器又は被包に、処方せんに記載された患者の氏名、用法、用量その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を記載しなければならない。 Article 25 A pharmacist must indicate the name of the patient and instructions on usage and dosage described in the prescription and other particulars specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on the container or package of the medicine dispensed for the purpose of sale or provisions thereof. (情報の提供及び指導) (Provisions of Information and Guidance) 第二十五条の二 薬剤師は、調剤した薬剤の適正な使用のため、販売又は授与の目的で調剤したときは、患者又は現にその看護に当たつている者に対し、必要な情報を提供し、及び必要な薬学的知見に基づく指導を行わなければならない。 Article 25-2 When a pharmacist dispenses medicine for the purpose of sale or provisions thereof, for the purpose of ensuring proper use of the medicine dispensed the pharmacist must provide the patient or a person caring for the patient with necessary information and give said patient or person necessary guidance based on pharmaceutical knowledge. (処方せんへの記入等) (Description in Prescription) 第二十六条 薬剤師は、調剤したときは、その処方せんに、調剤済みの旨(その調剤によつて、当該処方せんが調剤済みとならなかつたときは、調剤量)、調剤年月日その他厚生労働省令で定める事項を記入し、かつ、記名押印し、又は署名しなければならない。 Article 26 When a pharmacist has dispensed medicine, the pharmacist must describe in the relevant prescription the fact that the dispensing of medicine has been completed (or, if the dispensing of medicine as described in said prescription has not been completed by said dispensing, the amount of medicine dispensed), the dispensing date, and other particulars specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and must affix the pharmacist's name and seal, or signature thereto. (処方せんの保存) (Keeping of Prescription) 第二十七条 薬局開設者は、当該薬局で調剤済みとなつた処方せんを、調剤済みとなつた日から三年間、保存しなければならない。 Article 27 An establisher of a pharmacy must keep each prescription according to which the dispensing of medicine has been completed at its pharmacy, for three years from the completion date of dispensing. (調剤録) (Dispensing Record) 第二十八条 薬局開設者は、薬局に調剤録を備えなければならない。 Article 28 (1) An establisher of a pharmacy must keep and maintain dispensing records at its pharmacy. 2 薬剤師は、薬局で調剤したときは、調剤録に厚生労働省令で定める事項を記入しなければならない。ただし、その調剤により当該処方せんが調剤済みとなつたときは、この限りでない。 (2) When a pharmacist has dispensed medicine at a pharmacy, the pharmacist must describe in the relevant dispensing record the particulars specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; provided, however, that this does not apply where the dispensing of medicine as described in said prescription has been completed by said dispensing. 3 薬局開設者は、第一項の調剤録を、最終の記入の日から三年間、保存しなければならない。 (3) An establisher of a pharmacy must keep each dispensing record set forth in paragraph (1) for three years from the date on which the final description therein was made. (薬剤師の氏名等の公表) (Publication of Names of Pharmacists) 第二十八条の二 厚生労働大臣は、医療を受ける者その他国民による薬剤師の資格の確認及び医療に関する適切な選択に資するよう、薬剤師の氏名その他の政令で定める事項を公表するものとする。 Article 28-2 The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare makes public the names of pharmacists and other particulars specified by Cabinet Order so as to help a person receiving medical care or any other citizen confirm the qualifications of a pharmacist and make appropriate selection concerning medical care. (事務の区分) (Classification of Affairs) 第二十八条の三 第八条第六項及び第十項前段、同条第十二項及び第十三項(これらの規定を第八条の二第五項において準用する場合を含む。)、第八条第七項において準用する行政手続法第十五条第一項及び第三項(同法第二十二条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)、第十六条第四項、第十八条第一項及び第三項、第十九条第一項、第二十条第六項並びに第二十四条第三項、第八条第十項後段において準用する同法第二十二条第三項において準用する同法第十五条第三項並びに第九条の規定により都道府県が処理することとされている事務は、地方自治法(昭和二十二年法律第六十七号)第二条第九項第一号に規定する第一号法定受託事務とする。 Article 28-3 Affairs required to be administered by each prefecture pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (6) and the first sentence of paragraph (10); paragraphs (12) and (13) of the same Article (including the cases where these provisions are applied mutatis mutandis in Article 8-2, paragraph (5)); Article 15, paragraphs (1) and (3) of the Administrative Procedure Act (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis in Article 22, paragraph (3) of the same Act), and Article 16, paragraph (4), Article 18, paragraphs (1) and (3), Article 19, paragraph (1), Article 20, paragraph (6), and Article 24, paragraph (3) of the same Act, as applied mutatis mutandis in Article 8, paragraph (7); Article 15, paragraph (3) of the same Act as applied mutatis mutandis in Article 22, paragraph (3) of the same Act as applied mutatis mutandis in the second sentence of Article 8, paragraph (10); and Article 9 are regarded as the Type 1 statutory entrusted functions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (9), item (i) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947). 第五章 罰則 Chapter V Penal Provisions 第二十九条 第十九条の規定に違反した者(医師、歯科医師及び獣医師を除く。)は、三年以下の懲役若しくは百万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。 Article 29 A person who has violated the provisions of Article 19 (excluding a medical practitioner, dental practitioner or veterinarian) will be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than three years or a fine of not more than one million yen, or both. 第三十条 次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、一年以下の懲役若しくは五十万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。 Article 30 A person who falls under either of the following items will be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than one year or a fine of not more than five hundred thousand yen, or both: 一 第八条第二項の規定により業務の停止を命ぜられた者で、当該停止を命ぜられた期間中に、業務を行つたもの (i) a person who has been ordered to suspend services pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (2) but who performs services during the period of said suspension; or 二 第二十二条、第二十三条又は第二十五条の規定に違反した者 (ii) a person who has violated the provisions of Article 22, 23 or 25. 第三十一条 第十四条の規定に違反して故意若しくは重大な過失により事前に試験問題を漏らし、又は故意に不正の採点をした者は、一年以下の懲役又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する。 Article 31 A person who has divulged the examination questions in advance intentionally or through gross negligence or who has given unfair scores intentionally, in violation of the provisions of Article 14, will be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than one year or a fine of not more than five hundred thousand yen. 第三十二条 次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、五十万円以下の罰金に処する。 Article 32 A person who falls under any of the following items will be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred thousand yen: 一 第八条の二第一項の規定による命令に違反して再教育研修を受けなかつた者 (i) a person who has failed to receive the Re-education and Training in violation of an order prescribed by the provisions of Article 8-2, paragraph (1); 二 第八条の三第一項の規定による陳述をせず、報告をせず、若しくは虚偽の陳述若しくは報告をし、物件を提出せず、又は検査を拒み、妨げ、若しくは忌避した者 (ii) a person who has failed to make a statement or report as prescribed by the provisions of Article 8-3, paragraph (1), or has made a false statement or report thereunder, or who has failed to submit such prescribed articles, or has refused, obstructed or evaded prescribed the inspection prescribed by the provisions of Article 8-3, paragraph (1); 三 第九条の規定に違反した者 (iii) a person who has violated the provisions of Article 9; 四 第十九条の規定に違反した医師、歯科医師又は獣医師 (iv) a medical practitioner, dental practitioner or veterinarian who has violated the provisions of Article 19; 五 第二十条の規定に違反した者 (v) a person who has violated the provisions of Article 20; or 六 第二十四条又は第二十六条から第二十八条までの規定に違反した者 (vi) a person who has violated the provisions of Article 24 or any of the provisions of Articles 26 through 28. 第三十三条 法人の代表者又は法人若しくは人の代理人、使用人その他の従業者が、その法人又は人の業務に関して、前条第二号又は第六号(第二十七条又は第二十八条第一項若しくは第三項に係る部分に限る。)の違反行為をしたときは、行為者を罰するほか、その法人又は人に対しても、前条の罰金刑を科する。 Article 33 When a representative of a corporation, or an agent, employee or other worker of a corporation or of an individual has committed a violation under item (ii) or (vi) of the preceding Article (limited to the portion pertaining to Article 27 or Article 28, paragraph (1) or (3)) with regard to the business of the corporation or the individual, not only the offender himself/herself but also the corporation or the individual will be punished by the fine prescribed in the preceding Article. 附 則 〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 1 この法律は、薬事法(昭和三十五年法律第百四十五号)の施行の日から施行する。 (1) This Act will come into effect from the date of enforcement of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act (Act No. 145 of 1960). (旧法の規定による免許を受けた者) (Person Having Obtained a License under the Former Act) 2 この法律の施行の際現に薬事法(昭和二十三年法律第百九十七号。以下「旧法」という。)の規定による薬剤師免許を受けている者は、この法律の規定による免許を受けた者とみなす。 (2) A person who has obtained a pharmacist license pursuant to the provisions of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act (Act No. 197 of 1948; hereinafter referred to as the "Former Act") at the time of enforcement of this Act is deemed to have obtained a License pursuant to the provisions of this Act. (旧法の規定による薬剤師名簿への登録) (Registration in Register of Pharmacists under the Former Act) 3 旧法の規定によつてなされた薬剤師名簿への登録は、この法律の規定によつてなされた薬剤師名簿への登録とみなす。 (3) The registration of a person in the register of pharmacists made pursuant to the provisions of the Former Act is deemed as registration in the register of pharmacists made pursuant to the provisions of this Act. (旧法の規定による薬剤師免許証) (Pharmacist License Certificate under the Former Act) 4 旧法の規定によつて交付された薬剤師免許証は、この法律の規定によつて交付された薬剤師免許証とみなす。 (4) A pharmacist license certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of the Former Act is deemed as a pharmacist license certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of this Act. (旧法の規定による免許の取消し等) (Revocation of a License under the Former Act) 5 旧法の規定によつてなされた免許の取消し又は業務の停止の処分は、この法律の相当規定によつてなされたものとみなす。この場合において、業務の停止の期間は、なお従前の例による。 (5) A disposition to revoke a License or suspend services made pursuant to the provisions of the Former Act is deemed to have been made pursuant to the corresponding provisions of this Act. In this case, the provisions then in force remain applicable to the period of suspension. (旧法第七十六条の規定に該当する者) (Person Falling under Article 76 of the Former Act) 6 旧法第七十六条の規定に該当する者に対しては、第三条の規定にかかわらず、厚生労働大臣は、免許を与えることができる。 (6) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may grant a License to a person who falls under the provisions of Article 76 of the Former Act, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3. (旧法の規定による試験) (Examination under Former Act) 7 旧法の規定によつて行なわれた薬剤師国家試験は、この法律の規定によつて行なわれた試験とみなす。 (7) A national examination for pharmacists conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Former Act is deemed as an Examination conducted pursuant to the provisions of this Act. 8 旧法第七条の規定による薬剤師国家試験のうち学説試験に合格した者に対しては、厚生労働省令の定めるところにより、第十一条の規定による試験のうちこれに相当する部分を免除する。 (8) A person who has passed the theoretical part of a national examination for pharmacists conducted pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of the Former Act is exempt from that part of the Examination conducted pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 which corresponds to said theoretical part, as specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. (受験資格の特例) (Special Provisions on Qualifications to Sit for Examination) 10 旧法第七十四条第二項の規定に該当する者は、第十一条の規定による試験の受験資格については、第十五条第一号の大学の卒業者とみなす。 (10) A person who falls under the provisions of Article 74, paragraph (2) of the Former Act is deemed to be a university graduate set forth in item (i) of Article 15 with regard to the qualifications to sit for the Examination prescribed by the provisions of Article 11. 附 則 〔昭和四十四年六月二十五日法律第五十一号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 51 of June 25, 1969] この法律は、公布の日から施行する。ただし、第一条中厚生省設置法第二十九条第一項の表薬剤師試験審議会の項を削る改正規定並びに第十条及び第十一条の規定は昭和四十四年九月一日から、第一条中厚生省設置法第二十九条第一項の表栄養審議会の項の改正規定、同表中医師試験研修審議会の項を改める改正規定並びに同表歯科医師試験審議会、保健婦助産婦看護婦審議会及び理学療法士作業療法士審議会の項を削る改正規定並びに同法第三十六条の七第三号にただし書を加える改正規定及び同法第三十六条の八に一号を加える改正規定並びに第二条から第九条までの規定は昭和四十四年十一月一日から施行する。 This Act will come into effect from the date of promulgation; provided, however, that the amending provisions in Article 1 to delete the row for the pharmacist examination council in the table in Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the provisions of Articles 10 and 11 come into effect from September 1, 1969; and the amending provisions for the row for the nutrition council in the table in Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the amending provisions to amend the row for the medical practitioners' examination and training council in the same table, the amending provisions to delete the rows for the dental practitioners' examination council, the council for public health nurses, midwives and nurses, and the council for physical therapists and occupational therapists in the same table, and the amending provisions to add the proviso to item (iii), Article 36-7 of the same Act, and the amending provisions to add one item to Article 36-8 of the same Act, each in Article 1, and the provisions of Articles 2 through 9 come into effect from November 1, 1969. 附 則 〔昭和五十七年七月二十三日法律第六十九号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 69 of July 23, 1982] [Extract] (施行期日等) (Effective Date) 1 この法律は、公布の日から施行する。 (1) This Act will come into effect from the date of promulgation. 附 則 〔昭和五十九年五月一日法律第二十三号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 23 of May 1, 1984] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 1 この法律は、公布の日から起算して二十日を経過した日から施行する。 (1) This Act will come into effect from the day on which 20 days have elapsed from the date of promulgation. 附 則 〔平成四年五月二十日法律第四十六号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 46 of May 20, 1992] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、獣医師法の一部を改正する法律(平成四年法律第四十五号。以下「改正法」という。)の施行の日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Veterinarian Act (Act No. 45 of 1992; hereinafter referred to as the "Amending Act"). 附 則 〔平成五年十一月十二日法律第八十九号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 89 of November 12, 1993] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、行政手続法(平成五年法律第八十八号)の施行の日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from the date of enforcement of the Administrative Procedure Act (Act No. 88 of 1993). (諮問等がされた不利益処分に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Adverse Dispositions Following Consultation) 第二条 この法律の施行前に法令に基づき審議会その他の合議制の機関に対し行政手続法第十三条に規定する聴聞又は弁明の機会の付与の手続その他の意見陳述のための手続に相当する手続を執るべきことの諮問その他の求めがされた場合においては、当該諮問その他の求めに係る不利益処分の手続に関しては、この法律による改正後の関係法律の規定にかかわらず、なお従前の例による。 Article 2 If a consultation or other request has been made, prior to the enforcement of this Act, under laws and regulations to a council or any other body with a council system, with respect to the implementation of procedures corresponding to hearings, the granting of an opportunity for explanation and other procedures for giving a statement of opinion prescribed by Article 13 of the Administrative Procedure Act, the provisions then in force will remain applicable with regard to the procedures for adverse dispositions pertaining to said consultation or other request, notwithstanding the provisions of relevant Acts as amended by this Act. (罰則に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Penal Provisions) 第十三条 この法律の施行前にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。 Article 13 With regard to the application of penal provisions to acts committed prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force remain applicable. (聴聞に関する規定の整理に伴う経過措置) (Transitional Measures upon Arrangement of Provisions on Hearings) 第十四条 この法律の施行前に法律の規定により行われた聴聞、聴問若しくは聴聞会(不利益処分に係るものを除く。)又はこれらのための手続は、この法律による改正後の関係法律の相当規定により行われたものとみなす。 Article 14 Hearings (excluding those concerning adverse dispositions) conducted pursuant to the provisions of an Act prior to the enforcement of this Act or procedures taken therefor are deemed to have been conducted or taken pursuant to the corresponding provisions of relevant Acts as amended by this Act. (政令への委任) (Delegation to Cabinet Order) 第十五条 附則第二条から前条までに定めるもののほか、この法律の施行に関して必要な経過措置は、政令で定める。 Article 15 Beyond what is provided for in Article 2 through the preceding Article of the supplementary provisions, transitional measures necessary for the enforcement of this Act will be specified by a Cabinet Order. 附 則 〔平成八年六月二十六日法律第百四号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 104 of June 26, 1996] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、平成九年四月一日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from April 1, 1997. (検討) (Review) 第二条 政府は、血液製剤の投与によるエイズ問題を踏まえ、医薬品等による健康被害を防止するための措置に関し、速やかに総合的な検討を加え、その結果に基づいて法制の整備その他の必要な措置を講ずるものとする。 Article 2 Taking into account the AIDS problem caused by the administration of blood products, the government is to promptly conduct a comprehensive review of measures to prevent health damage by medicine and other causes, and take necessary measures, including improvement of the legal system, based on the results of such review. 附 則 〔平成十一年七月十六日法律第八十七号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 87 of July 16, 1999] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、平成十二年四月一日から施行する。ただし、次の各号に掲げる規定は、当該各号に定める日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from April 1, 2000; provided, however, that the provisions listed in the following items come into effect on the day specified therein respectively: 一 第一条中地方自治法第二百五十条の次に五条、節名並びに二款及び款名を加える改正規定(同法第二百五十条の九第一項に係る部分(両議院の同意を得ることに係る部分に限る。)に限る。)、第四十条中自然公園法附則第九項及び第十項の改正規定(同法附則第十項に係る部分に限る。)、第二百四十四条の規定(農業改良助長法第十四条の三の改正規定に係る部分を除く。)並びに第四百七十二条の規定(市町村の合併の特例に関する法律第六条、第八条及び第十七条の改正規定に係る部分を除く。)並びに附則第七条、第十条、第十二条、第五十九条ただし書、第六十条第四項及び第五項、第七十三条、第七十七条、第百五十七条第四項から第六項まで、第百六十条、第百六十三条、第百六十四条並びに第二百二条の規定 公布の日 (i) the amending provisions in Article 1 to add five articles, a section heading, two subsections and subsection headings after Article 250 of the Local Autonomy Act (limited to the portion pertaining to Article 250-9, paragraph (1) of the same Act (limited to the portion pertaining to obtaining the consent of both Houses of the Diet)); the provisions in Article 40 to amend paragraphs (9) and (10) of the supplementary provisions of the Natural Parks Act (limited to the portion pertaining to paragraph (10) of the supplementary provisions of the same Act); the provisions of Article 244 (excluding the portion pertaining to the provisions to amend Article 14-3 of the Agricultural Improvement Promotion Act) and the provisions of Article 472 (excluding the portion pertaining to the provisions to amend Article 6, Article 8, and Article 17 of the Act on Special Measures for Merger of Municipalities); and the provisions of Article 7, Article 10, Article 12, the proviso to Article 59, paragraphs (4) and (5) of Article 60, Article 73, Article 77, paragraphs (4) through (6) of Article 157, Article 160, Article 163, Article 164 and Article 202 of the supplementary provisions: the date of promulgation. (従前の例による事務等に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Affairs Where Provisions Then in Force Remain Applicable) 第六十九条 国民年金法等の一部を改正する法律(昭和六十年法律第三十四号)附則第三十二条第一項、第七十八条第一項並びに第八十七条第一項及び第十三項の規定によりなお従前の例によることとされた事項に係る都道府県知事の事務、権限又は職権(以下この条において「事務等」という。)については、この法律による改正後の国民年金法、厚生年金保険法及び船員保険法又はこれらの法律に基づく命令の規定により当該事務等に相当する事務又は権限を行うこととされた厚生大臣若しくは社会保険庁長官又はこれらの者から委任を受けた地方社会保険事務局長若しくはその地方社会保険事務局長から委任を受けた社会保険事務所長の事務又は権限とする。 Article 69 The affairs, powers or authority of a prefectural governor related to the matters for which the provisions then in force remain applicable pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph (1), Article 78, paragraph (1), and Article 87, paragraphs (1) and (13) of the supplementary provisions of the Act Partially Amending the National Pension Act (Act No. 34 of 1985) (hereinafter referred to as the "affairs, etc." in this Article) are regarded as the affairs or powers of the Minister of Health and Welfare or the Director-General of the Social Insurance Agency, who is required to administer or exercise the affairs or powers corresponding to the said affairs, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the National Pension Act, the Employees Pension Insurance Act, and the Mariners Insurance Act, as amended by this Act, or the provisions of any order thereunder, or of the head of a local social insurance bureau delegated by the foregoing or the head of a social insurance office delegated by said head of local social insurance bureau. (新地方自治法第百五十六条第四項の適用の特例) (Special Application of Article 156, Paragraph (4) of the New Local Autonomy Act) 第七十条 第百六十六条の規定による改正後の厚生省設置法第十四条の地方社会保険事務局及び社会保険事務所であって、この法律の施行の際旧地方自治法附則第八条の事務を処理するための都道府県の機関(社会保険関係事務を取り扱うものに限る。)の位置と同一の位置に設けられるもの(地方社会保険事務局にあっては、都道府県庁の置かれている市(特別区を含む。)に設けられるものに限る。)については、新地方自治法第百五十六条第四項の規定は、適用しない。 Article 70 The provisions of Article 156, paragraph (4) of the new Local Autonomy Act does not apply to a local social insurance bureau or a social insurance office set forth in Article 14 of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Health and Welfare as amended by the provisions of Article 166 which is established, at the time of enforcement of this Act, in the same location as the prefectural government organ for administering the affairs set forth in Article 8 of the supplementary provisions of the former Local Autonomy Act (limited to one handling social insurance related affairs) (in the case of a local social insurance bureau, limited to one established in a city, including a special ward, where the prefectural capital is located). (社会保険関係地方事務官に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Local Officials Related to Social Insurance) 第七十一条 この法律の施行の際現に旧地方自治法附則第八条に規定する職員(厚生大臣又はその委任を受けた者により任命された者に限る。附則第百五十八条において「社会保険関係地方事務官」という。)である者は、別に辞令が発せられない限り、相当の地方社会保険事務局又は社会保険事務所の職員となるものとする。 Article 71 A person who is an official prescribed by Article 8 of the supplementary provisions of the former Local Autonomy Act at the time of enforcement of this Act (limited to one appointed by the Minister of Health and Welfare or any person delegated by him/her; referred to as a "local official related to social insurance" in Article 158 of the supplementary provisions) is to become an official of the corresponding local social insurance bureau or social insurance office unless a separate appointment is issued for said person. (地方社会保険医療協議会に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Local Social Insurance Medical Council) 第七十二条 第百六十九条の規定による改正前の社会保険医療協議会法の規定による地方社会保険医療協議会並びにその会長、委員及び専門委員は、相当の地方社会保険事務局の地方社会保険医療協議会並びにその会長、委員及び専門委員となり、同一性をもって存続するものとする。 Article 72 A local social insurance medical council established and its chairperson, member, or expert advisor appointed pursuant to the provisions of the Social Insurance Medical Council Act prior to amendment by the provisions of Article 169 are to become a local social insurance medical council and its chairperson, member or expert advisor of the corresponding local social insurance bureau, and continue with the same identity. (準備行為) (Preparatory Act) 第七十三条 第二百条の規定による改正後の国民年金法第九十二条の三第一項第二号の規定による指定及び同条第二項の規定による公示は、第二百条の規定の施行前においても行うことができる。 Article 73 Designation pursuant to the provisions of Article 92-3, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the National Pension Act as amended by the provisions of Article 200 and public notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 92-3, paragraph (2) of the same Act may be made even prior to the enforcement of the provisions of Article 200. (厚生大臣に対する再審査請求に係る経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Requests for Re-Examination to Minister of Health and Welfare) 第七十四条 施行日前にされた行政庁の処分に係る第百四十九条から第百五十一条まで、第百五十七条、第百五十八条、第百六十五条、第百六十八条、第百七十条、第百七十二条、第百七十三条、第百七十五条、第百七十六条、第百八十三条、第百八十八条、第百九十五条、第二百一条、第二百八条、第二百十四条、第二百十九条から第二百二十一条まで、第二百二十九条又は第二百三十八条の規定による改正前の児童福祉法第五十九条の四第二項、あん摩マツサージ指圧師、はり師、きゆう師等に関する法律第十二条の四、食品衛生法第二十九条の四、旅館業法第九条の三、公衆浴場法第七条の三、医療法第七十一条の三、身体障害者福祉法第四十三条の二第二項、精神保健及び精神障害者福祉に関する法律第五十一条の十二第二項、クリーニング業法第十四条の二第二項、狂犬病予防法第二十五条の二、社会福祉事業法第八十三条の二第二項、結核予防法第六十九条、と畜場法第二十条、歯科技工士法第二十七条の二、臨床検査技師、衛生検査技師等に関する法律第二十条の八の二、知的障害者福祉法第三十条第二項、老人福祉法第三十四条第二項、母子保健法第二十六条第二項、柔道整復師法第二十三条、建築物における衛生的環境の確保に関する法律第十四条第二項、廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律第二十四条、食鳥処理の事業の規制及び食鳥検査に関する法律第四十一条第三項又は感染症の予防及び感染症の患者に対する医療に関する法律第六十五条の規定に基づく再審査請求については、なお従前の例による。 Article 74 With regard to requests for re-examination pertaining to dispositions made by an administrative agency prior to the date of enforcement pursuant to the provisions of Article 59-4, paragraph (2) of the Child Welfare Act, Article 12-4 of the Act on Practitioners of Massage, Finger Pressure, Acupuncture and Moxacauterization, etc., Article 29-4 of the Food Sanitation Act, Article 9-3 of the Inns and Hotels Act, Article 7-3 of the Public Bath Houses Act, Article 71-3 of the Medical Care Act, Article 43-2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons, Article 51-12, paragraph (2) of the Act on Mental Health and Welfare for the Mentally Disabled, Article 14-2, paragraph (2) of the Laundries Act, Article 25-2 of the Rabies Prevention Act, Article 83-2, paragraph (2) of the Social Welfare Services Act, Article 69 of the Tuberculosis Prevention Act, Article 20 of the Slaughterhouse Act, Article 27-2 of the Dental Technicians Act, Article 20-8-2 of the Act on Clinical Laboratory Technicians, Public Health Laboratory Technicians, etc., Article 30, paragraph (2) of the Act on Welfare of Mentally Retarded Persons, Article 34, paragraph (2) of the Act on Social Welfare for the Elderly, Article 26, paragraph (2) of the Maternal and Child Health Act, Article 23 of the Judo Therapists Act, Article 14, paragraph (2) of the Act on Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings, Article 24 of the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act, Article 41, paragraph (3) of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act or Article 65 of the Act on Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients Suffering Infectious Diseases, prior to amendment by the provisions of Articles 149 through 151, Article 157, Article 158, Article 165, Article 168, Article 170, Article 172, Article 173, Article 175, Article 176, Article 183, Article 188, Article 195, Article 201, Article 208, Article 214, Articles 219 through 221, Article 229 or Article 238, the provisions then in force remain applicable. (厚生大臣又は都道府県知事その他の地方公共団体の機関がした事業の停止命令その他の処分に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Orders for Suspension of Business or Other Dispositions by Minister of Health and Welfare or Prefectural Governor or Other Local Government Organ) 第七十五条 この法律による改正前の児童福祉法第四十六条第四項若しくは第五十九条第一項若しくは第三項、あん摩マツサージ指圧師、はり師、きゆう師等に関する法律第八条第一項(同法第十二条の二第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、食品衛生法第二十二条、医療法第五条第二項若しくは第二十五条第一項、毒物及び劇物取締法第十七条第一項(同法第二十二条第四項及び第五項で準用する場合を含む。)、厚生年金保険法第百条第一項、水道法第三十九条第一項、国民年金法第百六条第一項、薬事法第六十九条第一項若しくは第七十二条又は柔道整復師法第十八条第一項の規定により厚生大臣又は都道府県知事その他の地方公共団体の機関がした事業の停止命令その他の処分は、それぞれ、この法律による改正後の児童福祉法第四十六条第四項若しくは第五十九条第一項若しくは第三項、あん摩マツサージ指圧師、はり師、きゆう師等に関する法律第八条第一項(同法第十二条の二第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、食品衛生法第二十二条若しくは第二十三条、医療法第五条第二項若しくは第二十五条第一項、毒物及び劇物取締法第十七条第一項若しくは第二項(同法第二十二条第四項及び第五項で準用する場合を含む。)、厚生年金保険法第百条第一項、水道法第三十九条第一項若しくは第二項、国民年金法第百六条第一項、薬事法第六十九条第一項若しくは第二項若しくは第七十二条第二項又は柔道整復師法第十八条第一項の規定により厚生大臣又は地方公共団体がした事業の停止命令その他の処分とみなす。 Article 75 Orders for suspension of business or other dispositions issued or made by the Minister of Health and Welfare or a prefectural governor or other local government organ pursuant to the provisions of Article 46, paragraph (4), Article 46 or Article 59, paragraph (1) or (3) of the Child Welfare Act, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act on Practitioners of Massage, Finger Pressure, Acupuncture and Moxacauterization, etc. (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 12-2, paragraph (2) of the same Act), Article 22 of the Food Sanitation Act, Article 5, paragraph (2) or Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Medical Care Act, Article 17, paragraph (1) of the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 22, paragraphs (4) and (5) of the same Act), Article 100, paragraph (1) of the Employees' Pension Insurance Act, Article 39, paragraph (1) of the Water Supply Act, Article 106, paragraph (1) of the National Pension Act, Article 69, paragraph (1), or Article 72 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, or Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Judo Therapists Act, prior to amendment by this Act are deemed to be orders of suspension of business or other dispositions issued or made by the Minister of Health and Welfare or a local government pursuant to the provisions of Article 46, paragraph (4), or Article 59, paragraph (1) or (3) of the Child Welfare Act, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act on Practitioners of Massage, Finger Pressure, Acupuncture and Moxacauterization, etc. (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 12-2, paragraph (2) of the same Act), Article 22 or 23 of the Food Sanitation Act, Article 5, paragraph (2), or Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Medical Care Act, Article 17, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 22, paragraphs (4) and (5) of the same Act), Article 100, paragraph (1) of the Employees' Pension Insurance Act, Article 39, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Water Supply Act, Article 106, paragraph (1) of the National Pension Act, Article 69, paragraph (1) or (2), or Article 72, paragraph (2) of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act or Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Judo Therapists Act, as amended by this Act, respectively. (国等の事務) (Affairs of the State) 第百五十九条 この法律による改正前のそれぞれの法律に規定するもののほか、この法律の施行前において、地方公共団体の機関が法律又はこれに基づく政令により管理し又は執行する国、他の地方公共団体その他公共団体の事務(附則第百六十一条において「国等の事務」という。)は、この法律の施行後は、地方公共団体が法律又はこれに基づく政令により当該地方公共団体の事務として処理するものとする。 Article 159 Beyond what is provided for in the respective Acts prior to amendment by this Act, affairs of the State, other local governments and other public entities that are, prior to the enforcement of this Act, managed or executed by a local government organ in accordance with an Act or a Cabinet Order thereunder (in Article 161 of the supplementary provisions referred to as the "affairs of the State, etc.") are to be, after the enforcement of this Act, administered by the local government as its own affairs in accordance with an Act or a Cabinet Order thereunder. (処分、申請等に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Dispositions, Applications) 第百六十条 この法律(附則第一条各号に掲げる規定については、当該各規定。以下この条及び附則第百六十三条において同じ。)の施行前に改正前のそれぞれの法律の規定によりされた許可等の処分その他の行為(以下この条において「処分等の行為」という。)又はこの法律の施行の際現に改正前のそれぞれの法律の規定によりされている許可等の申請その他の行為(以下この条において「申請等の行為」という。)で、この法律の施行の日においてこれらの行為に係る行政事務を行うべき者が異なることとなるものは、附則第二条から前条までの規定又は改正後のそれぞれの法律(これに基づく命令を含む。)の経過措置に関する規定に定めるものを除き、この法律の施行の日以後における改正後のそれぞれの法律の適用については、改正後のそれぞれの法律の相当規定によりされた処分等の行為又は申請等の行為とみなす。 Article 160 (1) With respect to dispositions to grant a License or permission and other acts made or conducted prior to the enforcement of this Act (or the respective provisions listed in the items of Article 1 of the supplementary provisions; hereinafter the same applies in this Article and Article 163 of the supplementary provisions) pursuant to the provisions of the respective Acts prior to amendment (hereinafter referred to as the "dispositions and other acts" in this Article), or applications for a License or permission and other acts which have been made or conducted at the time of enforcement of this Act, pursuant to the provisions of the respective Acts prior to amendment (hereinafter referred to as the "applications and other acts" in this Article), if administrative affairs pertaining to these acts come under the jurisdiction of different persons on the date of enforcement of this Act, these acts, except those prescribed by Article 2 through the preceding Article of the supplementary provisions or by the provisions of the respective amended Acts (including the orders thereunder) concerning transitional measures, are deemed, with regard to the application of the respective amended Acts on and after the date of enforcement of this Act, to be the dispositions and other acts or the applications and other acts made or conducted pursuant to the corresponding provisions of the respective amended Acts. 2 この法律の施行前に改正前のそれぞれの法律の規定により国又は地方公共団体の機関に対し報告、届出、提出その他の手続をしなければならない事項で、この法律の施行の日前にその手続がされていないものについては、この法律及びこれに基づく政令に別段の定めがあるもののほか、これを、改正後のそれぞれの法律の相当規定により国又は地方公共団体の相当の機関に対して報告、届出、提出その他の手続をしなければならない事項についてその手続がされていないものとみなして、この法律による改正後のそれぞれの法律の規定を適用する。 (2) With regard to the matters for which report, notification, submission or other procedures are required to be made or taken prior to the enforcement of this Act to or with a national or local government organ pursuant to the provisions of the respective Acts prior to amendment, and for which those procedures have not been taken prior to the date of enforcement of this Act, the provisions of the respective Acts as amended by this Act apply by regarding the same as the matters for which report, notification, submission or other procedures are required to be made or taken to or with the corresponding organ of the national or local government pursuant to the corresponding provisions of the respective amended Acts, and for which those procedures have not been taken, except as otherwise provided for in this Act or a Cabinet Order hereunder. (不服申立てに関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Appeals) 第百六十一条 施行日前にされた国等の事務に係る処分であって、当該処分をした行政庁(以下この条において「処分庁」という。)に施行日前に行政不服審査法に規定する上級行政庁(以下この条において「上級行政庁」という。)があったものについての同法による不服申立てについては、施行日以後においても、当該処分庁に引き続き上級行政庁があるものとみなして、行政不服審査法の規定を適用する。この場合において、当該処分庁の上級行政庁とみなされる行政庁は、施行日前に当該処分庁の上級行政庁であった行政庁とする。 Article 161 (1) With regard to appeals filed under the Administrative Appeal Act against dispositions pertaining to the affairs of the State, etc. ordered prior to the date of enforcement by an administrative agency (hereinafter referred to as the "administrative agency ordering the disposition" in this Article) which is subordinate to a higher administrative agency provided for in the Administrative Appeal Act (hereinafter referred to as the "higher administrative agency" in this Article) prior to the date of enforcement, the provisions of the Administrative Appeal Act apply to the appeals filed against said dispositions by regarding that the administrative agency ordering the disposition is still subordinate to a higher administrative agency after the date of enforcement. In this case, the administrative agency to be regarded as the higher administrative agency of said administrative agency ordering the disposition is the administrative agency which was the higher administrative agency of said administrative agency ordering the disposition prior to the date of enforcement. 2 前項の場合において、上級行政庁とみなされる行政庁が地方公共団体の機関であるときは、当該機関が行政不服審査法の規定により処理することとされる事務は、新地方自治法第二条第九項第一号に規定する第一号法定受託事務とする。 (2) In the case of the preceding paragraph, if an administrative agency to be regarded as the higher administrative agency is a local government organ, the affairs required to be administered by said organ pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Appeal Act are regarded as the Type 1 statutory entrusted functions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (9), item (i) of the new Local Autonomy Act. (手数料に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Fees) 第百六十二条 施行日前においてこの法律による改正前のそれぞれの法律(これに基づく命令を含む。)の規定により納付すべきであった手数料については、この法律及びこれに基づく政令に別段の定めがあるもののほか、なお従前の例による。 Article 162 With regard to the fees which should have been paid prior to the date of enforcement pursuant to the provisions of the respective Acts (including the orders thereunder) prior to amendment by this Act, the provisions then in force remain applicable, except as otherwise specified in this Act or a Cabinet Order hereunder. (罰則に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Penal Provisions) 第百六十三条 この法律の施行前にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。 Article 163 With regard to the application of penal provisions to acts committed prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force remain applicable. (その他の経過措置の政令への委任) (Delegation of Other Transitional Measures to Cabinet Order) 第百六十四条 この附則に規定するもののほか、この法律の施行に伴い必要な経過措置(罰則に関する経過措置を含む。)は、政令で定める。 Article 164 (1) Beyond what is provided for in these supplementary provisions, transitional measures necessary for the enforcement of this Act (including transitional measures concerning the penal provisions) will be specified by a Cabinet Order. 2 附則第十八条、第五十一条及び第百八十四条の規定の適用に関して必要な事項は、政令で定める。 (2) Matters necessary for the application of the provisions of Articles 18, 51, and 184 of the supplementary provisions will be specified by a Cabinet Order. (検討) (Review) 第二百五十条 新地方自治法第二条第九項第一号に規定する第一号法定受託事務については、できる限り新たに設けることのないようにするとともに、新地方自治法別表第一に掲げるもの及び新地方自治法に基づく政令に示すものについては、地方分権を推進する観点から検討を加え、適宜、適切な見直しを行うものとする。 Article 250 With regard to the Type 1 statutory entrusted functions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (9), item (i) of the new Local Autonomy Act, the creation of new functions is to be avoided to the extent possible, and the functions listed in Appended Table 1 of the new Local Autonomy Act and those specified by a Cabinet Order under the new Local Autonomy Act are to be reviewed from the viewpoint of promoting decentralization, and revised as appropriate. 第二百五十一条 政府は、地方公共団体が事務及び事業を自主的かつ自立的に執行できるよう、国と地方公共団体との役割分担に応じた地方税財源の充実確保の方途について、経済情勢の推移等を勘案しつつ検討し、その結果に基づいて必要な措置を講ずるものとする。 Article 251 In order to enable local governments to execute their affairs and services voluntarily and independently, the national government is to examine how to secure adequate sources of local tax revenue according to the sharing of roles between the national government and local governments taking into account the prevailing economic trends and other factors, and take necessary measures based on the results of said examination. 第二百五十二条 政府は、医療保険制度、年金制度等の改革に伴い、社会保険の事務処理の体制、これに従事する職員の在り方等について、被保険者等の利便性の確保、事務処理の効率化等の視点に立って、検討し、必要があると認めるときは、その結果に基づいて所要の措置を講ずるものとする。 Article 252 The government is to review how the framework of administrative processing for social insurance and the officials engaged therein should be, in line with reforms in the medical insurance system, pension system and other systems, from the viewpoint of securing convenience for the insured and other persons, increasing the efficiency of administrative processing and the like, and when deemed necessary, is to take necessary measures based on the results of such review. 附 則 〔平成十一年十二月八日法律第百五十一号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 151 of December 8, 1999] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、平成十二年四月一日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from April 1, 2000. 第四条 この法律の施行前にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。 Article 4 With regard to the application of penal provisions to acts committed prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force remain applicable. 附 則 〔平成十一年十二月二十二日法律第百六十号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 160 of December 22, 1999] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律(第二条及び第三条を除く。)は、平成十三年一月六日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act (excluding Articles 2 and 3) will come into effect from January 6, 2001. 附 則 〔平成十三年六月二十九日法律第八十七号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 87 of June 29, 2001] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、公布の日から起算して一月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from the day specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding one month from the date of promulgation. (検討) (Review) 第二条 政府は、この法律の施行後五年を目途として、この法律による改正後のそれぞれの法律における障害者に係る欠格事由の在り方について、当該欠格事由に関する規定の施行の状況を勘案して検討を加え、その結果に基づいて必要な措置を講ずるものとする。 Article 2 After approximately five years from the enforcement of this Act, the government is to review how the grounds for disqualification in the respective Acts after amendment by this Act as related to persons with disabilities should be, taking into account the status of enforcement of the provisions concerning said grounds for disqualification, and is to take necessary measures based on the results of said review. (再免許に係る経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Relicensure) 第三条 この法律による改正前のそれぞれの法律に規定する免許の取消事由により免許を取り消された者に係る当該取消事由がこの法律による改正後のそれぞれの法律により再免許を与えることができる取消事由(以下この条において「再免許が与えられる免許の取消事由」という。)に相当するものであるときは、その者を再免許が与えられる免許の取消事由により免許が取り消された者とみなして、この法律による改正後のそれぞれの法律の再免許に関する規定を適用する。 Article 3 If a person's License has been revoked on the grounds for revocation of License provided for in the respective Acts prior to amendment by this Act, which are equivalent to the grounds for revocation that, pursuant to the respective Acts as amended by this Act, allow for a person to be regranted a License (hereinafter referred to as the "grounds for revocation of a License allowing regranting of a License" in this Article), the provisions concerning relicense in the respective Acts as amended by this Act apply by regarding that said person has had the person's License revoked on the grounds for revocation of License allowing relicense. (罰則に係る経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Penal Provisions) 第四条 この法律の施行前にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。 Article 4 With regard to the application of penal provisions to acts committed prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force remain applicable. 附 則 〔平成十六年六月二十三日法律第百三十四号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 134 of June 23, 2004] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、平成十八年四月一日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from April 1, 2006. (経過措置) (Transitional Measures) 第二条 次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、この法律による改正後の薬剤師法(以下「新薬剤師法」という。)第十五条の規定にかかわらず、薬剤師国家試験を受けることができる。 Article 2 (1) A person who falls under either of the following items may take the national examination for pharmacists, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 15 of the Pharmacists Act as amended by this Act (hereinafter referred to as the "New Pharmacists Act"): 一 この法律の施行の際現にこの法律による改正前の薬剤師法(以下「旧薬剤師法」という。)第十五条各号のいずれかに該当する者 (i) a person who falls under either item of Article 15 of the Pharmacists Act prior to amendment by this Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Pharmacists Act") at the time of enforcement of this Act; or 二 この法律の施行の日(以下「施行日」という。)前に学校教育法(昭和二十二年法律第二十六号)に基づく大学(短期大学を除く。以下同じ。)に在学し、施行日以後に旧薬剤師法第十五条第一号に規定する要件に該当することとなった者(施行日以後に学校教育法に基づく大学に入学し、当該大学において、薬学の正規の課程(同法第八十七条第二項に規定するものを除く。)を修めて卒業した者を除く。) (ii) a person attending a university under the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947) (excluding a junior college; hereinafter the same applies) prior to the date of enforcement of this Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Enforcement Date") who, on or after the Enforcement Date, meets the requirements set forth in item (i), Article 15 of the Former Pharmacists Act (excluding a person who enters a university under the School Education Act on or after the Enforcement Date, has studied at and graduated from said university by completing a regular course in pharmaceutical science (excluding one prescribed by Article 87, paragraph (2) of the same Act)). 2 外国の薬学校を卒業し、又は外国の薬剤師免許を受けた者に関する新薬剤師法第十五条第二号の規定の適用については、施行日以後六年間は、同号中「前号に掲げる者」とあるのは、「薬剤師法の一部を改正する法律(平成十六年法律第百三十四号)による改正前の薬剤師法第十五条第一号に掲げる者」とする。 (2) With regard to the application of the provisions of item (ii), Article 15 of the New Pharmacists Act to a person who has graduated from a pharmacy school in a foreign country or who has obtained a pharmacist license granted in a foreign country, the phrase "the person set forth in the preceding item" in the same item is replaced with "the person set forth in item (i), Article 15 of the Pharmacists Act prior to amendment by the Act Partially Amending the Pharmacists Act (Act No.134 of 2004)", for six years starting on the Enforcement Date. 第三条 施行日の属する年度から平成二十九年度までの間に学校教育法に基づく大学に入学し、薬学の正規の課程(同法第八十七条第二項に規定するものを除く。)を修めて卒業し、かつ、同法に基づく大学院において薬学の修士又は博士の課程を修了した者であって、厚生労働大臣が、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより新薬剤師法第十五条第一号に掲げる者と同等以上の学力及び技能を有すると認定したものは、新薬剤師法第十五条の規定にかかわらず、薬剤師国家試験を受けることができる。 Article 3 A person who enters a university under the School Education Act during the period from the school year including the Enforcement Date through the school year of 2017, has studied at and graduated from said university by completing a regular course in pharmaceutical science (excluding the one prescribed by Article 87, paragraph (2) of the same Act) and has completed a master or doctor course in pharmaceutical science at a graduate university under the same Act, whom the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds to have academic ability and skills equivalent or superior to the person set forth in item (i), Article 15 of the New Pharmacists Act, as specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, may take the national examination for pharmacists, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 15 of the New Pharmacists Act. 附 則 〔平成十八年六月二十一日法律第八十四号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 84 of June 21, 2006] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、平成十九年四月一日から施行する。ただし、次の各号に掲げる規定は、当該各号に定める日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from April 1, 2007; provided, however, that the provisions listed in the following items come into effect on the day specified therein respectively. 一 附則第十六条の規定、附則第三十一条の規定及び附則第三十二条の規定 公布の日 (i) the provisions of Article 16 of the supplementary provisions, the provisions of Article 31 of the supplementary provisions and the provisions of Article 32 of the supplementary provisions: the date of promulgation; 二 第一条の規定、附則第三条第一項から第三項までの規定及び附則第十七条の規定中健康保険法(大正十一年法律第七十号)第六十五条第二項の改正規定 平成十九年一月一日 (ii) the provisions of Article 1, the provisions of Article 3, paragraphs (1) through (3) of the supplementary provisions and the provisions to amend Article 65, paragraph (2) of the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922) in the provisions of Article 17 of the supplementary provisions: January 1, 2007; or 三 第三条の規定、第七条の規定、第八条の規定中薬事法第七条第一項の改正規定、第九条の規定(薬剤師法第二十二条の改正規定を除く。)、第十一条の規定、附則第十四条第三項及び第四項の規定、附則第十八条の規定中地方自治法(昭和二十二年法律第六十七号)別表第一保健師助産師看護師法(昭和二十三年法律第二百三号)の項及び同表薬剤師法(昭和三十五年法律第百四十六号)の項の改正規定並びに附則第三十条の規定 平成二十年四月一日 (iii) the provisions of Article 3, the provisions of Article 7, the provisions to amend Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act in the provisions of Article 8, the provisions of Article 9 (excluding the provisions to amend Article 22 of the Pharmacists Act), the provisions of Article 11, the provisions of Article 14, paragraphs (3) and (4) of the supplementary provisions, the provisions to amend the row for the Act on Public Health Nurses, Midwives and Nurses (Act No. 203 of 1948) in Appended Table 1 and the row for the Pharmacists Act (Act No. 146 of 1960) in the same Table of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947) in the provisions of Article 18 of the supplementary provisions, and the provisions of Article 30 of the supplementary provisions: April 1, 2008. (検討) (Review) 第二条 政府は、この法律の施行後五年を目途として、この法律の施行の状況等を勘案し、この法律により改正された医療法等の規定に基づく規制の在り方について検討を加え、必要があると認めるときは、その結果に基づいて必要な措置を講ずるものとする。 Article 2 After approximately five years from the enforcement of this Act, the government is to review how the regulations under the provisions of the Medical Care Act and other Acts as amended by this Act should be, taking into account the status of enforcement of this Act and other factors, and when deemed necessary, is to take necessary measures based on the results of such review. (再免許の交付に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures for Issuance of Relicense) 第十四条 施行日前に第四条の規定による改正前の医師法第七条第二項の規定による取消処分を受けた者に係る第四条の規定による改正後の医師法第七条第三項の規定の適用については、なお従前の例による。 Article 14 (1) With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (3) of the Medical Practitioners' Act as amended by the provisions of Article 4 to a person who, prior to the Enforcement Date, has been subject to a disposition of revocation pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (2) of the Medical Practitioners' Act prior to amendment by the provisions of Article 4, the provisions then in force remain applicable. 2 施行日前に第五条の規定による改正前の歯科医師法第七条第二項の規定による取消処分を受けた者に係る第五条の規定による改正後の歯科医師法第七条第三項の規定の適用については、なお従前の例による。 (2) With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (3) of the Dental Practitioners Act as amended by the provisions of Article 5 to a person who, prior to the Enforcement Date, has been subject to a disposition of revocation pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (2) of the Dental Practitioners Act prior to amendment by the provisions of Article 5, the provisions then in force remain applicable. 3 附則第一条第三号に掲げる規定の施行の日前に第七条の規定による改正前の保健師助産師看護師法第十四条第一項又は第二項の規定による取消処分を受けた者に係る第七条の規定による改正後の保健師助産師看護師法第十四条第三項の規定の適用については、なお従前の例による。 (3) With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (3) of the Act on Public Health Nurses, Midwives and Nurses as amended by the provisions of Article 7 to a person who, prior to the date of enforcement of the provisions set forth in item (iii), Article 1 of the supplementary provisions, has been subject to a disposition of revocation pursuant to the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act on Public Health Nurses, Midwives and Nurses prior to amendment by the provisions of Article 7, the provisions then in force remain applicable. 4 附則第一条第三号に掲げる規定の施行の日前に第九条の規定による改正前の薬剤師法第八条第二項の規定により免許を取り消された者に係る第九条の規定による改正後の薬剤師法第八条第四項の規定の適用については、なお従前の例による。 (4) With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (4) of the Pharmacists Act as amended by the provisions of Article 9 to a person who, prior to the date of enforcement of the provisions set forth in item (iii), Article 1 of the supplementary provisions, has been subject to a disposition of revocation pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (2) of the Pharmacists Act prior to amendment by the provisions of Article 9, the provisions then in force remain applicable. (罰則の適用に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures for Application of Penal Provisions) 第三十一条 この法律(附則第一条各号に掲げる規定については、当該各規定)の施行前にした行為並びにこの附則の規定によりなお従前の例によることとされる場合におけるこの法律の施行後にした行為及びこの附則の規定によりなお効力を有することとされる場合におけるこの法律の施行後にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。 Article 31 With regard to the application of penal provisions to acts committed prior to the enforcement of this Act (or the respective provisions where the provisions listed in the items of Article 1 of the supplementary provisions are concerned) as well as acts committed after the enforcement of this Act where the provisions then in force remain applicable pursuant to the provisions of these supplementary provisions and acts committed after the enforcement of this Act where the provisions then in force remain in force pursuant to the provisions of these supplementary provisions, the provisions then in force remain applicable. (その他の経過措置の政令への委任) (Delegation of Other Transitional Measures to Cabinet Order) 第三十二条 附則第三条から第十六条まで及び前条に定めるもののほか、この法律の施行に伴い必要な経過措置は、政令で定める。 Article 32 Beyond what is provided for in Articles 3 through 16 and the preceding Article of the supplementary provisions, transitional measures necessary for the enforcement of this Act will be specified by a Cabinet Order. 附 則 〔平成十九年六月二十七日法律第九十六号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 96 of June 27, 2007] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、公布の日から起算して六月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from the day specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the date of promulgation. 附 則 〔平成二十五年六月十四日法律第四十四号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 44 of June 14, 2013] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、公布の日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from the date of promulgation. (罰則に関する経過措置) (Transitional Measures Concerning Penal Provisions) 第十条 この法律(附則第一条各号に掲げる規定にあっては、当該規定)の施行前にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。 Article 10 With regard to the application of penal provisions to acts committed prior to the enforcement of this Act (or, where the provisions listed in the items of Article 1 of the supplementary provisions are concerned, such respective provisions), the provisions then in force remain applicable. (政令への委任) (Delegation to Cabinet Order) 第十一条 この附則に規定するもののほか、この法律の施行に関し必要な経過措置(罰則に関する経過措置を含む。)は、政令で定める。 Article 11 Beyond what is provided for in these supplementary provisions, transitional measures necessary for the enforcement of this Act (including transitional measures concerning the penal provisions) will be specified by a Cabinet Order. 附 則 〔平成二十五年十二月十三日法律第百三号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Act No. 103 of December 13, 2013] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この法律は、公布の日から起算して六月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日から施行する。 Article 1 This Act will come into effect from the day specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the date of promulgation.