東日本大震災により生じた放射性物質により汚染された土壌等を除染するための業務等に係る電離放射線障害防止規則 Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards at Works to Decontaminate Soil and Waste Contaminated by Radioactive Materials Resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Related Works 平成二十三年厚生労働省令第百五十二号 Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 152 of 2011 平成二十五年厚生労働省令第八十九号 Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 89 of 2013 東日本大震災により生じた放射性物質により汚染された土壌等を除染するための業務等に係る電離放射線障害防止規則(平成二十三年十二月二十二日厚生労働省令第百五十二号) Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards at Works to Decontaminate Soil and Waste Contaminated by Radioactive Materials Resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Related Works (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 152 of December 22, 2011) (平成二十三年十二月二十二日厚生労働省令第百五十二号) (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 152, 2011) 労働安全衛生法(昭和四十七年法律第五十七号)及び労働安全衛生法施行令(昭和四十七年政令第三百十八号)の規定に基づき、並びに同法を実施するため、東日本大震災により生じた放射性物質により汚染された土壌等を除染するための業務等に係る電離放射線障害防止規則を次のように定める。 Pursuant to the provisions of the Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No.57, 1972) and the Enforcement Order of Industrial Safety and Health Act (Cabinet Order No. 318, 1972), and in order to enforce the said Act, the Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards at Works to Decontaminate Soil and Waste Contaminated by Radioactive Materials Resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Related Works shall be enacted as below. 第一章 総則(第一条・第二条) Chapter I General Provisions (Articles 1 and 2) 第二章 除染等業務における電離放射線障害の防止 Chapter II Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards in Decontamination and Related Works 第一節 線量の限度及び測定(第三条―第六条) Section 1 Exposure Dose Limit and Measurements (Articles 3 to 6) 第二節 除染等業務の実施に関する措置(第七条―第十一条) Section 2 Measures for Implementation of Decontamination and Related Works (Articles 7 to 11) 第三節 汚染の防止(第十二条―第十八条) Section 3 Prevention of Contamination (Articles 12 to 18) 第四節 特別の教育(第十九条) Section 4 Special Education (Article 19) 第五節 健康診断(第二十条―第二十五条) Section 5 Medical Examinations (Articles 20 to 25) 第三章 特定線量下業務における電離放射線障害の防止 Chapter III Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards During Works under a Designated Dose Rate 第一節 線量の限度及び測定(第二十五条の二―第二十五条の五) Section 1 Radiation Exposure Dose Limit and Measurement (Articles 25-2 to 25-5) 第二節 特定線量下業務の実施に関する措置(第二十五条の六・第二十五条の七) Section 2 Measures to Implement Works under a Designated Dose Rate (Articles 25-6 and 25-7) 第三節 特別の教育(第二十五条の八) Section 3 Special Education (Article 25-8) 第四節 被ばく歴の調査(第二十五条の九) Section 4 Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 26 to 30) 第四章 雑則(第二十六条―第三十条) Chapter IV Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 26 to 30) 附則 Supplementary Provisions 第一章 総則 Chapter I General Provisions (事故由来放射性物質により汚染された土壌等を除染するための業務等に係る放射線障害防止の基本原則) (Basic Principles for Prevention of Radiation Hazards Pertaining to Works to Decontaminate Soil and Waste Contaminated by Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident) 第一条 事業者は、除染特別地域等内において、除染等業務従事者及び特定線量下業務従事者その他の労働者が電離放射線を受けることをできるだけ少なくするように努めなければならない。 Article 1 Employers must endeavor to minimize exposure to ionizing radiation for workers engaged in decontamination and related works, workers under a designated dose rate, or other workers in special decontamination areas, etc. 第二条 この省令で「事業者」とは、除染等業務又は特定線量下業務を行う事業の事業者をいう。 Article 2 (1) "Employers" in this Ordinance means employers who conduct Decontamination and Related Works or Works under a Designated Dose Rate. 2 この省令で「除染特別地域等」とは、平成二十三年三月十一日に発生した東北地方太平洋沖地震に伴う原子力発電所の事故により放出された放射性物質による環境の汚染への対処に関する特別措置法(平成二十三年法律第百十号)第二十五条第一項に規定する除染特別地域又は同法第三十二条第一項に規定する汚染状況重点調査地域をいう。 (2) "Special Decontamination Areas, etc." in this Ordinance means special decontamination areas prescribed in paragraph(1) of Article 25 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Environmental Pollution by Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Nuclear Power Plant Accident Associated with the Tohoku District Off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake That Occurred on 11 March 2011 (Act No. 110 of 2011), or intensive contamination survey areas prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 32 of said act. 3 この省令で「除染等業務従事者」とは、除染等業務に従事する労働者をいう。 (3) "Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works" in this Ordinance means workers engaged in Decontamination and Related Works. 4 この省令で「特定線量下業務従事者」とは、特定線量下業務に従事する労働者をいう。 (4) "Workers under a Designated Dose Rate" in this Ordinance means workers engaged in Works under a Designated Dose Rate. 5 この省令で「電離放射線」とは、電離放射線障害防止規則(昭和四十七年労働省令第四十一号。以下「電離則」という。)第二条第一項の電離放射線をいう。 (5) "Ionizing Radiation" in this Ordinance means the ionizing radiation described in paragraph (1) of Article 2 of the Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards (Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour No. 41 of 1972, hereinafter referred to as "Ionizing Radiation Ordinance"). 6 この省令で「事故由来放射性物質」とは、平成二十三年三月十一日に発生した東北地方太平洋沖地震に伴う原子力発電所の事故により当該原子力発電所から放出された放射性物質(電離則第二条第二項の放射性物質に限る。)をいう。 (6) "Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident" in this Ordinance means radioactive materials discharged by the nuclear power plant due to the accident of the said nuclear power plant caused by the Tohoku District Off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake That Occurred on 11 March 2011 (Limited to the radioactive materials described in paragraph (2) of Article 2 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance). 7 この省令で「除染等業務」とは、次の各号に掲げる業務(電離則第四十一条の三の処分の業務を行う事業場において行うものを除く。)をいう。 (7) "Decontamination and Related Works" in this Ordinance means the operations set forth in the following items (excluding those conducted in the workplace where works related to disposal described in Article 41-3 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance are conducted):. 一 除染特別地域等内における事故由来放射性物質により汚染された土壌、草木、工作物等について講ずる当該汚染に係る土壌、落葉及び落枝、水路等に堆積した汚泥等(以下「汚染土壌等」という。)の除去、当該汚染の拡散の防止その他の当該汚染の影響の低減のために必要な措置を講ずる業務(以下「土壌等の除染等の業務」という。) (i) in taking measures for the soil, vegetation and structures in the Special Decontamination Areas, etc. contaminated by Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident, removal of soil, fallen leaves, fallen branches, and sludge accumulated in water drainage channels, etc. connected to said contamination (hereinafter referred to as "Contaminated Soil and Waste"), and prevention of the spread of contamination or other works to take necessary measures to minimize the harmful impact of said contamination (hereinafter referred to as "Works of Decontamination, etc. of Soil, etc."); 二 除染特別地域等内における次のイ又はロに掲げる事故由来放射性物質により汚染された物の収集、運搬又は保管に係るもの(以下「廃棄物収集等業務」という。) (ii) collection, transportation, or storage of those contaminated by Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident set forth in (a) or (b) below in the Special Decontamination Areas, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Work for Collecting Wastes, etc."): イ 前号又は次号の業務に伴い生じた土壌(当該土壌に含まれる事故由来放射性物質のうち厚生労働大臣が定める方法によって求めるセシウム百三十四及びセシウム百三十七の放射能濃度の値が一万ベクレル毎キログラムを超えるものに限る。以下「除去土壌」という。) (a) soil generated by the work described in the preceding item or the following item (limited to the soil that contains Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident, exceeding 10,000 Bq/kg of cesium-134 and cesium-137 measured by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, hereinafter referred to as "Removed Soil").; or ロ 事故由来放射性物質により汚染された廃棄物(当該廃棄物に含まれる事故由来放射性物質のうち厚生労働大臣が定める方法によって求めるセシウム百三十四及びセシウム百三十七の放射能濃度の値が一万ベクレル毎キログラムを超えるものに限る。以下「汚染廃棄物」という。); (b) wastes contaminated by the Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident (limited to the waste that contains Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident, exceeding 10,000 Bq/kg of cesium-134 and cesium-137 measured by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, hereinafter referred to as "Contaminated Waste".); and 三 前二号に掲げる業務以外の業務であって、特定汚染土壌等(汚染土壌等であって、当該汚染土壌等に含まれる事故由来放射性物質のうち厚生労働大臣が定める方法によって求めるセシウム百三十四及びセシウム百三十七の放射能濃度の値が一万ベクレル毎キログラムを超えるものに限る。以下同じ。)を取り扱うもの(以下「特定汚染土壌等取扱業務」という。) (iii) works other than those set forth in the preceding two items and works for handling of designated contaminated soil and waste. (limited to Contaminated Soil and Waste that contains Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident, exceeding 10,000 Bq/kg of cesium-134 and cesium-137, measured by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. The same applies hereinafter.) (Hereinafter referred to as "Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.") 8 この省令で「特定線量下業務」とは、除染特別地域等内における厚生労働大臣が定める方法によって求める平均空間線量率(以下単に「平均空間線量率」という。)が事故由来放射性物質により二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超える場所において事業者が行う除染等業務その他の労働安全衛生法施行令別表第二に掲げる業務以外の業務をいう。 (8) “Operations under a Designated Dose Rate” in this Ordinance means works other than Decontamination and Related Works provided by Employers at the locations where Average Ambient Dose Rate obtained by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (hereinafter simply referred to as “Average Ambient Dose Rate”) exceeds 2.5 μSv/h due to Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident in the Special Decontamination Areas, etc. and the other works set forth in appended table 2 of Order for Enforcement of Industrial Safety and Health Act. 9 この省令で「除染等作業」とは、除染特別地域等内における除染等業務に係る作業をいう。 (9) "Decontamination Related Duties" in this Ordinance means duties pertaining to Decontamination and Related works in the Special Decontamination Areas, etc. 10 この省令で「特定線量下作業」とは、除染特別地域等内における特定線量下業務に係る作業をいう。 (10) "Duties under a Designated Dose Rate" in this Ordinance means duties pertaining to Works under a Designated Dose Rate in the Special Decontamination Areas, etc. 第二章 除染等業務における電離放射線障害の防止 Chapter II Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards in Decontamination and Related Works 第一節 線量の限度及び測定 Section 1 Exposure Dose Limit and Measurements (除染等業務従事者の被ばく限度) (Exposure Dose Limit for Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works) 第三条 事業者は、除染等業務従事者の受ける実効線量が五年間につき百ミリシーベルトを超えず、かつ、一年間につき五十ミリシーベルトを超えないようにしなければならない。 Article 3 (1) Employers must ensure that the effective doses to which Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works are subject do not exceed 100 mSv per five years and 50 mSv per one year. 2 事業者は、前項の規定にかかわらず、女性の除染等業務従事者(妊娠する可能性がないと診断されたもの及び次条に規定するものを除く。)の受ける実効線量については、三月間につき五ミリシーベルトを超えないようにしなければならない。 (2) Regardless of the provisions in the preceding paragraph, Employers must ensure that the effective dose to which female Workers Engaged inDecontamination and Related Works are subject do not exceed 5 mSv per three-month period. This excludes female workers who were diagnosed as being unable to conceive and those described in the next paragraph. 第四条 事業者は、妊娠と診断された女性の除染等業務従事者の受ける線量が、妊娠と診断されたときから出産までの間(以下「妊娠中」という。)につき次の各号に掲げる線量の区分に応じて、それぞれ当該各号に定める値を超えないようにしなければならない。 Article 4 Employers must ensure the doses to which female Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works are subject do not exceed the doses specified in the items in the following categories, starting from the time they are diagnosed as pregnant until delivery (hereinafter referred to as "pregnancy"):. 一 内部被ばくによる実効線量 一ミリシーベルト (i) effective dose due to internal exposure: 1 mSv; and 二 腹部表面に受ける等価線量 二ミリシーベルト (ii) equivalent dose to which that on abdomen surface is subject: 2 mSv (線量の測定) (Dose Measurements) 第五条 事業者は、除染等業務従事者(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に従事する労働者にあっては、平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時以下の場所においてのみ特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に従事する者を除く。第六項及び第八項並びに次条及び第二十七条第二項において同じ。)が除染等作業により受ける外部被ばくによる線量を測定しなければならない。 Article 5 (1) Employers must measure the external exposure dose to which Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works (excluding workers engaged in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste only at the locations where the Average Ambient Dose Rate is 2.5 μSv/h or less. The same applies for paragraph (6) and paragraph (8) of the next Article and paragraph (2) of Article 27.) are subject. 2 事業者は、前項の規定による線量の測定に加え、除染等業務従事者が除染特別地域等内(平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超える場所に限る。第八項及び第十条において同じ。)における除染等作業により受ける内部被ばくによる線量の測定又は内部被ばくに係る検査を次の各号に定めるところにより行わなければならない。 (2) Beyond dose measurement pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Employers must measure the committed dose to which Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works in the Special Decontamination Areas are subject (limited to the locations where the Average Ambient Dose Rate is above 2.5 μSv/h; the same applies to paragraph (8) and Article 10) or provide examinations for internal exposure pursuant to the provisions of the following items: 一 汚染土壌等又は除去土壌若しくは汚染廃棄物(これらに含まれる事故由来放射性物質のうち厚生労働大臣が定める方法によって求めるセシウム百三十四及びセシウム百三十七の放射能濃度の値が五十万ベクレル毎キログラムを超えるものに限る。次号において「高濃度汚染土壌等」という。)を取り扱う作業であって、粉じん濃度が十ミリグラム毎立方メートルを超える場所において行われるものに従事する除染等業務従事者については、三月以内(一月間に受ける実効線量が一・七ミリシーベルトを超えるおそれのある女性(妊娠する可能性がないと診断されたものを除く。)及び妊娠中の女性にあっては一月以内)ごとに一回内部被ばくによる線量の測定を行うこと。 (i) it measures Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works for the committed dose at the locations where dust concentration exceeds 10 mg/m³ and contaminated soil, removed soil, or Contaminated Wastes are handled (Limited to those containing Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident that exceeds 500,000 Bq/kg of cesium-134 and cesium-137 determined by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. These are referred to as "Highly Radioactive Contaminated Soil and Waste" in the next item) once every three months (every month for female workers who are likely to be subject to an effective dose of 1.7 mSv or more (excluding female workers who were diagnosed as being unable to conceive), and pregnant workers); 二 次のイ又はロに掲げる作業に従事する除染等業務従事者については、厚生労働大臣が定める方法により内部被ばくに係る検査を行うこと。 (ii) it provides Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works described in (a) or (b) shall be provided with examinations for internal exposure by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare: イ 高濃度汚染土壌等を取り扱う作業であって、粉じん濃度が十ミリグラム毎立方メートル以下の場所において行われるもの (a) work involving handling Highly Radioactive Contaminated Soil and Waste at the locations where the dust concentration is 10 mg/m³ or less; or ロ 高濃度汚染土壌等以外の汚染土壌等又は除去土壌若しくは汚染廃棄物を取り扱う作業であって、粉じん濃度が十ミリグラム毎立方メートルを超える場所において行われるもの (b) work involving handling of contaminated soil and waste, removed soil, or Contaminated Wastes other than Highly Radioactive Contaminated Soil and Waste at the locations where the dust concentration exceeds 10 mg/m³. 3 事業者は、前項第二号の規定に基づき除染等業務従事者に行った検査の結果が内部被ばくについて厚生労働大臣が定める基準を超えた場合においては、当該除染等業務従事者について、同項第一号で定める方法により内部被ばくによる線量の測定を行わなければならない。 (3) When the committed dose exceeds the standards specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in the results of examinations performed for Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works in accordance with the provisions of item (2) in the preceding paragraph, Employers must measure the committed dose of Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works by the method specified in item (1) of the same paragraph. 4 第一項の規定による外部被ばくによる線量の測定は、一センチメートル線量当量について行うものとする。 (4) The measurement of the external exposure dose pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be conducted using the 1 cm dose equivalent rate. 5 第一項の規定による外部被ばくによる線量の測定は、男性又は妊娠する可能性がないと診断された女性にあっては胸部に、その他の女性にあっては腹部に放射線測定器を装着させて行わなければならない。 (5) The measurement of the external exposure dose pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) must be conducted with radiation monitors on the chest for male workers and female workers who were diagnosed as being unable to conceive and on the abdomen for other female workers. 6 前二項の規定にかかわらず、事業者は、除染等業務従事者の除染特別地域等内(平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時以下の場所に限る。)における除染等作業により受ける第一項の規定による外部被ばくによる線量の測定を厚生労働大臣が定める方法により行うことができる。 (6) Regardless of the provisions in the two preceding paragraphs, Employers may measure the external exposure dose specified in paragraph (1) to which Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works in the Special Decontamination Areas during Decontamination and Related Duties are subject (limited to the locations where the Average Ambient Dose Rate is 2.5 μSv/h or less) by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. 7 第二項の規定による内部被ばくによる線量の測定に当たっては、厚生労働大臣が定める方法によってその値を求めるものとする。 (7) The internal exposure dose pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) is to be measured by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. 8 除染等業務従事者は、除染特別地域等内における除染等作業を行う場所において、放射線測定器を装着しなければならない。 (8) Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works must wear radiation monitors in the Special Decontamination Areas where Decontamination and Related Duties are implemented. (線量の測定結果の確認、記録等) (Measuring and Recording of Dose Monitoring Results) 第六条 事業者は、一日における外部被ばくによる線量が一センチメートル線量当量について一ミリシーベルトを超えるおそれのある除染等業務従事者については、前条第一項の規定による外部被ばくによる線量の測定の結果を毎日確認しなければならない。 Article 6 (1) When Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works are likely to be subject to an external exposure dose exceeding 1 mSv according to the 1 cm dose equivalent rate per day, the Employer must confirm the measurement results of the external exposure dose pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) in the preceding Article every day. 2 事業者は、前条第五項から第七項までの規定による測定又は計算の結果に基づき、次の各号に掲げる除染等業務従事者の線量を、遅滞なく、厚生労働大臣が定める方法により算定し、これを記録し、これを三十年間保存しなければならない。ただし、当該記録を五年間保存した後又は当該除染等業務従事者に係る記録を当該除染等業務従事者が離職した後において、厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すときは、この限りでない。 (2) Based on the results of the measurement or calculation under the provisions of paragraph (5) to paragraph (7) in the preceding Article, Employers must calculate and record the dose to which Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works described in the following list of items are subject by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare without delay and store the records for 30 years.; provided, however, that this does not apply when such records are transferred to an organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, after being kept for five years or after termination or reallocation of Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works from their current responsibilities: 一 男性又は妊娠する可能性がないと診断された女性の実効線量の三月ごと、一年ごと及び五年ごとの合計(五年間において、実効線量が一年間につき二十ミリシーベルトを超えたことのない者にあっては、三月ごと及び一年ごとの合計) (i) a total effective dose for three-month, one-year, and five-year periods for each male worker and each female worker who was diagnosed as being unable to conceive (a total effective dose for three-month and one-year periods for workers whose effective dose has never exceeded 20 mSv per one year for five years); 二 女性(妊娠する可能性がないと診断されたものを除く。)の実効線量の一月ごと、三月ごと及び一年ごとの合計(一月間に受ける実効線量が一・七ミリシーベルトを超えるおそれのないものにあっては、三月ごと及び一年ごとの合計) (ii) a total effective dose for one-month, three-month and one-year periods for each female worker (excluding those who were diagnosed as being unable to conceive ) (a total effective dose for three-month and one-year periods for workers whose effective dose is not likely to exceed 1.7 mSv per one month);and 三 妊娠中の女性の内部被ばくによる実効線量及び腹部表面に受ける等価線量の一月ごと及び妊娠中の合計 (iii) the amount of an effective dose due to internal exposure and an equivalent dose to which the abdomen surface is subject for every month, and a total of the effective dose and the equivalent dose during the period of pregnancy for pregnant female workers. 3 事業者は、前項の規定による記録に基づき、除染等業務従事者に同項各号に掲げる線量を、遅滞なく、知らせなければならない。 (3) Based on the records under the provisions of the preceding paragraph employers must notify the dose results listed in each item without delay to the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works. 第二節 除染等業務の実施に関する措置 Section 2 Measures for Implementation of Decontamination and Related Works (事前調査等) (Preliminary Survey) 第七条 事業者は、除染等業務(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を除く。)を行おうとするときは、あらかじめ、除染等作業(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に係る除染等作業(以下「特定汚染土壌等取扱作業」という。以下同じ。)を除く。以下この項及び第三項において同じ。)を行う場所について、次の各号に掲げる事項を調査し、その結果を記録しておかなければならない。 Article 7 (1) When conducting Decontamination and Related Works (excluding Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste), Employers must. conduct a survey in advance regarding the matters set forth in the following items at the sites where Decontamination Related Works will be implemented (excluding Decontamination and Related Duties pertaining to Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste; hereinafter referred to as "Duties for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil, and Waste". The same applies in this paragraph and paragraph (3). The records of the results of the survey must be stored: 一 除染等作業の場所の状況 (i) conditions of the Decontamination Related Works sites; 二 除染等作業の場所の平均空間線量率 (ii) average Ambient Dose Rate of the Decontamination Related Duties sites; and 三 除染等作業の対象となる汚染土壌等又は除去土壌若しくは汚染廃棄物に含まれる事故由来放射性物質のうち厚生労働大臣が定める方法によって求めるセシウム百三十四及びセシウム百三十七の放射能濃度の値 (iii) concentrations of cesium-134 and cesium-137 determined by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare among Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident, contained in Contaminated Soil and Waste, Removed Soil, or Contaminated Wastes that are targets of collected during Decontamination Related Duties. 2 事業者は、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を行うときは、当該業務の開始前及び開始後二週間ごとに、特定汚染土壌等取扱作業を行う場所について、前項各号に掲げる事項を調査し、その結果を記録しておかなければならない。 (2) When implementing Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, Employers must conduct a survey and store the records of the matters set forth in the items in the preceding paragraph for the sites where the Duties for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste are implemented prior to commencing said operations and every two weeks thereafter. 3 事業者は、労働者を除染等作業に従事させる場合には、あらかじめ、第一項の調査が終了した年月日並びに調査の方法及び結果の概要を当該労働者に明示しなければならない。 (3) When Employers have their workers engage in Decontamination Related Duties, Employers must clearly indicate the completion date of the survey described in paragraph (1), and the summary of the methods and the results of the survey to the workers in advance. 4 事業者は、労働者を特定汚染土壌等取扱作業に従事させる場合には、当該作業の開始前及び開始後二週間ごとに、第二項の調査が終了した年月日並びに調査の方法及び結果の概要を当該労働者に明示しなければならない。 (4) When Employers have their workers engage in Duties for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil, etc., Employers must clearly indicate the completion date of the survey described in paragraph (2) and the summary of the methods and the results of the survey to the workers prior to commencing said work and every two weeks thereafter. 第八条 事業者は、除染等業務(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務にあっては、平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時以下の場所において行われるものを除く。)以下この条、次条及び第二十条第一項において同じ。)を行おうとするときは、あらかじめ、除染等作業(特定汚染土壌等取扱作業にあっては、平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時以下の場所において行われるものを除く。以下この条及び次条において同じ。)の作業計画を定め、かつ、当該作業計画により除染等作業を行わなければならない。 Article 8 (1) When Employers intend to implement Decontamination and Related Works (excluding the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste conducted in the location where the Average Ambient Dose Rates are 2.5 μSv/h or less; the same applies in this Article, the next Article, and paragraph (1) of Article 20), they must have a duty plan for the Decontamination Related Works ready (excluding the Duties for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil Waste conducted in the location where the Average Ambient Dose Rate is 2.5 μSv/h or less; the same applies in this Article and the next Article), and the Decontamination Related Duties must be conducted in accordance with said duty plan. 2 前項の作業計画は、次の各号に掲げる事項が示されているものでなければならない。 (2) The duty plan in the preceding paragraph must address the following matters: 一 除染等作業の場所及び除染等作業の方法 (i) locations and methods of the Decontamination Related Duties; 二 除染等業務従事者(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に従事する労働者にあっては、平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時以下の場所において従事するものを除く。以下この条、次条、第二十条から第二十三条まで及び第二十八条第二項において同じ。)の被ばく線量の測定方法 (ii) measurement methods of the exposure dose received by Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works (excluding workers engaged in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste conducted in the location where the Average Ambient Dose Rates are 2.5 μSv/h or less; the same applies in this Article, the next Article, Articles 20 to 23, and paragraph (2) of Article 28); 三 除染等業務従事者の被ばくを低減するための措置 (iii) measures to minimize the exposure dose to Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works; 四 除染等作業に使用する機械、器具その他の設備(次条第二号及び第十九条第一項において「機械等」という。)の種類及び能力 (iv) type and performance of the machines, tools, and other equipment to be used for Decontamination Related Duties("machinery" in Item (2) of the next Article and paragraph (1) of Article 19);and 五 労働災害が発生した場合の応急の措置 (v) emergency measures in case of industrial accidents. 3 事業者は、第一項の作業計画を定めたときは、前項の規定により示される事項について関係労働者に周知しなければならない。 (3) When Employers establish the duty plan in paragraph (1), they must make the matters described in the provisions of the preceding paragraph known to relevant workers. (作業の指揮者) (Duty Manager) 第九条 事業者は、除染等業務を行うときは、除染等作業を指揮するため必要な能力を有すると認められる者のうちから、当該除染等作業の指揮者を定め、その者に前条第一項の作業計画に基づき当該除染等作業の指揮を行わせるとともに、次の各号に掲げる事項を行わせなければならない。 Article 9 Employers must appoint an operation leader for the decontamination related works from workers who have competence and leadership in directing Decontamination Related Duties. The employers must have the appointed manager lead the Decontamination Related Duties in accordance with the work plan described in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article and have this person implement all of the following matters: 一 除染等作業の手順及び除染等業務従事者の配置を決定すること。 (i) define the procedures of the Decontamination Related Duties and allocate responsibilities to Workers Engaged in Decontamination Related Works; 二 除染等作業に使用する機械等の機能を点検し、不良品を取り除くこと。 (ii) inspect machinery to be used for the Decontamination Related Duties and replace any defective items; 三 放射線測定器及び保護具の使用状況を監視すること。 (iii) supervise the usage of radiation monitors and protective equipment; and 四 除染等作業を行う箇所には、関係者以外の者を立ち入らせないこと。 (iv) keep unauthorized personnel from entering the places where workers engage in Decontamination Related Duties. (作業の届出) (Duty Notice) 第十条 事業者(労働安全衛生法(以下「法」という。)第十五条第一項に規定する元方事業者に該当する者がいる場合にあっては、当該元方事業者に限る。)は、除染特別地域等内において土壌等の除染等の業務又は特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を行おうとするときは、あらかじめ、様式第一号による届書を当該事業場の所在地を管轄する労働基準監督署長(以下「所轄労働基準監督署長」という。)に提出しなければならない。 Article 10 Employers (limited to primary contractors specified in paragraph (1), Article 15 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act (hereinafter referred to as "The law"), when intending to implement works of decontamination, etc. or Works for Handling a Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste within the Special Decontamination Areas, etc., must submit the duty notice in Form 1 to the Head of the Labour Standards Inspection Office which has jurisdiction over the site of the workplace (hereinafter referred to as the "Head of the relevant Labour Standards Inspection Office"). 第十一条 事業者は、次の各号のいずれかに該当する除染等業務従事者に、速やかに、医師の診察又は処置を受けさせなければならない。 Article 11 Employers must ensure that their Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works who fall under any of the following items promptly receive medical examinations or treatment by medical doctors: 一 第三条第一項に規定する限度を超えて実効線量を受けた者 (i) when the worker has been subject to an effective dose exceeding the limit specified in paragraph 1 of Article 3; 二 事故由来放射性物質を誤って吸入摂取し、又は経口摂取した者 (ii) when the worker has mistakenly inhaled or ingested Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident; 三 洗身等により汚染を四十ベクレル毎平方センチメートル以下にすることができない者 (iii) when the worker is not able to reduce levels of contamination to 40 Bq/cm2 or less by washing; and 四 傷創部が汚染された者 (iv) when the wound has been contaminated by radioactive materials. 2 事業者は、前項各号のいずれかに該当する除染等業務従事者があるときは、速やかに、その旨を所轄労働基準監督署長に報告しなければならない。 (2) Employers must report to the Head of the relevant Labour Standards Inspection Office when any of their Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works falls under the items in the previous paragraph. 第三節 汚染の防止 Section 3 Prevention of Contamination (粉じんの発散を抑制するための措置) (Measures to Control Dust Dispersion) 第十二条 事業者は、除染等作業(特定汚染土壌等取扱作業を除く。以下この条において同じ。)のうち第五条第二項各号に規定するものを除染等業務従事者(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に従事する労働者を除く。)に行わせるときは、当該除染等作業の対象となる汚染土壌等又は除去土壌若しくは汚染廃棄物を湿潤な状態にする等粉じんの発散を抑制するための措置を講じなければならない。 Article 12 When Employers have their Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Duties (excluding workers engaged in Duties Engaged in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste) implement Decontamination and Related Duties prescribed in each item specified in paragraph (2) of Article 5 (excluding Duties for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, the same applies hereinafter in this Article), Employers must take measures to control dust dispersion. For example, keeping Contaminated Soil and Wastes, removed soil, or other wastes in wet conditions helps control dust dispersion. (廃棄物収集等業務を行う際の容器の使用等) (Usage of Containers for Collecting Wastes) 第十三条 事業者は、廃棄物収集等業務を行うときは、汚染の拡大を防止するため、容器を用いなければならない。ただし、容器に入れることが著しく困難なものについて、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が飛散し、及び流出しないように必要な措置を講じたときは、この限りでない。 Article 13 (1) When Employers conduct Work for Collecting Wastes, etc., they must use containers to prevent spread of contamination; provided, however, that this does not apply to the case in which storing wastes in the containers is especially difficult, or necessary measures have already been taken for prevention of removed soil or Contaminated Wastes from scattering and leaking. 2 事業者は、前項本文の容器については、次の各号に掲げる廃棄物収集等業務の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める構造を具備したものを用いなければならない。 (2) Employers must use the aforementioned containers that have the structures with the following specifications appropriate for the respective category of Work for Collecting Wastes, etc.: 一 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物の収集又は保管に係る業務 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が飛散し、及び流出するおそれがないもの (i) works related to collection or storage of removed soil or Contaminated Wastes: The containers with no fear of scattering or leaking of removed soil or Contaminated Wastes; and 二 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物の運搬に係る業務 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が飛散し、及び流出するおそれがないものであって、容器の表面(容器をこん包するときは、そのこん包の表面)から一メートルの距離における一センチメートル線量当量率が、〇・一ミリシーベルト毎時を超えないもの。ただし、容器を専用積載で運搬する場合であって、運搬車の前面、後面及び両側面(車両が開放型のものである場合にあっては、その外輪郭に接する垂直面)から一メートルの距離における一センチメートル線量当量率の最大値が〇・一ミリシーベルト毎時を超えないように、放射線を遮蔽する等必要な措置を講ずるときは、この限りでない。 (ii) works related to transfer of removed soil or Contaminated Wastes: The containers with no fear of scattering or leaking of removed soil or Contaminated Wastes, and with the capability to provide the 1 cm dose equivalent rate at 1 m from the surface of the container of the package which does not exceed 0.1 mSv/h; provided, however, that exceptions are approved in cases in which measures for shielding of radiation are necessary when transporting containers with special carriers. The necessary shielding measures to block radiation shall be taken such that the maximum 1 cm dose equivalent rate at 1 m from front, rear, and both sides of the vehicle (from the vertical plane connected to the outer rim of the vehicle tire if it is an open type vehicle) does not exceed 0.1 mSv/h. 3 事業者は、第一項本文の容器には、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物を入れるものである旨を表示しなければならない。 (3) Employers must indicate the containers for removed soil or Contaminated Wastes used in paragraph (1) with labels. 4 事業者は、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物を保管するときは、第一項本文の容器を用い、又は同項ただし書の措置を講ずるほか、次の各号に掲げる措置を講じなければならない。 (4) When storing removed soil or Contaminated Wastes Employers must use the aforementioned containers in paragraph (1) or take the following measures beyond the measures in the proviso in the same paragraph: 一 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物を保管していることを標識により明示すること。 (i) indicate the containers in which removed soil or Contaminated Wastes are stored with labels; and 二 関係者以外の者が立ち入ることを禁止するため、囲い等を設けること。 (ii) prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the site by enclosing the site. (退出者の汚染検査) (Contamination Screening of Workers Leaving the Site for the Day) 第十四条 事業者は、除染等業務が行われる作業場又はその近隣の場所に汚染検査場所を設け、除染等作業を行わせた除染等業務従事者が当該作業場から退出するときは、その身体及び衣服、履物、作業衣、保護具等身体に装着している物(以下この条において「装具」という。)の汚染の状態を検査しなければならない。 Article 14 (1) Employers must establish a radiation contamination screening station at or near the site, where Decontamination and Related Works are implemented and inspect the levels of contamination on workers' bodies, clothing, shoes, protective equipment, and other equipment (hereinafter in this article referred to as "equipment") that came in contact with their bodies before they leave their work sites for the day. 2 事業者は、前項の検査により除染等業務従事者の身体又は装具が四十ベクレル毎平方センチメートルを超えて汚染されていると認められるときは、同項の汚染検査場所において次の各号に掲げる措置を講じなければ、当該除染等業務従事者を同項の作業場から退出させてはならない。 (2) Employers must not allow the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works to leave their work site when the levels of contamination on their bodies or their equipment exceed 40 Bq/cm2, when assessed in accordance with the provisions in the preceding paragraph, until the following measures are taken at the contamination screening station: 一 身体が汚染されているときは、その汚染が四十ベクレル毎平方センチメートル以下になるように洗身等をさせること。 (i) if workers' bodies are contaminated, they need to reduce their levels of contamination to 40 Bq/cm2 or less by washing, etc.; and 二 装具が汚染されているときは、その装具を脱がせ、又は取り外させること。 (ii) if the equipment attached to the workers is contaminated, the workers need to take off, or otherwise remove, the contaminated equipment. 3 除染等業務従事者は、前項の規定による事業者の指示に従い、洗身等をし、又は装具を脱ぎ、若しくは取り外さなければならない。 (3) Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works must wash their bodies, take off, or otherwise remove, the equipment as instructed by the Employers pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. (持出し物品の汚染検査) (Contamination Screening of Items to be Removed) 第十五条 事業者は、除染等業務が行われる作業場から持ち出す物品については、持出しの際に、前条第一項の汚染検査場所において、その汚染の状態を検査しなければならない。ただし、第十三条第一項本文の容器を用い、又は同項ただし書の措置を講じて、他の除染等業務が行われる作業場まで運搬するときは、この限りでない。 Article 15 (1) Employers must survey contamination of the items to be taken from the site where Decontamination and Related Works are conducted at the contamination screening station established in accordance with the requirements in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article; provided, however, that this does not apply when the containers in the main paragraph (1) of Article 13 are used or measures in the proviso in the same paragraph are taken to transport them to the other sites where Decontamination and Related Works are conducted. 2 事業者及び労働者は、前項の検査により、当該物品が四十ベクレル毎平方センチメートルを超えて汚染されていると認められるときは、その物品を持ち出してはならない。ただし、第十三条第一項本文の容器を用い、又は同項ただし書の措置を講じて、汚染を除去するための施設、貯蔵施設若しくは廃棄のための施設又は他の除染等業務が行われる作業場まで運搬するときは、この限りでない。 (2) Employers and workers must not remove the items if they are determined to be contaminated above 40 Bq/cm2 during screening in the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that this does not apply when the containers in the main paragraph (1) of Article 13 are used, or measures in the proviso in the same paragraph are taken to transport them to the decontamination facilities, storage facilities, disposal facilities, or other sites where Decontamination and Related Works are conducted. 第十六条 事業者は、除染等作業のうち第五条第二項各号に規定するものを除染等業務従事者に行わせるときは、当該除染等作業の内容に応じて厚生労働大臣が定める区分に従って、防じんマスク等の有効な呼吸用保護具、汚染を防止するために有効な保護衣類、手袋又は履物を備え、これらを当該除染等作業に従事する除染等業務従事者に使用させなければならない。 Article 16 (1) Before Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works start their work specified in the items in paragraph (2) of Article 5, Employers must prepare effective respiratory protective equipment such as dust masks, protective clothing effective against contamination, gloves, or footwear and ensure the appropriate use of this protective equipment by the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works when they conduct the Decontamination and Related Works, according to the classification of the Decontamination and Related Works specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. 2 除染等業務従事者は、前項の作業に従事する間、同項の保護具を使用しなければならない。 (2) Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works must use the protective equipment in the preceding paragraph when implementing works described in the same paragraph. (保護具の汚染除去) (Decontamination of Protective Equipment) 第十七条 事業者は、前条の規定により使用させる保護具が四十ベクレル毎平方センチメートルを超えて汚染されていると認められるときは、あらかじめ、洗浄等により四十ベクレル毎平方センチメートル以下になるまで汚染を除去しなければ、除染等業務従事者に使用させてはならない。 Article 17 Employers must ensure Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works do not use protective equipment specified in the preceding paragraph when its level of radioactivity contamination is determined to exceed 40 Bq/cm2 until such equipment is decontaminated by washing, etc. to the levels of 40 Bq/cm2 or less. (喫煙等の禁止) (Prohibition of Smoking) 第十八条 事業者は、除染等業務を行うときは、事故由来放射性物質を吸入摂取し、又は経口摂取するおそれのある作業場で労働者が喫煙し、又は飲食することを禁止し、かつ、その旨を、あらかじめ、労働者に明示しなければならない。 Article 18 (1) Employers must prohibit workers from smoking, eating, or drinking at the sites where they are likely to inhale or ingest Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident and they must inform their workers about the risk associated with such activities in advance. 2 労働者は、前項の作業場で喫煙し、又は飲食してはならない。 (2) Workers must not smoke, eat, or drink at the sites described in the preceding paragraph. 第四節 特別の教育 Section 4 Special Education (除染等業務に係る特別の教育) (Special Education Regarding Decontamination and Related Works) 第十九条 事業者は、除染等業務に労働者を就かせるときは、当該労働者に対し、次の各号に掲げる科目について、特別の教育を行わなければならない。 Article 19 Employers must provide special education to the workers regarding the following topics: 一 電離放射線の生体に与える影響及び被ばく線量の管理の方法に関する知識 (i) knowledge for effects of Ionizing Radiation on organisms and methods of exposure dose control; 二 除染等作業の方法に関する知識 (ii) knowledge for methods and procedures of Decontamination and Related Works; 三 除染等作業に使用する機械等の構造及び取扱いの方法に関する知識(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に労働者を就かせるときは、特定汚染土壌等取扱作業に使用する機械等の名称及び用途に関する知識に限る。) (iii) knowledge regarding structure and handling methods of machinery used for Decontamination and Related Duties. (Limited to the knowledge about the name and usage of the machinery used for Duties for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, when the Enployers has workers engage in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.); 四 関係法令 (iv) relevant laws and ordinances; and 五 除染等作業の方法及び使用する機械等の取扱い(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に労働者を就かせるときは、特定汚染土壌等取扱作業の方法に限る。) (v) methods and procedures concerning Decontamination and Related Duties including how to use machinery. (Limited to the procedures for Duties for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, when the Employers engage the workers in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.) 2 労働安全衛生規則(昭和四十七年労働省令第三十二号)第三十七条及び第三十八条並びに前項に定めるほか、同項の特別の教育の実施について必要な事項は、厚生労働大臣が定める。 (2) Necessary matters for implementing the special education program of the preceding paragraph are provided by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, beyond the matters specified in Article 37 and Article 38 of the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 32 of 1972). 第五節 健康診断 Section 5 Medical Examinations 第二十条 事業者は、除染等業務に常時従事する除染等業務従事者に対し、雇入れ又は当該業務に配置替えの際及びその後六月以内ごとに一回、定期に、次の各号に掲げる項目について医師による健康診断を行わなければならない。 Article 20 (1) Employers must provide Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works who are regularly engaged in Decontamination and Related Works with medical examinations by medical doctors when they assign workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works, regarding the matters listed in the following items at the time of employment and periodically once every six months thereafter and at the time of reallocation: 一 被ばく歴の有無(被ばく歴を有する者については、作業の場所、内容及び期間、放射線障害の有無、自覚症状の有無その他放射線による被ばくに関する事項)の調査及びその評価 (i) investigation and evaluation of the exposure history. (If the worker has an exposure history, it is necessary to confirm the location, nature of work, duration, and other details concerning radiation exposure, beyond existence of subjective symptoms.); 二 白血球数及び白血球百分率の検査 (ii) examinations of white blood cell count and differential; 三 赤血球数の検査及び血色素量又はヘマトクリット値の検査 (iii) examinations of red blood cell count and hemoglobin contents or hematocrit values; 四 白内障に関する眼の検査 (iv) examinations of eyes for cataract; and 五 皮膚の検査 (v) skin examinations. 2 前項の規定にかかわらず、同項の健康診断(定期のものに限る。以下この項において同じ。)を行おうとする日の属する年の前年一年間に受けた実効線量が五ミリシーベルトを超えず、かつ、当該健康診断を行おうとする日の属する一年間に受ける実効線量が五ミリシーベルトを超えるおそれのない者に対する当該健康診断については、同項第二号から第五号までに掲げる項目は、医師が必要と認めないときには、行うことを要しない。 (2) Regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the requirements described in (2) through (5) in the preceding paragraph can be exempted if medical doctors determine those examinations are unnecessary for the workers whose effective doses did not exceed 5 mSv in the year before the medical examinations (limited to periodical examinations; the same shall apply to the present item), and their effective doses are not likely to exceed 5 mSv in the year the medical examinations will be conducted. (健康診断の結果の記録) (Recording the Results of Medical Examinations) 第二十一条 事業者は、前条第一項の健康診断(法第六十六条第五項ただし書の場合において当該除染等業務従事者が受けた健康診断を含む。以下「除染等電離放射線健康診断」という。)の結果に基づき、除染等電離放射線健康診断個人票(様式第二号)を作成し、これを三十年間保存しなければならない。ただし、当該記録を五年間保存した後又は当該除染等業務従事者に係る記録を当該除染等業務従事者が離職した後において、厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すときは、この限りでない。 Article 21 Based on the results of the medical examinations described in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the Employers must prepare decontamination and related works ionizing radiation medical examination cards (Form No. 2) for individual workers and preserve them for 30 years. (The cards include medical examinations provided to the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works in cases of the proviso in paragraph (5) of Article 66 of the Law. Hereinafter referred to as "Decontamination and Related Works Ionizing Radiation Medical Examinations"); provided, however, that this does not apply when such records are transferred to an organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, after being kept for five years or after termination or reallocation of the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works from their current responsibilities. (健康診断の結果についての医師からの意見聴取) (Seeking Advice from Medical Doctors about the Results of the Medical Examinations) 第二十二条 除染等電離放射線健康診断の結果に基づく法第六十六条の四の規定による医師からの意見聴取は、次の各号に定めるところにより行わなければならない。 Article 22 Based on the results of Decontamination and Related Works Ionizing Radiation Medical Examinations pursuant to the provisions of Article 66-4 of the Law, the Employers must seek advice from the medical doctors in accordance with the requirements of the following items: 一 除染等電離放射線健康診断が行われた日(法第六十六条第五項ただし書の場合にあっては、当該除染等業務従事者が健康診断の結果を証明する書面を事業者に提出した日)から三月以内に行うこと。 (i) within three months from the day the Decontamination and Related Works Ionizing Radiation Medical Examinations are conducted (from the day the written proofs of the medical examination results are submitted by the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works in cases of the proviso in paragraph( 5) of Article 66 of the Law); and 二 聴取した医師の意見を除染等電離放射線健康診断個人票に記載すること。 (ii) opinions and observations of the medical doctors shall be recorded in the decontamination and related works ionizing radiation medical examination cards. (健康診断の結果の通知) (Notification of the Medical Examination Results) 第二十三条 事業者は、除染等電離放射線健康診断を受けた除染等業務従事者に対し、遅滞なく、当該除染等電離放射線健康診断の結果を通知しなければならない。 Article 23 Employers must notify their Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works about the results of their Decontamination and Related Works Ionizing Radiation Medical Examinations without delay. (健康診断結果報告) (Reporting the Results of Medical Examinations) 第二十四条 事業者は、除染等電離放射線健康診断(定期のものに限る。)を行ったときは、遅滞なく、除染等電離放射線健康診断結果報告書(様式第三号)を所轄労働基準監督署長に提出しなければならない。 Article 24 Once a Decontamination and Related Works Ionizing Radiation Medical Examinations (limited to periodical examinations) has been done, Employers must submit the report of decontamination and related works ionizing radiation medical examination results (Form No. 3) to the Head of the relevant Labour Standards Inspection Office without delay. (健康診断等に基づく措置) (Measures Based on the Medical Examinations) 第二十五条 事業者は、除染等電離放射線健康診断の結果、放射線による障害が生じており、若しくはその疑いがあり、又は放射線による障害が生ずるおそれがあると認められる者については、その障害、疑い又はおそれがなくなるまで、就業する場所又は業務の転換、被ばく時間の短縮、作業方法の変更等健康の保持に必要な措置を講じなければならない。 Article 25 Based on the results of the Decontamination and Related Works Ionizing Radiation Medical Examinations, the Employers must take needed measures to protect the health of their workers who have or may have developed a radiation related disorder. For example, Employers may need to transfer the workers to alternative positions or locations, or change the hours of work or work procedures until complete remission. 第三章 特定線量下業務における電離放射線障害の防止 Chapter III Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards During Works under a Designated Dose Rate 第一節 線量の限度及び測定 Section 1 Radiation Exposure Dose Limit and Measurement (特定線量下業務従事者の被ばく限度) (Radiation Exposure Dose Limit for Workers under a Designated Dose Rate) 第二十五条の二 事業者は、特定線量下業務従事者の受ける実効線量が五年間につき百ミリシーベルトを超えず、かつ、一年間につき五十ミリシーベルトを超えないようにしなければならない。 Article 25-2 (1) Employers must ensure that the effective doses to which Workers under a Designated Dose Rate are subject do not exceed 100 mSv per five years and 50 mSv per one year. 2 事業者は、前項の規定にかかわらず、女性の特定線量下業務従事者(妊娠する可能性がないと診断されたもの及び次条に規定するものを除く。)の受ける実効線量については、三月間につき五ミリシーベルトを超えないようにしなければならない。 (2) Regardless of the provisions in the preceding paragraph, employers must ensure that the effective doses to which female workers (excluding female workers who were diagnosed as being unable to conceive and those described in the next article) engaged in works under a designated dose rate are subject do not exceed 5 mSv per three-month period. 第二十五条の三 事業者は、妊娠と診断された女性の特定線量下業務従事者の腹部表面に受ける等価線量が、妊娠中につき二ミリシーベルトを超えないようにしなければならない。 Article 25-3 Employers must ensure that the doses to which female workers who are diagnosed as pregnant are subject do not exceed 2 mSv on each worker's abdomen surface during her pregnancy while engaged in Works under a Designated Dose Rate. (線量の測定) (Dose Measurement) 第二十五条の四 事業者は、特定線量下業務従事者が特定線量下作業により受ける外部被ばくによる線量を測定しなければならない。 Article 25-4 (1) Employers must measure the exposure dose to which Workers under a Designated Dose Rate are subjected due to Duties under a Designated Dose Rate . 2 前項の規定による外部被ばくによる線量の測定は、一センチメートル線量当量について行うものとする。 (2) The measurement of the exposure dose in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph is conducted by the 1 cm dose equivalent rate. 3 第一項の規定による外部被ばくによる線量の測定は、男性又は妊娠する可能性がないと診断された女性にあっては胸部に、その他の女性にあっては腹部に放射線測定器を装着させて行わなければならない。 (3) The measurement of the external exposure dose pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) must be conducted with radiation monitors on the chest for male workers and female workers who were diagnosed as being unable to conceive and on the abdomen for other female workers. 4 特定線量下業務従事者は、除染特別地域等内における特定線量下作業を行う場所において、放射線測定器を装着しなければならない。 (4) Workers under a Designated Dose Rate must wear radiation monitors where Duties under a Designated Dose Rate is conducted in the Special Decontamination Areas. (線量の測定結果の確認、記録等) (Measuring and Recording of Dose Monitoring Results) 第二十五条の五 事業者は、一日における外部被ばくによる線量が一センチメートル線量当量について一ミリシーベルトを超えるおそれのある特定線量下業務従事者については、前条第一項の規定による外部被ばくによる線量の測定の結果を毎日確認しなければならない。 Article 25-5 (1) When Workers under a Designated Dose Rate may receive the external exposure dose exceeding 1 mSv using the 1 cm dose equivalent rate per day, the measurement results of the external exposure dose pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) in the preceding Article must be confirmed every day. 2 事業者は、前条第三項の規定による測定に基づき、次の各号に掲げる特定線量下業務従事者の線量を、遅滞なく、厚生労働大臣が定める方法により算定し、これを記録し、これを三十年間保存しなければならない。ただし、当該記録を五年間保存した後又は当該特定線量下業務従事者に係る記録を当該特定線量下業務従事者が離職した後において、厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すときは、この限りでない。 (2) Based on the results of the measurement under the provisions of paragraph (3) in the preceding Article, Employers must calculate the exposure doses received by Workers under a Designated Dose Rate listed in the following items by the methods specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and store the records for 30 years; provided, however, that this does not apply when such records are transferred to an organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, after being kept for five years or after termination or reallocation of the workers' engagement for Works under a Designated Dose Rate from their current responsibilities: 一 男性又は妊娠する可能性がないと診断された女性の実効線量の三月ごと、一年ごと及び五年ごとの合計(五年間において、実効線量が一年間につき二十ミリシーベルトを超えたことのない者にあっては、三月ごと及び一年ごとの合計) (i) a total effective dose for three-month, one-year, and five-year periods for each male worker and each female worker who was diagnosed as being unable to conceive. (A total effective dose for three-month and one-year periods should be measured for workers whose effective doses have never exceeded 20 mSv per one year for five years.); 二 女性(妊娠する可能性がないと診断されたものを除く。)の実効線量の一月ごと、三月ごと及び一年ごとの合計(一月間に受ける実効線量が一・七ミリシーベルトを超えるおそれのないものにあっては、三月ごと及び一年ごとの合計) (ii) a total effective dose for one-month, three-month, and one-year periods for each female worker except for female workers who were diagnosed as being unable to conceive. (A total effective dose for three-month and one-year periods should be measured for workers whose effective doses are not likely to exceed 1.7 mSv per one month.); and 三 妊娠中の女性の腹部表面に受ける等価線量の一月ごと及び妊娠中の合計 (iii) The total equivalent dose to which the abdominal surface of a pregnant female worker is subject every month and during the whole pregnancy. 3 事業者は、前項の規定による記録に基づき、特定線量下業務従事者に同項各号に掲げる線量を、遅滞なく、知らせなければならない。 (3) Based on the records under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Employers must notify those workers engages for Works under a Designated Dose Rate of the exposure dose listed in each item of the preceding paragraph without delay. 第二節 特定線量下業務の実施に関する措置 Section 2 Measures to Implement Works under a Designated Dose Rate (事前調査等) (Preliminary Survey) 第二十五条の六 事業者は、特定線量下業務を行うときは、当該業務の開始前及び開始後二週間ごとに、特定線量下作業を行う場所について、当該場所の平均空間線量率を調査し、その結果を記録しておかなければならない。 Article 25-6 (1) When conducting Works under a Designated Dose Rate, Employers must conduct a survey on the Average Ambient Dose Rate of the sites where Duties under a Designated Dose Rate will be implemented prior to commencing the works and every two weeks thereafter and store the records. 2 事業者は、労働者を特定線量下作業に従事させる場合には、当該作業の開始前及び開始後二週間ごとに、前項の調査が終了した年月日並びに調査の方法及び結果の概要を当該労働者に明示しなければならない。 (2) When assigning workers to Duties under a Designated Dose Rate, Employers must specify the completion date of the survey described in the preceding paragraph and the summary of the methods and results to the workers prior to commencing the works and every two weeks thereafter. 第二十五条の七 事業者は、次の各号のいずれかに該当する特定線量下業務従事者に、速やかに、医師の診察又は処置を受けさせなければならない。 Article 25-7 (1) Employers must ensure that their Workers Engaged in Works under a Designated Dose Rate who correspond to any of the following conditions promptly receive medical examinations or treatment by medical doctors: 一 第二十五条の二第一項に規定する限度を超えて実効線量を受けた者 (i) when the worker has received an effective dose exceeding the limit specified in paragraph (1) of Article 25-2; 二 事故由来放射性物質を誤って吸入摂取し、又は経口摂取した者 (ii) when the worker has mistakenly inhaled or ingested Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident; 三 洗身等により汚染を四十ベクレル毎平方センチメートル以下にすることができない者 (iii) when the worker is not able to reduce the levels of contamination to 40 Bq/cm2 or less by washing ; and 四 傷創部が汚染された者 (iv) when the wound has been contaminated by radioactive materials. 2 事業者は、前項各号のいずれかに該当する特定線量下業務従事者があるときは、速やかに、その旨を所轄労働基準監督署長に報告しなければならない。 (2) Employers must immediately report to the Head of the relevant Labor Standards Inspection Office if any Workers Engaged in Works under a Designated Dose Rate correspond to the conditions in the preceding paragraph. 第三節 特別の教育 Section 3 Special Education (特定線量下業務に係る特別の教育) (Special Education Regarding Works under a Designated Dose Rate) 第二十五条の八 事業者は、特定線量下業務に労働者を就かせるときは、当該労働者に対し、次の各号に掲げる科目について、特別の教育を行わなければならない。 Article 25-8 (1) When assigning Workers Engaged in Works under a Designated Dose Rate,Eemployers must provide special education to the workers regarding the following topics: 一 電離放射線の生体に与える影響及び被ばく線量の管理の方法に関する知識 (i) knowledge for effects of Ionizing Radiation on organisms and methods of exposure dose control; 二 放射線測定の方法等に関する知識 (ii) knowledge for methods and procedures of radiation measurement; and 三 関係法令 (iii) related laws and ordinances. 2 労働安全衛生規則第三十七条及び第三十八条並びに前項に定めるほか、同項の特別の教育の実施について必要な事項は、厚生労働大臣が定める。 (2) Necessary matters for implementing the special education program of the preceding paragraph are provided by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, beyond the matters specified in Article 37 and Article 38 of the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health. 第四節 被ばく歴の調査 Section 4 Investigation of Exposure History 第二十五条の九 事業者は、特定線量下業務従事者に対し、雇入れ又は特定線量下業務に配置換えの際、被ばく歴の有無(被ばく歴を有する者については、作業の場所、内容及び期間その他放射線による被ばくに関する事項)の調査を行い、これを記録し、これを三十年間保存しなければならない。ただし、当該記録を五年間保存した後又は当該特定線量下業務従事者に係る記録を当該特定線量下業務従事者が離職した後において、厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すときは、この限りでない。 Article 25-9 Employers must investigate exposure history (If the worker has an exposure history, information about the location, nature of work, duration, and other details concerning radiation exposures should be collected) of Workers Engaged in Works under a Designated Dose Rate at the time of employment or reassignment to Works under a Designated Dose Rate and store the records for 30 years; provided, however, that this does not apply when such records are transferred to an organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, after being kept for five years or after termination or reallocation of the Workers Engaged in works under a Designated Dose Rate from their current responsibilities. 第四章 雑則 Chapter IV Miscellaneous Provisions (放射線測定器の備付け) (Providing Radiation Measurement Instruments) 第二十六条 事業者は、この省令で規定する義務を遂行するために必要な放射線測定器を備えなければならない。ただし、必要の都度容易に放射線測定器を利用できるように措置を講じたときは、この限りでない。 Article 26 Employers must provide radiation measurement instruments to the workers necessary to fulfill the duties specified herein; provided, however, that this does not apply if arrangements have already been made to make radiation measurement instruments available anytime. (記録等の引渡し等) (Transferring Records and Other Information) 第二十七条 第六条第二項、第二十五条の五第二項又は第二十五条の九の記録を作成し、保存する事業者は、事業を廃止しようとするときは、当該記録を厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すものとする。 Article 27 (1) Employers, who prepare and keep the records described in paragraph (2) of Article 6, paragraph (2) of Article 25-5, or Article 25-9, is to transfer such records to an organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare when dissolving their businesses. 2 第六条第二項、第二十五条の五第二項又は第二十五条の九の記録を作成し、保存する事業者は、除染等業務従事者又は特定線量下業務従事者が離職するとき又は事業を廃止しようとするときは、当該除染等業務従事者又は当該特定線量下業務従事者に対し、当該記録の写しを交付しなければならない。 (2) Employers, who prepare and keep the records described in paragraph (2) of Article 6, paragraph (2) of Article 25-5, or Article 25-9, must issue copies of records to Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works or Workers under a Designated Dose Rate when dissolving their businesses or when the workers terminate their employment. 第二十八条 除染等電離放射線健康診断個人票を作成し、保存する事業者は、事業を廃止しようとするときは、当該除染等電離放射線健康診断個人票を厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すものとする。 Article 28 (1) Employers, who issue the decontamination and related works ionizing radiation medical examination cards for individual workers and keep them, are to transfer these cards to an organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare when dissolving their businesses. 2 除染等電離放射線健康診断個人票を作成し、保存する事業者は、除染等業務従事者が離職するとき又は事業を廃止しようとするときは、当該除染等業務従事者に対し、当該除染等電離放射線健康診断個人票の写しを交付しなければならない。 (2) Employers, who issue the decontamination and related works ionizing radiation medical examination cards for individual workers and keep, must issue copies of these cards to Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works when dissolving their businesses or when the workers terminate their employment. 第二十九条 除染等業務従事者又は特定線量下業務従事者のうち電離則第四条第一項の放射線業務従事者若しくは同項の放射線業務従事者であった者、電離則第七条第一項の緊急作業に従事する放射線業務従事者及び同条第三項(電離則第六十二条の規定において準用する場合を含む。)の緊急作業に従事する労働者(以下この項においてこれらの者を「緊急作業従事者」という。)若しくは緊急作業従事者であった者又は電離則第八条第一項(電離則第六十二条の規定において準用する場合を含む。)の管理区域に一時的に立ち入る労働者(以下この項において「一時立入労働者」という。)若しくは一時立入労働者であった者が放射線業務従事者、緊急作業従事者又は一時立入労働者として電離則第二条第三項の放射線業務に従事する際、電離則第七条第一項の緊急作業に従事する際又は電離則第三条第一項に規定する管理区域に一時的に立ち入る際に受ける又は受けた線量については、除染特別地域等内における除染等作業又は特定線量下作業により受ける線量とみなす。 Article 29 (1) The Dose to which persons who are or were Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related works or Workers under a Designated Dose Rate and constituting radiation workers as referred to in paragraph (1) of Article 4 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance or radiation workers as referred to in said paragraph are or were subjected as radiation workers at the time they are or were engaged in radiation work described in paragraph (3) of Article 2 of Ionizing Radiation Ordinance, are deemed to be doses to which they are subject during Decontamination and Related Duties or Duties under a Designated Dose Rate in Special Decontamination Areas; The Dose to which person who are or were radiation workers engaged as emergency workers of paragraph (1) of Article 7 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance and workers engaged in emergency works of paragraph (3) of the said Article(including the application mutatis mutandis of Article 62 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance)(hereinafter referred to as "emergency workers" in this paragraph ) are or were subjected as emergency workers at the time they are or were engaged in duties, are deemed to be doses to which they are subject during emergency works described in paragraph (1)of Article 7of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance are deemed to be doses to which they are subject during Decontamination and Related Duties or Duties under a Designated Dose Rate in Special Decontamination Areas; The Dose to which person who are or were the temporarily entering workers of paragraph(1) of Article 8 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance (including the application mutatis mutandis of Article 62 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance) (hereinafter referred to as "temporarily entering workers" in this paragraph) are or were subjected as temporarily entering workers at the time of them temporarily entering in the controlled areas described in paragraph (1) of Article 7 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance , are deemed to be doses to which they are subject during Decontamination and Related Duties or Duties under a Designated Dose Rate in Special Decontamination Areas 2 除染等業務従事者のうち特定線量下業務従事者又は特定線量下業務従事者であった者が特定線量下業務従事者として特定線量下業務に従事する際に受ける又は受けた線量については、除染特別地域等内における除染等作業により受ける線量とみなす。 (2) Doses to which current or former Workers under a Designated Dose Rate that constitute Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works are or were subjected as Workers under a Designated Dose Rate when engaged in Works under a Designated Dose Rate ,are deemed to be doses to which are subject during Duties under a Designated Dose Rate in the Special Decontamination Areas. 3 特定線量下業務従事者のうち除染等業務従事者又は除染等業務従事者であった者が除染等業務従事者として除染等業務に従事する際に受ける又は受けた線量については、除染特別地域等内における特定線量下作業により受ける線量とみなす。 (3) Doses to which current or former Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works that constitute Workers under a Designated Dose Rate are or were subjected as Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works when engaged in Decontamination and Related Works , are deemed to be doses to which they are subject during Duties under a Designated Dose Rate in the Special Decontamination Areas. 第三十条 除染等業務に常時従事する除染等業務従事者のうち、当該業務に配置替えとなる直前に電離則第四条第一項の放射線業務従事者であった者については、当該者が直近に受けた電離則第五十六条第一項の規定による健康診断(当該業務への配置替えの日前六月以内に行われたものに限る。)は、第二十条第一項の規定による配置替えの際の健康診断とみなす。 Article 30 The latest ionizing radiation health examination under paragraph (1) of Article 56 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance (limited to that provided within 6 months before the date of the transfer) that was provided to Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works regularly engaged in Decontamination and Related Works, who were radiation workers as referred to in paragraph (1) of Article 4 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance immediately before being transferred to Decontamination and Related Works is considered to be the ionizing radiation health examination at the time of their transfer to works in another place as stipulated in paragraph (1) of Article 20. 附 則 抄 Supplementary Provisions [Extract] 第一条 この省令は、平成二十四年一月一日から施行する。 Article 1 This ordinance comes into effect from 1 January 2012. 附 則 (平成二四年六月一五日厚生労働省令第九四号) 抄 Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 94 of 15 June 2012) [Extract] 第一条 この省令は、平成二十四年七月一日から施行する。 Article 1 This ordinance comes into effect from 1 July 2012. 附 則 (平成二五年四月一二日厚生労働省令第五七号) 抄 Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 57 of 12 April 2013) [Extract] 第一条 この省令は、平成二十五年七月一日から施行する。ただし、第五十七条の改正規定、第六十一条の三の見出しを削り、同条の前に見出しを付する改正規定、同条の次に一条を加える改正規定及び様式第一号の次に一様式を加える改正規定並びに附則第六条(東日本大震災により生じた放射性物質により汚染された土壌等を除染するための業務等に係る電離放射線障害防止規則(平成二十三年厚生労働省令第百五十二号)第二十九条の見出しを削り、同条の前に見出しを付する改正規定及び同条の次に一条を加える改正規定に限る。)の規定は、公布の日から施行する。 Article 1 This ordinance comes into effect from 1 July 2013; provided, however, that a revision of Article 57, a revision that deletes the heading of Article 61-3 and adds a heading before the said Article, a revision that adds an article subsequent to the said Article and a revision that adds a form subsequent to Form 1 and Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions (limited to a revision that deletes the heading of the Article 29 of the Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards at Works to Decontaminate the Soil and Wastes Contaminated by Radioactive Materials Resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Related Works (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, No. 152, 2011) and adds a heading before the said Article and a revision that adds an article subsequent to the said Article) come into effect from the day of the enactment. 附 則 (平成二七年八月三一日厚生労働省令第一三四号) 抄 Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 134 of 31 August 2015) [Extract] 第一条 この省令は、平成二十八年四月一日から施行する。 Article 1 This ordinance comes into effect from 1 April 2016