日本国との平和条約に基づき日本の国籍を離脱した者等の出入国管理に関する特例法施行規則 Regulation for Enforcement of the Special Act on the Immigration Control of Inter Alia, Those Who Have Lost Japanese Nationality Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan (法第四条の許可の申請) (Application for Permission Referred to in Article 4 of the Act) 第一条 日本国との平和条約に基づき日本の国籍を離脱した者等の出入国管理に関する特例法(平成三年法律第七十一号。以下「法」という。)第四条第三項に規定する申請は、次に掲げる書類を提出して行わなければならない。 Article 1 (1) An application prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (3) of the Special Act on the Immigration Control of, Intel Alia, Those Who have lost Japanese Nationality Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan (Act No. 71 of 1991; hereinafter referred to as the "Act") must be filed by submitting the following documents: 一 別記第一号様式による特別永住許可申請書一通 (i) a written application for special permission for permanent residence pursuant to the Appended Form No. 1; 二 写真(申請の日前三月以内に撮影されたもので別表第一に定める要件を満たしたものとし、かつ、裏面に氏名を記入したものとする。次条第一項、第七条第一項、第八条第一項、第九条第一項並びに第十条第一項及び第二項において同じ。)一葉 (ii) a photograph (a photograph that is taken within three months before the date of application, which satisfies the requirements specified in the Appended Table I, and with the applicant's name written on the back; the same applies in paragraph (1) of the following Article, Article 7, paragraph (1), Article 8, paragraph (1), Article 9, paragraph (1), and Article 10, paragraphs (1) and (2)); 三 本邦で出生したことを証する書類 (iii) a document certifying that the applicant was born in Japan; 四 出生以外の事由により本邦に在留することとなった者にあっては、当該事由を証する書類 (iv) for a person who has come to stay in Japan for a reason other than birth, a document certifying that reason; and 五 平和条約国籍離脱者の子孫であることを証する書類 (v) a document certifying that the applicant is a descendant of a person who has lost Japanese nationality under the Treaty of Peace with Japan. 2 十六歳に満たない者について前項の申請をする場合は、写真の提出を要しない。 (2) When the application referred to in the preceding paragraph is filed for a person under 16 years of age, submission of a photograph is not required. (法第五条の許可の申請) (Application for Permission Referred to in Article 5 of the Act) 第二条 法第五条第三項に規定する申請は、次に掲げる書類を提出して行わなければならない。 Article 2 (1) An application prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (3) of the Act must be filed by submitting the following documents: 一 別記第二号様式による特別永住許可申請書一通 (i) a written application for special permission for permanent residence pursuant to the Appended Form No. 2; 二 写真一葉 (ii) a photograph; and 三 平和条約国籍離脱者又は平和条約国籍離脱者の子孫であることを証する書類 (iii) a document certifying that the applicant is a person who has lost Japanese nationality under the Treaty of Peace with Japan or a descendant of a person who has lost Japanese nationality under the Treaty of Peace with Japan. 2 前項の申請に当たっては、在留カード(出入国管理及び難民認定法(昭和二十六年政令第三百十九号。以下「入管法」という。)第十九条の三に規定する在留カードをいう。以下同じ。)を提示しなければならない。 (2) In filing the application referred to in the preceding paragraph, the applicant must present their residence card (meaning the residence card prescribed in Article 19-3 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Cabinet Order No. 319 of 1951; hereinafter referred to as the "Immigration Control Act"); the same applies hereinafter). 3 前条第二項の規定は、第一項の申請の場合に準用する。 (3) The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the case of filing the application referred to in paragraph (1). (特別永住許可書) (Special Permanent Residence Permits) 第三条 法第六条に規定する特別永住許可書の様式は、別記第三号様式による。 Article 3 The format of the special permanent residence permit prescribed in Article 6 of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 3. (特別永住者証明書の記載事項等) (Particulars to be recorded on Special Permanent Resident Certificates) 第四条 法第八条第一項第一号に規定する氏名は、ローマ字により表記するものとする。 Article 4 (1) The name prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act is to be written in Roman characters. 2 法第八条第一項第一号に規定する国籍の属する国又は入管法第二条第五号ロに規定する地域(以下この項において「国籍・地域」という。)は、日本の国籍以外の二以上の国籍を有する特別永住者については、次の各号に掲げる区分に応じ、それぞれ当該各号に定める国籍・地域を記載するものとする。 (2) In respect of a country to which the nationality prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act pertains or a region prescribed in Article 2, item (v), (b) of the Immigration Control Act (hereinafter referred to as "nationality or region" in this paragraph), a special permanent resident who has two or more nationalities other than Japanese nationality is to write the nationality or region specified in the following items in accordance with the category set forth respectively in those items: 一 法第四条第一項又は第五条第一項の許可を受けたことにより、それぞれ法第七条第二項又は第三項の規定により特別永住者証明書の交付を受ける特別永住者 当該許可に係る法第六条第一項又は第二項の規定により交付される特別永住許可書に記載された国籍・地域 (i) a special permanent resident to whom a special permanent resident certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (2) or (3) of the Act, because they have received the permission referred to in Article 4, paragraph (1) or Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act: the nationality or region stated in the special permanent residence permit issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act related to that permission; 二 法第十一条第二項(法第十二条第三項、第十三条第二項及び第十四条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により新たな特別永住者証明書の交付を受ける特別永住者(次号に掲げる者を除く。) 当該交付により効力を失うこととなる特別永住者証明書に記載された国籍・地域 (ii) a special permanent resident to whom a new special permanent resident certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (3), Article 13, paragraph (2), and Article 14, paragraph (4)) (except for those set forth in the following item): the nationality or region stated in the special permanent resident certificate which will cease to be effective due to the issuance; and 三 国籍・地域に変更を生じたとして法第十一条第一項の届出に基づき同条第二項の規定により新たな特別永住者証明書の交付を受ける特別永住者 変更後の国籍・地域 (iii) a special permanent resident to whom a new special permanent resident certificate is to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act based on the notification referred to in paragraph (1) of that Article for the reason that their nationality or region has been changed: the nationality or region after the change. 3 法第八条第一項第一号の地域として出入国管理及び難民認定法施行令(平成十年政令第百七十八号)第一条に規定するヨルダン川西岸地区及びガザ地区を記載するときは、パレスチナと表記するものとする。 (3) If the West Bank or Gaza Strip prescribed in Article 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Cabinet Order No. 178 of 1998) is stated as the region referred to in Article 8, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act, it is to be indicated as Palestine. 4 法第八条第二項に規定する特別永住者証明書の番号は、ローマ字四文字及び八けたの数字を組み合わせて定めるものとする。 (4) The special permanent resident certificate number prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be specified using a combination of four Roman characters and eight figures. 5 法第八条第三項の規定により特別永住者の写真を表示する特別永住者証明書は、有効期間の満了の日を特別永住者の十六歳の誕生日の翌日以降の日として交付するものとする。この場合において、当該写真は、別表第一に定める要件を満たしたものとし、第一条第一項、第二条第一項、第七条第一項、第八条第一項、第九条第一項又は第十条第一項若しくは第二項の規定により提出された写真を表示するものとする。 (5) A special permanent resident certificate which shows a photograph of a special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be issued with the expiration date of the validity period falling on the day following the sixteenth birthday of the special permanent resident. In this case, the photograph is considered to have met the requirements specified in the Appended Table I, and the photograph submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, paragraph (1), Article 2, paragraph (1), Article 7, paragraph (1), Article 8, paragraph (1), Article 9, paragraph (1) or Article 10, paragraph (1) or (2) is to be shown. 6 法第八条第四項に規定する特別永住者証明書の様式は、別記第四号様式によるものとし、同項に規定する特別永住者証明書に表示すべきものは、法第十条第三項の規定に基づき住居地又は新住居地(変更後の住居地をいう。)を記載するときの当該記載に係る届出の年月日とする。 (6) The format of the special permanent resident certificate prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (4) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 4, and a particular required to be shown on the special permanent resident certificate prescribed in that paragraph is to be the date of the notification to be stated when stating the place of residence or new residence (meaning the place of residence after the change) pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (3) of the Act. 7 法第八条第五項の規定による記録は、同条第一項各号に掲げる事項及び同条第三項に規定する写真を特別永住者証明書に組み込んだ半導体集積回路に記録して行うものとする。この場合において、同条第一項第二号に規定する住居地の記録は、特別永住者証明書を交付するときに限り行うものとする。 (7) The record under the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (5) of the Act is to be made by recording the particulars set forth in the items of paragraph (1) of that Article and the photograph prescribed in paragraph (3) of that Article on a semiconductor integrated circuit incorporated in a special permanent resident certificate. In this case, the record of the place of residence prescribed in paragraph (1), item (ii) of that Article is to be made only at the time a special permanent resident certificate is issued. 第五条 出入国在留管理庁長官は、氏名に漢字を使用する特別永住者(法第四条第三項又は第五条第三項の申請をした平和条約国籍離脱者又は平和条約国籍離脱者の子孫を含む。以下この条において同じ。)から申出があったときは、前条第一項の規定にかかわらず、ローマ字により表記した氏名に併せて、当該漢字又は当該漢字及び仮名(平仮名又は片仮名をいい、当該特別永住者の氏名の一部に漢字を使用しない場合における当該部分を表記したものに限る。以下この条において同じ。)を使用した氏名を表記することができる。 Article 5 (1) When a special permanent resident (including persons who have lost Japanese nationality under the Treaty of Peace with Japan or descendants of persons who have lost Japanese nationality under the Treaty of Peace with Japan who have submitted the application referred to in Article 4, paragraph (3) or Article 5, paragraph (3) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) who uses Chinese characters for their name makes a request, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency may show a name using those Chinese characters or the Chinese characters and kana characters (meaning hiragana or katakana, and when Chinese characters are not used for a part of the name of that special permanent resident, limited to kana characters which show that part; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) together with their name written in Roman characters. 2 前項の申出をしようとする特別永住者は、氏名に漢字を使用することを証する資料一通を提出しなければならない。 (2) A special permanent resident who seeks to make the request referred to in the preceding paragraph must submit a material proving that Chinese characters are used for their name. 3 第一項の申出は、法第四条第三項、第五条第三項、第十二条第一項若しくは第二項、第十三条第一項若しくは第十四条第一項若しくは第三項の規定による申請又は法第十一条第一項の規定による届出と併せて行わなければならない。 (3) The request referred to in paragraph (1) must be made together with the application pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (3), Article 5, paragraph (3), Article 12, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 13, paragraph (1), or Article 14, paragraph (1) or (3) of the Act or with the notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act. 4 出入国在留管理庁長官は、氏名に漢字を使用する特別永住者について、ローマ字により氏名を表記することにより当該特別永住者が著しい不利益を被るおそれがあることその他の特別の事情があると認めるときは、前条第一項の規定にかかわらず、ローマ字に代えて、当該漢字又は当該漢字及び仮名を使用した氏名を表記することができる。 (4) If the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency finds that when a special permanent resident who uses Chinese characters for their name indicates their name in Roman characters, the special permanent resident is likely to suffer considerable disadvantage or that there are other special circumstances, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the Commissioner may show the name using those Chinese characters or the Chinese characters and kana characters, in lieu of Roman characters. 5 第一項及び前項の場合における当該表記に用いる漢字の範囲、用法その他の漢字を使用した氏名の表記に関し、必要な事項は、出入国在留管理庁長官が告示をもって定める。 (5) In the case referred to in paragraph (1) and the preceding paragraph, the necessary particulars for indicating names using Chinese characters, such as the scope and usage of Chinese characters to indicate the names, are specified by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency through public notice. 6 第一項及び第四項の規定により表記された漢字又は漢字及び仮名を使用した氏名は、法第十一条第一項の規定による届出による場合を除き、変更(当該漢字又は漢字及び仮名を使用した氏名を表記しないこととすることを含む。)することができない。ただし、出入国在留管理庁長官が相当と認める場合は、この限りでない。 (6) A name using Chinese characters or Chinese characters and kana characters which is written pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (4) may not be changed (including a decision not to write the name using Chinese characters or Chinese characters and kana characters) except in the case of a change through a notification under the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act; provided, however, that this does not apply if the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency finds the change to be appropriate. (住居地の届出) (Notification of the Place of Residence) 第六条 法第十条第一項の規定による届出(同条第四項の規定により同条第一項の規定による届出とみなされる届出を除く。)又は同条第二項の規定による届出(同条第五項の規定により同条第二項の規定による届出とみなされる届出を除く。)は、別記第五号様式による届出書一通を提出して行わなければならない。 Article 6 A notification under the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act (except for a notification which is deemed to be a notification under the provisions of paragraph (1) of that Article pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of that Article) or a notification under the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article (except for a notification which is deemed to be a notification under the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5) of that Article) must be made by submitting a copy of the written notification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 5. (住居地以外の記載事項の変更届出) (Notification of Changes to Particulars Other than the Place of Residence) 第七条 法第十一条第一項の規定による届出は、別記第六号様式による届出書一通、写真一葉及び法第八条第一項第一号に掲げる事項に変更を生じたことを証する資料一通を提出して行わなければならない。 Article 7 (1) A notification under the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act must be made by submitting a copy of the written notification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 6, a photograph, and a copy of material proving that the particulars set forth in Article 8, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act has been changed. 2 前項の届出に当たっては、旅券(入管法第二条第五号に定める旅券をいう。以下同じ。)及び特別永住者証明書を提示しなければならない。この場合において、旅券を提示することができない特別永住者にあっては、その理由を記載した書類一通を提出しなければならない。 (2) In making the notification referred to in the preceding paragraph, the notifying person must present their passport (meaning the passport specified in Article 2, item (v) of the Immigration Control Act; the same applies hereinafter) and special permanent resident certificate. In this case, a special permanent resident who is unable to present their passport is to submit a document stating the reason therefor. 3 第一条第二項の規定は、第一項の届出の場合に準用する。 (3) The provisions of Article 1, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the case of making a notification referred to in paragraph (1). (特別永住者証明書の有効期間の更新) (Renewal of the Validity Period of the Special Permanent Resident Certificate) 第八条 法第十二条第一項又は第二項の規定による申請は、別記第七号様式による申請書一通及び写真一葉を提出して行わなければならない。 Article 8 (1) An application under the provisions of Article 12, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act must be made by submitting a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 7 and a photograph. 2 前条第二項の規定は、前項の申請の場合に準用する。 (2) The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the case of filing the application referred to in the preceding paragraph. (紛失等による特別永住者証明書の再交付) (Reissuance of Special Permanent Resident Certificates due to Loss) 第九条 法第十三条第一項の規定による申請は、別記第八号様式による申請書一通、写真一葉及び特別永住者証明書の所持を失ったことを証する資料一通を提出して行わなければならない。 Article 9 (1) An application under the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act must be made by submitting a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 8, a photograph, and a copy of the material proving that the applicant has lost possession of their special permanent resident certificate. 2 前項の申請に当たっては、旅券を提示しなければならない。この場合において、これを提示することができない特別永住者にあっては、その理由を記載した書類一通を提出しなければならない。 (2) In filing the application referred to in the preceding paragraph, the applicant must present their passport. In this case, a special permanent resident who is unable to present it must submit a document stating the reason therefor. 3 第一条第二項の規定は、第一項の申請の場合に準用する。この場合において、同項中「前項」とあるのは、「第九条第一項」と読み替えるものとする。 (3) The provisions of Article 1, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the case of the application referred to in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "preceding paragraph" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "Article 9, paragraph (1)." (汚損等による特別永住者証明書の再交付) (Re-issuance of Special Permanent Resident Certificates due to Defacement) 第十条 法第十四条第一項前段又は第三項の規定による申請は、別記第九号様式による申請書一通及び写真一葉を提出して行わなければならない。 Article 10 (1) An application under the provisions of the first sentence of Article 14, paragraph (1), or Article 14, paragraph (3) of the Act must be made by submitting a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 9 and a photograph. 2 法第十四条第一項後段の規定による申請は、別記第十号様式による申請書一通及び写真一葉を提出して行わなければならない。 (2) An application under the provisions of the second sentence of Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Act must be made by submitting a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 10 and a photograph. 3 第一条第二項及び第七条第二項の規定は、前二項の申請の場合に準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「前項」とあるのは、「第十条第一項又は第二項」と読み替えるものとする。 (3) The provisions of Article 1, paragraph (2) and Article 7, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the case of filing the application referred to in the preceding two paragraphs. In this case, the term "preceding paragraph" in those paragraphs is deemed to be replaced with "Article 10, paragraph (1) or (2)." (特別永住者証明書の再交付申請命令) (Order to Apply for Re-issuance of a Special Permanent Resident Certificate) 第十一条 法第十四条第二項の規定による命令は、別記第十一号様式による特別永住者証明書再交付申請命令書を特別永住者に交付して行うものとする。 Article 11 An order under the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be given by issuing to the special permanent resident a written order to apply for re-issuance of a special permanent resident certificate pursuant to the Appended Form No. 11. (手数料納付書) (Statement of Payment of Fees) 第十二条 法第十四条第五項の規定による手数料の納付は、別記第十二号様式による手数料納付書に、当該手数料の額に相当する収入印紙を貼って提出することによって行うものとする。 Article 12 The payment of fees under the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (5) of the Act is to be submitted by pasting a revenue stamp corresponding to the amount of the fee to the statement of payment of fees pursuant to the Appended Form No. 12. (令第五条に規定する写しを作成する等する書類) (Documents for Which Copies Are Made as Prescribed in Article 5 of the Order) 第十三条 日本国との平和条約に基づき日本の国籍を離脱した者等の出入国管理に関する特例法施行令(平成二十三年政令第四百二十号)第五条の規定により市町村(特別区を含むものとし、地方自治法(昭和二十二年法律第六十七号)第二百五十二条の十九第一項にあっては、区又は総合区。第十六条及び第十七条において同じ。)の長が写しを作成し、当該写しを出入国在留管理庁長官に送付する書類は、第七条第二項(第八条第二項及び第十条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)又は第九条第二項の規定により提示された旅券とする。 Article 13 The document for which the head of municipalities (including special wards, and for Article 252-19, paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), wards or administratively consolidated wards; the same applies in Article 16 and Article 17) makes a copy and sends the copy to the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency pursuant to the provisions of Article 5 of the Enforcement Order of the Special Act on the Immigration Control of, Inter Alia, Those Who Have Lost Japanese Nationality Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan (Cabinet Order No. 420 of 2011), is to be the passport presented pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 8, paragraph (2) and Article 10, paragraph (3)) or Article 9, paragraph (2). (特別永住者証明書の失効に関する情報の公表) (Publication of Information about Expiration of Special Permanent Resident Certificates) 第十四条 出入国在留管理庁長官は、効力を失った特別永住者証明書の番号の情報をインターネットの利用その他の方法により提供することができる。 Article 14 The Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency may provide information about special permanent resident certificate numbers which have expired by using the internet or other means. (特別永住者証明書の提示要求ができる職員) (Employees Who May Request Presentation of Special Permanent Resident Certificates) 第十五条 法第十七条第二項に規定する国又は地方公共団体の職員は、次のとおりとする。 Article 15 Employees of the national or local governments prescribed in Article 17, paragraph (2) of the Act are as follows: 一 税関職員 (i) a customs official; 二 公安調査官 (ii) a public security intelligence officer; 三 麻薬取締官 (iii) a narcotics agent; 四 住民基本台帳に関する事務(住民基本台帳法(昭和四十二年法律第八十一号)第三十条の四十五に規定する外国人住民に係る住民票に係るものに限る。)に従事する市町村(特別区を含む。)の職員 (iv) an employee of a municipality (including special wards) who is engaged in administrative affairs related to the basic residential register (limited to those concerning the residence certificates for foreign residents prescribed in Article 30-45 of the Residential Basic Book Act (Act No. 81 of 1967)); and 五 職業安定法(昭和二十二年法律第百四十一号)第八条に規定する公共職業安定所の職員 (v) an employee of public employment security offices prescribed in Article 8 of the Employment Security Act (Act No. 141 of 1947). (親権者等の証明書類等) (Documents Certifying Persons Who Have Parental Authority) 第十六条 法第十八条第一項に規定する行為を、同条第二項の規定により特別永住者に代わってしようとする者は、市町村の長に対し、同項の適用を受ける者であることを明らかにする資料の提示又は説明をしなければならない。 Article 16 (1) A person who seeks to perform the act prescribed in Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Act on behalf of a special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article must present material or give an explanation to the head of municipalities demonstrating that the person is to whom the relevant paragraph applies. 2 法第十八条第一項に規定する行為を、同条第三項の規定により特別永住者に代わってしようとする者は、市町村の長に対し、当該特別永住者が疾病その他の事由により自らこれらの行為をすることができないこと及び当該特別永住者の親族又は同居者であることを明らかにする資料の提示又は説明をしなければならない。 (2) A person who seeks to perform the act prescribed in Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Act on behalf of a special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of that Article must present material or give an explanation to the head of municipalities demonstrating that the special permanent resident is unable to perform the act themselves due to a disease or for other reasons and that the person is a relative or cohabitant of the special permanent resident. (出頭を要しない場合等) (Cases Not Requiring an Appearance) 第十七条 法第十九条第三項に規定する法務省令で定める場合(法第十条第一項及び第二項の規定による届出並びに同条第三項の規定により返還される特別永住者証明書の受領に係る場合に限る。)は、特別永住者若しくは同条第二項の規定により特別永住者に代わってしなければならない者から依頼を受けた者(当該特別永住者の十六歳以上の親族であって当該特別永住者と同居するものを除く。)又は特別永住者の法定代理人が当該特別永住者に代わって法第十九条第一項に規定する行為(法第十条第一項及び第二項の規定による届出並びに同条第三項の規定により返還される特別永住者証明書の受領に限る。)をする場合(特別永住者の法定代理人が法第十九条第二項の規定により当該特別永住者に代わってする場合を除く。)とする。 Article 17 (1) The case specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (3) of the Act (limited to cases related to the notification under the provisions of Article 10, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act and the receipt of a special permanent resident certificate returned pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of that Article) is a case where a person requested by a special permanent resident or a person who is required to act on behalf of a special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article (except for a relative of that special permanent resident who is 16 years of age or older and lives with the special permanent resident) or where a legal representative of a special permanent resident performs the act prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to making the notification under the provisions of Article 10, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act and receiving a special permanent resident certificate returned pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of that Article) on behalf of the special permanent resident (except for the case where a legal representative of a special permanent resident performs the act on behalf of the special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (2) of the Act). 2 法第十九条第三項に規定する法務省令で定める場合(法第十条第一項及び第二項の規定による届出並びに同条第三項の規定により返還される特別永住者証明書の受領に係る場合を除く。)は、次の各号に掲げる場合とする。 (2) The cases specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (3) of the Act (except for the case related to the notification under the provisions of Article 10, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act and the receipt of a special permanent resident certificate returned pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of that Article) are the cases set forth in the following items: 一 次のイ又はロに掲げる者が、特別永住者に代わって別表第二の上欄に掲げる行為の区分に応じそれぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる行為をする場合(イに掲げる者にあっては、当該特別永住者又は法第十九条第二項の規定により当該特別永住者に代わってしなければならない者の依頼によりする場合に限り、ロに掲げる者にあっては、同項の規定により当該特別永住者に代わってする場合を除く。) (i) a case in which any of the persons set forth in (a) or (b) below performs the act set forth in the right-hand column of the Appended Table II in accordance with the category of the act set forth in the left-hand column of that Table on behalf of a special permanent resident (for the person set forth in (a), limited to the case where the act is performed at the request of that special permanent resident or a person who is required to act on behalf of the special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (2) of the Act; for the person set forth in (b), except for the case where the person performs the act on behalf of the special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph): イ 弁護士又は行政書士で所属する弁護士会又は行政書士会を経由してその所在地を管轄する地方出入国在留管理局長に届け出たもの (a) an attorney-at-law or administrative scrivener who has made a notification to the director of the regional immigration services bureau having jurisdiction over their location through the bar association or administrative scrivener association to which the attorney-at-law or administrative scrivener belongs; or ロ 当該特別永住者の法定代理人 (b) a legal representative of the special permanent resident. 二 前号に規定する場合のほか、特別永住者が十六歳に満たない場合又は疾病その他の事由により自ら別表第二の上欄に掲げる行為をすることができない場合において、当該特別永住者の親族(当該特別永住者と同居する十六歳以上の者を除く。)又は同居者(当該特別永住者の親族を除く。)若しくはこれに準ずる者で出入国在留管理庁長官が適当と認めるものが、当該特別永住者に代わって当該行為の区分に応じそれぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる行為をするとき。 (ii) beyond what is provided for in the preceding item, when a special permanent resident is under 16 years of age or is unable to perform the act set forth in the left-hand column of Appended Table 2 themselves due to a disease or for other reasons, if a relative (except for persons living with that special permanent resident who are 16 years of age or older) or a cohabitant (excluding relatives of the special permanent resident) of the special permanent resident or a person equivalent to them whom the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency finds appropriate performs the act set forth in the right-hand column of that Table in accordance with the category of the act on behalf of the special permanent resident; and 三 法第十一条第二項(法第十二条第三項、第十三条第二項及び第十四条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により交付される特別永住者証明書の受領については、当該受領のために市町村の事務所に出頭することに著しい支障がある者(法第十九条第一項の規定により特別永住者証明書の受領を市町村の事務所に自ら出頭して行わなければならない者又は同条第二項の規定により当該受領を特別永住者に代わってしなければならない者に限る。)が日本郵便株式会社の内国郵便約款の定めるところにより名宛人本人に限り交付し、又は配達する本人限定受取郵便又はこれに準ずる方法により送付される特別永住者証明書を受領する場合であって、出入国在留管理庁長官において相当と認めるとき。 (iii) with regard to the receipt of a special permanent resident certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (3), Article 13, paragraph (2), and Article 14, paragraph (4) of the Act), a case in which a person who has great difficulty in appearing in person at the office of the municipality for the receipt (limited to those who are required to receive the special permanent resident certificate by appearing at the office of the municipality pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Act, or those who are required to receive the certificate on behalf of the special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article) receives the special permanent resident certificate sent as mail to be received only by the addressee which is issued to or delivered only to the addressee as specified by the provisions of the Conditions of Domestic Postal Mail of Japan Post Co., Ltd. or by an equivalent method, if the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency finds it appropriate. 3 法第十九条第一項に規定する行為を、同条第二項の規定により特別永住者に代わってしようとする者は、市町村の長に対し、同項の規定により特別永住者に代わってしなければならない者であることを明らかにする資料の提示又は説明をしなければならない。 (3) A person who seeks to perform the act prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Act on behalf of a special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article must present material or give an explanation to the head of municipalities demonstrating that they are the person who is required to perform the act on behalf of the special permanent resident pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph. 4 法第十九条第三項の規定により、特別永住者が自ら出頭して同条第一項に規定する行為を行うことを要しない場合において、当該行為を当該特別永住者に代わってしようとする者又は別表第二の表の上欄に掲げる行為の区分に応じそれぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる行為をしようとする者は、市町村の長に対し、当該場合に当たることを明らかにする資料の提示又は説明をしなければならない。 (4) When a special permanent resident is not required to perform the act prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Act by appearing in person pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of that Article, a person who seeks to perform the act on behalf of the special permanent resident or a person who seeks to perform the act set forth in the right-hand column of the Appended Table II in accordance with the category of the act set forth respectively in the left-hand column of that Table is to present a material or give an explanation to the head of municipalities demonstrating that the case falls under such case. (みなし再入国許可の意図の表明) (Expression of Intention of Special Re-entry Permission) 第十八条 法第二十三条第二項において準用する入管法第二十六条の二第一項に規定する再び入国する意図の表明は、入国審査官に再び入国する意図を有する旨の記載をした出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則(昭和五十六年法務省令第五十四号)別記第三十七号の十九様式による書面の提出及び特別永住者証明書の提示によって行うものとする。 Article 18 An expression of the intention to re-enter Japan as prescribed in Article 26-2, paragraph (1) of the Immigration Control Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be made by submitting a document pursuant to the Appended Form 37-19 of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Ministry of Justice Order No. 54 of 1981) stating that the person has the intention to re-enter Japan and presenting their special permanent resident certificate, to an immigration inspector. (再入国の許可を要する者) (Persons Requiring Re-entry Permission) 第十九条 法第二十三条第二項において準用する入管法第二十六条の二第一項に規定する出入国の公正な管理のため再入国の許可を要する者は、次に掲げる者とする。 Article 19 (1) The persons who require re-entry permission for the fair and equitable control over the entry into or departure from Japan prescribed in Article 26-2, paragraph (1) of the Immigration Control Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23, paragraph (2) of the Act are the following persons: 一 入管法第二十五条の二第一項各号のいずれかに該当する者であるとして入国審査官が通知を受けている者 (i) a person whom an immigration inspector has been notified of as a person falling under any of the items of Article 25-2, paragraph (1) of the Immigration Control Act; 二 入管法第三十九条の規定による収容令書の発付を受けている者 (ii) a person to whom a written detention order under the provisions of Article 39 of the Immigration Control Act has been issued; and 三 日本国の利益又は公安を害する行為を行うおそれがあることその他の出入国の公正な管理のため再入国の許可を要すると認めるに足りる相当の理由があるとして出入国在留管理庁長官が認定する者 (iii) a person whom the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency finds has a risk of performing an act detrimental to the interests and public security of Japan or for whom the Commissioner finds reasonable grounds to require re-entry permission for the purpose of impartial control over immigration. 2 出入国在留管理庁長官は、前項第三号の規定による認定をしたときは、特別永住者に対し、その旨を通知するものとする。ただし、特別永住者の所在が不明であるときその他の通知をすることができないときは、この限りでない。 (2) When the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency has made the recognition under the provisions of item (iii) of the preceding paragraph, the Commissioner must notify the special permanent resident to that effect; provided, however, that this does not apply if the whereabouts of the special permanent resident is unknown or there are other reasons that the Commissioner is unable make such notice. 3 前項の通知は、別記第十三号様式による通知書によって行うものとする。ただし、急速を要する場合には、出入国在留管理庁長官が第一項第三号の規定による認定をした旨を入国審査官に口頭で通知させてこれを行うことができる。 (3) The notice referred to in the preceding paragraph is to be made by a written notice pursuant to the Appended Form No. 13; provided, however, that in cases of urgency, the notice may be given by having an immigration inspector orally give the notice to the effect that the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency has made the recognition under the provisions of paragraph (1), item (iii). (雑則) (Miscellaneous Provisions) 第二十条 法又はこの省令の規定により出入国在留管理庁長官に提出するものとされる資料が外国語により作成されているときは、その資料に訳文を添付しなければならない。 Article 20 If any material to be submitted to the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency pursuant to the provisions of the Act or this Ministerial Order is written in a foreign language, a translation must be attached to the material. 別表第二 (第十七条関係) Appended Table II (Re. Article 17) |特別永住者が自ら出頭して行うこととされている行為|当該特別永住者に代わってする行為| |Acts which the special permanent resident is to perform by appearing in person|Acts to be performed on behalf of the special permanent resident| |法第十一条第一項の規定による届出|第七条第一項に定める届出書等の提出及び同条第二項に定める旅券等の提示等に係る手続| |Notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act|Procedures concerning the submission of the written notice, etc. as prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (1) and the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. as prescribed in paragraph (2) of that Article| |法第十二条第一項又は第二項の規定による申請|第八条第一項に定める申請書等の提出及び同条第二項において準用する第七条第二項に定める旅券等の提示等に係る手続| |Application pursuant to the provisions of Article 12, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act|Procedures concerning the submission of the written application, etc. as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (1) and the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. as prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 8, paragraph (2)| |法第十三条第一項の規定による申請|第九条第一項に定める申請書等の提出及び同条第二項に定める旅券の提示等に係る手続| |Application pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act|Procedures concerning the submission of the written application, etc. as prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (1) and the presentation, etc. of the passport as prescribed in paragraph (2) of that Article| |法第十四条第一項又は第三項の規定による申請|第十条第一項又は第二項に定める申請書等の提出及び同条第三項において準用する第七条第二項に定める旅券等の提示等に係る手続| |Application pursuant to the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (1) or (3) of the Act|Procedures concerning the submission of the written application, etc. as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (1) or (2) and the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. as prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 10, paragraph (3)| |法第十一条第二項(法第十二条第三項、第十三条第二項及び第十四条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により交付される特別永住者証明書の受領|この項の上欄の規定により交付される特別永住者証明書の受領に係る手続| |Receipt of the special permanent resident certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (3), Article 13, paragraph (2) and Article 14, paragraph (4) of the Act)|Procedures concerning the receipt of the special permanent resident certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of the left-hand column of this section|