Trust Act
Act No. 108 of 2006
Act No. 53 of 2011
Trust Act (Act No. 108 of December 15, 2006)
第一章 総則(第一条―第十三条)
Chapter I General Provisions (Articles 1 through 13)
第二章 信託財産等(第十四条―第二十五条)
Chapter II Trust Property (Articles 14 through 25)
第三章 受託者等
Chapter III Trustees
第一節 受託者の権限(第二十六条―第二十八条)
Section 1 Authority of Trustees (Articles 26 through 28)
第二節 受託者の義務等(第二十九条―第三十九条)
Section 2 Obligations of Trustees (Articles 29 through 39)
第三節 受託者の責任等(第四十条―第四十七条)
Section 3 Liability of Trustees (Articles 40 through 47)
第四節 受託者の費用等及び信託報酬等(第四十八条―第五十五条)
Section 4 Expenses and Trust Fees for Trustees (Articles 48 through 55)
第五節 受託者の変更等
Section 5 Change of Trustees
第一款 受託者の任務の終了(第五十六条―第五十八条)
Subsection 1 Termination of Trustee's Duties (Articles 56 through 58)
第二款 前受託者の義務等(第五十九条―第六十一条)
Subsection 2 Obligations of Former Trustees (Articles 59 through 61)
第三款 新受託者の選任(第六十二条)
Subsection 3 Appointment of New Trustees (Article 62)
第四款 信託財産管理者等(第六十三条―第七十四条)
Subsection 4 Trust Property Administrators (Articles 63 through 74)
第五款 受託者の変更に伴う権利義務の承継等(第七十五条―第七十八条)
Subsection 5 Succession to Rights and Obligations upon Change of Trustees (Articles 75 through 78)
第六節 受託者が二人以上ある信託の特例(第七十九条―第八十七条)
Section 6 Special Provisions on Trusts with Two or More Trustees (Articles 79 through 87)
第四章 受益者等
Chapter IV Beneficiaries
第一節 受益者の権利の取得及び行使(第八十八条―第九十二条)
Section 1 Acquisition and Exercise of Rights by Beneficiaries (Articles 88 through 92)
第二節 受益権等
Section 2 Beneficial Interest
第一款 受益権の譲渡等(第九十三条―第九十八条)
Subsection 1 Transfer of Beneficial Interest (Articles 93 through 98)
第二款 受益権の放棄(第九十九条)
Subsection 2 Waiver of Beneficial Interest (Article 99)
第三款 受益債権(第百条―第百二条)
Subsection 3 Beneficial Claims (Articles 100 through 102)
第四款 受益権取得請求権(第百三条・第百四条)
Subsection 4 Right to Demand that The Trustee Acquire the Beneficial Interest (Article 103 and Article 104)
第三節 二人以上の受益者による意思決定の方法の特例
Section 3 Special Provisions on Means of Decision-Making Involving Two or More Beneficiaries
第一款 総則(第百五条)
Subsection 1 General Provisions (Article 105)
第二款 受益者集会(第百六条―第百二十二条)
Subsection 2 Beneficiaries Meetings (Articles 106 through 122)
第四節 信託管理人等
Section 4 Trust Administrators and Others
第一款 信託管理人(第百二十三条―第百三十条)
Subsection 1 Trust Administrators (Articles 123 through 130)
第二款 信託監督人(第百三十一条―第百三十七条)
Subsection 2 Trust Supervisors (Articles 131 through 137)
第三款 受益者代理人(第百三十八条―第百四十四条)
Subsection 3 Beneficiary's Agent (Articles 138 through 144)
第五章 委託者(第百四十五条―第百四十八条)
Chapter V Settlors (Articles 145 through 148)
第六章 信託の変更、併合及び分割
Chapter VI Modification, Consolidation, and Split of Trusts
第一節 信託の変更(第百四十九条・第百五十条)
Section 1 Modification of Trusts (Article 149 and Article 150)
第二節 信託の併合(第百五十一条―第百五十四条)
Section 2 Consolidation of Trusts (Articles 151 through 154)
第三節 信託の分割
Section 3 Split of Trusts
第一款 吸収信託分割(第百五十五条―第百五十八条)
Subsection 1 Absorption-Type Trust Split (Articles 155 through 158)
第二款 新規信託分割(第百五十九条―第百六十二条)
Subsection 2 Creation-Type Trust Split (Articles 159 through 162)
第七章 信託の終了及び清算
Chapter VII Termination and Liquidation of Trusts
第一節 信託の終了(第百六十三条―第百七十四条)
Section 1 Termination of Trusts (Articles 163 through 174)
第二節 信託の清算(第百七十五条―第百八十四条)
Section 2 Liquidation of Trusts (Articles 175 through 184)
第八章 受益証券発行信託の特例
Chapter VIII Special Provisions on Trusts with Certificates of Beneficial Interest
第一節 総則(第百八十五条―第百九十三条)
Section 1 General Provisions (Articles 185 through 193)
第二節 受益権の譲渡等の特例(第百九十四条―第二百六条)
Section 2 Special Provisions on Transfer of Beneficial Interest (Articles 194 through 206)
第三節 受益証券(第二百七条―第二百十一条)
Section 3 Beneficiary Certificates (Articles 207 through 211)
第四節 関係当事者の権利義務等の特例(第二百十二条―第二百十五条)
Section 4 Special Provisions on Rights and Obligations of Relevant Parties (Articles 212 through 215)
第九章 限定責任信託の特例
Chapter IX Special Provisions on Limited Liability Trusts
第一節 総則(第二百十六条―第二百二十一条)
Section 1 General Provisions (Articles 216 through 221)
第二節 計算等の特例(第二百二十二条―第二百三十一条)
Section 2 Special Provisions on Accounting (Articles 222 through 231)
第三節 限定責任信託の登記(第二百三十二条―第二百四十七条)
Section 3 Registration of Limited Liability Trusts (Articles 232 through 247)
第十章 受益証券発行限定責任信託の特例(第二百四十八条―第二百五十七条)
Chapter X Special Provisions on Limited Liability Trusts with Certificates of Beneficial Interest (Articles 248 through 257)
第十一章 受益者の定めのない信託の特例(第二百五十八条―第二百六十一条)
Chapter XI Special Provisions on Trusts That Do Not Establish a Beneficiary (Articles 258 through 261)
第十二章 雑則
Chapter XII Miscellaneous Provisions
第一節 非訟(第二百六十二条―第二百六十四条)
Section 1 Non-Contentious Cases (Articles 262 through 264)
第二節 公告等(第二百六十五条・第二百六十六条)
Section 2 Public Notices (Article 265 and Article 266)
第十三章 罰則(第二百六十七条―第二百七十一条)
Chapter XIII Penal Provisions (Articles 267 through 271)
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 信託の要件、効力等については、他の法令に定めるもののほか、この法律の定めるところによる。
Article 1 The requirements and effect of trusts are governed by the provisions of this Act in addition to the provisions of other laws and regulations.
第二条 この法律において「信託」とは、次条各号に掲げる方法のいずれかにより、特定の者が一定の目的(専らその者の利益を図る目的を除く。同条において同じ。)に従い財産の管理又は処分及びその他の当該目的の達成のために必要な行為をすべきものとすることをいう。
Article 2 (1) The term "trust" as used in this Act means an arrangement in which a specific person, using any of the means set forth in the items of the following Article, administers or disposes of property in accordance with a certain purpose (excluding the purpose of exclusively pursuing their own interests; the same applies in the following Article) and performs other acts that are necessary to achieve that purpose.
2 この法律において「信託行為」とは、次の各号に掲げる信託の区分に応じ、当該各号に定めるものをいう。
(2) The term "terms of trust" as used in this Act means a document or record specified in each of the following items in accordance with the category of trusts set forth in each of those items:
一 次条第一号に掲げる方法による信託 同号の信託契約
(i) a trust created by the means set forth in item (i) of the following Article: a trust agreement referred to in that item;
二 次条第二号に掲げる方法による信託 同号の遺言
(ii) a trust created by the means set forth in item (ii) of the following Article: a will referred to in that item; and
三 次条第三号に掲げる方法による信託 同号の書面又は電磁的記録(同号に規定する電磁的記録をいう。)によってする意思表示
(iii) a trust created by the means set forth in item (iii) of the following Article: a manifestation of intention made by means of a document or electronic or magnetic record (meaning an electronic or magnetic record prescribed in that item) referred to in that item.
3 この法律において「信託財産」とは、受託者に属する財産であって、信託により管理又は処分をすべき一切の財産をいう。
(3) The term "trust property" as used in this Act means any and all property which belongs to a trustee and which is to be administered or disposed of through a trust.
4 この法律において「委託者」とは、次条各号に掲げる方法により信託をする者をいう。
(4) The term "settlor" as used in this Act means a person who creates a trust by any of the means set forth in the items of the following Article.
5 この法律において「受託者」とは、信託行為の定めに従い、信託財産に属する財産の管理又は処分及びその他の信託の目的の達成のために必要な行為をすべき義務を負う者をいう。
(5) The term "trustee" as used in this Act means a person who is under the obligation to administer or dispose of property that comes under trust property and to perform other acts that are necessary to achieve the purpose of a trust as provided for by the terms of trust.
6 この法律において「受益者」とは、受益権を有する者をいう。
(6) The term "beneficiary" as used in this Act means a person who holds a beneficial interest in a trust.
7 この法律において「受益権」とは、信託行為に基づいて受託者が受益者に対し負う債務であって信託財産に属する財産の引渡しその他の信託財産に係る給付をすべきものに係る債権(以下「受益債権」という。)及びこれを確保するためにこの法律の規定に基づいて受託者その他の者に対し一定の行為を求めることができる権利をいう。
(7) The term "beneficial interest" as used in this Act means a right based on the terms of trust obliging a trustee to deliver property that comes under trust property to a beneficiary or to make any other distribution of trust property (hereinafter referred to as the "beneficial claims"), and the right to request a trustee or any other person to carry out certain acts based on the provisions of this Act in order to secure those claims.
8 この法律において「固有財産」とは、受託者に属する財産であって、信託財産に属する財産でない一切の財産をいう。
(8) The term "trustee's own property" as used in this Act means any and all property which belongs to a trustee and which is not the property that comes under trust property.
9 この法律において「信託財産責任負担債務」とは、受託者が信託財産に属する財産をもって履行する責任を負う債務をいう。
(9) The term "obligations covered by the trust property" as used in this Act means obligations which a trustee is liable to perform through the use of property that comes under trust property.
10 この法律において「信託の併合」とは、受託者を同一とする二以上の信託の信託財産の全部を一の新たな信託の信託財産とすることをいう。
(10) The term "consolidation of trusts" as used in this Act means consolidating all trust properties of two or more trusts that have the same trustee into the trust property of a single new trust.
11 この法律において「吸収信託分割」とは、ある信託の信託財産の一部を受託者を同一とする他の信託の信託財産として移転することをいい、「新規信託分割」とは、ある信託の信託財産の一部を受託者を同一とする新たな信託の信託財産として移転することをいい、「信託の分割」とは、吸収信託分割又は新規信託分割をいう。
(11) The term "absorption-type trust split" as used in this Act means the transfer of a part of a trust's trust property into the trust property of another trust that has the same trustee; the term "creation-type trust split" as used in this Act means the transfer of a part of a trust's trust property into the trust property of a new trust that has the same trustee; the term "split of a trust" means an absorption-type trust split or creation-type trust split.
12 この法律において「限定責任信託」とは、受託者が当該信託のすべての信託財産責任負担債務について信託財産に属する財産のみをもってその履行の責任を負う信託をいう。
(12) The term "limited liability trust" as used in this Act means a trust in which a trustee is liable to perform all of the obligations covered by the trust property by only using the property that comes under trust property.
(Means of Creating Trusts)
第三条 信託は、次に掲げる方法のいずれかによってする。
Article 3 A trust is created by any of the following means:
一 特定の者との間で、当該特定の者に対し財産の譲渡、担保権の設定その他の財産の処分をする旨並びに当該特定の者が一定の目的に従い財産の管理又は処分及びその他の当該目的の達成のために必要な行為をすべき旨の契約(以下「信託契約」という。)を締結する方法
(i) means of concluding an agreement with a specific person which provides that property is to be transferred, a security right is to be established, and other property is to be disposed of for the specific person, and that the specific person is required to administer or dispose of the property in accordance with a certain purpose and perform other acts that are necessary for achieving that purpose (hereinafter referred to as the "trust agreement");
二 特定の者に対し財産の譲渡、担保権の設定その他の財産の処分をする旨並びに当該特定の者が一定の目的に従い財産の管理又は処分及びその他の当該目的の達成のために必要な行為をすべき旨の遺言をする方法
(ii) means of making a will which states that property is to be transferred, a security right is to be established, and other property is to be disposed of for a specific person, and that the specific person is required to administer or dispose of the property in accordance with a certain purpose and perform other acts that are necessary for achieving that purpose; or
三 特定の者が一定の目的に従い自己の有する一定の財産の管理又は処分及びその他の当該目的の達成のために必要な行為を自らすべき旨の意思表示を公正証書その他の書面又は電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によっては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であって、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものとして法務省令で定めるものをいう。以下同じ。)で当該目的、当該財産の特定に必要な事項その他の法務省令で定める事項を記載し又は記録したものによってする方法
(iii) means of a specific person to manifest the intention to administer or dispose of certain property that the person holds in accordance with a certain purpose and to perform other acts that are necessary for achieving that purpose themselves, through a notarial instrument or any other document or electronic or magnetic record (meaning a record which is created in electronic form, magnetic form, or any other form that cannot be perceived by human senses, and is specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice; the same applies hereinafter) in which the purpose, the particulars necessary for identifying the property, and other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice have been stated or recorded.
(Effectuation of Trusts)
第四条 前条第一号に掲げる方法によってされる信託は、委託者となるべき者と受託者となるべき者との間の信託契約の締結によってその効力を生ずる。
Article 4 (1) A trust created by the means set forth in item (i) of the preceding Article comes into effect when a trust agreement is concluded between a person who is to be a settlor and a person who is to be a trustee.
2 前条第二号に掲げる方法によってされる信託は、当該遺言の効力の発生によってその効力を生ずる。
(2) A trust created by the means set forth in item (ii) of the preceding Article comes into effect when the will takes effect.
3 前条第三号に掲げる方法によってされる信託は、次の各号に掲げる場合の区分に応じ、当該各号に定めるものによってその効力を生ずる。
(3) A trust created by the means set forth in item (iii) of the preceding Article comes into effect by the occurrence of the event specified in the following items in accordance with the category of cases set forth in each of those items:
一 公正証書又は公証人の認証を受けた書面若しくは電磁的記録(以下この号及び次号において「公正証書等」と総称する。)によってされる場合 当該公正証書等の作成
(i) if the trust is created by means of a notarial instrument, or any other document or electronic or magnetic record authorized by a notary (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "notarial instrument, etc." in this item and the following item): creation of the notarial instrument, etc.; or
二 公正証書等以外の書面又は電磁的記録によってされる場合 受益者となるべき者として指定された第三者(当該第三者が二人以上ある場合にあっては、その一人)に対する確定日付のある証書による当該信託がされた旨及びその内容の通知
(ii) if the trust is created by means of a document or electronic or magnetic record other than a notarial instrument, etc.: the fact that the trust has been created by means of an instrument bearing a certified date to the third party designated as the person who is to be the beneficiary (if there are two or more such third parties, to one of them) and the content of that notice.
4 前三項の規定にかかわらず、信託は、信託行為に停止条件又は始期が付されているときは、当該停止条件の成就又は当該始期の到来によってその効力を生ずる。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, when the terms of trust is subject to a condition precedent or a designated time of commencement, the trust comes into effect when the condition precedent is fulfilled or when the time of commencement arrives.
(Demand to Undertake a Trust in Testamentary Trusts)
第五条 第三条第二号に掲げる方法によって信託がされた場合において、当該遺言に受託者となるべき者を指定する定めがあるときは、利害関係人は、受託者となるべき者として指定された者に対し、相当の期間を定めて、その期間内に信託の引受けをするかどうかを確答すべき旨を催告することができる。ただし、当該定めに停止条件又は始期が付されているときは、当該停止条件が成就し、又は当該始期が到来した後に限る。
Article 5 (1) If a trust is created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (ii), if the will contains a provision to designate a person who is to be the trustee, any interested party may specify a reasonable period of time and demand the person designated as the one who is to be the trustee to give a definite answer within that period of time with regard to whether that person will undertake the trust; provided, however, that if the provisions of the will is subject to a condition precedent or a designated time of commencement, this may only be done after the condition precedent is fulfilled or after the time of commencement arrives.
2 前項の規定による催告があった場合において、受託者となるべき者として指定された者は、同項の期間内に委託者の相続人に対し確答をしないときは、信託の引受けをしなかったものとみなす。
(2) If the demand under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been made, and the person who is designated to be the trustee fails to give a definite answer to the settlor's heir within the period referred to in that paragraph, it is deemed that the person has not undertaken the trust.
3 委託者の相続人が現に存しない場合における前項の規定の適用については、同項中「委託者の相続人」とあるのは、「受益者(二人以上の受益者が現に存する場合にあってはその一人、信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては信託管理人)」とする。
(3) For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph to cases in which the settlor has no heir at the time in question, the term "the settlor's heir" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "the beneficiary (if there are two or more beneficiaries at the time in question, to one of them, and if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, to the trust administrator)".
(Appointment of Trustee by Court in Cases of Testamentary Trusts)
第六条 第三条第二号に掲げる方法によって信託がされた場合において、当該遺言に受託者の指定に関する定めがないとき、又は受託者となるべき者として指定された者が信託の引受けをせず、若しくはこれをすることができないときは、裁判所は、利害関係人の申立てにより、受託者を選任することができる。
Article 6 (1) If a trust is created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (ii), and the will contains no clause concerning the designation of a trustee or if the person designated as a person who is to be the trustee does not undertake or is unable to undertake the trust, the court may appoint a trustee on the petition of an interested party.
2 前項の申立てについての裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(2) The judicial decision on the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph must include the reasons for that decision.
3 第一項の規定による受託者の選任の裁判に対しては、受益者又は既に存する受託者に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(3) Only a beneficiary or an existing trustee may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the appointment of a trustee under the provisions of paragraph (1).
4 前項の即時抗告は、執行停止の効力を有する。
(4) The immediate appeal referred to in the preceding paragraph has the effect of a stay of enforcement.
(Qualification of a Trustee)
第七条 信託は、未成年者を受託者としてすることができない。
Article 7 A minor may not serve as a trustee of a trust.
(Prohibition on Trustees Benefitting from Trusts)
第八条 受託者は、受益者として信託の利益を享受する場合を除き、何人の名義をもってするかを問わず、信託の利益を享受することができない。
Article 8 A trustees may not benefit from a trust under any name, unless the trustee benefits from the trust as a beneficiary.
(Prohibition of Trusts Created to Evade the Law)
第九条 法令によりある財産権を享有することができない者は、その権利を有するのと同一の利益を受益者として享受することができない。
Article 9 A person who is not allowed to enjoy a certain property right by laws and regulations is not allowed to enjoy, as a beneficiary, the same benefit as that derived from holding that right.
(Prohibition of Litigation Trusts)
第十条 信託は、訴訟行為をさせることを主たる目的としてすることができない。
Article 10 Trusts may not be created for the main purpose of having another person conduct litigation.
(Rescission of Fraudulent Trusts)
第十一条 委託者がその債権者を害することを知って信託をした場合には、受託者が債権者を害することを知っていたか否かにかかわらず、債権者は、受託者を被告として、民法(明治二十九年法律第八十九号)第四百二十四条第三項に規定する詐害行為取消請求をすることができる。ただし、受益者が現に存する場合においては、当該受益者(当該受益者の中に受益権を譲り受けた者がある場合にあっては、当該受益者及びその前に受益権を譲り渡した全ての者)の全部が、受益者としての指定(信託行為の定めにより又は第八十九条第一項に規定する受益者指定権等の行使により受益者又は変更後の受益者として指定されることをいう。以下同じ。)を受けたことを知った時(受益権を譲り受けた者にあっては、受益権を譲り受けた時)において債権者を害することを知っていたときに限る。
Article 11 (1) If a settlor has created a trust with the knowledge that it would harm the settlor's creditor, a creditor may, irrespective of whether or not the trustee knew that the creditor would be harmed, make a demand for rescission of fraudulent act under the provisions of Article 424, paragraph (3) of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896), with the trustee as the defendant; provided, however, that if there are any beneficiaries at the time in question, this applies only when all of the beneficiaries (if there is a person among the beneficiaries who has acquired beneficial interest, that beneficiary and all persons who transferred beneficial interest before that time) knew at the time when they became aware that they had been designated as beneficiaries that a creditor would be harmed (meaning to be designated as a beneficiary by the provisions of terms of trust, or to be designated as an initial beneficiary or a new beneficiary after a change in the provisions of the terms of trust as a result of the exercise of the right to designate or change a beneficiary as prescribed in Article 89, paragraph (1); the same applies hereinafter) (or at the time when the person has acquired beneficial interest, for the person who has acquired beneficial interest).
2 前項の規定による詐害行為取消請求を認容する判決が確定した場合において、信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者(委託者であるものを除く。)が当該債権を取得した時において債権者を害することを知らなかったときは、委託者は、当該債権を有する債権者に対し、当該信託財産責任負担債務について弁済の責任を負う。ただし、同項の規定による詐害行為取消請求により受託者から委託者に移転する財産の価額を限度とする。
(2) If a judgment upholding a demand for rescission of fraudulent act under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has become final and binding, if a creditor (excluding the one who is a settlor) who has a claim related to an obligation covered by the trust property did not know at the time when the creditor acquired the claim that the creditor would be harmed, the settlor becomes liable to perform the obligation covered by the trust property to the creditor who holds that claim; provided, however, that performance is limited to the value of the property to be transferred from the trustee to the settlor as a result of the demand for rescission of the fraudulent act under the provisions of that paragraph.
3 前項の規定の適用については、第四十九条第一項(第五十三条第二項及び第五十四条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により受託者が有する権利は、金銭債権とみなす。
(3) For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the right that the trustee has pursuant to the provisions of Article 49, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53, paragraph (2) and Article 54, paragraph (4)) is deemed to be a monetary claim.
4 委託者がその債権者を害することを知って信託をした場合において、受益者が受託者から信託財産に属する財産の給付を受けたときは、債権者は、受益者を被告として、民法第四百二十四条第三項に規定する詐害行為取消請求をすることができる。ただし、当該受益者(当該受益者が受益権を譲り受けた者である場合にあっては、当該受益者及びその前に受益権を譲り渡した全ての者)が、受益者としての指定を受けたことを知った時(受益権を譲り受けた者にあっては、受益権を譲り受けた時)において債権者を害することを知っていたときに限る。
(4) If a settlor has created a trust with the knowledge that it would harm the settlor's creditor, if a beneficiary has been distributed the property that comes under trust property from the trustee, a creditor may make a demand for rescission of fraudulent act under the provisions of Article 424, paragraph (3) of the Civil Code with the beneficiary as the defendant; provided, however, that this applies only in the case the beneficiary (if the beneficiary is a person who has acquired beneficial interest, the beneficiary and all the persons who has transferred beneficial interest before that time) knew at the time when the beneficiary became aware that the beneficiary has been designated as a beneficiary that a creditor would be harmed (or at the time when the person has acquired beneficial interest, for the person who has acquired beneficial interest).
5 委託者がその債権者を害することを知って信託をした場合には、債権者は、受益者を被告として、その受益権を委託者に譲り渡すことを訴えをもって請求することができる。この場合においては、前項ただし書の規定を準用する。
(5) If a settlor has created a trust with the knowledge that it would harm the settlor's creditor, a creditor may demand that the beneficiary transfer the beneficiary's beneficial interest to the settlor, by filing an action with the beneficiary as a defendant. In such a case, the provisions of the proviso to the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis.
6 民法第四百二十六条の規定は、前項の規定による請求権について準用する。
(6) The provisions of Article 426 of the Civil Code apply mutatis mutandis to the right to make a demand under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
7 受益者の指定又は受益権の譲渡に当たっては、第一項本文、第四項本文又は第五項前段の規定の適用を不当に免れる目的で、債権者を害することを知らない者(以下この項において「善意者」という。)を無償(無償と同視すべき有償を含む。以下この項において同じ。)で受益者として指定し、又は善意者に対し無償で受益権を譲り渡してはならない。
(7) When designating a beneficiary or transferring a beneficial interest, it is not permitted to designate a person who does not know that any creditor could be harmed (hereinafter referred to as a "person without knowledge" in this paragraph) as a beneficiary without compensation (including cases in which designation is made with compensation that is to be considered equal to designation without compensation; the same applies in this paragraph), or to transfer beneficial interest to a person without knowledge without compensation, for the purpose of unjustly circumventing the application of the provisions of the main clause of paragraph (1), the main clause of paragraph (4), or the first sentence of paragraph (5).
8 前項の規定に違反する受益者の指定又は受益権の譲渡により受益者となった者については、第一項ただし書及び第四項ただし書(第五項後段において準用する場合を含む。)の規定は、適用しない。
(8) With regard to a person who becomes a beneficiary as a result of the designation of a beneficiary or the transfer of a beneficial interest in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (1) and the proviso to paragraph (4) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the second sentence of paragraph (5)) do not apply.
(Avoidance of Fraudulent Trusts)
第十二条 破産者が委託者としてした信託における破産法(平成十六年法律第七十五号)第百六十条第一項の規定の適用については、同項各号中「これによって利益を受けた者が、その行為の当時」とあるのは「受益者が現に存する場合においては、当該受益者(当該受益者の中に受益権を譲り受けた者がある場合にあっては、当該受益者及びその前に受益権を譲り渡した全ての者)の全部が信託法第十一条第一項に規定する受益者としての指定を受けたことを知った時(受益権を譲り受けた者にあっては、受益権を譲り受けた時)において」と、「知らなかったときは、この限りでない」とあるのは「知っていたときに限る」とする。
Article 12 (1) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 160, paragraph (1) of the Bankruptcy Act (Act No. 75 of 2004) to a trust created with a bankrupt as the settlor, the phrase "the person who has benefited from, at the time of the act" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "if there are any beneficiaries at the time in question, at the time all of the beneficiaries (if there is a person who acquired beneficial interest in the beneficiaries, the beneficiaries and all the persons who has transferred beneficial interest before that time) became aware that they had been designated as beneficiaries under Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Trust Act (or at the time when the person has acquired beneficial interest, for the person who has acquired beneficial interest)", and the phrase "that this does not apply when the person who has benefited from the act did not know" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with" that this applies only when the person who has benefited from the act knows".
2 破産者が破産債権者を害することを知って委託者として信託をした場合には、破産管財人は、受益者を被告として、その受益権を破産財団に返還することを訴えをもって請求することができる。この場合においては、前条第四項ただし書の規定を準用する。
(2) If a bankrupt has created a trust as a settlor with the knowledge that it would harm the bankruptcy creditors, a bankruptcy trustee may demand that the beneficiary return the beneficial interest to the bankruptcy estate by filing an action with the beneficiary as a defendant. In such a case, the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (4) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis.
3 再生債務者が委託者としてした信託における民事再生法(平成十一年法律第二百二十五号)第百二十七条第一項の規定の適用については、同項各号中「これによって利益を受けた者が、その行為の当時」とあるのは「受益者が現に存する場合においては、当該受益者(当該受益者の中に受益権を譲り受けた者がある場合にあっては、当該受益者及びその前に受益権を譲り渡した全ての者)の全部が信託法(平成十八年法律第百八号)第十一条第一項に規定する受益者としての指定を受けたことを知った時(受益権を譲り受けた者にあっては、受益権を譲り受けた時)において」と、「知らなかったときは、この限りでない」とあるのは「知っていたときに限る」とする。
(3) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 127, paragraph (1) of the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999) to a trust created with the rehabilitation debtor as a settlor, the phrase "the person who has benefited from, at the time of the act" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "if there are any beneficiaries at the time in question, at the time all of the beneficiaries (if there is a person who has acquired beneficial interest in the beneficiaries, the beneficiaries and all the persons who has transferred beneficial interest before that time) became aware that they had been designated as beneficiaries under Article 11, paragraph (1) of the trust Act (Act No. 108 of 2006) (or at the time when the person acquired beneficial interest for the person who acquired beneficial interest)" and the phrase "that this does not apply when the person who has benefited from that act did not know" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with" that this applies only when the person who has benefited from that act knows".
4 再生債務者が再生債権者を害することを知って委託者として信託をした場合には、否認権限を有する監督委員又は管財人は、受益者を被告として、その受益権を再生債務者財産(民事再生法第十二条第一項第一号に規定する再生債務者財産をいう。第二十五条第四項において同じ。)に返還することを訴えをもって請求することができる。この場合においては、前条第四項ただし書の規定を準用する。
(4) If a rehabilitation debtor has created a trust as a settlor with the knowledge that it would harm the rehabilitation creditors, a supervisor granted authority to avoid or a trustee may demand that the beneficiary return the beneficial interest to the assets of the rehabilitation debtor (meaning the assets of the rehabilitation debtor prescribed in Article 12, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Civil Rehabilitation Act; the same applies in Article 25, paragraph (4)). In such a case, the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (4) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis.
5 前二項の規定は、更生会社(会社更生法(平成十四年法律第百五十四号)第二条第七項に規定する更生会社又は金融機関等の更生手続の特例等に関する法律(平成八年法律第九十五号)第百六十九条第七項に規定する更生会社をいう。)又は更生協同組織金融機関(同法第四条第七項に規定する更生協同組織金融機関をいう。)について準用する。この場合において、第三項中「民事再生法(平成十一年法律第二百二十五号)第百二十七条第一項」とあるのは「会社更生法(平成十四年法律第百五十四号)第八十六条第一項並びに金融機関等の更生手続の特例等に関する法律(平成八年法律第九十五号)第五十七条第一項及び第二百二十三条第一項」と、「同項各号」とあるのは「これらの規定」と、前項中「再生債権者」とあるのは「更生債権者又は更生担保権者」と、「否認権限を有する監督委員又は管財人」とあるのは「管財人」と、「再生債務者財産(民事再生法第十二条第一項第一号に規定する再生債務者財産をいう。第二十五条第四項において同じ。)」とあるのは「更生会社財産(会社更生法第二条第十四項に規定する更生会社財産又は金融機関等の更生手続の特例等に関する法律第百六十九条第十四項に規定する更生会社財産をいう。)又は更生協同組織金融機関財産(同法第四条第十四項に規定する更生協同組織金融機関財産をいう。)」と読み替えるものとする。
(5) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to a reorganizing company (meaning a reorganizing company as defined in Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a reorganizing company prescribed in Article 169, paragraph (7) of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions (Act No. 95 of 1996)) or a reorganizing cooperative financial institution (meaning a reorganizing cooperative financial institution prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (7) of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions). In such a case, in paragraph (3), the phrase "the provisions of Article 127, paragraph (1) of the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999)" is deemed to be replaced with "the provisions of Article 86, paragraph (1) of the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) and Article 57, paragraph (1) and Article 223, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings for Financial Institutions (Act No. 95 of 1996)" and the term "the items of that paragraph" is deemed to be replaced with "these provisions", and in the preceding paragraph, the term "rehabilitation creditors" is deemed to be replaced with "reorganization creditors or secured reorganization creditors", the phrase "supervisor granted authority to avoid or a trustee" is deemed to be replaced with "a trustee" and the phrase "rehabilitation debtor's assets (meaning the rehabilitation debtor's assets prescribed in Article 12, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Civil Rehabilitation Act; the same applies in Article 25, paragraph (4))" is deemed to be replaced with "a reorganizing company's assets (meaning a reorganizing company's assets as defined in Article 2, paragraph (14) of the Corporate Reorganization Act or assets of a reorganizing company prescribed in Article 169, paragraph (14) of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions) or assets of a reorganizing cooperative financial institution (meaning assets of a reorganizing cooperative financial institution prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (14) of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions)".
(Accounting Principles)
第十三条 信託の会計は、一般に公正妥当と認められる会計の慣行に従うものとする。
Article 13 The accounting for trusts is to be subject to accounting practices that are generally accepted as fair and appropriate.
第二章 信託財産等
Chapter II Trust Property
(Requirements for Perfection of Property that Comes Under Trust Property)
第十四条 登記又は登録をしなければ権利の得喪及び変更を第三者に対抗することができない財産については、信託の登記又は登録をしなければ、当該財産が信託財産に属することを第三者に対抗することができない。
Article 14 With regard to a property for which the acquisition, loss, and modification of rights may not be asserted against a third party unless it is registered, the fact that the property comes under trust property may not be asserted against a third party unless the trust is registered.
(Succession of Defect in Possession of Property That Comes Under Trust Property)
第十五条 受託者は、信託財産に属する財産の占有について、委託者の占有の瑕疵を承継する。
Article 15 A trustee succeeds to a settlor's defect in possession of property that comes under trust property.
(Scope of Trust Property)
第十六条 信託行為において信託財産に属すべきものと定められた財産のほか、次に掲げる財産は、信託財産に属する。
Article 16 In addition to property specified by terms of trust that it is to come under trust property, the following property comes under trust property:
一 信託財産に属する財産の管理、処分、滅失、損傷その他の事由により受託者が得た財産
(i) a property obtained by the trustee as a result of the administration, disposal, loss or, damage of property that comes under trust property, or due to other reasons ; and
二 次条、第十八条、第十九条(第八十四条の規定により読み替えて適用する場合を含む。以下この号において同じ。)、第二百二十六条第三項、第二百二十八条第三項及び第二百五十四条第二項の規定により信託財産に属することとなった財産(第十八条第一項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により信託財産に属するものとみなされた共有持分及び第十九条の規定による分割によって信託財産に属することとされた財産を含む。)
(ii) a property that has come under trust property pursuant to the provisions of the following Article, Article 18, Article 19 (including as applied mutatis mutandis by pursuant to Article 84 following the deemed replacement of terms; hereinafter the same applies in this item), Article 226, paragraph (3), Article 228, paragraph (3), and Article 254, paragraph (2) (including any co-ownership interest that is deemed to come under trust property pursuant to the provisions of Article 18, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of that Article) and any property considered to come under trust property as a result of the division under the provisions of Article 19).
(Accession to Property That Comes Under Trust Property)
第十七条 信託財産に属する財産と固有財産若しくは他の信託の信託財産に属する財産との付合若しくは混和又はこれらの財産を材料とする加工があった場合には、各信託の信託財産及び固有財産に属する財産は各別の所有者に属するものとみなして、民法第二百四十二条から第二百四十八条までの規定を適用する。
Article 17 If property that comes under trust property is joined by accession to or commingled with the trustee's own property or any property that comes under trust property of another trust, or if processing is conducted using these properties as materials, the property that comes under trust property of the respective trusts and the property that comes under trustee's own property are deemed to belong to their respective owners, and the provisions of Articles 242 through 248 of the Civil Code apply.
第十八条 信託財産に属する財産と固有財産に属する財産とを識別することができなくなった場合(前条に規定する場合を除く。)には、各財産の共有持分が信託財産と固有財産とに属するものとみなす。この場合において、その共有持分の割合は、その識別することができなくなった当時における各財産の価格の割合に応ずる。
Article 18 (1) If property that comes under trust property becomes indistinguishable from property that comes under trustee's own property (excluding the case prescribed in the preceding Article), it is deemed that co-ownership interest in each of those properties comes under both the trust property and the trustee's own property. In such a case, the proportion of the co-ownership interests will be in proportion to the prices of the respective properties at the time when they became indistinguishable from each other.
2 前項の共有持分は、相等しいものと推定する。
(2) The co-ownership interests referred to in the preceding paragraph are presumed to be equal.
3 前二項の規定は、ある信託の受託者が他の信託の受託者を兼ねる場合において、各信託の信託財産に属する財産を識別することができなくなったとき(前条に規定する場合を除く。)について準用する。この場合において、第一項中「信託財産と固有財産と」とあるのは、「各信託の信託財産」と読み替えるものとする。
(3) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which a trustee of a trust also serves as a trustee of another trust, and the properties that come under trust properties of each of those trusts have become indistinguishable from each other (excluding the case prescribed in the preceding Article). In such a case, the phrase "the trust property and the trustee's own property" in paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "the trust properties of those trusts."
(Division of Properties in Co-ownership that Come Under Both Trust Property and Trustee's Own Property)
第十九条 受託者に属する特定の財産について、その共有持分が信託財産と固有財産とに属する場合には、次に掲げる方法により、当該財産の分割をすることができる。
Article 19 (1) If a co-ownership interest in a specific property that belongs to a trustee comes under both trust property and trustee's own property, the property may be divided by the following means:
一 信託行為において定めた方法
(i) the means specified by the terms of trust;
二 受託者と受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人)との協議による方法
(ii) by deliberation between the trustee and the beneficiary (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the trust administrator); and
三 分割をすることが信託の目的の達成のために合理的に必要と認められる場合であって、受益者の利益を害しないことが明らかであるとき、又は当該分割の信託財産に与える影響、当該分割の目的及び態様、受託者の受益者との実質的な利害関係の状況その他の事情に照らして正当な理由があるときは、受託者が決する方法
(iii) by decision of the trustee, if the division of the property is found to be reasonably necessary in order to achieve the purpose of the trust and it is obvious that the division will not harm the interests of the beneficiary, or if there are legitimate grounds in light of the impact of the division on the trust property, the purpose and manner of the division, the status of substantial relationship between the trustee and the beneficiary as interested parties, and other circumstances.
2 前項に規定する場合において、同項第二号の協議が調わないときその他同項各号に掲げる方法による分割をすることができないときは、受託者又は受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人)は、裁判所に対し、同項の共有物の分割を請求することができる。
(2) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the deliberation referred to in item (ii) of that paragraph does not reach an agreement or if it is otherwise not possible to divide the property by any of the means set forth in the items of that paragraph, the trustee or the beneficiary (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the trust administrator) may make a demand to the court for the division of the property in co-ownership referred to in that paragraph.
3 受託者に属する特定の財産について、その共有持分が信託財産と他の信託の信託財産とに属する場合には、次に掲げる方法により、当該財産の分割をすることができる。
(3) If a co-ownership interest in a specific property that belongs to a trustee is an interest that comes under both trust property and trust property of another trust, that property may be divided by the following means:
一 各信託の信託行為において定めた方法
(i) the means specified by the terms of trust for each trust;
二 各信託の受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人)の協議による方法
(ii) by deliberation between the beneficiaries of each trust (if there is a trust administrator for each trust at the time in question, the trust administrators); and
三 各信託について、分割をすることが信託の目的の達成のために合理的に必要と認められる場合であって、受益者の利益を害しないことが明らかであるとき、又は当該分割の信託財産に与える影響、当該分割の目的及び態様、受託者の受益者との実質的な利害関係の状況その他の事情に照らして正当な理由があるときは、各信託の受託者が決する方法
(iii) by decision of the trustees of each trust, if the division of the property is found to be reasonably necessary in order to achieve the purpose of each trust and it is obvious that the division will not harm the interest of the beneficiaries, or if there are legitimate grounds in light of the impact of the division on the trust property, the purpose and manner of the division, the status of substantial relationship between the trustees and the beneficiaries as interested parties, and other circumstances.
4 前項に規定する場合において、同項第二号の協議が調わないときその他同項各号に掲げる方法による分割をすることができないときは、各信託の受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人)は、裁判所に対し、同項の共有物の分割を請求することができる。
(4) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the deliberation referred to in item (ii) of that paragraph does not reach an agreement or if it is otherwise not possible to divide the property by any of the means set forth in the items of that paragraph, the beneficiary of each trust (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the trust administrator) may make a demand to the court for the division of the property in co-ownership referred to in that paragraph.
(Special Provisions on the Confusion of Property That Comes Under Trust Property)
第二十条 同一物について所有権及び他の物権が信託財産と固有財産又は他の信託の信託財産とにそれぞれ帰属した場合には、民法第百七十九条第一項本文の規定にかかわらず、当該他の物権は、消滅しない。
Article 20 (1) If ownership rights and any other real rights on the same property belongs to the trust property and the trustee's own property, or the trust property of another trust respectively, the other real rights will not be extinguished, notwithstanding the provisions of the main clause of Article 179, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code.
2 所有権以外の物権及びこれを目的とする他の権利が信託財産と固有財産又は他の信託の信託財産とにそれぞれ帰属した場合には、民法第百七十九条第二項前段の規定にかかわらず、当該他の権利は、消滅しない。
(2) If real rights other than ownership rights and any other rights for which the real rights are the object belongs to the trust property and the trustee's own property, or the trust property of another trust respectively, the other rights will not be extinguished, notwithstanding the provisions of the first sentence of Article 179, paragraph (2) of the Civil Code.
3 次に掲げる場合には、民法第五百二十条本文の規定にかかわらず、当該債権は、消滅しない。
(3) In the following cases, the claim will not be extinguished, notwithstanding the provisions of the main clause of Article 520 of the Civil Code:
一 信託財産に属する債権に係る債務が受託者に帰属した場合(信託財産責任負担債務となった場合を除く。)
(i) if an obligation related to a claim belonging to the trust property has been vested in the trustee (excluding cases in which the obligation has become an obligation covered by the trust property);
二 信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権が受託者に帰属した場合(当該債権が信託財産に属することとなった場合を除く。)
(ii) if a claim regarding an obligation covered by the trust property has been vested in the trustee (excluding cases in which the claim has come to belong to the trust property);
三 固有財産又は他の信託の信託財産に属する債権に係る債務が受託者に帰属した場合(信託財産責任負担債務となった場合に限る。)
(iii) if an obligation regarding a claim belonging to the trustee's own property or the trust property of another trust has been vested in the trustee (limited to cases in which the obligation has become an obligation covered by the trust property); and
四 受託者の債務(信託財産責任負担債務を除く。)に係る債権が受託者に帰属した場合(当該債権が信託財産に属することとなった場合に限る。)
(iv) if a claim regarding a trustee's obligation (excluding an obligation covered by the trust property) has been vested in the trustee (limited to cases in which the claim has come to belong to the trust property).
(Scope of Obligations Covered by the Trust Property)
第二十一条 次に掲げる権利に係る債務は、信託財産責任負担債務となる。
Article 21 (1) Obligations regarding the following claims are the obligations covered by the trust property:
一 受益債権
(i) beneficial claims;
二 信託財産に属する財産について信託前の原因によって生じた権利
(ii) a right arising on property that comes under trust property from a cause that occurred prior to the creation of the trust;
三 信託前に生じた委託者に対する債権であって、当該債権に係る債務を信託財産責任負担債務とする旨の信託行為の定めがあるもの
(iii) a claim arising against the settlor prior to the creation of the trust, for which it is provided for by the terms of trust that the obligation regarding the claim is to be an obligation covered by the trust property;
四 第百三条第一項又は第二項の規定による受益権取得請求権
(iv) a beneficiary's right to demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph (1) or (2);
五 信託財産のためにした行為であって受託者の権限に属するものによって生じた権利
(v) a right arising from an act performed in the interest of the trust property and which falls within the scope of the trustee's authority;
六 信託財産のためにした行為であって受託者の権限に属しないもののうち、次に掲げるものによって生じた権利
(vi) a right arising from any of the following acts performed in the interest of the trust property and which does not fall within the scope of the trustee's authority;
イ 第二十七条第一項又は第二項(これらの規定を第七十五条第四項において準用する場合を含む。ロにおいて同じ。)の規定により取り消すことができない行為(当該行為の相手方が、当該行為の当時、当該行為が信託財産のためにされたものであることを知らなかったもの(信託財産に属する財産について権利を設定し又は移転する行為を除く。)を除く。)
(a) an act that may not be rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (1) or (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 75, paragraph (4); the same applies in sub-item (b)) (excluding cases in which the other party to the act did not know, at the time of the act, that the act was being performed in the interest of the trust property (excluding the act of establishing or transferring a right on the property that comes under trust property));
ロ 第二十七条第一項又は第二項の規定により取り消すことができる行為であって取り消されていないもの
(b) an act that may be rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (1) or (2) and that has not been rescinded;
七 第三十一条第六項に規定する処分その他の行為又は同条第七項に規定する行為のうち、これらの規定により取り消すことができない行為又はこれらの規定により取り消すことができる行為であって取り消されていないものによって生じた権利
(vii) a right arising from a disposal or any other act prescribed in Article 31, paragraph (6) or from an act prescribed in paragraph (7) of that Article, which may not be rescinded pursuant to those provisions or which may be rescinded pursuant to those provisions that has not been rescinded;
八 受託者が信託事務を処理するについてした不法行為によって生じた権利
(viii) a right arising from a tort committed by the trustee in administering trust affairs; and
九 第五号から前号までに掲げるもののほか、信託事務の処理について生じた権利
(ix) beyond what is set forth in item (v) through the preceding item, a right arising from administering trust affairs.
2 信託財産責任負担債務のうち次に掲げる権利に係る債務について、受託者は、信託財産に属する財産のみをもってその履行の責任を負う。
(2) With regard to obligations for the following rights which fall under obligations covered by the trust property, a trustee is liable to perform those obligations only by using property that comes under trust property:
一 受益債権
(i) beneficial claims ;
二 信託行為に第二百十六条第一項の定めがあり、かつ、第二百三十二条の定めるところにより登記がされた場合における信託債権(信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権であって、受益債権でないものをいう。以下同じ。)
(ii) a trust claim (meaning a claim regarding an obligation covered by the trust property, other than a beneficial claim; the same applies hereinafter) in cases in which the terms of trust contain the provisions of Article 216, paragraph (1) and a registration has been made as provided for in Article 232;
三 前二号に掲げる場合のほか、この法律の規定により信託財産に属する財産のみをもってその履行の責任を負うものとされる場合における信託債権
(iii) beyond what is set forth in the preceding two items, a trust claim in cases in which the trustee is considered to be liable to perform the obligation only by using property that comes under trust property pursuant to the provisions of this Act; and
四 信託債権を有する者(以下「信託債権者」という。)との間で信託財産に属する財産のみをもってその履行の責任を負う旨の合意がある場合における信託債権
(iv) a trust claim in cases in which there is an agreement between the trustee and the holder of the trust claim (hereinafter referred to as the "trust creditor") to the effect that the trustee is to be liable to perform the obligation only by using property that comes under trust property.
(Restriction on Set-Off of Claims That Comes Under Trust Property)
第二十二条 受託者が固有財産又は他の信託の信託財産(第一号において「固有財産等」という。)に属する財産のみをもって履行する責任を負う債務(第一号及び第二号において「固有財産等責任負担債務」という。)に係る債権を有する者は、当該債権をもって信託財産に属する債権に係る債務と相殺をすることができない。ただし、次に掲げる場合は、この限りでない。
Article 22 (1) A person who holds a claim regarding an obligation which the trustee is liable to perform only by using property that comes under trustee's own property or trust property of another trust (referred to as the "trustee's own property or trust property" in item (i)) (the obligations are referred to as "obligations covered by trustee's own property only" in item (i) and item (ii)) is may not use that claim to set off the person's obligation regarding a claim belonging to the trust property; provided, however, that this does not apply in the following cases:
一 当該固有財産等責任負担債務に係る債権を有する者が、当該債権を取得した時又は当該信託財産に属する債権に係る債務を負担した時のいずれか遅い時において、当該信託財産に属する債権が固有財産等に属するものでないことを知らず、かつ、知らなかったことにつき過失がなかった場合
(i) if a person who holds the claim covered by the trustee's own property did not know and was not negligent in failing to know that the claim belonging to the trust property did not belong to the trustee's own property or trust property at the time when the person acquired the claim or when the person assumed the obligation for the claim belonging to the trust property, whichever occurred later; or
二 当該固有財産等責任負担債務に係る債権を有する者が、当該債権を取得した時又は当該信託財産に属する債権に係る債務を負担した時のいずれか遅い時において、当該固有財産等責任負担債務が信託財産責任負担債務でないことを知らず、かつ、知らなかったことにつき過失がなかった場合
(ii) if a person who holds the claim covered by the trustee's own property did not know and was not negligent in failing to know that the obligations covered by trustee's own property were not obligations covered by the trust property at the time when the person acquired the claim or when the person assumed the obligation for the claim belonging to the trust property, whichever occurred later.
2 前項本文の規定は、第三十一条第二項各号に掲げる場合において、受託者が前項の相殺を承認したときは、適用しない。
(2) The provisions of the main clause of the preceding paragraph do not apply to the cases set forth in the items of Article 31, paragraph (2), in which the trustee has approved the set-off referred to in that paragraph.
3 信託財産責任負担債務(信託財産に属する財産のみをもってその履行の責任を負うものに限る。)に係る債権を有する者は、当該債権をもって固有財産に属する債権に係る債務と相殺をすることができない。ただし、当該信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する者が、当該債権を取得した時又は当該固有財産に属する債権に係る債務を負担した時のいずれか遅い時において、当該固有財産に属する債権が信託財産に属するものでないことを知らず、かつ、知らなかったことにつき過失がなかった場合は、この限りでない。
(3) A person who holds the claim for an obligation covered by the trust property (limited to an obligation that the trustee is liable to perform only by using property that comes under trust property) may not use the claim to set off the person's obligation regarding a claim belonging to the trustee's own property; provided, however, that this does not apply if the person who holds the claim covered by the trust property did not know and was not negligent in failing to know that the claim belonging to the trustee's own property did not belong to the trust property at the time when the person acquired the claim or when the person assumed the obligation for the claim belonging to the trustee's own property, whichever occurred later.
4 前項本文の規定は、受託者が同項の相殺を承認したときは、適用しない。
(4) The provisions of the main clause of the preceding paragraph do not apply if the trustee has approved the set-off referred to in that paragraph.
(Restriction on Enforcement Against Property That Comes Under Trust Property)
第二十三条 信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権(信託財産に属する財産について生じた権利を含む。次項において同じ。)に基づく場合を除き、信託財産に属する財産に対しては、強制執行、仮差押え、仮処分若しくは担保権の実行若しくは競売(担保権の実行としてのものを除く。以下同じ。)又は国税滞納処分(その例による処分を含む。以下同じ。)をすることができない。
Article 23 (1) Except in the cases based on claims for an obligation covered by the trust property (including a right arising on property that comes under trust property; the same applies in the following paragraph), enforcement, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, exercise of a security right, or an auction (excluding an auction as the exercise of a security right; the same applies hereinafter), or collection of national tax delinquency (including a disposition made under the same rules; the same applies hereinafter) may not be exercised against property that comes under trust property.
2 第三条第三号に掲げる方法によって信託がされた場合において、委託者がその債権者を害することを知って当該信託をしたときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者のほか、当該委託者(受託者であるものに限る。)に対する債権で信託前に生じたものを有する者は、信託財産に属する財産に対し、強制執行、仮差押え、仮処分若しくは担保権の実行若しくは競売又は国税滞納処分をすることができる。
(2) If a trust has been created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (iii), when a settlor has created the trust knowing that it would harm settlor's creditors, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in addition to a creditor who holds a claim for an obligation covered by the trust property, a person who holds a claim against the settlor (limited to cases in which the settlor is a trustee) which has arisen prior to the creation of the trust may carry out enforcement, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, or exercise of a security right, or auction, or collection of national tax delinquency against property that comes under trust property.
3 第十一条第一項ただし書、第七項及び第八項の規定は、前項の規定の適用について準用する。
(3) The provisions of Article 11, the proviso to paragraph (1), paragraph (7), and paragraph (8) apply mutatis mutandis to the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
4 前二項の規定は、第二項の信託がされた時から二年間を経過したときは、適用しない。
(4) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply when two years have elapsed since the trust referred to in paragraph (2) has been created.
5 第一項又は第二項の規定に違反してされた強制執行、仮差押え、仮処分又は担保権の実行若しくは競売に対しては、受託者又は受益者は、異議を主張することができる。この場合においては、民事執行法(昭和五十四年法律第四号)第三十八条及び民事保全法(平成元年法律第九十一号)第四十五条の規定を準用する。
(5) A trustee or a beneficiary may assert an objection to enforcement, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, or exercise of a security right or auction that has been carried out in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2). In such a case, the provisions of Article 38 of the Civil Execution Act (Act No. 4 of 1979) and the provisions of Article 45 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act (Act No. 91 of 1989) apply mutatis mutandis.
6 第一項又は第二項の規定に違反してされた国税滞納処分に対しては、受託者又は受益者は、異議を主張することができる。この場合においては、当該異議の主張は、当該国税滞納処分について不服の申立てをする方法でする。
(6) A trustee or a beneficiary may assert an objection to the collection of national tax delinquency that has been carried out in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2). In such a case, the assertion of the objection is to be made by filing an appeal against the collection of national tax delinquency.
(Payment of Expenses or Remuneration)
第二十四条 前条第五項又は第六項の規定による異議に係る訴えを提起した受益者が勝訴(一部勝訴を含む。)した場合において、当該訴えに係る訴訟に関し、必要な費用(訴訟費用を除く。)を支出したとき又は弁護士、弁護士法人、司法書士若しくは司法書士法人に報酬を支払うべきときは、その費用又は報酬は、その額の範囲内で相当と認められる額を限度として、信託財産から支弁する。
Article 24 (1) If a beneficiary who has filed a suit to assert an objection under the provisions of paragraph (5) or (6) of the preceding Article has won the suit (including cases of partially winning the suit), when the beneficiary has paid any expenses (excluding court costs) that were necessary for the suit or is required to pay remuneration to an attorney-at-law, a legal professional corporation, a judicial scrivener, or a judicial scrivener corporation, the expenses or remuneration is to be paid from the trust property, up to the amount considered reasonable that does not exceed the actual amount.
2 前項の訴えを提起した受益者が敗訴した場合であっても、悪意があったときを除き、当該受益者は、受託者に対し、これによって生じた損害を賠償する義務を負わない。
(2) Even if the beneficiary who has filed the suit referred to in the preceding paragraph has lost the suit, the beneficiary is not liable to compensate the trustee for any damage arising from the suit, except in cases the beneficiary has acted in bad faith.
(Relationship between Trust Property and Bankruptcy Proceedings Against Trustees)
第二十五条 受託者が破産手続開始の決定を受けた場合であっても、信託財産に属する財産は、破産財団に属しない。
Article 25 (1) Even if a trustee has received an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, a property that comes under trust property is not to be included in the bankruptcy estate.
2 前項の場合には、受益債権は、破産債権とならない。信託債権であって受託者が信託財産に属する財産のみをもってその履行の責任を負うものも、同様とする。
(2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, a beneficial claim will not be treated as a bankruptcy claim. The same applies to a trust claim that the trustee is liable to satisfy only by using property that comes under trust property.
3 第一項の場合には、破産法第二百五十二条第一項の免責許可の決定による信託債権(前項に規定する信託債権を除く。)に係る債務の免責は、信託財産との関係においては、その効力を主張することができない。
(3) In the case referred to in paragraph (1), a discharge of an obligation regarding a trust claim (excluding a trust claim prescribed in the preceding paragraph) based on a discharge order referred to in Article 252, paragraph (1) of the Bankruptcy Act may not be asserted as effective in relation to the trust property.
4 受託者が再生手続開始の決定を受けた場合であっても、信託財産に属する財産は、再生債務者財産に属しない。
(4) Even if a trustee has received an order of commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, the property that comes under trust property is not to be included in the rehabilitation debtor's assets.
5 前項の場合には、受益債権は、再生債権とならない。信託債権であって受託者が信託財産に属する財産のみをもってその履行の責任を負うものも、同様とする。
(5) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, a beneficial claim will not be treated as a rehabilitation claim. The same applies to a trust claim that the trustee is liable to satisfy only by using property that comes under trust property.
6 第四項の場合には、再生計画、再生計画認可の決定又は民事再生法第二百三十五条第一項の免責の決定による信託債権(前項に規定する信託債権を除く。)に係る債務の免責又は変更は、信託財産との関係においては、その効力を主張することができない。
(6) In the case referred to in paragraph (4), a discharge of or a modification to an obligation regarding a trust claim (excluding a trust claim prescribed in the preceding paragraph) based on a rehabilitation plan, an order of confirmation of the rehabilitation plan, or a discharge order referred to in Article 235, paragraph (1) of the Civil Rehabilitation Act may not be asserted as effective in relation to the trust property.
7 前三項の規定は、受託者が更生手続開始の決定を受けた場合について準用する。この場合において、第四項中「再生債務者財産」とあるのは「更生会社財産(会社更生法第二条第十四項に規定する更生会社財産又は金融機関等の更生手続の特例等に関する法律第百六十九条第十四項に規定する更生会社財産をいう。)又は更生協同組織金融機関財産(同法第四条第十四項に規定する更生協同組織金融機関財産をいう。)」と、第五項中「再生債権」とあるのは「更生債権又は更生担保権」と、前項中「再生計画、再生計画認可の決定又は民事再生法第二百三十五条第一項の免責の決定」とあるのは「更生計画又は更生計画認可の決定」と読み替えるものとする。
(7) The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis when a trustee has received an order for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings. In such a case, the term "rehabilitation debtor's assets" in paragraph (4) is deemed to be replaced with "reorganizing company's assets (meaning a reorganizing company's assets as defined in Article 2, paragraph (14) of the Corporate Reorganization Act or a reorganizing company's assets prescribed in Article 169, paragraph (14) of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions) or the assets of a reorganizing cooperative financial institution (meaning the assets of a reorganizing cooperative financial institution prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (14) of the Act on Special Measures for Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions)," the term "rehabilitation claims" in paragraph (5) is deemed to be replaced with "reorganization claims or secured reorganization claims," and the phrase "a rehabilitation plan, an order of confirmation of the rehabilitation plan, or a discharge order referred to in Article 235, paragraph (1) of the Civil Rehabilitation Act" in the preceding paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "a reorganization plan or an order of confirmation of the reorganization plan".
第三章 受託者等
Chapter III Trustees
第一節 受託者の権限
Section 1 Trustee's Authority
(Scope of Trustee's Authority)
第二十六条 受託者は、信託財産に属する財産の管理又は処分及びその他の信託の目的の達成のために必要な行為をする権限を有する。ただし、信託行為によりその権限に制限を加えることを妨げない。
Article 26 A trustee has the authority to administer or dispose of property that comes under trust property and to perform any other acts that are necessary to achieve the purpose of the trust; provided, however, that this does not preclude the authority from being restricted by the terms of trust .
(Rescission of Acts Performed by Trustees Beyond Their Authority)
第二十七条 受託者が信託財産のためにした行為がその権限に属しない場合において、次のいずれにも該当するときは、受益者は、当該行為を取り消すことができる。
Article 27 (1) If an act performed by a trustee in the interest of the trust property does not fall within the scope of the trustee's authority, and all of the following conditions are met, a beneficiary may rescind that act,:
一 当該行為の相手方が、当該行為の当時、当該行為が信託財産のためにされたものであることを知っていたこと。
(i) the other party to the act knew, at the time of performing the act, that the act was performed in the interest of the trust property; and
二 当該行為の相手方が、当該行為の当時、当該行為が受託者の権限に属しないことを知っていたこと又は知らなかったことにつき重大な過失があったこと。
(ii) the other party to the act knew or was grossly negligent in failing to know, at the time of performing the act, that the act did not fall within the scope of the trustee's authority.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、受託者が信託財産に属する財産(第十四条の信託の登記又は登録をすることができるものに限る。)について権利を設定し又は移転した行為がその権限に属しない場合には、次のいずれにも該当するときに限り、受益者は、当該行為を取り消すことができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if an act performed by a trustee to establish or transfer a right for property that comes under trust property (limited to property for which a registration of trust referred to in Article 14 may be made) does not fall within the scope of trustee's authority, a beneficiary may rescind that act limited to cases in which all of the following conditions are met:
一 当該行為の当時、当該信託財産に属する財産について第十四条の信託の登記又は登録がされていたこと。
(i) at the time of performing the act, the registration of trust referred to in Article 14 existed with regard to the property that comes under trust property; and
二 当該行為の相手方が、当該行為の当時、当該行為が受託者の権限に属しないことを知っていたこと又は知らなかったことにつき重大な過失があったこと。
(ii) the other party to the act knew or was grossly negligent in failing to know, at the time of performing the act, that the act did not fall within the scope of the trustee's authority.
3 二人以上の受益者のうちの一人が前二項の規定による取消権を行使したときは、その取消しは、他の受益者のためにも、その効力を生ずる。
(3) If one of the two or more beneficiaries has exercised the right to rescind pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the rescission has the same effect on other beneficiaries.
4 第一項又は第二項の規定による取消権は、受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人)が取消しの原因があることを知った時から三箇月間行使しないときは、時効によって消滅する。行為の時から一年を経過したときも、同様とする。
(4) The right to rescind pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) is extinguished by prescription if it is not exercised within three months from the time when the beneficiary (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the trust administrator) becomes aware of the existence of the grounds for rescission. The same applies when one year has elapsed from the time of the act.
(Entrustment of Administration of Trust Affairs to a Third Party)
第二十八条 受託者は、次に掲げる場合には、信託事務の処理を第三者に委託することができる。
Article 28 In the following cases, a trustee may entrust the administration of trust affairs to a third party:
一 信託行為に信託事務の処理を第三者に委託する旨又は委託することができる旨の定めがあるとき。
(i) when it is provided by the terms of trust that the administration of trust affairs is to be entrusted or may be entrusted to a third party;
二 信託行為に信託事務の処理の第三者への委託に関する定めがない場合において、信託事務の処理を第三者に委託することが信託の目的に照らして相当であると認められるとき。
(ii) when the terms of trust does not contain a clause concerning the entrustment of the administration of trust affairs to a third party, and entrusting the administration of trust affairs to a third party is found to be appropriate in light of the purpose of the trust; and
三 信託行為に信託事務の処理を第三者に委託してはならない旨の定めがある場合において、信託事務の処理を第三者に委託することにつき信託の目的に照らしてやむを得ない事由があると認められるとき。
(iii) when it is provided by the terms of trust that the trustee may not entrust the administration of trust affairs to a third party, and compelling reasons are found to exist for entrusting the administration of trust affairs to a third party in light of the purpose of the trust.
第二節 受託者の義務等
Section 2 Obligations of Trustees
(Duty of Care of Trustees)
第二十九条 受託者は、信託の本旨に従い、信託事務を処理しなければならない。
Article 29 (1) A trustee must administer trust affairs in accordance with the main purpose of the trust.
2 受託者は、信託事務を処理するに当たっては、善良な管理者の注意をもって、これをしなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる注意をもって、これをするものとする。
(2) A trustee must administer trust affairs with the due care of a prudent manager; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the trustee must administer trust affairs with the care provided for in the terms of trust.
第三十条 受託者は、受益者のため忠実に信託事務の処理その他の行為をしなければならない。
Article 30 A trustee must administer trust affairs and perform other acts faithfully on behalf of a beneficiary.
(Restriction on Acts in Conflict of Interest)
第三十一条 受託者は、次に掲げる行為をしてはならない。
Article 31 (1) A trustee must not engage in the following acts:
一 信託財産に属する財産(当該財産に係る権利を含む。)を固有財産に帰属させ、又は固有財産に属する財産(当該財産に係る権利を含む。)を信託財産に帰属させること。
(i) to have property that comes under trust property (including any right for that property) to be included in the trustee's own property, or to have property that belongs to the trustee's own property (including any right for that property) to be included in the trust property;
二 信託財産に属する財産(当該財産に係る権利を含む。)を他の信託の信託財産に帰属させること。
(ii) to have property that comes under trust property (including any right for that property) to be included in the trust property of another trust;
三 第三者との間において信託財産のためにする行為であって、自己が当該第三者の代理人となって行うもの
(iii) an act performed for the trust property with a third party while serving as the third party's agent; and
四 信託財産に属する財産につき固有財産に属する財産のみをもって履行する責任を負う債務に係る債権を被担保債権とする担保権を設定することその他第三者との間において信託財産のためにする行為であって受託者又はその利害関係人と受益者との利益が相反することとなるもの
(iv) to establish a security right on property that comes under trust property in order to secure a claim related to an obligation that the trustee is liable to perform only by using property that comes under trustee's own property, or to perform any other act with a third party for the trust property that would create a conflict of interest between the trustee or their interested party and the beneficiary.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、次のいずれかに該当するときは、同項各号に掲げる行為をすることができる。ただし、第二号に掲げる事由にあっては、同号に該当する場合でも当該行為をすることができない旨の信託行為の定めがあるときは、この限りでない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in any of the following cases, a trustee may perform the acts set forth in the items of that paragraph; provided, however, that this does not apply to the case set forth in item (ii), if it is provided for by the terms of trust that the trustee may not perform the acts even in the case falling under that item:
一 信託行為に当該行為をすることを許容する旨の定めがあるとき。
(i) if it is provided for by the terms of trust that the trustee is allowed to perform the acts;
二 受託者が当該行為について重要な事実を開示して受益者の承認を得たとき。
(ii) if the trustee has disclosed material facts for those acts and obtained approval from the beneficiary for performing them;
三 相続その他の包括承継により信託財産に属する財産に係る権利が固有財産に帰属したとき。
(iii) if a right to property that comes under trust property has been included in the trustee's own property due to inheritance or any other universal succession; or
四 受託者が当該行為をすることが信託の目的の達成のために合理的に必要と認められる場合であって、受益者の利益を害しないことが明らかであるとき、又は当該行為の信託財産に与える影響、当該行為の目的及び態様、受託者の受益者との実質的な利害関係の状況その他の事情に照らして正当な理由があるとき。
(iv) if it is found reasonably necessary for the trustee to perform the acts in order to achieve the purpose of the trust, and it is obvious that the acts conducted by the trustee will not harm the interests of the beneficiary, or if there are legitimate grounds for the trustee to perform the acts in light of the impact on trust property, the purpose and manner of the acts, the status of substantial relationship between the trustee and the beneficiary as interested parties, and other circumstances.
3 受託者は、第一項各号に掲げる行為をしたときは、受益者に対し、当該行為についての重要な事実を通知しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) When having performed any of the acts set forth in the items of paragraph (1), the trustee must give notice of the material facts concerning that act to the beneficiary; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 第一項及び第二項の規定に違反して第一項第一号又は第二号に掲げる行為がされた場合には、これらの行為は、無効とする。
(4) If the acts set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii) are performed in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), those acts are null and void.
5 前項の行為は、受益者の追認により、当該行為の時にさかのぼってその効力を生ずる。
(5) The acts set forth in the preceding paragraph come into effect retroactively to the time of the act, if ratified by the beneficiary.
6 第四項に規定する場合において、受託者が第三者との間において第一項第一号又は第二号の財産について処分その他の行為をしたときは、当該第三者が同項及び第二項の規定に違反して第一項第一号又は第二号に掲げる行為がされたことを知っていたとき又は知らなかったことにつき重大な過失があったときに限り、受益者は、当該処分その他の行為を取り消すことができる。この場合においては、第二十七条第三項及び第四項の規定を準用する。
(6) In the case prescribed in paragraph (4), when the trustee has disposed of or performed any other act regarding the property set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii) with a third party, the beneficiary may rescind the disposal or other act only if the third party knew or was grossly negligent in failing to know that the act set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii) was performed in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2). In such a case, the provisions of Article 27, paragraphs (3) and (4) apply mutatis mutandis.
7 第一項及び第二項の規定に違反して第一項第三号又は第四号に掲げる行為がされた場合には、当該第三者がこれを知っていたとき又は知らなかったことにつき重大な過失があったときに限り、受益者は、当該行為を取り消すことができる。この場合においては、第二十七条第三項及び第四項の規定を準用する。
(7) If an act set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) or (iv) has been performed in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), the beneficiary may rescind the act only if the third party knew or was grossly negligent in failing to know that the act was performed in violation of those provisions. In such a case, the provisions of Article 27, paragraphs (3) and (4) apply mutatis mutandis.
第三十二条 受託者は、受託者として有する権限に基づいて信託事務の処理としてすることができる行為であってこれをしないことが受益者の利益に反するものについては、これを固有財産又は受託者の利害関係人の計算でしてはならない。
Article 32 (1) With regard to an act that a trustee may carry out in administering trust affairs based on their authority as a trustee, if the trustee's failure to perform the act would be contrary to the interests of a beneficiary, they may not perform the act on the account of the trustee's own property or on the account of an interested party of the trustee.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、次のいずれかに該当するときは、同項に規定する行為を固有財産又は受託者の利害関係人の計算ですることができる。ただし、第二号に掲げる事由にあっては、同号に該当する場合でも当該行為を固有財産又は受託者の利害関係人の計算ですることができない旨の信託行為の定めがあるときは、この限りでない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in any of the following cases, the trustee may perform the act prescribed in that paragraph on the account of the trustee's own property or on the account of the interested party of the trustee; provided, however, that this does not apply to the reason set forth in item (ii) if it is provided by the terms of trust that a trustee may not perform the act on the account of the trustee's own property or on the account of an interested party of the trustee even in the case falling under that item:
一 信託行為に当該行為を固有財産又は受託者の利害関係人の計算ですることを許容する旨の定めがあるとき。
(i) when it is provided by the terms of trust that the trustee is allowed to perform the act on the account of the trustee's own property or on the account of an interested party of the trustee; or
二 受託者が当該行為を固有財産又は受託者の利害関係人の計算ですることについて重要な事実を開示して受益者の承認を得たとき。
(ii) when the trustee has disclosed material facts and obtained approval from the beneficiary for performing the act on the account of the trustee's own property or on the account of an interested party of the trustee.
3 受託者は、第一項に規定する行為を固有財産又は受託者の利害関係人の計算でした場合には、受益者に対し、当該行為についての重要な事実を通知しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) when the trustee has performed the act prescribed in paragraph (1) on the account of the trustee's own property or on the account of an interested party of the trustee, the trustee must give a notice of the material facts concerning the act to the beneficiary; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 第一項及び第二項の規定に違反して受託者が第一項に規定する行為をした場合には、受益者は、当該行為は信託財産のためにされたものとみなすことができる。ただし、第三者の権利を害することはできない。
(4) If the trustee has performed an act prescribed in paragraph (1) in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), the beneficiary may deem that the act has been performed in the interest of the trust property; provided, however, that this may not harm the rights of a third party.
5 前項の規定による権利は、当該行為の時から一年を経過したときは、消滅する。
(5) The rights under the provisions of the preceding paragraph are extinguished when one year has elapsed from the time of the act.
第三十三条 受益者が二人以上ある信託においては、受託者は、受益者のために公平にその職務を行わなければならない。
Article 33 In the case of a trust with two or more beneficiaries, a trustee must impartially perform their duties on behalf of those beneficiaries.
(Obligation of Separate Management of Trust Property)
第三十四条 受託者は、信託財産に属する財産と固有財産及び他の信託の信託財産に属する財産とを、次の各号に掲げる財産の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める方法により、分別して管理しなければならない。ただし、分別して管理する方法について、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 34 (1) A trustee must manage trust property by separating property that comes under trust property from property that comes under trustee's own property and property that comes under trust property of other trusts by the means specified in the following items in accordance with the category of property prescribed in the respective items; provided, however, that if the terms of the trust otherwise provides for the means of separate management, the clause prevails:
一 第十四条の信託の登記又は登録をすることができる財産(第三号に掲げるものを除く。) 当該信託の登記又は登録
(i) property for which the registration of trust referred to in Article 14 may be made (excluding the property set forth in item (iii)): registration of the trust;
二 第十四条の信託の登記又は登録をすることができない財産(次号に掲げるものを除く。) 次のイ又はロに掲げる財産の区分に応じ、当該イ又はロに定める方法
(ii) property for which the registration of trust referred to in Article 14 may not be made (excluding the property set forth in the following item): the means specified in the following sub-item (a) or (b) in accordance with the category of property set forth in sub-item (a) or (b):
イ 動産(金銭を除く。) 信託財産に属する財産と固有財産及び他の信託の信託財産に属する財産とを外形上区別することができる状態で保管する方法
(a) movable property (excluding money): the means of retaining property in a manner in which it is possible to distinguish the property that comes under trust property from the property that comes under trustee's own property and property that comes under trust property of other trusts on sight; or
ロ 金銭その他のイに掲げる財産以外の財産 その計算を明らかにする方法
(b) money and property other than those set forth in sub-item (a): the means of clarifying their accounting; or
三 法務省令で定める財産 当該財産を適切に分別して管理する方法として法務省令で定めるもの
(iii) property specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice: the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice as means of managing property by appropriately separating the property.
2 前項ただし書の規定にかかわらず、同項第一号に掲げる財産について第十四条の信託の登記又は登録をする義務は、これを免除することができない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the proviso to the preceding paragraph, the trustee may not be exempted from the obligation of making the registration referred to in Article 14 for the property set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph.
(Obligation to Appoint and Supervise a Third Party in Entrusting Administration of Trust Affairs)
第三十五条 第二十八条の規定により信託事務の処理を第三者に委託するときは、受託者は、信託の目的に照らして適切な者に委託しなければならない。
Article 35 (1) When entrusting the administration of trust affairs to a third party pursuant to the provisions of Article 28, a trustee must entrust the administration to a suitable person in light of the purpose of the trust.
2 第二十八条の規定により信託事務の処理を第三者に委託したときは、受託者は、当該第三者に対し、信託の目的の達成のために必要かつ適切な監督を行わなければならない。
(2) When the trustee has entrusted the administration of trust affairs to a third party pursuant to the provisions of Article 28, the trustee must perform necessary and appropriate supervision over the third party in order to achieve the purpose of the trust.
3 受託者が信託事務の処理を次に掲げる第三者に委託したときは、前二項の規定は、適用しない。ただし、受託者は、当該第三者が不適任若しくは不誠実であること又は当該第三者による事務の処理が不適切であることを知ったときは、その旨の受益者に対する通知、当該第三者への委託の解除その他の必要な措置をとらなければならない。
(3) When the trustee has entrusted the administration of trust affairs to any of the following third parties, the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply; provided, however, that when the trustee becomes aware that the third party is unsuitable or unfaithful or that the administration of trust affairs by the third party is inappropriate, the trustee must give a notice to the beneficiary of that fact, cancel the entrustment to the third party, or take other necessary measures:
一 信託行為において指名された第三者
(i) a third party designated by the terms of trust; or
二 信託行為において受託者が委託者又は受益者の指名に従い信託事務の処理を第三者に委託する旨の定めがある場合において、当該定めに従い指名された第三者
(ii) if it is provided by the terms of trust that the administration of trust affairs is to be entrusted to a third party designated by the settlor or the beneficiary, the third party designated pursuant to the clause.
4 前項ただし書の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the proviso to the preceding paragraph, if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Obligation to Report on the Status of Administration of Trust Affairs)
第三十六条 委託者又は受益者は、受託者に対し、信託事務の処理の状況並びに信託財産に属する財産及び信託財産責任負担債務の状況について報告を求めることができる。
Article 36 A settlor or a beneficiary may request a trustee to report on the status of administration of trust affairs as well as the status of property that comes under trust property and the obligation covered by the trust property.
(Obligation to Prepare, Report On, and Preserve Books)
第三十七条 受託者は、信託事務に関する計算並びに信託財産に属する財産及び信託財産責任負担債務の状況を明らかにするため、法務省令で定めるところにより、信託財産に係る帳簿その他の書類又は電磁的記録を作成しなければならない。
Article 37 (1) The trustee must prepare books and other documents or electronic or magnetic records relating to the trust property, as provided for by Order of the Ministry of Justice, in order to clarify the accounting on trust affairs as well as the status of property that comes under trust property and the obligation covered by the trust property.
2 受託者は、毎年一回、一定の時期に、法務省令で定めるところにより、貸借対照表、損益計算書その他の法務省令で定める書類又は電磁的記録を作成しなければならない。
(2) The trustee must prepare a balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and any other documents or electronic or magnetic records specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice once each year at a fixed time, as provided for by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
3 受託者は、前項の書類又は電磁的記録を作成したときは、その内容について受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人)に報告しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) When the trustee has prepared the documents or electronic or magnetic records referred to in the preceding paragraph, the trustee must report their content to a beneficiary (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, to the trust administrator); provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 受託者は、第一項の書類又は電磁的記録を作成した場合には、その作成の日から十年間(当該期間内に信託の清算の結了があったときは、その日までの間。次項において同じ。)、当該書類(当該書類に代えて電磁的記録を法務省令で定める方法により作成した場合にあっては、当該電磁的記録)又は電磁的記録(当該電磁的記録に代えて書面を作成した場合にあっては、当該書面)を保存しなければならない。ただし、受益者(二人以上の受益者が現に存する場合にあってはそのすべての受益者、信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては信託管理人。第六項ただし書において同じ。)に対し、当該書類若しくはその写しを交付し、又は当該電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により提供したときは、この限りでない。
(4) When the trustee has prepared the documents or electronic or magnetic records referred to in paragraph (1), the trustee must preserve the documents (if electronic or magnetic records are prepared in lieu of those documents by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice, the electronic or magnetic records) or the electronic or magnetic records (if documents are prepared in lieu of those electronic or magnetic records, the documents) for ten years from the date of preparation (or until the date of the completion of the liquidation of the trust if this occurs within that ten-year period; the same applies in the following paragraph); provided, however, that this does not apply if the trustee has delivered those documents or their copies to the beneficiary (if there are two or more beneficiaries at the time in question, to all beneficiaries; if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, to the trust administrator; the same applies in the proviso to paragraph (6)), or has provided the beneficiary with information recorded in those electronic or magnetic records by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
5 受託者は、信託財産に属する財産の処分に係る契約書その他の信託事務の処理に関する書類又は電磁的記録を作成し、又は取得した場合には、その作成又は取得の日から十年間、当該書類(当該書類に代えて電磁的記録を法務省令で定める方法により作成した場合にあっては、当該電磁的記録)又は電磁的記録(当該電磁的記録に代えて書面を作成した場合にあっては、当該書面)を保存しなければならない。この場合においては、前項ただし書の規定を準用する。
(5) When the trustee has prepared or acquired a written contract relating to the disposal of property that comes under trust property or any other documents or electronic or magnetic records concerning the administration of trust affairs, the trustee must preserve the documents (if electronic or magnetic records are prepared in lieu of those documents by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice, the electronic or magnetic records) or the electronic or magnetic records (if documents are prepared in lieu of those electronic or magnetic records, the documents) for ten years from the date of the preparation or acquisition. In such a case, the provisions of the proviso to the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis.
6 受託者は、第二項の書類又は電磁的記録を作成した場合には、信託の清算の結了の日までの間、当該書類(当該書類に代えて電磁的記録を法務省令で定める方法により作成した場合にあっては、当該電磁的記録)又は電磁的記録(当該電磁的記録に代えて書面を作成した場合にあっては、当該書面)を保存しなければならない。ただし、その作成の日から十年間を経過した後において、受益者に対し、当該書類若しくはその写しを交付し、又は当該電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により提供したときは、この限りでない。
(6) When the trustee has prepared the documents or electronic or magnetic records referred to in paragraph (2), the trustee must preserve the documents (if electronic or magnetic records are prepared in lieu of those documents by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice, the electronic or magnetic records) or the electronic or magnetic records (if documents are prepared in lieu of those electronic or magnetic records, the documents) until the date of the completion of the liquidation of the trust; provided, however that this does not apply if the trustee has, after ten years have elapsed from the date of their preparation, delivered those documents or their copies to the beneficiary, or has provided the beneficiary with information recorded in those electronic or magnetic records by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
(Request to Inspect Books and Other Requests)
第三十八条 受益者は、受託者に対し、次に掲げる請求をすることができる。この場合においては、当該請求の理由を明らかにしてしなければならない。
Article 38 (1) A beneficiary may make the following requests to a trustee. In such a case, the beneficiary must clarify the reasons for the request.
一 前条第一項又は第五項の書類の閲覧又は謄写の請求
(i) a request to inspect or copy the documents referred to in paragraph (1) or (5) of the preceding Article; and
二 前条第一項又は第五項の電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により表示したものの閲覧又は謄写の請求
(ii) a request to inspect or copy an object that displays the information recorded in the electronic or magnetic records referred to in paragraph (1) or (5) of the preceding Article by a means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
2 前項の請求があったときは、受託者は、次のいずれかに該当すると認められる場合を除き、これを拒むことができない。
(2) If the request referred to in the preceding paragraph is made, the trustee may not refuse the request unless it is found that any of the following cases applies:
一 当該請求を行う者(以下この項において「請求者」という。)がその権利の確保又は行使に関する調査以外の目的で請求を行ったとき。
(i) if the person making the request (hereinafter referred to as the "requester" in this paragraph) has made the request for purposes other than conducting an investigation for securing or exercising their rights;
二 請求者が不適当な時に請求を行ったとき。
(ii) if the requester has made the request at an inappropriate time;
三 請求者が信託事務の処理を妨げ、又は受益者の共同の利益を害する目的で請求を行ったとき。
(iii) if the requester has made the request for the purpose of obstructing the administration of trust affairs or harming the common interests of the beneficiaries;
四 請求者が当該信託に係る業務と実質的に競争関係にある事業を営み、又はこれに従事するものであるとき。
(iv) if the requester conducts or engages in business which is substantially in competition with the business related to the trust;
五 請求者が前項の規定による閲覧又は謄写によって知り得た事実を利益を得て第三者に通報するため請求したとき。
(v) if the requester has made the request in order to notify a third party of the facts that the requester learned by inspecting or copying documents or any other object pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph for profit; or
六 請求者が、過去二年以内において、前項の規定による閲覧又は謄写によって知り得た事実を利益を得て第三者に通報したことがあるものであるとき。
(vi) if the requester has notified a third party of the facts learned by inspecting or copying documents or any other object pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph for profit, within the past two years.
3 前項(第一号及び第二号を除く。)の規定は、受益者が二人以上ある信託のすべての受益者から第一項の請求があったとき、又は受益者が一人である信託の当該受益者から同項の請求があったときは、適用しない。
(3) The provisions of the preceding paragraph (excluding item (i) and item (ii)) do not apply when the request referred to in paragraph (1) is made by all beneficiaries of the trust that has two or more beneficiaries, or when the request referred to in that paragraph is made by the beneficiary of the trust that has one beneficiary.
4 信託行為において、次に掲げる情報以外の情報について、受益者が同意をしたときは第一項の規定による閲覧又は謄写の請求をすることができない旨の定めがある場合には、当該同意をした受益者(その承継人を含む。以下この条において同じ。)は、その同意を撤回することができない。
(4) If it is provided by the terms of trust that a request to inspect or copy documents or any other object under the provisions of paragraph (1) may not be made for information other than the following information when a beneficiary has given consent, the beneficiary who has given the consent (including the beneficiary's successor; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) is not allowed to withdraw the consent:
一 前条第二項の書類又は電磁的記録の作成に欠くことのできない情報その他の信託に関する重要な情報
(i) information that is indispensable for preparing the documents or electronic or magnetic records referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article or other material information concerning the trust; and
二 当該受益者以外の者の利益を害するおそれのない情報
(ii) information that is unlikely to harm the interests of any person other than the beneficiary.
5 受託者は、前項の同意をした受益者から第一項の規定による閲覧又は謄写の請求があったときは、前項各号に掲げる情報に該当する部分を除き、これを拒むことができる。
(5) Upon receiving a request to inspect or copy documents or any other object under the provisions of paragraph (1) from the beneficiary who has given the consent referred to in the preceding paragraph, the trustee may refuse the request, except for the part that falls under the information set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph.
6 利害関係人は、受託者に対し、次に掲げる請求をすることができる。
(6) An interested party may make the following requests to the trustee:
一 前条第二項の書類の閲覧又は謄写の請求
(i) a request to inspect or copy the documents referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article; and
二 前条第二項の電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により表示したものの閲覧又は謄写の請求
(ii) a request to inspect or copy an object that displays the information recorded in the electronic or magnetic records referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
(Request for Disclosure of Names of Other Beneficiaries)
第三十九条 受益者が二人以上ある信託においては、受益者は、受託者に対し、次に掲げる事項を相当な方法により開示することを請求することができる。この場合においては、当該請求の理由を明らかにしてしなければならない。
Article 39 (1) In the case of a trust with two or more beneficiaries, each beneficiary may request that a trustee disclose the following particulars by appropriate means. In such a case, the beneficiary must clarify the reasons for the request.
一 他の受益者の氏名又は名称及び住所
(i) the names and addresses of the other beneficiaries; and
二 他の受益者が有する受益権の内容
(ii) the content of the beneficial interest held by other beneficiaries.
2 前項の請求があったときは、受託者は、次のいずれかに該当すると認められる場合を除き、これを拒むことができない。
(2) If the request referred to in the preceding paragraph is made, the trustee may not refuse the request unless it is found that any of the following cases applies:
一 当該請求を行う者(以下この項において「請求者」という。)がその権利の確保又は行使に関する調査以外の目的で請求を行ったとき。
(i) if the person making that request (hereinafter referred to as the "requester" in this paragraph) has made the request for purposes other than conducting an investigation for securing or exercising their rights;
二 請求者が不適当な時に請求を行ったとき。
(ii) if the requester has made the request at an inappropriate time;
三 請求者が信託事務の処理を妨げ、又は受益者の共同の利益を害する目的で請求を行ったとき。
(iii) if the requester has made the request for the purpose of obstructing the administration of trust affairs or harming the common interests of the beneficiaries;
四 請求者が前項の規定による開示によって知り得た事実を利益を得て第三者に通報するため請求を行ったとき。
(iv) if the requester has made the request in order to notify a third party of the facts learned by the disclosure under the provisions of the preceding paragraph for profit; or
五 請求者が、過去二年以内において、前項の規定による開示によって知り得た事実を利益を得て第三者に通報したことがあるものであるとき。
(v) if the requester has notified a third party of the facts learned by the disclosure under the provisions of the preceding paragraph for profit, within the past two years.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if it is otherwise provided by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
第三節 受託者の責任等
Section 3 Trustee's Liabilities
(Trustee's Liability to Compensate for Losses)
第四十条 受託者がその任務を怠ったことによって次の各号に掲げる場合に該当するに至ったときは、受益者は、当該受託者に対し、当該各号に定める措置を請求することができる。ただし、第二号に定める措置にあっては、原状の回復が著しく困難であるとき、原状の回復をするのに過分の費用を要するとき、その他受託者に原状の回復をさせることを不適当とする特別の事情があるときは、この限りでない。
Article 40 (1) If any of the cases set forth in the following items has occurred due to a trustee's breach of the duties, a beneficiary may demand that the trustee take the measures specified in the respective items; provided, however, that this does not apply to the measures specified in item (ii), if it is extremely difficult to restore the trust property, if the restoration requires excessive expenses, or if there are other special circumstances in which it is inappropriate to have the trustee restore the trust property:
一 信託財産に損失が生じた場合 当該損失のてん補
(i) if any loss has occurred to the trust property: compensation for the loss; and
二 信託財産に変更が生じた場合 原状の回復
(ii) if any change has occurred to the trust property: restoration of the trust property.
2 受託者が第二十八条の規定に違反して信託事務の処理を第三者に委託した場合において、信託財産に損失又は変更を生じたときは、受託者は、第三者に委託をしなかったとしても損失又は変更が生じたことを証明しなければ、前項の責任を免れることができない。
(2) If the trustee has entrusted the administration of trust affairs to a third party in violation of the provisions of Article 28, and a loss or change has occurred to the trust property, the trustee may not be exempted from the liability referred to in the preceding paragraph unless the trustee proves that the loss or change would have occurred even if the trustee had not entrusted the administration of trust affairs to a third party.
3 受託者が第三十条、第三十一条第一項及び第二項又は第三十二条第一項及び第二項の規定に違反する行為をした場合には、受託者は、当該行為によって受託者又はその利害関係人が得た利益の額と同額の損失を信託財産に生じさせたものと推定する。
(3) If the trustee has performed an act in violation of the provisions of Article 30, Article 31, paragraphs (1) and (2), or Article 32, paragraphs (1) and (2), the trustee is presumed to have caused a loss to the trust property in the same amount as the amount of the profit obtained by the trustee or an interested party of the trustee as a result of that act.
4 受託者が第三十四条の規定に違反して信託財産に属する財産を管理した場合において、信託財産に損失又は変更を生じたときは、受託者は、同条の規定に従い分別して管理をしたとしても損失又は変更が生じたことを証明しなければ、第一項の責任を免れることができない。
(4) If the trustee has administered property that comes under trust property in violation of the provisions of Article 34, and a loss or change has occurred to the trust property, the trustee may not be exempted from the liability referred to in paragraph (1) unless the trustee proves that the loss or change would have occurred even if the trustee had separately managed the property in accordance with the provisions of that Article.
(Joint and Several Liability of Officers of Trustee That Is a Corporation)
第四十一条 法人である受託者の理事、取締役若しくは執行役又はこれらに準ずる者は、当該法人が前条の規定による責任を負う場合において、当該法人が行った法令又は信託行為の定めに違反する行為につき悪意又は重大な過失があるときは、受益者に対し、当該法人と連帯して、損失のてん補又は原状の回復をする責任を負う。
Article 41 If a trustee that is a corporation assumes the liability under the provisions of the preceding Article, when the corporation has acted in bad faith or with gross negligence in violating laws and regulations or the provisions of the terms of trust, the trustee's director, company director, executive officer, or any other person equivalent to them is liable to compensate the beneficiary for any loss incurred in the trust property or to restore the trust property jointly and severally with the corporation.
(Exemption from Liability to Compensate for Losses)
第四十二条 受益者は、次に掲げる責任を免除することができる。
Article 42 A beneficiary may exempt a trustee from the following liabilities:
一 第四十条の規定による責任
(i) liability under the provisions of Article 40; and
二 前条の規定による責任
(ii) liability under the provisions of the preceding Article.
(Limitation to the Period for Claims Regarding Liability to Compensate for Losses)
第四十三条 第四十条の規定による責任に係る債権の消滅時効は、債務の不履行によって生じた責任に係る債権の消滅時効の例による。
Article 43 (1) The extinctive prescription of a claim regarding liability under the provisions of Article 40 is governed by the provisions on extinctive prescription of claims regarding liability arising from the failure to perform an obligation.
2 第四十一条の規定による責任に係る債権は、次に掲げる場合には、時効によって消滅する。
(2) The claim regarding liability under the provisions of Article 41 is extinguished by prescription in the following cases:
一 受益者が当該債権を行使することができることを知った時から五年間行使しないとき。
(i) if the beneficiary does not exercise the claim for five years from the time they came to know that the claim may be exercised;
二 当該債権を行使することができる時から十年間行使しないとき。
(ii) if the beneficiary does not exercise the claim for ten years from the time the claim may be exercised.
3 第四十条又は第四十一条の規定による責任に係る受益者の債権の消滅時効は、受益者が受益者としての指定を受けたことを知るに至るまでの間(受益者が現に存しない場合にあっては、信託管理人が選任されるまでの間)は、進行しない。
(3) The period of the extinctive prescription of a beneficiary's claim regarding liability under the provisions of Article 40 or Article 41 does not begin to run until the beneficiary becomes aware that the beneficiary has been designated as beneficiary (if there is no beneficiary at the time in question, until a trust administrator is appointed).
4 前項に規定する債権は、受託者がその任務を怠ったことによって信託財産に損失又は変更が生じた時から二十年を経過したときは、消滅する。
(4) The claim prescribed in the preceding paragraph is extinguished when 20 years have elapsed from the time a loss or change has occurred to the trust property due to the trustee's breach of duties.
(Cessation of Trustee's Acts by a Beneficiary)
第四十四条 受託者が法令若しくは信託行為の定めに違反する行為をし、又はこれらの行為をするおそれがある場合において、当該行為によって信託財産に著しい損害が生ずるおそれがあるときは、受益者は、当該受託者に対し、当該行為をやめることを請求することができる。
Article 44 (1) If a trustee has performed an act or is likely to perform an act that violates laws and regulations or the provisions of the terms of trust, and the act is likely to cause extreme harm to the trust property, a beneficiary may demand that the trustee cease that act.
2 受託者が第三十三条の規定に違反する行為をし、又はこれをするおそれがある場合において、当該行為によって一部の受益者に著しい損害が生ずるおそれがあるときは、当該受益者は、当該受託者に対し、当該行為をやめることを請求することができる。
(2) If a trustee has performed an act or is likely to perform an act that violates the provisions of Article 33, and the act is likely to cause extreme harm to some of the beneficiaries, those beneficiaries may demand that the trustee cease that act.
(Payment of Expenses or Remuneration)
第四十五条 第四十条、第四十一条又は前条の規定による請求に係る訴えを提起した受益者が勝訴(一部勝訴を含む。)した場合において、当該訴えに係る訴訟に関し、必要な費用(訴訟費用を除く。)を支出したとき又は弁護士、弁護士法人、司法書士若しくは司法書士法人に報酬を支払うべきときは、その費用又は報酬は、その額の範囲内で相当と認められる額を限度として、信託財産から支弁する。
Article 45 (1) If a beneficiary who has filed a suit regarding the demand under the provisions of Article 40, Article 41, or the preceding Article has won the suit (including cases of partially winning the suit), when the beneficiary has paid any expenses (excluding court costs) that were necessary for the suit or if the beneficiary is required to pay remunerations to an attorney-at-law, a legal professional corporation, a judicial scrivener, or a judicial scrivener corporation, the expenses or remuneration is to be paid from the trust property, up to the amount considered reasonable that does not exceed the actual amount.
2 前項の訴えを提起した受益者が敗訴した場合であっても、悪意があったときを除き、当該受益者は、受託者に対し、これによって生じた損害を賠償する義務を負わない。
(2) Even if the beneficiary who filed the suit referred to in the preceding paragraph has lost the suit, the beneficiary is not liable to compensate the trustee for any damage arising from the suit, except in cases the beneficiary has acted in bad faith.
(Appointment of Inspectors)
第四十六条 受託者の信託事務の処理に関し、不正の行為又は法令若しくは信託行為の定めに違反する重大な事実があることを疑うに足りる事由があるときは、受益者は、信託事務の処理の状況並びに信託財産に属する財産及び信託財産責任負担債務の状況を調査させるため、裁判所に対し、検査役の選任の申立てをすることができる。
Article 46 (1) If there are sufficient grounds to suspect misconduct or material facts that constitute violation of laws and regulations or the clauses of the terms of trust in connection with the administration of trust affairs by a trustee, a beneficiary may file a petition with the court for the appointment of an inspector in order to have the inspector investigate the status of the administration of trust affairs as well as the status of property that comes under trust property and the obligation covered by the trust property.
2 前項の申立てがあった場合には、裁判所は、これを不適法として却下する場合を除き、検査役を選任しなければならない。
(2) If the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph is filed, the court must appoint an inspector, except for cases it dismisses the petition as being unlawful.
3 第一項の申立てを却下する裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(3) A judicial decision dismissing the petition referred to in paragraph (1) must include the reasons for that decision.
4 第一項の規定による検査役の選任の裁判に対しては、不服を申し立てることができない。
(4) No appeal may be entered against the judicial decision on the appointment of an inspector under the provisions of paragraph (1).
5 第二項の検査役は、信託財産から裁判所が定める報酬を受けることができる。
(5) The inspector set forth in paragraph (2) may receive remuneration determined by the court from the trust property.
6 前項の規定による検査役の報酬を定める裁判をする場合には、受託者及び第二項の検査役の陳述を聴かなければならない。
(6) Before making the judicial decision to determine the remuneration for the inspector under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the court must hear statements from the trustee and the inspector referred to in paragraph (2).
7 第五項の規定による検査役の報酬を定める裁判に対しては、受託者及び第二項の検査役に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(7) Only a trustee or an inspector referred to in paragraph (2) may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision that determines the remuneration for the inspector pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5).
第四十七条 前条第二項の検査役は、その職務を行うため必要があるときは、受託者に対し、信託事務の処理の状況並びに信託財産に属する財産及び信託財産責任負担債務の状況について報告を求め、又は当該信託に係る帳簿、書類その他の物件を調査することができる。
Article 47 (1) If it is necessary for the performance of duties, the inspector referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article may request that a trustee report on the status of the administration of trust affairs as well as the status of the property that comes under trust property and the obligation covered by the trust property, or may investigate the books, documents, and any other articles regarding the trust.
2 前条第二項の検査役は、必要な調査を行い、当該調査の結果を記載し、又は記録した書面又は電磁的記録(法務省令で定めるものに限る。)を裁判所に提供して報告をしなければならない。
(2) The inspector referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article must conduct the necessary investigation, and must make a report to the court by submitting documents or electronic or magnetic records (limited to those specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice) in which the results of the investigation are entered or recorded.
3 裁判所は、前項の報告について、その内容を明瞭にし、又はその根拠を確認するため必要があると認めるときは、前条第二項の検査役に対し、更に前項の報告を求めることができる。
(3) If the court finds it necessary for clarifying the content of the report or confirming the basis of the report referred to in the preceding paragraph, it may request the inspector referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article to make a further report referred to in the preceding paragraph.
4 前条第二項の検査役は、第二項の報告をしたときは、受託者及び同条第一項の申立てをした受益者に対し、第二項の書面の写しを交付し、又は同項の電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により提供しなければならない。
(4) When the inspector referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article has made the report referred to in paragraph (2), the inspector must deliver a copy of the documents referred to in paragraph (2) to the trustee and the beneficiary who filed the petition referred to in paragraph (1) of that Article, or must provide them with the information recorded in the electronic or magnetic records referred to in paragraph (2) by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
5 受託者は、前項の規定による書面の写しの交付又は電磁的記録に記録された事項の法務省令で定める方法による提供があったときは、直ちに、その旨を受益者(前条第一項の申立てをしたものを除く。次項において同じ。)に通知しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(5) If the trustee has received a copy of the documents or the information recorded in the electronic or magnetic records by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the trustee must immediately give notice of that fact to the beneficiaries (excluding the beneficiary who filed the petition referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article; the same applies in the following paragraph); provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
6 裁判所は、第二項の報告があった場合において、必要があると認めるときは、受託者に対し、同項の調査の結果を受益者に通知することその他の当該報告の内容を周知するための適切な措置をとるべきことを命じなければならない。
(6) If the report referred to in paragraph (2) has been made, when the court finds it necessary, it must order the trustee to give notice of the results of the investigation referred to in that paragraph to the beneficiary or to take any other appropriate measures to make the content of the report known to the public.
第四節 受託者の費用等及び信託報酬等
Section 4 Expenses and Trust Fees for Trustees
(Reimbursement of Expenses from Trust Property)
第四十八条 受託者は、信託事務を処理するのに必要と認められる費用を固有財産から支出した場合には、信託財産から当該費用及び支出の日以後におけるその利息(以下「費用等」という。)の償還を受けることができる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 48 (1) If a trustee has paid the expenses that are found necessary for the administration of trust affairs from the trustee's own property, the trustee may receive reimbursement for those expenses and their interest that has accrued from the date of payment (hereinafter referred to as the "expenses and interest") from the trust property; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 受託者は、信託事務を処理するについて費用を要するときは、信託財産からその前払を受けることができる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(2) If the expenses for the administration of trust affairs are required, the trustee may receive advance payment from the trust property; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
3 受託者は、前項本文の規定により信託財産から費用の前払を受けるには、受益者に対し、前払を受ける額及びその算定根拠を通知しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) In order to receive advance payment of expenses from the trust property pursuant to the provisions of the main clause of the preceding paragraph, the trustee must give notice to the beneficiary of the amount of advance payment to be received and the basis for the calculation of that amount; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 第一項又は第二項の規定にかかわらず、費用等の償還又は費用の前払は、受託者が第四十条の規定による責任を負う場合には、これを履行した後でなければ、受けることができない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), if the trustee has assumed obligations under the provisions of Article 40, the trustee may not receive reimbursement for the expenses and interest or advance payment of expenses until after the trustee performs those obligations; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
5 第一項又は第二項の場合には、受託者が受益者との間の合意に基づいて当該受益者から費用等の償還又は費用の前払を受けることを妨げない。
(5) In the case referred to in paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), the trustee is not prevented from receiving reimbursement for expenses and interest or advance payment of expenses from the beneficiary based on an agreement between the trustee and the beneficiary.
(Means of Reimbursement for Expenses and Interest)
第四十九条 受託者は、前条第一項又は第二項の規定により信託財産から費用等の償還又は費用の前払を受けることができる場合には、その額の限度で、信託財産に属する金銭を固有財産に帰属させることができる。
Article 49 (1) If a trustee may receive reimbursement for expenses and interest or advance payment of expenses from the trust property pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article, the trustee may have money that belongs to the trust property to be included in the trustee's own property, to the extent of the amount receivable.
2 前項に規定する場合において、必要があるときは、受託者は、信託財産に属する財産(当該財産を処分することにより信託の目的を達成することができないこととなるものを除く。)を処分することができる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(2) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when necessary to do so, the trustee may dispose of property that comes under trust property (excluding the case in which it will not be possible to achieve the purpose of the trust by disposal); provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
3 第一項に規定する場合において、第三十一条第二項各号のいずれかに該当するときは、受託者は、第一項の規定により有する権利の行使に代えて、信託財産に属する財産で金銭以外のものを固有財産に帰属させることができる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), if any of the items of Article 31, paragraph (2) apply, the trustee may have property that comes under trust property other than money to be included in the trustee's own property, in lieu of exercising the right held pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1); provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 第一項の規定により受託者が有する権利は、信託財産に属する財産に対し強制執行又は担保権の実行の手続が開始したときは、これらの手続との関係においては、金銭債権とみなす。
(4) If proceedings are commenced for enforcement against, or for the exercise of a security right of, property that comes under trust property, the right that the trustee holds pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) is deemed to be a monetary claim in relation to those proceedings.
5 前項の場合には、同項に規定する権利の存在を証する文書により当該権利を有することを証明した受託者も、同項の強制執行又は担保権の実行の手続において、配当要求をすることができる。
(5) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the trustee who has proved to have the right prescribed in that paragraph by means of a document certifying the existence of that right may also demand a distribution in the proceedings for enforcement or for exercise of a security right referred to in that paragraph.
6 各債権者(信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者に限る。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の共同の利益のためにされた信託財産に属する財産の保存、清算又は配当に関する費用等について第一項の規定により受託者が有する権利は、第四項の強制執行又は担保権の実行の手続において、他の債権者(当該費用等がすべての債権者に有益でなかった場合にあっては、当該費用等によって利益を受けていないものを除く。)の権利に優先する。この場合においては、その順位は、民法第三百七条第一項に規定する先取特権と同順位とする。
(6) The right that the trustee has pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) concerning expenses and interest for the preservation, liquidation, or distribution of the property that comes under trust property, which has been implemented in the common interest of the creditors (limited to creditors who hold claims regarding the obligation covered by the trust property; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph and the following paragraph) prevails over the rights of other creditors (in cases in which the expenses and interest were not beneficial to all creditors, those who did not benefit from the expenses and interest are excluded) in the proceedings for enforcement or for exercise of a security right referred to in paragraph (4). In such a case, the right has the same rank in the order of priority as a statutory lien prescribed in Article 307, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code.
7 次の各号に該当する費用等について第一項の規定により受託者が有する権利は、当該各号に掲げる区分に応じ、当該各号の財産に係る第四項の強制執行又は担保権の実行の手続において、当該各号に定める金額について、他の債権者の権利に優先する。
(7) The right that the trustee holds pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) concerning the expenses and interest which fall under the following items prevails over the rights of other creditors for the amount specified in the respective items in accordance with the category of expenses set forth in the items in the proceedings for enforcement against or for the exercise of a security right referred to in paragraph (4) for the property:
一 信託財産に属する財産の保存のために支出した金額その他の当該財産の価値の維持のために必要であると認められるもの その金額
(i) the amount of expenses paid for the preservation of property that comes under trust property or any other amount that is found to be necessary for maintaining the value of that property: that amount; and
二 信託財産に属する財産の改良のために支出した金額その他の当該財産の価値の増加に有益であると認められるもの その金額又は現に存する増価額のいずれか低い金額
(ii) the amount of expenses paid for improving the property that comes under trust property or any other amount that is found to be beneficial for increasing the value of that property: that amount or the amount of the increase in value at the time in question, whichever is smaller.
(Subrogation of Trustees through Performance of Obligations Covered by the Trust Property)
第五十条 受託者は、信託財産責任負担債務を固有財産をもって弁済した場合において、これにより前条第一項の規定による権利を有することとなったときは、当該信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者に代位する。この場合においては、同項の規定により受託者が有する権利は、その代位との関係においては、金銭債権とみなす。
Article 50 (1) If a trustee has performed an obligation covered by the trust property by using the trustee's own property, and is to acquire the right under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article through that performance, the trustee is subrogated to the creditor who holds the claim regarding the obligation covered by the trust property. In such a case, the right that the trustee has pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph is deemed to be a monetary claim in relation to the subrogation.
2 前項の規定により受託者が同項の債権者に代位するときは、受託者は、遅滞なく、当該債権者の有する債権が信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権である旨及びこれを固有財産をもって弁済した旨を当該債権者に通知しなければならない。
(2) If the trustee is subrogated to the creditor referred to in the preceding paragraph pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph, the trustee must give notice to the creditor, without delay, of the fact that the claim held by the creditor is a claim regarding an obligation covered by the trust property and that the trustee has performed the obligation by using the trustee's own property.
(Reimbursement of Expenses and Interest and Simultaneous Performance)
第五十一条 受託者は、第四十九条第一項の規定により受託者が有する権利が消滅するまでは、受益者又は第百八十二条第一項第二号に規定する帰属権利者に対する信託財産に係る給付をすべき債務の履行を拒むことができる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 51 Until the right that the trustee holds pursuant to the provisions of Article 49, paragraph (1) is extinguished, the trustee may refuse the performance of the obligation of distribution of trust property to a beneficiary or to a holder of a vested right prescribed in Article 182, paragraph (1), item (ii); provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Measures in the Case Trust Property is Insufficient for Reimbursement of Expenses and Interest)
第五十二条 受託者は、第四十八条第一項又は第二項の規定により信託財産から費用等の償還又は費用の前払を受けるのに信託財産(第四十九条第二項の規定により処分することができないものを除く。第一号及び第四項において同じ。)が不足している場合において、委託者及び受益者に対し次に掲げる事項を通知し、第二号の相当の期間を経過しても委託者又は受益者から費用等の償還又は費用の前払を受けなかったときは、信託を終了させることができる。
Article 52 (1) If, in receiving reimbursement for expenses and interest or advance payment of expenses pursuant to the provisions of Article 48, paragraph (1) or (2), the trust property (excluding any property that may not be disposed of pursuant to the provisions of Article 49, paragraph (2); the same applies in item (i) and paragraph (4)) is insufficient to provide the reimbursement or advance payment, and the trustee has given notice of the following particulars to a settlor and a beneficiary but has not received reimbursement of expenses and interest or advance payment of expenses from the settlor or the beneficiary even when a reasonable period of time set forth in item (ii) has elapsed, the trustee may terminate the trust:
一 信託財産が不足しているため費用等の償還又は費用の前払を受けることができない旨
(i) a statement to the effect that the trustee is unable to receive reimbursement of expenses and interest or advance payment of expenses due to the trust property being insufficient; and
二 受託者の定める相当の期間内に委託者又は受益者から費用等の償還又は費用の前払を受けないときは、信託を終了させる旨
(ii) a statement to the effect that the trustee will terminate the trust if the trustee is unable to receive reimbursement of expenses and interest or advance payment of expenses from the settlor or the beneficiary within a reasonable period of time specified by the trustee.
2 委託者が現に存しない場合における前項の規定の適用については、同項中「委託者及び受益者」とあり、及び「委託者又は受益者」とあるのは、「受益者」とする。
(2) For the purpose of applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph to cases in which there is no settlor at the time in question, the terms "a settlor and a beneficiary" and "the settlor or the beneficiary" in that paragraph are deemed to be replaced with "the beneficiary".
3 受益者が現に存しない場合における第一項の規定の適用については、同項中「委託者及び受益者」とあり、及び「委託者又は受益者」とあるのは、「委託者」とする。
(3) For the purpose of applying the provisions of paragraph (1) to cases in which there is no beneficiary at the time in question, the terms "a settlor and a beneficiary" and "the settlor or the beneficiary" in that paragraph are deemed to be replaced with "the settlor".
4 第四十八条第一項又は第二項の規定により信託財産から費用等の償還又は費用の前払を受けるのに信託財産が不足している場合において、委託者及び受益者が現に存しないときは、受託者は、信託を終了させることができる。
(4) If the trust property is insufficient to provide for reimbursement of expenses and interest or advance payment of expenses pursuant to the provisions of Article 48, paragraph (1) or (2), and there is neither the settlor nor the beneficiary of the trust at the time in question, the trustee may terminate the trust.
(Compensation for Damages out of Trust Property)
第五十三条 受託者は、次の各号に掲げる場合には、当該各号に定める損害の額について、信託財産からその賠償を受けることができる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 53 (1) In the cases set forth in the following items, a trustee may receive compensation from the trust property for the amount of damages specified in the respective items; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails:
一 受託者が信託事務を処理するため自己に過失なく損害を受けた場合 当該損害の額
(i) if the trustee has suffered any damages for administering trust affairs without their own negligence: the amount of damages; and
二 受託者が信託事務を処理するため第三者の故意又は過失によって損害を受けた場合(前号に掲げる場合を除く。) 当該第三者に対し賠償を請求することができる額
(ii) if the trustee has suffered any damages for administering trust affairs due to an intentional or negligent act of a third party (excluding the case set forth in the preceding item): the amount of compensation that may be demanded from the third party.
2 第四十八条第四項及び第五項、第四十九条(第六項及び第七項を除く。)並びに前二条の規定は、前項の規定による信託財産からの損害の賠償について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 48, paragraphs (4) and (5), Article 49 (excluding paragraph (6) and paragraph (7)), and the preceding two Articles apply mutatis mutandis to the compensation for damages from the trust property under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Trust Fees for Trustees)
第五十四条 受託者は、信託の引受けについて商法(明治三十二年法律第四十八号)第五百十二条の規定の適用がある場合のほか、信託行為に受託者が信託財産から信託報酬(信託事務の処理の対価として受託者の受ける財産上の利益をいう。以下同じ。)を受ける旨の定めがある場合に限り、信託財産から信託報酬を受けることができる。
Article 54 (1) In addition to the case in which the provisions of Article 512 of the Commercial Code (Act No. 48 of 1899) apply to the acceptance of a trust, a trustee may receive trust fees (meaning an economic benefit to be received by the trustee as the consideration for the administration of trust affairs; the same applies hereinafter) from the trust property only if it is provided by the terms of trust that the trustee is to receive trust fees from the trust property.
2 前項の場合には、信託報酬の額は、信託行為に信託報酬の額又は算定方法に関する定めがあるときはその定めるところにより、その定めがないときは相当の額とする。
(2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the terms of trust contain a clause concerning the amount of trust fees or the means of their calculation, the amount of trust fees are determined pursuant to the clause, and if there are no such clause, the amount is to be a reasonable amount.
3 前項の定めがないときは、受託者は、信託財産から信託報酬を受けるには、受益者に対し、信託報酬の額及びその算定の根拠を通知しなければならない。
(3) If there are no clause referred to in the preceding paragraph, in order to receive trust fees from the trust property, the trustee must give notice to a beneficiary of the amount of trust fees and the basis for their calculation.
4 第四十八条第四項及び第五項、第四十九条(第六項及び第七項を除く。)、第五十一条並びに第五十二条並びに民法第六百四十八条第二項及び第三項並びに第六百四十八条の二の規定は、受託者の信託報酬について準用する。
(4) The provisions of Article 48, paragraphs (4) and (5), Article 49 (excluding paragraph (6) and paragraph (7)), Article 51, and Article 52, as well as the provisions of Article 648, paragraphs (2) and (3), and Article 648-2 of the Civil Code, apply mutatis mutandis to the trustee's trust fees.
(Exercise of Security Rights by Trustees)
第五十五条 担保権が信託財産である信託において、信託行為において受益者が当該担保権によって担保される債権に係る債権者とされている場合には、担保権者である受託者は、信託事務として、当該担保権の実行の申立てをし、売却代金の配当又は弁済金の交付を受けることができる。
Article 55 In the case of a trust whose security right is trust property, if it is provided by the terms of trust that a beneficiary is a creditor of the claim to be secured by that security right, a trustee that is a holder of the security right may file a petition for the exercise of the security right as trust affairs and have the proceeds of the sale distributed or payment money delivered.
第五節 受託者の変更等
Section 5 Change of Trustees
第一款 受託者の任務の終了
Subsection 1 Termination of Trustee's Duties
(Grounds for Termination of Trustee's Duties)
第五十六条 受託者の任務は、信託の清算が結了した場合のほか、次に掲げる事由によって終了する。ただし、第二号又は第三号に掲げる事由による場合にあっては、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 56 (1) A trustee's duties terminate on the following grounds, in addition to the completion of the liquidation of the trust; provided, however, that in the case of termination on the grounds set forth in item (ii) or item (iii), if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails:
一 受託者である個人の死亡
(i) the death of an individual who is a trustee:
二 受託者である個人が後見開始又は保佐開始の審判を受けたこと。
(ii) a decision to establish a guardianship or a curatorship against an individual who is a trustee:
三 受託者(破産手続開始の決定により解散するものを除く。)が破産手続開始の決定を受けたこと。
(iii) an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against a trustee (excluding cases of dissolution by an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings);
四 受託者である法人が合併以外の理由により解散したこと。
(iv) the dissolution of a corporation that is a trustee for reasons other than a merger;
五 次条の規定による受託者の辞任
(v) the resignation of a trustee pursuant to the provisions of the following Article;
六 第五十八条の規定による受託者の解任
(vi) the dismissal of a trustee pursuant to the provisions of Article 58; or
七 信託行為において定めた事由
(vii) any grounds provided for by the terms of trust.
2 受託者である法人が合併をした場合における合併後存続する法人又は合併により設立する法人は、受託者の任務を引き継ぐものとする。受託者である法人が分割をした場合における分割により受託者としての権利義務を承継する法人も、同様とする。
(2) If a corporation that is a trustee has implemented a merger, a corporation that survives the merger or a corporation that is incorporated in the merger is to take over the trustee's duties. If a corporation that is a trustee has implemented a split, the same applies to the corporation that succeeds to the rights and obligations of the trustee as a result of the split.
3 前項の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 第一項第三号に掲げる事由が生じた場合において、同項ただし書の定めにより受託者の任務が終了しないときは、受託者の職務は、破産者が行う。
(4) If the grounds set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) occur, and a trustee's duties are not terminated pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to that paragraph, the bankrupt performs the duties of the trustee.
5 受託者の任務は、受託者が再生手続開始の決定を受けたことによっては、終了しない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(5) A trustee's duties do not terminate on the grounds that the trustee has received an order of commencement of rehabilitation proceedings; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
6 前項本文に規定する場合において、管財人があるときは、受託者の職務の遂行並びに信託財産に属する財産の管理及び処分をする権利は、管財人に専属する。保全管理人があるときも、同様とする。
(6) In the case prescribed in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, if there is a rehabilitation trustee, the right of the trustee to perform the trustee's duties and administer and dispose of property that comes under trust property is vested exclusively in the rehabilitation trustee. The same applies to cases in which there is a temporary administrator in charge of rehabilitation proceedings.
7 前二項の規定は、受託者が更生手続開始の決定を受けた場合について準用する。この場合において、前項中「管財人があるとき」とあるのは、「管財人があるとき(会社更生法第七十四条第二項(金融機関等の更生手続の特例等に関する法律第四十七条及び第二百十三条において準用する場合を含む。)の期間を除く。)」と読み替えるものとする。
(7) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which the trustee receives an order of commencement of rehabilitation proceedings. In such a case, the phrase "there is a rehabilitation trustee" in the preceding paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "there is a reorganization trustee (excluding the period referred to in Article 74, paragraph (2) of the Corporate Reorganization Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 47 and Article 213 of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions))".
(Resignation of Trustees)
第五十七条 受託者は、委託者及び受益者の同意を得て、辞任することができる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 57 (1) A trustee may resign with the consent of a settlor and a beneficiary; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 受託者は、やむを得ない事由があるときは、裁判所の許可を得て、辞任することができる。
(2) The trustee may resign with the permission of the court when there is a compelling reason for the resignation.
3 受託者は、前項の許可の申立てをする場合には、その原因となる事実を疎明しなければならない。
(3) When filing a petition for the permission referred to in the preceding paragraph, the trustee must make a prima facie showing of the facts constituting the grounds for the petition.
4 第二項の許可の申立てを却下する裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(4) The judicial decision dismissing the petition for permission referred to in paragraph (2) must include the reasons for that decision.
5 第二項の規定による辞任の許可の裁判に対しては、不服を申し立てることができない。
(5) No appeal may be entered against the judicial decision on permission for resignation under the provisions of paragraph (2).
6 委託者が現に存しない場合には、第一項本文の規定は、適用しない。
(6) The provisions of the main clause of paragraph (1) do not apply if there is no settlor at the time in question.
(Dismissal of Trustees)
第五十八条 委託者及び受益者は、いつでも、その合意により、受託者を解任することができる。
Article 58 (1) A settlor and a beneficiary may dismiss a trustee at any time based on an agreement between them.
2 委託者及び受益者が受託者に不利な時期に受託者を解任したときは、委託者及び受益者は、受託者の損害を賠償しなければならない。ただし、やむを得ない事由があったときは、この限りでない。
(2) If a settlor and a beneficiary have dismissed the trustee at a time that is detrimental to the trustee, the settlor and the beneficiary must compensate the trustee for any damages; provided, however, that this does not apply if there was a compelling reason for the dismissal.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 受託者がその任務に違反して信託財産に著しい損害を与えたことその他重要な事由があるときは、裁判所は、委託者又は受益者の申立てにより、受託者を解任することができる。
(4) If a trustee has caused substantial damage to the trust property through a breach of duties or if there are other material grounds, the court may dismiss the trustee upon the petition of the settlor or the beneficiary.
5 裁判所は、前項の規定により受託者を解任する場合には、受託者の陳述を聴かなければならない。
(5) Before dismissing the trustee pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the court must hear statements from the trustee.
6 第四項の申立てについての裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(6) The judicial decision on the petition for permission referred to in paragraph (4) must include the reasons for the decision.
7 第四項の規定による解任の裁判に対しては、委託者、受託者又は受益者に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(7) Only the settlor, the trustee, or the beneficiary may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the dismissal pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4).
8 委託者が現に存しない場合には、第一項及び第二項の規定は、適用しない。
(8) The provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) do not apply if there is no settlor at the time in question.
第二款 前受託者の義務等
Subsection 2 Obligations of the Former Trustee
(Former Trustee's Obligation to Give Notice and Retain Property)
第五十九条 第五十六条第一項第三号から第七号までに掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合には、受託者であった者(以下「前受託者」という。)は、受益者に対し、その旨を通知しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 59 (1) If the trustee's duties have terminated due to any of the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), items (iii) through (vii), the person who was the trustee (hereinafter referred to as the "former trustee") must give notice of that fact to the beneficiary; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 第五十六条第一項第三号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合には、前受託者は、破産管財人に対し、信託財産に属する財産の内容及び所在、信託財産責任負担債務の内容その他の法務省令で定める事項を通知しなければならない。
(2) If the trustee's duties have terminated due to the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), item (iii), the former trustee must give notice to the bankruptcy trustee of the content and location of property that comes under trust property, the content of the obligation covered by the trust property, and other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
3 第五十六条第一項第四号から第七号までに掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合には、前受託者は、新たな受託者(第六十四条第一項の規定により信託財産管理者が選任された場合にあっては、信託財産管理者。以下この節において「新受託者等」という。)が信託事務の処理をすることができるに至るまで、引き続き信託財産に属する財産の保管をし、かつ、信託事務の引継ぎに必要な行為をしなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その義務を加重することができる。
(3) If the trustee's duties have terminated due to any of the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), items (iv) through (vii), the former trustee must continue to retain property that comes under trust property and must conduct the necessary actions for the transfer of trust affairs until a new trustee (if a trust property administrator is appointed pursuant to the provisions of Article 64, paragraph (1), the trust property administrator; hereinafter referred to as the "new trustee or administrator" in this Section) becomes able to administer trust affairs; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the obligations of the former trustee may be expanded.
4 前項の規定にかかわらず、第五十六条第一項第五号に掲げる事由(第五十七条第一項の規定によるものに限る。)により受託者の任務が終了した場合には、前受託者は、新受託者等が信託事務の処理をすることができるに至るまで、引き続き受託者としての権利義務を有する。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、この限りでない。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the trustee's duties have terminated due to the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), item (v) (limited to grounds under the provisions of the provisions of Article 57, paragraph (1)), the former trustee continues to have the rights and obligations as trustee until the new trustee or administrator becomes able to administer trust affairs; provided, however, that if is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
5 第三項の場合(前項本文に規定する場合を除く。)において、前受託者が信託財産に属する財産の処分をしようとするときは、受益者は、前受託者に対し、当該財産の処分をやめることを請求することができる。ただし、新受託者等が信託事務の処理をすることができるに至った後は、この限りでない。
(5) In the cases referred to in paragraph (3) (excluding the case prescribed in the main clause of the preceding paragraph), if the former trustee seeks to dispose of property that comes under trust property, the beneficiary may demand that the former trustee cease the disposal of the property; provided, however, that this does not apply after a new trustee or administrator becomes able to administer trust affairs.
(Obligation of the Former Trustee's Heir or Equivalent Person to Give Notice and Retain Property)
第六十条 第五十六条第一項第一号又は第二号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合において、前受託者の相続人(法定代理人が現に存する場合にあっては、その法定代理人)又は成年後見人若しくは保佐人(以下この節において「前受託者の相続人等」と総称する。)がその事実を知っているときは、前受託者の相続人等は、知れている受益者に対し、これを通知しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 60 (1) If the trustee's duties have terminated on any of the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii), if the former trustee's heir (if there is a legal representative at the time in question, the legal representative) or a guardian or a curator of the trustee (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "former trustee's heir, etc." in this Section) knows that fact, the former trustee's heir, etc. must give notice of the fact to the known beneficiaries; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 第五十六条第一項第一号又は第二号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合には、前受託者の相続人等は、新受託者等又は信託財産法人管理人が信託事務の処理をすることができるに至るまで、信託財産に属する財産の保管をし、かつ、信託事務の引継ぎに必要な行為をしなければならない。
(2) If the trustee's duties have terminated due to any of the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii), the former trustee's heir, etc. must continue to retain property that comes under trust property and must conduct the necessary actions for the transfer of trust affairs until the new trustee or administrator, or the incorporated trust property administrator becomes able to administer trust affairs,.
3 前項の場合において、前受託者の相続人等が信託財産に属する財産の処分をしようとするときは、受益者は、これらの者に対し、当該財産の処分をやめることを請求することができる。ただし、新受託者等又は信託財産法人管理人が信託事務の処理をすることができるに至った後は、この限りでない。
(3) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the former trustee's heir, etc. seeks to dispose of property that comes under trust property, the beneficiary may demand that those persons cease the disposal of the property; provided, however, that this does not apply after the new trustee or administrator or the incorporated trust property administrator becomes able to administer trust affairs.
4 第五十六条第一項第三号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合には、破産管財人は、新受託者等が信託事務を処理することができるに至るまで、信託財産に属する財産の保管をし、かつ、信託事務の引継ぎに必要な行為をしなければならない。
(4) If the trustee's duties have terminated due to the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), item (iii), a bankruptcy trustee must continue to retain property that comes under trust property and must conduct the necessary actions for the transfer of trust affairs until the new trustee or administrator becomes able to administer trust affairs.
5 前項の場合において、破産管財人が信託財産に属する財産の処分をしようとするときは、受益者は、破産管財人に対し、当該財産の処分をやめることを請求することができる。ただし、新受託者等が信託事務の処理をすることができるに至った後は、この限りでない。
(5) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the bankruptcy trustee seeks to dispose of property that comes under trust property, the beneficiary may demand that the bankruptcy trustee cease the disposal of the property; provided, however, that this does not apply after the new trustee or administrator becomes able to administer trust affairs.
6 前受託者の相続人等又は破産管財人は、新受託者等又は信託財産法人管理人に対し、第一項、第二項又は第四項の規定による行為をするために支出した費用及び支出の日以後におけるその利息の償還を請求することができる。
(6) The former trustee's heir, etc., or the bankruptcy trustee may demand reimbursement of expenses paid for conducting the actions under the provisions of paragraph (1), paragraph (2), or paragraph (4), and of their interest that has accrued from the date of payment, to the new trustee or administrator, or the incorporated trust property administrator.
7 第四十九条第六項及び第七項の規定は、前項の規定により前受託者の相続人等又は破産管財人が有する権利について準用する。
(7) The provisions of Article 49, paragraphs (6) and (7) apply mutatis mutandis to the right that the former trustee's heir, etc. or the bankruptcy trustee holds, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Payment of Expenses or Remuneration)
第六十一条 第五十九条第五項又は前条第三項若しくは第五項の規定による請求に係る訴えを提起した受益者が勝訴(一部勝訴を含む。)した場合において、当該訴えに係る訴訟に関し、必要な費用(訴訟費用を除く。)を支出したとき又は弁護士、弁護士法人、司法書士若しくは司法書士法人に報酬を支払うべきときは、その費用又は報酬は、その額の範囲内で相当と認められる額を限度として、信託財産から支弁する。
Article 61 (1) If a beneficiary who has filed suit regarding the demand under the provisions of Article 59, paragraph (5), or paragraph (3) or (5) of the preceding Article has won the suit (including cases of partially winning the suit), when the beneficiary has paid any expenses (excluding court costs) that were necessary in relation to the suit or if the beneficiary is required to pay remuneration to an attorney-at-law, a legal professional corporation, a judicial scrivener, or a judicial scrivener corporation, those expenses or remunerations are to be paid from the trust property, up to the amount considered reasonable that does not exceed the actual amount.
2 前項の訴えを提起した受益者が敗訴した場合であっても、悪意があったときを除き、当該受益者は、受託者に対し、これによって生じた損害を賠償する義務を負わない。
(2) Even if the beneficiary who has filed the suit referred to in the preceding paragraph has lost the suit, the beneficiary is not be liable to compensate the trustee for any damage arising from the suit, except in cases the beneficiary acted in bad faith.
第三款 新受託者の選任
Subsection 3 Appointment of New Trustees
第六十二条 第五十六条第一項各号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合において、信託行為に新たな受託者(以下「新受託者」という。)に関する定めがないとき、又は信託行為の定めにより新受託者となるべき者として指定された者が信託の引受けをせず、若しくはこれをすることができないときは、委託者及び受益者は、その合意により、新受託者を選任することができる。
Article 62 (1) If the trustee's duties have terminated due to any of the grounds set forth in the items of Article 56, paragraph (1), if the terms of trust contain no clause concerning a new trustee (hereinafter referred to as the "new trustee"), or if the person designated by the clause of the terms of trust as a person who is to be the new trustee does not accept or is unable to accept the trust, the settlor and the beneficiary may appoint a new trustee based on an agreement between them.
2 第五十六条第一項各号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合において、信託行為に新受託者となるべき者を指定する定めがあるときは、利害関係人は、新受託者となるべき者として指定された者に対し、相当の期間を定めて、その期間内に就任の承諾をするかどうかを確答すべき旨を催告することができる。ただし、当該定めに停止条件又は始期が付されているときは、当該停止条件が成就し、又は当該始期が到来した後に限る。
(2) If the trustee's duties have terminated due to any of the grounds set forth in the items of Article 56, paragraph (1), and the terms of trust contain a clause to designate a particular person to be the new trustee, an interested party may specify a reasonable period of time and make a demand to the person designated to be the new trustee to give a definite answer on whether the person will assume office within that period of time; provided, however, that if the clause is subject to a condition precedent or a designated time of commencement, this may only be done after the condition precedent is fulfilled or after the time of commencement arrives.
3 前項の規定による催告があった場合において、新受託者となるべき者として指定された者は、同項の期間内に委託者及び受益者(二人以上の受益者が現に存する場合にあってはその一人、信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては信託管理人)に対し確答をしないときは、就任の承諾をしなかったものとみなす。
(3) If a demand under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been made and the person designated to be the new trustee fails to give a definite answer to the settlor and the beneficiary (if there are two or more beneficiaries at the time in question, to one of them; if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, to the trust administrator) within the period referred to in that paragraph, it is deemed that the person has not accepted the assumption of office.
4 第一項の場合において、同項の合意に係る協議の状況その他の事情に照らして必要があると認めるときは、裁判所は、利害関係人の申立てにより、新受託者を選任することができる。
(4) In the case referred to in paragraph (1), if the court finds it necessary in light of the status of deliberations regarding the agreement referred to in that paragraph and any other circumstances, the court may appoint a new trustee upon petition of an interested party,.
5 前項の申立てについての裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(5) The judicial decision on the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph must include the reasons for the decision.
6 第四項の規定による新受託者の選任の裁判に対しては、委託者若しくは受益者又は現に存する受託者に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(6) Only a settlor, a beneficiary, or a trustee at the time in question may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the appointment of a new trustee under the provisions of paragraph (4).
7 前項の即時抗告は、執行停止の効力を有する。
(7) The immediate appeal referred to in the preceding paragraph has the effect of a stay of enforcement.
8 委託者が現に存しない場合における前各項の規定の適用については、第一項中「委託者及び受益者は、その合意により」とあるのは「受益者は」と、第三項中「委託者及び受益者」とあるのは「受益者」と、第四項中「同項の合意に係る協議の状況」とあるのは「受益者の状況」とする。
(8) For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraphs to cases in which there is no settlor at the time in question, the phrase "the settlor and the beneficiary may appoint a new trustee based on an agreement between them" in paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "the beneficiary may", the term "the settlor and the beneficiary" in paragraph (3) is deemed to be replaced with "the beneficiary", and the phrase "status of deliberations regarding the agreement referred to in that paragraph" in paragraph (4) is deemed to be replaced with "status of the beneficiary".
第四款 信託財産管理者等
Subsection 4 Trust Property Administrators
(Trust Property Administration Orders)
第六十三条 第五十六条第一項各号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合において、新受託者が選任されておらず、かつ、必要があると認めるときは、新受託者が選任されるまでの間、裁判所は、利害関係人の申立てにより、信託財産管理者による管理を命ずる処分(以下この款において「信託財産管理命令」という。)をすることができる。
Article 63 (1) If the trustee's duties have terminated due to any of the grounds set forth in the items of Article 56, paragraph (1), when a new trustee has not been appointed and the court finds it necessary, the court may make a disposition ordering administration by a trust property administrator (hereinafter referred to as the "trust property administration order" in this Subsection) upon petition of an interested party, until a new trustee is appointed.
2 前項の申立てを却下する裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(2) The judicial decision dismissing the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph must include the reasons for the dismissal.
3 裁判所は、信託財産管理命令を変更し、又は取り消すことができる。
(3) The court may change or revoke the trust property administration order.
4 信託財産管理命令及び前項の規定による決定に対しては、利害関係人に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(4) Only an interested party may file an immediate appeal against the trust property administration order and the decision made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Appointment of Trust Property Administrators)
第六十四条 裁判所は、信託財産管理命令をする場合には、当該信託財産管理命令において、信託財産管理者を選任しなければならない。
Article 64 (1) If the court issues a trust property administration order, it must appoint a trust property administrator in the trust property administration order.
2 前項の規定による信託財産管理者の選任の裁判に対しては、不服を申し立てることができない。
(2) No appeal may be entered against the judicial decision on the appointment of the trust property administrator made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
3 裁判所は、第一項の規定による信託財産管理者の選任の裁判をしたときは、直ちに、次に掲げる事項を公告しなければならない。
(3) If the court has made the judicial decision on the appointment of the trust property administrator pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), it must immediately give public notice of the following particulars:
一 信託財産管理者を選任した旨
(i) a statement to the effect that the trust property administrator has been appointed; and
二 信託財産管理者の氏名又は名称
(ii) the name of the trust property administrator.
4 前項第二号の規定は、同号に掲げる事項に変更を生じた場合について準用する。
(4) The provisions of item (ii) of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which there is a change to the particulars set forth in that item.
5 信託財産管理命令があった場合において、信託財産に属する権利で登記又は登録がされたものがあることを知ったときは、裁判所書記官は、職権で、遅滞なく、信託財産管理命令の登記又は登録を嘱託しなければならない。
(5) If the trust property administration order is issued, and a court clerk becomes aware of the existence of a right that belongs to the trust property that has been registered, the court clerk must commission registration of the trust property administration order on their own authority and without delay.
6 信託財産管理命令を取り消す裁判があったとき、又は信託財産管理命令があった後に新受託者が選任された場合において当該新受託者が信託財産管理命令の登記若しくは登録の抹消の嘱託の申立てをしたときは、裁判所書記官は、職権で、遅滞なく、信託財産管理命令の登記又は登録の抹消を嘱託しなければならない。
(6) If a judicial decision on the revocation of a trust property administration order is made or if a new trustee who has been appointed after the trust property administration order was issued has filed a petition to commission cancellation of the registration of the trust property administration order, a court clerk must commission cancellation of the registration of the trust property administration order on their own authority and without delay.
(Effect of Juridical Acts by Former Trustees)
第六十五条 前受託者が前条第一項の規定による信託財産管理者の選任の裁判があった後に信託財産に属する財産に関してした法律行為は、信託財産との関係においては、その効力を主張することができない。
Article 65 (1) A juridical act performed by the former trustee with respect to property that comes under trust property after a judicial decision on the appointment of a trust property administrator has been made under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, may not be asserted as effective in relation to the trust property.
2 前受託者が前条第一項の規定による信託財産管理者の選任の裁判があった日にした法律行為は、当該裁判があった後にしたものと推定する。
(2) A juridical act performed by the former trustee on the day on which the judicial decision on the appointment of the trust property administrator is made under the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article is presumed to have been performed after the judicial decision was made.
(Authority of Trust Property Administrators)
第六十六条 第六十四条第一項の規定により信託財産管理者が選任された場合には、受託者の職務の遂行並びに信託財産に属する財産の管理及び処分をする権利は、信託財産管理者に専属する。
Article 66 (1) If a trust property administrator is appointed pursuant to the provisions of Article 64, paragraph (1), a trustee's right to perform the duties and administer and dispose of property that comes under trust property is vested exclusively in the trust property administrator.
2 二人以上の信託財産管理者があるときは、これらの者が共同してその権限に属する行為をしなければならない。ただし、裁判所の許可を得て、それぞれ単独にその職務を行い、又は職務を分掌することができる。
(2) If there are two or more trust property administrators, they perform the acts within their authority jointly; provided, however, that with the permission of a court, they may perform their duties independently or divide their duties among themselves.
3 二人以上の信託財産管理者があるときは、第三者の意思表示は、その一人に対してすれば足りる。
(3) If there are two or more trust property administrators, it is sufficient for a third party to make a manifestation of intention to one of them.
4 信託財産管理者が次に掲げる行為の範囲を超える行為をするには、裁判所の許可を得なければならない。
(4) The trust property administrator must obtain the court's permission in order to perform an act beyond the scope of the following acts:
一 保存行為
(i) an act of preservation; and
二 信託財産に属する財産の性質を変えない範囲内において、その利用又は改良を目的とする行為
(ii) an act performed for the purpose of using or improving property that comes under trust property, to the extent that the act does not change the nature of that property.
5 前項の規定に違反して行った信託財産管理者の行為は、無効とする。ただし、信託財産管理者は、これをもって善意の第三者に対抗することができない。
(5) An act performed by the trust property administrator in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph is null and void; provided, however, that the administrator may not assert this against a third party who has no knowledge of the violation.
6 信託財産管理者は、第二項ただし書又は第四項の許可の申立てをする場合には、その原因となる事実を疎明しなければならない。
(6) When filing a petition for the permission referred to in the proviso to paragraph (2) or paragraph (4), the trust property administrator must make a prima facie showing of the facts constituting the grounds for the petition.
7 第二項ただし書又は第四項の許可の申立てを却下する裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(7) The judicial decision dismissing the petition for the permission referred to in the proviso to paragraph (2) or paragraph (4) must include the reasons for the dismissal.
8 第二項ただし書又は第四項の規定による許可の裁判に対しては、不服を申し立てることができない。
(8) No appeal may be entered against the judicial decision on the permission under the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (2), or paragraph (4).
(Administration of Property That Comes Under Trust Property)
第六十七条 信託財産管理者は、就職の後直ちに信託財産に属する財産の管理に着手しなければならない。
Article 67 A trust property administrator must commence the administration of property that comes under trust property immediately after assuming office.
(Standing to Sue or to Be Sued)
第六十八条 信託財産に関する訴えについては、信託財産管理者を原告又は被告とする。
Article 68 In an action relating to trust property, the trust property administrator is to be either a plaintiff or a defendant.
(Obligations of Trust Property Administrators)
第六十九条 信託財産管理者は、その職務を行うに当たっては、受託者と同一の義務及び責任を負う。
Article 69 A trust property administrator, when performing their duties, assumes the same obligations and liabilities as a trustee.
(Resignation and Dismissal of Trust Property Administrators)
第七十条 第五十七条第二項から第五項までの規定は信託財産管理者の辞任について、第五十八条第四項から第七項までの規定は信託財産管理者の解任について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、第五十七条第二項中「やむを得ない事由」とあるのは、「正当な事由」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 70 The provisions of Article 57, paragraphs (2) through (5) apply mutatis mutandis to the resignation of a trust property administrator, and the provisions of Article 58, paragraph (4) through (7) apply mutatis mutandis to the dismissal of a trust property administrator. In such a case, the phrase "there is a compelling reason" in Article 57, paragraph (2) is deemed to be replaced with "there are legitimate grounds."
(Remuneration for Trust Property Administrators)
第七十一条 信託財産管理者は、信託財産から裁判所が定める額の費用の前払及び報酬を受けることができる。
Article 71 (1) A trust property administrator may receive advance payment of expenses and remuneration in an amount specified by the court from the trust property.
2 前項の規定による費用又は報酬の額を定める裁判をする場合には、信託財産管理者の陳述を聴かなければならない。
(2) Before making a judicial decision to specify the amount of expenses or remuneration under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the court must hear the statement of the trust property administrator.
3 第一項の規定による費用又は報酬の額を定める裁判に対しては、信託財産管理者に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(3) Only the trust property administrator may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision determining the amount of expenses or remuneration under the provisions of paragraph (1).
(Transfer of Trust Affairs from Trust Property Administrators to New Trustees)
第七十二条 第七十七条の規定は、信託財産管理者の選任後に新受託者が就任した場合について準用する。この場合において、同条第一項中「受益者(二人以上の受益者が現に存する場合にあってはそのすべての受益者、信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては信託管理人)」とあり、同条第二項中「受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人。次項において同じ。)」とあり、及び同条第三項中「受益者」とあるのは「新受託者」と、同条第二項中「当該受益者」とあるのは「当該新受託者」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 72 The provisions of Article 77 apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which a new trustee assumes the office as trustee after the appointment of trust property administrator. In such a case, the phrase "the beneficiary (if there are two or more beneficiaries at the time in question, from all of them, and if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, from the trust administrator)" in paragraph (1) of that Article, the phrase "beneficiary (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the trust administrator; the same applies in the following paragraph)" in paragraph (2) of that Article, and the term "the beneficiary" in paragraph (3) of that Article are deemed to be replaced with "the new trustee," and the term "the beneficiary" in paragraph (2) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "the new trustee".
(Authority of a Person Performing Trustee's Duties on Behalf of a Trustee)
第七十三条 第六十六条の規定は、受託者の職務を代行する者を選任する仮処分命令により選任された受託者の職務を代行する者について準用する。
Article 73 The provisions of Article 66 apply mutatis mutandis to a person performing a trustee's duties on behalf of a trustee who has been appointed by a provisional disposition order to appoint a person to perform the duties of a trustee on behalf of a trustee.
(Ownership of Trust Property upon Termination of Duties Due to Death of the Trustee)
第七十四条 第五十六条第一項第一号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合には、信託財産は、法人とする。
Article 74 (1) If a trustee's duties have terminated due to the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), item (i), the trust property is to be incorporated as a corporation.
2 前項に規定する場合において、必要があると認めるときは、裁判所は、利害関係人の申立てにより、信託財産法人管理人による管理を命ずる処分(第六項において「信託財産法人管理命令」という。)をすることができる。
(2) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when the court finds it necessary, the court may make a disposition ordering administration of the trust by an incorporated trust property administrator (hereinafter referred to as the "incorporated trust property administration order" in paragraph (6)), upon petition of an interested party.
3 第六十三条第二項から第四項までの規定は、前項の申立てに係る事件について準用する。
(3) The provisions of Article 63, paragraphs (2) through (4) apply mutatis mutandis to a case regarding the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph.
4 新受託者が就任したときは、第一項の法人は、成立しなかったものとみなす。ただし、信託財産法人管理人がその権限内でした行為の効力を妨げない。
(4) If a new trustee assumes office, the corporation referred to in paragraph (1) is deemed not to have been incorporated; provided, however, that this does not preclude the effect of an act performed by the incorporated trust property administrator within the authority of the administrator.
5 信託財産法人管理人の代理権は、新受託者が信託事務の処理をすることができるに至った時に消滅する。
(5) The incorporated trust property administrator's authority of representation is extinguished when the new trustee becomes able to administer trust affairs.
6 第六十四条の規定は信託財産法人管理命令をする場合について、第六十六条から第七十二条までの規定は信託財産法人管理人について、それぞれ準用する。
(6) The provisions of Article 64 apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which an incorporated trust property administration order is issued, and the provisions of Articles 66 through 72 apply mutatis mutandis to an incorporated trust property administrator.
第五款 受託者の変更に伴う権利義務の承継等
Subsection 5 Succession to Rights and Obligations upon Change of Trustee
(Succession to Rights and Obligations Concerning Trusts)
第七十五条 第五十六条第一項各号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合において、新受託者が就任したときは、新受託者は、前受託者の任務が終了した時に、その時に存する信託に関する権利義務を前受託者から承継したものとみなす。
Article 75 (1) If a trustee's duties have terminated due to any of the grounds set forth in the items of Article 56, paragraph (1), and a new trustee has assumed office, it is deemed that the new trustee has succeeded to the former trustee's rights and obligations concerning the trust existing at the time of the termination of the former trustee's duties.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、第五十六条第一項第五号に掲げる事由(第五十七条第一項の規定によるものに限る。)により受託者の任務が終了した場合(第五十九条第四項ただし書の場合を除く。)には、新受託者は、新受託者等が就任した時に、その時に存する信託に関する権利義務を前受託者から承継したものとみなす。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the trustee's duties have terminated (excluding the case referred to in the proviso to Article 59, paragraph (4)) due to the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), item (v) (limited to those under the provisions of Article 57, paragraph (1)), it is deemed that the new trustee has succeeded to the former trustee's rights and obligations concerning the trust existing at the time of assumption of office by a new trustee or administrator.
3 前二項の規定は、新受託者が就任するに至るまでの間に前受託者、信託財産管理者又は信託財産法人管理人がその権限内でした行為の効力を妨げない。
(3) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not preclude the effect of an act performed by the former trustee, the administrator of trust property, or the incorporated trust property administrator within their authority before the new trustee assumes office.
4 第二十七条の規定は、新受託者等が就任するに至るまでの間に前受託者がその権限に属しない行為をした場合について準用する。
(4) The provisions of Article 27 apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which the former trustee performs an act that does not fall within their authority before the new trustee or administrator assumes office.
5 前受託者(その相続人を含む。以下この条において同じ。)が第四十条の規定による責任を負う場合又は法人である前受託者の理事、取締役若しくは執行役若しくはこれらに準ずる者(以下この項において「理事等」と総称する。)が第四十一条の規定による責任を負う場合には、新受託者等又は信託財産法人管理人は、前受託者又は理事等に対し、第四十条又は第四十一条の規定による請求をすることができる。
(5) If the former trustee (including the former trustee's heir; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) assumes the liability under the provision of Article 40, or if a director, company director, executive officer, or any other person equivalent to them (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "director, etc." in this paragraph) of the former trustee that is a corporation assumes the liability under the provision of Article 41, the new trustee or administrator, or the incorporated trust property administrator may make a claim under the provisions of Article 40 or Article 41 against the former trustee, or the director, etc.
6 前受託者が信託財産から費用等の償還若しくは損害の賠償を受けることができ、又は信託報酬を受けることができる場合には、前受託者は、新受託者等又は信託財産法人管理人に対し、費用等の償還若しくは損害の賠償又は信託報酬の支払を請求することができる。ただし、新受託者等又は信託財産法人管理人は、信託財産に属する財産のみをもってこれを履行する責任を負う。
(6) If the former trustee may receive reimbursement of expenses and interest or compensation for damages from trust property, or may receive trust fees from the trust property, the former trustee may make a demand against the new trustee or administrator, or the incorporated trust property administrator for reimbursement of expenses and interest, compensation for damages, or payment of trust fees; provided, however, that the new trustee or administrator, or the incorporated trust property administrator is liable for the performance of the obligation by only using the property that comes under trust property.
7 第四十八条第四項並びに第四十九条第六項及び第七項の規定は、前項の規定により前受託者が有する権利について準用する。
(7) The provisions of Article 48, paragraph (4) and Article 49, paragraphs (6) and (7) apply mutatis mutandis to the right that the former trustee holds pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
8 新受託者が就任するに至るまでの間に信託財産に属する財産に対し既にされている強制執行、仮差押え若しくは仮処分の執行又は担保権の実行若しくは競売の手続は、新受託者に対し続行することができる。
(8) Proceedings for enforcement, execution of provisional seizure or provisional disposition, exercise of a security right, or an auction which has already been commenced against property that comes under trust property before the new trustee assumes office, may be continued against the new trustee.
9 前受託者は、第六項の規定による請求に係る債権の弁済を受けるまで、信託財産に属する財産を留置することができる。
(9) The former trustee may retain property that comes under trust property until the former trustee receives payment of the claim regarding the demand under the provisions of paragraph (6).
(Liabilities of Former Trustees and New Trustees for Obligations Succeeded to)
第七十六条 前条第一項又は第二項の規定により信託債権に係る債務が新受託者に承継された場合にも、前受託者は、自己の固有財産をもって、その承継された債務を履行する責任を負う。ただし、信託財産に属する財産のみをもって当該債務を履行する責任を負うときは、この限りでない。
Article 76 (1) Even if obligations regarding trust claims are succeeded to by a new trustee pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article, the former trustee is liable to perform the obligations succeeded to using the former trustee's own property; provided, however, that this does not apply if the former trustee is liable to only use property that comes under trust property to perform those obligations.
2 新受託者は、前項本文に規定する債務を承継した場合には、信託財産に属する財産のみをもってこれを履行する責任を負う。
(2) When the new trustee has succeeded to the obligations prescribed in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, the new trustee is liable to only use property that comes under trust property to perform those obligations.
(Transfer of Trust Affairs from Former Trustees to New Trustees)
第七十七条 新受託者等が就任した場合には、前受託者は、遅滞なく、信託事務に関する計算を行い、受益者(二人以上の受益者が現に存する場合にあってはそのすべての受益者、信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては信託管理人)に対しその承認を求めるとともに、新受託者等が信託事務の処理を行うのに必要な信託事務の引継ぎをしなければならない。
Article 77 (1) When the new trustee or administrator assumes office, the former trustee must, without delay, settle the accounts on trust affairs and request approval for the settlement of accounts from a beneficiary (if there are two or more beneficiaries at the time in question, from all of them; if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, from the trust administrator), and must transfer the trust affairs required in order for the new trustee or administrator to administer those affairs.
2 受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人。次項において同じ。)が前項の計算を承認した場合には、同項の規定による当該受益者に対する信託事務の引継ぎに関する責任は、免除されたものとみなす。ただし、前受託者の職務の執行に不正の行為があったときは、この限りでない。
(2) If the beneficiary (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the trust administrator; the same applies in the following paragraph) has approved the settlement of accounts referred to in the preceding paragraph, the former trustee is deemed to have been exempted from the liability to the beneficiary to transfer trust affairs under the provisions of that paragraph; provided, however, that this does not apply if the former trustee has committed misconduct in performing the duties.
3 受益者が前受託者から第一項の計算の承認を求められた時から一箇月以内に異議を述べなかった場合には、当該受益者は、同項の計算を承認したものとみなす。
(3) If the beneficiary has not made any objection within one month from the time when the beneficiary was requested by the former trustee to give an approval for the settlement of accounts referred to in paragraph (1), the beneficiary is deemed to have approved the settlement of accounts referred to in that paragraph.
(Transfer of Trust Affairs from Former Trustee's Heirs or Equivalent Persons, or Bankruptcy Trustees to New Trustees)
第七十八条 前条の規定は、第五十六条第一項第一号又は第二号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合における前受託者の相続人等及び同項第三号に掲げる事由により受託者の任務が終了した場合における破産管財人について準用する。
Article 78 The provisions of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the former trustee's heir, etc. if the trustee's duties have terminated due to the grounds set forth in Article 56, paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii), and to the bankruptcy trustee if the trustee's duties have terminated due to the grounds set forth in item (iii) of that paragraph.
第六節 受託者が二人以上ある信託の特例
Section 6 Special Provisions on Trusts with Two or More Trustees
(Joint Ownership of Trust Property)
第七十九条 受託者が二人以上ある信託においては、信託財産は、その合有とする。
Article 79 In the case of a trust with two or more trustees, the trust property is to be held under joint ownership.
(Means of Administering Trust Affairs)
第八十条 受託者が二人以上ある信託においては、信託事務の処理については、受託者の過半数をもって決する。
Article 80 (1) In the case of a trust with two or more trustees, decisions on the administration of trust affairs are made by the majority of the trustees.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、保存行為については、各受託者が単独で決することができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, decisions on an act of preservation may be made by each trustee independently.
3 前二項の規定により信託事務の処理について決定がされた場合には、各受託者は、当該決定に基づいて信託事務を執行することができる。
(3) If a decision is made on the trust affairs pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, each trustee may execute trust affairs based on that decision.
4 前三項の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に受託者の職務の分掌に関する定めがある場合には、各受託者は、その定めに従い、信託事務の処理について決し、これを執行する。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, if the terms of trust contain a clause concerning the division of duties among the trustees, each trustee makes decisions on the trust affairs and executes the affairs pursuant to the clause.
5 前二項の規定による信託事務の処理についての決定に基づく信託財産のためにする行為については、各受託者は、他の受託者を代理する権限を有する。
(5) With regard to an act to be performed in the interest of the trust property based on the decision on the trust affairs made under the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, each trustee has the authority to represent other trustees.
6 前各項の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
7 受託者が二人以上ある信託においては、第三者の意思表示は、その一人に対してすれば足りる。ただし、受益者の意思表示については、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(7) In the case of a trust with two or more trustees, it is sufficient for a third party to make a manifestation of intention to any one of them; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust concerning a manifestation of intention by a beneficiary, the clause prevails.
(Standing to Sue or to Be Sued of Trustees with Separated Duties)
第八十一条 前条第四項に規定する場合には、信託財産に関する訴えについて、各受託者は、自己の分掌する職務に関し、他の受託者のために原告又は被告となる。
Article 81 In the case prescribed in paragraph (4) of the preceding Article, each trustee stands as a plaintiff or a defendant in a suit against the trust property on behalf of the other trustees with respect to their duties.
(Entrustment to Other Trustees to Make Decisions on Trust Affairs)
第八十二条 受託者が二人以上ある信託においては、各受託者は、信託行為に別段の定めがある場合又はやむを得ない事由がある場合を除き、他の受託者に対し、信託事務(常務に属するものを除く。)の処理についての決定を委託することができない。
Article 82 In the case of a trust with two or more trustees, each trustee may not entrust other trustees to make decisions on trust affairs (excluding those falling under ordinary business), except when it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust or there is a compelling reason to do so.
(Assumption of Obligations in Administering Trust Affairs)
第八十三条 受託者が二人以上ある信託において、信託事務を処理するに当たって各受託者が第三者に対し債務を負担した場合には、各受託者は、連帯債務者とする。
Article 83 (1) In the case of a trust with two or more trustees, if each trustee has assumed an obligation to a third party in administering trust affairs, each trustee is to be a joint and several obligor.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に受託者の職務の分掌に関する定めがある場合において、ある受託者がその定めに従い信託事務を処理するに当たって第三者に対し債務を負担したときは、他の受託者は、信託財産に属する財産のみをもってこれを履行する責任を負う。ただし、当該第三者が、その債務の負担の原因である行為の当時、当該行為が信託事務の処理としてされたこと及び受託者が二人以上ある信託であることを知っていた場合であって、信託行為に受託者の職務の分掌に関する定めがあることを知らず、かつ、知らなかったことにつき過失がなかったときは、当該他の受託者は、これをもって当該第三者に対抗することができない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the terms of trust contain a clause concerning the division of duties among the trustees, and one of the trustees has assumed an obligation to a third party in administering trust affairs pursuant to the clause in the terms of trust, other trustees are liable to perform the obligation only by using property that comes under trust property; provided, however, that if the third party knew at the time of the act that is the cause of the assumption of the obligation that the act was performed in administering trust affairs and that there were two or more trustees for the trust, and did not know and was not negligent in failing to know that the terms of trust contained a clause concerning the division of duties among the trustees, the other trustees may not assert this against the third party.
(Special Provisions on Division of Property in Co-ownership Which Is Both Trust Property and Trustee's Own Property)
第八十四条 受託者が二人以上ある信託における第十九条の規定の適用については、同条第一項中「場合には」とあるのは「場合において、当該信託財産に係る信託に受託者が二人以上あるときは」と、同項第二号中「受託者」とあるのは「固有財産に共有持分が属する受託者」と、同項第三号中「受託者の」とあるのは「固有財産に共有持分が属する受託者の」と、同条第二項中「受託者」とあるのは「固有財産に共有持分が属する受託者」と、同条第三項中「場合には」とあるのは「場合において、当該信託財産に係る信託又は他の信託財産に係る信託に受託者が二人以上あるときは」と、同項第三号中「受託者の」とあるのは「各信託財産の共有持分が属する受託者の」と、「受託者が決する」とあるのは「受託者の協議による」と、同条第四項中「第二号」とあるのは「第二号又は第三号」とする。
Article 84 For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 19 to a trust with two or more trustees, the phrase "If a co-ownership interest in a specific property that belongs to a trustee comes under both the trust property and the trustee's own property" in paragraph (1) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "If a co-ownership interest in a specific property that belongs to a trustee comes under both the trust property and the trustee's own property, and there are two or more trustees for the trust regarding the trust property"; the term "trustee" in paragraph (1), item (ii) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "trustee whose own property includes co-ownership interests"; the term "trustee" in paragraph (1), item (iii) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "trustee whose own property includes co-ownership interests"; the term "trustee" in paragraph (2) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "trustee whose own property includes co-ownership interests"; the phrase "If a co-ownership interest in a specific property that belongs to a trustee comes under both the trust property and the trust property of another trust" in paragraph (3) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "If a co-ownership interest in a specific property that belongs to a trustee comes under both the trust property and the trust property of another trust, and there are two or more trustees for the trust or another trust regarding the trust property"; in paragraph (3), item (iii) of the that Article, the term "trustees" is deemed to be replaced with "trustees to whom the co-ownership interests for each trust property belong" and the phrase "based on a decision by the trustees" is deemed to be replaced with "based on a deliberation between the trustees"; and in paragraph (4) of that Article, the term "item (ii)" is deemed to be replaced with "item (ii) or item (iii)."
(Special Provisions on Trustee's Liability)
第八十五条 受託者が二人以上ある信託において、二人以上の受託者がその任務に違反する行為をしたことにより第四十条の規定による責任を負う場合には、当該行為をした各受託者は、連帯債務者とする。
Article 85 (1) In the case of a trust with two or more trustees, if two or more trustees assumes the liability under the provisions of Article 40 for performing an act in breach of their duties, the trustees who have performed that act are to be joint and several obligors.
2 受託者が二人以上ある信託における第四十条第一項及び第四十一条の規定の適用については、これらの規定中「受益者」とあるのは、「受益者又は他の受託者」とする。
(2) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 40, paragraph (1) and Article 41 to a trust with two or more trustees, the term "beneficiary" in these provisions is deemed to be replaced with "beneficiary or other trustees".
3 受託者が二人以上ある信託において第四十二条の規定により第四十条又は第四十一条の規定による責任が免除されたときは、他の受託者は、これらの規定によれば当該責任を負うべき者に対し、当該責任の追及に係る請求をすることができない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) In the case of a trust with two or more trustees, and any of those trustees is exempted from the liability under the provisions of Article 40 or Article 41 pursuant to the provisions of Article 42, other trustees may not file a claim to hold the person who should assume the liability pursuant to the provisions of Article 40 or Article 41 liable; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 受託者が二人以上ある信託における第四十四条の規定の適用については、同条第一項中「受益者」とあるのは「受益者又は他の受託者」と、同条第二項中「当該受益者」とあるのは「当該受益者又は他の受託者」とする。
(4) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 44 to a trust with two or more trustees, the term "beneficiary" in paragraph (1) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "beneficiary or other trustees" and the term "those beneficiaries" in paragraph (2) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "those beneficiaries or other trustees".
(Special Provisions on Change of Trustees)
第八十六条 受託者が二人以上ある信託における第五十九条の規定の適用については、同条第一項中「受益者」とあるのは「受益者及び他の受託者」と、同条第三項及び第四項中「受託者の任務」とあるのは「すべての受託者の任務」とする。
Article 86 (1) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 59 to a trust with two or more trustees, the term "beneficiary" in paragraph (1) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "beneficiary and other trustees" and the phrase "a trustee's duties" in paragraphs (3) and (4) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "all trustees' duties".
2 受託者が二人以上ある信託における第六十条の規定の適用については、同条第一項中「受益者」とあるのは「受益者及び他の受託者」と、同条第二項及び第四項中「受託者の任務」とあるのは「すべての受託者の任務」とする。
(2) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 60 to a trust with two or more trustees, the term "beneficiary" in paragraph (1) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "beneficiary and other trustees" and the phrase "a trustee's duties" in paragraphs (2) and (4) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "all trustees' duties".
3 受託者が二人以上ある信託における第七十四条第一項の規定の適用については、同項中「受託者の任務」とあるのは、「すべての受託者の任務」とする。
(3) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 74, paragraph (1) to a trust with two or more trustees, the phrase "a trustee's duties" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "all trustees' duties".
4 受託者が二人以上ある信託においては、第七十五条第一項及び第二項の規定にかかわらず、その一人の任務が第五十六条第一項各号に掲げる事由により終了した場合には、その任務が終了した時に存する信託に関する権利義務は他の受託者が当然に承継し、その任務は他の受託者が行う。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(4) In the case of a trust with two or more trustees, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 75, paragraphs (1) and (2), when one of the trustees' duties have terminated due to any of the grounds set forth in the items of Article 56, paragraph (1), other trustees succeed to the rights and obligations concerning the trust existing at of the time of termination of the duties and performs those duties; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Special Provisions on Termination of Trusts)
第八十七条 受託者が二人以上ある信託における第百六十三条第三号の規定の適用については、同号中「受託者が欠けた場合」とあるのは、「すべての受託者が欠けた場合」とする。
Article 87 (1) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 163, item (iii) to a trust with two or more trustees, the phrase "if the trust lacks a trustee" in that item is deemed to be replaced with "if the trust lacks all of its trustees".
2 受託者が二人以上ある信託においては、受託者の一部が欠けた場合であって、前条第四項ただし書の規定によりその任務が他の受託者によって行われず、かつ、新受託者が就任しない状態が一年間継続したときも、信託は、終了する。
(2) In the case of a trust with two or more trustees, the trust also terminates when the trust lacks some of the trustees and the duties of that trustee are not performed by other trustees pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (4) of the preceding Article and a new trustee has not assumed office for one year.
第四章 受益者等
Chapter IV Beneficiaries
第一節 受益者の権利の取得及び行使
Section 1 Acquisition and Exercise of Rights by Beneficiaries
(Acquisition of Beneficial Interest)
第八十八条 信託行為の定めにより受益者となるべき者として指定された者(次条第一項に規定する受益者指定権等の行使により受益者又は変更後の受益者として指定された者を含む。)は、当然に受益権を取得する。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 88 (1) A person designated by the clause of the terms of trust as the person who is to be a beneficiary (including a person designated as an initial beneficiary or as a new beneficiary as a result of the exercise of the right to designate or change beneficiaries prescribed in paragraph (1) of the following Article) automatically acquires a beneficial interest; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 受託者は、前項に規定する受益者となるべき者として指定された者が同項の規定により受益権を取得したことを知らないときは、その者に対し、遅滞なく、その旨を通知しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(2) If a person designated as the person who is to be a beneficiary prescribed in the preceding paragraph does not know that the person has acquired the beneficial interest pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph, the trustee must notify that person of that fact without delay; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Right to Designate or Change Beneficiaries)
第八十九条 受益者を指定し、又はこれを変更する権利(以下この条において「受益者指定権等」という。)を有する者の定めのある信託においては、受益者指定権等は、受託者に対する意思表示によって行使する。
Article 89 (1) In the case of a trust that establishes the persons who have the right to designate or change a beneficiary (hereinafter referred to as the "right to designate or change a beneficiary" in this Article), the right to designate or change a beneficiary is exercised by manifesting an intention to do so to the trustee.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、受益者指定権等は、遺言によって行使することができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the right to designate or change a beneficiary may be exercised through a will.
3 前項の規定により遺言によって受益者指定権等が行使された場合において、受託者がこれを知らないときは、これにより受益者となったことをもって当該受託者に対抗することができない。
(3) If the right to designate or change a beneficiary is exercised through a will pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and the trustee does not know that fact, the acquisition of the status of a beneficiary through the exercise of that right may not be asserted against the trustee.
4 受託者は、受益者を変更する権利が行使されたことにより受益者であった者がその受益権を失ったときは、その者に対し、遅滞なく、その旨を通知しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(4) If the person who was the beneficiary has lost the beneficial interest as a result of the exercise of the right to change a beneficiary, the trustee must notify that person of that fact without delay; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
5 受益者指定権等は、相続によって承継されない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(5) The right to designate or change a beneficiary is not succeeded to through inheritance; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
6 受益者指定権等を有する者が受託者である場合における第一項の規定の適用については、同項中「受託者」とあるのは、「受益者となるべき者」とする。
(6) For the purpose of applying the provisions of paragraph (1) to cases in which the person who has the right to designate or change a beneficiary is a trustee, the term "trustee" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "person who is to be a beneficiary".
(Special Provisions on Trusts that Provide for Acquisition of Beneficial Interest upon the Death of a Settlor)
第九十条 次の各号に掲げる信託においては、当該各号の委託者は、受益者を変更する権利を有する。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 90 (1) In the case of the trusts set forth in each of the following items, a settlor referred to in each of those items has the right to change a beneficiary; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails:
一 委託者の死亡の時に受益者となるべき者として指定された者が受益権を取得する旨の定めのある信託
(i) a trust establishing that a person designated as the person who is to be a beneficiary acquires a beneficial interest at the time of the settlor's death; and
二 委託者の死亡の時以後に受益者が信託財産に係る給付を受ける旨の定めのある信託
(ii) a trust establishing that a beneficiary receives distribution of trust property after the time of the settlor's death.
2 前項第二号の受益者は、同号の委託者が死亡するまでは、受益者としての権利を有しない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(2) The beneficiary referred to in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph does not have the right as a beneficiary until the settlor referred to in that item dies; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Special Provisions on Trusts Establishing Acquisition of New Beneficial Interest by Another Person upon the Death of a Beneficiary)
第九十一条 受益者の死亡により、当該受益者の有する受益権が消滅し、他の者が新たな受益権を取得する旨の定め(受益者の死亡により順次他の者が受益権を取得する旨の定めを含む。)のある信託は、当該信託がされた時から三十年を経過した時以後に現に存する受益者が当該定めにより受益権を取得した場合であって当該受益者が死亡するまで又は当該受益権が消滅するまでの間、その効力を有する。
Article 91 A trust establishing that upon a beneficiary's death the beneficial interest held by the beneficiary is extinguished and another person acquires a new beneficial interest (including provisions that upon the death of the predecessor beneficiary, another person acquires a beneficial interest as the successor beneficiary) is effective from the time an existing beneficiary acquires a beneficial interest pursuant to the clause after 30 years have elapsed since the trust was created until the beneficiary dies, or until that beneficial interest is extinguished.
(Prohibition of Exercise of Rights by a Beneficiary by the Clause of the Terms of Trust)
第九十二条 受益者による次に掲げる権利の行使は、信託行為の定めにより制限することができない。
Article 92 The beneficiary's exercise of the following rights may not be restricted by the clause of the terms of trust:
一 この法律の規定による裁判所に対する申立権
(i) the right to file a petition with the court pursuant to the provisions of this Act;
二 第五条第一項の規定による催告権
(ii) the right to make a demand pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (1);
三 第二十三条第五項又は第六項の規定による異議を主張する権利
(iii) the right to assert an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 23, paragraph (5) or (6);
四 第二十四条第一項の規定による支払の請求権
(iv) the right to demand payment pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (1);
五 第二十七条第一項又は第二項(これらの規定を第七十五条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による取消権
(v) the right to rescind pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (1) or (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 75, paragraph (4));
六 第三十一条第六項又は第七項の規定による取消権
(vi) the right to rescind pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, paragraph (6) or (7);
七 第三十六条の規定による報告を求める権利
(vii) the right to request a report pursuant to the provisions of Article 36;
八 第三十八条第一項又は第六項の規定による閲覧又は謄写の請求権
(viii) the right to request to inspect or copy materials pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) or (6);
九 第四十条の規定による損失のてん補又は原状の回復の請求権
(ix) the right to demand compensation for a loss or restoration of the trust property pursuant to the provisions of Article 40;
十 第四十一条の規定による損失のてん補又は原状の回復の請求権
(x) the right to demand compensation for a loss or restoration of the trust property pursuant to the provisions of Article 41;
十一 第四十四条の規定による差止めの請求権
(xi) the right to demand a cessation pursuant to the provisions of Article 44;
十二 第四十五条第一項の規定による支払の請求権
(xii) the right to demand payment pursuant to the provisions of Article 45, paragraph (1);
十三 第五十九条第五項の規定による差止めの請求権
(xiii) the right to demand a cessation pursuant to the provisions of Article 59, paragraph (5);
十四 第六十条第三項又は第五項の規定による差止めの請求権
(xiv) the right to demand a cessation pursuant to the provisions of Article 60, paragraph (3) or (5);
十五 第六十一条第一項の規定による支払の請求権
(xv) the right to demand payment pursuant to the provisions of Article 61, paragraph (1);
十六 第六十二条第二項の規定による催告権
(xvi) the right to make a demand pursuant to the provisions of Article 62, paragraph (2);
十七 第九十九条第一項の規定による受益権を放棄する権利
(xvii) the right to waive a beneficial interest pursuant to the provisions of Article 99, paragraph (1);
十八 第百三条第一項又は第二項の規定による受益権取得請求権
(xviii) the beneficiary's right to demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph (1) or (2);
十九 第百三十一条第二項の規定による催告権
(xix) the right to make a demand pursuant to the provisions of Article 131, paragraph (2);
二十 第百三十八条第二項の規定による催告権
(xx) the right to make a demand pursuant to the provisions of Article 138, paragraph (2);
二十一 第百八十七条第一項の規定による交付又は提供の請求権
(xxi) the right to request the delivery of documents or provision of records pursuant to the provisions of Article 187, paragraph (1);
二十二 第百九十条第二項の規定による閲覧又は謄写の請求権
(xxii) the right to request to inspect or copy materials pursuant to the provisions of Article 190, paragraph (2);
二十三 第百九十八条第一項の規定による記載又は記録の請求権
(xxiii) the right to request that a particular be entered or recorded in the register pursuant to the provisions of Article 198, paragraph (1)
二十四 第二百二十六条第一項の規定による金銭のてん補又は支払の請求権
(xxiv) the right to demand compensation of money or payment of money pursuant to the provisions of Article 226, paragraph (1);
二十五 第二百二十八条第一項の規定による金銭のてん補又は支払の請求権
(xxv) the right to demand compensation of money or payment of money pursuant to the provisions of Article 228, paragraph (1); and
二十六 第二百五十四条第一項の規定による損失のてん補の請求権
(xxvi) the right to demand compensation for a loss pursuant to the provisions of Article 254, paragraph (1).
第二節 受益権等
Section 2 Beneficial Interest
第一款 受益権の譲渡等
Subsection 1 Transfer of Beneficial Interest
(Transferability of Beneficial Interest)
第九十三条 受益者は、その有する受益権を譲り渡すことができる。ただし、その性質がこれを許さないときは、この限りでない。
Article 93 (1) A beneficiary may transfer beneficial interest to another person; provided, however, that this does not apply if the nature of the beneficiary's interest does not permit this.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、受益権の譲渡を禁止し、又は制限する旨の信託行為の定め(以下この項において「譲渡制限の定め」という。)は、その譲渡制限の定めがされたことを知り、又は重大な過失によって知らなかった譲受人その他の第三者に対抗することができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the clause of the terms of trust that prohibits or restricts the transfer of a beneficial interest (hereinafter referred to as "clause of restriction on transfer" in this paragraph) may be asserted against a transferee or other third party who knew or was grossly negligent in failing to know that the clause of restriction on transfer was provided.
(Requirements for Perfection of Transfer of Beneficial Interest)
第九十四条 受益権の譲渡は、譲渡人が受託者に通知をし、又は受託者が承諾をしなければ、受託者その他の第三者に対抗することができない。
Article 94 (1) Transfer of a beneficial interest may not be asserted against a trustee or other third party unless the transferor notifies the trustee of the transfer or the trustee consents to the transfer.
2 前項の通知及び承諾は、確定日付のある証書によってしなければ、受託者以外の第三者に対抗することができない。
(2) The notice and the consent referred to in the preceding paragraph may not be asserted against a third party other than a trustee unless they are made by means of an instrument bearing a certified date.
(Trustee's Defense upon Transfer of Beneficial Interest)
第九十五条 受託者は、前条第一項の通知又は承諾がされるまでに譲渡人に対し生じた事由をもって譲受人に対抗することができる。
Article 95 A trustee may assert against the transferee any grounds that have arisen in relation to the transferor before the notice or consent referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article is given.
(Requirements for Perfection of Succession of Beneficial Interest in Joint Inheritance)
第九十五条の二 相続により受益権が承継された場合において、民法第九百条及び第九百一条の規定により算定した相続分を超えて当該受益権を承継した共同相続人が当該受益権に係る遺言の内容(遺産の分割により当該受益権を承継した場合にあっては、当該受益権に係る遺産の分割の内容)を明らかにして受託者にその承継の通知をしたときは、共同相続人の全員が受託者に通知をしたものとみなして、同法第八百九十九条の二第一項の規定を適用する。
Article 95-2 If a beneficial interest is succeeded to by inheritance and a coheir who succeeded to the beneficial interest in excess of the inheritance share calculated pursuant to Article 900 and Article 901 of the Civil Code notifies the trustee of the inheritance by clarifying the content of the will regarding the beneficial interest (if the beneficial interest is succeeded to by division of inheritance property, the content of the division of inheritance property regarding the beneficial interest), all of the coheirs are deemed to have notified the trustee, and the provisions of Article 899-2, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code apply.
(Pledges of Beneficial Interest)
第九十六条 受益者は、その有する受益権に質権を設定することができる。ただし、その性質がこれを許さないときは、この限りでない。
Article 96 (1) A beneficiary may create a pledge on a beneficial interest; provided, however, that this does not apply if the nature of the beneficial interest does not permit the pledge.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、受益権の質入れを禁止し、又は制限する旨の信託行為の定め(以下この項において「質入制限の定め」という。)は、その質入制限の定めがされたことを知り、又は重大な過失によって知らなかった質権者その他の第三者に対抗することができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the clause of the terms of trust that prohibit or restrict pledge of a beneficial interest (hereinafter referred to as "clause of restriction on pledge" in this paragraph) may be asserted against a pledgee or other third party who knew or was grossly negligent in failing to know that the clause of restriction on pledge was provided.
(Effect of Pledge of a Beneficial Interest)
第九十七条 受益権を目的とする質権は、次に掲げる金銭等(金銭その他の財産をいう。以下この条及び次条において同じ。)について存在する。
Article 97 A pledge on a beneficial interest exists on the following money or property (meaning money or other property; hereinafter the same applies in this Article and the following Article):
一 当該受益権を有する受益者が受託者から信託財産に係る給付として受けた金銭等
(i) money or other property that the beneficiary who holds the beneficial interest has received from the trustee as distribution of trust property;
二 第百三条第六項に規定する受益権取得請求によって当該受益権を有する受益者が受ける金銭等
(ii) money or other property that the beneficiary who holds the beneficial interest receives as a result of the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest prescribed in Article 103, paragraph (6);
三 信託の変更による受益権の併合又は分割によって当該受益権を有する受益者が受ける金銭等
(iii) money or other property that the beneficiary who holds the beneficial interest receives through the consolidation of beneficial interests or split of a beneficial interest as a result of a modification of the trust;
四 信託の併合又は分割(信託の併合又は信託の分割をいう。以下同じ。)によって当該受益権を有する受益者が受ける金銭等
(iv) money or other property that the beneficiary who holds the beneficial interest receives through the consolidation or split of trust (meaning consolidation of trusts or split of a trust; the same applies hereinafter); and
五 前各号に掲げるもののほか、当該受益権を有する受益者が当該受益権に代わるものとして受ける金銭等
(v) beyond what is set forth in the preceding items, money or other property that the beneficiary who holds the beneficial interest receives in lieu of that beneficial interest.
第九十八条 受益権の質権者は、前条の金銭等(金銭に限る。)を受領し、他の債権者に先立って自己の債権の弁済に充てることができる。
Article 98 (1) A pledgee of beneficial interest may receive money or other property referred to in the preceding Article (limited to money) and appropriate them for payment of their claim in preference to other creditors.
2 前項の債権の弁済期が到来していないときは、受益権の質権者は、受託者に同項に規定する金銭等に相当する金額を供託させることができる。この場合において、質権は、その供託金について存在する。
(2) Before the claim referred to in the preceding paragraph becomes due, the pledgee of a beneficial interest may have the trustee deposit an amount equivalent to the money or other property prescribed in that paragraph. In such a case, the pledge exists on those deposited money.
第二款 受益権の放棄
Subsection 2 Waiver of Beneficial Interest
第九十九条 受益者は、受託者に対し、受益権を放棄する旨の意思表示をすることができる。ただし、受益者が信託行為の当事者である場合は、この限りでない。
Article 99 (1) A beneficiary may manifest an intention to waive a beneficial interest to a trustee; provided, however, that this does not apply if the beneficiary is a party to the terms of trust.
2 受益者は、前項の規定による意思表示をしたときは、当初から受益権を有していなかったものとみなす。ただし、第三者の権利を害することはできない。
(2) If a beneficiary has made the manifestation of intention pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the beneficiary is deemed to have never held the beneficial interest; provided, however, that this may not prejudice a third party's rights.
第三款 受益債権
Subsection 3 Beneficial Claims
(Trustee's Liability for Beneficial Claims)
第百条 受益債権に係る債務については、受託者は、信託財産に属する財産のみをもってこれを履行する責任を負う。
Article 100 A trustee is liable to only use property that comes under trust property to perform obligations underlying beneficial claims.
(Relationship between Beneficial Claims and Trust Claims)
第百一条 受益債権は、信託債権に後れる。
Article 101 A beneficial claim is subordinated to trust claims.
(Limitation to the Period of Beneficial Claims)
第百二条 受益債権の消滅時効は、次項及び第三項に定める事項を除き、債権の消滅時効の例による。
Article 102 (1) Except for the particulars specified in the following paragraph and paragraph (3), the extinctive prescription of a beneficial claim is governed by the provisions on the extinctive prescription for claims.
2 受益債権の消滅時効は、受益者が受益者としての指定を受けたことを知るに至るまでの間(受益者が現に存しない場合にあっては、信託管理人が選任されるまでの間)は、進行しない。
(2) The extinctive prescription of a beneficial claim does not begin to run until the beneficiary becomes aware that they have been designated as a beneficiary (if there is no beneficiary at the time in question, until the trust administrator is appointed).
3 受益債権の消滅時効は、次に掲げる場合に限り、援用することができる。
(3) The extinctive prescription of a beneficial claim may be invoked only in the following cases:
一 受託者が、消滅時効の期間の経過後、遅滞なく、受益者に対し受益債権の存在及びその内容を相当の期間を定めて通知し、かつ、受益者からその期間内に履行の請求を受けなかったとき。
(i) if the trustee, without delay after the expiration of the period of extinctive prescription, notifies the beneficiary of the existence and content of the beneficial claim by specifying a reasonable period of time and does not receive the beneficiary's request for performance within that period; or
二 消滅時効の期間の経過時において受益者の所在が不明であるとき、その他信託行為の定め、受益者の状況、関係資料の滅失その他の事情に照らして、受益者に対し前号の規定による通知をしないことについて正当な理由があるとき。
(ii) if, after the expiration of the period of extinctive prescription, the beneficiary's whereabouts are unknown, or if there are legitimate grounds for not giving the beneficiary the notice under the provisions of the preceding item, in light of the clauses of the terms of trust, the status of the beneficiary, the loss of relevant materials, or other circumstances.
4 受益債権は、これを行使することができる時から二十年を経過したときは、消滅する。
(4) A beneficial claim is extinguished when 20 years have elapsed since it became possible to exercise that claim.
第四款 受益権取得請求権
Subsection 4 Beneficiary's Right to Demand that the Trustee Acquire the Beneficial Interest
(Beneficiary's Right to Demand That the Trustee Acquire the Beneficial Interest)
第百三条 次に掲げる事項に係る信託の変更(第三項において「重要な信託の変更」という。)がされる場合には、これにより損害を受けるおそれのある受益者は、受託者に対し、自己の有する受益権を公正な価格で取得することを請求することができる。ただし、第一号又は第二号に掲げる事項に係る信託の変更がされる場合にあっては、これにより損害を受けるおそれのあることを要しない。
Article 103 (1) If modification is to be made to a trust regarding the following particulars (referred to as a "material modification to the trust" in paragraph (3)), a beneficiary who is likely to suffer damages from the modification may demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest of the beneficiary at a fair price; provided, however, that if modification of a trust is to be made regarding the particulars set forth in item (i) or item (ii), it is not necessary for the beneficiary to be in risk of suffering damages from the modification :
一 信託の目的の変更
(i) a change in purpose of the trust;
二 受益権の譲渡の制限
(ii) restrictions on the transfer of a beneficial interest;
三 受託者の義務の全部又は一部の減免(当該減免について、その範囲及びその意思決定の方法につき信託行為に定めがある場合を除く。)
(iii) a reduction or exemption of trustee's obligation in whole or in part (excluding the case in which the terms of trust contain clauses on the scope of the reduction or exemption and the means of making decisions on the reduction or exemption);
四 受益債権の内容の変更(当該内容の変更について、その範囲及びその意思決定の方法につき信託行為に定めがある場合を除く。)
(iv) a change in the content of a beneficial claim (excluding the case in which the terms of trust contain clauses on the scope of the change and the means of making decisions on the change); and
五 信託行為において定めた事項
(v) the particulars provided for by the terms of trust.
2 信託の併合又は分割がされる場合には、これらにより損害を受けるおそれのある受益者は、受託者に対し、自己の有する受益権を公正な価格で取得することを請求することができる。ただし、前項第一号又は第二号に掲げる事項に係る変更を伴う信託の併合又は分割がされる場合にあっては、これらにより損害を受けるおそれのあることを要しない。
(2) If a trust is to be consolidated or split, a beneficiary who is likely to suffer from damages from the consolidation or split may demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest of the beneficiary at a fair price; provided, however, that if the consolidation or split of the trust is to involve a modification of the trust regarding the particulars set forth in item (i) or (ii) of the preceding paragraph, it is not necessary for the beneficiary to be in risk of suffering damages from the consolidation or split.
3 前二項の受益者が、重要な信託の変更又は信託の併合若しくは信託の分割(以下この章において「重要な信託の変更等」という。)の意思決定に関与し、その際に当該重要な信託の変更等に賛成する旨の意思を表示したときは、前二項の規定は、当該受益者については、適用しない。
(3) If the beneficiary referred to in the preceding two paragraphs is involved in the decision to make a material modification to the trust or implement a consolidation of trusts or a split of a trust (hereinafter referred to as the "material modification to, or consolidation or split of the trust" in this Chapter), and has manifested the intention to approve the material modification to, or consolidation or split of the trust in making the decision, the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply to that beneficiary.
4 受託者は、重要な信託の変更等の意思決定の日から二十日以内に、受益者に対し、次に掲げる事項を通知しなければならない。
(4) The trustee must notify the beneficiary of the following particulars within 20 days from the date of the decision on the material modification to, or consolidation or split of the trust has been made:
一 重要な信託の変更等をする旨
(i) a statement to the effect that the material modification to, or consolidation or split of the trust is to be made;
二 重要な信託の変更等がその効力を生ずる日(次条第一項において「効力発生日」という。)
(ii) the day on which the material modification to, consolidation or split of the trust becomes effective (referred to as the "effective day" in paragraph (1) of the following Article); and
三 重要な信託の変更等の中止に関する条件を定めたときは、その条件
(iii) conditions for canceling the material modification to, consolidation or split of the trust, if any such conditions are specified.
5 前項の規定による通知は、官報による公告をもって代えることができる。
(5) Public notice in the Official Gazette may be given in lieu of the notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
6 第一項又は第二項の規定による請求(以下この款において「受益権取得請求」という。)は、第四項の規定による通知又は前項の規定による公告の日から二十日以内に、その受益権取得請求に係る受益権の内容を明らかにしてしなければならない。
(6) A demand under the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) (hereinafter referred to as the "demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest" in this Subsection) must be made within 20 days from the date of the notice under the provisions of paragraph (4) or the date of the public notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, by disclosing the content of the beneficial interest subject to the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest.
7 受益権取得請求をした受益者は、受託者の承諾を得た場合に限り、その受益権取得請求を撤回することができる。
(7) The beneficiary who has made the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest may withdraw the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest only if they have obtained approval from the trustee.
8 重要な信託の変更等が中止されたときは、受益権取得請求は、その効力を失う。
(8) If the material modification to, consolidation or split of the trust is cancelled, the beneficiary's demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest ceases to be effective.
(Determination of Price of Beneficial Interest)
第百四条 受益権取得請求があった場合において、受益権の価格の決定について、受託者と受益者との間に協議が調ったときは、受託者は、受益権取得請求の日から六十日を経過する日(その日までに効力発生日が到来していない場合にあっては、効力発生日)までにその支払をしなければならない。
Article 104 (1) When a beneficiary's demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest has been made, if an agreement is reached between the trustee and the beneficiary on the determination of the price of the beneficial interest, the trustee must pay that price before 60 days have elapsed from the date the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest has been made (or the effective day if it has not arrived by that date).
2 受益権の価格の決定について、受益権取得請求の日から三十日以内に協議が調わないときは、受託者又は受益者は、その期間の満了の日後三十日以内に、裁判所に対し、価格の決定の申立てをすることができる。
(2) If an agreement is not reached on the determination of the price of the beneficial interest within 30 days from the date the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest has been made, the trustee or the beneficiary may file a petition with the court to determine the price within 30 days after the 30-day period has elapsed.
3 裁判所は、前項の規定により価格の決定をする場合には、同項の申立てをすることができる者の陳述を聴かなければならない。
(3) In making a decision to determine the price pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the court must hear the statements of the persons who are entitled to file the petition referred to in that paragraph.
4 第二項の申立てについての裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(4) The judicial decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (2) must include the reasons for that decision.
5 第二項の規定による価格の決定の裁判に対しては、申立人及び同項の申立てをすることができる者に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(5) Only the petitioner and an person entitled to file a petition referred to in paragraph (2) may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the determination of the price under the provisions of that paragraph.
6 前項の即時抗告は、執行停止の効力を有する。
(6) The immediate appeal referred to in the preceding paragraph has the effect of a stay of enforcement.
7 前条第七項の規定にかかわらず、第二項に規定する場合において、受益権取得請求の日から六十日以内に同項の申立てがないときは、その期間の満了後は、受益者は、いつでも、受益権取得請求を撤回することができる。
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (7) of the preceding Article, in the case prescribed in paragraph (2), if a petition referred to in that paragraph has not been made within 60 days from the date the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest has been made, the beneficiary may withdraw the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest at any time after the expiration of that period.
8 第一項の受託者は、裁判所の決定した価格に対する同項の期間の満了の日後の利息をも支払わなければならない。
(8) The trustee referred to in paragraph (1) must also pay the interest on the price determined by the court for the period from the date on which the period referred to in that paragraph has elapsed.
9 受託者は、受益権の価格の決定があるまでは、受益者に対し、当該受託者が公正な価格と認める額を支払うことができる。
(9) The trustee may pay the amount that the trustee finds to be a fair price to the beneficiary until the price of the beneficial interest is determined.
10 受益権取得請求に係る受託者による受益権の取得は、当該受益権の価格に相当する金銭の支払の時に、その効力を生ずる。
(10) The acquisition of the beneficial interest by the trustee as a result of the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest comes into effect at the time the money equivalent to the price of the beneficial interest is paid.
11 受益証券(第百八十五条第一項に規定する受益証券をいう。以下この章において同じ。)が発行されている受益権について受益権取得請求があったときは、当該受益証券と引換えに、その受益権取得請求に係る受益権の価格に相当する金銭を支払わなければならない。
(11) If a demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest is made with regard to a beneficial interest for which a beneficiary certificate (meaning a beneficiary certificate prescribed in Article 185, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same applies in this Chapter) is issued, money equivalent to the price of the beneficial interest to be acquired as a result of the demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest must be paid in exchange for the beneficiary certificate.
12 受益権取得請求に係る債務については、受託者は、信託財産に属する財産のみをもってこれを履行する責任を負う。ただし、信託行為又は当該重要な信託の変更等の意思決定において別段の定めがされたときは、その定めるところによる。
(12) The trustee is liable to only use property that comes under trust property to perform obligations regarding the beneficiary's demand that the trustee acquire the beneficial interest; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust or by the decision to make material modification, consolidation or split to the trust, the clause or decision prevails.
13 前条第一項又は第二項の規定により受託者が受益権を取得したときは、その受益権は、消滅する。ただし、信託行為又は当該重要な信託の変更等の意思決定において別段の定めがされたときは、その定めるところによる。
(13) If the trustee has acquired the beneficial interest pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article, the beneficial interest is extinguished; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust or by the decision to make material modification, consolidation or split of the trust, the clause or decision prevails.
第三節 二人以上の受益者による意思決定の方法の特例
Section 3 Special Provisions on Means of Decision Making Involving Two or More Beneficiaries
第一款 総則
Subsection 1 General Provisions
第百五条 受益者が二人以上ある信託における受益者の意思決定(第九十二条各号に掲げる権利の行使に係るものを除く。)は、すべての受益者の一致によってこれを決する。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 105 (1) In the case of a trust with two or more beneficiaries, the beneficiaries' decisions (excluding decisions on the exercise of the rights set forth in the items of Article 92) are made with the unanimous agreement of all beneficiaries; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 前項ただし書の場合において、信託行為に受益者集会における多数決による旨の定めがあるときは、次款の定めるところによる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(2) In the case referred to in the proviso to the preceding paragraph, if it is provided in the terms of trust that the beneficiaries' decisions are to be made by a majority vote at a beneficiaries meeting, the provisions of the following Subsection apply; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
3 第一項ただし書又は前項の規定にかかわらず、第四十二条の規定による責任の免除に係る意思決定の方法についての信託行為の定めは、次款の定めるところによる受益者集会における多数決による旨の定めに限り、その効力を有する。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (1) or the preceding paragraph, provisions of the terms of trust on the means of making decisions on exemption from liability under the provisions of Article 42 comes into effect only if it is provided that the means are to be a majority vote at the beneficiaries meeting as prescribed in the following Subsection.
4 第一項ただし書及び前二項の規定は、次に掲げる責任の免除については、適用しない。
(4) The provisions of the proviso to paragraph (1) and the preceding two paragraphs do not apply to exemption from liability set forth as follows:
一 第四十二条の規定による責任の全部の免除
(i) a total exemption from liability pursuant to the provisions of Article 42;
二 第四十二条第一号の規定による責任(受託者がその任務を行うにつき悪意又は重大な過失があった場合に生じたものに限る。)の一部の免除
(ii) a partial exemption from liability pursuant to the provisions of Article 42, item (i) (limited to liability arising from the trustee acting in bad faith or with gross negligence in performing their duties); and
三 第四十二条第二号の規定による責任の一部の免除
(iii) a partial exemption from liability pursuant to the provisions of Article 42, item (ii).
第二款 受益者集会
Subsection 2 Beneficiaries Meetings
(Convocation of Beneficiaries Meetings)
第百六条 受益者集会は、必要がある場合には、いつでも、招集することができる。
Article 106 (1) Beneficiaries meetings may be convened at any time as necessary.
2 受益者集会は、受託者(信託監督人が現に存する場合にあっては、受託者又は信託監督人)が招集する。
(2) Beneficiaries meetings are convened by a trustee (if there is a trust supervisor at the time in question, the trustee or the trust supervisor).
(Beneficiary's Request for Convocation)
第百七条 受益者は、受託者(信託監督人が現に存する場合にあっては、受託者又は信託監督人)に対し、受益者集会の目的である事項及び招集の理由を示して、受益者集会の招集を請求することができる。
Article 107 (1) A beneficiary may request that a trustee (if there is a trust supervisor at the time in question, the trustee or the trust supervisor) convene a beneficiaries meeting by indicating the matters that are the purpose of the beneficiaries meeting and the reasons for the convocation.
2 次に掲げる場合において、信託財産に著しい損害を生ずるおそれがあるときは、前項の規定による請求をした受益者は、受益者集会を招集することができる。
(2) In the following cases, when significant harm to the trust property is likely to occur, the beneficiary who has made the request pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may convene a beneficiaries meeting:
一 前項の規定による請求の後遅滞なく招集の手続が行われない場合
(i) if convocation procedures are not conducted after the request under the provisions of the preceding paragraph was made, without delay; or
二 前項の規定による請求があった日から八週間以内の日を受益者集会の日とする受益者集会の招集の通知が発せられない場合
(ii) if a notice of convocation of a beneficiaries meeting that designates a day falling within a period of eight weeks from the date of the request under the provisions of the preceding paragraph is made as the date of the beneficiaries meeting, is not issued.
(Decision to Convene Beneficiaries Meetings)
第百八条 受益者集会を招集する者(以下この款において「招集者」という。)は、受益者集会を招集する場合には、次に掲げる事項を定めなければならない。
Article 108 A person who convenes a beneficiaries meeting (hereinafter referred to as the "convener" in this Subsection) must specify the following particulars when convening the beneficiaries meeting:
一 受益者集会の日時及び場所
(i) the date and venue of the beneficiaries meeting;
二 受益者集会の目的である事項があるときは、当該事項
(ii) if there is any matter that is the purpose of the beneficiaries meeting, that matter;
三 受益者集会に出席しない受益者が電磁的方法(電子情報処理組織を使用する方法その他の情報通信の技術を利用する方法であって法務省令で定めるものをいう。以下この款において同じ。)によって議決権を行使することができることとするときは、その旨
(iii) if there is an arrangement in which a beneficiary who does not attend the beneficiaries meeting is entitled to exercise their vote by an electronic or magnetic means (meaning a means of using an electronic data processing system or any other means of using information and communications technology that is specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice; hereinafter the same applies in this Subsection), a statement to that effect; and
四 前三号に掲げるもののほか、法務省令で定める事項
(iv) beyond what is set forth in the preceding three items, any particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
(Notice of Convocation of Beneficiaries Meetings)
第百九条 受益者集会を招集するには、招集者は、受益者集会の日の二週間前までに、知れている受益者及び受託者(信託監督人が現に存する場合にあっては、知れている受益者、受託者及び信託監督人)に対し、書面をもってその通知を発しなければならない。
Article 109 (1) In order to convene a beneficiaries meeting, a convener must give a notice in writing to the known beneficiary and trustee (if there is a trust supervisor at the time in question, to the known beneficiary, trustee, and trust supervisor) by no later than two weeks prior to the date of the beneficiaries meeting.
2 招集者は、前項の書面による通知の発出に代えて、政令で定めるところにより、同項の通知を受けるべき者の承諾を得て、電磁的方法により通知を発することができる。この場合において、当該招集者は、同項の書面による通知を発したものとみなす。
(2) In lieu of giving the notice in writing referred to in the preceding paragraph, the convener may give the notice by electronic or magnetic means with the consent of the persons who are to receive the notice referred to in that paragraph, as prescribed by Cabinet Order. In such a case, the convener is deemed to have given the notice in writing referred to in that paragraph.
3 前二項の通知には、前条各号に掲げる事項を記載し、又は記録しなければならない。
(3) The particulars set forth in the items of the preceding Article must be entered or recorded in the notice referred to in the preceding two paragraphs.
4 無記名式の受益証券が発行されている場合において、受益者集会を招集するには、招集者は、受益者集会の日の三週間前までに、受益者集会を招集する旨及び前条各号に掲げる事項を官報により公告しなければならない。
(4) In order to convene a beneficiaries meeting when bearer certificates of beneficial interest are issued, the convener must give public notice in the Official Gazette of the fact that a beneficiaries meeting is being convened and the particulars set forth in the items of the preceding Article, by no later than three weeks prior to the date of the beneficiaries meeting.
(Delivery of Reference Documents for the Beneficiaries Meeting and Voting Forms)
第百十条 招集者は、前条第一項の通知に際しては、法務省令で定めるところにより、知れている受益者に対し、議決権の行使について参考となるべき事項を記載した書類(以下この条において「受益者集会参考書類」という。)及び受益者が議決権を行使するための書面(以下この款において「議決権行使書面」という。)を交付しなければならない。
Article 110 (1) Upon giving a notice referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, a convener must deliver to the known beneficiaries documents stating the particulars which would serve as reference information for exercising voting rights (hereinafter referred to as the "reference documents for beneficiaries meeting" in this Article) and documents for the beneficiaries to exercise their voting rights (hereinafter referred to as the "voting form" in this Subsection), as provided for by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
2 招集者は、前条第二項の承諾をした受益者に対し同項の電磁的方法による通知を発するときは、前項の規定による受益者集会参考書類及び議決権行使書面の交付に代えて、これらの書類に記載すべき事項を電磁的方法により提供することができる。ただし、受益者の請求があったときは、これらの書類を当該受益者に交付しなければならない。
(2) If the convener gives the notice by electronic or magnetic means referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article to the beneficiaries who have given their consent referred to in that paragraph, the convener may provide information on the particulars that are required to be entered in those documents by electronic or magnetic means in lieu of delivering the reference documents for beneficiaries meeting and the voting form under the provisions of the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that when requested by a beneficiary, the convener must deliver those documents to the beneficiary.
3 招集者は、前条第四項の規定による公告をした場合において、受益者集会の日の一週間前までに無記名受益権(無記名式の受益証券が発行されている受益権をいう。第八章において同じ。)の受益者の請求があったときは、直ちに、受益者集会参考書類及び議決権行使書面を当該受益者に交付しなければならない。
(3) If the convener has given public notice under the provisions of paragraph (4) of the preceding Article, and the convener is requested by a beneficiary of a bearer beneficial interest (meaning a beneficial interest for which a bearer certificate of beneficial interest is issued; the same applies in Chapter VIII) by one week prior to the date of the beneficiaries meeting, the convener must immediately deliver the reference documents for beneficiaries meeting and the voting form to that beneficiary.
4 招集者は、前項の規定による受益者集会参考書類及び議決権行使書面の交付に代えて、政令で定めるところにより、受益者の承諾を得て、これらの書類に記載すべき事項を電磁的方法により提供することができる。この場合において、当該招集者は、同項の規定によるこれらの書類の交付をしたものとみなす。
(4) In lieu of delivering the reference documents for beneficiaries meeting and the voting form under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, with the consent of the beneficiary and as provided for by Cabinet Order, a convener may provide information that are required to be stated in those documents by electronic or magnetic means. In such a case, the convener is deemed to have delivered the documents under the provisions of that paragraph.
第百十一条 招集者は、第百八条第三号に掲げる事項を定めた場合には、第百九条第二項の承諾をした受益者に対する電磁的方法による通知に際して、法務省令で定めるところにより、受益者に対し、議決権行使書面に記載すべき事項を当該電磁的方法により提供しなければならない。
Article 111 (1) If the convener has specified the particulars set forth in Article 108, item (iii), in giving the notice by electronic or magnetic means to the beneficiary who has given their consent referred to in Article 109, paragraph (2), the convener must provide the beneficiaries with the information that are required to be stated in the voting form by electronic or magnetic means, as provided for by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
2 招集者は、第百八条第三号に掲げる事項を定めた場合において、第百九条第二項の承諾をしていない受益者から受益者集会の日の一週間前までに議決権行使書面に記載すべき事項の電磁的方法による提供の請求があったときは、法務省令で定めるところにより、直ちに、当該受益者に対し、当該事項を電磁的方法により提供しなければならない。
(2) If the convener has specified the particulars set forth in Article 108, item (iii), and the convener is requested by a beneficiary who has not given the consent referred to in Article 109, paragraph (2) to provide the information on the particulars that are required to be stated in the voting form by electronic or magnetic means by no later than one week prior to the date of the beneficiaries meeting, the convener must immediately provide the beneficiary with the information on those particulars by electronic or magnetic means.
(Voting Rights of Beneficiaries)
第百十二条 受益者は、受益者集会において、次の各号に掲げる区分に従い、当該各号に定めるものに応じて、議決権を有する。
Article 112 (1) Beneficiaries have voting rights at beneficiaries meetings according to the particulars specified in the following items for the cases set forth in the respective items:
一 各受益権の内容が均等である場合 受益権の個数
(i) if the content of each beneficial interest is equal: the number of beneficial interests: or
二 前号に掲げる場合以外の場合 受益者集会の招集の決定の時における受益権の価格
(ii) in cases other than the case set forth in the preceding item: the price of beneficial interest at the time of the decision to convene a beneficiaries meeting.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、受益権が当該受益権に係る信託の信託財産に属するときは、受託者は、当該受益権については、議決権を有しない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a beneficial interest belongs to the trust property of the trust regarding the beneficial interest, the trustee has no voting rights for that beneficial interest.
(Resolutions at Beneficiaries Meetings)
第百十三条 受益者集会の決議は、議決権を行使することができる受益者の議決権の過半数を有する受益者が出席し、出席した当該受益者の議決権の過半数をもって行う。
Article 113 (1) A resolution at a beneficiaries meeting is adopted by a majority of the votes of the beneficiaries present, and the beneficiaries who are present at the meeting hold a majority of the voting rights of all the beneficiaries who are entitled to exercise their voting rights.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げる事項に係る受益者集会の決議は、当該受益者集会において議決権を行使することができる受益者の議決権の過半数を有する受益者が出席し、出席した当該受益者の議決権の三分の二以上に当たる多数をもって行わなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a resolution at a beneficiaries meeting concerning each of the following matters must be adopted at a meeting in which the beneficiaries who hold a majority of the voting rights of all the beneficiaries who are entitled to exercise their voting rights are present and by at least a two-thirds majority of the votes of the beneficiaries present:
一 第四十二条の規定による責任の免除(第百五条第四項各号に掲げるものを除く。)
(i) an exemption from liability pursuant to the provisions of Article 42 (excluding an exemption set forth in each item of Article 105, paragraph (4));
二 第百三十六条第一項第一号に規定する合意
(ii) an agreement prescribed in Article 136, paragraph (1), item (i);
三 第百四十三条第一項第一号に規定する合意
(iii) an agreement prescribed in Article 143, paragraph (1), item (i);
四 第百四十九条第一項若しくは第二項第一号に規定する合意又は同条第三項に規定する意思表示
(iv) an agreement prescribed in Article 149, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), item (i), or a manifestation of intention prescribed in paragraph (3) of that Article;
五 第百五十一条第一項又は第二項第一号に規定する合意
(v) an agreement prescribed in Article 151, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), item (i);
六 第百五十五条第一項又は第二項第一号に規定する合意
(vi) an agreement prescribed in Article 155, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), item (i);
七 第百五十九条第一項又は第二項第一号に規定する合意
(vii) an agreement prescribed in Article 159, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), item (i); and
八 第百六十四条第一項に規定する合意
(viii) an agreement prescribed in Article 164, paragraph (1).
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、第百三条第一項第二号から第四号までに掲げる事項(同号に掲げる事項にあっては、受益者間の権衡に変更を及ぼすものを除く。)に係る重要な信託の変更等に係る受益者集会の決議は、当該受益者集会において議決権を行使することができる受益者の半数以上であって、当該受益者の議決権の三分の二以上に当たる多数をもって行わなければならない。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, a resolution at a beneficiaries meeting concerning the material modification to, consolidation or split of the trust related to the particulars set forth in Article 103, paragraph (1), items (ii) through (iv) (for the particulars set forth in item (iv), excluding a particular that would change the balance among beneficiaries) must be adopted by at least half of the beneficiaries who are entitled to exercise their voting rights at that beneficiaries meeting, and by at least a two-thirds majority of the votes of those beneficiaries.
4 前三項の規定にかかわらず、第百三条第一項第一号又は第四号に掲げる事項(同号に掲げる事項にあっては、受益者間の権衡に変更を及ぼすものに限る。)に係る重要な信託の変更等に係る受益者集会の決議は、総受益者の半数以上であって、総受益者の議決権の四分の三以上に当たる多数をもって行わなければならない。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, a resolution at a beneficiaries meeting concerning the material modification to, consolidation or split of the trust related to the particulars set forth in Article 103, paragraph (1), item (i) or (iv) (for the particulars set forth in item (iv), limited to a particular that would change the balance among beneficiaries) must be adopted by at least half of all of the beneficiaries, and by at least a three-fourths majority of the votes of all beneficiaries.
5 受益者集会は、第百八条第二号に掲げる事項以外の事項については、決議をすることができない。
(5) A beneficiaries meeting may not adopt a resolution on a particulars other than the particular set forth in Article 108, item (ii).
(Exercise of Voting Rights by Proxy)
第百十四条 受益者は、代理人によってその議決権を行使することができる。この場合においては、当該受益者又は代理人は、代理権を証明する書面を招集者に提出しなければならない。
Article 114 (1) A beneficiary may exercise the voting rights by proxy. In such a case, the beneficiary or the proxy must submit a document certifying the authority to act as proxy to the convener.
2 前項の代理権の授与は、受益者集会ごとにしなければならない。
(2) The authority to act as proxy referred to in the preceding paragraph must be granted at each beneficiaries meeting.
3 第一項の受益者又は代理人は、代理権を証明する書面の提出に代えて、政令で定めるところにより、招集者の承諾を得て、当該書面に記載すべき事項を電磁的方法により提供することができる。この場合において、当該受益者又は代理人は、当該書面を提出したものとみなす。
(3) In lieu of submitting the document certifying the authority to act as proxy, the beneficiary or the proxy referred to in paragraph (1) may provide the information that are required to be stated in the document by electronic or magnetic means as provided for by Cabinet Order, with the approval of the convener. In such a case, the beneficiary or the proxy is deemed to have submitted the document.
4 受益者が第百九条第二項の承諾をした者である場合には、招集者は、正当な理由がなければ、前項の承諾をすることを拒んではならない。
(4) The convener may not refuse to give the approval referred to in the preceding paragraph to the beneficiary who has given the consent as set forth in Article 109, paragraph (2), without legitimate grounds.
(Exercise of Voting Rights in Writing)
第百十五条 受益者集会に出席しない受益者は、書面によって議決権を行使することができる。
Article 115 (1) A beneficiary who does not attend a beneficiaries meeting may exercise the voting rights in writing.
2 書面による議決権の行使は、議決権行使書面に必要な事項を記載し、法務省令で定める時までに当該記載をした議決権行使書面を招集者に提出して行う。
(2) The exercise of voting rights in writing is performed by entering the necessary particulars in the voting form and submitting the voting form stating the particulars to the convener by the time specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
3 前項の規定により書面によって行使した議決権は、出席した議決権者の行使した議決権とみなす。
(3) Voting rights exercised in writing pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph are deemed to be voting rights exercised by voting right holders present at the meeting.
(Exercise of Voting Rights by Electronic or Magnetic Means)
第百十六条 電磁的方法による議決権の行使は、政令で定めるところにより、招集者の承諾を得て、法務省令で定める時までに議決権行使書面に記載すべき事項を、電磁的方法により当該招集者に提供して行う。
Article 116 (1) Exercise of voting rights by electronic or magnetic means is performed by providing the convener with the information that are required to be stated in the voting form by electronic or magnetic means by the time specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice as prescribed by Cabinet Order, with the consent of the convener.
2 受益者が第百九条第二項の承諾をした者である場合には、招集者は、正当な理由がなければ、前項の承諾をすることを拒んではならない。
(2) The convener may not refuse to give the consent referred to in the preceding paragraph to the beneficiary who has given the consent referred to in Article 109, paragraph (2), without legitimate grounds.
3 第一項の規定により電磁的方法によって行使した議決権は、出席した議決権者の行使した議決権とみなす。
(3) The voting rights exercised by electronic or magnetic means pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) are deemed to be voting rights exercised by voting right holders present at the meeting.
(Diverse Exercise of Voting Rights)
第百十七条 受益者は、その有する議決権を統一しないで行使することができる。この場合においては、受益者集会の日の三日前までに、招集者に対しその旨及びその理由を通知しなければならない。
Article 117 (1) Beneficiaries may exercise their voting rights diversely. In such a case, that fact and the reasons for the diversity must be notified to the convener by no later than three days prior to the date of a beneficiaries meeting.
2 招集者は、前項の受益者が他人のために受益権を有する者でないときは、当該受益者が同項の規定によりその有する議決権を統一しないで行使することを拒むことができる。
(2) If the beneficiary referred to in the preceding paragraph is not a person who holds a beneficial interest on behalf of another person, the convener may refuse to allow the beneficiary to diversely exercise the voting rights they hold pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph.
(Attendance of Trustees)
第百十八条 受託者(法人である受託者にあっては、その代表者又は代理人。次項において同じ。)は、受益者集会に出席し、又は書面により意見を述べることができる。
Article 118 (1) A trustee (for a trustee that is a corporation, their representative or agent; the same applies in the following paragraph) may attend a beneficiaries meeting or state their opinion in writing.
2 受益者集会又は招集者は、必要があると認めるときは、受託者に対し、その出席を求めることができる。この場合において、受益者集会にあっては、これをする旨の決議を経なければならない。
(2) If it is found to be necessary, a beneficiaries meeting or a convener may demand that the trustee attend the meeting. In such a case, a resolution to demand the attendance must be adopted at the beneficiaries meeting.
(Resolution for Postponement or Continuation)
第百十九条 受益者集会においてその延期又は続行について決議があった場合には、第百八条及び第百九条の規定は、適用しない。
Article 119 If a resolution is adopted at a beneficiaries meeting for the postponement or continuation of that meeting, the provisions of Article 108 and Article 109 do not apply.
第百二十条 受益者集会の議事については、招集者は、法務省令で定めるところにより、議事録を作成しなければならない。
Article 120 A convener must prepare the minutes of the proceedings of a beneficiaries meeting as specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
(Effect of Resolutions at Beneficiaries Meetings)
第百二十一条 受益者集会の決議は、当該信託のすべての受益者に対してその効力を有する。
Article 121 A resolution made at a beneficiaries meeting takes effect for all beneficiaries of the trust.
(Bearing of Expenses for Beneficiaries Meetings)
第百二十二条 受益者集会に関する必要な費用を支出した者は、受託者に対し、その償還を請求することができる。
Article 122 (1) A person who has paid the expenses necessary for a beneficiaries meeting may demand the reimbursement of the expenses from a trustee.
2 前項の規定による請求に係る債務については、受託者は、信託財産に属する財産のみをもってこれを履行する責任を負う。
(2) The trustee is liable to only use property that comes under trust property to perform the obligation regarding the demand under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
第四節 信託管理人等
Section 4 Trust Administrator and Other Persons
第一款 信託管理人
Subsection 1 Trust Administrator
(Appointment of Trust Administrators)
第百二十三条 信託行為においては、受益者が現に存しない場合に信託管理人となるべき者を指定する定めを設けることができる。
Article 123 (1) A clause may be established in the terms of trust to designate a person who is to be the trust administrator if there is no beneficiary at the time in question.
2 信託行為に信託管理人となるべき者を指定する定めがあるときは、利害関係人は、信託管理人となるべき者として指定された者に対し、相当の期間を定めて、その期間内に就任の承諾をするかどうかを確答すべき旨を催告することができる。ただし、当該定めに停止条件又は始期が付されているときは、当該停止条件が成就し、又は当該始期が到来した後に限る。
(2) If the terms of trust contain a clause that designate a particular person to be the trust administrator, an interested party may specify a reasonable period of time and make a demand to the person designated as the person who is to be the trust administrator to give a definite answer on whether the person will assume office within that period of time; provided, however, that if the clause is subject to a condition precedent or a designated time of commencement, this may only be done after the condition precedent is fulfilled or after the time of commencement arrives.
3 前項の規定による催告があった場合において、信託管理人となるべき者として指定された者は、同項の期間内に委託者(委託者が現に存しない場合にあっては、受託者)に対し確答をしないときは、就任の承諾をしなかったものとみなす。
(3) If the demand under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been made and the person designated as the person who is to be the trust administrator fails to give a definite answer to a settlor (if there is no settlor at the time in question, to a trustee) within the period referred to in that paragraph, it is deemed that the person has not accepted the assumption of office.
4 受益者が現に存しない場合において、信託行為に信託管理人に関する定めがないとき、又は信託行為の定めにより信託管理人となるべき者として指定された者が就任の承諾をせず、若しくはこれをすることができないときは、裁判所は、利害関係人の申立てにより、信託管理人を選任することができる。
(4) If there is no beneficiary at the time in question, and the terms of trust contain no clause concerning a trust administrator or if the person designated by the clause of the terms of trust as the person who is to be the trust administrator does not accept or is unable to accept the assumption of office, the court may appoint a trust administrator upon petition of an interested party.
5 前項の規定による信託管理人の選任の裁判があったときは、当該信託管理人について信託行為に第一項の定めが設けられたものとみなす。
(5) If a judicial decision on the appointment of a trust administrator has been made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it is deemed that the provisions referred to in paragraph (1) were established in the terms of trust with regard to the trust administrator.
6 第四項の申立てについての裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(6) The judicial decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (4) must include the reasons for that decision.
7 第四項の規定による信託管理人の選任の裁判に対しては、委託者若しくは受託者又は既に存する信託管理人に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(7) Only the settlor or the trustee, or the trust administrator already existing at the time in question, may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the appointment of a trust administrator pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4).
8 前項の即時抗告は、執行停止の効力を有する。
(8) The immediate appeal referred to in the preceding paragraph has the effect of a stay of enforcement.
(Qualification of Trust Administrators)
第百二十四条 次に掲げる者は、信託管理人となることができない。
Article 124 The following persons may not serve as a trust administrator:
一 未成年者
(i) a minor; and
二 当該信託の受託者である者
(ii) a person who is the trustee of the trust in question.
(Authority of Trust Administrators)
第百二十五条 信託管理人は、受益者のために自己の名をもって受益者の権利に関する一切の裁判上又は裁判外の行為をする権限を有する。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 125 (1) A trust administrator has the authority to conduct any and all acts in or out of court in their own name on behalf of a beneficiary in connection with the beneficiary's rights; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 二人以上の信託管理人があるときは、これらの者が共同してその権限に属する行為をしなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(2) If there are two or more trust administrators, they must jointly perform acts within their authority; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
3 この法律の規定により受益者に対してすべき通知は、信託管理人があるときは、信託管理人に対してしなければならない。
(3) If there is a trust administrator, any notice required to be given to a beneficiary pursuant to the provisions of this Act must be given to the trust administrator.
(Obligations of Trust Administrators)
第百二十六条 信託管理人は、善良な管理者の注意をもって、前条第一項の権限を行使しなければならない。
Article 126 (1) A trust administrator must exercise the authority referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article with the due care of a prudent manager.
2 信託管理人は、受益者のために、誠実かつ公平に前条第一項の権限を行使しなければならない。
(2) A trust administrator must exercise the authority referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article sincerely and impartially on behalf of the beneficiary.
(Expenses and Remuneration of Trust Administrators)
第百二十七条 信託管理人は、その事務を処理するのに必要と認められる費用及び支出の日以後におけるその利息を受託者に請求することができる。
Article 127 (1) A trust administrator may demand from a trustee the expenses that are found to be necessary for the administration of the trust affairs and their interest that has accrued from the date of payment.
2 信託管理人は、次の各号に掲げる場合には、当該各号に定める損害の額について、受託者にその賠償を請求することができる。
(2) In the following cases, a trust administrator may demand compensation from the trustee for the amount of damages specified in the respective items:
一 信託管理人がその事務を処理するため自己に過失なく損害を受けた場合 当該損害の額
(i) if a trust administrator has suffered any damages in administering the trust affairs without their negligence: the amount of those damages; or
二 信託管理人がその事務を処理するため第三者の故意又は過失によって損害を受けた場合(前号に掲げる場合を除く。) 当該第三者に対し賠償を請求することができる額
(ii) if a trust administrator has suffered any damages in administering the trust affairs through an intentional or a negligent act of a third party (excluding the case set forth in the preceding item): the amount of compensation that may be demanded from the third party.
3 信託管理人は、商法第五百十二条の規定の適用がある場合のほか、信託行為に信託管理人が報酬を受ける旨の定めがある場合に限り、受託者に報酬を請求することができる。
(3) In addition to the case to which the provisions of Article 512 of the Commercial Code apply, a trust administrator may demand remuneration from the trustee only if it is provided for by the terms of trust that the trust administrator is entitled to receive remuneration.
4 前三項の規定による請求に係る債務については、受託者は、信託財産に属する財産のみをもってこれを履行する責任を負う。
(4) The trustee is liable to only use property that comes under trust property to perform an obligation regarding the demands under the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs.
5 第三項の場合には、報酬の額は、信託行為に報酬の額又は算定方法に関する定めがあるときはその定めるところにより、その定めがないときは相当の額とする。
(5) In the case referred to in paragraph (3), if the terms of trust contain a clause on the amount of remuneration or its calculation means, the amount of remuneration is to be determined pursuant to the clause, and if there is no such clause, the amount is to be a reasonable amount.
6 裁判所は、第百二十三条第四項の規定により信託管理人を選任した場合には、信託管理人の報酬を定めることができる。
(6) If the court has appointed a trust administrator pursuant to the provisions of Article 123, paragraph (4), it may determine the remuneration for the trust administrator.
7 前項の規定による信託管理人の報酬の裁判があったときは、当該信託管理人について信託行為に第三項の定め及び第五項の報酬の額に関する定めがあったものとみなす。
(7) If a judicial decision on the remuneration for the trust administrator pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph is made, it is deemed that the provisions of paragraph (3) and the clause on the amount of remuneration referred to in paragraph (5) was contained in the terms of trust with regard to that trust administrator.
8 第六項の規定による信託管理人の報酬の裁判をする場合には、受託者及び信託管理人の陳述を聴かなければならない。
(8) Before the court makes the judicial decision on the remuneration for the trust administrator pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6), it must hear the statements of the trustee and the trust administrator.
9 第六項の規定による信託管理人の報酬の裁判に対しては、受託者及び信託管理人に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(9) Only the trustee or the trust administrator may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the remuneration for the trust administrator pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6).
(Termination of Trust Administrator's Duties)
第百二十八条 第五十六条の規定は、信託管理人の任務の終了について準用する。この場合において、同条第一項第五号中「次条」とあるのは「第百二十八条第二項において準用する次条」と、同項第六号中「第五十八条」とあるのは「第百二十八条第二項において準用する第五十八条」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 128 (1) The provisions of Article 56 apply mutatis mutandis to the termination of a trust administrator's duties. In such a case, the term "the following Article" in paragraph (1), item (v) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "the following Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant Article 128, paragraph (2)" and the term "Article 58" in item (vi) of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "Article 58 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 128, paragraph (2)".
2 第五十七条の規定は信託管理人の辞任について、第五十八条の規定は信託管理人の解任について、それぞれ準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 57 apply mutatis mutandis to the resignation of a trust administrator, and the provisions of Article 58 apply mutatis mutandis to the dismissal of a trust administrator.
(Appointment of New Trust Administrators)
第百二十九条 第六十二条の規定は、前条第一項において準用する第五十六条第一項各号の規定により信託管理人の任務が終了した場合における新たな信託管理人(次項において「新信託管理人」という。)の選任について準用する。
Article 129 (1) The provisions of Article 62 apply mutatis mutandis to the appointment of a new trust administrator (referred to as the "new trust administrator" in the following paragraph) in cases in which a trust administrator's duties have terminated pursuant to the provisions of the items of Article 56, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
2 新信託管理人が就任した場合には、信託管理人であった者は、遅滞なく、新信託管理人がその事務の処理を行うのに必要な事務の引継ぎをしなければならない。
(2) If a new trust administrator assumes office, the person who has been the trust administrator must transfer the affairs necessary for the new trust administrator to administer the affairs to the new trust administrator.
3 前項の信託管理人であった者は、受益者が存するに至った後においてその受益者となった者を知ったときは、遅滞なく、当該受益者となった者に対しその事務の経過及び結果を報告しなければならない。
(3) If the person who has been the trust administrator referred to in the preceding paragraph learns of the person who has become the beneficiary after the beneficiary has come into existence, the person who has been the trust administrator must make a report to the person who has become the beneficiary on the process and results of the trust affairs without delay.
(Termination of Administration of Affairs by Trust Administrators)
第百三十条 信託管理人による事務の処理は、次に掲げる事由により終了する。ただし、第二号に掲げる事由による場合にあっては、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 130 (1) Administration of affairs by a trust administrator terminates on the following grounds; provided, however, that in the case of termination on the grounds set forth in item (ii), if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails:
一 受益者が存するに至ったこと。
(i) a beneficiary has come into existence;
二 委託者が信託管理人に対し事務の処理を終了する旨の意思表示をしたこと。
(ii) a settlor has manifested the intention to terminate the administration of affairs to the trust administrator; or
三 信託行為において定めた事由
(iii) any grounds provided for by the terms of trust.
2 前項の規定により信託管理人による事務の処理が終了した場合には、信託管理人であった者は、遅滞なく、受益者に対しその事務の経過及び結果を報告しなければならない。ただし、受益者が存するに至った後においてその受益者となった者を知った場合に限る。
(2) If the administration of affairs by the trust administrator has terminated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the person who has been the trust administrator must make a report to the beneficiary on the process and results of the affairs without delay; provided, however, that this applies only if the person who has been the trust administrator learns of the person who has become the beneficiary after the beneficiary came into existence.
第二款 信託監督人
Subsection 2 Trust Supervisors
(Appointment of Trust Supervisors)
第百三十一条 信託行為においては、受益者が現に存する場合に信託監督人となるべき者を指定する定めを設けることができる。
Article 131 (1) A clause may be established in the terms of trust to designate a person who is to be a trust supervisor when there is a beneficiary at the time in question.
2 信託行為に信託監督人となるべき者を指定する定めがあるときは、利害関係人は、信託監督人となるべき者として指定された者に対し、相当の期間を定めて、その期間内に就任の承諾をするかどうかを確答すべき旨を催告することができる。ただし、当該定めに停止条件又は始期が付されているときは、当該停止条件が成就し、又は当該始期が到来した後に限る。
(2) If the terms of trust contain a clause to designate a person to be a trust supervisor, an interested party may specify a reasonable period of time and make a demand to the person designated as the person who is to be the trust supervisor to give a definite answer on whether the person will assume office within that period of time; provided, however, that if the clause is subject to a condition precedent or a designated time of commencement, this may only be done after the condition precedent is fulfilled or after the time of commencement arrives.
3 前項の規定による催告があった場合において、信託監督人となるべき者として指定された者は、同項の期間内に委託者(委託者が現に存しない場合にあっては、受託者)に対し確答をしないときは、就任の承諾をしなかったものとみなす。
(3) If the demand under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been made, and the person designated as the person who is to be the trust supervisor fails to give a definite answer to a settlor (if there is no settler at the time in question, to a trustee) within the period set forth in that paragraph, it is deemed that the person has not accepted the assumption of office.
4 受益者が受託者の監督を適切に行うことができない特別の事情がある場合において、信託行為に信託監督人に関する定めがないとき、又は信託行為の定めにより信託監督人となるべき者として指定された者が就任の承諾をせず、若しくはこれをすることができないときは、裁判所は、利害関係人の申立てにより、信託監督人を選任することができる。
(4) If there are special circumstances in which a beneficiary is unable to supervise a trustee appropriately, if the terms of trust contain no clause concerning a trust supervisor, or if the person designated by the clause of the terms of trust as the person who is to be the trust supervisor does not accept or is unable to accept the assumption of office, the court may appoint a trust supervisor upon petition of an interested party.
5 前項の規定による信託監督人の選任の裁判があったときは、当該信託監督人について信託行為に第一項の定めが設けられたものとみなす。
(5) If a judicial decision on the appointment of a trust supervisor under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been made, it is deemed that the provisions referred to in paragraph (1) were established in the terms of trust with regard to the trust supervisor.
6 第四項の申立てについての裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(6) The judicial decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (4) must include the reasons for that decision.
7 第四項の規定による信託監督人の選任の裁判に対しては、委託者、受託者若しくは受益者又は既に存する信託監督人に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(7) Only the settlor, the trustee or the beneficiary, or the trust supervisor at the time in question may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the appointment of the trust supervisor pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4).
8 前項の即時抗告は、執行停止の効力を有する。
(8) The immediate appeal set forth in the preceding paragraph has the effect of a stay of enforcement.
(Authority of Trust Supervisors)
第百三十二条 信託監督人は、受益者のために自己の名をもって第九十二条各号(第十七号、第十八号、第二十一号及び第二十三号を除く。)に掲げる権利に関する一切の裁判上又は裁判外の行為をする権限を有する。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 132 (1) A trust supervisor has the authority to perform any and all acts in or out of court in their own name on behalf of a beneficiary in connection with the rights set forth in the items of Article 92 (excluding item (xvii), item (xviii), item (xxi) and item (xxiii)); provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 二人以上の信託監督人があるときは、これらの者が共同してその権限に属する行為をしなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(2) If there are two or more trust supervisors, they must perform acts within their authority jointly; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Obligations of Trust Supervisors)
第百三十三条 信託監督人は、善良な管理者の注意をもって、前条第一項の権限を行使しなければならない。
Article 133 (1) A trust supervisor must exercise the authority referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article with the due care of a prudent manager.
2 信託監督人は、受益者のために、誠実かつ公平に前条第一項の権限を行使しなければならない。
(2) A trust supervisor must exercise the authority referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article sincerely and impartially on behalf of the beneficiary.
(Termination of Trust Supervisor's Duties)
第百三十四条 第五十六条の規定は、信託監督人の任務の終了について準用する。この場合において、同条第一項第五号中「次条」とあるのは「第百三十四条第二項において準用する次条」と、同項第六号中「第五十八条」とあるのは「第百三十四条第二項において準用する第五十八条」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 134 (1) The provisions of Article 56 apply mutatis mutandis to the termination of a trust supervisor's duties. In such a case, the term "the following Article" in paragraph (1), item (v) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "the following Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant Article 134, paragraph (2)" and the term "Article 58" in item (vi) of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "Article 58 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 134, paragraph (2)".
2 第五十七条の規定は信託監督人の辞任について、第五十八条の規定は信託監督人の解任について、それぞれ準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 57 apply mutatis mutandis to the resignation of a trust supervisor, and the provisions of Article 58 apply mutatis mutandis to the dismissal of a trust supervisor.
(Appointment of New Trust Supervisors)
第百三十五条 第六十二条の規定は、前条第一項において準用する第五十六条第一項各号の規定により信託監督人の任務が終了した場合における新たな信託監督人(次項において「新信託監督人」という。)の選任について準用する。
Article 135 (1) The provisions of Article 62 apply mutatis mutandis to the appointment of a new trust supervisor (hereinafter referred to as the "new trust supervisor" in the following paragraph) in cases in which a trust supervisor's duties have terminated pursuant to the provisions of the items of Article 56, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
2 新信託監督人が就任した場合には、信託監督人であった者は、遅滞なく、受益者に対しその事務の経過及び結果を報告し、新信託監督人がその事務の処理を行うのに必要な事務の引継ぎをしなければならない。
(2) If the new trust supervisor assumes office, the person who has been the trust supervisor must make a report to the beneficiary on the process and results of the trust affairs, and transfer the affairs necessary for the new trust supervisor to administer the affairs to the new trust supervisor without delay.
(Termination of Administration of Affairs by Trust Supervisors)
第百三十六条 信託監督人による事務の処理は、信託の清算の結了のほか、次に掲げる事由により終了する。ただし、第一号に掲げる事由による場合にあっては、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 136 (1) Administration of affairs by a trust supervisor terminates on the following grounds, in addition to the completion of the liquidation of the trust; provided, however, that in the case of the termination on the grounds set forth in item (i), if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails:
一 委託者及び受益者が信託監督人による事務の処理を終了する旨の合意をしたこと。
(i) a settlor and a beneficiary have agreed to terminate the administration of affairs by the trust supervisor; or
二 信託行為において定めた事由
(ii) any grounds provided for by the terms of trust.
2 前項の規定により信託監督人による事務の処理が終了した場合には、信託監督人であった者は、遅滞なく、受益者に対しその事務の経過及び結果を報告しなければならない。
(2) If the administration of affairs by the trust supervisor has terminated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the person who has been the trust supervisor must make a report to the beneficiary on the process and results of the trust affairs without delay.
3 委託者が現に存しない場合には、第一項第一号の規定は、適用しない。
(3) The provisions of paragraph (1), item (i) do not apply if there is no settlor at the time in question.
(Application, Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Trust Administrators)
第百三十七条 第百二十四条及び第百二十七条の規定は、信託監督人について準用する。この場合において、同条第六項中「第百二十三条第四項」とあるのは、「第百三十一条第四項」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 137 The provisions of Article 124 and Article 127 apply mutatis mutandis to a trust supervisor. In such a case, the term "Article 123, paragraph (4)" in Article 127, paragraph (6) is deemed to be replaced with "Article 131, paragraph (4)".
第三款 受益者代理人
Subsection 3 Beneficiary's Agent
(Appointment of Beneficiary's Agent)
第百三十八条 信託行為においては、その代理する受益者を定めて、受益者代理人となるべき者を指定する定めを設けることができる。
Article 138 (1) A clause may be established in the terms of trust to designate a person who is to be a beneficiary's agent, by specifying the beneficiary or beneficiaries for whom the person is to act as an agent.
2 信託行為に受益者代理人となるべき者を指定する定めがあるときは、利害関係人は、受益者代理人となるべき者として指定された者に対し、相当の期間を定めて、その期間内に就任の承諾をするかどうかを確答すべき旨を催告することができる。ただし、当該定めに停止条件又は始期が付されているときは、当該停止条件が成就し、又は当該始期が到来した後に限る。
(2) If the terms of trust contain a clause designating a person to be a beneficiary's agent, an interested party may specify a reasonable period of time and make a demand to the person designated as the person who is to be the beneficiary's agent to give a definite answer on whether the person will assume office within that period of time; provided, however, that if the clause subject to a condition precedent or a designated time of commencement, this may only be done after the condition precedent is fulfilled or after the time of commencement arrives.
3 前項の規定による催告があった場合において、受益者代理人となるべき者として指定された者は、同項の期間内に委託者(委託者が現に存しない場合にあっては、受託者)に対し確答をしないときは、就任の承諾をしなかったものとみなす。
(3) If the demand under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been made, and the person designated as the person who is to be the beneficiary's agent fails to give a definite answer to a settlor (if there is no settlor at the time in question, to a trustee) within the period set forth in that paragraph, it is deemed that the person has not accepted the assumption of office.
(Authority of the Beneficiary's Agent)
第百三十九条 受益者代理人は、その代理する受益者のために当該受益者の権利(第四十二条の規定による責任の免除に係るものを除く。)に関する一切の裁判上又は裁判外の行為をする権限を有する。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 139 (1) A beneficiary's agent has the authority to perform any and all acts in or out of court on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries for whom they act as an agent in connection with their rights (excluding the rights regarding an exemption from liability under the provisions of Article 42); provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of act, the clause prevails.
2 受益者代理人がその代理する受益者のために裁判上又は裁判外の行為をするときは、その代理する受益者の範囲を示せば足りる。
(2) If the beneficiary's agent performs an act in or out of court on behalf of the beneficiary or beneficiaries for whom they act as an agent, it is sufficient for the agent to indicate the scope of the beneficiaries whom the agent represents.
3 一人の受益者につき二人以上の受益者代理人があるときは、これらの者が共同してその権限に属する行為をしなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) If there are two or more beneficiary's agents for a single beneficiary, they must perform the acts within their authority jointly; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 受益者代理人があるときは、当該受益者代理人に代理される受益者は、第九十二条各号に掲げる権利及び信託行為において定めた権利を除き、その権利を行使することができない。
(4) If there is a beneficiary's agent, the beneficiary or beneficiaries represented by the beneficiary's agent may not exercise their rights, except for the rights set forth in the items of Article 92 and the rights provided for by the terms of trust .
(Obligations of Beneficiary's Agent)
第百四十条 受益者代理人は、善良な管理者の注意をもって、前条第一項の権限を行使しなければならない。
Article 140 (1) A beneficiary's agent must exercise the authority referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article with the due care of a prudent manager.
2 受益者代理人は、その代理する受益者のために、誠実かつ公平に前条第一項の権限を行使しなければならない。
(2) A beneficiary's agent must exercise the authority referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article sincerely and impartially on behalf of the beneficiary or beneficiaries for whom they act as an agent.
(Termination of Beneficiary's Agent's Duties)
第百四十一条 第五十六条の規定は、受益者代理人の任務の終了について準用する。この場合において、同条第一項第五号中「次条」とあるのは「第百四十一条第二項において準用する次条」と、同項第六号中「第五十八条」とあるのは「第百四十一条第二項において準用する第五十八条」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 141 (1) The provisions of Article 56 apply mutatis mutandis to the termination of a beneficiary's agent's duties. In such a case, the term the "the following Article" in paragraph (1), item (v) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "the following Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant Article 141, paragraph (2) " and the term "Article 58" in item (vi) of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "Article 58 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 141, paragraph (2)".
2 第五十七条の規定は受益者代理人の辞任について、第五十八条の規定は受益者代理人の解任について、それぞれ準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 57 apply mutatis mutandis to the resignation of a beneficiary's agent, and the provisions of Article 58 apply mutatis mutandis to the dismissal of a beneficiary's agent.
(Appointment of a New Beneficiary's Agent)
第百四十二条 第六十二条の規定は、前条第一項において準用する第五十六条第一項各号の規定により受益者代理人の任務が終了した場合における新たな受益者代理人(次項において「新受益者代理人」という。)の選任について準用する。この場合において、第六十二条第二項及び第四項中「利害関係人」とあるのは、「委託者又は受益者代理人に代理される受益者」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 142 (1) The provisions of Article 62 apply mutatis mutandis to the appointment of a new beneficiary's agent (hereinafter referred to as the "new beneficiary's agent" in the following paragraph) in cases in which a beneficiary's agent's duties have terminated pursuant to the provisions of the items of Article 56, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article. In such a case, the term "an interested party" in Article 62, paragraphs (2) and (4) is deemed to be replaced with "the settlor or a beneficiary represented by the beneficiary's agent".
2 新受益者代理人が就任した場合には、受益者代理人であった者は、遅滞なく、その代理する受益者に対しその事務の経過及び結果を報告し、新受益者代理人がその事務の処理を行うのに必要な事務の引継ぎをしなければならない。
(2) If a new beneficiary's agent assumes office, the person who has been the beneficiary's agent must make a report to the beneficiary or beneficiaries whom the person who has been the agent represented on the process and results of the trust affairs, and transfer the affairs necessary for the new beneficiary's agent to administer the affairs to the new beneficiary's agent without delay.
(Termination of Administration of Affairs by a Beneficiary's Agent)
第百四十三条 受益者代理人による事務の処理は、信託の清算の結了のほか、次に掲げる事由により終了する。ただし、第一号に掲げる事由による場合にあっては、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 143 (1) Administration of affairs by a beneficiary's agent terminates on the following grounds, in addition to the completion of the liquidation of the trust; provided, however, that in the case of termination on the grounds set forth in item (i), if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails:
一 委託者及び受益者代理人に代理される受益者が受益者代理人による事務の処理を終了する旨の合意をしたこと。
(i) a settlor and a beneficiary or beneficiaries represented by the beneficiary's agent have agreed to terminate the administration of affairs by a beneficiary's agent; or
二 信託行為において定めた事由
(ii) any grounds provided for by the terms of trust .
2 前項の規定により受益者代理人による事務の処理が終了した場合には、受益者代理人であった者は、遅滞なく、その代理した受益者に対しその事務の経過及び結果を報告しなければならない。
(2) If the administration of affairs by the beneficiary's agent has terminated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the person who has been the beneficiary's agent must make a report to the beneficiary or beneficiaries whom the agent has represented on the process and results of the affairs without delay.
3 委託者が現に存しない場合には、第一項第一号の規定は、適用しない。
(3) The provisions of paragraph (1), item (i) do not apply when there is no settlor at the time in question.
(Application, Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Trust Administrators)
第百四十四条 第百二十四条及び第百二十七条第一項から第五項までの規定は、受益者代理人について準用する。
Article 144 The provisions of Article 124 and Article 127, paragraphs (1) through (5) apply mutatis mutandis to a beneficiary's agent.
第五章 委託者
Chapter V Settlor
(Settlor's Rights)
第百四十五条 信託行為においては、委託者がこの法律の規定によるその権利の全部又は一部を有しない旨を定めることができる。
Article 145 (1) The clause of terms of trust may establish that a settlor does not have all or part of the rights under the provisions of this Act.
2 信託行為においては、委託者も次に掲げる権利の全部又は一部を有する旨を定めることができる。
(2) The clause of terms of trust may also establish that a settlor has all or part of the following rights:
一 第二十三条第五項又は第六項の規定による異議を主張する権利
(i) the right to assert an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 23, paragraph (5) or (6);
二 第二十七条第一項又は第二項(これらの規定を第七十五条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による取消権
(ii) the right to rescind pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (1) or (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 75, paragraph (4));
三 第三十一条第六項又は第七項の規定による取消権
(iii) the right to rescind pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, paragraph (6) or (7);
四 第三十二条第四項の規定による権利
(iv) the right pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph (4);
五 第三十八条第一項の規定による閲覧又は謄写の請求権
(v) the right to request to inspect or copy materials pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1);
六 第三十九条第一項の規定による開示の請求権
(vi) the right to request disclosure pursuant to the provisions of Article 39, paragraph (1);
七 第四十条の規定による損失のてん補又は原状の回復の請求権
(vii) the right to demand compensation for a loss or restoration of the trust property pursuant to the provisions of Article 40;
八 第四十一条の規定による損失のてん補又は原状の回復の請求権
(viii) the right to demand compensation for a loss or restoration of the trust property pursuant to the provisions of Article 41;
九 第四十四条の規定による差止めの請求権
(ix) the right to demand a cessation pursuant to the provisions of Article 44;
十 第四十六条第一項の規定による検査役の選任の申立権
(x) the right to file a petition for the appointment of an inspector pursuant to the provisions of Article 46, paragraph (1);
十一 第五十九条第五項の規定による差止めの請求権
(xi) the right to demand a cessation pursuant to the provisions of Article 59, paragraph (5);
十二 第六十条第三項又は第五項の規定による差止めの請求権
(xii) the right to demand a cessation pursuant to the provisions of Article 60, paragraph (3) or (5);
十三 第二百二十六条第一項の規定による金銭のてん補又は支払の請求権
(xiii) the right to demand compensation or payment of money pursuant to the provisions of Article 226, paragraph (1);
十四 第二百二十八条第一項の規定による金銭のてん補又は支払の請求権
(xiv) the right to demand compensation or payment of money pursuant to the provisions of Article 228, paragraph (1); and
十五 第二百五十四条第一項の規定による損失のてん補の請求権
(xv) the right to demand compensation for a loss pursuant to the provisions of Article 254, paragraph (1).
3 前項第一号、第七号から第九号まで又は第十一号から第十五号までに掲げる権利について同項の信託行為の定めがされた場合における第二十四条、第四十五条(第二百二十六条第六項、第二百二十八条第六項及び第二百五十四条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)又は第六十一条の規定の適用については、これらの規定中「受益者」とあるのは、「委託者又は受益者」とする。
(3) For the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 24, Article 45 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 226, paragraph (6), Article 228, paragraph (6), and Article 254, paragraph (3)), or Article 61 to cases for which the clauses of the terms of trust referred to in the preceding paragraph are established for the rights set forth in item (i), items (vii) through (ix), or items (xi) through (xv) of that paragraph, the term "beneficiary" in those provisions is deemed to be replaced with "settlor or beneficiary".
4 信託行為においては、受託者が次に掲げる義務を負う旨を定めることができる。
(4) The provisions of terms of trust may establish that a trustee is to assume the following obligations:
一 この法律の規定により受託者が受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人。次号において同じ。)に対し通知すべき事項を委託者に対しても通知する義務
(i) the obligation to notify the settlor of the particulars which the trustee is required to notify the beneficiary (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the trust administrator; the same applies in the following item) pursuant to the provisions of this Act;
二 この法律の規定により受託者が受益者に対し報告すべき事項を委託者に対しても報告する義務
(ii) the obligation to make a report to the settlor of the particulars which the trustee is required report to the beneficiary pursuant to the provisions of this Act; and
三 第七十七条第一項又は第百八十四条第一項の規定により受託者がする計算の承認を委託者に対しても求める義務
(iii) the obligation to request that the settlor give an approval for the settlement of accounts for which the trustee is required to request the beneficiary to give an approval pursuant to the provisions of Article 77, paragraph (1) or Article 184, paragraph (1).
5 委託者が二人以上ある信託における第一項、第二項及び前項の規定の適用については、これらの規定中「委託者」とあるのは、「委託者の全部又は一部」とする。
(5) For the purpose of the application of the provisions of paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and the preceding paragraph to a trust with two or more settlors, the term "settlor" in those provisions is deemed to be replaced with "all or some of the settlors".
(Transfer of Status as Settlor)
第百四十六条 委託者の地位は、受託者及び受益者の同意を得て、又は信託行為において定めた方法に従い、第三者に移転することができる。
Article 146 (1) The status of settlor may be transferred to a third party with the consent of a trustee and a beneficiary or by the means provided for by the terms of trust.
2 委託者が二人以上ある信託における前項の規定の適用については、同項中「受託者及び受益者」とあるのは、「他の委託者、受託者及び受益者」とする。
(2) For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph to a trust with two or more settlors, the phrase "a trustee and a beneficiary" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "other settlors, a trustee, and a beneficiary".
(Settlor's Heir in Testamentary Trust)
第百四十七条 第三条第二号に掲げる方法によって信託がされた場合には、委託者の相続人は、委託者の地位を相続により承継しない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 147 If a trust is created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (ii), the settlor's heir does not succeed to the status of settlor by inheritance; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Special Provisions on Trusts with Provisions on Acquisition of Beneficial Interest upon the Death of a Settlor)
第百四十八条 第九十条第一項各号に掲げる信託において、その信託の受益者が現に存せず、又は同条第二項の規定により受益者としての権利を有しないときは、委託者が第百四十五条第二項各号に掲げる権利を有し、受託者が同条第四項各号に掲げる義務を負う。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 148 In the case of a trust set forth in each of the items of Article 90, paragraph (1), when there is no beneficiary for the trust at the time in question or no beneficiary has the rights as beneficiary pursuant to the provisions of Article 90, paragraph (2), the settlor has the rights set forth in each of the items of Article 145, paragraph (2), and the trustee assumes the obligations set forth in each of the items of paragraph (4) of that Article; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
第六章 信託の変更、併合及び分割
Chapter VI Modification, Consolidation, and Split of Trusts
第一節 信託の変更
Section 1 Modification of Trust
(Agreement among Relevant Parties)
第百四十九条 信託の変更は、委託者、受託者及び受益者の合意によってすることができる。この場合においては、変更後の信託行為の内容を明らかにしてしなければならない。
Article 149 (1) A trust may be modified by the agreement among a settlor, a trustee, and a beneficiary. In such a case, the content of the terms of trust after the modification must be disclosed in making the modification.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、信託の変更は、次の各号に掲げる場合には、当該各号に定めるものによりすることができる。この場合において、受託者は、第一号に掲げるときは委託者に対し、第二号に掲げるときは委託者及び受益者に対し、遅滞なく、変更後の信託行為の内容を通知しなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the cases set forth in the following items, a trust may be modified by the means specified in the respective items. In such a case, the trustee must give a notice of the content of the terms of trust after the modification to the settlor in the case set forth in item (i), and to the settlor and the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii), without delay:
一 信託の目的に反しないことが明らかであるとき 受託者及び受益者の合意
(i) if it is obvious that the modification is not contrary to the purpose of the trust: an agreement between the trustee and the beneficiary; or
二 信託の目的に反しないこと及び受益者の利益に適合することが明らかであるとき 受託者の書面又は電磁的記録によってする意思表示
(ii) if it is obvious that the modification is not contrary to the purpose of the trust and conforms to the interests of the beneficiary: the trustee's manifestation of intention by a document or electronic or magnetic record.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、信託の変更は、次の各号に掲げる場合には、当該各号に定める者による受託者に対する意思表示によってすることができる。この場合において、第二号に掲げるときは、受託者は、委託者に対し、遅滞なく、変更後の信託行為の内容を通知しなければならない。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, in the cases set forth in the following items, a trust may be modified by the persons specified in the respective items manifesting their intention to do so to the trustee. In such a case, in the case set forth in item (ii), the trustee must notify the settlor of the content of the terms of trust after the modification without delay:
一 受託者の利益を害しないことが明らかであるとき 委託者及び受益者
(i) if it is obvious that the modification will not harm the interests of the trustee: the settlor and the beneficiary; or
二 信託の目的に反しないこと及び受託者の利益を害しないことが明らかであるとき 受益者
(ii) if it is obvious that the modification is not contrary to the purpose of the trust and will not harm the interests of the trustee: the beneficiary.
4 前三項の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
5 委託者が現に存しない場合においては、第一項及び第三項第一号の規定は適用せず、第二項中「第一号に掲げるときは委託者に対し、第二号に掲げるときは委託者及び受益者に対し」とあるのは、「第二号に掲げるときは、受益者に対し」とする。
(5) If there is no settlor at the time in question, the provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), item (i) do not apply, and the phrase "to the settlor in the case set forth in item (i), and to the settlor and the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii)" in paragraph (2) is deemed to be replaced with "to the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii)".
(Judicial Decision Ordering Modification of Trust Due to Special Circumstances)
第百五十条 信託行為の当時予見することのできなかった特別の事情により、信託事務の処理の方法に係る信託行為の定めが信託の目的及び信託財産の状況その他の事情に照らして受益者の利益に適合しなくなるに至ったときは、裁判所は、委託者、受託者又は受益者の申立てにより、信託の変更を命ずることができる。
Article 150 (1) If, due to special circumstances that were unforeseeable at the time of the terms of trust, the clause of the terms of trust concerning the means of administration of trust affairs no longer conforms to the interests of a beneficiary in light of the purpose of a trust, the status of trust property, and other circumstances, the court may order a modification of the trust upon petition of a settlor, a trustee or a beneficiary.
2 前項の申立ては、当該申立てに係る変更後の信託行為の定めを明らかにしてしなければならない。
(2) The petition referred to in the preceding paragraph must be filed by disclosing the clause of the terms of trust after the modification related to that petition.
3 裁判所は、第一項の申立てについての裁判をする場合には、受託者の陳述を聴かなければならない。ただし、不適法又は理由がないことが明らかであるとして申立てを却下する裁判をするときは、この限りでない。
(3) Before the court makes the judicial decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (1), it must hear the statements of the trustee; provided, however, that this does not apply when the court makes the judicial decision to dismiss the petition as unlawful or clearly groundless.
4 第一項の申立てについての裁判には、理由の要旨を付さなければならない。
(4) The judicial decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (1) must include a summary of the reasons for that decision.
5 第一項の申立てについての裁判に対しては、委託者、受託者又は受益者に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(5) Only the settlor, the trustee, or the beneficiary may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (1).
6 前項の即時抗告は、執行停止の効力を有する。
(6) The immediate appeal referred to in the preceding paragraph has the effect of a stay of enforcement.
第二節 信託の併合
Section 2 Consolidation of Trusts
(Agreement among Relevant Parties)
第百五十一条 信託の併合は、従前の各信託の委託者、受託者及び受益者の合意によってすることができる。この場合においては、次に掲げる事項を明らかにしてしなければならない。
Article 151 (1) A consolidation of trusts may be implemented by the agreement among settlors, trustees, and beneficiaries of each of the previous trusts. In such a case, the consolidation must be implemented by clarifying the following particulars:
一 信託の併合後の信託行為の内容
(i) the content of the terms of trust after the consolidation of trusts;
二 信託行為において定める受益権の内容に変更があるときは、その内容及び変更の理由
(ii) if there is any change in the content of the beneficial interest provided for by the terms of trust, the content and the reasons for the change;
三 信託の併合に際して受益者に対し金銭その他の財産を交付するときは、当該財産の内容及びその価額
(iii) if money or other property is delivered to a beneficiary in the consolidation of trusts, the content and value of that property;
四 信託の併合がその効力を生ずる日
(iv) the day on which the consolidation of trusts comes into effect; and
五 その他法務省令で定める事項
(v) other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、信託の併合は、次の各号に掲げる場合には、当該各号に定めるものによってすることができる。この場合において、受託者は、第一号に掲げるときは委託者に対し、第二号に掲げるときは委託者及び受益者に対し、遅滞なく、同項各号に掲げる事項を通知しなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the cases set forth in the following items, trusts may be consolidated by the means specified in the respective items. In such a case, the trustee must give a notice of the particulars set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph to the settlor in the case set forth in item (i) and to the settlor and the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii), without delay:
一 信託の目的に反しないことが明らかであるとき 受託者及び受益者の合意
(i) if it is obvious that the consolidation is not contrary to the purpose of the trust: an agreement between the trustee and the beneficiary; and
二 信託の目的に反しないこと及び受益者の利益に適合することが明らかであるとき 受託者の書面又は電磁的記録によってする意思表示
(ii) if it is obvious that the consolidation is not contrary to the purpose of the trust and conforms to the interests of the beneficiary: the trustee's manifestation of intention in a document or electronic or magnetic record.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、各信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if it is otherwise provided for in each of the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 委託者が現に存しない場合においては、第一項の規定は適用せず、第二項中「第一号に掲げるときは委託者に対し、第二号に掲げるときは委託者及び受益者に対し」とあるのは、「第二号に掲げるときは、受益者に対し」とする。
(4) If there is no settlor at the time in question, the provisions of paragraph (1) do not apply, and the phrase "to the settlor in the case set forth in item (i), and to the settlor and the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii)" in paragraph (2) is deemed to be replaced with "to the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii)".
(Objections by Creditors)
第百五十二条 信託の併合をする場合には、従前の信託の信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者は、受託者に対し、信託の併合について異議を述べることができる。ただし、信託の併合をしても当該債権者を害するおそれのないことが明らかであるときは、この限りでない。
Article 152 (1) If a consolidation of trusts is to be implemented, creditors who hold claims regarding obligations covered by the trust property of the previous trusts may state their objections to the trustees with regard to the consolidation of trusts; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of those creditors being harmed by the consolidation of trusts.
2 前項の規定により同項の債権者の全部又は一部が異議を述べることができる場合には、受託者は、次に掲げる事項を官報に公告し、かつ、同項の債権者で知れているものには、各別にこれを催告しなければならない。ただし、第二号の期間は、一箇月を下ることができない。
(2) If all or some of the creditors referred to in the preceding paragraph may state their objections pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph, the trustee must give public notice of the following particulars in the Official Gazette, and must separately demand this to the known creditors set forth in that paragraph; provided, however, that the period set forth in item (ii) may not be shorter than one month:
一 信託の併合をする旨
(i) a statement to the effect that the consolidation of trusts is to be implemented;
二 前項の債権者が一定の期間内に異議を述べることができる旨
(ii) a statement to the effect that the creditors referred to in the preceding paragraph may state their objections within a certain period of time; and
三 その他法務省令で定める事項
(iii) other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
3 前項の規定にかかわらず、法人である受託者は、公告(次に掲げる方法によるものに限る。)をもって同項の規定による各別の催告に代えることができる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a trustee that is a corporation may substitute public notice (limited to public notice given by the following means) for the separate demand to the creditors pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph:
一 時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙に掲載する方法
(i) publication in a daily newspaper that publishes particulars on current events; or
二 電子公告(公告の方法のうち、電磁的方法(会社法(平成十七年法律第八十六号)第二条第三十四号に規定する電磁的方法をいう。)により不特定多数の者が公告すべき内容である情報の提供を受けることができる状態に置く措置であって同号に規定するものをとる方法をいう。次節において同じ。)
(ii) electronic public notice (meaning, among the means of public notice, a means of taking measures to make the information that must be given in a public notice available to many and unspecified persons by electronic or magnetic means (meaning an electronic or magnetic means as defined in Article 2, item (xxxiv) of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005), which is prescribed in that item; the same applies in the following Section)).
4 第一項の債権者が第二項第二号の期間内に異議を述べなかったときは、当該債権者は、当該信託の併合について承認をしたものとみなす。
(4) If a creditor referred to in paragraph (1) do not state an objection within the period referred to in paragraph (2), item (ii), the creditor is deemed to have accepted the consolidation of trusts.
5 第一項の債権者が第二項第二号の期間内に異議を述べたときは、受託者は、当該債権者に対し、弁済し、若しくは相当の担保を提供し、又は当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として信託会社等(信託会社及び信託業務を営む金融機関(金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律(昭和十八年法律第四十三号)第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。)をいう。次節において同じ。)に相当の財産を信託しなければならない。ただし、当該信託の併合をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないときは、この限りでない。
(5) If a creditor referred to in paragraph (1) states their objections within the period referred to in paragraph (2), item (ii), the trustee must make payment or provide reasonable security to the creditor, or must entrust reasonable property to a trust company or financial institution (meaning a trust company and a financial institution engaging in trust business (meaning a financial institution authorized under Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions (Act No. 43 of 1943)); the same applies in the following Section) for the purpose of having those creditors receive payment; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of the creditor being harmed by the consolidation of trusts.
(Scope of Obligations Covered by the Trust Property after Consolidation of Trusts)
第百五十三条 信託の併合がされた場合において、従前の信託の信託財産責任負担債務であった債務は、信託の併合後の信託の信託財産責任負担債務となる。
Article 153 If trusts are consolidated, the obligations covered by the trust property of the previous trusts becomes obligations covered by trust property after the consolidation of trusts.
第百五十四条 信託の併合がされた場合において、前条に規定する従前の信託の信託財産責任負担債務のうち信託財産限定責任負担債務(受託者が信託財産に属する財産のみをもって履行する責任を負う信託財産責任負担債務をいう。以下この章において同じ。)であるものは、信託の併合後の信託の信託財産限定責任負担債務となる。
Article 154 If trusts are consolidated, the obligations covered only by the trust property (meaning obligations covered by the trust property which a trustee is liable only by using property that comes under trust property; hereinafter the same applies in this Chapter) among obligations covered by the trust property with regard to the previous trusts prescribed in the preceding Article, becomes obligations covered only by the trust property after the consolidation of trusts.
第三節 信託の分割
Section 3 Split of a Trust
第一款 吸収信託分割
Subsection 1 Absorption-Type Trust Splits
(Agreement among Relevant Parties)
第百五十五条 吸収信託分割は、委託者、受託者及び受益者の合意によってすることができる。この場合においては、次に掲げる事項を明らかにしてしなければならない。
Article 155 (1) An absorption-type trust split may be implemented by an agreement among a settlor, a trustee, and a beneficiary. In such a case, the following particulars must be disclosed:
一 吸収信託分割後の信託行為の内容
(i) the content of the terms of trust after the absorption-type trust split;
二 信託行為において定める受益権の内容に変更があるときは、その内容及び変更の理由
(ii) if there is any change in the content of the beneficial interest provided for by the terms of trust, the content and the reasons for the change;
三 吸収信託分割に際して受益者に対し金銭その他の財産を交付するときは、当該財産の内容及びその価額
(iii) if money or other property is delivered to a beneficiary in the absorption-type trust split, the content and value of that property;
四 吸収信託分割がその効力を生ずる日
(iv) the day on which the absorption-type trust split comes into effect;
五 移転する財産の内容
(v) the content of the property to be transferred;
六 吸収信託分割によりその信託財産の一部を他の信託に移転する信託(以下この款において「分割信託」という。)の信託財産責任負担債務でなくなり、分割信託からその信託財産の一部の移転を受ける信託(以下「承継信託」という。)の信託財産責任負担債務となる債務があるときは、当該債務に係る事項
(vi) if there is an obligation that ceases to be an obligation covered by the trust property of the trust that transfers a part of its trust property to another trust (hereinafter referred to as the "split trust" in this Subsection) and becomes an obligation covered by the trust property of the other trust to which the part of the trust property is transferred (hereinafter referred to as the "succeeding trust") as a result of the absorption-type trust split, the particulars concerning that obligation; and
七 その他法務省令で定める事項
(vii) other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、吸収信託分割は、次の各号に掲げる場合には、当該各号に定めるものによってすることができる。この場合において、受託者は、第一号に掲げるときは委託者に対し、第二号に掲げるときは委託者及び受益者に対し、遅滞なく、同項各号に掲げる事項を通知しなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the cases set forth in the following items, an absorption-type trust split may be implemented by the means specified in the respective items. In such a case, the trustee must give notice of the particulars set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph to the settlor in the case set forth in item (i) and to the settlor and the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii), without delay:
一 信託の目的に反しないことが明らかであるとき 受託者及び受益者の合意
(i) if it is obvious that the split is not contrary to the purpose of the trust: an agreement between the trustee and the beneficiary; or
二 信託の目的に反しないこと及び受益者の利益に適合することが明らかであるとき 受託者の書面又は電磁的記録によってする意思表示
(ii) if it is obvious that the split is not contrary to the purpose of the trust and conforms to the interests of the beneficiary: the trustee's manifestation of intention in a document or electronic or magnetic record.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、各信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if it is otherwise provided for in each of the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 委託者が現に存しない場合においては、第一項の規定は適用せず、第二項中「第一号に掲げるときは委託者に対し、第二号に掲げるときは委託者及び受益者に対し」とあるのは、「第二号に掲げるときは、受益者に対し」とする。
(4) If there is no settlor at the time in question, the provisions of paragraph (1) do not apply, and the phrase "to the settlor in the case set forth in item (i) and to the settlor and the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii)" in paragraph (2) is deemed to be replaced with "to the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii)".
(Objections by Creditors)
第百五十六条 吸収信託分割をする場合には、分割信託又は承継信託の信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者は、受託者に対し、吸収信託分割について異議を述べることができる。ただし、吸収信託分割をしても当該債権者を害するおそれのないことが明らかであるときは、この限りでない。
Article 156 (1) If an absorption-type trust split is to be implemented, creditors who hold claims regarding obligations covered by the trust property of the split trust or the succeeding trust may state their objections to the trustee with regard to the absorption-type trust split; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of those creditors being harmed by the absorption-type trust split.
2 前項の規定により同項の債権者の全部又は一部が異議を述べることができる場合には、受託者は、次に掲げる事項を官報に公告し、かつ、同項の債権者で知れているものには、各別にこれを催告しなければならない。ただし、第二号の期間は、一箇月を下ることができない。
(2) If all or some of the creditors referred to in the preceding paragraph may state their objections pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph, the trustee must give public notice of the following particulars in the Official Gazette, and must separately demand this to the known creditors set forth in that paragraph; provided, however, that the period referred to in item (ii) may not be shorter than one month:
一 吸収信託分割をする旨
(i) a statement to the effect that the absorption-type trust split is to be implemented;
二 前項の債権者が一定の期間内に異議を述べることができる旨
(ii) a statement to the effect that the creditors referred to in the preceding paragraph may state their objections within a certain period of time; and
三 その他法務省令で定める事項
(iii) other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
3 前項の規定にかかわらず、法人である受託者は、公告(次に掲げる方法によるものに限る。)をもって同項の規定による各別の催告に代えることができる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the trustee that is a corporation may substitute public notice (limited to public notice given by the following means) for the separate demand to the creditors pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph:
一 時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙に掲載する方法
(i) publication in a daily newspaper that publishes particulars on current events; or
二 電子公告
(ii) electronic public notice.
4 第一項の債権者が第二項第二号の期間内に異議を述べなかったときは、当該債権者は、当該吸収信託分割について承認をしたものとみなす。
(4) If any of the creditors referred to in paragraph (1) do not state an objection within the period referred to in paragraph (2), item (ii), the creditor is deemed to have accepted the absorption-type trust split.
5 第一項の債権者が第二項第二号の期間内に異議を述べたときは、受託者は、当該債権者に対し、弁済し、若しくは相当の担保を提供し、又は当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として信託会社等に相当の財産を信託しなければならない。ただし、当該吸収信託分割をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないときは、この限りでない。
(5) If any of the creditors set forth in paragraph (1) states their objections within the period referred to in paragraph (2), item (ii), the trustee must make payments or provide reasonable security to the creditor, or must entrust reasonable property to a trust company or financial institution for the purpose of having the creditor receive payment; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of the creditor being harmed by the absorption-type trust split.
(Scope of Obligations Covered by the Trust Property of Split Trust and Succeeding Trust after Absorption-type Trust Splits)
第百五十七条 吸収信託分割がされた場合において、第百五十五条第一項第六号の債務は、吸収信託分割後の分割信託の信託財産責任負担債務でなくなり、吸収信託分割後の承継信託の信託財産責任負担債務となる。この場合において、分割信託の信託財産限定責任負担債務であった債務は、承継信託の信託財産限定責任負担債務となる。
Article 157 If an absorption-type trust split is implemented, the obligation referred to in Article 155, paragraph (1), item (vi) ceases to be an obligation covered by the trust property of the split trust after the absorption-type trust split, and becomes an obligation covered by the trust property of the succeeding trust after the absorption-type trust split. In such a case, an obligation that was an obligation covered only by the trust property of the split trust becomes an obligation covered only by the trust property of the succeeding trust.
第百五十八条 第百五十六条第一項の規定により異議を述べることができる債権者(同条第二項の規定により各別の催告をしなければならないものに限る。)は、同条第二項の催告を受けなかった場合には、吸収信託分割前から有する次の各号に掲げる債権に基づき、受託者に対し、当該各号に定める財産をもって当該債権に係る債務を履行することを請求することもできる。ただし、第一号に定める財産に対しては吸収信託分割がその効力を生ずる日における承継信託の移転を受ける財産の価額を、第二号に定める財産に対しては当該日における分割信託の信託財産の価額を限度とする。
Article 158 If a creditor who may state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 156, paragraph (1) (limited to creditors to whom separate demand must be made pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article) has not received a demand referred to in paragraph (2) of that Article, based on the claim which the creditor has held since before the absorption-type trust split and which falls under any of the following items, the creditor may also demand that the trustee perform the obligation regarding that claim by using the property specified in the respective items; provided, however, that for the property specified in item (i), limited to the value of the property to be transferred to the succeeding trust on of the day on which the absorption-type trust split comes into effect, and for the property specified in item (ii), limited to the value of the trust property of the split trust on that day.
一 分割信託の信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権(第百五十五条第一項第六号の債務に係る債権を除く。) 吸収信託分割後の承継信託の信託財産に属する財産
(i) a claim regarding an obligation covered by the trust property of the split trust (excluding claims regarding the obligation referred to in Article 155, paragraph (1), item (vi)): property that comes under trust property of the succeeding trust after the absorption-type trust split; or
二 承継信託の信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権(第百五十五条第一項第六号の債務に係る債権に限る。) 吸収信託分割後の分割信託の信託財産に属する財産
(ii) a claim regarding an obligation covered by the trust property of the succeeding trust (limited to claims regarding the obligation referred to in Article 155, paragraph (1), item (vi)): property that comes under trust property of the split trust after the absorption-type trust split.
第二款 新規信託分割
Subsection 2 Creation-Type Trust Splits
(Agreement Among the Relevant Parties)
第百五十九条 新規信託分割は、委託者、受託者及び受益者の合意によってすることができる。この場合においては、次に掲げる事項を明らかにしてしなければならない。
Article 159 (1) A creation-type trust split may be implemented by an agreement among a settlor, a trustee and a beneficiary. In such a case, the following particulars must be disclosed:
一 新規信託分割後の信託行為の内容
(i) the content of the terms of trust after the creation-type trust split;
二 信託行為において定める受益権の内容に変更があるときは、その内容及び変更の理由
(ii) if there is a change in the content of the beneficial interest provided for by the terms of trust, the content and the reasons for the change;
三 新規信託分割に際して受益者に対し金銭その他の財産を交付するときは、当該財産の内容及びその価額
(iii) if money or other property is delivered to a beneficiary in the creation-type trust split, the content and value of that property;
四 新規信託分割がその効力を生ずる日
(iv) the day on which the creation-type trust split comes into effect;
五 移転する財産の内容
(v) the content of the property to be transferred;
六 新規信託分割により従前の信託の信託財産責任負担債務でなくなり、新たな信託の信託財産責任負担債務となる債務があるときは、当該債務に係る事項
(vi) if there is an obligation that ceases to be an obligation covered by the trust property of the previous trust and becomes an obligation covered by the trust property of the new trust as a result of the creation-type trust split, the particulars concerning that obligation; and
七 その他法務省令で定める事項
(vii) other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、新規信託分割は、次の各号に掲げる場合には、当該各号に定めるものによってすることができる。この場合において、受託者は、第一号に掲げるときは委託者に対し、第二号に掲げるときは委託者及び受益者に対し、遅滞なく、同項各号に掲げる事項を通知しなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the cases set forth in the following items, a creation-type trust split may be implemented by the means specified in the respective items. In such a case, the trustee must give notice of the particulars set forth in the items of that paragraph to the settlor in the case set forth in item (i) and to the settlor and the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii), without delay:
一 信託の目的に反しないことが明らかであるとき 受託者及び受益者の合意
(i) if it is obvious that the split is not contrary to the purpose of the trust: an agreement between the trustee and the beneficiary; or
二 信託の目的に反しないこと及び受益者の利益に適合することが明らかであるとき 受託者の書面又は電磁的記録によってする意思表示
(ii) if it is obvious that the split is not contrary to the purpose of the trust and conforms to the interests of the beneficiary: the trustee's manifestation of intention in a document or electronic or magnetic record.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、各信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if it is otherwise provided for in each terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 委託者が現に存しない場合においては、第一項の規定は適用せず、第二項中「第一号に掲げるときは委託者に対し、第二号に掲げるときは委託者及び受益者に対し」とあるのは、「第二号に掲げるときは、受益者に対し」とする。
(4) If there is no settlor at the time in question, the provisions of paragraph (1) do not apply, and the phrase "to the settlor in the case set forth in item (i) and to the settlor and the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii)" in paragraph (2) is deemed to be replaced with "to the beneficiary in the case set forth in item (ii)".
(Objections by Creditors)
第百六十条 新規信託分割をする場合には、従前の信託の信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者は、受託者に対し、新規信託分割について異議を述べることができる。ただし、新規信託分割をしても当該債権者を害するおそれのないことが明らかであるときは、この限りでない。
Article 160 (1) If a creation-type trust split is to be implemented, creditors who hold claims regarding obligations covered by the trust property of the previous trust may state their objections to the trustee with regard to the creation-type trust split; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of those creditors being harmed by the creation-type trust split.
2 前項の規定により同項の債権者の全部又は一部が異議を述べることができる場合には、受託者は、次に掲げる事項を官報に公告し、かつ、同項の債権者で知れているものには、各別に催告しなければならない。ただし、第二号の期間は、一箇月を下ることができない。
(2) If all or some of the creditors set forth in the preceding paragraph may state their objections pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph, the trustee must give public notice of the following particulars in the Official Gazette, and must separately demand this to the known creditors set forth in that paragraph; provided, however, that the period referred to in item (ii) may not be shorter than one month:
一 新規信託分割をする旨
(i) a statement to the effect that the creation-type trust split is to be implemented;
二 前項の債権者が一定の期間内に異議を述べることができる旨
(ii) a statement to the effect that the creditors referred to in the preceding paragraph may state their objections within a certain period of time; and
三 その他法務省令で定める事項
(iii) other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
3 前項の規定にかかわらず、法人である受託者は、公告(次に掲げる方法によるものに限る。)をもって同項の規定による各別の催告に代えることができる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the trustee that is a corporation may substitute public notice (limited to public notice given by the following means) for the separate demand to the creditors pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph:
一 時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙に掲載する方法
(i) publication in a daily newspaper that publishes particulars on current events; or
二 電子公告
(ii) electronic public notice.
4 第一項の債権者が第二項第二号の期間内に異議を述べなかったときは、当該債権者は、当該新規信託分割について承認をしたものとみなす。
(4) If any of the creditors referred to in paragraph (1) do not state an objection within the period referred to in paragraph (2), item (ii), the creditor is deemed to have accepted the creation-type trust split.
5 第一項の債権者が第二項第二号の期間内に異議を述べたときは、受託者は、当該債権者に対し、弁済し、若しくは相当の担保を提供し、又は当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として信託会社等に相当の財産を信託しなければならない。ただし、当該新規信託分割をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないときは、この限りでない。
(5) If any of the creditors referred to in paragraph (1) states an objection within the period referred to in paragraph (2), item (ii), the trustee must make payments or provide reasonable security to the creditor, or must entrust reasonable property to a trust company or financial institution for the purpose of having the creditor receive payment; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of the creditors being harmed by the creation-type trust split.
(Scope of Obligations Covered by the Trust Property of a Previous Trust and of a New Trust after a Creation-Type Trust Split)
第百六十一条 新規信託分割がされた場合において、第百五十九条第一項第六号の債務は、新規信託分割後の従前の信託の信託財産責任負担債務でなくなり、新規信託分割後の新たな信託の信託財産責任負担債務となる。この場合において、従前の信託の信託財産限定責任負担債務であった債務は、新たな信託の信託財産限定責任負担債務となる。
Article 161 If a creation-type trust split is implemented, the obligation referred to in Article 159, paragraph (1), item (vi) ceases to be an obligation covered by the trust property of the previous trust after the creation-type trust split, and becomes an obligation covered by the trust property of the new trust after the creation-type trust split. In such a case, an obligation that was an obligation covered only by the trust property of the previous trust becomes an obligation covered only by the trust property of the new trust.
第百六十二条 第百六十条第一項の規定により異議を述べることができる債権者(同条第二項の規定により各別の催告をしなければならないものに限る。)は、同条第二項の催告を受けなかった場合には、新規信託分割前から有する次の各号に掲げる債権に基づき、受託者に対し、当該各号に定める財産をもって当該債権に係る債務を履行することを請求することもできる。ただし、第一号に定める財産に対しては新規信託分割がその効力を生ずる日における新たな信託の信託財産の価額を、第二号に定める財産に対しては当該日における従前の信託の信託財産の価額を限度とする。
Article 162 If a creditor who may state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 160, paragraph (1) (limited to creditors to whom separate demand must be made pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article) has not received the demand referred to in paragraph (2) of that Article, based on a claim which the creditor has held since before the creation-type trust split and which falls under any of the following items, the creditor may also demand that the trustee perform the obligation regarding the claim by using the property specified in the respective items; provided, however, that for the property specified in item (i), limited to the value of the trust property of the new trust on the day on which the creation-type trust split comes into effect, and for the property specified in item (ii), limited to the value of the trust property of the previous trust on that day:
一 従前の信託の信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権(第百五十九条第一項第六号の債務に係る債権を除く。) 新規信託分割後の新たな信託の信託財産に属する財産
(i) a claim regarding an obligation covered by the trust property of the previous trust (excluding a claim regarding the obligation referred to in Article 159, paragraph (1), item (vi)): property that comes under trust property of the new trust after the creation-type trust split; or
二 新たな信託の信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権となった債権(第百五十九条第一項第六号の債務に係る債権に限る。) 新規信託分割後の従前の信託の信託財産に属する財産
(ii) a claim that has become a claim regarding an obligation covered by the trust property of the new trust (limited to a claim regarding the obligation referred to in Article 159, paragraph (1), item (vi)): property that comes under trust property of the previous trust after the creation-type trust split.
第七章 信託の終了及び清算
Chapter VII Termination and Liquidation of Trusts
第一節 信託の終了
Section 1 Termination of Trusts
(Grounds for Termination of Trusts)
第百六十三条 信託は、次条の規定によるほか、次に掲げる場合に終了する。
Article 163 Beyond what is provided for in the provisions of the following Article, a trust terminates in the following cases:
一 信託の目的を達成したとき、又は信託の目的を達成することができなくなったとき。
(i) if the purpose of the trust has been achieved or it is no longer possible to achieve the purpose of the trust;
二 受託者が受益権の全部を固有財産で有する状態が一年間継続したとき。
(ii) if the trustee has continued to hold all beneficial interests as the trustee's own property for one year;
三 受託者が欠けた場合であって、新受託者が就任しない状態が一年間継続したとき。
(iii) if the trust lacks a trustee and the position has not been filled with a new trustee for one year;
四 受託者が第五十二条(第五十三条第二項及び第五十四条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により信託を終了させたとき。
(iv) if the trustee has terminated the trust pursuant to the provisions of Article 52 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53, paragraph (2) and Article 54, paragraph (4));
五 信託の併合がされたとき。
(v) if a consolidation of trusts has been implemented;
六 第百六十五条又は第百六十六条の規定により信託の終了を命ずる裁判があったとき。
(vi) if a judicial decision ordering the termination of the trust has been rendered pursuant to the provisions of Article 165 or Article 166;
七 信託財産についての破産手続開始の決定があったとき。
(vii) if an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against the trust property has been given;
八 委託者が破産手続開始の決定、再生手続開始の決定又は更生手続開始の決定を受けた場合において、破産法第五十三条第一項、民事再生法第四十九条第一項又は会社更生法第六十一条第一項(金融機関等の更生手続の特例等に関する法律第四十一条第一項及び第二百六条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による信託契約の解除がされたとき。
(viii) if the settlor is given an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, an order of commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, or an order of the commencement of reorganization proceedings, and the trust agreement is cancelled pursuant to the provisions of Article 53, paragraph (1) of the Bankruptcy Act, Article 49, paragraph (1) of the Civil Rehabilitation Act, or Article 61, paragraph (1) of the Corporate Reorganization Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 41, paragraph (1) and Article 206, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions); or
九 信託行為において定めた事由が生じたとき。
(ix) if grounds specified by the terms of trust arise.
(Termination of Trust by Agreement between Settlor and Beneficiary)
第百六十四条 委託者及び受益者は、いつでも、その合意により、信託を終了することができる。
Article 164 (1) A settlor and a beneficiary may terminate a trust at any time by an agreement between them.
2 委託者及び受益者が受託者に不利な時期に信託を終了したときは、委託者及び受益者は、受託者の損害を賠償しなければならない。ただし、やむを得ない事由があったときは、この限りでない。
(2) If a settlor and a beneficiary have terminated the trust at a time that is detrimental to the trustee, the settlor and the beneficiary must compensate the trustee for any damages; provided, however, that this does not apply if there was a compelling reason for the trust to be terminated at that time.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
4 委託者が現に存しない場合には、第一項及び第二項の規定は、適用しない。
(4) The provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) do not apply if there is no settlor at the time in question.
(Judicial Decision Ordering Termination of Trust Due to Special Circumstances)
第百六十五条 信託行為の当時予見することのできなかった特別の事情により、信託を終了することが信託の目的及び信託財産の状況その他の事情に照らして受益者の利益に適合するに至ったことが明らかであるときは、裁判所は、委託者、受託者又は受益者の申立てにより、信託の終了を命ずることができる。
Article 165 (1) If, due to the special circumstances that were unforeseeable at the time of the terms of trust, it is obvious that the termination of a trust has come to conform to the interests of the beneficiary in light of the purpose of the trust, the status of the trust property, and other circumstances, the court may order the termination of the trust upon petition of the settlor, the trustee, or the beneficiary,.
2 裁判所は、前項の申立てについての裁判をする場合には、受託者の陳述を聴かなければならない。ただし、不適法又は理由がないことが明らかであるとして申立てを却下する裁判をするときは、この限りでない。
(2) Before the court makes the judicial decision on the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph, it must hear the statements of the trustee; provided, however, that this does not apply when the court makes the judicial decision to dismiss the petition as unlawful or clearly groundless.
3 第一項の申立てについての裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(3) The judicial decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (1) must include the reasons for that decision.
4 第一項の申立てについての裁判に対しては、委託者、受託者又は受益者に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(4) Only the settlor, the trustee, or the beneficiary may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (1).
5 前項の即時抗告は、執行停止の効力を有する。
(5) The immediate appeal referred to in the preceding paragraph has the effect of a stay of enforcement.
(Judicial Decision Ordering Termination of Trust for Securing Public Interest)
第百六十六条 裁判所は、次に掲げる場合において、公益を確保するため信託の存立を許すことができないと認めるときは、法務大臣又は委託者、受益者、信託債権者その他の利害関係人の申立てにより、信託の終了を命ずることができる。
Article 166 (1) In the following cases, if the court finds the existence of a trust to be impermissible from the perspective of securing public interest, it may order the termination of the trust, upon petition of the Minister of Justice, a settlor, a beneficiary, a trust creditor, or any other interested party:
一 不法な目的に基づいて信託がされたとき。
(i) if the trust was created for an unlawful purpose; or
二 受託者が、法令若しくは信託行為で定めるその権限を逸脱し若しくは濫用する行為又は刑罰法令に触れる行為をした場合において、法務大臣から書面による警告を受けたにもかかわらず、なお継続的に又は反覆して当該行為をしたとき。
(ii) if the trustee has committed an act that goes beyond or abuses their authority provided for by laws and regulations or the terms of trust, or has committed an act violating criminal laws and regulations, and the trustee continuously or repeatedly commits that act despite having received a written warning from the Minister of Justice.
2 裁判所は、前項の申立てについての裁判をする場合には、受託者の陳述を聴かなければならない。ただし、不適法又は理由がないことが明らかであるとして申立てを却下する裁判をするときは、この限りでない。
(2) Before the court makes the judicial decision on the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph, it must hear the statements of the trustee; provided, however, that this does not apply when the court makes the judicial decision to dismiss the petition as unlawful or clearly groundless.
3 第一項の申立てについての裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(3) The judicial decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (1) must include the reasons for that decision.
4 第一項の申立てについての裁判に対しては、同項の申立てをした者又は委託者、受託者若しくは受益者に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(4) Only the person who has filed the petition referred to in paragraph (1), or the settlor, the trustee or the beneficiary may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision on the petition referred to in that paragraph.
5 前項の即時抗告は、執行停止の効力を有する。
(5) The immediate appeal set forth in the preceding paragraph has the effect of a stay of enforcement.
6 委託者、受益者、信託債権者その他の利害関係人が第一項の申立てをしたときは、裁判所は、受託者の申立てにより、同項の申立てをした者に対し、相当の担保を立てるべきことを命ずることができる。
(6) If the settlor, the beneficiary, the trust creditor, or other interested party has filed the petition referred to in paragraph (1), upon petition of the trustee, the court may order the person who has filed the petition referred to in that paragraph to provide reasonable security.
7 受託者は、前項の規定による申立てをするには、第一項の申立てが悪意によるものであることを疎明しなければならない。
(7) When filing the petition pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the trustee must make a prima facie showing of the fact that the petition set forth in paragraph (1) was filed in bad faith.
8 民事訴訟法(平成八年法律第百九号)第七十五条第五項及び第七項並びに第七十六条から第八十条までの規定は、第六項の規定により第一項の申立てについて立てるべき担保について準用する。
(8) The provisions of Article 75, paragraph (5), paragraph (7), and Articles 76 through 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. 109 of 1996) apply mutatis mutandis to the security required to be provided upon the filing the petition referred to in paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6).
(Obligation of Government Agencies to Give Notice to the Minister of Justice)
第百六十七条 裁判所その他の官庁、検察官又は吏員は、その職務上前条第一項の申立て又は同項第二号の警告をすべき事由があることを知ったときは、法務大臣にその旨を通知しなければならない。
Article 167 If a court or other government agencies, a public prosecutor, or an official comes to know in the course of duties that there are grounds for filing the petition referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or for giving the warning referred to in item (ii) of that paragraph, the court, agency, prosecutor, or official must notify the Minister of Justice to that effect.
(Involvement of the Minister of Justice)
第百六十八条 裁判所は、第百六十六条第一項の申立てについての裁判をする場合には、法務大臣に対し、意見を求めなければならない。
Article 168 (1) Before the court makes a judicial decision on the petition referred to in Article 166, paragraph (1), it must seek the opinion of the Minister of Justice.
2 法務大臣は、裁判所が前項の申立てに係る事件について審問をするときは、当該審問に立ち会うことができる。
(2) If the court conducts a hearing on a case based on the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Justice may attend that hearing.
3 裁判所は、法務大臣に対し、第一項の申立てに係る事件が係属したこと及び前項の審問の期日を通知しなければならない。
(3) The court must notify the Minister of Justice of the fact that a case based on the petition referred to in paragraph (1) is pending at the court and of the date of the hearing referred to in the preceding paragraph.
4 第一項の申立てを却下する裁判に対しては、第百六十六条第四項に規定する者のほか、法務大臣も、即時抗告をすることができる。
(4) In addition to the persons specified in Article 166, paragraph (4), the Minister of Justice may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision to dismiss the petition referred to in paragraph (1).
(Freezing Order on Trust Property)
第百六十九条 裁判所は、第百六十六条第一項の申立てがあった場合には、法務大臣若しくは委託者、受益者、信託債権者その他の利害関係人の申立てにより又は職権で、同項の申立てにつき決定があるまでの間、信託財産に関し、管理人による管理を命ずる処分(次条において「管理命令」という。)その他の必要な保全処分を命ずることができる。
Article 169 (1) If a petition referred to in Article 166, paragraph (1) has been filed, upon petition of the Minister of Justice, a settlor, a beneficiary, a trust creditor, or other interested party, or by the court's own authority, the court may render a disposition ordering administration by an administrator (referred to as an "administration order" in the following Article) or may give other freezing order that is necessary for the trust property, until a court decision is given to the petition referred to in that paragraph..
2 裁判所は、前項の規定による保全処分を変更し、又は取り消すことができる。
(2) The court may change or revoke the freezing order given pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
3 第一項の規定による保全処分及び前項の規定による決定に対しては、利害関係人に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(3) Only an interested party may file an immediate appeal against the freezing order pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) and against an order pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
第百七十条 裁判所は、管理命令をする場合には、当該管理命令において、管理人を選任しなければならない。
Article 170 (1) When the court issues an administration order, it must appoint an administrator in the order.
2 前項の管理人は、裁判所が監督する。
(2) The court supervises the administrator referred to in the preceding paragraph.
3 裁判所は、第一項の管理人に対し、信託財産に属する財産及び信託財産責任負担債務の状況の報告をし、かつ、その管理の計算をすることを命ずることができる。
(3) The court may order the administrator referred to in paragraph (1) to make a report on the status of property that comes under trust property and of the obligations covered by the trust property, and to settle the accounts for their administration.
4 第六十四条から第七十二条までの規定は、第一項の管理人について準用する。この場合において、第六十五条中「前受託者」とあるのは、「受託者」と読み替えるものとする。
(4) The provisions of Articles 64 through 72 apply mutatis mutandis to the administrator referred to in paragraph (1). In such a case, the term "former trustee" in Article 65 is deemed to be replaced with "trustee".
5 信託財産に属する権利で登記又は登録がされたものに関し前条第一項の規定による保全処分(管理命令を除く。)があったときは、裁判所書記官は、職権で、遅滞なく、当該保全処分の登記又は登録を嘱託しなければならない。
(5) If the freezing order pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (excluding an administration order) is issued against a right that belongs to the trust property that has been registered, the court clerk must commission a registration of that freezing order on the clerk's own authority, without delay.
6 前項の規定は、同項に規定する保全処分の変更若しくは取消しがあった場合又は当該保全処分が効力を失った場合について準用する。
(6) The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to the cases in which the freezing order prescribed in that paragraph is changed or revoked, or the cases in which the freezing order has ceased to be effective.
(Bearing of Expenses for Freezing Orders)
第百七十一条 裁判所が第百六十九条第一項の規定による保全処分をした場合には、非訟事件の手続の費用は、受託者の負担とする。当該保全処分について必要な費用も、同様とする。
Article 171 (1) If the court has issued a freezing order pursuant to the provisions of Article 169, paragraph (1), the expenses for procedures of a non-contentious case are borne by a trustee. The same applies to any expenses necessary for the freezing order.
2 前項の保全処分又は第百六十九条第一項の申立てを却下する裁判に対して即時抗告があった場合において、抗告裁判所が当該即時抗告を理由があると認めて原裁判を取り消したときは、その抗告審における手続に要する裁判費用及び抗告人が負担した前審における手続に要する裁判費用は、受託者の負担とする。
(2) If an immediate appeal is filed against the freezing order referred to in the preceding paragraph or a judicial decision to dismiss the petition referred to in Article 169, paragraph (1), if the court in charge of the appeal finds grounds for the immediate appeal and revokes the judicial decision of prior instance, the court expenses required for the proceedings in the instance of that appeal, as well as the court expenses required for the proceedings in the prior instance that had been borne by the appellant, are borne by the trustee.
(Inspection of Materials Related to Freezing Orders)
第百七十二条 利害関係人は、裁判所書記官に対し、第百七十条第三項の報告又は計算に関する資料の閲覧を請求することができる。
Article 172 (1) An interested party may make a request to the court clerk to inspect materials relating to the report or settlement of accounts referred to in Article 170, paragraph (3).
2 利害関係人は、裁判所書記官に対し、前項の資料の謄写又はその正本、謄本若しくは抄本の交付を請求することができる。
(2) An interested party may make a request to the court clerk for the copying of the materials referred to in the preceding paragraph or delivery of their authenticated copy, transcript, or extract.
3 前項の規定は、第一項の資料のうち録音テープ又はビデオテープ(これらに準ずる方法により一定の事項を記録した物を含む。)に関しては、適用しない。この場合において、これらの物について利害関係人の請求があるときは、裁判所書記官は、その複製を許さなければならない。
(3) The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply to materials referred to in paragraph (1) which have been prepared in the form of audiotapes or videotapes (including objects on which certain particulars are recorded by any means equivalent to them). In such a case, the court clerk must permit the reproduction of those objects when requested by the interested party.
4 法務大臣は、裁判所書記官に対し、第一項の資料の閲覧を請求することができる。
(4) The Minister of Justice may make a request to the court clerk to inspect the materials referred to in paragraph (1).
5 民事訴訟法第九十一条第五項の規定は、第一項の資料について準用する。
(5) The provisions of Article 91, paragraph (5) of the Code of Civil Procedure apply mutatis mutandis to the materials referred to in paragraph (1).
(Appointment of New Trustees)
第百七十三条 裁判所は、第百六十六条第一項の規定により信託の終了を命じた場合には、法務大臣若しくは委託者、受益者、信託債権者その他の利害関係人の申立てにより又は職権で、当該信託の清算のために新受託者を選任しなければならない。
Article 173 (1) If the court has ordered the termination of a trust pursuant to the provisions of Article 166, paragraph (1), upon petition of the Minister of Justice, a settlor, a beneficiary, a trust creditor, or any other interested party, or by the court's own authority, the court must appoint a new trustee for liquidation of the trust.
2 前項の規定による新受託者の選任の裁判に対しては、不服を申し立てることができない。
(2) No appeal may be entered against the judicial decision on the appointment of a new trustee pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
3 第一項の規定により新受託者が選任されたときは、前受託者の任務は、終了する。
(3) If a new trustee is appointed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the former trustee's duties are terminated.
4 第一項の新受託者は、信託財産から裁判所が定める額の費用の前払及び報酬を受けることができる。
(4) The new trustee referred to in paragraph (1) may receive advance payment of expenses and remuneration from the trust property in an amount determined by the court.
5 前項の規定による費用又は報酬の額を定める裁判をする場合には、第一項の新受託者の陳述を聴かなければならない。
(5) Before the court makes the judicial decision to determine the amount of advance payment of expenses or remuneration under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it must hear the statements of the new trustee referred to in paragraph (1).
6 第四項の規定による費用又は報酬の額を定める裁判に対しては、第一項の新受託者に限り、即時抗告をすることができる。
(6) Only the new trustee referred to in paragraph (1) may file an immediate appeal against the judicial decision that determined the amount of advance payment of expenses or remuneration under the provisions of paragraph (4).
(Restriction on Absorption-Type Trust Split of Terminated Trusts)
第百七十四条 信託が終了した場合には、当該信託を承継信託とする吸収信託分割は、することができない。
Article 174 If a trust is terminated, an absorption-type trust split in which the trust is to be a succeeding trust may not be implemented.
第二節 信託の清算
Section 2 Liquidation of Trust
(Grounds for Commencement of Liquidation)
第百七十五条 信託は、当該信託が終了した場合(第百六十三条第五号に掲げる事由によって終了した場合及び信託財産についての破産手続開始の決定により終了した場合であって当該破産手続が終了していない場合を除く。)には、この節の定めるところにより、清算をしなければならない。
Article 175 A trust must go into liquidation as provided for in this Section when the trust is terminated (excluding cases in which the trust is terminated on the grounds set forth in Article 163, item (v) and in which the trust is terminated due to an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against the trust property and the bankruptcy proceedings have not been completed).
(Constructive Existence of Trust)
第百七十六条 信託は、当該信託が終了した場合においても、清算が結了するまではなお存続するものとみなす。
Article 176 Even if a trust is terminated, the trust is deemed to continue to exist until the liquidation is completed.
(Duties of Liquidation Trustees)
第百七十七条 信託が終了した時以後の受託者(以下「清算受託者」という。)は、次に掲げる職務を行う。
Article 177 A trustee after the termination of a trust (hereinafter referred to as the "liquidation trustee") performs the following duties:
一 現務の結了
(i) conclusion of pending duties;
二 信託財産に属する債権の取立て及び信託債権に係る債務の弁済
(ii) collection of claims which belongs to the trust property and performance of obligations regarding trust claims;
三 受益債権(残余財産の給付を内容とするものを除く。)に係る債務の弁済
(iii) performance of obligations regarding beneficial claims (excluding those for the distribution of residual assets); and
四 残余財産の給付
(iv) distribution of residual assets.
(Authority of Liquidation Trustees)
第百七十八条 清算受託者は、信託の清算のために必要な一切の行為をする権限を有する。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 178 (1) A liquidation trustee has the authority to perform any and all acts necessary for the liquidation of a trust; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 清算受託者は、次に掲げる場合には、信託財産に属する財産を競売に付することができる。
(2) In the following cases, a liquidation trustee may put property that comes under trust property up for auction:
一 受益者又は第百八十二条第一項第二号に規定する帰属権利者(以下この条において「受益者等」と総称する。)が信託財産に属する財産を受領することを拒み、又はこれを受領することができない場合において、相当の期間を定めてその受領の催告をしたとき。
(i) if the beneficiary or the holder of vested right prescribed in Article 182, paragraph (1), item (ii) (hereinafter collectively referred to as a "beneficiary, etc." in this Article) refuses or is unable to receive property that comes under trust property, and the liquidation trustee makes a demand that the person receive the property by specifying a reasonable period; or
二 受益者等の所在が不明である場合
(ii) if the whereabouts of a beneficiary, etc. are unknown.
3 前項第一号の規定により信託財産に属する財産を競売に付したときは、遅滞なく、受益者等に対しその旨の通知を発しなければならない。
(3) If the liquidation trustee has put property that comes under trust property up for auction pursuant to the provisions of item (i) of the preceding paragraph, the liquidation trustee must give a notice to that effect to the beneficiary, etc.
4 損傷その他の事由による価格の低落のおそれがある物は、第二項第一号の催告をしないで競売に付することができる。
(4) If the price of a property is likely to decline due to damage or any other reasons, the liquidation trustee may put that property up for auction without making the demand referred to in paragraph (2), item (i).
(Commencement of Bankruptcy Proceedings against Trust Property in Liquidation)
第百七十九条 清算中の信託において、信託財産に属する財産がその債務を完済するのに足りないことが明らかになったときは、清算受託者は、直ちに信託財産についての破産手続開始の申立てをしなければならない。
Article 179 (1) If it becomes obvious that the property that comes under trust property is insufficient to pay off its obligations for a trust in liquidation, a liquidation trustee must immediately file a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against the trust property.
2 信託財産についての破産手続開始の決定がされた場合において、清算受託者が既に信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者に支払ったものがあるときは、破産管財人は、これを取り戻すことができる。
(2) If an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings has been entered against the trust property, and the liquidation trustee has already made any payments to a creditor who holds a claim regarding an obligation covered by the trust property, the bankruptcy trustee may retrieve that payment.
(Performance of Obligations Regarding Conditional Claims)
第百八十条 清算受託者は、条件付債権、存続期間が不確定な債権その他その額が不確定な債権に係る債務を弁済することができる。この場合においては、これらの債権を評価させるため、裁判所に対し、鑑定人の選任の申立てをしなければならない。
Article 180 (1) A liquidation trustee may perform obligations regarding a conditional claim, a claim with an indefinite duration, or any other claim of an indeterminate amount. In such a case, the liquidation trustee must file a petition with the court for the appointment of an appraiser in order to have those claims appraised.
2 前項の場合には、清算受託者は、同項の鑑定人の評価に従い同項の債権に係る債務を弁済しなければならない。
(2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the liquidation trustee must perform obligations regarding the claims referred to in that paragraph in accordance with the appraisal by the appraiser set forth in that paragraph.
3 第一項の鑑定人の選任の手続に関する費用は、清算受託者の負担とする。当該鑑定人による鑑定のための呼出し及び質問に関する費用についても、同様とする。
(3) Expenses for the procedures for the appointment of the appraiser referred to in paragraph (1) are borne by the liquidation trustee. The same applies to expenses for summoning the appraiser and for the appraiser to ask questions for the appraisal.
4 第一項の申立てを却下する裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(4) A judicial decision dismissing the petition referred to in paragraph (1) must include the reasons for the dismissal.
5 第一項の規定による鑑定人の選任の裁判に対しては、不服を申し立てることができない。
(5) No appeal may be entered against the judicial decision on the appointment of an appraiser pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1).
6 前各項の規定は、清算受託者、受益者、信託債権者及び第百八十二条第一項第二号に規定する帰属権利者の間に別段の合意がある場合には、適用しない。
(6) The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply to cases in which otherwise agreed by the liquidation trustee, the beneficiary, the trust creditors, and the holders of vested rights prescribed in Article 182, paragraph (1), item (ii).
(Restriction on Distribution of Residual Assets Prior to Performance of Obligations)
第百八十一条 清算受託者は、第百七十七条第二号及び第三号の債務を弁済した後でなければ、信託財産に属する財産を次条第二項に規定する残余財産受益者等に給付することができない。ただし、当該債務についてその弁済をするために必要と認められる財産を留保した場合は、この限りでない。
Article 181 A liquidation trustee may not distribute property that comes under trust property to a beneficiary for residual assets, etc. prescribed in paragraph (2) of the following Article until after the liquidation trustee has performed the obligations referred to in Article 177, items (ii) and (iii); provided, however, that this does not apply if the liquidation trustee has reserved property that are found to be necessary for performing those obligations.
(Vesting of Residual Assets)
第百八十二条 残余財産は、次に掲げる者に帰属する。
Article 182 (1) Residual assets belong to the following persons:
一 信託行為において残余財産の給付を内容とする受益債権に係る受益者(次項において「残余財産受益者」という。)となるべき者として指定された者
(i) a person designated by the terms of trust as a person who is to be the beneficiary in relation to beneficial claims that involve distribution of residual assets (referred to as the "beneficiary for residual assets" in the following paragraph); and
二 信託行為において残余財産の帰属すべき者(以下この節において「帰属権利者」という。)となるべき者として指定された者
(ii) a person designated by the terms of trust as a person to whom residual assets are to belong (hereinafter referred to as the "holder of a vested right" in this Section).
2 信託行為に残余財産受益者若しくは帰属権利者(以下この項において「残余財産受益者等」と総称する。)の指定に関する定めがない場合又は信託行為の定めにより残余財産受益者等として指定を受けた者のすべてがその権利を放棄した場合には、信託行為に委託者又はその相続人その他の一般承継人を帰属権利者として指定する旨の定めがあったものとみなす。
(2) If the terms of trust contain no clause concerning the designation of a beneficiary for residual assets or a holder of a vested right (hereinafter collectively referred to as a "beneficiary for residual assets, etc." in this paragraph) or if all the persons designated by the provisions of the terms of trust as beneficiary for residual assets, etc. have waived their rights, it is deemed that the terms of trust had the clause designating the settlor or settlor's heir or other general successor as the holder of a vested right.
3 前二項の規定により残余財産の帰属が定まらないときは、残余財産は、清算受託者に帰属する。
(3) If ownership of residual assets cannot be determined pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the residual assets belong to the liquidation trustee.
(Holder of a Vested Right)
第百八十三条 信託行為の定めにより帰属権利者となるべき者として指定された者は、当然に残余財産の給付をすべき債務に係る債権を取得する。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 183 (1) A person designated by the clause of the terms of trust as the person who is to be a holder of a vested right automatically acquires a claim regarding an obligation to distribute residual assets; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 第八十八条第二項の規定は、前項に規定する帰属権利者となるべき者として指定された者について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 88, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to a person designated as the person who is to be a holder of a vested right prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
3 信託行為の定めにより帰属権利者となった者は、受託者に対し、その権利を放棄する旨の意思表示をすることができる。ただし、信託行為の定めにより帰属権利者となった者が信託行為の当事者である場合は、この限りでない。
(3) A person who has become a holder of a vested right pursuant to the provisions of the terms of trust may manifest the intention to waive the right to the trustee; provided, however, that this does not apply if the person who has become the holder of a vested right pursuant to the provisions of the terms of trust is the party to the terms of trust .
4 前項本文に規定する帰属権利者となった者は、同項の規定による意思表示をしたときは、当初から帰属権利者としての権利を取得していなかったものとみなす。ただし、第三者の権利を害することはできない。
(4) If a person who has become the holder of a vested right prescribed in the main clause of the preceding paragraph has manifested the intention under the provisions of that paragraph, the person is deemed to have never held rights as the holder of a vested right; provided, however, that this may not harm the rights of a third party.
5 第百条及び第百二条の規定は、帰属権利者が有する債権で残余財産の給付をすべき債務に係るものについて準用する。
(5) The provisions of Article 100 and Article 102 apply mutatis mutandis to the claim held by the holder of a vested right regarding an obligation to distribute residual assets.
6 帰属権利者は、信託の清算中は、受益者とみなす。
(6) The holder of a vested right is deemed to be a beneficiary during the liquidation of the trust.
(Completion of Duties of Liquidation Trustees)
第百八十四条 清算受託者は、その職務を終了したときは、遅滞なく、信託事務に関する最終の計算を行い、信託が終了した時における受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人)及び帰属権利者(以下この条において「受益者等」と総称する。)のすべてに対し、その承認を求めなければならない。
Article 184 (1) If a liquidation trustee has completed their duties, the liquidation trustee must settle the final accounts related to trust affairs without delay and request approval for the settlement of accounts from all of the beneficiaries (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, from the trust administrator) and the holders of vested rights at the time of the termination of the trust (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "beneficiaries, etc." in this Article).
2 受益者等が前項の計算を承認した場合には、当該受益者等に対する清算受託者の責任は、免除されたものとみなす。ただし、清算受託者の職務の執行に不正の行為があったときは、この限りでない。
(2) If the beneficiaries, etc. have approved the settlement of accounts referred to in the preceding paragraph, the liquidation trustee is deemed to have been exempted from the liability to the beneficiaries, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply if there has been any misconduct in the liquidation trustee's execution of duties.
3 受益者等が清算受託者から第一項の計算の承認を求められた時から一箇月以内に異議を述べなかった場合には、当該受益者等は、同項の計算を承認したものとみなす。
(3) If any of the beneficiaries, etc. has not stated an objection within one month from the time when they were requested to give approval for the settlement of accounts referred to in paragraph (1) from the liquidation trustee, that beneficiary or holder of a vested right is deemed to have approved of the settlement of accounts referred to in that paragraph.
第八章 受益証券発行信託の特例
Chapter VIII Special Provisions on Trust with Certificates of Beneficial Interest
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Provisions of the Terms of Trust on Issuance of Beneficiary Certificates)
第百八十五条 信託行為においては、この章の定めるところにより、一又は二以上の受益権を表示する証券(以下「受益証券」という。)を発行する旨を定めることができる。
Article 185 (1) The term of trust may provide that a certificate indicating a single beneficial interest or two or more beneficial interests (hereinafter referred to as the "beneficiary certificate") is to be issued pursuant to the provisions in this Chapter.
2 前項の規定は、当該信託行為において特定の内容の受益権については受益証券を発行しない旨を定めることを妨げない。
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not preclude the terms of trust from providing that a beneficiary certificate will not be issued for a beneficial interest with a specific content.
3 第一項の定めのある信託(以下「受益証券発行信託」という。)においては、信託の変更によって前二項の定めを変更することはできない。
(3) In the case of a trust subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as the "trust with certificates of beneficial interest"), the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs may not be changed by making a modification to the trust.
4 第一項の定めのない信託においては、信託の変更によって同項又は第二項の定めを設けることはできない。
(4) In the case of a trust not subject to the provisions of paragraph (1), the provisions of that paragraph or paragraph (2) may not be established by making a modification to the trust.
(Beneficial Interest Register)
第百八十六条 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、遅滞なく、受益権原簿を作成し、これに次に掲げる事項(以下この章において「受益権原簿記載事項」という。)を記載し、又は記録しなければならない。
Article 186 A trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must prepare a beneficial interest register and enter or record the following particulars (hereinafter referred to as the "particulars to be stated in the beneficial interest register" in this Chapter) in the beneficial interest register, without delay:
一 各受益権に係る受益債権の内容その他の受益権の内容を特定するものとして法務省令で定める事項
(i) the content of the beneficial claims regarding each beneficial interest and other particulars prescribed by Order of the Ministry of Justice as particulars that specify the content of the beneficial interest;
二 各受益権に係る受益証券の番号、発行の日、受益証券が記名式か又は無記名式かの別及び無記名式の受益証券の数
(ii) the serial number and the date of issue of the beneficiary certificate related to each beneficial interest, whether each beneficiary certificate is a registered certificate or a bearer certificate, and the number of bearer certificates of beneficial interest;
三 各受益権に係る受益者(無記名受益権の受益者を除く。)の氏名又は名称及び住所
(iii) the name and address of the beneficiary regarding each beneficial interest (excluding beneficiaries of bearer beneficial interest);
四 前号の受益者が各受益権を取得した日
(iv) the day on which the beneficiary referred to in the preceding item acquired each beneficial interest; and
五 前各号に掲げるもののほか、法務省令で定める事項
(v) beyond what is set forth in the preceding items, the particulars prescribed by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
(Delivery of Documents Stating the Particulars to Be Stated in the Beneficial Interest Register)
第百八十七条 第百八十五条第二項の定めのある受益権の受益者は、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対し、当該受益者についての受益権原簿に記載され、若しくは記録された受益権原簿記載事項を記載した書面の交付又は当該受益権原簿記載事項を記録した電磁的記録の提供を請求することができる。
Article 187 (1) A beneficiary of a beneficial interest subject to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (2) may request that a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest deliver a document stating the particulars to be stated in the beneficial interest register, which are stated or recorded in the beneficial interest register for the beneficiary to them, or provide them with an electronic or magnetic record in which the particulars to be stated in the beneficial interest register are recorded.
2 前項の書面には、受益証券発行信託の受託者(法人である受託者にあっては、その代表者。次項において同じ。)が署名し、又は記名押印しなければならない。
(2) The trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest (for a trustee that is a corporation, its representative; the same applies in the following paragraph) must sign or affix the trustee's name and seal to the document referred to in the preceding paragraph.
3 第一項の電磁的記録には、受益証券発行信託の受託者が法務省令で定める署名又は記名押印に代わる措置をとらなければならない。
(3) With respect to the electronic or magnetic record referred to in paragraph (1), the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must take the measures specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice as an alternative to signing or affixing their name and seal.
4 受益証券発行信託の受託者が二人以上ある場合における前二項の規定の適用については、これらの規定中「受益証券発行信託の受託者」とあるのは、「受益証券発行信託のすべての受託者」とする。
(4) For the purpose of applying the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs to cases in which there are two or more trustees for a trust with certificates of beneficial interest, the phrase "trustee of the trust with certificates of beneficial interest" in these provisions is deemed to be replaced with "all trustees of the trust with certificates of beneficial interest".
(Beneficial Interest Register Administrator)
第百八十八条 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、受益権原簿管理人(受益証券発行信託の受託者に代わって受益権原簿の作成及び備置きその他の受益権原簿に関する事務を行う者をいう。以下同じ。)を定め、当該事務を行うことを委託することができる。
Article 188 A trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest may appoint a beneficial interest register administrator (meaning a person who prepares and keeps a beneficial interest register and conducts other affairs concerning the beneficial interest register in lieu of the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest; the same applies hereinafter), and may entrust the administration of those affairs to the administrator.
第百八十九条 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、一定の日(以下この条において「基準日」という。)を定めて、基準日において受益権原簿に記載され、又は記録されている受益者(以下この条において「基準日受益者」という。)をその権利を行使することができる者と定めることができる。
Article 189 (1) A trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest may specify a fixed date (hereinafter referred to as the "record date" in this Article), and specify that the beneficiaries who have been stated or recorded in the beneficial interest register on the record date (hereinafter referred to as the "beneficiaries on the record date" in this Article) as the persons who are entitled to exercise their rights.
2 前項の規定は、無記名受益権の受益者については、適用しない。
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply to the beneficiaries of bearer beneficial interest.
3 基準日を定める場合には、受益証券発行信託の受託者は、基準日受益者が行使することができる権利(基準日から三箇月以内に行使するものに限る。)の内容を定めなければならない。
(3) If specifying the record date, the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must specify the content of the rights that the beneficiaries on the record date are entitled to exercise (limited to the rights that are to be exercised within three months from the record date).
4 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、基準日を定めたときは、当該基準日の二週間前までに、当該基準日及び前項の規定により定めた事項を官報に公告しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に当該基準日及び基準日受益者が行使することができる権利の内容について定めがあるときは、この限りでない。
(4) If the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest has specified the record date, the trustee must give public notice in the Official Gazette by no later than two weeks prior to that record date, of the record date and the particulars specified pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that this does not apply if the terms of trust contain clauses on the record date and the content of the rights that the beneficiaries on the record date are entitled to exercise.
5 第一項、第三項及び前項本文の規定にかかわらず、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), paragraph (3), and the main clause of the preceding paragraph, if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Keeping and Inspection of Beneficial Interest Register)
第百九十条 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、受益権原簿をその住所(当該受託者が法人である場合(受益権原簿管理人が現に存する場合を除く。)にあってはその主たる事務所、受益権原簿管理人が現に存する場合にあってはその営業所)に備え置かなければならない。
Article 190 (1) A trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must keep a beneficial interest register at their domicile (if the trustee is a corporation (excluding cases in which there is a beneficial interest register administrator at the time in question), its principal office; if there is a beneficial interest register administrator at the time in question, the administrator's business office).
2 委託者、受益者その他の利害関係人は、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対し、次に掲げる請求をすることができる。この場合においては、当該請求の理由を明らかにしてしなければならない。
(2) A settlor, a beneficiary, and any other interested party may make the following requests to the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest. In such a case, the reasons for the request must be clarified:
一 受益権原簿が書面をもって作成されているときは、当該書面の閲覧又は謄写の請求
(i) if the beneficial interest register has been prepared in writing, a request to inspect or copy the document; and
二 受益権原簿が電磁的記録をもって作成されているときは、当該電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により表示したものの閲覧又は謄写の請求
(ii) if the beneficial interest register has been prepared as an electronic or magnetic record, a request to inspect or copy any object that displays the information recorded in the electronic or magnetic record by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
3 前項の請求があったときは、受益証券発行信託の受託者は、次のいずれかに該当すると認められる場合を除き、これを拒むことができない。
(3) When the request referred to in the preceding paragraph has been made, the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest may not refuse the request, unless it is found that any of the following cases applies:
一 当該請求を行う者(以下この項において「請求者」という。)がその権利の確保又は行使に関する調査以外の目的で請求を行ったとき。
(i) if the person making the request (hereinafter referred to as the "requester" in this paragraph) has made the request for purposes other than an investigation for securing or exercising their rights;
二 請求者が不適当な時に請求を行ったとき。
(ii) if the requester has made the request at an inappropriate time;
三 請求者が信託事務の処理を妨げ、又は受益者の共同の利益を害する目的で請求を行ったとき。
(iii) if the requester has made the request for the purpose of disturbing the administration of trust affairs or harming the common interests of the beneficiaries;
四 請求者が前項の規定による閲覧又は謄写によって知り得た事実を利益を得て第三者に通報するため請求を行ったとき。
(iv) if the requester has made the request in order to notify a third party of the facts that the requester has learned by inspecting or copying documents or any other object pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph for profit; or
五 請求者が、過去二年以内において、前項の規定による閲覧又は謄写によって知り得た事実を利益を得て第三者に通報したことがあるものであるとき。
(v) if the requester has notified a third party of the facts that the requester has learned by inspecting or copying documents or any other object pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph for profit within the past two years.
4 第百八十六条第三号又は第四号に掲げる事項(第百八十五条第二項の定めのない受益権に係るものに限る。)について第二項の請求があった場合において、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(4) If any of the requests referred to in paragraph (2) is made for the particulars set forth in Article 186, item (iii) or (iv) (limited to the particulars concerning a beneficial interest not subject to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (2)), and it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Notices Given to Beneficiaries)
第百九十一条 受益証券発行信託の受託者が受益者に対してする通知又は催告は、受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録した当該受益者の住所(当該受益者が別に通知又は催告を受ける場所又は連絡先を当該受託者に通知した場合にあっては、その場所又は連絡先)にあてて発すれば足りる。
Article 191 (1) It is sufficient for a notice or a demand letter from the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest to a beneficiary to be sent to the beneficiary's domicile stated or recorded in the beneficial interest register (if a beneficiary has notified the trustee of a place or a contact address for receiving notices or demand letters, to that place or contact address).
2 前項の通知又は催告は、その通知又は催告が通常到達すべきであった時に、到達したものとみなす。
(2) The notice or demand letter referred to in the preceding paragraph is deemed to have reached the addressee at the time when the notice or demand letter should have normally arrived.
3 受益証券発行信託の受益権が二人以上の者の共有に属するときは、共有者は、受益証券発行信託の受託者が受益者に対してする通知又は催告を受領する者一人を定め、当該受託者に対し、その者の氏名又は名称を通知しなければならない。この場合においては、その者を受益者とみなして、前二項の規定を適用する。
(3) If the beneficial interest in the trust with certificates of beneficial interest is co-owned by two or more persons, the co-owners must designate one person who is to receive the notice or demand letter sent by the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest to the beneficiaries, and must notify the trustee of that person's name. In such a case, that person is deemed to be a beneficiary and the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply to the person.
4 前項の規定による共有者の通知がない場合には、受益証券発行信託の受託者が受益権の共有者に対してする通知又は催告は、そのうちの一人に対してすれば足りる。
(4) If a notice by the co-owners under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has not been given, it is sufficient for a notice or a demand letter from the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest to the co-owners of the beneficial interest to be sent to one of the co-owners.
5 この法律の規定により受益証券発行信託の受託者が無記名受益権の受益者に対してすべき通知は、当該受益者のうち当該受託者に氏名又は名称及び住所の知れている者に対してすれば足りる。この場合においては、当該受託者は、その通知すべき事項を官報に公告しなければならない。
(5) If the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest is required to give notice to the beneficiaries of bearer beneficial interest pursuant to the provisions of this Act, it is sufficient for the trustee to send a notice to the beneficiary whose name and address is known to the trustee. In such a case, the trustee must give public notice in the Official Gazette of the particulars that are required to be given notice.
(Exercise of Rights by Beneficiaries of Bearer Beneficial Interest)
第百九十二条 無記名受益権の受益者は、受益証券発行信託の受託者その他の者に対しその権利を行使しようとするときは、その受益証券を当該受託者その他の者に提示しなければならない。
Article 192 (1) If a beneficiary of bearer beneficial interest seeks to exercise their right against a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest or any other person, the beneficiary must present the certificate of beneficial interest to the trustee or that other person.
2 無記名受益権の受益者は、受益者集会において議決権を行使しようとするときは、受益者集会の日の一週間前までに、その受益証券を第百八条に規定する招集者に提示しなければならない。
(2) If a beneficiary with bearer beneficial interest seeks to exercise the voting right at a beneficiaries meeting, the beneficiary must present the beneficiary certificate to the convener prescribed in Article 108 by no later than one week prior to the date of the beneficiaries meeting.
(Exercise of Rights by Co-owners)
第百九十三条 受益証券発行信託の受益権が二人以上の者の共有に属するときは、共有者は、当該受益権についての権利を行使する者一人を定め、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対し、その者の氏名又は名称を通知しなければ、当該受益権についての権利を行使することができない。ただし、当該受託者が当該権利を行使することに同意した場合は、この限りでない。
Article 193 If a beneficial interest in a trust with certificates of beneficial interest is co-owned by two or more persons, the co-owners may not exercise the rights of the beneficial interest unless they designate one person who is to exercise the rights of the beneficial interest and notify the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest of that person's name; provided, however, that this does not apply if the trustee has consented to the exercise of those rights.
第二節 受益権の譲渡等の特例
Section 2 Special Provisions on Transfer of Beneficial Interest
(Transfer of Beneficial Interest for Which Beneficiary Certificate Has Been Issued)
第百九十四条 受益証券発行信託の受益権(第百八十五条第二項の定めのある受益権を除く。)の譲渡は、当該受益権に係る受益証券を交付しなければ、その効力を生じない。
Article 194 Transfer of a beneficial interest in a trust with certificates of beneficial interest (excluding a beneficial interest subject to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (2)) does not become effective unless the beneficiary certificate related to the beneficial interest is delivered.
(Requirements for Perfection of Transfer of Beneficial Interest in Trust with Certificates of Beneficial Interest)
第百九十五条 受益証券発行信託の受益権の譲渡は、その受益権を取得した者の氏名又は名称及び住所を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録しなければ、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対抗することができない。
Article 195 (1) Transfer of a beneficial interest in a trust with certificates of beneficial interest may not be asserted against the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest unless the name and address of the person who has acquired the beneficial interest has been entered or recorded in the beneficial interest register.
2 第百八十五条第二項の定めのある受益権に関する前項の規定の適用については、同項中「受託者」とあるのは、「受託者その他の第三者」とする。
(2) For the purpose of applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph to the beneficial interest subject to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (2), the term "trustee" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "trustee and other third parties".
3 第一項の規定は、無記名受益権については、適用しない。
(3) The provisions of paragraph (1) do not apply to bearer beneficial interest.
(Presumption of Rights)
第百九十六条 受益証券の占有者は、当該受益証券に係る受益権を適法に有するものと推定する。
Article 196 (1) A possessor of a beneficiary certificate is presumed to be the lawful owner of the beneficial interest related to the certificate.
2 受益証券の交付を受けた者は、当該受益証券に係る受益権についての権利を取得する。ただし、その者に悪意又は重大な過失があるときは、この限りでない。
(2) A person who has received the delivery of a beneficiary certificate acquires the rights of the beneficial interest related to the beneficiary certificate; provided, however, that this does not apply if the person acted in bad faith or with gross negligence.
(Entry or Record of Particulars to Be Stated in the Beneficial Interest Register Not by the Request of Beneficiaries)
第百九十七条 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、次の各号に掲げる場合には、法務省令で定めるところにより、当該各号の受益権の受益者に係る受益権原簿記載事項を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録しなければならない。
Article 197 (1) In the cases set forth in the following items, the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must enter or record in the beneficial interest register the particulars to be stated in the beneficial interest register regarding the beneficiary of the beneficial interest specified in the respective items, as provided for by Order of the Ministry of Justice:
一 受益証券発行信託の受益権を取得した場合において、当該受益権が消滅しなかったとき。
(i) if the trustee has acquired the beneficial interest in the trust with certificates of beneficial interest and the beneficial interest has not been extinguished; and
二 前号の受益証券発行信託の受益権を処分したとき。
(ii) if the trustee has disposed of the beneficial interest in the trust with certificates of beneficial interest referred to in the preceding item.
2 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、信託の変更によって受益権の併合がされた場合には、併合された受益権について、その受益権の受益者に係る受益権原簿記載事項を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録しなければならない。
(2) If the consolidation of beneficial interests is implemented by making a modification to the trust, the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must enter or record in the beneficial interest register the particulars to be stated in the beneficial interest register regarding the beneficiary of that beneficial interest.
3 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、信託の変更によって受益権の分割がされた場合には、分割された受益権について、その受益権の受益者に係る受益権原簿記載事項を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録しなければならない。
(3) If the split of a beneficial interest is implemented by making a modification to the trust, the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must enter or record in the beneficial interest register the particulars to be stated in the beneficial interest register regarding the beneficiary of that beneficial interest.
4 前三項の規定は、無記名受益権については、適用しない。
(4) The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs do not apply to bearer beneficial interest.
(Entry or Record of Particulars to Be Stated in the Beneficial Interest Register Upon the Request of a Beneficiary)
第百九十八条 受益証券発行信託の受益権を受益証券発行信託の受託者以外の者から取得した者(当該受託者を除く。)は、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対し、当該受益権に係る受益権原簿記載事項を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録することを請求することができる。
Article 198 (1) A person who has acquired a beneficial interest in a trust with certificates of beneficial interest from a person other than the trustee of the trust with certificates of beneficial interest (excluding the trustee) may request the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest to enter or record in the beneficial interest register the particulars to be stated in the beneficial interest register regarding that beneficial interest.
2 前項の規定による請求は、利害関係人の利益を害するおそれがないものとして法務省令で定める場合を除き、その取得した受益権の受益者として受益権原簿に記載され、若しくは記録された者又はその相続人その他の一般承継人と共同してしなければならない。
(2) The request pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph must be made jointly with the person who is stated or recorded in the beneficial interest register as the beneficiary of the beneficial interest acquired, or the person's heir or other general successors, except in cases specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice that there is no risk of harming the interest of an interested party.
3 前二項の規定は、無記名受益権については、適用しない。
(3) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply to bearer beneficial interest.
(Pledge of Beneficial Interest for Which a Beneficiary Certificate Has Been Issued)
第百九十九条 受益証券発行信託の受益権(第百八十五条第二項の定めのある受益権を除く。)の質入れは、当該受益権に係る受益証券を交付しなければ、その効力を生じない。
Article 199 A pledge of a beneficial interest for a trust with certificates of beneficial interest (excluding a beneficial interest subject to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (2)) does not become effective unless the beneficiary certificate related to the beneficial interest is delivered.
(Requirements for Perfection of Pledge of Beneficial Interest in Trust with Certificates of Beneficial Interest)
第二百条 受益証券発行信託の受益権(第百八十五条第二項の定めのある受益権を除く。)の質権者は、継続して当該受益権に係る受益証券を占有しなければ、その質権をもって受益証券発行信託の受託者その他の第三者に対抗することができない。
Article 200 (1) A pledgee of a beneficial interest in a trust with certificates of beneficial interest (excluding a beneficial interest subject to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (2)) may not assert the right of pledge against the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest or other third party unless the pledgee continues to possess the beneficiary certificate related to the beneficial interest.
2 第百八十五条第二項の定めのある受益権の質入れは、その質権者の氏名又は名称及び住所を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録しなければ、受益証券発行信託の受託者その他の第三者に対抗することができない。
(2) The pledge of a beneficial interest subject to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (2) may not be asserted against the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest or other third party unless the name and address of the pledgee has been entered or recorded in the beneficial interest register.
(Entry of Particulars in the Beneficial Interest Register Related to Pledge)
第二百一条 受益証券発行信託の受益権に質権を設定した者は、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対し、次に掲げる事項を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録することを請求することができる。
Article 201 (1) A person who has created a pledge on a beneficial interest for a trust with certificates of beneficial interest may request a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest to enter or record the following particulars in the beneficial interest register:
一 質権者の氏名又は名称及び住所
(i) the name and address of the pledgee; and
二 質権の目的である受益権
(ii) the beneficial interest that is subject to the pledge.
2 前項の規定は、無記名受益権については、適用しない。
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply to bearer beneficial interest.
(Delivery of Document Stating Particulars to be Stated in the Beneficial Interest Register Related to Pledge)
第二百二条 前条第一項各号に掲げる事項が受益権原簿に記載され、又は記録された質権者(以下この節において「登録受益権質権者」という。)は、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対し、当該登録受益権質権者についての受益権原簿に記載され、若しくは記録された同項各号に掲げる事項を記載した書面の交付又は当該事項を記録した電磁的記録の提供を請求することができる。
Article 202 (1) A pledgee for whom the particulars set forth in the items of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article have been entered or recorded in the beneficial interest register (hereinafter referred to as the "registered pledgee of a beneficial interest" in this Section) may request that a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest deliver a document stating the particulars on the registered pledgee of a beneficial interest set forth in the items of that paragraph, which are stated or recorded in the beneficial interest register of that registered pledgee of a beneficial interest, or request that the trustee provide the registered pledgee of a beneficial interest with an electronic or magnetic record containing those particulars.
2 前項の書面には、受益証券発行信託の受託者(法人である受託者にあっては、その代表者。次項において同じ。)が署名し、又は記名押印しなければならない。
(2) The trustee (for the trustee that is a corporation, its representative; the same applies in the following paragraph) of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must sign or affix their name and seal to the document referred to in the preceding paragraph.
3 第一項の電磁的記録には、受益証券発行信託の受託者が法務省令で定める署名又は記名押印に代わる措置をとらなければならない。
(3) With respect to the electronic or magnetic record referred to in paragraph (1), the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must take the measures specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice as an alternative to signing or affixing their name and seal.
4 受益証券発行信託の受託者が二人以上ある場合における前二項の規定の適用については、これらの規定中「受益証券発行信託の受託者」とあるのは、「受益証券発行信託のすべての受託者」とする。
(4) For the purpose of applying the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs to cases in which there are two or more trustees for the trust with certificates of beneficial interest, the phrase "trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest" in these provisions is deemed to be replaced with "all trustees of the trust with certificates of beneficial interest".
(Notice to Registered Pledgees of a Beneficial Interest)
第二百三条 受益証券発行信託の受託者が登録受益権質権者に対してする通知又は催告は、受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録した当該登録受益権質権者の住所(当該登録受益権質権者が別に通知又は催告を受ける場所又は連絡先を当該受託者に通知した場合にあっては、その場所又は連絡先)にあてて発すれば足りる。
Article 203 (1) It is sufficient for a notice or a demand letter from a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest to a registered pledgee of a beneficial interest or demand that the trustee makes to a registered pledgee of a beneficial interest to be sent to the domicile of the registered pledgee of a beneficial interest that is entered or recorded in the beneficial interest register (if the registered pledgee of a beneficial interest has notified the trustee of a different place or contact address for receiving notices or demand letters, to that place or contact address).
2 前項の通知又は催告は、その通知又は催告が通常到達すべきであった時に、到達したものとみなす。
(2) The notice or demand letter referred to in the preceding paragraph is deemed to have reached the addressee at the time when the notice or demand letter should have normally arrived.
(Entry of Particulars in the Beneficial Interest Register Concerning Consolidation or Split of Beneficial Interest)
第二百四条 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、信託の変更によって受益権の併合がされた場合において、当該受益権を目的とする質権の質権者が登録受益権質権者であるときは、併合された受益権について、その質権者の氏名又は名称及び住所を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録しなければならない。
Article 204 (1) If the consolidation of beneficial interests is implemented by making a modification to the trust and the pledgee of the pledge created on the beneficial interests is the registered pledgee of a beneficial interest, the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must enter or record in the beneficial interest register the name and address of that pledgee with regard to the consolidated beneficial interest.
2 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、信託の変更によって受益権の分割がされた場合において、当該受益権を目的とする質権の質権者が登録受益権質権者であるときは、分割された受益権について、その質権者の氏名又は名称及び住所を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録しなければならない。
(2) If the split of a beneficial interest is implemented by making a modification to the trust and the pledgee of the pledge created on the beneficial interest is the registered pledgee of a beneficial interest, the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must enter or record in the beneficial interest register the name and address of that pledgee with regard to the split beneficial interest.
第二百五条 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、前条第一項に規定する場合には、併合された受益権に係る受益証券を登録受益権質権者に引き渡さなければならない。
Article 205 (1) In the case prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must deliver the beneficiary certificate related to the consolidated beneficial interest to the registered pledgee of a beneficial interest.
2 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、前条第二項に規定する場合には、分割された受益権に係る受益証券を登録受益権質権者に引き渡さなければならない。
(2) In the case prescribed in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must deliver the beneficiary certificate related to the split beneficial interest to the registered pledgee of a beneficial interest.
(Requirements for Perfection Regarding Beneficial Interest for Which No Beneficiary Certificate Has Been Issued)
第二百六条 第百八十五条第二項の定めのある受益権で他の信託の信託財産に属するものについては、当該受益権が信託財産に属する旨を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録しなければ、当該受益権が信託財産に属することを受益証券発行信託の受託者その他の第三者に対抗することができない。
Article 206 (1) With regard to a beneficial interest that is subject to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (2) which belongs to the trust property of another trust, the fact that the beneficial interest belongs to the trust property of that other trust may not be asserted against a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest or against any other third party unless the fact that the beneficial interest belongs to the trust property of the other trust is entered or recorded in the beneficial interest register.
2 前項の受益権が属する他の信託の受託者は、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対し、当該受益権が信託財産に属する旨を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録することを請求することができる。
(2) The trustee of the other trust to which the beneficial interest referred to in the preceding paragraph belongs may request that the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest enter or record in the beneficial interest register the fact that the beneficial interest belongs to the trust property.
3 受益権原簿に前項の規定による記載又は記録がされた場合における第百八十七条の規定の適用については、同条第一項中「第百八十五条第二項の定めのある受益権の受益者」とあるのは「第二百六条第一項の受益権が属する他の信託の受託者」と、「当該受益者」とあるのは「当該受益権」と、「記録された受益権原簿記載事項」とあるのは「記録された受益権原簿記載事項(当該受益権が信託財産に属する旨を含む。)」とする。
(3) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 187 to cases in which the facts have been entered or recorded in the beneficial interest register pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in paragraph (1) of that Article, the phrase "a beneficiary of a beneficial interest subject to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (2)" is deemed to be replaced with "the trustee of another trust to which a beneficial interest set forth in Article 206, paragraph (1) belongs", the term "that beneficiary" is deemed to be replaced with "that beneficial interest", and the phrase "the particulars to be stated in the beneficial interest register, which are stated or recorded in the beneficial interest register regarding that beneficiary" is deemed to be replaced with "the particulars to be stated in the beneficial interest register, which are stated or recorded in the beneficial interest register regarding that beneficiary (including the fact that that beneficial interest belongs to the trust property)".
第三節 受益証券
Section 3 Beneficiary Certificates
(Issuance of Beneficiary Certificates)
第二百七条 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、信託行為の定めに従い、遅滞なく、当該受益権に係る受益証券を発行しなければならない。
Article 207 A trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest must issue beneficiary certificates related to the beneficial interest without delay, as provided for by the terms of trust,.
(Proposal of Desire Not to Possess Beneficiary Certificates)
第二百八条 受益証券発行信託の受益者は、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対し、当該受益者の有する受益権に係る受益証券の所持を希望しない旨を申し出ることができる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 208 (1) A beneficiary of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest may propose that that beneficiary does not desire to possess a beneficiary certificate related to the beneficial interest that the beneficiary holds to the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
2 前項の規定による申出は、その申出に係る受益権の内容を明らかにしてしなければならない。この場合において、当該受益権に係る受益証券が発行されているときは、当該受益者は、当該受益証券を受益証券発行信託の受託者に提出しなければならない。
(2) The proposal under the provisions of the preceding paragraph must be made by disclosing the content of the beneficial interest related to the proposal. In such a case, if the beneficiary certificate related to the beneficial interest has already been issued, the beneficiary must submit the beneficiary certificate to the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest.
3 第一項の規定による申出を受けた受益証券発行信託の受託者は、遅滞なく、前項前段の受益権に係る受益証券を発行しない旨を受益権原簿に記載し、又は記録しなければならない。
(3) The trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest who has received the proposal pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) must enter or record in the beneficial interest register the fact that they will not issue the beneficiary certificate related to the beneficial interest referred to in the first sentence of the preceding paragraph.
4 受益証券発行信託の受託者は、前項の規定による記載又は記録をしたときは、第二項前段の受益権に係る受益証券を発行することができない。
(4) If a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest has made the entry or record pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the trustee may not issue the beneficiary certificate related to the beneficial interest referred to in the first sentence of paragraph (2).
5 第二項後段の規定により提出された受益証券は、第三項の規定による記載又は記録をした時において、無効となる。
(5) The beneficiary certificate submitted pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph (2) becomes invalid at the time when the entry or record pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) is made.
6 第一項の規定による申出をした受益者は、いつでも、受益証券発行信託の受託者に対し、第二項前段の受益権に係る受益証券を発行することを請求することができる。この場合において、同項後段の規定により提出された受益証券があるときは、受益証券の発行に要する費用は、当該受益者の負担とする。
(6) The beneficiary who has made the proposal under the provisions of paragraph (1) may at any time demand that the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest issue a beneficiary certificate related to the beneficial interest referred to in the first sentence of paragraph (2). In such a case, if there is a beneficiary certificate that was submitted pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of that paragraph, the expenses for issuing a beneficiary certificate are to be borne by that beneficiary.
7 前各項の規定は、無記名受益権については、適用しない。
(7) The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply to bearer beneficial interest.
(Particulars to Be Stated on Beneficiary Certificates)
第二百九条 受益証券には、次に掲げる事項及びその番号を記載し、受益証券発行信託の受託者(法人である受託者にあっては、その代表者)がこれに署名し、又は記名押印しなければならない。
Article 209 (1) The following particulars and the serial number must be entered in a beneficiary certificate, and a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest (for a trustee that is a corporation, its representative) must sign or affix their name and seal to the certificate:
一 受益証券発行信託の受益証券である旨
(i) a statement to the effect that the certificate is a beneficiary certificate of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest;
二 当初の委託者及び受益証券発行信託の受託者の氏名又は名称及び住所
(ii) the names and addresses of the initial settlor and the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest;
三 記名式の受益証券にあっては、受益者の氏名又は名称
(iii) if the certificate is a beneficiary certificate in registered form, the name of the beneficiary;
四 各受益権に係る受益債権の内容その他の受益権の内容を特定するものとして法務省令で定める事項
(iv) the content of the beneficial claim regarding each beneficial interest, and particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice as other particulars that specify the content of the beneficial interest;
五 受益証券発行信託の受託者に対する費用等の償還及び損害の賠償に関する信託行為の定め
(v) the provisions of the terms of trust on reimbursement of expenses and interest and compensation for damages to the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest;
六 信託報酬の計算方法並びにその支払の方法及び時期
(vi) the means of calculation for trust fees, and the means and time of payment of those fees;
七 記名式の受益証券をもって表示される受益権について譲渡の制限があるときは、その旨及びその内容
(vii) if there are restrictions on the transfer of the beneficial interest indicated by the beneficiary certificate in registered form, that fact and the content of those restrictions;
八 受益者の権利の行使に関する信託行為の定め(信託監督人及び受益者代理人に係る事項を含む。)
(viii) the provisions of the terms of trust on the exercise of rights by the beneficiary (including particulars concerning a trust supervisor and a beneficiary's agent); and
九 その他法務省令で定める事項
(ix) other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
2 受益証券発行信託の受託者が二人以上ある場合における前項の規定の適用については、同項中「受益証券発行信託の受託者」とあるのは、「受益証券発行信託のすべての受託者」とする。
(2) For the purpose of applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph to cases in which there are two or more trustees for a trust with certificates of beneficial interest, the phrase "a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest " in those provisions is deemed to be replaced with "all trustees of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest".
(Conversion of Registered Certificate and Bearer Certificate)
第二百十条 受益証券が発行されている受益権の受益者は、いつでも、その記名式の受益証券を無記名式とし、又はその無記名式の受益証券を記名式とすることを請求することができる。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
Article 210 A beneficiary of a beneficial interest for which a beneficiary certificate has been issued may at any time demand that their beneficiary certificate in registered form to be converted into a beneficiary certificate in bearer form, or that their beneficiary certificate in bearer form to be converted into a beneficiary certificate in registered form; provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
(Loss of Beneficiary Certificates)
第二百十一条 受益証券は、非訟事件手続法(平成二十三年法律第五十一号)第百条に規定する公示催告手続によって無効とすることができる。
Article 211 (1) A beneficiary certificate may be invalidated through the public notification procedures prescribed in Article 100 of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act (Act No. 51 of 2011).
2 受益証券を喪失した者は、非訟事件手続法第百六条第一項に規定する除権決定を得た後でなければ、その再発行を請求することができない。
(2) A person who has lost the beneficiary certificate may not request its re-issuance until after the person obtains an order of nullification of right prescribed in Article 106, paragraph (1) of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act.
3 受益証券を喪失した者が非訟事件手続法第百十四条に規定する公示催告の申立てをしたときは、当該受益証券を喪失した者は、相当の担保を供して、受益証券発行信託の受託者に当該受益証券に係る債務を履行させることができる。
(3) If a person who has lost the beneficiary certificate has filed a petition for public notification prescribed in Article 114 of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act, the person who has lost the beneficiary certificate may provide reasonable security and have the trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest perform the obligations regarding the beneficiary certificate.
第四節 関係当事者の権利義務等の特例
Section 4 Special Provisions on Rights and Obligations of Relevant Parties
(Special Provisions on Obligations of Trustee of a Trust with Certificates of Beneficial Interest)
第二百十二条 受益証券発行信託においては、第二十九条第二項ただし書の規定にかかわらず、信託行為の定めにより同項本文の義務を軽減することはできない。
Article 212 (1) In the case of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest, notwithstanding the provisions of the proviso to Article 29, paragraph (2), the obligations referred to in the main clause of that paragraph may not be reduced by what is provided for by the terms of trust.
2 受益証券発行信託においては、第三十五条第四項の規定は、適用しない。
(2) The provisions of Article 35, paragraph (4) do not apply to a trust with certificates of beneficial interest.
(Special Clauses of the Terms of Trust Regarding Restrictions on the Exercise of Rights by Beneficiaries)
第二百十三条 受益証券発行信託においては、第九十二条第一号、第五号、第六号及び第八号の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げる権利の全部又は一部について、総受益者の議決権の百分の三(これを下回る割合を信託行為において定めた場合にあっては、その割合。以下この項において同じ。)以上の割合の受益権を有する受益者又は現に存する受益権の総数の百分の三以上の数の受益権を有する受益者に限り当該権利を行使することができる旨の信託行為の定めを設けることができる。
Article 213 (1) In the case of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 92, item (i), item (v), item (vi), and item (viii), a clause may be established in the terms of trust to the effect that, with regard to all or part of the following rights, the rights may be exercised only by a beneficiary who holds a beneficial interest for not less than three-hundredths of the voting rights of all beneficiaries (or a smaller percentage provided for by the terms of trust; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) or a beneficiary who holds beneficial interest for not less than three-hundredths of the total number of existing beneficial interests:
一 第二十七条第一項又は第二項(これらの規定を第七十五条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による取消権
(i) the right to rescind pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (1) or (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 75, paragraph (4));
二 第三十一条第六項又は第七項の規定による取消権
(ii) the right to rescind pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, paragraph (6) or (7);
三 第三十八条第一項の規定による閲覧又は謄写の請求権
(iii) the right to request to inspect or copy materials pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1); and
四 第四十六条第一項の規定による検査役の選任の申立権
(iv) the right to file a petition for the appointment of an inspector pursuant to the provisions of Article 46, paragraph (1).
2 受益証券発行信託においては、第九十二条第一号の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げる権利の全部又は一部について、総受益者の議決権の十分の一(これを下回る割合を信託行為において定めた場合にあっては、その割合。以下この項において同じ。)以上の割合の受益権を有する受益者又は現に存する受益権の総数の十分の一以上の数の受益権を有する受益者に限り当該権利を行使することができる旨の信託行為の定めを設けることができる。
(2) In the case of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 92, item (i), a clause may be established in the terms of trust to the effect that, with regard to all or part of the following rights, the rights may be exercised only by a beneficiary who holds a beneficial interest for not less than one-tenth of the voting rights of all beneficiaries (or a smaller percentage provided for by the terms of trust; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) or a beneficiary who holds a beneficial interest for not less than one-tenth of the total number of existing beneficial interests:
一 第百五十条第一項の規定による信託の変更を命ずる裁判の申立権
(i) the right to file a petition for a judicial decision to order the modification of the trust pursuant to the provisions of Article 150, paragraph (1); and
二 第百六十五条第一項の規定による信託の終了を命ずる裁判の申立権
(ii) the right to file a petition for a judicial decision to order the termination of the trust pursuant to the provisions of Article 165, paragraph (1).
3 受益証券発行信託において、第三十九条第一項の規定による開示が同条第三項の信託行為の定めにより制限されているときは、前二項の規定は、適用しない。
(3) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply to a trust with certificates of beneficial interest if disclosure pursuant to the provisions of Article 39, paragraph (1) is restricted by the clause of the terms of trust referred to in paragraph (3) of that Article.
4 受益証券発行信託においては、第九十二条第十一号の規定にかかわらず、六箇月(これを下回る期間を信託行為において定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き受益権を有する受益者に限り第四十四条第一項の規定による差止めの請求権を行使することができる旨の信託行為の定めを設けることができる。
(4) In the case of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 92, item (xi), a clause may be established in the terms of trust to the effect that the right to demand a cessation pursuant to the provisions of Article 44, paragraph (1) may be exercised only by a beneficiary who has continually held a beneficial interest during the preceding six months (or a shorter period provided for by the terms of trust ).
(Special Provisions on Decision-Making Means Involving Two or More Beneficiaries)
第二百十四条 受益者が二人以上ある受益証券発行信託においては、信託行為に別段の定めがない限り、信託行為に受益者の意思決定(第九十二条各号に掲げる権利の行使に係るものを除く。)は第四章第三節第二款の定めるところによる受益者集会における多数決による旨の定めがあるものとみなす。
Article 214 In the case of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest that has two or more beneficiaries, unless otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, it is deemed that the terms of trust has established that a beneficiaries' decision (excluding a decision on the exercise of the rights set forth in the items of Article 92) is to be made by a majority vote at a beneficiaries meeting pursuant to the provisions of Chapter IV, Section 3, Subsection 2.
(Special Provisions on Settlor's Rights)
第二百十五条 受益証券発行信託においては、この法律の規定による委託者の権利のうち次に掲げる権利は、受益者がこれを行使する。
Article 215 In the case of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest, among the rights of a settlor granted pursuant to the provisions of this Act, the following rights are exercised by a beneficiary:
一 第三十六条の規定による報告を求める権利
(i) the right to request a report pursuant to the provisions of Article 36;
二 第五十八条第四項(第百三十四条第二項及び第百四十一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、第六十二条第四項(第百三十五条第一項及び第百四十二条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)、第六十三条第一項、第七十四条第二項、第百三十一条第四項、第百五十条第一項、第百六十五条第一項、第百六十六条第一項、第百六十九条第一項又は第百七十三条第一項の規定による申立権
(ii) the right to file a petition pursuant to the provisions of Article 58, paragraph (4) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 134, paragraph (2) and Article 141, paragraph (2)), Article 62, paragraph (4) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 135, paragraph (1) and Article 142, paragraph (1)), Article 63, paragraph (1), Article 74, paragraph (2), Article 131, paragraph (4), Article 150, paragraph (1), Article 165, paragraph (1), Article 166, paragraph (1), Article 169, paragraph (1), or Article 173, paragraph (1);
三 第六十二条第二項、第百三十一条第二項又は第百三十八条第二項の規定による催告権
(iii) the right to make a demand pursuant to the provisions of Article 62, paragraph (2), Article 131, paragraph (2), or Article 138, paragraph (2);
四 第百七十二条第一項、第二項又は第三項後段の規定による閲覧、謄写若しくは交付又は複製の請求権
(iv) the right to request inspection, copying, or delivery, or making reproductions of materials pursuant to the provisions of Article 172, paragraph (1) or (2), or the second sentence of paragraph (3) of that Article; and
五 第百九十条第二項の規定による閲覧又は謄写の請求権
(v) the right to request inspection or copying of materials pursuant to the provisions of Article 190, paragraph (2).
第九章 限定責任信託の特例
Chapter IX Special Provisions on Limited Liability Trusts
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Requirements for Limited Liability Trusts)
第二百十六条 限定責任信託は、信託行為においてそのすべての信託財産責任負担債務について受託者が信託財産に属する財産のみをもってその履行の責任を負う旨の定めをし、第二百三十二条の定めるところにより登記をすることによって、限定責任信託としての効力を生ずる。
Article 216 (1) A limited liability trust comes into effect as a limited liability trust when it is provided by the terms of trust that the trustee is liable to perform all of the obligations covered by the trust property by using only property that comes under trust property, and when registration is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 232.
2 前項の信託行為においては、次に掲げる事項を定めなければならない。
(2) The terms of trust referred to in the preceding paragraph must provide for the following particulars:
一 限定責任信託の目的
(i) the purpose of the limited liability trust;
二 限定責任信託の名称
(ii) the name of the limited liability trust;
三 委託者及び受託者の氏名又は名称及び住所
(iii) the names and addresses of the settlors and the trustees
四 限定責任信託の主たる信託事務の処理を行うべき場所(第三節において「事務処理地」という。)
(iv) the place where the main trust affairs for the limited liability trust are required to be administered (referred to as the "place of administration of affairs" in Section 3);
五 信託財産に属する財産の管理又は処分の方法
(v) the means of administration or disposal of property that comes under trust property; and
六 その他法務省令で定める事項
(vi) other particulars specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
(Restrictions on Enforcement against Property That Comes under Trustee's Own Property)
第二百十七条 限定責任信託においては、信託財産責任負担債務(第二十一条第一項第八号に掲げる権利に係る債務を除く。)に係る債権に基づいて固有財産に属する財産に対し強制執行、仮差押え、仮処分若しくは担保権の実行若しくは競売又は国税滞納処分をすることはできない。
Article 217 (1) In the case of a limited liability trust, enforcement, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, exercise of a security right or auction, or proceedings for collection of national tax delinquency may not be carried out against property that comes under trustee's own property, based on a claim regarding an obligation covered by the trust property (excluding obligations regarding the right set forth in Article 21, paragraph (1), item (viii)).
2 前項の規定に違反してされた強制執行、仮差押え、仮処分又は担保権の実行若しくは競売に対しては、受託者は、異議を主張することができる。この場合においては、民事執行法第三十八条及び民事保全法第四十五条の規定を準用する。
(2) The trustee may assert an objection to enforcement, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, or exercise of a security right or an auction that was carried out in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph. In such a case, the provisions of Article 38 of the Civil Execution Act and the provisions of Article 45 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act apply mutatis mutandis.
3 第一項の規定に違反してされた国税滞納処分に対しては、受託者は、異議を主張することができる。この場合においては、当該異議の主張は、当該国税滞納処分について不服の申立てをする方法でする。
(3) The trustee may assert an objection to proceedings for collection of national tax delinquency that were carried out in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1). In such a case, the assertion of the objection is to be made by filing an appeal against the proceedings for collection of national tax delinquency.
(Name of Limited Liability Trusts)
第二百十八条 限定責任信託には、その名称中に限定責任信託という文字を用いなければならない。
Article 218 (1) The characters for the term "limited liability trust" must be used in the name of a limited liability trust.
2 何人も、限定責任信託でないものについて、その名称又は商号中に、限定責任信託であると誤認されるおそれのある文字を用いてはならない。
(2) It is prohibited for any person to use in the name or trade name of a trust that is not a limited liability trust any characters which is likely to be mistaken for a limited liability trust.
3 何人も、不正の目的をもって、他の限定責任信託であると誤認されるおそれのある名称又は商号を使用してはならない。
(3) It is prohibited for any person to use for a wrongful purpose, any name or trade name which is likely to be mistaken for another limited liability trust.
4 前項の規定に違反する名称又は商号の使用によって事業に係る利益を侵害され、又は侵害されるおそれがある限定責任信託の受託者は、その利益を侵害する者又は侵害するおそれがある者に対し、その侵害の停止又は予防を請求することができる。
(4) A trustee of a limited liability trust whose business interests have been, or are likely to be, infringed by the use of a name or trade name violating the provisions of the preceding paragraph may seek an injunction to suspend or prevent the infringement against the person who has infringed or is likely to infringe those business interests.
(Obligation of Clarification to Counterparties)
第二百十九条 受託者は、限定責任信託の受託者として取引をするに当たっては、その旨を取引の相手方に示さなければ、これを当該取引の相手方に対し主張することができない。
Article 219 When conducting a transaction as the trustee of a limited liability trust, the trustee may not assert against the counterparty to the transaction that fact unless the trustee indicates the fact to the counterparty.
(Effect of Registration)
第二百二十条 この章の規定により登記すべき事項は、登記の後でなければ、これをもって善意の第三者に対抗することができない。登記の後であっても、第三者が正当な事由によってその登記があることを知らなかったときは、同様とする。
Article 220 (1) The particulars required to be registered pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter may not be asserted against a third party in good faith until after the registration. The same applies even after the registration, if a third party did not know that those particulars were registered based on legitimate grounds.
2 この章の規定により登記すべき事項につき故意又は過失によって不実の事項を登記した者は、その事項が不実であることをもって善意の第三者に対抗することができない。
(2) A person who has registered false particulars willfully or negligently with regard to the particulars required to be registered pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter may not assert the falsity of those particulars against a third party who has no knowledge of the falsity.
(Modification of Trust to Repeal Provisions on Limited Liability Trust Status)
第二百二十一条 第二百十六条第一項の定めを廃止する旨の信託の変更がされ、第二百三十五条の終了の登記がされたときは、その変更後の信託については、この章の規定は、適用しない。
Article 221 If a modification is made to a trust to repeal the provisions of Article 216, paragraph (1) and a registration of termination referred to in Article 235 is made, the provisions of this Chapter do not apply to the trust after the modification.
第二節 計算等の特例
Section 2 Special Provisions on Accounting
(Special Provisions on Obligation to Prepare, Report on, and Preserve Books)
第二百二十二条 限定責任信託における帳簿その他の書類又は電磁的記録の作成、内容の報告及び保存並びに閲覧及び謄写については、第三十七条及び第三十八条の規定にかかわらず、次項から第九項までに定めるところによる。
Article 222 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 37 and Article 38, the preparation of books and other documents or electronic or magnetic records regarding a limited liability trust, reporting on their content, and their preservation, as well as their inspection and copying are governed by the provisions of the following paragraph through paragraph (9).
2 受託者は、法務省令で定めるところにより、限定責任信託の会計帳簿を作成しなければならない。
(2) The trustee must prepare the accounting books for the limited liability trust as provided for by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
3 受託者は、限定責任信託の効力が生じた後速やかに、法務省令で定めるところにより、その効力が生じた日における限定責任信託の貸借対照表を作成しなければならない。
(3) Promptly after the limited liability trust has come into effect, the trustee must prepare a balance sheet on the day on which it came into effect, as provided for by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
4 受託者は、毎年、法務省令で定める一定の時期において、法務省令で定めるところにより、限定責任信託の貸借対照表及び損益計算書並びにこれらの附属明細書その他の法務省令で定める書類又は電磁的記録を作成しなければならない。
(4) Each year at a fixed time specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice, the trustee must prepare, in accordance with the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Justice, a balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the limited liability trust as well as their annexed detailed statements and other documents or electronic or magnetic records specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
5 受託者は、前項の書類又は電磁的記録を作成したときは、その内容について受益者(信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては、信託管理人)に報告しなければならない。ただし、信託行為に別段の定めがあるときは、その定めるところによる。
(5) If the trustee has prepared the documents or electronic or magnetic records referred to in the preceding paragraph, they must make a report on their content to the beneficiary (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, to the trust administrator); provided, however, that if it is otherwise provided for by the terms of trust, the clause prevails.
6 受託者は、第二項の会計帳簿を作成した場合には、その作成の日から十年間(当該期間内に信託の清算の結了があったときは、その日までの間。次項において同じ。)、当該会計帳簿(書面に代えて電磁的記録を法務省令で定める方法により作成した場合にあっては当該電磁的記録、電磁的記録に代えて書面を作成した場合にあっては当該書面)を保存しなければならない。ただし、受益者(二人以上の受益者が現に存する場合にあってはそのすべての受益者、信託管理人が現に存する場合にあっては信託管理人。第八項において同じ。)に対し、当該書類若しくはその写しを交付し、又は当該電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により提供したときは、この限りでない。
(6) If the trustee has prepared the accounting books referred to in paragraph (2), they must preserve those accounting books (if electronic or magnetic records have been prepared in lieu of documents by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice, those electronic or magnetic records; if documents have been prepared in lieu of electronic or magnetic records, those documents) for ten years from the date of their preparation (or until the date of the completion of the liquidation of the trust if this occurs within that ten-year period; the same applies in the following paragraph); provided, however, that this does not apply if the trustee has delivered the documents or their copies to the beneficiary (if there are two or more beneficiaries at the time in question, to all beneficiaries; if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, to the trust administrator; the same applies in paragraph (8)), or has provided the beneficiary with information recorded in those electronic or magnetic records by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
7 受託者は、信託財産に属する財産の処分に係る契約書その他の信託事務の処理に関する書類又は電磁的記録を作成し、又は取得した場合には、その作成又は取得の日から十年間、当該書類又は電磁的記録(書類に代えて電磁的記録を法務省令で定める方法により作成した場合にあっては当該電磁的記録、電磁的記録に代えて書面を作成した場合にあっては当該書面)を保存しなければならない。この場合においては、前項ただし書の規定を準用する。
(7) If the trustee has prepared or acquired a written contract regarding the disposal of property that comes under trust property or any other documents or electronic or magnetic records concerning the administration of trust affairs, they must preserve those documents or electronic or magnetic records (if electronic or magnetic records have been prepared in lieu of those documents by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice, those electronic or magnetic records; if documents have been prepared in lieu of those electronic or magnetic records, those documents) for ten years from the date of their preparation or acquisition. In such a case, the provisions of the proviso to the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis.
8 受託者は、第三項の貸借対照表及び第四項の書類又は電磁的記録(以下この項及び第二百二十四条第二項第一号において「貸借対照表等」という。)を作成した場合には、信託の清算の結了の日までの間、当該貸借対照表等(書類に代えて電磁的記録を法務省令で定める方法により作成した場合にあっては当該電磁的記録、電磁的記録に代えて書面を作成した場合にあっては当該書面)を保存しなければならない。ただし、その作成の日から十年間を経過した後において、受益者に対し、当該書類若しくはその写しを交付し、又は当該電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により提供したときは、この限りでない。
(8) If the trustee has prepared the balance sheet referred to in paragraph (3) and the documents or electronic or magnetic records referred to in paragraph (4) (hereinafter referred to as the "balance sheet and relevant documents or records" in this paragraph and Article 224, paragraph (2), item (i)), they must preserve the balance sheet and relevant documents or records (if electronic or magnetic records have been prepared in lieu of documents by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice, those electronic or magnetic records; if documents have been prepared in lieu of electronic or magnetic records, those documents) until the date of the completion of the liquidation of the trust; provided, however that this does not apply if, after ten years have elapsed from the date of the preparation, the trustee has delivered those documents or their copies to the beneficiary, or has provided the beneficiary with information recorded in those electronic or magnetic records by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
9 限定責任信託における第三十八条の規定の適用については、同条第一項各号中「前条第一項又は第五項」とあるのは「第二百二十二条第二項又は第七項」と、同条第四項第一号及び第六項各号中「前条第二項」とあるのは「第二百二十二条第三項又は第四項」とする。
(9) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 38 to the limited liability trust, the phrase "paragraph (1) or paragraph (5) of the preceding Article" in the items of paragraph (1) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "Article 222, paragraph (2) or paragraph (7)," and the phrase "paragraph (2) of the preceding Article" in paragraph (4), item (i) of that Article and the items of paragraph (6) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "Article 222, paragraph (3) or paragraph (4)."
(Order to Submit Documents by the Court)
第二百二十三条 裁判所は、申立てにより又は職権で、訴訟の当事者に対し、前条第二項から第四項までの書類の全部又は一部の提出を命ずることができる。
Article 223 The court may, upon petition or on its own authority, order the parties to a suit to submit all or some of the documents referred to in paragraph (2) through paragraph (4) of the preceding Article.
(Trustee's Liability to Third Parties)
第二百二十四条 限定責任信託において、受託者が信託事務を行うについて悪意又は重大な過失があったときは、当該受託者は、これによって第三者に生じた損害を賠償する責任を負う。
Article 224 (1) If the trustee acted in bad faith or with gross negligence in administering trust affairs for limited lability trust, the trustee is liable to compensate for any damages suffered by a third party arising from this.
2 限定責任信託の受託者が、次に掲げる行為をしたときも、前項と同様とする。ただし、受託者が当該行為をすることについて注意を怠らなかったことを証明したときは、この限りでない。
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph also apply if the trustee of the limited liability trust has performed the following acts; provided, however, that this does not apply if the trustee proves that they did not fail to exercise due care in performing those acts:
一 貸借対照表等に記載し、又は記録すべき重要な事項についての虚偽の記載又は記録
(i) making false statements or records about a material particular that must be entered or recorded in the balance sheet and relevant documents or records;
二 虚偽の登記
(ii) making a false registration; or
三 虚偽の公告
(iii) giving false public notice.
3 前二項の場合において、当該損害を賠償する責任を負う他の受託者があるときは、これらの者は、連帯債務者とする。
(3) In the cases referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, if there are other trustees who are also liable to compensate for damages, those trustees are joint and several obligors.
(Restriction on Distribution of Trust Property to Beneficiaries)
第二百二十五条 限定責任信託においては、受益者に対する信託財産に係る給付は、その給付可能額(受益者に対し給付をすることができる額として純資産額の範囲内において法務省令で定める方法により算定される額をいう。以下この節において同じ。)を超えてすることはできない。
Article 225 Distribution of trust property may not be made to the beneficiary in excess of the distributable amount (meaning the amount that may be distributed to the beneficiary, as calculated by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice within the amount of net assets; hereinafter the same applies in this Section) for limited liability trust.
(Obligations Related to Distribution of Trust Property to Beneficiaries)
第二百二十六条 受託者が前条の規定に違反して受益者に対する信託財産に係る給付をした場合には、次の各号に掲げる者は、連帯して(第二号に掲げる受益者にあっては、現に受けた個別の給付額の限度で連帯して)、当該各号に定める義務を負う。ただし、受託者がその職務を行うについて注意を怠らなかったことを証明した場合は、この限りでない。
Article 226 (1) If a trustee has distributed trust property to the beneficiary in violation of the provisions of the preceding Article, the persons set forth in the following items jointly and severally assume obligations specified in the respective items (for the beneficiary set forth in item (ii), joint and several liability is limited to the amount of distribution actually received by each beneficiary); provided, however, that this does not apply if the trustee proves that they did not fail to exercise due care in performing the duties:
一 受託者 当該給付の帳簿価額(以下この節において「給付額」という。)に相当する金銭の信託財産に対するてん補の義務
(i) the trustee: the obligation to compensate the trust property with money equivalent to the book value of the distribution (hereinafter referred to as the "distributed amount" in this Section); and
二 当該給付を受けた受益者 現に受けた個別の給付額に相当する金銭の受託者に対する支払の義務
(ii) the beneficiary who received the distribution: the obligation to pay to the trustee money equivalent to the distributed amount actually received by each beneficiary.
2 受託者が前項第一号に定める義務の全部又は一部を履行した場合には、同項第二号に掲げる受益者は、当該履行された金額に同号の給付額の同項第一号の給付額に対する割合を乗じて得た金額の限度で同項第二号に定める義務を免れ、受益者が同号に定める義務の全部又は一部を履行した場合には、受託者は、当該履行された金額の限度で同項第一号に定める義務を免れる。
(2) If the trustee has performed the obligation specified in item (i) of the preceding paragraph in whole or in part, the beneficiary set forth in item (ii) of that paragraph is exempted from the obligation specified in item (ii) of that paragraph up to the amount obtained by multiplying the amount of obligation performed by the ratio of the distributed amount referred to in item (ii) of that paragraph to the distributed amount referred to in item (i) of that paragraph, and if the beneficiary has performed the obligation specified in item (ii) of that paragraph in whole or in part, the trustee is exempted from the obligation specified in item (i) of that paragraph up to the amount of obligation performed.
3 第一項(第二号に係る部分に限る。)の規定により受益者から受託者に対し支払われた金銭は、信託財産に帰属する。
(3) Money paid by the beneficiary to the trustee pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) (limited to the part regarding item (ii)) belongs to the trust property.
4 第一項に規定する義務は、免除することができない。ただし、当該給付をした日における給付可能額を限度として当該義務を免除することについて総受益者の同意がある場合は、この限りでない。
(4) The obligation prescribed in paragraph (1) may not be exempted; provided, however, that this does not apply if all beneficiaries consent to the exemption of the obligation up to the distributable amount on the day on which the distribution was made.
5 第一項本文に規定する場合において、同項第一号の義務を負う他の受託者があるときは、これらの者は、連帯債務者とする。
(5) In the case prescribed in the main clause of paragraph (1), if there are other trustees who also assume the obligation referred to in item (i) of that paragraph, those trustee are joint and several obligors.
6 第四十五条の規定は、第一項の規定による請求に係る訴えについて準用する。
(6) The provisions of Article 45 apply mutatis mutandis to an action regarding the claim pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1).
(Restriction on the Right to Reimbursement from Beneficiaries)
第二百二十七条 前条第一項本文に規定する場合において、当該給付を受けた受益者は、給付額が当該給付をした日における給付可能額を超えることにつき善意であるときは、当該給付額について、受託者からの求償の請求に応ずる義務を負わない。
Article 227 (1) In the case prescribed in the main clause of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, if the beneficiary who received the distribution had no knowledge of the fact that the distributed amount exceeds the maximum distributable amount on the day on which the distribution was made, the beneficiary is not liable to meet the demand by the trustee for reimbursement for the distributed amount.
2 前条第一項本文に規定する場合には、信託債権者は、当該給付を受けた受益者に対し、給付額(当該給付額が当該信託債権者の債権額を超える場合にあっては、当該債権額)に相当する金銭を支払わせることができる。
(2) In the case prescribed in the main clause of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, a trust creditor may have the beneficiary who received the distribution pay money equivalent to the distributed amount (or the amount of the claim held by that trust creditor if the distributed amount exceeds the amount of the claim).
(Liability in Cases of Deficit)
第二百二十八条 受託者が受益者に対する信託財産に係る給付をした場合において、当該給付をした日後最初に到来する第二百二十二条第四項の時期に欠損額(貸借対照表上の負債の額が資産の額を上回る場合において、当該負債の額から当該資産の額を控除して得た額をいう。以下この項において同じ。)が生じたときは、次の各号に掲げる者は、連帯して(第二号に掲げる受益者にあっては、現に受けた個別の給付額の限度で連帯して)、当該各号に定める義務を負う。ただし、受託者がその職務を行うについて注意を怠らなかったことを証明した場合は、この限りでない。
Article 228 (1) If a trustee has made distribution of trust property to a beneficiary, and a deficit (meaning the amount obtained by deducting the amount of assets from the amount of liabilities on the balance sheet when the amount of liabilities exceeds the amount of assets; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) occurs at the time referred to in Article 222, paragraph (4) that comes after the day on which the distribution was made, the persons set forth in the following items jointly and severally assume obligations specified in the respective items (for the beneficiary set forth in item (ii), the joint and several liability is limited to the distributed amount actually received by each beneficiary); provided, however, that this does not apply if the trustee has proved that they did not fail to exercise due care in performing their duties:
一 受託者 その欠損額(当該欠損額が給付額を超える場合にあっては、当該給付額)に相当する金銭の信託財産に対するてん補の義務
(i) the trustee: the obligation to compensate the trust property with money equivalent to the amount of deficit (or the distributed amount if the amount of deficit exceeds the distributed amount); and
二 当該給付を受けた受益者 欠損額(当該欠損額が現に受けた個別の給付額を超える場合にあっては、当該給付額)に相当する金銭の受託者に対する支払の義務
(ii) the beneficiary who received the distribution: the obligation to pay to the trustee money equivalent to the amount of deficit (or the amount of distribution actually received by each beneficiary if the amount of deficit exceeds the distributed amount).
2 受託者が前項第一号に定める義務の全部又は一部を履行した場合には、同項第二号に掲げる受益者は、当該履行された金額に同号の給付額の同項第一号の給付額に対する割合を乗じて得た金額の限度で同項第二号に定める義務を免れ、受益者が同号に定める義務の全部又は一部を履行した場合には、受託者は、当該履行された金額の限度で同項第一号に定める義務を免れる。
(2) If the trustee has performed the obligation specified in item (i) of the preceding paragraph in whole or in part, the beneficiary set forth in item (ii) of that paragraph is exempted from the obligation specified in item (ii) of that paragraph up to the amount obtained by multiplying the amount of obligation fulfilled by the ratio of the distributed amount referred to in item (ii) of that paragraph to the amount distributed referred to in item (i) of that paragraph, and if the beneficiary has fulfilled the obligation specified in item (ii) of that paragraph in whole or in part, the trustee is exempted from the obligation specified in item (i) of that paragraph up to the amount of obligation fulfilled.
3 第一項(第二号に係る部分に限る。)の規定により受益者から受託者に対し支払われた金銭は、信託財産に帰属する。
(3) Money paid by the beneficiary to the trustee pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) (limited to the part regarding item (ii)) belongs to the trust property.
4 第一項に規定する義務は、総受益者の同意がなければ、免除することができない。
(4) The obligations prescribed in paragraph (1) may not be exempted without the consent of all beneficiaries.
5 第一項本文に規定する場合において、同項第一号の義務を負う他の受託者があるときは、これらの者は、連帯債務者とする。
(5) In the case prescribed in the main clause of paragraph (1), if there are other trustees who also assume the obligation referred to in item (i) of that paragraph, the trustees are joint and several obligors.
6 第四十五条の規定は、第一項の規定による請求に係る訴えについて準用する。
(6) The provisions of Article 45 apply mutatis mutandis to an action regarding the demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1).
(Public Notice to Creditors)
第二百二十九条 限定責任信託の清算受託者は、その就任後遅滞なく、信託債権者に対し、一定の期間内にその債権を申し出るべき旨を官報に公告し、かつ、知れている信託債権者には、各別にこれを催告しなければならない。ただし、当該期間は、二箇月を下ることができない。
Article 229 (1) A liquidation trustee of a limited liability trust must give public notice in the Official Gazette of the fact that trust creditors are required to file their claims during a fixed period of time to the trust creditors, and must separately give notice of that fact to each known trust creditor, after assuming office without delay; provided, however that the period may not be shorter than two months.
2 前項の規定による公告には、当該信託債権者が当該期間内に申出をしないときは清算から除斥される旨を付記しなければならない。
(2) The public notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph must be accompanied by a supplementary note stating the fact that the trust creditors are excluded from the liquidation if they fail to file their claims during that period.
(Restriction on Performance of Obligations)
第二百三十条 限定責任信託の清算受託者は、前条第一項の期間内は、清算中の限定責任信託の債務の弁済をすることができない。この場合において、清算受託者は、その債務の不履行によって生じた責任を免れることができない。
Article 230 (1) A liquidation trustee of a limited liability trust may not perform any obligations of the limited liability trust in liquidation during the period referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article. In such a case, the liquidation trustee may not be exempted from the liability arising from the failure to perform those obligations.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、清算受託者は、前条第一項の期間内であっても、裁判所の許可を得て、少額の債権、清算中の限定責任信託の信託財産に属する財産につき存する担保権によって担保される債権その他これを弁済しても他の債権者を害するおそれがない債権に係る債務について、その弁済をすることができる。この場合において、当該許可の申立ては、清算受託者が二人以上あるときは、その全員の同意によってしなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, even during the period referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, with the permission of the court, the liquidation trustee may perform obligations regarding claims of small amounts, claims secured by security rights existing on property that comes under trust property of the limited liability trust in liquidation, and other obligations related to claims that are unlikely to harm other creditors even if they are performed. In such a case, if there are two or more liquidation trustees, a petition for the permission must be filed with the consent of all of those trustees.
3 清算受託者は、前項の許可の申立てをする場合には、その原因となる事実を疎明しなければならない。
(3) If filing a petition for the permission referred to in the preceding paragraph, the liquidation trustee must make a prima facie showing of the facts constituting the grounds for the petition.
4 第二項の許可の申立てを却下する裁判には、理由を付さなければならない。
(4) The judicial decision dismissing the petition referred to in paragraph (2) must include the reasons for the dismissal.
5 第二項の規定による弁済の許可の裁判に対しては、不服を申し立てることができない。
(5) No appeal may be entered against the judicial decision on the permission for performance pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2).
(Exclusion from Liquidation)
第二百三十一条 清算中の限定責任信託の信託債権者(知れているものを除く。)であって第二百二十九条第一項の期間内にその債権の申出をしなかったものは、清算から除斥される。
Article 231 (1) Trust creditors of a limited liability trust in liquidation (excluding known trust creditors) who have not filed their claims during the period referred to in Article 229, paragraph (1) are excluded from the liquidation.
2 前項の規定により清算から除斥された信託債権者は、給付がされていない残余財産に対してのみ、弁済を請求することができる。
(2) Trust creditors excluded from the liquidation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may demand the performance only with respect to undistributed residual assets.
3 二人以上の受益者がある場合において、清算中の限定責任信託の残余財産の給付を受益者の一部に対してしたときは、当該受益者の受けた給付と同一の割合の給付を当該受益者以外の受益者に対してするために必要な財産は、前項の残余財産から控除する。
(3) If there are two or more beneficiaries and residual assets of the limited liability trust in liquidation have been distributed to some of those beneficiaries, the assets necessary for distribution to be made to beneficiaries other than those beneficiaries in the same proportion as that received by those beneficiaries are deducted from the residual assets referred to in the preceding paragraph.
第三節 限定責任信託の登記
Section 3 Registration of Limited Liability Trust
(Registration of the Provisions on Limited Liability Trust Status)
第二百三十二条 信託行為において第二百十六条第一項の定めがされたときは、限定責任信託の定めの登記は、二週間以内に、次に掲げる事項を登記してしなければならない。
Article 232 If the provisions of Article 216, paragraph (1) have been established in the terms of trust, a registration of the provisions on the limited liability trust status must be made within two weeks, by registering the following particulars:
一 限定責任信託の目的
(i) the purpose of the limited liability trust;
二 限定責任信託の名称
(ii) the name of the limited liability trust;
三 受託者の氏名又は名称及び住所
(iii) the name and address of the trustee;
四 限定責任信託の事務処理地
(iv) the place of administration of affairs of the limited liability trust;
五 第六十四条第一項(第七十四条第六項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により信託財産管理者又は信託財産法人管理人が選任されたときは、その氏名又は名称及び住所
(v) if a trust property administrator or an incorporated trust property administrator has been appointed pursuant to the provisions of Article 64, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 74, paragraph (6)), their name and address;
六 第百六十三条第九号の規定による信託の終了についての信託行為の定めがあるときは、その定め
(vi) if the terms of trust contain a clause on the termination of the trust pursuant to the provisions of Article 163, item (ix), the clause; and
七 会計監査人設置信託(第二百四十八条第三項に規定する会計監査人設置信託をいう。第二百四十条第三号において同じ。)であるときは、その旨及び会計監査人の氏名又は名称
(vii) if the trust is a trust with financial auditors (meaning a trust with financial auditors prescribed in Article 248, paragraph (3); the same applies in Article 240, item (iii)), a statement to that effect and the names of the financial auditors.
(Registration of Changes)
第二百三十三条 限定責任信託の事務処理地に変更があったときは、二週間以内に、旧事務処理地においてはその変更の登記をし、新事務処理地においては前条各号に掲げる事項を登記しなければならない。
Article 233 (1) If there is a change to the place of administration of affairs of a limited liability trust, a registration of that change must be made within two weeks at the former place of administration of affairs, and the particulars set forth in the items of the preceding Article must be registered at the new place of administration of affairs.
2 同一の登記所の管轄区域内において限定責任信託の事務処理地に変更があったときは、その変更の登記をすれば足りる。
(2) If there is a change to the place of administration of affairs of the limited liability trust within the jurisdictional district of the same registry office, it is sufficient to make a registration of the change.
3 前条各号(第四号を除く。)に掲げる事項に変更があったときは、二週間以内に、その変更の登記をしなければならない。
(3) If there is a change to any of the particulars set forth in the items of the preceding Article (excluding item (iv)), a registration of the change must be made within two weeks.
(Registration of Provisional Disposition Order to Suspend Execution of Duties)
第二百三十四条 限定責任信託の受託者の職務の執行を停止し、若しくはその職務を代行する者を選任する仮処分命令又はその仮処分命令を変更し、若しくは取り消す決定がされたときは、その事務処理地において、その登記をしなければならない。
Article 234 If a provisional disposition order is given to suspend the execution of duties by a trustee of a limited liability trust or to appoint a person who is a substitute for the trustee, or when the provisional disposition order is changed or revoked, a registration to that effect must be made at the place of administration of affairs of the trust.
(Registration of Termination)
第二百三十五条 第百六十三条(第六号及び第七号に係る部分を除く。)若しくは第百六十四条第一項若しくは第三項の規定により限定責任信託が終了したとき、又は第二百十六条第一項の定めを廃止する旨の信託の変更がされたときは、二週間以内に、終了の登記をしなければならない。
Article 235 If a limited liability trust has been terminated pursuant to the provisions of Article 163 (excluding the part regarding item (vi) and item (vii)) or Article 164, paragraph (1) or (3), or when a modification has been made to a trust to repeal the provisions of Article 216, paragraph (1), a registration of the termination must be made within two weeks.
(Registration of Liquidation Trustee)
第二百三十六条 限定責任信託が終了した場合において、限定責任信託が終了した時における受託者が清算受託者となるときは、終了の日から、二週間以内に、清算受託者の氏名又は名称及び住所を登記しなければならない。
Article 236 (1) If a limited liability trust has been terminated and the trustee at the time of the termination of the limited liability trust assumes office of liquidation trustee, the name and address of the liquidation trustee must be registered within two weeks from the date of the termination.
2 信託行為の定め又は第六十二条第一項若しくは第四項若しくは第百七十三条第一項の規定により清算受託者が選任されたときも、前項と同様とする。
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph also apply if a liquidation trustee is appointed pursuant to the clause of the terms of trust, or the provisions of Article 62, paragraph (1) or (4), or Article 173, paragraph (1).
3 第二百三十三条第三項の規定は、前二項の規定による登記について準用する。
(3) The provisions of Article 233, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to the registration pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs.
(Registration of Completion of Liquidation)
第二百三十七条 限定責任信託の清算が結了したときは、第百八十四条第一項の計算の承認の日から、二週間以内に、清算結了の登記をしなければならない。
Article 237 If the liquidation of a limited liability trust has been completed, a registration of the completion of the liquidation must be made within two weeks from the date of approval of the settlement of accounts referred to in Article 184, paragraph (1).
(Competent Registry Office and the Register)
第二百三十八条 限定責任信託の登記に関する事務は、限定責任信託の事務処理地を管轄する法務局若しくは地方法務局若しくはこれらの支局又はこれらの出張所が管轄登記所としてつかさどる。
Article 238 (1) Affairs for registration of a limited liability trust are administered by the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau, the branch bureau or the branch office of those bureaus, which has jurisdiction over the place of administration of affairs of the limited liability trust as the competent registry office.
2 登記所に、限定責任信託登記簿を備える。
(2) Registry offices keep a limited liability trust register.
(Application for Registration)
第二百三十九条 第二百三十二条及び第二百三十三条の規定による登記は受託者の申請によって、第二百三十五条から第二百三十七条までの規定による登記は清算受託者の申請によってする。
Article 239 (1) Registrations under the provisions of Article 232 and Article 233 are made upon application by the trustee, and registrations under the provisions of Articles 235 through 237 are made upon application by the liquidation trustee.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、信託財産管理者又は信託財産法人管理人が選任されている場合には、第二百三十二条及び第二百三十三条の規定による登記(第二百四十六条の規定によるものを除く。)は、信託財産管理者又は信託財産法人管理人の申請によってする。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a trust property administrator or an incorporated trust property administrator has been appointed, registrations under the provisions of Article 232 and Article 233 (excluding a registration under the provisions of Article 246) are made upon application by the trust property administrator or the incorporated trust property administrator.
(Documents to be Attached to Registration of the Provisions on Limited Liability Trust Status)
第二百四十条 限定責任信託の定めの登記の申請書には、次に掲げる書面を添付しなければならない。
Article 240 The following documents must be attached to a written application for registration of the provisions on limited liability trust status:
一 限定責任信託の信託行為を証する書面
(i) a document certifying the terms of trust of the limited liability trust;
二 受託者が法人であるときは、当該法人の登記事項証明書。ただし、当該登記所の管轄区域内に当該法人の本店又は主たる事務所がある場合を除く。
(ii) if the trustee is a corporation, a certificate of registered information for the corporation; provided, however, that this does not apply if the head office or the principal office of the corporation is located within the jurisdictional district of the registry office;
三 会計監査人設置信託においては、次に掲げる書面
(iii) for a trust with financial auditors, the following documents:
イ 就任を承諾したことを証する書面
(a) a document certifying acceptance of office;
ロ 会計監査人が法人であるときは、当該法人の登記事項証明書。ただし、当該登記所の管轄区域内に当該法人の主たる事務所がある場合を除く。
(b) if the financial auditor is a corporation, a certificate of registered information for the corporation; provided, however, that this does not apply if the head office or the principal office of the corporation is located within the jurisdictional district of the registry office; and
ハ 会計監査人が法人でないときは、第二百四十九条第一項に規定する者であることを証する書面
(c) if the financial auditor is not a corporation, a document certifying that the financial auditor is a person specified in Article 249, paragraph (1).
(Documents to be Attached to Registration of Change)
第二百四十一条 事務処理地の変更又は第二百三十二条各号(第四号を除く。)に掲げる事項の変更の登記の申請書には、事務処理地の変更又は登記事項の変更を証する書面を添付しなければならない。
Article 241 (1) When filing a written application for the registration of a change in the place of administration of affairs or of a change in any of the particulars set forth in the items of Article 232 (excluding item (iv)), a document certifying the change in the place of administration of affairs or the change in the registered particulars must be attached to the written application.
2 法人である新受託者の就任による変更の登記の申請書には、前条第二号に掲げる書面を添付しなければならない。
(2) When filing a written application for a registration of a change due to the assumption of office by a new trustee that is a corporation, the document set forth in item (ii) of the preceding Article must be attached to the written application.
3 会計監査人の就任による変更の登記の申請書には、前条第三号ロ又はハに掲げる書面を添付しなければならない。
(3) When filing a written application for a registration of a change due to the assumption of office by a financial auditor, the document set forth in item (iii), sub-item (b) or (c) of the preceding Article must be attached to the written application.
(Documents to be Attached to Registration of Termination)
第二百四十二条 限定責任信託の終了の登記の申請書には、その事由の発生を証する書面を添付しなければならない。
Article 242 When filing a written application for the registration of the termination of a limited liability trust, a document certifying the grounds for the termination must be attached the written application.
(Documents to be Attached to Registration of Liquidation Trustee)
第二百四十三条 次の各号に掲げる者が清算受託者となった場合の清算受託者の登記の申請書には、当該各号に定める書面を添付しなければならない。
Article 243 (1) When filing a written application for the registration of a liquidation trustee when any of the persons set forth in the following items has become the liquidation trustee, the documents specified in the respective items must be attached to the written application:
一 信託行為の定めにより選任された者 次に掲げる書面
(i) a person appointed by the provisions of the terms of trust: the following documents:
イ 当該信託行為の定めがあることを証する書面
(a) a document certifying that the clause of the terms of trust exists; and
ロ 選任された者が就任を承諾したことを証する書面
(b) a document certifying that the appointed person has accepted office;
二 第六十二条第一項の規定により選任された者 次に掲げる書面
(ii) a person appointed pursuant to the provisions of Article 62, paragraph (1): the following documents:
イ 第六十二条第一項の合意があったことを証する書面
(a) a document certifying that the agreement referred to in Article 62, paragraph (1) has been reached; and
ロ 前号ロに掲げる書面
(b) a document set forth in sub-item (b) of the preceding item; or
三 第六十二条第四項又は第百七十三条第一項の規定により裁判所が選任した者 その選任を証する書面
(iii) a person appointed by the court pursuant to the provisions of Article 62, paragraph (4) or Article 173, paragraph (1): a document certifying the appointment.
2 第二百四十条(第二号に係る部分に限る。)の規定は、清算受託者が法人である場合の清算受託者の登記について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 240 (limited to the part regarding item (ii)) apply mutatis mutandis to the registration of a liquidation trustee that is a corporation.
(Documents to be Attached to Registration of Change Concerning Liquidation Trustees)
第二百四十四条 清算受託者の退任による変更の登記の申請書には、退任を証する書面を添付しなければならない。
Article 244 (1) When filing a written application for the registration of a change due to a liquidation trustee's resignation, a document certifying the resignation must be attached to the written application.
2 第二百三十六条第一項に規定する事項の変更の登記の申請書には、登記事項の変更を証する書面を添付しなければならない。
(2) When filing a written application for the registration of a change to any of the particulars specified in Article 236, paragraph (1), a document certifying the change to the registered particulars must be attached to the written application.
3 第二百四十一条第二項の規定は、法人である清算受託者の就任による変更の登記について準用する。
(3) The provisions of Article 241, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the registration of a change due to assumption of office by a liquidation trustee that is a corporation.
(Documents to be Attached to Registration of Completion of Liquidation)
第二百四十五条 清算結了の登記の申請書には、第百八十四条第一項の計算の承認があったことを証する書面を添付しなければならない。
Article 245 When filing a written application for the registration of the completion of liquidation, a document certifying that the settlement of accounts referred to in Article 184, paragraph (1) has been approved must be attached to the written application.
(Commission of Registration by Judicial Decision)
第二百四十六条 次に掲げる場合には、裁判所書記官は、職権で、遅滞なく、限定責任信託の事務処理地を管轄する登記所にその登記を嘱託しなければならない。
Article 246 In the following cases, a court clerk must commission the registry office that has jurisdiction over the place of administration of affairs of a limited liability trust to make a registration of the respective particulars on their own authority and without delay:
一 次に掲げる裁判があったとき。
(i) if any of the following judicial decisions has been made:
イ 第五十八条第四項(第七十条(第七十四条第六項において準用する場合を含む。)において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による受託者又は信託財産管理者若しくは信託財産法人管理人の解任の裁判
(a) a judicial decision dismissing a trustee, a trust property administrator, or an incorporated trust property administrator pursuant to the provisions of Article 58, paragraph (4) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 70 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 74, paragraph (6))); or
ロ 第六十四条第一項(第七十四条第六項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による信託財産管理者又は信託財産法人管理人の選任の裁判
(b) a judicial decision appointing a trust property administrator or an incorporated trust property administrator pursuant to the provisions of Article 64, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 74, paragraph (6)); or
二 次に掲げる裁判が確定したとき。
(ii) if any of the following judicial decisions has become final and binding:
イ 前号イに掲げる裁判を取り消す裁判
(a) a judicial decision revoking the judicial decision set forth in sub-item (a) of the preceding item; or
ロ 第百六十五条又は第百六十六条の規定による信託の終了を命ずる裁判
(b) a judicial decision ordering the termination of a trust pursuant to the provisions of Article 165 or Article 166.
(Application, Mutatis Mutandis of the Commercial Registration Act and the Civil Provisional Remedies Act)
第二百四十七条 限定責任信託の登記については、商業登記法(昭和三十八年法律第百二十五号)第二条から第五条まで、第七条から第十五条まで、第十七条(第三項を除く。)、第十八条から第十九条の三まで、第二十条第一項及び第二項、第二十一条から第二十四条まで、第二十六条、第二十七条、第五十一条から第五十三条まで、第七十一条第一項、第百三十二条から第百三十七条まで並びに第百三十九条から第百四十八条まで並びに民事保全法第五十六条の規定を準用する。この場合において、商業登記法第五十一条第一項中「本店」とあるのは「事務処理地(信託法(平成十八年法律第百八号)第二百十六条第二項第四号に規定する事務処理地をいう。以下同じ。)」と、「移転した」とあるのは「変更した」と、同項並びに同法第五十二条第二項、第三項及び第五項中「新所在地」とあるのは「新事務処理地」と、同法第五十一条第一項及び第二項並びに第五十二条中「旧所在地」とあるのは「旧事務処理地」と、同法第七十一条第一項中「解散」とあるのは「限定責任信託の終了」と、民事保全法第五十六条中「法人を代表する者その他法人の役員」とあるのは「限定責任信託の受託者又は清算受託者」と、「法人の本店又は主たる事務所の所在地(外国法人にあっては、各事務所の所在地)」とあるのは「限定責任信託の事務処理地(信託法(平成十八年法律第百八号)第二百十六条第二項第四号に規定する事務処理地をいう。)」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 247 With regard to the registration of a limited liability trust, the provisions of Articles 2 through 5, Articles 7 through 15, Article 17 (excluding paragraph (3)), Articles 18 through 19-3, Article 20, paragraphs (1) and (2), Articles 21 through 24, Article 26, Article 27, Articles 51 through 53, Article 71, paragraph (1), Articles 132 through 137, and Articles 139 through 148 of the Commercial Registration Act (Act No. 125 of 1963), and the provisions of Article 56 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act apply mutatis mutandis. In such a case, in Article 51, paragraph (1) of the Commercial Registration Act, the term "head office" is deemed to be replaced with "place of administration of affairs (meaning the place of administration of affairs prescribed in Article 216, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Trust Act (Act No. 108 of 2006); the same applies hereinafter)" and the term "relocation" is deemed to be replaced with "change"; in Article 51, paragraph (1) and Article 52, paragraphs (2), (3), and (5) of that Act, the term "new location" is deemed to be replaced with "new place of administration of affairs"; in Article 51, paragraphs (1) and (2) and Article 52 of that Act, the term "former location" is deemed to be replaced with "former place of administration of affairs"; in Article 71, paragraph (1), the term "dissolution" is deemed to be replaced with "termination of a limited liability trust"; and in Article 56 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act, the phrase "representative or any other officer of a corporation" is deemed to be replaced with "trustee or liquidation trustee of a limited liability trust" and the phrase "location of the head office or principal office of the corporation (in the case of a foreign corporation, the location of its office)" is deemed to be replaced with "place of administration of affairs (meaning the place of administration of affairs prescribed in Article 216, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Trust Act (Act No. 108 of 2006) of the limited liability trust)".
第十章 受益証券発行限定責任信託の特例
Chapter X Special Provisions on Limited Liability Trust with Certificates of Beneficial Interest
(Appointment of Financial Auditors)
第二百四十八条 受益証券発行信託である限定責任信託(以下「受益証券発行限定責任信託」という。)においては、信託行為の定めにより、会計監査人を置くことができる。
Article 248 (1) A limited liability trust that is a trust with certificates of beneficial interest (hereinafter referred to as the "limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest") may appoint a financial auditor by the provisions of the terms of trust.
2 受益証券発行限定責任信託であって最終の貸借対照表(直近の第二百二十二条第四項の時期において作成された貸借対照表をいう。)の負債の部に計上した額の合計額が二百億円以上であるものにおいては、会計監査人を置かなければならない。
(2) A limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest that has recorded a total of 20 billion yen or more in the liabilities section of its latest balance sheet (meaning a balance sheet prepared at the latest time referred to in Article 222, paragraph (4)) must appoint a financial auditor.
3 第一項の信託行為の定めのある信託及び前項に規定する信託(以下「会計監査人設置信託」と総称する。)においては、信託行為に会計監査人を指定する定めを設けなければならない。
(3) In the case of a trust with the provisions of terms of trust referred to in paragraph (1) and a trust prescribed in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter collectively referred to as a "trust with financial auditors"), a clause designating a financial auditor must be established in the terms of trust.
(Qualifications of Financial Auditors)
第二百四十九条 会計監査人は、公認会計士(外国公認会計士(公認会計士法(昭和二十三年法律第百三号)第十六条の二第五項に規定する外国公認会計士をいう。)を含む。第三項第二号において同じ。)又は監査法人でなければならない。
Article 249 (1) A financial auditor must be a certified public accountant (including a foreign certified public accountant (meaning a foreign certified public accountant prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (5) of the Certified Public Accountants Act (Act No. 103 of 1948); the same applies in paragraph (3), item (ii)) or an audit corporation.
2 会計監査人に選任された監査法人は、その社員の中から会計監査人の職務を行うべき者を選定し、これを受託者に通知しなければならない。この場合においては、次項第二号に掲げる者を選定することはできない。
(2) An audit corporation that has been appointed as a financial auditor must select a person who is to perform the duties of a financial auditor from among its members, and notify the trustee of that fact. In such a case, the person set forth in item (ii) of the following paragraph may not be selected.
3 次に掲げる者は、会計監査人となることができない。
(3) The following persons may not serve as a financial auditor:
一 公認会計士法の規定により、第二百二十二条第四項に規定する書類又は電磁的記録について監査をすることができない者
(i) a person who may not audit the documents or electronic or magnetic records prescribed in Article 222, paragraph (4) pursuant to the provisions of the Certified Public Accountants Act;
二 受託者若しくはその利害関係人から公認会計士若しくは監査法人の業務以外の業務により継続的な報酬を受けている者又はその配偶者
(ii) a person who continuously receives remuneration from the trustee or their interested party for business other than that of a certified public accountant or audit corporation, or the spouse of that person; and
三 監査法人でその社員の半数以上が前号に掲げる者であるもの
(iii) an audit corporation in which half or more of the members are persons set forth in the preceding item.
(Measures to Be Taken in the Case of Vacancy of a Financial Auditor)
第二百五十条 会計監査人設置信託において、会計監査人が欠けたときは、委託者及び受益者は、会計監査人が欠けた時から二箇月以内に、その合意により、新たな会計監査人(以下この条において「新会計監査人」という。)を選任しなければならない。
Article 250 (1) In the case of a trust with financial auditors, when there is vacancy of a financial auditor, a settlor and a beneficiary must appoint a new financial auditor (hereinafter referred to as the "new financial auditor" in this Article) within two months from the time when that vacancy of financial auditor occurred, based on their agreement.
2 前項に規定する場合において、委託者が現に存しないとき、又は会計監査人が欠けた時から二箇月を経過しても同項の合意が調わないときは、新会計監査人の選任は、受益者のみでこれをすることができる。
(2) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if there is no settlor at the time in question or an agreement referred to in that paragraph has not been reached after the two months have passed from the time when a vacancy of financial auditor occurred, a new financial auditor may be appointed only by the beneficiary.
3 前二項に規定する場合において、受益者が二人以上あるときは、受託者(信託監督人が現に存する場合にあっては、受託者又は信託監督人)は、前二項の規定により新会計監査人を選任するため、遅滞なく、受益者集会を招集しなければならない。
(3) In the cases prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, when there are two or more beneficiaries, the trustee (if there is a trust supervisor at the time in question, either of the trustee or the trust supervisor) must convene a beneficiaries meeting without delay in order to appoint a new financial auditor pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs.
4 第一項又は第二項の規定により新会計監査人が選任されたときは、当該新会計監査人について信託行為に第二百四十八条第三項の定めが設けられたものとみなす。
(4) If a new financial auditor has been appointed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), it is deemed that the provisions of Article 248, paragraph (3) has been established in the terms of trust concerning the new financial auditor.
5 会計監査人が欠けた場合には、辞任により退任した会計監査人は、新会計監査人が選任されるまで、なお会計監査人としての権利義務を有する。
(5) If there is vacancy of a financial auditor, the financial auditor who has left office due to resignation has the rights and obligations of a financial auditor until a new financial auditor is appointed.
(Resignation and Dismissal of Financial Auditors)
第二百五十一条 第五十七条第一項本文の規定は会計監査人の辞任について、第五十八条第一項及び第二項の規定は会計監査人の解任について、それぞれ準用する。
Article 251 The provisions of the main clause of Article 57, paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis to the resignation of a financial auditor, and the provisions of Article 58, paragraphs (1) and (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the dismissal of a financial auditor.
(Authority of Financial Auditors)
第二百五十二条 会計監査人は、第二百二十二条第四項の書類又は電磁的記録を監査する。この場合において、会計監査人は、法務省令で定めるところにより、会計監査報告を作成しなければならない。
Article 252 (1) A financial auditor audits the documents or electronic or magnetic records referred to in Article 222, paragraph (4). In such a case, a financial auditor must prepare a financial audit report as provided for by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
2 会計監査人は、いつでも、次に掲げるものの閲覧及び謄写をし、又は受託者に対し、会計に関する報告を求めることができる。
(2) A financial auditor may inspect and copy the following objects or request a trustee to make a report on accounting, at any time:
一 会計帳簿又はこれに関する資料が書面をもって作成されているときは、当該書面
(i) if the accounting books or their materials are prepared in writing, those documents; and
二 会計帳簿又はこれに関する資料が電磁的記録をもって作成されているときは、当該電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により表示したもの
(ii) if accounting books or their materials are prepared as an electronic or magnetic record, an object that displays the information recorded in the electronic or magnetic record by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice.
3 会計監査人は、その職務を行うに当たっては、次のいずれかに該当する者を使用してはならない。
(3) A financial auditor is prohibited from using a person who falls under any of the following items in performing their duties:
一 第二百四十九条第三項第一号又は第二号に掲げる者
(i) a person set forth in Article 249, paragraph (3), item (i) or (ii);
二 受託者又はその利害関係人
(ii) the trustee or their interested party; or
三 受託者又はその利害関係人から公認会計士又は監査法人の業務以外の業務により継続的な報酬を受けている者
(iii) a person who continuously receives remuneration from the trustee or their interested party for business other than that of a certified public accountant or audit corporation.
4 会計監査人設置信託における第二百二十二条第四項、第五項及び第八項の規定の適用については、同条第四項中「作成しなければ」とあるのは「作成し、第二百五十二条第一項の会計監査を受けなければ」と、同条第五項中「その内容」とあるのは「その内容及び会計監査報告」と、同条第八項中「作成した場合には」とあるのは「作成し、第二百五十二条第一項の会計監査を受けた場合には」と、「当該書面)」とあるのは「当該書面)及び当該会計監査報告」とする。
(4) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 222, paragraphs (4), (5), and (8) to a trust with financial auditors, the term "must prepare" in paragraph (4) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "must prepare and receive an accounting audit referred to in Article 252, paragraph (1) of"; the term "their content" in paragraph (5) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "their content and a financial audit report"; the term "prepared" in paragraph (8) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "prepared and received an accounting audit referred to in Article 252, paragraph (1) of"; and the term "those documents)" in paragraph (8) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "those documents) and the financial audit report".
(Duty of Care of Financial Auditors)
第二百五十三条 会計監査人は、その職務を行うに当たっては、善良な管理者の注意をもって、これをしなければならない。
Article 253 A financial auditor must perform their duties with the due care of a prudent manager.
(Financial Auditor's Liability to Compensate for Losses)
第二百五十四条 会計監査人がその任務を怠ったことによって信託財産に損失が生じた場合には、受益者は、当該会計監査人に対し、当該損失のてん補をすることを請求することができる。
Article 254 (1) If a loss has occurred to the trust property due to a financial auditor's negligence in the performance of their duties, the beneficiary may demand that the financial auditor compensate for that loss.
2 前項の規定による損失のてん補として会計監査人が受託者に対し交付した金銭その他の財産は、信託財産に帰属する。
(2) Money or other property delivered by the financial auditor to the trustee as compensation for the loss pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph belongs to the trust property.
3 第四十二条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)並びに第百五条第三項及び第四項(第三号を除く。)の規定は第一項の規定による責任の免除について、第四十三条の規定は第一項の規定による責任に係る債権について、第四十五条の規定は第一項の規定による請求に係る訴えについて、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、第百五条第四項第二号中「受託者がその任務」とあるのは、「会計監査人がその職務」と読み替えるものとする。
(3) The provisions of Article 42 (limited to the part regarding item (i)) and Article 105, paragraphs (3) and (4) (excluding item (iii)) apply mutatis mutandis to exemption of liability pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the provisions of Article 43 apply mutatis mutandis to the claim regarding liability pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), and the provisions of Article 45 apply mutatis mutandis to an action regarding the demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1). In such cases, the phrase "the trustee acting in bad faith or with gross negligence in performing their duties" in Article 105, paragraph (4), item (ii) is deemed to be replaced with "the financial auditor acting in bad faith or with gross negligence in performing their duties".
(Financial Auditor's Liability to Third Parties)
第二百五十五条 会計監査人設置信託において、会計監査人がその職務を行うについて悪意又は重大な過失があったときは、当該会計監査人は、これによって第三者に生じた損害を賠償する責任を負う。
Article 255 (1) In the case of a trust with financial auditors, if a financial auditor has acted in bad faith or with gross negligence in performing their duties, the financial auditor is liable to compensate a third party for resulting damages.
2 会計監査人設置信託の会計監査人が、第二百五十二条第一項の会計監査報告に記載し、又は記録すべき重要な事項について虚偽の記載又は記録をしたときも、前項と同様とする。ただし、会計監査人が当該行為をすることについて注意を怠らなかったことを証明したときは、この限りでない。
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph also apply when the financial auditor of a trust with financial auditors has made a false statement or record about a material particular that is required to be entered or recorded in the financial audit report referred to in Article 252, paragraph (1); provided, however, that this does not apply if the financial auditor proves that they did not fail to exercise due care in performing that act.
3 前二項の場合において、当該損害を賠償する責任を負う他の会計監査人があるときは、これらの者は、連帯債務者とする。
(3) In the cases referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, if there are other financial auditors who are liable to compensate for the damages, they are joint and several obligors.
(Expenses and Remuneration of Financial Auditors)
第二百五十六条 第百二十七条第一項から第五項までの規定は、会計監査人の費用及び支出の日以後におけるその利息、損害の賠償並びに報酬について準用する。
Article 256 The provisions of Article 127, paragraphs (1) through (5) apply mutatis mutandis to expenses and their interest that has accrued from the date of payment, compensation for damages, and remuneration payable to a financial auditor.
(Special Provisions on Beneficiaries Meetings)
第二百五十七条 会計監査人設置信託に係る信託行為に第二百十四条の別段の定めがない場合における第百十八条の規定の適用については、同条第一項中「同じ。)」とあるのは「同じ。)及び会計監査人」と、同条第二項中「受託者」とあるのは「受託者又は会計監査人」とする。
Article 257 For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 118 to cases in which the terms of trust for a trust with financial auditors do not have the special provisions referred to in Article 214, the phrase "the same applies in the following paragraph)" in Article 118, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "the same applies in the following paragraph) and a financial auditor" and the term "the trustee" in Article 118, paragraph (2) is deemed to be replaced with "the trustee or the financial auditor".
第十一章 受益者の定めのない信託の特例
Chapter XI Special Provisions on Trusts That Do Not Establish a Beneficiary
(Requirements for Trusts That Do Not Establish a Beneficiary)
第二百五十八条 受益者の定め(受益者を定める方法の定めを含む。以下同じ。)のない信託は、第三条第一号又は第二号に掲げる方法によってすることができる。
Article 258 (1) A trust that does not establish a beneficiary (including establishing the means for specifying a beneficiary; the same applies hereinafter) may be created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (i) or (ii).
2 受益者の定めのない信託においては、信託の変更によって受益者の定めを設けることはできない。
(2) In the case of a trust that does not establish a beneficiary, a beneficiary may not be established by making a modification to the trust.
3 受益者の定めのある信託においては、信託の変更によって受益者の定めを廃止することはできない。
(3) In the case of a trust that establishes a beneficiary, the establishing of a beneficiary may not be repealed by making a modification to the trust.
4 第三条第二号に掲げる方法によって受益者の定めのない信託をするときは、信託管理人を指定する定めを設けなければならない。この場合においては、信託管理人の権限のうち第百四十五条第二項各号(第六号を除く。)に掲げるものを行使する権限を制限する定めを設けることはできない。
(4) If a trust that does not establish a beneficiary is to be created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (ii), provisions to designate a trust administrator must be established. In such a case, provisions that restrict the trust administrator's authority to exercise the rights set forth in the items of Article 145, paragraph (2) (excluding item (vi)) may not be established.
5 第三条第二号に掲げる方法によってされた受益者の定めのない信託において信託管理人を指定する定めがない場合において、遺言執行者の定めがあるときは、当該遺言執行者は、信託管理人を選任しなければならない。この場合において、当該遺言執行者が信託管理人を選任したときは、当該信託管理人について信託行為に前項前段の定めが設けられたものとみなす。
(5) In the case of a trust that does not establish a beneficiary created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (ii) and for which there are no provisions for designating a trust administrator, if there are provisions establishing an executor, the executor must appoint a trust administrator. In such a case, when the executor has appointed a trust administrator, it is deemed that the clause referred to in the first sentence of the preceding paragraph has been established in the terms of trust for the trust administrator.
6 第三条第二号に掲げる方法によってされた受益者の定めのない信託において信託管理人を指定する定めがない場合において、遺言執行者の定めがないとき、又は遺言執行者となるべき者として指定された者が信託管理人の選任をせず、若しくはこれをすることができないときは、裁判所は、利害関係人の申立てにより、信託管理人を選任することができる。この場合において、信託管理人の選任の裁判があったときは、当該信託管理人について信託行為に第四項前段の定めが設けられたものとみなす。
(6) In the case of a trust that does not establish a beneficiary created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (ii) and for which there are no provisions designating a trust administrator, if there are no provisions establishing an executor or if a person designated as the person who is to be the executor does not appoint or is unable to appoint a trust administrator, the court may appoint a trust administrator upon petition of an interested party. In such a case, when the judicial decision on the appointment of a trust administrator has been made, it is deemed that the clause referred to in the first sentence of paragraph (4) has been established in the terms of trust for the trust administrator.
7 第百二十三条第六項から第八項までの規定は、前項の申立てについての裁判について準用する。
(7) The provisions of Article 123, paragraphs (6) through (8) apply mutatis mutandis to the judicial decision on the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph.
8 第三条第二号に掲げる方法によってされた受益者の定めのない信託において、信託管理人が欠けた場合であって、信託管理人が就任しない状態が一年間継続したときは、当該信託は、終了する。
(8) In the case of a trust that does not establish a beneficiary created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (ii), the trust is terminated if there is a vacancy in the position of a trust administrator and the position is not filled by a new trust administrator for one year.
(Duration of Trusts That Do Not Establish a Beneficiary)
第二百五十九条 受益者の定めのない信託の存続期間は、二十年を超えることができない。
Article 259 The duration of a trust that does not establish a beneficiary may not exceed 20 years.
(Settlor's Rights in Trusts That Do Not Establish a Beneficiary)
第二百六十条 第三条第一号に掲げる方法によってされた受益者の定めのない信託においては、委託者(委託者が二人以上ある場合にあっては、そのすべての委託者)が第百四十五条第二項各号(第六号を除く。)に掲げる権利を有する旨及び受託者が同条第四項各号に掲げる義務を負う旨の定めが設けられたものとみなす。この場合においては、信託の変更によってこれを変更することはできない。
Article 260 (1) In the case of a trust that does not establish a beneficiary created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (i), it is deemed that provisions on the settlor (if there are two or more settlors, all of those settlors) having the rights set forth in the items of Article 145, paragraph (2) (excluding item (vi)) and the trustee assuming the obligations set forth in the items of paragraph (4) of that Article have been established. In such a case, those provisions may not be changed by making a modification to the trust.
2 第三条第二号に掲げる方法によってされた受益者の定めのない信託であって、第二百五十八条第五項後段又は第六項後段の規定により同条第四項前段の定めが設けられたものとみなされるものにおいては、信託の変更によって信託管理人の権限のうち第百四十五条第二項各号(第六号を除く。)に掲げるものを行使する権限を制限することはできない。
(2) In the case of a trust that does not establish a beneficiary created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (ii), if it is deemed that the provisions referred to in the first sentence of paragraph (4) of that Article have been established pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of Article 258, paragraph (5) or the second sentence of paragraph (6) of that Article, it is not allowed to restrict the trust administrator's authority to exercise the rights set forth in the items of Article 145, paragraph (2) (excluding item (vi)) by making a modification to the trust.
(Application of This Act)
第二百六十一条 受益者の定めのない信託に関する次の表の上欄に掲げるこの法律の規定の適用については、これらの規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、同表の下欄に掲げる字句とする。
Article 261 (1) For the purpose of applying the provisions of this Act set forth in the left-hand column of the following table to a trust that does not establish a beneficiary, the terms set forth in the middle column of that table are deemed to be replaced with the terms set forth in the right-hand column of that table:
2 受益者の定めのない信託に係る受託者の費用等、損害の賠償及び信託報酬については、第四十八条第五項(第五十三条第二項及び第五十四条第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定は、適用しない。
(2) With regard to expenses and interest, compensation for loss, and trust fees for a trustee of a trust that does not establish a beneficiary, the provisions of Article 48, paragraph (5) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53, paragraph (2) and Article 54, paragraph (4)) do not apply.
3 受益者の定めのない信託に係る信託の変更については、第百四十九条第二項第一号及び第三項第二号の規定は、適用しない。
(3) With regard to a modification of a trust for a trust that does not establish a beneficiary, the provisions of Article 149, paragraph (2), item (i), and paragraph (3), item (ii) do not apply.
4 受益者の定めのない信託に係る信託の併合については、第百五十一条第二項第一号の規定は、適用しない。
(4) With regard to a consolidation of trusts for a trust that does not establish a beneficiary, the provisions of Article 151, paragraph (2), item (i) do not apply.
5 受益者の定めのない信託に係る信託の分割については、第百五十五条第二項第一号及び第百五十九条第二項第一号の規定は、適用しない。
(5) With regard to a split of a trust for a trust that does not establish a beneficiary, the provisions of Article 155, paragraph (2), item (i) and Article 159, paragraph (2), item (i) do not apply.
第十二章 雑則
Chapter XII Miscellaneous Provisions
第一節 非訟
Section 1 Non-Contentious Cases
(Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases Relating to Trusts)
第二百六十二条 この法律の規定による非訟事件は、この条に特別の定めがある場合を除き、受託者の住所地を管轄する地方裁判所の管轄に属する。
Article 262 (1) Unless otherwise provided for in this Article, a non-contentious case under the provisions of this Act is subject to the jurisdiction of the district court that has jurisdiction over the locality of the domicile of a trustee.
2 受託者が二人以上ある場合における前項の規定の適用については、同項中「住所地」とあるのは、「いずれかの住所地」とする。
(2) For the purpose of applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph to cases in which there are two or more trustees, the term "domicile of a trustee" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "domicile of any of the trustees".
3 受託者の任務の終了後新受託者の就任前におけるこの法律の規定による裁判所に対する申立てに係る事件は、前受託者の住所地を管轄する地方裁判所の管轄に属する。
(3) The case regarding a petition to the court filed pursuant to the provisions of this Act after the termination of a trustee's duties and prior to the assumption of office by a new trustee is subject to the jurisdiction of the district court that has jurisdiction over the domicile of the former trustee.
4 受託者が二人以上ある場合における前項の規定の適用については、同項中「受託者の任務」とあるのは、「すべての受託者の任務」とし、前受託者が二人以上ある場合における同項の規定の適用については、同項中「住所地」とあるのは、「いずれかの住所地」とする。
(4) For the purpose of applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph to cases in which there are two or more trustees, the phrase "termination of a trustee's duties " in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "termination of duties of all trustees" and for the purpose of applying the provisions of that paragraph to cases in which there are two or more former trustees, the phrase "domicile of the former trustee" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "domicile of any of the former trustees".
5 第六条第一項又は第二百五十八条第六項の申立てに係る事件は、遺言者の最後の住所地を管轄する地方裁判所の管轄に属する。
(5) The case regarding a petition referred to in Article 6, paragraph (1) or Article 258, paragraph (6) is subject to the jurisdiction of the district court that has jurisdiction over the testator's last domicile.
(Special Provisions on Procedures for Non-Contentious Cases Relating to Trusts)
第二百六十三条 この法律の規定による非訟事件については、非訟事件手続法第四十条及び第五十七条第二項第二号の規定は、適用しない。
Article 263 With regard to non-contentious cases under the provisions of this Act, the provisions of Article 40 and Article 57, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act do not apply.
(Rules of the Supreme Court)
第二百六十四条 この法律に定めるもののほか、この法律の規定による非訟事件の手続に関し必要な事項は、最高裁判所規則で定める。
Article 264 Beyond what is provided for in this Act, the necessary particulars on procedures for non-contentious cases under the provisions of this Act are prescribed by the Rules of the Supreme Court.
第二節 公告等
Section 2 Public Notice
(Means of Public Notice for Trustee That Is a Corporation)
第二百六十五条 この法律の規定(第百五十二条第二項、第百五十六条第二項、第百六十条第二項及び第二百二十九条第一項を除く。)による公告は、受託者(受託者の任務の終了後新受託者の就任前にあっては、前受託者)が法人である場合には、当該法人における公告の方法(公告の期間を含む。)によりしなければならない。
Article 265 If a trustee (after the termination of a trustee's duties and prior to the assumption of office by a new trustee, the former trustee) is a corporation, public notice under the provisions of this Act (excluding Article 152, paragraph (2), Article 156, paragraph (2), Article 160, paragraph (2), and Article 229, paragraph (1)) must be given by the means of public notice (including the period of public notice) taken by that corporation.
(Special Provisions on Public Notice Procedures for Merger of Trustee That Is a Corporation)
第二百六十六条 会社法その他の法律の規定によりある法人が組織変更、合併その他の行為をするときは当該法人の債権者が当該行為について公告、催告その他の手続を経て異議を述べることができることとされている場合において、法人である受託者が当該行為をしようとするときは、受託者が信託財産に属する財産のみをもって履行する責任を負う信託財産責任負担債務に係る債権を有する債権者は、当該行為についてこれらの手続を経て異議を述べることができる債権者に含まれないものとする。
Article 266 (1) If it is provided that when a trustee that is a corporation implements an entity conversion, a merger, or any other act pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act or other laws, the creditors of that corporation may state their objections through public notice, a demand, or other procedures, when the trustee that is a corporation seeks performs the act, the creditors who hold claims regarding the obligations covered by the trust property that the trustee is liable only by using property that comes under trust property to perform those obligations are not to be included as the creditors who may state their objections by going through those procedures with regard to that act.
2 会社法その他の法律の規定による法人の事業の譲渡に関する規定の適用については、第三条第三号に掲げる方法によってする信託は、その適用の対象となる行為に含まれるものとする。ただし、当該法律に別段の定めがあるときは、この限りでない。
(2) For the purpose of applying the provisions on the transfer of a business of a corporation under the provisions of the Companies Act or other laws, a trust created by the means set forth in Article 3, item (iii) are to be included in the act for which these provisions apply; provided, however, that this does not apply if it is otherwise provided for by those laws.
第十三章 罰則
Chapter XIII Penal Provisions
(Crime of Bribery by Trustee of Limited Liability Trust with Certificates of Beneficial Interest)
第二百六十七条 次に掲げる者が、その職務に関して、賄賂を収受し、又はその要求若しくは約束をしたときは、三年以下の懲役又は三百万円以下の罰金に処する。これによって不正の行為をし、又は相当の行為をしないときは、五年以下の懲役又は五百万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 267 (1) If any of the following persons accepts, solicits, or promises to accept a bribe in connection with their duties, that person is subject to imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine of not more than three million yen. If the person commits a wrongful act or fails to act appropriately for this reason, that person is subject to imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine of not more than five million yen:
一 受益証券発行限定責任信託の受託者(前受託者又は清算受託者を含む。以下同じ。)
(i) a trustee of a limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest (including the former trustee or a liquidation trustee; the same applies hereinafter);
二 受益証券発行限定責任信託の信託財産管理者
(ii) a trust property administrator of a limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest;
三 受益証券発行限定責任信託の民事保全法第五十六条に規定する仮処分命令により選任された受託者の職務を代行する者
(iii) a person who is to perform the duties of the trustee of a limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest, who was appointed by a provisional disposition order prescribed in Article 56 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act;
四 受益証券発行限定責任信託の信託財産法人管理人
(iv) an incorporated trust property administrator of a limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest;
五 受益証券発行限定責任信託の信託管理人
(v) a trust administrator of a limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest;
六 受益証券発行限定責任信託の信託監督人
(vi) a trust supervisor of a limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest;
七 受益証券発行限定責任信託の受益者代理人
(vii) an agent of a beneficiary of a limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest;
八 受益証券発行限定責任信託の検査役
(viii) an inspector of a limited liability trust with certificates of beneficial interest; or
九 会計監査人
(ix) a financial auditor.
2 前項に規定する賄賂を供与し、又はその申込み若しくは約束をした者は、三年以下の懲役又は三百万円以下の罰金に処する。
(2) A person who has given, offered, or promised to offer a bribe prescribed in the preceding paragraph is punished by imprisonment with work for not more than three years or a fine of not more than three million yen.
3 第一項の場合において、犯人の収受した賄賂は、没収する。その全部又は一部を没収することができないときは、その価額を追徴する。
(3) In the case referred to in paragraph (1), any bribe accepted by the perpetrator is confiscated. If all or part of the bribe money cannot be confiscated, an equivalent value is collected.
第二百六十八条 前条第一項の罪は、日本国外においてこれらの罪を犯した者にも適用する。
Article 268 (1) The crime referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article also applies to a person who has committed the crime outside Japan.
2 前条第二項の罪は、刑法(明治四十年法律第四十五号)第二条の例に従う。
(2) The crime referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article is governed by the provisions of Article 2 of the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907).
(Application of Penal Provisions to Corporations)
第二百六十九条 第二百六十七条第一項に規定する者が法人であるときは、同項の規定は、その行為をした取締役、執行役その他業務を執行する役員又は支配人に対してそれぞれ適用する。
Article 269 If a person specified in Article 267, paragraph (1) is a corporation, the provisions of that paragraph apply to a company director, an executive officer, or any other officer executing business or manager, who has committed that act.
(Acts Punishable by Civil Fine)
第二百七十条 受託者、第六十条第一項に規定する前受託者の相続人等、信託財産管理者、民事保全法第五十六条に規定する仮処分命令により選任された受託者の職務を代行する者、信託財産法人管理人、信託管理人、信託監督人、受益者代理人又は検査役は、次のいずれかに該当する場合には、百万円以下の過料に処する。ただし、その行為について刑を科すべきときは、この限りでない。
Article 270 (1) If a trustee, the former trustee's heir, etc. prescribed in Article 60, paragraph (1), a trust property administrator, a person who performs the duties of the trustee on their behalf and was appointed by a provisional disposition order prescribed in Article 56 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act, an incorporated trust property administrator, a trust administrator, a trust supervisor, a beneficiary's agent, or an inspector falls under any of the following cases, that person is subject to a civil fine of not more than one million yen; provided, however, that this does not apply if the act in question is subject to criminal punishment:
一 この法律の規定による公告若しくは通知をすることを怠ったとき、又は不正の公告若しくは通知をしたとき。
(i) if the person has failed to give public notice or a notice pursuant to the provisions of this Act or has given false public notice or a false notice;
二 この法律の規定による開示をすることを怠ったとき。
(ii) if the person has failed to disclose particulars pursuant to the provisions of this Act;
三 この法律の規定に違反して、正当な理由がないのに、書類又は電磁的記録に記録された事項を法務省令で定める方法により表示したものの閲覧又は謄写を拒んだとき。
(iii) if the person has violated the provisions of this Act and refused inspection or copying of documents or any object that displays the information recorded in electronic or magnetic records by the means specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice, without legitimate grounds;
四 この法律の規定による報告をせず、又は虚偽の報告をしたとき。
(iv) if the person has failed to make a report under the provisions of this Act or has given a false report;
五 この法律の規定による調査を妨げたとき。
(v) if the person has obstructed an investigation under the provisions of this Act;
六 第三十七条第一項、第二項若しくは第五項の書類若しくは電磁的記録又は第百二十条の議事録(信託行為に第四章第三節第二款の定めるところによる受益者集会における多数決による旨の定めがある場合に限る。)を作成せず、若しくは保存せず、又はこれらに記載し、若しくは記録すべき事項を記載せず、若しくは記録せず、若しくは虚偽の記載若しくは記録をしたとき。
(vi) if the person has failed to prepare or preserve the documents or electronic or magnetic records referred to in Article 37, paragraph (1), (2), or (5) or the minutes referred to in Article 120 (limited to cases in which the terms of trust provides that decision is to be made by a majority vote at a beneficiaries meeting provided for in Chapter IV, Section 3, Subsection 2), has failed to enter or record particulars that are required to be entered or recorded in those documents, records, or minutes, or has made false entries or records in them;
七 第百五十二条第二項若しくは第五項、第百五十六条第二項若しくは第五項又は第百六十条第二項若しくは第五項の規定に違反して、信託の併合又は分割をしたとき。
(vii) if the person has implemented a consolidation of trusts or split of a trust in violation of the provisions of Article 152, paragraph (2) or (5), Article 156, paragraph (2) or (5), or Article 160, paragraph (2) or (5);
八 第百七十九条第一項の規定に違反して、破産手続開始の申立てをすることを怠ったとき。
(viii) if the person has failed to file a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings in violation of the provisions of Article 179, paragraph (1); or
九 第百八十一条の規定に違反して、清算中の信託財産に属する財産の給付をしたとき。
(ix) if the person has distributed property that comes under trust property in liquidation in violation of the provisions of Article 181.
2 受益証券発行信託の受託者、信託財産管理者、民事保全法第五十六条に規定する仮処分命令により選任された受託者の職務を代行する者、信託財産法人管理人、信託監督人又は受益権原簿管理人は、次のいずれかに該当する場合には、百万円以下の過料に処する。ただし、その行為について刑を科すべきときは、この限りでない。
(2) If a trustee of a trust with certificates of beneficial interest, a trust property administrator, a person who performs the duties of the trustee on their behalf and was appointed by provisional disposition order prescribed in Article 56 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act, an incorporated trust property administrator, a trust supervisor, or a beneficial interest register administrator falls under any of the following cases, that person is subject to a civil fine of not more than one million yen; provided, however, that this does not apply if the act in question is subject to criminal punishment:
一 第百二十条の議事録(信託行為に第二百十四条の別段の定めがない場合に限る。)又は第百八十六条の受益権原簿を作成せず、若しくは保存せず、又はこれらに記載し、若しくは記録すべき事項を記載せず、若しくは記録せず、若しくは虚偽の記載若しくは記録をしたとき。
(i) if the person has failed to prepare or preserve the minutes referred to in Article 120 (limited to cases in which there are no special provisions referred to in Article 214 in the terms of trust) or the beneficial interest register referred to in Article 186, has failed to enter or record particulars that are required to be entered or recorded in those documents, or has made false entries or records in them;
二 第百八十七条第一項又は第二百二条第一項の規定に違反して、書面の交付又は電磁的記録の提供を拒んだとき。
(ii) if the person has refused to deliver documents or provide electronic or magnetic records in violation of the provisions of Article 187, paragraph (1) or Article 202, paragraph (1);
三 第百九十条第一項の規定に違反して、第百八十六条の受益権原簿を備え置かなかったとき。
(iii) if the person has failed to keep the beneficial interest register referred to in Article 186 in violation of the provisions of Article 190, paragraph (1);
四 第二百七条の規定に違反して、遅滞なく、受益証券を発行しなかったとき。
(iv) if the person has failed to issue a beneficiary certificate without delay in violation of the provisions of Article 207; or
五 第二百九条の規定に違反して、受益証券に記載すべき事項を記載せず、又は虚偽の記載をしたとき。
(v) if the person has failed to enter particulars on a beneficiary certificate or has made false entries in the certificate.
3 限定責任信託の受託者、信託財産管理者、民事保全法第五十六条に規定する仮処分命令により選任された受託者の職務を代行する者又は信託財産法人管理人は、次のいずれかに該当する場合には、百万円以下の過料に処する。ただし、その行為について刑を科すべきときは、この限りでない。
(3) If a trustee of a limited liability trust, a trust property administrator, a person who performs the duties of the trustee on their behalf and was appointed by provisional disposition order prescribed in Article 56 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act, or an incorporated trust property administrator falls under any of the following cases, that person is subject to a civil fine of not more than one million yen; provided, however, that this does not apply if the act in question is subject to criminal punishment:
一 第九章第三節の規定による登記をすることを怠ったとき。
(i) if the person has failed to make a registration pursuant to the provisions of Chapter IX, Section 3;
二 第二百二十二条第二項の会計帳簿、同条第三項の貸借対照表又は同条第四項若しくは第七項の書類若しくは電磁的記録を作成せず、若しくは保存せず、又はこれらに記載し、若しくは記録すべき事項を記載せず、若しくは記録せず、若しくは虚偽の記載若しくは記録をしたとき。
(ii) if the person has failed to prepare or preserve the accounting books set forth in Article 222, paragraph (2), the balance sheet set forth in paragraph (3) of that Article or the documents or electronic or magnetic records set forth in paragraph (4) or paragraph (7) of that Article, has failed to enter or record particulars that are required to be entered or recorded in those documents or records, or has made false entries or records in them;
三 清算の結了を遅延させる目的で、第二百二十九条第一項の期間を不当に定めたとき。
(iii) if the person has inappropriately specified the period referred to in Article 229, paragraph (1) for the purpose of delaying the completion of liquidation,; or
四 第二百三十条第一項の規定に違反して、債務の弁済をしたとき。
(iv) if the person has performed an obligation in violation of the provisions of Article 230, paragraph (1).
4 会計監査人設置信託の受託者、信託財産管理者、民事保全法第五十六条に規定する仮処分命令により選任された受託者の職務を代行する者、信託財産法人管理人又は信託監督人は、第二百五十条第三項の規定に違反して、会計監査人の選任の手続をすることを怠ったときは、百万円以下の過料に処する。ただし、その行為について刑を科すべきときは、この限りでない。
(4) If a trustee of a trust with financial auditors, a trust property administrator, a person who performs the duties of the trustee on their behalf and was appointed by a provisional disposition order prescribed in Article 56 of the Civil Provisional Remedies Act, an incorporated trust property administrator, or a trust supervisor, has failed to carry out the procedures for appointing a financial auditor in violation of the provisions of Article 250, paragraph (3), that person is subject to a civil fine of not more than one million yen; provided, however, that this does apply if the act in question is subject to criminal punishment.
第二百七十一条 次のいずれかに該当する者は、百万円以下の過料に処する。
Article 271 A person who falls under any of the following cases is punished by a civil fine of not more than one million yen:
一 第二百十八条第一項の規定に違反して、限定責任信託の名称中に限定責任信託という文字を用いなかった者
(i) a person who has failed to use the characters for "limited liability trust" in the name of a limited liability trust in violation of the provisions of Article 218, paragraph (1);
二 第二百十八条第二項の規定に違反して、限定責任信託であると誤認されるおそれのある文字をその名称又は商号中に使用した者
(ii) a person who has used in its name or trade name, any characters that are likely to be mistaken for a limited liability trust in violation of the provisions of Article 218, paragraph (2); or
三 第二百十八条第三項の規定に違反して、他の限定責任信託であると誤認されるおそれのある名称又は商号を使用した者
(iii) a person who has used a name or trade name that is likely to be mistaken for another limited liability trust in violation of the provisions of Article 218, paragraph (3).
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
1 この法律は、公布の日から起算して一年六月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日から施行する。
(1) This Act comes into effect as of the day specified by Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding one year and six months from the date of its promulgation.
(Transitional Measures Concerning Self-Declared Trusts)
2 第三条第三号の規定は、この法律の施行の日から起算して一年を経過する日までの間は、適用しない。
(2) The provisions of Article 3, item (iii) do not apply until the final day in the one year-period that starts to run on the date of enforcement of this Act.
(Transitional Measures Concerning Trusts That Do Not Establish a Beneficiary)
3 受益者の定めのない信託(学術、技芸、慈善、祭祀、宗教その他公益を目的とするものを除く。)は、別に法律で定める日までの間、当該信託に関する信託事務を適正に処理するに足りる財産的基礎及び人的構成を有する者として政令で定める法人以外の者を受託者としてすることができない。
(3) Until the date specified separately by law, a trust that does not establish a beneficiary (excluding trusts that are created for the purpose of academic activities, art, charity, worship, religion, or any other public interest) may not be created by designating a person other than a corporation specified by Cabinet Order as having sufficient financial basis and personnel structure to appropriately administer trust affairs concerning that trust as a trustee.
4 前項の別に法律で定める日については、受益者の定めのない信託のうち学術、技芸、慈善、祭祀、宗教その他公益を目的とする信託に係る見直しの状況その他の事情を踏まえて検討するものとし、その結果に基づいて定めるものとする。
(4) The date specified separately by law referred to in the preceding paragraph is to be considered in light of the status of the review of trusts that do not establish a beneficiary which are created for the purpose of academic activities, art, charity, worship, religion, or other public interest, as well as other circumstances, and to be determined based on the results of the consideration.
Article 19, paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (3), item (iii)
will not harm the interests of the beneficiary
will not hinder the achievement of the purpose of the trust
between the trustees and the beneficiaries
that the trustee has with regard to the purpose of the trust
Article 19, paragraph (3), item (ii)
deliberation between the beneficiaries of each trusts (if there is a trust administrator for each trust at the time in question, the trust administrators)
deliberation between the trust administrator of the trust that do not establish a beneficiary and the beneficiary of another trust (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the trust administrator), or by deliberation between the trust administrators of each trustthat does not establish a beneficiary
Article 30
on behalf of a beneficiary
for the achievement of the purpose of the trust
Article 31, paragraph (1), item (iv)
would cause a conflict of interest between the trustee or their interested party and the beneficiary
would be in the interest of the trustee or relevant interested party and hinder the achievement of the purpose of the Trust
Article 31, paragraph (2), item (iv)
will not hinder the achievement of purpose of the trust
between the trustee and the beneficiary
Article 32, paragraph (1)
be contrary to the interest of a beneficiary
hinder the achievement of the purpose of the trust
Proviso to Article 37, paragraph (4)
trust administrator
trust administrator or settlor
Proviso to Article 37, paragraph (6)
Article 38, paragraph (2), item (iii)
harming the common interests of the beneficiaries
hindering the achievement of the purpose of the trust
Article 57, paragraph (1)
a settlor and a beneficiary
a settlor (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the settlor and the trust administrator)
Article 58, paragraph (1)
A settlor and a beneficiary may dismiss a trustee at any time, based on an agreement between them.
A settlor may, at any time (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the settlor and the trust administrator may dismiss a trustee at any time based on an agreement between them) .
Article 58, paragraph (2)
the settlor and the beneficiary have
the settlor has (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the settlor and the trust administrator have)
the settlor and the beneficiary
the settlor
Article 62, paragraph (1)
the settlor and the beneficiary mayappoint a new trustee, based on an agreement between them.
the settlor may (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the settlor and the trust administrator may apppoint a new trustee based on an agreement between them)
Article 62, paragraph (3)
the settlor and the beneficiary (if there are two or more beneficiaries at the time in question, to one of them; if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, to the trust administrator)
the settlor (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, to the settlor and the trust administrator)
Article 62, paragraph (4)
status of deliberations regarding the agreement referred to in that paragraph
status of the settlor (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the status of deliberations related to the agreement referred to in that paragraph)
Article 62, paragraph (8)
"the beneficiary may"
"the trust administrator may"
"the beneficiary"
"the trust administrator"
"status of the beneficiary"
"status of the trust administrator"
Article 125, paragraph (1)
on behalf of a beneficiary
for the achievement of the purpose of the trust
Article 126, paragraph (2)
on behalf of the beneficiary
Article 146, paragraph (1)
a trustee and a beneficiary
a trustee
Article 146, paragraph (2)
other settlors, a trustee, and a beneficiary.
other settlors and a Trustee
Article 149, paragraph (1)
a settlor, a trustee, and a beneficiary
a settlor and a trustee (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the settlor, the trustee, and the trust administrator)
Article 149, paragraph (2) (excluding item (i))
to the settlor and the beneficiary
to the settlor (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, to the settlor and the trust administrator)
is not contrary to the purpose of the trust and conforms to the interests of the beneficiary
is necessary for the achievement of the purpose of the trust
Article 149, paragraph (3), item (i)
the settlor and the beneficiary
the ettlor (if there is a rust administrator at the time in question: theettlor and the rust administrator)
Article 149, paragraph (5)
to the beneficiary
to the trust administrator
Article 150, paragraph (1)
no longer conforms to the interest of a beneficiary
comes to hinder the achievement of the purpose of the trust
Article 151, paragraph (1)
settlors, trustees, and beneficiaries of each of the previous trusts
settlors and trustees of each of the previous trusts (if there are trust administrators at the time in question, the settlors, the trustees, and the trust administrators)
Article 151, paragraph (2) (excluding item (i))
Article 151, paragraph (4)
Article 155, paragraph (1)
Article 155, paragraph (2) (excluding item (i))
Article 155, paragraph (4)
Article 159, paragraph (1)
Article 159, paragraph (2) (excluding item (i))
is not contrary to the purpose of the trust and conforms to the interests of the beneficiary:
Article 159, paragraph (4)
Article 164, paragraph (1)
A settlor and a beneficiary may terminate a trust at any time by an agreement between them.
A settlor may terminate a trust at any time (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the settlor and the trust administrator may terminate a trust at any time by an agreement between them)
Article 164, paragraph (2)
a settlor and a beneficiary have
Article 165, paragraph (1)
has come to conform to the interests of the beneficiary
has come to be reasonable
Proviso to Article 222, paragraph (6)
to the trust administrator
to the trust administrator or the settlor
Proviso to Article 222, paragraph (8)
Article 243, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (a)
the agreement
the settlor's manifestation of intention (if there is a trust administrator at the time in question, the agreement between the settlor and the trust administrator)