Regulation for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act(Ministry of Justice Order No. 54 of 1981)
Last Version: Ministry of Justice Order No. 33 of 2021
▶Main Provision
December 6, 2022
- Last Version: Ministry of Justice Order No. 33 of 2021
- Translated Date: September 31, 2021
- Dictionary Version: 14.0
February 24, 2021
- Last Version: Ministry of Justice Order No. 29 of 2019
- Translated Date: March 31, 2020
- Dictionary Version: 14.0
July 3, 2020
- Last Version: Ministry of Justice Order No. 19 of 2017
- Translated Date: March 31, 2019
- Dictionary Version: 13.0
February 28, 2018
- Last Version: Ministry of Justice Order No. 34 of 2014
- Translated Date: August 4, 2016
- Dictionary Version: 2.0
June 9, 2010
- Last Version: Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 29 of 2009
- Translated Date: June 5, 2009
- Dictionary Version: 2.0
March 31, 2009
- Last Version: Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 43 of 2008
- Translated Date: April 1, 2009
- Dictionary Version: 2.0
Regulation for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Regulation for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Ministry of Justice Order No. 54 of October 28, 1981
Ministry of Justice Order No. 54 of October 28, 1981
(Port of Entry or Departure)
Article 1The ports of entry or departure prescribed in Article 2, item (viii) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") are as listed in the following items:
(i)seaports or airports listed in Appended Table I; or
(ii)a seaport or airport other than the seaports and airports prescribed in the preceding item that is temporarily designated for a limited period of time by the director of a regional immigration services bureau for the entry into or departure from Japan of the crew members and passengers of a specific vessel or aircraft (hereinafter referred to as "vessel or aircraft").
Article 2Deleted
(Period of Stay)
Article 3The period of stay prescribed in Article 2-2, paragraph (3) of the Act is as listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table II corresponding to the status of residence listed in the left-hand column of the same Table.
Article 4Those persons provided for by Ministry of Justice Order to assist persons due to a mental disability, are unable to understand right from wrong or whose capacity for understanding is significantly lacking (hereinafter referred to as "person in need of an attendant") in engaging in activities or actions in Japan (hereinafter referred to as "activities, etc.") as prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act are persons listed as follows:
(i)a guardian, curator, spouse, person who exercises parental authority or supporter under duty of a person in need of an attendant, or an equivalent person, and who is a person that has the intention and capacity to assist in the activities, etc. of the person who is in need of an attendant and does not fall under any of the following persons:
(a)a person who is bringing or has brought an action against the person in need of an attendant and a spouse or lineal relative by blood of this person;
(b)a legal representative, curator or assistant who has been replaced by the family court;
(c)a person who is subject to a decision on the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings and has not have their rights restored; or
(d)a minor.
(ii)in addition to those persons listed in the preceding item, a person who has reasonable grounds to assist in the activities, etc. of a person in need of an attendant and has the intention and capacity to assist in their activities, etc. (limited to cases where the person in need of an attendant has filed the application set forth in Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Act in order to stay in Japan for a short period and engage in sightseeing, recreation, participation in meetings, or other similar activities).
(Special Measures for Denial of Landing)
Article 4-2(1)The cases provided for in Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 5-2 of the Act are the following cases:
(i)a foreign national who falls under the following cases that is residing with a status of residence:
(a)if special permission for landing was granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(b)if a change of the status of residence was granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (3) of the Act;
(c)if an extension of the period of stay was granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act;
(d)if permission for permanent residence was granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (2) of the Act;
(e)if permission for acquisition of a status of residence was granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (3), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-2, paragraph (3) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act);
(f)if permission for acquisition of the status of residence of "Permanent Resident" was granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (2) of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-2, paragraph (4) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act);
(g)if re-entry permission was granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Act.
(h)if special permission to stay was granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 50, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(i)if special permission to stay was granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-2, paragraph (2) of the Act;
(j)if a refugee travel document was issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-12, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(k)if it is found by the Minister of Justice (including the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency delegated the authority set forth in Article 5-2 of the Act, pursuant to the provisions of Article 69-2, paragraph (1) of the Act or the director of a regional immigration services bureau delegated the authority by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency as set forth in Article 69-2, paragraph (2) of the Act; the same applies in the following item) to be cases equivalent to sub-items (a) through (j); and
(ii)if a certificate of eligibility was issued to a foreign national pursuant to the provisions of Article 7-2, paragraph (1) of the Act or cases where a foreign national received a visa from a Japanese consular officer, etc. (limited to cases where the Minister of Justice was consulted) in their passport, and a reasonable period of time has passed since falling under the reasonable grounds (hereinafter referred to as "specified grounds") prescribed Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iv), (v), (vii), (ix) or (ix)-2 of the Act and where otherwise the Minister of Justice finds that there are special grounds.
(2)If it is found that landing is not to be denied to the foreign national solely due to the specified grounds pursuant to the provisions of Article 5-2 of the Act, a written notice pursuant to the Appended Form No. 1 is to be issued to the foreign national.
(Application for Landing)
Article 5(1)A foreign national (except for the foreign nationals prescribed in the following paragraph) who seeks to apply for landing pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Act must submit to an immigration inspector a document pursuant to Appended Form 6 (or Appended Form 6-2 for persons who have received re-entry permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Act (including persons who are deemed to have received re-entry permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 26-2, paragraph (1) or Article 26-3, paragraph (1) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph and Article 7, paragraph (1)) or persons who possess a refugee travel document issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-12, paragraph (1) of the Act); provided, however, that this does not apply when that foreign national (except for those who have received re-entry permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Act and who possess a refugee travel document issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-12, paragraph (1) of the Act) provides information pertaining to the following particulars using an electronic machine designated by the immigration inspector:
(i)their name;
(ii)their date of birth;
(iii)the location of their residence;
(iv)their purpose of landing;
(v)the name of the vessel that they have boarded or the registration code or flight number of the aircraft that they have boarded;
(vi)the length of their stay in Japan;
(vii)their contact details in Japan; and
(viii)the particulars concerning the conditions for landing as set forth in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act which the immigration inspector requests them to report.
(2)A foreign national who seeks to apply for landing pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Act (limited to those who seek to be recorded as a person possessing a registered user card pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Act) must provide information pertaining to the particulars set forth in items (i) through (viii) of the preceding paragraph by the method of causing it to be received by a computer prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (4).
(3)When filing the application for landing pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Act, the foreign national must present their passport (the passport or registered user card for persons prescribed in the preceding paragraph).
(4)In the case referred to in paragraph (1), when the foreign national is under 16 years of age or is unable to apply for landing due to disease or for other grounds, their father or mother, spouse, child, relative, or legal guardian accompanying the foreign national or any other person accompanying the foreign national may file the application on behalf of the foreign national.
(5)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if there is no person accompanying the foreign national to file the application on behalf of the foreign national, the captain of the vessel or aircraft or the carrier who operates the vessel or aircraft by which the foreign national arrived is to fill out the document set forth in paragraph (1) and file the application on behalf of the foreign national.
(6)The computer provided for in Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 6, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be a computer utilized for personal identification in order to provide for impartial control over the entry into or departure from Japan and to be installed in the immigration services offices designated by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency.
(7)The information for personal identification provided for in Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 6, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be fingerprints and photograph (in the case of persons deemed to have received re-entry permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 26-3, paragraph (1) of the Act, fingerprints or fingerprints and photograph).
(8)A foreign national willing to provide their fingerprints pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (3) of the Act (except for the foreign nationals prescribed in the next paragraph) must provide them by having the fingerprint imaging data of both of their first fingers be taken by a computer designated by the immigration inspector; provided, however, that in the event that the foreign national is unable to provide the fingerprints due to having lost their fingers or for other grounds, are to provide for each of their hands, the fingerprint of one of the other available fingers in the following order of priority:
(i)the second finger;
(ii)the third finger;
(iii)the fourth finger; and
(iv)the thumb.
(9)A foreign national willing to provide their fingerprints pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (3) of the Act (limited to a foreign national who is registered pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (8) of the Act and who seeks to have their information recorded pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of the same Article) must provide them by having the fingerprint imaging data of both of their fingers be taken by a computer designated by the immigration inspector as provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 7-2, paragraph (6).
(10)A foreign national willing to provide their photograph pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (3) of the Act must provide it by having their facial imaging data be taken by a computer designated by the immigration inspector.
(11)A person provided for in Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 6, paragraph (3), item (v) of the Act is as follows:
(i)a person who seeks to engage in any activity as a member of the staff of the Japanese office of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association or as a family member thereof who belongs to the same household;
(ii)a person who seeks to engage in any activity as a member of the staff of the Permanent General Mission of Palestine in Japan or as a family member thereof who belongs to the same household;
(iii)a person who is endorsed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs as a person who requires consideration in terms of diplomacy; or
(iv)a pupil or student of a senior high school, or in the second half of a course of study at a school for secondary education, in a senior high school course of a special needs school, special technical school, or in a higher course of an advanced vocational school (hereinafter referred to as "school"); who is to travel outside the territory of Japan as part of an educational course (an equivalent course in a specialized course or a special course in a senior high school, special- needs school or special technical school, or in a higher course of an advanced vocational school) as prescribed in Article 83 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 108, paragraph (2)), Article 128, or Article 174 of the Order for Enforcement of the School Education Act (of the Ministry of Education Order No.11 of 1947), and who is an individual whom the person or board provided for in sub-items (a) through (g) in accordance with the classification of schools listed in sub-items (a) through (g) has notified the Minister of Justice of their status as a person endorsed by the principal:
(a)a school established by a national university corporation prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the National University Corporation Act (Act No. 112 of 2003):the president or chief director of that national university corporation;
(b)a national technical school prescribed in Article 3 of the Act on the Institute of National Technical Schools, Incorporated Administrative Agency (Act No.103 of 2003):the president of the National Institute of Technology, Independent Administrative Agency.
(c)a school founded by prefectures:the board of education of the prefecture.
(d)a school founded by municipalities (including special wards; the same applies hereinafter):the board of education of municipalities.
(e)the technical college founded by a municipal university corporation prescribed in Article 68, paragraph (1) of the Local Independent Administrative Agency Act (Act No.108 of 2003):the president of the municipal university corporation; and
(f)a technical college founded by an incorporated educational institution prescribed in Article 3 of the Private Schools Act (Act No.270 of 1949):the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
(g)other schools:the prefectural governor.
Article 6In the event that a foreign national seeking to land in Japan without submitting the certificate of eligibility seeks to prove that they conform to the conditions for landing provided for in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article themselves, the foreign national must submit a copy of each of the materials listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table III, corresponding to the activity listed in the middle column of the same Table in which the foreign national seeks to engage in Japan, and a copy of each of any other materials to be used as a reference; provided, however, that this does not apply if the immigration inspector finds that there is no risk of causing hindrance if all or some of the materials to be submitted are omitted.
(Certificate of Eligibility)
Article 6-2(1)A person who seeks to apply for the issuance of a certificate of eligibility pursuant to the provisions of Article 7-2, paragraph (1) of the Act must appear at a regional immigration services bureau and submit a written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 6-3.
(2)In filing the application referred to in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must submit a photograph (a photograph taken within three months before the date of application and which satisfy the requirements specified in Appended Table III (2); the same applies in Article 7-2, paragraph (4), Article 7-4, paragraph (1), Article 19-9, paragraph (1), Article 19-10, paragraph (1), Article 19-11, paragraph (1), Article 19-12, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 20, paragraph (2), Article 21, paragraph (2), Article 21-3, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21-4, paragraph (3)), Article 22, paragraph (1), Article 24, paragraph (2), Article 25, paragraph (1), and Article 55, paragraph (1)) as well as a copy of the materials set forth in the right-hand column of Appended Table III in accordance with each of the activities set forth in the middle column of that Table which the foreign national seeks to engage in while in Japan, and a copy of any other materials that should serve as a reference; provided, however, that this does not apply when the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds there is no inconvenience if all or some of the materials to be submitted are omitted.
(3)The agent prescribed in Article 7-2, paragraph (2) of the Act is a person listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table IV that correspond to the activity listed in the left-hand column of the same Table in which the foreign national seeks to engage in Japan.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), a foreign national in Japan or the agent prescribed in Article 7-2, paragraph (2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "foreign national, etc.") is not required to appear at a regional immigration services bureau in the event that the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds that it is reasonable. In this case, any of the persons listed in the following items (with respect to items (i) and (ii), only those requested by the foreign national, etc.) are to submit the written application provided for in paragraph (1) and the photograph and materials provided for in paragraph (2) on behalf of the foreign national, etc.:
(i)a staff member of a public interest incorporated association or foundation with the purpose of promoting smooth acceptance of foreign nationals (hereinafter referred to as a "staff member of a public interest corporation") or a staff member of a registered support organization entrusted by an organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker based on the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act to carry out implementation of all of the support plan for specified skilled workers (i) (hereinafter referred to as "staff member of the registered support organization") and whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds appropriate; and
(ii)an attorney-at-law or administrative scrivener who has notified the director of the regional immigration services bureau exercising jurisdiction over the area where the bar association or the administrative scrivener association to which the attorney or the administrative scrivener belongs is located through the association; or
(iii)a legal representative of the foreign national.
(5)If the application set forth in paragraph (1) has been filed, the director of the regional immigration services bureau may issue a certificate of eligibility only in the case where the applicant has proved that the foreign national conforms to the conditions for landing listed in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act; provided, however, that the director is not required to issue the certificate when it is clear that the foreign national does not conform to the condition listed in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (i), (iii) or (iv) of the Act.
(6)The format of a certificate of eligibility is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 6-4; provided, however, that it may be pursuant to Appended Forms No. 6-5 and No. 6-6 in the event that the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds it reasonable.
(Seal of Verification for Landing)
Article 7(1)The format of the seal of verification for landing prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 7 or No. 7-2 (Appended Form No. 7-3 in the case of a foreign national who has received re-entry permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Act or a foreign national in possession of a refugee travel document pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-12, paragraph (1) of the Act).
(2)In the event that an immigration inspector decides the status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (3) of the Act, when deciding the status of residence of "Highly Skilled Professional" (limited to those pertaining to item (i), sub-items (a) through (c) of the right-hand column under "Highly Skilled Professional" in the Appended Table I (2)), the inspector is to issue a certificate of designation pursuant to Appended Form No. 31-3 stating the public or private organization in Japan designated by the Minister of Justice, and when deciding the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker", the inspector is to issue a certificate of designation in the format of the Appended Form No. 31-4 which states the public and private organizations in Japan and the specified industrial fields designated by the Minister of Justice, and when deciding the status of residence for "designated activities," the inspector is to issue a certificate of designation pursuant to Appended Form No. 7-4 stating the activities specifically designated by the Minister of Justice with respect to the foreign national.
(3)The particulars provided for in Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Act are as follows:
(ii)country of nationality or the region provided for in Article 2, item (v), sub-item (b) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "nationality or region");
(iii)date of birth;
(v)date of landing; and
(vi)port of entry or departure at which the foreign national lands.
(vii)if a foreign national in possession of a registered user card, whose information is to be recorded pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Act, the status of residence and period of stay decided pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5) of the same Article.
(4)The computer provided for in Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Act is a computer used in order to provide for impartial control over the entry into or departure from Japan and installed in the immigration services offices designated by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency.
(5)The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (9) and (10) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which a person listed in any of the items of Article 6, paragraph (3) of the Act provides fingerprints and a photograph pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (4), item (ii) of the Act.
(Registration of a Foreign National Who Wishes to Have Their Information Recorded)
Article 7-2(1)In the event that a foreign national who wishes to have their information recorded pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Act at the port of entry or departure at which they seek to land, seeks to have their information registered pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (8) of the same Article (hereinafter referred to as "user registration of the Automated Gates"), the foreign national must apply to register as a user by submitting a written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 7-5 in the case of a person who comes under item (i), sub-item (a) or (b) of the same paragraph and seeks to be registered as a user, or the Appended Form No. 7-6 in the case of a person who comes under item (i), sub-item (c) of the same paragraph and seeks to be registered as a user (in the case of a person specified by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency in public notice, the format specified in the public notice), and must appear at the immigration services office designated by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency and present the following documents:
(i)a passport (including re-entry permit; the same applies in paragraph (8));
(ii)a residence card in the case of a mid- to long-term resident; and
(iii)a special permanent resident certificate (hereinafter simply referred to as "special permanent resident certificate") pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Special Act on the Immigration Control of, Inter Alia, Those Who Have Lost Japanese Nationality Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan (Act No. 71 of 1991; hereinafter referred to as "Special Act"), in the case of a special permanent resident prescribed in the Special Act.
(2)The number of times specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (8), item (i), sub-item (c), 2 of the Act is as follows:
(i)a person who falls under item (ii), sub-item (a), (b), or (d) of the following paragraph:once within one year on and before the date of appearance pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph; and
(ii)a person who the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency specifies by public notice as prescribed in the preceding paragraph or a person who falls under item (ii), sub-item (c) of the following paragraph:twice within one year on and before the date of appearance pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(3)The requirements prescribed in Ministry of Justice Order pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (8), item (i), sub-item (c), 4 of the Act are to meet all of the following requirements (excluding items (i) and (ii) in the case of the persons specified in the public notice provided for in paragraph (1)):
(i)if a foreign national for whom a visa issued by a Japanese consular officer, etc. is considered unnecessary pursuant to laws or regulations, an international agreement or through notification to that effect from the Japanese Government to a foreign government, possession of a passport issued by a country, region (meaning the region provided for in Article 2, item (v), sub-item (b) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter in the following item (ii), sub-item (a)) or administrative district (meaning the administrative district granted authority to issue passports by a state; hereinafter the same applies in the following item (ii), sub-item (a)) specified by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency in public notice.
(ii)the foreign national falls under any of the following persons:
(a)the foreign national is a person in the position of an officer or full-time employee of any of the following public or private organizations:
1.The Japanese government, a local government, or an organization in which either of these is the main equity investor;
2.The national government or local government of the country, region or administrative division provided for in the preceding item, or an organization where any of these is the main investor;
3.An international organization;
4.A stock company issuing stocks which is listed on the financial instruments exchange (meaning the financial instruments exchange provided for in Article 2, paragraph (16) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948); hereinafter the same applies in 5) or its subsidiary (meaning the subsidiary provided for in Article 2, item (iii) of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005));
5.A stock company issuing stocks listed on an exchange similar to the financial instruments exchange which is located in the country, region or administrative district provided for in the preceding item;
6.A corporation of the Japanese government or the government of the country, region or administrative district provided for in the preceding item whose amount of stated capital or total amount of contribution is 500 million yen or more;
(b)a person who has a business relationship with the organization (including the Japanese government or local governments; hereinafter the same applies in this item) provided for in sub-item (a)(1) or the company provided for in sub-item (a)(4), and for whom a request has been received from that organization or company to have the person register as a user on the understanding that it is necessary for that person to repeatedly land in Japan for that business.
(c)the foreign national possesses a credit card which is sufficient to show that they have enough financial credit.
(d)the foreign national is a spouse or an unmarried child of a person registered as a person falling under any of sub-items (a) through (c) pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (8) of the Act.
(iii)the foreign national has not been sentenced to a punishment of a fine or a greater punishment or an equivalent punishment (except for cases of a punishment imposed due to a political offense) for having violated the laws and regulations of Japan or a country other than Japan;
(iv)there are no circumstances considered to be particularly inappropriate in terms of impartial immigration control.
(4)A person that falls under Article 9, paragraph (8), item (i), sub-item (c) of the Act who seeks to be registered as a user must attach a photograph and materials proving the fact of corresponding to item (ii) of the preceding paragraph (a photograph in the case of the persons prescribed by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency in public notice who are provided for in paragraph (1)) and other materials to be used as reference to the written application set forth under paragraph (1).
(5)The director of the regional immigration services bureau exercising jurisdiction over the area where the immigration services office provided for in paragraph (1) is located (hereinafter referred to as "director with jurisdiction") may register the foreign national set forth under paragraph (1) for user registration of the Automated Gates only if they find that the foreign national as set forth in the preceding paragraph wishes to depart from Japan with the intention of returning and falls under all of the items of Article 9, paragraph (8) of the Act (excluding item (iii) in the case of a special permanent resident).
(6)The foreign national who seeks to provide their fingerprints pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (8), item (ii) of the Act must provide them by having the fingerprint imaging data of both of their first fingers be taken by a computer designated by the director with jurisdiction; provided, however, that when they are unable to provide the fingerprints of the fingers due to having lost them or for other grounds, they must provide, for each of their hands, the fingerprint of one of the other fingers in the following order of priority:
(i)the second finger;
(ii)the third finger;
(iii)the fourth finger; and
(iv)the thumb.
(7)The foreign national who seeks to provide their photograph pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (8), item (ii) of the Act must provide it by having their facial imaging data sent to a computer designated by the director with jurisdiction.
(8)If a foreign national who has made a user registration of the Automated Gates falls under any of the following items, the director with jurisdiction must delete the user registration and erase the fingerprint imaging data and photograph provided by the foreign national pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5) of the preceding Article, the two preceding paragraphs and Article 27, paragraph (6):
(i)it becomes clear that the foreign national did not fall under one of the items of Article 9, paragraph (8) of the Act (excluding item (iii) in the case of a special permanent resident) at the time they have made a user registration of the Automated Gates;
(ii)the foreign national ceases to fall under Article 9, paragraph (8), item (i) or (iii) of the Act (item (i) in the case of a special permanent resident) after the user registration of the Automated Gates;
(iii)the passport presented pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) becomes invalid or has expired;
(iv)the validity period of the re-entry permission entered in the passport presented pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) and the validity period of the residence card or the special permanent resident certificate presented pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph have expired;
(v)the validity period of the registered user card has expired;
(vi)the foreign national has submitted a written request for deletion of the user registration of the Automated Gates; or
(vii)the director with jurisdiction finds that it is not appropriate to maintain the user registration of the Automated Gates due to the foreign national's death or for any other grounds.
(Information to State on the Registered User Card)
Article 7-3(1)The name provided for in Article 9-2, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act is to written in Roman characters.
(2)The nationality or region provided for in Article 9-2, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act for a foreign national with two or more nationalities other than the nationality of Japan is to state the nationality of the country which issued the passport presented pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or the region provided for in Article 2, item (v), sub-item (b) of the Act to which the organization belongs in the case of a registered user card issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article, or the country or region stated in the registered user card which is to lose its validity through the issuance in the case of a registered user card issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 9-2, paragraph (8) of the Act.
(3)The number of the registered user card pursuant to the provisions of Article 9-2, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act is to be specified using a combination of four Roman characters and eight numbers.
(4)The photograph to be displayed pursuant to the provisions of Article 9-2, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be either the photograph submitted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of the preceding Article or paragraph (1) of the following Article, or the photograph which may be used pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of Article 9-2, paragraph (3) of the Act.
(5)The format of the registered user card pursuant to the provisions of Article 9-2, paragraph (4) of the Act is to be pursuant to the Appended Form No. 7-7.
(6)In addition to the particulars given in each of the items of Article 9-2, paragraph (2), the registered user card is to indicate the status of residence and period of stay decided pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5) of the same Article, the expiration date of the period of stay, the date of the decision, and the name of the port of entry or departure at which the foreign national landed on the back of the card upon each occasion the information is recorded pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Act for persons possessing the registered user card.
(7)In the case there is not enough blank space to state the information pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph on the back of the registered user card, the foreign national possessing the registered user card may have the information rewritten at the immigration services office provided for in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
(8)The record of information pursuant to the provisions of Article 9-2, paragraph (5) of the Act is to be recorded on a semiconductor integrated circuit incorporated in the registered user card that includes the particulars listed in the items of paragraph (2) of the same Article and the photograph pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the same Article.
(Re-issuance of the Registered User Card)
Article 7-4(1)The application pursuant to the provisions of Article 9-2, paragraph (7) of the Act must be filed by appearing at the immigration services office provided for in Article 7-2, paragraph (1) and submitting the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 7-8, a photograph, and a set of materials proving the loss of the registered user card, or submitting the noticeably damaged or soiled registered user card or the registered user card whose record pursuant to the provisions of Article 9-2, paragraph (5) of the Act has been damaged.
(2)When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must present their passport.
(Request for the Appearance of Witnesses and Their Oath)
Article 8(1)A request for the appearance of witnesses pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (5) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 48, paragraph (5) of the Act) is to be made by a written notice pursuant to the Appended Form No. 8.
(2)The oath pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (5) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 48, paragraph (5) of the Act) is to be a written oath.
(3)The written oath set forth in the preceding paragraph is to state that the witness will speak the truth, conceal nothing, and add nothing in accordance with their conscience.
(Provision of Fingerprints and Photograph to the Special Inquiry Officer)
Article 8-2The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (8) and (10) apply mutatis mutandis to cases where fingerprints and a photograph are provided to a special inquiry officer pursuant to the proviso to Article 10, paragraph (7) of the Act.
(Written Notice of Certification)
Article 9(1)The notice to a foreign national pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (7) or (10) of the Act is to be provided in the form of a written notice of certification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 9.
(2)A statement to the effect that the foreign national will not file an objection as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (11) of the Act is to follow the format of the Appended Form No. 10.
(Written Exclusion Orders)
Article 10(1)The exclusion order pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (7) or (11) or Article 11, paragraph (6) of the Act is to be given in the format of a written exclusion order pursuant to the Appended Form No. 11.
(2)The notice to the captain of the vessel or aircraft or the carrier who operates the vessel or aircraft pursuant to the provision of Article 10, paragraph (7) or (11) or Article 11, paragraph (6) of the Act is to be provided in the format of a written notice of exclusion order pursuant to the Appended Form No. 12.
(Filing of an Objection)
Article 11An objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act must be filed by submitting a copy of written objection pursuant to the Appended Form No. 13.
(Permission for Provisional Landing)
Article 12(1)The format of the provisional landing permit prescribed in Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 14.
(2)Restrictions on residence and scope of activities, the obligation to obey summons, and other conditions pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)the residence is designated within the area of the municipality where the port of entry or departure at which the foreign national arrived is located (for special wards in Tokyo, within the area of the ward at which the foreign national arrived; the same applies hereinafter); provided, however, that this does not apply when the supervising immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons;
(ii)the scope of activities is to be within the area of the municipality where the designated residence is located, except for cases where the supervising immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons and decides otherwise;
(iii)a request for appearance is made with a designation of the time, date and place of the appearance; and
(iv)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, a supervising immigration inspector prohibits activities other than those necessary for the landing procedures and other conditions the inspector finds particulary necessary.
(3)The supervising immigration inspector decides the amount of the deposit pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act by taking into consideration the amount of money possessed by the foreign national, necessary expenses during their provisional landing, and other circumstances within 2 million yen; provided, however, that the amount of the deposit for a minor is to be an amount not exceeding 1 million yen.
(4)If the deposit has been paid by a foreign national, the supervising immigration inspector has an accounting official with money in custody issue a certificate of receipt for money in custody pursuant to the Appended Form No. 15.
(5)Except for cases where a foreign national granted permission for provisional landing has fled or failed to appear at summons without legitimate grounds, when a foreign national has violated other conditions imposed on their provisional landing, the supervising immigration inspector may confiscate part of the foreign national's deposit not exceeding half of its amount, depending on circumstances.
(6)If the supervising immigration inspector has confiscated the deposit pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (5) of the Act, the inspector is to issue a written notice of confiscation of deposit pursuant to the Appended Form No. 16.
(7)The format of the detention order prescribed in Article 13, paragraph (6) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 16-2.
(Place of Stay for a Foreign National Subject to an Exclusion Order)
Article 12-2The notice to a foreign national who has been issued an exclusion order and to the captain of the vessel or aircraft or the carrier who operates the vessel or aircraft as prescribed in Article 13-2, paragraph (2) of the Act are provided in the form of a written exclusion order pursuant to the Appended Form No. 11 and in the form of a written notice of exclusion order pursuant to the Appended Form No. 12, respectively.
(Permission for Landing at a Port of Call)
Article 13(1)The application for permission to land at a port of call pursuant to the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Act must be filed by the foreign national wishing to land at a port of call by submitting a written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 17 and a copy of the document pursuant to the Appended Form No. 6 to an immigration inspector.
(2)A foreign national who wishes to land at a port of call as prescribed in Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Act must possess the ticket necessary for traveling after departing from Japan to their travel destination or a letter of guarantee in lieu of the ticket, and a valid passport by which they may enter their travel destination after departing from Japan.
(3)The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (8) and (10) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints and a photograph are to be provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (2) of the Act.
(4)The format of the seal of verification for landing at a port of call prescribed in Article 14, paragraph (3) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 18 or No. 18-2.
(5)Restrictions on the landing period scope of activities, and other restrictions under the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (4) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)the landing period is established for a period of under 72 hours;
(ii)the scope of activities is to be within the area of the municipality where the port of entry or departure at which the foreign national arrived is located, except for cases in which the immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons and has decided otherwise; and
(iii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, an immigration inspector prohibits activities for which the foreign national receives a remuneration and imposes other restrictions the inspector finds particularly necessary.
(Landing Permission for Cruise Ship Tourists)
Article 13-2(1)The application for landing permission for cruise ship tourists pursuant to the provisions of Article 14-2, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act must be filed by submitting to an immigration inspector an application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 17-2 and a copy of document pursuant to the Appended Form No. 6-7 written by the foreign national wishing to land as a cruise ship tourist .
(2)The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (8) and (10) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints and a photograph are to be provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 14-2, paragraph (3) or paragraph (7) of the same Article of the Act.
(3)The format of the landing permit for cruise ship tourists prescribed in Article 14-2, paragraph (4) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 17-3.
(4)The restrictions on the landing period, scope of activities, and other restrictions pursuant to the provisions of Article 14-2, paragraph (5) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)the landing period is to be established in accordance with the route listed in the following sub-item (a) or (b), within the period of time provided for in those items;
(a)the number of ports of call in Japan is one:seven days;
(b)the number of ports of call in Japan is two or more:30 days;
(ii)the scope of activities is to be specified by designating the prefecture or municipality; and
(iii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, the immigration inspector prohibits activities for which the foreign national receives a remuneration and other restrictions the inspector finds particulary necessary.
(5)If an immigration inspector has revoked the permission set forth in Article 14-2, paragraph (2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "multiple landing permission for cruise ship tourists") pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (8) or (9) of the same Article, the inspector is to notify the person who received the permission pursuant to the Appended Form No. 17-4 and the captain of the designated passenger ship or the carrier who applied for permission pursuant to the Appended Form No. 17-5 to that effect, respectively.
(6)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the immigration inspector is to have the relevant person's landing permit for cruise ship tourists pertaining to the revoked multiple landing permission for cruise ship tourists returned.
(Permission for Landing in Transit)
Article 14(1)The application for permission for landing in transit pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, paragraphs (1) or (2) of the Act must be filed by submitting to an immigration inspector a written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 17 and a copy of the document pursuant to the Appended Form No. 6 written by the foreign national wishing to land in transit .
(2)The provisions of Article 13, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to a foreign national who wishes to land in transit as prescribed in Article 15, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act.
(3)The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (8) and (10) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints and a photograph are to be provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (3) of the Act.
(4)The format of the seal of verification for landing in transit prescribed in Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 19 or No. 19-2.
(5)Restrictions on the landing period route to be followed in transit, and other restrictions pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (5) of the Act pertaining to the permission for landing in transit under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)a landing period not exceeding 15 days is to be established;
(ii)the route to be followed while in transit is established according to the route to the port of entry or departure where the vessel to which the foreign national intends to return is located, except for cases in which the immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons and has decided otherwise; and
(iii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, an immigration inspector prohibits activities for which the foreign national receives a renumeration and imposes other restrictions the inspector finds particulary necessary.
(6)Restrictions on the landing period route to be followed while in transit, and other restrictions pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (5) of the Act pertaining to the permission for landing in transit pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)a landing period not exceeding 3 days is to be established;
(ii)the route to be followed while in transit is established according to the route to the port of entry or departure where the vessel or aircraft which the foreign national seeks to board for departure from Japan is located, except for the cases in which the immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons and has decided otherwise; and
(iii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, an immigration inspector prohibits activities for which the foreign national receives a renumeration and imposes other restrictions the inspector finds particulary necessary.
(Landing Permission for Crew Members)
Article 15(1)The application for permission for landing for crew members pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act must be filed by submitting to an immigration inspector two copies of written applications pursuant to the Appended Form No. 20 .
(2)The format of the crew member's landing permit prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (4) of the Act pertaining to the permission pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 21.
(3)Restrictions on the landing period, scope of activities, and other restrictions pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)the landing period is established by the immigration inspector in accordance with the following categories:
(a)where landing in the vicinity of one port of entry or departure is permitted (excluding the cases listed in sub-item (b)):within 7 days;
(b)where landing in the vicinity of one port of entry or departure is permitted and the immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons:within 15 days;
(c)where landing in the vicinity of 2 or more ports of entry or departure is permitted:within 15 days;
(d)where landing is permitted for transferring to another vessel or aircraft located at the port of entry or departure at which the vessel or aircraft that the crew member boarded arrived:within 7 days;
(e)where landing is permitted for transferring to another vessel or aircraft located at another port of entry or departure:within 15 days;
(ii)the scope of activities is within the area of the municipality where the port of entry or departure at which the crew member arrived is located, except for cases where the immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons and has decided otherwise; provided, however, that the route to be followed while in transit where landing is permitted for transferring to another vessel or aircraft located at another port of entry or departure is established according to the route to the port of entry or departure where the vessel or aircraft to which the foreign national intends to transfer is located; and
(iii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, an immigration inspector prohibits activities for which the foreign national receives a renumeration and imposes other restrictions the inspector finds particulary necessary.
(Multiple Landing Permission for Crew Members)
Article 15-2(1)The application for landing permission for crew members pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "multiple landing permission for crew members") must be filed by submitting to an immigration inspector two copies of written applications pursuant to the Appended Form No. 22-2 and a photograph .
(2)The format of the crew members' landing permit prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (4) of the Act pertaining to multiple landing permission for crew members is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 22-3.
(3)If an immigration inspector has revoked a multiple landing permission for crew members pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (8) or (9) of the Act, the inspector is to notify the crew members concerned by the Appended Form No. 22-4 and the captain of the vessel or aircraft or the carrier who applied for the permission by the Appended Form No. 22-5.
(4)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the immigration inspector is to have the crew member's landing permit pertaining to the revoked multiple landing permission for crew members returned.
(Provision of Fingerprints and Photographs by Crew Members)
Article 15-3The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (8) and (10) apply mutatis mutandis to cases where fingerprints and a photograph are provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (3) or paragraph (7) of the same Article of the Act.
(Permission for Emergency Landing)
Article 16(1)The application for permission for emergency landing pursuant to the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (1) of the Act must be filed by submitting to an immigration inspector two copies of written applications pursuant to the Appended Form No. 23 .
(2)The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (8) and (10) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints and a photograph are to be provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (2) of the Act.
(3)The format of the emergency landing permit prescribed in Article 17, paragraph (3) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 24.
(Landing Permission Due to Distress)
Article 17(1)The application for landing permission due to distress pursuant to the provisions of Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Act must be filed by submitting to an immigration inspector two copies of written applications pursuant to the Appended Form No. 25 .
(2)The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (8) and (10) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints and a photograph are provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 18, paragraph (3) of the Act.
(3)The format of the landing permit due to distress prescribed in Article 18, paragraph (4) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 26.
(4)Restrictions on the landing period, scope of activities, and other restrictions pursuant to the provisions of Article 18, paragraph (5) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)a landing period not exceeding 30 days is to be established;
(ii)the scope of activities is to be within the area of the municipality where the place at which the rescued and protected foreign national was rescued and protection is located, except for cases in which the immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons and has decided otherwise; and
(iii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, an immigration inspector prohibits activities for which the foreign national receives a renumeration and imposes other restrictions the inspector finds particulary necessary.
(Landing Permission for Temporary Refuge)
Article 18(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for landing permission for temporary refuge pursuant to the provisions of Article 18-2, paragraph (1) of the Act must submit to an immigration inspector a copy of the document pursuant to the Appended Forms No. 6 and No. 26-2 .
(2)The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (4) and (5) apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(3)The provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (8) and (10) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints and a photograph are to be provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 18-2, paragraph (2) of the Act.
(4)The format of the landing permit for temporary refuge prescribed in Article 18-2, paragraph (3) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 27.
(5)Restrictions on the landing period, residence, scope of activities, and other conditions pursuant to the provisions of Article 18-2, paragraph (4) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)a landing period not exceeding 6 months is to be established;
(ii)a facility, etc. that the immigration inspector finds appropriate as a residence during the landing for temporary refuge is to be designated;
(iii)the scope of activities is to be within the area of the municipality where the designated residence is located, except for cases where the immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons and has decided otherwise; and
(iv)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, an immigration inspector prohibits activities for which the foreign national receives a renumeration and imposes other restrictions the inspector finds particulary necessary.
(Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted)
Article 19(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for the permission set forth in Article 19, paragraph (2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted") must appear at a regional immigration services bureau and submit a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 28, a copy of the document clarifying the specific activities pertaining to the application, and a copy of any other reference material .
(2)When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must present the documents listed in the following items. In this case, a person who is unable to present their passport or certificate of status of residence must submit a copy of the document stating the reason therefor:
(i)passport and residence card in the case of a mid- to long-term resident; and
(ii)passport or certificate of status of residence in the case of a person other than mid-to long-term residents.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), a foreign national is not required to appear at a regional immigration services bureau if the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds the nonappearance reasonable. In this case, a person listed in the following items who has been requested by the foreign national is to submit the written application, etc. provided for in paragraph (1) and carry out the procedures provided for in the preceding paragraph on behalf of the foreign national staying in Japan:
(i)an employee of any of the organizations or associations set forth in the following sub-items (a) through (e) (hereinafter referred to as "accepting organization, etc." in item (iii) of this paragraph, Article 59-6, paragraph (2), item (i), sub-item (a) and paragraph (3), item (ii), and Article 61-3, paragraph (4), item (ii)) whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds appropriate (except for the case set forth in the following item or item (iii)):
(a)an organization which a foreign national manages or seeks to manage;
(b)an organization which employs or seeks to employ foreign nationals;
(c)an organization at which foreign nationals receive or seek to receive training or education;
(d)an association which supervises or seeks to supervise foreign nationals' activities to acquire skills, techniques, or knowledge (hereinafter referred to as "skills, etc.") (meaning a supervising organization prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (10) of the Act on Proper Technical Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (Act No. 89 of 2016; hereinafter referred to as the "Technical Intern Training Act")); and
(e)an organization specified as equivalent to those set forth in sub-items (a) through (d) by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency through public notice.
(ii)a person who is the staff member of the organization of affiliation of specified skilled worker or staff member of the registered support organization and has been considered appropriate by the director of the regional immigration services bureau, if the foreign national prescribed in paragraph (1) is a person residing with the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker" intending to conduct the activities listed in item (i) of the right-hand column of "Specified Skilled Worker" in the Appended Table I-2 of the Act;
(iii)an employee of an accepting organization etc. or an organization managed by or employing a foreign national supporting the foreign national concerned (including an organization which that foreign national seeks to manage or which seeks to employ the foreign national) whom the director of a regional immigration services bureau finds appropriate, when the foreign national prescribed in paragraph (1) is a person who has the status of residence of "Dependent" to carry out daily activities supported by a foreign national staying in Japan or a person who has the status of residence for "Designated Activities" for which the relevant activities are specially designated;
(iv)a staff member of a public interest corporation found appropriate by the director of the regional immigration services bureau
(v)an attorney-at-law or administrative scrivener who has notified the director of the regional immigration services bureau exercising jurisdiction over the area where the bar association or the administrative scrivener's association to which the attorney or the administrative scrivener belongs is located through the association; and
(vi)a legal representative of the foreign national.
(4)Permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted is to be given by the issuance of a permit to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29 or by affixing the seal of verification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-2 to the passport or certificate of status of residence. In this case, if the permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted is for a mid- to long-term resident, the particulars listed in Article 19-4, paragraph (1), item (vii) and Article 19-6, paragraph (9), item (i) of the Act is to stated in the residence card (including a record of the particulars listed in Article 19-4, paragraph (1), item (vii) pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-6, paragraph (10) and a summary of the activities for which permission has been newly granted; the same applies in paragraph (6)).
(5)The specific activities for which permission is to be newly granted with conditions imposed pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (2) of the Act are to be pursuant to any of the following items:
(i)activities to manage a business involving income or activities for which the foreign national receives a renumeration (excluding entertainment and amusement business provided for in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Control and Improvement of Amusement Businesses (Act No. 122 of 1948), the store-based business specializing in entertainment of a sexual nature provided for in paragraph (6) of that Article, or the business that are conducted in specified entertainment restaurants provided for in paragraph (11) of the same Article, or non-store based business specializing in entertainment of a sexual nature provided for in paragraph (7) of the same Article, the video-based service specializing in entertainment of a sexual nature provided for in paragraph (8) of the same Article, the store-based dating services provided for in paragraph (9) of the same Article or the non-store based dating services provided for in paragraph (10) of the same Article; for those persons residing with the status of residence of "Student", limited to those carried out during the foreign national's enrollment at an educational institution) for less than 28 hours in one week (for a person residing with the status of residence of "Student", less than eight hours a day during the long-term vacation period specified in the school regulations of the educational institution which the foreign national is enrolled in); and
(ii)activities listed in the right-hand column of the "Instructor" section, the "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" section and the "Skilled Labor" section of the Appended Table I (2) of the Act for less than 28 hours a week which the person residing with the status of residence of "Instructor", "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" and "Skilled Labor" (limited to a person who has entered into a contract on employment with a local government in Japan or an equivalent entity (hereinafter referred to as "local government, etc." and in the case of a person residing with the status of residence of "Skilled Labor", limited to those engaged in work requiring the skills pertaining to instruction of sports) (excluding those engaged in activities with the current status of residence, limited to those engaged in work based on a contract on employment with the local government, etc. or those engaged in work based on a contract relating to employment with a local public entity, etc. other than the local government, etc. (limited to those permitted by the local government, etc. which is the other party to a contract pertaining to the status of residence currently held with regard to the content of the contract) and limited to work requiring skills pertaining to instruction of sports in the case of the activities listed in the right-hand column of the "Skilled Labor"section).
(iii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, the activities individually designated by the director of the regional immigration services bureau by specifying the name, location, business details and other particulars of the public or private organization in Japan where the activities pertaining to the permission to engage inan activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted are to be carried out.
(6)If the permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (3) of the Act, the person is to be notified to that effect through the notice on revocation of the permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-3, and the person is to return the permit to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted in their possession, or the seal of verification of the permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted affixed to the passport or certificate of status of residence is to be deleted. In this case, if the revocation of the permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted is for a mid- to long-term resident, the entry in the residence card pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) is to be deleted.
Article 19-2(1)If a foreign national who has filed the application set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act and for whom decision has been made on the status of residence of "Student" pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (3) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (9) and Article 11, paragraph (5) of the Act) and who is listed in the following items is to later file an application for permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted (except when filing an application after a period of stay of three months has been decided), the person is to file the application by submitting a copy of the written application specified in each item, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article:
(i)the person for whom a decision on the status of residence of "Student" has been made:a written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-4.
(ii)the person for whom a decision on the status of residence of "Instructor", "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" or "Skilled Labor" (limited to those who have entered into an employment contract with a local government, etc. and have been issued a certificate of eligibility, in the case of a person for whom a decision has been made for the status of residence of "Skilled Labor", limited to those engaged in work requiring the skills pertaining to the instruction of sports):a written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-4-2.
(2)If the director of a regional immigration services bureau who has received the application set forth in the preceding paragraph finds it necessary, the director may request the foreign national to submit materials that may be used as a reference for the application.
(3)The provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding Article do not apply to the application set forth in paragraph (1).
(4)The specific activities for which permission is to be newly granted with conditions imposed pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (2) of the Act for the application set forth in paragraph (1) are to be pursuant to paragraph (5), item (i) of the preceding Article in case the person falls under paragraph (1), item (i), and are to be pursuant to paragraph (5), item (ii) of the same Article in case the person falls under paragraph (1), item (ii).
(Temporary Renumeration)
Article 19-3Remuneration for lectures not conducted on a regular basis, temporary remuneration in daily life, and other remuneration prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act is to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)rewards, prize money, and other remuneration for the following activities not conducted on a regular basis;
(a)lectures, lessons, discussions, and other similar activities;
(b)advice, appraisal, and other similar activities;
(c)creation of novels, theses, paintings, photographs, programs, and other works;
(d)participation in events, appearance in movies or broadcast, programs, and other similar activities;
(ii)rewards and other remunerations for engaging in daily housework of a relative, friend, or acquaintance of the foreign national upon the request of those persons (except for those conducted on a regular basis); and
(iii)remunerations for activities to assist education or research carried out by a foreign national who is receiving education at a university or technical college (limited to the fourth year, fifth year and advanced course) and is residing with the status of residence of "Student", based on a contract with the university or technical college.
(Certificate of Authorization for Employment)
Article 19-4(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for issuance of the certificate pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-2, paragraph (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "certificate of authorization for employment") must appear at a regional immigration services bureau and submit a copy of written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-5.
(2)When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the person must present the following documents. In this case, a person who has been issued with a permit to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (4) must present that permit to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted:
(i)passport and residence card in the case of a mid- to long-term resident;
(ii)special permanent resident certificate in the case of a special permanent resident; and
(iii)passport or certificate of status of residence in the case of a person other than mid- to long-term residents or special permanent residents.
(3)The provisions of Article 19, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "paragraph (1)" in paragraph (3) of the same Article is deemed to be replaced with "Article 19-4, paragraph (1)" and the term "preceding paragraph" is deemed to be replaced with "Article 19-4, paragraph (2)." respectively.
(4)The format of the certificate of authorization for employment is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 29-6.
(Persons that Do Not Correspond to Mid- to Long-Term Residents)
Article 19-5The persons prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-3, item (iv) of the Act are as follows:
(i)a person who has received the decision of the status of residence of "Designated Activities" and whose activities have been specially designated as a staff member of the Japanese office of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association or as a family member thereof who belongs to the same household; and
(ii)a person who has received the decision of the status of residence of "Designated Activities" and whose activities have been specially designated as a staff member of the Permanent General Mission of Palestine in Japan or as a family member thereof who belongs to the same household.
(Information to Be Stated on the Residence Card)
Article 19-6(1)The name provided for in Article 19-4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act is to be indicated in Roman characters.
(2)A mid- to long-term resident with two or more nationalities other than Japanese is to state the nationality or region prescribed in each respective item in accordance with the following categories with regard to the nationality or region provided for in Article 19-4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act:
(i)a person who has become a mid- to long-term resident having received a seal of verification for landing or permission pursuant to the provisions of Chapter III, Section 1 or 2 of the Act:the nationality of the country which issued the passport which has the seal of verification for landing pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (1), Article 10, paragraph (8) or Article 11, paragraph (4) of the Act affixed or the region prescribed in the provisions of Article 2, item (v), sub-item (b) of the Act to which the organization belongs;
(ii)a mid- to long-term resident (except for the person listed in the following item) who is to be issued with a new residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19-11, paragraph (3), Article 19-12, paragraph (2) and Article 19-13, paragraph (4) of the Act):the nationality or region stated in the residence card which is to lose its validity through the issuance;
(iii)a mid- to long-term resident who has been issued with a new residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (2) based on the notification set forth in paragraph (1) of the same Article due to a change in the nationality or region:the nationality or region after the change;
(iv)a person (limited to persons who have newly become a mid- to long-term resident) who has been issued with a residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (4), item (i) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (4) and Article 22-2, paragraph (3) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-3 of the Act)) or Article 22, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-2, paragraph (4) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act)):the nationality of the country which issued the passport presented pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (4) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (4), Article 21-4, paragraph (3) and Article 22, paragraph (3); the same applies hereinafter in this item) or Article 24, paragraph (4) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 25, paragraph (3)) or the region prescribed in the provisions of Article 2, item (v), sub-item (b) of the Act to which the organization belongs (for a person who presented the certificate of status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, parqagraph (4), the nationality or region stated in the certificate of status of residence), for the application pertaining to the issuance;
(v)a mid- to long-term resident who is to be issued with a new residence card pursuant to the provisions of the preceding item:the nationality or region stated in the residence card which is to lose its validity through the issuance;
(vi)a person who is to be issued with a residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 50, paragraph (3) of the Act through newly becoming a mid- to long-term resident having received permission pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article:the nationality or region stated in the written verdict or written decision pertaining to the permission;
(vii)a person who is to be issued with a residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-2, paragraph (3), item (i) through becoming a mid- to long-term resident having received permission for acquisition of the status of residence of "Long-Term Resident" pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article:the nationality or region stated in the certificate of refugee status; or
(viii)a person who is to be issued with a residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-2, paragraph (3), item (i) through becoming a mid- to long-term resident having received permission pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article:the nationality or region stated in the written decision pertaining to the permission.
(3)If West Bank or the Gaza Strip prescribed in Article 1 of the Order for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Cabinet Order No. 178 of 1998) is stated as the region set forth in Article 19-4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act, it is to be indicated as Palestine.
(4)If there are restrictions on employment pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-4, paragraph (1), item (vi) of the Act, the content of the restrictions are to be stated.
(5)The number of the residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-4, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be specified using a combination of four Roman characters and eight numbers.
(6)The residence card that shows the photograph of the mid-to long-term resident pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-4, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be issued with the expiration date of the validity period falling on the day following the sixteenth birthday of the mid- to long-term resident. In this case, the photograph is considered to have met the requirements prescribed in the Appended Table III (2), and any of the photograph (meaning the "photograph submitted in the application, etc." in paragraph (8)) submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 19,-9, paragraph (1), Article 19-10, paragraph (1), Article 19-11, paragraph (1), Article 19-12, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 20, paragraph (2), Article 21, paragraph (2), Article 21-2, paragraph (3), Article 21-3, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21-4, paragraph (3)), Article 22, paragraph (1), Article 24, paragraph (2), Article 25, paragraph (1) or Article 55, paragraph (1), the photograph which may be used pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of Article 19-4, paragraph (3) or the photograph which the mid- to long-term resident wishes to display on the residence card is to be shown on the residence card.
(7)The provisions of the laws and regulations prescribed in Ministry of Justice Order pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-4, paragraph (3) of the Act are the provisions of Article 6-2, paragraph (2).
(8)If the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency intends to use a photograph other than the photograph submitted in the application, etc. as the photograph of the mid- to long-term resident on the residence card, the Commissioner may have an immigration inspector take the photograph of the mid-to long-term resident. In this case, if the immigration inspector takes the photograph of the mid-to long-term resident, the photograph is to be shown on the residence card, notwithstanding the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph (6).
(9)The format of the residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-4, paragraph (4) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 29-7, and the particulars to be indicated on the residence card pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph are as follows:
(i)if permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted has been granted, a summary of the activities newly permitted;
(ii)if the place of residence (the new place of residence when Article 19-7, paragraph (2) is to be applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19-9, paragraph (2)) pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-7, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19-8, paragraph (2) and Article 19-9, paragraph (2) of the Act) is to be stated, the date of the notification pertaining to the stated information; and
(iii)if the application pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (2) or Article 21, paragraph (2) of the Act has been filed, that fact.
(10)The record of information pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-4, paragraph (5) of the Act is to be made on a semiconductor integrated circuit incorporated in the residence card that includes the particulars listed in the items of paragraph (1) of the same Article, the photograph pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the same Article and a summary of the activities newly permitted at the time of granting permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted. In this case, the record of the place of residence pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), item (ii) of the same Article is to be recorded only when issuing a residence card.
Article 19-7(1)If a mid- to long-term resident who uses Chinese characters in their name (pursuant to the permission under the provisions of the main text of Article 20, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-2, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3)), Article 21, paragraph (3) or Article 22, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-2, paragraph (4) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3) or permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-2, paragraph (1) through receiving recognition of refugee status; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) makes a proposal, the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency may indicate the medium-to long-term resident's name using Chinese characters or Chinese characters together with kana characters (meaning hiragana or katakana, if Chinese characters are not used in part of the name of the mid- to long-term resident, limited to the indication of that part) together with the name indicated in Roman characters, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
(2)A mid- to long-term resident who seeks to make the proposal set forth in the preceding paragraph must submit a copy of the materials authenticating the use of Chinese characters in their name.
(3)The proposal set forth in paragraph (1) must be made together with the notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (1) or the request pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-11, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 19-12, paragraph (1), Article 19-13, paragraph (1) or (3), Article 20, paragraph (2), Article 21, paragraph (2), Article 22, paragraph (1), Article 22-2, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3) or Article 61-2, paragraph (1) of the Act.
(4)If the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency finds that there is the risk that a mid- to long-term resident who uses Chinese characters in their name will suffer considerable disadvantage if the resident's name is indicated in Roman characters, or that there are special circumstances, the Commissioner may indicate the name using Chinese characters or Chinese characters together with kana characters in lieu of the Roman characters, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
(5)The range, usage, and other necessary particulars in indicating the name using Chinese characters for the indication in the case of paragraph (1) and the preceding paragraph is specified by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency in public notice.
(6)The name using Chinese characters or Chinese characters together with kana characters indicated pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (4) may not be changed (including cases in which a decision not to indicate the name using Chinese characters or Chinese characters together with kana characters ) except for cases through a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (1) of the Act; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases considered reasonable by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency .
(Notification of the Place of Residence After a New Landing)
Article 19-8The notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-7, paragraph (1) (except for the notification deemed to be a notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article as prescribed in paragraph (3) of the same Article), the notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-8, paragraph (1) (except for the notification deemed to be a notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article as prescribed in paragraph (3) of the same Article), or the notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-9, paragraph (1) of the Act (except for the notification deemed to be a notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article as prescribed in paragraph (3) of the same Article) must be made by submitting a copy of the written notice pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-8.
(Notification of a Change in the Particulars Stated Information Other than the Place of Residence)
Article 19-9(1)The notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (1) must be made by submitting a copy of the written notice pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-9, a photograph and a copy of the materials proving the occurrence of a change in the particulars listed in Article 19-4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act.
(2)The passport and residence card must be presented when making the notification set forth in the preceding paragraph. In this case, a mid- to long-term resident who is unable to present their passport must submit a copy of the document stating the reason therefor:
(3)If the notification set forth in paragraph (1) is to be made for a mid- to long-term resident who is under 16 years of age, the submission of a photograph is not required.
(Extension of the Validity Period of the Residence Card)
Article 19-10(1)The application pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-11, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act must be filed by submitting a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-10 and a photograph.
(2)The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases of application made as set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(Reissuance of the Residence Card Due to Loss)
Article 19-11(1)The application pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-12, paragraph (1) of the Act must be filed by submitting a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-11, a photograph and a copy of the materials proving the loss of the residence card.
(2)The following documents must be presented when filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph. In this case, a mid- to long-term resident who is unable to present their passport must submit a copy of the document stating the reason therefor:
(i)passport; and
(ii)the permit to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted in the case of a person who has been issued with a permit to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (4).
(3)The provisions of Article 19-9, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to cases of application made as set forth in paragraph (1).
(Reissuance of the Residence Card Due to Defacement)
Article 19-12(1)The application pursuant to the provisions of the first sentence of paragraph (1) or of Article 19-13, paragraph (3) of the Act must be filed by submitting a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-12 and a photograph.
(2)The application pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of Article 19-13, paragraph (1) of the Act must be filed by submitting a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-13 and a photograph.
(3)The provisions of Article 19-9, paragraphs (2) and (3) apply mutatis mutandis to cases of application made as set forth in the preceding two paragraphs. In this case, the term "preceding paragraph" in paragraph (2) of the same Article and the term "paragraph (1)" in paragraph (3) of the same Article are deemed to be replaced with "Article 19-12, paragraph (1) or (2)."
(Order on Application for Reissuance of the Residence Card)
Article 19-13The order pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-13, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be carried out by issuing the mid- to long-term resident with an order on application for reissuance of the residence card pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-14.
(Publication of Information on Expiration of a Residence Card)
Article 19-14The Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency may provide information on the number of the residence card which has expired using the internet or other means.
(Notification Relating to the Organizations of Affiliation)
Article 19-15(1)The particulars provided for by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 19-16 of the Act are to be the name, date of birth, sex, nationality or region, place of residence and number of the residence card of the mid- to long-term resident pertaining to the notification, and the particulars listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table III (3) in accordance with the grounds listed in the left-hand column of the same Table.
(2)A mid- to long-term resident who seeks to make the notification set forth in Article 19-16 of the Act must submit a document to the effect that the grounds prescribed in the items of the same Article has arisen and state the particulars provided for in the preceding paragraph to the regional immigration services bureau.
(3)If the document provided for in the preceding paragraph is to be submitted by correspondence delivery as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Letter Service by Private Business Operators (Act No. 99 of 2002) through a general correspondence delivery operator as prescribed in paragraph (6) of the same Article or through a specified correspondence delivery operator as prescribed in paragraph (9) of the same Article, it may also be submitted to the immigration services office designated by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency.
(Notification by Organization of Affiliation)
Article 19-16(1)The organizations prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 19-17 of the Act are the organizations (except for the employers who are required to make a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 28, paragraph (1) of the Act on Comprehensive Promotion of Labor Policies, Stability of Employment of Workers, and Enhancement of Occupational Life (Act No. 132 of 1966) in accepting mid- to long-term residents) accepting mid- to long-term residents residing with the status of residence of "Professor," "Highly Skilled Professional," "Business Manager," "Legal/ Accounting Services," "Nursing Care," "Medical Services," "Researcher," "Instructor," "Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities/International Services," "Intra-Company Transferee," "Nursing Care," "Entertainer," "Skilled Labor," "Student," or "Trainee".
(2)If the organization provided for in the preceding paragraph is to make the notification set forth in Article 19-17 of the Act, the organization is to submit a document to the regional immigration services bureau stating the particulars listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table III (4) in accordance with the situation of acceptance, within 14 days from the day on which the situation of the acceptance listed in the left-hand column of the same Table occurred.
(3)The provisions set forth in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases of submitting the document provided for in the preceding paragraph.
(Notification by the Organization of Affiliation of the Specified Skilled Worker)
Article 19-17(1)The particulars provided for by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 19-18, paragraph (1) of the Act are to be the name, date of birth, sex, nationality or region, place of residence and number of the residence card of the specified skilled worker pertaining to the notification, and the particulars listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table III (5) in accordance with the grounds listed in the left-hand column of the same Table.
(2)An organization of affiliation of specified skilled workers that intends to make the notification set forth in Article 19-18, paragraph (1) of the Act must submit a document to the regional immigration services bureau, to the effect that the grounds prescribed in the items of the same paragraph have arisen and stating the particulars provided for in the preceding paragraph, within 14 days from the date on which the grounds specified in each item of the same paragraph have arisen.
(3)The minor changes prescribed in Article 19-18, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act are changes other than the content of the work, the amount of remuneration, and other working conditions, and are changes that do not have a substantial impact on the employment contract for a specified skilled worker.
(4)The minor changes prescribed in Article 19-18, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act are changes other than the content or the implementation method of the support, which do not have a substantial impact on the support plan for specified skilled workers (i).
(5)The minor changes prescribed in Article 19-18, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act are changes in the content of the contract and are those that do not have a substantial impact on the contract set forth under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act.
(6)The cases set forth under Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 19-18, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act are as follows:
(i)if it becomes difficult to accept specified skilled workers;
(ii)if it has come to be known that there was a wrongful or significantly unjustifiable act regarding immigration or labor-related laws and regulations in relation to specified skilled workers.
(7)The provisions of Article 19-15, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which the document prescribed in paragraph (2) is submitted.
Article 19-18(1)The particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 19-18, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act are the following particulars:
(i)total number of specified skilled workers accepted during the period covered by the notification;
(ii)name, date of birth, sex, nationality or region, place of residence and number of the residence card pertaining to the notification;
(iii)the number of days, place, and content of the work the activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to the section for "Specified Labor" in the Appended Table I (2) were conducted by the the specified skilled worker pertaining to the notification;
(iv)if the specified skilled worker pertaining to the notification engaged in work as a dispatched worker, etc. (meaning the dispatched workers prescribed in Article 2, item (ii) of the Act on Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Businesses and Protecting Dispatched Workers (Act No. 88 of 1985; hereinafter referred to as the "Worker Dispatch Act") and dispatched mariners prescribed in Article 6, item (xii) of the Mariners' Employment Security Act (Act No. 130 of 1948)), the name and address of the public or private organization in Japan which is the client (meaning the client as defined in Article 2, item (iv) of the Worker Dispatch Act and the client as defined in Article 6, paragraph (xv) of the Mariners' Employment Security Act).
(2)The particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as provided for in Article 19-18, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)status of payment of remuneration for specified skilled workers and employees who are the subjects of comparison in determining the remuneration of the specified skilled worker (in case there are no persons that are the subjects of comparison, employees engaged in the same work as the specified skilled worker) (including the total amount of the remuneration of the specified skilled worker and the amount actually paid to the specified skilled worker through a transfer to a deposit account or savings account of the bank or other financial institution, or by other means);
(ii)number of employees who belong to the organization, number of new employees who are engaged in the same work as the specified skilled workers, number of people who left the workplace, and number of missing people, categorized into Japanese nationals and foreign nationals;
(iii)status of application of health insurance, employee pension insurance and employment insurance, and status of procedures for application of industrial accident compensation insurance;
(iv)status of safety and health for specified skilled workers; and
(v)amount and breakdown of expenses required for accepting specified skilled workers .
(3)The organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker that seeks to make a notification pursuant to Article 19-18, paragraph (2) of the Act must submit a document stating the particulars provided for in each item of the same paragraph to the regional immigration services bureau.
(4)In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the notification is related to Article 19-18, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act, materials that clarify the implementation status of the support plan for specified skilled workers (i) must be submitted.
(5)The notification set forth in Article 19-18, paragraph (2) of the Act must be filed within 14 days from the first day of the quarter following the quarter for each period from January to March, from April to June, from July to September, and from October to December (hereinafter referred to as a "quarter").
(6)The provisions of Article 19-15, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to cases of submitting the documents prescribed in paragraph (3).
(Application for Registration)
Article 19-19(1)The application set forth in Article 19-24, paragraph (1) of the Act must be made by submitting the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-15 to the regional immigration services bureau.
(2)The particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order set forth in Article 19-24, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)scheduled date for commencing support operations; and
(ii)overview of the system for responding to consultations from specified skilled workers.
(3)The documents specified by Ministry of Justice Order under Article 19-24, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-27, paragraph (3) of the Act) are to be the following documents; provided, however, that this does not apply if the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency finds that there is no inconvenience if attachment of some or all of these documents are omitted.
(i)in the case where the applicant is a corporation, the applicant's certificate of registered matters and the articles of incorporation or document on the act of donation and a duplicate of the officer's certificate of residence (a duplicate of the certificate of residence of the officer and their legal representative (if the legal representative is a corporation, a certificate of registered matters of the corporation, and the articles of incorporation or document on the act of donation, and a duplicate of the residence certificate of the officer) for an officer who is a minor who does not have the same capacity to act as an adult in relation to business), and in the case where the applicant is not a corporation, a duplicate of the applicant's certificate of residence;
(ii)written summary of the applicant;
(iii)document pledging that the applicant does not fall under any of the items of Article 19-26, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(iv)resume, duplicates of the letter of appointment acceptance and the written oath pertaining to the support operations of the manager in charge of implementing the support plan for specified skilled workers (i) (hereinafter referred to as "support manager");
(v)resume, duplicates of the letter of appointment acceptance and the written oath pertaining to support operations of the person in charge of the support based on the support plan for specified skilled workers (i) (hereinafter referred to as "person in charge of support"); and
(vi)other necessary documents.
(Persons Unable to Properly Implement Support Operations Due to Physical or Mental Disorder)
Article 19-20The person provided for by Ministry of Justice Order under Article 19-26, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Act is to be a person who is unable to adequately carry out the reasoning, decision making, and communication necessary to properly implement the support operations due to mental impairment.
(Persons That Do Not Have the Necessary Structure to Reliably Carry Out Support Operations)
Article 19-21The person provided for by Ministry of Justice Order under Article 19-26, paragraph (1), item (xiv) of the Act is to be a person that falls under any of the following items:
(i)a person seeking to become a registered support organization that has caused a foreign national to go missing through a ground attributable to that person in the past year;
(ii)a person seeking to become a registered support organization for which a support manager and one or more persons in charge of support (who may also act as support manager) have not been appointed for each office that carries out support operations from among its officers or employees;
(iii)a person that does not correspond to any of the following sub-items:
(a)if the person that seeks to become a registered support organization is a person who has a track record of properly accepting or managing mid- to long-term residents with a status of residence in the left-hand column of the Appended Table I (1), (2), (5) of the Act in the past two years (limited to the status of residence that is possible to conduct activities of operating a business involving income or activities that receive remuneration; the same applies in (c));
(b)if the person that seeks to become a registered support organization is a person that has experience of engaging in various consultation services for foreign nationals residing in Japan with the purpose of receiving remuneration on a regular basis in the past two years;
(c)if the support manager and the person in charge of the support appointed by the person that seeks to become a registered support organization is a person with a certain level of experience in engaging in services of providing advice on daily life to mid- to long-term residents who have a status of residence in the left-hand column of the Appended Table I (1), (2), (5) of the Act for at least two years in the past five years;
(d)beyond what is provided for in sub-items (a) to (c), if the person that seeks to become a registered support organization has been recognized by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency as a person that is able to properly carry out support operations to the same extent as those persons .
(iv)a person that falls under any of the following sub-items regarding provision of information and consultations:
(a)a person that does not have a system to appropriately provide information in a language that the specified skilled workers are able to fully understand with regard to the particulars whose information should be provided based on the support plan for specified skilled workers (i);
(b)a person who does not have a system to secure staff members in charge of dealing with consultations from specified skilled workers and to appropriately address in a language that the specified skilled workers are able to fully understand;
(c)a person who does not have a system in which the support manager or the person in charge of the support is able to hold regular interviews with specified skilled workers and persons in a position to supervise them;
(v)a person who has not prepared a document on the implementation status of support operations and preserved the document at the office where the support operations are conducted for one year or more from the date of the termination of the employment contract for a specified skilled worker entered into by the specified skilled worker who is the subject of support related to the support operations;
(vi)the support manager or the person in charge of the support falls under any of the following sub-items (limited to (a) for the person in charge of support):
(a)a person who falls under any of Article 19-26, paragraph (1), item (i) through to item (xi) of the Act;
(b)although a person is the spouse or a relative in the second degree of kinship of an officer of an organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, or a person with a close relationship in terms of social life with an officer of an organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker, the person seeks to become a support manager for support operations commissioned by the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker;
(c)a person who despite having been an officer or a staff member of an organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker in the past five years, seeks to become a support manager for support operations commissioned by the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker.
(vii)a person who intends to have the foreign national directly or indirectly pay for the costs required for supporting specified skilled workers (i); and
(viii)a person who in concluding the contract set forth in Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act, does not indicate to the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker the amount of expenses required for support operations and its breakdown.
(Notification of Changes)
Article 19-22The notification set forth in Article 19-27, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be filed by submitting the written notification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 29-16 within 14 days from the date the change was made to the regional immigration services bureau.
(Notification of Abolition or Suspension of Support Operations)
Article 19-23(1)The notification set forth in Article 19-29, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be made by submitting a document stating the fact to the regional immigration services bureau within 14 days from the date the operations were suspended or abolished.
(2)A person who has suspended the support operations after submitting the notification set forth in the preceding paragraph must notify the regional immigration services bureau in advance with a document describing to that effect when resuming the suspended support operations.
(Notification of the Implementation Status of Support Operations)
Article 19-24(1)The notification under Article 19-30, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be made for each quarter by submitting a document stating the particulars prescribed in the same paragraph within 14 days from the first day of the quarter after the relevant quarter to the regional immigration services bureau.
(2)The particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order under Article 19-30, paragraph (2) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the name, date of birth, sex, nationality or region, place of residence, and residence card number of the specified skilled worker;
(ii)the name and address of the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker;
(iii)the content of the consultations requested by specified skilled workers and their responses (including the situation of notifications to the Labor Standards Inspection Office and consultations with the public employment security office); and
(iv)the occurrence of wrongful or significantly unjustifiable acts regarding the immigration or labor-related laws , the occurrence of missing specified skilled workers, and the occurrence of other problems.
(Preparation of Written Evidence)
Article 19-25(1)If an immigration inspector or immigration control officer has required persons concerned to appear and answer questions pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-37, paragraph (2) of the Act, they may prepare a written evidence that recorded the statement of the person concerned.
(2)If an immigration inspector or immigration control officer has prepared the written evidence set forth in the preceding paragraph, they must have the person concerned inspect the written evidence or reading it aloud to the person to have the person confirm that the recorded content is correct and have the person sign it, and affix their own signature thereto. In this case, if the person concerned is unable to sign or has refused to sign the written evidence, the immigration inspector or immigration control officer must make an additional entry to that effect in the written evidence.
(Change of Status of Residence)
Article 20(1)A foreign national who seeks to file an application for the change of status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (2) of the Act must submit a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 30.
(2)In filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must submit a photograph, a copy of each of the materials listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table III in accordance with the status of residence listed in the left-hand column of the same Table, and a copy of each of any other materials to be used as a reference; provided, however, that this does not apply if the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds that there is no risk of causing hindrance if submission of all or some of the materials are omitted.
(3)The submission of a photograph is not required if the application set forth in paragraph (1) pertains to the following persons, notwithstanding the provisions of the main clause of the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases where the director of a regional immigration services bureau requires its submission:
(i)a person who is under 16 years of age;
(ii)a person who wishes to be subject to a decision for a period of stay of three months or less;
(iii)a person who wishes to change their status of residence to that of "Temporary Visitor";
(iv)a person who wishes to change their status of residence to that of "Diplomat" or "Official"; or
(v)a person who wishes to change their status of residence to that of "Designated Activities" and wishes the designation of any of the following activities as activities that are specifically designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals:
(a)activities as a staff member of the Japanese office of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association or as a family member thereof who belongs to the same household; or.
(b)activities as a staff member of the Permanent General Mission of Palestine in Japan or as a family member thereof who belongs to the same household.
(4)The foreign national must present the documents listed in the following items when filing the application set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, a foreign national who is unable to present their passport or certificate of status of residence must submit a copy of the document stating the reason therefor:
(i)the passport and residence card in the case of a mid- to long-term resident;
(ii)the passport or certificate of status of residence in the case of persons other than mid- to long-term residents; and
(iii)the permit to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted in the case of persons who have been issued with a permit to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (4).
(5)If a mid- to long-term resident has filed the application set forth in paragraph (1), an entry is to be made to the effect that an application has been filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (2) of the Act in the residence card which the mid- to long-term resident possesses.
(6)The entry of a new status of residence and period of stay in the passport or the certificate of status of residence as prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (4), items (ii) and (iii) of the Act is to be made by affixing the seal of verification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 31 or No. 31-2.
(7)In permitting a change of the status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (3) of the Act, if permission is granted for a change to the status of residence of "Highly Skilled Professional" (limited to those pertaining to item (i), sub-items (a) through (c) of the right-hand column under "Highly Skilled Professional" of the Appended Table I (2)), a certificate of designation pursuant to the Appended Form No. 31-3 stating the public or private organization in Japan designated by the Minister of Justice is to be delivered, if permission is granted for a change to the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker", a certification of designation pursuant to the Appended Form No. 31-4 which states the public and private organizations and the specified industrial fields in Japan designated by the Minister of Justice is to be delivered, and if permission is granted for a change to the status of residence for "Designated Activities," a certificate of designation pursuant to the Appended Form No. 7-4 stating the activities specifically designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals is to be delivered.
(8)The format of the certificate of status of residence prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (4) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 32.
(9)If a disposition is rendered not to grant permission for the application set forth in paragraph (1) filed by a mid- to long-term resident or the application is withdrawn, the entry made in the residence card pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5) is to be deleted.
(Special Provisions for Changes to the Status of Residence Pertaining to the Status of Residence of "Specified Skilled Worker")
Article 20-2In the case of applying for a change to the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker" pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (2) of the Act (limited to those pertaining to No. 1 of the right-hand column corresponding to "Specified Skilled Worker" of Appended Table 1 (2) of the Act; the same applies in this Article and Article 21-2), in which the applicant has previously resided in Japan with the same status of residence, if the period of stay with the status of residence has reached a cumulative total of five years, the reasonable grounds under Article 20, paragraph (3) of the Act is considered not to exist.
(Extension of Period of Stay)
Article 21(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for an extension of the period of stay pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (2) of the Act must submit a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 30-2 by the date of expiration of the period of stay.
(2)When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must submit a photograph and a copy of each of the materials listed in the right-hand column of Appended Table III (6) in accordance with the status of residence pertaining to the application listed in the left-hand column of the same Table, and a copy of each of any other materials to be used as reference; provided, however, that this does not apply if the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds that there is no risk of causing hindrance if submission of all or some of the materials is omitted.
(3)The submission of a photograph is not required if the application set forth in paragraph (1) is an application pertaining to the following persons, notwithstanding the provisions of the main clause of the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases in which the director of the regional immigration services bureau requires its submission:
(i)a person who is under 16 years of age;
(ii)a person who is not a mid- to long-term resident; and
(iii)a person who wishes to be subject to a decision for a period of stay of three months or less.
(4)The provisions of paragraphs (4), (5) and (9) of Article 20 apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "paragraph (5)" in paragraph (9) of the same Article is deemed to be replaced with "Article 20, paragraph (5), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (4)."
(5)The entry of a new period of stay in the passport or the certificate of status of residence as prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (4), items (ii) and (iii), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (4) of the Act is to be made by affixing the seal of verification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 33 or No. 33-2.
(6)The format of the certificate of status of residence prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (4) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 32.
(Special Provisions for Extending the Period of Stay Pertaining to the Status of Residence of "Specified Skilled Worker")
Article 21-2In the case an application filed for extension of the period of stay pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (2) of the Act, if the period of stay of the applicant residing in Japan with the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker" has reached a cumulative total of five years, the reasonable grounds under paragraph (3) of the same Article is considered not to exist.
(Proposal to Change the Content of the Application)
Article 21-3(1)If a foreign national who has filed the application set forth in Article 20, paragraph (1) seeks to propose changing the application to an application for the extension of period of stay, they must appear at a regional immigration services bureau and submit a copy of the written proposal pursuant to the Appended Form No. 30-3.
(2)If the proposal set forth in the preceding paragraph is made, the application set forth in Article 21, paragraph (1) is deemed to have been filed on the day on which the application set forth in Article 20, paragraph (1) related to the proposal was filed.
(3)If the director of the regional immigration services bureau who has received the proposal set forth in paragraph (1) finds it necessary, the director may request the foreign national to submit a photograph and a copy of each of the materials listed in the right-hand column of Appended Table III (6) in accordance with the status of residence pertaining to the application listed in the left-hand column of the same Table, and a copy of each of any other materials to be used as reference.
(4)The provisions of Article 19, paragraph (3), Article 20, paragraph (4) and the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the proposal set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "paragraph (1)" in Article 19, paragraph (3) is deemed to be replaced with "Article 21-3, paragraph (1)" and the term "and carry out the procedures provided for in the preceding paragraph" is deemed to be replaced with "submit the materials provided for in Article 21-3, paragraph (3) and the procedures provided for in Article 20, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21-3, paragraph (4)," respectively.
(5)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), when the foreign national is unable to appear in person due to disease or for other grounds, the foreign national is not required to appear at the regional immigration services bureau. In this case, a relative of the foreign national, a person living with the foreign national, or an equivalent person whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds appropriate may submit the written proposal provided for in paragraph (1) and the materials provided for in paragraph (3), and carry out the procedures provided for in Article 20, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article on behalf of the foreign national staying in Japan.
(6)If a mid- to long-term resident has made the proposal set forth in paragraph (1), the entry made in the residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (5) is to be deleted, and an entry is to be made in the residence card to the effect that the application pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (2) has been filed.
Article 21-4(1)If a foreign national who has filed the application set forth in Article 21, paragraph (1) seeks to propose changing the application to an application for a change of the status of residence, the foreign national must appear at the regional immigration services bureau and submit a copy of the written request pursuant to the Appended Form No. 30-3.
(2)If the proposal set forth in the preceding paragraph is made, the application referred to in Article 20, paragraph (1) is deemed to have been filed on the day on which the application referred to in Article 21, paragraph (1) pertaining to the proposal was filed.
(3)The provisions of Article 19, paragraph (3), Article 20, paragraph (4), Article 20-2 and paragraphs (3) and (5) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the proposal set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "paragraph (1)" in Article 19, paragraph (3) is deemed to be replaced with "Article 21-4, paragraph (1)", the term "and carry out the procedures provided for in the preceding paragraph" is deemed to be replaced with "and the procedures provided for in Article 20, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21-4, paragraph (3) and submit the materials provided for in Article 21-2, paragraph (3)", the term "Appended Table III (6)" in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article is deemed to be replaced with "Appended Table III", the term "paragraph (1)" in paragraph (5) of the preceding Article is deemed to be replaced with "Article 21-4, paragraph (1)", the term "and the materials provided for in paragraph (3) and carry out the procedures provided for in Article 20, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4)" is deemed to be replaced with "and submit the materials provided for in Article 21-3, paragraph (3), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21-4, paragraph (3) and the procedures provided for in Article 20, paragraph (4)," respectively.
(4)If a mid- to long-term resident has made the proposal set forth in paragraph (1), the entry made in the residence card pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (5), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (4) is to be deleted, and an entry is to be made in the residence card to the effect that the application pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (2) of the Act has been filed .
(Permission for Permanent Residence)
Article 22(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for permission for permanent residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (1) of the Act must submit a written application in Appended Form 34, a photograph, a copy of the documents set forth in the following items (excluding the documents set forth in items (i) and (ii) for a person prescribed in the proviso of Article 22, paragraph (2) of the Act and excluding the document set forth in item (ii) for a person recognized as a refugee pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2, paragraph (1) of the Act) and other materials that should serve as a reference; provided, however, that this does not apply when the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds there is no inconvenience if all or some of the materials to be submitted are omitted.
(i)document proving that the foreign national's behavior and conduct are good;
(ii)document proving that the foreign national has sufficient assets or skills to earn an independent living; and
(iii)letter of guarantee by the foreign national's personal guarantor residing in Japan.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the application set forth in the preceding paragraph is an application for a person under 16 years of age, the submission of a photograph is not required; provided however, that this does not apply to cases in which the director of a regional immigration services bureau requires its submission.
(3)The provisions of Article 20, paragraph (4) apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1).
Article 23Deleted
(Acquisition of Status of Residence)
Article 24(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for the acquisition of status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act) must submit a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 36.
(2)When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must submit a photograph and a copy of the document provided for in the following items in accordance with the category of the persons corresponding to each item:
(i)a person who has renounced Japanese nationality:a document certifying their nationality;
(ii)a person who was recently born:a document certifying their birth; and
(iii)a person other than those listed in the two preceding items who needs to acquire a status of residence:a document certifying the grounds therefor.
(3)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the submission of a photograph is not required if the application set forth in paragraph (1) is an application pertaining to the following persons; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases where the director of a regional immigration services bureau requires its submission:
(i)a person who is under 16 years of age;
(ii)a person who wishes to be subject to a decision for a period of stay of three months or less;
(iii)a person who wishes to acquire the status of residence of "Temporary Visitor";
(iv)a person who wishes to acquire the status of residence of "Diplomat" or "Official"; or
(v)a person who wishes to acquire the status of residence for "Designated Activities" and wishes to be designated any of the following activities as activities designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals in particular:
(a)activities as a staff member of the Japanese office of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association or as a family member thereof who belongs to the same household; or
(b)activities as a staff member of the Permanent General Mission of Palestine in Japan or as a family member thereof who belongs to the same household.
(4)When filing the application set forth in paragraph (1), the foreign national must present their passport. In this case, a foreign national who is unable to present their passport must submit a copy of the document stating the reason therefor.
(5)The provisions of Article 20, paragraphs (2) and (7) apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, the terms "change of the status of residence" and "change to the status of residence" in Article 20, paragraph (7) are deemed to be replaced with "acquisition of a status of residence."
(6)The entry of a new status of residence and period of stay in the passport or the certificate of status of residence as prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (4), items (ii) and (iii) of the Act, which is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-2, paragraph (3) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act), is to be made by affixing the seal of verification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37 or No. 37-2.
(7)The format of the certificate of the status of residence prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (4) of the Act, which is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-2, paragraph (3) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act), is to follow the format of the Appended Form No. 32.
(Acquisition of the Status of Residence of "Permanent Resident")
Article 25(1)Among foreign nationals who seek to apply for the acquisition of status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act), a foreign national who seeks to apply for acquisition of the status of residence of "Permanent Resident" as prescribed in Article 22-2, paragraph (4) of the Act must submit a a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 34, a photograph, the documents listed in Article 22, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, and a copy of each of any other materials to be used as reference. In this case, the provisions of the proviso to Article 22, paragraph (1) are applied mutatis mutandis.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the application set forth in the preceding paragraph is an application for a person under 16 years of age, the submission of a photograph is not required; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases in which the director of the regional immigration services bureau requires its submission.
(3)The provisions of paragraph (4) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1).
(Designation of Immigration Inspector in Charge of Hearing of Opinions)
Article 25-2The Minister of Justice (including the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency delegated the authority relating to revocation of status of residence prescribed in Article 22-4 of the Act pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, pursuant to Article 69-2, paragraph (1) of the Act and the director of the regional immigration services bureau delegated the authority delegated to the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency pursuant to the provisions of Article 69-2, paragraph (2); hereinafter the same applies to this Article through Article 25-14) designates an immigration inspector to hear opinions pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "immigration inspector in charge of hearing of opinions") from among the immigration inspectors whom the Minister finds to have knowledge and experience necessary for hearing opinions.
(Service of Written Notice of Hearing of Opinions)
Article 25-3(1)The format of the written notice of hearing of opinions provided for in Article 22-4, paragraph (3) of the Act is to follow the format of the Appended Form No. 37-3.
(2)If the Minister of Justice is to serve a written notice of hearing of opinions or give its notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (3) of the Act, the Minister is to set a reasonable period of time before the date of the hearing of opinions; provided, however, that this does not apply if, after the foreign national has received a seal of verification for landing or permission (limited to those entailing a decision on the status of residence; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), it turns out that there was a specific fact sufficient to suspect that the foreign national falls under Article 22-4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act during the time that the foreign national stays at the place of inspection (limited to inspections that continues to be conducted after the person received the seal of verification for landing or permission) regarding the importation of freight prescribed in Article 67 of the Customs Act (Act No. 61 of 1954) and when the notice is served or notice is given on the spot.
(Procedures for the Appointment and Dismissal of a Representative)
Article 25-4(1)If a foreign national who has been served with a written notice of hearing of opinions or received its notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (3) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "party to the hearing") seeks to have their representative appear at the hearing, the foreign national must submit to the regional immigration services bureau a certificate of qualification of the representative pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-4 .
(2)If a representative loses their qualification, the party to the hearing who has appointed the representative must promptly submit to the regional immigration services bureau a written notice of loss of qualification of the representative pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-5.
Article 25-5(1)If an immigration inspector in charge of hearing of opinions finds it necessary, the inspector may request or permit a person other than the party to the hearing who is considered to have an interest in the disposition of the revocation of the status of residence (hereinafter referred to as "stakeholder" in this Article) to participate in the procedures relating to the hearing.
(2)The proposal for permission pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph is to be made by the stakeholder or their representative by submitting to the regional immigration servives bureau a copy of the written request pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-6 .
(3)When permitting the participation of a stakeholder pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the immigration inspector in charge of hearing of opinions must notify the person who made the proposal by a written notice of permission for participation of a stakeholder pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-7.
(4)The provisions of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the stakeholder permitted to participate pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as "intervener"). In this case, the terms "a foreign national who has been served with a written notice of hearing of opinions or received its notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (3) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "party to the hearing")" in paragraph (1) of the same Article and "the party to the hearing" in paragraph (2) of the same Article are deemed to be replaced with "the intervener," respectively.
(Change of the Date or Venue of the Hearing of Opinions)
Article 25-6(1)If there are compelling reasons, a party to the hearing or their representative may make a proposal to the Minister of Justice for a change of the date or venue of the hearing of opinions.
(2)The proposal set forth in the preceding paragraph is to be made by submitting to the regional immigration services bureau a copy of the written proposal pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-8 .
(3)The Minister of Justice may, upon the proposal set forth in paragraph (1) or ex officio, change the date or venue of the hearing of opinions.
(4)If changing the date or venue of the hearing of opinions pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Justice must serve the party to the hearing or their representative and the intervener or their representative (hereinafter referred to as "party to the hearing, etc.") with a written notice of change of the date, etc. of hearing of opinions pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-9 stating that fact; provided, however, that in cases of urgency, the Minister may have an immigration inspector or immigration control officer orally give notice of the particulars to be stated in the written notice.
(Consolidation of Procedures)
Article 25-7(1)If the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions finds it necessary, the inspector may consolidate the related cases and hear opinions.
(2)When consolidating cases pertaining to revocation of the status of residence pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions must serve the party to the hearing or their representative with a written notice of consolidation of the hearing procedures pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-10 stating that fact; provided, however, that in cases of urgency, the inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions may have an immigration inspector or immigration control officer orally give notice of the particulars to be stated in the written notice.
(Appearance at the Hearing of Opinions)
Article 25-8(1)A party to the hearing who seeks to have their opinion heard must appear on the date of the hearing designated by the written notice of hearing of opinions served or the oral notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (3) of the Act at the venue designated in the written notice served or the oral notice.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, upon the proposal of a party to the hearing to have their representative appear at the hearing on their behalf, or upon the proposal of the representative to appear at the hearing on behalf of the party to the hearing, the Minister of Justice may permit the representative to appear when the Minister finds that there are reasonable grounds for the proposal.
(3)The proposal set forth in the preceding paragraph is to be made by submitting to the regional immigration services bureau a copy of the written proposal pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-11 .
(4)When granting permission pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2), the Minister of Justice must notify the person who made the proposal by a written notice of permission for the appearance of a representative pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-12.
(Method of the Hearing of Opinions)
Article 25-9(1)At the beginning of the first hearing date, the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions must explain to the person who has appeared on the date of the hearing the facts constituting the grounds for the revocation of the status of residence of the party to the hearing.
(2)The party to the hearing, etc. may appear on the hearing date to state their opinions, produce evidence, and ask questions to the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions.
(Designating Continuation Dates)
Article 25-10(1)If, as a result of the hearing opinions on the date of the hearing date, the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions finds it necessary to continue the hearing, the inspector may decide upon a new date.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions must notify the party to the hearing, etc. of the date and venue of the next hearing in advance by a written notice of continuance of the hearing of opinions pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-13.
(3)Oral notice to the party to the hearing, etc. who has appeared on the date of the hearing may be substituted for the written notice set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(Information to Be Stated in the Written Evidence and Report of Hearing of Opinions)
Article 25-11(1)For each hearing date, the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions who has conducted the hearing must prepare a written evidence of the opinions stating the following particulars and affix their signature and seal thereto:
(i)case name of the hearing;
(ii)date and venue of the hearing;
(iii)name of the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions;
(iv)nationality or region, name, sex, age, and occupation of the party to the hearing, etc. who appeared on the date of the hearing;
(v)summary of the statement by the party to the hearing, etc.;
(vi)documentary evidence or inventory of evidence submitted, if any; and
(vii)other particulars for reference.
(2)After the hearing is finished, the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions who has conducted the hearing must promptly prepare a written report stating the following particulars and affix their signature and seal thereto:
(i)opinion of the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions on the revocation of status of residence;
(ii)allegations of the party to the hearing, etc. on the facts constituting the grounds for the revocation of status of residence; and
(iii)judgment of the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions on the allegations set forth in the preceding item.
(3)After the hearing has ended, the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing must submit to the Minister of Justice the written evidence set forth in paragraph (1) and the report set forth in the preceding paragraph .
(Inspection of Documents)
Article 25-12(1)From the time at which the written notice of hearing of opinions was served or its oral notice was given pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (3) until the time at which the hearing ended, the party to the hearing, etc. may request that the Minister of Justice allow an inspection of the written evidence related to the results of the investigation on the case and of other materials proving the facts constituting the grounds for the revocation of the status of residence. In this case, the Minister of Justice may not deny the inspection unless there is a risk of damaging the interest of third parties or there are other legitimate grounds.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not preclude the party to the hearing, etc. from requesting further inspection of materials as necessary as the hearing on the date of the hearing proceeds.
(3)A request for inspection pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) is to be made by submitting to the regional immigration services bureau a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-14 ; provided, however, that with respect to the inspection referred to in the preceding paragraph, an oral request would be sufficient.
(4)When granting permission for inspection, the Minister of Justice must promptly notify the party to the hearing, etc. by a written notice of permission for inspection of materials pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-15, except for cases where the Minister has the party to the hearing, etc. inspect materials on the spot. In this case, the Minister of Justice is to take due care not to prevent the party to the hearing, etc. from preparing for the statement of opinion at the hearing .
(5)Upon the request pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2), when the Minister of Justice is unable to have the party to the hearing, etc. inspect the materials on the date of the hearing (except for cases where the inspection is denied pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph (1)), the Minister must notify the party to the hearing, etc. of the time and date, and venue of inspection by a written notice of permission for inspection of materials pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-15. In this case, the immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions is to decide a date after the date of the inspection as the new date of the hearing of opinions pursuant to the provisions of Article 25-10, paragraph (1).
(Revocation of the Status of Residence)
Article 25-13(1)The format of the written notice of revocation of the status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (6) of the Act is the format pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-16 (Appended Form No. 37-17 when the period is designated pursuant to the provisions of the main clause of paragraph (7) of the same Article).
(2)The restrictions on residence, scope of activities, and other necessary conditions pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (8) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)the place of residence is designated as a facility, etc. which the Minister of Justice finds to be appropriate as a place of residence to make the preparations for departure;
(ii)the scope of activities is to be within the area of the prefecture where the designated residence is located and the route to be followed in transit decided according to the route to the port of entry or departure from which the foreign national intends to depart, except for cases in which the Minister of Justice finds that there are special reasons and decides otherwise; and
(iii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding two items, other conditions to be attached by the Minister of Justice is to prohibit activities related to the management of a business involving income or activities for which the foreign national receives a renumeration, and other particulars the Minister finds to be particularly necessary.
(Notice of Non-Revocation of the Status of Residence)
Article 25-14Where the Minister of Justice has served a foreign national with a written notice of hearing of opinions stating the facts constituting the grounds for the revocation pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (3) of the Act or has had an immigration inspector or immigration control officer orally notify the foreign national of the particulars to be stated in the written notice pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to the same paragraph, and has determined that the status of residence of the foreign national is not to be revoked for the facts, the Minister is to notify the foreign national to that effect.
(Officials Who May Request Presentation of a Passport)
Article 26An official of a state or local public entity prescribed in Article 23, paragraph (3) of the Act is as follows:
(i)a customs official;
(ii)a public security intelligence officer;
(iii)a narcotics agent;
(iv)an official of municipalities engaged in the administrative affairs relating to the basic resident register (limited to those related to the certificate of residence of foreign nationals pursuant to the provisions of Article 30-45 of the Residential Basic Book Act (Act No. 81 of 1967));. or
(v)an official of the public employment security office prescribed in Article 8 of the Employment Security Act (Act No. 141 of 1947).
(Confirmation of Departure)
Article 27(1)A person who has received permission for re-entry pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1) or a person who possesses a refugee travel document issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-12, paragraph (1), and who seeks to receive confirmation of departure pursuant to the provisions of Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Act, must submit to an immigration inspector a copy of the document pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-19 .
(2)A person who has been designated a period pursuant to the provisions of the main clause of Article 22-4, paragraph (7), and who seeks to receive confirmation of departure pursuant to the provisions of Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Act, must present to an immigration inspector the written notice of revocation of the status of residence pertaining to the designation .
(3)A person who has been issued with a departure order pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-3, paragraph (1) of the Act, who seeks to receive confirmation of departure pursuant to the provisions of Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Act, must submit to an immigration inspector the written departure order pertaining to the departure order .
(4)The confirmation of departure as prescribed in Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Act is made by affixing a seal of verification of departure pursuant to the Appended Form No. 38 in the foreign national's passport (including the re-entry permit; hereinafter the same applies in paragraph (6), item (ii)); provided, however, that for a person who has been issued with a landing permit for cruise ship tourists, an emergency landing permit, a landing permit due to distress, or a landing permit for temporary refuge, the confirmation is to be made by collecting the permit concerned.
(5)The confirmation of departure as prescribed in Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be made by affixing a seal of verification of departure pursuant to the Appended Form No. 38 to the landing permit for cruise ship tourists, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, for a foreign national, who has been issued with multiple landing permission for cruise ship tourists and is expected to land again in Japan based on that permission.
(6)If a foreign national who seeks to receive confirmation of departure pursuant to the provisions of Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Act falls under any of the following items, an immigration inspector may record the foreign national's name, nationality or region, date of birth, sex, date of departure, and the port of entry or departure from which the foreign national departs Japan on a file to be used as a record in lieu of the seal of verification of departure and a file kept on a computer prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (4). In this case, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (4), the immigration inspector is not required to affix the seal of verification referred to in the same paragraph:
(i)the foreign national falls under both of the following (a) and (b).
(a)the foreign national has underwent a user registration of the Automated Gates;
(b)the foreign national has presented their passport and provided their fingerprints in an electronic or magnetic means at the time of confirmation of departure.
(ii)the foreign national falls under both of the following (a) and (b).
(a)the foreign national is a person with a status of residence for status of "Temporary Visitor" (excluding persons who have been granted permission to re-enter Japan pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Act (including those who are considered to have been granted re-entry permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 26-3, paragraph (1) of the Act)); and
(b)the foreign national has presented a passport and a photograph through electronic or magnetic means at the time of the confirmation of departure.
(7)The provisions of Article 5, paragraph (9) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints are provided pursuant to the provisions of item (i), (b) of the preceding paragraph and the provisions of paragraph (10) of the same Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which the photograph is provided pursuant to the provisions of item (ii), (b) of the preceding paragraph.
(Reservation Deferment of Confirmation of Departure)
Article 28If an immigration inspector withholds confirmation of departure pursuant to the provisions of Article 25-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, the inspector must notify the person by a written notice of deferment of confirmation of departure pursuant to the Appended Form No. 39.
(Re-Entry Permission)
Article 29(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for re-entry permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Act must appear at a regional immigration services bureau and submit a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 40.
(2)When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must present the documents listed in the following items. In this case, a foreign national who is unable to present their passport must submit a document stating the reasons for their inability to acquire a passport.
(ii)certificate of status of residence in the case of a person who has been issued with a certificate of status of residence;
(iii)residence card in the case of a mid- to long-term resident;
(iv)special permanent resident certificate in the case of a special permanent resident; and
(v)landing permit for temporary refuge in the case of a person who has received landing permission for temporary refuge;
(3)The provisions of Article 19, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "paragraph (1)" in paragraph (3) of the same Article is deemed to be replaced with "Article 29, paragraph (1)" and the term "the preceding paragraph" is deemed to be replaced with "Article 29, paragraph (2)," respectively.
(4)The provisions of Article 21-3, paragraph (5) apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "the provisions of paragraph (1)" in Article 21-3, paragraph (5) is deemed to be replaced with "the provisions of Article 29, paragraph (1)", the term "submit the written request provided for in paragraph (1) and the materials provided for in paragraph (3), and carry out the procedures provided for in Article 20, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4)" is deemed to be replaced with "submit the written application provided for in Article 29, paragraph (1) and carry out the procedures provided for in paragraph (3) of the same Article," respectively.
(5)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), a foreign national is not required to appear at a regional immigration services bureau in the event that the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds the nonappearance reasonable. In this case, a travel agent who has been commissioned by the foreign national and whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds appropriate is to submit the written application provided for in paragraph (1) and carry out the procedures provided for in paragraph (2).
(6)The format of the seal of verification for re-entry prescribed in Article 26, paragraph (2) of the Act is pursuant to the format of the Appended Form No. 41 or No. 41-2.
(7)The format of the re-entry permit prescribed in Article 26, paragraph (2) of the Act is pursuant to the format of the Appended Form No. 42.
(8)The format of the written application for permission for extension of the valid period of re-entry permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (5) of the Act is pursuant to the format of the Appended Form No. 43.
(9)If re-entry permission has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (7) of the Act, the foreign national is to be notified by a written notice of revocation of re-entry permission pursuant to the Appended Form No. 44, and the seal of verification for re-entry affixed in the foreign national's passport is to be deleted or the re-entry permit possessed by the foreign national is to be returned.
(Special Re-Entry Permission)
Article 29-2(1)The intention to re-enter Japan pursuant to the provisions of Article 26-2, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be expressed by submitting to an immigration inspector a document pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-19 stating the intention to re-enter Japan .
(2)Where a mid- to long-term resident expresses the intention set forth in the preceding paragraph, the person is to present their residence card in addition to the document set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(Special Re-Entry Permission Pertaining to Temporary Visitors)
Article 29-3(1)The intention to re-enter Japan pursuant to the provisions of Article 26-3, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be expressed by submitting to an immigration inspector a document pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37-19 stating the intention to re-enter Japan .
(2)When expressing the intention set forth in the preceding paragraph, a document proving that the foreign national will re-enter Japan on the designated passenger ship is to be presented in addition to submitting the document set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(Persons Requiring Re-Entry Permission)
Article 29-4(1)Thse persons required to acquire re-entry permission for the purpose of impartial control over the entry into or departure from Japan pursuant to the provisions of Article 26-2, paragraph (1) of the Act are the persons listed as follows, and the persons required to acquire re-entry permission for the purpose of impartial control over the entry into or departure from Japan pursuant to the provisions of Article 26-3, paragraph (1) of the Act are the persons listed in the following items (i) through (iii) and item (v):
(i)a person who has been served with a written notice of hearing of opinions pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-4, paragraph (3) of the Act or who has been notified pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to the same paragraph (except for persons who have been notified the facts constituting the grounds for revocation of the status of residence pertaining to the written notice of a hearing or notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 25-14);
(ii)a person an immigration inspector has been notified as falling under any of the items of Article 25-2, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(iii)a person who has been issued with a written detention order pursuant to the provisions of Article 39 of the Act;
(iv)a person who is residing with the status of residence for "Designated Activities" and whose activities have been designated as those of a person who has filed the application set forth in Article 61-2, paragraph (1) of the Act or requested an administrative review pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-9, paragraph (1) of the Act as activities specifically designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals; and
(v)a person whom the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency finds has a risk of performing an act detrimental to the interests and public security of Japan or for whom the Commissioner finds reasonable grounds to require re-entry permission for the purpose of impartial control over the entry into or departure from Japan exist.
(2)If the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency makes the finding set forth in item (v) of the preceding paragraph, the Commissioner is to notify the foreign national to that effect; provided, however, that this does not apply if the whereabouts of the foreign national are unknown or otherwise it is not possible to make the notification.
(3)The notice set forth in the preceding paragraph is to be made pursuant to the Appended Form No. 44-2; provided, however, that in cases of urgency, the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency may have an immigration inspector orally give a notice the fact that the finding pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), item (v) have been made.
(Request for Appearance)
Article 30A request for appearance of a suspect pursuant to the provisions of Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be made by a subpoena pursuant to the Appended Form No. 45.
(Official Inspection, Search, and Seizure)
Article 31(1)A request for a permit for official inspection, search, or seizure pursuant to the provisions of Article 31 of the Act is to be made by a written request for a permit pursuant to the Appended Form No. 46.
(2)When carrying out an official inspection, search, or seizure pursuant to the provisions of Article 31 of the Act, the immigration control officer must show the permit pertaining to the official inspection, search, or seizure to the observer required to be present pursuant to the provisions of Article 34 of the Act.
(Prohibition of Entry and Exit during Official Inspection)
Article 32(1)If the immigration control officer prohibits entry and exit pursuant to the provisions of Article 36 of the Act, the officer is to lock the premises where entry and exit are prohibited, indicate the prohibition of entry and exit on the premises, or station a guard on the premises.
(2)The immigration control officer is to order any person who does not observe the prohibition of entry and exit pursuant to the provisions of Article 36 of the Act to leave the premises where entry and exit are prohibited or set a guard over the person.
(Inventory of Seized Objects and Receipt of Objects Returned)
Article 33(1)The format of the inventory prescribed in Article 37, paragraph (1) of the Act is pursuant to the format of the Appended Form No. 47.
(2)If the immigration control officer returns a seized object pursuant to the provisions of Article 37, paragraph (2) of the Act, the officer is to have the person submit a receipt for the object returned pursuant to the Appended Form No. 48.
(Written Evidence of Official Inspection)
Article 34The format of the written evidence of official inspection, search, or seizure prescribed in Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act is pursuant to the format of the Appended Form No. 49 (A), (B), and (C).
(Written Detention Order)
Article 35The format of the written detention order prescribed in Article 40 of the Act is pursuant to the format of the Appended Form No. 50.
(Written Commission of Custody)
Article 36A supervising immigration inspector is to commission a police officer to place a suspect in custody pursuant to the provisions of Article 41, paragraph (3) of the Act using a written commission of custody pursuant to the Appended Form No. 51.
(Written Finding)
Article 37(1)The findings by an immigration inspector prescribed in Article 47, paragraphs (1) through (3) and Article 55-2, paragraph (3) of the Act are to be made through a written finding pursuant to the Appended Form No. 52.
(2)The notice to a suspect pursuant to the provisions of Article 47, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be given by a written notice of findings pursuant to the Appended Form No. 53.
(3)The format of the document stating a statement that a foreign national will not request a hearing as prescribed in Article 47, paragraph (5) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 54.
(Certificate of Release)
Article 38If a suspect is to be released pursuant to the provisions of Article 47, paragraph (1), Article 48, paragraph (6), or Article 49, paragraph (4) of the Act, a certificate of release pursuant to the Appended Form No. 55 is to be issued.
(Written Notice of the Date of Hearing)
Article 39The notice to a suspect pursuant to the provisions of Article 48, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be made by a written notice of the date of the hearing pursuant to the Appended Form No. 56.
(Written Evidence of the Hearing)
Article 40(1)The written evidence of the hearing prescribed in Article 48, paragraph (4) of the Act must state the following information and procedures :
(i)nationality or region, name, sex, age, and occupation of the suspect;
(ii)venue and date of the hearing;
(iii)names of the special inquiry officer, the suspect's representative, and observers;
(iv)grounds for conducting the hearing;
(v)suspect's or their representative's allegations and evidence submitted;
(vi)questions asked to the suspect and their statements;
(vii)when a witness has appeared, interrogation of the witness and their statements, and the fact that the suspect or representative was provided an opportunity to interrogate the witness;
(viii)documents and articles of evidence examined;
(ix)the fact that the suspect was informed of the decision and the grounds for the decision; and
(x)the fact that the suspect was informed that they may file an objection, and whether an objection was filed.
(2)The special inquiry officer must affix their signature and seal to the written evidence of the hearing set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(Written Determination)
Article 41(1)The determination of a special inquiry officer prescribed in Article 48, paragraphs (6) through (8) of the Act is given in the form of a written determination pursuant to the Appended Form No. 57.
(2)The notice to a suspect pursuant to the provisions of Article 48, paragraph (8) of the Act is to be made in the form of a written notice of determination pursuant to the Appended Form No. 58.
(3)The format of the document that contains a statement that a foreign national will not file an objection as prescribed in Article 48, paragraph (9) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 59.
(Filing of an Objection)
Article 42An objection under the provisions of Article 49, paragraph (1) of the Act must be filed by submitting a copy of the written objection pursuant to the Appended Form No. 60 and a copy of each of the materials indicating the grounds for the suspect's dissatisfaction that falls under any of the following items:
(i)when an objection is filed on the grounds that a violation of laws and regulations during the examination procedures clearly impacted the determination, the facts present in the examination, hearing, and evidence that are sufficient to believe that there was violation of laws and regulations that clearly impacted the determination;
(ii)when an objection is filed on the grounds that an error in the application of laws and regulations clearly impacted the determination, a statement of the error and evidence sufficient to believe that the error clearly impacted the determination;
(iii)when an objection is filed on the grounds that an misunderstanding of facts clearly impacted the determination, the facts present in the examination, oral hearing, and evidence sufficient to believe that there was an misunderstanding of facts that clearly impacted the determination; and
(iv)when an objection is filed on the grounds that the deportation is significantly unreasonable, the facts appearing in the examination, hearing, and evidence sufficient to show that the deportation is significantly unreasonable.
(Written Judgment and Decision)
Article 43(1)The judgment prescribed in Article 49, paragraph (3) and the decision relating to the permission prescribed in Article 50, paragraph (1) of the Act are made in the form of a written judgment and decision pursuant to the Appended Form No. 61.
(2)The notice by a supervising immigration inspector to a suspect pursuant to the provisions of Article 49, paragraph (6) of the Act is to be made in the form of a written notice of judgment pursuant to the Appended Form No. 61-2.
(Special Permission to Stay in Japan)
Article 44(1)In the event that special permission to stay in Japan is granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 50, paragraph (1) of the Act, except for cases of having an immigration inspector issue a residence card pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the same Article and cases where the type of landing permission and the landing period is established pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3), item (i), the seal of verification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 62 or No. 62-2 is to be affixed to the foreign national's passport when the foreign national pertaining to the permission possesses a passport; and the certificate of status of residence pursuant to the Appended Form No. 32 with the same seal of verification is to be issued, or a seal of verification pursuant to the same Form is to be affixed to the certificate of status of residence which has already been issued when the foreign national does not possess a passport.
(2)In the event that special permission to stay in Japan is granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 50, paragraph (1) of the Act, if a determination of the status of residence of "Highly Skilled Professional" (limited to those pertaining to item (i), sub-items (a) through (c) of the right-hand column under "Highly Skilled Professional" in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act) is made, the certificate of designation pursuant to the Appended Form No. 31-3 stating the public or private organization in Japan designated by the Minister of Justice is to be issued, if a determination of the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker" is made, a certificate of designation is to be issued using the Appended Form No. 31-4 which states the public and private organizations in Japan and the specified industrial fields designated by the Minister of Justice, and if a determination of the status of residence of "Designated Activities" is made, a certificate of designation pursuant to the Appended Form No. 7-4 stating the activities specially designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals is to be issued.
(3)The conditions found to be necessary, which may be imposed pursuant to the provisions of Article 50, paragraph (2) of the Act, are to be pursuant to the following items.
(i)the types of landing provided for in Chapter III, Section 4 of the Act and the landing periods based on the provisions of Articles 13 to 18 for persons falling under Article 24, item (ii) of the Act (except for persons who landed in Japan in violation of the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (7) of the Act) or items (vi) through (vi)-4; and
(ii)restrictions on activities and other conditions found to be particulary necessary.
(Written Deportation Order)
Article 45The format of the written deportation order prescribed in Article 51 of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 63.
(Request for Enforcement of Written Deportation Order)
Article 46(1)If a supervising immigration inspector has asked a police officer or coast guard officer to enforce a written deportation order pursuant to the provisions of Article 52, paragraph (2) of the Act, the supervising immigration inspector must receive a notice of the results thereof.
(2)If the police officer or coast guard officer set forth in the preceding paragraph has completed the deportation pursuant to the written deportation order or when its enforcement has become impossible, the supervising immigration officer must have the written deportation order stating that fact returned.
(Written Notice of Repatriation)
Article 47If an immigration control officer hands over a foreign national subject to deportation to a carrier pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to Article 52, paragraph (3) of the Act, the officer must notify the carrier that they have an obligation to repatriate the foreign national pursuant to the provisions of Article 59 of the Act by a written notice of repatriation pursuant to the Appended Form No. 64.
(Certificate of Designation of the Destination of Deportation)
Article 47-2If the destination of deportation is established pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of Article 52, paragraph (4) of the Act, a certificate of designation of the destination of deportation pursuant to the Appended Form No. 64-2 is to be issued.
(Special Release)
Article 48(1)If a foreign national is released pursuant to the provisions of Article 52, paragraph (6) of the Act, a special release permit pursuant to the Appended Form No. 65 is to be issued.
(2)The restrictions on residence and scope of activities, the obligation to appear when given summons, and other conditions pursuant to the provisions of Article 52, paragraph (6) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)the residence is designated by the director of the immigration detention center or the supervising immigration inspector (hereinafter referred to as "director, etc.");
(ii)the scope of activities is to be within the area of the prefecture where the designated residence is located, except for cases in which the director, etc. finds that there are special reasons and has decided otherwise;
(iii)a request for appearance is made with a designation of the time, date, and place to appear; and
(iv)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, the director, etc. prohibits foreign nationals to engage in occupations or activities for which they receive a remuneration and imposes other conditions found to be particulary necessary.
(Provisional Release)
Article 49(1)A person who seeks to request provisional release pursuant to the provisions of Article 54, paragraph (1) of the Act must submit a copy of the written application for permission of provisional release pursuant to the Appended Form No. 66.
(2)When provisional release pursuant to the provisions of Article 54, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be granted, the director, etc. is to issue a provisional release permit pursuant to the Appended Form No. 67.
(3)The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases to which conditions on provisional release are attached pursuant to the provisions of Article 54, paragraph (2) of the Act. In this case, the term "Article 52, paragraph (6) of the Act" in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article is deemed to be replaced with "Article 54, paragraph (2) of the Act."
(4)A request for appearance for a person who has been granted provisional release under an obligation to appear upon receiving summons pursuant to the provisions of Article 54, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be made in the form of a subpoena pursuant to the Appended Form No. 68.
(5)The amount of the deposit pursuant to the provisions of Article 54, paragraph (2) of the Act must be an amount not exceeding 3 million yen, which is sufficient to guarantee the appearance of the person granted provisional release; provided, however, that the amount of the deposit for a minor is not to exceed 1.5 million yen.
(6)After the deposit has been paid, the director, etc. is to have an accounting official with money in custody issue a certificate for receipt of deposit pursuant to the Appended Form No. 15.
(7)The format of the letter of guarantee prescribed in Article 54, paragraph (3) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 69.
(Written Revocation of Provisional Release)
Article 50(1)The format of the written revocation of provisional release prescribed in Article 55, paragraph (2) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 70.
(2)If the director, etc. has confiscated a deposit pursuant to the provisions of Article 55, paragraph (3) of the Act, the director, etc. is to issue a written notice of confiscation of deposit pursuant to the Appended Form No. 71.
(Confirmation of Appearance)
Article 50-2(1)A foreign national who has the intention of departing Japan and who seeks to receive a departure order pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-3, paragraph (1) of the Act must appear at an immigration services office during office hours, except on the holidays of administrative organs prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Holidays of Administrative Organs (Act No. 91 of 1988).
(2)An official of the immigration services office where the foreign national has appeared is to issue them a written confirmation of appearance pursuant to the Appended Form No. 71-2.
(Conditions for Departure Order)
Article 50-3The restrictions on residence and scope of activities and other conditions found necessary pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-3, paragraph (3) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)a residence where the suspect plans to reside until departing from Japan pursuant to a written departure order is to be designated; provided, however, that this does not apply when the supervising immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons;
(ii)the scope of activities is to be within the area of the prefecture where the designated residence is located and the route to be followed in transit is decided according to the route to the port of entry or departure from which the foreign national intends to depart, except for cases in which the supervising immigration inspector finds that there are special reasons and has decided otherwise;
(iii)when the obligation to appear is imposed, the request for appearance is to be made by designating the time and date, and place to appear; and
(iv)beyond what is provided for in the preceding three items, the supervising immigration inspector prohibits the foreign national to engage in activities of managing a business involving income, activities for which they receive a renumeration, and any other activities other than those necessary for the procedures for departure, and imposes other conditions found particulary necessary.
(Written Departure Order)
Article 50-4The format of the written departure order prescribed in Article 55-4 of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 71-3.
(Extension of the Deadline for Departure)
Article 50-5(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for extension of the deadline for departure pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-5 of the Act must appear at the immigration services office where they were issued the written departure order and submit a written request pursuant to the Appended Form No. 71-4 by the date the deadline for departure expires; provided, however, that when the foreign national is unable to appear at the immigration services office for unavoidable circumstances, they may appear at another immigration services office (limited to those where a supervising immigration officer is asssigned) instead and submit the written request.
(2)In cases of extending the deadline for departure pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-5 of the Act, a supervising immigration inspector is to state the new deadline for departure in the written departure order.
(Revocation of Departure Order)
Article 50-6If a supervising immigration inspector has revoked a departure order pursuant to the provisions of Article 55-6, the inspector is to notify the fact to the foreign national through a written notice of revocation of departure order pursuant to the Appended Form No. 71-5 and have the written departure order possessed by the foreign national returned.
(Duty of Cooperation of the Captain of a Vessel or Aircraft)
Article 51A captain of a vessel or aircraft entering Japan or a carrier who operates the vessel or aircraft must cooperate with the immigration inspector in executing the duties related to immigration inspections and other duties as provided in the following items pursuant to the provisions of Article 56 of the Act:
(i)notifying the immigration inspector at the port of entry or departure where the vessel or aircraft is scheduled to arrive the expected time of arrival of the vessel or aircraft, the number of foreign national passengers and crew members, the scheduled period of stay of the vessel or aircraft, and other necessary particulars by an appropriate means at least 24 hours before arrival for a vessel and at least 90 minutes before arrival for an aircraft;
(ii)notifying the immigration inspector of the port of entry or departure where the vessel or aircraft has arrived the time of arrival of the vessel or aircraft and other necessary particulars within 24 hours of arrival for a vessel and immediately after arrival for an aircraft;
(iii)when a vessel or aircraft is to depart from the port of entry or departure, to notify the immigration inspector at the port of entry or departure the scheduled time of departure of the vessel or aircraft and other necessary particulars in advance;
(iv)providing necessary accommodation to the immigration inspector in executing their duties, such as duties on board the vessel;
(v)pay sufficient attention and exercise sufficient supervision to prevent a person that has not received a seal of verification for landing or has had information recorded pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Act, or has not received landing permission, from landing; and
(vi)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, to observe the instructions from an immigration inspector, if any, on particulars that require specific cooperation for the execution of the inspector's duties, such as immigration inspections.
(Duty to Report)
Article 52(1)A report pursuant to the provisions of Article 57, paragraph (1) of the Act must be made two hours before arrival for a vessel and by the time when thirty minutes have elapsed from departure from an area outside Japan for an aircraft; provided, however, that, in the cases set forth in the following items, it is sufficient to make the report by the time specified respectively in those items:
(i)when a vessel departs from the area outside Japan that is surrounded by the lines at latitude 45 degrees 30 minutes north, longitude 140 degrees east, latitude 47 degrees north, and longitude 144 degrees east, and arrives at a port of entry or departure in Hokkaido Prefecture (limited to the area on the north of latitude 45 degrees north):before arrival;
(ii)when a vessel departs from the area outside Japan that is surrounded by the lines at latitude 34 degrees north, longitude 127 degrees 30 minutes east, latitude 36 degrees north, and longitude 130 degrees east, and arrives at a port of entry or departure in the City of Tsushima or the City of Iki, Nagasaki Prefecture:before arrival;
(iii)when a vessel departs from the area outside Japan that is surrounded by the lines at latitude 23 degrees north, longitude 121 degrees east, latitude 26 degrees north, and longitude 123 degrees east, and arrives at a port of entry or departure in the City of Ishigaki, the City of Miyakojima, Tarama Village of Miyako County, Taketomi Town, or Yonaguni Town of Yaeyama County, Okinawa Prefecture:before arrival.
(iv)when an aircraft operated by a person other than persons who have received the permission referred to in Article 100, paragraph (1) of the Civil Aeronautics Act (Act No. 231 of 1952) (limited to those who operate aircraft flying on a line specified between a point and another point on a fixed date and time) and persons who have received the permission referred to in Article 129, paragraph (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "irregular service aircraft" in this paragraph) departs from an area outside Japan and arrives at a port of entry or departure in two hours or more:ninety minutes before arrival;
(v)when an irregular service aircraft departs from an area outside Japan and arrives at a port of entry or departure in not less than one hour and less than two hours:thirty minutes before arrival;
(vi)when an irregular service aircraft departs from an area outside Japan and arrives at a port of entry or departure in less than one hour:before arrival; and
(vii)when a vessel or irregular service aircraft departs from a port of entry or departure and arrives at a port of entry or departure without going through an area outside Japan:before arrival.
(2)The particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 57, paragraph (1) of the Act are to be as follows:
(i)the following particulars for a vessel:
(a)the name of the vessel, the name of the country to which the vessel belongs, the date of arrival, and the name of the port of entry or departure at which the aircraft will arrive;
(b)the names, nationalities or regions, and dates of birth of crew members, the crew members' pocket-ledger numbers or passport numbers, and their occupations (when a vessel departing from a port of entry or departure arrives at the same port of entry or departure within fourteen days from the day following the date of departure according to a plan, if those particulars are not changed, a statement to that effect); and
(c)the names, nationalities or regions, and dates of birth of passengers, their passport numbers, the place of departure, and their final destinations;
(ii)the following particulars for an aircraft:
(a)the registration code or flight number of the aircraft, the name of the country to which the aircraft belongs, the date of arrival, and the name of the port of entry or departure at which the aircraft will arrive;
(b)the names, nationalities or regions, dates of birth, and sex of crew members and crew members' pocket-ledger numbers or passport numbers; and
(c)the names, nationalities or regions, dates of birth, and sex of passengers, their passport numbers, the place of departure, and their final destinations.
(3)With regard to the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph to vessels etc. departing from Japan, in item (i), sub-item (a) and item (ii), sub-item (a) of the same paragraph, the term "date of arrival" is deemed to be replaced with "date of departure," the term "arrive" is deemed to be replaced with "depart," and the phrase "occupations (when a vessel departing from a port of entry or departure arrives at the same port of entry or departure within fourteen days from the day following the date of departure according to a plan, if those particulars are not changed, a statement to that effect)" in item (i), sub-item (b) of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "occupations."
(4)The particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 57, paragraph (4) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the nationality or region and date of birth of the person who has received permission for multiple landing for cruise ship tourists, their passport numbers and the number of the permission, and the date of the permission;
(ii)the name of the designated passenger ship; and
(iii)the name of the country to which the designated passenger ship belongs.
(5)The particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 57, paragraph (5) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the nationalities or regions and dates of birth of crew members who have received multiple landing permission for crew members, the crew members' pocket-ledger numbers or passport numbers, their job titles, and the number of the permission, and the date of the permission;
(ii)the name of the vessel or the registration code or flight number of the aircraft; and
(iii)the name of the country to which the vessel, etc. belongs.
(6)The particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 57, paragraph (8) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the carrier operating an aircraft entering Japan (hereinafter referred to as "aircraft operator");
(ii)a person who operates an aircraft entering Japan and has received the permission referred to in Article 130-2 of the Civil Aeronautics Act; and
(iii)a joint carrier (which means a person who carries out joint transportation (meaning transportation which a carrier other than an aircraft operator carries out jointly with that aircraft operator by using transportation services provided by the aircraft operator; the same applies in the following paragraph) by aircraft.)
(7)The particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 57, paragraph (8) of the Act are the particulars specified in the following items in accordance with the category of those particulars set forth respectively in those items (if the particulars have been changed, including the details prior to the change):
(i)particulars concerning the person making the reservation (meaning a person making the reservation prescribed in Article 57, paragraph (8) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter):the name, nationality or region, date of birth, and sex of that person, the number, issue date, and expiration date of their passport, the place of departure, and their final destination as well as their membership number, when the person making the reservation is a registered member of the carrier (meaning a member registered with that carrier as a person entitled to receive privileges from the carrier in using transportation services provided by the carrier) (the membership number means a number given to identify a person as that registered member) and its grade (limited to the case where those membership number and grade are recorded in the reservation for the person making the reservation) and other particulars that should serve as a reference;
(ii)particulars concerning the details of the reservation pertaining to the person making the reservation:the date the reservation was made, reservation number (meaning a number given to identify that reservation and including a number given to identify the reservation prior to split, when the reservation is split), the number, issue date, and issue place of as well as payment method for the airline ticket related to the reservation, the number and holder of the credit card, when the airline ticket related to the reservation is to be paid by credit card (limited to the case where the number and holder of the credit card are recorded in the reservation), a number showing the seat position, the airfare class, the itinerary of the person making the reservation, the names of other persons making a reservation related to the reservation, the name and location of the travel agent (meaning a travel agent prescribed in Article 6-4, paragraph (1) of the Travel Agency Act (Act No. 239 of 1952) related to the reservation, if any, the name and location of the foreign travel agent (meaning a person who conducts business similar to the business prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Travel Agency Act in a foreign country) related to the reservation, if any, the name of the carrier pertaining to the reservation, when the reservation is related to joint transportation, and the residence and contact details in Japan of the person making the reservation and other particulars that should serve as a reference;
(iii)particulars concerning the personal belongings of the person making the reservation:the number and weight of the personal belongings with which the person operating the aircraft is entrusted as those to be loaded onto the aircraft which the person making the reservation is to board and the personal belongings number (meaning a number given to identify belongings with which the person operating the aircraft is entrusted as those to be loaded onto the aircraft which the person making the reservation is to board) and other particulars that should serve as a referenc; and
(iv)particulars concerning the procedure for boarding an aircraft by the person making the reservation:the time of going through the procedure for boarding and the boarding procedure number (meaning a number given to manage that procedure) and other particulars that should serve as a reference.
(8)A report pursuant to the provisions of the first sentence of Article 57, paragraph (9) of the Act must be made by the time at which sixty minutes have elapsed from the time when the immigration inspector has requested the report pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (8) of that Article.
(9)A report pursuant to the provisions of Article 57, paragraph (1) or the first sentence of paragraph (9) of the Act must be made by using an electronic data processing system as defined in Article 2, item (i) of the Act on Processing, etc. of Business Related to Import and Export by Means of Electronic Data Processing System (Act No. 54 of 1977); provided, however, that this does not apply when it is impossible to make the report by using the electronic data processing system due to unavoidable circumstances.
(10)The provisions of Article 61-3, paragraph (6) apply mutatis mutandis to the case of making a report pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or (8) by using an electronic data processing system prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
(11)The measure specified by Ministry of Justice Order prescribed in the second sentence of Article 57, paragraph (9) of the Act is to be a measure to enable the information on the particulars prescribed in paragraph (8) of that Article to be inspected by the immigration inspector at all times by using electronic or magnetic record (meaning the electronic or magnetic record prescribed in that paragraph).
(Designation of Facilities)
Article 52-2(1)The facilities prescribed in Article 59, paragraph (3) of the Act are as listed in the Appended Table V.
(2)When exempting the captain of a vessel or aircraft or the carrier from bearing the expenses and responsibility pursuant to the provisions of Article 59, paragraph (3) of the Act, a supervising immigration inspector is to notify the captain or the carrier by entering a statement to that effect in the written notice of exclusion order pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (2).
(Preparation of Written Evidence)
Article 52-3(1)If an immigration inspector or immigration control officer has asked a foreign national or other persons concerned (hereinafter referred to as "foreign national, etc." in this Article) to appear and answer questions, the inspector may prepare a written evidence of the statement of the foreign national, etc.
(2)If an immigration inspector or immigration control officer has prepared the written evidence set forth in the preceding paragraph, the inspector must have the foreign national, etc. inspect the written evidence, or by reading it aloud to the foreign national, etc., to have the foreign national confirm that the recorded content contain no errors and have the foreign national, etc. sign the written evidence, and affix their own signature thereto. In this case, if the foreign national, etc. is unable to sign or has refused to sign the written evidence, the inspector must make an additional entry to that effect in the written evidence.
(Departure of Japanese Nationals)
Article 53(1)The confirmation of departure prescribed in Article 60, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be made by affixing the seal of verification for departure pursuant to the Appended Form No. 38 in the passport of the Japanese national.
(2)If a Japanese national who seeks to receive the confirmation of departure set forth in the preceding paragraph falls under any of the following items, an immigration inspector may record the Japanese national's name, date of birth, sex, date of departure, and the port of entry or departure from which the Japanese national departs in a file to be used as a record in lieu of the seal of verification for departure and kept on a computer prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (4). In this case, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the immigration inspector is not required to affix the seal of verification set forth in the same paragraph.
(i)the Japanese national falls under both of the following sub-items (a) and (b):
(a)the Japanese national is registered pursuant to the provisions of Article 54-2, paragraph (1); and
(b)the Japanese national presented their passport and provided their fingerprints in an electronic or magnetic means at the time of confirmation of departure;
(ii)the Japanese national presented their passport and provided their photograph in an electronic or magnetic means at the time of confirmation of departure.
(3)The provisions of Article 5, paragraph (9) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints are provided pursuant to the provisions of item (i), sub-item (b) of the preceding paragraph, and the provisions of paragraph (10) of the same Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which the photograph is provided pursuant to the provisions of item (ii) of the preceding paragraph.
(Return to Japan of Japanese Nationals)
Article 54(1)The confirmation of return to Japan prescribed in Article 61 of the Act is to be made by affixing the seal of verification for return to Japan pursuant to the Appended Form No. 72 in the passport of the Japanese national; provided, however, that this confirmation is made by issuing a certificate of return to Japan pursuant to the Appended Form No. 73 with respect to a person who does not possess a passport.
(2)If a Japanese national who seeks to receive the confirmation of return to Japan set forth in the preceding paragraph falls under either of the following items, an immigration inspector may record the Japanese national's name, date of birth, sex, date of landing, and the port of entry or departure at which the Japanese national lands on a file to be used as a record in lieu of the seal of verification for return to Japan kept on a computer as prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (4). In this case, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the immigration inspector is not required to affix the seal of verification set forth in the same paragraph:
(i)the Japanese national falls under both of the following sub-items (a) and (b):
(a)the Japanese national is registered pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following Article; and
(b)the Japanese national presented their passport and provided their fingerprints in an electronic or magnetic means at the time of confirmation of return to Japan;
(ii)the Japanese national presented their passport and provided their photograph in an electronic or magnetic means at the time of confirmation of return to Japan.
(3)The provisions of Article 5, paragraph (9) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints are provided pursuant to the provisions of item (i), sub-item (b) of the preceding paragraph and the provisions of paragraph (10) of the same Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which a photograph is provided pursuant to the provisions of item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, respectively.
(Registration for Japanese Nationals Who Wish to Have Their Information Recorded)
Article 54-2(1)A person who wishes to have their information recorded pursuant to the provisions of Article 53, paragraph (2) or paragraph (2) of the preceding Article at the port of entry or departure at which that person seeks to land or from which they seek to depart wishes to have their information registered by the director with jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as "user registration of the Automated Gates for Japanese nationals"), the Japanese national must appear at the immigration services office provided for in Article 7-2, paragraph (1) and apply for user registration of the Automated Gates for Japanese nationals by submitting a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 73-2 as well as present their passport.
(2)The director with jurisdiction may make a user registration of the Automated Gates for Japanese nationals only in the event that they find the Japanese national set forth in the preceding paragraph to fall under all of the following items:
(i)the Japanese national possesses a valid passport; and
(ii)the Japanese national has provided their fingerprints in an electronic or magnetic form.
(3)The provisions of Article 7-2, paragraph (6) apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which fingerprints are provided pursuant to the provisions of item (ii) of the preceding paragraph.
(4)If a Japanese national who underwent user registration of the Automated Gates for Japanese nationals falls under any of the following items, the director with jurisdiction must cancel the user registration of the Automated Gates for Japanese nationals and delete the fingerprint image information provided by the Japanese national pursuant to the provisions of Article 53, paragraph (3), paragraph (3) of the preceding Article and the preceding paragraph:
(i)it is found that the Japanese national did not fall under either of the items of paragraph (2) at the time that person has undergone user registrtation of the Automated Gates for Japanese nationals;
(ii)the passport presented pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) has expired;
(iii)the Japanese national has submitted a written request to cancel the user registration of the Automated Gates for Japanese nationals; and
(iv)the director with jurisdiction finds that it is not appropriate to maintain the user registration of the Automated Gates for Japanese nationals due to the Japanese national's death or for any other grounds.
(Recognition of Refugee Status)
Article 55(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for recognition of refugee status pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2, paragraph (1) of the Act must appear at a regional immigration services bureau and submit a written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 74 (Appended Form No. 74-2 when the foreign national has received a disposition of denial of recognition of refugee status in the past), a copy of each of the materials proving that they qualify for refugee status, and two photographs (three photographs for a foreign national without a status of residence prescribed in Article 61-2-2, paragraph (1) of the Act); provided, however, that a foreign national who is unable to prepare a written application due to illiteracy, physical disorder, or any other special circumstances may state the particulars to be entered in the written application in lieu of submitting the application.
(2)When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must present the documents listed in the following items. In this case, a foreign national who is unable to present their passport or certificate of status of residence must submit a copy of the document stating the reasons therefor:
(i)passport and residence card in the case of a mid- to long-term resident;
(ii)passport and special permanent resident certificate in the case of a special permanent resident;
(iii)passport or certificate of status of residence in the case of persons other than mid- to long-term residents and special permanent residents; or
(iv)in the case of a foreign national who has been issued a landing permit as provided in Chapter III, Sections 3 and 4 of the Act, the permit.
(3)In the case referred to in paragraph (1), when the foreign national is under 16 years of age or is unable to appear due to disease or for other grounds, the father, mother, spouse, child, or a relative of the foreign national may file the application on behalf of the foreign national.
(4)The Minister of Justice is to make inquiries to the National Public Safety Commission as to whether the foreign national who has applied for recognition of refugee status pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2, paragraph (1) of the Act has committed any acts listed in Article 1, item F-(b) of the Convention regarding the status of refugees.
(5)The format of the certificate of refugee status prescribed in Article 61-2, paragraph (2) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 75.
(6)The notice on the denial of recognition of refugee status pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be made by the written notice pursuant to the Appended Form No. 76.
(Permission Pertaining to the Status of Residence)
Article 56(1)When permitting a foreign national the status of residence of "Long-Term Resident" pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-2, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to cases provided for in paragraph (3), item (ii) of the same Article), a certificate of status of residence pursuant to the Appended Form No. 32 is to be issued with the seal of verification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 37 or No. 37-2 .
(2)The decision on the permission prescribed in Article 61-2-2, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be made by a written decision pursuant to the Appended Form No. 76-2.
(3)When granting special permission to stay pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-2, paragraph (2) of the Act (limited to cases provided for in paragraph (3), item (ii) of the same Article), a certificate of status of residence pursuant to the Appended Form No. 32 with the seal of verification pursuant to the Appended Form No. 62 or No. 62-2 is to be issued.
(4)The provisions of Article 44, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to cases of special permission to stay pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-2, paragraph (2) of the Act.
(5)The revocation of permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-2, paragraph (5) of the Act is to be made by a written notice of revocation pursuant to the Appended Form No. 76-3.
(Permission for Provisional Stay)
Article 56-2(1)The format of the permit for provisional stay prescribed in Article 61-2-4, paragraph (2) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 76-4.
(2)The period of provisional stay prescribed in Article 61-2-4, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4) of that Article) is to be established for a period of time not exceeding 6 months.
(3)The restrictions on residence, scope of activities, and activities, the obligation to appear upon receiving summons, and other conditions found to be necessary pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-4, paragraph (3) of the Act are to be pursuant to the following items:
(i)the residence is designated by the Minister of Justice;
(ii)the scope of activities is to be within the prefecture where the designated residence is located, except for cases in which the Minister of Justice finds that there are special reasons and has decided otherwise;
(iii)the restrictions on activities is the prohibition of activities to manage business involving income or activities for which the foreign national receives a remuneration;
(iv)a request for appearance is made with a designation of the time and date, and place to appear; and
(v)beyond what is provided for in the preceding items, other conditions may be imposed by the Minister of Justice as the minister finds specifically necessary.
(4)A request for appearance made to a foreign national under an obligation to appear pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-4, paragraph (3) of the Act is made by a subpoena pursuant to the Appended Form No. 76-5.
(5)The fingerprint form used for taking fingerprints pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-4, paragraph (3) of the Act, is to follow the format of the Appended Form No. 22.
(6)A foreign national who seeks to apply for an extension of the period of provisional stay pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-4, paragraph (4) of the Act must appear at a regional immigration services bureau and submit a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 76-6 by the date of expiration of the period of provisional stay.
(7)When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must present their permit for provisional stay.
(8)The provisions of Article 55, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (6). In this case, the term "paragraph (1)" in paragraph (3) of the same Article is deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (6)."
(Revocation of Permission for Provisional Stay)
Article 56-3The revocation of permission for provisional stay pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-5 of the Act is to be made by a written notice of revocation of permission for provisional stay pursuant to the Appended Form No. 76-7.
(Revocation of Recognition of Refugee Status)
Article 57The revocation of recognition of refugee status pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-7, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be made by a written notice of revocation of recognition of refugee status pursuant to the Appended Form No. 77.
(Revocation of Status of Residence of Foreign National Recognized as a Refugee)
Article 57-2The provisions of Article 25-2 through Article 25-14 apply mutatis mutandis to the revocation of the status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-8, paragraph (1) of the Act. In this case, the term "immigration inspector" in Article 25-2 is deemed to be replaced with "refugee inquirer"; and the term "immigration inspector in charge of the hearing of opinions" in the provisions of the same Article , Article 25-5, Article 25-7 and Article 25-9 to 25-12 is deemed to be replaced with "refugee inquirer in charge of the hearing of opinions"; and the term "Appended Form No. 37-16 (Appended Form No. 37-17 in the case of designation of the period pursuant to the provisions of the main clause of paragraph (7) of the same Article)" in Article 25-13, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "Appended Form No. 37-17.", respectively.
(Request for Administrative Review)
Article 58A request for administrative review pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-9, paragraph (1) of the Act is filed by submitting to a regional immigration services bureau a written request for administrative review pursuant to the Appended Form No. 78 or No. 78-2 .
(Grounds for Ineligibility Related to Request for Administrative Review)
Article 58-2A person who falls under any of the following items may not participate in the procedures pertaining to the request for an admistrative review as a refugee examination counselor:
(i)A person who has been involved in a disposition on an administrative review or a person who has been involved in or is to be involved in a disposition related to inaction on a request for an administrative review;
(ii)a person who requested an administrative review or a person who is or was a relative of that person;
(iii)a guardian, supervisor of guardian, curator, supervisor of curator, assistant, or supervisor of assistant of the person who requested an administrative review;
(iv)a person living with the person who requested an administrative review or an employee of that person;
(v)a person who has become the representative or assistant of the person who requested an administrative review with respect to the administrative review;
(vi)a person who has become an intervener, witness, or expert with respect to the request for an administrative review; or
(vii)in addition to those persons listed in the preceding items, a person with an interest in the person who requested an administrative review.
(Designation of Refugee Examination Counselors)
Article 58-3(1)When hearing the opinions of the refugee examination counselors pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-9, paragraph (3) of the Act, the Minister of Justice is to designate three refugee examination counselors to carry out the hearing procedures prescribed in Chapter II, Section 1 and Section 3 of the Administrative Complaint Review Act (Act No. 68 of 2014) in advance, as well as appoint one of them as a person who administers the administrative affairs performed by those three refugee examination counselors.
(2)If the Minister of Justice has made the designation set forth under the preceding paragraph, the Minister is to convene the designated refugee examination counselors and show them the documents prescribed in the following items in accordance with the category listed in each item.
(i)an administrative review of the disposition prescribed in Article 61-2-9, paragraph (1), item (i) or (iii) of the Act:a document stating the grounds for the disposition, and documents and materials constituting the basis of the disposition;
(ii)an administrative review of inaction pertaining to the application prescribed in Article 61-2-9, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act:a document stating the grounds for the inaction, the document submitted by the person who filed the application and the written evidence set forth under Article 59-2, paragraph (1) pertaining to that application, and other documents stating the results of the investigation conducted pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-14, paragraph (1) of the Act.
(3)If the Minister of Justice has made the designation set forth under paragraph (1), the Minister is to have refugee inquirers (limited to persons other than the persons listed in the items of the preceeding Article) assist with the administrative affairs perfomed by the designated refugee examination counselors.
(4)If a refugee examination counselor designated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) has come to fall under any of the items of the preceding Article, the Minister of Justice must revoke the designation pertaining to that refugee examination counselor.
(Designation of the Period for Submitting Written Statements )
Article 58-4If a refugee examination counselor has been designated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the refugee examination counselor is to specify an appropriate period of time for submitting the written statement provided for in Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing the relevant terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-9, paragraph (6) of the Act, and notify the persons concerned in the proceedings (meaning the persons concerned in the proceedings provided for in Article 28 of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) to that effect by the notice pursuant to the Appended Form No. 79; provided, however, that this does not apply if the written statement has already been submitted.
(Notification to Persons Concerned in the Proceedings)
Article 58-5(1)If a refugee examination counselor has specified an appropriate period for submitting the written opinion pursuant to the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (2) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act or has specified an appropriate period for submitting documentary evidence, articles of evidence, or documents, or other objects pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph (3) of the same Act, the refugee examination counselor is to notify the persons concerned in the proceedings to that effect by the notice pursuant to the Appended Form No. 79-2.
(2)If the refugee examination counselor does not provide an opportunity for an oral opinion statement (meaning the oral opinion statement provided for in Article 31, paragraph (2) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing the relevant terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-9, paragraph (6) of the Act; ) pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to Article 31, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing the relevant terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-9, paragraph (6) of the Act, the refugee examination counselor is to notify the persons concerned in the proceedings to that effect by a written notice of inexecution of an oral opinion statement pursuant to the Appended Form No. 79-3.
(3)The persons concerned in the proceedings are to be convened pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, paragraph (2) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing the relevant terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-9, paragraph (6) of the Act by a written notice of execution of an oral opinion statement pursuant to Appended Form 79-4.
(Written Evidence of the Oral Opinion Statements)
Article 58-6(1)If a refugee inquirer assists in the administrative affairs of the refugee examination counselors pursuant to the provisions of Article 58-3, paragraph (3), the refugee inquirer is to prepare a written evidence stating the following particulars when the procedures for the oral opinion statement, the procedures seeking a statement of facts pursuant to the provisions of Article 34 of the Administrative Complaint Review Act or the procedures provided for in Article 36 of the Act have been taken:
(i)the title of the administrative review requested;
(ii)the names of the persons concerned in the proceedings, representative, assistant, intervener, and interpreter, who appeared;
(iii)the time, date, place and type of procedures ;
(iv)summary of the opinion statement; and
(v)other necessary particulars.
(2)The written evidence set forth under the preceding paragraph is to have the signature of the refugee inquirer set forth under the same paragraph and the seal of approval of the refugee examination counselor affixed.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, when the refugee inquirer set forth under paragraph (1) finds it appropriate, the refugee inquirer may record or video the opinion statement on a tape (including any other media that is capable of recording certain information by equivalent means) and substitute it for entries of the particulars into the written evidence.
(4)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, at the request of a person concerned in the proceedings, the refugee inquirer must prepare a document stating a summary of the opinion statement before a transcript of the written decision on the administrative review is issued.
(Details of the Written Opinion)
Article 58-7(1)The three refugee examination counselors are to give their opinions and the reasons therefor in the written opinion pursuant to the provisions of Article 42, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act pertaining to the administrative review pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-9, paragraph (1) of the Act, and to affix their signature or their name and seal to the written opinion.
(2)If two or more refugee examination counselors state the same opinion and reasons therefor, they are not required to individually state that opinion and reasons in the written opinion set forth under the preceding paragraph.
(Judgment on the Request for Administrative Review)
Article 58-8The written verdict set forth under Article 50, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing the relevant terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-9, paragraph (6) of the Act is to be pursuant to the Appended Form No. 79-5.
(Composition of the Refugee Examination Counselors)
Article 58-9(1)The Minister of Justice is to establish multiple groups composed of three refugee examination counselors each, and is to specify the order of the groups of refugee examination counselors to be designated pursuant to the provisions of Article 58-3, paragraph (1). The Minister is to give consideration so that each group is composed of refugee examination counselors with different areas of expertise.
(2)If any or all of the refugee examination counselors composing a group established pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph are unable to participate in the procedures pertaining to the administrative review for which the group is responsible due to falling under any of the items of Article 58-2, a disease or other circumstances, the Minister of Justice is to designate another group or other refugee examination counselors in lieu of the refugee examination counselor or all of the refugee examination counselors in the group.
(Refugee Travel Document)
Article 59(1)A foreign national who seeks to apply for the issuance of a refugee travel document pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-12, paragraph (1) of the Act must appear at a regional immigration services bureau and submit a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 80 and two photographs.
(2)When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must present the documents listed in Article 55, paragraph (2) and a certificate of recognition of refugee status. In this case, the provisions of the second sentence of Article 55, paragraph (2) are applied mutatis mutandis.
(3)The format of the refugee travel document prescribed in Article 61-2-12, paragraph (1) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 81.
(4)The format of the written application for permission for extension of the valid period of a refugee travel document pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-12, paragraph (6) of the Act is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 82.
(5)The order to return the refugee travel document pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-12, paragraph (8) of the Act is to be made by a written order to return the refugee travel document pursuant to the Appended Form No. 83.
(6)The provisions of Article 55, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1).
(Preparation of Written Evidence)
Article 59-2(1)If a refugee inquirer has asked persons concerned to make an appearance and questioned them pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2-14, paragraph (2) of the Act, the inquirer is to prepare a written evidence that has recorded their statements.
(2)If the refugee inquirer has prepared the written evidence set forth in the preceding paragraph, the refugee inquirer must have the persons concerned inspect the written evidence or read it aloud to them, to have them confirm that its recorded content has no errors, and have them sign the written evidence, and the inquirer has to affix their own signature thereto. If the persons concerned are unable to sign or have refused to sign the written evidence, the inquirer must make an additional entry to that effect in the written evidence.
(Immigration Services Offices with an Immigration Detention Facilities Visiting Committee)
Article 59-3The name of the Immigration Detention Facilities Visiting Committee (hereinafter referred to as "committee"); the immigration services offices provided for in Article 61-7-2, paragraph (1) of the Act; the immigration detention centers and detention houses (hereinafter referred to as "immigration detention facilities") in the area the committee is in charge of as provided for in Article 61-7-6, paragraph (1); and the departure waiting facilities are as provided for in the Appended Table VI.
(Organization and Administration of the Committee)
Article 59-4(1)The committee is to have a chairperson, who is elected from among the committee members.
(2)The chairperson presides over the affairs of the committee.
(3)The member who is designated by the chairperson in advance acts as a proxy in handling the chairperson's duties when the chairperson is incapacitated.
(4)The committee meetings are convoked by the chairperson.
(5)The committee cannot convene a meeting or make any resolution without the presence of the majority of the committee members.
(6)beyond what is provided for in the preceding two paragraphs, the necessary particulars on the proceedings of the committee are determined by the committee.
(7)The general affairs of the committee is handled by the general affairs division of the immigration services office in which the committee is established.
(Provision of Information to the Committee)
Article 59-5(1)The periodic provision of information provided for in Article 61-7-4, paragraph (1) of the Act is carried out by the director of the immigration detention center or the director of the regional immigration services bureau (hereinafter referred to as "director of the immigration detention center, etc.") submitting a document stating the necessary information to understand the state of the administration of the immigration detention facilities with regard to the following particulars relating to the immigration detention facilities, at the first committee meeting of each fiscal year:
(i)an outline of the immigration detention facilities;
(ii)the maximum capacity of the facilities and changes in the number of its detainees;
(iii)the structure of the management of the immigration detention facilities;
(iv)the state of the supplies lent and salaries, provided for in Article 61-7, paragraph (2) of the Act;
(v)the state of the purchase of goods and the receipt and sending of goods paid for by the detainees;
(vi)the state of the provision of hygiene and medical care to the detainee;
(vii)the state of measures taken for the maintenance of discipline and order;
(viii)the state of the visits and the sending or receiving of correspondence by the detainees;
(ix)the state of the hearing of opinions and proposals made by the detainees; and
(x)the state of the complaints made by detainees on measures relating to their treatment taken by the immigration control officers.
(2)The periodic provision of information provided for in Article 61-7-4, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 61-7-6, paragraph (2) of the Act is carried out by the director of the regional immigration services bureau with jurisdiction over the location of the departure waiting facilities submitting a document stating the necessary information to understand the state of the administration of the departure waiting facilities on the outline of the departure waiting facilities, the maximum capacity of the facilities, changes in the number of its users, the state of the submission of opinions relating to the facilities from the users of the facilities and other highly important particulars on the administration of the facilities at the first committee meeting of each fiscal year.
(3)The provision of necessary information provided for in Article 61-7-4, paragraph (1) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 61-7-6, paragraph (2)) is to be carried out through the director of the immigration detention center, etc. submitting a document stating the necessary particulars to understand its situations in the following cases at the committee meetings:
(i)if the state of the administration of the immigration detention facilities or the departure waiting facilities has changed considerably;
(ii)if the committee requested an explanation on the state of the administration of the immigration detention facilities or the departure waiting facilities;
(iii)if measures have been taken in response to opinions presented by the committee; or
(iv)beyond what is provided for in the preceding three items, if the director of the immigration detention center, etc. finds that it would be appropriate to provide information on the state of the administration of the immigration detention facilities or the departure waiting facilities.
(Cases Not Requiring Appearance)
Article 59-6(1)The cases provided for in Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 61-9-3, paragraph (3) of the Act (limited to cases pertaining to the acts listed in paragraph (1), item (i) of the same Article) are cases in which a person requested by a foreign national or by a person who is required to act on behalf of the foreign national (except for a relative who lives together with the foreign national and is 16 years of age or older) pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article or the legal representative of the foreign national is acting on behalf of the foreign national (except for cases where the legal representative of the foreign national is acting on behalf of the foreign national pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article) to carry out an act listed in paragraph (1), item (i) of the same Article.
(2)The cases provided for in Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 61-9-3, paragraph (3) of the Act (limited to those cases pertaining to the acts listed in paragraph (1), item (ii) of the same Article) are the following cases:
(i)if a person listed in the following sub-items (a) through (c) is to carry out an act listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table VII (1) in accordance with the category of the acts listed in the left-hand column of the same Table on behalf of a foreign national (for the persons listed in sub-items (a) and (b), limited to cases of a request by the foreign national or a person required to carry out an act on behalf of the foreign national pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-9-3, paragraph (2) of the Act; for the persons listed in (c), excluding cases of carrying out the act on behalf of the foreign national pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph) and which the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds to be appropriate;
(a)an employee of an accepting organization etc., public interest corporation, or registered support organization (limited to those performed at the request of a person who stays or seeks to stay in Japan with the status of residence of "Specified Skilled Worker" to carry out the activities set forth in item (i) of the right-hand column for "Specified Skilled Worker" in Appended Table I (2) of the Act) whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds appropriate; and
(b)an attorney-at-law or administrative scrivener who has notified the director of the regional immigration services bureau exercising jurisdiction over the locality where the bar association or the administrative scriveners association to which the attorney or the administrative scrivener belongs is located through the association;
(c)a legal representative of the foreign national;
(ii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding item, when the foreign national is under 16 years of age or is unable to carry out the act listed in the left-hand column of the Appended Table VII (1) due to disease or other grounds, a relative of the foreign national (excluding persons living together with the foreign national who are 16 years of age or older) or a person living together with the foreign national (excluding relatives of the foreign national) or an equivalent person whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds appropriate carries out the act listed in the right-hand column of the same Table in accordance with the category of the act on behalf of the foreign national; and
(iii)if, with regard to the receipt of a residence card issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-11, paragraph (3), Article 19-12, paragraph (2) and Article 19-13, paragraph (4) ; hereinafter the same applies in this item), a residence card is not to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (2) to a foreign national who has filed a notification or an application on the day when the notification was filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (1) of the Act or the application was filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-11, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 19-12, paragraph (1) or Article 19-13, paragraph (1) or (3) , and which the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds to be appropriate.
(3)The cases provided for in Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 61-9-3, paragraph (4) of the Act are the following cases:
(i)if a person listed in item (i), sub-item (a) or (b) of the preceding paragraph carries out an act listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table VII-2 in accordance with the category of the act listed in the left-hand column of the same Table on behalf of the foreign national at the request of a foreign national in Japan or legal representative, and which the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds to be appropriate (excluding cases listed in the following item); and
(ii)if an employee of an accepting organization etc., public interest corporation, or organization managed by or employing a foreign national staying in Japan (limited to those who support a person staying with the status of residence of "Dependent" or a person staying with the status of residence for "Designated Activities" for which daily activities supported by that foreign national are specially designated; hereinafter referred to as "supporter" in this item) (including an organization which the foreign national seeks to manage or which seeks to employ the foreign national) whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds to be appropriate, or if a person set forth in item (i), sub-item (b) of the preceding paragraph performs an act set forth in the right-hand column of Appended Table VII (2) in accordance with the category of the act set forth in the left-hand column of that Table at the request of a foreign national in Japan (limited to a person staying with the status of residence of "Dependent" to carry out daily activities supported by the supporter or a person staying with the status of residence for "" for which the activities are specially designated) or their legal representative on behalf of the foreign national, and the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds this to be appropriate;
(iii)beyond what is provided for in the preceding two items, when the foreign national is under 16 years of age or is unable to personally carry out the act listed in the left-hand column of the Appended Table VII-2 due to disease or other grounds themselves, a relative or a person living together with the foreign national or an equivalent person whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds appropriate carries out the act listed in the right-hand column of the same Table in accordance with the category of the act on behalf of the foreign national in Japan (excluding cases in which a legal representative carries out the act on behalf of the foreign national).
(iv)for the procedures pertaining to the receipt of a residence card to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (4) of the Act applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (4) of the Act, in the case of submitting the written application provided for in Article 61-3, paragraph (1), item (vii) using an electronic data processing system (meaning the electronic data processing system prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Regulations on the Promotion of Administrative Affairs Using Information and Communications Technology Based on the Provisions of the Laws and Regulations under the Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice (Ministry of Justice Order No. 11 of 2003); the same applies hereinafter).
(4)A person who intends to carry out the act provided for in Article 61-9-3, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act on behalf of the foreign national pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article must present materials or give an explanation to the head of municipalities (meaning "ward" or "administratively consolidated ward" in the designated cities prescribed in Article 252-19, paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947); the same applies in the following paragraph) proving that the person is a person required to act on behalf of the foreign national pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-9-3, paragraph (2) of the Act.
(5)When the foreign national is not required to appear in person pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-9-3, paragraph (3) of the Act and carry out an act pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), item (i) of the same Article, if a person seeks to carry out the act on behalf of the foreign national, the person must present materials or give an explanation to the head of municipalities proving that the case falls under that case.
Article 60The amount of the reward pursuant to the provisions of Article 66 of the Act is more than 1,000 yen and less than 50,000 yen per case.
(Statement of Payment of Fees)
Article 61(1)The payment of the fees pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-23, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be submitted by pasting a revenue stamp corresponding to the amount of the fee to the statement of payment of fees pursuant to the Appended Form No. 83-2 .
(2)The payment of fees pursuant to the provisions of Articles 67 through 68 of the Act is made by submitting a statement of payment of fees pursuant to the Appended Form No. 84 with a revenue stamp corresponding to the amount of the fee pasted; provided, however, that this does not apply in the event that a person who receives permission for an extension of the validity period of re-entry permission or permission for extension of the validity period of a refugee travel document pays the fee.
(Delegation of Authority)
Article 61-2(1)The following authority delegated by the Minister of Justice to the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency pursuant to the provisions of Article 69-2, paragraph (1) of the Act as provided in the following sub-items is delegated to the director of a regional immigration services bureau pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article; provided, however, that this does not preclude the Minister of Justice or the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency who has been delegated the authority of the Minister of Justice from personally exercising the authorities:
(i)the authority prescribed in Article 5-2 of the Act;
(ii)the authority prescribed in Article 7-2, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(iii)the authority prescribed in Article 11, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) of the Act;
(iv)the authority prescribed in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(v)the authority prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (2) through paragraph (4) of the Act;
(vi)the authority prescribed in Article 21, paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) and Article 20, paragraph (4) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4) of the same Article;
(vii)the authority prescribed in Article 22, paragraph (1) to paragraph (3) of the Act;
(viii)the authority prescribed in Article 22-2, paragraph (2), the main clause of Article 20, paragraph (3) and paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the same Article, and Article 22, paragraph (1) through to paragraph (3) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph (4) of the Act;
(ix)the authority prescribed in the following provisions as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-3 of the Act:
(a)Article 22-2, paragraph (2) of the Act;
(b)the main clause of paragraph (3), and paragraph (4) of Article 20 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-2, paragraph (3) of the Act;
(c)Article 22, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph (4) of the Act;
(x)the authority prescribed in Article 22-4, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) and paragraph (5) through paragraph (9) of the Act;
(xi)the authority prescribed in Article 49, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) of the Act;
(xii)the authority prescribed in Article 50, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act;
(xiii)the authority prescribed in Articles 61-2 of the Act;
(xiv)the authority prescribed in Articles 61-2-2, paragraph (1) through (3), and paragraph (5) of the Act;
(xv)the authority prescribed in Article 61-2-3 of the Act;
(xvi)the authority prescribed in Article 61-2-4, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) and the first sentence of paragraph (4), and paragraph (2) of the same Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the second sentence of the same paragraph (4) of the Act;
(xvii)the authority prescribed in Article 61-2-5 of the Act;
(xviii)the authority prescribed in Article 61-2-8, paragraph (1) and Article 22-4, paragraph (2), paragraph (3) and paragraph (5) through paragraph (9) (excluding the proviso to paragraph (7)) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article of the Act;
(xix)the authority prescribed in Article 61-2-11 of the Act; and
(xx)the authority prescribed in Article 61-2-14, paragraph (1) of the Act.
(2)The following authority of the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency is to be delegated to the director of the regional immigration services bureau pursuant to the provisions of Article 69-2, paragraph (2) of the Act; provided, however, that this does not preclude the Commissioner of the Immmigration Services Agency themselves from exercising the authority listed in item (i) (limited to the authority prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (2) of the Act), item (iii), item (iv), item (vii), item (viii), item (xi) through item (xiv), item (xvi), item (xvii), and item (xix) of the Act:
(i)the authority prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (2) and paragraph (8) of the Act;
(ii)the authority prescribed in Article 9-2, paragraph (1), paragraph (3), paragraph (5), paragraph (7), and paragraph (8) of the Act;
(iii)the authority of designation prescribed in Article 14-2, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(iv)the authority of designation prescribed in Article 17, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(v)the authority prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the Act;
(vi)the authority prescribed in Article 19-2, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(vii)the authority prescribed in Article 19-6 of the Act;
(viii)the authority prescribed in Article 19-10, paragraph (2) of the Act;
(ix)the authority prescribed in Article 19-13, paragraph (2) of the Act;
(x)the authority prescribed in Article 19-15 of the Act;
(xi)the authority prescribed in Article 19-19 of the Act;
(xii)the authority prescribed in Article 19-31 of the Act;
(xiii)the authority prescribed in Article 19-34 of the Act;
(xiv)the authority prescribed in Article 19-37, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(xv)the authority prescribed in Article 26, paragraph (1) through paragraph (4), and paragraph (7) of the Act;
(xvi)the authority prescribed in Article 50, paragraph (3) of the Act;
(xvii)the authority prescribed in Article 59-2, paragraph (1) of the Act;
(xviii)the authority prescribed in Article 61-2-7, paragraph (3) of the Act;
(xix)the authority prescribed in Article 61-2-12, paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (5), and paragraph (6) of the Act; and
(xx)the authority prescribed in Article 61-2-13 of the Act.
(Application by Electronic Data Processing System)
Article 61-3(1)The applications, etc. pursuant to the laws and this Ministerial Order that enable filing using an electronic data processing system (meaning the applications, etc. prescribed in Article 3, item (viii) of the Act on the Promotion of Administration Using Information and Communications Technology (Act No. 151 of 2002); the same applies hereinafter) are to be as prescribed in the following items in addition to those provided for in other laws and regulations:
(i)notification pursuant to the provisions of Articles 19-16 or 19-17 of the Act;
(ii)report pursuant to the provisions of Article 57, paragraph (1), (2), (5) or (9) of the Act;
(iii)report pertaining to a person who received landing permission for crew members pursuant to the provisions of Article 57, paragraph (7) of the Act;
(iv)submission of a written application for user registration of the Automated Gates pursuant to the provisions of Article 7-2, paragraph (1) (limited to written applications in the case of a person seeking to be registered as a user of the Automated Gates that falls under Article 9, paragraph (8), item (i), sub-item (c) of the Act);
(v)submission of a written application for landing permission for crew members pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (1) or Article 15-2, paragraph (1);
(vi)submission of a written application for permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (1) (limited to cases in which submission is made at the same time as the written application prescribed in the following item);
(vii)submission of the written application for extension of the period of stay under the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (1) (limited to that pertaining to a person residing with a status of residence (excluding the statuses of residence of "Diplomat", "Specified Skilled Worker" and "Temporary Visitor") in the left-hand column of the Appended Table I of the Act);
(viii)submission of the written application for permission for re-entry under the provisions of Article 29, paragraph (1) (limited to that pertaining to a person who has status of residence (excluding the statuses of residence of "Diplomat", "Specified Skilled Worker" and "Temporary Visitor") in the left-hand column of the Appended Table I of the Act);
(ix)notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 51 item (i); and
(x)notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 51, item (ii) or (iii).
(2)Any person who seeks to file an application, etc. set forth in items (i) through item (v), item (ix), and item (x) of the preceding paragraph using an electronic data processing system must notify the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency in advance of the particulars provided for in each item and of other referential particulars that should serve as a reference, in accordance with the category listed the each of the following items:
(i)persons seeking to file the application, etc. listed in item (i) or (iv) of the preceding paragraph:name, date of birth, sex and nationality or region (in the case of an organization, its name and location); or
(ii)persons seeking to file the application, etc. listed in item (ii), item (iii), item (v), item (ix) or item (x) of the preceding paragraph:name and address (in the case of a corporation, its name, the location of the office that seeks to handle the application procedures and the name of the person responsible ).
(3)The person able to submit the written application listed in paragraph (1), item (vi) through item (viii) using an electronic data processing system is to be the staff member of an organization that accepts foreign nationals (including the supervising organizations (meaning the supervising organization prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (10) of the Act on Proper Technical Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (Act No. 89 of 2016; hereinafter referred to as "Technical Intern Training Act") and excluding the supervising-organization-type training implementing organization (meaning the supervising-organization-type training implementing organization prescribed in paragraph (8) of the same Article) or an attorney-at-law or administrative scrivener who has been requested by that organization and is a person who has notified the location to the director of the regional immigration services bureau exercising jurisdiction over the locality through the bar association or the administrative scriveners association to which the attorney or the administrative scrivener belongs is located, limited to the following foreign nationals considered appropriate by the director of the regional immigration services bureau or the person who at the request of its legal representative acts on behalf of the foreign national:
(i)persons who have been accepted by the relevant organization (limited to those residing with a status of residence (excluding the statuses of residence of "Diplomat", "Specified Skilled Worker" and "Temporary Visitor") in the left-hand column of the Appended Table I of the Act);
(ii)among the persons listed in the preceding item, persons engaging in activities as members of a family belonging to the same household as those for whom the status of residence of "Official" has been determined, who are residing with the same status of residence; or
(iii)persons residing with the status of residence of "Dependent" engaging in daily activities supported by the person listed in item (i) or a person residing with the status of residence for "Designated Activities" whose activities are particularly specified.
(4)The organizations that receive the foreign nationals set forth in the preceding paragraph are to be organizations other than those that fall under any of the following sub-items, and are found appropriate by the director of the regional immigration services bureau:
(i)an organization that has been sentenced to a fine pursuant to the provisions of the immigration or labor related laws and five years have not yet passed from the date on which the execution of the sentence was completed or is no longer subject to execution of the sentence;
(ii)in the case of a corporation, an organization where its officer has been sentenced to imprisonment without work or a heavier punishment or has been sentenced to a fine according to the provisions of the immigration or labor related laws and five years have not yet passed from the date on which the execution of the sentence was completed or is no longer subject to execution of the sentence.
(5)Any person who files an application, etc. set forth in any of the items of paragraph (1) using an electronic data processing system must do so by entering the information that should be stated in the written application and other documents pursuant to the provisions of the Act and this Ministerial Order or the information that should be reported, notified, or made a notification to an immigration inspector.
(6)The provisions of Article 20, paragraph (5) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (4) do not apply to cases of submitting the written application set forth in paragraph (1), item (vii) using an electronic data processing system.
(Miscellaneous Provisions)
Article 62If any material to be submitted to the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency, the director of a regional immigration services bureau, or an immigration inspector pursuant to the provisions of the Act or this Ministerial Order is written in a foreign language, a translation thereof must be attached thereto.
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
Supplementary Provisions
省 略
Appended Table I
Name of Port
Name of Airport
Shin Chitose
茨 城
百 里(茨城)
Hyakuri (Ibaraki)
Narita International
Tokyo International (Haneda)
Chubu International
Kansai International
Miho (Yonago)
New Ishigaki
Appended Table II
Status of Residence
Period of Stay
Period during which the foreign national engages in the activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Diplomat" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act (referred to as "Diplomatic Activities").
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 3 months, 30 days, or 15 days
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Religious Activities
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Highly Skilled Professional
一 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号イからハまでに掲げる活動を行う者にあつては、五年
(i) in the case of a foreign national engaging in the activities listed in item (i) sub-items (a) through (c) of the right-hand column of "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: 5 years
二 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第二号に掲げる活動を行う者にあつては、無期限
(ii) in the case of a foreign national engaging in the activities listed in item (ii) of the right-hand column of "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I(2) of the Act: indefinite period
Business Manager
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 4 months, or 3 months
Legal/Accounting Services
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Medical Services
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Intra-Company Transferee
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Nursing Care
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
3 years, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months, or 15 days
Skilled Labor
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months
Specified Skilled Worker
一 法別表第一の二の表の特定技能の項の下欄第一号に掲げる活動を行う者にあつては、一年、六月又は四月
(i) in the case of a person who engages in the activities listed in item (i) of the right-hand column of "Specified Skilled Worker" of the Appended Table 1 (2) of the Act: 1 year, 6 months, or 4 months
二 法別表第一の二の表の特定技能の項の下欄第二号に掲げる活動を行う者にあつては、三年、一年又は六月
(ii) in the case of a person who engages in the activities listed in item (ii) of the right-hand column of "Specified Skilled Worker" in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: 3 years, 1 year, or 6 months
Technical Intern Training
一 法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第一号イ又はロに掲げる活動を行う者にあつては、一年を超えない範囲内で法務大臣が個々の外国人について指定する期間
(i) in the case of a foreign national engaging in the activities listed in item (i) sub-item (a) or (c) of the right-hand column of "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: period designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals not exceeding 1 year
二 法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第二号イ若しくはロ又は第三号イ若しくはロに掲げる活動を行う者にあつては、二年を超えない範囲内で法務大臣が個々の外国人について指定する期間
(ii) in the case of a foreign national engaging in the activities listed in item (ii), sub-item (a) or (b), or item (iii), sub-item (a) or (b) of the right-hand column of "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: period designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals not exceeding 2 years
Cultural Activities
3 years, 1 year, 6 months, or 3 months.
Temporary Visitor
90 days, 30 days, or a period that regards as one unit a number of days under 15 days
Period designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals not exceeding 51 months
1 year, 6 months, or 3 months
Period designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals not exceeding 5 years
Designated Activities
一 法第七条第一項第二号の告示で定める活動を指定される者(本邦に在留する外国人の扶養を受ける日常的な活動を特に指定される者その他当該外国人に随伴する者であつて法務大臣が別に期間を指定する必要があると認めるものを除く。)にあつては、五年、三年、一年、六月又は三月
(i) In the case of a person for whom the activities specified by the public notice referred to in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act are designated (except for a person for whom daily activities supported by a foreign national staying in Japan are specially designated and any other person who accompanies that foreign national and for whom the Minister of Justice finds it necessary to separately designate a period): 5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 6 months, or 3 months
二 経済上の連携に関する日本国とインドネシア共和国との間の協定、経済上の連携に関する日本国とフィリピン共和国との間の協定若しくは平成二十四年四月十八日にベトナム社会主義共和国政府との間で交換が完了した看護師及び介護福祉士の入国及び一時的な滞在に関する書簡に基づき保健師助産師看護師法(昭和二十三年法律第二百三号)第五条に規定する看護師としての業務に従事する活動又はこれらの協定若しくは交換が完了した書簡に基づき社会福祉士及び介護福祉士法(昭和六十二年法律第三十号)第二条第二項に規定する介護福祉士として同項に規定する介護等の業務に従事する活動を指定される者にあつては、三年又は一年
(ii) in the case of a foreign national designated the activities of engaging in the profession of a nurse prescribed in Article 5 of the Public Health Nurse, Birthing Assistant and Nurse Act (Act No. 203 of 1948) pursuant to the Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Indonesia for an Economic Partnership, the Agreement between Japan and the Republic of the Philippines for an Economic Partnership, or the Exchange of Letters between Japan and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on the Entry and Temporary Stay of Nurses and Certified Careworkers completed on April 18, 2012, or the activities to engage in the business of nursing care, etc. prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Social Welfare Worker and Certified Careworker Act (Act No. 30 of 1987) as a qualified "certified careworker" as prescribed in the same paragraph pursuant to these Agreements or the completed exchange of letters: 3 years or 1 year
三 一及び二に掲げる者以外の者にあつては、五年を超えない範囲内で法務大臣が個々の外国人について指定する期間
(iii) For other persons than those set forth in (i) and (ii): period designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals not exceeding 5 years
Permanent Resident
Indefinite period
Spouse or Child of Japanese National
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 6 months
Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident
5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 6 months
Long-Term Resident
一 法第七条第一項第二号の告示で定める地位を認められる者にあつては、五年、三年、一年又は六月
(i) in the case of a foreign national permitted the position prescribed in the public notice set forth in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act: 5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 6 months
二 一に掲げる地位以外の地位を認められる者にあつては、五年を超えない範囲内で法務大臣が個々の外国人について指定する期間
(ii) in the case of a foreign national permitted a position other than that specified in (i): period not exceeding 5 years designated by the Minister of Justice for individual foreign nationals
Appended Table III
Status of Residence
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Diplomat" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
A verbal note or other documents issued by a foreign government or international organization certifying the foreign national's status and mission
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Official" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
A verbal note or other documents issued by a foreign government or international organization certifying the foreign national's status and mission
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Professor" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and renumeration
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Artist" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position
二 芸術活動上の業績を明らかにする資料
(ii) materials demonstrating the foreign national's artistic achievements
Religious Activities
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Religious Activities" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
一 派遣機関からの派遣期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(i) Document proving the dispatch period decided by the dispatching agency and the foreign national's position and renumeration;
二 派遣機関及び受入機関の概要を明らかにする資料
(ii) materials demonstrating the overview of the dispatching agency and the receiving organization;
三 宗教家としての地位及び職歴を証する文書
(iii) document proving the foreign national's position and work history as a religious worker.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Journalist" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and renumeration
Highly Skilled Professional
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号に掲げる活動を行おうとする場合
(i) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (i) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act:
イ 本邦において行おうとする活動に応じて、この表の教授の項から報道の項まで又は経営・管理の項から技能の項までのいずれかの下欄に掲げる資料
a. materials listed in the right-hand column of the categories of "Professor" to "Journalist", or "Business Manager" to "Skilled Labor" specified in this Table in accordance with the activities which the foreign national seeks to conduct in Japan;
ロ 本邦において行おうとする次の(1)から(3)までに掲げる活動の区分に応じ、当該(1)から(3)までに掲げる資料
b. materials listed in the following (1) to (3) in accordance with the category of the activities listed in (1) to (3) to be condeucted by the foreign national in Japan:
(1) 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号イに掲げる活動 出入国管理及び難民認定法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄の基準を定める省令(平成二十六年法務省令第三十七号。以下「高度専門職省令」という。)第一条第一項第一号に該当することを明らかにする資料
(1) activities listed in item (i) sub-item (a) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: materials demonstrating that the foreign national falls under Article 1, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Ministerial Order to Provide for the Criteria in the Right-Hand Column Corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" as Specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Ministry of Justice Order No. 37 of 2014; hereinafter referred to as "Ministerial Order on Highly Skilled Professionals");
(2) 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号ロに掲げる活動 高度専門職省令第一条第一項第二号に該当することを明らかにする資料
(2) activities listed in item (i) sub-item (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: materials demonstrating that the foreign national falls under Article 1, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Ministerial Order on Highly Skilled Professionals;
(3) 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号ハに掲げる活動 高度専門職省令第一条第一項第三号に該当することを明らかにする資料
(3) activities listed in item (i) sub-item (c) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: materials demonstrating that the foreign national falls under Article 1, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Ministerial Order on Highly Skilled Professionals
二 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第二号に掲げる活動を行おうとする場合
(ii) cases in which the foreign national seeks to conduct the activities listed in item (ii) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I(2) of the Act:
イ 前号ロに掲げる資料
a. materials listed in sub-item (b) of the preceding item;
ロ 高度専門職の在留資格(法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号に係るものに限る。)をもつて本邦に在留しながら同号に掲げる活動を行つた期間が三年以上であることを明らかにする資料
b. materials demonstrating that the period the foreign national conducted the activities listed in item (i) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I(2) of the Act while residing in Japan with the status of residence of "Highly Skilled Professional" (limited to those pertaining to the same item) was 3 years or longer;
ハ 素行が善良であることを証する書類
(c) document proving good behavior and conduct by the foreign national.
Business Manager
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Business Manager" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 次のイからハまでに掲げる資料
(i) Materials listed in the following sub-items (a) to (c):
イ 事業計画書の写し
a. a copy of a business plan;
ロ 当該事業を法人において行う場合には、当該法人の登記事項証明書の写し(法人の登記が完了していないときは、定款その他法人において当該事業を開始しようとしていることを明らかにする書類の写し)
b. in cases in which a corporation is to conduct the business, a copy of the certificate of registered matters (if the registration of the corporation has not been completed, a copy of the articles of incorporation or other documents demonstrating that the corporation seeks to commence business);
ハ 損益計算書その他これに準ずる書類の写し(事業を開始しようとする場合においては、この限りでない。)
c. a copy of the profit and loss statement or of other equivalent documents (this does not apply if the corporation seeks to commence business)
二 次のいずれかに掲げる資料
(ii) any of the following materials:
イ 当該外国人を除く常勤の職員の総数を明らかにする資料並びにその数が二人である場合には、当該二人の職員に係る賃金支払に関する文書及び住民票、在留カード又は特別永住者証明書の写し
a. materials demonstrating the total number of full-time employees excluding the foreign national and, if that number is two, a document regarding the payment of those employees' wages and copies of their certificate of residence, residence card or special permanent resident certificate;
ロ 資本金の額又は出資の総額を明らかにする資料
b. materials demonstrating the amount of the stated capital or the total amount of the contribution;
ハ その他事業の規模を明らかにする資料
c. other materials proving the size of the business;
三 事業所の概要を明らかにする資料
(iii). materials demonstrating the overview of the business office;
四 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(iv) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration;
五 事業の管理に従事しようとする場合は、職歴を証する文書及び大学院において経営又は管理を専攻した期間に係る証明書
(v) document proving the foreign national's work history and a certificate on the period which the foreign national majored in business administration or management at graduate school in cases where the foreign national seeks to engage in the management of a business.
Legal/ Accounting Services
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Legal/Accounting Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 法別表第一の二の表の法律・会計業務の項の下欄に定める資格を有することを証する文書
(i) Document proving the qualifications listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Legal/Accounting Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act;
二 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(ii) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration.
Medical Services
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Medical Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 招へい機関の概要を明らかにする資料
(i) materials demonstrating the overview of the inviting organization;
二 法別表第一の二の表の医療の項の下欄に定める資格を有することを証する文書
(ii) document proving the qualifications listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Medical Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act;
三 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(iii) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Researcher" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 本邦の公私の機関との契約に基づいて研究を行う業務に従事しようとする場合
(i) Cases in whch the foreign national seeks to engage in research based on a contract signed with a public or private organization in Japan:
イ 招へい機関の概要を明らかにする資料
a. materials demonstrating the overview of the inviting organization;
ロ 卒業証明書及び職歴その他経歴を証する文書
b. certificate of graduation and a document proving the foreign national's work history or other documents proving their personal history;
ハ 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する資料
c. materials proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration;
二 本邦に本店、支店その他の事業所のある公私の機関の外国にある事業所の職員が本邦にある事業所に期間を定めて転勤して当該事業所において研究を行う業務に従事しようとする場合
(ii) cases in which a staff member of a business office established in a foreign country by a public or private organization which has a head office, branch office or other business office in Japan seeks to engage in research by being transferred to the business office in Japan for a limited period of time:
イ 外国の事業所と本邦の事業所の関係を示す文書
a. document indicating the relationship between the business offices in the foreign country and the business office in Japan;
ロ 本邦の事業所の登記事項証明書、損益計算書の写し及び事業内容を明らかにする資料
b. certificate of registered matters and a copy of the profit and loss statement, and materials demonstrating the content of business of the business office in Japan;
ハ 外国の事業所(転勤の直前一年以内に申請人が研究の在留資格をもつて本邦に在留していた期間がある場合には、当該期間に業務に従事していた本邦の事業所を含む。)における職務内容及び勤務期間を証する文書
c. document proving the content of the duties and years of service at the business office in a foreign country (in cases where the applicant resided in Japan with the status of residence of "Researcher" within one year immediately prior to being transferred, including the business office in Japan where the applicant engaged in business during the period);
ニ 外国の事業所の登記事項証明書及びその概要を明らかにする資料
d. certificate of registered matters of the business office in the foreign country and materials demonstrating the overview of the office;
ホ 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
e. document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration;
へ 卒業証明書及び経歴を証する文書
f. Certificate of graduation and a document proving the foreign national's personal history.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Instructor" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act.
一 招へい機関の概要を明らかにする資料
(i) Materials demonstrating the overview of the inviting organization;
二 学歴を証する文書又は教育活動に係る免許の写し
(ii) document proving the foreign national's educational background or a copy of a license pertaining to their educational activities;
三 職歴を証する文書
(iii) document proving the foreign national's work history;
四 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(iv) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration.
Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities/ International Services
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/ International Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 招へい機関の登記事項証明書及び損益計算書の写し
(i) Certificate of registered information and a copy of the profit and loss statement of the inviting organization;
二 招へい機関の事業内容を明らかにする資料
(ii) materials demonstrating the content of business of the inviting organization;
三 卒業証明書又は活動に係る科目を専攻した期間に係る証明書及び職歴を証する文書
(iii) certificate of graduation or a certificate for the period during which the foreign national majored in subjects pertaining to the activities, and a document proving the foreign national's work histroy;
四 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(iv) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration.
Intra-Company Transferee
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Intra-Company Transferee" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 外国の事業所と本邦の事業所の関係を示す文書
(i) Document indicating the relationship between the business office in the foreign country and the business office in Japan;
二 本邦の事業所の登記事項証明書、損益計算書の写し及び事業内容を明らかにする資料
(ii) a copy of the certificate of registered matters and the profit and loss statement, and materials demonstrating the content of business of the business office in Japan;
三 外国の事業所(転勤の直前一年以内に申請人が企業内転勤の在留資格をもつて本邦に在留していた期間がある場合には、当該期間に業務に従事していた本邦の事業所を含む。)における職務内容及び勤務期間を証する文書
(iii) document proving the content of the duties and years of service at the business office in the foreign country (in cases where the applicant resided in Japan with the status of residence of "Intra-Company Transferee" within one year immediately prior to being transferred, including the business office in Japan where the applicant engaged in business during the period);
四 外国の事業所の登記事項証明書及びその概要を明らかにする資料
(iv) certificate of registered information of the business office in the foreign country and materials demonstrating the overview of the office;
五 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(v) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration;
六 卒業証明書及び経歴を証する文書
(vi) certificate of graduation and a document proving the foreign national's personal history.
Nursing Care
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Nursing Care" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 招へい機関の概要を明らかにする資料
(i) Materials demonstrating the overview of the inviting organization;
二 介護福祉士の資格を有することを証する文書
(ii) document certifying the qualification of certified care worker;
三 基準省令の表の法別表第一の二の表の介護の項の下欄に掲げる活動の項の下欄第一号に該当することを明らかにする資料
(iii) materials demonstrating that the activities fall under item (i) of the right-hand column of the section of the activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Nursing Care" specified in the Appended Table I(2) of the Act in the table of the Ministerial Order on Criteria;
四 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(iv) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Entertainer" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 演劇、演芸、歌謡、舞踊又は演奏(以下「演劇等」という。)の興行に係る活動を行おうとする場合(次号に該当する場合を除く。)
(i) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in performances related to acting, popular entertainment, singing, dancing, or playing a musical instrument ( hereinafter referred to as "acting, etc.") (excluding cases that fall under the following item):
イ 経歴書及び活動に係る経歴を証する文書
a. resume and a document certifying the foreign national's personal history pertaining to the activities;
ロ 基準省令の表の法別表第一の二の表の興行の項の下欄に掲げる活動の項(以下「基準省令の興行の項」という。)の下欄第一号ロに規定する機関(以下「興行契約機関」という。)の登記事項証明書、損益計算書の写しその他の興行契約機関の概要を明らかにする資料
b. certificate of registered matters, a copy of the profit and loss statement or other materials demonstrating the overview of the contracting organization of the entertainer (hereinafter referred to as "contracting organization of the entertainer") of the organization prescribed in item (i) b of the right-hand column corresponding to the activities listed in the right-hand column of "Entertainer" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act of the table set forth in the Ministerial Order on Criteria (hereinafter referred to as ""Entertainer" section in the Ministerial Order on Criteria");
ハ 興行を行う施設の概要を明らかにする資料
c. materials demonstrating the overview of the facilities where the performances are conducted;
ニ 興行に係る契約書の写し
d. a copy of the contract pertaining to the performances;
ホ 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
e. document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration;
ヘ 基準省令の興行の項の下欄第一号ロに規定する興行契約に基づいて演劇等の興行に係る活動を行おうとするときは、次に掲げる資料
f. in the case where the foreign national seeks to engage in activities related to acting, etc. based on a performance contract prescribed in item (i), sub-item (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Entertainer" specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria, the following materials:
(1) list of names of the proprietor and full-time employees of the contracting organization of the entertainer;
(2) document with a statement by the contracting organization of the entertainer that its proprietor and full-time employees do not fall under any of item (i), sub-item (b) (3) (i) to (v) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Entertainer" specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria;
(3) document proving that the contracting organization of the entertainer has paid the total amount of remuneration that it is obliged to pay to the foreign nationals who have stayed in Japan with the status of residence of "Entertainer" based on the performance contracts signed by the organization in the past 3 years.
ト 基準省令の興行の項の下欄第一号ハに規定する施設を運営する機関(以下「運営機関」という。)の次に掲げる資料
(g) the following materials of the organization that manages the facilities prescribed in item (i), sub-item (c) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Entertainer" specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria (hereinafter referred to as "managing organization"):
(1) 登記事項証明書、損益計算書の写しその他の運営機関の概要を明らかにする資料
(1) certificate of registered matters, a copy of the profit and loss statement or other materials demonstrating the overview of the managing organization;
(2) 運営機関の経営者及び当該施設に係る業務に従事する常勤の職員の名簿
(2) list of names of the proprietor of the managing organization and its full-time employees engaged in businesses pertaining to the facilities;
(3) 運営機関の経営者及び当該施設に係る業務に従事する常勤の職員が基準省令の興行の項の下欄第一号ハ(6)(ⅰ)から(ⅴ)までのいずれにも該当しないことを運営機関が申し立てる書面
(3) document with a statement by the managing organization that its proprietor and full-time employees engaged in businesses pertaining to the facilities do not fall under any of (i) to (v) of item (i), sub-item (c), (6) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Entertainer" specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria.
二 基準省令の興行の項の下欄第二号イからホまでのいずれかに該当する場合 前号イ及びハからホまでに掲げるもののほか、招へい機関の登記事項証明書、損益計算書の写しその他の招へい機関の概要を明らかにする資料
(ii) in the cases that fall under any of sub-items (a) to (e) of item (ii) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Entertainer" specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria: in addition to the documents listed in sub-items (a) and (c) to (e) of the preceding item, a certificate of registered matters, a copy of the profit and loss statement, and other materials stating the overview of the inviting organization;
三 演劇等の興行に係る活動以外の興行に係る活動を行おうとする場合
(iii) in the case where the foreign national seeks to engage in performances other than those related to acting, etc.:
イ 経歴書及び活動に係る経歴を証する文書
(a) resume and a document proving the foreign national's personal history pertaining to the activities;
ロ 招へい機関の登記事項証明書、損益計算書の写し及び従業員名簿
(b) certificate of registered matters, a copy of the profit and loss statement and a list of the employees of the inviting organization;
ハ 興行を行う施設の概要を明らかにする資料
(c) materials demonstrating the overview of the facilities where the performances are conducted;
ニ 招へい機関が興行を請け負つているときは請負契約書の写し
(d) a copy of the contract agreement when the inviting organization is the contractor of the performances;
ホ 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(e) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration.
四 興行に係る活動以外の芸能活動を行おうとする場合
(iv) in the case where the foreign national intends to engage in show business other than activities for performances:
イ 芸能活動上の業績を証する資料
(a) materials proving the foreign national's achievements in show business;
ロ 活動の内容、期間及び報酬を証する文書
(b) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's remuneration.
Skilled Labor
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Skilled Labor" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 招へい機関の登記事項証明書及び損益計算書の写し
(i) Certificate of registered matters and a copy of the profit and loss statement of the inviting organization;
二 招へい機関の事業内容を明らかにする資料
(ii) materials demonstrating the content of business of the inviting organization;
三 経歴書並びに活動に係る経歴及び資格を証する公的機関が発行した文書
(iii) resume, a document on the foreign national's personal history related to the activities, and a document issued by a public organization proving their qualifications pertaining to the activities;
四 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(iv) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration.
Specified Skilled Worker
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Specified Skilled Worker" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 法別表第一の二の表の特定技能の項の下欄第一号に掲げる活動を行おうとする場合
(i) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (i) of the right-hand column of "Specified Skilled Worker" of the Appended Table I (2) of the Act:
イ 特定技能所属機関の概要を明らかにする資料
(a) materials demonstrating the overview of the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker;
ロ 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(b) documents proving the content of the activities, period, position and remuneration;
ハ 特定技能所属機関による申請人に対する支援に係る文書
(c) documents pertaining to support for applicants by the organization of affiliation of specified skilled worker;
ニ 日本語能力を証する資料
(d) documents proving Japanese language ability;
ホ 従事しようとする業務に関して有する技能を証する資料
(e) documents proving skills on the duties which the applicant seeks to engage in;
ヘ 特定技能雇用契約の締結に関し仲介した者がある場合は、当該仲介の概要
(f) if there is a broker in signing an employment contract for a specified skilled worker, the overview of the broker;
ト 健康状態が良好であることを証する資料
(g) documents proving that the state of health is good;
二 法別表第一の二の表の特定技能の項の下欄第二号に掲げる活動を行おうとする場合
(ii) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (ii) of the right-hand column of "Specified Skilled Worker" of the Appended Table I(2) of the Act:
イ 特定技能所属機関の概要を明らかにする資料
(a) materials demonstrating the overview of the organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker;
ロ 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(b) documents proving the content of the activities, period, position and remuneration;
ハ 従事しようとする業務に関して有する技能を証する資料
(c) materials proving the skills on the duties the applicant seeks to engage in;
ニ 特定技能雇用契約の締結に関し仲介した者がある場合は、当該仲介の概要
(d) if there is a broker in signing an employment contract for a specified skilled worker, the overview of the broker;
ホ 健康状態が良好であることを証する資料
(e) documents proving that the state of health is good.
Technical Intern Training
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act.
一 法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第一号イに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合 技能実習法第八条第一項の認定(技能実習法第十一条第一項の規定による変更の認定があつたときは、その変更後のもの。以下同じ。)を受けた技能実習計画(技能実習法第二条第二項第一号に規定する第一号企業単独型技能実習に係るものに限る。)に係る技能実習計画認定通知書及び認定の申請書の写し
(i) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (i), sub-item (a) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in Appended Table I (2) of the Act: a copy of the written notification of accreditation of the technical intern training plan and the application for the accreditation pertaining to the technical intern training plan (limited to those pertaining to individual-enterprise-type technical intern training (i) provided for in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Technical Intern Training Act), which received accreditation (where a change has been approved in accordance with the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Technical Intern Training Act, the plan after the change; the same applies hereinafter) pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Technical Intern Training Act;
二 法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第一号ロに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合 技能実習法第八条第一項の認定を受けた技能実習計画(技能実習法第二条第四項第一号に規定する第一号団体監理型技能実習に係るものに限る。)に係る技能実習計画認定通知書及び認定の申請書の写し
(ii) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (i), sub-item (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: a copy of the written notification of accreditation of the technical intern training plan and application for accreditation pertaining to the technical intern training plan (limited to those pertaining to supervising-organization-type technical intern training (i) provided for in Article 2, paragraph (4), item (i) of the Technical Intern Training Act), which received accreditation pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Technical Intern Training Act;
三 法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第二号イに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合
(iii) Cases where the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (ii), sub-item (a) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act:
イ 技能実習法第八条第一項の認定を受けた技能実習計画(技能実習法第二条第二項第二号に規定する第二号企業単独型技能実習に係るものに限る。)に係る技能実習計画認定通知書及び認定の申請書の写し
(a) a copy of the written notification of accreditation of the technical intern training plan and application for accreditation pertaining to the technical intern training plan (limited to those pertaining to individual-enterprise-type technical intern training (ii) provided for in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Technical Intern Training Act), which received accreditation pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Technical Intern Training Act;
ロ 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書(在留資格の変更を申請する場合に限る。)
(b) certificate of the foreign national's annual income and amount of tax paid (limited to cases of applying for a change in the status of residence).
四 法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第二号ロに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合
(iv) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (ii), sub-item (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in Appended Table I (2) of the Act:
イ 技能実習法第八条第一項の認定を受けた技能実習計画(技能実習法第二条第四項第二号に規定する第二号団体監理型技能実習に係るものに限る。)に係る技能実習計画認定通知書及び認定の申請書の写し
(a) a copy of the written notification of accreditation of the technical intern training plan and application for accreditation pertaining to the technical intern training plan (limited to those pertaining to the supervising-organization-type technical intern training (ii) provided for in Article 2,paragraph (4), item (ii) of the Technical Intern Training Act), which received accreditation pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Technical Intern Training Act;
ロ 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書(在留資格の変更を申請する場合に限る。)
(b) certificate of the foreign national's annual income and amount of tax paid (limited to cases of applying for a change in the status of residence).
五 法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第三号イに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合
(v) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (iii), sub-item (a) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act:
イ 技能実習法第八条第一項の認定を受けた技能実習計画(技能実習法第二条第二項第三号に規定する第三号企業単独型技能実習に係るものに限る。)に係る技能実習計画認定通知書及び認定の申請書の写し
(a) a copy of the written notification of accreditation of the technical intern training plan and application for accreditation pertaining to the technical intern training plan (limited to those pertaining to individual-enterprise-type technical intern training (iii) provided for in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Technical Intern Training Act), which received accreditation pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Technical Intern Training Act;
ロ 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書(在留資格の変更を申請する場合に限る。)
(b) certificate of the foreign national's annual income and amount of tax paid (limited to cases of applying for a change in the status of residence).
六 法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第三号ロに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合
(vi) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (iii), sub-item (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act:
イ 技能実習法第八条第一項の認定を受けた技能実習計画(技能実習法第二条第四項第三号に規定する第三号団体監理型技能実習に係るものに限る。)に係る技能実習計画認定通知書及び認定の申請書の写し
(a) a copy of the written notification of accreditation of the technical intern training plan and application for accreditation pertaining to the technical intern training plan (limited to those pertaining to supervising-organization-type technical intern training (iii) provided for in Article 2, paragraph (4), item (iii) of the Technical Intern Training Act), which received accreditation pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Technical Intern Training Act;
ロ 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書(在留資格の変更を申請する場合に限る。)
(b) certificate of the foreign national's annual income and amount of tax paid (limited to cases of applying for a change in the status of residence).
Cultural Activities
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Cultural Activities" specified in the Appended Table I (3) of the Act
一 学術上若しくは芸術上の活動を行い、又は我が国特有の文化若しくは技芸について専門的な研究を行おうとする場合
(i) Cases in which the foreign national seeks to engage in academic or artistic activities or to pursue exclusive studies on culture or crafts and arts peculiar to Japan:
イ 活動の内容及び期間並びに当該活動を行おうとする機関の概要を明らかにする資料
a. materials demonstrating the content and period of the activities and the overview of the organization in which the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities;
ロ 学歴、職歴及び活動に係る経歴を証する文書
b. document proving the foreign national's educational background, work history, and personal history pertaining to the activities;
ハ 在留中の一切の経費の支弁能力を証する文書
c. document proving the foreign national's ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan;
二 専門家の指導を受けて我が国特有の文化又は技芸を修得しようとする場合 前号に掲げるもののほか、当該専門家の経歴及び業績を明らかにする資料
(ii) in cases where the foreign national seeks to learn and acquire culture or craft and arts peculiar to Japan under the guidance of experts: in addition to those listed in the preceding item, materials demonstrating the personal history and achievements of the experts.
Temporary Visitor
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Temporary Visitor" specified in the Appended Table I (3) of the Act
一 本邦から出国するための航空機等の切符又はこれに代わる運送業者の発行する保証書
(i) Ticket of aircraft, etc. for departure from Japan or a letter of guarantee issued by the carrier in lieu of the ticket ;
二 本邦以外の国に入国することができる当該外国人の有効な旅券
(ii) the foreign national's valid passport by which they are able to enter countries other than Japan;
三 在留中の一切の経費の支弁能力を明らかにする資料
(iii) materials demonstrating the foreign national's ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Student" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act
一 教育を受けようとする機関の入学許可書の写し
(i) Copy of the letter of acceptance issued by the institution where the foreign national seeks to receive education;
二 在留中の一切の経費の支弁能力を証する文書、当該外国人以外の者が経費を支弁する場合には、その者の支弁能力を証する文書及びその者が支弁するに至つた経緯を明らかにする文書
(ii) document proving the foreign national's ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan, and if a person other than the foreign national is to pay the expenses, a document proving the person's ability to pay the expenses and a document stating the circumstances that led to the person to pay the expenses;
三 申請人が研究生又は聴講生として教育を受けようとする場合には、当該機関からの研究内容又は科目及び時間数を証する文書
(iii) in cases where the applicant seeks to receive education as a research student or audit student, a document from the organization proving the content of the research or the subjects, and the number of hours;
四 申請人が基準省令の表の法別表第一の四の表の留学の項の下欄に掲げる活動の項(以下「基準省令の留学の項」という。)の下欄第一号ハに該当する活動(本邦の小学校(義務教育学校の前期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の小学部に入学して教育を受ける活動を除く。)を行う場合は、卒業証明書及び経歴を明らかにする文書
(iv) in cases where the applicant is to engage in the activities (except for the activities of entering an elementary school (including the first semester course at a compulsory education school; hereinafter the same applies in this section) or an elementary school course of a special-needs school in Japan, and receiving education) that fall under item (i), sub-item (c) of the right-hand column of the section of the activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Student" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Ministerial Order on Criteria (hereinafter referred to as "'Student' specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria"), a certificate of graduation and a document proving the foreign national's personal history;
五 申請人が中学校(義務教育学校の後期課程及び中等教育学校の前期課程を含む。)若しくは特別支援学校の中学部又は小学校若しくは特別支援学校の小学部において教育を受けようとする場合は、当該申請人が日常生活を営むこととなる宿泊施設の概要を明らかにする資料
(v) in cases where the applicant seeks to receive education at a junior high school (including the second semester course at a compulsory education school and the first semester course at a school for secondary education) or a junior high school course of a special-needs school, elementary school or an elementary school course of a special-needs school, materials demonstrating the overview of the place of accommodation where the applicant is to lead their daily life.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Trainee" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act
一 研修の内容、必要性、実施場所、期間及び待遇を明らかにする研修計画書
(i) Training course plan demonstrating the content, necessity, place of implementation, and period of the training and the treatment of the trainees;
二 帰国後本邦において修得した技能等を要する業務に従事することを証する文書
(ii) Documents proving that the foreign national will be engaged in a business requiring the skills etc. acquired in Japan after returning home
三 職歴を証する文書
(iii) document proving the foreign national's work history;
四 基準省令の表の法別表第一の四の表の研修の項(以下「基準省令の研修の項」という。)の下欄第四号に規定する指導を行う職員の当該研修において修得しようとする技能等に係る職歴を証する文書
(iv) document proving the work history of the staff member who will provide instructions prescribed in item (iv) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Trainee" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act of the table set forth in the Ministerial Order on Criteria (hereinafter referred to as "'Trainee' specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria") pertaining to the skills, etc. which the foreign national seeks to acquire through the training;
五 送出し機関(申請人が国籍又は住所を有する国の所属機関その他申請人が本邦において行おうとする活動の準備に関与する外国の機関をいう。)の概要を明らかにする資料
(v) materials demonstrating the overview of the sending organization (meaning the organization of affiliation of the country where the applicant has a nationality or address, or any other foreign organization involved in the preparations for the activities which the applicant seeks to conduct in Japan);
六 基準省令の研修の項の下欄第四号に規定する受入れ機関の登記事項証明書及び損益計算書の写し
(vi) certificate of registered matters and a copy of the profit and loss statement of the receiving organization provided for in item (iv) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Trainee" of the Ministerial Order on Criteria.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Dependent" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act
一 扶養者との身分関係を証する文書
(i) Document proving the family relationship with the supporter,
二 扶養者の在留カード又は旅券の写し
(ii) copy of the supporter's residence card or passport;
三 扶養者の職業及び収入を証する文書
(iii) document proving the supporter's occupation and income.
Designated Activities
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Designated Activities" specified in the Appended Table I (5) of the Act
一 収入を伴う事業を運営する活動又は報酬を受ける活動を行おうとする場合 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
(i) In cases where the foreign national seeks to engage in activities related to the management of business involving income or activities for which the foreign national receives a remuneration: document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration.
二 その他の場合
(ii) In other cases:
イ 在留中の活動を明らかにする文書
a. document demonstrating the activities to be engaged in during the foreign national's stay in Japan;
ロ 在留中の一切の経費を支弁することができることを証する文書
b. document proving the foreign national's ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan.
Spouse or Child of Japanese National
Activities as a person with a status listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Spouse or Child of Japanese National" specified in the Appended Table II of the Act
一 日本人の配偶者である場合
(i) In cases of the spouse of a Japanese national:
イ 当該日本人との婚姻を証する文書及び住民票の写し
a. document proving the marriage with the Japanese national and a copy of the foreign national's certificate of residence;
ロ 当該外国人又はその配偶者の職業及び収入に関する証明書
b. certificate proving the occupation and income of the foreign national or their spouse;
ハ 本邦に居住する当該日本人の身元保証書
c. letter of guarantee of the Japanese national residing in Japan.
二 日本人の特別養子又は子である場合
(ii) In cases of the specially adopted child or the child of a Japanese national:
イ 当該日本人の戸籍謄本及び当該外国人の出生証明書その他の親子関係を証する文書
a. certified copy of the family register of the Japanese national and the foreign national's birth certificate, or other documents proving the parent-child relationship;
ロ 当該外国人又は父若しくは母の職業及び収入に関する証明書
b. certificate proving the occupation and income of the foreign national or their father or mother;
ハ 本邦に居住する当該日本人又はその他本邦に居住する身元保証人の身元保証書
c. letter of guarantee of the Japanese national residing in Japan or other personal guarantor residing in Japan.
Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident
Activities as a person with a status or position listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident" specified in the Appended Table II of the Act
一 永住者の在留資格をもつて在留する者若しくは特別永住者(以下「永住者等」と総称する。)の配偶者である場合
(i) In cases of the spouse of a person residing with the status of residence of "Permanent Resident" or a special permanent resident (hereinafter referred to as "permanent resident, etc."):
イ 当該永住者等との身分関係を証する文書
a. document proving the family relationship with the permanent resident, etc.
ロ 当該永住者等の在留カード若しくは特別永住者証明書又は旅券の写し
b. copy of the residence card, special permanent resident certificate, or passport of the permanent resident, etc.;
ハ 当該外国人又はその配偶者の職業及び収入を証する文書
c. document proving the occupation and income of the foreign national or their spouse;
ニ 本邦に居住する当該永住者等の身元保証書
d. letter of guarantee of the permanent resident, etc. residing in Japan.
二 永住者等の子である場合
(ii) In cases of the child of a permanent resident, etc.:
イ 出生証明書その他の親子関係を証する文書
a. the foreign national's birth certificate or other documents proving the parent-child relationship;
ロ 当該永住者等の在留カード若しくは特別永住者証明書又は旅券の写し
b. copy of the residence card, special permanent resident certificate, or passport of the permanent resident, etc.;
ハ 当該外国人又は父若しくは母の職業及び収入に関する証明書
c. certificate proving the occupation and income of the foreign national or their father or mother;
ニ 本邦に居住する当該永住者等又はその他本邦に居住する身元保証人の身元保証書
d. letter of guarantee of the permanent resident, etc. residing in Japan or other personal guarantor residing in Japan.
Long-Term Resident
Activities as a person with a position listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Long-Term Resident" specified in the Appended Table II of the Act
一 戸籍謄本、婚姻証明書、出生証明書その他の当該外国人の身分関係を証する文書
(i) document proving the family relationship of the foreign national such as a certified copy of the family register, a marriage certificate, or a birth certificate;
二 在留中の一切の経費を支弁することができることを証する文書、当該外国人以外の者が経費を支弁する場合には、その収入を証する文書
(ii) document certifying the foreign national's ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan, and in the case where a person other than the foreign national pays the expenses, a document proving the person's income;
三 本邦に居住する身元保証人の身元保証書
(iii) letter of guarantee of the guarantor residing in Japan.
Appended Table III
Appended Table III
事 由
事 項
Change in the name of the public or private organization in Japan where the foreign national residing in Japan with a status of residence listed in Article 19-16, item (i) of the Act is engaging in the activities listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table I corresponding to the status of residence (hereinafter referred to as "organization for the activities" in this Table)
一 活動機関の名称が変更した年月日
(i) Date the name of the organization for the activities was changed
二 活動機関の変更前の名称及び所在地
(ii) Name and address prior to the change of the organization for the activities
三 活動機関の変更後の名称
(iii) Name after the name of the organization for the activities was changed
Change in the address of the organization for the activities
一 活動機関の所在地が変更した年月日
(i) Date the address of the organization for the activities was changed
二 活動機関の名称及び変更前の所在地
(ii) Name of the organization for the activities, and address prior to the change
三 活動機関の変更後の所在地
(iii) Changed address of the organization for the activities
Extinguishment of the organization for the activities
一 活動機関が消滅した年月日
(i) Date of the extinguishment of the organization for the activities
二 消滅した活動機関の名称及び消滅時の所在地
(ii) Name of the organization for the activities which was extinguished and address at the time of extinguishment
Secessation from the organization for the activities
一 活動機関から離脱した年月日
(i) Date the foreign national seceded from the organization for the activities
二 離脱した活動機関の名称及び所在地
(ii) Name and address of the organization for the activities from which the foreign national seceded
Transfer from the organization for the activities
一 新たな活動機関に移籍した年月日
(i) Date of the transfer to the new organization for the activities
二 移籍する前の活動機関の名称及び所在地
(ii) Name and address of the organization for the activities prior to the transfer
三 新たな活動機関の名称及び所在地
(ii) Name and address of the new organization for the activities
四 新たな活動機関における活動の内容(留学の在留資格をもつて本邦に在留する中長期在留者を除く。)
(iv) Content of the activities at the new organization for the activities (excluding mid-to long-term residents residing in Japan with the status of residence of "Student")
事 由
事 項
Change in the name of the public or private organization in Japan which is the other party to the contract signed by the person residing in Japan with a status of residence listed in Article 19-16, item (ii) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "contracting organization" in this Table)
一 契約機関の名称が変更した年月日
(i) Date the name of the contracting organization was changed
二 契約機関の変更前の名称及び所在地
(ii) Name and address prior to the change of the name of the contracting organization.
三 契約機関の変更後の名称
(iii) Changed name of the contracting organization
Change in the address of the contracting organization
一 契約機関の所在地が変更した年月日
(i) Date the address of the contracting organization was changed
二 契約機関の名称及び変更前の所在地
(ii) Name of the contracting organization and its address prior to the change
三 契約機関の変更後の所在地
(iii) Changed address of the contracting organization
Extinguishment of the contracting organization
一 契約機関が消滅した年月日
(i) Date of the extinguishment of the contracting organization
二 消滅した契約機関の名称及び消滅時の所在地
(ii) Name of the contracting organization which was extinguished and address at the time of extinguishment
Termination of the contract with the contracting organization
一 契約機関との契約が終了した年月日
(i) Date the contract with the contracting organization was terminated
二 契約が終了した契約機関の名称及び所在地
(ii) Name and address of the contracting organization for which the contract was terminated
Conclusion of a new contract
一 新たな契約機関との契約を締結した年月日
(i) Date the contract with the new contracting organization was concluded
二 従前の契約機関の名称及び所在地
(ii) Name and address of the previous contracting organization
三 新たな契約機関の名称及び所在地
(iii) Name and address of the new contracting organization
四 新たな契約機関における活動の内容
(iv) Content of the activities conducted at the new contracting organization
Divorce from the spouse of the foreign national residing in Japan with the status of residence listed in Article 19-16, item (iii) of the Act
Date of divorce from the spouse
Death of the spouse of the foreign national residing in Japan with the status of residence listed in Article 19-16, item (iii) of the Act
Date of the death of the spouse
Appended Table III
事 項
Status of acceptance of mid-to long-term residents residing with the status of residence of "Professor," "Highly Skilled Professional," "Business Manager," "Legal/ Accounting Services," "Medical Services," "Researcher," "Instructor," "Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities/International Services," "Intra-Company Transferee," "Nursing Care," "Entertainer," or "Skilled Labor," or "Trainee"
Commencement of acceptance
一 中長期在留者の氏名、生年月日、性別、国籍・地域、住居地及び在留カードの番号(以下この表及び二の表において「氏名等」という。)
(i) Name, date of birth, sex, nationality/ region, place of residence, and number of the residence card (hereinafter referred to as "name, etc." in this Table and Table (ii) ) of the mid-to long-term resident
二 中長期在留者の受入れを開始した年月日
(ii) Date the acceptance of the mid-to long-term resident was commenced
三 中長期在留者が行う活動の内容
(iii) Content of the activities to be conducted by the mid-to long-term resident
Termination of the acceptance
一 中長期在留者の氏名等
(i) Name, etc. of the mid-to long-term resident
二 中長期在留者の受入れを終了した年月日
(ii) Date the acceptance of the mid-to long-term resident was terminated
事 項
Status of acceptance of mid-to long-term residents residing with the status of residence of "Student"
Commencement of acceptance
一 中長期在留者の氏名等
(i) Name, etc. of the mid-to long-term resident
二 中長期在留者の受入れを開始した年月日
(ii) Date the acceptance of the mid-to long-term resident was commenced
Acceptance on May 1
Name, etc. of the mid-to long-term resident
Acceptance on November 1
Name, etc. of the mid-to long-term resident
Termination of the acceptance
一 中長期在留者の氏名等
(i) Name, etc. of the mid-to long-term resident
二 中長期在留者の受入れを終了した年月日
(ii) Date the acceptance of the mid-to long-term resident was terminated
三 卒業、退学、除籍その他の中長期在留者の受入れの終了に係る事由
(iii) Graduation, withdrawal from school, expulsion from school, or other grounds for terminating the acceptance of the mid-to long-term resident
Appended Table III
事 由
事 項
Change in the employment contract for a specified skilled worker
一 特定技能雇用契約を変更した年月日
(i) Date when the change was made to the employment contract for a specified skilled worker
二 変更後の特定技能雇用契約の内容
(ii) Content of the employment contract for a specified skilled worker after the change
Termination of the employment contract for a specified skilled worker
一 特定技能雇用契約が終了した年月日
(i) Date when the employment contract for a specified skilled worker was terminated
二 特定技能雇用契約の終了の事由
(ii) Grounds for terminating the employment contract for a specified skilled worker
Signing of a new employment contract for a specified skilled worker
一 新たな特定技能雇用契約を締結した年月日
(i) Date the new employment contract for a specified skilled worker was signed
二 新たな特定技能雇用契約の内容
(ii) Content of the new employment contract for a specified skilled worker
事 由
事 項
(i) Change in the suppport plan for specified skilled workers (i)
一 一号特定技能外国人支援計画を変更した年月日
(i) Date when change was made to the support plan for specified skilled workers (i)
二 変更後の一号特定技能外国人支援計画の内容
(ii) Content of the support plan for specified skilled workers (i) after the change
事 由
事 項
Signing of the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act
一 法第二条の五第五項の契約を締結した年月日
(i) Date the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act was signed
二 締結した法第二条の五第五項の契約の内容
(ii) Content of the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act that was signed
Change to the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act
一 法第二条の五第五項の契約を変更した年月日
(i) Date when change was made to the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act
二 変更後の法第二条の五第五項の契約の内容
(ii) Content of the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act after the change
Termination of the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act
一 法第二条の五第五項の契約が終了した年月日
(i) Date when the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act was terminated
二 法第二条の五第五項の契約の終了の事由
(ii) Grounds for terminating the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act
事 由
事 項
Difficulty to accept specified skilled workers
一 特定技能外国人の受入れが困難となつた事由並びにその発生時期及び原因
(i) Grounds on which the acceptance of specified skilled workers has become difficult, the time the difficulty emerged and its cause
二 特定技能外国人の現状
(ii) The existing situation of specified skilled workers
三 特定技能外国人としての活動の継続のための措置
(iii) Measures for enabling the continuance of activities as a specified skilled worker
Recognition of occurrence of wrongful or significantly improper acts related to immigration or labor laws and regulations
一 出入国又は労働に関する法令に関し不正又は著しく不当な行為の発生時期、認知時期及び当該行為への対応
(i) Time of occurrence of wrongful or significantly improper acts related to immigration or labor laws and regulations, time the acts were recognized and how they were addressed
二 出入国又は労働に関する法令に関し不正又は著しく不当な行為の内容
(ii) Content of the wrongful or significantly improper acts related to immigration or labor laws and regulations
Appended Table III
Status of Residence
活 動
資 料
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Official" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
Verbal note or other documents issued by a foreign government or international organization certifying the foreign national's status and mission
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Professor" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Artist" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid
Religious Activities
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Religious Activities" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
一 派遣機関からの派遣の継続を証する文書
(i) Document proving the continuance of the dispatch period by the dispatching organization;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Journalist" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act
一 外国の報道機関からの派遣又は契約の継続を証する文書
(i) Document proving the continuance of the dispatch period or of the contract period by the foreign news media;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid.
Highly Skilled Professional
Activities listed in item (i) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 本邦において行おうとする活動に応じて、この表の教授の項から報道の項まで又は経営・管理の項から技能の項までのいずれかの下欄に掲げる資料
(i) Materials listed in the right-hand column of the "Professor" to "Journalist" or "Business Manager" to "Skilled Labor" sections of this Table corresponding to the activities which the foreign national seeks to conduct in Japan;
二 本邦において行おうとする次のイからハまでに掲げる活動の区分に応じ、当該イからハまでに掲げる資料
(ii) Materials listed in the following sub-items (a) to (c) in accordance with the categories of the activities listed in sub-items (a) to (c) which the foreign national seeks to conduct in Japan:
イ 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号イに掲げる活動 高度専門職省令第一条第一項第一号に該当することを明らかにする資料
a. activities listed in item (i), sub-item (a) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: materials demonstrating that the foreign national falls under Article 1, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Ministerial Order on Highly Skilled Professionals;
ロ 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号ロに掲げる活動 高度専門職省令第一条第一項第二号に該当することを明らかにする資料
b. activities listed in item (i), sub-item (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: materials demonstrating that the foreign national falls under Article 1, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Ministerial Order on Highly Skilled Professional;
ハ 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号ハに掲げる活動 高度専門職省令第一条第一項第三号に該当することを明らかにする資料
c. activities listed in item (i), sub-item (c) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: materials demonstrating that the foreign national falls under Article 1, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Ministerial Order on Highly Skilled Professional.
Business Manager
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Business Manager" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 経営又は管理に係る事業の損益計算書
(i) Profit and loss statement of the business being operated or managed.
二 次のいずれかに掲げる資料
(ii) Any of the following materials:
イ 当該外国人を除く常勤の職員の総数を明らかにする資料並びにその数が二人である場合には、当該二人の職員に係る賃金支払に関する文書及び住民票、在留カード又は特別永住者証明書の写し
a. materials clarifying the total number of full-time employees excluding the foreign national and, if that number is two, a document related to the payment of their wages, and duplicate copy of their certificate of residence, resident card, or special permanent resident certificate;
ロ 資本金の額又は出資の総額を明らかにする資料
b. materials clarifying the amount of the stated capital or the total amount of the contribution;
ハ その他事業の規模を明らかにする資料
c. other materials clarifying the size of the business.
三 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(iii) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position.
四 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(iv) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid
Legal/Accounting Services
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Legal/Accounting Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid
Medical Services
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Medical Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Researcher" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Instructor" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid
Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid.
Intra-Company Transferee
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Intra-Company Transferee" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid.
Nursing Care
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Nursing Care" specified in the Appended Table I(2) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Entertainer" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 活動の内容及び期間を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities;
二 興行に係る契約書の写し
(ii) Copy of the contract pertaining to the performances;
三 収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(iii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid.
Skilled Labor
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Skilled Labor" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid.
Specified Skilled Worker
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Specified Skilled Worker" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and amount of tax paid;
三 法別表第一の二の表の特定技能の項の下欄第一号に掲げる活動を行う者にあつては、申請人に対する支援の状況を証する文書
(iii) Document proving the situation of support for the applicant in cases of a person who engages in the activities listed in item (i) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Specified Skilled Worker" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act;
四 社会保険の加入状況並びに国民健康保険及び国民年金の保険料の納付状況を証する文書
(iv) Documents proving the situation of social insurance coverage and the payment staus of national health insurance and national pension insurance premiums.
Technical Intern Training
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act
Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid.
Cultural Activities
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Cultural Activities" specified in the Appended Table I (3) of the Act
一 活動の内容及び期間並びに活動を行おうとする機関の概要を明らかにする資料
(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the overview of the organization where the foreign national seeks to engage in the activities;
二 在留中の一切の経費の支弁能力を証する文書
(ii) Document proving the foreign national's ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Student" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act
一 教育を受けている機関からの在学証明書及び成績証明書(申請人が高等学校若しくは特別支援学校の高等部、専修学校の高等課程若しくは一般課程又は各種学校若しくは設備及び編成に関してこれに準ずる教育機関において教育を受ける活動を行つている場合にあつては出席状況を記載した成績証明書、申請人が中学校(義務教育学校の後期課程及び中等教育学校の前期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の中学部又は小学校(義務教育学校の前期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の小学部において教育を受ける活動を行つている場合にあつては出席状況を証する文書)
(i) Certificate of enrollment and academic transcript issued by the organization where the applicant receives education (if the applicant is engaging in activities of receiving education at a senior high school or a senior high school course of a special-needs school, a general or advanced course at an advanced vocational school, miscellaneous school or an equivalent educational institution in terms of facilities and organization, academic transcript stating the attendance status; if the applicant is engaging in activities of receiving education at a junior high school (including the second semester course at a compulsory education school or the first semester course at a school for secondary education; hereinafter the same shall apply in this section) or a junior high school course or elementary school (including the first semester course at a compulsory education school; hereinafter the same applies in this section) of a special-needs school, or an elementary school course of a special-needs school, a document proving the attendance status);
二 在留中の一切の経費の支弁能力を証する文書、当該外国人以外の者が経費を支弁する場合には、その者の支弁能力を証する文書
(ii) Document proving the foreign national's ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan and in the case where a person other than the foreign national pays the expenses, a document proving the person's ability to pay the expenses;
三 申請人が中学校若しくは特別支援学校の中学部又は小学校若しくは特別支援学校の小学部において教育を受ける活動を行つている場合には、当該申請人が日常生活を営む宿泊施設の概要を明らかにする資料
(iii) If the applicant is engaging in activities of receiving education at a junior high school or a junior high school course of a special-needs school, elementary school or an elementary school course of a special-needs school, materials demonstrating the overview of the place of accommodation where the applicant is to lead their daily life.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Trainee" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act
Document proving the content, place of implementation, period, status of progress of the training, and treatment of the foreign national.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Dependent" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act
一 扶養者との身分関係を証する文書
(i) Document proving the family relationship with the supporter;
二 扶養者の在留カード又は旅券の写し
(ii) Copy of the supporter's resident card or passport;
三 扶養者の職業及び収入に関する証明書
(iii) Certificate proving the supporter's occupation and income.
Designated Activities
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Designated Activities" specified in the Appended Table I (5) of the Act
Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid or a document proving their ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan.
Spouse or Child of Japanese National
Activities as a person with a status listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Spouse or Child of Japanese National" specified in the Appended Table II of the Act
一 日本人の配偶者である場合には、当該日本人の戸籍謄本及び住民票の写し
(i) In cases of the spouse of a Japanese national, a certified copy of the family register and a copy of the certificate of residence of the Japanese national;
二 当該外国人、その配偶者又は父若しくは母の職業及び収入に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the occupation and income of the foreign national, their spouse, father or mother;
三 日本人の配偶者である場合には、本邦に居住する当該日本人の身元保証書、日本人の特別養子又は子である場合には、本邦に居住する当該日本人又はその他本邦に居住する身元保証人の身元保証書
(iii) In cases of the spouse of a Japanese national, a personal guarantee of the Japanese national residing in Japan; in cases of the specially adopted child or child of a Japanese national, a personal guarantee the Japanese national residing in Japan or of other guarantors residing in Japan.
Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident
Activities as a person with a status or position listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident" specified in the Appended Table II of the Act
一 永住者等の配偶者である場合には、当該永住者等との身分関係を証する文書
(i) In cases of the spouse of a permanent resident, a document proving the family relationship with the permanent resident;
二 当該永住者等の在留カード若しくは特別永住者証明書又は旅券の写し
(ii) Copy of the resident card, special permanent resident certificate, or passport of the permanent resident, etc.;
三 当該外国人、その配偶者又は父若しくは母の職業及び収入に関する証明書
(iii) Certificate proving the occupation and income of the foreign national, their spouse, father or mother;
四 永住者等の配偶者である場合には、本邦に居住する当該永住者等の身元保証書、永住者等の子である場合には、本邦に居住する当該永住者等又はその他本邦に居住する身元保証人の身元保証書
(iv) In cases of the spouse of a permanent resident, etc., a personal guarantee of the permanent resident, etc. residing in Japan; in cases of the child of a permanent resident, etc., a personal guarantee of the permanent resident, etc. residing in Japan or other guarantors residing in Japan
Long-Term Resident
Activities as a person with a position listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Long-Term Resident" specified in the Appended Table II of the Act
一 戸籍謄本、婚姻証明書、出生証明書その他の当該外国人の身分関係を証する文書
(i) Certified copy of the family register, marriage certificate, birth certificate, or other documents proving the family relationship of the applicant;
二 収入及び納税額に関する証明書、収入のない場合には、扶養者の職業及び収入に関する証明書
(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's income and the amount of tax paid, and if the foreign national is without an income, a certificate proving the occupation and income of their supporter;
三 本邦に居住する身元保証人の身元保証書
(iii) Personal guarantee of the guarantor residing in Japan.
Appended Table IV
Activities that an foreign national who seeks to land in Japan (hereinafter referred to as "the person themselves") seeks to engage in Japan
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Diplomat" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act (Diplomat)
一 本人又は本人と同一の世帯に属することとなる家族の構成員が構成員となる外交使節団、領事機関等の職員
(i) Official of the diplomatic mission, consulate office etc. to which the person themselves or their family member who is to belong to the same household is to become a member;
二 本人と同一の世帯に属することとなる家族の構成員
(ii) Family member who is to belong to the same household as the person themselves.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Official" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act (Official)
一 本人又は本人と同一の世帯に属することとなる家族の構成員が公務に従事する外国政府又は国際機関の本邦駐在機関の職員
(i) Official of the resident office in Japan of the foreign government or international organization at which the person themselves or their family member who is to belong to the same household is to engage in public service;
二 本人と同一の世帯に属することとなる家族の構成員
(ii) The family member who is to belong to the same household as the person themselves
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Professor" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act (Professor)
Staff member of the institution in Japan which the person themselves is to belong to and engage in education
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Artist" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act (Artist)
Staff member of the organization in Japan which signed a contract with the person themselves or of the organization which the person themselves is to belong to and engage in artistic activities
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Religious Activities" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act (Religious Activities)
Staff member of the Japanese branch of the foreign religious organization that sends the person themselves or of other affiliated religious organizations in Japan
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Journalist" specified in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act (Journalist)
Staff member of the resident office in Japan of the foreign news media which signed a contract with the person themselves or the organization in Japan which the person themselves is to belong to and engage in journalistic activities
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Highly Skilled Professional)
一 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号イ又はロに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合 本人と契約を結んだ本邦の機関の職員
(i) Cases in which the person themselves seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (i), sub-item (a) or (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: staff member of the organization in Japan which signed a contract with the person themselves
二 法別表第一の二の表の高度専門職の項の下欄第一号ハに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合 本人が経営を行い又は管理に従事する事業の本邦事業所の職員
(ii) Cases in which the person themselves seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (i), sub-item (c) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Highly Skilled Professional" specified in the Appended Table I(2) of the Act: staff member of the business office in Japan which the person themselves is operating or managing.
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Business Manager" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Business Manager)
一 本人が経営を行い又は管理に従事する事業の本邦の事業所の職員
Staff member of the office in Japan whose business the person themselves is to operate or manage;
二 本人が経営を行い又は管理に従事する事業の本邦の事業所を新たに設置する場合にあつては、当該本邦の事業所の設置について委託を受けている者(法人である場合にあつては、その職員)
(ii) In cases of newly establishing an office in Japan whose business the person themselves is to operate or manage, the person entrusted with the establishment of that office in Japan (in cases of a corporation, its staff member)
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Legal/Accounting Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Legal/Accounting Services)
Staff member of the organization in Japan which signed a contract with the person themselves or which the person themselves is to belong to and engage in legal/accounting services
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Medical Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Medical Services)
Staff member of the medical organization in Japan which signed a contract with the person themselves or which the person themselves is to belong to and engage in medical services
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Researcher" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Researcher)
一 本人と契約を結んだ本邦の機関の職員
(i) Staff member of the organization in Japan which signed a contract with the person themselves
二 本人が転勤する本邦の事業所の職員
(ii) Staff member of the business office in Japan which the person themselves is to transfer to
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Instructor" specified in Appended Table I (2) of the Act ("Instructor").
Member of staff of the institution to which the foreign national is to belong to engage in education
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services)
Staff member of the organization in Japan which signed a contract with the person themselves
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Intra-Company Transferee" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Intra-Company Transferee)
Staff member of the business office in Japan which the person themselves is to transfer to
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Nursing Care" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Nursing Care)
Staff member of the organization in Japan which signed a contract with the person themselves
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Entertainer" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Entertainer)
Staff member of the contracting organization of the performances (when there is no contracting organization of the performances, the organization in Japan that invites the person themselves) or of an organization which the person themselves is to belong to and engage in show business
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Skilled Labor" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Skilled Labor)
Staff member of the organization in Japan which signed a contract with the person themselves
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Specified Skilled Worker" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Specific Skilled Worker)
Staff member of the organization in Japan which signed an employment contract for a specified skilled worker with the person themselves
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act (Technical Intern Training)
法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第一号イ、第二号イ又は第三号イに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合 企業単独型実習実施者の職員
(i) Cases in which the person themselves seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (i) (a), item (ii) (a) or item (iii) (a) of the right-hand column of "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: staff member of the individual-enterprise type technical intern training implementing organization;
法別表第一の二の表の技能実習の項の下欄第一号ロ、第二号ロ又は第三号ロに掲げる活動を行おうとする場合 監理団体の職員
(ii) Cases in which the person themselves seeks to engage in the activities listed in item (i) (b), item (ii) (b) or item (iii) (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Technical Intern Training" specified in the Appended Table I (2) of the Act: staff member of the supervising organization
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Cultural Activities" specified in the Appended Table I (3) of the Act (Cultural Activities)
一 本人が所属して学術上又は芸術上の活動を行うこととなる本邦の機関の職員
(i) Staff member of the organization in Japan which the person themselves is to belong to and engage in academic or artistic activities;
二 本人を指導する専門家
(ii) Expert who is to instruct the person themselves;
三 本邦に居住する本人の親族
(iii) Relative of the person themselves residing in Japan
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Student" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act (Student)
一 本人が教育を受ける本邦の機関の職員
(i) Staff member of the institution in Japan where the person themselves is to receive education;
二 本人が基準省令の留学の項の下欄第一号イ又はロに該当する活動を行う場合は、次に掲げる者
(ii) The following persons in cases where the person themselves is to engage in the activities that fall under item (i), sub-item (a) or (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Student" specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria:
ア 本人に対して奨学金を支給する機関その他の本人の学費又は滞在費を支弁する機関の職員
a. Staff member of the organization granting a scholarship to the person themselves or of other organizations that is to pay their school expenses or living expenses;
イ 本人の学費又は滞在費を支弁する者
b. A person who is to pay the school expenses or living expenses for the person themselves;
ウ 本邦に居住する本人の親族
c. Relative of the person themselves residing in Japan
三 本人が基準省令の留学の項の下欄第一号ハに該当する活動を行う場合は、次に掲げる者
(iii) The following persons in cases where the person themselves is to engage in the activities listed in item (i) (c) of the right-hand column of the "Student" specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria:
ア 本人が交換学生である場合における学生交換計画を策定した機関の職員
a. Staff member of the organization that formulated the student exchange plan when the person themselves is an exchange student;
イ 本人が高等学校(中等教育学校の後期課程を含む。)、中学校(義務教育学校の後期課程及び中等教育学校の前期課程を含む。)若しくは特別支援学校の中学部又は小学校(義務教育学校の前期課程を含む。)若しくは特別支援学校の小学部において教育を受けようとする場合にあつては本邦に居住する本人の親族
b. Relative of the person themselves who resides in Japan when the person themselves seeks to receive education at a senior high school (including the second semester course of the secondary educational school), a junior high school (including the second semester course of study at a compulsory education school or the first semester course of secondary educational school) or a junior high school course of a special-needs school, elementary school (including the first semester course at a compulsory education school) or an elementary school course of a special-needs school;
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Trainee" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act (Trainee)
Staff member of the receiving organization
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Dependent" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act (Dependent)
一 本邦において本人を扶養することとなる者又は本邦に居住する本人の親族
(i) A person who is to support the person themselves in Japan or a relative of the person themselves residing in Japan;
二 本人を扶養する者の在留資格認定証明書の交付の申請の代理人となつている者
(ii) Person acting as agent in applying for issuance of certificate of eligibility of resident status of a person who is to support the person themselves
Activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Designated Activities" specified in the Appended Table I (5) of the Act (Designated Activities)
Staff member of the organization which the person themselves is to belong to and engage in the activities designated by the Minister of Justice, a person who is to employ the person themselves, or a person specified in public notice by the Minister of Justice in accordance with the activities designated by the Minister of Justice
Activities as a person with a status listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Spouse or Child of Japanese National" specified in the Appended Table II of the Act (Spouse or Child of Japanese National)
Relative of the person themselves residing in Japan
Activities as a person with a status or position listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident" specified in the Appended Table II of the Act (Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident)
Relative of the person themselves residing in Japan
Activities as a person with a position listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Long-Term Resident" specified in the Appended Table II of the Act (Long-Term Resident)
Relative of the person themselves residing in Japan
Appended Table V
Accommodation facility in the vicinity of the Narita International Airport designated by the Commisioner of the Immigration Services Agency
Accommodation facility in the vicinity of Tokyo International (Haneda) Airport designated by the Commisioner of the Immigration Services Agency
Accommodation facility in the vicinity of the Chubu International Airport designated by the Commisioner of the Immigration Services Agency
Accommodation facility in the vicinity of the Kansai International Airport designated by the Commisioner of the Immigration Services Agency
Accommodation facility in the vicinity of the Sendai Airport designated by the Commisioner of the Immigration Services Agency
Accommodation facility in the vicinity of the Fukuoka Airport designated by the Commisioner of the Immigration Services Agency
Accommodation facility in the vicinity of the Port of Hakata designated by the Commisioner of the Immigration Services Agency
Appended Table VI
Immigration Services Office
Immigration Detention Facilities and Departure Waiting Facilities in the Area the Committee is In Charge of
Immigration Detention Facilities Visiting Committee, Higashi-Nihon Jurisdictional District
Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau
一 入国者収容所東日本入国管理センター
(i) Immigration Detention Center, Higashi-Nihon Immigration Center
二 札幌出入国在留管理局、仙台出入国在留管理局及び東京出入国在留管理局の収容場
(ii) Immigration Detention Center of Sapporo Regional Immigration Services Bureau, Sendai Regional Immigration Services Bureau, and Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau
三 別表第五第一号、第二号及び第五号に掲げる施設
(iii) Facilities listed in items (i), (ii) and (v) of the Appended Table V
Immigration Detention Facilities Visiting Committee, Nishi-Nihon Jurisdictional District
Osaka Regional Immigration Services Bureau
一 入国者収容所大村入国管理センター
(i) Immigration Detention Center, Omura Immigration Center
二 名古屋出入国在留管理局、大阪出入国在留管理局、広島出入国在留管理局、高松出入国在留管理局及び福岡出入国在留管理局の収容場
(ii) Detention Center of Nagoya Regional Immigration Services Bureau, Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau, Hiroshima Regional Immigration Services Bureau, Takamatsu Regional Immigration Services Bureau and Fukuoka Regional Immigration Bureau
三 別表第五第三号、第四号、第六号及び第七号に掲げる施設
(iii) Facilities listed in items (iii), (iv),(vi), and (vii) of the Appended Table V
Appended Table VII
Acts which the Foreign National is to Perform by Appearing in Person
Acts to be Performed on Behalf of the Foreign National
Notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (1) of the Act
Submission of the written notice, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-9, paragraph (1) and taking the procedures pertaining to the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article
Application pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-11, paragraphs (1) or (2) of the Act
Submission of the written application, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (1) and taking the procedures pertaining to the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-9, paragraph (2), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19-10, paragraph (2)
Application pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-12, paragraph (1) of the Act
Submission of the written application, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-11, paragraph (1) and taking the procedures pertaining to the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article
Application pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-13, paragraph (1) or (3) of the Act
Submission of the written application, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-12, paragraph (1) or (2) and taking the procedures pertaining to the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-9, paragraph (2), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19-12, paragraph (3)
Receiving the resident card issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-10, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19-11, paragraph (3), Article 19-12, paragraph (2) and Article 19-13, paragraph (4) of the Act)
Taking procedures pertaining to the receipt of the resident card issued pursuant to the provisions of the left-hand column of this section
Acts which the Foreign National is to Perform by Appearing in Person
Acts to be Performed on Behalf of the Foreign National
Application for a change of the status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (2) of the Act
Submission of the written application, etc, pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraphs (1) and (2) and taking the procedures pertaining to the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of the same Article
Application for renewal of the period of stay pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (2) of the Act
Submission of the written application, etc, pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraphs (1) and (2) and taking the procedures pertaining to the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (4)
Application for permission for permanent residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (1) of the Act
Submission of the written application, etc, pursuant to the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (1) and taking the procedures pertaining to the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22, paragraph (3)
Application for acquisition of status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act)
Submission of the written application, etc, pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraphs (1) and (2) and taking the procedures pertaining to the presentation, etc. of the passport, etc. pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of the same Article
Application (limited to those for acquisition of the status of residence of "Permanent Resident") for acquisition of status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act)
Submission of the written application, etc, pursuant to the provisions of Article 25, paragraph (1) and taking the procedures pertaining to the presentation, etc. of the passport pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 25, paragraph (3)
Receiving the resident card issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (4), item (i) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (4) and Article 22-2, paragraph (3) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act)), Article 22, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-2, paragraph (4) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act)), Article 50, paragraph (3) or Article 61-2-2, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act
Taking the procedures pertaining to the receipt of the resident card issued pursuant to the provisions of the left-hand column of this section