Act on the Advancement of Government Administration Processes That Use Information and Communications Technology(Act No. 151 of 2002)
Last Version: Act No. 36 of 2021
April 2, 2024
- Last Version: Act No. 63 of 2023
- Translated Date: March 31, 2024
- Dictionary Version: 16.0
January 26, 2023
- Last Version: Act No. 36 of 2021
- Translated Date: August 15, 2022
- Dictionary Version: 15.0
Act on the Advancement of Government Administration Processes That Use Information and Communications Technology
Act on the Advancement of Government Administration Processes That Use Information and Communications Technology
Act No. 151 of December 13, 2002
Act No. 151 of December 13, 2002
Table of Contents
第一章 総則 (第一条―第三条)
Chapter I General Provisions (Article 1 to 3)
第二章 情報通信技術を活用した行政の推進
Chapter II Advancement of Government Administration Processes That Use Information and Communications Technology
第一節 情報システム整備計画等 (第四条・第五条)
Section 1 Information System Development Plans (Article 4 And 5)
第二節 手続等における情報通信技術の利用 (第六条―第十条)
Section 2 Use of Information and Communications Technology in Procedures (Article 6 to 10)
第三節 添付書面等の省略 (第十一条)
Section 3 Omission of Attached Paper Documents (Article 11)
第四節 その他の施策 (第十二条・第十三条)
Section 4 Other Measures (Article 12 And 13)
第三章 民間手続における情報通信技術の活用の促進に関する施策 (第十四条・第十五条)
Chapter III Measures Related to the Advancement of the Use of Information and Communications Technology in Private Sector Procedures (Article 14 and 15)
第四章 雑則 (第十六条―第十九条)
Chapter IV Miscellaneous Provisions (Article 16 to 19)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The purpose of this Act, as a legislative measure based on the provisions of Article 17 of the Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society (Act No. 35 of 2021) and Article 7 of the Basic Act on the Advancement of Public and Private Sector Data Utilization (Act No. 103 of 2016), is to enhance the convenience for relevant parties pertaining to procedures, etc., simplifying and improving the efficiency of administrative operations, further streamlining socioeconomic activities, thereby contributing to enhancing the lives of the public and the sound development of the national economy by specifying the particulars required for establishing the basic principles and information systems for the advancement of administration processes that use information and communications technology and performing procedures, etc. by means of correction of disparity in capabilities of use or opportunities for use of information and communications technology and use of other information and communications technology, in addition to specifying measures related to the advancement of the use of information and communications technology in private sector procedures for the realization of a society in which the national government, local governments, private businesses, the citizens and other people can enjoy the benefits of information and communications technology (meaning information and communications technology prescribed in Article 2 of the Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society; the same applies hereinafter) in all activities.
(Fundamental Principles)
Article 2The advancement of government administration processes that use information and telecommunications technology, as part of the measures relate to the formation of a digital society (meaning the digital society prescribed in Article 2 of the Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society) and the measures related to the promotion of appropriate and effective utilization of public and private data, must be implemented for ensuring the following particulars, in order to utilize information and telecommunications technology in the public sector by replacing documents etc. with public and private sector data (meaning public and private sector data prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Basic Act on the Advancement of Public and Private Data Utilization; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) for information used for executing the processes or business, in view of the fact that promoting the improvement of the convenience of life in society and the improved efficiency of business activities through the utilization of information and communications technology is important for Japan to solve the challenges it faces, including the rapid declining birthrate and aging population, while ensuring that appropriate consideration is given to those who do not have sufficient ability or knowledge and experience to use information and telecommunications technology.
(i)by enabling the use of information and communications technology to perform procedures, etc. and processes related to government administrative organs, etc. and the sequence of operations by private businesses, this allows for the time, place and other restrictions regarding procedures to be omitted, while aiming to automate and standardize the relevant processes and operations, thereby being able to swiftly and accurately perform procedures, etc. by a method that is easy to use;
(ii)regarding information provided to administrative organs, etc. by private businesses and other persons, administrative organs, etc. will cooperate with each other and share the relevant information using information systems so that providing the relevant information with the same content is not required; and
(iii)in regards to the numerous procedures, etc. that are normally required in association with life in society or business activities (including notifications made to or by private businesses in relation to these procedures, etc.; hereinafter the same applies in this item), administrative organs, etc. and private businesses are to cooperate with each other so that relevant procedures, etc. can be performed collectively using information and communications technology.
Article 3In this Act, the meanings of the terms set forth in the following items are as prescribed respectively in those items:
一法令 法律及び法律に基づく命令をいう。
(i)laws and regulations: laws and orders based on laws;
二行政機関等 次に掲げるものをいう。
(ii)administrative organs, etc.: those listed as follows:
(a)the Cabinet, organs within the Cabinet or organs under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet which were established pursuant to the provisions of Acts, the Imperial Household Agency, organs provided for in Article 49, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office (Act No. 89 of 1999), organs provided for in Article 3, paragraph (2) of the National Government Organization Act (Act No. 120 of 1948), the Board of Audit or organs established within these organs;
(b)personnel of the organs listed in (a) who are authorized by Acts to independently exercise the authority;
(c)local governments or organs thereof (excluding assemblies);
(d)incorporated administrative agencies (meaning the incorporated administrative agency provided for in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 103 of 1999); the same applies in (f));
(e)local incorporated administrative agencies (meaning local incorporated administrative agencies prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies Act (Act No. 118 of 2003); the same applies in (f));
(f)juridical persons specified by Cabinet Order among those directly incorporated by Acts, those incorporated through a special act for establishment under a special Act (excluding incorporated administrative agencies), or those incorporated under special Acts and where approval from administrative agencies is required for their incorporation (excluding local incorporated administrative agencies);
(g)an entity that has been designated by administrative agencies, pursuant to the provisions of Acts, entities to conduct all or some part of the examinations, inspections, certifications, registrations, or other administrative processes; and
(h)head of an entity listed in (d) though (g) (limited to cases in which the relevant person is a corporation for persons listed in (g)).
三国の行政機関等 次に掲げるものをいう。
(iii)national government administrative organs, etc.: those listed as follows:
(a)those listed in (a) and (b) of the preceding item; and
(b)those entities listed in (d) through (f) of the preceding item who are specified by Cabinet Order as being required for ensuring the use of information and communications technology in procedures, etc. pertaining for those persons for improving the convenience of person concerned with the relevant procedures, etc., and simplifying and improving the efficiency of administrative operations.
四民間事業者 個人又は法人その他の団体であって、事業を行うもの(行政機関等を除く。)をいう。
(iv)a private business: an individual, corporation or any other organization conducting business (excluding administrative organs);
五書面等 書面、書類、文書、謄本、抄本、正本、副本、複本その他文字、図形その他の人の知覚によって認識することができる情報が記載された紙その他の有体物をいう。
(v)a paper document, etc.: a paper document, a transcript, extract, authenticated copy, or duplicate of a document, a duplicate of a bill or note, or any other paper or other tangible object into which information that can be perceived with the human senses, such as characters and shapes, has been entered;
六署名等 署名、記名、自署、連署、押印その他氏名又は名称を書面等に記載することをいう。
(vi)a signature, etc.: a signature, name, autograph, joint signature, seal or other inclusion of name or trade name in paper documents, etc.;
七電磁的記録 電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によっては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であって、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう。
(vii)an electronic or magnetic record: a record that is prepared by an electronic form, a magnetic form or any other form not perceivable by human senses and that is used for information processing by computers;
八申請等 申請、届出その他の法令の規定に基づき行政機関等に対して行われる通知(訴訟手続その他の裁判所における手続並びに刑事事件及び政令で定める犯則事件に関する法令の規定に基づく手続(以下この条及び第十四条第一項において「裁判手続等」という。)において行われるものを除く。)をいう。この場合において、経由機関(法令の規定に基づき他の行政機関等又は民間事業者を経由して行われる申請等における当該他の行政機関等又は民間事業者をいう。以下この号において同じ。)があるときは、当該申請等については、当該申請等をする者から経由機関に対して行われるもの及び経由機関から他の経由機関又は当該申請等を受ける行政機関等に対して行われるものごとに、それぞれ別の申請等とみなして、この法律の規定を適用する。
(viii)an application, etc.: an application, notification or other notice made by an administrative organ, etc. pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations (excluding those carried out in litigation proceedings or any other proceedings in court, criminal cases and proceedings based on provisions of laws and regulations related to criminal cases specified by Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as "court proceedings, etc." in this Article and Article 14, paragraph (1)). In this case, when there is an intermediary organ (meaning the other administrative organ, etc. or a private business when an application, etc. is made through the relevant other administrative organ, etc. or a private business pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations; the same applies hereinafter in this item), the provisions of this Act apply by deeming that the relevant application, etc. is made separately as an application, etc. made by the person making the relevant application, etc. to the intermediary organ or made by the intermediary organ to another intermediary organ or administrative organ, etc. receiving the relevant application, etc.;
九処分通知等 処分(行政庁の処分その他公権力の行使に当たる行為をいう。)の通知その他の法令の規定に基づき行政機関等が行う通知(不特定の者に対して行うもの及び裁判手続等において行うものを除く。)をいう。この場合において、経由機関(法令の規定に基づき他の行政機関等又は民間事業者を経由して行う処分通知等における当該他の行政機関等又は民間事業者をいう。以下この号において同じ。)があるときは、当該処分通知等については、当該処分通知等を行う行政機関等が経由機関に対して行うもの及び経由機関が他の経由機関又は当該処分通知等を受ける者に対して行うものごとに、それぞれ別の処分通知等とみなして、この法律の規定を適用する。
(ix)a disposition notice, etc.: A notice of disposition (meaning a disposition by administrative agencies or other act involving the exercising of public authority) or other notice made by an administrative organ pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations (excluding those performed against undisclosed persons and those performed in court proceedings, etc.). In this case, when there is an intermediary organ (meaning the other administrative organ, etc. or a private business when a disposition notice, etc. is made through the other relevant administrative organ, etc. or a private business pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations; the same applies hereinafter in this item), the provisions of this Act apply by deeming that the disposition notices are made separately as disposition notices for those made by the administrative organ, etc. making the disposition notice, etc. to the intermediary organ and those made by the intermediary organ to another intermediary organ or the administrative organ, etc. receiving the disposition notice, etc.;
十縦覧等 法令の規定に基づき行政機関等が書面等又は電磁的記録に記録されている事項を縦覧又は閲覧に供すること(裁判手続等において行うものを除く。)をいう。
(x)a public inspection, etc.: provision of particulars recorded in paper documents, etc. or electronic or magnetic records by an administrative organ, etc. pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations (excluding those performed under court proceedings, etc.);
十一作成等 法令の規定に基づき行政機関等が書面等又は電磁的記録を作成し、又は保存すること(裁判手続等において行うものを除く。)をいう。
(xi)creation of documents, etc.: Creation or retention of paper documents, etc. or electronic or magnetic records by an administrative organ, etc. pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations (excluding those performed under court proceedings, etc.);
十二手続等 申請等、処分通知等、縦覧等又は作成等をいう。
(xii)procedures, etc.: applications, etc., disposition notices, etc. public inspections, etc. or creation of documents, etc.
第二章 情報通信技術を活用した行政の推進
Chapter II Advancement of Government Administration Processes that Use Information and Communications Technology
第一節 情報システム整備計画等
Section 1 Information System Development Plans
(Information System Development Plan)
Article 4(1)The government must create a plan on the development of information systems (hereinafter referred to as "information system development plan") to comprehensively and systematically develop information systems of the national government's administrative organs, etc. for procedures, etc. performed using information and communications technology (hereinafter simply referred to as "information systems" except paragraph (4) of the following Article).
(2)The information system development plan is to specify the particulars listed below:
(i)the period for the plan;
(ii)basic policies concerning the development of information systems; and
(iii)the following particulars concerning the development of information systems necessary to make applications, etc. and disposition notices, etc. based on applications, etc. by a method using electronic data processing systems:
(a)the scope of those applications, etc. and disposition notices, etc. based on applications, etc. for which the development of information systems allows to be made by a method using electronic data processing systems; and
(b)the content and implementation period of the development of the information systems in (a).
(iv)the following particulars concerning the development of information systems required for omitting the attachment of paper documents, etc. pertaining to applications, etc.:
(a)the types of paper documents, etc. pertaining to applications, etc. for which the development of information systems allows an attachment to be omitted; and
(b)the content and implementation period of the development of the information systems in (a).
(v)particulars concerning the following measures to be taken to promptly send and receive information using information systems:
(a)standardization of data (meaning the unification of the terms, symbols and other particulars used in electronic or magnetic records, and ensuring the interoperability thereof); and
(b)development of external coordination functions (meaning the functions required for enabling the functions or data held by a program to be used in another program) and provision of information on the specifications pertaining to the relevant external coordination functions.
(vi)particulars concerning the advancement of sharing of information systems by administrative organs, etc.; and
(vii)other particulars concerning the development of information systems.
(3)The Prime Minister must prepare a draft of the information system development plan and call for a cabinet decision.
(4)The Prime Minister must publish the information system development plan without delay when a cabinet decision is made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(5)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to changes to the information system development plan.
(Development of Information Systems by Administrative Organs of the National Government)
Article 5(1)Administrative organs, etc. of the national government must develop information systems in accordance with the information system development plan.
(2)Administrative organs, etc. of the national government must take the necessary measures to ensure the security and reliability of the relevant information systems when developing information systems pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(3)When developing information systems pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), administrative organs, etc. of the national government must endeavor to simplify, streamline or otherwise review procedures, etc., performed using the relevant information systems and the processes of administrative organs, etc. related thereto.
(4)Administrative organs, etc. other than administrative organs, etc. of the national government must endeavor to take measures required for the development of information systems of the relevant administrative organs, etc. pertaining to procedures, etc., performed using information and communications technology and other advancement of government administration processes that use information and communications technology, in accordance with the measures taken by administrative organs, etc. of the national government pursuant to the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs.
(5)The national government must endeavor to provide information and take other necessary measures to support the measures referred to in the preceding paragraph taken by administrative organs, etc. other than administrative organs, etc. of the national government.
第二節 手続等における情報通信技術の利用
Section 2 Use of Information and Communications Technology in Procedures
(Applications Using Electronic Data Processing Systems)
Article 6(1)Those applications, etc. prescribed to be performed by paper documents, etc. or other method in the provisions of other laws and regulations on the applications, etc. may be performed by a method using electronic data processing systems (meaning electronic data processing systems connecting computers (including input and output devices; the same applies hereinafter) used by the administrative organs, etc. with computers for use by the other parties in procedures, etc. through an electronic telecommunications line; the same applies hereinafter except the following chapter) specified by order of the competent ministry pursuant to an order of the competent ministry, notwithstanding the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations.
(2)Applications, etc. made by a method using electronic data processing systems referred to in the preceding paragraph are deemed to have been made by a method prescribed in the provisions of other laws and regulations related to the applications, etc., and the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations and other laws and regulations concerning the relevant applications, etc. apply.
(3)Applications, etc. made by a method using electronic data processing systems referred to in paragraph (1) are deemed to have arrived at the relevant administrative organs, etc. when recorded in the file on the computers used by the administrative organs, etc. receiving the relevant applications, etc.
(4)When applications, etc. for which affixing the signatures, etc. are prescribed in the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the relevant applications, etc. are made by a method using the electronic data processing systems referred to in paragraph (1), the relevant signatures, etc., notwithstanding the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, may be substituted by using individual number cards (meaning the individual number card prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (Act No. 27 of 2013; the same applies in Article 11)) using electronic data processing systems or other measures clarifying the name or trade name that are specified by order of the competent ministry.
(5)When applications, etc. for which the method of payment of revenue stamps or other fees are prescribed in the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the relevant applications, etc. are made by a method using the electronic data processing systems referred to in paragraph (1), the payment of the relevant fees, notwithstanding the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, may be made by a method using electronic data processing systems or other method using information and communications technology specified by order of the competent ministry.
(6)If there are circumstances in which identity verification of the person making the application, etc. should be performed face-to-face, the provisions of the preceding paragraphs apply to the parts other than the relevant parts of the relevant applications, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the order of the competent ministry, if an order of the competent ministry specifies that it is necessary to verify the original of paper documents, etc. pertaining to applications, etc. or that the applications, etc. are otherwise found to have a part that is difficult or significantly inappropriate to perform by a method using the electronic data processing systems referred to in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "Applications, etc. made" in paragraph (2) is replaced with "Applications, etc. made (limited to the portion to which the provisions of the preceding paragraph apply pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6); the same applies hereinafter from this paragraph to paragraph (5))".
(Disposition Notices Using Electronic Data Processing Systems)
Article 7(1)Those disposition notices, etc. prescribed to be made by paper documents, etc. or other method in the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the disposition notices, etc., notwithstanding the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, may be made by a method using electronic data processing systems specified by order of the competent ministry pursuant to the provisions of the order of the competent ministry. However, this is limited to cases indicated in the form specified by order of the competent ministry stating that the person receiving the relevant disposition notice, etc. will receive it by the method of using the relevant electronic data processing systems.
(2)Disposition notices, etc. made by a method using electronic data processing systems referred to in the preceding paragraph is deemed to have been made by a method prescribed in the provisions of other laws and regulations related to the relevant disposition notices, etc., and the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations and other laws and regulations concerning the relevant disposition notices, etc. apply.
(3)Disposition notices, etc. made by a method using electronic data processing systems referred to in paragraph (1) are deemed to have arrived at the person receiving the relevant disposition notices, etc. when recorded in the file on the computer used by the person receiving the relevant disposition notices, etc.
(4)When disposition notices, etc. for which signatures, etc. are prescribed in the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the relevant disposition notices, etc. are made by a method using the electronic data processing systems referred to in paragraph (1), the relevant signatures, etc., notwithstanding the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, may be substituted by measures clarifying the name or trade name that are specified by order of the competent ministry.
(5)If there are circumstances in which identity verification of the person receiving disposition notices, etc. should be performed face-to-face, the provisions of the preceding paragraphs apply to the parts other than the relevant parts of the relevant applications, etc. pursuant to the order of the competent ministry if an order of the competent ministry specifies that it is necessary to deliver the original of paper documents, etc. pertaining to disposition notices, etc. or that the disposition notices, etc. are otherwise found to have a part that is difficult or significantly inappropriate to perform by a method using the electronic data processing systems under paragraph (1). In this case, the term "Disposition notices, etc. made" in paragraph (2) is replaced with "Disposition notices, etc. made (limited to the portion to which the provisions of the preceding paragraph apply pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5); the same applies hereinafter from this paragraph to paragraph (4))".
(Public Inspections Using Electronic or Magnetic Records)
Article 8(1)Those public inspections, etc. prescribed as being made using paper documents, etc. pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the relevant public inspections, etc. (excluding those based on applications, etc.), notwithstanding the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, may be performed using particulars recorded in electronic or magnetic records pertaining to the relevant paper documents, etc. or documents stating the relevant particulars.
(2)Public inspections, etc. made using particulars recorded in electronic or magnetic records or documents referred to in the preceding paragraph is deemed to have been made using paper documents, etc. prescribed in the provisions of other laws and regulations related to the relevant public inspections, etc., and the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations and other laws and regulations concerning the relevant public inspections, etc. apply.
(Creation of Documents in the Form of Electronic or Magnetic Records)
Article 9(1)Those creation of documents, etc. prescribed as being performed using paper documents, etc. pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the relevant creation of documents, etc., notwithstanding the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, may be performed using electronic or magnetic records pertaining to the relevant paper documents, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the order of the competent ministry.
(2)Creation of documents, etc. performed using electronic or magnetic records referred to in the preceding paragraph is deemed to have been performed using paper documents, etc. prescribed in the provisions of other laws and regulations related to the relevant creation of documents, etc., and the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations and other laws and regulations concerning the relevant creation of documents, etc. apply.
(3)When creation of documents, etc. for which signatures, etc. are prescribed in the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the relevant creation of documents, etc. are performed using electronic or magnetic records referred to in paragraph (1), the relevant signatures, etc., notwithstanding the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, may be substituted by measures clarifying the name or trade name that are specified by order of the competent ministry.
(Exclusion from Application)
Article 10The provisions of this Section do not apply to the following procedures, etc.:
(i)those procedures, etc. for which Cabinet Order (order of the relevant organ in the case of organs under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet and the Board of Audit) specifies that it is not appropriate to perform the relevant procedures by a method using electronic data processing systems or other method using information and communications technology due to requiring face-to-face verification of whether the particulars pertaining to the application, etc. are false, requiring the paper documents pertaining to the permit or other disposition notice, etc. to be placed in the place of business, or any other grounds; and
(ii)those procedures, etc. prescribed as being performed by a method using electronic data processing systems or other method using information and communications technology pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the relevant procedures, etc. (excluding those prescribed as being performed pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1), Article 7, paragraph (1), Article 8, paragraph (1), or paragraph (1) of the preceding Article)
第三節 添付書面等の省略
Section 3 Omission of Attached Paper Documents
Article 11Notwithstanding the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, the attachment of a copy of the resident record, a certificate of registered information or other paper documents, etc. specified by Cabinet Order pertaining to the person making an application, etc. for which attachment at the time of the relevant application, etc. is prescribed pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the relevant application, etc. is not required if administrative organs, etc. can directly or using electronic data processing systems obtain or refer to information pertaining to the particulars that should be verified by the relevant paper documents, etc. through the use or an individual number card or other measures using electronic data processing systems performed by the person making the relevant application, etc. as specified by Cabinet Order according to the classification of the relevant paper documents, etc.
第四節 その他の施策
Section 4 Other Measures
(Correction of Disparity in Ability to Use Information and Communications Technology)
Article 12(1)In the advancement of government administration processes that use information and communications technology, the national government must take measures to enable persons who do not have sufficient ability or knowledge and experience to use information and communications technology to readily seek consultation, advice or other support, measures to secure and improve the quality of persons providing the relevant support, and other necessary measures for correcting the disparity in the ability to use or opportunities to use information and communications technology based on age, physical condition such as the presence or absence of a disability, geographic restrictions, economic conditions or other factors, in order to enable all persons to enjoy the benefits of information and communications technology.
(2)Local governments must endeavor to take the necessary measures for correcting the disparity in the ability to use or opportunities to use information and communications technology in accordance with the measures taken by the national government pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Use of Information and Communications Technology in Procedures Based on Orders or Rules)
Article 13(1)Local governments must endeavor to take the necessary measures to enable procedures based on orders or rules to be performed by methods using electronic data processing systems or other methods using information and communications technology in accordance with the procedures, etc. for the advancement of government administration processes that use information and communications technology.
(2)The national government must endeavor to provide information and take other necessary measures to support the measures referred to in the preceding paragraph taken by local governments.
第三章 民間手続における情報通信技術の活用の促進に関する施策
Chapter III Measures Related to the Advancement of the Use of Information and Communications Technology in Private Sector Procedures
(Coordination between Private Businesses and Administrative Organs)
Article 14(1)Private businesses handling operations closely related to procedures, etc. (meaning operations closely related to procedures, etc. that require private sector procedures (meaning offer or consent for a contract, or other notice, excluding those performed in court proceedings and as applications, etc. or disposition notices, etc.; the same applies hereinafter) on the same occasion) must perform the relevant private sector procedures by a method using electronic data processing systems (meaning electronic data processing systems connecting computers for use by private businesses and computers for use by the other party in the private sector procedures through an electronic telecommunications line; the same applies hereinafter in paragraph (2) of the following Article) or other method using information and communications technology to enable the relevant private sector procedures to be performed collectively with the relevant procedures, etc. by a method using information and communications technology, and endeavor to secure coordination with administrative organs, etc. pertaining to the relevant procedures, etc.
(2)The national government is to provide the necessary information, advice and other support to the private businesses in the preceding paragraph for the coordination in the same paragraph.
(Creation of an Environment for the Advancement of the Use of Information and Communications Technology in Private Sector Procedures)
Article 15(1)The national government is to take the necessary measures to optimize the provision of information by private businesses when entering into contracts, implement activities to raise awareness of appropriate use of information and communications technology in transactions, and ensure secure and appropriate use of information and communications technology in transactions with other private businesses and other parties in the private sector procedures, for the advancement of the use of information and communications technology in private sector procedures.
(2)The national government, when it finds that it does not impede secure and appropriate use of information and communications technology in transactions between private businesses and other parties in their private sector procedures based on the state of implementation of the measures referred to in the preceding paragraph, is to take legal measures and other necessary measures to enable private sector procedures (limited to those prescribed to be performed using paper documents, etc. or other method in the provisions of laws and regulations concerning the relevant private sector procedures) to be performed by a method using electronic data processing systems or other method using information and communications technology.
第四章 雑則
Chapter IV Miscellaneous Provisions
(Publication of the Status of the Advancement of Government Administration Processes that Use Information and Communications Technology)
Article 16(1)Administrative organs, etc. of the national government are to make public, as needed, the status of applications, etc. and disposition notices, etc. pertaining to the relevant administrative organs, etc. of the relevant national government that can be performed by a method using electronic data processing systems, and other advancement of government administrative processes that use information and communications technology pursuant to the provisions of this Act by the use of the internet or other means.
(2)The Prime Minister is to compile the particulars made public pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and make public, as needed, the summary by the use of the internet or other means.
Article 17Administrative organs, etc. other than administrative organs, etc. of the national government are to make public the status of applications, etc. and disposition notices, etc. pertaining to the relevant administrative organs, etc. that can be performed by a method using electronic data processing systems, and other advancement of government administration processes that use information and communications technology pursuant to the provisions of this Act by the use of the internet or other means.
(Orders of Competent Ministries)
Article 18Orders of the competent ministry in this Act are Cabinet Secretariat Orders, Cabinet Office Orders, Digital Agency Orders or Ministerial Orders of the Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Office, Digital Agency or Ministry with jurisdiction over other laws and regulations concerning procedures, etc. (excluding the Regulations of the Board of Audit, the Rules of the National Personnel Authority, the Rules of the Fair Trade Commission, the Rules of the National Public Safety Commission, the Rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, the Rules of the Japan Casino Regulatory Commission, the Rules of the Environmental Disputes Coordination Commission, the Rules of the Public Security Examination Commission, the Rules of the Central Labor Relations Commission, the Rules of the Japan Transport Safety Board, and the Rules of the Nuclear Regulation Authority). However, these are the Regulations of the Board of Audit, the Rules of the National Personnel Authority, the Rules of the Fair Trade Commission, the Rules of the National Public Safety Commission, the Rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, the Rules of the Japan Casino Regulatory Commission, the Rules of the Environmental Disputes Coordination Commission, the Rules of the Public Security Examination Commission, the Rules of the Central Labor Relations Commission, the Rules of the Japan Transport Safety Board, and the Rules of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, respectively, for the procedures, etc. under the jurisdiction of the Board of Audit, the National Personnel Authority, the Fair Trade Commission, the National Public Safety Commission, the Personal Information Protection Commission, the Japan Casino Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Disputes Coordination Commission, the Public Security Examination Commission, the Central Labor Relations Commission, the Japan Transport Safety Board, and the Nuclear Regulation Authority.
(Delegation to Cabinet Order)
Article 19Beyond what is provided for in this Act, other necessary particulars for the implementation of this Act are specified by Cabinet Order.
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
Supplementary Provisions
This Act comes into effect as of the day specified by Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding three months from the date of promulgation.