Outline for Measures to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork

Outline for Measures to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork
Outline for Measures to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork
- Toward the Realization of a Zero Karoshi Society, with a Healthy Work-Life Balance and Fulfilling Jobs -
July 24, 2015
第1 はじめに
Part 1 Introduction
第2 現状と課題
Part 2 Present Situation and Problems
1 労働時間等の状況
1 Working Hours
2 職場におけるメンタルヘルス対策の状況
2 Mental Health Measures in the Workplace
3 就業者の脳血管疾患、心疾患等の発生状況
3 Incidence of Cerebrovascular, Heart Diseases of Workers
4 自殺の状況
4 Circumstances of Suicide
5 脳・心臓疾患及び精神障害に係る労災補償等の状況
5 Workers' Compensation for Brain/Heart Disease and Mental Disorders
(1) Workers' compensation
(2) Work-related accidents or diseases among national public employees
(3) Work-related accidents or diseases among local government employees
6 課題
6 Challenges
第3 過労死等の防止のための対策の基本的考え方
Part 3 Basic Concepts of Measures to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork
1 当面の対策の進め方
1 Strategies of Measures for the Time Being
2 各対策の基本的考え方
2 Basic Concept of the Measures
(1) Basic concept of research and studies
(2) Basic concept of public-enlightenment programs
(Public-enlightenment programs to people)
(Public-enlightenment programs through educational activities)
(Public-enlightenment programs to stakeholders at work settings)
(3) Basic concept such as establishment of a consultation system
(4) Basic concept of support for the private-sector activities
第4 国が取り組む重点対策
Part 4 Priority Measures Taken by National Government
1 調査研究等
1 Research and Studies
(1) Analysis of cases of Death and Injury from Overwork
(2) Epidemiological research
(3) Survey and analysis of labor and social fields surrounding the issue of Death and Injury from Overwork
(4) Publishing the results
2 啓発
2 Public-enlightenment programs
(1) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs for people
(2) Public-enlightenment programs on working conditions at universities, high schools
(3) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs to reduce long working hours
(4) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs on how to prevent health problems due to overwork
(5) Encouraging companies to review their "work approach" and promoting acquisition of annual paid leave
(6) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs on mental health care
(7) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs to prevent and resolve workplace power harassment
(8) Promotion of measures based on business practices
(9) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs among government officials
3 相談体制の整備等
3 Establishment of a Consultation System
(1) Establishment of consultation service on working conditions and health management
(2) Training for those engaged in counseling services, including industrial physicians
(3) Training for those concerned with occupational health and personnel labor management
(4) Establishment of consultation system for government officials
4 民間団体の活動に対する支援
4 Support for Private-Sector Activities
(1) Holding symposium to prevent death and injury from overwork
(2) Support for activities other than symposiums
(3) Publication of private-sector activities
第5 国以外の主体が取り組む重点対策
Part 5 Priority Measures Taken by Non-National Government Entities
1 地方公共団体
1 Local governments
(1) Public-enlightenment programs
(2) Establishment of a consultation system
(3) Support for private-sector activities
2 事業主
2 Person in control of business
(1) Efforts by senior executives
(2) Utilization of occupational health staff
3 労働組合等
3 Labor Unions
4 民間団体
4 Private Organizations
5 国民
5 People
第6 推進上の留意事項
Part 6 Consideration in Promoting the Measures
1 推進状況のフォローアップ
1 Follow-up of Progress
2 対策の見直し
2 Review of Measures
3 大綱の見直し
3 Review of the Outline
第1 はじめに
Part 1 Introduction
Death or injury from overwork, known as "karoshi, etc." has claimed more and more lives in recent years and has become a major social problem in Japan. Death and injury from overwork creates immense pain, not only for the victims themselves but also their bereaved families or families. It is also a great loss for society.
The "karoshi" issue has drawn significant social attention in Japan since the late 1980s, since which time, the term "karoshi" was adopted to mean "death from overwork," overseas as well as domestically. Even in recent years, issues in various fields with poor employment management have been underlined as well as the need to take measures, including those suspected of "exploiting" young workers who die from overwork and other work-related disorders. Death and injury from overwork is considered a human rights issue.
Under these circumstances, bereaved families etc. of those having died from death from overwork and the lawyers and scholars etc. who support the families gathered to form an organization aiming to legalize an Act to prevent death from overwork. With more than 550,000 signatures gathered from throughout Japan, the organization promoted awareness of the actual situation of the victims and their bereaved families; encouraging the Diet to gain understanding of the legislation and urging local councils to adopt the written opinion of the legislation. Also, the Committee on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, established based on the resolution of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, recommends that Japan strengthen its measures and prevent long working hours. In response, 143 local assemblies adopted a written opinion and a Diet members' league for legislation was formed in the National Assembly with increasing momentum toward legislation. The Act Promoting Measures to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") was submitted, passed unanimously in June 2014 and took effect on November 1 the same year.
The driving force behind the enactment of the law are the activities carried out by bereaved families who have suffered great pain and grief over the last quarter-century due to the fact that many precious lives have been lost due to death from overwork. Initially, the relationship between overwork and brain/heart diseases and suicide was not necessarily apparent. However, today, extended overtime work is considered the most critical factor leading to accumulation of fatigue and medical findings strongly related to brain/heart diseases have been obtained. It is also believed that mental disorders may cause suicide due to intense psychological burden at work, which severely inhibits workers' normal recognition, behavior selection capability, or ability to become aware of and combat their suicidal behavior. Under the common recognition, the definition of death and injury from overwork was stipulated in an Act as follows for the first time in our legal system:
- Death due to cerebrovascular/heart diseases caused by an overload of work
- Suicide due to mental disorders caused by a significant psychological burden
- Even where not leading to death, related cerebrovascular/heart diseases or mental disorders
Given that measures to prevent death and injury from overwork do not necessarily fully reflect the relevant circumstances, the basic philosophy behind this Act involves aiming to clarify actual circumstances of death and injury from overwork through research and studies into death and injury from overwork, utilizing the results of research and studies on death and injury from overwork in an effort to efficiently prevent death and injury from overwork and promoting awareness and understanding among people of the importance of avoiding death and injury from overwork. Under this basic philosophy, November, including Labor Thanksgiving Day, was designated as an Enlightenment Month to Raise Awareness to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork.
This Act also requires the national government to take responsibility to promote measures to prevent death and injury from overwork efficiently, and in coordination with the national government local governments are required to endeavor to efficiently promote measures to prevent death and injury from overwork. Person in control of business is required to endeavor to cooperate with measures to prevent death and injury from overwork stipulated by the national government and local governments and people are required to endeavor to remain aware of the importance of preventing death and injury from overwork and deepen their interest and understanding of the same, respectively.
On the basic abovementioned pillar of the Act, Outline is established to effectively promote measures to prevent death and injury from overwork, based on Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act.
Human life is irreplaceable. In any society, death and injury from overwork should never take place. The Outline include measures to prevent death and injury from overwork and thus help establish a society without death and injury from overwork, with a good work/life balance and a healthy and fulfilling life for workers. Measures to prevent death and injury from overwork will be promoted based on the Outline.
第2 現状と課題
Part 2 Present Situation and Problems
1 労働時間等の状況
1 Working Hours
Regarding working hours, the annual total hours worked per worker has been declining, which may reflect the increased proportion of part-time workers. Conversely, the hours worked by general workers have remained high, at around 2,000 (according to the "Monthly Labor Survey" by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).
Also, Japanese employees tend to work longer than those in European countries, with a high proportion engaged in overtime work (over 40 hours per week), particularly more than 49 hours a week (ILO "ILOSTAT Database" (Japanese version, extracted from data by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "Labor Force Survey")).
Workers who work more than 60 hours per week have been on a downward trend in recent years, which is slightly under 10%. Conversely, men in their 30s, in their prime, accounted for 17.0% in 2014, remaining at a high level, despite declining slightly lower than the past. In 2014, 5.66 million employees worked for more than 60 hours a week across all industries, 4.68 million of whom were employed (data from "Labor Force Survey" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications).
Also, despite a slight increase in the number of days of annual paid leave over the long term, the number of days acquired has remained unchanged from a slight decrease and the acquisition rate has remained below 50% in recent years (Data from "General Survey on Working Conditions" by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare). Approximately 16% of so-called regular employees took not even one day of annual paid leave. Also, workers who took very few annual paid leave accounted for a higher proportion of all long-term workers. (Data from "Survey on Acquisition of Annual Paid Leave" by the Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training) (2011)
2 職場におけるメンタルヘルス対策の状況
2 Mental Health Measures in the Workplace
The proportion of workers suffering from high anxiety, troubles and stress at work or work life was 52.3% in 2013; slightly declining from the past but still comprising more than half. Specifically, analyzing the answers (multiple responses within 3), "job quality/quantity" (65.3%) was the most common, followed by "job failure, taking responsibility and other" (36.6%) and "interpersonal relations (including sexual harassment and power harassment)" (33.7%).
Also, 90.8% of workers answered that they had somebody with whom to discuss their frustrations, etc. in their present work or work life. As for counseling partners the respondents mentioned (multiple answers), "families/friends" (83.2%) was the most common, followed by "bosses/colleagues" (75.8%). Also, among the workers who said that they had somebody with whom to discuss their stress, etc., 75.8% of respondents answered that they did request advice and guidance from the same. As for the breakdown of their partners actually consulted by the workers (multiple answers), "families/friends" (58.9%) was the most common, followed by "bosses/colleagues" (53.5%).
The percentage of business offices engaged in mental health measures was 60.7% (2013), increasing from 47.2% the previous year. As for the breakdown of their measures (multiple answers), "education and training/information provision to workers" was the most common (46.0%), followed by "improvement of consultation system within the office" (41.8%), "education and training/information provision to administrators" (37.9%) (Data from "Occupational Health Surveillance 2013" (fact-finding investigation) by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).
Among complaints on disputes between companies and workers which were reported to prefectural Labor Bureaus etc., those related to "bullying/harassment" have soared in recent years and exceeded the number of "dismissed," becoming the most common in FY 2012.
3 就業者の脳血管疾患、心疾患等の発生状況
3 Incidence of Cerebrovascular, Heart Diseases of Workers
According to demographic dynamics for occupational/industrial statistics performed every 5 years, the number of deaths caused by cerebrovascular or heart diseases (excluding high blood pressure), aortic aneurysms and dissection among employed workers in Japan has been declining, with around 30,000 cases recorded in FY 2010.
By age, those over 60 comprised more than 70% of the total; common for seniors. By industry, it is common to see agriculture/forestry, wholesale/retail, manufacturing, construction and service account for a significant portion, whereas by occupation, it is common in agriculture, forestry and fishery workers, service positions, professional and technical positions, sales positions, managerial positions, etc..
4 自殺の状況
4 Circumstances of Suicide
The number of national suicides has exceeded 30,000 cases involving 14 consecutive years since 1998, but has continued declining since 2010, with around 25,000 cases in 2014.
By type of occupation, the number of suicides among employees/workers (excluding self-employed/family workers, including corporate officers, etc.) has been decreasing in recent years alongside an overall decline, with 7,164 cases recorded in 2014.
Conversely, as for the breakdown of causes/motivations (up to 3 causes/motivations per person were determined, based on their suicide notes or other documents), the number of those considered to have taken their lives with one of the causes or motivations from their work-related issues increased during the period from 2007 to 2011, although the total number remained flat and then showed a trend to decrease, standing at 2,227 cases in 2014. As for details of the causes and motivations, "work-related fatigue" comprised 30% of the work-related issues, followed by "personal relationship at work " at over 20%, "failure in work" cited in fewer than 20% of cases and over 10% citing "change in work environment" (Calculated by the Cabinet Office based on data from "Suicide Statistics" the National Police Agency).
5 脳・心臓疾患及び精神障害に係る労災補償等の状況
5 Workers' Compensation for Brain/Heart Disease and Mental Disorders
(1) Workers' compensation
The number of cases requested for occupational accidents due to the onset of cerebrovascular disease or ischemic heart disease (hereinafter referred to as "brain/heart diseases") due to an overload of work has been fluctuating over the past decade, from the upper half of 700 cases to the lower half of 900 cases.
Among these, the number of claims for which workers' compensation was decided exceeded 300 cases in FY2002 and has remained high ever since, reaching 392 in FY2007. Since that time, despite once decreasing to fewer than 300 cases, it has remained above 300 cases since FY2011. Among these numbers of payment decisions, the number of deaths reached 160 in FY2002 and has exceeded 100 cases ever since. By industry, the road freight transport industry was the top and the number of automobile drivers was also the most common by job category. By age, the largest proportion was the age group of over 40s.
Also, the number of workers' compensation claims for mental disorders caused by strong psychological burden exceeded 100 cases involving the first time in FY1999, subsequently exceeding 1,000 cases in FY2009 and reaching 1,409 cases in FY2013.
Among these, the number of workers' compensation payment decisions reached 100 cases in FY2002, exceeding 200 cases in FY2006, over 300 cases in FY2010 and 475 cases in FY2012 respectively. Despite decreasing slightly compared to the previous fiscal year in FY2013, it has remained at a high level of 436 cases. Among decisions on these workers' compensation payments, those related to suicide (including suicide attempts) have remained beyond 60 cases since FY 2006, reaching 93 cases in FY 2012. FY2013 saw 63 cases, decreasing from the previous fiscal year, although the figure still exceeded 60 cases. In terms of industry type, the most common categories were social insurance, social welfare and nursing care industry, the road freight transport industry, the medical care industry and others. By job category, the number of general office workers peaked. The breakdown by age showed that it was common for those in their 30s and more in younger age groups than for brain/heart disease (based on "Compensation for Workers Suffering from Brain/Heart Diseases and/or Mental Disorders" by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).
(2) Work-related accidents or diseases among national public employees
Regarding work-related accidents or disease among national public employees in regular service, the number of consultations (ministries, and agencies are to consult with the National Personnel Authority beforehand to recognize whether brain/heart disease, mental illness, etc. are caused on- or off-duty,) has increased and decreased over the past decade within the range of 6 and 25 cases, except for 41 brain/heart disease cases in FY2006. Also, mental illness, etc. fluctuated within the range of 21 and 44 cases, except for 56 cases in FY2006.
Among these, over the past decade, the number of authorized cases involving work-related brain/heart diseases has fluctuated between 3 and 15 cases, whereas the number of mental illness, etc. was between 3 and 17 cases, respectively. Regardless, no special trend emerged except for a prominent number of cases in a specific fiscal year. Case numbers by occupational type of work-related accidents or diseases for government officers over the last 5 years included 15 cases of brain/heart diseases for administrative officers, 3 cases involving public security officers, 2 cases involving designated officers and 1 case for medical officers, research officers and others, respectively. Similarly, regarding mental illnesses, etc., there were 24 cases involving administrative officers, 10 cases involving medical officers, 8 cases involving public security officers, 2 cases involving professional administrative officers and 1 case for welfare officers. By age, brain/heart diseases were common for those in their 50s and 40s, in order, while mental illnesses, etc. were common for those in their 20s and 30s in order.
(3) Work-related accidents or diseases among local government employees
With respect to the number of work-related accidents or diseases among local government employees for the past decade or so, brain/heart disease fluctuated between 41 and 58 cases until FY2011, with 26 cases in FY2012 and 14 cases in FY2013. Mental illness, etc. also fluctuated within the range of 29 - 66 cases.
Among the number of work-related accidents or diseases recognized in the past decade, brain/heart disease has been fluctuating within the range of 9 - 20 cases, mental illness, etc. fluctuated between 15 and 22 cases until FY2013 after rising to 20 cases in FY2005. Regarding the composition ratio by occupation of work-related accidents or diseases over the past 5 years, there were 19 cases involving compulsory education school staff, 17 cases involving police officials, 8 cases involving education staff other than compulsory education, 4 cases involving firefighters and 22 cases involving other staff (general staff). Similarly, with regard to mental illness, etc., there were 17 cases involving compulsory education school staff, 9 cases involving education staff other than compulsory education, 4 cases involving firefighters and police officers respectively and 49 cases involving other staff (general staff, etc.). By age, brain/heart diseases were common for those in their 40s and 50s, while mental illnesses, etc. were common for those in their 40s and 30s, in order.
6 課題
6 Challenges
In providing compensation for workers, discussion centered on whether or not the case of death and injury from overwork was business-induced. However, since death and injury from overwork has not yet been efficiently prevented, it is necessary to clarify the mechanism, etc., as well as long working hours, to help develop measures to prevent death and injury from overwork.
Also, deaths due to cerebrovascular and heart disease (excluding high blood pressure), aortic aneurysms and dissections among workers accounted for more than 70% of those over the age of 60, but there was a significant difference from the number of workers' compensation claims for deaths due to brain/heart diseases. There was a significant gap between the number of those considered to have committed suicide with one of the causes or motivations cited as their work-related issues and that of workers' compensation claims for deaths due to mental disorders. Regarding the gap, some people insisted that this was because bereaved families, etc. were hesitant to claim workers' compensation; however, the lack of detailed data means this analysis may be insufficient.
Although a certain number of public-enlightenment programs have been provided, the total remains insufficient. In particular, education activities targeting young people should be included in the programs.
One of the factors that causes death and injury from overwork are long working hours. Regarding working hours, measures should be taken, focusing on workers who work long hours rather than average workers, to promote reduction of their working hours and acquisition of annual paid leave. Also, an enlightenment is required to be provided to identify working hours objectively, as identifying working hours is a prerequisite for various measures.
With regard to mental health, while more than half workers feel strong anxiety, troubles and stress in their work and work lives, it is necessary to develop an environment where workers feel at ease and discuss their problems for advice and guidance.
第3 過労死等の防止のための対策の基本的考え方
Part 3 Basic Concepts of Measures to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork
1 当面の対策の進め方
1 Strategies of Measures for the Time Being
The mechanism, etc. of death and injury from overwork may be complicated and diverse with a range of factors, many of which are invisible. Therefore, it is crucial to carry out research and studies to clarify the actual situation as soon as possible.
Conversely, it is effective to support public-enlightenment programs, consultation systems and private-sector activities based on results of the research and studies. However, preventing death and injury from overwork and the task to reducing working hours, one of its causes, to harmonize work and living (secure work-life balance) is an urgent issue. At the same time, it is essential to thoroughly implement measures relating to worker healthcare, to formulate a good work environment and reduce the psychological burden on workers. It is also important to ensure compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. Accordingly, the national government is to work from the perspective described in 2 for the time being without awaiting the results of research and studies.
To realize zero death and injury from overwork through these efforts going forward, the national government is to strive to achieve targets such as reducing the percentage of employers with more than 60 working hours per week to 5% or less by 2020, increasing the rate of annual paid leave acquired by employees to 70% or more and increasing the ratio of workplaces engaged in mental health programs to more than 80% by 2017. Also, the national government is to seek to hold symposium sessions in all prefectures over approximately 3 years in future as public-enlightenment programs nationwide and improve consultation services system in which every worker suffering from physical and mental disorders can consult it.
As soon as the results of research and studies are obtained, measures to be taken are to be examined and included as needed based on the outcome.
2 各対策の基本的考え方
2 Basic Concept of the Measures
(1) Basic concept of research and studies
To clarify the actual situation of death and injury from overwork, it is necessary to analyze complicated and diverse related factors and their relevance. This includes not only accumulation of fatigue, working hours and the workplace environment which directly cause psychological burden, as well as factors such as irregular work, shift work, late night work, work with many business trips, and work with strong mental strain, but also the environment surrounding an industry such as various commercial practices, etc., including the business condition of the company, ordering quick delivery, workers' attributes and their circumstances, etc., including their living such as sleep and housekeeping hours, etc. To this end, the research and studies are necessary to be implemented to clarify the actual situation from a multilateral and interdisciplinary point of view, not only in medical, labor and social fields but also their related areas such as economics, etc. under the cooperation of the national government, local governments, person in control of business, trade unions and private organizations, etc.
Regarding research and studies in the medical field, there is the need for research that helps clarify the risk factors of death and injury from overwork and the relationship between death and injury from overwork and diseases and develop effective preventive measures.
Based on the results of research and studies, the national government is necessary to examine how to provide healthcare to prevent death and injury from overwork Evaluation by external experts is also needed to ensure this research and these studies are conducted appropriately, with a firm scientific and ethical basis.
Regarding research and studies in labor and social sectors, the national government is necessary to determine the situation of government employees as well as private company workers, self-employed workers and corporate officers, determine work-related diseases due to an overload of work or a significant psychological burden, the circumstances of the worker who gets medical treatment and background factors and determine the overall picture of death and injury from overwork in Japan.
Death and injury from overwork also seems more prevalent in certain occupations and industries, including, for example, automobile drivers, teachers and staff, those engaged in the IT industry, food service industry and medical care, etc. Measures to prevent death and injury from overwork among workers should be prioritized, particularly for young people. In conducting research and studies, in-depth research and studies taking these opinions in mind are needed.
Through these research and studies, the national government should consider urgent and effective indicators and methods to assess circumstances of death and injury from overwork in Japan.
There is a need to summarize the results of these research and studies and disseminate the outcomes of information that are usable for public-enlightenment programs and consultation services.
(2) Basic concept of public-enlightenment programs
(Public-enlightenment programs to people)
Death and injury from overwork may be due to various factors, not only working hours and the work environment, but also the business condition of the company, its customs and inherent commercial practices and living hours, etc., including sleeping hours. Moreover, preventing death and injury from overwork also often depends on those both within and outside the work setting "support" to support the employee in question.
With this in mind, the national government, local governments and private organizations are necessary to cooperate and collaborate and continuously engage in publicity and public-enlightenment programs consistently, so that people acknowledge that death and injury from overwork is not only a matter of workplace or worker. Moreover, all people should enhance their understanding of death and injury from overwork as consumers of goods and services produced by those workers, members of society living together and family members and friends supporting workers and involved in their own lives. There is also a need to reaffirm the importance of preventing death and injury from overwork and deepening their interest and understanding.
(Public-enlightenment programs through educational activities)
To prevent death and injury from overwork, it is also essential to deepen their understanding of labor-related laws and regulations, including labor conditions, since they are still young. Accordingly, public-enlightenment programs through educational activities should be necessary, featuring cooperation with private organizations.
(Public-enlightenment programs to stakeholders at work settings)
Since death and injury from overwork occurs in the workplace, it is crucial to bolster general education with public-enlightenment programs to the relevant parties in the workplace. In particular, it is also essential to provide public-enlightenment programs to bosses with authority to manage each workplace as well as younger workers so that they can better understand their working conditions.
Given the importance of efforts to comply with labor standards and occupational health and safety laws and regulations in work settings, there is a need to promote understanding of the relevant laws and regulations, measures and Guidelines to be taken by the relevant person in control of business and the contents and purpose of related notices, as well as improving educational awareness to comply with the same.
Also, to reduce long working hours, one of the leading causes of death and injury from overwork, eliminate unpaid overtime work and promote the acquisition of annual paid leave, it is necessary not only to comply with laws and regulations but also to rethink conventional practices in work settings where long working hours are the norm and promote the creation of a workplace environment with a healthy work/life balance. For this reason, in each of the work settings, conventional work practices must be changed if based on long working hours, to encourage aggressive efforts according to respective circumstances, such as promoting fixed time leave or the acquisition of annual paid leave. Furthermore, as well as widely disseminating advanced practical cases, it is also important to educate on how that aggressive efforts can boost corporate value and how the value declines when death and injury from overwork occurs.
Conversely, to improve social awareness of companies engaged in measures against overwork and mental health, wide dissemination of their efforts is needed.
There are various commercial practices in the background of long working hours and sometimes labor-management measures taken by individual companies may not improve the situation. For these reasons and considering the challenges, etc. raised by business partners, consumers and others, there is a need to foster social momentum and take measures for improvement beyond the scope of labor-management in individual companies.
Based on the results of research and studies, it is necessary to provide public-enlightenment programs by focusing on job and industry type, etc.
(3) Basic concept such as establishment of a consultation system
To ensure a consultation service at an early stage, when workers feel at risk of death and injury from overwork, there is a need to provide various consultation programs so that workers can ask for advice and guidance in cooperation with private organizations without hesitation.
At the same time, enhancing and strengthening human resource development and training for occupational health staff, etc. are also important, including industrial physicians engaged in workplace health management.
As well as providing a counseling service, there is a need to focus on worker privacy and improve the environment so that workers may use the consultation services without hesitation as required.
For that purpose, both labor and management are required to acknowledge the importance of measures to prevent death and injury from overwork in work settings and it is necessary to ensure that workers may note their own physical and mental problems by overwork and psychological burden through education and training, etc. provided to workers and supervisors. It is also important to ensure that the boss and colleagues recognize signs of workers' problems and contact industrial health center staff, etc., to form a common understanding of the benefit of using a consultation service.
Just as important are efforts to enhance and strengthen regional offices of the Occupational Health and Welfare Support Center, which provides a consultation service for workplaces where no industrial physicians are available.
Outside the workplace, also families and friends are necessary to recognize the importance of measures to prevent death and injury from overwork, ensure awareness of workers' problems due to overwork and recommend counseling services to help the persons deal with the problem appropriately.
(4) Basic concept of support for the private-sector activities
In the context of bereaving families increasingly interacting with other people in overcoming grief in relation to death from overwork, private organizations in each region are developing the promotion of awareness and consultation services ,and legal organizations are engaging in providing advice to workers and families, including opening of a national hotline service in order to prevent death and injury from overwork.
Furthermore, private organizations that may underpin the work with these organizations, national government and local governments and private organizations have been organized by researchers, lawyers and other experts to promote study sessions and educational activities.
There are also private organizations working to prevent death and injury from overwork by nurturing industrial physicians and training, etc.
To ensure measures to prevent death and injury from overwork are substantive, the various entities mentioned above are necessary to cooperate with and partner each other while engaged in activities so that the initiative gains nationwide impetus.
To this end, the national government and local governments are necessary to support the private-sector activities engaged in death and injury from overwork prevention programs and publicize the details, etc. of the private-sector activities.
第4 国が取り組む重点対策
Part 4 Priority Measures Taken by National Government
The national government focuses on and is to take measures to support private-sector activities, such as research and studies, public-enlightenment programs and establishment of consultation system, as prescribed in Chapter 3 of the Law, working closely alongside the relevant administrative organs.
At the same time, the national government promotes measures related to national public employees and encourages local governments to promote measures concerning local government employees.
Based on the results, etc. of future research and studies, the national government will examine measures to be taken and reflect the results of the research and studies as needed.
1 調査研究等
1 Research and Studies
(1) Analysis of cases of death and injury from overwork
To determine the actual situation of death and injury from overwork from various perspectives, the national government will have a Research Center for Overwork-Related Disorders (RECORDs) established within the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan (JNIOSH) collect and analyze cases related to workers' compensation claims due to death and injury from overwork and cases recognized as work-related accidents or disease. The national government will also further collect incidents such as occupational accidents acknowledged as related to overwork. In the analysis, excesses of work other than working hours will be considered, including: the characteristics of occupations and industries, etc. with a high frequency of work-related compensation claims; the status of an Agreement on Overtime Work and Work on Days Off executed and operated; the status of the working hours system, including a discretionary labor system, etc.; the status of determining working hours and health maintenance measures; the status of acquiring leave/rest (sleep); and the frequency, etc. of business trips (including overseas). Also, attention will be focused on what is obtained from the case materials of analysis subjects, based on circumstances such as the post-response, etc. at each workplace after the disease, etc. To analyze mental disorders and suicide cases, cooperation with the Center for Suicide Prevention will be sought. Also, the national government will extract and analyze cases not accredited as work-related accidents or disasters, despite claims for workers' compensation, etc.
(2) Epidemiological research
To clarify the relationship between death and injury from overwork risk factors, individual diseases and health effects, the national government promotes follow-up studies in the long run regarding the health status of individual workers in the work group, lifestyle, work situation and subsequent cardiovascular diseases, mental illnesses and stress related diseases such as bronchial asthma.
Regarding measures to improve the workplace environment, the national government conducts and analyzes comparisons, etc. among workplaces to determine the effectiveness of death and injury from overwork prevention.
While safely and conveniently promoting research into methods where matters relevant to cardiovascular mortality have been highlighted, the national government collects data on the matters and analyzes how they relate to brain/heart diseases with the aim of using and examining them to find a more efficient means of health management and death and injury from overwork prevention.
(3) Survey and analysis of labor and social fields surrounding the issue of death and injury from overwork
To analyze the background factors of death and injury from overwork and clarify which elements form a good work environment, the national government will collect and analyze information on statistical factors relevant to death and injury from overwork, such as working hours, work-related accidents or disease compensation and suicide and endeavor to organize basic data on death and injury from overwork. At the time, the national government will note that the survey results may differ depending on the survey target of each statistic and the survey method, etc. Also, in light of the fact that death and injury from overwork occurs not in "those working average hours" but in "those working long hours," the national government will ensure appropriate analysis and recollect data if necessary. Also, there should be analysis on how systems, etc. of working hours are implemented in other countries.
If the data, etc. is unavailable from the above survey, the national government will conduct actual surveys of companies and workers, etc. and determine the overall picture of death and injury from overwork in Japan.
Based on the results of these research and analysis, occupational types and industries etc., will be reviewed to identify those where excessive labor is common and needs an intensive research. More detailed research and analysis will be ensured given according to the characteristics of background factors surrounding the issue of death and injury from overwork. In so doing, the national government will conduct research and analysis based on opinions of workers having experienced overwork in the field.
(4) Publishing the results
The national government and the Research Center for Overwork-Related Disorders (RECORDs) publish information on the status of workers' accident compensation cases, work-related accidents or disease authorized status, results of research and studies and other information related to death and injury from overwork using their websites, etc.
2 啓発
2 Public-enlightenment programs
(1) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs for people
Throughout the year, the national government engages widely in public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs, including positive factors to cope with stress and the workplace environment, utilizing various media such as the Internet, leaflets, posters, etc. so that all people may deepen their interest in and understanding of death and injury from overwork and measures to prevent it. In addition, given the suffering of bereaved families, the national government will cooperate with mental health welfare centers, etc. and provide a public-enlightenment program regarding support for the families.
In particular, in the Enlightenment Month to Raise Awareness to Prevent Death and injury from overwork, the national government holds an intensive public awareness and public-enlightenment program by supporting symposiums organized by private organizations aiming to prevent death and injury from overwork.
Furthermore, the national government publicizes widely companies engaged in measures against excessive work and mental health issues so that society can acknowledge their value based on the System to the Public Announcement of Enterprises Committed to Excellent Occupational Safety and Health Practices.
(2) Public-enlightenment programs on working conditions at universities, high schools
The national government thoroughly enforces the purpose of the Course of Study to ensure proper teaching in junior high schools and high schools, etc. to deepen understanding of work rights and obligations, labor issues, improvement of working conditions and the work-life balance. To improve teaching at each school, the national government disseminates the handbooks on labor-related laws and regulations, etc. prepared by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the dispatch of lecturers by prefectural Labor Bureaus in classes to teach labor-related laws and regulations. Furthermore, in seminars on working conditions mainly targeting young people such as university and high school students, the national government ensures knowledge on labor-related laws including the prevention of health problems due to overwork also be delivered.
(3) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs to reduce long working hours
The national government strengthens the system of Labor Standards Inspection Offices, while taking strict measures to inspect companies, etc. suspected of overworking and nonpayment for overtime. The national government instructs workplaces having caused death and injury from overwork to investigate the cause and take all measures to prevent recurrence.
As it is crucial to accurately measure working time for long working hours to reduce, the national government disseminates further "standards concerning measures to be taken by the employer to determine working hours properly."
The national government will also ensure that workers are made aware of agreements pursuant to the provision of Article 36, Paragraph (1) of the Labor Standards Act (Overtime Work and Work on Days Off Agreements). Even if overtime or work on days off is allowed for more than 45 hours a month, the national government will provide public-enlightenment programs and guidance on reducing extended working hours and actual hours of overtime and work on days off in the overtime work agreement. Furthermore, according to the standards of work-related compensation claims for brain/heart disease, improved publication awareness and public-enlightenment programs will be ensured when a significant association is recognized between work and overwork-related health disorders; specifically, when the relationship between work and occurrence gradually increases as the overtime exceeds 40 hours a week and extends beyond 45 hours a week, or overtime work exceeds approximately 100 hours per month before or 80 hours per month for 2 to 6 months before overwork-related health disorders develop. Also, based on the target set for a percentage of fewer than 5% of employees working for more than 60 hours per week by 2020, improved publication awareness and public-enlightenment programs will be ensured to reduce the number of workers working 60 hours or more per week to zero and ensure programs according to the measures stipulated in the Guidelines for Improvement of Labor Hours, etc. to reduce long working hours are effectively provided.
Also, for workplaces where there is no majority labor union since the employer is supposed to make an agreement with the majority representative, to ensure agreement is appropriately concluded, public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs will be given to majority representatives (workers who may be elected to a majority representative).
Furthermore, based on findings obtained from research and studies, factors commonly found when death and injury from overwork occurs and an effective method, etc. to prevent it will be provided to improve public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs.
(4) Publication awareness and public-enlightenment programs on how to prevent health problems due to overwork
With regard to "measures to be taken by business operators to prevent health problems due to overwork," the national government disseminates the measures, while improving the administrative system, and extensively instructs business operators to refer to the measures, which includes reducing overtime and holiday work hours and establishing health management of workers. While disseminating the measures, the national government ensures further awareness-raising of the importance of sufficient sleep and preventing lifestyle diseases among business operators and people.
As workers and managers/administrators under the flexible working hour system also are responsible for ensuring the health of business operators, the national government raises awareness of the need, etc. to take measures, including face-to-face guidance, etc. by doctors, in accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act.
The national government holds seminars to inculcate the knowledge necessary to establish overwork prevention measures for person in control of business, labor personnel and promote voluntary improvement among business operators. Portals will also be utilized to promote public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs extensively to workers and business operators, etc.
(5) Encouraging companies to review their "work approach" and promoting acquisition of annual paid leave
To encourage voluntary efforts toward reducing long working hours, the national government encourages industry groups and the management of key regional companies to implement work-style reforms.
The national government disseminates information by operating portals regarding advanced cases of initiatives and "guidelines to improve work and vacation styles" where companies can evaluate their own situation and issues of work and breaks as well as examples of leading efforts.
The national government will also hold a symposium to raise awareness among workers for the labor and management engaged in work-style reforms.
Regarding efforts to promote the acquisition of annual paid leave, the national government designates October for planning annual paid leave for the following fiscal year as a "Promotion Period for Acquiring Annual Paid Leave" and implements intensive public relations with labor-management groups and individual labor-management unions nationwide.
Also, the national government and local governments collaborate and encourage companies and residents to obtain planned annual paid leave tailored to local events and foster an environment to promote the acquisition of regional vacations. At the same time, to promote voluntary efforts of local governments, the national government endeavor to develop horizontally by providing information on good practices of regional efforts to local governments.
(6) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs on mental health care
To promote mental health measures in the workplace, while developing an administrative system, the national government will take all measures to disseminate, improve awareness and provide guidance of the "Stress Check System" to be enforced on December 1, 2015 and "the Guidelines for Maintaining and Improving Workers' Mental Health." The national government will promote mental health care by encouraging the use of the Regional Occupational Health Center for business establishments without industrial physicians and others. Because of the importance of understanding and ensuring a proper response from occupational health staff, etc., the national government will provide training programs aimed at improving knowledge on mental health and improving ability at the Occupational Health Support Center, etc. In case of mental health dysfunction etc., the national government will promote measures to improve public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs widely, as well as disseminating correct knowledge on mental health; specifically, not only bosses and colleagues in the workplace but also families and friend will be aware of signs of illness and request advice and guidance from experts as required.
(7) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs to prevent and resolve workplace power harassment
To promote efforts toward preventing and resolving workplace power harassment, the national government intensively disseminates and enlightens aspects of death and injury from overwork by utilizing diverse media such as homepages, leaflets, and posters mainly during the Enlightenment Month to Raise Awareness to Prevent Death and injury from overwork. The national government will also support efforts by labor and management by disseminating the "Introduction Manual of Measures against Power Harassment in the Workplace" that supports a scope from preventing so-called "power harassment" to the subsequent response. Also, to promote efficient measures, the national government holds seminars for those in charge of personnel and labor management in 47 prefectures nationwide.
In addition, the national government also researches the actual situation on power harassment at the workplace and examines how best to promote further efforts.
(8) Promotion of measures based on business practices
Against the background of long working hours impairing Japan, even if individual person in control of business takes measures to shorten them, various commercial practices, including the convenience of ordering, etc. from customers and orderers, may hinder the smooth implementation of the measures. For this reason, the national government will encourage awareness among business parties, including promoting the optimization of ordering conditions and contents according to the characteristics of business types and conditions.
Furthermore, based on the results of the research and studies, and the results of enlightenment/encouragement to business-related personnel, etc., the national government encourages stakeholders to improve business practices which may lead to long working hours, according to the characteristics of industry and business type.
(9) Public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs among government officials
Regarding national public employees, the national government promotes efforts to reduce overtime based on the "Guidelines concerning the Reduction in Overtime Work" and the "Guidelines for the Initiative to Promote Women's Activity and Work-life Balance of National Public Employees" while promoting public-awareness and public-enlightenment programs for that purpose. Also, the national government ensures promoted awareness and enlightenment such as the "Guidelines for the Mental Health Care of Employees," training related to mental health to managers and supervisors, mental health training using e-learning materials and lecture programs to prevent power harassment.
Regarding local government employees, local governments are encouraged to take measures against overwork and for mental health.
3 相談体制の整備等
3 Establishment of a Consultation System
(1) Establishment of consultation service on working conditions and health management
Regarding working conditions and long working hours, prefectural Labor Bureaus and Labor Standards Inspection Offices provide face-to-face consultation service as well as telephone consultation service for workers, etc. Additionally, consultation service by telephone and email is to be established, as an improvement of the whole consultation system, for workers regarding mental and other health problems, etc. due to overwork.
Regarding health management, the national government endeavors to improve the system to respond to a consultation of occupational health staff and business operators, etc. at the nationwide Occupational Health and Welfare Support Center and at the regional counter of the center, to respond to a consultation from workplaces where occupational health staff, etc. are unavailable because of the size of the business.
As well as utilizing the website and leaflets, etc., the national government ensures they publicize services established by local governments and private organizations based on mutual cooperation.
(2) Training for those engaged in counseling services, including industrial physicians, etc.
To ensure appropriate advice and guidance on mental health, etc. to be provided by industrial physicians and others, the national government will provide training programs for doctors, public health nurses, occupational health staff and others who respond to counseling on overwork and mental health.
Furthermore, by publishing texts of training for doctors, public health nurses and occupational health staff, etc., the national government endeavors to share useful know-how when local governments and companies, etc. seek to improve their consultation system.
To help establish a work environment conducive to work and one that is less stressful, the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan and Occupational Health and Welfare Support Centers, etc. play a role in enhancing and strengthening human resource development, as well as the system, such as occupational health staff, etc., including industrial physicians.
(3) Training for those concerned with occupational health and personnel labor management
The Occupational Health and Welfare Support Center will provide training on best practices related to methods of utilizing industrial physicians, etc. and other factors to establish a good work environment to those engaged in occupational health and personnel labor management, such as sanitation supervisors, occupational health consultants, and social insurance labor consultants, etc.
(4) Establishment of consultation system for government officials
The national government endeavors to prepare for the consultation system by establishing a "Counseling Offices for Mental Health Care" available to officials and their bosses, etc. at work. Also, the national government endeavors to create a comfortable work environment for national public employees.
Regarding local government employees, the national government encourages local governments to provide consultation services available to local government employees, etc.
4 民間団体の活動に対する支援
4 Support for Private-Sector Activities
(1) Holding symposium to prevent death and injury from overwork
To deepen interest and understanding of the importance of preventing death and injury from overwork, the national government will hold a symposium undertaken by private organizations regarding the Enlightenment Month to Raise Awareness to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork in November.
In addition, the national government will hold symposiums in areas and blocks where they are not yet held and ensure they are held at least once a year in all prefectures for approximately 3 years from now.
(2) Support for activities other than symposiums
When private organizations hold research groups and events, etc. to prevent death and injury from overwork, the national government supports notification of the same in advance and sponsorship etc. according to the contents.
(3) Publication of private-sector activities
To ensure that local governments, labor and management, people, etc. may smoothly use the consultation service provided by private organizations and seek cooperation, the national government will publicize the names and program contents via pamphlets, etc.
第5 国以外の主体が取り組む重点対策
Part 5 Priority Measures Taken by Non-National Government Entities
Local governments, labor and management, private organizations and people are to cooperate and collaborate, including the national government, based on the purpose of the law and from the following perspective and take measures to prevent death and injury from overwork.
1 地方公共団体
1 Local governments
Local governments are required to endeavor to efficiently promote measures to prevent death and injury from overwork while cooperating with the national government.
For this reason, the entities cooperate with the national government's measures mentioned in Part 4 and strive to promote programs according to actual circumstances such as characteristics of local industries, referencing the measures listed in Part 4. In engaging in these measures, the entities work cooperatively with each regional entity and in cooperation with the national government.
Also, in promoting measures from the position of appointing local government employees, the entities endeavor to take the related steps, taking into consideration the actual circumstances of the duties of each job category.
(1) Public-enlightenment programs
Local governments endeavor to enlighten residents so that they may deepen their understanding of death and injury from overwork, be aware of the importance of preventing it and educate residents to increase their interest and knowledge about this.
With regard to enlightening young people with regard to working conditions, these entities in collaboration with the national government, endeavor to enlighten at universities, etc. and to enhance guidance on labor for students at junior and senior high schools, etc.
They endeavor to enlighten companies, etc. within the region to prevent overwork death and injury from overwork according to the actual circumstances of the local industrial structure, working hours and the acquisition rate, etc. of annual paid leave.
Regarding efforts to promote the acquisition of annual paid leave, the entities, in collaboration with the national government and labor and management groups, encourage companies and residents to planned acquisition in accordance with local events and strive to foster the environment throughout the entire region.
Also, in cooperation with the national government, the entities endeavor to improve awareness and enlighten parties of the need to prevent health problems caused by overwork, mental health measures at the workplace and preventing power harassment.
(2) Establishment of a consultation system
Local governments endeavor to collaborate with the offices established by the national government, etc. if they have established consultation desks for counseling on death and injury from overwork.
(3) Support for private-sector activities
Local governments endeavor to support cooperation, sponsorship and publication, etc. in advance on symposiums held by private organizations.
2 事業主
2 Person in control of business
Person in control of business is required to endeavor to cooperate with measures to prevent death and injury from overwork worked on by the national government and local governments. The provisions of Article 5 of the Labor Contract Act stipulate that "an employer in association with a labor contract, must give the necessary consideration to allow a worker to work while securing the safety of their life, body and the life, etc.." The provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Safety and Health Act stipulate that "the employer must endeavor to ensure the safety and health of workers in workplaces."
For this reason, a person in control of business cooperates with the programs listed in Part 4 provided by the national government and endeavor to work on measures to prevent death and injury from overwork with responsibility as employer for the employee.
(1) Efforts by senior executives
To prevent death and injury from overwork, the chief executive and executives in position as a person in control of business will be involved with the program with a determination of zero Karoshi, etc., taking the initiative in promoting measures such as work-style reforms, acquisition of annual paid leave, mental health measures and efforts, etc. to prevent /resolve power harassment.
Also, person in control of business strives to promote the efforts based on the fact that death and injury from overwork even occurs among younger workers beyond the generation in the prime of life. In addition, when death and injury from overwork occurs, they strive to investigate the cause and take thorough measures to prevent recurrence.
(2) Utilization of occupational health staff
In order to prevent death and injury from overwork, person in control of business is to endeavor to allow workers to utilize the expert knowledge of occupational health staff, safety and health staff, and other relevant persons through actions such as consultation .
At the workplace of these staff, person in control of business works to improve the environment to play an appropriate role, such as consultation and advice, etc. regarding improvements to the workplace environment. Conversely, at business sites too small to appoint the staff, employers strive to improve the service utilizing the Occupational Health and Welfare Support Center.
Occupational health staff, etc. are expected to deepen their knowledge on death and injury from overwork to provide appropriate consultation services.
3 労働組合等
3 Labor Unions
In the workplace, the person in control of business primarily address measures to prevent death and injury from overwork and the labor union also endeavors to work and encourages cooperation between labor and management, as well as publication awareness and public-enlightenment programs for members to improve the workplace environment. Also, a labor union and majority representatives will endeavor to make agreements or resolutions based on the purpose of the Outline.
4 民間団体
4 Private Organizations
With the support of the national government and local governments etc., private organizations endeavor to deepen public interest and understanding of the measures to prevent death and injury from overwork and take measures to provide consultation service on death and injury from overwork. They also endeavor to focus on cooperating and collaborating with other entities.
5 国民
5 People
People are required to endeavor to aware of the importance of measures to prevent death and injury from overwork and to deepen their interest and understanding.
To this end, every people endeavors to have awareness of their health, recognize discomfort due to overwork and physical disorders of those surrounding them and treat the disorders appropriately, in a move to proactively prevent death and injury from overwork.
第6 推進上の留意事項
Part 6 Consideration in Promoting the Measures
1 推進状況のフォローアップ
1 Follow-up of Progress
The relevant administrative organs are to report the situation of promotion of annual measures to the Council for Promotion of Measures to Prevent Death and Injury from Overwork.
The Council is to examine the content of the report and related administrative organs are to promote subsequent measures based on the status of the review.
2 対策の見直し
2 Review of Measures
As the provisions of Article 14 of the Act stipulate that "When finding it to be necessary to do so, the government is to take measures, such as legislative or fiscal measures, needed to prevent death and injury from overwork, based on the results of research, studies, and information management concerning death and injury from overwork" based on the results of the research and studies, the measures stipulated in this Outline are to be reviewed as appropriate.
3 大綱の見直し
3 Review of the Outline
A review will be carried out as deemed necessary within the next 3 years or so to come, based on socio-economic changes, changes to various conditions surrounding death and injury from overwork., the progress, etc. of the measures based on the Outline, as well as their review status in accordance with provisions of paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions.