Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electricity Utilities
Act No. 108 of 2011
Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electricity Utilities (Act No. 108 of August 30, 2011)
Table of Contents
第一章 総則(第一条・第二条)
Chapter I General Provisions (Articles 1 and 2)
第二章 電気事業者による再生可能エネルギー電気の調達等(第三条―第七条)
Chapter II Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electricity Utilities, etc. (Articles 3 to 7)
第三章 電気事業者間の費用負担の調整(第八条―第十八条)
Chapter III Coordination of Expense Sharing among Electricity Utilities (Articles 8 to 18)
第四章 費用負担調整機関(第十九条―第三十条)
Chapter IV Expense Sharing Coordinating Body (Articles 19 to 30)
第五章 調達価格等算定委員会(第三十一条―第三十七条)
Chapter V Calculation Committee for Procurement Price, etc. (Articles 31 to 37)
第六章 雑則(第三十八条―第四十三条)
Chapter VI Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 38 to 43)
第七章 罰則(第四十四条―第四十八条)
Chapter VII Penal Provisions (Articles 44 to 48)
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 この法律は、エネルギー源としての再生可能エネルギー源を利用することが、内外の経済的社会的環境に応じたエネルギーの安定的かつ適切な供給の確保及びエネルギーの供給に係る環境への負荷の低減を図る上で重要となっていることに鑑み、電気事業者による再生可能エネルギー電気の調達に関し、その価格、期間等について特別の措置を講ずることにより、電気についてエネルギー源としての再生可能エネルギー源の利用を促進し、もって我が国の国際競争力の強化及び我が国産業の振興、地域の活性化その他国民経済の健全な発展に寄与することを目的とする。
Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to promote the use of sources of renewable energy as energy sources for electricity by taking special measures in respect of price, time frame, etc. with regard to the procurement of electricity from sources of renewable energy by electricity utilities, taking into consideration that the use of sources of renewable energy as energy sources is important in securing a stable and appropriate supply of energy appropriate for the economic and social environment in Japan and abroad and in reducing the burden on the environment arising from energy supply, thereby contributing to the strengthening of the international competitiveness of Japan and the sound development of the national economy, including the promotion of Japanese industry and the revitalization of local communities.
第二条 この法律において「電気事業者」とは、電気事業法(昭和三十九年法律第百七十号)第二条第一項第二号に規定する一般電気事業者(以下単に「一般電気事業者」という。)、同項第六号に規定する特定電気事業者及び同項第八号に規定する特定規模電気事業者(第五条第一項において単に「特定規模電気事業者」という。)をいう。
Article 2 (1) The term "Electricity Utilities" as used in this Act means general Electricity Utilities as provided in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Electricity Business Act (Act No. 170 of 1964) (hereinafter simply referred to as "General Electricity Utilities"), specified Electricity Utilities as provided in item (vi) of said paragraph, and specified-scale Electricity Utilities as provided in item (viii) of said paragraph (simply referred to as "Specified-scale Electricity Utilities" in Article 5, paragraph (1)).
2 この法律において「再生可能エネルギー電気」とは、再生可能エネルギー発電設備を用いて再生可能エネルギー源を変換して得られる電気をいう。
(2) The term "Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy" as used in this Act means electricity obtained by converting sources of renewable energy using a renewable energy power generation facility.
3 この法律において「再生可能エネルギー発電設備」とは、再生可能エネルギー源を電気に変換する設備及びその附属設備をいう。
(3) The term "Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities" as used in this Act means facilities that convert sources of renewable energy into electricity, and their auxiliary facilities.
4 この法律において「再生可能エネルギー源」とは、次に掲げるエネルギー源をいう。
(4) The term "Sources of Renewable Energy" as used in this Act means the following energy sources:
一 太陽光
(i) sunlight;
二 風力
(ii) wind power;
三 水力
(iii) hydraulic power;
四 地熱
(iv) geothermal power;
五 バイオマス(動植物に由来する有機物であってエネルギー源として利用することができるもの(原油、石油ガス、可燃性天然ガス及び石炭並びにこれらから製造される製品を除く。)をいう。第六条第三項及び第八項において同じ。)
(v) biomass (which means organic substances derived from animals and plants which can be used as a source of energy [excluding crude oil, petroleum gas, combustible natural gas, coal, and products manufactured therefrom]; the same shall apply in paragraphs (3) and (8) of Article 6); and
六 前各号に掲げるもののほか、原油、石油ガス、可燃性天然ガス及び石炭並びにこれらから製造される製品以外のエネルギー源のうち、電気のエネルギー源として永続的に利用することができると認められるものとして政令で定めるもの
(vi) in addition to what is listed in the preceding items, energy sources other than crude oil, petroleum gas, combustible natural gas, coal, and products manufactured therefrom, which are provided for by Cabinet Order as being recognized as perpetually usable as energy sources for electricity.
第二章 電気事業者による再生可能エネルギー電気の調達等
Chapter II Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electricity Utilities, etc.
(Procurement Price and Procurement Period)
第三条 経済産業大臣は、毎年度、当該年度の開始前に、電気事業者が次条第一項の規定により行う再生可能エネルギー電気の調達につき、経済産業省令で定める再生可能エネルギー発電設備の区分、設置の形態及び規模ごとに、当該再生可能エネルギー電気の一キロワット時当たりの価格(以下「調達価格」という。)及びその調達価格による調達に係る期間(以下「調達期間」という。)を定めなければならない。ただし、経済産業大臣は、我が国における再生可能エネルギー電気の供給の量の状況、再生可能エネルギー発電設備の設置に要する費用、物価その他の経済事情の変動等を勘案し、必要があると認めるときは、半期ごとに、当該半期の開始前に、調達価格及び調達期間(以下「調達価格等」という。)を定めることができる。
Article 3 The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall determine the price of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy per kilowatt (hereinafter referred to as the "Procurement Price") and the period of procurement based on a Procurement Price (hereinafter referred to as the "Procurement Period") every business year prior to the beginning of the relevant business year with regard to the procurement of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy by an electricity utility pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following Article, with respect to each classification, form of installation, and size of Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; provided, however, that when the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds it necessary taking into consideration the status of the quantity of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy supplied in Japan, the expenses necessary for installing a renewable energy power generation facility, changes in commodity prices and other economic conditions, etc., the minister may determine a Procurement Price and a Procurement Period (hereinafter referred to as a "Procurement Price, etc.") at every half-year period prior to the beginning of the relevant half-year period.
2 調達価格は、当該再生可能エネルギー発電設備による再生可能エネルギー電気の供給を調達期間にわたり安定的に行うことを可能とする価格として、当該供給が効率的に実施される場合に通常要すると認められる費用及び当該供給に係る再生可能エネルギー電気の見込量を基礎とし、我が国における再生可能エネルギー電気の供給の量の状況、第六条第一項の認定に係る発電(同条第四項の規定による変更の認定又は同条第五項の規定による変更の届出があったときは、その変更後のもの。同条第六項において同じ。)に係る再生可能エネルギー発電設備(以下「認定発電設備」という。)を用いて再生可能エネルギー電気を供給しようとする者(以下「特定供給者」という。)が受けるべき適正な利潤、この法律の施行前から再生可能エネルギー発電設備を用いて再生可能エネルギー電気を供給する者の当該供給に係る費用その他の事情を勘案して定めるものとする。
(2) A Procurement Price shall be determined, as a price that enables the supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy by the relevant renewable energy power generation facility to be conducted stably over the Procurement Period, based on expenses that are recognized as ordinarily required where said supply is efficiently implemented and the estimated quantity of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy pertaining to said supply, taking into consideration the status of the quantity of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy supplied in Japan, reasonable profits which a person who intends to supply Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy by using a renewable energy power generation facility for power generation subject to the certification set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1) should make (power generation after changes in cases where there has been a certification of changes under the provisions of paragraph (4) of said Article or a notification of changes under the provisions of paragraph (5) of said Article; the same shall apply in paragraph (6) of said Article) (hereinafter referred to as the "Certified Power Generation Facility") (hereinafter referred to as "Specified Suppliers"), expenses borne by a person who has supplied Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy by using a renewable energy power generation facility prior to the enforcement of this Act for said supply, and any other circumstances.
3 調達期間は、当該再生可能エネルギー発電設備による再生可能エネルギー電気の供給の開始の時から、その供給の開始後最初に行われる再生可能エネルギー発電設備の重要な部分の更新の時までの標準的な期間を勘案して定めるものとする。
(3) A Procurement Period shall be determined, taking into consideration the standard period from the time of the beginning of the supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy by the relevant renewable energy power generation facility to the time of the first renewal of the important part of the renewable energy power generation facility after the beginning of the supply.
4 経済産業大臣は、調達価格等を定めるに当たっては、第十六条の賦課金の負担が電気の使用者に対して過重なものとならないよう配慮しなければならない。
(4) When determining a Procurement Price, etc., the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry must give consideration so as to prevent the allotted charges set forth in Article 16 from being an excessive burden on electricity users.
5 経済産業大臣は、調達価格等を定めようとするときは、当該再生可能エネルギー発電設備に係る所管に応じて農林水産大臣、国土交通大臣又は環境大臣に協議し、及び消費者政策の観点から消費者問題担当大臣(内閣府設置法(平成十一年法律第八十九号)第九条第一項に規定する特命担当大臣であって、同項の規定により命を受けて同法第四条第一項第十七号及び同条第三項第六十一号に掲げる事務を掌理するものをいう。)の意見を聴くとともに、調達価格等算定委員会の意見を聴かなければならない。この場合において、経済産業大臣は、調達価格等算定委員会の意見を尊重するものとする。
(5) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry intends to determine a Procurement Price, etc., the minister shall consult with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, or the Minister of the Environment in accordance with the administrative jurisdiction over the relevant renewable energy power generation facility, shall hear the opinions of the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety (which means the Minister of State for Special Missions provided for in Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office (Act No. 89 of 1999) who administers the affairs listed in Article 4, paragraph (1), item (xvii) of said Act and paragraph (3), item (lxi) of said Article as ordered pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (1) of said Act) from the perspective of consumer policy, and must hear the opinions of the Calculation Committee for Procurement Prices, etc. In this case, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall respect the opinions of the Calculation Committee for Procurement Prices, etc.
6 経済産業大臣は、調達価格等を定めたときは、遅滞なく、これを告示しなければならない。
(6) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry has determined a Procurement Price, etc., the minister must make a public notification to that effect without delay.
7 経済産業大臣は、前項の規定による告示後速やかに、当該告示に係る調達価格等並びに当該調達価格等の算定の基礎に用いた数及び算定の方法を国会に報告しなければならない。
(7) After the public notification under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been given, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry must promptly report the Procurement Price, etc. subject to said public notification, the figures used as the basis for the calculation of said Procurement Price, etc., and the method of calculating this to the Diet.
8 経済産業大臣は、物価その他の経済事情に著しい変動が生じ、又は生ずるおそれがある場合において、特に必要があると認めるときは、調達価格等を改定することができる。
(8) Where a commodity price or any other economic condition has substantially changed or is likely to substantially change, and when the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds it especially necessary, the minister may revise Procurement Prices, etc.
9 第五項から第七項までの規定は、前項の規定による調達価格等の改定について準用する。
(9) The provisions of paragraphs (5) through (7) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the revision of a Procurement Price, etc. under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Obligation to Accept a Request for a Specified Contract)
第四条 電気事業者は、特定供給者から、当該再生可能エネルギー電気について特定契約(当該特定供給者に係る認定発電設備に係る調達期間を超えない範囲内の期間(当該再生可能エネルギー電気が既に他の電気事業者に供給されていた場合その他の経済産業省令で定める場合にあっては、経済産業省令で定める期間)にわたり、特定供給者が電気事業者に対し再生可能エネルギー電気を供給することを約し、電気事業者が当該認定発電設備に係る調達価格により再生可能エネルギー電気を調達することを約する契約をいう。以下同じ。)の申込みがあったときは、その内容が当該電気事業者の利益を不当に害するおそれがあるときその他の経済産業省令で定める正当な理由がある場合を除き、特定契約の締結を拒んではならない。
Article 4 (1) When an electricity utility receives, from a specified supplier, an application for a specified contract (which means a contract stipulating that a specified supplier supply Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy to an electricity utility over a period not exceeding the period pertaining to a Certified Power Generation Facility of said specified supplier [the period provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry where said Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy has already been supplied to another electricity utility or in any other cases provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry] and also stipulating that the electricity utility procure Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy at the Procurement Price pertaining to said Certified Power Generation Facility over said period; the same shall apply hereinafter) for such Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy, it must not refuse to enter into the specified contract unless the terms and conditions of the contract are likely to unreasonably prejudice the interests of said electricity utility or there are any other reasonable grounds provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
2 経済産業大臣は、電気事業者に対し、特定契約の円滑な締結のため必要があると認めるときは、その締結に関し必要な指導及び助言をすることができる。
(2) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds it necessary for the smooth execution of a specified contract, the Minister may give necessary guidance and advice concerning execution of the contract to the relevant electricity utility.
3 経済産業大臣は、正当な理由がなくて特定契約の締結に応じない電気事業者があるときは、当該電気事業者に対し、特定契約の締結に応ずべき旨の勧告をすることができる。
(3) When an electricity utility refuses to enter into a specified contract without reasonable grounds, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may recommend that said electricity utility enter into the specified contract.
4 経済産業大臣は、前項に規定する勧告を受けた電気事業者が、正当な理由がなくてその勧告に係る措置をとらなかったときは、当該電気事業者に対し、その勧告に係る措置をとるべきことを命ずることができる。
(4) When an electricity utility that has received a recommendation provided for in the preceding paragraph has failed to take the recommended measure without any reasonable grounds for not doing so, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may order said electricity utility to take said recommended measure.
(Obligation to Accept a Request for Connection)
第五条 電気事業者(特定規模電気事業者を除く。以下この条において同じ。)は、前条第一項の規定により特定契約の申込みをしようとする特定供給者から、当該特定供給者が用いる認定発電設備と当該電気事業者がその事業の用に供する変電用、送電用又は配電用の電気工作物(電気事業法第二条第一項第十六号に規定する電気工作物をいう。第三十九条第二項において同じ。)とを電気的に接続することを求められたときは、次に掲げる場合を除き、当該接続を拒んではならない。
Article 5 (1) When an electricity utility (excluding Specified-scale Electricity Utilities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) has been requested, by a specified supplier who intends to apply for the conclusion of a specified contract pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, to electrically connect a Certified Power Generation Facility which said specified supplier uses with an electric facility for transformation, transmission, or distribution of electricity which said electricity utility uses for its business (which means electric facilities as provided for in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xvi) of the Electricity Business Act; the same shall apply in Article 39, paragraph (2)), it must not refuse said connection except in the following cases:
一 当該特定供給者が当該接続に必要な費用であって経済産業省令で定めるものを負担しないとき。
(i) when said specified supplier does not bear the expenses necessary for the connection which are provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry;
二 当該電気事業者による電気の円滑な供給の確保に支障が生ずるおそれがあるとき。
(ii) when securing a smooth supply of electricity by said electricity utility is likely to be disturbed; and
三 前二号に掲げる場合のほか、経済産業省令で定める正当な理由があるとき。
(iii) in addition to the cases listed in the preceding two items, when there are any reasonable grounds provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
2 経済産業大臣は、電気事業者に対し、前項に規定する接続が円滑に行われるため必要があると認めるときは、当該接続に関し必要な指導及び助言をすることができる。
(2) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds it necessary for the smooth implementation of the connection provided for in the preceding paragraph, the minister may give necessary guidance and advice concerning the connection to the relevant electricity utility.
3 経済産業大臣は、正当な理由がなくて第一項に規定する接続を行わない電気事業者があるときは、当該電気事業者に対し、当該接続を行うべき旨の勧告をすることができる。
(3) When an electricity utility does not implement the connection provided for in paragraph (1) without any reasonable grounds, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may recommend that said electricity utility implement the connection.
4 経済産業大臣は、前項に規定する勧告を受けた電気事業者が、正当な理由がなくてその勧告に係る措置をとらなかったときは、当該電気事業者に対し、その勧告に係る措置をとるべきことを命ずることができる。
(4) When an electricity utility that has received a recommendation provided for in the preceding paragraph does not take the recommended measure without any reasonable grounds, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may order said electricity utility to take the recommended measure.
(Certification, etc. of Power Generation Using a Renewable Energy Power Generation Facility)
第六条 再生可能エネルギー発電設備を用いて発電しようとする者は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、次の各号のいずれにも適合していることにつき、経済産業大臣の認定を受けることができる。
Article 6 (1) A person who intends to generate electricity by using a renewable energy power generation facility may obtain certification from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as to conformity with all of the following items pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:
一 当該再生可能エネルギー発電設備について、調達期間にわたり安定的かつ効率的に再生可能エネルギー電気を発電することが可能であると見込まれるものであることその他の経済産業省令で定める基準に適合すること。
(i) said renewable energy power generation facility is estimated to be able to generate Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy stably and efficiently over the Procurement Period and conforms to other standards provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and
二 その発電の方法が経済産業省令で定める基準に適合すること。
(ii) the method of generating electricity conforms to the standards provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
2 経済産業大臣は、前項の認定の申請に係る発電が同項各号のいずれにも適合していると認めるときは、同項の認定をするものとする。
(2) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds that power generation subject to an application for certification as set forth in the preceding paragraph conforms to all of the items of said paragraph, the minister shall give the certification set forth in said paragraph.
3 経済産業大臣は、第一項の認定をしようとする場合において、当該認定の申請に係る発電がバイオマスを電気に変換するものであるときは、政令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、農林水産大臣、国土交通大臣又は環境大臣に協議しなければならない。
(3) Where the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry intends to give the certification set forth in paragraph (1), when power generation subject to said application for certification is conducted by converting biomass into electricity, the minister must consult with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, or the Minister of the Environment in advance pursuant to Cabinet Order provisions.
4 第一項の認定に係る発電をし、又はしようとする者は、当該認定に係る発電の変更をしようとするときは、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、経済産業大臣の認定を受けなければならない。ただし、経済産業省令で定める軽微な変更については、この限りでない。
(4) When a person who conducts or intends to conduct power generation subject to the certification set forth in paragraph (1) intends to change said power generation subject to certification, that person must obtain certification from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; provided, however, that this shall not apply to minor changes provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
5 第一項の認定に係る発電をし、又はしようとする者は、前項ただし書の経済産業省令で定める軽微な変更をしたときは、遅滞なく、その旨を経済産業大臣に届け出なければならない。
(5) When a person who conducts or intends to conduct power generation subject to the certification set forth in paragraph (1) has made minor changes provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as set forth in the proviso to the preceding paragraph, that person must notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to that effect without delay.
6 経済産業大臣は、第一項の認定に係る発電が同項各号のいずれかに適合しなくなったと認めるときは、当該認定を取り消すことができる。
(6) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds that power generation subject to the certification set forth in paragraph (1) has ceased to conform to any of the items of said paragraph, the minister may rescind said certification.
7 第二項及び第三項の規定は、第四項の認定について準用する。
(7) The provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the certification set forth in paragraph (4).
8 経済産業大臣は、第一項第二号の経済産業省令(発電に利用することができるバイオマスに係る部分に限る。)を定め、又はこれを変更しようとするときは、あらかじめ、農林水産大臣、国土交通大臣及び環境大臣に協議しなければならない。
(8) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry intends to enact or change an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii) (limited to the part pertaining to biomass that can be used for power generation), the minister must consult with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and the Minister of the Environment in advance.
(Special Provisions for the Electricity Business Act)
第七条 特定契約に基づく一般電気事業者に対するその一般電気事業(電気事業法第二条第一項第一号に規定する一般電気事業をいう。)の用に供するための再生可能エネルギー電気の供給については、同法第二十二条の規定は、適用しない。
Article 7 The provisions of Article 22 of the Electricity Business Act shall not apply to the supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy to a general electricity utility for use for its general electricity business (which means a general electricity business as provided for in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (i) of said Act) based on a specified contract.
第三章 電気事業者間の費用負担の調整
Chapter III Coordination of Expense Sharing among Electricity Utilities
(Granting of Subsidies)
第八条 第十九条第一項に規定する費用負担調整機関(以下この章において単に「費用負担調整機関」という。)は、各電気事業者が供給する電気の量に占める特定契約に基づき調達する再生可能エネルギー電気の量の割合に係る費用負担の不均衡を調整するため、経済産業省令で定める期間ごとに、電気事業者(第十四条第一項の規定による督促を受け、同項の規定により指定された期限までにその納付すべき金額を納付しない電気事業者を除く。次条、第十条第一項、第十六条及び第十八条において同じ。)に対して、交付金を交付する。
Article 8 (1) The expense sharing coordinating body provided for in Article 19, paragraph (1) (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Expense Sharing Coordinating Body" in this Chapter) shall grant Subsidies to Electricity Utilities (excluding Electricity Utilities which have received a demand under the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (1) but have not paid the amount that they should pay by the time limit designated pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph; the same shall apply in the following Article, Article 10, paragraph (1), Article 16, and Article 18) with respect to each period provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in order to coordinate any imbalance in the sharing of expenses pertaining to the rates of the quantity of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy that Electricity Utilities procure based on specified contracts in the quantity of electricity that they supply.
2 前項の交付金(以下単に「交付金」という。)は、第十一条第一項の規定により費用負担調整機関が徴収する納付金及び第十八条の規定により政府が講ずる予算上の措置に係る資金をもって充てる。
(2) The Subsidies set forth in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter simply referred to as "Subsidies") shall be covered by Payments which the Expense Sharing Coordinating Body collects pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) and funds pertaining to budgetary measures taken by the government pursuant to the provisions of Article 18.
(Amount of Subsidies)
第九条 前条第一項の規定により電気事業者に対して交付される交付金の額は、同項の経済産業省令で定める期間ごとに、特定契約ごとの第一号に掲げる額から第二号に掲げる額を控除して得た額の合計額を基礎として経済産業省令で定める方法により算定した額とする。
Article 9 The amount of subsidy granted to an electricity utility pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article shall be of an amount calculated by the method provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry based on the total of the amounts obtained by deducting the amount listed in item (ii) from the amount listed in item (i) with respect to each specified contract, with respect to each period provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as set forth in said paragraph:
一 当該電気事業者が特定契約に基づき調達した再生可能エネルギー電気の量(キロワット時で表した量をいう。)に当該特定契約に係る調達価格を乗じて得た額
(i) the amount obtained by multiplying the quantity of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy which said electricity utility has procured based on a specified contract (which means the quantity expressed by kilowatt-hour) by the Procurement Price pertaining to said specified contract;
二 当該電気事業者が特定契約に基づき再生可能エネルギー電気の調達をしなかったとしたならば当該再生可能エネルギー電気の量に相当する量の電気の発電又は調達に要することとなる費用の額として経済産業省令で定める方法により算定した額
(ii) the amount calculated by the method provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as the amount of expenses which said electricity utility requires for generating or procuring electricity of an amount equivalent to the amount of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy that it has procured based on a specified contract if said electricity utility has not procured said Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy.
(Determination, Notice, etc. of the Amount of Subsidies)
第十条 費用負担調整機関は、第八条第一項の経済産業省令で定める期間ごとに、各電気事業者に対し交付すべき交付金の額を決定し、当該各電気事業者に対し、その者に対し交付すべき交付金の額その他必要な事項を通知しなければならない。
Article 10 (1) The Expense Sharing Coordinating Body shall decide the amount of subsidy to be granted to each electricity utility with respect to each period provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as set forth in Article 8, paragraph (1) and must notify each said electricity utility of the amount of the subsidy to be granted to the electricity utility and other necessary particulars.
2 費用負担調整機関は、交付金の額を算定するため必要があるときは、電気事業者に対し、資料の提出を求めることができる。
(2) When it is necessary to calculate the amount of a subsidy, the Expense Sharing Coordinating Body may request an electricity utility to submit any relevant materials.
(Collection of Payments and Obligation to Pay)
第十一条 費用負担調整機関は、第十九条第二項に規定する業務に要する費用及び当該業務に関する事務の処理に要する費用(次条第二項において「事務費」という。)に充てるため、経済産業省令で定める期間ごとに、電気事業者から、納付金を徴収する。
Article 11 (1) The Expense Sharing Coordinating Body shall collect payments from Electricity Utilities with respect to each period provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in order to allocate them to the expenses necessary for the operations provided for in Article 19, paragraph (2) and the expenses necessary for processing affairs relating to said operations (referred to as "Administrative Expenses" in paragraph (2) of the following Article).
2 電気事業者は、前項の納付金(以下単に「納付金」という。)を納付する義務を負う。
(2) Electricity Utilities shall have the obligation to pay the payments set forth in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter simply referred to as "Payments").
(Amount of Payments)
第十二条 前条第一項の規定により電気事業者から徴収する納付金の額は、同項の経済産業省令で定める期間ごとに、当該電気事業者が電気の使用者に供給した電気の量(キロワット時で表した量をいう。次項及び第十六条第二項において同じ。)に当該期間の属する年度における納付金単価を乗じて得た額を基礎とし、第十七条第一項の規定による認定を受けた事業所に係る電気の使用者に対し支払を請求することができる第十六条の賦課金の額を勘案して経済産業省令で定める方法により算定した額とする。
Article 12 (1) The amount of Payments collected from an electricity utility pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article shall be of an amount calculated by the method provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry based on the amount obtained by multiplying, with respect to each period provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as set forth in said paragraph, the quantity of electricity which said electricity utility has supplied to electricity users (which means the quantity expressed by kilowatt-hour; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and Article 16, paragraph (2)) by the unit price of payment in the business year which includes said period, taking into consideration the amount of allotted money set forth in Article 16 which the electricity utility may demand that electricity users pertaining to its place of business certified under the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (1) pay.
2 前項の納付金単価は、毎年度、当該年度の開始前に、経済産業大臣が、当該年度において全ての電気事業者に交付される交付金の見込額の合計額に当該年度における事務費の見込額を加えて得た額を当該年度における全ての電気事業者が供給することが見込まれる電気の量の合計量で除して得た電気の一キロワット時当たりの額を基礎とし、前々年度における全ての電気事業者に係る交付金の合計額と納付金の合計額との過不足額その他の事情を勘案して定めるものとする。
(2) The unit price of payment set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry every business year prior to the beginning of the relevant business year based on the amount of electricity per kilowatt-hour, which is obtained by dividing the amount which is obtained by adding the estimated amount of Administrative Expenses in said business year to the total amount of the estimated amount of Subsidies granted to all Electricity Utilities in said business year, by the total quantity of electricity which all Electricity Utilities are estimated to supply in said business year, taking into consideration the gap between the total amount of Subsidies pertaining to all Electricity Utilities and the total amount of Payments in the business year before the previous business year, and any other circumstances.
3 電気事業者は、毎年度、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、納付金の額及び納付金単価を算定するための資料として、特定契約に基づき調達した再生可能エネルギー電気の量、第十七条第一項の規定による認定を受けた事業所に係る電気の使用者に対し支払を請求することができる第十六条の賦課金の額に関する事項その他の経済産業省令で定める事項を経済産業大臣に届け出なければならない。
(3) Electricity Utilities must notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of matters concerning the quantity of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy which they have procured based on specific contracts and the amount of allotted money set forth in Article 16 which they may demand that electricity users pertaining to their places of business certified under the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (1) pay and other matters provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry every business year pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
4 経済産業大臣は、納付金単価を定めたときは、遅滞なく、これを告示しなければならない。
(4) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry has determined the unit price of payment, the minister must make a public notification without delay.
(Determination, Notice, etc. of the Amount of Payment)
第十三条 費用負担調整機関は、第十一条第一項の経済産業省令で定める期間ごとに、各電気事業者が納付すべき納付金の額を決定し、当該各電気事業者に対し、その者が納付すべき納付金の額及び納付期限その他必要な事項を通知しなければならない。
Article 13 (1) The Expense Sharing Coordinating Body shall decide the amount of payment which each electricity utility should make with respect to each period provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as set forth in Article 11, paragraph (1) and must notify each said electricity utility of the amount of payment which it should make, the time limit for payment, and other necessary particulars.
2 第十条第二項の規定は、納付金について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 10, paragraph (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to Payments.
(Demand for Making a Payment, etc.)
第十四条 費用負担調整機関は、前条第一項の規定による通知を受けた電気事業者がその納付期限までに納付金を納付しないときは、督促状により期限を指定してその納付を督促しなければならない。
Article 14 (1) When an electricity utility which has received a notice under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article has failed to make a payment by the time limit for said payment, the Expense Sharing Coordinating Body must demand the payment by designating a time limit with a demand letter.
2 費用負担調整機関は、前項の規定により督促したときは、その督促に係る納付金の額に納付期限の翌日からその納付の日までの日数に応じ年十四・五パーセントの割合を乗じて計算した金額の延滞金を徴収することができる。
(2) When the Expense Sharing Coordinating Body has demanded a payment pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it may collect penal interest of the amount calculated by multiplying the amount of the Payment subject to the demand by an annual rate of 14.5 percent in accordance with the number of days from the day following the time limit for the payment to the day of payment.
3 費用負担調整機関は、第一項の規定による督促を受けた電気事業者が同項の規定により指定された期限までにその納付すべき金額を納付しないときは、直ちに、その旨を経済産業大臣に通知しなければならない。
(3) When an electricity utility which has received a demand under the provisions of paragraph (1) has failed to pay the amount that it should pay by the time limit designated pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph, the Expense Sharing Coordinating Body must immediately notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to that effect.
4 経済産業大臣は、前項の規定による通知を受けたときは、直ちに、当該電気事業者の氏名又は名称及び当該電気事業者が第一項の規定により指定された期限までにその納付すべき金額を納付していない旨を公表しなければならない。
(4) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry has received a notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the minister must immediately make public the name of said electricity utility and the fact that said electricity utility has failed to pay the amount that it should pay by the time limit designated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1).
第十五条 電気事業者は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、特定契約ごとの調達した再生可能エネルギー電気の量、供給した電気の量その他の経済産業省令で定める事項を記載した帳簿を備え付け、これを保存しなければならない。
Article 15 Electricity utilities must keep and maintain, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, books in which the quantity of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy procured with respect to each specified contract, the quantity of electricity that it has supplied, and other particulars provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry are stated.
(Charging Electricity Users)
第十六条 電気事業者は、納付金に充てるため、当該電気事業者から電気の供給を受ける電気の使用者に対し、当該電気の供給の対価の一部として、賦課金を支払うべきことを請求することができる。
Article 16 (1) An electricity utility may demand that electricity users who receive the supply of electricity from it pay allotted charges as part of the consideration for said supply of electricity, in order to fund the Payments to the Expense Sharing Coordinating Body.
2 前項の規定により電気の使用者に対し支払を請求することができる賦課金の額は、当該電気事業者が当該電気の使用者に供給した電気の量に当該電気の供給をした年度における納付金単価に相当する金額を乗じて得た額とする。
(2) The amount which an electricity utility may charge a user of electricity pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the quantity of electricity which said electricity utility has supplied to said electricity user by an amount equal to the unit price of Payments to the Expense Sharing Coordinating Body in the business year in which the electricity utility supplied said electricity.
(Special Provisions Relating to Charges)
第十七条 経済産業大臣は、毎年度、当該年度の開始前に、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、当該事業の電気の使用に係る原単位(売上高千円当たりの電気の使用量(キロワット時で表した量をいい、電気事業者から供給を受けた電気の使用量に限る。以下この条及び第四十条第二項において同じ。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)が、当該事業が製造業に属するものである場合にあっては製造業に係る電気の使用に係る原単位の平均の八倍を超える事業を行う者からの、当該事業が製造業以外の業種に属するものである場合にあっては製造業以外の業種に係る電気の使用に係る原単位の平均の政令で定める倍数を超える事業を行う者からの申請により、年間の当該事業に係る電気の使用量が政令で定める量を超える事業所について、前条の賦課金の負担が当該事業者の事業活動の継続に与える影響に特に配慮する必要がある事業所として認定するものとする。
Article 17 (1) Upon application from a person engaged in carrying out business for which the basic unit pertaining to the use of electricity (which means the quantity of electricity used per 1,000 yen of electricity sold [which means the quantity expressed by kilowatt-hour limited to the quantity of used electricity supplied by Electricity Utilities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and Article 40, paragraph (2)]; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) exceeds eight times the average basic unit pertaining to the use of electricity for a manufacturing business where said business belongs to a manufacturing business and upon application from a person carrying out business for which the basic unit pertaining to the use of electricity exceeds the multiple provided for by Cabinet Order of the average basic unit pertaining to the use of electricity for a business type other than a manufacturing business, where said business belongs to a business type other than a manufacturing business, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall certify places of business for which the quantity of electricity used annually for said business exceeds the quantity provided for by Cabinet Order as places of business for which it is necessary to give consideration to the impact that the burden of the charges set forth in the preceding Article may have on the continuation of the business activities of such business operator every business year, prior to the beginning of the relevant business year, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、同項の申請者が第五項の規定により認定を取り消され、その取消しの日から起算して五年を経過しない者である場合には、経済産業大臣は、前項の認定をしてはならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, where an applicant set forth in said paragraph is a person whose certification was rescinded pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5), before the elapse of a period of five years since the date of rescission, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry must not give the certification set forth in the preceding paragraph.
3 前条第二項の規定にかかわらず、第一項の規定による認定に係る年度において、同条第一項の規定により第一項の規定による認定を受けた事業所に係る支払を請求することができる賦課金の額は、同条第二項の規定により算定された額から、当該事業の電気の使用に係る原単位に応じて、当該額に百分の八十を下らない政令で定める割合を乗じて得た額を減じた額とする。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, the amount of allotted money which an electricity utility may demand from an electricity user for payment pertaining to a place of business certified under the provisions of paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of said Article shall be the amount calculated by deducting the amount obtained by multiplying the amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of said Article by a rate provided for by Cabinet Order of not less than 80 percent in accordance with the basic unit pertaining to the use of electricity for said business, from the amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of said Article.
4 経済産業大臣は、第一項の規定による認定を受けた事業所に係る事業者の氏名又は名称及び住所並びに法人にあってはその代表者の氏名、当該事業所の名称及び所在地、当該認定に係る事業の電気の使用に係る原単位の算定の基礎となる当該事業に係る電気の使用量、当該事業所の年間の当該事業に係る電気の使用量その他経済産業省令で定める事項について、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、公表するものとする。
(4) The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall make public, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the name and address of a business operator pertaining to a place of business certified under the provisions of paragraph (1), and the name of the representative in the case of a corporation, the name and location of said place of business, the quantity of electricity used for the business subject to said certification which serves as the basis for calculation of the basic unit pertaining to the use of electricity for said business, the quantity of electricity used annually for said business at said place of business, and other particulars provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
5 経済産業大臣は、偽りその他不正の手段により第一項の規定による認定を受けた者があるときは、その認定を取り消さなければならない。
(5) When a person has obtained certification under the provisions of paragraph (1) by deception or other wrongful means, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry must rescind the certification.
6 経済産業大臣は、第一項の規定による認定を受けた者が同項に規定する要件を欠くに至ったと認めるときは、その認定を取り消すことができる。
(6) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds that a person who has obtained certification under the provisions of paragraph (1) has ceased to satisfy the requirements provided for in said paragraph, the minister may rescind the certification.
(Budgetary Measures)
第十八条 政府は、第八条第一項の規定により費用負担調整機関が電気事業者に対し交付金を交付するために必要となる費用の財源に充てるため、必要な予算上の措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 18 The government shall take necessary budgetary measures in order to allocate funds to revenue sources for expenses that are necessary for the Expense Sharing Coordinating Body to grant Subsidies to Electricity Utilities pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1).
第四章 費用負担調整機関
Chapter IV Expense Sharing Coordinating Body
(Designation, etc. of the Expense Sharing Coordinating Body)
第十九条 経済産業大臣は、一般社団法人、一般財団法人その他政令で定める法人であって、次項に規定する業務(以下「調整業務」という。)に関し次に掲げる基準に適合すると認められるものを、その申請により、全国を通じて一個に限り、費用負担調整機関(以下「調整機関」という。)として指定することができる。
Article 19 The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may designate a general incorporated association, general incorporated foundation, or any other corporation provided for by Cabinet Order which is recognized as conforming to the following standards with regard to the operations provided for in the following paragraph (hereinafter referred to as "Coordinating Operations") as the expense sharing coordinating body (hereinafter referred to as the "Coordinating Body") upon its application, limited to one throughout the country:
一 調整業務を適確に実施するに足りる経理的及び技術的な基礎を有するものであること。
(i) the general incorporated association, general incorporated foundation, or corporation has a sufficient financial and technical basis to properly implement the Coordinating Operations;
二 役員又は職員の構成が、調整業務の公正な実施に支障を及ぼすおそれがないものであること。
(ii) the composition of the officers or employees of the general incorporated association, general incorporated foundation, or corporation is unlikely to hinder the fair implementation of the Coordinating Operations;
三 調整業務以外の業務を行っている場合には、その業務を行うことによって調整業務の公正な実施に支障を及ぼすおそれがないものであること。
(iii) where the general incorporated association, general incorporated foundation, or corporation performs operations other than the Coordinating Operations, the performance of the operations is unlikely to hinder the fair implementation of the Coordinating Operations;
四 第二十九条第一項の規定により指定を取り消され、その取消しの日から二年を経過しない者でないこと。
(iv) the general incorporated association, general incorporated foundation, or corporation is not a person whose designation was rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 29, paragraph (1), before the elapse of a period of two years since the date of rescission; and
五 役員のうちに次のいずれかに該当する者がないこと。
(v) none of the officers of the general incorporated association, general incorporated foundation, or corporation falls under any of the following:
イ 禁錮以上の刑に処せられ、その刑の執行を終わり、又は執行を受けることがなくなった日から二年を経過しない者
(a) a person who was sentenced to imprisonment without work or a more severe punishment, before the elapse of a period of two years since the person served out the sentence or ceased to be subject to the sentence; and
ロ この法律又はこの法律に基づく命令の規定に違反したことにより罰金の刑に処せられ、その刑の執行を終わり、又は執行を受けることがなくなった日から二年を経過しない者
(b) a person who was sentenced to a fine for violation of this Act or any order based on this Act, before the elapse of a period of two years since the person served out the sentence or ceased to be subject to the sentence.
2 調整機関は、次に掲げる業務を行うものとする。
(2) The Coordinating Body shall carry out the following operations:
一 電気事業者から納付金を徴収し、その管理を行うこと。
(i) collecting Payments from Electricity Utilities and managing them;
二 電気事業者に対し交付金を交付すること。
(ii) granting Subsidies to Electricity Utilities; and
三 前二号に掲げる業務に附帯する業務を行うこと。
(iii) carrying out operations incidental to those listed in the preceding two items.
3 経済産業大臣は、第一項の規定による指定をしたときは、当該指定を受けた者の名称及び住所並びに事務所の所在地を公示しなければならない。
(3) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry has made a designation under the provisions of paragraph (1), the minister must publicly notify the name and address of the designated person and the location of the office thereof.
4 調整機関は、その名称及び住所並びに事務所の所在地を変更しようとするときは、あらかじめ、その旨を経済産業大臣に届け出なければならない。
(4) When the Coordinating Body intends to change its name and address and the location of its office, it must notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to that effect in advance.
5 経済産業大臣は、前項の規定による届出があったときは、当該届出に係る事項を公示しなければならない。
(5) When a notification under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been made, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry must publicly notify the particulars pertaining to said notification.
(Coordinating Operation Rules)
第二十条 調整機関は、調整業務の開始前に、その実施方法その他の経済産業省令で定める事項について調整業務規程を定め、経済産業大臣の認可を受けなければならない。これを変更しようとするときも、同様とする。
Article 20 (1) The Coordinating Body must set coordinating operation rules for the means of implementation and other matters provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and shall obtain approval therefor from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, prior to the beginning of the Coordinating Operations. The same must apply when the Coordinating Body intends to change the coordinating operation rules.
2 経済産業大臣は、前項の認可の申請が次の各号のいずれにも適合していると認めるときは、同項の認可をしなければならない。
(2) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds that an application for approval set forth in the preceding paragraph conforms to all of the following items, the minister must give the approval set forth in said paragraph:
一 調整業務の実施方法が適正かつ明確に定められていること。
(i) the coordinating operation rules provide for the means of implementing the Coordinating Operations in a proper and clear manner;
二 特定の者に対し不当な差別的取扱いをするものでないこと。
(ii) the coordinating operation rules do not treat specific persons in an unjust discriminatory manner; and
三 電気事業者の利益を不当に害するおそれがあるものでないこと。
(iii) the coordination operation rules are not likely to unjustly harm the interests of Electricity Utilities.
3 経済産業大臣は、第一項の認可をした調整業務規程が調整業務の適正かつ確実な実施上不適当となったと認めるときは、その調整業務規程を変更すべきことを命ずることができる。
(3) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds that the coordinating operation rules for which the minister has given the approval set forth in paragraph (1) has become inappropriate in terms of the proper and assured implementation of the Coordinating Operations, the minister may order the Coordinating Body to change the coordinating operation rules.
(Business Plans, etc.)
第二十一条 調整機関は、毎事業年度、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、調整業務に関し事業計画書及び収支予算書を作成し、経済産業大臣の認可を受けなければならない。これを変更しようとするときも、同様とする。
Article 21 (1) The Coordinating Body shall prepare a business plan and an income and expenditure budget paperwork with regard to the Coordinating Operations and must obtain approval therefor from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry every business year, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The same shall apply when the Coordinating Body intends to change them.
2 調整機関は、前項の認可を受けたときは、遅滞なく、その事業計画書及び収支予算書を公表しなければならない。
(2) When the Coordinating Body has obtained the approval set forth in the preceding paragraph, it must make public its business plan and income and expenditure budget paperwork without delay.
3 調整機関は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、毎事業年度終了後、調整業務に関し事業報告書及び収支決算書を作成し、経済産業大臣に提出するとともに、これを公表しなければならない。
(3) The Coordinating Body shall prepare a business report and a statement of accounts with regard to the Coordinating Operations after the end of each business year, shall submit them to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and must make them public, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
第二十二条 調整機関は、調整業務以外の業務を行っている場合には、当該業務に係る経理と調整業務に係る経理とを区分して整理しなければならない。
Article 22 Where the Coordinating Body performs operations other than the Coordinating Operations, it must keep accounts for said operations separate from accounts for the Coordinating Operations.
(Suspension and Discontinuation of Operations)
第二十三条 調整機関は、経済産業大臣の許可を受けなければ、調整業務の全部又は一部を休止し、又は廃止してはならない。
Article 23 The Coordinating Body must not suspend or discontinue the whole or part of the Coordinating Operations unless it obtains the permission of the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(Investment of Payments)
第二十四条 調整機関は、次の方法によるほか、納付金を運用してはならない。
Article 24 The Coordinating Body must not invest Payments by means other than the following:
一 国債その他経済産業大臣の指定する有価証券の保有
(i) holding national government bonds and other securities designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry;
二 銀行その他経済産業大臣の指定する金融機関への預金
(ii) making deposits in banks and other financial institutions designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry; and
三 信託業務を営む金融機関(金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律(昭和十八年法律第四十三号)第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。)への金銭信託
(iii) entrusting financial institutions operating trust businesses (which means financial institutions which have obtained the approval set forth in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Provision, etc. of Trust Business by Financial Institutions (Act No. 43 of 1943)) with money.
第二十五条 調整機関は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、調整業務に関する事項で経済産業省令で定めるものを記載した帳簿を備え付け、これを保存しなければならない。
Article 25 The Coordinating Body must keep and maintain books in which particulars concerning the Coordinating Operations provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry are stated pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(Duty to Maintain Confidentiality)
第二十六条 調整機関の役員若しくは職員又はこれらの職にあった者は、調整業務に関して知り得た秘密を漏らしてはならない。
Article 26 A person who is an officer or employee of the Coordinating Body or a person who was formally in such position must not divulge any confidential information that said person has learned in the course of the Coordinating Operations.
第二十七条 経済産業大臣は、調整機関の役員が、この法律の規定若しくはこの法律に基づく命令の規定若しくは処分に違反したとき、第二十条第一項の認可を受けた同項に規定する調整業務規程に違反する行為をしたとき、又は調整業務に関し著しく不適当な行為をしたときは、調整機関に対して、その役員を解任すべきことを命ずることができる。
Article 27 When an officer of the Coordinating Body has violated this Act the provisions of any order or any disposition based on this Act, has committed any act that violates the coordinating operation rules provided for in Article 20, paragraph (1) which has been approved as set forth in said paragraph, or has committed any act that is considerably inappropriate in relation to Coordinating Operations, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may order the Coordinating Body to dismiss the officer.
第二十八条 経済産業大臣は、この法律を施行するために必要な限度において、調整機関に対し、調整業務に関し監督上必要な命令をすることができる。
Article 28 The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may issue an order concerning Coordinating Operations necessary for supervision, to the Coordinating Body within the limit necessary for the enforcement of this Act.
(Rescission of Designations, etc.)
第二十九条 経済産業大臣は、調整機関が次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは、第十九条第一項の規定による指定(以下この条において単に「指定」という。)を取り消すことができる。
Article 29 (1) When the Coordinating Body falls under any of the following items, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may rescind the designation under the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (1) (hereinafter simply referred to as "Designation" in this Article):
一 調整業務を適正かつ確実に実施することができないと認められるとき。
(i) the Coordinating Body is recognized as being unable to implement the Coordinating Operations in a proper and assured manner;
二 指定に関し不正の行為があったとき。
(ii) the Coordinating Body committed a wrongful act in the course of Designation; and
三 この法律の規定若しくはこの法律に基づく命令の規定若しくは処分に違反したとき、又は第二十条第一項の認可を受けた同項に規定する調整業務規程によらないで調整業務を行ったとき。
(iii) the Coordinating Body violated this Act or any order or disposition based on this Act or performed the Coordinating Operations in defiance of the coordinating operation rules provided for in Article 20, paragraph (1) which were approved as set forth in said paragraph.
2 経済産業大臣は、前項の規定により指定を取り消したときは、その旨を公示しなければならない。
(2) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry has rescinded the Designation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the minister must publicly notify this fact.
3 第一項の規定による指定の取消しが行われた場合において、電気事業者が当該指定を取り消された法人に納付した納付金がなお存するときは、当該指定を取り消された法人は、経済産業大臣が第十九条第一項の規定により新たに指定する調整機関に当該納付金を速やかに引き渡さなければならない。
(3) Where the Designation has been rescinded under the provisions of paragraph (1), when there remain Payments which Electricity Utilities have paid to the corporation whose Designation was rescinded, said corporation whose designation was rescinded must promptly deliver said Payments to a Coordinating Body newly designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (1).
(Provision of Information, etc.)
第三十条 経済産業大臣は、調整機関に対し、調整業務の実施に関し必要な情報及び資料の提供又は指導及び助言を行うものとする。
Article 30 The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall provide necessary information and materials concerning the implementation of the Coordinating Operations, or shall give guidance and advice to the Coordinating Body.
第五章 調達価格等算定委員会
Chapter V Calculation Committee for Procurement Prices, etc.
(Establishment and Affairs under Jurisdiction)
第三十一条 資源エネルギー庁に、調達価格等算定委員会(以下「委員会」という。)を置く。
Article 31 (1) The Calculation Committee for Procurement Prices, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") shall be established in the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.
2 委員会は、この法律によりその権限に属させられた事項を処理する。
(2) The Committee shall handle the matters which are put under the authority of the Committee pursuant to this Act.
第三十二条 委員会は、委員五人をもって組織する。
Article 32 The Committee shall comprise of five members.
第三十三条 委員は、電気事業、経済等に関して専門的な知識と経験を有する者のうちから、両議院の同意を得て、経済産業大臣が任命する。
Article 33 (1) Committee members shall be appointed by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry from among persons who have expert knowledge and experience concerning electricity business, economy, etc. with the consent of both Houses.
2 前項の場合において、国会の閉会又は衆議院の解散のために両議院の同意を得ることができないときは、経済産業大臣は、同項の規定にかかわらず、同項に定める資格を有する者のうちから、委員を任命することができる。
(2) In the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, when the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry is unable to obtain the consent of both Houses due to the closing of the Diet or the dissolution of the House of Representatives, the minister may appoint committee members from among persons who have the qualification provided for in said paragraph, notwithstanding the provisions of said paragraph.
3 前項の場合においては、任命後最初の国会で両議院の事後の承認を得なければならない。この場合において、両議院の事後の承認が得られないときは、経済産業大臣は、直ちにその委員を罷免しなければならない。
(3) In the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry must obtain post facto approval from both Houses at the first Diet session after the appointment. In this case, when the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry is unable to obtain post facto approval from both Houses, the minister must immediately dismiss the relevant committee members.
4 委員の任期は、三年とする。ただし、補欠の委員の任期は、前任者の残任期間とする。
(4) The term of office of a committee member shall be three years; provided, however, that the term of office of a substitute committee member shall be that of their predecessor's remaining term.
5 委員の任期が満了したときは、当該委員は、後任者が任命されるまで引き続きその職務を行うものとする。
(5) When the term of office of a committee member has expired, said committee member shall continue to perform duties until that committee member's successor is appointed.
6 委員は、再任されることができる。
(6) Committee members may be reappointed.
7 経済産業大臣は、委員が破産手続開始の決定を受け、又は禁錮以上の刑に処せられたときは、その委員を罷免しなければならない。
(7) When a committee member has received an order for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings or has been sentenced to imprisonment without work or a more severe punishment, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry must dismiss the committee member.
8 経済産業大臣は、委員が心身の故障のため職務の執行ができないと認めるとき、又は委員に職務上の義務違反その他委員たるに適しない非行があると認めるときは、両議院の同意を得て、その委員を罷免することができる。
(8) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds that a committee member is unable to perform duties due to a mental or physical disorder, or has committed a violation of the obligation pertaining to duties or other delinquency which is not suitable as a committee member, the minister may dismiss the committee member with the consent of both Houses.
9 委員は、職務上知ることができた秘密を漏らしてはならない。その職を退いた後も同様とする。
(9) Committee members must not divulge any confidential information that they have learned in the course of their duties. The same shall apply after they retire from office.
10 委員は、非常勤とする。
(10) Committee members shall be part-time.
第三十四条 委員会に、委員長を置き、委員の互選によってこれを定める。
Article 34 (1) The Committee shall have a chairperson, who shall be elected by committee members from among themselves.
2 委員長は、会務を総理し、委員会を代表する。
(2) The chairperson shall exercise general control over the committee's affairs and shall be representative of the Committee.
3 委員長に事故があるときは、あらかじめその指名する委員が、その職務を代理する。
(3) When the chairperson is unable to attend to duties, a committee member designated in advance by the chairperson shall perform the duties of the chairperson on said chairperson's behalf.
第三十五条 委員会の会議は、委員長が招集する。
Article 35 (1) The chairperson shall call Committee meetings.
2 委員会は、委員長及び委員の半数以上の出席がなければ、会議を開き、議決することができない。
(2) The Committee may neither hold a meeting nor make a resolution unless the chairperson and half or more of the committee members attend the meeting.
3 委員会の会議の議事は、出席者の過半数で決し、可否同数のときは、委員長の決するところによる。
(3) All decisions of the Committee shall be effected by a majority of the committee members present, and in cases where the votes are evenly divided, the chairperson shall have the power to determine the vote.
4 委員長に事故がある場合における第二項の規定の適用については、前条第三項の規定により委員長の職務を代理する委員は、委員長とみなす。
(4) With regard to the application of the provisions of paragraph (2) in cases where the chairperson is unable to attend to duties, a committee member who performs the duties of the chairperson on the chairperson's behalf pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding Article shall be deemed to be the chairperson.
5 委員会の会議は、公開する。ただし、委員会は、会議の公正が害されるおそれがあるときその他公益上必要があると認めるときは、公開しないことができる。
(5) All meetings Committee meetings shall be open to the public; provided, however, that the Committee may keep the meeting closed to the public when there is a risk that the impartiality of a meeting will be harmed or when the Committee finds it necessary for the public interest.
(Submission of Materials and Other Cooperation)
第三十六条 委員会は、その所掌事務を遂行するため必要があると認めるときは、行政機関及び地方公共団体の長に対して、資料の提出、意見の開陳、説明その他の必要な協力を求めることができる。
Article 36 (1) When the Committee finds it necessary for carrying out the affairs under its jurisdiction, it may request administrative organs and the heads of local governments for the submission of materials, statements of opinions, explanations, and other necessary cooperation.
2 委員会は、その所掌事務を遂行するため特に必要があると認めるときは、前項に規定する者以外の者に対しても、必要な協力を依頼することができる。
(2) When the Committee finds it especially necessary for carrying out the affairs under its jurisdiction, it may request persons other than those provided for in the preceding paragraph for necessary cooperation.
(Delegation to Cabinet Order)
第三十七条 この法律に定めるもののほか、委員会に関し必要な事項は、政令で定める。
Article 37 In addition to what is provided for in this Act, necessary matters concerning the Committee shall be provided for by Cabinet Order.
第六章 雑則
Chapter VI Miscellaneous Provisions
(Reflection of Expenses Necessary for Using Sources of Renewable Energy on Price)
第三十八条 国は、電気についてエネルギー源としての再生可能エネルギー源の利用の円滑化を図るためには、当該利用に要する費用を電気の使用者に対する電気の供給の対価に適切に反映させることが重要であることに鑑み、この法律の趣旨及び内容について、広報活動等を通じて国民に周知を図り、その理解と協力を得るよう努めなければならない。
Article 38 (1) The State must endeavor to obtain public understanding and cooperation by making public the purpose and content of this Act through publicity activities, etc., taking into consideration that it is important to appropriately reflect the expenses necessary for using Sources of Renewable Energy as energy sources for electricity on the value for the supply of electricity to electricity users in order to facilitate the use of Sources of Renewable Energy as energy sources for electricity.
2 電気事業者は、電気についてエネルギー源としての再生可能エネルギー源の利用の円滑化を図るため、電気の供給の対価に係る負担が電気の使用者に対して過重なものとならないよう、その事業活動の効率化、当該事業活動に係る経費の低減その他必要な措置を講ずるよう努めなければならない。
(2) In order to facilitate the use of Sources of Renewable Energy as energy sources for electricity, Electricity Utilities must endeavor to increase the efficiency of their business activities, to reduce expenses for said business activities, and to take other necessary measures so as to prevent the price for the supply of electricity from being an excessive burden on electricity users.
(Responsibility of the State, etc. for Securing the Stable and Efficient Supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy)
第三十九条 国は、再生可能エネルギー電気の安定的かつ効率的な供給の確保を図るため、研究開発の推進及びその成果の普及、再生可能エネルギー発電設備の設置に係る土地利用、建築物等に関する規制その他の再生可能エネルギー電気の供給に係る規制の在り方及び認定発電設備を用いて再生可能エネルギー電気を供給し、又は供給しようとする者の利便性の向上を図るための措置についての検討並びにその結果に基づく必要な措置の実施その他必要な施策を講ずるものとする。
Article 39 (1) In order to secure a stable and efficient supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy, the State shall promote research and development and disseminate the results thereof, shall examine regulations on land use, buildings, etc. pertaining to the installation of a renewable energy power generation facility and other regulations on the supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy, and measures to make it more convenient for those who supply or intend to supply Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy by using a Certified Power Generation Facility, shall implement necessary measures based on the results of such examination, and shall take other necessary measures.
2 電気事業者及び再生可能エネルギー電気を電気事業者に供給する者は、再生可能エネルギー電気の安定的かつ効率的な供給の確保を図るため、相互の密接な連携の下に、再生可能エネルギー電気の円滑な供給に資する電気工作物の設置その他必要な措置を講ずるよう努めなければならない。
(2) In order to secure a stable and efficient supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy, Electricity Utilities and persons who supply Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy to Electricity Utilities must endeavor to install electric facilities which contribute to the smooth supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy and to take other necessary measures, with close mutual coordination.
3 再生可能エネルギー発電設備の製造、設置その他の再生可能エネルギー発電設備に関連する事業を行う者は、再生可能エネルギー電気の安定的かつ効率的な供給の確保を図るため、再生可能エネルギー発電設備の製造及び設置に要する費用の低減その他必要な措置を講ずるよう努めなければならない。
(3) In order to secure a stable and efficient supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy, persons engaging in the manufacture or installation of Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities or any other business related to Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities must endeavor to reduce the expenses necessary for manufacturing and installing Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities and to take other necessary measures.
(Collection of Reports and On-Site Inspections)
第四十条 経済産業大臣は、この法律の施行に必要な限度において、電気事業者若しくは認定発電設備を用いて再生可能エネルギー電気を供給し、若しくは供給しようとする者に対し、その業務の状況、認定発電設備の状況その他必要な事項に関し報告をさせ、又はその職員に、電気事業者若しくは認定発電設備を用いて再生可能エネルギー電気を供給し、若しくは供給しようとする者の事業所若しくは事務所若しくは認定発電設備を設置する場所に立ち入り、帳簿、書類、認定発電設備その他の物件を検査させることができる。ただし、住居に立ち入る場合においては、あらかじめ、その居住者の承諾を得なければならない。
Article 40 (1) The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may, within the limits necessary for enforcement of this Act, direct an electricity utility, or a person who supplies or intends to supply Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy using a Certified Power Generation Facility, to report the status of its operations, the status of the Certified Power Generation Facility, and other necessary particulars, or have officials enter the places of business or offices, or the place where a Certified Power Generation Facility is located, of an electricity utility or a person who supplies or intends to supply Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy using a Certified Power Generation Facility and conduct an inspection of books, documents, the Certified Power Generation Facility, and other items; provided, however, that when the minister's officials enter a residence, they must obtain the consent of the resident in advance.
2 経済産業大臣は、第十七条の規定の施行に必要な限度において、同条第一項の規定によりその事業所について認定を受け、若しくは受けようとする者に対し、当該事業所の年間の当該認定に係る事業に係る電気の使用量、当該者の当該事業に係る売上高その他必要な事項に関し報告をさせ、又はその職員に、当該事業所若しくは当該者の事務所に立ち入り、帳簿、書類その他の物件を検査させることができる。
(2) The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may, within the limits necessary for enforcement of the provisions of Article 17, direct a person who has obtained or intends to obtain certification for that person's place of business pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of said Article to report the quantity of electricity used annually for the business subject to said certification at said place of business, said person's sales pertaining to said business, and other necessary particulars, or have the minister's officials enter said place of business or the offices of said person and conduct an inspection of books, documents, and other items.
3 経済産業大臣は、この法律の施行に必要な限度において、調整機関に対し、調整業務の状況若しくは資産に関し報告をさせ、又はその職員に、調整機関の事務所に立ち入り、帳簿、書類その他の物件を検査させることができる。
(3) The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may, within the limit necessary for the enforcement of this Act, direct the Coordinating Body to report the status of the Coordinating Operations or assets, or have the minister's officials to enter the office of the Coordinating Body and conduct an inspection of books, documents, and other items.
4 前三項の規定により立入検査をする職員は、その身分を示す証明書を携帯し、関係者に提示しなければならない。
(4) An official who conducts an on-site inspection pursuant to the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs shall carry an identification card and must present it to the persons concerned.
5 第一項から第三項までの規定による立入検査の権限は、犯罪捜査のために認められたものと解釈してはならない。
(5) The authority for an on-site inspection under the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (3) must not be construed as being granted for a criminal investigation.
(Relationship with the Minister of the Environment)
第四十一条 経済産業大臣は、電気についてエネルギー源としての再生可能エネルギー源の利用を促進するための施策の実施に当たり、当該施策の実施が環境の保全に関する施策に関連する場合には、環境大臣と緊密に連絡し、及び協力して行うものとする。
Article 41 When implementing measures to promote the use of Sources of Renewable Energy as energy sources for electricity, where the implementation of said measures is related to measures concerning the preservation of the environment, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall closely communicate with the Minister of the Environment and shall implement the measures in cooperation with the Minister of the Environment.
(Delegation to Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
第四十二条 この法律に定めるもののほか、この法律の実施のために必要な事項は、経済産業省令で定める。
Article 42 In addition to what is provided for in this Act, necessary matters for the enforcement of this Act shall be provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
第四十三条 この法律の規定に基づき命令を制定し、又は改廃する場合においては、その命令で、その制定又は改廃に伴い合理的に必要と判断される範囲内において、所要の経過措置(罰則に関する経過措置を含む。)を定めることができる。
Article 43 When enacting, revising, or abolishing an order pursuant to the provisions of this Act, necessary transitional measures (including transitional measures concerning penal provisions) may be established by said order to the extent deemed reasonably necessary for such enactment, revision, or abolition.
第七章 罰則
Chapter VII Penal Provisions
第四十四条 第二十六条又は第三十三条第九項の規定に違反した者は、一年以下の懲役又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 44 A person who has violated the provisions of Article 26 or Article 33, paragraph (9) shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than one year or a fine of not more than five hundred thousand yen.
第四十五条 第四条第四項又は第五条第四項の規定による命令に違反した者は、百万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 45 A person who has violated an order under the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (4) or Article 5, paragraph (4) shall be punished by a fine of not more than one million yen.
第四十六条 次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、三十万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 46 A person who falls under any of the following items shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred thousand yen:
一 第十二条第三項の規定による届出をせず、又は虚偽の届出をした者
(i) a person who has failed to give notification under the provisions of Article 12, paragraph (3), or has given false notification;
二 第十五条の規定に違反して帳簿を備え付けず、帳簿に記載せず、若しくは帳簿に虚偽の記載をし、又は帳簿を保存しなかった者
(ii) a person who, in violation of the provisions of Article 15, has failed to keep books, has failed to state necessary particulars in the books, or has made false statements in the books, or has failed to maintain the books; or
三 第四十条第一項若しくは第二項の規定による報告をせず、若しくは虚偽の報告をし、又は同条第一項若しくは第二項の規定による検査を拒み、妨げ、若しくは忌避した者
(iii) a person who has failed to make a report under the provisions of paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 40 or has made a false report, or has refused, interrupted, or evaded an inspection under the provisions of paragraph (1) or (2) of said Article.
第四十七条 次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは、その違反行為をした調整機関の役員又は職員は、三十万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 47 When falling under any of the following items, an official or employee of the Coordinating Body who has committed the violation shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred thousand yen:
一 第二十三条の許可を受けないで調整業務の全部を廃止したとき。
(i) when the official or employee has abolished the whole of the Coordinating Operations without the permission set forth in Article 23;
二 第二十五条の規定に違反して帳簿を備え付けず、帳簿に記載せず、若しくは帳簿に虚偽の記載をし、又は帳簿を保存しなかったとき。
(ii) when the official or employee, in violation of the provisions of Article 25, has failed to keep books, has failed to state necessary particulars in the books, or has made false statements in the books, or has failed to maintain the books; or
三 第四十条第三項の規定による報告をせず、若しくは虚偽の報告をし、又は同項の規定による検査を拒み、妨げ、若しくは忌避したとき。
(iii) when the officer or employee has failed to make a report under the provisions of Article 40, paragraph (3) or has made a false report, or has refused, interrupted, or evaded an inspection under the provisions of said paragraph.
第四十八条 法人の代表者又は法人若しくは人の代理人、使用人その他の従業者が、その法人又は人の業務に関し、第四十五条又は第四十六条の違反行為をしたときは、行為者を罰するほか、その法人又は人に対して各本条の刑を科する。
Article 48 When the representative of a corporation or an agent, an employee or any other worker of a corporation or a person has committed a violation set forth in Article 45 or 46 with regard to the business of said corporation or person, not only the offender but also said corporation or person shall be punished by the fine set forth in the respective Articles.
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一条 この法律は、平成二十四年七月一日から施行する。ただし、次の各号に掲げる規定は、当該各号に定める日から施行する
Article 1 This Act shall come into effect as of July 1, 2012; provided, however, that the provisions listed in the following items shall come into effect as of the day provided for respectively in those items:
一 附則第八条並びに第十条第一項及び第五項の規定 公布の日
(i) the provisions of Article 8 and paragraphs (1) and (5) of Article 10 of the Supplementary Provisions: the day of promulgation;
二 第五章並びに附則第二条、第五条、第十四条及び第十五条(経済産業省設置法(平成十一年法律第九十九号)第十九条第一項第四号の改正規定を除く。)の規定 公布の日から起算して三月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日
(ii) the provisions of Chapter V and Articles 2, 5, 14, and 15 of the Supplementary Provisions (excluding the provision to revise Article 19, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Act No. 99 of 1999)): the day provided for by Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding three months from the date of promulgation;
三 附則第三条及び第四条の規定 公布の日から起算して九月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日
(iii) the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of the Supplementary Provisions: the day provided for by Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding nine months from the date of promulgation.
第二条 経済産業大臣は、この法律の施行前においても、第三条及び第十二条の規定の例により、調達価格等及び納付金単価を定め、これを告示することができる。
Article 2 (1) The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry may determine and make a public notification of the Procurement Price, etc. and the unit price of payment pursuant to the provisions of Articles 3 and 12 prior to the enforcement of this Act.
2 前項の規定により定められた調達価格等及び納付金単価は、この法律の施行の日において第三条第一項及び第十二条第二項の規定により定められたものとみなす。
(2) A Procurement Price, etc. and the unit price of payment determined pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have been determined pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) and Article 12, paragraph (2) on the day of the enforcement of this Act.
第三条 再生可能エネルギー発電設備を用いて発電しようとする者は、この法律の施行前においても、第六条の規定の例により、同条第一項の認定を受けることができる。
Article 3 (1) A person who intends to generate electricity by using a renewable energy power generation facility may obtain certification as set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of said Article prior to the enforcement of this Act.
2 前項の規定により認定を受けたときは、この法律の施行の日において第六条第一項の規定により認定を受けたものとみなす。
(2) When such a person has obtained certification pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, said person shall be deemed to have obtained certification pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1) on the day of the enforcement of this Act.
第四条 第十七条第一項の規定による認定を受けようとする者は、この法律の施行前においても、同条の規定の例により、同条第一項の認定を受けることができる。
Article 4 (1) A person who intends to obtain certification under the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (1) may obtain the certification set forth in paragraph (1) of said Article pursuant to the provisions of said Article prior to the enforcement of this Act.
2 前項の規定により認定を受けたときは、この法律の施行の日において第十七条第一項の規定により認定を受けたものとみなす。
(2) When such a person has obtained certification pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, said person shall be deemed to have obtained certification pursuant to the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (1) on the day of the enforcement of this Act.
第五条 第十九条第一項の指定及びこれに関し必要な手続その他の行為は、この法律の施行前においても、同条、第二十条並びに第二十一条第一項及び第二項の規定の例により行うことができる。
Article 5 The designation set forth in Article 19, paragraph (1) and the procedures and other acts necessary for the designation may be conducted pursuant to the provisions of said Article, Article 20, and paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 21 prior to the enforcement of this Act.
(Special Provisions for Photovoltaic Power Generation Facilities)
第六条 太陽光を電気に変換する設備(以下「太陽光発電設備」という。)であって、この法律の施行の際現にエネルギー供給事業者による非化石エネルギー源の利用及び化石エネルギー原料の有効な利用の促進に関する法律(平成二十一年法律第七十二号)第五条第一項に規定する判断の基準となるべき事項(同項第二号に掲げる事項に係る部分に限る。)に基づき一般電気事業者により行われている太陽光を変換して得られる電気の調達に係る設備として経済産業省令で定める要件に適合している旨の経済産業大臣の確認を受けたものを用いた発電については、この法律の施行の日に第六条第一項の規定による認定を受けた発電とみなして、この法律の規定を適用する。
Article 6 (1) With regard to power generation by using a facility that converts sunlight into electricity (hereinafter referred to as a "Photovoltaic Power Generation Facility") which has been confirmed by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as conforming to the requirements provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a facility pertaining to the procurement of electricity obtained by converting sunlight, which is conducted by a general electricity utility based on the particulars that are to be the standards for determination provided for in Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Promotion of Use of Nonfossil Energy Sources and Effective Use of Fossil Energy Materials by Energy Suppliers (Act No. 72 of 2009) (limited to the part pertaining to the particulars listed in item (ii) of said paragraph) at the time of the enforcement of this Act, the provisions of this Act shall apply deeming that said power generation is power generation that was certified under the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1) on the day of the enforcement of this Act.
2 前項の規定により第六条第一項の規定による認定を受けた発電とみなされる発電についての第四条第一項、第六条第四項、第六項及び第七項並びに第九条第一号の規定の適用については、第四条第一項中「当該特定供給者に係る認定発電設備に係る調達期間を超えない範囲内の期間(当該再生可能エネルギー電気が既に他の電気事業者に供給されていた場合その他の経済産業省令で定める場合にあっては、経済産業省令で定める期間)」とあるのは「前条の規定(調達期間に係る部分に限る。)の例に準じて経済産業大臣が定める期間」と、「当該認定発電設備に係る調達価格」とあるのは「同条の規定(調達価格に係る部分に限る。)の例に準じて経済産業大臣が定める価格(以下「特例太陽光価格」という。)」と、第六条第四項中「当該認定に係る発電」とあるのは「附則第六条第一項の規定により第六条第一項の規定による認定を受けた発電とみなされる発電(以下「特例太陽光発電」という。)に係る附則第六条第一項の太陽光発電設備」と、同条第六項中「第一項の認定に係る発電が同項各号のいずれか」とあるのは「特例太陽光発電に係る附則第六条第一項の太陽光発電設備(第四項の規定による変更の認定又は前項の規定による変更の届出があったときは、その変更後のもの)が同条第一項の経済産業省令で定める要件」と、同条第七項中「第二項及び第三項」とあるのは「第二項」と、「準用する」とあるのは「準用する。この場合において、第二項中「前項の認定の申請に係る発電が同項各号のいずれにも」とあるのは「特例太陽光発電に係る附則第六条第一項の太陽光発電設備が同項の経済産業省令で定める要件に」と、「、同項」とあるのは「、前項」と読み替えるものとする」と、第九条第一号中「調達価格」とあるのは「調達価格(特例太陽光発電による電気について特定契約に基づき調達した場合にあっては、特例太陽光価格)」とする。
(2) With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (1), paragraphs (4), (6), and (7) of Article 6, and Article 9, item (i) to power generation that is deemed to be power generation certified under the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the phrase "period not exceeding the Procurement Period pertaining to a Certified Power Generation Facility of said specified supplier [period provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in the case where said Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy has already been supplied to another electricity utility or in any other cases provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry]" in Article 4, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "period determined by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in accordance with the examples of the provisions of the preceding Article [limited to the part pertaining to the Procurement Period]," the phrase "Procurement Price pertaining to said Certified Power Generation Facility" in said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "price determined by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in accordance with the examples of the provisions of said Article [limited to the part pertaining to the Procurement Price]) (hereinafter referred to as "Special Photovoltaic Power Price")," the phrase "said power generation subject to certification" in Article 6, paragraph (4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Photovoltaic Power Generation Facility set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions pertaining to power generation which is deemed to be power generation certified under the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions (hereinafter referred to as "Special Photovoltaic Power Generation")," the phrase "power generation subject to the certification set forth in paragraph (1) has ceased to conform to any of the items of said paragraph" in Article 6, paragraph (6) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Photovoltaic Power Generation Facility set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions pertaining to Special Photovoltaic Power Generation (facility to which changes have been made in the case where there has been a certification of changes under the provisions of paragraph (4) or a notification of changes under the provisions of the preceding paragraph) has ceased to conform to the requirements provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as set forth in paragraph (1) of said Article," the phrase "paragraphs (2) and (3)" in Article 6, paragraph (7) shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (2)," the phrase "shall apply mutatis mutandis to the certification set forth in paragraph (4)" in said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "shall apply mutatis mutandis to the certification set forth in paragraph (4). In this case, the phrase "power generation subject to an application for certification set forth in the preceding paragraph conforms to all of the items of said paragraph" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Photovoltaic Power Generation Facility set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions pertaining to Special Photovoltaic Power Generation conforms to the requirements provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as set forth in said paragraph" and the phrase "set forth in said paragraph" shall be deemed to be replaced with "set forth in the preceding paragraph" and the term "Procurement Price" in Article 9, item (i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Procurement Price (Special Photovoltaic Power Price in the case where the electricity utility has procured electricity generated by Special Photovoltaic Power Generation based on the specific contract)."
(Special Consideration for Profits Which Specified Suppliers Should Receive)
第七条 経済産業大臣は、集中的に再生可能エネルギー電気の利用の拡大を図るため、この法律の施行の日から起算して三年間を限り、調達価格を定めるに当たり、特定供給者が受けるべき利潤に特に配慮するものとする。
Article 7 In order to intensively expand the use of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy, when determining a Procurement Price, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall give special consideration to the profits which Specified Suppliers should receive, for three years from the day of the enforcement of this Act.
(Early Implementation of Examination, etc. of Regulations on the Supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy)
第八条 国は、前条に定める期間における再生可能エネルギー電気の利用の拡大に資するため、再生可能エネルギー電気の供給に係る規制の在り方及び再生可能エネルギー発電設備を用いて発電しようとする者の利便性の向上を図るための措置についての検討並びにその結果に基づく必要な措置をできるだけ早期に実施するよう努めるものとする。
Article 8 In order to contribute to expanding the use of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy during the period provided for in the preceding Article, the State shall endeavor, at the earliest possible date, to examine the regulations on the supply of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy and measures to make it more convenient for persons who intend to generate electricity by using Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities, and to implement necessary measures based on the results of the examination.
(Special Provisions for Allotted Money Which Electricity Utilities Demand Electricity Users Damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake Pay)
第九条 第十六条第二項の規定にかかわらず、この法律の施行の日から平成二十五年三月三十一日までの間において、東日本大震災(平成二十三年三月十一日に発生した東北地方太平洋沖地震及びこれに伴う原子力発電所の事故による災害をいう。次条第一項において同じ。)により著しい被害を受けた事務所、住居その他の施設又は設備に係る電気の使用者であって政令で定めるものに対し支払を請求することができる同条の賦課金の額は、零円とする。
Article 9 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (2), the amount of allotted money set forth in said Article which Electricity Utilities may demand that electricity users pertaining to offices, residences, or any other facilities or equipment substantially damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake (which means the disaster caused by the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011 and nuclear power plant accidents incidental thereto; the same shall apply in paragraph (1) of the following Article) who are provided for by Cabinet Order pay for the period from the day of the enforcement of this Act to March 31, 2013 shall be zero yen.
2 前項の場合における第十二条第一項及び第三項の規定の適用については、「係る電気の使用者」とあるのは、「係る電気の使用者及び附則第九条第一項に規定する電気の使用者」とする。
(2) With regard to the application of the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (3) of Article 12 in the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, the phrase "electricity users pertaining to offices, residences, or any other facilities or equipment substantially damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake" shall be deemed to be replaced with "electricity users pertaining to offices, residences, or any other facilities or equipment substantially damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake and electricity users provided for in Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions."
第十条 政府は、東日本大震災を踏まえてエネルギー政策基本法(平成十四年法律第七十一号)第十二条第一項に規定するエネルギー基本計画(以下この条において「エネルギー基本計画」という。)が変更された場合には、当該変更後のエネルギー基本計画の内容を踏まえ、速やかに、エネルギー源としての再生可能エネルギー源の利用の促進に関する制度の在り方について検討を加え、その結果に基づいて必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 10 (1) Where the basic energy plan provided for in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Basic Act on Energy Policy (Act No. 71 of 2002) has been changed in light of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the government shall promptly examine the system for the promotion of the use of Sources of Renewable Energy as energy sources in light of the content of the basic energy plan after said change and shall take necessary measures based on the results of the examination.
2 政府は、エネルギーの安定的かつ適切な供給の確保を図る観点から、前項の規定により必要な措置を講じた後、エネルギー基本計画が変更されるごと又は少なくとも三年ごとに、当該変更又は再生可能エネルギー電気の供給の量の状況及びその見通し、電気の供給に係る料金の額及びその見通し並びにその家計に与える影響、第十六条の賦課金の負担がその事業を行うに当たり電気を大量に使用する者その他の電気の使用者の経済活動等に与える影響、内外の社会経済情勢の変化等を踏まえ、この法律の施行の状況について検討を加え、その結果に基づいて必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
(2) From the perspective of securing a stable and appropriate supply of energy, the government shall examine the status of the enforcement of this Act after taking necessary measures pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, whenever the basic energy plan is changed or at least every three years, in light of said change or the status and prospect of the quantity of supplied Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy, the amount of fees for the supply of electricity and the prospect thereof and influence of such fees on household accounts, influence of the burden of the allotted money set forth in Article 16 on the economic activities, etc. of persons who use large amounts of electricity in carrying out their business and other electricity users, changes in the social and economic conditions in Japan and abroad, etc. and shall take the necessary measures based on the results of the examination.
3 政府は、この法律の施行後平成三十三年三月三十一日までの間に、この法律の施行の状況等を勘案し、この法律の抜本的な見直しを行うものとする。
(3) The government shall radically review this Act during the period after the enforcement of this Act before March 31, 2021, taking into consideration the status of the enforcement of this Act, etc.
4 政府は、この法律の施行の状況等を勘案し、エネルギー対策特別会計の負担とすること、石油石炭税の収入額を充てること等を含め第十八条の予算上の措置に係る財源について速やかに検討を加え、その結果に基づいて所要の措置を講ずるものとする。
(4) The government shall promptly examine the financial resources pertaining to the budgetary measures set forth in Article 18, including financing by the Special Account for Energy Measures and allocating revenue from petroleum and coal tax, taking into consideration the status of the enforcement of this Act, etc., and shall take necessary measures based on the results of the examination.
5 政府は、エネルギーの安定的かつ適切な供給を確保し、及び再生可能エネルギー電気の利用に伴う電気の使用者の負担を軽減する観点から、電気の供給に係る体制の整備及び料金の設定を含む電気事業に係る制度の在り方について速やかに検討を加え、その結果に基づいて所要の措置を講ずるものとする。
(5) From the perspective of securing a stable and appropriate supply of energy and reducing the burden on electricity users arising from the use of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy, the government shall promptly examine the system pertaining to the electricity business, including the development of a system pertaining to the supply of electricity and the setting of fees, and shall take necessary measures based on the results of the examination.
(Abolition of the Act on Special Measures Concerning New Energy Use by Operators of Electric Utilities)
第十一条 電気事業者による新エネルギー等の利用に関する特別措置法(平成十四年法律第六十二号)は、廃止する。
Article 11 The Act on Special Measures Concerning New Energy Use by Operators of Electric Utilities (Act No. 62 of 2002) shall be abolished.
(Transitional Measures upon Abolition of the Act on Special Measures Concerning New Energy Use by Operators of Electric Utilities)
第十二条 前条の規定による廃止前の電気事業者による新エネルギー等の利用に関する特別措置法(以下「旧特別措置法」という。)第四条から第八条まで、第九条第四項及び第五項並びに第十条から第十二条までの規定(これらの規定に係る罰則を含む。)は、当分の間、なおその効力を有する。この場合において、旧特別措置法第四条第一項中「新エネルギー等電気の基準利用量」とあるのは「電気事業者による再生可能エネルギー電気の調達に関する特別措置法(平成二十三年法律第百八号。以下「再生可能エネルギー電気特別措置法」という。)附則第十一条の規定による廃止前の電気事業者による新エネルギー等の利用に関する特別措置法(平成十四年法律第六十二号。以下「旧特別措置法」という。)第九条第一項の規定により認定を受けた新エネルギー等を電気に変換する設備(以下「新エネルギー等認定設備」という。)を用いて得られる新エネルギー等電気の経過措置利用量」と、「新エネルギー等電気利用目標及び新エネルギー等発電設備の導入に伴い必要となる電圧の調整のための発電設備の普及」とあるのは「旧特別措置法第四条第一項の規定により全ての電気事業者が再生可能エネルギー電気特別措置法の施行の日(以下「施行日」という。)の属する年の前年の四月一日からその属する年の三月三十一日までの一年間(施行日の属する月が一月から三月までである場合には、施行日の属する年の前々年の四月一日からその属する年の前年の三月三十一日までの一年間)において利用をすべきものとして経済産業大臣に届け出た新エネルギー等電気の基準利用量の合計量及び新エネルギー等認定設備の廃止」と、同条第二項中「四月一日から」とあるのは「四月一日から翌年の」と、「開始した日から」とあるのは「開始した日から翌の」と、旧特別措置法第五条から第八条までの規定中「基準利用量」とあるのは「経過措置利用量」と、旧特別措置法第九条第四項中「第一項」とあるのは「旧特別措置法第九条第一項」と、同条第五項中「前各項」とあるのは「前項」と、「第一項」とあるのは「旧特別措置法第九条第一項」と、旧特別措置法第十一条並びに第十二条第一項及び第二項中「第九条第一項」とあるのは「旧特別措置法第九条第一項」とする。
Article 12 The provisions of Articles 4 through 8, paragraphs (4) and (5) of Article 9, and Articles 10 through 12 (including penal provisions pertaining to these provisions) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning New Energy Use by Operators of Electric Utilities prior to abolition under the provisions of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as the "Old Special Measures Act") shall remain in force until otherwise provided for by law. In this case, "Standard Amount of Use of Electricity from New Energy, etc." in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Old Special Measures Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "amount of use under transitional measures of electricity from new energy, etc. which is obtained by using a facility that converts new energy, etc. into electricity certified pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning New Energy Use by Operators of Electric Utilities (Act No. 62 of 2002; hereinafter referred to as the "Old Special Measures Act") prior to abolition under the provisions of Article 11 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy by Electricity Utilities (Act No. 108 of 2011; hereinafter referred to as the "Special Measures Act on Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy) (hereinafter referred to as "Certified Generation Facility for Electricity from New Energy, etc.")," "prevalence of generation facilities for voltage regulation that become necessary as a result of having set a Use Target for Electricity from New Energy, etc. and installed Generation Facilities for Electricity from New Energy, etc." in said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "total quantity of Standard Amount of Use of Electricity from New Energy, etc., which all Electricity Utilities notified the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of, pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Old Special Measures Act, as the amount that they should use during one year from April 1 of the previous year of the year which includes the day of the enforcement of the Special Measures Act on Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy (hereinafter referred to as the "Day of Enforcement") to March 31 of the year which includes the Day of Enforcement (one year from April 1 of the year two years before the year which includes the Day of Enforcement to March 31 of the previous year of the year which includes the Day of Enforcement in the case where the month which includes the Day of Enforcement is January, February, or March) and the abolition of Certified Generation Facility for Electricity from New Energy, etc.," the phrase "from April 1 to June 1 of the Notification Year" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "from April 1 of the Notification Year to June 1 of the following year," the phrase "'from April 1'" in said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "'from April 1 (to March 31) of the following year'," the phrase "'from the day on which they began supplying electricity'" in said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "'from the day on which they began supplying electricity (to March 31) of the following year'," the term "Standard Amount of Use" in Articles 5 through 8 of the Old Special Measures Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "amount of use under transitional measures," the term "paragraph (1)" in Article 9, paragraph (4) of the Old Special Measures Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Old Special Measures Act," the term "preceding paragraphs" in paragraph (5) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "preceding paragraph," the term "paragraph (1)" in said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Old Special Measures Act," and the term "Article 9, paragraph (1)" in Article 11 and paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 12 of the Old Special Measures Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Old Special Measures Act."
第十三条 この法律の施行前にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。
Article 13 With regard to the application of penal provisions to acts committed prior to the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.
(Partial Revision of the Act on Salaries of Government Officials with Special Capacity)
第十四条 特別職の職員の給与に関する法律(昭和二十四年法律第二百五十二号)の一部を次のように改正する。
Article 14 The part of the Act on Salaries of Government Officials with Special Capacity (Act No. 252 of 1949) shall be revised as follows.
The following item shall be added following Article 1, item (lxv).
六十五の二 調達価格等算定委員会委員
(lxv)-2 the members of the Calculation Committee for Procurement Price, etc.
(Partial Revision of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
第十五条 経済産業省設置法の一部を次のように改正する。
Article 15 Part of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry shall be revised as follows:
In the table of contents, "and 19" shall be revised to "to 19-2."
The following paragraph shall be added to Article 18.
2 前項に定めるもののほか、別に法律で定めるところにより経済産業省に置かれる審議会等で資源エネルギー庁に置かれるものは、調達価格等算定委員会とする。
(2) In addition to what is provided for in the preceding paragraph, a council, etc. established in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as provided for separately by an Act which is established in the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy shall be the Calculation Committee for Procurement Price, etc.
In Article 19, paragraph (1), item (iv), "Act on Special Measures Concerning New Energy Use by Operators of Electric Utilities (Act No. 62 of 2002)" shall be deleted and the following Article shall be added following said Article in Chapter IV, Section 2, Subsection 2.
(Calculation Committee for Procurement Price, etc.)
第十九条の二 調達価格等算定委員会については、電気事業者による再生可能エネルギー電気の調達に関する特別措置法(平成二十三年法律第百八号。これに基づく命令を含む。)の定めるところによる。
Article 19-2 The Calculation Committee for Procurement Price, etc. shall be governed by the provisions of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Sources of Renewable Energy by Electricity Utilities (Act No. 108 of 2011; including orders based thereon).
(Delegation to Cabinet Order)
第十六条 この附則に規定するもののほか、この法律の施行に伴い必要な経過措置は、政令で定める。
Article 16 In addition to what is provided for in these Supplementary Provisions, necessary transitional measures for the enforcement of this Act shall be provided for by Cabinet Order.