Ministerial Ordinance on Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records by Designated Notary
Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 24 of 2001
Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 7 of 2007
Ministerial Ordinance on Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records by Designated Notary (Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 24 of March 1, 2001)
Pursuant to the provisions of the Notary Act (Act No. 53 of 1908), the Ministerial Ordinance on Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records by Designated Notary is hereby enacted as follows.
第一章 総則(第一条・第二条)
Chapter I General Provisions (Articles 1 and 2)
第二章 指定公証人の電子証明書(第三条―第八条)
Chapter II Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary (Articles 3 to 8)
第三章 電磁的記録に関する事務の処理(第九条―第二十八条)
Chapter III Handling of Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records (Articles 9 to 28)
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
(Designation of Designated Notary)
第一条 法務大臣は、公証人法(明治四十一年法律第五十三号。以下「法」という。)第七条ノ二に規定する指定公証人を指定する場合には、次に掲げる事項を考慮するものとする。
Article 1 When the Minister of Justice designates the Designated Notary provided for in Article 7-2 of the Notary Act (Act No. 53 of 1908; hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), the minister is to take the following matters into consideration:
一 法第六十二条ノ六第一項及び第二項、法第六十二条ノ七第一項から第四項まで(民法施行法(明治三十一年法律第十一号。以下「施行法」という。)第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)並びに施行法第五条第二項に規定する電磁的記録に関する事務(以下「電磁的記録に関する事務」という。)を取り扱うに当たって必要とする電子計算機及びその周辺機器を保管していること。
(i) the notary retains the computer and peripheral equipment thereof necessary for handling the processes relating to electronic or magnetic records provided for in Article 62-6, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act, Article 62-7, paragraphs (1) through (4) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act for Enforcement of the Civil Code (Act No. 11 of 1898; hereinafter referred to as the "Enforcement Act")), and Article 5, paragraph (2) of the Enforcement Act (hereinafter referred to as a "Process Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records"); and
二 前号に規定する電子計算機及びその周辺機器の運用が確実かつ円滑に行われるための方策を施していること。
(ii) the notary has taken measures for the reliable and smooth operation of the computer and peripheral equipment thereof provided for in the preceding item.
(Method of Electronic Signature)
第二条 法第六十二条ノ六第一項第一号及び第六十二条ノ八第一項第一号に定める措置は、電磁的記録に記録することができる情報に、工業標準化法(昭和二十四年法律第百八十五号)に基づく日本工業規格(以下「日本工業規格」という。)X五七三一―八の附属書Dに適合する方法であって同附属書に定めるnの長さの値が千二十四ビット又は二千四十八ビットであるものを講ずる措置(以下「電子署名」という。)とする。
Article 2 The measure provided in Article 62-6, paragraph (1), item (i) and Article 62-8, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act is a measure to apply a method which conforms to Annex D of X5731-8 of the Japan Industrial Standards (hereinafter referred to as "JIS") based on the Industrial Standardization Act (Act No. 185 of 1949) and in which the value of the length of "n" as specified in said Annex is 1024 bits or 2048 bits, to information that can be recorded in an electronic or magnetic record (this measure is hereinafter referred to as an "Electronic Signature").
第二章 指定公証人の電子証明書
Chapter II Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary
(Provision of Electronic Certificate)
第三条 法務大臣は、公証人を指定公証人に指定した場合には、当該公証人に対して、法第六十二条ノ八第一項第二号の情報(以下「指定公証人電子証明書」という。)を提供しなければならない。
Article 3 (1) When the Minister of Justice designates a notary as a Designated Notary, the minister must provide the notary with the information referred to in Article 62-8, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as an "Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary").
2 指定公証人は、前項の指定公証人電子証明書の提供を受けようとする場合には、書面により法務大臣に対してその旨の申出をしなければならない。
(2) When a Designated Notary intends to be provided with the Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary referred to in the preceding paragraph, the notary must report such intention to the Minister of Justice via a written document.
3 指定公証人電子証明書には、次に掲げる情報を表さなければならない。
(3) The following information must be indicated in an Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary:
一 指定公証人電子証明書の番号
(i) the certificate number of the Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary;
二 指定公証人を特定するに足りる符号
(ii) the code sufficient for identifying the Designated Notary; and
三 証明すべき期間
(iii) the period for certification.
(Electronic Certificate Management File)
第四条 法務大臣は、指定公証人に指定公証人電子証明書を提供した場合には、指定公証人電子証明書に記録された情報を、磁気ディスク(これに準ずる方法により一定の事項を確実に記録することができる物を含む。以下同じ。)をもって調製された電子証明書管理ファイルに記録しなければならない。
Article 4 When the Minister of Justice provides a Designated Notary with an Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary, the minister must record the information that is recorded in the Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary in an electronic certificate management file prepared by means of a magnetic disk (including any object that can record certain matters securely by equivalent means; the same applies hereinafter).
(Report of Discontinuation of Use of Electronic Certificate)
第五条 指定公証人は、自己の指定公証人電子証明書の使用を継続することが相当でないと認める場合には、直ちにその使用をやめすみやかに、書面により法務大臣に対してその廃止の申出をしなければならない。
Article 5 (1) If a Designated Notary finds it to be inappropriate to continue to use the notary's Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary, the notary must immediately discontinue its use and promptly report such discontinuation of use to the Minister of Justice via a written document.
2 前項の書面には、次に掲げる事項を記載し、指定公証人が記名押印しなければならない。
(2) The following matters must be stated in the written document referred to in the preceding paragraph, and the Designated Notary must affix name and seal of the notary to the written document:
一 申出の理由
(i) the reasons for report;
二 指定公証人電子証明書の番号
(ii) the certificate number of the Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary; and
三 年月日
(iii) the date.
3 法務大臣は、第一項の申出を受けた場合には、その旨を電子証明書管理ファイルに記録しなければならない。
(3) When the Minister of Justice receives the report referred to in paragraph (1), the minister must record this in the electronic certificate management file.
4 第三条第一項の規定は、法務大臣が第一項の申出を受けた場合について準用する。
(4) The provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis when the Minister of Justice receives the report referred to in paragraph (1).
第六条 指定公証人は、疾病その他の事由により自己の指定公証人電子証明書を使用することができない場合には、すみやかに、書面により法務大臣に対してその使用の廃止の申出をしなければならない。
Article 6 (1) If a Designated Notary is unable to use the notary's Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary due to illness or any other grounds, the notary must promptly report the discontinuation of its use to the Minister of Justice via a written document.
2 前条第二項及び第三項の規定は、前項の申出について準用する。
(2) The provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the report referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Report of Intention to Be Provided with New Electronic Certificate)
第七条 指定公証人は、前条第一項の事由がやんだ場合には、書面により法務大臣に対して新たな指定公証人電子証明書の提供の申出をしなければならない。
Article 7 (1) If the grounds referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article cease to exist, the Designated Notary must report to the Minister of Justice the intention to be provided with a new Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary via a written document.
2 第五条第二項(第二号を除く。)の規定は前項の書面について、第三条第一項の規定は法務大臣が前項の申出を受けた場合について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 5, paragraph (2) (excluding item (ii)) apply mutatis mutandis to the written document referred to in the preceding paragraph, and the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis when the Minister of Justice receives the report referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Notice by Minister of Justice of Discontinuation of Use of Electronic Certificate)
第八条 法務大臣は、指定公証人電子証明書の使用を継続することが相当でないと認める場合には、当該指定公証人に対してその使用を廃止すべき旨を通知することができる。
Article 8 (1) If the Minister of Justice finds it to be inappropriate to allow a Designated Notary to continue to use the notary's Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary, the minister may give notice to the Designated Notary that the notary should discontinue its use.
2 指定公証人は、前項の通知があった場合には、指定公証人電子証明書を使用してはならない。
(2) When the Designated Notary receives the notice referred to in the preceding paragraph, the notary must not use the notary's Electronic Certificate of Designated Notary.
3 第三条第一項及び第五条第三項の規定は、法務大臣が第一項に規定する通知をした場合について準用する。
(3) The provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) and Article 5, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis when the Minister of Justice gives notice as provided in paragraph (1).
第三章 電磁的記録に関する事務の処理
Chapter III Handling of Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records
(Certification of Electronic or Magnetic Records)
第九条 法第六十二条ノ六第三項の認証の付与の嘱託は、嘱託人が、認証を受けようとする情報について電子署名を行い、かつ、これに電子署名に係る地方公共団体の認証業務に関する法律(平成十四年法律第百五十三号)第三条第一項の電子証明書その他自己が電子署名を行ったことを確認するために必要な事項を証明するために作成された電磁的記録であって法務大臣が指定するもの(第十五条第一項において「電子証明書」という。)を付した上で、これを電気通信回線により指定公証人に送信してするものとする。
Article 9 (1) The commission of certification referred to in Article 62-6, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be made through the procedure wherein the client makes an Electronic Signature with respect to the information for which certification is sought, attaches thereto the electronic certificate referred to in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act on Certification Business of Local Governments in Relation to Electronic Signatures (Act No. 153 of 2002) or any other electronic or magnetic record which has been prepared to certify the necessary matters to confirm that the client has made an Electronic Signature and which is designated by the Minister of Justice (this record is referred to as an "Electronic Certificate" in Article 15, paragraph (1)), and transmits this set of electronic materials to the Designated Notary via a telecommunications line.
2 前項の認証を受けようとする情報は、法務大臣の指定する形式によって作成しなければならない。
(2) The information for which certification is sought as referred to in the preceding paragraph must be prepared in the form designated by the Minister of Justice.
3 前二項の規定による指定は、告示してしなければならない。
(3) The designation under the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs must be made by public notice.
4 同時に数個の嘱託をする場合において、各嘱託に共通する証書その他の情報があるときは、当該証書その他の情報は、一の嘱託について提供することで足りる。
(4) If a client commissions multiple processes to a notary simultaneously, and there is an instrument or any other information that is common to these commissioned processes, it will be sufficient to provide such instrument or other information with regard to one of those commissioned processes.
5 前項の場合においては、当該情報を当該一の嘱託について提供した旨を他の嘱託について提供すべき内容としなければならない。
(5) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the fact that the common information has been provided with regard to one of the multiple commissioned processes must be included in the content of the information to be provided with regard to other commissioned processes.
6 法第六十二条ノ六第一項の電磁的記録の認証の付与は、第一項の認証を受けようとする情報に次に掲げる情報を付した上で、これを嘱託人が指定公証人の役場において提出したフレキシブルディスクカートリッジその他これに準ずる電磁的記録に係る記録媒体であって法務大臣が定めるもの(第十六条第三項において「記録媒体」という。)に記録して、嘱託人に交付してするものとする。
(6) The certification of an electronic or magnetic record referred to in Article 62-6, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be made through the procedure wherein the Designated Notary attaches the following information to the information for which certification is sought as referred to in paragraph (1), records this set of information in a flexible disk cartridge or any other equivalent recording medium for electronic or magnetic records specified by the Minister of Justice (hereinafter referred to as a "Recording Medium" in Article 16, paragraph (3)) which has been submitted by the client at the Designated Notary's office, and delivers such medium to the client:
一 認証した旨の表示
(i) an indication that the relevant information has been certified;
二 年月日
(ii) the date;
三 指定公証人の氏名、その所属する法務局又は地方法務局の名称及び役場所在地
(iii) the name of the Designated Notary, the name of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau with which the notary is affiliated, and the location of the notary's office; and
四 嘱託を識別するための番号
(iv) the number to identify the commissioned process.
7 前項に規定する場合において、嘱託人の申立てがあるときは、指定公証人は、第一項の認証を受けようとする情報に法第三十六条第四号、第六号及び第七号に掲げる事項に係る情報をも付さなければならない。
(7) In the case provided in the preceding paragraph, at the request of the client, the Designated Notary must also attach the information concerning the matters set forth in Article 36, items (iv), (vi) and (vii) of the Act to the information for which certification is sought as referred to in paragraph (1).
(Identity Verification for Making Certification)
第十条 指定公証人は、前条第一項の規定に係る嘱託により認証を与える場合には、確実に嘱託人を確認することができる方法によって、同人が本人であることを証明させなければならない。ただし、指定公証人が嘱託人の氏名を知り、かつ、嘱託人と面識があるときは、この限りでない。
Article 10 (1) When a Designated Notary makes certification upon the commission under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the notary must have the client prove the client's identity by a method by which the client's identity can be verified securely; provided, however, that this does not apply if the Designated Notary knows the name of and is acquainted with the client.
2 前項の規定は、代理による嘱託がされたときにおける代理人について準用する。
(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to an agent when commission is made by an agent.
3 代理により嘱託がされたときは、指定公証人は、その代理人の権限を証すべき証書その他の情報の提供その他の方法によって代理人の権限を証明させなければならない。
(3) When a Designated Notary is commissioned by an agent, the notary must have the agent prove the authority as an agent by providing a certificate or any other information to prove the authority as an agent or by any other appropriate method.
(Appointment of Interpreter and Observer)
第十一条 電磁的記録の認証を受ける場合には、通訳及び立会人は、嘱託人又はその代理人が選定しなければならない。
Article 11 (1) When certification of an electronic or magnetic record is sought, and an interpreter and/or observer is necessary, the interpreter and/or observer must be appointed by the client or the client's agent.
2 立会人は、通訳を兼ねることができる。
(2) An observer may serve concurrently as an interpreter.
3 次に掲げる者は、立会人となることができない。ただし、法第三十条第二項の場合は、この限りでない。
(3) None of the following persons can serve as an observer; provided, however, that this does not apply to the case referred to in Article 30, paragraph (2) of the Act:
一 未成年者
(i) a minor;
二 法第十四条に掲げる者
(ii) the persons set forth in Article 14 of the Act;
三 嘱託事項について利害関係を有する者
(iii) a person who has an interest in any of the commissioned matters;
四 嘱託事項について代理人若しくは補佐人である者又は代理人若しくは補佐人であった者
(iv) a person who is or was the client's agent or assistant in court with regard to any of the commissioned matters;
五 公証人若しくは嘱託人若しくはその代理人の配偶者、四親等内の親族、法定代理人、保佐人、補助人、被用者又は同居人
(v) the spouse, a relative within the fourth degree of kinship, statutory agent, curator, assistant or employee of, or a person living together with the notary or the client or the client's agent; and
六 公証人の書記
(vi) a clerk of the notary.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Certification under Oath)
第十二条 公証人法施行規則(昭和二十四年法務府令第九号。以下「規則」という。)第十三条の三の規定は、法六十二条ノ六第二項の認証について準用する。この場合においては、規則第十三条の三第一項中「第五十八条ノ二」とあるのは「第六十二条ノ六第二項」と、同項及び同条第三項中「証書の記載」とあるのは「電磁的記録の内容」と、同項中「公証人」とあるのは「指定公証人」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 12 The provisions of Article 13-3 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Notary Act (Ordinance of the Attorney-General's Office No. 9 of 1949; hereinafter referred to as the "Enforcement Ordinance") apply mutatis mutandis to the certification referred to in Article 62-6, paragraph (2) of the Act. In this case, the phrase "Article 58-2" in Article 13-3, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Ordinance is deemed to be replaced with "Article 62-6, paragraph (2)," the phrase "what is stated in the instrument" in said paragraph and paragraph (3) of said Article is deemed to be replaced with "what is contained in the electronic or magnetic record," and the term "notary" in said paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "Designated Notary."
(Assignment of Date Information)
第十三条 施行法第七条第二項の規定による施行法第五条第二項の請求は、当該請求をする者が、日付情報の付与を求める情報を電気通信回線により指定公証人に送信してするものとする。
Article 13 (1) The request referred to in Article 5, paragraph (2) of the Enforcement Act made under the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (2) of the Enforcement Act is to be made through the procedure wherein the requesting person transmits to the Designated Notary the information for which date information is requested to be assigned via a telecommunications line.
2 第九条第二項及び第三項(同条第一項の規定による指定に係る部分を除く。)の規定は、日付情報の付与を求める情報について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 9, paragraph (2), and paragraph (3) of said Article (excluding the part concerning the designation under the provisions of paragraph (1) of said Article) apply mutatis mutandis to the information for which date information is requested to be assigned.
3 施行法第五条第二項の規定による日付情報の付与は、日付情報の付与を求める情報に次に掲げる情報を付した上で、これを電気通信回線により請求をした者に送信してするものとする。
(3) The assignment of date information under the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (2) of the Enforcement Act is to be conducted through the procedure wherein the Designated Notary attaches the following information to the information for which date information is requested to be assigned, and transmits this set of information to the requesting person via a telecommunications line:
一 年月日
(i) the date;
二 指定公証人の氏名及びその所属する法務局又は地方法務局の名称
(ii) the name of the Designated Notary and the name of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau with which the notary is affiliated; and
三 請求を識別するための番号
(iii) the code to identify the request.
(Keeping on File Electronic or Magnetic Records)
第十四条 法第六十二条ノ七第一項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による保存は、認証を受けた電磁的記録に記録された情報又は日付情報の付与を受けた情報の同一性を確認するに足りる情報ごとに第九条第六項第四号又は第十三条第三項第三号の番号(以下「登簿管理番号」と総称する。)を付した上で、これを磁気ディスクに記録してするものとする。
Article 14 (1) Information under the provisions of Article 62-7, paragraph (1) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) is to be kept on file through the procedure wherein the Designated Notary assigns the number referred to in Article 9, paragraph (6), item (iv) or Article 13, paragraph (3), item (iii) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Registration Management Number") to each piece of information recorded in the certified electronic or magnetic record or each piece of information sufficient for identifying the information for which date information has been assigned, and records this set of information on a magnetic disk.
2 法第六十二条ノ七第五項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による法第六十二条ノ七第二項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)に規定する保存の請求は、認証の付与の嘱託又は日付情報の付与の請求と共にしなければならない。
(2) The request for keeping on file provided in Article 62-7, paragraph (2) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) made under the provisions of Article 62-7, paragraph (5) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) must be made concurrently when making the commission of certification or the request for assignment of date information.
3 前項の保存は、磁気ディスクに記録してするものとする。
(3) Keeping on file information referred to in the preceding paragraph is to be conducted by recording the information on a magnetic disk.
(Attestation of Identity of Information)
第十五条 法第六十二条ノ七第五項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による法第六十二条ノ七第三項第一号(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の証明(以下「情報の同一性に関する証明」という。)の請求は、嘱託人若しくは日付情報の付与の請求をした者若しくはこれらの承継人又は電磁的記録の趣旨について法律上利害関係を有することを証明した者(以下「嘱託人等」という。)が、当該請求に係る情報について電子署名を行い、かつ、これに電子証明書を付した上で、これを電気通信回線により指定公証人に送信してするものとする。この場合においては、第九条第四項及び第五項並びに第十条の規定を準用する。
Article 15 (1) The request for the attestation of identity of information provided in Article 62-7, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) made under the provisions of Article 62-7, paragraph (5) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) (hereinafter referred to as an "Attestation of Identity of Information") is to be made through the procedure wherein the client or the person requesting assignment of date information or the successor to these persons, or the person who has proved to have a legal interest in the gist of an electronic or magnetic record (hereinafter referred to as the "Client, etc.") makes an Electronic Signature with respect to the information for which the attestation is requested, attaches thereto an Electronic Certificate, and transmits this set of electronic materials to the Designated Notary via a telecommunications line. In this case, the provisions of Article 9, paragraphs (4) and (5) and Article 10 apply mutatis mutandis.
2 情報の同一性に関する証明は、前条第一項の情報と請求に係る情報とを比較することによってする。
(2) An Attestation of Identity of Information is to be made by comparing the information referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article with the information for which the attestation is requested.
3 指定公証人は、情報の同一性に関する証明をする場合には、請求に係る情報に次に掲げる情報を付し、これを電気通信回線により当該請求をした者に送信しなければならない。
(3) When a Designated Notary gives an Attestation of Identity of Information, the notary must attach the following information to the information for which the attestation is requested and transmit this set of information to the requesting person via a telecommunications line:
一 前項の規定による比較の結果の表示
(i) an indication of the results of the comparison under the provisions of the preceding paragraph;
二 年月日
(ii) the date;
三 指定公証人の氏名、その所属する法務局又は地方法務局の名称及び役場所在地
(iii) the name of the Designated Notary, the name of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau with which the notary is affiliated, and the location of the notary's office; and
四 登簿管理番号
(iv) the Registration Management Number.
(Provision of Identical Information)
第十六条 前条第一項の規定は、法第六十二条ノ七第五項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による法第六十二条ノ七第三項第二号(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の情報の提供(以下「同一の情報の提供」という。)の請求について準用する。この場合においては、嘱託人等は、指定公証人に対して登簿管理番号を明示して請求しなければならない。
Article 16 (1) The provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the request for the provision of information referred to in Article 62-7, paragraph (3), item (ii) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) made under the provisions of Article 62-7, paragraph (5) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) (hereinafter referred to as the "Provision of Identical Information"). In this case, the Client, etc. must make the request by clearly indicating the Registration Management Number to the Designated Notary.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、同一の情報の提供の請求(法第六十二条ノ七第四項に規定する書面の交付による情報の提供の請求に限る。)は、第九条第一項の認証を受けるのと同時にする場合に限り、指定公証人の役場において、書面ですることができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the request for the Provision of Identical Information (limited to the request for provision of information through the delivery of a written document as provided in Article 62-7, paragraph (4) of the Act) may be made via a written document at the Designated Notary's office, only if the request is made simultaneously with seeking the certification referred to in Article 9, paragraph (1).
3 指定公証人は、同一の情報の提供をする場合には、請求に係る情報に次に掲げる情報を付した上で、これを当該請求をした者が指定公証人の役場において提出した記録媒体に記録して、その者に交付しなければならない。
(3) When a Designated Notary conducts Provision of Identical Information, the notary must attach the following information to the information which is requested to be provided, record this set of information in the Recording Medium which has been submitted by the requesting person at the Designated Notary's office, and deliver such medium to that person:
一 同一の情報である旨の表示
(i) an indication that the relevant information is identical to the information recorded in the electronic or magnetic record kept on file;
二 年月日
(ii) the date;
三 指定公証人の氏名、その所属する法務局又は地方法務局の名称及び役場所在地
(iii) the name of the Designated Notary, the name of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau with which the notary is affiliated, and the location of the notary's office; and
四 登簿管理番号
(iv) the Registration Management Number.
(Provision of Identical Information via Written Document)
第十七条 法第六十二条ノ七第四項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)に規定する書面の交付による情報の提供は、指定公証人が、請求に係る情報に前条第三項各号に掲げる情報を付した上で、これを出力して書面を作成し、当該書面に押印してするものとする。この場合において、当該書面が数枚にわたるときは、毎葉のつづり目に職印で契印をしなければならない。
Article 17 (1) The provision of information through the delivery of a written document as provided in Article 62-7, paragraph (4) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) is to be conducted through the procedure wherein the Designated Notary attaches the information set forth in the items of paragraph (3) of the preceding Article to the information which is requested to be provided, prepares a written document by outputting this set of information, and affixes the notary's seal to the written document. In this case, if the written document extends to two or more pages, the Designated Notary must affix the official seal as a seal to confirm page continuation over the seam between each contiguous page.
2 前項の契印は、規則第四条第二項の方法をもって代えることができる。
(2) In lieu of affixing an official seal as a seal to confirm page continuation over the seam between each contiguous page as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Designated Notary may apply the method referred to in Article 4, paragraph (2) of the Enforcement Ordinance.
3 第一項の書面は、規則第八条第一項の規定にかかわらず、日本工業規格A列四番の丈夫な用紙とする。ただし、A列四番の用紙に代えて、B列四番の用紙とすることを妨げない。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Ordinance, the written document referred to in paragraph (1) is prepared with strong lined paper of JIS "A" Series, Size 4; provided, however, that this does not preclude the use of JIS "B" Series, Size 4, instead of JIS "A" Series, Size 4.
(Keeping on File Records of Information Concerning Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records)
第十八条 指定公証人は、電磁的記録に関する事務について、次に掲げる情報を磁気ディスクに記録し、保存しなければならない。
Article 18 (1) A Designated Notary must record the following information on a magnetic disk with regard to Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records and keep the disk on file:
一 嘱託又は請求の種別
(i) the type of commission or request;
二 嘱託人等の住所及び氏名(法人にあっては、主たる事務所の所在地及び名称又は商号)(日付情報の付与については、請求をした者の氏名(法人にあっては、名称又は商号)に限る。)
(ii) the address and name of the Client, etc. (if the Client, etc. is a corporation, the location of its principal office and its name or trade name (in the case of the request for assignment of date information, limited to the name of the requesting person (if the requesting person is a corporation, its name or trade name));
三 登簿管理番号
(iii) the Registration Management Number;
四 認証、日付情報の付与、同一性に関する証明又は同一の情報の提供をした年月日時
(iv) the year, date and time of the certification, assignment of date information, Attestation of Identity of Information or Provision of Identical Information; and
五 手数料の額
(v) the amount of the fees.
2 指定公証人は、嘱託人等が法第六十二条ノ七第三項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による承継の事実若しくは電磁的記録の趣旨について法律上利害関係を有する旨の事実の証明又は第十条の規定による証明のために提供した情報その他の電磁的記録に関する事務に係る嘱託又は請求に関し提供された情報を、登簿管理番号を付した上で、電磁的記録に記録し、保存しなければならない。
(2) A Designated Notary must record in electronic or magnetic records the information which the Client, etc. has provided in order to prove the fact concerning the succession or the fact that the Client, etc. has a legal interest in the gist of the electronic or magnetic record pursuant to the provisions of Article 62-7, paragraph (3) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) or to prove the identity of the Client, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, or any other information provided in relation to the commission or request concerning the Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records, and keep on file such recorded information, with the Registration Management Number assigned thereto.
(Documents Submitted in Relation to Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records)
第十九条 指定公証人は、電磁的記録に関する事務に係る嘱託又は請求に関し書類が提出された場合には、表紙を付け、登簿管理番号を記載し、事務処理の順序に従ってつづって置かなければならない。ただし、嘱託人等が当該書類の原本の還付を請求したときは、その謄本を原本に代えてつづって置くことができる。
Article 19 (1) When a document is submitted in relation to the commission or request concerning the Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records, a Designated Notary must attach a cover sheet to and enter the Registration Management Document on the document, and bind and keep it in the order of handling processes; provided, however, that if the Client, etc. requests the original of that document to be returned thereto, the Designated Notary may bind and keep its transcript in lieu of the original.
2 規則第十五条の規定は、前項ただし書の場合について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 15 of the Enforcement Ordinance apply mutatis mutandis to the case referred to in the proviso to the preceding paragraph.
(Exclusion from Application of Enforcement Ordinance)
第二十条 規則第二十条の規定は、電磁的記録に関する事務には適用しない。ただし、公証人手数料令(平成五年政令第二百二十四号。以下「政令」という。)第六条第一項後段において準用する政令第四条第二項の規定により交付すべき計算書については、この限りでない。
Article 20 (1) The provisions of Article 20 of the Enforcement Ordinance do not apply to Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records; provided, however, that this does not apply to the accounting statement to be delivered pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (2) of the Order for Notary Fees (Cabinet Order No. 224 of 1993; hereinafter referred to as the "Cabinet Order") as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the second sentence of Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Cabinet Order.
2 電磁的記録に関する事務において、政令第四条第二項の規定により交付すべき計算書には、次に掲げる事項を記載しなければならない。
(2) In the course of handling Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records, an accounting statement to be delivered pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (2) of the Cabinet Order must contain a statement of the following matters:
一 嘱託又は請求の種別
(i) the type of commission or request;
二 嘱託人等の住所及び氏名(法人にあっては、主たる事務所の所在地及び名称又は商号)(日付情報の付与については、請求をした者の氏名(法人にあっては、名称又は商号)に限る。)
(ii) the address and name of the Client, etc. (if the Client, etc. is a corporation, the location of its principal office and its name or trade name (in the case of the request for assignment of date information, limited to the name of the requesting person (if the requesting person is a corporation, its name or trade name));
三 件数
(iii) the number of cases;
四 手数料の額
(iv) the amount of the fees; and
五 指定公証人の氏名及びその所属する法務局又は地方法務局の名称
(v) the name of the Designated Notary and the name of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau with which the notary is affiliated.
(Special Provisions for Account Book)
第二十一条 指定公証人は、規則第二十三条第一項の規定にかかわらず、附録第四号の乙の様式に代えてこの省令に規定する附録第一号の様式による計算簿に、附録第四号の丙の様式に代えてこの省令に規定する附録第二号の様式による計算簿に記載することができる。
Article 21 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 23, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Ordinance, a Designated Notary may make the necessary entry in an account book prepared in the form of Appendix 1 provided in this Ministerial Ordinance in lieu of the form of Appendix 4-B, and in an account book prepared in the form of Appendix 2 provided in this Ministerial Ordinance in lieu of the form of Appendix 4-C.
2 前項の場合における規則第二十三条第一項の規定の適用については、同項ただし書中「確定日附」とあるのは、「確定日付、日付情報、電磁的記録の保存、情報の同一性に関する証明及び同一の情報の提供」とする。
(2) With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 23, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Ordinance in the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the term "certified date" in the proviso to Article 23, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Ordinance is deemed to be replaced with "certified date, date information, keeping on file electronic or magnetic records, Attestation of Identity of Information and Provision of Identical Information."
(Reproduction of Magnetic Disk)
第二十二条 指定公証人は、法第六十二条ノ七第一項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)及び第二項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により保存した情報を記録した磁気ディスクの複製を作成しなければならない。
Article 22 (1) A Designated Notary must prepare a reproduction of a magnetic disk in which the information kept on file pursuant to the provisions of Article 62-7, paragraph (1) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) and paragraph (2) of said Article (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act) is recorded.
2 指定公証人は、前項の規定により作成した複製を、施錠のある耐火性の堅ろうな建物内に格納して厳重に保存しなければならない。
(2) A Designated Notary must keep on file the reproduction prepared pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph under strict guard by storing it in a lockable, fire-resistant and solid building.
3 指定公証人は、第一項の情報が滅失した場合には、法務大臣の認可を受けて、前項の複製により回復しなければならない。
(3) If the information referred to in paragraph (1) is lost, a Designated Notary must restore it using the reproduction referred to in the preceding paragraph, with approval of the Minister of Justice.
4 指定公証人は、法令の規定により保存すべき電磁的記録が滅失し、又は滅失のおそれがある場合には、遅滞なく、その旨を法務大臣に対して報告しなければならない。
(4) If any electronic or magnetic records that should be kept on file pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations are lost or are likely to be lost, a Designated Notary must report this to the Minister of Justice without delay.
(Period of Keeping on File Information)
第二十三条 次の各号に掲げる情報又は書類の保存期間は、当該各号に定める時から起算して二十年とする。
Article 23 (1) The period of keeping on file the information or document set forth in each of the following items is 20 years from the day specified respectively in these items:
一 法第六十二条ノ七第一項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により保存すべき情報 当該情報を保存した年度の翌年
(i) the information that should be kept on file pursuant to the provisions of Article 62-7, paragraph (1) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act): the year following the year in which the step to keep on file the information is taken;
二 法第六十二条ノ七第二項(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により保存すべき情報 当該情報を保存した年度の翌年
(ii) the information that should be kept on file pursuant to the provisions of Article 62-7, paragraph (2) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act): the year following the year in which the step to keep on file the information is taken;
三 第十八条の規定により保存すべき情報 当該情報を保存した年度の翌年
(iii) the information that should be kept on file pursuant to the provisions of Article 18: the year following the year in which the step to keep on file the information is taken; and
四 第十九条の規定により備え置くべき書類 同条の規定によりつづって置いた年度の翌年
(iv) the document that should be kept pursuant to the provisions of Article 19: the year following the year in which the step to bind and keep the document is taken pursuant to the provisions of said Article.
2 規則第二十七条第三項の規定は、前項の情報又は書類について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 27, paragraph (3) of the Enforcement Ordinance apply mutatis mutandis to the information or document referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Disposal of Information)
第二十四条 指定公証人は、保存期間の満了した情報又は書類を廃棄しようとするときは、目録を作り、法務大臣の認可を受けなければならない。
Article 24 When a Designated Notary intends to dispose of any information or documents for which the period of keeping on file has expired, the notary must prepare a list of such information or documents and obtain approval therefor from the Minister of Justice.
(Special Provisions for Refusal of Commission)
第二十五条 指定公証人は、電磁的記録に関する事務について嘱託を拒んだ場合には、規則第十二条の理由書に代えて、嘱託人に対し、その理由を内容とする情報を、電気通信回線により送信することができる。
Article 25 If a Designated Notary refuses to handle a commissioned process with regard to Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records, the notary may transmit the information containing the reasons for such refusal to the client via a telecommunication line, in lieu of delivering the written statement of reasons referred to in Article 12 of the Enforcement Ordinance.
(Special Provisions for Office Hours of Designated Notary)
第二十六条 規則第九条第二項の規定は、電磁的記録に関する事務については適用しない。
Article 26 The provisions of Article 9, paragraph (2) of the Enforcement Ordinance do not apply to Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records.
(Management of Information by Designated Notary)
第二十七条 指定公証人は、法令の規定により保存すべき情報を、全員で、管理しなければならない。
Article 27 (1) Information that should be kept on file pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations must be managed by all Designated Notaries.
2 指定公証人は、情報の同一性に関する証明及び同一の情報の提供については、他の指定公証人が行った電磁的記録に関する事務に係る請求に応ずることができる。
(2) With regard to Attestation of Identify of Information and Provision of Identical Information, a Designated Notary may respond to the request made in relation to the Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records which have been handled by another Designated Notary.
(Roll of Designated Notaries)
第二十八条 法務大臣は、指定公証人名簿を備え、これに指定公証人の氏名、その所属する法務局又は地方法務局の名称、法第七条ノ二第一項の規定による指定の日及び役場所在地を記載して置かなければならない。
Article 28 (1) The Minister of Justice must keep a roll of Designated Notaries and enter therein the name of each notary, the name of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau with which the notary is affiliated, the date of designation under Article 7-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, and the location of the notary's office.
2 法務局又は地方法務局の長は、その所属する公証人が前項の指定を受けた場合には、規則第三十七条の公証人名簿にその旨を明示しなければならない。
(2) When a notary receives the designation referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Director of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau with which the notary is affiliated must clearly indicate this in the roll of notaries referred to in Article 37 of the Enforcement Ordinance.
附 則 抄
Supplementary Provisions (Extract)
第一条 この省令は、公布の日から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
附 則 〔平成十三年十二月十二日法務省令第七十八号〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 78 of December 12, 2001]
This Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
附 則 〔平成十五年二月十四日法務省令第五号〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 5 of February 14, 2003]
1 この省令は、平成十五年四月一日から施行する。
(1) This Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect as of April 1, 2003.
2 この省令施行の際現に存するこの省令による改正前の公証人法施行規則附録第四号の乙及び指定公証人の行う電磁的記録に関する事務に関する省令附録第一号の様式による計算簿は、この省令施行の日から一年間に限り、なお使用することができる。
(2) The account books which have been prepared in the form of Appendix 4-B of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Notary Act and the form of Appendix 1 of the Ministerial Ordinance on Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records by Designated Notary prior to the revision by this Ministerial Ordinance and which exist at the time when this Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect may continue to be used for one year from the day on which this Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect.
附 則 〔平成十六年二月二十六日法務省令第十一号〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 11 of February 26, 2004]
This Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect as of March 1, 2004.
附 則 〔平成十七年二月二十八日法務省令第三十一号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary provisions [Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 31 of February 28, 2005] [Extract]
第一条 この省令は、不動産登記法の施行の日(平成十七年三月七日)から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect as of the day on which the Real Property Registration Act comes into effect (March 7, 2005).
附 則 〔平成十九年三月八日法務省令第七号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 7 of March 8, 2007] [Extract]
第一条 この省令は、平成十九年四月一日から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect as of April 1, 2007.
第二条 この省令の施行前にされた電磁的記録に関する事務に係る嘱託又は請求に関しては、次項及び第三項に定めるものを除くほか、なお従前の例による。
Article 2 (1) With regard to the commission or request concerning Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records made prior to this Ministerial Ordinance coming into effect, except for those provided in the following paragraph and paragraph (3), the provisions then in force remain applicable.
2 この省令の施行の際、現にこの省令による改正前の指定公証人の行う電磁的記録に関する事務に関する省令(以下「旧省令」という。)第十五条の規定に基づき保存されている情報については、旧省令第十六条及び第十七条の規定は、この省令の施行後も、なおその効力を有する。
(2) With regard to any information which is kept on file, at the time when this Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect, under the provisions of Article 15 of the Ministerial Ordinance on Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records by Designated Notary prior to the revision by this Ministerial Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Ministerial Ordinance"), the provisions of Articles 16 and 17 of the Former Ministerial Ordinance remain in force even after this Ministerial Ordinance comes into effect.
3 前項の場合における旧省令第十六条及び第十七条の規定の適用については、旧省令第十六条第一項及び旧省令第十七条第一項中「フレキシブルディスクカートリッジ」とあるのは「フレキシブルディスクカートリッジその他これに準ずる電磁的記録に係る記録媒体であって法務大臣が定めるもの」と、旧省令第十六条第三項中「第一項のフレキシブルディスクカートリッジに記録し」とあるのは「これを出力して書面を作成し」と、「嘱託人」とあるのは「嘱託人等」と、同項第一号中「同一性に関する表示」とあるのは「前項の規定による比較の結果の表示」と、同項第三号中「指定公証人名」とあるのは「指定公証人名、その所属する法務局又は地方法務局の名称及び役場所在地」と、旧省令第十七条第一項中「法第六十二条ノ七第三項第二号」とあるのは「法第六十二条ノ七第三項第二号(施行法第七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)」と、同条第二項中「前条第三項」とあるのは「指定公証人の行う電磁的記録に関する事務に関する省令の一部を改正する省令附則第二条第二項の規定によりなおその効力を有するとされる前条第三項」と、「「嘱託人」とあるのは「嘱託人等」」とあるのは「「第一項のフレキシブルディスクカートリッジに記録し」とあるのは「これを出力して書面を作成し」と、「同一性に関する表示」とあるのは「同一の情報である旨の表示」と、「指定公証人名」とあるのは「指定公証人名、その所属する法務局又は地方法務局の名称及び役場所在地」」とする。
(3) With regard to the application of the provisions of Articles 16 and 17 of the Former Ministerial Ordinance to the case referred to in the preceding paragraph: in Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Former Ministerial Ordinance and Article 17, paragraph (1) of the Former Ministerial Ordinance, the term "flexible disk cartridge" is deemed to be replaced with "flexible disk cartridge or any other equivalent recording medium for electronic or magnetic records which is specified by the Minister of Justice"; in Article 16, paragraph (3) of the Former Ministerial Ordinance, the phrase "records the information on the flexible disk cartridge referred to in paragraph (1)" is deemed to be replaced with "prepares a written document by outputting the information," and the term "client" is deemed to be replaced with "Client, etc."; in item (i) of said paragraph, the phrase "indication concerning identity" is deemed to be replaced with "indication of the results of the comparison under the provisions of the preceding paragraph"; in item (iii) of said paragraph, the phrase "name of the Designated Notary" is deemed to be replaced with "name of the Designated Notary, the name of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau with which the notary is affiliated, and the location of the notary's office"; in Article 17, paragraph (1) of the Former Ministerial Ordinance, the phrase "Article 62-7, paragraph (3), item (ii) of the Act" is deemed to be replaced with "Article 62-7, paragraph (3), item (ii) of the Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Enforcement Act)"; in paragraph (2) of said Article, the phrase "paragraph (3) of the preceding Article" is deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (3) of the preceding Article that is to remain in force pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Revision to the Ministerial Ordinance on Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records by Designated Notary," the phrase "the phrase "client" is deemed to be replaced with "Client, etc."" is deemed to be replaced with "the phrase "records the information on the flexible disk cartridge referred to in paragraph (1)" is deemed to be replaced with "prepares a written document by outputting the information," the phrase "indication concerning identity" is deemed to be replaced with "indication that the relevant information is identical to the information recorded in the electronic or magnetic record kept on file," and the phrase "name of the Designated Notary" is deemed to be replaced with "name of the Designated Notary, the name of the Legal Affairs Bureau or District Legal Affairs Bureau with which the notary is affiliated, and the location of the notary's office." "
附録第一号 (第二十三条関係)
Appendix 1 (Re: Article 23)
附録第二号 (第二十三条関係)
Appendix 2 (Re: Article 23)