Basic Act on Ocean Policy
Act No. 33 of 2007
Basic Act on Ocean Policy (Act No. 33 of April 27, 2007)
Table of contents
第一章 総則(第一条―第十五条)
Chapter I General Provisions (Art.1-15)
第二章 海洋基本計画(第十六条)
Chapter II Basic Plan on Ocean Policy (Art.16)
第三章 基本的施策(第十七条―第二十八条)
Chapter III Basic Measures (Art.17-28)
第四章 総合海洋政策本部(第二十九条―第三十八条)
Chapter IV Headquarters for Ocean Policy (Art.29-38)
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 この法律は、地球の広範な部分を占める海洋が人類をはじめとする生物の生命を維持する上で不可欠な要素であるとともに、海に囲まれた我が国において、海洋法に関する国際連合条約その他の国際約束に基づき、並びに海洋の持続可能な開発及び利用を実現するための国際的な取組の中で、我が国が国際的協調の下に、海洋の平和的かつ積極的な開発及び利用と海洋環境の保全との調和を図る新たな海洋立国を実現することが重要であることにかんがみ、海洋に関し、基本理念を定め、国、地方公共団体、事業者及び国民の責務を明らかにし、並びに海洋に関する基本的な計画の策定その他海洋に関する施策の基本となる事項を定めるとともに、総合海洋政策本部を設置することにより、海洋に関する施策を総合的かつ計画的に推進し、もって我が国の経済社会の健全な発展及び国民生活の安定向上を図るとともに、海洋と人類の共生に貢献することを目的とする。
Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, with regard to the oceans, to stipulate the basic principles, to clarify the responsibilities of the State, the local governments, business operators and the citizens as well as to formulate the basic plan with regard to the oceans and other basic matters with regard to the measures on the oceans, by establishing the Headquarters for Ocean Policy in order to promote measures with regard to the oceans comprehensively and systematically, through contributing to the sound development of the economy and society of our State and to improve the stability of the lives of citizenry as well as to contribute to the coexistence of the oceans and mankind, in consideration of the fact that the oceans, occupying broad portion of the globe, is an indispensable factor for maintaining the lives of the living beings including mankind, and the fact that it is important to realize a new oceanic State in harmonization of the peaceful and positive development and use of the oceans with the conservation of the marine environment, under the international cooperation, as our State surrounded by the oceans, based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other international agreements as well as on the international efforts on the realization of the sustainable development and use of the oceans.
(Harmonization of the Development and Use of the Oceans with the Conservation of Marine Environment)
第二条 海洋については、海洋の開発及び利用が我が国の経済社会の存立の基盤であるとともに、海洋の生物の多様性が確保されることその他の良好な海洋環境が保全されることが人類の存続の基盤であり、かつ、豊かで潤いのある国民生活に不可欠であることにかんがみ、将来にわたり海洋の恵沢を享受できるよう、海洋環境の保全を図りつつ海洋の持続的な開発及び利用を可能とすることを旨として、その積極的な開発及び利用が行われなければならない。
Article 2 With regard to the oceans, in consideration of the fact that the development and use of the oceans are the basis of existence for the economy and society of our State, and that securing the marine biological diversity and conserving other better marine environment are the basis of the existence of mankind and also indispensable for prosperous and affluent lives of the citizenry, the positive development and use of the oceans must be executed, aiming at allowing for the sustainable development and use of the oceans with conservation of marine environment in order to enjoy the benefit of the oceans in the future.
(Securing the Safety and Security on the Oceans)
第三条 海洋については、海に囲まれた我が国にとって海洋の安全の確保が重要であることにかんがみ、その安全の確保のための取組が積極的に推進されなければならない。
Article 3 With regard to the oceans, in consideration of the fact that securing the safety and security on the oceans is important for our State surrounded by the oceans, efforts to secure the safety and security of the oceans must be positively promoted.
(Improvement of Scientific Knowledge of the Oceans)
第四条 海洋の開発及び利用、海洋環境の保全等が適切に行われるためには海洋に関する科学的知見が不可欠である一方で、海洋については科学的に解明されていない分野が多いことにかんがみ、海洋に関する科学的知見の充実が図られなければならない。
Article 4 In consideration of the fact that scientific knowledge of the oceans is indispensable for the proper development and use of the oceans and conservation of the marine environment, while many scientifically unsolved fields remain with regard to the oceans, the scientific knowledge of the oceans must be improved.
(Sound Development of Ocean Industries)
第五条 海洋の開発、利用、保全等を担う産業(以下「海洋産業」という。)については、我が国の経済社会の健全な発展及び国民生活の安定向上の基盤であることにかんがみ、その健全な発展が図られなければならない。
Article 5 With regard to the industries bearing the development, use and conservation of the oceans (hereinafter referred to as "Ocean Industries"), in consideration of the fact that they are the basis for the sound development of the economy and society of our State and of stabilization and improvement of the lives of the citizenry, their sound development must be promoted.
(Comprehensive Governance of the Oceans)
第六条 海洋の管理は、海洋資源、海洋環境、海上交通、海洋の安全等の海洋に関する諸問題が相互に密接な関連を有し、及び全体として検討される必要があることにかんがみ、海洋の開発、利用、保全等について総合的かつ一体的に行われるものでなければならない。
Article 6 Governance of the oceans must be executed comprehensively and integrally with respect to the development, use and conservation of the oceans, in consideration of the fact that the matters with regard to ocean resources, marine environment, maritime traffic and the safety and security of the oceans interrelate closely with each other, and the relevant matters must be examined as a whole.
(International Partnership with regard to the Oceans)
第七条 海洋が人類共通の財産であり、かつ、我が国の経済社会が国際的な密接な相互依存関係の中で営まれていることにかんがみ、海洋に関する施策の推進は、海洋に関する国際的な秩序の形成及び発展のために先導的な役割を担うことを旨として、国際的協調の下に行われなければならない。
Article 7 In consideration of the fact that the oceans are the common heritage of mankind, and that the economy and society of our State have been conducted in close international interdependent relationship, promotion of measures with regard to the oceans must be executed under the international partnership, aiming at bearing the leading role for the formation and development of the international order.
第八条 国は、第二条から前条までに定める基本理念(以下「基本理念」という。)にのっとり、海洋に関する施策を総合的かつ計画的に策定し、及び実施する責務を有する。
Article 8 The State is responsible for comprehensively and systematically formulating and implementing measures with regard to the oceans, in conformity with the basic principle prescribed in Article 2 through the preceding article (hereinafter refer to as "basic principle" ).
(Responsibilities of the Local Governments)
第九条 地方公共団体は、基本理念にのっとり、海洋に関し、国との適切な役割分担を踏まえて、その地方公共団体の区域の自然的社会的条件に応じた施策を策定し、及び実施する責務を有する。
Article 9 Based on an appropriate sharing role with the State, the Local Governments are responsible for formulating and implementing the measures that suit the natural and social conditions of their areas with regard to the oceans, in conformity with the basic principle.
(Responsibilities of Business Operators)
第十条 海洋産業の事業者は、基本理念にのっとりその事業活動を行うとともに、国又は地方公共団体が実施する海洋に関する施策に協力するよう努めなければならない。
Article 10 The business operators of Ocean Industries must endeavor to conduct their business activities, pursuant to the basic principles, and to cooperate with the State and the Local Governments in implementing measures with regard to the oceans.
(Responsibilities of Citizens)
第十一条 国民は、海洋の恵沢を認識するとともに、国又は地方公共団体が実施する海洋に関する施策に協力するよう努めなければならない。
Article 11 Citizens, in recognition of the benefit of the oceans, must endeavor to cooperate with the State and the Local Governments in implementing measures with regard to the oceans.
(Coordination and Cooperation among the Relevant Parties)
第十二条 国、地方公共団体、海洋産業の事業者、海洋に関する活動を行う団体その他の関係者は、基本理念の実現を図るため、相互に連携を図りながら協力するよう努めなければならない。
Article 12 The State, the Local Governments, business operators of Ocean Industries and other relevant parties, including organizations executing activities with regard to the oceans, must endeavor to cooperate and coordinate with each other, in order to realize the basic principles.
(Events of the Ocean Day)
第十三条 国及び地方公共団体は、国民の祝日に関する法律(昭和二十三年法律第百七十八号)第二条に規定する海の日において、国民の間に広く海洋についての理解と関心を深めるような行事が実施されるよう努めなければならない。
Article 13 The State and the local governments must endeavor, on the Ocean Day as stipulated in Article 2 of the Act on National Holidays (Act No. 178 of 1948), to hold the events that enable the citizens to have better understanding and deeper interests of the oceans.
(Legislative Measures)
第十四条 政府は、海洋に関する施策を実施するために必要な法制上、財政上又は金融上の措置その他の措置を講じなければならない。
Article 14 The Government must take necessary legislative, fiscal or financial measures, and other measures in order to implement measures with regard to the oceans.
(Preparation of the Documents and Publicizing)
Article 15 The Government must prepare documents on the situation of the oceans and the implemented measures by the Government with regard to the oceans, and must publicize them in an appropriate way as needed.
第二章 海洋基本計画
Chapter II Basic Plan on Ocean Policy
第十六条 政府は、海洋に関する施策の総合的かつ計画的な推進を図るため、海洋に関する基本的な計画(以下「海洋基本計画」という。)を定めなければならない。
Article 16 (1) The Government must formulate a basic plan with regard to the oceans (hereinafter referred to as "Basic Plan on Ocean Policy"), in order to promote measures with regard to the oceans comprehensively and systematically.
2 海洋基本計画は、次に掲げる事項について定めるものとする。
(2) The Basic Plan on Ocean Policy is to prescribe the following matters:
一 海洋に関する施策についての基本的な方針
(i) the basic policy of measures with regard to the oceans
二 海洋に関する施策に関し、政府が総合的かつ計画的に講ずべき施策
(ii) the measures that the Government must implement with regard to the oceans comprehensively and systematically
三 前二号に掲げるもののほか、海洋に関する施策を総合的かつ計画的に推進するために必要な事項
(iii) beyond what is set forth in the preceding two items, any matters necessary for promoting measures with regard to the oceans comprehensively and systematically
3 内閣総理大臣は、海洋基本計画の案につき閣議の決定を求めなければならない。
(3) The Prime Minister must seek a cabinet decision on the draft of the Basic Plan on Ocean Policy.
4 内閣総理大臣は、前項の規定による閣議の決定があったときは、遅滞なく、海洋基本計画を公表しなければならない。
(4) When the cabinet decision prescribed in the preceding paragraph has been made, Prime Minister must publicize the Basic Plan on Ocean Policy without delay.
5 政府は、海洋に関する情勢の変化を勘案し、及び海洋に関する施策の効果に関する評価を踏まえ、おおむね五年ごとに、海洋基本計画の見直しを行い、必要な変更を加えるものとする。
(5) Bearing in mind the changes on the situation with regard to the oceans, as well as based on an evaluation of the effect of measures with regard to the oceans, the Government is to review the Basic Plan on Ocean Policy almost every five years, and is to make necessary changes.
6 第三項及び第四項の規定は、海洋基本計画の変更について準用する。
(6) The provisions of paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 apply mutatis mutandis to make changes to the Basic Plan on Ocean Policy.
7 政府は、海洋基本計画について、その実施に要する経費に関し必要な資金の確保を図るため、毎年度、国の財政の許す範囲内で、これを予算に計上する等その円滑な実施に必要な措置を講ずるよう努めなければならない。
(7) The Government must endeavor to take necessary measures for the smooth implementation of the Basic Plan on Ocean Policy by, for example, appropriating its budget each fiscal year, to the extent permitted by the State's finances, in order to secure funds necessary to ensure payment of the expenses required for the implementation of the plan.
第三章 基本的施策
Chapter III Basic Measures
(Promotion of Development and Use of Ocean Resources)
第十七条 国は、海洋環境の保全並びに海洋資源の将来にわたる持続的な開発及び利用を可能とすることに配慮しつつ海洋資源の積極的な開発及び利用を推進するため、水産資源の保存及び管理、水産動植物の生育環境の保全及び改善、漁場の生産力の増進、海底又はその下に存在する石油、可燃性天然ガス、マンガン鉱、コバルト鉱等の鉱物資源の開発及び利用の推進並びにそのための体制の整備その他の必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 17 The State is to take necessary measures on conservation and management of living aquatic resources, conservation and improvement of the growing environment for aquatic plants and animals, increase of the fishing ground productivity, promotion of the development and use of petroleum, inflammable natural gas, other mineral resource including manganese ores, cobalt ores existing on and under the sea floor, establishment of the system for the above mentioned missions and execution of others, in order to promote the positive development and use of the oceans, considering conservation of the marine environment and to allow for the sustainable development and use of the ocean resources in the future.
(Conservation of Marine Environment)
第十八条 国は、海洋が地球温暖化の防止等の地球環境の保全に大きな影響を与えること等にかんがみ、生育環境の保全及び改善等による海洋の生物の多様性の確保、海洋に流入する水による汚濁の負荷の低減、海洋への廃棄物の排出の防止、船舶の事故等により流出した油等の迅速な防除、海洋の自然景観の保全その他の海洋環境の保全を図るために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 18 (1) The State is to take necessary measures to conserve the marine environment including securing the biodiversity in the oceans with conservation and improvement of the habitat, reduction of the pollution load caused by water flow into the oceans, prevention of the discharge of waste materials to the oceans, prompt prevention of the oil spill caused by accidents of the vessels and others, conservation of the seascape and others, in consideration of the fact that the oceans make a great impact on the conservation of the global environment, such as the prevention of global warming and others.
2 国は、前項の措置については、科学的知見を踏まえつつ、海洋環境に対する悪影響を未然に防止する観点から、これを実施するとともに、その適切な見直しを行うよう努めるものとする。
(2) The State, from the view point of preventing adverse effect on the marine environment, based on the scientific knowledge, is to execute the measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph and to make efforts to review them properly.
(Promotion of Development of Exclusive Economic Zone)
第十九条 国は、排他的経済水域等(排他的経済水域及び大陸棚に関する法律(平成八年法律第七十四号)第一条第一項の排他的経済水域及び同法第二条の大陸棚をいう。以下同じ。)の開発、利用、保全等(以下「排他的経済水域等の開発等」という。)に関する取組の強化を図ることの重要性にかんがみ、海域の特性に応じた排他的経済水域等の開発等の推進、排他的経済水域等における我が国の主権的権利を侵害する行為の防止その他の排他的経済水域等の開発等の推進のために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 19 The State, in consideration of the fact that it is important to strengthen the efforts with regard to the development, use and conservation and others of the Exclusive Economic Zone and other areas (the term "the Exclusive Economic Zone and other areas" means the Exclusive Economic Zone defined by Article 1, paragraph 1 of the Act on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf (Law No.74 of 1996) and Continental Shelf defined by Article 2 of the Law. The same applies hereinafter) (hereinafter referred to as "Development and others of the Exclusive Economic Zone and other areas") is to take necessary measures in order to promote the Development and others of the Exclusive Economic Zone and other areas including the Development and others of the Exclusive Economic Zone and other areas according to the characteristics of its sea areas, prevention of the infringement on the sovereign rights of our State in the Exclusive Economic Zone and other areas and execution of others.
(Securing Maritime Transport)
第二十条 国は、効率的かつ安定的な海上輸送の確保を図るため、日本船舶の確保、船員の育成及び確保、国際海上輸送網の拠点となる港湾の整備その他の必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 20 The State is to take necessary measures to secure the efficient and stable maritime transport, including securing of Japanese vessels, nurturing and securing mariners, developing ports and harbors that are hubs for the international maritime transport network and executing others.
(Securing the Safety and Security of the Oceans)
第二十一条 国は、海に囲まれ、かつ、主要な資源の大部分を輸入に依存する我が国の経済社会にとって、海洋資源の開発及び利用、海上輸送等の安全が確保され、並びに海洋における秩序が維持されることが不可欠であることにかんがみ、海洋について、我が国の平和及び安全の確保並びに海上の安全及び治安の確保のために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 21 (1) The State, in consideration of the fact that, for the economy and society of our State, surrounded by the oceans and dependent on import for major portion of the resources, it is essential to secure the development and use of the marine resources, the safety of the maritime transport and others as well as to maintain the order in the oceans, with regard to the oceans, is to take necessary measures to secure the peace and safety of our State as well as to secure the maritime safety and public order.
2 国は、津波、高潮等による災害から国土並びに国民の生命、身体及び財産を保護するため、災害の未然の防止、災害が発生した場合における被害の拡大の防止及び災害の復旧(以下「防災」という。)に関し必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
(2) The State is to take necessary measures with regard to the prevention of natural disaster, prevention of damage expansion in case of occurrence of natural disaster and recovery from disaster (hereinafter referred to as "Disaster Prevention"), in order to protect national land as well as life, body and property of the citizens from disasters, such as tsunamis, storm surges and others.
(Promotion of Ocean Survey)
第二十二条 国は、海洋に関する施策を適正に策定し、及び実施するため、海洋の状況の把握、海洋環境の変化の予測その他の海洋に関する施策の策定及び実施に必要な調査(以下「海洋調査」という。)の実施並びに海洋調査に必要な監視、観測、測定等の体制の整備に努めるものとする。
Article 22 (1) The State, in order to formulate and implement the measures with regard to the oceans properly, is to make efforts to execute the necessary survey including the grasp of the ocean situation, the prediction of the change of marine environment and other survey to formulate and implement the measures with regard to the oceans (hereinafter referred to as "Ocean Survey" ), as well as to establish systems for monitoring, observing, measuring and other activities necessary to the Ocean Survey.
2 国は、地方公共団体の海洋に関する施策の策定及び実施並びに事業者その他の者の活動に資するため、海洋調査により得られた情報の提供に努めるものとする。
(2) The State is to make efforts to provide the information obtained by Ocean Survey, in order to contribute to the formulation and implementation of measures by the Local Governments with regard to the oceans as well as to contribute to the activities by the business operators and others.
(Promotion of Research and Development of Ocean Science and Technology)
第二十三条 国は、海洋に関する科学技術(以下「海洋科学技術」という。)に関する研究開発の推進及びその成果の普及を図るため、海洋科学技術に関し、研究体制の整備、研究開発の推進、研究者及び技術者の育成、国、独立行政法人(独立行政法人通則法(平成十一年法律第百三号)第二条第一項に規定する独立行政法人をいう。以下同じ。)、都道府県及び地方独立行政法人(地方独立行政法人法(平成十五年法律第百十八号)第二条第一項に規定する地方独立行政法人をいう。以下同じ。)の試験研究機関、大学、民間等の連携の強化その他の必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 23 The State, in order to promote the research and development and to disseminate the result with regard to the science and technology of the oceans (hereinafter referred to as "Ocean Science and Technology"), is to take necessary measures including establishing the research systems, promoting research and development, nurturing researchers and technicians, strengthening coordination among the relevant research institutions as the State, Incorporated Administrative Agency (referring to the Incorporated Administrative Agency set forth in the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No.103 of 1999), Article 2, paragraph 1; the same applies hereinafter), the prefecture, and Local Incorporated Administrative Agency (referring to the Local Incorporated Administrative Agency set forth in the Local Incorporated Administrative Agency Act (Act No.118 of 2003), Article 2, paragraph 1; the same applies hereinafter), universities and private bodies, and executing others.
(Promotion of Ocean Industries and Strengthening the International Competitiveness)
第二十四条 国は、海洋産業の振興及びその国際競争力の強化を図るため、海洋産業に関し、先端的な研究開発の推進、技術の高度化、人材の育成及び確保、競争条件の整備等による経営基盤の強化及び新たな事業の開拓その他の必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 24 The State, in order to promote the Ocean Industries and to strengthen the international competitiveness, is to take necessary measures with regard to the Ocean Industries, to promote the cutting-edge research and development, to upgrade the level of technology, to nurture and secure the human resources and to reinforce the management basis with the improvement of competitive conditions and others as well as to exploit new businesses and to execute others.
(Integrated Management of the Coastal Zone)
第二十五条 国は、沿岸の海域の諸問題がその陸域の諸活動等に起因し、沿岸の海域について施策を講ずることのみでは、沿岸の海域の資源、自然環境等がもたらす恵沢を将来にわたり享受できるようにすることが困難であることにかんがみ、自然的社会的条件からみて一体的に施策が講ぜられることが相当と認められる沿岸の海域及び陸域について、その諸活動に対する規制その他の措置が総合的に講ぜられることにより適切に管理されるよう必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 25 (1) The State is to take necessary measures for the coastal sea areas and land areas, where recognized suitable for the measures to be implemented in a unified manner upon the natural and social conditions, to be managed properly, by the regulatory and other measures to the activities implemented in the integrated manner, in consideration of the fact that there are difficulties in keeping on enjoying the benefit brought by the resources, natural environment and others of the coastal sea areas in the future only by implementing the measures with respect to the coastal sea areas when issues in the coastal sea areas are originated by the activities on land.
2 国は、前項の措置を講ずるに当たっては、沿岸の海域及び陸域のうち特に海岸が、厳しい自然条件の下にあるとともに、多様な生物が生息し、生育する場であり、かつ、独特の景観を有していること等にかんがみ、津波、高潮、波浪その他海水又は地盤の変動による被害からの海岸の防護、海岸環境の整備及び保全並びに海岸の適正な利用の確保に十分留意するものとする。
(2) The State is to give enough consideration, when executing the measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph, to securing the protection of the seacoasts from damages caused by tsunamis, storm surges, high waves and other movement of seawater or ground deformation, and to securing improvement and conservation of the coastal environment as well as to promoting proper use of the seacoasts by the public, in consideration of the fact that specifically the coast between the coastal sea area and land area is under the severe natural condition with characteristic landscape, while supporting and raising a great variety of life.
(Conservation of the Remote Islands)
第二十六条 国は、離島が我が国の領海及び排他的経済水域等の保全、海上交通の安全の確保、海洋資源の開発及び利用、海洋環境の保全等に重要な役割を担っていることにかんがみ、離島に関し、海岸等の保全、海上交通の安全の確保並びに海洋資源の開発及び利用のための施設の整備、周辺の海域の自然環境の保全、住民の生活基盤の整備その他の必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 26 The State, with regard to the remote islands, is to take necessary measures including conserving the seacoasts and others, securing the safety of navigation as well as establishing the facilities for the development and use of ocean resources, conserving natural environment in adjacent sea areas, maintaining infrastructure for the life of inhabitant and executing others, in consideration of the fact that the remote islands bear a significant role in conserving our territorial sea and the Exclusive Economic Zone and other areas, and in securing the safety of navigation in the development and use of ocean resources as well as in conservation of the marine environment.
(Securing International Coordination and Promotion of International Cooperation)
第二十七条 国は、海洋に関する国際的約束等の策定に主体的に参画することその他の海洋に関する国際的な連携の確保のために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 27 (1) The State is to take necessary measures to secure the international coordination with regard to the oceans including subjective involvement in the formulation of international agreements and others with regard to the oceans as well as execution of others.
2 国は、海洋に関し、我が国の国際社会における役割を積極的に果たすため、海洋資源、海洋環境、海洋調査、海洋科学技術、海上における犯罪の取締り、防災、海難救助等に係る国際協力の推進のために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
(2) The State is to take necessary measures, with regard to the oceans, to promote the international cooperation related to ocean resources, marine environment, Ocean Survey, Ocean Science and Technology, crime control at sea, Disaster Prevention, disaster rescue at sea and others, in order to accomplish the role positively in the international society.
(Enhancement of Citizen's Understanding of the Oceans)
第二十八条 国は、国民が海洋についての理解と関心を深めることができるよう、学校教育及び社会教育における海洋に関する教育の推進、海洋法に関する国際連合条約その他の国際約束並びに海洋の持続可能な開発及び利用を実現するための国際的な取組に関する普及啓発、海洋に関するレクリエーションの普及等のために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 28 (1) The State is to take necessary measures, in order that citizens may have a better understanding of and deeper interests in the oceans, to promote school education and social education with regard to the oceans, propagation and enlightenment of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other international agreements as well as international efforts to realize the sustainable development and use of the oceans, and popularization of ocean recreation.
2 国は、海洋に関する政策課題に的確に対応するために必要な知識及び能力を有する人材の育成を図るため、大学等において学際的な教育及び研究が推進されるよう必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
(2) The State is to take necessary measures to promote interdisciplinary education and research at universities and others, in order to nurture human resources with knowledge and capability required to meet the political issues appropriately with regard to the oceans.
第四章 総合海洋政策本部
Chapter IV Headquarters for Ocean Policy
第二十九条 海洋に関する施策を集中的かつ総合的に推進するため、内閣に、総合海洋政策本部(以下「本部」という。)を置く。
Article 29 In order to promote measures with regard to the oceans intensively and comprehensively, Headquarters for Ocean Policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Headquarters") is established in the Cabinet.
第三十条 本部は、次に掲げる事務をつかさどる。
Article 30 The Headquarters take charge of affairs listed in the following items:
一 海洋基本計画の案の作成及び実施の推進に関すること。
(i) matters with regard to drafting and to the promotion of execution of Basic Plan on Ocean Policy.
二 関係行政機関が海洋基本計画に基づいて実施する施策の総合調整に関すること。
(ii) matters with regard to synthesis coordination of measures of implementation by relevant administrative organs based on Basic Plan on Ocean Policy.
三 前二号に掲げるもののほか、海洋に関する施策で重要なものの企画及び立案並びに総合調整に関すること。
(iii) beyond what is set forth in the preceding two Paragraphs, matters with regard to planning and drafting of important measures with regard to the oceans as well as synthesis coordination.
第三十一条 本部は、総合海洋政策本部長、総合海洋政策副本部長及び総合海洋政策本部員をもって組織する。
Article 31 The Headquarters consist of the Director-General of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy, the Vice Director-Generals of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy, and Members of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy.
(Director-General of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy)
第三十二条 本部の長は、総合海洋政策本部長(以下「本部長」という。)とし、内閣総理大臣をもって充てる。
Article 32 (1) The Headquarters is headed by the Director-General of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Director-General"), the post which is served as Prime Minister.
2 本部長は、本部の事務を総括し、所部の職員を指揮監督する。
(2) The Director-General is in charge of general coordination of the affairs of the Headquarters, and directs and supervises the relevant officials.
(Vice Director-General of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy)
第三十三条 本部に、総合海洋政策副本部長(以下「副本部長」という。)を置き、内閣官房長官及び海洋政策担当大臣(内閣総理大臣の命を受けて、海洋に関する施策の集中的かつ総合的な推進に関し内閣総理大臣を助けることをその職務とする国務大臣をいう。)をもって充てる。
Article 33 (1) The Vice Director-General of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Vice Director-General") is assigned in the Headquarters, and The Chief Cabinet Secretary and the Minister for Ocean Policy (meaning the Minister of the State appointed by the Prime Minister, who performs his duty to assist the Prime Minister, with regard to intensive and comprehensive promotion of measures with regard to the oceans) serve that position.
2 副本部長は、本部長の職務を助ける。
(2) The Vice Director-Generals assists the duties of the Director-General.
(Members of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy)
第三十四条 本部に、総合海洋政策本部員(以下「本部員」という。)を置く。
Article 34 (1) Members of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Members") are assigned in the Headquarters.
2 本部員は、本部長及び副本部長以外のすべての国務大臣をもって充てる。
(2) The Members are assigned with all Ministers of the State other than the Director-General and Vice Director-General.
(Submission of Materials and Other Forms of Cooperation)
第三十五条 本部は、その所掌事務を遂行するため必要があると認めるときは、関係行政機関、地方公共団体、独立行政法人及び地方独立行政法人の長並びに特殊法人(法律により直接に設立された法人又は特別の法律により特別の設立行為をもって設立された法人であって、総務省設置法(平成十一年法律第九十一号)第四条第十五号の規定の適用を受けるものをいう。)の代表者に対して、資料の提出、意見の表明、説明その他必要な協力を求めることができる。
Article 35 (1) The Headquarters may, if it considers it necessary for implementing affairs under the jurisdiction, demand submission of materials, statements of opinions, explanations and other required cooperation from the heads of the relevant administrative organs, Local Governments, Incorporated Administrative Agencies and Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies and the representatives of statutory juridical persons (Corporations which are directly established by Acts or juridical persons which are established according to their statute of establishment provided by special law, under the provisions of Paragraph 15 of Article 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(Act No. 91 of 1999)).
2 本部は、その所掌事務を遂行するために特に必要があると認めるときは、前項に規定する者以外の者に対しても、必要な協力を依頼することができる。
(2) The Headquarters may also demand required cooperation from parties other than those prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if it considers it especially necessary for implementing affairs under the jurisdiction.
第三十六条 本部に関する事務は、内閣官房において処理し、命を受けて内閣官房副長官補が掌理する。
Article 36 Affairs concerning the Headquarters are processed within the Cabinet Secretariat and administered by the Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary under commission.
(Competent Minister)
第三十七条 本部に係る事項については、内閣法(昭和二十二年法律第五号)にいう主任の大臣は、内閣総理大臣とする。
Article 37 The competent Minister as set forth in the Cabinet Act (Act No. 5 of 1947) for the matters pertaining to the Headquarters is the Prime Minister.
(Delegation to Cabinet Orders)
第三十八条 この法律に定めるもののほか、本部に関し必要な事項は、政令で定める。
Article 38 In addition to what is provided for in this Act, necessary matters concerning the Headquarters are prescribed by a Cabinet Order.
Supplementary Provisions
1 この法律は、公布の日から起算して三月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日から施行する。
(1) This Act comes into effect from the day specified by Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding three months from the date of promulgation.
2 本部については、この法律の施行後五年を目途として総合的な検討が加えられ、その結果に基づいて必要な措置が講ぜられるものとする。
(2) With regard to the Headquarters, comprehensive review is to be executed in five years after entering into force of this Act, and necessary measures is to be taken based on the results of the review.