Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Quarterly Financial Statements
Cabinet Office Order No. 63 of 2007
Cabinet Office Order No. 46 of 2020
Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Quarterly Financial Statements (Cabinet Office Order No. 63 of August 10, 2007)
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 193 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948), and for the purpose of enforcement of that Act, the Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Quarterly Financial Statements is hereby establish as follows.
第一章 総則(第一条―第二十四条)
Chapter I General Provisions (Articles 1 Through 24)
第二章 四半期貸借対照表
Chapter II Quarterly Balance Sheets
第一節 総則(第二十五条―第二十七条)
Section 1 General Provisions (Articles 25 Through 27)
第二節 資産(第二十八条―第四十一条)
Section 2 Assets (Articles 28 Through 41)
第三節 負債(第四十二条―第四十七条)
Section 3 Liabilities (Articles 42 Through 47)
第四節 純資産(第四十八条―第五十二条)
Section 4 Net Assets (Articles 48 Through 52)
第五節 雑則(第五十三条―第五十五条)
Section 5 Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 53 Through 55)
第三章 四半期損益計算書
Chapter III Quarterly Profit and Loss Statements
第一節 総則(第五十六条・第五十七条)
Section 1 General Provisions (Articles 56 and 57)
第二節 売上高及び売上原価(第五十八条―第六十条)
Section 2 Net Sales and Cost of Sales (Articles 58 Through 60)
第三節 販売費及び一般管理費(第六十一条・第六十二条)
Section 3 Selling Expenses and General and Administrative Expenses (Articles 61 and 62)
第四節 営業外収益及び営業外費用(第六十三条―第六十五条)
Section 4 Non-Operating Revenues and Non-Operating Expenses (Articles 63 Through 65)
第五節 特別利益及び特別損失(第六十六条―第六十八条)
Section 5 Extraordinary Income and Extraordinary Loss (Articles 66 Through 68)
第六節 四半期純利益又は四半期純損失(第六十九条―第七十条の二)
Section 6 Quarterly Net Income or Quarterly Net Loss (Articles 69 Through 70-2)
第七節 雑則(第七十一条―第七十三条)
Section 7 Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 71 Through 73)
第四章 四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書
Chapter IV Quarterly Cash Flow Statements
第一節 総則(第七十四条・第七十五条)
Section 1 General Provisions (Articles 74 and 75)
第二節 四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書の記載方法(第七十六条・第七十七条)
Section 2 Methods to Make Entries in Quarterly Cash Flow Statements (Articles 76 and 77)
第五章 株主資本等に関する注記(第七十八条―第八十二条)
Chapter V Notes Concerning Shareholders' Equity (Articles 78 Through 82)
第六章 指定国際会計基準特定会社の四半期財務諸表(第八十三条・第八十四条)
Chapter VI Quarterly Financial Statements of Specified Companies Complying with Designated International Accounting Standards (Articles 83 and 84)
第七章 外国会社の四半期財務書類(第八十五条―第八十九条)
Chapter VII Quarterly Financial Documents of Foreign Companies (Articles 85 Through 89)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
(General Principles for Application of this Regulation)
第一条 金融商品取引法(以下「法」という。)第五条、第七条第一項、第九条第一項、第十条第一項又は第二十四条の四の七第一項若しくは第二項(これらの規定のうち同条第四項において準用する場合及び財務諸表等の用語、様式及び作成方法に関する規則(昭和三十八年大蔵省令第五十九号。以下「財務諸表等規則」という。)第一条第一項の規定により金融庁長官が指定した法人(以下「指定法人」という。)についてこれらの規定を法第二十七条において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により提出される財務計算に関する書類(以下「財務書類」という。)のうち、四半期財務諸表(四半期貸借対照表、四半期損益計算書及び四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書又は第八十三条第二項の規定により指定国際会計基準(連結財務諸表の用語、様式及び作成方法に関する規則(昭和五十一年大蔵省令第二十八号。以下「連結財務諸表規則」という。)第九十三条に規定する指定国際会計基準をいう。以下同じ。)により作成する場合において指定国際会計基準により作成が求められる四半期貸借対照表、四半期損益計算書及び四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書に相当するもの並びに持分変動計算書をいう。以下同じ。)の用語、様式及び作成方法は、第二条を除き、この章から第六章までに定めるところによるものとし、この規則において定めのない事項については、一般に公正妥当と認められる企業会計の基準に従うものとする。
Article 1 (1) From among the finance and accounting documents (hereinafter referred to as "financial documents") to be submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, Article 7, paragraph (1), Article 9, paragraph (1), Article 10, paragraph (1), Article 24-4-7, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4) of that Article and as applied mutatis mutandis, pursuant to Article 27 of the Act, to a corporation which has been designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency pursuant to the provisions of Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements ( the Ministry of Finance Order No. 59 of 1963; hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation on Financial Statements") (hereinafter referred to as a "designated corporation")), the terminology, forms, and preparation methods of quarterly financial statements (meaning quarterly balance sheets, quarterly profit and loss statements, and quarterly cash flow statements or, if they are prepared pursuant to designated international accounting standards (meaning designated international accounting standards prescribed in Article 93 of the Regulation on Terminology, Forms and Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements (the Ministry of Finance Order No. 28 of 1976; hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation Concerning Consolidated Financial Statements"); the same applies hereinafter) pursuant to the provisions of Article 83, paragraph (2); which are equivalents to quarterly balance sheets, quarterly profit and loss statements and quarterly cash flow statements which need to be propagated following the designated international accounting standards and statements of changes in shareholders' equity; the same applies hereinafter) are governed by the provisions of this Chapter to Chapter VI, excluding Article 2, and any particulars that are not provided for under this Regulation are to follow the business accounting standards generally accepted as fair and appropriate.
2 金融庁組織令(平成十年政令第三百九十二号)第二十四条第一項に規定する企業会計審議会により公表された企業会計の基準は、前項に規定する一般に公正妥当と認められる企業会計の基準に該当するものとする。
(2) Business accounting standards published by the business accounting council specified in Article 24, paragraph (1) of the Cabinet Order for Organization of the Financial Services Agency (Cabinet Order No. 392 of 1998) are comply with the business accounting standards generally accepted as fair and appropriate prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
3 財務諸表等規則第一条第三項に規定する金融庁長官が定める企業会計の基準は、第一項に規定する一般に公正妥当と認められる企業会計の基準に該当するものとする。
(3) Business accounting standards specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on Financial Statements are to comply with the business accounting standards generally accepted as fair and appropriate prescribed in paragraph (1).
(Special Provisions for Application of this Regulation)
第一条の二 法第二条第一項第五号又は第九号に掲げる有価証券の発行者(同条第五項に規定する発行者をいう。)のうち、次に掲げる要件の全てを満たす株式会社(以下「指定国際会計基準特定会社」という。)が提出する四半期財務諸表の用語、様式及び作成方法は、第六章の定めるところによることができる。
Article 1-2 The terminology, forms, and preparation methods of quarterly financial statements submitted by a stock company satisfying all of the following requirements (hereinafter referred to as a "specified company complying with designated international accounting standards") from among the issuers (meaning the issuers prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (5) of the Act) of securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (v) or (ix) of the Act may be governed by the provisions of Chapter VI:
一 次に掲げる要件のいずれかを満たすこと。
(i) that it satisfies either of the following requirements:
イ 法第五条第一項の規定に基づき提出した有価証券届出書(当四半期会計期間の属する事業年度の直前の事業年度(以下「前事業年度」という。)に係る財務諸表を記載している場合に限る。)又は法第二十四条第一項若しくは第三項の規定に基づき提出した有価証券報告書(前事業年度に係る財務諸表を記載している場合に限る。)において、財務諸表の適正性を確保するための特段の取組みに係る記載を行っていること。
(a) that in the securities registration statement that it submitted under the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to cases in which financial statements for the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year of the current quarterly accounting period (hereinafter referred to as the "previous business year") are presented) or the annual securities report submitted under the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (1) or (3) of the Act (limited to cases in which financial statements for the previous business year are presented), it gives a statement that it makes special efforts to ensure the appropriateness of financial statements; and
ロ 法第五条第一項の規定に基づき提出する有価証券届出書又は法第二十四条の四の七第一項若しくは第二項の規定に基づき提出する四半期報告書において、四半期財務諸表の適正性を確保するための特段の取組みに係る記載を行っていること。
(b) that in the securities registration statement to be submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act or the quarterly securities report that to be submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 24-4-7, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act, it gives a statement that it makes special efforts to ensure the appropriateness of quarterly financial statements; and
二 指定国際会計基準に関する十分な知識を有する役員又は使用人を置いており、指定国際会計基準に基づいて四半期財務諸表を適正に作成することができる体制を整備していること。
(ii) that it has officers or employees who have sufficient knowledge of any designated international accounting standards and has established a system under which quarterly financial statements may be prepared in a proper manner following designated international accounting standards.
(Special Provisions for Foreign Companies)
第二条 外国会社(財務諸表等規則第一条の三に規定する外国会社をいう。第七章において同じ。)が提出する財務書類のうち、四半期財務書類の用語、様式及び作成方法は、同章の定めるところによるものとする。
Article 2 From among the financial documents to be submitted by a foreign company (meaning the foreign company specified in Article 1-3 of the Regulation on Financial Statements; the same applies in Chapter VII), the terminology, forms, and preparation methods of quarterly financial documents are governed by the provisions of that Chapter.
第三条 この規則において次の各号に掲げる用語の意義は、当該各号に定めるところによる。
Article 3 In this Regulation, the meanings of the terms set forth in the following items are as prescribed in the respective items:
一 四半期財務諸表提出会社 法第二十四条の四の七第一項(法第二十七条において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により四半期財務諸表を提出すべき会社(指定法人を含む。)及び法第二十四条の四の七第二項の規定(法第二十七条において準用する場合を含む。)により四半期財務諸表を提出する会社(指定法人を含む。)をいう。
(i) company submitting quarterly financial statements: a company (including a designated corporation) which is required to submit quarterly financial statements pursuant to the provisions of Article 24-4-7, paragraph (1) of the Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27 of the Act) and a company (including a designated corporation) which is requested to submit quarterly financial statements pursuant to the provisions of Article 24-4-7, paragraph (2) of the Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27 of the Act);
二 財務諸表 財務諸表等規則第一条第一項に規定する財務諸表をいう。
(ii) financial statements: the financial statements specified in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
三 四半期連結財務諸表 四半期連結財務諸表の用語、様式及び作成方法に関する規則(平成十九年内閣府令第六十四号)第一条第一項に規定する四半期連結財務諸表をいう。
(iii) quarterly consolidated financial statements: the quarterly consolidated financial statements specified in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements (Cabinet Office Order No. 64 of 2007);
四 四半期会計期間 事業年度が三月を超える場合に、当該年度の期間を三月ごとに区分した期間(当該各期間のうち最後の期間を除く。)をいう。
(iv) quarterly accounting period: when a fiscal year exceeds three months, each three-month period within the fiscal year (excluding the last period of those periods);
五 四半期連結会計期間 連結会計年度が三月を超える場合に、当該連結会計年度の期間を三月ごとに区分した期間(当該各期間のうち最後の期間を除く。)をいう。
(v) quarterly consolidated accounting period: when a consolidated fiscal year exceeds three months, each three-month period within the consolidated fiscal year (excluding the last period of those periods);
六 四半期累計期間 事業年度の開始の日から四半期会計期間の末日までの期間をいう。
(vi) cumulative quarterly accounting period: the period from the day of commencement of a fiscal year to the last day of a quarterly accounting period;
七 四半期連結累計期間 連結会計年度の開始の日から四半期連結会計期間の末日までの期間をいう。
(vii) cumulative quarterly consolidated accounting period: the period from the day of commencement of a consolidated fiscal year to the last day of a quarterly consolidated accounting period;
八 キャッシュ・フロー 次号に規定する資金の増加又は減少をいう。
(viii) cash flow: any increase or decrease in the funds specified in the following item;
九 資金 現金(当座預金、普通預金その他預金者が一定の期間を経ることなく引き出すことができる預金を含む。第七十五条及び第七十七条において同じ。)及び現金同等物(容易に換金することが可能であり、かつ、価値の変動のリスクが低い短期的な投資をいう。第七十五条及び第七十七条において同じ。)の合計額をいう。
(ix) funds: the total amount of cash (including any current deposits, ordinary deposits, and other deposits which the depositor is able to withdraw before a certain period elapses; the same applies in Articles 75 and 77) and cash equivalents (meaning short-term investments which can be easily converted into cash with low risk of value fluctuations in value; the same applies in Articles 75 and 77);
十 デリバティブ取引 財務諸表等規則第八条第十四項に規定する取引をいう。
(x) derivatives transactions: the transactions specified in Article 8, paragraph (14) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
十一 売買目的有価証券 財務諸表等規則第八条第二十項に規定する有価証券をいう。
(xi) trading securities: the securities specified in Article 8, paragraph (20) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
十二 満期保有目的の債券 財務諸表等規則第八条第二十一項に規定する債券をいう。
(xii) bonds held to maturity: the bonds specified in Article 8, paragraph (21) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
十三 その他有価証券 財務諸表等規則第八条第二十二項に規定する有価証券をいう。
(xiii) other securities: the securities specified in Article 8, paragraph (22) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
十四 自己株式 四半期財務諸表提出会社が保有する四半期財務諸表提出会社の株式をいう。
(xiv) treasury shares: shares of a company submitting quarterly financial statements held by the company submitting quarterly financial statements itself;
十八 企業結合 財務諸表等規則第八条第二十七項に規定する企業結合をいう。
(xviii) business combination: the business combination specified in Article 8, paragraph (27) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
十九 取得企業 財務諸表等規則第八条第二十八項に規定する企業をいう。
(xix) acquiring enterprise: the enterprise specified in Article 8, paragraph (28) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十 被取得企業 財務諸表等規則第八条第二十九項に規定する企業をいう。
(xx) acquired enterprise: the enterprise specified in Article 8, paragraph (29) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十一 結合企業 財務諸表等規則第八条第三十一項に規定する企業をいう。
(xxi) combiner: the enterprise specified in Article 8, paragraph (31) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十二 被結合企業 財務諸表等規則第八条第三十二項に規定する企業をいう。
(xxii) combinee: the enterprise specified in Article 8, paragraph (32) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十三 結合後企業 財務諸表等規則第八条第三十三項に規定する企業をいう。
(xxiii) combined enterprise: the enterprise specified in Article 8, paragraph (33) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十四 結合当事企業 財務諸表等規則第八条第三十四項に規定する企業をいう。
(xxiv) constituent enterprise: the enterprise specified in Article 8, paragraph (34) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十五 パーチェス法 財務諸表等規則第八条第三十五項に規定する方法をいう。
(xxv) purchase method: the method specified in Article 8, paragraph (35) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十六 逆取得 財務諸表等規則第八条第三十六項に規定する逆取得をいう。
(xxvi) reverse acquisition: the reverse acquisition specified in Article 8, paragraph (36) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十七 共通支配下の取引等 財務諸表等規則第八条第三十七項に規定する共通支配下の取引等をいう。
(xxvii) common control transaction, etc.: the common control transaction, etc. specified in Article 8, paragraph (37) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十八 事業分離 財務諸表等規則第八条第三十八項に規定する事業分離をいう。
(xxviii) business divestiture: the business divestiture specified in Article 8, paragraph (38) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
二十九 分離元企業 財務諸表等規則第八条第三十九項に規定する企業をいう。
(xxix) divesting enterprise: the enterprise specified in Article 8, paragraph (39) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
三十 分離先企業 財務諸表等規則第八条第四十項に規定する企業をいう。
(xxx) divested enterprise: the enterprise specified in Article 8, paragraph (40) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
三十一 金融商品 財務諸表等規則第八条第四十一項に規定する金融商品をいう。
(xxxi) financial instruments: the financial instruments specified in Article 8, paragraph (41) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
三十二 資産除去債務 財務諸表等規則第八条第四十二項に規定する資産除去債務をいう。
(xxxii) asset retirement obligations: the asset retirement obligations specified in Article 8, paragraph (42) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
三十三 会計方針 四半期財務諸表の作成に当たって採用した会計処理の原則及び手続をいう。
(xxxiii) accounting policies: the accounting principles and procedures adopted for the preparation of quarterly financial statements;
三十四 表示方法 四半期財務諸表の作成に当たって採用した表示の方法をいう。
(xxxiv) presentation method: the presentation method for adopted for the preparation of quarterly financial statements;
三十五 会計上の見積り 資産、負債、収益及び費用等の額に不確実性がある場合において、四半期財務諸表作成時に入手可能な情報に基づき、それらの合理的な金額を算定することをいう。
(xxxv) accounting estimates: amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, etc. that are reasonably calculated based on the information available at the time when the quarterly financial statements were prepared if those amounts are uncertain;
三十六 会計方針の変更 一般に公正妥当と認められる会計方針を他の一般に公正妥当と認められる会計方針に変更することをいう。
(xxxvi) changes in accounting policies: change in accounting policy that is generally accepted as fair and appropriate is changed to another accounting policy that is generally accepted as fair and appropriate;
三十七 会計上の見積りの変更 新たに入手可能となった情報に基づき、前事業年度以前の財務諸表又は直前の四半期会計期間以前若しくは直前の四半期累計期間以前の四半期財務諸表の作成に当たって行った会計上の見積りを変更することをいう。
(xxxvii) change in accounting estimates: a change in accounting estimates that had been made for the preparation of financial statements for the previous business year or any prior fiscal year, or quarterly financial statements for the immediately preceding or prior quarterly accounting period or cumulative quarterly accounting period based on new information that has become available;
三十八 誤謬 その原因となる行為が意図的であるか否かにかかわらず、四半期財務諸表作成時又は財務諸表作成時に入手可能な情報を使用しなかったこと又は誤って使用したことにより生じた誤りをいう。
(xxxviii) error: an error caused by not using, or misusing the information when preparing the quarterly financial statements or when preparing the financial statements, regardless of whether or not it was done with intent to cause the error;
三十九 遡及適用 新たな会計方針を前事業年度以前の財務諸表並びに直前の四半期会計期間以前及び直前の四半期累計期間以前の四半期財務諸表に遡って適用したと仮定して会計処理を行うことをいう。
(xxxix) retrospective application: the implementation of accounting processes by assuming that new accounting policies are retrospectively applied to financial statements for the previous business year or any prior fiscal year and quarterly financial statements for the previous quarterly accounting period or any prior quarterly accounting period; and
四十 修正再表示 前事業年度以前の財務諸表又は直前の四半期会計期間以前若しくは直前の四半期累計期間以前の四半期財務諸表における誤謬の訂正を財務諸表又は四半期財務諸表に反映することをいう。
(xl) restatement: the errors in financial statements or quarterly financial statements, for the previous business year or any prior fiscal year or quarterly financial statements for the immediately preceding or prior quarterly accounting period or cumulative quarterly accounting period, are rectified in the financial statements.
四十一 時価の算定に係るインプット 財務諸表等規則第八条第六十五項に規定する時価の算定に係るインプットをいう。
(xli) inputs to a market value measurement: the inputs to a market value measurement prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (65) of the Regulation on Financial Statements;
四十二 時価の算定に係るインプットが属するレベル 財務諸表等規則第八条第六十八項に規定する時価の算定に係るインプットが属するレベルをいう。
(xlii) level in which inputs to a market value measurement are categorized: the level in which inputs to a market value measurement are categorized as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (68) of the Regulation on Financial Statements.
(General Principles for Preparation of Quarterly Financial Statements)
第四条 四半期財務諸表は、原則として財務諸表の作成に当たって適用される会計処理の原則及び手続に準拠して作成されなければならない。
Article 4 (1) Quarterly financial statements must be prepared in accordance with the accounting principles and procedures adopted for preparing financial statements, in principle.
2 前事業年度に係る財務諸表及び直前の四半期会計期間又は当該四半期会計期間における四半期累計期間に係る四半期財務諸表の作成のために採用した会計処理の原則及び手続は、正当な理由により変更を行う場合を除き、当四半期会計期間において継続して適用しなければならない。
(2) The accounting principles and procedures used for preparing financial statements for the previous business year and the accounting principles and procedures adopted for preparing quarterly financial statements for the cumulative quarterly accounting period as of the end of the immediately preceding quarterly accounting period or as of the end of the relevant quarterly accounting period must be applied continuously in the current quarterly accounting period, except in cases of making a change based on justifiable grounds.
3 四半期財務諸表の表示方法は、正当な理由により変更を行う場合を除き、継続して適用しなければならない。
(3) The same presentation method of quarterly financial statements must be applied continuously, except when those will be changed based on justifiable grounds.
(Quarterly Cash Flow Statements)
第四条の二 四半期財務諸表提出会社は、第二・四半期累計期間(事業年度の開始の日から当該事業年度の最初の四半期会計期間(以下「第一・四半期会計期間」という。)の翌四半期会計期間(以下「第二・四半期会計期間」という。)の末日までの期間をいう。)に係る四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書を作成しなければならない。
Article 4-2 (1) A company submitting quarterly financial statements must prepare a quarterly cash flow statement for the second cumulative quarterly accounting period (meaning the period from the first day of the fiscal year to the last day of the quarterly accounting period following the first quarterly accounting period of the fiscal year (hereinafter referred to as the "first quarterly accounting period") (hereinafter referred to as the "second quarterly accounting period")).
2 四半期財務諸表提出会社は、第一・四半期累計期間(事業年度の開始の日から第一・四半期会計期間の末日までの期間をいう。以下同じ。)に係る四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書を作成することができる。
(2) A company submitting quarterly financial statements may prepare a quarterly cash flow statement for the first cumulative quarterly accounting period (meaning the period from the first day of the fiscal year to the last day of the first quarterly accounting period; the same applies hereinafter).
3 四半期財務諸表提出会社は、第一・四半期累計期間に係る四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書を作成する場合には、第三・四半期累計期間(事業年度の開始の日から第二・四半期会計期間の翌四半期会計期間(以下「第三・四半期会計期間」という。)の末日までの期間をいう。以下同じ。)に係る四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書を作成しなければならない。
(3) When a company submitting quarterly financial statements prepares a quarterly cash flow statement for the first cumulative quarterly accounting period, the company submitting quarterly financial statements must prepare a quarterly cash flow statement for the third cumulative quarterly accounting period (meaning the period from the first day of the fiscal year to the last day of the quarterly accounting period following the second quarterly accounting period (hereinafter referred to as the "third quarterly accounting period"); the same applies hereinafter).
4 前項の規定にかかわらず、第三・四半期会計期間において大規模な企業結合が行われたことその他の事情により、第三・四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書を作成することが実務上困難なときは、当該第三・四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書の作成を要しない。この場合においては、当該第三・四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書を作成することができない旨及びその理由を注記しなければならない。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, when it is difficult in practice to prepare a cash flow statement for the third quarter due to large-scale business combination being done in the third quarterly accounting period or other circumstances, preparation of the cash flow statement for the third quarter is not required. In this case, the fact that the cash flow statement for the third quarter cannot be prepared and the reason therefor must be set down in the notes.
(Preparation of Comparative Information)
第四条の三 当四半期会計期間及び当四半期累計期間に係る四半期財務諸表は、当該四半期財務諸表の一部を構成するものとして比較情報(次の各号に掲げる四半期財務諸表の区分に応じ、当該四半期財務諸表に記載された事項に対応するものとして当該各号に定める事項)を含めて作成しなければならない。
Article 4-3 Quarterly financial statements for the current quarterly accounting period and the current cumulative quarterly accounting period must be prepared by including, as components of the quarterly financial statements, comparative information (meaning the particulars set forth in the following items as those corresponding to the particulars included in the quarterly financial statements for the respective categories of quarterly financial statements listed in those items):
一 四半期貸借対照表 前事業年度に係る事項
(i) quarterly balance sheet: particulars pertaining to the previous business year;
二 四半期損益計算書 前事業年度の対応する四半期会計期間及び四半期累計期間に係る事項
(ii) quarterly profit and loss statement: particulars pertaining to the corresponding quarterly accounting period in the previous business year and the cumulative quarterly accounting period as of the end thereof; and
三 四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書 前事業年度の対応する四半期累計期間に係る事項
(iii) quarterly cash flow statement: particulars pertaining to the corresponding cumulative quarterly accounting period in the previous business year.
(Notes Concerning Changes in Accounting Policies Occasioned by Revisions of Accounting Standards)
第五条 会計基準等(財務諸表等規則第八条の三第一項本文に規定する会計基準等をいう。以下同じ。)の改正等(同項本文に規定する会計基準等の改正等をいう。次条において同じ。)に伴い重要な会計方針の変更を行った場合(当該会計基準等に遡及適用に係る経過措置が規定されていない場合に限る。)には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 5 (1) If material changes are made in accounting policies according to the revisions, etc. of accounting standard, etc.(meaning revisions, etc. of accounting standards, etc.(meaning accounting standards, etc. prescribed in the main clause of Article 8-3, paragraph (1) of the Regulation on Financial Statements; the same applies hereinafter) prescribed in the main clause of that paragraph ; the same applies in the following Article) (limited to when the accounting standard, etc. do not provide for transitional measures concerning retrospective application thereof), the following particulars must be set down in the notes:
一 当該会計基準等の名称
(i) the name of the accounting standards, etc.;
二 当該会計方針の変更の内容
(ii) the details of the change in accounting policies; and
三 税引前四半期純損益金額に対する前事業年度の対応する四半期累計期間における影響額及びその他の重要な項目に対する影響額
(iii) the effects on the amount of quarterly net income or loss before taxes in the corresponding cumulative quarterly accounting period in the previous business year and the effects on other material items.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、遡及適用に係る原則的な取扱い(財務諸表等規則第八条の三第二項本文に規定する遡及適用に係る原則的な取扱いをいう。以下同じ。)が実務上不可能な場合には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if principle-based treatment pertaining to the retrospective application (meaning principle-based treatment pertaining to the retrospective application prescribed in the main clause of Article 8-3, paragraph (2) of the Regulation on Financial Statements; the same applies hereinafter) is not practically authorized in practice, the following particulars must be set down in the notes:
一 当該会計基準等の名称
(i) the name of the accounting standards, etc.;
二 当該会計方針の変更の内容
(ii) the details of the change in accounting policies;
三 税引前四半期純損益金額に対する影響額及びその他の重要な項目に対する影響額
(iii) the effects on the amount of quarterly net income or loss before taxes and the effects on other material items;
四 遡及適用に係る原則的な取扱いが実務上不可能な理由
(iv) the reason that the principle-based treatment pertaining to the retrospective application is practically not authorized ; and
五 当該会計方針の変更の適用方法及び適用開始日
(v) the method to apply the change in accounting policies and the application start date.
3 会計基準等に規定されている遡及適用に関する経過措置に従って会計処理を行った場合において、遡及適用を行っていないときは、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
(3) If any accounting processes have been implemented in accordance with transitional measures related to the retrospective application prescribed in accounting standards, etc., and the retrospective application has not been performed, the following particulars must be set down in the notes:
一 当該会計基準等の名称
(i) the name of the accounting standards, etc.;
二 当該会計方針の変更の内容
(ii) the details of the change in accounting policies;
三 当該経過措置に従って会計処理を行った旨及び当該経過措置の概要
(iii) a statement that accounting processes have been implemented in accordance with the transitional measures and the outline of the transitional measures; and
四 税引前四半期純損益金額に対する影響額及びその他の重要な項目に対する影響額
(iv) the effects on the amount of quarterly net income or loss before taxes and the effects on other material items.
4 第二項第三号及び前項第四号に規定する影響額について、適時に、正確な影響額を算定することが困難な場合には、適当な方法により概算額を記載することができる。
(4) If it is difficult to calculate the accurate effects prescribed in paragraph (2), item (iii) and item (iv) of the preceding paragraph in a timely manner, an estimated amount obtained may be included by an appropriate method.
5 第一項から第三項までの規定による注記は、会計方針の変更を行った四半期会計期間に係る事業年度に属する四半期会計期間において、記載しなければならない。
(5) The things noted under paragraphs (1) through (3) must be entered in the quarterly accounting periods within the fiscal year pertaining to the quarterly accounting period in which changes in accounting policies were made.
(Notes Concerning Changes in Accounting Policies Based on Justifiable Grounds Other than Revisions of Accounting Standards)
第五条の二 第一・四半期会計期間に会計基準等の改正等以外の正当な理由により重要な会計方針の変更を行った場合には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 5-2 (1) If material changes are made in accounting policies based on justifiable grounds other than revisions, etc. of accounting standards, etc. the first quarterly accounting period, the following particulars must be set down in the notes:
一 当該会計方針の変更の内容
(i) the details of the changes in accounting policies;
二 当該会計方針の変更を行った正当な理由
(ii) the justifiable grounds on which the change is made in accounting policies; and
三 税引前四半期純損益金額に対する前事業年度の対応する四半期累計期間における影響額及びその他の重要な項目に対する影響額
(iii) the effects on the amount of quarterly net income or loss before taxes in the corresponding cumulative quarterly accounting period in the previous business year and the effects on other material items.
2 第二・四半期会計期間以降に会計基準等の改正等以外の正当な理由により重要な会計方針の変更を行った場合には、前項の規定による注記に加え、第二・四半期会計期間以降に会計方針の変更を行った旨及びその正当な理由を注記しなければならない。
(2) If material changes in accounting policies have been made based on justifiable grounds other than revisions, etc. of accounting standards, etc. in or after the second quarterly accounting period, the fact that changes in accounting policies were made in or after the second quarterly accounting period and the justifiable grounds therefor must be set down in the notes beyond the notes under the preceding paragraph.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、遡及適用に係る原則的な取扱いが実務上不可能な場合には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if principle-based treatment pertaining to retrospective application is practically authorized, the following particulars must be set down in the notes:
一 当該会計方針の変更の内容
(i) the details of the changes in accounting policies;
二 当該会計方針の変更を行った正当な理由
(ii) the justifiable grounds on which the changes are made in accounting policies;
三 税引前四半期純損益金額に対する影響額及びその他の重要な項目に対する影響額
(iii) the effects on the amount of quarterly net income or loss before taxes and the effects on other material items;
四 遡及適用に係る原則的な取扱いが実務上不可能な理由
(iv) the reasons that principle-based treatment pertaining to the retrospective application is practically authorized; and
五 当該会計方針の変更の適用方法及び適用開始日
(v) method to apply the changes in accounting policies and application start date.
4 前項第三号に規定する影響額について、適時に、正確な影響額を算定することが困難な場合には、適当な方法により概算額を記載することができる。
(4) If it is difficult to calculate the accurate effects prescribed in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph in a timely manner, an estimated amount may be entered by an appropriate method.
5 第一項から第三項までの規定による注記は、会計方針の変更を行った四半期会計期間に係る事業年度に属する四半期会計期間において、注記しなければならない。
(5) The things noted under paragraphs (1) through (3) must be set down in the notes in the quarterly accounting periods within the fiscal year pertaining to the quarterly accounting period in which changes in accounting policies were made.
6 前事業年度の第二・四半期会計期間以降に会計基準等の改正等以外の正当な理由により重要な会計方針の変更を行っており、かつ、当事業年度に属する四半期会計期間に係る四半期財務諸表に含まれる比較情報に適用した会計方針と前事業年度の対応する四半期会計期間に係る四半期財務諸表に適用した会計方針との間に相違がみられる場合には、その旨を注記しなければならない。
(6) If material changes were made in accounting policies based on justifiable grounds other than revisions, etc. of accounting standards, etc. in or after the second quarterly accounting period of the previous business year, and any difference is found between the accounting policies applied to the comparative information included in the quarterly financial statements for the quarterly accounting period in the current fiscal year and accounting policies applied to the quarterly financial statements for the quarterly accounting period in the previous business year, a statement to that effect must be set down in the notes.
(Notes Concerning Changes in Accounting Estimates)
第五条の三 会計上の見積りについて重要な変更を行った場合には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 5-3 (1) If material changes in accounting estimates have been made, the following particulars must be set down in the notes:
一 当該会計上の見積りの変更の内容
(i) the details of the changes in accounting estimates; and
二 税引前四半期純損益金額に対する影響額及びその他の重要な項目に対する影響額
(ii) the effects on the amount of quarterly net income or loss before taxes and the effects on other material items.
2 前項第二号に規定する影響額について、適時に、正確な影響額を算定することが困難な場合には、適当な方法により概算額を記載することができる。
(2) If it is difficult to calculate the accurate effects prescribed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph in a timely manner, an estimated amount may be entered by an appropriate method.
3 第一項の規定による注記は、会計上の見積りについて重要な変更を行った四半期会計期間に係る事業年度に属する四半期会計期間において、記載しなければならない。
(3) The things noted under paragraph (1) must be entered in the quarterly accounting periods within the fiscal year pertaining to the quarterly accounting period in which material changes in accounting estimates were made.
(Notes When It Is Difficult to Distinguish Changes in Accounting Policies from Changes in Accounting Estimates)
第五条の四 第一・四半期会計期間に重要な会計方針の変更を行った場合において、当該重要な会計方針の変更を会計上の見積りの変更と区別することが困難なときは、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 5-4 (1) If material changes in accounting policies have been made in the first quarterly accounting period, and it is difficult to distinguish the material changes in accounting policies from changes in accounting estimates, the following particulars must be set down in the notes:
一 当該会計方針の変更の内容
(i) the details of the changes in accounting policies;
二 当該会計方針の変更を行った正当な理由
(ii) the justifiable grounds on which the change is made in accounting policies; and
三 税引前四半期純損益金額に対する影響額及びその他の重要な項目に対する影響額
(iii) the effects on the amount of quarterly net income or loss before taxes and the effects on other material items.
2 第二・四半期会計期間以降に重要な会計方針の変更を行った場合において、当該重要な会計方針の変更を会計上の見積りの変更と区別することが困難なときは、前項の規定による注記に加え、第二・四半期会計期間以降に会計方針の変更を行った旨及びその正当な理由を注記しなければならない。
(2) If material changes in accounting policies have been made in or after the second quarterly accounting period, and it is difficult to distinguish the material changes in accounting policies from changes in accounting estimates, the fact that changes in accounting policies were made in or after the second quarterly accounting period and the justifiable grounds therefor must be set down in the notes beyond the notes under the preceding paragraph.
3 第一項第三号に規定する影響額について、適時に、正確な影響額を算定することが困難な場合には、適当な方法により概算額を記載することができる。
(3) If it is difficult to calculate the accurate effects prescribed in paragraph (1), item (iii) in a timely manner, an estimated amount may be entered by an appropriate method.
4 第一項及び第二項の規定による注記は、重要な会計方針の変更を行った四半期会計期間に係る事業年度に属する四半期会計期間において、記載しなければならない。
(4) The things noted under paragraphs (1) and (2) must be entered in the quarterly accounting periods within the fiscal year pertaining to the quarterly accounting period in which material changes in accounting policies were made.
(Notes Concerning Restatement of Financial Statement)
第五条の五 修正再表示を行った場合には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。ただし、重要性の乏しいものについては、注記を省略することができる。
Article 5-5 If the financial statements are restated d, the following particulars must be set down in the notes; provided, however, that notes may be omitted for particulars that are not material:
一 誤謬の内容
(i) the details of the errors; and
二 税引前四半期純損益金額に対する前事業年度の対応する四半期累計期間における影響額及びその他の重要な項目に対する影響額
(ii) the effects on the amount of quarterly net income or loss before taxes in the corresponding cumulative quarterly accounting period in the previous business year and the effects on other material items.
(Notes Concerning Entry under Accounting Methods Specific to Preparation of Quarterly Financial Statements)
第七条 一般に公正妥当と認められる企業会計の基準に従い、四半期財務諸表の作成に特有の会計処理を適用した場合には、その旨及びその内容を注記しなければならない。ただし、重要性が乏しい場合には、注記を省略することができる。
Article 7 If an accounting method specific to the preparation of quarterly financial statements has been applied in accordance with business accounting standards generally accepted as fair and appropriate, a statement to that effect and the details thereof must be set down in the notes; provided, however, that the notes may be omitted if they are not material.
(Notes Concerning Material Post-Balance Sheet Events)
第八条 四半期貸借対照表日後、四半期財務諸表提出会社の当該四半期財務諸表に係る四半期会計期間が属する事業年度(当該四半期会計期間における四半期累計期間を除く。)以降の財政状態、経営成績及びキャッシュ・フローの状況に重要な影響を及ぼす事象が発生したときは、当該事象を注記しなければならない。
Article 8 If any events that exert a material influence on the financial position, operating results and cash flow conditions of a company submitting quarterly financial statements in and after the fiscal year containing the quarterly accounting period pertaining to the relevant quarterly financial statements (excluding the cumulative quarterly accounting period as of the end of the relevant quarterly accounting period) occur after the quarterly balance sheet date, the events must be set down in the notes.
(Notes Concerning Financial Instruments)
第八条の二 金融商品については、当該金融商品に関する四半期貸借対照表の科目ごとに、会社の事業の運営において重要なものとなっており、かつ、四半期貸借対照表計上額その他の金額に前事業年度の末日に比して著しい変動が認められる場合には、四半期貸借対照表の科目ごとの四半期貸借対照表日における四半期貸借対照表計上額、時価及び当該四半期貸借対照表計上額と当該時価との差額を注記しなければならない。ただし、当該四半期貸借対照表計上額と時価との差額及び前事業年度に係る貸借対照表計上額と時価との差額に重要性が乏しい場合には、注記を省略することができる。
Article 8-2 (1) By account title of a quarterly balance sheet concerning financial instruments, if the financial instruments are material for the operation of business of the company and there has been a significant fluctuation in the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet or any other amount as compared to the last day of the previous business year, the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet, the market value, and the difference between the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet and the market value, as of the quarterly balance sheet date must be set down in the notes for each account title of the quarterly balance sheet; provided, however, that the notes may be omitted if the difference between the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet and the market value and the difference between the amount recorded on the balance sheet for the previous business year and the market value are not material.
2 前項本文の規定にかかわらず、四半期貸借対照表の科目ごとの四半期貸借対照表日における金融商品の時価について、適時に、正確な金額を算定することが困難な場合には、概算額を記載することができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the main clause of the preceding paragraph, if it is difficult to calculate the accurate amount in a timely manner with regard to the market values of financial instruments as of the quarterly balance sheet date for each account title of a quarterly balance sheet, an estimated amount may be entered.
3 時価で四半期貸借対照表に計上している金融商品については、当該金融商品に関する四半期貸借対照表の科目ごとに、会社の事業の運営において重要なものとなっており、かつ、当該金融商品を適切な項目に区分し、その項目ごとに、当該金融商品の時価を当該時価の算定に重要な影響を与える時価の算定に係るインプットが属するレベルに応じて分類し、それぞれの金額に前事業年度の末日に比して著しい変動が認められる場合には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
(3) With regard to financial instruments reported on a quarterly balance sheet at market values, for each account title of a quarterly balance sheet concerning the financial instruments, the following particulars must be set down in the notes if the financial instruments are material for the operation of business of the company, and after classifying relevant financial instruments that are material for the operation of business of the company into appropriate items and categorizing the market values of the financial instruments for each classified item according to levels in which inputs to a market value measurement that have a material impact on the calculation of the market values are categorized, and as a result, there has been a significant fluctuation in these amounts as compared to the last day of the previous fiscal year:
一 当該項目ごとの次に掲げる事項
(i) the following particulars for each item:
イ 四半期貸借対照表日におけるレベル一に分類された金融商品の時価の合計額
(a) the combined total of the market values of financial instruments categorized into level 1 as of the quarterly balance sheet date;
ロ 四半期貸借対照表日におけるレベル二に分類された金融商品の時価の合計額
(b) the combined total of the market values of financial instruments categorized into level 2 as of the quarterly balance sheet date;
ハ 四半期貸借対照表日におけるレベル三に分類された金融商品の時価の合計額
(c) the combined total of the market values of financial instruments categorized into level 3 as of the quarterly balance sheet date;
二 前号ロ又はハの規定により注記した金融商品の時価の算定に用いる評価技法又はその適用を変更した場合には、その旨及びその理由
(ii) if valuation techniques used for the calculation of market values of the financial instruments that are set down in the notes pursuant to the provisions of (b) or (c) of the preceding item or application thereof is changed, that effect and reasons therefor.
4 前項の規定にかかわらず、四半期貸借対照表に計上している金融商品を適切な項目に区分し、その項目ごとの四半期貸借対照表日における金融商品の時価について、適時に、正確な金額を算定することが困難な場合には、概算額を記載することができる。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, after classifying the financial instruments reported on a quarterly balance sheet into appropriate items, if it is difficult to calculate the accurate amount in a timely manner with regard to the market values of the financial instruments as of the quarterly balance sheet date for each classified item, an estimated amount may be entered.
5 第一項本文及び第二項の規定にかかわらず、四半期貸借対照表日における市場価格のない株式、出資金その他これらに準ずる金融商品については、第一項本文に定める事項の記載を要しない。この場合には、その旨並びに当該金融商品の概要及び四半期貸借対照表計上額を注記しなければならない。
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of the main clause of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), particulars set forth in the main clause of paragraph (1) are not required to be entered for shares without a market price, capital investments, and other financial instruments equivalent to these as of the quarterly balance sheet date. In this case, a statement to that effect, the outline of the financial instruments, and the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet must be set down in the notes.
(Notes Concerning Securities)
第九条 前条に定める事項のほか、有価証券(次の各号に掲げる有価証券に限る。)については、当該有価証券が会社の事業の運営において重要なものとなっており、かつ、当該有価証券の四半期貸借対照表計上額その他の金額に前事業年度の末日に比して著しい変動が認められる場合には、次の各号に掲げる有価証券の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める事項を注記しなければならない。ただし、適時に、正確な金額を算定することが困難な場合には、概算額を記載することができる。
Article 9 Beyond the particulars specified in the preceding Article, with regard to securities (limited to the securities set forth in the following items), if the securities are material for the operation of business of the company and there has been a significant fluctuation in the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet or any other amount of the securities as compared to the last day of the previous fiscal year, the particulars specified in the following items for the respective categories of securities set forth in those items must be set down in the notes; provided, however, that if it is difficult to calculate the accurate amount in a timely manner, an estimated amount may be entered:
一 満期保有目的の債券 次に掲げる事項
(i) bonds held to maturity: the following particulars:
イ 四半期貸借対照表日における四半期貸借対照表計上額
(a) the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet as of the quarterly balance sheet date;
ロ 四半期貸借対照表日における時価
(b) the market value as of the quarterly balance sheet date; and
ハ 四半期貸借対照表日における四半期貸借対照表計上額と時価との差額
(c) the difference between the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet and the market value as of the quarterly balance sheet date; and
二 その他有価証券 株式、債券その他の有価証券の種類ごとの次に掲げる事項
(ii) other securities: the following particulars for each class of shares, bonds and any other securities:
イ 取得原価
(a) the acquisition cost;
ロ 四半期貸借対照表日における四半期貸借対照表計上額
(b) the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet as of the quarterly balance sheet date; and
ハ 四半期貸借対照表日における四半期貸借対照表計上額と取得原価との差額
(c) the difference between the amount recorded on the quarterly balance sheet as of the quarterly balance sheet date and the acquisition cost.
(Notes Concerning Derivatives Transactions)
第十条 第八条の二に規定する事項のほか、デリバティブ取引(ヘッジ会計(財務諸表等規則第八条第六十九項に規定する会計処理をいう。)が適用されているものを除くことができる。)については、当該取引が会社の事業の運営において重要なものとなっており、かつ、当該取引の契約額その他の金額に前事業年度の末日に比して著しい変動が認められる場合には、通貨、金利、株式、債券及び商品その他の取引の対象物の種類ごとの四半期貸借対照表日における契約額又は契約において定められた元本相当額、時価及び評価損益を注記しなければならない。ただし、適時に、正確な金額を算定することが困難な場合には、概算額を記載することができる。
Article 10 (1) Beyond the particulars prescribed in Article 8-2, with regard to derivatives transactions (those to which hedge accounting (meaning the accounting process prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (69) of the Regulation on Financial Statements) is applied may be excluded), if the transactions are material for the operation of business of the company and there has been a significant fluctuation in the contract amount or any other amount of the transactions as compared to the last day of the previous fiscal year, the contract amount or the principal equivalent amount specified in the contract, the market value, and valuation gain or loss as of the quarterly balance sheet date must be set down in the notes, by type of currencies, money rates, shares, bonds, commodities and any other subject matter of transactions; provided, however, that if it is difficult to calculate the accurate amount in a timely manner, an estimated amount may be entered.
2 前項に規定する事項は、先物取引、オプション取引、先渡取引、スワップ取引及びその他のデリバティブ取引その他の取引の種類に区分して記載しなければならない。
(2) The particulars prescribed in the preceding paragraph must be entered by categorizing them into futures transactions, options transactions, forward transactions, swap transactions and any other derivatives transactions, or any other types of transactions.
(Special Provisions for Notes Concerning Financial Instruments)
第十条の二 第八条の二、第九条及び第十条第一項の規定にかかわらず、財務諸表提出会社(総資産の大部分を金融資産が占め、かつ、総負債の大部分を金融負債及び保険契約から生じる負債が占める場合を除く。)は、第一・四半期会計期間及び第三・四半期会計期間において、これらの規定による注記を省略することができる。
Article 10-2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 8-2, Article 9 and Article 10, paragraph (1), a company submitting financial statements (excluding cases in which financial assets account for the majority of all assets and financial liabilities and liabilities arising from insurance contracts account for the majority of all liabilities) may omit notes under these provisions in the first quarterly accounting period and the third quarterly accounting period.
(the Use of Tax Effect Accounting)
第十一条 法人税その他利益に関連する金額を課税標準として課される租税(以下「法人税等」という。)については、税効果会計(四半期貸借対照表に計上されている資産及び負債の金額と課税所得の計算の結果算定された資産及び負債の金額との間に差異がある場合において、当該差異に係る法人税等の金額を適切に期間配分することにより、法人税等を控除する前の四半期純利益の金額と法人税等の金額を合理的に対応させるための会計処理をいう。以下同じ。)を適用して四半期財務諸表を作成しなければならない。
Article 11 With regard to corporate tax and any other taxes that are imposed on the amounts of profits as the tax base (hereinafter referred to as "corporate tax, etc."), quarterly financial statements must be prepared by using tax effect accounting (meaning an accounting process which, if the amounts of assets and liabilities recorded on the quarterly balance sheet and the amounts of assets and liabilities determined by calculating the taxable income is different, reasonably matches the amount of quarterly net income before deducing the corporate tax, etc. with the amount of corporate tax, etc. through appropriate interperiod allocation of the amount of corporate tax, etc. pertaining to the differences; the same applies hereinafter).
(Notes Concerning Profit or Loss Under the Equity Method)
第十二条 関連会社(財務諸表等規則第八条第五項及び第六項の規定により四半期連結財務諸表提出会社の関連会社とされる者をいう。以下この項において同じ。)を有している場合には、当該関連会社に対する投資の金額並びに当該投資に対して持分法(連結財務諸表の用語、様式及び作成方法に関する規則(昭和五十一年大蔵省令第二十八号)第二条第八号に規定する方法をいう。)を適用した場合の投資の金額及び投資利益又は投資損失の金額を注記しなければならない。ただし、損益及び利益剰余金その他の項目からみて重要性の乏しい関連会社を除外することができる。
Article 12 If there is any affiliated company (meaning an entity that is regarded as an affiliated company of a company submitting quarterly consolidated financial statements pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraphs (5) and (6) of the Regulation on Financial Statements; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), the amount of investment in the affiliated company, the amount of investment in the case where the equity method (meaning the method specified in Article 2, item (viii) of the Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements (Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 28 of 1976)) is applied to the investment, and the amount of investment return or investment loss must be set down in the notes; provided, however, that any affiliated company that is not material in terms of the profit or loss and the retained earnings and any other items may be excluded.
(Notes Concerning Acquisition through Business Combination)
第十五条 当四半期会計期間において他の企業又は企業を構成する事業の取得による企業結合が行われた場合(次条第一項に定める場合を除く。)には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。ただし、当該企業結合に係る取引に重要性が乏しい場合には、注記を省略することができる。
Article 15 (1) If a business combination has been done during the current quarterly accounting period (excluding the cases specified in paragraph (1) of the following Article), the following particulars must be set down in the notes; provided, however, that the notes may be omitted if the transaction pertaining to the business combination is not material:
一 企業結合の概要
(i) the outline of the business combination;
二 四半期累計期間に係る四半期損益計算書に含まれる被取得企業又は取得した事業の業績の期間
(ii) the period of performance of the acquired enterprise or the acquired business included in the quarterly profit and loss statements for the cumulative quarterly accounting period;
三 被取得企業又は取得した事業の取得原価及び対価の種類ごとの内訳
(iii) the acquisition cost for the acquired enterprise or the acquired business, and the breakdown by type of consideration;
四 取得の対価として株式を交付した場合には、株式の種類別の交換比率及びその算定方法並びに交付又は交付予定の株式数
(iv) if shares have been delivered as the consideration for acquisition, the exchange ratio and the calculation method thereof, and the number of shares delivered or to be delivered by class of shares;
五 発生したのれんの金額、発生原因、償却方法及び償却期間又は負ののれん発生益の金額及び発生原因
(v) the amount of goodwill that occurred, the cause for the occurrence, the amortization method, and the amortization period, or the amount of gain from negative goodwill and the cause for the occurrence; and
六 前号に掲げる発生したのれんの金額又は負ののれん発生益の金額が暫定的に算定された金額である場合には、その旨
(vi) if the amount of goodwill that occurred or the amount of gain from negative goodwill set forth in the preceding item is a provisionally calculated amount, a statement to that effect.
2 前項ただし書の規定にかかわらず、当四半期会計期間における個々の企業結合に係る取引に重要性は乏しいが、当四半期会計期間における複数の企業結合に係る取引全体に重要性がある場合には、同項第一号及び第三号から第六号までに掲げる事項を当該企業結合に係る取引全体について注記しなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the proviso to the preceding paragraph, if, the transactions pertaining to individual business combinations during the current quarterly accounting period are not material, but the transactions pertaining to multiple business combinations during the current quarterly accounting period are material as a whole, the particulars set forth in item (i) and items (iii) through (vi) of that paragraph must be set down in the notes for the transactions pertaining to the business combinations as a whole.
3 四半期貸借対照表日までに行われた企業結合に係る暫定的な会計処理の確定が行われた四半期会計期間においては、当該確定した旨並びに第一項第五号に掲げる発生したのれんの金額又は負ののれんの発生益の金額に係る見直しの内容及び金額を注記しなければならない。ただし、第一項ただし書の規定により注記を省略している場合は、注記することを要しない。
(3) In the quarterly accounting period in which a provisional accounting method pertaining to business combinations that had been done by the quarterly balance sheet date was determined, a statement to the effect that the method was determined, as well as the details and amounts of the review pertaining to the amount of goodwill that occurred set forth in paragraph (1), item (v) or the amount of gain from negative goodwill must be set down in the notes; provided, however, that if notes are omitted pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (1), they are not required to be set down in the notes.
4 前項に掲げる暫定的な会計処理の確定に伴い、四半期財務諸表に含まれる比較情報において取得原価の当初配分額に重要な見直しが反映されている場合には、当該見直しの内容及び金額を注記しなければならない。
(4) If a material review has been reflected in the initially allocated amounts of the acquisition costs in the comparative information included in the quarterly financial statements in line with the determination of the provisional accounting method set forth in the preceding paragraph, the details and amounts of the review must be set down in the notes.
(Notes Concerning Reverse Acquisition in Business Combination)
第十六条 当四半期会計期間において逆取得となる企業結合が行われた場合には、前条第一項第一号から第六号までに掲げる事項に準ずる事項並びに当該企業結合にパーチェス法を適用したとしたときに四半期貸借対照表及び四半期損益計算書に及ぼす影響の概算額を注記しなければならない。
Article 16 (1) If a business combination resulting in reverse acquisition has been done during the current quarterly accounting period, the particulars equivalent to the particulars set forth in paragraph (1), items (i) through (vi) of the preceding Article and the amount of influence that would be exerted on the quarterly balance sheet and the quarterly profit and loss statement if the purchase method is assumed to have been applied to the business combination must be set down in the notes.
2 前項の規定により注記した場合は、企業結合が行われた四半期会計期間の翌四半期会計期間以降においても、影響の概算額の重要性が乏しくなった場合を除き、継続的に注記しなければならない。
(2) If the notes have been set down pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the notes must continue to beset down in and after the quarterly accounting period following the quarterly accounting period in which the business combination was done unless the estimated amount of influence is not material.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、財務諸表等規則第八条の十八第三項第二号又は第三号に掲げる企業結合において、同項第二号又は第三号に定める企業が連結財務諸表を作成している場合には、記載することを要しない。この場合には、その旨を記載しなければならない。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, in business combinations set forth in Article 8-18, paragraph (3), item (ii) or (iii) of the Regulation on Financial Statements, the notes are not required to be included when the enterprise specified in item (ii) or (iii) of that paragraph prepares consolidated financial statements; in this case, a statement to that effect must be set down in the notes.
(Notes Concerning Common Control Transaction)
第十七条 当四半期会計期間において共通支配下の取引等が行われた場合には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 17 (1) If a common control transaction, etc. has been done during the current quarterly accounting period, the following particulars must be set down in the notes:
一 取引の概要
(i) the outline of the transaction;
二 実施した会計処理の概要
(ii) the outline of the implemented accounting processes; and
三 子会社株式を追加取得した場合には、第十五条第一項第三号及び第四号に掲げる事項に準ずる事項
(iii) if subsidiary company shares are additionally acquired, the particulars equivalent to those set forth in Article 15, paragraph (1), items (iii) and (iv).
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、共通支配下の取引等に重要性が乏しい場合には、注記を省略することができる。ただし、当四半期会計期間における個々の共通支配下の取引等に重要性は乏しいが、当四半期会計期間における複数の共通支配下の取引等全体に重要性がある場合には、同項各号に掲げる事項を当該企業結合に係る取引全体について注記しなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the notes may be omitted if the common control transaction, etc. is not material; provided, however, that if, individual common control transactions, etc. during the current quarterly accounting period are not material, the multiple common control transactions, etc. during the current quarterly accounting period are material as a whole, the particulars set forth in the items of that paragraph must be set down in the notes for the transactions pertaining to the business combinations as a whole.
3 子会社(財務諸表等規則第八条第三項に規定する子会社をいう。以下この項において同じ。)が親会社(同項に規定する親会社をいう。以下この項において同じ。)を吸収合併した場合で、子会社が四半期連結財務諸表を作成していないときは、親会社が子会社を吸収合併したものとした場合の四半期貸借対照表及び当四半期会計期間における四半期累計期間に係る四半期損益計算書に及ぼす影響の概算額を注記しなければならない。
(3) If a subsidiary company (meaning the subsidiary company specified in Article 8, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on Financial Statements; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) has absorbed its parent company (meaning the parent company specified in that paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) through an absorption-type merger, if the subsidiary company does not prepare quarterly consolidated financial statements, the estimated amount of influence that would have been exerted on the quarterly balance sheet and the quarterly profit and loss statement for the cumulative quarterly accounting period as of the end of the current quarterly accounting period in the case of assuming that the parent company has absorbed the subsidiary company through an absorption-type merger must be set down in the notes.
4 前項の規定により注記した場合は、企業結合が行われた四半期会計期間の翌四半期会計期間以降においても、影響の概算額の重要性が乏しくなった場合を除き、注記しなければならない。
(4) (2) If the notes have been set down pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the notes must be set down in and after the quarterly accounting period following the quarterly accounting period in which the business combination was done unless the estimated amount of influence is not material.
(Notes Concerning Formation of Jointly Controlled Enterprises)
第十八条 当四半期会計期間において共同支配企業の形成(財務諸表等規則第八条の二十二第一項に規定する共同支配企業の形成をいう。以下この条及び次条第一項において同じ。)を行った場合には、前条第一項第一号及び第二号に掲げる事項に準ずる事項を記載しなければならない。この場合において、同項第一号に掲げる事項に準ずる事項を記載するときは、企業結合を共同支配企業の形成と判定した理由を記載しなければならない。
Article 18 (1) If a formation of a jointly controlled enterprise (meaning a formation of a jointly controlled enterprise specified in Article 8-22, paragraph (1) of the Regulation on Financial Statements; hereinafter the same applies in this Article and paragraph (1) of the following Article) has been done during the current quarterly accounting period, the particulars equivalent to those set forth in items (i) and (ii) of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article must be stated. In this case, if the particulars equivalent to the particulars set forth in item (i) of that paragraph are entered, the reason for determining the business combination to be a formation of a jointly controlled enterprise must be entered.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、共同支配企業の形成に係る取引に重要性が乏しい場合には、注記を省略することができる。ただし、当四半期会計期間における個々の共同支配企業の形成に係る取引に重要性は乏しいが、当四半期会計期間における複数の共同支配企業の形成に係る取引全体に重要性がある場合には、同項に定める事項を当該企業結合に係る取引全体について注記しなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the notes may be omitted if the transaction pertaining to the formation of a jointly controlled enterprise is not material; provided, however, that if, the transactions pertaining to individual formations of a jointly controlled enterprise during the current quarterly accounting period are not material, but the transactions pertaining to multiple formations of a jointly controlled enterprise during the quarterly accounting period are material as a whole, the particulars set forth in that paragraph must be set down in the notes for the transactions pertaining to the business combinations as a whole.
(Notes by Divesting Enterprise in Business Divestitures)
第十九条 当四半期会計期間において重要な事業分離が行われ、当該事業分離が共通支配下の取引等及び共同支配企業の形成に該当しない場合には、分離元企業は、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 19 (1) If a material business divestiture has been done during the current quarterly accounting period, and the business divestiture is neither categorized as a common control transaction, etc. nor formation of a jointly controlled enterprise, the divesting enterprise must set down the following particulars in the notes:
一 事業分離の概要
(i) the outline of the business divestiture;
二 実施した会計処理の概要としてイ又はロに定める事項
(ii) the particulars specified in (a) or (b) as the outline of the implemented accounting processes:
イ 移転損益を認識した場合には、その金額、移転した事業に係る資産及び負債の適正な帳簿価額並びにその主な内訳
(a) in the case of having recognized any gain or loss on transfer, the amount thereof, the fair book values of the assets and liabilities pertaining to the transferred business, and the major breakdown thereof; or
ロ 移転損益を認識しなかった場合には、その旨、受取対価の種類、移転した事業に係る資産及び負債の適正な帳簿価額並びにその主な内訳
(b) in the case of not having recognized any gain or loss on transfer, a statement to that effect, the type of consideration received, the fair book values of the assets and liabilities pertaining to the transferred business, and the major breakdown thereof;
三 分離した事業が含まれていた報告セグメント(第二十二条の三第一項に規定する報告セグメントをいう。)の名称
(iii) the name of the reporting segment (meaning a reporting segment prescribed in Article 22-3, paragraph (1)) in which the divested business was included;
四 四半期累計期間に係る四半期損益計算書に計上されている分離した事業に係る損益の概算額
(iv) the estimated amount of profit or loss pertaining to the divested business, which is reported on the quarterly profit and loss statement for the cumulative quarterly accounting period; and
五 移転損益を認識した事業分離において分離先企業の株式を子会社株式又は関連会社株式として保有する以外に、継続的関与がある場合には、当該継続的関与の概要
(v) if, for a business divestiture for which a gain or loss on transfer has been recognized, there is any continuing involvement other than holding divested enterprise shares as subsidiary company shares or affiliated company shares, the outline of the continuing involvement.
2 前項第五号に掲げる事項は、当該継続的関与が軽微な場合には、注記を省略することができる。
(2) The notes may be omitted for the particulars set forth in item (v) of the preceding paragraph if the continuing involvement is insignificant.
3 当四半期会計期間における個々の事業分離に係る取引に重要性は乏しいが、当四半期会計期間における複数の事業分離に係る取引全体に重要性がある場合には、第一項の規定にかかわらず、同項第一号及び第二号に掲げる事項を当該事業分離に係る取引全体について注記しなければならない。
(3) If, the transactions pertaining to individual business divestitures during the current quarterly accounting period are not material, but the transactions pertaining to multiple business divestitures during the current quarterly accounting period are material as a whole, the particulars set forth in items (i) and (ii) of that paragraph must, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), be set down in the notes for the transactions pertaining to business divestitures as a whole.
(Notes by Divested Enterprise in Business Divestitures)
第二十条 分離先企業は、事業分離が企業結合に該当しない場合は、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 20 If a business divestiture is not categorized as a business combination, the divested enterprise must set down the following particulars in the notes:
一 取引の概要
(i) the outline of the transaction;
二 実施した会計処理の概要
(ii) the outline of the implemented accounting processes; and
三 分離元企業から引き継いだ資産、負債及び純資産の内訳
(iii) the breakdown of the assets, liabilities and net assets succeeded from the divesting enterprise.
(Notes Concerning Going Concern Assumption)
第二十一条 四半期貸借対照表日において、企業が将来にわたって事業活動を継続するとの前提(以下「継続企業の前提」という。)に重要な疑義を生じさせるような事象又は状況が存在する場合であって、当該事象又は状況を解消し、又は改善するための対応をしてもなお継続企業の前提に関する重要な不確実性が認められるときは、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。ただし、四半期貸借対照表日後において、当該重要な不確実性が認められなくなった場合は、注記することを要しない。
Article 21 If, as of the quarterly balance sheet date, there is an event or circumstance that would raise material doubt about an assumption that the company will stay in business in the future (hereinafter referred to as the "going concern assumption"), material uncertainty on the going concern assumption is still recognized even after measures for eliminating or improving the event or circumstance are taken, the following particulars must be set down in the notes; provided, however, that if the material uncertainty ceases to be recognized after the quarterly balance sheet date, they are not required to beset down in the notes:
一 当該事象又は状況が存在する旨及びその内容
(i) a statement to the effect that the event or circumstance exists, and details thereof;
二 当該事象又は状況を解消し、又は改善するための対応策
(ii) the response measures for eliminating or improving the event or circumstance;
三 当該重要な不確実性が認められる旨及びその理由
(iii) a statement to the effect that the material uncertainty is recognized and the reason therefor; and
四 当該重要な不確実性の影響を四半期財務諸表に反映しているか否かの別
(iv) whether or not the influence of the material uncertainty is reflected in the quarterly financial statements.
(Notes Concerning Additional Information)
第二十二条 この規則において特に定める注記のほか、四半期財務諸表提出会社の利害関係人が、四半期財務諸表に係る四半期会計期間が属する事業年度に関する会社の財政状態、経営成績及びキャッシュ・フローの状況について適正な判断を行うために必要と認められる事項があるときは、当該事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 22 Beyond the notes particularly specified under this Regulation, if there are any particulars that are found to be necessary for persons interested in the company submitting quarterly financial statements to make adequate judgments on the financial position, operating results and cash flow conditions of the company for the fiscal year containing the quarterly accounting period pertaining to the quarterly financial statements, the particulars must be set down in the notes.
(Notes Concerning Segment Information)
第二十二条の二 企業を構成する一定の単位(以下「報告セグメント」という。)に関する情報(以下「セグメント情報」という。)については、次に掲げる事項を様式第一号に定めるところにより注記しなければならない。
Article 22-2 (1) With regard to information on a certain unit of an enterprise (hereinafter referred to as a "reporting segment") (the information is hereinafter referred to as "segment information"), the following particulars must be set down in the notes as specified Form No. 1:
一 報告セグメントごとの売上高及び利益又は損失の金額
(i) the amounts of the net sales and profit or loss for each reporting segment;
二 前号に掲げる利益又は損失の金額の合計額と当該項目に相当する科目ごとの四半期損益計算書計上額との差額及び当該差額の主な内容
(ii) the difference between the total amount of profits or losses set forth in the preceding item and the amount recorded on the quarterly profit and loss statement for each accounting title corresponding to the item and the description of the major differences; and
三 報告セグメントごとの資産の金額が変動する要因となった事象の概要(前事業年度の末日に比して著しい変動が認められる場合に限る。)
(iii) the outline of the event that served as the cause for fluctuations in the amount of assets for each recording segment (limited to cases where a significant fluctuation is found as compared to the last day of the previous business year).
2 当四半期会計期間(当該事業年度に属する四半期会計期間のうち当四半期会計期間前のものを含む。)において報告セグメントの変更又は報告セグメントに係る利益若しくは損失の金額の算定方法(次項及び第四項において「報告セグメントに係る算定方法」という。)の重要な変更があった場合には、その内容を注記しなければならない。
(2) If there has been any change in reporting segments or any material change in the calculation method of an amount of profit or loss pertaining to reporting segments (referred to as the "calculation method pertaining to reporting segments" in the following paragraph and paragraph (4)) during the current quarterly accounting period (including any quarterly accounting periods within the relevant fiscal year prior to the current quarterly accounting period), the contents thereof must be set down in the notes.
3 当該事業年度の第二・四半期会計期間以降において報告セグメントの変更又は報告セグメントに係る算定方法の重要な変更があった場合には、前項の規定による注記に加え、第二・四半期会計期間以降に変更した旨及びその理由を注記しなければならない。
(3) If there has been any change in reporting segments or any material change in the calculation method pertaining to reporting segments in or after the second quarterly accounting period of the relevant fiscal year, a statement to the effect that the change was made in or after the second quarterly accounting period and the reason therefor must be set down in the notes, beyond the notes under the preceding paragraph.
4 前事業年度において報告セグメントの変更又は報告セグメントに係る算定方法の重要な変更があり、かつ、前事業年度の対応する四半期会計期間における報告セグメント又は報告セグメントに係る算定方法と当四半期会計期間におけるこれらの事項との間に相違がみられる場合には、その旨並びに前事業年度の対応する四半期累計期間に係る第一項第一号及び第二号に掲げる金額(当四半期会計期間における報告セグメント及び報告セグメントに係る算定方法に基づいて算定したものに限る。)を注記しなければならない。
(4) If there has been any change in reporting segments or any material change in the calculation method pertaining to reporting segments during the previous business year and any difference is observed between the reporting segments or the calculation method pertaining to reporting segments during the corresponding quarterly accounting period in the previous business year and those particulars during the current quarterly accounting period, a statement to that effect and the amounts set forth in paragraph (1), items (i) and (ii) pertaining to the corresponding cumulative quarterly accounting period in the previous business year (limited to the amounts calculated on the basis of the reporting segments and the calculation method pertaining to reporting segments during the current quarterly accounting period) must be set down in the notes.
5 前項の場合において、正確な金額を算定することが困難なときは、同項に規定する金額に代えて、適当な方法により概算額を注記することができる。ただし、金額を算定することが困難な場合には、同項に規定する金額に代えて、その旨及びその理由を注記することができる。
(5) If, in the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph, it is difficult to calculate an accurate amount, an estimated amount may be noted by an appropriate method in lieu of the amount prescribed in that paragraph; provided, however, that if it is difficult to calculate an amount, a statement to that effect and the reason therefor may be set down in lieu of the amount prescribed in that paragraph.
6 当四半期会計期間において、固定資産に係る重要な減損損失を認識した場合、のれんの金額に重要な変動が生じた場合又は重要な負ののれん発生益を認識した場合には、報告セグメントごとにその概要を注記しなければならない。
(6) If a material impairment loss pertaining to fixed assets has been recognized, where there has been a material change in the amount of goodwill or where a material gain from negative goodwill has been recognized during the current quarterly accounting period, the outline thereof must be set down in the notes for each reporting segment.
(Notes If Quarterly Cash Flow Statement Is Not Prepared)
第二十二条の三 第一・四半期累計期間及び第三・四半期累計期間に係る四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書を作成しない場合には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。ただし、重要性の乏しいものについては、注記を省略することができる。
Article 22-3 If no quarterly cash flow statement for the first cumulative quarterly accounting period or the third cumulative quarterly accounting period is prepared, the following particulars must be set down in the notes; provided, however, that notes may be omitted for particulars that are not material:
一 当四半期累計期間に係る減価償却費(のれんを除く無形固定資産に係る償却費を含む。)
(i) depreciation expenses (including amortization expenses pertaining to intangible fixed assets excluding goodwill) pertaining to the current cumulative quarterly accounting period; and
二 当四半期累計期間に係るのれんの償却額
(ii) amortization expenses of goodwill pertaining to the current cumulative quarterly accounting period.
(Notes Concerning Revenue Recognition)
第二十二条の四 当四半期累計期間に係る顧客との契約から生じる収益については、当該収益及び当該契約から生じるキャッシュ・フローの性質、金額、時期及び不確実性に影響を及ぼす主要な要因に基づく区分に当該収益を分解した情報であって、投資者その他の四半期財務諸表の利用者の理解に資するものを注記しなければならない。ただし、重要性の乏しいものについては、注記を省略することができる。
Article 22-4 (1) With regard to revenues arising from contracts with customers pertaining to the current cumulative quarterly accounting period, information on the classification of the relevant revenues based on major causes that exert an impact on those revenues and the nature, amount, time, and uncertainty of cash flows arising from those contracts that contributes to the understanding of investors and other users of quarterly financial statements must be set down in the notes; provided, however, that notes may be omitted for particulars that are not material.
2 前項に規定する事項について、この規則の規定により注記すべき事項において同一の内容が記載される場合には、その旨を記載し、前項に規定する事項の記載を省略することができる。
(2) If the same contents are to be stated in the particulars that must be set down in the notes pursuant to the provisions of this Regulation for the particulars prescribed in the preceding paragraph, entries of the particulars prescribed in the preceding paragraph may be omitted by making a statement to that effect.
(Methods to Include Things Noted)
第二十三条 第五条から第五条の五まで及び第七条の規定による注記は、四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書の次に記載しなければならない。ただし、第一・四半期累計期間及び第三・四半期累計期間に係る四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書を作成しない場合には、第一・四半期累計期間及び第三・四半期累計期間に係る四半期損益計算書(第三・四半期会計期間に係る四半期損益計算書を作成する場合には、当該第三・四半期会計期間に係る四半期損益計算書)の次に記載しなければならない。
Article 23 (1) The things noted under Article 5 through Article 5-5 and Article 7 must be included immediately after the quarterly cash flow statement; provided, however, that if no quarterly cash flow statement for the first cumulative quarterly accounting period or the third cumulative quarterly accounting period is prepared, the notes must be entered immediately after the quarterly profit and loss statement for the first cumulative quarterly accounting period and the third cumulative quarterly accounting period (if a quarterly profit and loss statement for the third quarterly accounting period is prepared, the quarterly profit and loss statement for the third quarterly accounting period).
2 この規則(第五条から第五条の五まで及び第七条を除く。)の規定による注記は、脚注(当該注記に係る事項が記載されている四半期財務諸表中の表又は計算書の末尾に記載することをいう。第八十七条において同じ。)として記載することが適当と認められるものを除き、第五条から第五条の五まで及び第七条の規定による注記の次に記載しなければならない。ただし、これらの規定による注記と関係がある事項については、これと併せて記載することができる。
(2) The things noted under this Regulation (excluding Article 5 through Article 5-5 and Article 7) must be included immediately after the notes under Article 5 through Article 5-5 and Article 7, except for those that are found appropriate to be included as footnotes (meaning the notes included at the end of the table or account statement contained in the quarterly financial statements in which the particulars pertaining to the notes are included; the same applies in Article 87); provided, however, that particulars related to the notes under these provisions may be included together therewith.
3 第二十一条の規定による注記は、前項の規定にかかわらず、四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書の次に記載しなければならない。ただし、第一・四半期累計期間及び第三・四半期累計期間に係る四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書を作成しない場合には、第一・四半期累計期間及び第三・四半期累計期間に係る四半期損益計算書(第三・四半期会計期間に係る四半期損益計算書を作成する場合には、当該第三・四半期会計期間に係る四半期損益計算書)の次に記載しなければならない。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the things noted under Article 21 must be included immediately after the quarterly cash flow statement; provided, however, that if no quarterly cash flow statement for the first cumulative quarterly accounting period or the third cumulative quarterly accounting period is prepared, the notes must be included immediately after the quarterly profit and loss statement for the first cumulative quarterly accounting period and the third cumulative quarterly accounting period (if a quarterly profit and loss statement for the third quarterly accounting period is prepared, the quarterly profit and loss statement for the third quarterly accounting period).
4 前項の場合において、第五条から第五条の五まで及び第七条の規定による注記は、第一項の規定にかかわらず、第二十一条の規定による注記の次に記載しなければならない。
(4) In the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), the things noted under Article 5 through Article 5-5 and Article 7 must be included immediately after the notes under Article 21.
5 この規則の規定により特定の科目に関係ある注記を記載する場合には、当該科目に記号を付記する方法その他これに類する方法によって、当該注記との関連を明らかにしなければならない。
(5) If the notes that are related to a specific account title are included pursuant to the provisions of this Regulation, the association between the account title and the notes must be clearly stated by using a method to append a symbol to the account title or by another method similar thereto.
(Units Used to Present Amounts)
第二十四条 四半期財務諸表に掲記される科目その他の事項の金額は、百万円単位又は千円単位をもって表示するものとする。
Article 24 The amounts in the account titles and any other particulars contained in quarterly financial statements are to be presented in units of million yen or thousand yen.
第二章 四半期貸借対照表
Chapter II Quarterly Balance Sheets
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Methods to Make Entries in Quarterly Balance Sheets)
第二十五条 四半期貸借対照表の記載方法は、この章の定めるところによる。
Article 25 (1) The methods to make entries in quarterly balance sheet are governed by the provisions of this Chapter.
2 四半期貸借対照表は、様式第二号により記載するものとする。
(2) Entries in a quarterly balance sheet are to be made using Form No. 2.
(Classification into Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets to Be Presented)
第二十六条 資産、負債及び純資産は、それぞれ資産の部、負債の部及び純資産の部に分類して記載しなければならない。
Article 26 Assets, liabilities and net assets must be entered in the assets section, liabilities section, and net assets section according to their respective categories.
(Arrangement of Account Titles)
第二十七条 資産及び負債の科目の記載の配列は、流動性配列法によるものとする。
Article 27 The account titles of assets and liabilities are to be arranged in order of liquidity.
第二節 資産
Section 2 Assets
(Classification of Assets)
第二十八条 資産は、流動資産、固定資産及び繰延資産に分類し、更に、固定資産に属する資産は、有形固定資産、無形固定資産及び投資その他の資産に分類して記載しなければならない。
Article 28 Assets to be included must be classified into current assets, fixed assets and deferred assets, and assets categorized as fixed assets must be further classified into tangible fixed assets, intangible fixed assets, investments, and any other assets.
(Scope of Each Asset)
第二十九条 財務諸表等規則第十五条から第十六条の二まで、第二十二条、第二十七条、第三十一条から第三十一条の四まで及び第三十六条の規定は、流動資産、有形固定資産、無形固定資産、投資その他の資産及び繰延資産の範囲について準用する。この場合において、財務諸表等規則第十五条から第十六条の二までの規定中「一年内」とあるのは「四半期貸借対照表日の翌日から起算して一年以内の日」と、財務諸表等規則第二十二条第八号及び第二十七条第十二号中「財務諸表提出会社」とあるのは「四半期財務諸表提出会社」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 29 The provisions of Articles 15 through 16-2, 22, 27, 31 through 31-4, and 36 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to the scope of current assets, tangible fixed assets, intangible fixed assets, investments and other assets, and deferred assets. In this case, the term "within one year" in Articles 15 through 16-2 of the Regulation on Financial Statements is deemed to be replaced with "on the day within one year from the day following the quarterly balance sheet date", and the term "company submitting financial statements" in Article 22, item (viii) and Article 27, item (xii) of the Regulation on Financial Statements is deemed to be replaced with "company submitting quarterly financial statements".
(Categories of Current Assets to Be Presented)
第三十条 流動資産に属する資産は、次に掲げる項目の区分に従い、当該資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。ただし、当該項目に属する資産の金額が資産の総額の百分の一以下のもので、他の項目に属する資産と一括して表示することが適当であると認められるものについては、適当な名称を付した科目をもって一括して掲記することができる。
Article 30 (1) Assets categorized as current assets must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the assets, in accordance with the following categories of items; provided, however, that any assets categorized as those items whose amount is not more than one percent of the total amount of assets, which are found appropriate to be presented collectively with assets categorized under another item, may be recorded collectively using the account title having an appropriate name:
一 現金及び預金
(i) cash and deposits;
二 受取手形、売掛金及び契約資産
(ii) negotiable instruments receivable, accounts receivable, and contract assets;
三 有価証券
(iii) securities;
四 商品及び製品(半製品を含む。)
(iv) merchandise and manufactured goods (including semi-finished goods);
五 仕掛品
(v) work in progress;
六 原材料及び貯蔵品
(vi) raw materials and supplies; and
七 その他
(vii) others.
2 前項の規定は、同項各号に掲げる項目に属する資産で、別に表示することが適当であると認められるものについて、当該資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって別に掲記することを妨げない。
(2) If it is found appropriate to present assets categorized as the accounting items referred to the items referred to items of the preceding paragraph separately, the provisions of that paragraph do not preclude the assets to be presented separately using the account title having a name that indicates the assets.
3 第一項第七号に掲げる項目に属する資産のうち、その金額が資産の総額の百分の十を超えるもの又は資産の総額の百分の十以下であっても区分して表示することが適切であるものについては、当該資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって別に掲記しなければならない。
(3) Among the assets categorized under the item set forth in paragraph (1), item (vii), any asset which the amount exceeds ten percent of the total amount of assets or any asset of which the amount is not more than ten percent of the total amount of assets but that it is found appropriate to be presented separately must be recorded separately using the account title having a name that indicates the asset.
4 第一項本文の規定にかかわらず、同項第四号から第六号までに掲げる項目に属する資産については、棚卸資産の科目をもって一括して掲記することができる。この場合においては、当該項目に属する資産の科目及びその金額を注記しなければならない。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the main clause of paragraph (1), assets categorized under the items set forth in items (iv) through (vi) of the same paragraph may be set down collectively under the account title of inventory assets. In this case, the account titles of the assets categorized under those items and the amounts thereof must be set down in the notes.
5 前項後段の規定にかかわらず、第一・四半期会計期間及び第三・四半期会計期間においては、同項後段の規定による注記を省略することができる。
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of the second sentence of the preceding paragraph, the notes under the second sentence of that paragraph may be omitted in the first quarterly accounting period and the third quarterly accounting period.
(Allowances for Current Asset to Be Presented)
第三十一条 財務諸表等規則第二十条(第三項を除く。)の規定は、流動資産に属する資産に係る引当金について準用する。
Article 31 The provisions of Article 20 (excluding paragraph (3)) of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to allowances for assets that are categorized as current assets.
(Categories of Tangible Fixed Assets to Be Presented)
第三十二条 有形固定資産に属する資産は、これを一括し、有形固定資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記するものとする。ただし、有形固定資産に属する資産を適当と認められる項目に分類し、当該資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記することを妨げない。
Article 32 (1) Assets categorized as tangible fixed assets are to be recorded collectively using the account title having a name that indicates tangible fixed assets; provided, however, that this does not preclude assets categorized as tangible fixed assets to be classified as an item that is found to be appropriate, and recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the assets.
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、有形固定資産に属する資産のうちに、その金額が資産の総額の百分の十を超えるものがある場合又は資産の総額の百分の十以下であっても区分して表示することが適切な場合には、当該資産を他の有形固定資産と区分し、それぞれの資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if assets categorized as tangible fixed assets include any asset of which amount exceeds ten percent of the total amount of assets or if the amount of any asset is not more than ten percent of the total amount of the assets, but is found appropriate to be presented it separately, the asset must be separated from other tangible fixed assets and must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates each of the assets.
(Amounts of Accumulated Depreciation on Tangible Fixed Assets to Be Presented)
第三十三条 有形固定資産に対する減価償却累計額は、次の各号に掲げるいずれかの方法により掲記又は表示しなければならない。
Article 33 The amounts of accumulated depreciation on tangible fixed assets must be entered or presented by any of the following methods:
一 有形固定資産又は各資産科目に対する控除科目として、減価償却累計額の科目をもって掲記する方法
(i) by entering the amounts under account titles for accumulated depreciation, as the contra-asset account titles corresponding to tangible fixed assets or asset account titles;
二 各資産科目に対する控除科目として一括して掲記する方法
(ii) by entering the amounts collectively as a contra-asset account title corresponding to asset account titles; or
三 有形固定資産又は各資産の金額から直接控除し、その控除残高を当該有形固定資産又は各資産の金額として表示する方法
(iii) by directly deducting the amounts from the amounts of tangible fixed assets or assets, and presenting the balances after the deduction as the amounts of each of the tangible fixed assets or assets.
(Amounts of Accumulated Impairment Loss on Tangible Fixed Assets to Be Presented)
第三十四条 財務諸表等規則第二十六条の二(第四項及び第五項を除く。)の規定は、有形固定資産に対する減損損失累計額について準用する。
Article 34 The provisions of Article 26-2 (excluding paragraphs (4) and (5)) of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to the amount of accumulated impairment loss on tangible fixed assets.
(Categories of Intangible Fixed Assets to Be Presented)
第三十五条 無形固定資産に属する資産は、これを一括し、無形固定資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記するものとする。ただし、無形固定資産に属する資産を適当と認められる項目に分類し、当該資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記することを妨げない。
Article 35 (1) Assets categorized as intangible fixed assets are to be recorded collectively using the account title having a name that indicates intangible fixed assets; provided, however, that this does not preclude assets categorized as intangible fixed assets from being classified into items that are found to be appropriate, and recorded using an account title having a name that indicates the assets.
2 第三十二条第二項の規定は、無形固定資産について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 32, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to intangible fixed assets.
(Amounts of Accumulated Amortization on Intangible Fixed Assets to Be Presented)
第三十六条 財務諸表等規則第三十条の規定は、無形固定資産に対する減価償却累計額及び減損損失累計額について準用する。
Article 36 The provisions of Article 30 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to the amount of accumulated amortization and the amount of accumulated impairment loss on intangible fixed assets.
(Categories of Investments and Other Assets to Be Presented)
第三十七条 投資その他の資産に属する資産は、これを一括し、投資その他の資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記するものとする。ただし、投資その他の資産に属する資産を適当と認められる項目に分類し、当該資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記することを妨げない。
Article 37 (1) Assets categorized as investments and other assets are to be recorded collectively using the account title having a name that indicates investments and other assets; provided, however, that this does not preclude assets categorized as investments and other assets to be classified as an accounting item that is found to be appropriate, and recorded using account title having a name that indicates the assets.
2 第三十二条第二項の規定は、投資その他の資産について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 32, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to investments and other assets.
(Allowances for Investments and Other Assets to Be Presented)
第三十八条 財務諸表等規則第三十四条において準用する財務諸表等規則第二十条(第三項を除く。)の規定は、投資その他の資産に属する資産に係る引当金について準用する。
Article 38 The provisions of Article 20 (excluding paragraph (3)) of the Regulation on Financial Statements as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34 of that Regulation apply mutatis mutandis to allowances for assets categorized as investments and other assets.
(Categories of Deferred Assets to Be Presented)
第三十九条 繰延資産に属する資産は、これを一括し、繰延資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記するものとする。ただし、繰延資産に属する資産を適当と認められる項目に分類し、当該資産を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記することを妨げない。
Article 39 (1) Assets categorized as deferred assets are to be recorded collectively using the account title having a name that indicates deferred assets; provided, however, that this does not preclude assets categorized as deferred assets to be classified as an accounting items that is found to be appropriate, and recorded using the account title with a name that indicates the assets.
2 第三十二条第二項の規定は、繰延資産について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 32, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to deferred assets.
(Amounts of Accumulated Amortization for Deferred Assets to Be Presented)
第四十条 財務諸表等規則第三十八条の規定は、繰延資産に対する償却累計額について準用する。
Article 40 The provisions of Article 38 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to the amount of accumulated amortization for deferred assets.
第三節 負債
Section 3 Liabilities
(Classification of Liabilities)
第四十二条 負債は、流動負債及び固定負債に分類して記載しなければならない。
Article 42 Liabilities to be included must be classified as current liabilities and fixed liabilities.
(Scope of Each Liability Type)
第四十三条 財務諸表等規則第四十七条から第四十八条の三まで及び第五十一条から第五十一条の四までの規定は、流動負債及び固定負債の範囲について準用する。この場合において、財務諸表等規則第四十七条、第四十八条の二及び第四十八条の三の規定中「一年内」とあるのは、「四半期貸借対照表日の翌日から起算して一年以内の日」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 43 The provisions of Articles 47 through 48-3 and 51 through 51-4 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to the scope of current liabilities and fixed liabilities. In this case, the term "within one year" in Articles 47, 48-2, and 48-3 of the Regulation on Financial Statements is replaced with "on the day within one year from the day following the quarterly balance sheet date".
(Categories of Current Liabilities to Be Presented)
第四十四条 流動負債に属する負債は、次に掲げる項目の区分に従い、当該負債を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。ただし、第四号に掲げる項目以外の項目に属する負債の金額が負債及び純資産の合計額の百分の一以下のもので、他の項目に属する負債と一括して表示することが適当であると認められるものについては、適当な名称を付した科目をもって一括して掲記することができる。
Article 44 (1) Liabilities categorized as current liabilities must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the liabilities, in accordance with the following categories of accounting item; provided, however, that liabilities categorized as an accounting item other than that set forth in item (iv) of which the amounts is not more than one percent of the sum total of liabilities and net assets, which are found appropriate to be presented collectively with liabilities categorized as another accounting item, may be recorded collectively using the account title having an appropriate name:
一 支払手形及び買掛金
(i) negotiable instruments payable and accounts payable;
二 短期借入金(金融手形及び当座借越を含み、株主、役員又は従業員からの短期借入金を除く。)
(ii) short-term borrowings (including finance negotiable instruments and overdrafts, but excluding short-term borrowings from shareholders, officers, or employees);
三 未払法人税等
(iii) accrued corporate tax, etc.;
四 引当金
(iv) allowances;
五 資産除去債務
(v) asset retirement obligations; and
六 その他
(vi) others.
2 前項の規定は、同項各号に掲げる項目に属する負債で別に表示することが適当であると認められるものについて、当該負債を示す名称を付した科目をもって別に掲記することを妨げない。
(2) If liabilities categorized as any of the accounting items referred to in the items of the preceding paragraph, which are found appropriate to be presented separately, the provisions of that paragraph do not preclude the liabilities to be recorded separately using the account title having a name that indicates the liabilities.
3 第一項第四号に掲げる引当金のうちに、その金額が負債及び純資産の合計額の百分の一を超えるものがある場合には、当該引当金の設定目的を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。
(3) If the allowances set forth in paragraph (1), item (iv) include any allowance of which the amount exceeds one percent of the sum total of liabilities and net assets, the allowance must be recorded separately using the account title having a name that indicates the purpose of establishment of the allowance.
4 第一項第六号に掲げる項目に属する負債のうち、その金額が負債及び純資産の合計額の百分の十を超えるもの又は負債及び純資産の合計額の百分の十以下であっても区分して表示することが適切であるものについては、当該負債を示す名称を付した科目をもって別に掲記しなければならない。
(4) Among the liabilities categorized as the accounting item set forth in paragraph (1), item (vi), any liability whose the amount exceeds ten percent of the sum total of liabilities and net assets or any liability whose the amount is not more than ten percent of the sum total of liabilities and net assets but which it is found appropriate to present separately must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the liability.
(Categories of Fixed Liabilities to Be Presented)
第四十五条 固定負債に属する負債は、次に掲げる項目の区分に従い、当該負債を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。ただし、第三号に掲げる項目以外の項目に属する負債の金額が負債及び純資産の合計額の百分の一以下のもので、他の項目に属する負債と一括して表示することが適当であると認められるものについては、適当な名称を付した科目をもって一括して掲記することができる。
Article 45 (1) Liabilities categorized as fixed liabilities must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the liabilities, in accordance with the following categories of accounting items; provided, however, that any liabilities categorized as item other than that set forth in item (iii) whose amounts are not more than one percent of the sum of liabilities and net assets, which is found appropriate to be presented collectively with liabilities categorized as another accounting item, may be recorded collectively using the account title having an appropriate name:
一 社債
(i) corporate bonds;
二 長期借入金(金融手形を含み、株主、役員又は従業員からの長期借入金を除く。)
(ii) long-term borrowings (including finance negotiable instruments, but excluding long-term borrowings from shareholders, officers, or employees);
三 引当金
(iii) allowances;
四 資産除去債務
(iv) asset retirement obligations; and
五 その他
(v) others.
2 前条第二項の規定は、前項の場合に準用する。
(2) The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases referred to in the preceding paragraph.
3 前条第三項の規定は、第一項第三号に掲げる引当金について準用する。
(3) The provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the allowances referred to in paragraph (1), item (iii).
4 前条第四項の規定は、第一項第五号に掲げる項目に属する負債について準用する。
(4) The provisions of paragraph (4) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to liabilities categorized as the accounting item set forth in paragraph (1), item (v).
(Notes Concerning Contingent Liabilities)
第四十六条 財務諸表等規則第五十八条の規定は、偶発債務(債務の保証(債務の保証と同様の効果を有するものを含む。)、係争事件に係る賠償義務その他現実に発生していない債務で、将来において事業の負担となる可能性のあるものをいう。)について準用する。
Article 46 The provisions of Article 58 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to contingent liabilities (meaning guarantee of debts (including those that have the same effect as debt guarantee), obligations for compensation in relation to contentious cases, and other liabilities that have not actually arisen but may probably be paid by the business in the future).
(Inventory Assets and Reserves for Losses on Construction Contracts to Be Presented)
第四十七条 同一の工事契約に係る棚卸資産及び工事損失引当金がある場合には、次の各号に掲げるいずれかの方法により表示しなければならない。
Article 47 Inventory assets and reserve for loss on construction contracts pertaining to a single construction contract, if any, must be presented by either of the following methods:
一 棚卸資産及び工事損失引当金をそれぞれ流動資産及び流動負債に表示する方法
(i) by presenting inventory assets and reserves for loss on construction contracts under current assets and current liabilities, respectively; or
二 棚卸資産及び工事損失引当金を相殺した差額を流動資産又は流動負債に表示する方法
(ii) by presenting the amount of difference obtained by offsetting inventory assets against reserve for loss on construction contracts under current assets or current liabilities.
第四節 純資産
Section 4 Net Assets
(Classification of Net Assets)
第四十八条 純資産は、株主資本、評価・換算差額等及び新株予約権に分類して記載しなければならない。
Article 48 Net assets to be entered must be classified into shareholders' equity, valuation and translation adjustments, and e options.
(Classification of Shareholders' Equity and Categories Thereof to Be Presented)
第四十九条 株主資本は、資本金、資本剰余金及び利益剰余金に分類し、それぞれ資本金、資本剰余金及び利益剰余金の科目をもって掲記しなければならない。
Article 49 (1) Shareholders' equity must be classified into stated capital, capital surplus, and retained earnings, and must be recorded using the account title for stated capital, capital surplus, and retained earnings respectively.
2 財務諸表等規則第六十一条の規定は、資本金について準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 61 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to stated capital.
3 財務諸表等規則第六十二第一項の規定は、申込期日経過後における新株式申込証拠金について準用する。
(3) The provisions of Article 62, paragraph (1) of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to a deposit for subscriptions to shares after the application date.
4 財務諸表等規則第六十六条の規定は、自己株式について準用する。
(4) The provisions of Article 66 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to treasury shares.
5 財務諸表等規則第六十六条の二の規定は、自己株式申込証拠金について準用する。
(5) The provisions of Article 66-2 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to a deposit for subscriptions to treasury shares.
(Classification of Valuation and Translation Adjustments and Categories Thereof to Be Presented)
第五十条 財務諸表等規則第六十七条の規定は、評価・換算差額等について準用する。
Article 50 The provisions of Article 67 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to valuation and translation adjustments.
( Share Options to Be Presented)
第五十一条 財務諸表等規則第六十八条の規定は、新株予約権について準用する。
Article 51 The provisions of Article 68 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to share options.
第五節 雑則
Section 5 Miscellaneous Provisions
(Reserves Under the Special Laws)
第五十三条 法令の規定により準備金又は引当金の名称をもって計上しなければならない準備金又は引当金で、資産の部又は負債の部に計上することが適当でないもの(次項及び第七十一条において「準備金等」という。)は、第二十七条及び第四十二条の規定にかかわらず、固定負債の次に別の区分を設けて記載しなければならない。
Article 53 (1) Reserves or allowances that must be recorded using the name for reserves or allowances pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations, which are not appropriate to be recorded in the assets section or liabilities section (hereinafter referred to as "reserves, etc." in the following paragraph and Article 71) must be entered separately by adding another category immediately after the fixed liabilities, notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 27 and 42.
2 前項の準備金等については、当該準備金等の設定目的を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。
(2) Reserves, etc. set forth in the preceding paragraph must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the purpose of for setting aside the reserves, etc.
(Entry of Assets and Liabilities of Business Listed Separately)
第五十四条 財務諸表等規則別記に掲げる事業(以下「別記事業」という。)を営む会社が四半期貸借対照表を作成する場合においてその資産及び負債についてこの規則により記載することが適当でないと認められるときは、当該別記事業を営む会社は、その財務諸表について適用される法令又は準則(財務諸表等規則第二条に規定する法令又は準則をいう。以下同じ。)の定めるところに準じて記載することができる。
Article 54 (1) If a company engaged in a business set forth in the appended list of the Regulation on Financial Statements (hereinafter referred to as a "business listed separately") prepares a quarterly balance sheet, and it is found inappropriate to enter its assets and liabilities pursuant to this Regulation, the company engaged in a business listed separately may enter its assets and liabilities in an equivalent manner as specified in the provisions of laws and regulations, or Rules (meaning the laws and regulations, or Rules prescribed in Article 2 of the Regulation on Financial Statements; the same applies hereinafter) applicable to its financial statements.
2 前項の場合において資産及び負債の科目を一括し、又は区分して掲記する基準は、この規則の定めるところに準ずるものとする。
(2) In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the standards for recording the account titles of assets and liabilities collectively or separately are as specified in the provisions of this Regulation.
(Entries of Net Assets of Designated Corporations)
第五十五条 指定法人が四半期貸借対照表を作成する場合においてその純資産についてこの規則により記載することが適当でないと認められるときは、当該指定法人は、その財務諸表について適用される法令又は準則の定めるところに準じて記載することができる。この場合において準拠した法令又は準則を注記しなければならない。
Article 55 If a designated corporation prepares a quarterly balance sheet, and it is found to be inappropriate to enter its net assets pursuant to this Regulation, the designated corporation may enter its net assets in an equivalent manner as specified in the provisions of laws and regulations, or Rules applicable to its financial statements. In this case, the governing laws and regulations, or Rules must be set down in the notes.
第三章 四半期損益計算書
Chapter III Quarterly Profit and Loss Statement
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Methods to Make Entries in Quarterly Profit and Loss Statements)
第五十六条 四半期損益計算書の記載方法は、この章の定めるところによる。
Article 56 (1) The methods to make entries in quarterly profit and loss statement are governed by the provisions of this Chapter.
2 四半期累計期間に係る四半期損益計算書は、様式第三号により記載するものとする。
(2) Entries in a quarterly profit and loss statement for the cumulative quarterly accounting period are to be made using Form No. 3.
3 四半期財務諸表提出会社は、第二・四半期会計期間に係る四半期損益計算書を作成することができる。この場合においては、様式第四号により記載するものとする。
(3) A company submitting quarterly financial statements may prepare a quarterly profit and loss statement for the second quarterly accounting period. In this case, the quarterly profit and loss statement is to be made using Form No. 4.
4 四半期財務諸表提出会社は、第二・四半期会計期間に係る四半期損益計算書を作成する場合には、第三・四半期会計期間に係る四半期損益計算書を作成しなければならない。この場合においては、様式第四号により記載するものとする。
(4) When a company submitting quarterly financial statements prepares a quarterly profit and loss statement for the second quarterly accounting period, the company submitting quarterly financial statements must prepare a quarterly profit and loss statement for the third quarterly accounting period. In this case, the quarterly profit and loss statement is to be made using Form No. 4.
(Classification of Revenues and Expenses)
第五十七条 収益又は費用は、次に掲げる項目を示す名称を付した科目に分類して記載しなければならない。
Article 57 Revenues and expenses must be classified into account titles having a name that indicates the following accounting items and entered:
一 売上高(役務収益を含む。以下同じ。)
(i) net sales (including revenues from services; the same applies hereinafter);
二 売上原価(役務原価を含む。以下同じ。)
(ii) cost of sales (including service costs; the same applies hereinafter);
三 販売費及び一般管理費
(iii) selling expenses and general and administrative expenses;
四 営業外収益
(iv) non-operating revenues;
五 営業外費用
(v) non-operating expenses;
六 特別利益
(vi) extraordinary income; and
七 特別損失
(vii) extraordinary loss.
第二節 売上高及び売上原価
Section 2 Net Sales and Cost of Sales
(Methods to Present Net Sales)
第五十八条 売上高は、売上高を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。
Article 58 Net sales must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the net sales.
(Methods to Present the Cost of Sales)
第五十九条 売上原価は、売上原価を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。
Article 59 The cost of sales must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the cost of sales.
(Gross Profit or Loss on Sales to Be Presented)
第六十条 売上高と売上原価との差額は、売上総利益金額又は売上総損失金額として記載しなければならない。
Article 60 The difference between the net sales and the cost of sales must be entered as the gross profit on sales or the gross loss on sales.
第三節 販売費及び一般管理費
Section 3 Selling Expenses and General and Administrative Expenses
(Methods to Present Selling Expenses and General and Administrative Expense)
第六十一条 販売費及び一般管理費は、適当と認められる費目に分類し、当該費用を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。ただし、販売費の科目若しくは一般管理費の科目又は販売費及び一般管理費の科目に一括して掲記し、その主要な費目及びその金額を注記することを妨げない。
Article 61 (1) Selling expenses and general and administrative expenses must be classified into expense items that are found to be appropriate, and be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the expenses; provided, however, that this does not preclude the expenses to be recorded using the account title for selling expenses, the account title for general and administrative expenses, or the account title of selling expenses and general and administrative expenses collectively, and the major expense items and amounts thereof being entered in the notes.
2 前項ただし書に規定する主要な費目とは、引当金繰入額(その金額が少額であるものを除く。)及びこれ以外の費目でその金額が販売費及び一般管理費の合計額の百分の二十を超える費用又は販売費及び一般管理費の合計額の百分の二十以下であっても区分して表示することが適切と認められる費用をいう。
(2) The major expense items as specified in the proviso to the preceding paragraph are provision of allowance (excluding the expense items of which the amount is small) and any other expense items of which the amount exceeds 20 percent of the sum total of selling expenses and general and administrative expenses or those of which the amount is not more than 20 percent of the sum of selling expenses and general and administrative expenses but are found appropriate to be presented separately.
3 第一項の規定にかかわらず、第一・四半期累計期間及び第三・四半期累計期間並びに四半期会計期間においては、販売費及び一般管理費について、販売費の科目若しくは一般管理費の科目又は販売費及び一般管理費の科目に一括して掲記することができる。この場合において、販売費又は一般管理費の費目及びその金額については、注記することを要しない。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), in the first cumulative quarterly accounting period and the third cumulative quarterly accounting period as well as the quarterly accounting periods, selling expenses and general and administrative expenses may be recorded using the account title of selling expenses, the account title of general and administrative expenses, or the account title of selling expenses and general and administrative expenses collectively. In this case, the expense items of selling expenses or general and administrative expenses and the amounts thereof are not required to be set down in the notes.
(Amount of Operating Profit and Loss to Be Presented)
第六十二条 売上総利益金額又は売上総損失金額に販売費及び一般管理費の総額を加減した額は、営業利益金額又は営業損失金額として記載しなければならない。
Article 62 The amount obtained by adding or subtracting the total amount of selling expenses and general and administrative expenses to or from the gross profit on sales or the gross loss on sales must be entered as the amount of operating income or the amount of operating loss.
第四節 営業外収益及び営業外費用
Section 4 Non-Operating Revenues and Non-Operating Expenses
(Methods to Present Non-Operating Revenues)
第六十三条 営業外収益に属する収益は、受取利息(有価証券利息を含む。)、受取配当金、有価証券売却益その他の項目の区分に従い、当該収益を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。ただし、各収益のうち、その金額が営業外収益の総額の百分の二十以下のもので一括して表示することが適当であると認められるものについては、当該収益を一括して示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記することができる。
Article 63 Revenues categorized as non-operating revenues must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the revenues, according to the categories including interest income (excluding interest on securities), dividends income, gain on sales of securities, and others; provided, however, that any revenues whose amount is not more than 20 percent of the total amount of non-operating revenues, which is found appropriate to be presented collectively, may be recorded using the account title having a name that collectively indicates the revenues.
(Methods to Present Non-Operating Expenses)
第六十四条 営業外費用に属する費用は、支払利息(社債利息を含む。)、有価証券売却損その他の項目の区分に従い、当該費用を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。ただし、各費用のうち、その金額が営業外費用の総額の百分の二十以下のもので一括して表示することが適当であると認められるものについては、当該費用を一括して示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記することができる。
Article 64 Expenses categorized as non-operating expenses must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicate the expenses, according to the categories of interest expenses (including interest on corporate bonds), loss on sales of securities, and others; provided, however, that any expenses whose amount is not more than 20 percent of the total amount of non-operating expenses, which is found appropriate to be presented collectively, may be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the expenses collectively.
(Amount of Ordinary Income and Losses to Be Presented)
第六十五条 営業利益金額又は営業損失金額に営業外収益の総額及び営業外費用の総額を加減した額は、経常利益金額又は経常損失金額として記載しなければならない。
Article 65 The amount obtained by adding or subtracting the total amount of non-operating revenues or the total amount of non- operating expenses to or from the amount of operating profit or the amount of operating loss must be entered as the amount of ordinary profit or the amount of ordinary loss.
第五節 特別利益及び特別損失
Section 5 Extraordinary Income and Extraordinary Loss
(Methods to Present Extraordinary Income)
第六十六条 特別利益に属する利益は、固定資産売却益、負ののれん発生益その他の項目の区分に従い、当該利益を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。ただし、各利益のうち、その金額が特別利益の総額の百分の二十以下のもので一括して表示することが適当であると認められるものについては、当該利益を一括して示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記することができる。
Article 66 Profits categorized as extraordinary income must be recorded using the account title having name that indicates the profits, according to the categories of gain on sales of fixed assets, gain on negative goodwill and others; provided, however, that any profits of whose the amount is not more than 20 percent of the total amount of extraordinary profit, which are found appropriate to be presented collectively, may be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the profits collectively.
(Methods to Present Extraordinary Loss)
第六十七条 特別損失に属する損失は、固定資産売却損、減損損失、災害による損失その他の項目の区分に従い、当該損失を示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。ただし、各損失のうち、その金額が特別損失の総額の百分の二十以下のもので一括して表示することが適当であると認められるものについては、当該損失を一括して示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記することができる。
Article 67 Losses categorized as extraordinary loss must be recorded using the account title having a name that indicate the losses, according to the categories of losses on sales of fixed assets, impairment losses, disaster losses , and others; provided, however, that any loss whose amount is not more than 20 percent of the total amount of extraordinary loss, which is found appropriate to be presented collectively, may be recorded using the account title having a name that indicates the losses collectively.
(Amount of Quarterly Net Income or Loss before Taxes to Be Presented)
第六十八条 経常利益金額又は経常損失金額に特別利益の総額及び特別損失の総額を加減した額は、税引前四半期純利益金額又は税引前四半期純損失金額として記載しなければならない。
Article 68 The amount obtained by adding or subtracting the total amount of extraordinary income or total amount of extraordinary loss to or from the amount of ordinary income or the amount of ordinary loss must be entered as the amount of quarterly net income before tax or the amount of quarterly net losses before tax.
第六節 四半期純利益又は四半期純損失
Section 6 Quarterly Net Income or Quarterly Net Loss
(Quarterly Net Income or Quarterly Net Loss)
第六十九条 次の各号に掲げる項目の金額は、その内容を示す名称を付した科目をもって、税引前四半期純利益金額又は税引前四半期純損失金額の次に記載しなければならない。
Article 69 (1) The amounts of the items set forth in the following items must be entered using the account title having a name that indicates the description thereof, immediately after the amount of quarterly net income before tax or the amount of quarterly net loss before tax:
一 当四半期累計期間に係る法人税、住民税及び事業税(利益に関連する金額を課税標準として課される事業税をいう。次号において同じ。)
(i) the corporate tax, inhabitants tax, and enterprise tax (meaning the enterprise tax imposed on the amount of profits as the tax base; the same applies in the following item) pertaining to the current cumulative quarterly accounting period; and
二 法人税等調整額(税効果会計の適用により計上される前号に掲げる法人税、住民税及び事業税の調整額をいう。)
(ii) the corporate tax, etc. adjustments (meaning adjustments on the corporate tax, inhabitants tax, and enterprise tax set forth in the preceding item, which are recorded using the tax effect accounting).
2 前項の規定にかかわらず、同項各号に掲げる項目については、当該項目を一括して記載することができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the accounting items set forth in the items of that the same paragraph may be entered collectively.
3 税引前四半期純利益金額又は税引前四半期純損失金額に第一項又は前項に規定する項目の金額を加減した金額は、四半期純利益金額又は四半期純損失金額として記載しなければならない。
(3) The amount obtained by adding or subtracting the amounts of the items set forth in paragraph (1) or the preceding paragraph to or from the amount of quarterly net income before tax or the amount of quarterly net loss before tax must be entered as the amount of quarterly net income or the amount of quarterly net loss.
4 法人税等の更正、決定等による納付税額又は還付税額がある場合には、第一項第一号に掲げる項目の次に、その内容を示す名称を付した科目をもって記載するものとする。ただし、これらの金額の重要性が乏しい場合には、同号に掲げる項目の金額に含めて表示することができる。
(4) If there are taxes to be paid or refund due to correction, determination, etc. of corporate tax, etc., the amounts are to be entered using the account title having a name that indicates the description thereof, immediately after the item set forth in paragraph (1), item (i); provided, however, that amounts may be presented in the amount of the item set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) that include the taxes to be paid or refund of tax if those amounts are not material.
(Notes Concerning the Earnings per Share of Quarterly Net Income or Net Loss)
第七十条 当四半期累計期間に係る一株当たり四半期純利益金額又は四半期純損失金額及びその算定上の基礎は、注記しなければならない。
Article 70 (1) The earnings per share of quarterly net income or earnings per share of quarterly net losses for the current cumulative quarterly accounting period, and the basis for calculation thereof must be set down in the notes.
2 当四半期会計期間又は四半期貸借対照表日後において株式併合又は株式分割が行われた場合には、前項に規定する事項のほか、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
(2) If any consolidation of shares or share splits has been done after the current quarterly accounting period or the quarterly balance sheet date, the following particulars must be set down in the notes, beyond the particulars prescribed in the preceding paragraph:
一 株式併合又は株式分割が行われた旨
(i) the fact that a consolidation share or a share splits has been done; and
二 前事業年度の期首に株式併合又は株式分割が行われたと仮定して一株当たり四半期純利益金額又は四半期純損失金額が算定されている旨
(ii) the fact that the earnings per share of quarterly net income or earnings per share of quarterly net loss is calculated assuming that the consolidation of share or the share splits had been done at the beginning of the previous business year.
(Notes Concerning Diluted Earnings per Share of Quarterly Net Income)
第七十条の二 当四半期累計期間に係る潜在株式調整後一株当たり四半期純利益金額(普通株式を取得することができる権利又は普通株式への転換請求権その他これらに準ずる権利が付された証券又は契約(以下「潜在株式」という。)に係る権利が行使されることを仮定することにより算定した一株当たり四半期純利益金額をいう。以下この条において同じ。)及びその算定上の基礎は、前条の規定による注記の次に記載しなければならない。
Article 70-2 (1) The diluted earnings per share of quarterly net income (meaning earnings per share of quarterly net income calculated assuming that the rights pertaining to securities or contracts with rights to acquire common shares or rights to request conversion into common shares, and other rights equivalent thereto (hereinafter referred to as "potential shares"); hereinafter the same applies in this Article) will be exercised and the basis for its calculation must be entered immediately after the notes under the preceding Article.
2 当四半期会計期間又は四半期貸借対照表日後において株式併合又は株式分割が行われた場合には、前項の規定により注記すべき事項のほか、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
(2) If any consolidation share or share splits has been done after the current quarterly accounting period or the quarterly balance sheet date, the following particulars must be set down in the notes, beyond the particulars prescribed in the preceding paragraph:
一 株式併合又は株式分割が行われた旨
(i) the fact that a consolidation share or a share splits has been done; and
二 前事業年度の期首に株式併合又は株式分割が行われたと仮定して潜在株式調整後一株当たり四半期純利益金額が算定されている旨
(ii) the fact that the diluted earnings per share of quarterly net income was calculated assuming that the consolidation share or the share splits had been done at the beginning of the previous business year.
3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、潜在株式が存在しない場合、潜在株式調整後一株当たり四半期純利益金額が一株当たり四半期純利益金額を下回らない場合及び一株当たり四半期純損失金額の場合には、その旨を記載し、潜在株式調整後一株当たり四半期純利益金額の記載は要しないものとする。
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, when no potential shares exist, when the diluted earnings per share of quarterly net income is not less than the earnings per share of quarterly net income, and when the diluted earnings per share of quarterly net income is earnings per share of quarterly net loss, a statement to that effect is to be made, and the diluted earnings per share of quarterly net income need not to be entered.
第七節 雑則
Section 7 Miscellaneous Provisions
(Provision or Reversal of Reserves Under the Special Laws)
第七十一条 準備金等の繰入れ又は取崩しがあるときは、当該繰入額又は取崩額は、特別損失又は特別利益として、当該繰入れ又は取崩しによるものであることを示す名称を付した科目をもって掲記しなければならない。
Article 71 If there has been a provision or reversal of a reserve, etc., the amount of the provision or reversal must be recorded as an extraordinary loss or extraordinary income using the account title having a name that indicates the provision or reversal being set aside.
(Notes Concerning Significant Seasonal Fluctuations in Net Sales or Operating Expenses)
第七十二条 事業の性質上、売上高又は営業費用(売上原価並びに販売費及び一般管理費の合計をいう。)に著しい季節的変動がある場合には、四半期累計期間に係る四半期損益計算書において、その状況を注記しなければならない。
Article 72 If there are significant seasonal fluctuations in net sale or operating expenses (meaning the sum total of the cost of sales, selling expenses, and general and administrative expenses) due to the nature of the business, the situation must be set down in the notes of the quarterly profit and loss statement for the cumulative quarterly accounting period.
(Entry of Revenues and Expenses of Business Listed Separately)
第七十三条 別記事業を営む会社が四半期損益計算書を作成する場合においてその収益及び費用についてこの規則により記載することが適当でないと認められるときは、当該別記事業を営む会社は、その財務諸表について適用される法令又は準則の定めるところに準じて記載することができる。
Article 73 (1) If a company engaged in a business listed separately prepares a quarterly profit and loss statement, and it is found inappropriate to enter its revenues and expenses pursuant to this Regulation, the company engaged in the business listed separately may enter its revenues and expenses in an equivalent manner as specified in the provisions of laws and regulations or Rules applicable to its financial statements.
2 前項の場合において収益及び費用の科目を一括し、又は区分して掲記する基準は、この規則の定めるところに準ずるものとする。
(2) In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the standards for recording the account titles of revenues and expenses collectively or separately are as specified in the provisions of this Regulation.
第四章 四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書
Chapter IV Quarterly Cash Flow Statement
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Methods to Make Entries in Presenting Quarterly Cash Flow Statements)
第七十四条 四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書の記載方法は、この章の定めるところによる。
Article 74 (1) The methods to make entries in a quarterly cash flow statement are governed by the provisions of this Chapter.
2 四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書は、様式第五号又は第六号により記載するものとする。
(2) A quarterly cash flow statement is to be made using Form No. 5 or Form No. 6.
(Categories of Quarterly Cash Flow Statements to Be Presented)
第七十五条 四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書には、次の各号に掲げる区分を設けてキャッシュ・フローの状況を記載しなければならない。
Article 75 In a quarterly cash flow statement, cash flow situation must be entered by setting up the categories set forth in the following items:
一 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー
(i) cash flows from operating activities;
二 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー
(ii) cash flows from investment activities;
三 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー
(iii) cash flows from financing activities;
四 現金及び現金同等物に係る換算差額
(iv) translation adjustments on cash and cash equivalents;
五 現金及び現金同等物の増加額又は減少額
(v) increase or decrease in cash and cash equivalents;
六 現金及び現金同等物の期首残高
(vi) the remaining balances of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the accounting period; and
七 現金及び現金同等物の四半期末残高
(vii) the remaining balances of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the quarter.
第二節 四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書の記載方法
Section 2 Methods to Make Entries in a Quarterly Cash Flow Statements
(Methods to Present Cash Flows from Operating Activities)
第七十六条 財務諸表等規則第百十三条から第百十八条までの規定は、四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書の記載方法について準用する。この場合において、財務諸表等規則第百十三条第二号中「税引前当期純利益金額又は税引前当期純損失金額」とあるのは「税引前四半期純利益金額又は税引前四半期純損失金額」と、同号イ及びハ中「損益計算書」とあるのは「四半期損益計算書」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 76 The provisions of Articles 113 through 118 of the Regulation on Financial Statements apply mutatis mutandis to the method to make entries in a quarterly cash flow statement. In this case, the phrase "the amount of net income before tax for the period or the amount of net loss before tax for the period " in Article 113, item (ii) of the Regulation on Financial Statements is replaced with "the amount of quarterly net income before tax or the amount of quarterly net loss before tax", and the term "profit and loss statement" in (a) and (c) of that item is replaced with "quarterly profit and loss statement".
(Particulars to Be Set Down in Notes in a Quarterly Cash Flow Statements)
第七十七条 四半期キャッシュ・フロー計算書には、現金及び現金同等物の四半期末残高と四半期貸借対照表に掲記されている科目の金額との関係を注記しなければならない。
Article 77 In a quarterly cash flow statement, the relationship between the remaining balances of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the quarter and the amounts for the account titles recorded in the quarterly balance sheet must be set down in the notes.
第五章 株主資本等に関する注記
Chapter V Notes Concerning Shareholders' Equity
(Notes Concerning Dividends)
第八十一条 当四半期会計期間における四半期累計期間において行われた配当については、次の各号に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 81 With regard to the dividends during the cumulative quarterly accounting period as of the end of the current quarterly accounting period, the following particulars must be set down in the notes:
一 配当財産が金銭の場合には、株式の種類ごとの配当金の総額、一株当たり配当額、基準日、効力発生日及び配当の原資
(i) if the dividend property is money, the total amount of dividend, the amount of dividend per share, the reference date, and the effective date for each class of shares;
二 配当財産が金銭以外の場合には、株式の種類ごとの配当財産の種類及び帳簿価額、一株当たり配当額、基準日、効力発生日並びに配当の原資
(ii) if the dividend property is property other than money, the type and the book value of the dividend property, the amount of dividend per share, the reference date, and the effective date for each class of shares; and
三 基準日が当事業年度の開始の日から当四半期会計期間末までに属する配当のうち、配当の効力発生日が当四半期会計期間の末日後となるものについては、前二号に定める事項に準ずる事項
(iii) with regard to a dividend of which the reference date is contained in the period from the day of commencement of the current fiscal year to the end of the current quarterly accounting period and of which the effective date will be after the last day of the current quarterly accounting period, the particulars equivalent to those set forth in the preceding two items.
(Notes If There Are Significant Changes in the Amount of Shareholders' Equity)
第八十二条 株主資本の金額に、前事業年度末に比して著しい変動があった場合には、主な変動事由を注記しなければならない。
Article 82 If there is a significant change in the amount of shareholders' equity as compared to the end of the previous fiscal year, the major cause of the change must be set down in the notes.
第六章 指定国際会計基準特定会社の四半期財務諸表
Chapter VI Quarterly Financial Statements of Specified Companies Complying with Designated International Accounting Standards
(Standards Used for Preparation of Quarterly Financial Statements of Specified Companies Complying with Designated International Accounting Standards)
第八十三条 指定国際会計基準特定会社が提出する四半期財務諸表の用語、様式及び作成方法は、前各章の規定による。
Article 83 (1) The terminology, forms, and preparation methods of quarterly financial statements submitted by a specified company complying with designated international accounting standards are governed by the provisions of the preceding Chapters.
2 指定国際会計基準特定会社は、前項の規定により作成した四半期財務諸表のほか、指定国際会計基準によって四半期財務諸表を作成することができる。
(2) A specified company complying with designated international accounting standards may prepare quarterly financial statements using any designated international accounting standards beyond quarterly financial statements prepared pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Notes Concerning Special Provisions for Accounting Standards)
第八十四条 指定国際会計基準に準拠して作成した四半期財務諸表には、次に掲げる事項を注記しなければならない。
Article 84 The following particulars must be set down in the notes in quarterly financial statements prepared in accordance with designated international accounting standards:
一 指定国際会計基準が国際会計基準(連結財務諸表規則第九十三条に規定する国際会計基準をいう。以下この号及び次号において同じ。)と同一である場合には、国際会計基準に準拠して四半期財務諸表を作成している旨
(i) if the designated international accounting standards are the same as the international accounting standards (meaning the international accounting standards specified in Article 93 of the Regulation on Consolidated Financial Statements; hereinafter the same applies in this item and the following item), a statement that the quarterly financial statements are prepared in accordance with the international accounting standards;
二 指定国際会計基準が国際会計基準と異なる場合には、指定国際会計基準に準拠して四半期財務諸表を作成している旨
(ii) if the designated international accounting standards are different from the international accounting standards, the quarterly financial statements are prepared following the designated international accounting standards; and
三 指定国際会計基準特定会社に該当する旨及びその理由
(iii) a statement that the company falls under a specified company complying with designated international accounting standards and the reason therefor.
第七章 外国会社の四半期財務書類
Chapter VII Quarterly Financial Documents of Foreign Companies
(Standards Used for Preparation of Quarterly Financial Documents of Foreign Companies)
第八十五条 外国会社がその本国(本拠とする州その他の地域を含む。以下同じ。)において開示している財務計算に関する書類を四半期財務書類として提出することを、金融庁長官が公益又は投資者保護に欠けることがないものとして認める場合には、当該四半期財務書類の用語、様式及び作成方法は、金融庁長官が必要と認めて指示する事項を除き、その本国における用語、様式及び作成方法によるものとする。
Article 85 (1) If the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency approves a foreign company to submit the documents on financial calculation disclosed in its home country (including the state or any other region where the company is headquartered; the same applies hereinafter) as its quarterly financial documents, considering the submission thereof does not impair the public interest or protection of investors, the terminology, forms, and preparation methods of the quarterly financial documents are to be, except for particulars instructed by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as necessary, governed by the laws concerning the terminology, forms, and preparation methods used in its home country.
2 外国会社がその本国において開示している財務計算に関する書類が前項の規定に基づく金融庁長官の認めるところとならない場合等において当該外国会社がその本国以外の本邦外地域において開示している財務計算に関する書類を四半期財務書類として提出することを、金融庁長官が公益又は投資者保護に欠けることがないものとして認める場合には、当該四半期財務書類の用語、様式及び作成方法は、金融庁長官が必要と認めて指示する事項を除き、当該本国以外の本邦外地域における用語、様式及び作成方法によるものとする。
(2) If the documents on financial calculation disclosed in the home country by a foreign company have not been approved by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency approves the foreign company to submit the documents on financial calculation disclosed in the region outside Japan other than its home country as quarterly financial documents, considering the submission thereof does not impair the public interest or protection of investors, the terminology, forms, and preparation methods of the quarterly financial documents are to be, except for the particulars that were instructed by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as necessary, governed by the laws concerning the terminology, forms, and preparation methods used in that region outside Japan other than its home country.
3 外国会社が本国その他の本邦外地域において開示している財務計算に関する書類が前二項の規定に基づく金融庁長官の認めるところとならない場合には、当該外国会社が提出する四半期財務書類の用語、様式及び作成方法は、金融庁長官の指示するところによるものとする。
(3) If the documents on financial calculation disclosed by a foreign company in its home country or any other region outside Japan have not been approved by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency based on the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the terminology, forms, and preparation methods of quarterly financial documents submitted by the foreign company are to be in accordance with the instructions of the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Notes Concerning Accounting Standards)
第八十六条 前条の規定による四半期財務書類について、当該外国会社が採用する四半期財務書類の会計処理の原則及び手続のうち、本邦における四半期財務諸表の会計処理の原則及び手続と異なるものがある場合には、その内容を当該四半期財務書類に注記しなければならない。
Article 86 If any accounting principles and procedures for preparing quarterly financial documents adopted by the foreign company with regard to the quarterly financial documents under the preceding Article differ from the accounting principles and procedures for preparing quarterly financial statements in Japan, the detail thereof must be set down in the notes in the quarterly financial documents.
第八十七条 第四条第三項及び第五条第一項第二号の規定は、外国会社が提出する四半期財務書類について準用する。
Article 87 (1) The provisions of Article 4, paragraph (3) and Article 5, paragraph (1), item (ii) apply mutatis mutandis to quarterly financial documents submitted by a foreign company.
2 外国会社が提出する四半期財務書類の表示方法のうち、本邦における表示方法と異なるものがある場合には、その内容を当該四半期財務書類に注記しなければならない。
(2) If any of the methods to present the quarterly financial documents submitted by a foreign company differs from the methods to present the quarterly financial documents in Japan, the detail thereof must be set down in the notes in the quarterly financial documents.
第八十八条 外国会社が提出する四半期財務書類に掲記される科目その他の事項について、本邦通貨以外の通貨建ての金額により表示している場合には、主要な事項について本邦通貨に換算した金額を併記するものとする。この場合においては、本邦通貨への換算に当たって採用した換算の基準を当該四半期財務書類に注記しなければならない。
Article 88 If the account titles and any other particulars set down in quarterly financial documents submitted by a foreign company are presented in the amounts in foreign currency other than Japanese currency, the amounts for major particulars that have been translated into Japanese currency are also to be entered. In this case, bases for currency translation adopted for the translation of the amount into Japanese currency must be set down in the notes in the quarterly financial documents.
(Methods to Include Things Noted)
第八十九条 第八十六条、第八十七条第二項及び前条の規定により記載すべき注記は、脚注として記載しなければならない。ただし、脚注として記載することが適当でないと認められるものについては、他の適当な箇所に記載することができる。
Article 89 (1) The notes to be included pursuant to the provisions of Article 86, Article 87, paragraph (2), and the preceding Article must be included as footnotes; provided, however, that if the notes are found inappropriate to be included as footnotes, those may be included in any other appropriate parts.
2 第二十三条第五項の規定は、第八十六条及び第八十七条第二項の規定により注記をする場合に準用する。
(2) The provisions of Article 23, paragraph (5) apply mutatis mutandis to the case when including things noted pursuant to the provisions of Article 86 and Article 87, paragraph (2).