飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律施行令 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feeds 内閣は、飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律(昭和二十八年法律第三十五号)第二条第一項、第二条の四第一項、第二条の八第一項、第八条第一項、第二十三条第一項及び第二十四条の四から第二十六条までの規定に基づき、この政令を制定する。 The Cabinet enacts this Cabinet Order pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (1), Article 2-4, paragraph (1), Article 2-8, paragraph (1), Article 8, paragraph (1), Article 23, paragraph (1), and Articles 24-4 through 26 of the Act on the Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feeds (Act No. 35 of 1953). (家畜等) (Domestic Animals) 第一条 飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律(以下「法」という。)第二条第一項の政令で定める動物は、次に掲げるとおりとする。 Article 1 Animals specified by Cabinet Order set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feeds (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") are those specified by Cabinet Order are as follows: 一 牛、馬(農林水産大臣が指定するものを除く。)、豚、めん羊、山羊及び鹿 (i) cattle, horses (excluding those designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries), pigs, sheep, goats and deer; 二 鶏及びうずら (ii) chickens and quails; 三 蜜蜂 (iii) honeybees; and 四 ぶり、まだい、ぎんざけ、かんぱち、ひらめ、とらふぐ、しまあじ、まあじ、ひらまさ、たいりくすずき、すずき、すぎ、くろまぐろ、くるまえび、こい(農林水産大臣が指定するものを除く。)、うなぎ、にじます、あゆ、やまめ、あまご及びにっこういわなその他のいわな属の魚であつて農林水産大臣が指定するもの (iv) Japanese amberjack, red seabream, coho salmon, greater amberjack, bastard halibut, Japanese pufferfish, white trevally, Japanese jack mackerel, yellowtail amberjack, continental perch, Japanese seabass, cobia, Pacific bluefin tuna, kuruma prawn, common carp (excluding those designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries), Japanese eel, rainbow trout, ayu, masu salmon, red-spotted masu salmon, Nikko-iwana and other fish of white-spotted char which are designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. (特定飼料等) (Specified Feed) 第二条 法第五条第一項の政令で定める飼料及び飼料添加物は、次に掲げるとおりとする。 Article 2 Feed and feed additives specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act are as follows: 一 落花生油かす(農林水産大臣が指定する地域において生産された落花生を原料とするものに限る。以下同じ。) (i) peanut meal (limited to those made from peanuts produced in areas designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the same applies hereinafter); and 二 抗菌性物質製剤(化学的に合成された抗菌性物質の製剤で農林水産大臣が指定するものを除く。別表において同じ。) (ii) antimicrobial agents (excluding chemically synthesized antimicrobial agents designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the same applies in the attached table). (登録特定飼料等製造業者等の登録の有効期間) (Validity Period of Registration of Registered Manufacturer of Specified Feed) 第三条 法第十一条第一項(法第二十一条第三項、第二十九条第三項及び第三十条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の政令で定める期間は、三年とする。 Article 3 The period specified by Cabinet Order under Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act (including the cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3), Article 29, paragraph (3) and Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act) is three years. (登録外国特定飼料等製造業者等の事業場等における検査又は調査に要する費用の負担) (Burden of Expenses for Inspection or Investigation at the Place of Business of a Registered Manufacturer of Foreign Specified Feed) 第四条 法第二十二条第二項(法第三十条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の政令で定める費用は、法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第七条第四項(法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項及び第十三条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)、法第二十二条第一項第五号並びに法第三十条第三項において準用する法第七条第四項(法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項及び第十三条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)及び法第二十二条第一項第五号の検査並びに法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十条第一項(法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項及び第十三条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)並びに法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十条第一項(法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項及び第十三条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の調査のため農林水産省又は独立行政法人農林水産消費安全技術センターの職員が当該検査又は調査に係る事業場、倉庫その他の場所の所在地に出張をするのに要する旅費の額に相当する費用とする。この場合において、その旅費の額は、その出張をする職員を二人とし、これらの職員が一般職の職員の給与に関する法律(昭和二十五年法律第九十五号)第六条第一項第一号イに規定する行政職俸給表(一)による職務の級が四級である者であるものとして、国家公務員等の旅費に関する法律(昭和二十五年法律第百十四号)の規定の例により計算するものとし、旅行雑費の額その他その旅費の額の計算に関し必要な細目は、農林水産省令で定める。 Article 4 The expenses specified by Cabinet Order set forth in paragraph (2) of Article 22 of the Act (including the case as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act) is equivalent to the amount of the ones necessary for the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center to travel to the location of the places of business, warehouses or other places pertaining to the inspection and investigation for the purpose of the inspection of paragraph (4) of Article 7 the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 21 of the Act, item (v) of paragraph (1) of Article 22 and paragraph (4) of Article 7 and item (v) of paragraph (1) of Article 22 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 30 of the Act, and investigation of paragraph (1) of Article 10 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 21 of the Act, and paragraph (1) of Article 10 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 30 of the Act. In this case, the number of officials taking the business trip in question is set at two persons for the amount of the travel expenses in question, and these officials are persons whose job grade according to the Administration Position Salary Schedule stipulated in Article 6, paragraph (1), item (i), (a) of the Act on Remuneration of Officials in the Regular Service is Grade 4; the calculation is based on the example in the provisions of the Act on Travel Expenses of National Public Officers, etc.; and the calculation of the amount of miscellaneous travel expenses and of the amount for the other travel expenses involved is determined by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. (飼料製造管理者の管理に係る飼料等) (Feed under the Control of the Feed Production Manager) 第五条 法第二十五条第一項の政令で定める飼料及び飼料添加物は、次に掲げるとおりとする。 Article 5 Feed and feed additives specified by Cabinet Order as prescribed in Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Act is as follows: 一 落花生油かす、尿素又はジウレイドイソブタンを原料とする飼料 (i) feed made from peanut meal, urea, or diureidoisobutane; 二 抗菌性物質製剤その他次号に掲げる飼料添加物で農林水産大臣が指定するものを含む飼料 (ii) feed containing antimicrobial agents or other feed additives listed in the following item that are designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; and 三 法第三条第一項の規定によりその成分につき規格が定められた飼料添加物 (iii) feed additives for which the standards are established for the ingredients pursuant to the provisions of Article (3), paragraph (1) of the Act. (表示の基準を定めるべき飼料) (Feed for Which Labeling Standards Should be Established) 第六条 法第三十二条第一項の政令で定める飼料は、次に掲げるとおりとする。 Article 6 The feed specified by Cabinet Order referred to in Article 32, paragraph (1) of the Act is as follows: 一 大豆油かす、魚粉、フェザーミール、肉骨粉、肉粉及び血粉 (i) soybean oil cake, fish meal, feather meal, meat and bone meal, meat meal and blood meal; and 二 二種以上の飼料を原料又は材料とする飼料(農林水産大臣が定める形状を有するものを除く。) (ii) feed made from two or more kinds of feed as raw materials or ingredients (excluding those having a shape provided for by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries). (登録検定機関の登録の有効期間) (Valid Period of Registration of a Registered Verification Body) 第七条 法第三十七条第一項の政令で定める期間は、三年とする。 Article 7 The period specified by Cabinet Order referred to in Article 37, paragraph (1) of the Act is three years. (都道府県知事の経由) (Notification through Prefectural Governors) 第八条 法第五十条第一項、第三項又は第四項の規定により農林水産大臣に対してする届出は、当該届出をする者の住所地(法人にあつては、主たる事務所の所在地)を管轄する都道府県知事を経由してしなければならない。 Article 8 Notification to be given to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), (3) or (4) of Article 50 of the Act must be given via the prefectural governor having jurisdiction over the domicile of the person giving such notification (in the case of a corporation, the location of its principal office). (手数料の額) (Amount of Commission) 第九条 法第六十条第一項から第三項までに規定する者が同条第一項から第三項までの規定により納付しなければならない手数料の額は、別表のとおりとする。 Article 9 (1) The amount of fees that a person prescribed in paragraphs (1) through (3) of Article 60 of the Act must pay pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (3) of the same Article is as shown in the appended table. 2 法第六十条第四項に規定する者が同項の規定により納付しなければならない手数料の額は、一件につき五百七十円とする。 (2) The amount of the fee that a person prescribed in Article 60, paragraph (4) of the Act must pay pursuant to the provisions of same paragraph is 570 yen per case. 3 法第六十条第五項に規定する者が同項の規定により納付しなければならない手数料の額は、一件につき四百四十円とする。 (3) The amount of the fee that a person prescribed in Article 60, paragraph (5) of the Act must pay pursuant to the provisions of same paragraph is 440 yen per case. (行政不服審査法施行令の準用) (Application Mutatis Mutandis of the Order for Enforcement of the Administrative Appeal Act) 第九条の二 法第六十三条第一項の意見の聴取については、行政不服審査法施行令(平成二十七年政令第三百九十一号)第八条の規定を準用する。この場合において、同条中「総務省令」とあるのは、「農林水産省令」と読み替えるものとする。 Article 9-2 With regard to the hearing of opinions set forth in paragraph (1) of Article 63 of the Act, the provisions of Article 8 of the Order for Enforcement of the Administrative Appeal Act (Cabinet Order No. 391 of 1952) applies mutatis mutandis. In this case, the term "Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications" in same Article is deemed to be replaced with "Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. (輸出用飼料等に関する特例) (Special Provisions Concerning Feed for Export) 第十条 法第四条及び第五条第一項の規定は、飼料又は飼料添加物の輸出のための製造、保存、輸入若しくは販売又は試験研究の用に供するための製造、使用、輸入若しくは販売については、適用しない。 Article 10 The provisions of Article 4 and Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act do not apply to the production for export, preservation, import or sale, or the production, use, import or sale of feed additives for sale or experimental research of feed or feed additives. (都道府県の処理する事務) (Affairs to be Handled by the Prefecture) 第十一条 法第三十三条第一項に規定する農林水産大臣の権限に属する事務のうち、製造業者で飼料を製造し、若しくは販売する事業場が一の都道府県の区域内のみにあるもの又は販売業者に係るものは、都道府県知事が行うこととする。 Article 11 (1) Among the affairs that fall under the authority of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as prescribed in Article 33, paragraph (1) of the Act, those pertaining to place of business where manufacturers produce or sell are located only in the area of a single prefecture or those pertaining to a manufacturer is conducted by the prefectural governor. 2 都道府県知事は、前項の規定に基づき法第三十三条第一項の指示をした場合には、農林水産省令で定めるところにより、その内容を農林水産大臣に報告しなければならない。 (2) In the event that the prefectural governor gives instructions under paragraph (1) of Article 33 of the Act based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the governor must report the contents thereof to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as provided by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 3 法第五十五条第一項及び第五十六条第一項に規定する農林水産大臣の権限に属する事務は、都道府県知事が行うこととする。ただし、飼料の安全性の確保又は品質の改善を図るため特に必要があると認めるときは、農林水産大臣が自らその権限に属する事務を行うことを妨げない。 (3) Affairs that fall under the authority of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as provided in Article 55, paragraph (1) and Article 56, paragraph (1) of the Act is performed by the prefectural governor; provided, however, that this does not preclude the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries from administering the office work under their authority by themselves in the event that the Minister finds it particularly necessary in order to ensure the safety or improving the quality of feed. 4 都道府県知事が前項の規定に基づき法第五十六条第一項の規定により飼料若しくは飼料添加物又はこれらの原料を収去させた場合における同条第七項の規定による当該飼料若しくは飼料添加物又はこれらの原料の試験の結果の概要の公表は、当該都道府県知事が行うこととする。 (4) In the case where a prefectural governor has removed feed, feed additives, or these raw materials pursuant to the provisions of Article 56, paragraph (1) of the Act based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the publication of the outline of the results of the test of the relevant feed, feed additives, or these raw materials pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (7) of the same Article is made by the same prefectural governor. 5 第三項本文の場合においては、法中同項本文に規定する事務に係る農林水産大臣に関する規定は、都道府県知事に関する規定として都道府県知事に適用があるものとする。 (5) In the case of the main clause of paragraph (3), the provisions in the Act concerning the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries pertaining to the affairs provided for in the main clause of same paragraph apply to the prefectural governor as the provisions concerning the prefectural governor. 6 都道府県知事は、第三項本文の規定に基づき、法第五十五条第一項の規定により報告を徴し、又は法第五十六条第一項の規定により立入検査、質問若しくは収去をした場合には、農林水産省令で定めるところにより、その結果を農林水産大臣に報告しなければならない。 (6) In the event that the prefectural governor collects reports pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 55 of the Act or conducts an on-site inspection, questions or removes pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 56 of the Act based on the provisions of the main clause of paragraph (3), the governor must report the result to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as provided for by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. (事務の区分) (Classification of Affairs) 第十二条 この政令の規定により都道府県が処理することとされている事務のうち、次に掲げるもの(製造業者又は輸入業者に係るものに限る。)は、地方自治法(昭和二十二年法律第六十七号)第二条第九項第一号に規定する第一号法定受託事務とする。 Article 12 Among affairs that are made to be processed by the prefecture pursuant to the provisions of this Cabinet Order the following are No. 1 statutory entrusted affairs as set forth in item (i) of paragraph (9) of Article 2 of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947): 一 前条第三項の規定により都道府県が処理することとされている法第五十五条第一項の規定による報告の徴取並びに法第五十六条第一項の規定による立入検査、質問及び収去(法第二章の規定の施行に関するものに限る。) (i) collection of reports pursuant to the provisions of Article 55, paragraph (1) of the Act, which are to be handled by the prefecture pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding Article, and on-site inspection, questioning and removal (limited to those relating to the enforcement of the provisions of Chapter II of the Act) pursuant to the provisions of Article 56, paragraph (1) of the Act; and 二 前条第四項の規定により都道府県が処理することとされている法第五十六条第七項の規定による公表及び前条第六項の規定による報告(前号に掲げる事務に係るものに限る。) (ii) public announcements as prescribed in Article 56, paragraph (7) of the Act and reports as prescribed in paragraph (6) of the preceding Article (limited to those pertaining to the affairs listed in the preceding item) which are to be processed by the prefecture as prescribed in paragraph (4) of the preceding Article. 附 則 〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Extract] 1 この政令は、飼料の品質改善に関する法律の一部を改正する法律(昭和五十年法律第六十八号)の施行の日(昭和五十一年七月二十四日)から施行する。 (1) This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the effective date (July 24, 1976) of the Act for Partial Revision of the Act on the Improvement of Feed Quality (Act No. 68 of 1975). 2 飼料の品質改善に関する法律の規定による農林大臣の権限の一部を委任する政令(昭和三十一年政令第三百九号)は、廃止する。 (2) The Cabinet Order (Cabinet Order No. 309 of 1956) delegating part of the authority of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry pursuant to the provisions of the Act on the Improvement of Feed Quality is repealed. 3 特定飼料等の製造業者、輸入業者又は販売業者は、この政令の施行の日(以下「施行日」という。)から六月間は、法第二条の四第一項の規定にかかわらず、特定飼料等で当該特定飼料等又はその容器若しくは包装に同項の表示が付されていないものを販売することができる。 (3) A manufacturer, importer, or distributor of the specified feed, etc. may sell the specified feed, etc. for which the label of the same paragraph is not affixed to the specified feed, etc., the container or package for six months from the effective date of this Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as the "effective date") notwithstanding the provisions of Article 2-4, paragraph (1) of the Act. 4 この政令の施行前に特定飼料等又はその容器若しくは包装に付された表示については、施行日から六月間は、法第二条の五第一項の規定は、適用しない。 (4) The provisions of Article 2-5, paragraph (1) of the Act does not apply to labeling affixed to the specified feed, etc., its container or package prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order for six months from the effective date. 5 施行日から六月間に特定飼料等の製造業者、輸入業者又は販売業者が特定飼料等で当該特定飼料等又はその容器若しくは包装に法第二条の四第一項の表示が付されていないものを販売した場合におけるその特定飼料等については、法第二条の七(第二号に係る部分に限る。)の規定は、適用しない。 (5) The provisions of Article 2-7 of the Act (limited to the part pertaining to item (ii)) does not apply to specified feed, etc. sold by a manufacturer, importer, or distributor of specified feed, etc. during the period of six months from the effective date that the label as prescribed in Article 2-4 (1) of the Act is not affixed to the specified feed, etc., the container or package. 6 第三条に規定する飼料又は飼料添加物の製造業者は、施行日から六月間は、法第二条の八第一項に規定する飼料製造管理者を置くことを要しない。 (6) A manufacturer of feed or feed additives prescribed in Article 3 is not required to appoint a feed manufacturing manager prescribed in Article 2-8, paragraph (1) of the Act for six months from the effective date. 附 則 〔昭和五十三年七月五日政令第二百八十二号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 282 of July 5, 1978 Extract] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この政令は、公布の日から施行する。 Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation. 附 則 〔昭和五十八年七月二十二日政令第百七十号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 170 of July 22, 1983] この政令は、外国事業者による型式承認等の取得の円滑化のための関係法律の一部を改正する法律の施行の日(昭和五十八年八月一日)から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as from the effective date of the Act for Partial Revision of the Related Acts for Facilitating the Acquisition of Type Approval by Foreign Business Operators (August 1, 1983). 附 則 〔昭和五十九年四月十三日政令第九十九号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 99 of April 13, 1984] この政令は、昭和五十九年四月二十日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 20, 1984. 附 則 〔昭和六十年十二月二十一日政令第三百十七号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 317 of December 21, 1985 Extract] [Extract] (施行期日等) (Effective Date) 1 この政令は、公布の日から施行する。ただし、第四十二条の規定は、昭和六十一年一月一日から施行する。 (1) This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation; provided, however, that the provisions of Article 42 comes into effect as from January 1, 1986. 附 則 〔昭和六十二年三月二十五日政令第六十号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 60 of March 25, 1987] この政令は、昭和六十二年四月一日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1987. 附 則 〔平成元年三月二十二日政令第五十八号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 58 of March 22, 1989] この政令は、平成元年四月一日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1989. 附 則 〔平成二年六月二十九日政令第百九十九号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 199 of June 29, 1990] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 1 この政令は、公布の日から施行する。 (1) This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation. (経過措置) (Transitional Measures) 2 ぎんざけに使用される飼料又は当該飼料に用いられる飼料添加物で飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律施行令(以下「施行令」という。)第三条に規定する飼料又は飼料添加物に該当するものの製造業者は、この政令の施行の日から六月間は、当該飼料又は飼料添加物(ぎんざけ以外の施行令第一条に規定する動物にも使用される飼料又は当該飼料にも用いられる飼料添加物を除く。以下「ぎんざけ用飼料等」という。)を製造する事業場であってぎんざけ用飼料等以外の施行令第三条に規定する飼料又は飼料添加物を製造しないものについては、飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律第二条の八第一項に規定する飼料製造管理者を置くことを要しない。 (2) A manufacturer of feed used for coho salmon, or feed additives used for the relevant feed that falls under the category of feed or feed additives prescribed in Article 3 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (hereinafter referred to as the "Enforcement Order"). does not require to have a feed manufacturing manager as prescribed in Article 2-8, paragraph (1) of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feeds, for a period of six months from the date of enforcement of this Cabinet Order, on any place of business that manufactures the feed or feed additives (excluding feed used for animals prescribed in Article 1 of the Enforcement Order other than coho salmon, or feed additives used for the relevant feed; hereinafter referred to as "feed for coho salmon, etc.") and does not manufacture feed or feed additives prescribed in Article 3 of the Enforcement Order other than feed for coho salmon, etc. is found to be a workplace that manufactures feed or feed additives prescribed in Article 3 of the Enforcement Order. 附 則 〔平成三年三月十九日政令第四十号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 40 of March 19, 1991] この政令は、平成三年四月一日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1991. 附 則 〔平成六年三月二十四日政令第七十三号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 73 of March 24, 1994] この政令は、平成六年四月一日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1994. 附 則 〔平成六年七月二十七日政令第二百五十一号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 251 of July 27, 1994] この政令は、一般職の職員の勤務時間、休暇等に関する法律の施行の日(平成六年九月一日)から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the effective date (September 1, 1994) of the Act on Working Hours, Leave, etc. of Officials in the Regular Service. 附 則 〔平成九年三月二十六日政令第七十六号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 76 of March 26, 1997] この政令は、平成九年四月一日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1997. 附 則 〔平成十一年十二月二十二日政令第四百十六号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 416 of December 22, 1999 Extract] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この政令は、平成十二年四月一日から施行する。 Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2000. (飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律施行令の一部改正に伴う経過措置) (Transitional Measures upon Partial Revision of the Order for Enforcement on the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed) 第十七条 この政令の施行前に第三十四条の規定による改正前の飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律施行令第七条第一項又は第二項の規定により権限を委任された都道府県知事が整備法第二百七十条の規定による改正前の飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律(昭和二十八年法律第三十五号)第九条第一項の規定により指示し、同法第二十条第一項の規定により報告を徴し、又は同法第二十一条第一項の規定により立入検査、質問若しくは収去をした場合については、第三十四条の規定による改正後の飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律施行令第九条第二項及び第六項の規定は、適用しない。 Article 17 When a prefectural governor, with delegated authority pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of the Enforcement Order of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed prior to the revision pursuant to the provisions of Article 34 before the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, has given instructions pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed prior to the revision pursuant to the provisions of Article 270 of the Development Act, collected reports pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (1) of the same Act, or conducted an on-site inspection, questioning, or removal pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (1) of the same Act, the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (2) and paragraph (6) of the Enforcement Order of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed revised pursuant to the provisions of Article 34 does not apply. 附 則 〔平成十二年三月二十四日政令第九十六号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 96 of March 24, 2000] この政令は、平成十二年四月一日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2000. 附 則 〔平成十二年六月七日政令第三百三十三号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 333 of June 7, 2000 Extract] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 1 この政令(第一条を除く。)は、平成十三年四月一日から施行する。 (1) This Cabinet Order (excluding Article 1) comes into effect as of April 1, 2001. 附 則 〔平成十四年六月二十五日政令第二百三十七号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 237 of June 25, 2002] この政令は、牛海綿状脳症対策特別措置法の施行の日(平成十四年七月四日)から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the effective date of the Act on Special Measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (July 4, 2002). 附 則 〔平成十五年六月二十日政令第二百七十一号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 271 of June 20, 2003 Extract] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この政令は、飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律の一部を改正する等の法律(以下「改正法」という。)の施行の日(平成十五年七月一日)から施行する。 Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the effective date (July 1, 2003) of the Act on the Partial Revision of the Act on the Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (hereinafter referred to as the "revised Act") Act on the Partial Revision of the Act on the Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feeds (hereinafter referred to as the "revised Act"). (技術的読替え) (Technical Replacement) 第二条 改正法附則第七条第一項の規定によりなおその効力を有するものとされる改正法第一条の規定による改正前の飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律(以下「旧法」という。)の規定のうち次の表の上欄に掲げる規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる字句に読み替えるものとする。 Article 2 (1) In the provisions of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed prior to the revision by Article 1 of the revised Act (hereinafter referred to as the "old Act") which remains in effect pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the revised Act, the terms and phrases listed in the middle column of the following table in the provisions listed in the upper column of the table is replaced with the terms and phrases listed in the lower column of the same table. |第五条第一項|同条第一項|飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律の一部を改正する等の法律(平成十五年法律第七十四号。以下「改正法」という。)第一条の規定による改正後の飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律(以下「新法」という。)第二十七条第一項| |Article 5, paragraph (1)|paragraph (1) of the relevant Article|Article 27, paragraph (1) of Act on the Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (hereinafter referred to as the "new Act") after the revision pursuant to the provisions of Article 1 of the Act on Partial Revision of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (Act No. 74 of 2003; hereinafter referred to as the "revised Act")| |第五条第二項及び第三項|前条第一項|新法第二十七条第一項| |Paragraphs (2) and (3) of Article 5|paragraph (1) of the preceding article|Article 27, paragraph (1) of the new Act| |第五条の二第一項第一号|次条第一項又は第三項|改正法附則第七条第三項の規定により読み替えて適用される新法第二十八条第一項又は新法第二十八条第三項| |Article 5-2, paragraph (1), item (i)|paragraph (1) or paragraph (3) of the following Article|Article 28, paragraph (1) of the new Act or Article 28, paragraph (3) of the new Act applied by replacing the terms and phrases pursuant to the provision of Article 7, paragraph (3) of the Supplementary Provisions of the revised Act| |第五条の二第一項第三号|第二十条第一項|新法第五十五条第一項| |Article 5-2, paragraph (1), item (iii)|Article 20, paragraph (1)|Article 55, paragraph (1) of the new Act| |第五条の二第一項第四号|第二十一条第一項若しくは第二十一条の二第一項|新法第五十六条第一項若しくは第五十七条第一項| |Article 5-2, paragraph (1), item (iv)|Article 21, paragraph (1) or Article 21-2, paragraph (1)|Article 56, paragraph (1) or Article 57, paragraph (1) of the new Act| |第五条の二第二項第四号|第二十条第一項|新法第五十五条第一項| |Article 5-2, paragraph (2), item (iv)|Article 20, paragraph (1)|Article 55, paragraph (1) of the new Act| |第五条の二第二項第五号|第二十一条第一項若しくは第二十一条の二第一項|新法第五十六条第一項若しくは第五十七条第一項| |Article 5-2, paragraph (2), item (v)|Article 21, paragraph (1) or Article 21-2, paragraph (1)|Article 56, paragraph (1) or Article 57, paragraph (1) of the new Act| |第二十四条の三第一項|この法律に基づく処分|第五条の二第一項又は第二項の規定による処分| |Article 24-3, paragraph (1)|Disposition under this Act|Disposition pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph 2 of Article 5-2| 2 改正法附則第七条第二項の規定によりなおその効力を有するものとされる旧法の規定のうち次の表の上欄に掲げる規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる字句に読み替えるものとする。 (2) In the provisions of the old Act that remains in effect pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the revised Act, the terms and phrases listed in the middle column of the following table in the provisions listed in the upper column of the table is replaced with the terms and phrases listed in the lower column of the same table. |第七条の二第二項|第四条第一項|飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律の一部を改正する等の法律(平成十五年法律第七十四号。以下「改正法」という。)第一条の規定による改正後の飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律(以下「新法」という。)第二十七条第一項| |Article 7-2, paragraph (2)|Article 4, paragraph (1)|Article 27, paragraph (1) of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed after the revision (hereinafter referred to as the "new Act") pursuant to the provision of Article 1 of the Act on the Partial Revision of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (Act No. 74 of 2003; hereinafter referred to as the "revised Act").| |第七条の三|検定の業務の一部|検定の業務の一部(規格適合表示を付することを含む。以下同じ。)| |Article 7-3|Part of the services of the assay|Part of the services of the assay (including affixing a mark of conformity to the standard. The same applies hereinafter)| |第七条の四|第六条第三項|新法第二十八条第三項| |Article 7-4|Article 6, paragraph (3)|Article 28, paragraph (3) of the new Act| |第七条の五第一項第一号|第六条第一項|改正法附則第七条第三項の規定により読み替えて適用される新法第二十八条第一項| |Article 7-5, paragraph (1), item (i)|Article 6, paragraph (1)|Article 28, paragraph (1) of the new Act applied by replacing the terms and phrases pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (3) of the Supplementary Provisions of the revised Act| |第七条の五第一項第三号及び第四号並びに第二項第四号及び第五号|この法律|第七条の二から第七条の五までの規定| |Article 7-5, paragraph (1), items (iii) and (iv), and paragraph (2), items (iv) and (v)|this Act|Provisions of Article 7-2 through Article 7-5| |第二十四条の三第一項|この法律に基づく処分|第七条の五第一項又は第二項の規定による処分| |Article 24-3, paragraph (1)|Disposition under this Act|Disposition under the provisions of Article 7-5, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)| 3 改正法附則第七条第五項の規定によりなおその効力を有するものとされる旧法の規定のうち次の表の上欄に掲げる規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる字句に読み替えるものとする。 (3) In the provisions of the old Act that remains in effect pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (5) of the Supplementary Provisions of the revised Act, the terms and phrases listed in the middle column of the following table in the provisions listed in the upper column of the table is replaced with the terms and phrases listed in the lower column of the same table. |第五条第二項|前条第一項|飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律の一部を改正する等の法律(平成十五年法律第七十四号)第一条の規定による改正後の飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律(以下「新法」という。)第二十七条第一項| |Article 5, paragraph (2)|paragraph (1) of the preceding Article|Article 27, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (hereinafter referred to as the "new Act") after the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 1 of the Act on the Partial Revision of the Act on the Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (Act No. 74 of 2003)| |第五条第三項|前条第一項|新法第二十七条第一項| |Article 5, paragraph (3)|paragraph (1) of the preceding Article|Article 27, paragraph (1) of the nNew Act| 4 改正法附則第七条第六項の規定によりなおその効力を有するものとされる旧法の規定のうち次の表の上欄に掲げる規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、同表の下欄に掲げる字句に読み替えるものとする。 (4) In the provisions of the former Act that remains in effect pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (6) of the Supplementary Provisions of the revised Act, the terms and phrases listed in the middle column of the following table in the provisions listed in the upper column of the table is replaced with the terms and phrases listed in the lower column of the same table. |第七条の四|同条第三項中|同条第二項及び第三項中「前条第一項」とあるのは「飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律の一部を改正する等の法律(平成十五年法律第七十四号)第一条の規定による改正後の飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律第二十七条第一項」と、同項中| |Article 7-4|In paragraph (3) of the same Article|In paragraphs (2) and (3) of the relevant Article, the term "paragraph (1) of the preceding Article" is replaced with "Article 27, paragraph (1) of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed after the revision pursuant to the provisions of Article 1 of the Act on Partial Revision of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (Act No. 74 of 2003)"; in that paragraph.| 附 則 〔平成十六年十月二十七日政令第三百二十七号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 327 of October 27, 2004] この政令は、平成十七年二月一日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of February 1, 2005. 附 則 〔平成十八年二月一日政令第十四号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 14 of February 1, 2006 Extract] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この政令は、平成十八年四月一日から施行する。 Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2006. 附 則 〔平成十九年三月三十日政令第百十一号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 111 of March 30, 2007 Extract] [Extract] この政令は、平成十九年四月一日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2007. 附 則 〔平成二十七年十一月二十六日政令第三百九十二号〕〔抄〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 392 of November 26, 1952 Extract] [Extract] (施行期日) (Effective Date) 第一条 この政令は、行政不服審査法の施行の日(平成二十八年四月一日)から施行する。 Article 1 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of the effective date of the Administrative Appeal Act (April 1, 2008). (経過措置の原則) (Principle of Transitional Measures) 第二条 行政庁の処分その他の行為又は不作為についての不服申立てであってこの政令の施行前にされた行政庁の処分その他の行為又はこの政令の施行前にされた申請に係る行政庁の不作為に係るものについては、この附則に特別の定めがある場合を除き、なお従前の例による。 Article 2 With regard to appeals against dispositions or other acts or inaction, of administrative agencies, which pertain to dispositions or other acts of administrative agencies made prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order or to inactions of administrative agencies pertaining to applications filed prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in effect remains applicable, except as otherwise provided for in these Supplementary Provisions. 附 則 〔令和元年十一月七日政令第百四十六号〕 Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 146 of November 7, 2019] この政令は、令和二年十二月一日から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of December 1, 2020. 別表 (第九条関係) Appended Table (Re: Article 9) |納付しなければならない者|金額| |Persons Who Are Required to Pay|Amount of Money| |一 法第五条第一項の検定を受けようとする者|| |(i) a person who intends to take a verification test set forth in Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act|| |イ 落花生油かすについての検定を受けようとする者|一件につき五万八百円| |(a) a person who intends to take a verification test for groundnut oil cake|50,800 yen per case| |ロ 抗菌性物質製剤についての検定を受けようとする者|一件につき五万二千九百円| |(b) a person who intends to take a verification test for an antibacterial preparation|52,900 yen per case| |二 法第七条第一項、第二十一条第一項、第二十七条第一項、第二十九条第一項若しくは第三十条第一項の登録若しくはその更新を受けようとする者又は法第十三条第一項(法第二十一条第三項、第二十九条第三項及び第三十条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の変更登録を受けようとする者|| |(ii) a person who intends to obtain a registration under Article 7, paragraph (1), Article 21, paragraph (1), Article 27, paragraph (1), Article 29, paragraph (1) or Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Act or the renewal thereof, or a person who intends to obtain a registration of change under Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act (including the cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3), Article 29, paragraph (3) and Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act)|| |イ 法第七条第一項の登録又はその更新を受けようとする者|五万六千五百円に申請に係る法第七条第一項の農林水産省令で定める特定飼料等の種類の数(以下「省令種類数」という。)を乗じた額及び十万六千二百円の合計額(法第十条第二項(法第十一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額)| |(a) a person who intends to obtain the registration under Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act or the renewal thereof.|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by the document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) (including the case as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act) of the Act, the amount obtained by multiplying 2,650 yen by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application) of 56,500 yen multiplied by the number of categories (hereinafter referred to as the "number of categories of Ministry Order") of specified feed, etc. specified by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries set forth in Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act pertaining to the application and 106,200 yen.| |ロ 法第二十一条第一項の登録又はその更新を受けようとする者|五万六千五百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額(法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項(法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額)| |(b) a person who intends to obtain a registration under Article 21, paragraph (1) of the Act or the renewal thereof.|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) (including the case as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount obtained by multiplying 2,650 yen by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application) of 56,500 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4.| |ハ 法第二十七条第一項の登録又はその更新を受けようとする者|一万三百円に一事業所につき一万七千二百円を加算した額| |(c) a person who intends to obtain a registration under Article 27, paragraph (1) of the Act or the renewal thereof.|The amount obtained by adding 17,200 yen per place of business to 13,000 yen.| |ニ 法第二十九条第一項の登録又はその更新を受けようとする者|二万二千円に申請に係る法第二十六条第一項の農林水産大臣が指定する飼料の種類の数(以下「指定種類数」という。)を乗じた額及び八万二千二百円の合計額(法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項(法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額)| |(d) a person who intends to obtain a registration under Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act or the renewal thereof.|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act (including the cases as applied the mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount obtained by multiplying 2,650 yen by the designated number of categories pertaining to the application) of the amount obtained by multiplying 22,000 yen by the number of categories of feed (hereinafter referred to as the "designated number of categories") designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries set forth in Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Act pertaining to the application and 82,200 yen.| |ホ 法第三十条第一項の登録又はその更新を受けようとする者|二万二千円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額(法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項(法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額)| |(e) a person who intends to obtain a registration under Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Act or the renewal thereof.|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act (including the cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount of 2,650 multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application) of 22,000 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4.| |ヘ 法第十三条第一項の変更登録を受けようとする者|| |(f) a person who intends to obtain a registration under Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act or the renewal thereof.|| |(1) 法第七条第二項第四号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|一万千六百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び八万二千二百円の合計額(法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額)| |1. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act|The sum of 11,600 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and 82,200 yen (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act, the sum of 2,650 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application).| |(2) 法第七条第二項第五号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|一万千六百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び八万二千二百円の合計額(法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額)| |2. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act, the sum of 2,650 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application) of 11,600 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and 82,200 yen.| |(3) 法第七条第二項第六号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|一万千六百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び八万二千二百円の合計額(法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額)| |3. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (vi) of the Act|The sum of 11,600 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and 82,200 yen (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act, the sum of 2,650 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application).| |(4) 特定飼料等検査規程に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|八千円(法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円)に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額| |4. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the specified feed, etc. inspection rules|The amount of 8,000 yen (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act, 2,650 yen) multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application.| |ト 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十三条第一項の変更登録を受けようとする者|| |(g) a person who intends to obtain a registration of change under Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act|| |(1) 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第四号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|一万千六百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額(法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額)| |1. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 11,600 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4 (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount of 2,650 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application).| |(2) 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第五号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|一万千六百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額(法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額)| |2. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 11,600 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4 (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount of 2,650 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application).| |(3) 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第六号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|一万千六百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額(法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額)| |3. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the matters listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (vi) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 11,600 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4 (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount of 2,650 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application).| |(4) 特定飼料等検査規程に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|八千円(法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円)に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額| |4. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change in the feed inspection rules|The amount of 8,000 yen (in the case where the application is accompanied by the document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act, 2,650 yen) multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application.| |チ 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十三条第一項の変更登録を受けようとする者|| |(h) a person who intends to obtain a registration of change under Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act|| |(1) 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第四号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|七千百円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び八万二千二百円の合計額(法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額)| |1. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the matters listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act.|The sum of 7,100 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and 82,200 yen (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount of 2,650 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application).| |(2) 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第五号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|七千百円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び八万二千二百円の合計額(法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額)| |2. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the matters listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act.|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount of 2,650 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application) of 7,100 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and 82.200 yen.| |(3) 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第六号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|七千百円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び八万二千二百円の合計額(法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額)| |3. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (vi) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act.|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount of 2,650 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application) of 7,100 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and 82,200 yen.| |(4) 規格設定飼料検査規程に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|五千八百円(法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円)に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額| |4. aA person who wants to register a registration of change pertaining to the standardized feed inspection rules|The amount obtained by multiplying 5,800 yen (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act, 2,650 yen) by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application| |リ 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十三条第一項の変更登録を受けようとする者|| |(i) a person who intends to obtain a registration of change under Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act|| |(1) 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第四号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|七千百円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額(法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額)| |1. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the matters listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount obtained by multiplying 2,650 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application) of the amount obtained by multiplying 7,100 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4.| |(2) 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第五号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|七千百円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額(法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額)| |2. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount obtained by multiplying 2,650 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application) of the amount obtained by multiplying 7,100 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4.| |(3) 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第六号に掲げる事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|七千百円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額(法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額)| |3. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (vi) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act, the amount obtained by multiplying 2,650 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application) of the amount obtained by multiplying 7,100 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4.| |(4) 規格設定飼料検査規程に係る変更登録を受けようとする者|五千八百円(法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第二項の書面が添えられている場合にあつては、二千六百五十円)に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額| |4. a person who intends to obtain a registration of change pertaining to the standardized feed inspection rules|The amount obtained by multiplying 5,800 yen (in the case where the application is accompanied by a document set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act, 2,650 yen) by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application| |三 法第十条第一項(法第十一条第二項(法第二十一条第三項、第二十九条第三項及び第三十条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)、法第十三条第三項(法第二十一条第三項、第二十九条第三項及び第三十条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)、法第二十一条第三項、法第二十九条第三項及び法第三十条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の調査を受けようとする者|| |(iii) a person who intends to undergo an investigation under paragraph (1) of Article 10 of the Act (including the cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act (including the cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3), Article 29, paragraph (3) and Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act), Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3), Article 29, paragraph (3) and Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act), Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act, Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act and Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act).|| |イ 法第十条第一項(法第十一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の調査を受けようとする者|五万七千百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び六万七千八百円の合計額| |(a) a person who intends to undergo an investigation under Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act (including the cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act).|The sum of 57,100 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and 67,800 yen| |ロ 法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第一項の調査を受けようとする者|| |(b) a person who intends to undergo an investigation under Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act.|| |(1) 法第七条第二項第四号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|一万円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び四万三千八百円の合計額| |1. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act|The sum of 10,000 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and 43,800 yen| |(2) 法第七条第二項第五号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|一万円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び四万三千八百円の合計額| |2. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act|The sum of 10,000 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and 43,800 yen| |(3) 法第七条第二項第六号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|一万円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び四万三千八百円の合計額| |3. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (vi) of the Act|The sum of 10,000 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and 43,800 yen| |(4) 法第九条第五号の検査の方法に係る調査を受けようとする者|五千九百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額| |4. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to an inspection method listed in Article 9, item (v) of the Act|The amount obtained by multiplying 5,900 yen by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application| |ハ 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十条第一項(法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の調査を受けようとする者|五万七千百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額| |(c) a person who intends to undergo an investigation under Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act (including the cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act)|The sum of 57,100 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and the amounts prescribed in Article 4| |ニ 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第一項の調査を受けようとする者|| |(d) a person who intends to undergo an investigation under Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act|| |(1) 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第四号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|一万円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額| |1. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 10,000 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4| |(2) 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第五号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする|一万円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額| |2. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 10,000 yen multiplied by the number of categories of Ministry Order pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4| |(3) 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第六号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|一万円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額| |3. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (vi) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 10,000 yen multiplied by the number of Ministry Order categories pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4| |(4) 法第二十一条第三項において準用する法第九条第五号の検査の方法に係る調査を受けようとする者|五千九百円に申請に係る省令種類数を乗じた額| |4. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to an inspection method under Article 9, item (v) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21, paragraph (3) of the Act|The amount obtained by multiplying 5,900 yen by the number of Ministry Order categories pertaining to the application| |ホ 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十条第一項(法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の調査を受けようとする者|二万二千八百円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び四万三千八百円の合計額| |(e) a person who intends to undergo an investigation under Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act (including the cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 22,800 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and 43,800 yen| |ヘ 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第一項の調査を受けようとする者|| |(f) a person who intends to undergo an investigation under Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act|| |(1) 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第四号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|五千円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び四万三千八百円の合計額| |1. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 5,000 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and 43,800 yen| |(2) 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第五号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|五千円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び四万三千八百円の合計額| |2, a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the matters listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 5,000 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and 43,800 yen| |(3) 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第六号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|五千円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び四万三千八百円の合計額| |3, a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (vi) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of 5,000 yen multiplied by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and 43,800 yen| |(4) 法第二十九条第三項において準用する法第九条第五号の検査の方法に係る調査を受けようとする者|三千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額| |4, a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to an inspection method under Article 9, item (v) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (3) of the Act|The amount obtained by multiplying 3,650 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application| |ト 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十条第一項(法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十一条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の調査を受けようとする者|二万二千八百円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額| |(g) a person who intends to undergo an investigation under Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act (including the cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act)|The sum of the amount obtained by multiplying 22,800 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4| |チ 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第十三条第三項において準用する法第十条第一項の調査を受けようとする者|| |(h) a person who intends to undergo an investigation under Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act|| |(1) 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第四号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|五千円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額| |1. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the matters listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of the amount obtained by multiplying 5,000 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4| |(2) 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第五号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|五千円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額| |2. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of the amount obtained by multiplying 5,000 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4| |(3) 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第七条第二項第六号に掲げる事項に係る調査を受けようとする者|五千円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額及び第四条に規定する額の合計額| |3. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to the particulars listed in Article 7, paragraph (2), item (vi) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act|The sum of the amount obtained by multiplying 5,000 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application and the amount prescribed in Article 4| |(4) 法第三十条第三項において準用する法第九条第五号の検査の方法に係る調査を受けようとする者|三千六百五十円に申請に係る指定種類数を乗じた額| |4. a person who intends to undergo an investigation pertaining to an inspection method under Article 9, item (v) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act|The amount obtained by multiplying 3,650 yen by the number of designated categories pertaining to the application| |備考| |Remarks| |㈠ 二の項ヘの⑴から⑶まで又は同項チの⑴から⑶までの規定に規定する事項(以下この㈠において「変更事項」という。)のうち一の事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする者が同時に他の変更事項に係る変更登録を受けようとする場合における当該他の変更事項に係る変更登録についての手数料の額は、それぞれ二の項ヘの⑴から⑶まで又は同項チの⑴から⑶までに定める額から八万二千二百円を減じた額とする。| |(一) In the case where a person who intends to receive the registration of change pertaining to one of the matters (hereinafter referred to as "changed matters" in this (一)) specified in (1) through (3) of row (2)(f) or (1) through (3) of the same row (h) | |㈡ 二の項トの⑴から⑶まで若しくは同項リの⑴から⑶まで又は三の項ニの⑴から⑶まで若しくは同項チの⑴から⑶までの規定に規定する事項(以下この㈡において「変更事項」という。)のうち一の事項に係る変更登録又は調査を受けようとする者が同時に他の変更事項に係る変更登録又は調査を受けようとする場合における当該他の変更事項に係る変更登録又は調査についての手数料の額は、それぞれ二の項トの⑴から⑶まで若しくは同項リの⑴から⑶まで又は三の項ニの⑴から⑶まで若しくは同項チの⑴から⑶までに定める額から第四条に規定する額を減じた額とする。| |(二) In the case where a person who intends to receive a registration of change or investigation pertaining to one of the particulars (hereinafter referred to as "changed particulars" in this (二)) specified in (1) through (3) of row (2)(g) or (1) through (3) of the same row (i), or (1) through (3) of row (3)(d) or (1) through (3) of the same row (h) intends to receive a registration of change or investigation pertaining to other changed particulars at the same time, the amount of the fee for the registration of change or investigation pertaining to the relevent other changed particulars is the amount obtained by subtracting the amount specified in Article 4 from the amount specified in 1 through 3 of row 2 (g) or 1 through 3 of the same row (i), or 1 through 3 of row 3 (d) or 1 through 3 of the same row (h) respectively.| |㈢ 三の項ロの⑴から⑶まで又は同項ヘの⑴から⑶までの規定に規定する事項(以下この㈢において「変更事項」という。)のうち一の事項に係る調査を受けようとする者が同時に他の変更事項に係る調査を受けようとする場合における当該他の変更事項に係る調査についての手数料の額は、それぞれ三の項ロの⑴から⑶まで又は同項ヘの⑴から⑶までに定める額から四万三千八百円を減じた額とする。| |(三) In the case where a person who intends to receive the investigation pertaining to one of the particulars (hereinafter referred to as "changed particulars" in this (一)) specified in (1) through (3) of row (3)(b) or (1) through (3) of the same row (f) intends to receive the investigation pertaining to other changed particulars at the same time, the amount of the fee for the investigation pertaining to the relevant other changed particulars is the amount obtained by subtracting 43,800 yen from the amount specified in 1 through 3 of row 3 (b) or 1 through 3 of the same row (f), respectively.|