Act for Implementation of United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation
Act No. 16 of 2023
Act for Implementation of United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (Act No. 16 of April 28, 2023)
第一条 この法律は、調停による国際的な和解合意に関する国際連合条約(以下「条約」という。)の実施に関し必要な事項を定めるものとする。
Article 1 This Act provides the particulars necessary for implementation of the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (hereinafter referred to as the "Convention").
第二条 この法律において「調停」とは、その名称や開始の原因となる事実のいかんにかかわらず、一定の法律関係(契約に基づくものであるかどうかを問わない。)に関する民事又は商事の紛争の解決をしようとする紛争の当事者のため、当事者に対して紛争の解決を強制する権限を有しない第三者が和解の仲介を実施し、その解決を図る手続をいう。
Article 2 (1) The term "mediation" as used in this Act means a process, irrespective of its name or grounds for commencement, for parties who seek to resolve a civil or commercial dispute in respect of a certain legal relationship (irrespective of whether contractual or not), whereby a third person lacking the authority to impose a solution upon the parties mediates a settlement and attempts to resolve the dispute.
2 この法律において「調停人」とは、調停において和解の仲介を実施する者をいう。
(2) The term "mediator" as used in this Act means a person who mediates settlement through mediation.
3 この法律において「国際和解合意」とは、調停において当事者間に成立した合意であって、合意が成立した当時において次の各号に掲げる事由のいずれかに該当するものをいう。
(3) The term "international settlement agreement" as used in this Act means an agreement resulting from mediation that has been reached between the parties and that falls under any of the following items at the time of the conclusion of the agreement:
一 当事者の全部又は一部が日本国外に住所又は主たる事務所若しくは営業所を有するとき(当事者の全部又は一部の発行済株式(議決権のあるものに限る。)又は出資の総数又は総額の百分の五十を超える数又は額の株式(議決権のあるものに限る。)又は持分を有する者その他これと同等のものとして法務省令で定める者が日本国外に住所又は主たる事務所若しくは営業所を有するときを含む。)。
(i) some or all of the parties have an address, a main office or a place of business outside Japan (including cases in which a person that holds more than fifty percent of the number of issued shares (limited to voting shares) in some or all of the parties, or more than fifty percent of the equity in some or all of the parties, or a person specified by Order of the Ministry of Justice as equivalent to that person has an address, a main office or a place of business outside Japan);
二 当事者の全部又は一部が互いに異なる国に住所又は事務所若しくは営業所(当事者が二以上の事務所又は営業所を有する場合にあっては、合意が成立した当時において当事者が知っていたか、又は予見することのできた事情に照らして、合意によって解決された紛争と最も密接な関係がある事務所又は営業所。次号において同じ。)を有するとき。
(ii) some or all parties have their addresses, offices or places of business (if a party has two or more offices or place of businesses, the office or place of business which has the closest relationship to the dispute resolved by the agreement, in regard to the circumstances known to, or contemplated by, the parties at the time of the conclusion of the agreement; hereinafter the same applies in the following item) in different States; or
三 当事者の全部又は一部が住所又は事務所若しくは営業所を有する国が、合意に基づく債務の重要な部分の履行地又は合意の対象である事項と最も密接な関係がある地が属する国と異なるとき。
(iii) the State in which some or all of the parties have their addresses, offices or places of business is different from the State in which either the place where a substantial part of the obligations under the agreement is performed or the place with the closest connection to the subject matter of the agreement belongs.
第三条 この法律の規定は、国際和解合意の当事者が、条約又は条約の実施に関する法令に基づき民事執行をすることができる旨の合意をした場合について、適用する。
Article 3 The provisions of this Act apply when parties to the international settlement agreement have agreed that it could be enforced through civil enforcement based on the Convention or laws and regulations regarding the implementation of the Convention.
第四条 この法律の規定は、次に掲げる国際和解合意については、適用しない。
Article 4 This Act does not apply to the following international settlement agreements:
一 民事上の契約又は取引のうち、その当事者の全部又は一部が個人(事業として又は事業のために契約又は取引の当事者となる場合におけるものを除く。)であるものに関する紛争に係る国際和解合意
(i) international settlement agreements on disputes relating to civil contracts or transactions for which some or all of the parties to the agreement are individuals (excluding those who have become parties to a contract or transaction as a business or for business purposes);
二 個別労働関係紛争(個別労働関係紛争の解決の促進に関する法律(平成十三年法律第百十二号)第一条に規定する個別労働関係紛争をいう。)に係る国際和解合意
(ii) international settlement agreements on individual labor-related disputes (meaning individual labor-related disputes as prescribed in article 1 of the Act on Promoting the Resolution of Individual Labor-Related Disputes (Act No. 112 of 2001));
三 人事に関する紛争その他家庭に関する紛争に係る国際和解合意
(iii) international settlement agreements on disputes regarding personal status and other disputes regarding family affairs;
四 外国の裁判所の認可を受け、又は日本若しくは外国の裁判所の手続において成立した国際和解合意であって、その裁判所が属する国でこれに基づく強制執行をすることができるもの
(iv) international settlement agreements that have been approved by courts of a foreign country or concluded in the course of proceedings before the Japanese courts or courts of a foreign country and that are enforceable in the State of that court; and
五 仲裁判断としての効力を有する国際和解合意であって、これに基づく強制執行をすることができるもの
(v) international settlement agreements that have the effect of an arbitral award and are enforceable.
(Enforceability Order of International Settlement Agreement)
第五条 国際和解合意に基づいて民事執行をしようとする当事者は、債務者を被申立人として、裁判所に対し、執行決定(国際和解合意に基づく民事執行を許す旨の決定をいう。以下同じ。)を求める申立てをしなければならない。
Article 5 (1) A party that intends to process a civil enforcement based on an international settlement agreement must file a petition with the court for an enforceability order (meaning an order allowing the civil enforcement based on an international settlement agreement; the same applies hereinafter), indicating the obligor as the respondent.
2 前項の申立てをする者(以下この条において「申立人」という。)は、次に掲げる書面を提出しなければならない。
(2) Any person who files a petition referred to in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "petitioner" in this Article) must submit the following documents:
一 当事者が作成した国際和解合意の内容が記載された書面
(i) a document prepared by the parties containing the content of the international settlement agreement; and
二 調停人その他調停に関する記録の作成、保存その他の管理に関する事務を行う者が作成した国際和解合意が調停において成立したものであることを証明する書面
(ii) a document prepared by the mediator or another person who prepares or preserves records or performs any other administrative work that certifies that the international settlement agreement resulted from mediation.
3 前項の書面については、これに記載すべき事項を記録した電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によっては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であって、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう。次項において同じ。)に係る記録媒体の提出をもって、当該書面の提出に代えることができる。この場合において、当該記録媒体を提出した申立人は、当該書面を提出したものとみなす。
(3) Regarding the documents referred to in the preceding paragraph, the petitioner may instead submit a recording medium of an electronic or magnetic record (a record which is produced by electronic, magnetic, or any other means unrecognizable by the human senses, and is used for information processing by a computer; the same applies in the following paragraph) stating the content that is required for those documents. In this case, the petitioner that has submitted the recording medium is deemed to have submitted the document.
4 申立人は、前二項の規定により書面又は記録媒体を提出するときは、併せて、当該書面(日本語で作成されたものを除く。)又は当該記録媒体に係る電磁的記録(日本語で作成されたものを除く。)の日本語による翻訳文を提出しなければならない。ただし、裁判所は、相当と認めるときは、被申立人の意見を聴いて、当該書面又は当該電磁的記録の全部又は一部について日本語による翻訳文を提出することを要しないものとすることができる。
(4) When submitting a document or recording medium pursuant to the provisions of the two preceding paragraphs, a petitioner must submit a Japanese translation of that document (excluding one drafted in Japanese) or that recording medium of the electronic or magnetic record (excluding one prepared in Japanese); provided, however, that if the court finds it appropriate, after hearing the opinions of the respondent, the court may decide not to require the submission of whole or part of the Japanese translation of that document or that electronic or magnetic record.
5 第一項の申立てを受けた裁判所は、他の裁判機関又は仲裁廷に対して当該国際和解合意に関する他の申立てがあった場合において、必要があると認めるときは、同項の申立てに係る手続を中止することができる。この場合において、裁判所は、申立人の申立てにより、被申立人に対し、担保を立てるべきことを命ずることができる。
(5) If the petition referred to in paragraph (1) is filed with the court, and another petition relating to the international settlement agreement is filed with another judicial body or an arbitral tribunal, the court may suspend the procedure pertaining to the petition referred to in paragraph (1), if necessary. In this case, the court may order the respondent to provide security, upon the petition of the petitioner.
6 第一項の申立てに係る事件は、次に掲げる裁判所の管轄に専属する。
(6) The case related to the petition referred to in paragraph (1) is to be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the following courts:
一 当事者が合意により定めた地方裁判所
(i) the district court determined by an agreement between the parties;
二 当該事件の被申立人の普通裁判籍の所在地を管轄する地方裁判所
(ii) the district court which has jurisdiction over the locality of the general venue of the respondent in the case;
三 請求の目的又は差し押さえることができる被申立人の財産の所在地を管轄する地方裁判所
(iii) the district court which has jurisdiction over the locality of the subject matter of the claim or the seizable property of the respondent; and
四 東京地方裁判所及び大阪地方裁判所(被申立人の普通裁判籍の所在地又は請求の目的若しくは差し押さえることができる被申立人の財産の所在地が日本国内にある場合に限る。)
(iv) the Tokyo District Court and the Osaka District Court (limited to the case in which the location of the general venue of the respondent or the location of the subject matter of the claim or the seizable property of the respondent is in Japan)
7 前項の規定により二以上の裁判所が管轄権を有するときは、先に申立てがあった裁判所が管轄する。
(7) If two or more courts have jurisdiction pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, the case is to be under the jurisdiction of the court which first received a petition.
8 裁判所は、第一項の申立てに係る事件の全部又は一部がその管轄に属しないと認めるときは、申立てにより又は職権で、これを管轄裁判所に移送しなければならない。
(8) If it finds that whole or part of the case related to the petition referred to in paragraph (1) is not under its jurisdiction, the court must transfer it to the court with jurisdiction, upon petition or by its own authority.
9 裁判所は、第七項の規定により管轄する事件について、相当と認めるときは、申立てにより又は職権で、当該事件の全部又は一部を同項の規定により管轄権を有しないこととされた裁判所に移送することができる。
(9) Regarding a case that is subject to the jurisdiction of a court pursuant to the provision of paragraph (7), if it finds it appropriate, the court may transfer whole or part of the case to a court that is not vested with jurisdiction over the case pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph, upon petition or by its own authority.
10 前二項の規定による決定に対しては、その告知を受けた日から二週間の不変期間内に、即時抗告をすることができる。
(10) An immediate appeal may be filed against a decision under the two preceding paragraphs, within an unextendable period of two weeks from the day on which a notice of the decision was received.
11 裁判所は、次項の規定により第一項の申立てを却下する場合を除き、執行決定をしなければならない。
(11) The court must make an enforceability order, except when it dismisses the petition referred to in paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of the following paragraph.
12 裁判所は、第一項の申立てがあった場合において、次の各号に掲げる事由のいずれかがあると認めるとき(第一号から第六号までに掲げる事由にあっては、被申立人が当該事由の存在を証明した場合に限る。)に限り、当該申立てを却下することができる。
(12) When the petition referred to in paragraph (1) has been filed, the court may dismiss the petition only if it finds that one of the grounds stated in the following items exist (for the grounds stated in items (i) through (vi), limited to the case in which the respondent has proved the existence of the grounds):
一 国際和解合意が、当事者の行為能力の制限により、その効力を有しないこと。
(i) the international settlement agreement is not valid due to the limitation on the legal capacity of a party;
二 国際和解合意が、当事者が合意により国際和解合意に適用すべきものとして有効に指定した法令(当該指定がないときは、裁判所が国際和解合意について適用すべきものと判断する法令)によれば、当事者の行為能力の制限以外の事由により、その効力を有しないこと。
(ii) the international settlement agreement is not valid on grounds other than the limitation on the legal capacity of a party pursuant to the laws and regulations designated by the agreement of the parties as those which should be applied to the international settlement agreement (or if their designation has not been made, pursuant to the laws and regulations determined to be applicable to the international settlement agreement by the court);
三 国際和解合意に基づく債務の内容を特定することができないこと。
(iii) the content of the obligations in the international settlement agreement cannot be specified;
四 国際和解合意に基づく債務の全部が履行その他の事由により消滅したこと。
(iv) the obligations in the international settlement agreement have been extinguished in their entirety due to performance or any other reasons;
五 調停人が、法令その他当事者間の合意により当該調停人又は当該調停人が実施する調停に適用される準則(公の秩序に関しないものに限る。)に違反した場合であって、その違反する事実が重大であり、かつ、当該国際和解合意の成立に影響を及ぼすものであること。
(v) the mediator has breached laws, regulations or any other rules applicable to the mediator or to the mediation implemented by the mediator pursuant to an agreement between the parties (limited to those unrelated to public order), and the fact constituting the breach is serious and affects the conclusion of the international settlement agreement;
六 調停人が、当事者に対し、自己の公正性又は独立性に疑いを生じさせるおそれのある事実を開示しなかった場合であって、当該事実が重大であり、かつ、当該国際和解合意の成立に影響を及ぼすものであること。
(vi) the mediator failed to disclose to the parties a fact that may raise doubts as to the mediator's impartiality or independence, and the fact is serious and affects the conclusion of the international settlement agreement;
七 国際和解合意の対象である事項が、日本の法令によれば、和解の対象とすることができない紛争に関するものであること。
(vii) the subject matter of the international settlement agreement concerns a dispute which may not be subject to a settlement agreement pursuant to the provisions of Japanese laws and regulations; or
八 国際和解合意に基づく民事執行が、日本における公の秩序又は善良の風俗に反すること。
(viii) a civil enforcement based on the international settlement agreement would be contrary to public policy in Japan.
13 裁判所は、口頭弁論又は当事者双方が立ち会うことができる審尋の期日を経なければ、第一項の申立てについての決定をすることができない。
(13) The court may not make a decision on the petition referred to in paragraph (1) without holding an oral argument or a hearing that both parties can attend.
14 第一項の申立てについての決定に対しては、その告知を受けた日から二週間の不変期間内に、即時抗告をすることができる。
(14) An immediate appeal may be filed against the petition referred to in paragraph (1), within an unextendable period of two weeks from the day on which a notice of the decision was received.
(Optional Oral Arguments)
第六条 執行決定の手続に関する裁判は、口頭弁論を経ないですることができる。
Article 6 A judicial decision on a proceeding relating to an enforceability order may be made without holding oral arguments.
(Inspection of the Record of the Case)
第七条 執行決定の手続について利害関係を有する者は、裁判所書記官に対し、次に掲げる事項を請求することができる。
Article 7 Any person that has an interest concerning the proceedings on an enforceability order may file a request with the court clerk in regard to the following matters:
一 事件の記録の閲覧又は謄写
(i) inspection or copy of the records of the case;
二 事件の記録中の電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によっては認識することができない方式で作られた記録の複製
(ii) reproduction of a record which is created in an electronic form, a magnetic form, or any other form that cannot be perceived by the human senses that is included in the records of the case;
三 事件の記録の正本、謄本又は抄本の交付
(iii) delivery of an authenticated copy, transcript, or extract of the record of the case; and
四 事件に関する事項の証明書の交付
(iv) delivery of a certificate for the matters related to the case.
(Summons for Appearance on a Court Date)
第八条 執行決定の手続における期日の呼出しは、呼出状の送達、当該事件について出頭した者に対する期日の告知その他相当と認める方法によってする。
Article 8 (1) A summons for appearance on a court date in a proceeding relating to an enforceability order is issued by means of the service of a writ of summons, the notification of a court date to a person who has appeared in connection with the relevant case, or by any other means that is considered to be appropriate.
2 呼出状の送達及び当該事件について出頭した者に対する期日の告知以外の方法による期日の呼出しをしたときは、期日に出頭しない者に対し、法律上の制裁その他期日の不遵守による不利益を帰することができない。ただし、その者が期日の呼出しを受けた旨を記載した書面を提出したときは、この限りでない。
(2) If a summons to appear on a court date is issued by means other than the service of a writ of summons and the announcement of a court date to a person who has appeared for the relevant case, no legal sanction nor any other disadvantage associated with the failure to comply with the court date may be assigned to the person who does not appear on that court date; provided, however, that this does not apply if the person has submitted a paper document indicating receipt of the summons to appear on that court date.
(Means of Service by Publication)
第九条 執行決定の手続における公示送達は、裁判所書記官が送達すべき書類を保管し、いつでも送達を受けるべき者に交付すべき旨を裁判所の掲示場に掲示してする。
Article 9 For a service by publication in a proceeding relating to an enforceability order, a notice indicating that the court clerk has retained the document to be served and can deliver it to the person that is to be served at any time is posted in the posting area of the court.
(Petition by Means of Electronic Data Processing System)
第十条 執行決定の手続における申立てその他の申述(以下この条において「申立て等」という。)のうち、当該申立て等に関するこの法律その他の法令の規定により書面等(書面、書類、文書、謄本、抄本、正本、副本、複本その他文字、図形等人の知覚によって認識することができる情報が記載された紙その他の有体物をいう。次項及び第四項において同じ。)をもってするものとされているものであって、最高裁判所の定める裁判所に対してするもの(当該裁判所の裁判長、受命裁判官、受託裁判官又は裁判所書記官に対してするものを含む。)については、当該法令の規定にかかわらず、最高裁判所規則で定めるところにより、電子情報処理組織(裁判所の使用に係る電子計算機(入出力装置を含む。以下この項及び第三項において同じ。)と申立て等をする者の使用に係る電子計算機とを電気通信回線で接続した電子情報処理組織をいう。)を用いてすることができる。
Article 10 (1) Among the petitions or other statements in proceedings relating to an enforceability order (hereinafter referred to as a "petition or statement"), those which are to be filed with the court specified by the Supreme Court (including those to be filed to that court's presiding judge, authorized judge, commissioned judge, or court clerk) by means of paper documents or other prescribed items (meaning a paper document, a transcript, extract, authenticated copy, or duplicate of a document, a duplicate of a bill or note, or any other paper or other tangible object into which information that can be perceived with the human senses, such as characters and shapes, has been entered; hereinafter the same applies in the following paragraph and the paragraph (4)) pursuant to the provisions of this Act or other laws and regulations concerning a petition or statement may be filed by means of electronic data processing systems (meaning electronic data processing systems that connect a computer (including its input and output devices; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph and paragraph (3)) used by the court and the computer used by the person filing the petition or statement over telecommunication lines) as specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court, notwithstanding the provisions of the laws and regulations.
2 前項の規定によりされた申立て等については、当該申立て等を書面等をもってするものとして規定した申立て等に関する法令の規定に規定する書面等をもってされたものとみなして、当該申立て等に関する法令の規定を適用する。
(2) The petition or statement filed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph is deemed to have been filed by means of a paper document or other prescribed item as prescribed in the provisions of the laws and regulations concerning a petition or statement that provide that the petition or statement in question is to be filed by means of a paper document or other prescribed item, and the provisions of the laws and regulations concerning a petition or statement apply to the petition or statement in question.
3 第一項の規定によりされた申立て等は、同項の裁判所の使用に係る電子計算機に備えられたファイルへの記録がされた時に、当該裁判所に到達したものとみなす。
(3) The petition or statement filed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) is deemed to have arrived at the court when it is recorded in a file stored on the computer used by a court as referred to in that paragraph.
4 第一項の場合において、当該申立て等に関する他の法令の規定により署名等(署名、記名、押印その他氏名又は名称を書面等に記載することをいう。以下この項において同じ。)をすることとされているものについては、当該申立て等をする者は、当該法令の規定にかかわらず、当該署名等に代えて、最高裁判所規則で定めるところにより、氏名又は名称を明らかにする措置を講じなければならない。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning a petition or statement, in the case of paragraph (1), in order to file the petition or statement that is to bear a signature or other identifying information (meaning the relevant person's signature, name, seal, or other expressions of the relevant person's name or trade name in paper documents or other prescribed items; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulations concerning the petition or statement, the person filing the petition or statement must take measures to clarify their name or trade name, in lieu of affixing the signature or other identifying information, as provided for by the Rules of the Supreme Court.
5 第一項の規定によりされた申立て等が第三項に規定するファイルに記録されたときは、第一項の裁判所は、当該ファイルに記録された情報の内容を書面に出力しなければならない。
(5) When a petition or statement filed pursuant to paragraph (1) has been recorded in the file prescribed in paragraph (3), the court referred to in paragraph (1) must output the contents of the data recorded in the file in the form of paper documents.
6 第一項の規定によりされた申立て等に係るこの法律その他の法令の規定による事件の記録の閲覧若しくは謄写又はその正本、謄本若しくは抄本の交付は、前項の書面をもってするものとする。当該申立て等に係る書類の送達又は送付も、同様とする。
(6) In order to inspect or copy a case record or have an authenticated copy, transcript, or extract of a case record issued pursuant to provisions of this Act or other laws or regulations in relation to a petition or statement that is filed pursuant to paragraph (1), the paper documents referred to in the preceding paragraph are to be used. The same applies to service or delivery of a document in connection with the petition or statement.
第十一条 執行決定の手続に係る裁判の裁判書を作成する場合には、当該裁判書には、当該裁判に係る主文、当事者及び法定代理人並びに裁判所を記載しなければならない。
Article 11 (1) When drafting a written judgment of a judicial decision on a proceeding relating to an enforceability order, the court must state the main text, the parties and legal representatives, and the court of the judicial decision in the written judgement.
2 前項の裁判書を送達する場合には、当該送達は、当該裁判書の正本によってする。
(2) If the written judgment referred to in the preceding paragraph is served, an authenticated copy of the written judgement is delivered.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of the Code of Civil Procedure)
第十二条 特別の定めがある場合を除き、執行決定の手続に関しては、その性質に反しない限り、民事訴訟法(平成八年法律第百九号)第一編から第四編までの規定(同法第七十一条第二項、第九十一条の二、第九十二条第九項及び第十項、第九十二条の二第二項、第九十四条、第百条第二項、第一編第五章第四節第三款、第百十一条、第一編第七章、第百三十三条の二第五項及び第六項、第百三十三条の三第二項、第百五十一条第三項、第百六十条第二項、第百八十五条第三項、第二百五条第二項、第二百十五条第二項、第二百二十七条第二項並びに第二百三十二条の二の規定を除く。)を準用する。この場合において、別表の上欄に掲げる同法の規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる字句に読み替えるものとする。
Article 12 Except as otherwise provided, the provisions of Part I through Part IV (excluding the provisions of Article 71, paragraph (2), Article 91-2, Article 92, paragraphs (9) and (10), Article 92-2, paragraph (2), Article 94, Article 100, paragraph (2), Part I, Chapter 5, Section 4, Subsection 3, Article 111, Part I, Chapter 7, Article 133-2, paragraphs (5) and (6), Article 133-3, paragraph (2), Article 151, paragraph (3), Article 160, paragraph (2), Article 185, paragraph (3), Article 205, paragraph (2), Article 215, paragraph (2), Article 227, paragraph (2) and Article 232-2) of the Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. 109 of 1996) apply mutatis mutandis to the proceeding relating to an enforceability order, unless contrary to its nature. In this case, each term or phrase listed in the middle column of the appended table that appears in the provisions listed in the left hand column of that table is deemed to be replaced with the corresponding term or phrase listed in the right hand column of that table.
(Rules of the Supreme Court)
第十三条 この法律に定めるもののほか、執行決定の手続に関し必要な事項は、最高裁判所規則で定める。
Article 13 Beyond what is provided for in this Act, necessary particulars related to a proceeding for an enforceability order are to be specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court.
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一条 この法律は、条約が日本国について効力を生ずる日から施行する。
Article 1 This Act comes into effect on the day on which the Convention becomes effective for Japan.
(Transitional Measures concerning International Settlement Agreements)
第二条 この法律は、この法律の施行の日以後に成立する国際和解合意について適用する。
Article 2 This Act applies to international settlement agreements that are reached on or after the date of enforcement of this Act.
第三条~第五条 (略)
Article 3 to 5 (Omitted)
Appended Table (Re: Article 12)
the main text of Article 112, paragraph (1)
the measure under the provisions of the preceding Article was commenced
in the posting area for the court, the posting was made of notice that the court clerk has retained the document to be served and can deliver it to the person that is to be served at any time
the proviso of Article 112, paragraph (1)
the posting was made
Article 113
a document or electronic or magnetic record
a document
contains a statement or record
contains a statement
the measure under the provision of Article 111 was commenced
in the posting area for the court, the posting was made of a notice that the court clerk has retained the document to be served and can deliver it to the person that is to be served at any time
Article 133-3, paragraph (1)
a paper document or electronic or magnetic record detailing or recording
a paper document detailing
the paper document or electronic or magnetic record
the paper document
or electronic or magnetic record, and any other case records, etc. a paper document or electronic or magnetic record similar there to
and any other paper document similar to them
Article 151, paragraph (2) and Article 231-2, paragraph (2)
by way of ... or using an electronic data processing system specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court
by way of
Article 160, paragraph (1)
an electronic statement (meaning an electronic or magnetic record prepared by a court clerk pursuant to the provisions of this Act and any other laws and regulations for the purpose of recording and public authentication of the formality, details, progress, etc. of proceedings conducted on the court date or any other date; the same applies hereinafter) as provided for by the Rules of the Supreme Court
a record
Article 160, paragraph (3)
to the particulars of the electronic statement recorded in a file pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph
in the record
Article 160, paragraph (4)
the electronic statement recorded in a file pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2)
the record
the electronic statement
the record
Article 160-2, paragraph (1)
an electronic statement recorded in a file pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article
the record
Article 160-2, paragraph (2)
be made by the entry of that effect in a file
be made by preparing a record
Article 205, paragraph (3)
the matters, or the particulars recorded in a file or the particulars recorded in a recording medium under the preceding paragraph, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph
the matters
Article 215, paragraph (4)
the matters, or the particulars recorded in a file pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) or the particulars recorded in a recording medium as referred to in that paragraph
Article 231-3, paragraph (2)
or sending a recording medium storing the electronic or magnetic record or using an electronic data processing system specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court
or sending
Article 261, paragraph (4)
an electronic statement
shall record
must state