Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act
Order of the Ministry of Health and Welfare No. 44 of 1953
Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act (Order of the Ministry of Health and Welfare No. 44 of September 28, 1953)
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraphs (2) and (3) and Article 9, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Slaughterhouse Act (Act No. 114 of 1953), as well as the provisions of Articles 4, 5, and 6 of the Enforcement Order of the Slaughterhouse Act (Cabinet Order No. 216 of 1953), and in order to enforce that Act, the Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act is established as follows.
(Matters to Be Stated in the Written Application for the Establishment of Slaughterhouses)
第一条 と畜場法(昭和二十八年法律第百十四号。以下「法」という。)第四条第二項の規定により申請書に記載すべき事項は、同条同項に規定する事項のほか、次のとおりとする。
Article 1 (1) The matters to be stated in the written application pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (2) of the Slaughterhouse Act (Act No. 114 of 1953; hereinafter referred to as "the Act") are as follows, in addition to the matters prescribed in the same paragraph of the same Article:
一 申請者の住所、氏名及び生年月日(法人にあつては、その名称、主たる事務所の所在地、代表者の氏名及び定款又は寄附行為の写)
(i) the address, name, and date of birth of the applicant (for a corporation, its name, the location of its principal office, the name of its representative, and a copy of the articles of incorporation or articles of endowment);
二 と畜場の名称及び所在地
(ii) name and location of the slaughterhouse;
三 一般と畜場、簡易と畜場の区別
(iii) categorization between general slaughterhouse and slaughterhouse;
四 処理する獣畜の種類及びその一日当りの頭数
(iv) types and daily numbers of animals to be processed; and
五 当該と畜場において食肉の取引を行おうとする場合は、その概要
(v) if meat is to be traded in the slaughterhouse, the overview of trading.
2 前項の申請書には、当該と畜場の管理及び業務運営の概要を記載した業務規定又はこれに準ずる事項を記載した書類を添附しなければならない。
(2) To the written application in the preceding paragraph, the operational rules that provide an overview of the management and operation of the slaughterhouse or documents that state equivalent matters shall be attached.
(Matters to Be Reported upon Changes in Slaughterhouses)
第二条 法第四条第三項の規定により届け出るべき事項は、同条同項に規定する事項のほか、前条第一項各号(第三号を除く。)に掲げる事項及び同条第二項の添附書類に記載した事項のうち主な事項とする。
Article 2 The matters to be reported pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (3) of the Act include the matters prescribed in the same paragraph of the same Article, as well as the matters set forth in the items in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (excluding item (iii)), and major particulars of the matters stated in the attached documents under paragraph (2) of the same Article.
(Sanitation Management of Slaughterhouses)
第三条 法第六条第一項第一号に掲げる事項に関する同項の厚生労働省令で定める基準は、次のとおりとする。
Article 3 (1) The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act regarding the matters set forth in item (i) of the same paragraph are as follows:
一 清掃を適切に行い、衛生上支障のないように管理すること。
(i) proper cleaning and management that maintains sanitation;
二 整理整とんを行い、不必要な物品等を置かないこと。
(ii) keeping things in order and not leaving any unnecessary object;
三 床、内壁、天井、窓又は扉等に破損又は故障等があるときは、速やかに補修又は修理を行うこと。
(iii) prompt repair if there is any damage to or failure of the floor, inner walls, ceiling, windows, doors, etc.;
四 汚臭及び過度の湿気を除くよう十分に換気すること。
(iv) adequate ventilation for removing foul smells and excess humidity;
五 採光又は照明装置により必要な照度を確保すること。
(v) maintaining necessary illumination using natural lighting or lighting equipment;
六 換気設備を設置している場合は、当該設備の維持管理を適切に行うこと。
(vi) adequate maintenance and management of ventilation system if applicable;
七 給水設備等の衛生管理は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(vii) sanitation management of water supply, etc. in accordance with the following:
イ 水道法(昭和三十二年法律第百七十七号)第三条第二項に規定する水道事業、同条第六項に規定する専用水道及び同条第七項に規定する簡易専用水道により供給される水以外の水を使用する場合は、一年に一回以上(災害等により水源等が汚染され、水質が変化したおそれがある場合は、その都度)水質検査を行い、その結果を証する書類を検査の日から一年間保存すること。また、その結果、飲用不適となつたときは、直ちに都道府県知事(保健所を設置する市にあつては、市長。以下同じ。)の指示を受け、適切な措置を講じること。
(a) if water from sources other than a water supply business prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (2) of the Water Supply Act (Act No. 177 of 1957), the dedicated water-supply system prescribed in paragraph (6) of the same Article, or the small water-supply system prescribed in paragraph (7) of the same Article is used, a water quality inspection is to be conducted at least once annually (and whenever water quality may have been changed owing to the contamination of the water source, etc. caused by a disaster, etc.) and the certificate of the results is to be retained for one year from the date of inspection. If water is evaluated as not potable in the inspection, appropriate measures are to be immediately taken under the instruction of the prefectural governor (in cases of cities with health centers, the mayor of the city; the same applies hereinafter);
ロ 消毒装置又は浄水装置を設置している場合は、当該装置が正常に作動していることを毎日確認すること。この場合において、確認した日、確認の結果、確認した者その他必要な記録を確認の日から一年間保存すること。
(b) if a disinfection system and/or water purifying system are installed, the normal operation thereof is to be checked every day. In this case, necessary records stating the date of check, results of check, checking person, and other necessary matters are to be retained for one year from the date of check; and
ハ 貯水槽を使用する場合は、定期的に点検及び清掃を行うこと。
(c) if a water storage tank is used, periodic inspection and cleaning are to be performed;
八 冷蔵設備を設置している場合は、枝肉(獣畜をとさつした後、頭部、前後肢及び尾を切断し、剥皮し、乳房を切除し、内臓を摘出したものをいう。以下同じ。)又は食用に供する内臓が摂氏十度以下となるよう当該設備の維持管理を適切に行うこと。この場合において、冷蔵設備内の温度の測定は、作業開始前に一回、及び作業時間内に一回以上行い、測定した日時、温度、測定者その他必要な記録を測定の日から一年間保存すること。
(viii) if refrigeration equipment is installed, the equipment is to be properly maintained and managed so that a dressed carcass (referring to livestock slaughtered with the head, limbs, and tail cut off, skinned, udders excised, and organs removed; the same applies hereinafter) or organs for human consumption are kept at 10 degrees Celsius or less. In this case, the temperature in the refrigeration equipment is to be measured once before the start of work, and at least once during the work hours. Necessary records stating the date and time of measurement, measuring person, and other necessary matters are to be retained for one year from the date of measurement;
九 法第十四条第三項の検査で保留された枝肉は、その他の枝肉と区別して衛生的に管理すること。
(ix) a dressed carcass reserved in inspection under Article 14, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be managed in a sanitary manner separately from other dressed carcasses;
十 牛海綿状脳症対策特別措置法(平成十四年法律第七十号)第七条第一項に規定する厚生労働省令で定める月齢以上の牛(そのとたい(獣畜をとさつした物であつて、枝肉に処理する前のものをいう。以下同じ。)、頭部、枝肉及び内臓を含む。以下この号において同じ。)及びこれに該当しないことが確認できない牛については、法第十四条第三項の規定による伝達性海綿状脳症に係る検査が終了するまでの間、その他の牛と工程、表示等により区分して衛生的に管理すること。
(x) cattle of or older than the months of age specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Act No. 70 of 2002) (including a carcass (referring to slaughtered livestock before processed into a dressed carcass; the same applies hereinafter), head, dressed carcass, and organs; hereinafter the same applies in this item), as well as cattle for which the non-applicability of the above is not confirmed, are to be managed in a sanitary manner separately from other cattle in the process, labeling, etc. until inspection pertaining to the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy under Article 14, paragraph (3) of the Act is completed;
十一 月齢が三十月以下の牛(出生の年月日から起算して三十月を経過した日までのものをいう。以下同じ。)の頭部(舌、頬肉及び皮を除く。以下この条において同じ。)及び脊髄並びにこれらを含むもの(以下「頭部等」という。)を食用に供する場合には、当該牛の頭部等については、とさつ、解体及び保管の各段階で、その他の牛(月齢が三十月を超える牛(出生の年月日から起算して三十月を経過した日の翌日以後のものをいう。以下同じ。)及び月齢が三十月以下であることが確認できない牛をいう。以下同じ。)の頭部等と工程、表示等により区分して衛生的に管理すること。
(xi) If the head (excluding the tongue, cheek meat, and skin; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) and spinal cord, as well as other parts containing thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the head, etc.") of cattle of 30 months of age or less (referring to cattle within 30 months elapsed from its date of birth; the same applies hereinafter) are for human consumption, the head, etc. of the cattle is to be managed in a sanitary manner separately from the head, etc. of other cattle (comprising cattle of more than 30 months of age (referring to cattle after the day following the day when 30 months have elapsed from the date of birth; the same applies hereinafter) and cattle that are not confirmed to be of 30 months of age or less; the same applies hereinafter) in the process, labeling, etc. in each of the slaughter, dressing, and storage phases;
十二 係留所及び生体検査所の衛生管理は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(xii) sanitation management of the mooring site and the living animal inspection station is to be performed in accordance with the following:
イ 適宜、獣畜のふん便等を適切に処理し、洗浄すること。
(a) appropriate disposing and cleansing of the feces, etc. of livestock when necessary; and
ロ 体表に多量のふん便等が付着している獣畜は、洗浄すること。
(b) cleansing of livestock with a large amount of feces, etc. on its surface;
十三 外皮取扱室は、清潔を保持すること。
(xiii) the skin processing room is kept clean;
十四 汚物だめ並びに血液及び汚水の処理設備を設置している場合は、当該設備の維持管理を適切に行うこと。また、当該施設から生じる汚泥等は、衛生上支障のないように処理すること。この場合において、処理を行つた日、処理方法、処理を行つた者その他必要な記録を処理の日から一年間保存すること。
(xiv) if a cesspit and processing equipment for blood and dirty water are installed, the equipment is adequately maintained and managed. Sludge, etc. generated in the facility is disposed of in a manner that maintains sanitation. In this case, necessary records stating the date of disposal, method of disposal, disposing person, and other necessary matters are to be retained for one year from the date of disposal;
十五 排水溝は、固形物の流出を防ぎ、かつ、排水がよく行われるように清掃し、破損した場合は速やかに補修すること。
(xv) the drain ditch is cleaned in order to contain solids while efficiently draining wastewater. Any damage thereto is to be promptly repaired;
十六 と畜場内の洗浄消毒は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(xvi) the cleansing and disinfection in slaughterhouses are performed in accordance with the following:
イ 血液又は脂肪等が付着している部分の洗浄は、温湯を使用すること。
(a) hot water is used for the cleansing of parts with the adhesion of blood, fat, etc.;
ロ 作業終了後の洗浄は、洗浄剤を使用すること。
(b) cleanser is used for cleansing after work;
ハ イ及びロ以外の洗浄は、十分な量の水、温湯又は洗浄剤を使用すること。
(c) adequate amounts of water, hot water, and/or cleanser are used for cleansing other than those prescribed in (a) and (b); and
ニ 消毒は、摂氏八十三度以上の温湯又は消毒剤を使用すること。
(d) hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher or disinfectant is used for disinfection;
十七 機械器具の衛生管理は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(xvii) sanitation management of mechanical devices is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 機械器具は、作業終了後洗浄し、又は消毒すること。
(a) mechanical devices are cleansed or disinfected after work;
ロ 獣畜のとさつ又は解体に使用するナイフ、動力付はく皮ナイフ、のこぎり、結さつ器その他のとたい又は枝肉に直接接触する機械器具の消毒は、摂氏八十三度以上の温湯を使用すること。
(b) hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher is used for the disinfection of mechanical devices that come into direct contact with a carcass or dressed carcass, such as knives used for the slaughter or dressing of livestock, powered skinning knives, saws, and ligators;
ハ 機械器具及び分解したこれらの部品は、それぞれ所定の場所に衛生的に保管すること。
(c) mechanical devices and the disassembled parts thereof are stored in the specified places in a sanitary manner;
ニ 機械器具は、定期的に点検し、故障又は破損等があるときは、速やかに修理又は補修を行い、常時適正に使用できるよう整備すること。
(d) mechanical devices are periodically inspected. If there is any failure or damage, etc., prompt repair is performed so that the devices can be properly used at any time; and
ホ 温度計、圧力計及び流量計等の計器類は定期的にその精度を点検し、故障又は異常等があるときは、速やかに修理等を行うこと。
(e) thermometers, pressure gauges, flowmeters, and other meters are periodically inspected for precision. If there is any failure or damage, etc., prompt repair is performed;
十八 不可食部分等の衛生管理は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(xviii) sanitation management of non-edible parts, etc. is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 不可食部分(別表第一に掲げる部分を除く。)、第十六条第三号の規定により廃棄された物、同条第四号の規定により廃棄された物、別表第一に掲げる部分(牛については、別表第一に掲げる部分と区分されていないその他の部分を含む。以下同じ。)及びその他の廃棄物は、その種別を表示した専用容器に収納し、処理室外に搬出し、及び焼却炉で焼却すること等により衛生上支障のないように処理すること。この場合において、同条第四号の規定により廃棄された物及び別表第一に掲げる部分の処理については、処理を行つた日、処理の方法、処理を行つた者その他必要な記録を処理の日から一年間保存すること。
(a) non-edible parts (excluding the parts set forth in Appended Table 1), matters disposed of pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, item (iii), those disposed of pursuant to the provisions of item (iv) of the same Article, parts set forth in Appended Table 1 (for cattle, including other parts not distinguished from the parts set forth in Appended Table 1; the same applies hereinafter), and other waste are put into dedicated containers indicating the respective types of the matter, carried out of the processing room, and incinerated in an incinerator or otherwise disposed of in a manner that maintains sanitation. In this case, regarding the disposal of matter disposed of pursuant to the provisions of item (iv) of the same Article and of parts set forth in Appended Table 1, necessary records stating the date of disposal, method of disposal, disposing person, and other necessary matters are to be retained for one year from the date of disposal; and
ロ イの容器は、作業終了後所定の場所において洗浄消毒すること。
(b) the containers referred to in (a) are cleansed and disinfected in a specified place after work;
十九 ねずみ、昆虫等の防除は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(xix) extermination of rats, insects, etc. is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 防そ・防虫設備のない窓及び出入口を開放状態で放置しないこと。
(a) windows and exits/entrances without rat-/insect-repellent devices are not left open;
ロ 防そ・防虫網その他の防そ・防虫設備の機能を点検し、必要に応じ、補修等を行うこと。
(b) the functions of rat/insect screens and other rat-/insect-repellent devices are inspected and repaired when necessary;
ハ 処理室内に搬入される容器等による昆虫等の侵入を防ぐよう荷受け時に点検し、不用となつた容器等は速やかに処理室外に搬出し、及び焼却炉で焼却すること等により衛生上支障のないように処理すること。
(c) to prevent the intrusion of insects, etc. by way of containers and other objects carried into the processing room, the containers and other objects are inspected upon delivery. Containers and other objects after use are promptly carried out of the processing room and incinerated in an incinerator or otherwise disposed of in a manner that maintains sanitation; and
ニ 定期的に駆除作業を行うこと。この場合において、駆除を行つた日、駆除の方法、駆除を行つた者その他必要な記録を駆除を行つた日から一年間保存すること。
(d) extermination is performed periodically. In this case, necessary records stating the date of extermination, method of extermination, exterminating person, and other necessary matters are to be retained for one year from the date of extermination;
二十 手洗い設備には、手洗いに必要な洗浄消毒液を備え、常時使用できるようにすること。
(xx) hand-washing equipment is equipped with cleansing disinfectant required for hand-washing ready for use at any time;
二十一 便所は、清潔に保ち、定期的に消毒を行うこと。
(xxi) lavatories are kept clean and periodically disinfected;
二十二 清掃用器材は、所定の場所に保管すること。
(xxii) cleaning tools are stored in specified places;
二十三 洗浄剤及び消毒剤並びに殺そ剤及び殺虫剤その他の薬剤の取扱いは、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(xxiii) cleanser, disinfectant, rodenticide, insecticide, and other chemical agents are handled in accordance with the following:
イ 処理室及び枝肉等を保管する場所以外の所定の場所に保管すること。
(a) the chemical agents are stored in specified places other than the processing room and the place of storage for dressed carcasses, etc.;
ロ 目的に応じた薬剤を適正な方法により使用すること。
(b) the chemical agents are properly used in accordance with the respective purposes;
ハ 薬剤によるとたい並びに枝肉及び食用に供する内臓の汚染を防止すること。
(c) contamination of a carcass, dressed carcass, and organs for human consumption by chemical agents is prevented;
ニ 洗浄剤及び消毒剤等の容器を新たに開封した場合にあつては、開封した日、開封した薬剤の名称、開封した者その他必要な記録を開封の日から一年間保存すること。
(d) when a new container of cleanser or disinfectant, etc. is opened, necessary records stating the date of opening, name of the opened chemical agent, opening person, and other necessary matters are to be retained for one year from the date of opening; and
ホ 殺そ剤及び殺虫剤等を使用した場合にあつては、使用日、使用した薬剤の名称、使用量、使用者その他必要な記録を使用の日から一年間保存すること。
(e) when rodenticide or insecticide, etc. is used, necessary records stating the date of use, name of the used chemical agent, amount of use, using person, and other necessary matters are to be retained for one year from the date of use;
二十四 食品衛生上の危害の発生の防止のため、施設の衛生管理に関する計画及びと畜場の衛生的な管理その他公衆衛生上必要な措置を適切に行うための手順書に基づいた衛生管理が行われるよう、と畜場の衛生管理に従事する者に対して衛生管理に必要な教育を実施すること。
(xxiv) to prevent a food sanitation hazard, necessary training for sanitation management is implemented for persons engaged in the sanitation management of the slaughterhouse, so that sanitation management is performed in accordance with the procedures manual for the appropriate implementation of facility sanitation management planning, sanitation management of the slaughterhouse, and other necessary measures for public health;
二十五 化学物質を取り扱う者に対して、使用する化学物質を安全に取り扱うことができるよう教育訓練を実施すること。
(xxv) education and training are implemented for persons who handle chemical substances, so that they can safely handle the chemical substances for use; and
二十六 前二号の教育訓練の効果について定期的に検証を行い、必要に応じて教育内容の見直しを行うこと。
(xxvi) the effectiveness of the education and training in the preceding two items are periodically verified for the review of training when necessary.
2 法第六条第一項第二号に掲げる事項に関する同項の厚生労働省令で定める基準は、次のとおりとする。
(2) The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act regarding the matters set forth in item (ii) of the same paragraph are as follows:
一 獣畜のとさつ又は解体の工程ごとに、食品衛生上の危害を発生させ得る要因(以下「危害要因」という。)の一覧表を作成し、これら危害要因を管理するための措置(以下「管理措置」という。)を定めること。
(i) for each process of the slaughter or dressing of livestock, prepare a list of factors that may cause food sanitation hazards (hereinafter referred to as "hazard factors") and specify measures for controlling these hazard factors (hereinafter referred to as "control measures");
二 前号で特定された危害要因につき、その発生を防止し、排除し、又は許容できる水準にまで低減するために管理措置を講ずることが不可欠な工程(以下「重要管理点」という。)を決定すること。
(ii) determine processes for which control measures must be taken for the hazard factors identified in the preceding item, in order to prevent the occurrence thereof, eliminate the factors, and/or reduce them to an acceptable level (the process hereinafter referred to as "critical control point");
三 個々の重要管理点における危害要因につき、その発生を防止し、排除し、又は許容できる水準にまで低減するための基準(以下「管理基準」という。)を設定すること。
(iii) establish criteria to prevent the occurrence of hazard factors at each critical control point, eliminate the factors, and/or reduce them to an acceptable level (the criteria hereinafter referred to as "control criteria");
四 重要管理点の管理について、連続的な又は相当の頻度による実施状況の把握(次号並びに第七条第二項第四号及び第五号において「モニタリング」という。)をするための方法を設定すること。
(iv) establish a method for ascertaining the implementation status of control on critical control points continuously or at a reasonable frequency (the ascertaining hereinafter referred to as "monitoring" in the following item and in Article 7, paragraph (2), items (iv) and (v));
五 個々の重要管理点において、モニタリングの結果、管理基準を逸脱したことが判明した場合の改善措置を設定すること。
(v) establish improvement measures for cases in which deviation from the control criteria is identified through monitoring at each critical control point;
六 前各号に規定する措置の内容の効果を、定期的に検証するための手順を定めること。
(vi) establish procedures for periodically verifying the effectiveness of measures prescribed in the preceding items; and
七 事業の規模や業態に応じて、前各号に規定する措置の内容に関する書面とその実施の記録を作成すること。
(vii) in accordance with the scale and type of business, prepare the written description of the measures prescribed in the preceding items and the records of the implementation thereof.
3 別表第一に掲げる部分についての第一項第十八号イの適用については、同号イ中「焼却炉で焼却すること等」とあるのは、「牛海綿状脳症対策特別措置法第七条第二項ただし書に該当する場合を除き、焼却炉で焼却すること」とする。
(3) Regarding the application of paragraph (1), item (xviii), (a) pertaining to the parts set forth in Appended Table 1, the statement "incinerated in an incinerator or otherwise disposed of" in (a) of the same item is deemed to be replaced with "incinerated in an incinerator unless the proviso to Article 7, paragraph (2) of the Act on Special Measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy applies."
4 と畜場の設置者又は管理者は、法第七条第一項の衛生管理責任者(以下「衛生管理責任者」という。)に、第一項第二十四号の計画及び手順書に基づきと畜場の衛生管理が適切に実施されていることを確認させ、その結果を報告させなければならない。ただし、法第七条第一項の規定によりと畜場の管理者又は設置者が衛生管理責任者となつている場合は、この限りでない。
(4) The owner or manager of a slaughterhouse must have a sanitation manager under Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "sanitation manager") verify that the sanitation management of the slaughterhouse is properly performed in accordance with the plan and the procedures manual in paragraph (1), item (xxiv) and report the results thereof; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases where the slaughterhouse manager or owner also serve as the sanitation manager pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act.
5 と畜場の設置者又は管理者は、法第六条第二項の規定に基づき、次に定めるところにより公衆衛生上必要な措置を定め、これを遵守しなければならない。
(5) The owner or manager of a slaughterhouse must establish and comply with measures necessary for public health in accordance with the following, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph (2) of the Act:
一 第一項第二十四号の計画を作成し、と畜場の衛生管理に従事する者その他の関係者に周知徹底を図ること。
(i) formulate a plan in paragraph (1), item (xxiv) and disseminate it to persons engaged in the sanitation management of the slaughterhouse and other relevant persons;
二 施設設備、機械器具の構造及び材質並びに獣畜の肉、骨、臓器、血液等を取り扱う工程を考慮し、これらの工程において第一項第二十四号の手順書を作成すること。
(ii) taking into consideration the facilities and equipment, the structures and materials of mechanical devices, and the processes that handle the meat, bones, organs, blood, etc. of livestock, develop a procedures manual for these processes as in paragraph (1), item (xxiv);
三 衛生管理の実施状況を記録し、その記録を保存すること。なお、記録の保存期間は、出荷した獣畜の肉、骨、臓器、血液等が使用され、又は消費されるまでの期間を踏まえ、合理的に設定すること。
(iii) record the implementation status of sanitation management and retain the record. The retention period for the record is to be reasonably set considering the length of time until the shipped meat, bones, organs, blood, etc. of livestock are used or consumed; and
四 第一項第二十四号の計画及び手順書の効果を検証し、必要に応じてそれらの内容を見直すこと。
(iv) verify the effectiveness of the plans and the procedures manual in paragraph (1), item (xxiv) and review them when necessary.
6 と畜場の設置者又は管理者は、前項に規定する措置に関し、次に定める事項についてと畜検査員による検査又は試験を受け、その結果に基づき必要に応じて見直しを行うこと。
(6) Regarding the measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the owner or manager of a slaughterhouse undergoes inspection or testing implemented by the slaughter inspector on the following items and undertakes any necessary review based on the results thereof:
一 第一項第二十四号の計画又は手順書を作成又は修正した場合にあつては、それらが食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止する目的において、科学的に妥当なものであること。
(i) when plans or procedures manuals in paragraph (1), item (xxiv) are developed or modified, they are scientifically reasonable for the purpose of preventing the occurrence of food sanitation hazards; and
二 衛生管理が第一項第二十四号の計画及び手順書に基づき適切に行われていること。
(ii) sanitation management is properly performed in accordance with the plan and the procedures manual in paragraph (1), item (xxiv).
(Qualification of Sanitation Manager)
第四条 法第七条第五項第三号に規定する学校教育法(昭和二十二年法律第二十六号)第五十七条に規定する者と同等以上の学力があると認められる者は、次のとおりとする。
Article 4 Persons deemed to have equal or higher academic ability than "persons prescribed by Article 57 of the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947)" in Article 7, paragraph (5), item (iii) of the Act are as follows:
一 旧国民学校令(昭和十六年勅令第百四十八号)による国民学校の高等科を修了した者
(i) persons who have completed a higher course at a national elementary school under the former National School Order (Imperial Order No. 148 of 1941);
二 旧中等学校令(昭和十八年勅令第三十六号)による中等学校の二年の課程を終わつた者
(ii) persons who have completed a course for two years at a secondary school under the former Secondary School Order (Imperial Order No. 36 of 1943);
三 旧師範教育令(昭和十八年勅令第百九号)による附属中学校又は附属高等女学校の第二学年を修了した者
(iii) persons who have completed the second year of an attached secondary school or attached girls' high school under the former Normal School Education Order (Imperial Order No. 109 of 1943);
四 旧盲学校及聾唖学校令(大正十二年勅令第三百七十五号)によるろうあ学校の中等部第二学年を修了した者
(iv) persons who have completed the second year of a secondary school for the hearing and speech impaired under the former Order on Schools for the Visually Impaired and Schools for the Hearing and Speech Impaired (Imperial Order No. 375 of 1923);
五 旧高等学校令(大正七年勅令第三百八十九号)による高等学校尋常科の第二学年を修了した者
(v) persons who have completed the second year of the regular course of a high school under the former High School Order (Imperial Order No. 389 of 1918);
六 旧青年学校令(昭和十四年勅令第二百五十四号)による青年学校の普通科の課程を修了した者
(vi) persons who have completed the general course at a boys' school under the former Boys' School Order (Imperial Order No. 254 of 1939);
七 内地以外の地域における学校の生徒、児童、卒業者等の他の学校へ入学及び転学に関する規程(昭和十八年文部省令第六十三号)第一条から第三条まで及び第七条の規定により国民学校の高等科を修了した者、中等学校の二年の課程を終わつた者又は第五号に掲げる者と同一の取扱いを受ける者
(vii) persons who are treated in the same way as the persons who have completed a higher course at a national elementary school, those who have completed a course for two years at a secondary school, or those set forth in item (v), pursuant to the provisions of Articles 1 through 3 and Article 7 of the Regulations concerning the Entrance into and Transfer to Other Schools of Students, Pupils, or Graduates of Schools in Regions Other than the Mainland (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 63 of 1943);
八 旧海員養成所官制(昭和十四年勅令第四百五十八号)による海員養成所を卒業した者
(viii) persons who have completed a sailor's training school under the former Sailor's Training School Institute (Imperial Order No. 458 of 1939); and
九 前各号に掲げる者のほか、厚生労働大臣が衛生管理責任者の資格に関し学校教育法第五十七条に規定する者と同等以上の学力を有すると認定した者
(ix) beyond what is set forth in the preceding items, persons certified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as having equal or higher academic ability than those prescribed by Article 57 of the School Education Act with regard to the qualification of sanitation manager.
(Matters to Be Reported Concerning Sanitation Manager)
第五条 法第七条第六項の厚生労働省令で定める事項は、次のとおりとする。
Article 5 (1) The matters specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 7, paragraph (6) of the Act are as follows:
一 届出者の氏名又は名称及び住所並びに法人にあつては、その代表者の氏名
(i) the name and address of the notifying person or corporation, as well as the name of its representative in the case of a corporation;
二 と畜場の名称及び所在地
(ii) name and location of the slaughterhouse;
三 衛生管理責任者の氏名、住所及び生年月日
(iii) name, address, and date of birth of the sanitation manager;
四 衛生管理責任者が法第七条第五項各号のいずれかに該当する旨
(iv) that the sanitation manager falls under one of the items in Article 7, paragraph (5) of the Act; and
五 衛生管理責任者を置いた年月日又は変更した年月日
(v) date when the sanitation manager is appointed or changed.
2 前項の届出には、衛生管理責任者が法第七条第五項各号のいずれかに該当することを証する書面を添えなければならない。
(2) The notification in the preceding paragraph shall be attached with a document that certifies that the sanitation manager falls under one of the items in Article 7, paragraph (5) of the Act.
(Training Sessions for Sanitation Managers)
第六条 法第七条第七項の厚生労働省令で定める講習会の課程は、次に掲げる要件のすべてに適合するものでなければならない。
Article 6 The training sessions specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 7, paragraph (7) of the Act must satisfy all the following requirements:
一 別表第二の上欄に掲げる科目を同表の下欄に掲げる時間数教授し、講習会を三日間以上開催するものであること。
(i) participants take the subjects set forth in the left column of Appended Table 2 for the hours set forth in the right column of the same table in training sessions implemented over three days or more;
二 講師は、学校教育法に基づく大学において別表第二の上欄に掲げる科目に相当する学科を担当している者、国若しくは都道府県、保健所を設置する市若しくは特別区において食品衛生行政若しくは食品衛生に関する試験業務に従事している者又はこれらの者と同等の知識及び経験を有すると認められる者であること。
(ii) the lecturers are persons who teach subjects equivalent to those set forth in the left column of Appended Table 2 at a university under the School Education Act; persons who are engaged in food sanitation administration or examination concerning food sanitation at a national or prefectural agency, a city with health centers, or at a special ward; or persons recognized as having knowledge and experience equivalent to the aforementioned persons;
三 学校教育法に基づく中学校若しくはこれに準ずる学校若しくは義務教育学校を卒業した者若しくは中等教育学校の前期課程を修了した者又は第四条各号に掲げる者で、と畜場の衛生管理の業務に三年以上従事した者であることを受講資格とするものであること。
(iii) to be eligible for the training sessions, participants need to have completed a junior high school under the School Education Act or a school equivalent thereto, a compulsory education school, or the first semester course at a school for secondary education, or satisfy one of the items in Article 4, and have been engaged in sanitation management activities at a slaughterhouse for three years or longer; and
四 受講者に対し、講習会の終了に当たり試験その他の方法により課程修了の認定を適切に行うものであること。
(iv) the completion of the courses is to be appropriately certified for the participants by way of examination at the end of the sessions or by other means.
(Sanitary Measures to Be Taken by Slaughterers)
第七条 法第九条第一項第一号に掲げる事項に関する同項の厚生労働省令で定める基準は、次のとおりとする。
Article 7 (1) The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act regarding the matters set forth in item (i) of the same paragraph are as follows:
一 処理室においては、獣畜の血液及び消化管の内容物等を適切に処理し、当該処理室を洗浄すること。この場合において、洗浄水の飛散によるとたい並びに枝肉及び食用に供する内臓の汚染を防ぐこと。
(i) in the processing room, the blood, gastrointestinal content, etc. of livestock are properly disposed of and the processing room is cleansed. In this case, the contamination of a carcass, dressed carcass, and organs for human consumption by splattered cleansing water is prevented;
二 獣畜のとさつ又は解体に当たり手袋を使用する場合は、獣畜に直接接触する部分が耐水性のある素材のものを使用すること。
(ii) when gloves are used for the slaughter or dressing of livestock, the parts of gloves that come into direct contact with livestock are made from waterproof materials;
三 牛、めん羊及び山羊について、ピッシング(ワイヤーその他これに類する器具を用いて脳及び脊髄を破壊することをいう。)を行わずにとさつすること。
(iii) cattle, sheep, and goats are slaughtered without pithing (referring to the destruction of the brain and spinal cord using a wire rod or similar tools);
四 放血等は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(iv) bleeding is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 放血された血液による生体及び他のとたいの汚染を防ぐこと。
(a) contamination of living animals and carcasses by blood from bleeding is prevented;
ロ 牛、めん羊及び山羊にあつては、放血後において消化管の内容物が漏出しないよう食道を第一胃の近くで結さつし、又は閉塞させること。
(b) in the case of cattle, sheep, and goats, the esophagus is ligated or obstructed near the rumen, so that the gastrointestinal content will not be spilled after bleeding;
ハ 手指(手袋を使用する場合にあつては、当該手袋。以下この項において同じ。)が放血された血液等により汚染された場合は、その都度洗浄剤を用いて洗浄すること。
(c) whenever fingers (if gloves are used, the gloves; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) are contaminated by blood, etc. from bleeding, they should be cleansed with cleanser; and
ニ とたいに直接接触するナイフ、結さつ器その他の機械器具については、一頭を処理するごとに(外皮に接触すること等により汚染された場合は、その都度。次号及び第六号において同じ。)摂氏八十三度以上の温湯を用いて洗浄消毒すること。
(d) knives, ligators, and other mechanical devices that come into direct contact with a carcass are cleansed and disinfected with hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher after processing each animal (and whenever they are contaminated through contact with the skin or otherwise; the same applies in the following item and in item (vi));
五 頭部(舌、頬肉及び皮を除く。以下この条において同じ。)の処理を行う場合においては、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(v) the processing of the head (excluding the tongue, cheek meat, and skin; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 角は、切断部の付近に外皮が残ることによる汚染を防ぐため、外皮と共に除去すること。
(a) the horns are removed along with the skin in order to prevent contamination by the remnant skin around the stump;
ロ 剥皮された頭部は、外皮並びに床及び内壁等に接触することによる汚染を防ぐこと。
(b) the contamination of the skinned head through contact with the skin, and floor, inner walls, etc. is prevented;
ハ 剥皮された頭部の洗浄に当たつては、洗浄水の飛散による他のとたいの汚染を防ぐこと。
(c) in the cleansing of the skinned head, the contamination of other carcasses by the splattering of cleansing water is prevented;
ニ 手指が外皮等により汚染された場合は、その都度洗浄剤を用いて洗浄すること。
(d) whenever the fingers are contaminated by the skin, etc., they should be cleansed with cleanser;
ホ とたいに直接接触するナイフ、のこぎりその他の機械器具については、一頭を処理するごとに摂氏八十三度以上の温湯を用いて洗浄消毒すること。
(e) knives, saws, and other mechanical devices that come into direct contact with a carcass are cleansed and disinfected with hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher after processing each animal; and
ヘ 月齢が三十月以下の牛の頭部を食用に供するものとして処理を行う場合には、その他の牛の頭部による汚染を防ぐよう区分して処理すること。
(f) if the head of cattle of 30 months of age or less is processed for human consumption, it is processed separately for preventing contamination by the heads of other cattle;
六 とたいの剥皮は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(vi) the skinning of a carcass is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 獣毛等による汚染を防ぐため、必要な最小限度の切開をした後、ナイフを消毒し、ナイフの刃を手前に向け、皮を内側から外側に切開すること。
(a) to prevent contamination by animal hair, etc., make the minimal incision required, disinfect the knife, hold the knife with its blade facing toward the operator, and incise the skin from the inside to the outside;
ロ 剥皮された部分は、外皮による汚染を防ぐこと。
(b) the contamination of the skinned part by the skin is prevented;
ハ 剥皮された部分が外皮により汚染された場合においては、汚染された部位を完全に切り取ること。
(c) if the skinned part is contaminated by the skin, the contaminated part is completely cut off;
ニ 牛、めん羊及び山羊の肛門周囲の処理に当たつては、消化管の内容物が漏出しないよう直腸を肛門の近くで結さつするとともに、肛門部によるとたいの汚染を防ぐこと。
(d) when disposing of the area around the anus of cattle, sheep, and goats, the rectum is ligated near the anus, so that the gastrointestinal content will not be spilled. The contamination of the carcass by the anal area is also prevented;
ホ 剥皮された部分が消化管の内容物により汚染された場合においては、迅速に他の部位への汚染を防ぐとともに、汚染された部位を完全に切り取ること。
(e) if the skinned part is contaminated by the gastrointestinal content, the spread of contamination to other areas is promptly prevented and the contaminated part is completely cut off;
ヘ 手指が外皮等により汚染された場合は、その都度洗浄剤を用いて洗浄すること。
(f) whenever the fingers are contaminated by the skin, etc., they should be cleansed with cleanser; and
ト とたいに直接接触するナイフ、動力付剥皮ナイフ、結さつ器その他の機械器具については、一頭を処理するごとに摂氏八十三度以上の温湯を用いて洗浄消毒すること。
(g) knives, powered skinning knives, ligators, and other mechanical devices that come into direct contact with a carcass are cleansed and disinfected with hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher after processing each animal;
七 乳房を切除する場合においては、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(vii) the excision of the udders is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 乳房の内容物が漏出しないように行うこと。
(a) measures are taken to prevent a spill of the udder content;
ロ 剥皮された部分が乳房の内容物により汚染された場合においては、迅速に他の部位への汚染を防ぐとともに、汚染された部位を完全に切り取ること。
(b) if the skinned part is contaminated by the udder content, the spread of contamination to other areas is promptly prevented and the contaminated part is completely cut off;
ハ 手指が乳房の内容物等により汚染された場合は、その都度洗浄剤を用いて洗浄すること。
(c) whenever the fingers are contaminated by the udder content, etc., they should be cleansed with cleanser; and
ニ とたいに直接接触するナイフその他の機械器具については、一頭を処理するごとに(乳房の内容物等に汚染された場合は、その都度)摂氏八十三度以上の温湯を用いて洗浄消毒すること。
(d) knives and other mechanical devices that come into direct contact with a carcass are cleansed and disinfected with hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher after processing each animal (and whenever they are contaminated by the udder content, etc.);
八 内臓の摘出は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(viii) the evisceration process is performed in accordance with the following:
イ とたいが消化管の内容物により汚染されないよう適切に行うこと。
(a) appropriate measures are taken to prevent the contamination of a carcass by the gastrointestinal content;
ロ 内臓が床及び内壁並びに長靴等に接触することによる汚染を防ぐこと。
(b) contamination through the contact of organs with the floor and inner walls, and, work boots, etc. is prevented;
ハ 剥皮された部分が消化管の内容物により汚染された場合においては、迅速に他の部位への汚染を防ぐとともに、汚染された部位を完全に切り取ること。
(c) if the skinned part is contaminated by the gastrointestinal content, the spread of contamination to other areas is promptly prevented and the contaminated part is completely cut off;
ニ 手指が消化管の内容物等により汚染された場合は、その都度洗浄剤を用いて洗浄すること。
(d) whenever the fingers are contaminated by the gastrointestinal content, etc., they should be cleansed with cleanser; and
ホ とたいに直接接触するナイフ、のこぎりその他の機械器具については、一頭を処理するごとに(消化管の内容物等に汚染された場合は、その都度)摂氏八十三度以上の温湯を用いて洗浄消毒すること。
(e) knives, saws, and other mechanical devices that come into direct contact with carcass are cleansed and disinfected with hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher after processing each animal (and whenever they are contaminated by the gastrointestinal content, etc.);
九 背割りは、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(ix) back-splitting is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 枝肉が床若しくは内壁、長靴又は昇降台等に接触することによる汚染を防ぐこと。
(a) contamination through the contact of a dressed carcass with the floor, inner walls, or work boots, or, lift platform, etc. is prevented; and
ロ 使用するのこぎりについては、一頭を処理するごとに摂氏八十三度以上の温湯を用いて洗浄消毒すること。
(b) saws that are used are cleansed and disinfected with hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher after processing each animal;
十 枝肉の洗浄は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(x) the cleansing of a dressed carcass is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 洗浄の前に獣毛又は消化管の内容物等による汚染の有無を確認し、これらによる汚染があつた場合は、汚染された部位を完全に切り取ること。
(a) the dressed carcass is checked for contamination by hair, gastrointestinal content, etc. before cleansing. If it is contaminated by such matter, the contaminated part is completely cut off;
ロ 十分な水量を用いて行うこと。
(b) abundant water is used for cleansing;
ハ 洗浄水の飛散による枝肉の汚染を防ぐこと。
(c) the contamination of the dressed carcass by the splattering cleansing water is prevented; and
ニ 洗浄水の水切りを十分に行うこと。
(d) the dressed carcass is adequately drained off cleansing water;
十一 枝肉及び食用に供する内臓は、床及び内壁等に接触しないよう取り扱うこと。
(xi) dressed carcass and organs for human consumption do not come into contact with the floor, inner walls, etc.;
十二 内臓の処理は、次に掲げるところにより行うこと。
(xii) the processing of organs is performed in accordance with the following:
イ 消化管は、消化管の内容物によるその他の臓器の汚染を防ぐよう区分して処理すること。
(a) gastrointestinal tracts are disposed of separately for preventing the contamination of other organs by the gastrointestinal content;
ロ 食用に供する内臓が床及び内壁等に接触することによる汚染を防ぐこと。
(b) contamination through the contact of organs for human consumption with the floor, inner walls, etc. is prevented;
ハ 消化管の処理に当たつては、消化管の内容物による汚染を防ぐよう消化管の内容物を除去するとともに、当該消化管を十分に洗浄すること。
(c) when disposing of gastrointestinal tracts, the gastrointestinal content is removed for preventing contamination by the content, and the gastrointestinal tracts are adequately cleansed; and
ニ 内臓処理台等が消化管の内容物により汚染された場合は、その都度洗浄消毒すること。
(d) Whenever the organs processing table, etc. are contaminated by the gastrointestinal content, they should be cleansed with cleanser;
十三 枝肉又は食用に供する内臓は、摂氏十度以下となるよう冷却すること。
(xiii) dressed carcass or organs for human consumption is kept at 10 degrees Celsius or less.;
十四 法第十四条第三項の検査で保留された枝肉は、他の枝肉と区別して保管すること。
(xiv) dressed carcass reserved under inspection under Article 14, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be stored separately from other dressed carcass;
十五 月齢が三十月以下の牛の頭部等を食用に供する場合には、当該牛の頭部等については、とさつ、解体及び保管の各段階で、その他の牛の頭部等と工程、表示等により区分して保管すること。
(xv) if the head, etc. of cattle of 30 months of age or less is processed for human consumption, the head, etc. of the cattle is to be stored separately from the head, etc. of other cattle in the process, labeling, etc. in each of the slaughter, dressing, and storage phases;
十六 外皮は、枝肉又は食用に供する内臓に接触しないよう保管すること。
(xvi) skin is stored without contact with a dressed carcass or organs for human consumption;
十七 別表第一に掲げる部分は、当該部分による枝肉及び食用に供する内臓の汚染を防ぐよう処理すること。
(xvii) the parts set forth in Appended Table 1 are processed in such a manner that prevents the contamination of a dressed carcass and organs for human consumption by the parts;
十八 食品衛生上の危害の発生の防止のため、獣畜のとさつ又は解体の工程に関する計画及びとさつ又は解体の衛生的な管理その他公衆衛生上必要な措置を適切に行うための手順書に基づいた衛生管理が行われるために、獣畜をとさつし、又は解体する者に対して衛生管理に必要な教育を実施すること。
(xviii) to prevent a food sanitation hazard, necessary training for sanitation management is implemented for persons engaged in the slaughter or dressing of livestock is performed in accordance with the plan concerning the slaughter or dressing process of livestock and the procedures manual for the appropriate implementation of the sanitation management of slaughter or dressing and other necessary measures for public health;
十九 化学物質を取り扱う者に対して、使用する化学物質を安全に取扱うことができるよう教育訓練を実施すること。
(xix) education and training are implemented for persons who handle chemical substances, so that they can safely handle the chemical substances for use;
二十 前二号の教育訓練の効果について定期的に検証を行い、必要に応じて教育内容の見直しを行うこと。
(xx) the effectiveness of the education and training in the preceding two items are periodically verified for the review of training when necessary;
二十一 食品衛生上の危害の発生の防止に必要な限度において、取り扱う獣畜の産地、健康状態、枝肉又は食用に供する内臓の出荷又は販売先その他の必要な事項に関する記録を作成し、保存するよう努めること。
(xxi) within a range required for the prevention of food sanitation hazards, efforts are to be made for keeping and retaining records concerning the place of production of the livestock handled, the health condition thereof, the destinations of delivery or marketing of a dressed carcass or organs for human consumption, and other necessary matters; and
二十二 枝肉又は食用に供する内臓について自主検査を行つた場合には、その記録を保存するよう努めること。
(xxii) efforts are to be made to retain the records of the voluntary inspection of a dressed carcass or organs for human consumption if applicable.
2 法第九条第一項第二号に掲げる事項に関する同項の厚生労働省令で定める基準は、次の各号に掲げるものとする。
(2) The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act regarding the matters set forth in item (ii) of the same paragraph are as specified in the following items:
一 獣畜のとさつ又は解体の工程ごとに、危害要因の一覧表を作成し、管理措置を定めること。
(i) for each process of the slaughter or dressing of livestock, prepare a list of hazard factors and specify control measures;
二 前号で特定された危害要因につき、その発生を防止し、排除し、又は許容できる水準にまで低減するために重要管理点を決定すること。
(ii) determine critical control points for the hazard factors identified in the preceding item, in order to prevent the occurrence thereof, eliminate the factors, and/or reduce them to an acceptable level;
三 個々の重要管理点における危害要因につき、管理基準を設定すること。
(iii) establish control criteria for hazard factors at each critical control point;
四 重要管理点の管理について、モニタリングをするための方法を設定すること。
(iv) establish monitoring methods for the control of critical control points;
五 個々の重要管理点において、モニタリングの結果、管理基準を逸脱したことが判明した場合の改善措置を設定すること。
(v) establish improvement measures for cases in which deviation from the control criteria is identified through monitoring at each critical control point;
六 前各号に規定する措置の内容の効果を、定期的に検証するための手順を定めること。
(vi) establish procedures for periodically verifying the effectiveness of measures prescribed in the preceding items; and
七 事業の規模や業態に応じて、前各号に規定する措置の内容に関する書面とその実施の記録を作成すること。
(vii) in accordance with the scale and type of business, prepare the written description of the measures prescribed in the preceding items and the records of the implementation thereof.
3 と畜業者等は、作業衛生責任者に第一項第十八号の計画及び手順書に基づき獣畜のとさつ又は解体の衛生的な管理が適切に実施されていることを確認させ、その結果を報告させなければならない。ただし、法第十条第一項の規定によりと畜業者等が自ら作業衛生責任者となつていると畜場にあつては、自ら確認の業務を行うものとする。
(3) Slaughterers, etc. must have work sanitation managers verify that the sanitation management of the slaughter or dressing of livestock is properly performed in accordance with the plan and the procedures manual in paragraph (1), item (xviii) and report the results thereof; provided, however, that this does not apply to slaughterhouses managed by the slaughterers, etc. who also serve as work sanitation managers pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act, where the verification is performed by the slaughterers, etc.
4 と畜業者等は、法第九条第二項の規定に基づき、次に定めるところにより公衆衛生上必要な措置を定め、これを遵守しなければならない。
(4) The slaughterers, etc. must establish and comply with measures necessary for public health in accordance with the following, pursuant to Article 9, paragraph (2) of the Act:
一 第一項第十八号の計画を作成し、獣畜をとさつし、又は解体する者その他の関係者に周知徹底を図ること。
(i) formulate a plan in paragraph (1), item (xviii) and disseminate it to persons engaged in the slaughter or dressing of livestock and other relevant persons;
二 施設設備、機械器具の構造及び材質並びに獣畜の肉、骨、臓器、血液等を取り扱う工程を考慮し、これらの工程において第一項第十八号の手順書を作成すること。
(ii) examine the facilities and equipment, the structures and materials of mechanical devices, and the processes that handle the meat, bones, organs, blood, etc. of livestock, and develop procedures manual for these processes as in paragraph (1), item (xviii);
三 衛生管理の実施状況を記録し、その記録を保存すること。なお、記録の保存期間は、取り扱う獣畜の肉、骨、臓器、血液等が使用され、又は消費されるまでの期間を踏まえ、合理的に設定すること。
(iii) record the implementation status of sanitation management and retain the record. The retention period for the record is reasonably set considering the length of time until the processed meat, bones, organs, blood, etc. of livestock are used or consumed; and
四 第一項第十八号の計画及び手順書の効果を検証し、必要に応じてその内容を見直すこと。
(iv) verify the effectiveness of the plan and the procedures manual in paragraph (1), item (xviii) and review them when necessary.
5 と畜業者等は、前項に規定する措置に関し、次に定める事項についてと畜検査員による検査又は試験を受け、その結果に基づき必要に応じて見直しを行うこと。
(5) Regarding the measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the slaughterer, etc. undergoes inspection or testing implemented by the slaughter inspector on the following items and undertakes any necessary review based on the results thereof:
一 第一項第十八号の計画又は手順書を作成又は修正した場合にあつては、それらが食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止する目的において、科学的に妥当なものであること。
(i) when plans or procedures manuals in paragraph (1), item (xviii) are formulated or modified, they are scientifically reasonable for the purpose of preventing the occurrence of food sanitation hazards; and
二 衛生管理が第一項第十八号の計画及び手順書に基づき適切に行われていること。
(ii) sanitation management is properly performed in accordance with the plan and the procedures manual in paragraph (1), item (xviii).
(Preparation of Sanitation Management Plan and Procedures Manual)
第七条の二 第三条第一項第二十四号及び前条第一項第十八号の計画及び手順書は、と畜場の設置者若しくは管理者又はと畜業者等のいずれかが一括して作成することができる。
Article 7-2 The plan and procedures manual in Article 3, paragraph (1), item (xxiv) and in paragraph (1), item (xviii) of the preceding Article may be prepared by the same person, either the owner or manager of a slaughterhouse or the slaughterer, etc.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis to Work Sanitation Manager)
第八条 第四条から第六条までの規定は、作業衛生責任者について準用する。この場合において、第五条第一項第四号及び同条第二項中「法第七条第五項各号」とあるのは、「法第十条第二項の規定により読み替えて準用される法第七条第五項各号」と読み替えるものとする。
Article 8 The provisions from Articles 4 through 6 are applied mutatis mutandis to a work sanitation manager. In this case, "items in Article 7, paragraph (5) of the Act" as mentioned in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iv) and in paragraph (2) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "items in Article 7, paragraph (5) of the Act as replaced mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act."
(Range of Businesses Handling Meat)
第九条 法第十三条第一項第一号に規定する食肉を取り扱う営業は、同号に規定するもののほか、次に掲げるとおりとする。
Article 9 "Businesses handling meat" as prescribed in Article 13, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act are as set forth below, in addition to those set forth in the same item:
一 食肉処理業
(i) meat processing business;
二 食肉製品製造業
(ii) processed meat product production business;
三 飲食店営業
(iii) restaurant business; and
四 そうざい製造業
(iv) dish items production business.
(Notification of Slaughter for Home Use)
第十条 法第十三条第一項第一号の規定による届出は、次の事項について行わなければならない。
Article 10 Notification under Article 13, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act must be performed for the following matters:
一 届出者の住所、氏名、生年月日及び職業
(i) address, name, date of birth, and occupation of the notifying person;
二 とさつしようとする年月日時
(ii) planned date and time of slaughter;
三 とさつしようとする場所及びその周囲の概要
(iii) planned place for slaughter and an overview of the surroundings;
四 とさつしようとする獣畜の種類、性別、年齢(不明のときは、推定年齢)、特徴及び重量
(iv) type, sex, age (estimated age if unknown), characteristics, and weight of the animal to be slaughtered;
五 食用に供しようとする者の範囲
(v) scope of persons to whom its meat is to be served; and
六 自己及び同居者以外の者の食用に供しようとするときは、その旨及び量
(vi) that the meat is to be served to persons other than the slaughtering person and persons living together therewith and the amount to be served, if applicable.
(Diseases Prescribed in Article 14, paragraph (3), item (ii) of the Act)
第十一条 法第十四条第三項第二号の厚生労働省令で定める疾病は、伝達性海綿状脳症のうち牛に係るものとする。
Article 11 The diseases specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order prescribed as referred to in Article 14, paragraph (3), item (ii) of the Act are those pertaining to cattle among other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.
(Criteria for Permission of Carrying Out of the Slaughterhouse)
第十二条 と畜場法施行令(昭和二十八年政令第二百十六号。以下「令」という。)第五条第一項第一号の許可の基準は、次のとおりとする。
Article 12 (1) The criteria for the permission prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Enforcement Order of the Slaughterhouse Act (Cabinet Order No. 216 of 1953 hereinafter referred to as "the Order") are as follows:
一 解体後検査(令第五条第一項第一号に規定する「解体後検査」をいう。以下同じ。)が終了するまでの間、持ち出された牛の皮がいずれの牛から得られたものであるかを識別するための措置が適切に講じられていること。
(i) until the post-dressing inspection (referring to the post-dressing inspection prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Order; the same applies hereinafter) is completed, appropriate measures are taken to identify the source animal of cattle skin that is carried out;
二 解体後検査が終了するまでの間、持ち出された牛の皮の紛失を防止するための措置が適切に講じられていること。
(ii) until the post-dressing inspection is completed, appropriate measures are taken to prevent the loss of the cattle skin that is carried out;
三 持ち出された牛の皮の保存(塩蔵により行うものを含む。以下この項において同じ。)を行う施設が、化製場等に関する法律(昭和二十三年法律第百四十号)第一条第二項に規定する化製場又は同法第八条に規定する獣畜の皮の貯蔵の施設であつて、解体後検査が終了するまでの間、当該牛の皮を適切に保存しておくことができるものであること。
(iii) a facility that stores the cattle skin that is carried out (including the skin that is stored by salting; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) is a rendering plant prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (2) of the Rendering Plant Control Act (Act No. 140 of 1948) or a facility for the storage of livestock skin prescribed in Article 8 of the same Act. The facility is capable of properly storing the cattle skin until the post-dressing inspection is completed;
四 牛の皮が持ち出されると畜場の管理者(と畜場の管理者がいないと畜場にあつては、と畜場の設置者。以下この条において同じ。)により、当該牛の皮を持ち出した者の氏名又は名称及び連絡先、当該牛の皮の保存を行う施設の名称及び連絡先その他管理体制の確保のため必要な情報を適切に記録するための措置が講じられていること。
(iv) the manager of a slaughterhouse (if the slaughterhouse has no manager, the owner thereof; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) from which cattle skin is carried out takes appropriate measures to record necessary information for ensuring the management system thereof, such as the name and contact information of the individual or corporation that carries out the cattle skin, as well as the name and contact information of the facility that stores the cattle skin; and
五 持ち出された牛の皮の保存を行う施設において、当該牛の皮を持ち出した者の氏名又は名称及び連絡先、当該牛の皮が持ち出されたと畜場の名称及び連絡先その他管理体制の確保のため必要な情報を適切に記録するための措置が講じられていること。
(v) the facility that stores the cattle skin that is carried out takes appropriate measures to record necessary information for ensuring the management system thereof, such as the name and contact information of the individual or corporation that carries out the cattle skin, as well as the name and contact information of the slaughterhouse from which the cattle skin has been carried out.
2 令第五条第一項第二号の許可の基準は、次のとおりとする。
(2) The criteria for the permission prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Order are as follows:
一 解体後検査が終了するまでの間、持ち出された牛の卵巣がいずれの牛から得られたものであるかを識別するための措置が適切に講じられていること。
(i) until the post-dressing inspection is completed, appropriate measures are taken to identify the source animal of cattle ovaries that are carried out;
二 解体後検査が終了するまでの間、持ち出された牛の卵巣の紛失を防止するための措置が適切に講じられていること。
(ii) until the post-dressing inspection is completed, appropriate measures are taken to prevent the loss of the cattle ovaries that are carried out;
三 持ち出された牛の卵巣の保存を行う施設が、家畜改良増殖法(昭和二十五年法律第二百九号)に規定する家畜人工授精所、独立行政法人家畜改良センター又は牛の改良増殖に係る研究を行う機関であつて、解体後検査が終了するまでの間、当該牛の卵巣を適切に保存しておくことができるものであること。
(iii) the facility that stores the cattle ovaries that are carried out is a livestock artificial insemination station, prescribed in the Act on Improvement and Increased Production of Livestock (Act No.209 of 1950), the National Livestock Breeding Center, or an institution that performs research pertaining to the improvement and increased production of cattle. The facility is capable of properly storing the cattle ovaries until the post-dressing inspection is completed;
四 牛の卵巣が持ち出されると畜場の管理者により、当該牛の卵巣を持ち出した者の氏名又は名称及び連絡先、当該牛の卵巣の保存を行う施設の名称及び連絡先その他管理体制の確保のため必要な情報を適切に記録するための措置が講じられていること。
(iv) the manager of the slaughterhouse from which cattle ovaries are carried out takes appropriate measures to record necessary information for ensuring the management system thereof, such as the name and contact information of the individual or corporation that carries out the cattle ovaries, as well as the name and contact information of the facility that stores the cattle ovaries; and
五 持ち出された牛の卵巣の保存を行う施設において、当該牛の卵巣を持ち出した者の氏名又は名称及び連絡先、当該牛の卵巣が持ち出されたと畜場の名称及び連絡先その他管理体制の確保のため必要な情報を適切に記録するための措置が講じられていること。
(v) the facility that stores the cattle ovaries that are carried out takes appropriate measures to record necessary information for ensuring the management system thereof, such as the name and contact information of the individual or corporation that carries out the cattle ovaries, as well as the name and contact information of the slaughterhouse from which the cattle ovaries have been carried out.
3 令第五条第一項第三号の許可の基準は、次のとおりとする。
(3) The criteria for the permission prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Order are as follows:
一 獣畜の肉等(令第五条第一項第三号に規定する「獣畜の肉等」をいう。以下同じ。)の焼却を行う施設が、廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律(昭和四十五年法律第百三十七号)の規定に基づき獣畜の肉等の焼却を適切に行うことができる施設であること。
(i) a facility that incinerates the meat and other parts of livestock (referring to the "meat and other parts of livestock" prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Order; the same applies hereinafter) is a facility capable of properly incinerating the meat and other parts of livestock pursuant to the Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansing (Act No. 137 of 1970);
二 獣畜の肉等が持ち出されると畜場の管理者により、当該獣畜の肉等を持ち出した者の氏名又は名称及び連絡先、当該獣畜の肉等の焼却を行う施設の名称及び連絡先その他管理体制の確保のため必要な情報を適切に記録するための措置が講じられていること。
(ii) the manager of the slaughterhouse from which the meat and other parts of livestock are carried out takes appropriate measures to record necessary information for ensuring the management system thereof, such as the name and contact information of the individual or corporation that carries out the meat and other parts of livestock, as well as the name and contact information of the facility that incinerates the meat and other parts of livestock; and
三 獣畜の肉等が持ち出されたと畜場の管理者により、当該獣畜の肉等が焼却されたことについて、これを証明する書類を添えて都道府県知事に報告する体制が整備されていること。
(iii) the manager of the slaughterhouse from which the meat and other parts of livestock are carried out establishes a system for reporting the incineration of the meat and other parts of livestock to the prefectural governor, attaching the documented evidence thereof.
(Diseases for Which the Prefectural Governor Performs Simplified Tests)
第十三条 令第六条第二項第二号の厚生労働省令で定める疾病は、伝達性海綿状脳症のうち牛、めん羊及び山羊に係るものとする。
Article 13 The diseases specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 6, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Order are those pertaining to cattle, sheep, and goats among other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.
(Scope of Diseases or Abnormalities Subject to Inspection)
第十四条 法第十四条第六項第二号又は第三号に規定する疾病又は異常は、別表第三のとおりとする。
Article 14 The diseases or abnormalities prescribed in item (ii) or item (iii) of Article 14, paragraph (6) of the Act are as set forth in Appended Table 3.
(Matters to Be Stated in the Written Application for Inspection)
第十五条 令第七条の規定により申請書に記載すべき事項は、次のとおりとする。
Article 15 (1) Matters to be stated in the written application pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of the Order are as follows:
一 申請者の住所、氏名及び生年月日(法人にあつては、その名称、主たる事務所の所在地及び代表者の氏名)
(i) the address, name, and date of birth of the applicant (for a corporation, its name, the location of its principal office, and the name of its representative);
二 とさつしようとする年月日(法第十三条第一項第二号又は第三号の規定によりとさつした獣畜を解体しようとする場合にあつては、解体しようとする年月日)
(ii) the planned date of slaughter (if the slaughtered livestock is to be dressed pursuant to the provisions of item (ii) or (iii) of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act, the planned date of dressing);
三 検査を受けようとする獣畜(牛を除く。)の種類、性別、品種、年齢(不明のときは、推定年齢)、特徴及び産地並びに牛にあつては、性別、品種、月齢、出生の年月日、特徴、産地及び個体識別番号(牛の個体識別のための情報の管理及び伝達に関する特別措置法(平成十五年法律第七十二号)第二条第一項に規定するものをいう。)
(iii) type, sex, variety, age (estimated age if unknown), characteristics and place of production of the livestock subject to the inspection (except cattle); in the case of cattle, the sex, variety, months of age, date of birth, characteristics, place of production, and identification number (as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Beef Traceability Act (Act No. 72 of 2003));
四 検査を受けようとする獣畜の病歴に関する情報
(iv) information concerning the medical history of the livestock subject to inspection;
五 検査を受けようとする獣畜に係る動物用医薬品その他これに類するものの使用の状況
(v) usage of pharmaceuticals for animals and equivalent products pertaining to the livestock subject to inspection; and
六 法第十三条第一項第二号又は第三号の規定によりとさつした獣畜を解体しようとする場合にあつては、当該獣畜をと畜場以外の場所でとさつした理由、日時及び場所
(vi) if slaughtered livestock is to be dressed pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (1), item (ii) or (iii) of the Act, the reason, date and time, and place of slaughter in a place other than a slaughterhouse.
2 令第七条の申請書が、法第十三条第一項第三号の規定によりとさつした獣畜を解体しようとする場合における法第十四条第二項及び第三項の規定による検査に係るものであるときは、次の各号に掲げる事項を記載した死亡診断書又は死体検案書を当該申請書に添えなければならない。
(2) If the written application prescribed in Article 7 of the Order pertains to the inspection under Article 14, paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Act pertaining to cases where slaughtered livestock is to be dressed pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act, a death certificate or certificate of postmortem examination indicating the matters set forth in the following items must be attached to the relevant written application:
一 診断又は検案の年月日時
(i) date and time of the diagnosis or postmortem examination;
二 死亡年月日時(不明のときは、推定年月日時)
(ii) date and time of death (estimated date and time if unknown);
三 獣畜(牛を除く。)の種類、性別、年齢(不明のときは、推定年齢)及び特徴並びに牛にあつては、性別、月齢、出生の年月日及び特徴
(iii) type, sex, and age (estimated age if unknown) of the livestock (except cattle); in the case of cattle, the sex, months of age, date of birth, and characteristics;
四 病名及び主要症状(死体検案書にあつては、主要症状にかえて死体の状態)
(iv) disease and major symptoms (in the case of a certificate of postmortem examination, the condition of the body instead of the major symptoms); and
五 診断又は検案した獣医師の住所及び氏名
(v) address and name of the veterinarian who has performed the diagnosis or examination.
(Measures Based on the Results of Inspection)
第十六条 法第十六条の規定に基づく措置は、次の各号に掲げる場合に応じ、当該各号に掲げる措置によるものとする。
Article 16 The measures to be taken based on the provisions of Article 16 of the Act shall be those set forth in the respective items below in accordance with the cases set forth in each item:
一 法第十四条第一項の規定による検査を行なつた場合において獣畜が別表第四に掲げる疾病にかかり、又は異常があると認めたときとさつの禁止
(i) when a disease or abnormality of the livestock set forth in Appended Table 4 is identified in the inspection performed pursuant to Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Act, prohibition of slaughter;
二 法第十四条第二項の規定による検査を行なつた場合において獣畜が別表第四に掲げる疾病にかかり、又は異常があると認めたとき解体の禁止
(ii) when a disease or abnormality of the livestock set forth in Appended Table 4 is identified in the inspection performed pursuant to Article 14, paragraph (2) of the Act, prohibition of dressing;
三 法第十四条第三項の規定による検査を行なつた場合において獣畜が別表第五の上欄に掲げる疾病にかかり、又は異常があると認めたとき別表第五の下欄に掲げる部分について廃棄その他食用に供されることを防止するために必要な措置
(iii) when a disease or abnormality of the livestock set forth in the left column of Appended Table 5 is identified in the inspection performed pursuant to Article 14, paragraph (3) of the Act, necessary measures for preventing the disposal or human consumption of the parts set forth in the right column of Appended Table 5; and
四 獣畜が法第十四条第六項各号に掲げる疾病のうち伝染性の疾病にかかり、又は異常があり、病毒を伝染させるおそれがあると認めたとき当該獣畜の隔離、当該獣畜の肉、内臓その他の部分の消毒、病毒に汚染され又は汚染されたおそれのある処理室その他の場所又は物件の消毒その他病毒の伝染を防止するために必要な措置
(iv) when a transmissible disease or abnormality of the livestock set forth in the items of Article 14, paragraph (6) of the Act is identified and may cause transmission thereof, segregation of the livestock; disinfection of the meat, organs, and other parts of the livestock; disinfection of the processing room and other places or the property that have or may have been contaminated by the disease/abnormality; and other necessary measures for preventing the transmission of the disease/abnormality.
第十七条 令第九条の規定により検印を押す場合は、別表第六により、獣畜の種類に応じ、様式第一号の検印を押さなければならない。
Article 17 When a seal of approval is affixed pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of the Order, a seal specified in Form No. 1 must be affixed in accordance with the type of livestock based on Appended Table 6.
(Identification Card of Slaughter Inspector)
第十八条 法第十七条第二項の規定により、当該職員が携帯しなければならない証票は、様式第二号によるものとする。
Article 18 The identification card that a slaughter inspector must carry pursuant to the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (2) of the Act is as specified in Form No. 2.
Supplementary Provisions
1 この省令は、公布の日から施行する。
(1) This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
(Repeal of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughter Act)
2 屠場法施行規則(明治三十九年内務省令第十六号)及び屠場ノ構造設備標準(明治三十九年内務省令第十七号)は、廃止する。
(2) The Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughter Act (Home Ministry Order No. 16 of 1906) and the Criteria for the Building and Equipment of Slaughterhouses (Home Ministry Order No. 17 of 1906) are repealed.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 44 of October 2, 1967) [Extract]
1 この省令は、公布の日から施行する。
(1) This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 12 of April 17, 1972)
This Act comes into effect as of July 1, 1972; provided, however, that the provisions adding paragraph (1) to Article 5 come into effect on October 1 of the same year.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 54 of December 8, 1973)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of December 10, 1973.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 14 of March 21, 1984) [Extract]
1 この省令は、昭和五十九年四月一日から施行する。
(1) This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1984.
2 と畜場法施行令(昭和二十八年政令第二百十六号)第六条に規定する検印の様式については、昭和五十九年九月三十日までは、なお従前の例によることができる。
(2) Until September 30, 1984, prior laws may continue to govern the form of the seal of approval prescribed in Article 6 of the Enforcement Order of the Slaughterhouse Act (Order No. 216 of 1953).
3 この省令の施行の際現にと畜検査員が携帯する証票は、この省令による改正後の様式による証票とみなす。
(3) Identification cards that are already carried at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 58 of December 19, 1984)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of February 1, 1985.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 10 of March 24, 1989) [Extract]
1 この省令は、公布の日から施行する。
(1) This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
2 この省令の施行の際この省令による改正前の様式(以下「旧様式」という。)により使用されている書類は、この省令による改正後の様式によるものとみなす。
(2) Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form") are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
3 この省令の施行の際現にある旧様式による用紙及び板については、当分の間、これを取り繕って使用することができる。
(3) Sheets and plates that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
4 この省令による改正後の省令の規定にかかわらず、この省令により改正された規定であって改正後の様式により記載することが適当でないものについては、当分の間、なお従前の例による。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Ministerial Order following the amendment by this Ministerial Order, prior laws continue to govern for the time being the provisions amended by this Ministerial Order where the use of the forms following the amendment is not appropriate.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 28 of April 26, 1996)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 27, 1996;
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 73 of December 25, 1996)
1 この省令は、平成九年四月一日から施行する。
(1) This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1997.
2 改正後の第二条の二第一項第二十二号及び第二項並びに第二条の三第一項第三号ロ、第二項及び第三項の規定は、平成十年三月三十一日までは、適用しない。
(2) The provisions of the amended Article 2-2, paragraph (1), item (xxii) and paragraph (2); and of Article 2-3, paragraph (1), item (iii), (b) and paragraphs (2) and (3); are not applied until March 31, 1998.
3 改正後の第二条の二第一項第十四号イ及びニ並びに第十五号ロ並びに第二条の三第一項第二号、第三号ハ及びニ、第四号イ、ニ及びホ、第五号ヘ及びト、第六号ハ及びニ、第七号ニ及びホ並びに第八号ロの規定(牛及び馬のとさつ又は解体を行う場合に限る。)は、平成十二年三月三十一日までは、適用しない。
(3) The provisions of the amended Article 2-2, paragraph (1), item (xiv), (a) and (d) and item (xv), (b); and of Article 2-3, paragraph (1), item (ii), item (iii), (c) and (d); item (iv), (a), (d), and (e); item (v), (f) and (g); item (vi), (c) and (d); item (vii), (d) and (e); and item (viii), (b) (limited to cases where cattle and horses are slaughtered or dressed) are not applied until March 31, 2000.
4 改正後の第二条の二第一項第十四号イ及びニ並びに第十五号ロ並びに第二条の三第一項第二号、第三号イ、ハ及びニ、第四号イ、ニ及びホ、第五号ヘ及びト、第六号ハ及びニ、第七号ニ及びホ並びに第八号ロの規定(豚、めん羊及び山羊のとさつ又は解体を行う場合に限る。)並びに同条第十二号(豚、めん羊及び山羊の枝肉に係る部分に限る。)の規定は、平成十四年三月三十一日までは、適用しない。
(4) The provisions of the amended Article 2-2, paragraph (1), item (xiv), (a) and (d) and item (xv), (b); and of Article 2-3, paragraph (1), item (ii), item (iii), (a), (c) and (d); item (iv), (a), (d), and (e); item (v), (f) and (g); item (vi), (c) and (d); item (vii), (d) and (e); and item (viii), (b) (limited to cases where swine, sheep, and goats are slaughtered or dressed), as well as the provisions of item (xii) of the same Article (limited to the parts pertaining to the dressed carcass of swine, sheep, and goats) are not applied until March 31, 2002.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 68 of July 6, 1998)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 209 of October 17, 2001)
1 この省令は、平成十三年十月十八日から施行する。
(1) This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of October 18, 2001;
2 この省令の施行の日から一年を経過する日までの間における別表第一の規定の適用については、同表中「頭部(舌及び頬肉を除く。)」とあるのは、「脳、眼」とする。
(2) Until the day when one year has elapsed from the date of enforcement of this Ministerial Order, "the head (excluding the tongue and cheek meat)" in Appended Table 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the brain and eyes" in the application of the provisions of the same Table.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 89 of July 1, 2002) [Extract]
第一条 この省令は、法の施行の日(平成十四年七月四日)から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act (July 4, 2002).
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 99 of May 30, 2003)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 133 of August 29, 2003)
第一条 この省令は、食品衛生法等の一部を改正する法律(以下「改正法」という。)の施行の日(平成十五年八月二十九日)から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Food Sanitation Act, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Amending Act") (August 29, 2003).
(A Person Specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as Referred to in Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Amending Act)
第二条 改正法附則第六条の厚生労働省令で定める者は、と畜場の衛生管理の業務に従事したことがある者とする。
Article 2 A person specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Amending Act is a person who has ever been engaged in the work of sanitation management at a slaughterhouse.
(A Person Specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as Referred to in Article 7 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Amending Act)
第三条 改正法附則第七条の厚生労働省令で定める者は、獣畜のとさつ又は解体の業務に従事したことがある者とする。
Article 3 A person specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 7 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Amending Act is a person who has ever been engaged in the work of the slaughter or dressing of livestock.
(Transitional Measures upon the Partial Amendment of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation Act)
第四条 この省令の施行の際現にあるこの省令による改正前の様式(以下「旧様式」という。)により使用されている書類は、この省令による改正後の様式によるものとみなす。
Article 4 (1) Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form") are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
2 この省令の施行の際現にある旧様式による用紙については、当分の間、これを取り繕って使用することができる。
(2) Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 12 of February 6, 2004) [Extract]
第一条 この省令は、食品衛生法等の一部を改正する法律(以下「改正法」という。)附則第一条第三号に掲げる規定の施行の日(平成十六年二月二十七日)から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the provisions set forth in Article 1, item (iii) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Partially Amending the Food Sanitation Act, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Amending Act") (February 27, 2004).
(Transitional Measures upon the Partial Amendment of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation Act)
第三条 この省令の施行の際現にあるこの省令による改正前の様式(以下「旧様式」という。)により使用されている書類は、この省令による改正後の様式によるものとみなす。
Article 3 (1) Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form") are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
2 この省令の施行の際現にある旧様式による用紙については、当分の間、これを取り繕って使用することができる。
(2) Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 111 of July 1, 2005)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of October 1, 2005.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 152 of December 25, 2007)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of December 26, 2007.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 44 of March 25, 2009)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2009.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 8 of February 1, 2013)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2013.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 59 of April 28, 2014)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2015.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 50 of March 27, 2015) [Extract]
第一条 この省令は、公布の日から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 12 of February 3, 2016)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2016.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 105 of June 1, 2016)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 1 of May 7, 2019) [Extract]
第一条 この省令は、公布の日から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
第二条 この省令による改正前のそれぞれの省令で定める様式(次項において「旧様式」という。)により使用されている書類は、この省令による改正後のそれぞれの省令で定める様式によるものとみなす。
Article 2 (1) Documents that are already used in forms specified by the respective Ministerial Orders prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former forms" in the following paragraph) are deemed as those in forms specified by the respective Ministerial Orders following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
2 旧様式による用紙については、合理的に必要と認められる範囲内で、当分の間、これを取り繕って使用することができる。
(2) Sheets using the former forms may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto, within a range considered reasonably necessary.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 68 of November 7, 2019)
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Food Sanitation Act, etc. (Act No. 46 of 2018) (June 1, 2020).
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 14 of February 5, 2020)
1 この省令は、家畜伝染病予防法の一部を改正する法律の施行の日(令和二年二月五日)から施行する。
(1) This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Livestock (February 5, 2020).
2 この省令の施行前にされたこの省令による改正前のと畜場法施行規則別表第四に規定する豚コレラ又はアフリカ豚コレラに係る処分、手続その他の行為は、それぞれこの省令による改正後のと畜場法施行規則別表第四に規定する豚熱又はアフリカ豚熱に係る処分、手続その他の行為とみなす。
(2) The dispositions, procedures, and other actions that are taken prior to the enforcement of this Ministerial Order pertaining to classical swine fever or African swine fever as specified in Appended Table 4 of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order, shall be respectively deemed as the dispositions, procedures, and other actions pertaining to classical swine fever or African swine fever pertaining to classical swine fever or African swine fever as specified in Appended Table 4 of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 135 of July 1, 2020) [Extract]
第一条 この省令は、家畜伝染病予防法の一部を改正する法律(令和二年法律第十六号)及び家畜伝染病予防法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和二年農林水産省令第四十四号)の施行の日(令和二年七月一日)から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Livestock (Act No. 16 of 2020) and the Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Livestock (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Order No. 44 of 2020) (July 1, 2020).
(Transitional Measures upon the Partial Amendment of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act)
第二条 この省令の施行前にされたこの省令による改正前のと畜場法施行規則別表第四に規定する、水胞性口炎、ブルセラ病、結核病、ピロプラズマ病、アナプラズマ病、豚水胞病、牛ウイルス性下痢・粘膜病、牛白血病、牛丘疹性口炎、トリパノソーマ病、トリコモナス病、馬モルビリウイルス肺炎、トキソプラズマ病、山羊関節炎・脳脊髄炎又は豚エンテロウイルス性脳脊髄炎に係る処分、手続その他の行為は、それぞれこの省令による改正後のと畜場法施行規則別表第四に規定する水疱性口内炎、ブルセラ症、結核、ピロプラズマ症、アナプラズマ症、豚水疱病、牛ウイルス性下痢、牛伝染性リンパ腫、牛丘疹性口内炎、トリパノソーマ症、トリコモナス症、ヘンドラウイルス感染症、トキソプラズマ症、山羊関節炎・脳炎又は豚テシオウイルス性脳脊髄炎に係る処分、手続その他の行為としてされたものとみなす。
Article 2 The dispositions, procedures, and other actions that are taken prior to the enforcement of this Ministerial Order pertaining to vesicular stomatitis, brucellosis, tuberculosis, piroplasmosis, anaplasmosis, swine vesicular disease, bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease, bovine leukosis, bovine papular stomatitis, trypanosomiasis, trichomoniasis, equine morbillivirus pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, caprine arthritis-encephalomyelitis, or porcine enterovirus encephalomyelitis as specified in Appended Table 4 of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order, shall be respectively deemed as the dispositions, procedures, and other actions pertaining to vesicular stomatitis, brucellosis, tuberculosis, piroplasmosis, anaplasmosis, swine vesicular disease, bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease, bovine leukosis, bovine papular stomatitis, trypanosomiasis, trichomoniasis, equine morbillivirus pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, caprine arthritis-encephalitis, or porcine teschovirus encephalomyelitis as specified in Appended Table 4 of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
Supplementary Provisions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 175 of October 22, 2021) [Extract]
第一条 この省令は、公布の日から施行する。
Article 1 This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
第十二条 この省令の施行の際現にあるこの省令による改正前の様式(次項において「旧様式」という。)により使用されている書類は、この省令による改正後の様式によるものとみなす。
Article 12 (1) Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form" in the following paragraph) are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
2 この省令の施行の際現にある旧様式による用紙については、当分の間、これを取り繕って使用することができる。
(2) Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Appended Table 1 (Related to Articles 3 and 7)
Bovine tonsils and ileum (limited to the part up to two meters from the connection with the cecum), the head (excluding the tongue, cheek, skin, and tonsils) and spinal cord of cattle of 30 months of age or more, as well as the spleen and ileum of sheep and goats, the head (excluding the tongue, cheek, and skin) and spinal cord of sheep and goats more than 12 months of age (referring to those for whom more than 12 months have elapsed from their date of birth)
Appended Table 2 (Related to Article 6)
Appended Table 3 (Related to Articles 14 and 16)
Q fever, malignant edema, leukemia, listeriosis, smallpox, pyemia, sepsis, uremia, jaundice, edema, tumor, trichinellosis and other parasitic diseases, toxicosis, actinomycosis, botryomycosis, febrile illnesse, trauma, inflammation, denaturation, atrophy, malformation, the abnormal form, size, hardness, color, or smell of organs, injection reactions (limited to extreme reactions to biological products), and contamination by lubricants or inflammatory products
Appended Table 4 (Related to Article 16)
Rinderpest, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, foot-and-mouth disease, infectious encephalitis, rabies, vesicular stomatitis, Rift Valley fever, anthrax, hemorrhagic septicemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis, Johne's disease, piroplasmosis, anaplasmosis, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, glanders, equine infectious anemia, African horse sickness, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, Bluetongue disease, Akabane disease, malignant catarrhal fever, Chuzan disease, lumpy skin disease, bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine leukosis, Aino virus infection, Ibaraki disease, bovine papular stomatitis, bovine epemeral fever, melioidosis, tetanus, blackleg, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, bovine campylobacteriosis, trypanosomiasis, trichomoniasis, neosporosis, hypodermosis, Nipah virus infection, equine influenza, equine viral arteritis, equine rhinopneumonitis, equine morbillivirus pneumonia, horse pox, tularemia, contagious equine metritis, equine paratyphoid, pseudofarcy in horses, peste des petits ruminants, contagious ecthyma, Nairobi sheep disease, sheep pox, maedi-visna, contagious agalactia, ovine enzootic abortion, toxoplasmosis, sheep scab, goat pox, caprine arthritis-encephalitis, contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, Aujeszky's disease, transmissible gastroenteritis, porcine teschovirus encephalomyelitis, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, vesicular exanthema of swine, porcine epidemic diarrhea, atrophic rhinitis of swine, swine erysipelas, swine dysentery, Q fever, malignant edema, leukemia, listeriosis, smallpox, pyemia, sepsis, uremia, jaundice (limited to severe cases), edema (limited to severe cases), tumor (limited to multiple tumors in meat, organs, bones, and lymph nodes), trichinellosis, pork tapeworm infection, beef tapeworm infection (limited to systemic infestation), toxicoses (limited to those hazardous to humans), febrile illnesses (limited to cases with extremely high fevers), injection reactions (limited to extreme reactions to biological products), and contamination by lubricants or inflammatory products (limited to cases of systemic contamination);
Appended Table 5 (Related to Article 16)
Appended Table 6 (Related to Article 17)
Form No. 1 (Related to Article 17)
Form No. 2 (Related to Article 18)
Public health overview
At least 4 hours
Laws and regulations applicable to slaughter
Livestock anatomy and physiology
At least 2 hours
Livestock internal medicine and pathology
At least 6 hours
Meat hygiene
Applicable laws and regulations
Disease or abnormality
Diseases set forth in Appended Table 4
Meat, organs, and all other parts of the animal
Jaundice (limited to cases where the lesion is localized to a part of the meat or organs)
Site of the lesion and blood
Edema (limited to cases where the lesion is localized to a part of the meat or organs)
Tumor (limited to cases where the lesion is localized to a part of the meat, organs, bones, and/or lymph nodes)
Parasitic disease (trichinellosis, pork tapeworm infection, and beef tapeworm infection (limited to systemic infestation))
Sites where parasites cannot be isolated and blood in the case of sarcosporidiosis
Site of the lesion
Site of the lesion and sites contaminated by inflammatory products, as well as blood in the case of multiple purulent inflammations
Site of the extreme lesion
Abnormal form, size, hardness, color, or smell of organs (limited to cases where the lesion is localized to a part of the organs)
Organs pertaining to the site of the abnormality
Contamination by lubricants or inflammatory products (limited to cases of systemic contamination)
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the site of the abnormality
Types of livestock
Sites to which a seal of approval shall be affixed
Cattle, horses, sheep, and goats
Meat: back (outside)
Organs: any site of the heart, lungs, liver, stomachs, or intestines
Skin: ridge (inside); provided, however, that a seal of approval is not required if the site is clearly not for human consumption
Meat: back (outside); provided, however, that a seal of approval should be affixed to the skin of the site of scalding if applicable
Skin: ridge (inside); provided, however, that a seal of approval is not required in the case of scalding or if the site is clearly not for human consumption