Act on the Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation
Act No. 45 of 2023
Act on the Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation (Act No. 45 of June 7, 2023)
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 この法律は、社会の変化により個人と社会及び他者との関わりが希薄になる中で、日常生活若しくは社会生活において孤独を覚えることにより、又は社会から孤立していることにより心身に有害な影響を受けている状態(以下「孤独・孤立の状態」という。)にある者の問題が深刻な状況にあることを踏まえ、孤独・孤立の状態となることの予防、孤独・孤立の状態にある者への迅速かつ適切な支援その他孤独・孤立の状態から脱却することに資する取組(以下「孤独・孤立対策」という。)について、その基本理念、国等の責務及び施策の基本となる事項を定めるとともに、孤独・孤立対策推進本部を設置すること等により、他の関係法律による施策と相まって、総合的な孤独・孤立対策に関する施策を推進することを目的とする。
Article 1 Considering the serious issues faced by individuals suffering mental or physical harm due to experiencing loneliness in their daily lives or lives in society or isolation from society in a situation exacerbated by societal changes that have weakened interpersonal and societal connections (referred to below as "loneliness and isolation"), in order to prevent loneliness and isolation, provide swift and appropriate support to persons experiencing loneliness and isolation, and otherwise facilitate their efforts to escape such a state (referred to below as "measures to address loneliness and isolation"), this Act aims to promote comprehensive policies regarding measures to address loneliness and isolation in conjunction with policies introduced under other related laws, by establishing fundamental principles, outlining the responsibilities of the national government, defining the core components of the policies, establishing the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation, and taking other actions.
第二条 孤独・孤立対策は、次に掲げる事項を基本理念として行われなければならない。
Article 2 Measures to address loneliness and isolation must be implemented by treating the matters listed below as fundamental principles:
一 孤独・孤立の状態は人生のあらゆる段階において何人にも生じ得るものであり、社会の変化により孤独・孤立の状態にある者の問題が深刻な状況にあることに鑑み、孤独・孤立の状態にある者の問題が社会全体の課題であるとの認識の下に、社会のあらゆる分野において孤独・孤立対策の推進を図ることが重要であることを旨とすること。
(i) it is important to advance measures to address loneliness and isolation across all societal sectors, recognizing that the issues faced by persons experiencing loneliness and isolation are a problem for society as a whole, based on the understanding that any person can potentially be in such a state at any point in life and the issues faced by persons experiencing that state due to changes in society are severe;
二 孤独・孤立の状態となる要因及び孤独・孤立の状態が多様であることに鑑み、孤独・孤立の状態にある者及びその家族等(以下「当事者等」という。)の立場に立って、当事者等の状況に応じた支援が継続的に行われるようにすることを旨とすること。
(ii) in light of the diverse cause and manifestation of loneliness and isolation, it is essential to provide continuous support tailored to the unique circumstances of persons experiencing such states, including their family members (referred to below as "concerned parties"); and
三 当事者等に対しては、その意向に沿って当事者等が社会及び他者との関わりを持つことにより孤独・孤立の状態から脱却して日常生活及び社会生活を円滑に営むことができるようになることを目標として、必要な支援が行われるようにすることを旨とすること。
(iii) it is essential to provide necessary support to the concerned parties with the objective of enabling them to escape their loneliness and isolation and lead a smoother daily and social life, by fostering their interactions with society and others in accordance with their preferences.
第三条 国は、前条に定める基本理念(次条及び第六条において「基本理念」という。)にのっとり、孤独・孤立対策に関する施策を策定し、及び実施する責務を有する。
Article 3 The national government is responsible for establishing and implementing policies regarding measures to address loneliness and isolation, pursuant to the fundamental principles specified in the preceding Article (referred to as "fundamental principles" in the following Article and Article 6).
(Responsibility of Local Governments)
第四条 地方公共団体は、基本理念にのっとり、孤独・孤立対策に関し、国及び他の地方公共団体との連携を図りつつ、その区域内における当事者等の状況に応じた施策を策定し、及び実施する責務を有する。
Article 4 Each local government is responsible for establishing and implementing policies regarding measures to address loneliness and isolation which reflect the circumstances of the concerned parties, within their jurisdiction in coordination with the national government and other local governments, pursuant to the fundamental principles.
(Efforts of the People)
第五条 国民は、孤独・孤立の状態にある者に対する関心と理解を深めるとともに、国及び地方公共団体が実施する孤独・孤立対策に関する施策に協力するよう努めるものとする。
Article 5 The people are to strive to deepen their understanding and concerns towards persons experiencing loneliness and isolation, and to cooperate with the policies regarding measures to address loneliness and isolation which the national government and the local governments implement.
(Coordination and Cooperation among Relevant Persons)
第六条 国、地方公共団体、当事者等への支援を行う者、地域住民その他の関係者は、基本理念の実現に向けて、相互に連携を図りながら協力するよう努めるものとする。
Article 6 The national government, the local governments, persons who provide support to the concerned parties, local residents, and other relevant persons are to strive to coordinate and cooperate with one another, in pursuit of realizing the fundamental principles.
(Legislative Measures)
第七条 政府は、孤独・孤立対策に関する施策を実施するため必要な法制上又は財政上の措置その他の措置を講じなければならない。
Article 7 The government must undertake necessary legislative, fiscal and other measures to implement its policies regarding measures to address loneliness and isolation.
第二章 孤独・孤立対策に関する施策
Chapter II Policies Regarding Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation
(Priority Plans on Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation)
第八条 孤独・孤立対策推進本部は、孤独・孤立対策に関する施策の推進を図るための重点計画(以下この条及び第二十一条第一項第一号において「孤独・孤立対策重点計画」という。)を作成しなければならない。
Article 8 (1) The Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation must create a priority plan to facilitate the promotion of the policies regarding measures to address loneliness and isolation (referred to as a "priority plan on measures to address loneliness and isolation" in this Article, and in Article 21, paragraph (1), item (i)).
2 孤独・孤立対策重点計画は、次に掲げる事項について定めるものとする。
(2) The priority plan on measures to address loneliness and isolation must provide for the following matters:
一 孤独・孤立対策に関する施策についての基本的な方針
(i) the fundamental plan of action concerning the policies regarding measures to address loneliness and isolation;
二 孤独・孤立対策に関し、政府が総合的かつ計画的に講ずべき施策
(ii) the policies that should be comprehensively and systematically implemented by the government in relation to measures to address loneliness and isolation; and
三 前二号に掲げるもののほか、孤独・孤立対策に関する施策を総合的かつ計画的に推進するために必要な事項
(iii) in addition to what is provided for in the preceding two items, other matters as are necessary to comprehensively and systematically promote the policies regarding measures to address loneliness and isolation.
3 孤独・孤立対策重点計画に定める施策については、原則として、当該施策の具体的な目標及びその達成の期間を定めるものとする。
(3) As a general rule, the policies provided for in the priority plan on measures to address loneliness and isolation must be accompanied by specific objectives to be attained by those policies and the time frame for their attainment.
4 孤独・孤立対策推進本部は、第一項の規定により孤独・孤立対策重点計画を作成したときは、遅滞なく、これを公表しなければならない。これを変更したときも、同様とする。
(4) Upon creating the priority plan on measures to address loneliness and isolation in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1), the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation must make it public without delay. The same applies when amendments are made to the aforementioned plan.
5 孤独・孤立対策推進本部は、適時に、第三項の規定により定める目標の達成状況を調査し、その結果を遅滞なく公表しなければならない。
(5) The Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation must investigate the status of the attainment of the objectives specified in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3) at suitable junctures, and make the outcome of that investigation public without delay.
(Promotion of Understanding by the People)
第九条 国及び地方公共団体は、孤独・孤立対策に関し、広く国民一般の関心を高め、その理解と協力を得るとともに、社会を構成する多様な主体の参加による自主的な活動に資するよう、必要な啓発活動を積極的に行うよう努めるものとする。
Article 9 The national government and the local governments are to strive to actively carry out necessary awareness-raising activities concerning measures to address loneliness and isolation, in order to increase the general interests of the people, gain their understanding and cooperation, and contribute to the autonomous activities in which the diverse members of society participate.
第十条 国及び地方公共団体は、地方公共団体、当事者等への支援を行う者、地域住民その他の関係者が、当事者等からの相談に応じ、必要な情報の提供及び助言その他の支援を行うことを推進するために必要な施策を講ずるよう努めるものとする。
Article 10 The national government and the local governments are to strive to implement necessary policies to encourage local governments, persons who provide support to the concerned parties, local residents, and other relevant persons to provide the necessary information, advice, and other forms of assistance in response to consultations from the concerned parties.
(Fostering Dialogue)
第十一条 国及び地方公共団体は、国、地方公共団体、当事者等への支援を行う者、地域住民その他の関係者が相互に連携と協働を図ることにより、孤独・孤立対策に関する施策の効果的な推進が図られることに鑑み、これらの者の間における協議の促進その他の関係者相互間の連携と協働を促進するために必要な施策を講ずるよう努めるものとする。
Article 11 The national government and the local governments are to strive to implement necessary policies to foster dialogue and promote coordination and collaboration among themselves, persons who provide support to the concerned parties, local residents, and other relevant persons, recognizing that the coordination and collaboration among them can effectively advance measures to address loneliness and isolation.
(Recruitment of Personnel)
第十二条 国及び地方公共団体は、当事者等への支援を行う人材の確保、養成及び資質の向上に必要な施策を講ずるよう努めるものとする。
Article 12 The national government and the local governments are to strive to implement policies necessary for the recruitment, training, and enhancement of personnel who provide support to the concerned parties.
(Assistance for Local Governments and Persons Who Provide Support to Concerned Parties)
第十三条 国は、孤独・孤立対策に関する施策に関し、地方公共団体が実施する施策及び当事者等への支援を行う者が行う孤独・孤立対策に係る活動を支援するため、情報の提供その他の必要な措置を講ずるよう努めるものとする。
Article 13 The national government is to strive to provide information and undertake necessary measures to assist with the policies implemented by the local governments concerning measures to address loneliness and isolation, as well as activities carried out by persons who provide support to the concerned parties in relation to measures to address loneliness and isolation.
(Advancement of Research and Studies)
第十四条 国は、孤独・孤立の状態にある者の実態に関する調査研究その他の孤独・孤立対策に関する施策の策定に必要な調査研究を推進するよう努めるものとする。
Article 14 The national government is to strive to advance research and studies into the actual circumstances of persons experiencing loneliness and isolation, as well as other necessary research and studies for establishing the policies regarding measures to address loneliness and isolation.
(Local Councils for Loneliness and Isolation Measures)
第十五条 地方公共団体は、孤独・孤立対策を推進するために必要な連携及び協働を図るため、単独で又は共同して、当事者等に対する支援(以下この項、次条及び第十七条第二項において単に「支援」という。)に関係する機関及び団体、支援に関係する職務に従事する者その他の関係者(次条第二項及び第二十一条第二項において「関係機関等」という。)により構成される孤独・孤立対策地域協議会(以下「協議会」という。)を置くよう努めるものとする。
Article 15 (1) Either independently or with other local governments, a local government is to strive to establish a local council for loneliness and isolation measures (referred to below as a "local council") composed of organizations and bodies related to support to concerned parties (referred to as "support" in this paragraph, the following Article, and Article 17, paragraph (2)), persons engaged in support-related professions, and other related persons (referred to as "relevant organizations and other such persons" in paragraph (2) of the following Article, and Article 21, paragraph (2)), in order to ensure coordination and cooperation necessary for advancing measures to address loneliness and isolation.
2 地方公共団体の長は、協議会を設置したときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、その旨を公示しなければならない。
(2) Once a local council has been established, the head of the local government must issue public notice to that effect in accordance with the provisions of Cabinet Office Order.
(Functions of the Local Council)
第十六条 協議会は、前条第一項の目的を達するため、必要な情報の交換を行うとともに、支援の内容に関する協議を行うものとする。
Article 16 (1) A local council is to exchange the necessary information and hold discussions regarding the particulars of support, in order to attain the objectives referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
2 協議会を構成する関係機関等(次項及び次条において「構成機関等」という。)は、前項の協議の結果に基づき、支援を行うものとする。
(2) The relevant organizations and other such persons that make up the local council (referred to as "constituent organizations and other such persons" in the following paragraph and the following Article) are to provide support in accordance with the outcome of the discussion referred to in the preceding paragraph.
3 協議会は、第一項に規定する情報の交換及び協議を行うため必要があると認めるとき、又は構成機関等による支援の実施に関し他の構成機関等から要請があった場合において必要があると認めるときは、構成機関等に対し、支援の対象となる当事者等に関する情報の提供、意見の開陳その他の必要な協力を求めることができる。
(3) A local council may request that the constituent organizations and other such persons provide information or express their opinions on the concerned parties who are subject to support, or otherwise provide the necessary cooperation, if the local council considers this to be necessary to exchange information or hold discussions as prescribed in paragraph (1) or if the local council considers this to be necessary when requested by any of the constituent organizations and other such persons in relation to the provision of support by other constituent organizations and other such persons.
(The Local Council's Organization Which Coordinates Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation)
第十七条 協議会を設置した地方公共団体の長は、構成機関等のうちから一の機関又は団体を限り孤独・孤立対策調整機関(次項及び次条において「調整機関」という。)として指定することができる。
Article 17 (1) The head of the local government that has established a local council may designate a single organization or body from among its constituent organizations and other such persons to act as the organization which coordinates measures to address loneliness and isolation (referred to as a "coordinating organization" in the following paragraph and following Article).
2 調整機関は、協議会に関する事務を総括するとともに、必要な支援が適切に行われるよう、協議会の定めるところにより、構成機関等が行う支援の状況を把握しつつ、必要に応じて他の構成機関等が行う支援を組み合わせるなど構成機関等相互の連絡調整を行うものとする。
(2) A coordinating organization is to oversee the functions of the local council, and facilitate the liaison and coordination among the constituent organizations and other such persons, for example by tracking the status of support provided by a constituent organization or other such person, and, if necessary, combining it with the support provided by different constituent organizations and other such persons, as prescribed by the local council so that necessary support is appropriately provided.
(Duty of Confidentiality)
第十八条 協議会の事務(調整機関としての事務を含む。以下この条において同じ。)に従事する者又は協議会の事務に従事していた者は、正当な理由がなく、協議会の事務に関して知り得た秘密を漏らしてはならない。
Article 18 A person who is or was engaged in the functions of a local council (including the functions as a coordinating organization; the same applies in this Article) must not disclose any confidential information obtained in relation to the functions of the local council, without a justifiable reason.
(Matters Determined by the Local Council)
第十九条 第十五条から前条までに定めるもののほか、協議会の組織及び運営に関し必要な事項は、協議会が定める。
Article 19 Beyond what is provided for in Article 15 through the preceding Article, matters necessary for the organization and operation of a local council are determined by the local council itself.
第三章 孤独・孤立対策推進本部
Chapter III Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation
第二十条 内閣府に、特別の機関として、孤独・孤立対策推進本部(以下「本部」という。)を置く。
Article 20 The Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation (referred to below as "headquarters") is to be established within the Cabinet Office as a special organization.
(Functions Under the Headquarters' Jurisdiction)
第二十一条 本部は、次に掲げる事務をつかさどる。
Article 21 (1) The headquarters is responsible the following functions:
一 孤独・孤立対策重点計画を作成し、及びその実施を推進すること。
(i) the creation of the priority plan on measures to address loneliness and isolation, and the promotion of its implementation; and
二 前号に掲げるもののほか、孤独・孤立対策に関する重要な事項について審議すること。
(ii) in addition to the matters provided for in the preceding item, deliberation of important matters relating to measures to address loneliness and isolation.
2 本部は、前項第一号に掲げる事務を遂行するため、必要に応じ、地方公共団体、協議会又は関係機関等の意見を聴くものとする。
(2) The headquarters is to hear the opinions of local governments, local councils, or relevant organizations and other such persons as necessary, in order to carry out the functions referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph.
第二十二条 本部は、孤独・孤立対策推進本部長、孤独・孤立対策推進副本部長及び孤独・孤立対策推進本部員をもって組織する。
Article 22 The headquarters is comprised of the chairperson of the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation, the deputy chairpersons of the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation, and members of the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation.
(The Chairperson of the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation)
第二十三条 本部の長は、孤独・孤立対策推進本部長(以下「本部長」という。)とし、内閣総理大臣をもって充てる。
Article 23 (1) The chairperson of the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation (referred to below as the "chairperson") acts as the head of the headquarters, and the Prime Minister acts as the chairperson.
2 本部長は、本部の事務を総括し、所部の職員を指揮監督する。
(2) The chairperson takes overall control of the functions of the headquarters, and directs and supervises the staff of the headquarters.
(Deputy Chairpersons of the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation)
第二十四条 本部に、孤独・孤立対策推進副本部長(次項及び次条第二項において「副本部長」という。)を置き、内閣官房長官並びに内閣府設置法(平成十一年法律第八十九号)第九条第一項に規定する特命担当大臣であって同項の規定により命を受けて同法第四条第一項第三十四号に掲げる事項に関する事務及びこれに関連する同条第三項に規定する事務を掌理するものをもって充てる。
Article 24 (1) The Headquarters establishes the position of the deputy chairperson of the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation (referred to as the "deputy chairperson" in the following paragraph and paragraph (2) of the following Article), and this position is filled by the Chief Cabinet Secretary and a minister of state for a special mandate as prescribed under Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office (Act No. 89 of 1999) who receives an order pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph and oversees the functions related to the matters stated in Article 4, paragraph (1), item (xxxiv) of that Act and the relevant functions prescribed under paragraph (3) of that Article.
2 副本部長は、本部長の職務を助ける。
(2) The deputy chairpersons assist in the duties of the chairperson.
(Members of the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation)
第二十五条 本部に、孤独・孤立対策推進本部員(次項において「本部員」という。)を置く。
Article 25 (1) The headquarters is staffed by members of the Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation (referred to as "members of the headquarters" in the following paragraph).
2 本部員は、次に掲げる者をもって充てる。
(2) The following persons are appointed as members of the headquarters:
一 総務大臣
(i) Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications;
二 法務大臣
(ii) Minister of Justice;
三 文部科学大臣
(iii) Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology;
四 厚生労働大臣
(iv) Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare;
五 農林水産大臣
(v) Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries;
六 国土交通大臣
(vi) Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism;
七 環境大臣
(vii) Minister of the Environment; and
八 前各号に掲げるもののほか、本部長及び副本部長以外の国務大臣のうちから、内閣総理大臣が指定する者
(viii) in addition to those provided for in the preceding items, persons who are nominated by the Prime Minister from among the ministers of state, excluding the chairperson or the deputy chairperson.
(Request to Submit Documents)
第二十六条 本部は、その所掌事務を遂行するために必要があると認めるときは、関係行政機関の長に対し、資料の提出、意見の開陳、説明その他必要な協力を求めることができる。
Article 26 (1) The headquarters may request that the heads of the relevant administrative organizations submit documents, express opinions, provide explanations, or otherwise provide necessary cooperation, if it considers this to be necessary to carry out its functions.
2 本部は、その所掌事務を遂行するために特に必要があると認めるときは、前項に規定する者以外の者に対しても、必要な協力を依頼することができる。
(2) The headquarters may request necessary cooperation from persons other than those specified in the preceding paragraph, if it considers this to be particularly necessary to carry out its functions.
(Delegation to Cabinet Order)
第二十七条 第二十条から前条までに定めるもののほか、本部の組織及び運営に関し必要な事項は、政令で定める。
Article 27 Beyond what is provided for in Article 20 through the preceding Article, matters necessary for the organization and operation of the headquarters are specified by Cabinet Order.
第四章 罰則
Chapter IV Penal Provisions
第二十八条 第十八条の規定に違反した者は、一年以下の拘禁刑又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 28 Any person who violates the provisions of Article 18 is subject to punishment by imprisonment for one year or less, or a fine of 500,000 yen or less.
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一条 この法律は、令和六年四月一日から施行する。
Article 1 This Act comes into effect as of April 1, 2024.
第二条 刑法等の一部を改正する法律(令和四年法律第六十七号)の施行の日(以下この条において「刑法施行日」という。)の前日までの間における第二十八条の規定の適用については、同条中「拘禁刑」とあるのは、「懲役」とする。刑法施行日以後における刑法施行日前にした行為に対する同条の規定の適用についても、同様とする。
Article 2 If the provisions of Article 28 are to be applied up to the day before the effective date of the Act Partially Amending the Penal Code and Related Acts (Act No. 67 of 2022) (referred to as the "effective date of the Penal Code" in the remainder of this Article), the term "imprisonment" in that Article is deemed to be replaced with "imprisonment under the former Penal Code". The same applies if the provisions of that Article are to be applied to actions that have been taken before the effective date of the Penal Code.
第三条 政府は、この法律の施行後五年を経過した場合において、この法律の施行の状況等を踏まえ、孤独・孤立対策の在り方について検討を加え、必要があると認めるときは、その結果に基づいて必要な措置を講ずるものとする。
Article 3 Upon the lapse of five years following the enforcement of this Act, the government, considering the circumstances of this Act's implementation and other relevant aspects, is to review the approach towards measures to address loneliness and isolation, and implement necessary measures based on the results of this review, if it considers this to be necessary.
(Partial Amendment of the Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office)
第四条 内閣府設置法の一部を次のように改正する。
Article 4 The Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office is partially amended as follows.
The following item is added in Article 4, paragraph (1):
三十四 孤独・孤立対策(孤独・孤立対策推進法(令和五年法律第 号)第一条に規定するものをいう。第三項第二十七号の五において同じ。)の推進を図るための基本的な政策に関する事項
(xxxiv) matters related to the fundamental policy to advance measures to address loneliness and isolation (meaning measures as prescribed in Article 1 of the Act on the Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation (Act No. 45 of 2023); the same applies in paragraph (3), item (xxvii)-5)
The following two items are added after Article 4, paragraph (3), item (xxvii)-3:
二十七の四 孤独・孤立対策重点計画(孤独・孤立対策推進法第八条第一項に規定するものをいう。)の作成及び推進に関すること。
(xxvii)-4 matters related to the creation and advancement of the priority plan on measures to address loneliness and isolation (meaning measures as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation)
二十七の五 前号に掲げるもののほか、孤独・孤立対策の推進に関する事務のうち他省の所掌に属しないものの企画及び立案並びに実施に関すること。
(xxvii)-5 in addition to the matters provided for in the preceding item, matters related to the planning, design, and implementation of the functions related to the advancement of measures to address loneliness and isolation that do not fall under the jurisdiction of other ministries
In the table in Article 40, paragraph (3), the following row is added after the row referring to the Council for the Promotion of Private Finance Initiatives:
Headquarters for Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation
Act on Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation