行政不服審査法施行令 Order for Enforcement of the Administrative Complaint Review Act 内閣は、行政不服審査法(平成二十六年法律第六十八号)第十九条第一項(同法第六十一条、第六十六条第一項及び第八十三条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定並びに同法第三十七条第二項、第三十八条第四項及び第五項並びに第四十一条第三項(これらの規定を同法第六十六条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)、第四十三条第一項第一号及び第二号、第七十八条第四項及び第五項、第八十条並びに第八十六条の規定に基づき、この政令を制定する。 The Cabinet hereby enacts this Cabinet Order pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act (Act No. 68 of 2014) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 61, Article 66, paragraph (1), and Article 83, paragraph (2) of that Act), and the provisions of Article 37, paragraph (2), Article 38, paragraphs (4) and (5), Article 41, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of that Act), Article 43, paragraph (1), items (i) and (ii), Article 78, paragraphs (4) and (5), Article 80, and Article 86 of that Act. 目次 Table of Contents 第一章 審査請求(第一条―第十七条) Chapter I Requests for Review (Articles 1 through 17) 第二章 再調査の請求(第十八条) Chapter II Requests for Re-Investigation (Article 18) 第三章 再審査請求(第十九条) Chapter III Requests for Re-Examination (Article 19) 第四章 行政不服審査会(第二十条―第二十五条) Chapter IV Administrative Complaint Review Board (Articles 20 through 25) 第五章 補則(第二十六条・第二十七条) Chapter V Auxiliary Provisions (Articles 26 and 27) 附 則 Supplementary Provisions 第一章 審査請求 Chapter I Requests for Review (審理員) (Review Officers) 第一条 審査庁は、行政不服審査法(以下「法」という。)第九条第一項の規定により二人以上の審理員を指名する場合には、そのうち一人を、当該二人以上の審理員が行う事務を総括する者として指定するものとする。 Article 1 (1) When a reviewing agency nominates two or more review officers pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act (referred to as "the Act" below), the reviewing agency is to designate one of them as the person who supervises the administrative affairs conducted by those two or more review officers. 2 審査庁は、審理員が法第九条第二項各号に掲げる者のいずれかに該当することとなったときは、当該審理員に係る同条第一項の規定による指名を取り消さなければならない。 (2) When a review officer has come to fall under any of the persons stated in the items of Article 9, paragraph (2) of the Act, the reviewing agency must cancel the review officer's nomination under the provisions of paragraph (1) of that Article. (法第九条第三項に規定する場合の読替え等) (Deemed Replacement of Terms in the Case Prescribed in Article 9, Paragraph (3) of the Act) 第二条 法第九条第三項に規定する場合においては、別表第一の上欄に掲げる規定の適用については、これらの規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる字句とし、前条、第十五条及び第十六条の規定は、適用しない。 Article 2 In the case prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (3) of the Act, concerning the application of the provisions stated in the left-hand column of the Appended Table 1, the terms stated in the middle column of that Table for those provisions are to be replaced with the terms stated in the right-hand column of that Table, and the provisions of the preceding Article, Article 15, and Article 16 do not apply. (代表者等の資格の証明等) (Certification of the Representative's Qualifications) 第三条 審査請求人の代表者若しくは管理人、総代又は代理人の資格は、次条第二項の規定の適用がある場合のほか、書面で証明しなければならない。法第十二条第二項ただし書に規定する特別の委任についても、同様とする。 Article 3 (1) The qualification as the representative or administrator, the representative member, or the agent of a requestor for review must be certified in writing excluding the cases in which the provisions of paragraph (2) of the following Article apply. The same applies to the special entrustment prescribed in the proviso to Article 12, paragraph (2) of the Act. 2 審査請求人は、代表者若しくは管理人、総代又は代理人がその資格を失ったときは、書面でその旨を審査庁(審理員が指名されている場合において、審理手続が終結するまでの間は、審理員)に届け出なければならない。 (2) When the representative or administrator, the representative member, or the agent loses their qualification, the requestor for review must notify the reviewing agency (when a review officer has been nominated, the review officer until the procedures for proceedings are concluded) of that fact in writing. 3 前二項の規定は、参加人の代表者若しくは管理人又は代理人の資格について準用する。この場合において、第一項中「次条第二項の規定の適用がある場合のほか、書面」とあるのは「書面」と、「第十二条第二項ただし書」とあるのは「第十三条第四項ただし書」と、前項中「審査請求人」とあるのは「参加人」と、「、総代又は」とあるのは「又は」と読み替えるものとする。 (3) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to the qualification as the representative or administrator, or the agent of an intervenor. In such a case, the phrases "in writing excluding the cases in which the provisions of paragraph (2) of the following Article apply" and "the proviso to Article 12, paragraph (2)" in paragraph (1) are deemed to be replaced with "in writing" and "the proviso to Article 13, paragraph (4)", respectively, and the terms "a requestor for review" and "the representative member, or" in the preceding paragraph are deemed to be replaced with "an intervenor" and "or", respectively. (審査請求書の提出) (Submission of Written Requests for Review) 第四条 審査請求書は、審査請求をすべき行政庁が処分庁等でない場合には、正副二通を提出しなければならない。 Article 4 (1) When the administrative agency with which a request for review should be filed is not the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition, the original copy and a duplicate of the written request for review must be submitted. 2 審査請求書の正本には、審査請求人が法人その他の社団又は財団である場合にあっては代表者又は管理人の資格を証する書面を、審査請求人が総代を互選した場合にあっては総代の資格を証する書面を、審査請求人が代理人によって審査請求をする場合にあっては代理人の資格を証する書面を、それぞれ添付しなければならない。 (2) The original copy of the written request for review must be attached with a document certifying the qualification as the representative or administrator when the requestor for review is a corporation, or other associations or foundations, a document certifying the qualification as the representative member when the requestors for review have selected the representative member from among the members, or a document certifying the qualification as the agent when the requestor for review is to file a request for review through an agent. (審査請求書の送付) (Sending of Written Requests for Review) 第五条 法第二十九条第一項本文の規定による審査請求書の送付は、審査請求書の副本(法第二十二条第三項若しくは第四項又は第八十三条第三項の規定の適用がある場合にあっては、審査請求書の写し)によってする。 Article 5 The sending of a written request for review under the provisions of the main clause of Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be made by sending a duplicate of the written request for review (when the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (3) or (4), or Article 83, paragraph (3) of the Act apply, a copy of the written request for review). (弁明書の提出) (Submission of Written Explanations) 第六条 弁明書は、正本並びに当該弁明書を送付すべき審査請求人及び参加人の数に相当する通数の副本を提出しなければならない。 Article 6 (1) The original copy and the number of duplicates of the written explanation corresponding to the number of requestors for review and intervenors to which the statement should be sent, must be submitted. 2 法第二十九条第五項の規定による弁明書の送付は、弁明書の副本によってする。 (2) The sending of a written explanation under the provisions of Article 29, paragraph (5) of the Act is to be made by sending a duplicate of the written explanation. (反論書等の提出) (Submission of Written Counterarguments) 第七条 反論書は、正本並びに当該反論書を送付すべき参加人及び処分庁等の数に相当する通数の副本を、法第三十条第二項に規定する意見書(次項及び第十五条において「意見書」という。)は、正本並びに当該意見書を送付すべき審査請求人及び処分庁等の数に相当する通数の副本を、それぞれ提出しなければならない。 Article 7 (1) Concerning a written counterargument, the original copy and the number of duplicates that corresponds to the number of the intervenors and the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition to which the written counterargument should be sent must be submitted, and concerning a written opinion prescribed in Article 30, paragraph (2) of the Act (referred to as a "written opinion" in the following paragraph and Article 15), the original copy and the number of duplicates that corresponds to the number of the requestors for review and the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition to which the written opinion should be sent must be submitted. 2 法第三十条第三項の規定による反論書又は意見書の送付は、反論書又は意見書の副本によってする。 (2) The sending of a written counterargument or a written opinion under the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act is to be made by sending a duplicate of a written counterargument or a written opinion. (映像等の送受信による通話の方法による口頭意見陳述等) (Oral Opinion Statements Through Communication by Transmission of Images and Sound) 第八条 審理員は、口頭意見陳述の期日における審理を行う場合において、遠隔の地に居住する審理関係人があるとき、その他相当と認めるときは、総務省令で定めるところにより、審理員及び審理関係人が映像と音声の送受信により相手の状態を相互に認識しながら通話をすることができる方法によって、審理を行うことができる。 Article 8 When conducting proceedings on the date of an oral opinion statement, if there is a person concerned with proceedings who resides in a remote area or in other cases found to be appropriate, a review officer may conduct proceedings by a means that enables the review officer and the person concerned with proceedings to communicate with each other while mutually recognizing the condition of the other person by transmission of images and sound, pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication. (通話者等の確認) (Confirmation of the Called Person's Identity) 第九条 審理員は、法第三十七条第二項の規定による意見の聴取を行う場合には、通話者及び通話先の場所の確認をしなければならない。 Article 9 When conducting hearing of opinions under the provisions of Article 37, paragraph (2) of the Act, a review officer must confirm the called person's identity and the location of the call. (交付の求め) (Requests for Delivery) 第十条 法第三十八条第一項の規定による交付の求めは、次に掲げる事項を記載した書面を提出してしなければならない。 Article 10 A request for delivery under the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act must be made by submitting a document stating the following matters: 一 交付に係る法第三十八条第一項に規定する書面若しくは書類(以下「対象書面等」という。)又は交付に係る同項に規定する電磁的記録(以下「対象電磁的記録」という。)を特定するに足りる事項 (i) the matters sufficient to identify the documents prescribed in Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act whose delivery is requested (referred to as the "subject document, etc." below) or the electronic or magnetic record prescribed in that paragraph whose delivery is requested (referred to as the "subject electronic or magnetic record" below); 二 対象書面等又は対象電磁的記録について求める交付の方法(次条各号に掲げる交付の方法をいう。) (ii) the method of requesting delivery (meaning any of the methods of delivery stated in the items of the following Article) of the subject document, etc. or the subject electronic or magnetic record; and 三 対象書面等又は対象電磁的記録について第十四条に規定する送付による交付を求める場合にあっては、その旨 (iii) when requesting the subject document, etc. or the subject electronic or magnetic record to be delivered by the method of sending prescribed in Article 14, that fact. (交付の方法) (Delivery Methods) 第十一条 法第三十八条第一項の規定による交付は、次の各号のいずれかの方法によってする。 Article 11 The delivery under the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be made by any of the methods referred to in the following items: 一 対象書面等の写しの交付にあっては、当該対象書面等を複写機により用紙の片面又は両面に白黒又はカラーで複写したものの交付 (i) for the delivery of a copy of the subject document, etc., the delivery of a sheet of paper on which the subject document, etc. is copied in black and white or in color on one side or both sides by a copying machine; 二 対象電磁的記録に記録された事項を記載した書面の交付にあっては、当該事項を用紙の片面又は両面に白黒又はカラーで出力したものの交付 (ii) for the delivery of a document stating the matters recorded in the subject electronic or magnetic record, the delivery of a sheet of paper on which those matters are output in black and white or in color on one side or both sides; or 三 情報通信技術を活用した行政の推進等に関する法律(平成十四年法律第百五十一号)第七条第一項の規定により同法第六条第一項に規定する電子情報処理組織を使用して行う方法 (iii) the method of using an electronic data processing system prescribed in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Advancement of Government Administration Processes That Use Information and Communications Technology (Act No. 151 of 2002) pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) of that Act. (手数料の額等) (Amount of Fees) 第十二条 法第三十八条第四項(同条第六項の規定により読み替えて適用する場合を除く。)の規定により納付しなければならない手数料(以下この条及び次条において「手数料」という。)の額は、次の各号に掲げる交付の方法の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める額とする。 Article 12 (1) The amount of fees that must be paid pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (4) of the Act (excluding the cases in which the provisions are applied pursuant to paragraph (6) of that Article following the deemed replacement of terms) ( referred to as "fees" below in this Article and the following Article) is to be the amount specified in the following items in accordance with the category of the delivery method stated in each of those items: 一 前条第一号又は第二号に掲げる交付の方法 用紙一枚につき十円(カラーで複写され、又は出力された用紙にあっては、二十円)。この場合において、両面に複写され、又は出力された用紙については、片面を一枚として手数料の額を算定する。 (i) the delivery method stated in item (i) or (ii) of the preceding Article: 10 yen per sheet of paper (20 yen for a sheet of paper on which the matters are copied or output in color); in such a case, for a sheet of paper on which the matters are copied or output on both sides, the fees are calculated by deeming one side of the form as one sheet; and 二 前条第三号に掲げる交付の方法 同条第一号又は第二号に掲げる交付の方法(用紙の片面に複写し、又は出力する方法に限る。)によってするとしたならば、複写され、又は出力される用紙一枚につき十円 (ii) the delivery method stated in item (iii) of the preceding Article: when using the delivery method stated in item (i) or (ii) of that Article (limited to the method of copying or outputting the matters on one side of a sheet of paper), 10 yen per sheet of a paper on which the matters are copied or output. 2 手数料は、審査庁が定める書面に収入印紙を貼って納付しなければならない。ただし、次に掲げる場合は、この限りでない。 (2) The fees must be paid by affixing a revenue stamp to the document specified by the reviewing agency; provided, however, that this does not apply in the following cases: 一 手数料の納付について収入印紙によることが適当でない審査請求として審査庁がその範囲及び手数料の納付の方法を官報により公示した場合において、公示された方法により手数料を納付する場合 (i) when the reviewing agency has publicized the scope of the request for review and the method of paying the fees in an Official Gazette concerning a request for review for which the use of a revenue stamp is not appropriate for the payment of fees, and a person pays the fees by the publicized method; and 二 審査庁の事務所において手数料の納付を現金ですることが可能である旨及び当該事務所の所在地を当該審査庁が官報により公示した場合において、手数料を当該事務所において現金で納付する場合 (ii) when the reviewing agency has publicized the fact that it is possible to pay the fees in cash at its office and the location of the office in an Official Gazette, and a person pays the fees in cash at that office. (手数料の減免) (Reduction or Exemption of Fees) 第十三条 審理員は、法第三十八条第一項の規定による交付を受ける審査請求人又は参加人(以下この条及び次条において「審査請求人等」という。)が経済的困難により手数料を納付する資力がないと認めるときは、同項の規定による交付の求め一件につき二千円を限度として、手数料を減額し、又は免除することができる。 Article 13 (1) When a review officer finds that a requestor for review or an intervenor who is to receive the delivery under the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act (referred to as "requestor for review or an intervenor" below in this Article and the following Article) is unable to pay the fees due to financial difficulties, the review officer may reduce the fees by up to a limit of 2,000 yen for each request of the delivery under the provisions of that paragraph, or exempt the payment of the fees. 2 手数料の減額又は免除を受けようとする審査請求人等は、法第三十八条第一項の規定による交付を求める際に、併せて当該減額又は免除を求める旨及びその理由を記載した書面を審理員に提出しなければならない。 (2) A requestor for review or an intervenor who seeks to have the amount of fees reduced or the payment of the fees exempted must submit a document stating that fact and the reason for that to a review officer when requesting the delivery under the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act. 3 前項の書面には、審査請求人等が生活保護法(昭和二十五年法律第百四十四号)第十一条第一項各号に掲げる扶助を受けていることを理由とする場合にあっては当該扶助を受けていることを証明する書面を、その他の事実を理由とする場合にあっては当該事実を証明する書面を、それぞれ添付しなければならない。 (3) When the reason for seeking reduction or exemption is the fact that the requestor for review or the intervenor is receiving the assistance stated in the items of Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Public Assistance Act (Act No. 144 of 1950), a document certifying the fact that the requestor for review or the intervenor is receiving the assistance, and when another fact is the reason, a document certifying that fact must be attached to the document referred to in the preceding paragraph. (送付による交付) (Delivery Through Sending) 第十四条 法第三十八条第一項の規定による交付を受ける審査請求人等は、同条第四項の規定により納付しなければならない手数料のほか送付に要する費用を納付して、対象書面等の写し又は対象電磁的記録に記録された事項を記載した書面の送付を求めることができる。この場合において、当該送付に要する費用は、総務省令で定める方法により納付しなければならない。 Article 14 (1) A requestor for review or an intervenor who is to receive the delivery under the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act may request a copy of the subject document, etc. or a document stating the matters recorded in the subject electronic or magnetic record to be sent by paying the expenses required for the sending in addition to the fees that must be paid pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of that Article. In such a case, the expenses required for sending the documents must be paid by a method specified by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. 2 国に所属しない行政庁が審査庁である場合における前項の規定の適用については、同項中「総務省令で」とあるのは、「審査庁が」とする。 (2) Concerning the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if an administrative agency that does not belong to the national government is the reviewing agency, the term "Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "the reviewing agency". (事件記録) (Case Records) 第十五条 法第四十一条第三項の政令で定めるものは、次に掲げるものとする。 Article 15 (1) The documents and objects specified by Cabinet Order referred to in Article 41, paragraph (3) of the Act are as follows: 一 審査請求録取書 (i) a written statement concerning the request for review; 二 法第二十九条第四項各号に掲げる書面 (ii) a document stated in the items of Article 29, paragraph (4) of the Act; 三 反論書 (iii) a written counterargument; 四 意見書 (iv) a written opinion; 五 口頭意見陳述若しくは特定意見聴取、法第三十四条の陳述若しくは鑑定、法第三十五条第一項の検証、法第三十六条の規定による質問又は法第三十七条第一項若しくは第二項の規定による意見の聴取の記録 (v) a record of an oral opinion statement or a specified opinion hearing, a witness's statements or expert opinions referred to in Article 34 of the Act, a verification referred to in Article 35, paragraph (1) of the Act, questions under the provisions Article 36 of the Act, or hearing of opinions under the provisions of Article 37, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act; 六 法第三十二条第一項又は第二項の規定により提出された証拠書類若しくは証拠物又は書類その他の物件 (vi) evidence documents or articles of evidence, or documents or other objects submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act; and 七 法第三十三条の規定による提出要求に応じて提出された書類その他の物件 (vii) documents or other objects submitted in response to a request for submission under the provisions of Article 33 of the Act. 2 前項第五号の「特定意見聴取」とは、審理手続において審理員が次に掲げる規定による意見の聴取を行った場合における当該意見の聴取をいう。 (2) The term "specified opinion hearing" as used in item (v) of the preceding paragraph means the hearing of opinions when a review officer conducts hearing of opinions under the following provisions during the procedures for proceedings: 一 外国為替及び外国貿易法(昭和二十四年法律第二百二十八号)第五十六条第一項 (i) the provisions of Article 56, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Act No. 228 of 1949); 二 肥料の品質の確保等に関する法律(昭和二十五年法律第百二十七号)第三十四条第二項(同法第三十三条の五第四項において準用する場合を含む。) (ii) the provisions of Article 34, paragraph (2) of the Act on the Quality Control of Fertilizer (Act No. 127 of 1950) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33-5, paragraph (4) of that Act); 三 火薬類取締法(昭和二十五年法律第百四十九号)第五十五条第一項 (iii) the provisions of Article 55, paragraph (1) of the Explosives Control Act (Act No. 149 of 1950); 四 漁船法(昭和二十五年法律第百七十八号)第四十八条第一項 (iv) the provisions of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Fishing Boat Act (Act No. 178 of 1950); 五 文化財保護法(昭和二十五年法律第二百十四号)第百五十六条第一項 (v) the provisions of Article 156, paragraph (1) of the Act on Protection of Cultural Properties (Act No. 214 of 1950); 六 鉱業法(昭和二十五年法律第二百八十九号)第百二十六条(採石法(昭和二十五年法律第二百九十一号)第三十八条、砂利採取法(昭和四十三年法律第七十四号)第三十条第三項及び金属鉱業等鉱害対策特別措置法(昭和四十八年法律第二十六号)第三十五条において準用する場合を含む。) (vi) the provisions of Article 126 of the Mining Act (Act No. 289 of 1950) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38 of the Quarrying Act (Act No. 291 of 1950), Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Gravel Gathering Act (Act No. 74 of 1968), and Article 35 of the Act on Special Measures for Pollution Caused by the Metal Mining Industry (Act No. 26 of 1973)); 七 採石法第三十四条の五第一項 (vii) the provisions of Article 34-5, paragraph (1) of the Quarrying Act; 八 高圧ガス保安法(昭和二十六年法律第二百四号)第七十八条第一項 (viii) the provisions of Article 78, paragraph (1) of the High Pressure Gas Safety Act (Act No. 204 of 1951); 九 税理士法(昭和二十六年法律第二百三十七号)第三十五条第三項 (ix) the provisions of Article 35, paragraph (3) of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act (Act No. 237 of 1951); 十 航空機製造事業法(昭和二十七年法律第二百三十七号)第二十条第一項 (x) the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (1) of the Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Act (Act No. 237 of 1952); 十一 輸出入取引法(昭和二十七年法律第二百九十九号)第三十九条の二第一項 (xi) the provisions of Article 39-2, paragraph (1) of the Export and Import Transactions Act (Act No. 299 of 1952); 十二 飼料の安全性の確保及び品質の改善に関する法律(昭和二十八年法律第三十五号)第六十三条第一項 (xii) the provisions of Article 63, paragraph (1) of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (Act No. 35 of 1953); 十三 有線電気通信法(昭和二十八年法律第九十六号)第十条第一項(同法第十一条において読み替えて準用する場合を含む。) (xiii) the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Wire Telecommunications Act (Act No. 96 of 1953) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11 of that Act following the deemed replacement of terms); 十四 商工会議所法(昭和二十八年法律第百四十三号)第八十三条第一項 (xiv) the provisions of Article 83, paragraph (1) of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry Act (Act No. 143 of 1953); 十五 武器等製造法(昭和二十八年法律第百四十五号)第三十条第一項 (xv) the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Ordnance Manufacturing Act (Act No. 145 of 1953); 十六 臨時船舶建造調整法(昭和二十八年法律第百四十九号)第六条第一項 (xvi) the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act on Temporary Adjustment of Shipbuilding (Act No. 149 of 1953); 十七 ガス事業法(昭和二十九年法律第五十一号)第百八十四条第一項 (xvii) the provisions of Article 184, paragraph (1) of the Gas Business Act (Act No. 51 of 1954); 十八 家畜取引法(昭和三十一年法律第百二十三号)第三十一条第一項 (xviii) the provisions of Article 31, paragraph (1) of the Livestock Transaction Act (Act No. 123 of 1956); 十九 工業用水法(昭和三十一年法律第百四十六号)第二十七条第一項 (xix) the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Water Act (Act No. 146 of 1956); 二十 工業用水道事業法(昭和三十三年法律第八十四号)第二十六条第一項 (xx) the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Water Supply Business Act (Act No. 84 of 1958); 二十一 小売商業調整特別措置法(昭和三十四年法律第百五十五号)第二十条第一項 (xxi) the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures for the Adjustment of Retail Business (Act No. 155 of 1959); 二十二 商工会法(昭和三十五年法律第八十九号)第五十九条第一項 (xxii) the provisions of Article 59, paragraph (1) of the Commercial and Industry Associations Act (Act No. 89 of 1960); 二十三 割賦販売法(昭和三十六年法律第百五十九号)第四十四条第一項 (xxiii) the provisions of Article 44, paragraph (1) of the Installment Sales Act (Act No. 159 of 1961); 二十四 電気用品安全法(昭和三十六年法律第二百三十四号)第五十一条第一項 (xxiv) the provisions of Article 51, paragraph (1) of the Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act (Act No. 234 of 1961); 二十五 電気事業法(昭和三十九年法律第百七十号)第百十条第一項 (xxv) the provisions of Article 110, paragraph (1) of the Electricity Business Act (Act No. 170 of 1964); 二十六 液化石油ガスの保安の確保及び取引の適正化に関する法律(昭和四十二年法律第百四十九号)第九十二条第一項 (xxvi) the provisions of Article 92, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Securing of Safety and the Optimization of Transaction of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Act No. 149 of 1967); 二十七 砂利採取法(昭和四十三年法律第七十四号)第三十九条第一項 (xxvii) the provisions of Article 39, paragraph (1) of the Gravel Gathering Act (Act No. 74 of 1968); 二十八 電気工事業の業務の適正化に関する法律(昭和四十五年法律第九十六号)第三十一条第一項 (xxviii) the provisions of Article 31, paragraph (1) of the Act on Ensuring Fair Electric Business Practices (Act No. 96 of 1970); 二十九 熱供給事業法(昭和四十七年法律第八十八号)第三十条第一項 (xxix) the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Heat Supply Business Act (Act No. 88 of 1972); 三十 石油パイプライン事業法(昭和四十七年法律第百五号)第三十八条第一項 (xxx) the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Petroleum Pipeline Business Act (Act No. 105 of 1972); 三十一 消費生活用製品安全法(昭和四十八年法律第三十一号)第五十条第一項 (xxxi) the provisions of Article 50, paragraph (1) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (Act No. 31 of 1973); 三十二 化学物質の審査及び製造等の規制に関する法律(昭和四十八年法律第百十七号)第五十一条第一項 (xxxii) the provisions of Article 51, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Regulation of Manufacture and Evaluation of Chemical Substances (Act No. 117 of 1973); 三十三 揮発油等の品質の確保等に関する法律(昭和五十一年法律第八十八号)第二十二条第一項 (xxxiii) the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Quality Control of Gasoline and Other Fuels (Act No. 88 of 1976); 三十四 日本国と大韓民国との間の両国に隣接する大陸棚の南部の共同開発に関する協定の実施に伴う石油及び可燃性天然ガス資源の開発に関する特別措置法(昭和五十三年法律第八十一号)第四十六条第一項 (xxxiv) the provisions of Article 46, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Development of Petroleum and Combustible Natural Gas in Connection with the Implementation of the Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea Concerning Joint Development of the Southern Part of the Continental Shelf Adjacent to the Two Countries (Act No. 81 of 1978); 三十五 深海底鉱業暫定措置法(昭和五十七年法律第六十四号)第三十八条第一項 (xxxv) the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act on Interim Measures for Deep Seabed Mining (Act No. 64 of 1982); 三十六 電気通信事業法(昭和五十九年法律第八十六号)第百七十一条第一項 (xxxvi) the provisions of Article 71, paragraph (1) of the Telecommunications Business Act (Act No. 86 of 1984); 三十七 特定物質等の規制等によるオゾン層の保護に関する法律(昭和六十三年法律第五十三号)第二十八条第一項 (xxxvii) the provisions of Article 28, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Protection of the Ozone Layer Through the Control of Specified Substances and Other Measures (Act No. 53 of 1988); 三十八 資源の有効な利用の促進に関する法律(平成三年法律第四十八号)第三十八条第一項 (xxxviii) the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources (Act No. 48 of 1991); 三十九 計量法(平成四年法律第五十一号)第百六十四条第一項 (xxxix) the provisions of Article 164, paragraph (1) of the Measurement Act (Act No. 51 of 1992); 四十 特定有害廃棄物等の輸出入等の規制に関する法律(平成四年法律第百八号)第二十一条第一項 (xl) the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (1) of the Act on Control of Export, Import of Specified Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes (Act No. 108 of 1992); and 四十一 民間事業者による信書の送達に関する法律(平成十四年法律第九十九号)第四十条第一項 (xli) the provisions of Article 40, paragraph (1) of the Act on Correspondence Delivery by Private Business Operators (Act No. 99 of 2002). 3 法第四十二条第二項の規定による事件記録(審査請求書、弁明書、反論書及び意見書に限る。)の提出は、審査請求書、弁明書、反論書又は意見書の正本によってする。 (3) The submission of case records (limited to a written request for review, a written explanation, a written counterargument, and a written opinion) under the provisions of Article 42, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be made by the original copy of the written request for review, the written explanation, the written counterargument, or the written opinion. (審理員意見書の提出) (Submission of Review Officer's Written Opinions) 第十六条 審理員は、法第四十二条第二項の規定により審理員意見書を提出するときは、事件記録のほか、法第十三条第一項の許可に関する書類その他の総務省令で定める書類を審査庁に提出しなければならない。 Article 16 When submitting a review officer's written opinion pursuant to the provisions of Article 42, paragraph (2) of the Act, a review officer must submit a document concerning the permission referred to in Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act and other documents specified by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to the reviewing agency, in addition to submitting case records. (審議会等) (The Council and Other Authorities) 第十七条 法第四十三条第一項第一号の政令で定めるものは、次のとおりとする。 Article 17 (1) The authorities specified by Cabinet Order referred to in Article 43, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act are as follows: 一 公認会計士法(昭和二十三年法律第百三号)第四十六条の十一に規定する資格審査会 (i) qualifications screening board prescribed in Article 46-11 of the Certified Public Accountants Act (Act No. 103 of 1948): 二 地方社会保険医療協議会 (ii) a local social insurance medical council; 三 司法書士法(昭和二十五年法律第百九十七号)第六十七条に規定する登録審査会 (iii) registration screening board prescribed in Article 67 of the Judicial Scriveners Act (Act No. 197 of 1950); 四 港湾法(昭和二十五年法律第二百十八号)第二十四条の二に規定する地方港湾審議会 (iv) local port and harbor councils prescribed in Article 24-2 of the Port and Harbor Act (Act No. 218 of 1950); 五 土地家屋調査士法(昭和二十五年法律第二百二十八号)第六十二条に規定する登録審査会 (v) registration screening board prescribed in Article 62 of the Land and Building Investigator Act (Act No. 228 of 1950); 六 行政書士法(昭和二十六年法律第四号)第十八条の四に規定する資格審査会 (vi) qualifications screening board prescribed in Article 18-4 of the Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist Act (Act No. 4 of 1951); 七 税理士法第四十九条の十六に規定する資格審査会 (vii) qualifications screening board prescribed in Article 49-16 of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act; 八 土地区画整理法(昭和二十九年法律第百十九号)第七十一条の四に規定する土地区画整理審議会 (viii) land readjustment council prescribed in Article 71-4 of the Land Readjustment Act (Act No. 119 of 1954); 九 社会保険労務士法(昭和四十三年法律第八十九号)第二十五条の三十七に規定する資格審査会 (ix) qualifications screening board prescribed in Article 25-37 of the Public Consultant on Social and Labor Insurance Act (Act No. 89 of 1968); 十 都市再開発法(昭和四十四年法律第三十八号)第七条の十九、第四十三条及び第五十条の十四に規定する審査委員並びに同法第五十九条に規定する市街地再開発審査会 (x) assessment board members prescribed in Article 7-19, Article 43, and Article 50-14 of the Urban Redevelopment Act (Act no. 38 of 1969), and urban redevelopment assessment boards prescribed in Article 59 of that Act; 十一 大都市地域における住宅及び住宅地の供給の促進に関する特別措置法(昭和五十年法律第六十七号)第六十条に規定する住宅街区整備審議会 (xi) residential area development council prescribed in Article 60 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Promotion of Supply of Houses and Housing Lands in Urban Districts (Act No. 67 of 1975); 十二 密集市街地における防災街区の整備の促進に関する法律(平成九年法律第四十九号)第百三十一条、第百六十一条及び第百七十七条に規定する審査委員並びに同法第百九十条に規定する防災街区整備審査会 (xii) assessment board members prescribed in Article 131, Article 161, and Article 177 of the Act on Promotion of Improvement of Disaster Control Districts in Populated Urban Districts (Act No. 49 of 1997) and the disaster prevention district improvement assessment board prescribed in Article 190 of that Act; 十三 弁理士法(平成十二年法律第四十九号)第七十条に規定する登録審査会 (xiii) registration screening board prescribed in Article 70 of the Patent Attorneys Act (Act No. 49 of 2000); 十四 マンションの建替え等の円滑化に関する法律(平成十四年法律第七十八号)第三十七条、第五十三条、第百三十六条及び第百八十五条に規定する審査委員 (xiv) assessment board members prescribed in Article 37, Article 53, Article 136, and Article 185 of the Act on Facilitation of Reconstruction of Condominiums (Act No. 78 of 2002); 十五 裁判外紛争解決手続の利用の促進に関する法律(平成十六年法律第百五十一号)第十条に規定する認証審査参与員 (xv) certification audit counselors prescribed in Article 10 of the Act on Promotion of Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (Act No. 151 of 2004); 十六 郵政民営化委員会 (xvi) the Postal Service Privatization Committee; and 十七 地方年金記録訂正審議会 (xvii) local pension record correction deliberative councils. 2 法第四十三条第一項第二号の政令で定めるものは、裁判外紛争解決手続の利用の促進に関する法律第十条に規定する認証審査参与員とする。 (2) The authority specified by Cabinet Order referred to in Article 43, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act is the certification audit counselors prescribed in Article 10 of the Act on Promotion of Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution. 第二章 再調査の請求 Chapter II Requests for Re-Investigation 第十八条 第三条、第四条第二項及び第八条の規定は、再調査の請求について準用する。この場合において、別表第二の上欄に掲げる規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる字句に読み替えるものとする。 Article 18 The provisions of Article 3, Article 4, paragraph (2), and Article 8 apply mutatis mutandis to a request for re-investigation. In such a case, the terms stated in the middle column of the Appended Table 2 provided in the provisions stated in the left-hand column of that Table are deemed to be replaced with the terms stated in the right-hand column of that Table. 第三章 再審査請求 Chapter III Requests for Re-Examination 第十九条 第一章(第二条、第六条、第十五条第一項第二号及び第三号並びに第二項並びに第十七条を除く。)の規定は、再審査請求について準用する。この場合において、別表第三の上欄に掲げる規定中同表の中欄に掲げる字句は、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる字句に読み替えるものとする。 Article 19 (1) The provisions of Chapter I (excluding Article 2, Article 6, Article 15, paragraph (1), items (ii) and (iii), and paragraph (2), and Article 17) apply mutatis mutandis to a request for re-examination. In such a case, the terms stated in the middle column of the Appended Table 3 provided in the provisions stated in the left-hand column of that Table are deemed to be replaced with the terms stated in the right-hand column of that Table. 2 再審査庁が法第六十六条第一項において準用する法第九条第一項各号に掲げる機関である場合には、前項において読み替えて準用する第一条、第十五条(第一項第二号及び第三号並びに第二項を除く。)及び第十六条の規定は、適用しない。 (2) When the re-examining agency is any of the agencies stated in the items of Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act, the provisions of Article 1, Article 15 (excluding paragraph (1), items (ii) and (iii), and paragraph (2)), and Article 16 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph following the deemed replacement of terms do not apply. 第四章 行政不服審査会 Chapter IV Administrative Complaint Review Board (議事) (Proceedings) 第二十条 法第七十二条第一項の合議体は、これを構成する全ての委員の、同条第二項の合議体は、過半数の委員の出席がなければ、会議を開き、議決することができない。 Article 20 (1) The panel referred to in Article 72, paragraph (1) of the Act may not hold a meeting and adopt a resolution unless all members comprising the panel attend the meeting, and the panel referred to in paragraph (2) of that Article may not hold a meeting and adopt a resolution unless a majority of the members attend the meeting. 2 法第七十二条第一項の合議体の議事は、その合議体を構成する委員の過半数をもって決する。 (2) The decision of the panel referred to in Article 72, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be made by the majority of the members comprising the panel. 3 法第七十二条第二項の合議体の議事は、出席した委員の過半数をもって決し、可否同数のときは、会長の決するところによる。 (3) The decision of the panel referred to in Article 72, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be made by the majority of the members attending the meeting, and in the case of a tie, the decision is to be made by the chairperson. 4 委員又は専門委員は、自己の利害に関係する議事に参与することができない。 (4) Board members or expert advisors may not participate in the proceedings related to their own interests. (調査審議の手続の併合又は分離) (Consolidation or Separation of Procedures for Investigation and Deliberation) 第二十一条 行政不服審査会(以下「審査会」という。)は、必要があると認める場合には、数個の事件に係る調査審議の手続を併合し、又は併合された数個の事件に係る調査審議の手続を分離することができる。 Article 21 (1) When finding it necessary, the Administrative Complaint Review Board (referred to as "the board" below) may consolidate the procedures for investigation and deliberation for two or more cases or separate the procedures for investigation and deliberation consolidated for two or more cases. 2 審査会は、前項の規定により、事件に係る調査審議の手続を併合し、又は分離したときは、審査関係人にその旨を通知しなければならない。 (2) When the board has consolidated or separated the procedures for investigation and deliberation for a case pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the board must give a notice to that effect to the persons concerned with the review. (映像等の送受信による通話の方法による意見の陳述等) (Statement of Opinions Through Communication by Transmission of Images and Sound) 第二十二条 第八条の規定は、法第七十五条第一項の規定による意見の陳述について準用する。この場合において、第八条中「審理員は」とあるのは「審査会は」と、「審理を」とあるのは「調査審議を」と、「審理関係人」とあるのは「審査関係人」と、「、審理員」とあるのは「、委員」と読み替えるものとする。 Article 22 The provisions of Article 8 apply mutatis mutandis to statement of opinions under the provisions of Article 75, paragraph (1) of the Act. In such a case, the terms "a review officer", "conduct proceedings", "person concerned with proceedings", and ", the review officer" in Article 8 are deemed to be replaced with "the board", "investigation and deliberation", "person concerned with the review", and ", board member", respectively. (提出資料の交付) (Delivery of Submitted Materials) 第二十三条 第十条から第十四条まで(第十二条第二項第一号及び第十四条第二項を除く。)の規定は、法第七十八条第一項の規定による交付について準用する。この場合において、第十条第一号中「第三十八条第一項」とあるのは「第七十八条第一項」と、「書面若しくは書類」とあるのは「主張書面若しくは資料」と、「対象書面等」とあるのは「対象主張書面等」と、同条第二号及び第三号並びに第十一条第一号中「対象書面等」とあるのは「対象主張書面等」と、第十二条第一項中「第三十八条第四項(同条第六項の規定により読み替えて適用する場合を除く。)」とあるのは「第七十八条第四項」と、「以下この条及び次条において」とあるのは「以下」と、同条第二項中「審査庁」とあり、並びに第十三条第一項及び第二項中「審理員」とあるのは「審査会」と、第十四条第一項中「同条第四項の規定により納付しなければならない手数料」とあるのは「手数料」と、「対象書面等」とあるのは「対象主張書面等」と読み替えるものとする。 Article 23 The provisions of Articles 10 through 14 (excluding Article 12, paragraph (2), item (i), and Article 14, paragraph (2)) apply mutatis mutandis to the delivery under the provisions of Article 78, paragraph (1) of the Act. In such a case, the terms "Article 38, paragraph (1)", "documents", and "subject documents, etc." in Article 10, item (i) are deemed to be replaced with "Article 78, paragraph (1)", "written allegation or materials", and "subject written allegation, etc.", respectively; the term "subject document, etc." in items (ii) and (iii) of that Article and Article 11, item (i) is deemed to be replaced with "subject written allegation, etc."; the terms "Article 38, paragraph (4) of the Act (excluding the cases in which the provisions are applied pursuant to paragraph (6) of that Article following the deemed replacement of terms)" and "below in this Article and the following Article" in Article 12, paragraph (1) are deemed to be replaced with "Article 78, paragraph (4)" and "below", respectively; the term "the reviewing agency" in paragraph (2) of that Article and the term "a review officer" in Article 13, paragraphs (1) and (2) are deemed to be replaced with "the board"; and the terms "the fees that must be paid pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of that Article" and "subject documents, etc." in Article 14, paragraph (1) are deemed to be replaced with "the fees" and "subject written allegation, etc.", respectively. (審査会の事務局長等) (Secretary General of the Board) 第二十四条 審査会の事務局長は、関係のある他の職を占める者をもって充てられるものとする。 Article 24 (1) The secretary general of the board is to be appointed from among the persons who hold other related positions. 2 審査会の事務局に、課を置く。 (2) The secretariat of the board is to have a department. 3 前項に定めるもののほか、審査会の事務局の内部組織の細目は、総務省令で定める。 (3) Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the particulars of the internal organization of the secretariat of the board are prescribed by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. (審査会の調査審議の手続) (Procedures for Investigation and Deliberation by the Board) 第二十五条 この政令に定めるもののほか、審査会の調査審議の手続に関し必要な事項は、会長が審査会に諮って定める。 Article 25 Beyond what is provided for in this Cabinet Order, necessary matters for procedures for investigation and deliberation by the board are decided by the chairperson in consultation with the board. 第五章 補則 Chapter V Auxiliary Provisions (不服申立書) (Written Complaint) 第二十六条 法第八十三条第二項において法第十九条(第五項第一号及び第二号を除く。)の規定を準用する場合には、同条第一項中「審査請求は、他の法律(条例に基づく処分については、条例)に口頭ですることができる旨の定めがある場合を除き」とあるのは「不服申立て(第八十二条第一項に規定する不服申立てをいう。以下同じ。)は」と、同条第二項第一号中「審査請求人」とあるのは「不服申立人」と、同項第二号中「審査請求」とあるのは「不服申立て」と、同項第三号中「審査請求に係る処分(当該処分について再調査の請求についての決定を経たときは、当該決定)」とあるのは「不服申立てに係る処分」と、同項第四号及び第六号中「審査請求」とあるのは「不服申立て」と、同条第四項中「審査請求人」とあるのは「不服申立人」と、「審査請求を」とあるのは「不服申立てを」と、「第二項各号又は前項各号」とあるのは「第二項各号」と、同条第五項第三号中「審査請求期間」とあるのは「不服申立てをすることができる期間」と、「審査請求を」とあるのは「不服申立てを」と、「前条第一項ただし書又は第二項ただし書に規定する」とあるのは「当該期間内に不服申立てをしなかったことについての」と読み替えるものとする。 Article 26 (1) When applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 19 of the Act (excluding paragraph (5), items (i) and (ii)) pursuant to Article 83, paragraph (2) of the Act, the phrase "Unless other laws (for a disposition based on Prefectural or Municipal Ordinance, that Ordinance) provide that a request may be filed orally, a request for review" in Article 19, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "A complaint (meaning the complaint prescribed in Article 82, paragraph (1); the same applies below)"; the term " requestor for review" in paragraph (2), item (i) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "complainant"; the term "request for review" in item (ii) of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "complaint"; the term "the disposition related to the request for review has been rendered (when a decision was made for a request for re-investigation for the disposition, that decision)" in item (iii) of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "the disposition related to the complaint has been rendered"; the term "request for review" in items (iv) and (vi) of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "complaint"; the terms "requestor for review", "request for review", and "the items of paragraph (2) or the items of the preceding paragraph" in paragraph (4) of that Article are deemed to be replaced with "complainant", "complaint" and "the items of paragraph (2)", respectively; and the terms "period for filing a request for review", "request for review", and "prescribed in the proviso to paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of the preceding Article" in paragraph (5), item (iii) of that Article are deemed to be replaced with "the period during which a complaint may be filed", and "for not having filed a complaint within that period", respectively. 2 第四条第二項の規定は、法第八十三条第一項の不服申立書について準用する。この場合において、第四条第二項中「審査請求人」とあるのは「不服申立人」と、「審査請求を」とあるのは「不服申立てを」と読み替えるものとする。 (2) The provisions of Article 4, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the written complaint referred to in Article 83, paragraph (1) of the Act. In such a case, the terms "requestor for review" and "request for review" in Article 4, paragraph (2) are deemed to be replaced with "complainant" and "complaint", respectively. (総務省令への委任) (Delegation to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) 第二十七条 この政令に定めるもののほか、法及びこの政令の実施のために必要な手続その他の事項は、総務省令で定める。 Article 27 Beyond what is provided for in this Cabinet Order, procedures and other necessary matters for the enforcement of the Act and this Cabinet Order are prescribed by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. 附 則 Supplementary Provisions この政令は、法の施行の日(平成二十八年四月一日)から施行する。 This Cabinet Order comes into effect on the day on which the Act comes into effect (April 1, 2016). 別表第一 (第二条関係) Appended Table 1 (Re.: Article 2) |第三条第二項|審査庁(審理員が指名されている場合において、審理手続が終結するまでの間は、審理員)|審査庁| |Article 3, paragraph (2)|the reviewing agency (when a review officer has been nominated, the review officer until the procedures for proceedings are concluded)|the reviewing agency| |第六条第一項|提出しなければ|提出し、又は作成しなければ| |Article 6, paragraph (1)|must be submitted|must be submitted or prepared| |第七条第一項|参加人及び処分庁等|参加人及び処分庁等(処分庁等が審査庁である場合にあっては、参加人)| |Article 7, paragraph (1)|the intervenors and the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition|the intervenors and the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition (when the administrative agency, etc. reaching the dispositionis the reviewing agency, the intervenors)| ||審査請求人及び処分庁等|審査請求人及び処分庁等(処分庁等が審査庁である場合にあっては、審査請求人)| ||the requestors for review and the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition|the requestors for review and the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition (when the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition is the reviewing agency, the requestors for review)| |第八条|審理員|審査庁| |Article 8|a review officer|the reviewing agency| ||審理関係人がある|審理関係人(処分庁等が審査庁である場合にあっては、審査請求人及び参加人。以下この条において同じ。)がある| ||there is a person concerned with proceedings|there is a person concerned with proceedings (when the administrative agency, etc. reaching the dispositionis the reviewing agency, the requestor for review or the intervenors; the same applies below in this Article)| |第九条並びに第十三条第一項及び第二項|審理員|審査庁| |Article 9 and Article 13, paragraphs (1) and (2)|a review officer|the reviewing agency| 別表第二 (第十八条関係) Appended Table 2 (Re.: Article 18) |第三条第一項|法|法第六十一条において準用する法| |Article 3, paragraph (1)|the Act|the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 61 of the Act| |第三条第二項|審査庁(審理員が指名されている場合において、審理手続が終結するまでの間は、審理員)|処分庁| |Article 3, paragraph (2)|the reviewing agency (when a review officer has been nominated, the review officer until the procedures for proceedings are concluded)|the administrative agency reaching the disposition| |第四条第二項|審査請求書の正本|再調査の請求書| |Article 4, paragraph (2)|The original copy of the written request for review|The written request for re-investigation| |第八条|審理員は|処分庁は| |Article 8|a review officer|the administrative agency reaching the disposition| ||審理関係人がある|再調査の請求人又は参加人がある| ||there is a person concerned with proceedings|there is a requestor for re-investigation or an intervenor| ||審理員及び審理関係人|処分庁並びに再調査の請求人及び参加人| ||the review officer and the person concerned with proceedings|the administrative agency reaching the disposition, and a requestor for re-investigation and an intervenor| 別表第三 (第十九条関係) Appended Table 3 (Re.: Article 19) |第一条第一項|第九条第一項|第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法第九条第一項| |Article 1, paragraph (1)|Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act ( referred to as "the Act" below)|Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Complaint Review Act ( referred to as "the Act" below) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| |第一条第二項|法|法第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法| |Article 1, paragraph (2)|the Act|the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| |第三条第一項|法|法第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法| |Article 3, paragraph (1)|the Act|the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| |第四条の見出し|審査請求書|再審査請求書| |The heading of Article 4|Written Requests for Review|Written Requests for Re-Examination| |第四条第一項|審査請求書は、審査請求をすべき行政庁が処分庁等でない場合には|再審査請求書は| |Article 4, paragraph (1)|When the administrative agency with which a request for review should be filed is not the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition, the original copy and a duplicate of the written request for review|The original copy and a duplicate of the written request for re-examination| |第四条第二項|審査請求書|再審査請求書| |Article 4, paragraph (2)|the written request for review|the written request for re-examination| |第五条の見出し|審査請求書|再審査請求書| |The heading of Article 5|Written Requests for Review|Written Requests for Re-Examination| |第五条|第二十九条第一項本文|第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法第二十九条第一項本文| |Article 5|the main clause of Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act|the main clause of Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||審査請求書の送付|再審査請求書の送付| ||sending of a written request for review|sending of a written request for re-examination| ||審査請求書の副本(法第二十二条第三項若しくは第四項又は第八十三条第三項の規定の適用がある場合にあっては、審査請求書の写し)|再審査請求書の副本| ||a duplicate of the written request for review (when the provisions of Article 22, paragraphs (3) or (4), or Article 83, paragraph (3) of the Act apply, a copy of the written request for review)|a duplicate of the written request for re-examination| |第七条の見出し|反論書等|意見書| |The heading of Article 7|Written Counterarguments|Written Opinions| |第七条第一項|反論書は、正本並びに当該反論書を送付すべき参加人及び処分庁等の数に相当する通数の副本を、|法第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する| |Article 7, paragraph (1)|Concerning a written counterargument, the original copy and the number of duplicates that corresponds to the number of the intervenors and the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition to which the written counterargument should be sent must be submitted, and concerning a written opinion prescribed in Article 30, paragraph (2) of the Act|Concerning a written opinion prescribed in Article 30, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||処分庁等の数に相当する通数の副本を、それぞれ|裁決庁等の数に相当する通数の副本を| ||the number of duplicates that corresponds to the number of the requestors for review and the administrative agency, etc. reaching the disposition|the number of duplicates that corresponds to the number of the requestors for re-examination and the administrative agency, etc. making the original administrative determination| |第七条第二項|法|法第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法| |Article 7, paragraph (2)|the Act|the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||反論書又は意見書|意見書| ||a written counterargument or a written opinion|a written opinion| |第八条|審理員は|審理員(再審査庁が法第六十六条第一項において準用する法第九条第一項各号に掲げる機関である場合にあっては、再審査庁。以下同じ。)は| |Article 8|a review officer|a review officer (when the re-examining agency is any of the agencies stated in the items of Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act, the re-examining agency; the same applies below)| |第九条|法|法第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法| |Article 9|the Act|the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| |第十条及び第十一条|第三十八条第一項|第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法第三十八条第一項| |Article 10 and Article 11|Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act|Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| |第十二条第一項|第三十八条第四項(同条第六項|第六十六条第一項において準用する法第三十八条第四項(法第六十六条第一項において準用する法第三十八条第六項| |Article 12, paragraph (1)|Article 38, paragraph (4) of the Act (excluding the cases in which the provisions are applied pursuant to paragraph (6) of that Article following the deemed replacement of terms)|Article 38, paragraph (4) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act (excluding the cases in which the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (6) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act)| |第十三条第一項及び第二項|法|法第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法| |Article 13, paragraphs (1) and (2)|the Act|the Act as applied mutatis mutandispursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||審査請求人等|再審査請求人等| ||requestor for review or an intervenor|requestor for re-examination or an intervenor| |第十三条第三項|審査請求人等|再審査請求人等| |Article 13, paragraph (3)|requestor for review or an intervenor|requestor for re-examination or an intervenor| |第十四条第一項|第三十八条第一項|第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法第三十八条第一項| |Article 14, paragraph (1)|Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act|Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||審査請求人等|再審査請求人等| ||requestor for review or an intervenor|requestor for re-examination or an intervenor| ||同条第四項|法第六十六条第一項において準用する法第三十八条第四項| ||paragraph (4) of that Article|Article 38, paragraph (4) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act| |第十五条第一項|第四十一条第三項|第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法第四十一条第三項| |Article 15, paragraph (1)|Article 41, paragraph (3) of the Act|Article 41, paragraph (3) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||審査請求録取書|再審査請求録取書| ||a written statement concerning the request for review|a written statement concerning the request for re-examination| ||若しくは特定意見聴取、|、法第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する| ||or a specified opinion hearing, a witness's statements or expert opinions referred to in Article 34 of the Act|, a witness's statements or expert opinions referred to in Article 34 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||法第三十五条第一項|同項において読み替えて準用する法第三十五条第一項| ||Article 35, paragraph (1) of the Act|Article 35, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||第三十六条|第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法第三十六条| ||Article 36 of the Act|Article 36 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||法第三十七条第一項|同項において読み替えて準用する法第三十七条第一項| ||Article 37, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act|Article 37, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandispursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| ||第三十二条第一項|第六十六条第一項において準用する法第三十二条第一項| ||Article 32, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act|Article 32, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act| ||第三十三条|第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法第三十三条| ||Article 33 of the Act|Article 33 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms| |第十五条第三項|法|法第六十六条第一項において準用する法| |Article 15, paragraph (3)|the Act|the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act| ||審査請求書、弁明書、反論書|再審査請求書| ||the written request for review, the written explanation, the written counterargument|the written request for re-examination| |第十六条|第四十二条第二項|第六十六条第一項において準用する法第四十二条第二項| |Article 16|Article 42, paragraph (2) of the Act|Article 42, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act| ||第十三条第一項|第六十六条第一項において読み替えて準用する法第十三条第一項| ||Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act|Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66, paragraph (1) of the Act following the deemed replacement of terms|