Recidivism Prevention Plan

Recidivism Prevention Plan
Recidivism Prevention Plan
Table of Contents
Ⅰ 再犯防止推進計画策定の目的
I. Purpose of Formulating the Recidivism Prevention Plan
第1 再犯防止のための諸施策における再犯防止推進計画の位置付け
Section 1 Roles of the Recidivism Prevention Plan in Various Initiatives to Prevent Recidivism
第2 基本方針
Section 2 Basic Policies
第3 重点課題
Section 3 Major Challenges
第4 計画期間と迅速な実施
Section 4 Plan Period and Prompt Implementation
Ⅱ 今後取り組んでいく施策
II. Initiatives to Be Taken in the Future
第1 再犯の防止等に関する施策の指標
Section 1 Indicators for Initiatives to Prevent Recidivism
1. Performance indicators for initiatives to prevent recidivism
2. Reference indicators to identify trends in initiatives to prevent recidivism
第2 就労・住居の確保等のための取組(推進法第12条、第14条、第15条、第16条、第21条関係)
Section 2 Efforts to Secure Employment and Housing; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 12, 14, 15, 16 and 21 of the Prevention Act)
1. Securing employment; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 職業適性の把握と就労につながる知識・技能等の習得
(i) Identifying occupational aptitudes; acquisition of knowledge, skills, and other things linked to employment
② 就職に向けた相談・支援等の充実
(ii) Enhancement of things such as employment counseling and support
③ 新たな協力雇用主の開拓・確保
(iii) Finding and securing new cooperating employers
④ 協力雇用主の活動に対する支援の充実
(iv) Enhancement of support for the activities of cooperating employers
⑤ 犯罪をした者等を雇用する企業等の社会的評価の向上等
(v) Improving society's appraisal of enterprises and others that employ persons who have committed offenses; related matters
⑥ 就職後の職場定着に向けたフォローアップの充実
(vi) Improving follow-up for job retention after hiring
⑦ 一般就労と福祉的支援の狭間にある者の就労の確保
(vii) Securing employment for people not suited for ordinary work but not covered by welfare support
2. Securing housing; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 矯正施設在所中の生活環境の調整の充実
(i) Enhancing coordination of the environments in which persons who have committed offenses live while they are in correctional institutions
② 更生保護施設等の一時的な居場所の充実
(ii) Enhancing offenders rehabilitation facilities and other temporary places for persons who have committed offenses to stay
③ 地域社会における定住先の確保
(iii) Securing fixed residences in the local community
第3 保健医療・福祉サービスの利用の促進等のための取組(推進法第17条、第21条関係)
Section 3 Efforts to Facilitate the Use of Health, Medical, and Welfare Services; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 17 and 21 of the Prevention Act)
1. Support for persons such as those who are elderly or have a disability; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 関係機関における福祉的支援の実施体制等の充実
(i) Enhancing systems to implement welfare support at the relevant organizations; related mechanisms
② 保健医療・福祉サービスの利用に関する地方公共団体等との連携の強化
(ii) Strengthening collaboration with local governments and others with respect to the use of health, medical, and welfare services
③ 高齢者又は障害のある者等への効果的な入口支援の実施
(iii) Implementing effective inbound support for persons such as those who are elderly or have a disability
2. Support for persons with drug dependencies; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Implementing effective guidance at organizations in the criminal justice system; related matters
(ii) Enhancing health and medical institutions and others that provide treatment and support
(iii) Training personnel who are capable of providing treatment and support for drug dependency
Section 4 Efforts to Implement Educational Support in Cooperation with Schools and Others; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 11 and 13 of the Prevention Act)
1. Implementing educational support in cooperation with schools and others
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Preventing the delinquency of school-aged children; related matters
(ii) Preventing the discontinuation of school education due to delinquency and other such causes
(iii) Supporting the return to learning at schools or in the local community
Section 5 Efforts to Implement Effective Guidance That Is Tailored to the Individual Attributes of Persons Who Have Committed Offenses; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 11, 13 and 21 of the Prevention Act)
1. Implementing effective guidance tailored to individual attributes; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Implementing appropriate assessments
(ii) Enhancing guidance and other initiatives tailored to individual attributes
i. Guidance and other initiatives for sex offenders and juvenile sex offenders
ii. Guidance and other initiatives for stalkers
iii. Guidance and other initiatives for members of organized crime groups and other persons at high risk for recidivism
iv. Guidance and other initiatives for juveniles and youth that focus on their malleability
v. Guidance and other initiatives for issues that women face
vi. Guidance and other initiatives for persons who have committed offenses with developmental issues
vii. Enhancement of other efforts to implement effective guidance and other initiatives
(iii) Guidance and other initiatives that incorporate the perspectives of crime victims and others
(iv) Assessing the real state of recidivism; evaluating the effectiveness of guidance and other initiatives; research and study on things such as effective treatment
Section 6 Efforts to Facilitate the Activities of Cooperating Members of the Private Sector and to Advance Public Relations and Awareness-Raising Activities (Re: Articles 5, 22, 23 and 24 of the Prevention Act)
1. Facilitating the activities of cooperating members of the private sector; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Securing private-sector volunteers
(ii) Enhancement of support for the work of private-sector volunteers
(iii) Facilitating activities to prevent recidivism by re-offending prevention activities of offenders rehabilitation facilities; related matters
(iv) Facilitating activities to prevent recidivism based on the originality and ingenuity of private-sector organizations and others
(v) Strengthening collaboration with cooperating members of the private sector
2. Advancing public relations and awareness-raising activities; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Advancing public relations and awareness-raising activities related to preventing recidivism
(ii) Commending cooperating members of the private sector
Section 7 Efforts to Strengthen Collaboration with Local Governments; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 5, 8 and 24 of the Prevention Act)
1. Strengthening collaboration with local governments; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Supporting the efforts of local governments to advance recidivism prevention
(ii) Facilitating the formulation of Local Recidivism Prevention Plans
(iii) Strengthening collaboration with local governments
Section 8 Efforts to Develop the Personnel and Physical Systems of the Relevant Organizations; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 18 and 19 of the Prevention Act)
1. Developing the personnel and physical systems of the relevant organizations; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Developing the personnel systems at the relevant organizations
(ii) Enhancing on-the-job training for personnel of the relevant organizations; related matters
(iii) Environmental development of correctional institutions
Ⅰ 再犯防止推進計画策定の目的
I. Purpose of Formulating the Recidivism Prevention Plan
第1 再犯防止のための諸施策における再犯防止推進計画の位置付け
Section 1 Role of the Recidivism Prevention Plan in Various Initiatives to Prevent Recidivism
[Current Status of Recidivism; Necessity and Importance of Recidivism Prevention Measures]
Beginning in 1996, Japan's numbers of reported cases of penal code offenses reached record postwar highs every year, peaking in 2002. In response to this, the national government established the Ministerial Commission on Crime Control in 2003, and advanced various efforts, setting crime deterrence as the main urgent issue. As a result, beginning in 2003, the number of reported cases of penal code offenses has been declining for 14 years in a row, and reached a postwar low in 2016.
On the other hand, although the number of repeat offenders arrested due to penal code offenses has been gradually decreasing after reaching its peak in 2006, since the number of first-time offenders has been continuously decreasing at a faster pace, repeat offenders' proportion of the total number of persons arrested (hereinafter referred to as the "ratio of repeat offenders") has been consistently increasing, reaching 48.7% in 2016; this represents the highest rate since 1972, when statistics comparable to those currently available started to be maintained.
Based on things such as the results of an analysis of criminal records spanning a period of approximately 60 years following the end of World War II, the 2007 White Paper on Crime indicated that approximately 60% of all crime is committed by repeat offenders who account for approximately 30% of all persons arrested; that many of the crimes committed by repeat offenders are theft, injury, and violation of the Stimulants Control Act; that not only should organizations in the criminal justice system perform their duties through mutual coordination with a strong awareness of the purpose of the crime policy that recidivism prevention constitutes, but that they should also closely collaborate with employment, education, health, medical, welfare and other institutions and with private-sector organizations and other entities; and that it is necessary to facilitate an understanding of offender rehabilitation among the people and local communities; the White Paper further pointed out the necessity and importance of advancing measures to prevent recidivism from the viewpoint of creating a society in which people can live with safety and security.
[Previous Government Efforts to Prevent Recidivism]
With the necessity and importance of measures to prevent recidivism having been acknowledged, in July 2012, the Ministerial Commission on Crime Control established the Comprehensive Measures to Prevent Recidivism (hereinafter referred to as "the Comprehensive Measures"), which included a numerical target for criminal policies―a first for Japan―based on the recognition that preventing recidivism is an urgent challenge which the national government must unite in confronting. The numerical target established in the Comprehensive Measures called for the government to "decrease the proportion of persons who are re-imprisoned within two years of their release from prison (hereinafter referred to as the "two-year re-imprisonment rate") by at least 20% by 2021".
In December 2013, in the lead up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Cabinet passed a decision adopting the Strategy to Make Japan the Safest Country in the World, which includes advancing measures to prevent recidivism in order to stop crime from becoming recurrent.
In December 2014, the Ministerial Commission on Crime Control passed the Declaration: No Returning to Crime, No Facilitating Other's Return to Crime―We Will Work Toward a Bright Future in a Society Where We All Support Rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as "the Declaration"). The Declaration established numerical targets for the government to "triple the number of companies willing to employ persons who have committed crimes or delinquent acts after gaining an understanding of their circumstances, by 2020" and to "reduce the number of people returning to society from prisons who have no place to go back to by at least 30 percent, by 2020".
In July 2016, the Ministerial Commission on Crime Control approved Emergency Measures to Prevent Recidivism by Persons with Drug Dependencies, Elderly Offenders, and Others―Establishment of a Long-Term Support Network to Facilitate Rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as "the Emergency Measures"), which includes the implementation of long-term support for persons with drug dependencies, and for offenders such as those who are elderly or who have a disability not only at every stage of the criminal justice process but also after the closing of criminal justice proceedings.
Furthermore, beginning in June 2005, when, from the standpoint that ensuring the safety and security of citizens is fundamental to Japan's economic revitalization, "preventing recidivism" was included for the first time in the 2005 Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Structural Reform (what is generally called the "Bold policy") that were adopted by Cabinet decision, "measures to prevent recidivism" continued to be included in the " Bold policy" until 2017.
While the numerical targets set in the Comprehensive Measures and Declaration are yet to be achieved, the efforts mentioned above have brought about considerable results, such as a decrease in the two-year re-imprisonment rate.
[Challenges of Efforts to Prevent Recidivism]
In order to prevent recidivism, not only is it important for the government to implement fair sentencing by appropriately running investigations and criminal trials in addition to steadily implementing efforts to prevent crime and delinquency, but it is also important for persons who have committed offenses to become conscious of things such as their responsibility for their offenses, to understand the feelings of their victims and others, and to make their own efforts to reintegrate into society. Organizations in the criminal justice system have been implementing efforts to support these things, but we have reached the limits of what their efforts alone can achieve in terms of the contents and scope. Given these circumstances, some have suggested that it is necessary for the national government, local governments, and cooperating members of the private sector to implement concerted efforts that go beyond the lone efforts made by organizations in the criminal justice system, such as long-term support to prevent persons who have committed offenses who are facing various difficulties in their lives, such as poverty, illness, addiction, disabilities, harsh developmental environments, and insufficient educational backgrounds, from being isolated from the local community. In response to these suggestions, a sincere review of the previous efforts made by organizations in the criminal justice system and the comprehensive implementation of initiatives with close coordination and cooperation among the State, local governments, private-sector organizations and other persons concerned that carry out activities to prevent recidivism came to be regarded as constituting the challenges for implementing the best public policies as the best criminal policies. In addition, efforts to prevent recidivism are regarded as one of the key issues to be discussed at the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, which is to be held in Japan in 2020; this is also recognized as a key issue by the international community.
[Enactment of the Act for the Prevention of Recidivism and Formulation of the Recidivism Prevention Plan]
Given such circumstances, in December 2016, the Act for the Prevention of Recidivism (Act No. 104 of 2016; hereinafter referred to as the "Prevention Act") was enacted and came into force, clarifying the responsibilities of the State and local governments with regard to preventing recidivism and laying down basic points to comprehensively and systematically advance initiatives to prevent recidivism. The Prevention Act provides for the national government to formulate a Recidivism Prevention Plan (hereinafter referred to as "the Prevention Plan") to achieve comprehensive and systematic advancement of initiatives to prevent recidivism.
In response to the entry into force of the Prevention Act, the national government newly established the Council for Advancing Measures to Prevent Recidivism, chaired by the Minister of Justice and consisting of the heads of the relevant ministries and agencies, under the Ministerial Commission on Crime Control, through a verbal affirmation at a Cabinet meeting. In addition, in February 2017, the national government established the Study Group on the Recidivism Prevention Plan (hereinafter referred to as "the Study Group") as a forum to discuss the details of the draft Prevention Plan, chaired by the Senior Vice-Minister of Justice and consisting of the directors of the divisions of the relevant ministries and agencies and external experts. Over the course of discussions held at a total of nine Study-Group sessions, the draft Prevention Plan was compiled and has now come to be established.
Section 2 Basic Policies
The basic policies show the direction and viewpoints toward which persons implementing the relevant initiatives should orient themselves in formulating and implementing individual initiatives or coordinating with other parties concerned in order to prevent people from becoming victims of crime and achieve the goal of contributing to the creation of a society in which people can live safely and with peace of mind, by enabling persons who have committed offenses to smoothly reintegrate into society.
The Prevention Act sets forth Fundamental Principles in Article 3, and the direction and viewpoints toward which persons implementing the relevant initiatives should orient themselves should be established based on these fundamental principles.
Accordingly, based on the fundamental principles set forth in Article 3 of the Prevention Act, the following five basic policies are established.
[Five Basic Policies]
(i) Having the relevant administrative organs comprehensively advance initiatives to prevent recidivism by securing close coordination and cooperation with local governments, private-sector organizations, and other persons concerned, while maintaining close coordination among themselves to create a society where everyone walks down the pathway of life together, with not a single person left behind, so that persons who have committed offenses can become constituent members of society again without becoming isolated, in a diversifying society.
(ii) Enabling persons who have committed offenses to receive the necessary guidance and support to prevent recidivism in a seamless manner at every stage of the criminal justice process, based on their individual attributes.
(iii) Implementing initiatives to prevent recidivism based on a sufficient recognition that, in addition to the damage caused by having a life taken from them, being subjected to physical or psychological injury, or having to suffer damage to their property, there are crime victims and others who also have to deal with equally damaging post-traumatic mental distress and anxiety, and in light of the importance of having persons who have committed offenses become conscious of things such as their responsibility for their offenses, to understand the feelings of victims and others, and to make their own efforts to reintegrate into society.
(iv) Reworking initiatives to prevent recidivism to make them effective initiatives that are tailored to things such as the social conditions, after hearing opinions from private-sector organizations that carry out activities to prevent recidivism and other persons concerned, as needed, in light of things such as the real state of offenses and delinquency, effectiveness evaluations, and the results of research and study.
(v) Having sufficiently recognized that, currently, initiatives to prevent recidivism are not something to which the people feel connected, making it possible for efforts to prevent recidivism to broadly increase people's interest and understanding through actions such as easy-to-understand and effective public relations efforts, so that persons who have committed offenses who are willing to rehabilitate themselves are accepted as responsible members of society..
Section 3 Major Challenges
Although measures to prevent recidivism are extremely wide ranging, they have been organized around the following seven challenges, based on the basic initiatives provided in Chapter 2 of the Prevention Act. Since these challenges are closely connected to one another, not only is it necessary for the relevant ministries and agencies to clearly recognize the roles of the relevant initiatives in each challenge, but it is also important for them to implement those initiatives from a comprehensive viewpoint while focusing on the organic relationships among them.
[Seven Major Challenges]
(i) Securing Employment and Housing
(ii) Facilitating the Use of Health, Medical, and Welfare Services
(iii) Implementing Educational Support in Collaboration with Schools and Others
(iv) Implementing Effective Guidance That Is Tailored to the Individual Attributes of Persons Who Have Committed Offenses; Related Matters
(v) Facilitating the Activities of Cooperating Members of the Private Sector Advancing Public Relations and Awareness-Raising Activities; Related Matters
(vi) Strengthening Collaboration with Local Governments
(vii) Developing the Personnel and Physical Systems of the Relevant Organizations
Section 4 Plan Period and Prompt Implementation
As Article 7, paragraph (6) of the Prevention Act provides for the national government to review the Recidivism Prevention Plan at least every five years, the plan period is the five-year period beginning in FY2018 and ending at the end of FY2022.
The individual initiatives contained in the Prevention Plan that it is feasible to implement are to be implemented promptly. For those of these initiatives that require consideration before being implemented, since the Prevention Plan gives a clear direction towards which considerations should be oriented, the relevant ministry or agency is to draw a conclusion within one year, in principle, for initiatives to be implemented by a single ministry or agency, and within two years, in principle, for those to be implemented by multiple ministries and agencies or those requiring major systemic reforms, and is to implement the initiative based on that conclusion.
The Council for Advancing Measures to Prevent Recidivism established under the Ministerial Commission on Crime Control is to periodically confirm the progress of initiatives contained in the Prevention Plan and advance their implementation.
In addition, the achievement of the numerical targets set in the Comprehensive Measures and the Declaration is to be secured through prompt implementation of the initiatives contained in the Prevention Plan.
II. Initiatives to Be Taken in the Future
Section 1 Indicators for Initiatives to Prevent Recidivism
1. Performance indicators for initiatives to prevent recidivism
○ 刑法犯検挙者中の再犯者数及び再犯者率
○ Number of repeat offenders and ratio of repeat offenders among persons arrested for penal code offenses
(Source: Criminal Statistics of the National Police Agency)
Baseline: 110,306 persons, 48.7% (2016)
○ 新受刑者中の再入者数及び再入者率
○ Number and ratio of persons reentering prison among newly sentenced persons
(Source: Annual Report of Statistics of Correction of the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline: 12,179 persons, 59.5% (2016)
○ 出所受刑者の2年以内再入者数及び2年以内再入率
○ Number of post-release sentenced persons who are re-imprisoned within two years and the two-year re-imprisonment rate
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline: 4,225 persons, 18.0% (Sentenced persons released in 2015)
○ 主な罪名(覚せい剤取締法違反、性犯罪(強制性交等・強姦・強制わいせつ)、傷害・暴行、窃盗)・特性(高齢(65歳以上)、女性、少年)別2年以内再入率
○ Two-year re-imprisonment rate by main charged offense (violation of the Stimulants Control Act, sex offenses [forced sexual intercourse, etc., rape, forced indecency], injury, criminal assault, theft) and by individual attribute (elderly persons [65 and older], women, juveniles)
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline (violation of the Stimulants Control Act, sexual offenses, injury and criminal assault, theft)
19.2%, 6.3&%, 16.2%, 23.2% (Sentenced persons released in 2015)
Baseline (elderly persons, women)
23.2%, 12.6% (Sentenced persons released in 2015)
Baseline (juveniles)
11.0% (Juveniles released from juvenile training schools in 2015)
2. Reference indicators to identify trends in initiatives to prevent recidivism
(1) Re: Securing employment and housing
○ 刑務所出所者等総合的就労支援対策の対象者のうち、就職した者の数及びその割合
○ Number of persons who found employment and the ratio thereof to persons covered by comprehensive employment support measures for former inmates
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Baseline: 2,709 persons, 37.4% (2016)
○ 協力雇用主数、実際に雇用している協力雇用主数及び協力雇用主に雇用されている刑務所出所者等数
○ Number of cooperating employers, number of cooperating employers actually employing probationers and parolees, and number of probationers and parolees who are employed by cooperating employers
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline: 18,555 companies, 774 companies, 1,204 persons (as of April 1, 2017)
○ 保護観察終了時に無職である者の数及びその割合
○ Number of persons who are unemployed at the time their probation ends and the ratio thereof
(Source: Annual Report of the Statistics on Rehabilitation of the Ministry of
Baseline: 6,864 persons, 22.1% (2016)
○ 刑務所出所時に帰住先がない者の数及びその割合
○ Number of persons who have no place to return to at the time they are released from prison and the ratio thereof
(Source: Annual Report of the Statistics on Correction of the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline: 4,739 persons, 20.7% (2016)
○ 更生保護施設及び自立準備ホームにおいて一時的に居場所を確保した者の数
○ Number of persons who have temporarily secured a place to stay at an offenders rehabilitation facility or self-reliance support home
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline: 11,132 persons (2016)
(2) Re: Facilitating the Use of Health, Medical, and Welfare Services
○ 特別調整により福祉サービス等の利用に向けた調整を行った者の数
○ Number of persons whose use of welfare and other such services was coordinated through special coordination
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline 704 persons (2016)
○ 薬物事犯保護観察対象者のうち、保健医療機関等による治療・支援を受けた者の数及びその割合
○ Number and ratio of drug offense probationers and parolees who received treatment and support from health, medical, and other such organizations
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline 333 persons, 4.4% (2016)
(3) Re: Implementing Educational Support in Cooperation with Schools and Others
○ 少年院において修学支援を実施し、出院時点で復学・進学を希望する者のうち、出院時又は保護観察中に復学・進学決定した者の数及び復学・進学決定率
○ Number of persons whose re-enrollment or enrollment has been arranged at the time of release from a juvenile training school or during probation, among persons for whom educational support has been implemented at a juvenile training school and who wish to be re-enrolled or enrolled at the time of release from the juvenile training school; ratios of re-enrollment and enrollment
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline -
○ 上記により復学・進学決定した者のうち、保護観察期間中に高等学校等を卒業した者又は保護観察終了時に高等学校等に在学している者の数及びその割合
○ Number of persons who graduated from high school or the equivalent during probation or who are enrolled in high school or the equivalent at the time of termination of probation, among those whose re-enrollment or enrollment has been arranged as mentioned above; ratio of such persons
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline -
○ 矯正施設における高等学校卒業程度認定試験の受験者数、合格者数及び合格率
○ Number of examinees for the Upper Secondary School Equivalency Examination (high school equivalency examination) in correctional institutions, number of successful examinees, and ratio of successful examinees
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Baseline (Number of examinees, number of successful examinees, ratio of successful examinees)
1,049 persons, 375 persons, 35.7% (2016)
Baseline (Number of examinees, number of examinees who passed more than one subject, ratio of successful examinees)
1,049 persons, 990 persons, 94.4% (2016)
(4) Re: Facilitating the Activities of Cooperating Members of the Private Sector Advancing Public Relations and Awareness-Raising Activities; Related Matters
○ 保護司数及び保護司充足率
○ Number and fulfillment ratio of volunteer probation officers
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline: 47,909 persons, 91.3% (January 1, 2017)
○ Number of persons who participated in the "Campaign to Give Society
Brighter Future"
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline: 2,833,914 persons (2016)
(5) Re: Strengthening Collaboration with Local Governments
○ 地方再犯防止推進計画を策定している地方公共団体の数及びその割合
○ Number and ratio of local governments that have formulated Local Recidivism Prevention Plans
(Source: Survey by the Ministry of Justice)
Baseline -
第2 就労・住居の確保等のための取組(推進法第12条、第14条、第15条、第16条、第21条関係)
Section 2 Efforts to Secure Employment and Housing; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 12, 14, 15, 16 and 21 of the Prevention Act)
1. Securing employment; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
Approximately 70% of persons who have been re-imprisoned were unemployed at the time they reoffended. In addition, compared to the recidivism rate among persons who are employed, the recidivism rate among persons who are unemployed is approximately three times higher; it is obvious that unstable employment puts people at a risk for recidivism.
The national government has been working on a variety of initiatives, such as implementing vocational training and guidance that meet the needs of society at correctional institutions, strengthening the matching between job postings and job searches in collaboration between correctional institutions, probation offices, and public employment security offices through measures such as the establishment of Employment Support Information Center for Correction (commonly known as "Corre-Work"), finding and increasing cooperating employers, introducing an incentive system for employing probationers and parolees, and the State's employment of probationers or parolees .
However, there are challenges: in addition to having a previous conviction, some fail to see smooth progress in the job search due to lack of the necessary knowledge or professional credentials when searching for a job; even having found employment, some persons who have committed offenses end up leaving their jobs for reasons such as the inability to sufficiently forge personal relationships in the workplace due to lack of familiarity with the etiquette required of people as members of the workforce or due to not having learned the skills needed to form or maintain interpersonal relationships, or for reasons such as the inability to make appropriate occupational choices that match with their abilities; there are also many enterprises and others that have become cooperating employers but that have not actually employed persons who have committed offenses; and, some persons who have committed offenses have disabilities that, although not of a level that qualifies them to receive welfare support, still make it difficult to engage in ordinary employment.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 職業適性の把握と就労につながる知識・技能等の習得
(i) Identifying occupational aptitudes; acquisition of knowledge, skills, and other things linked to employment
ア 職業適性等の把握
A. Identifying occupational aptitude and related issues
With the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Justice will appropriately implement assessments to evaluate the desire to work of persons who have committed offenses, their occupational aptitudes, and related issues. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
イ 就労に必要な基礎的能力等の習得に向けた指導・支援
B. Guidance and support to acquire basic competency/fundamental capabilities necessary for employment
With the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Justice will implement things such as career lectures and work projects that have a social-contribution aspect at correctional institutions in collaboration with cooperating employers and with persons that carry out employment preparation support services and certified employment training services under the Act for Supporting the Self-reliance of Needy Persons. In addition, the Ministry of Justice will enhance guidance and support to get persons who have committed offenses to want to work and to get them to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and other attributes for employment, undertaking guidance and training aimed at giving them communication skills and learning business etiquette at correctional institutions and probation offices. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ 矯正施設における職業訓練等の充実
C. Enhancement of vocational training, etc. at correctional institutions
In order to undertake effective vocational training and other activities at each correctional facility with an awareness of the necessary skills acquisition in fields where there is anticipated to be a demand for this, the Ministry of Justice , with the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, will hold council meetings and other events with participation from local governments, prefectural labor offices, regional economic organizations, cooperating employers, institutes for capacity-building in each occupational field, and specialized educational organizations, in addition to participation from correctional institutions and probation offices, to examine such details as the policies, training subjects, and training methods for the vocational training and other activities at each correctional institution. Based on the conclusions reached as a result of these examinations, the Ministry of Justice will advance efforts to enable sentenced persons to receive vocational training outside a correctional institution or to visit cooperating employers and other such persons by actively utilizing the external work system or measures such as day-passes or furloughs with the understanding and support of the local community in which the correctional institution is located, while strengthening the system for implementing vocational training at correctional institutions by enhancing on-the-job training for the personnel of correctional institutions and promoting participation by the relevant organizations in the vocational training and other activities undertaken at correctional institutions. [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
エ 資格制限等の見直し
D. Review of things such as credentialing restrictions
The Ministry of Justice will examine the appropriate way of restricting employment or the acquisition of professional credentials due to previous convictions for business types in which there is anticipated to be a demand, from the perspective of facilitating the employment of persons who have committed offenses, and will draw a conclusion within two years. Based on this conclusion, each ministry and agency will examine whether it is necessary to review the restriction on professional credentialing under its administrative jurisdiction and implement the necessary measures. [All ministries and agencies]
(ii) Enhancement of things such as employment counseling and support
ア 刑務所出所者等総合的就労支援を中心とした就労支援の充実
A. Enhancement of employment support, centered on comprehensive employment support measures for former inmates
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will further enhance consistent, collaborative employment support measures by correctional institutions, probation offices, and public employment security offices, such as coordinating the environments in which the relevant persons live so that they can secure appropriate places to work, stationing counselors of public employment security offices at correctional institutions, expanding cooperation with offenders rehabilitation facilities, and use of offenders rehabilitation and employment support services. In addition, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will further enhance collaborative employment support measures by correctional institutions and local transportation bureaus. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
イ 非行少年に対する就労支援
B. Employment support for juvenile delinquents
The National Police Agency will enhance support for the hiring and continued employment of juveniles who wish to be employed, by giving guidance to the prefectural police and profiling positive examples for them as regards the reformatory support that the juvenile support center (established by the prefectural police and implementing efforts for prevention of delinquency mainly by juvenile guidance officers) and other entities provide to juveniles who wish to be employed, as one of the activities to create a society that does not produce juvenile delinquents. [National Police Agency]
(iii) Finding and securing new cooperating employers
ア 企業等に対する働き掛けの強化
A. Strengthening appeals to enterprises and others
The Ministry of Justice will strengthen the appeals to enterprises and others through which it seeks to secure appropriate cooperating employers, such as by explaining to them the significance of cooperating employers, the functions of Corre-Work, and the support systems for cooperating employers, such as the incentive system for employment of probationers and parolees, at correctional institutions and probation offices, in addition to development the requirements for cooperating employers and the appropriate way of registering them with the cooperation of the National Policy Agency and the Ministry of Health , Labour and Welfare. [National Policy Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
イ 各種事業者団体に対する広報・啓発
B. Public relations and awareness-raising activities aimed at trade associations in each field
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; with the cooperation of the Ministry of Justice, will advance active public relations and awareness-raising activities regarding the significance of the activities of cooperating employers and the systems to support them with the goal of expanding the scope of cooperating employers, by asking trade associations in each of the relevant fields to carry out public relations or awareness-raising activities aimed at enterprises and others that belong to their associations. [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
ウ 多様な業種の協力雇用主の確保
C. Securing cooperating employers in a variety of business types
The Ministry of Justice, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication; the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; will work to secure cooperating employers in a variety of business types, including business types in which no cooperating employers have been secured in the past, in light of the fact that there is a great imbalance in the business types of enterprises and others acting as cooperating employers. In addition, the Ministry of Justice will strengthen efforts for securing cooperating employers from business types that are considered helpful for the improvement and rehabilitation of released inmates, etc., including agriculture, in light of the fact that the efforts of organizations such as employment support centers that train former inmates to work in agriculture have been achieving good results. [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
(iv) Enhancement of support for the activities of cooperating employers
ア 協力雇用主等に対する情報提供
A. Providing information to cooperating employers and others
At Corre-Work, the Ministry of Justice will acquaint cooperating employers and others with correctional institutions holding sentenced persons that meet their employment needs and give them information about chances to observe vocational training and other activities, in addition to acquainting them with the skills and credentials that sentenced persons can learn and acquire while at correctional institutions, and, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication; the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; the Ministry of Justice will enhance the provision of information to cooperating employers by publicizing the initiatives to support their activities. Furthermore, the Ministry of Justice will appropriately provide the necessary personal information to allow persons who have committed offenses to be hired, while giving full consideration to the appropriate handling of personal and other information. [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
イ 協力雇用主の不安・負担の軽減
B. Mitigating the anxieties and burden of cooperating employers
The Ministry of Justice will enhance support measures to mitigate the anxieties and burden of cooperating employers that seek to employ persons who have committed offenses, such as the use of the fidelity guarantee system or incentive system for the employment of probationers and parolees, or the giving of advice to cooperating employers. [Ministry of Justice]
ウ 住居を確保できない者を雇用しようとする協力雇用主に対する支援
C. Supporting cooperating employers seeking to employ persons who cannot secure housing
In light of the fact that, in some cases, even when there are cooperating employers seeking to employ persons who have committed offenses, the persons who have committed offenses cannot secure housing within commuting distance and thus cannot become employed, the Ministry of Justice will enhance support for cooperating employers that seek to employ persons who have committed offenses who cannot secure housing within commuting distance, by implementing efforts to secure employment and housing in an integrated manner while enhancing support for cooperating employers that offer live-in jobs. [Ministry of Justice]
エ 協力雇用主に関する情報の適切な共有
D. Appropriate sharing of information on cooperating employers
The Ministry of Justice will provide information on cooperating employers in a timely and appropriate manner to the ministries and agencies so as to contribute to the smooth and appropriate implementation of support directed to cooperating employers by the ministries and agencies. [Ministry of Justice]
(v) Improving society's appraisal of enterprises and others that employ persons who have committed offenses; related matters
ア 国による雇用等
A. Employment by the State; Related Matters
The Ministry of Justice will examine the guidelines to further advance the employment of persons who have committed offenses by the State in light of past efforts through which probationers or parolees were employed as part-time personnel, and draw a conclusion within two years. Based on this conclusion, each ministry and agency will endeavor to employ such persons and take similar efforts, in consideration of the individual attributes, actual circumstances, and other elements of operations at each ministry and agency. [All ministries and agencies]
イ 協力雇用主の受注の機会の増大
B. Increasing opportunities for cooperating employers to receive orders
The Ministry of Justice will examine the guidelines to increase the opportunities for cooperating employers to receive orders in public procurement and draw a conclusion within two years. Based on this conclusion, each ministry and agency will make considerations for advancing efforts to increase the opportunities for cooperating employers to receive orders while taking care that this does not inhibit the fundamental purpose that the targeted public procurement seeks to achieve. [All ministries and agencies]
ウ 補助金の活用
C. Utilizing subsidies
The Ministry of Justice will examine the guidelines for the use of subsidies that contribute to the activities of cooperating employers to the extent that this would not inhibit the fundamental purpose that the subsidies should achieve, and draw a conclusion within two years. Each ministry and agency will make considerations for advancing efforts based on that conclusion. [All ministries and agencies]
エ 協力雇用主に対する栄典
D. Honoring cooperating employers
The Cabinet Office will examine the awarding of honors to cooperating employers, draw a conclusion within one year, and implement initiatives based on that conclusion. [Cabinet Office]
(vi) Improving follow-up for job retention after hiring
ア 就労した者の離職の防止
A. Preventing separation from employment by persons who have found jobs
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will improve the supports for preventing separation from employment by persons who have committed offenses who have found jobs, such as by giving them the appropriate advice at correctional institutions, probation offices, offenders rehabilitation facilities, public employment security offices, and other facilities, based on a detailed understanding of things such as their job worries and their anxieties about interpersonal relationships in the workplace. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
イ 雇用した協力雇用主に対する継続的支援
B. Continuous support for cooperating employers that have employed persons who have committed offenses
The Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will enhance continuous support based on a detailed understanding of things such as the uncertainties and burdens that cooperating employers that have employed persons who have committed offenses have in connection with employing them and giving them advice aimed at their continued employment. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ 離職した者の再就職支援
C. Re-employment support for persons separated from employment
The Ministry of Justice will build a network of cooperating employers that actively employ persons who have committed offenses who have become separated from employment. In addition, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will advance smooth matching of persons who have committed offenses and cooperating employers for prompt re-employment after separation from employment, through collaboration between the abovementioned network of cooperating employers and public employment security offices. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
(vii) Securing employment for people not suited for ordinary work but not covered by welfare support
ア 受刑者等の特性に応じた刑務作業等の充実
A. Enhancement of prison work and other activities tailored to the individual attributes of sentenced persons
In light of the ongoing challenge of responses to accommodate people not suited for ordinary work but not covered by welfare support, such as people whose level of disability is not so high as to qualify them to receive welfare support but for whom it is still difficult to engage in ordinary employment, or people who need training or other support to find employment, the Ministry of Justice will further enhance the content of prison work and other activities tailored to the individual attributes of sentenced persons. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 障害者・生活困窮者等に対する就労支援の活用
B. Use of employment support for persons with disabilities, needy persons, and others
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will take measures to ensure that persons who have committed offenses with disabilities can find employment at ordinary enterprises and other places of business or find employment in services associated with Type A employment continuation support (through which persons who are capable of working under employment contracts are provided with the opportunity to work through entrance into an employment contract or similar agreement, and with other such opportunities) or Type B employment continuation support (through which persons who have difficulties working under employment contracts are provided with the opportunity to work and other such opportunities), through the use of initiatives to support persons with disabilities and based on factors such as their degree of eagerness to work and their level of disability. In addition, for persons who have committed offenses who have difficulty finding employment at ordinary enterprises and other places of business for reasons such as poverty or low levels of disability, the ministries will advance the active use of employment preparation support services for needy persons and employment training services for needy persons under the Services and Supports for Needy Persons Act (Act No. 105 of 2013). [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ ソーシャルビジネスとの連携
C. Collaboration with social businesses
The Ministry of Justice, referencing the example of efforts such as agriculture-welfare collaboration in the employment of persons with disabilities, and with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; will advance collaboration with social businesses, such as by encouraging enterprises, organizations, and others engaged in activities to solve social and regional problems (such as providing nursing care and welfare services for elderly persons and persons with disabilities, supporting homeless people, and supporting young people including those not in education, employment or training (NEET)), to employ persons who have committed offenses. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry]
2. Securing housing; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
It has become apparent that approximately 50% of people released upon completion of their prison terms leave prison without having secured an appropriate place to return to, and that the period of time until they reoffend is relatively shorter than for persons who have secured a place to return to. It is not an exaggeration to say that securing an appropriate place to return to is a major condition enabling persons who have committed offenses to live a stable life in the local community, and that it is the most important element in preventing recidivism.
The national government has been implementing efforts to secure places to return to for sentenced persons after they are released from correctional institutions by enhancing coordination of the environments in which they live after their release, strengthening the acceptance function of offenders rehabilitation facilities that serve as temporary place to stay for persons who cannot go back to living with their relatives or other persons, and securing self-reliance support homes (accommodations used when the probation office, as needed, entrusts private-sector corporations, organizations, and other businesses that have been registered with the probation office in advance with providing persons who have committed offenses with food, in addition to providing them with accommodation and teaching life skills for self-reliance).
However, as the proportion of persons who cannot go back to living with people such as relatives is on the rise, it is necessary to continuously advance their acceptance at offenders rehabilitation facilities and self-reliance support homes. In addition, the roles of offenders rehabilitation facilities are rapidly expanding, with these facilities being called upon to implement treatment for persons with drug dependencies and other persons that are difficult to treat, and to provide support for their transitions into life in the community instead of simply providing accommodation support as in the past; some have pointed out the need to strengthen the acceptance and treatment functions of offenders rehabilitation facilities.
In addition, offenders rehabilitation facilities and self-reliance support homes are temporary places to stay and thus, it is necessary for persons who have committed offenses to secure home bases in the local community after they are released from them. However, challenges to this include that some persons who have committed offenses are released from offenders rehabilitation facilities without having been able to secure an appropriate fixed residence due to difficulties in finding a personal guarantor or an inability to use private rental guarantee companies due to a record of non-payment of rent.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 矯正施設在所中の生活環境の調整の充実
(i) Enhancing coordination of the environments in which persons who have committed offenses live while they are in correctional institutions
ア 帰住先確保に向けた迅速な調整
A. Prompt coordination for securing a place to return to
The Ministry of Justice will enhance efforts that allow persons who have committed offenses to promptly secure appropriate places to return to by strengthening the involvement of regional parole boards in the coordination of the environments in which sentenced persons live after their release that is implemented by the probation office, and by coordinating the return of sentenced persons to local communities where they can receive the health, medical, and welfare services they need, based on the partial amendment of the Offender Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 88 of 2007), which was enacted in June 2016. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 受刑者等の親族等に対する支援
B. Supporting people such as the relatives of sentenced persons
The Ministry of Justice will enhance support for people such as the relatives of sentenced persons in ways such as holding meetings of sponsors and custodians to give advice and support to people such as relatives in the lead up to the release of sentenced persons, with due consideration to improving the relationships between them in their interactions, for those who need it. [Ministry of Justice]
② 更生保護施設等の一時的な居場所の充実
(ii) Enhancing offenders rehabilitation facilities and other temporary places for persons who have committed offenses to stay
ア 更生保護施設における受入れ・処遇機能の充実
A. Enhancement of the acceptance and treatment functions of offenders rehabilitation facilities
In addition to steadily advancing the development of offenders rehabilitation facilities and the expansion of their acceptance capacity, including the developments made by persons not constituting social welfare corporations and other juridical persons for offender rehabilitation , the Ministry of Justice will enhance the acceptance and treatment functions of offenders rehabilitation facilities by advancing the development of systems for offenders rehabilitation facilities to accept and provide individually tailored treatment for people whom it is particularly difficult to place or treat due to issues such as their charged offense, the problematic nature of their addiction, or their relationships with the local community. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 更生保護施設における処遇の基準等の見直し
B. Reviewing the standards for treatment at offenders rehabilitation facilities
The Ministry of Justice will look into reworking things such as the standards for treatment at offenders rehabilitation facilities, in conjunction with reviewing offender rehabilitation services (Chapter II, Section 6, 1(2)(iii)B) for the purpose of facilitating the self-reliance of persons committed to offenders rehabilitation facilities, including elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and persons with drug dependencies, draw a conclusion within two years, and take necessary measures based on that conclusion. [Ministry of Justice]
ウ 自立準備ホームの確保と活用
C. Securing and using self-reliance support homes
In addition to pushing to secure temporary places for the relevant persons to stay by entrusting specialized social welfare corporations and incorporated nonprofit organizations with this task, the Ministry of Justice, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, will make use of self-reliance support homes based on the characteristics of each facility, while pushing to further secure the diverse places to stay that self-reliance support homes constitute by using existing housing stock, such as vacant houses. [Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
③ 地域社会における定住先の確保
(iii) Securing fixed residences in the local community
ア 住居の確保を困難にしている要因の調査等
A. Conducting surveys on the factors that make it difficult to secure housing
The Ministry of Justice will conduct surveys on the factors that make it difficult for persons who have committed offenses to secure housing, draw a conclusion within one year, and implement the requisite initiatives as needed, including the reworking of the fidelity guarantee system, based on the results of the surveys. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 住居の提供者に対する継続的支援の実施
B. Providing continuous support to persons offering housing
In addition to giving persons that offer housing to those that they know to be probationers, parolees, or other such persons the necessary advice, including regarding the use of the fidelity guarantee system, based on a detailed understanding of things such as the uncertainties and burdens associated with offering housing, Ministry of Justice will provide the necessary personal information about the probationer, parolee, or other such person while giving full consideration to the appropriate handling of personal and other information. In addition, the Ministry of Justice will provide continuous support to that offer housing to those that they know to be probationers, parolees, or other such persons by giving the necessary guidance to probationers, parolees, and other such persons. [Ministry of Justice]
ウ 公営住宅への入居における特別な配慮
C. Special consideration as regards tenancy in public housing
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will request the local governments to look into relaxing requirements that are making it difficult for probationers, parolees, and other such persons to become tenants of public housing in situations such as the persons in question being in need of housing and based on the actual circumstances of the local community, in light of the fact that a person can receive continuous support from the Ministry of Justice as mentioned in B. above if they offer housing to those that they know to be probationers, parolees, or other such persons. In addition, the ministry will ensure that it is widely and thoroughly known in local government that persons released from correctional institutions are generally eligible for preferential treatment in public housing tenancy, as persons with extremely low income. [Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
エ 賃貸住宅の供給の促進
D. Facilitating the provision of rental housing
With the cooperation of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Ministry of Justice will endeavor to provide information and implement counseling regarding rental housing for persons who have committed offenses who fall under the category of persons requiring special assistance in securing housing provided for in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act to Facilitate the Provision of Rental Housing to Persons Requiring Special Assistance in Securing Housing (Act No. 112 of 2007) based on that Act, and will also endeavor to find and secure lessors that will not refuse tenancy to probationers, parolees, and other such persons by making it widely known that lessors offering housing to those that they know to be probationers, parolees, or other such persons can receive continuous support from the Ministry of Justice as mentioned in B. above. [Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
オ 満期出所者に対する支援情報の提供等の充実
E. Enhancing the provision of support information for persons released upon completion of their prison terms
To prevent recidivism among sentenced persons who are released at the end of their sentences without having secured a place to return to, the Ministry of Justice will provide sentenced persons with appropriate and replete information at penal institutions regarding the system of urgent aftercare for discharged offenders and counselling organizations in the local communities in which they wish to settle; and in addition to providing persons subject to urgent aftercare for discharged offenders with appropriate and replete information at probation offices regarding local support organizations, the Ministry of Justice will also provide them with temporary places to stay, such as offenders rehabilitation facilities, and, if needed, support them in securing fixed residences. [Ministry of Justice]
第3 保健医療・福祉サービスの利用の促進等のための取組(推進法第17条、第21条関係)
Section 3 Efforts to Facilitate the Use of Health, Medical, and Welfare Services; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 17 and 21 of the Prevention Act)
1. Support for persons such as those who are elderly or have a disability; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
Among all generations, the elderly (persons who are 65 or older) have the highest rate of re-imprisonment within two years after release from prison. In addition, approximately 40% of elderly persons who have been re-imprisoned within five years after their release from prison became recidivist in an extremely short period of time―less than six months after their release from prison. Moreover, it has also become apparent that sentenced persons with intellectual disabilities generally become recidivist in short periods of time.
As one of the measures (outbound support) to support sentenced persons released from correctional institutions, the national government has been advancing the establishment of support centers for settlement in local communities and the stationing of certified social workers at correctional institutions and offenders rehabilitation facilities so as to enable sentenced persons such as those who are elderly or have a disability and who have not secured an appropriate place to return to, to smoothly use welfare services following their release from correctional institutions, including through admission to social welfare facilities, after their release from correctional institutions; and correctional institutions, probation offices, offenders rehabilitation facilities, support centers for settlement in local communities, and other welfare institutions have been collaborating in their implementation of efforts to undertake the necessary coordination (special coordination).
In addition, in light of the fact that, in order to prevent recidivism among persons who have committed offenses such as the elderly and persons with disabilities, there are cases in which it is important to provide not only outbound support, but also the necessary welfare support for persons under suspension of prosecution, the public prosecutor's office has been implementing efforts to provide a bridge to connect suspects with intellectual disabilities, elderly suspects, and other persons in need of welfare support to welfare services at the time of their release from custody, in collaboration with attorneys, welfare specialists, probation offices, and other relevant organizations and bodies (inbound support).
However, in addition to the issues pointed out in the Emergency Measures, other challenges include that some persons fail to become covered by special coordination for reasons such as not wishing to receive welfare support despite needing it; that in some cases, it is not possible to get the necessary cooperation due to differences in things such as the how efforts are being made by local governments and social welfare facilities; and that there are deficiencies in the systems for assessing that a given person is elderly or has a disability at each stage in the criminal justice process and implementing meticulous support based on this identification.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 関係機関における福祉的支援の実施体制等の充実
(i) Enhancing systems to implement welfare support at the relevant organizations; related mechanisms
ア 刑事司法関係機関におけるアセスメント機能等の強化
A. Strengthening the assessment functions of organizations in the criminal justice system
To enable persons who have committed offenses to smoothly use welfare services by identifying, at an early stage, the demand for welfare services that has often been overlooked in the past and implementing support to facilitate the use of welfare services, in addition to enhancing the assessment function of juvenile classification homes, the Ministry of Justice will make use of certified social workers at correctional institutions and strengthen their research and coordination functions with the goal of facilitating the use of welfare services at probation offices. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 高齢者又は障害のある者等である受刑者等に対する指導
B. Giving guidance to sentenced persons such as those who are elderly or who have a disability
In light of the increasing number of sentenced persons requiring assistance or physical therapy in connection with overall daily activities such as walking and eating, the Ministry of Justice, with cooperation from welfare institutions and others, will improve the substance of and systems for implementing guidance regarding health and exercise for maintaining and improving physical strength and for acquiring knowledge on welfare services and social adaptability, in order to help sentenced persons such as those who are elderly or who have a disability smoothly reintegrate into society. [Ministry of Justice]
ウ 矯正施設、保護観察所及び地域生活定着支援センター等の多機関連携の強化等
C. Strengthening collaboration between multiple organizations, such as correctional institutions, probation offices, and support centers for settlement in local communities
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will seek further steady implementation of efforts for special coordination that connects persons to appropriate welfare services promptly after their release through collaboration between multiple organizations, such as correctional institutions, probation offices, and support centers for settlement in local communities, in light of things such as their operational statuses. In addition, the ministries will enhance and strengthen the function of collaboration with relevant organizations, such as correctional institutions, probation offices, and support centers for settlement in local communities, in order to provide necessary health, medical, and welfare services to elderly persons or persons with disabilities that have difficulty in living self-reliant lives, in light of the importance of cooperating with correctional institutions, probation offices, and regional health, medical, and welfare institutions. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
エ 更生保護施設における支援の充実
D. Enhancement of support provided at offenders rehabilitation facilities
In light of the goals set in the Declaration, the Ministry of Justice will develop facilities and systems that will enhance the acceptance of elderly persons and persons with disabilities who have committed offenses at offenders rehabilitation facilities and enhance the implementation of the necessary support based on their individual attributes. [Ministry of Justice]
オ 刑事司法関係機関の職員に対する研修の実施
F. Implementing on-the-job training for the personnel of organizations in the criminal justice system
The Ministry of Justice will implement the necessary on-the-job training regarding attributes that are particular to elderly persons and persons with disabilities to the personnel of organizations in the criminal justice system so that they can accurately assess the need to provide welfare support to persons who have committed offenses at each stage in the criminal justice process. [Ministry of Justice]
② 保健医療・福祉サービスの利用に関する地方公共団体等との連携の強化
(ii) Strengthening collaboration with local governments and others with respect to the use of health, medical, and welfare services
ア 地域福祉計画・地域医療計画における位置付け
A. Status in regional welfare plans or regional medical plans
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will provide the necessary advice to local governments so that, in formulating local welfare plans or local medical plans, they will comprehensively advance initiatives that will enable persons who have committed offenses and who need health, medical, or welfare support, beginning with persons such as the elderly and persons with disabilities, to live in the local community, from the perspective of preventing recidivism. The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will take the necessary action to make this widely known so that the local governments will collaborate with relevant departments and agencies, in light of the possibility of actively using the local welfare plan in formulating the Local Recidivism Prevention Plan. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
イ 社会福祉施設等の協力の促進
B. Facilitating the cooperation of social welfare facilities
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will facilitate the provision of welfare services to persons such as those who are elderly or who have a disability at social welfare facilities and other places by further examining how to evaluate their overall efforts, including the enhancement of measures to add costs for service fees that are paid to places such as social welfare facilities that provide welfare services to elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and other such persons. [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ 保健医療・福祉サービスの利用に向けた手続の円滑化
C. Facilitation of procedures for using health, medical, and welfare services
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, will develop guidelines, including those to clarify which local governments are responsible for implementing health, medical, and welfare services, and will ensure that these are widely and thoroughly known by the local governments so that persons such as elderly persons and persons with disabilities who have committed offenses can promptly be issued disability passbooks, have their need to use health, medical, and welfare services certified, and use those services. In addition, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Justice will implement the necessary support from the time when sentenced persons whose resident records have been deleted are still in correctional institutions, by ensuring that the procedures concerning resident records are widely and thoroughly known by the personnel of correctional institutions and probation offices so that those persons can promptly use health, medical, and welfare services after their release from correctional institutions. [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
③ 高齢者又は障害のある者等への効果的な入口支援の実施
(iii) Implementing effective inbound support for persons such as those who are elderly or have a disability
ア 刑事司法関係機関の体制整備
A. Developing system for organizations in the criminal justice system
The Ministry of Justice will ensure that there are systems to provide appropriate support to persons requiring inbound support by enhancing the system to implement such support at probation offices (i.e. enhancement of stationing of probation officers in charge of welfare support or urgent aftercare of discharged offenders at probation offices) while enhancing the system of the public prosecutor's office to implement support measures for reintegration into society (i.e. enhancement of stationing of public prosecutors' assistant officers or certified social workers in charge of support for reintegration into society at the public prosecutor's office). [Ministry of Justice]
イ 刑事司法関係機関と保健医療・福祉関係機関等との連携の在り方の検討
B. Examining what form collaboration between organizations in the criminal justice system and health, medical, welfare, and other institutions should take
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare while also referencing the state of efforts made in the local network set forth in Chapter II, Section 7, 1(2)(i)C., will examine what form collaboration between organizations in the criminal justice system and health, medical, welfare, and other institutions should take, including measures for implementing further effective inbound support, draw a conclusion within two years, and implement initiatives based on that conclusion. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
2. Support for persons with drug dependencies; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
The number of persons arrested for violation of the Stimulants Control Act remains at a high level, with over 10,000 persons arrested every year. In addition, approximately 30% of the charged offenses of persons who are newly imprisoned are violations of the Stimulants Control Act. Moreover, in comparison to the two-year re-imprisonment rate of 18.0% for all persons released from prison in 2015, the two-year re-imprisonment rate of persons imprisoned due to violation of the Stimulants Control Act was higher, at 19.2%.
Since drug offenders, in addition to being persons who have committed offenses, are also patients with drug dependencies, it is necessary to have them continuously receive treatment and support for recovery from drug dependency while getting them to realize that drug dependency is a disease from which they can recover through appropriate treatment and support, instead of simply guiding them not to use drugs.
The national government is to achieve appropriate operation of the system for suspending the execution of a part of a sentence, which has been in effect since June 2016, in addition to establishing a system to consistently provide guidance by correctional institutions and probation offices, treatment by medical institutions, and support by recovery support facilities and private-sector organizations for recovery from drug dependence based on the Emergency Measures while working on such initiatives as the development and implementation of coherent specialized programs at correctional institutions and probation offices, development of Local Collaboration Guidelines Concerning Support for Former Inmates with Drug Dependencies, and establishment of medical institutions which will serve as the basis for treatment of drug dependency in the local community.
However, it has been pointed out that: there are deficiencies in the systems for providing effective support at correctional institutions, probation offices, regional health, medical, and welfare institutions, recovery support facilities, and private-sector organizations; that there are deficiencies in collaboration among the relevant organizations to provide consistent support due to reasons such some local communities not having any specialized medical institutions that can provide treatment for drug dependency or self-help groups to provide recovery support for drug dependency; that research and studies need to be done regarding the form that collaboration between the criminal justice system and health, medical, and welfare services should take, as such collaboration is implemented overseas as an effective measure in recovery from drug dependency; and that it is necessary for each of the relevant organizations and bodies, such as organizations in the criminal justice system, health, medical, and welfare institutions, and self-help groups and other private-sector organization, to implement, as a trial program, new efforts to consistently support drug offenders to recover from drug dependency, in light of the importance and urgency of preventing recidivism by drug offenders.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 刑事司法関係機関等における効果的な指導の実施等
(i) Implementing effective guidance by organizations in the criminal justice system; related matters
ア 再犯リスクを踏まえた効果的な指導の実施
A. Implementing effective guidance in light of the risk of recidivism
With the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Justice will properly identify the risk of recidivism for each drug offender and consistently implement a specialized treatment program tailored to that risk at correctional institutions and probation offices, and will also ensure the reliable transfer of treatment information to that end. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
イ 矯正施設・保護観察所における薬物指導等体制の整備
B. Establishing systems for drug guidance at correctional institutions and probation offices
With the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Justice will enhance the systems for providing guidance to drug offenders in ways such as improving the knowledge and skills of personnel in charge of providing guidance and training and stationing management-level personnel who are specialized in drug treatment at probation offices. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ 更生保護施設による薬物依存回復処遇の充実
C. Enhancement of treatment for recovery from drug dependency at offenders rehabilitation facilities
In light of the fact that it is not appropriate for many drug offenders to return to their prior residences because they had been repeatedly abusing drugs in the local community, because they need to avoid any contact with drug dealers, or for other such reasons, the Ministry of Justice will enhance treatment for recovery from drug dependency at offenders rehabilitation facilities by advancing the acceptance of drug offenders at offenders rehabilitation facilities and by advancing the development of facilities and systems to implement treatment that contributes to people's recovery from drug dependency. [Ministry of Justice]
エ 薬物事犯者の再犯防止対策の在り方の検討
D. Examination of appropriate measures to prevent recidivism for drug offenders
In light of the operational status of the system for suspending the execution of a part of a sentence; the status of development of and collaboration among medical institutions that can provide treatment for drug dependency and the relevant organizations that are engaged in counseling and support; and the status of activities by self-help groups; and with reference to the measures used as alternatives to each type of detention that are implemented overseas as effective measures in recovery from drug dependency, the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will examine effective measures to prevent recidivism by drug offenders in Japan, including the trial implementation of new programs, for the purpose of preventing the recidivism of drug offenders. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
② 治療・支援等を提供する保健・医療機関等の充実
(ii) Enhancing health and medical institutions and others that provide treatment and support
ア 薬物依存症治療の専門医療機関の拡大
A. Augmenting specialized medical institutions for treatment of drug dependency
There are limited medical institutions that are able to provide treatment for drug dependency, and in light of the fact that some persons with drug dependencies do not receive treatment or end up discontinuing their treatment because it is difficult for them to commute to distant medical institutions, in addition to further enhancing specialized medical institutions that can provide addiction treatment, including treatment for drug dependency, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will facilitate appropriate ways of dealing with persons with drug dependencies at general medical institutions. [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
イ 薬物依存症に関する相談支援窓口の充実
B. Enhancing counseling and support counters for drug addiction
In light of the fact that not only is it important for persons with drug dependencies themselves to receive counseling and support service in the local community, but also for their relatives and other such persons to receive counseling and support services regarding how to deal with persons with drug dependencies, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will enhance the counseling and support counters for drug addiction at public health administrative organs by stationing addiction counselors who are specialists in approaches to addiction, including drug dependency, at mental health and welfare centers around the nation. [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ 自助グループを含めた民間団体の活動の促進
C. Facilitating the activities of private-sector organizations, including self-help groups
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will enhance support for facilitating the activities of private-sector organizations, including self-help groups, such as assistance for the activities of private-sector organizations that are active in providing recovery-oriented integrated support in employment and housing for persons with drug dependencies. [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
エ 薬物依存症者の親族等の知識等の向上
D. Improving the knowledge of persons such as the relatives of persons with drug dependencies
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will improve awareness of and knowledge about drug dependency among the general public, and especially among persons such as the relatives of persons with drug dependencies, in ways such as holding workshops for the general public and distributing booklets. [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
オ 薬物依存症対策関係機関の連携強化
E. Strengthening collaboration among the relevant organizations for drug dependence measures
In light of the fact that not only treatment by medical institutions, but also the continuous, collaborative support of self-help groups and other private-sector organizations, is important to the recovery of persons with drug dependencies, the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will strengthen the collaboration of each of the relevant organizations that handle measures for drug dependency by holding meetings of a liaison council consisting of personnel of the relevant organizations that are engaged in treatment and support for persons with drug dependencies in each local community, sharing the challenges concerning drug dependency in the local community, and examining how to handle those challenges collaboratively. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
カ 薬物依存症治療の充実に資する診療報酬の検討
F. Examining reimbursement of medical fees that contribute to enhancing drug dependence treatment
Leading up to the next revision of medical fee reimbursements, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will examine the appropriate way of calculating the reimbursement of medical fees for drug dependence treatment in light of the opinions of the persons concerned. [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
③ 薬物依存症の治療・支援等ができる人材の育成
(iii) Training personnel who are capable of providing treatment and support for drug dependency
ア 薬物依存症に関する知見を有する医療関係者の育成
A. Training medical personnel who are knowledgeable about drug dependency
In order to enhance the system to implement health, medical, and welfare services directed toward recovery from drug dependency, there is a need for medical personnel who are knowledgeable about treatment and support for drug dependency the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will look into reworking the substance of the advanced clinical training of physicians and the standards for the national examinations of public health nurses, midwives, and nurses. [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
イ 薬物依存症に関する知見を有する福祉専門職の育成
B. Training welfare specialists who are knowledgeable about drug dependency
In order to enhance the counseling and support systems for persons with drug dependencies, there is a need for welfare specialists who have specialized knowledge concerning drug dependency, who appropriately identify the support needs of persons with drug dependencies, and who implement counseling and assistance to connect persons with drug dependencies to the relevant organizations, and in light of this, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will look into reworking the training curriculum for psychiatric social workers and certified social workers. [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ 薬物依存症に関する知見を有する心理専門職の育成
C. Training psychology specialists who are knowledgeable about drug dependency
As the treatment and support that is found to be effective in people's recovery from drug dependency is based on cognitive behavioral therapy there is a need for psychology specialists who have knowledge about and experience in drug dependency, and in light of this, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will review the training curriculum for the newly created national licensing of certified psychologists and test-question standards for the national examination, from the standpoint of dealing with addiction measures including drug dependency. [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
エ 薬物依存症に関する知見を有する支援者の育成
D. Training support persons who are knowledgeable about drug dependency
In light of the fact that it is important to provide support to probationers and parolees with drug addictions that is tailored to their symptoms and treatment status, the Ministry of Justice will enhance on-the-job training for persons in charge of giving this guidance and support. In addition, in light of the fact that continuous support in the local community is necessary to a person's recovery from a drug dependency, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will enhance on-the-job training for support persons in charge of lifestyle support for persons with drug dependencies. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
第4 学校等と連携した修学支援の実施等のための取組(推進法第11条、第13条関係)
Section 4 Efforts to Implement Educational Support in Cooperation with Schools and Others; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 11 and 13 of the Prevention Act)
1. Implementing educational support in cooperation with schools and others
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
Japan's high school enrollment rate is 98.5%, with most people continuing their educations into high school. In contrast, 28.9% of juveniles committed to juvenile training schools and 37.4% of sentenced inmates did not continue their educations into high school after graduating from junior high school. In addition, many juveniles drop out of high school either as a part of the process leading to their delinquent acts or as a result of those delinquent acts; 36.8% of juveniles committed to juvenile training schools and 24.6% of sentenced inmates have dropped out of high school.
政府においては、高等学校の中退防止のための取組や、中学校卒業後に高等学校等へ進学しない者及び高等学校等を中退する者に対する就労等支援を実施するとともに、矯正施設内における高等学校卒業程度認定試験の実施、少年院における教科指導の充実、少年院出院後の修学に向けた相談支援・情報提供、少年院在院中の高等学校等の受験に係る調整、BBS会(BigBrothersand Sistersの略であり、非行少年の自立を支援するとともに、非行防止活動を行う青年ボランティア団体)等の民間ボランティアの協力による学習援等を実施してきた。
In addition to undertaking efforts to prevent high school students from dropping out and implementing support for employment for those who do not continue on to high school after graduation from junior high school or who drop out of high school, the national government has been undertaking measures such as implementation of the Upper Secondary School Equivalency Examination (high school equivalency examination) at correctional institutions; enhancement of educational guidance at juvenile training schools; provision of counseling, support, and information geared towards post-release education, coordination to allow those committed to juvenile training schools to take their high-school entrance examinations, and educational support with the cooperation of private-sector volunteers, such as BBS Association (also referred to as the Big Brothers and Sisters Association, a youth volunteer group that supports the self-reliance of juvenile delinquents and carries out delinquency prevention activities).
However, challenges include that not enough of an effort is being made to prevent delinquency by schools and local communities and that there is not enough support for continuous learning, enrollment, or re-enrollment of persons who have committed offenses.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 児童生徒の非行の未然防止等
(i) Preventing the delinquency of school-aged children; related matters
ア 学校における適切な指導等の実施
A. Implementation of appropriate guidance and other initiatives at schools
With the cooperation of the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will enhance delinquency-prevention education in schools, drug-abuse prevention education, and counseling and guidance systems for preventing repeat instances of drug abuse, in combination with anti-bullying education and human-rights education based on the purpose of the Act Advancing Measures to Prevent Bullying (Act No. 71 of 2013) and other laws, and from the perspective of preventing repeat acts of delinquency, and also seeking cooperation from bar associations and other private-sector organizations. In addition, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, will enhance support for juveniles and their families to have juveniles continue their school lives and support for employment if the juvenile is compelled to drop out of school. [National Policy Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Justice; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
イ 地域における非行の未然防止等のための支援
B. Support for preventing delinquency in local communities
In light of the fact that poverty or experience of abuse can sometimes be a factor in a person's delinquent acts, the Cabinet Office, the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will advance efforts to prevent the delinquency of school-aged children and to prevent the escalation of their delinquency through measures such as the creation of places for children in the local community, enhancement of counseling and support for children, custodians, school officials, and others, advancement of crime prevention activities by private-sector volunteers and others, and counseling and support for learning for those who aim to acquire the Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates, for the purpose of preventing school-aged children from discontinuing their educations due to delinquency.
In addition, in order to effectively implement the abovementioned efforts and from the perspective of preventing delinquency, the Cabinet Office, the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will inform the relevant organizations that local governments have a duty to endeavor to establish local counsels to support children and youth and to ensure that there is a system that functions as a comprehensive counseling center for children and youth, for the purpose of providing support to children and youth facing difficulties in terms of the smooth enjoyment of their lives in society, and thereby strengthen cooperation. [Cabinet Office; National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ 警察における非行少年に対する支援
C. Police support for juvenile delinquents
As one of the activities to create a society that does not produce juvenile delinquents, the National Police Agency will enhance the reformatory support that juvenile support centers and others provide to juveniles with learning difficulties in cooperation with private-sector volunteers such as juvenile police volunteers (juvenile guidance officials, juvenile guidance volunteers, juvenile police assistants, and university-student volunteers), by providing guidance to prefectural police and profiling positive examples for them. [National Police Agency]
② 非行等による学校教育の中断の防止等
(ii) Preventing the discontinuation of school education due to delinquency and other such causes
ア 学校等と保護観察所が連携した支援等
A. Support based on collaboration between schools and probation offices
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will enhance lifestyle support for probationers and parolees who are enrolled in school by ensuring that examples of collaboration are widely known at probation offices, among volunteer probation officers, and in schools, while facilitating crime prevention activities that volunteer probation officers, schools, and others cooperate in undertaking, such as delinquency prevention classes by volunteer probation officers, and building systems for daily coordination and cooperation between persons such as volunteer probation officers and schools. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]
イ 矯正施設と学校との連携による円滑な学びの継続に向けた取組の充実
B. Enhancement of efforts for smooth continuance of learning through collaboration between correctional institutions and schools
The Ministry of Justice will make it possible to provide educational guidance tailored to the abilities of the persons receiving it in ways such as using private-sector academic achievement tests and working to develop educational materials at correctional institutions. In addition, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will facilitate a reciprocal understanding and cooperation among correctional institutions and school officials through the reciprocal sending of personnel as lecturers in implementing on-the-job personnel training for correctional institutions and school officials, in addition to ensuring that examples of reciprocal coordination are widely known at correctional institutions and among school officials. Furthermore, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Justice will enhance efforts to prevent students at correspondence high schools from dropping out and to facilitate their enrollment while they are in correctional institutions by making the procedures for implementing face-to-face guidance (meaning the face-to-face guidance provided in Article 2 of the Rules on High School Correspondence Education Courses (Order of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology No. 32 of 1962) while a person is in a correctional institution widely known among the relevant persons so that persons who are in correctional institutions and who wish to remain or become enrolled in correspondence high school can continue their educations while in correctional institutions. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]
ウ 矯正施設における高等学校卒業程度認定試験の指導体制の充実
C. Enhancement of the guidance system for the Upper Secondary School Equivalency Examination (high school equivalency examination) at correctional institutions
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will implement the Upper Secondary School Equivalency examination (high school equivalency examination) at correctional institutions on an ongoing basis. In addition, the Ministry of Justice will establish a course for preparing for that examination and enhance the system to give guidance at other facilities in light of the status of efforts being made at facilities that focus on things such as bringing in outside instructors and creating educational materials. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]
③ 学校や地域社会において再び学ぶための支援
(iii) Supporting the return to learning at schools or in the local community
ア 矯正施設からの進学・復学の支援
A. Support for enrollment and re-enrollment in school from correctional institutions
The Ministry of Justice will get people being held in correctional institutions motivated to learn by providing information on the types of schools, enrollment assistance, and measures for assistance with educational costs, such as the high school enrollment assistance system, and getting them to understand the value of learning that is connected with employment and acquisition of credentials, taking into consideration the requests and circumstances of each person, at each correctional institution. In addition, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will ensure that examples of reciprocal collaboration are widely known at correctional institutions and probation offices and among school officials, in order to further the facilitation of re-enrollment procedures at correctional institutions and attention for the selection and transfer of high school enrollees. Furthermore, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will advance such efforts as the reciprocal sending of personnel as lecturers in implementing on-the-job training at correctional institutions and probation offices and on-the-job training for school officials, in order to deepen the reciprocal understanding among the personnel of correctional institutions and probation offices and school officials. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]
イ 高等学校中退者等に対する地域社会における支援
B. Support in the local community for persons who have dropped out of high school
In collaboration with volunteer probation officers, Japan Women's Association for Rehabilitation Aid, BBS Association, private-sector volunteers such as the Friends of Youth, and cooperating employers, the Ministry of Justice will implement educational support including the securing of places where juvenile delinquents who are not enrolled in schools can learn in safety. In particular, for those who have received educational support at correctional institutions, the correctional institutions, probation offices, and private-sector volunteers will cooperate in implementing effective support for continued learning that is tailored to the circumstances of the individual, in light of the details of the treatment provided at the institutions. Moreover, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will urge persons being held in correctional institutions and probationers and parolees that aim to acquire the Certificate for Students Achieving Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates to avail themselves of efforts by the local governments to provide counseling and support for learning. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]
第5 犯罪をした者等の特性に応じた効果的な指導の実施等のための取組(推進法第11条、第13条、第21条関係)
Section 5 Efforts to Implement Effective Guidance That Is Tailored to the Individual Attributes of Persons Who Have Committed Offenses; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 11, 13 and 21 of the Prevention Act)
1. Implementing effective guidance tailored to individual attributes; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
In order to undertake guidance aimed at preventing recidivism in a way that is effective, it is important to appropriately assess both the details of a person's offense or delinquent act, the background, gender, character, age, mental and physical condition, family environment, associates, financial circumstances, and other attributes of each individual in order to choose appropriate guidance for the person; and to continuously and consistently encourage them. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of the guidance and ensure that it leads to more effective efforts.
The national government has been enhancing guidance and support that is tailored to the individual attributes of recipients such as sex offenders, persons with a high risk of recidivism such as members of organized crime groups, highly malleable juveniles and young persons, and women who are survivors of abuse or facing issues such as eating disorders and implementing guidance and support that incorporates the perspectives of crime victims, based on the Comprehensive Measures.
However, challenges include that there are deficiencies in the assessment function to accurately assess the target persons' individual attributes and need for treatment and in the consistency and continuance of guidance and support provided at organizations in the criminal justice system and private-sector organizations; it is necessary to strengthen these and further advance evaluations into the effectiveness of guidance and support.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 適切なアセスメントの実施
(i) Implementing appropriate assessments
ア 刑事司法関係機関におけるアセスメント機能の強化
A. Strengthening the assessment functions of organizations in the criminal justice system
The Ministry of Justice will advance the implementation of continuous differential assessment in every stage of the juvenile protection process by further improving the accuracy of differential assessment and by also bringing assessment functions to bear in the treatment process in ways such as using the Ministry of Justice Case Assessment Tool (MJCA) at juvenile classification homes In addition, the Ministry of Justice will strengthen assessment functions in order to enable the accurate identification of information that contributes to decisions on the risk of recidivism and treatment guidelines and the implementation of effective treatment for sentenced persons, probationers, and parolees at penal institutions and probation offices. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 関係機関等が保有する処遇に資する情報の適切な活用
B. Appropriately using information contributing to treatment that is retained by the relevant organizations
The Ministry of Justice will advance the use of information that contributes to treatment that is retained by public organizations, including organizations in the criminal justice system and private-sector organizations that are engaged in activities to prevent recidivism, by implementing treatment-strategy discussions using rehabilitation support plans (a document which is mainly prepared by defense counsels with the cooperation of certified social workers and in which welfare support measures necessary for each suspect or defendant are compiled) and other information that contributes to treatment, in order to appropriately undertake assessments from a diversity of perspectives and to implement effective guidance based on these assessments. [Ministry of Justice]
② 特性に応じた指導等の充実
(ii) Enhancing guidance and other initiatives tailored to individual attributes
ⅰ 性犯罪者・性非行少年に対する指導等
i. Guidance and other initiatives for sex offenders and juvenile sex offenders
ア 性犯罪者等に対する専門的処遇
A. Specialized treatment for sex offenders
With the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and with reference to the efforts overseas, the Ministry of Justice will give effective, consistent guidance to sex offenders from during their commitment to a correctional institution until after their release, by strengthening cooperation with medical and welfare institutions while further enhancing the guidance given to sex offenders, such as guidance for preventing sexual recidivism at penal institutions, guidance for preventing sexual delinquency at juvenile training schools, and sex offender treatment programs at probation offices, by reviewing the details and methods of that guidance based on the results of effectiveness evaluations and training persons capable of giving guidance. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
イ 子供を対象とする暴力的性犯罪をした者の再犯防止
B. Prevention of recidivism by persons who have committed violent sexual offenses against children
With the cooperation of the Ministry of Justice, the National Police Agency will enhance measures to prevent recidivism by confirming the whereabouts of persons who have committed violent sexual offenses against children after their release from penal institutions, and, with those persons' consent, will conduct interviews with them and connect them to support given by the relevant organizations and bodies, if needed. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice]
ⅱ ストーカー加害者に対する指導等
ii. Guidance and other initiatives for stalkers
ア 被害者への接触防止のための措置
A. Measures to prevent contact with victims
In light of the fact that grave incidents have been perpetrated by stalkers, the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice will share information on special rules to be followed and problematic behaviors of perpetrators when implementing probation for them, and in addition to thoroughly guiding them to prevent any contact with victims, will implement appropriate measures against them, in ways such as filing requests to revoke a perpetrator's parole or to revoke the pronouncement of the suspended execution of the perpetrator's sentence, as needed. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice]
イ ストーカー加害者に対するカウンセリング等
B. Counseling for stalkers
In addition to helping improve the skills and knowledge of psychiatric and psychological approaches for police officials in charge of dealing with stalkers in ways such as facilitating their participation in on-the-job training sessions, the National Police Agency will advance psychiatric and psychological approaches towards stalkers by encouraging them to receive counseling services at medical institutions, with the cooperation of medical institutions. [National Police Agency]
ウ ストーカー加害者に対する指導等に係る調査研究
C. Research and study on guidance and other initiatives directed at stalkers
The National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice will conduct research and studies on the issues facing stalkers and effective guidance measures, draw a conclusion within two years, and implement the necessary initiatives based on the results of that research. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice]
ⅲ 暴力団関係者等再犯リスクが高い者に対する指導等
iii. Guidance and other initiatives for members of organized crime groups and other persons at high risk for recidivism
ア 暴力団からの離脱に向けた指導等
A. Guidance and other initiatives for persons leaving organized crime groups
In addition to enhancing the motivation of members of organized crime groups to leave organized crime groups by strengthening collaboration between police, Centers for Removal of Criminal Organizations, correctional institutions, and probation offices, the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice will appropriately share information with members of organized crime groups about leaving those groups. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice]
イ 暴力団員の社会復帰対策の推進
B. Advancing measures for members of organized crime groups to reintegrate into society
The National Police Agency will examine effective initiatives for enhancing the necessary social environment and follow-up systems for members of organized crime groups to leave organized crime groups, be employed, and be re-integrated into society, in order to encourage them to leave organized crime groups and re-integrate into and settle in society. [National Police Agency]
ⅳ 少年・若年者に対する可塑性に着目した指導等
iv. Guidance and other initiatives for juveniles and youth that focus on their malleability
ア 刑事司法関係機関における指導体制の充実
A. Enhancement of the guidance systems of organizations in the criminal justice system
The Ministry of Justice will enhance the systems to implement detailed guidance tailored to the individual attributes of juveniles and young persons by enhancing the systems for guidance to be given by multiple personnel at juvenile training schools. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 関係機関と連携したきめ細かな支援等
B. Detailed support in cooperation with relevant organizations
In light of the actual circumstances that many juveniles and young persons requiring support have a history of connections to child welfare organizations or have developmental or other disabilities, the Ministry of Justice will enhance cooperation with schools, child guidance centers, child welfare institutions, welfare offices, juvenile support centers, comprehensive support centers for children and young persons (which are established by local governments as the base counseling counter for supporting the development of children and young persons) by implementing case study meetings at juvenile training schools and probation offices in a timely and appropriate manner, and thereby implement detailed support. [Ministry of Justice]
ウ 少年鑑別所における観護処遇の充実
C. Enhancement of observation and protection treatment at juvenile classification homes
With the cooperation of schools and other relevant organizations and of private-sector volunteers, the Ministry of Justice will work to give juveniles being held in juvenile classification homes
the knowledge and abilities that they need for their sound development, by giving them the opportunity to learn and be exposed to cultural activities. [Ministry of Justice]
エ 非行少年に対する社会奉仕体験活動等への参加の促進
D. Facilitating participation of juvenile delinquents in experiential community service and other activities
As one of the activities to create a society that does not produce juvenile delinquents, the National Police Agency will enhance the reformatory support that juvenile support centers and others provide in ways such as facilitating juvenile delinquents' participation in experiential community service activities tailored to their circumstances in cooperation with private-sector volunteers and the relevant organizations, by providing guidance to the prefectural police and profiling positive examples for them. [National Police Agency]
オ 保護者との関係を踏まえた指導等の充実
E. Enhancement of guidance based on the relationships between the juveniles and their custodians
In addition to enhancing guidance and support for improving the relationships between juveniles subject to probation or juveniles committed in juvenile training schools and their custodians, the Ministry of Justice will enhance encouragement for custodians by facilitating their understanding and cooperation regarding the treatment of target persons, giving guidance and advice to improve the custodial ability of the custodian, asking custodians to participate in custodian meetings or giving advice when the custodian needs welfare support. In addition, if a custodian cannot provide appropriate care, the Ministry of Justice will give guidance and support for the juvenile to live a self-reliant life in society or to make use of the system of guardianship for minors, depending on the circumstances of the person in question, in cooperation with local governments and other relevant organizations and with private-sector organizations. [Ministry of Justice]
カ 非行少年を含む犯罪者に対する処遇を充実させるための刑事法の整備等
F. Development of criminal laws to enhance treatment of offenders, including juvenile delinquents
When the Legislative Council of the Ministry of Justice submits a report with respect to what the maximum age should be for a juvenile subject to the Juvenile Act and with respect to the development of criminal laws to further enhance treatment of juvenile delinquents and other offenders, the Ministry of Justice will take the necessary measures based on that report. [Ministry of Justice]
ⅴ 女性の抱える問題に応じた指導等
v. Guidance and other initiatives for issues that women face
In light of the fact that many female sentenced persons and female juvenile delinquents either have emotional trauma from having survived abuse or a sex crime or are dealing with mental health issues such as an eating disorder, and that in some cases, they are facing circumstances such as pregnancy or giving birth, the Ministry of Justice will implement guidance and support that is mindful of this kind of individual attribute, rework the substance of that guidance based on the extent of its implementation, and secure and train persons capable of giving guidance at correctional institutions. In addition, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Justice will provide support for female sentenced persons and female juvenile delinquents to reintegrate into society in cooperation with the relevant organizations by identifying social resources that contribute to solutions for problems that women face and enabling them to consult with regional health, medical, and welfare institutions in the local community after their release from correctional institutions. Moreover, the Ministry of Justice will also enhance guidance and support at offenders rehabilitation facilities that is directed at helping female sentenced persons and female juvenile delinquents adapt to life in society, by advancing guidance and support that is mindful of the individual attributes of women. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ⅵ 発達上の課題を有する犯罪をした者等に対する指導等
vi. Guidance and other initiatives for persons who have committed offenses and who have developmental issues
In light of the fact that some persons who have committed offenses have developmental issues and require time or special consideration to understand the content of guidance, the Ministry of Justice will develop educational materials for persons who have developmental issues. In addition, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Justice will enhance on-the-job training regarding guidance for persons who have developmental issues and strengthen collaboration with the relevant organizations. [Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ⅶ その他の効果的な指導等の実施に向けた取組の充実
vii. Enhancement of other efforts to implement effective guidance and other initiatives
ア 各種指導プログラムの充実
A. Enhancement of various types of guidance programs
The Ministry of Justice will further enhance guidance tailored to the problems of the target persons, by implementing reformatory guidance programs at penal institutions for persons facing issues that contribute to recidivism, such as alcohol dependence or otherwise problematic drinking, domestic violence or other interpersonal violence; by developing the substance of guidance at juvenile training schools to cope with recent forms of delinquency such as particular types of fraud; and by implementing specialized treatment programs for alcohol and violence at probation offices. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 社会貢献活動等の充実
B. Enhancement of activities with a social-contribution aspect
The Ministry of Justice will review the substance of efforts such as activities with a social-contribution aspect based on the extent to which they are being implemented, and will further enhance those efforts in order to foster an awareness among persons who have committed offenses of what it means to be a good member of society and in order to improve their consciousness of norms. [Ministry of Justice]
ウ 関係機関や地域の社会資源の一層の活用
C. Further use of the social resources of the relevant organizations and local communities
The Ministry of Justice will advance guidance that incorporates broad collaboration among the relevant organizations and local communities, by advancing participation by local governments and other relevant organizations, and by private-sector organizations such as self-help groups and groups consisting of parties concerned, in reformatory guidance, and by expanding opportunities for guidance within society using the outside work system and out-of-school commissioned guidance at correctional institutions; as well as by enhancing effective guidance at probation offices with the cooperation of local governments and other relevant organizations and of private-sector organizations such as self-help groups and groups consisting of parties concerned. [Ministry of Justice]
③ 犯罪被害者等の視点を取り入れた指導等
(iii) Guidance and other initiatives that incorporate the perspectives of crime victims and others
In light of the fact that it is essential, in terms of persons who have committed crimes returning to society, for those persons to become conscious of their responsibility for their offenses and to understand things such as the circumstances in which they have put their victims and the feelings of those victims, the Ministry of Justice will enhance guidance and other initiatives that incorporate the perspectives of crime victims by effectively implementing education at correctional institutions that incorporates the perspectives of victims, by working towards a consistent level of effectiveness in the systems for communicating the feelings of crime victims at probation offices, and by implementing redemption guidance programs. [Ministry of Justice]
④ 再犯の実態把握や指導等の効果検証及び効果的な処遇の在り方等に関する調査研究
(iv) Assessing the real state of recidivism; evaluating the effectiveness of guidance and other initiatives; research and study on things such as effective treatment
In light of the state of implementation of measures to prevent recidivism, the Ministry of Justice will effectively manage a database that flexibly connects the pieces of information retained by the public prosecutor's office, correctional institutions, and probation offices, to secure consistency and continuance of guidance and appropriately assess the real state of recidivism and evaluate guidance. In addition, the Ministry of Justice, with the cooperation of the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, will advance research and study on the effective treatment of persons who have committed offenses to prevent recidivism. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
第6 民間協力者の活動の促進等、広報・啓発活動の推進等のための取組(推進法第5条、第22条、第23条、第24条関係)
Section 6 Efforts to Facilitate the Activities of Cooperating Members of the Private Sector and to Advance Public Relations and Awareness-Raising Activities (Re: Articles 5, 22, 23 and 24 of the Prevention Act)
1. Facilitating the activities of cooperating members of the private sector; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
In Japan, the implementation of initiatives to prevent recidivism is supported by the cooperation of many private-sector volunteers, such as the volunteer probation officers who are in charge of providing guidance and support to persons who have committed offenses in the local community, Japan Women's Association for Rehabilitation Aid, which is involved in a wide range of activities to support the reintegration into society of persons who have committed offenses, rehabilitation volunteers such as the BBS Association, volunteer interviewers who visit correctional institutions and give advice and guidance regarding the worries and difficulties of persons held in correctional institutions, chaplains who give religious counseling for those held in correctional institutions who want it, and juvenile police volunteers involved in reformatory support through the creation of places for juvenile delinquents. In addition, various private-sector organizations, including juridical persons for offender rehabilitation, have been conducting voluntary activities to support the reintegration into society of persons who have committed offenses, and these activities are gradually leading to long-term support in local communities.
These cooperating members of the private sector, including private-sector volunteers and private-sector organizations engaged in activities to prevent recidivism, are essential in advancing initiatives to prevent recidivism, and these are the very actors who have built upon steady efforts publicly and privately around the nation to make Japan the safest country in the world.
However, challenges to the advancement of activities to prevent recidivism by the cooperating members of the private sector include that it has become difficult for the work of private-sector volunteers to be carried out as in the past due to the aging of volunteer probation officers, a decrease in the number of volunteer probation officers and other private-sector volunteers, and changes in the social environment as a result of rarefied human relationships in the local communities; that it has become difficult for private organizations and others to ensure the necessary systems even if they seek to conduct activities to prevent recidivism; and that there are still deficiencies in the collaboration between organizations in the criminal justice system and cooperating members of the private sector.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
① 民間ボランティアの確保
(i) Securing private-sector volunteers
ア 民間ボランティアの活動に関する広報の充実
A. Enhancement of public relations regarding the work of private-sector volunteers
The National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice will enhance public relations regarding the activities of juvenile police volunteers and rehabilitation volunteers to foster the willingness of the people to cooperate with efforts to prevent recidivism. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice]
イ 更生保護ボランティアの活動を体験する機会の提供
B. Providing opportunities for people to try working as rehabilitation volunteers
The Ministry of Justice will advance the provision of opportunities for people to try working as rehabilitation volunteers, such as the volunteer probation officer internship program that lets participants try working as volunteer probation officers, in order to make it easier for people in a wide age group, including young people, and for people in various occupations, to actually become engaged in activities as cooperating members of the private sector. [Ministry of Justice]
ウ 保護司候補者検討協議会の効果的な実施等
C. Effective implementation of Informational Meetings for Volunteer Probation Officer Candidates
The Ministry of Justice, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; will effectively implement discussions at Informational Meetings for Volunteer Probation Officer Candidates and facilitate the collection of information on eligible candidates in the local community from a wide age group, including young people, and from people in various occupational categories, in collaboration with local governments, residents' associations, and welfare, educational, and economic bodies, in order to secure volunteer probation officer candidates. In addition, in light of the information obtained through those meetings, the Ministry of Justice will actively approach the eligible candidates to get them to actually become involved in working as volunteer probation officers. [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry]
② 民間ボランティアの活動に対する支援の充実
(ii) Enhancement of support for the work of private-sector volunteers
ア 少年警察ボランティア等の活動に対する支援の充実
A. Enhancement of support for the work of juvenile police volunteers
The National Police Agency will enhance support for the work of juvenile police volunteers through subsidies for the honorariums paid by prefectural police for the work of juvenile police volunteers and by advancing cooperation in the on-the-job training for juvenile police volunteers that the prefectural police and private-sector organizations implement. [National Police Agency]
イ 更生保護ボランティアの活動に対する支援の充実
B. Enhancement of support for the work of rehabilitation volunteers
In order to facilitate the work of rehabilitation volunteers, the Ministry of Justice will enhance on-the-job training for rehabilitation volunteers while enhancing support for their work, such as the learning support provided by the BBS Association. In addition, the Ministry of Justice will enhance support for the work of volunteer probation officers, including support to enable volunteer probation officers to receive advice from persons who have served as volunteer probation officers or persons who have specialized knowledge, for the purpose of facilitating efforts such as securing eligible volunteer probation officer candidates, which is one of the activities of the volunteer probation officers' association, public relations and awareness-raising activities, such as the "Campaign to Give Society Brighter Future" and preventing recidivism in collaboration with the relevant organizations of local communities, while enabling volunteer probation officers in charge of providing guidance and support to probationers, parolees, and other such persons to receive opportunities for mutual consultation between volunteer probation officers and on-the-job training. [Ministry of Justice]
ウ 更生保護サポートセンターの設置の推進
D. Advancing the establishment of offenders rehabilitation support centers
In order to ensure places for meetings between volunteer probation officers and probationers, parolees, and other such persons and a base for the work of volunteer probation officers, and in order to facilitate collaboration between rehabilitation volunteers and the relevant organizations in the local community, the Ministry of Justice, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and in collaboration with local governments, will steadily advance the establishment of offenders rehabilitation support centers to serve as the bases for the work of rehabilitation volunteers in the local community. [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Justice]
③ 更生保護施設による再犯防止活動の促進等
(iii) Facilitating activities to prevent recidivism undertaken by offenders rehabilitation facilities; related matters
ア 更生保護施設の地域拠点機能の強化
A. Strengthening the functions of offenders rehabilitation facilities to serve as local bases
In light of the fact that offenders rehabilitation facilities are the most familiar and available points of support for persons who have been released from the facilities until they settle in local communities, the Ministry of Justice will establish systems that enable offenders rehabilitation facilities to implement support and treatment for former inmates living in the local community. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 更生保護事業の在り方の見直し
B. Reviewing offender rehabilitation services
Offenders rehabilitation facilities are being called asked to perform a more diverse and advanced role in comparison to when the current framework of offenders rehabilitation facilities was established, as they are now not only being called upon to provide former inmates with temporary places to stay, but also to function as the core actor in providing specialized support for elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and persons with drug dependencies and support for former inmates in the local community as a specialized facility for treating persons who have committed offenses, and in light of the increasing level of difficulty of their work, the Ministry of Justice will examine offender rehabilitation services in order to achieve the goals established in the previous efforts to prevent recidivism, draw a conclusion within two years, and take necessary measures based on that conclusion. [Ministry of Justice]
(iv) Facilitating activities to prevent recidivism based on the originality and ingenuity of private-sector organizations and others
ア 再犯防止活動への民間資金の活用の検討
A. Examining the use of private funds for activities to prevent recidivism
The Ministry of Justice will examine desirable ways for support to be provided using private funding for the activities to prevent recidivism that are undertaken by incorporated non-profit organizations, incorporated associations, incorporated foundations, and other bodies, in addition to juridical persons for offender rehabilitation , draw a conclusion within two years, and implement initiatives based on that conclusion. [Ministry of Justice]
イ 社会的成果(インパクト)評価に関する調査研究
B. Research and study on the assessment of social performance (impact)
With the cooperation of relevant ministries and agencies, the Ministry of Justice will carry out research and study on the assessment of social performance (impact) of the activities to prevent recidivism conducted by private bodies, etc., draw a conclusion within two years, and provide and share the results of the research with private-sector organizations, etc. engaged in activities to prevent recidivism [Ministry of Justice]
(v) Strengthening collaboration with cooperating members of the private sector
ア 適切な役割分担による効果的な連携体制の構築
A. Building an effective collaboration system based on appropriate role-sharing
In light of the individual attributions of cooperating members of the private sector, such as volunteer probation officers, volunteer interviewers and chaplains, the Ministry of Justice will seek appropriate role-sharing with the cooperating members of the private sector, taking care to prevent them from bearing an excessive burden, and build an effective collaboration system. In addition, the Ministry of Justice will strengthen collaboration with attorneys in light of the role they take in preventing recidivism [Ministry of Justice]
イ 犯罪をした者等に関する情報提供
B. Providing information on persons who have committed offenses
The Ministry of Justice; with the cooperation of the National Police Agency; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; will appropriately provide cooperating members of the private sector with information on the guidance and support given by the State and local governments to persons who have committed offenses and other information considered useful for the support given by cooperating members of the private sector, while giving full consideration to the appropriate handling of personal and other information. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ 犯罪をした者等の支援に関する知見等の提供・共有
C. Providing and sharing knowledge about supporting persons who have committed offenses
The Ministry of Justice; with the cooperation of the National Police Agency; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; will provide and share knowledge about supporting persons who have committed offenses with cooperating members of the private sector by sending the personnel of organizations in the criminal justice system such as correctional institutions and probation offices as lecturers for on-the-job training implemented by cooperating members of the private sector, in addition to providing the results of research and study on guidance and support given to persons who have committed offenses [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
2. Advancing public relations and awareness-raising activities; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
For persons who have committed offenses to reintegrate into society, not only is it important that they be encouraged to make their own efforts, but also that they are supported in becoming constituent members of society again with the understanding and cooperation of the citizens, so that they do not become isolated from society.
The national government has already been making an effort to increase the interest and understanding of the people as it regards preventing recidivism by implementing public relations and awareness-raising activities and law-related education on preventing recidivism while advancing a nationwide movement called the "Campaign to Give Society Brighter Future" to get people to deepen their understanding of crime and delinquency prevention and of the rehabilitation of people who have committed crimes so that they will work together from each of their positions in the local community, in a combined effort to create communities that are free from crime.
However, as initiatives to prevent recidivism are not something to which the people feel connected, it is difficult to gain their interest and understanding; challenges include that the "Campaign to Give Society Brighter Future" does not have sufficient visibility and cannot be said to have deepened the interest or understanding of the people, and that activities prevent recidivism carried out by cooperating members of the private sector also cannot be said to have sufficient visibility among the people.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Advancing public relations and awareness-raising activities related to preventing recidivism
ア 啓発事業等の実施
A. Implementing awareness-raising projects and other such initiatives
During the Recidivism Prevention Awareness Month prescribed in Article 6 of the Prevention Act, the Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with the ministries and agencies, local governments, and cooperating members of the private sector, will advance the implementation of projects to broadly deepen the interest and understanding of the people as it regards preventing recidivism by persons who have committed offenses, and will strive to actively transmit information on the initiatives to prevent recidivism implemented by the relevant organizations, such as the public prosecutor's office, correctional institutions, and probation offices, and their effects. In addition, the Ministry of Justice will advance the "Campaign to Give Society Brighter Future" to bring about further enhancement of public relations and awareness-raising activities on preventing recidivism in light of the purpose of the Prevention Act, and will endeavor to diversify the media and means of public relations, in light of an effectiveness evaluation, in order to use this as the opportunity to get all levels of civil society to take an interest. [All ministries and agencies]
イ 法教育の充実
B. Enhancement of law-related education
The Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, will advance education that is aimed at giving people an understanding of the law, the judicial system, and the values that serve as the basis for them, and to give them a way of thinking about things from a legal perspective, as a fundamental education meant to contribute to preventing recidivism In addition, the Ministry of Justice will deepen citizens' understanding by advancing education regarding the criminal justice system, including the prevention of recidivism. [Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]
(ii) Commending cooperating members of the private sector
The Cabinet Office and Ministry of Justice gives commendations to cooperating members of the private sector who have undertaken remarkable services or engaged in meritorious deeds towards the creation of a society that prevents recidivism, in order to widely popularize outstanding activities to prevent recidivism carried out by cooperating members of the private sector and further activities to prevent recidivism that are carried out by individuals and bodies in the private sector. [Cabinet Office; Ministry of Justice]
Section 7 Efforts to Strengthen Collaboration with Local Governments; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 5, 8 and 24 of the Prevention Act)
1. Strengthening collaboration with local governments; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
Many persons who have committed offenses face various issues in living in local communities, such as having no stable work or housing, having drug or alcohol dependencies, or being elderly and having no relatives. The national government has been implementing various efforts to support persons who have committed offenses to reintegrate into society in order to solve such issues; but the scope of its efforts is generally limited to within the criminal justice system, and support for persons who are no longer in the criminal justice system is expected to be undertaken through the various services provided to the ordinary citizen, mainly by local governments.
In this regard, it is clearly provided in the Prevention Act that local governments are responsible for formulating and implementing initiatives tailored to the situation in the areas under their respective jurisdictions with regard to preventing recidivism, based on the appropriate sharing of roles with the State and in accordance with the fundamental principles, and that they must endeavor to establish plans for advancing initiatives to prevent recidivism in the areas under their jurisdictions (hereinafter referred to as "Local Recidivism Prevention Plans").
Given these circumstances, some local governments are starting to establish themselves as the coordinators in implementing efforts toward social inclusion (to provide every person with a back-up to protect them from loneliness, isolation, exclusion, and friction and to encompass and mutually support them to realize a healthy and cultured life as a constituent member of society) through the establishment of networks to implement continuous support.
However, there are challenges, including not having sufficient know-how and knowledge to support persons who have committed offenses based on the various issues they face and difficulty in collecting information on the persons requiring support, and these things are becoming challenges for local governments to work autonomously in advancing initiatives to prevent recidivism.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Supporting the efforts of local governments to advance recidivism prevention
ア 再犯防止担当部署の明確化
A. Clarifying the divisions in charge of recidivism prevention
With the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Justice will implement the necessary approaches to get all local governments to clarify which of their divisions is in charge of recidivism prevention. [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Justice]
イ 地域社会における再犯の防止等に関する実態把握のための支援
B. Support for assessing the real state of things in connection with preventing recidivism in local communities
The Ministry of Justice will support the efforts of local governments to conduct investigations designed to achieve the necessary assessment of the real state of things in order to advance efforts to prevent recidivism in their local communities, such as the circumstances of persons who have committed offenses in the local communities and the existence of organizations and other entities that will be able to provide them with support. [Ministry of Justice]
ウ 地域のネットワークにおける取組の支援
C. Supporting efforts made via local networks
In order to ensure that all persons who have committed offenses, including those who are no longer in the criminal justice system, can receive the necessary support in their local communities, the Ministry of Justice will support local governments' efforts in networks designed to provide support through collaboration among a diversity of agencies and organizations in the local communities, namely official agencies such as organizations in the criminal justice system and local governments; health, medical, and welfare institutions; and various private-sector organizations; with the cooperation of the National Police Agency; the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; and based on the actual circumstances in each local community. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
エ 資金調達手段の検討の促進
D. Facilitating studies on means of getting funding
The Ministry of Justice will encourage local governments to look into ways of getting funding to advance their initiatives and the activities of private-sector organizations, etc. and others to prevent recidivism in their respective local communities, with the cooperation of relevant ministries and agencies. [Ministry of Justice]
(ii) Facilitating the formulation of Local Recidivism Prevention Plans
The Ministry of Justice will take an approach with local governments that ensures that places to study initiatives to prevent recidivism are established and Local Recidivism Prevention Plans are promptly formulated in light of the actual circumstances of the local community. In addition, the Ministry of Justice, with the cooperation of the National Police Agency; the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; will implement the necessary support for local governments to study and implement initiatives to prevent recidivism based on the actual circumstances of the local community, such as Local Recidivism Prevention Plans and prefectural ordinances to prevent recidivism. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
(iii) Strengthening collaboration with local governments
ア 犯罪をした者等の支援等に必要な情報の提供
A. Providing the information needed to support persons who have committed offenses
The Ministry of Justice, with the cooperation of the National Police Agency; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; will appropriately provide local governments with information on the guidance and support given by the State to persons who have committed offenses and with other information that the local governments need in order to provide support, while giving full consideration to the appropriate handling of personal and other information. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
イ 犯罪をした者等の支援に関する知見等の提供・共有
B. Providing and sharing knowledge about supporting persons who have committed offenses
With the cooperation of the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Justice will provide and share knowledge about supporting persons who have committed offenses with local governments by sending personnel from organizations in the criminal justice system, such as correctional institutions and probation offices, as lecturers for local governments' on-the-job personnel training, in addition to providing the results of research and study on the guidance and support given to persons who have committed offenses. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
ウ 国・地方協働による施策の推進
C. Advancing coordinated initiatives by the State and local governments
The Ministry of Justice, with the cooperation of the National Police Agency; the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; will advance the implementation of coordinated initiatives to prevent recidivism by the State and local governments, in order to implement comprehensive and effective measures to prevent recidivism by organically coordinating the initiatives to prevent recidivism implemented by the State and local governments. [National Police Agency, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Justice; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
エ 国の施策に対する理解・協力の促進
D. Facilitating understanding of and cooperation with the initiatives of the State
The National Police Agency; the Ministry of Justice; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will inform local governments of the initiatives to prevent recidivism implemented by the State and approach the local governments to obtain the necessary cooperation, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, as needed, and approach the local governments to implement efforts similar to the initiatives to prevent recidivism implemented by the State, based on the situation of the local community. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
Section 8 Efforts to Develop the Personnel and Physical Systems of the Relevant Organizations; Related Efforts (Re: Articles 18 and 19 of the Prevention Act)
1. Developing the personnel and physical systems of the relevant organizations; related matters
(1) Current situation; challenges; related matters
For persons who have committed offenses to become able to smoothly reintegrate into society, not only are they being asked to become conscious of things such as their responsibility for their offenses and to work toward their own reintegration into society, there is also a call to secure and train personnel who are capable of providing appropriate guidance and support to persons who have committed offenses and improve their credentials so that persons who have committed offenses will not become isolated from society. In addition, correctional institutions and other facilities involved in preventing recidivism are important bases for implementing initiatives to prevent recidivism, and are called upon to advance the development of these efforts.
However, currently, organizations in the criminal justice system and health, medical, and welfare institutions are performing their services from within systems that cannot be called sufficient, and are facing difficulties in providing sufficient guidance and support to persons who have committed offenses and who are dealing with a variety of issues. For example, despite serving as evacuation points for local residents or otherwise playing a role in disaster-relief measures, many correctional institutions were constructed before the establishment of the current earthquake-proofing standards; and some of these institutions have either not been made barrier-free or have insufficient medical facilities, even as the number of elderly sentenced persons increases. There is thus an urgent need to develop the personnel and physical systems that are being tasked with initiatives to prevent recidivism.
(2) 具体的施策
(2) Specific initiatives
(i) Developing the personnel systems at the relevant organizations
The National Police Agency, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will steadily advance the development of the necessary personnel systems to enable the relevant organizations to appropriately and effectively implement the specific initiatives set forth in this plan. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
(ii) Enhancing on-the-job training for personnel at the relevant organizations; related matters
In light of the fact that initiatives to prevent recidivism not only facilitate the smooth reintegration of persons who have committed offenses into society but are also important as crime prevention measures and contribute to the creation of a society in which people can live safely and with peace of mind, the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will enhance the education and on-the-job training of not only personnel of organizations in the criminal justice system, but also of the personnel of the relevant organizations, such as police, public employment security offices, and welfare offices, and of school officials. [National Police Agency; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
(iii) Environmental streamlining of correctional institutions
In addition to undertaking earthquake-proofing measures for correctional institutions, the Ministry of Justice will steadily advance environmental streamlining to enhance the frameworks for medical treatment, to make correctional institutions barrier-free, and to enhance effective guidance and support tailored to the individual attributes of the persons in those facilities. [Ministry of Justice]