Guidelines Necessary to Contribute to the Appropriate and Effective Implementation of the Measures Taken by Digital Platform Providers under Article 3, Paragraph (3) of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms for Shopping

Guidelines Necessary to Contribute to the Appropriate and Effective Implementation of the Measures Taken by Digital Platform Providers under Article 3, Paragraph (3) of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms for Shopping
Guidelines Necessary to Contribute to the Appropriate and Effective Implementation of the Measures Taken by Digital Platform Providers under Article 3, Paragraph (3) of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms for Shopping (Cabinet Office Public Notice No. 66 of May 2, 2022)
第1 はじめに
I Introduction
1 本指針は、取引デジタルプラットフォームを利用する消費者の利益の保護に関する法律(令和3年法律第32号。以下「本法」という。)第3条第3項に基づき、同条第1項及び第2項に規定する取引デジタルプラットフォーム提供者が行う措置に関して、その適切かつ有効な実施を図るために必要な事項を定めたものである。
(1) As prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (3) of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms for Shopping (Act No. 32 of 2021; hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), these guidelines provide information necessary to ensure the appropriate and effective implementation of the measures to be taken by digital platform providers under paragraphs (1) and (2) of that Article.
2 本法第3条第1項及び第2項は、取引デジタルプラットフォームを利用して行われる通信販売に係る取引の適正化及び紛争の解決の促進に資するため、取引デジタルプラットフォーム提供者の努力義務として、一定の措置を講ずるよう努めなければならず、また、講じた措置の概要等を開示するものと規定している。
(2) Article 3, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act set forth for digital platform providers' obligation to make efforts, by which the digital platform providers must seek to take certain measures to contribute to the optimization of transactions and the promotion of dispute resolution in relation to mail-order sales using digital platforms for shopping, and are to disclose outlines of the measures that they have taken and other particulars.
3 本指針は、まず本法第3条第1項の講ずるよう努めなければならない措置について、各号ごとに「趣旨・目的・基本的な取組」を明らかにした上で「望ましい取組の例」を示すとともに、同条第2項の講じた措置の概要等の開示について基本的な考え方を示す形としている。
(3) These guidelines first clarify the "purport, purpose, and basic efforts" and then show "examples of desirable efforts" for each item with respect to the measures that a digital platform provider must seek to take under Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act, and present the basic concept for the disclosure of outlines of the measures that a digital platform provider has taken and other particulars under paragraph (2) of that Article.
4 本指針は、本法の施行状況及び取引デジタルプラットフォームを取り巻く環境の変化等を勘案し、機動的かつ柔軟に見直していくものとする。
(4) Taking into consideration the status of enforcement of the Act and changes in the circumstances surrounding digital platforms for shopping, these guidelines are to be reviewed in an agile and flexible manner.
第2 取引デジタルプラットフォーム提供者が行う本法第3条第1項の措置
II Measures taken by digital platform providers under Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act
The digital platform providers subject to the Act vary in size and type, and thus, with respect to the measures that they must seek to take under Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act, they are expected to take appropriate and effective measures according to the actual conditions of their business operations by voluntarily and continuously exercising their creativity and ingenuity.
From this perspective, these guidelines indicate the "purport, purpose, and basic efforts" and then give "examples of desirable efforts" for each item of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act. It is believed that digital platform providers can easily take a certain level of measures by referring to the "examples of desirable efforts," which showcase specific examples of so-called best practices given for their reference.
1 消費者が販売業者等と円滑に連絡することができるようにするための措置(本法第3条第1項第1号関係)
(1) Measures to allow consumers to smoothly contact sellers or equivalent persons (Re: Article 3, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act)
(1) 趣旨・目的・基本的な取組
1. Purport, purpose, and basic efforts
Problems with mail-order sales transactions have arisen not only in direct-sales sites, but also through the use of digital platforms for shopping, including problems where sellers or equivalent persons have made questionable representations about the sales conditions or other conditions for their mail-order sales or where consumers are unable to contact sellers or equivalent persons when they need to do so for dispute resolution. Since digital platforms for shopping, unlike direct-sales sites, feature contractual relationships that exist not only between consumers and sellers or equivalent persons, but also between digital platform providers and sellers or equivalent persons, for example, through the provision of a common system by digital platform providers to their sellers or equivalent persons, it is important for digital platform providers to create an environment that allows smooth communication between consumers and sellers or equivalent persons in an effort to prevent the aforementioned problems and to ensure security in mail-order sales transactions.
As such, digital platform providers are expected under this item to take measures to allow consumers to smoothly contact sellers or equivalent persons.
The measures can be assumed to include cases in which a digital platform provider may offer its own means of communication, or it causes sellers or equivalent persons to offer means of communication by obliging them to indicate their contact information under their terms of use or otherwise. In any case, as basic efforts:
• contact information and means of communication are indicated in a text size, manner, and location that can be easily recognized by consumers;
・sellers or equivalent persons are required to be able to be contacted by consumers during socially acceptable hours and for a reasonable period of time, as needed.
(2) 望ましい取組(ベストプラクティス)の例
2. Examples of desirable efforts (best practices)
イ 販売業者等の連絡先の表示の徹底
(a) Thorough representation of contact information by sellers or equivalent persons
① 特定商取引に関する法律(昭和51年法律第57号。以下「特定商取引法」という。)第11条の販売業者等の氏名・住所等の表示義務の遵守に資するため、取引デジタルプラットフォーム内に販売業者等向けの特定商取引法第11条の表示義務に関する専用ページを設ける。
(i) in order to contribute to compliance with the obligation to indicate the names, addresses, and others of sellers or equivalent persons under Article 11 of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions (Act No. 57 of 1976; hereinafter referred to as "the Specified Commercial Transactions Act"), digital platform providers are to establish a dedicated page for sellers or equivalent persons regarding the representation obligation under Article 11 of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act within their digital platforms for shopping.
② 販売業者等が、特定商取引法第11条の規定により取引デジタルプラットフォームの「場」に連絡先を掲載しない場合は、消費者からの請求があり次第、連絡先を記載した書面を遅滞なく交付し、又は連絡先を記録した電磁的記録を遅滞なく提供する旨の表示をするよう徹底する。
(ii) digital platform providers are to ensure that if a seller or equivalent person chooses not to indicate their contact information in its "place" on the digital platform for shopping pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act, the seller or equivalent person will indicate that they are to ensure that a document containing contact information is issued, or an electronic or magnetic record containing the contact information is provided, upon the request of a consumer without delay.
③ 販売業者等に対して、連絡先に加え、対応可能日時も記載するよう義務付ける。
(iii) digital platform providers are to oblige sellers or equivalent persons to indicate their available days and hours in addition to contact information.
ロ 専用のメッセージ機能の提供
(b) Provision of a dedicated messaging function
Digital platform providers are to provide a dedicated message function developed by the provider.
ハ 連絡手段が機能しているか否かの確認
(c) Confirming whether means of communication are working
① 販売業者等が表示する連絡先が連絡手段として現に機能していることを確認するため、取引デジタルプラットフォーム提供者が定期的なパトロールを実施する。
(i) to confirm that the contact information indicated by sellers or equivalent persons are actually working as means of communication, digital platform providers are to patrol them on a regular basis.
② 消費者からの情報受付窓口を設置して販売業者等への連絡の可否に関する情報を収集する。
(ii) digital platform providers are to establish a contact point for input from consumers to collect information on whether they can contact sellers or equivalent persons.
ニ 連絡手段が機能しない場合の取引デジタルプラットフォーム提供者の対応
(d) Digital platform providers' response in case in which there is a failure in the means of communication
① 消費者からの連絡に対して、正当な理由なく一定期間販売業者等から返信がない場合は取引デジタルプラットフォーム提供者が回答を促す。
(i) if a seller or equivalent person fails to reply to a consumer without a valid reason within a certain period of time, the digital platform provider is to prompt them to respond.
② 消費者から、販売業者等への連絡手段が機能しないとして取引デジタルプラットフォーム提供者に問合せがあった場合の内部的な標準処理期間を設ける。
(ii) digital platform providers are to set an internal standard period for handling inquiries from consumers who have found that the means to contact a seller or equivalent person is not working.
2 消費者から苦情の申出を受けた場合の販売条件等の表示の適正を確保するための措置(本法第3条第1項第2号関係)
(2) Measures to secure the appropriateness of representations of sales conditions, etc. in response to complaints filed by consumers (Re: Article 3, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act)
(1) 趣旨・目的・基本的な取組
1. Purport, purpose, and basic efforts
The primary responsibility for appropriately indicating sales conditions or other conditions on a digital platform for shopping lies with the seller or equivalent person that gives the representation, whereas the digital platform provider is expected to play a certain role in securing the appropriateness of the representation of conditions to sell products, rights, or services because consumers rely on the reputation of the digital platform provider in entering into transactions. However, it is difficult to expect digital platform providers to ensure the appropriate representation of sales conditions, etc. in every respect, and therefore, they are expected to set up a mechanism that allows consumers to easily file complaints, and to take measures found necessary to ensure the appropriateness of representations with basic effort, including conducting the investigation of the circumstances surrounding complaints that may be filed by consumers.
(2) 望ましい取組(ベストプラクティス)の例
2. Examples of desirable efforts (best practices)
As broad categories, three possible efforts under this item are chronologically listed in (a) through (c) below.
イ 消費者からの苦情の申出の受付
(a) Receipt of complaints filed by consumers
① 購入した商品等に関する苦情であれば注文(取引完了)確認画面又はメールに、購入前の商品等に関する苦情であれば商品ページごとに苦情申出のためのリンクを貼る等、消費者にとって分かりやすい場所、分かりやすい方法で受け付けられるようにする。
(i) digital platform providers are to provide a link for filing complaints about purchased products, rights, or services on the order confirmation (transaction completion) screen or e-mail and a link for filing complaints about them prior to purchase on the product page in order to ensure that consumers can file complaints in an easy-to-find place and in a manner that is easy-to-understand.
② 申出を受け付けた旨及び当該申出への対応について申出を行った消費者に対し回答する。
(ii) digital platform providers are to acknowledge the receipt of complaints and reply to consumers that make complaints with information about the action taken in response to their complaints.
③ 苦情の申出の受付を購入後に限定せず、疑義情報の通報という形式等により購入前の苦情の申出も受け付ける。
(iii) digital platform providers are to accept not only complaints after purchase, but also the complaints prior to purchase, for example, by allowing consumers to report questionable information.
ロ 関係者への照会等
(b) Inquiries to concerned parties
① 特に商品の安全性や知的財産権の侵害等のリスクが高い商品等について、製造業者、ブランドオーナー、権利者等にスムーズに照会できる仕組みを整える。
(i) digital platform providers are to create a mechanism by which they can smoothly contact manufacturers, brand owners, rights holders, etc. for inquiries about high-risk products, rights, or services in terms of product safety, infringement of intellectual property rights, etc.
② 商品の販売等に関し監督官庁がある場合に、当該監督官庁との連絡担当者の配置やホットラインの設置等により、円滑な連絡体制を構築する。
(ii) if there is a supervisory agency concerning the sale of products or other actions, digital platform providers are to establish a system for smooth communication, for example, by appointing a liaison with the relevant supervisory agency and setting up a hotline.
ハ 不適正な表示が行われた場合の対応
(c) Response to inappropriate representations
① 利用規約に基づき状況に応じた比例的な制裁を行う。
(i) digital platform providers are to impose proportional penalties based on circumstances in accordance with the terms of use.
② 違反の状況等の記録を蓄積し、利用規約の改定等の予防措置の改善に活用する。
(ii) digital platform providers are to keep records of violations and other relevant circumstances and utilize them for improvement of preventive measures such as revision of the terms of use.
In addition to those listed above, the following efforts may be made as a preliminary step to avoid circumstances that may cause consumers to file complaints.
ニ 販売条件等の表示に関するルールの設定
(d) Establishment of rules on the representation of sales conditions, etc.
① 利用規約において販売禁止対象商品・禁止行為を定めている。
(i) the terms of use stipulate prohibited products and prohibited activities.
Digital platform providers, in accordance with their policies, are to prohibit the listing of products and other actions that violate public policy or may cause trouble in addition to those constituting legal violations.
② 販売禁止対象商品・禁止行為のリストは、可能な限り具体的なものとする(例えば、「法令に違反するもの」といったレベルではなく「○○法の規格基準に適合していないもの」「○○に関し効果・効能をうたうもの」等)。
(ii) creating a list of prohibited products and prohibited activities should be as specific as possible (e.g., "those that do not conform with standards under the XX Act" or "those claiming effects or efficacy on YY" instead of a vague description such as "products that violate laws and regulations").
③ 消費者が「何が販売禁止対象商品・禁止行為であるのか」を把握できるよう、専用ページ等により周知する。
(iii) digital platform providers are to utilize a dedicated page or other item for disseminating information to ensure that consumers understand "which products are prohibited and which activities are prohibited."
④ 特に消費者の生命・身体に危険が及ぶような商品・役務について、必要に応じ、
(iv) digital platform providers are to introduce a system to prevent improper representations of sales conditions or other conditions in advance as necessary, by:
• conducting a preliminary screening;
・ requiring that product descriptions include cautionary information on handling, and removing or otherwise deleting products without that information;
in particular, for any products or services that may threaten the lives or health of consumers.
⑤ リコール対象製品等の危害を及ぼすおそれのある商品等を購入した消費者向けに、メールやアプリでの通知等により注意喚起等の情報提供を行う。
(v) digital platform providers are to send reminders or otherwise provide information by e-mail, mobile apps, etc. to consumers who purchased recalled products or any other products, rights, or services that may be hazardous.
3 販売業者等の特定に資する情報の提供を求める措置(本法第3条第1項第3号関係)
(3) Measures to request that sellers or equivalent persons provide information helpful for identifying them (Re: Article 3, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act)
(1) 趣旨・目的・基本的な取組
1. Purport, purpose, and basic efforts
In some cases, due to false names and addresses indicated by sellers or equivalent persons, consumers have suffered damage in mail order sales transactions not only on direct-sales sites, but also through the use of digital platforms for shopping.
In order to prevent this type of damage from occurring and to ensure security in transactions on digital platforms for shopping, it is important for digital platform providers to ensure that the information they hold that identifies sellers or equivalent persons is true and correct since, unlike direct-sales sites, digital platforms for shopping have a feature that allow digital platform providers to confirm information about sellers or equivalent persons before consumers enter into transactions with them. In light of these circumstances, in this item, digital platform providers are expected to request that the sellers or equivalent persons provide documentation supporting their identity information that they have registered with the digital platform providers, and take any other measures to request that sellers or equivalent persons provide information that is helpful for identifying them as needed.
As basic efforts for the measures, if a digital platform provider finds any potentially problematic cases related to the representation of a seller or equivalent person in implementing the measures set forth in Article 3, paragraph (1), items (i) and (ii) of the Act, in handling a request for disclosure under Article 5, or in any other similar situation, the provider is expected to request that the seller or equivalent person provide information helpful for identifying them.
In addition, a digital platform provider is expected to take some actions including:
• requesting that a seller or equivalent person provide information that contributes in identifying them when they register an account;
• if any suspicious case is found in daily monitoring activities, requesting the seller or equivalent person to provide supporting materials;
in order to smoothly make requests in the above cases.
"Information helpful for identifying the seller or equivalent person" means information in any form that may lead to the identification of the seller or equivalent person.
2. Examples of desirable efforts (best practices)
イ アカウント登録に当たり、法人であれば当該法人自らの法人番号又は登記事項証明書等、個人事業主であれば当該個人自らの住民票や事業証明書等の情報及び公的書類の提出を受ける。また、アカウント登録情報の変更時においても、変更しようとする情報を裏付ける資料の提出を受ける。
(a) A digital platform provider is to have a corporation submit information and official documents such as its corporate number or the certificate of registered information of the corporation; and have a sole proprietor submit information and official documents such as the resident record or certificate of business of the individual, when they register an account. When they make any changes to a registered account information, the digital platform provider is to also have them submit documentation supporting the information subject to the change.
ロ 販売業者等の氏名又は名称が、登録された銀行口座の名義と一致しているか確認する。
(b) A digital platform provider is to verify that the name of the seller or equivalent person is identical to the name of the registered bank account.
ハ 商品の販売等に許認可等が必要である場合には、許認可等を受けた旨の証明書の提出を受ける。
(c) If a license, permit, etc. is required for the sale of the products or other actions, a digital platform provider is to have a certificate of that license or permit submitted to them.
ニ 取引の過程において登録情報と異なる情報に接したときは、個別に事実確認を行い、正しい情報の記載を求める。
(d) If a digital platform provider finds any information that is different from the registered information in the course of a transaction, the provider is to separately confirm the facts and request that the seller or equivalent person provide the correct information.
第3 取引デジタルプラットフォーム提供者が行う本法第3条第2項の開示についての基本的な考え方
III Basic concept of the disclosure by digital platform providers under Article 3, paragraph (2) of the Act
Article 3, paragraph (2) of the Act provides that digital platform providers are to disclose the particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order to consumers who use digital platforms for shopping, including outlines of the measures taken by the provider under paragraph (1) of that Article and the implementation status of the measures, and the basic approach towards disclosure is as follows.
Taking into consideration changes in the circumstances surrounding a digital platform for shopping, the digital platform provider is expected to review the content disclosed as needed, and if something should be changed, make the disclosure after the change is made.
1 開示の内容
(1) Disclosed content
(1) 消費者が販売業者等と円滑に連絡が取れるようにするための措置については、どのような連絡手段を設けているのか、連絡手段が機能しているかどのように確認しているのか、連絡手段が機能しない場合にどのように対応しているのかなどについて開示することが考えられる。
1. Regarding the measures to enable smooth communication between consumers and sellers or equivalent persons, digital platform providers may disclose what means of communication is offered, how the provider confirms that the means of communication is working, how the provider deals with situations when the means of communication is not working, etc.
(2) 消費者から苦情の申出を受けた場合の販売条件等の表示の適正を確保するための措置については、消費者からの苦情申出の方法、不適正な表示に対する対応を行っている旨及びその概要などを開示することが考えられる。
2. Regarding the measures to ensure the appropriateness of the representation of sales conditions or other conditions in response to a complaint filed by a consumer, a digital platform provider may disclose a statement of the method consumers can use to file complaints, the fact that action is being taken against inappropriate representations, and an outline of that action, etc.
(3) 販売業者等の特定に資する情報の提供を求める措置については、販売業者等を特定する情報の真正性を確保するために行っている取組の内容を開示することが考えられる。
3. Regarding the measures to be taken to request that a seller or equivalent person provide information helpful for identifying them, a digital platform provider may disclose the details of the efforts being made to ensure that the information to identify the seller or equivalent person is true and correct.
2 開示の場所
(2) Place of disclosure
Regarding the location of disclosure in 1 above, from the perspective of helping consumers to reasonably select a digital platform for shopping, it is conceivable to disclose it on a page titled "Usage Guide" or "Help" on each digital platform for shopping; additionally, from the viewpoint of making it easier for consumers to make choices, it is also conceivable to display the measures of each digital platform provider in a way that makes it easier to compare them on the websites of a trade organization or other resources. (Note)
(Note) In such a case, it may be desirable to take certain measures such as disclosing a link to a website where the details of the efforts are posted on the digital platform provider's website, mobile app, etc. from the perspective of contributing to consumers' reasonable selection.
IV Others (relationship with other Acts)
If any efforts under other Acts are equivalent to the measures required by the items of Article 3, paragraphs (1) and (2), making those efforts will be deemed to be compliant with the obligation to make efforts under the items of paragraphs (1) and (2) of that Article.
A housing accommodation intermediary under the Housing Accommodation Act (Act No. 65 of 2017) that complies with that Act and the general conditions of standard housing accommodation intermediary business (Article 55, paragraph (3) of that Act), in principle, is considered to be compliant with the obligation to make efforts under the items of paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act.