Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Decontamination Works

Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works
Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works
(Enactment: Labour Standards Bureau Notification No. 1222-6, 22 December 2011)
第1 趣旨
Section 1 Objectives
The "Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards at Works to Decontaminate Soil and Wastes Contaminated by Radioactive Materials Resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Related Works" (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ordinance No. 152 of 2011, hereinafter referred to as the "Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination") was promulgated on 22 December 2011, and came into effect on 1 January 2012 for the prevention of radioactive hazards for workers engaging in works of decontamination of soil, etc. or work for collecting wastes that are contaminated with radioactive materials discharged by the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant associated with the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011. These guidelines were established together with the promulgation of the Ordinance.
Associated with the changes to the demarcation of evacuation areas, restoration of local infrastructures, manufacturing, hospital and welfare facility operations, farming and forestry work, intermediate processing of waste, repairs and maintenance work, transportation work and other works are expected to be commenced at special decontamination areas specified pursuant to Article 25, paragraph(1) in the "Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Environmental Pollution by Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Nuclear Power Station Accident Associated with the Tohoku District - Off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake That Occurred on 11 March 2011" (Act No. 110 of 2011, hereinafter referred to as "Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Radioactive Pollution"), or at the intensive contamination survey areas specified pursuant to the provisions of Article 32,paragraph(1) in the Act (hereinafter referred to as "Special Decontamination Areas"). Therefore it has become necessary to implement measures for protecting workers in these activities from radiation hazards.
Concerning the above, employers for whom the old version of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination is applicable were defined as "Employers who provide works of decontamination of soil, etc. or work for collecting wastes" at the Special Decontamination Areas, but to employers engaged in restoration, and reconstruction works other than the decontamination work, the Ordinance was not applicable. Therefore, the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination was partially revised to include provisions-defining measures to appropriately protect workers from health hazards due to radiation, according to the types of restoration and reconstruction work. The revised ordinance will become into effect on 1 July 2012, and accordingly these guidelines are revised.
Together with the revised Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination, in a proper effort to help further promote the measures for the prevention of radiation hazards during the decontamination works, these guidelines aim at collectively providing the essence of the actions that employers should take and the provisions specified in the Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57, 1972) and other relevant laws and regulations, beyond the provisions specified in the revised Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination.
The intention of these guidelines is to protect workers from radiation hazards. However, it also has the purpose of being used for individual proprietors, self-employed workers and volunteers.
The employers should make efforts to implement the matters described in these guidelines appropriately and take measures to prevent the radiation hazards corresponding to actual situations in their workplaces.
第2 適用等
Section 2 Scope
1 このガイドラインは、次に掲げる事項に留意の上、汚染対処特措法第25条第1項に規定する除染特別地域又は同法第32条第1項に規定する汚染状況重点調査地域(以下「除染特別地域等」という。環境省により指定された除染特別地域等については別紙1参照。)内における除染等業務を行う事業の事業者(以下「除染等事業者」という。)に適用すること。
1 These guidelines should be applied, by considering the following matters, to employers who operate decontamination works (hereinafter referred to as "Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works, ") in the Special Decontamination Areas under the provisions of Article 25, paragraph(1) in the Act on Special Measures for Decontamination, or in the intensive contamination survey areas under the provisions of Article 32, paragraph(1)of the said Act (hereinafter referred as "the Decontamination Designated Areas, etc."). (See Attachment 1 for Special Decontamination Areas specified by the Ministry of the Environment.)
(1) 「除染等業務」とは、土壌等の除染等の業務、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務又は廃棄物収集等業務をいうこと。
(1) "Decontamination and Related Work" refers to the work of decontamination of soil, etc works for handling of designated contaminated soil and waste. and work for collecting wastes.
However in the case works other than Decontamination and Related Work in the Special Decontamination Areas under the provisions in the Act on Special Measures for Decontamination where the average ambient dose rate exceeds 2.5μSv/h (hereinafter referred to as “ Works under a Designated Dose Rate”) are carried out, relevant provisions in the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination and “Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Works under a Designated Dose Rate” (Labour Standards Bureau Notification No. 0615-6 of 15 June 2012) should be applied.
(2) 「土壌等の除染等の業務」とは、原発事故により放出された放射性物質(電離放射線障害防止規則(昭和47年労働省令第41号。以下「電離則」という。)第2条第2項の放射性物質に限る。以下「事故由来放射性物質」という。)により汚染された土壌、草木、工作物等について講ずる当該汚染に係る土壌、落葉及び落枝、水路等に堆積した汚泥等(以下「汚染土壌等」という。)の除去、当該汚染の拡散の防止その他の措置を講ずる業務をいうこと。
(2) The "Work of Decontamination of Soil, etc." refers to the works to remove soil, grass and trees, soil generated in association with the decontamination of structures, etc., fallen leaves and branches and sludge, etc. deposited in dikes, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Contaminated Soil and Waste)" contaminated with the radioactive materials released from the accident of the nuclear power plant (hereinafter referred to as the "Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident" as defined under provisions of Article 2, paragraph(2) in the Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards (Ministry of Labour Ordinance No. 41 of 1972; hereinafter referred to as the "Ionizing Radiation Ordinance") and to prevent the contamination from spreading, and to take other measures.
(3) 「除去土壌」とは、土壌等の除染等の措置又は特定汚染土壌等取扱業務により生じた土壌(当該土壌に含まれる事故由来放射性物質のうちセシウム134及びセシウム137の放射能濃度の値が1万Bq/kgを超えるものに限る。)をいうこと。なお、埋め戻す掘削土壌等、作業場所から持ち出さない土壌は「除去土壌」には含まれないこと。
(3) "Removed soil" refers to the soil generated by the decontamination of soil, etc., or Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste (limited to the soil which contains radioactivity concentration of Cs-134 and Cs-137, among Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident, exceeding 10,000Bq/kg). However the soil which is not taken from its original place but backfilled by digging, etc., is not defined as "Removed Soil".
(4) 「廃棄物収集等業務」とは、除去土壌又は事故由来放射性物質により汚染された廃棄物(当該廃棄物に含まれる事故由来放射性物質のうちセシウム134及びセシウム137の放射能濃度の値が1万Bq/kgを超えるものに限る。以下「汚染廃棄物」という。)の収集、運搬又は保管に係る業務をいうこと。なお、除染特別地域等における上下水道施設、焼却施設、中間処理施設、埋め立て処分場における業務等、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物等の処分の業務については、管理された線源である上下水汚泥や焼却灰等からの被ばくが大きいと見込まれるため、これら業務に対しては除染電離則及び本ガイドラインを適用せず、電離則を適用すること。
(4) The "Work for Collecting Wastes" refers to the works to collect, transport or store Removed Soil or waste contaminated with the Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident (limited to waste which contains radioactivity concentration of Cs-134 and Cs-137, among Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident, exceeding 10,000Bq/kg; hereinafter referred to as "Contaminated Wastes"). It should be noted that, for the disposal works of Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes such as works at water and sewage facilities, incineration facilities, intermediate treatment facilities and landfill facilities, etc. in the Special Decontamination Areas, , significant radiation exposure from the administrated radiation source such as sludge from sewage or incineration ash, etc. is expected, and therefore the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance should be applied to those works instead of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination or these guidelines.
(5) 「特定汚染土壌等取扱業務」とは、汚染土壌等であって、当該土壌に含まれる事故由来放射性物質のうちセシウム134及びセシウム137の放射能濃度の値が1万Bq/kgを超えるもの(以下「特定汚染土壌等」という。)を取り扱う業務(土壌等の除染等の業務及び廃棄物収集等業務を除く。)をいうこと。
(5) The "Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste" refers to the works to handle Contaminated Soil and Waste whose radioactivity concentration of Cs-134 and Cs-137, among Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident, exceeds 10,000Bq/kg (hereinafter referred to as the "Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste") (excludes the works of decontamination of soil, etc. and Work for Collecting Wastes).
In addition, the "Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste" includes construction works for restoring local infrastructures (construction preparation, excavation and transportation, banking and compaction, leveling and shaping of land and slope protection), and relevant works such as foundation work, temporary construction, road construction, water supply and sewage construction, service water and drainage construction, and earth work associated with farmland maintenance work, works involving soil such as turning and plowing the soil, weeding, digging the soil, etc. for commercial farming and forestry, etc., and works handling soil, etc. associated with fertilization (mixing into the soil), rice planting, seedling, raising and harvesting, etc. of root crops in the Special Decontamination Areas; provided,, however, that this does not apply to such works mentioned above that could be finished in a short time as temporary work(6) 除染電離則の施行時点で電離則第3条第1項の管理区域(東京電力福島第一原子力発電所に属する原子炉施設及び蒸気タービンの付属施設又はその周辺で0.1mSv/hを超えるおそれのある場所(以下「特定施設等」という。)に限る。)において電離則を適用して行われている除染等業務に該当する業務については、除染電離則及び本ガイドラインを適用せず、引き続き電離則を適用すること。この場合、特定施設等において非密封の放射性物質を取り扱う業務は、第5の3に定める汚染検査の対象となること。
(6) For Decontamination and Related Work conducted under the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance in the radiation control area (solely limited to the nuclear reactor facilities and facilities belonging to the steam turbine or those surrounding areas where dose rate might exceed 0.1mSv/h (hereinafter referred to as the "Designated Facility, etc.") of TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant) under the provisions of Article 3,paragraph(1) in the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance at the time of enforcement of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination, the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance should be applied in succession instead of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination or these guidelines. The work handling unsealed radioactive materials in the Designated Facilities, etc. is subject to the contamination screening described in Section 5-3 in these guidelines.
(7) 除染等業務は、年少者労働基準規則(昭和29年労働省令第13号)第8条35号に定める業務に該当するため、満18歳に満たない者を就業させてはならないこと。
(7) Since Decontamination and Related Work fall under Article 8, item 35 in the Ordinance on Child Labour Standard (Ministry of Labour Ordinance No. 13 of 1954), employers should not engage persons who are under 18 years old in such decontamination works.
2 除染等事業者以外の事業者で自らの敷地や施設等において除染等の作業を行う事業者は、第3の被ばく線量管理、第5の汚染拡大防止、内部被ばく防止のための措置、第6の労働者教育等のうち、必要な事項を実施すること。除染等の作業を行う自営業者、住民、ボランティアについても同様とすることが望ましいこと。
2 Employers other than "Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works" who carry out decontamination works, etc. in their own site or facilities, etc. should follow applicable matters from among the Exposure Dose Control in Section 3, Preventions for Spread of Contamination and Internal Exposure in Section 5, and Education for Workers in Section 6, as needed. It is also recommended that self-employed workers, residents and volunteers who perform decontamination works follow the matters.
第3 被ばく線量管理の対象及び被ばく線量管理の方法
Section 3 Targets and Methods for Radiation Exposure Dose Control
1 基本原則
1 General Principles
(1) 除染等事業者は、労働者が電離放射線を受けることをできるだけ少なくするように努めること。
(1) Employers whose Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should make efforts to minimize exposure to ionizing radiation for the workers to the fullest extent possible.
(2) 特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を実施する際には、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に従事する労働者(以下「特定汚染土壌等取扱業務従事者」という。)の被ばく低減を優先し、あらかじめ、作業場所における除染等の措置が実施されるように努めること。
(2) When Employers whose Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works implement Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soils and Waste, they should prioritize minimizing the radiation to which the workers engaged in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste (hereinafter referred to as the "Workers Engaged in Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste")are subject, and they also should make efforts to take measures such as decontamination of workplaces in advance.
ア (1)は、国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)の最適化の原則に基づき、事業者は、作業を実施する際、被ばくを合理的に達成できる限り低く保つべきであることを述べたものであること。
a Principle (1) above states that employers should keep radiation exposure of their workers as low as reasonably achievable based on the principles of optimization by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) when they perform their work.
イ (2)については、ICRPで定める正当化の原則(以下「正当化原則」という。)から、一定以上の被ばくが見込まれる作業については、被ばくによるデメリットを上回る公益性や必要性が求められることに基づき、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務従事者の被ばく低減を優先して、作業を実施する前にあらかじめ、除染等の措置を実施するよう努力する必要があること。
b Principle (2) above states that, when work is expected to have a certain level of radiation exposure, it is necessary to prioritize in minimizing such a dose to which the Workers Engaged in Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste are subject, and make efforts to implement decontamination measures, prior to starting the work, based on the ICRP principle of justification (hereinafter referred to as "the Principle of Justification"). This is because the public interest and the necessity of the work should outweigh its demerits;
ウ ただし、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務のうち、除染等の措置を実施するために最低限必要な水道や道路の復旧等については、除染や復旧を進めるために必要不可欠という高い公益性及び必要性に鑑み、あらかじめ除染等の措置を実施できない場合があること。また、覆土、舗装、農地における反転耕等、除染等の措置と同等以上の放射線量の低減効果が見込まれる作業については、除染等の措置を同時に実施しているとみなしても差し支えないこと。
c provided, however, that among Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, in view of the high public interest and necessity that make it indispensable to have the minimum requirements for implementing measures of decontamination, etc., such as restoration of roads and the water supply, in order to move forward with decontamination and restoration, it may not be possible to implement measures of decontamination, etc. in advance.
Beyond works such as soil covering, paving roads, turning and plowing of farmland, etc. are expected to have equal to or greater effects than the measures of decontamination, etc. for reducing radiation dose, and therefore such works may be regarded as being implemented concurrently with decontamination.
エ 正当化原則に照らし、営農等の事業を行う事業者は、労働時間が長いことに伴って被ばく線量が高くなる傾向があること、必ずしも緊急性が高いとはいえないことも踏まえ、あらかじめ、作業場所周辺の除染等の措置を実施し、可能な限り線量低減を図った上で、原則として、被ばく線量管理を行う必要がない空間線量率(2.5μSv/h以下)のもとで作業に就かせることが求められること。
d In light of the Principle of Justification, farming employers, etc. are required to decontaminate working areas in advance to reduce radiation exposure to the lowest level possible, and in principle, assign the workers in the area where the ambient dose rate is less than 2.5μSv/h, so that there is no need to control exposure dose, since the workers in these types of businesses tend to have higher exposure dose associated with long hours of work and the work is considered not necessarily urgently needed.
2 線量の測定
2 Measurement of radiation exposure doses
(1) 除染等事業者は、除染特別地域等において除染等業務に従事する労働者(有期契約労働者及び派遣労働者を含む。除染等業務のうち労働者派遣が禁止される業務については、別紙2参照。以下「除染等業務従事者」という。)に対して、以下のア及びイの場合ごとに、それぞれ定められた方法で除染等業務に係る作業(以下「除染等作業」という。)による被ばく実効線量を測定すること。
(1) Employers whose workers engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should conduct effective exposure dose measuring during Decontamination and Related Works in each case described in the following (a) and (b) by the pre-defined methods of measuring the equivalent exposure doses for workers (including fixed-term contract workers and temporary workers, hereinafter referred to as "Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works") who are engaged in Decontamination and Related Work in the Special Decontamination Areas (The works among Decontamination and Related Works which temporary workers are not allowed to engage in are listed in Attachment 2.).
ア 作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/h(週40時間、52週換算で、5mSv/年相当)を超える場所において除染等作業を行わせる場合
a In the case that workers are engaged in Decontamination and Related Duties at the workplace with an average ambient dose rate exceeding 2.5μSv/h (equivalent to 5mSv/y calculated on the basis of 40 hours/week and 52 weeks/y).
・ 外部被ばく線量:個人線量計による測定
(i) External exposure dose: measurement made by personal dosimeters・ 内部被ばく線量測定:作業内容及び取り扱う汚染土壌等の放射性物質の濃度等に応じた測定
(ii) Measurement for internal exposure dose: measurements should be made according to the specific works and concentration of radioactive materials in the Contaminated Soil and Waste to handle.
イ 作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/h以下の場所において除染等作業(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に係る作業については、生活基盤の復旧作業等、事業の性質上、作業場所が限定することが困難であり、2.5μSv/hを超える場所において労働者を作業に従事させることが見込まれる作業に限る。)を行わせる場合
b In the case that workers are engaged in Decontamination and Related Duties at the workplace with the average ambient dose rate of 2.5μSv/h or less (limited to the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste are limited to those for which it is difficult to limit the area of the workplace due to its nature including such works like restoring local infrastructures, and the works for which workers are expected to be engaged in at the workplace with an average ambient dose rate greater than 2.5μSv/h).
・ 個人線量計による外部被ばく線量測定によるほか、空間線量からの評価、除染等作業により受ける外部被ばくの線量が平均的な数値であると見込まれる代表者による測定のいずれかとすること
(i) Either should be accepted: measurement of external exposure doses by personal dosimeters, evaluation based on the ambient dose rate or the external exposure dose measurement by a representative person whose external exposure dose by the Decontamination and Related Duties can be considered as average.
(2) 除染等事業者以外の事業者は、自らの敷地や施設などに対して土壌の除染等の業務を行う場合、作業による実効線量が1mSv/年を超えることのないよう、作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/h以下の場所であって、かつ、年間数十回(日)の範囲内で除染等の作業を行わせること。土壌の除染等の業務を行う自営業者、住民、ボランティアについても、次の事項に留意の上、同様とすること。
(2) In the case that employers other than “Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works” who conduct works of decontamination of soil, etc. of their own premises or facilities, etc., they should make sure that effective dose due to the work should not exceed 1mSv/y, by assigning their workers to conduct decontamination, etc. in workplaces with the average ambient dose rate of 2.5μSv/h or less as well as frequency of work being within dozens of times (days) per year. Self-employed workers, residents and volunteers who conduct works of decontamination of soil, etc., should also do likewise, by taking note of the following matters.
ア 住民、自営業者については、自らの住居、事業所、農地等の土壌の除染等の業務を実施するために必要がある場合は、2.5μSv/hを超える地域で、コミュニティ単位による除染等の作業を実施することが想定される。この場合、作業による実効線量が1mSv/年を超えることのないよう、作業頻度は年間数十回(日)よりも少なくすること。
a The residents and self-employed workers are expected to conduct works of decontamination of soil, etc. as a community unit when they need to decontaminate soil of their own residences, offices, farmland and so forth in the area where the average ambient dose rate might exceed 2.5μSv/h. In such cases, frequency of the work should be less than dozens of times (days) per year, to prevent them from receiving effective doses higher than 1mSv/y through the work.
イ 除染特別地域等の外からボランティアを募集する場合、ボランティア組織者は、ICRPによる計画被ばく状況において放射線源が一般公衆に与える被ばくの限度が1mSv/年であることに留意すること。
b In the case of recruiting volunteers from outside of the Special Decontamination Areas, the volunteer organizers should note that the exposure dose limit to the public from the radiation source is specified as 1mSv/y under the planned exposure situation defined by the ICRP.
(3) 特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を行う自営業者、個人事業者については、被ばく線量管理等を実施することが困難であることから、あらかじめ除染等の措置を適切に実施する等により、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に該当する作業に就かないことが望ましいこと。
(3) Since it is difficult for self-employed and individual proprietors to manage their exposure doses, etc. by themselves, it is desirable not to conduct Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste by taking appropriate measures in advance such as decontamination of workplaces.
ア やむを得ず、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を行う個人事業主、自営業者については、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を行う事業者とみなして、このガイドラインを適用すること。
a In the case that individual proprietors and self-employed workers need to do Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, they should be regarded as employers whose workers engaged in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, thus these guidelines should be applied to them.
イ ボランティアについては、作業による実効線量が1mSv/年を超えることのないよう、作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/h(週40時間、52週換算で、5mSv/年相当)以下の場所であって、かつ、年間数十回(日)の範囲内で作業を行わせること。
b For volunteers, it is necessary to make sure that the average ambient dose rate at the workplaces does not exceed 2.5μSv/h (equivalent to 5mSv/y calculated on the basis of 40 hours/week and 52 weeks/y) and frequency of work should be less than dozens of times (days) per year so that they do not get an effective exposure dose greater than 1mSv/y.
(4) (1)のアの内部被ばく測定については、除染等業務で取り扱う汚染土壌等の事故由来放射性物質の濃度及び作業中の粉じんの濃度に応じ、下表に定める方法で実施すること。なお、高濃度汚染土壌等を扱わず、かつ、高濃度粉じん作業でない場合は、スクリーニング検査は、突発的に高い粉じんにばく露された場合に実施すれば足りること。
(4) For the measuring of internal exposure doses stated in (1)-(a) above, it should be carried out by the methods given in the table below according to the concentration of Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident in Contaminated Soil and Waste to handle and to dust concentration during Decontamination and Related Work. In the case that no highly radioactive contaminated soil and wastes is handled and dust concentration is not high, it is enough to conduct screening tests only when incidentally exposed to a high concentration of dust.
Concentration of radioactive materials in contaminated soil, etc. exceeding 500,000 Bq/kg
Other than highly radioactive contaminated soil and wastes
(highly radioactive contaminated soil and wastes)
粉じんの濃度が10 mg/m3を超える作業
Work under dust concentration greater than 10 mg/m3
Measurement of internal exposure dose once every three months
Screening test
(work under high dust concentration)
Work other than under high dust concentration
Screening test
Screening test
(only when incidentally exposed to high concentration of dust)
(5) 高濃度粉じん作業に該当するかどうかの判断については、以下の事項に留意すること。
(5) To determine whether the work falls under high dust concentration or not, the following matters should be referred to:
ア 土壌等のはぎ取り、アスファルト・コンクリートの表面研削・はつり、除草作業、除去土壌等のかき集め・袋詰め、建築・工作物の解体等を乾燥した状態で行う場合は、10mg/m3を超えるとみなして2(4)、第5の5に定める措置を講ずること。
a Such works like stripping of soil, etc., surface grinding or chipping of asphalt or concrete, weeding, collection and packing of Removed Soil, etc., dismantling of buildings or structures, etc. in a dry condition are considered as works under dust concentration greater than 10 mg/m3, and measures should be taken as defined in 2-(4) above and Section 5- 5.
イ アにかかわらず、作業中に粉じん濃度の測定を行った場合は、その測定結果によって高濃度粉じん作業に該当するかどうか判断すること。測定による判断方法については、別紙3によること。
b When dust concentration is measured during the work regardless of the definition in (a) above, it should be judged whether or not the work falls under high dust concentration according to the measurement results. Refer to Attachment 3 for judgment by the measurement results.
(6) 内部被ばく測定は、「東日本大震災により生じた放射性物質により汚染された土壌等を除染するための業務等に係る電離放射線障害防止規則第二条第七項等の規定に基づく厚生労働大臣が定める方法、基準及び区分」(平成23年厚生労働省告示第468号)第3条、第4条に定めるところ、スクリーニング検査の方法は、別紙4によること。
(6) Measurement of internal exposure doses should be conducted by the method specified in Articles 3 and 4 of the "Methods, standards and classification defined by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as specified pursuant to Article 2 , paragraph (7), etc. of the Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards at Works to Decontaminate Soil and Wastes Contaminated by Radioactive Materials Resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Related Works" (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Notification No.468 of 2011), and the screening test method should follow the method shown in Attachment 4.
3 被ばく線量限度
3 Exposure dose limit
(1) 除染等事業者は、2の(1)のア及びイの場合ごとに、それぞれ定められた方法で測定された除染等業務従事者の受ける実効線量の合計が、次に掲げる限度を超えないようにすること。
(1) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should measure the effective dose by the methods defined in 2-(1)- a and (1)-b above respectively, and ensure that the individual total effective dose to which Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works are subject during engaging in Decontamination and Related Work does not exceed the following limits:
ア 男性又は妊娠する可能性がないと診断された女性:5年間につき実効線量100mSv、かつ、1年間につき実効線量50mSv
a For male workers and female workers diagnosed as being unable to conceive: Effective doses as 100mSv per five years and 50mSv per one year.
イ 女性(妊娠する可能性がないと診断されたものおよびウのものを除く。):3月間につき実効線量5mSv
b For female workers (except those diagnosed as being unable to conceive, or those who fall into category c below): Effective doses as 5mSv per three months.
ウ 妊娠と診断された女性:妊娠と診断されたときから出産までの間(以下「妊娠中」という。)につき内部被ばくによる実効線量が1mSv、腹部表面に受ける等価線量が2mSv
c For pregnant female workers: Effective doses by internal exposure as 1mSv and equivalent doses as 2mSv on the abdominal surface for the period from when confirmed as pregnant to the delivery (hereinafter referred to as "During Pregnancy).
(2) 除染等事業者は、電離則第3条で定める管理区域内において放射線業務に従事した労働者又は特定線量下業務に従事した労働者を除染等業務に就かせるときは、当該労働者が放射線業務又は特定線量下業務で受けた実効線量と2の(1)により測定された実効線量の合計が(1)の限度を超えないようにすること。
(2) When Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works assign their workers to Decontamination and Related Work who have engaged in radiation works in the radiation control area defined in Article 3 of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance or who engaged in the Works under a Designated Dose Rate, it is necessary to ensure that the sum of effective dose for individual workers during radiation works or Works under a Designated Dose Rate and the effective dose measured according to 2-(1) above should not exceed the limits specified in (1) above.
(3) (1)のアの「5年間」については、異なる複数の事業場において除染等業務に従事する労働者の被ばく線量管理を適切に行うため、全ての除染等業務を事業として行う事業場において統一的に平成24年1月1日を始期とし、「平成24年1月1日から平成28年12月31日まで」とすること。平成24年1月1日から平成28年12月31日までの間に新たに除染等業務を事業として実施する事業者についても同様とし、この場合、事業を開始した日から平成28年12月31日までの残り年数に20mSvを乗じた値を、平成28年12月31日までの被ばく線量限度とみなして関係規定を適用すること。
(3) Regarding the term "five years" in (1)-a above, in order to control the exposure doses appropriately for the workers at multiple workplaces with Decontamination and Related Work, the initial date of the five-year period should be established on 1 January 2012 and the exposure dose should be controlled during the period "from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016" uniformly for all relevant workplaces which conduct Decontamination and Related Work. This rule applies to the employers of Decontamination and Related Work who start the business between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2016. In this case, the number of years from when the business commenced till 31 December 2016, multiplied by 20mSv is deemed as the exposure dose limit by 31 December 2016, and relevant regulations should apply accordingly.
(4) (1)のアの「1年間」については、「5年間」の始期の日を始期とする1年間であり、「平成24年1月1日から平成24年12月31日まで」とすること。ただし、平成23年3月11日以降に受けた線量は、平成24年1月1日に受けた線量とみなして合算すること。
(4) Regarding the term "one year" in (1)-a above, the initial date should be established on 1 January 2012 the same as the "five years", therefore the first monitoring duration should be "from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012"; provided, however, that exposure doses to which a person is subject after 11 March 2011 are considered as the exposure dose to which a person is subject on 1 January 2012, and thus this amount should be added on the exposure dose to which a person is actually subject during the period from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012.
For the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, the exposure doses to which a person was subject , during the period from 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012, if known, should be added on the one after 1 July 2012 for exposure dose control purpose.
(5) 除染等事業者は、「1年間」又は「5年間」の途中に新たに自らの事業場において除染等業務に従事することとなった労働者について、雇入れ時の特殊健康診断において、当該「1年間」又は「5年間」の始期より当該除染等業務に従事するまでの被ばく線量を当該労働者が前の事業者から交付された線量の記録(労働者がこれを有していない場合は前の事業場から再交付を受けさせること。)により確認すること。
(5) If an Employer whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works newly employs workers for engaging in Decontamination and Related Work in the midst of the period of "one year" or "five years", at a special medical examination at the time of hiring, they should check the exposure dose ,to which each worker was subject from the corresponding first date of the "one year" or the "five years" till the date prior to engaging in Decontamination and Related Work by using record of this person issued by the previous employer (if no records are available, records should be reissued by the previous duty station).
(6) (3)及び(4)の規定に関わらず、放射線業務を主として行う事業者については、事業場で統一された別の始期により被ばく線量管理を行っても差し支えないこと。
(6) Regardless of the provisions in (3) and (4) above, employers mainly engaging in radiation works can independently establish the exposure dose control period as long as the starting date is consistent in their workplaces.
(7) (3)及び(4)の始期を除染等業務従事者に周知させること。
(7) The starting dates described in (3) and (4) should be known to the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works.
4 線量の測定結果の記録等
4 Records of dose measurements
(1) 除染等事業者は、2の測定又は計算の結果に基づき、次に掲げる除染等業務従事者の被ばく線量を算定し、これを記録し、これを30年間保存すること。ただし、5年間保存した後に当該記録を、又は当該除染等業務従事者が離職した後に当該除染等業務従事者に係る記録を、厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すときはこの限りではないこと。この場合、記録の様式の例として、様式1があること。
(1) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works, etc. should determine the exposure dose of Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works as described below based on measurements made or by calculation according to the description in 2 above, record the results and keep those records for 30 years; provided, however, that this does not apply to the records which have been kept for five years or the records of the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works who left the job are transferred to the organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. In these cases, Form 1 (a sample) may be filled in for recording.
In addition, among the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works, those who were radiation workers specified in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance or those who engaged in Works under a Designated Dose Rate, the exposure doses to which a person was subject during the period of engaging in radiation work or the period of engaging in Works under a Designated Dose Rate should be added onto those to which the person is subject during Works Engaging in Decontamination and Related Work and the results should be recorded and kept accordingly.
ア 男性又は妊娠する可能性がないと診断された女性の実効線量の3月ごと、1年ごと、及び5年ごとの合計(5年間において、実効線量が1年間につき20mSvを超えたことのない者にあっては、3月ごと及び1年ごとの合計)
a For male workers and female workers diagnosed as being unable to conceive, the effective dose should be summed up for every three months, for every one year and for every five years. (For those whose effective dose has never exceeded 20mSv/y for five years, the effective dose to be summed up for every three months and for every one year.)
イ 医学的に妊娠可能な女性の実効線量の1月ごと、3月ごと及び1年ごとの合計(1月間受ける実効線量が1.7mSvを超えるおそれのないものにあっては、3月ごと及び1年ごとの合計)
b For female workers who is able to conceive, the effective dose should be summed up for every month, for every three months and for one year. (For those who expect not to be subject to effective dose higher than 1.7mSv/month, the effective dose should be summed up for every three months and for one year.)
ウ 妊娠中の女性の内部被ばくによる実効線量及び腹部表面に受ける等価線量の1月ごと及び妊娠中の合計
c For pregnant female workers, the effective dose of internal exposure and equivalent dose to which the person is subject on their abdominal surface should be summed up for one month and During Pregnancy.
(2) 除染等事業者は、(1)の記録を、遅滞なく除染等業務従事者に通知すること。
(2) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should notify the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Rerated Works of the record of the exposure dose defined (1) above without delay.
(3) 除染等事業者は、その事業を廃止しようとするときには、(1)の記録を厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すこと。
(3) Any employer whose Workers engaged in Decontamination and Related Works who terminates its business should transfer the records defined in (1) above to the organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
(4) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務従事者が離職するとき又は事業を廃止しようとするときには、(1)の記録の写しを除染等業務従事者に交付すること。
(4) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should issue copies of the records defined in (1) above to the worker who is going to leave the job or to all of the workers if they terminate their business.
(5) 除染等事業者は、有期契約労働者又は派遣労働者を使用する場合には、放射線管理を適切に行うため、以下の事項に留意すること。
(5) When Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works employ fixed-term contract workers or temporary workers, they should take note of the following matters in order to control their exposure doses appropriately.
ア 3月未満の期間を定めた労働契約又は派遣契約による労働者を使用する場合には、被ばく線量の算定は、1月ごとに行い、記録すること。
a When employing fixed-term contract workers or temporary workers for a pre-defined period of less than three months, the exposure dose should be determined and recorded every month.
イ 契約期間の満了時には、当該契約期間中に受けた実効線量を合計して被ばく線量を算定して記録し、その記録の写しを当該除染等業務従事者に交付すること。
b At the end of the contract period, the employer should sum up the effective dose to which the Worker Engaged in Contamination and Related Works was subject during the contract period and determine the exposure dose from the results, record them and issue a copy of the records to that person.
第4 被ばく低減のための措置
Section 4 Measures to Reduce Radiation Exposure
1 事前調査
1 Preliminary survey
(1) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務を行うときは、あらかじめ、当該作業場所について次に掲げる項目を調査し、その結果を記録すること。
(1) When Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works carry out Decontamination and Related Works, they should make surveys of workplaces in advance with respect to the items described below and record the results.
When the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste are conducted continuously in one area, the survey at the area is to be conducted with respect to the items described below once every two weeks during the period of the work and the results are to be recorded; provided, however, that if the results show the average ambient dose rate and the concentration of radioactive material are consistently lower than 2.5μSv/h and 10,000Bq/kg, respectively, there is no need for further routine survey.
ア 除染等作業の場所の状況
a Conditions of the area for Decontamination and Related Duties.
イ 除染等作業の場所の平均空間線量率(μSv/h)
b Average ambient dose rate (μSv/h) for the area for Decontamination and Related Duties.
ウ 除染等作業の対象となる汚染土壌等又は除去土壌若しくは汚染廃棄物に含まれるセシウム134及びセシウム137の放射能濃度の値(Bq/kg)
c Radioactivity concentration (Bq/kg) of Cs-134 and Cs-137 in Contaminated Soil and Waste, Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes that is subject to Decontamination and Related Duties.
(2) 除染等事業者は、あらかじめ、(1)の調査が終了した年月日、調査方法及びその結果の概要を除染等作業に従事させる労働者に書面の交付等により明示すること。
(2) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Duties should clearly indicate in advance the date of the survey completion in (1) above, methods of the survey and the summary of results in a written form, etc. to the workers who will be engaged in the Decontamination and Related Duties.
(3) 空間線量率の測定に当たっては、以下の事項に留意すること。
(3) When measuring average ambient dose rates, the following matters should be noted:
ア 平均空間線量率の測定・評価の方法は別紙5によること。
a Average ambient dose rates should be measured and evaluated in accordance with Attachment 5.
イ 事前調査は、作業場所が2.5μSv/hを超えて被ばく線量管理が必要か否かを判断するために行われるものであるため、文部科学省が公表している航空機モニタリング等の結果を踏まえ、事業者が、作業場所が明らかに2.5μSv/hを超えていると判断する場合、個別の作業場所での航空機モニタリング等の結果をもって平均空間線量率の測定に代えることができること。
b The purpose of the preparatory survey is to judge if the average ambient dose rate at the workplace exceeds 2.5μSv/h, and accordingly to determine whether or not the exposure dose control is required. Therefore, if the employers judge that the average ambient dose rate at the workplace clearly exceeds 2.5μSv/h based on the results of the air-borne survey, etc. published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the results of the air-borne survey, etc. for the specific workplace of concern may be used instead of actually measuring the average ambient dose rates in those individual workplaces.
(4) 放射性物質の濃度測定に当たっては、以下の事項に留意すること。
(4) When measuring concentration of radioactive materials, the following matters should be noted.
ア 汚染土壌等又は除去土壌若しくは汚染廃棄物に含まれる事故由来放射性物質の濃度測定の方法については、別紙6によること。
a Concentration of Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident in Contaminated Soil and Waste, Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes should be measured in accordance with the procedures shown in Attachment 6.
イ 2.5μSv/h以下の場所における特定汚染土壌等取扱業務の対象となる農地土壌及び森林の落葉層及び土壌の放射能濃度測定については、別紙6-2、6-3の平均空間線量率からの汚染土壌等の放射能濃度の推定によることができること。また、その推計値が1万Bq/kgを下回っている場合は、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に該当しないとして取り扱って差し支えないこと。
b Regarding measurement of radioactivity in soil in farmlands and in the fallen leaf layer and soil in forests which are subject to the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste in areas where the average ambient dose rate is less than 2.5μSv/h, radioactivity in Contaminated Soil and Waste may be presumed from the average ambient dose rate there in accordance with the procedures shown in Attachment 6-2 and 6-3. If the estimates are less than 10,000Bq/kg, the works there may be regarded as those that do not fall under the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste;
provided, however, that when handling only soil near the surface of unplowed farmlands, or handling the fallen leaf layer or soil near the surface in forests, it is necessary to use a simple measurement method to determine concentration of radioactive materials in accordance with the procedures shown in Attachment 6-1 in order to determine whether or not the works fall under the works for handling designated contaminated soils and wastes.
ウ 生活圏(建築物、工作物、道路等の周辺)における作業については、別紙6-1の簡易測定により、作業で取り扱う土壌等の掘削深さまでの土壌等の放射能濃度が1万Bq/kgを下回る場合は、地表面近くでの土壌等の放射能濃度に関わらず、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に該当しないとして取り扱って差し支えないこと。
c The works in inhabitable area (around buildings, structures and roads, etc.) may be regarded as not falling under the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, regardless of the concentration of radioactive material in the soil near the surface, if the simple measurement by the procedures shown in Attachment 6-1 shows the concentration of radioactive material in the soil to be handled down to the digging depth is less than 10,000Bq/kg;
provided, however, that when the work handles soil near the surface only without digging, it is necessary to determine, based on the measurement of the radioactivity concentration of soil near the surface, whether or not the work falls under the works for handling designated contaminated soil and wastes.
エ 事前調査は、汚染土壌等の放射性物質の濃度測定は、取り扱う汚染土壌等の濃度が1万Bq/kg又は50万Bq/kgを超えているかどうかを判断するために行われるものであるため、文部科学省が公表している航空機モニタリング等の結果を踏まえ、除染等事業者が、取扱う汚染土壌等の放射性物質濃度が明らかに1万Bq/kgを超えていると判断する場合は、航空機モニタリング等の空間線量率からの推定結果をもって放射能濃度測定の結果に代えることができるものであること。また、別紙6-2又は6-3の早見表その他の知見に基づき、土壌の掘削深さ及び作業場所の平均空間線量率等から、作業の対象となる汚染土壌等の放射能濃度が1万Bq/kgを明らかに下回り、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に該当しないことを明確に判断できる場合にまで、放射能濃度測定を求める趣旨ではないこと。
d The purpose of the preparatory survey is to judge whether the concentration of radioactive materials in the Contaminated Soil and Waste to be handled exceeds 10,000Bq/kg or 500,000Bq/kg. Therefore, if Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination Works judge that the concentration of radioactive material in the Contaminated Soil and Waste to be handled clearly exceeds 10,000Bq/kg, based on the results of the air-borne survey, etc. published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the results of the air-borne survey, etc. may be used instead of actually measuring radioactivity concentration of the Contaminated Soil and Waste at the workplace. Furthermore, the measurement of concentration of radioactive materials is not required if that of the Contaminated Soil and Waste to be handled is clearly known as less than 10,000Bq/kg and therefore not subject to the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, based on the lookup table in Attachment 6-2 or 6-3 and other information as well as considering the digging depth of soil and average ambient dose rate at the workplace.
2 作業計画の策定とそれに基づく作業
2 Formulation of the working plan and works based on the plan
(1) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務については、作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/hを超える場合に限る。)を行うときは、あらかじめ、事前調査により知り得たところに適応する作業計画を定め、かつ、当該作業計画により作業を行うこと。
(1) When carrying out Decontamination and Related Work, the Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Relation Works should formulate a work plan based on the information from the preparatory survey, and the works should be conducted based on the plan (For Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, the works are limited to those in the workplaces where the average ambient dose rate exceeds 2.5μSv/h).
(2) 作業計画は、次の事項が示されているものとすること。
(2) The following items should be defined in the work plan.
ア 除染等作業の場所
a Workplaces of Decontamination and Related Duties.
イ 除染等作業の方法
b Methods of Decontamination and Related Duties.
ウ 除染等業務従事者の被ばく線量の測定の方法
c Monitoring methods of exposure dose of Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works
エ 除染等業務従事者の被ばくを低減させるための措置
d Measures for reducing radiation exposure of Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works
オ 除染等作業に使用する機械、器具その他の設備(以下「機械等」という。)の種類及び能力
e Types and performance of machines, instruments and other equipment (hereafter referred to as "Machinery") to be used for the Decontamination and Related Duties.
カ 労働災害が発生した場合の応急の措置
f Emergency measures when industrial accidents occur
(3) 除染等事業者は、作業計画を定めたときは、その内容を関係労働者に周知すること。
(3) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Relation Works should inform relevant workers of the details of the plan when the work plan has been established.
(4) 除染等事業者は、作業計画を定める際に以下の事項に留意すること。
(4) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should take note of the following matters when establishing the work plan.
ア 作業の場所には、次の事項を含むこと。
a The workplace should include the description of:
① 飲食・喫煙が可能な休憩場所
(i) Resting areas where eating, drinking or smoking is allowed.
② 退去者及び持ち出し物品の汚染検査場所
(ii) Contamination screening areas for a person leaving the area and for objects to take out.
イ 作業の方法には、次の事項を含むこと。
b Methods of work should include the description of:-
Organization of workers, instructions to handle Machinery, work procedures, working environment, etc.
ウ 被ばく低減のための措置には、次の事項を含むこと。
c Measures for reducing radiation exposure should include the description of:
① 平均空間線量測定の方法
(i) Methods for measuring average ambient dose rate.
② 作業短縮等被ばくを低減するための方法
(ii) Methods for reducing radiation exposure such as reduction of working hours, etc.
③ 被ばく線量の推定に基づく被ばく線量目標値の設定
(iii) Setting target values for exposure dose control based on the estimates of the exposure dose.
(5) 飲食・喫煙が可能な休憩場所の設置基準
(5) Principles for establishing resting areas where eating, drinking or smoking is allowed
ア 飲食場所は、原則として、車内等、外気から遮断された環境とすること。これが確保できない場合、以下の要件を満たす場所で飲食を行うこと。喫煙については、屋外であって、以下の要件を満たす場所で行うこと。
a The areas for eating and drinking should be basically isolated from the open air such as inside of vehicles, etc. If it is difficult to find such a place, eating and drinking should be allowed in the area where the following requirements are met. Smoking should also be allowed outside where the following requirements are met:
① 高濃度の土壌等が近傍にないこと。
(i) Soil of high radioactivity does not exist in the vicinity;
② 粉じんの吸引を防止するため、休憩は一斉にとることとし、作業中断後、20分間程度、飲食・喫煙をしないこと。
(ii) All workers should take a break simultaneously to prevent the inhalation of dust, and wait for about 20 min after interruption of the work, before eating, drinking, or smoking.
③ 作業場所の風上であること。風上方向に移動できない場合、少なくとも風下方向に移動しないこと。
(iii) Workers should stay on the windward side of the workplace. If that is not possible, at least workers should not stay in the downwind direction of the workplace.
イ 飲食・喫煙を行う前に、手袋、防じんマスク等、汚染された装具を外した上で、手を洗う等の除染措置を講ずること。高濃度汚染土壌等を取り扱った場合は、飲食前に身体等の汚染検査を行うこと。
b All workers should take off contaminated equipment such as gloves, dust masks, etc. before eating, drinking or smoking, and decontaminate their hands by washing, etc. Workers should check for contamination before eating and drinking when they handled highly radioactive contaminated soil and wastes.
ウ 作業中に使用したマスクは、飲食・喫煙中に放射性微粒子が内面に付着しないように保管するか、廃棄する(スクリーニング検査を行う場合は、廃棄する前に、マスク表面の事故由来放射性物質の表面密度を測定する)こと。
c Used dust masks should be stored properly so that radioactive particles do not migrate to the inner side of the masks or they should be discarded (in the case of a screening test, the surface density of Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident on the surface of the mask should be measured before discarding it).
エ 作業中の水分補給については、熱中症予防等のためやむを得ない場合に限るものとし、作業場所の風上に移動した上で、手袋を脱ぐ等の汚染防止措置を行った上で行うこと。
d Drinking of water is allowed only in an unavoidable case to prevent heat stroke, etc. It is necessary to move to the windward side of the workplace and to take preventive measures for contamination before drinking by taking off gloves, etc.
(6) 汚染検査場所の設置基準
(6) Principles for setting contamination screening areas
ア 除染等事業者は、除染等業務の作業場所又はその近隣の場所に汚染検査場所を設けること。この場合、汚染検査場所は、除染等事業者が除染等業務を請け負った場所とそれ以外の場所の境界に設置することを原則とするが、地形等などのため、これが困難な場合は、境界の近傍に設置すること。
a Employers whose workers engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should set a contamination screening area in the workplace or nearby for Decontamination and Related Work. The location of the contamination screening area should be on the boundary of the workplace, where they are responsible for Decontamination and Related Work. However, in case it is difficult to choose such a place for geographical or other reasons, it should be near the boundary.
イ 上記にかかわらず、一つの除染等事業者が複数の作業場所での除染等業務を請け負った場合、密閉された車両で移動する等、作業場所から汚染検査場所に移動する間に汚染された労働者や物品による汚染拡大を防ぐ措置が講じられている場合は、複数の作業場所を担当する集約汚染検査場所を任意の場所に設けることができること。複数の除染事業者が共同で集約汚染検査場所を設ける場合、発注者が設置した汚染検査場所を利用する場合も同様とすること。
b Regardless of the above, it is allowed to place, at a certain location, a unified contamination screening area for multiple workplaces, if one Employer whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works undertakes Decontamination and Related Work in several workplaces, and takes measures to prevent contamination by potentially contaminated workers or goods from spreading during moving from workplaces to the contamination screening area such as moving using air-tight vehicles, etc. This applies to the case that several employers of decontamination works, etc. set and use a unified contamination screening area collectively, or that the contamination screening area is set by the contractee.
ウ 汚染検査場所には、汚染検査のための放射線測定機器を備え付けるほか、洗浄設備 等除染のための設備、汚染土壌等又は除去土壌若しくは汚染廃棄物の一時保管のための設備を設けること。汚染検査場所は屋外であっても差し支えないが、汚染拡大防止のためテント等により覆われていること。
c The contamination screening area should be equipped with radiation measurement equipment, facilities for decontamination such as cleaning and washing, installation of temporary storage for Contaminated Soil and Waste, or Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes. The screening area can be outside as long as preventive measures are taken for contamination spreading, for example, covering the spot with a tent, etc.
3 作業指揮者
3 Operation leaders
(1) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務については、作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/hを超える場合に限る。)を行うときは、作業の指揮をするため必要な能力を有すると認める者のうちから作業指揮者を定め、作業計画に基づき作業の指揮を行わせるとともに、次の事項を行わせること。
(1) When carrying out Decontamination and Related Work, Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should appoint an operation leader among workers who is recognized to be competent to direct the work, and delegate this person to direct the work according to the work plan (when Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, the works are limited to those in the workplaces where the average ambient dose rate exceeds 2.5μSv/h). The operation leader should conduct the following matters, too.
ア 作業計画に適応した作業手順及び除染等業務従事者の配置を決定すること
a To determine the work procedures appropriate for the work plan and distribute Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works accordingly.
イ 作業前に、除染等業務従事者と作業手順に関する打ち合わせを実施すること
b To arrange a meeting on the work procedures with Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works prior to undertaking the works.
ウ 作業前に、除染等業務従事者と作業手順に関する打ち合わせを実施すること
c To check the Machinery and equipment and remove defective pieces before starting the works.
エ 放射線測定器及び保護具の使用状況を監視すること
d To supervise how radiation detectors and protective equipment are used.
オ 当該作業を行う箇所には、関係者以外の者を立ち入らせないこと
e To prevent unauthorized people from entering the workplace.
(2) 作業手順には、以下の事項が含まれること。
(2) The work procedure should include the description of:
ア 作業手順ごとの作業の方法
a The method of each task in the work procedure.
イ 作業場所、待機場所、休憩場所
b The workplace, waiting area and resting area.
ウ 作業時間管理の方法
c The working hour control method.
4 作業届の提出
4 Submission of work notice
(1) 除染等事業者であって、発注者から直接作業を受注した者(以下「元方事業者」という。)は、作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/hを超える場所において土壌等の除染等の業務又は特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を実施する場合には、あらかじめ、「土壌等の除染等の業務・特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に係る作業届」(様式2)を事業場の所在地を所轄する労働基準監督署(以下「所轄労働基準監督署長」という。)に提出すること。
(1) The Employer whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works who has received an order directly from a contractee (hereinafter referred to as "the Primary Contractor") should, when starting operation of Works of Decontamination of Soil, etc. or Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste at the workplace where the average ambient dose rate exceeds 2.5μSv/h, submit a “Notice for Works of Decontamination of Soil, etc. and Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Wastes” (Form 2) in advance, to the Labour Standard Inspection Office within the jurisdiction of the workplace of the primary contractor (hereinafter referred to as “the Head of the Relevant Labour Standard Inspection Office”).
The work notice should be submitted basically for each contract of the work. However, in case several discrete workplaces are included in one work contract, the work notice needs to be submitted for each workplace.
(2) 作業届には、以下の項目を含むこと。
(2) The work notice should include the description of:
ア 作業件名(発注件名)
a Title of the work (Title of the contract of the work).
イ 作業の場所
b Location of the workplace.
ウ 元方事業者の名称及び所在地
c Name and address of the Primary Contractor.
エ 発注者の名称及び所在地
d Name and address of the contractee.
オ 作業の実施期間
e Duration of the work.
カ 作業指揮者の氏名
f Full name of the work leader of the work.
キ 作業を行う場所の平均空間線量率
g Average ambient dose rate at the workplace.
ク 関係請負人の一覧及び除染等業務従事者数の概数
h List of relevant contractors and approximate number of Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works.
5 医師による診察等
5 Medical examination by medical doctors
(1) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務従事者が次のいずれかに該当する場合、速やかに医師の診察又は処置を受けさせること。
(1) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should promptly provide Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works with medical examination or treatment in any of the following cases:
ア 被ばく線量限度を超えて実効線量を受けた場合
a When workers were subjected to effective doses higher than the exposure dose limit.
イ 事故由来放射性物質を誤って吸入摂取し、又は経口摂取した場合
b When workers inhaled or ingested Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident by mistake.
ウ 事故由来放射性物質により汚染された後、洗身等によっても汚染を40Bq/cm2以下にすることができない場合
c When workers cannot decontaminate themselves to the level of less than 40Bq/cm2 by washing and cleaning after being contaminated by Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident.
エ 傷創部が事故由来放射性物質により汚染された場合
d When a wound is contaminated with Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Accident.
(2) (1)イについては、事故等で大量の土砂等に埋まった場合で鼻スミアテスト等を実施してその基準を超えた場合、大量の土砂や汚染水が口に入った場合等、一定程度の内部被ばくが見込まれるものに限るものであること。
(2) The above (1)-(b) is limited only to the cases in which a certain degree of internal exposure is envisaged. For example, if workers are buried in a large amount of soil and sand, etc. by accident, etc., and the results of their nasal smear test, etc. show a contamination level over the criterion, or if workers swallow a large amount of soil, sand or contaminated water, etc.
第5 汚染拡大防止、内部被ばく防止のための措置
Section 5 Measures for Preventions of Contamination Spreading and Internal Exposure
1 粉じんの発散の抑制
1 Restriction of dust dispersion
When Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works carry out Decontamination and Related Work (excluding Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste), they should take measures to control generation of dust by wetting soil, etc. in advance if the works will be stripping soil, etc., except when the works are in the category "other than highly radioactive contaminated soil and waste" or "other than high dust concentration" in the table in Section 3-2-(4).
In order to wet the objects, they should not be dampened using water applied by hoses, etc., but by spraying a mist in order to control generation of contaminated water.
2 廃棄物収集等業務を行う際の容器の使用、保管の場合の措置
2 Measures for use and storage of containers for the Work for Collecting Wastes.
(1) 除染等事業者は、廃棄物収集等業務において、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物を収集、運搬、保管するときは、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が飛散、流出しないよう、次に定める構造を具備した容器を用いるとともに、その容器に除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が入っている旨を表示すること。
(1) When Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works collect, transport and store Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes as the Work for Collecting Wastes, they should use containers with the structure defined below to prevent Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes from dispersing or leaking, and post a sign on the surface of the containers indicating that that Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes is inside;
provided, however, that, this does not apply as long as measures such as covering them with waterproof sheets are taken to prevent Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes from dispersing or leaking, if the objects are extremely difficult to place in a container such as large size machines, logs or dismantled objects bigger than the container, or are a large volume of Contaminated Soil and Waste which could result in causing a high external radiation exposure or exposure to dust by additional work to subdivide them into containers.
It should be noted that the "Work for Collecting Wastes" does not include the work for moving, back filling and temporary storing of soil generated at the workplace as part of the works of decontamination of soil, etc. or Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.
ア 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物の収集又は保管に用いる容器
a Containers to be used for collecting or storing Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes:
① 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が飛散、流出するおそれがないものであること
(i) Containers should be free from a risk of Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes being dispersed or leaked.
イ 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物の運搬に用いる容器
b Containers for transporting Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes:
① 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が飛散、流出するおそれがないものであること
(i) Containers should be free from a risk of Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes being dispersed or leaked; and
② 容器の表面(容器を梱包するときは、その梱包の表面)から1mの距離での線量率(1cm線量当量)が0.1mSv/hを超えないもの
(ii) Dose rate (1 cm dose equivalent rate) at the distance of 1 meter from the container surface (from the surface of the package in the case that the container is packed) should not exceed 0.1mSv/h;
provided, however, that in the case of transporting containers by a loading vehicle only, however, the provisions mentioned above do not apply, if the maximum dose rate (1 cm dose equivalent rate) at the distance of 1 meter from the front, rear and both sides of the vehicle (or from the outermost surface of the tire in the case the vehicle is an open type) does not exceed 0.1mSv/h.
(2) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務において、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物を保管するときは、(1)の措置を講ずるとともに、次に掲げる措置を実施すること。
(2) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should take the following measures as well as the measures described in (1) above when storing Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes as part of their Decontamination and Related Work.
ア 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物を保管していることを標識により明示すること。
a Post signs to clearly indicate that Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes is stored in the area.
イ 関係者以外の立入を禁止するため、カラーコーン等、簡易な囲い等を設けること。
b Install a simple fence using colored pylons, etc. to keep the unauthorized people from the storage area.
(3) 除染等事業者は、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を実施する際には、覆土、舗装、反転耕等、汚染土壌等の除去と同等以上の線量低減効果が見込まれる作業を実施する場合を除き、あらかじめ、当該業務を実施する場所の高濃度の汚染土壌等をできる限り除去するよう努めること。ただし、水道、電気、道路の復旧等、除染等の措置を実施するために必要となる必要最低限の生活基盤の整備作業はこの限りではないこと。
(3) When Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works carry out the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, they should make efforts to remove in advance highly radioactive Contaminated Soil and Waste in areas where works are to be done, except when reduction of exposure dose is expected to be equal to or better than the removal of Contaminated Soil and Waste, such as soil covering, paving roads, turning and plowing in farmlands, etc; provided, however that the provisions described above should not apply to works to recover local infrastructures that are the minimum required for implementing decontamination such as restoration of water supplies, electricity and roads, etc.
3 汚染検査の実施
3 Implementation of contamination screening
(1) 汚染限度
(1) Contamination limit
The contamination limit should be set as 40Bq/cm2 (13,000cpm as a GM counter reading). In case it is difficult to conduct radiation measurement for inspecting contamination due to a high ambient dose rate around the area, the unified contamination screening area in accordance with the provision in Section 4-2-(6)-b should be set where the ambient dose rate is low enough.
(2) 退出者の汚染検査
(2) Contamination screening for a person who is leaving the controlled area
ア 除染等事業者は、汚染検査場所において、除染等作業を行った除染等業務従事者が作業場所から退去するときに、その身体及び装具(衣服、履物、作業衣、保護具等身体に装着している物)の汚染の状態を検査すること。
a Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should check the body contamination of workers and equipment worn by the workers such as clothing, footwear, working clothing, and protection equipment at the contamination screening area when they leave the workplace after being engaged in the Decontamination and Related Duties.
イ 除染等事業者は、この検査により、汚染限度を超えて汚染されていると認められるときは、次の措置を講じなければ、その除染等業務従事者を退出させないこと。
b When Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should find, by the screening, that a worker is contaminated higher than the contamination limit, the employer should not allow the person to leave the workplace until the measures listed below are taken:
① 身体が汚染されているときは、汚染限度以下になるように洗身等をさせること
(i) If the body surface is contaminated, let the person wash the body until the contamination level drops to the surface contamination limit or below.
② 装具が汚染されているときは、その装具を脱がせ、又は取り外させること
(ii) If equipment, etc. is contaminated, let the person remove it from his/her body.
(3) 持ち出し物品の汚染検査
(3) Contamination screening of objects to be taken out
ア 除染等事業者は、汚染検査場所において、作業場所から持ち出す物品について、持ち出しの際に、その汚染の状況を検査すること。ただし、容器に入れる又はビニールシートで覆う等除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が飛散、流出することを防止するため必要な措置を講じた上で、他の除染等作業を行う作業場所に運搬する場合は、その限りではないこと。
a Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should check the contamination of objects to be taken from the workplace at the contamination screening area; provided, however, that this does not apply if those objects are encased in containers or covered with plastic sheets to prevent Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes inside from dispersing or leaking, for transfer to another workplace for Decontamination and Related Duties.
イ 除染等事業者は、この検査において、当該物品が汚染限度を超えて汚染されていると認められるときは、その物品を持ち出してはならないこと。ただし、容器に入れる又はビニールシートで覆う等除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が飛散、流出することを防止するため必要な措置を講じた上で、汚染除去施設、汚染廃棄物又は除去土壌を保管又は処分するための施設、若しくは他の除染等業務の作業場所まで運搬する場合はその限りではないこと。
b When Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works find, by screening, objects being contaminated at higher than the contamination limit, the objects should not be allowed to be taken out; provided, however, that this does not apply to the object is encased in containers or covered with plastic sheets to prevent Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes from dispersing or leaking, for transfer to other facilities such as decontamination facilities, storage or disposal facilities for Contaminated Wastes or Removed Soil or other Decontamination and Related Work workplaces.
ウ 車両については、車両に付着した汚染土壌等を洗い流した後、次の事項に留意の上、汚染検査を行うこと。
c Contamination screening for vehicles should be conducted after washing off Contaminated Soil from the body of the vehicles, by taking note of the following matters:
① タイヤ等地面に直接触れる部分について、汚染検査場所で除染を行って汚染限度を下回っても、その後の運行経路で再度汚染される可能性があるため、タイヤ等地面に直接触れる部分については、汚染検査を行う必要はないこと。
(i) Contamination screening is not necessary for the parts such as tires which directly touch the ground, because they can be contaminated again on the driving route even after decontamination to below the contamination limit at the contamination screening area;
② 車内、荷台等、タイヤ等以外の部分については、汚染限度を超えている部分について、除染措置を講ずる必要があること。
(ii) Decontamination is required for the inside and cargo carrier areas, etc. of vehicles other than tires, etc., if the areas are contaminated above the contamination limit.
③ 除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物を運搬したトラック等については、荷下ろし場所において、荷台等の除染及び汚染検査を行うことが望ましいが、それが困難な場合、ビニールシートで包む等、荷台等から除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物が飛散、流出することを防止した上で再度汚染検査場所に戻り、そこで汚染検査及び除染を行うこと。
(iii) It is desirable to decontaminate, and check the contamination, at the unloading place, of the cargo carrier areas, etc. for trucks, etc. which have transported Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes. However, if that is difficult, they may be driven back to the contamination screening area again for inspection and decontamination, by covering the carrier areas, etc. with plastic sheets, etc. in order to prevent Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes from dispersing or leaking.
4 汚染を防止するための措置
4 Measures to prevent contamination
Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should take effective measures including those listed below to prevent bodies, equipment or objects from being contaminated beyond the limit:
ア 靴の交換、衣服・手袋、保護具の交換・廃棄
a Changing shoes, and changing or disposing of clothing, gloves and protection equipment.
イ 機械等の事前養生、事後除染
b Pre-treating Machinery to prevent its contamination, and decontaminating Machinery after work.
ウ 除去土壌等の運搬時の養生の実施
c Handling treatment for transportation of Removed Soil, etc.
エ 作業場所の清潔の維持
d Maintaining cleanliness of the workplace.
5 身体・内部汚染の防止
5 Prevention of body surface and internal contamination
(1) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務従事者に、次に掲げる作業の区分及び汚染土壌等の濃度の区分に応じた捕集効率を持つ防じんマスク又はそれと同等以上の有効な呼吸用保護具を備え、これらをその作業に従事する除染等業務従事者に使用させること。除染等業務従事者は、これら呼吸用保護具を使用すること。
(1) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should provide dust masks with collection efficiencies as given in the table below according to the work categories and radioactivity concentration of Contaminated Soil and Waste or should provide respiratory protective equipment with higher effectiveness, and should direct Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Work to wear them when engaged in the works. The Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Work should wear the respiratory protective equipment.
Contaminated soil and wastes with radioactivity concentration higher than 500,000Bq/kg
Those other than highly radioactive contaminated soil and wastes
(Highly radioactive contaminated soil and wastes)
粉じんの濃度が10 mg/m3を超える作業
Work under dust concentration higher than 10mg/m3
Dust collection efficiency:equal to or higher than 95%
Dust collection efficiency:equal to or higher than 80%
(work under a high dust concentration)
Work other than that under a high dust concentration
Dust collection efficiency:equal to or higher than 80%
Dust collection efficiency:equal to or higher than 80%
It should be noted that non-woven fabric masks (that is, masks other than the dust masks certified by the national test, made of non-woven fabric material, and commonly used to prevent colds or pollen allergies, known as surgical masks, pleated masks, and face masks, but excluding gauze masks) may be used instead of dust masks if the work does not involve highly radioactive contaminated soil and wastes nor is it conducted under high dust concentration, and also the work does not fall under Articles 27 (Use of respiratory protective equipment) of the "Ordinance on Prevention of Hazards Due to Dust" (Ministry of Labour Ordinance No.18 of 1979) such as handling grass and trees or leaf mold, etc.
(2) 除染等事業者は、汚染限度を超えて汚染されるおそれのある除染等作業を行うときは、次に掲げる作業の区分及び取り扱う汚染土壌等の濃度の区分に応じて、次の事項に留意の上、有効な保護衣、手袋又は履物を備え、これらをその作業に従事する除染等業務従事者に使用させること。除染等業務従事者は、これら保護具を使用すること。
(2) When Decontamination and Related Duties may result in workers becoming contaminated above the contamination limit, Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should provide effective protective clothing, gloves, or shoes according to the work categories and radioactivity concentration of soil and wastes given in the table below by noting the following matters, and tell the workers for decontamination works to wear them for the work. Workers for decontamination works should wear such protective equipment.
ア ゴム手袋の材質によってアレルギー症状が発生することがあるので、その際にはアレルギーの生じにくい材質の手袋を与えるなど配慮すること。
a Gloves made of material less likely to cause allergies should be prepared if needed, because some types of rubber glove material may cause allergic symptoms.
イ 作業の性質上、ゴム長靴を使用することが困難な場合は、靴の上をビニールにより養生する等の措置が必要であること。
b Measures such as shoes covered by plastic, etc. may be required in the case that wearing rubber boots is difficult to use due to the nature of the work.
ウ 高圧洗浄等により水を扱う場合は、必要に応じ、雨合羽等の防水具を着用させること。
c Waterproof clothing such as raincoats, etc. should be worn as appropriate when using water for high-pressure cleaning, etc.
Contaminated soil and wastes with radioactivity concentration higher than 500,000Bq/kg
Those other than highly radioactive contaminated soil and wastes
(Highly radioactive contaminated soil and wastes)
Work under dust concentration higher than 10mg/m3
Whole body chemical protective clothing to cover long sleeve shirts (for example, air-tight Tyvek suits), rubber gloves (over cotton gloves), rubber boots
Long sleeve shirts, cotton gloves, rubber boots
(work under a high dust concentration)
Work other than under a high dust concentration
Long sleeve shirts, rubber gloves (over cotton gloves), rubber boots
Long sleeve shirts, cotton gloves, rubber boots
(3) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務従事者に使用させる保護具又は保護衣等が汚染限度(40Bq/cm2(GM計数管のカウント値としては、13,000cpm))を超えて汚染されていると認められるときは、あらかじめ、洗浄等により、汚染限度以下となるまで汚染を除去しなければ、除染等業務従事者に使用させないこと。
(3) Employers whose Workers Engages in Decontamination and Related Works should prohibit protective equipment or protective clothing being used by Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Work when those items are contaminated above the contamination limit (40Bq/cm2 (13,000cpm as a GM counter reading)), before decontaminating them by washing or cleaning to reduce the contamination level to the contamination limit or lower.
Disposable type dust masks or non-woven masks should be discarded at the end of work each day. If a mask is taken off during a break in the day, the mask should be stored properly so that the inner side of the mask will not be contaminated with dust or soil, etc. or it should be discarded. If a dust mask is an exchangeable type, the filter should be discarded at the end of work each day and the mask face piece should be cleaned according to the instructions by the manufacturer. During cleaning, dust and sweat should not be left on the surface of the face piece, and replaceable parts such as exhaust and intake valves and lacing should be checked for any dirt or damage. If required, they should be replaced with new parts before the next use.
(4) 除染等事業者は、第4の2(5)で定める場所以外の場所において、労働者が喫煙し、又は飲食することを禁止し、あらかじめ、その旨を書面の交付、掲示等により労働者に明示すること。労働者は、当該場所で喫煙し、又は飲食しないこと。
(4) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should prohibit workers from smoking, eating and drinking in areas other than the area designated in Section 4-2-(5) and they should inform workers about this in writing such as by a letter or posting a notice. Workers should not smoke or eat and drink in the non-designated areas.
第6 労働者に対する教育
Section 6 Education for Workers
1 作業指揮者に対する教育
1 Education for operation leaders
(1) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務については、作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/hを超える場合に限る。)における作業の指揮をする者を定めるときは、当該者に対し、次の科目について、教育を行うこと。
(1) When Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works appoint an operation leader for the Decontamination and Related Work (for the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, they are limited to those in the workplaces where average ambient dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h), they should provide education to the operation leader with the following courses:
ア 作業の方法の決定及び除染等業務従事者の配置に関すること
a How to determine work procedures and arrange workers engaged in Decontamination and Related Work.
イ 除染等業務従事者に対する指揮の方法に関すること
b How to direct workers engaged in Decontamination and Related Work.
ウ 異常時における措置に関すること
c Measures in case of abnormal events.
(2) その他、教育の実施の詳細については、別紙7によること。
(2) See Attachment 7 for details in implementing the education.
2 除染等業務従事者に対する特別の教育
2 Special education for the workers engaged in Decontamination and Related Work
(1) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務に労働者を就かせるときは、当該労働者に対し、次の科目について、学科及び実技による特別の教育を行うこと。
(1) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should provide special education consisting of lectures and practical training with respect to the following courses to the workers engaged in Decontamination and Related Work before assigning them to Decontamination and Related Work.
ア 学科教育
a Lectures
① 電離放射線の生体に与える影響及び被ばく線量の管理の方法に関する知識
(i) Knowledge about the effects of ionizing radiation on human body and exposure dose control methods;
② 除染等作業の方法に関する知識
(ii) Knowledge about the methods of Decontamination and Related Duties
③ 除染等作業に使用する機械等の構造及び取扱いの方法に関する知識(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を除く。)
(iii) Knowledge about the structure and handling of the Machinery, etc. used for Decontamination and Related Duties (except for the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste)
④ 除染等作業に使用する機械等の名称及び用途に関する知識(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に限る。)
(iv) Names and intended use of the Machinery, etc. used for Decontamination and Related Duties (limited only to the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste)⑤ 関係法令
(v) Relevant laws and regulations
イ 実技教育
b Practical training:
① 除染等作業の方法及び使用する機械等の取扱い(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を除く。)
(i) Methods of Decontamination and Related Duties and handling Machinery, etc. used for the Decontamination and Related Duties (except for the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste)
② 除染等作業の方法(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に限る。)
(ii) Methods of Decontamination and Related Duties (limited only to the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.)
(2) その他、特別教育の実施の詳細については、別紙8によること。
(2) See Attachment 8 for details in implementing the special education.
3 その他必要な者に対する教育等
3 Education, etc. for other workers who require education
(1) 除染等事業者以外の事業者で自らの敷地や施設等において除染等作業を行う事業者又は除染特別地域等でない場所で除染等作業を行う事業者は、労働者に対して、作業を実施する上で必要な項目について教育を実施すること。自営業者、個人事業者、ボランティア等、雇用されていない者に対しても同様とすることが望ましいこと。
(1) Employers other than Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works who conduct Decontamination and Related Duties of their own sites or facilities, etc., or employers who conduct Decontamination and Related Duties in other than the Special Decontamination Areas should provide education to workers necessary for conducting decontamination related works. It is desirable to provide education as well to those who are not employed by the employers of decontamination works, etc. themselves such as individual proprietors, self-employed workers and volunteers, etc.
(2) 除染等業務の発注者は、教育を受けた作業指揮者及び労働者を、作業開始までに業務の遂行上必要な人数を確保できる体制が整っていることを確認した上で発注を行うことが望ましいこと。
(2) It is desirable that the ordering parties place an order for Decontamination and Related Work only after confirming that employers of decontamination works have established a system to secure the required number of educated operation leaders and workers sufficient to conduct the work.
第7 健康管理のための措置
Section 7 Measures for Health Care
1 特殊健康診断
1 Special medical examination
(1) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務については、作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/hを超える場合に限る。)に常時従事する除染等業務従事者に対し、雇入れ時又は当該業務に配置換えの際及びその後6月以内ごとに1回、定期に、次の項目について医師による健康診断を行うこと。
(1) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should provide the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Work regularly engaged in Decontamination and Related Work (for the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste., they are limited to those in the workplaces with the average ambient dose rate exceeding 2.5 μSv/h) with the following medical examinations by medical doctors at the time of hiring or of being transferred to the work, and once within every 6 months thereafter on a regular basis.
It should be noted that for workers with less than a 6-month-contract or a dispatched contract or dispatched workers, the medical examinations should be also provided at the time of hiring in order to acquire their exposure history and health condition.
ア 被ばく歴の有無(被ばく歴を有する者については、作業の場所、内容及び期間、放射線障害の有無、自覚症状の有無その他放射線による被ばくに関する事項)の調査及びその評価
a Inquiry and assessment of their exposure history (their work location, work descriptions and durations, whether they have subjective symptoms or not, and other relevant matters regarding radiation exposure for workers who have an exposure history)
イ 白血球数及び白血球百分率の検査
b White blood cell count and differential white blood cell count
ウ 赤血球数の検査及び血色素量又はヘマトクリット値の検査
c Red blood cell count and hemoglobin or hematocrit value
エ 白内障に関する眼の検査
d Eye inspection for cataracts
オ 皮膚の検査
e Skin inspection
(2) (1)の規定にかかわらず、健康診断(定期に行われるもの)の前年の実効線量が5mSvを超えず、かつ、当年の実効線量が5mSvを超えるおそれのない者については、イからオの項目は、医師が必要と認めないときには、行うことを要しないこと。
(2) Regardless of the definition in (1) above, the tests b to e in (1) are not required, if a medical doctor considers so, for a worker whose medical examination (provided on a regular basis) of the previous year show that the effective dose was less than 5 mSv, and whose medical examination of the present year shows that effective dose will unlikely exceed 5 mSv.
(3) 除染等事業者は、(1)の健康診断の結果に基づき、「除染等電離放射線健康診断個人票」(様式3)を作成し、これを30年間保存すること。ただし、5年間保存した後に当該記録を、又は当該除染等業務従事者が離職した後に当該除染等業務従事者に係る記録を、厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すときはこの限りではないこと。
(3) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should prepare the "decontamination and related works ionizing radiation medical examination card "(Form 3) based on the results of the medical examinations in (1) above and keep them for 30 years; provided however, that this does not apply if the records which have been kept for five years or the records of the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Work who left the job are transferred to the organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
2 一般健康診断
2 General medical examinations
(1) 除染等事業者(派遣労働者に対する一般健康診断にあっては、派遣元事業者。以下同じ。)は、除染等業務(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務については、作業場所の平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/hを超える場合に限る。)に常時従事する除染等業務従事者に対し、雇入れ時又は当該業務に配置換えの際及びその後6月以内ごとに1回、定期に、次の項目について医師による健康診断を行うこと。
(1) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works (for dispatched workers, their employer should provide a general medical examination and the same should apply hereafter) should provide the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works who will be regularly engaged in Decontamination and Related Works (for the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, they are limited to those in the workplaces where average ambient dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h) with the following medical examinations by medical doctors at the time of hiring or of being transferred to the work, and once within every 6 months thereafter on a regular basis.
ア 既往歴及び業務歴の調査
a Inquiry for medical history and work history
イ 自覚症状及び他覚症状の有無の検査
b Inquiry for subjective and objective symptoms
ウ 身長、体重、腹囲、視力及び聴力の検査
c Measurement of height, weight and waist and visual and hearing acuity tests
エ 胸部エックス線検査及び喀痰検査
d Thoracic spine X-ray examination and sputum test
オ 血圧の測定
e Measurement of blood pressure
カ 貧血検査
f Anemia test
キ 肝機能検査
g Liver function tests
ク 血中脂質検査
h Lipid blood tests
ケ 血糖検査
i Glucose test
コ 尿検査
j Urine test
サ 心電図検査
k Electrocardiography
(2) 除染等事業者は、(1)以外の特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に常時従事する労働者に対し、雇入れ時又は当該業務に配置換えの際及びその後1年以内ごとに1回、定期に、(1)のアからサまでの項目について医師による健康診断を行うこと。
(2) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should provide decontamination workers who will be regularly engaged in the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste except for (1) above, with the medical examination for the tests a to k in (1) by a medical doctor at the time of employment or of being transferred to the work, and once within every one year thereafter on a regular basis.
(3) (1)又は(2)の健康診断(定期のものに限る)は、前回の健康診断においてカ~ケ及びサに掲げる項目については健康診断を受けた者については、医師が必要でないと認めるときは、当該項目の全部又は一部を省略することができること。また、ウ、エについても、厚生労働大臣が定める基準に基づき、医師が必要ないと認めるときは省略することができること。
(3) Regarding medical examinations for (1) or (2) above (limited to those on a regular basis), all of or part of the tests f to i in (1) above can be omitted, if a medical doctor considers so, based on the previous medical examination results. The tests c and d in (1) may also be omitted if a medical doctor considers so, based on the standard specified by Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
(4) 除染等事業者は、(1)又は(2)の健康診断の結果に基づき、個人票を作成し、これを5年間保存すること。
(4) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should prepare the medical examination card, based on the results of the medical examination in (1) or (2) and keep them for 5 years.
3 健康診断の結果についての事後措置等
3 Subsequent actions on the results of the medical examination
(1) 除染等事業者は、1又は2の健康診断の結果(当該健康診断の項目に異常の所見があると診断された労働者に係るものに限る。)に基づく医師からの意見聴取は、次に定めるところにより行うこと。
(1) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should seek opinions from the medical doctor about the results of the medical examination described in 1 or 2 above (limited to workers who were diagnosed as abnormal in the medical examinations items) in the following manner:
ア 健康診断が行われた日から3月以内に行うこと
a A medical doctor's opinion should be sought within three months from the date of a medical examination.
イ 聴取した医師の意見を個人票に記載すること。
b The opinions and observations of the medical doctor should be recorded in each employee's personal medical examination card.
(2) 除染等事業者は、健康診断を受けた除染等業務従事者に対し、遅滞なく、健康診断の結果を通知すること。
(2) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should inform those Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works who had the examinations of their medical examination results without delay.
(3) 除染等事業者は、1の健康診断(定期のものに限る。)を行ったときは、遅滞なく、「除染等電離放射線健康診断結果報告書」を所轄労働基準監督署長に提出すること。
(3) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works ,when the medical examinations described in 1 above (limited to those conducted regularly) have been conducted, should submit the "Report of results on the ionizing radiation medical examinations for decontamination, etc." to the Head of the Relevant Labour Standards Inspection Office without delay.
(4) 除染等事業者は、健康診断の結果、放射線による障害が生じており、若しくはその疑いがあり、又は放射線による障害が生ずるおそれがあると認められる者については、その障害、疑い又はおそれがなくなるまで、就業する場所又は業務の転換、被ばく時間の短縮、作業方法の変更等健康の保持に必要な措置を講ずること。
(4) When a worker has, or is suspected to have, or may have a radiation hazard ailment based on the results of the medical examinations described in 1 or 2 above , the Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should take the necessary measures to maintain the health of the worker including transferring this person to another workplace or changing the specific work, minimizing the radiation exposure time and changing the method of work and so forth, until there are no doubts about the worker's radiation hazard ailment or its possibility.
4 記録等の引渡等
4 Transfer of the records
(1) 除染等事業者は、事業を廃止しようとするときは、1の(3)の除染等電離放射線健康診断個人票を厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すこと。
(1) When Employer whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works intends to terminate its business, the ionizing radiation medical examination card for decontamination, etc. defined in 1-(3) above should be transferred to the organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
(2) 除染等事業者は、除染等業務従事者が離職するとき又は事業を廃止しようとするときは、当該除染等業務従事者に対し、1の(3)の除染等電離放射線健康診断個人票の写しを交付すること。
(2) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should issue copies of the decontamination and related works ionizing radiation medical examination card defined in 1-(3) above to the worker who is going to leave the job or to all of the workers when the business is terminated.
第8 安全衛生管理体制等
Section 8 Safety and Health Management System
1 元方事業者による安全衛生管理体制の確立
1 Establishment of the safety and health management system by the Primary Contractors
(1) 安全衛生統括者の選任
(1) Appointing a general safety and health manager
The Primary Contractors should appoint a general safety and health manager among the individuals who supervise and manage the Decontamination and Related Works, and assign this person to conduct tasks (2) to (4) shown below in order to ensure appropriate safety and health management for the Decontamination and Related Works.
(2) 関係請負人における安全衛生管理の職務を行う者の選任等
(2) Appointing a person responsible for safety and health control in relevant contractors
The primary contractor should require the relevant contractors to assign a person responsible for safety and health control to conduct the following tasks.
ア 安全衛生統括者との連絡
a Communication with the general safety and health manager.
イ 以下に掲げる事項のうち、当該関係請負人に係るものが円滑に行われるようにするための安全衛生統括者との調整
b Coordination with the general safety and health manager to ensure the following matters are conducted smoothly among the relevant contractors.
ウ 当該関係請負人がその仕事の一部を他の請負人に請け負わせている場合における全ての関係請負人に対する作業間の連絡及び調整
c Communication and coordination with all of the relevant contractors when the relevant contractors assign part of their work to other contractors.
(3) 全ての関係請負人による安全衛生協議組織の開催等
(3) Holding the safety and health coordinating meeting consisting of all relevant contractorsア 全ての関係請負人を含めた安全衛生協議組織を設置し、1月以内ごとに1回、定期に開催することa The safety and health coordinating meeting consisting of all relevant contractors should be established and the meetings should be held once within a month on a regular basis.
イ 安全衛生協議組織において協議すべき事項は、次のとおりとすること
b The following matters should be discussed at the safety and health coordinating meeting:
① 新規に除染等業務に従事する者に対する特別教育等必要な安全衛生教育の実施に関すること
(i) Implementation of education necessary for safety and health management such as special educations for workers who are newly engaged in the Decontamination and Related Works.
② 事前調査の実施、作業計画の作成又は改善に関すること
(ii) Implementation of preliminary surveys, and preparation and improvement of work plans.
③ 汚染検査場所の設置、汚染検査の実施に関すること
(iii) Setting of contamination inspection areas and implementation of contamination inspections.
④ 労働災害の発生等異常な事態が発生した場合の連絡、応急の措置に関すること
(iv) Emergency communications and measures in case of industrial accidents.
(4) 作業計画の作成等に関する指導又は援助
(4) Guidance and support for preparing work plans, etc.
ア 関係請負人が実施する事前調査、作成する作業計画について、その内容が適切なものとなるよう必要に応じて関係請負人を指導し、又は援助すること。
a The general safety and health manager should guide, or support the relevant contractors as appropriate to ensure that the relevant contractors conduct a preliminary survey, and prepare work plans appropriately.
イ 関係請負人が、関係労働者に、事前調査の結果及び作業計画の内容の周知を適切に実施できるよう、関係請負人を指導し、又は援助すること。
b The general safety and health manager should guide, or support the relevant contractors as appropriate to ensure that the relevant contractors inform their workers about the results of the preliminary survey and details of the work plans appropriately.
2 元方事業者による被ばく状況の一元管理
2 Consolidated management of radiation exposures by the Primary Contractor
The Primary Contractor should assign a radiation administrator to conduct radiation dose control specified in Sections 3-2 through 3-4 and assign the radiation administrator to consolidate radiation exposure management for all workers from the relevant contractors under the direction of the general safety and health manager in 1-(1) by taking into account the following matters, in order to ensure that radiation exposure is controlled appropriately.
It is recommended that the radiation administrator be selected from among those who have radiation-related national qualifications, or those who have been trained through courses regarding radiation management at professional educational institutions.
(1) 発注者と協議の上、汚染検査場所の設置及び汚染検査の適切な実施を図ること。
(1) Implement setting of the contamination inspection area and contamination inspections appropriately upon consulting with the ordering party.
(2) 関係請負人による第3の2から4及び第8の4に定める措置が適切に実施されるよう、関係請負人の放射線管理担当者を指導、又は援助すること。
(2) Guide or support the persons in charge of radiation administration from the relevant contractors to ensure that the relevant contractors take measures stated in Sections 3-2 through 3-4 and Section 8-4 appropriately.
(3) 労働者の過去の累積被ばく線量の適切な把握、被ばく線量記録等の散逸の防止を図るため、「除染等業務従事者等被ばく線量登録管理制度」に参加すること。
(3) Participate in the Registration System of Radiation Exposure Doses for Decontamination and Related Works in order to properly determine the accumulated exposure doses of workers and to prevent exposure dose records from getting scattered or lost.
(4) その他、放射線管理のために必要な事項を実施すること。
(4) Implement any other tasks necessary for radiation control.
3 除染等事業者における安全衛生管理体制
3 Safety and health management system by Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works
(1) 除染等事業者は、事業場の規模に応じ、衛生管理者又は安全衛生推進者を選任し、第3の2及び4の線量の測定及び結果の記録等の業務、第5の3の汚染検査等の業務、第5の4及び5の身体・内部汚染の防止、第6の労働者に対する教育、第7の健康管理のための措置に関する技術的事項を管理させること。
(1) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should appoint health managers or safety and health promoters to assign administration of technical matters stated in Sections 3-2 and 3-4 (Dose measurement and records of dose measurement, etc.), Section 5-3 (Contamination inspection, etc.), Sections 5-4 and 5-5 (Prevention for body and internal contamination), Section 6 (Education for workers) and Section 7 (Measures for health care).
It is desirable to appoint a safety and health promoter even if the number of workers is less than 10.
(2) 除染等事業者は、事業場の規模に関わらず、放射線管理担当者を選任し、第3の2及び4の線量の測定及び結果の記録等の業務、第5の3の汚染検査等の業務、第5の4及び5の身体・内部汚染の防止に関する業務を行わせること。
(2) Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should appoint a person in charge of radiation administration regardless of the size of workplaces to assign this person to conduct those tasks stated in Sections 3-2 and 3-4 (Dose measurement and records of dose measurement results, etc.), Section 5-3 (Contamination inspection, etc.), Sections 5-4 and 5-5 (Prevention for body and internal contamination).
4 東電福島第一原発緊急作業従事者に対する健康保持増進の措置等
4 Measures for maintaining and promoting the health of emergency workers at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should implement the following matters, when they assign the workers who had been engaged in the emergency work at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant to the Decontamination and Related Works.
(1) 電離則第59条の2に基づく報告を厚生労働大臣(厚生労働省労働衛生課あて)に行うこと。
(1) A report pursuant to Article 59, paragraph (2) of the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance should be submitted to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (addressed to the Industrial Health Division, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
ア 第7の1(3)及び第7の2(4)の個人票の写しを、健康診断実施後、遅滞なく提出すること。
a Copies of the medical examination card stated in Sections 7-1-(3) and 7-2-(4) should be submitted after medical examination without delay.
イ 3月ごとの月の末日に、「指定緊急作業従事者等に係る線量等管理実施状況報告書」(電離則様式第3号)を提出すること。
b The "status report on radiation dose control, etc. for designated emergency workers" (the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance Form No.3) at the end of every three months.
(2) 「東京電力福島第一原子力発電所における緊急作業従事者等の健康の保持増進のための指針」(平成23年東京電力福島第一原子力発電所における緊急作業従事者等の健康の保持増進のための指針公示第5号)に基づき、保健指導等を実施するとともに、緊急作業従事期間中に50mSvを超える被ばくをした者に対して、必要な検査等を実施すること。
(2) Health guidance should be provided to workers generally and inspections required by the guideline should be implemented for workers were subject to dose greater than 50 mSv during the period of the emergency operation in accordance with the "Guidelines for Maintaining and Promoting the Health of Emergency Workers at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant" (Bulletin No. 5 of 2011).
別紙1 除染特別地域等の一覧
Attachment 1. List of Special Decontamination Areas.
1 除染特別地域
1 Special Decontamination Areas
・ 指定対象
(i) Designated areas
Restricted areas or deliberate evacuation areas
Number of municipalities
Designated areas
Fukushima Prefecture
All areas in Naraha-town, Tomioka-town, Okuma-town, Namie-town, Katsurao-village, and Iitate-village; The restricted areas or deliberated evacuation areas in Tamura-city, Minamisoma-city, Kawamata-town, and Kawauchi-village
2 汚染状況重点調査地域
2 Intensive contamination survey areas
・ 指定対象
(i) Designated areas
Areas with the radiation dose rate of 0.23 μSv/h or above
Number of municipalities
Designated areas
Iwate Prefecture
All areas in Ichinoseki-city, Oshu-city, and Hiraizumi-town
Miyagi Prefecture
All areas in Shiroishi-city, Kakuda-city, Kurihara-city, Shichikashuku-town, Ogawara-town, Marumori-town, Yamamoto-town, and Watari-town
Fukushima Prefecture
All areas in Fukushima-city, Koriyama-city, Iwaki-city, Shirakawa-city, Sukagawa-city, Soma-city, Nihonmatsu-city, Date-city, Motomiya-city, Koori-town, Kunimi-town, Otama-village, Kagamiishi-town, Tenei-village, Aizubange-town, Yugawa-village, Mishima-town, Aizumisato-town, Nishigo-village, Izumizaki-village, Nakajima-village, Yabuki-town, Tanagura-town,Yamatsuri-town, Hanawa-town, Samegawa-village, Ishikawa-town, Tamakawa-village, Hirata-village, Asakawa-town, Furudono-town, Miharu-town, Ono-town, Hirono-town, Shinchi-town and Yanaizu-town; and areas excluding the restricted and planned evacuation areas in Tamura-city, Minamisoma-city, Kawamata-town, and Kawauchi-village
Ibaraki Prefecture
All areas in Hitachi-city, Tsuchiura-city, Ryugasaki-city, Joso-city, Hitachiota-city, Takahagi-city, Kitaibaraki-city, Toride-city, Ushiku-city,Tsukuba-city, Hitachinaka-city, Kashima-city, Moriya-city, Inashiki-city, Hokota-city, Tsukubamirai-city, Tokai-village, Miho-village, Ami-town, and Tone-town
Tochigi Prefecture
All areas in Sano-city, Kanuma-city, Nikko-city, Ohtawara-city, Yaita-city, Nasushiobara-city, Shioya-town, and Nasu-town
Gunma Prefecture
All areas in Kiryu-city, Numata-city, Shibukawa-city, Annaka-city, Midori-city, Shimonita-town, Nakanojo-town, Takayama-village, Higashiagatsuma-town, Kawaba-village
Saitama Prefecture
All areas in Misato-city and Yoshikawa-city
Chiba Prefecture
All areas in Matsudo-city, Noda-city, Sakura-city, Kashiwa-city, Nagareyama-city, Abiko-city, Kamagaya-city, Inzai-city, and Shiroi-city
別紙2 除染等業務のうち労働者派遣が禁止される業務
Attachment 2. Specific activities prohibited for dispatched workers among Decontamination and Related Works
No person should be allowed to carry out a Worker Dispatching Undertaking with regard to services falling under construction work (which refers to work relating to civil engineering, and construction, remodeling, maintenance, repairing, modification, wrecking or dismantling of buildings and other structures, or preparation for any of these ; the same applies hereinafter) pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (1)of the Act for Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers. Thus among Decontamination and Related Works, those that fall under construction work of any of the above items, are not allowed to engage dispatched workers.
Therefore generally, if dispatched workers are employed at the construction site, their works are mainly considered as preparation for civil engineering and construction works. Thus they are, in most cases, prohibited although the work may not be defined as construction work when conducted independently.
For reference, several examples are shown in the following, but in principle, it should be judged whether or not Decontamination and Related Works fall under construction work in line with the actual situation. In addition, it should be noted that even though the work may not be defined as civil engineering and construction work when conducted independently, they fall under civil engineering and construction work, and accordingly are prohibited because they are considered as preparation for the civil engineering and construction work.
Description of works (Machinery used, etc.)
Whether or not allowed
Decontamination of forests (removal of fallen leaves, branches and leaves, etc. and pruning of trees) (Electric saws)
Generally, the work on the left is allowed. However, when it is practically conducted as preparation for civil engineering or construction, etc., it falls under construction services, and accordingly is not allowed.
Watering of soil, etc. (Hoses, etc.)
Generally, the work is allowed as long as it is completed independently. However, when it is practically conducted as preparation for civil engineering or construction, etc., it falls under construction services, and accordingly is not allowed.
Mowing, stripping of topsoil, removal of soil, grass, moss, fallen branches and leaves, and garbage (Mowers, shovels, brooms, rakes, and sandbags)
Generally, mowing and removal of grass, moss, and fallen branches are allowed. However, when they are practically conducted as preparation for civil engineering or construction, etc. they fall under construction services, accordingly are not allowed. In addition, stripping of topsoil and removal of soil are considered as construction services themselves, and accordingly are not allowed.
Stripping of topsoil, etc., removal of soil, grass, moss, fallen branches and leaves, and garbage(Heavy machines, such as backhoes, and sandbags)
They are not allowed because they are considered as construction services themselves.
Removal of sludge in gutters, etc.(Shovels, brooms, rakes, and sandbags)
Generally, the work is allowed as long as it is completed independently. However, when it is practically conducted as preparation for civil engineering or construction, etc., it falls under construction services, and accordingly is not allowed.
Cleaning of roofs, walls, roads and gutters, etc.(High-pressure washing machines, brushes, buckets, and rags)
Generally, the work is allowed as long as it is completed independently. However, when it is practically conducted as preparation for civil engineering or construction, etc., it falls under construction services, and accordingly is not allowed.
Temporary storage and burial of removed soil, etc.(Shovels, sandbags, impermeable sheets, and shields)
Burial of removed soil, etc. on the left is not allowed because it is considered as a construction service itself. For temporary storage of removed soil, etc., it is generally allowed as long as the work is simply transferring removed and accumulated soil. However, in most cases, it is practically conducted as preparation for civil engineering or construction, etc., therefore it falls under construction services.
Transfer of removed soil, etc. to temporary storage places, etc.(Backhoes)
It is not allowed because it is considered as a construction service itself.
Transport of removed soil, etc. (Transportation vehicles)
It is not allowed when the work on the left is to transport removed soil, etc. directly from areas where the soil is because it is practically conducted as preparation for civil engineering or construction, etc. in most cases, and therefore it falls under construction services.On the other hand, it is allowed to transport removed soil from a temporary storage yard as a secondary purpose.
Stripping of roof tiles and side walls of buildings (Various tools)
It is not allowed because it is considered as a construction service itself.
Stripping of asphalt (Electric cutters)
It is not allowed because it is considered as a construction service itself.
Removal and transportation of debris
These are allowed when they refer to removal by manual labour of: debris which is not fixed firmly; sediment that flowed into residences; or sediment and debris left behind on the ground or on roads. However, when these are conducted by using heavy work machines or as preparation for civil engineering or construction, etc., they fall under construction services, and accordingly are not allowed.
別紙3 高濃度粉じん作業に該当するかの判断方法
Attachment 3. Determination on whether or not the work falls under the category of work under high dust concentration
1 目的
1 Objectives
The purpose of the determination on whether or not the work falls under the category of work under high dust concentration is for employers to find out if a high concentration of dust that exceeds the lower limit of 10 mg/㎥is generated during the work, and accordingly to determine the measurement method to control internal exposure.
2 基本的考え方
2 Basic Policy
(1) 高濃度粉じんの下限値である10mg/m3を超えているかどうかを判断できればよく、厳密な測定ではなく、簡易な測定で足りること。
(1) A simplified measurement instead of an accurate one is acceptable so long as it can determine whether or not the dust concentration exceeds the lower limit of 10 mg/㎥ as a high dust concentration.
(2) 測定は、専門の測定業者に委託して実施することが望ましいこと。
(2) It is desirable that carrying out the measurement be commissioned to experts.
3 測定の方法
3 Measurement method
(1) 高濃度粉じん作業の判定は、作業中に、個人サンプラーを用いるか、作業者の近傍で、粉じん作業中に、原則としてデジタル粉じん計による相対濃度指示方法によること。
(1) A personal sampler should be used during the work in order to determine whether or not the work falls under the work under high dust concentration; the measurement should be based on the relative concentration indication method using a digital dust meter, in principle, measured near workers during the work that generates dust.
(2) 測定の方法は、以下によること。
(2) Measurement should follow the procedures described below:
ア 粉じん作業を実施している間、粉じん作業に従事する労働者の作業に支障を来さない程度に近い所(風下)でデジタル粉じん計(例:LD-5)により、2~3分間程度、相対濃度(cpm)の測定を行うこと。
a Relative concentration (cpm) should be measured for 2-3 minutes using a digital dust meter (e.g., LD-5) in the vicinity of workers (downwind), to the extent that it does not disturb the workers engaged in the dust generating work.
イ アの相対濃度測定は、粉じん作業に従事する者の全員について行うことが望ましいが、同様の作業を数メートル以内で行う労働者が複数いる場合は、そのうちの代表者について行えば足りること。
b It is desirable to conduct the measurement of the relative concentration described in (a) for all of the workers engaged in the work. However, when several workers are engaged in similar tasks within a distance of several meters, it may be sufficient to measure for a representative worker of the group.
ウ アの簡易測定の結果、最も高い相対濃度(cpm)を示した労働者について、作業に支障を来さない程度に近い所(風下)において、デジタル粉じん計とインハラブル粉じん濃度測定器を並行に設置し、10分以上の継続した時間で測定を行い、質量濃度変換係数を求めること。
c Both a digital dust meter and an inhalable dust concentration measurement device should be set in parallel in the vicinity (downwind), to the extent that they do not disturb the work, of the worker for whom the simplified measurement in (a) showed the highest relative concentration (cpm), and the concentration should be measured for 10 minutes or longer continuously to obtain a mass-concentration conversion factor.
① 粉じん濃度測定の対象粒径は、気中から鼻孔又は口を通って吸引されるインハラブル粉じん(吸引性粉じん、粒径100μm、50%cut)を測定対象とすること。
(i) The concerned particles for the dust concentration measurement should be airborne inhalable dust (respiratory dust, particle diameter 100 μm, 50% cut) that could be inhaled through a person’s nose or mouth;
② インハラブル粉じんは、オープンフェイス型サンプラーを用い、捕集ろ紙の面速を19(cm/s)で測定すること。
(ii) The concentration of the inhalable dust should be measured using an open-face type of sampler at the face-velocity of 19 (cm/s) on a sampling filter paper.
③ 分粒装置の粒径と、測定位置以外については、作業環境測定基準第2条によること。
(iii) Article 2 of the Working Environment Measurement Standards should be followed, except for the specifications of the dust particle diameters of the dust particle separator and the measurement positions.
(3) ウの結果求められた質量濃度変換係数を用いて、アの相対濃度測定から粉じん濃度(mg/m3)を算定し、測定結果のうち最も高い値が10mg/m3を超えている場合は、同一の粉じん作業を行う労働者全員について、10mg/m3を超えていると判断すること。
(3) Dust particle concentrations (mg/㎥) should be calculated from the relative concentration measurements (a) using a mass-concentration conversion factor obtained from the result in (c). In the case that the highest value of the measurements exceeds 10 mg/㎥, the concentration in the environment for all other workers engaged in the same task should be considered as exceeding 10 mg/㎥.
4 測定方法(所定の質量濃度変換係数を使用する場合)
4 Measurement method (when using the specified mass-concentration conversion factor)
(1) 適用条件
(1) Applied conditions
This measurement method should be applied only for handling soil mainly. Items which contain a large quantity of organic matters, including fallen leaves and branches, paddy straws, grasses, supply and sewage water sludge and items such as rubble, construction waste, etc. which contain a large amount of dust other than soil should be handled in accordance with the measurement method set forth in 3.
(2) 測定点の設定
(2) Setting of measuring points
ア 高濃度粉じん作業の測定は、粉じん作業中に作業者の近傍で、原則としてデジタル粉じん計による相対濃度指示方法によって行うこと。測定位置は、粉じん濃度が最大になると考えられる発じん源の風下で、重機等の排気ガス等の影響を受けにくい位置とする。測定は、粉じんの発生すると考えられる作業内容ごとに行うこと。
a The measurement during works under high dust concentration should be conducted in principle by the relative concentration indication method using a digital dust meter in the vicinity of workers engaged in dust generating work. The measuring positions should be the spots where the dust concentration is assumed to be the highest, in the downwind of dust generating source, and where the exhaust gas from heavy machines, etc. is less likely to affect the measurement. The concentration should be measured for all works during which dust is expected to be generated.
イ 同一作業を行う作業者が複数いる場合には、代表して1名について測定を行うこと。
b When several workers are engaged in the same task, the measurement should be performed for a representative worker of the group.
ウ 作業の邪魔にならず、測定者の安全が確保される範囲で、作業者になるべく近い位置で測定を行うこと。可能であれば、測定者がデジタル粉じん計を携行し、作業者に近い位置で測定を行うことが望ましいこと。また、作業の安全上問題がない場合は、作業者自身がLD‐6Nを装着して測定を行う方法もあること。
c The measurement should be conducted as closely as possible to workers to an extent that it does not disturb the works and the safety of a measurer be ensured. If possible, it is desirable that the measurer take a digital dust meter with him and conduct the measurement as closest position as possible to the workers. If there should be no safety problems concerning the work, it is also possible that the workers themselves conduct measurement carrying the LD-6N on them.
(3) 測定時間
(3) Measuring time
ア 測定時間は、濃度が最大となると考えらえる作業中の継続した10分間以上とすること。作業の1サイクルが数分程度の短時間の作業が繰り返し行われる場合は,作業が行われている時間を含む10分間以上の測定を行うこと。
a The measuring time should be continuously for 10 minutes or longer during work at which the concentration is estimated to be the highest. If works are repeatedly carried out for short cycles of a few minutes each, the measurement should be made for a period of at least 10 minutes including the time which the works are being underway.
イ 作業の1サイクルが10分から1時間程度までであれば作業1サイクル分の測定を行い、それより長い連続作業であれば作業の途中で10分程度の測定を数回行い、その最大値を測定結果とすること。
b If one work cycle is somewhere between 10 minutes and one hour, the measurement should be made for the entire cycle. If a work is continued longer than that, the concentration should be measured several times for about a period of 10 minutes during the work and the highest value should be recorded.
(4) 評価
(4) Evaluation
ア デジタル粉じん計により測定された相対濃度指示値(1分間当たりのカウント数。cpm。)に質量濃度換算係数を乗じて質量濃度を算出し、10mg/m3を超えているかどうかを判断すること。
a The relative concentration value indicated by the digital dust meter (the number counted per minute: cpm) is multiplied by the mass-concentration conversion factor to obtain the mass concentration and whether or not the value is exceeding 10 mg/m3 should be determined.
イ 質量濃度換算係数について
b The mass-concentration conversion factor
The mass concentration conversion factor in this measurement method should be set to 0.15mg/ m3 /cpm; provided however, that when using the factor note the following items:
① この係数は、限られた測定結果に基づき設定されたものであり、今後の研究の進展により、適宜見直しを行う必要があるものであること。
(i) Because the factor is set based on the results of limited measurements, it should be reviewed appropriately in step with the advancement of future research.
② 本係数は、光散乱方式のデジタル粉じん計であるLD‐5及びLD‐6に適用することが想定されていること。
(ii) It is assumed that this factor will be applied to the digital dust meter of light scattering method, the LD-5 and LD-6.
別紙4 内部被ばくスクリーニング検査の方法
Attachment 4. Internal exposure screening test method
1 目的
1 Objectives
Screening tests are conducted by Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works to judge if they are required to provide workers with measurement of internal exposure.
2 基本的考え方
2 Basic policy
(1) 高濃度粉じん作業(10mg/m3)かつ高濃度汚染土壌(50万Bq/kg)の状態にあっては、防じんマスクが全く使用されない無防備な状況を想定した場合、内部被ばく実効線量が1mSv/年を超える可能性があることから、3月以内ごとに一度の内部被ばく測定を実施すること。
(1) For works under a high dust concentration (10 mg/m3) environment and involving handling of highly radioactive contaminated soil (500,000 Bq/kg), internal exposures exceeding the effective dose of 1 mSv/y could be expected assuming that works were conducted under an unprotected situation condition without wearing a dust mask. Therefore measurement of internal exposure should be conducted once within every three months for the workers engaged in such works.
(2) その他の場合にあっては、1日ごとに作業終了時にスクリーニング検査を実施し、その限度を超えたことがあった場合は、3月以内ごとに1回、内部被ばく測定を実施すること。
(2) For other workers other than the above, the screening test should be conducted when the work of the day is finished, and if the screening test result suggests a higher dose than the limit, measurement of internal exposure should be conducted once within every three months.
If the works are not conducted under a high dust concentration (10 mg/m3) environment or involving handling of highly radioactive contaminated soil (500,000 Bq/kg), the maximum value of internal exposure is estimated not to exceed 0.153 mSv/y, so internal exposure measurement should be conducted only when incidentally exposed to high dust concentration .
3 スクリーニング検査の実施方法
3 Screening test methods
(1) スクリーニング検査は、次の方法によること。
(1) Screening tests should be conducted as follows:
ア 1日の作業の終了時において、防じんマスクに付着した放射性物質の表面密度を放射線測定器を用いて測定すること。
a Radioactivity density on the surface of the mask should be measured with a radiation counter when the work of the day is completed.
イ 1日の作業の終了時において、鼻腔内の放射性物質の表面密度を測定すること(鼻スミアテスト)。
b Radioactivity density in the intranasal area should be measured (nasal smear test) with a radiation counter when the work of the day is completed.
(2) スクリーニング検査の基準値は、防じんマスク又は鼻腔内に付着した放射性物質の表面密度について、除染等業務従事者が除染等作業により受ける内部被ばくによる線量の合計が、3月間につき1mSvを十分下回るものとなることを確認するに足る数値とすること。目安としては以下のものがあること。
(2) The criteria for the screening tests should be that the radioactivity density on the surface of the mask and in the intranasal area should be low enough to ensure that the internal exposure of the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works while carrying out their Decontamination and Related Duties is well below 1 mSv per three-month. Reference values are as follows:
ア スクリーニング検査の基準値の設定のための目安として、マスク表面については10,000cpm(通常、防護係数は3を期待できるところ2と厳しい仮定を置き、マスク表面に50%の放射性物質が付着して残りの50%を吸入すると仮定して試算した場合で、0.01mSv相当)があること。
a 10,000 cpm on the surface of a mask (this is equivalent to 0.01 mSv based on the calculation using a protection coefficient of 2 instead of 3 which is normally used (with severer assumption), and assuming that 50 % of the radioactive materials were attached on the mask surface, and the other 50 % were inhaled) as an estimate for determining a standard value for the screening test.
イ 鼻スミアテストは2次スクリーニング検査とすることを想定し、スクリーニング検査の基準値設定の目安としては、1,000cpm(内部被ばく実効線量約0.03mSv相当)、10,000cpm(内部被ばく実効線量約0.3mSv相当)があること。
b 1,000 cpm (equivalent to approximately 0.03 mSv of internal effective dose) and 10,000 cpm (equivalent to approximately 0.3 mSv of internal effective dose) for the nasal smear test which is assumed to be conducted as a secondary screening test, as an estimate for determining a standard value for the screening test.
(3) 測定後の措置
(3) Actions after the screening tests
ア 防じんマスクによる検査結果が基準値を超えた場合は、鼻スミアテストを実施すること。
a If the result of the test for a dust mask exceeds the criterion, the nasal smear test should be conducted:
① 鼻スミアテストにより10,000cpmを超えた場合は、3月以内ごとに1回、内部被ばく測定を実施すること。なお、医学的に妊娠可能な女性にあっては、鼻スミアテストの基準値を超えた場合は、直ちに内部被ばく測定を実施すること。
(i) If nasal smear test exceeds 10,000 cpm, internal exposure should be measured once within every three months. For female workers who have been clinically confirmed as having a capability to become pregnant, internal exposure should be measured immediately when the nasal smear test exceeds the criterion;
② 鼻スミアテストにより、1,000cpmを超えて10,000cpm以下の場合は、その結果を記録し、1,000cpmを超えることが数回以上あった場合は、3月以内ごとに1回内部被ばく測定を実施すること。
(ii)If the nasal smear test result exceeds 1,000 cpm but is equal to 10,000 cpm or less, the results are recorded. In case that the nasal smear test result exceeds 1,000 cpm several times, then the internal exposure should be measured once within every three months.
イ (1)イの防じんマスクの表面線量率の検査にあたっては、防じんマスクの装着が悪い場合は表面密度が低くでる傾向があるため、同様の作業を行っていた労働者の中で特定の労働者の表面密度が他の労働者と比較して大幅に低い場合は、当該労働者に対し、マスクの装着方法を再指導すること。
b In the measurement of the dose rate on the surface of a dust mask as specified in (1)-b, when the surface radioactivity density of a specific worker shows a drastically lower value than that of other workers who do the same work, the worker should be reinstructed on how to properly wear a dust mask should be provided to the worker, because the surface radioactivity density tends to show lower values due to improper wearing of the dust mask.
別紙5 平均空間線量率の測定・評価の方法
Attachment 5. Methods of measurement and evaluation of average ambient dose rate
1 目的
1 Objectives
The purposes of measurement and evaluation of average ambient dose rate are for Employers whose Workers Engaged in Decontamination and related Works, to measure and evaluate whether or not the average ambient dose rate at a workplace exceeds 2.5 μSv/h, and accordingly to determine how to control radiation exposures to be implemented when employers assign workers to the Decontamination and Related Works.
2 基本的考え方
2 Basic policy
(1) 作業の開始前にあらかじめ測定を実施すること
(1) Average ambient dose rate should be measured prior to commencing the work.
(2) 特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を実施する場合で、同じ場所で作業を継続するときは、作業の開始前に加え、2週間につき1度、測定を実施すること。この場合、測定値が2.5μSv/hを下回った場合でも、天候等による測定値の変動がありえるため、測定値が2.5μSv/hのおよそ9割(2.2μSv/h)を下回るまで、測定を継続する必要があること。また、台風や洪水、地滑り等、周辺環境に大きな変化があった場合は、測定を実施すること。
(2) When conducting the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste and the work that is on-going at the same place, the dose rate should be measured once every two weeks as well as prior to commencing the work. Even when the measured dose rate is equal to 2.5 μSV/h or less, the measurements should be continued until the dose rate falls below approximately 90 % of 2.5 μSV/h (2.2 μSv/h). Also, the dose rate should be measured when there are significant changes in the surrounding environment due to typhoons, flooding or land slippage.
(3) 労働者の被ばくの実態を適切に反映できる測定とすること
(3) The measurement should appropriately reflect the actual exposure situation of workers.
3 平均空間線量率の測定・評価について
3 Measurement and evaluation of average ambient dose rate
(1) 共通事項
(1) Common subjects
ア 空間線量率の測定は、地上1mの高さで行うこと。
a Average ambient dose rate should be measured at a point 1m above the ground.
イ 測定器等については、作業環境測定基準第8条によること。
b The measuring device should comply with Article 8 of the Working Environmental Measurement Standards.
(2) 空間線量率のばらつきが少ないことが見込まれる場合(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を除く。)
(2) When small scattering of ambient dose rate is expected (except for the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.)
ア 作業場の区域(当該作業場の面積が1000m2を超えるときは、当該作業場を1000m2以下の区域に区分したそれぞれの区域をいう。)の形状が、四角形である場合は、区域の四隅と2つの対角線の交点の計5点の空間線量率を測定し、その平均値を平均空間線量率とすること。
a When the working area is a rectangular shape, ambient dose rate should be measured at the four corners and at the intersection of the two diagonal lines of the rectangle. (Working area refers to each of the sub-divisions of the original working area, which are less than 1,000 m2, if the size of the working area is greater than 1,000 m2) Average ambient dose rate is derived by averaging the measurements from these five points.
イ 作業場所が四角形でない場合は、区域の外周をほぼ4等分した点及びこれらの点により構成される四角形の2つの対角線の交点の計5点を測定し、その平均値を平均空間線量とすること。
b When the working area is not a rectangular shape, the ambient dose rate should be measured at four points set at an even distance along the outer periphery, and one point at the intersection of the diagonal lines from two facing points. Average ambient dose rate is derived by averaging the measurements from these five points.
(3) 空間線量率のばらつきが少ないことが見込まれる場合(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に限る。)
(3) When small scattering of the ambient dose rate is expected (except for the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.)
ア 作業場の区域の中で、最も線量が高いと見込まれる点の空間線量率を少なくとも3点測定し、測定結果の平均を平均空間線量率とすること。
a Ambient dose rate should be measured at three different points at least where the dose rate is likely to be the highest in the working area. Average ambient dose rate is derived by averaging the measurements from three points.
イ あらかじめ除染等作業を実施し、放射性物質の濃度が高い汚染土壌等を除去してある場合は、基本的に、空間線量のばらつきが少ないと見なすことができること。
b When the area was decontaminated in advance and Contaminated Soil and Waste with high concentration of radioactive materials has been removed, this is basically considered as the case with small scattering of ambient dose rate
(4) 空間線量率のばらつきが大きいことが見込まれる場合
(4) When large scattering of ambient dose rate is expected:
ア 作業場の特定の場所に放射性物質が集中している場合その他作業場における区間線量率に著しい差が生じていると見込まれる場合にあっては、(2)の規定にかかわらず、次の式により計算することにより、平均空間線量率を計算すること。
a Average dose rate should be calculated according to the formula shown below regardless of the provisions in (2) when radioactive materials are concentrated at a certain place in the work area resulting in a significant difference in the ambient dose rate from that in other work areas.
イ 計算にあたっては、次の事項に留意すること。
b The following matters should be noted:
① 空間線量率が高いと見込まれる場所の付近の地点(以下「特定測定点」という。)を1000m2ごとに数点測定すること。
(i) Ambient dose rate should be measured at several points every 1,000 m2 around the points where a higher dose rate is expected (hereafter referred to as "specified measuring points").
② 最も被ばく線量が大きいと見込まれる代表的個人について計算すること。
(ii) Exposure dose should be calculated for a representative individual for whom the highest dose is expected.
③ 同一場所での作業が複数日にわたる場合は、最も被ばく線量が大きい作業を実施する日を想定して算定すること。
(iii) When the work continues several days at the same place, the calculation should be done assuming the day when the work is conducted is the day with the highest exposure dose:,
R: average ambient dose rate (μSv/h);
n: number of specified measuring points;
A: average ambient dose rate (μSv/h) calculated according to (2);
Bi: ambient dose rate values at each specified measuring point (μSv/h); to be put in the formula to obtain R;
WHi: working hours (h) per day at the place of concern of a worker whose exposure dose is expected to be the highest among the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works who carry out the Decontamination and Related Works at the place near each specified measuring point;
WH: working hours (h) in a day for the Workers Engaged in Decontamination and Related Works.
別紙6 汚染土壌等の放射能濃度の測定方法
Attachment 6. Measurement methods for radioactivity concentration in the Contaminated Soil and Waste.
1 目的
1 Objectives
The objectives of measuring radioactivity concentration of Contaminated Soil and Waste, Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes are to assist employers in determining whether the Contaminated Soil and Waste exceeds the reference value (10,000 Bq/kg or 500,000 Bq/kg) and in deciding the necessary radiation protection measures for assigning their workers to the Decontamination and Related Works.
2 基本的考え方
2 Basic policy
(1) 作業の開始前にあらかじめ測定を実施すること。
(1) Radioactivity concentration should be measured prior to commencing the works.
(2) 特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を実施する場合で、同一の場所で事業を継続するときは、事業開始前に加え、2週間に一度、測定を実施すること。なお、放射性物質濃度が1万Bq/kgを下回った場合、測定値の変動に備え、測定値が1万Bq/kgを明らかに下回る場合を除き、測定値が低位安定するまでの間(概ね10週間)は、測定を継続する必要があること。また、台風や洪水、地滑り等、周辺環境に大きな変化があった場合も、測定を実施すること。
(2) When conducting the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste and the work that is on-going at the same place, the radioactivity concentration should be measured once every two weeks as well as prior to commencing the works. When the measured radioactivity concentration is below 10,000 Bq/kg, the measurements should be continued until consistent low measurements can be obtained (approximately 10 weeks) considering the fluctuation of the measurements, except when that the measurement is clearly lower than 10,000 Bq/kg. Also, the radioactivity concentration should be measured when there are significant changes in the surrounding environment due to typhoons, flooding or land slippage.
(3) 測定は、専門の測定業者に委託して実施することが望ましいこと。
(3) It is desirable that the measurement be commissioned to experts.
(4) 作業において実際に取り扱う土壌等を測定すること。
(4) The radioactivity concentration should be measured for soil, etc. to be actually handled in the works.
(5) 放射性物質の濃度はばらつきが激しいため、測定された最も高い濃度を代表値とすること。
(5) The highest value among measurements should be selected as a representative one considering the large variability of radioactivity concentration.
(6) 作業開始前の測定は、別紙6-2又は6-3の早見表その他の知見に基づき、土壌の掘削深さ及び作業場所の平均空間線量率等から、作業の対象となる汚染土壌等の放射能濃度が1万Bq/kgを明らかに下回り、特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に該当しないことを明確に判断できる場合にまで、放射能濃度測定を求める趣旨ではないこと。
(6) The measurement before commencing the works should be based on the methods shown in Attachment 6-2 or the lookup table in Attachment 6-3, or other knowledge. The provisions here does not require the measurement of radioactivity concentration when it can be clearly determined that the radioactivity concentration of Contaminated Soil and Waste involved in the work is significantly lower than 10,000 Bq/kg, and the works do not fall under Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.
3 試料採取
3 Sampling
(1) 試料採取の原則
(1) Principles for sampling
ア 試料は、以下のいずれかを採取すること。
a Either one of following materials should be sampled:
① 作業場所の空間線量率の測定点のうち最も高い空間線量率が測定された地点における汚染土壌等、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物
(i) Contaminated Soil and Waste, Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes in the location where the highest ambient dose rate was observed among air dose measurement points of the workplace; or
② 作業で取扱う汚染土壌等、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物のうち、最も放射線濃度が高いと見込まれるもの
(ii) Contaminated Soil and Waste, Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes to be handled with the highest expected radioactivity concentration.
イ 試料は、作業場所ごとに(1000m2を上回る場合は1000m2ごとに)数点採取すること。なお、作業場所が1000m2を大きく上回る場合で、農地等、汚染土壌等、除去土壌又は汚染廃棄物の濃度が比較的均一であると見込まれる場合は、試料採取の数は1000m2ごとに少なくとも1点とすることで差し支えない。
b Several materials should be sampled from each workplace (every 1,000 m2 when the size of the workplace is larger than 1,000 m2). For the workplace whose size is significantly larger than 1,000 m2 and where radioactivity concentrations are relatively consistent for farmland, Contaminated Soil and Waste, Removed Soil or Contaminated Wastes, the number of materials to be sampled may be considered as at least one for every 1,000 m2.
ウ 地表から一定の深さまでの土壌等を採取する場合は、採取した土壌等の平均濃度を測定可能な試料とすること。
c Average radioactivity concentration should be determined for sampled materials when soil is sampled at different depths up to a certain depth from the surface.
(2) 試料採取の箇所(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務を除く。)
(2) Location of sampling (except Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.)
Areas to be decontaminated with potentially high radioactivity concentration include the following:
ア 農地
a Farmland
Soil in the zone up to 5 cm in depth from the surface
イ 森林
b Forest:
① 樹木の葉、表皮、落葉、落枝の代表的な部分
(i) Representative leaves and barks of trees, and fallen leaves and branches
② 落葉層(腐葉土)の場合は、深さ3cm程度の腐葉土
(ii) Leaf mold in the zone up to 3 cm in depth in the fallen leaf layer (leaf mold)
ウ 生活圏(建物など工作物、道路の周辺)
c Inhabitable area (Areas around structures such as buildings or roads)
The area where rain water is collected and where the collected rain water exits, plants and their roots, locations where rainwater, mud or soil tend to be accumulated, and removed objects such as sludge near the structures to which small particles tend to be attached
(3) 試料採取の箇所(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に限る。)
(3) Location of sampling (limited to the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste)
ア 農地
a Farmland
Soil in the zone up to 15 cm in depth from the surface.
イ 森林
b Forest
Leaves of trees, barks, and fallen leaves and branches whose potential radioactivity concentration is expected to be the highest. (When measuring the fallen leaf layer (leaf mold), soil up to 15 cm in depth including the soil beneath the layer should be measured.)
ウ 生活圏(建物など工作物、道路の周辺)
c Inhabitable area (Areas around the structures such as buildings or roads)
Among soil handled in the works, that in the area where rain water is collected and where the collected rain water exits, plants and their roots, locations where rainwater, mud or soil tend to be accumulated, and removed objects such as sludge near the structures to which small particles tend to be attached (soil in the zone from the surface to the depth where actual decontamination is involved; the depth should vary depending on the excavation depth in the actual decontamination).
4 分析方法
4 Analysis methods
Either method below should be used for analysis.
(1) 作業環境測定基準第9条第1項第2号に定める、全ガンマ放射能計測方法又はガンマ線スペクトル分析方法
(1) The total gamma ray measurement or gamma spectrum analysis, as specified in Article9, paragraph (1) item (ii) of the Working Environment Measurement Standards.
(2) 簡易な方法
(2) Simplified measurement method
ア 試料の表面の線量率とセシウム134とセシウム137の放射能濃度の合計の相関関係が明らかになっている場合は、次の方法で放射能濃度を算定することができること。(詳細については、別紙6-1参照)
a The radioactivity concentration should be calculated using the following method if the correlation between the dose rate on the sample surface and the sum of the concentrations of Cs-134 and Cs-137 is known. (See Attachment 6-1 for details.):
① 採取した試料を容器等に入れ、その重量を測定すること。
(i) Place the sample in a container and measure the weight;
② 容器等の表面の線量率の最大値を測定すること。
(ii) Measure the maximum dose rate on the surface of the container.
③ 測定した重量及び線量率から、容器内の試料のセシウム134とセシウム137の濃度の合計を算定すること。
(iii) Use the measured weight and the dose rate to calculate the sum of the concentrations of Cs-134 and Cs-137 in the sample.
イ 一般のNaIシンチレーターによるサーベイメーターの測定上限値は30μSv/h程度であるため、簡易測定では、V5容器を使用しても、30万Bq/kg以上の測定は困難である。このため、サーベイメーターの指示値が30μSv/hを振り切った場合には、測定対象物の濃度が50万Bq/kgを超えるとして関連規定を適用するか、(1)の方法による分析を行うかいずれかとすること。
b It is difficult to measure radioactivity concentrations equal to 300,000 Bq/kg or more with the simplified method even when using the V5-type container because the upper measurement limit of survey meter, the typical NaI scintillation counter is as low as 30 μSv/h. Therefore, when the pointer on the scintillation counter goes past 30 μSv/h, the relevant regulations should be applied under the assumption that the concentration of the measured object exceeds 500,000 Bq/kg, or an analysis should be carried out using the method of (1) above.
ウ 1万Bq/kg前後と見込まれる試料を測定する場合は、測定される表面線量率が周囲の空間線量率を下回る可能性があるため、土のう袋を使用した測定を行うとともに、空間線量率が十分に低い場所で表面線量率の測定を行うこと。
c When measuring specimens for which radioactivity concentration is expected to be around 10,000 Bq/kg, the surface dose rate should be measured while placing a sandbag at the area with low ambient dose rate because the measured surface dose rate could be lower than the ambient dose rate in the area.
(3) 空間線量率と放射性物質濃度の関係に基づく簡易測定
(3) Simplified measurement based on the relationship between ambient dose rate and radioactivity concentration
ア 平均空間線量率が2.5μSv/h以下の地域において、地表から1mにおける空間線量率と土壌中のセシウム134とセシウム137の放射能濃度(地表から15cmまでの平均)の合計との間に相関関係が明らかになっている場合は、次の方法で放射能濃度を算定することができること。(詳細については、別紙6-2及び6-3を参照。)
a In the area where the average ambient dose rate is equal to 2.5μSv/h or less, the radioactivity concentration may be calculated using the following method if the correlation between the ambient dose rate at a height of 15cm from the ground surface and the sum of the concentrations of Cs-134 and Cs-137 is known. (See Attachments 6-2 and 6-3 for details.);
provided, however, that the simplified method may not apply to the works involving soil near the ground surface of unplowed farmland, or the fallen leaf layer, or soil near the ground surface only, because data have indicated that approximately 50% of radioactive materials (for unplowed farmland) or 60% of radioactive materials (for school yards) are accumulated in the zone from the ground surface to 1 cm in depth, and that radioactivity is concentrated on fallen leaves in the forest.
イ 生活圏(建築物、工作物、道路等の周辺)の汚染土壌等については、建築物、工作物、道路、河川等、土壌等の態様が多様であることから、農地土壌のように、一律の推定結果を適用することは実態に即していないため、作業において実際に取り扱う土壌等について、(2)の簡易測定を実施すること。
b For the Contaminated Soil and Waste in inhabitable area (areas around buildings, structures and roads), the simplified measurement described in (2) should be applied to soil etc. to be actually handled in the works, because applying the estimation result uniformly is not practical due to variation in the properties of buildings, structures, roads, rivers, and soils, etc.
ウ 測定方法
(c) Measurement methods:
① 農地土壌について
(i) Agricultural soils;
・ 地表から1mの平均空間線量率を測定する。(別紙5による)
・ Measure average ambient dose rate at 1 m in height from the ground surface (according to Attachment 5)
・ 農地の種類及び土の種類により、推定式を選択し、換算係数を選択する。
・ Select the estimation equation and conversion factor depending on the type of farmland and type of soil.
・ 推定式により、土壌中のセシウム134とセシウム137の放射能濃度の合計を推定
・ Use the estimation equation to estimate the sum of the concentrations of Cs-134 and Cs-137 in the soil, etc.
② 森林の落葉層等について
(ii) Fallen leaf layer in a forest
・ 地表から1mの平均空間線量率を測定する。(別紙5による)
・ Measure average ambient dose rate at 1 m in height from the ground surface (according to Attachment 5)
・ 推定式により、土壌中のセシウム134とセシウム137の放射能濃度の合計を推定
・ Use the estimation equation to estimate the sum of the concentrations of Cs-134 and Cs-137 in the soil, etc.
別紙6-1 放射能濃度の簡易測定手順
Attachment 6-1. Simplified measurement procedures for radioactivity concentration
1 使用可能な容器の種類
1 Type of usable containers
(1) 丸型V式容器(128mmφ×56mmHのプラスチック容器。以下「V5容器」という。)
(1) Round V-series containers (plastic containers of 128mmφ x 56mmH. Hereinafter referred to as “The V5 Container”.)
(2) 土のう袋
(2) Sandbags
(3) フレキシブルコンテナ
(3) Flexible containers
(4) 200Lドラム缶
(4) 200L (liter) drum cans
(5) 2Lポリビン
(5) 2L (liter) polyethylene bottles
2 事故由来廃棄物等を収納した容器の放射能濃度が1万Bq/kg、50万Bq/kg又は200万Bq/kgを下回っているかどうかの判別方法は、次のとおり。
2 The following is the method for determining whether the radioactivity concentration of a container containing accident-derived waste is below 10,000 Bq/kg or 500,000 Bq/kg:1) 事故由来廃棄物等を収納した容器の表面の放射線量率を測定し、最も大きい値をA(μSv/h)とする。
1) Measure the radiation dose rate on the surfaces of containers containing accident-derived waste, and define the largest value as A (μSv/h).
2) 事故由来廃棄物等を収納した容器の放射能量B(Bq)を、下記式に測定日に応じた係数Xと測定した放射線量率A(μSv/h)を代入して求める。測定日及び容器の種類に応じた係数Xを表1に示す。
2) Determine the radioactivity B (Bq) of the containers containing accident-derived waste by putting the factor X depending on the measurement date and the measured radiation dose rate A (μSv/h) into the following formula. Table 1 lists the values of the factor X by the measurement date and container type.
A × 係数X =B
A x Factor X = B
3) 事故由来廃棄物等を収納した容器の重量を測定する。これをC(kg)とする。
3) Measure the weight of the containers containing accident-derived waste. Set this as C (kg).
4) 事故由来廃棄物等を収納した容器の放射能濃度D(Bq/kg)を、下記式に事故由来廃棄物等を収納した袋等の放射能量B(Bq)と重量C(kg)とを代入して求める。
4) To determine the radioactivity concentration D (Bq) of the containers containing accident-derived waste, substitute the radioactivity of the containers containing accident-derived waste for B (Bq) and the weight for C (kg) in the following formula.
B ÷ C =D
B ÷ C = D
Thus, it can be determined whether the radioactivity concentration D of the containers containing accident-derived waste is below 10,000 Bq/kg, 500,000 Bq/kg or 2,000,000 Bq/kg.
表1 除去物収納物の種類および測定日に応じた係数X
Table 1 Values of the factor X listed by the measurement date and container types
Measurement date
Values of the factor X
V5 containers
Flexible containers
200 L drum cans
2 L polyethylene bottles
平成26年10月 以内
Until October 2014
平成27年01月 以内
Until January 2015
平成27年04月 以内
Until April 2015
平成27年07月 以内
Until July 2015
平成27年10月 以内
Until October 2015
平成28年01月 以内
Until January 2016
平成28年04月 以内
Until April 2016
平成28年07月 以内
Until July 2016
平成28年10月 以内
Until October 2016
平成29年01月 以内
Until January 2017
平成29年04月 以内
Until April 2017
平成29年07月 以内
Until July 2017
平成29年10月 以内
Until October 2017
平成30年01月 以内
Until January 2018
別紙6-2 農地土壌の放射能濃度の簡易測定手順
Attachment6-2. Simplified procedures for measurement of radioactivity concentration of agricultural soil
1 地表面から1mの高さの平均空間線量率から、農地土壌におけるセシウム134及びセシウム137の放射能濃度の合計が1万Bq/kgを下回っていることの判別方法
1 Method to determine that the radioactivity (total radioactivity of Cs-134 and Cs-137) in agricultural soil is lower than 10,000 Bq/kg based on the average ambient dose rate at the height of 1 m from the ground surface
1) 作業の開始前にあらかじめ作業場所の平均空間線量率A(μSv/h)を測定する。(測定方法は別紙5による。)
(i) Measure the average ambient dose rate A (μSv/h) at the workplace (farmland) before starting the work (See Attachment 5 for the measurement method)
2) 農地の種類、土の種類(※1)から、以下の表により推定式を選択する。
(ii) Select the estimation formula depending on the type of farmland and type of soil(*1) as summarized in Table 1.
3) 測定された値A(μSv/h)を2)で選択した推定式に代入して農地土壌(15cm深)における放射性セシウム濃度を推定する。
(iii) Estimate the radioactivity concentration of Cs in the agricultural soil (15 cm in depth), by substituting the measurement A (μSv/h) into the formula selected in Step (ii).
Ambient dose rate A (μSv/h) x Factor X – Factor Y= Radioactivity concentration (total of Cs-134 and Cs-137) (Bq/kg)
(Example) Radioactivity concentration of Cs in “(Andosols for a) rice paddy” in “other areas” when the average ambient dose rate is 0.2 μSv/h (Estimation formula: C) (*2)
0.2 × 6,260 - 327 = 925 Bq/kg (推定値)
0.2 x 6,260 – 327 = 925 Bq/kg (Estimated)
Table 1: Selection of estimation formula
Type of farmland
Type of soil
Factor X
Factor Y
Evacuation area
Non-decontaminated farmland
Decontaminated farmland *3
Other areas
Rice paddy
Agricultural field
(※1)農地の土壌が黒ボク土かどうかは (独)農業環境技術研究所の土壌情報閲覧システム HP中の土壌図で確認できる。【URL:http://agrimesh.dc.affrc.go.jp/soil_db/】
(*1) Whether or not the soil of the farmland is an Andosol type can be checked using the soil distribution map on the webpage of the National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (http://agrimesh.dc.affrc.go.jp/soil_db/).
(*2) The conversion factors will change due to radioactivity decay with time. The estimation formula will be revised before the change becomes so large as not to be negligible.
(*3) Farmland which has been deeply plowed or from which topsoil has been stripped.
Table 2: Correspondence between radioactive Cs concentration and averaged ambient dose rates in non-decontaminated farmland in the emergency evacuation areas.
Ambient Dose Rate(μSv/h)
Cs Concentration(Bq/kg)
Ambient Dose Rate(μSv/h)
Cs Concentration(Bq/kg)
Ambient Dose Rate(μSv/h)
Cs Concentration(Bq/kg)
別紙6-3 森林土壌等の放射能濃度の簡易測定手順
Attachment 6-3. Simplified measurement method for radioactivity concentration of forest soil
1 地表面から1mの高さの平均空間線量率から、森林の落葉層及び土壌(以下「森林土壌等」という。)におけるセシウム134及びセシウム137の放射能濃度の合計が1万Bq/kgを下回っていることの判別方法
1 Method to determine that the radioactivity (total of Cs-134 and Cs-137) in the fallen leaf layer and soil in forest (hereafter referred to as "Forest Soil, etc.") is lower than 10,000 Bq/kg based on the average ambient dose rate at the height of 1 m from the ground surface
1) 作業の開始前にあらかじめ作業場所の平均空間線量率A(μSv/h)を測定する。(測定方法は別紙5による。)
(i) Measure the average ambient dose rate A (μSv/h) at the workplace before starting the work (See Attachment 5 for the measurement method)
2) 測定された値A(μSv/h)を代入して森林土壌等(15cm深)における放射性セシウム濃度を推定する
(ii) To estimate the radioactivity concentration of Cs in Forest Soil, etc. (15 cm in depth), substitute the measurement A (μSv/h) into the formula.(*)
A(μSv/h)×3,380 - 190 = Cs-134及びCs-137の放射能濃度の合計(Bq/kg)
A (μSv/h) x 3.380 – 190 =total of Radioactivity concentration Cs-134 and Cs-137 (Bq/kg)
(Example) Radioactivity concentration of Cs when the average ambient dose rate is 2.5 μSv/h
2.5μSv/h × 3,380–190 = 8,260 ≒ 8250(Bq/kg)
2.5 (μSv/h) x 3,380 – 190 = 8,260 ≈ 8,250( Bq/kg)早見表
Lookup table
Ambient dose rate(μSv/h)
Cs concentration(Bq/kg)
Ambient dose rate(μSv/h)
Cs concentration(Bq / kg)
Ambient dose rate(μSv/h)
Cs concentration(Bq/kg)
(*)The conversion factors will change due to radioactivity decay with time. The estimation formula will be revised before the change becomes so large as not to be negligible.
別紙7 作業指揮者に対する教育
Attachment 7. Special education for operation leaders
除染等業務(特定汚染土壌等取扱業務については、作業場所の平均空間線量率が 2.5μSv/hを超える場合に限る。)の作業指揮者に対する教育は、学科教育により行うものとし、次の表の左欄に掲げる科目に応じ、それぞれ、中欄に定める範囲について、右欄に定める時間以上実施すること。
Education for operation leaders who direct Decontamination and Related Works the (for the Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, they are limited to those in the workplaces where the average ambient dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h.) should be provided by lectures according to the table below, which shows general subject areas in the left column with specific topics in the middle column, and hours for each subject should be more than that in the right column.
Subject areas
Minimum duration
How to determine work procedures and arrange the workers engaged in decontamination works
①   放射線測定機器の構造及び取扱方法
1)  Structure and handling of radiation detectors
2.5 hours
② 事前調査の方法
2)    Methods for preliminary survey
③ 作業計画の策定
3)    Establishment of work plans
④ 作業手順の作成
4)    Determination of work procedures
How to direct the workers engaged in decontamination works
①   作業前点検、作業前打ち合わせ等の指揮及び教育の方法
1)  Methods for directing inspections, including before work, etc. and education
2 hours
② 作業中における指示の方法
2)    Methods of instruction during works
③ 保護具の適切な使用に係る指導方法
3)    Methods to instruct workers in appropriate usage of protective equipment
How to take actions in case of abnormal events
① 労働災害が発生した場合の応急の措置
1) Emergency actions in case of occupational hazards
1 hour
② 病院への搬送等の方法
2)  Methods of transport to the hospital, etc.
別紙8 労働者に対する特別教育
Attachment 8. Special education for workers
Special education for the workers engaged in Decontamination and Related Works should be provided by lectures and practical training.
The theoretical education by lectures should follow the table below showing general subject areas in the left column with specific topics in the middle column, and hours for each subject should be more than that in the right column.
Subject areas
Minimum duration
Knowledge about effects of ionizing radiation on living bodies and exposure dose control methods
For the workers engaged in the decontamination works (except for those who handle designated contaminated soil and wastes., only at the workplace where the average ambient dose rate is equal to 2.5 μSv/h or less):
1 hour
①   電離放射線の種類及び性質
1)  Types and nature of ionizing radiation
②   電離放射線が生体の細胞、組織、器官及び全身に与える影響
2) Effects of ionizing radiation on cells, tissues, organs and the whole body
③   被ばく限度及び被ばく線量測定の方法
3) Exposure dose limit and methods of dose measurements
④   被ばく線量測定の結果の確認及び記録等の方法
4) Method for confirming and recording the result of dose measurements
For the workers engaged in works for handling designated contaminated soil and wastes., only at the workplace where the average ambient dose rate is equal to 2.5 μSv/h or less:
1 hour
① 電離放射線の種類及び性質
1)  Types and nature of ionizing radiation
② 電離放射線が生体の細胞、組織、器官及び全身に与える影響
2)  Effects of ionizing radiation on cells, tissues, organs and the whole body
③ 被ばく限度
3)  Exposure dose limit
Knowledge about the methods for decontamination related works
For the workers engaged in decontamination, etc.:
1 hour
①   土壌等の除染等の業務に係る作業の方法及び順序
1)  Methods and procedures of works for decontamination, etc.
②   放射線測定の方法
2)  Methods for radiation measurement
③   外部放射線による線量当量率の監視の方法
3)  Methods for monitoring of dose equivalent rate from external radiation
④   汚染防止措置の方法
4)  Methods for preventing spread of contamination
⑤   身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去の方法
5)  Methods for inspection of contamination on the body surface, etc. and for decontamination
⑥   保護具の性能及び使用方法
6)  Functions and use of protective equipment
⑦   異常な事態が発生した場合における応急の措置の方法
7)  Emergency actions in case of abnormal events
For the workers engaged in decontamination, etc.:
1 hour
①   除去土壌の収集等に係る業務に係る作業の方法及び順序
1) Methods and procedures of works for decontamination, etc.
②   放射線測定の方法
2)  Methods for radiation measurement
③   外部放射線による線量当量率の監視の方法
3)  Methods for monitoring of dose equivalent rate from external radiation
④   汚染防止措置の方法
4)  Methods for preventing spread of contamination
⑤   身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去の方法
5)  Methods for inspection of contamination on the body surface, etc. and for decontamination
⑥   保護具の性能及び使用方法
6)  Functions and use of protective equipment
⑦   異常な事態が発生した場合における応急の措置の方法
7)  Emergency actions in case of abnormal events
For the workers engaged in collecting, transporting or storing removed soil (hereinafter as "work for collecting removed soil, etc."):
1 hour
①   汚染廃棄物の収集等に係る業務に係る作業の方法及び順序
1)  Methods and procedures of works for collecting removed soil, etc.
②   放射線測定の方法
2)  Methods for radiation measurement
③   外部放射線による線量当量率の監視の方法
3)  Methods for monitoring of dose equivalent rate from external radiation
④   汚染防止措置の方法
4)  Methods for preventing spread of contamination
⑤   身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去の方法
5)  Methods for inspection of contamination on the body surface, etc. and for decontamination
⑥   保護具の性能及び使用方法
6)  Functions and use of protective equipment
⑦   異常な事態が発生した場合における応急の措置の方法
7)  Emergency actions in case of abnormal events
For the workers engaged in the works for handling designated contaminated soil and wastes., at the workplace where average ambient dose rate is greater than 2.5 μSv/h (hereinafter as “the works for handling designated contaminated soil and wastes.’):
1 hour
1) Methods and procedures of works for handling designated contaminated soil and wastes.
② 放射線測定の方法
2)  Methods for radiation measurement
③ 外部放射線による線量当量率の監視の方法
3)  Methods for monitoring of dose equivalent rate from external radiation
④ 汚染防止措置の方法
4)  Methods for preventing spread of contamination
⑤ 身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去の方法
5)  Methods for inspection of contamination the on the body surface, etc. and for decontamination
⑥ 保護具の性能及び使用方法
6)    Functions and use of protective equipment
⑦ 異常な事態が発生した場合における応急の措置の方法
7)    Emergency actions in case of abnormal events
For the workers engaged in the works for handling designated contaminated soil and wastes., only at the workplace where average ambient dose rate is equal to 2.5 μSv/h or less):
1 hour
① 特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に係る作業の方法及び順序
1) Methods and procedures of work handling designated contaminated soil and wastes.
② 放射線測定の方法
2) Methods for radiation measurement
③ 汚染防止措置の方法
3) Methods for preventing spread of contamination
④ 身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去の方法
4)Methods for inspection of contamination on the body surface, etc. and for decontamination
5)Functions and use of protective equipment
⑥ 異常な事態が発生した場合における応急の措置の方法
6)Emergency actions in case of abnormal events
Knowledge about structure and handling of the machinery, etc. used for decontamination related works (limited to the name and usage of the machinery in the case for workers engaged in handling designated contaminated soil and wastes.,)
For the workers engaged in decontaminating soil, etc.:
1 hour
The structure and handling of the machinery, etc. used for decontamination work
For the workers engaged in collecting removed soil, etc.:
1 hour
The structure and handling of the machinery, etc. used for the work collecting removed soil, etc.
For the workers engaged in collecting waste, etc.:
1 hour
The name and use of machinery for the works for handling designated contaminated soil and wastes.
The name and use of machinery for the works for handling designated contaminated soil and wastes.
30 minutes
Relevant laws and regulations
Relevant provisions stipulated in the Industrial Safety and Health Act , the Order for Enforcement of the Industrial Safety and Health Act, the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health , and the Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination
1 hour
Training should provide the education topics described in the middle column of the following table according to each subject area listed in the left column, and hours for each subject should be more than that in the right column.
How to conduct Decontamination and Related Duties and how to handle the machinery, etc. (limited to the practice on how to conduct Ddecontamination and Related Duties in the case for the workers engaged in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste)
For the workers engaged in Works of Decontamination of Soil, etc.:
1.5 hours
①   土壌等の除染等の業務に係る作業
1)  Practice of work for Works of Decontamination of Soil, etc.
②   放射線測定器の取扱い
2)  Handling of radiation detectors
③   外部放射線による線量当量率の監視
3)  Monitoring of dose equivalent rate from external radiation
④   汚染防止措置
4)  Measures for preventing spread of contamination
⑤   身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去
5)  Inspection of contamination on the body surface, etc. and decontamination
⑥   保護具の取扱い
6)  Handling and use of protective equipment
⑦   土壌等の除染等の業務に係る作業に使用する機械等の取扱い
7)  Handling of the machinery used for Works of Decontamination of Soil, etc.
For the workers engaged in collecting Removed Soil:
1.5 hours
①   除去土壌の収集等に係る業務に係る作業
1)  Practice of work for collecting Removed Soil
②   放射線測定器の取扱い
2)  Handling of radiation detectors
③   外部放射線による線量当量率の監視
3)  Monitoring of dose equivalent rate from external radiation
④   汚染防止措置
4)  Measures for preventing spread of contamination
⑤   身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去
5)  Inspection of contamination on the body surface, etc. and decontamination
⑥   保護具の取扱い
6)  Handling and use of protective equipment
⑦   除去土壌の収集等に係る業務に係る作業に使用する機械等の取扱い
7)  Handling of the machinery used for collecting Removed Soil
For the workers engaged in collecting Contaminated Wastes:
1.5 hours
①   汚染廃棄物の収集等に係る業務に係る作業
1)  Practice of work for collecting Contaminated Wastes
②   放射線測定器の取扱い
2)  Handling of radiation detectors
③   外部放射線による線量当量率の監視
3)  Monitoring of dose equivalent rate from external radiation
④   汚染防止措置
4)  Measures for preventing spread of contamination
⑤   身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去
5)  Inspection of contamination on the body surface, etc. and decontamination
⑥   保護具の取扱い
6)  Handling and use of protective equipment
⑦   汚染廃棄物の収集等に係る業務に係る作業に使用する機械等の取扱い
7)    Handling of the machinery used for collecting Contaminated Wastes
For the workers engaged in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, at the workplace where average ambient dose rate is greater than 2.5 μSv/h:
1 hour
① 特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に係る作業
1)  Practice of Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste.
② 放射線測定器の取扱い
2)  Handling of radiation detectors
③ 外部放射線による線量当量率の監視
3)  Monitoring of dose equivalent rate from external radiation
④ 汚染防止措置
4)  Measures for preventing spread of contamination
⑤ 身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去
5)  Inspection of contamination on the body surface, etc. and decontamination
⑥ 保護具の取扱い
6)  Handling and use of protective equipment
For the workers engaged in Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste, only at the workplace where average ambient dose rate is equal to 2.5 μSv/h or less:
1 hour
① 特定汚染土壌等取扱業務に係る作業
1)  Practice of Works for Handling Designated Contaminated Soil and Waste
② 放射線測定器の取扱い
2)  Handling of radiation detectors
③ 汚染防止措置
3)  Measures for preventing spread of contamination
④ 身体等の汚染の状態の検査及び汚染の除去
4)  Inspection of contamination on the body surface, etc. and decontamination
⑤ 保護具の取扱い
5)  Handling and use of protective equipment