Basic Act on Consumer Policies(Act No. 78 of 1968)
Last Version: Act No. 60 of 2012
▶Main Provision
October 24, 2018
- Last Version: Act No. 60 of 2012
- Translated Date: April 23, 2018
- Dictionary Version: 12.0
March 13, 2013
- Last Version: Act No. 49 of 2009
- Translated Date: January 4, 2011
- Dictionary Version: 3.0
Basic Act on Consumer Policies
Act No. 78 of May 30, 1968
Table of Contents
第一章 総則(第一条―第十条の二)
Chapter I General Provisions(Articles 1 through 10-2)
第二章 基本的施策(第十一条―第二十三条)
Chapter II Basic Initiatives(Articles 11 through 23)
第三章 行政機関等(第二十四条―第二十六条)
Chapter III Administrative Organs; Related Matters(Articles 24 through 26)
第四章 消費者政策会議等(第二十七条―第二十九条)
Chapter IV Consumer Policy Council; Related Matters(Articles 27 through 29)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The purpose of this Act is to promote comprehensive initiatives relating to the protection and promotion of consumers' interests and to thereby ensure stabilization and improvement in the people's lives as consumers, by prescribing respect for consumers' rights, support for their self-reliance, and other fundamental principles, as well as by clarifying the responsibilities of the State, local governments, and businesses, and prescribing the particulars upon which these initiatives are based, in consideration of the discrepancy in the quality and quantity of information and in bargaining power between businesses and consumers.
(Fundamental Principles)
Article 2(1)The relevant actors must promote comprehensive initiatives to protect and advance consumers' interests (hereinafter referred to as "consumer policies") based on satisfying the basic demands of the people in their lives as consumers; ensuring consumer safety within a healthy living environment; securing opportunities for consumers to make autonomous and rational choices about goods and services; providing consumers with the necessary information and opportunities for learning; and making consumer policies reflect the opinions of consumers; and also based on respecting the fact that consumers are entitled to proper and prompt relief in the event of damage and on supporting consumer self-reliance so that consumers are able to act autonomously and rationally to protect and advance their own interests.
(Responsibilities of the State)
Article 3The State is responsible for responding quickly to economic and societal developments in promoting consumer policies based on respect for consumers' rights, support for their self-reliance, and other fundamental principles referred to in the preceding Article.
(Responsibilities of Local Governments)
Article 4Local governments are responsible for promoting consumer policies that fit the social and economic conditions of their relevant regions, as well as for undertaking initiatives in line with those of the State, based on respect for consumers' rights, support for their self-reliance, and other fundamental principles referred to in Article 2.
(Responsibilities of Businesses; Related Matters)
Article 5(1)A business is responsible for doing as follows as regards the goods or services it provides, in recognition of respect for consumers' rights, support for their self-reliance, and other fundamental principles referred to in Article 2:
(i)to ensure consumer safety and fairness in its transactions with consumers;
(ii)to provide consumers with the necessary information clearly and simply;
(iii)to consider things such as the consumer's knowledge, experience, and financial status in its dealings with consumers;
(iv)to endeavor to establish the necessary systems to process complaints by consumers appropriately and promptly, and to appropriately process the relevant complaints;
(v)to cooperate with the consumer policies implemented by the State and local governments.
(2)In addition to making arrangements to protect the environment in connection with the goods and services it provides, a business must endeavor to improve the quality of those goods and services and to gain the trust of consumers in ways such as preparing its own standards to observe in connection with its business activities.
Article 6A trade association, while respecting businesses' autonomous efforts, is to act independently to establish systems for processing complaints that arise between businesses and consumers, to support businesses in preparing their own standards to observe in connection with their business activities, and to otherwise gain the trust of consumers.
Article 8Consumer organizations are to apply themselves to collecting and providing information regarding life as a consumer, to expressing opinions, to consumer awareness-raising and education, to activities aimed at preventing and remedying damage to consumers, and to other sound and self-initiated activities aimed at stabilizing and improving consumers' lives as consumers.
(Basic Plan for Consumer Policies)
Article 9(1)In order to systematically promote consumer policies, the national government must establish a basic plan for promoting consumer policies (hereinafter referred to as the "basic plan for consumer policies").
(i)a broad outline for consumer policies that will be pursued on a long-term basis; and
(ii)the necessary particulars for systematically promoting consumer policies, beyond as set forth in the preceding item.
(Legislative and Fiscal Measures)
Article 10(1)The State must undertake the necessary establishment and revision of related laws and regulations to achieve the purpose of this Act.
(Annual Reports)
Article 10-2Every year, the national government must submit to the Diet a report on the status of the consumer policies that the national government has implemented.
第二章 基本的施策
Chapter II Basic Initiatives
(Ensuring Safety)
Article 11The State is to undertake the necessary initiatives to ensure the safety of the people in their lives as consumers, such as preparing and ensuring the necessary standards for goods and services, facilitating businesses' recall of goods that could be detrimental to safety, and collecting and providing information on goods and services that could be detrimental to safety.
(Ensuring Propriety in Consumer Contracts)
Article 12In order to ensure appropriate transactions between consumers and businesses, the State is to undertake the necessary initiatives, such as ensuring propriety in how businesses provide information and engage in solicitation when entering into contracts with consumers, and ensuring that the clauses of those contracts are fair.
(Ensuring the Propriety of How Things Are Measured)
Article 13The State is to undertake the necessary initiatives to ensure that things are properly measured in connection with goods and services, so that consumers do not suffer a disadvantage as regards how things are measured in transactions between businesses and consumers.
(Ensuring the Propriety of Standards)
Article 14(1)The State is to undertake the necessary initiatives to contribute to improvements in the quality of goods and rationalization in the people's lives as consumers, such as preparing the proper standards for goods and services and disseminating them.
(Ensuring the Propriety of Advertisements and Other Representations)
Article 15The State is to undertake the necessary initiatives, such as streamlining the systems for advertising and otherwise making representations as to the quality and other characteristics of goods and services and regulating false or misleading advertising and other representations, so that consumers do not err in their selections or make any comparable misstep when purchasing or using goods or availing themselves of services.
(Facilitating Fair and Free Competition)
Article 16(1)The State is to undertake the necessary initiatives to facilitate fair and free competition in order to expand opportunities for consumers to make autonomous and rational choices concerning goods and services.
(2)If the formation of something such as the prices of goods and services that have a high degree of importance in the people's lives as consumers is decided to necessitate a decision, authorization, or other measures by the State, the State is to endeavor to sufficiently consider the impact on consumers in taking these measures.
(Promotion of Activities to Raise Consumer Awareness and Consumer Education)
Article 17(1)The State is to undertake the necessary initiatives to support self-reliance by consumers, including the promotion of activities to raise consumer awareness in ways such as disseminating knowledge and providing information about life as a consumer; and also including the development of a replete education about life as a consumer through the schools and local regions, in people's homes, at their workplaces, and in a variety of other venues, in light of the universal call for consumers to have opportunities to learn about life as a consumer throughout their lifetimes.
(Reflecting Opinions and Ensuring Transparency)
Article 18The State is to undertake the necessary initiatives to help promote appropriate consumer policies, including making those initiatives reflect opinions on life as a consumer held by consumers and others, and streamlining the systems for ensuring transparency in the mechanisms for formulating those initiatives.
(Facilitation of Complaint Processing and Dispute Resolution)
Article 19(1)Local governments must endeavor to mediate in the processing of complaints and to take other action so that complaints about goods and services arising between businesses and consumers are processed appropriately, promptly, and based on expert knowledge. In this, as well as mediating in the processing of complaints and taking other action with a primary focus on processing that necessitates high levels of expertise or consideration of points-of-view from a widespread area, the prefectural governments, in coordination with municipalities (and with special wards), must endeavor to respond flexibly and adaptively to diverse complaints.
(2)The State and the prefectures must endeavor to secure human resources, to improve the credentials of their human resources, and to otherwise undertake the necessary initiatives (other than those prescribed in the preceding paragraph, with respect to the prefectures) so that complaints about goods and services arising between businesses and consumers are processed appropriately, promptly, and based on expert knowledge.
(Responding Appropriately to the Development of an Advanced Information and Communications Society)
Article 20In ensuring the propriety of transactions between businesses and consumers, in promoting activities to raise consumer awareness, in promoting consumer education, in facilitating complaint processing and dispute resolution, and in other activities, the State is to undertake the necessary initiatives to appropriately respond to the development of an advanced information communications society while considering characteristics such as the age of the consumer.
(Ensuring International Coordination)
Article 21In ensuring safety in the people's lives as consumers, in ensuring propriety in transactions between businesses and consumers, in facilitating complaint processing and dispute resolution, and in other activities, the State is to undertake the necessary initiatives, including securing international cooperation, to appropriately respond to the progressive internationalization of life as a consumer.
(Making Arrangements to Protect the Environment)
Article 22The State is to undertake the necessary initiatives to make arrangements for protecting the environment in ensuring things such as the propriety of advertisements and other representations of the quality and other characteristics of goods and services, in promoting activities to raise consumer awareness, in promoting consumer education, and in other activities.
(Streamlining of Facilities for Testing, Inspection, and Other Activities)
Article 23In order to ensure the effectiveness of consumer policies, the State is to undertake the necessary initiatives, including streamlining facilities that undertake activities such as the testing and inspection of goods; carrying out activities such as research and studies regarding services; and publishing the results of testing, inspections, research, studies, and other activities, as necessary.
第三章 行政機関等
Chapter III Administrative Organs; Related Matters
(Streamlining of Administrative Structures and Improvement of Administrative Operations)
Article 24The State and local governments must endeavor to streamline administrative structures and improve administrative operations from a comprehensive viewpoint, with respect to the promotion of consumer policies.
(Role of the National Consumer Affairs Center)
Article 25The National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan (IAA) is to coordinate with the relevant State and local government agencies, consumer organizations, and others, and play a proactive role as a core institution in activities such as the collection and provision of information on the people's lives as consumers; mediation in the processing of complaints arising between businesses and consumers; the offering of consultations with regard to the relevant complaints; the resolution by agreement of disputes arising between businesses and consumers; undertakings such as the testing and inspection of goods and research and studies into services with regard to which there have been complaints from consumers and similar issues; and consumer awareness-raising and education.
(Facilitation of Self-Initiated Activities by Consumer Organizations)
Article 26The State is to undertake the necessary initiatives to further sound and self-initiated activities by consumer organizations in order to stabilize and improve the people's lives as consumers.
第四章 消費者政策会議等
Chapter IV Consumer Policy Council; Related Matters
(Consumer Policy Council)
Article 27(1)The Consumer Policy Council (hereinafter referred to as "the council") is hereby established under the Cabinet Office.
(i)creating the draft of the basic plan for consumer policies;
二前号に掲げるもののほか、消費者政策の推進に関する基本的事項の企画に関して 審議するとともに、消費者政策の実施を推進し、並びにその実施の状況を検証し、 評価し、及び監視すること。
(ii)deliberating on plans for the foundational particulars involved in promoting consumer policies beyond as set forth in the preceding item; as well as promoting the implementation of consumer policies and verifying, assessing, and monitoring their implementation status.
(i)when preparing the draft of the basic plan for consumer policies; and
二前項第二号の検証、評価及び監視について、それらの結果の取りまとめを行おう とするとき。
(ii)when compiling the results of the verification, assessment, and monitoring referred to in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph.
一内閣府設置法(平成十一年法律第八十九号)第十一条の二の規定により置かれた 特命担当大臣
(i)the minister of state for a particular field appointed pursuant to Article 11-2 of the Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office (Act No. 89 of 1999);
二内閣官房長官、関係行政機関の長及び内閣府設置法第九条第一項に規定する特命 担当大臣(前号の特命担当大臣を除く。)のうちから、内閣総理大臣が指定する者
(ii)the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the heads of relevant administrative organs and the ministers of state for particular fields (excluding the minister of state for a particular field under the preceding item) prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office, as designated by the Prime Minister.
(Consumer Commission)
Article 29Other than as established by this Act, studies of and deliberations on the foundational particulars involved in promoting consumer policies are to be undertaken in the Consumer Commission, pursuant to Article 6 of the Act Establishing the Consumer Affairs Agency and the Consumer Commission (Act No. 48 of 2009).
附 則〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Extract]
附 則〔昭和五十八年十二月二日法律第七十八号〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 78 of December 2, 1983]
(2)Cabinet Order may prescribe transitional measures that come to be necessary in relation to an agency or other institution that has been put in place pursuant to the provisions of any Act as of the day before this Act comes into effect and which, on or after the effective date of this Act, will remain or be set in place pursuant to the National Government Organization Act or pursuant to Cabinet Orders that are based on the relevant Acts as after their revision by this Act (hereinafter referred to as the "relevant Cabinet Orders"), and may also prescribe any other transitional measures that come to be necessary in connection with the enactment, amendment, or repeal of the relevant Cabinet Order in association with this Act's coming into effect.
附 則〔平成十一年七月十六日法律第百二号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 102 of July 16, 1999][Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Act comes into effect on the effective date of the Act Partially Amending the Cabinet Act (Act No. 88 of 1999); provided, however, that the provisions set forth in one of the following items come into effect on the date prescribed in that item:
(ii)Article 10, paragraphs (1) and (5); Article 14, paragraph (3); Article 23; Article 28; and Article 30 of the Supplementary Provisions:the day of promulgation.
(Transitional Measures Specified Separately)
Article 30Beyond as provided in Article 2 through the preceding Article, a separate Act prescribes the transitional measures that are necessary in association with this Act coming into effect.
附 則〔平成十六年六月二日法律第七十号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 70 of June 2, 2004][Extract]
(Effective Date)
(1)This Act comes into effect on the day of its promulgation.
(2)The best form for consumer policies is to be reviewed approximately five years after this Act comes into effect, and the necessary measures are to be taken based on the results.
附 則〔平成二十年五月二日法律第二十七号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 27 of May 2, 2008][Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Act comes into effect on the date that Cabinet Order prescribes which is to fall within the scope of no more than one year from the day of its promulgation.
附 則〔平成二十一年六月五日法律第四十九号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 49 of June 5, 2009][Extract]
(Effective Date)
第一条この法律は、消費者庁及び消費者委員会設置法(平成二十一年法律第四十八 号)の施行の日から施行する。ただし、次の各号に掲げる規定は、当該各号に定める日から施行する。
Article 1This Act comes into effect on the effective date of the Act Establishing the Consumer Affairs Agency and the Consumer Commission (Act No. 48 of 2009); provided, however, that provisions set forth in one of the following items come into effect on the date prescribed in that item:
(i)Article 9 of the Supplementary Provisions: the day of promulgation of this Act;
(Transitional Measures for Agency Actions and Other Actions)
Article 4(1)Except as otherwise specified by laws and regulations, licensing, permission, authorization, approval, designation, or any other agency action; or notice or any other action; that is undertaken before this Act comes into effect pursuant to the provisions of an Act as before its amendment by this Act (including an Order based on that Act; hereinafter referred to as a "former Act or Order"), is deemed to constitute licensing, permission, authorization, approval, designation, or another agency action; or notice or another action; that is undertaken pursuant to the corresponding provisions of an Act as after its amendment by this Act (including any Order based on that Act; hereinafter referred to as a "new Act or Order").
(2)Except as otherwise specified by laws and regulations, the filing of an application for licensing, the filing of a notification, or any comparable action that has been undertaken pursuant to a former Act or Order by the time this Act comes into effect, is deemed to constitute the filing of an application for licensing, the filing of a notification, or a comparable action that has been undertaken pursuant to the corresponding provisions of a new Act or Order.
(3)Except as otherwise specified by laws and regulations, if there is information with regard to which a person is required to undertake a procedure before this Act comes into effect, such as reporting, the filing of a notification, or the filing of a submission pursuant to a former Act or Order, but for which that procedure has not been undertaken before the effective date of this Act, after this Act comes into effect, that information is deemed to constitute information for which the procedure has not been undertaken pursuant to the corresponding provisions of a new Act or Order, and the new Act or Order applies.
(Transitional Measures for the Effect of Orders)
Article 5Except as otherwise specified by laws and regulations, Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 7, paragraph (3) of the Act Establishing the Cabinet Office or Ministerial Order as referred to in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the National Government Organization Act which has been issued pursuant to a former Act or Order is to remain in force after this Act comes into effect as the corresponding Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 7, paragraph (3) of the Act Establishing the Cabinet Office or as the corresponding Ministerial Order as referred to in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the National Government Organization Act which has been issued pursuant to the corresponding provisions of a new Act or Order.
(Delegation to Cabinet Order)
Article 9Beyond as provided in these Supplementary Provisions from Article 2 through the preceding Article, Cabinet Order prescribes the necessary transitional measures related to this Act coming into effect (including transitional measures for penal provisions).
附 則〔平成二十四年八月二十二日法律第六十号〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 60 of August 22, 2012]