Companies Act(Act No. 86 of 2005)
Last Version: Act No. 90 of 2014
▶Main Provision
▶Part V Entity Conversion, Merger, Company Split, Share Exchange, and Share Transfer
December 12, 2023
- Last Version: Act No. 63 of 2015
- Translated Date: July 5, 2022
- Dictionary Version: 11.0
November 14, 2018
- Last Version: Act No. 90 of 2014
- Translated Date: March 2, 2015
- Dictionary Version: 9.0
January 6, 2015
- Last Version: Act No. 16 of 2012
- Translated Date: January 31, 2014
- Dictionary Version: 8.0
March 21, 2013
- Last Version: Act No. 109 of 2006
- Translated Date: April 1, 2009
- Dictionary Version: 3.0
Companies Act (Part V, Part VI, Part VII and Part VIII)
Companies Act (Part V, Part VI, Part VII and Part VIII)
Act No. 86 of July 26, 2005
Act No. 86 of July 26, 2005
第五編 組織変更、合併、会社分割、株式交換及び株式移転
Part V Entity Conversion, Merger, Company Split, Share Exchange, and Share Transfer
第一章 組織変更
Chapter I Entity Conversion
第一節 通則
Section 1 Common Provisions
(Preparation of Entity Conversion Plan)
Article 743A Company may effect Entity Conversion. In such cases, the Company must prepare an Entity Conversion plan.
第二節 株式会社の組織変更
Section 2 Entity Conversion of a Stock Company
(Entity Conversion Plan of a Stock Company)
Article 744(1)In cases where a Stock Company effects Entity Conversion, the Stock Company must prescribe the following matters in the Entity Conversion plan:
(i)whether a Membership Company after the Entity Conversion (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership Company after Entity Conversion") is a General Partnership Company, Limited Partnership Company, or Limited Liability Company;
(ii)the purpose, trade name, and location of the head office of the Membership Company after Entity Conversion;
(iii)the following matters concerning the members of the Membership Company after Entity Conversion:
(a)the names and addresses of the members;
(b)whether the members are members with unlimited liability or members with limited liability; and
(c)the value of contributions by the members;
(iv)beyond what is set forth in the preceding two items, the matters provided for in the articles of incorporation of the Membership Company after Entity Conversion;
(v)if the Membership Company after Entity Conversion is to deliver to shareholders of the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion Monies, etc. (excluding the equity interests of the Membership Company after Entity Conversion; hereinafter the same applies in this item and the following item) in lieu of the shares thereof when effecting the Entity Conversion, the following matters concerning such Monies, etc.:
(a)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds of the Membership Company after Entity Conversion, the description of the classes of such Bonds (meaning the classes of Bonds prescribed in Article 107, paragraph (2), item (ii), (b); hereinafter the same applies in this Part) and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(b)if such Monies, etc. are property other than Bonds of the Membership Company after Entity Conversion, the description of the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount;
(vi)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of Monies, etc. set forth in that item to shareholders of the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion (excluding the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion);
(vii)if the Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion has issued Share Options, the description of the amount of Monies, etc. that the Membership Company after Entity Conversion will deliver in lieu of such Share Options to holders of such Share Options at the time of the Entity Conversion, or the method for calculating such amount;
(viii)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of Monies, etc. set forth in that item to holders of Share Options of the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion; and
(ix)the day on which the Entity Conversion becomes effective (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Day" in this Chapter).
(2)If the Membership Company after Entity Conversion is a General Partnership Company, it must provide that all of the members are members with unlimited liability in prescribing the matter set forth in item (iii), (b) of the preceding paragraph.
(3)If the Membership Company after Entity Conversion is a Limited Partnership Company, it must provide that some of the members are members with unlimited liability and other members are members with limited liability in prescribing the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii), (b).
(4)If the Membership Company after Entity Conversion is a Limited Liability Company, it must provide that all of the members are members with limited liability in prescribing the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii), (b).
(Effectuation of Entity Conversion of a Stock Company)
Article 745(1)A Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion becomes a Membership Company on the Effective Day.
(2)A Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion is, in accordance with the provisions on the matters listed in paragraph (1), items (ii) to (iv) of the preceding Article, deemed to have effected changes to the articles of incorporation relating to such matters on the Effective Day.
(3)Shareholders of a Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) of the preceding Article, become members of the Membership Company after Entity Conversion on the Effective Day.
(4)In cases where there are provisions on the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (v), (a) of the preceding Article, shareholders of the Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion, in accordance with the provisions on the matter set forth in item (vi) of that paragraph, become bondholders of the Bonds set forth in item (v), (a) of that paragraph on the Effective Day.
(5)The Share Options of a Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion are extinguished on the Effective Day.
(6)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply in cases where procedures under the provisions of Article 779 are not completed yet or where the Entity Conversion is cancelled.
第三節 持分会社の組織変更
Section 3 Entity Conversion of a Membership Company
(Entity Conversion Plan of a Membership Company)
Article 746(1)In cases where a Membership Company effects Entity Conversion, the Membership Company must prescribe the following matters in the Entity Conversion plan:
(i)the purpose, trade name, location of the head office, and Total Number of Authorized Shares of the Stock Company after the Entity Conversion (hereinafter referred to as the "Stock Company after Entity Conversion" in this Article);
(ii)beyond what is set forth in the preceding item, the matters provided for in the articles of incorporation of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion;
(iii)the names of the directors of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion;
(iv)the matters provided for in (a) to (c) below for the categories of cases listed respectively therein:
(a)in cases where the Stock Company after Entity Conversion is a Company with Accounting Advisor(s):the name(s) of the accounting advisor(s) of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion;
(b)in cases where the Stock Company after Entity Conversion is a Company with Company Auditor(s) (including any Stock Company the articles of incorporation of which provide that the scope of the audit by its company auditor(s) is limited to an audit related to accounting):the name(s) of the company auditor(s) of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion; and
(c)in cases where the Stock Company after Entity Conversion is a Company with Financial Auditor(s):the name(s) of the financial auditor(s) of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion;
(v)the number of shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of the shares for each class) of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion to be acquired by members of the Membership Company effecting Entity Conversion, when effecting the Entity Conversion, or the method for calculating such numbers;
(vi)matters concerning the allotment of the shares set forth in the preceding item to members of the Membership Company effecting Entity Conversion;
(vii)if the Stock Company after Entity Conversion is to deliver to members of the Membership Company effecting the Entity Conversion Monies, etc. (excluding the shares of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion; hereinafter the same applies in this item and the following item) in lieu of the equity interests thereof when effecting the Entity Conversion, the following matters concerning such Monies, etc.:
(a)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion (excluding those pertaining to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(b)if such Monies, etc. are Share Options of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion (excluding those attached to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;
(c)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds with Share Options of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion, the matters prescribed in (a) concerning such Bonds with Share Options and the matters prescribed in (b) concerning the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options; and
(d)if such Monies, etc. are property other than Bonds, etc. (meaning Bonds and Share Options; hereinafter the same applies in this Part) of the Stock Company after Entity Conversion, the description of the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount;
(viii)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of Monies, etc. set forth in that item to members of the Membership Company effecting the Entity Conversion; and
(ix)the Effective Day.
(2)In cases where a Stock Company after Entity Conversion is a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, the matters listed in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph must be prescribed by distinguishing directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members and other directors.
(Effectuation of Entity Conversion of a Membership Company)
Article 747(1)A Membership Company effecting Entity Conversion becomes a Stock Company on the Effective Day.
(2)A Membership Company effecting Entity Conversion is, in accordance with the provisions on the matters listed in paragraph (1), items (i) and (ii) of the preceding Article, deemed to have effected changes to the articles of incorporation relating to such matters on the Effective Day.
(3)Members of a Membership Company effecting Entity Conversion, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (vi) of the preceding Article, become shareholders of the shares set forth in item (v) of the same paragraph on the Effective Day.
(4)In the cases listed in the following items, members of a Membership Company effecting Entity Conversion become the persons specified respectively in those items, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (viii) of the preceding Article, on the Effective Day:
(i)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth paragraph (1), item (vii), (a) of the preceding Article:bondholders of the Bonds set forth in (a) of that item;
(ii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (vii), (b) of the preceding Article:holders of the Share Options set forth in (b) of that item; and
(iii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (vii), (c) of the preceding Article:bondholders of the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options set forth in (c) of that item, and holders of the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply in cases where procedures under the provisions of Article 779 (excluding paragraph (2), item (ii)) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 781, paragraph (2) are not completed yet or where the Entity Conversion is cancelled.
第二章 合併
Chapter II Merger
第一節 通則
Section 1 Common Provisions
(Conclusion of a Merger Agreement)
Article 748A Company may effect a merger with another Company. In such cases, the merging Companies must conclude a merger agreement.
第二節 吸収合併
Section 2 Absorption-Type Merger
第一款 株式会社が存続する吸収合併
Subsection 1 Absorption-Type Merger in Which a Stock Company Survives
(Absorption-Type Merger Agreement in Which a Stock Company Survives)
Article 749(1)In the case where a Company effects an Absorption-type Merger, if the Company surviving the Absorption-type Merger (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger") is a Stock Company, it must prescribe the following matters in the Absorption-type Merger agreement:
(i)the trade name and address of the Stock Company that constitutes the Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger (hereinafter referred to as the "Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger" in this Part) and any Company disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger" in this Part);
(ii)if the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger is to deliver to shareholders of the Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger that is a Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger" in this Part) or to members of the Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger that is a Membership Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger" in this Part) Monies, etc. in lieu of the shares or equity interests thereof when effecting the Absorption-type Merger, the following matters concerning such Monies, etc.:
(a)if such Monies, etc. are shares of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger, the description of the number of such shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of the shares for each class) or the method for calculating such numbers, and matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and capital reserves of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger;
(b)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger (excluding those pertaining to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(c)if such Monies, etc. are Stock Options of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger (excluding those attached to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;
(d)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds with Share Options of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger, the matters prescribed in (b) concerning such Bonds with Share Options and the matters prescribed in (c) concerning the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options; or
(e)if such Monies, etc. are property other than shares, etc. of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger, the description of the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount;
(iii)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of Monies, etc. set forth in that item to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger (excluding the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger and the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger) or to members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger (excluding the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger);
(iv)if the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger has issued Share Options, the following matters concerning the Share Options of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger or monies that the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger will deliver in lieu of such Share Options to holders of such Share Options at the time of the Absorption-type Merger:
(a)when delivering Share Options of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger to holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger, the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;
(b)in the case prescribed in (a), if the Share Options of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger set forth in (a) are Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options, a statement to the effect that the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger will succeed to the obligations relating to the Bonds pertaining to such Bonds with Share Options and the description of the classes of the Bonds subject to such succession and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount; and
(c)when delivering monies to holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger, the description of the amount of such monies or the method for calculating such amount;
(v)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning allotment of the Share Options of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger or monies set forth in that item to holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger; and
(vi)the day on which the Absorption-type Merger becomes effective (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Day" in this Section).
(2)In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger is a Company with Class Shares, the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger and the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger may provide for the following matters in prescribing the matters set forth in item (iii) of that paragraph in accordance with the features of the classes of shares issued by the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger:
(i)if there is any arrangement that no Monies, etc. are allotted to shareholders of a certain class of shares, a statement to such effect and such class of shares; and
(ii)beyond the matters set forth in the preceding item, if there is any arrangement that each class of shares is to be treated differently with respect to allotment of Monies, etc., a statement to such effect and the details of such different treatment.
(3)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), the provisions on the matters listed in item (iii) of that paragraph must be such that the Monies, etc. are delivered in proportion to the number of the shares (or, in cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, the number of the shares of each class) held by the shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger (excluding the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger and the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger and shareholders of the class of shares referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph).
(Effectuation of an Absorption-Type Merger in Which a Stock Company Survives)
Article 750(1)A Stock Company Surviving an Absorption-type Merger succeeds to the rights and obligations of the Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger on the Effective Day.
(2)The dissolution, by Absorption-type Merger, of the Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger may not be duly asserted against a third party until the registration of the Absorption-type Merger has been completed.
(3)In the cases listed in the following items, the shareholders of a Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or members of a Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger become the persons specified respectively in those items, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) of the preceding Article, on the Effective Day:
(i)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii), (a) of the preceding Article:shareholders of shares set forth in (a) of that item;
(ii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii), (b) of the preceding Article:bondholders of Bonds set forth in (b) of that item;
(iii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii), (c) of the preceding Article:holders of Share Options set forth in (c) of that item; or
(iv)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii), (d) of the preceding Article:bondholders of the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options set forth in (d) of that item, and holders of the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(4)The Share Options of a Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger are extinguished on the Effective Day.
(5)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), item (iv), (a) of the preceding Article, the holders of Share Options of a Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in item (v) of that paragraph, become holders of Share Options of a Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger set forth in item (iv), (a) of that paragraph on the Effective Day.
(6)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply in cases where procedures under the provisions of Article 789 (excluding paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2), item (iii), and including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2)) or Article 799 are not completed yet or where the Absorption-type Merger is cancelled.
第二款 持分会社が存続する吸収合併
Subsection 2 Absorption-Type Merger in Which a Membership Company Survives
(Absorption-Type Merger Agreement in Which a Membership Company Survives)
Article 751(1)In the case where a Company effects an Absorption-type Merger, if the Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger is a Membership Company, it must prescribe the following matters in the Absorption-type Merger agreement:
(i)the trade name and address of the Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger that is a Membership Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger" in this Section) and the Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger;
(ii)if shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger are to become members of the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger when effecting the Absorption-type Merger, the matters provided for in (a) to (c) below for the categories of Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger listed respectively therein:
(a)General Partnership Company:the names and addresses of the members and the value of contributions by the members;
(b)Limited Partnership Company:the names and addresses of the members, whether the members are members with unlimited liability or members with limited liability, and the value of contributions by the members; or
(c)Limited Liability Company:the names and addresses of the members and the value of contributions by the members;
(iii)if the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger is to deliver to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger Monies, etc. (excluding the equity interests of the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger) in lieu of the shares or equity interests thereof when effecting the Absorption-type Merger, the following matters concerning such Monies, etc.:
(a)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds of the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger, the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount; or
(b)if such Monies, etc. are property other than Bonds of the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger, the description of the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount;
(iv)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning allotment of Monies, etc. set forth in that item to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger (excluding the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger and the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger) or members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger (excluding the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger);
(v)if the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger has issued Share Options, the description of the amount of Monies, etc. that the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger will deliver in lieu of such Share Options to holders of such Share Options at the time of the Absorption-type Merger, or the method for calculating such amount;
(vi)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of Monies, etc. set forth in that item to holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger; and
(vii)the Effective Day.
(2)In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger is a Company with Class Shares, the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger and the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger may provide for the following matters in prescribing the matters set forth in item (iv) of that paragraph in accordance with the features of the classes of shares issued by the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger:
(i)if there is any arrangement that no Monies, etc. are allotted to shareholders of a certain class of shares, a statement to such effect and such class of shares; and
(ii)beyond the matters set forth in the preceding item, if there is any arrangement that each class of shares is to be treated differently with respect to allotment of Monies, etc., a statement to such effect and the details of such different treatment.
(3)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), the provisions on the matters listed in item (iv) of that paragraph must be such that the Monies, etc. are delivered in proportion to the number of the shares (or, in cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, the number of the shares of each class) held by shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger (excluding the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger and the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger and shareholders of the class of shares referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph).
(Effectuation of an Absorption-Type Merger in Which a Membership Company Survives)
Article 752(1)A Membership Company Surviving an Absorption-type Merger succeeds to the rights and obligations of the Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger on the Effective Day.
(2)The dissolution, by Absorption-type Merger, of the Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger may not be duly asserted against a third party until the registration of the Absorption-type Merger has been completed.
(3)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), item (ii) of the preceding Article, the shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in that item, become members of the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger on the Effective Day. In such cases, the Membership Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger is deemed to have effected changes to the articles of incorporation relating to the members set forth in that item on the Effective Day.
(4)In cases where there are provisions on the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii), (a) of the preceding Article, the shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger, in accordance with the provisions on the matter set forth in item (iv) of that paragraph, become bondholders of Bonds set forth in item (iii), (a) of that paragraph on the Effective Day.
(5)The Share Options of a Stock Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger are extinguished on the Effective Day.
(6)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply in cases where procedures under the provisions of Article 789 (excluding paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2), item (iii), and including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2)) or Article 799 (excluding paragraph (2), item (iii)) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 802, paragraph (2) are not completed yet or where the Absorption-type Merger is cancelled.
第三節 新設合併
Section 3 Consolidation-Type Merger
第一款 株式会社を設立する新設合併
Subsection 1 Consolidation-Type Merger by Which a Stock Company Is Incorporated
(Consolidation-Type Merger Agreement by Which a Stock Company Is Incorporated)
Article 753(1)In the case where two or more Companies effect a Consolidation-type Merger, if the Company that is incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger" in this Part) is a Stock Company, it must prescribe the following matters in the Consolidation-type Merger agreement:
(i)the trade names and addresses of the Companies disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger (hereinafter each such a Company is referred to as a "Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger" in this Part);
(ii)the purpose, trade name, location of the head office, and Total Number of Authorized Shares of the Stock Company that constitutes the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger (hereinafter referred to as the "Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger" in this Part);
(iii)beyond what is set forth in the preceding item, the matters provided for in the articles of incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(iv)the names of the Directors at Incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(v)the matters provided for in (a) to (c) below for the categories of cases listed respectively therein:
(a)in cases where the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is a Company with Accounting Advisor(s):the name(s) of the accounting advisor(s) at Incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(b)in cases where the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is a Company with Company Auditor(s) (including any Stock Company the articles of incorporation of which provide that the scope of the audit by its company auditor(s) is limited to an audit related to accounting):the name(s) of the Company Auditor(s) at Incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger; or
(c)in cases where the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is a Company with Financial Auditor(s):the name(s) of the financial auditor(s) at Incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(vi)the number of shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of the shares for each class) of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger to be delivered by the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger to shareholders of any Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger that is a Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as a "Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger" in this Part) or to members of any Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger that is a Membership Company (hereinafter referred to as a "Membership Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger" in this Part), when effecting the Consolidation-type Merger, or the method for calculating such numbers, and matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and capital reserves of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(vii)matters concerning allotment of the shares set forth in the preceding item to shareholders of any Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger (excluding the Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger) or to members of any Membership Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(viii)if the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is to deliver to shareholders of a Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger or to members of a Membership Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger Bonds, etc. of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger in lieu of the shares or equity interests thereof when effecting the Consolidation-type Merger, the following matters concerning such Bonds, etc.:
(a)if such Bonds, etc. are Bonds of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger (excluding those pertaining to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(b)if such Bonds, etc. are Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger (excluding those attached to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number; or
(c)if such Bonds, etc. are Bonds with Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger, the matters prescribed in (a) concerning such Bonds with Share Options and the matters prescribed in (b) concerning the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options;
(ix)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of Bonds, etc. set forth in that item to shareholders of a Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger (excluding the Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger) or members of a Membership Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(x)if a Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger has issued Share Options, the following matters concerning the Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger or monies that the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger will deliver in lieu of such Share Options to holders of such Share Options at the time of the Consolidation-type Merger:
(a)when delivering Share Options in the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger to holders of Share Options in a Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger, the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;
(b)in the case prescribed in (a), if the Share Options in the Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger set forth in (a) are Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options, a statement to the effect that the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger will succeed to the obligations relating to the Bonds with Share Options and the description of the classes of the Bonds subject to such succession and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount; and
(c)when delivering monies to holders of Share Options in a Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger, the description of the amount of such monies or the method for calculating such amount; and
(xi)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of the Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger or monies set forth in that item to holders of Share Options in the Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger.
(2)In cases where a Stock Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-type Merger is a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, the matters listed in item (iv) of the preceding paragraph must be prescribed by distinguishing Directors at Incorporation who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members at Incorporation and other Directors at Incorporation.
(3)In a case as prescribed in paragraph (1), if all or some of the Stock Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger are Companies with Class Shares, the Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger may provide for the following matters in prescribing the matters set forth in item (vii) of that paragraph (limited to matters pertaining to shareholders of the Stock Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger; the same applies in the following paragraph) in accordance with the features of the classes of shares issued by the Stock Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger:
(i)if there is any arrangement that no shares of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger are allotted to shareholders of a certain class of shares, a statement to such effect and such class of shares; and
(ii)beyond the matters set forth in the preceding item, if there is any arrangement that each class of shares is to be treated differently with respect to allotment of shares of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger, a statement to such effect and the details of such different treatment.
(4)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), the provisions on the matters listed in item (vii) of that paragraph must be such that shares of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger are delivered in proportion to the number of the shares (or, in cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, the number of the shares of each class) held by shareholders in any Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger (excluding the Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger and shareholders of the class of shares referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph).
(5)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to paragraph (1), item (ix). In such cases, the phrase "shares of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger" in the preceding two paragraphs is deemed to be replaced with "Bonds, etc. of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger".
(Effectuation of Consolidation-Type Merger by Which a Stock Company Is Incorporated)
Article 754(1)The Stock Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-type Merger succeeds to the rights and obligations of the Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger on the day of its formation.
(2)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the shareholders of any Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger or the members of any Membership Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger become shareholders of the shares set forth in item (vi) of that paragraph, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in item (vii) of that paragraph, on the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger.
(3)In the cases listed in the following items, the shareholders of any Stock Company Disappearing in a Consolidation-type Merger and the members of any Membership Company Disappearing in that Consolidation-type Merger become the persons specified respectively in those items, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ix) of the preceding Article, on the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger:
(i)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (viii), (a) of the preceding Article:bondholders of Bonds set forth in (a) of that item;
(ii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (viii), (b) of the preceding Article:holders of Share Options set forth in (b) of that item; or
(iii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (viii), (c) of the preceding Article:bondholders of the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options set forth in (c) of that item, and holders of the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(4)The Share Options of a Stock Company Disappearing in a Consolidation-type Merger are extinguished on the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger.
(5)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), item (x), (a) of the preceding Article, the holders of Share Options in the Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in item (xi) of that paragraph, become holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger set forth in item (x), (a) of that paragraph on the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger.
第二款 持分会社を設立する新設合併
Subsection 2 Consolidation-Type Merger by Which a Membership Company Is Incorporated
(Consolidation-Type Merger Agreement by Which a Membership Company Is Incorporated)
Article 755(1)In the case where two or more Companies effect a Consolidation-type Merger, if the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is a Membership Company, it must prescribe the following matters in the Consolidation-type Merger agreement:
(i)the trade names and addresses of the Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(ii)whether the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger that is a Membership Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger" in this Part) is a General Partnership Company, a Limited Partnership Company, or a Limited Liability Company;
(iii)the purpose, trade name, location of the head office of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(iv)the following matters concerning the members of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger:
(a)the names and addresses of the members;
(b)whether the members are members with unlimited liability or members with limited liability; and
(c)the value of contributions by the members;
(v)beyond what is set forth in the preceding two items, the matters provided for in the articles of incorporation of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(vi)if the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is to deliver to shareholders of any Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger or to members of any Membership Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger Bonds of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger in lieu of the shares or equity interests thereof when effecting the Consolidation-type Merger, the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(vii)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning allotment of Bonds set forth in that item to shareholders of any Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger (excluding the Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger) or to members of any Membership Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(viii)if a Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger has issued Share Options, the description of the amount of monies that the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger delivers in lieu of such Share Options to holders of such Share Options at the time of the Consolidation-type Merger, or the method for calculating such amount;
(ix)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning allotment of monies set forth in that item to holders of Share Options in the Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger.
(2)If the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is a General Partnership Company, it must provide that all of the members are members with unlimited liability in prescribing the matter set forth in item (iv), (b) of the preceding paragraph.
(3)If the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is a Limited Partnership Company, it must provide that some of the members are members with unlimited liability and other members are members with limited liability in prescribing the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (iv), (b).
(4)If the Membership Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-type Merger is a Limited Liability Company, it must provide that all of the members are members with limited liability in prescribing the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (iv), (b).
(Effectuation of Consolidation-Type Merger by Which a Membership Company Is Incorporated)
Article 756(1)The Membership Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-type Merger succeeds to the rights and obligations of the Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger on the day of its formation.
(2)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the shareholders of the Stock Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger and the members of the Membership Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger become members of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in item (iv) of that paragraph, on the day of formation of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger.
(3)In cases where there are provisions on the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (vi) of the preceding Article, the shareholders of the Stock Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger and the members of the Membership Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger, in accordance with the provisions on the matter set forth in item (vii) of that paragraph, become bondholders of Bonds set forth in item (vi) of that paragraph on the day of formation of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger.
(4)Share Options in a Stock Company Disappearing in a Consolidation-type Merger are extinguished on the day of formation of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger.
第三章 会社分割
Chapter III Company Split
第一節 吸収分割
Section 1 Absorption-Type Company Split
第一款 通則
Subsection 1 Common Provisions
(Conclusion of an Absorption-Type Company Split Agreement)
Article 757A Company (limited to a Stock Company or a Limited Liability Company) may effect an Absorption-type Company Split. In such cases, such Company must conclude an Absorption-type Company Split agreement with the Company which succeeds to all or part of the rights and obligations held by such Company in connection with its business by transfer from such Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split" in this Part).
第二款 株式会社に権利義務を承継させる吸収分割
Subsection 2 Absorption-Type Company Split Which Causes a Stock Company to Succeed to Rights and Obligations
(Absorption-Type Company Split Agreement Which Causes a Stock Company to Succeed to Rights and Obligations)
Article 758In the case where a Company effects an Absorption-type Company Split, if the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is a Stock Company, it must prescribe the following matters in the Absorption-type Company Split agreement:
(i)the trade name and address of the Company effecting the Absorption-type Company Split (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split" in this Part) and the Stock Company that constitutes the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split (hereinafter referred to as the "Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split" in this Part);
(ii)matters concerning the assets, obligations, employment agreements, and any other rights and obligations that the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split succeeds to by transfer from the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split through the Absorption-type Split (excluding obligations pertaining to shares of the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split that is a Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split" in this Part) and of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split and to Share Options of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split);
(iii)when the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split succeeds to shares of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split or of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split through the Absorption-type Company Split, matters concerning such shares;
(iv)if the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is to deliver to the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split Monies, etc. in lieu of all or part of the rights and obligations in connection with the business thereof when effecting the Absorption-type Company Split, the following matters concerning such Monies, etc.:
(a)if such Monies, etc. are shares of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split, the description of the number of such shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of the shares for each class) or the method for calculating such numbers, and matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and capital reserves of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split;
(b)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split (excluding those pertaining to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(c)if such Monies, etc. are Stock Options of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split (excluding those attached to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;
(d)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds with Share Options of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split, the matters prescribed in (b) concerning such Bonds with Share Options and the matters prescribed in (c) concerning the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options; and
(e)if such Monies, etc. are property other than shares, etc. of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split, the description of the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount;
(v)if the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is to deliver to holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split Share Options of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split in lieu of such Share Options at the time of the Absorption-type Company Split, the following matters concerning such Share Options:
(a)the description of the features of the Share Options (hereinafter referred to as "Share Options under Absorption-type Company Split Agreement" in this Part) held by holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split who receive delivery of Share Options of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split;
(b)the description of the features and number of Share Options of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split to be delivered to holders of Share Options under Absorption-type Company Split Agreement, or the method for calculating such number; and
(c)if Share Options under Absorption-type Company Split Agreement are Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options, a statement to the effect that the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split will succeed to the obligations relating to the Bonds pertaining to such Bonds with Share Options and the description of the classes of the Bonds subject to such succession and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(vi)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning allotment of the Share Options of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split set forth in that item to holders of Share Options under Absorption-type Company Split Agreement;
(vii)the day on which the Absorption-type Company Split becomes effective (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Day" in this Section);
(viii)if the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split conducts any one of the following acts on the Effective Day, a statement to that effect:
(a)acquisition of shares under the provisions of Article 171, paragraph (1) (limited to the case where the Consideration for Acquisition prescribed in item (i) of that paragraph is only the shares of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split (excluding shares that had been held by the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split prior to effecting the Absorption-type Company Split, and including shares prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as those equivalent to shares of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split; the same applies in (b))); or
(b)payment of dividends of surplus (limited to the case where the Dividend Property is only the shares of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split).
(Effectuation of an Absorption-Type Company Split Which Causes a Stock Company to Succeed to Rights and Obligations)
Article 759(1)A Stock Company Succeeding in an Absorption-type Split succeeds to the rights and obligations of the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split, in accordance with the provisions of the Absorption-type Company Split agreement, on the Effective Day.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a creditor of the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 789, paragraph (1), item (ii) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2); the same applies in the following paragraph) and who has not received the separate notice set forth in Article 789, paragraph (2) (excluding item (iii) and including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2); the same applies in the following paragraph) (in the cases prescribed in Article 789, paragraph (3) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2)), limited to one who is a creditor of the obligation caused by a tort; the same applies in the following paragraph), may request the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations to the extent of the value of property held by the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split on the Effective Day, even in the case where such creditor is not allowed, under the Absorption-type Company Split agreement, to request the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations after the Absorption-type Company Split.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if a creditor of the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 789, paragraph (1), item (ii) of and who has not received the separate notice set forth in paragraph (2) of that Article, may request the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations to the extent of the value of property to which it has succeeded, even in the case where such creditor is not allowed, under the Absorption-type Company Split agreement, to request the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations after the Absorption-type Company Split.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), in cases where a Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split implemented the Absorption-type Company Split with the knowledge that it would harm creditors (hereinafter in this Article referred to as "Remaining Creditors") of the obligation that would not be succeeded to a Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split, the Remaining Creditors may request the performance of the obligation from the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split to the extent of the value of property to which it has succeeded; provided, however, that this does not apply if the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split did not know the fact that it would harm Remaining Creditors when the Absorption-type Split became effective.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply to cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in item (viii) of the preceding Article.
(6)In cases where a Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is liable to perform the obligation set forth in paragraph (4) pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, the liabilities are extinguished in relation to a Remaining Creditor who does not demand the performance or does not give an advance notice of the demand within two years from when the Remaining Creditor comes to know that the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split implemented the Absorption-type Company Split with the knowledge that it would harm Remaining Creditors, when such period elapses. The same applies when twenty years elapses from the Effective Day.
(7)When an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, order of commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, or order of commencement of reorganization proceedings is made with regard to a Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split, Remaining Creditors may not exercise the right to make a request pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) from a Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split.
(8)In the cases listed in the following items, the Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split becomes the persons specified respectively in those items, in accordance with the provisions of the Absorption-type Company Split agreement, on the Effective Day:
(i)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in item (iv), (a) of the preceding Article:shareholders of shares set forth in (a) of that item;
(ii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in item (iv), (b) of the preceding Article:bondholders of Bonds set forth in (b) of that item;
(iii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in item (iv), (c) of the preceding Article:holders of Share Options set forth in (c) of that item; or
(iv)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in item (iv), (d) of the preceding Article:bondholders of the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options set forth in (d) of that item, and holders of the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(9)In the case prescribed in item (v) of the preceding Article, the Share Options under Absorption-type Company Split Agreement are extinguished and holders of the Share Options under Absorption-type Company Split Agreement become holders of the Share Options of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split set forth in item (v), (b) of that Article, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in item (vi) of that Article, on the Effective Day.
(10)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply in cases where procedures under the provisions of Article 789 (excluding paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2), item (iii), and including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2)) or Article 799 are not completed yet or where the Absorption-type Company Split is cancelled.
第三款 持分会社に権利義務を承継させる吸収分割
Subsection 3 Absorption-Type Company Split Which Causes a Membership Company to Succeed to Rights and Obligations
(Absorption-Type Company Split Agreement Which Causes a Membership Company to Succeed to Rights and Obligations)
Article 760In the case where a Company effects an Absorption-type Company Split, if the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is a Membership Company, it must prescribe the following matters in the Absorption-type Company Split agreement:
(i)the trade name and address of the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split and the Membership Company that constitutes the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split" in this Section);
(ii)matters concerning the assets, obligations, employment agreements, and any other rights and obligations that the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split succeeds to by transfer from the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split through the Absorption-type Company Split (excluding obligations pertaining to shares of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split);
(iii)when the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split succeeds to shares of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split through the Absorption-type Company Split, matters concerning such shares;
(iv)if the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split is to become a member of the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split when effecting the Absorption-type Company Split, the matters provided for in (a) to (c) below for the categories of Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split listed respectively therein:
(a)General Partnership Company:the name and address of the member and the value of the contribution by the member;
(b)Limited Partnership Company:the name and address of the member, whether the member is a member with unlimited liability or a member with limited liability, and the value of the contribution by the member; or
(c)Limited Liability Company:the name and address of the member and the value of the contribution by the member;
(v)if the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is to deliver to the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split Monies, etc. (excluding the equity interests of the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split) in lieu of all or part of the rights and obligations in connection with the business thereof when effecting the Absorption-type Company Split, the following matters concerning such Monies, etc.:
(a)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds of the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split, the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount; or
(b)if such Monies, etc. are property other than Bonds of the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split, the description of the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount;
(vi)the Effective Day;
(vii)if the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split conducts any one of the following acts on the Effective Day, a statement to that effect:
(a)acquisition of shares under the provisions of Article 171, paragraph (1) (limited to the case where the Consideration for Acquisition prescribed in item (i) of that paragraph is only equity interests of the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split (excluding equity interests that had been held by the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split prior to effecting the Absorption-type Company Split, and including shares prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as those equivalent to equity interests of the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split; the same applies in (b)); or
(b)payment of dividends of surplus (limited to the case where the Dividend Property is only equity interests of the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split).
(Effectuation of an Absorption-Type Company Split Which Causes a Membership Company to Succeed to Rights and Obligations)
Article 761(1)A Membership Company Succeeding in an Absorption-type Split succeeds to the rights and obligations of the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split, in accordance with the provisions of the Absorption-type Company Split agreement, on the Effective Day.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a creditor of the Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 789, paragraph (1), item (ii) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2); the same applies in the following paragraph) and who has not received the separate notice set forth in Article 789, paragraph (2) (excluding item (iii) and including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2); the same applies in the following paragraph) (in the cases prescribed in Article 789, paragraph (3) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2)), limited to one who is a creditor of the obligation caused by a tort; the same applies in the following paragraph), may request the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations to the extent of the value of property held by the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split on the Effective Day, even in the case where such creditor is not allowed, under the Absorption-type Company Split agreement, to request the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations after the Absorption-type Company Split.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if a creditor of the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 789, paragraph (1), item (ii) and who has not received the separate notice set forth in paragraph (2) of that Article, may request the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations to the extent of the value of property to which it has succeeded, even in the case where such creditor is not allowed, under the Absorption-type Company Split agreement, to request the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations after the Absorption-type Company Split.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), in cases where a Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split implemented an Absorption-type Company Split with the knowledge that it would harm creditors (hereinafter referred to as "Remaining Creditors") of the obligation that would not be succeeded to a Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split, the Remaining Creditors may request the performance of the obligation from the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split to the extent of the value of property to which it has succeeded; provided, however, that this does not apply if the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split did not know the fact that it would harm Remaining Creditors when the Absorption-type Company Split became effective.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply to cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in item (vii) of the preceding Article.
(6)In cases where a Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is liable to perform the obligation set forth in paragraph (4) pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, the liabilities are extinguished in relation to a Remaining Creditor who does not demand the performance or does not give advance notice of the demand within two years from when the Remaining Creditor comes to know that the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split implemented the Absorption-type Company Split with the knowledge that it would harm Remaining Creditors, when such period elapses. The same applies to when twenty years elapses from the Effective Day.
(7)When an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, order of commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, or order of commencement of reorganization proceedings is made with regard to a Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split, Remaining Creditors may not exercise the right to make a request pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) from a Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split.
(8)In the case prescribed in item (iv) of the preceding Article, the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in that item, becomes a member of the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split on the Effective Day. In such cases, the Membership Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is deemed to have effected changes to the articles of incorporation relating to the member set forth in that item on the Effective Day.
(9)In cases where there are provisions on the matter set forth in item (v), (a) of the preceding Article, the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split, in accordance with the provisions of the Absorption-type Company Split agreement, becomes bondholders of Bonds set forth in (a) of that item on the Effective Day.
(10)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply in cases where procedures under the provisions of Article 789 (excluding paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2), item (iii), and including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2)) or Article 799 (excluding paragraph (2), item (iii)) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 802, paragraph (2) are not completed yet or where the Absorption-type Merger is cancelled.
第二節 新設分割
Section 2 Incorporation-Type Company Split
第一款 通則
Subsection 1 Common Provisions
(Preparation of an Incorporation-Type Company Split Plan)
Article 762(1)One or multiple Stock Companies or Limited Liability Companies may effect an Incorporation-type Company Split. In such cases, those Companies must prepare an Incorporation-type Company Split plan.
(2)In the case where two or more Stock Companies and/or Limited Liability Companies jointly effect an Incorporation-type Company Split, those two or more Stock Companies and/or Limited Liability Companies must prepare an Incorporation-type Company Split plan jointly.
第二款 株式会社を設立する新設分割
Subsection 2 Incorporation-Type Company Split by Which a Stock Company Is Incorporated
(Incorporation-Type Company Split Plan by Which a Stock Company Is Incorporated)
Article 763(1)In the case where one or multiple Stock Companies or Limited Liability Companies effect an Incorporation-type Company Split, if the Company that is incorporated in the Incorporation-type Company Split (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split" in this Part) is a Stock Company, those Companies must prescribe the following matters in the Incorporation-type Company Split plan:
(i)the purpose, trade name, location of the head office, and the Total Number of Authorized Shares of the Stock Company that constitutes the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split (hereinafter referred to as the "Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split" in this Part);
(ii)beyond what is set forth in the preceding item, the matters provided for in the articles of incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split;
(iii)the names of the Directors at Incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split;
(iv)the matters provided for in (a) to (c) below for the categories of cases listed respectively therein:
(a)in cases where the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a Company with Accounting Advisor(s):the name(s) of the accounting advisor(s) at Incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split;
(b)in cases where the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a Company with Company Auditor(s) (including any Stock Company the articles of incorporation of which provide that the scope of the audit by its company auditor(s) is limited to an audit related to accounting):the name(s) of the Company Auditor(s) at Incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split; and
(c)in cases where the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a Company with Financial Auditor(s):the name(s) of the Financial Auditor(s) at Incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split;
(v)matters concerning the assets, obligations, employment agreements, and any other rights and obligations that the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split succeeds to by transfer from the Company(ies) effecting the Incorporation-type Company Split (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split" in this Part) through the Incorporation-type Company Split (excluding obligations pertaining to shares and Share Options of the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split that is a Stock Company(ies) (hereinafter referred to as the "Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split" in this Part));
(vi)the number of shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of the shares for each class) of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split to be delivered by the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split to the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split in lieu of all or part of the rights and obligations in connection with the business thereof when effecting the Incorporation-type Company Split, or the method for calculating such numbers, and matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and capital reserves of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split;
(vii)if two or more Stock Companies and/or Limited Liability Companies are to jointly effect the Incorporation-type Company Split, matters concerning allotment of the shares set forth in the preceding item to the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split;
(viii)if the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is to deliver to shareholders of a Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split Bonds, etc. of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split in lieu of all or part of the rights and obligations in connection with the business thereof when effecting the Incorporation-type Company Split, the following matters concerning such Bonds, etc.:
(a)if such Bonds, etc. are Bonds of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split (excluding those pertaining to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(b)if such Bonds, etc. are Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split (excluding those attached to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number; or
(c)if such Bonds, etc. are Bonds with Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split, the matters prescribed in (a) concerning such Bonds with Share Options and the matters prescribed in (b) concerning the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options;
(ix)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, if two or more Stock Companies and/or Limited Liability Companies are to jointly effect the Incorporation-type Company Split, matters concerning allotment of Bonds, etc. set forth in that item to the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split;
(x)if the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is to deliver to holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split in lieu of such Share Options at the time of the Incorporation-type Company Split, the following matters concerning such Share Options:
(a)the description of the features of the Share Options (hereinafter referred to as the "Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan" in this Part) held by holders of Share Options of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split who will receive delivery of Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split;
(b)the description of the features and number of the Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split to be delivered to holders of Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan, or the method for calculating such number; and
(c)if the Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan are Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options, a statement to the effect that the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split will succeed to the obligations relating to the Bonds pertaining to such Bonds with Share Options and the description of the classes of the Bonds subject to such succession and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(xi)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning allotment of the Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split set forth in that item to holders of Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan; and
(xii)if the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split conducts any one of the following acts on the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split, a statement to that effect:
(a)acquisition of shares under the provisions of Article 171, paragraph (1) (limited to the case where the Consideration for Acquisition prescribed in item (i) of that paragraph is only shares of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split (including shares prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as those equivalent thereto; the same applies in (b)); or
(b)payment of dividends of surplus (limited to the case where the Dividend Property is only shares of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split).
(2)In cases where a Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, the matters listed in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph must be determined by distinguishing Directors at Incorporation who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members at Incorporation and other Directors at Incorporation.
(Effectuation of an Incorporation-Type Company Split by Which a Stock Company Is Incorporated)
Article 764(1)A Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split succeeds to the rights and obligations of the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split, in accordance with the provisions of the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, on the day of its formation.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a creditor of the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 811, paragraph (1), item (ii) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 813, paragraph (2); the same applies in the following paragraph) and who has not received the separate notice set forth in Article 810, paragraph (2) (excluding item (iii) and including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 813, paragraph (2); the same applies in the following paragraph) (in the cases prescribed in Article 810, paragraph (3) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 813, paragraph (2)), limited to one who is a creditor of the obligation caused by a tort; the same applies in the following paragraph), may request the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations to the extent of the value of property held by the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split on the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split, even in the case where such creditor is not allowed, under the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, to request the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split plan to perform the obligations after the Incorporation-type Company Split.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if a creditor of the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 810, paragraph (1), item (ii) and who has not received the separate notice set forth in paragraph (2) of that Article, may request the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations to the extent of the value of property to which it has succeeded, even in the case where such creditor is not allowed, under the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, to request the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations after the Incorporation-type Company Split.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), in cases where a Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split implemented the Incorporation-type Company Split with the knowledge that it would harm creditors (hereinafter in this Article referred to as "Remaining Creditors") of the obligation that will not be succeeded to a Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split, the Remaining Creditors may request performance of the obligation from the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split to the extent of the value of property to which it has succeeded.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply to cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in paragraph (1), item (xii) of the preceding Article.
(6)In cases where a Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is liable to perform the obligation set forth in paragraph (4), the liabilities are extinguished in relation to Remaining Creditors who do not demand the performance or do not give advance notice of their demand within two years from when they come to know that the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split implemented the Incorporation-type Split with the knowledge that it would harm Remaining Creditors, when such period elapses. The same applies when twenty years elapses from the day of the formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split.
(7)When an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, order of commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, or order of commencement of reorganization proceedings is made with regard to a Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split, Remaining Creditors may not exercise the right to make a request pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) from a Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split.
(8)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split becomes a shareholder(s) of shares set forth in item (vi) of the same paragraph, in accordance with the provisions of the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, on the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split.
(9)In the cases listed in the following items, the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split becomes the person(s) specified respectively in those items, in accordance with the provisions on the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, on the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split:
(i)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth paragraph (1), item (viii), (a) of the preceding Article:Bondholders of Bonds set forth in (a) of that item;
(ii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth paragraph (1), item (viii), (b) of the preceding Article:holders of Share Options set forth in (b) of that item; or
(iii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (viii), (c) of the preceding Article:bondholders of the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options set forth in (c) of that item, and holders of the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(10)With regard to the application of the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs in the case where two or more Stock Companies and/or Limited Liability Companies are to jointly effect an Incorporation-type Company Split, the phrase "provisions of the Incorporation-type Company Split plan" in paragraph (8) is deemed to be replaced with "provisions on the matters set forth in item (vii) of the same paragraph", and the phrase "provisions of the Incorporation-type Company Split plan" in the preceding paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "provisions on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ix) of the preceding Article".
(11)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), item (x) of the preceding Article, the Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan are extinguished and holders of the Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan become holders of the Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split set forth in item (x), (b) of that paragraph, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in item (xi) of that paragraph, on the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split.
第三款 持分会社を設立する新設分割
Subsection 3 Incorporation-Type Company Split by Which a Membership Company Is Incorporated
(Incorporation-Type Company Split Plan by Which a Membership Company Is Incorporated)
Article 765(1)In the case where one or multiple Stock Companies or Limited Liability Companies effect an Incorporation-type Company Split, if the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a Membership Company, those companies must prescribe the following matters in the Incorporation-type Company Split plan:
(i)whether the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split which is a Membership Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split" in this Part) is a General Partnership Company, Limited Partnership Company, or Limited Liability Company;
(ii)the purpose, trade name, and location of the head office of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split;
(iii)the following matters concerning the members of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split:
(a)the names and addresses of the members;
(b)whether the members are members with unlimited liability or members with limited liability; and
(c)the value of contributions by the members;
(iv)beyond what is set forth in the preceding two items, the matters provided for in the articles of incorporation of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split;
(v)matters concerning the assets, obligations, employment agreements, and any other rights and obligations that the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split succeeds to by transfer from the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split through the Incorporation-type Company Split (excluding obligations pertaining to shares and Share Options of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split);
(vi)if the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is to deliver to the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split Bonds of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split in lieu of all or part of the rights and obligations in connection with the business thereof when effecting the Incorporation-type Company Split, the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(vii)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, if two or more Stock Companies and/or Limited Liability Companies are to jointly effect the Incorporation-type Company Split, matters concerning allotment of Bonds set forth in that item to the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split; and
(viii)if the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split conducts any one of the following acts on the day of formation of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split, a statement to that effect:
(a)acquisition of shares under the provisions of Article 171, paragraph (1) (limited to the case where the Consideration for Acquisition prescribed in item (i) of that paragraph is only shares of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split (including shares prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as those equivalent thereto; the same applies in (b)); or
(b)payment of dividends of surplus (limited to the case where the Dividend Property is only shares of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split).
(2)If the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a General Partnership Company, it must provide that all of the members are members with unlimited liability in prescribing the matter set forth in item (iii), (b) of the preceding paragraph.
(3)If the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a Limited Partnership Company, it must provide that some of the members are members with unlimited liability and other members are members with limited liability in prescribing the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii), (b).
(4)If the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a Limited Liability Company, it must provide that all of the members are members with limited liability in prescribing the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii), (b).
(Effectuation of an Incorporation-Type Company Split by Which a Membership Company Is Incorporated)
Article 766(1)A Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split succeeds to the rights and obligations of the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split, in accordance with the provisions of the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, on the day of its formation.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a creditor of the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 810, paragraph (1), item (ii) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 813, paragraph (2); the same applies in the following paragraph) and who has not received the separate notice set forth in Article 810, paragraph (2) (excluding item (iii) and including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 813, paragraph (2); the same applies in the following paragraph) (in the cases prescribed in Article 810, paragraph (3) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 813, paragraph (2)), limited to one who is a creditor of the obligation caused by a tort; the same applies in the following paragraph), may request the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations to the extent of the value of property held by the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split on the day of formation of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split, even in the case where such creditor is not allowed, under the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, to request the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations after the Incorporation-type Company Split.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if a creditor of the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 810, paragraph (1), item (ii) and who has not received the separate notice set forth in paragraph (2) of that Article, may request the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations to the extent of the value of property to which it has succeeded, even in the case where such creditor is not allowed, under the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, to request the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations after the Incorporation-type Company Split.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), in cases where a Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split implemented the Incorporation-type Company Split with the knowledge that it would harm creditors (hereinafter in this Article referred to as "Remaining Creditors") of the obligation that will not be succeeded to a Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split, the Remaining Creditors may request performance of the obligation from the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split to the extent of the value of property to which it has succeeded.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply to cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in paragraph (1), item (xiii) of the preceding Article.
(6)In cases where a Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is liable to perform the obligation set forth in paragraph (4), the liabilities are extinguished in relation to Remaining Creditors who do not demand the performance or do not give an advance notice of their demand within two years from when they come to know that the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split implemented the Incorporation-type Company Split with the knowledge that it would harm Remaining Creditors, when such period elapses. The same applies to when twenty years elapses from the day of formation of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is incorporated.
(7)When an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, order of commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, or order of commencement of reorganization proceedings is made with regard to a Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split, Remaining Creditors may not exercise the right to make a request pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) from a Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split.
(8)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split becomes a member(s) of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split, in accordance with the provisions on the matter set forth in item (iii) of that paragraph, on the day of formation of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split.
(9)In cases where there are provisions on the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (vi) of the preceding Article, a Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split, in accordance with the provisions of the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, becomes a bondholder(s) of Bonds set forth in that item on the day of formation of the Membership Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split.
(10)With regard to the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph in the case where two or more Stock Companies and/or Limited Liability Companies are to jointly effect an Incorporation-type Company Split, the phrase "in accordance with the provisions of the Incorporation-type Company Split plan, become a bondholder(s) of Bonds set forth in that item" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "in accordance with the provisions on the matter set forth in item (vii) of that paragraph, become bondholders of Bonds set forth in item (vi) of that paragraph".
第四章 株式交換及び株式移転
Chapter IV Share Exchange and Share Transfer
第一節 株式交換
Section 1 Share Exchange
第一款 通則
Subsection 1 Common Provisions
(Conclusion of a Share Exchange Agreement)
Article 767A Stock Company may effect a Share Exchange. In such cases, the Stock Company must conclude a Stock Exchange agreement with the company acquiring all of its Issued Shares (limited to a Stock Company or a Limited Liability Company; hereinafter referred to as the "Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange" in this Part).
第二款 株式会社に発行済株式を取得させる株式交換
Subsection 2 Share Exchange Which Causes a Stock Company to Acquire the Issued Shares
(Share Exchange Agreement Which Causes a Stock Company to Acquire the Issued Shares)
Article 768(1)In the case where a Stock Company effects a Share Exchange, if the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is a Stock Company, it must prescribe the following matters in the Share Exchange agreement:
(i)the trade name and address of the Stock Company effecting the Share Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange" in this Part) and the Stock Company that constitutes the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange" in this Part);
(ii)if the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is to deliver to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange Monies, etc. in lieu of the shares thereof when effecting the Share Exchange, the following matters concerning such Monies, etc.:
(a)if such Monies, etc. are shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, the description of the number of such shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of the shares for each class) or the method for calculating such numbers, and matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and capital reserves of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange;
(b)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (excluding those pertaining to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(c)if such Monies, etc. are Stock Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (excluding those attached to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;
(d)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds with Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, the matters prescribed in (b) concerning such Bonds with Share Options and the matters prescribed in (c) concerning the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options; or
(e)if such Monies, etc. are property other than shares, etc. in the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, the description of the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount;
(iii)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of Monies, etc. set forth in that item to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (excluding the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange);
(iv)if the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is to deliver to holders of Share Options in the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange Share Options in the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange in lieu of such Share Options at the time of the Share Exchange, the following matters concerning such Share Options:
(a)the description of the features of the Share Options (hereinafter referred to as "Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement" in this Part) held by holders of Share Options in the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange who will receive delivery of Share Options in the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange;
(b)the description of the features and number of Share Options in the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange to be delivered to holders of Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement, or the method for calculating such number; and
(c)if Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement are Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options, a statement to the effect that the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange will succeed to the obligations relating to the Bonds pertaining to such Bonds with Share Options and the description of the classes of the Bonds subject to such succession and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(v)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of the Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange set forth in that item to holders of Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement; and
(vi)the day on which the Share Exchange becomes effective (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Day" in this Section).
(2)In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is a Company with Class Shares, the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange and the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange may provide for the following matters in prescribing the matters set forth in item (iii) of that paragraph in accordance with the features of the classes of shares issued by the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange:
(i)if there is any arrangement that no Monies, etc. are allotted to shareholders of a certain class of shares, a statement to such effect and such class of shares; and
(ii)beyond the matters set forth in the preceding item, if there is any arrangement that each class of shares is to be treated differently with respect to allotment of Monies, etc., a statement to such effect and the details of such different treatment.
(3)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), the provisions on the matters listed in item (iii) of that paragraph must be such that the Monies, etc. are delivered in proportion to the number of the shares (or, in cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, the number of the shares of each class) held by shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (excluding the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange and shareholders of the class of shares referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph).
(Effectuation of a Share Exchange Which Causes a Stock Company to Acquire the Issued Shares)
Article 769(1)The Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from a Share Exchange acquires all of the Issued Shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (excluding shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange already held by the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange) on the Effective Day.
(2)In the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is deemed to have given the approval set forth in Article 137, paragraph (1) with regard to the acquisition of shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (limited to Shares with a Restriction on Transfer, and excluding those already held by the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange prior to the Effective Day) by the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange.
(3)In the cases listed in the following items, shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange become the persons specified respectively in those items, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) of the preceding Article, on the Effective Day:
(i)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii), (a) of the preceding Article:shareholders of shares set forth in (a) of that item;
(ii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii), (b) of the preceding Article:bondholders of Bonds set forth in (b) of that item;
(iii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii), (c) of the preceding Article:holders of Share Options set forth in (c) of that item; or
(iv)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii), (d) of the preceding Article:bondholders of the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options set forth in (d) of that item, and holders of the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(4)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), item (iv) of the preceding Article, the Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement are extinguished and holders of the Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement become holders of the Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange set forth in item (iv), (b) of that paragraph, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in item (v) of that Article, on the Effective Day.
(5)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), item (iv), (c) of the preceding Article, the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange succeeds to the obligations relating to the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options set forth in (c) of that item on the Effective Day.
(6)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply in cases where procedures under the provisions of Article 789 or Article 799 are not completed yet or where the Share Exchange is cancelled.
第三款 合同会社に発行済株式を取得させる株式交換
Subsection 3 Share Exchange Which Causes a Limited Liability Company to Acquire the Issued Shares
(Share Exchange Which Causes a Limited Liability Company to Acquire the Issued Shares)
Article 770(1)In the case where a Stock Company effects a Share Exchange, if the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is a Limited Liability Company, it must prescribe the following matters in the Share Exchange agreement:
(i)the trade name and address of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange and the Limited Liability Company that constitutes the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange" in this Part);
(ii)if shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange are to become members of the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange when effecting the Share Exchange, the names and addresses of the members and the value of contributions by the members;
(iii)if the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is to deliver to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange Monies, etc. (excluding the equity interests of the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange) in lieu of the shares thereof when effecting the Share Exchange, the following matters concerning such Monies, etc.:
(a)if such Monies, etc. are Bonds of the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount; or
(b)if such Monies, etc. are property other than Bonds of the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, the description of the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount;
(iv)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning the allotment of Monies, etc. set forth in that item to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (excluding the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange); and
(v)the Effective Day.
(2)In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is a Company with Class Shares, the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange and the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange may provide for the following matters in prescribing the matters set forth in item (iv) of that paragraph in accordance with the features of the classes of shares issued by the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange:
(i)if there is any arrangement that no Monies, etc. are allotted to shareholders of a certain class of shares, a statement to such effect and such class of shares; and
(ii)beyond the matters set forth in the preceding item, if there is any arrangement that each class of shares is to be treated differently with respect to allotment of Monies, etc., a statement to such effect and the details of such different treatment.
(3)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), the provisions on the matters listed in item (iv) of that paragraph must be such that the Monies, etc. are delivered in proportion to the number of the shares (or, in cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, the number of the shares of each class) held by shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (excluding the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange and shareholders of the class of shares referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph).
(Effectuation of a Share Exchange Which Causes a Limited Liability Company to Acquire the Issued Shares)
Article 771(1)The Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from a Share Exchange acquires all of the Issued Shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (excluding shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange already held by the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange) on the Effective Day.
(2)In the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is deemed to have given the approval set forth in Article 137, paragraph (1) with regard to the acquisition of shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (limited to Shares with a Restriction on Transfer, and excluding those already held by the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange prior to the Effective Day) by the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange.
(3)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), item (ii) of the preceding Article, the shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in that item, become members of the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange on the Effective Day. In such cases, the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is deemed to have effected changes to the articles of incorporation relating to the members set forth in that item on the Effective Day.
(4)In cases where there are provisions on the matter set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii), (a) of the preceding Article, the shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, in accordance with the provisions on the matter set forth in item (iv) of that paragraph, become bondholders of Bonds set forth in item (iii), (a) of that paragraph on the Effective Day.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs do not apply in cases where procedures under the provisions of Article 799 (excluding paragraph (2), item (iii)) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 802, paragraph (2) are not completed yet or where the Share Exchange is cancelled.
第二節 株式移転
Section 2 Share Transfer
(Preparation of a Share Transfer Plan)
Article 772(1)One or multiple Stock Companies may effect a Share Transfer. In such cases, such companies must prepare a Share Transfer plan.
(2)In the case where two or more Stock Companies jointly effect a Share Transfer, those two or more Stock Companies must prepare the Share Transfer plan jointly.
(Share Transfer Plan)
Article 773(1)In the case where one or multiple Stock Companies effect a Share Transfer, those companies must prescribe the following matters in the Share Transfer plan:
(i)the purpose, trade name, location of the head office, and the Total Number of Authorized Shares of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as the "Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer" in this Part);
(ii)beyond what is set forth in the preceding item, the matters provided for in the articles of incorporation of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer;
(iii)the names of the Directors at Incorporation of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer;
(iv)the matters provided for in (a) to (c) below for the categories of cases listed respectively therein:
(a)in cases where the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer is a Company with Accounting Advisor(s):the name(s) of the accounting advisor(s) at Incorporation of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer;
(b)in cases where the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer is a Company with Company Auditor(s) (including a Stock Company the articles of incorporation of which provide that the scope of the audit by its company auditor(s) is limited to an audit related to accounting):the name(s) of the Company Auditor(s) at Incorporation of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer; or
(c)in cases where the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer is a Company with Financial Auditor(s):the name(s) of the Financial Auditor(s) at Incorporation of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer;
(v)the number of shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of the shares for each class) of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer to be delivered by the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer to shareholders of the Stock Company effecting the Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as the "Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer" in this Part) in lieu of the shares thereof, when effecting the Share Transfer, or the method for calculating such numbers, and matters concerning the amount of the stated capital and capital reserves of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer;
(vi)matters concerning allotment of the shares set forth in the preceding item to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer;
(vii)if the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer is to deliver to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer Bonds, etc. of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer in lieu of the shares thereof when effecting the Share Transfer, the following matters concerning such Bonds, etc.:
(a)if such Bonds, etc. are Bonds of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer (excluding those pertaining to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount;
(b)if such Bonds, etc. are Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer (excluding those attached to Bonds with Share Options), the description of the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number; or
(c)if such Bonds, etc. are Bonds with Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer, the matters prescribed in (a) concerning such Bonds with Share Options and the matters prescribed in (b) concerning the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options;
(viii)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning allotment of Bonds, etc. set forth in that item to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer;
(ix)if the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer is to deliver to holders of Share Options of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer in lieu of such Share Options at the time of the Share Transfer, the following matters concerning such Share Options:
(a)the description of the features of the Share Options held by holders of Share Options of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer who will receive delivery of Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as "Share Options under Share Transfer Plan" in this Part);
(b)the description of the features and number of Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer to be delivered to holders of Share Options under Share Transfer Plan, or the method for calculating such number; and
(c)if Share Options under Share Transfer Plan are Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options, a statement to the effect that the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer will succeed to the obligations relating to the Bonds pertaining to such Bonds with Share Options and the description of the classes of the Bonds subject to such succession and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating that total amount; and
(x)in the case prescribed in the preceding item, matters concerning allotment of the Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer set forth in that item to holders of Share Options under Share Transfer Plan.
(2)In cases where a Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer is a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, the matters listed in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph must be prescribed by distinguishing Directors at Incorporation who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Member at Incorporation and other Directors at Incorporation.
(3)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), if the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer is a Company with Class Shares, the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer may provide for the following matters in prescribing the matters set forth in item (vi) of that paragraph in accordance with the features of the classes of shares issued by the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger:
(i)if there is any arrangement that no shares of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer are allotted to shareholders of a certain class of shares, a statement to such effect and such class of shares; and
(ii)beyond the matters set forth in the preceding item, if there is any arrangement that each class of shares is to be treated differently with respect to allotment of shares of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer, a statement to such effect and the details of such different treatment.
(4)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), the provisions on the matters listed in item (vi) of that paragraph must be such that shares of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer are delivered in proportion to the number of the shares (or, in cases where there are provisions on the matters listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, the number of the shares of each class) held by the shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer (excluding the shareholders of the class of shares referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph).
(5)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to the matters mentioned in paragraph (1), item (viii). In such cases, the term "shares of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer" in the preceding two paragraphs is deemed to be replaced with "Bonds, etc. of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer".
(Effectuation of a Share Transfer)
Article 774(1)The Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer acquires all of the Issued Shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer on the day of its formation.
(2)The shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (vi) of the preceding Article, become shareholders of the shares set forth in item (v) of that paragraph on the day of formation of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer.
(3)In the cases listed in the following items, the shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer become the persons specified respectively in those items, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (viii) of the preceding Article, on the day of formation of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer:
(i)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (vii), (a) of the preceding Article:bondholders of Bonds set forth in (a) of that item;
(ii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (vii), (b) of the preceding Article:holders of Share Options set forth in (b) of that item; or
(iii)in cases where there is a provision on the matters set forth in paragraph (1), item (vii), (c) of the preceding Article:bondholders of the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options set forth in (c) of that item, and holders of the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(4)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), item (ix) of the preceding Article, the Share Options under Share Transfer Plan are extinguished and the holders of the Share Options under Share Transfer Plan become holders of the Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer set forth in item (ix), (b) of that paragraph, in accordance with the provisions on the matters set forth in item (x) of that paragraph, on the day of formation of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer.
(5)In the case prescribed in paragraph (1), item (ix), (c) of the preceding Article, the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer succeeds to the obligations relating to the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options set forth in (c) of that item on the day of its formation.
第五章 組織変更、合併、会社分割、株式交換及び株式移転の手続
Chapter V Procedures of Entity Conversion, Merger, Company Split, Share Exchange, and Share Transfer
第一節 組織変更の手続
Section 1 Procedures of Entity Conversion
第一款 株式会社の手続
Subsection 1 Procedures for a Stock Company
(Keeping and Inspection of Documents Concerning an Entity Conversion Plan)
Article 775(1)A Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion must, from the day on which the Entity Conversion plan began to be kept until the day on which the Entity Conversion becomes effective (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Day" in this Section), keep documents detailing the contents of the Entity Conversion plan and other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order, and electronic or magnetic records in which this has been recorded, at its head office.
(2)The "day on which the Entity Conversion plan began to be kept" prescribed in the preceding paragraph means the earliest of the following days:
(i)the day on which the consent of all shareholders of the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion has been gained with regard to the Entity Conversion plan;
(ii)if the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion has issued Share Options, the day of the notice under the provisions of Article 777, paragraph (3) or the day of the public notice set forth in paragraph (4) of that Article, whichever is earlier; or
(iii)the day of the public notice under the provisions of Article 779, paragraph (2) or the day of the demand under the provisions of that paragraph, whichever is earlier.
(3)Shareholders and creditors of a Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion may make the following requests to the Stock Company at any time during its business hours; provided, however, that the fees designated by the Stock Company are required to be paid in order to make the requests set forth in item (ii) or item (iv):
(i)requests for inspection of the documents set forth in paragraph (1);
(ii)requests for delivery of a transcript or extract of the documents set forth in paragraph (1);
(iii)a request to inspect anything that is used in a manner prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order to display the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in paragraph (1); and
(iv)a request to be provided with the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in paragraph (1) by an electronic or magnetic means that the Stock Company has designated, or a request to be issued a document showing that information.
(Approval of the Entity Conversion Plan of a Stock Company)
Article 776(1)A Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion must obtain the consent of all shareholders of the Stock Company with regard to the Entity Conversion plan by the day immediately preceding the Effective Day.
(2)A Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion must notify its Registered Pledgees of Shares and Registered Pledgees of Share Options thereof that it will effect Entity Conversion, by twenty days prior to the Effective Day.
(3)A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options)
Article 777(1)In cases where a Stock Company effects Entity Conversion, holders of Share Options of the Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion may demand that the Stock Company purchase, at a fair price, the Share Options that they hold.
(2)If holders of the Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options intend to make the demand under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as "the "Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options" in this Section), they must also demand that the Stock Company purchase the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for with respect to the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(3)A Stock Company which intends to effect Entity Conversion must notify the holders of Share Options thereof that it will effect Entity Conversion, by twenty days prior to the Effective Day.
(4)A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(5)To Exercise Appraisal Rights on Share Options, the share option holder must indicate the features and number of the Share Options with respect to which the holder is Exercising Appraisal Rights, between twenty days prior to the Effective Day and the day immediately preceding the Effective Day.
(6)When intending to Exercise Appraisal Rights on Share Options in respect of Share Options for which share option certificates have been issued, the holder of those Share Options must submit to a Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion the share option certificates; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who files a petition for public notice prescribed in Article 114 of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedure Act with respect to those share option certificates.
(7)When intending to Exercise Appraisal Rights on Share Options in respect of Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Option for which certificate representing the Bond with Share Options have been issued, the holder of those Share Options must submit to the Stock Company effective Entity Conversion the certificate representing the Bond with Share Options; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who files a petition for public notice prescribed in Article 114 of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedure Act with respect to that certificate representing the Bond with Share Options.
(8)Share option holders Exercising Appraisal Rights on Share Options may withdraw their demands for appraisal of the Share Options only with the approval of the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion.
(9)The demands of the share option holders Exercising Appraisal Rights on Share Options lose effect if the Entity Conversion is cancelled.
(10)The provisions of Article 260 do not apply to Share Options pertaining to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options.
(Determination of the Price of Share Options)
Article 778(1)In cases where a share option holder Exercises Appraisal Rights on the Share Options, if an agreement on the determination of the price of the Share Options (in cases where such Share Options are attached to Bonds with Share Options, if a holder thereof demands that the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion purchase the Bonds constituting those Bonds with Share Options, including such Bonds; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) is reached between the share option holder and the Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion (after the Effective Day, the Membership Company after Entity Conversion; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the Stock Company must make payment within sixty days from the Effective Day.
(2)If no agreement on the determination of the price of the Share Options is reached within thirty days from the Effective Day, share option holders or the Membership Company after Entity Conversion may file a petition for the court to determine the price within thirty days after the expiration of that period.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (8) of the preceding Article, in the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the petition under that paragraph is not filed within sixty days from the Effective Day, share option holders Exercising Appraisal Rights on the Share Options may withdraw their demands for appraisal of the Share Options at any time after the expiration of such period.
(4)The Membership Company after Entity Conversion must also pay interest on the price determined by the court which is calculated at the rate of six percent per annum from and including the day of the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (1).
(5)A Stock Company effecting an Entity Conversion may pay the amount that the Stock Company considers to be a fair price to share option holders by the determination of price of Share Options.
(6)The purchase of Share Options relating to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options becomes effective on the Effective Day.
(7)If a share option holder Exercises Appraisal Rights on Share Options with respect to Share Options for which share option certificates are issued, the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion must pay the price of the Share Options relating to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on the Share Options in exchange for the hare option certificates.
(8)If a share option holder Exercises Appraisal Rights on Share Options with respect to Share Options attached to a Bond with Share Options for which a certificate for a Bond with Share Options is issued, the Stock Company effecting the Entity Conversion must pay the price of the Share Options relating to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on the Share Options in exchange for the certificate for the Bond with Share Options.
(Objections of Creditors)
Article 779(1)Creditors of a Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion may state their objections to the Entity Conversion to such Stock Company.
(2)A Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion must give public notice of the matters listed below in the official gazette and must give notices separately to each known creditor, if any; provided, however, that the period under item (iii) may not be less than one month:
(i)a statement that Entity Conversion will be effected;
(ii)the matters prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as the matters regarding the Financial Statements (meaning the Financial Statements prescribed in Article 435, paragraph (2); hereinafter the same applies in this Chapter) of the Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion; and
(iii)a statement to the effect that creditors may state their objections within a certain period of time.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion gives public notice under that paragraph by the Method of Public Notice listed in Article 939, paragraph (1), item (ii) or item (iii) in accordance with the provisions of the articles of incorporation under the provisions of that paragraph in addition to the official gazette, the Stock Company is not required to give separate notices under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(4)In cases where creditors do not raise any objections within the period under paragraph (2), item (iii), such creditors are deemed to have approved the Entity Conversion.
(5)In cases where creditors raise objections within the period under paragraph (2), item (iii), the Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion must make payment or provide reasonable security to such creditors, or entrust equivalent property to a Trust Company, etc. for the purpose of having such creditors receive the payment; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of harm to such creditors by such Entity Conversion.
(Change of the Effective Day of Entity Conversion)
Article 780(1)A Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion may change the Effective Day.
(2)In the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion must give public notice of the changed Effective Day by the day immediately preceding the original Effective Day (or, immediately preceding the changed Effective Day, in the case where the changed Effective Day comes before the original Effective Day).
(3)When the Effective Day is changed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the provisions of this Subsection and Article 745 apply by deeming the changed Effective Day to be the Effective Day.
第二款 持分会社の手続
Subsection 2 Procedures for a Membership Company
Article 781(1)A Membership Company effecting Entity Conversion must obtain the consent of all members of the Membership Company with regard to the Entity Conversion plan by the day immediately preceding the Effective Day; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation.
(2)The provisions of Article 779 (excluding paragraph (2), item (ii)) and the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to a Membership Company effecting Entity Conversion. In such cases, the term "Stock Company effecting Entity Conversion" in Article 779, paragraph (3) is deemed to be replaced with "Membership Company (limited to a Limited Liability Company) effecting Entity Conversion", and the term "and Article 745" in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article is deemed to be replaced with "and Article 747 and paragraph (1) of the following Article".
第二節 吸収合併等の手続
Section 2 Procedures of an Absorption-Type Merger
第一款 吸収合併消滅会社、吸収分割会社及び株式交換完全子会社の手続
Subsection 1 Procedures for a Company Disappearing in an Absorption-Type Merger, a Company Splitting in an Absorption-Type Split, and a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange
第一目 株式会社の手続
Division 1 Procedures for a Stock Company
(Keeping and Inspection of Documents Concerning an Absorption-Type Merger Agreement)
Article 782(1)Each of the Stock Companies listed in the following items (hereinafter referred to as an "Disappearing Stock Company, etc." in this Division) must, from the day on which the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. began to be kept until the day on which six months have elapsed from the day on which the Absorption-type Merger, Absorption-type Company Split or Share Exchange (hereinafter referred to as an "Absorption-type Merger, etc." in this Section) becomes effective (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Day" in this Section) (or, in the case of a Stock Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger, until the Effective Day), keep documents detailing the particulars specified respectively in those items (hereinafter referred to as the "Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc." in this Section) and other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order, and electronic or magnetic records in which this has been recorded, at its head office:
(i)Stock Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger:the Absorption-type Merger agreement;
(ii)Stock Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split:the Absorption-type Company Split agreement; and
(iii)Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange:the Share Exchange agreement.
(2)The "day on which the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. began to be kept" prescribed in the preceding paragraph means the earliest of the following days:
(i)if the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. is required to be approved by a resolution at a shareholders meeting (including a General Meeting of Class Shareholders), the day two weeks prior to the day of the shareholders meeting (or, in the cases prescribed in Article 319, paragraph (1), the day when the proposal under that paragraph is submitted);
(ii)if there are shareholders who are to receive the notice under the provisions of Article 785, paragraph (3), the day of the notice under the provisions of that paragraph or the day of the public notice under paragraph (4) of that Article, whichever is earlier;
(iii)if there are share option holders who are to receive the notice under the provisions of Article 787, paragraph (3), the day of the notice under the provisions of that paragraph or the day of the public notice under paragraph (4) of that Article, whichever is earlier;
(iv)if the procedures under the provisions of Article 789 are required to be carried out, the day of the public notice under the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article or the day of the notice under the provisions of that paragraph, whichever is earlier; or
(v)in cases other than those prescribed in the preceding items, the day on which two weeks have elapsed from the day of conclusion of the Absorption-type Company Split agreement or the Share Exchange agreement.
(3)Shareholders and creditors of a Disappearing Stock Company, etc. (or, in the case of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, shareholders and share option holders) may make the following requests to the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. at any time during its business hours; provided, however, that the fees designated by the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. are required to be paid in order to make the requests set forth in item (ii) or item (iv):
(i)requests for inspection of the documents set forth in paragraph (1);
(ii)requests for delivery of a transcript or extract of the documents set forth in paragraph (1);
(iii)a request to inspect anything that is used in a manner prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order to display the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in paragraph (1); and
(iv)a request to be provided with the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as set forth in paragraph (1) by the electronic or magnetic means that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. has designated, or a request to be issued a document showing that information.
(Approval of the Absorption-Type Merger Agreement)
Article 783(1)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must obtain the approval of the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. by a resolution at a shareholders meeting by the day immediately preceding the Effective Day.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the cases where a Stock Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger or a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange is not a Company with Classes of Shares, if all or part of the Monies, etc. to be delivered to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Consideration for the Merger, etc." in this Article and paragraph (1) of the following Article) are Equity Interests, etc. (meaning equity interests of a Membership Company or those prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as being equivalent thereto; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the consent of all shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange must be obtained with regard to the Absorption-type Merger agreement or the Share Exchange agreement.
(3)In the cases where a Stock Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger or a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange is a Company with Classes of Shares, if all or part of the Consideration for the Merger, etc. are Shares with a Restriction on Transfer, etc. (meaning Shares with a Restriction on Transfer and those prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as being equivalent thereto; hereinafter the same applies in this Chapter), the Absorption-type Merger or the Share Exchange does not become effective without a resolution at a General Meeting of Class Shareholders constituted by the Class Shareholders of the class of shares subject to the allotment of the Shares with a Restriction on Transfer, etc. (excluding Shares with a Restriction on Transfer) (in cases where there are two or more classes of shares relating to such Class Shareholders, the respective General Meetings of Class Shareholders constituted by Class Shareholders categorized by the class of such two or more classes of shares); provided, however, that this does not apply to cases where there is no Class Shareholder who is able to exercise a voting right at such General Meeting of Class Shareholders.
(4)In the cases where a Stock Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger or a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange is a Company with Classes of Shares, if all or part of the Consideration for the Merger, etc. are Equity Interests, etc., the Absorption-type Merger or the Share Exchange does not become effective without the consent of all shareholders of the class subject to the allotment of the Equity Interests, etc.
(5)An Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must notify its Registered Pledgees of Shares (excluding the Registered Pledgees of Shares in the cases prescribed in paragraph (2) of the following Article) and Registered Pledgees of Share Options concerning the Share Options specified in the items of Article 787, paragraph (3) that it will effect the Absorption-type Merger, etc. by twenty days prior to the Effective Day.
(6)A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Cases Where Approval of the Absorption-Type Merger Agreement Is Not Required)
Article 784(1)The provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article do not apply in the cases where the Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger, the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split or the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Surviving Company, etc." in this Division) is the Special Controlling Company of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply in the cases where all or part of the value of the merger, etc. in the Absorption-type Merger or Share Exchange is Shares with a Restriction on Transfer, etc., and the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. is a Public Company and not a Company with Class Shares.
(2)The provisions of the preceding Article do not apply in cases where the sum of the book value of the assets that the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split succeeds to through the Absorption-type Company Split does not exceed one-fifth (or, in cases where a lesser proportion is prescribed in the articles of incorporation of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split, such proportion) of the amount calculated by the method specified by Ministry of Justice Order as the total assets of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split.
(Demanding Cessation of Absorption-Type Merger)
Article 784-2In the following cases, if shareholders of a Disappearing Stock Company, etc. are likely to suffer disadvantages, shareholders of a Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may demand the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. to cease an Absorption-type Merger, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases prescribed in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article:
(i)in cases where the Absorption-type Merger, etc. violates laws and regulations or the articles of incorporation; or
(ii)in the cases prescribed in the main clause of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, when the matters listed in Article 749, paragraph (1), item (ii) or (iii), Article 751, paragraph (1), item (iii) or (iv), Article 758, item (iv), Article 760, item (iv) or (v), Article 768, paragraph (1), item (ii) or (iii), or Article 770, paragraph (1), item (iii) or (iv) are extremely improper in light of the financial status of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. or Surviving Company, etc.
(Dissenting Shareholders' Appraisal Rights)
Article 785(1)In cases of effecting an Absorption-type Merger, etc. (excluding the following cases), dissenting shareholders may demand that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. purchase, at a fair price, the shares that they hold:
(i)in cases prescribed in Article 783, paragraph (2); or
(ii)in cases prescribed in Article 784, paragraph (2).
(2)The "dissenting shareholders" provided for in the preceding paragraph means the shareholders provided for in the following items in the cases listed in the same items (excluding shareholders entitled to allotment of Equity Interests, etc. prescribed in Article 783, paragraph (4) in the cases prescribed in that paragraph):
一吸収合併等をするために株主総会(種類株主総会を含む。)の決議を要する場合 次に掲げる株主
(i)in cases where a resolution at a shareholders meeting (including a General Meeting of Class Shareholders) is required to effect the Absorption-type Merger, etc.: the following shareholders:
(a)shareholders who gave notice to such Disappearing Stock Company, etc. to the effect that they dissented from such Absorption-type Merger, etc. prior to such shareholders meeting and who dissented from such Absorption-type Merger, etc. at such shareholders meeting (limited to those who can exercise voting rights at such shareholders meeting);
(b)shareholders who are unable to exercise voting rights at such shareholders meeting; and
(ii)in cases other than those prescribed in the preceding item:all shareholders (excluding the Special Controlling Company in the cases prescribed in the main clause of Article 784, paragraph (1)).
(3)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must notify its shareholders (excluding shareholders entitled to allotment of Equity Interests, etc. prescribed in Article 783, paragraph (4) in the cases prescribed in that paragraph and the Special Controlling Company in the cases prescribed in the main clause of Article 784, paragraph (1))) that it will effect an Absorption-type Merger, etc. and the trade name and address of the Surviving Company, etc., by twenty days prior to the Effective Day; provided, however, that this does not apply in the cases listed in the items of paragraph (1).
(4)In the following cases, a public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph:
(i)in cases where the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. is a Public Company; or
(ii)in cases where the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. obtains the approval of the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. by the resolution at a shareholders meeting set forth in Article 783, paragraph (1).
(5)To make a demand under the provisions of paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as the "Exercise of Appraisal Rights" in this Division)), a dissenting shareholder must indicate the number of shares with regard to which the shareholder is Exercising Appraisal Rights (or, for a Company with Classes of Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of shares for each class), between twenty days prior to the Effective Day and the day immediately preceding the Effective Day.
(6)When intending to Exercise Appraisal Rights on shares for which share certificates have been issued, shareholders of those shares must submit the share certificates representing those shares to the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who makes a demand pursuant to the provisions of Article 223 with respect to those share certificates.
(7)Shareholders Exercising Appraisal Rights may withdraw their demands for appraisal only with the approval of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.
(8)The demands of the shareholders Exercising Appraisal Rights lose effect if the Absorption-type Merger, etc. is cancelled.
(9)The provisions of Article 133 do not apply to shares pertaining to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights.
(Determination of the Price of Shares)
Article 786(1)If a shareholder Exercises Appraisal Rights and an agreement determining the price of the shares is reached between the shareholder and the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. (or between the shareholder and the Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger, if an Absorption-type Merger is effected and it is after the Effective Day; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must pay that price within sixty days from the Effective Day.
(2)If no agreement on the determination of the price of the shares is reached within thirty days from the Effective Day, shareholders or the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may file a petition for the court to determine the price within thirty days after the expiration of that period.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (7) of the preceding Article, in the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the petition under that paragraph is not filed within sixty days from the Effective Day, shareholders Exercising Appraisal Rights may withdraw their demands for appraisal at any time after the expiration of such period.
(4)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must also pay interest on the price determined by the court which is calculated at the rate of six percent per annum from and including the day of the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (1).
(5)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may pay the amount that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. considers to be a fair price to shareholders until the determination of the price of shares.
(6)A share purchase connected with the Exercise of Appraisal Rights becomes effective on the Effective Day.
(7)If a shareholder Exercises Appraisal Rights with respect to shares for which share certificates are issued, the Share Certificate-Issuing Company must pay the price of the shares relating to the Exercise of the Appraisal Rights in exchange for the share certificates.
(Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options)
Article 787(1)In cases of carrying out any one of the acts listed in the following items, holders of Share Options of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. provided for in those items may demand that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. purchase, at a fair price, the Share Options that they hold:
(i)Absorption-type Merger:Share Options other than those for which provisions on the matters set forth in Article 749, paragraph (1), item (iv) or (v) meet the conditions set forth in Article 236, paragraph (1), item (viii) (limited to those related to (a) of that item);
二吸収分割(吸収分割承継会社が株式会社である場合に限る。) 次に掲げる新株予約権のうち、第七百五十八条第五号又は第六号に掲げる事項についての定めが第二百三十六条第一項第八号の条件(同号ロに関するものに限る。)に合致する新株予約権以外の新株予約権
(ii)Absorption-type Company Split (limited to cases where the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is a Stock Company): among the following Share Options, Share Options other than those for which provisions on the matters set forth in Article 758, item (v) or (vi) meet the conditions set forth in Article 236, paragraph (1), item (viii) (limited to those related to (b) of that item):
(a)the Share Options in the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement; and
(b)Share Options other than the Share Options in the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement, for which there are provisions to the effect that, in the case of effecting an Absorption-type Company Split, Share Options of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split are to be delivered to holders of such Share Options; or
三株式交換(株式交換完全親会社が株式会社である場合に限る。) 次に掲げる新株予約権のうち、第七百六十八条第一項第四号又は第五号に掲げる事項についての定めが第二百三十六条第一項第八号の条件(同号ニに関するものに限る。)に合致する新株予約権以外の新株予約権
(iii)Share Exchange (limited to cases where the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is a Stock Company): Among the following Share Options, Share Options other than those for which provisions on the matters set forth in Article 768, paragraph (1), item (iv) or item (v) meet the conditions set forth in Article 236, paragraph (1), item (viii) (limited to those related to (d) of that item):
(a)Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement; and
(b)Share Options other than Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement and for which there are provisions to the effect that, in the case of effecting a Share Exchange, Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange are to be delivered to holders of such Share Options.
(2)If of Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options intend to make the demand under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options" in this Division), they must also demand that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. purchase the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for with respect to the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(3)The Disappearing Stock Companies, etc. listed in the following items must notify holders of Share Options provided for in those items that they will effect an Absorption-type Merger, etc. and the trade name and address of the Surviving Company, etc., by twenty days prior to the Effective Day:
(i)Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger:all Share Options;
二吸収分割承継会社が株式会社である場合における吸収分割株式会社 次に掲げる新株予約権
(ii)the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split in cases where the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split is a Stock Company: the following Share Options:
(a)the Share Options in the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement; and
(b)Share Options other than the Share Options in the Absorption-type Company Split Agreement and for which there are provisions to the effect that, in the case of effecting an Absorption-type Company Split, Share Options of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split are to be delivered to holders of such Share Options;
三株式交換完全親会社が株式会社である場合における株式交換完全子会社 次に掲げる新株予約権
(iii)the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange in cases where the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange is a Stock Company: the following Share Options:
(a)Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement; and
(b)Share Options other than Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement and for which there are provisions to the effect that, in the case of effecting a Share Exchange, Share Options of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange are to be delivered to holders of such Share Options.
(4)A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(5)To Exercise Appraisal Rights on Share Options, the share option holder must indicate the features and number of the Share Options with respect to which the holder is Exercising those Appraisal Rights, between twenty days prior to the Effective Day and the day immediately preceding the Effective Day.
(6)When intending to Exercise Appraisal Rights on Share Options in respect of Share Options for which share option certificates have been issued, the holder of those Share Options must submit to Disappearing Stock Company, etc. the share option certificates; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who files a public petition as prescribed in Article 114 of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedure Act with respect to those share option certificates.
(7)When intending to Exercise Appraisal Rights on Share Options in respect of Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options for which certificate representing the Bond with Share Options have been issued, the holder of those Share Options must submit to the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. the certificate representing the Bond with Share Options; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who files a petition for public notice as prescribed in Article 114 of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedure Act with respect to that certificate representing the Bond with Share Options.
(8)Share option holders Exercising Appraisal Rights on Share Options may withdraw their demands for appraisal of the Share Options only with the approval of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.
(9)The demands of the share option holders Exercising Appraisal Rights on Share Options lose effect if the Absorption-type Merger, etc. is cancelled.
(10)The provisions of Article 260 do not apply to Share Options pertaining to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options.
(Determination of the Price of Share Options)
Article 788(1)In cases where a holder of share options Exercises Appraisal Rights on the Share Options, if an agreement on the determination of the price of the Share Options (in cases where such Share Options are attached to Bonds with Share Options, if a holder thereof demands the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. to purchase the Bonds constituting those Bonds with Share Options, including such Bonds; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) is reached between the share option holder and the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. (or, after the Effective Day in cases of effecting an Absorption-type Merger, the Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must make payment within sixty days from the Effective Day.
(2)If no agreement on the determination of the price of the Share Options is reached within thirty days from the Effective Day, the share option holder or the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may file a petition for the court to determine the price within thirty days after the expiration of that period.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (8) of the preceding Article, in the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the petition under that paragraph is not filed within sixty days from the Effective Day, the share option holders Exercising Appraisal Rights on the Share Options may withdraw their demands for appraisal of the Share Options at any time after the expiration of such period.
(4)The Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must also pay interest on the price determined by the court which is calculated at the rate of six percent per annum from and including the day of the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (1).
(5)A Disappearing Stock Company may pay the amount that the Disappearing Stock Company considers to be a fair price to share option holders by the determination of price of Share Options.
(6)The purchase of Share Options relating to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options becomes effective on the Effective Day.
(7)If a share option holder Exercises Appraisal Rights on Share Options with respect to Share Options for which share option certificates are issued, the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must pay the price of the Share Options relating to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on the Share Options in exchange for the hare option certificates.
(8)If a share option holder Exercises Appraisal Rights on Share Options with respect to Share Options attached to a Bond with Share Options for which a certificate for a Bond with Share Options is issued, the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must pay the price of the Share Options relating to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on the Share Options in exchange for the certificate for the Bond with Share Options.
(Objections of Creditors)
Article 789(1)In the cases listed in the following items, the creditors provided for in those items may state their objections to the Absorption-type Merger, etc. to the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.:
(i)in cases of effecting an Absorption-type Merger:creditors of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger;
(ii)in cases of effecting an Absorption-type Company Split:creditors of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split who are unable to request the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations (including performance of the guarantee obligations that the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split jointly and severally assumes with the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split as a guarantor) (or, in the case where there are provisions on the matter set forth in Article 758, item (viii) or Article 760, item (vii), creditors of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split); and
(iii)in cases where the Share Options under Share Exchange Agreement are Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options:bondholders pertaining to such Bonds with Share Options.
(2)In cases where all or part of the creditors of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. are able to state their objection pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must give public notice of the matters listed below in the official gazette and must give notices separately to each known creditor (limited to one who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of such paragraph), if any; provided, however, that the period under item (iv) may not be less than one month:
(i)a statement that an Absorption-type Merger, etc. will be effected;
(ii)the trade name and address of the Surviving Company, etc.;
(iii)the matters prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as the matters regarding the Financial Statements of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. and the Surviving Company, etc. (limited to a Stock Company); and
(iv)a statement to the effect that creditors may state their objections within a certain period of time.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. gives public notice under that paragraph by the Method of Public Notice listed in Article 939, paragraph (1), item (ii) or item (iii) in accordance with the provisions of the articles of incorporation under the provisions of that paragraph in addition to the official gazette, the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. is not required to give separate notices under the provisions of the preceding paragraph (excluding such notices to creditors of the obligations of the Stock Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split that have arisen due to a tort in the case of effecting an Absorption-type Company Split).
(4)In cases where creditors do not raise any objections within the period under paragraph (2), item (iv), such creditors are deemed to have approved the Absorption-type Merger, etc.
(5)In cases where creditors raise objections within the period under paragraph (2), item (iv), the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must make payment or provide reasonable security to such creditors, or entrust equivalent property to a Trust Company, etc. for the purpose of having such creditors receive the payment; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of harm to such creditors by such Absorption-type Merger, etc.
(Change in the Effective Day of an Absorption-Type Merger)
Article 790(1)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may change the Effective Day by agreement with the Surviving Company, etc.
(2)In the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must give public notice of the changed Effective Day by the day immediately preceding the original Effective Day (or, immediately preceding the changed Effective Day, in the case where the changed Effective Day comes before the original Effective Day).
(3)When the Effective Day is changed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the provisions of this Section and Article 750, Article 752, Article 759, Article 761, Article 769, and Article 771 apply by deeming the changed Effective Day to be the Effective Day.
(Keeping and Inspection of Documents Concerning an Absorption-Type Company Split or Share Exchange)
Article 791(1)The Stock Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange must, without delay after the Effective Day, prepare what are provided for in the following items for the categories set forth respectively in those items, jointly with the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split or the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange:
(i)Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split:documents detailing the rights and obligations that the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split succeeded to by transfer from the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split through the Absorption-type Company Split and any other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as concerning an Absorption-type Company Split, or electronic or magnetic records in which such information has been recorded; and
(ii)Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange:documents detailing the number of shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange acquired by the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange and any other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as concerning a Share Exchange, or electronic or magnetic records in which such information has been recorded.
(2)A Stock Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split or a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange must, for a period of six months from the Effective Day, keep the documents or electronic or magnetic records set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph at its head office.
(3)Shareholders, creditors and any other interested parties of a Stock Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split may make the following requests to the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split at any time during its business hours; provided, however, that the fees designated by the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split are required to be paid in order to make the requests set forth in item (ii) or item (iv):
(i)requests for inspection of the documents set forth in the preceding paragraph;
(ii)requests for delivery of a transcript or extract of the documents set forth in the preceding paragraph;
(iii)a request to inspect anything that is used in a manner prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order to display the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in the preceding paragraph; and
(iv)a request to be provided with the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in the preceding paragraph by an electronic or magnetic means that the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split has designated, or a request to be issued a document showing that information.
(4)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange. In such cases, the phrase "shareholders, creditors and any other interested parties of a Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split" is deemed to be replaced with "persons who were shareholders or share option holders in the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange as of the Effective Day".
(Special Provisions on Dividends of Surplus)
Article 792The provisions of Article 445, paragraph (4), Article 458 and Part II, Chapter V, Section 6 do not apply to the acts listed below:
(i)acquisition of shares set forth in Article 758, item (viii), (a) or Article 760, item (vii), (a); and
(ii)distribution of dividends of surplus set forth in Article 758, item (viii), (b) or Article 760, item (vii), (b).
第二目 持分会社の手続
Division 2 Procedures for a Membership Company
Article 793(1)A Membership Company conducting any one of the acts below must obtain the consent of all members of the Membership Company with regard to the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. by the day immediately preceding the Effective Day; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation:
(i)Absorption-type Merger (but only if the Membership Company disappears in the Absorption-type Merger); or
(ii)Absorption-type Company Split (limited to cases where another Company succeeds to all of the rights and obligations held by such Membership Company (limited to a Limited Liability Company) in connection with its business).
(2)The provisions of Article 789 (excluding paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2), item (iii)) and Article 790 apply mutatis mutandis to a Membership Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger or a Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split, which is a Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Limited Liability Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split" in this Section). In such cases, the phrase "Creditors of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split who are unable to request the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations (including performance of the guarantee obligations that the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split jointly and severally assumes with the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split as a guarantor) (or, in the case where there are provisions on the matter set forth in Article 758, item (viii) or Article 760, item (vii), creditors of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split)" in Article 789, paragraph (1), item (ii) is deemed to be replaced with "Creditors of the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split who are unable to request the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split to perform the obligations (including performance of the guarantee obligations that the Stock Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split jointly and severally assumes with the Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split as a guarantor)" and the term "Disappearing Stock Company, etc." in paragraph (3) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger (limited to a Limited Liability Company in the case where the Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger is a Stock Company or a Limited Liability Company) or the Limited Liability Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split".
第二款 吸収合併存続会社、吸収分割承継会社及び株式交換完全親会社の手続
Subsection 2 Procedures for the Company Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, the Company Succeeding in an Absorption-Type Split, and the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from a Share Exchange
第一目 株式会社の手続
Division 1 Procedures for a Stock Company
(Keeping and Inspection of Documents Concerning an Absorption-Type Merger Agreement)
Article 794(1)A Stock Company Surviving an Absorption-type Merger, a Stock Company Succeeding in an Absorption-type Split, or the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from a Share Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Surviving Stock Company, etc." in this Division) must, from the day on which the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. began to be kept until the day on which six months have elapsed from the Effective Day, keep documents detailing the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. and other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order, and electronic or magnetic records in which this has been recorded, at its head office.
(2)The "day on which the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. began to be kept" prescribed in the preceding paragraph means the earliest of the following days:
(i)if the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. is required to be approved by a resolution at a shareholders meeting (including a General Meeting of Class Shareholders), the day two weeks prior to the day of the shareholders meeting (or, in the cases prescribed in Article 319, paragraph (1), the day when the proposal under that paragraph is submitted);
(ii)the day of the notice under the provisions of Article 797, paragraph (3) or the day of the public notice under paragraph (4) of that Article, whichever is earlier; or
(iii)if the procedures under the provisions of Article 799 are required to be carried out, the day of the public notice under the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article or the day of the notice under the provisions of that paragraph, whichever is earlier.
(3)Shareholders and creditors of a Surviving Stock Company, etc. (or, in the case where the Monies, etc. to be delivered to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange are limited to shares of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange or those prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as being equivalent thereto (excluding the case prescribed in Article 768, paragraph (1), item (iv), (c)), shareholders) may make the following requests to the Surviving Stock Company, etc. at any time during its business hours; provided, however, that the fees designated by the Surviving Stock Company, etc. are required to be paid in order to make the requests set forth in item (ii) or item (iv):
(i)requests for inspection of the documents set forth in paragraph (1);
(ii)requests for delivery of a transcript or extract of the documents set forth in paragraph (1);
(iii)a request to inspect anything that is used in a manner prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order to display the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in paragraph (1); and
(iv)a request to be provided with the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in paragraph (1) by an electronic or magnetic means that the Surviving Stock Company, etc. has designated, or a request to be issued a document showing that information.
(Approval of the Absorption-Type Merger Agreement)
Article 795(1)A Surviving Stock Company, etc. must obtain the approval of the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. by a resolution at a shareholders meeting by the day immediately preceding the Effective Day.
(2)In the cases listed below, a director must explain to that effect at the shareholders meeting set forth in the preceding paragraph:
(i)in cases where the amount prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as the amount of obligations that the Stock Company Surviving an Absorption-type Merger or the Stock Company Succeeding in an Absorption-type Split succeeds to by transfer from the Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split (referred to as the "Amount of Succeeded Obligations" in the following item) exceeds the amount prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as the amount of assets that the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger or the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split succeeds to by transfer from the Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split (referred to as the "Amount of Succeeded Assets" in the following item);
(ii)in cases where the book value of the Monies, etc. (excluding shares, etc. of the Stock Company Surviving an Absorption-type Merger or the Stock Company Succeeding in an Absorption-type Split) delivered by the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger or the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger, to members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or to the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split exceeds the amount obtained by deducting the Amount of Succeeded Obligations from the Amount of Succeeded Assets; or
(iii)in cases where the book value of the Monies, etc. (excluding shares, etc. of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from a Share Exchange) delivered by the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from a Share Exchange to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange exceeds the amount prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as the amount of shares in the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange to be acquired by the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange.
(3)In cases where the assets of a Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger or a Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split include shares of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger or the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split, a director must explain the matters concerning such shares at the shareholders meeting set forth in paragraph (1).
(4)Where the Surviving Stock Company, etc. is a Company with Class Shares, in the cases listed in the following items, an Absorption-type Merger, etc. does not become effective without a resolution at a General Meeting of Class Shareholders constituted by Class Shareholders of the class of shares provided for respectively in those items (limited to Shares with a Restriction on Transfer and for which the provisions of the articles of incorporation set forth in Article 199, paragraph (4) do not exist) (in cases where there are two or more classes of shares relating to such Class Shareholders, the respective General Meetings of Class Shareholders constituted by Class Shareholders categorized by the class of such two or more classes of shares); provided, however, that this does not apply to cases where there is no Class Shareholder who is able to exercise a voting right at such General Meeting of Class Shareholders:
(i)in cases where the Monies, etc. delivered to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger or to members of the Membership Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger are shares of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger:the class of shares set forth in Article 749, paragraph (1), item (ii), (a);
(ii)in cases where the Monies, etc. delivered to the Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split are shares of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split:the class of shares set forth in Article 758, item (iv), (a); or
(iii)in cases where the Monies, etc. delivered to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange are shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange:the class of shares set forth in Article 768, paragraph (1), item (ii), (a).
(Cases Where Approval of the Absorption-Type Merger Agreement Is Not Required)
Article 796(1)The provisions of paragraphs (1) to (3) of the preceding Article do not apply in the cases where a Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger, the Company Splitting in an Absorption-type Split or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Disappearing Company, etc." in this Division) is the Special Controlling Company of the Surviving Stock Company, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply in the cases where all or part of the Monies, etc. to be delivered to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, to members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or to the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split are Shares with a Restriction on Transfer, etc. of the Surviving Stock Company, etc., and the Surviving Stock Company, etc. is not a Public Company.
(2)The provisions of paragraphs (1) to (3) of the preceding Article do not apply in cases where the amount set forth in item (i) does not exceed one-fifth (or, in cases where a lesser proportion is prescribed in the articles of incorporation of the Surviving Stock Company, etc., such proportion) of the amount set forth in item (ii); provided, however, that this does not apply in the cases listed in the items of paragraph (2) of that Article or the cases prescribed in the proviso to the preceding paragraph:
(i)the total amount of the amounts listed below:
(a)the amount obtained by multiplying the number of shares of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. to be delivered to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, to members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or to the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split (hereinafter referred to as "Shareholders, etc. of the Disappearing Company, etc." in this item) by the amount of net assets per share;
(b)the total amount of the book value of Bonds, Share Options or Bonds with Share Options of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. to be delivered to Shareholders, etc. of the Disappearing Company, etc.; and
(c)the total amount of the book value of property other than shares, etc. of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. to be delivered to Shareholders, etc. of the Disappearing Company, etc.; and
(ii)the amount calculated by the method specified by Ministry of Justice Order as the total assets of the Surviving Stock Company, etc.
(3)In the cases prescribed in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, if shareholders that hold the shares (limited to those that entitle the shareholders to exercise voting rights at a shareholders meeting under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article) in the number prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order notify the Surviving Stock Company, etc. to the effect that such shareholders dissent from the Absorption-type Merger, etc., within two weeks from the day of the notice under the provisions of Article 797, paragraph (3) or the public notice under paragraph (4) of that Article, such Surviving Stock Company, etc. must obtain the approval of the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. by a resolution at a shareholders meeting no later than the day immediately preceding the Effective Day.
(Demanding Cessation of Absorption-Type Merger)
Article 796-2In the following cases, if shareholders of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. are likely to suffer disadvantages, shareholders of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. may demand the Surviving Stock Company, etc. to cease an Absorption-type Merger, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases prescribed in the main clause of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article (excluding the cases listed in the items of Article 795, paragraph (2) and the cases prescribed in the proviso to paragraph (1) or paragraph (3) of the preceding Article):
(i)in cases where the Absorption-type Merger, etc. violates laws and regulations or the articles of incorporation; or
(ii)in the cases prescribed in the main clause of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, when the matters listed in Article 749, paragraph (1), item (ii) or (iii), Article 758, item (iv), or Article 768, paragraph (1), item (ii) or (iii) are extremely improper in light of the financial status of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. or Disappearing Company, etc.
(Dissenting Shareholders' Appraisal Rights)
Article 797(1)In cases of effecting an Absorption-type Merger, etc., dissenting shareholders may demand that the Surviving Stock Company, etc. purchase, at a fair price, the shares that they hold; provided, however, that this does not apply to the cases prescribed in the main clause of Article 796, paragraph (2) (excluding the cases listed in the items of Article 795, paragraph (2) and the cases prescribed in the proviso to Article 796, paragraph (1), or (3)).
(2)The "dissenting shareholders" provided for in the preceding paragraph means the shareholders provided for in the following items in the cases listed in the same items:
一吸収合併等をするために株主総会(種類株主総会を含む。)の決議を要する場合 次に掲げる株主
(i)in cases where a resolution at a shareholders meeting (including a General Meeting of Class Shareholders) is required to effect the Absorption-type Merger, etc.: the following shareholders:
(a)shareholders who gave notice to such Surviving Stock Company, etc. to the effect that they dissented from such Absorption-type Merger, etc. prior to such shareholders meeting and who dissented from such Absorption-type Merger, etc. at such shareholders meeting (limited to those who can exercise voting rights at such shareholders meeting);
(b)shareholders who are unable to exercise voting rights at such shareholders meeting; and
(ii)in cases other than those prescribed in the preceding item:all shareholders (excluding the Special Controlling Company in the cases prescribed in the main clause of Article 796, paragraph (1)).
(3)A Surviving Stock Company, etc. must notify its shareholders (excluding the Special Controlling Company in the cases prescribed in the main clause of Article 796, paragraph (1)) that it will effect an Absorption-type Merger, etc. and the trade name and address of the Disappearing Company, etc. (or, in the cases prescribed in Article 795, paragraph (3), the fact that it will effect an Absorption-type Merger, etc., the trade name and address of the Disappearing Company, etc. and the matters concerning shares set forth in that paragraph), by twenty days prior to the Effective Day.
(4)In the following cases, a public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph:
(i)in cases where the Surviving Stock Company, etc. is a Public Company; or
(ii)in cases where the Surviving Stock Company, etc. obtains the approval of the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. by the resolution at a shareholders meeting set forth in Article 795, paragraph (1).
(5)To make a demand under the provisions of paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as the "Exercise of Appraisal Rights" in this Division) a dissenting shareholder must indicate the number of shares with regard to which the shareholder is Exercising those Appraisal Rights (or, for a Company with Classes of Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of shares for each class), between twenty days prior to the Effective Day and the day immediately preceding the Effective Day.
(6)When intending to Exercise Appraisal Rights on shares for which share certificates have been issued, shareholders of those shares must submit the share certificates representing those shares to the Surviving Company, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who makes a demand pursuant to the provisions of Article 223 with respect to those share certificates.
(7)Shareholders Exercising Appraisal Rights may withdraw their demands for appraisal only with the approval of the Surviving Stock Company, etc.
(8)The demands of the shareholders Exercising Appraisal Rights lose effect if the Absorption-type Merger, etc. is cancelled.
(9)The provisions of Article 133 do not apply to shares pertaining to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights.
(Determination of the Price of Shares)
Article 798(1)If a shareholder Exercises Appraisal Rights and an agreement determining the price of the shares is reached between the shareholder and the Surviving Stock Company, etc., the Surviving Stock Company, etc. must pay that price within sixty days from the Effective Day.
(2)If no agreement on the determination of the price of the shares is reached within thirty days from the Effective Day, shareholders or the Surviving Stock Company, etc. may file a petition for the court to determine the price within thirty days after the expiration of that period.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (7) of the preceding Article, in the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the petition under that paragraph is not filed within sixty days from the Effective Day, shareholders Exercising Appraisal Rights may withdraw their demands for appraisal at any time after the expiration of such period.
(4)The Surviving Stock Company, etc. must also pay interest on the price determined by the court which is calculated at the rate of six percent per annum from and including the day of the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (1).
(5)The Surviving Stock Company, etc. may pay the amount that the Surviving Company, etc. considers as fair price to shareholders until the determination of the price of shares.
(6)A share purchase connected with the Exercise of Appraisal Rights becomes effective on the Effective Day.
(7)If a shareholder Exercises Appraisal Rights with respect to shares for which share certificates are issued, the Share Certificate-Issuing Company must pay the price of the shares relating to the Exercise of the Appraisal Rights in exchange for the share certificates.
(Objections of Creditors)
Article 799(1)In the cases listed in the following items, the creditors provided for in those items may state their objections to the Absorption-type Merger, etc. to the Surviving Stock Company, etc.:
(i)in cases of effecting an Absorption-type Merger:creditors of the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger;
(ii)in cases of effecting an Absorption-type Company Split:creditors of the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split; or
(iii)in cases of effecting a Share Exchange other than where the Monies, etc. to be delivered to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange are only shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange or those prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as being equivalent thereto, or in the cases prescribed in Article 768, paragraph (1), item (iv), (c):creditors of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange.
(2)In cases where the creditors of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. are able to state their objection pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Surviving Stock Company, etc. must give public notice of the matters listed below in the official gazette and must give notices separately to each known creditor, if any; provided, however, that the period under item (iv) may not be less than one month:
(i)a statement that an Absorption-type Merger, etc. will be effected;
(ii)the trade name and address of the Disappearing Company, etc.;
(iii)the matters prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as the matters regarding the Financial Statements of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. and the Disappearing Company, etc. (limited to a Stock Company); and
(iv)a statement to the effect that creditors may state their objections within a certain period of time.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Surviving Stock Company, etc. gives public notice under that paragraph by Method of Public Notice listed in Article 939, paragraph (1), item (ii) or item (iii) in accordance with the provisions of the articles of incorporation under the provisions of that paragraph in addition to the official gazette, the Surviving Stock Company, etc. is not required to give separate notices under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(4)In cases where creditors do not raise any objections within the period under paragraph (2), item (iv), such creditors are deemed to have approved the Absorption-type Merger, etc.
(5)In cases where creditors raise objections within the period under paragraph (2), item (iv), the Surviving Stock Company, etc. must make payment or provide reasonable security to such creditors, or entrust equivalent property to a Trust Company, etc. for the purpose of having such creditors receive the payment; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of harm to such creditors by such Absorption-type Merger, etc.
(Special Provisions on Cases Where the Monies to Be Delivered to Shareholders of the Disappearing Company Are the Parent Company's Shares of the Surviving Stock Company)
Article 800(1)Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 135, paragraph (1), in cases where all or part of the Monies, etc. to be delivered to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in an Absorption-type Merger or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, to members of the Membership Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger or to the Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split (hereinafter referred to as "Shareholders, etc. of the Disappearing Company, etc." in this paragraph) are the Parent Company's Shares (meaning the Parent Company's Shares prescribed in paragraph (1) of that Article; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) of the Surviving Stock Company, etc., the Surviving Stock Company, etc. may acquire such Parent Company's Shares in a number not exceeding the total number of such Parent Company's Shares to be delivered to the Shareholders, etc. of the Disappearing Company, etc. at the time of the Absorption-type Merger, etc.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 135, paragraph (3), the Surviving Stock Company, etc. set forth in the preceding paragraph may hold the Parent Company's Shares of the Surviving Stock Company, etc. until the Effective Day; provided, however, that this does not apply when the Absorption-type Merger, etc. is cancelled.
(Keeping and Inspection of Documents Concerning an Absorption-Type Merger)
Article 801(1)A Stock Company Surviving an Absorption-type Merger must, without delay after the Effective Day, prepare documents detailing the rights and obligations that the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger succeeded to by transfer from the Company Disappearing in the Absorption-type Merger through the Absorption-type Merger and any other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as concerning an Absorption-type Merger, or electronic or magnetic records in which such information has been recorded.
(2)The Stock Company Succeeding in an Absorption-type Split (limited to the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split where the Limited Liability Company effects the Absorption-type Company Split) must, without delay after the Effective Day, prepare, jointly with the Limited Liability Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split, documents detailing the rights and obligations that the Stock Company Succeeding in the Absorption-type Split succeeded to by transfer from the Limited Liability Company Splitting in the Absorption-type Split through the Absorption-type Company Split and any other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as concerning an Absorption-type Company Split, or electronic or magnetic records in which such information has been recorded.
(3)Each of the Surviving Stock Companies, etc. listed in the following items must, for a period of six months from the Effective Day, keep what are specified respectively in those items at its head office:
(i)Stock Company Surviving an Absorption-type Merger:documents or electronic or magnetic records set forth in paragraph (1);
(ii)Stock Company Succeeding in an Absorption-type Split:documents or electronic or magnetic records set forth in the preceding paragraph or Article 791, paragraph (1), item (i); and
(iii)Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from a Share Exchange:documents or electronic or magnetic records set forth in Article 791, paragraph (1), item (ii).
(4)Shareholders and creditors of the Stock Company Surviving an Absorption-type Merger may make the following requests to the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger at any time during its business hours; provided, however, that the fees designated by the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger are required to be paid in order to make the requests set forth in item (ii) or item (iv):
(i)requests for inspection of the documents set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph;
(ii)requests for delivery of a transcript or extract of the documents set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph;
(iii)a request to inspect anything that is used in a manner prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order to display the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph; and
(iv)a request to be provided with the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph by an electronic or magnetic means that the Stock Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger, or requests has designated, or a request to be issued a document showing that information.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to the Stock Company Succeeding in an Absorption-type Split. In such cases, the phrase "shareholders and creditors" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "shareholders, creditors and any other interested parties", and the term "item (i) of the preceding paragraph" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "item (ii) of the preceding paragraph".
(6)The provisions of paragraph (4) apply mutatis mutandis to the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from a Share Exchange. In such cases, the phrase "shareholders and creditors" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "shareholders and creditors (or, in cases where Monies, etc. to be delivered to shareholders of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange are limited to shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange or those prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as being equivalent thereto (excluding the case prescribed in Article 768, paragraph (1), item (iv), (c)), shareholders of the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange)", and the term "item (i) of the preceding paragraph" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "item (iii) of the preceding paragraph".
第二目 持分会社の手続
Division 2 Procedures for a Membership Company
Article 802(1)A Membership Company conducting any one of the acts listed in the following items (hereinafter referred to as the "Surviving Membership Company, etc." in this Article) must, in the cases specified respectively in those items, obtain the consent of all members of the Surviving Membership Company, etc. with regard to the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. by the day immediately preceding the Effective Day; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation:
(i)Absorption-type Merger (limited to cases where the Membership Company survives in the Absorption-type Merger):the cases prescribed in Article 751, paragraph (1), item (ii);
(ii)succession of all or part of the rights and obligations held by another Company in connection with its business through an Absorption-type Company Split:the cases prescribed in Article 760, item (iv); or
(iii)acquisition of all of the Issued Shares of a Stock Company through a Share Exchange:the cases prescribed in Article 770, paragraph (1), item (ii).
(2)The provisions of Article 799 (excluding paragraph (2), item (iii)) and Article 800 apply mutatis mutandis to a Surviving Membership Company, etc. In such cases, the term "shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Stock Company Resulting from the Share Exchange" in Article 799, paragraph (1), item (iii) is deemed to be replaced with "equity interest in the Wholly Owning Parent Limited Liability Company Resulting from the Share Exchange", and the phrase "thereto, or in the cases prescribed in Article 768, paragraph (1), item (iv), (c)" in that item is deemed to be replaced with "thereto".
第三節 新設合併等の手続
Section 3 Procedures of a Consolidation-Type Merger
第一款 新設合併消滅会社、新設分割会社及び株式移転完全子会社の手続
Subsection 1 Procedures for Companies Disappearing in a Consolidation-Type Merger, the Company Splitting in an Incorporation-Type Split, or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer
第一目 株式会社の手続
Division 1 Procedures for a Stock Company
(Keeping and Inspection of Documents Concerning a Consolidation-Type Merger Agreement)
Article 803(1)Each of the Stock Companies listed in the following items (hereinafter referred to as a "Disappearing Stock Company, etc." in this Division) must, from the day on which the Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc. began to be kept until the day on which six months have elapsed from the day of formation of the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger, the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split, or the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as an "Incorporated Company" in this Division) (or, for any Stock Company Disappearing in a Consolidation-type Merger, the day of formation of the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger), keep documents detailing what is specified in those items (hereinafter referred to as the "Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc." in this Section) and other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order, and electronic or magnetic records in which this has been recorded, at its head office:
(i)Stock Company Disappearing in a Consolidation-type Merger:the Consolidation-type Merger agreement;
(ii)Stock Company Splitting in an Incorporation-type Split:the Incorporation-type Company Split plan; and
(iii)Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer:the Share Transfer plan.
(2)The "day on which the Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc. began to be kept" prescribed in the preceding paragraph means the earliest of the following days:
(i)if the Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc. is required to be approved by a resolution at a shareholders meeting (including a General Meeting of Class Shareholders), the day two weeks prior to the day of the shareholders meeting (or, in the cases prescribed in Article 319, paragraph (1), the day when the proposal under that paragraph is submitted);
(ii)if there are shareholders who are to receive the notice under the provisions of Article 806, paragraph (3), the day of the notice under the provisions of that paragraph or the day of the public notice under paragraph (4) of that Article, whichever is earlier;
(iii)if there are share option holders who are to receive the notice under the provisions of Article 808, paragraph (3), the day of the notice under the provisions of that paragraph or the day of the public notice under paragraph (4) of that Article, whichever is earlier;
(iv)if the procedures under the provisions of Article 810 are required to be carried out, the day of the public notice under the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article or the day of the notice under the provisions of that paragraph, whichever is earlier; or
(v)in cases other than those prescribed in the preceding items, the day on which two weeks have elapsed from the day of preparation of the Incorporation-type Company Split plan.
(3)Shareholders and creditors of a Disappearing Stock Company, etc. (or, in the case of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer, shareholders and share option holders) may make the following requests to the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. at any time during its business hours; provided, however, that the fees designated by the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. are required to be paid in order to make the requests set forth in item (ii) or item (iv):
(i)requests for inspection of the documents set forth in paragraph (1);
(ii)requests for delivery of a transcript or extract of the documents set forth in paragraph (1);
(iii)a request to inspect anything that is used in a manner prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order to display the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in paragraph (1); and
(iv)a request to be provided with the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in paragraph (1) by an electronic or magnetic means that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. has designated, or a request to be issued a document showing that information.
(Approval of the Consolidation-Type Merger Agreement)
Article 804(1)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must obtain the approval of the Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc. by a resolution at a shareholders meeting.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the cases where the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is a Membership Company, consent of all shareholders of the Stock Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger must be obtained with regard to the Consolidation-type Merger agreement.
(3)In the cases where a Stock Company Disappearing in a Consolidation-type Merger or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer is a Company with Classes of Shares, if all or part of the shares, etc. of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger or the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer to be delivered to shareholders of the Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer are Shares with a Restriction on Transfer, etc., the Consolidation-type Merger or the Share Transfer does not become effective without a resolution at a General Meeting of Class Shareholders constituted by Class Shareholders of the class of shares subject to the allotment of the Shares with a Restriction on Transfer, etc. (excluding Shares with a Restriction on Transfer) (in cases where there are two or more classes of shares relating to such Class Shareholders, the respective General Meetings of Class Shareholders constituted by Class Shareholders categorized by the class of such two or more classes of shares); provided, however, that this does not apply to cases where there is no Class Shareholder able to exercise a voting right at such General Meeting of Class Shareholders.
(4)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must notify its Registered Pledgees of Shares (excluding the Registered Pledgees of Shares in the cases prescribed in the following Article) and Registered Pledgees of Share Options concerning the Share Options specified in the items of Article 808, paragraph (3) that it will effect the Consolidation-type Merger, the Incorporation-type Company Split or the Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as a "Consolidation-type Merger, etc." in this Section) within two weeks from the day of the resolution at the shareholders meeting set forth in paragraph (1) (or, in the cases prescribed in paragraph (2), the day of obtainment of the consent of all shareholders set forth in that paragraph).
(5)A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Cases Where Approval of the Incorporation-Type Company Split Plan Is Not Required)
Article 805The provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article do not apply in cases where the sum of the book value of the assets that the Company Incorporated in an Incorporation-type Split succeeds to through the Incorporation-type Company Split does not exceed one-fifth (or, in cases where a lesser proportion is prescribed in the articles of incorporation of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split, such proportion) of the amount calculated by the method specified by Ministry of Justice Order as the total assets of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split.
(Demanding Cessation of a Consolidation-Type Merger)
Article 805-2In cases where a Consolidation-type Merger, etc. violates laws and regulations or the articles of incorporations, if shareholders of a Disappearing Stock Company, etc. are likely to suffer disadvantages, shareholders of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may demand the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. to cease the Consolidation-type Merger, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases prescribed in the preceding Article.
(Dissenting Shareholders' Appraisal Rights)
Article 806(1)In cases of effecting a Consolidation-type Merger, etc. (excluding the following cases), dissenting shareholders may demand that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. purchase, at a fair price, the shares that they hold:
(i)in cases prescribed in Article 804, paragraph (2); and
(ii)in cases prescribed in Article 805.
(2)The "dissenting shareholders" provided for in the preceding paragraph means the shareholders provided for in the following items:
(i)shareholders who gave notice to such Disappearing Stock Company, etc. to the effect that they dissented from such Consolidation-type Merger, etc. prior to the shareholders meeting set forth in Article 804, paragraph (1) (in cases where a resolution at a General Meeting of Class Shareholders is required to effect the Consolidation-type Merger, etc., including such General Meeting of Class Shareholders) and who dissented from such Consolidation-type Merger, etc. at such shareholders meeting (limited to those who can exercise voting rights at such shareholders meeting); and
(ii)shareholders who are unable to exercise voting rights at such shareholders meeting.
(3)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must notify its shareholders that it will effect a Consolidation-type Merger, etc. and the trade names and addresses of the Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger, the Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split, or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as the "Disappearing Company, etc." in this Section) and the Incorporated Company, within two weeks from the day of the resolution at the shareholders meeting set forth in Article 804, paragraph (1); provided, however, that this does not apply in the cases listed in the items of paragraph (1).
(4)A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(5)To make a demand under the provisions of paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as the "Exercise of Appraisal Rights" in this Division) a dissenting shareholder must indicate the number of shares with regard to which the shareholder is Exercising the Appraisal Rights (or, for a Company with Classes of Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of shares for each class), within twenty days from the day of the notice under the provisions of paragraph (3) or the public notice under the preceding paragraph.
(6)When intending to Exercise Appraisal Rights on shares for which share certificates have been issued, shareholders of those shares must submit the share certificates representing those shares to the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who makes a demand pursuant to the provisions of Article 223 with respect to those share certificates.
(7)Shareholders Exercising Appraisal Rights may withdraw their demands for appraisal only with the approval of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.
(8)The demands of the shareholders Exercising Appraisal Rights lose effect if the Consolidation-type Merger, etc. is cancelled.
(9)The provisions of Article 133 do not apply to shares pertaining to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights.
(Determination of the Price of Shares)
Article 807(1)If a shareholder Exercises Appraisal Rights and an agreement determining the price of the shares is reached between the shareholder and the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. (or between the shareholder and the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger, if a Consolidation-type Merger is effected and it is after the day of formation of the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must pay that price within sixty days from the day of formation of the Incorporated Company.
(2)If no agreement on the determination of the price of the shares is reached within thirty days from the day of formation of the Incorporated Company, shareholders or the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may file a petition for the court to determine the price within thirty days after the expiration of that period.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (7) of the preceding Article, in the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the petition under that paragraph is not filed within sixty days from the day of formation of the Incorporated Company, shareholders Exercising Appraisal Rights may withdraw their demands for appraisal at any time after the expiration of such period.
(4)The Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must also pay interest on the price determined by the court which is calculated at the rate of six percent per annum from and including the day of the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (1).
(5)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may pay the amount that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. considers to be a fair price to shareholders until determination of the price of shares.
(6)A share purchase connected with the Exercise of Appraisal Rights becomes effective on the day of formation of the Incorporated Company.
(7)If a shareholder Exercises Appraisal Rights with respect to shares for which share certificates are issued, the Share Certificate-Issuing Company must pay the price of the shares relating to the Exercise of the Appraisal Rights in exchange for the share certificates.
(Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options)
Article 808(1)In cases of carrying out any one of the acts listed in the following items, holders of Share Options of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. provided for in those items may demand that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. purchase, at a fair price, the Share Options that they hold:
(i)Consolidation-type Merger:Share Options other than those for which provisions on the matters set forth in Article 753, paragraph (1), item (x) or (xi) meet the conditions set forth in Article 236, paragraph (1), item (viii) (limited to those related to (a) of that item);
二新設分割(新設分割設立会社が株式会社である場合に限る。) 次に掲げる新株予約権のうち、第七百六十三条第一項第十号又は第十一号に掲げる事項についての定めが第二百三十六条第一項第八号の条件(同号ハに関するものに限る。)に合致する新株予約権以外の新株予約権
(ii)Incorporation-type Company Split (limited to cases where the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a Stock Company): among the following Share Options, Share Options other than those for which provisions on the matters set forth in Article 763, paragraph (1), item (x) or (xi) meet the conditions set forth in Article 236, paragraph (1), item (viii) (limited to those related to (c) of that item):
(a)Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan; and
(b)Share Options other than Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan and for which there are provisions to the effect that, in the case of effecting an Incorporation-type Company Split, Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split are to be delivered to holders of such Share Options; or
三株式移転 次に掲げる新株予約権のうち、第七百七十三条第一項第九号又は第十号に掲げる事項についての定めが第二百三十六条第一項第八号の条件(同号ホに関するものに限る。)に合致する新株予約権以外の新株予約権
(iii)Share Exchange: among the following Share Options, Share Options other than those for which provisions on the matters set forth in Article 773, paragraph (1), item (ix) or (x) meet the conditions set forth in Article 236, paragraph (1), item (viii) (limited to those related to (e) of that item):
(a)Share Options under Share Transfer Plan; and
(b)Share Options other than Share Options under Share Transfer Plan and for which there are provisions to the effect that, in the case of effecting a Share Transfer, Share Options in the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer are to be delivered to holders of such Share Options.
(2)If holders of the Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options intend to make the demand under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options" in this Division), they must also demand that the Disappearing Stock Company purchase the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for with respect to the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Options.
(3)The Disappearing Stock Company, etc. listed in the following items must notify holders of Share Options provided for in those items that they will effect a Consolidation-type Merger, etc. and the trade names and address of the Disappearing Company, etc. and the Incorporated Company, within two weeks from the day of the resolution at the shareholders meeting set forth in Article 804, paragraph (1) (or, in the cases prescribed in paragraph (2) of that Article, the day of obtainment of the consent of all shareholders set forth in that paragraph, and in the cases prescribed in Article 805, the day of preparation of the Incorporation-type Company Split plan):
(i)Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger:all Share Options;
二新設分割設立会社が株式会社である場合における新設分割株式会社 次に掲げる新株予約権
(ii)Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split in cases where the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split is a Stock Company: the following Share Options:
(a)Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan; and
(b)Share Options other than Share Options in the Incorporation-type Split Plan and for which there are provisions to the effect that, in the case of effecting an Incorporation-type Company Split, Share Options of the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split are to be delivered to holders of such Share Options; and
三株式移転完全子会社 次に掲げる新株予約権
(iii)Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer: the following Share Options:
(a)Share Options under Share Transfer Plan; and
(b)Share Options other than the Share Options in the Share Transfer Plan, for which there are provisions to the effect that, in the case of effecting a Share Transfer, Share Options in the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer are to be delivered to holders of such Share Options.
(4)A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(5)To Exercise Appraisal Rights on Share Options, the share option holder must indicate the number of Share Options with regard to which the holder is Exercising Appraisal Rights, within twenty days from the day of the notice under the provisions of paragraph (3) or the public notice under the preceding paragraph.
(6)When intending to Exercise Appraisal Rights on Share Options in respect of Share Options for which share option certificates have been issued, the holder of those Share Options must submit to a Disappearing Stock Company, etc. the share option certificates; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who files a petition for public notice as prescribed in Article 114 of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedure Act with respect to those share option certificates.
(7)When intending to Exercise Appraisal Rights on Share Options in respect of Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options for which certificate representing the Bond with Share Options have been issued, the holder of those Share Options must submit to the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. the certificate representing the Bond with Share Options; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who files a petition for public notice as prescribed in Article 114 of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedure Act with respect to that certificate representing the Bond with Share Options.
(8)Share option holders Exercising Appraisal Rights on Share Options may withdraw their demands for appraisal of the Share Options only with the approval of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.
(9)The demands of the share option holders Exercising Appraisal Rights on Share Options lose effect if the Consolidation-type Merger, etc. is cancelled.
(10)The provisions of Article 260 do not apply to Share Options pertaining to Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Options.
(Determination of the Price of Share Options)
Article 809(1)In cases where a share option holder Exercises Appraisal Rights on the Share Options, if an agreement on the determination of the price of the Share Options (in cases where such Share Options are attached to Bonds with Share Options, if there a holder thereof demands that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. purchase the Bonds constituting those Bonds with Share Options, including such Bonds; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) is reached between the share option holder and the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. (after the day of formation of the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger in cases of effecting a Consolidation-type Merger, the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must make payment within sixty days from the day of formation of the Incorporated Company.
(2)If no agreement on the determination of the price of the Share Options is reached within thirty days from the day of formation of the Incorporated Company, share option holders or the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may file a petition for the court to determine the price within thirty days after the expiration of that period.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (8) of the preceding Article, in the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the petition under that paragraph is not filed within sixty days from the day of formation of the Incorporated Company, share option holders Exercising Appraisal Rights on the Share Options may withdraw their demands for appraisal of the Share Options at any time after the expiration of such period.
(4)The Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must also pay interest on the price determined by the court which is calculated at the rate of six percent per annum from and including the day of the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (1).
(5)A Disappearing Stock Company, etc. may pay the amount that the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. considers to be a fair price to share option holders by the determination of price of Share Options.
(6)The purchase of Share Options relating to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on Share Option becomes effective on the day of formation of the Incorporated Company.
(7)If a share option holder Exercises Appraisal Rights on Share Options with respect to Share Options for which share option certificates are issued, the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must pay the price of the Share Options relating to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on the Share Options in exchange for the share option certificates.
(8)If a share option holder Exercises Appraisal Rights on Share Options with respect to Share Options attached to a Bond with Share Options for which a certificate for a Bond with Share Options is issued, the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must pay the price of the Share Options relating to the Exercise of Appraisal Rights on the Share Options in exchange for the certificate for the Bond with Share Options.
(Objections of Creditors)
Article 810(1)In the cases listed in the following items, the creditors provided for in those items may state their objections to the Consolidation-type Merger, etc. to the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.:
(i)in cases of effecting a Consolidation-type Merger:creditors of any Stock Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(ii)in cases of effecting an Incorporation-type Company Split:creditors of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split who are unable to request the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations (including performance of the guarantee obligations that the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split jointly and severally assumes with the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split as a guarantor) (or, in the case where there are provisions on the matter set forth in Article 763, paragraph (1), item (xii) or Article 765, paragraph (1), item (viii), creditors of the ); or Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split); or
(iii)in cases where the Share Options under Share Transfer Plan are Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Options:bondholders pertaining to such Bonds with Share Options.
(2)In cases where all or part of the creditors of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. are able to state their objection pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must give public notice of the matters listed below in the official gazette and must give notices separately to each known creditor (limited to one who is able to state an objection pursuant to the provisions of such paragraph), if any; provided, however, that the period under item (iv) may not be less than one month:
(i)a statement that a Consolidation-type Merger, etc. will be effected;
(ii)the trade name(s) and address(es) of the other Consolidated Company(ies), etc. and the Incorporated Company;
(iii)the matters prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as the matters regarding the Financial Statements of the Disappearing Stock Company, etc.; and
(iv)a statement to the effect that creditors may state their objections within a certain period of time.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. gives public notice under that paragraph by the Method of Public Notice listed in Article 939, paragraph (1), item (ii) or item (iii) in accordance with the provisions of the articles of incorporation under the provisions of that paragraph in addition to the official gazette, the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. is not required to give separate notices under the provisions of the preceding paragraph (excluding such notices to creditors of the obligations of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split that have arisen due to a tort in the case of effecting an Incorporation-type Company Split).
(4)In cases where creditors do not raise any objections within the period under paragraph (2), item (iv), such creditors are deemed to have approved the Consolidation-type Merger, etc.
(5)In cases where creditors raise objections within the period under paragraph (2), item (iv), the Disappearing Stock Company, etc. must make payment or provide reasonable security to such creditors, or entrust equivalent property to a Trust Company, etc. for the purpose of having such creditors receive the payment; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of harm to such creditors by such Consolidation-type Merger, etc.
(Keeping and Inspection of Documents Concerning an Incorporation-Type Company Split or Share Transfer)
Article 811(1)The Stock Company Splitting in an Incorporation-type Split or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer must, without delay after the day of formation of the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split or the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer, prepare what are provided for in the following items for the categories set forth respectively in those items, jointly with the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split or the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer:
(i)Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split:documents detailing the rights and obligations that the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split succeeded to by transfer from the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split through the Incorporation-type Company Split and any other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as concerning an Incorporation-type Company Split, or electronic or magnetic records in which such information has been recorded; and
(ii)Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer:documents detailing the number of shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer acquired by the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer and any other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as concerning a Share Transfer, or electronic or magnetic records in which such information has been recorded.
(2)The Stock Company Splitting in an Incorporation-type Split or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer must, for a period of six months from the day of formation of the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split or the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer, keep the documents or electronic or magnetic records set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph at its head office.
(3)Shareholders, creditors and any other interested parties of a Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split may make the following requests to the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split at any time during its business hours; provided, however, that the fees designated by the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split are required to be paid in order to make the requests set forth in item (ii) or item (iv):
(i)requests for inspection of the documents set forth in the preceding paragraph;
(ii)requests for delivery of a transcript or extract of the documents set forth in the preceding paragraph;
(iii)a request to inspect anything that is used in a manner prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order to display the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in the preceding paragraph; and
(iv)a request to be provided with the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in the preceding paragraph by an electronic or magnetic means that the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split has designated, or a request to be issued a document showing that information.
(4)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer. In such cases, the phrase "shareholders, creditors and any other interested parties of a Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split" is deemed to be replaced with "persons who were shareholders or holders of Share Options of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Transfer as of the day of formation of the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer".
(Special Provisions on Dividends of Surplus)
Article 812The provisions of Article 445, paragraph (4), Article 458 and Part II, Chapter V, Section 6 do not apply to the acts listed below:
(i)acquisition of shares set forth in Article 763, paragraph (1), item (xii), (a) or Article 765, paragraph (1), item (viii), (a); and
(ii)Distribution of dividends of surplus set forth in Article 763, paragraph (1), item (xii), (b) or Article 765, paragraph (1), item (viii), (b).
第二目 持分会社の手続
Division 2 Procedure for a Membership Company
Article 813(1)A Membership Company conducting any one of the acts below must obtain the consent of all members of the Membership Company with regard to the Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation:
(i)Consolidation-type Merger; or
(ii)Incorporation-type Company Split (limited to cases where another Company succeeds to all of the rights and obligations held by such Membership Company (limited to a Limited Liability Company) in connection with its business).
(2)The provisions of Article 810 (excluding paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2), item (iii)) apply mutatis mutandis to a Membership Company Disappearing in a Consolidation-type Merger and to a Company Splitting in an Incorporation-type Split that is a Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Limited Liability Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split" in this Section). In such cases, the phrase "Creditors of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split who are unable to request the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations (including performance of the guarantee obligations that the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split jointly and severally assumes with the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split as a guarantor) (or, in the case where there are provisions on the matter set forth in Article 763, paragraph (1), item (xii) or Article 765, paragraph (1), item (viii), creditors of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split)" in Article 810, paragraph (1), item (ii) is deemed to be replaced with "Creditors of the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split who are unable to request the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split to perform the obligations (including performance of the guarantee obligations that the Stock Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split jointly and severally assumes with the Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split as a guarantor)" and the term "Disappearing Stock Company, etc." in paragraph (3) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "Membership Company Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger (limited to a Limited Liability Company in the case where the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger is a Stock Company or a Limited Liability Company) or the Limited Liability Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split".
第二款 新設合併設立会社、新設分割設立会社及び株式移転設立完全親会社の手続
Subsection 2 Procedures for the Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-Type Merger, the Company Incorporated in an Incorporation-Type Split, and the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer
第一目 株式会社の手続
Division 1 Procedures for a Stock Company
(Special Provisions on Incorporation of a Stock Company)
Article 814(1)The provisions of Part II, Chapter I (excluding Article 27 (excluding items (iv) and (v)), Article 29, Article 31, Article 37, paragraph (3), Article 39, Section 6 and Article 49) do not apply to incorporation of the Stock Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-type Merger, the Stock Company Incorporated in an Incorporation-type Split, or a Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as an "Incorporated Stock Company to Be Incorporated" in this Division).
(2)The articles of incorporation of an Incorporated Stock Company to Be Incorporated are prepared by the Consolidated Company, etc.
(Keeping and Inspection of Documents Concerning a Consolidation-Type Merger Agreement)
Article 815(1)The Stock Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-type Merger must, without delay after the day of its formation, prepare documents detailing the rights and obligations that the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger succeeded to by transfer from the Companies Disappearing in the Consolidation-type Merger and any other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as concerning a Consolidation-type Merger, or electronic or magnetic records in which such information has been recorded.
(2)The Stock Company Incorporated in an Incorporation-type Split (limited to the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split where only one or multiple Limited Liability Companies effect an Incorporation-type Company Split) must, without delay after the day of its formation, prepare, jointly with the Limited Liability Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split, documents detailing the rights and obligations that the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split succeeded to by transfer from the Limited Liability Company Splitting in the Incorporation-type Split through the Incorporation-type Company Split and any other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as concerning an Incorporation-type Company Split, or electronic or magnetic records in which such information has been recorded.
(3)Each of the Stock Companies to Be Incorporated listed in the following items must, for a period of six months from the day of its formation, keep what is specified respectively in those items at its head office:
(i)Stock Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-type Merger:the documents or electronic or magnetic records set forth in paragraph (1), and documents detailing the contents of the Consolidation-type Merger agreement and other information prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order, or electronic or magnetic records in which such information has been recorded;
(ii)Stock Company Incorporated in an Incorporation-type Split:the documents or electronic or magnetic records set forth in the preceding paragraph or Article 811, paragraph (1), item (i); and
(iii)Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer:the documents or electronic or magnetic records set forth in Article 811, paragraph (1), item (ii).
(4)Shareholders and creditors of the Stock Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-type Merger may make the following requests to the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger at any time during its business hours; provided, however, that the fees designated by the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger are required to be paid in order to make the requests set forth in item (ii) or item (iv):
(i)requests for inspection of the documents set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph;
(ii)requests for delivery of a transcript or extract of the documents set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph;
(iii)a request to inspect anything that is used in a manner prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order to display the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph; and
(iv)a request to be provided with the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record as referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph by an electronic or magnetic means that the Stock Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger has designated, or a request to be issued a document showing that information.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to the Stock Company Incorporated in the Incorporation-type Split. In such cases, the phrase "shareholders and creditors" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "shareholders, creditors and any other interested parties", and the term "item (i) of the preceding paragraph" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "item (ii) of the preceding paragraph".
(6)The provisions of paragraph (4) apply mutatis mutandis to the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer. In such cases, the phrase "shareholders and creditors" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "shareholders and share option holders", and the term "item (i) of the preceding paragraph" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "item (iii) of the preceding paragraph".
第二目 持分会社の手続
Division 2 Procedures for a Membership Company
(Special Provisions on Incorporation of a Membership Company)
Article 816(1)The provisions of Article 575 and Article 578 do not apply to incorporation of a Membership Company Incorporated in a Consolidation-type Merger or a Membership Company Incorporated in an Incorporation-type Split (referred to as an "Incorporated Membership Company" in the following paragraph).
(2)The articles of incorporation of an Incorporated Membership Company are prepared by the Consolidated Company, etc.
第六編 外国会社
Part VI Foreign Company
(Foreign Company's Representatives in Japan)
Article 817(1)When a Foreign Company intends to carry out transactions continuously in Japan, it must specify its representatives in Japan. In such cases, one or more of such representatives in Japan must be those whose addresses are in Japan.
(2)A Foreign Company's representative in Japan has the authority to do any and all judicial and extra-judicial acts on behalf of such foreign company in connection with its business.
(3)No limitation on the authority under the preceding paragraph may be asserted against a third party in good faith.
(4)A Foreign Company is liable for damage caused to third parties by its representatives in Japan during the course of the performance of their duties.
(Prohibition of Continuous Transactions Prior to Registration)
Article 818(1)A Foreign Company may not carry out transactions continuously in Japan before completing registration of a Foreign Company.
(2)A person who has carried out transactions in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph is liable, jointly and severally with the Foreign Company, to perform any obligations that have arisen from such transactions to the counterparty.
(Public Notice of What Is Equivalent to a Balance Sheet)
Article 819(1)A Foreign Company (limited to one for which the same kind of Company or the most similar Company in Japan is a Stock Company) that has completed registration of a Foreign Company must, pursuant to the provisions of Ministry of Justice Order, give public notice in Japan of what is equivalent to a balance sheet without delay after the conclusion of the same kind of procedure as the approval set forth in Article 438, paragraph (2) or a procedure similar thereto.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, with respect to a Foreign Company for which the Method of Public Notice is a method listed in Article 939, paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii), it is sufficient to give public notice of a summary of what is equivalent to a balance sheet provided for in the preceding paragraph.
(3)A Foreign Company referred to in the preceding paragraph may, without delay after the conclusion of the procedure set forth in paragraph (1), pursuant to the provisions of Ministry of Justice Order, take measures to make the information contained in what is equivalent to the balance sheet provided for in that paragraph available to the general public continually by the electronic or magnetic means until the day on which five years have elapsed from the day of the conclusion of such procedure. In such cases, the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply.
(4)The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs do not apply to Foreign Companies that must submit their securities reports to the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
(Resignation of Representatives in Japan Whose Addresses Are in Japan)
Article 820(1)A Foreign Company that has completed registration of a Foreign Company may, when all of its representatives in Japan (limited to those whose addresses are in Japan) intend to resign, give public notice to creditors of the Foreign Company to the effect that they are able to state their objections, if any, during a certain period of time and must give notice separately to each known creditor, if any; provided, however, that such period may not be less than one month.
(2)In cases where creditors raise objections within the period under the preceding paragraph, the Foreign Company set forth in that paragraph must make payment or provide reasonable security to such creditors, or entrust equivalent property to a Trust Company, etc. for the purpose of having such creditors receive the payment; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of harm to such creditors by the resignation set forth in that paragraph.
(3)The resignation set forth in paragraph (1) becomes effective by completing the registration thereof after the completion of the procedures set forth in the preceding two paragraphs.
(Pseudo-Foreign Company)
Article 821(1)A Foreign Company that has its head office in Japan or whose main purpose is to conduct business in Japan may not carry out transactions continuously in Japan.
(2)A person who has carried out transactions in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph is liable, jointly and severally with the Foreign Company, to perform obligations that have arisen from such transactions to the counterparty.
(Liquidation of a Foreign Company's Property in Japan)
Article 822(1)The court may, in response to a petition by interested persons or ex officio, order commencement of the liquidation of all of a Foreign Company's property in Japan in the cases listed below:
(i)in cases where the Foreign Company receives the order under the provisions of Article 827, paragraph (1); or
(ii)in cases where the Foreign Company stops carrying out transactions continuously in Japan.
(2)In the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph, the court appoints the liquidator.
(3)The provisions of Article 476, the provisions of Part II, Chapter IX, Section 1, Subsection 2, the provisions of Article 492, the provisions of Subsection 4 of that Section, the provisions of Article 508, and the provisions of Section 2 of that Chapter (excluding Article 510, Article 511 and Article 514) apply mutatis mutandis to the liquidation of a Foreign Company's property in Japan under the provisions of paragraph (1), excluding those that are not applicable by their nature.
(4)The provisions of Article 820 do not apply in cases where a Foreign Company is ordered to commence the liquidation set forth in paragraph (1) and where all of the Foreign Company's representatives in Japan (limited to those whose addresses are in Japan) intend to resign.
(Application of Other Acts)
Article 823With regard to application of other Acts, a Foreign Company is deemed to be the same kind of Company or the most similar kind of Company in Japan; provided, however, that this does not apply when it is otherwise provided by other Acts.
第七編 雑則
Part VII Miscellaneous Provisions
第一章 会社の解散命令等
Chapter I Dissolution Order for a Company
第一節 会社の解散命令
Section 1 Dissolution Order for a Company
(Dissolution Order for a Company)
Article 824(1)In the cases listed below, if the court finds that the existence of a Company is unallowable for securing public interests, it may, in response to a petition by the Minister of Justice, shareholders, members, creditors or any other interested parties, order the dissolution of the Company:
(i)when the Company is incorporated for an illegal purpose;
(ii)when the Company fails to commence its business within one year from the day of its formation or suspends its business continuously for one year or more, without justifiable grounds; or
(iii)in cases where an executive director, an executive officer or a member who executes the business has committed an act that goes beyond or abuses the authority of the Company prescribed by laws and regulations or the articles of incorporation or that violates criminal laws and regulations, if such person commits such act continuously or repeatedly despite receiving a written warning from the Minister of Justice.
(2)When a shareholder, a member, a creditor or any other interested party files the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph, the court may, in response to a petition by the Company, order the person who filed the petition set forth in that paragraph to provide reasonable security.
(3)When a Company intends to file the petition under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it must make a prima facie showing that the petition set forth in paragraph (1) has been filed in bad faith.
(4)The provisions of Article 75, paragraphs (5) and (7) and Articles 76 to 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. 109 of 1996) apply mutatis mutandis to the security to be provided with respect to the petition set forth in paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2).
(Provisional Order Concerning Property of a Company)
Article 825(1)In cases where the petition set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article is filed, the court may, at the petition of the Minister of Justice or shareholders, members, creditors or any other interested parties or ex officio, issue a disposition ordering administration by an administrator (referred to as an "Administration Order" in the following paragraph) or issue any other necessary provisional order with respect to the property of the Company until a ruling is handed down on the petition set forth in that paragraph.
(2)When the court issues an Administration Order, it must appoint an administrator in such Administration Order.
(3)The court may, in response to a petition by the Minister of Justice or shareholders, members, creditors or any other interested parties or ex officio, dismiss the administrator set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(4)When the court appoints the administrator set forth in paragraph (2), it may specify the amount of remuneration to be paid by the Company to such administrator.
(5)The administrator set forth in paragraph (2) is supervised by the court.
(6)The court may order the administrator set forth in paragraph (2) to report the status of the property of the Company and to account for the administration thereof.
(7)The provisions of Article 644, Article 646, Article 647 and Article 650 of the Civil Code apply mutatis mutandis to the administrator set forth in paragraph (2). In such cases, the term "mandator" in Article 646, Article 647 and Article 650 of that Act is deemed to be replaced with "Company".
(Government Agencies' Obligation to Give Notice to the Minister of Justice)
Article 826If a court or any other government agency, a public prosecutor or an official comes to know in the course of their duties that there are grounds for filing the petition set forth in Article 824, paragraph (1) or giving the warning set forth in item (iii) of that paragraph, such entity or person must give notice to that effect to the Minister of Justice.
第二節 外国会社の取引継続禁止又は営業所閉鎖の命令
Section 2 Order of Prohibition of Continuous Transactions or Closure of a Business Office of a Foreign Company
Article 827(1)In the cases listed below, the court may, in response to a petition by the Minister of Justice, shareholders, members, creditors or any other interested parties, order the prohibition of a Foreign Company to carry out transactions continuously in Japan or the closure of its business office established in Japan:
(i)when the Foreign Company conducts business for an illegal purpose;
(ii)when the Foreign Company fails to commence its business within one year from the day of registration of the Foreign Company or suspends its business continuously for one year or more, without justifiable grounds;
(iii)when the Foreign Company stops payment without justifiable grounds; or
(iv)in cases where the Foreign Company's representative in Japan or any other person who executes its business has committed an act that goes beyond or abuses the authority of the Foreign Company prescribed by laws and regulations or that violates criminal laws and regulations, if such person continuously or repeatedly commits such act despite receiving a written warning from the Minister of Justice.
(2)The provisions of Article 824, paragraphs (2) to (4), and the preceding two Articles apply mutatis mutandis to the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph. In such cases, the term "preceding paragraph" in Article 824, paragraph (2), the term "paragraph (1)" in paragraph (3) and paragraph (4) of that Article, and the term "paragraph (1) of the preceding Article" in Article 825, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "Article 827, paragraph (1)", the term "Article 824, paragraph (1)" in the preceding Article is deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (1) of the following Article" and the term "item (iii) of that paragraph" in that Article is deemed to be replaced with "item (iv) of that paragraph".
第二章 訴訟
Chapter II Suits
第一節 会社の組織に関する訴え
Section 1 Action Concerning the Organization of a Company
(Actions Seeking Invalidation of Acts Concerning the Organization of a Company)
Article 828(1)Invalidation of the acts listed in the following items may only be asserted by filing an action during the periods specified respectively in those items:
(i)incorporation of a Company:within two years from the day of formation of the Company;
(ii)share issue after the formation of a Stock Company:within six months from the day on which the share issue became effective (or, for a Stock Company which is not a Public Company, within one year from the day on which the share issue became effective);
(iii)disposition of Treasury Shares:within six months from the day on which the disposition of Treasury Shares became effective (or, for a Stock Company which is not a Public Company, within one year from the day on which the disposition of Treasury Shares became effective);
(iv)Share Option (in cases where the Share Options are those attached to Bonds with Share Options, it includes the Bonds pertaining to Bonds with Share Options; hereinafter the same applies in this Chapter) issue:within six months from the day on which the issuance of Share Options came into effect (or, for a Stock Company which is not a Public Company, within one year from the day on which the issuance of Share Options came into effect);
(v)reduction in the amount of stated capital of a Stock Company:within six months from the day on which the reduction in the amount of stated capital became effective;
(vi)Entity Conversion of a Company:within six months from the day on which the Entity Conversion became effective;
(vii)Absorption-type Merger of a Company:within six months from the day on which the Absorption-type Merger became effective;
(viii)Consolidation-type Merger of a Company:within six months from the day on which the Consolidation-type Merger became effective;
(ix)Absorption-type Company Split:within six months from the day on which the Absorption-type Company Split became effective;
(x)Incorporation-type Company Split:within six months from the day on which the Incorporation-type Company Split became effective;
(xi)Share Exchange of a Stock Company:within six months from the day on which the Share Exchange became effective; and
(xii)Share Transfer of a Stock Company:within six months from the day on which the Share Transfer became effective.
(2)An action seeking invalidation of the acts listed in the following items may be filed only by the persons specified respectively in those items:
(i)the act set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph:a Shareholder, etc. (meaning a shareholder, director or liquidator (or, for a Company with Company Auditor(s), it means a shareholder, director, company auditor or liquidator, and for a Company with a Nominating Committee, etc., it means a shareholder, director, executive officer or liquidator); hereinafter the same applies in this Section) of the incorporated Stock Company or a Member, etc. (meaning a member or liquidator; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) of the incorporated Membership Company;
(ii)the act set forth in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph:a Shareholder, etc. of the relevant Stock Company;
(iii)the act set forth in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph:a Shareholder, etc. of the relevant Stock Company;
(iv)the act set forth in item (iv) of the preceding paragraph:a Shareholder, etc. or a share option holder of the relevant Stock Company;
(v)the act set forth in item (v) of the preceding paragraph:a Shareholder, etc., the trustee in bankruptcy or a creditor, who did not give approval to the reduction in the amount of stated capital, of the relevant Stock Company;
(vi)the act set forth in item (vi) of the preceding paragraph:a person who was a Shareholder, etc. or a Member, etc. of the Company effecting the Entity Conversion as of the day on which such act became effective or a Shareholder, etc., a Member, etc., the trustee in bankruptcy or a creditor, who did not give approval to the Entity Conversion, of the Company after the Entity Conversion;
(vii)the act set forth in item (vii) of the preceding paragraph:a person who was a Shareholder, etc. or a Member, etc. of the Company effecting the Absorption-type Merger as of the day on which such act became effective or a Shareholder, etc., a Member, etc., the trustee in bankruptcy or a creditor, who did not give approval to the Absorption-type Merger of the Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger;
(viii)the act set forth in item (viii) of the preceding paragraph:a person who was a Shareholder, etc. or a Member, etc. of the Company effecting the Consolidation-type Merger as of the day on which such act became effective or a Shareholder, etc., a Member, etc., the trustee in bankruptcy or a creditor, who did not give approval to the Consolidation-type Merger, of the Company that is incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(ix)the act set forth in item (ix) of the preceding paragraph:a person who was a Shareholder, etc. or a Member, etc. of the Company that has concluded the Absorption-type Company Split agreement as of the day on which such act became effective or a Shareholder, etc., a Member, etc., the trustee in bankruptcy or a creditor, who did not give approval to the Absorption-type Company Split, of the Company that has concluded the Absorption-type Company Split agreement;
(x)the act set forth in item (x) of the preceding paragraph:a person who was a Shareholder, etc. or a Member, etc. of the Company effecting the Incorporation-type Company Split as of the day on which such act became effective or a Shareholder, etc., a Member, etc., the trustee in bankruptcy or a creditor, who did not give approval to the Incorporation-type Company Split, of the Company effecting the Incorporation-type Company Split or the Company that is incorporated in the Incorporation-type Company Split;
(xi)the act set forth in item (xi) of the preceding paragraph:a person who was a Shareholder, etc. or a Member, etc. of the Company that has concluded the Share Exchange agreement as of the day on which such act became effective or a Shareholder, etc., a Member, etc., the trustee in bankruptcy or a creditor, who did not give approval to the Share Exchange, of the Company that has concluded the Share Exchange agreement; and
(xii)the act set forth in item (xii) of the preceding paragraph:a person who was a Shareholder, etc. of the Stock Company transferring the shares as of the day on which such act became effective; a Shareholder, etc. or the trustee in bankruptcy of the Stock Company incorporated in the share transfer; or a creditor of the Stock Company incorporated in the share transfer who did not give approval to the share transfer.
(Action for Declaratory Judgment of Absence of a New Share Issue)
Article 829With regard to the acts below, confirmation of the absence of the acts may be claimed by filing an action:
(i)share issue after the formation of a Stock Company;
(ii)disposition of Treasury Shares; and
(iii)Issuance of Share Options.
(Action for Declaratory Judgment of Absence or Invalidation of a Resolution at a Shareholders Meeting)
Article 830(1)With regard to a resolution at a shareholders meeting, General Meeting of Class Shareholders, Organizational Meeting or Organizational Meeting of Class Shareholders (hereinafter referred to as a "Shareholders Meeting, etc." in this Section and Article 937, paragraph (1), item (i), (g)), confirmation of the absence of the resolution may be claimed by filing an action.
(2)With regard to a resolution at a Shareholders Meeting, etc., confirmation of invalidation of the resolution may be claimed by filing an action based on the reason that the contents of the resolution violate laws and regulations.
(Action Seeking Revocation of a Resolution at a Shareholders Meeting)
Article 831(1)In the cases listed in the following items, a Shareholder, etc. (or, in cases where the Shareholders Meeting, etc. set forth respectively in each such item is an Organizational Meeting or an Organizational Meeting of Class Shareholders, a Shareholder, etc., a Shareholder at Incorporation, a Director at Incorporation or a Company Auditor at Incorporation) may, within three months from the day of resolution at the Shareholders Meeting, etc., claim revocation of the resolution by filing an action. The same applies to a person who becomes a shareholder (or, in cases where that resolution is the resolution at an Organizational Meeting, Shareholders at Incorporation) or director (or, in cases of a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members or other directors; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), company auditor or liquidator (or, in cases where such resolution is a resolution at a shareholders meeting or General Meeting of Class Shareholders, it includes a person who has the rights and obligations of a director, company auditor or liquidator pursuant to the provisions of Article 346, paragraph (1) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 479, paragraph (4)), and in cases where such resolution is a resolution at an Organizational Meeting or Organizational Meeting of Class Shareholders, a Director at Incorporation (in cases where a Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, Directors at Incorporation who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members at Incorporation or other Directors at Incorporation)) or Company Auditor at Incorporation) by rescission of such resolution:
(i)when the calling procedures or the methods of a resolution at the Shareholders Meeting, etc. violate laws and regulations or the articles of incorporation or are grossly improper;
(ii)when the contents of the resolution at the Shareholders Meeting, etc. violate the articles of incorporation; or
(iii)when a grossly improper resolution is passed as a result of a person with a special interest in the resolution at the Shareholders Meeting, etc. exercising a voting right.
(2)In cases where an action set forth in the preceding paragraph is filed, even if the calling procedures or the methods of a resolution at the Shareholders Meeting, etc. are in violation of laws and regulations or the articles of incorporation, the court may dismiss the claim prescribed in that paragraph if it finds that the facts in violation are not serious and will not affect the resolution.
(Action Seeking Rescission of the Incorporation of a Membership Company)
Article 832In the cases listed in the following items, the persons specified respectively in those items may claim rescission of the incorporation of the Membership Company within two years from the day of formation of the Membership Company:
(i)when a member is able to rescind such member's manifestation of intention relating to the incorporation pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Code or any other acts:such member; or
(ii)when a member incorporates a Membership Company having the knowledge that it will be detrimental to its creditor:such creditor.
(Action Seeking Dissolution of a Company)
Article 833(1)In the cases listed below, if there are unavoidable circumstances, a shareholder having not less than one-tenths (or, in cases where a lesser proportion is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of the voting rights of all shareholders (excluding shareholders who are unable to exercise voting rights on all matters which may be resolved at the shareholders meeting) or a shareholder having not less than one-tenth (or, in cases where a lesser proportion is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of the Issued Shares (excluding Treasury Shares) may claim dissolution of the Stock Company by filing an action:
(i)when a Stock Company faces an extreme difficulty in executing business and the Stock Company suffers or is likely to suffer irreparable harm; or
(ii)when the management or disposition of property of a Stock Company is extremely unreasonable and puts the existence of the Stock Company at risk.
(2)In cases where there are unavoidable circumstances, members of a Membership Company may claim dissolution of the Membership Company by filing an action.
Article 834With regard to the actions listed in the following items (hereinafter collectively referred to as an "Action Concerning Organization of Company" in this Section), the persons specified respectively in those items are to be the defendant:
(i)an action seeking invalidation of the incorporation of a Company:the incorporated Company;
(ii)an action seeking invalidation of a share issue after the formation of a Stock Company (referred to as an "Action Seeking Invalidation of New Share Issue" in Article 840, paragraph (1)):The Stock Company that has issued the shares;
(iii)an action seeking invalidation of a disposition of Treasury Shares:the Stock Company that has disposed of the Treasury Shares;
(iv)an action seeking invalidation of an issuance of Share Options:the Stock Company that has issued the Share Options;
(v)an action seeking invalidation of a reduction in the amount of stated capital of a Stock Company:the relevant Stock Company;
(vi)an action seeking invalidation of an Entity Conversion of a Company:the Company after the Entity Conversion;
(vii)an action seeking invalidation of an Absorption-type Merger of a Company:the Company surviving the Absorption-type Merger;
(viii)an action seeking invalidation of a Consolidation-type Merger of a Company:the Company that is incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(ix)an action seeking invalidation of an Absorption-type Company Split:the Company that has concluded the Absorption-type Company Split agreement;
(x)an action seeking invalidation of an Incorporation-type Company Split:the Company(ies) effecting the Incorporation-type Company Split and the Company that is incorporated in the Incorporation-type Company Split;
(xi)an action seeking invalidation of a Share Exchange of a Stock Company:the Company that has concluded the Share Exchange agreement;
(xii)an action seeking invalidation of a Share Transfer of a Stock Company:the Stock Company(ies) effecting the Share Transfer and the Stock Company that is incorporated in the Share Transfer;
(xiii)an action for declaratory judgment of absence of a share issue after the formation of a Stock Company:the Stock Company that has issued the shares;
(xiv)an action for declaratory judgment of absence of a disposition of Treasury Shares:the Stock Company that has disposed of the Treasury Shares;
(xv)an action for declaratory judgment of absence of an issuance of Share Options:the Stock Company that has issued the Share Options;
(xvi)an action for declaratory judgment of absence of a resolution at a Shareholders Meeting, etc. or invalidation of a resolution at a Shareholders Meeting, etc. based on a reason that the contents of such resolution violate laws and regulations:the relevant Stock Company;
(xvii)an action seeking revocation of a resolution at a Shareholders Meeting, etc.:the relevant Stock Company;
(xviii)an action seeking rescission of the incorporation of a Membership Company under the provisions of Article 832, item (i):such Membership Company;
(xix)an action seeking rescission of the incorporation of a Membership Company under the provisions of Article 832, item (ii):such Membership Company and the member set forth in that item;
(xx)an action seeking dissolution of a Stock Company:the relevant Stock Company; and
(xxi)an action seeking dissolution of a Membership Company:such Membership Company.
(Jurisdiction over and Transfer of an Action)
Article 835(1)An Action Concerning Organization of Company is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Company which is the defendant.
(2)When two or more district courts have jurisdiction pursuant to the provisions of items (ix) to (xii) of the preceding Article, the actions listed in those items are under the jurisdiction of the district court with which an action was filed first.
(3)In cases set forth in the preceding paragraph, a court may, even when the suit pertaining to such action is under its jurisdiction, transfer the suit to another court with jurisdiction, in response to a petition or ex officio, if it finds it necessary for avoiding substantial detriment or delay.
(Order to Provide Security)
Article 836(1)With regard to an Action Concerning Organization of Company which may be filed by a shareholder or a Shareholder at Incorporation, the court may, in response to a petition by the defendant, order the shareholder or the Shareholder at Incorporation who has filed such Action Concerning Organization of Company to provide reasonable security; provided, however, that this does not apply when such shareholder is a director, company auditor, executive officer or liquidator or when such Shareholder at Incorporation is a Director at Incorporation or a Company Auditor at Incorporation.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to Actions Concerning the Organization of a Company which may be filed by creditors.
(3)In order for a defendant to file the petition set forth in paragraph (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph), the defendant must make a prima facie showing that the plaintiff filed the action in bad faith.
(Mandatory Consolidation of Oral Arguments)
Article 837When several suits relating to an Action Concerning Organization of Company for the same claim are pending simultaneously, the oral arguments and judicial decisions thereof must be made in consolidation.
(Persons Affected by an Upholding Judgment)
Article 838A final and binding judgment upholding a claim relating to an Action Concerning Organization of Company is also effective against third parties.
(Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation, Revocation or Rescission)
Article 839When a judgment upholding a claim relating to an Action Concerning Organization of Company (limited to any one of the actions listed in Article 834, items (i) to (xii), (xviii) and (xix)) becomes final and binding, the act that is held to be invalid or revoked or rescinded by such judgment (in cases where a Company was incorporated by such act, it includes such incorporation, and in cases where shares or Share Options were delivered at the time of such act, it includes such shares or Share Options) will become ineffective from then on.
(Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation of New Share Issue)
Article 840(1)When a judgment upholding a claim relating to an Action Seeking Invalidation of a New Share Issue becomes final and binding, the relevant Stock Company must pay, to the shareholders of such shares as of the time such judgment became final and binding, monies equivalent to the amount of payment received from them or the value of the property delivered by them as of the time of the delivery. In such cases, when such Stock Company is a Share Certificate-Issuing Company, the Stock Company may request such shareholders to return the old share certificates representing such shares (meaning the share certificates representing the shares that became ineffective pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article; hereinafter the same applies in this Section) in exchange for the payment of such monies.
(2)When the amount of the monies set forth in the preceding paragraph is extremely unreasonable in light of the status of the Company property as of the time the judgment set forth in that paragraph became final and conclusive, the court may, in response to a petition by the Stock Company or shareholders set forth in the first sentence of that paragraph, order an increase or decrease of such amount.
(3)The petition set forth in the preceding paragraph must be filed within six months from the day the judgment set forth in that paragraph became final and conclusive.
(4)In the cases prescribed in the first sentence of paragraph (1), the pledges on the shares set forth in the first sentence of that paragraph are effective with respect to the monies set forth in that paragraph.
(5)In the cases prescribed in the first sentence of paragraph (1), Registered Pledgees of Shares with respect to the pledges set forth in the preceding paragraph may receive the monies set forth in paragraph (1) from the Stock Company set forth in the first sentence of that paragraph, and appropriate them as payment to satisfy their own claims in priority to other creditors.
(6)If the claims under the preceding paragraph are not yet due and payable, the Registered Pledgees of Share Options may have the Stock Company set forth in the first sentence of paragraph (1) deposit an amount equivalent to the value of the monies provided for in that paragraph. In such cases, the pledges are effective with respect to the monies so deposited.
(Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation of Disposition of Treasury Shares)
Article 841(1)When a judgment upholding a claim relating to an action seeking invalidation of a disposition of Treasury Shares becomes final and binding, the relevant Stock Company must pay, to shareholders of such Treasury Shares as of the time such judgment became final and binding, monies equivalent to the amount of payment received from them or the value of the property delivered by them as of the time of the delivery. In such cases, when such Stock Company is a Share Certificate-Issuing Company, the Stock Company may request such shareholders to return the old share certificates representing such Treasury Shares in exchange for the payment of such monies.
(2)The provisions of paragraphs (2) to (6) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph. In such cases, the term "shares" in paragraph (4) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "Treasury Shares".
(Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation of the Issuance of Share Options)
Article 842(1)When a judgment upholding a claim relating to an action seeking invalidation of an issuance of Share Options becomes final and binding, the relevant Stock Company must pay, to the share option holders as of the time such judgment became final and binding, monies equivalent to the amount of payment received from them or the value of the property delivered by them as of the time of the delivery. In such cases, when such Stock Company has issued share option certificates representing such Share Options (or, in cases where such Share Options are those attached to Bonds with Share Options, certificate representing the Bond with Share Options pertaining to such Bonds with Share Options; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), the Stock Company may request share option holders to return the share option certificates representing the Share Options that became ineffective pursuant to the provisions of Article 839 in exchange for the payment of such monies.
(2)The provisions of Article 840, paragraphs (2) to (6) apply mutatis mutandis to the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph. In such cases, the term "shareholders" in paragraph (2) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "share option holders", the term "shares" in paragraph (4) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "Share Options", and the term "Registered Pledgees of Shares" set forth in paragraphs (5) and (6) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "Registered Pledgees of Share Options".
(Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation of a Merger or Company Split)
Article 843(1)When a judgment upholding a claim relating to an action seeking invalidation of any one of the acts listed in the following items becomes final and binding, the Company that carried out such act is liable jointly and severally to perform the obligations assumed by the Companies specified respectively in those items after the day on which such act became effective:
(i)Absorption-type Merger:the Company surviving the Absorption-type Merger;
(ii)Consolidation-type Merger:the Company that is incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger;
(iii)Absorption-type Company Split:the Company succeeding to all or part of the rights and obligations held by the Company effecting the Absorption-type Company Split in connection with its business by transfer from such Company; or
(iv)Incorporation-type Company Split:the Company that is incorporated in the Incorporation-type Company Split.
(2)In the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the property acquired, after the day on which the acts listed in the items of that paragraph became effective, by the Companies specified respectively in those items is co-owned by the Companies that carried out such acts; provided, however, that in cases where the act set forth in item (iv) of that paragraph has been carried out by a single Company, the property acquired by the Company specified in that item is owned by the single Company that carried out such act.
(3)In the cases prescribed in paragraph (1) and the main clause of the preceding paragraph, each Company's portion of the obligations to be assumed set forth in paragraph (1) and share of co-ownership of property set forth in the main clause of the preceding paragraph are decided through discussion among the Companies.
(4)If no agreement is reached in the discussion set forth in the preceding paragraph with regard to each Company's portion of the obligations to be assumed set forth in paragraph (1) and share of co-ownership of property set forth in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, the court comes to a decision, in response to a petition by the Companies, by taking into account the amount of property of each Company as of the time the act set forth in any one of the items of paragraph (1) became effective and all other circumstances.
(Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation of a Share Exchange or Share Transfer)
Article 844(1)In cases where a judgment upholding a claim relating to an action seeking invalidation of a Share Exchange or Share Transfer of a Stock Company has become final and binding, if the Stock Company acquiring all of the Issued Shares (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Wholly Owning Parent Company" in this Article) of the Stock Company effecting the Share Exchange or Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company" in this Article) has delivered the shares of the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Shares of the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company" in this Article) at the time of the Share Exchange or Share Transfer, the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company must deliver to shareholders pertaining to the Shares of the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company as of the time such judgment became final and conclusive the shares of the Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Shares of the Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company" in this Article) that had been held, at the time of the Share Exchange or Share Transfer, by the persons who received delivery of the Shares of the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company. In such cases, when such Former Wholly Owning Parent Company is a Share Certificate-Issuing Company, the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company may request such shareholders to return the old share certificates representing such Shares of the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company in exchange for the delivery of such Shares of the Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company.
(2)In the cases prescribed in the first sentence of the preceding paragraph, pledges on the Shares of the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company are effective with respect to the Shares of the Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company.
(3)When the pledgees with respect to the pledges set forth in the preceding paragraph are Registered Pledgees of Shares, the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company must, without delay after the judgment set forth in paragraph (1) became final and conclusive, notify the Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company of the matters listed in the items of Article 148 regarding such Registered Pledgees of Shares.
(4)A Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company that has received a notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph must, when it enters or records in the shareholder register the Information Required to Be Entered in the Shareholder Register in connection with the shares underlying the pledges of the Registered Pledgees of Shares set forth in that paragraph, immediately enter or record in the shareholder register the information listed in the items of Article 148 regarding such Registered Pledgees of Shares.
(5)In the cases prescribed in paragraph (3), when the Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company set forth in that paragraph is a Share Certificate-Issuing Company, the Former Wholly Owning Parent Company must deliver the share certificates representing the Shares of the Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company set forth in paragraph (2) to its Registered Pledgees of Shares; provided, however, that this does not apply until the old share certificates representing the Former Wholly Owning Subsidiary Company are submitted in cases where the shareholders set forth in the first sentence of paragraph (1) must submit such old share certifications in order to acquire the Shares of the Former Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company.
(Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation or Rescission of the Incorporation of a Membership Company)
Article 845In cases where a judgment upholding a claim relating to an action seeking invalidation or rescission of the incorporation of a Membership Company becomes final and binding, if the cause of the invalidation or rescission is attributable only to part of the members, the Membership Company may continue in existence with the consent of all of the other members. In such cases, the members attributable to the cause are deemed to have withdrawn.
(Liability for Damages in Cases Where the Plaintiff Is Defeated)
Article 846In cases where the plaintiffs who filed Actions Concerning the Organization of a Company are defeated, if the plaintiffs have acted in bad faith or with gross negligence, they are jointly and severally liable to compensate the defendant for damages.
第一節の二 売渡株式等の取得の無効の訴え
Section 1-2 Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares Subject to the Cash-Out
(Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares Subject to the Cash-Out)
Article 846-2(1)Invalidation of acquisition of all Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out pertaining to the Demand for Shares, etc. Cash-Out may only be asserted in an action filed within six months of the Acquisition Day (meaning the Acquisition Day prescribed in Article 179-2, paragraph (1), item (v); hereinafter the same applies in this Article) (in cases where a Subject Company is not a Public Company, within one year from the Acquisition Day).
(2)The action set forth in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as "Action Seeing Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out" in this Section) may be filed only by the following persons:
(i)a person who was a Shareholder Subject to the Cash-Out (in cases where Demand for Share Option Cash-Out is made along with Demand for Share Cash-Out, Shareholders Subject to the Cash-Out and share option holders Subject to the Cash-Out; the same applies in Article 846-5, paragraph (1)) on the Acquisition Day; and
(ii)a person who was a director (in cases of a Company with Company Auditor(s), a director or company auditor; in cases of a Company with a Nominating Committee, etc., a director or executive officer; hereinafter the same applies in this item) of the Subject Company on the Acquisition Day, or a director or liquidator of the Subject Company.
Article 846-3With regard to an Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out, the Special Controlling Shareholder is to be the defendant.
(Jurisdiction over an Action)
Article 846-4An Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Subject Company.
(Order to Provide Security)
Article 846-5(1)With regard to an Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out, the court may order the Shareholder Subject to the Cash-Out who has filed the Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out to provide reasonable security in response to a petition by the defendant; provided, however, that this does not apply when the Shareholder Subject to the Cash-Out is a director, company auditor, executive officer, or liquidator of the Subject Company.
(2)In order for a defendant to file the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph, the defendant must make a prima facie showing that the plaintiff filed the action in bad faith.
(Mandatory Consolidation of Oral Arguments)
Article 846-6When several suits relating to an Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out for the same claim are simultaneously pending, the oral arguments and judicial decisions thereof must be made in consolidation.
(Persons Affected by an Upholding Judgment)
Article 846-7A final and binding judgment upholding a claim relating to an Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out is also effective against third parties.
(Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation)
Article 846-8When a judgment upholding a claim relating to an Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out becomes final and binding, the acquisition of all Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out that is held to be invalid by the judgment will become ineffective from then on.
(Liability for Damages in Cases Where the Plaintiff Is Defeated)
Article 846-9In cases where the plaintiffs who filed the Action Seeking Invalidation of Acquisition of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out are defeated, if the plaintiffs have acted in bad faith or with gross negligence, they are jointly and severally liable to compensate the defendant for damages.
第二節 株式会社における責任追及等の訴え
Section 2 Action to Enforce Liability to a Stock Company
(Action to Enforce Liability by Shareholders)
Article 847(1)A shareholder (excluding a Holder of Shares Less than One Unit who is unable to exercise rights pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation) having the shares consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or more) may demand the Stock Company, in writing or by any other method prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order, to file an action to enforce the liability of an incorporator, Director at Incorporation, Company Auditor at Incorporation, Officer, etc. (meaning the Officer, etc. prescribed in Article 423, paragraph (1)) or liquidator (hereinafter referred to as "Incorporator, etc." in this Section), and an action to demand payment pursuant to the provisions of Article 102-2, paragraph (1), Article 212, paragraph (1), or Article 285, paragraph (1), an action seeking the return of the benefits set forth in Article 120, paragraph (3) or an action seeking payment or delivery under the provisions of Article 213-2, paragraph (1) or Article 286-2, paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as an "Action to Enforce Liability" in this Section); provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where the purpose of the Action to Enforce Liability is to seek unlawful benefits of such shareholder or a third party or to inflict damages on such Stock Company.
(2)With regard to application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph to a Stock Company that is not a Public Company, the phrase "A shareholder (excluding a Holder of Shares Less than One Unit who is unable to exercise rights pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation)" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "A shareholder".
(3)When the Stock Company does not file an Action to Enforce Liability within sixty days from the day of the demand under the provisions of paragraph (1), the shareholder who has made such demand may file an Action to Enforce Liability on behalf of the Stock Company.
(4)In cases where the Stock Company does not file an Action to Enforce Liability within sixty days from the day of the demand under the provisions of paragraph (1), if there is a request by the shareholder who made such demand or the Incorporator, etc. set forth in that paragraph, it must, without delay, notify the person who made such a request of the reason for not filing an Action to Enforce Liability in writing or by any other method prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order.
(5)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (3), in cases where the Stock Company is likely to suffer irreparable harm through the elapse of the period set forth in those paragraphs, the shareholder set forth in paragraph (1) may immediately file an Action to Enforce Liability on behalf of the Stock Company; provided, however, that this does not apply in the cases prescribed in the proviso to that paragraph.
(Action to Enforce Liability by Former Shareholders)
Article 847-2(1)A person who had been a shareholder of a Stock Company continuously for six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or more) before the day when the acts listed in the following items became effective until that day (excluding a Holder of Shares of Less than One Unit who was unable to exercise rights pursuant to the provisions of the articles of incorporation set forth in Article 189, paragraph (2); hereinafter referred to as "Former Shareholder" in this Article) may demand the Stock Company (in the case prescribed in item (ii), a Stock Company surviving after the Absorption-type Merger set forth in the same item; hereinafter referred to as "Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, etc." in this Section), in writing or by any other method prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order, to file an Action to Enforce Liability (limited to those related to liabilities or obligations for which the facts causing them occurred by the time when the acts listed in the following items became effective; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) in the cases specified in those items even if the person is no longer a shareholder of the Stock Company; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where the purpose of the Action to Enforce Liability is to seek unlawful benefits of the Former Shareholder or a third party or to inflict damages on the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, etc. or Wholly Owning Parent Company set forth in the following items (meaning a Stock Company having all of the Issued Shares of a specific Stock Company or other Stock Companies specified by Ministry of Justice Order as equivalent thereto; hereinafter the same applies in this Section):
(i)Share Exchange or Share Transfer of the Stock Company:When acquiring shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Company of the Stock Company through that Share Exchange or Share Transfer and continuing to hold those shares; and
(ii)Absorption-type Merger in which the Stock Company is the Company that disappears:When acquiring shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Company of the Stock Company surviving after the Absorption-type Merger by the Absorption-type Merger and continuing to hold those shares.
(2)For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph to a Stock Company that is not a Public Company, "continuously from six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, that period or more) before the day when the acts listed in the following items until that day" in the same paragraph is read as "on the day when the acts listed in the following items became effective".
(3)A Former Shareholder may demand the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc. to file an Action to Enforce Liability in writing or by any other method prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order in the following cases even if the Former Shareholder is no longer a shareholder of the Wholly Owning Parent Company set forth in the items of paragraph (1); provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where the purpose of the Action to Enforce Liability is to seek unlawful benefits of the Former Shareholder or a third party or to inflict damages on the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, etc. or a Stock Company issuing shares as set forth in the following items:
(i)when, through a Share Exchange or Share Transfer by that Wholly Owning Parent Company, that person acquires shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Company and continues to hold those shares; and
(ii)when, through a merger in which the Wholly Owning Parent Company is the Company that disappears, that person acquires shares in the Stock Company incorporated as a result of the merger or acquires shares in the Stock Company surviving after the merger or in its Wholly Owning Parent Company, and continues to hold those shares.
(4)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to when a Former Shareholder is no longer a shareholder of shares set forth in item (i) of the same paragraph in the cases listed in the same item (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph or the following paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph).
(5)The provisions of paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to when a Former Shareholder is no longer a shareholder of shares as set forth in item (ii) of the same paragraph in cases listed in the same item (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph or this paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph).In this case, "the Wholly Owning Parent Company" in paragraph (3) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph or this paragraph) is deemed to be replaced with "a Stock Company incorporated as a result of a merger or a Stock Company surviving after the merger or its Wholly Owning Parent Company".
(6)When a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc. does not file an Action to Enforce Liability within sixty days from the day of demand (hereinafter referred to as "Demand for Filing an Action" in this Article) pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (3) (including cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), a Former Shareholder who makes the Demand for Filing an Action may file an Action to Enforce Liability for the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, etc.
(7)In cases where a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc. does not file an Action to Enforce Liability within sixty days from the day of the Demand for Filing an Action, when it receives a demand from a Former Shareholder who makes the Demand for Filing an Action or an Incorporator, etc. who becomes a defendant of an Action to Enforce Liability pertaining to the Demand for Filing an Action, it must notify the person who made the demand of the reason not to file an Action to Enforce Liability in writing or other method prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order without delay.
(8)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (1), (3), and (6), in cases where a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc. is likely to suffer irreparable harm through the elapsing of the period set forth in those paragraphs, a Former Shareholder who can make a Demand for Filing an Action may immediately file an Action to Enforce Liability for a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, etc.
(9)For the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 55, Article 102-2, paragraph (2), Article 103, paragraph (3), Article 120, paragraph (5), Article 213-2, paragraph (2), Article 286-2, paragraph (2), Article 424 (including cases as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 486, paragraph (4)), proviso to Article 462, paragraph (3), Article 464, paragraph (2), and Article 465, paragraph (2) to when exempting a liability or obligations whose causative fact occurred by the time when the acts listed in the following items of paragraph (1) became effective in cases where there are Qualified Former Shareholders (meaning Former Shareholders who become able to make a Demand for Filing an Action pursuant to the provisions of main clause of paragraph (1) or main clause of paragraph (3); hereinafter the same applies in this Section) pertaining to a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc., "all shareholders" in these provisions is read as "all shareholders and all Qualified Former Shareholders prescribed in Article 847-2, paragraph (9)".
(Action to Enforce Specific Liability by Shareholders of Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company)
Article 847-3(1)A shareholder who holds votes of one-hundredths (1/100) (or, in cases where a lesser proportion is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, that proportion) or more of the votes of all shareholders (excluding shareholders who cannot exercise voting rights for all of matters that can be resolved at the shareholders meeting) of the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. of a Stock Company (meaning the Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. of the Stock Company which itself has no Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc.; hereinafter the same applies in this Section) continuously over six months (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, that period or more) or a shareholder who holds shares at or more than one-hundredths (1/100) (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, that period or more) of Issued Shares (excluding treasury shares) of the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. may demand the Stock Company to file an Action to Enforce Specific Liability (hereinafter referred to as "Action to Enforce Specific Liability" hereinafter in this Section) in writing or by any other methods specified by Ministry of Justice Order; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases corresponding to any of the following:
(i)in cases where the Action to Enforce Specific Liability is to seek unlawful benefits of the shareholder or a third party or to inflict damages on the Stock Company or the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc.; and
(ii)in cases where the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. does not suffer damages by the fact of causing the Specific Liability.
(2)An "Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc." as prescribed in the preceding paragraph means the Stock Companies listed in the following:
(i)a Wholly Owning Parent Company; and
(ii)in cases where all of the Issued Shares of a Stock Company are held by another Stock Company and its Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies, etc. (meaning a corporation all of the shares or equity interests of which are held by a Stock Company; hereinafter the same applies in this Article and Article 849, paragraph (3)) or by the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies, etc. of another Stock Company, that other Stock Company (other than a Wholly Owning Parent Company).
(3)In the cases set forth in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, when another Stock Company and its Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies, etc. as referred to in that item, or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies, etc. of another Stock Company as referred to in the same item, hold all of the shares or equity interests of another corporation, the relevant other corporation is deemed to be the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company, etc. of that other Stock Company.
(4)"Specific Liability" as prescribed in paragraph (1) means the liability of the Incorporator, etc. of a Stock Company, in cases where the book value of the Stock Company's shares at the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. and its Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies, etc. (including anything deemed to be the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company, etc. thereof pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph; the same applies in the following paragraph and Article 849, paragraph (3)) exceeds one-fifth (1/5) (or, in cases where a lesser proportion is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of the value calculated by the method prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as the total assets of the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. on the day when the fact giving rise to the liability of the Incorporator, etc. occurred (the same applies in paragraph (10) and paragraph (7) of the same Article).
(5)If an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. takes, as its Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company, etc., a Stock Company that, on the day when the fact giving rise to the liability of the Incorporator, etc. occurred, was an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc., the Stock Company that was formerly an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. is deemed to be the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. set forth in the preceding paragraph and the previsions of that paragraph apply.
(6)For the purpose of the application of the provisions of paragraph (1) to an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. that is not a Public Company, "a Stock Company continuously over six months (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, that period or more)" in the same paragraph is read as "Stock Company".
(7)In cases where a Stock Company does not file an Action to Enforce Specific Liability within sixty days from the day of demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), shareholders of the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. that made the demand may file an Action to Enforce Specific Liability for the Stock Company.
(8)In cases where a Stock Company does not file an Action to Enforce Specific Liability within sixty days from the day of demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), when receiving a demand from a shareholder of an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. which has made the demand or an Incorporator, etc. who will become a defendant of the Action to Enforce Specific Liability pertaining to the demand, the Stock Company must notify the person who made the demand the reason for not filing an Action to Enforce Specific Liability in writing or other method prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order without delay.
(9)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (7), in cases where a Stock Company is likely to suffer irreparable damages due to the elapsing of the period set forth in the same paragraph, the shareholder prescribed in paragraph (1) may file an Action to Enforce Specific Liability immediately for the Stock Company; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases where it is prescribed in the proviso to the same paragraph.
(10)In cases where there is an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. with a Stock Company, for the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 55, Article 103, paragraph (3), Article 120, paragraph (5), Article 424 (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 486, paragraph (4)), proviso to Article 462, paragraph (3), Article 464, paragraph (2), and Article 465, paragraph (2) to cases of exempting Specific Liability, "all shareholders" in these provisions is read as "all shareholders and all shareholders of an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. as prescribed in Article 847-3, paragraph (1)".
(Court Costs for an Action to Enforce Liability)
Article 847-4(1)An Action to Enforce Liability set forth in Article 847, paragraph (3) or (5), Article 847-2, paragraph (6) or (8), or paragraph (7) or (9) of the preceding Article is deemed as an action bringing a claim that is not on a property right as to the calculation of value of the subject matter of the suit.
(2)When a Shareholder, etc. (meaning a Qualified Former Shareholder or a shareholder of an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc.; hereinafter the same applies in this Section) files an Action to Enforce Liability, a court may order the Shareholder, etc. to provide reasonable security in response to a petition by the defendant.
(3)When a defendant intends to file the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph, the defendant must make a prima facie showing that the plaintiff filed the Action to Enforce Liability in bad faith.
(Jurisdiction of an Action)
Article 848An Action to Enforce Liability is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Stock Company or of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc. (hereinafter referred to as a "Stock Company, etc." in this Section).
Article 849(1)A Shareholder, etc. or a Stock Company, etc. may intervene in a suit relating to an Action to Enforce Liability (in cases of a Qualified Former Shareholder, limited to one related to the liabilities or obligations for which the fact causing them occurred by the time when the act listed in the items of Article 847-2, paragraph (1) became effective; in cases of a shareholder of an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc., limited to the Action to Enforce Specific Liability) either as a co-party or for assisting either of the parties; provided, however, that this does not apply when it will unduly delay the court proceedings or impose an excessive administrative burden on the court.
(2)Persons listed in the following items, even if the person is not a shareholder of a Stock Company, etc., may intervene in a suit pertaining to an Action to Enforce Liability filed by the person prescribed in those items for assisting either of the parties; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases prescribed in the proviso to the preceding paragraph:
(i)the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc. (meaning the Wholly Owning Parent Company of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc. (excluding one that has a Wholly Owning Parent Company at the time when the act listed in the items of Article 847-2, paragraph (1), Share Exchange or Share Transfer set forth in paragraph (3), item (i) of the same Article, or the merger set forth in item (ii) of the same paragraph becomes effective) in the cases prescribed in the items of Article 847-2, paragraph (1) or the cases listed in paragraph (3), item (i) of the same Article (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraphs (4) and (5) of the same Article; hereinafter the same applies in this item) or item (ii) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraphs (4) and (5) of the same Article; hereinafter the same applies in this item), which is not subject to a Stock Company becoming its Wholly Owning Parent Company through a Share Exchange or Share Transfer by that Wholly Owning Parent Company or through a Merger in which the Wholly Owning Parent Company is the Company that disappears; hereinafter the same applies in this Article):Qualified Former Shareholder; and
(ii)Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc.:Shareholder of the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc.
(3)In order for a Stock Company, etc., Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc., or Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. to intervene in a suit relating to an Action to Enforce Liability to assist a director (excluding an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member and Audit Committee Member), executive officer, liquidator or a person who was formerly in such a position of the Stock Company that constitutes that Stock Company, etc., the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, etc. as regards the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, etc., or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company, etc. of the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc., it must obtain the consent of the persons specified in the following items for the categories listed respectively in those items:
(i)Company with Company Auditor(s):the company auditor (in cases where there are two or more company auditors, each of such company auditors); or
(ii)Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee:each Audit and Supervisory Committee Member; and
(iii)Company with a Nominating Committee, etc.:each Audit Committee Member.
(4)When a Shareholder, etc. files an Action to Enforce Liability, the Shareholder, etc. must give notice of suit to the Stock Company, etc. without delay.
(5)When a Stock Company, etc. files an Action to Enforce Liability or receives the notice of suit set forth in the preceding paragraph, it must give public notice to that effect or give notice thereof to its shareholders without delay.
(6)If a Stock Company, etc. has a Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc., and an Action to Enforce Liability set forth in the preceding paragraph or notice of suit is related to liability or an obligation whose causative fact has occurred by the time when the acts listed in the items of Article 847-2, paragraph (1) became effective, the Stock Company, etc. must file the Action to Enforce Liability or give notice that the notice of suit was received to the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, etc. without delay in addition to the public notice or notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(7)If a Stock Company, etc. has an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc., and the Action to Enforce Liability set forth in paragraph (5) or notice of suit are related to Specific Liability, the Stock Company, etc. must file the Action to Enforce Liability or notify that the notice of suit was received to the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. without delay in addition to the public notice or notice pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph.
(8)As regards the application of the provisions of paragraph (6) if the Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc. as referred to in paragraph (6) holds all of the Issued Shares of the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company Resulting from the Share Exchange, etc. and as regards the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph if the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company referred to in that paragraph holds all of the Issued Shares in the Stock Company, the phrase "in addition to" in these provisions is read as "in lieu of".
(9)With regard to application of the provisions of paragraphs (5) through (7) to a Stock Company, etc. that is not a Public Company, the phrase "give public notice to that effect or give notice thereof to its shareholders" in paragraph (5) is read as "give notice to that effect to its shareholders", and "public notice or notice" in paragraphs (6) and (7) is read as "notice" respectively.
(10)In the cases listed in the following items, the Stock Company prescribed in those items must make a public notice to that effect or make a notice to a person prescribed in those items without delay:
(i)in cases where a Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from a Share Exchange, etc. receives a notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6):a Qualified Former Shareholder; and
(ii)in cases where an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc. receives a notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (7):shareholders of the Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc.
(11)For application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph in cases where a Stock Company prescribed in the items of the same paragraph is not a Public Company, "make public notice or make notice to the person prescribed in those items" in the same paragraph is read as "make notice to the person prescribed in those items".
Article 850(1)The provisions of Article 267 of the Code of Civil Procedure do not apply to the subject-matter of a suit relating to an Action for to Enforce Liability in cases where a Stock Company, etc. is not a party to settlement in such suit; provided, however, that this does not apply when such Stock Company, etc. has given approval.
(2)In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the court must notify the Stock Company, etc. of the contents of the settlement and give the Stock Company notice to the effect that it should state its objection to such settlement, if any, within two weeks.
(3)In cases where the Stock Company, etc. does not raise any objections in writing within the period set forth in the preceding paragraph, it is deemed to have given the approval for Shareholders, etc. to effect a settlement with the contents of the notice under the provisions of that paragraph.
(4)The provisions of Article 55, Article 102-2, paragraph (2), Article 103, paragraph (3), Article 120, paragraph (5), Article 213-2, paragraph (2), Article 286-2, paragraph (2), Article 424 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 486, paragraph (4)), Article 462, paragraph (3) (limited to the portion relating to the obligations assumed for the portion not exceeding the Distributable Amount prescribed in the proviso to that paragraph), Article 464, paragraph (2) and Article 465, paragraph (2) do not apply in cases of effecting a settlement in a suit relating to an Action to Enforce Liability.
(Conduct of a Suit of a Person Who Is No Longer a Shareholder)
Article 851(1)Even where a shareholder who has filed an Action to Enforce Liability or a shareholder who has intervened in a suit relating to the Action to Enforce Liability as a co-party ceases to be a shareholder during the pendency of such suit, such person may conduct the suit in the following cases:
(i)when such person acquires shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Company of the relevant Stock Company through a Share Exchange or Share Transfer by that Stock Company; or
(ii)when, through a merger in which the relevant Stock Company is the Company that disappears, that person acquires shares in the Stock Company incorporated as a result of the merger or acquires shares in the Stock Company surviving the merger or in its Wholly Owning Parent Company.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis when, in the case set forth in item (i) of that paragraph (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph or the following paragraph), the shareholder set forth in the preceding paragraph ceases to be a shareholder of shares in the Wholly Owning Parent Company of the relevant Stock Company during the pendency of the suit set forth in that paragraph. In such cases, the term "the relevant Stock Company" in that paragraph (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph or the following paragraph) is deemed to be replaced with "the relevant Wholly Owning Parent Company".
(3)The provisions of paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis when, in the case set forth in item (ii) of that paragraph (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph or this paragraph), the shareholder set forth in paragraph (1) ceases to be a shareholder of shares of the Stock Company that is incorporated in the merger or the Stock Company surviving a merger, or the Wholly Owning Parent Company thereof, during the pendency of the suit set forth in that paragraph. In such cases, the term "the relevant Stock Company" in that paragraph (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph and this paragraph) is deemed to be replaced with "the Stock Company that is incorporated in the merger or the Stock Company surviving a merger, or the Wholly Owning Parent Company thereof".
(Demand for Costs)
Article 852(1)In cases where a Shareholder, etc. who has filed an Action to Enforce Liability wins the suit (including cases of partially winning the suit), if the shareholder has paid the necessary costs (excluding court costs) or is to pay a fee to an attorney or a legal professional corporation with respect to the suit relating to the Action to Enforce Liability, the shareholder may demand the relevant Stock Company, etc. to pay an amount that is found to be reasonable, not exceeding the amount of such costs or the amount of such fee.
(2)Even in cases where a Shareholder, etc. who has filed an Action to Enforce Liability loses the case, the Shareholder, etc. is not obligated to compensate the relevant Stock Company, etc. for the damages arising as a result thereof, except when the Shareholder, etc. was in bad faith.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to any Shareholder, etc. who intervened in the suit set forth in Article 849, paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph.
(Action for a Retrial)
Article 853(1)In cases where an Action to Enforce Liability has been filed, if the plaintiff and the defendant, in conspiracy, caused the court to render a judgment for the purpose of prejudicing the rights of the Stock Company, etc., which are the subject-matter of the suit relating to the Action to Enforce Liability, the person listed in the following items may enter an appeal against the final judgment that became final and binding pertaining to the action prescribed in those items, by filing an action for a retrial:
(i)a shareholder or Stock Company, etc.:An Action to Enforce Liability;
(ii)a Qualified Former Shareholder:An Action to Enforce Liability (limited to a liability or obligation for which the fact causing them occurred by the time when the acts listed in the items of Article 847-2, paragraph (1) became effective); and
(iii)a shareholder of an Ultimate, Wholly Owning Parent Company, etc.:An Action to Enforce Specific Liability.
(2)The provisions of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the appeal for a retrial set forth in the preceding paragraph.
第三節 株式会社の役員の解任の訴え
Section 3 Action Seeking Dismissal of an Officer of a Stock Company
(Action Seeking Dismissal of an Officer of a Stock Company)
Article 854(1)If, notwithstanding the presence of misconduct or material facts in violation of laws and regulations or the articles of incorporation in connection with the execution of the duties of an officer (meaning the officer prescribed in Article 329, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same applies in this Section), a proposal to dismiss such officer is rejected at the shareholders meeting or a resolution at the shareholders meeting to dismiss such officer fails to become effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 323, the following shareholders may demand dismissal of such officer by filing an action within thirty days from the day of such shareholders meeting:
(i)a shareholder (excluding the following shareholders) holding consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or more) not less than three-hundredths (or, in cases where a lesser proportion is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of the voting rights of all shareholders (excluding the following shareholders):
(a)a shareholder who is unable to exercise a voting right with respect to the proposal to dismiss such officer; and
(b)a shareholder who is the officer pertaining to such demand; and
(ii)a shareholder (excluding the following shareholders) holding consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or more) not less than three-hundredths (or, in cases where a lesser proportion is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of the Issued Shares (excluding the shares held by the following shareholders):
(a)a shareholder who is such Stock Company; and
(b)a shareholder who is the officer pertaining to such demand.
(2)With regard to application of the provisions of the items of the preceding paragraph to a Stock Company that is not a Public Company, the phrase "holding consecutively for the preceding six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is prescribed in the articles of incorporation, such period or more)" in those provisions is deemed to be replaced with "holding".
(3)With regard to application of the provisions of paragraph (1) in cases where the class of shares for which there are provisions on the matters set forth in Article 108, paragraph (1), item (ix) (limited to those relating to directors (in cases of a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members or other Directors)) have been issued, the term "shareholders meeting" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "shareholders meeting (including the General Meeting of Class Shareholders set forth in Article 339, paragraph (1) as applied following the deemed replacement of terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 347, paragraph (1))".
(4)With regard to application of the provisions of paragraph (1) in cases where the class of shares for which there are provisions on the matters set forth in Article 108, paragraph (1), item (ix) (limited to those relating to company auditors) have been issued, the term "shareholders meeting" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "shareholders meeting (including the General Meeting of Class Shareholders set forth in Article 339, paragraph (1) as applied following the deemed replacement of terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 347, paragraph (2))".
Article 855With regard to the action set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (referred to as an "Action Seeking Dismissal of an Officer of a Stock Company" in the following Article and Article 937, paragraph (1), item (i), (j)), the relevant Stock Company and the officer set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article are to be the defendants.
(Jurisdiction over an Action)
Article 856An Action Seeking Dismissal of an Officer of a Stock Company is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the relevant Stock Company.
第四節 特別清算に関する訴え
Section 4 Action Concerning Special Liquidation
(Jurisdiction over an Action Seeking Rescission of Exemption from Liability of an Officer)
Article 857The action set forth in Article 544, paragraph (2) is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Special Liquidation Court (meaning the Special Liquidation Court prescribed in Article 880, paragraph (1); the same applies in paragraph (3) of the following Article).
(Action for Objection to a Ruling Evaluating a Subject Officer's Liability)
Article 858(1)A person who is dissatisfied with a Ruling Evaluating a Subject Officer's Liability (meaning the Ruling Evaluating a Subject Officer's Liability prescribed in Article 545, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same applies in this Article) may file an action for objection within the unextendable period of one month from the day of receiving the service under the provisions of Article 899, paragraph (4).
(2)With regard to the action set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Liquidating Stock Company must be the defendant if the person filing the action is the Subject Officer (meaning the Subject Officer prescribed in Article 542, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), and the Subject Officer must be the defendant if such person is the Liquidating Stock Company.
(3)The action set forth in paragraph (1) is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Special Liquidation Court.
(4)A judgment for the action set forth in paragraph (1) approves, changes or revokes the Ruling Evaluating the Subject Officer's Liability, except in cases of dismissing the action as being unlawful.
(5)A judgment that has approved or changed the Ruling Evaluating the Subject Officer's Liability has the same effect as a judgment ordering performance, with regard to compulsory execution.
(6)With regard to a judgment that has approved or changed the Ruling Evaluating the Subject Officer's Liability, the court in charge of the case may make a declaration of provisional execution pursuant to the provisions of Article 259, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure.
第五節 持分会社の社員の除名の訴え等
Section 5 Action Seeking Removal of Member of Membership Company
(Action Seeking Removal of Member of Membership Company)
Article 859If any one of the following grounds applies to a member of a Membership Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Member" in this Article and Article 861, item (i)), such Membership Company may demand removal of the Subject Member by filing an action, based on a resolution adopted by a majority of the members other than the Subject Member:
(i)a failure to perform the obligation of contribution;
(ii)a violation of the provisions of Article 594, paragraph (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 598, paragraph (2));
(iii)engagement in misconduct in executing duties or involvement in execution of duties when having no right to execute the duties;
(iv)engagement in misconduct in representing the Membership Company or conducting an act by representing the Membership Company when having no authority of representation; or
(v)beyond what is set forth in the preceding items, a failure to fulfill an important obligation.
(Action Seeking Extinguishment of Right to Execute Business or Authority of Representation of Member Executing Business of Membership Company)
Article 860If any one of the following grounds apply to a member executing the business of a Membership Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Managing Member" in this Article and item (ii) of the following Article), such Membership Company may demand extinguishment of the right to execute business or the authority of representation of the Subject Managing Member by filing an action, based on a resolution adopted by a majority of the members other than the Subject Managing Member:
(i)when there are any of the grounds listed in the items of the preceding Article; or
(ii)when the member is too incompetent to execute the business of the Membership Company or to represent the Membership Company.
Article 861With regard to the actions listed in the following items, the persons specified respectively in those items are to be the defendants:
(i)the action set forth in Article 859 (referred to as an "Action Seeking Removal of Member of Membership Company" in the following Article and Article 937, paragraph (1), item (i), (k)):the Subject Member; and
(ii)the action set forth in the preceding Article (referred to as an "Action Seeking Extinguishment of Right to Execute Business or Authority of Representation of Member Executing Business of Membership Company" in the following Article and Article 937, paragraph (1), item (i), (l)):the Subject Managing Member.
(Jurisdiction over an Action)
Article 862An Action Seeking Removal of Member of Membership Company and an Action Seeking Extinguishment of Right to Execute Business or Authority of Representation of Member Executing Business of Membership Company are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the relevant Membership Company.
第六節 清算持分会社の財産処分の取消しの訴え
Section 6 Action Seeking Rescission of Disposition of Property of a Liquidating Membership Company
(Action Seeking Rescission of Disposition of Property of a Liquidating Membership Company)
Article 863(1)When a Liquidating Membership Company (limited to a General Partnership Company or a Limited Partnership Company; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) commits any one of the acts listed in the following items, the persons specified respectively in those items may demand rescission of such act by filing an action; provided, however, that this does not apply if there is no risk of harm to such persons by such acts:
(i)disposition of property of the Liquidating Membership Company in violation of the provisions of Article 670:a creditor of the Liquidating Membership Company; or
(ii)disposition of property of the Liquidating Membership Company in violation of the provisions of Article 671, paragraph (1):a creditor who has attached the equity interest of a member of the Liquidating Membership Company.
(2)The provisions of the proviso to Article 424, paragraph (1), Article 425 and Article 426 of the Civil Code apply mutatis mutandis to the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph. In such cases, the phrase "from such act" in the proviso to Article 424, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code is deemed to be replaced with "from any one of the acts listed in the items of Article 863 of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005)".
Article 864With regard to the action set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the counterparties to the acts set forth in the items of that paragraph or the subsequent purchasers are to be the defendants.
第七節 社債発行会社の弁済等の取消しの訴え
Section 7 Action Seeking Rescission of Performance of a Bond-Issuing Company
(Action Seeking Rescission of Performance of a Bond-Issuing Company)
Article 865(1)When a Bond-Issuing Company's payment to a bondholder, settlement effected with a bondholder, or other act conducted against or with a bondholder is grossly improper, the bond administrator may demand rescission of such act by filing an action.
(2)The action set forth in the preceding paragraph may not be filed when six months have elapsed from the time when the bond administrator learned about the fact that serves as the cause for the rescission of the act set forth in that paragraph. The same applies when one year has elapsed from the time of the act set forth in that paragraph.
(3)In the cases prescribed in paragraph (1), if there is a resolution at a bondholders meeting, a representative bondholder or a Resolution Administrator (meaning the Resolution Administrator prescribed in Article 737, paragraph (2)) may also demand rescission of the act set forth in paragraph (1) by filing an action; provided, however, that this does not apply when one year has elapsed from the time of the act set forth in that paragraph.
(4)The provisions of the proviso to Article 424, paragraph (1) and Article 425 of the Civil Code apply mutatis mutandis to the cases set forth in paragraph (1) and the main clause of the preceding paragraph. In such cases, the phrase "from such act" in the proviso to Article 424, paragraph (1) of that Act is deemed to be replaced with "from the act prescribed in Article 865, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act", the phrase "the fact that the obligee is to be prejudiced" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "that such act is grossly improper", and the term "obligees" in Article 425 is deemed to be replaced with "bondholders".
Article 866With regard to the action set forth in paragraph (1) or paragraph (3) of the preceding Article, the counterparty to the act set forth in paragraph (1) of that Article or the subsequent purchaser is to be the defendant.
(Jurisdiction over an Action)
Article 867The action set forth in Article 865, paragraph (1) or paragraph (3) is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Bond-Issuing Company.
第三章 非訟
Chapter III Non-Contentious Cases
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases)
Article 868(1)A non-contentious case under the provisions of this Act (excluding the cases prescribed in the following paragraph to paragraph (6)) is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Company.
(2)A case relating to a petition, filed by a Member of the Parent Company (limited to a shareholder or member of the Parent Company, which is a Company), for permission to inspect or otherwise access, as follows, a document or electronic or magnetic record prepared or kept by a Stock Company pursuant to the provisions of this Act (meaning to inspect, copy, or be issued a transcript or extract, of it, or to be provided with information or issued a document showing information with regard to it; the same applies in Article 870, paragraph (2), item (i)) is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of such Stock Company:
(i)to inspect, copy, or be delivered a transcript or extract of the documents; and
(ii)to inspect or copy something that presents the information recorded in an electronic or magnetic record, to be provided with that information by electronic or magnetic means, or to be issued a document showing that information.
(3)The case pertaining to the petition to determine the sale price of Shares, etc. Subject to the Cash-Out pursuant to the provisions of Article 179-8, paragraph (1) is under the jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Subject Company.
(4)A case relating to a petition for a judicial decision under the provisions of Article 705, paragraph (4), Article 706, paragraph (4), Article 707, Article 711, paragraph (3), Article 713, Article 714, paragraphs (1) and (3), Article 718, paragraph (3), Article 732, Article 740, paragraph (1) and Article 741, paragraph (1) is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Bond-Issuing Company.
(5)A case relating to liquidation of a Foreign Company under the provisions of Article 822, paragraph (1) and a case relating to a judicial decision under the provisions of Article 827, paragraph (1) or a provisional order under the provisions of Article 825, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 827, paragraph (2) is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of such Foreign Company's business office in Japan (or, in cases where no business office is established in Japan, the address of the representative in Japan).
(6)A case in relation to the petition set forth in Article 843, paragraph (4) is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the court in charge of the first instance of an action seeking invalidation of any one of the acts listed in the items of paragraph (1) of that Article.
(Prima Facie Showing)
Article 869In cases of filing a petition for permission under the provisions of this Act, a prima facie showing must be made with regard to the fact that serves as the cause thereof.
(Hearing of Statements)
Article 870(1)When the court makes the judicial decisions listed in the following items from among judicial decisions relating to non-contentious cases under the provisions of this Act (excluding Part II, Chapter IX, Section 2), it must hear statements by the persons specified respectively in those items); provided, however, that this does not apply to cases of making a judicial decision to dismiss the petition as non-conforming or on the grounds that it is obvious that there are no reasons:
(i)a determination of the amount of remuneration for a person who is temporarily to perform the duties of a director (in cases of a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee, a director who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member or other director), accounting advisor, company auditor, Representative Director, committee member (meaning members of a Nominating Committee, Audit Committee, or Compensation Committee; the same applies in Article 874, item (i)), executive officer or representative executive officer appointed pursuant to the provisions of Article 346, paragraph (2), Article 351, paragraph (2) or Article 401, paragraph (3) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 403, paragraph (3) or Article 420, paragraph (3)), a liquidator, a person who is temporarily to perform the duties of a liquidator or representative liquidator appointed pursuant to the provisions of Article 346, paragraph (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 479, paragraph (4) or the provisions of Article 351, paragraph (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 483, paragraph (6), an inspector, or the administrator set forth in Article 825, paragraph (2) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 827, paragraph (2)):the relevant Company (in cases of determination of the remuneration amount of the administrator set forth in Article 825, paragraph (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 827, paragraph (2), the relevant Foreign Company) and the person receiving the remuneration;
(ii)a judicial decision on dismissal of a liquidator or a bond administrator:such liquidator or bond administrator;