Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act(Ministry of Justice Order No. 94 of 1947)
Last Version: Ministry of Justice Order No. 52 of 2019
▶Main Provision
December 21, 2022
- Last Version: Ministry of Justice Order No. 52 of 2019
- Translated Date: February 28, 2022
- Dictionary Version: 14.0
March 18, 2014
- Last Version: Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice No. 6 of 2012
- Translated Date: February 22, 2013
- Dictionary Version: 7.0
Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act
Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act
Ministry of Justice Order No. 94 of December 29, 1947
Ministry of Justice Order No. 94 of December 29, 1947
The Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act is hereby established as follows.
第一章 戸籍簿
Chapter I Family Register Books
第二章 戸籍の記載手続
Chapter II Procedures for Entry in Family Register
第三章 届出
Chapter III Notifications
第四章 電子情報処理組織による戸籍事務の取扱いに関する特例
Chapter IV Special Provisions for Handling of Clerical Work Related to Family Registers by Electronic Data Processing Systems
第四章の二 電子情報処理組織による届出又は申請等の特例
Chapter IV-2 Special Provisions for Notifications or Applications Using Electronic Data Processing Systems
第五章 雑則
Chapter V Miscellaneous Provisions
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 戸籍簿
Chapter I Family Register Books
Article 1Family register pages must be prepared by using durable paper of Japanese Industrial Standard "B" Series size 4 and using the Appendix 1 Form; provided, however that this does not preclude the use of durable paper in "minoban" size.
Article 2(1)When a family register consists of multiple pages, the municipal mayor must affix their official seal over the boundary of each of the contiguous pages, and enter the page number on each page.
(2)If a portion of a family register page has been filled up, a paper strip overlay may be attached to the page. In this case, the municipal mayor must affix their official seal over the boundary between the paper strip overlay and the main page.
Article 3Family registers are compiled for each area specified by a municipal mayor in the order of the parcel number or the block code indicating registered domiciles, or in the order of "a," "i," "u," "e," "o" of the surnames of the persons entered as heads of families among those who have their registered domiciles within that area.
Article 4(1)A family register book must have a cover sheet prepared using the Appendix 2 Form.
(2)A family register book may be divided into volumes. In this case, the number of the volume must be stated on the cover sheet, and if the family register book is divided by area, the area name must also be stated on the cover sheet.
Article 5(1)A register book of removed family registers must be compiled separately for each year, with the number of pages stated, and the title "Register Book of Removed Family Registers for Year XXXX" must be indicated on the cover sheet.
(2)The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the register book of removed family registers for each year.
(3)When a municipal mayor finds it to be appropriate, they may combine register books of removed family registers for multiple years into one volume. In this case, the mayor must attach an additional cover page to the volume and the title "Register Book of Removed Family Registers for Years XXXX through XXXX" must be indicated on the cover sheet.
(4)Register books of removed family registers must be preserved for 150 years from the year following the relevant year.
Article 6(1)A municipal mayor must prepare index books separately for family register books and register books of removed family registers using the Appendix Form 3, and enter the names, registered domiciles, and other particulars concerning the persons entered at the head of the family registers, in the old Japanese alphabetical order (in the order of "i," "ro," "ha"...) or in the modern Japanese alphabetical order (in the order of "a," "i," "u," "e," "o"...) of the surnames of those persons in the index books.
(2)When a municipal mayor finds it to be appropriate, they may enter the particulars set forth in the preceding paragraph in the index cards using the Appendix 4 Form, arrange them in the order prescribed in that paragraph, and substitute the index cards for an index book.
Article 7(1)Neither a family register book nor a register book of removed family registers may be taken outside the city office, or the town or village office, except for the cases where it is necessary to do so in order to avoid any contingency.
(2)If a family register book or a register book of removed family registers is taken outside the city office, or the town or village office, the municipal mayor must report the fact without delay to the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office.
Article 8Family register books and register books of removed family registers must be securely preserved by storing them in a lockable, fire-resistant bookcase or repository.
Article 9(1)When the whole or a part of a family register book or a register book of removed family registers is lost, the municipal mayor must report the fact without delay to the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office using a document stating the reason, the date, the name of the register book, the number of volumes, and other necessary particulars concerning the relevant loss.
(2)When the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office receives the report referred to in the preceding paragraph, it must put together a method for replicating or supplementing the lost register book, and inform the Minister of Justice about the method, after carrying out the necessary investigation.
(3)When the whole or a part of a family register book or a register book of removed family registers is likely to be lost, a report must be made and information must be provided in the same manner as under the preceding two paragraphs.
Article 10When the request referred to in Article 11-2 of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (2) of that Act) is made, a report must be made and information must be provided in the same manner as under paragraphs (1) and (2) of the preceding Article.
Article 10-2(1)The original family register of a family register replicated or removed pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (2) of that Act) is to be preserved for one year from the year following the relevant year.
(2)The original family register of a family register replicated or removed pursuant to the provisions of Article 11-2, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (2) of that Act) is to be preserved for 150 years from the year following the relevant year.
(3)The original family register of a family register replicated or removed pursuant to the provisions of Article 11-2, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (2) of that Act) is to be preserved for one year from the year following the relevant year.
Article 11The method specified by Ministry of Justice Order as referred to in Article 10, paragraph (3) of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 10-2, paragraph (6), Article 12-2, and Article 48, paragraph (3) of that Act) is to be either of the methods set forth in the following items:
(i)postal mail; or
(ii)correspondence delivery as defined in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Correspondence Delivery by Private Business Operators (Act No. 99 of 2002) made by a general correspondence delivery operator prescribed in paragraph (6) of that Article or a specified correspondence delivery operator prescribed in paragraph (9) of that Article.
Article 11-2The method specified by Ministry of Justice Order as referred to in Article 10-3, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act is any of the methods set forth in the following items:
(i)when making the request referred to in Article 10, paragraph (1), or Article 10-2, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Family Register Act, the method of presenting one or more documents from among a driver's license prescribed in Article 92, paragraph (1) of the Road Traffic Act (Act No. 105 of 1960), a passport prescribed in Article 2, item (v) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Cabinet Order No. 319 of 1951), the residence card prescribed in Article 19-3 of that Act, a special permanent resident certificate prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Special Act on the Immigration Control of, Inter Alia, Those Who Have Lost Japanese Nationality Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan (Act No. 71 of 1991), any of the licenses, permits, status certificates, etc. issued by a national or local government agency which are set forth in Appended Table 1, an individual number card prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (Act No. 27 of 2013), and an identification card issued by a national or local government agency with a photograph attached;
(ii)when making the request referred to in Article 10, paragraph (1) or Article 10-2, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act, if none of the documents set forth in the preceding item may be presented, the method of presenting one or more documents from among those set forth in (a) and one or more documents from among those set forth in (b) (if none of the documents set forth in (b) may be presented, the method of presenting two or more documents from among those set forth in (a)):
(a)an insurance card for national health insurance, health insurance, mariners insurance, or long-term care insurance, a mutual aid association membership card, the national pension book, a pension certificate for national pension, employees' pension insurance, or mariners' insurance, a certificate of a mutual aid pension or public officers' pension, a seal registration certificate for the seal affixed to a document for requesting the issuance of a certified copy of a family register, etc., or other documents which a municipal mayor finds to be appropriate as documents equivalent thereto; and
(b)a student identification card, an identification card issued by a corporation (excluding a card issued by a national or local government agency), or a status certificate issued by a national or local government agency (excluding the documents set forth in item (i)), with a photograph attached, or other documents which a municipal mayor finds to be appropriate as documents equivalent thereto;
(iii)when making the request referred to in Article 10, paragraph (1) or Article 10-2, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act, if none of the methods set forth in the preceding two items may be used, the method of explaining, as required by a municipal mayor who receives the relevant request, the particulars entered in the family register of the person who is in charge of making the request which is managed by the municipal mayor, or any other method which the municipal mayor finds to be appropriate for identifying the person who is in charge of making the request;
(iv)when making the request referred to in Article 10-2, paragraphs (1) through (5) of the Family Register Act, the method of presenting any of the documents set forth in item (i) or a document proving the status of an attorney-at-law, judicial scrivener, land and house investigator, certified public tax accountant, social and labor security attorney, patent attorney, marine procedure commission agent, or administrative scrivener (hereinafter referred to as an "attorney-at-law, etc.") or of a person who assists in the work of an attorney-at-law, etc., with a photograph attached, and making the request by submitting a document requesting the issuance of a certified copy of a family register, etc. which has been created by the association to which the attorney-at-law, etc. belongs (hereinafter referred to as a "unified request form") with the official seal of the relevant attorney-at-law, etc. affixed; or
(v)when making a request for a certified copy of a family register, etc. to be sent based on the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (3) of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 10-2, paragraph (6) of that Act), any of the following methods:
(a)when making the request referred to in Article 10, paragraph (1) or Article 10-2, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act, a method of sending a copy of one or more of any of the documents set forth in item (i) or (ii) and designating the current address indicated on the copy of the document as the place to which the certified copy of the family register, etc. should be sent, a method of sending a copy of the supplementary family register or a copy of the resident record and designating the current address indicated on the copy as the place to which the certified copy of the family register, etc. should be sent, or a method of designating, as the place to which the certified copy of the family register, etc. should be sent, the current address indicated on the supplementary family register or the resident record of the person who is in charge of making the request which is managed by the municipal mayor who received the request; provided, however, that the method is either of the following methods when the requester is a corporation:
1.when the representative or a manager of the corporation is in charge of making the request, a method of sending a copy of one or more of any of the documents set forth in item (i) or item (ii), (a) and designating the location of the head office or a branch office of the corporation (limited to a branch office if the person who is in charge of making the request is a manager) indicated on a document proving the status of the representative or a manager of the corporation as the place to which the certified copy of the family register, etc. should be sent; or
2.when an employee of the corporation is in charge of making the request, a method of sending a copy of one or more of any of the documents set forth in item (i) or item (ii), (a) and a document that confirms the location of the business office or any other office of the corporation to which the employee belongs, and designating the relevant location as the place to which the certified copy of the family register, etc. should be sent;
(b)when making the request set forth in Article 10-2, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act, a method of designating the location of the office of the national or local government agency making the request as the place to which the certified copy of the family register, etc. should be sent; or
(c)when making the request set forth in Article 10-2, paragraphs (3) through (5) of the Family Register Act, a method of sending a copy of any of the documents set forth in item (i) or of a document proving the status of an attorney-at-law, etc. and a unified request form with the official seal of the attorney-at-law, etc. affixed, and designating the location of the office of the attorney-at-law, etc. as the place to which the certified copy of the family register, etc. should be sent; provided, however, that when the association to which the attorney-at-law, etc. belongs has publicized the names of its members and the location of their offices by a method that can be easily confirmed, it is not necessary to send a copy of any of the documents set forth in item (i) or the document providing the status of the attorney-at-law, etc.
Article 11-3The particulars specified by the Ministry of Justice Order referred to in Article 10-3, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act are the name and address or the date of birth; provided, however, that when making either of the requests referred to in the following items, they are to be the particulars specified respectively in those items:
一戸籍法第十条の二第二項の請求 氏名及び所属機関、住所又は生年月日
(i)the request referred to in Article 10-2, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act: the name and the agency to which the person belongs, the person's address or date of birth; and
二戸籍法第十条の二第三項から第五項までの請求 氏名及び住所、生年月日又は請求者の事務所の所在地
(ii)any of the requests referred to in Article 10-2, paragraphs (3) through (5) of the Family Register Act: the name and the address, the date of birth, or the location of the office of the requester.
Article 11-4(1)The method specified by Ministry of Justice Order as referred to in Article 10-3, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act is a method of providing a power of attorney, a document proving the status of the representative or a manger of a corporation, or any other document proving that the person who is in charge of making the request is authorized to request the issuance of a certified copy of the family register, etc.
(2)Any document set forth in the preceding paragraph which has been prepared by a government agency or public office is limited to one that has been prepared within the past three months.
Article 11-5(1)A person who has made a request for the issuance of a certified copy of the family register, etc. (including the document referred to in Article 120, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act) (hereinafter referred to as the "issuance request" in this Article) may request the return of the original copy of the document submitted upon the issuance request; provided, however, that this does not apply to a power of attorney or any other document that has been prepared solely for the issuance request.
(2)A person who requests the return of the original under the main clause of the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "request for the return of the original copy" in this Article) must submit a certified copy containing a statement that it is consistent with the original copy.
(3)When a request for the return of the original copy is made, a municipal mayor must return the original copy of the document related to the request for the return of the original copy after the examination on the issuance request is completed. In this case, the mayor must compare the certified copy referred to in the preceding paragraph and the original copy of the document related to the request for the return of the original copy, confirm that their contents are the same, and state on the certified copy referred to in that paragraph that the original copy has been returned.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of the first sentence of the preceding paragraph, a municipal mayor may not return a counterfeit document or any other document suspected of being used for making an unlawful issuance request.
(5)The return of the original copy pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) may be carried out by the method of sending the original copy, upon the request of the person who has requested its return.
Article 11-6With regard to the method and particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 10-3, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act as applied mutatis mutandis to a request for the issuance of a certified copy of the removed family register, etc. pursuant to Article 12-2 of that Act, the provisions of Articles 11-2 and 11-3 apply mutatis mutandis; with regard to the method specified by the Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 10-3, paragraph (2) of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis to a request for the issuance of a certified copy of the removed family register, etc. pursuant to Article 12-2 of that Act, the provisions of Article 11-4 apply mutatis mutandis; with regard to the return of the original copy of the document submitted upon the request for the issuance of a removed family register, etc., the provisions of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis.
Article 12(1)A certified copy or an abridged copy of the family register or the removed family register must be prepared using the same form as that of the original copy.
(2)In a certified copy or an abridged copy, a municipal mayor must make a supplementary note using the Appendix 15 Form in an adjacent location, as well as state their official title and affix their official seal to the certified or abridged copy.
(3)When a certified copy or an abridged copy consists of multiple pages, a municipal mayor must affix their official seal to each page to confirm page continuation, or take any other necessary measure for preventing the addition or removal of pages.
(4)When a paper strip overlay is attached to a certified copy or abridged copy, a municipal mayor must affix their official seal across the boundary between the paper strip overlay and the main page.
Article 13Deleted
Article 14(1)A certificate concerning the particulars entered in a family register or a removed family register and any other certificate concerning a family register or a removed family register to be issued pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations must be prepared using the Appendix 17 Form; provided, however, that a municipal mayor may state the purpose of the certification and date of certification in a document stating the particulars for which certification is sought or in a note attached to the document, as well as state their official title and affix their official seal, and substitute it for a certificate.
(2)When providing certification prescribed in the preceding paragraph using an attached note, a municipal mayor must affix their official seal across the boundary between the attached note and the main page.
Article 15(1)In any of the following cases, a municipal mayor must send duplicates of family registers or removed family registers along with a list of their contents to the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office every month without delay:
(i)when new family registers have been created;
(ii)when 25 years have passed from the day of the creation of family registers; or
(iii)when whole of the family register has been deleted.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office may require a municipal mayor to send duplicates of family registers or removed family registers at any time.
Article 16When sending duplicates of family registers or removed family registers, the date sent and the job title of the sender must be stated in the list of their contents.
Article 17Deleted
Article 18(1)When the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office receives duplicates of family registers or removed family registers pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, it must compile them separately for each municipality along with the list of the contents and preserve them as a duplicate of a family register book or of a register book of removed family registers.
(2)The provisions of Article 5 apply mutatis mutandis to the register books prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
(3)When the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office disposes of register books prescribed in paragraph (1) whose preservation period prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph have expired, the head of the legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau must make a decision to that effect in advance.
(4)The competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office is to enter in register books the status of preservation of register books prescribed in paragraph (1).
Article 19When the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office receives duplicates of family registers or removed family registers pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (1), item (ii), item (iii), or paragraph (2), it may dispose of the duplicates of family registers which it has received earlier, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2) of the preceding Article.
第二章 戸籍の記載手続
Chapter II Procedures for Entry in Family Register
Article 20(1)When a municipal mayor accepts or receives a written notification, a written application or other such documents, they must enter the acceptance number and date in the document.
(2)When a municipal mayor corrects or makes an entry in a family register with the permission of the director of the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (2) or Article 44, paragraph (3) of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 45 of that Act), the mayor must state the particulars set forth in the preceding paragraph in the permit.
(3)When a municipal mayor corrects an entry in a family register by their own authority pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (3) of the Family Register Act, the particulars set forth in paragraph (1) must be entered in the written correction.
Article 21(1)A municipal mayor must prepare an acceptance record book using the Appendix 5 Form every year, and enter the following particulars of the cases which they have accepted or received during the relevant year in the acceptance record book, in the order of their acceptance; provided, however, that it is sufficient to enter the particulars referred to in items (iii), (vi) and (vii) for only the cases which they have accepted:
(i)the case name;
(ii)the name and the registered domicile or nationality of the party to the event under notification;
(iii)when the notifier is not the party to the event under notification, the qualification and the name of the notifier;
(iv)the acceptance number and date;
(v)the distinction of whether the event under notification has been accepted or received;
(vi)in the case of notification of birth, the date of birth;
(vii)in the case of notification of death or presumed death, the date and time of death or the date of the presumed death; and
(viii)in the case of notification, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 79-2, paragraph (2), a statement to that effect.
(2)When a municipal mayor finds it to be appropriate, they may prepare the acceptance record book referred to in the preceding paragraph separately for events concerning persons who have their registered domiciles within the municipality and cases concerning persons who have registered domiciles outside the municipality.
(3)An acceptance record book is to be preserved for 150 years from the year following the relevant year.
Article 22The acceptance number must be updated every year.
Article 23(1)The type of event must be specified in accordance with the category of events set forth in Chapter IV, Sections 2 through 16 of the Family Register Act.
(2)The subsequent completion of a notification and correction in a family register must be specified as an independent type of event, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Article 24The municipal mayor of the place of the registered domicile must make an entry in the family register without delay after carrying out the procedures referred to in Article 20 and Article 21, paragraph (1).
Article 25When the registered domicile is to be transferred from one municipality to another municipality, the municipal mayor who accepted the notification or application must send a copy of the written notification or the written application to the mayor of the other municipality without delay after making an entry in the family register.
Article 26When it is necessary for the mayor of the other municipality to make an entry in a family register other than in the case referred to in the preceding Article, the municipal mayor who accepted the notification or application must send a copy of the written notification or the written application to the mayor of the other municipality without delay.
Article 27When, after accepting a notification with regard to a person whose registered domicile cannot be ascertained or who has no registered domicile, a notification is made to the effect that the person's registered domicile has been ascertained or the person now has a registered domicile, the provisions of the preceding two Articles apply to the relevant written notification and the written notification that was previously accepted.
Article 28The provisions of the preceding three Articles apply mutatis mutandis to the case where an entry should be made in a family register based on a document other than a written notification or a written application. In this case, the municipal mayor must make a certified copy of the document they have accepted, and send it.
Article 29The provisions of Article 16 apply mutatis mutandis to the case of sending a written notification, a written application or other such documents or its certified copy.
Article 30The particulars referred to in Article 13, item (viii) of the Family Register Act are as follows:
(i)in addition to the particulars set forth in Article 13, items (i) through (vii) of the Family Register Act, particulars concerning the person's status;
(ii)the date of acceptance of a notification or application and if the notification or application has been made by a person who is not the party to the event, the qualification and the name of the notifier or the applicant (excluding the name when a father or a mother is the notifier or the applicant);
(iii)the date of acceptance of a report, and the job title of the person who made the report;
(iv)the date of the acceptance of a request, commission, certificate, or certified copy of a logbook;
(v)when having received from the mayor of another municipality or from another government agency a written notification, a written application or other such document which has been accepted by the relevant municipal mayor or government agency, the date of acceptance and the job title of the person who accepted the relevant document; and
(vi)the date on which a judicial decision ordering that an entry be made in the family register became final and binding.
Article 31(1)When making an entry in a family register, neither simplified characters nor codes may be used, and the strokes of the characters must be shown clearly.
(2)When entering a date, kanji characters "壱" (pronounced "ichi" and meaning "one"), "弐" (pronounced "ni" and meaning "two"), "参" (pronounced "san" and meaning "three"), and "拾" (pronounced "jyuu" and meaning "ten") must be used.
(3)The characters entered in a family register must not be altered.
(4)When a municipal mayor corrects, adds, or deletes a character or characters upon making an entry in a family register, they must state the number of those characters in the margin of the page, affix their seal of approval to the number, and leave the deleted characters in a state that is still clearly readable.
Article 32(1)Every time an entry is made in a family register, a municipal mayor must affix their seal of approval at the end of the entered text.
(2)When a person who performs the duties of the municipal mayor on their behalf makes an entry in a family register, the person must state the person's qualification to represent the mayor and affix the person's seal of approval at the end of the entered text.
Article 33(1)Entries in a family register must be made in the corresponding columns specified in the template of Appendix 6.
(2)Entries in the details columns must be made by changing the line for each event, according to the sample entries of Appendix 7.
Article 34The following particulars must be entered in the family register history column:
(i)particulars concerning the creation of a new family register;
(ii)particulars concerning a change of surname;
(iii)particulars concerning the transfer of a registered domicile;
(iv)particulars concerning the deletion of the whole of the family register;
(v)particulars concerning the correction of the whole of the family register; and
(vi)particulars concerning the replication or recompilation of the family register.
Article 35The particulars set forth in the following particulars must be entered in the personal status history column of the persons prescribed in those items:
(i)particulars concerning birth, the child;
(ii)particulars concerning the acknowledgment of parentage, the father and child;
(iii)particulars concerning adoption (excluding a special adoption) or the dissolution of the adoptive relationship, the adoptive parents and adopted child;
(iii)-2particulars concerning a special adoption or the dissolution of adoptive relationship, the adopted child, and if the adopted child is not a Japanese national (hereinafter referred to as a "foreign national"), the adoptive parents;
(iii)-3particulars concerning taking the surname used at the time of the dissolution of the adoptive relationship prescribed in Article 73-2 of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 69-2 of that Act), the person who took the surname;
(iv)particulars concerning marriage or divorce, the husband and wife;
(iv)-2particulars concerning taking the surname used at the time of a divorce as prescribed in Article 77-2 of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 75-2 of that Act), the person who took the surname;
(v)particulars concerning parental authority or guardianship over a minor, the minor;
(vi)particulars concerning a death or disappearance, the deceased person or the disappeared person;
(vii)particulars concerning a surviving spouse reverting to the previous surname or the ending of a relationship of relatives by affinity, the surviving spouse;
(viii)particulars concerning the disinheritance of a presumptive heir, the disinherited person;
(ix)particulars concerning the entry of a name in a family register prescribed in Articles 98 and 99 of the Family Register Act, the person whose name has been entered in the family register;
(x)particulars concerning separation from a family register, the person who has separated from the family register;
(xi)particulars concerning the acquisition or loss of Japanese nationality, the person who has acquired or lost Japanese nationality;
(xii)particulars concerning a declaration of the selection of Japanese nationality or loss of foreign nationality, the person who has made the declaration or the person who has lost foreign nationality;
(xiii)particulars concerning a change of surname as prescribed in Article 107, paragraphs (2) through (4) of the Family Register Act, the person who has changed the surname;
(xiv)particulars concerning the change of a given name, the person who has changed the given name;
(xv)particulars concerning the registration of an unregistered person, the person who has been so registered; and
(xvi)particulars concerning a change in handling of gender, the person who has received a judicial decision of the change.
Article 36(1)When a marriage is dissolved due to death, a statement to that effect must be entered in the personal status history column of the surviving spouse.
(2)With regard to a person whose husband or wife is a foreign national, particulars concerning the nationality of the husband or wife must be entered in the personal status history column of the relevant person.
Article 37In the case referred to in Article 108, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act, the particulars entered in the certified copy of the family register attached to the written notification must be entered in the family register at the place where a new registered domicile is designated; provided, however, that this does not apply to the following particulars:
(i)particulars set forth in Article 34, item (i), and items (iii) through (vi);
(iii)particulars concerning a person whose name has been removed from a family register other than the person whose name is entered at the head of the family register;
(iv)particulars entered in the personal status history column of a person whose name was entered at the head of a family register but whose name has been removed; and
(v)any other particulars that are not required to be transferred when creating a new family register.
Article 38The particulars concerning the entry of a name in a family register with regard to a person for whom a new family register is to be created or whose name is to be entered in another family register and the reference to the previous family register of the relevant person must be entered in the personal status history column of the relevant person.
Article 39(1)With regard to a person for whom a new family register is to be created or whose name is to be entered in another family register, the particulars set forth in the following items which have been entered in the previous family register must be entered in the new family register or the other family register:
(i)particulars concerning birth;
(ii)with regard to a child born out of wedlock, particulars concerning the acknowledgment of parentage;
(iii)with regard to an adopted child, particulars concerning an adoption in which the adoptive parent-child relationship is continuing;
(iv)with regard to a husband and wife, particulars concerning a marriage in which the marital relationship is continuing, and particulars concerning the nationality of each spouse;
(v)particulars concerning parental authority over a person who is a minor or particulars concerning guardianship over a minor;
(vi)particulars concerning the disinheritance of a presumptive heir and the disinheritance has not been revoked;
(vii)particulars concerning a declaration of the selection of Japanese nationality or loss of foreign nationality;
(viii)particulars concerning the change of a given name; and
(ix)particulars concerning a change in handling of gender.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to the case in which an entry in a family register should be recovered due to the annulment of a marriage or an adoption, or on any other grounds.
Article 40(1)When removing the name of a person from a family register, the grounds for this must be entered in the personal status history column of the person whose name is to be removed, and a part of the family register must be deleted.
(2)When the names of all of the persons in the family register are removed, the whole of the family register must be deleted.
(3)The provisions of paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis to the case of entering the name of an adopted child at the end of a family register pursuant to the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (3) of the Family Register Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 20-3, paragraph (2) of that Act.
Article 41(1)When, after a change of the place of the registered domicile, the municipal mayor of the place of the original domicile accepts a written notification, a written application or other such document, they must send the document to the municipal mayor of the new place of the registered domicile, as well as delete any entry that has been made in the family register based on the relevant document and enter the grounds for the deletion in the family register.
(2)When the municipal mayor of the new place of the registered domicile receives the document referred to in the preceding paragraph, they must make an entry in the family register based on the relevant document.
Article 42In order to delete the whole or a part of or an entry in a family register, the deletion must be made in red ink using the Appendix 8 Form.
Article 43When written notifications have been made separately by multiple persons for the same event and an entry has been made in the family register based on the notification that was subsequently accepted, the family register must be corrected based on the notification that was previously accepted.
Article 44In order to correct a family register, the purpose of and grounds for the correction must be entered, and the entry to be corrected must be deleted in red ink using the Appendix 9 Form. If the correction is related to a part of the family register, the purpose of and grounds for the correction must be entered in the personal status history column of the person whose entry should be corrected.
Article 45When there has been a change in an administrative district, a land name, a parcel number or block code, the entry in a family register is deemed to have been corrected; provided, however, that this does not preclude a person from making a correction of the entry.
Article 46(1)In order to make the correction referred to in the preceding Article, the entry of the particular to be corrected in the registered domicile column must be corrected using the Appendix 10 Form.
(2)When correcting the entry of an administrative district or a land name, the name entered on the cover sheet of the family register book must be corrected, and the grounds for this must be entered at the back of the cover sheet.
Article 47The notice referred to in Article 24, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act must be given in writing using the Appendix 18 Form.
Article 47-2When a municipal mayor corrects an entry in a family register pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (2) or paragraph (3) of the Family Register Act, they must promptly contact the notifier or the party to the event under notification.
Article 48(1)When procedures for making entries in family registers have been completed, the written notifications, the written applications or other such documents must be compiled separately based on whether the person has a registered domicile within or outside the municipality, and by the type of the event according to the order in which they were accepted, as well as attach a list of the contents to each group of documents; provided, however, that when a municipal mayor finds it to be appropriate, it is not required to compile the documents by the type of the event.
(2)The documents referred to in the preceding paragraph which concerns persons who have their registered domiciles within a municipality must be sent to the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office every month without delay.
(3)The documents set forth in paragraph (1) which concerns persons who have their registered domiciles outside the municipality is to be preserved for one year from the year following the relevant year.
Article 49(1)Documents which have been sent pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article must be preserved by compiling them separately for each city office, or town or village office that accepted or received the document, and by year; provided, however, that this does not preclude the documents from being compiled in divided volumes.
(2)The documents referred to in the preceding paragraph is to be preserved for 27 years from the year following the relevant year.
(3)When a municipal mayor makes a request to transfer documents referred to in paragraph (1) whose preservation period referred to in the preceding paragraph has expired, the documents may be transferred to the city office, or the town or village office that has accepted or received the notification.
(4)The provisions of Article 18, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis in cases where the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office disposes of the documents referred to in the preceding paragraph or transfers the documents to a city office, or a town or village office pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(5)The competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office is to enter the status of preservation of the documents referred to in paragraph (1) in the register books referred to in Article 18, paragraph (4).
Article 49-2(1)When the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office receives duplicates of family registers or removed family registers pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (1), items (ii) and (iii) and paragraph (2), notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, it may dispose of the documents concerning the relevant family registers or upon the request of the municipal mayor transfer the relevant documents to a city office, or a town or village office, when five years have passed from the year following the year in which the municipal mayor accepted or received the documents.
(2)The provisions of Article 18, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis in cases where the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office disposes of the documents referred to in the preceding paragraph or transfers the documents to a city office, or a town or village office pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Article 50(1)A municipal mayor must preserve documents that have been accepted concerning particulars that are not required to be entered in a family register by compiling them separately by year and attaching a list of the contents; provided, however, that this does not preclude the documents from being compiled in divided volumes.
(2)Among the documents referred to in the preceding paragraph, those concerning an act which becomes effective upon notification are to be preserved for 50 years from the year following the relevant year, and other documents are to be preserved for ten years from the year following the relevant year.
Article 51Deleted
Article 52The provisions of Article 8 apply mutatis mutandis to written notifications, written applications, and other such documents.
Article 52-2With regard to the method and particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 10-3, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act as applied mutatis mutandis to a request for a certificate of acceptance or non-acceptance of a notification, a request for the inspection of a written notification or other such document accepted by a municipal mayor, or a request for a certificate concerning the particulars stated in the document (hereinafter referred to as a "request for a certificate, etc." in this Article) pursuant to Article 48, paragraph (3) of that Act, the provisions of Article 11-2, items (i) through (iii), item (v), (a), and the main clause of Article 11-3 apply mutatis mutandis; with regard to the method specified by Ministry of Justice Order as prescribed in Article 10-3, paragraph (2) of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis to a request for a certificate, etc. pursuant to Article 48, paragraph (3) of that Act, the provisions of Article 11-4 apply mutatis mutandis; with regard to the return of the original copy of a document submitted upon a request for a certificate, etc., the provisions of Article 11-5 apply mutatis mutandis.
第三章 届出
Chapter III Notifications
Article 53The provisions of the main clause of Article 11-3 apply mutatis mutandis to the particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order as referred to in Article 27-2, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act.
Article 53-2The provisions of Article 11-2, items (i) through (iii) apply mutatis mutandis to the provision or explanation of materials indicating the particulars specified by Ministry of Justice Order referred to in Article 27-2, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act. In this case, the phrase "document requesting issuance of a certified copy of the family register, etc." in Article 11-2, item (ii), (a) is deemed to be replaced with "written notification", and in item (iii) of that Article, the term "receives the request" is deemed to be replaced with "receives the relevant notification" and the phrase "the person who is in charge of making the request" is deemed to be replaced with "the person who has appeared".
Article 53-3The method specified by Ministry of Justice Order as referred to in Article 27-2, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act is to be the method of sending a document to the current address stated in the supplementary family register or in the resident record, as a postal item or correspondence mail which need not be forwarded.
Article 53-4(1)A request under the provisions of Article 27-2, paragraph (3) of the Family Register Act must be made by the person making the request to personally appear at the city office, or town or village office.
(2)The request referred to in the preceding paragraph is to be made using a document stating the particulars set forth in the following items:
(i)the fact that the person is making the request referred to in the preceding paragraph;
(ii)the date of the request;
(iii)the name, date of birth, address, and indication of the family register of the person making the request; and
(iv)when the request is made by a legal representative of a person to be adopted in an adoption prescribed in Article 797, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code or a person who is to be the legal representative of an adopted child in the dissolution of an adoptive relationship prescribed in Article 811, paragraph (2) of that Code, the name, date of birth, address, and indication of the family register of the person to be adopted or the adopted child.
(3)The request referred to in paragraph (1) must be made through any of the methods prescribed in Article 11-2, items (i) through (iii), by clarifying that the person who has appeared is the person making the request. In this case, the phrase "document requesting issuance of a certified copy of the family register, etc." in Article 11-2, item (ii), (a) is deemed to be replaced with "document for making a request pursuant to the provisions of Article 27-2, paragraph (3) of the Family Register Act," and in item (iii) of that Article, the term "receives the request" is deemed to be replaced with "receives the relevant request" and the phrase "the person who is in charge of making the request" is deemed to be replaced with "the person making the request".
(4)When a person making the request referred to in paragraph (1) is unable to appear in person due to illness or for any other unavoidable circumstances, notwithstanding the provisions of that paragraph, the relevant request may be made by sending the document set forth in paragraph (2) to the municipal mayor of the place of the registered domicile or any other equivalent method. In this case, it must be clarified that the person making the request is the person in question through submission of a notarial instrument stating the particulars set forth in paragraph (2) (excluding one prepared as commissioned by a representative) or any other method.
(5)A person who has made the request referred to in paragraph (1) may withdraw the request at any time.
(6)The provisions of paragraphs (1) through (4) apply mutatis mutandis to withdrawal of a request pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Article 53-5The provisions of Article 53-3 apply mutatis mutandis to the method specified by Ministry of Justice Order as referred to in Article 27-2, paragraph (5) of the Family Register Act.
Article 54With regard to a particular which is to be entered in two or more family registers in the same municipality, the director of the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau may instruct a municipal mayor to submit the same number of written notifications or written applications as the number of the family registers; provided, however, that a municipal mayor may make certified copies of the written notification or written application they have accepted, and substitute the certified copies for the written notifications or written applications.
Article 55The particulars referred to in Article 49, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Family Register Act are as follows:
(i)the name of the householder and the relationship with the householder;
(ii)the parents' date of birth and age at the time of the birth of the child;
(iii)the main occupation of the household at the time of the birth of the child, and if the child was born between April 1 of the year in which the national census is carried out and March 31 of the following year, the parents' occupation; and
(iv)the month and year in which the parents started to live together.
Article 56The particulars referred to in Article 74, item (ii) of the Family Register Act are as follows:
(i)if either party is a foreign national, the nationality of that party;
(ii)the names of the parents of the parties and their relationships with the parents, and if either party is an adopted child other than a special adopted child, the names of the adoptive parents;
(iii)whether it is the first marriage or a remarriage for the parties, and if it is not the first marriage, whether the most recent marriage was dissolved due to death or divorce and its date;
(iv)the month and year in which the parties started to live together;
(v)the main occupation of the parties' household before starting to live together, and for the notification made between April 1 of the year in which the national census is carried out and March 31 of the following year, the occupations of the parties; and
(vi)the name of the householder of the parties.
Article 57(1)The particulars referred to in Article 76, item (ii) of the Family Register Act are as follows:
(i)the fact that the divorce is a divorce by agreement;
(ii)if either party is a foreign national, the nationality of that party;
(iii)the names of the parents of the parties and their relationships with the parents, and if either party is an adopted child other than a special adopted child, the names of the adoptive parents;
(iv)the month and year in which the parties started to live together;
(v)the month and year in which the parties started to live separately;
(vi)the parties' address before starting to live separately;
(vii)the main occupation of the household before the parties started to live separately, and for the notification made between April 1 of the year in which the national census is carried out and March 31 of the following year, the occupations of the parties; and
(viii)the name of the householder of the parties.
(2)The particulars referred to in Article 77, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Family Register Act are as follows:
(i)whether the divorce is a divorce by conciliation, a divorce by adjudication, a divorce by settlement, a divorce by acknowledgment of claim, or a divorce by a judgment; and
(ii)the particulars referred to in items (ii) through (viii) of the preceding paragraph.
Article 58The particulars set forth in Article 86, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Family Register Act are as follows:
(i)the sex of the deceased person;
(ii)if the deceased person was a foreign national, that person's nationality;
(iii)whether or not the deceased person had a spouse at the time of death, and if the person had no spouse, whether the person was unmarried or the most recent marriage was dissolved due to death or divorce;
(iv)the age of the surviving spouse of the deceased person, if any, at the time of death;
(v)if the deceased person died within 30 days of birth, the time of day at which the person was born;
(vi)the main occupation of the household of the deceased person at the time of death, and if the person died between April 1 of the year in which the national census is carried out and March 31 of the following year, the occupation and industry of the deceased person; and
(vii)the name of the householder of the deceased person at the time of death.
Article 58-2(1)The particulars referred to in Article 102, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the second sentence of Article 102-2 of that Act) are as follows:
(i)particulars concerning birth;
(ii)particulars concerning the acknowledgment of parentage;
(iii)particulars concerning an adoption in which the adoptive parent-child relationship is continuing;
(iv)particulars concerning a marriage in which the marital relationship is continuing;
(v)particulars concerning parental authority over a person who is a minor or particulars concerning guardianship over a minor; and
(vi)particulars concerning the disinheritance of a presumptive heir where the disinheritance has not been revoked.
(2)A written notification must be attached with a document certifying the particulars set forth in the preceding paragraph.
Article 59A written notification of a birth must be prepared using the Appendix 11 Form, a written notification of a marriage must be prepared using the Appendix 12 Form, a written notification of a divorce must be prepared using the Appendix 13 Form, and a written notification of a death must be prepared using the Appendix 14 Form.
Article 60The characters that are plain and in common use referred to in Article 50, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act are as follows:
(i)kanji characters set forth in the national list of kanji characters in common use (Cabinet Notice No. 2 of 2010) (if a kanji character accompanies an alternative kanji character in parentheses, it is limited to the kanji character indicated outside the parentheses);
(ii)kanji characters set forth in the Appended Table 2;
(iii)katakana or hiragana characters (excluding obsolete kana characters).
Article 61Deleted
Article 62(1)If a notifier, an applicant, or any other person who is required to append a signature and affix a seal does not possess a seal, it is sufficient for the person to append a signature. If a person is unable to append a signature, it is sufficient for the person to have another party write that person's name on their behalf, and affix a seal. If a person is unable to append a signature and does not possess a seal, it is sufficient for the person to have another party write that person's name on their behalf and affix their thumbprint.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the grounds therefor must be stated in a document.
Article 63With regard to any document attached to a written notification or other such document to be submitted to a municipal mayor which is prepared in a foreign language, a Japanese translation with the name of the translator clearly stated must be attached.
Article 64The demand referred to in Article 44, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 45 or Article 117 of that Act) must be made in writing using the Appendix 19 Format.
Article 65When a municipal mayor becomes aware of a person who has failed to make a notification, make an application, or subsequently complete a notification or application, they must notify the competent summary court of the fact together with the event under notification without delay.
Article 65-2The particulars referred to in Article 104-3 of the Family Register Act are as follows:
(i)the address and the date of birth; and
(ii)the reason for considering that the person is a person who should select a nationality.
Article 66(1)A certificate of acceptance or non-acceptance of a notification or an application must be prepared using the Appendix 20 Form. In this case, the provisions of the proviso to Article 14, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis.
(2)A certificate of acceptance of a notification of a marriage, divorce, adoption, dissolution of adoptive relationship, or acknowledgment of parentage may be prepared using the Appendix 21 Form upon request.
Article 66-2The inspection of a written notification or any other document received by a municipal mayor must be allowed only in the presence of a public official.
Article 67(1)The provisions of Article 31, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4) apply mutatis mutandis to a written notification, a written application or other such document; the provisions of Article 12, paragraphs (2) and (3) apply mutatis mutandis to a certified copy of a written notification, a written application or any other document to be made by the municipal mayor; the provisions of Article 14 apply mutatis mutandis to the a certificate concerning particulars stated in a written notification, a written application or other such document.
(2)The provisions of Article 11-5 apply mutatis mutandis to the return of the original copy of the document attached or submitted upon making a notification or an application.
第四章 電子情報処理組織による戸籍事務の取扱いに関する特例
Chapter IV Special Provisions for Handling of Clerical Work Related to Family Registers by Electronic Data Processing Systems
Article 68A municipal mayor must endeavor to handle clerical work related to family registers using an electronic data processing system.
Article 68-2When handling clerical work related to family registers by an electronic data processing system, a municipal mayor must take the necessary measures to prevent the loss of or damage to family registers or removed family registers prepared by using magnetic disks (including things that can record certain particulars securely by an equivalent method; the same applies hereinafter) and to prevent the leakage of particulars recorded in them.
Article 69Family registers and removed family registers not appropriate to be handled by the electronic data processing system referred to in the proviso to Article 118, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act are those prescribed in the following items:
(i)family registers not suitable for handling by electronic data processing system; and
(ii)removed family registers compiled in a register book of removed family registers.
Article 70(1)The request referred to in Article 118, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act must be made via the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office.
(2)The request referred to in the preceding paragraph must be made by clarifying the fact that the electronic data processing system to be used is capable of handling clerical work related to family registers properly and securely, and clarifying the content of the measures prescribed in Article 68-2 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 72, paragraph (3)).
Article 71With regard to the family register book and the register book of removed family registers referred to in Article 119, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act, neither an index book nor index card is required to be prepared.
Article 72(1)When handling clerical work related to family registers by an electronic data processing system, a municipal mayor must keep a separate record of the same particulars as those recorded in the family register book and the register book of removed family registers referred to in Article 119, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act.
(2)When the whole or a part of the family register book or the register book of removed family registers referred to in the preceding paragraph is lost, it may be recovered using the record referred to in that paragraph. In this case, the instruction and the public notice referred to in Article 11 of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (2) of that Act) are not required.
(3)The provisions of Article 7, Article 8 and Article 68-2 apply mutatis mutandis to the record referred to in paragraph (1).
Article 73(1)The family register certificate or removed family register certificate (hereinafter referred to as "family register certificate, etc.") referred to in Article 120, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act is to state the particulars set forth in the following items in accordance with the category of documents set forth respectively in those items:
一戸籍の全部事項証明書 戸籍に記録されている事項の全部
(i)a certificate of all the matters registered in the family register: all of the particulars recorded in the family register;
二戸籍の個人事項証明書 戸籍に記録されている者のうちの一部のものについて記録されている事項の全部
(ii)a certificate of personal matters registered in the family register: all of the particulars recorded for one or some of the persons recorded in the family register;
三戸籍の一部事項証明書 戸籍に記録されている事項中の証明を求められた事項
(iii)a certificate of a part of the matters registered in the family register: the particulars recorded in the family register for which certification was sought;
四除かれた戸籍の全部事項証明書 除かれた戸籍に記録されている事項の全部
(iv)a certificate of all the matters registered in the removed family register: all of the particulars recorded in the removed family register;
五除かれた戸籍の個人事項証明書 除かれた戸籍に記録されている者のうちの一部のものについて記録されている事項の全部
(v)a certificate of personal matters registered in a removed family register: all of the particulars recorded for one or some of the persons recorded in the removed family register; and
六除かれた戸籍の一部事項証明書 除かれた戸籍に記録されている事項中の証明を求められた事項
(vi)a certificate of a part of the matters registered in a removed family register: the particulars recorded in the removed family register for which certification was sought.
(2)The family register certificate, etc. must be prepared using the Appendix 22 Form.
(3)In the family register certificate, etc., a municipal mayor must make a supplementary note using the Appendix 23 Form in an adjacent location, as well as state their official title and affix their official seal.
(4)The provisions of Article 12, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to family register certificates, etc.
(5)In order to enter dates in the family register certificate, etc., Arabic numerals may be used.
(6)Entries in the family register certificate, etc. must be made in the corresponding columns specified in the template of the Appendix 24. In this case, entries in the details columns must be made according to the sample entries of the Appendix 25.
(7)When having deleted the whole or a part of a family register or its record and making an entry to that effect in the family register certificate, etc., the entry must be made using the Appendix 26 Form.
(8)When having corrected a family register and making an entry to that effect in the family register certificate, etc., the entry must be made using the Appendix 27 Form.
(9)When entering the record referred to in Article 78 in the family register certificate, etc., the record must be entered using the Appendix 28 Form.
Article 74(1)When family registers or removed family registers are prepared by using magnetic disks, any certificate concerning a family register or a removed family register to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922) or any other law or regulation must be prepared using the same form as that for a certificate of a part of the matters registered in a family register or a removed family register.
(2)The provisions of paragraphs (3) through (9) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the certificate concerning a family register or a removed family register referred to in the preceding paragraph, and the provisions of the proviso to Article 14, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the case referred to in the preceding paragraph.
Article 75(1)When family registers or removed family registers are prepared using magnetic disks, a municipal mayor, promptly after recording the family register or removed family register, must send duplicates (limited to an electronic or magnetic record; hereinafter the same applies in this Article, the following Article, and Article 79) of the relevant family register to the computer used by the Minister of Justice via a telecommunications line.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the cases prescribed in that paragraph, the Minister of Justice may have duplicates of family registers or removed family registers sent to a computer used by the Minister via a telecommunications line at any time.
(3)In the cases prescribed in paragraph (1), the provisions of Article 15 do not apply.
(4)The technical standards concerning the method of transmission via a telecommunications line prescribed in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) is specified by the Minister of Justice.
Article 75-2(1)When the Minister of Justice receives transmission of duplicates of family registers or removed family registers to computers used by the Minister pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, the Minister must preserve the duplicates. In this case, the Minister of Justice may delete the duplicates of family registers or removed family registers received previously.
(2)The duplicates of removed family registers are to be preserved for 150 years from the year following the year that includes the date when the relevant family register was removed from the family register book.
Article 76(1)When handling clerical work related to family registers by an electronic data processing system, the acceptance record book is to be prepared by using a magnetic disk.
(2)When the municipal mayor finds it to be appropriate, a document stating all of the particulars recorded in the acceptance record book referred to in the preceding paragraph may be preserved in lieu of the relevant acceptance record book.
Article 77When handling clerical work related to family registers by an electronic data processing system, a municipal mayor or a person who performs the duties of the municipal mayor on their behalf must record an identification code each time the mayor or the person makes a record in a family register.
Article 78When handling clerical work related to family registers by an electronic data processing system and making the correction referred to in Article 45, particulars concerning the change in the administrative district, the land name, the parcel number or block code must be recorded in the family register history column.
Article 79The provisions of Article 49-2 apply mutatis mutandis to the case in which the Minister of Justice receives transmission of duplicates of family registers or removed family registers to computers used by the Minister pursuant to the provisions of Article 75, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2). In this case, the phrase "notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, it" in Article 49-2, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced by "notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office".
第四章の二 電子情報処理組織による届出又は申請等の特例
Chapter IV-2 Special Provisions for Notifications or Applications Using Electronic Data Processing Systems
Article 79-2(1)A request for the issuance of a certified copy of or abridged copy from a family register or a removed family register or any of the documents set forth in the Appended Table 3 may be made using an electronic data processing system connected via a telecommunications line to a computer used by a municipal mayor and a computer used by the person who made the request.
(2)The notifications or applications set forth in the Appended Table 4 (hereinafter referred to as a "notification, etc.") made to a municipal mayor as referred to in Article 118, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act may be made using an electronic data processing system referred to in the preceding paragraph.
Article 79-3(1)A person who makes a request for issuance referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or a notification, etc. referred to in paragraph (2) of that Article must send, to a computer used by a municipal mayor, information related to the particulars that are required to be stated in the written request for issuance or the written notification or the written application pursuant to the provisions of the Family Register Act or this Order. In this case, if there is a document, etc. to be attached or submitted (hereinafter referred to as an "attached document, etc.") upon making a request for issuance or a notification, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the Family Register Act or this Order, the person must also send information that may serve as a substitute for the relevant attached document, etc.
(2)The person prescribed in the preceding paragraph must affix an electronic signature (meaning an electronic signature as defined in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Electronic Signatures and Certification Business (Act No. 102 of 2000); the same applies hereinafter) to information sent pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. With regard to notification of an event for which a witness is required, the witness must also affix an electronic signature to the information referred to in the first sentence of the preceding paragraph.
(3)Information that may serve as a substitute for an attached document, etc. prescribed in the second sentence of paragraph (1) must bear an electronic signature affixed by its creator (if certification is required, the creator and the certifier).
(4)When sending information to which an electronic signature has been affixed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, the person must also send an electronic certificate (meaning an electronic or magnetic record created in order to certify that the information used to identify the person who has affixed the electronic signature pertains to that person; the same applies hereinafter) related to the relevant electronic signature which falls under any of the following items:
(i)an electronic certificate prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act on Authentication Services of the Japan Agency for Local Authority Information Systems in Connection with Electronic Signatures and Electronic User Certificates (Act No. 153 of 2002);
(ii)an electronic certificate prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 12-2, paragraphs (1) and (3) of the Commercial Registration Act (Act No. 125 of 1963) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of other laws); or
(iii)any other electronic certificate based on which the person who affixed the electronic signature can be identified from a computer used by the municipal mayor, which has been specified by the municipal mayor as being equivalent to those set forth in the preceding two items.
Article 79-4Inspection of the information referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article pursuant to the provisions of Article 48, paragraph (2) of the Family Register Act is made by a method of inspecting the data output on a sheet of paper of Japanese Industrial Standard "A" series, size 3.
Article 79-5(1)The issuance of the documents set forth in Appended Table 5 may be made by using an electronic data processing system connected via a telecommunications line to a computer used by a municipal mayor and a computer used by the person who receives the issuance.
(2)The method specified by order of the competent ministry as prescribed in the provisions of the proviso to Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Promotion of Administrative Affairs through the Use of Information and Communications Technology (Act No. 151 of 2002; hereinafter referred to as the "Information and Communications Technology Utilization Act") is to be a notification requesting the issuance of the documents specified in the preceding paragraph by a method using an electronic data processing system, made as specified by a municipal mayor.
Article 79-6When a municipal mayor issues a document pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they must affix an electronic signature to information concerning the particulars required to be stated in the certificates referred to in Article 66, paragraph (1) or in the items of Article 73, paragraph (1) (including information related to the Appendix 29 Format, for the certificates referred to in the items of Article 73, paragraph (1)), and must record the information in a file stored in a computer used by the municipality, together with an electronic certificate for the relevant electronic signature.
Article 79-7The measure for clarifying a person's name referred to in Article 6, paragraph (4) or Article 7, paragraph (4) of the Information and Communications Technology Utilization Act which is specified by order of the competent ministry is to be an electronic signature affixed by the person who is required to affix the signature, etc.
Article 79-8The notification, etc. referred to in Article 79-2, paragraph (2) must be made at the place of the registered domicile of the party to the event under notification; provided, however, that the notification prescribed in Article 61 and Article 65 of the Family Register Act must be made at the place of the registered domicile of the mother, the notification prescribed in Article 102-2, Article 110 and Article 111 of that Act must be made at the new place of the registered domicile, and a notification concerning a foreign national must be made at the location of the notifier.
Article 79-9(1)When a notification, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 79-2, paragraph (2) is made, the sending of the written notification or the written application to the mayor of the other municipality pursuant to the provisions of Article 25 or Article 26 is carried out by the method of sending information concerning the relevant written notification or the written application by using an electronic data processing system; provided, however, that this does not preclude sending a document prepared by outputting the relevant information.
(2)When sending the document referred to in the proviso to the preceding paragraph, a municipal mayor must make a supplementary note using the Appendix 30 Form in an adjacent location, as well as state their official title and affix their official seal.
Article 79-10The standards specified by Ministry of Justice Order as referred to in the Family Register Act are to be as follows:
(i)the provision of information pertains to a request by a university or any other body with the purpose of creating or conducting academic research on statistics, or by a person who belongs to the university or body;
(ii)the creation of statistics or academic research on statistics is for the purpose of medical development or any other particulars that is found to serve the public interest, and the content of the relevant statistics or academic research is to be published;
(iii)the use of information concerning particulars entered in a family register, a removed family register or a written notification or any other document accepted by a municipal mayor (hereinafter referred to as "family register, etc.") is indispensable to the creation of statistics or academic research on statistics, and the scope of the relevant information does not exceed the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of the creation of statistics or academic research on statistics; and
(iv)the provision of information concerning particulars entered in a family register, etc. is found to be unlikely to harm the rights and interests of the person entered in the family register, etc., or the person's spouse, lineal ascendants or lineal descendants, or any other relatives.
Article 79-11A person who seeks to make a request for the provision of information concerning particulars entered in a family register, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 126 of the Family Register Act must, when the relevant information is held by a municipality, obtain the approval of the director of the legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau which has jurisdiction over the municipality (if there are two or more such legal affairs bureaus or district legal affairs bureaus, the director of one of the bureaus) in advance.
Article 79-12(1)The provision of information concerning particulars entered in a family register, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 126 of the Family Register Act is to be carried out by issuing a certified copy abridged copy of a family register or a removed family register, or a certificate concerning particulars entered in a family register, etc. In this case, a certificate concerning particulars entered in a family register, etc. must be prepared using the Appendix 31 Form.
(2)When family registers or removed family registers are prepared by using magnetic disks pursuant to the provisions of Article 119 of the Family Register Act, the provision of information is to be carried out by issuing a document certifying the whole or a part of the particulars recorded in a family register or a removed family register prepared by using a magnetic disk, in lieu of the certified copy, abridged copy or certificate.
(3)The provisions of Article 73 (excluding paragraph (1), items (iii) and (vi), paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of that Article) apply mutatis mutandis to the document referred to in the preceding paragraph. In this case, the document referred to in the preceding paragraph is to state the particulars set forth in the following items in accordance with the category of documents respectively set forth in those items:
一戸籍の一部を証明した書面 戸籍に記録されている事項の一部
(i)a document certifying a part of a family register: a part of the particulars recorded in the family register; and
二除かれた戸籍の一部を証明した書面 除かれた戸籍に記録されている事項の一部
(ii)a document certifying a part of a removed family register: a part of the particulars recorded in the removed family register.
(4)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the document referred to in paragraph (2) must be prepared using the Appendix 22 Form (excluding No. 3 and No. 6) or the Appendix 32 Form.
(5)In the case referred to in paragraph (3), in the document referred to in paragraph (2), a municipal mayor must make a supplementary note using the Appendix 23 Form (excluding No. 3 and No. 6) in an adjacent location, as well as state their official title and affix their official seal.
第五章 雑則
Chapter V Miscellaneous Provisions
Article 80(1)When there has been a change in the area of a municipality, relevant family registers and their related documents must be handed over to the relevant municipality without delay.
(2)When succession of documents has been completed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the municipal mayor who took over the documents must report the fact to the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office.
Article 81When there has been a change in the administrative jurisdiction of the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office due to a change in the area of a municipality, duplicates of family registers and removed family registers (excluding electronic or magnetic records) of persons who have their registered domiciles within the former jurisdictional area and their related documents must be handed over to the new legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau having administrative jurisdiction.
Article 82When any question arises with regard to the handling of clerical work related to family registers, a municipal mayor may seek instructions from the Minister of Justice through the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office.
Article 83In this Ministerial Order, the provisions concerning cities, city mayors and city offices apply mutatis mutandis to special wards, special ward mayors and special ward offices in special wards, and to wards, administratively consolidated wards, ward directors, directors of administratively consolidated wards, and the ward offices of wards and administratively consolidated wards in designated cities referred to in Article 252-19 paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947).
附 則 〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions [Extract]
Supplementary Provisions [Extract]
Article 84This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of January 1,1984.
Article 85With regard to family registers that were created prior to the enforcement of this Ministerial Order, the particulars set forth in Article 34 must be entered in the details column of the person whose name is entered at the head of the family register.
Article 86The provisions of Article 37 and Article 39 do not apply to particulars which have been entered in family registers pursuant to the Family Register Act prior to the amendment by Act No. 224 of 1947 which are not required to be entered under the Family Register Act after the amendment.
Article 88(1)The following Ministerial Order is repealed:
Detailed Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act
Ministry of Justice Order No. 81 of 1946 (cases concerning the forms for written notifications of birth, marriage, divorce and death)
(2)The provisions of Article 48, Article 51 and Article 52 of the Detailed Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act remain in force after the enforcement of this Ministerial Order.
(3)The register books of removed family registers prescribed in Article 51, paragraph (1), item (i) and Article 52 of the Detailed Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act are to be preserved for 150 years from the year following the relevant year.
(4)The original family registers prescribed in Article 48 and Article 51 of the Detailed Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act are to be preserved for 150 years from the year following their recompilation.
附 則 〔昭和五十九年十一月一日法務省令第四十号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 41 of November 1, 1984] [Extract]
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 41 of November 1, 1984] [Extract]
(2)The provisions of Article 58-2 of the Detailed Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act after the amendment by this Ministerial Order apply mutatis mutandis to a notification of acquisition of Japanese nationality in the case of having acquired Japanese nationality pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (1) or Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Partially Amending the Nationality Act and the Family Register Act (Act No. 45 of 1984).
附 則 〔平成六年十月二十一日法務省令第五十一号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 51 of October 21, 1994] [Extract]
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 51 of October 21, 1994] [Extract]
(Recompilation of Family Registers)
Article 2(1)The municipal mayor referred to in Article 118, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act must recompile family registers related to clerical work which are required to be handled by an electronic data processing system into the family registers referred to in Article 119, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act; provided, however, that this does not apply if the family registers are not suitable to be handled by an electronic data processing system.
(2)The recompilation of family registers pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph must be carried out by transferring the particulars stated in the family registers to family registers prepared by using magnetic disks (including things that can record certain particulars securely by an equivalent method). In this case, the particulars set forth in the proviso to Article 37 of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act after the amendment by this Ministerial Order may be omitted.
(3)When recompiling family registers pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the entry of particulars concerning the recompilation of the family register to be made in the previous family register may be made in the margin of its first page.
(4)When a municipal mayor has recompiled family registers pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), they must transmit duplicates of all family registers related to the recompilation (limited to electronic or magnetic records; the same applies in the following paragraph) to a computer used by the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office via a telecommunications line.
(5)The provisions of the first sentence of Article 75-2, paragraph (1) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act (Ministry of Justice Order No. 1 of 2013) after the amendment by Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act apply mutatis mutandis to the case where the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office receives transmission of duplicates of family registers to a computer used by the bureau or branch office pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(6)When having recompiled a family register pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) and having deleted the whole of the previous family register, the removed family register and its duplicate are to be preserved for 150 years from the day of the recompilation.
附 則 〔平成十二年二月二十四日法務省令第七号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 7 of February 24, 2000] [Extract]
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 7 of February 24, 2000] [Extract]
(Transitional Measures Concerning Entries in a Family Register)
Article 2(1)Prior provisions continue to govern an entry in a family register when a notification to which prior provisions are to continue to govern pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act on Guardianship Registration, etc. has been made or when a commission for making an entry in a family register to which prior provisions are to continue to govern pursuant to Article 3 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rules for Partial Revision of the Domestic Relations Trial Rules, etc. (Rules of the Supreme Court No. 1 of 2000) has been given.
(2)Prior provisions continue to govern the application of the provisions of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act concerning a person with limited legal capacity and their curators to which prior provisions are to continue to govern pursuant to Article 3, paragraph (3) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Amendment of the Civil Code (Act No. 149 of 1999), in addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Article 3(1)When the person for whom a new family register is to be created or whose name is to be entered in another family register prescribed in Article 39, paragraph (1) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act after the amendment by this Ministerial Order (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article) is a person who is deemed to be an adult ward pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Amendment of the Civil Code or a person who is deemed to be a person under curatorship pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article, the particulars concerning guardianship and curatorship for the relevant person which had been entered in the previous family register must also be entered in the new family register or the other family register.
(2)The particulars referred to in Article 102, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Family Register Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the second sentence of Article 102-2 of that Act) prescribed in Article 58-2, paragraph (1) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act after the amendment by this Ministerial Order is to include particulars concerning the guardianship or curatorship of a person who is deemed to be an adult ward pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Amendment of the Civil Code or a person who is deemed to be a person under curatorship pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article (excluding a person for whom the registration of guardianship or curatorship has been made pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act on Guardianship Registration, etc.).
(3)Prior provisions continue to govern the entry of particulars prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs in a family register.
(Replication of Family Registers)
Article 4The provisions of Article 10 of the Enforcement Regulation of the Family Register Act after the amendment by this Ministerial Order apply mutatis mutandis to the case of replicating family registers pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (5) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act on Guardianship Registration, etc. In this case, particulars concerning a legally incapacitated person or a person with limited legal capacity are not to be entered in the family registers after the replication.
附 則 〔平成二十五年一月二十五日法務省令第一号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 1 of January 25, 2013] [Extract]
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 1 of January 25, 2013] [Extract]
(Effective date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of March 1, 2013; provided, however, that the provisions of Article 3 of the Supplementary Provisions come into effect on October 1, 2013.
(Transitional Measures)
Article 2The provisions of Article 75, paragraphs (1) and (3), Article 75-2, and Article 79 of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act as amended by this Ministerial Order apply to duplicates (limited to electronic or magnetic records; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) of the family registers and removed family registers of persons who have their registered domiciles within an area of the relevant municipality in accordance with the category set forth in the following items as of the day specified in each of those items (hereinafter referred to as the "effective date"), and prior provisions continue to govern the sending and preservation of duplicates of family registers and removed family registers and to disposal of documents concerning the relevant family registers that are received before the effective date:
一平成二十五年九月三十日以前に市町村長が戸籍法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(平成六年法務省令第五十一号。以下「平成六年改正省令」という。)附則第二条第一項の規定により戸籍を改製したとき 管轄法務局若しくは地方法務局又はその支局がこの省令による改正後の戸籍法施行規則第七十五条第二項の規定によって当該市町村長からその使用に係る電子計算機に最初に全ての戸籍及び除かれた戸籍の副本の送信を受けた日
(i)when a municipal mayor recompiles a family register pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act (Ministry of Justice Order No. 51 of 1994; hereinafter referred to as the "1994 Amendment Order") on or before September 30, 2013: the day that the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office first receives transmission from the municipal mayor of duplicates of all family registers or removed family registers on computers that it uses pursuant to the provisions of Article 75, paragraph (2) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act as amended by this Ministerial Order; and
二平成二十五年十月一日以後に市町村長が平成六年改正省令附則第二条第一項の規定により戸籍を改製したとき 管轄法務局若しくは地方法務局又はその支局がこの省令による改正後の平成六年改正省令附則第二条第四項によって当該市町村長からその使用に係る電子計算機に当該改製に係る全ての戸籍の副本の送信を受けた日
(ii)when a municipal mayor recompiles a family register pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the 1994 Amendment Order on or after October 1, 2013: the day that the competent legal affairs bureau or district legal affairs bureau, or its branch office receives transmission from the municipal mayor of duplicates of all family registers related to the recompilation on computers that it uses pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (4) of the Supplementary Provisions of the 1994 Amendment Order as amended by this Ministerial Order.
附 則 〔平成二十七年一月七日法務省令第二号〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 2 of January 7, 2015]
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 2 of January 7, 2015]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2015; provided, however, that the provisions amending the Appended Table 2 come into effect as of the date of promulgation.
附 則 〔平成二十七年十二月四日法務省令第五十一号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 51 of December 4, 2015] [Extract]
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 51 of December 4, 2015] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date on which the provisions set forth in Article 1, item (iv) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (hereinafter referred to as the "Number Use Act") come into effect (January 1, 2016).
(Transitional Measures)
Article 2With respect to the application of the provisions of the Ministerial Orders set forth below, the basic resident registration card prescribed in Article 30-44, paragraph (1) of the Basic Resident Registration Act (Act No. 81 of 1967; hereinafter referred to as "former Basic Resident Registration Act") (limited to cards prepared using Form 2 of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Basic Resident Registration Act (Ministry of Home Affairs Order No. 35 of 1999; hereinafter referred to as the "former Regulation for Enforcement of the Basic Resident Registration Act") before the amendment by the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures and Article 5 of the Ministerial Order on Arrangement of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Order Incidental to Enforcement of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Order No. 76 or 2015)) issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 30-44, paragraph (3) of the former Basic Resident Registration Act before the amendment by Article 19 of the Act on Improvement of the Related Acts concerning Enforcement of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (hereinafter referred to as "Act on Improvement in Method of Number Use") is deemed an individual number card as defined in Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Number Use Act during the period until it loses effect pursuant to the provisions of Article 30-44, paragraph (9) of the former Basic Resident Registration Act applicable pursuant to the provisions then in force pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (1) of the Act on Improvement in Method of Number Use:
(i)the provisions of Article 11-2, item (i) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act after the amendment by the provisions of Article 1;
(ii)the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (3), item (ii) of the Deposit Regulation after the amendment by the provisions of Article 2; and
(iii)the provisions of Article 72, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order on Real Property Registration after the amendment by the provisions of Article 7 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to other ministerial orders).
Article 3With respect to the application of the provisions of Article 11-2, item (ii) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act as amended by the provisions of Article 1, the basic resident registration card (limited to cards prepared using Form 1 of the former Regulation for Enforcement of the Basic Resident Registration Act) issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 30-44, paragraph (3) of the former Regulation for Enforcement of the Basic Resident Registration Act and prescribed in paragraph (1) of that Article is deemed to be a document prescribed in Article 11-2, item (ii) (a) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act after the amendment by the provisions of Article 1 during the period until it loses effect pursuant to the provisions of Article 30-44, paragraph (9) of the former Basic Resident Registration Act applicable pursuant to the provisions then in force pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (1) of the Act on Improvement in Method of Number Use.
附 則 〔令和元年十二月十六日法務省令第五十二号〕
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 52 of December 16, 2019]
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Justice Order No. 52 of December 16, 2019]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date on which the Act for Revision of the Act on the Utilization of Information and Communications Technology in Administrative Procedures, etc. to Enhance the Convenience of Persons Involved in Administrative Procedures, etc. by Utilizing Information and Communication Technology and to Simplify and Streamline Administrative Procedures (Act No. 16 of 2019) comes into effect (December 16, 2019).
Appended Table 1
A mariner's pocket ledger, physical disability certificate, radio operator license, seaman's competency certificate, boat operator's license, real estate notary certificate, airmen competence certificate, certificate of airworthiness inspector, certificate of passing the aircraft dispatcher's competence examination, train driver's license, permit for possession of hunting guns and air guns, certificate of the qualification for receiving shooting training, certificate of driving history (limited to one issued on or after April 1, 2012), electrical engineer's license, certificate of qualified electrical engineering specialist, electrician license, certificate of intellectual disability, certificate of sick and wounded retired soldiers, or the certificate of passing prescribed in Article 23, paragraph (4) of the Security Services Act (Act No. 117 of 1972)
別表第二 漢字の表
Appended Table 2 Tables of Kanji Characters

注 「―」は、相互の漢字が同一の字種であることを示したものである。
Note: The mark "-" indicates that the kanji characters shown on both ends of the line are those having the same meaning.

注 括弧内の漢字は、戸籍法施行規則第六十条第一号に規定する漢字であり、当該括弧外の漢字とのつながりを示すため、参考までに掲げたものである。
Note: The kanji characters in parentheses are those prescribed in Article 60, item (i) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act, which are shown for a referential purpose to indicate their connection with the kanji characters outside the parentheses.
Appended Table 3
一 戸籍法第十条第一項の戸籍に記載した事項に関する証明書
(i) certificate concerning the particulars entered in a family register referred to in Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
二 戸籍法第十二条の二の除かれた戸籍に記載した事項に関する証明書
(ii) certificate concerning the particulars entered in a removed family register referred to in Article 12-2 of the Family Register Act
三 戸籍法第四十八条第一項の届出の受理又は不受理の証明書
(iii) certificate of acceptance or non-acceptance of a written notification referred to in Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
四 戸籍法第百二十条第一項の戸籍証明書又は除籍証明書
(iv) family register certificate or removed family register certificate referred to in Article 120, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
Appended Table 4
一 戸籍法第四十九条第一項及び第五十四条第一項の規定による出生の届出
(i) notification of birth pursuant to the provisions of Article 49, paragraph (1) and Article 54, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
二 戸籍法第六十条、第六十一条、第六十三条及び第六十四条の規定による認知の届出
(ii) notification of acknowledgment of parentage pursuant to the provisions of Articles 60, 61, 63 and 64 of the Family Register Act
三 戸籍法第六十五条の規定による死産の届出
(iii) notification of stillbirth pursuant to the provisions of Article 65 of the Family Register Act
四 戸籍法第六十六条、第六十八条及び第六十八条の二の規定による縁組の届出
(iv) notification of adoption pursuant to the provisions of Articles 66, 68 and 68-2 of the Family Register Act
五 戸籍法第六十九条の規定による縁組の取消しの届出
(v) notification of annulment of adoption pursuant to the provisions of Article 69 of the Family Register Act
六 戸籍法第六十九条の二及び第七十三条の二の規定による縁氏を称する届出
(vi) notification of taking the surname that had been used during adoption pursuant to the provisions of Articles 69-2 and 73-2 of the Family Register Act
七 戸籍法第七十条、第七十一条、第七十二条及び七十三条第一項の規定による離縁の届出
(vii) notification of dissolution of adoptive relationship pursuant to the provisions of Articles 70, Article 71, Article 72 and Article 73, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
八 戸籍法第七十三条第一項の規定による離縁の取消しの届出
(viii) notification of annulment of dissolution of adoption pursuant to the provisions of Article 73, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
九 戸籍法第七十四条の規定による婚姻の届出
(ix) notification of marriage pursuant to the provisions of Article 74 of the Family Register Act
十 戸籍法第七十五条第一項の規定による婚姻の取消しの届出
(x) notification of annulment of marriage pursuant to the provisions of Article 75, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
十一 戸籍法第七十五条の二及び第七十七条の二の規定による婚氏を称する届出
(xi) notification of taking the surname that had been used during marriage pursuant to the provisions of Articles 75-2 and 77-2 of the Family Register Act
十二 戸籍法第七十六条及び第七十七条第一項の規定による離婚の届出
(xii) notification of divorce pursuant to the provisions of Article 76 and Article 77, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
十三 戸籍法第七十七条第一項の規定による離婚の取消しの届出
(xiii) notification of annulment of divorce pursuant to the provisions of Article 77, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
十四 戸籍法第七十八条、第七十九条及び第八十条の規定による親権又は管理権に関する届出
(xiv) notification concerning parental authority or the right to administer property pursuant to the provisions of Articles 78, 79 and 80 of the Family Register Act
十五 戸籍法第八十一条第一項、第八十二条、第八十四条及び第八十五条の規定による未成年の後見に関する届出
(xv) notification concerning guardianship of a minor pursuant to the provisions of Article 81, paragraph (1) and Articles 82, 84 and 85 of the Family Register Act
十六 戸籍法第八十六条第一項及び第九十二条第三項の規定による死亡の届出
(xvi) notification of death pursuant to the provisions of Article 86, paragraph (1) and 92,paragraph(3) of the Family Register Act
十七 戸籍法第九十四条の規定による失踪宣告又は失踪宣告の取消しの届出
(xvii) notification of declaration of presumed death or revocation of declaration of presumed death pursuant to the provisions of Article 94 of the Family Register Act
十八 戸籍法第九十五条及び第九十九条の規定による復氏の届出
(xviii) notification of reversion to the previous surname pursuant to the provisions of Articles 95 and 99 of the Family Register Act
十九 戸籍法第九十六条の規定による姻族関係終了の届出
(xix) notification of the ending of the relationship between relatives by affinity pursuant to the provisions of Article 96 of the Family Register Act
二十 戸籍法第九十七条の規定による推定相続人の廃除又は推定相続人の廃除の取消しの届出
(xx) notification of the disinheritance of a presumptive heir or revocation of disinheritance of a presumptive heir pursuant to the provisions of Article 97 of the Family Register Act
二十一 戸籍法第九十八条の規定による入籍の届出
(xxi) notification of entry of name in a family register pursuant to the provisions of Article 98 of the Family Register Act
二十二 戸籍法第百条第一項の規定による分籍の届出
(xxii) notification of separation from a family register pursuant to the provisions of Article 100, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
二十三 戸籍法第百二条第一項の規定による国籍取得の届出
(xxiii) notification of acquisition of Japanese nationality pursuant to the provisions of Article 102, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
二十四 戸籍法第百二条の二の規定による帰化の届出
(xxiv) notification of naturalization pursuant to the provisions of Article 102-2 of the Family Register Act
二十五 戸籍法第百三条第一項の規定による国籍喪失の届出
(xxv) notification of loss of Japanese nationality pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
二十六 戸籍法第百四条第一項の規定による国籍留保の届出
(xxvi) notification of reservation of Japanese nationality pursuant to the provisions of Article 104, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
二十七 戸籍法第百四条の二第一項の規定による国籍選択の届出
(xxvii) notification of selection of Japanese nationality pursuant to the provisions of Article 104-2, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
二十八 戸籍法第百六条第一項の規定による外国国籍喪失の届出
(xxviii) notification of loss of foreign nationality pursuant to the provisions of Article 106, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
二十九 戸籍法第百七条の規定による氏の変更の届出
(xxix) notification of change of surname pursuant to the provisions of Article 107 of the Family Register Act
三十 戸籍法第百七条の二の規定による名の変更の届出
(xxx) notification of change of a given name pursuant to the provisions of Article 107-2 of the Family Register Act
三十一 戸籍法第百八条第一項の規定による転籍の届出
(xxxi) notification of transfer of registered domicile pursuant to the provisions of Article 108, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
三十二 戸籍法第百十条第一項及び第百十一条の規定による就籍の届出
(xxxii) notification of registration of an unregistered person pursuant to the provisions of Article 110, paragraph (1) and Article 111 of the Family Register Act
三十三 戸籍法第百十三条、第百十四条及び第百十六条第一項の規定による戸籍訂正の申請
(xxxiii) application for correction of a family register pursuant to the provisions of Articles 113, Article 114 and Article 116, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
Appended Table 5
一 戸籍法第四十八条第一項の届出の受理又は不受理の証明書
(i) certificate of acceptance or non-acceptance of a notification referred to in Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
二 戸籍法第百二十条第一項の戸籍証明書又は除籍証明書
(ii) family register certificate or removed family register certificate referred to in Article 120, paragraph (1) of the Family Register Act
附録第一号様式 戸籍 (第一条関係)
Appendix 1 Form: Family Register (Re: Article 1)
附録第二号様式 戸籍簿表紙 (第四条関係)
Appendix 2 Form: Family Register Cover Sheet (Re: Article 4)
附録第三号様式 見出帳 (日本産業規格B列四番の丈夫な用紙、横書きとすることができる。) (第六条関係)
Appendix 3 Form: Index Book (durable paper of Japanese Industrial Standard "B" Series size 4; horizontal writing allowed) (Re: Article 6)
附録第四号様式 見出票 (第六条関係)
Appendix 4 Form: Index Card (Re: Article 6)
附録第五号様式 受附帳 (日本産業規格B列四番の丈夫な用紙、横書きとすることができる。) (第二十一条関係)
Appendix 5 Form: Acceptance Record Book (durable paper of Japanese Industrial Standard "B" Series size 4; horizontal writing allowed) (Re: Article 21)
附録第六号 戸籍の記載のひな形 (第三十三条関係)
Appendix 6: Template of Entries in a Family Register (Re: Article 33)
附録第七号 戸籍記載例
Appendix 7: Sample Entries of a Family Register
附録第八号様式 戸籍の消除 (第四十二条関係)
Appendix 8 Form: Deletion of a Family Register (Re: Article 42)
附録第九号様式 戸籍の訂正 (第四十四条関係)
Appendix 9 Form: Correction of a Family Register (Re: Article 44)
附録第十号様式 本籍の更正 (第四十六条関係)
Appendix 10 Form: Correction of a Registered Domicile (Re: Article 46)
附録第十一号様式 出生の届書 (日本産業規格A列四番) (第五十九条関係)
Appendix 11 Form: Written Notification of Birth (Japanese Industrial Standard "A" Series size 4) (Re: Article 59)
附録第十二号様式 婚姻の届書 (日本産業規格A列三番) (第五十九条関係)
Appendix 12 Form: Written Notification of Marriage (Japanese Industrial Standard "A" Series size 3) (Re: Article 59)
附録第十三号様式 離婚の届書 (日本産業規格A列三番) (第五十九条関係)
Appendix 13 Form: Written Notification of Divorce (Japanese Industrial Standard "A" Series size 3) (Re: Article 59)
附録第十四号様式 死亡の届書 (日本産業規格A列四番) (第五十九条関係)
Appendix 14 Form: Written Notification of Death (Japanese Industrial Standard "A" Series size 4) (Re: Article 59)
附録第十五号書式 (第十二条関係)
Appendix 15 Format (Re: Article 12)
附録第十六号 削除
Appendix 16: Deleted
附録第十七号書式 (第十四条関係)
Appendix 17 Format (Re: Article 14)
附録第十八号書式 (第四十七条関係)
Appendix 18 Format (Re: Article 47)
附録第十九号書式 (第六十四条関係)
Appendix 19 Format (Re: Article 64)
附録第二十号書式 (第六十六条関係)
Appendix 20 Format (Re: Article 66)
附録第二十一号書式 (日本産業規格B列四番の上質紙九十キログラム以上) (第六十六条関係)
Appendix 21 Format (high-quality paper of Japanese Industrial Standard "B" Series size 4, weighing 90 kilograms or more per 1,000 sheets) (Re: Article 66)
付録第二十二号様式 第七十三条第一項の書面 (日本産業規格A列四番) (第七十三条第二項関係)
Appendix 22 Form: Document Referred to in Article 73, Paragraph (1) (Japanese Industrial Standard "A" Series size 4) (Re: Article 73, paragraph (2))
付録第二十三号書式 (第七十三条第三項関係)
Appendix 23 Format (Re: Article 73, paragraph (3))
付録第二十四号 第七十三条第一項の書面の記載のひな形 (第七十三条第六項関係)
Appendix 24: Template of the Entries in the Document Referred to in Article 73, Paragraph (1) (Re: Article 73, paragraph (6))
付録第二十五号 第七十三条第一項の書面の記載例 (第七十三条第六項関係)
Appendix 25: Sample Entries of the Document Referred to in Article 73, Paragraph (1) (Re: Article 73, paragraph (6))
付録第二十六号様式 戸籍の消除 (第七十三条第七項関係)
Appendix 26 Form: Deletion of a Family Register (Re: Article 73, paragraph (7))
付録第二十七号様式 戸籍の訂正 (第七十三条第八項関係)
Appendix 27 Form: Correction of a Family Register (Re: Article 73, paragraph (8))
Appendix 28 Form
付録第二十九号書式 (第七十九条の六関係)
Appendix 29 Format (Re: Article 79-6)
付録第三十号書式 (第七十九条の九第二項関係) 本籍の更正 (第七十三条第九項関係)
Appendix 30 Format (Re: Article 79-9, paragraph (2)) Correction of a Registered Domicile (Re: Article 73, paragraph (9))
付録第三十一号書式 (第七十九条の十二第一項関係) 戸籍(除籍、届書、申請書その他)記載事項証明
Appendix 31 Format (Re: Article 79-12, paragraph (1)) Certificate of Matters Entered in a Family Register (removal, written notification, written application, etc.)
付録第三十二号様式 第七十九条の十二第二項の書面 (第七十九条の十二第四項関係)
Appendix 32 Form: Document Referred to in Article 79-12, Paragraph (2) (Re: Article 79-12, paragraph (4))
付録第三十二様式 第七十九条の十二第二項の書面 (日本産業規格A列四番) (第七十九条の十二第四項関係)
Appendix 32 Form: Document Referred to in Article 79-12, Paragraph (2) (Japanese Industrial Standard "A" Series size 4) (Re: Article 79-12, paragraph (4))
付録第三十三号書式 (第七十九条の十二第五項関係)
Appendix 33 Format (Re: Article 79-12, paragraph (5))