Patent Act(Act No. 121 of 1959)
Last Version: Act No. 42 of 2021
▶Main Provision
January 17, 2025
- Last Version: Act No. 48 of 2024
- Translated Date: December 27, 2024
- Dictionary Version: 16.0
May 1, 2024
- Last Version: Act No. 42 of 2021
- Translated Date: December 1, 2021
- Dictionary Version: 16.0
July 1, 2022
- Last Version: Act No. 3 of 2019
- Translated Date: March 18, 2021
- Dictionary Version: 14.0
July 27, 2018
- Last Version: Act No. 55 of 2015
- Translated Date: June 1, 2016
- Dictionary Version: 7.0
March 31, 2009
- Last Version: Act No. 109 of 2006
- Translated Date: April 1, 2009
- Dictionary Version: 2.0
Patent Act
Act No. 121 of April 13, 1959
Table of Contents
第一章 総則(第一条―第二十八条)
Chapter I General Provisions(Articles 1 through 28)
第二章 特許及び特許出願(第二十九条―第四十六条の二)
Chapter II Patents and Patent Applications(Articles 29 through 46-2)
第三章 審査(第四十七条―第六十三条)
Chapter III Examinations(Articles 47 through 63)
第三章の二 出願公開(第六十四条―第六十五条)
Chapter III-2 Publication of Applications(Articles 64 through 65)
第四章 特許権
Chapter IV Patent Rights
第一節 特許権(第六十六条―第九十九条)
Section 1 Patent Rights(Articles 66 through 99)
第二節 権利侵害(第百条―第百六条)
Section 2 Infringement of Rights(Articles 100 through 106)
第三節 特許料(第百七条―第百十二条の三)
Section 3 Patent Fees(Articles 107 through112-3)
第五章 特許異議の申立て(第百十三条―第百二十条の八)
Chapter V Opposition to a Granted Patent(Articles 113 through 120-8)
第六章 審判(第百二十一条―第百七十条)
Chapter VI Trials and Appeals(Articles 121 through 170)
第七章 再審(第百七十一条―第百七十七条)
Chapter VII Retrials(Articles 171 through 177)
第八章 訴訟(第百七十八条―第百八十四条の二)
Chapter VIII Litigation(Articles 178 through 184-2)
第九章 特許協力条約に基づく国際出願に係る特例(第百八十四条の三―第百八十四条の二十)
Chapter IX Special Provisions on International Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty(Articles 184-3 through 184-20)
第十章 雑則(第百八十五条―第百九十五条の四)
Chapter X Miscellaneous Provisions(Articles 185 through 195-4)
第十一章 罰則(第百九十六条―第二百四条)
Chapter XI Penal Provisions(Articles 196 through 204)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The purpose of this Act is to encourage inventions through promoting the protection and utilization of inventions, and thereby contribute to the development of industry.
Article 2(1)The term "invention" as used in this Act means a highly advanced creation of technical ideas utilizing the laws of nature.
(i)if the invention is a product (including a computer program or anything equivalent; the same applies hereinafter), the producing, using, transferring, etc. it (meaning transferring it or leasing it out, and this includes providing it through a telecommunications line if it is a computer program or anything equivalent; the same applies hereinafter), exporting or importing it, or offering to transfer, etc. it (this includes displaying it for the purpose of transferring, etc. it; the same applies hereinafter);
(ii)if the invention is a process, using it; and
(iii)if the invention is a process for producing a product, beyond the action provided in the preceding item, acts of using, transferring, etc. exporting or importing, or offering to transfer, etc. it.
(4)A "computer program or anything equivalent" in this Act means a computer program (meaning a set of instructions given to a computer which work to produce a specific result; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) and any other information that is to be processed by a computer equivalent to a computer program.
(Calculation of Time Periods)
Article 3(1)The calculation of time period under this Act or under an order that is based on this Act is as under the following provisions:
(i)the first day of the period is not included in the calculation;provided, however, that this does not apply if the period of time commences at twelve midnight;
(ii)if the period is indicated in months or years, the months or years refer to calendar months or calendar years, and if the period is not calculated from the beginning of a month or a year, the period expires on the day preceding the day corresponding to the first day of the calculation in the final month or year;provided, however, that if there is no corresponding day in the final month, the period expires on the last day of the final month.
(2)If the last day of the prescribed period for filing a patent application and a request or demand, or for other procedures relating to a patent (hereinafter referred to as "procedures") is any of the days provided for in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Holidays of Administrative Organs (Act No. 91 of 1988), the day following that day is the last day of the period.
(Extension of Time Limits)
Article 4The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office may extend the period provided for in Article 46-2, paragraph (1), item (iii), Article 108, paragraph (1), Article 121, paragraph (1), and Article 173, paragraph (1) for a person in a remote area or an area with transportation difficulty, upon request or by the commissioner's own authority.
(3)The extension of the period of time under paragraph (1) (limited to the period of time provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) may be requested even after the passage of that period, but not later than the period provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(Capacity of Associations Which Are Not Corporations to Undertake Procedures)
Article 6(1)An association or foundation which is not a corporation but for which a representative or an administrator has been designated may, in its name:
(i)request the examination of an application;
(ii)file an opposition to a granted patent;
(iii)request a trial for patent invalidation or a trial for invalidation of registration of a patent term extension; and
(iv)request a retrial pursuant to Article 171, paragraph (1), following a final and binding decision in a trial for patent invalidation or a trial for invalidation of registration of a patent term extension
(2)An association or foundation which is not a corporation but for which a representative or an administrator has been designated may be named as a petitioner in a request for a retrial against a final and binding decision in a trial for patent invalidation or a trial for invalidation of registration of a patent term extension.
(Capacity of a Minor or Adult Ward to Undertake a Procedure)
Article 7(1)A minor or adult ward may not undertake a procedure other than through a legal representative;provided, however, that this does not apply in the case of a minor who is capable of independently performing a juridical act.
(4)The preceding two paragraphs do not apply if a person under curatorship or a legal representative undertakes a procedure in connection with the filing of an opposition to a granted patent concerning the person's patent rights or in connection with a request for a trial, appeal, or retrial that an adverse party has filed.
(Patent Administrators for Overseas Residents)
Article 8(1)Unless otherwise provided for by Cabinet Order, a person not domiciled or resident in Japan (or, without a business office in Japan, if it is a corporation) (hereinafter referred to as an "overseas resident") may only undertake a procedure or file an action objecting to a disposition reached by an administrative authority pursuant to the provisions of this Act or an order that is based on this Act, through a representative domiciled or resident in Japan that acts as the person's agent in respect of the patent (hereinafter referred to as a "patent administrator").
(2)The patent administrator acts as the principal in all procedures and litigation objecting to dispositions reached by an administrative agency pursuant to the provisions of this Act or an order that is based on this Act;provided, however, that this does not apply if the overseas resident limits the scope of authority of agency of the patent administrator.
(Scope of Authority of Agency)
Article 9Unless expressly empowered to do so, the privately appointed agent of a person that is domiciled or resident in Japan (in the case of a corporation, with a business office in Japan) and that is undertaking a procedure may not convert, abandon, or withdraw a patent application; withdraw an application to register extension of a patent right; withdraw a request, demand, application or motion; assert or withdraw a priority claim referred to in Article 41, paragraph (1); file a patent application based on the registration of a utility model under Article 46-2, paragraph (1); file a request for publication of an application; file an appeal against a rejection; waive a patent right; or appoint a subagent.
(Non-Extinguishment of Authority of Agency)
Article 11The authority of an agent appointed by mandate of a person undertaking procedures does not extinguish upon the death of the principal, or in the case of a corporation, extinction by merger of the principal, termination of entrusted duties of a trustee that is the principal, the death of the legal representative or change or extinction of the legal representative's authority.
(Individual Representation by Agents)
Article 12If there are two or more agents acting for a person that undertakes procedures, each of the agents act as the principal before the Japan Patent Office.
(Replacement of Agents)
Article 13(1)If the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office or the chief administrative judge finds that a person undertaking procedures is not competent to undertake the procedures, the commissioner or judge may order the person to undertake the procedures through an agent.
(4)After the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office or the chief administrative judge issues an order under paragraph (1) or (2), the commissioner or judge may dismiss the procedures before the Japan Patent Office undertaken by the person undertaking procedures referred to in paragraph (1) or the agent referred to in paragraph (2).
(Mutual Representation of Multiple Parties)
Article 14If two or more persons jointly undertake a procedure, each of them acts as the agent of all of them with respect to procedures other than the conversion, abandonment and withdrawal of a patent application, the withdrawal of an application to register a patent term extension, the withdrawal of a request, demand, application, or motion, the assertion or withdrawal of a priority claim as referred to in Article 41, paragraph (1), a request for publication of an application, and the filing of an appeal against a rejection;provided, however, that this does not apply if the persons have appointed a representative for all of them and have notified the Japan Patent Office accordingly.
(Jurisdiction over Overseas Residents)
Article 15Regarding a patent right or other right under a patent of an overseas resident, the domicile or residence of the overseas resident's patent administrator, or if there is no patent administrator, the address of the Japan Patent Office, is deemed to be the location of the property under Article 5, item (iv) of the Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. 109 of 1996).
(Ratification of Acts of a Person Lacking Legal Capacity to Undertake Procedures)
Article 16(1)A procedure undertaken by a minor (excluding one with the legal capacity to conduct juridical acts independently) or an adult ward may be ratified by the person's legal representative (or by the adult ward, if the person later acquires the legal capacity to undertake procedures).
(4)If there is a guardianship supervisor, a legal representative that grains the approval of the guardianship supervisor or a principal who acquires the legal capacity to undertake procedures may ratify a procedure that has been undertaken by the legal representative without the consent of the guardianship supervisor.
(Amendment of Proceedings)
Article 17(1)A person undertaking a procedure may make an amendment only while the case is pending before the Japan Patent Office;provided, however, that the person may not amend the description, claims, drawings, or abstract attached to the written application, a document prescribed in Article 41, paragraph (4) or Article 43, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-2, paragraph (2)) and including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)) and Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), or the corrected description, claims or drawings attached to the written request for correction or for a trial for correction as referred to in Article 120-5, paragraph (2) or Article 134-2, paragraph (1), unless an amendment may be made pursuant to the provisions of the following Article through Article 17-5.
(i)the procedures do not comply with Article 7, paragraphs (1) through (3) or Article 9;
(ii)the procedure does not comply with the formal requirements specified by this Act or to an order that is based on this Act; and
(iii)the fees relating to the procedure that are to be paid pursuant to Article 195, paragraphs (1) through (3) have not been paid.
(Amendment of the Description, Claims, or Drawings Attached to the Written Application)
Article 17-2(1)An applicant for a patent may amend the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application, before the service of the certified copy of the examiner's decision notifying that a patent is to be granted;provided, however, that following the receipt of a notice provided under Article 50, an amendment may only be made in the following cases:
(i)the applicant receives the notice (hereinafter referred to in this Article as the "notice of grounds for rejection") under Article 50 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 159, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 174, paragraph (2)) and Article 163, paragraph (2); hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) for first time, and makes the amendment within the designated period of time pursuant to Article 50;
(ii)after receiving notice of grounds for rejection, the applicant receives a notice under Article 48-7 and makes the amendment within the period of time specified pursuant to the Article;
(iii)after receiving notice of grounds for rejection, the applicant receives another notice of grounds for rejection and makes the amendment within the period of time specified pursuant to Article 50 for the most recently received notice of grounds for rejection; and
(iv)the applicant files an appeal against a rejection and makes the amendment at the same time as the appeal.
(2)If an applicant of an application written in a foreign language provided in Article 36-2, paragraph (2) amends a description, claims, or drawings pursuant to the preceding paragraph for the purpose of correcting a mistranslation, the applicant must submit a mistranslation correction form that gives the, reasons for the correction.
(3)Excluding the description, claims, or drawings are being amended pursuant to paragraph (1) through the submission of a mistranslation correction form, the amendment of matters must remain within the scope of the matters indicated in the description, claims, or drawings originally attached to the written application (in the case of an application written in a foreign language under Article 36-2, paragraph (2), the translation of foreign-language documents provided in Article 36-2, paragraph (2) that is deemed to constitute the description, claims, and drawings pursuant to Article 36-2, paragraph (8) (if the description, claims, or drawings has been amended through the submission of a mistranslation correction form, matters indicated in the translation or in the amended description, claims, and drawings)); the same applies in Article 34-2, paragraph (1) and Article 34-3, paragraph (1)).
(4)If an amendment beyond what is provided for in the preceding paragraph is made to a claim, in cases set forth in the items of paragraph (1), it must be made in such a way that the invention for which the pre-amendment notice of grounds for rejection indicates a judgment as to patentability and the invention defined by what is described in the claims after that amendment constitute a single group of inventions that satisfies the Article 37 requirement of unity of invention.
(5)If an amendment beyond what is provided for in the preceding two paragraphs is made to a claim in the cases of paragraph (1), items (i), (iii), and (iv) (for a case as set forth in item (i) of the paragraph, this is limited to the case where the applicant has received a notice under Article 50-2 along with the notice of grounds for rejection), the amendment of the claims is limited to that which is done for one of the following purposes:
(i)the deletion of a claim provided for in Article 36, paragraph (5);
(ii)the restriction of the claims (limited to the case where the restriction is to restrict matters required to identify the invention stated in a claim pursuant to Article 36, paragraph (5), and the industrial applicability and the problem to be solved by the invention stated in a claim prior to the amendment are identical to those after the amendment);
(iii)the correction of errors; and
(iv)the explanation of an ambiguous statement (limited to matters stated as grounds for rejection in the notice of grounds for rejection).
(Amendment of the Abstract)
Article 17-3An applicant for a patent may amend the abstract attached to the written application within a period provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(Amendment of Document of Priority Claim)
Article 17-4A person that claims priority pursuant to the provisions under Article 41, paragraph (1) or Article 43, paragraph (1), Article 43-2, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), or Article 43-3, paragraph (1) or (2) may amend the document prescribed in Article 41, paragraph (4) or Article 43, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-2, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)) and Article 43-3, paragraph (3)) only within a period provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(Amendment of Corrected Descriptions, Claims, or Drawings)
Article 17-5(1)A patentee may amend a corrected description, claims, or drawings attached to the written request for correction pursuant to Article 120-5, paragraph (2) only within the period of time designated pursuant to Article 120-5, paragraph (1) or (6).
(2)The respondent in a trial for patent invalidation may amend the corrected description, claims, or drawings attached to the written request for correction as referred to in Article 134-2, paragraph (1) only within the period of time designated pursuant to Article 134, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), Article 134-2, paragraph (5), Article 134-3, Article 153, paragraph (2), or Article 164-2, paragraph (2).
(3)The petitioner in a trial for correction may amend the corrected description, claims, or drawings attached to the written request for a trial for correction, only prior to the notice under Article 156, paragraph (1) (or, if the proceedings are reopened as under Article 156, paragraph (3), prior to the notice under Article 156, paragraph (1) following this).
(Dismissal of Procedures)
Article 18(1)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office may dismiss the procedures if a person ordered to make an amendment to the procedures pursuant to Article 17, paragraph (3) fails to make the amendment within the period of time the commissioner has specified pursuant to those provisions, or if the person obtaining the registration of the establishment of the patent rights fails to pay patent fees within the period of time provided for in Article 108, paragraph (1).
(2)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office may dismiss a patent application if the patent applicant to which the commissioner has issued an order pursuant to Article 17, paragraph (3) to pay a patent fees under Article 195, paragraph (3) fails to pay the patent fees within the period of time the commissioner has specified pursuant to Article 17, paragraph (3).
(Dismissal of Non-Compliant Procedure)
Article 18-2(1)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office is to dismiss a procedure that is not compliant and not amendable;provided, however, that this does not apply if the procedure falls under any of the items of Article 38-2, paragraph (1).
(2)If the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office intends to dismiss a procedure under the preceding paragraph, the commissioner must notify the person undertaking the procedure of the grounds therefor and give the person an opportunity to submit a document stating an explanation (hereinafter referred to as a "written explanation") within an adequate specified period of time.
(Effective Time of Submission of Written Application)
Article 19An application, a document or any other item submitted by mail or by service of correspondence delivery as provided in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Correspondence Delivery by Private Business Operators (Act No. 99 of 2002; hereinafter referred to as the "Correspondence Delivery Act" in this Article) provided by a general correspondence delivery service provider as provided in Article 2, paragraph (6) of the Act or by a specified correspondence delivery service provider as provided in Article 2, paragraph (9) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "correspondence delivery") that is prescribed by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to the Japan Patent Office under this Act, or any order rendered under this Act, that is subject to a time limit, is deemed to have arrived at the Japan Patent Office at the date and time when such application or item is presented to a business office of Japan Post Co., Ltd. (limited to those that conduct postal services) if such date and time are proven by the receipt of the postal item, at the date and time of the date stamp on the postal item or the letter item as provided in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Correspondence Delivery Act (hereinafter referred to as the "letter item" in this Article) if such date and time are clearly legible, or at 12:00 p.m. of the day of the date stamp on the postal item or letter item if only the day, but not the time, of the date stamp is clearly legible.
(Succession of Effects of Procedures)
Article 20The effects of the procedures involving a patent right or any right relating to a patent extend to a successor in title.
(Continuation of Procedures)
Article 21When a patent right or any right under a patent is transferred while the case involving is pending with the Japan Patent Office, the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office or a chief administrative judge may continue the proceedings in that case with a successor in title to the patent right or other right under the patent.
(Continuance or Suspension of Procedures)
Article 22(1)On a motion to substitute a party in proceedings that have become subject to a continuance following the service of a certified copy of a ruling, examiner's decision or decision on a trial or appeal, the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office or the administrative judges must rule on whether to permit the substitution.
Article 23(1)If the person that should undertake to substitute as the party to examination, proceedings, ruling on an opposition to a granted patent, or a trial and appeal or retrial and re-appeal that has become subject to a continuance fails to do so, the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office or the administrative judges must order the person to substitute as a party within an adequate specified period of time, upon a motion or by the commissioner's or judges' own authority.
(2)If the party is not substituted within the period of time that the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office or the administrative judge specifies pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the commissioner or the judge may deem the party to be substituted on the date on which the period of time elapses.
Article 24The provisions of Article 124 of the Code of Civil Procedure (excluding paragraph (1), item (vi)), Articles 126 through 127, Article 128, paragraph (1), Articles 130 and 131, and Article 132, paragraph (2) (effect of continuances and suspensions of litigation proceedings) of that Code apply mutatis mutandis to a procedure for an examination, for proceedings and a ruling on an opposition to a granted patent, or for a trial and appeal, or retrial and re-appeal.In this case, the term "litigation representative" in Article 124, paragraph (2) of the Code is deemed to be replaced with "privately appointed agent entrusted with the examination, or proceedings and a ruling on an opposition to a granted patent, or a trial and appeal, or retrial and re-appeal", the term "court" in Article 127 of the Code is deemed to be replaced with "Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office or a chief administrative judge", the term "court" in Article 128, paragraph (1) and Article 131 of the Code is deemed to be replaced with "Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office or the administrative judges", and the term "court" in Article 130 of the Code is deemed to be replaced with " Japan Patent Office".
(Enjoyment of Rights by Foreign Nationals)
Article 25A foreign national not domiciled or resident in Japan (or it is a corporation, without a business office in Japan) may not enjoy a patent nor rights or other rights under a patent, except in the following items:
(i)the country of the foreign national allows Japanese nationals the enjoyment of a patent right or other rights relating to a patent based on the same conditions as for its own nationals;
(ii)if the country of the foreign national has decided to allow Japanese nationals the enjoyment of patent rights or other rights under patents based on the same conditions as for its own nationals so long as Japan allows nationals of that country the enjoyment of patent rights or other rights under patents; or
(iii)otherwise provided by a treaty.
(Effect of Treaties)
Article 26If specific provisions on patents are established by treaty, those provisions prevail.
(Registration in the Patent Register)
Article 27(1)The following matters are registered in the patent register maintained in the Japan Patent Office:
(i)the establishment of a patent right, extension of its term, its transfer, modification under a trust, extinction, restoration, or restrictions on its disposal;
(ii)the establishment of an exclusive license, its preservation, transfer, modification, extinction, and restrictions on its disposal;
(iii)the establishment of a pledge on a patent right or exclusive license, the transfer of such a pledge, its modification, extinction or restrictions its disposal; and
(iv)the establishment of a provisional exclusive license, its preservation, transfer, modification, extinction, or restriction on its disposal.
(Issuance of a Patent Certificate)
Article 28(1)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office issues a patent certificate to the patentee when the establishment of a patent right is registered, and issues the same if the transfer of a patent right is registered based on a request under Article 74, paragraph (1), or if a ruling or a decision on a trial or appeal to correct the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application becomes final and binding, is registered.
第二章 特許及び特許出願
Chapter II Patents and Patent Applications
(Requirements for Patentability)
Article 29(1)A person that invents an invention with industrial applicability may obtain a patent for that invention, unless the invention is as follows:
(i)an invention that is public knowledge within Japan or in a foreign country prior to the filing of the patent application;
(ii)an invention that is publicly known to be worked within Japan or in a foreign country prior to the filing of the patent application; or
(iii)an invention that is described in a distributed publication or made available for public use over telecommunications lines within Japan or in a foreign country prior to the filing of the patent application.
(2)A person may not obtain a patent if prior to the filing of the patent application, a person of ordinary skill in the art of the invention would have easily been able to make that invention based on an invention prescribed in the items of the preceding paragraph, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph.
Article 29-2Notwithstanding Article 29, paragraph (1), a person may not obtain a patent if an invention in a patent application is identical to an invention or device described in the description, patent claims, utility model claims, or drawings (or, for application written in a foreign language as referred to in Article 36-2, paragraph (2) the foreign-language documents as referred to in Article 36-2, paragraph (1)) which originally attached to the written application for another patent application or utility model registration filed prior to the date the relevant patent application is filed: with regard to which an issue of the patent gazette giving the particulars set forth in the items of Article 66, paragraph (3) of the Patent Act (hereinafter referred to as the "gazette which the patent appears") is published pursuant to Article 66 paragraph(3), the application is published, or an issue of the utility model gazette giving the particulars set forth in the items of Article 14, paragraph (3) of the Utility Model Act (Act No. 123 of 1959) (hereinafter referred to as "gazette in which the utility model appears") is published pursuant to Article 14, paragraph (3) of that Act subsequent to the filing of the relevant application (this excludes any invention or device whose inventor is the same as the inventor of the invention in the relevant patent application); provided, however, that this does not apply if, at the time a patent application is filed, the person filing that patent application and the person filing the other application for patent or for utility model registration are the same person.
(Exception to the Loss of Novelty of Invention)
Article 30(1)In applying Article 29, paragraph (1) and (2) to an invention in a patent application that a person with the right to obtain a patent files within one year from the date on which the invention, contrary to that person's intention comes to fall under one of the items of Article 29, paragraphs (1), the intention is deemed not to fall under any of those items.
(2)The preceding paragraph also applies with respect to the of application of Article 29, paragraphs (1) and (2) to invention in a patent application that person with the right to obtain a patent files within one year after the date on which the invention, through that person's actions, comes to fall under one of the items of Article 29, paragraph (1) (excluding an invention which has come to fall under any of the items of Article 29, paragraph (1) due to being contained in a gazette relating to an invention, utility model, design, or trademark).
(3)Any person seeking to have the preceding paragraph applied must submit a document stating that fact to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office when filing the patent application, and, must submit to the commissioner a document evidencing that the invention that comes to fall under one of the items of Article 29, paragraph (1) is an invention to which the preceding paragraph is applicable (referred to as a "proving document" in the following paragraph), within thirty days after the date of filing of the patent application.
(4)If a person that is to submit a proving document prescribed in the preceding paragraph is unable to submit the proving document within the period provided in the paragraph due to reasons beyond the person's control, the person may submit the proving document to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office within 14 days (if the person is an overseas resident, within two months) from the date on which the reasons ceased to be applicable, but not later than six months following the passage of the period, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph.
(Unpatentable Inventions)
Article 32An invention that is likely to disrupt public order, corrupt public morals, or harm public health may not be patented, notwithstanding Article 29.
(Right to Be Granted a Patent)
Article 33(1)The right to be granted a patent may be transferred.
(3)The preceding paragraph applies if applications for a patent or for the registration of a utility model are filed on the same date based on the right to be granted a patent or the right to be granted a utility model registration for the same invention or device based on succession from the same person.
(Provisional Exclusive Licenses)
Article 34-2(1)A person that has the right to be granted a patent may establish a provisional exclusive license with regard to the patent right to be obtained based on the right to be granted a patent within the scope of the matters indicated in the description, claims, or drawings originally attached to the written application.
(5)If a patent application to which a provisional exclusive license is linked is divided pursuant to Article 44, paragraph (1), a provisional exclusive license is deemed to have been established with regard to the patent right to be obtained based on the right to be granted a patent to which a new patent application resulting from the division of the patent application to the extent permitted by the act establishing the provisional exclusive license;provided, however, that this does not apply when otherwise provided by the act of establishing the provisional exclusive license.
(6)A provisional exclusive license is forfeited if the establishment of the patent right is registered in connection with the patent application, if the patent application is waived, withdrawn, or dismissed, or if an examiner's decision or trial decision rejecting the patent application becomes final and binding.
(Provisional Non-Exclusive Licenses)
Article 34-3(1)A person that has the right to be granted a patent may grant another party a provisional non-exclusive license to the patent right is to be obtained based on the right to be granted a patent within the scope of the matters indicated in the description, claims, or drawings originally attached to the written patent application.
(2)If the establishment of a patent right has been registered concerning a patent application that is related to a provisional non-exclusive license under the preceding paragraph, a non-exclusive license to the patent is deemed to be granted for the patent right to a person that has the provisional non-exclusive license to the extent permitted by the act establishing the provisional non-exclusive license.
(3)If an exclusive license is deemed to have been established with regard to a provisional exclusive license related to a provisional non-exclusive license under Article 34-2, paragraph (4) pursuant to Article 34-2, paragraph (2), with regard to the exclusive license, the non-exclusive license is deemed to have been granted to a person that has the provisional non-exclusive license to the extent permitted by the act establishing the provisional non-exclusive license.
(4)A provisional non-exclusive license may be transferred only if the business involving the working of invention under the patent application is also transferred, the consent of a person that has the right to be granted a patent (in the case of a provisional non-exclusive license on the exclusive license to be obtained based on the provisional exclusive license, a person that has the right to be granted a patent and a provisional exclusive licensee) is obtained, or the transfer occurs as a result of general succession including inheritance.
(5)If a priority claim under Article 41, paragraph (1) is made based on the invention described in the description, claims, or drawings (if the earlier application is an application written in a foreign language under Article 36-2, paragraph (2), foreign-language documents provided in Article 36-2, paragraph (1)) originally attached to the written application for the earlier application as referred to in Article 41, paragraph (1) to which a provisional non-exclusive license under paragraph (1) or Article 34-2, paragraph (4), or Article 4-2, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act is linked, the provisional non-exclusive license is deemed to have been granted to a person that has the provisional non-exclusive license on the patent right to be obtained based on the right to be granted a patent pertaining to the patent application containing the priority claim to the extent permitted by the act establishing the provisional non-exclusive license;provided, however, that this does not apply when otherwise provided by the act of establishment.
(6)If a patent application to which a provisional non-exclusive license is linked is divided pursuant to Article 44, paragraph (1), a provisional non-exclusive license is deemed to have been granted to a person that has the provisional non-exclusive license for the patent right to be obtained based on the right to be granted a patent under a new patent application resulting from the division of the patent application to the extent permitted by the act establishing the provisional non-exclusive license;provided, however, that this does not apply when otherwise provided by the act of establishment.
(7)If the provisional exclusive license to a patent right that is to be obtained based on the right to be granted a patent to which a new patent application as provided in Article 34-2, paragraph (5) pertains (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as the "provisional exclusive license linked to the new patent application") is deemed to have been established pursuant to the main clause of Article 34-2, paragraph (5), a person with a provisional non-exclusive license under the exclusive license that was to be obtained based on the provisional exclusive license to the patent that was to be obtained based on the right to be granted the patent to which the original patent application with which that new patent application is connected pertains is deemed to have been granted, a provisional non-exclusive license under the provisional exclusive license linked to the new patent application, within the extent permitted by the act establishing the provisional non-exclusive license; provided, however, that this does not apply if otherwise specified by the act of establishment.
(8)If an application is converted pursuant to Article 46, paragraph (1) with regard to an application for utility model registration to which a provisional non-exclusive license under Article 4-2, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act is linked, the provisional non-exclusive license is deemed to have been granted to a person that has the provisional non-exclusive license on a patent right to be obtained based on the right to be granted a patent to which the patent application resulting from the conversion of the application to the extent permitted by the act establishing the provisional non-exclusive license;provided, however, that this does not apply when otherwise provided by the act of establishment.
(9)If an application is converted pursuant to Article 46, paragraph (2) with regard to an application for design registration to which a provisional non-exclusive license under Article 5-2, paragraph (1) of the Design Act (Act No.125 of 1959) is linked, the provisional non-exclusive license is deemed to have been granted to a person that has the provisional non-exclusive license with regard to a patent right to be obtained based on the right to be granted a patent to which the patent application resulting from the conversion of the application to the extent permitted by the act establishing the provisional non-exclusive license;provided, however, that this does not apply when otherwise provided by the act of establishment.
(Effect of Registration)
Article 34-4(1)The establishment, transfer (excluding a transfer arising from general succession including inheritance), amendment, forfeiture (other than due to merger or under Article 34-2, paragraph (6)) or a restriction of disposition of a provisional exclusive license has no effect unless it is registered.
(Assertion of Provisional Non-Exclusive License)
Article 34-5A provisional non-exclusive license has effect on any person that, after the grant thereof, has obtained the right to be granted a patent pertaining to the provisional non-exclusive license, or a provisional exclusive license, or a provisional exclusive license on the right to be granted a patent pertaining to the provisional non-exclusive license.
(Employee Inventions)
Article 35(1)If an employee, officer of a corporation, or a national or local government (hereinafter referred to as an "employee, etc.") has obtained a patent for an invention which, by its nature, falls within the scope of the business of an employer, a corporation, or a national or local government (hereinafter referred to as an "employer, etc. ") and was achieved by an act categorized as a present or past duty of the employee, etc. performed for the employer, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "employee invention"), or if a successor to the right to be granted a patent for the employee invention has obtained a patent therefor, the employer, etc. has a non-exclusive license on the patent right.
(2)In the case of an invention by an employee, etc. other than an employee invention, any provisions in any agreement, employment regulation, or any other stipulation providing in advance that the right to be granted a patent is acquired by the employer, etc., that the patent rights for any invention made by an employee, etc. are vested in the employer, etc., or that a provisional exclusive license or exclusive license for the invention is established for the employer, etc., is null and void.
(3)In the case of an employee invention by an employee, etc., when it is prescribed in any agreement, employment regulation or any other stipulation providing in advance that the right to be granted a patent for any employee invention is vested in the employer, etc., the right to be granted a patent belongs to the employer, etc. from its occurrence.
(4)If an employee, etc. in accordance with any, employment regulation, or any other stipulation, vests the right to be granted a patent and the patent right for an employee invention in the employer, etc., or establishes an exclusive license therefor for the employer, etc., or if an exclusive license is deemed to have been established pursuant to Article 34-2, paragraph (2), and if the employee, etc., in accordance with any agreement, employment regulation, or any other stipulation, establishes a provisional exclusive license therefor for the employer, etc., for an employee invention, the employee, etc. has the right to receive a reasonable amount of money or other economic benefits (referred to as "reasonable benefits" in the next paragraph and paragraph (7)).
(5)If the provisions of a contract, employment regulation, or any other stipulation establishes for reasonable benefits, providing reasonable benefits in accordance with those provisions must not be considered unreasonable in light of circumstances in which a negotiation between the employer, etc. and the employee, etc. has taken place in order to set standards for the determination of the reasonable benefits, the set standards have been disclosed, and the opinions of the employee, etc. on the determination of the content of the reasonable benefits have been received, and any other relevant circumstances.
(7)If there are no provisions setting forth the reasonable benefits, or if it is found pursuant to paragraph (5) that the reasonable benefits to be granted in accordance with the relevant provisions are unreasonable, the content of the reasonable benefits to receive referred to in paragraph (4) must be set in compensation of the amount of profit to be gained by the employer, etc. from the invention, the burden and contribution of the employer, etc., and how the employer, etc. treats the employee, etc. and any other circumstances connected with the invention.
(Patent Applications)
Article 36(1)A person seeking a patent must submit a written application to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office stating the following:
(i)the name and domicile or residence of the applicant for the patent; and
(ii)the name and domicile or residence of the inventor.
(i)the title of the invention;
(ii)A brief explanation of the drawings; and
(iii)a detailed explanation of the invention.
(i)as provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, it is clear and sufficient to enable a person ordinarily skilled in the art of the invention to work the invention; and
(ii)if the person seeking the grant of a patent has knowledge of any invention (meaning an invention as provided in Article 29, paragraph (1), item (iii), hereinafter the same applies in this item) that is connected to the person's invention and that, as of the time the person files the patent application, has become a published, publicly-known invention appears and gives the whereabouts of other information on it.
(5)In claims referred to in paragraph (2), the patent applicant must state all matters that the applicant finds to be necessary for defining the invention for which the patent is sought, separately for each claim.In this case, an invention specified by a statement in one claim may be the same invention specified by a statement in another claim.
(i)the invention for which the patent is sought is stated in the detailed explanation of the invention;
(ii)the invention for which a patent is sought is clear;
(iii)the statement for each claim is concise; and
(iv)the statement is composed in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Article 36-2(1)A person seeking the grant of a patent may, in lieu of the description, claims, required drawings and abstract referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, attach to the written application a document in a foreign language provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, stating matters required to be stated in the description or the claims under paragraphs (3) through (6) of the Article, and required drawings containing any descriptive text in the foreign language (hereinafter referred to as a "foreign-language document"), and a document in the foreign language stating matters required to be stated in the abstract pursuant to paragraph (7) of the Article (hereinafter referred to as "foreign-language abstract").
(2)The applicant for a written patent application to which foreign-language documents and a foreign-language abstract are attached pursuant to the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as an "application written in a foreign language") must submit to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office Japanese translations of the foreign-language documents and the foreign-language abstract within one year and four months from the date of filing of the patent application (in the case of a patent application containing a priority claim under Article 41, paragraph (1), the filing date of the earlier application provided for in the paragraph; in the case of a patent application containing a priority claim under Article 43, paragraph (1), Article 43-2, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), or Article 43-3, paragraph (1) or (2), the filing date of the earliest application, the filing date of the patent application that is deemed to be the earliest application under Article 4.C(4) of the Paris Convention (meaning the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20, 1883, as revised in Brussels on December 14, 1900, Washington on June 2, 1911, The Hague on November 6, 1925, London on June 2, 1934, Lisbon on October 31, 1958, and Stockholm on July 14, 1967; the same applies hereinafter), or the filing date of the patent application that is recognized as the earliest application under Article 4.A(2) of the Paris Convention; and in the case of a patent application containing two or more priority claims under Article 41, paragraph (1), Article 43, paragraph (1), Article 43-2, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), or Article 43-3 paragraph (1) or (2), the earliest of the filing dates on which the priority claims are based; the same applies to Article 64, paragraph (1)); provided, however, that if the application written in a foreign language is a new patent application arising from the division of a patent application under Article 44, paragraph (1), or a patent application arising from the conversion of an application under Article 46, paragraph (1) or (2), or a patent application based on a utility model registration under Article 46-2, paragraph (1), the applicant may submit Japanese translations of the foreign-language documents and the foreign-language abstract even after the lapse of the period prescribed in the main clause, but only within two months following the division of the patent application, conversion of application, or filing of patent application based on a utility model registration.
(3)When the translation of foreign-language documents and the foreign- language abstract provided in the preceding paragraph has not been submitted within the period prescribed in the main clause of the paragraph (the time limit prescribed in the proviso to the paragraph if the translation of foreign-language documents and the foreign-language abstract may be submitted pursuant to the proviso to the paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must notify the applicant of the application written in a foreign language thereof.
(4)A person that has received the notice provided in the preceding paragraph may submit the translations of foreign-language documents and the foreign-language abstract provided in paragraph (2) to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office only within the period provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(5)When the translations of foreign-language documents (excluding drawings) provided for in paragraph (2) are not submitted within the period prescribed in paragraph (4), the patent application is deemed to have been withdrawn upon passage of the period prescribed in the main clause of the paragraph.
(6)The applicant of a patent application that has been deemed to have been withdrawn pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may submit translations of the foreign-language documents and the foreign-language abstract under paragraph (2) to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office pursuant to Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, only within the period provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry;provided, however, that this does not apply if the applicant is found to have intentionally failed to submit translations prescribed in the preceding paragraph within the period prescribed in paragraph (4).
(8)The translations of foreign-language documents provided in paragraph (2) are deemed to be the description, claims, and drawings submitted with the written application pursuant to paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, and the translation of the foreign-language abstract provided for in paragraph (2) is deemed to be the abstract submitted with the written application pursuant to paragraph (2) of the preceding Article.
Article 37Two or more inventions may be the subject of a single patent application in the same written application provided that these inventions are of a group of inventions recognized as fulfilling the requirements of unity of invention based on their technical relationship specified by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Article 38If the right to the grant a patent is co-owned, a patent application may only be filed by all the co-owners.
(Certification of Filing Date)
Article 38-2(1)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must certify the date on which a written application with regard to a patent application is submitted as the date of the filing of the patent application, except when the patent application falls under any of the following items:
(i)it is found that the indication of requesting the grant of a patent is not clear;
(ii)there is no statement of the name of the applicant or it is found that the statement of the name is not sufficiently clear to specify the applicant; or
(iii)the description (in an application written in a foreign language, the matters to be stated in the description are stated in a foreign language provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry referred to in Article 36-2, paragraph (1); hereinafter, the same applies in this Article) is not attached to the application (except when the patent application is filed by a method prescribed in paragraph (1) of the following Article).
(4)If supplementing a patent application pursuant to the preceding paragraph, a document with respect to the supplement (hereinafter referred to as a "written supplement") must be submitted in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; provided, however, that if supplementing with regard to the description pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the description must be submitted at the same time as the submission of the written supplement.
(5)If supplementing a patent application pursuant to paragraph (3), required drawings of Article 36, paragraph (2) may be submitted at the same time as the submission of the written supplement (in the case of a written application in a foreign language, required drawings which contain any descriptive text in a foreign language provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry under Article 36-2, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same applies in this Article).
(6)If a patent application has been supplemented within the period under paragraph (3) by a person that has received a notice provided under paragraph (2), the patent application is deemed to have been filed at the time of submission of the written supplement.In this case, the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office is to certify the date of filing of the patent application as the date on which the written supplement was submitted.
(9)If a person seeking the grant of a patent undertakes the procedures to be undertaken by a person upon reception of the notice under paragraph (2) prior to receiving the notice, the procedures are deemed to be undertaken by the person by receiving the notice, unless otherwise provided for by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(Patent Application by a Method for Claiming to Refer to an Earlier Patent Application)
Article 38-3(1)Except when filing a written-application in a foreign language, a person requesting the grant of a patent may file a patent application by a method for claiming to refer to a patent application made by the person (including one made in a foreign country, hereinafter referred to as an "earlier patent application" in this Article) without attaching a description or required drawings to the written application, notwithstanding Article 36, paragraph (2);provided, however, that this does not apply if the patent application falls under item (i) or (ii) of Article 38-2, paragraph (1).
(2)A person filing a patent application by a method prescribed in the preceding paragraph must submit to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office a document stating that fact and matters provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry with regard to the earlier patent application, at the time of filing the patent application.
(3)A person that has filed a patent application by the method prescribed in paragraph (1) must submit the description and required drawings to be submitted with the written application for the patent application, and a document provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry with regard to the earlier patent application referred to using the method prescribed in the paragraph within the period specified by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(4)If the matters stated in the description and drawings submitted pursuant to the preceding paragraph are not within the scope of the matters stated in the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application of the earlier patent application referred to using the method prescribed in paragraph (1) (if the earlier patent application was an application written in a foreign language, foreign-language documents; if the earlier patent application was filed in a foreign country, documents which were submitted at the time of filing the application and correspond to the description, claims, or drawings), the patent application is deemed to have been filed at the time of submission of the description and drawings under the preceding paragraph, notwithstanding Article 38-2, paragraph (1).
(6)The preceding paragraphs of this Article do not apply to a new patent application arising from the division of a patent application under Article 44, paragraph (1), a patent application arising from the conversion of an application under Article 46, paragraph (1) or (2), or a patent application based on a utility model registration under Article 46-2, paragraph (1).
(Notice When a Part of the Description or Drawings Lacks a Statement)
Article 38-4(1)When determining the date of filing of a patent application, if the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office finds that a part of the description or drawings (in the case of an application written in a foreign language, a document in a foreign language provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry stating matters required to be stated in the description specified by Article 36-2, paragraph (1), and required drawings which contain descriptive text in the foreign language; hereinafter the same applies in this article) attached to the written application lacks a statement, the commissioner must notify the applicant thereof.
(3)In order to supplement the description or drawings pursuant to the preceding paragraph, a document supplementing the description or drawings (hereinafter referred to as a "written supplement of the description or drawings" in this Article and Article 67, paragraph (3), item (vi)) must be submitted in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(4)If a person that has received a notice provided under paragraph (1) supplements a patent application within the period provided in paragraph (2), notwithstanding Article 38-2, paragraph (1) or (6), the patent application is deemed to have been filed at the time of submitting the written supplement of the description or drawings;provided, however, that this does not apply if the supplement was made with regard to a patent application containing a priority claim under Article 41, paragraph (1), Article 43, paragraph (1), Article 43-2, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), or Article 43-3, paragraph (1) or (2) and the contents stated in the written supplement of the description or drawings submitted pursuant to the preceding paragraph are within the scope provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(5)If a patent application supplemented referred to in paragraph (2) falls under Article 38-2, paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii), and the relevant written supplement has been submitted after the submission of the written supplement of the description or drawings pursuant to paragraph (3), the patent application is deemed to have been filed at the time of submitting that relevant written supplement, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph.
(10)The preceding paragraphs of this article do not apply to a new patent application arising from the division of a patent application under Article 44, paragraph (1), a patent application arising from the conversion of an application under Article 46, paragraph (1) or (2), or a patent application based on a utility model registration under Article 46-2, paragraph (1).
(Waiver or Withdrawal of Patent Application)
Article 38-5If there is a person that has a provisional exclusive license on a patent application and the applicant of the patent may only waive or withdraw the patent application with the consent of that person.
(Prior Application)
Article 39(1)If two or more patent applications claiming identical inventions are filed on different dates, only the applicant that filed the patent application on the earliest date may be granted a patent for the invention claimed.
(2)If two or more patent applications claiming identical inventions are filed on the same date, only one applicant, selected by consultations between the applicants that filed the applications, may be granted a patent for the invention claimed. If no agreement is reached by consultations or consultations are unable to be held, none of the applicants may be granted a patent for the invention claimed.
(3)If the invention and the device claimed in applications for a patent and a utility model registration, respectively, are identical and the applications for a patent and a utility model registration are filed on different dates, the applicant for a patent may obtain a patent for the invention claimed, only if the application for a patent is filed prior to the application for a utility model registration.
(4)If the invention and the device claimed in applications for a patent and a utility model registration, respectively, are identical (excluding when an invention claimed in a patent application based on a utility model registration pursuant to Article 46-2, paragraph (1) (including a patent application that is deemed to have been filed at the time of filing of the relevant patent application Article 44, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 46, paragraph (6))) and a device in the utility model registration are identical) and the applications for the patent and a utility model registration are filed on the same date, only the applicants, selected by consultations between the applicants, may be granted a patent or a utility model registration. If no agreement is reached by consultations or no consultations are able to be held, the applicant for a patent may not be granted a patent for the invention claimed.
(5)If an application for a patent or a utility model registration has been abandoned, withdrawn or dismissed, or the examiner's decision or decision on a trial or appeal to the effect that a patent application is to be rejected has become final and binding, the application for a patent or a utility model registration is deemed never to have been filed, for the purpose of application of paragraphs (1) through (4);provided, however, that this does not apply if the examiner's decision or decision on the trial or appeal to the effect that the patent application is to be rejected has become final and binding on the basis that the second sentence of paragraph (2) or (4) is applicable to the patent application.
(Priority Claim Based on a Patent Application)
Article 41(1)A person seeking the grant of a patent may make a priority claim for an invention claimed in the patent application, based on an invention disclosed in the description or scope of claims for a patent, or scope of claims or drawings for a utility model registration (if the earlier application was an application written in a foreign language, the foreign-language documents) originally attached to the written application for an earlier application filed for a patent or utility model registration which the person has the right to obtain (hereinafter referred to as "earlier application"), except in the following cases; provided, however, that if there is a person that has a provisional exclusive license on the earlier application, a priority claim may be made only if the consent of the person is obtained at the time of filing the patent:
(i)the patent application is not filed within one year from the date of the filing of the earlier application (excluding the case where the person is not found to have intentionally failed to file the patent application within one year from the filing date of the earlier application and the patent application is filed pursuant to Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry within the period provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry);
(ii)the earlier application is a new patent application arising from the division of a patent application under Article 44, paragraph (1), a patent application arising from the conversion of a patent application under Article 46, paragraph (1) or (2), a patent application based on a utility model registration under Article 46-2, paragraph (1), or a new utility model registration application arising from the division of a utility model registration application under Article 44, paragraph (1) of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act or a utility model registration application arising from the conversion of a utility model registration application under Article 10, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Utility Model Act;
(iii)at the time of the filing of the patent application, the earlier application has been waived, withdrawn, or dismissed;
(iv)at the time of the filing of the patent application, the examiner's decision or the decision on the trial or appeal for the earlier application has become final and binding; and
(v)at the time of the filing of the patent application, the registration establishing a utility model right under Article 14, paragraph (2) of the Utility Model Act with respect to the earlier application has been effected.
(2)In applying Article 29, the main clause of Article 29-2, Article 30, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 39, paragraphs (1) through (4), Article 69, paragraph (2), item (ii), Articles 72, 79, and 81, Article 82, paragraph (1), Article 104 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 65, paragraph (6) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 184-10, paragraph (2))) and Article 126, paragraph (7) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 17-2, paragraph (6), Article 120-5, paragraph (9) and Article 134-2, paragraph (9)) of the Patent Act, Article 7, paragraph (3) and Article 17 of the Utility Model Act, Article 26, Article 31, paragraph (2) and Article 32, paragraph (2) of the Design Act, and Article 29, Article 33-2, paragraph (1) and Article 33-3, paragraph (1) of the Trademark Act (Act No. 127 of 1959) (including as those provisions are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 68, paragraph (3) of the Trademark Act( Act No. 127 of 1959)) to inventions claimed in a patent application containing a priority claim under the preceding paragraph, with regard to those that are indicated in the description or claims for a patent, or claims, or drawings for a utility model registration (if the earlier application was an application written in a foreign language, foreign-language documents) originally attached to the written application for the earlier application on which the priority claim is based (if the earlier application contains a priority claim under paragraph (1) or Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act, or Article 43, paragraph (1), Article 43-2, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), or Article 43-3, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Patent Act (including as those provisions are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act), this excludes any inventions indicated in any documents (limited to those equivalent to the description, claims for a patent or utility model registration, or drawings) submitted at the time of filing of the application on which the priority claim in the earlier application is based), the patent application containing a priority claim is deemed to have been filed at the time of filing of the earlier application.,
(3)The earlier application is deemed to be published or to be published in the bulletin in which the utility model appears as the time that the relevant patent application is published in the gazette in which the patent appears or the relevant application is published, as regards the invention indicated in the description, claims, or drawings (or, if this is an application written in a foreign language, in the foreign-language documents) originally attached to the written application for a patent application containing a priority claim under paragraph (1), if the invention is also indicated in the description or claims for a patent, or claims or drawings for a utility model registration (or, if the earlier application was an application written in a foreign language, in the foreign-language documents) originally attached to the written application for the earlier application on which the priority claim is based (or, if the earlier application contains a priority claim under paragraph (1) or Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act, or Article 43, paragraph (1), Article 43-2, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), or Article 43-3, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Patent Act (including as those provisions are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act), this excludes the inventions indicated in any documents (limited to those equivalent to the description or claims for a patent, or claims, or drawings for a utility model registration) submitted at the time of the filing of the application on which the priority claim in the earlier application is based), and the main clause of Article 29-2 of the Patent Act and the main clause of Article 3-2 of the Utility Model Act apply.
(Withdrawal of Earlier Application)
Article 42(1)An earlier application on which a priority claim is based under Article 41, paragraph (1) is deemed to be withdrawn when the period provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry from the filing date of the earlier application has lapsed;provided, however, that this does not apply if the earlier application has been abandoned, withdrawn or dismissed, the examiner's decision or decision on the trial or appeal for the earlier application has become final and binding, the registration establishing a utility model right under Article 14, paragraph (2) of the Utility Model Act with respect to the earlier application has been effected, or all priority claims based on the earlier application are withdrawn.
(Priority Claim Procedures Under the Paris Convention)
Article 43(1)A person desiring to take advantage of the priority of a patent application pursuant to Article 4.D.(1) of the Paris Convention must submit a document to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office within the period provided by Order of the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Industry, and giving the name of country of the Paris Convention Union in which the application was first filed, deemed to have first been filed pursuant to C.(4) of that Article, or found to have first been filed pursuant to A.(2) of the Article, and stating the filing date of the application.
(2)A person that has made a priority claim as under the preceding paragraph must submit a document to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office showing the filing date of the application and bearing the certification of the country of the Paris Convention Union in which the application was first made, or found to have been first made pursuant to Article 4.C.(4) of the Paris Convention, or found to have first been made pursuant to A.(2) of the Article, as well as certified copies of documents equivalent to the description, patent claims or utility model registration claims, and drawings submitted at the time of the filing of the application, or any bulletin or certificate giving the same type of details that published by the government of that country, within one year and four months from the earliest of the following dates:
(i)the date of the first filing, the date of the filing that is deemed to be the first filing pursuant to Article 4.C.(4) of the Paris Convention, or the date of the filing that is found to be the first filing pursuant to A.(2) of that Article;
(ii)if the patent application contains a priority claim under Article 41, paragraph (1), the filing date of the application on which the priority claim is based; or
(iii)if the patent application contains other priority claims as under the preceding paragraph, paragraph (1) of the next Article (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), or Article 43-3, paragraph (1) or (2), the filing date of the application on which the priority claim is based.
(3)A person that has made a priority claim as under paragraph (1) must submit to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office a document specifying the filing number of the application which was first filed, is deemed to have been first filed pursuant to Article 4.C.(4) of the Paris Convention, or is recognized to have been first filed pursuant to A.(2) of the Article, beyond the documents provided in the preceding paragraph;provided, however, that if the filing number is not possible for the person to learn that filing number prior to the submission of the documents provided for in the paragraph, a document specifying the reason therefor must be submitted in lieu of the document specifying the filing number, and the document specifying the filing number must be submitted without delay once the person comes to know that number.
(5)In applying of the preceding two paragraphs, the documents provided in paragraph (2) are deemed to be submitted in a case specified by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, as one in which it is permissible for electronic or magnetic means (meaning an electronic means, a magnetic means, or any other means that is impossible to perceive through the human senses alone) to be used for exchanging the details given in the documents provided for in paragraph (2) with a country of the Paris Convention Union or an international organization involved in industrial property rights, if the person claiming priority as under paragraph (1) submits to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office a document stating the filing number of the application and other matters specified by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as necessary for exchanging the matters, within the provided for in paragraph (2),
(6)If a document prescribed in paragraph (2) or a document prescribed in the preceding paragraph has not been submitted within the period prescribed in paragraph (2), the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must notify the person that has made the priority claim under paragraph (1) to that effect.
(7)A person that has received a notice prescribed in the preceding paragraph may submit a document prescribed in paragraph (2) or a document prescribed in paragraph (5) to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office only within the period provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(8)If a person that has received a notice provided under paragraph (6) is unable to submit the documents provided in paragraph (2) or the document provided in paragraph (5) within the period provided under the preceding paragraph due to reasons beyond the person's control, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the person may submit to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office the documents within the period provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(Priority Claims as under the Paris Convention)
Article 43-2(1)With regard to a person that was unable to file a patent application containing a priority claim within the periods of priority pursuant to Article 4.C.(1) of the Paris Convention (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "periods of priority"), despite requesting to make a priority claim pursuant to Article 4.D.(1) of the Paris Convention regarding a patent application, if the person filed the patent application pursuant to Order of the Ministry, Trade and Industry within the period provided by Order of the Ministry, Trade and Industry, the person may make a priority claim regarding the patent application under the Article, even after the lapse of the periods of priority; provided, however, that this does not apply if the person is found to have intentionally failed to file the patent application within the periods of priority.
Article 43-3(1)When a priority claim is based on a patent application filed by a person specified in the left-hand column of the following table in a country specified in the corresponding right-hand column, the priority claim regarding the patent application may be made in accordance with Article 4 of the Paris Convention.
(2)The national of a country that is neither a country of the Paris Convention Union nor a member state of the World Trade Organization (limited to a country that allows Japanese nationals to make a priority claim under the same conditions as in Japan; hereinafter referred to as a "specified country" in this paragraph) may make a priority claim based on an application filed in that specified country, and a Japanese national, the national of a country of the Paris Convention Union, or the national of a member of the World Trade Organization may claim a priority for a patent application based on the application filed in a specified country, pursuant to Article 4 of the Paris Convention.
(Division of Patent Applications)
Article 44(1)An applicant for a patent may divide a patent application containing two or more inventions into one or more new patent application, but only in the following cases:
(i)at the allowable time or within the allowable period for amendments of the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application;
(ii)within 30 days from the date on which a certified copy of an examiner's decision to the effect that a patent is to be granted (excluding an examiner's decision to the effect that a patent is to be granted as under Article 51 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 163, paragraph (3) and an examiner's decision to the effect that a patent is to be granted with regard to a patent application that has been subject to examination as provided in Article 160, paragraph (1)) is served; and
(iii)within three months from the date on which a certified copy of an examiner's initial decision to the effect that the application is to be rejected has been served.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, a new patent application is deemed to have been filed at the time of filing of the original patent application;provided, however, that this does not apply for the purpose of application of Article 29-2 of the Patent Act if the new patent application falls under another patent application provided for in the Article, application provided for in Article 3-2 of the Utility Model Act if the new patent application falls under a patent application provided in the Article, and application of Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Patent Act.
(3)For the purpose of application of Article 43, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-2, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of the preceding Article) and paragraph (3) of the preceding Article) when a new patent application is filed prescribed in paragraph (1), the phrase "within one year and four months from the earliest of the following dates" in Article 43, paragraph (2) is replaced with "within one year and four months from the earliest of the following dates or three months from the filing date of the new patent application, whichever is later".
(4)If a new patent application is filed as provided in paragraph (1), any statements or documents which have been submitted in relation to the original patent application and must be submitted in relation to the new patent application pursuant to Article 30, paragraph (3), Article 41, paragraph (4), or Article 43, paragraphs (1) and (2) (including as the two paragraphs are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-2, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of the preceding Article) and paragraph (3) of the preceding Article) are deemed to have been submitted to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office at the same time as the new patent application.
(7)If the applicant for a new patent under paragraph (1) is unable to file the new patent application within the period prescribed in items (ii) and (iii) due to reasons beyond the applicant's control, notwithstanding the items, the applicant may file the new patent application within 14 days (if the applicant is an overseas resident, within two months) from the date on which the reasons ceased to be applicable, but not later than six months following the passage of the period.
(Conversion of Applications)
Article 46(1)An applicant of a utility model registration may convert the application into a patent application;provided, however, that this does not apply after the passage of three years from the filing date of application for utility model registration.
(2)An applicant of a design registration may convert the application into a patent application;provided, however, that this does not apply once three months have passed since the date on which the certified copy of the examiner's initial decision to the effect that the application for a design registration is to be rejected has been served or after the passage of three years from the filing date of application for design registration (excluding a period of a maximum of three months after the date on which the certified copy of the examiner's initial decision to the effect that the application for a design registration is to be rejected has been served).
(3)If the period provided in Article 46, paragraph (1) of the Design Act is extended pursuant to Article 4 of the Patent Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 68, paragraph (1) of the Design Act, the three-month period prescribed in the proviso to the preceding paragraph is deemed to be extended only by the length of that extension.
(5)If a person that converts an application under paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) is unable to convert the application within the period prescribed in the proviso to paragraph (1) or within the period of three years prescribed in the proviso to paragraph (2) due to reasons beyond the person's control, notwithstanding the proviso to paragraph (1) or the proviso to paragraph (2), the person may convert the application within 14 days (if the person is an overseas resident, within two months) from the date on which the reasons ceased to be applicable, but not later than six months following the passage of the period of time prescribed in those provisions.
(Patent Applications Based on Utility Model Registration)
Article 46-2(1)Except in the following cases, a person that holds a utility model right may file a patent application based on the person's own utility model registration pursuant to Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.In this case, the utility model right must be waived:
(i)three years have lapsed from the filing date of the application for the utility model registration;
(ii)a request for the examiner's technical opinion as provided in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act with respect to the application to which the relevant utility model registration pertains or with respect to that utility model registration (in the following paragraph simply referred to as a" technical opinion about the utility model ") is filed by the applicant of the utility model registration or the utility model right holder;
(iii)30 days have passed since the date of receipt of an initial notice under Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Utility Model Act pertaining to a request for a utility model technical opinion on the application for the utility model registration, or on the utility model registration filed by a person that is neither the applicant of the utility model registration nor the utility model right holder; and
(iv)the period of time initially designated pursuant to Article 39, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act for a utility model registration invalidation trial filed against the utility model registration as referred to in Article 37, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act has expired.
(2)A patent application under the preceding paragraph is deemed to have been filed at the time of filing of the application for the utility model registration, provided that matters stated in the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application for the patent application are within the scope of the matters stated in the description claims, or drawings attached to the written application for the utility model registration application on which the patent application is based;provided, however, that this does not apply for the purpose of application of Article 29-2 of the Patent Act or Article 3-2 of the Utility Model Act if the patent application falls under another patent application under Article 29-2 of the Patent Act or a patent application under Article 3-2 of the Utility Model Act, respectively, or for the purpose of application of Article 30, paragraph (3), the proviso to 36-2, paragraph (2), and 48-3, paragraph (2).
(3)If an applicant for a patent under paragraph (1) is unable to file an application for the patent within the period provided in item (i) or (iii) of paragraph (1) due to reasons beyond the applicant's control, notwithstanding those items, the applicant may file the patent application within 14 days (if the applicant is an overseas resident, within two months) from the date on which the reasons ceased to be applicable, but not later than six months following the passage of the time limits under those items.
(4)If there is an exclusive licensee or a pledgee, or a non-exclusive licensee when Article 35, paragraph (1) of the Patent Act as applied pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (3) of the Utility Model Act, under Article 77, paragraph (4) of the Patent Act as applied pursuant to Article 18, paragraph (3) of the Utility Model Act, or under Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Utility Model Act is applicable, the holder of a utility model right may only file a patent application under paragraph (1), provided that the consent of the exclusive licensee, pledgee or non-exclusive licensee is obtained.
第三章 審査
Chapter III Examinations
(Examination by an Examiner)
Article 47(1)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must direct examiners to examine patent applications.
(Exclusion of Examiners)
Article 48Article 139 (excluding items (vi) and (vii)) applies mutatis mutandis to examiners.
(Examination of Patent Applications)
Article 48-2The examination of a patent application is initiated after the filing of a request for examination.
(Request for Examination of Application)
Article 48-3(1)Once a patent application is filed, any person may file with the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office a request for the examination of the application regarding the patent application within three years from the filing date thereof.
(2)A request for examination may be filed even after the period referred to in the preceding paragraph has passed, if filed with respect to a new patent application arising from the division of a patent application under Article 44, paragraph (1), a patent application in question in the conversion of an application under Article 46, paragraphs (1) or (2), or a patent application based on a utility model registration under Article 46-2, paragraph (1), but only within 30 days after the relevant division or conversion of the patent application, or the filing of the patent application based on the utility model registration.
(5)The applicant of the patent application that is deemed to have been withdrawn pursuant to the preceding paragraph may file a request for examination of the application pursuant to Order of the Ministry, Trade and Industry only within the period specified by Order of the Ministry, Trade and Industry;provided, however, that this does not apply if the applicant is found to have intentionally failed to file a request for the examination of the patent application within the period prescribed in paragraph (1).
(8)If a request for the examination of a patent application is filed pursuant to paragraph (5) (including as applied mutatis mutandis in the preceding paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) and the establishment of a patent right for the patent application is registered, if a person has been practicing the invention or preparing to working the invention in Japan in good faith after the fact that the patent application has been deemed to be withdrawn under paragraph (4) (including as applied mutatis mutandis in the preceding paragraph) is published in the patent gazette but before the fact that the request for the examination of the patent application has been filed under paragraph (5) is published in the patent gazette, the person has a non-exclusive license on the patent right, only to the extent of the invention and the purpose of the business worked or prepared.
(i)the name and domicile or residence of the petitioner; and
(ii)an identification of the patent application for which the examination is requested.
Article 48-5(1)If a request for the examination of an application is filed prior to the publication of the application, the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must publish an indication of this in the patent gazette either at the time of publication of the application or thereafter without delay, and if a request for examination is filed after the publication of the application, the commissioner must publish this in the patent gazette thereafter without delay.
(Prioritized Examination)
Article 48-6If the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office finds that a person other than the applicant is working the invention claimed in a patent application in the course of trade after the publication of the application, and it is necessary for the commissioner to do so, the commissioner may have an examiner prioritize the examination of that patent application over that of other patent applications.
(Notifying the Applicant with Regard to Information About a Published Publicly-Known Invention)
Article 48-7When an examiner finds that a patent application does not comply with the requirements prescribed in Article 36, paragraph (4), item (ii), the examiner may notify the applicant of the patent thereof and give the applicant an opportunity to submit a written opinion within a reasonable, specified period of time.
(Examiner's Decision of Rejection)
Article 49The examiner must reach an examiner's decision to the effect that a patent application is to be rejected if the patent application falls under any of the following:
(i)an amendment made to the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application of the patent application does not comply with the requirements prescribed in Article 17-2, paragraph (3) or (4);
(ii)the invention claimed in the patent application is unpatentable, pursuant to Article 25, 29, 29-2, 32, or 38 or Article 39, paragraphs (1) through (4);
(iii)the invention claimed in the patent application is unpatentable, pursuant to the provisions of any relevant treaty;
(iv)the patent application does not comply with the requirements prescribed in Article 36, paragraph (4), item (i), Article 36, paragraph (6), or Article 37;
(v)the applicant has been notified as under the preceding Article, but even after the amendment of the description or submission of the written opinion the patent application does not comply with the requirements prescribed in Article 36, paragraph (4), item (ii);
(vi)the patent application is an application written in a foreign language, and matters stated in the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application are not within the scope of matters stated in foreign-language documents; or
(vii)the applicant for the patent does not have the right to be granted a patent for the invention claimed in the application.
(Notice of the Grounds for Rejection)
Article 50Before reaching the decision to reject an application, an examiner must notify the applicant for the patent of the grounds therefor and give the applicant an opportunity to submit a written opinion within an adequate specified period of time;provided, however, that in cases as set forth in Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i) or (iii) (in the case set forth item (i), limited to the case where the examiner issues the notice under the following Article along with the notice of grounds for rejection), this does not apply if a ruling to dismiss as under Article 53, paragraph (1) is rendered.
(Notice to the Effect That Grounds for Rejection are the Same As in a Previous Notice)
Article 50-2If an examiner intends to issue a notice of grounds for rejecting a patent application pursuant to the preceding Article, and these grounds for rejection are the same as the grounds for rejection in a notice under the preceding Article (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 159, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 174, paragraph (2)) and Article 163, paragraph (2)) that involves another patent application (but only if provisions of Article 44, paragraph (2) apply to either or both of the patent applications and they are deemed to have been filed simultaneously ) (other than notice of anything that the applicant filing that patent application was not in position to know prior to the filing of a request for examination of the patent application), the examiner must also issue notice to that effect.
(Examiner's Decisions)
Article 51If no grounds for rejection are found with regard to a patent application, the examiner must reach a decision to grant the patent.
(Formal Requirements for Examiner's Decisions)
Article 52(1)An examiner's decision must be in writing and include the grounds therefor.
(Dismissal of Amendments)
Article 53(1)In the case of Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i) or (iii) (in the case set forth in item (i), this is limited to the case where the examiner issues the notice under Article 50-2 along with the notice of grounds for rejection), if an amendment made to the description, claims, or drawings attached to a written application is found not to comply with Article 17-2, paragraphs (3) through (6), prior to the service of the certified copy of the examiner's decision notifying to the effect that a patent is to be granted, the examiner must dismiss the amendment by a ruling.
(In Relation to Litigation)
Article 54(1)If it is found to be necessary during an examination, the examination procedure may be suspended until a ruling on an opposition to a granted patent or a decision on a trial or appeal has become final and binding or until litigation proceedings are concluded.
第三章の二 出願公開
Chapter III-2 Publication of Applications
(Publication of Applications)
Article 64(1)Once one year and six months have passed since the filing date of a patent application, the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must publish the patent application, unless the gazette in which the patent appears has already been published. The same applies when a request for the publication of a patent application as provided in paragraph (1) of the following Article is filed.
(2)The publication of a patent application is effected by stating the following matters in the patent gazette;provided, however, that this does not apply to the matters prescribed in items (iv) through (vi) if the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office recognizes that public order and public morals are likely to be injured by stating those matters in the patent gazette:
(i)the name, and the domicile or residence of the applicant for the patent;
(ii)the number and the filing date of the patent application;
(iii)the name, and the domicile or residence of the inventor;
(iv)the matters stated in the description, patent claims attached to the written application and the contents of the drawings attached to the application;
(v)the matters stated in the abstract attached to the written application;
(vi)in the case of an application written in a foreign language, the matters stated in the foreign-language documents and foreign-language abstract;
(vii)the number and the date of publication of the patent application; and
(viii)other necessary matters.
(3)If an indication in the abstract attached to the written application does not comply with Article 36, paragraph (7), or if the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office finds it to be otherwise necessary, the commissioner may personally prepare matters and publish them in the patent gazette, in lieu of the matters indicated in the abstract as referred to in item (v) of the preceding paragraph.
(Request for the Publication of a Patent Application)
Article 64-2(1)An applicant for a patent may file a request for the publication of the patent application with the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office except in the following cases:
(i)the patent application has already been published;
(ii)the patent application contains a priority claim as under Article 43, paragraph (1), Article 43-2, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), or Article 43-3, paragraph (1) or (2), documents relating thereto prescribed in Article 43, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-2, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)) and Article 43-3, paragraph (3)), and documents relating thereto prescribed in Article 43, paragraph (5) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-2, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)) and 43-3, paragraph (3)) have not been submitted to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office; and
(iii)the patent application is an application written in a foreign language and translations of the foreign-language documents prescribed in Article 36-2, paragraph (2) have not been submitted to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office.
(i)the name and domicile or residence of the petitioner; and
(ii)an identification of the patent application subject to the request to publication.
(Effect of the Publication of Applications)
Article 65(1)If the patent applicant issues a written warning giving the details of the invention in the patent application after that patent application is published, the applicant may file a claim for compensation against a person that works the invention in the course of trade after being so warned and prior to the registration of establishment of the patent right with a claim amount that corresponds to the amount of money that the applicant would be entitled to receive for the working of the invention if it were a patented invention. The same applies in respect of a claim against a person that knowingly and in the course of trade works an invention claimed in a published patent application, prior to the registration of the patent, even if no such warning is issued.
(5)If a patent application is abandoned, withdrawn, or dismissed after the publication of the patent application; if the examiner's decision or a decision on the trial or appeal rejecting the patent application becomes final and binding; if the patent right is deemed never to have existed at all pursuant to Article 112, paragraph (6) (unless it is found that the patent right is deemed to have existed from the beginning pursuant to Article 112-2, paragraph (2)); if a revocation decision as referred to in Article 114, paragraph (2) becomes final and binding; or, if with the exception of cases falling as referred to in the proviso to Article 125, a decision on an appeal to the effect that the patent is to be invalidated becomes final and binding, the right to claim referred to in paragraph (1) is deemed never to have arisen .
(6)Articles 101, 104 through104-3, 105 through 105-2-12, and 105-4 through 105-7, Article 168, paragraphs (3) through (6) of this Act, and Articles 719 and 724 (Torts) of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896) apply mutatis mutandis to the exercise of the right to claim compensation under paragraph (1).In this case, if a person having the right to make that claim learns of the fact that the invention claimed in the patent application is being worked and learns the identity of the person working the invention prior to the registration establishing a patent right, the phrase "when the victim or legal representative thereof comes to know the damage and the identity of the perpetrator" in Article 724 (i) of the Civil Code is deemed to be replaced with " the day the establishment of the patent right is registered".
第四章 特許権
Chapter IV Patent Rights
第一節 特許権
Section 1 Patent Rights
(Registration of Establishment of a Patent Right)
Article 66(1)A patent right comes into effect through registration of its establishment.
(i)the name, and the domicile or residence of the patentee;
(ii)the number and the filing date of the patent application;
(iii)the name, and the domicile or residence of the inventor;
(iv)the matters stated in the description and claims attached to the written application and the contents of the drawings attached to the written application;
(v)the matters stated in the abstract attached to the written application;
(vi)the patent number and the date of registration of its establishment; and
(vii)other necessary matters.
(Patent Term)
Article 67(1)The term of a patent right expires after a period of 20 years from the filing date of the patent application.
(2)The patent term provided for in the preceding paragraph may be extended through the filing of an application to register an extension if the establishment of a patent right is registered on or after the date on which five years have passed since the date of filing of the patent application, or the date on which three years have passed since the date of filing of a request for examination of the application, whichever is later (hereinafter referred to as the "base date").
(3)The period which may be extended pursuant to the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "permissible length for the extension") may not exceed the period calculated by deducting a period equivalent to the total of the periods listed in the following items (excluding overlapping periods among these periods, if there are any) from a period equivalent to the period from the base date until the date of registration of establishment of the patent right:
(i)if a notice or order under the provisions of this Act (excluding Article 39, paragraph (6) and Article 50), the Utility Model Act, or the Act on Special Provisions for Procedures Related to Industrial Property Rights (Act No. 30 of 1990), or a notice or order under the provisions of orders under these Acts (limited to that issued by the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office or the examiner) has been issued with regard to the patent application, and the procedure to be undertaken upon receiving the notice or order is undertaken: the period from the date on which the notice or order has been issued until the date on which the procedure is undertaken;
(ii)if the period for undertaking the procedure under the provisions of this Act or orders under this Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Patent Act or related orders" in the following item, item (v) and item (x)) has been extended for the patent application: the period running from the date after the final day in the period for undertaking the procedure to the date on which the procedure was undertaken;
(iii)if the procedure under the provisions of the Patent Act or related orders concerning the patent application for which the period for undertaking the procedure is specified may be undertaken even after the expiration of the period by which the applicant should undertake the procedure pursuant to the provisions of the Patent Act or related orders, and the procedure is undertaken: the period from the date on which the period for undertaking the procedure has expired until the day on which the procedure is undertaken;
(iv)if a disposition or notice under the provisions of this Act or the Act on Special Provisions for Procedures Related to Industrial Property Rights or the provisions of orders under these laws (referred to as the "Patent Act and related laws and regulations" in items (viii) and (ix)) is put on hold due to the applicant's request or any other act: the period running from the date on which the request or any other act is made until the date on which the grounds for putting the disposition or notice on hold cease to exist;
(v)if a decision to reduce, exempt, or grant a deferment of payment for the relevant patent fee or other fee was reached regarding the payment of a patent fee or other fee under the provisions of the Patent Act or related orders in connection with the patent application: the period running from the date on which the application for the reduction, exemption, or deferment of payment was filed to the date on which the decision was reached;
(vi)if a written supplement of the description or drawings under Article 38-4 (7) was withdrawn with regard to the patent application: the period from the date on which the written supplement of the description or drawings was submitted pursuant to paragraph (3) of the Article until the day on which the written supplement of the description or drawings was withdrawn pursuant to paragraph (7) of the Article;
(vii)if an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal was filed related to the patent application: the period specified in (a) through (c) below corresponding to the categories set forth therein:
(a)if an appeal decision to the effect that a patent is to be granted under Article 51 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 159, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 174, paragraph (2)) is made:the period running from the date on which a certified copy of the examiner's decision of refusal was served until the date on which a certified copy of the appeal decision is served;
(b)if an appeal decision to order further examination under Article 160, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 174, paragraph (2)) is made:the period running from the date on which the certified copy of the examiner's decision of refusal was served until the date on which the certified copy of the appeal decision was served; and
(c)if an examiner's decision to the effect that a patent is to be granted under Article 51 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 163, paragraph (3) is made:the period from the date on which the certified copy of the examiner's decision of refusal was served until the date on which the certified copy of the examiner's decision to the effect that a patent is to be granted was served;
(viii)if a determination for a request for review filed under the provisions of the Administrative Complaint Review Act (Act No. 68 of 2014) became final and binding with regard to a disposition under the Patent Act and related laws and regulations concerning the patent application: the period running from the date of filing of the request for review until the date on which the certified copy of the determination was served;
(ix)if a judgment on an action filed under the provisions of the Administrative Case Litigation Act (Act No. 139 of 1962) became final and binding with regard to a disposition under the Patent Act and related laws and regulations concerning the patent application: the period running from the date of filing of the action until the date on which the judgment on the action became final and binding; and
(x)if the procedure under the provisions of the Patent Act or related orders concerning the patent application was suspended or terminated: the period during which the procedure was suspended or terminated.
(4)If there was a period during which the patented invention could not be worked because approval prescribed by relevant Acts that are intended to ensure safety, etc. or any other disposition designated by Cabinet Order as requiring considerable time for its proper execution in light of its purpose, procedures, etc., was necessary to be obtained for the working of the patented invention, the duration prescribed in paragraph (1) (if it is extended pursuant to paragraph (2), including the period of extension; the same applies in the proviso to Article 67-5, paragraph (3), Article 68-2, and Article 107, paragraph (1)) may be extended, upon the filing an application to register an extension of the duration, for a maximum of 5 years.
(Registration of Patent Term Extension)
Article 67-2(1)A person filing an application to register an extension under paragraph (2) of the preceding Article must submit a written application to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office stating the following:
(i)the name, and the domicile or residence of the applicant;
(ii)the patent number;
(iii)the period for which the extension is requested;
(iv)the number and the filing date of the patent application; and
(v)the date on which the request for examination of the application was filed.
(3)The application to register an extension under paragraph (2) of the preceding Article must be filed within the period of three months (if a person filing the application is unable to file the application within that period due to reasons beyond the person's control: within 14 days (in the case of an overseas resident, within two months) from the date on which the reasons ceased to be applicable (if the period exceeds nine months: within nine months)) from the date of registration of establishment of the patent right;provided, however, that the application may not be filed after the passage of the period prescribed in paragraph (1) of the Article.
(5)If an application to register an extension under paragraph (2) of the preceding Article has been filed, the patent term provided for in paragraph (1) of the Article is deemed to have been extended;provided, however, that this does not apply once the examiner's decision to the effect that the application is to be refused has become final and binding or once the registration of extension under paragraph (3) of the following Article has been made.
(i)if the establishment of the patent right was not registered on or after the base date;
(ii)if the requested term of extension exceeds the permissible length for the extension of the term of those patent rights;
(iii)if the person filing the application is not the patentee; and
(iv)if the application does not meet the requirements under paragraph (4) of the preceding Article.
(i)the name and domicile or residence of the patentee;
(ii)the patent number;
(iii)the number and the filing date of the application to register an extension under Article 67 paragraph (2);
(iv)the date of the registration of extension;
(v)the period of extension;
(vi)the number and the filing date of the patent application; and
(vii)the date on which a request for examination of the application was filed.
Article 67-4Article 47, paragraph (1), Article 50, Article 52, and Article 139 (excluding item (vii)) apply mutatis mutandis to the examination of an application to register an extension under Article 67, paragraph (2).In this case, the term "which is being appealed" in Article 139, paragraph (6) is deemed to be replaced with "on the patent application regarding the patent right for which an application to register an extension under Article 67, paragraph (2) is filed".
(i)the name, and the domicile or residence of the applicant;
(ii)the patent number;
(iii)the period for which the extension is requested (not exceeding 5 years); and
(iv)the details of the disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4).
(3)An application to register an extension under Article 67, paragraph (4) must be filed within the period prescribed by Cabinet Order after the issuance of Cabinet Order- specified disposition as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4);provided, however, that the written application may not be filed after the passage of the term of patent prescribed in Article 67, paragraph (1).
(4)Article 67-2, paragraphs (4) through (6) apply mutatis mutandis to an application to register an extension under Article 67, paragraph (4).In this case, the term "paragraph (3) of the following Article" in the proviso to Article 67-2, paragraph (5) is deemed to be replaced with "Article 67-7, paragraph (3)", and the term "items of paragraph (1)" in Article 67-2, paragraph (6) is deemed to be replaced with "items of Article 67-5, paragraph (1)".
Article 67-6(1)If it is anticipated that it will not be possible to obtain the disposition provided for by Cabinet Order that is referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4) by 6 months and one day before the expiration of the patent term under Article 67, paragraph (1), a person seeking to file an application to register an extension as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4) must submit a document stating the following to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office by that day:
(i)the name, and domicile or residence of the person filing the application;
(ii)the patent number; and
(iii)the disposition provided for by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4).
(2)Unless the document that must be submitted pursuant to the preceding paragraph is submitted, an application to register an extension under Article 67, paragraph (4) may not be filed after six months or less before the expiration of the term of the patent right as prescribed in Article 67, paragraph (1).
(4)If a person that submits a document pursuant to paragraph (1) is unable to submit the document within the period provided in the paragraph due to reasons beyond the person's control, the person may submit the document within 14 days (if the person is an overseas resident, within one month) from the date on which the reasons ceased to be applicable, but not later than two months following the date prescribed in the paragraph, notwithstanding the provisions of the paragraph.
(i)it is not found to be necessary to receive the disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4) for the working of the patented invention;
(ii)the patentee, or the person with the exclusive license or a non-exclusive license to the patent has not received the disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4);
(iii)the requested length of the extension exceeds the period during which it was not possible to work the patent invention;
(iv)the person filing the application is not the patentee; or
(v)the application does not meet the requirements stipulated in Article 67-2, paragraph (4), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 67-5, paragraph (4).
(i)the name and the domicile or residence of the patentee;
(ii)the patent number;
(iii)the number and filing date of the application to register a patent term extension under Article 67, paragraph (4);
(iv)the date of the registration of the extension;
(v)the length of the extension; and
(vi)the contents of the disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4).
(Effect of Patent Rights)
Article 68The patentee has an exclusive right to work the patented invention in the course of trade;provided, however, that if the patentee grants an exclusive license to the patent, this does not apply within the scope of the exclusive licensee's exclusive right to work the patented invention.
(Effect of Patent Rights When the Patent Term Is Extended Pursuant to Article 67, paragraph (4))
Article 68-2If the duration prescribed in Article 67 (1) is extended pursuant to Article 67, paragraph (4) (including the case where the duration is deemed to have been extended pursuant to the main clause of Article 67-2, paragraph (5) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 67-5, paragraph (4)), the effectiveness of the patent right does not extend to any act other than the working of the patented invention for the product which was the subject of the disposition designated by Cabinet Order under Article 67, paragraph (4) which constituted the reason for the registration of extension (when the specific usage of the product is prescribed by the disposition, the product used for that usage).
(Limitations of Patent Right)
Article 69(1)A patent right is not effective against the working of the patented invention for experimental or research purposes.
(i)vessels or aircraft merely passing through Japan, or machines, apparatus, equipment, or other products used in them; and
(ii)products present in Japan prior to the filing of the patent application.
(3)A patent right for a medical invention (medicine meaning a product used in the diagnosis, therapy, treatment, or prevention of human diseases; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) that is to be manufactured by two or more medicines being mixed together or for the invention of a process by which a medicine is manufactured by two or more medicines being mixed together has no effect against the act of preparation of a medicine as per a physician's or dentist's prescription or against medicine prepared as per a physician's or a dentist's prescription.
(Technical Scope of Patented Invention)
Article 70(1)The technical scope of a patented invention must be determined based upon the statements in the claims attached to the written application.
(3)Article 131, paragraph (1), the main clause of Article 131-2, paragraph (1), Article 132, paragraphs (1) and (2), Articles 133 and 133-2, Article 134, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4), Article 135, Article 136, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 137, paragraph (2), Articles 138, 139 (excluding item (vi) and (vii)), 140 through 144, Article 144-2, paragraphs (1) and (3) through (5), Article 145, paragraphs (2) through (7), Article 146, Article 147, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 150, paragraphs (1) through (5), Articles 151 through 154, Article 155, paragraph (1), Article 157, and Article 169, paragraphs (3), (4), and (6) apply mutatis mutandis to the advisory opinion referred to in paragraph (1).In this case, the term "decision on the trial or appeal" in Article 135 is deemed to be replaced with "ruling", the phrase "A trial or appeal, other than one provided for in the preceding paragraph , in Article 145, paragraph (2) is deemed to be replaced with "Proceedings for advisory opinion," the term "open proceedings is likely to disrupt the public order or morality" in the proviso to Article 145, paragraph (5) is deemed to be replaced with "a chief administrative judge finds it necessary", the term "Article 147" in Article 151 is deemed to be replaced with "Article 147, paragraphs (1) and (2) ," and the phrase "up until such time as the decision on the trial or appeal becomes final and binding" in Article 155, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "up until the certified copy of the advisory opinion is served."
Article 71-2(1)If the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office is commissioned by the court for the provision of an expert opinion on the technical scope of a patented invention, the commissioner must appoint three administrative judges and direct them to provide an expert opinion on the requested matter.
(Relationship to Patented Inventions of Another Party)
Article 72If a patented invention uses another person's patented invention, registered utility model, registered design, or design similar thereto for which an application was filed prior to the date of filing of the patent application, or if the patent right is in conflict with another person's design right or trademark right for which an application was filed prior to the date of filing of the patent application, the patentee, exclusive licensee, or non-exclusive licensee may not work the patented invention in the course of trade.
(Co-Owned Patent Rights)
Article 73(1)If a patent right is jointly owned, no co-owner may transfer or establish a right of pledge on the co-owner's own share without the consent of the other co-owners.
(Special Provisions on the Transfer of a Patent Right)
Article 74(1)If a patent falls under the requirements prescribed in Article 123, paragraph (1), item (ii) (but only if the patent is obtained in violation of Article 38) or the requirements prescribed in item (vi) of that paragraph, the person that has the right to be granted the patent for the invention pertaining to the patent may request that the patentee transfer the patent right as provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(2)If the transfer of a patent right is registered based on the request under the preceding paragraph, the patent right is deemed to have belonged to the person that has had this registered from the beginning. The same applies to the right to claim compensation under Article 65, paragraph (1) or Article 184-10, paragraph (1) for the invention so patented.
(Lapse of a Patent Right in Absence of an Heir)
Article 76A patent right is forfeited when no person asserts the right to it as an heir within the period referred to in Article 952, paragraph (2) of the Civil Code.
(Exclusive Licenses)
Article 77(1)The patentee may grant an exclusive license to the patent right.
(Non-Exclusive Licenses)
Article 78(1)The patentee may grant another party a non-exclusive license to the patent right.
(Non-Exclusive License Based on Prior Use)
Article 79A person that, without knowing the details of the invention described in a patent application personally makes an identical invention or that learns of such an invention from a person that, without knowing the details of the invention described in a patent application, personally makes an identical invention; and that is engaging or preparing to engage in business that involves the working of the invention in Japan at the time of the patent application is filed, has a non-exclusive license under the patent right, but only within the extent of the invention that the person is working or preparing to work and within the purview of the business purpose.
(Non-exclusive License Based on the Working of an Invention Prior to the Registration of Transfer of a Patent Right)
Article 79-2(1)If, before the transfer of a patent right is registered, the person holding that patent at the time of its transfer is registered based on a request under Article 74, paragraph (1) or a person holding an exclusive license under the patent right, or a non-exclusive license under the patent right, or under the exclusive license at the time of its transfer is registered based on a request pursuant to Article 74, paragraph (1) has been engaging or preparing to engage in business that involves the working of the invention in Japan, without knowing that the patent falls under the requirements prescribed in Article 123, paragraph (1), item (ii) (but only if the patent was obtained in violation of Article 38) or the requirements provided in item (vi) of the paragraph, the person has a non-exclusive license under the patent right only within the extent of the invention that the person has been working or preparing to work and within the purview of that business purpose.
(Non-Exclusive License Based on the Working of the Invention Prior to Registration of a Request for a Trial for Invalidation)
Article 80(1)If, before a request for a trial for patent invalidation is registered, a person falling under any of the following items has been engaging or preparing to engage in business that involves the working of an invention in Japan, without knowing that the patent falls under any of the items of Article 123, paragraph (1), that person has a non-exclusive license under the invalidated patent right or under the exclusive license existing that exists at the time of its invalidation, only within the extent of the invention that the person has been working or preparing to work and within the purview of that business purpose:
(i)the original patentee, if one of the two or more patents granted for the same invention is invalidated;
(ii)the original patentee, if, after a patent is invalidated, a patent is granted to the person that is entitled to obtain a patent for the same invention; or
(iii)in the cases referred to in items (i) and (ii), a person that, at the time of the registration of the request for a trial for patent invalidation, has an exclusive license under the patent right to be invalidated, or a non-exclusive license under the patent right or exclusive license on the patent right.
(Non-Exclusive License After the Expiration of the Term of a Design Right)
Article 81If a design right connected with an application for a design registration which is filed on or before the filing date of a patent application is in conflict with the patent right that the patent application is for, upon the passage of the term of the design right, the original holder of the design right has a non-exclusive license under the patent right or under the exclusive license that exists at the time of the passage of the term of the design right, within the scope of the original design right.
Article 82(1)If a design right connected with an application for a design registration which is filed on or before the filing date of a patent application is in conflict with the patent right that the patent application is for, once the term of the design right expires, any person that has an exclusive license on the design right, or a non-exclusive license on that design right or on an exclusive license on that design right at the time the term of the design right expires, has a non-exclusive license under the patent right or under any exclusive license that exists at the time the term of the design right expires, within the scope of the original right.
(Award Granting a Non-Exclusive License If an Invention Is Not Worked)
Article 83(1)If a patented invention has not been properly and continuously worked for three years or longer in Japan, a person intending to work the patented invention may request the patentee or exclusive licensee to hold discussions toward an agreement to grant the person a non-exclusive license;provided, however, that this does not apply unless four years have passed since the filing date of the patent application for the patented invention.
(Submission of a Written Answer)
Article 84When a request for an award is filed as referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2), the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must serve a duplicate of the written request on the patentee or exclusive licensee that the request concerns, and any other person with a registered right under the patent, and give that person an opportunity to submit a written answer within a reasonable, specified period of time.
(Statement of Opinions of Non-Exclusive Licensees)
Article 84-2If a request for the award is filed as referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2), a person with a non-exclusive license under the patent may state an opinion about the request for the award within the period providing for in the preceding Article.
(Hearing of Opinions of a Council)
Article 85(1)Before rendering an award as referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2), the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must hear the opinions of the council or other body (meaning organs provided for in Article 8 of the National Government Organization Act (Act No. 120 of 1948)) that is provided for by Cabinet Order.
(Formal Requirements for Awards)
Article 86(1)The award referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2) must be rendered in writing and the reasons for that award must be given.
(i)the scope of the non-exclusive license being granted; and
(ii)the amount of consideration, and the method and time for its payment thereof.
(Service of a Certified Copy of an Award)
Article 87(1)Upon rendering an award as referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2), the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must serve a certified copy of the award on the parties, on non-parties with registered rights under the patent, and on non-exclusive licensees that have stated opinions pursuant to Article 84-2.
(Deposit of Consideration)
Article 88A person that is required to pay the consideration referred to in Article 86, paragraph (2), item (ii) must deposit that consideration in the following cases:
(i)the person required to pay the consideration has paid it but the person entitled to consideration refuses to receive it;
(ii)the person entitled to the consideration is unable to receive it;
(iii)an action with respect to the consideration is instituted under Article 183, paragraph (1); or
(iv)a right of pledge is established on the patent right or the exclusive license;provided, however, that this does not apply if the consent of the pledgee is obtained.
(Forfeiture of an Award)
Article 89If a person seeking a non-exclusive license fails to pay or deposit consideration (or if the consideration is to be paid periodically or by installments, fails to pay the first installment) by the due date for payment fixed in the award referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2), the award to the effect that a non-exclusive license is to be granted loses its effect.
(Rescission of an Award)
Article 90(1)If: after the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office awards a non-exclusive license pursuant to Article 83, paragraph (2), it becomes inappropriate to preserve the award because the grounds for awarding it have ceased to exist or for any other reason, or the person that was granted the non-exclusive license does not properly work the patented invention, the Commissioner may rescind that award at the request of an interested person or by the Commissioner's own authority.
(2)Articles 84 and 84-2, Article 85, paragraph (1), Article 86, paragraph (1), and Article 87, paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis to the rescission of an award as under the preceding paragraph and Article 85, paragraph (2) applies mutatis mutandis to the rescission of an award under the preceding paragraph when the person that was granted the non-exclusive license does not properly work the patented invention.
(Restriction on the Grounds for Objection to an Award)
Article 91-2Dissatisfaction with the consideration determined in an award under Article 83, paragraph (2) may not be used as grounds for protest in a request for administrative review under the provisions of the Administrative Complaint Review Act concerning that award.
(Award Granting a Person a Non-Exclusive License to Work That Person's Own Patented Invention)
Article 92(1)If a patented invention falls under one of the cases provided for in Article 72, the patentee or exclusive licensee may request the other person that is referred to in that Article to hold discussions toward an agreement to grant the patentee or licensee a non-exclusive license to work that person's patented invention or to hold discussions toward an agreement to grant the patentee or licensee a non-exclusive license under the utility model right or the design right.
(2)The other person that is referred to in Article 72 that is requested to hold discussions toward the agreement referred to in the preceding paragraph may request the patentee or exclusive licensee that is requesting that person's agreement to hold discussions toward an agreement to grant the person a non-exclusive license within the scope of the patented invention that the patentee or exclusive licensee intend to work as a result of the person's agreement to grant a non-exclusive license under the relevant patent right, utility model right, or design right.
(4)If the agreement referred to in paragraph (2) is not reached or discussions toward such an agreement and a request for the award referred to in the preceding paragraph is filed, the other person that is referred to in Article 72 may file a request to be awarded a non-exclusive license by the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, but only within the period that the commissioner has designated for the person to submit a written answer, pursuant to Article 84 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (7).
(5)In the case as referred to in paragraph (3) or (4), the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office may not render an award granting a non-exclusive license if granting a non-exclusive license would be unreasonably prejudicial to interests of the other person that is referred to in Article 72, the patentee or the exclusive licensee.
(6)Other than in the case as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office does not render an award granting a non-exclusive license pursuant to a request for the award referred to in paragraph (3), the commissioner may not render an award granting a non-exclusive license in a case as referred to in paragraph (4).
(Award Granting a Non-exclusive License in the Public Interest)
Article 93(1)If the working of a patented invention is particularly necessary to the public interest, a person intending to work the patented invention may request the patentee or the exclusive licensee to hold discussions toward an agreement to grant the person a non-exclusive license.
(Transfer of a Non-Exclusive License)
Article 94(1)Except for a non-exclusive license granted by an award as referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2), Article 92, paragraph (3) or (4), or Article 93, paragraph (2) of the Patent Act, Article 22, paragraph (3) of the Utility Model Act, or Article 33, paragraph (3) of the Design Act, a non-exclusive license may be transferred only if business involving the working of the relevant invention is also transferred, the consent of the patentee (in the case of a non-exclusive license under exclusive license, the patentee and the exclusive licensee) is obtained, or as a result of general succession including inheritance.
(2)Except for a non-exclusive license granted by an award as referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2), Article 92, paragraph (3) or (4), or Article 93, paragraph (2) of the Patent Act, Article 22, paragraph (3) of the Utility Model Act, or Article 33, paragraph (3) of the Design Act, a non-exclusive licensee may establish a right of pledge on the non-exclusive right only when the consent of the patentee (or, if it is a non-exclusive license under exclusive license, the patentee and the exclusive licensee) is obtained.
(4)A non-exclusive license under an award as referred to in Article 92, paragraph (3) of the Patent Act, Article 22, paragraph (3) of the Utility Model Act, or Article 33, paragraph (3) of the Design Act, is transferred if the patent right, utility model right, or design right of the non-exclusive licensee under which the non-exclusive license is licensed is transferred together with the business linked to the working of the invention; and is forfeited if the patent right, utility model right, or design right is transferred or forfeited independently of the business linked to the working of the invention.
(5)A non-exclusive license under the award referred to in Article 92, paragraph (4) is transferred together with the patent right, utility model right, or design right under which the non-exclusive licensee is licensed, and is forfeited if the patent right, utility model right, or design right is forfeited.
(Right of Pledge)
Article 95Unless otherwise stipulated by contract, if a right of pledge is established on a patent right, exclusive license or non-exclusive license, the pledgee may not work the patented invention.
Article 96A right of pledge on a patent right, exclusive license or non-exclusive license may be exercised against any consideration to be paid for the patent right, exclusive license or non-exclusive license or any money or goods to be received by the patentee or the exclusive licensee for the working of the patented invention;provided, however, that the pledgee must attach the consideration, money, or goods prior to their payment or delivery.
(Waiver of Patent Rights)
Article 97(1)If there is an exclusive licensee or a pledgee, the patentee may waive the patent right, only with the consent of those persons.
(Effect of Registration)
Article 98(1)The following matters do not become effective if they are not registered:
(i)the transfer of a patent (other than due to inheritance or other general succession), its modification under a trust, lapse due to waiver, or restriction on its disposal;
(ii)the grant, of an exclusive license, its transfer (other than due inheritance or other general succession), modification, forfeiture (other than due to merger or to lapse of the patent right), or a restriction on its disposal; and
(iii)the grant of a pledge on a patent or exclusive license, the transfer of such a pledge (other than due to inheritance or other general succession), its modification, forfeiture (other than due to merger or the extinguishment of the claim secured thereby, or a restriction on its disposal.
(Perfection of a Non-exclusive License)
Article 99A non-exclusive license is valid against a person that subsequently acquires the patent or the exclusive licensee, or acquires an exclusive license under the patent right.
第二節 権利侵害
Section 2 Infringement of Rights
(Right to Demand an Injunction)
Article 100(1)A patentee or exclusive licensee may file a claim against a person that infringes or is likely to infringe the patent right or exclusive license for the cessation or prevention of the infringement.
(2)In filing the claim under the preceding paragraph, the patentee or exclusive licensee may demand measures necessary for the prevention of infringement, including the disposal of products constituting the act of infringement (if the patented invention is a process by which a product is produced, this includes articles produced through infringement; the same applies in Article 102, paragraph (1)) and the removal of equipment used to infringe.
(Acts Deemed to Constitute Infringement)
Article 101The following acts are deemed to constitute infringement of a patent right or violation of an exclusive license:
(i)if a patent has been granted for an invention that is a product, the act of producing, transferring, etc., importing or offering to transfer, etc., in the course of trade, any article whose only use is to produce that product;
(ii)if a patent has been granted for an invention that is a product, the act of producing, transferring, etc., importing or offering to transfer, etc., in the course of trade, any article (excluding one that is widely distributed within Japan) that is used in the production of the product and is essential to the invention's solution to the problem, with knowledge that the invention is a patented invention and that the article is used for the working of the invention;
(iii)if a patent has been granted on an invention that is a product, the act of possessing the product for the purpose of transferring, etc. or exporting it in the course of trade;
(iv)if a patent has been granted for an invention that is a product, the act of producing, transferring etc., importing or offering to transfer, etc., in the course of trade, any article whose only use is in that process;
(v)if a patent has been granted for an invention that is a product, the act of producing, transferring, etc., importing or offering to transfer, etc., in the course of trade, any article (excluding one that is widely distributed within Japan) that is used in that process and that is essential to the invention's solution of the problem, with knowledge that the invention is a patented invention and that the article is used in the working of the invention; and
(vi)if a patent has been granted for an invention that is a process for producing a product, the act of possessing the product produced by that process for the purpose of transferring, etc. or exporting it in the course of trade.
(Presumption of the Value of Damage)
Article 102(1)If a patentee or an exclusive licensee files a claims against an infringer for compensation for damage sustained as a result of the intentional or negligent infringement of the patent right or exclusive license, and the infringer has transferred articles that constitute the act of infringement, the amount of damage sustained by the patentee or the exclusive licensee may be presumed to be the total of the amounts written in each of the following items.
(i)the amount arrived at when the amount of profit per unit for the articles that the patentee or exclusive licensee would have been able to sell if the infringement had not taken place is multiplied by that part of the quantity of articles that the person infringing the patent right or exclusive license has transferred (referred to as the "quantity transferred" in the following item) which does not exceed the quantity covered by the patentee's or exclusive licensee's ability to work the patented invention (referred to as the "workable quantity" in the same item) (if there are circumstances that render the patentee or the exclusive licensee unable to sell a quantity of products equivalent to all or part of the workable quantity, the workable quantity less the quantity not sellable due to those circumstances (referred to as the "specified quantity" in the same item));
(ii)an amount equivalent to the amount of money that is to be received in exchange for the working of the patented invention under the patent right or exclusive license, for any quantity exceeding the workable quantity which is part of the quantity transferred, or for any specified quantity which is part of the quantity transferred (unless it is not found that the patentee would have been able to establish an exclusive license or grant a non-exclusive license under the patentee's patent rights, or that exclusive licensee would have been able to grant a non-exclusive license under the exclusive licensee's exclusive license).
(2)If a patentee or exclusive licensee files a claim for compensation for damage that the patentee or licensee personally incurs due to infringement against a person that intentionally or due to negligence, infringes the patent right or violates the exclusive license, and the infringer has profited from the infringement, the amount of that profit is presumed to be the value of damage incurred by the patentee or exclusive licensee.
(3)The patentee or exclusive licensee may fix the value of the damages that the patentee or exclusive licensee has personally incurred as being equivalent to the amount of money the patentee or exclusive licensee would have been entitled to receive for the working of the patented invention, and may claim compensation for this against a person that, intentionally or due to negligence, infringes the patent right or violates the exclusive license.
(4)When a court determines the amount equivalent to the amount of money to be received for the working of the patented invention provided in paragraph (1), item (ii) and the preceding paragraph, the court may take into account the consideration that the patentee or the exclusive licensee would hypothetically obtain if they reached an agreement with the infringer concerning the consideration for the working of the patented invention that is covered by their patent right or exclusive license, based on the premise that the patent right or exclusive license had been infringed.
(5)The provisions of paragraph (3) do not preclude any claim to compensation for damages in excess of the amount provided for therein.In this case, the court may consider the absence of intent or gross negligence by the person that has infringed the patent right or violated the exclusive license in fixing the amount of damages.
(Presumption of Negligence)
Article 103A person that infringes another person's patent right or violates another person's exclusive license is presumed to be negligent in having infringed or violated it.
(Presumption of Production Process)
Article 104If a patent is granted on an invention that is a process for producing a product and the product was not publicly known in Japan prior to the filing of the patent application, any article identical to that product is presumed to have been produced using the patented process.
(Obligation to Clarify Specific Circumstances)
Article 104-2In litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or violation of an exclusive license, if the adverse party denies the specific circumstances of the product or process that the patentee or exclusive licensee asserts to constitute the act of infringement, the adverse party must clarify the specific circumstances of the adverse party's own action;provided, however, that this does not apply if there are reasonable grounds for the adverse party not being able to clarify these circumstances.
(Restriction on Exercise of Rights by the Patentee)
Article 104-3(1)In litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or the violation of an exclusive license, if it is found that the patent should be invalidated through a trial for patent invalidation or that the registration of patent term extension should be invalidated through a trial for invalidation concerning the registration of a patent term extension, the rights of the patentee or exclusive licensee may not be exercised against the adverse party.
(Limitation on Assertions)
Article 104-4If one of the following rulings or decisions upon trial or appeal has become final and binding after a final judgment becomes final and binding in litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or an exclusive license or in litigation involving a claim for the payment of compensation as provided in Article 65, paragraph (1) or Article 184-10, paragraph (1), a person that was a party to the litigation may not assert that the ruling or decision on trial or appeal has become final and binding in an action for a retrial against the final judgment (including in any action claiming compensation for damages against the obligee in the case involving a provisional seizure order in which the litigation is the principal matter at issue, or in any action claiming compensation for damages and the restitution for unjust enrichment against an obligee in a case involving a provisional disposition order in which that litigation is the principal matter at issue):
(i)a ruling to the effect that the patent is to be revoked or a trial decision to the effect that the patent is to be invalidated;
(ii)a trial decision invalidating the registration of the patent term extension;
(iii)a ruling or a decision on the trial or appeal as provided by Cabinet Order correcting the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application for the patent.
(Submission of Documents)
Article 105(1)In litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or an exclusive license, the court, at the motion of a party, may order a party to submit documents that are needed to prove the infringement or to calculate the damage caused by the infringement;provided, however, that this does not apply if the person in possession of the document has legitimate grounds for refusing to submit them.
(2)If the court finds it necessary to do so in order to determine whether a document that is subject to a motion under the main clause of the preceding paragraph constitutes a document as referred to in the main clause of paragraph or in order to determine whether a person has legitimate grounds as provided in the proviso to paragraph, the court may have the person in possession of the document present document.In this case, no person is entitled to seek the disclosure of the document that has been presented.
(3)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the court finds that it is necessary to disclose a document referred to in the second sentence of the preceding paragraph and hear opinions as to whether a document that is subject to a motion under the main clause of paragraph (1) constitutes a document as referred to in the main clause of paragraph or as to whether a person has legitimate reason as provided in the proviso to the paragraph, the court may disclose the documents to a party, etc. (meaning a party (or, if a party is a corporation, its representative) or a party's agent (other than a litigation representative or assistant in court) or employee or other such worker; the same applies hereinafter), to a litigation representative, or to an assistant in court.
(4)In a case as referred to in paragraph (2), if the court finds that it is necessary to disclose a document as referred to in the second sentence of paragraph (2) and hear an explanation based on expert knowledge, the court may disclose the document to a technical advisor (meaning a technical advisor as provided in Part I, Chapter V, Section 2, Subsection 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure; the same applies in 105-2-6, paragraph (4)) with the consent of the party.
(Issuing an Investigation Order to an Investigator)
Article 105-2(1)At the motion of a party, in litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or exclusive license, in order for the court to determine whether the facts that must be proven have or have not occurred, if it is found that it is necessary to collect evidence by verifying, activating, measuring, running experiments, or taking other such measures with a document, device, or other such item (hereinafter referred to as a "document, device, or analogous item") that the other party owns or manages; and if there are found to be adequate grounds to suspect that the other party has infringed the patent or exclusive license and it is expected that the movant will not be able to collect that evidence themselves or through other means, the court, after hearing the opinion of the other party, may order an investigator to conduct an investigation; provided, however, that this does not apply if it is found to be inappropriate to do so because the time required to collect the evidence or the burden on the party to be investigated would be unreasonable or due to other such circumstances.
(i)the reason why there is sufficient grounds to suspect the other party has infringed the patent right or the exclusive license;
(ii)information sufficient to identify the documents, devices, or analogous items that would be subjected to the investigation, and the locations of those documents, devices, or analogous items;
(iii)the facts that must be proven and the relationship between them and the evidence that will be obtained through the investigation;
(iv)the reason why the movant is unable to collect the evidence provided for in the preceding item by themselves or through other means;
(v)if the movant is seeking the permission of the court that is referred to in Article 105-2-4, paragraph (2), the measures for which permission is sought and the necessity of those measures .
(Designating an investigator; related matters)
Article 105-2-2(1)An investigation is conducted by an investigator.
Article 105-2-3(1)If there are circumstances in which an investigator is involved that could prevent them from investigating in good faith, a party may challenge the investigator before that investigator conducts the investigation. The same applies even after the investigator has conducted the investigation, if either grounds for a challenge arise or a party comes to know of the existence of grounds for a challenge after the investigation.
(2). The provisions of Articles 214, paragraphs (2) through (4) of the Code of Civil Procedure apply mutatis mutandis to a motion for a challenge under the preceding paragraph and the decision on such a motion.In this case the phrase "the court in charge of the case, an authorized judge, or a commissioned judge" in paragraph (2) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "the court".
Article 105-2-4(1). When an order under the provisions of Article 105-2, paragraph (1) has been issued, an investigator must conduct an investigation, prepare a written report on the results (hereinafter referred to as an "investigation report"), and submit this to the court.
(2)When conducting an investigation, an investigator may enter a factory, office of business, or other such place (referred to as "factory or other such place" in the following paragraph and the following Article) of the party being investigated where a document, device, or analogous item that the investigation is to cover is located, or may question the party being investigated or ask the party to present a document, device, or analogous item; and may additionally activate devices, take measurements, run experiments, and take any other measures permitted by the court as measures that are necessary to the investigation.
(3)When providing the needed assistance referred to in Article 105-2-2, paragraph (3), an enforcement officer may enter the factory or other such place of the party being investigated where a document, device, or analogous item that the investigation is to cover is located, or, in order to help the investigator, may question the party being investigated or ask the party to present a document, device, or analogous item.
(Consequences If a Party Being Investigated Refuses Entry into the Factory or Other Such Place and in Other Such Cases)
Article 105-2-5If, without legitimate grounds, a party being investigated fails to comply with the following actions under the provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article: an investigator's demand to enter a factory or other such place; an investigator's questioning or demand to present the document, device, or analogous item; or an investigator's demand to activate a device, take a measurement, run an experiment, or take other measures permitted by the court as measures that are necessary to the investigation, the court may find that the movant's claims regarding the facts that must be proven are true.
(Service of a Copy of the Investigation Report; Related Matters)
Article 105-2-6(1)When an investigation report has been submitted, the court must serve a copy on the party that was investigated.
(4)If the court finds it to be necessary to disclose all or part of an investigation report and hear the opinion of a party or other such person, litigation representative, assistant in court, or technical adviser as to whether the just cause provided for in the preceding paragraph is present, it may disclose all or part of the investigation report to that person;provided, however, that before the court discloses all or part of the investigation report to a party or other such person, assistant in court, or technical advisor, it must first obtain the consent of the party that was investigated.
(Inspection of the Investigation Report; Related Matters)
Article 105-2-7(1)Unless it has been established pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding Article that the court will not disclose all of the investigation report, if the party that was investigated has not filed the motion provided for in paragraph (2) of that Article within the period provided for in that paragraph, or if the judicial decision on a motion under the provisions of that paragraph has become final and binding, the movant or the party that was investigated may file a request with the court clerk to inspect or copy the investigation report, or to be issued the original, a certified copy or extract of the investigation report (excluding, if applicable, any part that it has been established pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding Article that the court will not disclose).
(3)The provisions of Article 91, paragraphs (4) and (5) of the Code of Civil Procedure apply mutatis mutandis to an investigation report as provided in paragraph (1).In this case, the phrase "the preceding paragraph" in paragraph (4) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "Article 105-2-7, paragraph (1) of the Patent Act", and the phrase "a party to the case or a third party that makes a prima facie showing of interest in these objects" is deemed to be replaced with the phrase "the movant or the party that was investigated".
(Investigator's Right to Refuse Testimony)
Article 105-2-8(1)If a current or former investigator is examined as a witness regarding a confidential matter learned in connection with an investigation, they may refuse to testify about that matter.
(Travel and Other Expenses of the Investigator)
Article 105-2-9The travel expenses, daily allowances, and lodging fees associated with an investigator, as well as investigation fees and costs required for investigations, are handled based on the provisions related to these things that appear in the Act on the Costs of Civil Proceedings (Act No. 40 of 1971), to the extent that this is not contrary to their nature.
(Delegation to the Supreme Court Rules)
Article 105-2-10Beyond what is provided for in this Act, the Supreme Court Rules prescribe the necessary matters connected with the implementation of the provisions in Article 105-2 through the preceding Article.
(Opinions of Third Parties)
Article 105-2-11(1)At the motion of a party, if the court specified in each item of Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure finds it to be necessary in the first instance of litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or violation of an exclusive license, the court may hear the other party's opinion, and may specify a reasonable period and seek from the general public the submission of documents stating their opinions regarding the application of this Act or regarding any other necessary matters relating to the case.
(2)If an appeal is filed with the Tokyo High Court against a final judgment on the litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or violation of an exclusive license which has been made by the court set forth in the items of Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure as the court of prior instance, and the Tokyo High Court, at the motion of a party, finds it to be necessary in the litigation to which the appeal pertains, the Tokyo High Court hear the other party's opinion, and may specify a reasonable period and seek from the general public the submission of documents stating their opinions regarding the application of this Act or regarding any other necessary matters relating to the case.
(4)Article 91, paragraph (5) of the Code of Civil Procedure apply mutatis mutandis to the inspection and copying of documents submitted pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2).
(Expert Opinion for Calculation of Damages)
Article 105-2-12In litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or violation of exclusive license, at the motion of a party, if the court orders an expert opinion in order to calculate the damages from the act of infringement, the parties must explain to the expert witness the details that need to be explained in order for the expert witness to give an expert opinion.
(Approval of Reasonable Amount as the Value of Damages)
Article 105-3In litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or violation of an exclusive license, if damages are found to have been incurred, but it is extremely difficult to prove the facts that need to be proved in order to prove the value of damages, due to the nature of the facts, the court may approve a reasonable amount as the value of damages, based on the overall import of oral arguments and the results of the examination of evidence.
(Confidentiality Protective Orders)
Article 105-4(1)In litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or violation of an exclusive license, if a prima-facie showing is made that proprietary trade secrets (meaning trade secrets provided in Article 2, paragraph (6) of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (Act No. 47 of 1993); the same applies hereinafter) of the party in question falls under both of the following circumstances, at the motion of the party, the court may issue a ruling ordering the relevant party or other such person, litigation representative, and assistant in court use the trade secrets for any purpose other than conducting the litigation in question, and not to disclose the trade secrets to any person other than one that is subject to an order as under this paragraph in respect of the trade secrets;provided, however, that this does not apply if a party or other such person, litigation representative, or assistant in court acquires or gains possession of the trade secrets before that motion is filed, by means other than perusal of the brief provided for in item (i) or the examination or disclosure of evidence as provided in that item:
(i)proprietary trade secrets of the party are detailed in a brief that has already been submitted or that is to be submitted, or the trade secrets are included in evidence that has already been examined or that is to be examined (including documents disclosed pursuant to Article 105, paragraph (3), all or part of the investigation report submitted under Article 105-2-4, paragraph (1), or documents disclosed under Article 105-7, paragraph (4)); and
(ii)the use of the trade secrets as referred to in the preceding item for a purpose other than conducting the litigation in question, or the disclosure of the trade secrets, would be likely to hinder the business activities of the party that are based on the trade secrets, and it is necessary to restrict their use or disclosure in order to prevent such hindrance.
(i)the persons that would be subject to the confidentiality protective order;
(ii)facts sufficient to identify the trade secrets that would be protected by the confidentiality protective order; and
(iii)facts falling under the category of circumstances set forth in the items in the preceding paragraph.
(Vacating a Confidentiality Protective Order)
Article 105-5(1)A person that files a motion for confidentiality protective order or that becomes subject to a confidentiality protective order may file a motion to vacate that confidentiality protective order with the court that has the case record on file (or, if no court has the case record on file, with the court issuing the confidentiality protective order) on the grounds that the requirements provided in Article 105-4, paragraph (1) have not been met or have come to no longer be met.
(5)If the court reaches a judicial decision to vacate a confidentiality protective order and any person other than the person filing the motion to vacate the confidentiality protective order and the adverse party was subject to the confidentiality protective order on the trade secrets in the litigation in which that confidentiality protective order was issued, the court must immediately notify that person that it has reached a judicial decision to vacate the confidentiality protective order.
(Notice of a Request to Inspect a Case Record)
Article 105-6(1)If the ruling referred to in Article 92, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure has been issued with respect to the case record in litigation in which a confidentiality protective order has been issued (excluding litigation in which all confidentiality protective orders have been vacated) and a party not subject to a confidentiality protective order in that litigation files a request to inspect or review a part of the case record that holds the confidential information referred to in that Article, immediately after the request is filed, the court clerk must notify the party that filed the motion referred to in that paragraph (restricting access to the record) that such a request has been filed (unless the person that filed that motion is also the person filing the request, the same applies in paragraph (3)).
(2)In the case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the court clerk must not allow the person filing the request to inspect or review the part of the case record that holds confidential information as referred to in Article 92, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure until after two weeks have elapsed since the date that the request referred to in the confidentiality protective order in the paragraph (or, if during those two weeks, a motion for a confidentiality protective order is filed against the person that filed the request, the court clerk must not allow the filer to inspect that part of the case record before the judicial decision on the motion becomes final and binding).
(3)The preceding two paragraphs do not apply if all the parties concerned that have filed the motion referred to in Article 92, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure agree to allow the person filing request referred to in paragraph (1) to inspect or review the parts of the case record that hold confidential information.
(Suspension of Open Examination of Parties)
Article 105-7(1)If a party or other such person in litigation involving the infringement of a patent right or violation of an exclusive license is to be questioned as a direct party to the case, legal representative or witness, with regard to matters that will form the basis for the determining whether or not the infringement or violation has occurred but that falls under the category of proprietary trade secrets of a party, and if, with the unanimous accord of all judges, the court finds that the party or other such person will be unable to offer sufficient statements about the matters due to the significant harm that would clearly befall those of the party or other such person, the business activities that are based on the trade secrets as a result of the party or other such person offering a statement about the matter in open court and that in the absence of such a statement and based on other evidence alone the court cannot reach a proper judicial decision as to whether the patent has determination of whether the exclusive license has been violated, since the court's determination of whether this has occurred needs to be based on the matter the court may rule not to conduct the questioning with regard to the matter in open court, and conduct that questioning in camera.
(3)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the court finds it to be necessary, it may have a party or other such person present a document giving the gist of the matters with regard to which the party or other such person would offer a statement.In this case, no person may request the disclosure of a document so presented.
(5)If questioning with regard to certain matters is to be held in camera pursuant to paragraph (1), the court must so declare and indicate its reasons for doing so prior to having the public leave the courtroom. Upon completion of questioning with regard to those matters, the court must allow the public to re-enter the courtroom.
(Measures to Restore Credibility)
Article 106At the request of the patentee or exclusive licensee, the court may order a person that has harmed the business credibility of the patentee or exclusive licensee by intentionally or negligently infringing upon the patent right or violating the exclusive license to take measures necessary to restore the business credibility of the patentee or exclusive licensee in lieu of or beyond compensation for damages.
第三節 特許料
Section 3 Patent Fees
(Patent Fees)
Article 107(1)The person that obtains registration of establishing a patent right or a patentee must pay the amount specified by Cabinet Order not exceeding 61,600 yen plus the amount specified by Cabinet Order not exceeding 4,800 yen per claim, for each patent registration and in each year from the date of the registration establishing the patent right to expiration of the term prescribed in Article 67, paragraph (1) (and, if the term is extended pursuant to Article 67, paragraph (4), in each year of the additional period):
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if a patent right held under co-ownership with the State or a person entitled to receive a reduction in or exemption from patent fees as under Article 109, or Article 109-2, or other laws and regulations (hereinafter referred to as a "reduction or exemption" in this paragraph), and the co-owner's shares have been agreed upon, the amount of the patent fee provided for in paragraph (1) is the sum total calculated by first multiplying, for each co-owner other than the State, the applicable patent fees provided for in paragraph (1) (for a person receiving a reduction or exemption, this means the patent fee after the reduction or exemption) by the percentage that represents that person's share, and then adding together the amounts so arrived at, and this sum total must be paid by the persons other than the State.
(Due Date for the Payment of Patent Fees)
Article 108(1)The patent fees for all years from the first to the third year as under Article 107, paragraph (1) must be paid in a lump sum within 30 days after the date on which a certified copy of the examiner's decision or the decision on a trial or appeal to the effect that the patent is to be granted has been served.
(2)The annual patent fee for each of the fourth and subsequent years as under Article 107, paragraph (1) must be paid by the end of the previous year;provided, however, that if the date of service of a certified copy of an examiner's decision or decision on the trial or appeal to register the extension of the term of a patent right (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "certified copy service date") is on or after the day that marks thirty days before the end of the year in which the term of the patent right will expire if the extension is not registered, the annual patent fees for each of the years from the year that follows this to the year in which the certified copy service date falls (or, if the time from the certified copy service date to the last day of the year in which the certified copy service date falls is shorter than 30 days, the year following the year in which the certified copy service date falls) must be paid in a lump sum within 30 days after the certified copy service date.
(4)If a person that pays patent fees, is unable to pay the patent fees within the period of time (when the period has been extended under the preceding paragraph, the period after being extended) provided in paragraph (1), due to reasons beyond the person's control, the person may pay the patent fees within 14 days (if the person is an overseas resident, within two months) from the date on which the reasons ceased to be applicable, but not later than six months following the passage of the period, notwithstanding paragraph (1).
(Reduction, Exemption or Deferment of Patent Fees)
Article 109If the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office finds that a person obtaining registration of establishing a patent right, or a patentee meeting the requirements that Cabinet Order specifies in consideration of financial resources, is having difficulty paying a patent fee, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order, the commissioner may reduce, exempt, or grant a deferment for the payment of the patent fee that is to be paid pursuant to the provisions of Article 107, paragraph (1).
Article 109-2(1)Pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order, the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office may reduce, exempt, or grant a deferment for the payment of the patent fee that is to be paid pursuant to the provisions of Article 107, paragraph (1) for a person that obtains the registration establishing a patent right or a patentee, who is provided by Cabinet Order, comprehensively considering the financial resources, ability of research and development or technical development, and the degree of their contribution to industrial development and other factors of a small and medium-sized enterprise, research and development institute, etc., or other person or entity.
(i)a company having an amount of stated capital or total amount of capital contributions of not more than 300 million yen or a company or individual hiring not more than 300 full-time employees, where the principal business thereof is manufacturing, construction, transportation or any other type of business (excluding the types of business listed in the following item through item (iv) and the type of business specified by Cabinet Order under item (v));
(ii)a company having an amount of stated capital or total amount of capital contributions of not more than 100 million yen or a company or individual hiring not more than 100 full-time employees, where the principal business thereof is wholesale business (excluding the type of business specified by Cabinet Order under item (v));
(iii)a company having an amount of stated capital or total amount of capital contributions of not more than 50 million yen or a company or individual hiring not more than 100 full-time employees, where the principal business thereof is service business (excluding the type of business specified by Cabinet Order under item (v));
(iv)a company having an amount of stated capital or total amount of capital contributions of not more than 50 million yen or a company or individual hiring not more than 50 full-time employees, where the principal business thereof is retail business (excluding the type of business specified by Cabinet Order under item (v));
(v)a company having an amount of stated capital or total amount of capital contributions which does not exceed the amount specified by Cabinet Order for each type of business or a company or individual hiring a number of full-time employees which does not exceed the number specified by Cabinet Order for each type of business, where the principal business thereof is a business that falls under the type of business specified by Cabinet Order;
(vi)an enterprise cooperative;
(vii)a cooperative partnership;
(viii)an association incorporated under special laws and a federation of such associations, such as a business cooperative, small business cooperative, commercial and industrial partnership, and federation of cooperatives specified by Cabinet Order; and
(ix)a corporation engaging in specified non-profit activities (meaning a corporation engaging in specified non-profit activities provided in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Promotion of Specified Non-profit Activities (Act No. 7 of 1998), which hires not more than 300 full-time employees (or not more than 50 full-time employees in the case of a corporation engaging in the retail business as the principal business; or not more than 100 full-time employees in the case of a corporation engaging in the wholesale business or service business as the principal business).
(i)the president, vice president, dean, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer, assistant, or any other employee who exclusively engages in research of a university provided in Article 1 of the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947) (hereinafter referred to as a "university" in the following item); the president, vice president, dean, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer, or assistant, or any other employee who exclusively engages in research of a college of technology provided in that Article (referred to as a "college of technology" in the following item and item (iv)); or the head of an inter-university research institute provided in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the National University Corporation Act (Act No. 112 of 2003) (referred to as an "inter-university research institute" in the following item) or any other inter-university research institute employee who exclusively engages in research;
(ii)a person that establishes a university or college of technology, or an inter-university research institute;
(iii)an accredited organization as provided in Article 5, paragraph (2) of the Act to Facilitate Technology Transfer from Universities to the Private Sector (Act No. 52 of 1998);
(iv)an incorporated administrative agency (meaning an incorporated administrative agency provided in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 103 of 1999)) that carries out research and development activities (referred to as a "research incorporated administrative agency" in the following item), which is specified by Cabinet Order as not being one that establishes a college of technology;
(v)In terms of the results of technology research arising at the research incorporated administrative agencies specified by Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as "specified research and development IAA" in this item), a person that is in the business of acquiring patent rights and rights to obtain patents owned by the specified research and development IAA, that relate to the results of technology research, and then transferring those research results to private businesses seeking to make use of them, by transferring those patent rights that the person acquires based on patent rights and rights to obtain patents, by establishing exclusive licenses, or by taking other such actions;
(vi)a person that establishes a public research and development institute (meaning a laboratory, research institute, or other such organization that is established by a local government (excluding a public school provided in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the School Education Act) and that carries out research and development activities); and
(vii)a local incorporated administrative agency for research and development (meaning a local incorporated administrative agency (meaning a local administrative incorporated agency provided for in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Local Incorporated Administrative Agency Act (Act No. 118 of 2003)), which does not fall within the category of a public university corporation provided for in Article 68, paragraph (1) of that Act, and which carries out research and development activities).
(Payment of Patent Fees by a Person Other Than Those Required to Pay Patent Fees)
Article 110(1)An interested person or any other such person not constituting the person required to pay a patent fee may pay a patent fee even if this is against the will of the person required to pay the patent fee.
(Refunding of Patent Fees)
Article 111(1)The following patent fees are refunded upon the request of the person that paid them:
(i)patent fees paid in error or in excess;
(ii)annual patent fees for each year following the year in which a revocation decision under Article 114, paragraph (2) or a decision on a trial or appeal to invalidate the patent becomes final and binding; and
(iii)annual patent fees for the year following the year in which a decision on a trial or appeal to the effect that the registration of patent term extension is to be invalidated became final and binding, and subsequent years (limited to those for the year following the year in which the term of a patent right would have expired if the extension had not been registered, and subsequent years).
(2)A request for a refund of patent fees as under the preceding paragraph may not be filed once one year has passed since the date the patent fees referred to in item (i) of that paragraph were paid or once six months from the date on which a revocation decision referred to in Article 114, paragraph (2) or a decision on a trial or appeal became final and binding in the case of patent fees referred to in items (ii) and (iii) of that paragraph.
(3)If a person that files a request for a refund of patent fees under paragraph (1) is unable to file the request within the period provided for in the paragraph, due to reasons beyond the person's control, the person may file the request within 14 days (if the person is an overseas resident, within two months) from the date on which the reasons ceased to be applicable, but not later than six months following the passage of the period, notwithstanding paragraph (1).
(Late Payment of Patent Fees)
Article 112(1)If a patentee is unable to pay a patent fee within the time frame provided for in Article 108, paragraph (2) or within the time frame for deferred payment as under Article 109 or Article 109-2, the patentee may make a late payment of the patent fees even after that time frame, if this is done within six months after the end of the relevant time frame.
(2)A patentee making a late payment for the patent fees pursuant to the preceding paragraph must pay a patent surcharge in the same amount as a patent fee, beyond the patent fees to be paid pursuant to Article 107, paragraph (1);provided, however, that if the patentee is unable to pay the patent fee within the time frame provided for in Article 108, paragraph (2) or within the time frame for deferred payment as under Article 109 or Article 109-2 due to reasons beyond the patentee's control, the patentee is not required to pay the patent surcharge.
(3)Payment for the patent surcharge as referred to in the preceding paragraph must be made with patent revenue stamps pursuant to Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry;provided, however, that if stipulated by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a cash payment thereof may be made pursuant to Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(4)If a patentee fails to pay patent fees that were due and payable within the time frame provided for in the main clause of Article 108, paragraph (2) and the patent surcharge that is to be paid pursuant to paragraph (2) within the time frame during which the patentee is permitted to make a late payment for patent fees pursuant to paragraph (1), the patent right is deemed to have been lapsed retroactively at the end of the time frame provided for in the main clause of Article 108, paragraph (2).
(5)If a patentee fails to pay the patent fees provided for in the proviso to Article 108, paragraph (2) and the patent surcharge that is to be paid pursuant to paragraph (2), within the time frame during which the patent is permitted to make a late payment for patent fee pursuant to paragraph (1), the patent right is deemed to have been lapsed retroactive at the end of the year in which the term of the patent right would have expired if the extension had not been registered.
(6)If a patentee fails to pay patent fees whose payment has been deferred pursuant to Article 109 or Article 109-2 and the patent surcharge that is to be paid pursuant to paragraph (2), within the time frame during which the patentee is permitted to make a late payment for patent fees pursuant to paragraph (1), the patent right is deemed never to have existed.
(Restoration of Patent Right by Late Payment of Patent Fees)
Article 112-2(1)The original patentee of the patent right that is deemed to have been forfeited pursuant to Article 112, paragraph (4) or (5), or that is deemed never to have existed pursuant to Article 112, paragraph (6) may make a late payment of the patent fees and the patent surcharge provided for in Article 112, paragraphs (4) through (6) pursuant to Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry only within the time frame provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry;provided, however, that this does not apply if the original patentee is found to have intentionally failed to pay the patent fees and the patent surcharge within the time frame during which the patentee is permitted to make a late payment for the patent fees pursuant to Article 112, paragraph (1).
(2)If the patent fees and a patent surcharge are paid as under the preceding paragraph, the patent right is deemed to have continued retroactive at the time that the time frame ended as provided in the main clause of Article 108, paragraph (2) or at the end of the year including the day of the expiration of the patent term, or is deemed to have existed from the beginning.
(Restriction on Effect of Restored Patent Right)
Article 112-3(1)If a patent right is restored pursuant to paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, and the patent was granted on an invention that is a product, the patent right has no effect against articles imported into or, produced or acquired within Japan after the end of the time frame during which the patentee is permitted to make a late payment for patent fees pursuant to Article 112, paragraph (1) and before the restoration of the patent right is registered.
(2)A patent restored pursuant to paragraph (2) of the preceding Article has no effect against the following actions performed after the end of the time frame during which the patentee is permitted to make a late payment for patent fees pursuant to Article 112, paragraph (1) and before the restoration of the patent right is registered:
(i)the working of the invention;
(ii)if a patent was granted on an invention that is a product, producing, transferring, etc., or importing, or offering for transfer, etc. any article used in the production of the product; and
(iii)if the patent was granted on an invention that is a product, possessing the product for the purpose of transferring, etc., or exporting it;
(iv)if the patent was granted on an invention that is a process, producing, transferring, etc., importing, or offering for transfer, etc. of an article used in that process; and
(v)if a patent was granted on an invention that is a process for producing a product, possessing the product produced by that process for the purpose of transferring, etc. or exporting it.
第五章 特許異議の申立て
Chapter V Opposition to a Granted Patent
(Filing of an Opposition to a Granted Patent)
Article 113Any person may file with the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office an opposition to a granted patent on the grounds that a patent falls under any of the following items, no later than six months from the publication of a gazette containing the patent, and if a patent has two or more claims in this case, an opposition to a granted patent may be filed for each claim:
(i)the patent has been granted on a patent application (excluding an application written in a foreign language) with an amendment that does not comply with the requirements provided in Article 17-2, paragraph (3);
(ii)the patent has been granted in violation of Articles 25, 29, 29-2, or 32, or Article 39, paragraphs (1) through (4);
(iii)the patent has been granted in violation of a treaty;
(iv)the patent has been granted on a patent application not complying with the requirements provided in Article 36, paragraph (4), item (i) or, paragraph (6) (excluding item (iv) of that paragraph); or
(v)matters stated in the description, claims, or drawings attached to the application written in a foreign language are not within the scope of matters stated in foreign-language documents.
Article 114(1)Proceedings and a ruling on an opposition to a granted patent are conducted by a panel consisting of three or five administrative judges.
(Formal Requirements for Filing)
Article 115(1)A person that files an opposition to a granted patent must submit to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office a written opposition to a granted patent stating the following matters:
(i)the name, and domicile or residence of the person filing an opposition to a granted patent and the patent opponent's representative;
(ii)an indication of the patent related to the opposition to a granted patent; and
(iii)an indication of the grounds and the necessary evidence for the opposition to a granted patent.
(2)An amendment of the written opposition to a granted patent filed under the preceding paragraph must not change the gist of the statement;provided, however, that this does not apply if the amendment falls under any of the matters provided in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph and is made by the earlier of the date on which the period provided for in Article 113 expires or the date on which a notice under Article 120-5, paragraph (1) is received.
(Designation of Administrative Judges)
Article 116Article 136, paragraph (2) and Articles 137 through 144 apply mutatis mutandis to a panel provided in Article 114, paragraph (1) and the administrative judges that are the members of the panel.
(Trial and Appeal Clerks)
Article 117(1)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must designate a trial or appeal clerk for each case of an opposition to a granted patent.
(Procedure of Proceedings)
Article 118(1)The proceedings with regard to an opposition to a granted patent are conducted by documentary proceedings.
Article 119(1)A person that has a right on a patent right and all other persons with an interest in the patent right may intervene in the proceedings on an opposition to a granted patent to assist the patentee until a ruling on the motion is rendered.
(Examination and Preservation of Evidence)
Article 120Articles 150 and 151 apply mutatis mutandis to the examination and preservation of evidence in the proceedings on an opposition to a granted patent.
(Proceedings by the Trial Examiner's Own Authority)
Article 120-2(1)Any grounds not pleaded by a patentee, a person filing an opposition, or an intervenor may be examined in proceedings on an opposition to a granted patent.
(Joint or Separate Conduct of Motions)
Article 120-3(1)If there are two or more motions of an opposition to a granted patent related to the same patent right, the proceedings are to be jointly conducted, except if special circumstances exist.
(Withdrawal of a Motion)
Article 120-4(1)An opposition to a granted patent may not be withdrawn after the notice under paragraph (1) of the next Article has been given.
(Submission of a Written Opinion)
Article 120-5(1)If a chief administrative judge intends to render a revocation decision, the judge must notify the patentee and the intervenors of the grounds therefor and give them an opportunity to submit a written opinion within a reasonable, specified period of time.
(i)restriction of the claims;
(ii)correction of errors or mistranslations;
(iii)explanation of an ambiguous statement; and
(iv)correction of a statement of claims which cites another statement of claims to a statement which does not cite the other statement of claims.
(3)If claims attached to a written application covering two or more claims are being corrected, a request for correction may be filed in the preceding paragraph for each claim;provided, however, that if an opposition to a granted patent has been filed for each claim, a request for correction must be filed for each claim.
(4)In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the claims include one or more groups of claims which are related because a statement of one claim is cited by another claim or have any other relationship provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (hereinafter referred to as a "group of claims"), a request must be filed for each group of claims.
(5)If a request for correction has been filed pursuant to paragraph (2) within a period of time designated under paragraph (1), a chief administrative judge must send to the person filing an opposition to a patent document stating the grounds for revoking a patent of which notification was made pursuant to paragraph (1) and a duplicate of the written request for correction as well as a duplicate of the corrected description, claims, or drawings attached to the duplicate of the written request, and give the opponent an opportunity to submit a written opinion within a reasonable, specified period of time;provided, however, this does not apply if the person filing an opposition does not wish to submit a written opinion, or special circumstances exist under which it is recognized that it is not necessary to give an opportunity to the opponent to submit a written opinion.
(6)If a request for correction under paragraph (2) does not correspond to one of the purposes provided in the proviso to the paragraph or does not comply with paragraphs (5) through (7) of Article 126 to be applied mutatis mutandis in paragraph (9), a chief administrative judge must notify the patentee and intervenors of the reasons therefor and give them an opportunity to submit a written opinion within a reasonable, specified period of time.
(8)The request for correction as referred to in paragraph (2) may be withdrawn only within the period of time during which the amendment under Article 17-5, paragraph (1) may be made with regard to the corrected description, claims, or drawings attached to the written request for correction in the paragraph.In this case, if a request for correction in paragraph (2) has been filed for each claim or each group of claims pursuant to paragraph (3) or (4), all those requests must be withdrawn.
(9)Article 126, paragraphs (4) through (7), Articles 127 and 128, Article 131, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4), Article 131-2, paragraph (1), Article 132, paragraphs (3) and (4), and Article 133, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4) apply mutatis mutandis to the case of paragraph (2).In this case, the term "item (i) or (ii) of the proviso to paragraph (1)" in Article 126, paragraph (7) is deemed to be replaced with "item (i) or (ii) of the proviso to paragraph (1) pertaining to a claim for which an opposition to a granted patent is not filed".
(Formality Requirements of Ruling)
Article 120-6(1)A ruling on a motion of an opposition to a granted patent must be rendered in writing stating the following matters:
(i)the number of the case of the opposition to a granted patent;
(ii)the name, and domicile or residence of the patentee, the patent opponent, intervenor and their representatives;
(iii)an indication of the patent related to the ruling;
(iv)the conclusion of and grounds for the ruling; and
(v)the date of the ruling.
(Scope of Final and Binding Ruling)
Article 120-7A ruling on an opposition to a granted patent becomes final and binding for each case of opposition to a granted patent;provided, however, that in the cases listed in the following items, the ruling becomes final and binding as provided in the corresponding item:
(i)if an opposition to a granted patent has been filed for each claim and a request for correction has been filed as referred to in Article 120-5, paragraph (2) for each group of claims:for each group of claims; and
(ii)if an opposition to a granted patent has been filed for each claim and a case other than that which listed in the preceding item:for each claim
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions Regarding Trials and Appeals)
Article 120-8(1)Articles 133 and 133-2, Article 134, paragraph (4), Articles 135, 152, and 168, Article 169, paragraphs (3) through (6), and Article 170 apply mutatis mutandis to proceedings and a ruling on an opposition to a granted patent.
第六章 審判
Chapter VI Trials and Appeals
(Appeal Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal)
Article 121(1)A person that is subject to an examiner's decision to the effect that an application is to be refused, and that is dissatisfied with this decision may file an appeal against the examiner's decision of refusal within three months after the date that the certified copy of the examiner's decision is served.
(2)If a person filing an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal has been unable to file it within the period prescribed in the preceding paragraph due to reasons beyond the person's control, the person may file an appeal within 14 days (or within two months, if the person is an overseas resident) after the date on which those reasons cease to exist, but no later than six months after the end of the aforementioned period, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph.
(Trial for Patent Invalidation)
Article 123(1)If a patent falls under any of the following items, a request for a trial for patent invalidation may be filed. If the request involves two or more claims in this case, it may be filed on a claim-by-claim basis:
(i)the patent has been granted on a patent application (excluding an application written in a foreign language) with an amendment that does not comply with the requirements stipulated in Article 17-2, paragraph (3);
(ii)the patent has been granted in violation of Articles 25, 29, 29-2, 32, or 38, or Article 39, paragraphs (1) through (4) (if the patent has been obtained in violation of Article 38, excluding if the transfer of a patent right under the patent has been registered based on a request under Article 74, paragraph (1));
(iii)the patent has been granted in violation of a treaty;
(iv)the patent has been granted on a patent application not complying with the requirements stipulated in Article 36, paragraph (4), item (i) or paragraph (6) (excluding item (iv) of the paragraph);
(v)the matters stated in the description, claims, or drawings attached to the application written in a foreign language are not within the scope of matters stated in foreign-language documents;
(vi)the patent has been granted on a patent application filed by a person that does not have the right to be granted a patent for the invention (excluding when the transfer of a patent right under the patent has been registered based on a request under Article 74, paragraph (1));
(vii)after being granted a patent, the patentee comes to fall under a category of person that is not permitted the enjoyment of a patent right pursuant to Article 25, or the patent comes to violate a treaty after being granted; or
(viii)the correction of the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application for the patent have been obtained in violation of the proviso to Article 126, paragraph (1), and paragraphs (5) through (7) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 120-5, paragraph (9) or Article 134-2, paragraph (9)), the proviso to Article 120-5, paragraph (2) or the proviso to Article 134-2, paragraph (1).
(2)A request for a trial for patent invalidation may be filed only by an interested person (if a request for a trial for patent invalidation is filed on the grounds that the patent falls under item (ii) of the preceding paragraph (limited to a case in which the patent is obtained in violation of Article 38) or item (vi) of the paragraph, a person that has the right to be granted the patent).
Article 125Once a trial decision to the effect that a patent is to be invalidated has become final and binding, the patent right is deemed never to have existed;provided, however, that if a patent falls under Article 123, paragraph (1), item (vii) and a trial decision to the effect that the patent is to be invalidated has become final and binding, the patent right is deemed not to have existed beginning from the time that item first became applicable to the patent.
(Trial for Invalidation Concerning the Registration of a Patent Term Extension)
Article 125-2(1)A request for a trial for invalidation concerning the registration of a patent term extension may be filed if the registration of extension under Article 67-3, paragraph (3) falls under any of the following:
(i)the registration of the extension is made in response to an application filed before the base date;
(ii)the period by which the extending registration has extended the patent term exceeds the permissible length for the extension of the term of the patent rights;
(iii)the registration of extension is made in response to an application filed by a person that is not the patentee; and
(iv)the registration of the extension is made in response to an application which does not meet the requirements prescribed in Article 67-2, paragraph (4).
(4)When a trial decision to the effect that the registration of extension as referred to Article 67-3, paragraph (3) is to be invalidated has become final and binding, the extension of the term of the patent right resulting from the registration of the extension is deemed never to have occurred;provided, however, that if the registration of extension falls under paragraph (1), item (ii) and a trial decision to the effect that the registration of extension for the period that exceeds the permissible length for the extension of the patent right is to be invalidated has become final and binding, the extension is deemed not to have occurred .
(5)Any application to register an extension as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4) that was filed within the period by which the term of patent rights was extended based on a registration of extension that has been deemed never to have been made, pursuant to the main clause of the preceding paragraph, or that was filed within the period for which, pursuant to the proviso to that paragraph, the extension has been deemed not to have occurred, and that is pending before the Japan Patent Office, is deemed to have been withdrawn.
(6)If an extending registration as referred to in Article 67-7, paragraph (3) has been made in connection with an application to register an extension as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4) that was filed within the period by which the term of patent rights was extended based on a registration of extension that has been deemed never to have been made, pursuant to the main clause of paragraph (4), or that was filed within the period for which the extension has been deemed not to have occurred, pursuant to the proviso to the paragraph, the extension of the term of the patent rights resulting from the registration of extension is deemed never to have occurred .
(i)the registration of extension has been made in response to an application that has been filed in a case in which it is not found that the person needed to obtain the disposition provided by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4) in order to work the patented invention;
(ii)the registration of extension has been made in response to an application that has been filed in a case in which the patentee or an exclusive licensee or a non-exclusive licensee of the patent right has not obtained the disposition provided by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (4);
(iii)the period by which the registration of extension has extended the patent term exceeds the period during which the patented invention could not be worked;
(iv)the registration of extension has been made in response to an application filed by a person that is not the patentee; and
(v)the registration of extension has been made in response to an application not complying with the requirements as provided in Article 67-2, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 67-5, paragraph (4).
(3)Once a trial decision to the effect that the invalidating a registration of the extension as referred to in Article 67-7, paragraph (3) is to be invalidated has become final and binding, the extension of the term of the patent rights resulting from that registration of extension is deemed never to have occurred;provided, however, that if the registration of the extension falls under paragraph (1), item (iii) and a trial decision to the effect that invalidating the registration the extension for the period that exceeds the period during which the patented invention could not be worked has become final and binding, the extension is deemed not to have occurred for that excess period.
(Trials for Correction)
Article 126(1)The patentee may file a request for a trial for correction for correcting the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application;provided, however, that a correction is limited to the following:
(i)restriction of the claims;
(ii)correction of errors or mistranslations;
(iii)explanation of an ambiguous statement; and
(iv)rewriting a statement of claims that cites another statement of claims to a statement that does not cite the other statement of claims.
(2)A request for a trial for correction may not be filed between the time that an opposition to a granted patent or a trial for patent invalidation becomes pending before the Japan Patent Office and the time that ruling on the opposition or the trial decision (meaning all the rulings on the opposition or trial decisions if a request is filed on a claim-by-claim basis) becomes final and binding.
(3)If claims attached to a written application covering two or more claims are being corrected, a request for a correction trial under paragraph (1) may be filed on a claim-by-claim basis.In this case, if there is a group of claims in the relevant claim, a request must be filed for each group of claims.
(4)If the description or drawings attached to a written application are being corrected and the person seeks to file the request for a correction trial under paragraph (1) on a claim-by-claim basis, the request must be filed with respect to all claims involved in the correction of the description or drawings (or, if a request under paragraph (1) is filed for each group of claims pursuant to the second clause of the preceding paragraph, with respect to the whole of any groups of claims that includes a claim involving in the correction of the description or drawings).
(5)The correction of a description, claims, or drawings as referred to in paragraph (1) must remain within the scope of the matters disclosed in the description, claims, or drawings attached to a written application (in the case of a correction for the purpose provided in item (ii) of the proviso to paragraph (1), the description, claims and drawings originally attached to the written application (or in the case of a patent linked to an application written in a foreign language, foreign-language documents)).
Article 128Once a trial decision to the effect that the description, claims, or drawings attached to a written application are to be corrected has become final and binding, the filing of the patent application, the publication of the patent application, the examiner's decision or the decision on the trial or appeal to the effect that the patent is to be granted, or the registration of the establishment of a patent right is deemed to have been made based on the corrected description, claims, or drawings.
(Formality Requirements for Request for Trial or Appeal)
Article 131(1)A person filing a request for trial or appeal must submit a written request stating the following to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office:
(i)the name, and the domicile or residence of the party and the agent thereof;
(ii)an indication of the trial or appeal case; and
(iii)the object and grounds of the request.
(2)When a request for a trial for patent invalidation is filed, the grounds for the request that are set forth in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph must concretely identify the facts that are the basis invalidating the patent and must state the relationship of each fact that needs to be proved to the evidence.
(Amendment of Request for a Trial or Appeal)
Article 131-2(1)The amendment of a written request submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article must not be such as changes the gist of the request;provided, however, that this does not apply if the amendment falls under any of the following items:
(i)the amendment is made with respect to the grounds for the request set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) of the preceding Article in the course of filing a request for a trial or appeal other than a trial for patent invalidation;
(ii)the amendment is allowed by a chief administrative judge under the following paragraph; or
(iii)an order has been issued to amend the written request pursuant to Article 133, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 120-5, paragraph (9) and Article 134-2, paragraph (9)) and the amendment is made with respect to the matter so ordered
(2)If a request for a trial for patent invalidation is filed and an amendment of the grounds for the request set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) of the preceding Article changes the gist of those grounds, the chief administrative judge may rule to allow the amendment upon finding there to clearly be no risk that the amendment will unreasonably delay the trial proceedings and that the circumstances fall under one of the following items:
(i)a request for correction as referred to in Article 134-2, paragraph (1) has been filed during the trial for patent invalidation and that request for correction has made it necessary to amend the grounds for the request; or
(ii)there were reasonable grounds other than what is set forth in the preceding item for the grounds for the request as amended not having been included in the written request at the time the request for a trial was filed, and the respondent has agreed to the amendment.
(Joint Trial or Appeal)
Article 132(1)If there are two or more persons filing a request for a trial for patent invalidation or a trial for invalidation concerning the registration of a patent term extension in respect of the same patent right, these persons may jointly file the request for the trial.
(4)If there are grounds for continuance or suspension of trial or appeal proceedings in respect of one of the persons that have filed a request for trial or appeal pursuant to paragraph (1) or (3) or in respect of one of the persons on the responding side of a request for trial or appeal filed pursuant to paragraph (2), the continuance or suspension is valid against all of them.
(Dismissal by Ruling in the Case of Non-Compliance with Formality Requirements)
Article 133(1)If a written request does not comply with Article 131, a chief administrative judge must order the petitioner to amend the written request within a reasonable, specified period of time.
(2)Other than in a case as provided in the preceding paragraph, the chief administrative judge may order an amendment to be made with respect to a procedure involved in the case under trial or appeal within a reasonable specified period of time if the procedure falls under in any of the following cases:
(i)the procedure does not comply with Article 7, paragraphs (1) through (3) or Article 9;
(ii)the procedure does not comply with formality requirements specified by this Act or an order that is based on this Act; or
(iii)the fee for a procedure that is to be paid pursuant to Article 195, paragraph (1) or (2) has not been paid;
(3)The chief administrative judge may, by a ruling, dismiss a procedure involved in a case under trial or appeal if the person that the judge orders, pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs, to make an amendment with respect to that procedure fails to make the amendment within the period of time the judge has specified pursuant to those paragraphs, or if the amendment violates the provisions of Article 131-2, paragraph (1).
(Dismissal of Unlawful Procedures)
Article 133-2(1)A chief administrative judge may, by a ruling, dismiss any procedures that are not lawful and not amendable among the procedures pertaining to a trial or appeal case (excluding a request for trial or appeal).
(2)Before a chief administrative judge intends to dismiss a procedure under the preceding paragraph, the judge must notify the person that undertook the procedures of the reasons for dismissing it and give the person an opportunity to submit a written explanation within an adequate specified period of time.
(Submission of a Written Answer)
Article 134(1)Once a request for trial or appeal has been filed, a chief administrative judge must serve a duplicate of the written request on the respondent and give the respondent an opportunity to submit a written answer within an adequate specified period of time.
(2)If a chief administrative judge allows the amendment of a written request pursuant to Article 131-2, paragraph (2), the judge must serve a duplicate of the written amendment form for that amendment on the respondent, and must give the respondent an opportunity to submit a written answer within an adequate specified period of time;provided, however, that this does not apply if there are special circumstances in occurrence in which it is recognized not to be necessary to give the respondent the opportunity to submit a written answer.
(Request for Correction During Trial for Patent Invalidation)
Article 134-2(1)The respondent in a trial for patent invalidation may file a request for a correction of the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application only within a period of time that is specified pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article, the following Article, Article 153, paragraph (2), or Article 164-2, paragraph (2);provided, however, that the correction is limited to any one of the following purposes:
(i)restriction of the claims;
(ii)correction of errors or mistranslations;
(iii)explanation of an ambiguous statement; and
(iv)rewriting a statement of claims that cites another statement of claims to a statement of claims that does not cite the other statement of claims.
(2)If claims attached to a written application covering two or more claims are being corrected, the request for correction referred to in the preceding paragraph may be filed on a claim-by-claim basis;provided, however, that if a request for a trial for patent invalidation has been filed on a claim-by-claim basis, the request for correction referred to in that paragraph must be filed on a claim-by-claim basis.
(5)An administrative judge may examine grounds that have not been pleaded by a party to a case or an intervenor in looking at whether a request for correction as referred to in paragraph (1) fails to be for a purpose set forth in one of the items of the proviso to the paragraph, or in looking at whether it fails to conform to the provisions of Article 126, paragraphs (5) through (7) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (9) after the deemed replacement of terms.In this case, if the chief administrative judge does not allow the request for correction because of such grounds, the judge must notify the parties to the case and the intervenors of the results of the examination and give them an opportunity to state their opinions within an adequate specified period of time.
(7)A request for correction as referred to in paragraph (1) may be withdrawn only within the period of time during which an amendment as referred to in Article 17-5, paragraph (2) may be made with regard to the corrected description, claims, or drawings attached to the written request for correction referred to in that paragraph.In this case, if the request for correction as referred to in paragraph (1) has been filed on a claim-by-claim basis or a set-by-set basis pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3), all those requests must be withdrawn.
(8)If a request for a trial for patent invalidation has been withdrawn for each claim pursuant to Article 155, paragraph (3), the request for correction as referred to in paragraph (1) is deemed to be withdrawn on a claim-by-claim basis, and if all requests in the case under a trial for patent invalidation are withdrawn, all the requests for correction as referred to in the paragraph in the case under trial are deemed to be withdrawn.
(9)Article 126, paragraphs (4) through (8), Articles 127 and 128, Article 131, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4), Article 131-2, paragraph (1), Article 132, paragraphs (3) and (4), and Article 133, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4) apply mutatis mutandis to the case referred to in paragraph (1).In this case, the term "item (i) or (ii) of the proviso to paragraph (1)" in Article 126, paragraph (7) is deemed to be replaced with "item (i) or (ii) of the proviso to paragraph (1) in connection with a claim in respect of which a request for a trial for patent invalidation is not filed".
(Request for Correction When Rescission Judgment is Rendered)
Article 134-3If a judgment rescinding a trial decision in a trial for patent invalidation (limited to a trial decision concluding that there are no grounds for requesting a trial) as under Article 181, paragraph (1) becomes final and binding, and the proceedings under paragraph (2) of the Article are initiated, the chief administrative judge may specify to the respondent an adequate period of time for filing a request for the correction of the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application, but only if the respondent files a petition to do so within one week from the date that the judgment becomes final and binding.
(Dismissal of Unlawful Request for Trial or Appeal by Decision on Trial or Appeal)
Article 135An unlawful request for trial or appeal that is not amendable may be dismissed by a decision on the trial or appeal without the respondent being given an opportunity to submit a written answer.
(Panel System for Trial and Appeal)
Article 136(1)A trial or appeal is conducted by a panel consisting of either three or five administrative judges.
(Designation of Administrative Judges)
Article 137(1)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must designate the administrative judges that make up the panel referred to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article for each case under trial or appeal (for a case under trial or appeal in respect of filing that is examined by an examiner pursuant to Article 162, this it is limited to the case where a report under Article 164, paragraph (3) has been submitted).
(Chief Administrative Judge)
Article 138(1)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must designate one of the administrative judges designated under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article as the chief administrative judge.
(Exclusion of Administrative Judges)
Article 139An administrative judge is excluded from acting as judge in the following cases:
(i)the administrative judge or the judge's spouse or former spouse is or was formerly a party to the case , an intervenor, or a patent opponent in the case;
(ii)the administrative judge is or was a relative by blood within the fourth degree of kinship, a relative by affinity within the third degree of kinship. or a cohabitating relative of a party to the case , an intervenor, or a patent opponent in the case;
(iii)the administrative judge is a guardian, a guardian supervisor, a curator, a curator supervisor, an assistant, or an assistant supervisor of a party to the case, an intervenor, or a patent opponent in the case;
(iv)the administrative judge becomes a witness or an expert witness in the case;
(v)the administrative judge is or was formerly the agent of a party to the case, an intervenor, or a patent opponent in the case;
(vi)the administrative judge was involved, as the examiner, in the case connected to the appeal that has been filed against the examiner's decision; or
(vii)if the administrative judge handling a case involving an application to register an extension as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (2) was involved, as the examiner, in the examination of the patent application regarding the patent right connected to the case;
(viii)the administrative judge has a direct interest in the case.
(Challenging against the Administrative Judge)
Article 141(1)If there are circumstances involving an administrative judge that could prejudice the fairness of proceedings of a trial or appeal, a party or an intervenor may challenge the administrative judge.
(2)A party or an intervenor may not challenge an administrative judge after giving a written or oral statement regarding the case to the administrative judge;provided, however, that this does not apply if the party or the intervenor is not aware of the grounds for challenge at that time or if the grounds for challenge occur thereafter.
(Formality Requirements for a Motion to Exclude or Challenge)
Article 142(1)A person filing a motion to exclude or challenge must submit a document to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office stating the grounds therefor;provided, however, that in oral proceedings this motion may be made orally.
(Ruling on a Motion to Exclude or Challenge)
Article 143(1)If a motion to exclude or challenge is filed, the administrative judges other than the administrative judge named in the motion try that motion and issue a ruling;provided, however, that the judge named in the motion may present an opinion.
(Trial and Appeal Clerks)
Article 144-2(1)The Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must designate a clerk for each trial or appeal case (for a case under trial in respect of a filing that is examined by an examiner pursuant to Article 162, this is limited to the case where a report under Article 164, paragraph (3) has been submitted).
(Formal Requirement for Trial and Appeal Proceedings)
Article 145(1)A trial for patent invalidation or a trial for invalidation concerning the registration of a patent term extension is conducted through oral proceedings;provided, however, that a chief administrative judge may decide to conduct the trial through written proceedings, at the motion of a party or intervenor or by the judge's own authority.
(4)Article 94 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Summons to Appear on a Court Date) applies mutatis mutandis to a summons to appear on a trial or appeal date as referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(6)At the motion of a party or intervener or by the chief administrative judge's own authority, the chief administrative judge may conduct proceedings on the date for the trial or appeal referred to in paragraph (3) in a way that enables the administrative judges and the trial or appeal clerk, and the parties and the interveners to communicate with one another, with an awareness of each other's condition, through audio and visual transmissions, pursuant to Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Article 146Article 154 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Presence of Interpreters) applies mutatis mutandis to a trial or appeal.
Article 147(1)For oral proceedings under paragraph (1) or the proviso to paragraph (2) of Article 145, the trial or appeal clerk must prepare a trial or appeal record giving the gist of the proceedings and all other necessary details on each trial or appeal date.
(2)If a trial or appeal clerk is issued an order by the chief administrative judge with regard to the preparation or modification of a trial or appeal record referred to in the preceding paragraph but finds such preparation or modification to be inappropriate, the clerk may make a note of their opinion in the record.
(3)Article 160, paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Code of Civil Procedure (Statement of Oral Arguments) apply mutatis mutandis to the trial or appeal record referred to in paragraph (1).
Article 148(1)A person that may file a request for a trial pursuant to Article 132, paragraph (1) may intervene in the trial as a petitioner up until such time as the proceedings reach a conclusion.
(Examination and Preservation of Evidence)
Article 150(1)Evidence may be examined in a trial or appeal, at the motion of a party or an intervenor, or on the judge's own authority.
Article 151Article 145, paragraphs (6) and (7), Article 147 of this Act and Article 93, paragraph (1) (Designation of Court Dates), Article 94 (Summons to Appear on a Court Date), Articles 179 through 181, 183 through 186, 188, 190, 191, and 195 through 198, Article 199, paragraph (1), Articles 201 through 204, 206, 207, and 210 through 213, Article 214, paragraphs (1) through (3), Articles 215 through 222, Article 223, paragraphs (1) through (6), Articles 226 through 228, Articles 229, paragraphs (1) through (3), Article 231, Article 232, paragraph (1), Articles 233, 234, 236 through 238, and 240 through 242 (Evidence), and Article 278 (Submission of Documents in Lieu of Examination) of the Code of Civil Procedure apply mutatis mutandis to the examination and preservation of evidence under the preceding Article.In this case, the term "facts admitted by a party in court and obvious facts" in Article 179 of the Code of Civil Procedure is deemed to be replaced with "obvious facts", and the term "the Rules of the Supreme Court" in Article 204 and 215-3 of the Code is deemed to be replaced with "Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry".
(Proceedings by Chief Administrative Judge's Own Authority)
Article 152The chief administrative judge may proceed with trial or appeal procedures, even if a party or intervenor fails to undertake a required procedure within the statutory or specified period of time and even if the person fails to appear pursuant to the provisions of Article 145, paragraph (3).
(Consolidation or Separation of Proceedings)
Article 154(1)When one or both parties to two or more trials or appeals are identical, the proceedings may be consolidated.
(Withdrawal of Request for Trial or Appeal)
Article 155(1)A request for a trial or appeal may be withdrawn up until such time as the decision on the trial or appeal becomes final and binding.
(Notice of the Conclusion of Proceedings)
Article 156(1)When a case reaches the point at which a decision on the trial or appeal can be rendered in a trial other than a trial for patent invalidation, the chief administrative judge must notify the parties and intervenors of the conclusion of the proceedings.
(2)When a trial for patent invalidation case reaches the point at which a trial decision can be rendered, and an advance notice of a trial decision as referred to in Article 164-2, paragraph (1) is not given or when an advance notice of a trial decision as referred to in Article 164-2, paragraph (1) has been given but the respondent does not file a request for correction as referred to in Article 134-2, paragraph (1) or make an amendment as referred to in Article 17-5, paragraph (2) within the period of time that has been specified pursuant to Article 164-2, paragraph (2), the chief administrative judge must notify the parties and intervenors of the conclusion of the proceedings.
(Trial or Appeal Decisions)
Article 157(1)When a decision on a trial or appeal is rendered, the trial or appeal is concluded.
(i)the trial or appeal number;
(ii)the name, and domicile or residence of each of the parties, intervenors, and agents;
(iii)the identification of the trial or appeal case;
(iv)the conclusion of and reasons for the decision on the trial or appeal; and
(v)the date of the decision on the trial or appeal.
(Special Provisions Regarding Appeals Against Examiner's Decision of Refusal)
Article 158A procedure undertaken during an examiner's examination is also valid during an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal.
Article 159(1)Article 53 applies mutatis mutandis to an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal.In this case, the term "Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i) or (iii)" in Article 53, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i), (iii), or (iv)", and the term "an amendment" in Article 53, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "an amendment (in the case of Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i) or (iii), excluding any amendment made prior to the filing of an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal)".
(2)Article 50 and Article 50-2 apply mutatis mutandis when any of the reasons for rejection found in an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal are different from the reasons for the examiner's decision.In this case, the term "in cases as set forth in Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i) or (iii) (in the case of item (i), limited to the case where the examiner issues the notice under the following Article together with the notice of grounds for refusal)" in the proviso to Article 50 is deemed to be replaced with "in cases set forth in Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i) (limited to the case where the examiner issues the notice under the following Article together with the notice of grounds for refusal, and excluding a case in which the applicant makes an amendment prior to filing of an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal), item (iii) (excluding a case in which the applicant makes an amendment prior to filing of an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal) or item (iv)".
Article 162If an appeal is filed against an examiner's decision of refusal is requested and, at the same time that the appeal is filed, an amendment is made to the description, claims, or drawings attached to the written application in the patent application to which the request pertains, the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must have an examiner examine the filing.
Article 163(1)Articles 48, 53, and 54 apply mutatis mutandis to an examination under the preceding Article.In this case, the term "Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i) or (iii)" in Article 53, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i), (iii), or (iv)" and the term "an amendment" in Article 53, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with "an amendment (in the case set forth in item (i) or (iii), excluding an amendment made prior to the filing of the appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal)".
(2)Articles 50 and 50-2 apply mutatis mutandis if any of the reasons for refusal are found that differ from the reason for the examiner's decision is discovered in the appeal during an examination under the preceding Article.In this case, the term "in cases as set forth in Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i) or (iii) (in the case set forth in item (i), limited to the case where the examiner issues the notice under the following Article together with the notice of reasons for refusal)" in the proviso to Article 50 is deemed to be replaced with "in cases set forth in Article 17-2, paragraph (1), item (i) (limited to the case where the examiner issues the notice under the following Article together with the notice of the reasons for refusal, and excluding a case in which the applicant makes an amendment prior to the filing of an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal), item (iii) (excluding a case in which the applicant makes an amendment prior to the filing of an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal) or item (iv)".
(Special Provisions on Trial for Patent Invalidation)
Article 164-2(1)When a case in a trial for patent invalidation reaches the point at which a trial decision can be rendered, if the chief administrative judge finds there to be reasonable grounds for the request for the trial and if otherwise provided by Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the judge must give the parties and intervenors advance notice of the trial decision.
(Special Provisions on Trials for Correction)
Article 165If the purpose of a trial for correction is not one of those set forth in the proviso to Article 126, paragraph (1) or the correction does not comply with Article 126, paragraphs (5) through (7), the chief administrative judge must notify the petitioner of the reasons therefor and give the petitioner an opportunity to submit a written opinion within an adequate, specified period of time.
(Effect of a Trial Decision)
Article 167Once the trial decision in a trial for patent invalidation or a trial decision in a trial for invalidation concerning the registration of a patent term extension has become final and binding, neither the parties nor intervenors may file a request for either such kind of trial on the basis of the same facts or evidence.
(Scope of Final and Binding Decision Trial or Appeal)
Article 167-2A decision on a trial or appeal becomes final and binding on a trial or appeal case basis;provided, however, that, in a case as set forth in one of the following items, the decision on the trial or appeal becomes final and binding as provided in the corresponding items:
(i)a request for a trial for patent invalidation has been filed on a claim-by-claim basis and a request for correction as referred to in Article 134-2, paragraph (1) is filed on a set-by-set basis:on a set-by-set basis;
(ii)a request for a trial for correction is filed on a set-by-set basis:on a set-by-set basis; and
(iii)a request for a trial or appeal is filed on a claim-by-claim basis other than as set forth in item (i):on a claim-by-claim basis.
(Connection with Litigation)
Article 168(1)If it is found to be necessary during a trial or appeal, the trial or appeal proceedings may be suspended until the ruling on an opposition to a granted patent or the decision from another trial or appeal becomes final and binding or until litigation proceedings conclude.
(4)If the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office is notified as provided in the preceding paragraph, the commissioner is to notify the court of whether a request for a trial or appeal has been filed with the Japan Patent Office with regard to that patent right. The same applies if the Japan Patent Office issues a ruling dismissing the written request for the trial or appeal, if it renders a decision on the trial or appeal in such a trial or appeal, or if the request for such a trial or appeal is withdrawn.
(5)If the court is notified pursuant to the preceding paragraph that a request for a trial or appeal with regard to the relevant patent right, and if a document stating a method of allegation or evidence under Article 104-3, paragraph (1) has already been submitted in the litigation prior to the notice or the document is submitted for the first time after the notice, the court must notify the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office of that fact.
(Bearing of Costs of a Trial or Appeal)
Article 169(1)The burden of costs connected with a trial for patent invalidation or trial for invalidation concerning registration of a patent term extension must be decided by the court's own authority by a trial decision if the trial ends by a trial decision or by a ruling during the trial if the trial ends otherwise.
(2)Articles 61 through 66, Article 69, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 70, and Article 71, paragraph (2) of the Code of Civil Procedure (Bearing of Court Costs) apply mutatis mutandis to costs of a trial provided for in the preceding paragraph.In this case, the term "the Rules of the Supreme Court" in Article 71, paragraph (2) of the Code is deemed to be replaced with "Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry".
(4)Article 65 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Burden of Costs in Joint Litigation) applies mutatis mutandis to the costs to be borne by the petitioner pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
(6)The scope, the amount, and the payment of the costs in connection with a trial or appeal, and the payment required for undertaking a procedural act in a trial or appeal are governed by the relevant provisions of the Act on Costs of Civil Procedure (excluding provisions in Chapter II, Sections 1 and 3 of the Act) unless this is contrary to their nature.
(Enforceability of Rulings on the Amount of Costs)
Article 170A final and binding ruling on the amount of costs for a trial or appeal has the same effect as that of an enforceable title of obligation.
第七章 再審
Chapter VII Retrials
(Request for a Retrial)
Article 171(1)A party or an intervenor may file a request for a retrial against a final and binding revocation decision and a final and binding trial decision.
(2)Article 338, paragraphs (1) and (2), and Article 339 (grounds for retrial) of the Code of Civil Procedure apply mutatis mutandis to a request for a retrial as referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Period for Request for Retrial)
Article 173(1)A request for a retrial must be filed within 30 days from the date on which the petitioner becomes aware of the grounds for the retrial after the revocation decision or the decision on the trial or appeal becomes final and binding.
(2)If a person filing a request for a retrial is unable to file the request within the period provided for in the preceding paragraph due to reasons beyond the person's control, notwithstanding the paragraph, the person may file the request within 14 days (if the person is an overseas resident, within two months) after the date on which those reasons cease to exist, but not later than six months after the end of the aforementioned period.
(3)If a request for a retrial is filed on the grounds that the petitioner was not represented in accordance with the provisions of law, the period provided for in paragraph (1) is counted from the day following that on which the petitioner or the legal representative is served and thereby learns that the revocation decision or the trial decision has been rendered.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Trials and Appeals)
Article 174(1)Articles 114, 116 through 120-2, and 120-5 through 120-8, Article 131, paragraph (1), the main clause of Article 131-2, paragraph (1), Article 132, paragraph (3), Article 154, Article 155, paragraphs (1) and (3), and Article 156, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4) apply mutatis mutandis to a retrial following a final and binding revocation decision.
(2)Article 131, paragraph (1), the main clause of Article 131-2, paragraph (1), Article 132, paragraphs (3) and (4), Articles 133 and 133-2, Article 134, paragraph (4), Articles 135 through 147 and 150 through 152, Article 155, paragraph (1), Article 156, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4), Articles 157 through 160, the main clause of Article 167-2, Article 168, Article 169, paragraphs (3) through (6), and Article 170 apply mutatis mutandis to a retrial following a final and binding appeal decision from an appeal against an examiner's decision of refusal.
(3)Article 131, paragraph (1), the main clause of Article 131-2, paragraph (1), Article 132, paragraphs (1), (2), and (4), Articles 133 and 133-2, Article 134, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4), Articles 135 through 152, Article 154, Article 155, paragraphs (1) through (3), Article 156, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4), Articles 157, 167, and 168, Article 169, paragraphs (1), (2), (5), and (6), and Article 170 apply mutatis mutandis to a retrial following the final and binding trial decision from an trial for patent invalidation or from a trial for invalidation of registration of a patent term extension.
(4)Articles 131, paragraphs (1) and (4), the main clause of Article 131-2, paragraph (1), Article 132, paragraphs (3) and (4), Articles 133 and 133-2, Article 134, paragraph (4), Articles 135 through 147 and 150 through152, Article 155, paragraphs (1) and (4), Article 156, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4), Articles 157, 165, 167-2, and 168, Article 169, paragraph (3) through (6), and Article 170 apply mutatis mutandis to a retrial following the final and binding trial decision from a trial for correction.
(5)Article 348, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure (Scope of Proceedings) applies mutatis mutandis to a retrial.
(Restriction on the Effect of Patent Right Restored by Retrial)
Article 175(1)If patent rights under a revoked or invalidated patent or patent rights under an invalidated registration of patent term extension are restored on retrial, or if the establishment of patent rights or the patent term extension with respect to a patent application or an application for registration of patent term extension that was rejected in a trial decision has been registered by a retrial, when the patent was granted on an invention that is a product, the effect of the patent rights does not extend to any relevant product imported into or produced or acquired in Japan in good faith after the decision to revoke or the trial decision becomes final and binding but before the registration of the request for a retrial.
(2)If patent rights under a revoked or invalidated patent or patent rights under an invalidated registration of patent term extension are restored on retrial, or if the establishment of patent rights or the patent term extension is registered on retrial in connection with a patent application or an application for registration of patent term extension that was rejected in a trial decision, the effect of the patent rights does not extend to the following actions as performed after the decision to revoke or the trial decision becomes final and binding but before the registration of the request for a retrial:
(i)the working of the invention in good faith;
(ii)if the patent was granted on an invention that is a product, producing, transferring, etc., importing or offering to transfer, etc. any article used in the production of the product in good faith;
(iii)if a patent was granted on an invention that is a product, possessing the product for the purpose of transferring, etc. or exporting it in good faith;
(iv)if the patent was granted on an invention that is a process, producing, transferring, etc., importing or offering to transfer, etc. any article used in that process in good faith; and
(v)if the patent was granted on an invention that is a process for producing a product, possessing the product produced by the process for the purpose of transferring, etc. or exporting it in good faith.
Article 176If patent rights under a revoked or invalidated patent or patent rights under an invalidated registration of patent term extension are restored on retrial, or if the establishment of patent rights or the patent term extension is registered on retrial in connection with a patent application or an application to register a patent term extension that was rejected in a trial decision and a person has been engaging or preparing to engage in business that involves the working the invention in Japan in good faith, after the revocation decision or the trial decision becomes final and binding and before the registration of the request for a retrial, the person has a non-exclusive license under those patent rights, but only within the scope of the invention that the person is working or preparing to work and within the purview of that business purpose.
第八章 訴訟
Chapter VIII Litigation
(Actions Against Decisions on a Trial or Appeal)
Article 178(1)The Tokyo High Court has exclusive jurisdiction over any action against a revocation decision or a decision on a trial or appeal, a ruling to dismiss a written request for an opposition to a granted patent, a trial or appeal, or a retrial or a written request for correction as referred to in Article 120-5, paragraph (2) or Article 134-2, paragraph (1).
(The Proper Defendant)
Article 179In an action as referred to in Article 178, paragraph (1), the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office must be made the defendant;provided, however, that in an action in which a party seeks to overturn the trial decision from a trial for patent invalidation, or a trial for invalidation concerning registration of a patent term extension, or from a retrial as referred to in Article 171, paragraph (1) following the final and binding trial decision in a relevant trial, the petitioner or the respondent from the trial or retrial must be made the defendant.
(Notice of the Filing of Action)
Article 180(1)If an action provided for in the proviso to the preceding Article is instituted, the court must notify the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office thereof without delay.
(2)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the action seeks to overturn the trial decision from a trial for patent invalidation that was requested on a claim-by-claim basis or to overturn the trial decision in a retrial following the final and binding trial decision from that trial for patent invalidation, the court must send the necessary documents for identifying claims involved in the action to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office.
(Opinion of the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office in Litigation Rescinding a Decision on a Trial or Appeal)
Article 180-2(1)If an action provided for in the proviso to Article 179 is instituted, the court may seek the opinion of the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office regarding the application of this Act or regarding any other necessary matters relating to the case.
(Rescission of a Decision on a Trial or Appeal, or Ruling)
Article 181(1)If the court finds grounds for the request in an action instituted as referred to in Article 178, paragraph (1), it must rescind the decision on a trial or appeal, or ruling.
(2)Once the court's decision rescinding a decision on a trial or appeal, or ruling, under the preceding paragraph has become final and binding, the administrative judges must carry out further proceedings and issue a decision on a trial or appeal, or ruling.In this case, if the court's decision rescinding the decision on a trial or appeal, or the ruling, becomes final and binding with regard to a part of the claims in a claim set for which a request for correction as referred to in Article 120-5, paragraph (2) or Article 134-2, paragraph (1) has been filed, in carrying out the proceedings, the administrative judges must rescind the decision on a trial or appeal, or the ruling, on the other claims in the claim set.
(Sending of the Original of the Judicial Decision)
Article 182In the cases listed in the following items with respect to an action under the proviso to Article 179, without delay, the court must send the document as provided in the corresponding item to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office:
(i)if the court procedures have been concluded by a judicial decision:the original of the judgment rendered by the court of each instance; and
(ii)if the court procedures have been concluded by a means other than a judicial decision:the documents necessary for identifying claims pertaining to that action.
(Composition of a Panel)
Article 182-2With respect to an action as referred to in Article 178, paragraph (1), the ruling that proceedings and judicial decision are to be rendered by a panel consisting of five judges may be made if so determined by the panel.
(Action Protesting the Amount of Consideration)
Article 183(1)If a person that has received an award as referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2), Article 92, paragraph (3) or (4), or Article 93, paragraph (2) is not satisfied with the amount of the consideration determined in the award, the person may institute an action demanding an increase or decrease in that amount.
(The Proper Defendant)
Article 184In an action as referred to in Article 183, paragraph (1), the following persons must be made the defendant:
(i)in an action against an award as referred to in Article 83, paragraph (2), Article 92, paragraph (4), or Article 93, paragraph (2), the non-exclusive licensee, patentee or exclusive licensee; and
(ii)in an action against an award as referred to in Article 92, paragraph (3), the non-exclusive licensee or the other person referred to in Article 72.
第九章 特許協力条約に基づく国際出願に係る特例
Chapter IX Special Provisions for International Applications Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty
(The Filing of the Patent Application through an International Application)
Article 184-3(1)An international application (limited to a patent application) to which an international filing date is accorded under Article 11 (1) or (2)(b), or Article 14 (2) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty Done at Washington on June 19, 1970 (hereinafter referred to as "the treaty" in this Chapter), which specifies Japan as a designated state as referred to in Article 4 (1)(ii) of the treaty is deemed to be a patent application that was filed on the international filing date.
(2)Article 43 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-2, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3, paragraph (3)) and Article 43-3, paragraph (3)) does not apply to an international application that is deemed to be a patent application pursuant to the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as an "international patent applicati |