Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin
Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin
Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 1605 of October 27, 2005)
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards (Act No. 175 of 1950) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 9 of the same Act, the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 59 of January 20, 2000) is entirely amended as follows, and public notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (1) of the same Act.
第1条 この規格は、有機農産物の生産の方法についての基準等を定めることを目的とする。
Article 1 The purpose of this Standard is to establish criteria, etc. for the methods of production of organic products of plant origin.
(Principles for the Production of Organic Products of Plant Origin)
第2条 有機農産物は、次のいずれかに従い生産することとする。
Article 2 Organic products of plant origin are to be produced by using any of the following methods:
(1) 農業の自然循環機能の維持増進を図るため、化学的に合成された肥料及び農薬の使用を避けることを基本として、土壌の性質に由来する農地の生産力(きのこ類の生産にあっては農林産物に由来する生産力、スプラウト類の生産にあっては種子に由来する生産力を含む。)を発揮させるとともに、農業生産に由来する環境への負荷をできる限り低減した栽培管理方法を採用したほ場において生産すること。
1. In order to maintain and improve the natural cyclical function of agriculture, organic products of plant origin are produced in the field adopting a cultivation management method that maximizes the productivity of agricultural land derived from the nature of the soil (including the productivity derived from agricultural and forestry products in the case of production of mushrooms, and the productivity derived from seeds in the case of production of sprouts) and reduces the environmental load resulting from agricultural production as much as possible, on the basis that chemically synthesized fertilizers and agricultural chemicals are not used; or
(2) 採取場(自生している農産物を採取する場所をいう。以下同じ。)において、採取場の生態系の維持に支障を生じない方法により採取すること。
2. Organic products of plant origin are collected at a collection area (meaning a place where products of plant origin growing in wild are collected; the same applies hereinafter), by a method that does not hinder the maintenance of the ecosystem of the collection area.
第3条 この規格において、次の表左欄の用語の定義は、それぞれ同表右欄のとおりとする。
Article 3 In this Standard, the terms in the left column of the following table are defined as shown in the right column of the same table.
Organic products of plant origin
Organic products of plant origin mean plant products (limited to foods and drinks) produced in accordance with the criteria specified in the following Article.
Prohibited substances
Prohibited substances mean fertilizers and soil improvement substances (excluding those listed in Appended Table 1), agricultural chemicals (excluding those listed in Appended Table 2) and other substances applied to soil, plants or mushrooms (excluding natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment).
Chemical treatment
Chemical treatment means treatments that fall under any of the following:
1 化学的手段(燃焼、焼成、溶融、乾留及びけん化を除く。以下同じ。)によって、化合物を構造の異なる物質に変化させること。
1 To change a compound into a substance with a different structure by chemical means (excluding combustion, calcining, melting, dry distillation and saponification; the same applies hereinafter); or
2 化学的手段により得られた物質を添加すること(最終的な製品に当該物質を含有しない場合を含む。)。
2 To add a substance obtained by chemical means (including cases in which the final product does not contain the substance).
Recombinant DNA technology
Recombinant DNA technology means technology that produces recombinant DNA molecules, which are pieces of DNA joined together by cutting apart and rejoining DNA using enzymes or the like, inserts the molecules into living cells, and causes them to replicate.
Cultivation site
A cultivation site means a place where mushrooms are cultured, where logs inoculated with mushrooms spawn are kept, or where mushrooms bear fruit, or a cultivation facility of sprouts (excluding the field; the same applies hereinafter).
(Criteria for Production Methods)
第4条 有機農産物の生産の方法についての基準は、次のとおりとする。
Article 4 The criteria for the methods of production of organic products of plant origin are as follows.
1. Field
Necessary measures are required to have been taken to prevent the drift or runoff of prohibited substances from surrounding areas into the field, and that field is to fall under any of the following:
1 多年生の植物から収穫される農産物にあってはその最初の収穫前3年以上、それ以外の農産物にあってはは種又は植付け前2年以上(開拓されたほ場又は耕作の目的に供されていなかったほ場であって、2年以上使用禁止資材が使用されていないものにおいて新たに農産物の生産を開始した場合においては、多年生の植物から収穫される農産物にあってはその最初の収穫前1年以上、それ以外の農産物にあってはは種又は植付け前1年以上)の間、この表ほ場に使用する種子又は苗等の項、ほ場における肥培管理の項、ほ場又は栽培場における有害動植物の防除の項及び一般管理の項の基準に従い農産物の生産を行っていること。
(A) Plant products have been produced in accordance with the criteria specified in the items 4,7,9 and 10 of this table during at least three years before the first harvest in the case of plant products harvested from perennial plants, and at least two years before the seeding or planting in the case of other plant products (or during at least one year before the first harvest in the case of plant products harvested from perennial plants, or during at least one year before the seeding or planting in the case of other plant products, if the production of those plant products newly started in a reclaimed field or a field which had not been used for cultivation where prohibited substances had not been used for at least two years); or
2 転換期間中のほ場(1に規定する要件に適合するほ場への転換を開始したほ場であって、1に規定する要件に適合していないものをいう。以下同じ。)については、転換開始後最初の収穫前1年以上の間、この表ほ場に使用する種子又は苗等の項、ほ場における肥培管理の項、ほ場又は栽培場における有害動植物の防除の項及び一般管理の項の基準に従い農産物の生産を行っていること。
(B) In the case of a field during the conversion period (meaning a field that is being converted to a field that conforms to the requirements specified in (A) but that does not conform to the requirements specified in (A) yet; the same applies hereinafter), plant products have been produced in accordance with the criteria for the items 4,7, 9 and 10 of this table during at least one year before the first harvest after conversion.
2. Cultivation site
1 周辺から使用禁止資材が飛来し、又は流入しないように必要な措置を講じているものであること。
(A) Necessary measures are required to have been taken to prevent the drift or runoff of prohibited substances from surrounding areas into the site.
2 土壌において栽培されるきのこ類にあっては、栽培開始前2年以上の間、使用禁止資材が使用されていないこと。
(B) For mushrooms grown in the soil, prohibited substances have not been used for at least two years before the start of cultivation.
3. Collection area
Prohibited substances are not to drift or run off from surrounding areas into the collection area, and such prohibited substances have not been used in that collection area for at least three years before harvesting of plant products.
4. Seeds or seedlings, etc. to be used in the field
1 この表ほ場の項、採取場の項、ほ場における肥培管理の項、ほ場又は栽培場における有害動植物の防除の項、一般管理の項、育苗管理の項及び収穫、輸送、選別、調製、洗浄、貯蔵、包装その他の収穫以後の工程に係る管理の項の基準に適合する種子又は苗等(苗、苗木、穂木、台木その他植物体の全部又は一部(種子を除く。)で繁殖の用に供されるものをいう。以下同じ。)であること。
(A) Seeds or seedlings, etc. (meaning seedlings, saplings, scions, rootstocks, and all or part of other plants (excluding seeds) used for propagation; the same applies hereinafter) are to conform to the criteria for the following items of this table: 1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
2 1の種子若しくは苗等の入手が困難な場合又は品種の維持更新に必要な場合は、使用禁止資材を使用することなく生産されたものを、これらの種子若しくは苗等の入手が困難な場合又は品種の維持更新に必要な場合は、種子繁殖する品種にあっては種子、栄養繁殖する品種にあっては入手可能な最も若齢な苗等であって、は種又は植付け後にほ場で持続的効果を示す化学的に合成された肥料及び農薬(別表1又は別表2に掲げるものを除く。)が使用されていないものを使用することができる(は種され、又は植え付けられた作期において食用新芽の生産を目的とする場合を除く。)。
(B) If it is difficult to obtain seeds or seedlings, etc. referred to in (A) or it is necessary to maintain or renew their variety, those produced without prohibited substances may be used; or if it is difficult to obtain these seeds or seedlings, etc. or it is necessary to maintain or renew their variety, it is permissible to use seeds on which chemically synthesized fertilizers or agricultural chemicals (excluding those listed in Appended Table 1 or 2) that show a lasting effect on the field after their seeding have not been used in the case of seed-propagating varieties, or it is permissible to use the youngest seedlings, etc. on which those fertilizers or agricultural chemicals have not been used in the case of nutrient-propagating varieties (excluding cases in which these seeds or seedlings are used for the purpose of producing sprouts for human consumption during the season of seedling or planting).
3 1及び2に掲げる苗等の入手が困難な場合であり、かつ、次のいずれかに該当する場合は、植付け後にほ場で持続的効果を示す化学的に合成された肥料及び農薬(別表1又は別表2に掲げるものを除く。)が使用されていない苗等を使用することができる。
(C) If it is difficult to obtain the seedlings, etc. set forth in (A) and (B) and any of the following applies, it is permissible to use seedlings, etc. on which chemically synthesized fertilizers or agricultural chemicals that show a lasting effect in the field after their planting (excluding those listed in Appended Table 1 or 2) have not been used:
(1) 災害、病虫害等により、植え付ける苗等がない場合
(1) When there is no seedling, etc. to be planted due to disaster, disease, insect damage or the like; or
(2) 種子の供給がなく、苗等でのみ供給される場合
(2) When seeds are not supplied, and only seedlings, etc. are supplied.
4 1から3までに掲げる種子又は苗等は、組換えDNA技術を用いて生産されたものでないこと。また、1及び2に掲げる種子については、コットンリンターに由来する再生繊維を原料とし、製造工程において化学的に合成された物質が添加されていない農業用資材に帯状に封入されたものを含む。
(D) Seeds or seedlings, etc. set forth in (A) through (C) have not been produced by using recombinant DNA technology. In addition, seeds set forth in (A) and (B) include those enclosed in strips in agricultural materials which are obtained from recycled fiber derived from cotton linter and to which no chemically synthesized substances are added in the manufacturing process.
5. Spawn
1 この表栽培場の項、採取場の項、栽培場における栽培管理の項1、ほ場又は栽培場における有害動植物の防除の項、一般管理の項及び収穫、輸送、選別、調製、洗浄、貯蔵、包装その他の収穫以後の工程に係る管理の項の基準に適合する種菌又は以下に掲げる種菌であること。
(A) Spawn is to be one that conforms to the criteria for the following items of this table: 2, 3, 8, (A), 9, 10 and 12; or is as follows.
2 この表栽培場における栽培管理の項1(1)又は(2)に掲げる資材により培養された種菌。ただし、これらの種菌の入手が困難な場合は、栽培期間中、使用禁止資材を使用することなく生産された資材を使用して培養された種菌を使用することができる。
(B) Spawn cultured with substances set forth in 8, (A), (1) or (2) of this table. However, if it is difficult to obtain that spawn, spawn cultured using substances that were produced without prohibited substances may be used during the cultivation period.
3 2の種菌の入手が困難な場合は、天然物質又は化学的処理を行っていない天然物質に由来する資材を使用して培養された種菌を使用することができる。
(C) If it is difficult to obtain the spawn referred to in (B), spawn cultured using natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment may be used.
4 2及び3に掲げる種菌の入手が困難な場合は、別表3の種菌培養資材を使用して培養された種菌を使用することができる。
(D) If it is difficult to obtain the spawn referred to in (B) and (C), spawn cultured using cultivation substances for spawning listed in Appended Table 3 may be used.
5 1から4までに掲げる種菌は、組換えDNA技術を用いて生産されたものでないこと。
(E) Spawn set forth in (A) through (D) has not been produced using recombinant DNA technology.
6. Seeds used in cultivation facilities of sprouts
1 この表ほ場に使用する種子又は苗等の項1に規定する種子であること。
(A) Seeds are to be in accordance with the item 4, (A) of this table.
2 1に掲げる種子は、組換えDNA技術を用いて生産されたものでないこと。
(B) Seeds set forth in (A) have not been produced using recombinant DNA technology.
3 1に掲げる種子に対し、次亜塩素酸水(食塩水(99%以上の塩化ナトリウムを含有する食塩を使用したものに限る。以下同じ。)を電気分解したものに限る。)以外の資材を使用していないこと。
(C) Substances other than hypochlorous acid water (limited to those obtained by electrolyzing salt solution (limited to those using salt containing no less than 99% sodium chloride; the same applies hereinafter)) have not been used for seeds set forth in (A).
7. Fertilizer management in the field
Productivity of agricultural land derived from the natural properties of the soil is to be maintained and improved only by applying compost derived from residues of plant products produced in the field or by a method that makes use of the functions of organisms living or growing in the field or its surroundings. However, if it is impossible to maintain and improve the productivity of agricultural land derived from the natural properties of the soil only by a method that makes use of the functions of organisms living or growing in the field or its surroundings, the fertilizers and soil improvement substances listed in Appended Table 1 (limited to those to which no chemically synthesized substances are added in the manufacturing process and which recombinant DNA technology is not used in the production stage of the raw materials; the same applies hereinafter) may be used, or living organisms (limited to those to which recombinant DNA technology is not used) may be introduced from outside the field or its surroundings.
8. Cultivation management in the cultivation site
1 きのこ類にあっては、次に掲げる基準に適合した資材を用いて生産すること。ただし、堆肥栽培きのこの生産において(1)又は(2)に掲げる基準に適合した資材の入手が困難な場合にあっては別表1の肥料及び土壌改良資材に限り、菌床栽培きのこ(おが屑にふすま、ぬか類、水等を混合してブロック状、円筒状等に固めた培地に種菌を植え付ける栽培方法により栽培したものをいう。)の生産において(2)に掲げる基準に適合した資材の入手が困難な場合にあっては別表1の食品工場及び繊維工場からの農畜水産物由来の資材の項に適合する米ぬか及びふすまに限り、使用することができる。
(A) Mushrooms are to be produced using substances that conform to the following criteria. However, if it is difficult to obtain substances that conform to the criteria set forth in (1) or (2) in the production of mushrooms cultivated using compost, fertilizers and soil improvement substances listed in Appended Table 1 may be used, and if it is difficult to obtain substances that conform to the criteria set forth in (2) in the production of mushrooms cultivated using bed (meaning those cultivated by a method to plant spawn in a culture medium made of sawdust which is mixed with wheat bran, bran, water, and the like, and is consolidated into the form of a block, a cylinder, or the like), the rice bran and wheat bran that conform to the "Substances derived from plant, livestock, and marine products which were used in food or textile industries" section listed in Appended Table 1 may be used:
(1) 原木、おがこ、チップ、駒等の樹木に由来する資材については、過去3年以上、周辺から使用禁止資材が飛来せず、又は流入せず、かつ、使用禁止資材が使用されていない一定の区域で伐採され、伐採後に化学物質により処理されていないものであること。
(1) Substances derived from trees, such as log, sawdust, chips, spawn blocks, or the like have been obtained from trees which are cut in a specified area where prohibited substances have not been used and have not drifted or run off from surrounding areas into the site for the past three or more years, and which have not undergone any chemical treatment after being cut; and
(2) 樹木に由来する資材以外の資材については、以下に掲げるものに由来するものに限ること。
(2) Any substances other than those derived from trees are limited to those derived from any of the following:
ア 農産物(この条に規定する生産の方法についての基準に従って栽培されたものに限る。)
(a) Plant products (limited to those grown in accordance with the criteria of production methods specified in this Article);
イ 加工食品(
(b) Processed food (limited to those produced in accordance with the criteria of production methods specified in Article 4 of the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Processed Food (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 1606 of October 27, 2005);
ウ 飼料(有機飼料の日本農林規格(平成17年10月27日農林水産省告示第1607号)第4条に規定する生産の方法についての基準に従って生産されたものに限る。)
(c) Feed (limited to those produced in accordance with the criteria of production methods specified in Article 4 of the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Feed (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 1607 of October 27, 2005); and
エ 有機畜産物の日本農林規格(平成17年10月27日農林水産省告示第1608号)第4条に規定する生産の方法についての基準に従って飼養された家畜及び家きんの排せつ物に由来するもの
(d) Those derived from the manure of livestock and poultry raised in accordance with the criteria of production methods specified in Article 4 of the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Livestock Products (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 1608 of October 27, 2005).
2 スプラウト類にあっては、次の(1)から(4)までに掲げる基準に従い生産及び管理を行うこと。
(B) Sprouts are to be produced and managed in accordance with the criteria set forth in the following (1) through (4):
(1) 生産に用いる資材については、次のア及びイに掲げるものに限ること。
(1) Substances used for production are limited to those listed in the following (a) and (b):
ア 水
(a) Water; and
イ 培地(天然物質又は化学的処理を行っていない天然物質に由来するもの(組換えDNA技術を用いて製造されたものを除く。)であり、かつ、肥料、農薬その他の資材が施されていないものに限る。)
(b) Culture medium (limited to natural substances or those derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment (excluding those manufactured by using recombinant DNA technology) to which fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, or other substances are not applied);
(2) 人工照明を用いないこと。
(2) Artificial lighting is not used;
(3) (1)及び(2)に掲げる基準に従い生産されたスプラウト類が農薬、洗浄剤、消毒剤その他の資材により汚染されないように管理を行うこと。
(3) Sprouts produced in accordance with the criteria set forth in (1) and (2) are kept free from agricultural chemicals, detergents, disinfectants or other substances in order to prevent any possible contamination; and
(4) (1)から(3)までに掲げる基準に適合しないスプラウト類が混入しないように管理を行うこと。
(4) Management of the sprouts is carried out in order to prevent the mixing of sprouts that do not conform to the criteria set forth in (1) through (3).
9. Pests and diseases control in the field or cultivation site
Pests and diseases control are to be managed only by using the method of cultural control (which means to control pest and disease through systematical implementation of the selection of crops and varieties, adjustment of planting season, and other operations normally carried out as part of the cultivation management of crops, with the aim of suppressing the generation of harmful animals and plants), physical control (which means to control pest and disease by using light, heat, sound, or the like, by using mulch derived from waste paper (limited to those to which no chemically synthesized substances are added in the manufacturing process) or plastic mulch (limited to those to be removed after use), or by manual or mechanical means), biological control (which means to control of pests and diseases through the introduction of microorganisms that suppress the growth of microorganisms causing disease, animals that prey on harmful animals and plants, plants that repel harmful animals and plants, or plants that have the effect of suppressing the generation of harmful animals and plants, or by establishing an environment suitable for the growth of those beneficial plants and animals), or by a combination of these methods. However, if the risk of serious damage to plant products is imminent and harmful animals and plants cannot be effectively controlled in the field only by cultural control, physical control, biological control, or by appropriately combining these control methods, the agricultural chemicals listed in Appended Table 2 (excluding those manufactured using recombinant DNA technology; the same applies hereinafter) may be used.
10. General management
Prohibited substances are not to be applied to soil, plants, or mushrooms.
11. Seedling management
When seedlings are raised (excluding the case in which seedlings are raised in the field), necessary measures are to be taken to prevent the drift or runoff of prohibited substances from surrounding areas into the relevant place, only those soils listed in (A) through (C) below are to be used, and general management is to be carried out in accordance with the criteria for the following items of this table: 7, 9 and 10:
1 この表ほ場の項又は採取場の項の基準に適合したほ場又は採取場の土壌
(A) Soil in the field or collection area that conforms to the criteria of 1 or 2 in this table;
2 過去2年以上の間、周辺から使用禁止資材が飛来又は流入せず、かつ、使用されていない一定の区域で採取され、採取後においても使用禁止資材が使用されていない土壌
(B) Soil that is collected in a specified area where prohibited substances have not been used and have not drifted or run off from surrounding areas for the past two years or more, and that is free from such prohibited substances after collection; and
3 別表1の肥料及び土壌改良資材
(C) Fertilizers and soil improvement substances listed in Appended Table 1.
12. Management for harvesting, transportation, selection, preparation, washing, storage, packaging, and other post-harvest processes
1 この表ほ場の項、栽培場の項、採取場の項、ほ場に使用する種子又は苗等の項、種菌の項、ほ場における肥培管理の項、栽培場における栽培管理の項、ほ場又は栽培場における有害動植物の防除の項、一般管理の項又は育苗管理の項の基準(以下「ほ場の項等の基準」という。)に適合しない農産物が混入しないように管理を行うこと。
(A) Management is to be carried out in order to prevent the mixing of plant products that do not conform to the criteria for the following items of this table: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (hereinafter referred to as "criteria for item "1. Field", etc.").
2 有害動植物の防除又は品質の保持改善は、物理的又は生物の機能を利用した方法(組換えDNA技術を用いて生産された生物を利用した方法を除く。以下同じ。)によること。
(B) Pests and disease control or quality maintenance and improvement are to be carried out by physical methods or methods using biological functions (excluding methods using living organisms produced by using recombinant DNA technology; the same applies hereinafter).
3 2の規定にかかわらず、物理的又は生物の機能を利用した方法のみによっては効果が不十分な場合には、以下の資材に限り使用することができる。この場合において、(1)の資材を使用するときは、農産物への混入を防止しなければならない。
(C) Notwithstanding the provisions of (B) above, if the effect only by methods using physical methods or methods using biological functions is insufficient, the following substances may be used. In this case, if the substances specified in (1) below are used, mixing of the substances into the plant products has to be prevented:
(1) 有害動植物の防除目的 別表2の農薬、別表4の薬剤並びに食品及び添加物(これらを原材料として加工したものを含み、農産物に対して病害虫を防除する目的で使用するものを除く。)
(1) For pests and diseases control: agricultural chemicals listed in Appended Table 2, chemical agents listed in Appended Table 4, and food and additives (including those processed using food and additives as raw materials, and excluding those used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases); and
(2) 農産物の品質の保持改善目的 別表5の調製用等資材(組換えDNA技術を用いて製造されていないものに限る。)
(2) For maintenance and improvement of the quality of plant products: substances for preparation or other purposes listed in Appended Table 5 (limited to those not manufactured using recombinant DNA technology).
4 放射線照射を行わないこと。
(D) Irradiation is not to be used.
5 この表ほ場の項等の基準及びこの項1から4までに掲げる基準に従い生産された農産物が農薬、洗浄剤、消毒剤その他の資材により汚染されないように管理を行うこと。
(E) Plant products produced in accordance with the criteria for item "1. Field", etc. of this table and the criteria set forth in (A) through (D) above are to be managed to avoid being contaminated with agricultural chemicals, detergents, disinfectants or other substances.
(Labeling of Organic Products of Plant Origin)
第5条 食品表示基準(平成27年内閣府令第10号)の規定に従うほか、有機農産物の名称の表示は、次の例のいずれかによることとする。
Article 5 (1) Names of organic products of plant origin are to be labeled in accordance with the provisions of the Food Labeling Standards (Cabinet Office Order No. 10 of 2015), and also in accordance with any of the following examples:
(1) 「有機農産物」
1. “有機農産物” in Japanese (which means “organic products of plant origin”);
(2) 「有機栽培農産物」
2. “有機栽培農産物” in Japanese (which means “organically grown products of plant origin”);
(3) 「有機農産物○○」又は「○○(有機農産物)」
3. “有機農産物○○” or “○○(有機農産物)” in Japanese (which means “organic products of plant origin xx” or “xx (organic products of plant origin)”);
(4) 「有機栽培農産物○○」又は「○○(有機栽培農産物)」
4. “有機栽培農産物○○” or “○○(有機栽培農産物)” in Japanese (which means “organically grown products of plant origin xx” or “xx (organically grown products of plant origin)”);
(5) 「有機栽培○○」又は「○○(有機栽培)」
5. “有機栽培○○” or “○○(有機栽培)” in Japanese (which means “organically grown xx” or “xx (organically grown)”);
(6) 「有機○○」又は「○○(有機)」
6. “有機○○” or “○○(有機)” in Japanese (which means “organic xx” or “xx (organic)”); or
(7) 「オーガニック○○」又は「○○(オーガニック)」
7. “オーガニック○○” or “○○(オーガニック)” in Japanese (which means “organic xx” or “xx (organic)”).
(注1) (1)又は(2)の表示を行う場合には、食品表示基準第18条又は第24条の規定に従い当該農産物の名称の表示を別途行うこと。
(Note 1) When labeled as set forth in 1 or 2 above, the name of the product of plant origin is to be labeled separately in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 or 24 of the Food Labeling Standards.
(注2) 「○○」には、当該農産物の一般的な名称を記載すること。
(Note 2) A general name of the product of plant origin is to be placed on “xx”.
2 前項の基準にかかわらず、転換期間中のほ場において生産されたものにあっては、名称又は商品名の表示されている箇所に近接した箇所に「転換期間中」と記載すること。
(2) Notwithstanding the criteria set forth in the preceding paragraph, products of plant origin produced in the field during the conversion period are to be labeled as "during the conversion period" in an area adjacent to the area where the name or product name is labeled.
3 第1項の基準にかかわらず、採取場において採取された農産物にあっては、同項(1)、(3)、(6)及び(7)の例のいずれかにより記載すること。
(3) Notwithstanding the criteria set forth in paragraph (1), products of plant origin collected in the collection area are to be labeled in accordance with 1, 3, 6 or 7 of the same paragraph.
別表1 肥料及び土壌改良資材
Appended Table 1 Fertilizers and soil improvement substances
Fertilizers and soil improvement substances
Substances derived from plants and their residues
No chemical treatment has been provided to the plants after being mowed or cut down.
Substances derived from fermented, dried or calcined manure
Those derived from manure of livestock and poultry.
Oil cakes
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment (excluding extraction of oils with organic solvents).
Substances derived from plant, livestock, marine products which were used in food or textile industries
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment (excluding extraction of oils with organic solvents).
Processed animal products from slaughterhouses or fish industries
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Substances derived from fermented food waste
Substances other than food waste are not mixed in.
Bark compost
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Methane fermentation digestive juices (excluding sludge fertilizers)
Those generated when organic substances, such as livestock manure, are subjected to methane fermentation under anaerobic conditions. However, those made from human excrement are not to be used for edible parts of food crops.
Dried algae and powdered algae
Plant and wood ash
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Calcium carbonate
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment (including dolomite lime (CaCO3・MgCO3)).
Potassium chloride
Those produced by grinding or washing and refining natural ores or those produced from seawater or lake water without using any chemical method.
Potassium sulfate
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Magnesium potassium sulfate
Those obtained by washing and refining natural ores.
Natural phosphate ore
Cadmium does not exceed 90 mg/kg P2O5.
Magnesium sulfate
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Magnesium hydroxide
Those obtained by grinding natural ores.
Light burned magnesia
Gypsum (calcium sulfate)
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Quicklime (including dolomitic quicklime)
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Slaked lime
Those derived from the quicklime set forth above.
Trace elements (manganese, boron, iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, and chlorine)
Those used when the normal growth of crops cannot be ensured due to a lack of trace elements.
Stone meal
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment, if they do not contaminate soil or the like with their harmful heavy metals or other harmful substances contained in them.
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment. However, if it is used as a soil improvement substance, it is only to be used for vegetables (excluding mushrooms and edible wild plants) and fruit trees, and used as seedling soil.
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Calcined diatomite
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Basic slag
Those generated as a by-product of the Thomas steelmaking process.
Slag silicate fertilizer
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment.
Fused magnesium phosphate fertilizer
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment with the cadmium content not exceeding 90 mg/kg P2O5.
Sodium chloride
Those produced or mined from seawater or lake water without using any chemical method.
Aluminum calcium phosphate
Cadmium does not exceed 90 mg/kg P2O5.
Calcium chloride
Lactic acid
Limited to those fermented using plants as raw materials and used only for pH adjustment of seedling soil or the like.
By-products of the sugar industry
Granulating agents and anticaking agent for fertilizers
Natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment. However, if granulating substance and anticaking agent for fertilizers are impossible to be produced by only using the relevant substances, lignin sulfonates may be used.
Other fertilizers and soil improvement substances
Those (including living organisms) applied to land for the purpose of providing nutrients to plants or improving the soil, or applied to plants for the purpose of providing nutrients to them. Those substances are to be natural substances or substances derived from natural sources which have not undergone any chemical treatment (limited to those not manufactured using recombinant DNA technology), and are not clearly effective against pests and disease. However, they may be used only if the productivity of the agricultural land derived from the nature of the soil cannot be maintained or improved by using other substances listed in this Table.
別表2 農薬
Appended Table 2 Agricultural chemicals
Agricultural chemicals
Pyrethrum emulsion and pyrethrin emulsion
Limited to those extracted from pyrethrum and containing no piperonyl butoxide as a synergist.
Rapeseed oil emulsion
Mixed oil emulsion
Machine oil aerosol
Machine oil emulsion
Starch wettable powder
Fatty acid glyceride emulsion
Metaldehyde granules
Limited to the use in insect traps.
Sulfur smoking agent
Sulfur powder
Sulfur and copper wettable powder
Wettable sulfur
Lime sulfur
Shiitake Mushroom liquid extract
Sodium hydrogen carbonate aqueous solution and sodium bicarbonate
Sodium hydrogen carbonate and copper wettable powder
Copper wettable powder
Copper powder
Copper sulfate
Limited to the use for the preparation of Bordeaux mixture.
Limited to the use for the preparation of Bordeaux mixture.
Biological pesticides such as natural enemies
Biological pesticides such as natural enemies and copper wettable powder
Sex pheromone agent
Limited to the agent containing a substance having the pheromone action of insects harmful to crops as the active ingredient.
Chlorella extract liquid
Mixed crude drug extract liquid
Wax wettable powder
Spreading agent
Limited to the agent containing casein or paraffin as the active ingredient.
Carbon dioxide fumigant
Limited to the use in storage facilities.
Diatomite powder
Limited to the use in storage facilities.
Ferric phosphate granules
Potassium hydrogen carbonate aqueous solution
Calcium carbonate wettable powder
Limited to the use for the prevention of harmful effects of copper wettable powder.
Milbemectin emulsion
Milbemectin wettable powder
Spinosad wettable powder
Spinosad granules
Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate
Hypochlorous acid water
別表3 種菌培養資材
Appended Table 3 Cultivation substances for spawning
Yeast extract, malt extract, sugar, glucose, calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate
別表4 薬剤
Appended Table 4 Chemical agents
Chemical agents
Pyrethrum extract
Limited to those containing no piperonyl butoxide as a synergist. Excluding cases in which it is used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
Sodium silicate
Excluding cases in which it is used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
Potassium soap (soft soap)
Excluding cases in which it is used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
Excluding cases in which it is used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
Boric acid
Limited to be used after being put in a container. Excluding cases in which it is used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
Pheromone agent
Limited to chemical agents containing a substance having insect pheromone as the active ingredient. Excluding cases in which it is used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
Limited to those used as a repellent. Excluding cases in which it is used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
Geranium extract
Limited to those used as a repellent. Excluding cases in which it is used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
Citronella extract
Limited to those used as a repellent. Excluding cases in which it is used on plant products for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
(注) 薬剤の使用に当たっては、薬剤の容器等に表示された使用方法を遵守すること。
(Note) Chemical agents are to be used in accordance with the instructions described on the packaging.
別表5 調製用等資材
Appended Table 5 Substances for preparation or other purposes
Substances for preparation or other purposes
Carbon dioxide
Activated carbon
Diatomaceous earth
Citric acid
Substances derived from microorganisms for preparation or other purposes
Vegetable oil
Preparation of a component of bark
Limited to those used for ripening bananas, kiwifruits and avocados after harvest.
Aluminum potassium sulfate
Limited to those used for the purpose of preventing blackening of the cut end of the bunch of bananas.
Hypochlorous acid water
Those obtained by electrolyzing salt solution.
Sodium hydrogen carbonate
Limited to those which have not been provided with any chemical treatment in the manufacturing process.
附 則(平成一七年一〇月二七日農林水産省告示第一六〇五号)
Supplementary Provisions (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 1605 of October 27, 2005)
(Effective Date)
1 この告示は、公布の日から起算して三十日を経過した日から施行する。
(1) This public notice comes into effect as of the date on which 30 days have elapsed from the date of promulgation.
(Transitional Measures)
2 この告示の施行の日から起算して一年を経過した日までに行われる有機農産物の格付については、この告示による改正前の有機農産物の日本農林規格の規定の例によることができる。
(2) The grading of organic products of plant origin carried out by the date on which one year has elapsed from the date on which this public notice came into effect may be governed by the provisions of the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin prior to amendment by this public notice.
3 この告示の公布の日から起算して三年を経過するまでの間は、この告示による改正後の有機農産物の日本農林規格第四条の表育苗管理の項基準の欄2中「過去3年以上の間、周辺」とあるのは、「周辺」と読み替えて適用する。
(3) From the date of promulgation of this public notice until three years have elapsed, the term "surrounding areas for the past three years or more" is deemed to be replaced with "surrounding areas" in column (B) of item "11. Seedling management" in the table of Article 4 of the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Agricultural Products amended by this public notice.
4 第四条の表ほ場に使用する種子又は苗等の項の規定にかかわらず、ナス科及びウリ科の果菜類の生産において種子からの栽培が困難な場合並びにこんにゃくいもの生産において同項の基準に適合する苗等の入手が困難な場合は、当分の間、同項の規定にかかわらず、植付け後にほ場で持続的効果を示す化学的に合成された肥料及び農薬(別表1及び別表2に掲げるものを除く。)が使用されていない苗等(組換えDNA技術を用いて生産されたものを除く。)を使用することができる。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of item "4. Seeds or seedlings, etc. to be used in the field" in the table of Article 4, if it is difficult in spite of the provisions of the same item to begin cultivation with seeds in the production of fruits and vegetables of Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae, or obtain seedlings, etc. that conform to the criteria of the same item in the production of konjac yam, it is permissible to use seedlings, etc. on which chemically synthesized fertilizers and agricultural chemicals (excluding those listed in Appended Tables 1 and 2) that show a lasting effect on the field after planting (excluding those produced using recombinant DNA technology) have not been used, until otherwise provided for by law.
附 則 (平成一八年一〇月二七日農林水産省告示第一四六三号) 抄
Supplementary Provisions (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 1463 of October 27, 2006) (Extract)
(Effective Date)
1 この告示は、公布の日から起算して三十日を経過した日から施行する。
(1) This public notice comes into effect as of the date on which 30 days have elapsed from the date of promulgation.
(Transitional Measures)
2 この告示による改正後の有機農産物の日本農林規格(以下「新有機農産物規格」という。)別表1に掲げる肥料及び土壌改良資材のうち、植物及びその残さ由来の資材、発酵、乾燥又は焼成した排せつ物由来の資材、食品工場及び繊維工場からの農畜水産物由来の資材並びに発酵した食品廃棄物由来の資材については、新有機農産物規格第四条の表ほ場における肥培管理の項基準の欄1に規定するその原材料の生産段階において組換えDNA技術が用いられていない資材に該当するものの入手が困難である場合には、当分の間、同項の規定にかかわらず、これらの資材に該当する資材以外のものを使用することができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of item "7. Fertilizer management in the field" in the table of Article 4 of the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin amended by this public notice (hereinafter referred to as the "new standard for organic products of plant origin"), if it is difficult to obtain substances that do not use recombinant DNA technology at the production stage of the raw materials specified in (A) of that item for the fertilizers and soil improvement substances listed in Appended Table 1 of the new standard for organic products of plant origin, and which are derived from plants or their residues, derived from fermented, dried or calcined manure, derived from plant, livestock, marine products which are used in food or textile industries, or derived from fermented food waste, substances other than these substances may be used until otherwise provided for by law.
改正文・附則 (平成二一年八月二七日農林水産省告示第一一八〇号) 抄
Supplementary and Amended Provisions (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 1180 of August 27, 2009) (Extract)
① 平成二十一年十月二十七日から施行する。
1) The provisions come into effect as of October 27, 2009.
② この告示による改正後の有機農産物の日本農林規格第四条の表育苗管理の項の規定にかかわらず、平成二十三年十二月三十一日までの間は、たまねぎの育苗用土に粘度調整のためにやむを得ず使用する場合に限り、ポリビニルアルコール、ポリアクリルアミド及び天然物質に由来するもので化学的処理を行ったものを使用することができる。
2) Notwithstanding the provisions of item "11. Seedling management" in the table of Article 4 of the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin amended by this public notice, polyvinyl alcohol, polyacrylamide, and substances derived from natural sources which have undergone chemical treatment may be used in the soil for raising seedlings of onions until December 31, 2011, only if it is unavoidable for viscosity adjustment.
改正文・附則 (平成二四年三月二八日農林水産省告示第八三三号) 抄
Supplementary and Amended Provisions (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 833 of March 28, 2012) (Extract)
① 平成二十四年四月二十七日から施行する。
1) The provisions come into effect as of April 27, 2012.
1 この告示の施行の際現にこの告示による改正前の有機農産物の日本農林規格により格付の表示が付された有機農産物については、なお従前の例による。
(1) Previous provisions and practices continue to govern organic products of plant origin to which a grade label has been affixed at the time of the enforcement of this public notice under the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin prior to amendment by this public notice.
2 この告示による改正後の有機農産物の日本農林規格第四条の表育苗管理の項の規定にかかわらず、当分の間、たまねぎの育苗用土に粘度調整のためにやむを得ず使用する場合に限り、ポリビニルアルコール、ポリアクリルアミド及び天然物質に由来するもので化学的処理を行ったものを使用することができる。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of item "11. Seedling management" in the table of Article 4 of the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin amended by this public notice, polyvinyl alcohol, polyacrylamide, and substances derived from natural sources which have undergone chemical treatment may be used in the soil for raising seedlings of onions until otherwise provided for by law, only if it is unavoidable for viscosity adjustment.
改正文 (平成二七年一二月三日農林水産省告示第二五九七号) 抄
Amended Provisions (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 2597 of December 3, 2015) (Extract)
The provisions come into effect as of January 2, 2016.
改正文 (平成二八年二月二四日農林水産省告示第四八九号) 抄
Amended Provisions (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 489 of February 24, 2016) (Extract)
The provisions come into effect as of March 25, 2016.
改正文・附則 (平成二九年三月二七日農林水産省告示第四四三号) 抄
Supplementary and Amended Provisions (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 443 of March 27, 2017) (Extract)
① 平成二十九年四月二十六日から施行する。
1) The provisions come into effect as of April 26, 2017.
② この告示による改正後の有機農産物の日本農林規格(以下「新有機農産物規格」という。)別表1に掲げる肥料及び土壌改良資材のうち、油かす類については、新有機農産物規格第四条の表ほ場における肥培管理の項基準の欄に規定するその原材料の生産段階において組換えDNA技術が用いられていない資材に該当するものの入手が困難である場合には、当分の間、同項の規定にかかわらず、この資材に該当する資材以外のものを使用することができる。
2) Notwithstanding the provisions of item "7. Fertilizer management in the field" in the table of Article 4 of the Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Products of Plant Origin amended by this public notice (hereinafter referred to as "new standard for organic products of plant origin"), if it is difficult to obtain substances that do not use recombinant DNA technology at the production stage of the raw materials specified in that item for oil cakes among the fertilizers and soil improvement substances listed in Appended Table 1 of the new standard for organic products of plant origin, substances other than these substances may be used until otherwise provided for by law.