Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Work under a Dose Rate Lower than Designated Dose Rate

Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Work under a Dose Rate Lower than Designated Dose Rate
Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Work under a Dose Rate Lower than the Designated Dose Rate
Enactment: Labour Standards Bureau Notification No. 0615-6 of June 15, 2012
Amendment: Labour Standards Bureau Notification No. 1226-21 of December 26, 2013
Amendment: Labour Standards Bureau Notification No. 1118-6 of November 18, 2014
(The underlined contents herein are the amended parts by Labour Standards Bureau Notification No. 1118-6 of November 18, 2014)
Section 1 Objectives
The "Regulation on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards at Works to Decontaminate Soil and Waste Contaminated by Radioactive Materials Resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Related Works" (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 152 of 2011; hereinafter referred to as the "Ionizing Radiation Regulation for Decontamination") was promulgated on December 22, 2011 and came into effect on January 1, 2012 for the prevention of radiation hazards to workers engaging in the works of decontamination, etc. of soil and waste or works for collecting wastes, etc. contaminated by radioactive materials generated by the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. In addition, the "Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Decontamination Works" (Labour Standards Bureau Notification No. 1222-6 of December 22, 2011; hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines on Decontamination Works") were established together with the promulgation of the Regulation.
In association with the recent redefinition of the demarcation of evacuation areas, local infrastructure restoration work, manufacturing and other businesses, operations of hospitals, welfare facilities, etc., agriculture and forestry activities, intermediate processing of waste, maintenance and repair work, transportation services, etc. are expected to begin in sequence in the special decontamination areas provided for in Article 25, paragraph (1) of the "Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Environmental Pollution by Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Nuclear Power Station Accident Associated with the Tohoku District Off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake That Occurred on March 11, 2011" (Act No. 110 of 2011; hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Radioactive Pollution") or in the intensive contamination survey areas provided for in Article 32, paragraph (1) of the same Act (hereinafter referred to as "special decontamination areas, etc."). Under this circumstance, it is necessary to take measures to prevent radiation hazards to workers engaging in these works.
In this regard, employers subjected to the application of the Ionizing Radiation Regulation for Decontamination before amendment were defined as "employers who engage in the works of decontamination of soil, etc. or works for collecting wastes" in special decontamination areas, etc., but other employers engaging in restoration and reconstruction works were excluded from the application of the Ionizing Radiation Regulation for Decontamination. For this reason, the Ionizing Radiation Regulation for Decontamination was partially amended to prescribe measures to appropriately protect workers from health hazards caused by radiation according to the types of restoration and reconstruction works, and will come into effect as of July 1, 2012.
The purpose of these Guidelines is to comprehensively present matters provided for in the amended Ionizing Radiation Regulation for Decontamination, as well as the matters an employer is obligated to perform and important matters among those provided for in the Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57 of 1972) and relevant laws and orders, in order to prevent radiation hazards more appropriately in restoration and reconstruction works in combination with the amended Ionizing Radiation Regulation for Decontamination.
These Guidelines aim not only to prevent radiation hazards to workers, needless to say, but also to be available to self-employed workers, sole proprietors, volunteers, etc.
An employer is to endeavor to appropriately implement the matters described in these Guidelines and take measures fit for the situations of actual work sites to prevent radiation hazards.
第二 適用等
Section 2 Application
These Guidelines apply to employers who engage in an operation other than operations for decontamination, etc. in places where the average air dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h due to radioactive materials released from the accident of the nuclear power plant (limited to radioactive materials provided for in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Regulation on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards (of the Ministry of Labour Order No. 41 of 1972; hereinafter referred to as the "Ionizing Radiation Regulation"); hereinafter referred to as "accident-derived radioactive materials") (hereinafter referred to as "work at the designated dose rate") in the special decontamination areas, etc. provided for in the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Radioactive Pollution (hereinafter referred to as "employers engaging in business at designated dose rate"). The matters described below are considered when applying these Guidelines.
Underwater works, etc. in the sea areas close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company are not included in the scope of application of these Guidelines. An employer who engages in underwater works, etc., however, takes measures, such as measurement of external exposure doses and recording of the results, for workers engaging in underwater works, etc.
(一) 「除染等業務」とは、土壌等の除染等の業務、廃棄物収集等業務又は特定汚染土壌等取扱業務をいうこと。除染等業務を行う場合は、除染電離則の関係規定及び除染等業務ガイドラインが適用されること。
(1) "Decontamination and Related Works" means works of decontamination of soil, etc., works for collecting wastes., etc. or works for handling designated contaminated soil and waste When performing decontamination and related works, the relevant provisions of the Ionizing Radiation Regulation for Decontamination and the Guidelines on Prevention of Radiation Hazards for Workers Engaged in Decontamination Works apply.
(二) 「特定線量下業務」についての留意事項
(2) Considerations for "work at designated dose rate"
イ 製造業等屋内作業については、屋内作業場所の平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時以下の場合は、屋外の平均空間線量が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超えていても特定線量下業務には該当しないこと。
(a) Indoor work, such as manufacturing, does not fall under work at the designated dose rate when the average air dose rate in the place of indoor work is 2.5 μSv/h or below even if the outdoor average air dose exceeds 2.5 μSv/h.
ロ 自動車運転作業及びそれに付帯する荷役作業等については、①荷の搬出又は搬入先(生活基盤の復旧作業に付随するものを除く。)が平均空間線量率二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超える場所にあり、二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超える場所に一月あたり四十時間以上滞在することが見込まれる作業に従事する場合、又は②二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超える場所における生活基盤の復旧作業に付随する荷(建設機械、建設資材、土壌、砂利等)の運搬の作業に従事する場合に限り、特定線量下業務に該当するものとすること。
(b) Driving vehicles and incidental load handling work, etc. are to fall underwork at the designated dose rate only when (1) the unloading or loading site (excluding operations associated with restoration work of local infrastructure) is situated in a place where the average air dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h, and workers engage in work by which they are expected to stay in the place for 40 hours or longer per month, or (2) workers engage in conveyance of loads (construction machinery, construction materials, soil, gravel, etc.) associated with restoration work of local infrastructure in a place where the average air dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h.
Only passing through an area where the average air dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h does not fall underwork at the designated dose rate because the time of stay there is limited.
ハ エックス線装置等の管理された放射線源により二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超えるおそれのある場所については、「特定線量下業務」が事故由来放射性物質により二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超える場所における業務に限られることから、引き続き電離則第3条第1項の管理区域として取り扱うこと。
(c) Places where the average air dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h due to a controlled radiation source, such as an X-ray device, are also handled as controlled areas as provided for in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Ionizing Radiation Regulation because "work at the designated dose rate" are limited to operations to be performed in places with an average air dose rate in excess of 2.5 μSv/h due to accident-derived radioactive materials.
第3 被ばく線量管理の対象及び方法
Section 3 Subjects and Methods of Radiation Exposure Dose Control
A 基本原則
A Basic principles
(一) 特定線量事業者は、特定線量下業務に従事する労働者(以下「特定線量下業務従事者」という。)又はその他の労働者が電離放射線を受けることをできるだけ少なくするように努めること。
(1) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate endeavors to minimize the exposure to ionizing radiation of workers who engage in work at the designated dose rate (hereinafter referred to as "workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate") or other workers.
(二) 特定線量下業務を実施する際には、特定線量下業務従事者の被ばく低減を優先し、あらかじめ、作業場所における除染等の措置が実施されるように努めること。
(2) When performing work at the designated dose rate, the employer gives the highest priority to the reduction of the exposure to ionizing radiation of workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate, and endeavor to ensure that measures, such as decontamination, are taken in advance in workplaces.
イ (一)は、国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)の最適化の原則に基づき、事業者は、作業を実施する際、被ばくを合理的に達成できる限り低く保つべきであることを述べたものであること。
(a) The provision of (1) above states that employers should keep exposure to radiation during work as low as reasonably achievable based on the principles of optimization of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).
ロ (二)については、ICRPで定める正当化の原則(以下「正当化原則」という。)から、一定以上の被ばくが見込まれる作業については、被ばくによるデメリットを上回る公益性や必要性が求められることに基づき、特定線量業務従事者の被ばく低減を優先して、作業を実施する前にあらかじめ、除染等の措置を実施するよう努力する必要があること。
(b) The provision of (2) above states that when performing work that is expected to cause a certain level of radiation exposure, it is necessary to give the highest priority to the reduction of the exposure of workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate to radiation and endeavor to take measures, such as decontamination, before performing the work, in view of the principles of justification set by ICRP (hereinafter referred to as the "principles of justification") which requires public benefits and needs outweighing the demerits of radiation exposure in performing the work.
ハ 正当化原則に照らし、製造業、商業等の事業を行う事業者は、労働時間が長いことに伴って被ばく線量が高くなる傾向があること、必ずしも緊急性が高いとはいえないことも踏まえ、あらかじめ、作業場所周辺の除染等の措置を実施し、可能な限り線量低減を図った上で、原則として、被ばく線量管理を行う必要がない空間線量率(二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時以下)のもとで作業に就かせることが求められること。
(c) In light of the principles of justification and considering the fact that radiation exposure doses tend to increase in proportion to working hours and that the urgency of work in a manufacturing or commercial business, etc. is not necessarily high, an employer engaging in such a business is required to take measures, such as decontamination, in and around workplaces in advance to minimize doses and, in principle, enable workers to work under an air dose rate that does not require radiation exposure dose control (2.5 μSv/h or below).
Since it is assumed that in areas where the average air dose rate set by the Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters to control the resumption of manufacturing businesses, etc. is 3.8 μSv/h or below, the indoor air dose rate is approximately 40% of this value, or approximately 1.5 μSv/h or below, due to the shielding effect of buildings, indoor work in manufacturing businesses, etc. is not expected to fall under work at the designated dose rate if measures, such as decontamination, are appropriately taken before starting work.
B 線量の測定
B Measurement of doses
(一) 特定線量事業者は、作業場所の平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超える場所において労働者を特定線量下業務に就かせる場合は、個人線量計により外部被ばく線量を測定すること。
(1) When an employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate directs workers to perform work at the designated dose rate in workplaces where the average air dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h, the employer measures the external radiation exposure doses of the workers by means of personal dosimeters.
(二) 自営業者、個人事業者については、被ばく線量管理等を実施することが困難であることから、あらかじめ除染等の措置を適切に実施する等により、特定線量下業務に該当する作業に就かないことが望ましいこと。
(2) Given the difficulty for self-employed workers and sole proprietors in controlling radiation exposure doses, it is desirable that they avoid engaging in work falling under work at the designated dose rate by appropriately taking measures, such as decontamination, in advance.
イ やむをえず、特定線量下業務を行う個人事業主、自営業者については、特定線量下業務を行う事業者とみなして、このガイドラインを適用すること。
(a) Self-employed workers and sole proprietors who inevitably have to perform work at the designated dose rate are deemed as employers engaging in a business at designated dose rate, and these Guidelines apply to them.
ロ ボランティアについては、作業による実効線量が一ミリシーベルト/年を超えることのないよう、作業場所の平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時(週四十時間、五十二週換算で、五ミリシーベルト/年相当)以下の場所であって、かつ、年間数十回(日)の範囲内で作業を行わせること。
(b) Volunteers are permitted to work in workplaces where the average air dose rate is 2.5 μSv/h (equivalent to approximately 5 mSv/year when working 40 hours per week for 52 weeks) or below, and within several dozen times (days) in a year so that the effective dose caused by the work will not exceed 1 mSv/year.
C 被ばく線量限度
C Radiation exposure dose limits
(1) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate endeavors to keep the total of the effective doses of workers as measured in 2 (1) below the limits listed in (a) to (c) below.
イ 男性及び妊娠する可能性がないと診断された女性は、五年間につき百ミリシーベルト、かつ、一年間に五十ミリシーベルト
(a) Male workers and female workers diagnosed as being unable to conceive: 100 mSv per five years and 50 mSv per year
ロ 女性(妊娠する可能性がないと診断されたものおよびウのものを除く。)は、三月間につき五ミリシーベルト
(b) Female workers (excluding those diagnosed as being unable to conceive and those stated in (c) below): 5 mSv per three months
ハ 妊娠と診断された女性は、妊娠中に腹部表面に受ける等価線量が二ミリシーベルト
(c) Pregnant female workers: 2 mSv in equivalent dose on the abdominal surface during the pregnancy period
(二) 特定線量事業者は、電離則第三条で定める管理区域内において放射線業務に従事した労働者、除染等業務に従事した労働者を特定線量下業務に就かせるときは、当該労働者が放射線業務又は除染等業務で受けた実効線量と2の(一)により測定された実効線量の合計が(一)の限度を超えないようにすること。
(2) When an employer engaging in business under a lower dose rate directs workers who engaged in radiation work in controlled areas provided for in Article 3 of the Ionizing Radiation Regulation or workers who engaged in decontamination and related works to engage in works under a lower dose rate, the employer keeps the total of the effective dose the workers were exposed to during the radiation work or decontamination and related works and the effective dose as measured in 2 (1) at or below the limits specified in (1).
(三) 特定線量事業者は、(一)及び(二)に規定する被ばく線量管理を行うため、特定線量下業務従事者に対し、雇い入れ又は特定線量下業務への配置換えの際、被ばく歴の有無(被ばく歴を有する者については、作業の場所、内容及び期間その他放射線による被ばくに関する事項)を当該労働者が前の事業者から交付された線量の記録(労働者がこれを有していない場合は前の事業場から再交付を受けさせること。)により調査すること。
(3) To perform radiation exposure control provided for in (1) and (2), an employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate investigates whether workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate have a radiation exposure history (for those who have a radiation exposure history, the place, type, and period of work and other matters relating to radiation exposure are made known to the employer) at the time of employment or transfer to works at the designated dose rate based on the dose records issued to these workers from the previous employers (if workers do not have a dose record, the employer asks them to have the dose record reissued by the previous employers).
(四) (一)のアの「五年間」については、異なる複数の事業場において特定線量下業務に従事する労働者の被ばく線量管理を適切に行うため、全ての特定線量下業務を事業として行う事業場において統一的に平成二十四年一月一日を始期とし、「平成二十四年一月一日から平成二十八年十二月三一日まで」とすること。平成二十四年一月一日から平成二十八年十二月三十一日までの間に新たに特定線量下業務を事業として実施する事業者についても同様とし、この場合、事業を開始した日から平成二十八年十二月三十一日までの残り年数に二十ミリシーベルトを乗じた値を、平成二十八年十二月三十一日までの被ばく線量限度とみなして関係規定を適用すること。
(4) To properly control the radiation exposure doses of workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate in multiple different places of businesses, the initial date of the period of "five years" prescribed in (1) (a) above should be January 1, 2012 uniformly for all relevant places of businesses performing works at the designated dose rate, and the exposure dose should be controlled during the period "from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2016". This rule also applies to employers who started or will start a new work at the designated dose rate as a business between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016. In this case, the number of years from the day the business commenced till December 31, 2016, multiplied by 20mSv is deemed as the exposure dose limit until December 31, 2016, and relevant regulations should apply accordingly.
(五) (一)のアの「一年間」については、「五年間」の始期の日を始期とする一年間であり、「平成二十四年一月一日から平成二十四年十二月三十一日まで」とすること。なお、平成二十四年一月一日以降、平成二十四年六月三十日までに受けた線量を把握している場合は、それを平成二十四年7月一日以降に被ばくした線量に合算して被ばく管理すること。
(5) The time period of "one year" prescribed in (1) (a) above means the one-year period commencing on the initial day of "five years" and the period is “from January 1, to December 31, 2012". When the dose received from January 1, 2012 until June 30, 2012 is ascertained, radiation exposure control is performed by adding the dose to the exposure dose from July 1, 2012.
(六) 特定線量事業者は、「一年間」又は「五年間」の途中に新たに自らの事業場において特定線量下業務に従事することとなった労働者について、特定線量下業務の開始前に、当該「一年間」又は「五年間」の始期より当該特定線量下業務に従事するまでの被ばく線量を当該労働者が前の事業者から交付された線量の記録(労働者がこれを有していない場合は前の事業場から再交付を受けさせること。)により確認すること。
(6) When any worker of an employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate newly engages in works at the designated dose rate in the employer's place of business at any point in "one year" or "five years," the employer confirms the radiation exposure dose from the start of this "one year" or "five years" until the day the worker starts engaging in the works at the designated dose rate, based on the dose record issued to the worker from the previous employer (if the worker does not have a dose record, the employer asks the worker to have the dose record reissued by the previous employer).
(七) (三)及び(四)の規定に関わらず、放射線業務を主として行う事業者については、事業場で統一された別の始期により被ばく線量管理を行っても差し支えないこと。
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of (3) and (4), an employer who primarily engages in radiation work may perform radiation exposure dose control from another timing of the start that is uniformly applied in the employer's place of business.
(八) 特定線量事業者は、(四)及び(五)の始期を特定線量下業務従事者に周知させること。
(8) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate informs workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate of the start of timing prescribed in (4) and (5).
D 線量の測定結果の記録等
D Records of measurement results of doses
(1) An employer engaging in business under at the designated dose rate calculates the radiation exposure doses of the workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate listed in the following items based on the measurement or calculation results referred to in 2 above, record the calculated results, and keep the records for 30 years. These provisions also apply to investigation records referred to in 3 (3); provided, however, that this provisions do not apply when the employer hands over the records to the organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare after these records are kept for five years or after the workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate are terminated. Form 1 is available as an example of the recording form for such a case.
With regard to workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate who were radiation workers provided for in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Ionizing Radiation Regulation or workers engaged in decontamination and related works in special decontamination areas, etc., the doses the workers were exposed to in radiation work or decontamination and related works are added to the doses they are exposed to in works at the designated dose rate, recorded, and kept.
イ 男性又は妊娠する可能性がないと診断された女性の実効線量の三月ごと、一年ごと、及び五年ごとの合計(五年間において、実効線量が一年間につき二十ミリシーベルトを超えたことのない者にあっては、三月ごと及び一年ごとの合計)
(a) Totals of the effective dose of male workers or female workers diagnosed as being unable to conceive for each three-month period, one-year period and five-year period (or totals for each three-month period and one-year period for those whose effective dose for five years has not exceeded 20 mSv per year)
ロ 医学的に妊娠可能な女性の実効線量の一月ごと、三月ごと及び一年ごとの合計(一月間受ける実効線量が一・七ミリシーベルトを超えるおそれのないものにあっては、三月ごと及び一年ごとの合計)
(b) Totals of the effective dose of female workers having the medical possibility of becoming pregnant for each one-month period, three-month period and one-year period (or totals for each three-month period and one-year period for those whose effective dose will not exceed 1.7 mSv per month)
ハ 妊娠中の女性の腹部表面に受ける等価線量の一月ごと及び妊娠中の合計
(c) Totals of the effective dose to which the abdominal surfaces of pregnant female workers were exposed for each one-month period.
(二) 特定線量事業者は、(一)の記録を、遅滞なく特定線量下業務従事者に通知すること。
(2) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate notifies workers engaging in work under a lower dose rate of the records referred to in (1).
(三) 特定線量事業者は、その事業を廃止しようとするときには、(一)の記録を厚生労働大臣が指定する機関に引き渡すこと。
(3) When an employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate intends to terminate its business, the employer hands over the records referred to in (1) to the organization designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
(4) When any worker engaging in work at the designated dose rate is terminated from service or an employer engaging in a business at the designated dose rate intends to terminate its business, the employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate issues a copy of the records referred to in (1) to the worker engaging in work at the designated dose rate.
(五) 特定線量事業者は、有期契約労働者又は派遣労働者を使用する場合、被ばく線量線管理を適切に行うため、以下の事項に留意すること。
(5) When an employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate employs a fixed-term contract worker or temporary worker, the employer keeps the following in mind to appropriately perform radiation exposure dose control.
イ 三月未満の期間を定めた労働契約又は派遣契約による労働者を使用する場合には、被ばく線量の算定は、一月ごとに行い、記録すること。
(a) When an employer engaging in a business at the designated dose rate employs a worker under an employment contract or dispatch contract with a fixed term shorter than three months, the radiation exposure dose is calculated for each one-month period and recorded.
ロ 契約期間の満了時には、当該契約期間中に受けた実効線量を合計して被ばく線量を算定して記録し、その記録の写しを当該特定線量下業務従事者に交付すること。
(b) At the end of the contract term, the employer totals the effective dose the worker was exposed to during that contract term, calculates and records the radiation exposure dose, and issues a copy of the record to the worker work at the designated dose rate.
第四 被ばく低減のための措置
Section 4 Measures to Reduce Radiation Exposure
A 事前調査等
A Preliminary survey
(一) 特定線量事業者は、特定線量下業務を行うときに、作業場所について、当該作業の開始前及び同一の場所で継続して作業を行っている間二週間につき一度、作業場所における平均空間線量率(マイクロシーベルト毎時)を調査し、その結果を記録すること。
(1) When an employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate performs work at the designated dose rate, the employer investigates the average air dose rate (μSv/h) in the workplace before the start of the work and every two weeks thereafter as long as the work are performed in the same workplace, and record the results.
However, when the measurement results of the average air dose rate are constantly below 2.5 μSv/h, the employer does not need to measure the average air dose rate thereafter.
(二) 平均空間線量率の測定・評価の方法は別紙二によること。なお、事前調査は、作業場所が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超えて被ばく線量管理が必要か否かを判断するために行われるものであるため、文部科学省が公表している航空機モニタリング等の結果を踏まえ、事業者が、作業場所が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を超えていると判断する場合は、個別の作業場所での航空機モニタリング等の結果をもって平均空間線量率の測定に代えることができるものであるとともに、作業の対象となる場所での平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を明らかに下回り、特定線量下業務に該当しないことを明確に判断できる場合にまで、測定を求める趣旨ではないこと。
(2) The method for measuring and evaluating the average air dose rate conforms to Attachment 2. A preliminary survey is performed with the aim of determining whether the average air dose rate exceeds 2.5 μSv/h and radiation exposure dose control is required, and thus, if an employer determines that the average air dose rate is higher than 2.5 μSv/h in the workplace in consideration of the results of airborne monitoring, etc. published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the results of airborne monitoring, etc. in individual workplaces may be used in place of measurement of the average air dose rate. In addition, it is not intended that the measurement is required even if the average air dose rate in the place of the work is far below 2.5 μSv/h and it can be clearly determined that the work does not fall under works at the designated dose rate.
(三) 特定線量事業者は、あらかじめ、(一)又は(二)の調査が終了した年月日、調査方法及びその結果の概要を特定線量下業務従事者に書面の交付等により明示すること。
(3) An employer engaging in a business at the designated dose rate clearly presents the date on which the survey referred to in (1) or (2) was completed, the method of the survey, and a summary of the results to workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate by issuing a document showing these items.
B 医師による診察等
B Medical examinations by physicians
(1) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate directs workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate who fall into any of the situations of the following items to immediately consult a doctor or receive medical treatment:
イ 被ばく線量限度を超えて実効線量を受けた場合
(a) when the workers are exposed to an effective dose in excess of the radiation exposure dose limit;
ロ 事故由来放射性物質を誤って吸入摂取し、又は経口摂取した場合
(b) when the workers accidently inhale or ingest accident-derived radioactive materials;
ハ 事故由来放射性物質により汚染された後、洗身等によっても汚染を四十ベクレル毎平方センチメートル以下にすることができない場合
(c) when contamination of the workers cannot be reduced to or below 40 Bq/cm2 by body washing, etc. after they were contaminated by accident-derived radioactive materials; or
ニ 傷創部が事故由来放射性物質により汚染された場合
(d) when their wounds are contaminated by accident-derived radioactive materials.
(二) (一)イについては、事故等で大量の土砂等に埋まった場合で鼻スミアテスト等を実施してその基準を超えた場合、大量の土砂や汚染水が口に入った場合等、一定程度の内部被ばくが見込まれるものに限るものであること。
(2) The situation of (1) (b) is limited to cases in which a certain degree of internal exposure is expected; for example, when a worker was buried in a large volume of earth and sand, etc. in an accident and the result of a nasal smear test exceeded the criterion, or when a worker ingested a large volume of earth and sand or contaminated water.
第五 労働者教育
Section 5 Worker Education
A 特定線量下業務従事者に対する特別の教育
A Special education for workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate
(1) When an employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate directs workers to engage in works at the designated dose rate, the employer conducts special education for the workers in the following subjects in the form of lectures in advance:
イ 電離放射線の生体に与える影響及び被ばく線量の管理の方法に関する知識
(a) effects of ionizing radiation on organisms and knowledge about methods for controlling doses;
ロ 放射線測定の方法等に関する知識
(b) knowledge about methods for measuring radiation, etc.; and
ハ 関係法令
(c) related laws and regulation.
(二) その他、特別教育の実施の詳細については、別紙三によること。
(2) Other details of the implementation of special education conform to Attachment 3.
B その他必要な者に対する教育等
B Education for other persons in need of it and other matters
(一) 自営業者、個人事業者等、雇用されていない者に対しても同様の教育を行うことが望ましいこと。
(1) It is desirable that similar education should be conducted also for self-employed workers, sole proprietors and other persons not employed by any person or entity.
(二) 特定線量下業務の発注者は、教育を受けた労働者を、作業開始までに業務の遂行上必要な人数を確保できる体制が整っていることを確認した上で発注を行うことが望ましいこと。
(2) It is desirable that a party who places an order for works at the designated dose rate should ensure in advance that a system capable of securing the required number of workers to perform the work by the start of the work has been established.
第六 健康管理のための措置
Section 6 Healthcare Measures
A 健康診断
A Medical examinations
(1) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate (or a dispatching employer in the case of medical examinations of temporary workers; the same applies hereinafter) conducts medical examinations of the following items by a physician for full-time workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate at the time of employment and once every period within a year thereafter:
イ 既往歴及び業務歴の調査
(a) investigation of the medical history and work history;
ロ 自覚症状及び他覚症状の有無の検査
(b) examinations of whether there are objective and subjective symptoms;
ハ 身長、体重、腹囲、視力及び聴力の検査
(c) measurement of height, weight, abdominal circumference, vision and hearing;
ニ 胸部エックス線検査及び喀痰検査
(d) chest X-ray and sputum examinations;
ホ 血圧の測定
(e) blood pressure measurement;
ヘ 貧血検査
(f) examination for anemia;
ト 肝機能検査
(g) liver function test;
チ 血中脂質検査
(h) examination of blood lipid levels;
リ 血糖検査
(i) blood sugar test;
ヌ 尿検査
(j) urine analysis; and
ル 心電図検査
(k) electrocardiography.
(二) (一)の健康診断(定期のものに限る)は、前回の健康診断においてカからケ及びサに掲げる項目については健康診断を受けた者については、医師が必要でないと認めるときは、当該項目の全部又は一部を省略することができること。また、ウ及びエについても、厚生労働大臣が定める基準に基づき、医師が必要ないと認めるときは省略することができること。
(2) With regard to workers who were examined for the items listed in (f) to (i) and (k) in the preceding medical examination (limited to regular medical examinations), all or some of these items may be omitted if the physician considers them unnecessary. The items listed in (c) and (d) may also be omitted if the physician considers them unnecessary based on the criteria set by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
(三) 特定線量事業者は、(一)の健康診断の結果に基づき、個人票を作成し、これを五年間保存すること。
(3) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate prepares medical examination personal cards based on the results of the medical examinations set forth in (1) and keeps them for five years.
B 健康診断の結果についての事後措置等
B Follow-ups on the results of medical examinations
(一) 特定線量事業者は、一の健康診断の結果(当該健康診断の項目に異常の所見があると診断された労働者に係るものに限る。)に基づく医師からの意見聴取を、次に定めるところにより行うこと。
(1) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate asks opinions from the physician based on the results of the medical examinations set forth in 1 (limited to those in which workers were diagnosed as being abnormal with respect to any of the items of the medical examinations) according to the following provisions:
イ 健康診断が行われた日から三月以内に行うこと
(a) the employer asks opinions from the doctor within three months from the date of a medical examination; and
ロ 聴取した医師の意見を個人票に記載すること。
(b) the employer records the opinions of the physician on the individual worker's medical examination card.
(二) 特定線量事業者は、一の健康診断を受けた特定線量下業務従事者に対し、遅滞なく、健康診断の結果を通知すること。
(2) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate notifies workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate, who took the medical examinations set forth in 1, of the results of the medical examinations without delay.
(三) 特定線量事業者は、一の健康診断の結果、放射線による障害が生じており、若しくはその疑いがあり、又は放射線による障害が生ずるおそれがあると認められる者については、その障害、疑い又はおそれがなくなるまで、就業する場所又は業務の転換、被ばく時間の短縮、作業方法の変更等健康の保持に必要な措置を講ずること。
(3) As a result of the medical examinations set forth in 1, if an employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate finds that any worker is suffering or suspected of suffering from a radiation-derived hazard, or has a risk of suffering from a radiation-derived hazard, the employer takes necessary measures to maintain their health, such as changing their workplace, assigning another operation to them, reducing exposure time or changing the work method, until the hazard, suspicion or risk ceases to exist.
第七 安全衛生管理体制等
Section 7 Safety and Health Control System
A 元方事業者による被ばく状況の一元管理
A Integrated management of radiation exposure statuses by principal employers
A principal employer engaging in work at the designated doses rate appoints a radiation administrator to perform integrated management including radiation exposure management of workers of related contractors, and the management includes the matters prescribed in the following. It is desirable that the radiation administrator should be selected from among those having a national qualification in radiation or those who received a radiation management training program provided by a professional education institute, etc.
(一) 労働者の過去の累積被ばく線量の適切な把握、被ばく線量記録等の散逸の防止を図るため、「除染等業務従事者等被ばく線量登録管理制度」に参加すること。
(1) to participate in the "System of Registration and Management of Radiation Exposure Doses for Decontamination and Related Works" in order to accurately ascertain past accumulated exposure doses of workers and to prevent the leakage or loss of exposure dose records, etc.; and
(二) 関係請負人による第七の三に定める措置が適切に実施されるよう、必要な指導・援助を実施すること。
(2) to provide necessary guidance and support to ensure that the measures provided for in 3 of Section 7 are appropriately taken by related contractors.
B 事業者における安全衛生管理体制
B Safety and health management systems by employers
(一) 特定線量事業者は、事業場の規模に応じ、衛生管理者又は安全衛生推進者を選任し、線量の測定及び結果の記録等の措置に関する技術的事項を管理させること。
(1) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate appoints a health supervisor or safety and health promoter according to the size of the place of business to manage technical matters relating to the measures as measurement of doses and recording of measurement results.
It is desirable that a safety and health promoter should be appointed even if the number of workers of the place of business is fewer than ten.
(二) 特定線量事業者は、事業場の規模に関わらず、放射線管理担当者を選任し、線量の測定及び結果の記録等の業務に関する業務を行わせること。
(2) An employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate appoints a person in charge of radiation management, regardless of the size of the place of business, to perform work relating to the work as measurement of doses and recording of measurement results.
C 東電福島第一原発緊急作業従事者対する健康保持増進の措置等
C Measures to maintain and promote the health of emergency workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company
When an employer engaging in business at the designated dose rate directs workers who engaged in emergency work at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company to engage in work at the designated dose rate, the employer implements the matters described in the following items:
(1) to submit a "Control Implementation Status Report on Dose, etc. of Designated Emergency Workers, etc." (Form 3 of the Ionizing Radiation Regulation) to the Minister of the Health, Labour and Welfare (c/o Industrial Health Division of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) on the last day of every three months based on Article 59-2 of the Ionizing Radiation Regulation; and
(二) 「東京電力福島第一原子力発電所における緊急作業従事者等の健康の保持増進のための指針」(平成二十三年東京電力福島第一原子力発電所における緊急作業従事者等の健康の保持増進のための指針公示第五号)に基づき、保健指導等を実施するとともに、緊急作業従事期間中に五十ミリシーベルトを超える被ばくをした者に対して、必要な検査等を実施すること。
(2) to provide health guidance, etc. based on the "Guidelines on Maintaining and Promoting Health of Emergency Workers, etc. at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company" (Public Notice No. 5 of 2011 Guidelines on Maintaining and Promoting Health of Emergency Workers, etc. at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company) and also conduct necessary inspections, etc. for those whose radiation exposure exceeds 50 mSv during the period of emergency work.
別紙一 除染特別地域等の一覧
Attachment 1 List of special decontamination areas
A 除染特別地域
A Special decontamination areas
Subject of designation
Restricted areas or planned evacuation areas
Number of municipalities
Designated areas
Fukushima Prefecture
All areas in Naraha Town, Tomioka Town, Okuma Town, Futaba Town, Namie Town, Katsurao Village, and Iitate Village; restricted areas or planned evacuation areas in Tamura City, Minamisoma City, Kawamata Town, and Kawauchi Village
B 汚染状況重点調査地域
B Intensive contamination survey areas
Subject of designation
Areas where the radiation dose is 0.23 mSv/h or above
Number of municipalities
Designated areas
Iwate Prefecture
All areas in Ichinoseki City, Oshu City, and Hirazumi Town
Miyagi Prefecture
All areas in Shiroishi City, Kakuda City, Kurihara City, Shichikashuku Town, Ogawara Town, Marumori Town, Yamamoto Townand Watari Town
Fukushima Prefecture
All areas in Fukushima City, Koriyama City, Iwaki City, Shirakawa City, Sukagawa City, Soma City, Nihonmatsu City, Date City, Motomiya City, Koori Town, Kunimi Town, Otama Village, Kagamiishi Town, Tenei Village, Aizubange Town, Yugawa Village, Mishima Town, Aizumisato Town, Nishigo Village, Izumizaki Village, Nakajima Village, Yabuki Town, Tanagura Town, Yamatsuri Town, Hanawa Town, Samegawa Village, Ishikawa Town, Tamakawa Village, Hirata Village, Asakawa Town, Furudono Town, Miharu Town, Ono Town, Hirono Town, Shinchi Town and Yanaizu Town; and areas excluding restricted areas or planned evacuation areas in Tamura City, Minamisoma City, Kawamata Town, and Kawauchi Village
Ibaraki Prefecture
All areas in Hitachi City, Tsuchiura City, Ryugasaki City, Joso City, Hitachiota City, Takahagi City, Kitaibaraki City, Toride City, Ushiku City, Tsukuba City, Hitachinaka City, Kashima City, Moriya City, Inashiki City, Hokota City, Tsukubamirai City, Tokai Village, Miho Village, Ami Town, and Tone Town
Tochigi Prefecture
All areas in Sano City, Kanuma City, Nikko City, Ohtawara City, Yaita City, Nasushiobara City, Shioya Town, and Nasu Town
Gunma Prefecture
All areas in Kiryu City, Numata City, Shibukawa City, Annaka City, Midori City, Shimonita Town, Nakanojo Town, Takayama Village, Higashiagatsuma Town, and Kawaba Village
Saitama Prefecture
All areas in Misato City and Yoshikawa City
Chiba Prefecture
All areas in Matsudo City, Noda City, Sakura City, Kashiwa City, Nagareyama City, Abiko City, Kamagaya City, Inzai City, and Shiroi City
別紙二 平均空間線量率の測定・評価の方法
Attachment 2 Methods for Measuring and Evaluating Average Air Dose Rates
A 目的
A Objectives
The measurement and evaluation of average air dose rates is conducted by an employer when the employer directs workers to engage in work at the designated dose rate in order to measure and evaluate whether the average air dose rates in workplaces exceed 2.5 μSv/h and thereby determine details of dose control to be performed.
B 基本的考え方
B Basic concept
(一) 作業の開始前にあらかじめ測定を実施すること
(1) The measurement is conducted before starting work.
(二) 同じ場所で作業を継続する場合は、二週間につき一度、測定を実施すること。なお、測定値二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を下回った場合でも、天候等による測定値の変動がありえるため、測定値二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時のおよそ九割(二・二マイクロシーベルト毎時)を下回るまで、測定を継続する必要があること。また、台風や洪水、地滑り等、周辺環境に大きな変化があった場合も、測定を実施すること。
(2) When an employer continuously performs operations at the same place, the employer measures the average air dose rate every two weeks. Even if the measured value is below 2.5 μSv/h, it may vary depending on weather, etc., and measurement shall, therefore, need to be continued until the measured value drops below 90% of 2.5 μSv/h (2.2 μSv/h). The measurement is also conducted whenever the ambient environment has significantly changed due to a typhoon, flooding, landslide, etc.
(三) 労働者の被ばくの実態を適切に反映できる測定とすること。
(3) The measurement is conducted in a manner that can accurately reflect the actual situation of radiation exposure of workers.
(四) 作業開始前の測定は、文部科学省が公表している空間線量率及び作業内容等から、作業の対象となる場所での平均空間線量率が二・五マイクロシーベルト毎時を明らかに下回り、特定線量下業務に該当しないことを明確に判断できる場合にまで、測定を求める趣旨ではないこと。
(4) It is not intended that measurement before starting work is required even if the employer can determine that the average air dose rate in the subject workplace is far below 2.5 μSv/h and the work performed there does not fall underwork at the designated dose rate, based on the air dose rates officially announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the nature of the work, etc.
C 平均空間線量率の測定・評価について
C Measurement and evaluation of average air dose rates
(一) 共通事項
(1) Common matters
イ 空間線量率の測定は、地上一メートルの高さで行うこと
(a) The air dose rate is measured at a height of 1 m from the ground surface.
ロ 測定器等については、作業環境測定基準第八条によること
(b) The measuring instrument, etc. conform to Article 8 of the Working Environment Measurement Standards.
(二) 測定方法
(2) Measurements
The air dose rate be measured at points where the dose rate is expected to be the highest in the area of the workplace where operations are to be performed (if the total area of the workplace exceeds 1,000 m2, each divided area of 1,000 m2 or less), at three points at a minimum, and the average of the measured results is adopted as the average air dose rate.
別紙三 労働者に対する特別教育
Attachment 3 Special Education for Workers
Special education for workers engaging in work at the designated dose rate is provided by theoretical study.
Theoretical study is provided in the subjects listed in the left column of the table shown below, in the scopes defined in the middle column, and for at least the times prescribed in the right column.
Knowledge about the effects of ionizing radiation on organisms and the method for controlling exposure doses
(1) Types and nature of ionizing radiation
1 hour
(2) Effects of ionizing radiation on cells, tissue, organs, and the whole body of organisms
(3) Exposure limits and method for measuring exposure doses
(4) Method for confirming and recording measurement results of exposure doses
Knowledge about the methods for measuring radiation, etc.
(1) Methods for measuring radiation
30 minutes
(2) Methods for monitoring dose equivalent rates due to external radiation
(3) Methods for taking emergency measures in case of abnormal situations
Relevant laws and ordinances
Relevant provisions of the Industrial Safety and Health Act , Order for Enforcement of the Industrial Safety and Health Act, Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health and Ionizing Radiation Ordinance for Decontamination
1 hour