Financial Instruments and Exchange Act(Act No. 25 of 1948)
Last Version: Act No. 109 of 2006

  • June 7, 2024
    • Last Version: Act No. 68 of 2022
    • Translated Date: May 15, 2023
    • Dictionary Version: 15.0
  • July 25, 2023
    • Last Version: Act No. 68 of 2022
    • Translated Date: May 15, 2023
    • Dictionary Version: 15.0
  • March 3, 2021
    • Last Version: Act No. 28 of 2019
    • Translated Date: June 11, 2020
    • Dictionary Version: 14.0
  • December 12, 2019
    • Last Version: Act No. 46 of 2017
    • Translated Date: March 26, 2015
    • Dictionary Version: 9.0
  • January 23, 2015
    • Last Version: Act No. 32 of 2010
    • Translated Date: June 2, 2010
    • Dictionary Version: 5.0
  • July 13, 2010
    • Last Version: Act No. 109 of 2006
    • Translated Date: June 16, 2009
    • Dictionary Version: 3.0

Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
Act No. 25 of April 13, 1948
第一章 総則(第一条・第二条)
Chapter I General Provisions(Article 1 and Article 2)
第二章 企業内容等の開示(第二条の二―第二十七条)
Chapter II Disclosure of Corporate Affairs and Other Related Matters(Article 2-2 - Article 27)
第二章の二 公開買付けに関する開示
Chapter II-2 Disclosure Required for Tender Offer
第一節 発行者以外の者による株券等の公開買付け(第二十七条の二―第二十七条の二十二)
Section 1 Tender Offer for Share Certificates, etc. by Person Other Than Issuer(Article 27-2 - Article 27-22)
第二節 発行者による上場株券等の公開買付け(第二十七条の二十二の二―第二十七条の二十二の四)
Section 2 Tender Offer for Share Certificates, etc. by Issuer(Article 27-22-2 - Article 27-22-4)
第二章の三 株券等の大量保有の状況に関する開示(第二十七条の二十三―第二十七条の三十)
Chapter II-3 Disclosure of Status of Large Volume Holding of Share Certificates, etc.(Article 27-23 - Article 27-30)
第二章の四 開示用電子情報処理組織による手続の特例等(第二十七条の三十の二―第二十七条の三十の十一)
Chapter II-4 Special Provisions, etc. for Procedures by Use of Electronic Data Processing System for Disclosure(Article 27-30-2 - Article 27-30-11)
第三章 金融商品取引業者等
Chapter III Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc.
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
第一款 通則(第二十八条)
Subsection 1 General Rules(Article 28)
第二款 金融商品取引業者(第二十九条―第三十一条の五)
Subsection 2 Financial Instruments Business Operators(Article 29 - Article 31-5)
第三款 主要株主(第三十二条―第三十二条の四)
Subsection 3 Major Shareholders(Article 32 - Article 32-4)
第四款 登録金融機関(第三十三条―第三十三条の八)
Subsection 4 Registered Financial Institutions(Article 33 - Article 33-8)
第五款 特定投資家(第三十四条―第三十四条の五)
Subsection 5 Professional Investors(Article 34 - Article 34-5)
第二節 業務
Section 2 Businesses
第一款 通則(第三十五条―第四十条の三)
Subsection 1 General Rules(Article 35 - Article 40-3)
第二款 投資助言業務に関する特則(第四十一条―第四十一条の五)
Subsection 2 Special Provisions Concerning Investment Advisory Business(Article 41 - Article 41-5)
第三款 投資運用業に関する特則(第四十二条―第四十二条の八)
Subsection 3 Special Provisions Concerning Investment Management Business(Article 42 - Article 42-8)
第四款 有価証券等管理業務に関する特則(第四十三条―第四十三条の四)
Subsection 4 Special Provisions Concerning Securities, etc. Management Business(Article 43 - Article 43-4)
第五款 弊害防止措置等(第四十四条―第四十四条の四)
Subsection 5 Preventive Measures against Adverse Effects(Article 44 - Article 44-4)
第六款 雑則(第四十五条)
Subsection 6 Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 45)
第三節 経理
Section 3 Accounting
第一款 第一種金融商品取引業を行う金融商品取引業者(第四十六条―第四十六条の六)
Subsection 1 Financial Instruments Business Operator Engaged in Type I Financial Instruments Business(Article 46 - Article 46-6)
第二款 第一種金融商品取引業を行わない金融商品取引業者(第四十七条―第四十七条の三)
Subsection 2 Financial Instruments Business Operators not Engaged in Type I Financial Instruments Business(Article 47 - Article 47-3)
第三款 登録金融機関(第四十八条―第四十八条の三)
Subsection 3 Registered Financial Institutions(Article 48 - Article 48-3)
第四款 外国法人等に対する特例(第四十九条―第四十九条の五)
Subsection 4 Special Provisions for Foreign Juridical Persons, etc.(Article 49 - Article 49-5)
第四節 監督(第五十条―第五十七条)
Section 4 Supervision(Article 50 - Article 57)
第五節 外国業者に関する特例
Section 5 Special Provisions for Foreign Business Operators
第一款 外国証券業者(第五十八条・第五十八条の二)
Subsection 1 Foreign Securities Brokers(Article 58 - Article 58-2)
第二款 引受業務の一部の許可(第五十九条―第五十九条の六)
Subsection 2 Permission of Part of Underwriting Business(Article 59 - Article 59-6)
第三款 取引所取引業務の許可(第六十条―第六十条の十三)
Subsection 3 Permission of Transaction-at-Exchange Operation(Article 60 - Article 60-13)
第四款 外国において投資助言業務又は投資運用業を行う者(第六十一条)
Subsection 4 Person Who Conducts Investment Advisory Business or Investment Management Business in Foreign State(Article 61)
第五款 情報収集のための施設の設置(第六十二条)
Subsection 5 Establishment of an Institution for Collecting Information(Article 62)
第六節 適格機関投資家等特例業務に関する特例(第六十三条―第六十三条の四)
Section 6 Special Provisions Concerning Specially Permitted Businesses for Qualified Institutional Investor, etc.(Article 63 - Article 63-4)
第七節 外務員(第六十四条―第六十四条の九)
Section 7 Sales Representatives(Article 64 - Article 64-9)
第八節 雑則(第六十五条―第六十五条の六)
Section 8 Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 65 - Article 65-6)
第三章の二 金融商品仲介業者
Chapter III-2 Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Providers
第一節 総則(第六十六条―第六十六条の六)
Section 1 General Provisions(Article 66 - Article 66-6)
第二節 業務(第六十六条の七―第六十六条の十五)
Section 2 Business(Article 66-7 - Article 66-15)
第三節 経理(第六十六条の十六―第六十六条の十八)
Section 3 Accounting(Article 66-16 - Article 66-18)
第四節 監督(第六十六条の十九―第六十六条の二十三)
Section 4 Supervision(Article 66-19 - Article 66-23)
第五節 雑則(第六十六条の二十四―第六十六条の二十六)
Section 5 Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 66-21 - Article 66-26)
第四章 金融商品取引業協会
Chapter IV Financial Instruments Firms Association
第一節 認可金融商品取引業協会
Section 1 Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association
第一款 設立及び業務(第六十七条―第六十七条の二十)
Subsection 1 Establishment and Business(Article 67 - Article 67-20)
第二款 協会員(第六十八条・第六十八条の二)
Subsection 2 Association Members(Article 68 and Article 68-2)
第三款 管理(第六十九条―第七十二条)
Subsection 3 Management(Article 69 - Article 72)
第四款 監督(第七十三条―第七十六条)
Subsection 4 Supervision(Article 73 - Article 76)
第五款 雑則(第七十七条―第七十七条の七)
Subsection 5 Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 77 - Article 77-7)
第二節 公益法人金融商品取引業協会
Section 2 Public Interest Corporation-Type Financial Instruments Firms Associations
第一款 認定及び業務(第七十八条―第七十九条)
Subsection 1 Recognition and Activities(Article 78 - Article 79)
第二款 監督(第七十九条の二―第七十九条の六)
Subsection 2 Supervision(Article 79-2 - Article 79-6)
第三節 認定投資者保護団体(第七十九条の七―第七十九条の十九)
Section 3 Certified Investor Protection Organization(Article 79-7 - Article 79-19)
第四章の二 投資者保護基金
Chapter IV-2 Investor Protection Fund
第一節 総則(第七十九条の二十―第七十九条の二十五)
Section 1 General Provisions(Article 79-20 - Article 79-25)
第二節 会員(第七十九条の二十六―第七十九条の二十八)
Section 2 Members(Article 79-26 - Article 79-28)
第三節 設立(第七十九条の二十九―第七十九条の三十三)
Section 3 Establishment(Article 79-29 - Article 79-33)
第四節 管理(第七十九条の三十四―第七十九条の四十八)
Section 4 Management(Article 79-34 - Article 79-48)
第五節 業務(第七十九条の四十九―第七十九条の六十二)
Section 5 Business(Article 79-49 - Article 79-62)
第六節 負担金(第七十九条の六十三―第七十九条の六十七)
Section 6 Burden Charge(Article 79-63 - Article 79-67)
第七節 財務及び会計(第七十九条の六十八―第七十九条の七十四)
Section 7 Finance and Accounting(Article 68 - Article 79-74)
第八節 監督(第七十九条の七十五―第七十九条の七十七)
Section 8 Supervision(Article 79-75 - Article 79-77)
第九節 解散(第七十九条の七十八―第七十九条の八十)
Section 9 Dissolution(Article 79-78 - Article 79-80)
第五章 金融商品取引所
Chapter V Financial Instruments Exchange
第一節 総則(第八十条―第八十七条の九)
Section 1 General Provisions(Article 80 - Article 89-9)
第二節 金融商品会員制法人及び自主規制法人並びに取引所金融商品市場を開設する株式会社
Section 2 Financial Instruments Membership Corporation and Self-Regulation Organization; and Stock Company Which Establishes Financial Instruments Exchange Market
第一款 金融商品会員制法人
Subsection 1 Financial Instruments Membership Corporation
第一目 設立(第八十八条―第八十八条の二十二)
Division 1 Establishment(Article 88 - Article 88-22)
第二目 登記(第八十九条―第九十条)
Division 2 Registration(Article 89 - Article 90)
第三目 会員(第九十一条―第九十六条)
Division 3 Members(Article 91 - Article 96)
第四目 管理(第九十七条―第九十九条)
Division 4 Administration(Article 97 - Article 99)
第五目 解散(第百条―第百条の二十五)
Division 5 Dissolution(Article 100 - Article 100-25)
第六目 組織変更(第百一条―第百二条)
Division 6 Entity Conversion(Article 101 - Article 102)
第一款の二 自主規制法人
Subsection 1-2 Self-Regulation Organization
第一目 設立(第百二条の二―第百二条の七)
Division 1 Establishment(Article 102-2 - Article 102-7)
第二目 登記(第百二条の八―第百二条の十一)
Division 2 Registration(Article 102-8 - Article 102-11)
第三目 会員(第百二条の十二・第百二条の十三)
Division 3 Membership(Article 102-12 - Article 102-13)
第四目 自主規制業務(第百二条の十四―第百二条の二十)
Division 4 Self-Regulation Related Services(Article 102-14 - Article 102-20)
第五目 管理(第百二条の二十一―第百二条の三十四)
Division 5 Administration(Article 102-21 - Article 102-34)
第六目 解散(第百二条の三十五―第百二条の三十九)
Division 6 Dissolution(Article 102-35 - Article 102-39)
第二款 取引所金融商品市場を開設する株式会社
Subsection 2 Stock Company which Establishes Financial Instruments Exchange Markets
第一目 総則(第百三条―第百五条の三)
Division 1 General Provisions(Article 103 - Article 105-3)
第二目 自主規制委員会(第百五条の四―第百六条の二)
Division 2 Self-Regulating Committee(Article 105-4 - Article 106-2)
第三目 主要株主(第百六条の三―第百六条の九)
Division 3 Major Shareholders(Article 106-3 - Article 106-9)
第四目 金融商品取引所持株会社(第百六条の十―第百九条)
Division 4 Financial Instruments Exchange Holding Company(Article 106-10 - Article 109)
第三節 取引所金融商品市場における有価証券の売買等(第百十条―第百三十三条)
Section 3 Sales and Purchase of Securities, etc. in Financial Instruments Exchange Market(Article 110 - Article 133)
第四節 金融商品取引所の解散等
Section 4 Dissolution, etc. of Financial Instruments Exchange
第一款 解散(第百三十四条・第百三十五条)
Subsection 1 Dissolution(Article 134 and Article 135)
第二款 合併
Subsection 2 Merger
第一目 通則(第百三十六条)
Division 1 General Rules(Article 136)
第二目 会員金融商品取引所と会員金融商品取引所との合併(第百三十七条・第百三十八条)
Division 2 Merger between Membership-Type Financial Instruments Exchange and Membership-Type Financial Instruments Exchange(Article 137, Article 138)
第三目 会員金融商品取引所と株式会社金融商品取引所との合併(第百三十九条・第百三十九条の二)
Division 3 Merger between Membership-Type Financial Instruments Exchange and Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange(Article 139, Article 139-2)
第四目 会員金融商品取引所の合併の手続(第百三十九条の三―第百三十九条の六)
Division 4 Merger Procedures of Membership-Type Financial Instruments Exchange(Article 139-3 - Article 139-6)
第五目 株式会社金融商品取引所の合併の手続(第百三十九条の七―第百三十九条の二十一)
Division 5 Merger Procedures of Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange(Article 139-7 - Article 139-21)
第六目 合併の効力の発生等(第百四十条―第百四十七条)
Division 6 Effectuation, etc. of Merger(Article 140 - Article 147)
第五節 監督(第百四十八条―第百五十三条の四)
Section 5 Supervision(Article 148 - Article 153-4)
第六節 雑則(第百五十四条・第百五十四条の二)
Section 6 Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 154 and Article 154-2)
第五章の二 外国金融商品取引所
Chapter V-2 Foreign Financial Instruments Exchange
第一節 総則(第百五十五条―第百五十五条の五)
Section 1 General Provisions(Article 155 - Article 155-5)
第二節 監督(第百五十五条の六―第百五十五条の十)
Section 2 Supervision(Article 155-6 - Article 155-10)
第三節 雑則(第百五十六条)
Section 3 Miscellaneous Provision(Article 156)
第五章の三 金融商品取引清算機関等
Chapter V-3 Financial Instruments Clearing Organization, etc.
第一節 金融商品取引清算機関(第百五十六条の二―第百五十六条の二十)
Section 1 Financial Instruments Clearing Organization(Article 156-2 - Article 156-20)
第二節 雑則(第百五十六条の二十一・第百五十六条の二十二)
Section 2 Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 156-21, Article 156-22)
第五章の四 証券金融会社(第百五十六条の二十三―第百五十六条の三十七)
Chapter V-4 Securities Finance Company(Article 156-23 - Article 156-37)
第六章 有価証券の取引等に関する規制(第百五十七条―第百七十一条)
Chapter VI Regulations on Transactions, etc. of Securities(Article 157 - Article 171)
第六章の二 課徴金
Chapter VI-2 Administrative Monetary Penalty
第一節 納付命令(第百七十二条―第百七十七条)
Section 1 Payment Order(Article 172 - Article 177)
第二節 審判手続(第百七十八条―第百八十五条の十七)
Section 2 Trial Procedures(Article 178 - Article 185-17)
第三節 訴訟(第百八十五条の十八)
Section 3 Lawsuit(Article 185-18)
第四節 雑則(第百八十五条の十九―第百八十五条の二十一)
Section 4 Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 185-19 - Article 185-21)
第七章 雑則(第百八十六条―第百九十六条の二)
Chapter VII Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 186 - Article 196-2)
第八章 罰則(第百九十七条―第二百九条)
Chapter VIII Penal Provisions(Article 197 - Article 209)
第九章 犯則事件の調査等(第二百十条―第二百二十七条)
Chapter IX Investigation into a Criminal Case, etc.(Article 210 - Article 227)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The purpose of this Act is, inter alia, by developing systems for disclosure of corporate affairs and other related matters, providing for necessary matters relating to persons who engage in Financial Instruments Business and securing appropriate operation of Financial Instruments Exchanges, to ensure fairness in, inter alia, issuance of the Securities and transactions of Financial Instruments, etc. and to facilitate the smooth distribution of Securities, as well as to aim at fair price formation of Financial Instruments, etc. through the full utilization of functions of the capital market, thereby contributing to the sound development of the national economy and protection of investors.
Article 2(1)The term "Securities" as used in this Act means the following:
(i)national government bonds;
(ii)municipal bonds;
(iii)debentures issued by a juridical person under a special Act (excluding those listed in the following item and item (xi));
(iv)specified bonds prescribed in the Act on the Securitization of Assets (Act No. 105 of 1998);
(v)bonds (including those issued by a mutual company; the same shall apply hereinafter);
(vi)investment securities issued by a juridical person established under a special Act (excluding those listed in the following item, item (viii) and item (xi));
(vii)preferred equity investment certificates prescribed in the Act on Preferred Equity Investment by Cooperative Structured Financial Institutions (Act No. 44 of 1993; (hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Preferred Equity Investment");
(viii)preferred equity investment certificates and securities indicating preemptive rights for new preferred equity investment prescribed in the Act on the Securitization of Assets;
(ix)share certificates and share option certificates;
(x)beneficiary securities of investment trusts or foreign investment trusts prescribed in the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations (Act No. 198 of 1951);
(xi)investment securities or investment corporation debentures, or foreign investment securities prescribed in the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations;
(xii)beneficiary securities of loan trusts;
(xiii)beneficiary securities of specific purpose trusts prescribed in the Act on the Securitization of Assets;
(xiv)beneficiary securities of beneficiary securities issuing trusts prescribed in the Trust Act (Act No. 108 of 2006);
(xv)promissory notes which have been issued by a juridical person in order to raise funds necessary to operate its business and are specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance;
(xvi)mortgage securities prescribed in the Mortgage Securities Act (Act No. 15 of 1931);
(xvii)securities or certificates which have been issued by a foreign state or foreign person and have the nature of securities or certificates listed in items (i) to (ix) or item (xvii) up to the preceding item (excluding those specified in the following item);
(xviii)securities or certificates which have been issued by a foreign person, indicate a beneficial interest of a trust in which loan claims held by persons engaging in banking business or persons otherwise conducting money loan in the course of trade are entrusted, or indicate any other similar rights, and are specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance;
(xix)securities or certificates which indicate rights pertaining to transactions specified in Article 2 (21)(iii) conducted in a Financial Instruments Market, in accordance with such requirements and by using such methods as prescribed by the operator of the Financial Instruments Market, rights pertaining to transactions which are conducted in a Foreign Financial Instruments Market (meaning the Foreign Financial Instruments Market defined in Article 2 (8)(iii)(b); hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) and are similar to the ones specified in Article 2 (21)(iii), or rights pertaining to transactions specified in Article 2 (22)(iii) or (iv) conducted in neither a Financial Instruments Market nor a Foreign Financial Instruments Market (those rights are hereinafter referred to as "Options");
(xx)securities or certificates which have been issued by a person to whom securities or certificates listed in any of the preceding items are deposited and in a state other than the state in which the deposited securities or certificates were issued and which indicate the rights pertaining to the deposited securities or certificates; and
(xxi)in addition to what is listed in the preceding items, securities or certificates specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which it is found, when taking into consideration the liquidity thereof and other factors, necessary to secure the public interest or protection of investors.
(2)Rights to be indicated on Securities listed in items (i) to (xv) of the preceding paragraph, on Securities listed in item (xvii) of said paragraph (excluding those which have the nature of Securities listed in item (xvi) of said paragraph) and on Securities listed in item (xviii) of said paragraph, and rights to be indicated on Securities listed in item (xvi) of said paragraph, on Securities listed in (xvii) of said paragraph (limited to those which have the nature of Securities listed in item (xvi) of said paragraph) and on Securities listed in items (xix) to (xxi) of said paragraph which are specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Rights to Be Indicated on Securities" in this and following paragraphs) shall, even when Securities indicating these rights have not been issued, be deemed as Securities indicating these rights, and the rights listed in the following items shall, even when they are not indicated on securities or certificates, be deemed as Securities indicating these rights, and the provisions of this Act shall apply to all these rights:
(i)beneficial interests of a trust (excluding those to be indicated on beneficiary securities of investment trusts specified in item (x) of the preceding paragraph and those to be indicated on Securities listed in any of items (xii) to (xiv) of said paragraph);
(ii)rights which are claimable against a foreign person and which have the nature of the rights specified in the preceding item (excluding those to be indicated on beneficiary securities of foreign investment trusts specified in item (x) of the preceding paragraph and those to be indicated on Securities listed in item (xvii) or (xviii) of the same paragraph);
(iii)membership rights of a general partnership company or limited partnership company (limited to those specified by a Cabinet Order) or membership rights of a limited liability company;
(iv)membership rights of a foreign juridical person which has the nature of rights specified in the preceding item;
(v)among rights based on a partnership contract provided in Article 667 (1) of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896), an anonymous partnership agreement in Article 535 of the Commercial Code (Act No. 48 of 1899), an investment limited partnership agreement provided in Article 3 (1) of the Investment Limited Partnership Act (Act No. 90 of 1998) or a limited liability partnership agreement provided in Article 3 (1) of the Limited Liability Partnership Act (Act No. 40 of 2005), membership rights of an incorporated association or other rights (excluding those based on laws and regulations of a foreign state), rights for which the holders thereof (hereinafter referred to as an "Equity Investor" in this item) can receive dividend of profits arising from the business conducted by using money (including those specified by a Cabinet Order as being similar to money) invested or contributed by the Equity Investors (such business is hereinafter referred to as the "Invested Business" in this item) or distribution of the assets of the Invested Business and which does not fall under any category listed in the following items (excluding Rights to Be Indicated on Securities listed in the items of the preceding paragraph and rights which are regarded as Securities under this paragraph (excluding this item)):
(a)rights of an Equity Investor in cases where all of the Equity Investors participate in the Invested Business as specified by a Cabinet Order;
(b)rights of an Equity Investor where it is provided that Equity Investors will not receive dividend of profits or distribution of the assets of the Invested Business in an amount exceeding the amount invested or contributed by them (excluding rights listed in (a));
(c)rights based on an insurance contract in which a person who engages in insurance business as defined in Article 2 (1) of the Insurance Business Act (Act No. 105 of 1995) is the insurer, a mutual aid contract concluded with a cooperative specified in Article 5 of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act (Act No. 132 of 1947) which engages in the service specified in Article 10 (1)(x) of said Act, a mutual aid contract concluded with a cooperative provided in Article 3 of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprise, etc., Cooperatives Act (Act No. 181 of 1949) which engages in the mutual aid service specified in Article 9-2 (7) of said Act or a real estate specified joint enterprise contract defined in Article 2 (3) of the Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise Act (Act No. 77 of 1994) (excluding rights listed in (a) and (b)); or
(d)in addition to what are listed in (a) to (c), rights specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which it is found not to hinder the public interest or protection of Equity Investors even if they are not regarded as Securities.
(vi)rights based on laws and regulations of a foreign state which are similar to those specified in the preceding item; or
(vii)in addition to what are listed in the preceding items, rights specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which it is found, when taking into consideration the fact that they have an economic nature similar to Securities provided in the preceding paragraph and rights listed in the preceding items and other circumstances, necessary and appropriate to secure the public interest or protection of investors by deeming them as Securities.
(3)The term "Public Offering of Securities" as used in this Act means, among solicitations of an application to acquire newly issued Securities (including those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being similar to such solicitation, and hereinafter referred to as "Solicitation for Acquisition" in this paragraph), Solicitation for Acquisition specified in item (i) or (ii) below in the case of those conducted with regard to Securities listed in paragraph (1) or Rights to Be Indicated on Securities which are regarded as Securities under the preceding paragraph (such Securities or rights are referred to as "Paragraph (1) Securities" in item (i) of the following paragraph, paragraphs (4) and (5) of the following Article and Article 23-13 (3)), and Solicitation for Acquisition specified in item (iii) below in the case of those conducted with regard to rights which are regarded as Securities under the items of the preceding paragraph (such rights are referred to as "Paragraph (2) Securities" in item (ii) of the following paragraph, paragraph(4) and (5) of the following Article and Article 23-13 (3)), and the term "Private Placement of Securities" means a Solicitation for Acquisition which does not come within the purview of Public Offering of Securities:
(i)Solicitation for Acquisition made to a large number of persons (other than Qualified Institutional Investors (meaning persons specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those having expert knowledge of and experience with investment in Securities; the same shall apply hereinafter), if Qualified Institutional Investors are included in the persons to which the Solicitation for Acquisition is made and if the solicited Securities are, as specified by a Cabinet Order, not likely to be transferred from the Qualified Institutional Investor who acquired them to any other person other than Qualified Institutional Investors) as specified by a Cabinet Order (excluding those which are made only to Qualified Institutional Investors); and
(ii)in addition to the Solicitation for Acquisition specified in the preceding item, those which do not fall under any of the following items: and
(a)Solicitation for Acquisition which is made only to Qualified Institutional Investors, if the solicited Securities are, as specified by a Cabinet Order, not likely to be transferred from the person who acquired them to any other person other than Qualified Institutional Investors; and
(b)Solicitation for Acquisition which does not fall under the categories specified in the preceding item or (a) of this item (excluding those meeting the requirements specified by a Cabinet Order), if the offered Securities are, as specified by a Cabinet Order, not likely to be transferred from the person who acquired them to a large number of persons.
(iii)Solicitation for Acquisition which, as specified by a Cabinet Order, will render the Securities pertaining thereto to be held by a considerably large number of persons who respond to the solicitation.
(4)The term "Secondary Distribution of Securities" as used in this Act means, among solicitations of an application to sell or purchase already-issued Securities (referred to as "Solicitation for Selling, etc." in item (ii)), those falling under the categories specified for each kind of Securities in the following items (excluding those made relating to sales and purchase of Securities in a Financial Instruments Exchange Market and a transaction equivalent thereto and other transactions of Securities specified by a Cabinet Order):
(i)Paragraph (1) Securities:those to be made to a large number of persons on the same conditions specified by a Cabinet Order; and
(ii)Paragraph (2) Securities:those which, as specified by a Cabinet Order, will render the Securities pertaining thereto to be held by a considerably large number of persons who respond to the solicitation.
(5)The term "Issuer" as used in this Act means a person who issues, or intends to issue, Securities (or a person specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance for Securities specified by the Cabinet Office Ordinance), and rights which are not rights to be indicated on Securities or certificates but are regarded as Securities under paragraph (2) are deemed to be Securities issued by such person as specified for each kind of rights by a Cabinet Office Ordinance at such time as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(6)The term "Underwriter" as used in this Act (excluding Chapter V) means a person who, at the time of Public Offering, Secondary Distribution and Private Placement of Securities, conducts any of the acts set forth in the following items:
(i)acquires all or part of the Securities for the purpose of having other persons acquire them; or
(ii)concludes a contract in which, with regard to all or part of the Securities, it promises to acquire all of the remaining Securities which are not acquired by any other person.
(7)The term "Securities Registration Statement" as used in this Act means statements referred to in Article 5 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 5 (5); the same shall apply hereinafter) and documents to be attached thereto under Article 5 (6) and Amendment referred to in Article 7, 9(1) or 10(1).
(8)The term "Financial Instruments Business" as used in this Act means the following acts (excluding acts specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which it is found not to hinder the protection of investors when taking into account its content and other related factors, and acts listed in item (xii), (xiv) or (xv) in this paragraph or the items of Article 28 (8) conducted by a bank, a Cooperative Structured Financial Institution defined by Article 2 (1) of the Act on Preferred Equity Investment (hereinafter referred to as the "Cooperative Structured Financial Institution") or other financial institution specified by a Cabinet Order) conducted in the course of trade:
(i)sales and purchase of Securities (excluding those falling under the category of Derivative Transactions; the same shall apply hereinafter), Market Transactions of Derivatives or Foreign Market Derivatives Transactions (excluding sales and purchase of Securities falling under the category of act specified in item (x));
(ii)intermediary, brokerage (excluding Brokerage for Clearing of Securities, etc.) or agency service for sales and purchase of Securities, Market Transactions of Derivatives or Foreign Market Derivatives Transactions (excluding intermediary, brokerage or agency service for sales and purchase of Securities falling under the category of act specified in item (x));
(iii)intermediary, brokerage or agency service for entrustment of the following transactions;
(a)sales and purchase of Securities conducted in a Financial Instruments Exchange Market or Market Transactions of Derivatives; or
(b)sales and purchase of Securities conducted in a Foreign Financial Instruments Market (meaning a market in a foreign state similar to Financial Instruments Exchange Market; the same shall apply hereinafter) or Foreign Market Derivatives Transactions.
(iv)Over-the-Counter Transactions of Derivatives or intermediary, brokerage (excluding Brokerage for Clearing of Securities, etc.) or agency service therefor (hereinafter referred to as "Over-the-Counter Transactions of Derivatives, etc.");
(v)Brokerage for Clearing of Securities, etc.;
(vi)Underwriting of Securities (meaning acts listed in any of the items of paragraph (6) conducted at the time of Public Offering, Secondary Distribution or Private Placement of Securities);
(vii)Public Offering or Private Placement of Securities (limited to those listed in the following items);
(a)among beneficiary securities of investment trusts specified in item (x) of paragraph (1), those pertaining to beneficial rights of trust for investment based on settlor's instruction defined in Article 2 (1) of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations;
(b)beneficiary securities of foreign investment trusts specified in item (x) of paragraph (1);
(c)Securities specified in item (xvi) of paragraph (1);
(d)among Securities specified in item (xvii) of paragraph (1), those which have the nature of Securities specified in item (xvi) of said paragraph;
(e)among rights to be indicated on Securities specified in (a) or (b) above, or rights which are to be indicated on Securities specified in (c) or (d) above and particularly specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, those which are regarded as Securities under paragraph (2);
(f)rights specified in item (v) or (vi) of paragraph (2) which are regarded as Securities under said paragraph; and
(g)in addition to those listed in (a) to (f) above, Securities particularly specified by a Cabinet Order.
(viii)Secondary Distribution of Securities;
(ix)dealing in Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities or dealing in Private Placement of Securities;
(x)sales and purchase of Securities or intermediary, brokerage or agency service therefor which is conducted through an electronic data processing system, by using any of the following price formation method or other similar method, and in which a large number of persons participate simultaneously as the one party in the transaction or the transaction is conducted between a large number of persons;
(a)a method of auction (limited to cases where the trading volume of Securities does not exceed the criteria specified by a Cabinet Order);
(b)with regard to Securities listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange, a method using the trading price of the Securities in the Financial Instruments Exchange Market operated by the Financial Instruments Exchange;
(c)with regard to Securities registered under Article 67-11 (1) (hereinafter referred to as "Over-the-Counter Traded Securities"), a method using the trading price of the Securities published by the Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association to which the Securities are registered;
(d)a method using the price decided by negotiation between customers; and
(e)in addition to those listed in (a) to (d) above, other methods specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(xi)conclusion of a contract in which one of the parties promises to provide the other party with advice on the following matters, orally, in writing (excluding newspapers, magazines, books or others which are issued to be sold to many and unspecified persons and many and unspecified persons can buy as needed) or otherwise, and the other party promises to pay remuneration therefor (such a contract is hereinafter referred to as an "Investment Advisory Contract"), and provision of advice under the Investment Advisory Contract;
(a)Values, etc. of Securities (meaning the value of Securities, amount receivable for Securities Related Options (meaning rights pertaining to transactions specified in Article 28 (8)(iii)(c) conducted in a Financial Instruments Market in accordance with the requirements and by using the methods prescribed by the operator of the Financial Instruments Market, rights pertaining to transactions similar to transactions specified in Article 28 (8)(iii)(c) conducted in a Foreign Financial Instruments Market, or rights pertaining to transactions specified in Article 28 (8)(iv)(c) or (d) conducted in neither a Financial Instruments Market nor a Foreign Financial Instruments Market) or movement of Securities Indicators (meaning price or interest rates of Securities, or others specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being equivalent to them or figures calculated based on them)); or
(b)Investment Decisions (meaning decisions on kinds, issues, amounts or prices of Securities to be invested as well as whether the Securities shall be purchased or sold, by what method and at what timing, or decision on contents and timing of Derivative Transactions to be conducted; the same shall apply hereinafter) based on analysis of Values, etc. of Financial Instruments (meaning the value of Financial Instruments, amount receivable for Options, or movement of Financial Indicators; the same shall apply hereinafter).
(xii)conclusion of the following contract, and investment (including instructions of investment; the same shall apply hereinafter) of money or other properties in Securities or rights pertaining to Derivative Transactions conducted based on analysis of Values, etc. of Financial Instruments under such a contract;
(a)a contract on entrustment of assets investment prescribed in 188(1)(iv) of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations concluded with a registered investment corporation defined in Article 2 (13) of said Act; or
(b)in addition to those listed in (a), a contract wherein one of the parties is fully or partly entrusted by the other party with the discretion in making Investment Decisions based on analysis of Values, etc. of Financial Instruments and is also entrusted with the authorities necessary for making investment on behalf of the other party based on such Investment Decisions (such a contract is hereinafter referred to as a "Discretionary Investment Contract").
(xiii)agency or intermediary service for conclusion of an Investment Advisory Contract or a Discretionary Investment Contract;
(xiv)investment of money or other properties contributed from a person who holds rights indicated on the Securities specified in item (x) of paragraph (1) or other rights specified by a Cabinet Order, as an investment in Securities or rights pertaining to Derivative Transactions conducted based on analysis of Values, etc. of Financial Instruments (excluding acts falling under the category specified in item (xii));
(xv)investment of money or other properties invested or contributed from a person who holds the following rights or other rights specified by a Cabinet Order, as an investment mainly in Securities or rights pertaining to Derivative Transactions conducted based on analysis of Values, etc. of Financial Instruments (excluding acts falling under the categories specified in item (xii) and the preceding item);
(a)rights indicated on Securities specified in item (xiv) of paragraph (1) or Securities specified in item (xvii) of said paragraph (limited to those which have the nature of Securities specified in item (xiv) of said paragraph);
(b)rights listed in item (i) or (ii) of paragraph (2); or
(c)rights listed in item (v) or (vi) of paragraph (2).
(xvi)acceptance of deposits of money or securities or certificates listed in the items of paragraph (1) from the customers in relation to acts listed in items (i) to (x) of this paragraph;
(xvii)transfer of bonds, etc. conducted in response to opening of an account for transfer of bonds, etc. defined in Article 2 (1) of the Act on Transfer of Bonds, etc. (Act No. 75 of 2001); or
(xviii)acts specified by a Cabinet Order as being similar to acts listed in the preceding items.
(9)The term "Financial Instruments Business Operator" as used in this Act means a person registered by the Prime Minister under Article 29.
(10)The term "Prospectus" as used in this Act means a document which states the business operated by an Issuer of Securities or other mattes and prepared for a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities (excluding those specified in Article 4 (1)(iv)) or for a General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor defined by Article 4 (2) (excluding those falling under the category of Secondary Distribution of Securities), and which are delivered, or are to be delivered on request, to the other party of the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution.
(11)The term "Financial Instruments Intermediary Service" as used in this Act means a service comprised any of the following acts conducted on behalf of a Financial Instruments Business Operator (limited to a person who conducts Type I Financial Instruments Business defined in Article 28 (1) or Investment Management Business defined in Article 28 (4)) or a Registered Financial Institution (meaning a bank, Cooperative Structured Financial Institution or other financial institution specified by a Cabinet Order which is registered under Article 33-2; the same shall apply hereinafter) under the entrustment from them (excluding the act specified in item (iv) below conducted by a person who conducts Investment Management Business as defined in Article 28 (4)):
(i)intermediary for sales and purchase of Securities (excluding those specified in item (x) of paragraph (8));
(ii)intermediary specified in item (iii) of paragraph (8);
(iii)act specified in item (ix) of paragraph (8); or
(iv)intermediary specified in item (xiii) of paragraph (8).
(12)The term "Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Provider" as used in this Act means a person who has been granted registration by the Prime Minister under Article 66.
(13)The term "Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association" as used in this Act means a person established under Subsection 1 of Section 1 of Chapter IV.
(14)The term "Financial Instruments Market" as used in this Act means a market in which sales and purchase of Securities or Market Transactions of Derivatives are conducted.
(15)The term "Financial Instruments Membership Corporation" as used in this Act means a membership association established under Subsection 1 of Section 2 of Chapter V for the purpose of establishing a Financial Instruments Market.
(16)The term "Financial Instruments Exchange" as used in this Act means a Financial Instruments Membership Corporation or the stock company which has established a Financial Instruments Market with license granted by the Prime Minister under Article 80 (1).
(17)The term "Financial Instruments Exchange Market" as used in this Act means a Financial Instruments Market established by a Financial Instruments Exchange.
(18)The term "Financial Instruments Exchange Holding Company" as used in this Act means a person who has been granted the authorization by the Prime Minister under Article 106-10 (1) or the proviso to Article 106-10 (3).
(19)The term "Trading Participant" used in this Act means a person who is allowed to participate in the sales and purchase of Securities or Market Transactions of Derivatives in Financial Instruments Exchange Market based on the qualifications for trading granted under Article 112 (1) or 113(1).
(20)The term "Derivative Transactions" used in this Act means Market Transactions of Derivatives, Over-the-Counter Transactions of Derivatives or Foreign Market Derivatives Transactions.
(21)The term "Market Transactions of Derivatives" as used in this Act means the following transactions conducted in a Financial Instruments Market, in accordance with requirements and by using methods prescribed by the operator of the Financial Instruments Market:
(i)transactions wherein the parties thereto promise to deliver or receive Financial Instruments or consideration for them at a fixed time in the future, and, when the resale or repurchase of the underlying Financial Instruments are made, settlement thereof may be made by paying or receiving the difference;
(ii)transactions wherein the parties thereto promise to pay or receive the amount of money calculated based on the difference between the figure of a Financial Indicator to which the parties agree in advance (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreed Figure") and the actual figure of the Financial Indicator at a fixed time in the future (hereinafter referred to as the "Actual Figure");
(iii)transactions wherein the parties thereto promise that one of the parties thereto grants the other party an option to effect a transaction listed in the following items between the parties only by unilateral manifestation of the other party's intention, and the other party pays the consideration for such option:
(a)sales and purchase of Financial Instruments (excluding those specified in item (i)); or
(b)any transaction listed in the preceding two items or the following item to item (vi)(including those designated by the Financial Instruments Exchange and equivalent to a transaction specified in the preceding item).
(iv)transactions wherein the parties mutually promise that, using the amount the parties have agreed to as the principal, one of the parties will pay the amount of money calculated based on the rate of change in the agreed period of the interest rate, etc. (referred to the interest rate or any other rate specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being equivalent to the interest rate; the same shall apply hereinafter) of the Financial Instruments (excluding those listed in Article 2 (24)(iii)) or of a Financial Indicator (excluding interest rates, etc. of Financial Instruments (excluding those listed in Article 2 (24)(iii)) and figures calculated based on them; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and item (v) of the following paragraph) agreed with the other party, and the other party will pay the amount of money calculated based on the rate of change in the agreed period of the interest rate, etc. of the Financial Instruments (excluding those listed in Article 2 (24)(iii)) or of a Financial Indicator agreed with the former party (including transactions wherein the parties promise that, in addition to the payment of such amounts, they will also pay, deliver or receive the amount of money or financial instrument that amounts to the agreed principal);
(v)transactions wherein one of the parties pays money, and the other party, as the consideration therefor, promises to pay money in cases where a cause agreed by the parties in advance and listed in the following items occurs (including those wherein one of the parties promises to transfer Financial Instruments, a right pertaining to Financial Instruments or monetary claim (excluding claims that are Financial Instruments or rights pertaining to Financial Instruments), but excluding those listed in the preceding three paragraphs); or
(a)a cause pertaining to credit status of a juridical person or other similar cause as specified by a Cabinet Order; or
(b)a cause which it is impossible or extremely difficult for either party to exert his/her influence on the occurrence of and which may have serious influence on business activities of the parties or other business operators as specified by a Cabinet Order (excluding those specified in (a)).
(vi)transactions similar to transactions listed in the preceding items and specified by a Cabinet Order.
(22)The term "Over-the-Counter Transactions of Derivatives" as used in this Act means the following transactions which are conducted in neither a Financial Instruments Market nor a Foreign Financial Instruments Market (except those specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which it is found not to hinder the public interest or protection of investors when taking into account its content and other related factors).
(i)transactions wherein the parties thereto promise to deliver or receive Financial Instruments (excluding those listed in Article 2 (24)(v); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or consideration for them at a fixed time in the future, and, when the resale or repurchase of the underlying Financial Instruments or other acts specified by a Cabinet Order is made, settlement thereof may be made by paying or receiving the differences;
(ii)transactions wherein the parties thereto promise to pay or receive the amount of money calculated based on the Agreed Figure and the Actual Figure or any other similar transactions; and
(iii)transactions wherein the parties thereto promise that one of the parties grants the other party an option to effect a transaction listed in the following items between the parties only by unilateral manifestation of the other party's intention, and the other party pays consideration for such option, or any other similar transactions:
(a)sales and purchase of Financial Instruments (excluding those specified in item (i)); or
(b)any transaction listed in the preceding two items or items (v) to (vii).
(iv)transactions wherein the parties thereto promise that one of the parties grants the other party an option to, only by unilateral manifestation of his/her intention, effect a transaction wherein the parties promise to pay or receive the amount of money calculated based on the difference between a figure which the parties have agreed in advance to use as the Agreed Figure of the Financial Indicator when such manifestation is made and the Actual Figure of the Financial Indicator at the time of such manifestation, and the other party pays the consideration for such option, or any other similar transactions;
(v)transactions wherein the parties mutually promise that, using the amount the parties have agreed to as the principal, one of the parties will pay the amount of money calculated based on the rate of change in the agreed period of the interest rate, etc. of the Financial Instruments (excluding those listed in Article 2 (24)(iii)) or of a Financial Indicator agreed with the other party, and the other party will pay the amount of money calculated based on the rate of change in the agreed period of the interest rate, etc. of the Financial Instruments (excluding those listed in Article 2 (24)(iii)) or of a Financial Indicator agreed with the former party (including transactions wherein the parties promise that, in addition to the payment of such amounts, they will also pay, deliver or receive the amount of money or financial instruments that amounts to the agreed principal), or any other similar transactions;
(vi)transactions wherein one of the parties pays money, and the other party, as the consideration therefor, promises to pay money in cases where a cause agreed by the parties in advance and listed in the following items occurs (including those wherein one of the parties promises to transfer the Financial Instruments, rights pertaining to the Financial Instruments or monetary claim (excluding claims that are Financial Instruments or rights pertaining to the Financial Instruments), but excluding those listed in item (ii) to the preceding item), or any other similar transactions; or
(a)a cause pertaining to credit status of a juridical person or other similar cause as specified by a Cabinet Order; or
(b)a cause which it is impossible or extremely difficult for either party to exert his/her influence on the occurrence of and which may have serious influence on business activities of the parties or other business operators as specified by a Cabinet Order (excluding those specified in (a)).
(vii)in addition to transactions listed in the preceding items, transactions which have an economic nature similar to these transactions and are specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which it is found necessary to secure the public interest or protection of investors.
(23)The term "Foreign Market Derivatives Transactions" as used in this Act means transactions which are conducted in a Foreign Financial Instruments Market and are similar to Market Transactions of Derivatives.
(24)The term "Financial Instruments" as used in this Act means the following:
(ii)among claims based on a deposit contract or other rights, or securities or certificates indicating these claims or rights, those which are specified by a Cabinet Order (excluding those specified in the preceding item);
(iv)in addition to what is listed in the preceding three items, assets for which there are many of the same kind, which have substantial price volatility, and which are specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which it is found necessary to secure the protection of investors with regard to Derivative Transactions (or other similar transactions) pertaining thereto (excluding commodities defined in Article 2 (4) of the Commodity Exchange Act (Act No. 239 of 1950)); and
(v)standardized instruments which are created by a Financial Instruments Exchange for the purpose of facilitating Market Transactions of Derivatives by standardizing interest rates, the maturity period and/or other conditions of Financial Instruments listed in item (i) or (ii) or the preceding item and specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(25)The term "Financial Indicator" as used in this Act means the following:
(i)prices of Financial Instruments or interest rates, etc. of Financial Instruments (excluding those specified in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph);
(ii)figures pertaining to the results of meteorological observations published by the Meteorological Agency or others;
(iii)among indicators which it is impossible or extremely difficult for a person to exert his/her influence on the fluctuation in and which may have serious influence on business activities of business operators (excluding those specified in the preceding item) or statistical figures pertaining to social or economic conditions, indicators or figures specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which it is found necessary to secure the protection of investors with regard to Derivative Transactions (or other similar transactions) pertaining thereto (excluding commodity indices defined by Article 2 (5) of the Commodity Exchange Act); and
(iv)figures calculated based on those listed in the preceding three items.
(26)The term "Foreign Financial Instruments Exchange" as used in this Act means a person who has been granted the authorization by the Prime Minister under Article 155 (1).
(27)The term "Broking for Clearing of Securities, etc." as used in this Act means a Subject Transaction (meaning a "Subject Transaction" defined in the following paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) which is conducted by a Financial Instruments Business Operator or Registered Financial Institution under entrustment by a customer and for the account of the customer in accordance with the business rules of a Financial Instruments Clearing Organization, which is conducted on condition that the obligation arisen from the Subject Transactions will be assumed by the Financial Instruments Clearing Organization, and which satisfies any of the following requirements:
(i)the Subject Transaction is effected by the customer on behalf of the Financial Instruments Business Operator or Registered Financial Institution; or
(ii)the customers identify the other party in the Subject Transaction and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in advance at the time of the entrustment.
(28)The term "Financial Instruments Obligation Assumption Service" as used in this Act means provision of service, which is comprised of assumption of obligations arisen from a Subject Transaction (meaning sales and purchase of Securities, Derivative Transactions or other transactions specified by a Cabinet Order) conducted by a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Registered Financial Institution or Securities Finance Company (hereinafter referred to as "Business Operators Covered by Financial Instruments Obligation Assumption Service" in this paragraph), in the course of trade, to Business Operators Covered by Financial Instruments Obligation Assumption Service.
(29)The term "Financial Instruments Clearing Organization" as used in this Act means a person who has been granted the license or approval by the Prime Minister under Article 156-2 or 156-19.
(30)The term "Securities Finance Company" as used in this Act means a person who has been granted the license by the Prime Minister under Article 156-24.
(31)The term "Professional Investor" as used in this Act means the following:
(i)Qualified Institutional Investors;
(ii)the State;
(iii)the Bank of Japan; and
(iv)in addition to what is listed in the preceding three items, Investor Protection Funds prescribed by Article 79-21 and other juridical persons specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
第二章 企業内容等の開示
Chapter II Disclosure of Corporate Affairs and Other Related Matters
(Reorganization and Other Terms Used in This Chapter)
Article 2-2(1)The term "Reorganization" as used in this Chapter means merger, company split, share exchange or other acts specified by a Cabinet Order.
(2)The term "Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization" as used in this Chapter means keeping of documents, etc. (meaning keeping of documents or Electromagnetic Records required under Article 782 (1) of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005) or keeping of documents or Electromagnetic Records required under Article 803 (1) of said Act; the same shall apply in the following paragraph) required relating to a Reorganization for which new Securities are issued, or other acts specified by a Cabinet Order.
(3)The term "Procedures Relating to Securities Delivery for Reorganization" as used in this Chapter means keeping of documents, etc. required relating to a Reorganization for which delivery of existing Securities is made, or other acts specified by a Cabinet Order.
(4)The term "Specified Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization" as used in this Chapter means, among Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization, those pertaining to Paragraph (1) Securities in the case prescribed in item (i) or (ii) below, or those pertaining to Paragraph (2) Securities in the case prescribed in item (iii):
(i)in cases where, as specified by a Cabinet Order, there are a number of holders of shares (including share option certificates and other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order) issued by a company that, through a Reorganization, becomes a Company Absorbed in an Absorption-Type Merger (meaning the Company Absorbed in an Absorption-Type Merger as defined in Article 749 (1)(i) of the Companies Act), or a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company in a Share Exchange (meaning the Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company in a Share Exchange as defined in Article 768 (1)(i) of said Act), or by any other kind of company specified by a Cabinet Order (referred to as the "Reorganized Company" in Article 4 (1)(ii)(a)) (such holders are hereinafter referred to as "Shareholders, etc. of the Reorganized Company")(excluding the cases where the Shareholders, etc. of the Reorganized Company consist exclusively of Qualified Institutional Investors);
(ii)in addition to the case specified in the preceding item, cases other than the following:
(a)in cases where the Shareholders, etc. of the Reorganized Company consist exclusively of Qualified Institutional Investors, if, as specified by a Cabinet Order, it is not likely that Securities pertaining to the Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization will be transferred from any person who acquired them to any other person other than Qualified Institutional Investors; or
(b)in cases other than the case specified in the preceding item (i) or in (a) above (excluding the cases where the requirements specified by a Cabinet Order are satisfied), if, as specified by a Cabinet Order, it is not likely that Securities pertaining to the Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization will be transferred from any person who acquired them to a large number of persons.
(iii)in cases where, as specified by a Cabinet Order, there is a considerably large number of Shareholders, etc. of the Reorganized Company.
(5)The term "Specified Procedures Relating to Securities Delivery for Reorganization" as used in this Chapter means Procedures Relating to Securities Delivery for Reorganization in the cases specified in the following items for each kind of Securities set forth in the respective items:
(i)Paragraph (1) Securities:in cases where, as specified by a Cabinet Order, there is a large number of Shareholders, etc. of the Reorganized Company; and
(ii)Paragraph (2) Securities:in cases where, as specified by a Cabinet Order, there is a considerably large number of Shareholders, etc. of the Reorganized Company.
(Exempted Securities)
Article 3The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the following Securities:
(i)Securities set forth in Article 2 (1)(i) and (ii);
(ii)Securities set forth in Article 2 (1)(iii), (vi) and (xii) (except those specified by a Cabinet Order as Securities for which disclosure of corporate affairs and other related matters is necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors.); and
(iii)rights set forth in the items of Article 2 (2) as those which shall be deemed as Securities under the provisions of Article 2 (2) (excluding the following rights (hereinafter referred to as "Rights in Securities Investment Business, etc." in Article 24 (1)):
(a)among the rights set forth in Article 2 (2)(v), those specified by a Cabinet Order as a right to Invested Business (meaning the Invested Business as defined by Article 2 (2)(v)) mainly conducted through investment in Securities;
(b)among the rights set forth in Article 2 (2)(i) to (iv), (vi) or (vii), those specified by a Cabinet Order as being similar to the rights set forth in (a) above; and
(c)other rights specified by a Cabinet Order.
(iv)bonds for which the government guarantees the redemption of principals or the payment of interests; and
(v)among Securities other than Securities set forth in the above items, those specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Notification of Public Offering or Secondary Distribution)
Article 4(1)A Public Offering of Securities (including Specified Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization; the same shall apply hereinafter in this Chapter and the following Chapter, except in Article 13 and Article 15 (2) to (6)) or Secondary Distribution of Securities (excluding those falling under the category of General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor as defined in the following paragraph, but including Specified Procedures Relating to Securities Delivery for Reorganization; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph) may not be made unless the Issuer thereof has made a notification of Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of the Securities to the Prime Minister; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases that fall under any of the following items:
(i)a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities in the case that the other parties thereto have already obtained or can easily obtain information on matters listed in the items of paragraph (1) of the following Article pertaining to the Securities, as specified by a Cabinet Order;
(ii)a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities, in cases where any of the Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization or Procedures Relating to Securities Delivery for Reorganization having been conducted relating thereto fall under either of the following cases (excluding those specified in the preceding item);
(a)in cases which do not fall under the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to shares (including share option certificates and other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order) issued by the Reorganized Company; or
(b)in the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities newly issued in the case of Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization or existing Securities in the case of Procedures Relating to Securities Delivery for Reorganization.
(iii)a Secondary Distribution of Securities in the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities (excluding those specified in the preceding two items);
(iv)a Secondary Distribution of Securities which is made only to Qualified Institutional Investors, if a Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. (meaning a solicitation of an application to acquire newly issued Securities and Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization; the same shall apply hereinafter) having been made for the Securities falls under any of the following categories (in cases where the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. having been made for the Securities falls under the category set forth in (a) below, limited to a Secondary Distribution of Securities acquired by Qualified Institutional Investors who are excluded under the provision of Article 2 (3)(i) from the number of persons to which the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. was made) (excluding those specified in the preceding three items); or
(a)Solicitation for Acquisition set forth in Article 2 (3)(i);
(b)Solicitation for Acquisition set forth in Article 2 (3)(ii)(a); or
(c)Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization set forth in Article 2-2 (4)(ii)(a).
(v)among Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions of Securities of which the total issue price or total distribution price is less than 100 million yen, those which are specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance (excluding those specified in the preceding items).
(2)With regard to Securities for which a Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. falling under any of the following categories was made (in cases where the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. having been made for these Securities falls under the category set forth in item (i) below, limited to Securities acquired by Qualified Institutional Investors who are excluded under the provision of Article 2 (3)(i) from the number of persons to which the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. was made), a Solicitation for Delivery of Existing Securities, etc. (meaning a solicitation of an application to sell or purchase already-issued Securities and Procedures Relating to Securities Delivery for Reorganization; the same shall apply hereinafter) which are made by a Qualified Institutional Investor to persons other than Qualified Institutional Investors (hereinafter referred to as a "General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor") may not be made unless the Issuer of the Securities has made a notification of the General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor to the Prime Minister; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where disclosures have been made with regard to the Securities and to the cases where the General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor is to be made for a compelling reason as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance or otherwise satisfies the requirements specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance:
(i)Solicitation for Acquisition set forth in Article 2 (3)(i);
(ii)Solicitation for Acquisition set forth in Article 2 (3)(ii)(a); or
(iii)Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization set forth in Article 2-2 (4)(ii)(a).
(3)With regard to a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities (excluding that falling under the category of Secondary Distribution of Securities set forth in item (iv) of paragraph (1), but including a General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor (excluding those falling under the category of Secondary Distribution of Securities) and Procedures Relating to Securities Delivery for Reorganization; the same shall apply hereinafter in this Chapter and the following Chapter, except in the following paragraph and paragraph (5) of this Article, Article 13 and Article 15 (2) to (6)) to be made to shareholders (including preferred equity investors provided in the Act on Preferred Equity Investment) who are stated or recorded in the shareholder registry (including the preferred equity investor registry provided in the Act on Preferred Equity Investment) on a certain date, the notification for the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution under the preceding two paragraphs shall be made twenty five days prior to the day on which the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is to be made; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance by taking into consideration the Issue Price or distribution price of the Securities or other factors.
(4)A Prospectus used for, among Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions of Securities specified in item (iii) or (v) of paragraph (1) or general solicitations for Securities acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor excluded from the application of the main clause of paragraph (2) by the proviso to said paragraph, that which falls under the category of Secondary Distribution of Securities or that which does not fall under the category of Secondary Distribution of Securities and does not fall under the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made (hereinafter referred to as the "Specified Public Offering, etc." in this and the following paragraph), or used for having Securities pertaining to a Specified Public Offering, etc. to be acquired or for selling such Securities, should include a statement to the effect that the main clause of paragraph (1) or the main clause of paragraph (2) does not apply to the Specified Public Offering, etc.
(5)For a Specified Public Offering, etc., the Issuer of the Securities for which the Specified Public Offering, etc. is to be made shall, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, submit a written notice of the Specified Public Offering, etc. to the Prime Minister by the day preceding the day on which the Specified Public Offering, etc. is to begin; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the Secondary Distributions of Securities set forth in paragraph (3) which fall under the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made and of which the total issue price is less than 100 million yen, and Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions of the Securities set forth in item (v) of paragraph (1) of which the total issue price or total distribution price is less than the amount specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(6)The term "the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made" as used in (a) and (b) of item (ii) and item (iii) of paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (4) and the preceding paragraph means the following cases:
(i)cases where a notification made under paragraph (1) has come into effect with regard to the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution (excluding that falling under the category of General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor) that was already made for the Securities, or a notification made under paragraph (2) has come into effect with regard to the General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor that was already made for the Securities (excluding the cases where the proviso to Article 24 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5) or where these provisions are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 27) applies to the Issuer of the Securities); or
(ii)the case specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being equivalent to the case specified in the preceding item.
(Submission of Securities Registration Statement)
Article 5(1)The Issuer of Securities who intends to make a notification for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities (excluding a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities to be made with regard to Regulated Securities (meaning Securities specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which information that will have material influence on investors' Investment Decisions is information on assets investment or other similar business conducted by the Issuer of the Securities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and paragraph (5) of this Article and Article 24); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph) under paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article shall submit a statement containing descriptions on the following matters to the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, if the Issuer is a company (including a foreign company; the same shall apply hereinafter, except in Article 50-2 (9) and Article 156-3 (2)(iii)) (including the cases where the company is to be established by issuance of said Securities (excluding Regulated Securities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph to paragraph (4))); provided, however, that, in cases where it is necessary to make the Public Offering of Securities before deciding their Issue Price or in other cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, the statement may be submitted without stating the Issue Price or other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance among the matters required to be stated under item (i) below:
(i)matters pertaining to the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution; and
(ii)trade name of the company, financial conditions of the Corporate Group (meaning the group consisting of the company and other persons (limited to companies or other organizations specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance) who satisfies the requirements specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those for being regarded as having a close relationship with the company, including the requirement that the company holds the majority of voting rights of the person who is a company; the same shall apply hereinafter) to which the company belongs and of the company, other important matters concerning the company's business and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors.
(2)A person who intends to submit a statement set forth in the preceding paragraph for a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities to which the main clause of paragraph (1) or the main clause of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article applies, of which the total issue price or the total distribution price is less than 500 million yen and which is specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance for this purpose (such a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities is referred to as "Small Amount Public Offering, etc." in Article 24 (2)), may state, among the matters set forth in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, only those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as the matters pertaining to the company, instead of descriptions on all of the matters listed in Article 24 (2)(ii), unless the person falls under any of the categories of persons specified in the following items:
(i)the Issuer of Securities falling under any of the categories specified in Article 24 (1)(i), (ii) or (iv);
(ii)the person who has submitted the statement set forth in the preceding paragraph which contains descriptions on the matters listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities to which the main clause of paragraph (1) or the main clause of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article applied (excluding those specified in the preceding item); or
(iii)the person who has already submitted an Annual Securities Report (meaning the report set forth in Article 24 (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) which contains descriptions on the matters set forth in the main clause of Article 24 (1), a Quarterly Securities Report set forth in Article 24-4-7 (1) or (2) (hereinafter referred to as a "Quarterly Securities Report" in this Article) which contains descriptions on the matters set forth in Article 24-4-7 (1), or a Semiannual Securities Report (meaning the report set forth in Article 24-5 (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and Article 24 (2)) which contains descriptions on the matters set forth in Article 24-5 (1) (excluding those specified in the preceding two items).
(3)When a person who has continuously filed Annual Securities Reports as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance during the period specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance makes a notification under paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article, such a person may, instead of descriptions of the matters listed in item (ii) of paragraph (1), insert a copy of the latest Annual Securities Report pertaining to the person and the documents attached thereto, a copy of the Quarterly Securities Report or Semiannual Securities Report submitted after the submission of the Annual Securities Report and a copy of amendment reports submitted with regard to the foregoing reports to the statement set forth in paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, and state facts that occurred after the submission of the Annual Securities Report and fall under the category of facts specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in the statement set forth in paragraph (1).
(4)When a person who satisfies all of the requirements listed below makes a notification under paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article, if the person states in the statement set forth in paragraph (1) to the effect that reference should be made to the latest Annual Securities Report pertaining to the person and the documents attached thereto, the Quarterly Securities Report or Semiannual Securities Report and Extraordinary Report (meaning the report defined in Article 24-5 (4)) submitted after the submission of the Annual Securities Report and the amendment reports submitted with regard to the foregoing reports (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Reference Documents"), pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, the person shall be deemed to give descriptions on the matters listed in item (ii) of paragraph (1) in the statement:
(i)the person must have continuously filed Annual Securities Reports as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance during the period specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance; and
(ii)the person must satisfy the criteria on the state of transactions of Securities already issued by the person in the relevant Financial Instruments Exchange Market and other matters for regarding information on the matters listed in item (ii) of paragraph (1) pertaining to the person as being widely available to the public specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(5)The provisions of paragraph (1) to the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the Securities for which the notification set forth in paragraph (1) is made are Regulated Securities.In this case, the terms "excluding a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities" and "said Securities (excluding Regulated Securities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph to paragraph (iv))" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "limited to a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities" and "said Securities," respectively; the terms "Trade name of the company, financial conditions of the Corporate Group (meaning the group consisting of the company and other persons (limited to companies or other organizations specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance) who satisfies the requirements specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those for being regarded as having a close relationship with the company, including the requirement that the company holds the majority of voting rights of the person who is a company; the same shall apply hereinafter) to which the company belongs and of the company, other important matters concerning the company's business" in item (ii) of said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "Financial conditions of asset investment or other similar businesses conducted by the company, other important matters concerning the company's assets"; the term "a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Regulated Securities"; the term "Securities falling under any of the categories" in item (i) of said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "Regulated Securities falling under any of the categories of Securities"; the term "Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities" in item (ii) of said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Regulated Securities"; the term "the main clause of Article 24 (1)," "Article 24-4-7 (1) or (2)," "the matters set forth in Article 24-4-7 (1)" and "the matters set forth in Article 24-5 (1)" in item (iii) of said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the main clause of Article 24 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5)," "Article 24-4-7 (1) or (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-7 (3)," "the matters set forth in Article 24-4-7 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-7 (3)" and "the matters set forth in Article 24-5 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-5 (3) "; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(6)The articles of incorporation or other documents that are specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors shall be attached to a statement set forth in paragraph (1).
(Submission of Statement and Other Related Documents to Financial Instruments Exchange, etc.)
Article 6The Issuer of Securities set forth in the following items shall submit a copy of the statement set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article and of other documents required under paragraph (6) of the preceding Article to the entity specified in the respective items without delay after the Issuer makes notification under Article 4 (1) or (2):
(i)Securities listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange:the Financial Instruments Exchange; and
(ii)Securities specified by a Cabinet Order as those of which the state of distribution can be regarded as being equivalent to Securities referred to in the preceding item:the Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association specified by the Cabinet Order.
(Voluntary Submission of Amendment)
Article 7When there occurs any change in the important matters to be stated in a statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6), or there occurs any other circumstance specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of said statement or said other documents for the public interest or protection of investors, during the period on or after the day on which the notification was made under Article 4 (1) or (2) but before the day on which the notification is to take effect, the person making the notification (or after the company is established by issuance of the Securities for which the notification was made, the company; the same shall apply hereinafter) shall submit an amendment to the Prime Minister. This shall also apply to cases where despite the lack of said change or circumstance, the person making the notification finds that the statement or any of said other documents should be amended.
(Effective Date of Notification)
Article 8(1)The notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) shall come into effect on the day on which fifteen days have elapsed from the day on which the Prime Minister accepted the statement submitted under Article 5 (1) (or, if the matters referred to in the proviso to Article 5 (1) are not stated in the statement, the amendment submitted under the preceding Article in relation to said matters; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph).
(2)With regard to the application of the preceding paragraph in cases where the amendment is submitted under the preceding Article within the period set forth in the preceding paragraph, it shall be deemed that the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) has been accepted by the Prime Minister on the day on which the Prime Minister accepts the amendment.
(3)When the Prime Minister believes that the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) and other documents set forth in Article 5 (6) or the preceding Article are easily understandable to the public or finds that information on the matters listed in Article 5 (1)(ii) pertaining to the person who submitted the statement and the other documents has been widely available to the public, he/she may designate a period for the person shorter than that referred to in paragraph (1) or give the person a notice that the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) will come into effect immediately or on the day following the day on which he/she accepts the statement referred to in paragraph (1).In this case, the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) shall come into effect on the day on which the shorter period has elapsed in cases where the shorter period is designated, or shall come into effect immediately or on said following day in cases where said notice is given.
(4)The provision of paragraph (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a shorter period is designated under the preceding paragraph.
(Order to Submit Amendment by Reason of Deficiencies in Formalities, etc.)
Article 9(1)When the Prime Minister finds any deficiencies in formalities in the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) and other documents set forth in Article 5 (6) or Article 7, or finds insufficiency of the statements on important matters to be stated therein, he/she may order the person submitting them to submit an amendment.In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act (Act No. 88 of 1993).
(2)In cases where the disposition under the preceding paragraph is given, the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) shall come into effect on the day on which the period designated by the Prime Minister has elapsed, notwithstanding the preceding Article.
(3)The provisions of paragraphs (2) to (4) of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(4)The disposition under paragraph (1) may not be given on or after the day on which the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) comes into effect; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the amendment submitted under Article 7 on or after that day.
(Order to Submit Amendment by Reason of Fake Statement, etc. and Order for Suspension of the Effect of the Notification)
Article 10(1)When the Prime Minister finds that a Securities Registration Statement contains any fake statement on important matters, or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, he/she may at any time order the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement to submit an amendment and may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2).In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(2)The provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an order to submit the amendment is given under the preceding paragraph before the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) comes into effect.
(3)In cases where an order for suspension is given under paragraph (1), when an amendment is submitted as required under said paragraph and the Prime Minister finds the amendment as being appropriate, he/she shall cancel the order for suspension under said paragraph.
(Suspension of the Effect of the Notifications Made Within One Year from the Submission of Securities Registration Statement Containing Fake Statement)
Article 11(1)In cases where a Securities Registration Statement contains any fake statements on important matters, when the Prime Minister finds it necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors, he/she may, with regard to said Securities Registration Statement, or other statements submitted under Article 5 (1), Shelf Registration Statements submitted under Article 23-3 (1) or Shelf Registration Supplements submitted under Article 23-8 (1) by the person who submitted said Securities Registration Statement during the period within one year from the day when the person submitted said Securities Registration Statement, order the suspension of effect of the notification or of the Shelf Registration pertaining to the Shelf Registration Statement or the Shelf Registration Supplements, or extend the period stipulated in Article 8 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-5 (1)), for the period that he/she considers appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors.In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(2)In cases where a disposition is made under the preceding paragraph, the Prime Minister may cancel the disposition if he/she finds that the content of an amendment submitted under Article 7 or paragraph (1) of the preceding Article in relation to the fake statement referred to in the preceding paragraph is appropriate and that even if acquisition or sale of Securities issued by the person having submitted the Securities Registration Statement through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is allowed, it would not hinder the public interest or protection of investors.
(Submission of Amendment to Financial Instruments Exchange, etc.)
Article 12The provision of Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) or Article 10 (1).
(Preparation of Prospectus and Prohibition of Use of Prospectus, etc. Containing Fake Statement)
Article 13(1)With regard to Securities of which Public Offering or Secondary Distribution (excluding Secondary Distribution of Securities specified in Article 4 (1)(iv), but including General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor (excluding those falling under the category of Secondary Distribution of Securities); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and paragraphs (2) to (4) and paragraph (6) of Article 15) shall be subject to the main clause of Article 4 (1) or the main clause of Article 4 (2), the Issuer of such Securities shall prepare a Prospectus for the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution. The same shall apply to an Issuer of Securities of which the Secondary Distribution (excluding that of which the total distribution price is less than 100 million yen or that falling under the categories specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance) falls under the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made (meaning the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made as referred to in Article 4 (1)(ii)(a); the same shall apply hereinafter in this Chapter) (such Securities are hereinafter referred to as "Already Disclosed Securities" in this Chapter).
(2)In the Prospectus required under the preceding paragraph, according to the categories specified in the following items, the matters specified in the respective items shall be stated; provided, however, that in cases where the statement required under the main clause of Article 5 (1) has been submitted without stating the Issue Price or other matters so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance among the matters required to be stated under item Article 5 (1)(i) (hereinafter referred to as "Issue Price, etc." in this paragraph and Article 15 (5)) under the proviso to Article 5 (1), Issue Price, etc. shall not be required to be stated in the Prospectus, if it falls under the category specified in item (i) below:
第十五条第二項本文の規定により交付しなければならない場合 次のイ又はロに掲げる有価証券の区分に応じ、当該イ又はロに定める事項
(i)in cases where delivery of the Prospectus is required under the main clause of Article 15 (2): according to the categories of Securities specified in the following (a) and (b), the matters specified in the following (a) or (b):
その募集又は売出しにつき第四条第一項本文又は第二項本文の規定の適用を受ける有価証券 次に掲げる事項
(a)Securities of which Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is subject to the main clause of Article 4 (1) or the main clause of Article 4 (2): the following matters:
1.among the matters listed in the items of Article 5 (1), the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those that may have an extremely material influence on investors' Investment Decisions; and
2.among the matters listed in the items of Article 5 (1), the matters so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
既に開示された有価証券 次に掲げる事項
(b)Already Disclosed Securities: the following matters:
1.the matters listed in (a)(i) above; and
2.among the matters listed in the items of Article 5 (1), the matters so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
第十五条第三項の規定により交付しなければならない場合 次のイ又はロに掲げる有価証券の区分に応じ、当該イ又はロに定める事項
(ii)in cases where delivery of the Prospectus is required under Article 15 (3): according to the categories of Securities specified in the following (a) and (b), the matters specified in the following (a) or (b):
その募集又は売出しにつき第四条第一項本文又は第二項本文の規定の適用を受ける有価証券 次に掲げる事項
(a)Securities of which Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is subject to the main clause of Article 4 (1) or the main clause of Article 4 (2): the following matters:
1.among the matters listed in the items of Article 5 (1), the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those that may have an extremely material influence on investors' Investment Decisions; and
2.among the matters not listed in the items of Article 5 (1), the matters so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
既に開示された有価証券 次に掲げる事項
(b)Already Disclosed Securities: the following matters:
1.the matters listed in (a)(i) above; and
2.among the matters not listed in the items of Article 5 (1), the matters so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(iii)in cases where delivery of the Prospectus is required under the main clause of Article 15 (4):the matters stated in the amendment submitted under Article 7.
(3)With regard to a Prospectus that falls under the category specified in item (i) or (ii) of the preceding paragraph, when the person required to prepare it has submitted a notification to which Article 5 (4) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 5 (5); the same shall apply hereinafter) is applied or if the person required to prepare it for Already Disclosed Securities satisfies all of the requirements specified in the items of Article 5 (4), if the person states in the Prospectus to the effect that reference should be made to the Reference Documents, the Prospectus shall be deemed to contain descriptions on the matters listed in Article 5 (1)(ii).
(4)No person shall use a Prospectus referred to in paragraph (1) which contains any fake statement or lacks any statement that should be stated, for the purpose of Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities that is subject to the main clause of Article 4 (1) or the main clause of Article 4 (2) or Already Disclosed Securities.
(5)When documents other than the Prospectus referred to in paragraph (1), drawings, sound or other materials (in cases where they are prepared as Electromagnetic Record (a record made by an electronic form, a magnetic form, or any other form not recognizable to human perception, which is used in information processing by computers; the same shall apply hereinafter), including anything which indicates the information contained in the Electromagnetic Records; the same shall apply in Article 17) are used for the purpose of Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities that is subject to the main clause of Article 4 (1) or the main clause of Article 4 (2) or Already Disclosed Securities, no false indication or misleading indication shall be made.
Article 14Deleted
(Prohibition of Transaction of Securities for Which Notification has Not Yet Come into Effect, and Delivery of Prospectus)
Article 15(1)With regard to Securities of which Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is subject to the main clause of Article 4 (1) or the main clause of Article 4 (2), its Issuer, a person who engages in Secondary Distribution of Securities, an Underwriter (including a person who, with regard to a General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor (excluding in the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities for which the general solicitation is made), carries out any of the acts specified in the items of Article 2 (6); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Chapter), a Financial Instruments Business Operator, a Registered Financial Institution, or a Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Provider shall not have another person acquire such Securities or sell such Securities to another person through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution unless the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) comes into effect.
(2)In cases where the Issuer, a person who engages in Secondary Distribution of Securities, an Underwriter, a Financial Instruments Business Operator, a Registered Financial Institution, or a Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Provider has another person acquire Securities referred to in the preceding paragraph or Already Disclosed Securities, or sells such Securities to another person, through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution, they shall deliver the Prospectus containing the matters specified in Article 13 (2)(i) to the other person in advance of, or at the same time as, having the Securities acquired or selling the Securities; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the following cases:
(i)cases where such Securities are acquired by or sold to a Qualified Institutional Investor (excluding cases where the Qualified Institutional Investor requests the Prospectus by the time when such Securities are acquired or sold through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution); or
(ii)cases where such Securities are acquired by or sold to a person who has consented not to receive the Prospectus (excluding cases where the consenting person requests the Prospectus by the time when such Securities are acquired or sold through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution), if:
(a)the consenting person already holds the same Securities; or
(b)a person living together with the consenting person has already received the Prospectus or is certainly expected to receive the Prospectus.
(3)In cases where the Issuer, a person who engages in Secondary Distribution of Securities, an Underwriter, a Financial Instruments Business Operator, a Registered Financial Institution, or a Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Provider has another person acquire Securities referred to in paragraph (1) (limited to those so specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or Already Disclosed Securities, or sells such Securities to another person, through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution, if the other person requests the Prospectus stating the matters specified in Article 13 (2)(ii) by the time when such Securities are acquired or sold through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution, they shall deliver the Prospectus to the other person immediately.
(4)In cases where the Issuer, a person who engages in Secondary Distribution of Securities, an Underwriter, a Financial Instruments Business Operator, a Registered Financial Institution, or a Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Provider has another person acquire Securities referred to in paragraph (1) or Already Disclosed Securities, or sells such Securities to another person, through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution, if an amendment has been submitted with regard to the statement submitted for the Securities under the main clause of Article 5 (1), they shall deliver the Prospectus stating the matters specified in Article 13 (2)(iii) to the other person in advance of, or at the same time as, having the Securities acquired or selling the Securities; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the cases specified in the items of paragraph (2).
(5)The main clause of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to cases where a Prospectus delivered under paragraph (2) states no Issue Price, etc. as permitted by the proviso to Article 13 (2) but states to the effect that the Issue Price, etc. will be announced separately and specifies the method of announcement of the Issue Price, etc. (limited to those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance), and the Issue Price, etc. is actually announced by said method.
(6)The provisions of paragraph (2) to the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the remainder of the Securities referred to in paragraph (1) that is not acquired by any person through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution (excluding Securities that fall under any of the categories specified in Article 24 (1)(i) and (ii)) is acquired by, or sold to, someone not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution within three months (excluding, where an order for suspension has been given under Article 10 (1) or Article 11 (1), the period from the day when the order was given to the day when the order was canceled) from the day when the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) for the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution came into effect.
(Liability for Damages for Violating Article 15)
Article 16A person who has another person acquire Securities in violation of the preceding Article shall be held liable to compensate damage arisen from the violation and sustained by the person who acquires the Securities.
(Liability for Damages of Person Who Uses Prospectus Containing Fake Statement, etc.)
Article 17With regard to a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities that is subject to the main clause of Article 4 (1) or the main clause of Article 4 (2) or Already Disclosed Securities, a person who has another person acquire the Securities using a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) that contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, or a material that contains any false indication or misleading indication on important matters or lacks indication on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, shall be held liable to compensate damage sustained by the other person who acquires the Securities without knowing of the existence of such fake statement, lack of such statement, the existence of such false indication or misleading indication or lack of such indication; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where the person liable for such damage proves that he/she did not know of, and was not able to know of even with reasonable care, the existence of such fake statement, lack of such statement, the existence of such false indication or misleading indication or lack of such indication.
(Liability for Damages of Person Who Submits Securities Registration Statement Containing Fake Statement, etc.)
Article 18(1)If a Securities Registration Statement contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or is on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, the person who submitted the Securities Registration Statement shall be held liable to compensate damage sustained by a person who acquires the Securities through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where the person who acquired the Securities knew of the existence of such fake statement or lack of such statement at the time of making an offer to acquire the Securities.
(2)The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding.In this case, the terms "the person who submitted the Securities Registration Statement" and "through the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Issuer who prepared the Prospectus" and "through the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution after receiving the Prospectus," respectively.
(Amount of Damages Payable by Person Who Submits Securities Registration Statement Containing Fake Statement, etc.)
Article 19(1)The amount of damages to be paid under the preceding Article shall be the amount calculated by deducting the amount specified by either of the following items from the amount paid for acquisition of the Securities by the person who is entitled to claim damages:
(i)market value of the Securities at the time when claiming damages under the preceding Article (or, where no market value exists, their estimated disposal value); or
(ii)disposal value of the Securities, if the Securities have been disposed of before the time referred to in the preceding item.
(2)The person liable for damages under the preceding Article, when he/she proves that all or part of the damage sustained by the person who entitled to claim damages was caused by any reason other than the decline in value of the Securities that should arise from the fact that the Securities Registration Statement or the Prospectus contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, shall not be liable for that all or part of the damages.
(Prescription for Right to Claim Damages from the Person Who Submits Securities Registration Statement Containing Fake Statement, etc.)
Article 20The right to claim damages under Article 18 shall be extinguished by prescription when the right is not exercised within three years from the time when the person who is entitled to claim the damages comes to know, or is able to know, that the Securities Registration Statement or the Prospectus contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding. The same shall also apply when the right is not exercised within seven years (excluding, where an order for suspension has been given under Article 10 (1) or Article 11 (1), the period from the day when the order was given to the day when the order was canceled) from the time when the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of the Securities comes into effect or the delivery of the Prospectus is made.
(Liability for Damages of Officers of the Company Which Submits Securities Registration Statement Containing Fake Statement and Other Persons)
Article 21(1)When a Securities Registration Statement contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, persons specified in the following items shall be liable to compensate persons who acquire the Securities through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution for damage arising from the fake statement or lack of the required statement; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where the person who acquired the Securities knew of the existence of the fake statement or the lack of the required statement at the time of acquiring the Securities:
(i)a person who, at the time of submission of the Securities Registration Statement, is an Officer (meaning a director, accounting advisor, company auditor or executive officer, or a person who can be regarded as equivalent thereto; the same shall apply hereinafter, except in Article 163 to Article 167) of the company having submitted the Securities Registration Statement, or an incorporator of the company (limited to cases where the Securities Registration Statement was submitted before the establishment of the company);
(ii)the holder of the Securities for which the Secondary Distribution was made (or, in cases where the holder had acquired the Securities from their previous holder by entering into a contract specifying that the Securities would be sold through Secondary Distribution, the previous holder);
(iii)the certified public accountant or the auditing firm who certified in the audit certification provided for the Securities Registration Statement under Article 193-2 (1) that the documents for which the audit certification was provided do not contain any fake statement or do not lack a required statement despite the existence of the fake statement or the lack of a required statement; and
(iv)the Financial Instruments Business Operator or Registered Financial Institution that has concluded a Wholesale Underwriting Contract with the Issuer of the Securities for which the Public Offering was made or either the person specified in item (ii).
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, a person falling under any of the categories specified in the following items shall not be required to assume the liability prescribed in said paragraph, if he/she proves the facts listed in the respective items:
(i)a person specified in item (i) or (ii) of the preceding paragraph:the fact that he/she did not know of, or was not able to know of even with reasonable care, the existence of the fake statement or the lack of the required statement;
(ii)a person or firm specified in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph:the fact that he/she did not provide such inappropriate certification intentionally or negligently; and
(iii)the business operator or institution specified in item (iv) of the preceding paragraph:the fact that it did not know of the existence of the fake statement or the lack of the required statement and was not able to know of the existence of the fake statement or the lack of the required statement despite the reasonable care that the operator or institution exercised with respect to the part other than the part pertaining to statements on finance and accounting provided for in Article 193-2 (1).
(3)The provisions of items (i) and (ii) of paragraph (1) and item (i) of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding.In this case, the terms "through the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution," "the company having submitted the Securities Registration Statement," "at the time of submission" and "was submitted" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "through the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution after receiving the Prospectus," "the company having submitted the Prospectus," "at the time of preparation" and "was prepared," respectively.
(4)The term "Wholesale Underwriting Contract" as used in item (iv) of paragraph (1) means a contract concluded for a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities and falling under either of the categories specified in the following items:
(i)a contract in which it is agreed that a party will acquire all or part of the Securities from their Issuer or holder (excluding cases where the holder is a Financial Instruments Business Operator or Registered Financial Institution; the same shall apply in the following item) for the purpose of having other persons acquire them; or
(ii)a contract in which it is agreed that, with regard to all or part of the Securities, a party will acquire all of the remaining Securities which are not acquired by any other person.
(Liability for Damages of Person Who Submits Document Containing Fake Statement, etc.)
Article 21-2(1)If any of the documents specified in the items of Article 25 (1) (excluding Article 25 (1)(v) and (ix)) (hereinafter referred to as the "Documents" in this Article) contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, the person who submitted the document shall be held liable to compensate a person who, during the period when the document was made available for public inspection as required by Article 25 (1), acquires the Securities issued by the person who submitted the document (excluding the documents specified in Article 25 (1)(xii)) or by the person whose Parent Company, etc. (meaning Parent Company, etc. as defined by Article 24-7 (1)) is the person having submitted the document (limited to the documents specified in Article 25 (1)(xii)) not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution for damage arising from the fake statement or lack of a required statement (hereinafter collectively referred to as a "Fake Statement, etc." in this Article), to the extent not exceeding the amount calculated according to the same rule as provided in Article 19 (1); provided, however, that this shall not apply when the person who acquires the Securities had known of the existence of a Fake Statement, etc. at the time of the acquisition.
(2)In the case referred to in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, when Public Announcement of the Fake Statement, etc. is made, with regard to a person who acquired the Securities within one year prior to the day when the Fake Statement, etc. is announced (hereinafter referred to as the "Day of Announcement" in this paragraph) and continues to hold the Securities at the Day of Announcement, the amount calculated by deducting the average market value (or, where no market value exists, their estimated disposal value; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) during one month after the Day of Announcement from the average market value during one month prior to the Day of Announcement may be presumed as the amount of damage.
(3)The term "Public Announcement of the Fake Statement, etc." as used in the preceding paragraph means the fact that the person who submitted the document or a person who has statutory authority over the person submitting the document takes measures for making available to a large number of persons important matters pertaining to the Fake Statement, etc. that should be stated or material fact pertaining to the Fake Statement, etc. that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding by means of making such matters or fact available for public inspection provided in Article 25 (1) or by other means.
(4)In the case referred to in paragraph (2), when the person liable for damages proves that all or part of the damages sustained by the person who is entitled to claim damages was caused by any reason other than the decline in value of the Securities that should arise from the Fake Statement, etc. in the document, he/she shall not be liable for that all or part of the damages.
(5)In addition to the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, in the case referred to in paragraph (2), when the court finds that all or part of the damage sustained by the person who is entitled to claim damages was caused by any reason other than the decline in value of the Securities that should arise from the Fake Statement, etc. in the document, but it is extremely difficult to prove the amount of the damages arising from such other reason due to its nature, the court may, based on the entire import of oral argument and the result of examination of evidence, determine a reasonable amount of the damages for which the person liable for damages is not liable.
(Prescription for Liability for Damages of Person Who Submits Document Containing Fake Statement, etc.)
Article 21-3Article 20 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the right to claim damages under the preceding Article.In this case, the terms "Article 18," "the Securities Registration Statement or the Prospectus" and "three years" in Article 20 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 21-2," "any of the documents specified in the items of Article 25 (1) (excluding Article 25 (1)(v) and (ix))" and "two years," respectively; and the part "seven years (excluding, where an order for suspension has been given under Article 10 (1) or Article 11 (1), the period from the day when the order was given to the day when the order was canceled) from the time when the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of the Securities comes into effect or the delivery of the Prospectus is made" in Article 20 also shall be deemed to be replaced with "five years from the time when the document is submitted."
(Liability for Damages of Officers of the Company Which Submits Securities Registration Statement Containing Fake Statement, etc. and Other Persons)
Article 22(1)When a Securities Registration Statement contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, persons specified in Article 21 (1)(i) and (iii) shall be held liable to compensate damage sustained by persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution without knowing of the existence of the fake statement or lack of such statement.
(2)Article 21 (2)(i) and (ii) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the persons liable for damages under the preceding paragraph.
(Prohibition of Presuming Veracity of Securities Registration Statement, etc.)
Article 23(1)No person may presume, from the fact that a notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities was made and has come into effect or from the fact that an order for suspension given under Article 10 (1) or Article 11 (1) was canceled, that the Prime Minister finds that any and every statement contained in the Securities Registration Statement submitted for the notification is true and accurate and the Securities Registration Statement does not lack any statement on any important matters, or that the Prime Minister guarantees or approves the value of the Securities.
(2)No person may make any indication which violates the preceding paragraph.
(Replacement of Terms for Application of Relevant Provisions to Statements, Amendments or Prospectus Which Makes Reference to the Reference Documents)
Article 23-2With regard to application of Article 7, Articles 9 to 11, Articles 17 to 21, Article 22 and the preceding Article in cases where a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable or an amendment to such a statement is submitted or a Prospectus to which Article 13 (3) is applicable is prepared, the term "the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6)" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6) (including, in the case of a statement to which Article 5 (4) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 5 (5); the same shall apply in Articles 9 to 11) is applicable, Reference Documents referenced therein; the same shall apply in this Article)"; the term "the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) and other documents set forth in Article 5 (6) or the Article 7" in Article 9 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) and other documents set forth in Article 5 (6) or Article 7 (including, in the case of a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable or an amendment submitted in relation to such a statement under Article 7, Reference Documents referenced therein)"; the term "Securities Registration Statement" in Article 10 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Securities Registration Statement (including, in the case of a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable or an amendment submitted in relation to such a statement under Article 7, paragraph (1) of the preceding Article 9 or this paragraph, Reference Documents referenced therein)"; the term "amendment" in Article 10 (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "amendment (including, in the case of an amendment submitted under Article 7 in relation to a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable, Reference Documents referenced therein)"; the term "a Securities Registration Statement contains" in Article 11 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Securities Registration Statement (including, in the case of a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable or an amendment submitted in relation to such a statement under Article 7, Article 9 (1) or paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, Reference Documents referenced therein) contains"; the term "amendment" in Article 11 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "amendment (including, in the case of an amendment submitted in relation to a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable, Reference Documents referenced therein)"; the term "Prospectus" in Article 17 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Prospectus (including, in the case of a Prospectus to which Article 13 (3) is applicable, Reference Documents referenced therein)"; the term "a Securities Registration Statement contains" in Article 18 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Securities Registration Statement (including, in the case of a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable or an amendment submitted in relation to such a statement under Article 7, Article 9 (1) or Article 10 (1), Reference Documents referenced therein) contains"; the term "a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) contains" in Article 18 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) (including, in the case of a Prospectus to which Article 13 (3) is applicable, the Prospectus or Reference Documents referenced therein) contains"; the terms "Securities Registration Statement" and "Prospectus" in Article 19 (2) and the first sentence of Article 20 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Securities Registration Statement (including, in the case of a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable or an amendment submitted in relation to such a statement under Article 7, Article 9 (1) or Article 10 (1), the statement, the amendment or Reference Documents referenced in the statement or the amendment)" and "Prospectus (including, in the case of a Prospectus to which Article 13 (3) is applicable, the Prospectus or Reference Documents referenced therein)," respectively; the term "a Securities Registration Statement contains" in Article 21 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Securities Registration Statement (including, in the case of a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable or an amendment submitted in relation to such a statement under Article 7, Article 9 (1) or Article 10 (1), the statement or Reference Documents referenced therein) contains"; the term "a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) contains" in Article 21 (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) (including, in the case of a Prospectus to which Article 13 (3) is applicable, the Prospectus or Reference Documents referenced therein) contains"; the term "a Securities Registration Statement contains" in Article 22 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Securities Registration Statement (including, in the case of a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable or an amendment submitted in relation to such a statement under Article 7, Article 9 (1) or Article 10 (1), the statement or Reference Documents referenced therein) contains"; and the term "Securities Registration Statement" in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Securities Registration Statement (including, in the case of a statement to which Article 5 (4) is applicable or an amendment submitted in relation to such a statement under Article 7, Article 9 (1) or Article 10 (1), the statement, the amendment or Reference Documents referenced in the statement or the amendment)."
(Submission of Shelf Registration Statements)
Article 23-3(1)The Issuer of Securities of which Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions are planned may, if he/she satisfies requirements specified in Article 5 (4) and the total issue price or the total distribution amount of the Securities of which Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions are planned (hereinafter referred to as the "Planned Amount of Issue") is 100 million yen or more, register Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions of the Securities by submitting a document which, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, state the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors, including the period in which Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions of the Securities are planned (hereinafter referred to as the "Planned Issue Period"), the kind of the Securities, the Planned Amount of Issue or the maximum amount of issue or distribution, and names of principal Financial Instruments Business Operators and/or Registered Financial Institutions which plan to underwrite the Securities (such document is hereinafter referred to as a "Shelf Registration Statement") to the Prime Minister; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where a second distribution is planned for the Securities of which Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. was conducted in a manner falling under the category of Solicitation Only for Qualified Institutional Investors defined in Article 23-13 (1) (limited to Solicitation Only for Qualified Institutional Investors to which the main clause of Article 23-13 (1) is applicable) (excluding the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities) or where a second distribution is planned for the Securities of which Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. was conducted in a manner falling under the category of Solicitation for Small Number of Investors defined in Article 23-13 (3) (limited to Solicitation for Small Number of Investors to which the main clause of Article 23-13 (3) is applicable) (excluding the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities).
(2)The preceding paragraph shall apply only in cases where the Shelf Registration Statement submitted under the preceding paragraph states, in addition to statements on the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance set forth in the preceding paragraph, to the effect that reference should be made to the latest Reference Documents pertaining to the Issuer for the matters listed in Article 5 (1)(ii) pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, and are accompanied by documents that are specified by a Cabinet Order as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors.
(3)Article 4 (1) and (2) shall not apply to Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions of the Securities for which registration set forth in paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as a "Shelf Registration") has been made.
(4)A company which is the Issuer of the Securities for which a Shelf Registration has been made may continue the submission of Annual Securities Reports required under Article 24 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) and documents to be attached thereto even after the obligation to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) extinguishes, if their submission is necessary to satisfy the requirements of Article 5 (4).
(Submission of Amended Shelf Registration Statement)
Article 23-4When, during the period on or after the day on which a Shelf Registration was made but before the day on which the Shelf Registration ceases to be effective, documents of the same kind as the Reference Documents referenced in the Shelf Registration Statement under paragraph (2) of the preceding Article are newly submitted, or there occurs any other circumstance which, as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, requires amendment of descriptions in the Shelf Registration Statement and documents attached thereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Shelf Registration Documents" in this Article) for the public interest or protection of investors, the person having made the Shelf Registration (hereinafter referred to as the "Shelf Registration Holder") shall submit an Amended Shelf Registration Statement to the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance. This shall also apply to cases where despite the lack of new submission of such documents or such circumstance, the Shelf Registration Holder finds that any description in the Shelf Registration Documents should be amended. In this case, however, the Shelf Registration Holder may not make any amendment to increase the Planned Amount of Issue, change the Planned Issue Period or change other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(Effective Date of Shelf Registration Statement)
Article 23-5(1)Article 8 shall apply mutatis mutandis to effectuation of a Shelf Registration Statement.In this case, the term "the statement submitted under Article 5 (1) (or, if the matters referred to in the proviso to Article 5 (1) are not stated in the statement, the amendment submitted under the preceding Article in relation to said matters; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph)" in Article 8 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Shelf Registration Statement as provided for in Article 23-3 (1) (hereinafter referred to as a "Shelf Registration Statement" in this Article to Article 23)"; the terms "the amendment is submitted under the preceding Article" and "the statement set forth Article 5 (1)" in Article 8 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4" and "the Shelf Registration Statement," respectively; and, the terms "the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) and other documents set forth in Article 5 (6) or the preceding Article" and "the person who submitted the statement and the other documents" in Article 8 (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4 before the day when the Shelf Registration Statement, documents attached thereto and the Shelf Registration as defined in Article 23-3 (3) (hereinafter referred to as a "Shelf Registration" in this Article to Article 23) come into effect" and "the person who submitted these documents," respectively.
(2)When an Amended Shelf Registration Statement is submitted under the preceding Article on or after the day when the Shelf Registration Statement comes into effect, the Prime Minister may order the suspension of the effect of the Shelf Registration for the period designated by him/her, which may not exceed 15 days, if he/she finds it is necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors.
(Planned Issue Period of Securities for Which Shelf Registration has been Made)
Article 23-6(1)The Planned Issue Period of Securities for which a Shelf Registration has been made shall be a period specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance which may not exceed two years from the day when the Shelf Registration comes into effect.
(2)A Shelf Registration shall cease to be effective on the day when the Planned Issue Period under the preceding paragraph has elapsed.
(Submission of Written Withdrawal of Shelf Registration)
Article 23-7(1)When the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is completed for all of the Planned Amount of Issue of the Securities before the day when the Planned Issue Period set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article is to elapse, the Shelf Registration Holder shall withdraw the Shelf Registration by submitting a written withdrawal of Shelf Registration stating to that effect pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance to the Prime Minister.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Shelf Registration shall cease to be effective on the day when the Prime Minister accepts the written withdrawal of Shelf Registration, notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article.
(Submission of Shelf Registration Supplements)
Article 23-8(1)The Issuer, a person who engages in Secondary Distribution of Securities, an Underwriter, a Financial Instruments Business Operator or a Registered Financial Institution shall not have another person acquire Securities for which the Shelf Registration has been made for their Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions, or sell such Securities to another person, through Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions, unless the Shelf Registration has already come into effect and, for each Public Offering or Secondary Distribution, a document which states the total issue price or total distribution amount, conditions of issuance or distribution of the Securities or other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors (hereinafter referred to as "Shelf Registration Supplements") has been submitted to the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance; provided however, that this shall not apply to Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance if the total issue price or total distribution amount of each Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is less than 100 million.
(2)Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, with regard to, among book-entry bonds, etc. as defined in Article 129 (1) of Act on Book-entry Transfer of Bonds, etc., short-term bonds as defined in Article 66 (i) of said Act or other book-entry bonds, etc. specified by a Cabinet Order (limited to those of which the outstanding balance is made available for public inspection by the Institution for Book-entry Transfer (meaning the Institution for Book-entry Transfer as defined by Article 2 (2) of said Act) which deals in these book-entry bonds, etc.), the Issuer, a person who engages in Secondary Distribution of Securities, an Underwriter, a Financial Instruments Business Operator or a Registered Financial Institution may have another person acquire them or sell them to another person through Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions, only if the Shelf Registration has already come into effect.
(3)With regard to a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities to be made only to shareholders who are stated or recorded in the shareholder registry on a certain date, Shelf Registration Supplements for that Public Offering or Secondary Distribution shall be submitted by ten days prior to that certain date; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in consideration of the issue price or distribution price or other circumstances.
(4)Article 4 (4) and (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis to Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities to which the proviso to paragraph (1) is applicable.In this case, the terms "pertaining to a Specified Public Offering, etc." and "apply to the Specified Public Offering, etc." in Article 4 (4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "pertaining to such a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" and "apply to the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution," respectively; and the parts "the Securities for which the Specified Public Offering, etc. is to be made," "of the Specified Public Offering, etc.," "the Specified Public Offering, etc. is to begin" and "the Secondary Distributions of Securities set forth in paragraph (3) which fall under the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made and of which the total issue price is less than 100 million yen, and Public Offerings or Secondary Distributions of the Securities set forth in item (v) of paragraph (1) of which the total issue price" in Article 4 (5) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Securities," "of the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution," "the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is to begin," "a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of which the total issue price," respectively.
(5)Shelf Registration Supplements required under paragraph (1) shall state, in addition to statements on the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance set forth in said paragraph, to the effect that reference should be made to the latest Reference Documents pertaining to the Issuer for the matters listed in Article 5 (1)(ii) pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, and shall be accompanied by documents specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors.
(Order to Submit Amended Shelf Registration Statement by Reason of Deficiencies in Formalities, etc.)
Article 23-9(1)When the Prime Minister finds any deficiencies in formalities in a Shelf Registration Statement (including Reference Documents referenced therein) or the documents attached thereto, or an Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4 (including Reference Documents referenced therein), or finds insufficiency of a statement on important matters to be stated in these documents, he/she may order the person submitting these documents to submit an Amended Shelf Registration Statement.In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(2)In cases where a disposition is made under the preceding paragraph, the Shelf Registration shall come into effect on the day when the period designated by the Prime Minister has elapsed from the day when the Prime Minister accepts the Shelf Registration Statement submitted for the Shelf Registration, notwithstanding Article 8 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-5 (1).
(3)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, when an Amended Shelf Registration Statement is submitted under Article 23-4 during the period designated by the Prime Minister, it shall be deemed that the Shelf Registration Statement has been accepted by the Prime Minister on the day when the Prime Minister accepts the Amended Shelf Registration Statement.
(4)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, when the Prime Minister believes that the Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4 is easily understandable to the public or finds that information on the matters listed in Article 5 (1)(ii) pertaining to the person who submitted the Amended Shelf Registration Statement has already been widely available to the public, he/she may designate a period shorter than that designated by him/her under paragraph (2).In this case, the Shelf Registration shall come into effect on the day when the shorter period has elapsed.
(5)The provision of paragraph (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the shorter period is designated under the preceding paragraph and an Amended Shelf Registration Statement is submitted under Article 23-4 during that shorter period.
(Order to Submit Amended Shelf Registration Statement by Reason of Fake Statement, etc.)
Article 23-10(1)When the Prime Minister finds that a Shelf Registration Statement (including Reference Documents referenced therein) or the documents attached thereto, an Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4 or paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (including Reference Documents referenced therein) or Shelf Registration Supplements (including Reference Documents referenced therein) or the documents attached thereto contains any fake statement on important matters, or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, he/she may at any time order the person submitting these documents to submit an Amended Shelf Registration Statement.In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(2)Paragraphs (2) to (5) of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where an order to submit the Amended Shelf Registration Statement is given under the preceding paragraph before the day when the Shelf Registration comes into effect.
(3)In cases where a disposition is made under paragraph (1) on or after the day when the Shelf Registration has come into effect, the Prime Minister may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the Shelf Registration.
(4)In cases where an order for suspension is given under the preceding paragraph, when an Amended Shelf Registration Statement is submitted as required under paragraph (1) and the Prime Minister finds the Amended Shelf Registration Statement as being appropriate, he/she shall cancel the order for suspension given under the preceding paragraph.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where the Prime Minister finds that an Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under paragraph (1) (including Reference Documents referenced therein) contains any fake statement on important matters, or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding.
(Suspension of the Effect of the Shelf Registration by Reason of Fake Statement)
Article 23-11(1)In cases where a Shelf Registration Statement or the documents attached thereto, an Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4, Article 23-9 (1) or paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-10 (5)), or Shelf Registration Supplements or the documents attached thereto, or Reference Documents referenced in any of the foregoing, contains any fake statements on important matters, if the Prime Minister finds it necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors, he/she may, with regard to the Shelf Registration Statement or the documents attached thereto, or the Amended Shelf Registration Statement, or the Shelf Registration Supplements or the documents attached thereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Shelf Registration Documents" in this Article) or statements submitted under Article 5 (1), other Shelf Registration Statements or other Shelf Registration Supplements submitted by the person who submitted the Shelf Registration Documents during the period within one year from the day when the person submitted the Shelf Registration Documents, order the suspension of effect of the Shelf Registration pertaining to the Shelf Registration Documents, the suspension of effect of the notification pertaining to the statements under Article 5 (1) or the suspension of effect of the Shelf Registration pertaining to the other Shelf Registration Statements, or other Shelf Registration Supplements, or extend the period stipulated in Article 8 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-5 (1)), for the period that he/she considers appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors.In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(2)In cases where a disposition is made under the preceding paragraph, the Prime Minister may cancel the disposition, if he/she finds that the content of an Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4 or paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-10 (5)) in relation to the fake statement referred to in the preceding paragraph is appropriate and that even if acquisition or sale of Securities issued by the person having submitted the Shelf Registration Documents through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution is allowed, it would not hinder the public interest or protection of investors.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Relevant Provisions for Shelf Registration Statement, etc.)
Article 23-12(1)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where a Shelf Registration Statement and the documents attached thereto, an Amended Shelf Registration Statement under Article 23-4, Article 23-9 (1) or Article 23-10 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-10 (5)), or Shelf Registration Supplements and the documents attached thereto are submitted.
(2)Article 13 (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Issuer of Securities for which a Shelf Registration has been made, the main clause of Article 13 (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Prospectus to be prepared by the Issuer of Securities for which a Shelf Registration has been made, and Article 13 (4) and (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities for which a Shelf Registration has been made.In this case, the term "according to the categories specified in the following items, the matters specified in the respective items" in the main clause of Article 13 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the matters to be stated in a Shelf Registration Statement, an Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4 or Shelf Registration Supplements and the matters so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance."
(3)Article 15 (2) and (6) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities for which a Shelf Registration has been made.In this case, the term "containing the matters specified in Article 13 (2)(i)" in Article 15 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "referred to in Article 13 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-12 (2)"; and the terms "paragraph (2) to the preceding paragraph," "Article 10 (1) or Article 11 (1)" and "the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) for the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution came into effect" in Article 15 (6) shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (2)," "Article 23-10 (3) or Article 23-11 (1)" and "the Shelf Registration Supplements relating to the Shelf Registration which was made for the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution and already came into effect are submitted," respectively.
(4)Article 16 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a person who has another person acquire Securities in violation of Article 23-8 (1) or (2), or Article 15 (2) or (6) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
(5)Articles 17 to 21, Article 22 and Article 23 shall apply mutatis mutandis to Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities for which Shelf Registration has been made.In this case, the term "Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1)" in Article 17 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-12 (2) (including Reference Documents referenced therein)"; the terms "a Securities Registration Statement contains" and "the Securities Registration Statement" in Article 18 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Shelf Registration Documents, an Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4, Article 23-9 (1) or Article 23-10 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-10 (5)) (hereinafter referred to as an "Amended Shelf Registration Statement"), or Shelf Registration Supplements or the documents attached thereto or Reference Documents referenced in any of the foregoing (hereinafter referred to as "Shelf Registration Documents, etc.") contain" and "the Shelf Registration Documents, the Amended Shelf Registration Statement or Shelf Registration Supplements or the documents attached to the foregoing," respectively; the term "a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) contains" in Article 18 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) (including Reference Documents referenced therein) contains"; the terms "the Securities Registration Statement" and "the Prospectus" in Article 19 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Shelf Registration Documents" and "the Prospectus (including Reference Documents referenced therein)," respectively; the terms "the Securities Registration Statement," "the Prospectus contains" and "Article 10 (1) or Article 11 (1)" and the part "from the time when the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of the Securities comes into effect" in Article 20 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Shelf Registration Documents," "the Prospectus (including Reference Documents referenced therein) contains," "Article 23-10 (3) or Article 23-11 (1)" and "from the time when the Shelf Registration Supplements relating to the Shelf Registration which was made for the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution and already came into effect are submitted," respectively; the term "a Securities Registration Statement contains" in the non-itemized part of Article 21 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Shelf Registration Documents contain"; the term "the Securities Registration Statement" in item (i) and (iii) of Article 21 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Shelf Registration Documents, the Amended Shelf Registration Statement or Shelf Registration Supplements or the documents attached to the foregoing"; the term "a Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) contains" of Article 21 (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Prospectus referred to in Article 13 (1) (including Reference Documents referenced therein)"; the terms "a Securities Registration Statement" and "the Securities Registration Statement" of Article 22 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Shelf Registration Documents contain" and "the Shelf Registration Documents, the Amended Shelf Registration Statement or Shelf Registration Supplements or the documents attached to the foregoing," respectively; the parts "a notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2) for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities was made and has come into effect," "Article 10 (1) or Article 11 (1)," "the Securities Registration Statement" and "the notification" of Article 23 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the fact that a Shelf Registration has come into effect and Shelf Registration Supplements relating thereto are submitted (in the case of Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities referred to in Article 23-8 (2), the fact that the Shelf Registration therefor has come into effect)," "Article 23-10 (3) or Article 23-11 (1)," "the Shelf Registration Documents" and "the Shelf Registration," respectively.
(6)The provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) and Articles 17, 18(2) and 21(3) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall not apply to Securities referred to in Article 23-8 (2).
(Notification of Solicitation Only for Qualified Institutional Investors)
Article 23-13(1)A person (limited to a person who is specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance) shall, when he/she makes a Solicitation Only for Qualified Institutional Investors (meaning a Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. which is made to Qualified Institutional Investors who are excluded under the provision of Article 2 (3)(i) from the number of persons to which the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. was made in cases where the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. falls under the category of Solicitations for Acquisition specified by Article 2 (3)(i), or which falls under the category of Solicitations for Acquisition specified by Article 2 (3)(ii)(a) or Article 2-2 (4)(ii)(a); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or makes a Solicitation for Delivery of Existing Securities, etc. which is for Securities to which a Solicitation Only for Qualified Institutional Investors was made and is exempted from application of the main clause of Article 4 (2) (collectively referred to as "Solicitation Only for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc." in the following paragraph), notify the solicited persons of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, including the fact that the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. made for the Securities falls under any of the categories of Solicitation for Acquisition listed in the following items (limited to Securities acquired by Qualified Institutional Investors who are excluded under the provision of Article 2 (3)(i) from the number of persons to which the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. was made in cases where the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. falls under the category of Solicitations for Acquisition specified by Article 2 (3)(i)) and therefore the notification under Article 4 (1) has not been made for the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities and to cases where the Solicitation Only for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc. is made for Securities of which the total issue price was or is less than the amount specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, which may not be more than 100 million yen:
(i)Solicitation for Acquisition set forth in Article 2 (3)(i);
(ii)Solicitation for Acquisition set forth in Article 2 (3)(ii)(a); or
(iii)Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization set forth in Article 2-2 (4)(ii)(a).
(2)A person who makes a Solicitation Only for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc. to which the main clause of the preceding paragraph is applicable shall, when having another person acquire Securities referred to in the main clause of the preceding paragraph or sell such Securities to another person through the Solicitation Only for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc., deliver a document containing a description on the matters to be notified under the preceding paragraph to the other person in advance of, or at the same time as, having the other person acquire such Securities or selling such Securities to the other person.
(3)A person shall, when he/she makes a Solicitation for Small Number of Investors (meaning a Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. which falls under any of the categories listed in the following items for each kind of Securities set forth in the respective items (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Order); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or makes a Solicitation for Delivery of Existing Securities, etc. which is for Securities to which a Solicitation for Small Number of Investors was made and is exempted from application of the main clause of Article 4 (1) (collectively referred to as "Solicitation for Small Number of Investors, etc." in the following paragraph), notify the solicited persons of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, including the fact that the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. made for the Securities falls under any of the categories listed in the following items for each kind of Securities set forth in the respective items and therefore the notification under Article 4 (1) has not been made for the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities and to cases where the Solicitation for Small Number of Investors, etc. is made for the Securities of which the total issue price was or is less than the amount designated by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, which may not be more than 100 million yen:
第一項有価証券 次のいずれかの場合
(i)Paragraph (1) Securities: any of the following:
(a)Solicitation for Acquisition set forth in Article 2 (3)(ii)(b); or
(b)Procedures Relating to Securities Issuance for Reorganization set forth in Article 2-2 (4)(ii)(b).
第二項有価証券 次のいずれかの場合
(ii)Paragraph (2) Securities: any of the following:
(a)Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. not falling under the category of Solicitations for Acquisition set forth in Article 2 (3)(iii); or
(b)Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. not falling under the case set forth in Article 2-2 (4)(iii).
(4)A person who makes a Solicitation for Small Number of Investors, etc. to which the main clause of the preceding paragraph is applicable shall, when having another person acquire Securities referred to in the main clause of the preceding paragraph or selling such Securities to another person through the Solicitation for Small Number of Investors, etc., deliver a document containing a description on the matters to be notified under the preceding paragraph to the other person in advance of, or at the same time as, having the other person acquire such Securities or selling such Securities to the other person.
(Clear Indication of Conditions for Solicitation for Small Number of Investors for Foreign Securities)
Article 23-14(1)With regard to Securities already-issued in a foreign State (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Order) or Securities specified by a Cabinet Order as those equivalent to such Securities, among solicitations of an application to sell or purchase such Securities, those exempted from application of the main clause of Article 4 (1) (hereinafter referred to as "Solicitation for Small Number of Investors for Foreign Securities)" in this Article) shall be made by clearly indicating that the conditions specified by a Cabinet Order as those necessary to reduce the likelihood that the Securities will be transferred from any person who purchased them to a large number of persons are imposed on sales of the Securities; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities and to cases where the requirements specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in order to qualify sales of Securities as those which will not impair the public interest or protection of investors even if such conditions are not imposed thereon, including the requirement that the total amount of the sales of the Securities must be less than the amount specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, which may not be more than 100 million yen, are satisfied.
(2)A person who makes a Solicitation for Small Number of Investors for Foreign Securities to which the main clause of the preceding paragraph is applicable shall, when he/she sells Securities referred to in the main clause of the preceding paragraph to another person through the Solicitation for Small Number of Investors for Foreign Securities, deliver a document containing a description on the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, including conditions referred to in the preceding paragraph, in advance of, or at the same time as, selling such Securities to the other person.
(Submission of Annual Securities Report)
Article 24(1)When Securities (excluding Regulated Securities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, except in the following items) issued by a company fall under any of the categories specified in the following items, the company shall submit, for each business year, a report stating the trade name of the company, financial conditions of the Corporate Group to which the company belongs and of the company, other important matters concerning the company's business and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors (hereinafter referred to as an "Annual Securities Report") to the Prime Minister within three months after the end of that business year (or, in the case of a foreign company, within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors) pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance; provided however, that this shall not apply to cases where the Securities issued by the company fall under the category of Securities specified in item (iii) below (limited to share certificates and other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order) and the numbers of holders of the Securities on the last day of that business year and on the respective last days of the business years that began within four years before the day on which that business year began are fewer than the number calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, if the Prime Minister approves pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance that even if the company does not submit Annual Securities Reports, the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired (limited to the company for which five years have already passed after the end of the Starting Year of the Report Submission (meaning the business year that includes the day on which the main clause of Article 4 (1) or (2) or the main clause of Article 23-8 (1) or (2) became applicable to the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of the Securities, or, the latest one of such business years); where the Securities issued by the company fall under the category of Securities specified in item (iv) below, if the amount of the stated capital of the company is less than 500 million yen (or if, in cases where the Securities are Rights in Securities Investment Business, etc. that shall be deemed as Securities under Article 2 (2), the amount that is specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of the stated capital of the company is less than the amount specified by a Cabinet Order on the last day of that business year) or if the number of holders of the Securities on the last day of that business year are fewer than the number specified by a Cabinet Order; and where the Securities issued by the company fall under the category of Securities specified in item (iii) or (iv) below, if the Prime Minister approves as specified by a Cabinet Order that even if the company does not submit Annual Securities Reports, the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired.
(i)Securities listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange;
(ii)Securities specified by a Cabinet Order as those of which the state of distribution can be regarded as being equivalent to Securities referred to in the preceding item;
(iii)Securities of which Public Offering or Secondary Distribution were subjected to the main clause of Article 4 (1) or (2) or the main clause of Article 23-8 (1) or (2) (excluding those specified in the preceding two items); or
(iv)Securities (limited to share certificates, Rights in Securities Investment Business, etc. that shall be deemed as Securities under Article 2 (2) and other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order) issued by the company, if the number of its holders on the last day of that business year or on the last day of any of the business years that began within four years before the day on which that business year began is not less than the number specified by a Cabinet Order (or if, in the case of Rights in Securities Investment Business, etc. that shall be deemed as Securities under Article 2 (2), the number of its holders on the last day of that business year is not less than the number specified by a Cabinet Order) (excluding those specified in the preceding three items).
(2)A company which has issued Securities falling under the category specified in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph and has submitted a statement containing descriptions on the matters specified in Article 5 (2) under Article 5 (1) for Small Amount Public Offering, etc. may state in the Annual Securities Report required by the main clause of the preceding paragraph, among the matters set forth in the main clause of Article 5 (1), only those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as the matters pertaining to the company, instead of descriptions on all of the matters set forth in the main clause of Article 5 (1), unless the company falls under any of the categories of persons specified in the following items:
(i)a person who has already submitted an Annual Securities Report which contains descriptions on the matters set forth in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, or a Quarterly Securities Report which contains descriptions on the matters set forth in Article 24-4-7 (1) under Article 24-4-7 (1) or (2) or a Semiannual Securities Reports which contains descriptions on the matters set forth in Article 24-5 (1); and
(ii)a person who submitted a statement under Article 5 (1) containing descriptions on the matters listed in Article 5 (1)(ii) for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities to which the main clause of Article 4 (1) or (2) has applied (excluding those specified in the preceding item).
(3)When Securities issued by a company to which the main clause of paragraph (1) does not apply, come to fall under any of the categories specified in items (i) to (iii) of said paragraph (excluding cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance), the company shall submit an Annual Securities Report pertaining to the business year immediately prior to the business year that includes the day on which the Securities came to fall under any of such categories, to the Prime Minister, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, without delay.
(4)Matters necessary for calculation of the number of Securities holders set forth in item (iv) of paragraph (1) shall be specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where Regulated Securities issued by a company fall under any of the categories specified in the items of paragraph (1).In this case, the term "excluding Regulated Securities" in the main clause of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "limited to Regulated Securities"; the term "the company shall" in the main clause of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the company (if said Securities are so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, excluding persons specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance) shall"; the terms "the trade name of the company, financial conditions of the Corporate Group to which the company belongs and of the company, other important matters concerning the company's business" in the main clause of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "financial conditions of asset investment or other similar businesses conducted by the company, other important matters concerning the company's assets"; the term "for each business year" in the main clause of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "for each of the periods of time specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance for the Regulated Securities (hereinafter referred to as the "Specified Period" in this Article)"; the term "that business year" in the main clause of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "that Specified Period"; the part "the Securities issued by the company fall under the category of Securities specified in item (iii) below (limited to share certificates and other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order) and the numbers of holders of the Securities on the last day of that business year and on the last days of the business years that began within four years before the day on which that business year began are fewer than the number calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, if the Prime Minister approves pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance that even if the company does not submit Annual Securities Reports, the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired (limited to the company for which five years have already passed after the end of the Starting Year of Report Submission (meaning the business year that includes the day on which the main clause of Article 4 (1) or (2) or the main clause of Article 23-8 (1) or (2) became applicable to the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of the Securities, or, the latest one of such business years); where the Securities issued by the company fall under the category of Securities specified in item (iv) below" in the proviso to paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Regulated Securities issued by the company fall under the category of Securities specified in item (iv) below"; the part "or if the number of holders of the Securities on the last day of that business year is fewer than the number specified by a Cabinet Order; and" in the proviso to paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "; and"; the part "share certificates, Rights in Securities Investment Business, etc. that shall be deemed as Securities under Article 2 (2)" in item (iv) of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Rights in Securities Investment Business, etc. that shall be deemed as Securities under Article 2 (2)"; the part "if the number of its holders on the last day of that business year or on the last day of any of the business years that began within four years before the day on which that business year began is not less than the number specified by a Cabinet Order (or, in case of Rights in Securities Investment Business, etc. that shall be deemed as Securities under Article 2 (2), the number of its holders on the last day of that business year is not less than the number specified by a Cabinet Order)" in item (iv) of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "if the number of its holders on the last day of the Specified Period is not less than the number specified by a Cabinet Order"; the term "issued Securities" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "issued Regulated Securities"; the term "Securities issued" in paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Regulated Securities issued"; the term "a company" in paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a company (if said Regulated Securities are Securities so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, excluding persons specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance)"; the term "the main clause of paragraph (1)" in paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the main clause of paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5)"; the term "business year" in paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Period"; the term "the day on which the Securities came" in paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the day on which the Regulated Securities came"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(6)The articles of incorporation or other documents that are specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors shall be attached to an Annual Securities Report.
(7)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an Annual Securities Report and the documents attached thereto are submitted under paragraph (1) to (3) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5)) and the preceding paragraph.
(8)In the cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as cases where the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired, a foreign company required to submit Annual Securities Reports under paragraph (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph to paragraph (13)) (including foreign companies which have submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4); hereinafter referred as to "Reporting Foreign Company") may submit, instead of Annual Securities Reports to be submitted under paragraph (1) and the documents to be attached thereto under paragraph (6) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Annual Securities Reports, etc." in this Article), documents which are prepared in English and are similar to Annual Securities Reports, etc. Disclosed in a Foreign State (meaning the state of having been made available for public inspection based on laws and regulations under the foreign state (including the rules provided for by the operator of a Foreign Financial Instruments Market or other person specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance); the same shall apply hereinafter in Articles 24-4-7(6) and 24-5(7)) (such documents are hereinafter referred to as "Foreign Company Reports" in this Chapter).
(9)When Foreign Company Reports are submitted, Japanese translations of the summary of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors among the matters stated in the Foreign Company Report and documents stating the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors among the matters not stated in the Foreign Company Report, and other documents specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance (such documents are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Supplementary Documents" in this Article and paragraph (4) of the following Article) shall be attached to the Foreign Company Report as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(10)In cases where a Reporting Foreign Company submits a Foreign Company Report and Supplementary Documents thereof instead of Annual Securities Reports, etc. under the preceding two paragraphs, the part "within three months after the end of that business year (or, in the case of a foreign company, within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors after the end of that business year)" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors,"; and the part, "the term "that business year" in the main clause of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "that Specified Period"" in paragraph (5) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the part "within three months after the end of that business year (or, in the case of a foreign company, within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors after the end of that business year)" in the main clause of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors after the end of that business year"."
(11)The provisions of this Act and orders given thereunder (hereinafter referred to as the "Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Related Regulations" in this Chapter to Chapter II-4) shall apply to cases where a Reporting Foreign Company submits a Foreign Company Report and Supplementary Documents thereof under paragraphs (8) and (9), by deeming the Foreign Company Report and Supplementary Documents to be Annual Securities Reports, etc. and deeming submission of the former to be submission of the latter.
(12)The Prime Minister shall, when he/she finds that a Reporting Foreign Company which submitted a Foreign Company Report does not satisfy the requirements for being allowed to submit a Foreign Company Report under paragraph (8), notify thereof to the Reporting Foreign Company.In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(13)Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1), a Reporting Foreign Company, when receiving a notice made under the preceding paragraph, shall submit an Annual Securities Report set forth in paragraph (1) within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors after the day on which the notice is made.
(14)In cases where a company required to submit Annual Securities Reports under paragraph (1) (limited to cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) submits, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, documents containing descriptions on part of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance under paragraph (1) (limited to documents prepared based on laws and regulations or rules of a Financial Instruments Exchange (including those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being similar to such rules); such documents are hereinafter referred to as "Documents Substituting Part of an Annual Securities Report" in this paragraph and the following paragraph) together with an Annual Securities Report to the Prime Minister, with regard to the application of paragraphs (1) and (2) to cases approved by the Prime Minister as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those where the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired, the term "other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors (excluding matters stated in Documents Substituting Part of an Annual Securities Report defined in paragraph (14))"; and the term "among the matters set forth in the main clause of Article 5 (1)" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "among the matters set forth in the main clause of Article 5 (1) (excluding matters stated in Documents Substituting Part of an Annual Securities Report defined in paragraph (14))."
(15)When Documents Substituting Part of an Annual Securities Report are submitted together with an Annual Securities Report set forth in paragraph (1) as applied by replacing certain terms under the preceding paragraph, the provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Related Regulations shall apply by deeming the Documents Substituting Part of an Annual Securities Report to form a part of the Annual Securities Report and deeming submission of the Documents Substituting Part of an Annual Securities Report to be submission of the Documents Substituting Part of an Annual Securities Report as a part of the Annual Securities Report.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions Concerning Amendments)
Article 24-2(1)Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to Annual Securities Reports and documents attached thereto.In this case, the part "a statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6), or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of said statement or said other documents for the public interest or protection of investors, during the period on or after the day on which the notification was made under Article 4 (1) or (2) but before the day on which the notification is to take effect" and the terms "the person making the notification" and "an amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "an Annual Securities Report and documents attached thereto, or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of an Annual Securities Report and documents attached thereto for the public interest or protection of investors," "the person submitting the Annual Securities Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the terms "the person submitting them" and "an amendment" in Article 9 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Annual Securities Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; and the term "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement" and "to submit an amendment and may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2)" in Article 10 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement" and "to submit an amendment report," respectively.
(2)When a company which is the Issuer of Securities submits an amendment report with regard to any description on important matters stated in its Annual Securities Report under Article 7 or Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph, it shall give a public notice to that effect pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order.
(3)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment report for an Annual Securities Report or documents attached thereto is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) or Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1).
(4)Paragraphs (8), (9) and (11) of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment report for a Foreign Company Report and Supplementary Documents therefor submitted by a Reporting Foreign Company are submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) or Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to paragraph (1).
(Suspension of the Effect of the Notifications Made Within One Year from the Submission of Annual Securities Report Containing Fake Statement)
Article 24-3Article 11 shall apply mutatis mutandis to statements under Article 5 (1), Shelf Registration Statements or Shelf Registration Supplements submitted by the person who submitted an Annual Securities Report (including an amendment report therefor; the same shall apply in the following Article) which contains any fake statements on important matters, during the period within one year from the day when the person submitted an amendment report regarding the fake statements under Article 7 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or was ordered to submit such an amendment report under Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-2 (1).
(Liability for Damages of Officers of the Company Which Submits Annual Securities Report Containing Fake Statement and Other Persons)
Article 24-4Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an Annual Securities Report contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding.In this case, the term "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" in Article 22 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "persons who acquire the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement."
(Submission of Confirmation Letter for Annual Securities Report)
Article 24-4-2(1)A company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) (including those which have submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4); the same shall apply in the following paragraph) shall, if the Securities issued by the company are those listed in Article 24 (1)(i) or the company is otherwise required by a Cabinet Order, submit, together with an Annual Securities Report (or a Foreign Company Report in cases where Foreign Company Reports are submitted instead of Annual Securities Reports, etc. defined in Article 24 (8) under Article 24 (8)), a letter confirming that, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, statements contained in the Annual Securities Report are appropriate under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Related Regulations (hereinafter referred to as a "Confirmation Letter" in this Article and the following Article).
(2)A company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) may, even if the company does not fall under the category of companies which are required under the preceding paragraph to submit a Confirmation Letter together with an Annual Securities Report (except in cases where the company falls under the category of companies specified by a Cabinet Order), submit a Confirmation Letter provided in the preceding paragraph voluntarily.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to companies which, among companies required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5) (including companies which submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4)), are specified by a Cabinet Order.
(4)The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment report is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to Article 24-2 (1).In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(5)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Confirmation Letter is submitted under paragraph (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph) or the preceding paragraph: hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article).In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(6)Article 24 (8), (9) and (11) to (13) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Reporting Foreign Company submits a Confirmation Letter under paragraph (1) or (2) of this Article (limited to cases where the Reporting Foreign Company submits a Foreign Company Report). In this case, the parts ") (including foreign companies which have submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4); hereinafter referred as to "Reporting Foreign Company")," "Annual Securities Reports to be submitted under paragraph (1) and the documents to be attached thereto under paragraph (6) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Annual Securities Reports, etc." in this Article)" and "and are similar to Annual Securities Reports, etc. Disclosed in a Foreign State (meaning the state of having been made available for public inspection under laws and regulations under the foreign state (including the rules provided for by the operator of a Foreign Financial Instruments Market or other person specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance); the same shall apply hereinafter in Articles 24-4-7(6) and 24-5(7))" in Article 24 (8) shall be deemed to be replaced with ")," "a Confirmation Letter to be submitted under Article 24-4-2 (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (3) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (4)) or Article 24-4-2 (4))" and "and states the matters to be stated in the Confirmation Letter," respectively; the part "documents stating the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors among the matters not stated in the Foreign Company Report, and other" in Article 24 (9) shall be deemed to be replaced with "other"; the term "Annual Securities Reports, etc." in Article 24 (11) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Confirmation Letter to be submitted under Article 24-4-2 (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (3) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (4)) or Article 24-4-2 (4))"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Submission of Amendment Confirmation Letter)
Article 24-4-3(1)Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Confirmation Letter.In this case, the part "a statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6), or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of said statement or said other documents for the public interest or protection of investors, during the period on or after the day on which the notification was made under Article 4 (1) or (2) but before the day on which the notification is to take effect" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Confirmation Letter, or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of a Confirmation Letter for the public interest or protection of investors"; the terms "the person making the notification" and "an amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Confirmation Letter" and "an amendment Confirmation Letter," respectively; the terms "the person submitting them" and "an amendment" in Article 9 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Confirmation Letter" and "an amendment Confirmation Letter," respectively: the term "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement"; and the part "to submit an amendment and may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2)" in Article 10 (1)) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Confirmation Letter" and "to submit an amendment Confirmation Letter," respectively; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(2)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment Confirmation Letter for a Confirmation Letter is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph.In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(3)Article 24 (8), (9) and (11) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment Confirmation Letter for a Confirmation Letter submitted by a foreign company is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to paragraph (1).In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(System for Ensuring Appropriateness of Statements on Finance and Accounting and Other Information)
Article 24-4-4(1)A company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) (including companies which have submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4); the same shall apply in the following paragraph) shall, if the Securities issued by the company are those listed in Article 24 (1)(i) or the company is otherwise required by a Cabinet Order, submit a report in which evaluation pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance is made with regard to its system specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary for ensuring appropriateness of statements on finance and accounting and other information concerning the Corporate Group to which the company belongs and concerning the company (hereinafter referred to as an "Internal Control Report") to the Prime Minister together with an Annual Securities Report (or a Foreign Company Report in cases where Foreign Company Reports are submitted instead of Annual Securities Reports, etc. as defined in Article 24 (8) under Article 24 (8)) for each business year.
(2)A company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports set forth in Article 24 (1) may, even if the company is not a company which is required to submit Internal Control Reports together with Annual Securities Reports under the preceding paragraph (except those specified by a Cabinet Order), voluntarily submit Internal Control Reports provided for in the preceding paragraph.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to a company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5) (including companies which have submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4)) and is specified by a Cabinet Order.In this case, the term "or the company is otherwise required by a Cabinet Order" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "or the company is otherwise required by a Cabinet Order (limited to the Issuer of Regulated Securities (meaning Regulated Securities as defined in Article 5 (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph)"; the term "business year" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Period (meaning Specified Period as defined in Article 24 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5)) designated for the Regulated Securities"; the term "the Corporate Group to which the company belongs" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "asset investment or other similar businesses conducted by the company"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(4)When an Internal Control Report is submitted, a document stating the matters pertaining to the system specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance referred to in paragraph (1) and other documents specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors shall be attached to the Internal Control Report.
(5)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an Internal Control Report and documents to be attached thereto are submitted under paragraph (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and the preceding paragraph.In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(6)Article 24 (8), (9) and (11) to (13) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Reporting Foreign Company submits an Internal Control Report under paragraph (1) or (2) of this Article (limited to cases where the Reporting Foreign Company submits Foreign Company Reports). In this case, the parts ") (including foreign companies which have submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4); hereinafter referred as to "Reporting Foreign Company")," "Annual Securities Reports to be submitted under paragraph (1) and the documents to be attached thereto under paragraph (6) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Annual Securities Reports, etc." in this Article)" and "and are similar to Annual Securities Reports, etc. Disclosed in a Foreign State (meaning the state of having been made available for public inspection under laws and regulations under the foreign state (including the rules provided for by the operator of a Foreign Financial Instruments Market or other person specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance); the same shall apply hereinafter in Articles 24-4-7(6) and 24-5(7))" in Article 24 (8) shall be deemed to be replaced with ")," "an Internal Control Report to be submitted under Article 24-4-4 (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-4 (3)) and documents to be attached under Article 24-4-4 (4) (hereinafter collectively referred to as an "Internal Control Report, etc.")" and "and states the matters to be stated in the Internal Control Report, etc.," respectively; the part "documents stating the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors among the matters not stated in the Foreign Company Report, and other" in Article 24 (9) shall be deemed to be replaced with "other"; the term "Annual Securities Reports, etc." in Article 24 (11) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Internal Control Report, etc."; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Submission of Amendment of Internal Control Report)
Article 24-4-5(1)Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to an Internal Control Report and documents attached thereto.In this case, the part "a statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6), or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of said statement or said other documents for the public interest or protection of investors, during the period on or after the day on which the notification was made under Article 4 (1) or (2) but before the day on which the notification is to take effect" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "an Internal Control Report and document attached thereto, or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of an Internal Control Report and documents attached thereto for the public interest or protection of investors"; the terms "the person making the notification" and "an amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Internal Control Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the terms "the person submitting them" and "an amendment" in Article 9 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Internal Control Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the term "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement" and the part "to submit an amendment and may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2)" in Article 10 (1)) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Internal Control Report" and "to submit an amendment report," respectively; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(2)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment report for an Internal Control Report or documents attached thereto is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph.In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(3)Article 24 (8), (9) and (11) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment report for an Internal Control Report submitted by a foreign company is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to paragraph (1).In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions Concerning Liability for Damages)
Article 24-4-6Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an Internal Control Report (including documents attached thereto) contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding.In this case, the part "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" in Article 22 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Internal Control Report (including amendment reports therefor)." and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Submission of Quarterly Securities Report)
Article 24-4-7(1)A company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports set forth in Article 24 (1) (including a company which submits Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4); the same shall apply in the following paragraph) and which has issued Securities falling under the category specified in Article 24 (1)(i) or otherwise specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter, such a company is referred to as a "Listed Company, etc." in this paragraph and the following paragraph) shall, if its business year is longer than three months, submit, for each three-month period of its business years (excluding periods specified by a Cabinet Order; the same shall apply hereinafter), a report stating financial conditions of the Corporate Group to which the company belongs and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors (hereinafter referred to as the "Matters to Be Stated in a Quarterly Securities Report" in this paragraph) (such a report is hereinafter referred to as a "Quarterly Securities Report") to the Prime Minister within the period designated by a Cabinet Order but not exceeding 45 days after the three-month period. In this case, a Listed Company, etc. which conducts a business specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance shall submit a Quarterly Securities Report stating, in addition to the Matters to Be Stated in a Quarterly Securities Report, financial conditions of the company and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors to the Prime Minister within the period specified by a Cabinet Order but not exceeding 60 days after the three-month period.
(2)A company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports set forth in Article 24 (1) and is a company (except those specified by a Cabinet Order) other than a Listed Company, etc. may voluntarily submit Quarterly Securities Reports.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to a company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5) (including a company which submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4)) and is specified by a Cabinet Order.In this case, the term "specified by a Cabinet Order (" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "specified by a Cabinet Order (limited to the Issuer of Regulated Securities (meaning Regulated Securities as defined in Article 5 (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);"; the term "if its business year" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "if the Specified Period (meaning Specified Period as defined in Article 24 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) designated for the Securities"; the term "of its business years" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "of the Specified Period"; the term "the Corporate Group to which the company belongs" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "asset investment or other similar businesses conducted by the company"; the term "financial conditions of the company" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "financial conditions of asset investment or other similar businesses conducted by the company"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(4)Articles 7, 9(1) and 10(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to Quarterly Securities Reports, and Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Quarterly Securities Report and amendment report thereof contain fake statements on important matters or lack statements of important matters to be stated or of important matters necessary for avoiding misunderstanding.In this case, the part "the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6)" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Quarterly Securities Report (meaning a Quarterly Securities Report set forth in Article 24-4-7 (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-7 (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, Article 9 (1), Article 11 (1) and Article 22)"; the part "during the period on or after the day on which the notification was made under Article 4 (1) or (2) but before the day on which the notification is to take effect," in Article 7 shall be deemed to be deleted; the term "the person making the notification" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Quarterly Securities Report"; the term "the amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "an amendment report"; the terms "the person submitting them" and "the amendment " in Article 9 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Quarterly Securities Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the term "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement" in Article 10 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Quarterly Securities Report"; the part "submit the amendment and may, when it is found necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2)" in Article 10 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "to submit an amendment report"; the part "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" in Article 22 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Quarterly Securities Report and amendment reports"; the term "the preceding paragraph" in Article 22 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the preceding paragraph as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-7 (4)"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(5)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Quarterly Securities Report is submitted under paragraph (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3); the same shall apply in the following paragraph to paragraph (11)) and where amendment reports for a Quarterly Securities Report is submitted under Article 7, 9(1) or 10(1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph.In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(6)In the cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as cases where the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired, a Reporting Foreign Company required to submit Quarterly Securities Reports under paragraph (1) (including a Reporting Foreign Company which submits Quarterly Securities Reports under paragraph (2); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) may submit, instead of Quarterly Securities Reports to be submitted under paragraph (1), documents similar to Quarterly Securities Reports which are prepared in English and have been Disclosed in a Foreign State (such documents are hereinafter referred to as a "Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report" in this Article).
(7)When a Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report is submitted, Japanese translations of the summary of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors among the matters stated in the Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report and documents stating the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors among the matters not stated in the Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report, and other documents specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance (such documents are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Supplementary Documents" in this Article) shall be attached to the Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(8)The provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Related Regulations shall apply to cases where a Reporting Foreign Company submits a Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report and Supplementary Documents thereof under the preceding two paragraphs, by deeming the Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report and Supplementary Documents to be a Quarterly Securities Report and deeming submission of the former to be submission of the latter.
(9)The Prime Minister shall, when he/she finds that a Reporting Foreign Company which submitted a Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report does not satisfy the requirements for being allowed to submit a Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report under paragraph (6), notify thereof to the Reporting Foreign Company.In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(10)Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1), a Reporting Foreign Company, when receiving a notice made under the preceding paragraph, shall submit a Quarterly Securities Report set forth in paragraph (1) within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors after the day on which the notice is made.
(11)Paragraph (6) to paragraph (8) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where amendment reports are submitted to amend a Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report submitted by a Reporting Foreign Company under Article 7, 9(1) or 10(1) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to paragraph (4) and Supplementary Documents therefor.In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(12)In cases where a company required to submit Quarterly Securities Reports under paragraph (1) (limited to cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)(including a company submitting Quarterly Securities Reports under paragraph (2) (limited to cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3))) submits, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, documents containing descriptions on part of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance under paragraph (1) (limited to documents prepared based on laws and regulations or rules of a Financial Instruments Exchange (including those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being similar to such rules); such documents are hereinafter referred to as "Documents Substituting Part of a Quarterly Securities Report" in this paragraph and the following paragraph) together with a Quarterly Securities Report to the Prime Minister, with regard to the application of paragraph (1) to cases approved by the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those where the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired, the term "other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors (excluding matters stated in Documents Substituting Part of a Quarterly Securities Report as defined in paragraph (12))."
(13)When Documents Substituting Part of a Quarterly Securities Report are submitted together with a Quarterly Securities Report set forth in paragraph (1) as applied by replacing certain terms pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Related Regulations shall apply by deeming the Documents Substituting Part of a Quarterly Securities Report to form a part of the Quarterly Securities Report and deeming submission of the Documents Substituting Part of a Quarterly Securities Report to be submission of the Documents Substituting Part of a Quarterly Securities Report as a part of the Quarterly Securities Report.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions Concerning Confirmation Letter to Quarterly Securities Report)
Article 24-4-8(1)Article 24-4-2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Quarterly Securities Report is submitted under paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-7 (3)) and where an amendment report is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to Article 24-4-7 (4).In this case, the terms "a Foreign Company Report," "Foreign Company Reports are submitted instead of Annual Securities Reports, etc." and "statements contained in the Annual Securities Report" in Article 24-4-2 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Report," "Foreign Company Quarterly Securities Reports are submitted instead of Quarterly Securities Report" and "statements contained in the Quarterly Securities Report (including amendment reports therefor; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)," respectively; the term "together with an Annual Securities Report" in Article 24-4-2 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "together with a Quarterly Securities Report"; the part "a Confirmation Letter to be submitted under Article 24-4-2 (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (3) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (4)) or Article 24-4-2 (4))" in Article 24-4-2 (6) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Confirmation Letter to be submitted under Article 24-4-2 (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (3) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (4)) or Article 24-4-2 (4)) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to Article 24-4-8"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(2)Article 24-4-3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment Confirmation Letter for a Confirmation Letter submitted under the preceding paragraph is submitted.In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Submission of Semiannual Securities Report and Extraordinary Report)
Article 24-5(1)A company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports set forth in Article 24 (1) (including a company which submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4); the same shall apply in paragraph (4)) and which is a company other than that required to submit Quarterly Securities Reports under Article 24-4-7 (1) (including a company which submits Quarterly Securities Reports under Article 24-4-7 (2); the same shall apply in paragraph (3)) shall, if its business year is longer than six months, submit, for each business year, a report stating financial conditions of the Corporate Group to which the company belongs and of the company, other important matters concerning the company's business and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors pertaining to the first six months of the business year (such a report is hereinafter referred to as a "Semiannual Securities Report") pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance to the Prime Minister within three months after the end of the first six months.
(2)A company which has submitted, or intends to submit, an Annual Securities Report containing descriptions on the matters specified in Article 24 (2) under Article 24 (1) may state in the Semiannual Securities Report required by the preceding paragraph, among the matters set forth in the preceding paragraph, only those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as the matters pertaining to the company, instead of descriptions on all of the matters set forth in the preceding paragraph, unless the company falls under any of the categories of persons specified in the following items:
(i)a person who has already submitted an Annual Securities Report containing descriptions on the matters specified in the main clause of Article 24 (1) or a Semiannual Securities Report containing descriptions on the matters specified in the preceding paragraph; and
(ii)a person who submitted a statement under Article 5 (1) containing descriptions on the matters listed in Article 5 (1)(ii) for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities to which the main clause of Article 4 (1) or (2) has applied (excluding those specified in the preceding item).
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to a company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports set forth in Article 24 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5) (including a company which submits Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4); the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (15)) and is not required to submit Quarterly Securities Reports under Article 24-4-7 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-7 (3).In this case, the term "a company other than" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a company (limited to the Issuer of Regulated Securities (meaning Regulated Securities as defined in Article 5 (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph)) other than"; the term "its business year" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Specified Period (meaning Specified Period as defined in Article 24 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5); the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph) designated for the Securities"; the term "for each business year" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "for each Specified Period"; the part "financial conditions of the Corporate Group to which the company belongs and of the company, other important matters concerning the company's business" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "financial conditions of asset investment or other similar businesses conducted by the company, other important matters concerning the company's assets"; the term "the business year" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Specified Period"; and the term "of Securities" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "of Regulated Securities."
(4)A company required to submit Annual Securities Reports set forth in Article 24 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5)) shall, in cases where Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities issued by the company is conducted in a foreign state or in other cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors, submit a report stating the details thereof (hereinafter referred to as an "Extraordinary Report") pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance to the Prime Minister without delay.
(5)Articles 7, 9(1) and 10(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to Semiannual Securities Reports and Extraordinary Reports, and Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Semiannual Securities Report and Extraordinary Report thereof contain fake statements on important matters or lack statements of important matters or of important matters necessary for avoiding misunderstanding.In this case, the part "the statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6)" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Semiannual Securities Report (meaning a Semiannual Securities Report set forth in Article 24-5 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-5 (3)); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, Article 9 (1), Article 10 (1) and Article 22) or an Extraordinary Report (meaning an Extraordinary Report set forth in Article 24-5 (4); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, Article 9 (1), Article 10 (1) and Article 22)"; the part "during the period on or after the day on which the notification was made under Article 4 (1) or (2) but before the day on which the notification is to take effect," in Article 7 shall be deemed to be deleted; the term "the person making the notification" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Semiannual Securities Report or Extraordinary Report"; the term "the amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "an amendment report"; the terms "the person submitting them" and "the amendment" in Article 9 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Semiannual Securities Report or Extraordinary Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the term "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement" in Article 10 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Semiannual Securities Report or Extraordinary Report"; the part "submit the amendment and may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2)" in Article 10 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "to submit an amendment report"; the part "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" in Article 22 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Semiannual Securities Report or Extraordinary Report, or amendment reports therefor"; and the term "the preceding paragraph" in Article 22 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the preceding paragraph as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-5 (5)".
(6)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Semiannual Securities Report or Extraordinary Report is submitted under paragraph (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3); the same shall apply in the following paragraph to paragraph (12)) or (4) and where an amendment report therefor is submitted under Article 7, 9(1) or 10(1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
(7)In the cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as cases where the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired, a Reporting Foreign Company required to submit Semiannual Securities Reports under paragraph (1) may submit, instead of Semiannual Securities Reports to be submitted under paragraph (1), documents similar to Semiannual Securities Reports which are prepared in English and have been Disclosed in a Foreign State (such documents are hereinafter referred to as "Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Reports" in this Article).
(8)When a Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report is submitted, Japanese translations of the summary of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors among the matters stated in the Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report and documents stating the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors among the matters not stated in the Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report, and other documents specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance (such documents are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Supplementary Documents" in this Article) shall be attached to the Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(9)The provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Related Regulations shall apply to cases where a Reporting Foreign Company submits a Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report and Supplementary Documents thereof under the preceding two paragraphs, by deeming the Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report and Supplementary Documents to be a Semiannual Securities Report and deeming submission of the former to be submission of the latter.
(10)The Prime Minister shall, when he/she finds that a Reporting Foreign Company which submitted a Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report does not satisfy the requirements for being allowed to submit a Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report under paragraph (7), notify thereof to the Reporting Foreign Company.In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.
(11)Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1), a Reporting Foreign Company, when receiving a notice made under the preceding paragraph, shall submit a Semiannual Securities Report set forth in paragraph (1) within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors after the day on which the notice is made.
(12)Paragraph (7) to paragraph (9) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where amendment reports are submitted to amend a Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report submitted by a Reporting Foreign Company under Article 7, 9(1) or 10(1) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to paragraph (5) and Supplementary Documents thereof.
(13)In cases where a company required to submit Semiannual Securities Reports under paragraph (1) (limited to cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and following paragraph) submits, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, documents containing descriptions on part of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance under paragraph (1) (limited to documents prepared based on laws and regulations or rules of a Financial Instruments Exchange (including those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being similar to such rules); such documents are hereinafter referred to as "Documents Substituting Part of a Semiannual Securities Report" in this paragraph and the following paragraph) together with a Semiannual Securities Report to the Prime Minister, with regard to the application of paragraph (1) and (2) to cases approved by the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those where the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired, the term "other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors (excluding matters stated in Documents Substituting Part of a Semiannual Securities Report as defined in paragraph (13))"; and the term "the matters set forth in the preceding paragraph" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the matters set forth in the preceding paragraph (excluding matters stated in Documents Substituting Part of a Semiannual Securities Report as defined in paragraph (13))."
(14)When Documents Substituting Part of a Semiannual Securities Report are submitted together with a Semiannual Securities Report set forth in paragraph (1) as applied by replacing certain terms pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Related Regulations shall apply by deeming the Documents Substituting Part of a Semiannual Securities Report to form a part of the Semiannual Securities Report and deeming submission of the Documents Substituting Part of a Semiannual Securities Report to be submission of the Documents Substituting Part of a Semiannual Securities Report as a part of the Semiannual Securities Report.
(15)In cases where a company required to submit an Extraordinary Report under paragraph (4) (limited to a company which is required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5)) submits documents containing, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, descriptions on part of the matters to be stated in an Extraordinary Report set forth in paragraph (4) (limited to documents prepared based on laws and regulations or rules of a Financial Instruments Exchange (including those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being similar to such rules); such documents are hereinafter referred to as "Documents Substituting Part of an Extraordinary Report" in this paragraph and the following paragraph) together with an Extraordinary Report to the Prime Minister, with regard to the application of paragraph (4) to cases approved by the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those where the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired, the term "a report stating the details thereof" in paragraph (4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a report stating the details thereof (excluding the details stated in Documents Substituting Part of an Extraordinary Report as defined in paragraph (15)."
(16)When Documents Substituting Part of an Extraordinary Report are submitted together with an Extraordinary Report set forth in paragraph (4) as applied by replacing certain terms pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Related Regulations shall apply by deeming the Documents Substituting Part of an Extraordinary Report to form a part of the Extraordinary Report and deeming submission of the Documents Substituting Part of an Extraordinary Report to be submission of the Documents Substituting Part of an Extraordinary Report as a part of the Extraordinary Report.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions Concerning Confirmation Letter to Semiannual Securities Report)
Article 24-5-2(1)Article 24-4-2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Semiannual Securities Report is submitted under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-5 (3)) and where an amendment report is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to Article 24-5 (5).In this case, the terms "a Foreign Company Report," "Foreign Company Reports are submitted instead of Annual Securities Reports, etc." and "statements contained in the Annual Securities Report" in Article 24-4-2 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Report," "Foreign Company Semiannual Securities Reports are submitted instead of Semiannual Securities Report" and "statements contained in the Semiannual Securities Report (including amendment reports therefor; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)," respectively; the term "together with an Annual Securities Report" in Article 24-4-2 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "together with an Semiannual Securities Report"; the part "a Confirmation Letter to be submitted under Article 24-4-2 (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (3) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (4)) or Article 24-4-2 (4))" in Article 24-4-2 (6) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Confirmation Letter to be submitted under Article 24-4-2 (1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (3) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-2 (4)) or Article 24-4-2 (4)) as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to Article 24-5-2"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(2)Article 24-4-3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where an amendment Confirmation Letter for a Confirmation Letter submitted under the preceding paragraph is submitted.In this case, necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Submission of Share Buyback Report)
Article 24-6(1)A company which has issued share certificates listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange, share certificates specified by a Cabinet Order as those of which the state of distribution can be regarded as being equivalent to share certificates listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Listed Share Certificates, etc." in this Article, Articles 27-22-2 to 27-22-4 and Article 167) shall, when a resolution of a shareholders meeting or board of directors' meeting set forth in Article 156 (1) of the Companies Act (including the cases where it is applied by replacing certain terms pursuant to Article 165 (3) of said Act) are made, submit a report which, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, states matters pertaining to the status of buyback of Listed Share Certificates, etc. issued by itself conducted based on the resolution of the shareholders meeting or board of directors' meeting (hereinafter referred to as the "Shareholders Meeting, etc." in this paragraph) during each month from the month which includes the day when the resolution of the Shareholders Meeting, etc. is made to the month which includes the day when the period set forth in Article 156 (1)(iii) of said Act is to expire (each month is referred to as the "Reporting Month" in this paragraph) (including the cases where no buyback is conducted) and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors to the Prime Minister by the 15th day of the month following each Reporting Month.
(2)Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a report submitted under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "Share Buyback Report"), and Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Share Buyback Report contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement an important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding. In this case, the part "a statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6), or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of such statement or such other documents for the public interest or protection of investors, during the period on or after the day when the notification was made under Article 4 (1) or (2) but before the day when the notification is to take effect" and the terms "the person making the notification" and "an amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Share Buyback Report (meaning report to be submitted under Article 24-6 (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, Article 9 (1), Article 10 (1) and Article 22), or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of a Share Buyback Report for the public interest or protection of investors," "the person submitting the Share Buyback Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the terms "the person submitting them" and "an amendment" in Article 9 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Share Buyback Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the terms "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement" and "to submit an amendment and may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2)" in Article 10 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Share Buyback Report" and "to submit an amendment report," respectively; the term "persons specified in Article 21 (1)(i) and (iii)" and the part "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" in Article 22 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "person who, at the time of submission of the Share Buyback Report, is an Officer of the company having submitted the Share Buyback Report" and "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Share Buyback Report," respectively; the terms "Article 21 (2)(i) and (ii)" and "the preceding paragraph" in Article 22 (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 21 (2)(i)" and "the preceding paragraph as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-6 (2)," respectively.
(3)Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Share Buyback Report is submitted under the preceding paragraph and cases where an amendment report for Share Buyback Report is submitted under Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
(Submission of Status Report of Parent Company, etc.)
Article 24-7(1)A company which holds the majority of voting rights of another company being required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) (limited to those which have issued Securities listed in Article 24 (1)(i) or (ii); such a company is referred to as "Subsidiary Company Submitting Annual Securities Reports" in paragraph (4) of this Article, paragraph (5) of the following Article and Article 27-30-10) or otherwise has a close relationship as specified by a Cabinet Order with another company being required to submit Annual Securities Reports (excluding companies which are required to submit Annual Securities Reports under Article 24 (1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24 (5); the same shall apply in the items of paragraph (4) of this Article) (including those which submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4) or specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance); hereinafter referred to as a "Parent Company, etc." in this Article and paragraph (2) of the following Article, (4) and (5)) shall submit a report which, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, specifies matters pertaining to persons who hold shares of the Parent Company, etc. and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors for each business year of the Parent Company, etc. (or the period specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in cases where the Parent Company, etc. is the Issuer of Regulated Securities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph) (hereinafter referred to as the "Status Report of Parent Company, etc.") to the Prime Minister within three months after the end of each business year (or, in cases where the Parent Company, etc. is a foreign company, within the period specified by a Cabinet Order as the period necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors); provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where the Prime Minister approves pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order that even if the company does not submit Status Report of Parent Company, etc., the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired.
(2)When a company which has been excluded from the application of the main clause of the preceding paragraph becomes a Parent Company, etc., the company shall submit, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, a Status Report of Parent Company, etc. pertaining to the business year immediately prior to the business year that includes the day when the company becomes a Parent Company, etc. to the Prime Minister without delay; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where the Prime Minister approves pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order that even if the company does not submit a Status Report of Parent Company, etc., the public interest or protection of investors would not be impaired
(3)Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Status Report of Parent Company, etc.In this case, the part "a statement set forth in Article 5 (1) or in other documents required under Article 5 (6), or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of said statement or said other documents for the public interest or protection of investors, during the period on or after the day on which the notification was made under Article 4 (1) or (2) but before the day on which the notification is to take effect" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Status Report of Parent Company, etc. (meaning Status Report of Parent Company, etc. as provided for in Article 24-7 (1); the same shall apply hereinafter), or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of a Status Report of Parent Company, etc. for the public interest or protection of investors"; the terms "the person making the notification" and "an amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Status Report of Parent Company, etc." and "an amendment report," respectively; the terms "the person submitting them" and "an amendment" in Article 9 (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Status Report of Parent Company, etc." and "an amendment report," respectively: the term "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement"; and the part "to submit an amendment and may, when he/she finds necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4 (1) or (2)" in Article 10 (1)) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Status Report of Parent Company, etc." and "to submit an amendment report," respectively; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(4)A Parent Company, etc. shall, when it submits a Status Report of Parent Company, etc. under the main clause of paragraph (1) or the main clause of paragraph (2) or submits an amendment report for a Status Report of Parent Company, etc. under Article 7, Article 9 (1) and Article 10 (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph, send a copy thereof to the Subsidiary Company Submitting Annual Securities Reports without delay, and also submit a copy thereof to the exchange or association specified in the following items for each kind of Securities set forth in the respective items:
(i)Securities falling under the category specified in Article 24 (1)(i):the Financial Instruments Exchange referred to in Article 24 (1)(i); or
(ii)Securities falling under the category specified in Article 24 (1)(ii):the Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association specified by a Cabinet Order.
(5)Article 24 (8), (9) and (11) to (13) shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Parent Company, etc. which is a foreign company submits a Status Report of Parent Company, etc. In this case, the parts "a foreign company," ") (including foreign companies which have submitted Annual Securities Reports under Article 23-3 (4); hereinafter referred as to "Reporting Foreign Company")," and "and are similar to Annual Securities Reports, etc. Disclosed in a Foreign State (meaning the state of having been made available for public inspection under laws and regulations under the foreign state (including the rules provided for by the operator of a Foreign Financial Instruments Market or other person specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance); the same shall apply hereinafter in Articles 24-4-7(6) and 24-5(7))" in Article 24 (8) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Parent Company, etc. which is a foreign company (meaning Parent Company, etc. as defined by Article 24-7 (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)," ")," and "and states the matters to be stated in the Status Report of Parent Company, etc.," respectively; the part "documents stating the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors among the matters not stated in the Foreign Company Report, and other" in Article 24 (9) shall be deemed to be replaced with "other"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(6)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the Parent Company, etc. is not a company.In this case, the parts "A company which holds the majority of voting rights," "otherwise has a close relationship as specified by a Cabinet Order" and "persons who hold shares of the Parent Company, etc." in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "A person other than company which holds the majority of voting rights," "is a person other than company who otherwise has a close relationship as specified by a Cabinet Order" and "equity investors of the Parent Company, etc. and other person," respectively; and the terms "a company" and "the company" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a person other than company" and "the person other than company," respectively; the term "which is a foreign company" in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "which is a foreign person"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Public Inspection of Securities Registration Statement, etc.)
Article 25(1)The Prime Minister shall, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, make documents listed in the following items available for public inspection for the period specified in the respective items from the day when he/she receives the document (for an amendment, Amended Shelf Registration Statement, amendment reports and amendment Confirmation Letter listed in the following items, the period specified in the respective items from the day when he/she receives the statements and documents attached thereto submitted under Article 5 (1) and (6), the statement and documents attached thereto to which Article 5 (4) is applicable, the Shelf Registration Statement and documents attached thereto, the Annual Securities Report and documents attached thereto, the Confirmation Letter, the Internal Control Report and documents attached thereto, the Quarterly Securities Report, the Semiannual Securities Report, the Extraordinary Report, the Share Buyback Report, or the Status Report of Parent Company, etc. for which the amendment, Amended Shelf Registration Statement, amendment reports or amendment Confirmation Letter is submitted; and for a Confirmation Letter listed in item (v) and (ix) (limited to cases where confirmation by the Confirmation Letter is made for an amendment report submitted for an Annual Securities Report and documents attached thereto, an amendment report submitted for a Quarterly Securities Report or an amendment report submitted for a Semiannual Securities Report), the period specified in the respective items from the day when he/she receives the Annual Securities Report and documents attached thereto, the Quarterly Securities Report or the Semiannual Securities Report for which the amendment report is submitted):
(i)a statement and documents attached thereto submitted under Article 5 (1) and (6), and an amendment submitted for any of these documents (excluding statements and documents attached thereto, and amendments submitted for any of these documents, to which Article 5 (4) is applicable):five years;
(ii)a statement and documents attached thereto, and an amendment submitted for any of these documents, to which Article 5 (4) is applicable:one year;
(iii)a Shelf Registration Statement and documents attached thereto, Shelf Registration Supplements and documents attached thereto, and an Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted for any of these documents:until the Shelf Registration Statement ceases to be effective;
(iv)an Annual Securities Report and documents attached thereto, and an amendment report submitted for any of these documents:five years;
(v)a Confirmation Letter submitted under Article 24-4-2 and an amendment Confirmation Letter submitted therefor:five years;
(vi)an Internal Control Report and documents attached thereto, and an amendment report submitted for any of these documents:five years;
(vii)a Quarterly Securities Report and an amendment report submitted therefor:three years;
(viii)a Semiannual Securities Report and an amendment report submitted therefor:three years;
(ix)a Confirmation Letter submitted under Article 24-4-2 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-8 or Article 24-5-2, and an amendment Confirmation Letter submitted therefor:three years;
(x)an Extraordinary Report and an amendment report submitted therefor:one year;
(xi)a Share Buyback Report and an amendment report submitted therefor:one year; and
(xii)a Status Report of Parent Company, etc. and an amendment report submitted therefor:five years.
(2)The Issuer of Securities shall, when he/she submits documents listed in items (i) to (xi) of the preceding paragraph or when his/her Parent Company, etc. submits documents listed in item (xii) of the preceding paragraph, keep a copy of these documents at his/her head office and principal branch offices and make these documents available for public inspection for the period from the day when these documents are submitted to the Prime Minister to the day when the period specified in the respective items of the preceding paragraph is elapsed, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(3)A Financial Instruments Exchange and an Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association specified by the Cabinet Order shall, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, keep copies of the documents submitted under Article 6 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, 23-12(1), Article 24 (7), Article 24-2 (3), Article 24-4-2 (5) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-8 (1) and Article 24-5-2 (1)), Article 24-4-3 (2) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-8 (2) and Article 24-5-2 (2)), Article 24-4-4 (5), Article 24-4-5 (2), Article 24-4-7 (5), Article 24-5 (6) and Article 24-6 (3); the same shall apply in paragraph (5)) and paragraph (4) of the preceding Article at their office and make copies of these documents listed in the items of paragraph (1) available for public inspection for the period from the day when the copies of these documents are submitted to the day when the period specified in the respective items is elapsed.
(4)Notwithstanding the preceding three paragraphs, when the Issuer of Securities who submits documents listed in items (i) to (xi) of paragraph (1) or the Parent Company, etc. who submits documents listed in item (xii) of said paragraph submits an application that requires exclusion of part of the documents referred to in the preceding three paragraphs from making available for public inspection by reason of necessity to keep confidentiality of a business secret to the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister approves it, the part of the documents pertaining to the application shall not be made available for public inspection.
(5)When the Issuer of Securities or the Parent Company, etc. sends a copy of the documents listed in the items of paragraph (1) to the Subsidiary Company Submitting Annual Securities Reports or submits the copy to the Financial Instruments Exchange or an Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association specified by a Cabinet Order under Article 6 or paragraph (4) of the preceding Article, if the Issuer of Securities or the Parent Company, etc. obtains approval under the preceding paragraph, the Issuer of Securities or the Parent Company, etc. may remove or delete the part of documents that is exempted from public inspection under the preceding paragraph from the documents to be send or submitted.
(Order for Production of Report by Person Who Submits Securities Registration Statement, etc. and Inspection on Such Person)
Article 26When the Prime Minister finds it necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors, he/she may order the person who submits a Securities Registration Statement, Shelf Registration Statement, Annual Securities Report, Share Buyback Report or Status Report of Parent Company, etc. or an Underwriter of the Securities or other person concerned or witnesses to submit reports or materials that will be helpful, or have the officials inspect the books and documents or other articles held by these persons.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Relevant Provisions for Issuer Who is Not a Company)
Article 27Article 2-2, Articles 5 to 13, Articles 15 to 24-5-2 and Articles 24-7 to the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the Issuer is not a company (with regard to application mutatis mutandis of Article 24 (8) to (13), Article 24-2 (4), Article 24-4-2 (6) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-8 (1) and Article 24-5-2 (1)), Article 24-4-3 (3), Article 24-4-4 (6), Article 24-4-5 (3), Article 24-4-7 (6) to (11) and Article 24-5 (7) to (12), limited to cases where the Issuer is a foreign person).In this case, "a foreign company" in Article 24 (8) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a foreign person other than foreign company"; the term "Reporting Foreign Company" in Article 24 (8), Article 24 (10) to (13), Article 24-2 (4), Article 24-4-7 (6) and (8) to (11) and Article 24-5 (7) and (9) to (12) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Reporting Foreign Person"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms or other matters necessary for application of these provisions shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.
第二章の二 公開買付けに関する開示
Chapter II-2 Disclosure Required for Tender Offer
第一節 発行者以外の者による株券等の公開買付け
Section 1 Tender Offer for Share Certificates, etc. by Person Other than Issuer
(Tender Offer for Share Certificates, etc. by Person Other than Issuer)
Article 27-2(1)As for Shares, bonds with share option and other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Share Certificates, etc." in this Chapter and Article 27-30-11 (excluding Article 27-30-11 (4))) for which their Issuer is required to submit Annual Securities Reports, Purchase, etc. (meaning purchase or other type of acceptance of transfer for value of Share Certificates, etc. and including acts specified by a Cabinet Order as being similar to such acceptance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section) of them shall be made by means of a Tender Offer, if the Purchase, etc. is made by a person other than the Issuer and falls under any of the categories listed in the following items; provided, however, that this shall not apply to Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. conducted as exercise of share option by the holder thereof, Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. from Persons in Special Relationship with the person conducting Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc.(limited to such persons specified in item (i) of paragraph (7) and specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance) or other Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. so specified by a Cabinet Order:
(i)Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. conducted outside of Financial Instruments Exchange Markets (excluding Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. conducted through transactions specified by a Cabinet Order as being equivalent to sales and purchase or the like of Securities conducted in Financial Instruments Exchange Markets and Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. which is specified by a Cabinet Order as Purchase, etc. from an extremely small number of persons) after which the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate of Share Certificates, etc. in possession (including cases specified by a Cabinet Order as equivalent to possession of Share Certificates, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section) of the person who conducted the Purchase, etc. (or, in cases where there are Persons in Special Relationship with the person who conducted the Purchase, etc.(excluding Persons in Special Relationship specified in item (i) of paragraph (7) and specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance), the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate calculated by adding the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate of the Persons in Special Relationship to that for the person who conducted the Purchase, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) exceeds five percent;
(ii)Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. conducted outside of Financial Instruments Exchange Markets (excluding Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. conducted through transactions specified by a Cabinet Order as being equivalent to sales and purchase or the like of Securities conducted in Financial Instruments Exchange Markets; the same shall apply in paragraph (iv)) which falls under the categories of Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. which is specified by a Cabinet Order as Purchase, etc. from an extremely small number of persons and after which the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate of Share Certificates, etc. in possession by the person who conducted the Purchase, etc. exceeds one third;
(iii)Sales and purchase or the like of Securities conducted at Financial Instruments Exchange Markets through sales and purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. using a method that is designated by the Prime Minister as a method other than the method of auction (such sales and purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. are hereinafter referred to as "Specified Sales and Purchase, etc." in this paragraph) after which the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate of Share Certificates, etc. in possession by the person who conducted the Purchase, etc. exceeds one third;
(iv)Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. in cases where acquisition of Share Certificates, etc. in excess of the proportion specified by a Cabinet Order during the period specified by a Cabinet Order not exceeding six months is made by Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. or Acquisition of Newly Issued Share Certificates, etc. (meaning acquisition of Share Certificates, etc. which is newly issued by its Issuer; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) (in cases where such acquisition of Share Certificates, etc. is made by Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc., limited to Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. in excess of the proportion specified by a Cabinet Order conducted through Specified Sales and Purchase, etc. or outside of Financial Instruments Exchange Markets (excluding that conducted by a Tender Offer)) and the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate of Share Certificates, etc. in possession by the person who conducted the Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. exceeds one third after the Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. or the Acquisition of Newly Issued Share Certificates, etc. (excluding those listed in the preceding three items);
(v)Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. to be made in excess of the proportion specified by a Cabinet Order during the period specified by a Cabinet Order not exceeding six months by a person other than the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc. (limited to cases where the Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate of Share Certificates, etc. in possession by the person exceeds one third) in cases where another person's Tender Offer is made for the Share Certificates, etc., (excluding those listed in the preceding items); and
(vi)other Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. specified by a Cabinet Order as being equivalent to Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. listed in any of the preceding items.
(2)Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. by means of Tender Offer required under the main clause of the preceding paragraph shall be made by setting a period for Purchase, etc. which may not exceed the period specified by a Cabinet Order.
(3)When Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. is made by means of Tender Offer as required by the main clause of paragraph (1), the price for the Purchase, etc. (or, in cases where the Purchase, etc. is made by other type of acceptance of transfer for value than purchase, what is specified by a Cabinet Order as being equivalent to price for Purchase, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section) shall be set on the same conditions for all offerees, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order.
(4)When Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. is made by means of Tender Offer as required by the main clause of paragraph (1), management of Share Certificates, etc., payment for the Purchase, etc. and other affairs specified by a Cabinet Order shall be performed by a Financial Instruments Business Operator (limited to those engaged in Type I Financial Instruments Business as defined in Article 28 (1); the same shall apply in Article 27-12 (3)) or a Bank, etc. (meaning a bank, Cooperative Structured Financial Institution or other financial institution specified by a Cabinet Order; the same shall apply in Article 27-12 (3)).
(5)When Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. is made by means of Tender Offer as required by the main clause of paragraph (1), it shall be implemented pursuant to the conditions and methods specified by a Cabinet Order, in addition to what are prescribed in the preceding three paragraphs and other provisions of this Section.
(6)The term "Tender Offer" as used in this Article means an act of soliciting offers for Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. (meaning sales or other type of transfer for value; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section) of Share Certificates, etc. from many and unspecified persons through public notice, and making Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. outside of Financial Instruments Exchange Markets.
(7)The term "Persons in Special Relationship" as used in paragraph (1) means the following persons:
(i)persons having a shareholder relationship, family relationship or other special relationship specified by a Cabinet Order with the person conducting Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc.; and
(ii)persons having agreed with the person conducting Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. to jointly acquire or transfer the Share Certificates, etc. or to jointly exercise voting rights or other rights as shareholders of the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc., or to transfer or accept transfer of the Share Certificates, etc. between them after the Purchase, etc. of the Share Certificates, etc.
(8)The term "Share Certificates, etc. Holding Rate" as used in paragraph (1) means either of the following:
(i)as for the person conducting Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc., the rate obtained, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, by dividing the total of the number of the voting rights (meaning the number of voting rights represented by shares calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance in the case of share certificates, or the number of voting rights represented by shares calculated by converting Securities other than share certificates into shares pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance in the case of Securities other than share certificates; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) pertaining to the Share Certificates, etc. in possession by that person (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance considering the manner of holding or other circumstances; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), by the number obtained by adding the total number of voting rights issued by the Issuer to the number of voting rights pertaining to bonds with share option or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order issued by the Issuer and held by that person and Persons in Special Relationship with that person; or
(ii)as for Persons in Special Relationship as defined in the preceding paragraph (excluding persons who fall under the category specified in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph and conduct Purchase, etc. of any Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc.), the rate obtained, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, by dividing the total of the number of the voting rights pertaining to the Share Certificates, etc. in possession by that person, by the number obtained by adding the total number of voting rights issued by the Issuer to the number of voting rights pertaining to bonds with share option or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order issued by the Issuer and held by that person and the person conducting the Purchase, etc. of the Share Certificates, etc. referred to in the preceding item.
(Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer and Tender Offer Notification)
Article 27-3(1)The person who is required under the main clause of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to make Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. by means of Tender Offer provided for by Article 27-2 (1) (hereinafter referred to as the "Tender Offer" in this Section) shall, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, make a public notice of the purpose of the Tender Offer, the price for Purchase, etc., the Number of Share Certificates, etc. Planned to be Purchased (meaning the number of shares in the case of share certificates, or the number of shares calculated by converting Securities other than share certificates into shares pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance in the case of Securities other than share certificates; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section), the period of Purchase, etc. and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance with regard to the Tender Offer.In this case, when the period of Purchase, etc. is shorter than the period specified by a Cabinet Order, to the effect that the period of Purchase, etc. may be extended under Article 27-10 (3) shall be clearly indicated in the public notice.
(2)The person who makes a public notice under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer" in this Section) (such a person is hereinafter referred to as a "Tender Offeror" in this Section) shall, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, submit a document containing the following matters and documents specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those to be attached thereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Tender Offer Notification" in this Section and Articles 167, 197, 197-2) to the Prime Minister on the day when the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer is made; provided, however, that, if the day on which the Tender Offer Notification shall be submitted falls on a Sunday or other day specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, the Tender Offer Notification shall be submitted on the following day:
(i)the price for Purchase, etc., the Number of Share Certificates, etc. Planned to be Purchased, the period of Purchase, etc. (including the statement included in the public notice under the second sentence of the preceding paragraph), the transfer and other settlement procedures and other terms of Purchase, etc. set by the Tender Offeror (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Terms of Purchase, etc." in this Section);
(ii)details of the contract concluded for making Purchase, etc. of the Share Certificates, etc. pertaining to the Tender Offer not though the Tender Offer on or after the day when the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer is made, if any; and
(iii)the purpose of the Tender Offer, the matters concerning the Tender Offeror and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.
(3)The Tender Offeror, Persons in Special Relationship with the Tender Offeror (meaning Persons in Special Relationship as defined in Article 27-2 (7); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section), or other persons concerned as specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Tender Offeror, etc." in this Section) shall not conduct solicitation of offers for Sales, etc. or other acts pertaining to the Tender Offer specified by a Cabinet Order on and after the day following the day when the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer is made, unless the Tender Offeror submits the Tender Offer Notification to the Prime Minister.
(4)The Tender Offeror shall, immediately after the submission of the Tender Offer Notification, send a copy of the Tender Offer Notification to the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc. to which the Tender Offer is made (and the person who has already submitted a Tender Offer Notification with regard to any Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer as of the day on which the Tender Offer Notification is submitted, if any), and, if the Share Certificates, etc. for which the Tender Offer is made falls under any of the categories listed in the following items, also send a copy of the Tender Offer Notification to the exchange or association specified in the following items for each kind of Share Certificates, etc. set forth in the respective items.In this case, matters necessary for sending of the copies shall be specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance:
(i)Share Certificates, etc. listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange:the Financial Instruments Exchange; and
(ii)Share Certificates, etc. specified by a Cabinet Order as those of which the state of distribution can be regarded as being equivalent to Share Certificates, etc. referred to in the preceding item:the Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Purchase, etc. in Which Securities are Delivered as the Consideration Therefor)
Article 27-4(1)In the case of a Tender Offer in which Securities are to be delivered as the consideration of Purchase, etc., if Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of the Securities is subject to the main clause of Article 4 (1) or the main clause of Article 4 (2), the Tender Offeror, etc. shall not conduct solicitation of offers for Sales, etc. or other acts pertaining to the Tender Offer specified by a Cabinet Order unless the Issuer of the Securities has made a notification to the Prime Minister as provided by these provisions concurrently with submission of the Tender Offer Notification or an amendment therefor, except in the case referred to in the following paragraph.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if a Shelf Registration has been made for the Securities referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Tender Offeror, etc. shall not conduct solicitation of offers for Sales, etc. or other acts pertaining to the Tender Offer specified by a Cabinet Order unless the Shelf Registration has come into effect and the Shelf Registration Holder of the Securities has submitted the Shelf Registration Supplements to the Prime Minister concurrently with submission of the Tender Offer Notification or an amendment therefor.
(3)Notwithstanding paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, in the case of a Tender Offer in which Securities are to be delivered as the consideration of Purchase, etc., if the notification under the main clause of Article 4 (1) or the main clause of Article 4 (2) has been made or the Shelf Registration Supplements have been submitted for the Securities, part of the matters to be stated in a Tender Offer Notification and documents to be attached thereto may be omitted as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in the Tender Offer Notification to be submitted for the Tender Offer.
(Prohibition of Purchase, etc. Not through Tender Offer)
Article 27-5A Tender Offeror, etc. shall not make Purchase, etc. of any Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc. pertaining to his/her Tender Offer not through the Tender Offer during the Tender Offer Period (meaning the period from the day when the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer is made to the last day of the period for the Purchase, etc. and including the extended period, if any; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section); provided, however, that this shall not apply to the following cases:
(i)cases where the contract for making Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. issued by the Issuer of the Share Certificates, etc. not through the Tender Offer has been concluded before the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer and the existence and details of that contract are stated in the Tender Offer Notification;
(ii)cases where a person who falls under the category of persons specified in Article 27-2 (7)(i) (excluding the cases where such a person also falls under the category of persons specified in Article 27-2 (7)(ii)) notifies the fact that he/she does not fall under the category of persons specified in Article 27-2 (7)(ii) to the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance; or
(iii)other cases so specified by a Cabinet Order.
(Changes in Terms of Purchase, etc. for Tender Offer)
Article 27-6(1)A Tender Offeror shall not make any of the changes in the Terms of Purchase, etc. listed below:
(i)to lower the price for Purchase, etc. (excluding those implemented in cases where the Public Notice for Commencing Tender Offer and the Tender Offer Notification states as one of the Terms of Purchase, etc. that the price for Purchase, etc. may be lowered according to standards specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance if the Subject Company (meaning Subject Company defined in Article 27-10 (1)) conducts share split or other act specified by a Cabinet Order during the Tender Offer Period.);
(ii)to reduce the Number of Share Certificates, etc. Planned to be Purchased;
(iii)to shorten the period for Purchase, etc.; or
(iv)any other change in the Terms of Purchase, etc. specified by a Cabinet Order.
(2)A Tender Offeror may make any change of the Terms of Purchase, etc. other than those specified in the items of the preceding paragraph.In this case, the Tender Offeror who intends to make such change shall give public notice of the details of the change in the Terms of Purchase, etc. (excluding the extension of the period for Purchase, etc. made under Article 27-10 (3)) and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance during the Tender Offer Period pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order.
(3)When it is difficult to give public notice required under the preceding paragraph by the last day of the Tender Offer Period, the Tender Offeror shall publicly announce the details and the matters specified in the preceding paragraph pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance and give public notice as required under the preceding paragraph immediately after that.