Companies Act(Act No. 86 of 2005)
Last Version: Act No. 109 of 2006

  • December 12, 2023
    • Last Version: Act No. 63 of 2015
    • Translated Date: July 5, 2022
    • Dictionary Version: 11.0
  • November 14, 2018
    • Last Version: Act No. 90 of 2014
    • Translated Date: March 2, 2015
    • Dictionary Version: 9.0
  • January 6, 2015
    • Last Version: Act No. 16 of 2012
    • Translated Date: January 31, 2014
    • Dictionary Version: 8.0
  • February 14, 2013
    • Last Version: Act No. 109 of 2006
    • Translated Date: April 1, 2009
    • Dictionary Version: 2.0

Companies Act (Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV)
Act No. 86 of July 26, 2005
第一編 総則
PART I General Provisions
第一章 通則
Chapter I Common Provisions
Article 1The formation, organization, operation and management of companies shall be governed by the provisions of this Act, except as otherwise provided by other acts.
Article 2In this Act, the meanings of the terms listed in the following items shall be as prescribed respectively in those items:
(i)"Company"means any Stock Company, General Partnership Company, Limited Partnership Company or Limited Liability Company;
(ii)"Foreign Company"means such any juridical person incorporated under the law of a foreign country or such other foreign organization that is of the same kind as the Company or is similar to a Company;
(iii)"Subsidiary"means any entity which is prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as the juridical person the management of which is controlled by a Company, including, but not limited to, a Stock Company a majority of all votes in which are owned by the Company;
(iv)"Parent Company"means any entity which is prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as a juridical person who controls the management of a Stock Company, including, but not limited to, a Company which has a Stock Company as its Subsidiary;
(v)"Public Company"means any Stock Company the articles of incorporation of which do not require, as a feature of all or part of its shares, the approval of the Stock Company for the acquisition of such shares by transfer;
(vi)"Large Company"means any Stock Company which satisfies any of the following requirements:
(a)that the amount of the stated capital in the balance sheet as of the end of its Most Recent Business Year (hereinafter in this (a) and (b) below referring to the balance sheet reported to the annual shareholders' meeting under the provision of Article 439 in cases provided for in the first sentence of such Article, and referring to the balance sheet under Article 435(1) in cases where the first annual shareholders' meeting after the incorporation of the Stock Company has not yet been held) is 500,000,000 yen or more; or
(b)that the total sum of the amounts in the liabilities section of the balance sheet as of the end of its Most Recent Business Year is 20,000,000,000 yen or more;
(vii)"Company with Board of Directors"means any Stock Company which has a board of directors, or any Stock Company which is required to have a board of directors under the provisions of this Act;
(viii)"Company with Accounting Advisors"means any Stock Company which has Accounting Advisor(s);
(ix)"Company with Auditors"means any Stock Company which has auditor(s) (excluding any Stock Company the articles of incorporation of which provide that the scope of the audit by its auditor(s) shall be limited to an audit related to accounting), or any Stock Company which is required to have auditor(s) under the provisions of this Act;
(x)"Company with Board of Auditors"means any Stock Company which has a board of auditors, or any Stock Company which is required to have a board of auditors under the provisions of this Act;
(xi)"Company with Accounting Auditors"means any Stock Company which has accounting auditor(s), or any Stock Company which is required to have accounting auditor(s) under the provisions of this Act;
(xii)"Company with Committees"means any Stock Company which has a nominating committee, an audit committee and a compensation committee (hereinafter referred to as "Committees");
(xiii)"Corporation with Class Shares"means any Business Corporation which issues two or more classes of shares with different features as to the matters listed in the items of Article 108(1), including, but not limited to, the Dividend of Surplus;
(xiv)"Class Meeting"means a meeting of Class Shareholders (hereinafter referring to the shareholders of any class of shares of a Company with Class Shares);
(xv)"Outside Director"means a director of any Stock Company who is neither an Executive Director (hereinafter referring to a director of a Stock Company listed in any item of Article 363(1), and any other director who has executed operation of such Stock Company) nor an executive officer, nor an employee, including a manager, of such Stock Company or any of its Subsidiaries, and who has neither ever served in the past as an executive director nor executive officer, nor as an employee, including a manager, of such Stock Company or any of its Subsidiaries;
(xvi)"Outside Company Auditor"means an auditor of any Stock Company who has neither ever served in the past as a director, Accounting Advisor (or, in cases where the accounting advisor is a juridical person, any member thereof who was in charge of its advisory affairs) or executive officer, nor as an employee, including a manager, of such Stock Company or any of its Subsidiaries;
(xvii)"Shares with Restriction on Transfer"means the shares in cases where a Stock Company provides, as a feature of all or part of its shares, that the approval of the Stock Company is required for the acquisition of such shares by transfer;
(xviii)"Shares with Put Option"means the shares in cases where a Stock Company provides, as a feature of all or part of its shares, that a shareholder may demand the Stock Company to redeem such shares;
(xix)"Shares Subject to Call"means the shares in cases where a Stock Company provides, as a feature of all or part of its shares, that such Stock Company may redeem such shares upon the occurrence of specified event;
(xx)"Share Unit"means such certain number in cases where a Stock Company provides in its articles of incorporation that certain number of shares it issues constitute one unit of shares which entitles a shareholder to cast one vote in a shareholders' meeting or Class Meeting;
(xxi)"Share Option"means any right which entitles the holder to acquire shares in a Stock Company by exercising the right against such Stock Company;
(xxii)"Bond with Share Options"means any Bond with attached Share Options;
(xxiii)"Bond"means any monetary claim owed by a Company by allotment under the provisions of this Act and which will be redeemed in accordance with the provisions on the matters listed in the items of Article 676;
(xxiv)"Most Recent Business Year"means the latest of business years for which approval under Article 438(2) (or any approval under Article 436(3) in cases provided for in Article 439(1)) is obtained with respect to the financial statements provided in Article 435(2) relating to each business year,
(xxv)"Dividend Property"means the property to be distributed in cases where a Stock Company pays the Dividend of Surplus;
(xxvi)"Entity Conversion"means any change, through conversion, from a Company listed in (a) or (b) below, respectively, to another form of Company prescribed immediately thereafter in the said (a) or (b):
(a)from a Stock Companyto a General Partnership Company, Limited Partnership Company or Limited Liability Company;
(b)from a General Partnership Company, Limited Partnership Company or Limited Liability Companyto a Stock Company.
(xxvii)"Absorption-type Merger"means any merger Company(s) effects with another Company(s) whereby the surviving Company succeeds to any and all rights and obligations of the absorbed Company(s);
(xxviii)"Consolidation-type Merger"means any merger effected by two or more Companies whereby the new Company incorporated by the merger succeeds to any and all rights and obligations of the companies consolidated by the merger;
(xxix)"Absorption-type Company Split"means any Company split whereby succeeding Company(s) succeeds after the Company Split, in whole or in part, to any rights and obligations, in whole or in part, in connection with the business of the Stock Company(s) or the Limited Liability Company(s) which is split;
(xxx)"Incorporation-type Company Split"means any Company split whereby new Company(s) incorporated by the Company Split succeeds to any rights and obligations, in whole or in part, in connection with business of the Stock Company(s) or the Limited Liability Company(s) which is split;
(xxxi)"Share Exchange"means any exchange of shares whereby Stock Company(s) cause all of its issued shares (hereinafter referring to the shares issued by a Stock Company) to be acquired by another Stock Company or Limited Liability Company;
(xxxii)"Share Transfer"means any transfer whereby Stock Company(s) cause all of its issued shares to be acquired by a newly incorporated Stock Company;
(xxxiii)"Method of Public Notice"means the method which a Company (including a Foreign Company) adopts to give public notice (excluding those which are required to be effected by publishing the notice in the Official Gazette pursuant to the provisions of this Act or any other acts);
(xxxiv)"Electronic Public Notice"means a Method of Public Notice prescribed by the applicable ordinance of the Ministry of Justice which, through use of an electronic method (hereinafter referring to the method prescribed by the applicable ordinance of the Ministry of Justice which uses information communication technology including, but not limited to, the method which uses electronic data processing system), enables the general public to access such public notice.
(Juridical Personality)
Article 3A Company shall be a juridical person.
Article 4The domicile of a Company shall be the location of its head office.
(Commercial Transaction)
Article 5Any act which a Company (hereinafter in this Article, in paragraph (1) of the following Article, in Article 8 and in Article 9, including a Foreign Company) carries out as its business and any act which it carries out for its business shall constitute a commercial transaction.
第二章 会社の商号
Chapter II Trade Name of Company
(Trade Name)
Article 6(1)The name of a Company shall be its trade name.
(2)A Company shall use in its trade name the words "Kabushiki-Kaisha," "Gomei-Kaisha," "Goushi-Kaisha" or "Goudou-Kaisha" respectively for Stock Company, General Partnership Company, Limited Partnership Company or Limited Liability Company.
(3)A Company may not use in its trade name any word which makes it likely that the Company may be mistaken for a different form of Company.
(No Use of Name, etc. which is Likely to be Mistaken for a Company)
Article 7No person who is not a Company may use in its name or trade name any word which makes it likely that the person may be mistaken as a Company.
Article 8(1)No person may use, with a wrongful purpose, any name or trade name which makes it likely that the person may be mistaken for the other Company.
(2)Any Company the enterprise interests of which have been, or are likely to be, infringed by the use of any name or trade name in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph may seek an injunction suspending or preventing the infringement against the person who infringes, or is likely to infringe, those enterprise interests.
(Liability of Company Permitting Others to Use Its Trade Name)
Article 9Any Company who has permitted others to carry out a business or engage in any enterprise by using the Company's own trade name shall be jointly and severally liable together with such others, vis-a-vis any person who has transacted with such others based on misunderstanding that such Company carries out such business, for the performance of any obligations which may arise from such transaction.
第三章 会社の使用人等
Chapter III Employees of a Company
第一節 会社の使用人
Section 1 Employees of a Company
Article 10A Company (hereinafter in this Part including a Foreign Company) may appoint manager(s) and have him/her carry out its business at its head office or branch office.
(Manager's Authority of Representation)
Article 11(1)A manager shall have authority to do any and all judicial and non-judicial acts on behalf of a Company in connection with its business.
(2)A manager may elect or dismiss other employee(s).
(3)No limitation on a manager's authority of representation may be asserted against a third party without knowledge of such limitation.
(Non-Competition by Manager)
Article 12(1)A manager may not commit any of the following acts without the permission of the Company:
(i)engage in his/her own enterprise;
(ii)carry out, for himself/herself or for a third party, any transaction which is in the line of business of the Company;
(iii)become an employee of any other Company or merchant (excluding any Company; the same shall apply in Article 24);
(iv)become a director, executive officer or any member who executes the operation of any other Company.
(2)If a manager commits any act listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph in violation of the provisions of that paragraph, the amount of the profit obtained by the manager or any third party as a result of such act shall be presumed to be amount of the damage suffered by the Company.
(Apparent Manager)
Article 13Any employee with a title which holds him/her out as the chief of the business of the head office or any branch office of a Company shall be deemed to have the authority to do any and all non-judicial acts in connection with the business of such head office or branch office,provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where his/her counterparty acts with knowledge of his/her actual authority.
(Employees to Whom the Authority of a Certain Kind of Matter or A Specific Matter is Delegated)
Article 14(1)Any employee to whom the authority of a certain kind of matter or a specific matter in connection with the business is delegated shall have the authority to do any and all non-judicial acts in connection with such matter.
(2)No limitation on the authority of representation of the employee provided in the preceding paragraph may be asserted against a third party without knowledge of such limitation.
(Employees of Stores for the Purpose of Selling Goods)
Article 15Any employee of a store the purpose of which is the sale, etc. (hereinafter in this Article referring to sale, lease or any other act similar to the foregoing) of goods shall be deemed to have authority to conduct the sale, etc. of the goods located in such store,provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where his/her counterparty acts with knowledge of his/her actual authority.
第二節 会社の代理商
Section 2 Commercial Agents of the Companies
(Duty to Give Notice)
Article 16When any Commercial Agent (hereinafter in this Section referring to a person who acts on behalf of a Company as an agent or intermediary in any transaction in the ordinary line of business of the Company, and is not an employee of the Company) undertakes any transaction as an agent or intermediary, the Commercial Agent shall give notice of that fact to the Company without delay.
(Non-Competition by Commercial Agent)
Article 17(1)A Commercial Agent may not carry out any of the following acts without the permission of the Company:
(i)carry out, for himself/herself or for a third party, any transaction which is in the line of business of the Company;
(ii)become a director, executive officer or any member who executes operation of any other Company which carries out the same kind of business as the Company.
(2)If a Commercial Agent commits any act listed in item (i) of the preceding paragraph in violation of provisions of that paragraph, the amount of the profit obtained by the Commercial Agent or any third party as a result of such act shall be presumed to be amount of the damage suffered by the Company.
(Authority to Receive Notice)
Article 18A Commercial Agent to whom the authority of the sale of goods or the role of intermediary in the same is delegated shall have authority to receive the notice regarding the sale and purchase including, but not limited to, the notice under Article 526(2) of the Commercial Code (Act No. 48 of 1899).
(Cancellation of Commercial Agency Contract)
Article 19(1)A Company or the Commercial Agent may, when they did not define the period of the commercial agency contract, cancel the contract by giving an advance notice more than two months in advance.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if there is any compelling reason, the Company or its Commercial Agent may cancel the commercial agency contract at any time.
(Right of Retention of Commercial Agent)
Article 20If any claim arising from acting as an agent or intermediary in any transaction is due, the Commercial Agent can retain any property or negotiable instruments of value which it possesses on behalf of the Company until the satisfaction of such claim,provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where the parties otherwise manifest their intention.
第四章 事業の譲渡をした場合の競業の禁止等
Chapter IV Non-Competition after Assignment of Business
(Non-competition by Assignor Company)
Article 21(1)Unless the parties otherwise manifest their intention, a Company which assigned its business (hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as "Assignor Company") may not carry out the same line of business within the area of the same city, town or village (hereinafter in this Section referring to "ward" for the area in which special wards of Tokyo are located and for the cities designated under Article 252-19(1) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947)), or within the area of any of its neighboring cities, towns or villages for twenty years from the day of the assignment of the business.
(2)In cases where the Assignor Company agreed to a special provision to the effect that it will not carry out the same line of the business, the effectiveness of the special provision shall be limited to the period of thirty years from the day of the assignment of the business.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the Assignor Company may not carry out the same line of business with the purpose of unfair competition.
(Liabilities of Assignee Company using the Trade Name of the Assignor Company)
Article 22(1)In cases where any Company to which any business is assigned (hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as "Assignee Company") continues to use the trade name of the Assignor Company, the Assignee Company shall also be liable for the performance of any obligations having arisen from the business of the Assignor Company.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply in cases where the Assignee Company registers, at the location of its head office, without delay after it has accepted the assignment of the business, a statement to the effect that it will not be liable for the performance of the obligations of the Assignor Company.In cases where the Assignee Company and Assignor Company give notice to the above effect to any third party without delay after the assignment of the business, the provisions of the immediately preceding sentence shall apply to the third party who receives such notice.
(3)In cases where the Assignee Company is liable for the performance of the obligations of the Assignor Company pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the liability of the Assignor Company shall be extinguished upon lapse of two years after the day of the assignment of the business vis-a-vis any obligee who does not demand the performance, or does not give an advance notice of his/her demand, within that period.
(4)In cases provided for in paragraph (1), any performance made vis-a-vis the Assignee Company with respect to any claim arising from the business of the Assignor Company shall remain effective if the performing party is without knowledge and is not grossly negligent.
(Assumption of Obligations by Assignee Company)
Article 23(1)Even in cases where an Assignee Company does not continue to use the trade name of the Assignor Company, if it advertises to the effect that it will assume the obligations that has arisen from the business of the Assignor Company, the obligees of the Assignor Company may demand the performance against the Assignee Company.
(2)In cases where the Assignee Company is liable for the performance of the obligations of the Assignor Company pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the liability of the Assignor Company shall be extinguished upon lapse of two years after the day of the advertisement under that paragraph vis-a-vis any obligee who does not demand the performance, or does not give an advance notice of his/her demand, within that period.
(Assignment of Business to or from a Merchant)
Article 24(1)In cases where a Company assigns its business to a merchant, such Company shall be deemed to be the assignee provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 16 of the Commercial Code, and the provisions of Article 17 and Article 18 of the Code shall apply.
(2)In cases where a Company accepts assignment of the enterprise of any merchant, such merchant shall be deemed to be the Assignor Company, and the provisions of the preceding two articles shall apply.
第二編 株式会社
PART II Stock Company
第一章 設立
Chapter I Incorporation
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
Article 25(1)A Stock Company may be incorporated by either of the following methods:
(i)The method by which incorporator(s) subscribe(s) for all Shares Issued at Incorporation (meaning the shares which are issued at incorporation of a Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter) pursuant to the provisions of the next Section to Section 8 inclusive; or
(ii)The method by which, in addition to the subscription by incorporator(s) for the Shares Issued at Incorporation, person(s) who will subscribe for the Shares Issued at Incorporation is/are solicited pursuant to the provisions of the next Section, Section 3, Article 39 and Section 6 to Section 9 inclusive.
(2)Each incorporator shall subscribe for one or more Shares Issued at Incorporation in the incorporation of a Stock Company.
第二節 定款の作成
Section 2 Preparation of Articles of Incorporation
(Preparation of Articles of Incorporation)
Article 26(1)In order to incorporate a Stock Company, incorporator(s) shall prepare articles of incorporation, and all incorporators shall sign or affix the name(s) and seal(s) to it.
(2)Articles of incorporation set forth in the preceding paragraph may be prepared by Electromagnetic Records (meaning records produced by electronic forms, magnetic forms, or any other forms unrecognizable by human senses, which are for computer data-processing use as prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice. The same shall apply hereinafter.).In such cases, actions prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice shall be taken in lieu of the signing or the affixing of the names and seals, with respect to the data recorded in such Electromagnetic Records.
(Matters to be Specified or Recorded in the articles of incorporation)
Article 27Articles of incorporation of a Stock Company shall specify or record the following matters:
(ii)Trade name;
(iii)Location of the head office;
(iv)Value of property to be contributed at the incorporation or the lower limit thereof;
(v)Name(s) and address(es) of the incorporator(s).
Article 28In cases where a Stock Company is to be incorporated, the following matters shall not become effective unless they are specified or recorded in the articles of incorporation referred to in Article 26(1):
(i)Name(s) of person(s) who contribute(s) by any property other than money, the description of such property and the value thereof, and the number of the Shares Issued at Incorporation that are to be allotted to such person(s) (in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, referring to the class(es) and the number of each class of the Shares Issued at Incorporation; the same shall apply in item (i) of Article 32(1));
(ii)Property that is agreed to be assigned to the Stock Company after the formation thereof, the value thereof, and the name of the assignor;
(iii)Compensation or other special benefit which the incorporator(s) is to obtain by the formation of the Stock Company, and the name(s) of such incorporator(s); and
(iv)Expenses regarding the incorporation that are borne by the Stock Company (excluding the fees for the certification of the articles of incorporation, and other expenses which are prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as expenses that are unlikely to cause harm to the Stock Company)
Article 29In addition to the matters listed in each item of Article 27 and each item of the preceding article, articles of incorporation of a Stock Company may specify or record the matters which, pursuant to the provisions of this Act, may not become effective unless provided for in the articles of incorporation, or other matters which do not violate any provision of this Act.
(Certification of Articles of Incorporation)
Article 30(1)Articles of incorporation set forth in Article 26(1) shall not become effective unless they are certified by a notary public.
(2)Articles of incorporation that are certified by a notary public pursuant to the preceding paragraph may not be amended before the formation of the Stock Company except when they are amended under the provisions of Article 33(7) or (9), or Article 37(1) or (2).
(Keeping and Inspection of Articles of Incorporation)
Article 31(1)The incorporator(s) (or the Stock Company after the formation of such Stock Company) shall keep articles of incorporation at the place designated by the incorporator(s) (or at the head office or branch office of the Stock Company after the formation of such Stock Company).
(2)The incorporator(s) (or, after the formation of such Stock Company, the shareholder(s) and creditor(s) of such Stock Company) may submit the following request at any time during the hours designated by the incorporator(s) (or, after the formation of such Stock Company, during the business hours of such Stock Company); provided, however, that the fees designated by the incorporator(s) (or, after the formation of such Stock Company, such Stock Company) are required to be paid in order to submit the requests listed in item (ii) or item (iv):
(i)If articles of incorporation are prepared in writing, a request to inspect it;
(ii)A request for a transcript or extract of the articles of incorporation referred to in the preceding item;
(iii)If articles of incorporation are prepared by Electromagnetic Records, a request to inspect anything that displays the data recorded in such Electromagnetic Records in a manner prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice; or
(iv)A request that the matters recorded in the Electromagnetic Records set forth in the preceding item be provided by an Electromagnetic Method designated by the incorporator(s) (or, after the formation of such Stock Company, such Stock Company), or a request for any document that contains such data
(3)If, after the formation of a Stock Company, it is necessary for the purpose of exercising the rights of a Member of the Parent Company (meaning the shareholders and other members of the Parent Companies. The same shall apply hereinafter.) of such Stock Company, such Member of the Parent Company may, with the permission of the court, make the requests listed in each item of the preceding paragraph with respect to the articles of incorporation of such Stock Company; provided, however, that, in order to make the requests listed in item (ii) or item (iv) of that paragraph, the fees designated by such Stock Company is required to be paid.
(4)In cases where articles of incorporation are prepared by Electromagnetic Records, for the purpose of the application of the provisions of paragraph (1) with respect to a Stock Company which adopts the measures prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as the measures that enable its branch offices to respond to the request listed in item (iii) and item (iv) of paragraph (2), "head office and branch office" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "head office."
第三節 出資
Section 3 Contributions
(Determination of Matters regarding Shares Issued at Incorporation)
Article 32(1)When incorporator(s) determine the following matters at the incorporation of the Stock Company (excluding matters provided for in the articles of incorporation), he/she shall obtain the consent of all incorporators:
(i)The number of the Shares Issued at Incorporation that is to be allotted to each incorporator;
(ii)The amount of money to be paid in exchange for the Shares Issued at Incorporation set forth in the preceding item; and
(iii)Matters regarding the amount of the stated capital and capital reserves of the Stock Company after the formation.
(2)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, if the Shares Issued at Incorporation set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph are those which are provided for in the articles of incorporation under the provisions of the first sentence of Article 108(3), the incorporator(s) shall, with the consent of all incorporators, determine the features of such Shares Issued at Incorporation.
(Election of Inspector of Matters Specified or Recorded in the Articles of Incorporation)
Article 33(1)If articles of incorporation specify or record the matters listed in each item of Article 28, the incorporator(s) shall, without delay after the certification by the notary public under Article 30(1), file a petition for the election of an inspector with the court in order to have the inspector investigate such matters.
(2)In cases where the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph has been filed, the court shall elect the inspector except in case it dismisses such petition as non-conforming.
(3)In cases where the court has elected the inspector set forth in the preceding paragraph, it may fix the amount of the remuneration that the Stock Company after the formation pays to such inspector.
(4)The inspector set forth in paragraph (2) shall conduct necessary investigation and shall report the court by submitting documents or Electromagnetic Records (limited to those prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice) which specifies or records the result of such investigation.
(5)If the court finds it necessary for the purpose of clarification of the contents of the report set forth in the preceding paragraph or of confirmation of the grounds supporting such report, it may request the inspector set forth in paragraph (2) a further report set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(6)When the inspector set forth in paragraph (2) reports pursuant to paragraph (4), he/she shall give the incorporator(s) a copy of the documents set forth in that paragraph, or provide the matters recorded in the Electromagnetic Records set forth in that paragraph by the method prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(7)In cases where the court receives a report under paragraph (4), if it finds the provisions in articles of incorporation relating to matters listed in each item of Article 28 (excluding any matters not subjected to the investigation by the inspector under paragraph (2)) to be improper, it shall make a ruling amending the same.
(8)In cases where some or all of the provisions in articles of incorporation relating to matters listed in each item of Article 28 are amended by a ruling set forth in the preceding paragraph, the incorporator(s) may rescind his/her manifestation of intention relating to subscription for the relevant Shares Issued at Incorporation within one week from the finalization of such ruling.
(9)In the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the incorporator(s) may, with the consent of all incorporators, amend articles of incorporation repealing the provisions which have been amended by such ruling, within one week from the finalization of the ruling set forth in paragraph (7).
(10)The provisions of the preceding nine paragraphs shall not apply to the matters prescribed in following items:
(i)In cases where the total value specified or recorded in the articles of incorporation with respect to the property under item (i) and item (ii) of Article 28 (hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as "Properties Contributed in Kind") does not exceed 5,000,000 yen:Matters listed in item (i) and item (ii) of such Article;
(ii)In cases where the value specified or recorded in the articles of incorporation with respect to the Properties Contributed in Kind that are Securities (meaning the securities provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948), including rights deemed to be securities pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of such Article. The same shall apply hereinafter.) with a market price does not exceed the value calculated by the method prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as the market price of such Securities:Matters listed in item (i) and item (ii) of Article 28 with respect to such Securities;
(iii)In cases where the verification of an attorney, a legal professional Company, a Certified Public Accountant (including a foreign certified public accountant as defined in Article 16-2(5) of the Certified Public Accountant Act (Act No. 103 of 1948). The same shall apply hereinafter.), an auditing firm, a tax accountant or a tax accountant corporation (in cases where the Properties Contributed in Kind consist of any real estate, referring to such verification and appraisal by a real property appraiser; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) is obtained with respect to the reasonableness of the value specified or recorded in the articles of incorporation with respect to the Properties Contributed in Kind:Matters listed in item (i) and item (ii) of Article 28 (limited to those relating to the Properties Contributed in Kind so verified).
(11)None of the following persons may provide the verification prescribed in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph:
(i)An incorporator;
(ii)An assignor of property under item (ii) of Article 28;
(iii)A Director at Incorporation (referring to a Director at Incorporation prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 38) or an Auditor at Incorporation (referring to an Auditor at Incorporation prescribed for in item (ii), paragraph (2) of such Article);
(iv)A person who is subject to the disciplinary action ordering a suspension of operations and for whom the period of such suspension has not yet elapsed; or
(v)A legal professional Company, an auditing Company or a tax accountant Company more than half of whose members are persons who fall under any of the item (i) to (iii) above inclusive.
(Performance of Contributions)
Article 34(1)Incorporator(s) shall, without delay after subscription for Shares Issued at Incorporation, contribute fully in money or in kind, with respect to the Shares Issued at Incorporation for which he/she has subscribed; provided, however, that, if the consent of all incorporator(s) is obtained, the foregoing provisions do not preclude him/her from performing registration, recording or other acts necessary to assert the creation or transfer of rights against third parties after the formation of the Stock Company.
(2)The contribution in money pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be paid at the Bank, Etc. (meaning a Bank (meaning a bank as defined in Article 2(1) of the Bank Act (Act No. 59 of 1981). The same shall apply in Article 703(1)), a Trust Company (meaning a trust company as defined in Article 2(2) of the Trust Business Act (Act No. 154 of 2004). The same shall apply hereinafter) and other entities prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as entities equivalent to the same. The same shall apply hereinafter.) designated for payment by the incorporator.
(Assignment of Right to Become a Shareholder of Shares Issued at Incorporation)
Article 35The assignment of the right to become a shareholder of the Shares Issued at Incorporation by contribution pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article (hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as "Performance of Contributions") may not be asserted against the Stock Company after the formation.
(Forfeiture of Right to Become a Shareholder of Shares Issued at Incorporation)
Article 36(1)In cases where not all of the incorporators fulfill the Performance of Contributions, the incorporators shall set a date and notify any incorporator who does not fulfill the Performance of Contributions that such incorporator shall fulfill the Performance of Contributions by such date.
(2)The notice set forth in the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be given no later than two weeks prior to the date provided for in such paragraph.
(3)Incorporator(s) who is notified pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall forfeit the right to become the shareholder of Shares Issued at Incorporation by fulfilling the Performance of Contributions if the same fail to fulfill the Performance of Contributions by the date provided for in such paragraph.
(Provisions on Total Number of Authorized Shares)
Article 37(1)In cases where the total number of shares that may be issued by a Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as "Total Number of Authorized Shares") is not provided for in the articles of incorporation, the incorporators shall, with the consent of all incorporators, amend the articles of incorporation and create a provision on the Total Number of Authorized Shares prior to the formation of the Stock Company.
(2)In cases where the Total Number of Authorized Shares is provided for in the articles of incorporation, the incorporators may, with the consent of all incorporators, amend the articles of incorporation with respect to the Total Number of Authorized Shares at any time prior to the formation of the Stock Company.
(3)The total number of Shares Issued at Incorporation may not be less than one quarter of the Total Number of Authorized Shares; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is not a Public Company.
第四節 設立時役員等の選任及び解任
Section 4 Election and Dismissal of Officers at Incorporation
(Election of Officers at Incorporation)
Article 38(1)The incorporator(s) shall elect the Director(s) at Incorporation (meaning person(s) who becomes director(s) at the incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter) without delay after the fulfillment of the Performance of Contributions.
(2)In the cases listed in the following items, the incorporator(s) shall elect the persons provided for respectively in those items without delay after the fulfillment of the Performance of Contributions:
(i)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Accounting Advisors:Accounting Advisor(s) at Incorporation (meaning a person who becomes an accounting advisor at the incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter.)
(ii)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Auditors (including any Stock Company the articles of incorporation of which provide that the scope of the audit by its auditor(s) is limited to an audit related to accounting):Auditor(s) at Incorporation (meaning a person who becomes an auditor at the incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter.)
(iii)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Accounting Auditors:Accounting Auditor(s) at Incorporation (meaning a person who becomes an accounting auditor at the incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter.)
(3)Persons who are prescribed in articles of incorporation as Directors at Incorporation, Accounting Advisors at Incorporation, Auditors at Incorporation, and Accounting Auditors at Incorporation shall be deemed to be elected as Directors at Incorporation, Accounting Advisors at Incorporation, Auditors at Incorporation, and Accounting Auditors at Incorporation, respectively, upon the fulfillment of the Performance of Contributions.
Article 39(1)In cases where a Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Board of Directors, there shall be three or more Directors at Incorporation.
(2)In cases where a Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Board of Auditors, there shall be three or more Auditors at Incorporation.
(3)A person who may not be a director, accounting advisor, auditor or accounting auditor of a Stock Company after formation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 331 (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 335(1)), Article 333(1) or (3), or Article 337(1) or (3) may not become a Director at Incorporation, an Accounting Advisor at Incorporation, an Auditor at Incorporation, or an Accounting Auditor at Incorporation (hereinafter referred to as "Officers at Incorporation"), respectively.
(Method of Election of Officers at Incorporation)
Article 40(1)The election of the Officers at Incorporation shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the incorporators.
(2)In the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, an incorporator shall be entitled to one vote for each one Share Issued at Incorporation for which the Performance of Contributions has been fulfilled; provided, however, that, in cases where the Share Unit is provided for in the articles of incorporation, he/she shall be entitled to one vote for each one unit of the Shares Issued at Incorporation.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, if it issues Shares Issued at Incorporation of a class for which it is provided that the voting rights may not be exercised in connection with the election of some or all of the directors, with respect to such class of the Shares Issued at Incorporation, the incorporators may not exercise voting rights in connection with the election of the Directors at Incorporation who are to become such directors.
(4)The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the election of Accounting Advisors at Incorporation, Auditors at Incorporation and Accounting Auditors at Incorporation.
(Special Provisions on the Method of Election of Officers at Incorporation)
Article 41(1)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, in cases where, at the incorporation of a Stock Company, it issues shares of a class for which the matters listed in item (ix) of Article 108(1) (limited to those relating to directors) are provided, the election of the Directors at Incorporation shall be determined by a majority of the votes (limited to the votes with respect to such class of the Shares Issued at Incorporation) of the incorporators who subscribed for such class of the Shares Issued at Incorporation, consistently with the provisions of articles of incorporation with respect to the matters provided for in item (ix), paragraph (2) of such Article.
(2)In the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, an incorporator shall be entitled to one vote for each one Share Issued at Incorporation of such class for which the Performance of Contributions is fulfilled; provided, however, that, in cases where the Share Unit is provided for in the articles of incorporation, he/she shall be entitled to one vote for each one unit of the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to the cases where the shares of a class for which matters listed in item (ix), paragraph (1) of Article 108 (limited to those relating to auditors) are provided are issued at incorporation of the Stock Company.
(Dismissal of Officers at Incorporation)
Article 42The incorporators may dismiss Officer(s) at Incorporation elected by the incorporators (including those deemed to be elected as Officer(s) at Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of Article 38(3)) at any time prior to the formation of the Stock Company.
(Method of Dismissal of Officers at Incorporation)
Article 43(1)Dismissal of Officer(s) at Incorporation shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the incorporators (or by a majority of two thirds or more in case of dismissal of Auditor(s) at Incorporation).
(2)In the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, an incorporator shall be entitled to one vote for each one Share Issued at Incorporation for which the Performance of Contributions has been fulfilled; provided, however, that, in cases where the Share Unit is provided for in the articles of incorporation, he/she shall be entitled to one vote for each one unit of the Shares Issued at Incorporation.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, if it issues Shares Issued at Incorporation of a class for which it is provided that the voting rights may not be exercised in connection with the dismissal of some or all of the directors, with respect to such class of the Shares Issued at Incorporation, the incorporators may not exercise voting rights in connection with the dismissal of the Directors at Incorporation who are to become such directors.
(4)The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the dismissal of Accounting Advisors at Incorporation, Auditors at Incorporation and Accounting Auditors at Incorporation.
(Special Provisions on Method of Dismissal of Directors at Incorporation)
Article 44(1)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, the dismissal of Director(s) at Incorporation who is elected pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 41 shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the incorporators relating to such election.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in cases where there is a provision in the articles of incorporation to the effect that a director who is elected pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 41, or is elected at a Class Organizational Meeting (referring to Class Organizational Meeting provided for in Article 84) or at a Class Meeting may be dismissed by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting, the dismissal of the Director at Incorporation who is elected pursuant to such provisions shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the incorporators.
(3)In the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, an incorporator shall be entitled to one vote for each one Share Issued at Incorporation of such class for which the Performance of Contributions is fulfilled; provided, however, that, in cases where the Share Unit is provided for in the articles of incorporation, he/she shall be entitled to one vote for each one unit of the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in cases where a Director at Incorporation is to be dismissed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) above, if Shares Issued at Incorporation of a class for which it is provided that the voting rights may not be exercised in connection with the dismissal of some or all of the directors are to be issued, with respect to such class of the Shares Issued at Incorporation, the incorporators may not exercise voting rights in connection with the dismissal of the Directors at Incorporation who are to become such directors.
(5)The provisions of the preceding four paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to the dismissal of Auditors at Incorporation who are elected pursuant to the provisions of Article 41(1) which shall be applied mutatis mutandis under paragraph (3) of such Article.In such case, the term "majority" in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "majority of two thirds or more."
(Special Provisions on Effect of Election or Dismissal of Officers as at Incorporation)
Article 45(1)In cases where, at the incorporation of a Stock Company, it issues shares of a class for which the matters listed in item (viii) of Article 108(1) are provided, if there are provisions in the articles of incorporation to the effect that a resolution of the Class Meeting is required with respect to the matters listed in the following items as the features of the shares of such class, the matters provided for in each of such items shall not become effective unless, in addition to the determination pursuant to the provisions of Article 40(1) or Article 43(1), there is a determination by a majority of the votes (limited to the votes with respect to the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class) of the incorporators who subscribe for the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class in accordance with the applicable provisions of the articles of incorporation:
(i)Election or dismissal of some or all of the directors:Election or dismissal of Directors at Incorporation who are to become such directors;
(ii)Election or dismissal of some or all of the accounting advisors:Election or dismissal of Accounting Advisors at Incorporation who are to become such accounting advisors;
(iii)Election or dismissal of some or all of the auditors:Election or dismissal of Auditors at Incorporation who are to become such auditors;
(iv)Election or dismissal of some or all of the accounting auditors:Election or dismissal of Accounting Auditors at Incorporation who are to become such accounting auditors.
(2)In the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, an incorporator shall be entitled to one vote for each one Share Issued at Incorporation of such class for which the Performance of Contributions is fulfilled; provided, however, that, in cases where the Share Unit is provided for in the articles of incorporation, he/she shall be entitled to one vote for each one unit of the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class.
第五節 設立時取締役等による調査
Section 5 Investigation by Directors at Incorporation
Article 46(1)The Directors at Incorporation (referring to the Directors at Incorporation and Auditor at Incorporation in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Auditors. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Article.) shall investigate the following matters without delay after their election:
(i)That, with respect to the Properties Contributed in Kind in the cases listed in item (i) or item (ii) of Article 33(10) (if listed in such item, limited to the securities under such item), the value specified or recorded in the articles of incorporation is reasonable;
(ii)That the verification provided for in item (iii) of Article 33(10) is appropriate;
(iii)That the Performance of Contributions has been fulfilled; and
(iv)That, in addition to the matters listed in the preceding three items, the procedures for the incorporation of the Stock Company do not violate the applicable laws and regulations or articles of incorporation.
(2)If, as a result of the investigation pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Directors at Incorporation find that there is any violation of the applicable laws and regulations or articles of incorporation or there is any inappropriate matter in a matter listed in any item of such paragraph, directors shall give notice to such effect to the incorporator;
(3)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Committees, the Director at Incorporation shall give the Representative Executive Officer at Incorporation (referring to the Representative Executive Officer at Incorporation provided for in item (iii) of Article 48(1)) notice to the effect that the investigation under paragraph (1) has been completed, or, if the notice under the preceding paragraph has been given, notice that such notice was given and a description of the contents thereof.
第六節 設立時代表取締役等の選定等
Section 6 Appointment etc. of Representative Directors at Incorporation etc.
(Appointment etc. of Representative Directors at Incorporation)
Article 47(1)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Board of Directors (excluding a Company with Committees), the Directors at Incorporation shall appoint among the Directors at Incorporation a person who shall be the Representative Director (meaning the director who represents the Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter.) as at incorporation of the Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as "Representative Director at Incorporation").
(2)The Directors at Incorporation may remove the Representative Director at Incorporation at any time prior to the formation of the Stock Company.
(3)The appointment and removal of the Representative Director at Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall be determined by a majority of the Directors at Incorporation.
(Appointment of Committee Members at Incorporation)
Article 48(1)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Committees, the Director at Incorporation shall:
(i)appoint the following persons (in the next paragraph referred to as "Committee Members at Incorporation") among the Directors at Incorporation:
(a)Persons who shall be members of the nominating committee at incorporation of the Stock Company:
(b)Persons who shall be committee members of the audit committee at incorporation of the Stock Company:
(c)Persons who shall be committee members of the compensation committee at incorporation of the Stock Company:
(ii)elect persons who shall be the executive officers at incorporation of the Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as "Executive Officers at Incorporation"); and
(iii)appoint among the Executive Officers at Incorporation the persons who shall be the representative executive officers at incorporation of the Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as "Representative Executive Officers at Incorporation"); provided, however, that, if there is only one Executive Officer at Incorporation, such person shall be deemed to have been appointed as the Representative Executive Officer at Incorporation.
(2)At any time prior to the formation of the Stock Company, the Directors at Incorporation may remove the Committee Members at Incorporation or the Representative Executive Officers at Incorporation, or dismiss the Executive Officers at Incorporation.
(3)The decision pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall be made by a majority of the Directors at Incorporation.
第七節 株式会社の成立
Section 7 Formation of Stock Companies
(Formation of Stock Companies)
Article 49A Stock Company shall be formed by the registration of the incorporation at the location of its head office.
(Right of Subscribers of Shares)
Article 50(1)As at formation of a Stock Company, the incorporator shall be a shareholder for the Shares Issued at Incorporation for which the Performance of Contributions has been fulfilled.
(2)The assignment of the right to become a shareholder pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may not be asserted against the Stock Company after the formation.
(Restrictions on Invalidation or Rescission of Subscription)
Article 51(1)The proviso to Article 93 and the provisions of Article 94(1) of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896) shall not apply to the manifestation of intention relating to the subscription for Shares Issued at Incorporation.
(2)After the formation of the Stock Company, the incorporator(s) may not assert the invalidity of his/her subscription for Shares Issued at Incorporation on the grounds of mistake, nor rescind his/her subscription for Shares Issued at Incorporation on the grounds of fraud or duress.
第八節 発起人等の責任
Section 8 Liability of Incorporators
(Liability for Insufficiency of Value of Properties Contributed)
Article 52(1)If the value of the Properties Contributed in Kind at formation of a Stock Company is substantially short of the value specified or recorded in the articles of incorporation with respect to such Properties Contributed in Kind (or if there is any amendment of the articles of incorporation, the value so amended), the incorporators and Directors at Incorporation shall be jointly and severally liable to such Stock Company for the payment of the amount of such shortfall.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the incorporators (in this paragraph and in item (ii) excluding those who contributed in kind under item (i) of Article 28 or the assignor of the property under item (ii) of the same Article) and Directors at Incorporation shall not be held liable in accordance with such paragraph with respect to the Properties Contributed in Kind in the following cases:
(i)Where the investigation by the inspector under Article 33(2) has been carried out with respect to the matters listed in item (i) or item (ii) of Article 28; or
(ii)Where such incorporators or Directors at Incorporation prove that they did not fail to exercise due care with respect to the performance of their duties.
(3)In the cases set forth in paragraph (1), the person who carried out the verification provided for in item (iii) of Article 33(10) (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as "Verifier") shall be jointly and severally liable with the person who assumes the liability under paragraph (1) for the payment of the amount of the shortfall under such paragraph; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where such Verifier prove that he/she did not fail to exercise due care with respect to the carrying out such verification.
(Liability for Damages of Incorporators)
Article 53(1)If an incorporator, Director at Incorporation or Auditor at Incorporation neglects his/her duties with respect to the incorporation of a Stock Company, he/she shall be liable to such Stock Company for damages arising as a result thereof.
(2)If an incorporator, Director at Incorporation or Auditor at Incorporation are with knowledge or grossly negligent in performing his/her duties, such incorporator, Director at Incorporation or Auditor at Incorporation shall be liable to a third party for damages arising as a result thereof.
(Joint and Several Liabilities of Incorporators)
Article 54In cases where an incorporator, a Director at Incorporation or an Auditor at Incorporation is liable for damages arising in the Stock Company or a third party, if other incorporators, Directors at Incorporation or Auditors at Incorporation are also liable, such persons shall be joint and several obligors.
(Exemption from Liability)
Article 55An exemption from the obligations assumed by an incorporator or Director at Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of Article 52(1) and the liability assumed by an incorporator, Director at Incorporation or Auditor at Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of Article 53(1) may not be given without the consent of all shareholders.
(Liability in cases of Failure to Form a Stock Company)
Article 56If the formation of a Stock Company fails, the incorporator(s) shall be jointly and severally liable for any act committed in connection with the incorporation of the Stock Company, and shall bear the costs expended in connection with the incorporation of the Stock Company.
第九節 募集による設立
Section 9 Incorporation by Solicitation
第一款 設立時発行株式を引き受ける者の募集
Subsection 1 Solicitation of Persons who Subscribe for Shares Issued at Incorporation
(Solicitation of Persons who Subscribe for Shares Issued at Incorporation)
Article 57(1)Pursuant to the provisions of this Subsection, the incorporators may provide to the effect that subscribers be solicited for the Shares Issued at Incorporation.
(2)Incorporators intending to provide to the effect that the solicitation under the preceding paragraph be carried out shall obtain the consent of all incorporators.
(Provision for Matters regarding Shares Solicited at Incorporation)
Article 58(1)Whenever the incorporator intends to carry out the solicitation under paragraph (1) of the preceding article, he/she shall decide the following matters with respect to the Shares Solicited at Incorporation (meaning the Shares Issued at Incorporation that are allotted to the persons who accept the solicitation under such paragraph and apply to subscribe for the Shares Issued at Incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Section.):
(i)The number of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation (in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, referring to the class(es) and the number of each class of Shares Solicited at Incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Subsection.);
(ii)The Amount to be Paid In for Shares Issued at Incorporation (meaning the amount of money which is to be paid in in exchange for one Share Solicited at Incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Subsection.);
(iii)The date by or period during which payment is to be made of the money to be paid in in exchange for the Shares Solicited at Incorporation;
(iv)If there is any arrangement that subscriptions for Shares Solicited at Incorporation may be rescinded in cases where the registration of incorporation is not effected by a certain date, a statement of such arrangement and such date.
(2)If the incorporator intends to determine the matters listed in any item of the preceding paragraph, he/she shall obtain the consent of all incorporators.
(3)The conditions for the solicitation under paragraph (1) of the preceding article, such as the Amount to be Paid In for Shares Solicited at Incorporation, shall be decided uniformly for each such solicitation (or, in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, for each such class and solicitation).
(Subscription for Shares Solicited at Incorporation)
Article 59(1)The incorporator shall notify the person who, in response to the solicitation under paragraph (1) of Article 57, intends to apply to subscribe for the Shares Solicited at Incorporation of the following matters:
(i)The date of the certification of the articles of incorporation and the name of the notary public who effected such certification;
(ii)The matters listed in each item of Article 27, each item of Article 28, each item of Article 32(1) and each item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article;
(iii)The value of the property contributed by the incorporator(s);
(iv)The place designated for payment pursuant to the provisions of Article 63(1);
(v)In addition to the foregoing, any other matters provided by applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(2)In cases where not all of the incorporators fulfill the Performance of Contributions, the incorporators may not give the notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph until after the date provided for in Article 36(1).
(3)A person who intends to apply to subscribe for Shares Solicited at Incorporation in response to a solicitation under Article 57(1) shall give the incorporators a document that states the following matters:
(i)The name and address of the person who intends to apply; and
(ii)The number of Shares Solicited at Incorporation that he/she intends to subscribe for.
(4)A person who submits the application referred to in the preceding paragraph may, in lieu of the giving of the document under such paragraph, provide the matters to be stated in the document under such paragraph by an Electromagnetic Method, with the approval of the incorporators, subject to the provisions of the applicable Cabinet Order.In such cases, the person who submitted the application shall be deemed to have given a document under such paragraph.
(5)If there are changes in the matters listed in any item of paragraph (1), the incorporators shall immediately notify persons who submitted applications under paragraph (3) (hereinafter in this Subsection referred to as "Applicants") thereof and of the matters so changed.
(6)It would be sufficient for a notice or demand to an Applicant by the incorporators to be sent to the address under item (i) of paragraph (3) (or, in cases where such Applicant notifies the incorporators of a different place or contact address for the receipt of notices or demand, to such place or contact address).
(7)The notice or demand referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have arrived at the time when such notice or demand should normally have arrived.
(Allotment of Shares Solicited at Incorporation)
Article 60(1)The incorporators shall specify from among the Applicants the persons to whom the Shares Solicited at Incorporation are allotted, and specify the number of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation that are allotted to such persons.In such cases, the incorporators may reduce the number of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation to be allotted to such Applicants to less than the number referred to in item (ii), paragraph (3) of the preceding article.
(2)The incorporator shall notify the Applicant, no later than the day immediately preceding the date referred to in item (iii) of Article 58(1) (or, in case a period is specified under that item, no later than the day immediately preceding the first day of that period), of the number of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation that are allotted to such Applicant.
(Special Provisions on the Subscription for and Allotment of Shares Solicited at Incorporation)
Article 61The provisions of the preceding two Articles shall not apply in cases where persons who intend to subscribe for Shares Solicited at Incorporation execute contracts for subscriptions for the total number of those shares.
(Subscriptions for Shares Solicited at Incorporation)
Article 62The persons listed in the following items shall be the subscribers for the number of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation provided for in each such item with respect to the Shares Solicited at Incorporation:
(i)Applicants:The number of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation as allotted by the incorporators; or
(ii)Persons who subscribed for the total number of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation under the contracts referred to in the preceding article:The number of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation for which such persons have subscribed.
(Payment of Amount to be Paid In for Shares Solicited at Incorporation)
Article 63(1)The subscribers for the Shares Solicited at Incorporation shall pay fully the Amount to be Paid In for Shares Solicited at Incorporation for which the subscribers subscribed, at the Bank Etc. designated for payment by the incorporator(s), no later than the date set forth in item (iii) of Article 58(1) or within the period under that item.
(2)Assignment of the right to become a shareholder of the Shares Issued at Incorporation by effecting payment pursuant to the preceding paragraph may not be asserted against the Stock Company after formation.
(3)If a subscriber for the Shares Solicited at Incorporation fails to make payment pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the subscriber shall forfeit the right to become the shareholder of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation by making such payment.
(Certificate of Deposit of Paid Money)
Article 64(1)In cases where solicitation under Article 57(1) has been carried out, the incorporators may request the Bank, Etc. that handled the payment pursuant to the provisions of Article 34(1) and paragraph (1) of the preceding article to issue a certificate of deposit of a money amount paid in pursuant to such provisions.
(2)The Bank, Etc. that issued the certificate referred to in the preceding paragraph may not assert against the Stock Company after formation any misstatement in such certificate or the existence of restrictions regarding the return of money paid in pursuant to the provisions of Article 34(1) or paragraph (1) of the preceding article.
第二款 創立総会等
Subsection 2 Organizational Meeting
(Calling of Organizational Meetings)
Article 65(1)In cases where solicitation under Article 57(1) is to be carried out, the incorporator shall call a meeting of the Shareholders at Incorporation (meaning shareholders who shall be the shareholders of the Stock Company pursuant to the provisions of Article 50(1) or Article 102(2). The same shall apply hereinafter.) without delay on and after either the date under item (iii), of Article 58(1) or the last day of the period under such item, whichever comes later. (Such meeting is referred to as "Organizational Meeting" hereinafter.)
(2)In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the incorporators may call an Organizational Meeting at any time when the incorporators find it necessary.
(Authority of Organizational Meetings)
Article 66An Organizational Meeting may resolve only the matters provided for in this Section, the discontinuation of the incorporation of a Stock Company, the conclusion of an Organizational Meeting and other matters regarding the incorporation of a Stock Company.
(Determinations to Call Organizational Meetings)
Article 67(1)The incorporators shall decide the following matters in cases where the incorporators call an Organizational Meeting:
(i)The date, time and place of the Organizational Meeting;
(ii)The purpose(s) of the Organizational Meeting;
(iii)That Shareholders at Incorporation who do not attend the Organizational Meeting may exercise their votes in writing, if so arranged;
(iv)That Shareholders at Incorporation who do not attend the Organizational Meeting may exercise their votes by an Electromagnetic Method, if so arranged;
(v)In addition to the matters listed in the preceding items, any matters prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(2)In cases where the number of the Shareholders at Incorporation (excluding Shareholders at Incorporation who may not exercise votes on all matters which may be resolved at Organizational Meetings. The same shall apply in the next Article through Article 71.) is one thousand or more, the incorporators shall decide the matters listed in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph.
(Notices of Calling of Organizational Meetings)
Article 68(1)In order to call an Organizational Meeting, incorporators shall dispatch notice thereof to the Shareholders at Incorporation no later than two weeks (or one week if the Stock Company to be incorporated is not a Public Company, except in cases where the matters listed in item (iii) or item (iv) of paragraph (1) of the preceding article are decided, (or if a shorter period of time is provided for in the articles of incorporation in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Stock Company other than a Company with Board of Directors, such shorter period of time)) prior to the day of the Organizational Meeting.
(2)The notice referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be in writing in the following cases:
(i)Where the matters listed in item (iii) or item (iv) of paragraph (1) of the preceding article are decided; or
(ii)Where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Board of Directors.
(3)In lieu of the dispatch of the written notice referred to in the preceding paragraph, the incorporators may dispatch the notice by an Electromagnetic Method, with the consent of the Shareholders at Incorporation, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Cabinet Order.In such cases, such incorporators shall be deemed to have dispatched the written notice under such paragraph.
(4)The notice under the preceding two paragraphs shall specify or record the matters listed in each item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article.
(5)It would be sufficient for a notice or demand to a Shareholder at Incorporation by the incorporators to be sent to the address under item (v) of Article 27, or item (i) of Article 59(3) (or, in cases where such Shareholder at Incorporation notifies the incorporator of a different place or contact address for the receipt of notices or letters of demand, to such place or contact address).
(6)The notice or demand referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have arrived at the time when such notice or demand should normally have arrived.
(7)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a writing is given to the Shareholders at Incorporation when giving the notice referred to in paragraph (1), or to cases where the matters to be stated in such writing are provided by an Electromagnetic Method.In such case, the term "to have arrived" in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "to have been given in such writing or to have been provided by an Electromagnetic Method with such matters."
(Omission of Calling Procedures)
Article 69Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding article, Organizational Meetings may be held without the procedures of calling if the consent of all Shareholders at Incorporation is obtained; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where the matters listed in item (iii) or item (iv) of Article 67(1) are decided.
(Giving of Organizational Meeting Reference Documents and Voting Forms)
Article 70(1)In cases where the matters listed in item (iii) of Article 67(1) are decided, the incorporators shall, when dispatching a notice under Article 68(1), give the Shareholders at Incorporation documents stating matters of reference for the exercise of votes (hereinafter in this Subsection referred to as "Organizational Meeting Reference Documents") and documents to be used by the Shareholders at Incorporation to exercise votes (hereinafter in this Subsection referred to as "Voting Forms"), as prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(2)If the incorporators dispatch notices by an Electromagnetic Method referred to in Article 68(3) to Shareholders at Incorporation who have given consent under the same paragraph, the incorporators may provide, in lieu of the giving of Organizational Meeting Reference Documents and Voting Forms pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the matters to be specified in such documents by an Electromagnetic Method; provided, however, that, if requested by any Shareholder at Incorporation, the incorporators shall give these documents to such Shareholder at Incorporation.
Article 71(1)In cases where the matters listed in item (iv) of Article 67(1) are decided, the incorporators shall, when dispatching notice under Article 68(1), give the Shareholders at Incorporation the Organizational Meeting Reference Documents as prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(2)If the incorporators dispatch notices by an Electromagnetic Method referred to in Article 68(3) to Shareholders at Incorporation who have given consent under the same paragraph, the incorporators may provide, in lieu of the giving of Organizational Meeting Reference Documents pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the matters to be specified in such documents by an Electromagnetic Method; provided, however, that, if requested by any Shareholder at Incorporation, the incorporators shall give the Organizational Meeting Reference Documents to such Shareholders at Incorporation.
(3)In the cases provided for in paragraph (1), when sending notice to Shareholders at Incorporation who have given consent under Article 68(3) by an Electromagnetic Method referred to in that paragraph, the incorporators shall provide to the Shareholders at Incorporation the matters to be specified in the Voting Forms by such Electromagnetic Method, as prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(4)In the cases provided for in paragraph (1), if any Shareholder at Incorporation who has not given consent under Article 68(3) requests, no later than one week prior to the day of the Organizational Meeting, for the provision of the matters to be specified in the Voting Form by an Electromagnetic Method, the incorporators shall provide such matters to such Shareholder at Incorporation by an Electromagnetic Method, as prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(Number of Votes)
Article 72(1)Shareholders at Incorporation (excluding Shareholders at Incorporation prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as entities in a relationship that may allow the Stock Company after the formation to have substantial control of such entity through the holding of one quarter or more of the votes of all shareholders of such entity or other reasons) shall be entitled to one vote for each one Share Issued at Incorporation for which they subscribed at Organizational Meetings; provided, however, that, in cases where a Share Unit is provided for in the articles of incorporation, he/she shall be entitled to one vote for each one unit of the Shares Issued at Incorporation.
(2)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, if it issues Shares Issued at Incorporation of a class that has restrictions on matters for which votes may be exercised at the shareholders' meeting, the Shareholders at Incorporation may exercise, at the Organizational Meeting, votes with respect to such Shares Issued at Incorporation only in relation to matters that are equivalent to the matters for which they may exercise the votes at the shareholders' meeting.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Shareholders at Incorporation may exercise votes with respect to the Shares Issued at Incorporation for which they subscribed in relation to the discontinuation of the incorporation of the Stock Company.
(Resolutions of Organizational Meetings)
Article 73(1)Resolutions of an Organizational Meeting shall be made by a majority of the votes of the Shareholders at Incorporation entitled to exercise their votes at such Organizational Meeting, being a majority of two thirds or more of the votes of such Shareholders at Incorporation who are present at the meeting.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in cases where the articles of incorporation are amended creating a provision to the effect that, as a feature of all shares issued by a Stock Company, the approval of such Stock Company is required for the acquisition of such shares by transfer (excluding cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares), the resolution of the Organizational Meeting with respect to such amendment in the articles of incorporation shall be made by a majority of the Shareholders at Incorporation entitled to exercise their votes at such Organizational Meeting, being a majority of two thirds or more of the votes of such Shareholders at Incorporation.
(3)In cases where it is intended to create, as a feature of all shares issued by a Stock Company, any provision in articles of incorporation with respect to the matters listed in item (iii) Article 107(1) by amending the articles of incorporation, or to effect any amendment (excluding that which repeals provisions of the articles of incorporation with respect to such matters) in the articles of incorporation with respect to such matters (excluding cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares), the consent of all Shareholders at Incorporation shall be obtained.
(4)An Organizational Meeting may not resolve matters other than the matters listed in item (ii) of Article 67(1); provided, however, that this shall not apply to amendment in the articles of incorporation or discontinuation of the incorporation of a Stock Company.
(Proxy Voting)
Article 74(1)Shareholders at Incorporation may exercise their votes by proxy.In such cases, such Shareholders at Incorporation or proxies shall submit to the incorporators a document evidencing the authority of proxy.
(2)The grant of the authority of proxy under the preceding paragraph shall be made for each Organizational Meeting.
(3)The Shareholders at Incorporation or proxies referred to in paragraph (1) may, in lieu of the submission of a document evidencing the authority of proxy, provide the matters to be stated in such document by an Electromagnetic Method with the approval of the incorporators in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Cabinet Order.In such cases, such Shareholders at Incorporation or proxies shall be deemed to have submitted such document.
(4)In cases where the Shareholders at Incorporation are persons who gave consent under Article 68(3), the incorporators may not refuse to grant the approval under the preceding paragraph without justifiable reasons.
(5)The incorporators may restrict the number of proxies who may attend the Organizational Meeting.
(6)The incorporators (or the Stock Company after the formation of such Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter in paragraph (3) of the following Article and Article 76(4).) shall keep the documents evidencing the authority of proxy and the Electromagnetic Records which record the matters provided by an Electromagnetic Method under paragraph (3) at a place designated by the incorporators (or at the head office of the Stock Company after the formation. of such Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter in paragraph (3) of the following Article and Article 76(4)) for the period of three months from the day of the Organizational Meeting.
(7)The Shareholders at Incorporation (or the shareholders of the Stock Company after the formation of such Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter in paragraph (4) of the following Article and Article 76(5).) may submit the following request at any time during the hours designated by the incorporators (or during the business hours of the Stock Company after the formation of such Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter in paragraph (4) of the following Article and Article 76(5).):
(i)Requests for the inspection or copying of the documents evidencing the authority of proxy; and
(ii)Requests for the inspection or copying of anything that displays the data recorded in the Electromagnetic Records under the preceding paragraph in a manner prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(Voting in Writing)
Article 75(1)If the votes are exercised in writing, it shall be exercised by entering the Voting Form with the necessary matters and submitting it to the incorporators no later than the time prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(2)The number of the votes exercised in writing pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be included in the number of the votes of the Shareholders at Incorporation who are present at the meeting.
(3)The incorporators shall keep the Voting Forms submitted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) at a place designated by the incorporators for the period of three months from the day of the Organizational Meeting.
(4)The Shareholders at Incorporation may make requests for the inspection or copying of the Voting Forms submitted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) at any time during the hours designated by the incorporators.
(Voting by Electromagnetic Method)
Article 76(1)If the vote are exercised by an Electromagnetic Method, it shall be exercised by providing the matters to be entered on the Voting Form to the incorporators by an Electromagnetic Method, with the approval of such incorporators, no later than the time prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Cabinet Order.
(2)In cases where the Shareholders at Incorporation are persons who have given consent under Article 68(3), the incorporators may not refuse to give the approval under the preceding paragraph without justifiable reasons.
(3)The number of the votes exercised by an Electromagnetic Method pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be included in the number of the votes of the Shareholders at Incorporation who are present at the meeting.
(4)The incorporators shall keep the Electromagnetic Records which record the matters provided pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) at a place designated by the incorporators for the period of three months from the day of the Organizational Meeting.
(5)The Shareholders at Incorporation may, at any time during the hours designated by the incorporators, make a request for the inspection or copying of anything that displays the data recorded in the Electromagnetic Record under the preceding paragraph in a manner prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(Diverse Exercise of Votes)
Article 77(1)Shareholders at Incorporation may diversely exercise the votes they hold.In such cases, the shareholders shall notify the incorporators to such effect and of the reasons for the same no later than three days prior to the day of the Organizational Meeting.
(2)If the Shareholders at Incorporation referred to in the preceding paragraph are not persons who subscribed for the Shares Issued at Incorporation on behalf of others, the incorporators may refuse the diverse exercise of the votes held by such Shareholders at Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Accountability of Incorporators)
Article 78In cases where incorporators are requested by the Shareholders at Incorporation to provide explanations on certain matters at an Organizational Meeting, the incorporators shall provide necessary explanations with respect to such matters; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where such matters are not relevant to the matters that are the purpose of the Organizational Meeting, or in cases where such explanations are to the serious detriment of the common interest of the Shareholders at Incorporation, or in other cases prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as cases where there are justifiable grounds.
(Authority of Chairperson)
Article 79(1)The chairperson of an Organizational Meeting shall maintain the order of such Organizational Meeting and organize the business of the meeting.
(2)The chairperson of an Organizational Meeting may require any one who does not comply with his/her orders or who otherwise disturbs the order of such Organizational Meeting to leave the room.
(Resolution for Postponement or Adjournment)
Article 80In cases where there is a resolution for the postponement or adjournment of an Organizational Meeting, the provisions of Article 67 and Article 68 shall not apply.
Article 81(1)Minutes shall be prepared with respect to the business of Organizational Meetings pursuant to the provisions of the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(2)The incorporators (or the Stock Company after the formation of such Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter in paragraph (2) of the following Article.) shall keep the minutes referred to in the preceding paragraph at a place designated by the incorporators (or at the head office of the Stock Company if after the incorporation of such Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter in paragraph (2) of the following Article.) for the period of ten years from the day of the Organizational Meeting.
(3)The Shareholders at Incorporation (or the shareholders and creditors of the Stock Company after the formation of such Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter in paragraph (3) of the following Article.) may submit the following requests at any time during the hours designated by the incorporators (or during the business hours of such Stock Company if after the incorporation of such Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter in such paragraph.):
(i)If the minutes under paragraph (1) are prepared in writing, requests for inspection or copying of such documents; and
(ii)If the minutes under paragraph (1) are prepared by means of Electromagnetic Records, requests for inspection or copying of anything that displays the data recorded in such Electromagnetic Records in a manner prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(4)If, after the formation of a Stock Company, it is necessary for the purpose of exercising the rights of a Member of the Parent Company of such Stock Company, he/she may, with the permission of the court, make the requests listed in each item of the preceding paragraph with respect to the minutes referred to in paragraph (1).
(Omission of Resolutions of Organizational Meetings)
Article 82(1)In cases where incorporators submit a proposal with respect to any matter that is the purpose of an Organizational Meeting, if all Shareholders at Incorporation (limited to those who may exercise their votes with respect to such matter) manifest their intention to agree to such proposal in writing or by means of Electromagnetic Records, it shall be deemed that a resolution to approve such proposal at an Organizational Meeting has been made.
(2)The incorporators shall keep the documents or Electromagnetic Records under the provisions of the preceding paragraph at a place designated by the incorporators for the period of ten years from the day when the resolution of the Organizational Meeting is deemed to have been made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(3)The Shareholders at Incorporation may submit the following requests at any time during the hours designated by the incorporators:
(i)Requests for inspection or copying of the documents under the preceding paragraph; and
(ii)Requests for inspection or copying of anything that displays the data recorded in the Electromagnetic Records under the preceding paragraph in a manner prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(4)If, after the formation of a Stock Company, it is necessary for the purpose of exercising the rights of a Member of the Parent Company of such Stock Company, he/she may, with the permission of the court, make the requests listed in each item of the preceding paragraph with respect to the documents or Electromagnetic Records under paragraph (2).
(Omission of Reports to Organizational Meetings)
Article 83In cases where the incorporators notify all Shareholders at Incorporation of any matter that is to be reported to an Organizational Meeting, if all Shareholders at Incorporation manifest in writing or by means of Electromagnetic Records their intention to agree that it is not necessary to report such matter to the Organizational Meeting, it shall be deemed that such matter has been reported to the Organizational Meeting.
(Cases of Provision Requiring Resolution of Class Meeting)
Article 84In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, if there is a provision, as a feature of a certain class of shares to be issued as at the incorporation, to the effect that, with respect to the matter that is subject to the resolution of a shareholders' meeting, in addition to such resolution, the resolution of a Class Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders of such class of shares is required, such matter shall not become effective unless the resolution is made at a Class Organizational Meeting (meaning a meeting of Class Shareholders at Incorporation (as defined below) of a certain class of the Shares Issued at Incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter.) constituted by the Class Shareholders at Incorporation (meaning the Shareholders at Incorporation of a certain class of Shares Issued at Incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Section.) of the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class in addition to the resolution of the Organizational Meeting, consistently with the provisions of articles of incorporation; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the case where there exists no Class Shareholder at Incorporation who may exercise the votes at such Class Organizational Meeting.
(Calling and Resolutions of Class Organizational Meetings)
Article 85(1)In cases where a resolution of a Class Organizational Meeting is to be made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding article, Article 90(1) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis under paragraph (2) of the same Article), Article 92(1) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis under paragraph (3) of the same Article), Article 100(1) or Article 101(1), the incorporators shall call a Class Organizational Meeting.
(2)Resolutions of a Class Organizational Meeting shall be made by a majority of the votes of the Class Shareholders at Incorporation who are entitled to exercise their votes at such Class Organizational Meeting, being a majority of two thirds or more of the votes of such Class Shareholders at Incorporation who are present at the meeting.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, resolutions under Article 100(1) shall be made by a majority of the Class Shareholders at Incorporation who are entitled to exercise their votes at such Class Organizational Meeting, being a majority of two thirds or more of the votes of such Class Shareholders at Incorporation.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application of Provisions regarding Organizational Meetings)
Article 86The provisions of Article 67 through Article 71, Article 72(1), and Article 74 through Article 82 shall apply mutatis mutandis to Class Organizational Meetings.In such cases, the term "Shareholders at Incorporation" in item (iii) and item (iv) of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Article 67, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) of Article 68, Article 69 through Article 71, paragraph (1) of Article 72, paragraph (1), paragraph (3) and paragraph (4) of Article 74, paragraph (2) of Article 75, paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of Article 76, Article 77, the main clause of Article 78 and paragraph (1) of Article 82 shall be deemed to be replaced with as "Class Shareholders at Incorporation (meaning Shareholders at Incorporation for a certain class of Shares Issued at Incorporation)."
第三款 設立に関する事項の報告
Subsection 3 Reporting of Matters regarding Incorporation
Article 87(1)The incorporators shall report matters regarding the incorporation of a Stock Company to an Organizational Meeting.
(2)In the cases listed in the following items, the incorporators shall submit or provide to an Organizational Meeting the documents or Electromagnetic Records that state or record the matters provided for in such items:
(i)In cases where articles of incorporation provide for the matters listed in each item of Article 28 (excluding the matters provided for in each item of Article 33(10) in cases listed in such items):The content of the report referred to of Article 33(4) of the inspector under paragraph (2) thereof; and
(ii)In the case listed in item (iii) of Article 33(10):The content of the verification provided in such item.
第四款 設立時取締役等の選任及び解任
Subsection 4 Election and Dismissal of Director at Incorporation
(Election of Directors at Incorporation)
Article 88In cases where the solicitation under Article 57(1) is carried out, the election of the Directors at Incorporation, Accounting Advisors at Incorporation, Auditors at Incorporation and Accounting Auditors at Incorporation shall be made by the resolution of an Organizational Meeting.
(Election of Directors at Incorporation by Cumulative Vote)
Article 89(1)In cases where the purpose of an Organizational Meeting is the election of two or more Directors at Incorporation, the Shareholders at Incorporation (limited to the Shareholders at Incorporation entitled to exercise their votes with respect to the election of the Directors at Incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Article) may request the incorporators that the Directors at Incorporation be elected pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) through paragraph (5), except as otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation.
(2)The request under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be made no later than five days prior to the day of the Organizational Meeting referred to in the same paragraph.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 72(1), in cases where a request is made pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), a Shareholder at Incorporation shall be entitled to such number of votes as is equal to the number of the Directors at Incorporation to be elected in such Organizational Meeting, for each one Share Issued at Incorporation for which he/she subscribed (or, in cases where the Share Unit is provided for in the articles of incorporation, for each one unit of the Shares Issued at Incorporation for which he/she subscribed) with respect to the resolution of the election of the Directors at Incorporation.In such cases, the Shareholder at Incorporation may exercise his/her votes by casting votes for only one candidate or for two or more candidates.
(4)In the cases set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Directors at Incorporation shall be elected in the order of the votes obtained by respective candidates.
(5)In addition to the matters provided for in the preceding two paragraphs, necessary matters regarding the election of Directors at Incorporation in cases where a request has been made pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(Election of Directors at Incorporation by Resolutions of Class Organizational Meetings)
Article 90(1)Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 88, in cases where, at incorporation of the Stock Company, it issues shares of a class for which the matters listed in item (ix) of Article 108(1) (limited to those relating to directors) are provided, the Directors at Incorporation shall be elected by a resolution of a Class Organizational Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders at Incorporation of such class of Shares Issued at Incorporation, consistently with the provisions of articles of incorporation with respect to the matters provided for in item (ix), paragraph (2) of such Article.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the cases where the shares of a class for which matters listed in item (ix), Article 108(1) (limited to those relating to auditors) are provided are issued at incorporation of the Stock Company.
(Dismissal of Directors at Incorporation)
Article 91Directors at Incorporation, Accounting Advisors at Incorporation, Auditors at Incorporation or Accounting Auditors at Incorporation who are elected pursuant to the provisions of Article 88 may be dismissed by resolution of an Organizational Meeting at any time prior to the formation of the Stock Company.
Article 92(1)Directors at Incorporation who are elected pursuant to the provisions of Article 90(1) may be dismissed by a resolution of a Class Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders at Incorporation of such class of Shares Issued at Incorporation relating to such election at any time prior to the formation of the Stock Company.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in cases where there is a provision in articles of incorporation to the effect that a director who is elected pursuant to the provisions of Article 41(1), or at a Class Organizational Meeting or at a Class Meeting may be dismissed by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting, a Director at Incorporation who is elected pursuant to the provisions of Article 90(1) may be dismissed by a resolution of an Organizational Meeting at any time prior to the formation of the Stock Company.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to the dismissal of an Auditor at Incorporation who is elected pursuant to the provisions of Article 90(1) applied mutatis mutandis under paragraph (2) of such Article.
第五款 設立時取締役等による調査
Subsection 5 Investigation by Directors at Incorporation
(Investigation by Directors at Incorporation)
Article 93(1)The Directors at Incorporation (referring to the Directors at Incorporation and Auditors at Incorporation in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Auditors. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Article.) shall investigate the following matters without delay after their election:
(i)That, with respect to the Properties Contributed in Kind in the cases listed in item (i) or item (ii) of Article 33(10) (if listed in such item, limited to the securities under such item), the value specified or recorded in the articles of incorporation is reasonable;
(ii)That the verification provided for in item (iii) of Article 33(10) is appropriate;
(iii)That the Performance of Contributions by the incorporators and the payments pursuant to the provisions of Article 63(1) have been fulfilled; and
(iv)That, in addition to the matters listed in the preceding three items, the procedures for the incorporation of the Stock Company do not violate applicable laws and regulations or the articles of incorporation.
(2)The Directors at Incorporation shall report the outcome of the investigations pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph to an Organizational Meeting.
(3)In cases where incorporators are asked by the Shareholders at Incorporation to provide explanations on the matters regarding the investigation pursuant to the provisions of the paragraph (1) at an Organizational Meeting, the incorporators shall provide necessary explanations with respect to such matters.
(Special Provisions in Case Directors at Incorporation are Incorporators)
Article 94(1)In cases where some or all of the Directors at Incorporation (or the Directors at Incorporation and Auditors at Incorporation in cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Auditors) are incorporators, an Organizational Meeting may make a resolution to elect a person to investigate the matters listed in each item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article.
(2)A person who is elected pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall conduct the necessary investigation and report the outcome of such investigation to an Organizational Meeting.
第六款 定款の変更
Subsection 6 Amendment in Articles of Incorporation
(No Amendment in Articles of Incorporation by Incorporators)
Article 95In cases where the solicitation under Article 57(1) is carried out, the incorporators may not effect any amendment in the articles of incorporation on and after either the date referred to in item (iii) of Article 58(1) or the first day of the period referred to in the same item, whichever comes earlier, the provisions of Article 33(9) and Article 37(1) and (2) notwithstanding.
(Amendment in Articles of Incorporation at Organizational Meetings)
Article 96Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 30(2), articles of incorporation may be amended by resolution of an Organizational Meeting.
(Rescission of Subscription for Shares Issued at Incorporation)
Article 97In cases where it is resolved at the Organizational Meeting to effect an amendment in the articles of incorporation to change the matters listed in each item of Article 28, the Shareholders at Incorporation who dissented from such amendment at such Organizational Meeting may rescind the manifestation of their intention relating to the subscription for such Shares Issued at Incorporation only within two weeks after such resolution.
(Provision for Total Number of Authorized Shares by Resolutions of Organizational Meetings)
Article 98If, in cases where the solicitation under Article 57(1) is carried out, the Total Number of Authorized Shares is not provided for in the articles of incorporation, the provision on the Total Number of Authorized Shares shall be created by amending the articles of incorporation prior to the formation of the Stock Company by resolution of an Organizational Meeting.
(Special Provisions on Procedures for Amendment in Articles of Incorporation)
Article 99In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Classes Shares, if the cases listed in any of the following items apply, the consent of all Class Shareholders at Incorporation of such classes of the Shares Issued at Incorporation in each of such items shall be obtained:
(i)If it is intended to create, as a feature of a certain class of shares, any provision in the articles of incorporation with respect to the matters listed in item (vi) of Article 108(1), or to effect any amendment in the articles of incorporation with respect to such matters (excluding any amendment which repeals the provisions of the articles of incorporation with respect to such matters);
(ii)If it is intended to create any provision in the articles of incorporation pursuant to the provisions of Article 322(2) with respect to a certain class of shares.
Article 100(1)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, if it is intended to create, as a feature of a certain class of shares, any provision in the articles of incorporation with respect to the matters listed in item (iv) or item (vii) of Article 108(1) by amending the articles of incorporation, such amendment in the articles of incorporation shall not become effective unless a resolution is made at a Class Organizational Meeting constituted by the following Class Shareholders at Incorporation (in cases where there are two or more classes of Shares Issued at Incorporation relating to such Class Shareholders at Incorporation, referring to the respective Class Organizational Meetings constituted by Class Shareholders at Incorporation categorized by the class of such two or more classes of Shares Issued at Incorporation. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Article.); provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where there is no Class Shareholder at Incorporation who may exercise his/her votes at such Class Organizational Meeting:
(i)The Class Shareholders at Incorporation of such class of Shares Issued at Incorporation;
(ii)The Class Shareholders at Incorporation of Shares with Put Option for which there is a provision that the "other share" referred to in item (v)(b) of Article 108(2) shall be such class of share; or
(iii)The Class Shareholders at Incorporation of Shares Subject to Call Option for which there is a provision that the "other shares" referred to in item (vi)(b) of Article 108(2) shall be such class of shares;
(2)The Class Shareholders at Incorporation who, at the Class Organizational Meeting referred to in the preceding paragraph, dissented from such amendment in the articles of incorporation may rescind the manifestation of their intention relating to the subscription for such Shares Issued at Incorporation only within two weeks after the resolution made by such Class Organizational Meeting.
Article 101(1)In cases where the Stock Company to be incorporated is a Company with Class Shares, if effecting any amendment in articles of incorporation with respect to any of the following matters is likely to cause detriment to the Class Shareholders at Incorporation of any class of Shares Issued at Incorporation, such amendment in the articles of incorporation shall not become effective unless a resolution is made at an Class Organizational Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders at Incorporation of the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class (in cases where there are two or more classes of Shares Issued at Incorporation relating to such Class Shareholders at Incorporation, referring to the respective Class Organizational Meetings constituted by the Class Shareholders at Incorporation categorized by the class of such two or more classes of Shares Issued at Incorporation); provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where there is no Class Shareholder at Incorporation who may exercise his/her votes at such Class Organizational Meeting:
(i)Creation of a new class of shares;
(ii)Changes in the features of shares;
(iii)Increase of the Total Number of Authorized Shares, or the Total Number of Authorized Shares in a Class (meaning the total number of shares in one class that the Stock Company is authorized to issue. The same shall apply hereinafter.).
(2)In cases where any amendment in the articles of incorporation with respect to the Share Unit is to be effected and there is a provision in the articles of incorporation pursuant to the provisions of Article 322(2) with respect to such amendment in the articles of incorporation, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the Class Organizational Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders at Incorporation of such class of the Shares Issued at Incorporation.
第七款 設立手続等の特則等
Subsection 7 Special Provisions on Incorporation Procedures
(Special Provisions on Incorporation Procedures)
Article 102(1)A subscriber for the Shares Solicited at Incorporation may submit the requests listed in each item of Article 31(2) at any time during the hours designated by the incorporators; provided, however, that, the fees designated by the incorporators are required to be paid in order to submit the requests listed in item (ii) or item (iv) of such paragraph.
(2)As at formation of a Stock Company, the subscriber for the Shares Solicited at Incorporation shall become a shareholder of the Shares Issued at Incorporation for which he/she have made payment pursuant to the provisions of Article 63(1).
(3)The proviso to Article 93 and the provisions of Article 94(1) of the Civil Code shall apply to neither offer of subscription for nor allotment of the Shares Solicited at Incorporation, nor to manifestation of intention relating to contracts under Article 61.
(4)The subscriber for the Shares Solicited at Incorporation may neither assert the invalidity of the his/her subscription for Shares Issued at Incorporation on the ground of mistake, nor rescind his/her subscription for Shares Issued at Incorporation on the ground of fraud or duress after the formation of a Stock Company, or after exercising his/her votes at an Organizational Meeting or Class Organizational Meeting.
(Liabilities of Incorporators)
Article 103(1)In cases where the solicitation under of Article 57(1) is carried out, for the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 52(2), "in the following cases" in such paragraph shall be read as "in the cases of item (i)."
(2)In cases where the solicitation under Article 57(1) is carried out, any person (excluding the incorporators) who consents to specifying or recording his/her name and a statement to the effect that he/she supports the incorporation of the Stock Company in any document or Electromagnetic Record regarding such solicitation, including an advertisement for such solicitation, shall be deemed to be an incorporator and the provisions of the preceding Section and the preceding paragraph shall apply.
第二章 株式
Chapter II Share
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Shareholders' Liabilities)
Article 104A shareholder's liability shall be limited to the amount of the subscription price of the shares he/she holds.
(Rights of Shareholders)
Article 105(1)A shareholder shall have the following rights and other rights recognized pursuant to the provisions of this Act with respect to the shares he/she holds:
(i)The right to receive dividends of surplus;
(ii)The right to receive distribution of residual assets;
(iii)The right to cast a vote at shareholders meeting.
(2)Provisions of articles of incorporation that do not give the entirety of the rights listed in item (i) and item (ii) of the preceding paragraph to shareholders shall not be effective.
(Exercise of Rights by Co-owners)
Article 106If any share is co-owned by two or more persons, the co-owners may not exercise their rights in relation to such share unless they specify one person who exercises the rights in relation to such share, and notify the Stock Company of the name of that person; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where the Stock Company agrees to the exercise of such rights.
(Special Provision on Features of Shares)
Article 107(1)A Stock Company may determine the matters listed in the following items as the features of all shares it issues:
(i)That the approval of such Stock Company shall be required for the acquisition of such shares by assignment;
(ii)That shareholders may demand, that such Stock Company acquire such shares held by such shareholders;
(iii)That such Stock Company may acquire such shares on condition of certain grounds arising.
(2)If a Stock Company determines the matters listed in the following items as the features of all shares it issues, it shall provide for the matters prescribed in each such item in the articles of incorporation:
(i)Regarding the fact that the approval of such Stock Company shall be required for the acquisition of such shares by assignment:The matters listed below:
(a)A statement to the effect that the acquisition of such shares by assignment shall require the approval of such Stock Company;
(b)If the Stock Company is deemed to have effected the approval under Article 136 or Article 137 (1) under certain circumstances, a statement to such effect and a description of such circumstances.
(ii)Regarding the fact that shareholders may demand that such Stock Company acquire such shares held by such shareholders:The matters listed below:
(a)A statement to the effect that shareholders may demand that such Stock Company acquire the shares held by such shareholders;
(b)If Bonds of such Stock Company (other than those in relation to Bonds with Share Option) are delivered to such shareholders in exchange for the acquisition of one of the shares referred to in (a), the description of the classes of such Bonds (referring to the classes defined in Article 681 (i). The same shall apply hereinafter in this Part.) and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating such total amount;
(c)If Share Options of such Stock Company (other than those attached to Bonds with Share Option) are delivered to such shareholders in exchange for the acquisition of one of the shares referred to in (a), the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;
(d)If Bonds with Share Option of such Stock Company are delivered to such shareholders in exchange for the acquisition of one of the shares referred to in (a), the matters prescribed in (b) with respect to such Bonds with Share Option, and the matters prescribed in (c) with respect to the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Option;
(e)If any property other than shares, etc. (referring to shares, Bonds and Share Options. This shall apply hereinafter.) of such Stock Company is delivered to such shareholders in exchange for the acquisition of one of the shares referred to in (a), the description of the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount;
(f)The period during which the shareholders may demand that such Stock Company acquire such shares held by such shareholders.
(iii)Regarding the fact that such Stock Company may acquire such shares on condition of certain grounds arising:The matters listed below:
(a)A statement to the effect that such Stock Company will acquire its shares on the day when certain grounds arise, and of such grounds;
(b)If the grounds referred to in (a) will arise with the arrival of a day to be separately specified by such Stock Company, a statement to that effect;
(c)If a portion of the shares referred to in (a) will be acquired on the day the grounds referred to in (a) arise, a statement to that effect and of the method for determining the portion of shares to be acquired;
(d)If Bonds of such Stock Company (other than those of Bonds with Share Option) are delivered to such shareholders in exchange for the acquisition of one of the shares referred to in (a), the classes of such Bonds and the total amount for each class of Bonds, or the method for calculating such total amounts;
(e)If Share Options of such Stock Company (other than those attached to Bonds with Share Option) are delivered to such shareholders in exchange for the acquisition of one of the shares referred to in (a), the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;
(f)If Bonds with Share Option of such Stock Company are delivered to such shareholders in exchange for the acquisition of one share of the shares referred to in (a), the matters prescribed in (d) with respect to such Bonds with Share Option, and the matters prescribed in (e) with respect to the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Option;
(g)If any property other than shares, etc. of such Stock Company is delivered to such shareholders in exchange for the acquisition of one of the shares referred to in (a), the features and number or amount of such property, or the method for calculating such number or amount.
(Shares of Different Classes)
Article 108(1)A Stock Company may issue two or more classes of shares with different features which have different provisions on the following matters; provided, however, that a Company with Committees and a Public Company may not issue shares of a class that has provisions in relation to the matters listed in item (ix):
(i)Dividends of surplus;
(ii)Distribution of residual assets;
(iii)Capacity to exercise the right to vote at a shareholders meeting;
(iv)That the approval of such Stock Company shall be required for the acquisition of such class shares by assignment;
(v)That shareholders may demand that such Stock Company acquire such class shares held by such shareholders;
(vi)That such Stock Company may acquire such class shares on condition of certain grounds arising;
(vii)That such Stock Company shall acquire all of such class shares by resolution of the shareholders meeting;
(viii)Such of the matters to be resolved at a shareholders meeting (or at a shareholders meeting or board of directors meeting for a Company with Board of Directors, or at a shareholders meeting or board of liquidators meeting for a Company with Board of Liquidators (referring to the Company with Board of Liquidators as provided for Article 478(6). The same shall apply hereinafter in this Article.)), that require, in addition to such resolution, a resolution of a Class Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders of such class shares.
(ix)That directors or company auditors shall be elected at a Class Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders of such class shares.
(2)In cases where a Stock Company issues two or more classes of shares with different features that have different provisions on the following matters, it shall provide for the matters prescribed in each of such items and the Total Number of Authorized Shares in a Class in the articles of incorporation:
(i)Regarding dividends of surplus:The method for determining the Dividend Property to be delivered to the shareholders of such classes, the conditions for dividends of surplus, and other features relating to dividends of surplus;
(ii)Regarding the distribution of residual assets:The method for determining the value of the residual assets to be delivered to the shareholders of such classes, the kinds of such residual assets, and other features of treatment relating to the distribution of residual assets;
(iii)Regarding the matter of capacity to exercise the right to vote at shareholders meetings:The following matters:
(a)The matters in relation to which the voting right may be exercised at a shareholders meeting; and
(b)If any condition on the exercise of the voting right is to be prescribed for such class shares, such condition.
(iv)Regarding the fact that the approval of such Stock Company shall be required for the acquisition of such class shares by assignment:The matters prescribed in item (i), paragraph (2) of the preceding article with respect to such class shares;
(v)Regarding the fact that shareholders may demand that such Stock Company acquire such class shares held by such shareholders:The following matters:
(a)The matters prescribed in item (ii), paragraph (2) of the preceding article with respect to such class shares;
(b)If, in exchange for the acquisition of one share of such class shares, other shares of such Stock Company are delivered to such shareholders, the class of such other shares and the total number of each class, or the method for calculating such number;
(vi)Regarding the fact that such Stock Company may acquire such class shares on condition of certain grounds arising:The following matters:
(a)The matters prescribed in item (iii), paragraph (2) of the preceding article with respect to such class shares;
(b)If, in exchange for the acquisition of one share of such class shares, other shares of such Stock Company are delivered to such shareholders, the class of such other shares and the total number of each class, or the method for calculating such number;
(vii)Regarding the fact that such Stock Company shall acquire all of such class of shares by resolution of a shareholders meeting;The following matters:
(a)The method for determining the value of the acquisition price prescribed in Article 171(1)(i);
(b)If any condition is to be prescribed on whether or not the resolution of such shareholders meeting may be effected, such condition.
(viii)Regarding such of the matters to be resolved at a shareholders meeting (or at a shareholders meeting or board of directors meeting for a Company with Board of Directors, or at a shareholders meeting or board of liquidators meeting for a Company with Board of Liquidators), that require, in addition to such resolution, a resolution of a Class Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders of such class shares.The following matters:
(a)The matters for which the resolution of such Class Meeting is required; and
(b)If any condition for which the resolution of such Class Meeting is required is to be prescribed, such condition.
(ix)Regarding the fact that directors or company auditors shall be elected at a Class Meeting constituted by the Class Shareholders of such class shares.The following matters:
(a)The election of directors or company auditors at a Class Meeting constituted by such Class Shareholders and the number of directors or company auditors to be elected;
(b)If some or all of the directors or company auditors who may be elected pursuant to the provisions of (a) shall be elected jointly with other Class Shareholders, the class of the shares held by such other Class Shareholders, and the number of directors or company auditors to be elected jointly;
(c)If there is any condition that alters the matters listed in (a) or (b), such condition, and the matters listed in (a) or (b) after such alternation in cases where such condition is fulfilled; and
(d)In addition to the matters listed in (a) to (c) inclusive, any matter prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, with respect to some or all of the matters prescribed in each item of the same paragraph (limited to the amount of dividends which may be received by Class Shareholders of classes with different features with respect to dividends of surplus, and other matters prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice), it may be provided in the articles of incorporation to the effect that such matters shall be determined by resolution of a shareholders meeting (or at a shareholders meeting or board of directors meeting for a Company with Board of Directors, or at a shareholders meeting or board of liquidators meeting for a Company with Board of Liquidators) by the time of the first issue of such class shares.In such cases, an outline of the features thereof shall be provided for in the articles of incorporation.
(Equality of Shareholders)
Article 109(1)A Stock Company shall treat its shareholders equally in accordance with the features and number of the shares they hold.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a Stock Company that is not a Public Company may provide in its articles of incorporation to the effect that each shareholder shall be treated differently with respect to the matters regarding the rights listed in each item of Article 105 (1).
(3)In cases where there is a provision in the articles of incorporation that is provided for in the preceding paragraph, the shares held by the shareholders under that paragraph shall be deemed to be class shares with different features with respect to the matters regarding the rights under that paragraph, and the provisions of this Part and Part V shall apply.
(Special Provisions on Procedures for Amendments in Articles of Incorporation)
Article 110In cases where it is intended to create, as a feature of all shares to be issued by a Stock Company, a provision in the articles of incorporation with respect to the matters listed in Article 107(1)(iii) by amending the articles of incorporation, or to effect any amendment (excluding that which abolishes the provisions of the articles of incorporation with respect to such matters) in the articles of incorporation with respect to such matters (excluding the case where the Stock Company is a Company with Class Shares), the consent of all shareholders shall be obtained.
Article 111(1)If a Company with Class Shares intends, after it has issued a certain class of shares, to create, as a feature of such class shares, a provision in the articles of incorporation with respect to the matters listed in Article 108(1)(vi) by amending the articles of incorporation, or to effect any amendment to the articles of incorporation with respect to such matters (excluding any amendment which abolishes the provisions of the articles of incorporation with respect to such matters), the consent of all Class Shareholders who hold such class shares shall be obtained.
(2)In cases where a Company with Class Shares intends to create, as a feature of a certain class of shares, a provision in the articles of incorporation with respect to the matters listed in Article 108(1)(iv) or (vii), such amendment to the articles of incorporation shall not become effective unless a resolution is passed at a Class Meeting constituted by the following Class Shareholders (in cases where there are two or more classes of shares relating to such Class Shareholders, referring to the respective Class Meetings constituted by Class Shareholders categorized by the class of such two or more classes of shares. This shall apply hereinafter in this Article.); provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where there is no Class Shareholder who can exercise his/her voting right at such Class Meeting:
(i)The Class Shareholders of shares of such class;
(ii)The Class Shareholders of Shares with Put Option for which there is a provision that the "other shares" referred to in Article 108(2)(v)(b) shall be the shares of such class; or
(iii)The Class Shareholders of Shares subject to Call for which there is a provision that the "other shares" referred to in Article 108(2)(vi)(b) shall be the shares of such class.
(Special Provisions on Abolition of Provisions in Articles of Incorporation on Class Shares in relation to Election of Directors)
Article 112(1)The provisions in the articles of incorporation on the matters listed in Article 108(2)(ix) (limited to those on directors) shall be deemed to have been abolished if, in cases where the number of directors is less than the number prescribed in this Act or the articles of incorporation, hence it is not possible to elect directors in a number sufficient to satisfy such requirement.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the provisions of the articles of incorporation on the matters listed in Article 108(2)(ix) (limited to those on company auditors).
(Total Number of Authorized Shares)
Article 113(1)A Stock Company may not abolish the provisions on the Total Number of Authorized Shares by amending its articles of incorporation.
(2)If it is intended to reduce the Total Number of Authorized Shares by amending the articles of incorporation, the Total Number of Authorized Shares after the amendment may not be less than the total number of the Issued Shares at the time when such amendment to the articles of incorporation becomes effective.
(3)In cases where it is intended to increase the Total Number of Authorized Shares by amending the articles of incorporation, the Total Number of Authorized Shares after the amendment may not exceed the number four times the total number of the Issued Shares at the time when such amendment to the articles of incorporation becomes effective; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where the Stock Company is not a Public Company.
(4)The number of the shares which holders of Share Options (excluding Share Options for which the first day of the period prescribed in Article 236(1)(iv) has not yet arrived) acquire pursuant to the provisions of Article 282 may not exceed the number obtained by subtracting the total number of the Issued Shares (excluding Treasury Shares (meaning shares in a Stock Company owned by that Stock Company itself. The same shall apply hereinafter.)) from the Total Number of Authorized Shares.
(Total Number of Authorized Share in a Class)
Article 114(1)If it is intended to reduce the Total Number of Authorized Shares in a Class of a certain class of shares by amending the articles of incorporation, the Total Number of Authorized Shares in a Class of such class of shares after the amendment may not be less than the total number of the Issued Shares of such class at the time when such amendment to the articles of incorporation becomes effective.
(2)The total sum of the numbers set forth below for a certain class of shares may not exceed the number obtained by subtracting the total number of the Issued Shares of such class (excluding Treasury Shares) from the Total Number of Authorized Shares in a Class of such class of shares.
(i)The number of "other shares" prescribed in Article 167(2)(iv) which is to be acquired pursuant to the provisions of Article 167(2) by the shareholders (excluding the relevant Stock Company) of Shares with Put Option (excluding those for which the first day of the period prescribed in Article 107(2)(ii)(f) has not yet arrived);
(ii)The number of "other shares" prescribed in Article 170(2)(iv) which is to be acquired pursuant to the provisions of Article 170(2) by the shareholders (excluding the relevant Stock Company) of Shares subject to Call; and
(iii)The number of the shares which holders of Share Options (excluding those for which the first day of the period prescribed in Article 236(1)(iv) has not yet arrived) acquire pursuant to the provisions of Article 282.
(Number of Issued Shares with Restricted Voting Right)
Article 115In cases where a Company with Class Shares is a Public Company, if the number of the shares of a certain class with restriction in relation to matters on which voting right can be exercised at a shareholders meeting (hereinafter in this article referred to as "Shares with Restricted Voting Right") has exceeded one half of the total number of the Issued Shares, the Stock Company shall immediately take measures necessary to reduce the number of the Shares with Restricted Voting Right below one half of the total number of the Issued Shares.
(Dissenting Shareholders' Share Purchase Demand)
Article 116(1)In the cases listed in the following items, dissenting shareholders may demand that the Stock Company purchase, at a fair price, the shares prescribed in such items held by such shareholders:
(i)In cases where it is intended to effect a amendment to the articles of incorporation to create a provision on matters listed in Article 107(1)(i) as a feature of all shares issued by a Stock Company:All shares;
(ii)In cases where it is intended to effect a amendment to the articles of incorporation to create a provision on matters listed in Article 108(1)(iv) or (vii) as the feature of a certain class of shares:The shares prescribed in each item of Article 111(2);
(iii)In cases where any act listed below is to be performed, if any detriment is likely to be suffered by Class Shareholders who hold a certain class of shares (limited to those provided for in the articles of incorporation under the provisions of Article 322(2)):The shares of such class
(a)Consolidation of shares or splitting of shares;
(b)Allotment of Shares without Contribution provided for in Article 185;
(c)Amendment to the articles of incorporation on the Share Unit;
(d)Solicitation of persons to subscribe for the shares of such Stock Company (limited to solicitation for which the Stock Company provides for the matters listed in each item of Article 202(1));
(e)Solicitation of persons to subscribe for the Share Options of such Stock Company (limited to solicitation for which the Stock Company provides for the matters listed in each item of Article 241(1));
(f)Allotment of Share Options without Contribution provided for in Article 277.
(2)The "dissenting shareholders" provided for in the preceding paragraph shall mean the shareholders provided for in the following items in the cases listed in the same items:
(i)In cases where a resolution of a shareholders meeting (including a Class Meeting) is required to perform an act in any item of the preceding paragraph:The following shareholders:
(a)Shareholders who gave notice to such Stock Company to the effect that they dissented from such act prior to such shareholders meeting and who dissented from such act at such shareholders meeting (limited to those who can exercise voting right at such shareholders meetings);
(b)Shareholders who cannot exercise voting right at such shareholders meetings.
(ii)In cases other than those prescribed in the preceding item:All shareholders.
(3)A Stock Company that intends to perform an act in any item of paragraph (1) shall give notice to the shareholders of the shares provided for in each item of that paragraph to the effect that it intends to perform such act, no later than twenty days prior to the day when such act becomes effective (hereinafter in this article and in the next article referred to as "Effective Day").
(4)A public notice may be substituted for the notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(5)Demands under the provisions of paragraph (1) (hereinafter in this Section referred to as "Share Purchase Demand") shall be made, within the period from the day twenty days prior to the Effective Day to the day immediately preceding the Effective Day, by disclosing the number of shares relating to such Share Purchase Demand (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of shares for each class).
(6)Shareholders who have made the Share Purchase Demand may withdraw their Share Purchase Demand only in cases where they obtain the approval of the Stock Company.
(7)If a Stock Company suspends the act in any item of paragraph (1), the Share Purchase Demand shall become ineffective.
(Determination of Price of Shares)
Article 117(1)In cases where a Share Purchase Demand is made, if an agreement is reached between the shareholder and the Stock Company on the determination of the price of the shares, the Stock Company shall make the payment within sixty days from the Effective Day.
(2)If no agreement is reached within thirty days from the Effective Day on the determination of the price of the shares, the shareholders or the Stock Company may file a petition to the court for a determination of the price within thirty days after the expiration of that period.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (6) of the preceding article, in the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, if the petition under that paragraph is not made within sixty days after the Effective Day, the shareholders may withdraw their Share Purchase Demand at any time after the expiration of such period.
(4)The Stock Company shall also pay interest on the price determined by the court which shall be calculated at the rate of 6% per annum from and including the day of the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (1).
(5)The purchase relating to the Share Purchase Demand shall become effective at the time of payment of the price for such shares.
(6)If a Company Issuing Share Certificate (meaning a Stock Company the articles of incorporation of which have provisions to the effect that share certificate representing its shares (or, in case of a Company with Class Shares, shares of all classes) shall be issued), has received a Share Purchase Demand with respect to shares for which share certificates are issued, the Stock Company shall pay the price of the shares relating to such Share Purchase Demand in exchange for the share certificate.
(Demand for Purchase of Share Options)
Article 118(1)In cases where it is intended to effect any amendment to articles of incorporation listed in the following items, the holders of Share Options provided for in any such item may demand that the Stock Company purchase, at a fair price, the Share Options held by the same:
(i)In cases where it is intended to effect a amendment to the articles of incorporation to create a provision on matters listed in Article 107(1)(i) as a feature of all shares issued by a Stock Company:All Share Options;
(ii)In cases where it is intended to effect a amendment to the articles of incorporation to create a provision on matters listed in Article 108(1)(iv) or (vii) as a feature of a certain class of shares:The Share Options for which shares of such class are the underlying shares;
(2)If holders of the Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Option intend to make the demand under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter in this Section referred to as "Share Option Purchase Demand"), they shall also make the demand for the purchase of Bonds with respect to Bonds with Share Option; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for with respect to the Share Options attached to Bonds with Share Option.
(3)A Stock Company which intends to effect a amendment to the articles of incorporation listed in each item of paragraph (1) shall give notice to the holders of Share Options provided for in each item of that paragraph, no later than twenty days prior to the day when such amendment to the articles of incorporation becomes effective (hereinafter in this article and in the following article referred to as "Day of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation"), to the effect that such amendment to the articles of incorporation is to be effected.
(4)A public notice may be substituted for the notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(5)The Share Option Purchase Demand shall be made, within the period form the day twenty days prior to the Day of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation to the day immediately preceding the Day of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation, by disclosing the features and number of Share Options relating to such Share Option Purchase Demand.
(6)Holders of Share Options who have made the Share Option Purchase Demand may withdraw their Share Option Purchase Demand only in cases where they obtain the approval of the Stock Company.
(7)If a Stock Company suspends the amendment to articles of incorporation provided for in any item of paragraph (1), the Share Option Purchase Demand shall become ineffective.
(Determination of Price of Share Options)
Article 119(1)In cases where a Share Option Purchase Demand is made, if an agreement on the determination of the price of the Share Options is reached between the holder of Share Options (in cases where such Share Options are attached to Bonds with Share Option, if there is a demand for the purchase of Bonds with respect to such Bonds with Share Option, including such Bonds. The same shall apply in this article.) and the Stock Company, the Stock Company shall make payment within sixty days from the Day of the Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation.
(2)If no agreement on the determination of the price of the Share Options is reached within thirty days from the Day of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation, the holders of Share Options or the Stock Company may file a petition to the court for a determination of the price within thirty days after the expiration of that period.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (6) of the preceding article, in the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, if the petition under that paragraph is not filed within sixty days after the Day of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation, the holders of Share Options may withdraw their Share Option Purchase Demand at any time after the expiration of such period.
(4)The Stock Company shall also pay interest on the price determined by the court which is calculated at the rate of 6% per annum from and including the day of the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (1).
(5)The purchase relating to the Share Option Purchase Demand shall become effective at the time of payment of the price for such Share Options.
(6)If a Stock Company has received a Share Option Purchase Demand with respect to any Share Option for which a Share Option certificate is issued, it shall pay the price of the Share Option relating to such Share Option Purchase Demand in exchange for such Share Option certificate.
(7)If a Stock Company has received a Share Option Purchase Demand with respect to a Share Option attached to a Bond with Share Option for which a certificate for Bond with Share Option provided for in Article 249 (ii) is issued, it shall pay the price of the Share Option relating to such Share Option Purchase Demand in exchange for such certificate for Bond with Share Option.
(Giving Benefits on Exercise of Shareholder's Right)
Article 120(1)A Stock Company may not give property benefits to any person regarding the exercise of shareholders' rights (limited to benefits given for the accounts of such Stock Company or its Subsidiary. The same shall apply hereinafter in this article.).
(2)If a Stock Company gives property benefits to a specific shareholder without charge, it shall be presumed that such Stock Company has given property benefits regarding the exercise of shareholders' rights.The same shall apply in cases where a Stock Company gives property benefits to a specific shareholder for value if the benefit received by such Stock Company or its Subsidiary is insignificant in comparison to such property benefits.
(3)If a Stock Company gives property benefits in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1), the recipient of such benefit shall return the same to such Stock Company or its Subsidiary.In such cases, if the recipient has tendered anything to such Stock Company or its Subsidiary in exchange for such benefit, that person may receive the return of the same.
(4)If a Stock Company gives property benefits in violation of the provisions of paragraph (1), persons prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as directors (including executive officers for Companies with Committees. The same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph.) who are involved in giving such benefits shall be jointly and severally liable to such Stock Company for payment of an amount equivalent to the value of the benefit so given; provided, however, that this shall not apply if such persons (excluding the directors who gave such benefit) have proven that they did not fail to exercise due care in discharging their duties.
(5)Exemptions from the obligations set forth in the preceding paragraph may not be given without the consent of all shareholders.
第二節 株主名簿
Section 2 Shareholder Registry
(Shareholder Registry)
Article 121A Stock Company shall prepare a shareholder registry and state or record the following matters (hereinafter referred to as "Matters to be Stated in the Shareholder Registry") in the same:
(i)The names and addresses of shareholders;
(ii)The number of shares held by the shareholders referred to in the preceding item (or the classes of shares and number for each class for a Company with Class Shares);
(iii)The days when the shareholders referred to in item (i) acquired the shares; and
(iv)In cases where the Stock Company is a Company Issuing Share Certificate, the serial numbers of share certificates representing the shares (limited to those for which share certificates are issued) under item (ii).
(Delivery of Documents Stating Matters to be Stated in the Shareholder Registry)
Article 122(1)The shareholders referred to in item (i) of the preceding article may request that the Stock Company deliver documents stating the matters to be specified in the shareholder registry that are stated or recorded in the shareholder registry with respect to such shareholders, or provide the Electromagnetic Records that record such Matters to be Stated in the Shareholder Registry.
(2)The documents referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be affixed with the signature, or name and seal, of the Representative Director of the Stock Company (referring to the representative executive officer for a Company with Committees. The same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph and in the following paragraph.).
(3)With respect to the Electromagnetic Records referred to in paragraph (1), the Representative Director of the Stock Company shall implement measures in lieu of the affixing of the signature, or name and seal that is prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(4)The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs shall not apply to a Company Issuing Share Certificate.
(Administrator of Shareholder Registry)
Article 123A Stock Company may provide in its articles of incorporation to the effect that an Administrator of Shareholder Registry (meaning a person who is responsible on behalf of the Stock Company for the administration of the shareholder registry including preparing and keeping the shareholder registry. The same shall apply hereinafter.) shall be installed, and may entrust such administration to the same.
(Record Date)
Article 124(1)A Stock Company may, by prescribing a certain date (hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as a "Record Date"), prescribe the shareholders who are stated or recorded in the shareholder registry on the Record Date (hereinafter in this article referred to as "Shareholders as of the Record Date") as the persons who may exercise their rights.
(2)In cases where a Record Date is to be established, the Stock Company shall prescribe the content of the rights which the Shareholders on the Record Date may exercise (limited to those which are exercised within three months from the Record Date).
(3)If a Stock Company has prescribed a Record Date, it shall give public notice of such Record Date and the matters prescribed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph no later than two weeks prior to such Record Date; provided, however, that this shall not apply if the articles of incorporation provide for such Record Date and such matters.
(4)In cases where the rights that the Shareholders on the Record Date may exercise are voting right at a shareholders meeting or Class Meeting, the Stock Company may prescribe some or all persons who acquire shares on or after such Record Date as persons who may exercise such right; provided, however, that this provision may not prejudice the rights of the Shareholders on the Record Date of such shares.
(5)The provisions of paragraph (1) to paragraph (3) inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Registered Pledgees of Shares provided for in Article 149 (1).
(Keeping and Making Available for Inspection of Shareholder Registry)
Article 125(1)A Stock Company shall keep the shareholder registry at its head office (or, in cases where there is an Administrator of Shareholder Registry, at its business office).
(2)Shareholders and creditors may make the following requests at any time during the business hours of the Stock Company.In such cases, the reasons for such requests shall be disclosed.
(i)If the shareholder registry is prepared in writing, a request for the inspection or copying of such document;
(ii)If the shareholder registry is prepared by using Electromagnetic Records, a request for the inspection or copying of anything that indicates the matters recorded in such Electromagnetic Records in a manner prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(3)If a request in the preceding paragraph is made, a Stock Company may not refuse such request, except cases it falls under any of the following:
(i)The shareholder or creditor who made such request (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as the "Requestor") made the request for a purpose other than for research on securing or exercising his/her rights;
(ii)The Requestor made the request with the purpose of interfering with the execution of the operations of such Stock Company or prejudicing the common benefit of the shareholders;
(iii)The Requestor operates or engages in any business which is, in substance, in competition with the operations of such Stock Company;
(iv)The Requestor made the request in order to report facts to third parties for profit, knowledge of which may be acquired by inspecting or copying the shareholder registry; or
(v)The Requestor is a person who has reported facts, knowledge of which was acquired by inspecting or copying the shareholder registry, to third parties for profit in the immediately preceding two years.
(4)If it is necessary for a member of the Parent Company of a Stock Company to exercise his/her rights, such member of the Parent Company may, with the permission of the court, make the requests in each item of paragraph (2) with respect to the shareholder registry of such Stock Company.In such cases, the reasons for such requests shall be disclosed.
(5)The court may not grant the permission in the preceding paragraph if grounds provided for in any item of paragraph (3) apply to the member of the Parent Company in the preceding paragraph.
(Notice to Shareholders)
Article 126(1)It shall be sufficient for a notice or demand to shareholders to be sent by a Stock Company to the addresses of such shareholders stated or recorded in the shareholder registry (or, in cases where such shareholders notify such Stock Company of a different place or contact address for the receipt of notices or demands, to such place or contact address).
(2)The notices or demand in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have arrived at the time when such notice or demand should normally have arrived.
(3)If a share is co-owned by two or more persons, the co-owners shall specify one person to receive the notices or demand sent by the Stock Company to shareholders and notify such Stock Company of the name of that person.In such cases, that person shall be deemed to be the shareholder and the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply.
(4)In cases where there is no notice by co-owners under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall be sufficient for a notice or demand sent by a Stock Company to the co-owners of the shareholders if it is sent to one of them.
(5)The provisions of each of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where, when the notice referred to in Article 299 (1) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 325) is given, a document is delivered to shareholders or matters to be stated in such document are provided to shareholders by Electromagnetic Means.In such cases, the words "to have arrived" in paragraph (2) shall be read as "to have been effected by delivery of such documents or provision of such matters by Electromagnetic Means."
第三節 株式の譲渡等
Section 3 Transfer of Share
第一款 株式の譲渡
Subsection 1 Transfer of Share
(Transfer of Share)
Article 127Shareholders may transfer the shares held by the same.
(Transfer of Shares in Company Issuing Share Certificate)
Article 128(1)Transfer of shares in a Company Issuing Share Certificate shall not become effective unless the share certificates representing such shares are delivered; provided, however, that this shall not apply to transfer of shares that arise out of the disposition of Treasury Shares.
(2)Transfer effected prior to the issuance of the share certificate shall not be effective vis-a-vis the Company Issuing Share Certificate.
(Special Provisions on Disposition of Treasury Shares)
Article 129(1)A Company Issuing Share Certificate shall deliver the share certificates to persons who acquire Treasury Shares without delay after the day of the disposition of such Treasury Shares.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a Company Issuing Share Certificate that is not a Public Company may choose to not deliver the share certificates under that paragraph until the persons under that paragraph so request.
(Perfection of Transfer of Shares)
Article 130(1)Transfer of shares shall not be perfected against the Stock Company and other third parties unless the name and address of the person who acquires those shares is stated or recorded in the shareholder registry.
(2)For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph with respect to a Company Issuing Share Certificate, "the Stock Company and other third parties" in that paragraph shall be read as "the Stock Company."
(Presumption of Rights)
Article 131(1)A possessor of share certificates shall be presumed to be the lawful owner of the rights in relation to the shares representing such share certificates.
(2)A person who receives delivery of the share certificates shall acquire the rights in relation to the shares represented by such share certificates; provided, however, that this shall not apply if that person has knowledge or is grossly negligent as to the fact of defective title of the transferor.
(Stating or Recording of Matters to be Stated in Shareholder registry Not Requested by Shareholders)
Article 132In the cases provided for in the following items, a Stock Company shall state or record the Matters to be Stated in the Shareholder Registry relating to the shareholders of the shares referred to in such items:
(i)In cases where it has Issued Shares;
(ii)In cases where it has acquired shares in such Stock Company;
(iii)In cases where it has disposed of Treasury Shares.
(Stating or Recording of Matters to be Stated in Shareholder Registry at Request of Shareholders)
Article 133(1)A person who has acquired shares from any person other than the Stock Company that issued such shares (excluding such Stock Company, hereinafter in this Section referred to as "Acquirer of Shares") may request that such Stock Company states or records the Matters to be Stated in the Shareholder Registry relating to such shares in the shareholder registry.
(2)Except for the cases prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as cases of no likelihood of detriment to interested parties, requests pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be made jointly with the person stated or recorded in the shareholder registry as the shareholder of the shares so acquired, or his/her general successors including his/her heirs.
Article 134The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply in cases where the shares acquired by the Acquirer of Shares are Shares with Restriction on Transfer; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where it falls under any of the following:
(i)Such Acquirer of Shares has obtained approval under Article 136 as to an intended acquisition of such Shares with Restriction on Transfer;
(ii)Such Acquirer of Shares has obtained approval under Article 137 (1) as to a completed acquisition of such Shares with Restriction on Transfer;
(iii)Such Acquirer of Shares is a Designated Purchaser provided for in Article 140 (4);
(iv)Such Acquirer of Shares is a person who has acquired the Shares with Restriction on Transfer by general succession including inheritance.
(Acquisition of Shares of Parent Companies Prohibited)
Article 135(1)A Subsidiary may not acquire the shares of a Stock Company that is its Parent Company (hereinafter in this article referred to as "Parent Company's Shares").
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the following cases:
(i)Cases where the Subsidiary accepts the transfer of the Parent Company's Shares held by another Company in cases where the Subsidiary accepts the assignment of the entire business of such other Company (including Foreign Companies);
(ii)Cases where the Subsidiary succeeds to the Parent Company's Shares from a Company that is extinguished after a merger;
(iii)Cases where the Subsidiary succeeds to the Parent Company's Shares from another Company by Absorption-type Company Split;
(iv)Cases where the Subsidiary succeeds to the Parent Company's Shares from another Company by Incorporation-type Company Split; or
(v)In addition to the cases provided for in the preceding items, cases prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(3)The Subsidiary shall dispose of the Parent Company's Shares held by the same at an appropriate time.
第二款 株式の譲渡に係る承認手続
Subsection 2 Approval Procedures relating to Transfer of Shares
(Requests for Approval by Shareholders)
Article 136If shareholders of Shares with Restriction on Transfer intend to transfer the Shares with Restriction on Transfer held by the same to others (excluding the Stock Company which issued such Shares with Restriction on Transfer), they may request that such Stock Company make a determination as to whether or not to approve the acquisition by such others of such Shares with Restriction on Transfer.
(Request for Approval by Acquirers of Shares)
Article 137(1)Acquirers of Shares who have acquired Shares with Restriction on Transfer may request that the Stock Company make a determination as to whether or not to approve the acquisition of such Shares with Restriction on Transfer.
(2)Except for the cases prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as cases of no likelihood of detriment to interested parties, requests pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be made jointly with the person stated or recorded in the shareholder registry as the shareholder of the shares so acquired, or his/her general successors including his/her heirs.
(Method for Requests for Approval of Transfer)
Article 138The requests listed in the following items (hereinafter in this Subsection referred to as "Requests for Approval of Transfer") shall be made by disclosing the matters provided for in such items:
(i)Requests pursuant to the provisions of Article 136:The following matters:
(a)The number of Shares with Restriction on Transfer that the shareholders making such request intend to transfer to others (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of shares for each class);
(b)The name of the person accepting the transfer of the Shares with Restriction on Transfer referred to in (a);
(c)In cases where a Stock Company determines not to give approval under Article 136, if it is requested that such Stock Company or Designated Purchaser provided for in Article 140 (4) purchase the Shares with Restriction on Transfer referred to in (a), the statement to such effect.
(ii)The request pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article:The following matters:
(a)The number of Shares with Restriction on Transfer which the Acquirer of Shares making such request has acquired (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of shares for each class);
(b)The name of the Acquirer of Shares referred to in (a);
(c)In cases where a Stock Company determines not to effect the approval under paragraph (1) of the preceding article, if it is requested that such Stock Company or the Designated Purchaser provided for in Article 140 (4) purchase the Shares with Restriction on Transfer referred to in (a), a statement to such effect.
(Determination of Approval of transfer)
Article 139(1)The determination by a Stock Company as to whether or not to grant approval under Article 136 or Article 137 (1) shall be made by resolution of a shareholders meeting (or of a board of directors meeting for a Company with Board of Directors); provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation.
(2)If a Stock Company has made a determination under the preceding paragraph, it shall notify the person who made the Requests for Approval of Transfer (hereinafter in this Subsection referred to as "Requester for Approval of Transfer") of the content of such determination.
(Purchase by Stock Company or Designated Purchaser)
Article 140(1)In cases where a Stock Company receives a request under Article 138 (i)(c) or (ii)(c), if it makes a determination to not give approval under Article 136 or Article 137 (1), it shall purchase the Shares with Restriction on Transfer relating to such Requests for Approval of Transfer (hereinafter in this Subsection referred to as "Subject Shares").In such cases, the following matters shall be prescribed:
(i)A statement to the effect that the Stock Company will purchase the Subject Shares;
(ii)The number of the Subject Shares that will be purchased by the Stock Company (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the Subject Shares and the number of shares for each class).
(2)The determination of the matters listed in the items of the preceding paragraph shall be made by resolution of a shareholders meeting.
(3)Requesters for Approval of Transfer may not exercise voting right at the shareholders meeting referred to in the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where all shareholders other than such Requesters for Approval of Transfer may not exercise voting right at the shareholders meeting referred to in that paragraph.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), in the cases provided for in that paragraph, a Stock Company may designate a person to purchase some or all of the Subject Shares (hereinafter in this Subsection referred to as "Designated Purchaser").
(5)The designation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be made by resolution of the shareholders meeting (or of a board of directors meeting for a Company with Board of Directors); provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation.
(Notice of Purchases by Stock Company)
Article 141(1)If a Stock Company has determined the matters listed in any item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, it shall notify the Requester for Approval of Transfer of such matters.
(2)If a Stock Company intends to give notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall deposit the amount obtained by multiplying the amount of the net assets per share (referring to the amount prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as the amount of net assets per share. The same shall apply hereinafter.) by the number of the Subject Shares under item (ii), paragraph (1) of the preceding article, with a depository located in the area where its head office is located, and deliver a document certifying such deposit to the Requester for Approval of Transfer.
(3)In cases where the Subject Shares are the shares of a Company Issuing Share Certificate, the Requester for Approval of Transfer who received delivery of the document referred to in the preceding paragraph shall deposit the share certificates representing the Subject Shares referred to in item (ii), paragraph (1) of the preceding article with a depository located in the area where the head office of such Company Issuing Share Certificate is located within one week from the day of receipt of such delivery.In such cases, such Requester for Approval of Transfer shall give notice of such deposit to such Company Issuing Share Certificate without delay.
(4)If the Requester for Approval of Transfer under the preceding paragraph does not effect the deposit pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph within the period under that paragraph, the Company Issuing Share Certificate may cancel the contract for the sale and purchase of the Subject Shares provided for in item (ii), paragraph (1) of the preceding article.
(Designated Purchaser's Notice to Purchase)
Article 142(1)If a Designated Purchaser is designated pursuant to the provisions of Article 140(4), he/she shall notify the Requester for Approval of Transfer of the following matters:
(i)A statement to the effect that he/she has been designated as a Designated Purchaser; and
(ii)The number of the Subject Shares that the Designated Purchaser will purchase (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the Subject Shares and the number of shares for each class).
(2)If a Designated Purchaser intends to give notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Designated Purchaser shall deposit the amount obtained by multiplying the amount of the net assets per share by the number of the Subject Shares under item (ii) of that paragraph with a depository located in the area where the head office of the Stock Company is located, and deliver a document certifying such deposit to the Requester for Approval of Transfer.
(3)In cases where the Subject Shares are the shares of a Company Issuing Share Certificate, the Requester for Approval of Transfers who received delivery of the document referred to in the preceding paragraph shall deposit the share certificates representing the Subject Shares referred to in item (ii) of paragraph (1) with a depository located in the area where the head office of such Company Issuing Share Certificate is located within one week from the day of receipt of such delivery.In such cases, such Requester for Approval of Transfer shall give notice of such deposit to the Designated Purchaser without delay.
(4)If the Requester for Approval of Transfer under the preceding paragraph does not effect the deposit pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph within the period under that paragraph, the Designated Purchaser may cancel the contract for the sale and purchase of the Subject Shares provided for in item (ii) of paragraph (1).
(Withdrawal of Requests for Approval of Transfer)
Article 143(1)A Requester for Approval of Transfer who made a request under Article 138(i)(c) or (ii)(c) may, after he/she has received notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 141(1), withdraw his/her request only in cases where he/she obtains the approval of the Stock Company.
(2)A Requester of Approval of Transfer who made a request under Article 138(i)(c) or (ii)(c) may, after he/she has received notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, withdraw his/her request only in cases where he/she obtains the approval of the Designated Purchaser.
(Determination of Sale Price)
Article 144(1)In cases where notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Article 141(1), the sale price of the Subject Shares under Article 140(1)(ii) shall be prescribed through discussion between the Stock Company and the Requester for Approval of Transfer.
(2)The Stock Company or Requester for Approval of Transfers may file a petition to the court for a determination of the sale price within twenty days from the day when notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Article 141(1).
(3)In order to make the determination under the preceding paragraph, the court shall consider the financial conditions of the Stock Company at the time of the Requests for Approval of Transfer and all other circumstances.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if a petition under paragraph (2) is made within the period provided for in that paragraph, the amount determined by the court in response to such petition shall be the sale price of the Subject Shares under Article 140(1)(ii).
(5)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if no petition under paragraph (2) is made within the period provided for in that paragraph (except in cases where the discussions under paragraph (1) are successfully concluded within such period), the amount obtained by multiplying the amount of the net assets per share by the number of the Subject Shares under Article 140(1)(ii) shall be the sale price of the Subject Shares.
(6)In cases where a deposit is effected pursuant to the provisions of Article 141(2), if the sale price of the Subject Shares under Article 140(1)(ii) has been finalized, the Stock Company shall be deemed to have paid the sale price, in whole or in part, up to an amount equivalent to the value of the money so deposited.
(7)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis in cases where notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Article 142(1).In such cases, in paragraph (1), the term "Article 140(1)(ii)" shall be read as "Article 142(1)(ii)" and the term "Stock Company" shall be read as "Designated Purchaser"; in paragraph (2), the term "Stock Company" shall be read as "Designated Purchaser"; in paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), the term "Article 140(1)(ii)" shall be read as "Article 142(1)(ii)"; and in the preceding paragraph, the term "Article 141(2)" shall be read as "Article 142(2)," the term "Article 140(1)(ii)" shall be read as "item (ii), paragraph (1) of that article," and the term "Stock Company" shall be read as "Designated Purchaser."
(Cases where Stock Company is Deemed to have Approved)
Article 145In the cases listed below, the Stock Company shall be deemed to have given the approval under Article 136 or Article 137(1); provided, however, that this shall not apply if otherwise provided for by the agreement between the Stock Company and the Requester for Approval of Transfer:
(i)In cases where the Stock Company has failed to give notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 139(2) within two weeks (or if any shorter period of time is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such shorter period of time) from the day of the request pursuant to the provisions of Article 136 or Article 137(1);
(ii)In cases where the Stock Company has failed to give notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 141(1) within forty days (or if any shorter period of time is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such shorter period of time) from the day of the notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 139(2) (except the cases where the Designated Purchaser gives notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 142(1) within ten days (or if any shorter period of time is provided in the articles of incorporation, such shorter period of time) from the day of the notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 139(2)).
(iii)In addition to the cases provided for in the preceding two items, the cases prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
第三款 株式の質入れ
Subsection 3 Pledging Shares
(Pledge of Shares)
Article 146(1)Shareholders may pledge the shares held by the same.
(2)Pledge of shares of a Company Issuing Share Certificate shall not become effective unless the share certificates for such shares are delivered.
(Perfection of Pledges of Shares)
Article 147(1)Pledges of shares shall not be perfected against the Stock Company and other third parties unless the names and addresses of the pledgees are stated or recorded in the shareholder registry.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, a pledgee of shares of a Company Issuing Share Certificate may not assert his/her pledge against the Stock Company and other third parties unless he/she is in continuous possession of the share certificates for such shares.
(3)The provisions of Article 364 of the Civil Code shall not apply to shares.
(Entries in Shareholder Registry)
Article 148A person who pledges shares may request that the Stock Company state or record the following matters in the shareholder registry:
(i)The name and address of the pledgee;
(ii)The shares underlying the pledge.
(Delivery of Documents Stating Matters to be Stated in Shareholder Registry)
Article 149(1)The pledgees for whom the matters listed in the items of the preceding article are stated or recorded in the shareholder registry (hereinafter referred to as "Registered Pledgees of Shares") may request that the Stock Company deliver documents stating the matters listed in the items of that article with respect to such Registered Pledgees of Shares that are stated or recorded in the shareholder registry, or provide the Electromagnetic Records that record such matters.
(2)The documents in the preceding paragraph shall be affixed with the signature, or name and seal, of the Representative Director of the Stock Company (the representative executive officer for a Company with Committees. The same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph and in the following paragraph.).
(3)With respect to the Electromagnetic Records referred to in paragraph (1), the Representative Director of the Stock Company shall implement measures in lieu of the affixation of signature, or name and seal prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(4)The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs shall not apply to a Company Issuing Share Certificate.
(Notices to Registered Pledgees of Shares)
Article 150(1)It shall be sufficient for a notice or demand to a Registered Pledgee of Shares to be sent by a Stock Company to the addresses of such Registered Pledgee of Shares stated or recorded in the shareholder registry (or, in cases where such Registered Pledgee of Shares notifies the Stock Company of any different place or contact address for the receipt of notices or demands, to such place or contact address).
(2)The notices or demands referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have arrived at the time when such notice or demand should normally have arrived.
(Effect of Pledge of Shares)
Article 151In cases where a Stock Company carries out any of the acts listed below, the pledge for shares shall be effective with respect to the Monies, etc. (meaning monies and other properties. The same shall apply hereinafter.) which the shareholders of such shares are entitled to receive as a result of such act:
(i)The acquisition of Shares with Put Option pursuant to the provisions Article 167(1);
(ii)The acquisition of Shares subject to Call pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 170(1);
(iii)The acquisition of Class Shares subject to Wholly Call provided for in Article 171(1) pursuant to the provisions of Article 173(1);
(iv)Consolidation of shares;
(v)Share Split;
(vi)Allotment of Shares without Contribution provided for in Article 185;
(vii)Allotment of Share Options without Contribution provided for in Article 277;
(viii)Dividends of surplus;
(ix)Distribution of residual assets;
(x)Entity Conversion;
(xi)Mergers (limited to cases where such Stock Company is to be extinguished as a result of the merger);
(xii)Share Exchange;
(xiii)Share Transfer; or
(xiv)Acquisition of shares (excluding the acts listed in item (i) to item (iii) inclusive).
Article 152(1)In cases where a Stock Company (excluding a Company Issuing Share Certificate. The same shall apply hereinafter in this article.) carries out the acts listed in item (i) to item (iii) inclusive of the preceding article (limited to the cases where such Stock Company delivers the shares when carrying out such acts), or carries out the act listed in item (vi) of that article, if the pledgees of the pledges under that article are Registered Pledgees of Shares (excluding those for whom the matters listed in each item of Article 148 are stated or recorded in the shareholder registry because of a request pursuant to the provisions of Article 218(5). The same shall apply hereinafter in this Subsection.), the names and addresses of such pledgees shall be stated or recorded in the shareholder registry with respect to the shares under the preceding article that the shareholders are entitled to receive.
(2)In cases where the consolidation of shares has been effected, if the pledgees of the pledge under the preceding article are Registered Pledgees of Shares, the Stock Company shall state or record the names and addresses of such pledgees with respect to the shares that have been consolidated.
(3)In cases where the Share Split has been effected, if the pledgees of the pledge under the preceding article are Registered Pledgees of Shares, the Stock Company shall state or record the names and addresses of such pledgees with respect to the shares that have been split.
Article 153(1)In the cases provided for in paragraph (1) of the preceding article, the Company Issuing Share Certificate shall deliver the share certificates representing the shares that the shareholders under Article 151 receive to the Registered Pledgees of Shares.
(2)In the cases provided for in paragraph (2) of the preceding article, the Company Issuing Share Certificate shall deliver the share certificates representing the shares that have been consolidated to the Registered Pledgees of Shares.
(3)In the cases provided for in paragraph (3) of the preceding article, the Company Issuing Share Certificate shall deliver the share certificates that will be newly issued with respect to the shares that have been split to the Registered Pledgees of Shares.
Article 154(1)Registered Pledgees of Shares may receive Monies, etc. (limited to monies) under Article 151, and appropriate them as payment to satisfy their own claims in priority to other creditors.
(2)If the claims under the preceding paragraph have not yet become due and payable, the Registered Pledgees of Shares may have the Stock Company deposit an amount equivalent to the value of the Monies, etc. provided for in that paragraph.In such cases, the pledge shall be effective with respect to the monies so deposited.
第四節 株式会社による自己の株式の取得
Section 4 Acquisition of Own Shares by Stock Company
第一款 総則
Subsection 1 General Provisions
Article 155A Stock Company may acquire shares issued by such Stock Company only in the following cases:
(i)Where the grounds under Article 107(2)(iii)(a) have arisen;
(ii)Where a request has been made under Article 138(i)(c) or (ii)(c);
(iii)Where a resolution has been made under paragraph (1) of the following article;
(iv)Where a request has been made pursuant to the provisions of Article 166(1);
(v)Where a resolution has been made under Article 176(1);
(vi)Where the Stock Company has made a request under the provisions of Article 176(1);
(vii)Where a request has been made pursuant to the provisions of Article 192(1);
(viii)Where the Stock Company has prescribed the matters listed in each item of Article 197(3);
(ix)Where the Stock Company has prescribed the matters listed in each item of Article 234(4);
(x)Where the Stock Company accepts the assignment of the entire business of another Company (including Foreign Companies) in cases where such Stock Company accepts the assignment of own shares held by such other Company;
(xi)Where the Stock Company succeeds to own shares held by a Company that is to be extinguished after merger;
(xii)Where the Stock Company succeeds to own shares held by a Company that is effecting an Absorption-type Company Split; or
(xiii)In addition to the cases listed in the preceding items, in any case prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
第二款 株主との合意による取得
Subsection 2 Acquisition by Agreement with Shareholders
第一目 総則
Division 1 General Provisions
(Determination of Matters regarding Acquisition of Shares)
Article 156(1)A Stock Company shall prescribe the following matters by resolution of a shareholders meeting in advance in order to acquire for value own shares by agreement with its shareholders; provided, however, that the period under item (iii) cannot exceed one year:
(i)The number of shares to be acquired (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of shares for each class); and
(ii)The description and total amount of the Monies, etc. (excluding the shares, etc. of such Stock Company. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Subsection.) that will be delivered in exchange for the acquisition of the shares; and
(iii)The period during which the shares can be acquired.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the cases listed in item (i) and item (ii), and in item (iv) to item (xiii) inclusive of the preceding article.
(Determination of Acquisition Price)
Article 157(1)Whenever a Stock Company intends to acquire its shares in accordance with a determination pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, it shall prescribe the following matters:
(i)The number of shares to be acquired (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the class of the shares and the number of the shares);
(ii)The description, and the number or amount, or the method for the calculation thereof, of the Monies, etc. that will be delivered in exchange for the acquisition of one share;
(iii)The total amount of Monies, etc. that will be delivered in exchange for the acquisition of the shares; and
(iv)The date on which the offer to transfer the shares will be made.
(2)A Company with Board of Directors shall determine the matters listed in each item of the preceding paragraph by resolution of the board of directors.
(3)The conditions prescribed for the acquisition of shares under paragraph (1) shall be uniform for each determination made under the provisions of that paragraph.
(Notice to Shareholders)
Article 158(1)A Stock Company shall notify its shareholders (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the Class Shareholders of the classes of the shares it intends to acquire) of the matters listed in each item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article.
(2)A Public Company may substitute a public notice for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Offers to transfer)
Article 159(1)If a shareholder who receives a notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article intends to make an offer to transfer the shares he/she holds, he/she shall disclose to the Stock Company the number of shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of the shares for each class) relating to such offer.
(2)A Stock Company shall be deemed to have accepted, on the date provided for in Article 157(1)(iv), the transfer of shares that the shareholders under the preceding paragraph offered; provided, however, that if the total number of shares that the shareholders under that paragraph offered (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as "Total Number of Shares Offered") exceed the number provided for in item (i), paragraph (1) of that article (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as "Total Number of Shares to be Acquired"), it shall be deemed that the Stock Company has accepted the transfer of the shares in the number obtained by first dividing the Total Number of Shares to be Acquired by the Total Number of Shares Offered, and then multiplying such product by the number of the shares offered by the shareholders under the preceding paragraph (in cases where the number so obtained includes a fraction of less than one, such fraction shall be rounded off).
第二目 特定の株主からの取得
Division 2 Acquisition from Specific Shareholders
(Acquisition from Specific Shareholders)
Article 160(1)In conjunction with the determination of the matters listed in each item of Article 156(1), a Stock Company may, by resolution of a shareholders meeting under that paragraph, make a determination to the effect that notice under the provisions of Article 158(1) shall be given to specific shareholders.
(2)If a Stock Company intends to make a determination under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall give notice to the shareholders (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the Class Shareholders of the classes of the shares to be acquired), by the time prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, to the effect that the shareholders may make the requests under the provisions of the following paragraph.
(3)The shareholders under the preceding paragraph may, by the time prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, request that they be added to the specific shareholders provided for in paragraph (1) for the proposal for the shareholders meeting under that paragraph.
(4)The specific shareholders under paragraph (1) may not exercise voting right at the shareholders meeting provided for in Article 156(1); provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where all shareholders other than the specific shareholders under paragraph (1) may not exercise the voting right at such shareholders meeting.
(5)In cases where specific shareholders are prescribed under paragraph (1), for the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 158(1), "shareholders (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the Class Shareholder of the classes of the shares it intends to acquire)" in such paragraph shall be read as "specific shareholders under Article 160(1)."
(Special Provision on Acquisition of Shares with Market Price)
Article 161The provisions of paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the preceding article shall not apply if, in cases where the shares to be acquired are shares with a market price, the amount of the Monies, etc. to be delivered in exchange for the acquisition of one such share does not exceed the amount of the market price of one such share calculated by the method prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.
(Special Provision on Acquisition from Heirs)
Article 162The provisions of Article 160(2) and (3) shall not apply in cases where a Stock Company acquires, from general successors of the shareholders, including their heirs, the shares of such Stock Company that the same acquired by general succession including inheritance; provided, however, that this shall not apply if it falls under any of the following:
(i)The Stock Company is a Public Company; or
(ii)Such general successors, including heirs exercised the voting right on such shares at a shareholders meeting or Class Meeting.
(Acquisition of Shares from Subsidiaries)
Article 163In cases where a Stock Company acquires shares in such Stock Company that are held by its Subsidiary, for the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 156(1), "shareholders meeting" in such paragraph shall be read as "shareholders meeting (or board of directors meeting for a Company with Board of Directors)."In such cases, the provisions of Article 157 to Article 160 inclusive shall not apply.
(Provisions of Articles of Incorporation regarding Acquisition from Specific Shareholders)
Article 164(1)If a Stock Company intends to make a determination under the provisions of Article 160(1) with respect to the acquisition of shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, shares of a certain class. The same shall apply in the following paragraph.), it may provide in the articles of incorporation to the effect that the provisions of paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of that article shall not apply.
(2)If, after the shares are issued, it is intended to create a provision in the articles of incorporation under the provisions of the preceding paragraph with respect to such shares by amending the articles of incorporation, or to effect any amendment (excluding that which abolishes the provisions of the articles of incorporation under that paragraph) in the articles of incorporation with respect to such provisions, the consent of all shareholders who hold such shares shall be obtained.
第三目 市場取引等による株式の取得
Division 3 Acquisition of Shares by Market Transactions
Article 165(1)The provisions of Article 157 to Article 160 inclusive shall not apply in cases where a Stock Company acquires shares in such Stock Company through transactions undertaken by that Stock Company in the market or through a takeover bid provided for in Article 27-2(6) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (hereinafter in this article referred to as "Market Transactions").
(2)A Company with Board of Directors may provide in its articles of incorporation to the effect that the acquisition of own shares by Market Transactions may be prescribed by resolution of a board of directors meeting.
(3)In cases where the provision of the articles of incorporation under the provisions of the preceding paragraph is created, for the purpose of the application of the provisions of Article 156(1), "shareholders meeting" in such paragraph shall be read as "shareholders meeting (or shareholders meeting or board of director's meeting in the cases provided for in Article 165(1))."
第三款 取得請求権付株式及び取得条項付株式の取得
Subsection 3 Acquisition of Shares with Put Option and Shares subject to Call
第一目 取得請求権付株式の取得の請求
Division 1 Demand for Acquisition of Shares with Put Option
(Demand for Acquisition)
Article 166(1)Shareholders of Shares with Put Option may demand that the Stock Company acquire the Shares with Put Option held by such shareholders; provided, however, that this shall not apply if, in cases where the properties provided for in item (ii)(b) to item (ii)(e) inclusive of Article 107(2) is delivered in exchange for the acquisition of such Shares with Put Option, the book value of such properties exceeds the Distributable Amount under Article 461(2) on the day when such demand is made.
(2)The demand pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be submitted by disclosing the number of Shares with Put Option relating to such demand (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the Shares with Put Option and the number of shares for each class).
(3)If shareholders of a Company Issuing Share Certificate intend to submit demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) with respect to the Shares with Put Option held by the same, they shall submit the share certificates representing such Shares with Put Option to the Company Issuing Share Certificate; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where no share certificate representing such Shares with Put Option is issued.
Article 167(1)A Stock Company shall acquire the Shares with Put Option relating to a demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article on the day of such demand.
(2)In the cases listed in the following items, a shareholders who submits a demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article shall become a shareholder provided for in each of such items in accordance with the provisions with respect to the matters provided for in Article 107(2)(ii) (or, for a Company with Class Shares, Article 108(2)(v)) on the day of the demand:
(i)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 107(2)(ii)(b):Bondholders of the Bonds under that item (ii)(b);
(ii)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 107(2)(ii)(c):Holders of Share Options under that item (ii)(c);
(iii)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 107(2)(ii)(d):Bondholders of the Bonds with respect to Bonds with Share Option under that item (ii)(d), and holders of Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Option;
(iv)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 108(2)(v)(b):Shareholders of "other shares" under that item (v)(b);
(3)In the cases provided for in item (iv) of the preceding paragraph, if the number of the "other shares" provided for in such item includes a fraction of less than one share, it shall be rounded off.In such cases, unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, the Stock Company shall, in accordance with the categories of the cases listed in the following items, deliver to the shareholders who submitted demands pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article the monies in the amount equivalent to the amount obtained by multiplying the amount provided for in each of such items by such fraction:
(i)In cases where such shares are shares with a market price:The amount calculated by the method prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as the amount of the market price of one such share;
(ii)In cases other than the cases listed in the preceding item:The amount of net assets per share.
(4)The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where there is a fraction with respect to the Bonds and Share Options of such Stock Company.In such cases, the term "amount of net assets per share" in item (ii) of that paragraph shall be read as "the amount prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice."
第二目 取得条項付株式の取得
Division 2 Acquisitions of Shares subject to Call
(Determination of Day of Acquisition)
Article 168(1)In cases where there is a provision with respect to the matters listed in Article 107(2)(iii)(b), the Stock Company shall prescribe the day under that item (iii)(b) by resolution of a shareholders meeting (or of a board of director's meeting for a Company with Board of Directors); provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation.
(2)If a Stock Company prescribes the day under Article 107(2)(iii)(b), the Stock Company shall notify the shareholders of the Shares subject to Call (or, in cases where there is a provision with respect to the matters listed in item (iii)(c) of that paragraph, the shareholders of Shares subject to Call who are determined under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following article) and the Registered Pledgees of Shares thereof of such date no later than two weeks prior to such day.
(3)A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Determination of Shares to be Acquired)
Article 169(1)In cases where there is a provision with respect to the matters listed in Article 107(2)(iii)(c), if a Stock Company intends to acquire Shares subject to Call, it shall determine the Shares subject to Call that it intends to acquire.
(2)The Shares subject to Call under the preceding paragraph shall be determined by resolution of a shareholders meeting (or of a board of directors meeting for a Company with Board of Directors); provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where it is otherwise provided for in the articles of incorporation.
(3)If a Stock Company makes the determination pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the Stock Company shall immediately notify the shareholders of the Shares subject to Call who are identified pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph and the Registered Pledgees of Shares thereof to the effect that the Stock Company will acquire such Shares subject to Call.
(4)A public notice may be substituted for the notice pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Article 170(1)A Stock Company shall acquire, on the day when the grounds under Article 107(2)(iii)(a) have arisen (or, in cases where there is a provision with respect to the matters listed in item (iii)(c) thereof, on the day listed in item (i) or the day listed in item (ii) below, whichever comes later. The same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (5).), the Shares subject to Call (or, in cases where there is a provision with respect to the matters listed in item (iii)(c), paragraph (2) of that article, those determined pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article. The same shall apply in the following paragraph.):
(i)The day when grounds under Article 107(2)(iii)(a) have arisen; or
(ii)The day of notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding article, or the day when two weeks have lapsed from the day of the public notice under paragraph (4) of that article.
(2)In the cases listed in the following items, the shareholders of the Shares subject to Call (excluding the relevant Stock Company) shall become the status provided for in each of such items in accordance with the provisions with respect to the matters provided for in such item (or, for a Company with Class Shares, Article 108(2)(vi)) on the day when the grounds under Article 107(2)(iii)(a) have arisen:
(i)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 107(2)(iii)(d):Bondholders of the Bonds under that item (iii)(d);
(ii)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 107(2)(iii)(e):Holders of Share Options under that item (iii)(e);
(iii)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 107(2)(iii)(f):Bondholders of the Bonds with respect to Bonds with Share Option under that item (ii)(d), and holders of Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Option;
(iv)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 108(2)(vi)(b):Shareholders of "other shares" under that item (vi)(b);
(3)A Stock Company shall notify the shareholders of Shares subject to Call and Registered Pledgees of Shares thereof without delay after grounds have arisen under Article 107(2)(iii)(a) (in cases where there is a provision with respect to the matters listed in that item (iii)(c), the shareholders of Shares subject to Call determined pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, and Registered Pledgees of Shares thereof) to the effect that such grounds have arisen; provided, however, that this shall not apply if the Stock Company has given notice under the provisions of Article 168(2) or has given public notice under the provisions of paragraph (3) of that article.
(4)A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall not apply if, in cases where the properties provided for in item (iii)(d) to item (iii)(g) inclusive of Article 107(2) is delivered in exchange for the acquisition of the Shares subject to Call, the book value of such properties exceeds the Distributable Amount under Article 461(2) on the day when the grounds under Article 107(2)(iii)(a) arose.
第四款 全部取得条項付種類株式の取得
Subsection 4 Acquisition of Class Shares subject to Wholly Call
(Determinations regarding Acquisition of Class Shares subject to Wholly Call)
Article 171(1)A Company with Class Shares which has issued Class Shares subject to Wholly Call (meaning the Class Shares that have provisions with respect to the matters listed in Article 108(1)(vii) hereof. The same shall apply in this Subsection.) may acquire all of the Class Shares subject to Wholly Call by resolution of a shareholders meeting.In such cases, the following matters shall be prescribed by resolution of such shareholders meeting:
(i)If Monies, etc. will be delivered in exchange for the acquisition of the Class Shares subject to Wholly Call, the following matters with respect to such Monies, etc. (hereinafter in this article referred to as "Consideration for Acquisition"):
(a)If such Consideration for Acquisition consists of the shares in the Stock Company, the classes of such shares and the number of shares for each class, or the method for calculating such numbers;
(b)If such Consideration for Acquisition consists of the Bonds of the Stock Company (excluding those with respect to the Bonds with Share Option), the classes of such Bonds and the total amount of Bonds for each class, or the method for calculating such total amounts;
(c)If such Consideration for Acquisition consists of the Share Options of the Stock Company (excluding those attached to Bonds with Share Option), the features and number of such Share Options, or the method for calculating such number;
(d)If such Consideration for Acquisition consists of the Bonds with Share Option of the Stock Company, the matters prescribed in (b) above with respect to such Bonds with Share Option, and the matters prescribed in (c) above with respect to the Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Option; and
(e)If such Consideration for Acquisition consists of properties other than the shares, etc. of the Stock Company, the description and number or value of such properties, or the method for calculating such number or value.
(ii)In the cases provided for in the preceding item, the matters regarding the allotment of the Consideration for Acquisition to the shareholders of the Class Shares subject to Wholly Call.
(iii)The day on which the Stock Company will acquire the Class Shares subject to Wholly Call (hereinafter in this Subsection referred to as "Acquisition Day").
(2)The provisions regarding the matters listed in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph shall stipulate that the Consideration for Acquisition will be allotted in proportion to the number of the Class Shares subject to Wholly Call held by the shareholders (excluding the relevant Stock Company).
(3)The directors, at the shareholders meeting under paragraph (1) above, shall explain the reasons for the need to acquire all of the Class Shares subject to Wholly Call.
(Petition to Court for Determination of Price)
Article 172(1)In cases where the matters listed in each item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article are prescribed, the following shareholders may file a petition to the court, within twenty days from the day of the shareholders meeting under that paragraph, for a determination of the price of the Class Shares subject to Wholly Call for the acquisition by the Stock Company.
(i)Shareholders who give notice to such Stock Company to the effect that they dissent from the acquisition by the Stock Company of the Class Shares subject to Wholly Call act prior to such shareholders meeting and do dissent from such acquisition at such shareholders meeting (limited to those who can exercise voting right at such shareholders meeting);
(ii)Shareholders who cannot exercise voting right at such shareholders meeting.
(2)The Stock Company shall also pay the interest on the price determined by the court which shall be calculated at the rate of 6% per annum from and including the Acquisition Day.
Article 173(1)A Stock Company shall acquire Class Shares subject to Wholly Call on the Acquisition Day.
(2)In the cases listed in the following items, shareholders of the Class Shares subject to Wholly Call other than the Stock Company shall become the person provided for in each of such items in accordance with provisions made by resolution of the shareholders meeting under Article 171(1) on the Acquisition Day:
(i)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 171(1)(i)(a):Shareholders of shares under that item (i)(a);
(ii)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 171(1)(i)(b):Bondholders of Bonds under that item (i)(b);
(iii)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 171(1)(i)(c):Holders of Share Options under that item (i)(c);
(iv)In cases where there is a provision on the matters listed in Article 171(1)(i)(d):Bondholders of the Bonds with respect to Bonds with Share Option under that item (i)(d), and holders of Share Options attached to such Bonds with Share Option;
第五款 相続人等に対する売渡しの請求
Subsection 5 Demand for Sale to Heirs
(Provisions of Articles of Incorporation regarding Demand for Sale to Heirs)
Article 174A Stock Company may provide in the articles of incorporation to the effect that it may demand that a person who has acquired shares (limited to Shares with Restriction on Transfer) in such Stock Company by general succession, including inheritance, sell such shares to such Stock Company.
(Determinations regarding Demand for Sale)
Article 175(1)In cases where there is a provision of the articles of incorporation under the provisions of the preceding article, whenever a Stock Company intends to effect a demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following article, it shall prescribe the following matters by resolution of a shareholders meeting:
(i)The number of shares for which the Stock Company intends to effect the demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following article (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of shares for each class); and
(ii)The names of the persons who hold the shares under the preceding item.
(2)The persons under item (ii) of the preceding paragraph may not exercise voting right at the shareholders meeting under that paragraph; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where all shareholders other than the persons under that paragraph may not exercise the voting right at such shareholders meeting.
(Demand for Sale)
Article 176(1)If a Stock Company determines the matters listed in each item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, it may demand that the persons under item (ii) of that paragraph sell the shares under item (i) of that paragraph to such Stock Company; provided, however, that this shall not apply when one year has lapsed from the day when such Stock Company acquires knowledge of the general succession, including inheritances.
(2)Demands pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be made by disclosing the number of shares relating to such demand (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of shares for each class).
(3)A Stock Company may withdraw a demand under the provisions of paragraph (1) at any time.
(Determination of Sale Price)
Article 177(1)In cases where notice is given under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, the sale price of the shares under Article 175(1)(i) shall be prescribed through discussion between the Stock Company and the persons under item (ii) of that paragraph.
(2)The Stock Company or persons under Article 175(1)(ii) may file a petition to the court for a determination of the sale price within twenty days from the day when a demand is made under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article.
(3)In order to make the determination under the preceding paragraph, the court shall consider the financial conditions of the Stock Company at the time of the demand pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article and all other circumstances.
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), if a petition is made under paragraph (2) within the period provided for in that paragraph, the amount determined by the court in response to such petition shall be the sale price of the shares under Article 175(1)(i).
(5)If no petition is made under paragraph (2) within the period provided for in that paragraph (except in cases where the discussions under paragraph (1) are successfully concluded within such period), a demand under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding article shall become ineffective.
第六款 株式の消却
Subsection 6 Cancellation of Shares
Article 178(1)A Stock Company may cancel its Treasury Shares.In such cases, the Stock Company shall determine the number of the Treasury Shares it intends to cancel (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the classes of the shares and the number of Treasury Shares for each class).