Road Traffic Act(Act No. 105 of 1960)
Last Version: Act No. 76 of 2015

  • October 26, 2017
    • Last Version: Act No. 76 of 2015
    • Translated Date: August 23, 2016
    • Dictionary Version: 11.0

Road Traffic Act
Act No. 105 of June 25, 1960
第一章 総則(第一条―第九条)
Chapter I General Provisions(Articles 1 to 9)
第二章 歩行者の通行方法(第十条―第十五条)
Chapter II Pedestrian Traffic Rules(Articles 10 to 15)
第三章 車両及び路面電車の交通方法
Chapter III Vehicle and Streetcar Traffic Rules
第一節 通則(第十六条―第二十一条)
Section 1 General Rules(Articles 16 to 21)
第二節 速度(第二十二条―第二十四条)
Section 2 Speed(Articles 22 to 24)
第三節 横断等(第二十五条・第二十五条の二)
Section 3 Cutting Across Roads and Other Such Maneuvers(Articles 25 and 25-2)
第四節 追越し等(第二十六条―第三十二条)
Section 4 Passing and Other Such Maneuvers(Articles 26 to 32)
第五節 踏切の通過(第三十三条)
Section 5 Going Over Railroad Crossings(Article 33)
第六節 交差点における通行方法等(第三十四条―第三十七条の二)
Section 6 Traffic Rules at Intersections; Related Considerations(Articles 34 to 37-2)
第六節の二 横断歩行者等の保護のための通行方法(第三十八条・第三十八条の二)
Section 6-2 Traffic Rules for Protecting Crossing Pedestrians and Cyclists(Articles 38 and 38-2)
第七節 緊急自動車等(第三十九条―第四十一条の二)
Section 7 Emergency Motor Vehicles and Other Vehicles(Articles 39 to 41-2)
第八節 徐行及び一時停止(第四十二条・第四十三条)
Section 8 Driving at Reduced Speeds and Coming to a Stop(Articles 42 and 43)
第九節 停車及び駐車(第四十四条―第五十条)
Section 9 Stopping and Parking(Articles 44 to 50)
第九節の二 違法停車及び違法駐車に対する措置(第五十条の二―第五十一条の十六)
Section 9-2 Measures against Illegal Stopping and Illegal Parking(Articles 50-2 to 51-16)
第十節 灯火及び合図(第五十二条―第五十四条)
Section 10 Lights and Signals(Articles 52 to 54)
第十一節 乗車、積載及び牽引(第五十五条―第六十一条)
Section 11 Boarding, Loading, and Towing(Articles 55 to 61)
第十二節 整備不良車両の運転の禁止等(第六十二条―第六十三条の二)
Section 12 Prohibition against Driving Improperly Maintained Vehicles; Related Considerations(Articles 62 to 63-2)
第十三節 自転車の交通方法の特例(第六十三条の三―第六十三条の十一)
Section 13 Special Rules for Bicycle Traffic(Articles 63-3 to 63-11)
第四章 運転者及び使用者の義務
Chapter IV Driver and User Responsibilities
第一節 運転者の義務(第六十四条―第七十一条の六)
Section 1 Driver Responsibilities(Articles 64 to 71-6)
第二節 交通事故の場合の措置等(第七十二条―第七十三条)
Section 2 Measures in the Event of a Traffic Accident; Related Considerations(Articles 72 to 73)
第三節 使用者の義務(第七十四条―第七十五条の二の二)
Section 3 User Responsibilities(Articles 74 to 75-2-2)
第四章の二 高速自動車国道等における自動車の交通方法等の特例
Chapter IV-2 Special Rules for Motor Vehicle Traffic on National Expressways and Limited Highways
第一節 通則(第七十五条の二の三・第七十五条の三)
Section 1 General Rules(Articles 75-2-3 and 75-3)
第二節 自動車の交通方法(第七十五条の四―第七十五条の九)
Section 2 Motor Vehicle Traffic Rules(Articles 75-4 to 75-9)
第三節 運転者の義務(第七十五条の十・第七十五条の十一)
Section 3 Driver Responsibilities(Articles 75-10 and 75-11)
第五章 道路の使用等
Chapter V Road Use; Related Considerations
第一節 道路における禁止行為等(第七十六条―第八十条)
Section 1 Activities Prohibited on Roads; Related Considerations(Articles 76 to 80)
第二節 危険防止等の措置(第八十一条―第八十三条)
Section 2 Hazard Prevention and Other Such Measures(Articles 81 to 83)
第六章 自動車及び原動機付自転車の運転免許
Chapter VI Driver Licensing for Motor Vehicles and Motorized Bicycle
第一節 通則(第八十四条―第八十七条)
Section 1 General Rules(Articles 84 to 87)
第二節 免許の申請等(第八十八条―第九十一条)
Section 2 Applying for Licenses; Related Considerations(Articles 88 to 91)
第三節 免許証等(第九十二条―第九十五条)
Section 3 Licenses; Related Considerations(Articles 92 to 95)
第四節 運転免許試験(第九十六条―第九十七条の三)
Section 4 Driver's License Tests(Articles 96 to 97-3)
第四節の二 自動車教習所(第九十八条―第百条)
Section 4-2 Driving Schools(Articles 98 to 100)
第四節の三 再試験(第百条の二・第百条の三)
Section 4-3 Retesting(Articles 100-2 and 100-3)
第五節 免許証の更新等(第百一条―第百二条の二)
Section 5 License Renewal; Related Considerations(Articles 101 to 102-2)
第六節 免許の取消し、停止等(第百三条―第百七条)
Section 6 Revocation and Suspension of Licenses; Other Measures(Articles 103 to 107)
第七節 国際運転免許証及び外国運転免許証並びに国外運転免許証(第百七条の二―第百七条の十)
Section 7 International Driving Permits and Foreign Driver's Licenses; Foreign Driving Permits(Articles 107-2 to 107-10)
第八節 免許関係(第百八条)
Section 8 Asking Others to Handle Administrative Processes Involved in Licensing(Article 108)
第六章の二 講習(第百八条の二―第百八条の十二)
Chapter VI-2 Training(Articles 108-2 to 108-12)
第六章の三 交通事故調査分析センター(第百八条の十三―第百八条の二十五)
Chapter VI-3 The Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis(Articles 108-13 to 108-25)
第六章の四 交通の安全と円滑に資するための民間の組織活動等の促進(第百八条の二十六―第百八条の三十二の二)
Chapter VI-4 Facilitation of Organized Activities in the Private Sector and Elsewhere to Contribute to the Safety and Fluidity of Traffic(Articles 108-26 to 108-32-2)
第七章 雑則(第百八条の三十三―第百十四条の七)
Chapter VII Miscellaneous Provisions(Articles 108-33 to 114-7)
第八章 罰則(第百十五条―第百二十四条)
Chapter VIII Penal Provisions(Articles 115 to 124)
第九章 反則行為に関する処理手続の特例
Chapter IX Special Rules on Procedures for Handling Violations
第一節 通則(第百二十五条)
Section 1 General Rules(Article 125)
第二節 告知及び通告(第百二十六条・第百二十七条)
Section 2 Notice to Appear and Notice of Findings(Articles 126 and 127)
第三節 反則金の納付及び仮納付(第百二十八条―第百二十九条の二)
Section 3 Payment and Provisional Payment of Penalties(Articles 128 to 129-2)
第四節 反則者に係る刑事事件等(第百三十条・第百三十条の二)
Section 4 Criminal Cases against Violators(Articles 130 and 130-2)
第五節 雑則(第百三十一条・第百三十二条)
Section 5 Miscellaneous Provisions(Articles 131 and 132)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The purpose of this Act is to prevent road hazards and otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic, as well as to contribute to preventing blockages arising from road traffic.
Article 2(1)In this Act, the meanings of the terms set forth in the following items are as prescribed in those items:
(i)road:a road as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Road Act (Act No. 180 of 1952), a limited highway as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8) of the Road Transportation Act (Act No. 183 of 1951), and any other route used for public traffic;
(ii)sidewalk:the part of a road that has been demarcated with curb lines or fences or any similar structure so as to make it available for pedestrian traffic;
(iii)roadway:the part of a road that has been demarcated with curb lines or fences or any similar structure or road marking so as to make it available for vehicle traffic;
(iii)-2main roadway:a roadway consisting of the main lanes of a national expressway (meaning a road as prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the National Expressway Act (Act No. 79 of 1957); the same applies hereinafter) or a limited highway (meaning a limited highway as prescribed in Article 48-4 of the Road Act; the same applies hereinafter);
(iii)-3bicycle path:the part of a road that has been demarcated with curb lines or fences or any similar structure so as to make it available for bicycle traffic;
(iii)-4side strip:the part of a road that extends in a strip running along the edge of a road that either has no sidewalks or that has no sidewalks on that side, which has been demarcated with road markings so as to make it available for pedestrian traffic or maintain the effectiveness of the roadway;
(iv)pedestrian crossing:the part of a road that has been marked with road signs or road markings (hereinafter referred to as "road signs or markings") indicating it to be a place for pedestrians to cross;
(iv)-2bicycle crossing lane:the part of a road that has been marked with road signs or markings indicating it to be a place for bicycles to cross;
(v)intersection:the part of the road (or roadway, on a on a road with demarcations between the sidewalk and the roadway) that intersects at an intersecting roads, T-junction, or other place where two or more roads intersect;
(vi)safety zone:an island-shaped installation put in place to ensure the safety of persons boarding and disembarking from streetcars and the safety of crossing pedestrians, or the part of a road that road signs or road markings indicate to be a safety zone;
(vii)vehicle traffic lane:the part of a road that road markings indicate to be the specific part of the road down which vehicles are to proceed;
(viii)vehicle:a motor vehicle, motorized bicycle, light road vehicle, or trolleybus;
(ix)motor vehicle:a vehicle that has a motor and is operated without recourse to rails or overhead wires, not including a motorized bicycle, bicycle, or wheelchair being used by a person with a physical disability, and not including a wheeled walking aid or small vehicle that Cabinet Order prescribes (hereinafter referred to as a "wheeled walking aid or small vehicle");
(x)motorized bicycle:a vehicle that has a motor with total emissions or rated output not exceeding that which Cabinet Office Order prescribes, which is operated without recourse to rails or overhead wires, not including a bicycle, wheelchair being used by a person with a physical disability, or a wheeled walking aid or small vehicle;
(xi)light road vehicle:a bicycle or cart, or a vehicle towed by human or animal power or by another vehicle which is operated or driven without recourse to rails (including a sleigh, horse, or cattle), not including a wheelchair being used by a person with a physical disability, wheeled walking aid or small vehicle, or a vehicle made for children;
(xi)-2bicycle:a vehicle with two or more wheels that has pedals or hand cranks driven by human power (other than a vehicle operated on rails), not including a wheelchair being used by a person with a physical disability, a wheeled walking aid or small vehicle, or a vehicle made for children (and not including a vehicle that uses a motor to supplement human power and which satisfies the criteria that Cabinet Office Order prescribes);
(xi)-3wheelchair being used by a person with a physical disability:a wheelchair that a person who has difficulty walking due to a physical disability uses to move from place to place (for wheelchairs with motors, this is limited to those satisfying the criteria that Cabinet Office Order prescribes);
(xii)trolleybus:a vehicle powered by electricity supplied through overhead wires, which is operated without recourse to rails;
(xiii)streetcar:a vehicle operated on rails;
(xiv)traffic light:a device operated electrically which uses lights to display signals intended to control traffic and achieve other such ends;
(xv)road sign:a sign board that displays road traffic regulations or instructions;
(xvi)road marking:a marking depicted on a road surface with raised road markers, paint, lines comprising stones, etc., symbols, or letters to display road traffic regulations or instructions;
(xvii)driving/operating:using a vehicle or streetcar (hereinafter referred to as a "vehicle or streetcar") on a road in keeping with its primary purpose;
(xviii)parking/parked:holding a vehicle or streetcar at a stop to wait for customers, load or unload baggage or cargo, or due to a malfunction or other such circumstance (other than when it is held at a stop for a period of less than five minutes to load or unload cargo or when it is held at a stop load or unload passengers), or a state in which a vehicle or streetcar is held at a stop, and because the driver of that vehicle or streetcar (hereinafter referred to as a "driver") has left the vicinity of the vehicle or streetcar, it cannot be driven immediately;
(xix)stopping:bringing a vehicle or streetcar to a stop in a manner that does not fall within the definition of parking;
(xx)driving at reduced speed:proceeding at a speed that enables the vehicle or streetcar to be brought to a stop immediately;
(xxi)passing:when a vehicle catches up with another vehicle or streetcar, changes course, overtakes it on one side, and comes out in front of it;
(xxii)obstructing progress:starting to move or continuing to move in circumstances that would likely cause another vehicle or streetcar to have to suddenly change speed or direction in order to avoid danger;
(xxiii)traffic nuisance:air pollution, noise, or vibration as prescribed by Cabinet Office Order/Ministry of the Environment Order, arising from road traffic and causing damage to human health or the living environment.
(2)As concerns the application of this Act, demarcation lines set in place pursuant to Article 45, paragraph (1) of the Road Act are treated as road markings, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order/Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(3)As concerns the application of this Act, the following persons are treated as pedestrians:
(i)a wheelchair being used by a person with a physical disability, a wheeled walking aid or small vehicle, or a vehicle made for children;
(ii)a person walking while pushing a standard or large motorcycle, two-wheeled motorized bicycle or two- or three-wheeled bicycle (other than one with a sidecar or a vehicle towing another vehicle) as prescribed in the following Article.
(Motor Vehicle Types)
Article 3A motor vehicle is classified on the basis of the standards that Cabinet Office Order prescribes for body size, structure, and engine size, as standard motor vehicle, mid-sized motor vehicle, semi-mid-sized motor vehicle, large motor vehicle, special small motor vehicle, special large motor vehicle, standard motorcycle (including one with a sidecar; the same applies hereinafter), or large motorcycle (including one with a sidecar; the same applies hereinafter).
(Regulation of Traffic by the Public Safety Commission)
Article 4(1)On finding it to be necessary to do so in order to prevent road hazards and otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic or to prevent traffic nuisances and other problems arising from road traffic, the prefectural public safety commission (hereinafter referred to as a "public safety commission") may install and manage traffic lights or road signs or markings to control traffic, to prohibit the entry of pedestrians or vehicle or streetcar traffic, or to otherwise regulate road traffic, pursuant to Cabinet Order. In urgent cases in which there is no time to install road signs or markings or if a public safety commission finds it difficult to regulate traffic using road signs or markings, it may regulate traffic through on-site instructions being given by a police officer of the prefectural police under its management in a way that is equivalent to regulation of traffic through the installation and management of road signs or markings.
(2)The regulation of traffic under the preceding paragraph is undertaken at a specific location or within a specific area or section of a road. It may have a limited target and its application may be limited to certain days or hours.
(3)A public safety commission must endeavor to install traffic lights at high-traffic intersections other than roundabouts (meaning intersections with a circular area for motor vehicle traffic, where drivers of vehicles are directed by road signs or markings to proceed in a clockwise direction; the same applies hereinafter), and at other locations where lights are found to be necessary to prevent traffic hazards.
(4)Cabinet Order provides for the meanings of signals displayed by traffic lights and for other necessary particulars concerning traffic lights.
(5)Cabinet Office Order/ Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism provides for the types, formats, placement, and other necessary particulars concerning road signs and markings.
(罰則 第一項後段については第百十九条第一項第一号、第百二十一条第一項第一号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (i) and Article 121, paragraph (1), item (i) apply to the second sentence of paragraph (1) of this Article.)
(Delegation to the Chiefs of Police Stations and Others)
Article 5(1)A public safety commission, pursuant to Cabinet Order, may have the chief of a police station prohibit the entry of pedestrians or vehicle or streetcar traffic as prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or otherwise regulate traffic during a short period.
(2)A public safety commission may delegate a person that Cabinet Order prescribes to handle the administrative functions involving the installation or management of traffic lights.
(Regulation of Traffic by Officers)
Article 6(1)A police or traffic patrol officer as prescribed in Article 114-4, paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to as an "officer") may control traffic using hand signals and other signals (hereinafter referred to as "alternative signals"). On finding it to be particularly necessary to do so in order to prevent road hazards and otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic, an officer may use an alternative signal with a different meaning from that of a signal displayed by a traffic light, regardless of the signal displayed by the traffic light.
(2)On finding a compelling reason to do so in order to ensure that traffic runs smoothly on a road (other than a national expressway or limited highway; the same applies in paragraph (4)) on which severe traffic congestion is likely to occur due to a severe back-up of vehicle or streetcar traffic, a police officer may prohibit or restrict vehicles or streetcars from entering a location or order the driver of a vehicle or streetcar at the location to back up or comply with different traffic rules than those prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (1), or Chapter III, Section 1, 3, or 6, but only so far as is necessary in order to reduce congestion.
(3)On finding the measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph to be insufficient to reduce congestion at a location, a police officer may issue the necessary instructions to relevant persons at the location, but only so far as is necessary to reduce congestion.
(4)On finding there to be an urgent need to do so in order to prevent a road traffic hazard that is likely to occur due to circumstances such as road damage or fire, a police officer may prohibit or restrict pedestrian or vehicle or streetcar traffic on that road temporarily, but only so far as is necessary.
(5)Cabinet Order provides for the meanings of alternative signals referred to in paragraph (1).
(罰則 第二項については第百二十条第一項第一号 第四項については第百十九条第一項第一号、第百二十一条第一項第一号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (i) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (i), and Article 121, paragraph (1), item (i) apply to paragraph (4) of this Article.)
(Obligation to Obey Traffic Light Signals and Alternative Signals)
Article 7A pedestrian or the driver of a vehicle or streetcar that is using a road must obey the signals indicated by traffic lights or the alternative signals of an officer (or the alternative signals given in a case as referred to in the second sentence of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article).
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第一号の二、同条第二項、第百二十一条第一項第一号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (i)-2, paragraph (2) of that Article, and Article 121, paragraph (1), item (i).)
(Prohibition and Permission of Entry)
Article 8(1)It is prohibited for a pedestrian or the driver of a vehicle or streetcar to enter onto a road or any part of a road onto which entry is prohibited by a road sign or marking.
(2)Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the chief of the police station finds there to be a compelling reason as prescribed by Cabinet Order and grants permission, a vehicle may proceed onto a road or a part of a road onto which entry is prohibited by a road sign or marking.
(3)The chief of the police station must issue a permit when granting the permission prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
(4)The driver of a vehicle issued a permit pursuant to the preceding paragraph must carry that permit at all times when using the road or part of the road for which the permission has been given.
(5)On finding it to be necessary to do so, the chief of the police station may attach conditions when granting a permission as referred to in paragraph (2).
(6)Cabinet Office Order provides for the format of the permit referred to in paragraph (3) and for necessary particulars concerning the permission referred to in paragraph (2).
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条第一項第一号の二、同条第二項、第百二十一条第一項第一号 第五項については第百二十一条第一項第一号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (i)-2, paragraph (2) of that Article, and Article 121, paragraph (1), item (i) apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 121, paragraph (1), item (i)-2 apply to paragraph (5) of this Article.)
(Obligations of the Drivers of Vehicles When Entering onto Pedestrian Paths)
Article 9When entering onto a road on which a road sign or marking indicates that vehicular entry has been prohibited so as to ensure the safety and fluidity of pedestrian traffic (referred to in Article 13-2 as a "pedestrian path") after obtaining the permission prescribed in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article or by reason of being exempt from that prohibition, the driver of a vehicle must be particularly careful of pedestrians and drive at a reduced speed.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第一号の二、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (i)-2 and paragraph (2))
第二章 歩行者の通行方法
Chapter II Pedestrian Traffic Rules
(Traffic Distribution)
Article 10(1)On a road without demarcations between the roadway and either the sidewalk or a side strip sufficiently wide for safe use by pedestrians (referred to in the following paragraph and the following Article as a "sidewalk or side strip"), a pedestrian must keep to the right edge of the road; provided, however, that if it is dangerous to use the right edge of the road or if there are other compelling circumstances, a pedestrian may keep to the left edge of the road.
(2)On a road with demarcations between the sidewalk or side strip and the roadway, a pedestrian must use the sidewalk or side strip, except in the following cases:
(i)when crossing the roadway;
(ii)if the sidewalk or side strip cannot be used for reasons such as road works, or if there are other compelling circumstances.
(3)When using a sidewalk pursuant to the preceding paragraph, a pedestrian must endeavor to avoid any part of the sidewalk for use by standard bicycles as prescribed in Article 63-4, paragraph (2).
(Passage of Processions and Other Groups)
Article 11(1)Notwithstanding paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, a group of students in transit, a funeral procession, or any other procession (hereinafter referred to as a "procession") or group of persons that Cabinet Order prescribes as likely to prevent pedestrians from proceeding must keep to the right edge of the roadway (or, if a roadway has a bicycle path, the part of the right edge of the roadway that is not the bicycle path; the same applies in the following paragraph) when on a road with demarcations between the sidewalk or side strip and the roadway.
(2)Notwithstanding paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, processions other than those that Cabinet Order prescribes as referred to in the preceding paragraph may use the roadway when on a road with demarcations between the sidewalk or side strip and the roadway. In such a case, the procession must keep to the right edge of the roadway.
(3)In order to prevent a road hazard or on finding that it is it necessary to do so in order to otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic, a police officer may order the leader of a procession as referred to in paragraph (1) to keep to the left edge of the road or roadway (or, if the roadway has a bicycle path, the part of the left edge of the roadway that is not the bicycle path), specifying the area of the road or roadway for use by the procession.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十一条第一項第二号 第二項及び第三項については第百二十一条第一項第三号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ii) apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 121, paragraph (1), item (iii) applies to paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Article.)
(Crossing Roads)
Article 12(1)When crossing a road near a pedestrian crossing, a pedestrian must use the pedestrian crossing.
(2)A pedestrian must not cross a road diagonally at an intersection unless permitted to do so by road signs or markings
(Places at Which Crossing Is Prohibited)
Article 13(1)A pedestrian must not cross the road immediately in front of or behind a vehicle or streetcar; provided, however, that this does not apply if the pedestrian is using a pedestrian crossing, crossing in compliance with the signal indicated by a traffic light, or crossing in compliance with the alternative signal of an officer
(2)A pedestrian must not cross a part of the road where crossing is prohibited by road signs or markings.
(Special Rules for Roads Such as Pedestrian Paths)
Article 13-2Article 10 through the preceding Article does not apply to a pedestrian using a pedestrian path or a road that a vehicle or streetcar cannot enter for structural reasons.
(Protection of the Visually Impaired, Children Not Yet of School Age, the Elderly, and Others)
Article 14(1)A person with a visual impairment (including persons equivalent thereto; the same applies hereinafter) must carry a cane as prescribed by Cabinet Order or be accompanied by a guide dog as prescribed by Cabinet Order when using the road.
(2)A person without a visual impairment (other than a person with a hearing impairment or with a physical disability of the grade that Cabinet Order prescribes) must not carry a cane as prescribed by Cabinet Order or be accompanied by a dog outfitted as prescribed by Cabinet Order when using the road.
(3)A person responsible for the protection of an elementary schooler (meaning a person at least six years old but less than 13 years old; the same applies hereinafter) or a child not yet of school age (meaning a person under six years old; the same applies hereinafter) must not allow the elementary or child not yet of school age to play on a busy road, at a railroad crossing, or on road in the vicinity of a railroad crossing; and must not allow a child not yet of school age for whose protection the person is responsible to walk on such a road or crossing unaccompanied by that person or a caretaker acting in that person's stead.
(4)In a location where it is found to be necessary to instruct, signal, or take other appropriate measures when elementary or children not yet of school age are passing down the road on the way to elementary school, preschool, an authorized child care center with combined preschool and daycare facilities, or another educational or child care facility, an officer or any person who happens to be present at that location must take those measures in an effort to ensure that the elementary or children not yet of school age are able to pass safely down the road.
(5)If requested by an elderly pedestrian, a pedestrian with a physical disability, or any other pedestrian with difficulty using the road who is crossing or attempting to cross the road, an officer or any person who happens to be present at that location must instruct, signal, or take other appropriate measures in an effort to ensure that the pedestrian is able to cross the road safely.
(Traffic Instructions)
Article 15If a pedestrian is using the road in a way that violates Article 10, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 12, or Article 13, an officer may instruct the pedestrian to comply with the traffic rules prescribed in the relevant Article.
(罰則 第百二十一条第一項第四号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (iv))
第三章 車両及び路面電車の交通方法
Chapter III Vehicle and Streetcar Traffic Rules
第一節 通則
Section 1 General Rules
(General Rules)
Article 16(1)The rules for vehicle and streetcar traffic over roads are governed by this Chapter.
(2)To apply this Chapter, a vehicle that is being towed by a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle is deemed to be part of that motor vehicle or motorized bicycle.
(3)The provisions of this Chapter that pertain to traffic at intersections do not apply to a motor vehicle proceeding along a main roadway.
(4)To apply this Chapter to a road with a bicycle path, the bicycle path is treated as one roadway and the part of the road that is not the bicycle path is treated as another roadway.
(Traffic Distribution)
Article 17(1)On a road with demarcations between the sidewalk or side strip (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "sidewalk or side strip") and the roadway, a vehicle must proceed along the roadway; provided, however, that this does not apply if circumstances compel the driver to cross the sidewalk or side strip in order to enter or leave a facility or place adjoining the road, or when the vehicle passes through the sidewalk or side strip to the extent necessary for the driver to stop or park on the sidewalk or side strip pursuant to Article 47, paragraph (3) or Article 48.
(2)In a case as referred to in the proviso to the preceding paragraph, the vehicle must come to a stop immediately before entering the sidewalk or side strip and must not prevent pedestrians from proceeding.
(3)A vehicle other than a two-wheeled or three-wheeled bicycle (this excludes bicycles with sidecars and those that are towing other vehicles) must not enter onto a bicycle path; provided, however, that a vehicle may cut across a bicycle path if circumstances compel the driver to do so in order to enter or leave a facility or place adjoining the road.
(4)A vehicle must proceed along the part of the road (or the part of the roadway, if the road with demarcations between the sidewalk or side strip and the roadway; the same applies hereinafter through Section 9-2) to the left of the center (if a railway track runs along the side edge of a road, this means the center of the part of the road that does not include the track bed, and if a center line is indicated by road signs or markings, the center of the road is the part of the road that is indicated to be the center line; the same applies hereinafter) (hereinafter, the part of the road to the left of the center is referred to as the "left side" of the road).
(5)Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, a vehicle may stray fully or partially onto the part of the road to the right side of the center (hereinafter referred to as the "right side" of the road) in the cases set forth in the following items. In such a case, the driver of the vehicle must ensure that as little of the vehicle as possible strays onto the right side, except in the case set forth in item (i):
(i)if the road is a one-way street (meaning that vehicles on the road are prohibited from proceeding in a given direction; the same applies hereinafter);
(ii)if the width of the left side of the road is insufficient to allow the vehicle to proceed;
(iii)if it is impossible for the vehicle to proceed on the left side of the road due to an obstruction such as road damage or road work;
(iv)if the driver of the vehicle is attempting to pass another vehicle on the left side of a road less than six meters wide (but only if the driver of the passing vehicle has a clear view of the right side of the road and there is no likelihood of obstructing traffic coming from the other direction; this excludes cases in which the vehicle is prohibited by road signs or markings from straying fully or partially onto the right side of the road);
(v)if traffic rules are specified by road signs or markings near a curve on a steeply sloping road, and the vehicle is proceeding down the road in compliance with what is specified.
(6)It is prohibited for a vehicle to enter a safety zone or any other part of the road that road signs or markings indicate is not being made available for vehicle traffic.
(罰則 第一項から第四項まで及び第六項については第百十九条第一項第二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2 applies to paragraphs (1) through (4) and paragraph (6) of this Article.)
(Use of the Side Strip by Light Road Vehicles)
Article 17-2(1)Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, a light road vehicle may use a side strip on the left side of a road (other than a side strip demarcated by road markings prohibiting use by light road vehicles) unless doing so would greatly prevent pedestrians from proceeding.
(2)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the driver of a light road vehicle must progress down the side strip at such a speed and in such a way as to not prevent pedestrians from proceeding.
(罰則 第二項については第百二十一条第一項第五号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (v) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Keeping to the Left When Proceeding Down a Road; Related Considerations)
Article 18(1)Unless a vehicle (other than a trolleybus) is proceeding down a road with vehicle traffic lanes, it must proceed down the left side of the road if it is a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, and along the left edge of the road if it is a light road vehicle; provided, however, that this does not apply when the driver is passing; if the driver is moving towards the center or right edge of a road pursuant to Article 25, paragraph (2) or Article 34, paragraph (2) or (4); or if road conditions or other circumstances compel the driver to do otherwise.
(2)When passing a pedestrian while proceeding, pursuant to the preceding paragraph, down a road without demarcations between the sidewalk and the roadway or in any other case, the driver of a vehicle must maintain a safe distance between the vehicle and the pedestrian or drive at a reduced speed.
(罰則 第二項については第百十九条第一項第二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2 applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Prohibition against Light Road Vehicles Traveling Abreast of Each Other)
Article 19The driver of a light road vehicle must not pull abreast of another light road vehicle if doing so would result in those light road vehicles traveling abreast of each other.
(罰則 第百二十一条第一項第五号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (v))
(Vehicle Traffic Lanes)
Article 20(1)On a road with vehicle traffic lanes, a vehicle must proceed down the first lane from the left edge of the road; provided, however, that if the left side of the road (or the road itself, if it is a one-way street) has at least three vehicle traffic lanes, a motor vehicle (other than a special small motor vehicle or motor vehicle designated by road signs or markings) may proceed down any vehicle traffic lane other than the rightmost lane, pursuant to Cabinet Order and in accordance with its speed.
(2)On a road with vehicle traffic lanes, if road signs or markings specify a traffic distribution different from that which the preceding paragraph prescribes, vehicles must abide by that distribution of traffic in proceeding down those vehicle traffic lanes.
(3)When passing; when moving towards the left edge, center, or right edge of a road pursuant to Article 25, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 34, paragraphs (1) through (5) or Article 35-2; when proceeding in accordance with Article 35, paragraph (1); when continuing along a vehicle traffic lane down which the vehicle has been proceeding pursuant to Article 26-2, paragraph (3); when temporarily giving way pursuant to Article 40, paragraph (2); or if road conditions or other circumstances compel it, the driver of a vehicle may proceed other than in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs. When passing another vehicle in such a case, the driver must use the vehicle traffic lane that is to the immediate right of the vehicle traffic lane in which the vehicle has been proceeding.
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第三号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2))
(Priority Lanes for Fixed-Route Buses and Other Such Motor Vehicles)
Article 20-2(1)On a road with a vehicle traffic lane indicated by road signs or markings to be a priority lane for motor vehicles that a provider of motor carrier services for ride-sharing by general passengers as prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Road Transportation Act make available for scheduled transportation on fixed routes as prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iii) of that Act or for any other motor vehicle as prescribed by Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "fixed-route bus or other such motor vehicle"), a motor vehicle (other than a fixed-route bus or other such motor vehicle; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) must not proceed down that lane if traffic congestion on the road would render it unable to move out of the lane in the event that a fixed-route bus or other such motor vehicle approached from behind; and if a fixed-route bus or other such motor vehicle approaches from behind when a motor vehicle is proceeding down such a lane, the motor vehicle must promptly move out of the lane so as not to obstruct its regular operation; provided, however, that this does not apply if a motor vehicle is required pursuant to other provisions of this Act to proceed down that lane or if a motor vehicle must proceed down that lane due to road conditions or other compelling circumstances.
(2)The main clause of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article does not apply to a motor vehicle proceeding along any vehicle traffic lane or road section that is to the immediate right of the vehicle traffic lane prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十条第一項第三号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraph (1) of this Article.)
(Entering Railway Track Beds)
Article 21(1)A vehicle (other than a trolleybus; the same applies hereinafter in this Article and paragraph (1) of the following Article) must not enter a railway track bed, except when driving across it in order to turn left, turn right, cut across the road, or make a U-turn, or unless the driver is compelled to do so in order to prevent a hazard.
(2)Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, a vehicle may enter a track bed in the cases set forth in the following items. In such a case, the vehicle must not prevent streetcars from proceeding:
(i)if the width of the part of the left side of a road that does not include the track bed is insufficient for the vehicle to proceed down it;
(ii)if the vehicle cannot proceed down the part of the left side of the road that does not include the track bed due to road damage, road work, or any other obstruction;
(iii)if the motor vehicle proceeding down the track bed is one that road signs or markings indicate is permitted to proceed down it.
(3)If a streetcar approaches from behind while a vehicle is proceeding down a track bed, the driver of the vehicle must promptly move off the track bed or maintain the necessary distance from the streetcar so as not to obstruct its regular operation.
(罰則 第百二十一条第一項第五号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (v))
第二節 速度
Section 2 Speed
(Maximum Speed Limits)
Article 22(1)A vehicle must not exceed the posted maximum speed limit when traveling on a road where a maximum speed limit is specified by road signs or markings, and must not exceed the maximum speed limit prescribed by Cabinet Order when traveling on any other road.
(2)A streetcar or trolleybus must not exceed the posted maximum speed limit when traveling on a road where a maximum speed limit below that which has been prescribed by an order based on Article 14 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 31 of that Act; the same applies in Article 62) of the Railway Track Act (Act No. 76 of 1921) is specified by road signs or markings, and must not exceed the maximum speed limit prescribed by such an order on any other road.
(罰則 第百十八条第一項第一号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 118, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2) of that Article)
(Issuing Instructions to Users of Vehicles Regarding Violation of Maximum Speed Limits)
Article 22-2(1)If the driver of a vehicle violates the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to in this Article and Article 75-2, paragraph (1) as committing a "violation (of the maximum speed limit)") in connection with the services of the vehicle's user(other than the selfsame driver of the vehicle; the same applies hereinafter in this Article), and the user of the vehicle in which the violation occurs is found not to be undertaking the necessary operational management to prevent such violations from occurring in that vehicle, the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the vehicle's base of operations may instruct the user to direct or advise its drivers to drive in a way that does not violate the maximum speed limit, and may instruct the user to take other measures that are needed for preventing violations of the maximum speed limit.
(2)If the user of a vehicle that is subject to instructions as under the preceding paragraph is a motor carrier as prescribed in the Road Transportation Act, a person engaged in Type II cargo transportation services as prescribed in the Cargo Forwarder Service Act (Act No. 82 of 1989), or a track operator as prescribed in the Railway Track Act (but only a trolleybus operator), the instructions must be issued based on an agreement entered into in advance between the public safety commission and the administrative agency that supervises its services.
(Minimum Speed Limits)
Article 23When proceeding down a road (other than the main roadway of a national expressway as prescribed in Article 75-4) where a minimum speed limit is specified by road signs or markings, a motor vehicle must not travel at a speed below that minimum speed limit, except when the driver reduces speed pursuant to laws and regulations or is compelled to do so in order to prevent a hazard.
(Prohibition on Sudden Braking)
Article 24The driver of a vehicle or streetcar must not suddenly apply the brakes in a way that causes the vehicle or streetcar to stop suddenly or sharply reduce speed, unless compelled to do so in order to prevent a hazard.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第一号の三)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (i)-3)
第三節 横断等
Section 3 Cutting Across Roads and Other Such Maneuvers
(How to Exit the Road)
Article 25(1)To make a left turn and exit the road, a driver must bring a vehicle as close as possible to the left edge of the road beforehand and reduce speed.
(2)To make a right turn and exit the road, a driver must bring a vehicle (other than a light road vehicle or trolleybus) as close as possible to the center of the road beforehand (or as close as possible to the right edge of the road, if the road is a one-way street) and reduce speed.
(3)Once the driver of a vehicle indicates the intention to make a left or right turn in order to exit the road and brings the vehicle towards the left edge, center, or right edge of the road pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs, the driver of a vehicle behind the turning vehicle must not obstruct the course of the turning vehicle unless avoiding this would make the driver have to suddenly change speed or direction.
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百二十一条第一項第五号 第三項については第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (v) applies to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii) applies to paragraph (3) of this Article.)
(Prohibition on Cutting Across Roads and Other Such Maneuvers)
Article 25-2(1)The driver of a vehicle must not make a left or right turn, cut across a road, make a U-turn, or back up in order to enter a facility or place adjoining a road if doing so would likely obstruct the normal flow of pedestrian or other vehicle or streetcar traffic.
(2)The driver of a vehicle must not cut across a road, make a U-turn, or back up on a part of the road where doing so is prohibited by road signs or markings.
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条第一項第二号の二 第二項については第百二十条第一項第四号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2 applies to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (iv) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
第四節 追越し等
Section 4 Passing and Other Such Maneuvers
(Maintaining Distance between Vehicles)
Article 26When proceeding down the road in a vehicle or streetcar immediately behind another vehicle or streetcar on the same course, the driver must maintain the distance that would be necessary to allow the driver to avoid a collision even if the vehicle or streetcar traveling immediately in front of it were to stop suddenly.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第一号の四、第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (i)-4 and Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii))
(Prohibition on Changing Course)
Article 26-2(1)The driver of a vehicle must not change course without due cause.
(2)The driver of a vehicle must not change course if this would likely cause a sudden change of speed or direction by a vehicle or streetcar that is approaching from behind on the same course that the driver would be on after changing course.
(3)Except in the following cases, when proceeding down a vehicle traffic lane demarcated with road markings to show that a change of course is prohibited for vehicles in that lane, the driver of a vehicle must not change course beyond where those road markings start:
(i)when bringing the vehicle towards the left or right side of a road pursuant to Article 40 or if it is impossible to continue to proceed down the current vehicle traffic lane due to road damage, road work, or any other obstruction;
(ii)when attempting to proceed in compliance with Article 40, or when attempting to proceed in accordance with the provisions on traffic distribution in a vehicle traffic lane where the vehicle is unable to proceed due to road damage, road work, or any other obstruction.
(罰則 第二項については第百二十条第一項第二号 第三項については第百二十条第一項第三号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraph (3) of this Article.)
(Obligations of a Vehicle Being Overtaken by Another Vehicle)
Article 27(1)When a second vehicle subject to a higher maximum speed limit as prescribed by Cabinet Order based on Article 22, paragraph (1) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as the "maximum speed limit") catches up with a first vehicle (other than a motor vehicle that a provider of motor carrier services for ride-sharing by general passengers as prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Road Transportation Act uses for scheduled transportation on a fixed route as prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iii) of that Act or a motor vehicle used for motor carrier services open to specific passengers as prescribed in Article 3, item (ii) of that Act (hereinafter referred to as a "bus"), and other than a trolleybus), the first vehicle must not increase its speed until the second vehicle has finished passing it. The same applies when a second vehicle that is subject to the same or a lower maximum speed limit catches up to a first vehicle, if the driver of the first vehicle seeks to continue to travel at a lower speed than the second vehicle.
(2)Notwithstanding Article 18, paragraph (1), unless a road has vehicle traffic lanes, if a second vehicle subject to a higher maximum speed limit catches up with a first vehicle (other than a bus or trolleybus) and there is insufficient room between the center of the road (or the right edge of the road, if the road is a one-way street; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) and the first vehicle for the second vehicle to pass, the driver of the first vehicle must give way to the second vehicle by bringing the first vehicle as close as possible to the left edge of the road. The same applies when a second vehicle that is subject to the same or a lower maximum speed limit catches up to a first vehicle, if the driver of the first vehicle seeks to continue to travel at a lower speed than the second vehicle and there is insufficient room between the center of the road and the first vehicle for the second vehicle to pass.
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii))
(How to Pass)
Article 28(1)When attempting to pass another vehicle, the driver of a vehicle must keep to the right side of the vehicle that the driver is attempting to pass (hereinafter referred to in this Section as the "leading vehicle").
(2)Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, when attempting to pass a leading vehicle that is traveling close to the center or the right edge of a road pursuant to Article 25, paragraph (2) or Article 34, paragraph (2) or (4), the driver of a vehicle must keep to the left side of the leading vehicle.
(3)When attempting to pass a streetcar, the driver of a vehicle must keep to the left side of the streetcar; provided, however, that this does not apply if the track runs along the left edge of the road.
(4)In the cases referred to in the preceding three paragraphs, the driver of a vehicle that is attempting to pass another vehicle (referred to in the following Article as the "trailing vehicle") must pay due attention to the traffic coming from the opposite direction and from behind it and the traffic ahead of the leading vehicle or streetcar, and must proceed at the safest possible speed and in the safest possible manner, in keeping with the speed and course of the leading vehicle or streetcar and the road conditions.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2)
(When Passing Is Prohibited)
Article 29A trailing vehicle must not start to pass a leading vehicle when the leading vehicle is attempting to pass another motor vehicle or trolleybus.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2)
(Places Where Passing Is Prohibited)
Article 30The driver of a vehicle must not change course or overtake a leading vehicle on the side in order to pass another vehicle (other than a light road vehicle) on a part of the road where passing is prohibited by road signs or markings or on a part of the road as set forth below:
(i)on a sharp curve of a road, at the top of an incline, or on a steep downward slope;
(ii)in a tunnel (but only on a part of a road that does not have vehicle traffic lanes);
(iii)at an intersection (other than at an intersection on a priority road as prescribed in Article 36, paragraph (2), if the vehicle is proceeding down the priority road), at a railroad crossing, at a pedestrian crossing, over a bicycle crossing lane or within the 30 meters leading up to any of the foregoing.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii) and paragraph (2) of that Article)
(Stopping or Reducing Speed If Streetcars Are Stopped)
Article 31Having caught up with a streetcar that has stopped to load or unload passengers, the driver of a vehicle must stop behind the streetcar until it finishes loading and unloading passengers and until all persons who have alighted from the streetcar have finished crossing or are no longer trying to cross ahead of the vehicle on the left side of the streetcar; provided, however, that, if there is a safety zone in place to ensure the safety of persons boarding and alighting from a streetcar or if no person is boarding or alighting from a streetcar and it is possible to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters from the left side of the streetcar, a vehicle may pass the streetcar on its left side at a reduced speed.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2)
(Protections for Departing Buses)
Article 31-2Once the driver of a bus that has been stopped at a bus stop to load or unload passengers gives a hand or turn signal to indicate the intention to change course in order to depart, the driver of a vehicle behind the bus must not obstruct its change of course unless avoiding this would make the driver have to suddenly change speed or direction.
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii))
(Prohibition on Cutting Off Other Drivers)
Article 32Having caught up with a vehicle or streetcar that is stopped or driving at a reduced speed in order to stop pursuant to laws and regulations, in compliance with a police officer's orders, or to prevent a hazard; or having caught up with another vehicle or streetcar that is stopped or driving at a reduced speed behind a leading vehicle or streetcar, the driver of a vehicle must not pass on the left side of the leading vehicle or streetcar or pull in front of or cross ahead of the vehicle or streetcar
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii))
第五節 踏切の通過
Section 5 Going Over Railroad Crossings
(Going Over Railroad Crossings)
Article 33(1)Before going over a railroad crossing, the driver of a vehicle or streetcar must stop immediately in front of the railroad crossing (or immediately in front of any stop line established by road signs or markings; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) and must not proceed until after checking that it is safe to do so; provided, however, that the vehicle or streetcar may proceed without stopping immediately before a railroad crossing when complying with a signal indicated by a traffic light.
(2)A vehicle or streetcar must not enter a railroad crossing while a railroad crossing gate is closing or closed or while a railroad crossing alarm is sounding.
(3)If the driver of a vehicle or streetcar becomes unable to drive the vehicle or streetcar at a railroad crossing due to a malfunction or other such circumstance, the driver must immediately signal an emergency or take other measures to inform railroad or track officials or police officers of the emergency, as well as taking the necessary measures to move the vehicle or streetcar off the railroad crossing.
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百十九条第一項第二号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.)
第六節 交差点における通行方法等
Section 6 Traffic Rules at Intersections; Related Considerations
(Turning Left and Right)
Article 34(1)To make a left turn, a driver must bring a vehicle as close as possible to the left edge of the road beforehand, and proceed along that edge for as long as possible (or down the part of the road specified by road signs or markings, if any) at a reduced speed.
(2)To make a right turn, the driver of a motor vehicle, motorized bicycle, or trolleybus must bring it as close as possible to the center of the road beforehand, and proceed through the intersection just inside the center point (or through the part of the intersection specified by road signs or markings, if any) at a reduced speed.
(3)To make a right turn, the driver of a light road vehicle must bring the vehicle as close as possible to the left edge of the road beforehand, and proceed through the intersection along the outer edge at a reduced speed.
(4)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), to make a right turn onto a one-way street, a driver must bring a motor vehicle, motorized bicycle, or trolleybus as close as possible to the right edge of the road beforehand, and proceed through the intersection inside the center point at a reduced speed (or through the part of the intersection specified by road signs or markings, if any ) at a reduced speed.
(5)Notwithstanding paragraph (2) and the preceding paragraph, to make a right turn on a road on which motorized bicycles are required by road signs or markings to proceed along the side edge of a controlled intersection when turning right, and on any other road with three or more vehicle traffic lanes on the left side of the road (or on the road itself, if it is a one-way street) (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as a "multi-lane road") (but only if a motorized bicycle is turning right at a controlled intersection), the driver must bring the motorized bicycle as close as possible to the left edge of the road beforehand, and drive at a reduced speed along the outer edge of the intersection; provided, however, that this does not apply when a motorized bicycle is required by road signs or markings on a multi-lane road to move towards the center or the right edge of the road before turning right at a controlled intersection.
(6)When the driver of a vehicle uses a hand or turn signal to indicate the intention to move towards the left edge, center, or right edge of the road pursuant to the preceding paragraphs before turning left or right on a road, the driver of a vehicles behind that vehicle must not obstruct the change of course unless avoiding this would make that driver have to suddenly change speed or direction.
(罰則 第一項から第五項までについては第百二十一条第一項第五号 第六項については第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (v) applies to paragraphs (1) through (5) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii) to paragraph (6) of this Article.)
(Designated Traffic Distribution)
Article 35(1)Notwithstanding paragraphs (1), (2), and (4) of the preceding Article, if road signs or markings on a road with vehicle traffic lanes specify a traffic distribution for the directions in which vehicles progress through the intersection, the driver of a vehicle (other than light road vehicle or motorized bicycle turning left or right at an intersection where motorized bicycles are required to comply with the main clause of paragraph (5) of the preceding Article when turning right) must abide by that distribution of traffic in proceeding down those vehicle traffic lanes; provided, however, that this does not apply if it is impossible to do so and still comply with Article 40 or if it is impossible to do so due to road damage, road work, or any other obstruction.
(2)The provisions of paragraph (6) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis if the driver of a vehicle uses a hand or turn signal to indicate the intention to change course in order to abide by a distribution of traffic as referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十条第一項第三号、同条第二項 第二項については第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Left Turns and Other Maneuvers Through Roundabouts)
Article 35-2(1)Notwithstanding Article 34, paragraphs (1) through (5), to make a left or a right turn through a roundabout, a driver must bring a vehicle as close as possible to the left edge of the road beforehand, and proceed for as long as possible along the outer edge of the roundabout (or down the part of the road specified by road signs or markings, if any) at a reduced speed.
(2)To go straight or make a U-turn through a roundabout, a driver must bring a vehicle as close as possible to the left edge of the road beforehand, and proceed for as long as possible along the outer edge of the roundabout (or down the part of the road specified by road signs or markings, if any) at a reduced speed.
(罰則 第百二十一条第一項第五号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (v))
(Interacting with Other Vehicles and Streetcars at Intersections)
Article 36(1)Unless the following paragraph applies, it is prohibited for the driver of either a vehicle or streetcar, these being classed separately as set forth in each of the following items, to obstruct the progress of another vehicle or streetcar as set forth in the item at an uncontrolled intersection:
(i)a vehicle must not obstruct the progress of:vehicles approaching from the left on a road intersecting the road on which the vehicle is proceeding (hereinafter referred to as an "intersecting road") and streetcars proceeding down an intersecting road;
(ii)a streetcar must not obstruct the progress of:streetcars approaching from the left on an intersecting road.
(2)At an uncontrolled intersection, a vehicle or streetcar must not obstruct the progress of other vehicles and streetcars traveling on an intersecting road that constitutes a priority road (meaning a road designated as such by road signs or markings, or a road at whose intersections a center line or vehicle traffic lanes have been established by road signs or markings in order to regulate the movement of vehicles on the road; the same applies hereinafter) or of other vehicles and streetcars traveling on an intersecting road that is clearly wider than the road on which the first vehicle or streetcar is traveling, unless the road on which the first vehicle or streetcar is traveling is also a priority road.
(3)Before entering an uncontrolled intersection, the driver of a vehicle or streetcar (other than a vehicle or streetcar traveling on a priority road) must drive at reduced speed if the intersecting road is a priority road or is clearly wider than the road on which that vehicle or streetcar is proceeding.
(4)Before entering an intersection and when traveling through it, the driver of a vehicle or streetcar must pay particular attention to vehicles and streetcars traveling on intersecting roads, vehicles and streetcars approaching from the opposite direction and turning right, and pedestrians crossing the road at or in the immediate vicinity of the intersection, and must proceed at the safest possible speed and in the safest possible manner, in keeping with the conditions at the intersection.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十条第一項第二号 第二項から第四項までについては第百十九条第一項第二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii) applies to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2 applies to paragraphs (2) through (4) of this Article.)
Article 37When making a right turn at an intersection, a vehicle or streetcar must not obstruct the progress of other vehicles and streetcars passing straight through or turning left at the intersection.
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii))
(Interacting with Other Vehicles and Streetcars in Roundabouts)
Article 37-2(1)Notwithstanding Article 36, paragraphs (1) and (2) and the preceding Article, a vehicle or streetcar in a roundabout must not obstruct the progress of other vehicles and streetcars in the roundabout.
(2)Notwithstanding Article 36, paragraph (3), a vehicle or streetcar must reduce speed when entering a roundabout.
(3)Notwithstanding Article 36, paragraph (4), when about to enter a roundabout and when traveling in it, the driver of a vehicle or streetcar must pay particular attention to vehicles and streetcars about to enter the roundabout, vehicles and streetcars traveling in the roundabout, and pedestrians crossing the road at or in the immediate vicinity of the roundabout, and must proceed at the safest possible speed and in the safest possible manner, in keeping with the conditions at the roundabout.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2)
第六節の二 横断歩行者等の保護のための通行方法
Section 6-2 Traffic Rules for Protecting Crossing Pedestrians and Cyclists
(Pedestrians' and Cyclists' Right of Way at Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossings)
Article 38(1)When approaching a pedestrian crossing or a bicycle crossing lane (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "pedestrian or bicycle crossing"), a vehicle or streetcar must proceed at a speed that will enable it to stop immediately in front of the pedestrian or bicycle crossing (or immediately in front of any stop line indicated by road signs or markings; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph), unless there are clearly no pedestrians or bicycles (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "pedestrian or cyclist") ahead of the vehicle or streetcar. In such a case, if a pedestrian or cyclist is crossing or about to cross the pedestrian or bicycle crossing ahead of the vehicle or streetcar, the vehicle or streetcar must come to a stop immediately in front of the pedestrian or bicycle crossing and must not prevent that pedestrian or cyclist from proceeding.
(2)When overtaking another vehicle or streetcar on one side before pulling in front of it, the driver of a vehicle or streetcar must come to a stop if the other vehicle or streetcar is stopped at or immediately in front of a pedestrian or bicycle crossing (other than a pedestrian or bicycle crossing where the signal indicated by a traffic light or the alternative signal of an officer prohibits pedestrians and cyclists from crossing at the time the vehicle or streetcar in question is overtaking; the same applies hereinafter in the following paragraph).
(3)A vehicle or streetcar must not overtake another vehicle or streetcar (other than a light road vehicle) on one side and pull in front of it over a pedestrian or bicycle crossing or on a part of the road within 30 meters before the pedestrian or bicycle crossing, except in a case that falls under Article 30, item (iii).
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii) and paragraph (2) of that Article)
(Right of Way for Pedestrians at Intersections without Pedestrian Crossings)
Article 38-2A vehicle or streetcar must not prevent a pedestrian from proceeding who is crossing the road at an intersection or any place in its immediate vicinity without a pedestrian crossing.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2)
第七節 緊急自動車等
Section 7 Emergency Motor Vehicles and Other Vehicles
(Traffic Distributions and Related Considerations for Emergency Motor Vehicles)
Article 39(1)Notwithstanding Article 17, paragraph (4), an emergency motor vehicle (meaning a fire truck, ambulance, or other motor vehicle that Cabinet Order prescribes which is used for emergency services pursuant to Cabinet Order; the same applies hereinafter) may stray fully or partially onto the right side of a road beyond as prescribed in Article 17, paragraph (5), if it needs to do so in order to pass or if there are other compelling circumstances.
(2)An emergency motor vehicle is not required to stop even if stopping is required pursuant to laws and regulations. In such a case, the driver of an emergency motor vehicle must drive at reduced speed, paying attention to other traffic.
(Right of Way for Emergency Motor Vehicles)
Article 40(1)When an emergency motor vehicle is approaching an intersection or its vicinity, streetcars must come to a stop and avoid entering the intersection, and vehicles (other than other emergency motor vehicles; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) must avoid the intersection and come to a stop on the left side of the road (or on the right side of the road of a one-way street, if moving towards the left side of the road would prevent the emergency motor vehicle from proceeding; the same applies hereinafter in the following paragraph).
(2)When an emergency motor vehicle is approaching any place other than what is prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the driver of a vehicle must move the vehicle towards the left side of the road and give way to that emergency motor vehicle.
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii))
(Special Rules for Emergency Motor Vehicles and Other Vehicles)
Article 41(1)Article 8, paragraph (1), Article 17, paragraph (6), Article 18, Article 20, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 20-2, Article 25, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 25-2, paragraph (2), Article 26-2, paragraph (3), Article 29, Article 30, Article 34, paragraphs (1), (2), and (4), Article 35, paragraph (1), and the first sentence of Article 38, paragraphs (1) and (3) do not apply to emergency motor vehicles.
(2)Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding paragraph, Article 22 does not apply to an emergency motor vehicle that is bearing down on a vehicle or streetcar violating Article 22.
(3)Article 18, paragraph (1), Article 20, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 20-2, and Article 25-2, paragraph (2) do not apply to a motor vehicle engaged exclusively in traffic control that Cabinet Office Order prescribes.
(4)Article 17, paragraphs (4) and (6), Article 18, paragraph (1), Article 20, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 20-2, Article 23, and Article 25-2, paragraph (2) do not apply to a motor vehicle designed for road maintenance (meaning a motor vehicle as Cabinet Order prescribes which is used exclusively in works such as the maintenance and repair of roads; the same applies in Article 75-9) when that motor vehicle is being employed in a work such as the maintenance or repair of a road pursuant to Cabinet Order.
(Right of Way and Related Considerations for Fire-Services Vehicles)
Article 41-2(1)When a fire-services vehicle (meaning a vehicle other than a fire truck, which is used in firefighting and is being driven pursuant to Cabinet Order as a part of fire-fighting services; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) is approaching an intersection or its vicinity, vehicles and streetcars (other than emergency motor vehicles and other fire-services vehicles) must avoid the intersection and come to a stop.
(2)When a fire-services vehicle is approaching any place other than what is prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the driver of a vehicle (other than an emergency motor vehicle or another fire-services vehicle) must not prevent the fire-services vehicle from proceeding.
(3)Article 39 applies mutatis mutandis to fire-services vehicles.
(4)Article 8, paragraph (1), Article 17, paragraph (6), Article 18, Article 20, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 25, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 25-2, paragraph (2), Article 26-2, paragraph (3), Article 29, Article 30, Article 34, paragraphs (1) through (5), Article 35, paragraph (1), the first sentence of paragraph (1) and the entirety of paragraph (3) of Article 38, and Article 40, paragraph (1), Article 63-6, and Article 63-7 do not apply to fire-services vehicles.
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii) applies to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.)
第八節 徐行及び一時停止
Section 8 Driving at Reduced Speeds and Coming to a Stop
(Places Where Vehicles Must Be Driven at Reduced Speeds)
Article 42The driver of a vehicle or streetcar must drive at a reduced speed when traveling on a part of a road where road signs or markings specify that such a vehicle or streetcar must be driven at a reduced speed, as well as in the following cases:
(i)before entering an intersection with poor visibility on the right or left, or before proceeding through a part of an intersection with poor visibility on the right or left (unless traffic controls are in place at the intersection or unless the vehicle or streetcar is proceeding down a priority road);
(ii)when proceeding around a curve in the road, over the top of an incline, or on a steep downward slope.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii) and paragraph (2) of that Article)
(Coming to a Stop at Designated Places)
Article 43If road signs or markings specify that a vehicle or streetcar must come to a stop at or immediately in front of an uncontrolled intersection, the vehicle or streetcar must come to a stop immediately in front of the stop line indicated by road signs or markings (or immediately in front of the intersection, if a stop line is not indicated by road signs or markings). In such a case, the vehicle or streetcar must not obstruct the progress of a vehicle or streetcar traveling down the intersecting road, except in a case falling under Article 36, paragraph (2).
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii) and paragraph (2) of that Article)
第九節 停車及び駐車
Section 9 Stopping and Parking
(Places Where Stopping or Parking Is Prohibited)
Article 44The driver of a vehicle must not stop or park on a part of the road where stopping or parking is prohibited by road signs or markings or on a part of the road as set forth below, except when coming to a stop pursuant to laws and regulations, in compliance with a police officer's orders, or in order to prevent a hazard; provided, however, that this does not apply if a bus or trolleybus stops to load or unload passengers, or parks to adjust its timing so that operations can get back on schedule, at a stop or station that is a part of its transit system:
(i)in an intersection, pedestrian crossing, bicycle crossing lane, or railroad crossing; on a track bed; in the vicinity of the top of a slope; on a steep slope; or in a tunnel;
(ii)within 5 meters of the outside edges of an intersection or a curve in the road;
(iii)within the 5 meters in front of and behind the outside edges of a pedestrian crossing or bicycle crossing lane;
(iv)the part of the road to the left of a safety zone and within the 10 meters in front of and behind that part of the road;
(v)within 10 meters of a signpost or signage for a bus stop or for a trolleybus or streetcar station (but only during the hours of operation of buses, trolleybuses, and streetcars in the transit system of which that stop or station is a part);
(vi)within the 10 meters in front of and behind the outside edges of a railroad crossing.
(罰則 第百十九条の二第一項第一号、同条第二項、第百十九条の三第一項第一号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-2, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2) and Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2))
(Places Where Parking Is Prohibited)
Article 45(1)The driver of a vehicle must not park on a part of the road where parking is prohibited by road signs or markings or on a part of the road as set forth below; provided, however, that this does not apply if permission to park there has been granted by the chief of the police station pursuant to public safety commission rules:
(i)within 3 meters of a motor-vehicle entrance or exit connecting the road and a facility or place that has been set up along the road for loading and unloading persons or cargo; for parking; or for storing or repairing motor vehicles;
(ii)within 5 meters of the outside edge of a road work zone while road work is taking place in that zone;
(iii)within 5 meters of a place where fire-services machinery or equipment is stored, within 5 meters of a fire-services cistern, or within 5 meters of an entrance or exit connecting either of these to the road;
(iv)within 5 meters of a fire hydrant, a sign indicating a designated fire-services water source, or the water intake or injection tube of a fire-services cistern;
(v)within 1 meter of a fire alarm.
(2)The driver of a vehicle must not park pursuant to Article 47, paragraph (2) or (3) if doing so would fail to leave at least 3.5 meters (or the distance that is specified by road signs or markings, if any) of road to the right side of the vehicle; provided, however, that this does not apply when cargo is being loaded or unloaded if the driver does not leave the vicinity of the vehicle or if the driver leaves the vicinity of the vehicle but will be able to go back to driving immediately, and does not apply if the driver is compelled to park pursuant to those provisions in order to assist an injured or sick person.
(3)The main clause of the preceding paragraph does not apply in an area that the public safety commission prescribes as an area with infrequent traffic.
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百十九条の二第一項第一号、同条第二項、第百十九条の三第一項第一号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-2, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2), and Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.)
(Special Rules for Stopping and Parking Motor Vehicles Bearing an Elderly- or Special-Needs Driver Mark)
Article 45-2(1)Notwithstanding Article 44 or paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, a standard motor vehicle that is driven by a person as referred to in one of the following items (referred to hereinafter in this paragraph and in the following paragraph as an "elderly or special-needs driver") (but only a standard motor vehicle for which the elderly or special-needs driver has made a filing with the public safety commission having jurisdiction over the domicile thereof pursuant to Cabinet Office Order) and that, while stopped or parked, displays a mark that an elderly or special-needs driver has been issued pursuant to the following paragraph in an easily visible location on its front-end (hereinafter referred to as a "motor vehicle bearing an elderly or special-needs driver mark") may be parked or stopped fully or partially within a part of the road where stopping or parking is prohibited under Article 44 or where parking is prohibited under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, if road signs or markings indicate that parking or stopping is permitted there:
(i)a person 70 years of age or older who has been issued a license that covers standard motor vehicles as prescribed in Article 71-5, paragraph (3) (such a license is referred to simply as a "license for a standard motor vehicle" hereinafter in this Article);
(ii)a person as prescribed in Article 71-6, paragraph (2) or (3);
(iii)a person other than as set forth in the preceding two items, who has been licensed for a standard motor vehicle and who Cabinet Order provides for as being in need of special consideration as concerns where they are allowed to stop or park a standard motor vehicle driven thereby, because of physical limitations due to pregnancy or other considerations.
(2)At the application of an elderly or special-needs driver, the public safety commission must issue the driver a mark indicating the driver to be an elderly or special-needs driver who drives the standard motor vehicle to which the filing prescribed in the preceding paragraph pertains.
(3)A person who has been issued an elderly or special-needs driver mark may apply to the public safety commission having jurisdiction over the domicile thereof for its reissuance if the elderly or special-needs driver mark is lost, damaged, or defaced.
(4)A person who has been issued an elderly or special-needs driver mark must promptly return it to the public safety commission having jurisdiction over the domicile if the person's license for standard motor vehicles is revoked or ceases to be valid, if the circumstances prescribed in paragraph (1), item (iii) cease to be a factor, or if any other event that Cabinet Office Order prescribes occurs.
(5)Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding three paragraphs, Cabinet Office Order provides for the necessary matters in relation to elderly or special-needs driver marks.
(罰則 第四項については第百二十一条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix) applies to paragraph (4) of this Article.)
(Special Rules for Places Where Stopping or Parking Is Prohibited)
Article 46Notwithstanding Article 44 or Article 45, paragraph (1), beyond as prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, the driver of a vehicle may stop or park the vehicle partially within a part of the road where stopping and parking are prohibited under Article 44 or where parking is prohibited under Article 45, paragraph (1), if stopping or parking is permitted by road signs or markings.
(How to Stop and Park)
Article 47(1)When stopping to load or unload persons or cargo, a driver must bring a vehicle as close as possible to the left edge of the road, and must position the vehicle so as not to obstruct traffic.
(2)When parking, a driver must bring a vehicle to the left edge of the road, and must position the vehicle so as not to obstruct traffic.
(3)Notwithstanding the preceding two paragraphs, when stopping or parking in a place with a side strip adjacent to the left edge of the roadway (other than side strips demarcated with road markings indicating that stopping and parking are prohibited there, and other than side strips as prescribed by Cabinet Order), the driver must bring the vehicle into the side strip pursuant to Cabinet Order, and must position the vehicle so as not to obstruct traffic.
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条の三第一項第四号 第二項及び第三項については第百十九条の二第一項第二号、第百十九条の三第一項第四号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (iv) applies to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 119-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) and Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (iv) apply to paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Article.)
(Special Rules on How to Stop and Park)
Article 48Notwithstanding the preceding Article, if road signs or markings specify how to stop or park, the driver of a vehicle must stop or park in that way.
(罰則 第百十九条の二第一項第一号、同条第二項、第百十九条の三第一項第一号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-2, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2) and Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2))
(Time-Restricted Parking Areas)
Article 49(1)A public safety commission is to install and manage parking meters (but only ones that function as Cabinet Office Order prescribes; the same applies hereinafter) or devices that function as Cabinet Office Order prescribes for issuing tickets (meaning an emblem in a format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes that indicates the time of issuance and other information that Cabinet Office Order prescribes; the same applies hereinafter) (hereinafter such a device is referred to as a "ticket dispenser") for areas of road that road signs or markings specify to be areas in which vehicles may remain parked during a limited timeframe (hereinafter referred to as a "time-restricted parking zone"), in order to ensure proper parking in those time-restricted parking zones.
(2)Beyond as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, a public safety commission must take the necessary measures to ensure proper parking in time-restricted parking zones, such as providing information for drivers seeking to park their vehicles in time-restricted parking zones and establishing systems of organization for vehicles being parked in time-restricted parking zones.
(3)A public safety commission may ask a person that Cabinet Office Order prescribes to handle all or part of the administrative functions involved in the management of the parking meters and ticket dispensers prescribed in paragraph (1), as well as the measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
(Time-Restricted Parking Areas for Elderly and Special-Needs Drivers)
Article 49-2The public safety commission may designate a time-restricted parking zone as an area of road where motor vehicles bearing elderly and special-needs driver marks may remain parked during a limited timeframe. In such a case, the public safety commission must indicate that designation on road signs or markings as prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
(How to Park in Time-Restricted Parking Areas; Related Considerations)
Article 49-3(1)Notwithstanding Articles 44 through 48, the parking of vehicles in time-restricted parking zones (other than when a bus or trolleybus parks at a stop or station which is part of its transit system to adjust its timing so that operations can get back on schedule; the same applies in the following Article) is subject to this Article through Article 49-5.
(2)A vehicle (but only a motor vehicle bearing an elderly or special-needs driver mark, if it is on an area of road designated pursuant to the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to in the following Article as a "time-restricted parking zone for elderly and special-needs drivers"); the same applies hereinafter in this Article, Article 49-6, and Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (ii)) must not remain parked in a time-restricted parking zone beyond the timeframe specified by road signs or markings, as counted from the time that a parking meter as referred to in Article 49, paragraph (1) detects the vehicle or from the time that a ticket is issued by a ticket dispenser as referred to in that paragraph.
(3)The driver of a vehicle must not park in a time-restricted parking zone other than on a part of the road and in the way specified by road signs or markings.
(4)Having parked in a time-restricted parking zone, the driver of a vehicle, pursuant to Cabinet Order, must immediately activate a parking meter as set forth in Article 49, paragraph (1); or must immediately have a ticket dispenser as prescribed in that paragraph issue a ticket, and must display that ticket in an easily visible place at the front of the vehicle while it is parked (but only during the period of time from the issuance of the ticket until the expiration of the timeframe indicated by road signs or markings).
(罰則 第二項については第百十九条の三第一項第一号、同条第二項 第三項については第百十九条の二第一項第一号、同条第二項、第百十九条の三第一項第一号、同条第二項 第四項については第百十九条の三第一項第三号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraph (2) of this Article. Article 119-2, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2) and Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraph (3) of this Article. Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraph (4) of this Article)
(Prohibition Against Parking in Time-Restricted Parking Areas for Elderly and Special-Needs Drivers)
Article 49-4The driver of a vehicle other than a motor vehicle bearing an elderly or special-needs driver mark must not park in a time-restricted parking zone for elderly and special-needs drivers.
(罰則 第百十九条の二第一項第一号、同条第二項、第百十九条の三第一項第一号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-2, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2) and Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2))
(Special Rules on Parking in Time-Restricted Parking Areas)
Article 49-5If the chief of a police station specifies a place, manner, start time, and end time for parking and grants permission, pursuant to public safety commission rules, for a vehicle to be parked in a time-restricted parking zone, the preceding two Articles (other than Article 49-3, paragraph (1)) do not apply to the vehicle subject to that permission and to the driver of that vehicle, so long as the driver parks the vehicle in the specified place and manner between that start time and end time. In such a case, the vehicle must not remain parked there beyond the specified end time.
(罰則 後段については第百十九条の三第一項第一号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (2) apply to the second sentence of this Article.)
(Special Rules on Stopping in Time-Restricted Parking Areas)
Article 49-6Notwithstanding Article 44, the driver of a vehicle may stop in a part of a road as set forth in the items of that Article if it is within a time-restricted parking zone that road signs or markings specify to be a part of the road on which a vehicle may be parked pursuant to Article 49-3, paragraph (3).
(Special Rules for On-Street Parking Spots in Time-Restricted Parking Areas)
Article 49-7(1)If an on-street parking spot as prescribed in Article 2, item (i) of the Act (hereinafter referred to in this Article and Article 110-2 as an "on-street parking spot") is created in a time-restricted parking zone pursuant to Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Parking Spaces Act (Act No. 106 of 1957), Article 49 does not apply to the part of the road containing that on-street parking spot.
(2)Any parking meters or ticket dispensers that are installed by an on-street parking administrator as prescribed in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Parking Spaces Act for a part of the road where on-street parking spots have been created in a time-restricted parking zone are deemed to be parking meters or ticket dispensers as prescribed in Article 49, paragraph (1), and are subject to Article 49-3.
(3)Articles 49-3 through 49-5 do not apply to any part of a road where on-street parking spots have been created in a time-restricted parking zone for which no parking meter or ticket dispenser has been installed.
(Prohibition on Entry into Intersections and Other Parts of the Road)
Article 50(1)A vehicle or streetcar must not enter a controlled intersection (or any part of a road beyond a stop line indicated by road signs or markings at a controlled intersection; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) if, because of the positioning of vehicles and streetcars further ahead on the intended course, it would likely end up stopping inside the intersection and thereby obstructing other vehicles or streetcars from proceeding down an intersecting road.
(2)A vehicle or streetcar must not enter a pedestrian crossing, bicycle crossing lane, railroad crossing, or part of the road demarcated with road markings if, because of the positioning of vehicles and streetcars further ahead on the intended course, it would likely end up stopping in that part of the road.
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第五号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (v) and paragraph (2) of that Article)
第九節の二 違法停車及び違法駐車に対する措置
Section 9-2 Measures against Illegal Stopping and Illegal Parking
(Measures against Illegal Stopping)
Article 50-2If a vehicle (other than a trolleybus; the same applies hereinafter from this Article to Article 51-2 and in Article 51-4) is found to be stopped in violation of Article 44, Article 47, paragraph (1) or (3) or Article 48, an officer may order the driver of the vehicle to change the way the vehicle is stopped or to move the vehicle from a place where stopping is prohibited.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第三号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (iii))
(Measures against Illegal Parking)
Article 51(1)If a vehicle is found to be parked in violation of Article 44, Article 45, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 47, paragraph (2) or (3), Article 48, Article 49-3, paragraph (2) or (3), Article 49-4, or the second sentence of Article 49-5, or if a vehicle is parked in a time-restricted parking zone where a ticket dispenser as referred to in Article 49, paragraph (1) has been installed but a ticket issued by the ticket dispenser is not being displayed and this is found to violate Article 49-3, paragraph (4) (referred to collectively as a vehicle being "found to have been parked illegally" in paragraph (1) of the following Article and Article 51-4, paragraph (1)), an officer may order the driver of the vehicle or another person responsible for the oversight of the vehicle (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "driver or other responsible person") to change how the vehicle is parked, move the vehicle from a place where parking is prohibited, or move the vehicle from the time-restricted parking zone.
(2)If it is found to be difficult for a driver or other responsible person to immediately comply with an order under the preceding paragraph due to a vehicle malfunction or other such circumstance, the officer may change how the vehicle is parked or move the vehicle, but only so far as is necessary to prevent road hazards and otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic.
(3)If unable to issue an order pursuant to paragraph (1) in a case as referred to in that paragraph (1) because the driver or other responsible person is not at the scene, the officer may change how a vehicle is parked or take other necessary measures, or may move a vehicle to another place on the road within 50 meters of the place where it is parked, but only so far as is necessary to prevent road traffic hazards or ensure that traffic runs smoothly.
(4)If an officer wishes to move a vehicle pursuant to the preceding paragraph but there is no place on the road to which it can be moved that is within 50 meters of where it is parked, the officer must report this to the chief of the police station having jurisdiction over the place where the vehicle is parked.
(5)Upon receiving a report as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the chief of the police station may move a vehicle to a parking spot, open space, place on a road other than as prescribed in paragraph (3), or other such place.
(6)After moving a vehicle pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the chief of the police station must store the vehicle as its custodian. In such a case, the chief of the police station must take the necessary measures to prevent theft and other accidents from befalling the vehicle, such as indicating the chief of the police station to be storing the vehicle or attaching a wheel-lock device to the vehicle, depending on the layout of the place where the vehicle is being kept, how the vehicle is being managed, and other considerations.
(7)After taking a vehicle into storage pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the chief of the police station must notify the user of the vehicle of the date on which it was taken into storage and the place where the vehicle is being stored, as well as indicating that the user must promptly collect the vehicle.
(8)If the chief of a police station cannot ascertain the name and address of the user of a vehicle or if it is found to be difficult to return a vehicle to the user in a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the chief must notify the owner of the vehicle as prescribed in that paragraph.
(9)If the chief of a police station cannot ascertain the name and address of the owner of a vehicle in a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the chief must issue public notice giving the place where the vehicle is being stored and any other information that Cabinet Order prescribes, pursuant to Cabinet Order.
(10)After issuing public notice under the preceding paragraph, the chief of the police station must publicly announce the date and details of the public notice via the Internet and through other means, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(11)Beyond what is prescribed in paragraphs (7) through (10), Cabinet Order provides for the necessary particulars concerning the return of a vehicle that the chief of a police station has taken into storage pursuant to paragraph (6).
(12)If a vehicle that the chief of a police station has taken into storage pursuant to paragraph (6) remains unreturned one month after the date of a notification as under paragraph (8) or public notice as under paragraph (9), and the cost required to store the vehicle is unreasonable compared to the value of the vehicle as appraised pursuant to Cabinet Order, the chief of the police station may sell the vehicle and store the proceeds of the sale as the custodian thereof, pursuant to Cabinet Order.
(13)If there is no purchaser for a vehicle in a sale as under the preceding paragraph and the value of the vehicle as prescribed in that paragraph is extremely low, the chief of the police station may dispose of it.
(14)The proceeds of a sale undertaken pursuant to paragraph (12) may be allocated to cover the expenses required to conduct that sale.
(15)The expenses required for moving and storing a vehicle, issuing public notice with regard to it, and other measures under paragraph (2) or (3) or paragraphs (5) through (11), are borne by the driver or other responsible person or by either theuser or the owner of the vehicle (hereinafter referred to through Article 51-2-2 as the "user or owner").
(16)The chief of the police station must set the amount, due date, and place for payment of the charges payable by the driver or other responsible person or by theuser or owner pursuant to the preceding paragraph, and must issue a written order to that person to pay them. In such a case, if the amount of expenses provided for in that paragraph is specified by prefectural regulations in consideration of actual costs, the amount payable is the amount prescribed therein.
(17)If a person ordered to make a payment pursuant to the preceding paragraph fails to do so before the due date, the chief of the police station must issue a written demand that fixes the due date for payment. In such a case, the chief of the police station may collect a fine for delinquency of up to the amount calculated as representing 14.5 percent per annum of the charges payable, and may collect a fee for the necessary costs of issuing the demand.
(18)If a person subject to a demand under the preceding paragraph fails to pay the charges, fines for delinquency, or fees referred to in the second sentence of that paragraph (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "charges, fines, or fees") by the fixed due date, the chief of the police station may collect the charges, fines, or fees based on the rules governing measures to collect local tax arrears. In such a case, charges, fines, or fees follow national taxes and local taxes in order of priority as concerns statutory liens.
(19)Charges, fines, and fees paid and collected are the revenue of the prefecture where the police station is located.
(20)If a vehicle stored pursuant to paragraph (6) (or the proceeds of a sale under paragraph (12); the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) remains unreturned three months after the date of a notification as under paragraph (8) or public notice as under paragraph (9), ownership of the vehicle vests in the prefecture where the police station is located.
(21)Following the sale of a vehicle as under paragraph (12) (but only one that constitutes a motor vehicle registered under the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation (Act No. 185 of 1951); the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph), the disposal of a vehicle as under paragraph (13), or the vesting of ownership in a vehicle in the prefecture as under the preceding paragraph, the chief of the police station, pursuant to Cabinet Order, must commission a person delegated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or a person delegated pursuant to Article 105, paragraph (1) or (2) of that Act to undertake the registration under that Act that is associated with the measure taken as regards the vehicle.
(22)Paragraphs (6), (7), and (9) through (20) apply mutatis mutandis to any load in a vehicle that is taken into storage pursuant to paragraph (6). In such a case, the phrase "the user of the vehicle" in paragraph (7) is deemed to be replaced with "the owner or person in possession of the vehicle or the holder of title to the load (hereinafter referred to in this Article as the 'owner or other such person')"; the phrase "the preceding paragraph" in paragraph (9) is deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (7) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (22)" and the phrase "paragraph, the chief" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "paragraph, and it is found to be difficult to return the load to a person other than its owner, the chief"; the phrase "paragraphs (7) through (10)" in paragraph (11) is deemed to be replaced with "paragraphs (7), (9), and (10) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (22)"; the phrase "remains unreturned one month after the date of a notification as under paragraph (8) or" in paragraph (12) is deemed to be replaced with "is likely to spoil or deteriorate, remains unreturned one month after the day on which the owner of the load has been notified pursuant to paragraph (7) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (22), or remains unreturned one month after the" and the term "cost" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "cost or effort"; the phrase "taking measures pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) or paragraphs (5) through (11), including moving and storing the vehicle, and issuing public notice" in paragraph (15) is deemed to be replaced with "taking measures pursuant to paragraph (6), (7), or (9) through (11) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (22), including storing the load and issuing public notice" and "the driver or other responsible person or by either theuser or the owner of the vehicle (hereinafter referred to through Article 51-2-2 as the 'user or owner')" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "the owner or other such person"; the phrase "the driver or other responsible person or by the user or owner" in paragraph (16) is deemed to be replaced with "the owner or other such person"; and the phrase "the date of a notification as under paragraph (8)" in paragraph (20) is deemed to be replaced with "the date that the owner of the load was notified as under paragraph (7) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (22)".
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条第一項第三号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (iii) applies to paragraph (1) of this Article.)
Article 51-2(1)An area of road where drivers habitually engage in conduct due to which their vehicles are found to have been parked illegally (this conduct is referred to in this Article and Article 51-4 as "illegal parking") and where it is appropriate to attach wheel-lock devices as under the following paragraph in order to deter illegal parking, the public safety commission may designate that section of a road to be an area where wheel-lock devices are employed. In such a case, the public safety commission must indicate in the area of road it has so designated that the area is one where wheel-lock devices are employed, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(2)On finding that, based on road or traffic conditions, circumstances compel the use of a wheel-lock device in order to deter illegal parking in an area where wheel-lock devices are employed, the chief of the police station may attach a wheel-lock device to a vehicle that has been illegally parked in that area.
(3)Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, a wheel-lock device may not be attached to one of the following vehicles:
(i)a vehicle with regard to which an order may be issued pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article;
(ii)a vehicle from which the chief of the police station has removed a wheel-lock device pursuant to paragraph (7) less than four hours previously (but only if the vehicle has continued to be illegally parked in the same way since its removal).
(4)Before attaching a wheel-lock device to a vehicle pursuant to paragraph (2), the chief of the police station must endeavor to inform the public, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order, that wheel-lock devices will be attached to vehicles.
(5)When attaching a wheel-lock device to a vehicle pursuant to paragraph (2), the chief of a police station must affix, in an easily visible location on the vehicle, a mark giving the information that a person wishing to move the vehicle may apply to the chief of the police station for removal of the wheel-lock device from the vehicle, and giving the other information that Cabinet Office Order prescribes.
(6)Upon receiving an application for removal of a wheel-lock device from the user or owner or person otherwise affiliated with a vehicle to which a wheel-lock device has been attached pursuant to paragraph (2) who wishes to move that vehicle, the chief of the police station must remove the wheel-lock device.
(7)Beyond as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, within 24 hours of attaching a wheel-lock device to a vehicle pursuant to paragraph (2), the chief of the police station must remove that device from the vehicle.
(8)Beyond as prescribed in paragraph (6), on finding that the compelling circumstances referred to in paragraph (2) that were found to exist no longer exist, or if it becomes necessary to do so in order to prevent a road hazard or otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic, the chief of the police station is to remove a wheel-lock device attached to a vehicle pursuant to paragraph (2).
(9)When removing a wheel-lock device attached pursuant to paragraph (2), the chief of the police station must also remove the mark attached to the vehicle pursuant to paragraph (5).
(10)It is prohibited for any person to damage a wheel-lock device attached to a vehicle pursuant to paragraph (2) or to damage or deface a mark attached to a vehicle pursuant to paragraph (5); and it is prohibited for any person to remove such a wheel-lock device or mark unless it is the chief of the police station that removes them.
(11)Cabinet Office Order provides for the format of the mark prescribed in paragraph (5) and other necessary particulars concerning marks as prescribed in that paragraph.
(罰則 第十項については第百十七条の五第二号、第百二十一条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-5, item (ii) and Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix) apply to paragraph (10) of this Article.)
(Requests to Report; Other Measures)
Article 51-2-2(1)On finding it to be necessary to do so to enforce Article 51, the chief of a police station may request the user or owner or person otherwise affiliated with a vehicle being stored pursuant to paragraph (6) of that Article; or the owner or person in possession of a load being stored pursuant to paragraph (6) of that Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (22) of that Article or a person holding title to or otherwise affiliated with such a load, to report as necessary or submit the necessary materials in connection with that vehicle or load.
(2)On finding it to be necessary to do so to enforce Article 51, the chief of the police station may make inquiries with or ask for cooperation from government agencies, public bodies, and other persons.
(Asking Others to Handle Administrative Functions Involved in Moving and Storing Vehicles)
Article 51-3(1)The chief of a police station may ask a corporation that Cabinet Office Order prescribes to handle all or part of the administrative functions involved in moving and storing vehicles (including their loads; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) pursuant to Article 51, paragraphs (5) and (6) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (22) of that Article) (such functions exclude the decision to move, return, sell, or dispose of a vehicle, the issuance of orders under paragraph (16) of that Article, measures to collect arrears, and other functions that Cabinet Order prescribes).
(2)It is prohibited for the current or former officer or employee of a corporation that has been asked to handle administrative processes by the chief of the police station pursuant to the preceding paragraph to divulge confidential information learned in connection with those processes.
(罰則 第二項については第百十七条の四第一号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-4, item (i) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Abandonment Penalty)
Article 51-4(1)The chief of the police station may have an officer check for whether there is any vehicle (or a light road vehicle, but only if it has a structure and equipment that allows it to be towed, and only if it has a gross weight (meaning a gross weight as prescribed in Article 40, item (iii) of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation) exceeding 750 kilograms (hereinafter referred to as a "heavy towable vehicle"); the same applies hereinafter in this Article) that can be found to have been parked illegally and that cannot be driven immediately because driver has left the vicinity (such a vehicle is hereinafter referred to as an "abandoned vehicle"), and attach a mark in an easily visible place on the abandoned vehicle pursuant to Cabinet Office Order, providing notice that the officer has confirmed the vehicle to have been parked illegally and that, if the person that parked the abandoned vehicle illegally does not fall under the case referred to in the proviso to paragraph (4), the user of the abandoned vehicle may be ordered to pay an abandonment penalty pursuant to the main clause of that paragraph.
(2)It is prohibited for any person to damage or deface a mark attached to a vehicle pursuant to the preceding paragraph or to remove the same; provided, however, that this does not apply to the removal of such a mark by the user or driver of the vehicle or any other person responsible for the management of that vehicle.
(3)Having caused a mark to be attached to a vehicle pursuant to paragraph (1), the chief of the police station must report how the vehicle is parked to the public safety commission.
(4)Upon receiving a report under the preceding paragraph, if the public safety commission finds that the vehicle to which the report pertains is an abandoned vehicle, it may order the user of the vehicle to pay an abandonment penalty; provided, however, that this does not apply if the person that has illegally parked the vehicle pays a penalty pursuant to Article 128, paragraph (1) within 30 days, counting from the day following that on which a mark is attached to the vehicle pursuant to paragraph (1), nor does it apply if a case that is connected with that instance of illegal parking becomes subject to prosecution or is brought before the family court for trial.
(5)An order under the main clause of the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "payment order") is to be issued in writing through a document that gives the amount, due date, and place for payment of the abandonment penalty.
(6)Prior to issuing a payment order, the public safety commission must notify theuser of the vehicle of the following information in writing and give the user an opportunity to submit a written explanation of the matter at issue (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph and paragraph (9) as an "explanatory statement") and evidence in theuser's favor within a reasonable timeframe:
(i)the facts constituting the grounds for the payment order;
(ii)the address and due date for submission of an explanatory statement.
(7)If the whereabouts of the person that should be issued a payment order are unknown, the public safety commission may notify the person as under the preceding paragraph by making a posting on its notice board indicating the person's name, the information set forth in item (ii) of that paragraph, and that the public safety commission will issue a document to the person giving the information set forth in the items of that paragraph at any time. In such a case, the notice is deemed to have reached the person two weeks after its posting.
(8)Cabinet Order provides for the amount of abandonment penalties within the scope of the amount prescribed in Schedule I.
(9)A person notified as under paragraph (6) may make a provisional payment in an amount equivalent to the abandonment penalty by the due date for submission of the explanatory statement, pursuant to Cabinet Order.
(10)A payment order may be issued by public notice against a person making a provisional payment under the preceding paragraph, pursuant to Cabinet Order.
(11)If a payment order is issued in connection with a notice referred to in paragraph (9) against a person that has made a provisional payment as under that paragraph (9), the provisional payment in the amount equivalent to the relevant abandonment penalty is deemed to constitute the payment of the abandonment penalty as under that payment order.
(12)If the public safety commission decides not to issue a payment order in connection with a notice referred to in paragraph (9) against a person that has made a provisional payment as under that paragraph, it must promptly notify that person in writing, giving a clear indication of the reasons for this and returning the provisional payment.
(13)If a person issued a payment order fails to pay the abandonment penalty by its due date, the public safety commission must issue a written demand that fixes the due date for payment. In such a case, the public safety commission may collect a fine for delinquency of up to the amount calculated as representing 14.5 percent per annum of the abandonment penalty, and may collect a fee for the necessary costs of issuing the demand.
(14)If a person subject to a demand under the preceding paragraph fails to pay the abandonment penalty, fines for delinquency, or fees referred to in the second sentence of that paragraph (hereinafter referred to in this Article and Article 51-7 as an "abandonment penalty, fines, or fees") by the fixed due date, the public safety commission may collect the abandonment penalty, fines, or fees based on the rules governing measures to collect local tax arrears. In such a case, the abandonment penalty, fines, or fees follow national taxes and local taxes in order of priority as concerns statutory liens.
(15)Abandonment penalties, fines, and fees paid and collected are the revenue of the prefecture where the public safety commission is located.
(16)The public safety commission must revoke a payment order it has issued if the person illegally parking a vehicle and thereby giving grounds for the payment order pays a penalty for having parked illegally as under Article 128, paragraph (1), or if the case involving that instance of illegal parking becomes subject to prosecution or is brought before the family court for trial.
(17)Having revoked a payment order pursuant to the preceding paragraph, a public safety commission must promptly notify the person subject to it of this, clearly indicating the reason for the revocation. In such a case, if the abandonment penalty, fines, or fees to which the payment order pertained have been paid or collected, the public safety commission must refund an equivalent amount.
(18)Service of documents and service by publication in connection with the collection and refunding of the abandonment penalty, fines, or fees are governed by the rules governing local taxes.
(罰則 第二項については第百二十一条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Requests to Report; Other Measures)
Article 51-5(1)On finding it to be necessary to do so to enforce the preceding Article, a public safety commission may request theuser, the owner, or a person otherwise affiliated with a vehicle on which a mark has been attached pursuant to paragraph (1) of that Article to report as necessary or submit the necessary materials in connection with the use of the vehicle.
(2)On finding it to be necessary to do so to enforce the preceding Article, a public safety commission may make inquires with or ask for cooperation from government agencies, public bodies, and other persons.
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条の三第一項第五号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (v) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1) of this Article.)
(Reporting to the National Public Safety Commission; Other Actions)
Article 51-6(1)Having issued a payment order, made a demand pursuant to Article 51-4, paragraph (13) or revoked a payment order pursuant to paragraph (16) of that Article or when any other reason that Cabinet Office Order prescribes has been found to exist with respect to the user of a vehicle that has been the cause of a payment order, a public safety commission must report this, the name and address of theuser, the plate number of the vehicle, and the information that Cabinet Office Order prescribes to the National Public Safety Commission. In such a case, the National Public Safety Commission must report the information given in the report to each public safety commission in order to ensure the appropriateness of measures for abandoned vehicles.
(2)When the National Public Safety Commission receives a report that a demand has been issued pursuant to the first sentence of the preceding paragraph, it must notify the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or other relevant authority (meaning the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; or the Director of the District Transportation Bureau, the Director of Transportation Administration Department, or the Transportation Bureau Chief to whom the authority of the Minister has been delegated; or the Light Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization (meaning the Light Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization established pursuant to Chapter V-2 of the Road Transportation Vehicle Act); the same applies in the following Article) of the information given in the report (but only the information that Cabinet Office Order prescribes). The same applies if the National Public Safety Commission receives a report that a payment order for which a demand has been issued has been revoked.
(Presentation of Documents Evidencing Payment or Collection of Abandonment Penalties, Fines, and Fees)
Article 51-7(1)If a person seeking the return of a motor vehicle inspection certificate (meaning the return of a motor vehicle inspection certificate pursuant to Article 62, paragraph (2) of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 67, paragraph (4) of that Act) or Article 22-2, paragraph (3) of the Comprehensive Special Zones Act (Act No. 81 of 2011); the same applies hereinafter in this Article) has become subject to a demand under Article 51-4, paragraph (13) (but only one connected with a payment order (other than one that has been revoked pursuant to paragraph (16) of that Article) of which the motor vehicle in question was the cause) after a motor vehicle inspection certificate was last issued as under Article 60, paragraph (1) or Article 71, paragraph (4) of that Act or after a motor vehicle inspection certificate was last returned for that vehicle (meaning a motor vehicle as prescribed in Article 58, paragraph (1) of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation), the person must present a document to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or other relevant authority evidencing that the abandonment penalty, fines, or fees subject to the demand have been paid or collected.
(2)If a person (but only one notified as referred to in the first sentence of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article) that the preceding paragraph requires to present the document prescribed in that paragraph fails to do so, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or other relevant authority must not return the motor vehicle inspection certificate.
(Asking Others to Handle Checking and Confirmation Processes)
Article 51-8(1)The chief of the police station may ask a corporation registered by the public safety commission to handle all or part of the administrative processes involved in checking for abandoned vehicles, confirming that vehicles have been abandoned, and attaching marks to them as prescribed in Article 51-4, paragraph (1) (hereinafter these actions are referred to as "checking for, confirming, and marking abandoned vehicles") (hereinafter these administrative processes are referred to as "checking and confirmation processes").
(2)Registration as referred to in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to from this Article through Article 51-11 as "registration") is carried out at the application of a corporation that has been asked to handle the checking and confirmation processes and that seeks to handle them.
(3)A corporation as referred to in one of the following items may not be registered:
(i)a corporation whose registration has been revoked pursuant to Article 51-10 and it has been less than two years since the date of the revocation;
(ii)a corporation with an officer (meaning an employee engaged in the executive management of its operations, a director, an executive, or a person equivalent to any of these persons, including one that is found to have a measure of control over the corporation that is equal to or greater than an employee engaged in the executive management of its operations, director, executive, or equivalent person, whether this is in the capacity of an adviser or consultant, or under any other designation) as referred to in one of the following:
(a)an adult ward, person under curatorship, or undischarged bankrupt;
(b)a person who has been sentenced to imprisonment or a heavier punishment, or who has been sentenced for committing a crime as referred to in Article 119-2, paragraph (1), item (iii), if it has been less than two years since the day on which the person completed the sentence or ceased to be subject to its execution;
(c)a person whom there are reasonable grounds to find likely of engaging concertedly or regularly in violent unlawful activities or other illegal activities constituting a crime provided for by Rules of the National Public Safety Commission;
(d)a person who has been subject to an order pursuant to Article 12 or Article 12-6 of the Act on the Prevention of Unlawful Activities by Members of Organized Crime Groups (Act No. 77 of 1991) or an instruction pursuant to Article 12-4, paragraph (2) of that Act, if it has been less than less than two years since the day on which the person became subject to that order or instruction;
(e)an alcohol, narcotics, marijuana, opium, or stimulants addict;
(f)a person provided for by Rules of the National Public Safety Commission as one who cannot appropriately undertake the checking and confirmation processes due to a mental or physical disorder.
(4)The public safety commission must register a corporation that has applied for the registration pursuant to paragraph (2) if it conforms to all of the following requirements:
(i)the checking and confirmation processes will be carried out using vehicles, cellular telephones and other portable wireless telephones, maps, cameras, and computers;
(ii)parking inspectors as referred to in Article 51-12, paragraph (3) will be the ones checking for, confirming, and marking abandoned vehicles;
(iii)the corporation has an office within the boundaries of the prefecture where the public safety commission is located.
(5)A registration must give the name of the registered corporation, the name of its representative, the locality of its principal office, the date of the registration, and the registration number.
(6)Unless a registration is renewed by the end of each period as prescribed by Cabinet Order, it becomes invalid once that period passes.
(7)The provisions of paragraphs (2) through (5) apply mutatis mutandis to the renewal of a registration as referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Conformance Orders)
Article 51-9If a public safety commission finds that a registered corporation has ceased to conform to one of the items under paragraph (4) of the preceding Article, it must order that corporation to take necessary measures to conform to that item.
(Rescission of Registration)
Article 51-10If one of the following items applies to a registered corporation, the public safety commission may revoke its registration:
(i)it comes to fall under Article 51-8, paragraph (3), item (ii);
(ii)it violates an order under the preceding Article;
(iii)it fails to report or falsely reports as under paragraph (1) of the following Article; or it refuses, obstructs, or avoids an inspection under that paragraph;
(iv)it violates Article 51-12, paragraphs (2) through (4);
(v)it was registered through deception or other wrongful means.
(Reporting and Inspection)
Article 51-11(1)A public safety commission may have a registered corporation report on its operational or accounting status or have a police official enter the office of a registered corporation and inspect its operational status, books, documents and other articles, but only so far as is necessary for enforcing Article 51-8 through the preceding Article.
(2)Police officials conducting on-site inspections pursuant to the preceding paragraph must carry identification and present it at the request of a relevant person.
(3)The authority for an on-site inspection under paragraph (1) must not be construed as authorizing a criminal investigation.
(Agency in Charge of Checking for Abandoned Vehicles)
Article 51-12(1)Having asked a person to handle the checking and confirmation processes pursuant to Article 51-8, paragraph (1), the chief of a police station must issue public notice giving the name of the person undertaking to handle these processes (hereinafter referred to as the "agency in charge of checking for abandoned vehicles"), the locality of its principal office, and the information that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(2)An agency in charge of checking for abandoned vehicles must undertake the checking and confirmation processes fairly and in a way that conforms to the requirements set forth in Article 51-8, paragraph (4), items (i) and (ii).
(3)An agency in charge of checking for abandoned vehicles must not allow a person other than a parking inspector selected from among parking inspectors that have been issued certificates as referred to in paragraph (1) of the following Article to check for, confirm, or mark abandoned vehicles.
(4)An agency in charge of checking for abandoned vehicles must not have parking inspectors check for, confirm, or mark abandoned vehicles unless they are made to wear uniforms or otherwise indicate that they are parking inspectors, and unless they are made to wear badges in the form prescribed by Rules of the National Public Safety Commission.
(5)A parking inspector must carry a parking inspector certificate as referred to in paragraph (1) of the following Article when checking for, confirming, or marking abandoned vehicles, and must present it at the request of an officer.
(6)It is prohibited for a current or former officer or employee of the agency in charge of checking for abandoned vehicles (including parking inspectors; the same applies in the following paragraph) to divulge confidential information learned in connection with the checking and confirmation processes.
(7)To apply the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907) and the penal provisions of any other laws and regulations, officers and staff members of the agency in charge of checking for abandoned vehicles that are engaged in checking and confirmation processes are deemed to be officials engaged in public service pursuant to laws and regulations.
(8)To apply Article 51-4, paragraph (1) pursuant to Article 51-8, paragraph (1) if a person has been asked to handle checking and confirmation processes, the term "an officer" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "an officer or an agency in charge of checking for abandoned vehicles as prescribed in Article 51-12, paragraph (1)".
(罰則 第六項については第百十七条の四第一号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-4, item (i) applies to paragraph (6) of this Article.)
(Parking Inspector Certificates)
Article 51-13(1)The public safety commission issues a parking inspector certificate to a person falling under both of the following items:
(i)one who is either of the following:
(a)a person who has taken and completed a training course implemented by the public safety commission in accordance with Rules of the National Public Safety Commission, to learn the skills and knowledge involved in checking for, confirming, and marking abandoned vehicles;
(b)a person whom the public safety commission finds, pursuant to Rules of the National Public Safety Commission, has at least the same level of skills and knowledge as regards checking for, confirming, and marking abandoned vehicles, as a person set forth in (a).
(ii)one who is none any of the following:
(a)under 18 years of age;
(b)a person falling under any one of Article 51-8, paragraph (3), item (ii), subitems (a) through (f);
(c)a person to whom item (ii) or (iii) of the following paragraph applies, who has been ordered to return a parking inspector certificate pursuant to that paragraph, if it has been less than two years since the date of its return.
(2)If a public safety commission finds that any one of the following items applies to a person who has been issued a parking inspector certificate, it may order the person to return the parking inspector certificate issued thereto:
(i)the person has come to fall under one of Article 51-8, paragraph (3), item (ii), subitems (a) through (f);
(ii)the person was issued the parking inspector certificate through deception or other wrongful means;
(iii)the person has violated paragraph (5) of the preceding Article or acted unlawfully in checking for, confirming, or marking an abandoned vehicle, and is found to be unfit to be a parking inspector in light of the circumstances of those actions.
(Delegation to Rules of the National Public Safety Commission)
Article 51-14Beyond what is prescribed in Article 51-8 through the preceding Article, the Rules of the National Public Safety Commission provide for the necessary particulars concerning the procedure for asking others to handle checking and confirmation processes and parking inspector certificates.
(Asking Others to Handle Administrative Processes Related to Abandonment Penalties)
Article 51-15(1)A public safety commission may ask a company or other corporation to handle all or part of the administrative processes related to abandonment penalties as prescribed in Article 51-4 (other than checking and confirmation processes, payment orders, demands, and measures to collect arrears).
(2)It is prohibited for the current or former officer or employee of a corporation that has been asked to handle administrative processes by the public safety commission pursuant to the preceding paragraph to divulge confidential information learned in connection with those processes.
(罰則 第二項については第百十七条の四第一号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-4, item (i) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Asking Others to Handle Administrative Processes Involved in Receiving Abandonment Penalties)
Article 51-16The prefectural government may ask private citizens to handle administrative processes involved in the receipt of abandonment penalties pursuant to Cabinet Order, but only if it finds that doing so would contribute to the fulfillment of payment obligations by persons receiving payment orders and to ensuring revenue.
第十節 灯火及び合図
Section 10 Lights and Signals
(Vehicle and Streetcar Lights)
Article 52(1)When traveling on a road at night (meaning the period from sunset to sunrise; the same applies hereinafter in this Article and Article 63-9, paragraph (2)), a vehicle must have its headlights, road lights, taillights, and other lights turned on pursuant to Cabinet Order. The same applies at times other than night in cases that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(2)The driver of a vehicle or streetcar must turn off or reduce the brightness of its lights or otherwise operate them in accordance with Cabinet Order at night (or in a case as referred to in second sentence of the preceding paragraph) when there is an oncoming vehicle or streetcar and when traveling behind another vehicle or streetcar, if the brightness of those lights are likely to interfere with vehicle or streetcar traffic.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十条第一項第五号、同条第二項 第二項については第百二十条第一項第八号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (v) and paragraph (2) of that Article apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (viii) and paragraph (2) of that Article apply to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
Article 53(1)When turning left, turning right, making a U-turn, driving slowly, stopping, backing up, or changing course while proceeding in the same direction, the driver of a vehicle (other than a light road vehicle that is not a bicycle; the same applies in paragraphs (2) and (4)) must signal by hand, turn signal, or turn light, and must continue to signal until the action is completed.
(2)Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, when leaving a roundabout or when slowing down, stopping, or backing up in a roundabout, the driver of a vehicle in the roundabout must signal by hand, turn signal, or turn light and must continue to give the signal until the action is completed.
(3)Cabinet Order provides for the necessary particulars as regards when and how to signal as referred to in the preceding two paragraphs.
(4)Having completed an action provided for in paragraph (1) or (2), the driver of a vehicle must stop signaling; the driver of a vehicle must not signal if not taking the action for which one of those paragraphs prescribes that signal.
(罰則 第一項、第二項及び第四項については第百二十条第一項第八号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (viii) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraphs (1), (2), and (4) of this Article.)
(Using the Horn)
Article 54(1)The driver of a vehicle or streetcar (other than a light road vehicle that is not a bicycle; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) must sound the horn:
(i)when about to proceed through a blind intersection, around a blind curve, or over a blind summit at a place designated by a road sign or marking;
(ii)when about to proceed through a blind intersection, around a blind curve, or over a blind summit when on a stretch of road designated by a road sign or marking as a mountain road or road with many curves.
(2)The driver of a vehicle or streetcar must not sound the horn unless required to do so pursuant to laws and regulations; provided, however, that this does not apply if sounding the horn is necessary in order to prevent a hazard.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十条第一項第八号、同条第二項 第二項については第百二十一条第一項第六号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (viii) and paragraph (2) apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 121, paragraph (1), item (vi) apply paragraph (2) of this Article.)
第十一節 乗車、積載及び牽引
Section 11 Riding, Loading, and Towing
(Riding and Loading)
Article 55(1)The driver of a vehicle must not drive while allowing a passenger to ride in a place not meant to carry a passenger, and must not drive while carrying a load in a place not meant to carry a passenger or a load; provided, however, that, in a motor vehicle built exclusively to transport cargo (hereinafter referred to in the following Article and Article 57 as a "truck") which is carrying cargo, the driver may drive while allowing the minimum number of personnel necessary to guard the cargo to ride on the loading platform.
(2)The driver of a vehicle must not drive while allowing a person to ride or carrying a load in a way that could obstruct the driver's field of vision, the steering wheel, or the operation of other instruments, or diminish the effectiveness of the rearview mirrors, harm the stability of the vehicle, or obscure the vehicle's turn signals, license plates, brake lights, taillights, or rear reflectors when viewed from the outside of the vehicle.
(3)The passenger of a vehicle must not ride in or on a vehicle in a way that causes the driver to violate the preceding two paragraphs.
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百二十条第一項第十号、第百二十三条 第三項については第百二十一条第一項第六号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (x) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1) and (2) of this Article. Article 121, paragraph (1), item (vi) apply to paragraph (3) of this Article.)
(Special Rules on Riding and Loading)
Article 56(1)Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, if the chief of the police station having jurisdiction over the place of departure of a vehicle (hereinafter referred to through Article 58 as "police chief of the place of departure") grants permission for a specific place in which a load may be carried, having found that there is nothing to prevent this in terms of the structure of a vehicle or road or traffic conditions, the driver may drive that vehicle while carrying a load in a specific place other than one that is meant to carry a passenger or a load.
(2)Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, if the police chief of the place of departure grants permission for a limited number of personnel to be carried, having found that there is nothing to prevent this in terms of the structure of a truck or the road or traffic conditions, the driver of the truck may drive while carrying a number of personnel on its loading platform that falls within the scope of that permission.
(Restrictions on Riding and Loading; Related Considerations)
Article 57(1)The driver of a vehicle (other than a light road vehicle; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph and in Articles 58-2 through 58-5) must not drive a vehicle while carrying a number of personnel or a load that exceeds the restrictions on the number of accompanying personnel or the weight, size, and way of carrying cargo (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "weight, size, and way of carrying cargo") that Cabinet Order prescribes for that vehicle; provided, however, that a driver may drive a vehicle while carrying a number of personnel exceeding those restrictions if they are carried on the loading platform of a truck pursuant to the proviso to Article 55, paragraph (1) or after obtaining permission pursuant to paragraph (2) of the preceding Article.
(2)On finding it to be necessary to do so in order to prevent a road hazard or otherwise ensure traffic safety, a public safety commission may prescribe restrictions on the number of accompanying personnel or the weight, size, and way of carrying cargo for light road vehicles.
(3)Notwithstanding paragraph (1) or the preceding paragraph, if cargo cannot be divided and for this reason exceeds the restrictions on the weight, size, and way of carrying cargo that Cabinet Order prescribes which are referred to in paragraph (1) or exceeds the restrictions on this that are prescribed by the public safety commission pursuant to the preceding paragraph, but the police chief of the place of departure grants permission for a limited weight, size, and way of carrying cargo, having found that there is nothing to prevent this in terms of the structure of the vehicle or the road or traffic conditions, the driver may drive that vehicle while carrying a load in excess of the restrictions, within the scope of the permission.
(罰則 第一項については第百十八条第一項第二号、第百十九条第一項第三号の二、第百二十条第一項第十号の二、第百二十三条 第二項については第百二十一条第一項第七号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 118, paragraph (1), item (ii), Article 119, paragraph (1), item (iii)-2, Article 120, paragraph (1), item (x)-2 and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 121, paragraph (1), item (vii) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Issuance of Permit to Exceed Restrictions; Related Considerations)
Article 58(1)Having granted permission pursuant to Article 56 or paragraph (3) of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "permission to exceed restrictions"), the police chief of the place of departure must issue a permit.
(2)A driver of a vehicle issued a permit pursuant to the preceding paragraph must carry the permit at all times while driving the vehicle for which the permission has been given.
(3)On finding that it is necessary to do so when granting permission to exceed restrictions, the chief of police of the place of departure may attach conditions to that permission as necessary to prevent hazards, pursuant to Cabinet Order.
(4)Cabinet Office Order provides for the format of permits as referred to in paragraph (1) and the necessary particulars concerning procedures for permission to exceed restrictions.
(罰則 第三項については第百二十一条第一項第八号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (viii) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (3) of this Article.)
(Measuring Weight of Loads; Related Measures)
Article 58-2When a vehicle is being driven that could be found to exceed the weight restrictions on loads prescribed in Article 57, paragraph (1), a police officer may stop it, require the driver to present a motor vehicle inspection certificate (meaning a motor vehicle inspection certificate as referred to in Article 60 of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation; the same applies in Article 63, paragraph (1)) and other documents that Cabinet Order prescribes, and measure the weight of the vehicle's load.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第三号の三)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (iii)-3)
(Order to Take Measures for Overloaded Vehicles)
Article 58-3(1)A police officer may order the driver of a vehicle carrying an excessive load (meaning a load carried by a vehicle which exceeds the weight prescribed in Article 57, paragraph (1) (or that exceeds the permitted weight, if the permission under paragraph (3) of that Article has been granted); the same applies hereinafter) to take the necessary stop-gap measures so that the vehicle is no longer carrying an excessive load.
(2)Notwithstanding Article 57, paragraph (1), if it is found that an order under the preceding paragraph is insufficient to stop a vehicle from carrying an excessive load, and if a police officer finds that, in light of the degree to which the vehicle is overloaded and road or traffic conditions, there is nothing to prevent the driver from driving the vehicle while abiding by the instructions that the officer gives, the officer may order the driver of the vehicle to drive in compliance with measures that need to be taken in order to prevent hazards on a section of road for vehicle traffic, route, or road, to abide by other instructions that the police officer gives, and to take other necessary measures so that the vehicle is no longer carrying an excessive load. In such a case, the police officer must issue written road use instructions to the driver of the vehicle.
(3)A driver of a vehicle who has been issued written road use instructions pursuant to the preceding paragraph must carry the instructions at all times while driving the vehicle based on an order under that paragraph.
(4)Cabinet Office Order provides for the format of, and other necessary particulars concerning, the written road use instructions referred to in paragraph (2).
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百十九条第一項第三号の四)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (iii)-4 applies to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.)
(Instructions for Overloaded Vehicles)
Article 58-4When an order under paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article is issued, if the user of the vehicle subject to the order (other than the selfsame driver of the vehicle; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) is found not to be undertaking the necessary operational management to prevent drivers from carrying excessive loads in that vehicle, the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the vehicle's base of operations may instruct the user to direct or advise drivers to check the weight of the load before allowing them to drive its vehicles, and may instruct the user to take other necessary measures to prevent its vehicles from carrying excessive loads.
(Prohibition on Requiring or Otherwise Compelling Drivers to Drive Overloaded Vehicles)
Article 58-5(1)It is prohibited for a person other than a user or an owner as prescribed in Article 75, paragraph (1) to do the following:
(i)to require the driver of a vehicle to drive while carrying an excessive load in the vehicle;
(ii)to sell or deliver to the driver of a vehicle a load exceeding the weight subject to the restrictions referred to in Article 57, paragraph (1) so that the load can be loaded onto the vehicle, while knowing that the load exceeds those restrictions.
(2)If a person violates the preceding paragraph and the chief of the police station finds that the violator is likely to violate that paragraph again, the chief may order the violator not to violate that paragraph, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(罰則 第二項については第百十八条第一項第三号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 118, paragraph (1), item (iii) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Restrictions on Towing Motor Vehicles)
Article 59(1)The driver of a motor vehicle must not tow another vehicle unless the motor vehicle doing the towing has the structure and equipment necessary for towing and the towed vehicle has the structure and equipment necessary for being towed; provided, however, that this does not apply to the towing of a motor vehicle pursuant to Cabinet Order when a malfunction or other such circumstance compels this.
(2)When towing another vehicle with a standard motorcycle, large motorcycle, or special small motor vehicle, the driver of that motor vehicle must not tow more than one other vehicle, and when towing another vehicle with any other type of motor vehicle, the driver of that motor vehicle must not tow more than two other vehicles; the driver of a motor vehicle must not tow another vehicle if the length from the front end of the towing motor vehicle to the rear end of the towed vehicle (or to the rear end of the second towed vehicle, if towing two vehicles) would exceed 25 meters; provided, however, that this does not apply if the public safety commission grants permission for the motor vehicle to do so, specifying the road or limiting the timeframe for towing.
(3)When the public safety commission grants permission pursuant to the proviso of the preceding paragraph, it must issue a permit.
(4)The driver of a motor vehicle issued a permit pursuant to the preceding paragraph must carry the permit at all times while undertaking the permitted towing.
(5)Cabinet Office Order provides for the format of permits as referred to in paragraph (3) and other necessary particulars concerning the procedures for the permission prescribed in the proviso to paragraph (2).
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百二十条第一項第十号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (x) and Article 123 apply to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.)
(Restrictions on Towing by Vehicles Other Than Motor Vehicles)
Article 60On finding it to be necessary to do so in order to prevent road hazards and otherwise ensure traffic safety, a public safety commission may establish restrictions on towing by vehicles other than motor vehicles.
(罰則 第百二十一条第一項第七号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (vii) and Article 123 apply.)
(Hazard Prevention Measures)
Article 61Beyond as provided for in Article 58-3, paragraphs (1) and (2), a police officer may order the driver of a vehicle or streetcar to stop and take the necessary stop-gap measures to prevent a hazard in connection with the vehicle's or streetcar's carrying of passengers, carrying of loads, or towing of vehicles, on finding it to be particularly necessary to do so in order to prevent that hazard.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第四号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (iv))
第十二節 整備不良車両の運転の禁止等
Section 12 Prohibition against Driving Improperly Maintained Vehicles; Related Considerations
(Prohibition against Driving Improperly Maintained Vehicles)
Article 62It is prohibited for a vehicle or streetcar user or any other person responsible for maintaining its equipment to allow a person to drive that vehicle or streetcar if its equipment fails to conform to Chapter III of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation or an order issued thereunder (or whose equipment fails to conform to what is established by the Minister of Defense under Article 114, paragraph (2) of the Self Defense Forces Act (Act No. 165 of 1954), for a motor vehicle used by the Self-Defense Forces to which the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation do not apply; the same applies hereinafter), or fails to conform to Article 14 of the Railway Track Act or an order issued thereunder, as a result of which the vehicle or streetcar is likely to cause a traffic hazard or be a nuisance to others (referred to in paragraph (1) of the following Article as an "improperly maintained vehicle"); and it is also prohibited for the driver of a vehicle or streetcar to drive an improperly maintained vehicle.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第五号、同条第二項、第百二十条第一項第八号の二、同条第二項、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (v), and paragraph (2), Article 120, paragraph (1), item (viii)-2 and paragraph (2) and Article 123)
(Vehicle Inspections; Other Measures)
Article 63(1)When a vehicle (other than a light road vehicle; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) is being driven that could be found to constitute an improperly maintained vehicle, a police officer may stop the vehicle, ask the driver of the vehicle to present a motor vehicle inspection certificate and other documents that Cabinet Order prescribes, and inspect the vehicle's equipment.
(2)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, a police officer may order the driver of the vehicle to take the necessary stop-gap measures to prevent a road hazard or otherwise ensure traffic safety or to prevent the vehicle from being a nuisance to others; if it is found not to be possible to effect the necessary maintenance on a vehicle through stop-gap measures alone (hereinafter such a vehicle is referred to in this Article as a "malfunctioning vehicle"), the police officer may issue an order prohibiting the driver from continuing to drive the malfunctioning vehicle.
(3)Notwithstanding the preceding Article, a police officer may grant permission for a person to drive a malfunctioning vehicle on a specified section and route of travel on finding, in a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, that there is nothing to prevent this in terms of the degree of improper maintenance on the malfunctioning vehicle and road or traffic conditions, but only so far as is necessary for the malfunctioning vehicle to undergo maintenance, and may attach other conditions necessary to prevent road hazards or to prevent the malfunctioning vehicle from being a nuisance to others. In such a case, a police officer must issue a permit.
(4)Having taken a measures under paragraph (2), a police officer must issue a document to the driver of the malfunctioning vehicle showing the things on the malfunctioning vehicle that require maintenance, and must attach a mark in an easily visible place on the front end of the malfunctioning vehicle.
(5)Having taken a measure under the preceding paragraph, a police officer must report this to the competent police station chief over the place where the measure was taken.
(6)Upon receiving a report as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the chief of the police station must notify the Director of the District Transport Bureau with jurisdiction over the base of operations of the malfunctioning vehicle of the information that Cabinet Office Order/Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism prescribes.
(7)It is prohibited for any person to damage or deface a mark attached pursuant to paragraph (4); it is also prohibited for any person to remove such a mark until after the chief of the nearest police station or the administrative agency with authority over vehicle maintenance confirms, through procedures that Cabinet Office Order/Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism prescribes, that the malfunctioning vehicle has undergone the necessary maintenance.
(8)Cabinet Office Order/Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism provides for the format of permits as referred to in paragraph (3), the format of documents issued to the driver of a malfunctioning vehicle pursuant to paragraph (4), and the format of marks as referred to in that paragraph.
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条第一項第六号 第二項については第百十九条第一項第七号 第七項については第百二十一条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (vi) applies to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (vii) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article. Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Tachograph Records; Related Considerations)
Article 63-2(1)It is prohibited for the user of a motor vehicle or any other person responsible for maintaining its equipment to allow a person to drive that motor vehicle if it is required to be equipped with a tachograph pursuant to Chapter III of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation or an order based on the same, but is either not equipped with a tachograph or is equipped with one that is uncalibrated and therefore unable to record the information prescribed in that Chapter; and it is also prohibited for a driver to drive such a motor vehicle.
(2)The user of a motor vehicle required to be equipped with a tachograph as referred to in the preceding paragraph must keep the records made by the tachograph regarding that motor vehicle on file for a period of one year, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(罰則 第百二十一条第一項第九号の二、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1) item (ix)-2 and Article 123)
第十三節 自転車の交通方法の特例
Section 13 Special Rules for Bicycle Traffic
(Traffic Distribution on Bicycle Paths)
Article 63-3When on a road with a bicycle path, a person riding a two-wheeled or three-wheeled bicycle whose body size and structure conforms to the standards that Cabinet Office Order prescribes (hereinafter referred to in this Section as "standard bicycle") and that is not towing another vehicle must proceed down the bicycle path, except when crossing a part of the roadway other than the bicycle path or unless road conditions or other circumstances compel the rider to do otherwise.
(罰則 第百二十一条第一項第五号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (v))
(Riding Standard Bicycles on Sidewalks)
Article 63-4(1)Notwithstanding Article 17, paragraph (1), a standard bicycle may be ridden on a sidewalk in the following cases; provided, however, that this does not apply if an officer instructs a person riding a standard bicycle not to ride on the sidewalk, having found it necessary to do so in order ensure the safety of pedestrians:
(i)if standard bicycles are permitted by road signs or markings to be ridden on the sidewalk;
(ii)if the person riding the standard bicycle is an elementary schooler, child not yet of school age, or any other person that Cabinet Order prescribes for whom riding a standard bicycle on a roadway is considered to be dangerous;
(iii)if, beyond as set forth in the preceding two items, roadway or traffic conditions are found to provide compelling circumstances for the person riding the standard bicycle to ride on the sidewalk so as to ensure safe progress.
(2)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, a person riding a standard bicycle must ride at reduced speed when on the part of the sidewalk between the center and the roadway (or the part of the sidewalk that road signs or markings designate as that on which standard bicycles are required to be ridden (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "part of the sidewalk for use by standard bicycles"), if any), and must come to a stop if the bicycle's progress would prevent pedestrians from proceeding; provided, however, that, if there are no pedestrians proceeding down or about to enter the part of the sidewalk for use by standard bicycles, the person riding a standard bicycle may travel down that part of the sidewalk at a safe speed and in a safe manner, in keeping with sidewalk conditions.
(罰則 第二項については第百二十一条第一項第五号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (v) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Standard Bicycles Traveling Abreast of Each Other)
Article 63-5Notwithstanding Article 19, if permitted by road signs or markings, a person riding a standard bicycle may ride abreast of a person riding another standard bicycle; provided, however, that this does not apply it would result in three or more standard bicycles riding abreast of one another.
(Crossing Roads on a Bicycle)
Article 63-6When crossing the road in the vicinity of a bicycle crossing lane, a person riding a bicycle must use the bicycle crossing lane.
(Traffic Rules for Bicycles at Intersections)
Article 63-7(1)Notwithstanding Article 17, paragraph (4), Article 34, paragraphs (1), and (3) and Article 35, paragraph (2), and beyond as prescribed in the preceding Article, when proceeding through an intersection in the vicinity of a bicycle crossing lane, a person riding a bicycle must use the bicycle crossing lane.
(2)If there are road markings at or immediately in front of an intersection prohibiting standard bicycles from proceeding into the intersection, a person riding a standard bicycle must not go past those road markings and enter that intersection.
(Bicycle Traffic Instructions)
Article 63-8An officer may instruct a person riding a bicycle that is proceeding in violation of Article 63-6 or paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to comply with the traffic rules prescribed therein, and may instruct a person riding a standard bicycle that is proceeding in violation of paragraph (2) of that Article to travel on the sidewalk.
(罰則 第百二十一条第一項第四号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (iv))
(Bicycle Braking Equipment; Other Equipment)
Article 63-9(1)A person must not ride a bicycle that is likely to pose a traffic hazard because it lacks braking equipment that conforms to the standards Cabinet Office Order prescribes.
(2)A person must not ride a bicycle at night (or as prescribed in the second sentence of Article 52, paragraph (1)) if it lacks reflective equipment that conforms to the standards Cabinet Office Order prescribes; provided, however, that this does not apply if a bicycle has taillights turned on pursuant to the first sentence of Article 52, paragraph (1).
(罰則 第一項については第百二十条第一項第八号の二、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (viii)-2 and paragraph (2) apply to paragraph (1) of this Article.)
(Bicycle Inspections; Other Measures)
Article 63-10(1)When a bicycle is being ridden that could be found likely to cause a traffic hazard due to the absence of braking equipment that complies with the standards Cabinet Office Order prescribes which are referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, a police officer may stop that a bicycle and inspect its braking equipment.
(2)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, a police officer may order the person riding the bicycle to take the necessary stop-gap measures to prevent a road hazard or otherwise ensure traffic safety; if it is found not to be possible to effect the necessary maintenance on the bicycle through stop-gap measures alone, a police officer may issue an order prohibiting the person riding the bicycle from continuing to ride it.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十条第一項第八号の三 第二項については第百二十条第一項第八号の四)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (viii)-3 applies to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (viii)-4 applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Rules to Be Observed by Persons Responsible for the Protection of Elementary Schoolers and Children Not Yet of School Age)
Article 63-11Persons responsible for the protection of elementary schoolers and children not yet of school age must endeavor to make them wear helmets when allowing them to ride bicycles.
第四章 運転者及び使用者の義務
Chapter IV Driver and User Responsibilities
第一節 運転者の義務
Section 1 Driver Responsibilities
(Prohibition against Unlicensed Driving and Related Conduct)
Article 64(1)It is prohibited for any person to drive a motor vehicle or ride a motorized bicycle without being licensed to drive by a public safety commission as under Article 84, paragraph (1) (this includes if the person's driver's license has been suspended pursuant to the Article 90, paragraph (5), Article 103, paragraph (1) or (4), Article 103-2, paragraph (1), Article 104-2-3, paragraph (1) or (3), or Article 103, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 104-2-3, paragraph (5)).
(2)It is prohibited for any person to provide a person who is likely to drive a motor vehicle or ride a motorized bicycle in violation of the preceding paragraph with a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle.
(3)It is prohibited for any person to ask or rely on a driver to transport that person in a motor vehicle (other than a motor vehicle used for passenger motor carrier services as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Road Transportation Act (hereinafter simply referred to as "passenger motor carrier services") while it is in service; and other than any other motor vehicles that Cabinet Order prescribes; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) or on a motorized bicycle for which the person knows that the driver has not been licensed by a public safety commission as under Article 84, paragraph (1) (this includes if the driver's license has been suspended pursuant to Article 90, paragraph (5), Article 103, paragraph (1) or (4), Article 103-2, paragraph (1), Article 104-2-3, paragraph (1) or (3), or Article 103, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 104-2-3, paragraph (5)), and then get into or onto a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle that the driver will drive in violation of paragraph (1) together with the driver.
(罰則 第一項については第百十七条の二の二第一号 第二項については第百十七条の二の二第二号 第三項については第百十七条の三の二第一号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-2-2, item (i) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article. Article 117-2-2, item (ii) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article. Article 117-3-2, item (i) applies to paragraph (3) of this Article.)
(Prohibition against Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Related Conduct)
Article 65(1)It is prohibited for any person to drive a vehicle or streetcar while under the influence of alcohol.
(2)It is prohibited for any person to provide a vehicle or streetcar to a person under the influence of alcohol who is likely to drive it in violation of the preceding paragraph.
(3)It is prohibited for any person to provide an alcoholic beverage to or encourage the consumption of alcohol by a person who is likely to drive a vehicle or streetcar in violation of paragraph (1).
(4)It is prohibited for any person to request or rely on a driver to transport that person in a vehicle (other than a trolleybus or motor vehicle used for passenger motor carrier services that is in service at the time, or any other motor vehicle that Cabinet Order prescribes; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph, item (vi) of Article 117-2-2 and item (iii) of Article 117-3-2) with the knowledge that the driver is under the influence of alcohol, and then get into a vehicle that the driver is driving in violation of paragraph (1) together with the driver.
(罰則 第一項については第百十七条の二第一号、第百十七条の二の二第三号 第二項については第百十七条の二第二号、第百十七条の二の二第四号 第三項については第百十七条の二の二第五号、第百十七条の三の二第二号 第四項については第百十七条の二の二第六号、第百十七条の三の二第三号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-2, item (i) and Article 117-2-2, item (iii) apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 117-2, item (ii) and Article 117-2-2, item (iv) apply to paragraph (2) of this Article. Article 117-2-2, item (v) and Article 117-3-2, item (ii) apply to paragraph (3) of this Article. Article 117-2-2, item (vi) and Article 117-3-2, item (iii) apply to paragraph (4) of this Article.)
(Prohibition against Driving While Overworked or Otherwise Compromised)
Article 66It is prohibited for any person to drive a vehicle or streetcar while in a state in which overwork, illness, the influence of drugs, or any other circumstances is likely to make the person unable to drive safely, beyond as provided in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article. Inability to drive safely because the person is
(罰則 第百十七条の二第三号、第百十七条の二の二第七号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-2, item (iii) and Article 117-2-2, item (vii))
(Issuing Instructions to Users of Vehicles Being Driven While the Driver Is Overworked)
Article 66-2(1)If a driver violates the preceding Article by driving a vehicle while in a state in which overwork is likely to make the driver unable to drive safely (hereinafter referred to as "driving while overworked" in this Article and Article 75-2, paragraph (1)) in connection with the services of the user of the vehicle (other than the selfsame driver of the vehicle; the same applies hereinafter in this Article), and the user of the vehicle that the driver has driven while overworked is found not to be undertaking the necessary operational management to prevent drivers from driving while overworked in that vehicle, the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the vehicle's base of operations may instruct the user of the vehicle to give its drivers directions or advice so that they will not drive while overworked, and may instruct the user to take other necessary measures to prevent drivers from driving while overworked.
(2)Article 22-2, paragraph (2) applies mutatis mutandis to instructions given pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
(Hazard Prevention Measures)
Article 67(1)On finding that the driver of a vehicle or streetcar is driving the vehicle or streetcar in violation of Article 64, paragraph (1), Article 65, paragraph (1), Article 66, Article 71-4, paragraphs (3) through (6) or Article 85, paragraphs (5) through (7) (other than item (ii)), a police officer may stop the vehicle or streetcar and demand that the driver present a driver's license as referred to in Article 92, paragraph (1) or an international driving permit or foreign driver's license as referred to in Article 107-2.
(2)Beyond as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the driver of a vehicle or streetcar, in driving a vehicle or streetcar, violates this Act (other than Article 64, paragraph (1), Article 65, paragraph (1), Article 66, Article 71-4, paragraphs (3) through (6) and Article 85, paragraphs (5) through (7) (other than item (ii))), an order under this Act, or a measure under this Act; or causes injury or death to a person or damage to object with a moving vehicle or streetcar (hereinafter this is referred to as causing a "traffic accident"), and a police officer finds it to be necessary to do so in order to determine whether it would be appropriate to allow the driver to continue driving the vehicle or streetcar, the police officer may demand that the driver present a driver's license as referred to in Article 92, paragraph (1) or an international driving permit or foreign driver's license as referred to in Article 107-2.
(3)If it is found to be likely that a person who is inside of or about to enter a vehicle or streetcar will drive the vehicle or streetcar in violation of Article 65, paragraph (1), a police officer may test that person's breath pursuant to Cabinet Order to determine the level of alcohol in the person's system, in connection with the measures under the following paragraph.
(4)In a case as referred to in one of the preceding three paragraphs, if the driver of the vehicle or streetcar is likely to drive the vehicle or streetcar in violation of Article 64, paragraph (1), Article 65, paragraph (1), Article 66, Article 71-4, paragraphs (3) through (6) or Article 85, paragraphs (5) through (7) (other than item (ii)), a police officer may take the necessary stop-gap measures to prevent a road traffic hazard , such as instructing the driver not to drive the vehicle or streetcar until able to drive safely.
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条第一項第八号 第三項については第百十八条の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (viii) applies to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 118-2 applies to paragraph (3) of this Article.)
(Prohibition against Acting in Concert with Another Person in a Dangerous or Annoying Manner)
Article 68When the drivers and riders of any combination of at least one motor vehicle and at least one motorized bicycle are traveling down a road two or more in a row or abreast of each other, they must not act in concert in a way that gives rise to a serious road traffic hazard or causes a serious nuisance to others.
(罰則 第百十七条の三)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-3)
Article 69Deleted
(Safe Driving Obligation)
Article 70The driver of a vehicle or streetcar must work the vehicle's or streetcar's steering wheel, brakes, and other equipment in a consistent manner, and must drive at a speed and in a manner that poses no hazard to others in consideration of road conditions, traffic conditions, and the condition of the vehicle or streetcar.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第九号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ix) and paragraph (2))
(Rules to Be Observed by Drivers)
Article 71The driver of a vehicle or streetcar must observe the following rules:
(i)to have mudflaps on the vehicle or streetcar, drive at a reduced speed, or take other measures so as not to cause a nuisance to others by scattering mud, dirty water, and other materials when driving through mud or puddles;
(ii)to come to a stop or drive at reduced speed so as not to obstruct the progress of a wheelchair being used by a person with a physical disability, a blind person using a Cabinet-Order-prescribed cane or guide dog referred to in Article 14, paragraph (1), a deaf person, or any other person with a Cabinet-Order-prescribed degree of physical disability referred to in paragraph (2) who is walking with a Cabinet-Order-prescribed cane as referred to in that paragraph, or so as not to obstruct the progress of an elementary schooler or child not yet of school age who is walking without a custodian;
(ii)-2to come to a stop or drive at reduced speed so as not to prevent an elderly pedestrian, a pedestrian with a physical disability, or a pedestrian with difficulty using the road from proceeding, beyond as set forth in the preceding item;
(ii)-3to drive at a reduced speed and confirm that it is safe before overtaking a school bus (meaning a motor vehicle as prescribed by Cabinet Order which is exclusively used to transport persons such as elementary schoolers and children not yet of school age to places such as elementary schools and preschools) that has stopped pursuant to Cabinet Order to load or unload persons such as elementary schoolers and children not yet of school age;
(iii)to drive at a reduced speed when going past the edge of a safety zone on the left side of a road in which there is a pedestrian;
(iv)to take the necessary measures to prevent persons riding in the vehicle or streetcar from falling from it and to prevent loaded objects from falling or scattering from it, such as closing the doors of the vehicle or streetcar and loading cargo properly onto the vehicle or streetcar;
(iv)-2to take the necessary measures to prevent a road hazard in the event that an object loaded onto the vehicle or streetcar has fallen or been scattered from it, such as removing the fallen or scattered object promptly;
(iv)-3to not open one of the vehicle's or streetcar's doors or get out of the vehicle or streetcar without confirming the safety of doing so, and to take the necessary measures to prevent others riding in the vehicle or streetcar from causing a traffic hazard by unsafely opening the doors or getting out of the vehicle;
(v)to take the necessary measures to keep the vehicle or streetcar stopped when leaving the vicinity of a vehicle or streetcar, such as turning off the motor or engine and fully engaging the brakes;
(v)-2to take the necessary measures when leaving the vicinity of a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, in keeping with the vehicle's equipment, to prevent the vehicle from being driven or ridden by someone without permission to do so;
(v)-3to not suddenly put the motor vehicle or motorized bicycle in motion, suddenly increase its speed, or increase its engine speed without transferring the power of the engine to its wheels in a manner that makes a noise causing an extreme nuisance to others, without a legitimate reason for doing so;
(v)-4to not drive a motor vehicle alongside a moving motor vehicle bearing a mark indicating that it is being driven by a person as prescribed in Article 71-5, paragraphs (2) through (4) or Article 71-6, paragraphs (1) through (3) or a person who has been issued a provisional driver's license as prescribed in Article 84, paragraph (2) (meaning a standard motor vehicle bearing a mark as prescribed in Article 71-5, paragraphs (2) through (4), Article 71-6, paragraph (2) or (3), or Article 87, paragraph (3) or semi-mid-sized motor vehicle bearing a mark as prescribed in Article 71-6, paragraph (1); the same applies hereinafter in this item), and to not change course if doing so would mean that the driver of a marked motor vehicle that would be approaching from behind on the same course that the driver changing course would be on after changing course could not maintain the necessary distance as prescribed in Article 26 between the marked motor vehicle and the motor vehicle changing course, unless circumstances compel the driver to take such an action in order to prevent a hazard;
(v)-5to neither use a cellular telephone, car phone, or other wireless telephone (but only one that cannot be used to transmit or receive communications unless all or part of it is held in the hand; referred to as a "wireless telephone" in Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xi)) to make telephone calls (other than essential emergency calls to aid injured or sick persons or to maintain public safety while a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle is in motion; the same applies in Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xi)) nor focus attention on the screen of a device (other than one as prescribed in Article 41, item (xvi) or (xvii) or Article 44, item (xi) of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation; the same applies in Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xi)) installed or carried into a motor vehicle or onto a motorized bicycle (hereinafter referred to in this item as a "motor-powered vehicle") while driving that motor-powered vehicle, except when it is at a stop;
(vi)rules that a public safety commission establishes in consideration of road or traffic conditions, having found it to be necessary to do so in order to prevent road hazards or otherwise ensure traffic safety, beyond as set forth in the preceding items.
(罰則 第一号、第四号から第五号まで、第五号の三、第五号の四及び第六号については第百二十条第一項第九号 第二号、第二号の三及び第三号については第百十九条第一項第九号の二 第五号の五については同項第九号の三、第百二十条第一項第十一号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ix) applies to items (i), (iv), (v), (v)-3, (v)-4 and (vi), of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ix)-2 applies to items (ii), (ii)-3, and (iii) of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ix)-3 and Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xi) apply to item (v)-5 of this Article.)
(Rules to Be Observed by Drivers of Motor Vehicles and Motorized Bicycles)
Article 71-2It is prohibited for the driver of a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle (other than a machine that Cabinet Office Order prescribes; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) to drive the motor vehicle or ride the motorized bicycle if it is not equipped with a muffler as prescribed in Article 41, item (xi) or Article 44, item (viii) of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation (this includes a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle whose muffler has been cut or which are equipped with a muffler to which other Cabinet-Order-prescribed modifications causing a serious hindrance to its function have been made).
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ix))
(Rules to Be Observed by Drivers of Standard Motor Vehicles and Other Motor Vehicles)
Article 71-3(1)The driver of a motor vehicle (other than a standard or large motorcycle; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) must not drive without fastening the seatbelt that is required to be installed in the motor vehicle pursuant to Chapter III of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation and pursuant to orders based upon that Act (hereinafter referred to as a "seatbelt"); provided, however, that this does not apply if the driver's restraint by a seatbelt is not appropriate in light of the medical treatment that the driver is receiving for an illness, if the driver in question is the driver of an emergency motor vehicle and is driving that emergency motor vehicle, or if there are any other compelling circumstances that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(2)The driver of a motor vehicle must not carry a person unrestrained by a seatbelt on equipment, other than the driver's seat, that is meant to carry a person (but only in a motor vehicle in which such equipment must be equipped with seatbelts; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) as a passenger in the motor vehicle; provided, however, that this does not apply if the driver is carrying a child not yet of school age (other than one that is of sufficient height when seated for a seatbelt to be fastened appropriately; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) on such equipment, if the driver is carrying a person whose restraint by a seatbelt is not appropriate in light of the medical treatment that the person is receiving for an illness on such equipment, or if there are any other compelling circumstances that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(3)The driver of a motor vehicle must not carry a child not yet of school age unrestrained by child restraints (meaning restraints fixed to a seat and used to replace the functions of a seatbelt when a child not yet of school age is on board, which comply with Chapter III of the Act on Vehicles for Road Transportation and orders given under that Chapter and which are configured for the size of a child not yet of school age; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) as a passenger in the motor vehicle; provided, however, that this does not apply if the driver is carrying a child not yet of school age whose restraint by child restraints is not appropriate in light of the medical treatment that the child is receiving for an illness or if there are any other compelling circumstances that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(Rules to Be Observed by Riders of Large Two-Wheeled Vehicles and Other Vehicles)
Article 71-4(1)A person riding a standard or large motorcycle must not ride that vehicle without wearing a motorcycle helmet, and must not carry a passenger who is not wearing a motorcycle helmet.
(2)A person riding a motorized bicycle must not ride that vehicle without wearing a motorcycle helmet.
(3)A person holding a large motorcycle license as referred to in Article 84, paragraph (3) who is under 20 years of age or who has not held that license for at least three years in total (not counting any period during which it was suspended) (other than a person currently holding a standard motorcycle license as referred to in that paragraph who has held that license for at least three years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) and other persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) must not carry a passenger while driving a standard or large motorcycle (other than one with a sidecar; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) on a national expressway or limited highway.
(4)A person holding a standard motorcycle license as referred to in Article 84, paragraph (3) (other than a person also holding a large motorcycle license as referred to in that paragraph) who is under 20 years of age or who has not held that license for at least three years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) (other than a person who has held a standard motorcycle license at some point within the six months before the day on which the person came to hold the current license and other persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) must not carry a passenger while driving a standard motorcycle on a national expressway or limited highway.
(5)A person holding a large motorcycle license as referred to in Article 84, paragraph (3) who has not held that license for at least one year in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) (other than a person currently holding a standard motorcycle license as referred to in that paragraph who has held that license for at least one year in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) and other persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) must not carry a passenger while driving a standard or large motorcycle.
(6)A person holding a standard motorcycle license as referred to in Article 84, paragraph (3) (other than a person also holding a large motorcycle license as referred to in that paragraph) who has not held that license for at least one year in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) (other than a person who has held a standard motorcycle license at some point within the six months before the day on which the person came to hold the current license and other persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) must not carry a passenger while driving a standard motorcycle.
(7)Cabinet Office Order provides for the standards for motorcycle helmets as referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2).
(罰則 第三項から第六項までについては第百十九条の三第一項第六号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (vi) applies to paragraphs (3) through (6) of this Article.)
(Obligation to Display a Novice Driver Mark or Other Mark)
Article 71-5(1)A person holding a semi-mid-sized motor vehicle license as referred to in Article 84, paragraph (3) who has not held that license for at least one year in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) (other than a person who has held a semi-mid-sized motor vehicle license at some point within the six months before the day on which the person came to hold the current license and other persons that Cabinet Order prescribes, and other than a person who currently holds a standard motor vehicle license as referred to in that paragraph and who held that license for at least two years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) before the day on which the person came to hold the current semi-mid-sized motor vehicle license) must not drive a semi-mid-sized motor vehicle without displaying a mark in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes on the front and rear of that vehicle pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(2)A person holding a standard motor vehicle license as referred to in Article 84, paragraph (3) who has not held that license for at least one year in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) (other than a person who has held a standard motor vehicle license at some point within the six months before the day on which the person came to hold the current license; other than a person that, after coming to hold the standard motor vehicle license that the person currently holds, has come to hold a license of a higher grade than this (meaning a different type of driver's license (other than a provisional driver's license as referred to in Article 84, paragraph (2)) with which a person may also drive the motor vehicles and motorized bicycles that, pursuant to Article 85, paragraph (2), may be driven by a person who is permitted to drive a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle of a category that the Table following Article 85, paragraph (1) sets forth for a given type of driver's license (hereinafter the category of motor vehicle or motorized bicycle that the Table sets forth for a given type of driver's license is referred to as a "vehicle the person is licensed to drive"); hereinafter the same applies in Article 100-2, paragraph (1), items (i) and (iii)); and other than any other person that Cabinet Order prescribes) must not drive a standard motor vehicle without displaying a mark in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes on the front and rear of that vehicle pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(3)A person 75 years of age or older who holds a license that permits the person to drive a standard motor vehicle pursuant to Article 85, paragraph (1) or (2) or Article 86, paragraph (1) or (2) (hereinafter referred to as a "license for a standard motor vehicle") must not drive a standard motor vehicle without displaying a mark in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes on the front and rear of that vehicle pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(4)A person 70 years of age or older but under 75 who is licensed for a standard motor vehicle must endeavor to display a mark in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes on the front and rear pursuant to Cabinet Office Order when driving a standard motor vehicle if the person's age-related decline in physical ability is likely to affect the person's driving.
(罰則 第一項から第三項までについては第百二十一条第一項第九号の三、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix)-3 and paragraph (2) apply to paragraphs (1) through (3) of this Article.)
Article 71-6(1)A person holding a license that permits the person to drive a semi-mid-sized motor vehicle pursuant to Article 85, paragraph (1) or (2) or Article 86, paragraph (1) or (2) must not drive a semi-mid-sized motor vehicle without displaying a mark in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes on the front and rear of that vehicle pursuant to Cabinet Office Order if any condition is attached to the license because the licensee has a hearing impairment to a degree that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(2)A person holding a license for a standard motor vehicle must not drive a standard motor vehicle without displaying a mark in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes on the front and rear of that vehicle pursuant to Cabinet Office Order if any condition is attached to the license because the licensee has a hearing impairment to a degree that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(3)A person holding a license for a standard motor vehicle to which any condition is attached because the licensee has an orthopedic impairment must endeavor to display a mark in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes on the front and rear of the vehicle pursuant to Cabinet Office Order when driving a standard motor vehicle if the orthopedic impairment is likely to affect the person's driving.
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百二十一条第一項第九号の三、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix)-3 and paragraph (2) apply to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.)
第二節 交通事故の場合の措置等
Section 2 Measures in the Event of a Traffic Accident; Related Considerations
(Measures in the Event of a Traffic Accident)
Article 72(1)In the event of a traffic accident, the drivers and staff members of the vehicles and streetcars involved in the traffic accident (hereinafter each such person is referred to in this Section as a "driver or staff member") must immediately stop driving and take the necessary measures, such as aiding injured persons and preventing road hazards. In such a case, the driver of a vehicle or streetcar (or a staff member, if the death or injury of the driver compels it; the same applies hereinafter in the following paragraph) must report to a police officer at the scene or at the nearest police station (including police booths and police satellite offices; the same applies hereinafter in the following paragraph) giving the date, time, and place where the traffic accident occurred; the number of injured persons and the extent of their injuries; damaged objects and the extent of the damage; the loads carried by the vehicles and streetcars involved in the accident; and measures taken in connection with the accident.
(2)On finding it to be necessary to do so in order to aid an injured person or prevent a road hazard, a police officer at the nearest police station who receives a report pursuant to the second sentence of the preceding paragraph may order the driver giving the report not to leave the scene until a police officer arrives.
(3)In a case as referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, a police officer at the scene may give necessary instructions to the driver or staff member of the vehicle or streetcar in order to aid injured persons, prevent road hazards, or otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic.
(4)Notwithstanding paragraph (1), if it is necessary for a vehicle or streetcar to continue in operation, the driver of an emergency vehicle, a vehicle carrying injured persons, or a bus, trolleybus, or streetcar that is in operation at the time of the accident may have another staff member take the measures prescribed in the first sentence of paragraph (1) or report as prescribed in the second sentence of that paragraph so that the driver may continue driving the vehicle or streetcar.
(罰則 第一項前段については第百十七条第一項、同条第二項、第百十七条の五第一号 第一項後段については第百十九条第一項第十号 第二項については第百二十条第一項第十一号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117, paragraphs (1) and (2) and Article 117-5, item (i) apply to the first sentence paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (x) apply to the second sentence of paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xi)-2 applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
Article 72-2(1)In a case as referred to in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article, if it is found to be difficult for the driver or staff member of a vehicle or streetcar to immediately follow the instructions given pursuant to that paragraph due to injury or another reason, a police officer at the scene may physically move an object damaged in the traffic accident or a load being carried by a vehicle or streetcar involved in the traffic accident (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "damaged object or load") and take other stop-gap measures, but only so far as is necessary to prevent road traffic hazards and otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic.
(2)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, having moved a damaged object or load, a police officer must hand it over to the chief of the police station who has jurisdiction over the place where the damaged object or load was originally found. In such a case, the chief of the police station must store the damaged object or load as its custodian.
(3)Article 51, paragraph (7) and paragraphs (9) through (21) and Article 51-2-2 apply mutatis mutandis to damaged objects and loads subject to measures under the preceding two paragraphs. In such a case, the term " user" in Article 51, paragraph (7) is deemed to be replaced with "owner or person in possession of the vehicle or the holder of title to the damaged object or load (hereinafter referred to in this Article and Article 51-2-2 as the 'owner or other such person')"; the phrase "the preceding paragraph" in paragraph (9) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (7) as applied mutatis mutandis following a deemed replacement of terms pursuant to Article 72-2, paragraph (3)" and the phrase "paragraph, the chief" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "paragraph, and it is found to be difficult to return the damaged object or load to a person other than its owner, the chief"; the phrase "paragraphs (7) through (10)" in paragraph (11) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (7) and the preceding two paragraphs as applied mutatis mutandis following a deemed replacement of terms pursuant to Article 72-2, paragraph (3)"; the phrase "remains unreturned one month after the date of a notification as under paragraph (8)" in paragraph (12) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "is likely to spoil or deteriorate, remains unreturned one month after the day on which the owner of the damaged object or load has been notified pursuant to paragraph (7) as applied mutatis mutandis following a deemed replacement of terms pursuant to Article 72-2, paragraph (3), or remains unreturned one month after the" and the term "cost" is deemed to be replaced with "cost or effort"; the phrase "the driver or other responsible person, theuser, or the owner of the vehicle (hereinafter referred to through Article 51-2-2 as the "user or owner")" paragraph (15) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "the owner or other such person"; the phrase "the driver or other responsible person or by the user or owner" in paragraph (16) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "the owner or other such person"; the phrase "the date of a notification as under paragraph (8)" in paragraph (20) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "the date that the owner of the damaged object or load was notified as under paragraph (7) as applied mutatis mutandis following a deemed replacement of terms pursuant to Article 72-2, paragraph (3)"; and the phrase "the user or owner or person otherwise affiliated with a vehicle being stored pursuant to paragraph (6) of that Article; or the owner or person in possession of a load being stored pursuant to paragraph (6) of that Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (22) of that Article or a person holding title to or otherwise affiliated with such a load," in paragraph (1) of Article 51-2-2 is deemed to be replaced with "the owner or other such person or the person otherwise affiliated with the damaged object or load being stored pursuant to the second sentence of Article 72-2, paragraph (2)".
(Prohibition on Interfering)
Article 73In the event of a traffic accident, if a person other than the driver or staff member of the vehicle or streetcar involved in the traffic accident is in the vehicle or streetcar, that person must not interfere with the driver's or staff member's taking the measures prescribed in the first sentence of Article 72, paragraph (1) or with the driver's or staff member's reporting as prescribed in the second sentence of that paragraph.
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ix))
第三節 使用者の義務
Section 3 User Responsibilities
(Responsibilities of theUsers of Vehicles and Streetcars)
Article 74(1)When allowing persons to drive its vehicles or streetcars in connection with its business activities, a vehicle or streetcar user must endeavor to make the drivers of its vehicles or streetcars, its driving safety supervisors, deputy driving safety supervisors, and other persons in a position to directly manage the operations of its vehicles or streetcars observe the rules that this Act or an Order based on this Act prescribes with respect to vehicle and streetcar driving safety.
(2)The user of a vehicle must endeavor to make the drivers of that vehicle to observe the rules that this Act or an Order based on this Act prescribes with respect to the speed, parking, and loading of vehicles, and the mental and physical condition of drivers.
(3)Theusers of fire-services vehicles, ambulances, and other motor vehicles that Cabinet Order prescribes (other than users that have appointed a driving safety supervisor pursuant to Article 74-3, paragraph (1)) must endeavor to provide the drivers of its motor vehicles with the necessary traffic safety education to ensure that their motor vehicles are driven safely.
Article 74-2The user of a vehicle must ensure that there is a place for its vehicles to be properly parked and take other necessary measures for the proper parking of its vehicles.
(Primary and Deputy Driving Safety Supervisors)
Article 74-3(1)For each place serving as the base of operations for not less than the number of motor vehicles that Cabinet Office Order prescribes, a motor vehicleuser (other than a motor carrier under the Road Transportation Act (other than those engaged in cargo transportation services under the Act on Motor Vehicle Cargo Transportation Services (Act No. 83 of 1989); the same applies hereinafter) and persons engaged in Type II cargo transportation services under the Cargo Forwarder Service Act; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) must appoint a driving safety supervisor who meets the requirements that Cabinet Office Order prescribes with respect to age, experience in the management of motor vehicle driving, and other particulars to perform the duties referred to in the following paragraph.
(2)A driving safety supervisor must provide drivers engaged in the business activities of the user with the necessary traffic safety education to ensure that they drive motor vehicles safely, and undertake the necessary duties that Cabinet Office Order prescribes so that motor vehicles are driven safely (other than duties involved in the maintenance of motor vehicle equipment; the same applies in paragraph (1) of Article 75-2-2).
(3)The traffic safety education referred to in the preceding paragraph must be provided in accordance with the traffic safety education guidelines referred to in Article 108-28, paragraph (1).
(4)For each place serving as the base of operations for not less than the number of motor vehicles that Cabinet Office Order prescribes, a motor vehicle user must appoint a deputy driving safety supervisor, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order, as a person to support the duties of the driving safety supervisor, from among those who meet the requirements that Cabinet Office Order prescribes with respect to age, experience in motor vehicle driving, and other particulars.
(5)Within 15 days of appointing a driving safety supervisor or deputy driving safety supervisor (hereinafter referred to as a "primary or deputy driving safety supervisor"), a motor vehicle user must file the information that Cabinet Office Order prescribes with the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the motor vehicles' base of operations. The same applies if the user dismisses a primary or deputy driving safety supervisor.
(6)If a primary or deputy driving safety supervisor no longer meets one of the requirements that Cabinet Office Order prescribes which is referred to in paragraph (1) or (4) or if the public safety commission finds that the driving safety supervisor has not ensured that the relevant motor vehicles will be driven safely because the supervisor has failed to observe paragraph (2), the public safety commission may order the motor vehicle user to dismiss the relevant primary or deputy driving safety supervisor.
(7)A motor vehicle user must grant its driving safety supervisor the necessary authority to perform the duties referred to in paragraph (2).
(8)If a motor vehicle user is notified by a public safety commission that it will hold the training set forth in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (i) for primary or deputy driving safety supervisors appointed by the user, the user must have its primary or deputy driving safety supervisor undergo that training.
(罰則 第一項、第四項及び第六項については第百二十条第一項第十一号の三、第百二十三条 第五項については第百二十一条第一項第九号の二、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xi)-3 and Article 123 apply to paragraphs (1), (4), and (6) of this Article. Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix)-2 and Article 123 apply to paragraph (5) of this Article.)
(Responsibilities of Motor Vehicle Users; Related Considerations)
Article 75(1)It is prohibited for a motor vehicle user (including the user of heavy towable vehicles; the same applies hereinafter in this Article, paragraph (1) of the following Article, and Article 75-2-2, paragraph (2)) (or the primary or deputy driving safety supervisor or any other person in a position to directly manage the operations of its motor vehicles; referred to as a " user, supervisor, or manager" in the following paragraph) to order or allow a driver of its motor vehicles to engage in the conduct set forth in one of the following items in connection with the business of theuser:
(i)to drive a motor vehicle that it has been established may be driven only by a person holding a public-safety-commission driver's license as under Article 84, paragraph (1) (or by a person with an international driving permit or foreign driver's license, if it has been decided that such a person may drive a motor vehicle pursuant to Article 107-2; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph), if the person in question has not been issued such a driver's license (this includes a person whose driver's license has been suspended pursuant to Article 90, paragraph (5), Article 103, paragraph (1) or (4), Article 103-2, paragraph (1), Article 104-2-3, paragraph (1) or (3) or Article 103, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 104-2-3, paragraph (5));
(ii)to drive a motor vehicle in violation of Article 22, paragraph (1);
(iii)to drive a motor vehicle in violation of Article 65, paragraph (1);
(iv)to drive a motor vehicle in violation of Article 66;
(v)to drive a large, mid-sized, or semi-mid-sized motor vehicle in violation of Article 85, paragraph (5); to drive a mid-sized or semi-mid-sized motor vehicle in violation of paragraph (6) of that Article; to drive a semi-mid-sized or standard motor vehicle in violation of paragraph (7) of that Article; to drive a standard motor vehicle in violation of paragraph (8) of that Article; to drive a standard or large motorcycle in violation of paragraph (9) of that Article; or to drive a standard motorcycle in violation of paragraph (10) of that Article;
(vi)to drive a motor vehicle carrying a load in violation of Article 57, paragraph (1); or
(vii)to make it so that a motor vehicle cannot be driven immediately by leaving the vicinity (limited to conduct causing a motor vehicle to be parked in violation of Article 44, Article 45, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 47, paragraph (2) or (3), Article 48, Article 49-3, paragraph (3), Article 49-4, or Article 75-8, paragraph (1)).
(2)If auser, supervisor, or manager of motor vehicles violates the preceding paragraph thereby causing the driver of a motor vehicle to engage in conduct set forth in one of the items of that paragraph, and the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the base of operations of the motor vehicle connected with the violation finds that the operator's use of its motor vehicles in connection with its business activities is likely to cause an extreme traffic hazard on a road or an extreme obstruction to traffic, it may issue an order to the user , in accordance with the standards that Cabinet Order prescribes, not to drive or allow any person to drive the motor vehicles connected with the violation for a period of up to six months that it fixes.
(3)Before issuing an order pursuant to the preceding paragraph, a public safety commission must hear the as of the supervising administrative agency for the relevant services if theuser of a motor vehicle that would be subject to the order is a passenger motor carrier under the Road Transportation Act or a person engaged in Type II cargo transportation services under the Cargo Forwarder Service Act.
(4)Irrespective of the category of proceedings for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act (Act No. 88 of 1993), a public safety commission seeking to issue an order pursuant to paragraph (2) must hold a hearing.
(5)To hold a hearing as referred to in the preceding paragraph, a public safety commission must notify the relevant persons as under Article 15, paragraph (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act and issue public notice of the date and place of the hearing, by one week prior to the hearing date.
(6)If a person is notified as referred to in the preceding paragraph in the way that Article 15, paragraph (3) of the Administrative Procedure Act prescribes, the reasonable period of time to be set aside before the hearing date pursuant to paragraph (1) of that Article must not be less than two weeks.
(7)The proceedings on the hearing date referred to in paragraph (4) must be open to the public.
(8)On finding it to be necessary to do so, the person presiding over the hearing referred to in paragraph (4) may request the appearance of witnesses who have expert knowledge about road traffic or persons connected with the matter at issue so as to hear their opinions or circumstances.
(9)A public safety commission that has issued an order pursuant to paragraph (2) must issue a document to the user of the motor vehicle subject to the order giving the information that Cabinet Office Order prescribes, including the number of the identification plate of any motor vehicle that the user may neither drive nor allow others to drive, and must affix a mark in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes in a conspicuous place on the front of any such motor vehicle.
(10)A person purchasing a motor vehicle to which a mark has been affixed pursuant to the preceding paragraph from auser or from a third party who holds title to its use may apply to a public safety commission, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order, for removal of that mark. In such a case, the public safety commission must remove the mark.
(11)It is prohibited for any person to damage or deface a mark affixed pursuant to paragraph (9); and it is prohibited for any person to remove such a mark until after the end of the period during which the motor vehicle is prohibited from being driven.
(罰則 第一項第一号については第百十七条の二の二第八号、第百二十三条 第一項第二号及び第五号については第百十八条第一項第四号、第百二十三条 第一項第三号については第百十七条の二第四号、第百十七条の二の二第九号、第百二十三条 第一項第四号については第百十七条の二第五号、第百十七条の二の二第十号、第百二十三条 第一項第六号については第百十八条第一項第五号、第百十九条第一項第十一号、第百二十三条 第一項第七号については第百十九条の二第一項第三号、第百二十三条 第二項については第百十九条第一項第十二号、第百二十三条 第十一項については第百二十一条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-2-2, item (viii) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1), item (i) of this Article. Article 118, paragraph (1), item (iv) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1), items (ii) and (v) of this Article. Article 117-2, item (iv), Article 117-2-2, item (ix) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1), item (iii) of this Article. Article 117-2, item (v), Article 117-2-2, item (x), and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1), item (iv) of this Article. Article 118, paragraph (1), item (v), Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xi) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1), item (vi) of this Article. Article 119-2, paragraph (1), item (iii) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1), item (vii) of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xii) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (2) of this Article. Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix) applies to paragraph (11) of this Article.)
Article 75-2(1)If a public safety commission issues an instruction as set forth in the left-hand column of the following Table to the user of a motor vehicle and if a violation set forth in the corresponding right-hand column of that Table is committed in a motor vehicle operated thereby within one year after the user is issued that instruction and the commission finds that the user's operation of such a motor vehicle is likely to cause an extreme traffic hazard, the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the motor vehicle's base of operations may order the user, in accordance with the standards that Cabinet Order prescribes, not to drive or allow any person to drive the motor vehicle for a period of up to three months that it fixes:
Instructions issued to the commercial operator of the motor vehicle
Instructions under Article 22-2, paragraph (1)
Speed limit violation
Instructions under Article 58-4
Driving a motor vehicle with an excessive load
Instructions under Article 66-2, paragraph (1)
Driving while overworked
(2)If a public safety commission issues a payment order to the user of a vehicle to which a mark has been affixed pursuant to Article 51-4, paragraph (1) and if the operator had been issued any other payment order (other than one revoked pursuant to paragraph (16) of that Article) because of that vehicle within six months before the date on which the mark was affixed and the commission finds that the operator's operation of such a vehicle is likely to cause an extreme hazard or an obstruction to traffic, the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the vehicle's base of operations may order the operator, in accordance with the standards that Cabinet Order prescribes, not to drive or allow any other person to drive the vehicle for a period of up to three months that it fixes.
(3)Paragraphs (3) through (11) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to orders issued pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs.
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百十九条第一項第十二号、第百二十三条 第三項については第百二十一条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xii) and Article 123 apply to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article. Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix) applies to paragraph (3) of this Article.)
(Reporting; Submission of Materials)
Article 75-2-2(1)On finding it to be necessary to do so for a base of motor vehicle operations at which a driving safety supervisor has been appointed in order to facilitate the needed traffic safety education to ensure that motor vehicles are driven safely and to otherwise facilitate the needed business activities for motor vehicles to be driven safely, a public safety commission may ask either the user of motor vehicles that has appointed the driving safety supervisor or the driving safety supervisor to report as necessary or submit the necessary materials.
(2)On finding it to be necessary to do so in order to facilitate the proper operation of motor vehicles in terms of speed, parking, or loading, or the mental and physical condition of the driver, a public safety commission may ask a user of a motor vehicle to report as necessary or submit the necessary materials.
第四章の二 高速自動車国道等における自動車の交通方法等の特例
Chapter IV-2 Special Rules for Motor Vehicle Traffic on National Expressways and Limited Highways
第一節 通則
Section 1 General Rules
(General Rules)
Article 75-2-3Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding four Chapters, the rules for motor vehicle traffic over national expressways and limited highways and other such considerations are governed by this Chapter.
(Hazard Prevention and Other Such Measures)
Article 75-3Notwithstanding Article 17, paragraph (1) and Cabinet Order under Article 47, paragraph (4) of the Road Act, on finding a compelling reason to do so in order to prevent a road hazard or otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic on a national expressway or limited highway (hereinafter referred to as a "national expressway or limited highway") on which road damage, a traffic accident, or other circumstances are likely to cause a traffic hazard or traffic congestion, a police officer may prohibit or restrict road use by motor vehicles arriving at the scene or order the drivers of motor vehicles at the scene to travel on the shoulder or a side strip of the road or to comply with different traffic rules than the traffic rules for motor vehicles that are prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 8, Chapter III, Section 1, and Section 6 or this Chapter, but only so far as is necessary.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第十二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1) item (xii)-2)
第二節 自動車の交通方法
Section 2 Motor Vehicle Traffic Rules
(Minimum Speed Limit)
Article 75-4On the main roadway of a national expressway (other than one that Cabinet Order prescribes), it is prohibited for a motor vehicle to travel at a speed below the posted minimum speed limit in a section of road where this is designated by road signs or markings or to travel at a speed below the minimum speed limit that Cabinet Order prescribes in any other section of road, unless the driver is decreasing the speed of the motor vehicle pursuant to laws and regulations or is compelled to drive below the minimum speed limit in order to prevent a hazard.
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第十二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xii))
(Prohibition on Cutting Across Roads and Other Such Maneuvers)
Article 75-5A motor vehicle must not cross over to the other side of a road, make a U-turn, or reverse direction on any main roadway.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2)
(Interacting with Other Motor Vehicles When Entering Main Roadways and at Other Times)
Article 75-6(1)A motor vehicle (other than an emergency motor vehicle) attempting to enter a main roadway (if attempting to enter a main roadway from another main roadway, this is limited to when the main roadway that the motor vehicle is attempting to enter is designated by road signs or markings) must not obstruct the progress of any other motor vehicle proceeding down the main roadway; provided, however that this does not apply if traffic controls are in place at the intersection.
(2)A motor vehicle other than an emergency motor vehicle must not prevent an emergency motor vehicle that is attempting to enter a main roadway or exit a main roadway on which it is traveling from proceeding.
(罰則 第百二十条第一項第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ii))
(Entering and Exiting Main Roadways)
Article 75-7(1)A motor vehicle attempting to enter a main roadway with an acceleration lane must use the acceleration lane.
(2)A motor vehicle attempting to exit a main roadway on which it is traveling must travel in the vehicle traffic lane connected to the exit before exiting the main roadway. In such a case, if the main roadway has a deceleration lane, the motor vehicle must use the deceleration lane.
(罰則 第百二十一条第一項第五号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (v))
(Prohibition against Stopping and Parking)
Article 75-8(1)A motor vehicle (including a vehicle with the necessary structure and equipment to allow them to be towed by a motor vehicle; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) must not be stopped or parked on a national expressway or limited highway unless the driver has come to a stop pursuant to laws and regulations, in compliance with a police officer's orders, or in order to prevent a hazard; provided, however, that this does not apply if:
(i)a driver stops or parks a motor vehicle in a place demarked for parking;
(ii)a malfunction or other such circumstance compels the driver to stop or park a motor vehicle, and the driver stops or parks on a shoulder or side strip that is wide enough for stopping or parking;
(iii)a driver stops a bus to load or unload passengers or parks a bus to adjust its timing so that operations can get back on schedule, at a bus stop that is part of the bus's transit system; or
(iv)a driver stops a motor vehicle at a tollgate in order to pay a toll.
(2)Article 50-2, Article 51 and Article 51-2-2 apply mutatis if a motor vehicle is found to have been stopped or parked in violation of the preceding paragraph. In such a case, the phrase "another place on a road within 50 meters of the place where it is parked" in Article 51, paragraph (3) is deemed to be replaced with "a place that Cabinet Order prescribes", the phrase "but there is no place on the road to which it can be moved that is within 50 meters of where it is parked" in paragraph (4) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "but it cannot be moved to a place that Cabinet Order prescribes which is referred to in the preceding paragraph" and the phrase "a parking spot, open space, place on a road other than as prescribed in paragraph (3), or other such place" in paragraph (5) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "a place on a road other than as prescribed in paragraph (3)".
(3)A motor vehicle that is found to have been parked on a national expressway or limited highway in violation of paragraph (1) and which cannot be driven immediately because the driver has left the vicinity is deemed to be an abandoned vehicle as prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 51-4, and that Article applies.
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条の二第一項第二号、第百十九条の三第一項第四号 第二項については第百十九条第一項第三号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) and Article 119-3, paragraph (1), item (iv) apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (iii) apply to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
(Traffic Distribution for Motor Vehicles Towing Heavy Towable Vehicles)
Article 75-8-2(1)Article 20 does not apply to lanes for standard, mid-sized, semi-mid-sized, large, and special large motor vehicles with the structure and equipment for towing (hereinafter referred to as a "motor vehicle equipped for towing") that are towing heavy towable vehicles, when the motor vehicle equipped for towing is traveling on the main roadway of a limited highway (but only one as prescribed in the following paragraph) or national expressway with vehicle traffic lanes. In such a case, the following paragraph through paragraph (4) applies
(2)On the main roadway of a limited highway with vehicle traffic lanes (but only on sections designated by road signs or markings), a motor vehicle equipped for towing as referred to in the preceding paragraph must travel in the far left-hand vehicle traffic lane.
(3)On the main roadway of a national expressway with vehicle traffic lanes, a motor vehicle equipped for towing as referred to in paragraph (1) must travel in the far left-hand vehicle traffic lane (or in the vehicle traffic lane that is designated by road signs or markings).
(4)It is permissible for a motor vehicle equipped for towing as referred to in paragraph (1) not to observe the preceding two paragraphs when passing a motor vehicle traveling at a speed below the minimum speed limit as prescribed in Article 23 or Article 75-4; when continuing to travel in the vehicle traffic lane in which it has been traveling pursuant to Article 26-2, paragraph (3); when temporarily yielding the right-of-way pursuant to Article 40, paragraph (2); or when road conditions or other circumstances compel this. In such a case, the motor vehicle equipped for towing must use the vehicle traffic lane to the immediate right of any motor vehicle it is passing in order to pass that motor vehicle.
(罰則 第二項から第四項までについては第百二十条第一項第三号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (iii) and paragraph (2) of that Article apply to paragraphs (2) through (4) of this Article.)
(Special Rules for Emergency Motor Vehicles and Other Vehicles)
Article 75-9(1)Article 75-5, Article 75-7, and the preceding Article do not apply to an emergency motor vehicle or to a motor vehicle engaged exclusively in traffic control that Cabinet Office Order prescribes which is referred to in Article 41, paragraph (3).
(2)Article 75-4, Article 75-5, and the preceding Article do not apply to a motor vehicle designed for road maintenance work when that motor vehicle is being employed in a work such as the maintenance or repair of a road pursuant to Cabinet Order.
第三節 運転者の義務
Section 3 Driver Responsibilities
(Rules to Be Observed by Drivers of Motor Vehicles)
Article 75-10Before driving a motor vehicle on a national expressway or limited highway, the driver must inspect the motor vehicle's amount of fuel, coolant, and motor oil and the condition of loaded cargo and, if necessary, take measures to prevent the motor vehicle from becoming undriveable due to a shortage of fuel, coolant, or motor oil, and to prevent loaded cargo from falling or scattering from the motor vehicle on the national expressway or limited highway
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第十二号の三、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xii)-3 and paragraph (2) of that Article)
(Measures for Malfunctions and Other Such Circumstances)
Article 75-11(1)If, due to a malfunction or other such circumstance, the driver of a motor vehicle has become unable to drive that motor vehicle on a main roadway or in an acceleration lane, deceleration lane, or climbing lane adjoining a main roadway (hereinafter referred to as the "main roadway or adjoining lane"), or on a shoulder or side strip adjoining a main roadway or adjoining lane, the driver must indicate that the motor vehicle is stopped due to a malfunction or other such circumstance, pursuant to Cabinet Order.
(2)If, due to a malfunction or other such circumstance, the driver of a motor vehicle has become unable to drive that motor vehicle on a main roadway or adjoining lane, the driver must promptly take the necessary measures to relocate the motor vehicle to a place other than the main roadway or adjoining lane.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十条第一項第十二号の二)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xii)-2 applies to paragraph (1) of this Article.)
第五章 道路の使用等
Chapter V Road Use; Related Considerations
第一節 道路における禁止行為等
Section 1 Activities Prohibited on Roads; Related Considerations
(Prohibited Activities)
Article 76(1)It is prohibited for any person to install a traffic light, a road sign or marking, or any similar structure or object on any road without due cause.
(2)It is prohibited for any person to install any structure or object that impairs the utility of traffic lights or road signs or markings on a road.
(3)It is prohibited for any person to place an object on a road in a manner that obstructs traffic, without due cause.
(4)It is prohibited for any person to:
(i)wander around drunk on a road to an extent that obstructs traffic;
(ii)lie down, sit down, crouch, or stand on a road in a manner that obstructs traffic;
(iii)play with a ball or roller-skates or engage in any similar activity on a road with a large amount of traffic;
(iv)throw or launch a stone, glass bottle, piece of metal, or other object likely to harm a person or a vehicle or streetcar that is on a road;
(v)throw an object from a vehicle or streetcar traveling down a road, other than as set forth in the preceding item;
(vi)jump into or out of or onto or off of the exterior of a motor vehicle, trolleybus, or streetcar that is traveling down the road at the time; and
(vii)engage in any conduct specified by a public safety commission as likely to cause a road traffic hazard or an extreme obstruction to traffic due to road or traffic conditions, other than as set forth in the preceding items.
(罰則 第一項及び第二項については第百十八条第一項第六号、第百二十三条 第三項については第百十九条第一項第十二号の四、第百二十三条 第四項については第百二十条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 118, paragraph (1), item (vi) and Article 123 apply to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xii)-4 and Article 123 apply to paragraph (3) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ix) apply to paragraph (4) of this Article.)
(Permission for Road Use)
Article 77(1)A person as referred to in one of the following items must obtain permission from the chief of the police station with jurisdiction over the place where the activity set forth in the relevant item would take place (hereinafter referred to as the "competent police station chief" in this Section; if the location of the activity would be under the jurisdiction of two or more chiefs of police under the management of the same public safety commission, the person must obtain permission from one of the competent police station chiefs; the same applies hereinafter in this Section):
(i)a person seeking to do road construction or roadwork, or the contractor for that construction or work;
(ii)a person seeking to erect a stone monument, bronze statue, advertising board, arch, or similar structure on a road;
(iii)a person seeking to open an outdoor booth, food stall, or similar shop on a road in a permanent location; and
(iv)a person, other than as set forth in the preceding items, seeking to undertake an activity such as holding a festival or filming on location on a road which would involve persons using the road by passing down it in a configuration or manner that would have a serious effect on public traffic, or seeking to undertake an activity that would cause people to gather and thereby have a serious effect on public traffic, if the public safety commission prescribes that activity as one for which a person must obtain permission, having found that this is necessary, based on area road or traffic conditions, in order to prevent road hazards or to otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic.
(2)If a person has applied for the permission referred to in the preceding paragraph and the activity that the application is for is as referred to in one of the following items, the competent police station chief must permit the activity:
(i)it is found to be unlikely to obstruct traffic;
(ii)it is found to be unlikely to obstruct traffic if it is undertaken in accordance with conditions attached to the permission; or
(iii)it is likely to obstruct traffic, but the public interest or custom serves as a compelling circumstance.
(3)On finding it to be necessary to do so, the competent police station chief who gives permission under paragraph (1) may attach to the permission the necessary conditions to prevent road hazards or otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic, unless the activity to which the permission pertains falls under item (i) of the preceding paragraph.
(4)The competent police station chief may make changes or add to the conditions attached pursuant to the preceding paragraph, if it becomes particularly necessary to do so in order to prevent road hazards or otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic.
(5)If a person that has obtained the permission under paragraph (1) violates a condition under the preceding two paragraphs or if it becomes particularly necessary to do so in order to prevent road hazards or otherwise ensure the safety and fluidity of traffic, the competent police station chief may revoke the permission or suspend its validity.
(6)Before taking a measure under the preceding paragraph with regard to a person that has violated a condition under paragraph (3) or (4), the competent police station chief must first notify the person of the date, time, and place for giving an explanation and the reason that the measure would be taken, as well as providing the person with an opportunity to submit an explanation of the matter at issue and evidence in the person's favor; provided, however, that this does not apply if circumstances urgently compel that the competent police station chief do otherwise in order to prevent a traffic hazard.
(7)A person that has obtained permission pursuant to paragraph (1) must promptly remove the structure or take other measures to restore the road to its original state if the period of the permission is of limited duration and expires, or if the permission is revoked pursuant to paragraph (5).
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条第一項第十二号の四、第百二十三条 第三項及び第四項については第百十九条第一項第十三号、第百二十三条 第七項については第百二十条第一項第十三号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xii)-4 and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xiii) and Article 123 apply to paragraphs (3) and (4) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xiii) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (7) of this Article.)
(Procedures for Permission)
Article 78(1)A person seeking the permission under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article must submit a written application to the competent police station chief, giving the information that Cabinet Office Order prescribes.
(2)If the activity to which permission under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article pertains is subject to Article 32, paragraph (1) or (3) of the Road Act, the written application referred to in the preceding paragraph may be submitted via the administrator of the road in question. In such a case, the administrator of the road in question must promptly send the written application to the competent police station chief.
(3)The competent police station chief must issue a permit upon granting the permission under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
(4)A person issued a permit under the preceding paragraph must file with the competent police station chief if a piece of information written on the permit changes, and have the chief enter the information following the change on the permit.
(5)A person issued a permit pursuant to paragraph (3) may apply to the competent police station chief for its reissuance if it is lost, damaged, or defaced.
(6)Cabinet Office Order provides for the format for written applications as referred to in paragraph (1), the format for permits as referred to in paragraph (3), and other necessary details of the procedures for permission referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
(罰則 第四項については第百二十一条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix) applies to paragraph (4) of this Article.)
(Consultation with Road Administrators)
Article 79Before granting the permission under Article 77, paragraph (1), if the activity to which the permission pertains is subject to Article 32, paragraph (1) or (3) of the Road Act, the competent police station chief must first consult with the administrator of the road in question.
(Special Rules for Road Administrators)
Article 80(1)Notwithstanding Article 77, paragraph (1), before undertaking construction or work to maintain, repair, or otherwise manage a road, it is sufficient for a road administrator under the Road Act to hold consultations with the competent police station chief.
(2)Cabinet Office Order/Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism prescribes the necessary particulars regarding the consultations referred to in the preceding paragraph.
第二節 危険防止等の措置
Section 2 Hazard Prevention and Other Such Measures
(Measures for Illegal Structures and Objects)
Article 81(1)The chief of a police station may order a person as referred to in one of the following items to remove, move, or repair the structure or object (hereinafter referred to in this Section as a "structure or object") that is involved in the referenced violation, discontinue the construction or work (hereinafter referred to in this Section as "construction or work") that is involved in the referenced violation, or take other necessary measures in connection with the structure or object or construction or work that is involved in the referenced violation, in order to prevent a road hazard or eliminate a traffic obstruction:
(i)a person erecting or placing a structure or object in violation of Article 76, paragraph (1) or (2);
(ii)a person placing an object in violation of Article 76, paragraph (3);
(iii)a person erecting or placing a structure or object or undertaking construction or work in violation of Article 77, paragraph (1);
(iv)a person violating a condition attached by the competent police station chief under Article 77, paragraph (3) or (4); or
(v)a person failing to remove a structure or object or to take other measures to restore the road to its original state, in violation of Article 77, paragraph (7).
(2)If unable to ascertain the name and address of the person set forth in item (i), (ii), or (iii) of the preceding paragraph, and if therefore unable to order that person to take the measures under the preceding paragraph, the chief of the police station may personally take the measures. In such a case, if the chief of the police station removes a structure or object, the chief must store it as its custodian.
(3)Having come to store a structure or object pursuant to the second sentence of the preceding paragraph, the chief of a police station must issue public notice of the information that Cabinet Order prescribes or take other necessary measures that Cabinet Order prescribes to return the structure or object to the person in possession or owner of the structure or object or to any other person holding title to the structure or object (hereinafter referred to in this Article and Article 82 as the "person in possession, owner, or holder of title").
(4)If a structure or object stored pursuant to paragraph (2) is likely to be lost or damaged, or if such a structure or object remains unreturned three months after the date of public notice as under the preceding paragraph and the cost or effort required to store it is unreasonable compared to its value as appraised pursuant to Cabinet Order, the chief of the police station may sell the structure or object and store the proceeds of the sale as the custodian thereof, pursuant to Cabinet Order.
(5)If there is no purchaser for a structure or object in a sale as under the preceding paragraph and the value of the structure or object as prescribed in that paragraph is very low, the chief of the police station may dispose of it.
(6)The proceeds of a sale undertaken pursuant to paragraph (4) may be allocated to cover the expenses required to conduct that sale.
(7)The expenses required for things such as the removal, moving, repair, retention, sale, and public notice in connection with a structure or object as prescribed in paragraphs (2) through (4) are borne by the person in possession, owner, or holder of title to whom the structure or object should be returned.
(8)The chief of the police station must set the amount, due date, and place for payment of the charges payable by the person in possession, owner, or holder of title pursuant to the preceding paragraph, and must issue a written order to that person to pay them.
(9)If a person ordered to make a payment pursuant to the preceding paragraph fails to do so before the due date, the chief of the police station must issue a written demand that fixes the due date for payment. In such a case, the chief of the police station may collect a fine for delinquency of up to the amount calculated as representing 14.5 percent per annum of the charges payable, and may collect a fee for the necessary costs of issuing the demand.
(10)If a person subject to a demand under the preceding paragraph fails to pay the charges, fines for delinquency, or fees referred to in the second sentence of that paragraph (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "charges, fines, or fees") by the fixed due date, the chief of the police station may collect the charges, fines, or fees based on the rules governing measures to collect local tax arrears. In such a case, the charges, fines, or fees follow national taxes and local taxes in order of priority as concerns statutory liens.
(11)Charges, fines, and fees paid and collected are the revenue of the prefecture where the police station is located.
(12)If a structure or object stored pursuant to paragraph (2) (or the proceed of its sale pursuant to paragraph (4); the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) remains unreturned six months after the date of the public notice prescribed in paragraph (3), ownership of the structure or object vests in the prefecture where the police station is located.
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条第一項第十四号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xiv) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1) of this Article.)
(Measures for Spilled Loads)
Article 81-2(1)If a load carried by a vehicle or streetcar that falls or is scattered onto a road (hereinafter referred to in this Article and Article 83 as a "spilled load") is likely to cause a traffic hazard on the road or a serious obstruction to traffic, the chief of a police station may order the person in possession or owner of the spilled load or any other person holding title to the spilled load (referred to as "person in possession, owner, or holder of title to the spilled load" in the following paragraph) to remove the spilled load or to take other necessary measures with the spilled load to prevent a road hazard or ensure that traffic runs smoothly.
(2)If unable to ascertain the name and address of the person in possession, owner, or holder of title to a spilled load in a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, and if therefore unable to order that person to take the measures under that paragraph, the chief of the police station may personally take those measures. In such a case, if the chief of the police station removes the spilled load, the chief must retain it as its custodian.
(3)The provisions of paragraphs (3) through (12) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to spilled loads subject to measures under the preceding paragraph.
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条第一項第十四号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xiv) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1) of this Article.)
(Measures to Prevent Hazards Posed by Roadside Structures and Objects)
Article 82(1)If a structure or object erected or placed on roadside land is likely to pose a road traffic hazard or a serious obstruction to traffic, the chief of a police station may order the person in possession, owner, or holder of title to the structure or object to remove it or take other necessary measures to prevent road traffic hazards or ensure that traffic runs smoothly.
(2)If unable to ascertain the name or address of the person in possession, owner, or holder of title to the structure or object in a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, and if therefore unable to take the measures under that paragraph, the chief of the police station may personally take the measures. In such a case, if the chief of the police station removes the structure or object, the chief must store it as its custodian.
(3)Article 81, paragraphs (3) through (12) apply mutatis mutandis to the retention prescribed in the second sentence of the preceding paragraph.
(罰則 第一項については第百十九条第一項第十四号、第百二十三条)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xiv) and Article 123 apply to paragraph (1) of this Article.)
(Stop-Gap Measures for Structures and Objects)
Article 83(1)If a structure or object erected or placed on a road or roadside land or a spilled load is likely to cause a serious toad traffic hazard or an obstruction to traffic, and if a police officer finds it to be urgently necessary to do so, that officer may remove, move, or take other stop-gap measures regarding the structure or object or the spilled load, but only so far as is necessary to prevent a road traffic hazard or eliminate a traffic obstruction.
(2)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, having removed the structure or object or spilled load, a police officer must hand it over to the chief of the police station with jurisdiction over the place where the structure or object was erected or placed or where the spilled load was located. In such a case, the chief of the police station must store the structure or object or spilled load as its custodian.
(3)Article 81, paragraphs (3) through (12) apply mutatis mutandis to the storage prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
第六章 自動車及び原動機付自転車の運転免許
Chapter VI Driver Licensing for Motor Vehicles and Motorized Bicycles
第一節 通則
Section 1 General Rules
(Driver's Licenses)
Article 84(1)A person seeking to drive a motor vehicle or ride a motorized bicycle (hereinafter referred to as a "motor vehicle or motorized bicycle") must obtain a driver's license (hereinafter referred to as a "license" or "licensing") from a public safety commission in order to do so.
(2)A license is classified as either a class 1 driver's license (hereinafter referred to as a "class 1 license"), a class 2 driver's license (hereinafter referred to as a "class 2 license"), or a provisional driver's license (hereinafter referred to as a "provisional license").
(3)Class 1 licenses are classified into 10 categories: large motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "L-MVL"); mid-sized motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "M-MVL"); semi-mid-sized motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "SM-MVL"); standard motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "S-MVL"); special large motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "SL-MVL"); large motorcycle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "L-ML"); standard motorcycle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "S-ML"); special small motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "SS-MVL"); motorized bicycle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "MBL"); and towing licenses.
(4)Class 2 licenses are classified into five categories: class 2 large motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "class 2 L-MVL"); class 2 mid-sized motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "class 2 M-MVL"); class 2 standard motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "class 2 S-MVL"); class 2 special large motor vehicle license (hereinafter referred to as "class 2 SL-MVL"); and class 2 towing licenses.
(5)Provisional licenses are classified into four categories: provisional large motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "provisional L-MVL"); provisional mid-sized motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "provisional M-MVL"); provisional semi-mid-sized motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "provisional SM-MVL"); and provisional standard motor vehicle licenses (hereinafter referred to as "provisional S-MVL").
(Class 1 Licenses)
Article 85(1)A person seeking to drive a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle as set forth in the left-hand column of the following Table must obtain the corresponding class 1 license set forth in the right-hand column of that Table in order to do so:
Type of motor vehicle or motorized bicycle
Type of class 1 license
Large motor vehicle
Mid-sized motor vehicle
Semi-mid-sized motor vehicle
Standard motor vehicle
Speical large motor vehicle
Large motorcycle
Standard motorcycle
Special small motor vehicle
Motorized bicycle
(2)In addition to its being permissible for a person holding a class 1 license as set forth in the right-hand column of the Table following the preceding paragraph to drive a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle of the category that the Table sets forth for that type of license, it is also permissible for such a person to drive motor vehicles and motorized bicycles of the types set forth in the right-hand column of the following Table, with the type of license set forth in the corresponding left-hand column of that Table:
Type of class 1 license
Types of motor vehicles and motorized bicycles that may be driven
Mid-sized motor vehicles, semi-mid-sized motor vehicles, standard motor vehicles, special small motor vehicles, and motorized bicycles
Semi-mid-sized motor vehicles, standard motor vehicles,special small motor vehicles, and motorized bicycles
Standard motor vehicles, special small motor vehicles, and motorized bicycles
Special small motor vehicles and motorized bicycles
Special small motor vehicles and motorized bicycles
Standard motorcycles, special small motor vehicles, and motorized bicycles
Special small motor vehicles and motorized bicycles
(3)In addition to obtaining a license (other than a provisional license) for a motor vehicle equipped for towing, a person seeking to drive that motor vehicle equipped for towing in order to tow a heavy towable vehicle must obtain a towing license.
(4)A person holding a towing license who also holds an L-MVL, M-MVL, SM-MVL, S-MVL, SL-MVL, class 2 L-MVL, class 2 M-MVL, class 2 S-MVL, or class 2 SL-MVL at the time in question may tow a heavy towable vehicle while driving a motor vehicle equipped for towing that the license permits the licensee to drive.
(5)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), it is not permissible for a person holding an L-MVL who is under 21 years of age or who has not held an L-MVL, M-MVL, SM-MVL, S-MVL, or SL-MVL for at least three years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) to drive a large motor vehicle, mid-sized motor vehicle, or semi-mid-sized motor vehicle that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(6)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), it is not permissible for a person holding an M-MVL (other than a person also holding an L-MVL) who is under 21 years of age or who has not held an L-MVL, M-MVL, SM-MVL, S-MVL, or SL-MVL for at least three years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) to drive a mid-sized motor vehicle or semi-mid-sized motor vehicle that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(7)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), it is not permissible for a person holding an SM-MVL (other than a person also holding an L-MVL or M-MVL) who is as set forth in one of the following items to drive a motor vehicle as provided in the item:
(i)a person under 21 years of age or who has not held an L-MVL, M-MVL, SM-MVL, S-MVL, or SL-MVL for at least three years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended):a semi-mid-sized motor vehicle that Cabinet Order prescribes; and
大型免許、中型免許、準中型免許、普通免許又は大型特殊免許のいずれかを受けていた期間(当該免許の効力が停止されていた期間を除く。)が通算して二年に達しない者 政令で定める普通自動車
(ii)a person who has not held an L-MVL, M-MVL, SM-MVL, S-MVL, or SL-MVL for at least two years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended); a standard motor vehicle that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(8)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), it is not permissible for a person holding an S-MVL (other than a person also holding an SM-MVL) who has not held a L-MVL, M-MVL, SM-MVL, S-MVL, or SL-MVL for at least two years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) to drive a standard motor vehicle that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(9)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), it is not permissible for a person holding an L-ML who has not held a L-ML or S-ML for at least two years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) to drive a large motorcycle or standard motorcycle that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(10)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), it is not permissible for a person holding an S-ML (other than a person also holding an L-ML) who has not held an L-ML or S-ML for at least two years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) to drive a standard motorcycle that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(11)Notwithstanding paragraph (2) or (4), if a motor vehicle that a person may drive pursuant to paragraph (2) is a motor vehicle used for passenger motor carrier services (hereinafter referred to as a "motor vehicle used for passenger services"), or if a heavy towable vehicle towed by a motor vehicle equipped for towing that a person may drive pursuant to paragraph (4) is a heavy towable vehicle used for passenger motor carrier services (hereinafter referred to as a "vehicle used for passenger services"), it is not permissible for a person holding a class 1 license to drive the motor vehicle used for passenger services or the motor vehicle towing the vehicle used for passenger services in order to transport passengers as a part of passenger motor carrier services.
(12)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), it is not permissible for a person holding an S-MVL, SM-MVL, M-MVL, or L-MVL to drive a motor vehicle that is to be driven by a professional designated driver as prescribed in paragraph (6) of Article 2 of the Act on Regulation of Professional Designated Driving Services (Act No. 57 of 2001) (limited to standard motor vehicles; hereinafter referred to as a "standard motor vehicle that is to be driven by a professional designated driver").
(罰則 第五項から第十項までについては第百十八条第一項第七号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 118, paragraph (1), item (vii) apply to paragraphs (5) through (10) of this Article.)
(Class 2 Licenses)
Article 86(1)A person seeking to drive a motor vehicle as set forth in the left-hand column of the following Table as a motor vehicle used for passenger services, to transport passengers as a part of passenger motor carrier services must obtain the corresponding class 2 license set forth in the right-hand column of that Table:
Type of motor vehicle
Type of class 2 license
Large motor vehicle
Class 2 L-MVL
Mid-sized or semi-mid-sized motor vehicle
Class 2 M-MVL
Standard motor vehicle
Class 2 S-MVL
Special large motor vehicle
Class 2 SL-MVL
(2)In addition to its being permissible for a person holding a class 2 license set forth in the right-hand column of the Table following the preceding paragraph to drive, for the referenced purpose, a motor vehicle of the category that the Table sets forth for that type of license; it is also permissible for such a person to drive the motor vehicles and motorized bicycles that, pursuant to paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, it is permissible to drive for a person holding the class-1-license equivalent of the class 2 license that the relevant person holds (and it is also permissible for a person holding a class 2 L-MVL to drive, for the referenced purpose, a mid-sized, semi-mid-sized, or standard motor vehicle as a motor vehicle used for passenger services; and for a person holding a class 2 M-MVL to drive, for the referenced purpose, a standard motor vehicle as a motor vehicle used for passenger services).
(3)In addition to obtaining a license (other than a provisional license) for a motor vehicle equipped for towing, a person seeking to drive that motor vehicle to tow a vehicle used for passenger services in order to transport passengers as a part of passenger motor carrier services must obtain a class 2 towing license.
(4)In addition to its being permissible for a person holding a class 2 towing license who also holds an L-MVL, M-MVL, SM-MVL, S-MVL, SL-MVL, class 2 L-MVL, class 2 M-MVL, class 2 S-MVL, or class 2 SL-MVL to drive any of the motor vehicles equipped for towing that the license permits the person to drive while towing a vehicle used for passenger services to transport passengers as a part of passenger motor carrier services, it is also permissible for that person to drive any of the motor vehicles equipped for towing that the license permits the person to drive while towing a heavy towable vehicle.
(5)A person seeking to drive a standard motor vehicle that is to be driven by a professional designated driver must obtain a class 2 S-MVL.
(6)A person holding a class 2 M-MVL or a class 2 L-MVL may drive a standard motor vehicle that is to be driven by a professional designated driver in addition to what is provided for in paragraph (2).
(Provisional Licenses)
Article 87(1)A person who, without obtaining a class 1 or class 2 license permitting the person to drive a standard motor vehicle, seeks to drive such a motor vehicle for practice, for a driver's license test administered to test the person on the points set forth in Article 97, paragraph (1), item (ii), or for a skills evaluation to evaluate the person's motor vehicle driving skills at a designated driving school as prescribed in Article 99, paragraph (1) (referred to as a "test or evaluation" in the following paragraph) must obtain a provisional S-MVL; a person seeking to drive a semi-mid-sized motor vehicle for practice or for a test or evaluation without obtaining a class 1 or class 2 license permitting the person to drive it must obtain a provisional SM-MVL; a person seeking to drive a mid-sized motor vehicle for practice or for a test or evaluation without obtaining a class 1 or class 2 license permitting the person to drive it must obtain a provisional M-MVL; and a person seeking to drive a large motor vehicle for practice or for a test or evaluation without obtaining a class 1 or class 2 license permitting the person to drive it must obtain a provisional L-MVL.
(2)A person holding a provisional L-MVL may drive a large, mid-sized, semi-mid-sized, or standard motor vehicle; a person holding a provisional M-MVL may drive a mid-sized, semi-mid-sized, or standard motor vehicle; a person holding a provisional SM-MVL may drive a semi-mid-sized or standard motor vehicle; and a person holding a provisional S-MVL may drive a standard motor vehicle for practice or for a test or evaluation. In such a case, a person holding a provisional license and seeking to drive the motor vehicle for practice must do so under the guidance of a person who has held a class 1 license that permits that person to drive the motor vehicle for at least three years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended) (other than one whose license is suspended at the time), a person holding a class 2 license that permits that person to drive the motor vehicle (other than one whose license is suspended at the time), or a person that Cabinet Order prescribes, who is riding next to the driver's seat on equipment meant to carry a person.
(3)A person holding a provisional license who seeks to drive a motor vehicle for practice must display a mark in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes on the front and rear of that vehicle, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(4)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), it is not permissible for a person holding a provisional license to drive a motor vehicle used for passenger services to transport passengers as a part of passenger motor carrier services.
(5)Notwithstanding paragraph (2), it is not permissible for a person holding a provisional license to drive a standard motor vehicle that is to be driven by a professional designated driver.
(6)The valid period of a provisional license is six months, counting from the date on which the person takes a provisional driver's license test administered to test the person on the points set forth in Article 97, paragraph (1), item (i) (referred to in Articles 90 and 92-2 as "fitness screening"); provided, however, that if a person holding a provisional L-MVL obtains an L-MVL or class 2 L-MVL; if a person holding a provisional M-MVL obtains a class 1 license or class 2 license that permits the person to drive a large or mid-sized motor vehicle; if a person holding a provisional SM-MVL obtains a class 1 or class 2 license that permits the person to drive a large, mid-sized, or semi-mid-sized motor vehicle; or if a person holding a provisional S-MVL obtains a class 1 or class 2 license that permits the person to drive a large, mid-sized, semi-mid-sized, or standard motor vehicle, and does so before the end of the valid period, the provisional license loses its validity.
(罰則 第二項後段については第百十八条第一項第八号 第三項については第百二十条第一項第十四号、同条第二項)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 118, paragraph (1), item (viii) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (xiv) and paragraph (2) of that Article apply to paragraph (3) of this Article.)
第二節 免許の申請等
Section 2 Applying for Licenses; Related Considerations
(Ineligibility for Licensing)
Article 88(1)A class 1 or class 2 license is not granted to a person as referred to in one of the following items:
(i)a person under 21 years of age (or under 19 years of age, for persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) is not granted an L-MVL; a person under 20 years of age (or under 19 years of age, for persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) is not granted an M-MVL; a person under 18 years of age is not granted an SM-MVL, S-MVL, SL-MVL, L-ML, or towing license; and a person under 16 years of age is not granted an S-ML, SS-MVL, or MBL;
(ii)a person who has not yet had the amount of time specified pursuant to Article 90, paragraph (9) pass following the date on which that person was denied a license as under the proviso of paragraph (1) of that Article (other than on the grounds that the person falls under item (iii) or (vii) of that paragraph); a person whose license is being withheld; a person who has not yet had the amount of time specified pursuant to paragraph (10) of that Article pass following the date on which that person was denied a license pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article; a person who has not yet had the amount of time specified pursuant to paragraph (9) of that Article pass following the date on which that person's license was revoked pursuant to paragraph (5) of that Article; a person whose license is suspended; or a person who has not yet had the amount of time specified pursuant to paragraph (10) of that Article pass following the date on which that person's license was revoked pursuant to paragraph (6) of that Article;
(iii)a person who has not yet had the amount of time specified pursuant to Article 103, paragraph (7) pass following the date on which the person's license was revoked pursuant to paragraph (1) or (4) of that Article (this is limited to a revocation in connection with what is provided in paragraph (1) of that Article (other than in item (iv))) (the amount of time so specified excludes any period of time during which the person's license was suspended pursuant to Article 103-2, paragraph (1) during the specified period, if that person's license has been revoked due to the matter at issue which resulted in the suspension); a person who has not yet had the amount of time specified pursuant to Article 103, paragraph (8) pass following the date on which the person's license was revoked pursuant to paragraph (2) or (4) of that Article (this is limited to a revocation in connection with what is provided in paragraph (2) of that Article, if the person's license has been revoked as under paragraph (4) of that Article); or a person whose license is suspended pursuant to paragraph (1) or (4) of that Article, Article 103-2, paragraph (1), Article 104-2-3, paragraph (1) or (3), or Article 103, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of that Article; or
(iv)a person prohibited from driving a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle pursuant to Article 107-5, paragraph (1) or (2), Article 103, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 107-5, paragraph (9), or Article 103-2, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (10) of Article 107-5.
(2)A provisional L-MVL is not granted to a person under 21 years of age (or under 19 years of age, for persons that Cabinet Order prescribes); a provisional M-MVL is not granted to a person under 20 years of age (or under 19 years of age, for persons that Cabinet Order prescribes); and a provisional SM-MVL or S-MVL is not granted to a person under 18 years of age.
(3)A person currently holding a license may not obtain another license of the same type.
(Applying for a License; Related Considerations)
Article 89(1)A person seeking a license must submit a written license application in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes (if a person is issued a questionnaire under the following paragraph, that person must submit the written application and the questionnaire filled out with the necessary information) to the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the person's domicile (or, if a person is seeking a provisional license and undergoing instruction on how to drive a motor vehicle at a driving school that has made a filing under Article 98, paragraph (2), the domicile of the person or the locality of the driving school) and take a driver's license test administered by the public safety commission.
(2)A public safety commission as prescribed in the preceding paragraph may issue a questionnaire in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes to a person seeking to submit a written license application under the paragraph, in order to ask the necessary questions to determine whether the person falls under any of the categories set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) through item (ii) of the following Article.
(3)If currently undergoing instruction on how to drive a motor vehicle at a driving school, a person who has submitted a written provisional license application to the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the locality of the driving school (other than the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the locality of the person's domicile) pursuant to paragraph (1) and who holds a provisional license granted by the public safety commission may undergo an assessment administered by the public safety commission pursuant to Cabinet Office Order to assess whether the person has the necessary skills to drive a motor vehicle. In such a case, if the public safety commission finds that the person has the necessary motor vehicle driving skills, it must issue a certificate indicating this to that person, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(罰則 第一項については第百十七条の四第二号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 117-4, paragraph (1), item (ii))
(Denial of Licenses; Other Such Measures)
Article 90(1)A public safety commission must grant a license to a person who has passed the driver's license test referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (but only one who has undergone fitness screening in connection with that driver's license test less than one year previously, in the case of a class 1 or class 2 license; or less than three months previously in the case of a provisional license); provided, however, that, if the person is as referred to in one of the following items, the public safety commission may refrain from granting the person a license (other than a provisional license; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph through paragraph (12)), or may withhold a license from the person for a period not exceeding six months, in keeping with the criteria that Cabinet Order prescribes:
(i)a person with one of the following illnesses;
(a)a mental illness associated with hallucinations that Cabinet Order prescribes;
(b)an illness causing impaired awareness or motor disturbances that Cabinet Order prescribes;
(c)an illness other than as set forth in (a) or (b) that Cabinet Order prescribes as likely to interfere with the safe driving of a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle.
(i)-2a person with dementia, as prescribed in Article 5-2 of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act (Act No. 123 of 1997) (hereinafter simply referred to as "dementia" in Article 102, paragraph (1), and Article 103, paragraph (1), item (i)-2);
(ii)an alcohol, narcotics, marijuana, opium, or stimulants addict;
(iii)a person who has violated an order under paragraph (8);
(iv)a person who has engaged in conduct involving the driving of a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle that violates this Act, an order under this Act, or a measure under this Act (other than as prescribed in items (i) through (iv) of the following paragraph);
(v)a person who has abetted the driver of a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle in the commission of a material violation of this Act that Cabinet Order prescribes (hereinafter referred to in this item as a "material violation") or who has aided the driver of a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle in committing a material violation (hereinafter referred to as "aiding or abetting a material violation");
(vi)a person who has used a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, as it is meant to be used, in a place other than on a road, but in doing so has killed or injured a person (hereinafter referred to as causing "an off-road death or injury"), other than as prescribed in item (v) of the following paragraph; or
(vii)a person subject to an order under Article 102, paragraphs (1) through (3) or subject to a notice under Article 102, paragraph (6).
(2)Notwithstanding the main clause of the preceding paragraph, a public safety commission may refuse to grant a license, in accordance with the standards that Cabinet Order prescribes, to a person as referred to in one of the following items:
(i)one who has intentionally driven a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle in a way that killed or injured a person or damaged a building;
(ii)one who has engaged in conduct that qualifies as a crime referred to in Article 2 through Article 4 of the Act on Punishment for When a Motor Vehicle Is Driven in a Way That Results in a Death or Injury (Act No. 86 of 2013);
(iii)one who, in driving a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, has committed a violation referred to in Article 117-2, item (i) or (iii) (other than a person falling under either of the preceding two items);
(iv)one who, in driving a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, has committed a violation referred to in Article 117;
(v)one who has intentionally caused an off-road death or injury or engaged in conduct that qualifies as a crime as referred to in Article 2 through Article 4 of the Act on Punishment for When a Motor Vehicle Is Driven in a Way That Results in a Death or Injury.
(3)The proviso to paragraph (1) does not apply to a person falling under item (iv) of that paragraph to whom Article 102-2 applies (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 107-4-2; the same applies in Article 108-2, paragraph (1) and Article 108-3-2) unless the period prescribed in Article 102-2 passes without the person undergoing the training prescribed in that Article.
(4)Before denying or withholding a license pursuant to the proviso to paragraph (1), or before denying a license pursuant to paragraph (2), a public safety commission must first notify the person who has passed the driver's license test of the date, time, and place for giving an explanation and the reason that the measure would be taken, and provide the person with an opportunity to submit an explanation of the matter at issue and evidence in the person's favor.
(5)If, after a public safety commission grants a person a license, it becomes clear that the person fell under paragraph (1), item (iv), (v), or (vi) before having been granted the license, the commission may revoke that license or suspend it for a period of up to six months that it fixes, in accordance with the standards that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(6)If, after a public safety commission grants a person a license, it becomes clear that the person fell under one of the items of paragraph (2) before having been granted the license, the commission may revoke that license.
(7)The provisions of paragraphs (3) and (4) apply mutatis mutandis to measures taken pursuant to paragraph (5) and the preceding two paragraphs. In such a case, the phrases "the proviso to paragraph (1)" and "item (iv) of that paragraph" in paragraph (3) are deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (5)" and "paragraph (1), item (iv)", respectively, and the phrases "the proviso to paragraph (1)" and "paragraph (2)" in paragraph (4) are deemed to be replaced with "the following paragraph" and "paragraph (6)", respectively.
(8)If a public safety commission withholds a license pursuant to the proviso to paragraph (1) on the grounds that the person to whom the license would be granted falls under items (i), (ii), or (iii) of that paragraph, and if it finds that it is necessary to do so, it may order the person to undergo fitness screening on a date and at a place it designates or to submit a medical certificate that meets the requirements that Cabinet Office Order prescribes by the deadline it designates.
(9)Having denied a person a license pursuant to the proviso to paragraph (1) (other than on the grounds that the person falls under item (iii) or (vii) of that paragraph) or revoked a license pursuant to paragraph (5), a public safety commission is to fix a period not exceeding five years, in accordance with the standards that Cabinet Order prescribes, during which the person subject to those measures may not be granted a license.
(10)Having denied a person a license pursuant to paragraph (2) or revoked a license pursuant to paragraph (6), a public safety commission is to fix a period not exceeding 10 years, in accordance with the standards that Cabinet Order prescribes, during which the person subject to those measures may not be granted a license.
(11)If, at the time a person's license is revoked or suspended pursuant to paragraph (5) or at the time a person's license is revoked pursuant to paragraph (6), the person's address is within the jurisdictional district of a public safety commission other than the one taking those measures, the public safety commission taking the measures must promptly notify the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the person's domicile that it has done so.
(12)If a person whose license has been withheld pursuant to the proviso to paragraph (1) (but only if the license is withheld on the grounds that the person falls under any of items (iv) through (vi) of that paragraph) or suspended pursuant to paragraph (5) completes the training set forth in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (iii), the public safety commission may shorten the withholding or suspension period within the scope that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(13)Notwithstanding the main text of paragraph (1), a public safety commission, in accordance with the standards that Cabinet Order prescribes, may refuse to grant a provisional license to a person who has passed a provisional driver's license test if that person falls under paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii).
(14)The provisions of paragraph (4) apply mutatis mutandis if a public safety commission denies a person a provisional license pursuant to the preceding paragraph. In such a case, the phrase "the proviso to paragraph (1)" in paragraph (4) is deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (13)".
(Responsibilities of a Person Seeking an L-MVL or Other Type of License)
Article 90-2(1)A person seeking a type of license set forth in one of the following items must undergo the training prescribed in the item; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person that Cabinet Order prescribes as not needing the training:
(i)for an S-MVL, SM-MVL, M-MVL, or L-MVL:the training provided for in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), items (iv) and (viii);
(ii)for an S-ML or L-ML:the training provided for in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), items (v) and (viii);
(iii)for an MBL:the training provided for in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (vi); or
(iv)for a class 2 S-MVL, class 2 M-MVL, or class 2 L-MVL:the training provided for in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), items (vii) and (viii).
(2)If a person who has passed a driver's license test for one of the types of license set forth in the items under the preceding paragraph (other than a person that Cabinet Order prescribes as referred to in the proviso to that paragraph) has not undergone the training prescribed in the relevant item, the public safety commission may deny the person the license.
(License Conditions)
Article 91If a public safety commission finds it to be necessary to do so in order to prevent road hazards or otherwise ensure traffic safety, it may attach conditions to a license limiting the types of motor vehicle or motorized bicycle that the licensee may drive, attach other necessary conditions as regards the person's driving of a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, or change those conditions, based on the licensee's physical condition or driving skills, but only so far as is necessary.
(罰則 第百十九条第一項第十五号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 119, paragraph (1), item (xv))
第三節 免許証等
Section 3 Licenses; Related Considerations
(Issuance of Licenses)
Article 92(1)Licensing is done by issuing a person a driver's license (hereinafter referred to as a "license"). In such a case, if two or more types of licensing that fall under the categories of class 1 or class 2 licenses are granted to the same person on the same day, a license for one type of licensing is to be issued with information about the other type of licensing inscribed on it, instead of separate licenses being issued for each type of licensing.
(2)If a person who is already licensed is granted a different type of licensing, a license for the different type of licensing is to be issued to the person with information about the person's currently licensing inscribed on it, in exchange for the license that the person holds at the time.
(License Validity)
Article 92-2A class 1 or class 2 license (other than one issued pursuant to Article 107, paragraph (2); the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) is valid until the day provided for in the right-hand column of the following Table for persons of the corresponding ages set forth in the middle column of that Table, for the corresponding categories set forth in the left-hand column of that Table:
Category of persons being issued or renewing a license
Age as of the date of renewal or reference date
Last day of validity
A driver with an exemplary record or a driver with a satisfactory record
Under 70 years of age
The final day in the one month period beginning on the driver's fifth birthday after the previous expiration date or current reference date
70 years of age
The final day in the one month period beginning on the driver's fourth birthday after the previous expiration date or current reference date
71 years of age or older
The final day in the one month period beginning on the driver's third birthday after the previous expiration date or current reference date
A driver with a violation or a short record
The final day in the one month period beginning on the driver's third birthday after the previous expiration date or current reference date
(i)The meanings of the terms set forth in this Table are as follows:
1.date of renewal or reference date:the date of renewal, for a license being renewed pursuant to Article 101, paragraph (6); the date that the person undergoes fitness screening pursuant to Article 101-2, paragraph (3), for a license being renewed pursuant to Article 101-2, paragraph (4); or the day before the issuee's most recent birthday prior to fitness screening (or the day on which the issuee undergoes that fitness screening, if that day is also the issuee's birthday), for a license being issued pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to a person who was unable to renew a license as referred to in Article 101, paragraph (1) due to overseas travel, a disaster, or other compelling circumstances that Cabinet Order prescribes (but only if it has been less than six months since the day that the person's license ceased to be valid pursuant to Article 105, as a result (or only if it has been less than one month since the aforementioned compelling circumstances came to an end, if the person was unable to obtain licensing during that six-month period due to those circumstances, but only it has been less than three years since the date the license ceased to be valid)) or for a license being issued pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to a person whose license has been revoked as under Article 103, paragraph (1) or (4) (but only if it has been revoked in connection with one of the things provided in Article 103, paragraph (1), item (i) through item (ii)) (this is limited to a person whose license was revoked less than three years prior, and excludes a person who has violated Article 117-4, item (ii) in connection with the most recent questionnaire under Article 89, paragraph (1), Article 101, paragraph (1), or Article 101-2, paragraph (1) that the person submitted before the date of revocation, and also excludes a person violating Article 107-4, item (ii) in connection with the most recent report under Article 101-5 that the person made before that date); or the date of fitness screening, for other licenses;
2.driver with an exemplary record:a person who, by the date of renewal or reference date (or by the final day of validity of a now invalid license that was issued pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to a person who was unable to renew a license as referred to in Article 101, paragraph (1) due to overseas travel, a disaster, or other compelling circumstances that Cabinet Order prescribes (but only if it has been less than six months since the day that the person's license ceased to be valid pursuant to Article 105, as a result (or only if it has been less than one month since the aforementioned compelling circumstances came to an end, if the person was unable to obtain licensing during that six-month period due to those circumstances, but only if it has been less than three years since the date the license ceased to be valid))) or by the date of revocation, for a license being issued pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to a person whose license has been revoked as under Article 103, paragraph (1) or (4) (but only if it has been revoked in connection with one of the things provided in Article 103, paragraph (1), item (i) through item (ii)) (this is limited to a person whose license was revoked less than three years prior, and excludes a person violating Article 117-4, item (ii) in connection with the most recent questionnaire under Article 89, paragraph (1), Article 101, paragraph (1), or Article 101-2, paragraph (1) that the person submitted before the date of revocation, and also excludes a person violating Article 107-4, item (ii) in connection with the most recent report under Article 101-5 that the person made before that date); the same applies in 4.), has been licensed (other than under a provisional license; the same applies in 4.) for a continuous period of at least five years, and who meets the criteria that Cabinet Order prescribes as a person with an exemplary record of observing the provisions of this Act and orders under this Act on the driving of motor vehicles and motorized bicycles; an exemplary record of observing measures under this Act; and an exemplary record of observing legal provisions on the aiding and abetting of material violations and on conduct causing off-road deaths and injuries;
3.driver with a satisfactory record:a person other than a driver with an exemplary record or a driver with a violation or a short record;
4.driver with a violation or a short record:a person who, by the date of renewal or reference date, has been licensed for a continuous period of at least five years, and who meets the criteria that Cabinet Order prescribes as a person with a poor record of observing the provisions of this Act and orders under this Act on the driving of motor vehicles and motorized bicycles, of observing measures under this Act, or of observing legal provisions on the aiding and abetting of material violations or on conduct causing off-road deaths and injuries; or a person who has been licensed for less than a continuous period of five years;
5.previous expiration date or current reference date:the day on which the validity of the previous license expires, for a license being renewed pursuant to Article 101, paragraph (6); the day on which the person undergoes fitness screening under paragraph (3) of that Article, for a license being renewed pursuant to Article 101-2, paragraph (4); or the day on which the person undergoes fitness screening for the license in question, for any other license.
(ii)To apply this Table if the date of renewal or reference date falls on the licensee's birthday, the phrase "the date of renewal or reference date" is deemed to be replaced with "the day before the date of renewal or reference date".
(iii)To apply this Table if the date of renewal or reference date falls during the period that runs from the day after the licensee's most recent birthday prior to the last day of validity up until the last day of validity, the phrase "the date of renewal or reference date" is deemed to be replaced with "the day before the licensee's most recent birthday before the date of renewal or reference date".
(iv)To apply Notes (i)-2 and 4 of this Table to a person who has been unable to renew a license pursuant to Article 101, paragraph (1) due to overseas travel, a disaster, or other compelling circumstances that Cabinet Order prescribes (but only if the person is being issued a new license less than six months after the day that the previous license ceased to be valid pursuant to Article 105, as a result (or only if the person is being issued a new license less than one month after the aforementioned compelling circumstances came to an end, if the person was unable to obtain licensing during that six-month period due to those circumstances, but only if it has been less than three years since the date the license ceased to be valid)), the period during which the person held the expired license and the period during which the person has held the new license is deemed to be one continuous period.
(v)To apply Notes (i)-2 and 4 of this Table to a person whose license has been revoked pursuant to Article 103, paragraph (1) or (4) (this is limited to a revocation in connection with what is provided in paragraph (1), items (i) through (ii) of that Article) (this is limited to a person obtaining a new license less than three years after the date of revocation of the previous license, and excludes a person violating Article 117-4, item (ii) in connection with the most recent questionnaire under Article 89, paragraph (1), Article 101, paragraph (1), or Article 101-2, paragraph (1) that the person submitted before the date of revocation, and also excludes a person violating Article 107-4, item (ii) in connection with the most recent report under Article 101-5 that the person made before that date), the period running from the date that the person obtained the revoked license up until the date of revocation and the period during which the person has held the new license are deemed to be one continuous period.
(vi)To apply this Table if the birthday of the licensee falls on February 29, in non-leap years, the licensee's birthday is deemed to fall on February 28.
(2)A license granted pursuant to Article 104-4, paragraph (3) is valid until the day on which the validity of a license being revoked pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article would have expired.
(3)A license (other than as prescribed in the preceding paragraph) issued pursuant to Article 107, paragraph (2) is valid until the day on which the validity of the license that has been returned in connection with it pursuant to paragraph (1) of that Article would have expired.
(4)If the last day of one of the periods prescribed in the preceding three paragraphs falls on a Sunday or any other day that Cabinet Order prescribes, the following day is deemed to be the last day of that period.
(Information Included on a License)
Article 93(1)The following information (other than that which Cabinet Office Order prescribes, if recording under the following Article is undertaken) is to be included on a license:
(i)license number;
(ii)licensing dates and license issuance and expiration dates;
(iii)type of license;
(iv)the licensee's registered domicile, name, address, and date of birth; and
(v)if applicable, the fact that the licensee is a driver with an exemplary record as prescribed in Note (i), 2. of the Table that follows paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (referred to simply as a "driver with an exemplary record" in Article 101, paragraph (3) and Article 101-2-2, paragraph (1)).
(2)Beyond as provided in the preceding paragraph, if a public safety commission attaches conditions to a license or changes them pursuant to Article 91, it must include information about those conditions on the license.
(3)Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, Cabinet Office Order provides for license formats, information that must be included on licenses, and other necessary particulars concerning licenses.
(Recording Information on Licenses by Electronic or Magnetic Means)
Article 93-2A public safety commission may record part of the information set forth in the items under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or information included or displayed pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of that Article electronically or magnetically (meaning by electronic means, magnetic means, or any other means that cannot be perceived by the human senses), pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(Filing to Change Information Included on Licenses; Related Considerations)
Article 94(1)If a piece of information set forth in one of the items of Article 93, paragraph (1) changes, the licensee must promptly file with the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the domicile thereof (if the licensee's address has changed to a different jurisdiction, the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the new domicile) and have it include (or record pursuant to the preceding Article) the current information on the license.
(2)If a license is lost, destroyed, defaced, or damaged, or if a record under the preceding Article is corrupted, the licensee may apply to the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the domicile thereof (for a provisional license, this means the domicile of the licensee or the locality of a driving school that has made a filing as under Article 98, paragraph (2) at which the licensee is undergoing instruction on how to drive a motor vehicle) for the reissuance of the license.
(3)Cabinet Office Order provides for the procedures for filing as under paragraph (1) and for the process of applying for the reissuance of a license as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十一条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (ix) applies to paragraph (1) of this Article.)
(Obligation to Carry and Present a License)
Article 95(1)When driving a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, a licensed driver must carry the license authorizing the driver to drive it.
(2)If asked by a police officer to present a license as under Article 67, paragraph (1) or (2) while operating a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, a licensee must present this.
(罰則 第一項については第百二十一条第一項第十号、同条第二項 第二項については第百二十条第一項第九号)
(Applicable Penal Provisions: Article 121, paragraph (1), item (x) and paragraph (2) of that Article apply to paragraph (1) of this Article. Article 120, paragraph (1), item (ix) applies to paragraph (2) of this Article.)
第四節 運転免許試験
Section 4 Driver's License Tests
(Eligibility to Take Tests)
Article 96(1)A person falling under one of the items of Article 88 may not take a driver's license test for a class 1 license; and a person as prescribed in paragraph (2) of that Article may not take a driver's license test for a provisional license.
(2)A person seeking to take a driver's license test for an L-MVL (other than persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) must currently hold an S-MVL, SM-MVL, M-MVL, or SL-MVL, and must have held any one of those licenses for at least three years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended).
(3)A person seeking to take a driver's license test for an M-MVL (other than persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) must currently hold an S-MVL, SM-MVL, or SL-MVL, and must have held any one of those licenses for at least two years in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended).
(4)A person may not take a driver's license test for a towing license unless that person currently holds an S-MVL, M-MVL, SM-MVL, L-MVL, SL-MVL, class 2 S-MVL, class 2 M-MVL, class 2 L-MVL, or class 2 SL-MVL.
(5)A person other than as referred to in one of the following items may not take a driver's license test for a class 2 license:
(i)a person 21 years of age or older who currently holds an S-MVL, SM-MVL, M-MVL, L-MVL, or SL-MVL and has held any one of those licenses for at least three years (or two years, for persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended), if the test is for a class 2 license other than a class 2 towing license;
(ii)a person 21 years of age or older who currently holds an S-MVL, SM-MVL, M-MVL, L-MVL, or SL-MVL and also holds a towing license, and has held any one of those licenses for at least three years (or two years, for persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) in total (not counting any period during which the person's license was suspended), if the test is for a class 2 towing license; or
(iii)a person currently holding a different type of class 2 license from the type of class 2 license that the person is seeking.
(6)A person whose license is under suspension pursuant to Article 90, paragraph (5), Article 103, paragraph (1) or (4), Article 103-2, paragraph (1), Article 104-2-3, paragraph (1), or Article 103, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) or (5) of that Article and persons that Cabinet Order prescribes as equivalent thereto are not included in the meaning of a person currently holding a license as prescribed in paragraphs (2) through (4) and in the items of the preceding paragraph.
Article 96-2A person seeking to take a driver's license test for an S-MVL, SM-MVL, M-MVL, or L-MVL, or for a class 2 S-MVL, class 2 M-MVL, or class 2 L-MVL (other than persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) must currently hold a provisional license (meaning a provisional L-MVL, for a person seeking to take a driver's license test for an L-MVL or class 2 L-MVL; a provisional L-MVL or provisional M-MVL, for a person seeking to take a driver's license test for an M-MVL or class 2 M-MVL; or a provisional L-MVL, provisional M-MVL, or provisional SM-MVL, for a person seeking to take a driver's license test for an SM-MVL) and must have practiced driving a motor vehicle on the road on at least five days within the past three months, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
Article 96-3(1)A person denied a license as under the proviso to Article 90, paragraph (1) or (2), a person whose license is revoked pursuant to paragraph (5) or (6) of that Article or Article 103, paragraph (1), (2), or (4), or a person who is prohibited from driving a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle for a period of over six months pursuant to Article 107-5, paragraph (1) or (2) or Article 103, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 107-5, paragraph (9) (other than persons who have become subject to the measures in question on the grounds that they fall under Article 90, paragraph (1), item (i) through (iii) or item (vii), Article 103, paragraph (1), (i) through (iv), or Article 107-5, paragraph (1), item (i); referred to as a "person denied or stripped of driving privileges" in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (ii)) must have completed training as set forth in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) within the previous one year's time (this does not include training undergone before the person became subject to the measures in question) in order to take a driver's license test (other than one for a provisional license; the same applies in the following paragraph); provided, however, that this does not apply to a person who obtains a license (other than a provisional license) after becoming subject to the relevant measures.
(2)The preceding paragraph applies mutatis mutandis to a person who has not had a license revoked as under Article 90, paragraph (5) or (6) or Article 103, paragraph (1), (2) or (4) and has not been prohibited from driving a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle for a period of over six months pursuant to Article 107-5, paragraph (1) or (2) or Article 103, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 107-5, paragraph (9) (other than on the grounds that the person falls under one of Article 103, paragraph (1), items (i) through (iv) or Article 107-5, paragraph (1), item (i)) but who seeks to take a driver's license test because the person's license has ceased to be valid or because the person has ceased to hold an international driving permit or foreign driver's license (referred to as a "person who has lost driving privileges" in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (ii)). In such a case, in the preceding paragraph the phrase "training undergone before the person became subject to the measures in question" is deemed to be replaced with "training undergone before the license ceased to be valid or before the person ceased to hold an international driving permit or foreign driver's license" and the phrase "after becoming subject to the relevant measures" is deemed to be replaced with "after the license ceased to be valid or after the person ceased to hold an international driving permit or foreign driver's license".
(How Driver's License Tests Are Administered)
Article 97(1)Driver's license tests are administered to test persons on the points set forth in the following items for each type of license (this means covering the points set forth in items (i) and (iii), in the case of a driver's license test for an SS-MVL or MBL, and the points set forth in items (i) and (ii), in the case of a driver's license test for a towing license):
(i)the fitness needed to drive a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle;
(ii)the skills needed to drive a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle; and
(iii)the knowledge needed to drive a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle.
(2)The part of a driver's license test for an S-MVL, SM-MVL, M-MVL, L-MVL, class 2 S-MVL, class 2 M-MVL, or class 2 L-MVL covering the point set forth in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph is to be administered on the road; provided, however, that this does not apply to any portion of a driver's license test that Cabinet Office Order prescribes as likely to hinder road traffic.
(3)The part of the driver's license test covering the point set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) is administered within the scope of the rules of the road prepared by the National Public Safety Commission pursuant to Article 108-28, paragraph (4).
(4)Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding three paragraphs, Cabinet Office Order provides for the procedures for implementing driver's license tests, the way they are implemented, and other necessary particulars concerning them.
(Exemption from Driver's License Tests)
Article 97-2(1)A person as referred to in one of the following items is exempt from taking the part of the driver's license test that is prescribed in that item:
(i)a person who has a certificate as prescribed in the second sentence of Article 89, paragraph (3), if it has been less than one year since the date on which the person underwent the assessment prescribed in that paragraph:the part of the driver's license test covering the point set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii) of the preceding Article for an S-MVL, SM-MVL, M-MVL, or L-MVL, as determined by the category of provisional license held by the person at the time of the test;
(ii)a person who has a certificate of graduation as prescribed in Article 99-5, paragraph (5) (but only one accompanied by a certificate prepared by a skills evaluator as prescribed in the second sentence of that paragraph), if it has been less than one year since the date on which the person underwent the skills evaluation in connection with which the certificate of graduation was issued, or a person who has a certificate of completion as prescribed in that paragraph (but only one accompanied by a certificate prepared by a skills evaluator as prescribed in the second sentence of that paragraph; this excludes one that Cabinet Order prescribes), if it has been less than three months since the date on which the person underwent the skills evaluation in connection with which the certificate of completion was issued:the part of the driver's license test covering the point set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii) of the preceding Article for the license in connection with which the certificate of graduation or certificate of completion was issued;
第百一条第一項の免許証の有効期間の更新を受けなかつた者(政令で定める者を除く。)で、その者の免許が第百五条の規定により効力を失つた日から起算して六月(海外旅行、災害その他政令で定めるやむを得ない理由のため、その期間内に運転免許試験を受けることができなかつた者にあつては、当該効力を失つた日から起算して三年を経過しない場合に限り、当該事情がやんだ日から起算して一月)を経過しないもの(第百八条の二第一項第十一号及び第十二号において「特定失効者」という。)のうち、次に掲げる区分に応じそれぞれ次に定める検査及び講習を内閣府令で定めるところにより受けたもの その者が受けていた免許に係る運転免許試験(前条第一項第一号に掲げる事項についてのものを除く。)
(iii)a person who has failed to renew a license as referred to in Article 101, paragraph (1) (other than persons that Cabinet Order prescribes), if it has been less than six months since the date on which the license ceased to be valid pursuant to Article 105 (or, for a person who was unable to take a driver's license test within that six-month period due to overseas travel, a disaster, or other compelling circumstances that Cabinet Order prescribes, if it has been less than one month since the date on which those compelling circumstances came to an end, but only if it has been less than three years since the expiration date) (such a person is referred to in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), items (xi) and (xii) as a "specified holder of an expired license"), and who has undergone the assessment and training that the following prescribes for each of the following categories, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order: the driver's license test for the license that the person held (other than the part of the driver's license test covering the point set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) of the preceding Article):
(a)a person 75 years of age or older as of the date of submitting the application for the license pursuant to Article 89, paragraph (1):assessment of the person's memory function and other cognitive functions prescribed in Article 5-2 of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act (hereinafter referred to as "cognitive functions") that is administered by a public safety commission pursuant to Cabinet Office Order (hereinafter such an assessment is referred to as a "cognitive assessment") and the training set forth in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (xii) that is implemented based on the results of the cognitive assessment;
(b)a person 70 years of age or older as of the date of submitting the application for the license pursuant to pursuant to Article 89, paragraph (1) (other than one as set forth in (a)):the training set forth in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (xii);
(c)a person other than as set forth in subitems (a) and (b) above:the training set forth in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (xi), or training under paragraph (2) of that Article that meets the criteria prescribed in Rules of the National Public Safety Commission.
(iv)a person who has failed to renew a license as referred to in Article 101, paragraph (1) that allowed the person to drive a standard, semi-mid-sized, mid-sized, or large motor vehicle (other than persons specified by the Cabinet Order referred to in the preceding item), if it has been more than six months but less than one year since the date on which the license ceased to be valid pursuant to Article 105:a driver's license test covering the points set forth in paragraph (1), items (ii) and (iii) of the preceding Article for the provisional S-MVL, provisional SM-MVL, provisional M-MVL, or provisional L-MVL in the same category as the license that the person had held; or
(v)a person whose license has been revoked as under Article 103, paragraph (1) or (4) (this is limited to a revocation in connection with what is provided in paragraph (1), item (i) through (ii) of that Article) (this excludes a person violating Article 117-4, item (ii) in connection with the most recent questionnaire under Article 89, paragraph (1), Article 101, paragraph (1), or Article 101-2, paragraph (1) that the person submitted before the date of revocation, a person violating Article 107-4, item (ii) in connection with the most recent report under Article 101-5 that the person made before that date, and other persons that Cabinet Order prescribes) if it has been less than 3 years since the day on which the person's license was revoked (referred to as a "specified person stripped of driving privileges" in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), items (xi) and (xii)), and who has undergone the relevant assessment and training prescribed in (a) through (c) of item (iii) for the category set forth in that item, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order:a driver's license test for the license that the person had held (other than the part of the test covering the point set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) of the preceding Article).
(2)Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if a person seeking a license holds a license to drive a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle from an administrative agency or authorized organization in a country or region outside Japan, a public safety commission may exempt the person, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order, from taking part of a driver's license test, after confirming that there is nothing to prevent that person from driving a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle that the license the person is seeking would be for.
(3)Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, if a public safety commission, in accordance with the standards that Cabinet Order prescribes, finds that there is nothing to prevent that person from driving a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, it may exempt the person from taking part of the driver's license test.
(Stopping Driver's License Tests; Related Considerations)
Article 97-3(1)If a person has taken or begun to take a driver's license test by wrongful means, a public safety commission may stop the driver's license test or reverse its decision that the person has passed.
(2)A public safety commission that reverses its decision that a person has passed a driver's license test pursuant to the preceding paragraph must immediately notify that person. In such a case, the license that the driver's license test was for ceases to be valid on the date on which the person receives the notice.
(3)A public safety commission may prohibit a person subject to the measures under paragraph (1) from taking driver's license tests for a period of one year or less that it fixes, based on the circumstances.
第四節の二 自動車教習所
Section 4-2 Driving Schools
(Driving Schools)
Article 98(1)A person operating or managing a driving school (meaning a facility that provides instruction on motor vehicle driving skills and knowledge to persons seeking licenses; the same applies hereinafter) must endeavor to maintain and improve the standards of motor vehicle driving instruction provided at the driving school.
(2)A person operating or managing a driving school may file the following information with the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the location of the driving school, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order:
(i)the name and address of the person and, if it is a corporation, the name of its representative;
(ii)the name and location of the driving school; and
(iii)information that Cabinet Office Order prescribes beyond what is set forth in the preceding two items.
(3)A public safety commission must give the necessary guidance or advice to a person operating or managing a driving school that has made a filing as under the preceding paragraph, in keeping with the style of instruction at the driving school, in order to ensure that motor vehicle driving instruction meets the proper standards.
(4)If it finds it to be necessary, a public safety commission that has given the guidance or advice referred to in the preceding paragraph may request that the Japan Safe Driving Center give the necessary consideration to training employees in charge of instruction in motor vehicle driving skills or knowledge at the driving school in connection with the guidance or advice, and to other measures for improving the quality of those employees.
(5)Pursuant to Cabinet Office Order, a public safety commission may ask a person operating or managing a driving school that has made a filing as under paragraph (2) to report as necessary or submit the necessary materials, but only so far as is necessary to give the guidance or advice referred to in paragraph (3).
(Designation of Designated Driving Schools)
Article 99(1)A public safety commission may designate, as a designated driving school, a driving school that has made a filing as under paragraph (2) of the preceding Article; that provides instruction in motor vehicle driving skills and knowledge to persons seeking certain types of licenses (limited to those that Cabinet Order prescribes); and that conforms to the following criteria for employees, installations, and the like with respect to instruction, at the application of the person operating or managing the driving school:
(i)the person managing the driving school meets the requirements that Cabinet Order prescribes;
(ii)the school has an employee who has been issued a skills evaluator certificate as referred to in paragraph (4) of the following Article, whom it will appoint as a skills evaluator pursuant to paragraph (1) of that Article;
(iii)the school has an employee who has been issued an instructor certificate as referred to in Article 99-3, paragraph (4), whom it will appoint as an instructor pursuant to paragraph (1) of that Article; and
(iv)the facilities for instruction in motor vehicle driving skills and knowledge, as well as for skills evaluations (meaning evaluations on motor vehicle driving skills conducted pursuant to Cabinet Office Order; the same applies hereinafter) meet the criteria that Cabinet Order prescribes;
(v)the driving school's operations meet the criteria that Cabinet Order prescribes.
(2)A public safety commission must not grant a designation under the preceding paragraph to a driving school that has filed an application as referred to in that paragraph if it has had its designation revoked pursuant to Article 100 and it has been less than three years since the date of revocation.
(Skills Evaluators)
Article 99-2(1)A person managing a designated driving school must appoint a skills evaluator to conduct skills evaluations.
(2)A person who has not been issued a skills evaluator certificate as referred to in paragraph (4) may not become a skills evaluator.
(3)To apply the Penal Code and other penal provisions, skills evaluators are deemed to be employees engaged in public service pursuant to laws and regulations.
(4)A public safety commission issues a skills evaluator certificate to a person falling under both of the following items:
(i)one who is either of the following:
(a)a person who has passed a screening administered by a public safety commission on the skills and knowledge involved in undertaking skills evaluations, pursuant to Rules of the National Public Safety Commission;
(b)a person who has completed a course in motor vehicle driving instruction offered by the Japan Safe Driving Center as designated by the National Public Safety Commission;
(c)a person whom the public safety commission finds, pursuant to Rules of the National Public Safety Commission, has at least the same level of skills and knowledge as regards skills evaluations as a person set forth in (a) or (b). and
(ii)one who is none of the following:
(a)under 25 years of age;
(b)a person who has committed a wrongful act in connection with the issuance of a certificate of graduation or completion as prescribed in Article 99-5, paragraph (5) within the past three years;
(c)a person who been sentenced to a fine or heavier punishment for committing an offense as referred to in Article 117-2-2, item (xi), if it has been less than three years since the day on which the person completed the sentence or ceased to be subject to its execution;
(d)a person who has been sentenced to imprisonment without work or a heavier punishment for committing an offense as referred to in Article 2 through Article 6 of the Act on Punishment for When a Motor Vehicle Is Driven in a Way That Results in a Death or Injury or an offense prescribed in this Act (other than the offense referred to in Article 117-2-2, item (xi)) in connection with that person's driving of a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, if it has been less than three years since the day on which the person completed the sentence or ceased to be subject to its execution;
(e)a person to whom item (ii) or (iii) of the following paragraph applies, who has been ordered to return a skills evaluator certificate pursuant to the following paragraph, if it has been less than three years since the date of return.
(5)A public safety commission, pursuant to Rules of the National Public Safety Commissions, may order a person who has been issued a skills evaluator certificate as referred to in the preceding paragraph to return that certificate if it finds that one of the following items applies:
(i)any of (b) through (d) of item (ii) of the preceding paragraph has come to apply to the person;
(ii)the person was issued the skills evaluator certificate through deception or other wrongful means; or
(iii)the person has committed a wrongful act in connection with the duties of a skills evaluator, under circumstances found to be unbecoming of a skills evaluator.
(6)Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, Rules of the National Public Safety Commission provide for the necessary particulars in connection with skills evaluator certificates as referred to in paragraph (4).
Article 99-3(1)The person managing a designated driving school must appoint an instructor to provide instruction in motor vehicle driving skills and knowledge.
(2)A person who has not been issued an instructor certificate as referred to in paragraph (4) may not become an instructor.
(3)A person managing a designated driving school must not allow a person other than an instructor to provide instruction in motor vehicle driving skills or knowledge.
(4)A public safety commission issues an instructor certificate to a person falling under both of the following items:
(i)one who is either of the following:
(a)a person who has passed a screening administered by a public safety commission on the skills and knowledge involved in instructing persons on the skills and knowledge involved in driving motor vehicles, pursuant to Rules of the National Public Safety Commission;
(b)a person who has completed a course in motor vehicle driving instruction offered by the Japan Safe Driving Center as designated by the National Public Safety Commission;
(c)a person whom the public safety commission finds, pursuant to Rules of the National Public Safety Commission, has at least the same level of skills and knowledge in instructing persons on the skills and knowledge involved in driving motor vehicles as a person set forth in (a) or (b); and
(ii)one who is none of the following:
(a)under 21 years of age;
(b)a person to whom paragraph (5), item (ii) or (iii) of the preceding Article applies mutatis mutandis pursuant to the following paragraph, who has been ordered to return an instructor certificate pursuant to paragraph (5) of the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the following paragraph, if it has been less than three years since the date of the return;
(c)a person to whom any of paragraph (4), item (ii), subitems (b) through (d) of the preceding Article applies.
(5)The provisions of paragraphs (5) and (6) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to instructor certificates. In such a case, the term "skills evaluator" in paragraph (5), item (iii) of that Article is deemed to be replaced with "instructor".
(Training for Employees)
Article 99-4If a person managing a designated driving school is notified by a public safety commission that it will conduct training as set forth in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (ix) for the employees of the designated driving school, that person must have the employees undergo that training.
(Skills Evaluations)
Article 99-5(1)A person managing a designated driving school must have a skills evaluator conduct a skills evaluation, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order, for each type of license as prescribed in Article 99, paragraph (1) for persons who have completed instruction in motor vehicle driving skills and knowledge.
(2)A person managing a designated driving school must not allow a skills evaluator to administer a skills evaluation for a person who has not completed the instruction prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
(3)A person managing a designated driving school must not allow a person other than a skills evaluator to administer a skills evaluation.
(4)A skills evaluator must certify that a person who has passed a skills evaluation, has passed a skills evaluation.
(5)Once a skills evaluator has certified that a person has passed a skills evaluation as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the designated driving school may issue a certificate of graduation (meaning a certificate showing that the person has completed instruction at the designated driving school; the same applies hereinafter) or a certificate of completion (meaning a certificate showing that the person has achieved a level of skills and knowledge that would allow the person to drive with a provisional license, as a result of receiving instruction at a designated driving school; the same applies hereinafter) to that person in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes,, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order. In such a case, the certificate of graduation or completion must be accompanied by a certificate prepared by the skills evaluator showing that the person whose certificate of graduation or completion it is has passed a skills evaluation, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(Reporting and Inspection)
Article 99-6(1)A public safety commission may ask a person operating or managing a designated driving school to report or submit materials on the business activities of the designated driving school or have a police official enter the designated driving school to inspect documents and other items or to question relevant persons, but only so far as is necessary to enforce this Section.
(2)Police officials conducting on-site inspections pursuant to the preceding paragraph must carry identification and present it at the request of a relevant person.
(3)The authority for an on-site inspection under paragraph (1) must not be construed as authorizing a criminal investigation.
(Orders for Conformity; Supervisory Orders)
Article 99-7(1)If a public safety commission finds that a designated driving school no longer conforms to any of the criteria set forth in the items of Article 99, paragraph (1), it may order the person operating or managing the designated driving school to take the necessary measures to ensure that it conforms to that criteria.
(2)Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding paragraph, a public safety commission may issue orders that are necessary, from a supervisory perspective, with regard to the business activities of a designated driving school, to the person operating or managing the designated driving school, but only so far as is necessary to enforce this Section.
(Rescission of Designation as a Designated Driving School; Other Measures)
Article 100(1)If a person managing a designated driving school violates Article 99-3, paragraph (3), Article 99-4, or Article 99-5, paragraph (2) or (3); if a designated driving school issues a certificate of graduation or completion in violation of Article 99-5, paragraph (5); or if a person operating or managing a designated driving school violates an order under the preceding Article, the public safety commission may revoke the designation of the designated driving school, or may prohibit it from issuing certificates of graduation or completion based on the instruction it provides for a period of up to six months that it fixes.
(2)If a designated driving school subject to measures that prohibit it from issuing certificates of graduation or completion pursuant to the preceding paragraph issues a certificate of graduation or completion in violation of those measures, the public safety commission may revoke its designation or may extend the period during which it is prohibited from issuing certificates of graduation or completion by up to six months.
第四節の三 再試験
Section 4-3 Retesting
Article 100-2(1)A person holding an S-MVL, SM-MVL, S-ML, L-ML, or MBL who, during the period (not counting any period during which the person's license is suspended) running from the date on which the person is licensed until the date that marks the passage of one year, in total, that the person has been licensed (hereinafter referred to as the "period during which the person is a novice driver"), engages in conduct that violates this Act, an order under this Act, or a measure under this Act when driving a vehicle that the person is licensed to drive with that license, and the violation falls under the criteria that Cabinet Order prescribes with respect to the person's license (hereinafter such a person is referred to as "target novice driver"), a public safety commission is to administer testing to check whether the target novice driver has the ability to safely drive vehicles the person is licensed to drive with that license (hereinafter referred to as "retesting"); provided, however, that this does not apply to the following persons:
(i)a person who has held a license of a higher grade at some point within the six months before the day on which the person came to hold the license in question;
(ii)a person who has held the same type of license (including a license that Cabinet Order prescribes as equivalent to the license in question and excluding a license revoked pursuant to Article 104-2-2, paragraph (1), (2), or (4) or a license that Cabinet Order prescribes as equivalent to such a revoked license) at some point within the six months before the day on which the person came to hold the license in question, and who held that license for at least one year in total (other than any period during which that license was suspended);
(iii)a person who has obtained a license of a higher grade than the license in question after the date on which the person obtained the license in question;
(iv)a person who completes the training set forth in Article 108-2, paragraph (1), item (x) (other than a person engaging in conduct that violates this Act, an order under this Act, or a measure under this Act when driving a vehicle that the person is licensed to drive with the license in question, between the completion of the training and the end of the period during which the person is a novice driver, if that violation falls under the criteria that Cabinet Order prescribes with regard to the license in connection with which the person has undergone the training); or
(v)if the license in question is an SM-MVL, a person who also holds an S-MVL, and who had held that S-MVL for a total period of at least two years before obtaining the SM-MVL (not counting any period during which that license was suspended).
(2)Once the period during which a target novice driver is a novice driver driving under the license in question has passed, the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the driver's domicile at the end of that period retests the driver for the necessary skills and knowledge (limited to the necessary knowledge, if it is an MBL) to drive a motor vehicle or motorized bicycle, for each type of license.
(3)Article 97, paragraphs (2) through (4) apply mutatis mutandis to retesting administered by public safety commissions.
(4)Before administering retesting pursuant to paragraph (1), a public safety commission must notify the target novice driver in writing that it will administer the retesting, giving the reasons for the retesting and other necessary information, promptly after the end of the period during which the person is a novice driver driving under the license in question, pursuant to Cabinet Office Order.
(5)Having been notified of retesting by a public safety commission (meaning having been notified as under the preceding paragraph; the same applies hereinafter), a target novice driver must submit the written application for retesting that Cabinet Office Order prescribes to the public safety commission and undergo retesting by the time that it has been a total of one month since the day following the date on which the person is so notified (other than any period during which the person has a compelling circumstance that Cabinet Order prescribes for not undergoing the retesting). Article 92-2, paragraph (4) applies mutatis mutandis in such a case.
Article 100-3(1)If a public safety commission seeks to administer retesting but the target novice driver has changed addresses and resides within the jurisdictional district of a different public safety commission, it must promptly send a testing transfer notice as Cabinet Office Order prescribes to the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the target novice driver's new domicile.
(2)A public safety commission that has been sent a testing transfer notice as referred to in the preceding paragraph is to retest the target novice driver subject to the testing transfer notice. This being the case, a public safety commission sending a testing transfer notice as referred to in the preceding paragraph may not retest the target novice driver.
(3)The provisions of paragraph (4) of the preceding Article and paragraph (1) of this Article apply mutatis mutandis if a public safety commission administers retesting pursuant to the preceding paragraph. In such a case, the phrase "after the end of the period during which the person is a novice driver driving under the license in question" in paragraph (4) of the preceding Article is deemed to be replaced with "after having been sent a testing transfer notice".
(4)If a public safety commission seeks to implement retesting pursuant to paragraph (2) and the public safety commission sending the testing transfer notice under paragraph (1) has notified the target novice driver subject to the testing transfer notice of the retesting, the public safety commission seeking to implement the retesting pursuant to paragraph (2) is deemed to have notified the driver of the retesting.
第五節 免許証の更新等
Section 5 License Renewal; Related Considerations
(License Renewals and Periodic Screenings)
Article 101(1)A person seeking to renew a license (hereinafter referred to as a "license renewal") must submit a written application for renewal in the format that Cabinet Office Order prescribes (if a person is issued a questionnaire under paragraph (4), that person must submit the written application for renewal and the questionnaire filled out with the necessary information; the same applies in paragraph (5) and Article 101-2-2, paragraphs (1) through (3)) to the public safety commission with jurisdiction over the person's domicile, during the period that runs from one month before the person's most recent birthday prior to the last day of the license's validity up until the last day of the license's validity (hereinafter referred to as the "renewal period").
(2)To apply the preceding paragraph if the birthday of a person seeking license renewal pursuant to that paragraph falls on February 29, in non-leap years, the person's birthday is deemed to fall on February 28.
(3)A public safety commission is to send a person currently holding a license a document specifying the renewal period and other necessary information to ensure the smooth implementation of administrative functions connected with applications for license renewals (if the person falls within the definition of a driver with an exemplary record (other than a person that Cabinet Office Order prescribes whose license is subject to a condition that has been attached pursuant to Article 91, or a person considered a driver with an exemplary record based on the application of Note (iv) of the Table following Article 92-2, paragraph (1)) as of the renewal date, an indication of this is to be included).