Act on National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan(Act No. 123 of 2002)
Last Version: Act No. 43 of 2017
▶第三章 業務
▶第二節 重要消費者紛争解決手続
- 最終更新:平成二十九年法律第四十三号
- 翻訳日:平成30年2月16日
- 辞書バージョン:10.0
Act on National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan
Act on National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan
Act No. 123 of December 4, 2002
Act No. 123 of December 4, 2002
Table of Contents
第一章 総則(第一条―第五条)
Chapter I General Provisions(Articles 1 to 5)
第二章 役員及び職員(第六条―第九条)
Chapter II Officers and Employees(Articles 6 to 9)
第三章 業務
Chapter III Operations
第一節 業務の範囲(第十条)
Section 1 Scope of Operations(Article 10)
第二節 重要消費者紛争解決手続
Section 2 Important Consumer Dispute Resolution Procedures
第一款 紛争解決委員会(第十一条―第十八条)
Subsection 1 Dispute Resolution Committee(Articles 11 to 18)
第二款 和解の仲介
Subsection 2 Mediation of Settlement
第一目 手続(第十九条―第二十六条)
Division 1 Procedures(Articles 19 to 26)
第二目 和解仲介手続の利用に係る特例(第二十七条・第二十八条)
Division 2 Special Rules on the Use of the Procedures for Mediating Settlement(Articles 27 and 28)
第三款 仲裁(第二十九条―第三十三条)
Subsection 3 Arbitration(Articles 29 to 33)
第四款 雑則(第三十四条―第三十九条)
Subsection 4 Miscellaneous Provisions(Articles 34 to 39)
第三節 消費者紛争に関するセンターのその他の業務(第四十条―第四十二条)
Section 3 Other Operations of the Center Regarding Consumer Disputes(Articles 40 to 42)
第四章 財務及び会計(第四十三条・第四十三条の二)
Chapter IV Finance and Accounting(Articles 43 and 43-2)
第五章 雑則(第四十四条―第四十六条)
Chapter V Miscellaneous Provisions(Articles 44 to 46)
第六章 罰則(第四十七条―第四十九条)
Chapter VI Penal Provisions(Articles 47 to 49)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The purpose of this Act is to provide for matters concerning the name, purpose, scope of business, etc. of the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan.
Article 1-2(1)The term "consumer dispute" as used in this Act means a civil dispute between a consumer (an individual (excluding an individual whose act done as or for business caused the dispute) the same applies hereinafter) or a qualified consumer organization (means a qualified consumer organization provided in Article 2, paragraph (4) of the Consumer Contract Act (Act No. 61 of 2000)) which makes a demand for an injunction provided in Article 12-2, paragraph (1) of the same Act, and an enterprise (a corporation or any other type of organization, or an individual whose act done as or for business caused the dispute).
(2)The term "important consumer dispute" as used in this Act means a consumer dispute whose resolution is regarded nationally important for the stabilization and improvement of the people's lives in light of the situation of damage that occurs or is likely to occur to consumers or the nature of the case as specified by Cabinet Office Order.
Article 2The name of the incorporated administrative agency provided in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency (Act No. 103 of 1999; hereinafter referred to as the "Act on General Rules") that is to be established as provided by this Act and the Act on General Rules is the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan.
(Purpose of the Center)
Article 3In order to contribute to the stabilization and improvement of the lives of the people, the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan (hereinafter referred to as the "center") provides information and conducts study and research on the lives of people from a comprehensive point of view, implements procedures to legally resolve important consumer disputes, and facilitates the use of those procedures.
(Agency Managed under the Medium-Term Objectives)
Article 3-2The center is an agency managed under the medium-term objectives, provided in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on General Rules.
Article 4The center is to have its principal office located in Kanagawa Prefecture.
(Stated Capital)
Article 5(1)The stated capital of the center is the amount contributed by the government pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (6) of the Supplementary Provisions.
(2)The government may make additional capital contributions to the center, within the scope of the amount specified in the budget, when finding it necessary.
(3)When a capital contribution by the government under the preceding paragraph has been made, the stated capital of the center is to be increased by the amount of that contribution.
第二章 役員及び職員
Chapter II Officers and Employees
Article 6(1)The center is to have one president as its head and two auditors as its officers.
(2)The center may have up to three directors as its officers.
(Duties and Authority of Directors)
Article 7(1)The directors may assist the president and be in charge of operations of the center as determined by the president.
(2)The officer specified by the relevant individual Act as set forth in Article 19, paragraph (2) of the Act on General Rules is to be the director; provided, however, that when there is no director, then the officer is to be the auditor.
(3)In the case referred to in the proviso to the preceding paragraph, an auditor who represents or performs the duties of the president pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (2) of the Act on General Rules must not fulfill the duties as an auditor at the same time.
(Term of Office of Directors)
Article 8The term of office of a director is two years.
(Service of the Officers and Employees)
Article 9(1)Officers and employees of the center must not disclose any secrets which they have come to know in the course of their duties. The same applies even after they have retired.
(2)Officers and employees of the center engaged in public service are deemed as employees engaged in public services under the laws and regulations with regard to the application of the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907) and other penal provisions.
第三章 業務
Chapter III Operations
第一節 業務の範囲
Section 1 Scope of Operations
Article 10In order to achieve the purpose set forth in Article 3, the center conducts the following operations:
(i)to provide the public with information regarding the improvement of their lives;
(ii)to offer necessary information to deal with complaints, inquiries, etc. from the public regarding their lives;
(iii)to offer information regarding the lives of the public in response to requests from administrative agencies, groups, etc. that conduct the operations set forth in the preceding two items;
(iv)to conduct comprehensive research and study on actual circumstances and trends of the lives of the public;
(v)to gather information on the lives of the public;
(vi)to resolve important consumer disputes;
(vii)to provide a security for an order for provisional seizure pertaining to the petition referred to in Article 56, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Civil Court Proceedings for the Collective Redress for Property Damage Incurred by Consumers (Act No. 96 of 2013) filed by Specified Qualified Consumer Organizations (which means a Specified Qualified Consumer Organizations provided in Article 2, item (x) of the same Act); and
(viii)to perform the operations incidental to the operations referred to in the preceding items.
第二節 重要消費者紛争解決手続
Section 2 Important Consumer Dispute Resolution Procedures
第一款 紛争解決委員会
Subsection 1 Dispute Resolution Committee
(Establishment and Authority)
Article 11(1)A dispute resolution committee (hereinafter referred to as the "committee") is to be established at the center.
(2)The committee is to carry out mediating settlement or arbitration procedures for the resolution of an important consumer dispute (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "important consumer dispute resolution procedures") and deal with the matters within its authority pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
(3)The committee is to independently exercise its authority.
Article 12(1)The committee is to consist of 15 or less members.
(2)The members are to serve on a part-time basis.
(Appointment of the Committee Members)
Article 13(1)Members of the Committee are appointed by the president from among persons with experience and expertise in law or transactions of products or services, with the authorization of the Prime Minister.
(2)No person who falls under any of the following items is eligible to become a member of the committee:
(i)an adult ward or person under curatorship;
(ii)a person who has received an order commencing bankruptcy proceedings and has not obtained restoration of rights; and
(iii)a person who has been sentenced to imprisonment without work or heavier punishment, and for whom five years have not passed since the day on which that person finished serving the sentence or ceased to be subject to its enforcement.
(3)If a committee member falls under any of the items of the preceding paragraph, the member will automatically forfeit their position as committee member.
(4)The provisions of Article 23, paragraph (2) of the Act on General Rules apply mutatis mutandis to committee members.
(Term of Office of Committee Members)
Article 14(1)The term of office of each committee member is two years; provided, however, that the term of office of a substitute member is to be the remaining term of their predecessor.
(2)Committee members may be reappointed.
(3)A committee member whose term of office expires is to continue to perform duties until the relevant committee member's successor is appointed.
(Public Service by Committee Members)
Article 15(1)Committee members must not disclose or misappropriate any secrets which they have come to know in the course of their duties. The same applies after they have left their position.
(2)With regard to the application of the Penal Code and other penal provisions, the committee members are deemed to be employees who are engaged in public service pursuant to laws and regulations.
(Special Committee Members)
Article 16(1)A committee may have special committee members for their participation in the important consumer dispute resolution procedures.
(2)The term of office of each special committee member is two years.
(3)The provisions of Article 12, paragraph (2), Article 13, paragraphs (1) through (3), Article 14, paragraph (2) and the preceding Article of this Act, and Article 23, paragraph (2) of the Act on General Rules apply mutatis mutandis to special committee members.
(Chairperson of the Committee)
Article 17(1)The Commission is to have a chairperson, who is elected from among the committee members.
(2)The chairperson is to preside over the operations of the Committee and represents the Committee.
(3)In the event that the chairperson is unable to attend to its duties, a committee member who has been nominated by the chairperson in advance is to perform the duties on behalf of the chairperson.
(Meetings and Resolutions)
Article 18(1)Each committee meeting is to be convened by the chairperson of the committee.
(2)The committee may not convene a meeting or make any resolution without the presence of the chairperson or a committee member who engages in the duties of the chairperson pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding Article (referred to as the "acting chairperson" in the Article 21, paragraph (2)) and more than half of all incumbent committee members.
(3)Any agenda brought before the committee is decided by a majority of members present, and in case of a tie, by the chairperson.
第二款 和解の仲介
Subsection 2 Mediation of Settlement
第一目 手続
Division 1 Procedures
(Commencement of Procedures)
Article 19(1)Either or both parties concerning an important consumer dispute may file an application for the mediation of settlement with the committee.
(2)An application referred to in the preceding paragraph must be filed in writing.
(3)If finding that a dispute for which mediation has been applied for in accordance with paragraph (1) does not fall under an important consumer dispute, the mediation commissioner prescribed in paragraph (1) of the following Article must dismiss the application.
(4)A person that is dissatisfied with the decision to dismiss the application under paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may file an objection with the committee.
(5)If the application for the mediation of settlement for an important consumer dispute is made by either one of the parties concerned, the committee must promptly so notify the other party attaching a copy of the documents referred to in paragraph (2), and must confirm whether the party has the intention to resolve the important consumer dispute by settlement through mediation conducted by the committee.
(Mediation Commissioners)
Article 20(1)The procedures for the committee's mediation of settlement (including the procedures under paragraph (3) of the preceding Article; hereinafter referred to as the "procedures for mediating settlement") is carried out by one or more mediation commissioners (meaning those who carry out the procedures for mediating settlement; the same applies hereinafter).
(2)Mediation commissioners are nominated by the chairperson of the committee from among committee members or special committee members for each case.
(3)When nominating mediation commissioners pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the chairperson of the committee must make efforts to ensure the appropriate staffing while comprehensively considering the knowledge and experience of committee members or special committee members and other circumstances.
(4)Mediation commissioners must carry out the procedures for mediating settlement from a neutral and fair standpoint.
(5)If two or more mediation commissioners are nominated, matters of the procedures for mediating settlement is determined by a majority vote of mediation commissioners.
(Challenging Mediation Commissioners)
Article 21(1)Where there exist any circumstances of a mediation commissioner that could prejudice the impartiality of the procedures for mediating a settlement, the party concerned may challenge that mediation commissioner.
(2)A decision on the challenge against a mediation commissioner is made by the chairperson, upon petition made by a party concerned (if the mediation commissioner pertaining to the petition is the chairperson, the acting chairperson makes the decision; and if the mediation commissioner pertaining to the petition is the chairperson and the acting chairperson of the committee, then a committee member who has nominated by the chairperson in advance makes the decision).
(3)A party that intends to file a petition set forth in the preceding paragraph must submit to the chairperson a written petition stating the grounds for the challenge, within 15 days from the later of the day on which the party concerned became aware the mediation commissioner had been nominated, or the date on which the party concerned became aware that there is a ground for the challenge.
(4)If a petition described in paragraph (2) has been filed, a mediation commissioner concerned must suspend the procedures for mediating settlement until the decision referred to in the same paragraph is rendered; provided, however, that this does not apply to a case requiring urgent action.
(Request for Participation and Submission of Documents)
Article 22Mediation commissioners may request the parties concerned to participate in the procedures for mediating settlement or submit documents or items pertaining to the case concerned, when it is found to be necessary to do so for mediating settlement.
(Non-Disclosure of Procedures)
Article 23The procedures for mediating settlement are not open to the public.
(Advice from Lawyers)
Article 24In the case where no attorney-at-law is a member of the mediation commissioners (excluding the case in which at least one of mediation commissioners is a judicial scrivener prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (2) of the Judicial Scrivener Act (Act No. 197 of 1950), when the mediation commissioners conduct the procedures for mediating the settlement of a dispute prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1), item (vii) of that Act), if expert knowledge is required for interpretation and application of laws and regulations when the procedures for mediating settlement are carried out, mediation commissioners are to receive advice from committee members or special committee members who are attorneys-at-law.
(Recommendation to Accept a Settlement Proposal)
Article 25Mediation commissioners may prepare a settlement proposal, and recommend the parties concerned to accept the settlement.
(Termination of Procedures)
Article 26(1)Mediation commissioners must terminate the procedures for mediating settlement, if an important consumer dispute is found inappropriate for it to be subject to mediation of settlement by nature, or if it is found that a party concerned has filed for the mediation of settlement for unjust purposes.
(2)If the mediation commissioner considers there to be no prospect of reaching a settlement between the parties concerned through the procedures for mediating settlement, the mediation commissioner may terminate the procedures for mediating settlement.
(3)If the procedures for mediating settlement are terminated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, mediation commissioners must notify the parties concerned of the termination.
第二目 和解仲介手続の利用に係る特例
Division 2 Special Rules on the Use of the Procedures for Mediating Settlement
(Renewal of Prescription)
Article 27In case where mediation commissioners terminate the procedures for mediating settlement pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, if a person who applied for the mediation of settlement files a lawsuit regarding the claim that was the subject of the procedures for mediating settlement within one month from receiving notice under paragraph (3) of the preceding Article, then for the purpose of renewal of prescription, the lawsuit is deemed to be filed at the time of the application for mediation of settlement.
(Suspension of Court Proceedings)
Article 28(1)In case where a lawsuit for the important consumer dispute is pending between the parties concerned, if there is an event set forth in the following items and the parties have filed a joint petition, the court in charge of the case may decide to suspend the court proceedings for a fixed period of no longer than four months:
(i)procedures for mediating settlement have been implemented for the important consumer dispute between the parties concerned to the relevant important consumer dispute;
(ii)beyond the case referred to in the preceding item, the parties concerned of the important consumer dispute have reached an agreement to resolve the important consumer dispute through the procedures for mediating settlement.
(2)The court in charge of the case may rescind the decision under the preceding paragraph at any time.
(3)No appeal may be entered against a decision dismissing the petition under paragraph (1) or a decision rescinding the decision under paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
第三款 仲裁
Subsection 3 Arbitration
(Commencement of Procedures)
Article 29(1)Either or both of the parties concerned of an important consumer dispute may apply for arbitration to the committee.
(2)An arbitration application filed by either one of the parties must be based on a mutual agreement to the effect that arbitration under this Act will be conducted.
(3)The provisions of Article 19, paragraphs (2) through (4) apply mutatis mutandis to the arbitration procedures conducted by the committee.In this case, the term "of the preceding paragraph" in Article 19, paragraph (2) and the term "of paragraph (1)" in paragraphs (3) and (4) of the same Article are replaced with the term "of Article 29, paragraph (1)"; and the term "the mediation commissioners prescribed in paragraph (1) of the following Article" in paragraph (3) of the same Article is replaced with the term "the arbitration committee members specified in Article 30, paragraph (1)".
(Arbitration Committee Members)
Article 30(1)The arbitration procedures of the committee (including the procedures under Article 19, paragraph (3) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of the preceding Article following the deemed replacement of terms) is carried out by one or more arbitration committee members (those who carry out the arbitration procedures; the same applies hereinafter.).
(2)Arbitration committee members are selected from among committee members or special committee members based on the agreement of the parties concerned, and are nominated by the chairperson; provided, however, that if no members selected based on the agreement of the parties concerned, the chairperson is to nominate arbitration committee members from committee members or special committee members.
(3)At least one arbitration committee member must be a lawyer (a lawyer or a judicial scrivener specified in Article 3, paragraph (2) of the Judicial Scrivener Act, in the case of the arbitration procedures for disputes provided in paragraph (1), item (vii) of the same Article).
(4)When nominating arbitration committee members pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (2), the chairperson of the committee must make an effort to ensure appropriate staffing while comprehensively considering the knowledge and experience of committee members or special committee members and other circumstances.
(5)Arbitration committee members must carry out arbitration procedures from a neutral and fair standpoint.
(Request for Submission of Documents)
Article 31When arbitration committee members find it necessary for arbitration, they may request the parties to submit documents or items related to the case.
(Non-Disclosure of Procedures)
Article 32Arbitration procedures are not to be disclosed to the public.
(Application of the Provisions of the Arbitration Act)
Article 33In applying the Arbitration Act (Act No. 138 of 2003) to the arbitration by the committee, the arbitration committee members are deemed to be arbitrators.
第四款 雑則
Subsection 4 Miscellaneous Provisions
(Coordination with Others That Carry Out Alternative Dispute Resolution)
Article 34When carrying out important consumer dispute resolution procedures, the committee must coordinate with national institutions, local governments, and private enterprises carrying out alternative dispute resolution (meaning the alternative dispute resolution specified in Article 1 of the Act on Promotion of Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (Act No. 151 of 2004)) regarding consumer disputes, while considering appropriate division of roles, and endeavor to reach proper and prompt settlement in line with the actual circumstance of the dispute.
(Operational Rules)
Article 35The committee is to provide and publish the operational rules regarding the important consumer dispute resolution procedures, and the implementation of the announcement under the following Article and the recommendation under Article 37.
(Announcement of the Outline of Results)
Article 36When the committee finds it necessary for the stabilization and improvement of the lives of the people after the procedures for mediating settlement or arbitration procedures are completed, the committee may publish the outline of the results.
(Recommendation to Fulfill Obligations)
Article 37(1)The committee may recommend those who have obligations specified in settlement or arbitration to fulfill the obligations if this is requested by right holders and considered appropriate.
(2)In the case of the preceding paragraph, the committee may request the parties concerned to report on the progress of fulfillment of the obligations or survey the matter.
(Restrictions on Requests for Administrative Review and Suits)
Article 38It is not possible to file a lawsuit based on a request for administrative review and the Administrative Case Litigation Act (Act No. 139 of 1962) regarding the disposition or omission thereof under this Section (excluding Subsection 1).
(Delegation to Cabinet Office Order)
Article 39Beyond what is provided for in this Act, necessary items relating to the committee, the important consumer dispute resolution procedures, and the announcement under Article 36 and the recommendation under Article 37 are specified by Cabinet Office Order.
第三節 消費者紛争に関するセンターのその他の業務
Section 3 Other Operations of the Center Regarding Consumer Disputes
(Preparation for or Assistance in Conducting Lawsuits)
Article 40(1)In the case where an important consumer dispute has not been solved through procedures for mediating settlement, the center may offer reference material for preparing for or conducting a lawsuit (excluding documents submitted by the parties concerned for the important consumer dispute resolution procedures) specified by Cabinet Office Order, when a consumer who applied for the mediation of settlement files a lawsuit regarding the claim that was subject of the procedures for mediating settlement had been conducted.
(2)Any consumers who have received reference materials pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph must not use the materials for any purpose other than for preparing or conducting the lawsuit referred to in the same paragraph.
(Operations of Dealing with Complaints about Consumer Disputes)
Article 41Beyond the important consumer dispute resolution procedures conducted by the committee, if a consumer files a complaint concerning consumer disputes, then the center is to carry out the following operations:
(i)to provide the consumer with information that would help in their selecting the appropriate procedures in order to resolve consumer disputes in line with the actual circumstances of that particular consumer dispute; and
(ii)to carry out mediation for complaint processing.
(Collection and Announcement of Information)
Article 42(1)In order to prevent consumer disputes, the center may request local governments or the like that hold the information regarding consumers' affairs to provide that information.
(2)The center is to organize and analyze information provided pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and other information on consumers' affairs collected, and if it finds it necessary for the stabilization and improvement of the lives of the people, the center is to announce the results of the analysis and notify relevant administrative organizations of the results of the analysis as well as the opinions thereof.
第四章 財務及び会計
Chapter IV Finance and Accounting
(Special Provisions for Management of Profits and Losses)
Article 43(1)If there are reserve funds under Article 44, paragraph (1) of the Act on General Rules after the recording under paragraph (1) or (2) of the same Article for the last fiscal year of the medium-term objectives period described in Article 29, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act on General Rules (referred to as the "medium-term objectives period" in this paragraph), the center may allocate the amount approved by the Prime Minister out of the reserve funds to the financial resources for the operations described in Article 10 for the following medium-term objectives period in accordance with the medium-term plan for the medium-term objectives period following the medium-term objectives period authorized pursuant to the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Act on General Rules (or the revised medium-term plan if the revision is authorized pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of the same paragraph).
(2)The Prime Minister must have discussions with the Finance Minister when giving approval under the preceding paragraph.
(3)When there is a surplus after deducting the amount for which the approval under paragraph (1) was obtained from the amount equivalent to the amount of the reserve funds under the same paragraph, the center must pay the surplus money to the public treasury of Japan.
(4)Beyond what is specified in the preceding three paragraphs, necessary items regarding procedures for payment to the government and disposition of reserve funds are specified by Cabinet Order.
(Long-Term Debts)
Article 43-2(1)The center may take on long-term debts after obtaining the authorization from the Prime Minister, in order to allocate borrowed money to the operations set forth in Article 10, item (vii) and accompanying operations.
(2)Every fiscal year, the center must design a plan for redeeming long-term debts and obtain the authorization from the Prime Minister.
(3)The Prime Minister must have discussions with the Finance Minister, when giving authorization under the preceding two paragraphs.
第五章 雑則
Chapter V Miscellaneous Provisions
(The Prime Minister's Request for Coping with Emergencies)
Article 44(1)In the case where the distribution of a product or the provision of a service causes or may cause serious bodily harm to the lives or damage to assets of the people, or other circumstances arise, if it is found necessary to offer information immediately to the people, the Prime Minister may request the center to take necessary measures regarding the operations set forth in Article 10, items (i) and (ii).
(2)If requested by the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the center must meet the request, unless there is a good reason for rejecting the request.
(Competent Ministers)
Article 45The competent minister and the order of the competent ministry mentioned in the Act on General Rules regarding the center is to be the Prime Minister and Cabinet Office Order, respectively.
(Exclusion from the Application of the National Public Officers' Housing Act)
Article 46The provisions of the National Public Officers' Housing Act (Act No. 117 of 1949) do not apply to the officers or employees of the center.
第六章 罰則
Chapter VI Penal Provisions
Article 47A person who has violated the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (1) or Article 15, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 16, paragraph (3)) is subject to punishment by imprisonment of up to one year or a fine of up to 500,000 yen.
Article 48A person who has violated the provisions of Article 40, paragraph (2) is subject to punishment by a civil fine of up to 300,000 yen.
Article 49In any of the following cases, the officer of the center who has committed a violation is subject to punishment by a civil fine of up to 200,000 yen:
(i)the officer conducts operations other than those specified in Article 10;
(ii)the officer has not obtained the approval of the Prime Minister when required pursuant to the provisions of Article 43, paragraph (1);
(iii)the officer has not obtained the authorization of the Prime Minister when required pursuant to the provisions of Article 43-2, paragraph (1) or (2).
附 則〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Extract]
Supplementary Provisions[Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Act comes into effect as of the date of promulgation; provided, however, that the following provisions come into effect as of the dates specified in the respective items:
(i)the provisions of Articles 3, 4, 6, and 7 of the Supplementary Provisions:October 1, 2003.
(Dissolution of National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan)
Article 2(1)National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan (hereinafter referred to as the "old center") will be dissolved when the center is established, and all of rights and obligations thereof, excluding assets taken over by the national government pursuant to the provisions of the following paragraph, will be transferred to the center.
(2)Among the rights held by the old center at the time of establishment of the center, the assets other than those required for implementing the operations of the center without fail will be transferred to the national government at the time of establishment of the center.
(3)The range of assets taken over by the national government pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and other necessary items for the transfer of the assets to the national governments are specified by Cabinet Order.
(4)The fiscal year including the day before the dissolution of the old center will end on that day.
(5)Prior laws continue to govern the settlement of accounts, the inventory of assets, balance sheet, and profit and loss statement for the former fiscal year including the day before the dissolution of the old center.
(6)When the center takes over the rights and obligations of the old center pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the amount calculated by subtracting the amount of liabilities from the amount of assets taken over by the center is deemed to be the amount invested by the government in the center.
(7)The value of assets referred to in the preceding paragraph is the value evaluated by assessment committee members with reference to the market value as of the date of establishment of the center.
(8)Assessment committee members referred to in the preceding paragraph and other necessary items for evaluation are specified by Cabinet Order.
(9)The items regarding the registration in cases of dissolution of the old center pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) are specified by Cabinet Order.
(Abolishment of the Act on the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan)
Article 3The Act on the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan (Act No. 94 of 1970) is abolished.
(Transitional Measures Concerning Application of Penal Provisions)
Article 4Prior laws continue to govern the applicability of penal provisions to acts committed prior to the enforcement of the provisions of the preceding Article and acts committed after this Act comes into effect pertaining to matters for which prior laws continue to govern pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (5) of the Supplementary Provisions.
(Delegation to Cabinet Order)
Article 5Beyond what is specified in the preceding three Articles, necessary transitional measures for the establishment of the center and other necessary transitional measures for the enforcement of this Act are specified by Cabinet Order.
附 則〔平成十六年六月二十三日法律第百三十号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 130 of June 23, 2004 Extract][Extract]
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 130 of June 23, 2004 Extract][Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Act comes into effect as of October 1, 2004; provided, however, that the following provisions come into effect as of the dates specified in respective items.
附 則〔平成二十年五月二日法律第二十七号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 27, May 2, 2008 Extract][Extract]
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 27, May 2, 2008 Extract][Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Act comes into effect as of the day specified by Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding one year from the date of promulgation; provided, however, that the provisions of the following Article come into effect as of the date of promulgation.
(Preparatory Actions)
Article 2Necessary acts for appointing committee members under Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act on National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan amended by this Act (referred to as the "New Act" in the following Article and Article 5 of the Supplementary Provisions) may be conducted pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, even before the enforcement of this Act.
(Adjustment Provisions)
Article 3In the case where the date of enforcement of this Act (hereinafter referred to as the "enforcement date") is before April 1, 2009, in applying the provisions of Article 1-2, paragraph (1) of the New Act during a period from the enforcement date to March 31, 2009, the phrase "Article 12-2, paragraph (1)" in the same paragraph is replaced with the phrase "Article 12, paragraph (5)".
(Transitional Measures)
Article 4Prior laws continue to govern the applicability of penal provisions to conduct in which a person engages in before this Act comes into effect.
Article 5After five years have elapsed since the enforcement of this Act, when reviewing the status of enforcement of the New Act and finding it necessary, the government is to take measures as required based on the review results.
附 則〔平成二十六年六月十三日法律第六十七号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 67, June 13, 2014 Extract][Extract]
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 67, June 13, 2014 Extract][Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Act comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency (Act No. 66 of 2014; hereinafter referred to as the "Amended Act on General Rules"); provided, however, that the provisions set forth in the following items come into effect as of the dates set forth in the respective items:
(i)the provisions of Article 14, paragraph (2), Article 18, and Article 30 of the Supplementary Provisions:the date of promulgation.
(Effects of Disposition)
Article 28The disposition, procedures, and other acts that have been carried out or are to be carried out pursuant to the provisions of the individual laws prior to amendment by this Act (including orders based on this Act) and that have corresponding provisions in individual laws amended by this Act (including orders based on these Acts; hereinafter referred to as the "new laws and regulations" in this article) are deemed to be dispositions, procedures, and other acts that have been carried out or should be carried out pursuant to the corresponding provisions of the new laws and regulations, unless otherwise specified by Acts (including Cabinet Order based on this Act).
(Transitional Measures Concerning Penal Provisions)
Article 29Prior laws continue to govern the applicability of penal provisions to conduct that a person engages in before this Act comes into effect, and conduct that a person engages in after this Act comes into effect but which, pursuant to the provisions of the Supplementary Provisions, is to continue to be governed by prior laws.
(Delegation of Other Transitional Measures to Cabinet Order)
Article 30Beyond what is specified in Article 3 through the preceding Article of the Supplementary Provisions, the transitional measures necessary to enforce this Act (including those pertaining to penal provisions) are specified by Cabinet Order (or with regard to matters under the jurisdiction of the National Personnel Authority, by Rules of the National Personnel Authority) prescribes necessary transitional measures concerning the enforcement of this Act (including transitional measures on penal provisions).
附 則〔平成二十六年六月十三日法律第六十九号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 69, June 13, 2014 Extract][Extract]
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 69, June 13, 2014 Extract][Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Act comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Administrative Appeal Act (Act No. 68 of 2014).
附 則〔平成二十六年六月十三日法律第七十一号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 71, June 13, 2014 Extract][Extract]
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 71, June 13, 2014 Extract][Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Act comes into effect as of the date specified by Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the date of promulgation.
附 則〔平成二十九年六月二日法律第四十三号〕〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 43, June 2, 2017 Extract][Extract]
Supplementary Provisions[Act No. 43, June 2, 2017 Extract][Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Act comes into effect as of October 1, 2017; provided, however, that the provisions of Article 5 of the Supplementary Provisions come into effect as of the date of promulgation.
(Transitional Measures for Penal Provisions)
Article 4Prior laws continue to govern the applicability of penal provisions to conduct in which a person engages in before this Act comes into effect.
(Delegation to Cabinet Order)
Article 5Beyond what is specified in the preceding three Articles, the necessary transitional measures pertaining to the enforcement of this Act is specified by Cabinet Order.