Basic Act on the Environment(Act No. 91 of 1993)
Last Version: Act No. 50 of 2018
▶第二章 環境の保全に関する基本的施策
- 最終更新:平成三十年法律第五十号
- 翻訳日:令和2年4月21日
- 辞書バージョン:14.0
Basic Act on the Environment
Basic Act on the Environment
Act No. 91 of December 1, 2018
Act No. 91 of December 1, 2018
Table of Contents
第一章 総則(第一条―第十三条)
Chapter I General Provisions(Article 1 to 13)
第二章 環境の保全に関する基本的施策
Chapter II Basic Policies for Environmental Conservation
第一節 施策の策定等に係る指針(第十四条)
Section 1 Guidelines for the Formulation of Policies(Article 14)
第二節 環境基本計画(第十五条)
Section 2 Basic Environmental Plan(Article 15)
第三節 環境基準(第十六条)
Section 3 Environmental Quality Standards(Article 16)
第四節 特定地域における公害の防止(第十七条・第十八条)
Section 4 Environmental Pollution Control in Specific Areas(Article 17 and 18)
第五節 国が講ずる環境の保全のための施策等(第十九条―第三十一条)
Section 5 Policies for Environmental Conservation Implemented by the State(Article 19 to 31)
第六節 地球環境保全等に関する国際協力等(第三十二条―第三十五条)
Section 6 International Cooperation on Global Environmental Conservation, etc.(Article 32 to 35)
第七節 地方公共団体の施策(第三十六条)
Section 7 Policies Implemented by Local Governments(Article 36)
第八節 費用負担等(第三十七条―第四十条の二)
Section 8 Burden of Costs(Article 37 to 40-2)
第三章 環境の保全に関する審議会その他の合議制の機関等
Chapter III Councils on Environmental Conservation and Other Authorities with Council System
第一節 環境の保全に関する審議会その他の合議制の機関(第四十一条―第四十四条)
Section 1 Councils on Environmental Conservation and Other Authorities with Council System(Article 41 to 44)
第二節 公害対策会議(第四十五条・第四十六条)
Section 2 Conference on Environmental Pollution Control(Article 45 and 46)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The purpose of this Act is to promote policies for environmental conservation in a comprehensive and systematic manner so as to ensure wholesome and cultured living of the people present and in the future, as well as to contribute to the welfare of humankind by establishing the basic principles of environmental conservation; clarifying the responsibilities of the State, local governments, business operators and citizens; and prescribing the basis for formulating the policies for environmental conservation.
Article 2(1)In this Act, "environmental load" means negative effects of human activities on the environment which may cause hindrances to the environmental conservation.
(2)In this Act, "global environmental conservation" means environmental conservation in response to global warming, ozone layer depletion, marine pollution, decrease in wildlife species, or situations affecting the whole or part of the world caused by human activities, which contributes to the welfare of humankind as well as to wholesome and cultured living of the people.
(3)In this Act, "environmental pollution" means, air pollution, water pollution (including a deterioration in the water conditions and the quality of the bottom sediments except for the water quality; the same applies to Article 21, paragraph (1), item (i)), soil contamination, noise, vibration, ground subsidence (excluding subsidence caused by land excavation for mineral exploitation; the same applies hereinafter) and offensive odors caused by business activities and other human activities in a broad area, among the hindrances to environment conservation, which causes damage to human health or the living environment (including property closely related to human life, as well as flora and fauna closely related to human life and their growing environments; the same applies hereinafter).
(Receiving Blessings of the Environment and Bequeathing the Blessings to Future Generations)
Article 3The environment must be conserved appropriately so that the current and future generations can enjoy the blessings of a healthy and productive environment, and the environment that is the basis of human survival can be sustained into the future, given the fact that sustaining the healthy and productive environment is indispensable for wholesome and cultured living of the people, and that the ecosystem exists by maintaining a delicate balance and the infinite environment that is the basis of human survival may be damaged by the environmental loads caused by human activities.
(Building a Society that Facilitates Sustainable Development with Low Environmental Loads)
Article 4Environment must be conserved with the aim of building a society in which a healthy and productive environment is sustained and sustainable development is achieved by promoting sound economic development with low environmental loads; by reducing the environmental loads caused by socio-economic and other activities as much as possible; and by taking an voluntary and proactive action for environmental conservation based on the fair allocation of roles between all people; and with the aim of preventing a hindrance to the environmental conservation based on the broad-based scientific knowledge.
(Active Promotion of Global Environmental Conservation Through International Cooperation)
Article 5Global environmental conservation must be actively promoted in cooperation with other countries, utilizing Japan's capacities and resources, and in accordance with Japan's status in the international community, given the fact that global environmental conservation is the common concern of humankind, which is a requirement for ensuring the wholesome and cultured living of the people into the future, and that the Japan's economy and society is run in deeply interdependent world.
(Responsibilities of the State)
Article 6The State is responsible for formulating and implementing basic and comprehensive policies for environmental conservation, pursuant to the basic principles on environmental conservation prescribed in the preceding three articles (hereinafter referred to as the "basic principles").
(Responsibilities of Local Governments)
Article 7The local governments are responsible for formulating and implementing policies for environmental conservation in accordance with the national policies and other policies which satisfy the natural and social conditions of the areas over which the local governments have authority, pursuant to the basic principles.
(Responsibilities of Business Operators)
Article 8(1)Business operators are responsible for taking measures, when engaging in business activities, necessary to treat smoke and soot, polluted water and wastes generated from their business activities and prevent other environmental pollution, and to protect the natural environment properly, pursuant to the basic principles.
(2)In order to prevent a hindrance to environmental conservation, business operators are responsible for taking necessary measures when manufacturing, processing or selling products or engaging in other business activities, so as to ensure proper disposal of the wastes if the products and other goods pertaining to these business activities are disposed of, pursuant to the basic principles.
(3)Beyond what is set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, in order to prevent a hindrance to environmental conservation, business operators must endeavor to help reduce the environmental loads caused by the uses or disposal of the products or other goods pertaining to the business activities, when manufacturing, processing or selling the products, or engaging in other business activities; and endeavor to use recyclable resources and other raw materials and services which help reduce the environmental loads when engaging in their business activities, pursuant to the basic principles.
(4)Beyond what is set forth in the preceding three paragraphs, regarding the business activities, business operators are responsible for making voluntary efforts to reduce the environmental loads induced by their business activities and to conserve the environment; and cooperating with the State or local governments to implement the policies for environmental conservation, pursuant to the basic principles.
(Responsibilities of Citizens)
Article 9(1)Citizens must endeavor to reduce impacts in their daily lives on the environment so as to prevent a hindrance to environmental conservation, pursuant to the basic principles.
(2)Beyond what is set forth in the preceding paragraph, citizens are responsible for making voluntary efforts to conserve the environment and cooperating with the State or local government to implement the policies for environmental conservation, pursuant to the basic principles.
(Environment Day)
Article 10(1)In order to broadly raise citizens' and business operators' awareness and deepen understanding of environmental conservation, and to enhance their motivation to actively engage in activities for environmental conservation, the Environment Day is established.
(2)The Environment Day is June 5th.
(3)The State and local governments must endeavor to carry out events which support the spirit and objective of the Environment Day.
(Legislative Measures)
Article 11The government must take legislative, financial and other measures required to implement the policies for environmental conservation.
(Annual Report)
Article 12(1)The government must submit a report on the state of the environment and the policies for environmental conservation implemented by the State to the Diet each year.
(2)The government must prepare a document explaining the policies to be implemented by the government by taking into account the state of the environment described in the report in the preceding paragraph, and submit the document to the Diet.
Article 13Deleted
第二章 環境の保全に関する基本的施策
Chapter II Basic Policies for Environmental Conservation
第一節 施策の策定等に係る指針
Section 1 Guidelines for Policy Formulation
Article 14The policies for environmental conservation set forth in this Chapter must be formulated and implemented in a comprehensive and systematic manner pursuant to the basic principle, by working in partnership with other sectors to implement various measures with each other, with the aim of achieving the following objectives:
(i)the atmosphere, water, soil and other natural components of the environment are kept in good condition so as to protect human health, to conserve the living environment and to preserve the natural environment properly;
(ii)the diversity of ecosystems, wildlife species, and other biological diversity are protected, and the different types of natural environments of the forest, farmlands and water bodies, etc. are conserved systematically in accordance with the natural and social conditions of the area;
(iii)people can stay in touch with abundant nature.
第二節 環境基本計画
Section 2 Basic Environmental Plan
Article 15(1)The government must establish a basic plan for environmental conservation (hereinafter referred to as the "Basic Environmental Plan") in order to promote the policies for environmental conservation in a comprehensive and systematic manner.
(2)The Basic Environmental Plan is to specify the following particulars:
(i)the outline of long-term comprehensive policies for environmental conservation;
(ii)beyond what is set forth in the preceding item, the particulars required to promote the policies for environmental conservation in a comprehensive and systematic manner.
(3)The Minister of the Environment must prepare a draft of the Basic Environmental Plan and request the Cabinet to make a decision, after hearing the opinions of the Central Council on the Environment.
(4)The Minister of the Environment must make the Basic Environmental Plan known to the public without delay when the Cabinet has made a decision under the preceding paragraph.
(5)The preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to changes made in the Basic Environmental Plan.
第三節 環境基準
Section 3 Environmental Quality Standards
Article 16(1)Regarding the environmental conditions on the air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination and noise, the government is to establish environmental quality standards respectively, which are recommended to be kept up, so as to protect human health and conserve the living environments.
(2)If the standards referred to in the preceding paragraph are classified into two or more categories, and their respective categories are established to designate an area or water bodies, which must be classified into their respective categories, an administrative affairs related to the designation of the area or the water bodies are to be carried out by persons specified in the relevant items, according to the classification of areas or water bodies set forth in the following items:
(i)areas or water bodies which are located in more than two prefectures and are specified by Cabinet Order:the Government
(ii)areas or water bodies except for those set forth in the preceding item:persons specified in (a) or (b) below, according to the classification of areas or water bodies set forth in the relevant (a) or (b)
(a)areas located in the city, to which the standards of noise are applied (except for standards of aircraft noise and bullet train noise from the Shinkansen railway operations):the head of the city where the area is located;
(b)areas or water bodies except for the areas set forth in (a):the governor of the prefecture where the areas or water bodies are located.
(3)The standards set forth in paragraph (1) must be reviewed regularly from a scientific perspective and must be revised whenever necessary.
(4)The government must endeavor to keep up the standards referred to in paragraph (1) by implementing policies for environmental pollution control which are set forth in this chapter, in a comprehensive, effective and proper manner (hereinafter referred to as the "policies for environmental pollution control").
第四節 特定地域における公害の防止
Section 4 Environmental Pollution Control in Specific Areas
(Building Environmental Pollution Control Programs)
Article 17The prefectural governors may build programs to implement measures for environmental pollution control (hereinafter referred to as a "Environmental Pollution Control Program") for areas falling under any of the following categories, based on the Basic Environmental Plan:
(i)areas where serious environmental pollution is occurring, and it is deemed very difficult to prevent environmental pollution unless the policies for environmental pollution control are implemented in a comprehensive manner;
(ii)areas where environmental pollution may get worse due to the rapid concentration of population and industries or other circumstances, and it is deemed very difficult to prevent environmental pollution unless the policies for environmental pollution control are implemented in a comprehensive manner.
(Promoting Achievements of Environmental Pollution Control Programs)
Article 18The State and local governments are to endeavor to take measures necessary to achieve the Environmental Pollution Control Programs.
第五節 国が講ずる環境の保全のための施策等
Section 5 I Policies for Environmental Conservation Implemented by the State
(Things the State Considers in Building Environmental Pollution Control Programs)
Article 19The State must give consideration to environmental conservation when formulating and implementing policies which have impacts on the environment.
(Promoting Assessments of Impacts on the Environment)
Article 20The State is to take measures necessary to encourage business operators engaged in changing the shape of land, construction of new structures and other similar businesses to voluntarily examine, estimate and evaluate the impact on the environment in a proper manner in advance, and to give proper consideration to environmental conservation in relation to their business based on the results thereof.
(Regulations to Prevent Hindrances to Environmental Conservation)
Article 21(1)The State must take the following regulatory measures to prevent a hindrance to environmental conservation:
(i)regulatory measures necessary to prevent environmental pollution, by setting the standards business operators, etc., must meet, for emission of substances which causes air pollution, water pollution or soil contamination and emission of offensive odors; generation of noise or vibration; pumping of underground water causing ground subsidence; or other acts;
(ii)regulatory measures for land use necessary to prevent environmental pollution and for construction of facilities causing environmental pollution in an area where serious environmental pollution is occurring or environmental pollution may get worse;
(iii)regulatory measures necessary to prevent a hindrance to conservation of the natural environment, for changing the shape of land construction of new structures, cutting of trees and bamboos, and other acts in areas where conservation of the natural environment is highly required, which may hinder proper conservation of the natural environment;
(iv)regulatory measures necessary to prevent a hindrance to conservation of the natural environment, for capturing animals and collecting natural objects, causing damage to the natural environment or other acts, which may hinder proper protection of wildlife, landscapes or geology, or sources of hot springs and other things created by nature that need to be protected;
(v)regulatory measures necessary to prevent both environmental pollution and a hindrance to conservation of the natural environment when the both are occurring or may occur.
(2)Beyond what is set forth in the preceding paragraph, the State must endeavor to take necessary regulatory measures according to the measures set forth in item (i) and (ii) of the paragraph, in order to prevent a hindrance to environmental conservation related to human health and the living environments.
(Economic Measures to Prevent Hindrances to Environmental Conservation)
Article 22(1)In order to prevent a hindrance to environmental conservation by encouraging persons who are engaged in activities causing environmental load or activities contributing to environmental load (hereinafter referred to as "activities causing environmental load" in this Article) to build facilities which help reduce the impacts on the environment pertaining to activities causing environmental load or take other appropriate measures, the State is to endeavor to take measures necessary to provide financial aid for the persons engaged in activities causing environmental load, taking into account their financial position.
(2)Given the fact that the measures, which aim at encouraging persons who are engaged in activities causing environmental load to voluntarily reduce the environmental load caused by their activities on a voluntary basis by imposing a financial burden on the persons in a fair and proper manner, are expected to be effective in preventing a hindrance to environmental conservation, and are internationally recommended; the State is to review and study the effectiveness of measures to prevent a hindrance to environmental conservation and the impacts of the measures on the Japanese economy in a proper manner, if the measures are taken; and to endeavor to acquire the understanding and cooperation of the people about preventing a hindrance to environmental conservation by implementing the measures, if the measures need to be taken.In this case, if the measures are related to the policies for global environmental conservation, the State is to give consideration to international collaboration so as to ensure the effectiveness of the measures in a proper manner.
(Promoting Construction of Facilities and Other Projects for Environmental Conservation)
Article 23(1)The State is to take measures necessary to promote the setting up of buffer zones, construct other public facilities to prevent hindrances to environmental conservation, and those necessary to promote other projects on prevention of hindrances to environmental conservation, such as dredging of sludge, protection and breeding of endangered wildlife.
(2)The State is to take measures necessary to promote the setting up of public facilities for sewerage systems and waste treatment, traffic facilities (including mobile facilities) that help reduce the environmental load, and other public facilities that help prevent hindrances to environmental conservation, and those necessary to promote other projects to prevent hindrance to environmental conservation such as the maintenance of forests.
(3)The State is to take measures necessary to promote the setting up of parks, green areas and other public facilities, and those necessary to promote projects on appropriate improvements and sound uses of the natural environments.
(4)The State is to take measures necessary to promote appropriate use of the public facilities prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs and other measures necessary to increase the effects of environmental conservation due to these facilities.
(Promoting Uses of Products that Help Reduce Environmental Loads)
Article 24(1)The State is to take measures necessary to provide technical assistance, etc. to business operators so that the business operators may consider to reduce the impacts of products or other goods pertaining to the business activities on the environment on a voluntary basis by making an assessment of environment loads induced by the uses or disposal of those in advance, when manufacturing, processing or selling products, or engaging in other business activities.
(2)The State is to take measures necessary to promote the use of recyclable resources and other materials, products and services which help reduce the environmental loads.
(Education and Learning on Environmental Conservation)
Article 25The State is to take measures necessary to deepen citizens' and business operators' understanding of environmental conservation and to motivate those to engage in activities for environmental conservation, by promoting environmental education and learning and by improving public relations activities regarding environmental conservation.
(Measures to Promote Voluntary Activities by Private Sector Organizations)
Article 26The State is to take measures necessary to promote voluntary activities, including greening activities, collecting recyclable resources and other activities for environmental conservation conducted by citizens, business operators, or private sector organizations organized by the public or business operators (hereinafter referred to as the "private sector organizations").
(Provision of Information)
Article 27The State is to endeavor to provide information on the state of the environment and other information required for environmental conservation appropriately by giving consideration to the protection of the rights and interests of individuals and judicial persons, so as to promote the education and learning on environmental conservation provided for in Article 25 and to promote the voluntary activities for environmental conservation conducted by the private sector organizations set forth in the preceding Article.
(Conducting Researches)
Article 28The State is to conduct surveys on the state of the environment, researches to forecast changes in the environments or to forecast the impacts of the changes in the environments and other studies necessary to formulate policies for environmental conservation.
(Improvement in Systems for Monitoring)
Article 29The State is to endeavor to establish systems for monitoring, patrolling, observations, measurements, examinations and inspections necessary to ascertain the state of the environment and to implement the policies for environmental conservation properly.
(Promotion of Science and Technology)
Article 30(1)The State is to promote science and technology used for developing methods to identify the mechanisms of change in the environment, to reduce the impacts on the environments, to evaluate the impacts of the economy on the environment and the economic blessings from the environment in a comprehensive manner, and to promote other science and technology used for conserving the environments.
(2)In order to promote science and technology used for environmental conservation, the State is to establish experimental and research systems, promote research and development, disseminate the results thereof, train researchers and take other necessary measures.
(Settlement of Environmental Pollution Disputes and Compensation for Damage)
Article 31(1)The State must take measures necessary to implement mediation, arbitration in dispute or other measures to settle disputes over environmental pollution in an effective manner, and take other measures necessary to settle disputes over environmental pollution amicably.
(2)The State must take measures necessary to implement measures to compensate for damage caused by environmental pollution smoothly.
第六節 地球環境保全等に関する国際協力等
Section 6 International Cooperation on Global Environmental Conservation, etc.
(International Cooperation on Global Environmental Conservation, etc.)
Article 32(1)The State is to endeavor to take necessary measures to ensure international collaboration on global environmental conservation, and to promote other international cooperation on global environmental conservation; to provide assistance for the environmental conservation in developing regions outside Japan and the environmental conservation highly evaluated internationally that contribute to the welfare of humankind and the wholesome and cultured living of the people (hereinafter referred to as the "environmental conservation in developing regions, etc." in this Article); and to promote other international cooperation on environmental conservation in developing regions, etc.
(2)The State is to endeavor to take measures necessary to; foster persons with expertise knowledge on international cooperation on global environmental conservation and environmental conservation in developing regions, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "global environmental conservation, etc."); to collect, summarize and analyze information on the status of the environment outside Japan and other information on the global environmental conservation; and to promote other international cooperation on global environmental conservation, etc.
(Ensuring International Collaboration on Monitoring and Observation)
Article 33The State is to endeavor to ensure international collaboration so as to promote monitoring, observation and measurement of the environmental status on global environmental conservation, etc., in an effective manner; and to promote international cooperation to carry out surveys, examinations and researches on global environmental conservation, etc.
(Measures to Promote Activities by Local Governments and Private Sector Organizations)
Article 34(1)In consideration of the importance of the roles played by local governments in promoting international cooperation on global environmental conservation etc., the State is to endeavor to provide information and take other measures necessary to promote the activities related to international cooperation on global environmental conservation, etc. by the local governments.
(2)In consideration of the importance of voluntary activities for international cooperation on global environmental conservation, etc. conducted by private sector organizations, etc. outside Japan, the State is to endeavor to provide information and take other measures necessary to promote their activities.
(Things the State Considers when Engaged in International Cooperation)
Article 35(1)When engaged in international cooperation, the State must endeavor to give consideration to global environmental conservation, etc. in the regions related to the international cooperation.
(2)Regarding business activities conducted in regions outside Japan, the State is to endeavor to provide information to business operators and to take other measures, so that the business operators can give consideration to global environmental conservation, etc. in the regions, in a proper manner.
第七節 地方公共団体の施策
Section 7 Policies Implemented by Local Governments
Article 36Local governments are to promote and implement policies in a comprehensive and systematic manner according to the national policies set forth in Section 5 and other policies necessary for environmental conservation in accordance with the natural and social conditions of areas over which the local governments have authority.In this case, the prefectural government is to mainly implement the policies for a large area and to comprehensively coordinate the policies implemented by the municipal governments.
第八節 費用負担等
Section 8 Burden of Costs
(Cost Borne by Persons that Caused Pollution)
Article 37If a public works project is conducted by the State, a local government, or a person equivalent thereto (referred to as a "public operating body" in this Article), when it is appropriate and necessary for the public operating body to conduct the public works project in order to prevent environmental pollution or a hindrance to environmental conservation (hereinafter referred to as "problems related to environmental pollution, etc." in this Article), by taking into account the immediate need to prevent problems related to environmental pollution, etc. , the scale of the project and other circumstances, the State and local governments are to take measures necessary to impose all or part of the cost required to conduct the public works project on the person that created a need for the project in a fair and appropriate manner, within the limits of their responsibility attributed to their activities, provided that it is found appropriate to impose the cost required for the project on the person that created the need for the project, by taking into account the level of problems related to environmental pollution , etc., due to the person's activities that created the need for the project and the level of impact of the person's activities that caused pollution on the environment.
(Cost Borne by Beneficiaries)
Article 38If any person receives huge benefits from conducting a public works project to conserve natural environment in an area where conservation of natural environment is highly required, the State and local governments are to take measures necessary to impose all or part of the costs required to conduct the project on the person in a fair and appropriate manner, up to the maximum amount of profit.
(Financial Measures for Local Governments)
Article 39The State is to endeavor to take financial measures and other measures necessary to cope with the expenses required for the local governments to formulate and implement policies for environmental conservation.
(Cooperation between the State and Local Governments)
Article 40The State and local governments are to cooperate with each other when implementing policies for environmental conservation.
(Classification of Administrative Affairs)
Article 40-2Any administrative affairs to be handled by Prefectures or Cities pursuant to the provisions of the Article 16, paragraph (2) (excluding the administrative affairs specified by Cabinet Order), are classified as type-1 statutory entrusted affairs as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (9), item (i) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947).
第三章 環境の保全に関する審議会その他の合議制の機関等
Chapter III Councils on Environmental Conservation and Other Authorities with Council System
第一節 環境の保全に関する審議会その他の合議制の機関
Section 1 Councils on Environmental Conservation and Other Authorities with Council System
(Central Council for the Environment)
Article 41(1)The Central Council for the Environment is to be established in the Ministry of the Environment.
(2)The Central Council for the Environment is to handle administrative affairs set forth in the following items:
(i)handling the matters concerning the Basic Environmental Plan provided for in Article 15, paragraph (3);
(ii)examining and deliberating on the important matters regarding environmental conservation in response to the consultation requested by the Minister of the Environment or other ministers concerned;
(iii)handling the matters over which the Central Council for the Environment has authority pursuant to the provisions of Natural Parks Act (Act No. 161 of 1957), Act to Prevent Soil Contamination on Agricultural Land (Act No. 139 of 1970), Nature Conservation Act (Act No. 85 of 1972), Act on Welfare and Management of Animals (Act No. 105 of 1973), Act on Special Measures concerning Conservation of the Environment of the Seto Inland Sea (Act No. 110 of 1973), Act on Compensation for Pollution-related Health Damage (Act No. 111 of 1973), Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Act No. 75 1992), Act on Special Measures against Dioxins (Act No. 105 of 1999), Basic Act on Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society (Act No. 110 of 2000), Act on Promotion of Recycling and Related Activities for Treatment of Cyclical Food Resources (Act No 116 of 2000), Act on Recycling, etc. of End-of-Life Vehicles (Act No. 87 of 2002), Protection and Control of Wild Birds and Mammals and Hunting Management Law (Act No. 88 of 2002), Act on the Prevention of Adverse Ecological Impacts Caused by Designated Invasive Alien Species (Act No. 78 of 2004), Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief (Act No. 4 of 2006), Basic Act on Biodiversity (Act No. 58 of 2008), Act on Ensuring of Safety of Pet Animals Feed (Act No 83 of 2008), Act on Preventing Environmental Pollution of Mercury (Act No. 42 of 2015) and Climate Change Adaptation Act (Act No. 50 of 2018).
(3)The Central Council for the Environment may submit its opinions on the matters set forth in the preceding paragraph to the Minister of the Environment or other ministers concerned.
(4)Beyond what is set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, the organization of the Central Environmental Council, administrative affairs under its authority, its members and other employees and other matters necessary for the Central Environmental Council are prescribed by Cabinet Order.
Article 42Deleted
(Prefectural Council on Environmental Conservation and Other Authorities with Council System)
Article 43(1)The prefectural governments are to establish councils and other organizations with council system consisting of members including persons with relevant expertise in environmental conservation to examine and discuss the basic matters and others regarding environmental conservation in areas located in the prefectures.
(2)The particulars necessary for the organization and administration of councils and other authorities with council system prescribed in the preceding paragraph are to be specified by the relevant Prefectural Ordinance.
(Municipal Council on Environmental Conservation and Other Authorities with Council System)
Article 44The municipal governments may establish councils and other authorities with council system consisting of members including persons with relevant expertise in environmental conservation, as provided for by Municipal Ordinances, to examine and discuss the basic matters and others regarding environmental conservation in areas located in the municipalities.
第二節 公害対策会議
Section 2 Conference on Environmental Pollution Control
(Establishment of the Conference and Affairs under its Authority)
Article 45(1)The Conference on Environmental Pollution Control (hereinafter referred to as the "Conference") is to be established in the Ministry of the Environment as an extraordinary organ.
(2)The Conference administers affairs set forth in the following items:
(i)discussing the planning of basic and comprehensive policies for environmental pollution control and promoting the implementation of the policies;
(ii)beyond what is set forth in the preceding item, administrative affairs over which the Conference has authority pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulations.
Article 46(1)The Conference is comprised of a chairperson and Conference members.
(2)The Minister of the Environment is to be appointed as the chairperson.
(3)Members are to be appointed by the Prime Minister from among the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the heads of the relevant administrative organs and the ministers of state for particular fields prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act for Establishment of the Cabinet Office (Act No. 89 of 1999), that are recommended by the Minister of the Environment.
(4)Executive secretaries are to be appointed to support the Conference.
(5)The executive secretaries are to be appointed by the Minister of the Environment from among officials of the relevant administrative organs.
(6)The executive secretaries assist the chairperson and other members in administering affairs over which the Conference has authority.
(7)Beyond what is set forth in the preceding paragraphs, matters that are necessary for the organization and operation of the Conference are specified by Cabinet Order.
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
Supplementary Provisions
This Act comes into effect on the day of promulgation; provided however, that the provisions of Articles 43 and 44 come into effect on the day specified by Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding one year from the date of promulgation.