Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business(Cabinet Office Order No. 52 of 2007)
Last Version: Cabinet Office Order No. 20 of 2022
▶第二章 金融商品取引業者等
▶第三章 金融商品仲介業者
▶第四章 信用格付業者
▶第五章 高速取引行為者
- 最終更新:令和四年内閣府令第二十号
- 翻訳日:令和5年5月15日
- 辞書バージョン:15.0
- 最終更新:令和四年内閣府令第二十号
- 翻訳日:令和5年5月15日
- 辞書バージョン:15.0
- 最終更新:令和元年内閣府令第九号
- 翻訳日:令和2年6月11日
- 辞書バージョン:14.0
- 最終更新:平成二十九年内閣府令第五十五号
- 翻訳日:平成27年3月24日
- 辞書バージョン:9.0
- 最終更新:平成二十六年内閣府令第七号
- 翻訳日:平成27年3月24日
- 辞書バージョン:9.0
Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business
Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business
Cabinet Office Order No. 52 of August 6, 2007
Cabinet Office Order No. 52 of August 6, 2007
Pursuant to the provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948) and the Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Cabinet Order No. 321 of 1965), and for the purpose of the enforcement of that Act and that Order, the Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business is enacted as follows:
第一章 総則 (第一条―第三条)
Chapter I General Provisions (Articles 1 through 3)
第二章 金融商品取引業者等
Chapter II Financial Instruments Business Operators
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
第一款 通則 (第四条・第四条の二)
Subsection 1 General Rules (Articles 4 and 4-2)
第二款 金融商品取引業者 (第五条―第三十五条)
Subsection 2 Financial Instruments Business Operators (Articles 5 through 35)
第三款 主要株主 (第三十六条―第三十九条)
Subsection 3 Major Shareholders (Articles 36 through 39)
第四款 登録金融機関 (第四十条―第五十二条)
Subsection 4 Registered Financial Institutions (Articles 40 through 52)
第五款 特定投資家 (第五十三条―第六十四条の三)
Subsection 5 Professional Investors (Articles 53 through 64-3)
第二節 業務
Section 2 Business
第一款 通則 (第六十五条―第百二十五条の六)
Subsection 1 General Rules (Articles 65 through 125-6)
第二款 投資助言業務及び投資運用業に関する特則 (第百二十六条―第百三十五条)
Subsection 2 Special Provisions on Investment Advisory Business and Investment Management Business (Articles 126 through 135)
第三款 有価証券等管理業務に関する特則 (第百三十六条―第百四十六条)
Subsection 3 Special Provisions on Securities Management Business (Articles 136 through 146)
第四款 電子募集取扱業務に関する特則 (第百四十六条の二)
Subsection 4 Special Provisions on Electronic Public Offering Services (Article 146-2)
第五款 暗号資産関連業務に関する特則 (第百四十六条の三―第百四十六条の五)
Subsection 5 Special Provisions Concerning Cryptoasset-Related Business (Articles 146-3 through 146-5)
第六款 弊害防止措置等 (第百四十七条―第百五十五条)
Subsection 6 Preventive Measures against Adverse Effects (Articles 147 through 155)
第七款 雑則 (第百五十六条)
Subsection 7 Miscellaneous Provisions (Article 156)
第三節 経理
Section 3 Accounting
第一款 第一種金融商品取引業を行う金融商品取引業者 (第百五十七条―第百八十条)
Subsection 1 Financial Instruments Business Operators Engaged in Type I Financial Instruments Business (Articles 157 through 180)
第二款 第一種金融商品取引業を行わない金融商品取引業者 (第百八十一条―第百八十三条)
Subsection 2 Financial Instruments Business Operators Not Engaged in Type-I Financial Instruments Business (Articles 181 through 183)
第三款 登録金融機関 (第百八十四条―第百八十九条)
Subsection 3 Registered Financial Institutions (Articles 184 through 189)
第四款 外国法人等に対する特例 (第百九十条―第百九十七条)
Subsection 4 Special Rules for Foreign Corporations (Articles 190 through 197)
第四節 監督 (第百九十八条―第二百八条)
Section 4 Supervision (Articles 198 through 208)
第四節の二 特別金融商品取引業者等に関する特則
Section 4-2 Special Provisions on Special Financial Instruments Business Operators
第一款 特別金融商品取引業者 (第二百八条の二―第二百八条の十七)
Subsection 1 Special Financial Instruments Business Operators (Articles 208-2 through 208-17)
第二款 指定親会社 (第二百八条の十八―第二百八条の三十四)
Subsection 2 Designated Parent Companies (Articles 208-18 through 208-34)
第三款 雑則 (第二百八条の三十五)
Subsection 3 Miscellaneous Provisions (Article 208-35)
第五節 外国業者に関する特例
Section 5 Special Rules on Foreign Business Operators
第一款 外国証券業者 (第二百八条の三十六―第二百十四条)
Subsection 1 Foreign Securities Service Providers (Articles 208-36 through 214)
第二款 引受業務の一部の許可 (第二百十五条―第二百十七条)
Subsection 2 Permission to Engage in Part of Underwriting Operations (Articles 215 - 217)
第三款 取引所取引業務の許可 (第二百十八条―第二百三十二条)
Subsection 3 Permission for On-Exchange Transaction Services (Articles 218 through 232)
第四款 電子店頭デリバティブ取引等業務の許可 (第二百三十二条の二―第二百三十二条の十七)
Subsection 4 Permission for the Business of Conducting Electronic Over-the-Counter Derivatives Transactions etc. (Articles 232-2 through 232-17)
第五款 情報収集のための施設の設置 (第二百三十三条)
Subsection 5 Establishment of Institution for Collecting Information (Article 233)
第六節 適格機関投資家等特例業務に関する特例 (第二百三十三条の二―第二百四十六条の七)
Section 6 Special Rules on Specially-Permitted Business for Qualified Institutional Investors (Articles 233-2 through 246-7)
第六節の二 海外投資家等特例業務に関する特例 (第二百四十六条の八―第二百四十六条の三十七)
Section 6-2 Special Rules on Specially Permitted Services for Foreign Investors (Articles 246-8 through 246-37)
第七節 外務員 (第二百四十七条―第二百五十六条)
Section 7 Sales Representatives (Articles 247 through 256)
第三章 金融商品仲介業者
Chapter III Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Providers
第一節 総則 (第二百五十七条―第二百六十四条)
Section 1 General Provisions (Articles 257 through 264)
第二節 業務 (第二百六十五条―第二百八十一条の四)
Section 2 Business (Articles 265 through 281-4)
第三節 経理 (第二百八十二条―第二百八十五条)
Section 3 Accounting (Articles 282 through 285)
第四節 監督 (第二百八十六条)
Section 4 Supervision (Article 286)
第五節 雑則 (第二百八十七条―第二百九十四条)
Section 5 Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 287 through 294)
第四章 信用格付業者
Chapter IV Credit Rating Agencies
第一節 総則 (第二百九十五条―第三百五条)
Section 1 General Provisions (Articles 295 through 305)
第二節 業務 (第三百六条―第三百十四条)
Section 2 Business (Articles 306 through 314)
第三節 経理 (第三百十五条―第三百二十条)
Section 3 Accounting (Articles 315 through 320)
第四節 監督 (第三百二十一条―第三百二十五条)
Section 4 Supervision (Articles 321 through 325)
第五章 高速取引行為者
Chapter V High-Speed Traders
第一節 総則 (第三百二十六条―第三百三十五条)
Section 1 General Provisions (Articles 326 through 335)
第二節 業務 (第三百三十六条・第三百三十七条)
Section 2 Business (Articles 336 and 337)
第三節 経理 (第三百三十八条―第三百四十条)
Section 3 Accounting (Articles 338 through 340)
第四節 監督 (第三百四十一条―第三百四十六条)
Section 4 Supervision (Articles 341 through 346)
第六章 雑則 (第三百四十七条―第三百五十条)
Chapter VI Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 347 through 350)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1(1)The terms "securities", "public offering of securities", "private placement of securities", "secondary distribution of securities", "issuer", "underwriter", "registration statement," "financial instruments business", "financial instruments business operator", "prospectus", "financial instruments intermediary service", "financial instruments intermediary service provider", "authorized financial instruments firms association", "financial instruments market", "financial instruments exchange", "financial instruments exchange market", "trading participant", "derivative transactions", "market transactions of derivatives", "over-the-counter derivatives transactions", "foreign market derivatives transactions", "financial instruments", "financial indicator", "foreign financial instruments exchange", "brokerage for clearing of securities, etc.", "financial instruments obligation assumption service", "financial instruments clearing organization", "foreign financial instruments clearing organizations", "securities finance company", "professional investor", "credit rating", "credit rating business", "credit rating agency", "high-speed trading" or "high-speed trader" as used in this Cabinet Office Order mean the securities, public offering of securities, private placement of securities, secondary distribution of securities, issuer, underwriter, registration statement, financial instruments business, financial instruments business operator, prospectus, financial instruments intermediary service, financial instruments intermediary service provider, authorized financial instruments firms association, financial instruments market, financial instruments exchange, financial instruments exchange market, trading participant, derivative transactions, market transactions of derivatives, over-the-counter derivatives transactions, foreign market derivatives transactions, financial instruments, financial indicator, foreign financial instruments exchange, brokerage for clearing of securities, etc., financial instruments obligation assumption service, financial instruments clearing organization, foreign financial instruments clearing organizations, securities finance company, professional investor, credit rating, credit rating business or credit rating agency, high-speed trading or high-speed trader as defined in Article 2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Act").
(2)The terms "type I financial instruments business", "type II financial instruments business", "investment advisory and agency business", "investment management business", "securities, etc. management business", "investment advisory business", "wholesale underwriting of securities", or "securities-related business" as used in this Cabinet Office Order mean type-I financial instruments business, type-II financial instruments business, investment advisory and agency business, investment management business, securities, etc. management business, investment advisory business, wholesale underwriting of securities, or securities-related business as defined in Article 28 of the Act.
(3)In this Cabinet Office Order (in cases of the terms listed in item (xvi), excluding Article 199, item (xiii), Article 201, item (xxiv), Article 202, item (xviii), Section 4-2 of the following Chapter, and Appended Forms No. 17-2 through No. 17-6), the meanings of the terms set forth in the following items are as prescribed respectively in those items:
一オプション 法第二条第一項第十九号に規定するオプションをいう。
(i)options: the options as defined in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xix) of the Act;
二出資対象事業 法第二条第二項第五号に規定する出資対象事業をいう。
(ii)business subject to investment: the business subject to investment as defined in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act;
二の二電子記録移転権利 法第二条第三項に規定する電子記録移転権利をいう。
(ii)-2electronically recorded transferable rights: the electronically recorded transferable rights prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Act;
三適格機関投資家 法第二条第三項第一号に規定する適格機関投資家をいう。
(iii)qualified institutional investors: the qualified institutional investors prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act;
三の二特定投資家向け売付け勧誘等 法第二条第六項に規定する特定投資家向け売付け勧誘等をいう。
(iii)-2solicitation for selling, etc. only for professional investors: the solicitation for selling, etc. only for professional investors prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (6) of the Act;
三の三商品関連市場デリバティブ取引 法第二条第八項第一号に規定する商品関連市場デリバティブ取引をいう。
(iii)-3commodity-related market derivatives transaction: the commodity-related market derivatives transaction as defined in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (i) of the Act;
四外国金融商品市場 法第二条第八項第三号ロに規定する外国金融商品市場をいう。
(iv)foreign financial instruments market: the foreign financial instruments market prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (iii), sub-item (b) of the Act;
五店頭デリバティブ取引等 法第二条第八項第四号に規定する店頭デリバティブ取引等をいう。
(v)over-the-counter derivatives transactions, etc.: the over-the-counter derivatives transactions, etc. prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (iv) of the Act;
六有価証券の引受け 法第二条第八項第六号に規定する有価証券の引受けをいう。
(vi)underwriting of securities: the underwriting of securities as defined in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (vi) of the Act;
七店頭売買有価証券 法第二条第八項第十号ハに規定する店頭売買有価証券をいう。
(vii)over-the-counter traded securities: the over-the-counter traded securities as defined in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (x), sub-item (c) of the Act;
八投資顧問契約 法第二条第八項第十一号に規定する投資顧問契約をいう。
(viii)investment advisory contract: the investment advisory contract prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xi) of the Act;
九投資一任契約 法第二条第八項第十二号ロに規定する投資一任契約をいう。
(ix)discretionary investment contract: the discretionary investment contract prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xii), sub-item (b) of the Act;
十登録金融機関 法第二条第十一項に規定する登録金融機関をいう。
(x)registered financial institution: the registered financial institution as defined in Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act;
十の二商品 法第二条第二十四項第三号の三に規定する商品をいう。
(x)-2commodities: the commodities as defined in Article 2, paragraph (24), item (iii)-3 of the Act;
十の三特定投資家向け有価証券 法第四条第三項に規定する特定投資家向け有価証券をいう。
(x)-3securities for professional investors: the securities for professional investors prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (3) of the Act;
十の四特定投資家向け取得勧誘 法第四条第三項第一号に規定する特定投資家向け取得勧誘をいう。
(x)-4solicitation for acquisition only for professional investors: the solicitation for acquisition only for professional investors prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act;
十一役員 法第二十一条第一項第一号に規定する役員をいう。
(xi)officer: the officer defined in Article 21, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act;
十二有価証券関連デリバティブ取引 法第二十八条第八項第六号に規定する有価証券関連デリバティブ取引をいう。
(xii)securities-related derivatives transactions: the securities-related derivatives transactions prescribed in Article 28, paragraph (8), item (vi) of the Act;
十二の二第一種少額電子募集取扱業者 法第二十九条の四の二第九項に規定する第一種少額電子募集取扱業者をいう。
(xii)-2type-I small amount electronic public offering service provider: the type-I small amount electronic public offering service provider as defined in Article 29-4-2, paragraph (9) of the Act;
十二の三第一種少額電子募集取扱業務 法第二十九条の四の二第十項に規定する第一種少額電子募集取扱業務をいう。
(xii)-3type-I small amount electronic public offering service: the type-I small amount electronic public offering service as defined in Article 29-4-2, paragraph (10) of the Act;
十二の四第二種少額電子募集取扱業者 法第二十九条の四の三第二項に規定する第二種少額電子募集取扱業者をいう。
(xii)-4type-II small amount electronic public offering service provider: the type-II small amount electronic public offering service provider as defined in Article 29-4-3, paragraph (2) of the Act;
十二の五第二種少額電子募集取扱業務 法第二十九条の四の三第四項に規定する第二種少額電子募集取扱業務をいう。
(xii)-5type-II small amount electronic public offering service: the type-II small amount electronic public offering service as defined in Article 29-4-3, paragraph (4) of the Act;
十二の六適格投資家向け投資運用業 法第二十九条の五第一項に規定する適格投資家向け投資運用業をいう。
(xii)-6investment management business for qualified investors: the investment management business for qualified investors prescribed in Article 29-5, item (i) of the Act;
十二の七適格投資家 法第二十九条の五第三項に規定する適格投資家をいう。
(xii)-7qualified investor: the qualified investor as defined in Article 29-5, item (iii) of the Act;
十三親銀行等 法第三十一条の四第三項に規定する親銀行等をいう。
(xiii)parent bank, etc.: the parent bank, etc. as defined in Article 31-4, paragraph (3) of the Act;
十四親法人等 法第三十一条の四第三項に規定する親法人等をいう。
(xiv)parent corporation, etc.: the parent corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 31-4, paragraph (3) of the Act;
十五子銀行等 法第三十一条の四第四項に規定する子銀行等をいう。
(xv)subsidiary bank, etc.: the subsidiary bank, etc. as defined in Article 31-4, paragraph (4) of the Act;
十六子法人等 法第三十一条の四第四項に規定する子法人等をいう。
(xvi)subsidiary corporation, etc.: the subsidiary corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 31-4, paragraph (4) of the Act;
十七デリバティブ取引等 法第三十三条第三項に規定するデリバティブ取引等をいう。
(xvii)derivative transactions, etc.: the derivative transactions, etc. prescribed in Article 33, paragraph (3) of the Act;
十八有価証券関連デリバティブ取引等 法第三十三条第三項に規定する有価証券関連デリバティブ取引等をいう。
(xviii)securities-related derivatives transactions, etc.: the securities-related derivatives transactions, etc. prescribed in Article 33, paragraph (3) of the Act;
十九市場デリバティブ取引等 法第三十三条第三項第一号に規定する市場デリバティブ取引等をいう。
(xix)market derivatives transactions, etc.: the market derivatives transactions, etc. as defined in Article 33, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act;
二十外国市場デリバティブ取引等 法第三十三条第三項第三号に規定する外国市場デリバティブ取引等をいう。
(xx)foreign market derivatives transactions, etc.: the foreign market derivatives transactions, etc. defined in Article 33, paragraph (3) item (iii) of the Act;
二十一登録金融機関業務 法第三十三条の三第一項第六号イに規定する登録金融機関業務をいう。
(xxi)registered financial institution business: the registered financial institution business as defined in Article 33-3, paragraph (1), item (vi), sub-item (a) of the Act;
二十二金融商品取引業者等 法第三十四条に規定する金融商品取引業者等をいう。
(xxii)financial instruments business operator, etc.: the financial instruments business operator, etc. as defined in Article 34 of the Act;
二十三金融商品取引行為 法第三十四条に規定する金融商品取引行為をいう。
(xxiii)act that constitutes a financial instruments transaction: the acts that constitute financial instruments transactions as defined in Article 34 of the Act;
二十四金融商品取引契約 法第三十四条に規定する金融商品取引契約をいう。
(xxiv)financial instruments transaction contract: the financial instruments transaction contract prescribed in Article 34 of the Act;
二十五運用財産 法第三十五条第一項第十五号に規定する運用財産をいう。
(xxv)investment property: the investment property as defined in Article 35, paragraph (1), item (xv) of the Act;
二十五の二特定店頭デリバティブ取引 法第四十条の七第一項に規定する特定店頭デリバティブ取引をいう。
(xxv)-2specified over-the-counter derivatives transactions: the specified over-the-counter derivatives transactions defined in Article 40-7, paragraph (1) of the Act.
二十六有価証券の売買その他の取引等 法第四十一条の二第四号に規定する有価証券の売買その他の取引等をいう。
(xxvi)purchase and sale or other transactions of securities: the purchase and sale or other transactions of securities prescribed in Article 41-2, item (iv) of the Act;
二十七権利者 法第四十二条第一項に規定する権利者をいう。
(xxvii)right holders: the right holders as defined in Article 42, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二十八自己資本規制比率 法第四十六条の六第一項に規定する自己資本規制比率をいう。
(xxviii)capital adequacy ratio: the capital adequacy ratio prescribed in Article 46-6, paragraph (1) of the Act;
二十九金融商品取引業等 法第五十条第一項第一号に規定する金融商品取引業等をいう。
(xxix)financial instruments business, etc.: the financial instruments business, etc. prescribed in Article 50, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act;
二十九の二特別金融商品取引業者 法第五十七条の二第二項に規定する特別金融商品取引業者をいう。
(xxix)-2special financial instruments business operator: the special financial instruments business operator as defined in Article 57-2, paragraph (2) of the Act;
二十九の三対象特別金融商品取引業者 法第五十七条の十二第三項に規定する対象特別金融商品取引業者をいう。
(xxix)-3subject special financial instruments business operator: the subject special financial instruments business operator prescribed in Article 57-12, paragraph (3) of the Act;
二十九の四指定親会社 法第五十七条の十二第三項に規定する指定親会社をいう。
(xxix)-4designated parent company: the designated parent company as defined in Article 57-12, paragraph (3) of the Act;
二十九の五最終指定親会社 法第五十七条の十二第三項に規定する最終指定親会社をいう。
(xxix)-5highest designated parent company: the highest designated parent company as defined in Article 57-12, paragraph (3) of the Act;
三十外国証券業者 法第五十八条に規定する外国証券業者をいう。
(xxx)foreign securities service provider: the foreign securities service provider as defined in Article 58 of the Act;
三十一取引所取引許可業者 法第六十条の四第一項に規定する取引所取引許可業者をいう。
(xxxi)authorized firm for on-exchange transactions: the authorized firm for on-exchange transactions prescribed in Article 60-4, paragraph (1) of the Act;
三十一の二電子店頭デリバティブ取引等業務 法第六十条の十四第一項に規定する電子店頭デリバティブ取引等業務をいう。
(xxxi)-2electronic over-the-counter derivatives transactions, etc. business: the electronic over-the-counter derivatives transactions, etc. business prescribed in Article 60-14, paragraph (1) of the Act;
三十一の三電子店頭デリバティブ取引等許可業者 法第六十条の十四第二項に規定する電子店頭デリバティブ取引等許可業者をいう。
(xxxi)-3business operator authorized to conduct electronic over-the-counter derivatives transactions, etc.: the business operator authorized to conduct electronic over-the-counter derivatives transactions, etc. prescribed in Article 60-14, paragraph (2) of the Act;
三十二適格機関投資家等 法第六十三条第一項第一号に規定する適格機関投資家等をいう。
(xxxii)qualified institutional investors, etc.: the qualified institutional investors, etc. as defined in Article 63, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act;
三十三適格機関投資家等特例業務 法第六十三条第二項に規定する適格機関投資家等特例業務をいう。
(xxxiii)specially-permitted services for qualified institutional investors, etc.: the specially-permitted services for qualified institutional investors, etc. prescribed in Article 63, paragraph (2) of the Act;
三十四特例業務届出者 法第六十三条第五項に規定する特例業務届出者をいう。
(xxxiv)notifier of specially-permitted services: the notifier of specially-permitted services as defined in Article 63, paragraph (5) of the Act;
三十四の二海外投資家等特例業務 法第六十三条の八第一項に規定する海外投資家等特例業務をいう。
(xxxiv)-2specially permitted services for foreign investors, etc.: the specially permitted services for foreign investors, etc. prescribed in Article 63-8, paragraph (1) of the Act;
三十四の三海外投資家等特例業務届出者 法第六十三条の九第四項に規定する海外投資家等特例業務届出者をいう。
(xxxiv)-3notifier of specially permitted services for foreign investors, etc.: the notifier of specially permitted services for foreign investors, etc. as defined in Article 63-9, paragraph (4) of the Act;
三十五外務員 法第六十四条第一項に規定する外務員をいう。
(xxxv)sales representative: the sales representative prescribed in Article 64, paragraph (1) of the Act;
三十六所属金融商品取引業者等 法第六十六条の二第一項第四号に規定する所属金融商品取引業者等をいう。
(xxxvi)entrusting financial instruments business operators, etc.: the entrusting financial instruments business operators, etc. prescribed in Article 66-2, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act;
三十七金融商品仲介行為 法第六十六条の十一に規定する金融商品仲介行為(金融サービス仲介業者(金融サービスの提供に関する法律(平成十二年法律第百一号)第十一条第六項に規定する金融サービス仲介業者をいい、有価証券等仲介業務(同条第四項に規定する有価証券等仲介業務をいう。以下同じ。)を行う者に限る。以下同じ。)にあっては、金融サービスの提供に関する法律第十一条第四項各号に掲げる行為)をいう。
(xxxvii)intermediation for financial instruments: the intermediation for financial instruments prescribed in Article 66-11 of the Act (in the case of a financial service intermediary (meaning the financial service intermediary as defined in Article 11, paragraph (6) of the Act on the Provision of Financial Services (Act No. 101 of 2000) and limited to a person who is engaged in securities, etc. intermediary business operations (meaning the securities, etc. intermediary business operations as defined in paragraph (4) of that Article; the same applies hereinafter); the same applies hereinafter), the acts set forth in the items of Article 11, paragraph (4) of the Act on the Provision of Financial Services);
三十八店頭売買有価証券市場 法第六十七条第二項に規定する店頭売買有価証券市場をいう。
(xxxviii)over-the-counter securities market: the over-the-counter securities market as defined in Article 67, paragraph (2) of the Act;
三十九取扱有価証券 法第六十七条の十八第四号に規定する取扱有価証券をいう。
(xxxix)tradable securities: the tradable securities as defined in Article 67-18, item (iv) of the Act;
四十認定金融商品取引業協会 法第七十八条第二項に規定する認定金融商品取引業協会をいう。
(xl)certified financial instruments business association: the certified financial instruments business association prescribed in Article 78, paragraph (2) of the Act;
四十一認定投資者保護団体 法第七十九条の十第一項に規定する認定投資者保護団体をいう。
(xli)certified investor protection organization: the certified investor protection organization prescribed in Article 79-10, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四十二投資者保護基金 法第七十九条の二十一に規定する投資者保護基金をいう。
(xlii)investor protection fund: the investor protection fund prescribed in Article 79-21 of the Act;
四十三連携金融商品債務引受業務 法第百五十六条の二十の十六第一項に規定する連携金融商品債務引受業務をいう。
(xliii)collaborating financial instruments obligation assumption services: the collaborating financial instruments obligation assumption services as defined in Article 156-20-16, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四十四連携清算機関等 法第百五十六条の二十の十六第一項に規定する連携清算機関等をいう。
(xliv)collaborating clearing organization, etc.: the collaborating clearing organization, etc. as defined in Article 156-20-16, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四十五信用取引 法第百五十六条の二十四第一項に規定する信用取引をいう。
(xlv)margin transaction: the margin transaction prescribed in Article 156-24, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四十六指定紛争解決機関 法第百五十六条の三十八第一項に規定する指定紛争解決機関をいう。
(xlvi)designated dispute resolution organization: the designated dispute resolution organization as defined in Article 156-38, paragraph (1) of the Act;
四十七紛争解決手続 法第百五十六条の三十八第十項に規定する紛争解決手続をいう。
(xlvii)dispute resolution procedures: the dispute resolution procedures as defined in Article 156-38, paragraph (10) of the Act;
四十八紛争解決等業務の種別 法第百五十六条の三十八第十二項に規定する紛争解決等業務の種別をいう。
(xlviii)category of dispute resolution services: the category of dispute resolution services as defined in Article 156-38, paragraph (12) of the Act;
四十九手続実施基本契約 法第百五十六条の三十八第十三項に規定する手続実施基本契約をいう。
(xlix)basic contract for implementation of dispute resolution procedures: the basic contract for implementation of dispute resolution procedures as defined in Article 156-38, paragraph (13) of the Act;
五十金融商品取引関係業者 法第百五十六条の三十八第十三項に規定する金融商品取引関係業者をいう。
(l)business operator involved in financial instruments transactions: the business operator involved in financial instruments transactions as defined in Article 156-38, paragraph (13) of the Act.
(4)In this Cabinet Office Order, the meanings of the terms set forth in the following items are as prescribed in each of those items:
一本店等 本店その他の主たる営業所又は事務所(外国法人又は外国に住所を有する個人にあっては、国内における主たる営業所又は事務所)をいう。
(i)the head office, etc.: meaning the head office or any other principal business office or office (in the case of a foreign corporation or an individual that has an address in a foreign country, meaning the principal business office or office in Japan);
二固定化されていない自己資本の額 基本的項目の額(第百七十六条第一項第一号から第六号までに掲げるものの額の合計額をいう。以下同じ。)及び補完的項目の額(同項第七号に掲げるものの額をいう。以下同じ。)の合計額から、控除資産の額(第百七十七条第一項各号に掲げるものの額の合計額をいう。以下同じ。)を控除した額をいう。
(ii)the amount of non-fixed equity capital: meaning the amount obtained by deducting the amount of deductible assets (meaning the total amount of each of the items listed in the items of Article 177, paragraph (1); the same applies hereinafter) from the sum of the amount of basic items (meaning the sum of the amount the things set forth in Article 176, paragraph (1), items (i) through (vi); the same applies hereinafter) and the amount of supplementary items (meaning the amount of the thing set forth in item (vii) of that paragraph; the same applies hereinafter);
三管轄財務局長等 金融商品取引業者、登録金融機関、金融商品仲介業者若しくは高速取引行為者が現に受けている登録又は取引所取引許可業者が現に受けている許可をした財務局長又は福岡財務支局長をいう。
(iii)the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau, etc.: meaning the Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, who has granted the current registration to a financial instruments business operator, registered financial institution, financial instruments intermediary service provider, or high-speed trader, or has granted the current permission to an authorized firm for on-exchange transactions;
四所管金融庁長官等 特別金融商品取引業者及び金融商品取引法施行令(以下「令」という。)第四十二条第二項、第四十三条第二項又は第四十三条の二の三第二項の規定により金融庁長官の指定を受けた者にあっては金融庁長官、それ以外の者にあっては管轄財務局長等をいう。
(iv)the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Direcror-General of a Local Finance Bureau: meaning the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, in the case of a special financial instruments business operator and a person designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency pursuant to the provisions of Article 42, paragraph (2), Article 43, paragraph (2), or Article 43-2-3, paragraph (2) of the Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Order"); and the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau, etc., in the case of a person other than the aforementioned persons.
五組合契約 民法(明治二十九年法律第八十九号)第六百六十七条第一項に規定する組合契約をいう。
(v)partnership contract: meaning a partnership contract prescribed in Article 667, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896);
六匿名組合契約 商法(明治三十二年法律第四十八号)第五百三十五条に規定する匿名組合契約をいう。
(vi)silent partnership contract: meaning a silent partnership contract prescribed in Article 535 of the Commercial Code (Act No. 48 of 1899);
七投資事業有限責任組合契約 投資事業有限責任組合契約に関する法律(平成十年法律第九十号)第三条第一項に規定する投資事業有限責任組合契約をいう。
(vii)limited partnership agreement for investment: meaning a limited partnership agreement for investment prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Limited Partnership Act for Investment (Act No. 90 of 1998);
八有限責任事業組合契約 有限責任事業組合契約に関する法律(平成十七年法律第四十号)第三条第一項に規定する有限責任事業組合契約をいう。
(viii)limited liability partnership agreement: meaning a limited liability partnership agreement prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Limited Liability Partnership Act (Act No. 40 of 2005);
九私設取引システム運営業務 法第二条第八項第十号に掲げる行為に係る業務をいう。
(ix)proprietary trading system operation: meaning a business operation related to the acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (x) of the Act;
十協同組織金融機関 協同組織金融機関の優先出資に関する法律(平成五年法律第四十四号)第二条第一項に規定する協同組織金融機関をいう。
(x)cooperative financial institution: meaning a cooperative financial institution as defined in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Preferred Equity Investment by Cooperative Structured Financial Institution (Act No. 44 of 1993);
十一発行日取引 金融商品取引法第百六十一条の二に規定する取引及びその保証金に関する内閣府令(昭和二十八年大蔵省令第七十五号)第一条第二項に規定する発行日取引をいう。
(xi)when-issued transaction: meaning a when-issued transaction defined in Article 1, paragraph (2) of the Cabinet Office Order on Transactions Prescribed in Article 161-2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Security Deposits for the Transactions (Ministry of Finance Order No. 75 of 1953);
十二非公開情報 発行者である会社の運営、業務若しくは財産に関する公表されていない重要な情報であって顧客の投資判断(法第二条第八項第十一号ロに規定する投資判断をいう。第十六条の五の二第三号、第二百三十三条の二第一項第四号及び第二百四十六条の十第三項第三号を除き、以下同じ。)に影響を及ぼすと認められるもの又は自己若しくはその親法人等若しくは子法人等の役員(役員が法人であるときは、その職務を行うべき社員を含む。)若しくは使用人が職務上知り得た顧客の有価証券の売買その他の取引等に係る注文の動向その他の特別の情報(これらの情報のうち外国法人(法人でない外国の団体で代表者又は管理人の定めのあるものを含む。)に係るものを除く。)をいう。
(xii)undisclosed information: meaning material information on the operation, business or property of a company that is an issuer, which is found to have an impact on customers' investment decisions (meaning the investment decisions as defined in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xi), sub-item (b) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter excluding Article 16-5-2, item (iii), Article 233-2, paragraph (1), item (iv), and Article 246-10, paragraph (3), item (iii)), or information on the trend of orders in the customers' purchase and sale or other transactions of securities and any other special information which the officers (if an officer is a corporation, including members that are to perform the corporation's duties) or employees of the company itself or its parent corporation, etc. or subsidiary corporation, etc. have come to know in the course of duties (excluding information related to a foreign corporation (including a foreign organization without juridical personality for which a representative or administrator has been designated) among these pieces of information) ;
十三非公開融資等情報 融資業務(事業のための融資に係る業務をいう。以下この号、第百二十三条第一項第十九号及び第百五十条第五号において同じ。)若しくは金融機関代理業務(第六十八条第十三号に規定する金融機関代理業のうち事業のための資金の貸付け又は手形の割引を内容とする契約の締結の代理又は媒介に係る業務をいう。以下同じ。)に従事する役員(外国法人にあっては、国内における代表者を含む。次章第五節、第二百三十八条の二第一項第一号イ、第二百三十九条第二項第三号ロ((1)に係る部分に限る。)、第二百四十一条第二項第一号ロ、第二百四十六条の十四第一項第三号イ、第二百四十六条の二十第二項第三号ロ((1)に係る部分に限る。)及び第二百四十六条の二十二第二項第三号ロを除き、以下同じ。)若しくは使用人が職務上知り得たその顧客の行う事業に係る公表されていない情報その他の特別な情報であって金融商品取引業若しくは金融商品仲介業務(金融商品仲介行為を行う業務をいう。以下同じ。)に従事する役員若しくは使用人が勧誘する有価証券(法第三十三条第二項第一号に掲げる有価証券並びに法第二条第一項第十七号に掲げる有価証券であって同項第一号及び第二号の性質を有する有価証券を除く。以下この号において同じ。)に係る顧客の投資判断に影響を及ぼすと認められるもの又は金融商品取引業若しくは金融商品仲介業務に従事する役員若しくは使用人が職務上知り得たその顧客の有価証券の売買その他の取引等に係る注文の動向その他の特別の情報であって当該有価証券の発行者に係る融資業務若しくは金融機関代理業務に重要な影響を及ぼすと認められるものを(これらの情報のうち外国法人(法人でない外国の団体で代表者又は管理人の定めのあるものを含む。)に係るものを除く。)いう。
(xiii)undisclosed loan information, etc.: meaning undisclosed information on the customer's business or any other special information which the officers (in the case of a foreign corporation, including its representative in Japan; hereinafter the same applies excluding Section 5 of the following Chapter, Article 238-2, paragraph (1), item (i), sub-item (a), Article 239, paragraph (2), item (iii), sub-item (b) (limited to the part related to 1.), Article 241, paragraph (2), item (i), sub-item (b), Article 246-14, paragraph (1), item (iii), sub-item (a), Article 246-20, paragraph (2), item (iii), sub-item (b) (limited to the part related to 1.) and Article 246-22, paragraph (2), item (iii), sub-item (b)) or employees engaged in lending operations (meaning operations related to loans for business; hereinafter the same applies in this item, Article 123, paragraph (1), item (xix) and Article 150, item (v)) or financial institution agency services (meaning services for agency or intermediation for the conclusion of contracts which provide for lending of funds or discounting of negotiable instrument for business, from among the financial institution agency services prescribed in Article 68, item (xiii); the same applies hereinafter) have come to know in the course of duties, which is found to have an impact on the customer's investment decisions in respect of the securities (excluding the securities set forth in Article 33, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act and the securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xvii) of the Act which have the nature referred to in items (i) and (ii) of that paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this item) solicited by officers or employees engaged in a financial instruments business or financial instruments intermediary service (meaning business of conducting intermediation for financial instruments; the same applies hereinafter); or trend on orders in the customers' purchase and sale or other transactions of securities, or any other special information that the officers or employees engaged in a financial instruments business or financial instruments intermediation operation in the course of duties have come to know in the course of duties, which is found to have a material impact on the loan business or the financial institution agency services related to the issuer of the securities (excluding information related to a foreign corporation (including a foreign organization without juridical personality for which a representative or administrator has been designated) among these pieces of information);
十四法人関係情報 法第百六十三条第一項に規定する上場会社等の運営、業務又は財産に関する公表されていない重要な情報であって顧客の投資判断に影響を及ぼすと認められるもの並びに法第二十七条の二第一項に規定する公開買付け(同項本文の規定の適用を受ける場合に限る。)、これに準ずる株券等(同項に規定する株券等をいう。)の買集め及び法第二十七条の二十二の二第一項に規定する公開買付け(同項本文の規定の適用を受ける場合に限る。)の実施又は中止の決定(法第百六十七条第二項ただし書に規定する基準に該当するものを除く。)に係る公表されていない情報をいう。
(xiv)corporate information: meaning undisclosed material information on the operation, business, or properties of listed companies, etc. prescribed in Article 163, paragraph (1) of the Act, which is found to have an impact on customers' investment decisions; and undisclosed information about a decision on the implementation or suspension of a tender offer (excluding a decision that falls under the criteria prescribed in the proviso to Article 167, paragraph (2) of the Act) prescribed in Article 27-2, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to a tender offer to which the provisions of the main clause of that paragraph apply), the buying-up of share cerificates equivalent to this (meaning the share certificates, etc. prescribed in that paragraph), and tender offer prescribed in Article 27-22-2, paragraph (1) of the Act (limited to a tender offer to which the provisions of the main clause of that paragraph apply);
十五商品関連業務 金融商品取引業のうち、法第二十八条第一項第一号の二に掲げる行為のいずれかを業として行うことをいう。
(xv)commodity-related business: meaning a financial instruments business that conducts any of the acts set forth in Article 28, paragraph (1), item (i)-2 of the Act on a regular basis;
十六電子取引基盤運営業務 金融商品取引業者等が、その店頭デリバティブ取引等の業務の用に供する電子情報処理組織を使用して特定店頭デリバティブ取引又はその媒介、取次ぎ(有価証券等清算取次ぎを除く。)若しくは代理を業として行うことをいう。
(xvi)electronic trading platform management service: meaning specified over-the-counter derivatives transactions or their intermediary, brokerage (excluding brokerage for clearing of securities, etc.) or agency services conducted by a financial instruments business operator, etc. on a regular basis, using an electronic data processing system to be used for their over-the-counter derivatives transactions business, etc.
十七電子記録移転有価証券表示権利等 法第二十九条の二第一項第八号に規定する権利をいう。
(xvii)electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc.: meaning the rights prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Act; and
十八暗号資産 資金決済に関する法律(平成二十一年法律第五十九号)第二条第十四項に規定する暗号資産をいう。
(xviii)cryptoassets: meaning cryptoassets as defined in Article 2, paragraph (14) of the Payment Services Act (Act No. 59 of 2009).
(English Entries in Documents to be Submitted)
Article 2(1)Documents to be submitted to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau, or Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or a Director-General") pursuant to the provisions of the Act (limited to Chapter III through Chapter III-4; the same applies in paragraph (3) and the following Article), the Order (limited to Chapters IV through IV-4; the same applies in that paragraph and that Article) or this Cabinet Office Order (excluding documents that can be prepared in English pursuant to other provisions of this Cabinet Office Order (including preparation in English in the same manner as the forms specified in this Cabinet Office Order; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph); the same applies in paragraph (3)) that are specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency in consideration of the content of the document and other circumstances may be prepared in English.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the Commissioner of the Financial Service Agency or a Director-General finds it to be necessary and appropriate for the public interest or the protection of investors, the Commissioner or the Director-General may request that the person that is subject to the application of provisions of that paragraph attach a Japanese translation of the outline of all or part of the documents to which those provisions apply.
(3)If, due to special circumstances, there are documents to be submitted to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or a Director-General (excluding those to which the provisions of paragraph (1) apply) pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the Order, or this Cabinet Office Order that cannot be stated in Japanese, their translation must be attached to the document; provided, however, that if the documents to be submitted are the articles of incorporation, or the minutes of a shareholders meeting or a board of officers meeting, etc. (meaning the board of officers meeting, etc. prescribed in Article 221, item (i)), which are stated in English, it is sufficient to attach a translation of the outline.
(Conversion of Foreign Currencies or Cryptoassets )
Article 3If the document to be submitted to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or a Director-General pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the Order, or this Cabinet Office Order contains a statment indicating the amount or volume in a foreign currency or a cryptoasset, a supplementary note on the amount or volume converted into the Japanese currency and the criteria used for the conversion must be made.
第二章 金融商品取引業者等
Chapter II Financial Instruments Business Operators
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
第一款 通則
Subsection 1 General Rules
(Wholesale Underwriting of Securities Constituting a Managing Underwriter)
Article 4The wholesale underwriting of securities specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15 of the Order is the wholesale underwriting for which discussions are to be held with the issuer or owner of the securities in concluding the wholesale underwriting contract (meaning the wholesale underwriting contract as defined in that Article; hereinafter the same applies in this Article and Article 147, item (iii)), in order to decide the content of the contract, other than those set forth as follows:
(i)if either the total issue value of the securities under the wholesale underwriting contract or the total value of the secondary distribution of securities or the solicitation for selling, etc. only for professional investors (if the wholesale underwriting contract is the contract set forth in Article 15, item (iii) of the Order, including the sum of the amount to be paid upon the exercise of the share options prescribed in that item) for which the amount of the portion related to the underwriting of securities by a financial instruments business operator, etc. and a foreign securities service provider (hereinafter referred to as the "total amount of underwriting" in this Article) exceeds ten billion yen, and discussion is to be held jointly with another person (limited to a person whose amount of stated capital, total amount of funds, or total amount of contribution is three billion yen or more) for the wholesale underwriting of securities and the amount of the portion related to the underwriting of securities by the person themselves out of the total amount of underwriting is ten billion yen or less; and
(ii)if the total amount of underwriting is ten billion yen or less, and for which the discussion is to be held.
(Securities Equivalent to Share Option Certificates)
Article 4-2(1)Securities specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 28, paragraph (7), item (iii) of the Act are the following securities:
(i)corporate bond certificates with share options;
(ii)instruments or certificates issued by a foreign person, which have the nature of share option certificates or corporate bond certificates with share options;
(iii)certificates of investment equity subscription rights (meaning certificates of investment equity subscription rights as defined in Article 2, paragraph (18) of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations (Act No. 198 of 1951); the same applies hereinafter); and
(iv)foreign investment securities (meaning foreign investment securities provided for in Article 220, paragraph (1) of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations; the same applies hereinafter) and are similar to certificates of investment equity subscription rights.
(2)The rights specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 28, paragraph (7), item (iii) of the Act are those set forth in the following items:
(i)rights against a foreign person which have the nature of share options;
(ii)investment equity subscription rights (meaning investment equity subscription rights as defined in Article 2, paragraph (17) of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations; the same applies hereinafter); and
(iii)rights against a foreign investment corporation (meaning a foreign investment corporation as defined in Article 2, paragraph (25) of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations) which have the nature of investment equity subscription rights.
第二款 金融商品取引業者
Subsection 2 Financial Instruments Business Operators
(Application for Registration)
Article 5A person that seeks to obtain the registration referred to in Article 29 of the Act must submit to the Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the locality of the person's head office, etc. (if the locality falls within the jurisdictional area of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, to its Director-General; if the person does not have a business office or an office in Japan, to the Director-General of the Kanto Finance Bureau) a written application for registration referred to in Article 29-2, paragraph (1) of the Act prepared using the Appended Form No. 1, by attaching a copy of the written application and documents or electronic or magnetic record (meaning an electronic or magnetic record as defined in Article 13, paragraph (5) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) to required to be attached to the written application pursuant to the provisions of Article 29-2, paragraph (2) or (3) of the Act.
(Employees to Be Indicated in an Application or Notification for Registration)
Article 6(1)The person specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-4, item (i) of the Order is a person that is in a position in which the person may be delegatecd the authority of a person that supervises the business prescribed in that item, such as the head of department, the deputy head of department, the section head or other persons irrespective of the title.
(2)The person specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-4, item (ii) of the Order is a person that makes investment decisions based on analysis of the values, etc. of financial instruments (meaning the values, etc. of financial instruments as defined in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xi), sub-item (b) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter).
(Means of Handling Public Offerings Using Information and Communications Technology)
Article 6-2The means specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (vi) of the Act are as follows:
(i)to make the content of information recorded in the files stored on the computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. available via a telecommunications line for inspection by the coounterparty; and
(ii)in using the means set forth in the preceding item, to transmit correspondence or other information via a telecommunications line that connects a computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. and a computer used by the counterparty or any means similar to this (other than the case involving communication through audio transmission).
(Electronically Recorded Transferable Rights to Be Indicated on Securities)
Article 6-3What are specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Act are those falling under the cases indicated on financial values that can be transferred by using an electronic data processing system (limited to that which is recorded on an electronic device or any other object by electronic means; hereinafter simply referred to as "financial values").
(Matters to Be Stated in a Written Application for Registration)
Article 7The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (xii) of the Act are the following matters:
(i)the trade name or name of the designated dispute resolution organization that is the counterparty to a basic contract for implementation of dispute procedures concluded for the purpose of taking the measures to conclude the contract for implementation of dispute procedures related to the business specified in Article 37-7, paragraph (1), item (i), sub-item (a), item (ii), sub-item (a), item (iii), sub-item (a), or item (iv), sub-item (a) of the Act, and the name of the certified investor protection organization which is to become a financial instruments firms association of which the applicant is to become a member (meaning the authorized financial instruments firms association or certified financial instruments business association; the same applies hereinafter) and a covered business operator (meaning a covered business operator prescribed in Article 79-11, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter);
(ii)the name or trade name of the financial instruments exchange of which the applicant for registration is to become a member or trading participant (hereinafter referred to as the "members, etc.");
(iii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct securities-related business, the following matters:
(a)that fact (if the applicant for registration conducts only business related to electronically recorded transferable rights or the rights prescribed in Article 1-12, item (ii) of the Cabinet Order among the type I financial instruments business, including that fact);
(b)if the applicant for registration is to conduct type-I financial instruments business (excluding the cases in which the applicant for registration is to only conduct business related to electronically recorded transferable rights or the rights prescribed in Article 1-12, item (ii) of the Cabinet Order, or type-I small amount electronic public offering service, and is not to become a member of an investor protection fund), the name of the investor protection fund of which the applicant for registration is to become a member (excluding an investor protection fund provided for in the articles of incorporation under the provisions of Article 79-49, paragraph (4) of the Act);
(iii)-2if the applicant for registration is to conduct electronic trading platform management service, that fact;
(iii)-3if the applicant for registration is to conduct commodity-related business, the following matters:
(a)that fact; and
(b)if the applicant for registration is to conduct commodity derivatives transaction-related business (meaning the commodity derivatives transaction-related business provided for in Article 79-20, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter), the name of an investor protection fund to which the applicant is to become a member (excluding an investor protection fund provided for in the articles of incorporation under the provisions of Article 79-49, paragraph (2) of the Act);
(iv)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to commodities investment (meaning the business related to commodities investment prescribed in Article 37, paragraph (2) of the Order; the same applies hereinafter), the following matters:
(a)that fact; and
(b)if the business related to commodities investment conducted by the applicant for registration only concerns the goods set forth in Article 37, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (b) of the Order or the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries goods, etc. (meaning the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries defined in Article 11, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of Act on Regulation of Commodity Investment (Cabinet Order No. 45 of 1992); the same applies in Article 44, item (vii), sub-item (b)), that fact;
(c)if the business related to commodities investment conducted by the applicant for registration only concerns the goods listed in Article 37, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-items (c) through (e) of the Order or the economy, trade and industry goods, etc. (meaning the economy, trade and industry goods, etc. prescribed in the proviso to Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Order for Enforcement of Act on Regulation of Commodity Investment; the same applies in Article 44, item (vii), sub-item (c)), that fact;
(d)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to investment in racehorses (meaning a business to conduct the acts set forth in the items of Article 194-6, paragraph (1) of the Act, which are related to the rights set forth in any of the following clause; the same applies hereinafter), that fact:
1.a right under a silent partnership contract, the purpose of which is to acquire racehorses (limited to the racehorses that are or are to obtain the registration referred to in Article 14 of the Horse Racing Act (Act No. 158 of 1948) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22 of that Act); the same applies hereinafter), using all the money (including the things set forth in Article 1-3, items (i) through (iii) of the Order) invested by the holders of the right, to invest the racehorses to the counterparty (limited to one specific person) based on the silent partnership contract related to the right specified in 2., and to enter the racehorses in races (limited to races held by the Japan Racing Association or the National Association of Racing prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (5) of the Horse Racing Act; the same applies in 2.);
2.a right under a silent partnership contract, the purpose of which is to enter a racehorse invested by the business operator (limited to one specific person) based on the silent partnership contract which concerns the right set forth in 1. that is entitled to the right;
(v)if the applicant for registration is to conduct any of the acts set forth in the items of Article 194-6, paragraph (2) of the Act on a regular basis, that fact;
(vi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust (meaning business related to purchase and sale or any other transaction of the rights set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "beneficial interest in real property trust") concerning building lots (meaning building lots as defined in Article 2, item (i) of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (Act No. 176 of 1952); the same applies hereinafter) or buildings, or business related to the purchase and sale or any other transaction of the rights under a partnership contract, silent partnership contract, or limited partnership agreement for investment for which the business subject to investment related to the rights is mainly business of investing in a beneficial interest in real property trust; the same applies hereinafter), that fact;
(vii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct specified investment management business related to real property (meaning among investment management businesses (excluding the business of conducting the act set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xii) of the Act and the act set forth in item (xiv) of that paragraph related to the contract set forth in sub-item (a) of that item) the business for which the subject of investment is mainly business of in a beneficial interest in real property trust or the rights under a partnership contract, silent partnership contract, or limited partnership agreement for investment for which the business subject to investment related to the rights is mainly business whose subject of investment is business that invests in a beneficial interest in real property trust; the same applies hereinafter), that fact;
(viii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct specific underwriting act (meaning the act set forth in Article 16, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Cabinet Office Order on Definitions under Article 2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 14 of 1993)), that fact;
(ix)if the applicant for registration is to conduct an act of managing specified securities, etc. (meaning the act set forth in Article 16, paragraph (1), items (xiv) and (xiv)-2 of the Cabinet Office Order on Definitions under Article 2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies in Article 149, item (i), (a) and Article 181, paragraph (1), item (ii), (b)), that fact;
(x)if the applicant for registration is to conduct high-speed trading as financial instruments business, and the applicant is an individual that has an address in a foreign country, the name or trade name of the agent in Japan;
(xi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to the acts set forth in Article 1-12, item (ii) of the Cabinet Order among the businesses related to type II financial instruments business, that fact; and
(xii)the name and location of its head office, etc.
(Content and Method of Business)
Article 8The content and method of business specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the basic principles of business operations;
(ii)the method of execution of business;
(iii)the method of division of duties;
(iv)the types of acts that constitute financial instruments transactions conducted on a regular basis;
(v)the system for handling complaints (including the content of complaint processing measures and dispute resolution measures concerning the business specified in Article 37-7, paragraph (1), item (i), sub-item (b), item (ii), sub-item (b), item (iii), sub-item (b), or item (iv), sub-item (b) of the Act);
(vi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct type-I financial instruments business, the following matters (in cases of conducting only type-I small amount electronic public offering service, excluding the matters specified in sub-items (b) through (e)):
(a)the type of the securities handled, and the type of the derivatives transactions conducted on a regular basis (in the cases the securities in question are electronically recorded transferable rights, etc. to be indicated on securities, or the derivatives transactions in question are the derivatives transactions prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Act, including that fact and the matters set forth in sub-item (b) or (c) of the following item, and in the cases of conducting commodity-related business, including commodities that are subject of transactions or financial indexes related to commodities);
(b)the following matters related to the method of managing risk of loss:
1.the method of calculating the value of loss risk equivalent (including the market risk equivalent amount specified in Article 178, paragraph (1), item (i), the counterparty risk equivalent amount specified in item (ii) of that paragraph, and the basic risk equivalent amount specified in item (iii) of that paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this item);
2.the method of establishing the ceiling on the value of loss risk equivalent and of applying the ceiling;
3.the name and structure of the section in charge of calculating the value of loss risk equivalent and managing of the ceilingf;
4.the method of preparing and preserving the materials that serve as the basis for the calculation of the value of loss risk equivalent;
5.the frequency of inspection of the value of loss risk equivalent and the status of the application of the ceiling, and the name and structure of the section in charge of the inspection;
6.any other material matters related to the management of risk of loss;
(c)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to over-the-counter derivatives transactions etc. (excluding electronic trading platform management service), the following matters:
1.the name and title of the person responsible for the management of the business;
2.the name and organizational structure of the department that conducts the business;
3.the standards for initiating a transaction with customers related to the business;
4.the method and frequency of calculating the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business (the information is to be stated by the risk of loss which may accrue due to fluctuations in indexes such as quotations on the financial instruments exchange market, interest rates, or currency value, risk of loss which may accrue due to default in the performance of contract by counterparties to the transactions, and other reasons, and risk of loss which may accrue due to reasons other than those reasons);
5.the method of establishing and applying a ceiling on the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business, and the method of establishing and applying the ceiling for each type of transactions and customer attributes;
6.the name and structure of the department that calculates the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business and that manages the ceiling on the value;
7.the frequency of reporting the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business and the status of the application of the ceiling on the value to directors or executive officers that have the right of representation (in the case of a foreign corporation, its directors, executive officers, or a person equivalent to them who are stationed at a business office or office in Japan, or its representative in Japan);
8.the means of preparing and preserving materials that serve as the basis for the calculation of the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business;
9.the frequency of inspection on the execution of the business, the value of loss risk equivalent, and the status of application of the ceiling on the value, and the name and structure of the department that conducts the inspection; and
10.any other material matters concerning the management of risk of loss related to the business;
(d)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to the wholesale underwriting of securities, the following matters:
1.the name and title of the person responsible for managing the business;
2.the name and organizational structure of the department in charge of the business;
3.the method of calculating the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business;
4.the method of the establishing and applying a ceiling on the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business;
5.the name and structure of the department in charge of the calculation of the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business and the management of the ceiling;
6.the frequency of inspection, the name of the department, and the structure of the department concerning the execution of the business, the value of loss risk equivalent and status of the application of the ceiling, and the name and structure of the section in charge of the inspection; and
7.any other material matters concerning the management of risk of loss related to the business;
(e)if the applicant for registration is to conduct securities, etc. management business, the means of management under the provisions of Articles 43-2 through 43-3 of the Act;
(f)if the applicant for registration is to conduct securities-related business, the following matters concerning the measures set forth in the items of Article 70-4, paragraph (1):
1.the means of implementing the measures; and
2.the organization in charge of implementing the measures and its assignment of personnel ; and
(g)if the applicant for registration is to conduct electronic trading platform management services, the following matters:
1.the type and specific details of the specified over-the-counter derivatives transactions to be conducted in relation to the electronic trading platform management service;
2.the name and title of the person responsible for managing electronic trading platform management services;
3.the name and organizational structure of the department that conducts the electronic trading platform management service and the department that conducts the business related to the publication based on the provisions of Article 40-7, paragraph (2) of the Act (if a part of the electronic trading platform management service or a part of the business relating to the publication under that paragraph is entrusted to another person, including that person);
4.the standards for initiating a transaction with customers related to the electronic trading platform management service, and the method of managing the customers;
5.the matters related to the fees;
6.the means of publicizing quotes for bids and offers, and other price information to customers (limited to the means of using an electronic data processing system or other electronic means);
7.the method for deciding the transaction price (for a specified over-the-counter derivatives transactions, if the amount designated by the party concerned as a notional principal does not exceed the amount specified in the items of Article 125-8, paragraph (2) in accordance with the category of the period that commences on the day when the specified over-the-counter derivatives transaction becomes effective to the day when the transaction ceases to be effective specified in each of those items, limited to the method that enables the customers to choose the method setbforth in the following i., or the method set forth in the following i. or ii.), and the time when the transaction is closed:
(ⅰ) (6)の規定により公表された自己又は顧客の売付け及び買付けの気配に基づく価格を用いる方法
i. the method of using a price based on quotes for their own bids and offers or the customer's bids and offers that are publicized pursuant to the provisions of 6.;
(ⅱ) 顧客の間の交渉(顧客の指定に基づき三以上の他の顧客に対して売付け又は買付けの気配の提示を求め、当該求めに応じ当該他の顧客が提示した売付け又は買付けの気配、(6)の規定により公表された売付け又は買付けの気配及び自己が売付け又は買付けの気配を提示する場合における当該気配を当該顧客に通知した上で行うものに限る。)に基づく価格を用いる方法
ii. the method of using a price based on a negotiation among customers (limited to a negotiation conducted after making a request to three or more other customers based on the designation by a customer to present the quotes for the bids or offers, and notifying the customer of the quotes for bids or offers presented by the other customers in response to the request, the quotes for bids or offers publicized pursuant to the provisions of 6., and the quotes for bids or offers presented by the applicant for registration themselves);
8.the method of the publication based on the provisions of Article 40-7, paragraph (2) of the Act;
9.the outline, installation location, capacity, and maintenance method of the electronic data processing system used for the electronic trading platform management service, and the method of handling in the case of malfunction of the electronic data processing system;
10.the method of settlement for the electronic trading platform management service (including the method for having a financial instruments clearing organization (including a collaborating clearing organization, etc., if the financial instruments clearing organization is to conduct collaborating financial instruments obligation assumption service) or a foreign financial instruments clearing organization appropriately and promptly assume the obligations arising from the transactions set forth in Article 156-62, item (i) or (ii) of the Act), and the method of handling in the case of default in performance of contract by a customer;
11.the method of preparing and preserving the transaction records for the electronic trading platform management service;
12.the frequency of the inspection on the status of the execution of the electronic trading platform management service, and the name and structure of the section in charge of such inspection;
13.the method of the prevention of unfair transactions, and any other matters relating to the securing of fair transactions; and
14.any other material matters concerning the management of risk of loss related to the electronic trading platform management service.
(h)if the applicant for registration receives or provides information in the cases prescribed in Article 123, paragraph (1), item (xviii), sub-item (e) and item (xxiv), sub-item (d), and Article 153, paragraph (1), item (vii), sub-items (g) and (i), the following matters concerning work related to the maintenance and management of an electronic data processing system and work related to internal management and operation prescribed in paragraph (3) of that Article:
1.the trade name or name of the registered financial institution, or parent corporation, etc. or subsidiary corporation, etc., that receives or provides the information;
2.the method of conducting business; and
3.the organization in charge of the business and its assignment of personnel ;
(vii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct type-II financial instruments business, the following matters:
(a)the type of the securities to be handled, and the type of the derivative transactions to be conducted on a regular basis (in cases where the securities in question are electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc. or the derivatives transactions in question are derivatives transactions prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Act, including that fact);
(b)if the applicant for registration is to handle the rights set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (i) or (ii) of the Act, the type of the trust property related to the rights;
(c)if the applicant for registration is to handle the rights set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (v) or (vi) of the Act, the outline of the business subject to investment related to the rights; and
(d)in cases of conducting the business prescribed in Article 29-5, paragraph (2) of the Act, that;
(e)in cases of conducting the business prescribed in item (xi) of the preceding Article, the management methods under the provisions of Article 43-2 and Article 43-3 of the Act;
(viii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct an investment advisory and agency business, the following matters:
(a)the type of the investment advisory and agency business (meaning the types of business related to the acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), items (xi) and (xiii) of the Act);
(b)the type of the securities and rights related to derivative transactions regarding which the applicant for registration intends to give advice;
(c)if the applicant for registration is to give advice in relation to the rights set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (i) or (ii) of the Act, the type of trust property related to such rights;
(d)if the applicant for registration is to give advice in relation to the rights set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (v) or (vi) of the Act, the outline of the business subject to investment related to those rights;
(ix)if the applicant for registration is to conduct investment management business, the following matters:
(a)the types of the investment management business (meaning the types of business related to the act set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xii) of the Act which concerns the contract set forth in (a) of that item, the act set forth in that item which concerns the contract set forth in (b) of that item, the act set forth in item (xiv) of that paragraph, and the act set forth in item (xv) of that paragraph which concerns any of the rights set forth in sub-items (a) through (c) of that item; in cases of conducting investment management business for qualified investors, including that fact);
(b)the type of the securities and type of the rights related to the derivative transactions for which the investment is to be made (if the securities are electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc. or that the derivatives transactions are the derivatives transactions prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Act, including that fact);
(c)if any of the rights specified in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (i) or (ii) of the Act is to become the subject of investment, the type of trust property related to the rights;
(d)if any of the rights specified in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (v) or (vi) of the Act is to become the subject of investment, the outline of the business subject to investment related to the rights; and
(e)if any asset other than the securities or the rights related to the derivative transactions is to become the subject of investment, the type of the asset;
(x)if the applicant for registration is to conduct electronic public offering services (meaning the electronic public offering services provided for in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (vi) of the Act, and limited to services conducted in relation to the securities set forth in the items of Article 3 of the Act or the securities not listed on any financial instruments exchange (excluding the securities set forth in the items of Article 15-4-2 of the Order; the same applies hereinafter)), the following matters:
(a)the type of securities to be handled (if the securities fall under the electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc., including that fact);
(b)if the applicant for registration is to conduct only type-I small amount electronic public offering service among the type I financial instruments businesses, that fact (if the applicant for registration is to receive money deposited by customers in relation to that business, including that fact);
(c)if the applicant for registration is to conduct only type-II small amount electronic public offering service among the type II financial instruments businesses, that fact;
(d)if the applicant for registration is to conduct electronic-based application type electronic public offering services) (meaning the electronic-based application type electronic public offering services provided for in Article 70-2, paragraph (3); the same applies in Article 149, item (i), sub-item (a) and Article 150, item (i), sub-item (c)), that fact;
(xi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct high-speed trading as part of their financial instruments business, the following matters:
(a)the outline of the transaction strategy for each of transaction strategy (including the following matters):
1.the type of transaction strategy;
2.the name or trade name of the financial instruments exchange, etc. (meaning a person specified in Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Cabinet Office Order on Definitions under Article 2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies hereinafter) related to high-speed trading;
3.the type of securities or market derivatives transactions subject to high-speed trading;
(b)the name and title of the person responsible for the management of the business pertaining to high-speed trading (including the person responsible for making a decision referred to in Article 2, paragraph (41) of the Act and the creation of programs (meaning a series of instructions given to a computer which is combined in order to obtain a single result; the same applies hereinafter) for high-speed trading and the management of the electronic data processing system and other facilities; the same applies hereinafter);
(c)the outline, installation location, and maintenance method of the electronic data processing system and other facilities for high-speed trading; and
(d)the details of the measures to ensure sufficient management of the electronic data processing system and other facilities for high-speed trading.
(xii)if the registration applicant is to conduct any of the following acts with regard to the derivative transactions prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (ix) of the Act on a regular basis, the name of the cryptoassets and financial indexes related to the derivative transactions specified in sub-item (a) or (b) in accordance with the category of the act prescribed in either sub-item (a) or (b):
イ法第二条第八項第一号から第五号までに掲げる行為 業として行うデリバティブ取引
(a)the acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), items (i) through (v) of the Act: the derivative transactions to be conducted on a regular basis; or
ロ法第二条第八項第十二号、第十四号又は第十五号に掲げる行為 投資の対象とするデリバティブ取引
(b)the acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xii), item (xiv), or item (xv) of the Act: the derivative transactions which is to be the subject of investment.
(Documents to Be Attached to Written Applications for Registration)
Article 9The documents specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the documents stating the personnel structure and the system for conducting business of the organization;
(ii)if the applicant for registration is a corporation, the following documents:
(a)the resumes of the officers (including the persons that are found to have equivalent or greater control over the corporation as directors, executive officers, or any persons equivalent to them, irrespective of their title such as advisor or consultant; hereinafter the same applies in this item, Article 13, items (i), (ii) and (iv), Article 47, paragraph (1), item (ii), Article 49, items (i), (ii) and (iv), Article 199, item (ii), Article 201, item (ix), Article 202, item (viii), Article 208-20, items (ii) through (vi), Article 208-22, item (ii), (c), Article 208-31, paragraph (1), item (iv), and paragraph (2), item (iv), Article 208-32, item (ii), Article 238-2, paragraph (1), item (i), Article 241, paragraph (1), item (v), Article 241, paragraph (2), item (i), Article 241-2, item (ii), Article 242, paragraph (1), item (iv), Article 242-2, paragraph (1), item (ii), Article 329, paragraph (1), item (ii), the items of Article 332, Article 341, item (ii), Article 342, paragraph (1), item (v) and Article 343, paragraph (1), item (iv)) (if an officer is a corporation, the document stating the background of the officer); and the resume of the employee prescribed in Article 15-4 of the Order (hereinafter referred to as "important employee", excluding Article 47, paragraph (1), item (ii), Article 51, paragraph (1), item (iv), Article 91, paragraph (1), item (iv), Section 6, and Section 6-2);
(b)an extract of the resident record of the officers and important employees (if an officer is a corporation, the certificate of registered information of the officer), or alternative documents;
(c)if the former surname (meaning the former surname prescribed in Article 30-13 of the Enforcement Order of the Residential Basic Book Act (Cabinet Order No. 292 of 1967); the same applies hereinafter) and given name of the officer or important employee are stated together with the current name of the officer or important employee in a written application for registration under Article 29-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, and the document specified in (b) is not a document certifying the former surname and given name of the officer or important employee, a document certifying the former surname and given name;
(d)the certificate issued by the public agency evidencing that none of the officers or important employees falls under Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (b) of the Act, or alternative documents;
(e)the document in which each of the officers and the important employees pledges that they do not fall under any of Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-items (a) or sub-items (c) through (i) of the Act;
(iii)if the applicant for registration is an individual, the following documents:
(a)the resumes of the applicant for registration and the important employees;
(b)extracts of the resident records of the applicant for registration and the important employees, or alternative documents;
(c)if the former surname and given name of the applicant for registration or important employee are stated together with the current name of the applicant for registration or the important employee in a written application for registration under Article 29-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, and the document specified in sub-item (b) is not a document certifying the former surname and given name of the applicant for registration or the important employee, a document certifying the former surname and given name;
(d)the certificate issued by a public agency evidencing that none of the applicant for registration or the important employees falls under Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (b) of the Act, or alternative documents; and
(e)the document in which each of the important employees pledges that they do not fall under any of Article 29-4, paragraph (1) item (ii), sub-item (a) or sub-items (c) through (g) of the Act;
(iv)the document stating the following matters as the status of the persons in specified relationship (meaning the parent corporation, etc., subsidiary corporation, etc. and holding company (meaning the holding company prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (3) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies except in Article 198); and if the applicant for registration is to conduct type-I financial instruments business, including an associated company (meaning a related company prescribed in Article 177, paragraph (6); the same applies in sub-item (f)); the same applies in sub-item (e)):
(a)the trade name or name;
(b)the amount of stated capital, the total amount of funds or the total amount of investment;
(c)the location of the head office or principal office;
(d)the type of business;
(e)the capital relationship and personnel relationship between the applicant for registration and the persons in specified relationship, and their business relationship over the past year;
(f)distinction of whether the persons in specified relationship falls under a parent corporation, etc., a subsidiary corporation, etc., or a holding company (if the applicant for registration is to conduct type-I financial instruments business, whether the persons in specified relationship falls under a parent corporation, a subsidiary corporation, etc., a holding company, or an associated company);
(v)if the applicant for registration is to conduct type I financial instruments business, type II financial instruments business, or investment management business, and will not belong to a financial instruments firms association (limited to an association that has a person conducting business to be performed by an applicant for registration as a principal association member or a member), the internal rules concerning the business;
(vi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to commodities investment for racehorses, a document certifying that the applicant for registration does not satisfy the criteria specified in Article 13, item (iii);
(vii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust, a document certifying that the applicant for registration does not satisfy the criteria set forth in Article 13, item (iv);
(viii)a document stating the matters related to the applicant for registration's ability to carry out the business, if the applicant for registration is to conduct specified investment management business related to real property;
(ix)if the applicant for registration is to conduct high-speed trading as part of its financial instruments business, the following documents:
(a)if the applicant for registration is an individual that has a domicile in a foreign country, the following documents:
1.an extract of the resident record of the agent in Japan (if the agent in Japan is a corporation, a certificate of registered information of the agent in Japan), or alternative documents;
2.if the former surname and given name of the agent in Japan are stated together with the current name of the agent in Japan in a written application for registration referred to in Article 29-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, and the document set forth in 1. is not a document certifying the former surname and given name of the agent in Japan, a document certifying the former surname and given name;
(b)if the applicant for registration is an individual, a document prepared by using the Appended Form 1-2;
(c)the resume of the person responsible for the management of the business pertaining to high-speed trading; and
(d)if the applicant for registration is to conduct high-speed trading as part of the type-II financial instruments business (excluding the case in which the applicant conducts type-I financial instruments business or investment management business), a document stating the calculated net assets (meaning the net assets provided in Article 66-53, item (vii) of the Act; the same applies in Article 201, item (xxvii), sub-item (b), Article 202, item (xix) and Chapter V).
(x)in the case prescribed in item (xii) of the preceding Article, a document explaining the outline of the cryptoassets and financial indexes set forth in that item.
Article 10(1)The documents specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the latest balance sheet (including the related notes) and the latest profit and loss statement (including the related notes);
(ii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct type-I financial instruments business or investment management business, the following documents:
(a)a document stating the calculated net assets (meaning the net assets prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (v), sub-item (b) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Chapter (excluding Article 201, item (xxvii), (b) and Article 202, item (ix));
(b)a document stating the major shareholders' trade names or names (meaning the major shareholders defined in Article 29-4, paragraph (2) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this item, Article 38-2, Article 38-5, Article 199, item (xi), sub-item (c), Article 201, item (xx), Article 202, item (v), sub-item (b), and item (xvi), Article 208-31, paragraph (1), item (xi) and paragraph (2), item (viii), and Article 208-32, item (ix)), and the locations of their head offices or principal offices (if a major shareholder is an individual, the domicile or residence), and the number of the subject voting rights held by the major shareholders (meaning the subject voting rights defined in Article 29-4, paragraph (2) of the Act, and including those deemed to be held pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5) of that Article);
(c)for a foreign corporation, a document certifying that a confirmation prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (1) item (v), sub-item (f) of the Act has been made with regard to a person equivalent to a major shareholder, or an equivalent document;
(iii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct type I financial instruments business, the following documents (in cases of conducting only type-I small amount electronic public offering service, excluding the documents set forth in sub-items (b) and (c)):
(a)if the applicant for registration is a foreign corporation, a document certifying that the applicant for registration is a person conducting the same type of business as the type I financial instruments business in a foreign country in accordance with foreign laws and regulations (including a person prescribed in Article 15-8 of the Order);
(b)a document stating the calculated ratio prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (vi), sub-item (a) of the Act;
(c)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to over-the-counter derivatives transactions, etc. (excluding electronic trading platform management service) or business related to the wholesale underwriting of securities, the following documents:
1.the resume of the responsible person for managing the business;
2.the internal rules regarding the business;
3.the contracts to be used in transactions with customers in connection with the business;
(d)if the applicant for registration is to conduct an electronic trading platform management service, the following documents:
1.the resume of the person responsible for the electronic trading platform management service;
2.the internal rules concerning the electronic trading platform management service;
3.contract documents to be used when conducting transactions with customers concerning electronic trading platform management service and documents attached to them; and
4.an appraisal report issued by a person not in a special interest relationship with the applicant for registration concerning the matters set forth in Article 8, item (vi), sub-item (g), 9.
(2)If the applicant for registration attaches the documents set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph, if the balance sheet (including the related notes) has been prepared as an electronic or magnetic record, or if a profit and loss statement (including the related notes) has been prepared as an electronic or magnetic record, in lieu of a written document, that applicant for registration may attach the electronic or magnetic record (limited to those specified in the following Article) in lieu of documents.
(Electronic or Magnetic Records)
Article 11(1)The electronic or magnetic record to be specified by Cabinet Office Order as referred to in Article 29-2, paragraph (3) and Article 33-3, paragraph (3) of the Act must have a structure specified in the following items:
(i)a 90mm flexible magnetic disc cartridge which complies with Japanese Industrial Standards X6223 based on the Industrial Standardization Act (Act No. 185 of 1949) (hereinafter referred to as "JIS"); or
(ii)a 120mm optical disc that complies with JIS X0606 and X6282.
(2)Record in an electronic or magnetic record referred to in item (i) of the preceding paragraph must be made by the following methods
(i)for the track format, the method specified by JIS X6225; and
(ii)for the volume and file configuration, the method specified by JIS X0605.
(3)the following matters must be stated in the electronic or magnetic record referred to in paragraph (1):
(i)the trade name or name of the applicant for registration; and
(ii)the date of application.
(Public Inspection of the Register of Financial Instruments Business Operators)
Article 12The competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau, etc. is to keep the register of financial instruments business operators which contains information on the financial business operator to whom the Director-General has granted registration at the local finance bureau with jurisdiction over the locality of the financial instruments business operator's head office, etc. (if the locality falls within the jurisdictional district of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, at the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau; if the financial instruments business operator does not have a business office or an office in Japan, at the Kanto Finance Bureau), and make the register available for public inspection.
(Criteria for Examination of Personnel Structure)
Article 13When conducting an examination prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (i), sub-item (e) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 31, paragraph (5) of the Act) on whether the applicant for registration has a sufficient personnel structure to appropriately conduct financial instruments business, it is to be examined whether the applicant for registration falls under any of the following criteria:
(i)the applicant for registration is found not able to appropriately conduct business in light of the situation of securing officers or employees that have sufficient knowledge and experience for conducting the business and its organizational structure;
(ii)the applicant for registration is found to be likely to cause loss of credibility of financial instruments business due to having an officer or employee with quality inappropriate for the operation of business, in light of their personal history, relationship with the organized crime group as defined in Article 2, item (ii) of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991), or relationship with the organized crime group members as defined item (vi) of that Article or any other circumstances;
(iii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to commodities investment for racehorses, the applicant for registration does not satisfy the following requirements:
(a)the applicant for registration has been given guidance by the Japan Racing Association or the National Association of Racing in advance;
(b)the business related to commodities investment to be conducted by the applicant for registration only falls under either the business related to investment in racehorses related to the rights specified in Article 7, item (iv), sub-item (d), 1. or the business related to investment in racehorses related to the rights specified in Article 7, item (iv), sub-item (d), 2.;
(c)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to investment in racehorses related to the rights set forth in Article 7, item (iv), sub-item (d), 2., they have obtained the registration referred to in Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Horse Racing Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22 of that Act);
(iv)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust, they do not satisfy the following requirements:
(a)the applicant for registration has assigned its officers or employees that have expert knowledge of and experience in transactions related to building lots or buildings to each of the following departments:
1.the department in charge of supervising the business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust;
2.the department in charge of internal audit;
3.the department in charge of the work concerning the guidance for ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, etc. (meaning the laws and regulations, dispositions of administrative agencies issued based on laws and regulations, or the articles of incorporation and other rules; the same applies in Article 44, item (i), sub-item (a), Article 49, item (iv), sub-item (a), 3., Article 199, items (vii) and (xiii) sub-item (a), Article 200, item (vi), Article 208-31, paragraph (1), item (viii), sub-item (a), Article 220, item (vii), sub-item (b), Article 223, item (x), Article 232-8, item (x), Article 241-2, item (iv), Article 246-23, item (iv), Article 246-30, item (i), Article 328, item (v) and Article 341, item (v));
(b)the officers or the employees who conduct the business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust have sufficient expert knowledge of and experience in transactions of building lots or buildings necessary for giving explanations by the means and to the extent that is required for a customer to understand the matters set forth in the items of Article 85, paragraph (1), in light of the customer's knowledge, experience, status of property and the purpose of concluding a financial instruments transaction contract;
(v)if the applicant for registration is to conduct a specified investment management business related to real property, they do not satisfy the requirements specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(A Person Unable to Properly Perform Business Related to Financial Instruments Business Due to a Mental or Physical Disorder)
Article 13-2The person specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (a) of the Act is a person who is unable to adequately carry out the cognition, decision making, and communication necessary for properly performing business related to financial instruments business due to a mental impairment.
(Calculation of Net Assets)
Article 14(1)The net assets calculated pursuant to the provisions of Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (v), sub-item (b) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 31, paragraph (5) of the Act) must be calculated by deducting the total amount to be recorded in the liabilities section of the balance sheet (excluding the sum of the amounts set forth in the following items) from the total amount to be recorded in the assets section of the balance sheet:
(i)the financial instruments transaction liability reserve;
(ii)if the applicant for registration has any allowance or reserve funds which are required to be recorded in the liabilities section pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations and which have the nature of retained earnings in connection with another business conducted by the applicant, the allowance or reserve funds.
(2)The appraisal of assets and liabilities referred to in the preceding paragraph must be made based on the value appraised in accordance with the corporate accounting standards generally accepted as fair and appropriate on the day of the calculation.
(3)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the case falls under any of the following items, the amount prescribed in each of those items is to be the appraised amount:
一金銭債権又は市場価格のない債券について取立不能のおそれがある場合 取立不能見込額を控除した金額
(i)if a monetary claim or bonds without a market price is likely to become uncollectible: the amount after deducting the estimated uncollectible amount;
二市場価格のない株式についてその発行会社の資産状態が著しく悪化した場合 相当の減額をした金額
(ii)if, with regard to shares without a market price, the status of the assets of the company issuing the shares has deteriorated substantially: the amount after appropriate reduction is made;
三前二号以外の流動資産の時価が帳簿価額より著しく低い場合であって、その価額が帳簿価額まで回復することが困難と見られる場合 当該時価
(iii)if the market value of the current assets other than those referred to in the preceding two items is substantially lower than their book value, and it is considered difficult for the value to recover to the level of the book value: that market value;
四第一号又は第二号以外の固定資産について償却不足があり、又は予測することのできない減損が生じた場合 償却不足額を控除し、又は相当の減額をした金額
(iv)if there is underdepreciation, or unpredictable impairment loss was incurred for the fixed assets other than those referred to in item (i) or (ii): the amount after deducting the underdepreciation, or the amount after appropriate reduction has been made;
五繰延資産について償却不足がある場合 償却不足額を控除した金額
(v)if there is underdepreciation for deferred assets: the amount after deducting the amount of the underdepreciation.
(A Person Unable to Properly Exercise the Right of a Shareholder Due to a Mental or Physical Disorder)
Article 14-2The person specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (v), sub-item (d), 1. and sub-item (e), 3., a. of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 31, paragraph (5) of the Act) is a person who is unable to adequately carry out the cognition, decision making, and communication necessary for properly exercising the right of a shareholder due to a mental impairment.
(Facts Presumed to Have Material Impact on Decisions on Company's Financial and Operational Policies)
Article 15The facts specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 31, paragraph (5) of the Act) are as follows:
(i)the fact that a person who is or was an officer or employee, who is able to influence the decision on the company's financial policies and operational or business policies has assumed the position of the company's director, executive officer, or any other position equivalent to them;
(ii)the fact that an important loan has been provided to the company;
(iii)the fact that an important technology is provided to the company;
(iv)the fact that important operational or business transactions are conducted with the company; and
(v)the fact that a fact presumed to have a material impact on decisions on the company's financial policies and operational or business policies exists.
(Voting Rights Excluded from Voting Rights Held In Consideration of the Manner in Which They are Held and Other Circumstances)
Article 15-2The voting rights specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 31, paragraph (5) of the Act) are as follows:
(i)the voting rights held by a person engaged in trust business (meaning the trust business as defined in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Trust Business Act (Act No. 154 of 2004)) as trust property (excluding the voting rights for which that person has been granted the authority to exercise, or the authority to give guidance on their exercise);
(ii)the voting rights related to the shares or equity owned by a corporation, if a person having the representative authority for the corporation or a manager having the authority to act as an agent of the corporation has been granted the authority to exercise the voting rights or to give guidance on the exercise of the voting rights, or has the authority required for making an investment, based on the representative authority or authority to act as an agent;
(iii)if an officer or employee of the company has acquired the company's shares jointly with another officer or employee of the company (limited to the acquisition according to a certain plan, which is not based on individual investment decisions and the shares are continuously acquired, and the amount to be contributed by each officer or employee at one time is less than one million yen) (if the company acquires shares other than those acquired based on the provisions of Article 156, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005) (including as applied pursuant to the provisions of Article 165, paragraph (3) of that Act following the deemed replacement of terms), limited to cases in which the acquisition is made by entrustment to a financial instruments business operator) the voting rights related to the company's shares owned by a person entrusted with the company's shares acquired (excluding the voting rights for which the person so entrusted has the authority to exercise or the authority to give instructions on their exercise);
(iv)the voting rights related to shares or equity owned by an heir as their inherited property (limited to the shares or equity owned before the day when the heir (excluding the case of a joint inheritance) gave an unqualified acceptance (including if an unqualified acceptance is deemed to have been given) or a qualified acceptance, or the shares or equity for which the coheirs of the inherited property have not divided);
(v)the voting rights related to the shares owned by a person engaged in a securities-related business in the course of business related to the underwriting of securities (excluding shares owned on or after the day following the payment date for the shares (or on or after the day following the delivery date for the shares, in cases of the secondary distribution of securities or solicitation for selling, etc. only for professional investors) (if the person performs an action set forth in Article 2, paragraph (6), item (iii) of the Act, the day after five days (Sunday and the number of holidays prescribed in Article 14-5 of the Order are not included in the five days) have passed from the day when the share option certificates related to unexercised share options prescribed in that item are acquired)); and
(vi)the voting rights held by the Banks' Shareholding Purchase Corporation.
(Amount of Total Assets)
Article 16(1)The total amount of assets calculated by the method specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (3) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 31, paragraph (5) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) is the total amount of assets stated in the latest balance sheet of a company (if the first business year of the company after its incorporation is not completed, the balance sheet on the day of the incorporation of the company), and if there is issuance of shares for subscription provided for in Article 199, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, delivery of shares as a result of exercise of share options, issuance of corporate bonds, share exchange, partial share exchange, merger, company split, acquisition of business, transfer of business, or any other material change in the company's assets after the last day of the business year related to the balance sheet (if the first business year of the company after its incorporation is not completed, the day hof the incorporation of the company), the amount obtained after adding or deducting the changes in the amount of total assets as a result of these changes.
(2)The assets specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (3) of the Act are loans provided to the parent company of a financial instruments business operator (meaning a parent company prescribed in Article 57-2, paragraph (8) of the Act, and limited to a company designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency) to its subsidiary company (meaning a subsidiary company prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (4) of the Act, and limited to a company designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency) and any other assets designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(3)The amount calculated by the method specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4, paragraph (3) of the Act is the total amount of assets prescribed in the preceding paragraph which is stated in the financial statements and their annexed detailed statements for the final business year of the company prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 435, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (or, if the first business year of the company after its incorporation is not completed, the total amount of assets prescribed in that paragraph stated in the balance sheet at the time of the incorporation of the company).
(Publication of Trade Name and Other Information by Type-I Small Amount Electronic Public Offering Service Providers)
Article 16-2(1)When a type-I small amount electronic public offering service provider makes a publication under the provisions of Article 29-4-2, paragraph (8) of the Act, they must clearly and accurately display the matters provided for in that paragraph on the screen of a computer used by a person that seeks to inspect those matters in an easily visible manner for that person.
(2)The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4-2, paragraph (8) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the fact that the person is a type-I small amount electronic public offering service provider;
(ii)the name of the financial instruments firms association to which the person is a member (if the person is not a member of a financial instruments firms association with principal association members or members that are persons conducting type I financial instruments business that the type I small amount electronic public offering service provider conducts (limited to the business that falls under the securities-related business), that fact);
(iii)whether or not the person is a member of any investor protection fund (if the person is not a member, including the fact that claims held by the customers against the type-I small amount electronic public offering service provider are not eligible as claims subject to compensation provided for in Article 79-56, paragraph (1) of the Act);
(3)The means specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4-2, paragraph (8) of the Act are the means in which the information recorded in the file stored on a computer used by a type-I small amount electronic public offering service provider are made available for public inspection via a telecommunications line.
(Total Issue Value and Method of Calculation of the Amount to Be Paid by Persons that Acquire Securities)
Article 16-3(1)The method specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-10-3, item (i) of the Order means the method of adding up the total issue value of the securities subject to public offering or private placement (limited to those for which handling of public offering or handling of private placement is conducted as type-I small amount electronic public offering service or type-II small amount electronic public offering service) (if the securities are share option certificates, the sum of the total issue value of the share option certificates and the total amount to be paid upon the exercise of the share options related to the share option certificates; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) and the total issue value of the securities of the same type (meaning the distinction of whether the securities fall under the category of the securities specified in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ix) of the Act or the rights specified in item (v) or (vi) of that paragraph which are deemed to be securities pursuant to paragraph (2) of that Article; the same applies in the following paragraph) as the securities subject to the public offering or private placement to be implemented by the same issuer for the same subscription period (meaning the subscription period provided for in Article 70-2, paragraph (2), item (iv)) subject to the public offering or private placement of the securities as the public offering or private placement implemented by the same issuer within one year before the day of the commencement of the public offering or private placement of the securities (the securities of the same type are limited to those for which handling of public offering or handling of private placement has been or is conducted as type-I small amount electronic public offering service or type-II small amount electronic public offering service).
(2)The method specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-10-3, item (ii) of the Order means the method of adding up the individual payment amount (meaning the amounts to be paid by each person that acquire the securities, and if the securities are share option certificates, the sum of that amount and the amount to be paid upon the exercise of the share options related to the share option certificates; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) for the securities subject to public offering or private placement and the individual payment amount for the public offering or private placement of the securities of the same type as the securities issued by a same issuer subscribed for or paid within a year before the day of the payment for the public offering or private placement for the securities.
(Publication of Trade Name and Other Information by Type-II Small Amount Electronic Public Offering Service Providers)
Article 16-4(1)When a type-II small amount electronic public offering service provider makes a publication under the provisions of Article 29-4-3, paragraph (3) of the Act, they must clearly and accurately display the matters provided for in that paragraph on the screen of a computer used by a person that seeks to inspect those matters, in an easily visible manner for the person.
(2)The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4-3, paragraph (3) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the fact that the person is a type-II small amount electronic public offering service provider; and
(ii)the name of the financial instruments firms association to which the person is a member (if the person is not a member of a financial instruments firms association with principal association members or members that are persons conducting type II financial instruments business that the type II small amount electronic public offering service provider conducts (limited to the business which falls under the category of the securities-related businesses), that fact).
(3)The means specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-4-3, paragraph (3) of the Act are the means in which the content of information recorded in the file stored on a computer used by a type-II small amount electronic public offering service provider has been made available for public inspection via a telecommunications line.
(Measures Concerning the Transfer of Securities Related to Solicitation for Acquisition by Financial Instruments Business Operators Who Conduct Investment Management Business for Qualified Investors)
Article 16-5(1)The measures specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-10-6, item (i) of the Cabinet Order are technical measures for preventing the financial values to be transferred to persons other than qualified investors.
(2)The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-10-6, item (ii) of the Cabinet Order are the following matters:
(i)a person who seeks to make the acquisition does not transfer the securities that were acquired in response to the solicitation for acquisition (meaning the solicitation for acquisition as defined in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Act; the same applies in the following item) to persons other than qualified investors; and
(ii)if a person who seeks to make the acquisition transfers the securities acquired in response to the solicitation for acquisition, the fact that the person is required to notify the other party that the purchase between a person who makes the solicitation for selling, etc. of the securities (meaning the solicitation for selling, etc. as defined in Article 2, paragraph (4) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this item) and a person who seeks to purchase those securities in response to the solicitation for selling, etc., is to be made on condition that the parties will conclude a contract related to the transfer for which it is stipulated that the person who seeks to make the purchase will not transfer the purchased securities to a person other than qualified investors.
(Persons that Have a Close Relationship with Financial Instruments Business Operators)
Article 16-5-2The persons specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-10-7, item (iv) of the Order are the persons specified in the following items:
(i)a subsidiary company, etc. of the financial instruments business operator (meaning a subsidiary company, etc. provided for in Article 15-16, paragraph (3) of the Order; hereinafter the same applies in this item, Article 33, paragraph (2), Article 34, Article 123, paragraph (1), item (xxx), paragraph (11), item (iii), and paragraph (12), Article 125-7, paragraph (2), item (ii), Section 6, and Section 6-2), or a subsidiary company, etc. of the parent company, etc. of the financial instruments business operator (meaning a parent company, etc. provided for in Article 15-16, paragraph (3) of the Order; the same applies in Article 123, paragraph (11), item (iii), and paragraph (12), Article 125-7, paragraph (2), item (ii), Section 6, and Section 6-2);
(ii)a person that has received an entrustment of all or part of the authority for the investment of one investment property conducted by the financial instruments business operator;
(iii)a person that has concluded a contract with the financial instruments business operator in which the person promises to provide the financial instruments business operator with oral advice, written advice (excluding newspapers, magazines, books, or other documents that is issued for the purpose of selling to many and unspecified persons and which many and unspecified persons can buy at any time), or other form of advice on investment decisions based on the value, etc. of property that is subject of transactions (hereinafter referred to as "transaction assets" in this item) (the value, etc. means the value of transaction assets, the amount receivable for options, or the trend of indexs related to transaction assets; hereinafter the same applies in this item) to be conducted by the financial instruments business operator as an investment of one investment property or based on the analysis of the value, etc. (meaning decisions on the types, quantities, and prices of property that is subject of investment, whether the type of transaction is purchase or sale, the means and timing of the transactions, or decisions on the content and timing of the transactions required to be conducted) and the financial instruments business operator promises to pay remuneration for that, or a person that has concluded a contract with the person in question which the person promises to provide the person in question with advice on the investment decisions by the means and the person in question promises to pay remuneration for that;
(iv)an officer or employee of the person set forth in Article 15-10-7, item (iii) of the Order and the preceding three items; and
(v)a relative of the person set forth in Article 15-10-7, items (i) and (ii) of the Order and the preceding three items (limited to a spouse and a relative by blood or by affinity within the third degree of kinship).
(Persons Equivalent to Professional Investors)
Article 16-6The persons specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-5, paragraph (3) of the Act are the following persons:
(i)a person specified in Article 17-12, paragraph (1), items (iii) through (v), item (viii), item (ix), item (xii), item (xiv), or item (xv) of the Order; and
(ii)a counterparty to the private placement or handling of private placement of equity in the business subject to investment to be acquired (meaning the right set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (v) or (vi) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) who is specified in the items of Article 233-3.
(Persons Excluded from Persons Considered to be Qualified Investors)
Article 16-7The person specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 29-5, paragraph (4), item (iii) of the Act is a special purpose company (meaning a special purpose company as defined in Article 33, paragraph (2)), for which a person other than qualified investors has acquired the right indicated on securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1) item (v), item (ix), or item (xv) of the Act or securities set forth in item (xvii) of that paragraph (limited to those that have the nature of the securities set forth in item (v), item (ix), or item (xv) of that paragraph) issued by that person, or the right set forth in paragraph (2), item (iii) or item (iv) of that Article (excluding the right with which the delivery of the property cannot be received in an amount exceeding the amount receivable of the acquisition).
(Content and Method of Business Related to Authorization)
Article 17The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 30-3, paragraph (2) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the types of transactions conducted under the proprietary trading system operation;
(ii)the name and title of the responsible person for managing the proprietary trading system operation;
(iii)the name and organizational structure of the department in charge of the proprietary trading system operation (if a part of the proprietary trading system operation is entrusted to another person, including that person);
(iv)the types, issues, and minimum unit of transaction of the securities handled under the proprietary trading system operation;
(v)the standards for initiating a transaction with customers related to the proprietary trading system operation, and the method of managing customers;
(vi)the method for deciding the trading price;
(vii)the method of publicizing the quotes, trading price, and other price information;
(viii)the outline, installation location, capacity, and maintenance method of the electronic data processing system used for the proprietary trading system operation, and the method of handling in the case of malfunction of the electronic data processing system;
(ix)the method of transfer or other settlement procedures for the securities related to the proprietary trading system operation, and the method of handling a customer's default in performance of contract;
(x)the matters concerning the grant of credit with regard to entrustment for a purchase and sale of securities by a financial instruments business operator that is a customer;
(xi)the method for the preparation and preservation of the transaction records for the proprietary trading system operation;
(xii)the frequency of the inspection on the status of the execution of the proprietary trading system operation, and the name and structure of the department in charge of the inspection; and
(xiii)other material matters concerning the management of risk of loss or for securing fairness of the transactions, in regard to the proprietary trading system operation.
(Documents to Be Attached to Written Application for Authorization)
Article 18The documents specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 30-3, paragraph (2) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the resume of the responsible person for managing the proprietary trading system operation;
(ii)the internal rules regarding the proprietary trading system operation;
(iii)the contract documents used for transactions with customers in connection with the proprietary trading system operation; and
(iv)the appraisal report on matters set forth in item (viii) of the preceding Article, which is prepared by a person that has no special interest in the applicant for authorization.
(Content and Method of Business that is Subject to Examinations)
Article 19The content and method of business specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 30-4, item (v) and Article 31, paragraph (6) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the matters set forth in Article 17, item (v), item (viii), item (x), and item (xi); and
(ii)other material matters related to securing the fairness of transactions conducted under the proprietary trading system operation.
(Notification of Change to the Matters Stated in Written Application for Registration)
Article 20(1)A financial instruments business operator that files a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, paragraph (1) of the Act must submit to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Direcror-General of a Local Finance Bureau a written notification stating the content and the date of the change, and the reason for the change, by attaching a document stating the content of the notification after the change prepared by using the Appended Form No. 1, a copy of the document, and the documents specified in the following items in accordance with the category of the cases set forth in each of those items; provided, however, that, if there are compelling reasons, it is sufficient to submit the documents specified in each of the following items without delay after the submission of the notification:
一法第二十九条の二第一項第一号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合 次に掲げる書類
(i)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act: the following documents:
(a)a certificate of registered information stating the changed information (for an individual, an extract of the resident record) or alternative documents; and
(b)if the former surname and given name are stated together with the current name in a document stating the changed content which is prepared by using the Appended Form 1 and the document set forth in sub-item (a) is not a document certifying the former surname and given name, a document certifying the former surname and given name;
二法第二十九条の二第一項第二号に掲げる事項又は第七条第十二号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合 当該変更に係る事項を記載した登記事項証明書又はこれに代わる書面
(ii)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act or the matters specified in Article 7, item (xii): the certificate of the registered information stating the changed matters, or alternative documents;
三法第二十九条の二第一項第三号又は第四号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合 次に掲げる書類
(iii)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (iii) or (iv) of the Act: the following documents:
(a)the documents stating the personnel structure and the system for conducting business of the organization;
(b)when there is a change of officers, the certificate of registered information stating the changed matters, or alternative documents;
(c)the following documents in relation to a person that has newly assumed the position of officer or important employee:
1.the resumes (if the officer is a corporation, the document stating the background of the officer);
2.an extract of the resident record (if the officer is a corporation, the certificate of registered information of the officer), or alternative documents;
3.if the former surname and given name are stated together with the current name in the document stating the changed content which is prepared using the Appended Form 1, and the document set forth in 2. is not a document certifying the former surname and given name, a document certifying the former surname and given name;
4.the certificate issued by public agency certifying that the officers or employees do not fall under Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (b) of the Act, or alternative documents;
5.the documents with which the officer and important employee pledge that they do not fall under any of Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (ii), sub-item (a), or sub-items (c) through (i) of the Act;
6.if the financial instruments business operator is a corporation, a document pledging that it does not fall under Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act (limited to the part related to sub-item (a)); and
7.if the financial instruments business operator is an individual, a document pledging that they do not fall under Article 29-4, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act (limited to the part related to item (ii), sub-item (a) of that paragraph);
四法第二十九条の二第一項第十号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合(営業所又は事務所の廃止をした場合に限る。) 当該変更に伴う顧客勘定の処理の内容を記載した書面
(iv)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (x) of the Act (limited to cases in which the business office or office has been abolished): a document stating the content of the handling of customer's accounts accompanying the change;
五第七条第三号の二に掲げる事項について変更があった場合(電子取引基盤運営業務を行うこととなった場合に限る。) 次に掲げる書類
(v)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 7, item (iii)-2 (limited to cases in which the applicant is to conduct electronic trading platform management services), the following documents:
(a)the resume of the responsible person for managing electronic trading platform management services;
(b)the internal rules concerning electronic trading platform management services;
(c)written contracts and the documents attached to them to be used for transactions with customers concerning electronic trading platform management services; and
(d)an appraisal report issued by a person that have no special interest relationship with the notifying person concerning the matters set forth in Article 8, item (vi), sub-item (g);
六第七条第四号ニに掲げる事項について変更があった場合(競走用馬投資関連業務を行うこととなった場合に限る。) 第十三条第三号に掲げる基準に該当しないことを証する書面
(vi)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 7, item (iv), sub-item (d) (limited to cases in which the financial instruments business operator has come to conduct business related to investment in racehorses): a document evidencing that the business operator does not fall under the criteria set forth in Article 13, item (iii);
七第七条第六号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合(不動産信託受益権等売買等業務を行うこととなった場合に限る。) 第十三条第四号に掲げる基準に該当しないことを証する書面
(vii)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 7, item (vi) (limited to cases in which the financial instruments business operator has come to conduct business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust): a document evidencing that the business operator does not fall under the criteria set forth in Article 13, item (iv);
八第七条第七号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合(不動産関連特定投資運用業を行うこととなった場合に限る。) 不動産関連特定投資運用業を行う場合における業務遂行能力に関する事項を記載した書面
(viii)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 7, item (vii) (limited to cases in which the financial instruments business operator has come to conduct specified investment management business related to real property): a document stating the matters related to the ability to perfrom business in cases of conducting specified investment management business related to real property;
(ix)if there is any change to the matters specified in Article 7, item (x), the following documents concerning the person that newly assumed the position of the agent in Japan:
(a)an extract of the resident record (if the agent in Japan is a corporation, a certificate of registered information of the agent in Japan), or alternative documents; and
(b)if the former surname and given name are stated together with the current name in a document stating the changed content which is prepared using the Appended Form 1 and the document specified in sub-item (a) is not a document certifying the former surname and given name, a document certifying the former surname and given name.
(2)If the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau has received from a financial instruments business operator a notification on the relocation of the head office, etc. filed beyond the jurisdictional area of the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau, etc., the Commissioner or Director-General is to send or have the business operator send the written notification and the part of the register of financial instruments business operators related to the financial instruments business operator and other documents to the Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the locality of the relocated head office, etc. (if the locality falls within the jurisdictional area of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, to its Director-General; if the financial instruments business operator does not have a business office or an office in Japan, to the Director-General of the Kanto Finance Bureau).
(3)The Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau who has received the documents sent under the provisions of the preceding paragraph is to register the matters related to the financial instruments business operator in the registry of financial instruments business operators.
(Specified Business Outline)
Article 20-2The business outline or business method specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 31, paragraph (3) of the Act is what newly becomes cryptoasset or financial index referred to in Article 8, item (xii).
(Notification on Change of Business Content or Method)
Article 21A financial instruments business operator that files a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 31, paragraph (3) of the Act must submit to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau a written notification stating the content of the change, the scheduled date or the actual date of change, and the reasons for the change by attaching a document stating the matters set forth in the items of Article 8 (limited to matters whose content has been changed), the documents set forth in Article 9, item (ix), sub-item (c) and item (x) (limited to matters whose content has been changed) and the documents provided for in Article 20, paragraph (1), item (v) (limited to matters whose content has been changed).
(Application for Registration of Changes)
Article 22(1)A financial instruments business operator that seeks to obtain the registration of a change referred to in Article 31, paragraph (4) of the Act must submit to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureaus a written application for registration of change prepared by using the Appended Form No. 1, by attaching a copy of the written application for registration of charge.
(2)A document stating the content of and reason for the change and the following documents (limited to the documents related to the business to be newly conducted (including electronic public offering services and high-speed trading)) must be attached to a written application for a registration of change set forth in the preceding paragraph:
(i)a document with which the financial instruments business operator pledges that they do not fall under any of the items of Article 29-4, paragraph (1) of the Act (excluding items (i) through (iii), item (iv), sub-item (d), item (v), sub-item (c) and item (vii) (limited to the part related to Article 66-53, item (vi), sub-item (c) of the Act);
(ii)a document stating the matters specified in the items of Article 8; and
(iii)a document set forth in the items of Article 9 and the items of Article 10, paragraph (1).
(3)The provisions of Article 10, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis if any of the documents specified in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph (limited to those specified in paragraph (1), item (i) of that Article) is to be attached.
(Application for Authorization of Change)
Article 23(1)A financial instruments business operator that seeks to obtain the authorization under Article 31, paragraph (6) of the Act must submit a written application for authorization stating the following matters to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau:
(i)the trade name;
(ii)the registration date and registration number; and
(iii)the content of and reasons for change.
(2)The document stating the matters set forth in the items of Article 17 (limited to matters whose content has been changed) and the documents set forth in the items of Article 18 (limited to matters whose content has been changed) must be attached to a written application for authorization referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Criteria for Authorization of Change)
Article 24When the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau intends to grant the authorization referred to in Article 31, paragraph (6) of the Act, the Commissioner or the Director-General must examine whether the applicant complies with the criteria set forth in Article 30-4, item (i) or (v) of the Act.
(Notification for Making Business Security Deposit)
Article 25(1)A person that has made a deposit pursuant to the provisions of Article 31-2, paragraph (1), paragraph (4), or paragraph (8) of the Act must submit to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureaus, a written notification of deposit prepared using the Appended Form No. 2 by attaching an authenticated copy of the certificate of deposit relevant to the deposit.
(2)If a financial instruments business operator (limited to an individual that conducts type-II financial instruments business or a person that only conducts investment advisory and agency business; the same applies in Article 27 and Article 28) intends to replace the items already deposited, the financial instruments business operator must, after newly making the deposit for the replacement, submit a written notification stating that fact by attaching an authenticated copy of the certificate of deposit for the deposit after the replacement to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureaus.
(3)When the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureaus receive the authenticated copy of the deposit certificate referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, the Commissioner or the competent Director-General must deliver a custody certificate to the depositor.
(Counterparties to Contracts That Repalce a Business Security Deposit)
Article 26The financial institutions specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-13 of the Order are a cooperative financial institution and the Shoko Chukin Bank Limited.
(Notification of Conclusion of Contracts That Replace a Business Security Deposit)
Article 27(1)When a financial instruments business operator concludes a contract referred to in Article 31-2, paragraph (3) of the Act, they must submit a written notification of the conclusion of a guarantee contract prepared by using the Appended Form No. 3 by attaching a copy of the contract, and present the original written contract to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau.
(2)When a financial instruments business operator seeks to make a change or cancel a contract that replaces a business security deposit, they must file an application for approval with the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau by submitting a written application for approval of change to the guarantee contract prepared by using the Appended Form No. 4 or a written application for approval of cancellation of the guarantee contract prepared by using the Appended Form No. 5.
(3)When an application for approval under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau is to examine whether or not the financial instruments business operator that has filed the application for approval to change or cancel the contract that replaces a business security deposit is likely to result in insufficient protection of investors.
(4)When a financial instruments business operator changes or cancels the contract that replaces a business security deposit based on the approval granted by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau, they must submit to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau a written notification of change to a guarantee contract prepared by using the Appended Form No. 6 by attaching a copy of the changed contract, or a written notification of the cancellation of a guarantee contract prepared by using the Appended Form No. 7 by attaching a document evidencing the fact that the contract was cancelled, and in the case of changing the contract, the financial instruments business operator must present the original written contract after the change was made.
(Initial Calculation Date of the Period for Making Additional Deposit of Business Security Deposit)
Article 28The day specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 31-2, paragraph (8) of the Act is the day specified in the following items in accordance with the category of cases set forth in each of those items concerning the reasons for the deficiency in the amount of business security deposit:
一金融商品取引業者が令第十五条の十三第三号の承認(次号において「承認」という。)を受けて法第三十一条の二第三項の契約(以下この号及び次号において「契約」という。)の内容を変更したことにより、同条第十項に規定する供託した営業保証金の額(同条第三項に規定する契約金額を含む。)が令第十五条の十二に定める額に不足した場合 当該契約の内容を変更した日
(i)if the amount of business security deposit deposited which is prescribed in Article 31-2, paragraph (10) of the Act (including the contract amount prescribed in paragraph (3) of that Article) has become less than the amount prescribed in Article 15-12 of the Order because the financial instruments business operator has changed the content of the contract referred to in Article 31-2, paragraph (3) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "the contract" in this item and the following item) by obraining the approval referred to in Article 15-13, item (iii) of the Order (hereinafter referred to as "the approval" in the following item): the day when the content of the contract was changed;
二金融商品取引業者が承認を受けて契約を解除した場合 当該契約を解除した日
(ii)if the financial instruments business operator has cancelled the contract with the approval: the day of the cancellation of the contract;
三令第十五条の十四の権利の実行の手続が行われた場合 金融商品取引業者が金融商品取引業者営業保証金規則(平成十九年内閣府・法務省令第三号)第十一条第三項の支払委託書の写しの送付を受けた日
(iii)if the procedures for enforcement of the rights referred to in Article 15-14 of the Order are implemented: the day when the financial instruments business operator has received a copy of the payment entrustment document referred to in Article 11, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on Business Security Deposits by Financial Instruments Business Operators (Cabinet Office and Ministry of Justice Order No. 3 of 2007);
四令第十五条の十四の権利の実行の手続を行うため所管金融庁長官等が供託されている有価証券(社債、株式等の振替に関する法律(平成十三年法律第七十五号)第二百七十八条第一項に規定する振替債を含む。)の換価を行い、換価代金から換価の費用を控除した額を供託した場合 金融商品取引業者が金融商品取引業者営業保証金規則第十二条第四項の規定による通知を受けた日
(iv)if, for the purpose of implementing procedures for the enforcement of the rights referred to in Article 15-14 of the Order, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau has converted the deposited securities (including the book-entry transfer bonds prescribed in Article 278, paragraph (1) of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares (Act No. 75 of 2001)), and has deposited the amount remaining after deducting the expenses from the conversion proceeds: the day on which the financial instruments business operator has received a notice under the provisions of Article 12, paragraph (4) of the Regulation on Security Deposits by Financial Instruments Business Operators; or
五金融商品取引業者(投資助言・代理業のみを行う個人及び第二種金融商品取引業のうち第二種少額電子募集取扱業務のみを行う個人に限る。)が第二種金融商品取引業を行う者として法第三十一条第四項の変更登録を受けた場合 当該変更登録を受けた日
(v)if a financial instruments business operator (limited to an individual that conducts only an investment advisory and agency business and an individual that conducts only type-II small amount electronic public offering service among the type-II financial instruments business) has obtained a registration of change referred to in Article 31, paragraph (4) of the Act as a person conducting type-II financial instruments business: the day when the business operator obtained the registration of change.
(Types of Securities That May Be Used for Business Security Deposits)
Article 29The securities specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 31-2, paragraph (9) of the Act are as follows. In such a case, if the attribution of the right required to be indicated on any of the following securities is to be determined based on the entry or record in a book-entry transfer account book under the provisions of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares, the right is deemed to be those securities:
(i)national government bond certificates;
(ii)local government bond certificates;
(iii)government guaranteed bond certificates (meaning the securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act, which the government guarantees redemption of principal and interest payments; the same applies in Article 65, item (i), sub-item (c));
(iv)corporate bond certificates or other bond certificates designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency (excluding those in registered form and those issued on a discount basis, and also those set forth in the preceding item).
(Value of Securities That May Be Used for Business Security Deposits)
Article 30(1)The value of the securities when securities are used for a business security deposit pursuant to the provisions of Article 31-2, paragraph (9) of the Act is the amount specified in the following items in accordance with the category of the securities set forth in each of those items:
一前条第一号に掲げる有価証券 額面金額(その権利の帰属が社債、株式等の振替に関する法律の規定による振替口座簿の記載又は記録により定まるものとされるものにあっては、振替口座簿に記載又は記録された金額。以下この条において同じ。)
(i)the securities set forth in item (i) of the preceding Article: the face value (if the attribution of the right related to those securities is to be determined based on the entry or record in the book-entry transfer account book under the provisions of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares, the amount stated or recorded in the book-entry transfer account book; hereinafter the same applies in this Article);
二前条第二号に掲げる有価証券 額面金額百円につき九十円として計算した額
(ii)the securities set forth in item (ii) of the preceding Article: the amount calculated by discounting the face value of 100 yen to 90 yen;
三前条第三号に掲げる有価証券 額面金額百円につき九十五円として計算した額
(iii)the securities set forth in item (iii) of the preceding Article: the amount calculated by discounting the face value of 100 yen to 95 yen;
四前条第四号に掲げる有価証券 額面金額百円につき八十円として計算した額
(iv)the securities set forth in item (iv) of the preceding Article: the amount calculated by discounting the face value of 100 yen to 80 yen.
(2)With regard to the securities issued on a discount basis, the provisions of the preceding paragraph is applied by deeming the amount arrived at by adding the amount calculated by using the following formula to the issue value as the face value:
((Face value - Issue value) / Number of years from the date of issuance to the date of redemption) X Number of years from the date of issuance to the date of deposit
(3)For the calculation using the formula referred to in the preceding paragraph, a fraction of less than one year that arises for the number of years from the date of issuance to the date of redemption and the number of years from the date of issuance to the date of deposit, and a fraction of less than one yen that arises for the amount arrived at by dividing the difference between the face value and the issue value by the number of years from the date of issuance to the date of redemption are rounded down.
(Notification of Concurrent Holding of Positions)
Article 31(1)A notification under the provisions of Article 31-4, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act (excluding the notification filed in the case of resignation that is prescribed in those provisions) must be filed by submitting a written notification stating the following matters to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau:
(i)the person's name;
(ii)the trade name of the financial instruments business operator;
(iii)the title of the financial instruments business operator;
(iv)the trade name of the other company in which the person concurrently holds the position of officer;
(v)the title of the position at the company in which the person concurrently holds the position and the fact as to whether or not the person has the representative authority; and
(vi)the date of assumption of office and the term of office.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if there is any change to the matters set forth in item (iv) or (v) of that paragraph, a written notification of the change of the position which is concurrently held stating the following matters must be submitted to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau:
(i)the person's name;
(ii)the trade name of the financial instruments business operator;
(iii)the title of the financial instruments business operator;
(iv)the content of the change; and
(v)the date of the change.
(3)A notification under the provisions of Article 31-4, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act (limited to the notification filed in the case of a resignation that is prescribed in those provisions) must be filed by submitting a written notification stating the following matters to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau:
(i)the person's name;
(ii)the trade name of the financial instruments business operator;
(iii)the title of the financial instruments business operator;
(iv)the trade name of the other company in which the person concurrently holds the position of officer;
(v)the title of the position at the company in which the person concurrently holds the position and the fact as to whether or not the person has the representative authority; and
(vi)the date of resignation.
(Persons Excluded from Being Parent Corporations or Subsidiary Corporations)
Article 32The person specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-16, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Order is as follows:
(i)a person exclusively engaged in the business for conducting financial instruments business, etc., financial instruments intermediary service, or securities, etc. intermediary business operations of any of the following persons:
(a)the person themselves; or
(b)the person themselves and their parent corporation, etc. or subsidiary corporation, etc.;
(ii)a person who is exclusively engaged in the business (excluding business related to non-disclosure information (limited to information concerning customers of financial instruments business, etc., financial instruments intermediary service, or securities, etc. intermediary business operations conducted by the issuer or the person themselves)) for conducting business of any of the following persons (excluding financial instruments business, etc., financial instruments intermediary service, and securities, etc. intermediary business operations):
(a)the person themselves; or
(b)the person themselves and their parent corporation, etc. or subsidiary corporation, etc.;
(iii)a corporation or any other organization of a foreign country that does not have a business office, office or facilities equivalent to them in Japan.
(Persons Classified as Parent Companies)
Article 33(1)The companies specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-16, paragraph (3) of the Order are the following companies, etc. (meaning the companies, etc. prescribed in that paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this Article through Article 35); provided, however, that this does not apply if it is clearly found that the company does not have control over the decision-making body of the other company, etc. (meaning the decision-making body specified in Article 15-16, paragraph (3) of the Order; the same applies in item (ii), (e)) in terms of their financial, operational, or business relationship:
(i)a company, etc. which holds the majority of voting rights in the other company, etc. on its own account (excluding other companies, etc. that have become subject to an order for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, an order for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, or an order for commencement of reorganization proceedings and other companies, etc. equivalent to them, which are found to have no effective parent-subsidiary relationship; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph);
(ii)a company, etc. which holds 40 percent or more and 50 percent or less of the voting rights in the other company, etc. on its own account, and falls under any of the following requirements:
(a)the voting rights held by the company, etc. on its own account, by the person found likely to exercise voting rights in concert with the intention of the company, etc. due to a close relationship with the company, etc. in terms of contribution, personnel affairs, funds, technology, transactions, etc., and by the person that has consented to exercise the voting rights in concert with the intention of the company, etc., together account for the majority of the voting rights in that other company, etc.;
(b)the officers or employees or former officers or employees of the company, etc. for whom the company, etc. is able to influence the decision of the other company, etc. concerning its financial policies and operational or business policies, constitute the majority of the members of the board of directors or other equivalent organs of that other company, etc.;
(c)there is a contract, etc. concluded between the company, etc. and the other company, etc. which controls the decision on important financial, operational, or business policies of that other company, etc.;
(d)the company, etc. is providing the amount of the procured funds (including guarantee of obligations and provision of security; the same applies in sub-item (d) and Article 34, item (ii), (b)) which amounts to more than half of the total amount of funds procured by the other company, etc. (limited to the amount recorded in the liability section of the balance sheet) (including the cases in which the amount financed by the company, etc., and the amount financed by a person with a close relationship with the company, etc. in terms of contribution, personnel affairs, funds, technology, transactions, etc. together amount to more than half of the total amount of the funds procured); or
(e)there is a fact to presume that the company, etc. is controlling the decision-making body of that other company, etc.;
(iii)the company, etc. if the voting rights held by a company, etc. on its own account, by the person found likely to exercise voting rights in concert with the intention of the company, etc. due to a close relationship with the company, etc. in terms of contribution, personnel affairs, funds, technology, transactions, etc., and by the person that has consented to exercise the voting rights in concert with the intention of the company, etc. together account for the majority of the voting rights in the other company, etc. (including when the company, etc. does not hold voting rights on its own account), which falls under any of the requirements set forth in sub-items (b) through (e) of the preceding item,.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, with regard to a special purpose company (meaning a specific purpose company as defined in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Act on Securitization of Assets (Act No. 105 of 1998) and an entity engaged in business similar to that of the specific purpose company, for which change in business content is restricted; the same applies hereinafter), if the purpose of the incorporation of that specific purpose company is to have the owners of the securities issued by the company (including the creditors of the specific borrowings as defined in paragraph (12) of that Article) receive the profit generating from assets that the company has acquired at a fair value, and the business of the company is properly implemented in compliance with that purpose, the special purpose company is found to be independent from the company, etc. that transferred the assets to the company (hereinafter referred to as the "transferor company, etc." in this paragraph), and is presumed not to fall under a subsidiary company, etc. of the transferor company, etc.
(Persons Classified as Affiliated Companies)
Article 34The affiliated companies, etc. specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-16, paragraph (4) of the Order are as follows; provided, however, that this does not apply if it is clearly found that a company, etc. (including a subsidiary company, etc. of that company, etc.) is unable to have a material impact in deciding the financial policies and operational or business policies of other companies etc. other than subsidiary companies, etc., in terms of their financial, operational or business relationship:
(i)the other companies, etc. other than a subsidiary company, etc., if a company, etc. (including a subsidiary company, etc. of that company, etc.) holds 20 percent or more of the voting rights in that other company, etc. other than a subsidiary company, etc. on its own account (excluding other companies, etc. other than subsidiary companies, etc. which have become subject to an order for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, order for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, or order for commencement of reorganization proceedings, or other companies, etc. other than subsidiary companies, etc. equivalent to them, which are found that they are not able to have a material impact on deciding their financial policies and operational or business policies; hereinafter the same applies in this Article);
(ii)the other companies, etc. other than a subsidiary company, etc. if a company, etc. (including a subsidiary company, etc. of that company, etc.) holds 15 percent or more and less than 20 percent of the voting rights in the other companies, etc. other than a subsidiary company, etc. on their own account, which falls under any of the following requirements,:
(a)an officer or employee of the company, etc. or a former officer or employee, for whom the company, etc. is able to give an impact on decision of the other company's financial policies and operational or business policies, has assumed the position of the other company's director, executive officer, or an equivalent person;
(b)an important loan has been granted by the company, etc.;
(c)an important technology has been provided by the company, etc.;
(d)there is an important transaction on sales, procurement, or other operational or business transactions with the company, etc.; or
(e)there is a facts to presume that the company, etc. is able to have a material impact on the decision on the other company's financial, operational or business policies;
(iii)the other companies, etc. other than a subsidiary company, etc. if the voting rights held by a company, etc. (including a subsidiary company, etc. of that company, etc.) on its own account, by the person found likely to exercise voting rights in concert with the intention of the company, etc. due to a close relationship with the company, etc. in terms of contribution, personnel affairs, funds, technology, transactions, etc., and by a person that has consented to exercise voting rights in concert with the intention of the company, etc. (including if the company, etc. does not hold voting rights on its own account) together account for 20 percent or more of the voting rights in the other companies, etc. other than a subsidiary company, etc., which falls under any of the requirements set forth in sub-items (a) through (e) of the preceding item.
(Criteria for Determining Holding of Voting Rights)
Article 35(1)For the purpose of determining the holding voting rights provided for in Article 15-16, paragraph (5) of the Order, the voting rights held are to include the voting rights held under the name of another person (or under a pseudonym; the same applies in Article 203, paragraph (1)), and the voting rights related to shares or contribution in any of the following cases (hereinafter referred to as "shares, etc." in this Article):
(i)if a person has the authority to exercise the voting rights in the company, etc. or the authority to give instructions on the exercise of the voting rights, pursuant to the provisions of a trust agreement for money or other agreements, or laws;
(ii)if a person in special relationship provided for in Article 15-10 of the Order holds the voting rights in a company, etc.;
(iii)if, pursuant to the provisions of Article 147, paragraph (1) or Article 148, paragraph (1) of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 228, paragraph (1), Article 235, paragraph (1), Article 239, paragraph (1) and Article 276 (limited to the part related to item (ii)) of that Act), a person may not assert the shares, etc. held by them against an issuer (including the shares, etc. related to the voting rights which are to be included in the voting rights held by the specified individual shareholder referred to in Article 15-16, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Order pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph).
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the voting rights related to the following shares, etc. are to be excluded from the voting rights held that are referred to in the preceding paragraph:
(i)if a person having the authority to represent a corporation or a manager having the authority to act as an agent for a corporation has the authority to exercise voting rights or to give instructions on the exercise of voting rights, or the authority required for making an investment, based on the authority to represent or the authority to act as an agent, the shares, etc. owned by the corporation;
(ii)the shares, etc. owned by heirs as their inherited property (limited to the shares, etc. owned before the day when the heir (excluding the case of a joint inheritance) gave an unqualified acceptance (including if an unqualified acceptance is deemed to have been given) or a qualified acceptance, or the shares, etc. which the coheirs of the inherited property have not finished dividing).
第三款 主要株主
Subsection 3 Major Shareholders
(Submission of Statement of Holdings in Subject Voting Rights)
Article 36A person that submits a statement of holdings in subject voting rights referred to in Article 32, paragraph (1) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph must submit a statement of holdings in subject voting rights prepared by using the Appended Form No. 8 by attaching a copy of the statement and the documents required to be attached to the statement pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article to the Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the locality of the head office, etc. (in the case of an individual, their domicile or residence) (if the locality falls within the jurisdictional area of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, to its Director-General) in the case of a resident (meaning the resident provided for in the first sentence of Article 6, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Act No. 228 of 1949); hereinafter the same applies in this Chapter), or to the Director-General of the Kanto Finance Bureau in the case of a non-resident (meaning a non-resident provided for in Article 6, paragraph (1), item (vi) of that Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Chapter).
(Matters to Be Stated in Statement of Holdings in Subject Voting Rights)
Article 37(1)The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 32, paragraph (1) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the trade name or name;
(ii)the location of the head office or principal office (in the case of an individual, the domicile or residence);
(iii)in the case of a corporation, the name of its representative; and
(iv)the number of voting rights held.
(2)The number of voting rights held by all the shareholders, etc. referred to in Article 32, paragraph (1) of the Act is the number of voting rights held by all the shareholders, etc. (meaning the voting rights held by all the shareholders, etc. provided for in Article 29-4, paragraph (2) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) on the day when the person has come to hold the subject voting rights (meaning the subject voting rights provided for in Article 29-4, paragraph (2) of the Act); provided, however, that if it is difficult to find out the number of voting rights held by all the shareholders, etc., the number may be the number of voting rights held by all the shareholders, etc. stated in the latest annual securities report, etc. (meaning the annual securities report provided for in Article 24, paragraph (1) of the Act, the quarterly securities report provided for in Article 24-4-7, paragraph (1) of the Act, or the semiannual securities report provided for in Article 24-5, paragraph (1) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) (if the annual securities report, etc. has not been submitted, the number of the voting rights held by all the shareholders, etc. calculated based on the content stated in the commercial register or other documents).
(Documents to Be Attached to Statement of Holdings in Subject Voting Rights)
Article 38The documents specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 32, paragraph (2) of the Act are as follows:
(i)in the case of an individual, an extract of the resident record (limited to that stating the registered domicile), or alternative documents;
(ii)if the former surname and given name are stated together with the current name in a statement of holdings in subject voting rights referred to in Article 32, paragraph (1) of the Act and the document set forth in the preceding item is not a document certifying the former surname and given name, a document certifying the former surname and given name; and
(iii)in the case of a corporation, its certificate of registered matters, or alternative documents.
(Notification that a Person Has Become a Specified Major Shareholder)
Article 38-2A major shareholder other than a specified major shareholder of a financial instruments business operator that files a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph (3) of the Act (meaning the specified major shareholder as defined in paragraph (4) of that Article; hereinafter the same applies in this Article and Article 38-5) must submit a notification staing the fact that the major shareholder has become a specified major shareholder, which is prepared using the Appended Form No. 8-2, by attaching a copy of that notification, to the Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the locality of the major shareholder's head office, etc. (in cases of an individual, the address or residence) in the case of a resident (if the locality is within the jurisdictional area of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, to its Director-General), and in the case of a non-resident to the Director-General of the Kanto Finance Bureau.
(Persons Classified as Parent Companies)
Article 38-3The companies specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-16-2, paragraph (2) of the Order are the following persons (excluding those related to companies that do not have an impact on the content of the documents on financial calculation):
(i)a parent company defined in Article 8, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements (Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 59 of 1963; hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation on Financial Statements"); and
(ii)a company that is treated in the same manner as that set forth in the preceding item in preparing documents on financial calculation under the designated international accounting standards (meaning the designated international accounting standards prescribed in Article 93 of the Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements (Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 28 of 1976; the same applies hereinafter)) and other fair and appropriate standards or practices of corporate accounting standards in a foreign country.
(Persons Classified as Affiliated Companies)
Article 38-4The affiliated companies, etc. specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-16-2, paragraph (3) of the Order are the following companies (excluding those that have no impact on the content of documents related to financial accounting):
(i)affiliated companies provided for in Article 8, paragraph (5) of the Regulation on Financial Statements; and
(ii)a company that is treated in the same manner as that set forth in the preceding item in preparing documents on financial calculation under the designated international accounting standards and other fair and appropriate standards or practices of corporate accounting standards in foreign countries.
(Notification of Becoming a Major Shareholder Other Than a Specified Major Shareholder)
Article 38-5A specified major shareholder of a financial instruments business operator that files a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 32-3, paragraph (2) of the Act must submit a notification of the fact that they have become a major shareholder other than a specified major shareholder, which is prepared using the Appended Form No. 8-3, by attaching a copy of that notification, to the Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the locality of the major shareholder's head office, etc. (in cases of an individual, the address or residence) in the case of a resident (if the locality is within the jurisdictional area of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, to its Director-General), or in the case of a non-resident, to the Director-General of the Kanto Finance Bureau.
(Application, Mutatis Mutandis)
Article 39The provisions of Articles 36 through 38 apply mutatis mutandis to the case in which the provisions of Article 32, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 32-4 of the Act.
第四款 登録金融機関
Subsection 4 Registered Financial Institutions
(Securities Equivalent to Specified Corporate Bond Certificates)
Article 40The securities specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-17, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Order are those which satisfy all of the following requirements:
(i)there are assets to be transferred directly or indirectly from the owner to a corporation incorporated or managed for the purpose of the issuing the securities (the assets are referred to as "acquired assets" in the following item); and
(ii)the corporation provided for in the preceding item issues its securities, and appropriates the money obtained by the management, investment, or disposition of the acquired assets for the performance of the obligations arising from the securities (including those issued for the purpose of the refinancing the securities).
(Securities Equivalent to Short-Term Corporate Bonds)
Article 41The securities specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-17, paragraph (3) of the Order are as follows:
(i)book-entry transfer foreign-issued bonds (meaning a book-entry transfer foreign-issued bond prescribed in Article 66 (excluding item (i)) of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 127 of that Act; hereinafter the same applies in this item) which satisfy all of the following requirements:
(a)the book-entry foreign-issued bonds are to be issued in yen;
(b)the amount of each book-entry transfer foreign-issued bond is not less than 100 million yen;
(c)there are provisions on the fixed due date for the redemption of principal to be within one year from the day the total amount of the book-entry transfer foreign-issuesd bonds has been paid, and there are no provisions for installment payment of the redemption of principal; and
(d)there are provisions stating that the due date for the interest payment is to be the same date as the due date for the redemption of principal referred to in sub-item (c);
(ii)the securities that satisfy all of the requirements set forth in the items of the preceding Article (limited to those set forth in the preceding item).
(Securities Equivalent to Share Certificates)
Article 42The securities specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 15-18, item (i) of the Order are corporate bond certificate with special provisions stating that redemption may be made through share certificates (including preferred equity securities (meaning the preferred equity securities provided for in the Act on Preferred Equity Investment by Cooperative Financial Institutions; the same applies hereinafter)), share option certificates, or corporate bond certificates with share options (limited to the corporate bond certificates with special provisions stating that redemption may be made through securities issued by a company other than the issuer company of those corporate bond certificates).
(Application for Registration)
Article 43A person that seeks to obtain the registration referred to in Article 33-2 of the Act must submit to the Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the locality of the person's head office, etc. (if the locality falls within the jurisdictional area of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, to its Director-General) a written application for registration referred to in Article 33-3, paragraph (1) of the Act prepared by using the Appended Form No. 9 by attaching a copy of the written application and the documents or electronic or magnetic record required to be attached pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) or (3) of that Article.
(Matters to Be Stated in Written Applications for Registration)
Article 44The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 33-3, paragraph (1), item (ix) of the Act are as follows:
(i)if an employee of the applicant for registration falls under any of the following persons, the name of that employee:
(a)a person that supervises the work related to instructions for having employees comply with laws and regulations in regard to the registered financial institution business, and a person that is in a position in which the person may be delegated the authority of the person that supervises the business, such as the head of department, the deputy head of department, the section head, or other persons irrespective of the title;
(b)a person that supervises the department in charge of giving advise and making investment (including its instructions; the same applies hereinafter) and a person that makes an investment decision based on the analysis of the value of financial instruments and other factors, in connection with the investment advisory business or investment management business;
(ii)the trade name or name of the designated dispute resolution organization which is the counterparty to a basic contract for implementation of dispute procedures concluded for the purpose of taking the measures to conclude the contract for implementation of dispute procedures related to the business provided for in Article 37-7, paragraph (1), item (v), sub-item (a) of the Act, and the name of the financial instruments firms association with which the applicant for registration becomes a member and the name of the certified investor protection organization with which the applicant for registration becomes a target business operator;
(iii)the name or trade name of the financial instruments exchange with which the applicant for registration becomes a member, etc.;
(iv)if the applicant for registration conduct the acts set forth in Article 33-2, item (i) or (ii) of the Act on a regular basis, the following matters:
(a)that fact;
(b)if the applicant for registration conducts the acts set forth in Article 33, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act for the transaction set forth in that item, that fact;
(iv)-2in the cases of conducting electronic trading platform management services, that fact;
(v)in the cases of conducting commodity-related businesses, that fact;
(vi)if the applicant for registration conducts financial instruments intermediary services, the trade name of the entrusting financial instruments business operator (meaning the financial instruments business operator that conducts type-I financial instruments business who is entrusted with financial instruments intermediary services; hereinafter the same applies except in Article 275, paragraph (1), item (xxvii));
(vii)if the applicant for registration conducts business related to commodities investment, the following matters:
(a)that fact;
(b)if the business related to commodities investment conducted by the applicant for registration only concerns the goods specified in Article 37, paragraph (1), item (ii), (b) of the Order or the agriculture, forestry and fisheries goods, etc., that fact;
(c)if the business related to commodities investment conducted by the applicant for registration only concerns the goods specified in Article 37, paragraph (1), item (ii), (c) through (e) of the Order or the economy, trade and industry goods, etc., to that effect; and
(d)if the applicant for registration is to conduct a business related to investment in racehorses, that fact;
(viii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the acts listed in the items of Article 194-6, paragraph (2) of the Act on a regular basis, that fact;
(ix)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust, that fact;
(x)if the applicant for registration is to conduct specified investment management business related to real property, that fact;
(xi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the acts set forth in Article 33-2, item (i), (ii) or (iv) of the Act with regard to electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc., or the acts set forth in Article 33-2, item (i) or (ii) of the Act with regard to the derivatives transactions prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Act on a regular basis, or if the applicant for registration is to conduct investment management business related to electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc., or the derivative transactions, that fact;
(xii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the acts set forth in Article 33-2, item (iii) of the Act with regard to the derivatives transactions prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (ix) of the Act on a regular basis, or if the application for registration is to conduct investment management business related to the derivative transactions, that fact; and
(xiii)the name and location of the head office, etc.
(Content and Method of Business)
Article 45The content and method of a business specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 33-3, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the basic principles of business operation;
(ii)the method of execution of business;
(iii)the method of division of duties;
(iv)type of acts that constitute financial instruments transactions intenconducted on a regular basis;
(v)the system for handling complaints (including the contents of the complaint processing measures and dispute resolution measures concerning the business specified in Article 37-7, paragraph (1), item (v), (b) of the Act);
(vi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the acts set forth in the items of Article 33-2 of the Act on a regular basis, the following matters:
(a)the types of the securities to be handled, and the type of the derivative transactions to be conducted on a regular basis (if the securities in question or the derivatives transactions in question are electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc. or the derivatives transactions provided for in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Act, including that fact, and if commodity-related business is to be conducted, including the commodities that are subject of transactions or financial indexes related to the commodities);
(b)if the applicant for registration handles the rights set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (i) or (ii) of the Act, the type of the trust property related to the rights;
(c)if the applicant handles the rights set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2), item (v) or (vi) of the Act, the outline of the business subject to investment related to the rights;
(d)the means of managing the risk of loss;
(e)if the applicant for registration conducts business related to the wholesale underwriting of securities for the securities set forth in Article 33, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act, the following matters:
1.the name and title of the person responsible for managing the business;
2.the name and organizational structure of the department that conducts the business;
3.the method of calculating the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business;
4.the method of establishing and applying a ceiling on the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business;
5.the name and structure of the section in charge of calculating the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business and management of ceiling of the value;
6.the frequency of inspection of the execution of the business, the value of loss risk equivalent and the status of the application of the ceiling thereof, and the name and structure of the section in charge of such inspection; and
7.any other material matters concerning the management of risk of loss related to the business;
(f)if the applicant for registration conducts business related to the act set forth in Article 33, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act in connection with the transaction provided for in that item, the following matters:
1.the name and title of the person responsible for managing the business;
2.the name and organizational structure of the department in charge of the business;
3.the standards for initiating a transaction with the customers related to the business;
4.the method and frequency of calculating the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business (the information is to be stated by the risk of loss which may accrue due to fluctuations in quotations on the financial instruments exchange market, interest rate, currency value, or other indicators, the risk of loss which may accrue due to a default in the performance of contracts by counterparties to the transactions, and other reasons, and the risk or loss which may accrue due to reasons other than those reasons);
5.the method of establishing and applying a ceiling on the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business, and the method of establishing and applying the ceiling for each type of transactions and customer attributes;
6.the name and structure of the department in charge of calculating the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business and managing the ceiling of the value;
7.the frequency of reporting the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business and the status of application of the ceiling of the value to directors or executive officers with the authority of representation, or board members (in the case of a foreign corporation, directors, executive officers or any other person equivalent to them, who is stationed at the business office or office in Japan, or the representative in Japan);
8.the method of preparing and preserving materials that serve as the basis for the calculation of the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business;
9.the frequency of inspection and the name and structure of the department in charge of the inspection concerning execution of the business, the value of loss risk equivalent, and the status of application of the ceiling of the value; and
10.any other material matters concerning the management of risk of loss related to the business;
(vii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct electronic trading platform management services, the following matters:
(a)the type and specific content of the specified over-the-counter derivatives transactions conducted for electronic trading platform management services;
(b)the name and title of the person responsible for managing electronic trading platform management services;
(c)the name and organizational structure of the department in charge of electronic trading platform management services and the department in charge of business related to the publication based on the provisions of Article 40-7, paragraph (2) of the Act (if a part of electronic trading platform management services or a part of the business related to the publication based on that paragraph is entrusted to another person, including that person);
(d)the standards for initiating a transaction with customers related to electronic trading platform management services, and the method of managing customers;
(e)matters concerning fees;
(f)the method of disclosing quotes for bids and offers and other price information to customers (limited to the method using an electronic data processing system or other electronic methods);
(g)the method for deciding the transaction price (if the amount determined by the party as the notional principal in specified over-the-counter transaactions does not exceed the amount specified in the items of Article 125-8, paragraph (2) in accordance with the category of the period from the day when the specified over-the-counter derivatives transaction takes effect to the day when the transaction ceases to be effective, limited to the method that enables the customers to choose the method specified in the following 1., or the method specified in the following 1. or 2.) and the time when the transaction is closed;
1.the method of using the price based on the applicant's own quotes for bids and offers or the customer's quotes for bids and offers publicized pursuant to the provisions of sub-item (f);
2.the method of using a price determined based on negotiations between customers (limited to a negotiation conducted after notifying the customer of the quotes when three or more other customers are requested to present quotes for bids or offers based on the designation by the customer, and presenting the quotes for bids or offers presented by the other customers in response to the request, the quotes for bids or offers publicized pursuant to the provisions of sub-item (f), and the quotes when the applicant themselves presents the quotes for bids or offers);
(h)the method of the publication based on the provisions of Article 40-7, paragraph (2) of the Act;
(i)the outline, installation location, capacity, and maintenance method of the electronic data processing system used for the electronic trading platform management service, and the method of handling in the case of malfunction of the electronic data processing system;
(j)the method of settlement for electronic trading platform management services (including the method of having a financial instruments clearing organization (including a collaborating clearing organization, etc., if the financial instruments clearing organization conducts collaborative financial instruments obligation assumption service) or a foreign financial instruments clearing organization appropriately and promptly bear the obligations arising from the transactions specified in Article 156-62, item (i) or (ii) of the Act), and the handling method when a customer defaults on a contract;
(k)the method of preparing and preserving transaction records for electronic trading platform management services;
(l)the frequency of the inspection and the name and structure of the department in charge of the inspection on the status of the execution of electronic trading platform management services;
(m)the method of preventing unfair transactions, and other matters related to ensuring fair transactions; and
(n)any other material matters concerning the management of risk of loss related to electronic trading platform management services;
(viii)if the applicant for registration to conduct investment advisory and agency business, the matters set forth in Article 8, item (viii), sub-items (a) through (d);
(ix)if the applicant for registration is to conduct investment management business, the matters set forth in Article 8, item (ix), sub-items (a) through (e);
(x)if the applicant for registration is to conduct securities, etc. management business, the method of management under the provisions of Articles 43-2 through 43-3 of the Act;
(xi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct electronic public offering services, the matters set forth in Article 8, item (x), sub-items (a) and (d);
(xii)the following matters concerning the measures set forth in each item of Article 70-4, paragraph (1):
(a)the method for implementing the measures; and
(b)the organization in charge of implementing the measures and its assignment of personnel;
(xiii)if the applicant for registration is to receive or supply information in the cases prescribed in Article 123, paragraph (1), item (xviii), sub-item (e) and item (xxiv), sub-item (d), the following matters concerning work on maintenance and management of the electronic data processing system and work on internal management and operation prescribed in Article 153, paragraph (3):
(a)the trade name or name of the entrusting financial instruments business operator that receives or supplies the information;
(b)the method of conducting business; and
(c)the organization in charge of the business and its assignment of personnel;
(xiv)if the applicant for registration provides information in the case referred to in Article 154, item (iv), sub-item (g), sub-item (i), and sub-item (j), the trade name or name of the parent corporation, etc. or subsidiary corporation, etc. that receives the information;
(xv)if the applicant for registration is to conduct high-speed trading as a registered financial institution business, the matters set forth in Article 8, item (xi), sub-items (a) through (d). and
(xvi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the acts set forth in Article 33-2, item (iii) of the Act with regard to the derivatives transactions prescribed in Article 29-2, paragraph (1), item (ix) of the Act on a regular basis, or if the applicant for registration is to conduct investment management business related to the derivatives transactions, the name of the cryptoassets and financial indexes referred to in Article 8, item (xii)
(Documents to Be Attached to Written Application for Registration)
Article 46The things specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 33-3, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Act are the following matters stated as the status of an affiliated company (meaning a parent corporation, etc., a subsidiary corporation, etc. or a holding company; the same applies in item (v)):
(i)the trade name or name;
(ii)the amount of stated capital, the total amount of funds, or the total amount of investment;
(iii)the location of the head office or principal office;
(iv)the type of business;
(v)the capital relationship, personnel relationship, and business relationship in the most recent one year, between the applicant for registration and an affiliated company; and
(vi)distinction of whether the affiliated company falls under a parent corporation, etc., a subsidiary corporation, etc. or a holding company.
Article 47(1)The documents specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 33-3, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the documents stating the personnel structure and the system for conducting business of the organization;
(ii)the resume of the officers and important employees (meaning an employee that falls under any of Article 44, item (i), sub-item (a) or (b); the same applies in Article 51, paragraph (1), item (iv)) in charge of the registered financial institution business (if the officer is a corporation, the document stating the background of the officer);
(iii)if the applicant for registration does not become a member of a financial instruments firms association (limited to an association that has the persons conducting the business performed by the applicant for registration as the principal association members or members), the internal rules concerning the business;
(iv)if the applicant for registration is to conduct electronic trading platform management services, the following documents:
(a)the resume of the person responsible for managing electronic trading platform management services;
(b)the internal rules concerning electronic trading platform management services;
(c)contract documents to be used in conducting transactions with customers in relation to electronic trading platform management services and the documents attached to them; and
(d)an appraisal report issued by a person not in special interest relationship with the applicant for registration concerning the matters set forth in Article 45, item (vii), (i);
(v)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to commodities investment for racehorses, a document certifying that the applicant for registration does not satisfy the criteria set forth in Article 49, item (iii);
(vi)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust, a document certifying that the applicant for registration does not satisfy the criteria specified in Article 49, item (iv);
(vii)a document stating the matters related to the ability to conduct business of the applicant for registration, if the applicant is to conduct specified investment management business related to real property;
(viii)the notes related to the balance sheet and the notes related to the profit and loss statement;
(ix)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to the wholesale underwriting of securities for the securities set forth in Article 33, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act, or the business related to the act set forth in item (v) of that paragraph for the transaction set forth in that item, the following documents:
(a)the resume of the person responsible for managing the business;
(b)the internal rules concerning the business;
(c)the contract documents to be used in transactions with customers in connection with the business; and
(x)if the applicant for registration is to conduct financial instruments intermediary services, a copy of the written contract for the entrustment contract of financial instruments intermediary services concluded with the entrusting financial instruments business operator;
(xi)for conducting high-speed trading as registered financial institution business, the resume of the person responsible for managing services pertaining to high-speed trading.
(2)In attaching the document set forth in item (vii) of the preceding paragraph, if the notes related to the balance sheet or the notes related to the profit and loss statement have been prepared as an electronic or magnetic record, an applicant for registration may attach the electronic or magnetic record (limited to the record provided for in Article 11) in lieu of documents; and
(xii)in the case prescribed in Article 45, item (xvi), a document explaining the outline of the cryptoassets and financial indexes set forth in Article 8, item (xii).
(2)In attaching the document set forth in item (vii) of the preceding paragraph, if the notes related to the balance sheet or the notes related to the profit and loss statement have been prepared as an electronic or magnetic record, the applicant for registration may attach electronic or magnetic record (limited to the record provided for in Article 11) in lieu of documents.
(Public Inspection of Register of Registered Financial Institutions)
Article 48The competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau, etc. is to keep the register of registered financial institutions containing information on the registered financial institutions to which the Director-General has granted registration, at the finance bureau with jurisdiction over the locality of the head office, etc. of the registered financial institution (if the locality falls within the jurisdictional district of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, at the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau), and make the register available for public inspection.
(Criteria for Examination of Personnel Structure)
Article 49When conducting an examination on whether the applicant for registration lacks a personnel structure sufficient to appropriately conduct a registered financial institution business provided for in Article 33-5, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act, whether the applicant for registration falls under any of the following criteria is to be examined:
(i)the applicant for registration is found not able to properly conduct the business, in light of the state of securing officers or employees that have sufficient knowledge and experience for conducting the business and its organizational structure;
(ii)the applicant for registration is found to be likely to cause a loss of credibility of registered financial institution business due to having an officer or employee with qualities inappropriate for operating business in light of the personal history of the officer or the employee, relationships with the organized crime group as defined in Article 2, item (ii) of the Act on Prevention of Illegal Acts by Organized Crime Group Members, or relationships with the organized crime group members as defined in item (vi) of that Article, or other circumstances;
(iii)if the applicant for registration is to conduct business related to commodities investment for racehorses, that the applicant does not satisfy the following requirements:
(a)the applicant for registration has been given guidance by the Japan Racing Association or the National Association of Racing in advance;
(b)the business related to commodities investment conducted by the applicant for registration only falls under either of the business related to investment in racehorses related to the rights set forth in Article 7, item (iv), sub-item (d), 1. or the business related to investment in racehorses related to the rights set forth in Article 7, item (iv), sub-item (d), 2.;
(c)if the applicant for registration is to conduct a business related to investment in racehorses related to the rights set forth in Article 7, item (iv), sub-item (d), 2., that the applicant has obtained a registration referred to in Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Horse Racing Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22 of that Act);
(iv)if the applicant for registration is to conduct the business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust, that the applicant does not satisfy the following requirements:
(a)the applicant for registration has assigned officers or employees that have expert knowledge of and experience in transactions related to building lots or buildings to each of the following departments:
1.the department in charge of supervising the business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust;
2.the department in charge of the internal audit; and
3.the department in charge of work related to instructions for having the officers and employees comply with laws and regulations, etc.;
(b)the officers or the employees that conduct the business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust have sufficient expert knowledge of and experience in transactions of building lots or buildings for giving explanations by the means and to the extent that is required for a customer to understand the matters set forth in the items of Article 85, paragraph (1), in light of the customer's knowledge, experience, status of property, and the purpose of concluding a financial instruments transaction contract.
(v)if the applicant for registration is to conduct specified investment management business related to real property, that the applicant does not satisfy the requirements specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Conditions for Registering Over-the-Counter Derivatives Transactions Related to Securities)
Article 50The conditions specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 33-5, paragraph (2) of the Act are as follows:
(i)if a bank, an insurance company (meaning an insurance company as defined in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Insurance Business Act (Act No. 105 of 1995) and including a foreign insurance company, etc. as defined in paragraph (7) of that Article; the same applies hereinafter), a federation of shinkin banks, the Norinchukin Bank, or the Shoko Chukin Bank Limited, which is a registered financial institution, conducts over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates (meaning the transaction set forth in Article 33, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act for which the market value fluctuates depending on the fluctuation of price of share certificates or stock price index (meaning the index calculated based on the price of share certificates; the same applies in item (iv)); hereinafter the same applies in this Article) on a regular basis, the accounting for the over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates is managed in a specified transaction account (meaning the specified transaction account prescribed in Article 13-6-3, paragraph (1) of the Order for Enforcement of the Banking Act (Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 10 of 1982), Article 12-4-3, paragraph (1) of the Order for Enforcement of the Long Term Credit Bank Act (Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 13 of 1982), Article 53-6-2, paragraph (1) of the Order for Enforcement of the Insurance Business Act (Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 5 of 1996), Article 107, paragraph (1) of the Order for Enforcement of the Shinkin Bank Act (Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 15 of 1982), Article 65, paragraph (1) of the Order for Enforcement of the Norinchukin Bank Act (Order of the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 16 of 2001) or Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Order for Enforcement of The Shoko Chukin Bank Limited Act Relating to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Finance and the Cabinet Office (Order of the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 1 of 2008) (in case of a foreign bank branch office prescribed in Article 47, paragraph (2) of the Banking Act (Act No. 59 of 1981) or a foreign insurance company, etc. as defined in Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Insurance Business Act, an account similar to a specified transaction account); hereinafter the same applies in this Article);
(ii)if a registered financial institution other than that prescribed in the preceding item conducts over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates on a regular basis, that the accounting for the over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates is to be managed in an account equivalent to the specified transaction account;
(iii)notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two items, that a registered financial institution that conducts over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates on a regular basis may manage only the over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates which satisfy all of the following requirements in an account other than the specified transaction account (for a registered financial institution provided for in the preceding item, an account other than an account equivalent to the specified transaction account):
(a)the counterparty to the over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates is a financial instruments business operator that conducts the transaction set forth in Article 28, paragraph (8), item (iv) of the Act, or its intermediary, brokerage (excluding brokerage for clearing of securities, etc.) or agency services on a regular basis, or is a registered financial institution that conducts the act specified in Article 33, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act for the transaction set forth in that item on a regular basis; and
(b)the counterparty to the over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates manages the accounting for those over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates in the specified transaction account (in the case of a financial instruments business operator, the same type of account as the specified transaction account, or in the case of a registered financial institution provided for in the preceding item, an account equivalent to the specified transaction account);
(iv)if a registered financial institution conducts over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates on a regular basis, that the registered financial institution is to restrain to the extent possible the amount of loss in the specified transaction account which may accrue from a fluctuation in the price of share certificates or stock price index related to those over-the-counter transactions related to share certificates by immediately conducting a transaction (limited to a transaction managed in the specified transaction account (in the case of a registered financial institution prescribed in item (ii), an account equivalent to the specified transaction account; hereinafter the same applies in this item)) for effectively reducing the loss that arises from a fluctuation in the price of share certificates or stock price index related to those over-the-counter derivatives transactions related to share certificates.
(Notification of Changes to Matters Stated in a Written Application for Registration)
Article 51(1)A registered financial institution that files a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 33-6, paragraph (1) of the Act must submit to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau a document stating the content and date of the change and the reasons for the change prepared by using the Appended Form No. 9, a copy of that document, and by attaching a document specified in the following items in accordance with the category of documents set forth in each of those items; provided, however, that, if there are compelling reasons, it is sufficient for the documents specified in each of the items to be submitted without delay after the submission of the written notification:
一法第三十三条の三第一項第一号若しくは第二号に掲げる事項又は第四十四条第十三号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合 当該変更に係る事項を記載した登記事項証明書又はこれに代わる書面
(i)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 33-3, paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii) of the Act, or the matters set forth in Article 44, item (xiii): the certificate of registered information stating the changed information, or alternative documents;
二法第三十三条の三第一項第三号又は第四号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合 次に掲げる書類
(ii)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 33-3, paragraph (1), item (iii) or (iv) of the Act: the following documents:
(a)the documents stating the personnel structure and the system for conducting business of the organization;
(b)the certificate of registered information stating the changed information, or alternative documents; and
(c)the resume of the person that has newly assumed the position of an officer (limited to an officer in charge of registered financial institution business or an accounting advisor) (if the officer is a corporation, the document stating the background of the officer);
三法第三十三条の三第一項第七号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合(営業所又は事務所の廃止をした場合に限る。) 当該変更に伴う顧客勘定の処理の内容を記載した書面
(iii)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 33-3, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the Act (if the business office or office is closed): a document stating the details of handling customers' accounts accompanying the change;
四第四十四条第一号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合 新たに重要な使用人となった者の履歴書
(iv)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 44, item (i): the resume of the person that newly became an important employee;
五第四十四条第四号から第十二号までに掲げる事項について変更があった場合(新たにこれらの号に掲げる業務を行うこととなった場合に限る。) 金融商品取引業協会(当該登録金融機関が新たに行うこととなった業務を行う者を主要な協会員又は会員とするものに限る。)に加入していないときは、当該業務に関する社内規則
(v)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 44, items (iv) through (xii) (only if the registered financial institution has come to newly conduct the businesses set forth in those items): internal rules relating to the businesses, if the applicant for registration is not a member of a financial instruments firms association (limited to an association that has a principal association member or a member as a person that conducts the businesses to be newly conducted by the registered financial business);
六第四十四条第四号の二に掲げる事項について変更があった場合(電子取引基盤運営業務を行うこととなった場合に限る。) 次に掲げる書類
(vi)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 44, item (iv)-2 (limited to cases in which a registered financial institution has come to conduct electronic trading platform management services): the following documents:
(a)the resume of the responsible person for managing electronic trading platform management services;
(b)the internal rules concerning electronic trading platform management services;
(c)written contracts and the documents attached to them to be used for the transactions with customers relating to electronic trading platform management services; and
(d)an appraisal report issued by a person that have no special interest relationship with the notifying person in relation to the matters set forth in Article 45, item (vii), sub-item (i);
七第四十四条第六号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合(新たに金融商品仲介業務の委託を受けることとなった場合に限る。) 委託金融商品取引業者との間の金融商品仲介業務の委託契約に係る契約書の写し
(vii)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 44, item (vi) (limited to cases in which the registered financial institution has come to be newly entrusted with financial instruments intermediary services): a copy of the written contract for the entrustment contract of financial instruments intermediary services concluded with the entrusting financial instruments business operator;
八第四十四条第七号ニに掲げる事項について変更があった場合(競走用馬投資関連業務を行うこととなった場合に限る。) 第四十九条第三号に掲げる基準に該当しないことを証する書面
(viii)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 44, item (vii), sub-item (d) (limited to cases in which the registered financial institution has come to conduct business related to investment in racehorses): a document certifying that the registered financial institution does not fall under the criteria set forth in Article 49, item (iii);
九第四十四条第九号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合(不動産信託受益権等売買等業務を行うこととなった場合に限る。) 第四十九条第四号に掲げる基準に該当しないことを証する書面
(ix)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 44, item (ix) (limited to cases in which the registered financial institution has come to conduct business of purchase and sale, etc. of beneficial interest in real property trust): a document certifying that the registered financial institution does not fall under the criteria set forth in Article 49, item (iv); and
十第四十四条第十号に掲げる事項について変更があった場合(不動産関連特定投資運用業を行うこととなった場合に限る。) 不動産関連特定投資運用業を行う場合における業務遂行能力に関する事項を記載した書面
(x)if there is any change to the matters set forth in Article 44, item (x) (limited to cases in which the registered financial institution has come to conduct specified investment management business related to real property): a document stating the matters related to its capacity to perform business when specified investment management business related to real property is to be conducted.
(2)If the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau has received from a registered financial institution a notification on a change to the locality of the head office, etc. which was filed beyond the jurisdictional area of the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau, etc., the Commissioner or the Director-General is to send or have an official send the written notification, the portion of the register of registered financial institutions related to the registered financial institution and other documents to the Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau with jurisdiction over the changed locality of the head office, etc. related to the notification (if the locality falls within the jurisdictional area of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau, to its Director-General).
(3)The Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau or the Director-General of the Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau who has received the documents sent under the provisions of the preceding paragraph is to register the matters related to the registered financial institution in the register of registered financial institutions.
(Notification on Change of Content and Method of Business)
Article 52A registered financial institution that files a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 33-6, paragraph (3) of the Act must submit to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau a written notification stating the content and the scheduled date or actual date of the change, and the reasons for the change, by attaching a document stating the matters set forth in the items of Article 45 (limited to matters whose content has been changed) and a document specified in Article 47, paragraph (1), items (xi) and (xii) (limited to matters whose content has been changed) and a document specified in Article 51, paragraph (1), item (vi) (limited to matters whose content has been changed).
第五款 特定投資家
Subsection 5 Professional Investors
(Type of Contract)
Article 53The type of contract specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34 of the Act is as follows:
(i)a contract which provides for performing acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), items (i) through (x) of the Act, acts set forth in item (xvi) of that paragraph or in Article 1-12, item (ii) of the Cabinet Order to be performed for those acts, or acts set forth in item (xvii) of that paragraph, in relation to securities;
(ii)a contract which provides for performing acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), items (i) through (v) of the Act, acts set forth in item (xvi) of that paragraph or in Article 1-12, item (ii) of the Cabinet Order to be performed for those acts, or acts set forth in item (xvii) of that paragraph, in relation to derivative transactions;
(iii)an investment advisory contract and a contract which provides for performing an act set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xiii) of the Act (limited to the act related to an investment advisory contract); and
(iv)a discretionary investment contract and a contract which provides for performing an act set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xiii) of the Act (limited to the act related to a discretionary investment contract).
Article 54Deleted
(Matters to Be Stated in Document to Be Delivered to Professional Investor That Made a Request)
Article 55The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (3), item (iv) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the fact that the applicant (meaning an applicant prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (3) of the Act; the same applies in the following item) is to be treated as a customer other than a professional investor concerning the subject contract (meaning a subject contract prescribed in that paragraph; the same applies in that item and Article 57-2), only by the financial instruments business operator, etc. that has given an approval under the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article; and
(ii)with regard to a financial instruments transaction contract which the financial instruments business operator, etc., on behalf of the applicant, concludes with another financial instruments business operator, etc. on or after the approval date (meaning the approval date provided for in Article 34-2, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act) based on the subject contract, the applicant is to be treated as a customer other than a professional investor also by the other financial instruments business operator, etc.
(Provision Using Information and Communications Technology)
Article 56(1)The means specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-3, paragraph (12) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act), Article 34-4, paragraph (3), Article 37-3, paragraph (2), Article 37-4, paragraph (2), Article 37-5, paragraph (2), Article 40-2, paragraph (6), Article 40-5, paragraph (3) and Article 42-7, paragraph (2) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) are the following means (hereinafter referred to as "electronic or magnetic means"):
(i)the means of using an electronic data processing system which are set forth in the following items:
(a)the means of transmitting matters required to be stated in a document (hereinafter referred to as the "matters to be stated" in this Article) via telecommunications line that connects the computers used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. (including a person that, pursuant to the contract with a financial instruments business operator, etc. that provides the matters prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Act, stores files on a computer managed by the person, and provides them to the other party to whom the matters are provided (hereinafter referred to as the "customer" in this Article) or provides them for use by the financial instruments business operator, etc.; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) and the computers used by the customers, etc. (meaning a customer and a person that stores a customer file (meaning the file solely used by customers; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) on a computer managed by such person; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), and recording the matters in the customer file stored on the computer used by the customers, etc. (if the applicant gives consent to the provision of the matters by the means prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Act or notifies that they are not willing to be provided with the matters by such means, the means of recording the fact in a file stored on the computer used by the financial instruments business operator, etc. that provides the matters provided for in that paragraph);
(b)the means of making the matters stated which are recorded in the files stored on a computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. available for customers' inspection via telecommunications line, and recording the matters stated into the customer file of that customer stored on the computer used by the customer, etc. (if the applicant gives consent to the provision of the matters by the means prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Act or notifies that they are not willing to be provided with the matters by such means, the means of recording the fact in a file stored on the computer used by the financial instruments business operator, etc.);
(c)the means of making the matters stated which are recorded in the customer file stored on the computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. available for customers' inspection via telecommunications line; and
(d)the means of making the matters stated which are recorded in the inspection file (meaning a file stored on a computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc., on which the matters stated are recorded for the purpose of making them available for inspection by multiple customers at the same time; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) available for customers' inspection via telecommunications line;
(ii)the means of delivering a medium recording the matters stated on the file prepared by using an object that can securely record certain information by the means of a magnetic disk, CD-ROM, or any other equivalent means.
(2)The means set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph must conform to the following criteria:
(i)the means enables a customer to prepare a document by outputting the matters recorded in the customer file or inspection file;
(ii)when the means set forth in item (i), sub-item (a), sub-item (c), or sub-item (d) of the preceding paragraph (excluding the means of recording the matters stated in the customer file stored on a computer used by a customer) is used, the customer is informed of the fact that the matters stated are to be recorded or have been recorded in the customer file or the inspection file; provided, however, that this does not apply if it has been confirmed that the customer has inspected the matters stated;
(iii)for the means set forth in item (i), sub-item (c) or (d) of the preceding paragraph, that the following matters may not be deleted or altered until five years have passed from the day when the transaction set forth in the matters stated was finally conducted (if a complaint related to the matters stated has been raised before the expiration date of that period, until either the expiration date of the period or the day when the complaint was settled, whichever comes later); provided, however, that the matters stated may be deleted if the matters stated which are made available for inspection are delivered in writing, the matters stated are provided by the means set forth in item (i), sub-item (a) or (b) of the preceding paragraph or in item (ii) of that paragraph with the customer's consent (meaning a consent given by the means provided for in Article 15-22 of the Order), or the customer has instructed that the matters stated are to be deleted:
(a)in the case of the means set forth in item (i), sub-item (c) of the preceding paragraph, the matters stated which are recorded in the customer file; and
(b)in the case of the means set forth in item (i), sub-item (d) of the preceding paragraph, the matters stated which are recorded in the inspection file;
(iv)in the case of the means set forth in item (i), sub-item (d) of the preceding paragraph, that the matters stated conform to the following requirements:
(a)the information necessary for customers to inspect the inspection file is recorded in the customer file; and
(b)until the end of the period provided for in the preceding item, the customer file that has the information necessary for the customer to inspect the inspection file pursuant to the provisions of sub-item (a) is to be kept connected to the inspection file via telecommunications line; provided, however, that this does not apply if the customer who has been given access to the files has notified that it is not necessary to keep the connection.
(3)The term "electronic data processing system" as used in paragraph (1), item (i) means an electronic data processing system that connects via telecommunications line a computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. and a computer that has customer files used by a customer, etc. or a financial instruments business operator, etc. stored.
(Type and Content of Electronic or Magnetic Means)
Article 57The type and content of the means required to be specified pursuant to the provisions of Article 15-22, paragraph (1) and Article 15-23, paragraph (1) of the Order are as follows:
(i)the means set forth in the items of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or the items of Article 57-3, paragraph (1), which are used by financial instruments business operators, etc.; and
(ii)the formalities for recording the matters in a file.
(Matters to Be Stated in Document Indicating Consent by Person That Made Request for Reinstatement as a Professional Investor)
Article 57-2The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (11) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the day when the consent under the provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (11) of the Act is given (hereinafter referred to as the "date of consent" in this Article);
(ii)the type of contract to which the subject contract belongs (meaning the type of contract provided for in Article 34 of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Subsection);
(iii)the fact that the applicant for reinstatement (meaning an applicant for reinstatement provided for in Article 34-2, paragraph (11) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) understands the following matters:
(a)the provisions set forth in the items of Article 45 of the Act do not apply if the applicant for reinstatement is a person specified in each of those items in connection to subject contracts (excluding the cases specified in the proviso to that Article);
(b)if a person that, in light of the knowledge, experience, and state of property of the person, is deemed inappropriate to be treated as a professional investor in connection to subject contracts is treated as a professional investor, the protection of that person may be impaired;
(iv)the applicant for reinstatement will once again be treated as a professional investor when soliciting the conclusion of or concluding the subject contract on or after the date of consent;
(v)with regard to a financial instruments transaction contract that a financial instruments business operator, etc. concludes with another financial business operators, etc. on behalf of an applicant for reinstatement, on or after the date of consent based on the subject contract, the applicant for reinstatement will also once again be treated as a professional investor by the other financial instruments business operators, etc.; and
(vi)the applicant for reinstatement may make a request under the provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (1) of the Act at any time on or after the date of consent.
(Obtaining Consent Using Information and Communications Technology)
Article 57-3(1)The means specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (12) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-3, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act) and Article 43-4, paragraph (3) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) are as follows:
(i)the means of using an electronic data processing system which are set forth in the following sub-items:
(a)the means of sending the matters via a telecommunications line that connects a computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. and that used by the other party from whom the business operator seeks to obtain consent pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (12) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "customer" in this Article), and recording the information in a file stored on a computer used by the recipient; and
(b)the means of making the matters related to the customer's consent recorded in a file stored on a computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. available for the customer's inspection through a telecommunications line, and recording the matters related to the customer's consent in a file stored on a computer used by the financial instruments business operator, etc.;
(ii)the means of obtaining a medium on which the file that has the matters related to a consent recorded, which is prepared by using an object that can securely record certain information by means of a magnetic disk, CD-ROM, or any other equivalent means.
(2)The means set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph must be the means that enables a financial instruments business operator, etc. to prepare a document by way of outputting the matters recorded on the file.
(3)The term "electronic data processing system" as used in paragraph (1), item (i) means an electronic data processing system that connects a computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. and a computer used by a customer via telecommunications line.
(Due Date for Deeming a Corporation That Is Customer Other Than a Professional Investor to Be a Professional Investor)
Article 58(1)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Act is the case if a financial instruments business operator, etc. has designated a certain date and publicized the following matters by posting them at a place easily visible to the public at its business office or office, or by other appropriate means:
(i)the designated date; and
(ii)the fact that the day provided for in the following paragraph is the due date (meaning the due date provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act; the same applies in paragraph (2) of the following Article and Article 60).
(2)The day specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Act is the day designated by a financial instruments business operator, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, which is the latest date within one year from the date of acceptance (meaning the date of acceptance prescribed in paragraph (2), item (i) of that Article; the same applies in paragraph (2), item (v) of the following Article and Article 60).
(Matters to Be Stated in Documents Indicating the Consent by a Corporation That Is a Customer Other Than Professional Investors That Made a Request)
Article 59(1)The matter specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (iv), (a) of the Act is the fact that the provisions of the items of Article 45 of the Act do not apply if the applicant (meaning the applicant prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Act; the same applies in the following paragraph) falls under any of the persons set forth in each of those items concerning the subject contract (meaning the subject contract prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act; the same applies in the following paragraph and Article 60-2) (excluding the case prescribed in the proviso to Article 45 of the Act).
(2)The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (vii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the fact that for an act conducted based on the provisions of laws and regulations or the contract related to the subject contract (excluding an investment advisory contract and a discretionary investment contract) concluded before the due date, the applicant is to be treated as a professional investor, even if that act is conducted after the due date;
(ii)if the types of contract related to the request provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Act falls under those set forth in Article 53, items (iii) and (iv), the fact that an act conducted based on the provisions of laws and regulations or the contract related to the subject contract (limited to an investment advisory contract and a discretionary investment contract), the applicant is to be treated as a professional investor only for the act conducted before the due date;
(iii)the fact that the applicant is to be treated as a professional investor with regard to the subject contract, only by the financial instruments business operator, etc. that has accepted the request under the provisions of Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Act;
(iv)the fact that, with regard to a financial instruments transaction contract that a financial instruments business operator, etc. concludes with another financial instruments business operator, etc. on behalf of the applicant before the due date based on the subject contract, the applicant is to be treated as a professional investor also by that other financial instruments business operator, etc.; and
(v)the fact that the applicant may make a request under the provisions of Article 34-3, paragraph (9 of the Act at any time on or after the date of acceptance.
(Period Necessary for a Corporation That Is a Customer Other Than Professional Investors Which Made a Request to Make a Request for Renewal)
Article 60(1)The period specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (7) of the Act is eleven months (in the cases set forth in the following items, the period specified in each of those items):
一承諾日から期限日までの期間が一年に満たない場合(次号に掲げる場合を除く。) 当該期間から一月を控除した期間
(i)when the period between the date of acceptance and the due date is less than one year (excluding the case set forth in the following item): the period obtained by deducting one month; or
二承諾日から期限日までの期間が一月を超えない場合 一日
(ii)when the period between the date of acceptance and the due date does not exceed one month: one day.
(2)In applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph in the cases prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (8) of the Act, the term "date of acceptance" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "day following the previous due date".
(Matters to Be Stated in a Document to Be Delivered to a Corporation That Made a Request for Reinstatement as a Customer Other Than a Professional Investor)
Article 60-2The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (11) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the day when the acceptance under the provisions of Article 34-3, paragraph (10) of the Act is to be given (hereinafter referred to as the "date of acceptance" in this Article);
(ii)the type of contract to which the subject contract belongs;
(iii)the fact that when soliciting the conclusion of, or concluding, the subject contract on or after the date of acceptance, the corporation that made a request under the provisions of Article 34-3, paragraph (9) of the Act (referred to as the "applicant for reinstatement" in the following item) is to be treated as a customer other than a professional investor again; and
(iv)the fact that, with regard to a financial instruments transaction contract for which they conclude with another financial business operator, etc. on behalf of the applicant for reinstatement on or after the date of acceptance based on the subject contract, the applicant for reinstatement will also be treated as a customer other than a professional investor again by the other financial instruments business operator, etc.
(Proprietors That May Request to Be Treated as a Professional Investor)
Article 61(1)The individual specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act is one that satisfies any of the following requirements:
(i)the fact that the individual has not obtained the consent from all of the silent partners in making a request under the provisions of Article 34-4, paragraph (1) of the Act; or
(ii)the fact that the total amount of the equity investment under the silent partnership contract which the individual concluded is less than 300 million yen.
(2)The individuals specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act are the following persons:
(i)an individual who has concluded a partnership contract and has become a partner that has been entrusted with the execution of the business of the partnership (limited to an individual who satisfies all of the following requirements):
(a)the fact that the individual has obtained the consent from all of the other partners in making a request under the provisions of Article 34-4, paragraph (1) of the Act; and
(b)the fact that the total amount of the equity investment under the partnership contract is not less than 300 million yen.
(ii)an individual who has concluded a limited liability partnership agreement and is involved in the decision-making for executing important business of the partnership, and who is also a partner that personally executes the business (limited to an individual who satisfies all of the following requirements):
(a)the fact that the individual has obtained the consent from all of the other partners in making a request under the provisions of Article 34-4, paragraph (1) of the Act; and
(b)the fact that the total amount of the equity investment under the limited liability partnership agreement is 300 million yen or more.
(Individual Who May Request to be Treated as a Professional Investor)
Article 62The requirements specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-4, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act are that the individual falls under all of the following requirements:
(i)reasonably judging from the status of the transactions or any other circumstances, the amount obtained by deducting the total amount of its liabilities from the total amount of the assets of the applicant (meaning the applicant prescribed in Article 34-4, paragraph (2) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article and Article 64) on the date of acceptance (meaning the date of acceptance prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act; the same applies in the following item, paragraph (2) of the following Article, and Article 64, paragraph (2), item (v), and Article 64-2), is expected to be 300 million yen or more;
(ii)reasonably judging from the status of the transactions or any other circumstances, the total amount of the assets of the applicant (limited to the assets set forth in the following sub-items) on the date of acceptance is expected to be 300 million yen or more:
(a)securities (excluding the securities set forth in sub-items (e) and (f) (limited to contracts that are concluded with a special enterprise operator as defined in Article 2, paragraph (9) of the Act on Specified Joint Real Estate Ventures (Act No. 77 of 1994)));
(b)rights related to a derivative transaction;
(c)specified deposits, etc. prescribed in Article 11-5 of the Agricultural Co-operatives Act (Act No. 132 of 1947), in Article 11-11 of the Fishery Cooperatives Act (Act No. 242 of 1948), in Article 6-5-11 of the Act on Financial Businesses by Cooperative (Act No. 183 of 1949), in Article 89-2 of the Shinkin Bank Act (Act No. 238 of 1951), in Article 17-2 of the Long Term Credit Bank Act (Act No. 187 of 1952), in Article 94-2 of the Labor Bank Act (Act No. 227 of 1953), in Article 13-4 the Banking Act, in Article 59-3 of the Norinchukin Bank Act (Act No. 93 of 2001), and in Article 29 of the Shoko Chukin Bank Limited Act (Act No. 74 of 2007);
(d)the rights related to insurance proceeds, mutual aid benefits, refunds, or other benefits under a specified mutual aid contract prescribed in Article 11-10-3 of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act, a specified mutual aid contract prescribed in Article 12-3, paragraph (1) of the Consumer Cooperatives Act (Act No. 200 of 1948), a specified mutual aid contract prescribed in Article 15-12 of the Fisheries Cooperatives Act, a specified mutual aid contract prescribed in Article 9-7-5, paragraph (2) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act (Act No. 181 of 1949), and a specified insurance contract prescribed in Article 300-2 of the Insurance Business Act;
(e)beneficial interest in a trust related to a specific trust agreement prescribed in Article 24-2 of the Trust Business Act;
(f)rights under a specified joint real estate venture contract as defined in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Act on Specified Joint Real Estate Ventures; and
(g)rights related to transactions on a commodity market (meaning the transactions on a commodity market as defined in Article 2, paragraph (10) of the Commodity Derivatives Transaction Act (Act No. 239 of 1950)), foreign commodity market transactions (meaning the foreign commodity market transactions as defined in paragraph (13) of that Article; the same applies in Article 67, item (i)), and over-the-counter commodity derivatives transactions (meaning the over-the-counter commodity derivatives transactions as defined in Article 2, paragraph (14) of that Act; the same applies in Article 67, item (ii) and Article 123, paragraphs (8) and (12)); and
(iii)the fact that one year has passed from the day when the applicant concluded a financial instruments transaction contract that belongs to the type of contract related to the request under the provisions of Article 34-4, paragraph (1) of the Act with the financial instruments business operator, etc. for the first time.
(Due Date When an Individual Who Is a Customer Other Than a Professional Investor Is Deemed to Be a Professional Investor)
Article 63(1)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act is a case in which a financial instruments business operator, etc. has specified a certain date and publicized the following matters by posting them at a place easily accessible to the public at its business office or office, or by any other appropriate means:
(i)the designated date; and
(ii)the fact that the day provided for in the following paragraph is to be the due date (meaning the due date provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act; the same applies in paragraph (2) of the following Article and Article 64-2).
(2)The day specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act is the day specified by the financial instruments business operator, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, which is the latest day within one year from the date of acceptance.
(Matters to Be Stated in Documents Indicating Consent by an Individual Who Is a Customer Other Than the Professional Investor That Made a Request)
Article 64(1)The matter specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (iv), (a) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act is the fact that the provisions set forth in the items of Article 45 do not apply if the applicant falls under any of the persons prescribed in each of those items concerning the subject contract (meaning the subject contract prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act; the same applies in the following paragraph and Article 64-3) (excluding the case specified in the proviso to Article 45 of the Act).
(2)The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (vii) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the fact that with regard to an act related to the subject contract concluded before the due date (excluding an investment advisory contract and a discretionary investment contract) which is to be conducted based on the provisions of laws and regulations or the contract, the applicant is treated as a professional investor, even if that act is to be conducted after the due date;
(ii)if the type of the contract related to the request provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act is the type of contract set forth in Article 53, items (iii) and (iv), the fact that with regard to an act conducted based on the provisions of laws and regulations or the contract related to the subject contract (limited to an investment advisory contract and a discretionary investment contract), the applicant is treated as a professional investor limited to an act conducted before the due date;
(iii)the fact that the applicant is to be treated as a professional investor in regard to the subject contract, only by the financial instruments business operator, etc. that has accepted the request under the provisions of Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act;
(iv)the fact that with regard to a financial instruments transaction contract which the financial instruments business operator, etc. concludes with another financial instruments business operator, etc. on behalf of the applicant before the due date based on the subject contract, the applicant is to be treated as a professional investor also by the other financial instruments business operator, etc.; and
(v)the fact that the applicant may make a request under the provisions of Article 34-4, paragraph (4) of the Act at any time on or after the date of acceptance.
(Period Necessary for an Individual Who Is a Customer Other Than a Professional Investor That Made a Request to Make a Request for Renewal)
Article 64-2(1)The period specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (7) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act is eleven months (in the cases set forth in the following items, the period specified in each of those items):
一承諾日から期限日までの期間が一年に満たない場合(次号に掲げる場合を除く。) 当該期間から一月を控除した期間
(i)when the period between the date of acceptance and the due date is less than one year (excluding the case specified in the following item): the period calculated by deducting one month from that period; or
二承諾日から期限日までの期間が一月を超えない場合 一日
(ii)when the period between the date of acceptance and the due date does not exceed one month: one day.
(2)In applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph in the cases prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (8) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act, the term "date of acceptance" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "day following the previous expiration date".
(Matters to Be Stated in Documents to Be Delivered to an Individual Who Made a Request for Reinstatement as a Customer Other Than a Professional Investor)
Article 64-3The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (11) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the day when the acceptance under the provisions of Article 34-4, paragraph (5) of the Act is to be made (hereinafter referred to as the "date of acceptance" in this Article);
(ii)the type of contract to which the subject contract belongs;
(iii)when soliciting the conclusion of, or concluding, the subject contract on or after the date of acceptance, the fact that the individual that made a request under the provisions of Article 34-4, paragraph (4) of the Act (referred to as the "applicant for reinstatement" in the following item) is to be treated as a customer other than a professional investor again; and
(iv)with regard to a financial instruments transaction contract which the financial instruments business operator, etc. concludes with another financial business operator, etc. on behalf of the applicant for reinstatement on or after the date of acceptance based on the subject contract, the applicant for reinstatement is to be treated as a customer other than a professional investor again also by the other financial instruments business operator, etc.
第二節 業務
Section 2 Business
第一款 通則
Subsection 1 General Rules
(Money Loan Secured by Securities in Safe Custody)
Article 65The money loan specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act is money loan that falls under any of the following items:
(i)if the securities deposited by the customer for safe custody are any of the following securities (limited to the securities owned by the customer which has made the deposit for safety custody), the money loan provided by using those securities as those necessary for the customer to continue to own them, in which the sum of the amount to be lent to the customer and the amount of loan already extended secured by those securities does not exceed five million yen (limited to the amount within the range of market price of the securities at the time of extending loan; the same applies in the following item):
(a)national government bond securities;
(b)local government bond securities;
(c)government guaranteed bond certificates;
(d)corporate bond certificates;
(e)share certificates;
(f)beneficiary certificates of an investment trust or a foreign investment trust prescribed in the Act on Investment Trust and Investment Corporations (Act No. 198 of 1951);
(g)investment securities (meaning the investment securities provided in Article 2, paragraph (15) of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations; the same applies hereinafter), investment corporation bond certificates (meaning the investment corporation bond certificates provided for in paragraph (20) of that Article; the same applies in Article 117, paragraph (20), item (iii) and Article 153, paragraph (1), item (iv), sub-items (c) and (d)) or foreign investment securities (excluding those similar to investment equity subscription right certificates);
(h)instruments or certificates issued by a foreign country or a foreign corporation, which have the nature of the securities set forth in sub-items (a) through (e);
(ii)if the securities deposited by a customer for safe custody are any of the following beneficiary certificates of an investment trust (limited to the securities owned by the customer that has made the deposit for safety custody), a money loan provided in the amount equivalent to the cancellation money for those securities by using those securities as security to the customer that has requested the cancellation of those securities until the money related to the cancellation is paid, in which the sum of the amount to be lent to the customer and the amount of loan already lent by using those securities as security does not exceed five million yen:
(a)public and corporate bond investment trust prescribed in Article 13, item (ii), sub-item (a) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations (Order of the Prime Minister's Office No. 129 of 2000) whose primary investment targets are financial assets including short-term public or corporate bonds (meaning the securities set forth in sub-items (a) through (d) of the preceding item (including instruments or certificates issued by a foreign country or a foreign corporation that have similar natures)), deposits, money trusts and call loans, which is a beneficiary certificate of those that satisfy all of the following requirements:
1.the trust period is unlimited;
2.the account is settled and the amount in excess of the principal is distributed every day, and its dividend is to be reinvested at the end of the month;
3.the bond investment trust may be canceled at any time; and
4.the cancellation money is payable on the day of cancellation or on the business day following that day;
(b)beneficiary certificates of an investment whose primary investment targets are financial assets such as medium-term interest-bearing government bonds, deposits, money trusts, and call loans, which are beneficiary certificates of those that satisfy all of the following requirements; and
(c)beneficiary certificates of public and corporate bond investment trust prescribed in Article 25, item (ii) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations (limited to those whose accounting period is one day).
(Conclusion of Contracts for Cumulative Investment)
Article 66What is specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the Act is the conclusion of a contract that satisfies all of the requirements set forth in the following items:
(i)the contract provides the type of the securities and the method for the appropriation of deposit for making purchases as a method of purchasing securities;
(ii)the contract provides that the fruits (proceeds) from the money to be paid by the customer and the securities deposited by the customer, and the accounting for the deposits of financial instruments business operators accrued from the acceptance of redemption money are to be conducted separately from other deposits by considering them to be cumulative investment depoists;
(iii)the contract provides that in making a joint purchase with another customer or financial instruments business operator, when the code and number of the securities purchased by a customer are identified, it becomes certain that the customer gains sole ownership of those securities;
(iv)the deposited securities (limited to those co-owned by a financial instruments business operator and a customer) are to be managed separately from other securities, as a method for managing securities; and
(v)the contract may be canceled if the customer makes a request.
(Acts Contributing to Regional Revitalization)
Article 66-2The acts specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (1), item (xvii) of the Act are the following acts (if newly acquiring management resources for performing operations to conduct the acts in addition to the human resources, information and communications technology, equipment and other management resources held by the financial instruments business operator related to the financial instruments business conducted by the financial instruments business operator, even when the considerable part of the resources are not utilized depending on the demand situation, limited to acts that are not likely to hinder the sound and appropriate performance of the operations of the financial instruments business operator, the acts falling under the acts set forth in item (viii), item (xi), item (xii), and item (xvi) of that paragraph are excluded):
(i)providing consultation on management to other business operators, etc. (meaning a corporation, other organizations, and an individual that conducts business (limited to an individual in the case of performing an act for the profit of the business); hereinafter the same applies in this Article and Article 68), introducing business operators, etc. or customers related to business of the other business operator, etc., providing other necessary information and advice, and becoming entrusted with the affairs related to them;
(ii)worker dispatching services as defined in Article 2, item (i) of the Act on Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Businesses and Protecting Dispatched Workers (Act No. 88 of 1985) of human resources with highly specialized abilities and other human resources that contribute to the improvement of the running of business by business operators, etc. who are users of the financial instruments business operator (limited to the services conducted in relation to performing the acts set forth in the preceding item on a regular basis and other services conducted by the financial instruments business operator, and the dispatched workers subject to the services (meaning dispatched workers as defined in Article 2, item (ii) and limited to those subject to the worker dispatch services as defined in item (i) of that Article conducted on a regular basis) are not workers that are regularly employed);
(iii)designing, developing, or maintaining a system that functions by using a computer for another business operators, etc. (limited to the acts related to a system designed or developed solely by the financial instruments business operator or jointly with another business operator, etc., or an equivalent system), or designing, creating, selling (including selling peripheral equipment that becomes necessary in association with the sale of programs), or maintaining a program (limited to the acts related to a program designed or created solely by the financial instruments business operator or jointly with another business operator, etc., or an equivalent program);
(iv)advertising, publicizing, investigating, analyzing information, or providing information related to the business of another business operator, etc.; and
(v)visiting users of the financial instruments business operator regularly or in response to a notification.
(Transactions Conducted by Using Fluctuations in Indexes)
Article 67The transactions specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)foreign commodity market transactions; and
(ii)over-the-counter commodity derivatives transactions.
(Business Subject to Notification)
Article 68The business specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (2), item (vii) of the Act is as follows:
(i)a business related to purchase and sale of gold bullion, or its intermediation, brokerage, or agency;
(ii)a business related to conclusion of a partnership contract, or its intermediation, brokerage, or agency;
(iii)a business related to conclusion of a silent partnership contract, or its intermediation, brokerage, or agency;
(iv)a business related to conclusion of a loan participation contract (meaning a contract in which the economic profit and risk of loss arising from the original credited loans is transferred from the original creditor to a third party without transferring any right and obligation arising from the credited loans of financial institutions, etc.), or its intermediation, brokerage, or agency;
(v)a business related to insurance solicitation as defined in Article 2, paragraph (26) of the Insurance Business Act or insurance intermediary business operations as prescribed in Article 11, paragraph (3) of the Act on the Provision of Financial Services;
(vi)a business related to lease of real property owned by financial instruments business operator themselves;
(vii)rental services of goods;
(viii)a business related to creation and sale of computer programs for the business of another business operator, etc., and a business that accepts entrustment of calculation services;
(ix)a business of operational management of defined contribution pensions as defined in Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Defined Contribution Pension Act (Act No. 88 of 2001);
(x)a business of conducting the affairs set forth in Article 61, paragraph (1), item (i), (ii), or (v) of the Defined Contribution Pension Act (for the affairs set forth in item (v), limited to the affairs related to the measures referred to in Article 22 of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 73 of that Act or the affairs related to the acceptance of notifications for the individual-type pension plan as defined in Article 2, paragraph (3) of that Act), based on an entrustment pursuant to the provisions of Article 61, paragraph (1) of that Act from the national pension fund association;
(xi)trust agreement agency services as defined in Article 2, paragraph (8) of the Trust Business Act;
(xii)services related to intermediation of conclusion of a contract related to services set forth in Article 1, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business by Financial Institutions (Act No. 43 of 1943) or services set foth in item (vi) of that paragraph or services set forth in item (vi) of that paragraph which are related to execution of a will, or services set forth in that item or item (vii) of that paragraph (excluding sub-item (a)) which concerns the arrangement of an estate (limited to intermediary services conducted for a financial institution engaged in trust business (meaning a financial institution that obtained the authorization referred to in that paragraph; the same applies hereinafter));
(xiii)financial institution agency services (meaning the bank agency services as defined in Article 2, paragraph (14) of the Banking Act, the long term credit bank agency services prescribed in Article 16-5, paragraph (2) of the Long-Term Credit Bank Act, the shinkin bank agency services prescribed in Article 85-2, paragraph (2) of the Shinkin Bank Act, the credit cooperative agency services prescribed in Article 6-3, paragraph (2) of the Act on Financial Businesses by Cooperative, the labor bank agency services prescribed in Article 89-3, paragraph (2) of the Labor Bank Act, the specific credit business agency services prescribed in Article 92-2, paragraph (2) of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act, the specific credit business agency services prescribed in Article 106, paragraph (2) of the Fishery Cooperatives Act, the Norinchukin Bank agency services prescribed in Article 95-2, paragraph (2) of the Norinchukin Bank Act, or the deposit, etc. intermediary business operations prescribed in Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Act on the Provision of Financial Services; the same applies hereinafter);
(xiv)real property management business;
(xv)a business of providing advice on investment related to real property;
(xvi)a business of concluding a contract on the acquisition or transfer of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas (meaning the carbon dioxide equivalent quotas as defined in Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Act No. 117 of 1998) or other things similar to the quotas; the same applies in the following item), or of performing its intermediation, brokerage, or agency;
(xvii)a business of conducting any of the following transactions, or its intermediation, brokerage, or agency:
(a)a transaction in which the parties mutually promise to pay money based on the quotation for carbon dioxide equivalent quotas agreed by the parties for the carbon dioxide equivalent quotas whose quantities are specified by the parties, or other similar transactions; and
(b)a transaction for which the parties promise that one of the parties will grant to the other party the right to close a transaction related to the contract referred to in the preceding item and a transaction set forth in sub-item (a) through the manifestation of intention of one of the patries, and that the other party pays money in consideration for that right, or other similar transactions;
(xviii)a business of conducting the affairs set forth in Article 117, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act on Investment Trust and Investment Corporations, based on an entrustment under the provisions of Article 117, paragraph (1) of that Act by an investment corporation (meaning an investment corporation as defined in Article 2, paragraph (12) of that Act; the same applies hereinafter) or a business of conducting the affairs related to the management of an organ of a special purpose company, based on an entrustment by that special purpose company;
(xix)a business of investing money or other property for another person, as an investment in assets other than securities or rights related to a derivatives transaction (excluding cryptoasset) (excluding business that falls under any of the business set forth in Article 35, paragraph (2), item (i), item (ii), item (v)-2, and item (vi) of the Act);
(xx)a business of concluding a contract for a guarantee or assumption of an obligation, or its intermediation, brokerage, or agency;
(xxi)a business of acting as a go-between for or introducing another business operator, etc., to the customers of one's business;
(xxii)a business of advertising or promoting the business of another business operator, etc.;
(xxiii)a funds transfer business as defined in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Payment Services Act ; and
(xxiv)a business incidental to the business set forth in Article 35, paragraph (2), items (i) through (vi) of the Act or the preceding items.
(Notification of Additional Business)
Article 69A financial instruments business operator that files a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 35, paragraph (3) or (6) of the Act must submit to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau a written notification stating the type of business to be notified and the date of the commencement or discontinuation of the business, and the reasons for the commencement or discontinuation, by attaching a document specified in the following items in accordance with the category of documents prescribed in each of those items:
一当該業務を開始した場合 次に掲げる事項を記載した書類
(i)in the case the business is commenced: a document stating the following matters:
(a)the method of the business;
(b)the method of managing risk of loss related to the business; and
(c)the name and the assignment of personnel of the department in charge of the business;
二当該業務を廃止した場合 当該業務の廃止に伴う顧客勘定の処理の方法を記載した書面
(ii)in the case the business is discontinued: a document stating the means of the handling customers' accounts associated with the discontinuation of the business.
(Application for Approval of Additional Business)
Article 70(1)A financial instruments business operator that seeks to obtain the approval referred to in Article 35, paragraph (4) of the Act must submit to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or the competent Director-General of a Local Finance Bureau a written application for approval stating the following matters:
(i)the trade name;
(ii)the registration date and registration number;
(iii)the type of business for which approval is sought; and
(iv)the scheduled date for the commencement of the business.
(2)A document stating the following matters must be attached to a written application for approval referred to in the preceding paragraph:
(i)the content and method of the business;
(ii)the following matters concerning the method of managing the risk of loss related to the business:
(a)the method of calculating the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business (for a person that conducts type-I financial instruments business, including the market risk equivalent amount prescribed in Article 178, paragraph (1), item (i), the counterparty risk equivalent amount prescribed in item (ii) of that paragraph, and the fundamental risk equivalent amount prescribed in item (iii) of that paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this item);
(b)the method of establishing and applying a ceiling on the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business;
(c)the name and structure of the department in charge of the calculation of the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business and the management of the ceiling thereof;
(d)the method of preparing and preserving materials that serve as the basis for the calculation of the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business;
(e)the frequency of inspection of the value of loss risk equivalent related to the business and the status of application of its ceiling, and the name and structure of the department in charge of the inspection; and
(f)any other material matters concerning the management of risk of loss related to the business;
(iii)the organization in charge of the business and the assignment of personnel;
(iv)the internal rules regarding the management of the business.
(Development of the Operational Control System)
Article 70-2(1)The operational control system required to be developed by a financial instruments business operator, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 35-3 of the Act is to develop internal rules, etc. for ensuring the appropriate implementation of financial instruments business, etc. (meaning internal rules and other equivalent rules) and to conduct employee training and take other measures for ensuring compliance with the internal rules, etc.
(2)The operational control system required to be developed by a financial instruments business operator, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 35-3 of the Act (limited to a person that conducts electronic public offering services or a person that conducts the acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (vii) of the Act by the method set forth in the items of Article 6-2 (limited to the case of conducting the acts related to the securities set forth in the items of Article 3 of the Act or the securities not listed on a financial instruments exchange (excluding those set forth in the items of Article 15-4-2 of the Order) on a regular basis); the same applies in item (ii)) must satisfy the following requirements in addition to the requirements referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(i)the fact that measures to ensure sufficient control of the electronic data processing system related to the financial instruments business, etc. have been taken;
(ii)the fact that measures have been taken to make the content of information recorded in the file stored on the computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. available for public inspection via a telecommunications line for the matters required to be indicated on the sign referred to in Article 36-2, paragraph (1) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph (if the financial instruments business operator, etc. conducts electronic-based application type electronic public offering services and is not a member of a financial instruments firms association (limited to an association that has persons conducting the business performed by the financial instruments business operator, etc. as the principal association members or members (limited to the business related to the electronic-based application type electronic public offering services)), including that fact),;
(iii)the fact that measures for conducting appropriate examinations (including the confirmation that the amount established as target of the subscription amount for customers of public offering or private placement of securities handled in electronic-based application type electronic public offering services (referred to as "target subscription amount" in the following item and item (v), and Article 83, paragraph (1), item (vi), sub-items (b) and (c)) is appropriate in light of the business plan of the issuer) of the financial status of the issuer, the content of the business plan, and the use of funds concerning the securities to be handled in electronic-based application type electronic public offering services, etc., or other matters that contribute to the decision on whether it is appropriate to make the securities the subject of electronic-based application type electronic public offering services, etc. have been taken;
(iv)the fact that the method of handling the target subscription amount are established for the case in which the subscription amount for the customers of the public offering or private placement of securities handled in electronic-based application type electronic public offering services failed to reach the target subscription amount within the period during which the customers may make a subscription for the acquisition of the securities (referred to as the "subscription period" in the following item and Article 83, paragraph (1), item (vi), sub-item (a)) and the case in which the subscription amount exceeds the target subscription amount, and that measures have been taken to prevent the customers from misunderstanding the method;
(v)the fact that measures have been taken to ensure that the issuer will not receive the payment of subscription price (including things equivalent to this; the same applies in item (vii) and Article 83, paragraph (1), item (vi), sub-item (d)) until the target subscription amount is achieved, if the financial instruments business operator, etc. is using a method in which the securities are issued only when the customer's subscription price reaches the target subscription amount within the subscription period in relation to the public offering or private placement of the securities handled in performing electronic-based application type electronic public offering services;
(vi)the fact that the measures for confirming that customers may withdraw the subscription or cancel the contract for subscription concluded with the issuer until the period of not less than eight days that commences from the day when the customer of the electronic-based application type electronic public offering services, etc. makes a subscription for the acquisition of securities to be handled in performing electronic-based application type electronic public offering services have been taken;
(vii)the fact that the measures for ensuring that the issuer periodically provides customers with appropriate information on business after the issuer receives the payment of the subscription price by the customer of the electronic-based application type electronic public offering services have been taken; and
(viii)the fact that necessary and appropriate measures for preventing the total amount of the issue value of the securities related to the public offering or private placement which are handled in performing type-I small amount electronic public offering service or type-II small amount electronic public offering service and the amount to be paid by the person that acquires those securities from not satisfying the requirements set forth in the items of Article 15-10-3 of the Order (including measures for appropriately calculating the total amount of issue value of the securities and the amount to be paid by the person that acquires those securities based on the calculation method provided for in the paragraphs of Article 16-3) have been taken.
(3)The term "electronic-based application type electronic public offering services, etc." as used in items (ii) through (vii) of the preceding paragraph means electronic-based application type electronic public offering services (meaning an electronic public offering services that has the counterparty to the electronic public offering services (hereinafter referred to as a "customer" in this paragraph) make a subscription for the acquisition of securities by the following means; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), or electronic public offering services conducted by a type-I small amount electronic public offering service provider or type-II small amount electronic public offering service provider (excluding services that fall under electronic-based application type electronic public offering services; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), and the acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (ix) of the Act concerning the securities related to the public offering and private placement to be handled in performing these services (excluding electronic-based application type electronic public offering services, or the services that fall under electronic public offering services conducted by a type-I small amount electronic public offering service provider or type-II small amount electronic public offering service provider):
(i)a means by which the matters concerning the securities to be subscribed for by a customer which are recorded in the file stored on a computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. are made available for inspection by custmers through a telecommunication line, and the matters concerning the subscription by the customer is recorded in the file stored on a computer used by the financial instruments business operator, etc.; or
(ii)a means by which the matters concerning the securities to be subscribed for by a customer that intends to make a subscription for acquiring the securities are transmitted via a telecommunication line connecting a computer used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. and a computer used by the customer or by similar means (excluding the case that involves communication through audio transmission), and recording the matters concerning the subscription by the customer in the file stored on a computer used by the financial instruments business operator, etc.
(4)The operational control systems required to be developed by financial instruments business operators, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 35-3 of the Act (limited to the business operators that conduct high-speed trading as financial instruments business, etc.) are that the measures for sufficiently managing an electronic data processing system and other facilities concerning high-speed trading are taken, in addition to the requirements referred to in paragraph (1).
(5)The operational control system required to be developed by financial instruments business operators, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 35-3 of the Act (limited to the business operators that conduct securities, etc. management business or business prescribed in Article 7, item (xi) for electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc.) are that the measures for the business operators to formulate and publicize, and implement, the policies concerning the performance of obligations when they are unable to perform all of the obligations concerning the management of electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc. that they assume on behalf of the customers, out of electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc. that they manage separately or distinctively from their own property pursuant to the provisions of Article 43-2, paragraph (1) or Article 43-3, paragraph (1) of the Act, as a result of leakage, loss, or damage of information necessary for transferring financial values on which electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc. are indicated or due to other grounds (the policies include the actions necessary for performing the obligations and the period for taking those actions) are taken, in addition to the requirements referred to in paragraph (1).
(6)The operational control systems required to be developed by financial instruments business operators, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 35-3 of the Act (limited to those whose parent company (meaning a parent company provided for in Article 57-2, paragraph (8) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) is a foreign company designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency) are that the measures for ensuring continuous implementation of business with the parent company are taken as prescribed by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, in addition to the requirements under paragraph (1).
(7)The operational control systems required to be developed by financial instruments business operators, etc. (limited to a person that conducts purchase and sale of securities or market derivatives transactions on the financial instruments exchange market (limited to those conducted outside the trading session or through off-floor trading which is prescribed in the operational rules of a financial instruments exchange operating the financial instruments exchange market) or a brokerage service for entrusting those transactions (excluding brokerage for clearing of securities, etc.) on a regular basis by using an intra-company transaction system (meaning a system for which the financial instruments business operators, etc. or any other person determines the price of the purchase and sale of securities or market derivatives transactions or other conditions for trade, or conducts similar acts by using electronic data processing systems with many persons as the other party or each party of the trade at the same time, and excluding the proprietary trading system prescribed in Article 26-2-2, paragraph (7) of the Order; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph and Article 158, paragraph (5))) pursuant to Article 35-3 of the Act must meet the following requirements, in addition to the requirements referred to in paragraph (1):
(i)the measures to understand the status of operations of the intra-company transaction system that the financial instruments business operator, etc. uses (excluding the system established by the financial instruments business operator, etc.) are taken; and
(ii)the measures for providing proper explanation to customers concerning the intra-company transaction system that the financial instruments business operator, etc. uses concerning the following matters, in light of the customers' knowledge, experience, status of property, and purpose of conducting the purchase and sale of securities or market derivatives transactions are taken:
(a)conditions for using the intra-company transaction system; and
(b)information on a person that establishes the intra-company transaction system, a person who can participate in making decisions on the conditions of transactions, the method of deciding conditions of transactions, and other information on the operation of the intra-company transaction system.
(Scope of Financial Instruments Related Business)
Article 70-3The businesses specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 36, paragraph (2) of the Act are the businesses specified in the following items in accordance with the category of cases set forth in the each of those items:
一特定金融商品取引業者等(法第三十六条第三項に規定する特定金融商品取引業者等をいう。以下同じ。)が令第十五条の二十七第一号に掲げる者である場合 次のイ及びロに掲げる業務
(i)when a specified financial instruments business operator, etc. (meaning a specified financial instruments business operator, etc. prescribed in Article 36, paragraph (3) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) is a person set forth in Article 15-27, item (i) of the Order: the businesses set forth in the following sub-items (a) and (b):
(a)financial instruments business or registered financial institution business; and
(b)a business incidental to financial instruments business prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (1) of the Act (including a business conducted by a subsidiary financial institution, etc. of the specified financial instruments business operator, etc. (meaning a subsidiary financial institution, etc. prescribed in Article 36, paragraph (5) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) that is equivalent to the business); and
二特定金融商品取引業者等が令第十五条の二十七第二号に掲げる者である場合 次のイ及びロに掲げる業務
(ii)when a specified financial instruments business operator, etc. is a person et forth in Article 15-27, item (ii) of the Order: the businesses set forth in the following sub-items (a) and (b):
(a)financial instruments business or registered financial institution business; and
(b)a business incidental to financial instruments business prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (1) of the Act.
(Necessary Measures For Ensuing That Interests of Customers Will Not Be Unjustly Harmed)
Article 70-4(1)A specified financial instruments business operator, etc. must take the following measures so that the interests of a customer related to financial instruments related business (meaning a financial instruments related business prescribed in paragraph (2) of that Article; the same applies hereinafter)conducted by the specified financial instruments business operator, etc. or their subsidiary financial institution, etc. will not be unjustly harmed, as a result of a transaction conducted by the specified financial instruments business operator, etc. or their parent financial institution (meaning a parent financial institution, etc. prescribed in Article 36, paragraph (4); the same applies hereinafter) or subsidiary financial institution, etc.:
(i)the development of a system for identifying the subject transactions in an appropriate manner;
(ii)the development of a system for appropriately ensuring the protection of the customer by the following means and other means:
(a)the means of separating the department that conducts the subject transactions and the department that conducts the transactions with the customer;
(b)the means of changing the terms and conditions or the means of conducting the subject transactiosn or the transactions with the customer;
(c)the means of discontinuing the subject transactions or the transactions with the customer; and
(d)the means of appropriately disclosing the fact that as a result of conducting the subject transactions, it is liklely that the interests of the customer will be unjustly harmed;
(iii)the formulation of the policies for implementing the measures set forth in the preceding two items and the publication of their overview by an appropriate method; and
(iv)the preservation of the following records:
(a)the records related to the identification of subject transactions performed under the system referred to in item (i); and
(b)the records related to the measures for appropriately ensuring the protection of customers implemented under the system referred to in item (ii).
(2)The records prescribed in item (iv) of the preceding paragraph must be preserved for five years after the day of their creation.
(3)The "subject transaction" as used in paragraph (1) means the transaction conducted by a specified financial instruments business operator, etc. or their subsidiary financial institution, etc., when it is likely that the interests of a customer related to the financial instruments related business conducted by the specified financial instruments business operator, etc. or its subsidiary financial institution, etc. to be unjustly harmed, as a result of the transactions conducted by the specified financial instruments business operator, etc., or their parent financial institution or subsidiary financial institution.
(Format of Signs Required to Be Posted)
Article 71The format specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 36-2, paragraph (1) of the Act are the format specified in the following items in accordance with the category of the persons set forth in each of those items:
一金融商品取引業者 別紙様式第十号
(i)financial instruments business operator: Appended Form No. 10; or
二登録金融機関 別紙様式第十一号
(ii)registered financial institution: Appended Form 11.
(Acts Similar to Advertising)
Article 72The acts specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in the paragraphs of Article 37 of the Act are the acts of providing the same information to many persons, by the means of postal mail, correspondences delivery (meaning correspondence delivery as defined in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Correspondence Delivery by Private Business Operators (Act No. 99 of 2002) that is provided by a general correspondence delivery operator as defined in paragraph (6) of that Article or by a specified correspondence delivery operator as defined in paragraph (9) of that Article; the same applies in Article 266), transmission by a facsimile device, electronic mail (meaning the electronic mail as defined in Article 2, item (i) of the Act on Regulation of Transmission of Specified Electronic Mail (Act No. 26 of 2002); the same applies in Article 266), distribution of fliers or pamphlets or by other means (excluding those set forth in the following sub-items):
(i)distribution of documents prepared based on laws and regulations, or dispositions rendered by administrative agencies under laws and regulations;
(ii)distribution of materials on the analysis and appraisal of individual companies which are not intended to be used for solicitation for the conclusion of a financial instruments transaction contract;
(iii)means of providing premiums or other goods on which only all of the following information is indicated (limited to premiums or goods on which the information set forth in sub-items (b) through (d) are clearly and accurately indicated) (if there is information that is not indicated on the premiums or other goods, including the means of providing the premiums or other goods and the other goods on which the information is indicated together as a single unit):
(a)the name, issue, or common name of any of the following information:
1.financial instruments transaction contract or its type;
2.securities or their types;
3.business subject to investment or its type; or
4.information equivalent to those set forth in 1. through 3.;
(b)the trade name, name, or common name of the financial instruments business operator, etc. that provides the same information to many persons by the means specified in this item;
(c)the infromation set forth in Article 16, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order and those set forth in Article 76, item (iii) (limited to those whose letters or numbers are indicated in a size which does not substantially differ from the size of the largest letters or numbers for the information other than that information);
(d)the fact that the recipient should thoroughly read any of the following documents:
1.the document prescribed in Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "document for delivery prior to conclusion of a contract");
2.the document on listed securities, etc. prescribed in Article 80, paragraph (1), item (i);
3.the prospectus prescribed in Article 80, paragraph (1), item (iii) (if there is any document to be delivered together with the prospectus as a single unit pursuant to the provisions of that item, that prospectus and that document); and
4.the contract change document prescribed in Article 80, paragraph (1), item (iv), (b).
(Presentation Method of Advertisement on the Content of Financial Instruments Business)
Article 73(1)If a financial instruments business operator, etc. makes an advertisement or conducts the acts prescribed in the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as "advertisement, etc." in this Subsection) for the content of the financial instruments business they conduct (for a registered financial institution, registered financial institution business; the same applies in the following paragraph and paragraph (3)), they must clearly and accurately indicate the information set forth in the items of Article 37, paragraph (1) of the Act.
(2)If a financial instruments business operator, etc. makes an advertisement, etc. of the content of the financial instruments business they conduct, they are to indicate the information set forth in Article 16, paragraph (1), items (iv) and (v) of the Order, and the information set forth in Article 76, item (iii) in a size that does not substantially differ from the size of the largest letters or numbers for the information other than that infromation.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a financial instruments business operator, etc. makes an advertisement of the content of the financial instruments business they conduct by means of having a basic broadcaster broadcast the advertisement using its broadcasting facilities (meaning the basic broadcaster prescribed in Article 2, item (xxiii) of the Broadcast Act (Act No. 132 of 1950) and excluding the Japan Broadcasting Corporation and the Open University of Japan (meaning the Open University of Japan defined in Article 3 of the Act on the Open University of Japan (Act No. 156 of 2002); the same applies hereinafter) or by the means set forth in the items of Article 77, paragraph (1) (excluding the means of sound broadcasting), the financial instruments business operator, etc. is to indicate the information set forth in Article 16, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order and the information specified in Article 76, item (iii) in a size that does not substantially differ from the size of the largest letters or numbers for the information other than that information.
(Matters Related to Consideration Required to be Paid by Customers)
Article 74(1)The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Order are the amount of the consideration payable by customers in relation to a financial instruments transaction contract irrespective of their name such as fees, remunerations, or expenses (excluding the price of securities or the amount of security deposit, etc. (meaning the amount of security deposit, etc. prescribed in item (iii) of that paragraph; the same applies in Article 268, paragraph (1)); hereinafter referred to as the "fees, etc." in this Subsection) for each type of consideration or its upper limit, or the outline of their calculation method (including their ratio to the price of the securities, the amount of the derivative transactions, etc. prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Order or the amount of investment property, related to the financial instruments transaction contract, or their ratio to the profit generated from performing an act of financial instruments transaction; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) and the sum of the amount or its upper limit, or the outline of their calculation method; provided, however, that if these matters cannot be indicated, that fact and the reasons for that are to be indicated.
(2)If the financial instruments transaction contract referred to in the preceding paragraph is related to the acquisition of rights to be indicated on the securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (x) or (xi) of the Act or the rights set forth in paragraph (2), item (v) or (vi) of that Article (hereinafter referred to as the "investment trust beneficial interests, etc." in this Article and Article 268), and if the property related to the investment trust beneficial interests, etc. is to be invested in or contributed to another investment trust beneficial interests, etc. (hereinafter they are referred to as the "target investment trust beneficial interests, etc." in this Article), the fees, etc. referred to in the preceding paragraph are to include the trust fee and other fees, etc. related to the target investment trust beneficial interests, etc.
(3)If the property related to the target investment trust beneficial interests, etc. referred to in the preceding paragraph are to be invested in or contributed to another investment trust beneficial interests, etc., those other investment trust beneficial interests, etc. are deemed to be target investment trust beneficial interests, etc., and the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply.
(4)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to a case in which the property related to the investment trust beneficial interests, etc. which is deemed to be target investment trust beneficial interests, etc. pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph) is to be invested in or contributed to another investment trust beneficial interests, etc.
(Matters Equivalent to Sale Price and Purchase Price)
Article 75The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (1), item (vi) of the Order are the matters prescribed in the following items in accordance with the category of transactions set forth in each of those items:
一法第二条第二十二項第二号に掲げる取引 現実数値(同条第二十一項第二号に規定する現実数値をいう。以下同じ。)が約定数値(同号に規定する約定数値をいう。以下同じ。)を上回った場合に金銭を支払う立場の当事者となる取引の約定数値と当該金銭を受領する立場の当事者となる取引の約定数値又はこれらに類似するもの
(i)the transactiona set forth in Article 2, paragraph (22), item (ii) of the Act: the agreed figure under the transaction in which a person becomes the party that pays money when the actual figure (meaning the actual figure prescribed in item (ii), paragraph (21) of that Article; the same applies hereinafter) exceeds the agreed figure (meaning the agreed figure prescribed in that item; the same applies hereinafter), and the agreed figure under the transaction in which the person becomes the party that receives the money, or other figures similar to those figures;
二法第二条第二十二項第三号又は第四号に掲げる取引 同項第三号又は第四号に規定する権利を付与する立場の当事者となる取引の当該権利の対価の額と当該権利を取得する立場の当事者となる取引の当該権利の対価の額
(ii)the transactions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (22), item (iii) or (iv) of the Act: the amount of consideration for the rights under the transaction in which the person becomes the party that grants the rights specified in item (iii) or (iv) of that paragraph, and the amount of consideration for the rights under the transaction in which the person becomes the party that acquires the rights;
三法第二条第二十二項第五号に掲げる取引 金融商品(同条第二十四項第三号に掲げるものを除く。)の利率等(同条第二十一項第四号に規定する利率等をいう。以下同じ。)若しくは金融指標が約定した期間に上昇した場合に金銭を支払う立場の当事者となる取引における約定した期間の開始時の当該金融商品の利率等若しくは金融指標と当該金融商品の利率等若しくは金融指標が約定した期間に上昇した場合に金銭を受領する立場の当事者となる取引における約定した期間の開始時の当該金融商品の利率等若しくは金融指標又はこれらに類似するもの
(iii)the transactions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (22), item (v) of the Act: the interest rates, etc. (meaning the interest rates, etc. prescribed in paragraph (21), item (iv) of that Article; the same applies hereinafter) of the financial instruments (excluding the financial instrument set forth in paragraph (24), item (iii) of that Article) or the interest rates, etc. of the financial instruments or the financial index at the time of the commencement of the agreed period for the transaction in which the person becomes the party that receives money when the interest rates, etc. of the financial instruments or the financial indicator rise within the agreed period, or any other figures similar thereto the financial index at the time of the commencement of the agreed period for the transaction in which the person becomes the party to pay money when the interest rates, etc. or the financial indexes of the financial instruments rise within the agreed period, and; and
四法第二条第二十二項第六号に掲げる取引 同号に規定する事由が発生した場合において金銭を支払う立場の当事者となる取引の条件と金銭を受領する立場の当事者となる取引の条件又はこれらに類似するもの
(iv)the transactions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (22), item (vi) of the Act: the terms and conditions of the transaction in which the person becomes the party that pays money and the terms and conditions of the transaction in which the person becomes the party that receives money, when an event specified in that item occurs, or other terms and conditions similar to them.
(Important Matters That Impact Customers' Judgment)
Article 76The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the Order are as follows:
(i)the facts concerning important matters on the financial instruments transaction contract, which is disadvantageous to customers;
(ii)if the financial instruments business operator, etc. is a member of a financial instruments firms association (limited to an association that has persons conducting the business related to the content of the financial instruments business as its prinicipal associationmembers or members), that fact and the name of the financial instruments firms association; and
(iii)when placing advertisements, etc. concerning acts of financial instruments transaction for cryptoassets, the following matters:
(a)the fact that cryptoassets are not Japanese currency or foreign currency; and
(b)the fact that cryptoassets may be used for the purpose of paying consideration only with the consent of the person who is to receive payment of the consideration.
(iv)when placing advertisements, etc. concerning acts of financial instruments transaction for the leveraged index, etc. (meaning the quotations on the financial instruments market and other indexes for which calculation is made so that their daily fluctuation rate becomes the ratio obtained by multiplying the daily fluctuation rate of another index (referred to as the "original index" in sub-item (a) below and Article 83, paragraph (1), item (viii), sub-item (a)) by a certain number; the same applies in Article 78, item (xiv) and Article 83, paragraph (1), item (viii)), the following matters:
(a)if there is a risk that there will be a difference between the fluctuation rate of the leveraged index, etc. and the ratio obtained by multiplying the fluctuation rate of the original index by a certain number, that fact and the reasons; and
(b)when an investment in securities related to the leveraged index, etc. does not meet the objective of medium- to long-term investments, that fact and the reasons.
(Means Equivalent to Broadcasting Using Broadcasting Facilities of Basic Broadcasters)
Article 77(1)The methods specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (2) of the Order are as follows:
(i)the means of having private broadcasters broadcast using their broadcasting facilities (meaning a private broadcaster as defined in Article 2, item (xxv) of the Broadcast Act; the same applies in Article 270, paragraph (1), item (i));
(ii)to have customers inspect the content of the information recorded in the file stored on a computer to be used by a financial instruments business operator, etc. or a person that has been entrusted with advertisement, etc. services to be conducted by the financial instruments business operator, etc. (limited to information that is the same as the information provided by the means of having a basic broadcaster broadcast using their broadcasting facilities or the means set forth in the preceding item) via a telecommunications line; or
(iii)a means of having the public place an indoor or outdoor advertisement regularly or continuously for a fixed period, which posts or indicates it on signboards, standing signboards, bills, notices, advertising towers, billboards, buildings or other structures, or other similar means.
(2)The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Order are the matters set forth in Article 72, item (iii), (d) and item (iii) of the preceding Article.
(Matters for Which Exaggerated Advertisement is Prohibited)
Article 78The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 37, paragraph (2) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the matters related to cancellation of a financial instruments transaction contract (including matters related to the provisions of Article 37-6, paragraphs (1) through (4) of the Act);
(ii)the matters related to the sharing of all or part of the losses or the guarantee of profit, in connection with a financial instruments transaction contract;
(iii)the matters related to agreement for liquidated damages (including penalties) concerning a financial instruments transaction contract;
(iv)the matters related to a financial instruments market or other similar markets located in a foreign country, which concerns financial instruments transaction contracts (if conducting commodity-related business, including a commodity market (meaning the commodity market as defined in Article 2, paragraph (9) of the Commodity Derivatives Transaction Act) or a foreign commodity market (meaning the foreign commodity market as defined in paragraph (12) of that Article); the same applies in Article 271, item (iv));
(v)the matters related to financial resources or credibility of a financial instruments business operator, etc.;
(vi)the matters related to the performance of financial instruments business conducted by a financial instruments business operator, etc. (for a registered financial institution, the performance of registered financial institution business conducted by the registered financial institution);
(vii)the matters related to the amount of the fees, etc. payable by customers in connection with a financial instruments transaction contract or its calculation method, and the method and timing of the payment of the fees, etc. and the payee of the fees, etc.;
(viii)when placing an advertisement, etc. for the purchase and sale or other transactions of mortgage securities, etc. (meaning the securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xvi) of the Act, or the securities set forth in item (xvii) of that paragraph (limited to those which have the nature set forth in item (xvi) of that paragraph); the same applies hereinafter), the following matters:
(a)the matters related to the certainty or guarantee of the payment of principal and interests of the claims stated in the mortgage securities, etc.;
(b)the matters related to recommendation concerning a financial instruments business operator, etc.;
(c)the matters related to interest; and
(d)the matters related to the collateral on which the mortgage has been created, as stated in the mortgage securities, etc.;
(ix)when placing an advertisement, etc. of an investment advisory contract, the matters related to the content of advice and method of giving advice;
(x)when placing an advertisement, etc. for a discretionary investment contract or a contract which provides for performing acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xv) of the Act, the matters related to the content of investment decisions and the method of making the investment decisions;
(xi)when placing an advertisement, etc. for the public offering or private placement of the rights set forth in Article 7, item (iv), sub-item (d), 1., the matters related to the bloodlines of the racehorses and the status of their breeding management.
(xii)when placing an advertisement, etc. for the acts of financial instruments transaction for electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc., the following matters:
(a)the nature of the electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc.; and
(b)the matters related to the mechanism for the holding and transfer of the electronically recorded transferable rights to be indicated on securities, etc.; and
(xiii)when placing an advertisement, etc. for the acts of financial instruments transaction for cryptoassets:
(a)the nature of the cryptoassets;
(b)the matters related to the mechanism for holding or transferring cryptoassets;
(c)the matters related to changes in the transaction volume or the price of cryptoassets or their prospects;
(d)the matters related to the content of the rights and obligations indicated on cryptoassets; and
(e)the matters related to the financial resources or creditability of the person who issues or intends to issue the cryptoassets, the debtor related to the rights indicated on cryptoassets, or the person who can exert a material impact on the value or the mechanism of cryptoassets, or the business conducted by the person.
(xiv)when placing an advertisement, etc. for the acts of financial instruments transaction for leveraged index, etc., the following matters:
(a)the nature of the leveraged index, etc. or securities relating to the leveraged index, etc.; and
(b)the matters related to changes in leveraged index, etc. value or in prices of securities related to the leveraged index, etc., or their prospects.
(Matters to be Stated in a Document for Delivery Prior To Conclusion of a Contract)
Article 79(1)The matters set forth in the items of Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of the Act must be stated clearly and accurately in the document for delivery prior to conclusion of a contract by using letters and numbers of font size larger than 8 point specified by the JIS Z8305.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the following matters are to be stated clearly and accurately inside the box in the document for delivery prior to conclusion of a contract by using letters and numbers of font size larger than 12 point specified by the JIS Z8305 after the matters required to be stated under the following paragraph:
(i)an outline of the matters set forth in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act, and the matters set forth in items (v) and (vi) of that Article and Article 82, items (iii) through (vi) of this Cabinet Office Order;
(ii)if a financial instruments transaction contract is an over-the-counter derivatives transaction contact (meaning a contract set forth in Article 16-4, paragraph (1), item (i), sub-items (a) through (c) of the Order (hereinafter referred to as the "over-the-counter transactions of financial futures") or a contract set forth in that item related to the transactions set forth in sub-item (d) of that item, or a contract set forth in item (ii) of that paragraph (excluding contracts related to the transactions set forth in Article 116, paragraph (1), item (iii), sub-items (a) and (b)); the same applies hereinafter), the matters set forth in Article 94, paragraph (1), items (i) and (iv); and
(iii)if a financial instruments transaction contract concerns a transaction related to electronic-based application type electronic public offering services, etc. (meaning the electronic-based application type electronic public offering services, etc. provided for in Article 70-2, paragraph (3); the same applies hereinafter), whether the matters specified in Article 83, paragraph (1), item (vi), sub-items (f) and (g);
(iv)the matters set forth in Article 82, item (ix).
(3)A financial instruments business operator, etc. is to plainly state the matters set forth in Article 82, item (i) in a document for delivery prior to conclusion of a contract, the matters set forth in Article 92-2, paragraph (1), item (iii) (limited to the cases in which the financial instruments transaction contract to be concluded is related to the purchase and sale and other transactions of the business other than the business that the business subject to investment related to the equity interest subject to business subject to investment mainly invests in the rights related to securities or derivative transactions among the equity interests subject to business in investment), and the matters that is to have an impact on customers' judgment that are particularly important among the matters set forth in the items of Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of the Act, at the beginning of the document for delivery prior to conclusion of a contract by using letters and numbers of a font larger than 12 point specified by the JIS Z8305.
(When Delivery of Documents for Delivery Prior to the Conclusion of a Contract is Unnecessary)
Article 80(1)The matters specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in the proviso to Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of the Act are as follows:
(i)if a document that states the matters set forth in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), items (i) through (v) of the Act and Article 82, item (i), item (iii), item (v), item (xi), item (xiv), and item (xv), and Article 83, paragraph (1), item (viii) with regard to the securities listed on a financial instruments exchange market, over-the-counter traded securities (excluding the securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xix) of the Act and the securities designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency), securities listed on an exchange that is similar to a financial instruments exchange located in a foreign country, or securities traded in the market that is similar to the over-the counter securities market located in a foreign country (excluding the securities designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency) (excluding the transactions that fall under derivative transactions, and margin transactions, when-issued transactions or other transactions similar to those transactions; hereinafter referred to as the "purchase and sale, etc. of listed securities, etc.") by the means equivalent to the means specified in the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as the "document on listed securities, etc."), has been delivered by a financial instruments business operator, etc., within one year before the conclusion of the financial instruments transaction contract to the customer;
(ii)if a document for delivery prior to conclusion of a contract related to a financial instruments transaction contract that has a similar content as the financial instruments transaction contract has been delivered to the customer within one year before the conclusion of the financial instruments transaction contract related to the purchase and sale of securities (meaning the purchase and sale of securities as defined in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (i) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter), other transactions of securities, or derivative transactions, etc.;