Export Trade Control Ordinance(Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 64 of 1949)
Last Version: Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 66 of 2005

  • November 27, 2024
    • Last Version: Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 53 of 2022
    • Translated Date: March 15, 2024
    • Dictionary Version: 16.0
  • April 11, 2024
    • Last Version: Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 53 of 2022
    • Translated Date: March 15, 2024
    • Dictionary Version: 16.0
  • February 8, 2023
    • Last Version: Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 92 of 2020
    • Translated Date: February 28, 2022
    • Dictionary Version: 14.0
  • February 9, 2022
    • Last Version: Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 43 of 2020
    • Translated Date: March 23, 2021
    • Dictionary Version: 14.0
  • September 11, 2013
    • Last Version: Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 6 of 2010
    • Translated Date: April 19, 2012
    • Dictionary Version: 6.0
  • July 6, 2009
    • Last Version: Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 66 of 2005
    • Translated Date: May 27, 2009
    • Dictionary Version: 3.0

Export Trade Control Ordinance
Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 64 of December 1, 1949
An Export Trade Control Ordinance shall be established as follows for the purpose of implementing the provisions of the Export Trade Control Order (Cabinet Order No. 378 of 1949).
(Procedures for Applying for Permission, etc.)
Article 1(1)A person listed in the following items shall submit a written application listed in said respective items to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry:
(i)a person who intends to apply for export permission pursuant to the provision of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Act No. 228 of 1949; hereinafter referred to as the "Act") to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry:two sets of a written application for export permission following the form prescribed in Appended Table 1;
(ii)a person who intends to apply for export approval pursuant to the provision of Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Order (hereinafter referred to as the "Order") to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry:three (or, in the case where it is specified separately by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, two) sets of a written application for export approval following the form prescribed in Appended Table 1-2 (or, in the case where it falls under item (ii) of the same paragraph, of a written application for approval of export under a contract for processing deal trade following the form prescribed in Appended Table 2); and
(iii)a person who applies for export permission pursuant to the provision of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Act and for export approval pursuant to the provision of Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Order (except for that which pertains to item (ii) of the same paragraph) simultaneously to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry:three sets of a written application for export permission/approval following the form prescribed in Appended Table 1-3.
(2)In submitting a written application set forth in the preceding paragraph, a document stating the reason for the application and a document supporting the relevant facts shall be attached thereto.
(3)The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may, in giving export permission for goods listed in row 2 (i), (iii), (iv), (ix), (xviii) to (xxvi) inclusive, (xxxiii), (xlvii) or (l), row 3 (ii), row 4 (vi) or (xv), row 5 (i) to (iii) inclusive, (v) or (vii) to (xix) inclusive, row 6 (i), row 7 (xviii) to (xxi) inclusive, row 9 (iii), row 10 (iii) or (xiv), row 14 (i) or (ii), or row 15 (i) to (iii) inclusive of Appended Table 1 of the Order, or export approval for goods listed in the middle columns of row 19, row 20 or row 35-2 of Appended Table 2 of the Order, request a person who intends to apply for said permission or approval to submit two sets of a list of ingredients or two sets of a chemical analysis report signed by a representative of a laboratory or research institute regarding said goods and the person who intends to apply for export permission or approval.
(4)A person who intends to apply for export approval for goods listed in the middle column of row 1 of Appended Table 2 of the Order shall submit two sets of an export confirmation following the form prescribed in Appended Table 1-4, in addition to those specified in the provision of paragraph (1), to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(5)The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall, in granting permission or approval to an application filed in accordance with paragraph (1), indicate to that effect in said written applications and shall deliver one set thereof to the applicant as a certificate of export permission or as a certificate of export approval.
(Procedures for Applying for Permission, etc. by Using an Electronic Data Processing System)
Article 1-2(1)Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, a person listed in the following items shall, in filing an application using an electronic data processing system prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Administrative Procedures, etc. (Act No. 151 of 2002), enter the matters to be specified in an application form listed in the respective items through the input-output device (limited to that which conforms to the standards, as publicly notified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry; hereinafter referred to as the "specified input-output device") used by an applicant listed in the respective items:
(i)a person who intends to apply for export permission pursuant to the provision of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Act to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry:matters to be specified in an application form for export permission available from a file stored in a computer (including an input and output device; hereinafter referred to as the "special-purpose computer") used by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry;
(ii)a person who intends to apply for export approval pursuant to the provision of Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Order (except for that which pertains to item (ii) of the same paragraph) to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry:matters to be specified in an application form for export approval available from a file stored in the special-purpose computer; and
(iii)a person who intends to apply for export permission pursuant to the provision of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Act and for export approval pursuant to the provision of Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Order (except for that which pertains to item (ii) of the same paragraph) simultaneously to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry:matters to be specified in the application form for export permission/approval available from a file stored in the special-purpose computer.
(2)In filing an application set forth in the preceding paragraph, information supporting the relevant facts shall be entered through the specified input-output device and recorded in a file stored in the special-purpose computer, or a document supporting the relevant facts shall be submitted to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(3)When a person who files an application as prescribed in paragraph (1) has entered information in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may, to the extent necessary, request him/her to submit a document supporting the facts related to said information, during the period from the date on which said applicant filed said application to the date on which said applicant is notified either in the affirmative or negative of the result of said application.
(4)The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall, in granting permission to an application filed in accordance with paragraph (1), item (i), in granting approval to an application filed in accordance with item (ii) of the same paragraph, and in granting permission and approval to an application filed in accordance with item (iii) of the same paragraph, record matters to be specified in a certificate of export permission following the form prescribed in Appended Table 3, in a certificate of export approval following the form prescribed in Appended Table 4 and in a certificate of export permission/approval following the form prescribed in Appended Table 5, respectively, into a file stored in the special-purpose computer.
(5)Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall, in granting permission for an application filed in accordance with paragraph (1), item (i), in granting approval for an application filed in accordance with item (ii) of the same paragraph and in granting permission and approval to an application filed in accordance with item (iii) of the same paragraph, indicate, upon an applicant's request, to that effect in a certificate of export permission following the form prescribed in Appended Table 3, in a certificate of export approval following the form prescribed in Appended Table 4 and in a certificate of export permission/approval following the form prescribed in Appended Table 5, respectively, and deliver it to the applicant.
(Applicant's Notification)
Article 1-3(1)An applicant who enters information as prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article shall be a person who has made a notification in advance by submitting an applicant notification following the form prescribed in Appended Table 6 and a document supporting the relevant facts.
(2)The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall, upon receiving a notification made in accordance with the preceding paragraph, notify or deliver an identification number, a security number, an applicant code and a key or electronic certificate used to convert information entered through the specified input-output device into code to said applicant, as needed.
(3)A person who has made a notification in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall, when there are any changes to the matters notified or when he/she has stopped using an electronic data processing system (which means an electronic data processing system connecting the special-purpose computer and the specified input-output device through a telecommunication line; the same shall apply in the following paragraph), enter matters to be specified in the form prescribed in Appended Table 6 through the specified input-output device and record them into a file stored in the special-purpose computer, or indicate to that effect in an applicant notification form following said form and notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry promptly.
(4)The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may, when deeming it inappropriate for a person who has made a notification in accordance with paragraph (1) to continue to use an electronic data processing system, suspend his/her use of said electronic data processing system.
(5)A notification submitted pursuant to the provision of Article 2-3, paragraph (1) of the Import Trade Control Ordinance (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 77 of 1949) or a notification submitted pursuant to the provision of Article 1-3, paragraph (1) of the Ministerial Ordinance on Trade Relation Invisible Trade, etc. (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 8 of 1998) shall be deemed to be a notification submitted pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1).
Article 2(1)A person, who intends to apply for export approval for goods, for which the authority to grant export approval is delegated to the Directors-General of Custom-Houses pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, item (i), and item (ii), (a) and (b) of the Order, shall submit two sets of a written application for export approval prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (1), item (ii) to the Directors-General of Custom-Houses.
(2)The provision of Article 1, paragraph (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a case where the Directors-General of Custom-Houses grant approval pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, item (ii), (a) and (b) of the Order.
(3)The Directors-General of Custom Houses shall, in granting approval to an application filed in accordance with paragraph (1), indicate to that effect in said written applications and deliver one set thereof to the applicant as a certificate of export approval.
(Procedures for Applying for Special Permission and Approval)
Article 2-2Notwithstanding the provision of Article 1, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may, when deeming it necessary, provide a special procedure for obtaining permission from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry pursuant to the provision of Article 48, paragraph (1) of the Act or for obtaining approval from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry pursuant to the provision of Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Order.
(Designated Processing Works and Raw and Processed Materials)
Article 3Processing works and raw and processed materials to be specified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry pursuant to the provision of Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Order shall be processing works listed in the following items as well as raw and processed materials in accordance with a category of said processing works as listed in the respective items:
(ii)manufacturing of leather, fur skins and leather products (including fur products; the same shall apply hereinafter), and of semi-finished products thereof:semi-finished products of leather (including raw fur skins and dressed fur skins) and leather products.
(Information from Customs to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Article 4Customs shall, pursuant to the provision of Article 5, paragraph (2) of the Order, inform the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry promptly of matters listed in the following items with respect to the goods publicly notified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry; provided, however, that when the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds it unnecessary to be informed about matters listed in said items, he/she may allow Customs to omit information on matters deemed unnecessary:
(i)name and address of the exporters of the goods;
(ii)name of the receiver of the goods;
(iii)place of shipment and place of destination of the goods;
(iv)name or registration number of the ship or airplane on which the goods are to be loaded;
(v)name, quantity and price of the goods;
(vi)any terms and conditions of the contract which may affect determination of the price set forth in the preceding item;
(vii)type of currency representing the charges for the goods; and
(viii)in addition to the matters listed in the preceding items, matters publicly notified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(Letter of Inquiry)
Article 5(1)The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may, when deeming it necessary to conduct an examination pursuant to the provision of Article 7 of the Order, send a letter of inquiry on necessary matters to a person who intends to export or has exported goods, the manufacturer of said goods or any other person concerned, and request them to respond thereto.
(2)A person who has received a letter of inquiry as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall make a response to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in writing without delay.
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (昭和二五年六月三〇日通商産業省令第五七号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 57 of June 30, 1950)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (昭和二五年一二月二九日通商産業省令第一一二号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 112 of December 29, 1950)
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from January 1, 1951.
(2)Ministerial Ordinance to Suspend Shipment of Goods to Mainland China (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 100 of 1950) shall be repealed.
附 則 (昭和二六年六月八日通商産業省令第四二号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 42 of June 8, 1951)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (昭和二六年七月二七日通商産業省令第五〇号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 50 of July 27, 1951)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from August 1, 1951; provided, however, that the provision for revising Appended Table 1 shall come into effect as from August 10, 1951.
附 則 (昭和二六年九月二一日通商産業省令第六一号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 61 of September 21, 1951)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from September 25, 1951.
附 則 (昭和二七年八月一日通商産業省令第五九号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 59 of August 1, 1952)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (昭和二八年九月三〇日通商産業省令第五一号) 抄
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 51 of September 30, 1953), Extract
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from October 1, 1953.
附 則 (昭和二九年四月一〇日通商産業省令第一八号) 抄
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 18 of April 10, 1954), Extract
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (昭和三〇年八月三日通商産業省令第三七号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 37 of August 3, 1955)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from August 10, 1955; provided, however, that the provision for revising Appended Table 1-2 shall come into effect as from August 25, 1955.
附 則 (昭和三一年一一月一五日通商産業省令第五九号) 抄
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 59 of November 15, 1956), Extract
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from November 16, 1956.
附 則 (昭和三三年八月二八日通商産業省令第九〇号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 90 of August 28, 1958)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from September 1, 1958.
附 則 (昭和三四年五月一八日通商産業省令第五一号) 抄
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 51 of May 18, 1959), Extract
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from May 20, 1959.
附 則 (昭和三六年八月二四日通商産業省令第七二号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 72 of August 24, 1961)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from September 10, 1961.
附 則 (昭和三七年一一月一日通商産業省令第一一八号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 118 of November 1, 1962)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (昭和三九年一二月二八日通商産業省令第一五一号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 151 of December 28, 1964)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (昭和四〇年一一月一日通商産業省令第一三三号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 133 of November 1, 1965)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from November 15, 1965.
附 則 (昭和四四年一〇月三〇日通商産業省令第九五号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 95 of October 30, 1969)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from November 1, 1969.
附 則 (昭和四五年五月六日通商産業省令第三八号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 38 of May 6, 1970)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (昭和五三年一〇月二日通商産業省令第四四号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 44 of October 2, 1978)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (昭和五五年一一月一九日通商産業省令第六二号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 62 of November 19, 1980)
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of the enforcement of the Cabinet Order on the Partial Revision of the Export Trade Control Order and the Import Trade Control Order (December 1, 1980).
(2)Forms prescribed in Appended Table 1 and Appended Table 2 prior to the revision may be, for the time being, used in lieu of the forms prescribed in Appended Table 1 and Appended Table 2 after the revision.
(3)An Export Declaration (a copy for bank use) returned, before the enforcement of this Ministerial Ordinance, by a bank pursuant to the provision of Article 4, paragraph (3) of the Export Trade Control Ordinance prior to the revision may be used in lieu of an Export Report prescribed in Article 5 and Article 6 of the Export Trade Control Ordinance after the revision.
附 則 (昭和五六年六月二四日通商産業省令第三四号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 34 of June 24, 1981)
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from July 1, 1981.
(2)A form prescribed in Appended Table 1 prior to the revision may be, for the time being, used in lieu of the form prescribed in Appended Table 1 after the revision.
附 則 (昭和五六年一〇月七日通商産業省令第六一号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 61 of October 7, 1981)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from October 12, 1981.
附 則 (昭和五九年四月六日通商産業省令第二五号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 25 of April 6, 1984)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from April 10, 1984.
附 則 (昭和六〇年一月二五日通商産業省令第三号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 3 of January 25, 1985)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation; provided, however, that the provision for revising Article 1, paragraph (2) shall come into effect as from February 15, 1985.
附 則 (昭和六一年一二月二七日通商産業省令第九五号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 95 of December 27, 1986)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from January 1, 1987.
附 則 (昭和六二年一一月五日通商産業省令第七〇号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 70 of November 5, 1987)
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from November 10, 1987.
(2)Forms prescribed in Appended Table 1 to Appended Table 3 inclusive prior to revision by this Ministerial Ordinance may be, for the time being, used in lieu of the forms prescribed in Appended Table 1 to Appended Table 3 inclusive revised by this Ordinance, respectively.
附 則 (昭和六三年一一月二六日通商産業省令第七四号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 74 of November 26, 1988)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from December 20, 1988; provided, however, that the part deleting ", 69" in the provision for revising Article 1, paragraph (3) shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (平成元年三月一七日通商産業省令第六号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 6 of March 17, 1989)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from April 1, 1989.
附 則 (平成元年一二月二七日通商産業省令第一〇五号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 105 of December 27, 1989)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (平成二年一月一〇日通商産業省令第一号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 1 of January 10, 1990)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from January 20, 1990.
附 則 (平成二年一〇月一七日通商産業省令第四七号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 47 of October 17, 1990)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (平成三年一〇月一四日通商産業省令第四七号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 47 of October 14, 1991)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from November 14, 1991.
附 則 (平成四年一二月一日通商産業省令第八二号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 82 of December 1, 1992)
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
(2)With regard to the import or export of goods carried out in accordance with the permission granted prior to the enforcement of this Ministerial Ordinance pursuant to the provision of Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Export Trade Control Order, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.
附 則 (平成四年一二月九日通商産業省令第八三号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 83 of December 9, 1992)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from December 31, 1992.
附 則 (平成五年七月三〇日通商産業省令第四〇号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 40 of July 30, 1993)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (平成五年一二月一日通商産業省令第八四号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 84 of December 1, 1993)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from December 22, 1993; provided, however, that the part revising "or 20" of the provision for revising Article 1, paragraph (3) to ", 20 or 35-2" and the provision for revising Article 2-2 shall come into effect as from December 15, 1993.
附 則 (平成六年三月一八日通商産業省令第一二号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 12 of March 18, 1994)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (平成六年六月二四日通商産業省令第五〇号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 50 of June 24, 1994)
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from July 6, 1994.
(2)Forms prescribed in Appended Table 1 and Appended Table 2 prior to revision by this Ministerial Ordinance may be, for the time being, used in lieu of the forms prescribed in Appended Table 1 and Appended Table 2 revised by this Ministerial Ordinance.
附 則 (平成八年八月二九日通商産業省令第六一号) 抄
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 61 of August 29, 1996), Extract
(1)This Ministerial Order shall come into effect as from September 13, 1996.
(2)Forms prescribed in Appended Table 1 and Appended Table 2 prior to revision by this Ministerial Order may be, for the time being, used in lieu of the forms prescribed in Appended Table 1 and Appended Table 2 revised by this Ministerial Ordinance.
附 則 (平成九年二月二六日通商産業省令第三号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 3 of February 26, 1997)
Pursuant to the provision of Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Export Trade Control Order (Cabinet Order No. 378 of 1949), the Ministerial Ordinance on the Partial Revision of the Export Trade Control Ordinance shall be established as follows, and shall come into effect as from March 1, 1997.
附 則 (平成一〇年三月四日通商産業省令第六号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 6 of March 4, 1998)
(Effective Date)
(1)This Ministerial Order shall come into effect as from April 1, 1998.
(Transitional Measures concerning Forms of Appended Tables)
(2)Forms prescribed in Appended Table 1, Appended Table 2 and Appended Table 3 prior to revision by this Ministerial Ordinance may be, for the time being, used in lieu of the forms prescribed in Appended Table 1, Appended Table 2 and Appended Table 3 revised by this Ministerial Ordinance.
附 則 (平成一〇年八月二六日通商産業省令第七七号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 77 of August 26, 1998)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (平成一一年一一月一五日通商産業省令第九八号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 98 of November 15, 1999)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
附 則 (平成一一年一一月一五日通商産業省令第九九号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 99 of November 15, 1999)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from December 1, 1999.
附 則 (平成一一年一二月一七日通商産業省令第一一五号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 115 of December 17, 1999)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from January 1, 2000.
附 則 (平成一二年三月一日通商産業省令第二四号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 24 of March 1, 2000)
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
(2)Notifications submitted in accordance with the provision of Article 1-2, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Ordinance prior to revision by this Ministerial Ordinance pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Export Trade Control Order (Cabinet Order No. 378 of 1949) at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Ordinance shall be deemed to be notifications submitted in accordance with the provision of Article 1-3, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Ordinance revised by this Ministerial Ordinance pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Export Trade Control Order (Cabinet Order No. 378 of 1949), notifications submitted in accordance with the provision of Article 2-3, paragraph (1) of the Import Trade Control Ordinance revised by this Ministerial Ordinance pursuant to Article 20, paragraph (2) of the Import Trade Control Order (Cabinet Order No. 414 of 1949), and notifications submitted in accordance with Article 1-3, paragraph (1) of the Ministerial Ordinance on Trade Relation Invisible Trade Transactions, etc. revised by this Ministerial Ordinance pursuant to Article 28, paragraph (2) of the Foreign Exchange Order (Cabinet Order No. 260 of 1980), and the provisions of the respective Ministerial Ordinances revised by this Ministerial Ordinance shall apply thereto.
附 則 (平成一二年三月二四日通商産業省令第三九号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 39 of March 24, 2000)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from April 3, 2000.
附 則 (平成一二年一〇月一三日通商産業省令第二三二号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry No. 232 of October 13, 2000)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from January 6, 2001.
附 則 (平成一四年一二月二七日経済産業省令第一二四号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 124 of December 27, 2002)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from January 10, 2003.
附 則 (平成一五年二月三日経済産業省令第九号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 9 of February 3, 2003)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of the enforcement of the Act on the Utilization of Information and Communications Technology in Administrative Procedure, etc. (February 3, 2003).
附 則 (平成一五年六月六日経済産業省令第七〇号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 70 of June 6, 2003)
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.
(2)A form prescribed in Appended Table 2 prior to revision by this Ministerial Ordinance may be, for the time being, used in lieu of the form prescribed in Appended Table 2 revised by this Ministerial Ordinance.
附 則 (平成一七年二月二五日経済産業省令第一〇号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 10 of February 25, 2005)
(Effective Date)
(1)This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from June 1, 2005.
(Transitional Measures)
(2)Forms prescribed in Appended Table 1, Appended Table 1-2 and Appended Table 2 of the Export Trade Control Ordinance prior to revision by this Ministerial Ordinance, and forms prescribed in Appended Form 3 of the Ministerial Ordinance on Trade Relation Invisible Trade, etc. prior to revision by this Ministerial Ordinance may be, for the time being, used in lieu of the forms prescribed in Appended Table 1 to Appended Table 1-3 inclusive, Appended Table 1-4 and Appended Table 2 of the Export Trade Control Ordinance revised by this Ministerial Ordinance and the forms prescribed in Appended Form 3 of the Ministerial Ordinance on Trade Relation Invisible Trade, etc. revised by this Ministerial Ordinance, respectively.
附 則 (平成一七年六月三〇日経済産業省令第六六号)
Supplementary Provisions (Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 66 of June 30, 2005)
This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into effect as from July 1, 2005.