Regulation for Enforcement of the Banking Act(Ministry of Finance Order No. 10 of 1982)
Last Version: Cabinet Office Order No. 41 of 2019

  • 令和2年12月1日
    • 最終更新:令和元年内閣府令第四十一号
    • 翻訳日:令和2年6月11日
    • 辞書バージョン:14.0
  • 令和1年12月12日
    • 最終更新:平成二十九年内閣府令第四十九号
    • 翻訳日:平成30年9月14日
    • 辞書バージョン:13.0
  • 平成28年6月30日
    • 最終更新:平成二十二年内閣府令第四十二号
    • 翻訳日:平成22年10月1日
    • 辞書バージョン:3.0

Regulation for Enforcement of the Banking Act
Ministry of Finance Order No. 10 of March 31, 1982
In accordance with provisions of the Banking Act and the Enforcement Order of the Banking Act, and in order to enforce that Act and that Order, a ministerial order to amend all the Detailed Regulations of the Banking Act (Ministry of Finance Order No. 31 of 1927) is provided as follows.
第一章 総則(第一条―第十一条)
Chapter I General Provisions(Articles 1 to 11)
第二章 業務(第十二条―第十七条)
Chapter II Services(Articles 12 to 17)
第三章 子会社等(第十七条の二―第十七条の七の三)
Chapter III Subsidiary Companies(Articles 17-2 to 17-7-3)
第四章 経理(第十七条の七の四―第二十一条)
Chapter IV Accounting(Articles 17-7-4 to 21)
第五章 合併、会社分割又は事業の譲渡若しくは譲受け(第二十二条―第二十四条)
Chapter V Merger, Company Splits, or Business Transfer or Acquisition(Articles 22 to 24)
第六章 廃業及び解散(第二十五条―第二十七条)
Chapter VI Discontinuance and Dissolution(Articles 25 to 27)
第七章 外国銀行支店(第二十八条―第三十四条)
Chapter VII Foreign Bank Branches(Articles 28 to 34)
第七章の二 外国銀行代理業務に関する特則(第三十四条の二―第三十四条の二の四十六)
Chapter VII-2 Special Provisions on Foreign Bank Agency Services(Article 34-2 to Article 34-2-46)
第八章 株主
Chapter VIII Shareholders
第一節 通則(第三十四条の二の四十七―第三十四条の五)
Section 1 General Rules(Articles 34-2-47 to 34-5)
第二節 銀行主要株主に係る特例
Section 2 Special Provisions on Banks' Major Shareholders
第一款 通則(第三十四条の六―第三十四条の八)
Subsection 1 General Rules(Articles 34-6 to 34-8)
第二款 監督(第三十四条の九)
Subsection 2 Supervision(Article 34-9)
第三節 銀行持株会社に係る特例
Section 3 Special Provisions on Bank Holding Companies
第一款 通則(第三十四条の十―第三十四条の十四)
Subsection 1 General Rules(Articles 34-10 to 34-14)
第二款 業務及び子会社等(第三十四条の十四の二―第三十四条の二十三の二)
Subsection 2 Services and Subsidiary Companies(Articles 34-14-2 to 34-23-2)
第三款 経理(第三十四条の二十四―第三十四条の二十八)
Subsection 3 Accounting(Articles 34-24 to 34-28)
第四款 合併、分割又は営業等の譲渡若しくは譲受け(第三十四条の二十九―第三十四条の三十一)
Subsection 4 Merger, Split, Transfer or Acquisition of Business(Articles 34-29 to 34-31)
第八章の二 銀行代理業
Chapter VIII-2 Bank Agency Services
第一節 通則(第三十四条の三十二―第三十四条の四十)
Section 1 General Rules(Articles 34-32 to 34-40)
第二節 業務(第三十四条の四十一―第三十四条の五十七)
Section 2 Services(Articles 34-41 to 34-57)
第三節 経理(第三十四条の五十八―第三十四条の六十)
Section 3 Accounting(Articles 34-58 to 34-60)
第四節 監督(第三十四条の六十一・第三十四条の六十二)
Section 4 Supervision(Articles 34-61 and 34-62)
第五節 所属銀行等(第三十四条の六十三・第三十四条の六十四)
Section 5 Principal Banks(Articles 34-63 and 34-64)
第八章の三 電子決済等代行業
Chapter VIII-3 Electronic Payment Services
第一節 通則(第三十四条の六十四の二―第三十四条の六十四の八)
Section 1 General Rules(Articles 34-64-2 to 34-64-8)
第二節 業務(第三十四条の六十四の九―第三十四条の六十四の十九)
Section 2 Services(Articles 34-64-9 to 34-64-19)
第三節 監督(第三十四条の六十四の二十―第三十四条の六十四の二十二)
Section 3 Supervision(Articles 34-64-20 to 34-64-22)
第四節 認定電子決済等代行事業者協会(第三十四条の六十四の二十三―第三十四条の六十四の二十六)
Section 4 Certified Associations of Electronic Payment Service Providers(Articles 34-64-23 to 34-64-26)
第八章の四 指定紛争解決機関
Chapter VIII-4 Designated Dispute Resolution Organizations
第一節 通則(第三十四条の六十五―第三十四条の六十八)
Section 1 General Rules(Articles 34-65 to 34-68)
第二節 業務(第三十四条の六十九―第三十四条の七十六)
Section 2 Services(Articles 34-69 to 34-76)
第三節 監督(第三十四条の七十七・第三十四条の七十八)
Section 3 Supervision(Articles 34-77 to 34-78)
第九章 雑則(第三十五条―第四十条)
Chapter IX Miscellaneous Provisions(Articles 35 to 40)
附 則
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The terms "bank", "banking", "installment savings", "installment savings, etc.", "depositor, etc.", "total shareholder or investor voting rights", "shares or equity", "subsidiary company", "major shareholder threshold", "bank's major shareholder", "holding company", "bank holding company", "bank agency services", "bank agent", "principal bank", "electronic payment services", "electronic payment service provider", "certified association of electronic payment service providers", "designated dispute resolution organization", "banking services", "complaint processing procedures", "dispute resolution procedures", "dispute resolution services", and "basic contract for the implementation of dispute resolution procedures" as used in this Cabinet Office Order means a bank, banking, installment savings, installment savings, etc., depositor, etc., total shareholder or investor voting rights, shares or equity, subsidiary company, major shareholder threshold, bank's major shareholder, holding company, bank holding company, bank agency services, bank agent, principal bank, electronic payment services, electronic payment service provider, certified association of electronic payment service providers, designated dispute resolution organization, banking services, complaint processing procedures, dispute resolution procedures, dispute resolution services, and basic contract for the implementation of dispute resolution procedures, respectively, as provided in Article 2 of the Banking Act (Act No. 59 of 1981; hereinafter referred to as "the Act").
(Requirements for Judgement of Existence of a Fact That Is Presumed to Significantly Affect Decisions on Financial and Business Policies of the Company)
Article 1-2The requirements specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 2, paragraph (9) of the Act means the requirements set forth in Article 8, paragraph (6), item (ii), (a) through (e) of the Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements, etc. (Ministry of Finance Order No. 59 of 1963; hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation on Financial Statements, etc.").
(Voting Rights Not Included in the Voting Rights Held by a Company or a Holder of Voting Rights)
Article 1-3(1)Voting rights specified by Cabinet Office Order, which is not to be included in the voting rights held by a company or a holder of voting rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 3-2, paragraph (2); Article 16-4, paragraph (9); Article 52-2-11, paragraph (2); Article 52-3, paragraph (5); Article 52-4, paragraph (4); Article 52-24, paragraph (9), and Article 53, paragraph (6) of the Act, and Article 4, paragraph (4); Article 17-2, paragraph (15); Article 17-5, paragraph (6); Article 17-7, paragraph (3); Article 17-7-3, paragraph (4); Article 34-10, paragraph (6); Article 34-16, paragraph (13); Article 34-19, paragraph (6); Article 34-21, paragraph (3); Article 34-23-2, paragraph (4); Article 34-29, paragraph (3); Article 34-30, paragraph (3); Article 34-31, paragraph (3); and Article 35, paragraph (11) of the Enforcement Order of the Banking Act (Cabinet Order No. 40 of 1982; hereinafter referred to as "the Order"; hereinafter the same applies in the following paragraph)) are the voting rights for the following shares, etc. (meaning the voting rights prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (6) of the Act; the same applies to item (ii) of this paragraph, the following paragraph, Articles 1-5 through 1-8, Article 3, and Chapter III, Chapter V, Chapter VIII (excluding Article 34-26), Chapter VIII-4 and Chapter IX):
(i)shares or equity held as a business by a financial instruments business operator (meaning a financial instruments business operator prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (9) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of 1948): the same applies hereinafter) that engages in securities-related business (meaning a securities-related business as prescribed in Article 28, paragraph (8) of that Act; the same applies hereinafter), and by a foreign company;
(ii)shares or equity held as trust property in connection with a trust, other than a money trust, for which a contract for compensation of losses in principal or supplementation of profits has been concluded pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by a Financial Institution (Act No. 43 of 1943) (excluding shares, etc. in connection with which a settlor or a beneficiary is entitled to exercise associated voting rights or to instruct the holders of associated voting rights as to the exercise thereof);
(iii)when a corporation or an individual carrying out business becomes a limited liability partner of an investment limited partnership as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Limited Partnership Act for Investment (Act No. 90 of 1998) (hereinafter referred to as an "investment limited partnership" in this item, Article 17-7-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and Article 34-23-2, paragraph (1), item (i)), shares, etc. acquired or held as assets of the partnership (excluding cases in which a limited liability partner may exercise the voting rights, and in which a limited liability partner may give instructions to an unlimited liability partner of an investment limited partnership regarding the exercise of voting rights);
(iv)when a corporation or an individual carrying out business becomes a partner (excluding a person entrusted to execute the business; hereinafter referred to as a "non-managing partner" in this item) of a partnership (limited to those that entrust management of the business to one or more partners) established by parties that agree to engage in investment business to a company under a partnership contract as prescribed in Article 667, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896), shares or equity acquired or held as assets of the partnership (excluding cases in which the non-managing partner may exercise the voting rights, and in which the non-managing partner may give instructions to a person entrusted to execute the business regarding the exercise of voting rights); or
(v)shares or equity approved by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency among shares or equity equivalent to those set forth in the preceding two items.
(2)The voting rights specified by Cabinet Office Order that, pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act, are excluded from those considered as voting rights for shares or equity constituting trust property that a company or the person holding those voting rights may exercise, as the settler or beneficiary, or with regard to whose exercise the company or person may give instructions, as the settlor or beneficiary, means voting rights for shares or equity with regard to whose exercise the company may give instructions, pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations (Act No. 198 of 1951), as the settlor company of an investment trust (meaning the settlor company of an investment trust as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (11) of that Act; the same applies hereinafter), and voting rights for shares or equity with regard to whose exercise that company may give instructions, pursuant to the provisions of foreign laws or regulations that are equivalent to the provisions of Article 10 of that Act, as a person that, pursuant to the provisions of foreign laws or regulations equivalent to that Act, is equivalent to an investment trust management company.
(3)When seeking the approval referred to in Article 1, item (v), a bank must attach a written statement of reasons to a written application for approval and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(4)When an application for approval under the provisions of the preceding paragraph is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency is to investigate whether it is impermissible for the bank filing the application to exercise voting rights, or to give instructions concerning the exercise of voting rights, in connection with the shares, etc. to which the application pertains.
(Total Asset Amount)
Article 1-3-2(1)The total amount of assets calculated by a method specified by Cabinet Office Order, as provided in Article 2, paragraph (12) of the Act, is the total amount of assets on the latest balance sheet of a company (if the first business year after the incorporation of the company is not completed, the balance sheet on the day of the company's incorporation), and if an issuance of shares for subscription as prescribed in Article 199, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005), delivery of shares as a result of the exercise of share options, issuance of corporate bonds, share exchange, merger, company split, acquisition of business, transfer of business or any other significant change in the company's assets has occurred after the last day of the business year that the balance sheet is for (or, after the day of the company's incorporation if the first business year after the incorporation of the company is not completed), the total amount of assets is the amount arrived at after adding or deducting the fluctuation in the total asset amount that resulted from these changes.
(2)The assets specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 2, paragraph (12) of the Act are loans to subsidiary companies (limited to those designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency) of a bank holding company (limited to those designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency) and any other assets prescribed by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(3)The amount calculated by the method specified by Cabinet Office Order, as provided in Article 2, paragraph (12) of the Act, is the total amount of assets prescribed in the preceding paragraph, as stated according to Appended Form No. 15 in annexed detailed statements associated with the financial statements for the most recent business year that a company has prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 435, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (if the first business year after the incorporation of the company is not completed, the total amount of assets prescribed in the preceding paragraph as stated in the balance sheet as of the time of the company's incorporation).
(Acts Not Constituting Electronic Payment Services)
Article 1-3-3The acts specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided in Article 2, paragraph (17) of the Act are the following acts that are set forth in item (i) of that paragraph; provided, however, that this excludes acts that the person in question undertakes after having acquired the identification code or other such information (meaning a code or other such information that is used by a bank when providing services using an electronic data processing system in order to identify a person receiving the services, as distinguished from other persons; the same applies in Article 34-64-9, paragraph (4), item (v)) of a depositor (meaning a depositor as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (17), item (i) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article, the following Article, Article 34-64-9, paragraph (3), item (i), and Article 34-64-11) from that depositor:
(i)an act that the person undertakes for the purpose of enabling a depositor to make periodic payments to a specific person;
(ii)an act that the person undertakes for the purpose of enabling a depositor to make a remittance to that depositor;
(iii)an act that the person undertakes for the purpose of enabling a depositor to make payment to the national government, a local government, an incorporated administrative agency as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 103 of 1999), a national university corporation as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the National University Corporation Act (Act No. 112 of 2003), an inter-university research institute as prescribed in paragraph (3) of that Article, or a local incorporated administrative agency as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Local Incorporated Administrative Agency Act (Act No. 118 of 2003); and
(iv)an act that the other party to a contract for the sale of goods or a contract for the provision of services or a person in the business of brokering a person's entry into such a contract (excluding brokerage performed by communicating an instruction to execute a fund transfer transaction in performance of the obligation (including the content of the instruction alone)) (hereinafter referred to as the "other party or broker" in this item) undertakes incidental to a transaction based on the contract and for the sole purpose of enabling the depositor to perform an obligation under that contract, if, before that act is undertaken, a bank as referred to in Article 2, paragraph (17), item (i) of the Act and the other party or broker have entered into a contract on the means that will be used to perform the obligation.
(Means Corresponding to Electronic Payment Service)
Article 1-3-4The means specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 2, paragraph (17), item (i) of the Act is a means of providing a bank as referred to in that item with information on the other party to a fund transfer and the amount of the transaction, with the purpose of causing an image that will allow a depositor to instruct that bank to execute a fund transfer transaction in which funds will be transferred from an account that the depositor holds at that bank, to be displayed on the screen of the electronic device used by the depositor.
(Organization Equivalent to a Corporation)
Article 1-4The organization specified by Cabinet Office Order as being equivalent to a corporation that is provided for in Article 3-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act, means an unincorporated association or foundation that has rules concerning its representative or administrator.
(Method of Consolidation Concerning Financial Statements)
Article 1-5(1)A company that is required to prepare financial statements or other documents on a consolidated basis pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Order, as provided in Article 3-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act, means a company that submits consolidated financial statements prescribed in Article 2, item (i) of the Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements (Ministry of Finance Order No. 28 of 1976; hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation on Consolidated Financial Statements").
(2)The number calculated pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Order prescribed in Article 3-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act is the number arrived at when the number of specified voting rights (meaning voting rights as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (6) of the Act other than any voting rights from shares that are deemed to carry voting rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 879, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) in the bank in question that each of the following items prescribes in line with the categories set forth in those items for the relevant company's consolidated companies, etc. (meaning companies, etc. as prescribed in Article 3-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article through Article 1-7) is combined with the number of specified voting rights in that bank that the relevant company holds, and the specified voting rights percentage (meaning the number arrived at when the number of specified voting rights in a single bank that they hold is divided by the number of specified voting rights for all of the bank's shareholders) associated with that number is multiplied by the total number of shareholder voting rights:
(i)the relevant company's subsidiary companies (meaning a subsidiary company as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on Financial Statements, etc.):the number of specified voting rights in the bank that they hold;
(ii)persons that are found to be as provided in Article 8, paragraph (6), item (iii) of the Regulation on Financial Statements, etc., and persons that have agreed as provided for in that item, with regard to the exercise of voting rights associated with the relevant bank:the number of specified voting rights in the bank that they hold; and
(iii)the relevant company's affiliated companies (meaning an affiliated company prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (5) of the Regulation on Financial Statements, etc.) (excluding a person set forth in the preceding item):the number arrived at when the percentages of the affiliated companies' net assets that are vested in the relevant company are multiplied by the number of specified voting rights in the bank that the relevant affiliated companies hold.
(Closely Related Companies)
Article 1-6(1)The company, etc. specified by Cabinet Office Order as provided for in Article 3-2, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act means any of the following companies, etc.:
(i)a second company, etc. in which the relevant company, etc. holds a majority of the total shareholder or total investor voting rights; or
(ii)a second company, etc. that holds a majority of the total shareholder or total investor voting rights in the relevant company, etc.
(2)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the voting rights held by a first company, etc. in which a second company, etc. holds a majority of the total shareholder or total investor voting rights are deemed to be voting rights that the second company, etc. holds.
(3)In a case as referred to in one of the preceding two paragraphs, the voting rights held by a first company, etc. or a second company, etc. are to include shares or voting rights from a contribution which may not be asserted against the issuer pursuant to the provisions of Article 147, paragraph (1) or Article 148, paragraph (1) of the Act on Book-Entry of Corporate Bonds and Shares (Act No. 75 of 2001) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 228, paragraph (1), Article 235, paragraph (1), Article 239, paragraph (1), and Article 276 (limited to the part pertaining to item (ii)) of that Act).
(Person Equivalent to a Company Subject to Standards for Consolidation)
Article 1-7The person specified by Cabinet Office Order and the number calculated pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Order as provided for in Article 3-2, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the Act means the numbers specified in any of the following items in accordance with the categories of the persons set forth in the items:
(i)a holder of a number of voting rights in a bank holding company which is equal to or greater than the major shareholder threshold (including a person set forth in Article 3-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act, but excluding a person set forth in items (ii) through (vi) of that paragraph):whichever is the smaller of either the number arrived at when the number of voting rights the holder holds in that bank holding company is divided by the total number of shareholder voting rights in that bank holding company and the quotient is multiplied by the total number of shareholder voting rights in the banks that are subsidiary companies of the bank holding company; or the number arrived at when the number of voting rights that the holder, the bank holding company, and the bank holding company's subsidiary companies, etc. (meaning subsidiary companies, etc., as prescribed in Article 52-25 of the Act; the same applies in the following item) hold in the banks that are subsidiary companies of the bank holding company are combined; or
(ii)a person that corresponds to a person set forth in Article 3-2, paragraph (1), items (ii) through (vi) of the Act if the term "bank" in those items is deemed to be replaced with "bank holding company" and those items are applied (excluding a person set forth in those items and a person set forth in the preceding item):whichever is the smaller of either the number arrived at when the numbers of voting rights specified in Article 3-2, paragraph (1), items (ii) through (vi) of the Act are each divided by the total number of shareholder voting rights in the bank holding company that have issued shares associated with them, each quotient is multiplied by the total number of shareholder voting rights in banks that are subsidiary companies of that bank holding company, and the products are combined; or the number arrived by combining the number of voting rights that the holder; its consolidated companies, etc.; companies, etc. that belong to the group of companies, etc. (meaning a group of companies, etc., as prescribed in item (iii) of that paragraph) with which the holder is associated; companies, etc., individuals, and joint holders (meaning joint holders as prescribed in item (vi) of that paragraph; the same applies in Article 34-5) whose voting rights are combined with or added to those of the holder when the holder's combined number of voting rights (meaning the combined number of voting rights as prescribed in item (v) of that paragraph) is calculated; the relevant bank holding company; and that bank holding company's subsidiary companies, etc. hold in banks that are the subsidiary companies of the relevant bank holding company.
(Application for a Business License)
Article 1-8(1)A stock company seeking a business license under Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act must attach the following documents to the written application for licensing that all of the directors (for a company with nominating committee, etc., directors and executive officers) have signed and submit the documents to the Prime Minister through the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)the following documents concerning the stock company:
(a)articles of incorporation;
(b)certificate of registered matters of the company;
(c)minutes of the organizational meeting (if it is deemed that there was a resolution at the organizational meeting pursuant to the provisions of Article 82, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, documents certifying that the case corresponds to that case; the same applies hereinafter) (if that stock company is established by share transfer or by a company split, the minutes of the shareholders meeting concerning this (if it is deemed that there was a resolution at a shareholders meeting pursuant to the provisions of Article 319, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, documents certifying that the case corresponds to that case; the same applies hereinafter) or other documents certifying that the necessary procedures were taken);
(d)a document stating the prospective income and expenditures and adequacy of equity capital for three business years after the commencement of business;
(e)the resumes of the directors and auditors (for a company with audit and supervisory committee, the directors; and for a company with nominating committee, etc., the directors and executive officers);
(f)for a company with accounting advisors, the resumes of the accounting advisors (if an accounting advisor is a corporation, a document stating the history of that accounting advisor and the resume of the member responsible for performing the duties thereof; the same applies hereinafter);
(g)the resume of a financial auditor (if a financial auditor is a corporation, a document stating the history of the financial auditor and the resume of the member responsible for performing the duties thereof; the same applies hereinafter);
(h)name, domicile or residence, nationality, and occupation of the shareholders (if a shareholder is a corporation or other organizations, its name, the location of its main business office or its main office, and details of the business conducted), and the number of voting rights held by the shareholder;
(i)a document stating the location of business offices;
(j)recent daily trial balance sheet or other documents which provide the recent status of assets, and that of profits and losses; and
(k)a document showing the extent to which it has secured employees who have knowledge and experience concerning the bank's services;
(iii)the following documents if the stock company has a subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc. corresponding to either as prescribed in Article 13, the first sentence of paragraph (2) of the Act, or as prescribed in Article 14-2, item (ii) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article, except for (e), and paragraph (3), item (iii)):
(a)a document stating the name of that subsidiary company, etc. and the location of its main business office or its main office;
(b)a document stating the details of the business of that subsidiary company, etc.;
(c)the latest balance sheet (including relevant notes; the same applies hereinafter), profit and loss statement (including relevant notes; the same applies hereinafter), statement of changes in net assets (including relevant notes; the same applies hereinafter) of that subsidiary company, etc., and other documents which provide the status of recent business, assets, and profit and loss of that subsidiary company, etc.
(d)a document stating the titles and names of the officers of that subsidiary company, etc. (if an officer is a corporation, including the person responsible for performing the duties thereof); and
(e)a document stating the prospective income and income and expenditures and adequacy of consolidated equity capital of that company and its subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc., as prescribed in Article 14-2, item (ii) of the Act; the same applies in paragraph (3), item (iii)) for three business years after the commencement of business of that stock company;
(iv)beyond what is set forth in each of the preceding items, a document giving information that is to serve as a reference for conducting an examination under Article 4, paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Act.
(2)If a stock company other than a bank seeks to obtain a business license under Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act by changing its prior purposes in order to carry out banking, in addition to the documents set forth in the preceding items (except for documents set forth in item (ii), (c) of that paragraph), the following documents must be attached to the written application for license:
(i)minutes of shareholders meetings;
(ii)prior articles of incorporation and a document which clarifies the nature of existing transactions at the time of filing the application for license; and
(iii)the latest balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and statement of changes in net assets.
(3)When implementing an examination under Article 4, paragraph (2) of the Act pertaining to an application for license under the preceding two paragraphs, the Prime Minister is to take inot consideration of the following particulars:
(i)the amount of stated capital of a person that applies for a banking license (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant" in this paragraph) is equal to or greater than the amount as prescribed in Article 3 of the Order and is an amount which is sufficient for the applicant to soundly and efficiently perform the services of a bank in which it seeks to engage;
(ii)profit in the current term is expected for one of the business years of the applicant by the day on which three business years have elapsed after the commencement of the business;
(iii)the status of the adequacy of equity capital of the applicant and of the applicant and its subsidiary company, etc. is expected to be appropriate until three business years elapse after the commencement of the business; and
(iv)in light of things such as the extent to which it has secured directors, executive officers, accounting advisors, auditors or financial auditors, or employees who possess sufficient knowledge of and experience in the services of a bank, and business management systems of a bank, the applicant is able to carry out the services of a bank appropriately, fairly, and efficiently and has sufficient social credibility;
(v)that the bank's business conent and business methods are appropriate from the standpoint of protection of depositors, etc. and maintenance of an orderly financial system.
(Preliminary Examination of Business License)
Article 2A person that seeks to obtain a business license under Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act may request a preliminary examination by submitting the documents equivalent to those provided in the provisions of the preceding Article to the Prime Minister through the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Specific Interest Party to Foreign Banks)
Article 3The person specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 1-2, item (vii) of the Order means those specified in the following items:
(i)if a person that carries out banking in a foreign state in conformity with the laws and regulations of the foreign state (excluding a bank, etc. as prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (5) of the Act; hereinafter referred to as a "foreign bank" except in Article 10-2, paragraph (1)) or a person as set forth in Article 1-2, items (i) through (vi) of the Order associated with that foreign bank holds a portion of the voting rights in a banking license applicant, a person that has their main business office or their main office in the same state as that foreign bank or the person as set forth in Article 1-2, items (i) through (vi) of the Order associated with that foreign bank, and that holds a portion of the voting rights in that banking license applicant; or
(ii)any one of the two or more persons whose main business offices are located in a state where a bank is unable to establish a branch office or to incorporate a company to carry out banking (limited to a person that holds a number or amount of shares or equity constituting over five percent of the total number of issued shares of or total amount of contribution to (hereinafter referred to as "issued shares or contribution") a foreign bank) and whose total number or amount of shares or equity, constitutes over fifty percent of the issued shares or contribution of a foreign bank.
(Percentage for Multiplying the Total Shareholder Voting Rights as Prescribed in Article 4, Paragraph (3) of the Act)
Article 4The percentage specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4, paragraph (3) of the Act is fifty percent.
(Financial Institutions Included in the Definition of "Bank, etc.")
Article 4-2Financial institutions specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 4, paragraph (5) of the Act mean those specified in the following items:
(i)the Shoko Chukin Bank Limited
(ii)the Federation of Credit Unions
(iii)the Norinchukin Bank
(Application for Authorization of Reduction of Stated Capital Amount)
Article 5When seeking authorization for a reduction of stated capital amount under Article 5, paragraph (3) of the Act, a bank must attach the following documents to a written application for authorization and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, the Director General of Local Finance Bureau or Fukuoka Local Finance Branch Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority"):
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)a statement stating the method to reduce the amount of stated capital;
(iii)minutes of the shareholders meeting and other statements certifying that the necessary procedures were taken;
(iv)the latest daily trial balance sheet;
(v)a document proving that public notice and demand under Article 449, paragraph (2) (if publication is made in a daily newspaper that publishes the matters on current events or by electronic public notice in addition to the official gazette pursuant to the provisions of that Article, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act, a public notice by these methods) is implemented or, proving that, if a creditor states an objection, the bank performed the obligation or provided reasonable security to that creditor, entrusted reasonable assets with the purpose to provide that creditor with performance of the obligation, or that that creditor will not be prejudiced even if that reduction of the amount of stated capital is undertaken; and
(vi)if a share certificate-issuing company would consolidate shares, a document proving that public notice has been given pursuant to the provisions of Article 219, main clause of paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, or that share certificates for all of those shares are not issued.
(Applications for Authorization of Change of Trade Name)
Article 6(1)When seeking authorization for a change of trade name under Article 6, paragraph (3) of the Act, a bank must attach the following documents to a written application for authorization and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority:
(i)a written statement of reasons; and
(ii)minutes of the relevant shareholders meeting.
(2)When an application for authorization is filed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority is to examine whether the trade name to which the application pertains is not the same as or similar to the trade name of another bank.
(Application for Authorization of Concurrent Holding of Positions by Directors)
Article 7(1)A director who engages in ordinary business of a bank (the executive officer in the case of a company with nominating committee, etc.; the same applies in the following paragraph) must attach the following documents to a written application for authorization and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority via that bank pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act, if seeking to obtain an authorization with regard to engaging in ordinary business of another company:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)a resume;
(iii)a document stating the handling method of the ordinary business of the bank and that other company;
(iv)a document stating transactions and other relationships between the bank and that other company; and
(v)the articles of incorporation (including an equivalent document), the latest business report, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and statement of changes in net assets of that other company, and other documents that provide the recent status of business, assets, and profit and loss of that other company.
(2)When an application for authorization under the provisions of the preceding paragraph is filed, with regard to the engagement of the director to whom the application pertains in ordinary business of a bank, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority is to examine whether the concurrent holding of positions to which the application pertains may not cause any concern.
(Definitions of Business Office)
Article 8(1)A business office as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the Act means facilities or equipment (excluding portable equipment and equipment which is possessed or managed by a person other than the bank; the same applies hereinafter) where a bank carries out all or part of business set forth in each item of Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act.
(2)A head office as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act means a facility that presides over the bank's services and is registered as the head office.
(3)A branch office as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the Act means a facility constituting a business office that is subordinate to a head office, at which a bank's services are carried out in the name of and under the account of the business office in question.
(4)A change of type as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the Act means a change from a business office other than a head office (a head office as prescribed in paragraph (2); the same applies hereinafter) and a branch office (a branch office as prescribed in the preceding paragraph; the same applies hereinafter) of a bank (hereinafter referred to as a "sub-office") to a branch office, and a change from a branch office to a sub-office.
(Notification of Establishment of Business Offices)
Article 9(1)The cases specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act are the following cases:
(i)if the relevant person establishes a sub-office, changes the location of a sub-office, or closes a sub-office;
(ii)if the location of a business office is changed due to extension or reconstruction or other compelling reasons (limited to the case where it is definite that the person will return to the business office of the original location before the change);
(iii)if the relevant person returns to the business office of the original location from the location prescribed in the preceding item.
(2)When a bank seeks to submit a notification of the establishment, change of location, change of type, or closure of a business office pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act, it must attach a written statement of reasons and other documents giving particulars found to be necessary by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency to the written notification and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority
(Application for Authorization of Establishment of a Business Office in a Foreign State)
Article 9-2(1)When a bank intends to obtain an authorization for the establishment, change of type, or closure of a business office in a foreign state pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (2) of the Act, it must attach the following documents to a written application for authorization and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)if the matter to be authorized requires a resolution at the shareholders meeting or of board of directors, the minutes of the shareholders meeting or minutes of the board of directors meeting concerning the case (if a resolution of the board of directors pursuant to the provisions of Article 370 of the Companies Act has been deemed to exist, a document proving that this is the case; the same applies hereinafter);
(iii)in cases of changing the type of business office, a document stating the recent business status of that business office; and
(iv)other documents giving particulars found to be necessary by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(2)When an application for authorization to establish or change the type of a business office under the preceding paragraph is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority is to examine whether it conforms to the following standards:
(i)except for cases in which the establishment or change of type of the business office is found to contribute to ensuring the sound management of the bank which filed the application, the condition of adequacy of equity capital of the bank which filed the application corresponds to an exception from the categories set forth in the table under Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Order Providing for the Categories, etc. prescribed in Article 26, paragraph (2) of the Banking Act (Order of the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Finance No. 39 of June 26, 2000), an exception from the capital buffer categories set forth in the table under item (ii) of that paragraph, and an exception from the leverage categories set forth in the table under item (iii) of that paragraph, and the condition of adequacy of equity capital of the bank which filed the application and its subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc., as prescribed in Article 14-2, item (ii) of the Act; the same applies in paragraph (2), item (i) of the following Article) corresponds to an exception from the categories set forth in the table under Article 1, paragraph (2) of that Order, an exception from the capital buffer categories set forth in the table under item (ii) of that paragraph, and an exception from the leverage categories set forth in the table under item (iii) of that paragraph;
(ii)in light of things such as the business management systems of the bank that filed the application, it is able to perform the services of a bank reliably, fairly, and efficiently; and
(iii)necessary crime prevention measures are taken by that business office and the information of customers is managed appropriately.
(3)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 8, paragraph (2) of the Act means those specified in the following items:
(i)if the relevant bank establishes a sub-office (limited to a temporary or circuit-type facility, or unmanned equipment); or
(ii)if the relevant bank closes a sub-office.
(4)When an application for authorization to close a business office under paragraph (1) is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority is to examine whether the closure will not cause substantial effects to the customers of the business office, including things such as whether transactions involving the customers of that business office will be taken over by another of the applying bank's business offices or by another financial institution without any hindrance.
(Application for Authorization of Entrustment of an Agency to Conclude a Contract on the Acceptance of Deposits in a Foreign State)
Article 10(1)When a bank seeks to obtain an authorization to conclude a contract to entrust acts set forth in each item of Article 2, paragraph (14) of the Act in a foreign state pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (3) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as an "outsourcing contract" in this Article and paragraph (3) of the following Article) or to terminate that outsourcing contract, it must attach the following documents to a written application for authorization and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority:
(i)a written statement of reasons; and
(ii)other documents giving particulars found to be necessary by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(2)When an application for authorization to conclude an outsourcing contract under the preceding paragraph is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority is to examine whether it conforms to the following standards:
(i)except for cases in which the outsourcing contract is deemed to contribute to ensuring the sound management of the bank which filed the application, the condition of adequacy of equity capital of the bank which filed the application corresponds to an exception from the categories set forth in the table under Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Order Providing for the Categories, etc. prescribed in Article 26, paragraph (2) of the Banking Act, an exception from the capital buffer categories set forth in the table under item (ii) of that paragraph, and an exception from the leverage categories set forth in the table under item (iii) of that paragraph, and the condition of adequacy of equity capital of the bank which filed the application and its subsidiary company, etc. corresponds to an exception from the categories set forth in the table under paragraph (2), item (i) of that Article, an exception from the capital buffer categories set forth in the table under item (ii) of that paragraph, and an exception from the leverage categories set forth in the table under item (iii) of that paragraph;
(ii)the other party concluding the outsourcing contract (hereinafter referred to as a "foreign bank agent" in this Article and paragraph (3) of the following Article) satisfies all of the following requirements:
(a)the other party is a person that possesses the financial basis that is found to be necessary for carrying out the business to which the outsourcing contract pertains (hereinafter referred to as "entrusted business" in this Article and paragraph (3) of the following Article);
(b)in light of things such as its personnel structure, the other party is a person that has the necessary ability for carrying out the entrusted business appropriately, fairly, and efficiently, and that has social credibility; and
(c)the other party is a person that is not found to cause hindrance, with regard to carrying out the entrusted business precisely and reliably, by carrying out other business;
(iii)the bank which filed the application may take measures in order to secure sound and appropriate management of entrusted business with the foreign bank agent.
(3)When examining whether the relevant other party conforms to the standards set forth in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority is to take into consideration of the particulars set forth in each item of Article 34-37.
(4)When an application for authorization to terminate an outsourcing contract under paragraph (1) is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority is to examine whether the termination will not cause substantial effects to the customers concerning the entrusted business of the foreign bank agent, such as transactions pertaining to those customers will be succeeded to another business office of the bank which filed the application or other financial institution without any hindrance.
(Notification of Entrustment of an Agency to Conclude a Contract on the Acceptance of Deposits in a Foreign State)
Article 10-2(1)The persons specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 8, paragraph (4) of the Act are those specified in the following items:
(i)a foreign bank (meaning a person that carries out banking in a foreign state in conformity with the laws and regulations of the foreign state; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) that is a subsidiary company, etc. of a bank;
(ii)a foreign bank that has a bank as its subsidiary company, etc.;
(iii)a foreign bank that is a subsidiary company, etc. of a bank holding company which has a bank as its subsidiary company, etc. (excluding the persons set forth in the preceding two items); and
(iv)a foreign bank that is a subsidiary company, etc. of a parent company, etc. which has a bank as its subsidiary company, etc. (excluding the persons set forth in the preceding three items);
(2)The term "parent company, etc." as prescribed in item (iv) of the preceding paragraph means a corporation, etc. holding voting rights exceeding fifty percent of the total shareholder or investor voting rights in another corporation, etc. (meaning a corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (1), item (i), (b) of the Order; the same applies hereinafter); the term "subsidiary company, etc." as prescribed in the items of the preceding paragraph means a corporation, etc. in which a parent company, etc. holds voting rights accounting for over fifty percent of the total shareholder or investor voting rights.In this case, voting rights held by a subsidiary company, etc. are deemed to be voting rights held by the parent company, etc. of that subsidiary company, etc.
(3)In seeking to give a notification under Article 8, paragraph (4) of the Act, a bank must attach the documents specified in the following items to a written notification in accordance with the categories set forth in those items and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority:
銀行が外国銀行代理業者との間で委託契約を締結しようとする場合 次に掲げる書面
(i)if the bank seeks to conclude an outsourcing contract with a foreign bank agent: the following documents:
(a)a written statement of reasons;
(b)a document stating the trade name or the name of the foreign bank agent;
(c)a document stating the capital relationship between the bank and the foreign bank agent;
(d)a document stating the content of the outsourcing contract between the bank and the foreign bank agent pertaining to the notification;
(e)a document stating the day on which the outsourcing contract under the sub-item (d) is to be concluded; and
(f)a document stating the content and methods of the entrusted business of the foreign bank agent; or
銀行が外国銀行代理業者との間で委託契約を終了しようとする場合 次に掲げる書面
(ii)if the bank seeks to terminate an outsourcing contract with a foreign bank agent: the following documents:
(a)a written statement of reasons;
(b)a document stating the trade name or the name of the foreign bank agent;
(c)a document stating the content and methods of the entrusted business of the foreign bank agent; and
(d)a document stating the day on which the outsourcing contract between the bank and the foreign bank agent is to be terminated.
Article 11Deleted
第二章 業務
Chapter II Services
(Scope of Certificate of Monetary Claims)
Article 12Monetary claims indicated in the form of certificates specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act are those specified in the following items:
(i)a negotiable certificate of deposits (meaning a deposit with a due date for repayment, but without a covenant of non-assignability; the same applies in Article 13-5, paragraph (1), item (i));
(ii)commercial paper;
(iii)a housing mortgage certificate;
(iv)a certificate of beneficial interest of a loan trust
(iv)-2a mortgage security as prescribed in the Mortgage Instrument Act (Act No. 15 of 1931);
(v)a certificate of beneficial interest for the commodity investment beneficial interest as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (6) of the Act on Regulation of Commodity Investment (Act No. 66 of 1991);
(vi)securities or certificates issued by a foreign corporation that indicate a beneficiary interest in a trust into which has been placed a loan claim of a person engaged in banking or any other such person that carries out other money lending in the course of trade, or into which has been placed any other similar interest; or
(vii)securities or certificates that indicate an interest pertaining to the transactions as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xii) or item (xiv) of the Act.
(Securities Equivalent to Specified Corporate Bonds)
Article 12-2The things specified by Cabinet Office Order as securities prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (v)-2 of the Act are securities prescribed in Article 15-17, paragraph (1), item (ii) or item (iii) of the Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 321 of 1965) (with regard to securities prescribed in that paragraph, limited to those that have the characteristics as set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (iv) or item (v) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) in which the assigned assets set forth in Article 40, item (i) of the Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business (Cabinet Office Order No. 52 of 2007) are a nominative monetary claim or a beneficiary right to the trust in which the nominative monetary claim is placed.
(Acting as Agent or Intermediary for Services)
Article 13Acting as an agent or intermediary for services which is specified by Cabinet Office Order, as provided in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (viii) of the Act means those specified in the following items:
(i)acting as an agent or intermediary for the services (excluding trust business (hereinafter referred to as "trust business") prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions) of a bank, a long-term credit bank (meaning a long-term credit bank prescribed in Article 2 of the Long-term Credit Bank Act (Act No. 187 of 1952); the same applies hereinafter), The Shoko Chukin Bank, Ltd., or credit union, credit cooperatives, or labor bank (including a federation organized by these corporations);
(ii)acting as an agent or intermediary for credit business (excluding a business pertaining to trust business) carried out by an agricultural cooperative (limited to a cooperative which carries out business as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Agricultural Co-operatives Act (Act No. 132 of 1947); the same applies hereinafter, except for Article 34-43, paragraph (2)) prescribed in Article 11, paragraph (2) of that Act; for credit business (excluding a business pertaining to trust business) carried out by a federation of agricultural cooperatives (limited to a federation of agricultural cooperatives which carries out business as prescribed in Article 11, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Fishery Cooperative Act (Act No. 242 of 1948); the same applies hereinafter) or a federation of fisheries cooperatives (limited to a federation of fisheries cooperatives which carries out business as prescribed in Article 87, paragraph (1), item (iv) of that Act; the same applies hereinafter), a fishery processing cooperative (limited to a fishery processing cooperative which carries out business as prescribed in Article 93, paragraph (1), item (ii) of that Act; the same applies hereinafter), or a federation of fishery processing cooperatives (limited to a federation of fishery processing cooperatives which carries out business as prescribed in Article 97, paragraph (1), item (ii) of that Act; the same applies hereinafter) prescribed in Article 54, paragraph (2) of that Act; or for services of the Norinchukin Bank (excluding a business pertaining to trust business);
(ii)-2acting as an agent or intermediary for fund transfer services (meaning the fund transfer service prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Payment Services Act (Act No. 59 of 2009); the same applies in Article 17-3, paragraph (2), item (i)-4 of this Act) conducted by a fund transfer service provider (meaning the fund transfer service provider prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of that Act; the same applies in Article 17-3, paragraph (2), item (i)-4 of this Act);
(iii)acting as agent or intermediary for the following services of a trust company or a financial institution that carries out trust business (excluding services corresponding to those as set forth in Article 11 of the Act):
(a)conclusion of a trust contract (excluding a trust contract pertaining to a trust as prescribed in Article 3, item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions (Cabinet Order No. 31 of 1993) and in Article 3, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions (Ministry of Finance Order No. 16 of 1982));
(b)conclusion of a contract to accept entrustment of business as set forth in each item of Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions (excluding business as set forth in each item of Article 3 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions);
(iii)-2acting as an agent or intermediary in the conclusion of an investment advisory contract (meaning an investment advisory contract as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xi) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) or a discretionary investment contract (meaning a discretionary investment contract as prescribed in item (xii), (b) of that paragraph; the same applies hereinafter) of a financial instruments business operator or a registered financial institution (meaning a registered financial institution prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (11) of that Act);
(iv)acting as an agent or intermediary in the lending of funds by an insurance company (meaning an insurance company as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Insurance Business Act (Act No. 105 of 1995) and including a foreign insurance company, etc. as prescribed in paragraph (7) of that Article (hereinafter referred to as a "foreign insurance company, etc."));
(v)acting as an agent or intermediary in the services of a corporation engaged in financial business whose budget is subject to a Diet resolution, pursuant to the provisions of laws;
(vi)acting as an agent or intermediary in the lending of funds or other services concerning finance of a corporation which is established by a special law and may entrust a part of its services to a bank pursuant to the special law (excluding the acts as set forth in the preceding item); or
(vii)anything that is equivalent to acting as an agent or intermediary in the services set forth in each of the preceding items and that is separately specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Acting as Agent or Intermediary in a Foreign Bank's Services)
Article 13-2(1)The services specified by Cabinet Office Order, as provided in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (viii)-2 of the Act, mean those specified in the following items:
(i)in addition to a bank's actions as an agent or intermediary when it does so for the services (limited to services prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the Act (excluding services associated with agent or intermediary and the services for which a bank may act as an agent or intermediary pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph (excluding item (viii) and item (viii)-2)); hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) of a foreign bank that is a subsidiary company of the bank, a bank's actions as an agent or intermediary as prescribed in the following sub-items (a) through (d) when it acts as an agent or intermediary for the services of a foreign bank set forth respectively in those sub-items;
(a)a foreign bank that is a subsidiary corporation, etc. (meaning the subsidiary corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 4-2, paragraph (2) of the Order; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) (excluding a foreign bank that is a subsidiary company of a bank);
(b)a foreign bank that has a bank as its subsidiary corporation, etc.;
(c)a foreign bank that is a subsidiary corporation, etc. of a bank holding company that has a bank as its subsidiary company (excluding a foreign bank that is a subsidiary company of a bank and those set forth in sub-item (a) and sub-item (b)); and
(d)a foreign bank that is a subsidiary corporation, etc. of a parent corporation, etc. (meaning the parent corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 4-2, paragraph (2) of the Order; the same applies hereinafter) that has a bank as its subsidiary company (excluding a foreign bank that is a subsidiary company of a bank and those set forth in sub-items (a) through (c)); and
(ii)actions as an agent or intermediary for the services of a foreign bank other than a foreign bank that is a subsidiary company of a bank and foreign banks set forth in sub-items (a) through (d) of the preceding item (limited to the cases in which those actions as the agent or intermediary for the services are undertaken in a foreign state).
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (viii)-2 of the Act pertaining to a foreign bank branch (meaning a foreign bank branch prescribed in Article 47, paragraph (2) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) means those specified in the following items:
(i)in addition to a foreign bank branch's action as an agent or intermediary when it does so for the services of a business office in the home state of the foreign bank with which the foreign bank branch is associated (meaning a business office in the home state prescribed in Article 47, paragraph (3) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) (limited to the services prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the Act (excluding the services associated with actions as an agent or intermediary and the services in association with which a bank may act as an agent or intermediary pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph (excluding item (viii) and item (viii)-2)); hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), actions as an agent or intermediary conducted by a foreign bank branch as prescribed in the following sub-items (a) through (c) for the services of the foreign banks set forth respectively in those sub-items;
(a)a foreign bank that is a subsidiary corporation, etc. of another foreign bank to which a foreign bank branch belongs;
(b)a foreign bank that has another foreign bank to which a foreign bank branch belongs as its subsidiary corporation, etc.;
(c)a foreign bank that is a subsidiary corporation, etc. of a parent corporation, etc. that has another foreign bank to which a foreign bank branch belongs as its subsidiary company, etc. (excluding a business office in the home state of the other foreign bank to which that foreign bank branch belongs and those set forth in sub-items (a) through (b)); and
(ii)actions as an agent or intermediary for the services of a foreign bank other than a business office in the home state of a foreign bank to which a foreign bank branch belongs and foreign banks set forth in sub-items (a) through (c) of the preceding item (limited to the cases in which those actions as an agent or intermediary for the services are undertaken in a foreign state).
(Derivative Transactions)
Article 13-2-2Derivative transactions as specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xii) and item (xiii) of the Act are a derivative transaction as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (20) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (excluding a derivative transaction corresponding to the securities-related derivative transactions (meaning the securities-related derivative transactions as prescribed in Article 28, paragraph (8), item (vi) of that Act; the same applies hereinafter)).
(Financial Derivative Transactions)
Article 13-2-3(1)The transaction specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xiv) of the Act means any of the following:
(i)a transaction to promise mutual payment, with regard to a commodity of which the quantity is specified by the parties, based on the commodity market price agreed upon between the relevant parties, and other similar transactions (limited to the following transactions; hereinafter referred to as a "commodity derivative transaction");
(a)a transaction settled by payment of the difference;
(b)a purchase and sale transaction in which the parties agree to transfer between them a commodity and the consideration therefor and which satisfies all of the following requirements:
1.the purchase and sale transaction does not result in the holding of the commodity pertaining to that transaction on the completion of the settlement.
2.the purchase and sale transaction does not result in bearing the risk that may arise in relation to the custody or transportation of the commodity pertaining to that transaction.
(ii)a transaction to promise mutual payment, with regard to a carbon dioxide equivalent quota (meaning a carbon dioxide equivalent quota as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (6) of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Act No. 117 of 1998) and other similar substances; the same applies hereinafter) of which the quantity is stipulated by the parties, based on the quotation of a carbon dioxide equivalent as stipulated between the parties and other similar transactions (limited to the following transactions); or
(a)a transaction settled by payment of the difference;
(b)a purchase and sale transaction in which the parties agree to transfer between them a carbon dioxide equivalent quota and the consideration therefor and that does not result in the holding of the carbon dioxide equivalent quota pertaining to that purchase and sale transaction on the completion of the settlement.
(iii)a transaction in which one party grants the other party a right that may effect a transaction as set forth in the preceding two items between those parties by one party manifesting the intention, and the other party promises to pay the compensation for the granting of the right, and any other similar transaction.
(2)A transaction specified by Cabinet Office Order as a transaction that it is found to be unlikely to damage the sound management of a bank, as provided in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xiv) of the Act, means those transactions as set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph.
(3)Acting as the intermediary, broker, or agent as specified by Cabinet Office Order, that is provided in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xv) of the Act means acting as the intermediary, broker, or agent in transactions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (14), items (i) through (iii) of the Commodity Futures Act (Act No. 239 of 1950) and item (iv) of that paragraph (excluding sub-item (d)), for listed commodity component products, etc. (meaning the listed commodity component products, etc. prescribed in Article 15, paragraph (1), item (i) of that Act) by using quotations on a commodity market (meaning the commodity market prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (9) of that Act).
(Requirements for Lease Contracts)
Article 13-2-4(1)The contract that is specified by Cabinet Office Order, as provided for in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xviii), sub-item (a) of the Act means a contract for allowing the use of machinery and other objects which does not contain a provision to the effect that the parties may not cancel the contract before the end of the period of use (meaning the period of use prescribed in sub-item (a) of that item; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), and under which the other party to the contract is to pay almost all of the use fees for the unpaid period of use if that other party breaches the obligations based on the contract or cancels the contract before the end of the period of use specified in the contract.
(2)The costs specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xviii), (b) of the Act are the amounts of interest and fees.
(Acquisition of a Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Quota)
Article 13-2-5The services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 11, item (iv) of the Act means services for concluding a contract involving the acquisition or transfer of a carbon dioxide equivalent quota, or for acting as intermediary, broker, or agent in the conclusion of such a contract.
(Provision of Information to Depositors)
Article 13-3(1)When a bank provides information to a depositor, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 12-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, it is to do so through the following means:
(i)by giving a clear indication of the money rate on the principal deposit, etc. (meaning a deposit, etc., as prescribed in Article 12-2, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter);
(ii)by giving a clear indication of the fee pertaining to the deposit, etc. handled by the bank;
(iii)by giving a clear indication of the deposit, etc. that is handled by the bank, and which is subject to the payment of insurance money as prescribed in Article 53 of the Deposit Insurance Act (Act No. 34 of 1971);
(iv)by using a document stating the following particulars among information concerning the contents of financial instruments (hereinafter referred to as "financial instruments information" in this Article) to give an explanation at the request of depositors, etc., and by delivering that document:
(a)their names (including their aliases);
(b)scope of persons subject to the bank's acceptance of their deposits, etc.;
(c)period of depositing (including an indication whether the deposit will be automatically renewed or not);
(d)minimum deposit amount, unit of deposit amount, and any other items concerning the depositing;
(e)method of repayment;
(f)method of establishing interest, payment method of interest, calculation method of interest, and other particulars regarding interest;
(h)the particulars of special provisions that may be added;
(i)handling in the case of the termination of the contract during the period of depositing (including the calculation methods of interest and fees);
(j)the particulars prescribed in each of the following in accordance with the categories of cases set forth respectively therein:
1.if a designated dispute resolution organization exists:the trade name or name of the designated dispute resolution organization, which is the other party to the basic contract for the implementation of dispute resolution procedures which the relevant takes the measure of concluding, prescribed in Article 12-3, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act;
2.if a designated dispute resolution organization does not exist:the details of the complaint handling measures and the dispute resolution measure of the relevant bank as prescribed in Article 12-3, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act; and
(k)other information found to be of reference for depositing a deposit, etc.;
(v)by giving a detailed explanation stating that the full amount paid at the time of depositing is not guaranteed to be repaid at its expiry and any other detailed explanations concerning the financial instruments, if it handles a financial instrument in which the full amount paid at the time of depositing for the combination of the following items and the deposit, etc. is not guaranteed to be repaid at its expiry:
(a)a derivative transaction other than that which corresponds to securities-related derivatives transactions among market derivative transactions (meaning a market derivative transaction as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (21) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies hereinafter) or foreign market derivative transactions (meaning a foreign market derivative transaction as prescribed in paragraph (23) of that Article; the same applies hereinafter);
(b)a financial derivative transaction as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xiv) of the Act;
(c)a forward exchange transaction;
(d)a securities-related derivative transaction (excluding a transaction set forth in Article 2, paragraph (21), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or a transaction in a foreign financial instruments market (meaning a foreign financial instruments market as prescribed in paragraph (8), item (iii), (b) of that Article; the same applies hereinafter) similar to the transaction set forth in paragraph (21), item (i) of that Article); or
(e)a transaction set forth in Article 2, paragraph (21), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or a similar transaction in a foreign financial instruments market to that set forth in that item (limited to the securities set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) and item (ii) of that Article and those set forth in item (iii) and item (v) of that paragraph (limited to securities of which the national government guarantees the redemption of principal and interest payments) (which is referred to as a "certificate, etc. of national government bonds" in Article 13-5, paragraph (1), item (ii); Article 14-11-27, item (xiii), (e); and Article 34-53-12, item (xiii), (e)), and securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xvii) of that Act pertaining to those which have characteristics as prescribed in item (i) of that paragraph);
(vi)by appropriately providing information concerning the standard in question, the way of establishing the indicator and the money rate, and the money rate itself, if the way of establishing an indicator to be the standard for establishing a money rate of a floating rate deposit and of establishing money rate is specified.
(2)In lieu of delivering a document under item (iv) of the preceding paragraph a bank may provide a depositor, etc. with financial instruments information by electronic or magnetic means (meaning electronic or magnetic means as prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (6) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) after obtaining the consent of the depositor, etc., pursuant to the provisions of the following paragraph.In this case, the bank is deemed to have delivered the document.
(3)When a bank seeks to provide financial instruments information pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, that bank must indicate to the depositor, etc. the type and content of the following electronic or magnetic means that the bank will use, and must obtain consent in writing or by electronic or magnetic means in advance:
(i)the means out of the means set forth in each item of Article 19, paragraph (7) that the bank will use; and
(ii)the formalities used to record data to the file.
(4)If a bank that has obtained the consent under the preceding paragraph receives a notice from the depositor, etc., either in written form or by electronic or magnetic means, indicating that the depositor, etc. is not willing to be provided with information by electronic or magnetic means, the bank must not use electronic or magnetic means to provide financial instruments information to that depositor, etc.; provided, however, that this does not apply if the depositor, etc. has once again given the consent under that paragraph.
(Provision of Information to the Right Holder of Specified Corporate Bonds)
Article 13-4A bank is to provide information to a customer by a method equivalent to that prescribed in the preceding Article in cases of handling specified corporate bonds (including, a bond issued by an ordinary bank which is prescribed in Article 17-2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Financial Institutions' Merger and Conversion prior to the amendment (hereinafter referred to as "the former Act on Merger and Conversion" in this Article) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Article 24, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the former Act on Merger and Conversion; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) by the provisions of Article 199 of the Act on Arrangement of Relevant Acts Incidental to Enforcement of the Companies Act (Act No. 87 of 2005) and which is authorized pursuant to the provisions of Article 17-2, paragraph (1) of the former Act on Merger and Conversion; and a bond which is issued by an ordinary bank which is prescribed in Article 17-2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Financial Institutions' Merger and Conversion prior to amendment by the provisions of Article 168 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act on Revision of Related Acts for the Financial System Reform (Act No. 107 of 1998) which are to remain in force pursuant to the provisions of Article 169 of the same Supplementary Provisions, and which is authorized pursuant to the provisions of Article 17-2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Financial Institutions' Merger and Conversion prior to amendment (limited to a case in which a financial institution ceasing to exist as prescribed in that paragraph is a foreign exchange bank)) according to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act on Financial Institutions' Merger and Conversion (Act No. 86 of 1968) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 55, paragraph (4) of that Act).
(Prevention of Misidentification of a Monetary Claim and Deposit)
Article 13-5(1)If a bank handles the following financial instruments, the bank must provide to a customer an explanation for preventing the customer from misidentifying those financial instruments as deposits, etc., by delivering documents or other appropriate methods, according to the method of their business and based on the customer's knowledge, experience, financial status, and purpose of conducting the transaction:
(i)a monetary claim as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act (excluding a monetary claim that is indicated with a deposit certificate of negotiable deposit issued in Japan);
(ii)the securities as set forth in Article 33, paragraph (2), items (i) through (iv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (excluding national government bond certificate, etc. and securities corresponding to those set forth in the preceding item); or
(iii)an insurance contract in which a person engaging in insurance business as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act becomes an insurer.
(2)If a bank provides the explanation as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the bank is to explain the following particulars (excluding what is set forth in item (iii) and item (iv) in a case of corporate bonds (other than short-term bonds as set forth in Article 10, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act) issued by the bank)
(i)that the product is not a deposit, etc.;
(ii)that the product is not subject to receive payment of insurance money as prescribed in Article 53 of the Deposit Insurance Act;
(iii)that repayment of the principal is not guaranteed;
(iv)the main subject matter of the contract; and
(v)other information found to be of reference for the prevention of misidentification as a deposit, etc.
(3)If a bank handles the financial instruments set forth in paragraph (1) at its business office, the bank must display those particulars set forth in items (i) through (iii) of the preceding paragraph in a place easily seen by customers.
(4)If a bank concludes a trust contract without agreement for compensation of the principal based on the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (2), item (viii) of or Article 12 of the Act, or acts as an agent or intermediary in the conclusion of such a contract, the bank must display that the trust contract does not have an agreement for compensation of the principal in a place easily seen by customers; and, if a bank concludes a trust contract pertaining to a monetary trust without agreement for compensation of the principal, or acts as an agent or intermediary in the conclusion of such a contract (excluding cases set forth in each item of Article 78 of the Order for Enforcement of Trust Business Act (Cabinet Office Order No. 107 of 2004)), the bank must explain those particulars set forth in each item of paragraph (2).
(Handling of Beneficiary Certificate by Renting a Business Site to Investment Trust Management Company)
Article 13-6If an investment trust management company or an asset management company (meaning an asset management company as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (19) of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations; the same applies hereinafter) handles beneficiary certificates of investment trusts or foreign investment trusts, investment certificates, investment corporation bonds, or foreign mutual funds (hereinafter referred to as "beneficiary certificates, etc." in this Article) as prescribed in that Act by using part of a business office of a bank, the bank must clearly divide the location where the bank handles deposits, etc. from the location where the investment trust management company or the asset management company handles the beneficiary certificates, etc., and must take appropriate measures such as not placing displays that may cause misunderstanding for customers.
(Prevention of Misidentification of a Bank as Another Person)
Article 13-6-2When a bank engages in its business by using a computer connected to a telecommunications line, the bank must take appropriate measures to prevent customers from misidentifying the bank as another person.
(Specified Transaction Account)
Article 13-6-3(1)If a bank conducts a specified transaction and corresponds to all of the following requirements, the bank must establish a special account (hereinafter referred to as a "specified transaction account") in order to separate accounting for specified transactions and assets subject to specified transactions from accounting for other transactions and assets. Such a case does not preclude a bank which does not correspond to either of those requirements or a bank which does not correspond to any of those requirements from establishing a specified transaction account:
(i)the largest amount out of the total amount of financial instrument security account and sold financial instrument bond account during the term from the end of the business year prior to the end of the latest business year (including the end of the latest interim period; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) to the end of the latest business year is 100 billion yen or more, and is equivalent to or more than ten percent of total assets at the end of the business year prior to the end of the latest business year; or
(ii)the total amount of financial instrument security accounts and sold financial instrument bond accounts at the end of the latest business year is 100 billion yen or more, and is equivalent to or more than ten percent of the total assets at the end of the relevant business year.
(2)The term "specified transaction" as used in the preceding paragraph means transactions other than those which correspond to securities-related derivative transactions out of market derivative transactions and foreign market derivative transactions that the bank conducts on the bank's own account; with the purpose of obtaining profit by using short-term changes in money rate, value of currencies, quotations on a financial instruments market (meaning a financial instruments market as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (14) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies hereinafter) and any other indicator (which is referred to as an "indicator" in paragraph (5)), by using differences among markets, or by using other means; or with the purpose of reducing loss that may be generated from transactions for that purpose, and the following transactions:
(i)purchase and sale of securities (limited to, the purchase and sale of national government bonds, etc. (meaning national government bonds, local government bonds, or government guaranteed bonds (a corporate bond or other bond for which the redemption of principal and interest payments are guaranteed by the national government); hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (iv), item (v), and item (viii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (in cases of securities set forth in item (iv) and item (v) of that paragraph, excluding those pertaining to short-term bonds set forth in Article 10, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act, short-term bonds set forth in item (v) of that paragraph, and specified short-term bonds set forth in item (vi) in that paragraph; hereinafter referred to as "specified transaction bonds" in this item), or securities or certificates issued by a foreign state or a foreign corporation that have characteristics of national government bonds or specified transaction bonds; and transactions set forth in Article 28, paragraph (8), item (iii), (a), and item (iv), (a) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) and securities-related derivatives transactions (excluding transactions set forth in item (iii), sub-item (a) and item (iv), sub-item (a) of that paragraph, and those set forth in items (xiv) and (xv));
(ii)acceptance of national government bonds, etc. (limited to a transaction that concludes a contract to obtain the remainder portion of the issued national government bonds, etc. if there is no other person that acquires all or part of those national government bonds, etc. upon the issuance of those national government bonds, etc.; the same applies in paragraph (5));
(iii)acceptance of securities as prescribed in Article 15-17, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Order for Enforcement of Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and paragraph (3) of that Article (hereinafter referred to as "securities corresponding to assets" in this item and paragraph (5)) out of the securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (excluding those pertaining to specified short-term bonds set forth in Article 10, paragraph (3), item (vi) of the Act), securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), items (viii) and (xiii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and securities set forth in item (v) of that paragraph (excluding those pertaining to short-term bonds set forth in Article 10, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act, and short-term bonds set forth in item (v) of that paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this item), and securities set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xvii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (upon the issuance of securities corresponding to assets, if there is no other person that acquires all or part of the securities corresponding to assets, limited to a transaction that concludes a contract to obtain the remainder portion; the same applies in paragraph (5));
(iv)an acquisition or transfer of a monetary claim (limited to monetary claims indicated by certificates as set forth in Article 12, item (i), item (ii), item (iv), item (vi) or item (vii), or yen-denominated bankers' acceptance (meaning bills of exchange indicated by Japanese currency out of those pertaining to trade that the bank or other financial institution has accepted));
(iv)-2an acquisition or transfer of short-term bonds, etc. (meaning short-term bonds, etc., as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (3) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter);
(v)an over-the-counter derivative transaction (meaning an over-the-counter derivative transaction as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (22) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies hereinafter) other than those corresponding to securities-related derivative transactions;
(vii)a forward foreign exchange transaction;
(x)a commodity derivative transaction;
(xi)transactions as set forth in Article 13-2-3, paragraph (1), item (ii);
(xiii)transactions as set forth in Article 13-2-3, paragraph (1), item (iii);
(xiv)over-the-counter securities-related derivative transactions (meaning over-the-counter securities-related derivative transactions as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (10) of the Act) which may be conducted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2), item (xvi) of that Article;
(xv)purchase and sale, or acceptance of securities pertaining to the business set forth in Article 11, item (ii) of the Act, and securities-related derivative transactions;
(xvi)acquisition or transfer of a carbon dioxide equivalent quota pertaining to the business set forth in Article 11, item (iv) of the Act; or
(xvii)in addition to transactions set forth in the preceding items, transactions similar to or having a close relationship with those transactions, market derivative transactions, and foreign market derivative transactions (excluding those corresponding to securities-related derivative transactions).
(3)A bank which has established a specified transaction account (hereinafter referred to as a "bank with a specified transaction account") must not perform the following acts; provided, however, this does not apply when the bank performs the acts within the scope stated in the documents set forth in Article 35, paragraph (6), item (i), (e):
(i)transferring transactions or assets which are dealt with as being subject to a specified transaction account, to an account other than a specified transaction account; or
(ii)transferring transactions or assets other than transactions or assets which are dealt with as being subject to a specified transaction account, to a specified transaction account.
(4)Acts prescribed in the preceding paragraph are to include transactions set forth in paragraph (2), items (i) through (iv)-2 and item (xv) that are conducted between a specified transaction account and other accounts (including transactions which are defined to be a specified transaction pursuant to the provisions of item (xvii) of that paragraph as a transaction similar to or having a close relationship with those transactions) within a single bank.
(5)A bank with a specified transaction account must take the necessary measures to conduct the accounting appropriately, with regard to calculations of the amount equivalent to profit or the amount equivalent to loss pertaining to unsettled specified transactions at the end of a business year, such as specifying those amounts as specified in the following items in accordance with the transaction categories set forth in those items:
(i)market derivative transactions and foreign market derivative transactions (excluding those corresponding to securities-related derivative transactions):the amount based on the difference to be settled when the transaction is deemed to be settled at the closing price on the closing date of the business year at the financial instruments exchange (meaning a financial instruments exchange prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (16) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies hereinafter) or a foreign financial instruments market, or the amount calculated as equivalent to this by a reasonable way;
(ii)over-the-counter derivative transactions (excluding transactions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (22), item (iii), item (iv), and item (vi) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and those corresponding to securities-related derivative transactions) and forward foreign exchange transactions:the promised amount to be settled between the parties by those transactions (the amount calculated based on the prospective indicator value if the amount is not fixed on the closing day of the business year) after discounting to the current value on the closing day of the business year by a reasonable way;
(iii)over-the-counter derivative transactions (limited to the transactions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (22), item (iii) and item (iv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and excluding those corresponding to securities-related derivative transactions) and transactions set forth in Article 13-2-3, paragraph (1), item (iii):the amount calculated by a reasonable way using the promised amount to be settled between the parties by exercise of rights as the current value of the closing day of the business year of the relevant transaction (the amount calculated based on the prospective indicator value if the amount is not fixed on the closing day of the business year), the indicator value pertaining to the exercise of rights on the closing day of the business year, and the volatility of the prospective indicator; or
(iv)purchase and sale of option bonds (meaning a transaction in which one of the parties has the right to specify the settlement date, and in which that contract for purchase and sale will be canceled if that right is not exercised within a certain period), acceptance of national government bonds, etc., acceptance of securities corresponding to assets, over-the-counter derivative transactions (excluding those corresponding to transactions as set forth in the preceding two items), and commodity derivative transactions:the amount calculated as equivalent to the amount set forth in the preceding items by a reasonable way.
(Entrusting Another Person with Administrative Processes for Receiving and Paying Out Deposits)
Article 13-6-4If a bank entrusts a third party with the administrative processes involved in receiving or paying out money in relation to deposit or fund lending services (excluding cases in which a bank entrusts these services to a bank agent as bank agency services), it must take any measures listed in the following items:
(i)all of the following measures, if a bank undertakes administrative processes involved in receiving or paying out money in relation to deposit or fund lending services using a cash dispenser or automatic teller machine (hereinafter referred to as "cash dispenser or ATM-based administrative processes for receiving or paying out money" in this Article):
(a)measures to entrust a person specified separately by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as one with the experience in the business of managing cash dispensers or automatic teller machines to prevent problems with cash dispenser or ATM-based administrative processes for receiving or paying out money, with these services (if it entrusts a person with the administrative processes involved in receiving or paying out money in relation to fund lending services (excluding a contract which uses as security either a customer's deposits, etc. or national government bonds that a bank has received), excluding a person that engages in the duties specified separately by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as its main business);
(b)appropriate measures to prevent leakage of information on customers; and
(c)proper measures to prevent customers from mistaking the bank for any other person such as the person entrusted with cash dispenser or ATM-based administrative processes for receiving or paying out money; and
(ii)all of the following measures, in the case in which a bank pays out money (excluding those corresponding to cash dispenser or ATM-based administrative processes for receiving or paying out money) in relation to deposit or fund lending services, if customers use cards, etc. (meaning a card or other things, or a number, symbol or other codes, that is possible to purchase products or rights, or to receive provision of services for a fee by presenting them or notifying them; the same applies in sub-item (f)), or transmit information from the electronic devices used by the customers to the computers used by the bank via telecommunication lines, and input their identification codes prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Prohibition of Unauthorized Computer Access (Act No. 128 of 1999) for deposits or loan of funds (limited to loan of funds in the case where the amount claimed for withdrawal of deposit by the customer exceeds the balance of the deposit and the bank lends the amount of money corresponding to the exceeding amount within the limit of the maximum amount; the same applies in this item)
(a)measures to entrust a person capable of executing the administrative processes involved in paying out money in relation to deposit or fund lending services precisely, fairly, and efficiently in order to prevent problems with the services;
(b)appropriate measures to prevent leakage of information on customers;
(c)proper measures to prevent customers from mistaking the bank for a person entrusted with the administrative processes involved in paying out money in relation to deposit or fund lending services (referred to as the "entrusted person" in sub-item (d) and sub-item (f)) or any other person;
(d)measures to clarify the division of roles between the bank and the entrusted person in the course of performing the administrative processes involved in paying out money in relation to deposit or fund lending services, if the bank entrusts a person with these services;
(e)measures to ensure the accuracy of the administrative processes involved in paying out money in relation to deposit or fund lending services;
(f)measures to clarify the sharing of losses between the bank, the entrusted person, and the customer, if the customer incurs any loss due to the computer and terminal unit used for processing the cards, etc. or the computer and electronic device used for processing the information transmitted by the customer having been operated by an unauthorized person; and
(g)measures to set the maximum amount for the paying out of money in relation to deposit or fund lending services, and to prevent money from being paid out beyond the maximum amount.
(Safety Management Measures of Individual Customer Information)
Article 13-6-5If a bank entrusts the safety management of information handled by the bank concerning individual customers, the supervision of employees, and the handling of that information, the bank must take necessary and appropriate measures on the supervision of the outsourced contractor in order to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of that information.
(Handling of Debt-Paying Ability Information)
Article 13-6-6A bank must take measures to ensure that information which is provided by an institution (meaning an institution that collects information on debt-paying ability of consumers seeking funds and provides the information to a bank) on credit information and that concerns the debt-paying ability of individual consumers seeking funds is not used for purposes other than investigation of debt-paying ability of the consumers seeking funds.
(Handling of Special Non-Disclosure Information)
Article 13-6-7A bank must take measures to ensure that information handled by the bank about race, creed, family status, registered domicile, health and medical, or criminal recordson individual customers, and other special non-disclosure information (meaning information which is obtained in the course of its business and not publicly disclosed) are not used for purposes other than those for securing appropriate management of the business and other necessary purposes.
(Measures to Ensure Precise Execution of Entrusted Business)
Article 13-6-8(1)If a bank entrusts a third party with its business (excluding a case in which the bank holding company belonging to the bank holding company group (meaning the bank holding company group prescribed in Article 12-2, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) to which the bank belongs takes measures to ensure the precise execution of the business pursuant to the provisions of the following paragraph), it must take the following measures in accordance with the contents of the business:
(i)measures to entrust the business to a person that has the ability to execute it precisely, fairly, and efficiently;
(ii)measures to provide necessary and appropriate supervision to the person that has been entrusted with the business (hereinafter referred to as the "entrusted person" in this paragraph), in order to inspect whether the entrusted person is executing the business precisely and have the entrusted person improve the business as needed, by way of confirming the implementation status of the business periodically or as needed,;
(iii)measures necessary for dealing with customer complaints pertaining to the business executed by the entrusted person appropriately and promptly;
(iv)in cases of a situation in which the entrusted person is unable to appropriately execute the business, measures to prevent problems with the protection of customers pertaining to the business, such as promptly entrusting that business to another appropriate third person; or
(v)if it is necessary to ensure the sound and appropriate management of the bank's services and to protect the customers of those services, measures to take the necessary measures, such as for amending or for cancelling a contract pertaining to entrustment of the business.
(2)A bank holding company that takes measures to ensure the precise execution of the relevant business pursuant to the provisions of Article 12-2, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act must take measures to ensure the formulation and implementation of a policy on business management at the bank holding company with the following particulars:
(i)the bank holding company entrusts the business to a company that belongs to the bank holding company group and has the ability to execute the business precisely, fairly and efficiently;
(ii)the bank holding company provides necessary and appropriate supervision to the person that has been entrusted with the business (hereinafter referred to as the "entrusted person" in this paragraph), in order to inspect whether the entrusted person is executing the business precisely and have the entrusted person improve the business as needed, by confirming the performance of the business by the entrusted person periodically or as needed;
(iii)the bank holding company deals with customer complaints pertaining to the business executed by the entrusted person appropriately and promptly;
(iv)in cases of a situation in which the entrusted person is unable to execute the business appropriately, the bank holding company requests two or more companies belonging to the bank holding company group that have entrusted that person with their business to take measures to prevent problems with the protection of customers pertaining to the business, such as immediately entrusting the business to another appropriate third person; and
(v)if it is necessary to ensure the sound and appropriate management of the business of two or more companies that belong to the bank holding company group entrusted with the business, and for protecting customers pertaining to the business, the bank holding company requests these companies to take necessary measures, such as amending or cancelling the contract pertaining to entrustment of the business.
(Internal Regulations)
Article 13-7A bank, in accordance with the content and method of its business, must set up internal regulations, etc. (meaning internal regulations and other things that are equivalent; the same applies hereinafter) on measures to provide customers with an explanation of important particulars taking into account of a customer's knowledge, experience, status of assets, and purposes of conducting a transaction and other measures in order to secure sound and appropriate business management (including the explanation of financial instruments, transactions, and their risks and measures taken by the bank as prescribed in Article 12-3, paragraph (1) of the Act by delivery of documents and other appropriate means, and measures to prevent crime), and must develop training programs for employees and other system to adequately manage its business based on the internal regulations, etc.
(Complaint Handling Measures and Dispute Resolution Measures on Banking Services)
Article 13-8(1)The measures specified by Cabinet Office Order as complaint processing measures, provided in Article 12-3, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act means measures as in one of the following items:
(i)taking all of the following measures:
(a)developing a business operation system allowing the bank to fairly and appropriately carry out operations involving the handling of complaints related to banking services (meaning complaints related to banking services prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (22) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph and paragraph (3));
(b)developing internal regulations to fairly and appropriately carry out operations involving the handling of complaints related to banking services (limited to those including a regulation that clarifies the sharing of responsibility on the operations in the company);
(c)making the place to address complaints related to banking services well known to the customers and publicly disclosing the business operation system in sub-item (a) and the internal regulations in sub-item (b).
(ii)handling complaints related to banking services through complaint resolution by a financial instruments firms association (meaning an authorized financial instruments firms association as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (13) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or the certified financial instruments firms association prescribed in Article 78, paragraph (2) of that Act; the same applies in the following paragraph, item (i)) or a certified investor protection organization (meaning a certified investor protection organization prescribed in Article 79-10, paragraph (1) of that Act; the same applies hereinafter) pursuant to Article 77, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 78-6 and 79-12 of that Act);
(iii)handling complaints related to banking services through the mediation prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (1) or Article 25 of the Consumer Basic Act (Act No. 78 of 1968);
(iv)handling complaints related to banking services through the complaint handling procedures performed by a person that has received a designation as set forth in the items of Article 16-14 of the Order;
(v)handling complaints related to banking services through complaint handling procedures performed by a corporation that has a sufficient financial basis and personnel structure to fairly and appropriately carry out operations involving the handling of complaints related to banking services (meaning the corporation prescribed in Article 52-62, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act; the same applies in item (v) of the following paragraph).
(2)The measures specified by Cabinet Office Order as dispute resolution measures, provided in Article 12-3, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act means any of the following items:
(i)to resolve disputes related to banking services (meaning the disputes related to banking services prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (23) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) through the mediation (meaning the mediation prescribed in Article 77-2, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Articles 78-7 and Article 79-13 of that Act)) offered by a financial instruments firms association or certified investor protection organization;
(ii)to resolve disputes related to banking services through mediation by an organization prescribed in the articles of association prescribed in Article 33, paragraph (1) of the Attorney Act (Act No. 205 of 1949) or a regulation prescribed in the articles of association or through arbitration procedures at the organization;
(iii)to resolve disputes related to banking services through mediation prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (1) or Article 25 of the Consumer Basic Act or through settlement by agreement prescribed in that Article;
(iv)to resolve disputes related to banking services through a procedure for resolving disputes performed by a person that received any of the designation set forth in the items of Article 16-14 of the Order;
(v)to resolve disputes related to banking services through procedures for resolving disputes performed by a corporation having a financial basis and personnel structure sufficient to fairly and appropriately carry out operations involving the resolution of disputes related to banking services.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs (limited to paragraph (1), item (v) and item (v) of the preceding paragraph), a bank must not handle complaints related to banking services or resolve disputes related to banking services through procedures performed by a corporation that falls under any of the following items:
(i)a corporation that was sentenced to a fine pursuant to the provisions of the Act or the Attorney Act if five years have not passed from the date when it completed or was relieved from the execution of the sentence.
(ii)a corporation whose designation under Article 52-62, paragraph (1) of the Act was revoked pursuant to the provisions of Article 52-84, paragraph (1) of the Act if five years have not passed from the date of that revocation; or a corporation whose designation set forth in any of the items of Article 16-14 of the Order was revoked if five years have not passed from the date of that revocation;
(iii)a corporation which has any officer in charge of its business (if an officer is a corporation, including a person responsible for performing the duties thereof; hereinafter the same applies in this item) that falls under any of the following:
(a)a person that was sentenced to imprisonment without work or a severer punishment or sentenced to punishment pursuant to the provisions of the Act or the Attorney Act if five years have not passed from the date when the person completed or was relieved from the execution of the sentence;
(b)a person that was an officer of a corporation within one month prior to the date on which the designation of that corporation under Article 52-62, paragraph (1) of the Act was revoked pursuant to the provisions of Article 52-84, paragraph (1) of the Act if five years have not passed from the date of the revocation; or a person that was an officer of a corporation within one month prior to the date on which the designation of that corporation as set forth in any of the items of Article 16-14 of the Order was revoked, if five years have not passed from the date of the revocation.
(Person Equivalent to a Corporation Which Holds the Single Person Itself as a Combined Subsidiary Corporations)
Article 13-9The person specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4, paragraph (1), item (i), (b) of the Order is the single person itself (meaning the single person itself prescribed in that paragraph) that is a company, or the parent company of a corporation, etc. that holds the single person itself as a combined subsidiary corporation, etc. (meaning the combined subsidiary corporation, etc. prescribed in paragraph (2) of that Article; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) (limited to the cases in which the single person itself or the corporation, etc. falls under the category of a company submitting consolidated financial statements (meaning the person prescribed in Article 2, item (i) of the Regulation on Consolidated Financial Statements; hereinafter the same applies in this Article, item (i) of the following Article, and Article 13-11, paragraph (1), item (i))) (the parent company mentioned herein means the parent company prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on Financial Statements, etc.; excluding a corporation, etc. that holds the single person itself (limited to one that is a company submitting consolidated financial statements) as a combined subsidiary corporation, etc.).
(Corporations Subject to Consolidated Accountimg Approach for Debtors)
Article 13-10The person specified by Cabinet Office Order as a corporation, etc. that is required to prepare its financial statements and any other documents on a consolidated basis, as prescribed in the parentheses in Article 4, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order, means a corporation, etc. that falls under any of the following items:
(i)a company submitting consolidated financial statements;
(ii)a bank which is required to prepare documents pursuant to the provisions of the first sentence of Article 21, paragraph (2) of the Act or any other person that is required to prepare its financial statements and other documents on a consolidated basis pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulations similar to the provisions of the first sentence of that paragraph (excluding the person set forth in the preceding item); or
(iii)a person that is required to prepare its financial statements and any other documents on a consolidated basis pursuant to the provisions of the laws and regulations of a foreign state equivalent to the provisions of the Regulation on Consolidated Financial Statements or of the laws and regulations referred to in the preceding item (excluding the persons set forth in the preceding two items).
(Corporation, etc. and Consolidated Affiliated Corporation, etc. That Controls a Decision-Making Organ)
Article 13-11(1)The first corporation, etc. that controls the decision-making organ of a second corporation which is specified by Cabinet Office Order, as provided for in Article 4, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order, means a person as specified in the following items in accordance with the category of corporation, etc. subject to consolidated accounting approach for debtors (meaning the corporation, etc. subject to consolidated accounting approach for debtors prescribed in item (i) of that paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) set forth in each item:
(i)in the case of the person set forth in item (i) of the preceding Article (excluding a foreign company prescribed in Article 1-3 of the Regulation on Financial Statements, etc.; specified company complying with designated international accounting standards referred to in Article 93 of the Regulation on Consolidated Financial Statements which is allowed to conform to the designated international accounting standards prescribed in that Article for the terminology, forms and preparation methods of consolidated financial statements submitted thereby pursuant to the provisions of that Article, and which conforms to those standards; a specified company complying with Japan's modified international standards referred to in Article 94 of the Regulation on Consolidated Financial Statements which is allowed to conform to Japan's modified international standards for the terminology, forms and preparation methods of consolidated financial statements submitted thereby pursuant to the provisions of that Article, and which conforms to those standards; and a company that submits consolidated financial statements which is allowed to conform to the terminology, forms, and preparation methods required with regard to issuance, etc. of American Depositary Receipts for the terminology, forms and preparation methods of consolidated financial statements submitted thereby pursuant to the provisions of Article 95 of the Regulation of Consolidated Financial Statements, and which conforms to the relevant terminology, forms and preparation methods regarding American Depositary Receipts):a company that submits consolidated financial statements which controls a decision-making organ (meaning the decision-making organ prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on Financial Statements, etc.; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) of another company, etc. (meaning the company, etc. prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (3), item (v) of the Regulation on Financial Statements, etc.; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, paragraph (4) of the Regulation on Financial Statements, etc. (excluding a company that submits consolidated financial statements if it is found to be apparent from the relevant financial or business relationship, that that company does not control the decision-making organ of the other corporation, etc.); and
(ii)in cases other than the case set forth in the preceding item:a person similar to the one specified in that item.
(2)The person specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4, paragraph (3) of the Order means a person as specified in the following items in accordance with the category set forth in each item (in the case of a person subject to consolidated credit amount (meaning the person subject to consolidated credit amount prescribed in paragraph (1) of that Article), excluding the person specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency):
(i)in the case set forth in item (i) of the preceding paragraph:an affiliated company (meaning the affiliated company prescribed in Article 2, item (vii) of the Regulation on Consolidated Financial Statements) of a corporation, etc. subject to consolidated accounting approach for debtors; and
(ii)in the case set forth in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph:a person similar to the one specified in the preceding item.
(Extending Credit or Making Contribution to a Single Person)
Article 14(1)Those specified by Cabinet Office Order as loans which are provided for in Article 4, paragraph (4), item (i) of the Order means lending of funds or discounting of bills and notes that have been recorded in the loan account of a balance sheet (hereinafter referred to as a "balance sheet" in this Article) as prescribed in item (iii) of the Appended Form (the Appended Form No. 3-2, in the case of a bank with a specified transaction account; or the Appended Form No. 4, in the case of a foreign bank branch (the Appended Form No. 4-2, in the case in which that foreign bank branch that falls under Article 35, paragraph (1), item (xviii) and submitted a notification under Article 53 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "foreign bank branch that submitted a notification of specified transaction account"))).
(2)Those specified by Cabinet Office Order as guarantee of obligations as provided in Article 4, paragraph (4), item (ii) of the Order means the accounts to be recorded in the customers' liabilities for acceptances and guarantees account item of the balance sheet.
(3)Those specified by Cabinet Office Order as making of contribution as provided in Article 4, paragraph (4), item (iii) of the Order means the accounts to be recorded as shares or contribution (including rights indicated on securities or certificates issued by a foreign corporation that have the nature of shares or a contribution) in the securities account item of the balance sheet.
(4)Those specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 4, paragraph (4), item (iv) of the Order means the accounts specified in the following items:
(i)holding of corporate bonds that are recorded as corporate bonds in the securities account item of the balance sheet, and of which the solicitation of an offer for acquisition of the company bonds at the time of issuance corresponded to the private offering of securities as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act;
(ii)out of the items that are recorded as corporate bonds in the securities account item of the balance sheet, those other than holdings of corporate bonds as set forth in the preceding item;
(iii)any item recorded in the account for monetary claims bought of the balance sheet as a promissory note prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (referred to as a "promissory note" in the following item);
(iv)any item recorded in the specified transaction account of the balance sheet as a promissory note or as short-term bonds, etc.;
(v)any item calculated in accordance with standards specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as granting of credit related to a derivatives transaction; or
(vi)any item recorded in the lease-based investment account of the balance sheet (including incidental costs that are necessary in order to allow the use of the leased article prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xviii), (a) of the Act, if the amount of those incidental costs is not recorded in the lease-based investment account).
(5)The provisions of paragraph (2) and the preceding paragraph do not apply to granting of credit or making of contribution (meaning granting of credit or making of contribution as prescribed in the main clause of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article through Article 14-3, Article 14-5, and Article 14-6) to a bank's clearing organization (meaning an organization which provides certain information to a bank (including a bank other than the relevant bank), a financial instruments clearing organization (meaning a financial instruments clearing organization as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (29) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act), a commodity clearing organization (meaning a commodity clearing organization as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (18) of the Commodity Futures Act), or a foreign organization equivalent to these organizations (limited to an organization which is established in a foreign state where an appropriate framework of regulations and supervision is established and is subject to the regulations and supervision; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph); hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), which is related to the services conducted by the clearing organization (meaning financial instruments obligation assumption services, etc. as prescribed in Article 156-3, paragraph (1), item (vi) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, commodity transaction obligation assumption services, etc. as prescribed in Article 170, paragraph (2) of the Commodity Futures Act, and the same type of services as those services which are conducted by a foreign organization) or which is specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(6)Granting of credit or making of contribution conducted indirectly backed by a single asset or multiple assets (referred to as "underlying assets" in this paragraph) as security (referred to as the "indirect grant of credit or making of a contribution" in this paragraph), which is conducted through a transaction specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, is deemed to be granting of credit or making of a contribution to a person that assumes an obligation related to each of the individual assets and transactions that constitute the underlying assets (hereinafter referred to as "each underlying asset, etc." in this paragraph) or any other person to which the credit has been indirectly extended or contribution have been indirectly made, and the amount in which credit has been extended or contribution have been made is to be recorded or calculated by a method specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency; provided, however, that this does not apply if the amount in which credit has been granted or contribution has been made for each underlying asset, etc. as recorded or calculated by that method falls below an amount equivalent to 0.25 percent of the amount of equity capital provided for in the main clause of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act, or in the case specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as one in which it is inappropriate to apply that method to record or calculate the amount in which credit has been granted or contribution have been made.
(Necessary Matters in Applying the Provisions of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act)
Article 14-2(1)The amount in which a bank grants credit or makes contribution to a single person (meaning a single person as prescribed in the main clause of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) (referred to as the "total amount of credit and contribution to a single entity" in the following paragraph and Article 14-5, paragraph (2), item (i)) is to be calculated by deducting the total amount as set forth in the following items in relation to the single person from the total amount in which the relevant bank has granted credit or made contribution (excluding granting of credit or making of contribution for which claims held against and obligations owed to a person specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency such as a bank are settled on the same day) that is recorded or calculated pursuant to the provisions of each paragraph of the preceding Article in relation to a single person:
(i)total sum of the following amounts associated with a loan as prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article:
(a)the amount of security out of the amount of loans secured by claims pertaining to a deposit, etc. in the bank;
(b)the amount of the security out of the amount of loans secured by national government bonds or local government bonds;
(c)the amount of collateral out of the amount of loans secured on insurance claim rights for general trade insurance prescribed in Article 44, paragraph (2) of the Trade and Investment Insurance Act (Act No. 67 of 1950) that covers the losses referred to in item (ii) of that paragraph (excluding losses incurred by a trade intermediary prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (4) of that Act because of the inability to collect the cost or lease fees for the cargo due to grounds falling under any of the sub-items (a) through (e) of Article 44, paragraph (2), item (ii) of that Act, when the trade intermediary sells or leases the cargo based on an intermediary trade contract prescribed in paragraph (3) of that Article), and for the Buyer's Credit Insurance prescribed in Article 51, paragraph (2) of that Act that covers the losses incurred by a person that has acquired claims for loans to be allocated for use as funds to be allocated to the payment of the fees, etc. on things set forth in Article 13, item (i) or item (iii) of that Article by a Japanese corporation or Japanese national, or, foreign corporation or foreign national, to a foreign government, etc. prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (5) of that Act, foreign corporation, or foreign national, because of the person's inability to collect the loans, etc. prescribed in Article 51, paragraph (2) of that Act due to grounds falling under any of the items of that paragraph; or the amount insured out of the amount of loans covered by the Overseas Untied Loan Insurance prescribed in Article 71, paragraph (2) of that Act;
(d)the amount of loans (limited to those for which maturity of payment occurs within six months after the receipt of shipping documents pertaining to the cargo) in Japanese currency pertaining to settlement of the price of the cargo (including transportation cost or insurance premium pertaining to the cargo) to an importer of the cargo; and
(e)the insurance amount out of the amount of loans for which debt is guaranteed by a credit guarantee corporation and the guarantee is insured by the Japan Finance Corporation for Small and Medium Enterprise;
(ii)total sum of the following amount pertaining to the guarantee of obligation prescribed in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article:
(a)the amount of obligation guarantee associated with a person's actions as an agent for the services of a corporation for which the budget must obtain a resolution or an approval of the Diet, pursuant to the provisions of laws;
(b)the amount of acceptance or endorsement of bills and notes which is to be paid by a bank or other financial institutions;
(c)the amount that the bank provides as guarantees for security, etc. of suspension of collection of national tax or local tax or for deferred payment of national tax or local tax;
(d)the amount of guaranteeing or acceptance of bills and notes made along with import transactions; and
(e)the insurance amount out the amount guaranteed covered by Overseas Untied Loan Insurance as prescribed in Article 71, paragraph (2) of the Trade and Investment Insurance Act;
(iii)the difference between the amount recorded in the balance sheet and the book value if shares or contribution as prescribed in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article constitutes other securities as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (22) of the Regulation on Financial Statements, etc. and the amount recorded in the balance sheet exceeds the book value;
(iv)the amount equivalent to the amount of obligation guarantee provided by a credit guarantee corporation in relation to corporate bonds as set forth in paragraph (4), item (i) of the preceding Article (limited to the amount equivalent to the insurance amount out of the amount of the guarantee insured by the Japan Finance Corporation);
(v)total sum of the following amounts in relation to the particulars set forth in paragraph (4), items (i) through (iv) of the preceding Article:
(a)the amount of security out of things secured by a claim pertaining to a deposit, etc. of the bank; and
(b)the amount of collateral out of the things that use national government bonds or local government bonds as collateral;
(vi)the amount specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as equivalent to the amount as set forth in each preceding item.
(2)When a bank calculates the capital adequacy ratio (meaning the ratio arrived at by the formula associated with the criterion set forth in Article 14-2, item (i) of the Act), if it applies a means specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as a means provided to secure a bank's claim arising from granting of credit or making of contribution to a single person, such as collateral, insurance, and guarantee of obligations (hereinafter referred to as a "credit risk mitigation technique" in this paragraph), notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the bank is to deduct the amount secured by the credit risk mitigation technique from the total amount in which the bank grants credit or makes a contribution as recorded or calculated pursuant to the provisions of the paragraphs of the preceding Article for the single person in the process of calculating the total amount of credit and contribution to a single entity as it regards that single person. In this case, the amount to be secured by the credit risk mitigation technique is deemed to be granting of credit or making of contribution to a person that assumes an obligation, etc. through the credit risk mitigation technique (if there is an issuer connected with the credit risk mitigation technique, the issuer; hereinafter referred to as a "provider of collateral, etc." in this paragraph), and it is to be aggregated with the amount in which other credit has been granted or other contribution have been made to that provider of collateral, etc.; provided, however, that if a bank applies a credit risk mitigation technique specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, the bank is not required to deem the amount secured by that credit risk mitigation technique to be a grant of credit or the making of a contribution and to aggregate the secured amount with the amount in which other credit has been granted or other contribution have been made to the provider of collateral, etc.
(3)The amount of equity capital as prescribed in the main clause of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act is the amount of equity capital calculated in accordance with the standards set forth in Article 14-2, item (i) of the Act to which the amount of necessary adjustments are added as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(3)A bank, in whatever name it is performed, must not conduct a transaction or an act in order to evade the prohibitions under the main clause of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act.
(When There Is a Compelling Reason for Exceeding the Limit on Granting of Credit)
Article 14-3(1)A business of vital importance to the national economy as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4, paragraph (7), item (ii) of the Order means the general electricity transmission and distribution business prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Electricity Business Act (Act No. 170 of 1964).
(2)The reason specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4, paragraph (7), item (iv) of the Order means any of the following reasons:
(i)the bank obtains an approval as specified in Article 61, paragraph (1) or Article 126-29, paragraph (1) of the Deposit Insurance Act or mediation as specified in Article 62, paragraph (1) or Article 126-30 of that Act, and then conducts a merger, etc., as prescribed in Article 59, paragraph (2) of that Act or a specified merger, etc. prescribed in Article 126-28, paragraph (2) of that Act;
(ii)the amount of equity capital is reduced temporarily due to reduction of stated capital of the bank (limited to the case in which situation of the credit and contribution exceeding the limit will be promptly resolved due to capital increase, etc.); and
(iii)other things found to be appropriate as equivalent to the preceding two items by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(3)If a bank seeks to obtain an approval to grant credit or make a contribution to a single person pursuant to the proviso of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act in an amount that exceeds the limit on credit and contribution as prescribed in the main clause of that paragraph, the bank must attach the following documents to the written application for approval and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authorities:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)a document stating the financial plan of the person to which credit will be granted or a contribution will be made; and
(iii)other documents giving particulars found to be necessary by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(Person in a Unique Relationship with the Bank)
Article 14-4A person that has a unique relationship with a bank as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in the first sentence of Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Act means a subsidiary corporation, etc. of the bank (meaning a subsidiary corporation, etc., as prescribed in Article 4-2, paragraph (2) of the Order, and excluding a person specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency; the same applies in paragraph (2), item (ii) of the following Article and Article 14-6-2).
(Necessary Matters in Applying Provisions of Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Act)
Article 14-5(1)The total amount of credit that has been granted or contribution that has been made to a single person by the bank and its subsidiary company, etc., or just by its subsidiary company, etc. as prescribed in the first sentence of Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Act is to be calculated by deducting the amount subject to the adjustment associated with that single person from the total amount of consolidated credit and contribution.
(2)The term "total amount of consolidated credit and contribution" as prescribed in the preceding paragraph means the total amount of the amounts set forth in each of the following items:
(i)the total amount of credit and contribution to a single entity calculated pursuant to the provisions of Article 14-2, paragraphs (1) and (2) with regard to the bank; and
(ii)total amount of credit that has been granted or contribution that has been made calculated for a subsidiary corporation, etc. of the bank, pursuant to the examples in the provisions of Article 14-2, paragraphs (1) and (2).
(3)The term "amount subject to adjustment" as prescribed in paragraph (1) means the amount guaranteed by the bank or other subsidiary company, etc. out of the amount of funds lent by the subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc., as prescribed in the first sentence of Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) and other amounts as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(4)The net total amount of equity capital as prescribed in first sentence of Article 13, paragraph (2) of the Act is the amount of equity capital calculated in accordance with the standards set forth in Article 14-2, item (ii) of the Act to which the amount of necessary adjustments are added as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(5)A bank, in whatever name it is performed, must not conduct a transaction or an act in order to evade the prohibitions pursuant to the provisions of the first sentence of Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Act.
(When There Is a Compelling Reason for Exceeding the Total Sum of Limit on Granting of Credit)
Article 14-6(1)The provisions of Article 14-3, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to reasons as specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 4, paragraph (12), item (v) of the Order (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 16-2-3, paragraph (5) of the Order following the deemed replacement of terms).In this case, the term "the bank" in Article 14-3, paragraph (2), item (i) and item (ii) is deemed to be replaced with "the bank or its subsidiary company, etc."; the term "amount of equity capital" in item (ii) of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "net total amount of equity capital"; and the term "limit on credit and contribution" in that item is deemed to be replaced with "consolidated limit on credit and contribution"
(2)If a bank seeks approval under Article 13, proviso of paragraph (1) of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to second sentence of paragraph (2) of that Article, for either the bank and its subsidiary companies, etc. or just its subsidiary company, etc. to extend credit or make a contribution to a single person that exceeds the consolidated limit on credit and contribution as prescribed in the first sentence of paragraph (2) of that Article, the bank must attach the documents as set forth in each item of Article 14-3, paragraph (3) to a written application for approval and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authority
(Other Party to Extension of Credit or Making of Contribution to Which Article 13, Paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Act Do Not Apply)
Article 14-6-2A person that is deemed to be identical, in substance, to a bank that itself extends credit and makes contribution or to its subsidiary company, etc., as provided for in Article 13, paragraph (3), item (ii) of the Act, is that bank or a subsidiary company, etc. of that bank.
(Specified Related Parties of a Bank)
Article 14-7(1)A person as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4-2, paragraph (2) of the Order means a corporation, etc. (meaning a corporation, etc. as prescribed in that paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) as set forth in the following items; provided, however, that this does not apply when it found to be apparent from the financial or business relationships, that the person does not control the decision-making organ (meaning a decision-making organ as prescribed in that paragraph; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) of the second corporation, etc.:
(i)a first corporation, etc. that holds a majority of the voting rights in a second corporation, etc. (excluding the second corporation, etc. that is granted an order for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, an order for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, or an order for commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings, or that is otherwise equivalent to the second corporation and found to have no effective parent-subsidiary relationship with others; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) under its own account;
(ii)a first corporation, etc. whose voting rights in the second corporation, etc. under its own account are not less than forty percent and not more than fifty percent of all of those voting rights and which corresponds to any of the following requirements:
(a)the voting rights that are held by the first corporation, etc. under its own account make up a majority of voting rights in the second corporation, etc., when the first corporation's, voting rights are combined with the voting rights held by persons that it is found to exercise voting rights in the manner intended by the first corporation, etc. due to being closely related thereto through contribution, personnel affairs, funding, technical skills, transactions, etc., and with the voting rights held by persons that have agreed to exercise voting rights in the manner intended by the first corporation, etc.;
(b)those of the first corporation's, etc. officers, members and employees engaged in executive operations, and persons formerly assigned to those positions, who enable the first corporation, etc. to influence the financial and business policy decisions of the second corporation, etc., make up the majority of the board of directors or other equivalent organization of the second corporation, etc.;
(c)a contract, etc. that controls important financial and business policy decisions of the second corporation, etc. exists between the first corporation, etc. and the second corporation, etc.;
(d)the first corporation, etc. provides funds (limited to those which are recorded in the liabilities section of the balance sheet) of the second corporation, etc. (including guarantee of debt and provision of collateral; the same applies in this Article) which account for a majority of the total amount of the funds raised (including the cases in which the amount of first corporation's financing accounts for a majority of the total amount of funds raised when it is combined with the amount of funds provided by a person that has a close relationship with the first corporation, etc., with regard to a contribution, personnel affairs, funds, technical skills, transactions, etc.,); and
(e)other facts from which it can be presumed that the first corporation, etc. controls the decision-making organ of the second corporation, etc. exist;
(iii)a first corporation, etc. whose voting rights in the second corporation, etc. under its own account make up a majority of voting rights in the second corporation, etc. if those voting rights in the second corporation, etc. are combined with those held by persons that it is found to exercise voting rights in the manner intended by the first corporation, etc. due to being closely related thereto through contribution, personnel affairs, funding, technical skills, transactions, etc., and are combined with those held by persons that have agreed to exercise voting rights in the manner intended by the first corporation, etc. (including a case in which the first corporation, etc. does not hold those voting rights in the second corporation, etc. under its own account); and that corresponds to any of the requirements set forth in sub-item (b) to sub-item (e) of the preceding item.
(2)The person specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4-2, paragraph (3) of the Order means the person as set forth in any of the following items; provided, however, that this does not apply if it is found to be apparent, from the financial or business relationships that the first corporation, etc. (including its subsidiary corporations, etc. (meaning a subsidiary corporation, etc. as prescribed in paragraph (2) of that Article; the same applies hereinafter, except in Article 34-15, paragraph (7) and Article 35, paragraph (1), item (xiv) and paragraph (3), item (x))) is unable to significantly influence the financial and business policy decisions of the second corporation, etc. that is not its subsidiary corporation, etc.:
(i)a second corporation, etc. other than a subsidiary corporation, etc. of the first corporation etc., in which the first corporation, etc. (including its subsidiary corporations, etc.) holds twenty percent or more of the voting rights (excluding a second corporation, etc. other than its subsidiary corporation, etc. that is subject to an order for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, an order for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, or an order for commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings, or is equivalent to those corporations, and is found to be unable to significantly influence their financial and business policy decisions; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) under its own account;
(ii)a second corporation, etc. other than a subsidiary corporation, etc. of the first corporation etc., in which the first corporation, etc. (including its subsidiary corporations, etc.) holds not less than fifteen percent and not more than twenty percent of the voting rights under its own account; and that falls under any of the following requirements:
(a)the corporation's, etc. officers, members and employees engaged in executive operations, and persons formerly assigned to such positions, who enable the corporation, etc. to influence the second corporation's, etc. financial and business policy decisions, which have assumed the position of its representative director, other directors or any position equivalent to those postions;
(b)the second corporation, etc. is provided important financing by the first corporation, etc.;
(c)the second corporation, etc. is provided important technical skills by the first corporation, etc.;
(d)the second corporation, etc. carries out business transactions with the first corporation, etc. such as important sales or purchasing transactions; or
(e)other facts from which it can be presumed that the corporation, etc. is able to significantly influence financial and or business policy decisions exist;
(iii)the second corporation, etc. other than the first corporation's etc. subsidiary corporation, etc.; if the voting rights in the second corporation, etc. that are held by that first corporation, etc. (including its subsidiary corporation, etc.) under its own account make up twenty percent or more of voting rights in the second corporation, etc. other than the first corporation's, etc. subsidiary corporation, etc. if those voting rights in the second corporation, etc. are combined with the voting rights held by persons that it is found to exercise voting rights in the manner intended by the first corporation, etc. due to being closely related thereto through contribution, personnel affairs, funding, technical skills, transactions, etc., and with the voting rights held by persons that have agreed to exercise voting rights in the manner intended by the first corporation, etc. (including the cases in which the first corporation, etc. does not hold those voting rights in the second corporation etc. under its own account); and if the second corporation, etc. other than the first corporation's, etc. subsidiary corporation, etc. corresponds to any of the requirements set forth in the sub-items (b) through (e) of the preceding item.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), the person specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4-2, paragraph (2) of the Order on a person that prepares consolidated financial statements pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation on Consolidated Financial Statements instead of following the business accounting standards that are generally accepted as fair and appropriate prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Regulation on Consolidated Financial Statements (hereinafter referred to as a "corporation, etc. subject to special business accounting standards, etc.") means a corporation, etc. that is treated under the business accounting standards adopted thereby in the same manner as the corporation, etc. set forth in the items of paragraph (1).
(4)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2), the person specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4-2, paragraph (3) of the Order on a corporation, etc. subject to special business accounting standards, etc. means a corporation, etc. that is treated under the business accounting standards adopted thereby in the same manner as the corporation, etc. set forth in the items of paragraph (2).
(5)If a special purpose company (meaning a specified purpose company as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Act on Securitization of Assets (Act No. 105 of 1998) and a business entity that carries out a business similar to the specified purpose company for which a change of content of business is restricted; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) is established with a purpose of providing profit generated from an asset accepted at a proper value for an owner (including a creditor of specified borrowing as prescribed in paragraph (12) of that Article) of securities issued by the special purpose company, and the business of the special purpose company is appropriately carried out in accordance with that purpose, the special purpose company is deemed to be independent from the corporation, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "transferor corporation, etc." in this paragraph) that transferred its assets to the special purpose company, and, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), is presumed not to correspond to a subsidiary corporation, etc. of the transferor corporation, etc.
(Compelling Reason for Executing Transactions with Designated Related Parties)
Article 14-8(1)The compelling reason as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in the proviso to Article 13-2 of the Act means one of the following reasons:
(i)when the bank is undertaking transactions or acts with a specified financial institution (meaning a bankrupt financial institution (meaning a bankrupt financial institution as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (4) of the Deposit Insurance Act; hereinafter the same applies in this item) and a financial institution that succeeds to all or part of the rights and obligations of a bankrupt financial institution) that falls under that bank's designated related party (meaning a designated related party as prescribed in the main clause of Article 13-2 of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article through Article 14-11), that gives disadvantages to the bank in light of the ordinary conditions of its transactions, it is likely that an impediment would arise to hinder the specified financial institution from continuing business if the bank does not undertake those transactions or acts;
(ii)when the bank has a foreign bank as its subsidiary corporation, etc. or affiliated corporation, etc. (limited to cases in which there is a compelling reason that the bank is unable to establish a branch office or other business offices in a state where the foreign bank is located), it is likely that an impediment would arise to hinder the foreign bank from continuing business if the bank does not undertake those transactions or acts with the foreign bank under the same conditions as a transaction or an act undertaken between the bank's head office and its branch office or other business offices; or
(iii)when the bank undertakes a transaction or an act that puts the bank at a disadvantage in light of the ordinary conditions of its transactions based on a streamlined business improvement plan with its designated related party whose business situation has been deteriorating, it is expected that conducting the transaction or act will be essential in improving the management of that designated related party; or
(iv)beyond what is set forth in the preceding three items, the bank to undertake a transaction or an act with its designated related party that puts the bank at a disadvantage in light of the ordinary conditions of its transactions falls under a case in which the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency specifies in advance as necessary.
(2)The requirements specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in the proviso to Article 13-2 of the Act is that all of the following requirements be met for transactions and acts undertaken between the bank and a subsidiary company (limited to a bank other than the relevant bank) of the bank holding company (limited to one that is not itself a subsidiary company of another bank or bank holding company) that has the relevant bank as its subsidiary company, which puts the bank at a disadvantage in light of the ordinary conditions of its transactions (hereinafter referred to as a "specified transaction, etc." in this paragraph):
(i)the performance of the specified transaction, etc. by the bank is unlikely to damage the soundness of the management of the bank; and
(ii)the bank has clearly specified the conditions for the specified transaction, etc.
(Application for Approval of Transactions with Designated Related Parties)
Article 14-9(1)When a bank seeks to obtain an approval on the existence of compelling reasons pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to Article 13-2 of the Act, it must attach a written statement of reasons and other documents giving particulars found to be necessary by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency to the written application for approval and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authorities.
(2)When an application for approval under the provisions of the preceding paragraph is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authorities are to examine whether the bank that filled the application has a compelling reason as set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article for executing transactions or acts as set forth in each item of Article 13-2 of the Act.
Article 14-9-2(1)When a bank seeks to obtain an approval on the satisfaction of the requirements under the proviso to Article 13-2 of the Act, it must attach the following documents to a written application for approval and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authorities:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)the following documents concerning the bank:
(a)the latest balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of changes in net assets, and other documents that provide the latest situation of business, assets, and profit and loss; and
(b)a document stating an estimation of income and expenditures after obtaining the approval;
(iii)a document stating the conditions prescribed in Article 14-8, paragraph (2), item (ii);
(iv)if the determination of the conditions prescribed in Article 14-8, paragraph (2), item (ii) requires a resolution at a meeting of the board of directors, the minute of the meeting of the board of directors on this matter; and
(v)other documents giving particulars found to be necessary by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency.
(2)When an application for approval under the preceding paragraph is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authorities are to examine whether the bank that filed the application satisfies all of the requirements set forth in Article 14-8, paragraph (2).
(Transactions with Designated Related Parties)
Article 14-10The transaction specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 13-2, item (i) of the Act means a transaction that the bank executes under conditions that are disadvantageous to the bank in comparison to the conditions of a transaction that would be established if it executed a transaction of the same type and the same size under the same circumstances as the transaction in question with a person other than its specified related party but that is found to be the same in terms of the type, scope, creditworthiness, and other aspects of the business in which it engages.
(Transactions with a Customer of a Designated Related Party)
Article 14-11The transaction or act specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 13-2, item (ii) of the Act means those specified in the following items:
(i)a transaction between a bank and a customer of its designated related party that the bank executes under conditions that are disadvantageous to the bank in comparison to the conditions of a transaction that would be established if it executed a transaction of the same type and the same size under the same circumstances as the transaction in question with a person other than the customer of its designated related party but that is found to be the same in terms of the type, scope, creditworthiness, and other aspects of the business in which it engages (limited to transactions that are conditional upon that the designated related party and the customer thereof conclude a contract for the business in which that designated related party engages);
(ii)a transaction executed with the designated related party under conditions that are found to wrongfully put the designated related party at a disadvantage in light of the ordinary conditions of transactions by that bank; or
(iii)a transaction or an act to evade a prohibition under Article 13-2 of the Act, regardless of the name by which it is executed.
(Act Unlikely to Result in Insufficient Customer Protection)
Article 14-11-2The act specified by Cabinet Office Order as being unlikely to result in insufficient customer protection that is provided for in Article 13-3, item (iii) of the Act means an act in which a bank wrongfully grants or promises to grant credit on the condition that a customer executes the transaction.
(Prohibited Act in Connection with a Bank's Services)
Article 14-11-3The act specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 13-3, item (iv) of the Act means the acts specified in the following items:
(i)act of not conveying to a customer an important matter in light of that customer's knowledge, experience, financial status, or purpose for executing the transaction in accordance with the content and method of business it engages in, or of conveying to the customer something that is likely to lead to a misunderstanding;
(ii)act of wrongfully granting or promising to grant credit to a customer on the condition that the customer executes a transaction with a business that the bank designates (excluding acts set forth in Article 13-3, item (iii) of the Act); or
(iii)act of wrongfully using its advantageous position in the transaction as a bank to give disadvantages to a customer concerning conditions for the transaction or execution of the transaction.
(Scope of Business Involving the Development of a System for Protecting Customers' Interests)
Article 14-11-3-2The services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 13-3-2, paragraph (1) of the Act means services that are permissible for a bank to perform (hereinafter referred to as "bank-related services").
(Measures Necessary to Prevent a Customer's Interests from Being Unduly Harmed)
Article 14-11-3-3(1)A bank must take the following measures to ensure that a transaction it carries out does not unduly harm the interests of a customer of the bank services it conducts; to ensure that a transaction carried out by a bank agent that has the relevant bank as its principal bank does not unduly harm the interests of a customer of the bank services that bank agent conducts; and to ensure that a transaction carried out by its parent financial institution, etc. (meaning a parent financial institution, etc. as prescribed in Article 13-3-2, paragraph (2) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) or subsidiary financial institution, etc. (meaning a subsidiary financial institution, etc. as prescribed in paragraph (3) of that Article; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) does not unduly harm the interests of a customer of the bank services that its subsidiary financial institution, etc. conducts:
(i)development of a system to identify the subject transactions in an appropriate manner;
(ii)development of a system to properly ensure the protection of the customer by the following or any other methods:
(a)method for separating the department that executes the subject transactions and the department that executes the transactions with the customer;
(b)method for changing the conditions or method of the subject transactions or transactions with the customer;
(c)method for discontinuing the subject transactions or transactions with the customer;
(d)method for appropriately disclosing to the customer that the customer's interests may be unduly harmed in connection with the subject transactions;
(iii)formulation of the policy on implementing the measures set forth in the preceding two items and disclosure of its outline by an appropriate method;
(iv)maintaining the following records:
(a)records pertaining to the identification of the subject transactions conducted under the system prescribed in item (i);
(b)records pertaining to the measures to appropriately ensure the protection of customers taken under the system prescribed in item (ii).
(2)The record prescribed in item (iv) of the preceding paragraph must be preserved for five years from the date it was created.
(3)The term "subject transaction" in paragraph (1) means a transaction carried out by a bank that brings about the risk of unduly harming the interests of a customer of the bank services it conducts; a transaction that is carried out by a bank agent which has that bank in question as its principal bank and that brings about the risk of unduly harming the interests of a customer of the bank services it conducts; or a transaction that is carried out by the parent financial institution, etc. or a subsidiary financial institution, etc. of the relevant bank and that brings about the risk of unduly harming the interests of a customer of the bank services conducted by a subsidiary financial institution, etc. of the relevant bank.
(Specified Deposits)
Article 14-11-4The deposits, etc. specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 13-4 of the Act are those listed in the following items:
(i)a deposit, etc. that requires the depositor, etc. to pay a penalty or anything else equivalent to this (hereinafter referred to as a "penalty or its equivalent" in this item) if the depositor, etc. terminates it before maturity, regarding which the amount arrived at when the amount of the penalty or its equivalent is deducted from the balance of the deposit, etc. at the time of the termination is likely to fall below the deposited amount due to changes in money rate, value of currencies, quotations on a financial instruments market, and other indicators;
(ii)a deposit, etc. that is indicated in a foreign currency; or
(iii)a deposit, etc. entailed by a transaction (limited to transactions pertaining to purchase and sale of currencies) on acceptance of the deposit, etc. prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (22), item (iii) (excluding (b)) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
(Type of Contract)
Article 14-11-5What is specified by Cabinet Office Order as provided in Article 34 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, means a specified deposit, etc. contract (meaning a contract for specified deposit, etc., as prescribed in Article 13-4 of the Act; the same applies hereinafter).
Article 14-11-6Deleted
(Information to Be Stated in the Documents to Be Delivered to a Professional Investor Who Has Made a Request)
Article 14-11-7The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order as provided in Article 34-2, paragraph (3), item (iv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act means an indication that the applicant (meaning the applicant prescribed in that paragraph) is to be treated as a customer other than a professional investor (meaning a professional investor prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (31) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies hereinafter) with regard to the subject contract (meaning a subject contract prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (2) of that Act; the same applies in Article 14-11-9-2) only by a bank that accepted the application under that paragraph.
(Provision by Use of Information and Communications Technology)
Article 14-11-8(1)The means that is specified by Cabinet Office Order as provided in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-3, paragraph (12) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act); Article 34-4, paragraph (3); Article 37-3, paragraph (2); or Article 37-4, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, is any of the following means:
(i)any of the following means of employing an electronic data processing system:
(a)a means that causes the information that is required be stated in a document (hereinafter referred to as "required information" in this Article) to be transmitted over a telecommunications line that connects the computer used by a bank (including a person that prepares a file on a computer under its management based on a contract with a bank which provides persons with the particulars prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, and makes the file available for use by the persons to which the bank provides those particulars (hereinafter each such person is referred to as a "customer" in this Article) or by that bank; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) and the computer used by a customer, etc. (meaning a customer or a person that prepares a customer file (meaning a file that is made available exclusively for use by a customer; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) on a computer under its management based on a contract with the customer; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), and to be recorded in a customer file that has been prepared on the computer used by the customer, etc. (for consent indicating that a person is willing to be, or a notice indicating that a person is not willing to be, provided with information by the means prescribed in the preceding paragraph, this means a means that causes what has been indicated to be recorded in a file that has been prepared on a computer used by a bank which provides persons with the particulars prescribed in that paragraph);
(b)a means that uses a telecommunications line to make the required information that has been recorded into a file which has been prepared on a computer used by a bank available for a customer to inspect and causes that required information to be recorded in the customer file for that customer that has been prepared on a computer used by the customer, etc. (for consent indicating that a person is willing to be, or a notice indicating that a person is not willing to be, provided with information by the means prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, meaning a means that causes what has been indicated to be recorded in a file that has been prepared on a computer used by a bank);
(c)a means that uses a telecommunications line to make the required information that has been recorded into a customer file which has been prepared on a computer used by a bank available for a customer to inspect; or
(d)a means that uses a telecommunications line to make the required information that has been recorded in an inspection file (meaning a file that has been prepared on a computer used by a bank into which required information is recorded so that it can be made available for multiple customers to inspect simultaneously) available for a customer to inspect.
(ii)a means of delivering to the relevant persons a record of the required information that has been recorded into a file created using a magnetic disk, CD-ROM, or other objects with an equivalent means of reliably recording certain data.
(2)The means set forth in each item of the preceding paragraph must conform to the following standards:
(i)it enables the customer to create a document by outputting what has been recorded in the customer file or inspection file;
(ii)for the means as set forth in item (i), sub-item (a), sub-item (c), or sub-item (d) of the preceding paragraph (excluding a means that records required information on a customer file that has been prepared on a computer used by the customer), notification is made to the customer that the required information will be or has been recorded in the customer file or inspection file; provided, however, that this does not apply if it has been confirmed that the customer has inspected the required information;
(iii)for the means as set forth in item (i), sub-item (c) and sub-item (d) of the preceding paragraph, the relevant person cannot delete or modify the following information for five years after the final date on which a transaction set forth in the required information is carried out (if a complaint involving the required information is filed by the day on which that period ends, until the date on which that period ends or the date on which that complaint is resolved, whichever comes later); provided, however, that if the relevant person delivers, in writing, the required information that it has made available for inspection; if the relevant person obtains the customer's consent (meaning consent by a means as prescribed in Article 4-3 of the Order) and provides the relevant information by a means set forth in item (i), sub-item (a) or sub-item (b) of the preceding paragraph or item (ii); or if the customer gives instruction to delete the required information; the person may delete that required information:
(a)the required information recorded in the customer file, for the means as set forth in item (i), sub-item (c) of the preceding paragraph; or
(b)the required information recorded in the inspection file, for the means as set forth in item (i), sub-item (d) of the preceding paragraph;
(iv)when the means as set forth in item (i), sub-item (d) of the preceding paragraph are used, the means are to conform to the following standards:
(a)it is to record the information necessary for a customer to inspect the inspection file in the customer file; and
(b)to maintain the state that allows the customer to connect the customer file that recorded the information necessary for a customer to inspect the inspection file pursuant to sub-item (a) and the inspection file itself using a telecommunications line until the end of the period prescribed in the preceding item; provided, however, that this does not apply if a customer that has been given access to those files has notified that it is not necessary to maintain them in a state that allows the customer to connect to them.
(3)The term "electronic data processing system" as used in paragraph (1), item (i) means an electronic data processing system that uses a telecommunications line to connect the computer used by the bank and the computer on which the customer file has been prepared that is used by the customer, etc., or the bank.
(Type and Content of the Electronic or Magnetic Means)
Article 14-11-9The type and content of the means that the bank is required to indicate pursuant to the provisions of Article 4-3, paragraph (1) and Article 4-4, paragraph (1) of the Order means the following particulars:
(i)out of the means set forth in each item of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or each item of Article 14-11-9-3, paragraph (1), the means to be used by the bank; and
(ii)the method of recording data to the file.
(Information to Be Entered into Documents with Which a Person That Has Requested Reinstatement as a Professional Investor Gives Consent)
Article 14-11-9-2The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 34-2, paragraph (11) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are the following particulars:
(i)the date when acceptance is obtained (which is referred to as the "approval date" in item (iv) and item (v)) pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (11) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act;
(ii)an indication that a subject contract is a contract for specified deposit, etc.;
(iii)an indication that the person requesting reinstatement (meaning the person requesting reinstatement prescribed in Article 34-2, paragraph (11) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) understands the following particulars:
(a)an indication that the provisions set forth in the items of Article 45 (excluding item (iii) and item (iv)) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are not applicable if the person requesting reinstatement for the subject contract is a person prescribed in any of those items (excluding the cases prescribed in the proviso to Article 45 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act);
(b)an indication that, if a person that it is inappropriate to be treated as a professional investor for the subject contract in light of the person's knowledge, experience, and financial status, is treated as a professional investor, it is likely to result in insufficient protection of that person;
(iv)an indication that the person requesting reinstatement is to be treated again as a professional investor if the person requesting reinstatement is solicited to conclude or concludes the subject contract on or after the approval date;
(v)an indication that, at any time on or after the approval date, the person requesting reinstatement may make an application under Article 34-2, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act.
(Obtaining Consent by the Use of Information and Communications Technology)
Article 14-11-9-3(1)The means specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 34-2, paragraph (12) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-3, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, means the following:
(i)any of the following means of employing an electronic data processing system:
(a)a means of transmitting information over a telecommunications line that connects a computer used by a bank and a computer used by a person from whom the bank is seeking to obtain consent pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (12) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "customer" in this Article), and to record the infrormation in a file that has been prepared on the computer used by the recipient; or
(b)a means of making the particulars on the customer's consent recorded in a file that has been prepared on a computer used by a bank available for inspection by the customer using a telecommunication line and recording the particulars on the customer's consent on a file that has been prepared on a computer used by the bank;
(ii)a means of obtaining a record of the particulars of the consent that has been recorded into a file created using a magnetic disk, CD-ROM, or other objects equivalent to them for reliably recording certain data.
(2)The means set forth in each item of the preceding paragraph must enable a bank to prepare a document by outputting what has been recorded in the file.
(3)The term "electronic data processing system" as used in paragraph (1), item (i) means an electronic data processing system that uses a telecommunications line to connect the computer used by the bank and the computer used by the customer.
(Due Date If a Corporation, Who Is a Customer Other than a Professional Investor, Is Deemed to Be a Professional Investor)
Article 14-11-10(1)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act means the case in which a bank specifies a certain date and publicly discloses the following particulars by posting in a clearly visible place at a business office of that bank or by other appropriate methods:
(i)that date; and
(ii)an indication that the due date (meaning a due date as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; the same applies in paragraph (2), item (i) of the following Article and Article 14-11-12) is the date as prescribed in the following paragraph.
(2)The date specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, is a date that is specified by a bank pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and that is the last date within one year from the approval date (meaning the approval date prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies in paragraph (2), item (iii) of the following Article and Article 14-11-12).
(Information to Be Stated in Documents to Which a Corporation, Which Is a Customer Other than the Professional Investor That Has Made a Request, Gives Its Consent)
Article 14-11-11(1)The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (iv), (a) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are that the provisions set forth in each item of Article 45 (excluding item (iii) and item (iv)) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act do not apply if an applicant (meaning an applicant as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; the same applies in the following paragraph) in the subject contract (meaning the subject contract as prescribed in Article 45, item (ii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies in the following paragraph and Article 14-11-12-2) is a person as prescribed in each of those items of Article 45 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (excluding cases as prescribed in the proviso to Article 45 of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act).
(2)The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (vii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are the following particulars:
(i)an indication that an applicant is treated as a professional investor, for an act performed based on the provisions of laws or regulations or the stipulations of a contract in relation to the subject contract concluded before the due date, even if this act is performed after the due date; and
(ii)an indication that an applicant is treated as a professional investor for the subject contract only by a bank that has provided an approval under Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act.
(iii)an indication that, at any time on or after the approval date, an applicant may make an application under Article 34-3, paragraph (9) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act.
(Period Necessary for a Corporation, Which Is a Customer Other than the Professional Investor That Has Made a Request, to Make a Request for Renewal)
Article 14-11-12(1)The period specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (7) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, is 11 months (the period prescribed in the following items for the cases set forth in each item).
(i)the period between the approval date and the due date is less than one year (excluding the cases set forth in the following items):a period obtained by deducting one month from that period;
(ii)the period between the approval date and the due date does not exceed one month:one day;
(2)In applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph in the cases prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (8) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, the term "approval date" in the items of that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "the day immediately following the previous due date".
(Information to Be Stated in Documents to Be Delivered to a Corporation That Has Made a Request for Reinstatement as a Customer Other than a Professional Investor)
Article 14-11-12-2The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (11) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are the following particulars:
(i)the date when acceptance is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-3, paragraph (10) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act (referred to as the "approval date" in item (iii));
(ii)an indication that the subject contract is a contract for specified deposit, etc.;
(iii)an indication that the relevant person will once again treat a corporation that has made a request under Article 34-3, paragraph (9) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, as a customer other than a professional investor when soliciting that corporation to conclude a subject contract on or after the approval date or when concluding a subject contract with that corporation on or after the approval date.
(Proprietors and Others That May Request to Be Treated as Professional Investors)
Article 14-11-13(1)The excluded individuals specified by Cabinet Office Order who are provided for in Article 34-4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, means those that fall under any of the following requirements:
(i)the individual has not obtained consent from all silent partners in making a request as prescribed in Article 34-4, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; or
(ii)the total amount of contribution based on the silent partnership agreement as prescribed in Article 535 of the Commercial Code (Act No. 48 of 1899) that the individual has concluded is less than 300 million yen.
(2)The individual specified by Cabinet Office Order who is provided for in Article 34-4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, means any of the following persons:
(i)an individual who is a partner that concluded a partnership agreement as prescribed in Article 667, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code and is entrusted with the execution of business of the partnership (limited to a person that corresponds to all of the following requirements):
(a)the individual who has obtained the consent of all other partners in making a request under Article 34-4, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; and
(b)the total amount of contribution based on the partnership agreement that the individual has concluded is 300 million yen or more;
(ii)an individual who is a partner that concludes an agreement of a limited liability business partnership as prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Limited Liability Partnership Act (Act No. 40 of 2005), participates in deciding execution of important business of the partnership, and personally conducts the business (limited to a person that corresponds to all of the following requirements):
(a)the individual who has obtained the consent of all other partners in making a request under Article 34-4, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; and
(b)the total amount of contribution based on the limited liability business partnership agreement that the individual has concluded is 300 million yen or more.
(An Individual Who May Request to Be Treated as a Professional Investor)
Article 14-11-14The requirement specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 34-4, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, is that all of the following requirements must be met:
(i)in making a reasonable judgment in light of the condition of transactions and other circumstances, the amount arrived at when the total amount of liabilities is deducted from the total amount of assets of the applicant (meaning an applicant as prescribed in Article 34-4, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article and Article 14-11-16) on the approval date (meaning the approval date as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; the same applies in the following item, paragraph (2) of the following Article, Article 14-11-16, paragraph (2), item (iii), and Article 14-11-16-2) is estimated to be 300 million yen or more;
(ii)in making a reasonable judgment in light of the condition of transactions and other circumstances, the total amount of assets (limited to those prescribed in the following items) of an applicant on the approval date is estimated to be 300 million yen or more:
(a)securities (excluding those set forth in sub-item (e) and in sub-item (f) (limited to those based on a contract concluded with a special enterprise operator prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (9) of the Act on Specified Joint Real Estate Ventures (Act No. 77 of 1994)));
(b)rights pertaining to derivative transactions (meaning derivative transactions as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (20) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies in Article 34-2-14, item (ii), (b));
(c)a specified deposit, etc. as prescribed in Article 13-4 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "specified deposit, etc.", except in item (c) and Article 34-2-14, item (ii), item (c)); specified savings, etc., as prescribed in Article 11-5 of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act; specified savings, etc., as prescribed in Article 11-9 of the Fisheries Cooperatives Act; specified deposit, etc., as prescribed in Article 6-5-11 of the Act on Financial Business by Cooperatives (Act No. 183 of 1949); specified deposit, etc., as prescribed in Article 89-2 of the Shinkin Bank Act (Act No. 238 of 1951); specified deposit, etc., as prescribed in Article 17-2 of the Long-Term Credit Bank Act; specified deposit, etc., as prescribed in Article 94-2 of the Labor Bank Act (Act No. 227 of 1953); specified deposit, etc., as prescribed in Article 59-3 of the Norinchukin Bank Act (Act No. 93 of 2001); and specified deposit, etc. as prescribed in Article 29 of the Shoko Chukin Bank Limited Act (Act No. 74 of 2007);
(d)rights pertaining to insurance money, mutual aid money, refund, or other payments based on a specified mutual aid contract as prescribed in Article 11-27 of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act, a specified mutual aid contract prescribed in Article 12-3, paragraph (1) of the Consumer Cooperatives Act (Act No. 200 of 1948), a specified mutual aid contract prescribed in Article 15-7 of the Fishery Cooperatives Act, a specified mutual aid contract as prescribed in Article 9-7-5, paragraph (2) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act (Act No. 181 of 1949), and a specified insurance contract as prescribed in Article 300-2 of the Insurance Business Act;
(e)a beneficiary right of trust pertaining to a specified trust contract as prescribed in Article 24-2 of the Trust Business Act (Act No. 154 of 2004);
(f)a right based on a specified joint real estate venture contract as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Act on Specified Joint Real Estate Ventures; and
(g)a right pertaining to a transaction on a commodity market (meaning the transaction on a commodity market prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (10) of the Commodity Derivatives Transaction Act; the same applies in Article 34-2-14, item (ii), (g)), a foreign commodity market transaction (meaning the foreign commodity market transaction prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (13) of that Act; the same applies in sub-item (g) of that item), and an over-the-counter commodity derivative transaction (meaning the over-the-counter commodity derivative transaction as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (14) of that Act; the same applies in sub-item (g) of that item);
(iii)one year has elapsed from the date that an applicant concluded a contract for specified deposit, etc. for the first time with the bank.
(Due Date in the Case When an Individual Who Is a Customer Other than a Professional Investor Is Deemed to Be a Professional Investor)
Article 14-11-15(1)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, means the case in which a bank specifies a certain date and publicly discloses the following particulars by posting in a place easily seen by the public at a business office of that bank or by other appropriate methods:
(i)that date; and
(ii)an indication that the date (meaning an due date as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; the same applies in paragraph (2), item (i) of the following Article and Article 14-11-16-2) is the date as prescribed in the following paragraph.
(2)The date specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, means the latest date specified by a bank pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph that is within one year from the approval date.
(Information to Be Stated in Documents to Which an Individual, Who Is a Customer Other than a Professional Investor That Has Made a Request, Gives Its Consent)
Article 14-11-16(1)The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (iv), (a) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, mean an indication that the provisions set forth in each item of Article 45 (excluding item (iii) and item (iv)) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, do not apply when an applicant in the subject contract (meaning the subject contract as prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies in the following paragraph and Article 14-11-16-3 of the Act) is a person specified in those items of Article 45 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (excluding cases as prescribed in the proviso to Article 45 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act).
(2)The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (2), item (vii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are the following particulars:
(i)an indication that an applicant is treated as a professional investor, with regard to an act performed based on the provisions of laws or regulations or the stipulations of a contract in relation to a subject contract concluded before the due date, even if this act is performed after the due date; and
(ii)an indication that an applicant is treated as a professional investor in the subject contract only by a bank that provides an approval under Article 34-3, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act.
(iii)an indication that, at any time on or after the approval date, an applicant may make a request under Article 34-4, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act.
(Period Necessary for an Individual, Who Is a Customer Other than the Professional Investor That Has Made a Request, to Make a Request for Renewal)
Article 14-11-16-2(1)The period specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (7) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, is 11 months (the periods prescribed in the following items in the cases set forth in each item).
(i)the period between the approval date and the due date is less than one year (excluding the cases set forth in the following item):a period obtained by deducting one month from the period;
(ii)the period between the approval date and the due date does not exceed one month:one day;
(2)In applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph in the cases prescribed in Article 34-3, paragraph (8) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, the term "approval date" in that paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "the day immediately following the previous due date".
(Information to Be Entered Into Documents to Be Delivered to an Individual Who Has Made a Request for Reinstatement as a Customer Other than a Professional Investor)
Article 14-11-16-3The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 34-3, paragraph (11) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of that Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are the following particulars:
(i)the date when acceptance is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-4, paragraph (5) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act (referred to as the "approval date" in item (iii));
(ii)an indication that the subject contract is a contract for specified deposit, etc.;
(iii)an indication that the relevant person will once again treat an individual who has made a request under Article 34-4, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act as a customer other than a professional investor when soliciting that individual to conclude a subject contract on or after the approval date or when concluding the subject contract with that individual on or after the approval date.
(Acts Similar to Advertising)
Article 14-11-17The acts specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in each paragraph of Article 37 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, means providing information with the same content to many persons by postal mail, correspondence delivery (meaning correspondence delivery as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Correspondence Delivery by Private Business Operators (Act No. 99 of 2002) provided by a general letter service business operator as prescribed in paragraph (6) of that Article or a specified letter service business operator as prescribed in paragraph (9) of that Article; the same applies in Article 34-2-17 and Article 34-53-2), or using a facsimile device, by electronic mail (meaning electronic mail as prescribed in Article 2, item (i) of the Act on Regulation of Transmission of Specified Electronic Mail (Act No. 26 of 2002); the same applies in Article 34-2-17 and Article 34-53-2), by distributing fliers or pamphlets, or by other means (excluding the following means):
(i)means of distributing documents prepared based on laws and regulations or based on the disposition of an administrative government agency pursuant to laws and regulations;
(ii)means of distributing materials concerning analysis or evaluation of an individual enterprise, which are not used for soliciting conclusion of a specified deposit, etc. contract; or
(iii)means of providing persons with gifts or other goods that only show all of the following information (limited to goods on which the information set forth in sub-items (b) through (d) is shown clearly and properly) (including means of providing gifts or other goods together as a single thing together with any other goods that indicate that information, if any of the information is not indicated on the gift or other goods ):
(a)the name of goods (including its alias);
(b)the name or alias of a bank that provides information with the same content to many persons by a means as prescribed in this item;
(c)information as set forth in Article 4-5, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order (limited to information indicated using characters and numerals of a size that is not significantly different from the largest size of characters and numerals used to indicate information other than the information in question); and
(d)an indication to thoroughly read the content of any of the following documents:
1.documents as prescribed in Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract" in this Article through Article 14-11-30);
2.documents for a foreign currency deposit, etc. as prescribed in Article 14-11-25, paragraph (1), item (i);
3.documents for change of a contract as prescribed in Article 14-11-25, paragraph (1), item (iii), (b).
(Indication Method of Advertising the Content of Business of Concluding a Contract for Specified Deposit, etc.)
Article 14-11-18(1)If a bank runs an advertisement or performs an act as prescribed in the preceding Article with regard to the content of its business in concluding contracts of specified deposit, etc. ( referred to as an "advertisement, etc." in the following paragraph), the particulars set forth in each item of Article 37, paragraph (1) (excluding item (ii)) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, must be indicated clearly and properly.
(2)If a bank runs an advertisement, etc. about the content of its business in concluding contracts of specified deposit, etc., characters or numerals that show the information set forth in Article 4-5, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Order are to be indicated in a size that is not significantly different from the largest size of the characters and numerals that show information other than the information in question.
(3)When a bank runs an advertisement on the content of its business in concluding contracts of specified deposit, etc., by means of broadcasting it using the broadcasting equipment of a basic broadcaster (meaning a basic broadcaster as prescribed in Article 2, item (xxiii) of the Broadcast Act (Act No. 132 of 1950), and excluding the Nippon Hoso Kyokai and the Open University of Japan Foundation (meaning the Open University of Japan Foundation prescribed in Article 3 of the Act on the Open University of Japan (Act No. 156 of 2002)); the same applies hereinafter), or by a menas set forth in any of the items of Article 14-11-21, paragraph (1) (excluding means of broadcasting by sound), notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, characters or numerals that show the information set forth in Article 4-5, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Order are to be indicated in a size that is not significantly different from the largest size used to indicate characters and numerals that show information other than the information in question.
(Particulars of Charges to Be Paid by a Customer)
Article 14-11-19The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 4-5, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Order, the amount of charges (hereinafter referred to as "fee, etc.") that a customer is to pay in connection with a contract for specified deposit, etc. according to their category, regardless of whether they are referred to as a fee, consideration, expenses, or any other name, or their maximum amount, or an outline of the way these are calculated (including the percentage of the amount of principal pertaining to the contract for specified deposit, etc.) and the total amount or maximum amount of the fee, etc., or an outline of the way these are calculated; provided, however, that if these particulars cannot be indicated, to give an indication of this and the reasons therefor.
(Important Matters That Impact Customers' Judgment)
Article 14-11-20The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 4-5, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Order means the following particulars:
(i)an indication that, if the right that the referenced bank holds to extend the deposit period of a specified deposit, etc. is exercised, the customer risks being put at a disadvantage by the money rate of the specified deposit, etc. falling below the money market rate; or
(ii)any other fact regarding the important matters on the contract for specified deposit, etc. that may become disadvantageous to the customer.
(Means Equivalent to the Means of Broadcasting Something Using the Broadcasting Equipment of a Basic Broadcaster)
Article 14-11-21(1)The means specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 4-5, paragraph (2) of the Order are:
(i)means of broadcasting something using the broadcasting equipment of a general broadcaster (meaning the general broadcaster prescribed in Article 2, item (xxv) of the Broadcasting Act; the same applies in Article 34-2-21, paragraph (1), item (i) and Article 34-53-6, paragraph (1), item (i));
(ii)means of having a customer inspect the content of information recorded in a file that has been prepared on a computer used by a bank or a person entrusted with the bank's services involving the advertisement, etc. (limited to information of the same content as the particulars provided by broadcasting something to be using the broadcasting equipment of a basic broadcaster or by a means set forth in the preceding item) using a telecommunications line; or
(iii)means of having the public indicate something at all times or continuously for a fixed period inside or outside of a building by installing or indicating it on a signboard, standing signboard, placard and label, advertising tower, advertising board, building, or other structure, etc. or by any equivalent means.
(2)The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 4-5, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Order are the particulars set forth in Article 14-11-17, item (iii), (d).
(Particulars for Which Exaggerated Advertisement is Prohibited)
Article 14-11-22The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 37, paragraph (2) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are the following particulars:
(i)the particulars on termination of a contract for specified deposit, etc.;
(ii)the particulars on the burden of all or part of a loss pertaining to a contract for specified deposit, etc. or on guarantee of profit pertaining to a contract for specified deposit, etc.;
(iii)the particulars of liquidated damages (including a penalty) pertaining to a contract for specified deposit, etc.; and
(iv)the particulars of the amount of the fee, etc. that a customer is to pay, or its calculation method, the payment method, the payment time, and the payee in connection with a contract for specified deposit, etc..
(Method of Making Entries Into a Document to be Delivered Prior to the Conclusion of a Contract)
Article 14-11-23(1)The particulars set forth in each item of Article 37-3, paragraph (1) (excluding item (ii) and item (vi)) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, must be entered into the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract clearly and properly by using characters and numerals sized eight points or larger as defined in Japanese Industrial Standard Z 8305 based on the Industrial Standardization Act (Act No. 185 of 1949) (hereinafter referred to as "Japanese Industrial Standard").
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the following particulars are to Be Stated in the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract clearly and properly in the boxes by using characters and numerals sized 12 points or larger as defined in Japanese Industrial Standard Z 8305, and are to be entered after the particulars prescribed in the following paragraph:
(i)a summary of the particulars set forth in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act and the particulars set forth in item (v) of that paragraph, and Article 14-11-27, item (xi); and
(ii)the particulars set forth in Article 14-11-27, item (xii).
(3)A bank is to enter in the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract particulars that are of special importance in influencing customers' judgment out of the particulars set forth in Article 14-11-27, item (i) and each item of Article 37-3, paragraph (1) (excluding item (ii) and item (vi)) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, in plain language, using characters and numerals sized 12 points or larger as defined in Japanese Industrial Standard Z 8305 at the beginning of the document.
(Methods of Providing Information)
Article 14-11-24The provision of information as prescribed in Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, is to be implemented by the delivery of the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract.
(When Delivery of Document to Be Delivered Prior to the Conclusion of a Contract Is Not Required)
Article 14-11-25(1)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 37-3, proviso to paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act means the cases specified in the following items:
(i)when the bank has delivered a document (hereinafter such a document is referred to as a "document of foreign currency deposit, etc." from this Article through Article 14-11-30) in which the particulars set forth in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and items (iii) through (v) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, and the particulars set forth in Article 14-11-27, item (i), item (xi), item (xvii), and item (xviii), with regard to the specified deposit, etc. contract, are stated by a method equivalent to that as prescribed in Article 14-11-23, to the customer within one year before the conclusion of a contract specified deposit, etc. in relation to the particulars set forth in Article 14-11-4, item (ii) (excluding particulars corresponding to those set forth in item (i) or item (iii) of that Article; hereinafter referred to as a "foreign currency deposit, etc.") (limited to cases in which the customer has expressed their that they do not require the delivery of the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract);
(ii)when the bank has delivered a document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract for another contract for specified deposit, etc. that has the same content as the contract for specified deposit, etc., to the customer within one year before the conclusion of the contract for specified deposit, etc. (including cases in which the bank has not delivered the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract for the other contract for specified deposit, etc. that has the same content, pursuant to provisions of the preceding item); and
(iii)cases as set forth in the following sub-items, if the bank intends to conclude a contract for specified deposit, etc. to change a part of the contract for specified deposit, etc. that has been effected:
(a)cases in which there are no changes that should be made to the particulars stated in the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract for the other contract for specified deposit, etc. that has been effected along with the changes to the contract;
(b)if there are changes that should be made to the particulars stated in the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract for the other contract for specified deposit, etc. that has been already effected along with the changes to the contract, when the bank has delivered a document (referred to as a "contract change document" in the following paragraph and Article 14-11-30-2, item (ii), (c)) in which those particulars that should be changed are stated, to the customer; and
(iv)when a bank agent that has that bank as its principal bank has delivered a document as provided in Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 52-45-2 of the Act, with regard to the conclusion of a single contract for specified deposit, etc., to the customer pursuant to the provisions of the main clause of that paragraph.
(2)The provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; the provisions of Article 4-3 of the Order; and the provisions of Article 14-11-8; apply mutatis mutandis to delivery of the document of foreign currency deposit, etc., under item (i) of the preceding paragraph and delivery of the contract change document under item (iii), (b) of that paragraph.
(3)If the bank concludes a contract for specified deposit, etc. for a foreign currency deposit, etc. within one year from the date when the bank has delivered a document of foreign currency deposit, etc. (including the date when the bank is deemed to have delivered a document of foreign currency deposit, etc. pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph) (limited to the cases in which the customer has expressed the intention not requiring delivery of the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract), the bank is deemed to have delivered that document of foreign currency deposit, etc. on the date of the conclusion of the contract for specified deposit, etc., and the provisions of paragraph (1), item (i) is applied.
(4)If the bank concludes a contract for specified deposit, etc. that has the same content as the contract for specified deposit, etc. related to the document delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract within one year from the date when the bank has delivered that document (including the date of the conclusion of a contract for specified deposit, etc. if the bank does not deliver a document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract for that contract for specified deposit, etc., pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), item (i), and the date when the bank is deemed to have delivered a document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph), the bank is deemed to have delivered that document on the date of the conclusion of that contract having the same content as the other contract, and the provisions of paragraph (1), item (ii) is applied.
(Particulars of Charges to Be Paid by a Customer)
Article 14-11-26The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are the amount of fee, etc. that the customer is to pay for a contract for specified deposit, etc. accrding to their category, their maximum amount or the way they are calculated (including the percentage of the amount of principal pertaining to the contract for specified deposit, etc.; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) regardless of whether they are referred to as a fee, compensation, expenses, or any other name, and their total amount or maximum amount, or the way they are calculated; provided, however, that when these cannot be stated, to give an indication of this and the reasons therefor.
(Information to Be Stated in a Document to be Delivered Prior to the Conclusion of a Contract)
Article 14-11-27The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are the following particulars:
(i)the indication to thoroughly read the content of the document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract;
(ii)the name of the financial instrument (including its alias);
(iii)distinction as to whether the contract is subject to payment of insurance maoney as prescribed in Article 53 of the Deposit Insurance Act;
(iv)scope of the persons subject to the bank's acceptance of their deposits;
(v)period of deposit (including an indication of whether the deposit will be renewed automatically or not);
(vi)minimum amount of deposit, unit of deposit, and any other particulars on the deposit;
(vii)method of repayment;
(viii)method of establishing interest, payment method of interest, calculation method of interest, and other particulars on interest;
(ix)the particulars on any special provisions that may be added;
(x)the way of handling the case of cancellation before maturity of the deposit period (including the calculation methods of interest and fees);
(xi)the following particulars, if there is a risk for a loss to arise that has as its direct cause fluctuations of the money rate, the value of currencies, quotations on a financial instruments market, or any other indicator, as regards the contract for specified deposit, etc. into which the customer will enter:
(a)the indicator in question; and
(b)the reasons that fluctuations of that indicator could give rise to a loss;
(xii)an indication that, if the right that the referenced bank holds to extend the deposit period of a specified deposit, etc. is exercised, the customer risks being put at a disadvantage by the money rate of the specified deposit, etc. falling below the money market rate;
(xiii)in the case of handling a financial instrument in which the full amount paid at the time of depositing for the combination of the specified deposit, etc. with the following transactions is not guaranteed to be repaid at its expiry, a detailed explanation stating that the full amount paid at the time of depositing is not guaranteed to be repaid at its expiry and any other detailed explanations concerning the financial instrument:
(a)market derivative transactions or foreign market derivative transactions (excluding transactions that correspond to securities-related derivative transactions);
(b)a financial derivative transaction as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xiv) of the Act;
(c)a forward foreign exchange transaction;
(d)a securities-related derivative transaction (excluding a transaction similar to that set forth in Article 2, paragraph (21), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and a transaction in a foreign financial instruments market similar to that as set forth in that item); and
(e)a transaction similar to that set forth in Article 2, paragraph (21), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or a transaction in a foreign financial instruments market similar to that as set forth in that item (limited to a National Government Bond Certificate, etc. and securities set forth in paragraph (1), item (xvii) of that Article pertaining to those that have characteristics as prescribed in item (i) of that paragraph);
(xiv)if the way of establishing an indicator and of establishing money rate to be the standard for establishing a money rate of a floating rate deposit are specified, the particulars on the standards, method, and money rate;
(xv)an outline of the taxation concerning the contract for specified deposit, etc.;
(xvi)the method to contact the bank by customers;
(xvii)whether or not there is a certified investor protection organization (limited to the certified investor protection organization whose recognized business covers the contract for specified deposit, etc. (meaning the recognized business prescribed in Article 79-10, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act); the same applies in Article 34-53-12, item (xvii)) that has the bank as its covered business operator (meaning a covered business operator as prescribed in Article 79-11, paragraph (1) of that Act; the same applies hereinafter) (the name of a certified investor protection organization if the bank is the covered business operator of the certified investor protection organization);
(xviii)the particulars prescribed in sub-item (a) or sub-item (b) according to the categories of cases set forth in those sub-items.
(a)if a designated dispute resolution organization exists:the trade name or name of the designated dispute resolution organization which is the other party to the basic contract for the implementation of dispute resolution procedures, prescribed in Article 12-3, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act, if the bank takes a measure to conclude that basic contract;
(b)if there is no designated dispute resolution organization:the content of the complaint handling measures and the dispute resolution measure of the bank as prescribed in Article 12-3, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act; and
(xix)other information found to be of reference concerning the deposit of the specified deposit, etc.
(Information to Be Stated in a Document to be Delivered upon the Conclusion of a Contract)
Article 14-11-28The following matters must be entered into a document that is prescribed in Article 37-4, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act (referred to as a "document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract" in the following Article) and is to be prepared when a contract for specified deposit, etc. is effected:
(i)trade name of the bank;
(ii)amount of deposit (amount of the principal indicated in a foreign currency if the amount is indicated in the foreign currency);
(iii)distinction as to whether the contract is subject to payment of insurance money as prescribed in Article 53 of the Deposit Insurance Act;
(iv)date of deposit and date of maturity (including whether the deposit will be renewed automatically or not);
(v)method of repayment;
(vi)method of establishing interests, payment method of interests, calculation method of interests, and other particulars concerning interests;
(vii)the way of handling the case of cancellation before maturity of the deposit period (including the calculation methods of interest and fees);
(viii)date when the specified deposit, etc. contract is effected;
(ix)the particulars on a fee, etc. in relation to the contract for specified deposit, etc.
(x)name of customer; and
(xi)method for the customer to contact the bank.
(When Delivery of a Document to Be Delivered upon the Conclusion of a Contract Is Not Required)
Article 14-11-29(1)The cases specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 37-4, proviso to paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act regarding a document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract are the following cases:
(i)a case in which the bank has delivered a document of foreign currency deposit, etc. to the customer within one year before the conclusion of a contract for specified deposit, etc. in relation to a foreign currency deposit, etc. (limited to cases in which the customer has expressed the intention of not requiring delivery of a document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract);
(ii)a case in which the bank has delivered a document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract in relation to a contract for specified deposit, etc. that has the same content as the contract for specified deposit, etc., to the customer within one year before the conclusion of that contract (including cases in which the bank has not delivered the document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract with regard to the contract for specified deposit, etc. that has the same content, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding item); and
(iii)cases as set forth in the following sub-items if a contract for specified deposit, etc. for changing a part of the contract for specified deposit, etc. that has been effected is effected:
(a)a case in which there are no particulars stated in the document delivered upon the conclusion of a contract in relation to that other specified deposit, etc. that has been effected that should be changed along with the change of the contract;
(b)if there are particulars stated in the document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract in relation to the contract for specified deposit, etc. that has been effected that should be changed along with change of the contract, when the bank has delivered a document in which those particulars to be changed are stated to the customer; and
(iv)if a bank agent that has that bank as its principal bank has delivered a document that is provided for in Article 37-4, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 52-45-2 of the Act, with regard to the conclusion of a single specified deposit, etc. contract, to the customer pursuant to the provisions of the main clause of that paragraph.
(2)The provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the provisions of Article 4-3 of the Order as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act; and the provisions of Article 14-11-8 of the Order, apply mutatis mutandis to delivery of documents pursuant to the provisions of item (iii), (b) of the preceding paragraph.
(3)If the bank concludes a contract for specified deposit, etc. in relation to a foreign currency deposit, etc. within one year from the date when the bank has delivered a document of foreign currency deposit, etc. (including the date when the bank is deemed to have delivered a document of foreign currency deposit, etc. pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph) (limited to the cases in which the customer expressed the intention of not requiring delivery of a document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract), the bank is deemed to have delivered that document of foreign currency deposit, etc. on the date of the conclusion of the specified deposit, etc. contract, and the provisions of paragraph (1), item (i) are applied.
(4)If he bank concludes a specified deposit, etc. contract that has the same content as another specified deposit, etc. contract in relation to a document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract within one year from the date when the bank has delivered that document (including the date of the conclusion of a contract for specified deposit, etc. if the bank does not deliver a document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract with regard to that contract for specified deposit, etc., pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), item (i); and the date when the bank is deemed to have delivered a document to be delivered upon the conclusion of a contract pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph), the bank is deemed to have delivered that document on the date of the conclusion of that contract that has the same content as the other contract, and the provisions of paragraph (1), item (ii) are applied.
(Significance of Registration of a Credit Rating Agency and Other Particulars)
Article 14-11-30(1)The particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order as the significance of registration in Article 66-27 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other particulars, that are provided for in Article 38, item (iii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are those set forth in the following items:
(i)the significance of registration under Article 66-27 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act;
(ii)the particulars set forth in the following with regard to a person that gave a credit rating (meaning the credit rating prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (34) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; hereinafter the same applies in this Article, Article 34-2-30, and Article 34-53-17):
(a)their trade name or name;
(b)their officers' name if that person is a corporation (including an organization without legal personality that appoints a representative or an administrator) (or, their representative or administrator's name for an organization without legal personality that appoints a representative or an administrator);
(c)names and locations of the head office and other main business offices or offices.
(iii)the outline of the policy and method that the person that gave the credit rating uses to give the credit rating;
(iv)the premise, significance, and limitations of credit rating.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the particulars specified by Cabinet Office Order as significance of registration under Article 66-27 of the Act and other particulars, that are provided for in Article 38, item (iii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, with regard to credit ratings given by a specified associated corporation (meaning specified associated corporation prescribed in Article 116-3, paragraph (2) of the Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business; the same applies in this paragraph, Article 34-2-30, paragraph (2) and Article 34-53-17, paragraph (2)) are the following:
(i)the significance of registration under Article 66-27 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act;
(ii)a trade name, name and registration number of a credit rating agency whose associated corporation (meaning an associated corporation prescribed in Article 295, paragraph (3), item (x) of the Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business; the same applies in Article 34-2-30, paragraph (2), item (ii) and Article 34-53-17, paragraph (2), item (ii)) is designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as the specified associated corporation pursuant to the provisions of Article 116-3, paragraph (2) of the same Cabinet Office Order;
(iii)a name used by the specified associated corporation as an indication of the credit rating business (meaning the credit rating business provided in Article 2, paragraph (35) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act; the same applies in Article 34-2-30, paragraph (2), item (iii) and Article 34-53-17, paragraph (2), item (iii));
(iv)the outline of the policy and method that the specified associated corporation that gave the credit rating uses to give the credit rating, or the way to obtain information on that outline from the credit rating agency specified by item (ii);
(v)the premise, significance, and limitations of credit rating.
(Prohibited Acts)
Article 14-11-30-2The acts specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 38, item (ix) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, are the following acts:
(i)acts as set forth in each item of Article 14-11-3;
(ii)an act to conclude a contract for specified deposit, etc. without explaining particulars (those that are written in the document as set forth in item (c) and are related to the particulars set forth in items (iii) through (v) and item (vii) of that paragraph, if the bank delivers that document) set forth in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), items (iii) through (v) and item (vii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act to a customer (excluding a professional investor (excluding a person that is deemed to be a customer other than a professional investor pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-2, paragraph (5) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, and including a person that is deemed to be a professional investor pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-3, paragraph (4) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act (including cases in which it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-4, paragraph (6) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act)); hereinafter the same applies in this item) in advance, with regard to delivery of the following documents, by using a method and to the extent necessary for the customer to understand the particulars in light of the customer's knowledge, experience, financial status, and purpose for concluding the contract for specified deposit, etc.:
(a)a document to be delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract;
(b)a document of foreign currency deposit, etc.; and
(c)a contract change document;
(iii)an act to give a false indication, or to give an indication that may cause misunderstanding of important matters, with regard to conclusion of a contract for specified deposit, etc. and its solicitation;
(iv)an act to promise the provision of special profit to a customer or a person specified by the customer, or to provide special profit to a customer or a third person, with regard to a specified deposit, etc. contract (including an act to order a third party to promise the provision of special profit or to provide special profit); and
(v)an act to solicit conclusion or termination of a contract for specified deposit, etc. by making a phone call or making a visit to a customer (limited to an individual) at the time when that customer finds it annoying.
(Exemption of Exclusion from Application of Restriction on Acts)
Article 14-11-31The case specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in the proviso to Article 45 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, with regard to application of provisions of Article 37-4 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 13-4 of the Act, is when a system for promptly responding to an inquiry concerning a contract for specified deposit, etc. that a customer concluded has not been developed.
(Subsidiary Company of a Bank)
Article 14-12A company in a unique relationship with a bank as specified by Cabinet Office Order as provided in Article 14-2, item (ii) of the Act means the following companies:
(i)a subsidiary corporation, etc. of that bank; and
(ii)an affiliated corporation, etc. of that bank.
(Application of Approval for Non-Business Days)
Article 15(1)When a bank intends to obtain an approval for the non-business days under Article 5, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Order, the bank is to attach the following documents to a written application for approval and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authorities:
(i)a written statement of reasons; and
(ii)a document stating the method of posting notice under Article 5, paragraph (3) of the Order.
(2)When an application for approval under the provisions of the preceding paragraph is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authorities are to examine whether it conforms to the following standards:
(i)the mehod is not likely to cause problems with the system that processes domestic exchange transactions between financial institutions using communication lines; and
(ii)the method does not considerably harm the convenience of customers of a business office to which the application pertains.
(3)If a bank obtains approval for the non-business days under Article 5, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Order, it is to display the following particulars in the front-office area of the business office to which the approval pertains:
(i)the non-business days other than the days set forth in the items of Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Order and paragraph (2), item (i) of that Article (referred to as the "designated non-business days" in Article 32-2);
(ii)the period during which the non-business days referred to in the preceding item will be in effect (but only if it has set such a period); and
(iii)the name, location, telephone number, and other such contact information of the business office closest to the relevant business office.
(Business Hours)
Article 16(1)Business hours of a bank are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
(2)Business hours as prescribed in the preceding paragraph may be extended due to business reasons.
(3)A bank may change business hours with regard to its business office, if that business office corresponds to all of the following cases (excluding cases corresponding to the preceding paragraph):
(i)if it requires to set different business hours from business hours as prescribed in paragraph (1) due to special circumstances in the locality of the business office or in the locality where it has been established, or due to other circumstances; and
(ii)if it does not considerably harm the convenience of customers of the business office.
(4)If a bank changes business hours pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it must display the following particulars in front-office area of the relevant business office:
(i)the business hours after the change;
(ii)the period during which the business hours referred to in the preceding item will be in effect (but only if it has set such a period); and
(iii)the name, location, telephone number, and other such contact information of the business office closest to the relevant business office.
(5)Notwithstanding the provisions of each item of the preceding paragraph, business hours of a of a bank's business office located in a foreign state are the times to be approved pursuant to laws and regulations of the locality of the business office.
(Notification of Temporary Suspension of Business)
Article 17(1)If a bank intends to file a notification to the effect that the bank suspends all or part of its business, or resumes all or part of it pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act, the bank must attach the following documents to the written notice and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authorities:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)a document stating the method of posting pursuant to the provisions of Article
(iii)other documents giving particulars that the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency finds to be necessary.
(2)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act means:
(i)if all or part of a bank's services are ordered to be suspended pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1); Article 27; or paragraph (1) or paragraph (4) of Article 52-34 of the Act;
(ii)if all or part of business conducted by a cash dispenser or other machines specified separately by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency (hereinafter referred to as a "cash dispenser, etc.") is suspended on a bank's business day as prescribed in Article 15, paragraph (1) of the Act, at a bank's business office that conducts all or part of business;
(iii)if all or part of business at an unmanned business office of a bank is suspended (excluding cases corresponding to the preceding paragraph);
(iv)if all or part of business at a business office is suspended due to the risk that carrying out business at that business office will seriously endanger the life or body of an officer, employee, or user because of a typhoon, earthquake, or any other such abnormal meteorological phenomena, hydrological phenomena, or terrestrial phenomena;
(v)if all or part of business of a bank located in a foreign state, or all or part of business of a person that is entrusted by the bank to engage in the bank' services, is suspended at a business office that conducts their business; and
(vi)if all or part of the bank's services is suspended due to suspension of all or part of business of bank agency services in which a bank agent (including a bank, etc. (meaning a bank, etc. as prescribed in paragraph (1) of the Article 52-61 of the Act) that is deemed to be a bank agent pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article; the same applies in the following paragraph) that has that bank as its principal bank performs for the benefit of that bank.
(3)If a bank posts a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act, the bank must have that notification posted in the front-office area of the business office in accordance with the categories as set forth in each item of the following until the day specified in each the item:
(i)posting pursuant to the provisions of first sentence of paragraph (1) of Article 16 of the Act:the day on which the bank resumes all or part of business at a business office where it suspended all or part of its business temporarily;
(ii)posting pursuant to the provisions of second sentence of paragraph (1) of Article 16 of the Act:the day on which one month has elapsed after the day on which the bank resumes all or part of business at a business office where it suspended all or part of business temporarily.
(4)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16, paragraph (2) of the Act means any of the following cases:
(i)if a bank temporarily suspends all or part of its business at an unmanned business office;
(ii)a case that falls under paragraph (2), item (ii), or any of items (iv) through (vi); and
(iii)if the suspension period is one business day or less and business is reliably expected to be promptly resumed.
(5)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16, paragraph (3) of the Act means any of the following cases:
(i)if a bank temporarily suspends part of its business at an unmanned business office;
(ii)if paragraph (2), item (iv) applies; or
(iii)if the suspension period is one business day or less and business is reliably expected to be promptly resumed.
第三章 子会社等
Chapter III Subsidiary Company
(Business of a Specialized Subsidiary Company)
Article 17-2(1)The services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act means the following, apart from the services through which the relevant person performs the actions set forth in Article 35, paragraph (1), items (i) through (x) and (xiii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the business as set forth in paragraph (2), items (i) through (iii) of that Article:
(i)services as set forth in any of the items of paragraph (1) of the following Article which the relevant person performs for the benefit of the services performed by a bank, its subsidiary company, or a person set forth in any of the items of paragraph (4) based on standards prescribed by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency;
(ii)services as set forth in any of the items of paragraph (2) of the following Article; provided, however, that, with regard to services as set forth in any of items (xix) through (xxiii) of that paragraph, this is limited to the case in which the relevant person has a securities subsidiary company, etc. (meaning the security subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (vi) of the Act); with regard to services as set forth in any of items (xxiv) through (xxxiv) of paragraph (2) of the following Article, this is limited to the case in which the relevant person has an insurance subsidiary company, etc. (meaning the insurance subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (vii) of the Act; the same applies in item (iii) of the following paragraph, and paragraph (3), item (v)); and with regard to services as set forth in any of items (xxxv) through (xxxvii) of paragraph (2) the following Article, this is limited to the case in which the relevant bank is a trust bank (meaning a trust bank prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (viii), (a) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) or if the that bank has a trust subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a trust subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (viii) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter).
(2)The services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act means the following services, apart from services through which the relevant person performs the acts set forth in Article 35, paragraph (1), items (i) through (x) and item (xiii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and services set forth in paragraph (2), items (i) through (iii) of that Article (limited to, with regard to the services set forth in item (i) of that paragraph, the services set forth in Article 13-2-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and item (iii) (limited to the part pertaining to item (i) of that paragraph) and the services through which it accepts the outsourcing of a transaction on a commodity market, etc. as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (21) of the Commodity Derivatives Transaction Act; and limited to, with regard to the business set forth in Article 35, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the business set forth in Article 13-2-3, paragraph (1), item (i) and item (iii) (limited to the part pertaining to item (i) of that paragraph)):
(i)services through which it performs the acts set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (vii), and items (xi) through (xvii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and acts prescribed in Article 1-12 of the Order of Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act;
(ii)services as set forth in the items of paragraph (1) of the following Article (except item (xxiii)) that it performs based on the standards specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency to benefit the services performed by a bank, its subsidiary company, or a person as set forth in each item of paragraph (4); or
(iii)services as set forth in each item of paragraph (2) of the following Article (excluding business corresponding to those as set forth in item (i)); provided, however, that: with regard to services as set forth in items (xxiv) through (xxxiv) of that paragraph, this is limited to the case in which the relevant person has an insurance subsidiary company, etc.; and with regard to services as set forth in paragraph (2), items (xxxv) through (xxxvii) of the following Article, this is limited to the case in which a bank is a trust bank or has a trust subsidiary company, etc.
(3)The services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act means any of the following services, apart from services through which the relevant person performs the actions set forth in Article 35, paragraph (1), item (x) and item (xiii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and services as set forth in paragraph (2), items (i) through (iii) of that Article:
(i)services through which it performs the actions set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (xi), item (xii) and item (xiv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the actions prescribed in Article 1-12 of the Order of Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act;
(ii)acting as intermediary in the conclusion of a cumulative investment contract (meaning a cumulative investment contract as prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act);
(iii)acting as intermediary in the lending of securities as prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act;
(iv)services set forth in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph; and
(v)services set forth in each item of paragraph (2) of the following Article (excluding business corresponding to that as set forth in item (i)); provided, however, that: with regard to services as set forth in items (xxiv) through (xxxiv) of that paragraph, this is limited to the case in which the relevant person has an insurance subsidiary company, etc.; and with regard to business as set forth in items (xxxv) through (xxxvii) of that paragraph, this is limited to the case in which a bank is a trust bank or has a trust subsidiary company, etc.
(4)The entity specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xi) of the Act means:
(i)the relevant bank's bank-holding specified subsidiary bank (meaning a subsidiary company (limited to a bank or a company as set forth in Article 52-23, paragraph (1), item (i) or item (vi) of the Act, and excluding that relevant bank and its specified subsidiary bank (meaning a company as set forth in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (i), item (ii), or item (vii) of the Act among the subsidiary companies of that relevant bank; the same applies in the following item and item (iv))) of a bank holding company that has that relevant bank as its subsidiary company; the same applies in item (iv));
(ii)a group of banks of the relevant bank (meaning a group of that relevant bank and its subsidiary companies, or a group of specified subsidiary banks of that relevant bank and subsidiary companies other than the specified subsidiary banks of that relevant bank; the same applies in item (iv));
(iii)a group of bank holding companies of the relevant bank (limited to a group that includes a bank or companies as set forth in Article 52-23, paragraph (1), item (i) or item (vi) of the Act among a group of two or more subsidiary companies of a bank holding company that holds that relevant bank as a subsidiary company and a group of that relevant bank holding company and its subsidiary companies; and excluding groups as set forth in the preceding item; the same applies in the following item);
(iv)the relevant bank or, its specified subsidiary bank, a bank-holding specified subsidiary bank, a group of banks, or a group of bank holding companies, and the following persons:
(a)a bank, etc.;
(b)a group of banks, etc.;
(c)a group of bank holding companies; or
(d)a group of long-term credit bank holding companies of a long-term credit bank.
(5)The meaning of the terms "bank, etc.", "group of banks, etc.", and "group of long-term credit bank holding companies of a long-term credit bank" as prescribed in item (iv) of the preceding paragraph are as prescribed in each of the following item:
銀行等 次に掲げる者
(i)a bank, etc.: the following persons:
(a)a bank or a long-term credit bank (including a foreign company that performs banking among those subsidiary companies);
(b)a Shinkin Bank, credit cooperatives, or a labor bank (including a bank or a foreign company that performs banking, among federations organized with these corporations or their subsidiary companies);
(c)an agricultural cooperative, a federation of agricultural cooperatives, a fisheries cooperative, a federation of fisheries cooperatives, a fishery processing cooperative, a federation of fishery processing cooperative (including a subsidiary company (limited to a bank) of federation of agricultural cooperatives, a federation of fisheries cooperatives, and a federation of fishery processing cooperatives, with regard to the federation of agricultural cooperatives, the federation of fisheries cooperatives, and a federation of fishery processing cooperatives); and
(d)the Norinchukin Bank (including a bank or a foreign company that performs banking among the Norinchukin Bank's subsidiary companies);
(e)the Shoko Chukin Bank Limited
(ii)a group of banks, etc.:a group of the bank, etc., as prescribed in the preceding item and its subsidiary companies, or a group of subsidiary banks, etc. of the bank, etc. (meaning a bank, long-term credit bank, or a foreign company that performs banking, among subsidiary companies of the bank, etc.; hereinafter the same applies in this item) and subsidiary companies other than the subsidiary banks, etc. of the bank, etc.;
(iii)a group of long-term credit bank holding companies:limited a group that includes a long-term credit bank or companies as set forth in Article 16-4, paragraph (1), item (i) or (vi) of the Long-Term Credit Bank Act among a group of two or more subsidiary companies of a long-term credit bank holding company (meaning a long-term credit bank holding company as prescribed in Article 16-4, paragraph (1) of the Long-Term Credit Bank Act; the same applies hereinafter) or a group of the long-term credit bank holding company and its subsidiary companies; and excluding a group as specified in the preceding item.
(6)The company specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii) and Article 16-3, paragraph (7) of the Act means a company falling under any of the following items, other than one that is an issuer of shares listed on a financial instruments exchange or shares registered in a registry of over-the-counter traded securities as prescribed in Article 67-11, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act:
(i)a small and medium-sized enterprise operator (meaning a small and medium-sized enterprise operator prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Business Enhancement Act (Act No. 18 of 1999); hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph and paragraph (12)), if five years have not elapsed since the date of incorporation or the date of its commencement of new business activities (meaning activities such as the development or production of new products, development or provision of new services, introduction of a new method of producing or selling products, and introduction of a new method of providing services, which are different in type from the business in which the company currently engages; the same applies in the following item and item (iii)); and if the percentage of its amount set forth in sub-item (a) to its amount set forth in sub-item (b) exceeds three percent in the preceding business year or preceding year:
(a)total amount of testing and research expenses and other expenses specially paid for recruitment of new technology or new management organization, market cultivation, or commencement of new business;
(b)the amount that is the result of deducting the income amount by transfer of fixed assets or securities as prescribed in Article 2, item (xxi) of the Corporation Tax Act (Act No. 34 of 1965) from the total income amount;
(ii)a small and medium-sized enterprise operator, if two years have not elapsed since the date of its incorporation or the date of its commencement of new business activities; if it has two or more full-time workers engaged in its new business activities (limited to the persons who are engaged in the new business activities such as the development or production of new products, development or provision of new services, introduction of a new method of producing or selling products, and introduction of a new method of providing services, and who do not fall under the category of researchers; hereinafter the same applies in this item); and if the percentage of the number of those workers engaged in the new business activities to the total number of its full-time officers and employees is ten percent or more;
(iii)a small or medium-sized enterprise operator, if one year has not elapsed since the date of its incorporation or date of its commencement of new business activities; if it has two or more full-time researchers and if the percentage of the number of those researchers to the total number of its full-time officers and employees is ten percent or more; or
(iv)a company that is certified as prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Business Enhancement Act.
(7)The company specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii)-2 of the Act means a company falling under any of the following items, other than one that is an issuer of shares listed on a financial instruments exchange or shares registered in a registry of over-the-counter traded securities referred to in Article 67-11, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act:
(i)a company which has obtained approval prescribed under Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Business Enhancement Act;
(ii)a company subject to an order confirming a rehabilitation plan under the provisions of Article 174, paragraph (1) of the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999);
(iii)a company subject to an order confirming an approval on reorganization plan under the provisions of Article 199, paragraph (1) of the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002);
(iv)a company subject to a decision of assistance for revitalization prescribed in Article 25, paragraph (4) of the Act on Regional Economy Vitalization Corporation of Japan (Act No. 63 of 2009);
(v)a company subject to a decision of assistance prescribed in Article 19, paragraph (4) of the Act on Corporation for Revitalizing Earthquake-Affected Business (Act No. 113 of 2011);
(vi)a company which has obtained assistance from an industrial recovery organization prescribed in Article 59, paragraph (1) of the Act on Corporation for Revitalizing Earthquake-Affected Business;
(vii)a company which has obtained an approval referred to in Article 23, paragraph (1) or Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness (Act No. 98 of 2013);
(viii)a company which implements a streamlined business improvement plan (limited to a plan in which a bank etc. prescribed in Article 52-61, paragraph (1) of the Act, Shoko Chukin Bank Limited, an insurance company (including a foreign insurance company, etc.), a bank holding company, a long-term credit bank holding company or an insurance holding company prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (16) of the Insurance Business Act, or a subsidiary company of any of these (hereinafter referred to as a "specified financial institution, etc." in this item) implements any of the following measures with regard to obligations a company owes to the specified financial institution, etc., and the implementation of these measures is expected to improve the condition of the business management of the company within a reasonable period of time):
(a)measures to release the company from all or part of the obligations;
(b)measures to acquire shares of the company in order to extinguish all or part of the obligations;
(c)measures to make all or part of the claims pertaining to the obligations subordinated to other claims against the company (but only if the specified financial institution, etc. also implements measures so that the company will lose its benefit of time when a financial indicator of the company falls short of a certain level fixed in advance by the specified financial institution, etc. and the company); and
(ix)a company that came to need assistance in order to succeed to its business for reasons such as the representative's death or old age, and that has received assistance based on a business succession plan.
(8)The requirements specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii)-2 of the Act are that if a bank or its subsidiary company acquires voting rights in the company prescribed in the preceding paragraph (excluding one that falls under item (ix) of that paragraph), all of the requirements set forth in the following items are satisfied:
(i)a business plan (meaning a business plan as referred to in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii)-2 of the Act) has been prepared that includes human-resources or financial assistance by a bank, etc. as prescribed in Article 52-61, paragraph (1) of the Act or any other such assistance for business revitalization that is provided by such a bank, etc.; and
(ii)any of the following entity is involved in formulating the business plan referred to in the preceding item:
(a)a public agency;
(b)a commercial and industrial association or chamber of commerce and industry;
(c)any entity equivalent to (a) or (b);
(d)an attorney or legal professional corporation;
(e)a certified public accountant or audit corporation;
(f)a certified public tax accountant or tax accountancy corporation; or
(g)a company that conducts the services set forth in paragraph (2), item (xv) of the following Article (limited to a company other than a subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc. as prescribed in Article 14-2, item (ii) of the Act) of the bank and a subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc. as prescribed in Article 52-25 of the Act) of a bank holding company that has the bank as its subsidiary company).
(9)In addition to a company as prescribed in paragraph (6), a company that was a company as prescribed in paragraph (6) at the time that its voting rights were acquired by a bank or its subsidiary company (including a company that is to become a subsidiary company; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) due to grounds other than the acquisition of shares or equity through the exercise of a security right or grounds as set forth in Article 17-4, paragraph (1), item (i) (if the voting rights in the company are acquired by the bank or its subsidiary company on two or more occasions: on the latest occasion of the acquisition due to grounds other than the acquisition of shares or equity through the exercise of the security right and the grounds set forth in that item) is also considered to be a company as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii) of the Act in relation to that bank, unless the voting rights are newly acquired by the bank or its subsidiary company due to grounds other than the acquisition of shares or equity through the exercise of a security right or the cause set forth in Article 17-4, paragraph (1), item (i).
(10)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to a company that was a company prescribed in paragraph (7).In this case, the phrase "Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii)" in the preceding paragraph is deemed to be replaced with "Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii)-2."
(11)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (6) through the preceding paragraph (excluding paragraph (8)), if a specified subsidiary company (meaning a company prescribed in paragraph (13); hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph, the following paragraph, and Article 17-7-3, paragraph (2)) does not dispose of the voting rights acquired thereby in a company prescribed in paragraph (6) or paragraph (9) (hereinafter referred to as a "company cultivating new business field" in this paragraph), or in a company prescribed in paragraph (7) or company that falls under a company specified by Cabinet Office Order referred to in paragraph (9), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph following the deemed replacement of terms (hereinafter referred to as a "company in the business revitalization process" in this Chapter and Article 35, paragraph (1), item (xiii)), by the base disposition date (meaning: the day on which fifteen years have elapsed from the date of the acquisition of the voting rights in a company cultivating a new business field; the day on which five years have elapsed from the date of the acquisition of the voting rights in a company in the business revitalization process which falls under paragraph (7), item (ix); or the day on which ten years have elapsed from the date of the acquisition of the voting rights in a company in the business revitalization process other than the company which falls under that item (if the voting rights are voting rights in a company prescribed in paragraph (7) (limited to one that falls under item (v) or item (vi) of that paragraph), and the period during which the company receives the assistance exceeds ten years from the date of the acquisition of the voting rights: the day on which the assistance ends); hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), the company cultivating new business field or company in the business revitalization process (hereinafter referred to as a "company cultivating new business field, etc." in this paragraph, Article 17-6, paragraph (1), item (ix), and Article 17-7-3, paragraph (3)) is to be considered as a company that does not fall under a company as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii) of the Act in relation to that bank in the case of a company cultivating new business field, or a company as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in item (xii)-2 of that paragraph in relation to that bank in the case of a company in the business revitalization process, respectively, from the day following the base disposition date; provided, however, that this does not apply to the case in which; the number of voting rights in the company cultivating new business field, etc. held by the bank or its subsidiary company falls below the base number of voting rights as of the base disposition date (meaning the number of voting rights obtained by multiplying the total shareholder or investor voting rights by five percent, with regard to voting rights in a domestic company (meaning the domestic company prescribed in Article 16-4, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter in this Chapter and Chapter V) and voting rights in a company in the business revitalization process (limited to one that satisfies the requirements specified in paragraph (8); the same applies in the following paragraph, Article 17-6, paragraph (1), item (ix), Article 17-7-3, paragraph (3), and Article 35, paragraph (1), item (xiii)); and meaning the number of voting rights obtained by multiplying the total shareholder or investor voting rights by fifty percent, with regard to voting rights in a foreign company; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph and the following paragraph) if the disposition is performed; and the specified subsidiary company disposes of a portion of voting rights exceeding the base number of voting rights as of the base disposition date among the voting rights in the company cultivating new business field, etc. held by the bank or its subsidiary company, during the period from the date of the acquisition to the base disposition date.
(12)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (7) and (10), if a bank or its subsidiary company other than a specified subsidiary company does not dispose of the voting rights acquired thereby in a company in the business revitalization process by the base disposition date (meaning the day on which the period specified in the following items has elapsed from the date of the acquisition of the voting rights in accordance with the categories of voting rights set forth in those items; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), the company in the business revitalization process is not considered to be a company specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii)-2 of the Act in relation to the bank from the day following the base disposition date; provided, however, that this does not apply to the case in which; the number of voting rights in the company in the business revitalization process held by the bank or its subsidiary company other than a specified subsidiary company falls below the base number of voting rights as of the base disposition date, if the disposition is performed; and the bank or its subsidiary company other than a specified subsidiary company disposes of a portion of voting rights exceeding the base number of voting rights as of the base disposition date among the voting rights in the company in the business revitalization process held by the bank or its subsidiary company other than a specified subsidiary company, during the period from the date of the acquisition to the base disposition date:
(i)voting rights from shares or equity issued by a small and medium-sized enterprise operator:ten years; or
(ii)voting rights from shares or equity issued by a company other than a small and medium-sized enterprise operator:three years.
(13)The company specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii) of the Act means a company that only performs business as set forth in paragraph (2), item (xii) of the following Article and business incidental to this.
(14)A holding company as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xiii) of the Act means one as follows; provided, however, that if the relevant holding company performs business as set forth in each item of paragraph (1) of the following Article, it must perform that business, based on the standards specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, for the benefit of the business performed mainly by a bank, its subsidiary company, or a person as set forth in each item of paragraph (4):
(i)a holding company that only engages in the business of managing its subsidiary company's business, business incidental to this, and business as set forth in each item of paragraph (1) and each item of paragraph (2) of the following Article (excluding items (xxiv) through (xxxiv)) (limited to the cases in which the holding company does not hold, as a subsidiary company, a company as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (i), item (ii), item (v), item (v)-2, item (vii), and item (ix); the same applies hereinafter except for the following item and item (iii)), if that holding company holds, as a subsidiary company, a company specialized in securities business as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "company specialized in securities business"), a company specialized in securities introducing brokerage services as prescribed in item (iv) of that paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "company specialized in securities introducing brokerage services") or a foreign company (excluding a foreign company which performs banking) performing securities-related business as prescribed in item (viii) of that paragraph, and a company specialized in trust business as prescribed in item (vi) of that paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "company specialized in trust business"), or a foreign company (excluding a foreign company which performs banking) that performs trust business as prescribed in item (x) of that paragraph;
(ii)a company as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (i), item (ii), items (v) through (vii), item (ix) and item (x)), if that holding company holds, as its subsidiary company, a company specialized in securities, a company specialized in securities intermediation, or a foreign company (excluding a foreign company which carries out banking) engaging in securities services as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Act, a holding company that only engages in the business of managing its subsidiary company's business, business incidental to this, and business as set forth in each item of paragraph (1) and each item of paragraph (2) of the following Article (excluding items (xxiv) through (xxxvii)) (limited to the cases in which a holding company does not hold, as its subsidiary company;
(iii)a holding company that only engages in the business of managing its subsidiary company's business, business incidental to this, and business as set forth in each item of paragraph (1) and each item of paragraph (2) of the following Article (excluding items (xix) through (xxxiv)) (limited to the cases in which the holding company does not hold, as its subsidiary company, a company as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (i), item (ii), items (iii) through (v)-2, and items (vii) through (ix)), if that holding company holds, as its subsidiary company, a company specialized in trust business or a foreign company (excluding a foreign company which carries out banking) engaging in trust business as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (x) of the Act;
(iv)with regard to a holding company that holds a company as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (ii)-2 or items (xi) through (xii)-3 of the Act as its subsidiary company, a holding company that only engages in the business of managing its subsidiary company's business, business incidental to this, and business as set forth in each item of paragraph (1) and each item of paragraph (2) of the following Article (excluding items (xix) through (xxxvii));
(v)a holding company that only engages in the business of managing its subsidiary company's business, business incidental to this, and business as set forth in each item of paragraph (1) and each item of paragraph (2) of the following Article (excluding items (xxiv) through (xxxvii)), with regard to that holding company as specified in paragraph (6) of the following Article among companies that are a subsidiary company of a company specialized in securities business or a company specialized in securities intermediation that is a subsidiary company of the bank as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (vi), (c) of the Act;
(vi)with regard to a holding company as specified in paragraph (7) of the following Article among companies that are a subsidiary company of an insurance company or a small amount and short-term insurance company (meaning a small amount and short-term insurance provider as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (18) of the Insurance Business Act; the same applies hereinafter) that are a subsidiary company of the bank as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (vii), (c) of the Act, a holding company that only engages in the business of managing its subsidiary company's business, business incidental to this, and business as set forth in each item of paragraph (1) and each item of paragraph (2) of the following Article (excluding items (xix) through (xxiii), and items (xxxv) through (xxxvii));
(vii)a holding company that only engages in the business of managing its subsidiary company's business, business incidental to this, and business as set forth in each item of paragraph (1) and each item of paragraph (2) of the following Article (excluding items (xix) through (xxxiv)),with regard to a holding company as specified in paragraph (8) of the following Article among companies that are a subsidiary company of a trust bank or a company specialized in trust business that is a subsidiary company of the bank as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (viii), (d) of the Act.
(15)The provisions of Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act apply mutatis mutandis to voting rights as prescribed in paragraph (8), paragraph (9) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (10) by replacing terms), paragraph (11) and paragraph (12).
(Scope of a Subsidiary Company of a Bank)
Article 17-3(1)The services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act means:
(i)services for renting out real property (as a general rule, limited to real property for business acquired or leased from a bank that has the person in question as subsidiary company, or its subsidiary company) for another business operator, or for maintaining, inspecting, or otherwise managing real property or its accompanying equipment that is owned by another business operator;
(ii)services for performing the administrative processes concerning benefits for officers or employees of another business operator;
(iii)services for purchasing or managing goods for use in another business operator's administrative processes;
(iv)services for printing or bookbinding of documents, vouchers, or other documentation related to the administrative processes of another business operator;
(v)services for advertising or promoting the business of another business operator;
(vi)services for operating, maintaining, inspecting, or otherwise managing automobiles for another business operator;
(vii)services for investigating or providing information as necessary for the services of another business operator (except for that corresponding to item (x));
(viii)services for maintaining, inspecting, or otherwise managing cash dispensers, etc. of another business operator;
(ix)services for preparing or sending off postcards or sealed documents to solicit persons to enter into contracts related to the business of another business operator or that explain the contents of those contracts;
(x)services for evaluating property that is the object of security for a claim related to the lending of funds or other granting of credit by another business operator, for maintaining the property that is the object of the security, or for undertaking other necessary administrative processes in relation to that property;
(x)-2services of acting as an agent or intermediary in the sale and purchase of property (excluding real property) that is the object of security on behalf of another business operator, if it is necessary for the other business operator to exercise a security right in order to collect claims related to the lending of funds or other granting of credit;
(xi)services to provide consultations for the lending of funds by another business operator (limited to the lending of necessary funds to purchase a home or any other lending of funds to consumers), or services to intermediate administrative processes for the lending of funds by another business operator or to undertake any other administrative process that is necessary in relation to the lending of funds by another business operator;
(xii)services involving foreign exchange transactions carried out by another business operator, letters of credit, or traveler's checks, or services for undertaking the necessary administrative processes involved in the lending of funds that are directly necessary for import or export or any other international transactions, discounting of bills and notes, a debt guarantee, or the acceptance of bills and notes;
(xiii)services for undertaking calculations related to the administrative processes of another business operator;
(xiv)services for preparing, arranging, storing, sending off, or delivering documents, vouchers, or any other documentation related to the administrative processes of another business operator;
(xv)services for intermediating administrative processes between another business operator and customers of that other business operator;
(xvi)staffing services as prescribed in Article 2, item (iii) of the Act for Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers (Act No. 88 of 1985) or employment placement services that is carried out after obtaining a permission based on the provisions of Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Employment Security Act (Act No. 141 of 1947);
(xvii)services for undertaking administrative processes involving computers for another business operator (including services for designing or maintaining a system that functions using a computer, or for designing, developing, or selling a software program (including selling peripheral equipment that are necessary along with the sale of a software program) or for its maintenance);
(xviii)services for providing education or training to the officers or employees of another business operator;
(xix)services for transporting the cash, checks, bills and notes, or securities of another business operator (except those corresponding to the following item and item (xxi));
(xx)services for collecting and delivering cash, checks, bills and notes, or certificates to major clients of another business operator;
(xxi)services for accepting and delivering securities related to the services of another business operator to and from a major client of that business operator;
(xxii)services for organizing cash, checks, bills and notes, or securities, confirming their amounts or number, or retaining custody temporarily on behalf of another business operator;
(xxiii)services for investing on behalf of an insurance company (meaning an insurance company as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) that has the person in question as a subsidiary company;
(xxiv)services for purchasing the property that is the object of security at an appropriate price, for a bank that is itself a subsidiary company, a subsidiary company of such a bank, long-term credit bank, or insurance company (hereinafter referred to as a "parent bank, etc." in this item), and services for holding ownership of the purchased property, managing, and undertaking any other necessary administrative processes for the property, when it is necessary for the parent bank, etc. to exercise a security right for collecting claims related to lending of funds and other granting of credit;
(xxv)other services specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as equivalent to the services set forth in the preceding items; or
(xxvi)services incidental to the services set forth in each of the preceding items (limited to business conducted by a person that engages in business as set forth in each item).
(2)The services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)acting as an agent or intermediary for the services (excluding services as set forth in item (i)-5) of a bank, a long-term credit bank or a Shinkin Bank, credit cooperatives or labor bank (including federations organized by these corporations);
(i)-2acting as an agent or intermediary for trust business (excluding business as set forth in item (i)-5) that is as prescribed in Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Agricultural Cooperatives Act and is conducted by an agricultural cooperative or a federation of agricultural cooperatives; trust business (excluding a business as set forth in that item) that is as prescribed in Article 54-2, paragraph (2) of the Fishery Cooperative Act and is conducted by a fisheries cooperative or a federation of fisheries cooperatives, or a fishery processing cooperative or a federation of fishery processing cooperative; or a business (excluding a business as set forth in that item) of the Norinchukin Bank;
(i)-3acting as an agent or intermediary for the services of a foreign company that conducts banking (limited to intermediation of custody of securities, settlement concerning transactions of securities based on the instruction of customers, transfer of profits, etc. pertaining to the securities in custody, lending of the securities in custody to a third party based on instruction, or exercise of rights of the securities in custody based on instruction, or intermediation of services incidental to those businesses, in the cases of conducting business in Japan);
(i)-4acting as an agent or intermediary for a fund transfer service operated by a fund transfer service provider;
(i)-5services as an agent for a trust contract as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8) of the Trust Business Act (excluding what is set forth in Article 3, item (ii) of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions and Article 3, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions);
(i)-6acting as an agent or intermediary for the conclusion of a contract for being entrusted with the business that a financial institution engaging in trust business performs and that is set forth in Article 1, paragraph (1), items (iii) through (vii) of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions (excluding business as set forth in Article 3, item (iii) of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions, and business as set forth in Article 3, paragraph (1), items (iii) to (v) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions);;
(ii)intermediation of the lending or borrowing of money (including intermediation for the granting of money by discounting of bills and notes, by security by way of transfer, or by other methods similar to these, or intermediation for delivery or receipt of money by those methods) that is carried out in the course of trade (excluding business as set forth in items (i) through (i)-3);
(ii)-2services involving a transaction other than the money lending, and equivalent to the monetary lending (limited to services in which the receiving of interest is forbidden by religious discipline and which is conducted based on the judgment of a council comprised of persons with expert knowledge on religious discipline with regard to the transaction being a transaction other than the money lending);
(ii)-3services related to electronic payment services;
(iii)services as prescribed in Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Act (excluding services as set forth in items (viii), (viii)-2 and (xviii) of that paragraph, securities-related business, and other services corresponding to services as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency);
(iii)-2services as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Claim Management and Collection Business (Act No. 126 of 1998), and services as set forth in each item of Article 12 of that Act (in the cases of conducting business as prescribed in item (ii) of that Article, limited to the cases in which all standards specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency are satisfied);
(iii)-3defined contribution pension plan operational management as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Defined Contribution Pension Act (Act No. 88 of 2001) or services for undertaking the administrative processes set forth in each item of Article 61, paragraph (1) of that Act;
(iii)-4solicitation for insurance prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (26) of the Insurance Business Act (referred to as "solicitation for insurance" in item (xxvii) and Article 34-48, paragraph (1)).
(iv)services for acts as set forth in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (vii), item (xiii), and item (xv) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act;
(vi)a commodity investment management as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Act on Regualtion of Commodity Investment;
(vii)the service of delivering or granting a card or other such object or a number or symbol or other such code that a person can use to purchase goods or rights from a specific seller or to receive services from a specific service provider by presenting it, notifying a specific seller or service provider of it, or exchanging it (hereinafter referred to as a "card or equivalent object or code" in this item and the following item), to a person that seeks to purchase goods or rights or to receive services using that card or equivalent object or code (hereinafter referred to as a "user" in this item and the following item); and of receiving money equivalent to the price of the goods or rights or the consideration for the services from the user and delivering that money to the seller or the service provider (this includes delivering that money to the seller or the service provider through a person other than that seller or service provider) when the user has purchased goods or rights or received services from the specific seller or service provider by presenting the card or equivalent object or code or notifying the specific seller or service provider of it, or in exchange for the card or equivalent object or code;
(viii)services for delivering money equivalent to the price of goods or rights or the consideration for services to a specific seller or service provider (including delivering that money to the seller or the service provider through a person other than that seller or service provider) on the condition that a user purchase goods or rights or receive service from that seller or service provider without using a card or equivalent object or code; and for receiving that amount of money from the user;
(ix)services for issuing prepaid payment instruments for one's own business as prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (4) of the Payment Services Act or services for issuing prepaid payment instruments for third-party business prescribed in paragraph (5) of that Article, or services for selling these means of payment.
(xi)services to rent machinery or other articles (limited to the cases in which the services set forth in Article 10, paragraph (2), item (xviii) of the Act are mainly carried out pursuant to the standards as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency):
(xii)services for providing another stock company with the funds that are necessary for its business by undertaking the following acts:
(a)lending funds to that company;
(b)acquiring bonds issued by that company (excluding short-term bonds set forth in Article 10, paragraph (3), item (i) of the Act);
(c)acquiring share options issued by that company;
(d)acquiring shares issued by that company for the purpose of receiving dividends pertaining to shares or gaining profit from a sale pertaining to those shares;
(e)concluding a partnership agreement as prescribed in Article 667, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code, or an investment business limited partnership contract as prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Limited Partnership Act for Investment, with the purpose of performing any of the acts as set forth in items (a) to (d);
(xiii)services undertaken as an investment trust management company or an asset management company (or, as entities similar to these, in a case of a foreign state; including services for managing real property that belongs to investment trust assets for which an investment trust management company instructs its management, or assets of an investment corporation whose assets are managed by an asset management company);
(xiv)investment advisory services (meaning an investment advisory service as prescribed in Article 28, paragraph (6) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) or services involved in a discretionary investment contract;
(xiv)-2services for managing money or other property for others (including its instruction), as an investment in assets set forth in Article 3, item (i) and item (ii), and items (vi) through (viii) of the Enforcement Order of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations (Cabinet Order No. 480 of 2000) (excluding services corresponding to item (iv) and the preceding two items);
(xiv)-3services to provide consultations concerning transfer of business, merger, company split, share exchange, or share transfer by another business operator, or for intermediating these matters;
(xv)services to provide consultations concerning management of another business operator;
(xvi)services for conducting financial or other economic investigations or research;
(xvii)services to provide consultations concerning asset building by individuals;
(xviii)services to mainly process data concerning business of a bank holding company, a long-term credit bank holding company, a company corresponding to a company eligible to be a subsidiary company (meaning a company eligible to be a subsidiary company as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1) of the Act, or a company eligible to be a subsidiary company as prescribed in Article 52-23, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same applies in the following item and item (xxxii)), or other financial institution as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, or data concerning finance of a business operator; and services for acting to transmit these data;
(xviii)-2the services for mainly creating or selling a software program for a computer (including selling peripheral equipment that are necessary along with the sale of a software program) concerning the services of a bank holding company, a long-term credit bank holding company, or a company that is a company eligible to be a subsidiary company, or other financial institutions as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, or concerning finances of a business operator; or services of entrusted calculation (excluding those corresponding to item (xxxii));
(xviii)-3services for calculating premiums or benefits in relation to a defined benefit corporate pension as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Defined- Benefit Corporate Pension Act (Act No. 50 of 2001) or other equivalent pension, and services involved in the preparation or transfer of documents, etc. in relation to those premiums or benefits;
(xviii)-4services as set forth in Article 11, item (iv) of the Act;
(xviii)-5electronic monetary claims recording business prescribed in Article 51, paragraph (1) of Electronically Recorded Monetary Claims Act (Act No. 102 of 2007);
(xix)services for intermediating administrative processes concerning securities between an owner and issuer of those securities;
(xx)acting as an agent of a customer of securities;
(xxi)services for conducting advertising, promotions, or investigations for a stock company with the purpose of facilitating business funding through the issuance of shares in that stock company, or other services that contribute to improving the evaluation of that stock company by investors;
(xxii)providing information or advisory services concerning securities (excluding business corresponding to item (xix) and the preceding item);
(xxiii)services of intermediating or acting as an agent in the conclusion of a partnership agreement as prescribed in Article 667, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code or an anonymous partnership agreement as prescribed in Article 535 of the Commercial Code (excluding services corresponding to securities-related business);
(xxiv)acting as an agent for services for insurance business of an insurance company or a small amount and short-term insurance company (excluding business corresponding to that as set forth in item (iii)-4), or undertaking administrative processes on its behalf
(xxvi)services for undertaking investigations into the particulars of an accident covered by insurance or other insurance contracts;
(xxvii)services to educate persons undertaking solicitation for insurance;
(xxviii)services for welfare facilities for the elderly, etc. (meaning a welfare facility for the elderly as prescribed in Article 5-3 of the Act on Social Welfare for the Elderly (Act No. 133 of 1963) and a fee-charging home for the aged as prescribed in Article 29, paragraph (1) of that Act), and other services related to welfare of persons who are aged, physically disabled, etc.;
(xxix)services for managing facilities for exercising in order to maintain or improve health, or facilities for the maintaining or promoting health by use of a hot spring;
(xxx)services for undertaking investigations or analysis or providing advice in order to prevent occurrence of accidents or other risks, to prevent or reduce damage due to occurrence of risks, or to evaluate the size, etc. of damage due to the occurrence of risks;
(xxxi)services for undertaking investigations or analysis or providing advice concerning health, welfare, or medical care;
(xxxii)services to create or sell a computer software program (including selling peripheral equipement that are necessary along with the sale of a software program) concerning mainly business of an insurance holding company, a small amount and short-term insurance holding company (meaning a small amount and short-term insurance holding company as prescribed in Article 272-37, paragraph (2) of the Insurance Business Act), a company corresponding to a company eligible to be a subsidiary company (limited to an insurance company, small amount and short-term insurance company, or a foreign company that carries out insurance business), or an insurance agent; or the services of entrusted calculations;
(xxxiii)services for acting as intermediary for or for introducing persons to an automobile repairer, etc.;
(xxxiv)services for intermediating the reporting of accidents covered by insurance from an insurance contractor or services to provide consultations concerning an insurance contract;
(xxxv)services for managing assets (excluding services corresponding to those as set forth in item (iii); for assets of the same type as the trust assets entrusted to a trust subsidiary company, etc. that holds voting rights in the company undertaking the relevant services, limited to services for undertaking their management based on the same management method for trust assets as that prescribed in a statement of operational procedures) or administrative processes as an agent in relation to those services;
(xxxvi)services as set forth in Article 1, paragraph (1), items (iv) through (vii) of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions (excluding services corresponding to item (vi) and the preceding item of this Act; Article 3, item (iii) of the Enforcement Order of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions; Article 3, paragraph (1), item (iii) and item (iv) of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business Activities by Financial Institutions: and limited to services pertaining to those for which a trust subsidiary company, etc. has obtained an approval pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (2) of the Trust Business Act with regard to the scope of the services in question, if there is no company equivalent to a trust bank among the trust subsidiary companies, etc. of; a bank that has a company carrying out the services as its subsidiary company; or a bank which is a subsidiary company of a bank holding company that has a company carrying out the services as its subsidiary company);
(xxxvii)services concerning evaluation of trusted assets (excluding real property) in the cases of accepting trust;
(xxxviii)other services specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as equivalent to the services set forth in the preceding items; or
(xxxix)services incidental to the services set forth in each preceding item (limited to a business conducted by a person that conducts a business as set forth in each the item).
(3)The services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Act are as follows:
(i)services as set forth in items (xix) through (xxiii) of the preceding paragraph;
(ii)other services as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as equivalent to the services set forth in the preceding item; or
(iii)services as set forth in item (xxxix) of the preceding paragraph that are related to services incidental to the services set forth in the preceding two items.
(4)The services specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act are as follows:
(i)services as set forth in paragraph (2), items (xxiv) through (xxxiv);
(ii)other services as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as equivalent to services as set forth in the preceding item; or
(iii)services as set forth in paragraph (2), item (xxxix) that are related to services incidental to the services set forth in the preceding two items.
(5)The services as specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act are as follows:
(i)services as set forth in paragraph (2), items (xxxv) through (xxxvii);
(ii)other services as specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as equivalent to the services set forth in the preceding item; or
(iii)services as set forth in paragraph (2), item (xxxix) that are related to services incidental to the services set forth in the preceding two items.
(6)The companies as specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (vi), (c) of the Act means a holding company as prescribed in paragraph (1), item (xiii) of that Article in which a company specialized in securities or a company specialized in securities intermediation that is a subsidiary company of the relevant bank holds voting rights accounting for over fifty percent of the total shareholder or investor voting rights.
(7)The companies as specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (vii), (c) of the Act means a holding company as prescribed in paragraph (1), item (xiii) of that Article in which an insurance company or a small amount and short-term insurance company that is a subsidiary company of the relevant bank holds voting rights accounting for over fifty percent of the total shareholder or investor voting rights.
(8)The companies as specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (2), item (viii), (d) of the Act means a holding company as prescribed in paragraph (1), item (xiii) of that Article in which a trust bank or a company specialized in trust business that is a subsidiary company of the relevant bank holds voting rights accounting for over fifty percent of total shareholder or investor voting rights.
(9)The provisions in Article 1-6, paragraph (3) apply mutatis mutandis to the voting rights held by the persons prescribed in these provisions in a case referred to in one of the preceding three paragraphs.In this case, the phrase "Article 147, paragraph (1) or Article 148, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 228, paragraph (1), Article 235, paragraph (1), Article 239, paragraph (1), and Article 276 (limited to the part pertaining to item (ii) of the Act))" in paragraph (3) of that Article, and the term "shares or contribution" in that paragraph are deemed to be replaced with "Article 147, paragraph (1) or Article 148, paragraph (1)" and "shares", respectively.
(Grounds on Non-Applicability of the Provisions of Article 16-2, paragraph (1) of the Act)
Article 17-4(1)The ground specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in the main clause of Article 16-2, paragraph (3) of the Act means one of the following grounds:
(i)acquisition of shares or equity by a bank's or its subsidiary company's acceptance of what is delivered in accord and satisfaction;
(ii)acquisition of voting rights from shares or equity in respect of which voting rights held by a bank or its subsidiary company cannot be exercised (limited to an acquisition due to occurrence of an event that is not based on the intention of the bank or its subsidiary company);
(iii)conversion of shares (meaning that the shares are acquired by an issuing company of those shares, and another type of share is granted in exchange for them; the same applies hereinafter) of a company in which shares are held by a bank or its subsidiary company (excluding the cases in which conversion is requested by that bank or its subsidiary company);
(iv)consolidation or split of shares or equity of a company in which shares or equity are held by a bank or its subsidiary company, or an allotment of shares without contribution (meaning an allotment of shares without a contribution as prescribed in Article 185 of the Companies Act; the same applies hereinafter);
(v)change of the content of rights or number of share units pertaining to shares or equity due to a change of articles of incorporation of a company in which shares or equity are held by a bank or its subsidiary company;
(vi)a company's acquisition of its own shares or equity that are held by a bank or its subsidiary company; or
(vii)acquisition of shares or equity by a company set forth in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (xii) or item (xii)-2 of the Act that is a subsidiary company of a bank.
(2)The ground specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in the proviso to Article 16-2, paragraph (3) of the Act means the grounds set forth in item (vii) of the preceding paragraph.
(3)The ground specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (8) of the Act means the acquisition of shares or equity by a bank or its subsidiary company through the exercise of a security right or any of the grounds as set forth in paragraph (1), items (i) through (vi).
(Companies Eligible to Be a Subsidiary Company That Is Excluded from Banks, etc. Eligible to Be Subsidiary Company)
Article 17-4-2The company as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-2, paragraph (7) of the Act means a company exclusively engaged in the following services:
(i)services as set forth in Article 17-3, paragraph (2), items (i) through (xviii)-5;
(ii)services specified by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as being equivalent to those set forth in the preceding item; or
(iii)services as set forth in Article 17-3, paragraph (2), item (xxxix) that are related to services incidental to the services set forth in the preceding two items.
(Application of Authorization for Making a Bank Eligible to Be a Subsidiary Company a Subsidiary Company)
Article 17-5(1)If a bank intends to obtain an authorization to make its subsidiary company out of a bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company (meaning a bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company as prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (7) of the Act, and excluding a company set forth in paragraph (1), item (xii)-3 of that Article (hereinafter referred to as an "advanced banking service company" in this Chapter, Chapter V, and Article 35, paragraph (1)); hereinafter the same applies in this Article), it must attach the following documents to a written application for authorization and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)the following documents concerning the bank:
(a)its latest balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of changes in net assets, and other documents that provide the latest conditions of its business, assets, and profit and loss;
(b)a document stating its expected income and expenditures after obtaining the authorization;
(c)the documents as set forth in the following if the bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company would become its subsidiary company due to a share exchange:
1.minutes of shareholders meetings or other documents proving that necessary procedures were followed;
2.a document stating the content of the share exchange contract; and
3.a document stating the cost for the share exchange;
(iii)the following documents concerning the bank and its subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc., as prescribed in Article 14-2, item (ii) of the Act; hereinafter the same applies in this item, the following paragraph, and the following Article):
(a)its latest balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and statement of changes in net assets in which the bank makes entries for the bank itself and its subsidiary company, etc. on a consolidated basis (including documents similar thereto; the same applies in paragraph (1), item (iii), (a) of the following Article), and other documents that provide the latest conditions of business, assets, and profit and loss of these companies; and
(b)a document stating an estimation of income and expenditures and the consolidated capital adequacy ratio (meaning the ratio obtained by the formula pertaining to the criterion as prescribed in Article 14-2, item (ii) of the Act (excluding the consolidated leverage ratio provided in Article 19-3, item (iii), (h); the same applies in item (ii) of the following paragraph; paragraph (1), item (iii), (b) of the following Article; Article 19-3, item (ii) and item (iii); Article 22, paragraph (1), item (xii); Article 22-2, paragraph (1), item (xii); Article 23, paragraph (1), item (vii); and Article 35, paragraph (1)) of the bank and its subsidiary company, etc. (including the company to become a subsidiary company) after obtaining the authorization;
(iv)the following documents concerning a bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company subject to that authorization:
(a)a document stating the name and the location of its principal business office or its principal office;
(b)a document stating the content of business;
(c)the latest balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of changes in net assets, and other documents that provide the latest conditions of its business, assets, and profit and loss; and
(d)a document stating the title and name of its officers (including a person responsible for performing the officer's duties, if that officer is a corporation);
(v)a document stating the name and content of business of a domestic company, if, by making its subsidiary company out of the bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company to which the authorization pertains, the bank or its subsidiary company would hold voting rights in that domestic company in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights held if their voting rights are combined (meaning the maximum threshold for voting rights held as prescribed in Article 16-4, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same applies in paragraph (4), the following Article, Article 17-6, Article 17-7, and Articles 22 through 23); and
(vi)other documents giving information that should serve as a reference in conducting an examination under the following paragraph.
(2)When an application of authorization pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency is to examine whether it conforms to the following standards:
(i)the amount of stated capital of the bank which has filed the application (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant bank" in this paragraph) is a sufficient amount to acquire or hold voting rights in the bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company to which the application pertains;
(ii)the consolidated capital adequacy ratios of the applicant bank and its subsidiary companies, etc. (including the bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company subject to that authorization) are expected to reach the proper levels;
(iii)the latest conditions of business, assets, and profit and loss of the applicant bank are positive;
(iv)the income and expenditures of the applicant bank and its subsidiary companies, etc. are satisfactory at the time of the application and are expected to also show positive movements after the bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company subject to that authorization is made its subsidiary company;
(v)the applicant bank is able to take measures in order to secure sound and appropriate performance of business of the bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company; and
(vi)the bank, etc. eligible to be a subsidiary company subject to the authorization is capable of performing its business properly and fairly.
(3)If a bank seeks to obtain an approval under Article 16-2, paragraph (5) of the Act for continuing to have a foreign company that is not a company eligible to be a subsidiary company (meaning a company eligible to be a subsidiary company as prescribed in paragraph (1) of that Article; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) as its subsidiary company, it must attach the following documents to the written application for approval and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)a document stating the policies on holding the voting rights in the foreign company that is not a company eligible to be a subsidiary company for which approval is sought;
(iii)the following documents concerning the foreign company that is not a company eligible to be a subsidiary company for which approval is sought;
(a)a document stating the name and the location of its principal business office or office;
(b)a document stating the details of its business;
(c)its latest balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and statement of changes in net assets (including documents similar thereto), and other documents that provide the latest conditions of its business, assets, and profit and loss; and
(d)a document stating the titles and names of its officers (including a person responsible for performing the officer's duties thereof, if the officer is a corporation);
(iv)other documents giving information that should serve as a reference in an examination regarding the approval under the provisions of Article 16-2, paragraph (5) of the Act.
(4)The provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the authorization under the proviso to Article 16-2, paragraph (8) of the Act (excluding the authorization for a bank or its subsidiary companies to continue to hold more than the maximum threshold for voting rights in respect to the voting rights in an advanced banking service company which they have acquired or come to hold in excess of that threshold if their voting rights are combined, or to continue to have as a subsidiary company a foreign advanced banking service company that has become a subsidiary company).
(5)The provisions of paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis to an authorization pursuant to the provisions of Article 16-2, paragraph (9) of the Act.
(6)The provisions of Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act apply mutatis mutandis to voting rights as prescribed in paragraph (1), item (v) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs), paragraph (3), item (ii), and paragraph (4).
(Application for Authorization to Make an Advanced Banking Service Company a Subsidiary Company)
Article 17-5-2(1)If a bank seeks to obtain authorization for it or its subsidiary companies to acquire or hold voting rights in an advanced banking service company in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights if their voting rights are combined, or to make a foreign advanced banking service company into a subsidiary company, it must attach the following documents to a written application for authorization and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)the following documents concerning the bank:
(a)the latest balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of changes in net assets, and other documents that provide the latest conditions of its business, assets, and, profit and loss; and
(b)a document stating its expected income and expenditures after obtaining the authorization;
(c)the following documents if the bank or its subsidiary companies intends to acquire or hold voting rights in an advanced banking service company through a share exchange, in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights if their voting rights are combined, or to make a foreign advanced banking service company into a subsidiary company:
1.minutes of shareholders meetings or other documents proving that necessary procedures were followed;
2.a document stating the content of the share exchange agreement; and
3.a document stating the cost for the share exchange;
(iii)the following documents concerning the bank and its subsidiary companies:
(a)its latest consolidated balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of changes in net assets in which the bank makes entries for the bank itself and its subsidiary company, etc. on a consolidated basis, and other documents that provide the latest conditions of business, assets, and profit and loss of these companies; and
(b)a document stating an estimation of income and expenditures and the consolidated capital adequacy ratio of the bank and its subsidiary companies (including the company that is to become a subsidiary company, etc.) after obtaining the authorization;
(iv)the following documents concerning the advanced banking service company subject to that authorization:
(a)a document stating the name and the location of its principal business office or its principal office;
(b)a document stating the content of the business and the system for executing the business;
(c)the latest balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of changes in net assets, and other documents that provide the latest conditions of its business, assets, and, profit and loss; and
(d)a document stating the titles and names of its officers (including a person responsible for performing the officer's duties, if the officer is a corporation);
(v)a document stating the name and content of business of a domestic company, if subsidiary companies subject to the authorization would come to hold voting rights in that domestic company in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights if their voting rights are combined, by way of acquiring or holding voting rights in an advanced banking service company in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights if their voting rights are combined, or making a foreign advanced banking service company into a subsidiary company; and
(vi)other documents giving information that should serve as a reference in conducting an examination under the following paragraph.
(2)When an application of authorization is filed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency is to examine whether it conforms to the following standards:
(i)the amount of stated capital of the bank which has filed the application (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant bank" in this paragraph) is a sufficient amount to acquire or hold voting rights in the advanced banking service company to which the application pertains;
(ii)even if the whole amount of investment in the advanced banking service company to which the application pertains is lost, the conditions of assets, and profits and losses of the applicant bank and its subsidiary companies, etc. (excluding the company that is to become a subsidiary company, etc. based on the authorization) are expected to be satisfactory;
(iii)the latest conditions of business, assets, and profit and loss of the applicant bank are satisfactory;
(iv)the income and expenditure of the applicant bank and its subsidiary companies, etc. are satisfactory at the time of the application and are expected to also remain favorable after the applicant bank or its subsidiary companies acquire or hold voting rights in the advanced banking service company subject to that authorization which exceed the maximum threshold for voting rights if their voting rights are combined, or make a foreign advanced banking service company into a subsidiary company;
(v)the advanced banking service company subject to the authorization is capable of conducting its business properly and fairly;
(vi)if the applicant bank or its subsidiary companies acquire or hold voting rights in the advanced banking service company subject to that authorization in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights if their voting rights are combined, or make a foreign advanced banking service company into a subsidiary company, it is expected to contribute to increased sophistication in banking conducted by the applicant bank or to the enhanced convenience of bank users of the applicant bank;
(vii)in light of the status of business of the applicant bank, no serious risk that may affect the sound and appropriate management of the services of the applicant bank even after the applicant bank or its subsidiary companies acquire or hold voting rights in the advanced banking service company subject to that authorization which exceed the maximum threshold for voting rights if their voting rights are combined, or make a foreign advanced banking service company into a subsidiary company is found;
(viii)no serious risk of the applicant bank wrongfully using its advantageous position as a bank in a transaction to put its customer at a disadvantage as concerns a condition or implementation of a transaction connected with its services is found; or no serious risk of the advanced banking service company subject to the relevant authorization wrongfully using its advantageous position in a transaction that involves its services to put its customer at a disadvantage as concerns a condition or implementation of a transaction connected with its services is found; and
(ix)no serious risk that the interests of customers of the services carried out by the applicant bank or by the advanced banking service company subject to the relevant authorization will be unduly harmed in connection with transactions conducted by the applicant bank or the advanced banking service company is found.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to the authorization under the provisions of the proviso to Article 16-2, paragraph (8) of the Act (limited to the authorization to continue to hold more than the maximum threshold for voting rights in respect to the voting rights in an advanced banking service company which they have acquired or come to hold in excess of that threshold if their voting rights are combined, or to continue to have as a subsidiary company a foreign advanced banking service company that has become a subsidiary company).
(4)The provisions of paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis to the authorization under Article 16-2, paragraph (10) of the Act.
(5)The provisions of Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act apply mutatis mutandis to the voting rights prescribed in paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs), paragraph (2), item (iv), item (vi) and item (vii), and paragraph (3).
(Content of Business Management of a Bank Group by a Bank)
Article 17-5-3(1)The policies specified by Cabinet Office Order as the policy prescribed in Article 16-3, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Act are as follows:
(i)policies concerning risk management such as policies concerning income and expenditure, capital allocation and adequacy of equity capital regarding a bank group (meaning the bank group prescribed in Article 16-3, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter); and
(ii)policies concerning the development of the bank group's crisis management systems in preparation for events such as disasters.
(2)The systems specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-3, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Act means systems to ensure that the directors, executive officers, members in charge of executing business, persons in charge of performing the duties referred to in Article 598, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, and other persons equivalent to these persons, and employees, all of whom belong to the companies that belong to the bank group, perform their respective duties in the bank in compliance with laws and regulations.
(3)The acts specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-3, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act mean formulating a reconstruction plan (meaning a plan for business reconstruction of a bank group that needs to improve the conditions of its business operation or assets; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph) for the bank group (limited to a bank group designated by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency as one that needs to formulate a reconstruction plan), and ensuring the proper implementation thereof.
(Grounds of Non-Applicability of the Provisions of Article 16-4, Paragraph (1) of the Act)
Article 17-6(1)The ground specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-4, paragraph (2) of the Act means:
(i)acquisition of shares or equity by the exercise of the security right of a bank or its subsidiary company;
(ii)acquisition of shares, etc. by a bank's or its subsidiary company's acceptance of what is delivered in accord and satisfaction;
(iii)acquisition of shares or equity (limited to an acquisition of shares or equity that is for extinguishing the company's debt to the bank or to its subsidiary company and by which the status of the company's management is estimated to improve within a reasonable period of time) by a bank or its subsidiary company based on a streamlined business improvement plan of a company with which it has business dealings;
(iv)acquisition of voting rights from shares or equity in respect of which voting rights held by a bank or its subsidiary company cannot be exercised (limited to an acquisition due to occurrence of an event that is not based on the intention of the bank or its subsidiary company);
(v)conversion of shares of a company in which shares are held by a bank or its subsidiary company (excluding cases in which conversion is requested by that bank or its subsidiary company);
(vi)consolidation or split of shares or equity of a company in which shares or equity are held by a bank or its subsidiary company, or an allotment of share without contribution;
(vii)change of content of rights or number of share units pertaining to shares or equity due to a change of articles of incorporation of a company in which shares or equity are held by a bank or its subsidiary company;
(viii)company's acquisition of its own shares or equity that are held by a bank or its subsidiary company;
(ix)that, if the bank or its subsidiary seeks to dispose of voting rights in a company cultivating new business field, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 17-2, paragraph (11) or seeks to dispose of voting rights in a company in the business revitalization process pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (12) of that Article, the bank or its subsidiary company are unable to dispose of those voting rights since it is extremely difficult to transfer those voting rights due to reasons that are found to be compelling; and
(x)a case in which an approval of the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency is obtained in advance for the conversion of shares (excluding grounds corresponding to those set forth in item (v)) which the bank or its subsidiary company have acquired based on a streamlined business improvement plan of a company with which the bank or its subsidiary company has business dealings, and whose conversion is necessary in order for them to be disposed of within a reasonable period of time due to improvement of the condition of that company's management; or, for something that has other reasonable grounds.
(2)If the bank or its subsidiary companies seeks to obtain an approval as prescribed in item (x) of the preceding paragraph, the bank or its subsidiary companies must attach the following documents to a written application for approval and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)a document stating the trade name of a domestic company to which the approval pertains and content of its business;
(iii)a document stating policies concerning methods of disposing a portion of voting rights in a domestic company to which the approval pertains that the bank or its subsidiary companies have acquired or held in excess of its maximum threshold for voting rights held; and
(iv)other documents stating information that should serve as a reference in conducting an examination under the following paragraph.
(3)When an application for approval under the preceding paragraph is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency is to examine whether there are reasonable grounds for the bank filling the application to possess or hold voting rights in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights held, and whether the policy the bank has submitted concerning the disposition method of a portion of voting rights that it has acquired or held in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights held is reasonable or not.
(Application of Approval for Holding Voting Rights in Excess of the Maximum Threshold for Voting Rights Held)
Article 17-7(1)If a bank seeks an approval for holding voting rights in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights held pursuant to the provisions of proviso to Article 16-4, paragraph (2) of the Act, it must attach the following documents to a written application for approval and submit them to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency:
(i)a written statement of reasons;
(ii)a document stating the name of a domestic company pertaining to the approval and content of its business;
(iii)a document stating policies concerning the method of disposing the portion of voting rights that the bank has acquired or has come to hold in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights held among voting rights in a domestic company to which the approval pertains; and
(iv)other documents stating information that should serve as a reference in conducting an examination under the following paragraph.
(2)When an application for approval under the preceding paragraph is filed, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency is to examine whether the bank filling the application or its subsidiary company has what is found to be a compelling reason for holding voting rights in excess of the maximum threshold for voting rights held.
(3)The provisions of Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act apply mutatis mutandis to voting rights prescribed in paragraph (1), item (iii).
(When Voting Rights May Be Held in Excess of the Maximum Threshold for Voting Rights Held)
Article 17-7-2(1)The case specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-4, paragraph (4), item (i) of the Act means if the relevant bank makes its subsidiary company out of another bank, a long-term credit bank, a company specialized in securities, a company specialized in securities intermediation, an insurance company, or a small amount and short-term insurance company after obtaining an approval under Article 16-2, item (vii) of the Act.
(2)The cases specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-4, paragraph (4), item (v) of the Act are as follows:
(i)if the relevant bank has succeeded to the business of another bank or a long-term credit bank due to an absorption-type company split after obtaining an authorization under Article 30, paragraph (2) of the Act; or
(ii)if the relevant bank makes its subsidiary company out of another bank, a long-term credit bank, a company specialized in securities, a company specialized in securities intermediation, an insurance company, or a small amount and short-term insurance company, by succeeding to business due to an absorption-type company split after obtaining an authorization under Article 30, paragraph (2) of the Act (excluding cases as set forth in the preceding item).
(3)The cases specified by Cabinet Office Order that are provided for in Article 16-4, paragraph (4), item (vi) of the Act are as follows:
(i)if the relevant bank makes a business acquisition of another bank or a long-term credit bank, or, a credit union, a credit cooperative, or a labor bank (including a federation organized with these corporations) after obtaining an approval under Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act; or
(ii)if the relevant bank makes its subsidiary company out of another bank, a long-term credit bank, a company specialized in securities, a company specialized in securities intermediation, an insurance company, or a small amount and short-term insurance company, by making a business acquisition after obtaining authorization under Article 30, paragraph (3) of the Act (excluding cases as set forth in the preceding item).
(Company Subject to Special Provisions)
Article 17-7-3(1)The company specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-4, paragraph (8) of the Act means a company which falls under either of the following items or a company which prepares a business revitalization plan with the involvement of regional economy vitalization corporation of Japan (limited to a company that does not fall under a subsidiary company, etc. of a bank; referred to as a "company in the business revitalization process under special provisions" in the following paragraph):
(i)a company that has received capital contribution from an investment limited partnership in which a stock company to be established through the implementation of the business set forth in Article 22, paragraph (1), item (viii) of the Act on Regional Economy Vitalization Corporation of Japan is an unlimited liability partner and which falls under either of the following:
(a)the bank or its subsidiary company is a partner of the investment limited partnership; or
(b)the bank or its subsidiary company makes capital contribution to the stock company; or
(ii)a company that was established for the purpose of undertaking a business revitalization or of creating a new business that draws upon the distinctive features of the region or carrying out other such business activities that contribute to the revitalization of the regional economy, and which implements a business plan formulated with the involvement of one of the following persons:
(a)a public agency;
(b)a commercial and industrial association or chamber of commerce and industry;
(c)any entity equivalent to (a) or (b);
(d)an attorney or legal professional corporation;
(e)a certified public accountant or audit corporation;
(f)a certified public tax accountant or tax accountancy corporation; or
(g)a company that carries out the services set forth in Article 17-3, paragraph (2), item (xv) (limited to a company other than a subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc. as prescribed in Article 14-2, item (ii) of the Act) of the bank and a subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc. as prescribed in Article 52-25 of the Act) of a bank holding company that has the bank as its subsidiary company).
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a specified subsidiary company does not dispose of the voting rights acquired thereby in a company in the business revitalization process under special provisions by the base disposition date (meaning the day on which ten years have elapsed from the day of the acquisition of the voting rights; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph), the company in the business revitalization process under special provisions is to be considered as not corresponding to a company specified by Cabinet Office Order as prescribed in Article 16-4, paragraph (8) of the Act which pertains to the bank from the day after the base disposition date; provided, however, that this does not apply to a case in which; the number of voting rights in the company in the business revitalization process under special provisions held by the bank or its subsidiary company falls below the base number of voting rights as of the base disposition date, if the disposition is performed (meaning the number of voting rights arrived at when total shareholder or investor voting rights are multiplied by five percent; hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph); and the specified subsidiary company disposes of a portion of voting rights which exceeds the base number of voting rights as of the base disposition among the voting rights in the company in the business revitalization process under special provisions held by the bank or its subsidiary company, during the period from the date of the acquisition to the base disposition date.
(3)The company that has a unique relationship with the relevant person as specified by Cabinet Office Order that is provided for in Article 16-4, paragraph (8) of the Act means a company which is a subsidiary company, etc. (meaning a subsidiary company, etc. and an affiliated corporation, etc.; the same applies in Article 34-23-2, paragraph (3)) of a company cultivating new business field or company in the business revitalization process, in which the bank or its subsidiary companies other than a company cultivating new business field or company in the business revitalization process do not have the voting rights in excess of the number of voting rights arrived at when total shareholder or investor voting rights is multiplied by five percent if their voting rights are combined.
(4)The provisions of Article 2, paragraph (11) of the Act apply mutatis mutandis to the voting rights prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs.
第四章 経理
Chapter IV Accounting
(Appropriation of Reserve under Article 18 of the Act)
Article 17-7-4(1)If a bank pays dividends from surplus, the amount of capital reserve after the payment of dividends from surplus is the amount arrived at when the amount specified in each of the following items in accordance with the category of cases as set forth in those items is added to the amount of capital reserve immediately before the payment of dividends from surplus:
(i)if the amount of capital reserve or retained earnings reserve (hereinafter collectively referred to as "reserve" in this Article) on the date of payment of the dividends from surplus is equivalent to the amount of stated capital on that date or more:nil;
当該剰余金の配当をする日における準備金の額が当該日における資本金の額未満である場合 イ又はロに掲げる額のうちいずれか少ない額に資本剰余金配当割合(次条第一号イに掲げる額を会社法第四百四十六条第六号に掲げる額で除して得た割合をいう。)を乗じて得た額
(ii)if the amount of reserve on the date of payment of the dividends from surplus is less than the amount of stated capital on that date: the amount arrived at when whichever amount is smaller of the amount as set forth in sub-item (a) or sub-item (b) is multiplied by the dividend rate of capital reserve (meaning the percentage arrived at when the amount as set forth in item (i), (a) of the following Article is dividend by the amount as set forth in Article 446, item (vi) of the Companies Act):
(a)the upper limit of reserve to be appropriated on the date of payment of dividends from surplus (meaning the amount arrived at when the amount of reserve is deducted from the amount of stated capital; hereinafter the same applies in this Article);
(b)the amount arrived at when the amount as set forth in Article 446, item (vi) of the Companies Act is multiplied by twenty percent.
(2)If the bank pays dividends from surplus, the amount of retained earnings reserve after the payment of dividends from surplus is the amount arrived at when the amount specified in each of the following items in accordance with the category of cases as set forth in those items is added to the amount of retained earnings reserve immediately before the payment of dividends from surplus:
(i)if the amount of reserve on the date of payment of the dividends from surplus is equal to the amount of stated capital on that date or more:nil;
当該剰余金の配当をする日における準備金の額が当該日における資本金の額未満である場合 イ又はロに掲げる額のうちいずれか少ない額に利益剰余金配当割合(次条第二号イに掲げる額を会社法第四百四十六条第六号に掲げる額で除して得た割合をいう。)を乗じて得た額
(ii)if the amount of reserve on the date of payment of the dividends from surplus is less than the amount of stated capital on that date: the amount arrived at when whichever amount is smaller of the amounts as set forth in sub-item (a) or sub-item (b) is multiplied by the dividend rate of retained earnings reserve (meaning the percentage arrived at when the amount as set forth in item (ii), (a) of the following Article is divided by the amount as set forth in Article 446, item (vi) of the Companies Act):
(a)the upper limit of reserve to be recorded on the date of payment of dividends from the surplus;
(b)the amount arrived at when the amount as set forth in Article 446, item (vi) of the Companies Act is multiplied by twenty percent.
(Amount of Surplus to Be Deducted)
Article 17-7-5If a bank pays a dividend payment from surplus, the amount as set forth in each of the following items after the dividends are paid from surplus is the amount arrived at when the amount as specified in those items is deducted from the amount immediately before the payment of dividends from surplus:
その他資本剰余金の額 次に掲げる額の合計額
(i)amount of other stated capital surplus: the total of the amounts as set forth in the following sub-items:
(a)amounts specified by the bank that should be deducted from other stated capital surplus out of the amounts as set forth in Article 446, item (vi) of the Companies Act; and
(b)the amount as specified in paragraph (1), item (ii) of the preceding Article in the case as set forth in that item;
その他利益剰余金の額 次に掲げる額の合計額
(ii)the amount of other retained earnings surplus: the total of the following amounts:
(a)amounts specified by the bank that should be deducted from other retained earnings surplus out of the amounts as set forth in Article 446, item (vi) of the Companies Act; and
(b)the amount as specified in paragraph (2), item (ii) of the preceding Article in the case as set forth in that item.
(Business Reports)
Article 18(1)A bank must prepare an interim business report under Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Act, with regard to the condition of business and assets during the period from the beginning date of a business year to September 30 of that business year, by dividing the data into an interim summary statement of business, an interim balance sheet, an interim profit and loss statement, an interim statement of changes in net assets, and an interim cash flow statement (into an interim summary statement of business, an interim balance sheet, and an interim profit and loss statement in case of a foreign bank branch) pursuant to the Appended Form No. 1 (pursuant to the Appended Form No. 1-2 in case of a bank with specified transaction account; or, pursuant to the Appended Form No. 2 in case of a foreign bank branch (pursuant to the Appended Form No. 2-2 in case of a foreign bank branch that submitted notification of a specified transaction account)), and must submit that report to the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency or other competent authorities within three months after that period ends.