Order for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures concerning the Application for Landing by Foreign National in Possession of Passport Specified in Article 2, Item (v), (b) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act(Cabinet Order No. 302 of 2005)
Last Version:
- 出入国管理及び難民認定法第二条第五号ロの旅券を所持する外国人の上陸申請の特例に関する法律本則の政令で定める外国人は、台湾の権限のある機関が発行した出入国管理及び難民認定法(昭和二十六年政令第三百十九号)第二条第五号ロに該当する旅券を所持する台湾の居住者であって、本邦において同法別表第一の三の表の短期滞在の項の下欄に掲げる活動を行おうとするものとする。
- 最終更新:
- 翻訳日:令和3年9月28日
- 辞書バージョン:14.0
Order for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures concerning the Application for Landing by Foreign National in Possession of Passport Specified in Article 2, Item (v), (b) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Cabinet Order No. 302 of September 22, 2005
A foreign national specified by Cabinet Order as referred to in the main provisions of the Act on Special Measures concerning the Application for Landing by Foreign National in Possession of Passport Specified in Article 2, Item (v), (b) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act is to be a resident of Taiwan who possesses a passport issued by an authorized organ of Taiwan that falls under Article 2, item (v), (b) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Cabinet Order No. 319 of 1951), and who seeks to carry out the activities set forth in the right-hand column for "Temporary Visitor" in the Appended Table I (3) of that Act in Japan.