Order for Enforcement of the Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals(Cabinet Order No. 192 of 1995)
Last Version: Cabinet Order No. 176 of 2020

Order for Enforcement of the Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals
Cabinet Order No. 192 of May 1, 1995
The Cabinet enacts this Order in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, paragraphs (1) through (5) and Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals (Act No. 65 of 1995).
(Toxic Chemicals)
Article 1Toxic chemicals under Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") are chemicals listed in Column 3 of the appended table.
(Chemical Weapons)
Article 2Weapons specified by Cabinet Order under Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act are the following:
(i)artillery shells or their bodies;
(ii)rocket bombs or their bodies;
(iii)mines or their outer shells; and
(iv)bombs or their bodies.
(Specific Chemicals and Designated Chemicals)
Article 3(1)Specific chemicals under Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Act are the chemicals listed in Column 3 or Column 4 of Row 1 of the appended table.
(2)Designated chemicals under Article 2, paragraph (4) of the Act are the chemicals listed in Column 3 or Column 4 of Row 2 or Row 3 of the appended table.
(3)First-class designated chemicals under Article 2, paragraph (5) of the Act are the chemicals listed in Column 3 or Column 4 of Row 2 of the appended table.
(Revision of Transportation Certificate)
Article 3-2Pursuant to the Rules of the National Public Safety Commission, a person that has been issued a transportation certificate must notify the prefectural public safety commission, without delay, of any change that occurs in the matters stated in the transportation certificate, and have the transportation certificate revised.
(Reissuance of Transportation Certificate)
Article 3-3Pursuant to the Rules of the National Public Safety Commission, a person that has been issued a transportation certificate and lost or damaged it or had it stolen must apply in writing for reissuance to the prefectural public safety commission that issued it, stating the reasons for the reissue request.
(Return of Transportation Certificate No Longer Necessary)
Article 3-4In any of the following cases, a person that has been issued a transportation certificate must promptly return the transportation certificate (or the transportation certificate found or restored in the case of item (iii)) to the prefectural public safety commission that issued it:
(i)transportation has been completed;
(ii)transportation has been cancelled; or
(iii)the lost or stolen transportation certificate has been found or restored after the reissuance of a transportation certificate.
(Liaison between Prefectural Public Safety Commissions)
Article 3-5(1)When transportation is to be implemented in areas of two or more prefectures, the prefectural public safety commissions concerned (hereinafter referred to as the "public safety commissions concerned") are to take the following measures:
(i)the prefectural public safety commissions not governing the place of departure (hereinafter referred to as the "public safety commission of the departing point" in this item), through the public safety commission of the departing point, are to receive notification and issue a transportation certificate under Article 17, paragraph (1) of the Act and provide instructions under Article 17, paragraph (2) of the Act;
(ii)when intending to provide instructions under Article 17, paragraph (2) of the Act, the substance of the instructions are to be notified to other public safety commissions concerned in advance; and
(iii)beyond what is provided in the preceding two items, each public safety commission concerned is to maintain close contact with other public safety commissions concerned in order to prevent a specific chemical from being stolen or going missing during the transportation.
(2)Beyond what is provided in the preceding paragraph, when transportation is to be extending over two or more prefectures, through any one of the public safety commissions concerned, the public safety commissions concerned may accept a notification under the provisions of Article 3-2, an application under the provisions of Article 3-3, and a return of the transportation certificate under the provisions of the preceding article.In this case, other public safety commissions concerned are to revise or reissue a transportation certificate through the relevant public safety commission concerned.
(Organic Chemicals and Specific Organic Chemicals)
Article 4(1)Organic chemicals under Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act are as follows:
(i)goods that fall under Class 28 and Class 29 of the appended table of the Customs Tariff Act (Act No. 54 of 1910) (limited to carbon compounds with a single structural formula; except for carbon oxides, carbon sulfides, and metal carbonates);
(ii)goods that fall under Row 32.04 of the appended table of the Customs Tariff Act (limited to carbon compounds with a single structural formula; excluding carbon oxides, carbon sulfides, and metal carbonates);
(iii)ethyl alcohol;
(v)propane; and
(2)With respect to manufacture specified by Cabinet Order under Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act, chemical reactions that may occur in the manufacturing process do not include synthetic reactions (except for those caused by fermentation).
(3)Specific organic chemicals under Article 29, paragraph (2) of the Act are organic chemicals listed in paragraph (1), items (i) and (ii), and include phosphorous atom, sulfur atom and fluorine atom.
(Observation of Inspection by Persons Appointed by International Organizations)
Article 5Cases specified by Cabinet Order under Article 30, paragraph (1) of the Act are to be challenge inspections prescribed in Part I, Paragraph 3 of the Annex on Implementation and Verification of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction are conducted.
(Specific Facility)
Article 6(1)The specific facility designated by Cabinet Order under Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Act is to be the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Chemical School.
(2)The quantity specified by Cabinet Order under Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Act is ten kilograms per annum.
附 則〔抄〕
Supplementary Provisions[Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Order comes into effect as of the effective date of the Act (May 5, 1995).
附 則〔平成九年二月十九日政令第十九号〕
Supplementary Provisions[Cabinet Order No. 19 of February 19, 1997]
This Order comes into effect as of the effective date of the provisions listed in Article 1, item (i) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals (March 19, 1997).Provided, however, that the provisions for revision to add two articles following Article 3 (limited to the part concerning Article 5) come into effect as of the effective date of the provisions listed in Article 1, item (ii) of the Supplementary Provisions of the referenced Act (April 29, 1997).
附 則〔平成十一年十月十四日政令第三百二十一号〕
Supplementary Provisions[Cabinet Order No. 321 of October 14, 1999]
This Order comes into effect as of the effective date of the Act on Development of Relevant Acts for Promotion of Decentralization of Authority (April 1, 2000).
附 則〔令和二年五月二十七日政令第百七十六号〕
Supplementary Provisions[Cabinet Order No. 176 of May 27, 2020]
This Order comes into effect as of June 7, 2020.
Appended Table(Re: Article 1 and Article 3)
(一) O―アルキル=アルキルホスホノフルオリダート(O―アルキルのアルキル基がシクロアルキル基であるものを含み、O―アルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十以下であり、かつ、アルキルホスホノフルオリダートのアルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)
(一) アルキルホスホニルジフルオリド(アルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)
(二) O―アルキル=N・N―ジアルキル=ホスホルアミドシアニダート(O―アルキルのアルキル基がシクロアルキル基であるものを含み、O―アルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十以下であり、かつ、N・N―ジアルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)
(二) O―アルキル=O―二―ジアルキルアミノエチル=アルキルホスホニット(O―アルキルのアルキル基がシクロアルキル基であるものを含み、O―アルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十以下であり、かつ、O―二―ジアルキルアミノエチル及びアルキルホスホニットのアルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)並びにそのアルキル化塩類及びプロトン化塩類
(三) O―アルキル=S―二―ジアルキルアミノエチル=アルキルホスホノチオラート(O―アルキルのアルキル基がシクロアルキル基であるものを含み、O―アルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十以下であり、かつ、S―二―ジアルキルアミノエチル及びアルキルホスホノチオラートのアルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)並びにそのアルキル化塩類及びプロトン化塩類
(三) O―二―ジアルキルアミノエチル=ヒドロゲン=アルキルホスホニット(O―二―ジアルキルアミノエチル及びアルキルホスホニットのアルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)並びにそのアルキル化塩類及びプロトン化塩類
(四) S―二―ジアルキルアミノエチル=ヒドロゲン=アルキルホスホノチオラート(S―二―ジアルキルアミノエチル及びアルキルホスホノチオラートのアルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)並びにそのアルキル化塩類及びプロトン化塩類
(四) O―イソプロピル=メチルホスホノクロリダート(別名クロロサリン)
(五) 二―クロロエチルクロロメチルスルフィド
(五) O―ピナコリル=メチルホスホノクロリダート(別名クロロソマン)
(六) ビス(二―クロロエチル)スルフィド(別名マスタードガス)
(七) ビス(二―クロロエチルチオ)メタン
(八) 一・二―ビス(二―クロロエチルチオ)エタン(別名セスキマスタード)
(九) 一・三―ビス(二―クロロエチルチオ)―n―プロパン
(一〇) 一・四―ビス(二―クロロエチルチオ)―n―ブタン
(一一) 一・五―ビス(二―クロロエチルチオ)―n―ペンタン
(一二) ビス(二―クロロエチルチオメチル)エーテル
(一三) ビス(二―クロロエチルチオエチル)エーテル(別名O―マスタード)
(一四) 二―クロロビニルジクロロアルシン(別名ルイサイト一)
(一五) ビス(二―クロロビニル)クロロアルシン(別名ルイサイト二)
(一六) トリス(二―クロロビニル)アルシン(別名ルイサイト三)
(一七) ビス(二―クロロエチル)エチルアミン(別名HN一)
(一八) ビス(二―クロロエチル)メチルアミン(別名HN二)
(一九) トリス(二―クロロエチル)アミン(別名HN三)
(二〇) サキシトキシン
(二一) リシン
(二二) P―アルキル―N―[一―(ジアルキルアミノ)アルキリデン]ホスホンアミド酸=フルオリド(P―アルキル又はジアルキルアミノのアルキル基がシクロアルキル基であるもの及びアルキリデン基がシクロアルキルメチリデン基であるものを含み、P―アルキル及びジアルキルアミノのアルキル基の炭素数が十以下であり、かつ、アルキリデン基の炭素数が十一(アルキリデン基がシクロアルキルメチリデン基である場合にあっては、シクロアルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十)以下であるものに限る。)並びにそのアルキル化塩類及びプロトン化塩類
(二三) N―[一―(ジアルキルアミノ)アルキリデン]ホスホンアミド酸=フルオリド(アルキル基がシクロアルキル基であるもの及びアルキリデン基がシクロアルキルメチリデン基であるものを含み、アルキル基の炭素数が十以下であり、かつ、アルキリデン基の炭素数が十一(アルキリデン基がシクロアルキルメチリデン基である場合にあっては、シクロアルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十)以下であるものに限る。)並びにそのアルキル化塩類及びプロトン化塩類
(二四) N―[一―(ジアルキルアミノ)アルキリデン]ホスホロアミドフルオリド酸(アルキル基がシクロアルキル基であるもの及びアルキリデン基がシクロアルキルメチリデン基であるものを含み、アルキル基の炭素数が十以下であり、かつ、アルキリデン基の炭素数が十一(アルキリデン基がシクロアルキルメチリデン基である場合にあっては、シクロアルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十)以下であるものに限る。)並びにそのアルキル化塩類及びプロトン化塩類
(二五) アルキル=N―[一―(ジアルキルアミノ)アルキリデン]ホスホロアミドフルオリダート(ホスホロアミドフルオリダートに結合するアルキル基又はジアルキルアミノのアルキル基がシクロアルキル基であるもの及びアルキリデン基がシクロアルキルメチリデン基であるものを含み、ホスホロアミドフルオリダートに結合するアルキル基及びジアルキルアミノのアルキル基の炭素数が十以下であり、かつ、アルキリデン基の炭素数が十一(アルキリデン基がシクロアルキルメチリデン基である場合にあっては、シクロアルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十)以下であるものに限る。)並びにそのアルキル化塩類及びプロトン化塩類
(二六) N―[ビス(ジエチルアミノ)メチリデン]―P―メチルホスホンアミド酸=フルオリド
(二七) N―アセチルオキシアルキル―N・N・N′・N′―テトラアルキル―N′―{[三―(ジメチルカルバモイルオキシ)ピリジン―二―イル]メチル}―N・N′―(デカン―一・X―ジイル)ジアンモニウム=ジブロミド(アセチルオキシアルキル基がシアノアルキル基又はヒドロキシアルキル基であるものを含み、アセチルオキシアルキル(アセチルオキシアルキル基がシアノアルキル基又はヒドロキシアルキル基である場合にあっては、それぞれシアノアルキル又はヒドロキシアルキル)及びテトラアルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十以下であり、かつ、アセチルオキシ基(アセチルオキシアルキル基がシアノアルキル基又はヒドロキシアルキル基である場合にあっては、それぞれシアノ基又はヒドロキシ基)がその結合するアルキル基と当該アルキル基の位置番号一から八までのいずれかの炭素原子において結合しているものに限る。)(Xは、一から十までの整数を表すものとする。)
(二八) N・N・N′・N′―テトラアルキル―N・N′―ビス{[三―(ジメチルカルバモイルオキシ)ピリジン―二―イル]メチル}エタンビス(アミジウム)=ジブロミド(テトラアルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十以下であるものに限る。)
(二九) N・N・N′・N′―テトラアルキル―N・N′―ビス{[三―(ジメチルカルバモイルオキシ)ピリジン―二―イル]メチル}―N・N′―(二・X1―ジオキソアルカン―一・X2―ジイル)ジアンモニウム=ジブロミド(アルカンの構造が直鎖であり、当該アルカンの炭素数が四以上十二以下であり、かつ、テトラアルキルのアルキル基の炭素数が十以下であるものに限る。)(X1は当該アルカンの炭素数から一を減じた数を、X2は当該アルカンの炭素数と等しい数を表すものとする。)
(一) O・O′―ジエチル=S―[二―(ジエチルアミノ)エチル]=ホスホロチオラート(別名アミトン)並びにそのアルキル化塩類及びプロトン化塩類
(一) 炭素数が三以下である一のアルキル基との結合以外に炭素原子との結合のないりん原子を含む化合物であって、次に掲げるもの以外のもの。
(二) 一・一・三・三・三―ペンタフルオロ―二―(トリフルオロメチル)―一―プロペン(別名PFIB)
イ 一の項の第三欄(一)から(四)まで及び第四欄に掲げる物質
(三) 三―キヌクリジニル=ベンジラート(別名BZ)
ロ O―エチル=S―フェニル=エチルホスホノチオロチオナート(別名ホノホス)
(二) N・N―ジアルキルホスホルアミジク=ジハリド(アルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)
(三) ジアルキル=N・N―ジアルキルホスホルアミダート(ジアルキル及びN・N―ジアルキルホスホルアミダートのアルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)
(四) 三塩化ヒ素
(五) 二・二―ジフェニル―二―ヒドロキシ酢酸
(六) キヌクリジン―三―オール
(七) N・N―ジアルキルアミノエチル―二―クロリド(アルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)及びそのプロトン化塩類
(八) N・N―ジアルキルアミノエタン―二―オール(アルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限り、N・N―ジメチルアミノエタノール及びN・N―ジエチルアミノエタノールを除く。)及びそのプロトン化塩類
(九) N・N―ジアルキルアミノエタン―二―チオール(アルキル基の炭素数が三以下であるものに限る。)及びそのプロトン化塩類
(一〇) ビス(二―ヒドロキシエチル)スルフィド(別名チオジグリコール)
(一一) 三・三―ジメチルブタン―二―オール(別名ピナコリルアルコール)
(一) 二塩化カルボニル(別名ホスゲン)
(一) 塩化ホスホリル
(二) 塩化シアン
(二) 三塩化リン
(三) シアン化水素
(三) 五塩化リン
(四) トリクロロニトロメタン(別名クロロピクリン)
(四) 亜リン酸トリメチル
(五) 亜リン酸トリエチル
(六) 亜リン酸ジメチル
(七) 亜リン酸ジエチル
(八) 一塩化硫黄
(九) 二塩化硫黄
(一〇) 塩化チオニル
(一一) エチルジエタノールアミン
(一二) メチルジエタノールアミン
(一三) トリエタノールアミン
Toxic chemicals
Specific chemicals
(1) O-alkyl alkylphosphonofluoridate (limited to alkyl group of O-alkyl of C=10 or less including cycloalkyl group, and alkyl group of alkylphosphonofluoridate of C=3 or less)
(1) Alkylphosphonyldifluoride (limited to alkyl group of C=3 or less)
(2) O-alkyl N,N-dialkyl phosphoramidocyanidate ( limited to alkyl group of O-alkyl of C=10 or less including cycloalkyl group, and alkyl group of N,N-dialkyl of C=3 or less)
(2) O-alkyl O-(2-dialkylaminoethyl) alkylphosphonites (limited to alkyl group of O-alkyl of C=10 or less including cycloalkyl group, and alkyl groups of O-(2-dialkylaminoethyl) and alkylphosphonites of C=3 or less) and its alkylated or protonated salts
(3) O-alkyl S-(2-dialkylaminoethyl) alkylphosphonothiolate (limited to alkyl group of O-alkyl of C=10 or less including cycloalkyl group, and alkyl groups of S-(2-dialkylaminoethyl) and alkylphosphonothiolate of C=3 or less) and its alkylated or protonated salts
(3) O-(2-dialkylaminoethyl) hydrogen alkylphosphonites (limited to alkyl groups of O-(2-dialkylaminoethyl) and alkylphosphonites of C=3 or less) and its alkylated or protonated salts
(4) S-(2-dialkylaminoethyl) hydrogen alkylphosphonothiolate ( limited to alkyl groups of S-(2-dialkylaminoethyl) and alkylphosphonothiolate of C=3 or less) and its alkylated or protonated salts
(4) O-Isopropyl methylphosphonochloridate (also known as Chlorosarin)
(5) 2‑Chloroethylchloromethylsulfide
(5) O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonochloridate (also known as Chlorosoman)
(6) Bis(2‑chloroethyl)sulfide (also known as Mustard gas)
(7) Bis(2‑chloroethylthio)methane
(8) 1,2‑Bis(2‑chloroethylthio)ethane (also known as Sesquimustard)
(9) 1,3‑Bis(2‑chloroethylthio)‑n‑propane
(10) 1,4‑Bis(2‑chloroethylthio)‑n‑butane
(11) 1,5‑Bis(2‑chloroethylthio)‑n‑pentane
(12) Bis(2‑chloroethylthiomethyl)ether
(13) Bis(2‑chloroethylthioethyl)ether (also known as O-Mustard)
(14) 2‑Chlorovinyldichloroarsine (also known as Lewisite 1)
(15) Bis(2‑chlorovinyl)chloroarsine (also known as Lewisite 2)
(16) Tris(2‑chlorovinyl)arsine (also known as Lewisite 3)
(17) Bis(2‑chloroethyl)ethylamine (also known as HN1)
(18) Bis(2‑chloroethyl)methylamine (also known as HN2)
(19) Tris(2‑chloroethyl)amine (also known as HN3)
(20) Saxitoxin
(21) Ricin
(22) P-Alkyl-N-[1-(dialkylamino)alkylidene]phosphonamidic fluoride and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts (those in which alkyl groups of P-alkyl and dialkylamino are replaced by cycloalkyl groups and alkylidene groups are replaced by cycloalkylmethylidene groups are included, and the number of carbons of alkyl groups of P-alkyl and dialkylamino is limited to 10 or less and the number of carbons of alkylidene groups is limited to 11 or less (in the case that alkylidene groups are replaced by cycloalkylmethylidene groups, the number of carbons of cycloalkyl groups is limited to 10 or less))
(23) N-[1-(Dialkylamino)alkylidene]phosphonamidic fluoride and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts (those in which alkyl groups are replaced by cycloalkyl groups and alkylidene groups are replaced by cycloalkylmethylidene groups are included, and the number of carbons of alkyl groups is limited to 10 or less and the number of carbons of alkylidene groups is limited to 11 or less (in the case that alkylidene groups are replaced by cycloalkylmethylidene groups, the number of carbons of cycloalkyl groups is limited to 10 or less))
(24) N-[1-(Dialkylamino)alkylidene]phosphoramidofluoridic acid and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts (those in which alkyl groups are replaced by cycloalkyl groups and alkylidene groups are replaced by cycloalkylmethylidene groups are included, and the number of carbons of alkyl groups is limited to 10 or less and the number of carbons of alkylidene groups is limited to 11 or less (in the case that alkylidene groups are replaced by cycloalkylmethylidene groups, limited to the case where the number of carbons of cycloalkyl groups is 10 or less))
(25) Alkyl N-[1-(dialkylamino)alkylidene]phosphoramidofluoridate and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts (those in which alkyl groups as alcoholic components and those of "dialkylamino" are replaced by cycloalkyl groups and alkylidene groups are replaced by cycloalkylmethylidene groups are included, and the number of carbons of alkyl groups as alcoholic components and those of "dialkylamino" is limited to 10 or less and the number of carbons of alkylidene groups is limited to 11 or less (in the case that alkylidene groups are replaced by cycloalkylmethylidene groups, the number of carbons of cycloalkyl groups is limited to 10 or less))
(26) N-[Bis(diethylamino)methylidene]-P-methylphosphonamidic fluoride
(27) N-Acetyloxyalkyl-N,N,N',N'-tetraalkyl-N'-{[3-(dimethylcarbamoyloxy)pyridin-2-yl]methyl}-N,N'-(decane-1,X-diyl) diammonium dibromide (structures in which acetyloxyalkyl groups are replaced by cyanoalkyl or hydroxyalkyl groups are included, and the number of carbons of alkyl groups in acetyloxyalkyl (as well as cyanoalkyl and hydroxyalkyl groups in the case that acetyloxyalkyl is replaced by cyanoalkyl or hydroxyalkyl) and tetraalkyl are limited to 10 or less and substitution of alkyl groups by acetyloxy (as well as cyano or hydroxy) group is limited to carbons of alkyl groups having locants 1 to 8) (X represents an integer from 1 to 10)
(28) N,N,N',N'-Tetraalkyl-N,N'-bis{[3-(dimethylcarbamoyloxy)pyridin-2-yl]methyl}ethanebis(amidium) dibromide (the number of carbons of alkyl groups of tetraalkyl are limited to 10 or less)
(29) N,N,N',N'-Tetraalkyl-N,N'-bis{[3-(dimethylcarbamoyloxy)pyridin-2-yl]methyl}-N,N'-(2,X1-dioxoalkane-1,X2-diyl)diammonium dibromide (alkanes are limited to linear structure and defined as having 4 to 12 carbons, and the number of carbons of alkyl groups of tetraalkyl is limited to 10 or less.) (X1 represents a number which is one less than the number of carbons of alkane, and X2 represents a number which equals to the number of carbons of alkane)
First-class designated chemicals
(1) O,O‑Diethyl S‑[2‑(diethylamino)ethyl] phosphorothiolate (also known as Amiton) and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts
(1) Compounds containing a phosphorus atom with no bonds to carbon atoms other than to one alkyl group (limited to those C-3 or less), other than those listed below
(2) 1,1,3,3,3‑Pentafluoro‑2‑(trifluoromethyl)‑1‑propene (also known as PFIB)
(a) substances listed in (1) to (4) of the third column and the substances listed in the fourth column of the 1st section of this table
(3) 3‑Quinuclidinyl benzilate (also known as BZ)
(b) O-ethyl S-phenyl ethylphosphonothiolothionate (also known as phonophos)
(2) N,N-Dialkyl phosphoramidic dihalides (limited to the alkyl group of C=3 or less)
(3) Dialkyl N,N-dialkylphosphoramidate (limited to the dialkyl and the alkyl group of dialkylphosphoramidate of C=3 or less)
(4) Arsenic trichloride
(5) 2,2‑Diphenyl‑2‑hydroxyacetic acid
(6) Quinuclidin‑3‑ol
(7) N,N-Dialkylaminoethyl-2-chloride (limited to the alkyl group of C=3 or less.) and its protonated salts
(8) N,N-Dialkylaminoethane-2-ols ( limited to the alkyl group of C=3 or less and excluding N,N-Dimethylaminoethanol and N,N-Diethylaminoethanol) and corresponding protonated salts
(9) N,N-Dialkylaminoethane-2-thiols (limited to the alkyl group ofC=3 or less) and corresponding protonated salts
(10) Bis(2‑hydroxyethyl)sulfide (also known as thiodiglycol)
(11) 3,3‑Dimethylbutan‑2‑ol (also known as pinacolyl alcohol)
Second-class designated chemicals
(1) Carbonyl dichloride (also known as Phosgene)
(1) Phosphorus oxychloride
(2) Cyanogen chloride
(2) Phosphorus trichloride
(3) Hydrogen cyanide
(3) Phosphorus pentachloride
(4) Trichloronitromethane (also known as Chloropicrin)
(4) Trimethyl phosphite
(5) Triethyl phosphite
(6) Dimethyl phosphite
(7) Diethyl phosphite
(8) Sulfur monochloride
(9) Sulfur dichloride
(10) Thionyl chloride
(11) Ethyldiethanolamine
(12) Methyldiethanolamine
(13) Triethanolamine