Civil Code(Act No. 89 of 1896)
Last Version: Act No. 37 of 2021

  • 令和5年4月27日
    • 最終更新:令和三年法律第三十七号
    • 翻訳日:令和5年3月24日
    • 辞書バージョン:15.0
  • 令和2年3月31日
    • 最終更新:平成二十九年法律第四十四号
    • 翻訳日:令和1年6月26日
    • 辞書バージョン:14.0
  • 平成25年3月27日
    • 最終更新:平成十八年法律第七十八号
    • 翻訳日:平成21年4月1日
    • 辞書バージョン:2.0

Civil Code (Part I, Part II and Part III (Tentative translation))
Act No. 89 of April 27, 1896
第一編 総則
Part I General Provisions
第一章 通則
Chapter I Common Provisions
(Fundamental Principles)
Article 1(1)Private rights must be congruent with the public welfare.
(2)The exercise of rights and performance of duties must be done in good faith.
(3)Abuse of rights is not permitted.
(Standards for Construction)
Article 2This Code must be construed so as to honor the dignity of individuals and the essential equality of both sexes.
第二章 人
Chapter II Persons
第一節 権利能力
Section 1 Capacity to Hold Rights
Article 3(1)The enjoyment of private rights commences at birth.
(2)Unless otherwise prohibited by applicable laws, regulations, or treaties, foreign nationals enjoy private rights.
第二節 意思能力
Section 2 Mental Capacity
Article 3-2If the person making a juridical act did not have mental capacity when manifesting the relevant intention, the juridical act is void.
第三節 行為能力
Section 3 Capacity to Act
(Age of Majority)
Article 4The age of majority is reached when a person has reached the age of 18.
(Juridical Acts by Minors)
Article 5(1)A minor must obtain the consent of the minor's legal representative to perform a juridical act; provided, however, that this does not apply to a juridical act for merely acquiring a right or being released from an obligation.
(2)A juridical act in contravention of the provisions of the preceding paragraph is voidable.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), a minor may freely dispose of property that the legal representative has permitted the minor to dispose of for a specified purpose, to an extent that falls within the scope of that purpose. The same applies if the minor disposes of property that the legal representative has permitted the minor to dispose of without specifying a purpose.
(Permission for Minors to Conduct Business)
Article 6(1)A minor who is permitted to conduct one or multiple types of business has the same capacity to act as an adult as far as that business is concerned.
(2)In a case as referred to in the preceding paragraph, if there are grounds that make the minor unable to sustain that business, the legal representative may revoke or limit the permission therefor in accordance with the provisions of Part IV (Relatives).
(Decisions for Commencement of Guardianship)
Article 7The family court may decide to commence a guardianship in respect of a person who constantly lacks the capacity to appreciate the person's own situation due to a mental disorder, at the request of the person in question, that person's spouse, that person's relative within the fourth degree of kinship, the person's guardian of a minor, the person's supervisor of a minor's guardian, the person's curator, the person's curator's supervisor, the person's assistant, the person's assistant's supervisor, or a public prosecutor.
(Adult Wards; Adult Guardians)
Article 8A person subject to a decision for commencement of guardianship becomes an adult ward, and an adult guardian is appointed for that person.
(Juridical Acts by Adult Wards under Guardianship)
Article 9A juridical act performed by an adult ward is voidable; provided, however, that this does not apply to the purchase of daily necessities or to any other act involved in day-to-day life.
(Rescission of Decisions for Commencement of Guardianship)
Article 10If the grounds prescribed in Article 7 cease to exist, the family court must rescind the decision for the commencement of guardianship at the request of the person in question, that person's spouse, that person's relative within the fourth degree of kinship, the guardian (meaning a minor's guardian or an adult guardian; the same applies hereinafter), the guardian's supervisor (meaning the supervisor of a minor's guardian or the adult guardian's supervisor; the same applies hereinafter), or a public prosecutor.
(Decisions for Commencement of Curatorship)
Article 11The family court may decide to commence a curatorship in respect of a person whose capacity to appreciate their own situation is extremely inadequate due to a mental disorder, at the request of the person in question, the person's spouse, the person's relative within the fourth degree of kinship, the guardian, the guardian's supervisor, the assistant, the assistant's supervisor, or a public prosecutor; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person in respect of whom a cause set forth in Article 7 exists.
(Persons under Curatorship; Curators)
Article 12A person subject to a decision for commencement of curatorship becomes a person under curatorship, and a curator is appointed for that person.
(Acts Requiring Consent of Curator)
Article 13(1)A person under curatorship must obtain the consent of the curator in order to perform any of the following acts; provided, however, that this does not apply to an act provided for in the proviso of Article 9:
(i)receiving or using any property producing civil fruit;
(ii)borrowing money or guaranteeing an obligation;
(iii)performing an act with the purpose of acquiring or losing any right regarding immovables or other significant property;
(iv)suing any procedural act;
(v)giving a gift, reaching a settlement, or entering into an arbitration agreement (meaning an arbitration agreement as provided in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Arbitration Act (Act No. 138 of 2003));
(vi)accepting or renouncing a succession or dividing an estate;
(vii)refusing an offer of a gift, renouncing a legacy, accepting an offer of gift with burden, or accepting a legacy with burden;
(viii)constructing a new building, renovating, expanding, or undertaking major repairs;
(ix)granting a lease for a term that exceeds the period set forth in Article 602; or
(x)performing any of the acts set forth in the preceding items as a legal representative of a person with qualified legal capacity (meaning a minor, adult ward, or person under curatorship or a person under assistance who is subject to a decision as referred to in Article 17, paragraph (1); the same applies hereinafter).
(2)At the request of a person as referred to in the main clause of Article 11 or the curator or curator's supervisor, the family court may decide that the person under curatorship must also obtain the consent of the curator before performing an act other than those set forth in each of the items of the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that this does not apply to an act provided for in the proviso to Article 9.
(3)If the curator does not consent to an act for which the person under curatorship must obtain the curator's consent even though it is unlikely to prejudice the interests of the person under curatorship, the family court may grant permission that operates in lieu of the curator's consent at the request of the person under curatorship.
(4)An act for which the person under curatorship must obtain the curator's consent is voidable if the person performs it without obtaining the curator's consent or a permission that operates in lieu of it.
(Rescission of Decisions for Commencement of Curatorship)
Article 14(1)If the grounds prescribed in the main clause of Article 11 cease to exist, the family court must rescind the decision for the commencement of curatorship at the request of the person in question, that person's spouse, that person's relative within the fourth degree of kinship, the guardian of a minor, the supervisor of a minor's guardian, the curator, the curator's supervisor, or a public prosecutor.
(2)At the request of a person provided for in the preceding paragraph, the family court may rescind all or part of the decision referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article.
(Decisions for Commencement of Assistance)
Article 15(1)The family court may decide to commence an assistance in respect of a person whose capacity to appreciate their own situation is inadequate due to a mental disorder, at the request of the person in question, that person's spouse, that person's relative within the fourth degree of kinship, the guardian, the guardian's supervisor, the curator, the curator's supervisor, or a public prosecutor; provided, however, that this does not apply to a person with respect to whom there are grounds as prescribed in Article 7 or the main clause of Article 11.
(2)The issuance of a decision for commencement of assistance at the request of a person other than the person in question requires the consent of the person in question.
(3)A decision for commencement of assistance must be made concurrent with a decision as referred to in Article 17, paragraph (1) or a decision as referred to in Article 876-9, paragraph (1).
(Persons under Assistance; Assistants)
Article 16A person subject to a decision for commencement of assistance becomes a person under assistance, and an assistant is appointed for that person.
(Decisions Requiring Person to Obtain Consent of Assistant)
Article 17(1)At the request of the person referred to in the main clause of Article 15, paragraph (1) or the assistant or assistant's supervisor, the family court may decide that the person under assistance must obtain the consent of the person's assistant in order to perform a specific juridical act; provided, however, that the acts that such a decision may establish as those for which the person must obtain the consent of the assistant are restricted to a part of the acts provided for in Article 13, paragraph (1).
(2)In order to decide as referred to in the preceding paragraph at the request of a person other than the person in question requires the consent of the person in question.
(3)If the assistant does not consent to an act for which the person under assistance must obtain the assistant's consent even though it is unlikely to prejudice the interests of the person under assistance, the family court may grant permission that operates in lieu of the assistant's consent, at the request of the person under assistance.
(4)An act for which the person under assistance must obtain the assistant's consent is voidable if the person performs it without obtaining the assistance's consent or a permission that operates in lieu of it.
(Rescission of Decisions for Commencement of Assistance)
Article 18(1)If the grounds prescribed in the main clause of Article 15, paragraph (1) cease to exist, the family court must rescind the decision for commencement of assistance at the request of the person in question, that person's spouse, that person's relative within the fourth degree of kinship, the guardian of a minor, the supervisor of a minor's guardian, the assistant, the assistant's supervisor, or a public prosecutor.
(2)At the request of a person as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the family court may rescind all or part of the decision referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article.
(3)If rescinding the decision referred to in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article and the decision referred to in Article 876-9, paragraph (1) in their entirety, the family court must rescind the decision for commencement of assistance.
(Relationship between Decisions)
Article 19(1)If the family court decides to commence a guardianship and the person in question is a person under curatorship or a person under assistance, it must rescind the decision for commencement of the curatorship or commencement of assistance respecting that person.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis if the court decides to commence a curatorship and the person in question is an adult ward or a person under assistance or if the court decides to commence an assistance and the person in question is an adult ward or a person under curatorship.
(Right to Demand of the Other Party to Dealings Involving a Person with Qualified Legal Capacity)
Article 20(1)After a person with qualified legal capacity who is involved in dealings with another party becomes a person with the legal capacity to act (meaning a person whose legal capacity to act is not subject to restrictions; the same applies hereinafter), the other party to those dealings may fix a period of one month or longer and demand that the person give a definite answer within that period of time as to whether the person will ratify an act that the person may rescind. In such a case, if the person fails to send a definite answer within that period of time, the person is deemed to have ratified that act.
(2)The second sentence of the preceding paragraph also applies if, before the person with qualified legal capacity becomes a person with the legal capacity to act, the other party to dealings involving the person with qualified legal capacity lodges the demand prescribed in the preceding paragraph with the legal representative, curator, or assistant of that person with respect to an act within the scope of their authority, and they fail to send a definite answer within the fixed period of time referred to in that paragraph.
(3)If a person does not send notice within the period of time set forth in the preceding two paragraphs indicating that the person has completed any special formalities that an act requires, the person is deemed to have rescinded that act.
(4)The other party to dealings involving a person with qualified legal capacity may lodge a demand with a person under curatorship or with a person under assistance who is subject to a decision as referred to in Article 17, paragraph (1) to demand that the person get the curator or assistant to ratify an act within the fixed period referred to in paragraph (1). In such a case, if the person under curatorship or person under assistance does not send notice within that period indicating that the person has gotten the curator or assistant to ratify the act in question, the person is deemed to have rescinded that act.
(Use of Fraudulent Means by Persons with Qualified Legal Capacity)
Article 21If a person with qualified legal capacity uses fraudulent means to induce another person to believe that the person is a person with legal capacity to act, the person may not rescind the act in question.
第四節 住所
Section 4 Domicile
Article 22A person's principal place of daily activity is that person's domicile.
Article 23(1)If a person's domicile is unknown, the person's residence is deemed to be the person's domicile.
(2)If a person does not have a domicile in Japan, the person's residence is deemed to be the person's domicile, regardless of whether the person is a Japanese national or a foreign national; provided, however, that this does not apply if the law of domicile is to be applied in accordance with the provisions of the laws that establish the governing law.
(Temporary Addresses)
Article 24If a temporary address is selected for an act, that temporary address is deemed to be the domicile as far as that act is concerned.
第五節 不在者の財産の管理及び失踪の宣告
Section 5 Administration of Absentee Property; Declarations of Disappearance
(Administration of Absentee Property)
Article 25(1)If a person who has taken leave of the domicile or residence up until then (hereinafter referred to as an "absentee") has not appointed an administrator for the person's property (hereinafter in this Section referred to simply as an "administrator"), the family court, at the request of an interested person or a public prosecutor, may order the necessary dispositions with regard to the administration of that property. The same applies if the administrator's authority is extinguished during the absence of the absentee.
(2)If an absentee appoints an administrator after an order under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been issued, the family court must rescind that order at the request of the person's administrator, an interested person, or a public prosecutor.
(Replacing Administrators)
Article 26If an absentee has appointed an administrator but it is unclear whether the absentee is dead or alive, the family court may replace that administrator with another at the request of an interested person or a public prosecutor.
(Duties of Administrators)
Article 27(1)An administrator appointed by the family court pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two Articles must prepare a list of the property that the administrator is to administer. In such a case, the expenses incurred are paid from the property of the absentee.
(2)If it is unclear whether an absentee is dead or alive and an interested person or a public prosecutor so requests, the family court may also order the administrator appointed by the absentee to prepare the list referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(3)Beyond what is provided for in the preceding two paragraphs, the family court may order the administrator to make the dispositions that the court finds to be necessary to preserve the property of the absentee.
(Administrators' Authority)
Article 28If an administrator needs to perform an act exceeding the authority provided for in Article 103, the administrator may perform that act after obtaining the permission of the family court. The same applies if it is unclear whether the absentee is dead or alive and the administrator needs to perform an act exceeding the authority established by the absentee.
(Provision of Security by and Remuneration of Administrators)
Article 29(1)The family court may require an administrator to provide reasonable security with respect to the administration and return of the property.
(2)The family court may grant reasonable remuneration to the administrator from the property of the absentee based on the relationship between the administrator and absentee and other circumstances.
(Declarations of Disappearance)
Article 30(1)If it has been unclear for seven years whether an absentee is dead or alive, the family court may enter a declaration of disappearance at the request of an interested person.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph also apply if it has been unclear whether a person who has entered a war zone, was aboard a vessel that has sunk, or was otherwise exposed to a danger likely to result in a person's death is dead or alive, for one year after the war has ended, the vessel sank, or such other danger has passed.
(Effect of Declarations of Disappearance)
Article 31A person subject to a declaration of disappearance pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article is deemed to have died when the period of time referred to in that paragraph ended, and a person subject to a declaration of disappearance pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of that Article is deemed to have died when that danger had passed.
(Rescission of Declarations of Disappearance)
Article 32(1)Having received proof that a missing person is alive or that a missing person died at a time different from the time set forth in the preceding Article, the family court, at the request of the missing person or an interested person, must rescind the declaration of that person's disappearance. In this case, the rescission does not affect the validity of any act performed in good faith after the declaration of disappearance but before the rescission thereof.
(2)A person who has acquired property due to a declaration of disappearance loses the rights in question due to its rescission; provided, however, that the person has the obligation to return that property only to the extent currently enriched.
第六節 同時死亡の推定
Section 6 Presumption of Simultaneous Death
Article 32-2If more than one person dies and it is unclear whether one of them was still alive after the death of another, it is presumed that they all died at the same time.
第三章 法人
Chapter III Juridical Persons
(Formation of Juridical Person)
Article 33(1)No juridical person can be formed unless it is formed pursuant to the provisions of this Code or other laws.
(2)The formation, organization, operation, and management of juridical persons including juridical persons formed for academic activities, art, charity, worship, religion and other public interests, and juridical persons formed for engaging in business for profit are governed by the provisions of this Code and other laws.
(Capacity of Juridical Person)
Article 34A juridical person has rights and is subject to duties, subject to the provisions of laws and regulations and within the scope of the purpose set forth in its articles of incorporation and other basic.
(Foreign Juridical Person)
Article 35(1)With the exception of any state, any administrative division of any state, and any foreign corporation, no formation of a foreign juridical person is approved; provided, however, that, this does not apply to any foreign juridical person which is approved pursuant to the provisions of a law or treaty.
(2)A foreign juridical person which is approved pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph shall possess the same private rights as may be possessed by the juridical person of the same kind which can be formed in Japan; provided, however, that, this shall not apply to any right which may not be enjoyed by a foreign national, or a right for which special provision is made in a law or treaty.
Article 36A juridical person and a foreign juridical person are to complete their registration pursuant to the provisions of this Code and other laws and regulations.
(Registration of Foreign Juridical Person)
Article 37(1)If a foreign juridical person (limited to the foreign juridical person prescribed in the proviso to Article 35, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same applies in this Article) establishes an office in Japan, the registration of the foreign juridical person must be completed by registering the following matters at the location of the office,within three weeks:
(i)the law governing the incorporation of the foreign juridical person;
(ii)the purpose;
(iii)the name;
(iv)the address of the office;
(v)the duration, if it is specified; and
(vi)the name and address of its representative.
(2)If there is a change in any of the matters set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph, a registration of the change must be completedfor within three weeks. In this case, the change may not be asserted against any third party before it is registered.
(3)If provisional disposition order suspending execution of duties by the representative or appointing a person who will perform those duties on behalf of the representative is issued or a ruling changing or revoking those provisional disposition order is made, the registration thereof must be completed. In this case, the provisions of the second sentence of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis.
(4)If a matter that must be registered pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs arises in a foreign country, the period for registration is counted from the day on which the notice thereof reached.
(5)Ifa foreign juridical person has established an office in Japan for the first time, a third party may deny the formation of the juridical person until the registration has been completed at the location of the office.
(6)If a foreign juridical person relocates its office, the registration of relocation must be completed at the former location within three weeks and the registration of the foreign juridical person must be completed by registrating the items of paragraph (1) at the new location within four weeks.
(7)If a foreign juridical person relocates its office within the jurisdictional district of the same registry office, it is sufficient to register the relocation.
(8)If a representative of a foreign juridical person fails to complete a registration provided for in this Article, the representative is punished by a civil fine of not more than 500,000 yen.
Articles 38 to 84Deleted
第四章 物
Chapter IV Things
Article 85The term "things" as used in this Code means tangible objects.
(Immovables and Movables)
Article 86(1)Land and any fixtures thereto are immovables.
(2)Things other than immovables are movables.
(Principal Things and Appurtenances)
Article 87(1)If the owner of a first thing attaches a second thing that the owner owns to the first thing to serve the ordinary use of the first thing, the thing that the owner attaches is an appurtenance.
(2)An appurtenance is disposed of together with the principal thing if the principal thing is disposed of.
(Natural Fruits and Civil Fruits)
Article 88(1)Products obtained from the intended use of a thing are its natural fruits.
(2)Money and other things that may be obtained in exchange for the use of any thing are civil fruits.
(Ownership of Fruits)
Article 89(1)The ownership of natural fruits is acquired by the person entitled to obtain them when they are separated from the original thing.
(2)A person acquires civil fruits in proportion to the duration of the right to obtain them, as calculated on a prorated, daily basis.
第五章 法律行為
Chapter V Juridical Acts
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Public Policy)
Article 90A juridical act that is against public policy is void.
(Manifestations of Intention Inconsistent with Default Rules)
Article 91If a party to a juridical act manifests an intention that is inconsistent with the provisions of laws and regulations that are not related to public policy, that intention prevails.
(Customs Inconsistent with Default Rules)
Article 92If a custom is inconsistent with the provisions of laws and regulations that are not related to public policy and it is found that the party to the juridical act has the intention to abide by that custom, that custom prevails.
第二節 意思表示
Section 2 Manifestations of Intention
(Mental Reservations)
Article 93(1)The validity of a manifestation of intention is not impaired even if the person making it does so while knowing that it does not reflect that person's true intention; provided, however, that if the other party knew or could have known that the manifestation was not the true intention of the person who made it, that manifestation of intention is void.
(2)The nullity of a manifestation of intention under the provisions of the proviso to the preceding paragraph may not be duly asserted against a third party in good faith.
(False Manifestations of Intention)
Article 94(1)A false manifestation of intention that a person makes in collusion with another person is void.
(2)The nullity of a manifestation of intention under the provisions of the preceding paragraph may not be duly asserted against a third party in good faith.
Article 95(1)A manifestation of intention is voidable if it is based on either of the following mistakes, and the mistake is material in light of the purpose of the juridical act and the common sense in the transaction:
(i)a mistake wherein the person lacks the intention that corresponds to the manifestation of intention; or
(ii)a mistake wherein the person making the manifestation of intention holds an understandings that does not correspond to the truth with regard to the circumstances which the person has taken as the basis for the juridical act.
(2)A manifestation of intention under the provisions of item (ii) of the preceding paragraph may be rescinded only if it has been indicated that the circumstances in question are being taken as the basis for the juridical act.
(3)If a mistake is due to gross negligence on the part of the person making the manifestation of intention, that person may not rescind a manifestation of intention as under paragraph (1), except in the following cases:
(i)if the other party knew, or did not know due to gross negligence, of the mistake on the part of the person making the manifestation of intention; or
(ii)if the other party was under the same mistake as the person making the manifestation of intention.
(4)The rescission of a manifestation of intention under the provisions of paragraph (1) may not be duly asserted against a third party in good faith acting without negligence.
(Fraud or Duress)
Article 96(1)A manifestation of intention based on fraud or duress is voidable.
(2)If a third party commits a fraud inducing a first party to make a manifestation of intention to a second party, that manifestation of intention is voidable only if the second party knew or could have known that fact.
(3)The rescission of a manifestation of intention induced by fraud under the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs may not be duly asserted against a third party in good faith acting without negligence.
(Timing of Entry into Effect of Manifestations of Intention)
Article 97(1)A manifestation of intention becomes effective at the time notice thereof reaches the other party.
(2)If the other party prevents notice of a manifestation of intention from reaching them without a legitimate reason, the notice is deemed to have reached that party at the time it would have normally reached them.
(3)The effect of a manifestation of intention is not impaired even if the person making it dies, loses mental capacity, or becomes subject to restrictions on their legal capacity to act after having sent the notice.
(Manifestation of Intention by Public Notice)
Article 98(1)A manifestation of intention may be made by means of public notice if the person making it is unable to ascertain who the other party is or is unable to ascertain the whereabouts thereof.
(2)Public notice as referred to in the preceding paragraph is effected by a notice being posted in the posting area of the relevant court and an indication that that posting has been made being published in the Official Gazette at least once, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. 109 of 1996) on service by publication; provided, however, that if the court finds it to be suitable, it may order that a notice be posted in the posting area of the city office, ward office, town hall, or any facility equivalent to these in lieu of the relevant information being published in the Official Gazette.
(3)A manifestation of intention by public notice is deemed to have reached the other party once two weeks have passed since the day when the relevant information was last published in the Official Gazette or once two weeks have passed since the day on which the relevant information started to be posted in lieu of being so published; provided, however, that the effect of a manifestation of intention having reached the other party does not arise if the person making it was negligent in not ascertaining the other party or the whereabouts thereof.
(4)If the person making a manifestation of intention is unable to ascertain who the other party is, the procedures involved in public notice are under the jurisdiction of the summary court that has jurisdiction over the locality where the person making the manifestation of intention is domiciled; if the person making a manifestation of intention is unable to ascertain the whereabouts of the other party, the procedures involved in public notice are under the jurisdiction of the summary court that has jurisdiction over the locality of the last known domicile of the other party.
(5)The court must have the person making a manifestation of intention prepay the expenses associated with a public notice.
(Capacity to Receive Manifestations of Intention)
Article 98-2Any person may not assert a manifestation of intention against the other party thereto if that other party had no mental capacity or was a minor or an adult ward at the time of receiving it; provided, however, that this does not apply after either of the following persons learns of the manifestation of intention:
(i)the legal representative of the other party; or
(ii)the other party, after that other party's mental capacity has been restored or after that other party has become a person with capacity to act.
第三節 代理
Section 3 Agency
(Requirements and Effect of Acts of Agency)
Article 99(1)A manifestation of intention that an agent makes indicating that they will be making a manifestation of intention on behalf of the principal within the scope of the agent's authority binds the principal directly.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to a manifestation of intention that a third party makes to an agent.
(Manifestation of Intention That the Agent Does Not Indicate as Being Made on Behalf of the Principal)
Article 100A manifestation of intention that an agent makes without having indicated that they will be acting on behalf of the principal is deemed to be one that the agent has made on their own account; provided, however, that if the other party knew or could have known that the agent was acting on behalf of the principal, the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis.
(Defects in Acts of Agency)
Article 101(1)If the validity of a manifestation of intention that an agent has made to the other party is to be influenced by the absence of intention; by mistake, fraud, or duress; or by the knowledge of or negligence in not knowing of a particular circumstance; whether or not any such fact was present is decided as it concerns the agent.
(2)If the validity of a manifestation of intention that the other party has made to the agent is to be influenced by the recipient's knowledge of or negligence in not knowing of a particular circumstance, whether or not any such fact was present is decided as it concerns the agent.
(3)If an agent who has been entrusted with performing a specific juridical act performs that act, the principal may not assert that the agent did not know of any particular circumstance of which the principal knew. The same applies to any circumstance of which the principal did not know due to the principal's own negligence.
(Agent's Capacity to Act)
Article 102An act that a person with qualified legal capacity performs as an agent of another person may not be rescinded on the grounds of qualified legal capacity; provided, however, that this does not apply to an act performed by a person with qualified legal capacity as a legal representative of another person with qualified legal capacity.
(Authority of an Agent with No Specifically Defined Authority)
Article 103An agent who has no specifically defined authority has the authority to perform the following acts only:
(i)acts of preservation; and
(ii)acts with the purpose of using or improving a thing or right that is the subject matter of the agency, to the extent that this does not change the nature of that thing or right.
(Appointment of Subagents by Agents)
Article 104An agent appointed by mandate may not appoint a subagent unless the authorization of the principal is obtained or there is a compelling reason to do so.
(Appointment of Subagents by Legal Representatives)
Article 105A legal representative may appoint a subagent on its own responsibility. In such a case, if there is a compelling reason to do so, the legal representative is only liable to the principal for the appointment and supervision of the subagent.
(Authority of Subagents)
Article 106(1)A subagent represents the principal with respect to acts within the scope of the authority thereof.
(2)A subagent has the same rights and obligations as an agent in relation to the principal and third parties within the scope of that subagent's authority.
(Abuse of Authority to Represent)
Article 107If an agent performs an act that falls within the scope of that agent's authority to represent for the purpose of benefiting the agent's own interests or the interests of a third party, and the other party knew of or could have ascertained that purpose, that act is deemed to be an act performed by a person without authority to represent.
(Self-Contracting and Representation of Both Parties)
Article 108(1)An act that a person performs as an agent of the counterparty or as agent of both parties for the same juridical act is deemed to be an act performed by a person without authority to represent; provided, however, that this does not apply to the performance of an obligation or to an act authorized by the principal in advance.
(2)Beyond what is provided for in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, an act for which the interest of the agent conflicts with the interest of the principal is deemed to be an act performed by a person without authority to represent; provided, however, that this does not apply to an act authorized by the principal in advance.
(Apparent Authority Due to Indication of Grant of Authority to Represent)
Article 109(1)A person who indicates to a third party that the person granted certain authority to represent to another person is liable for an act performed between that other person and that third party within the scope of the authority to represent; provided, however, that this does not apply if the third party knew or did not know due to negligence that the other person has not been granted the authority to represent.
(2)If a person who indicates to a third party that the person granted authority to represent to another person is, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, liable for acts performed by that other person in relation to the third party within the scope of the authority to represent, and the other person performs in relation to the third party an act beyond the scope of the authority to represent, the person who makes the indication is liable for that act only if the third party has reasonable grounds for believing that the other person has authority to represent in that act.
(Apparent Authority of Act Exceeding Authority)
Article 110The provisions of the main clause of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis if an agent performs an act exceeding the agent's authority to represent and a third party has reasonable grounds for believing that the agent has the authority as an agent.
(Ground of Extinction of Authority to Represent)
Article 111(1)The authority to represent ceases to exist upon:
(i)death of the principal; and
(ii)death of the agent, or being given an order commencing bankruptcy proceeding or a decision for commencement of guardianship against the agent.
(2)The authority to represent by mandate ceases to exist, other than on the grounds set forth in the respective items of the preceding paragraph, upon the termination of the mandate.
(Apparent Authority After Extinction of Authority to Represent)
Article 112(1)A person that grants authority to represent to another person is liable towards a third party for an act performed between that other person and the third party within the scope of the authority to represent after the extinction of the authority to represent if that third party does not know the fact that the authority to represent has ceased to exist; provided, however, that this does not apply if the third party does to not know due to negligence the fact.
(2)If a person that grants authority to represent to another person is, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, liable for an act performed between that other person and a third party within the scope of the authority to represent after the extinction of that authority to represent, and the other person performs in relation to the third party an act beyond the scope of the authority to represent, the person that grants authority to represent is liable for that act only if the third party has reasonable grounds for believing that the other person has authority to represent for the act.
(Unauthorized Agency)
Article 113(1)A contract concluded by a person who acts as the agent of another person but has no authority to represent does not bind the principal unless the principal ratifies it.
(2)The ratification or refusal to ratify may not be duly asserted against the counterparty unless it is made to that counterparty; provided, however, that this does not apply if the counterparty has come to know the ratification or refusal to ratify.
(Right to Demand of Counterparty of Unauthorized Agency)
Article 114In the case referred to in the preceding Article, the counterparty may demand, by specifying a reasonable period of time, that the principal give a definite answer on whether or not the principal will ratify within that period of time. In this case, if the principal fails to give a definite answer within that period, the principal is deemed to have refused to ratify.
(Right to Rescind of Counterparty of Unauthorized Agency)
Article 115A counterparty may rescind a contract that a person without the authority to represent has concluded until the principal ratifies it; provided, however, that this does not apply if the counterparty knew at the time of the conclusion of the contract that the agent had no authority to represent.
(Ratification of Act of Unauthorized Agency)
Article 116Ratification is retroactive to the time of the conclusion of the contract unless a particular intention is manifested; provided, however, that this may not prejudice the rights of a third party.
(Liability of Unauthorized Agency)
Article 117(1)A person who concludes a contract as an agent of another person is liable to the counterparty for the performance of the contract or compensation for loss or damage, as chosen by the counterparty, unless the person proves the authority to represent or the principal ratifies the contract.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply in the following cases:
(i)if the counterparty knew that the person who concluded the contract as an agent of the other person had no authority to represent;
(ii)if the counterparty was negligent in not knowing that the person who concluded the contract as an agent of the other person had no authority to represent; provided, however, that this does not apply if the person who concluded a contract as an agent of the other person knew themselves to have no authority to represent; or
(iii)if the legal capacity to act of the person who concluded the contract as an agent of the other person was subject to restrictions.
(Unauthorized Agency in Unilateral Juridical Act)
Article 118With respect to a unilateral juridical act, the provisions of Articles 113 through the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis only if the counterparty, at the time of the act, either agrees for the person holding themselves out as an agent to act without the authority to represent or does not contest the authority to represent of that person. The same applies if a person does a unilateral juridical act vis-a-vis a person without authority to represent with the consent of that person.
第四節 無効及び取消し
Section 4 Nullity and Rescission
(Ratification of Void Acts)
Article 119A void act does not become effective by ratification; provided, however, that if a party ratifies an act knowing that the act is void, it is deemed that the party did a new act.
(Holder of Right to Rescind)
Article 120(1)An act that is voidable on the grounds of the qualified legal capacity to act of the person who did the act may be rescinded only by the person with qualified legal capacity (in the case of an act performed by the person as a legal representative of another person with limited capacity, including that other person with limited capacity), or an agent or successor thereof, or a person who has the authority to give consent thereto.
(2)An act that is voidable on the grounds of a mistake, fraud or duress may be rescinded only by the person who made the defective manifestation of intention, or an agent or successor thereof.
(Effect of Rescission)
Article 121An act that has been rescinded is deemed void ab initio.
(Obligation of Restoration)
Article 121-2(1)A person that has received payment or delivery as the performance of an obligation based on a void act has an obligation to restore the other party to the original state.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a person that receives payment or delivery as the performance of an obligation based on a void gratuitous act did not know that the act was void at the time of receiving the payment or delivery (or if the person did not know that the act was voidable at the time of receiving the payment or delivery in the case of an act which is deemed void ab initio pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article after the receipt of the payment or delivery), has an obligation to return to the extent currently enriched by the act.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), a person who has no mental capacity at the time of performing an act has an obligation to return to the extent currently enriched by the act. The same applies to a person who is a person with qualified legal capacity at the time of performing an act.
(Ratification of Voidable Acts)
Article 122A voidable act may not be rescinded after the person prescribed in Article 120 ratifies it.
(Method of Voidance and Ratification)
Article 123If the counterparty to a voidable act is identified, the voidance or ratification of that act is made by the manifestation of intention to the counterparty.
(Requirements for Ratification)
Article 124(1)The ratification of a voidable act does not become effective unless it is made after the circumstances that made the act voidable cease to exist and the person ratifying the act becomes aware of the right to rescind it.
(2)In the following cases, the ratification referred to in the preceding paragraph is not required to be made after the circumstances that made the act voidable cease to exist:
(i)if a legal representative or a curator or assistant of a person with qualified legal capacity ratifies the act; or
(ii)if a person with qualified legal capacity (excluding an adult ward) makes the ratification with the consent of a legal representative, curator or assistant.
(Statutory Ratification)
Article 125If, at or after the time when it becomes possible to ratify an act, any of the following facts occur with respect to a voidable act, it is deemed that the act has been ratified; provided, however, that this does not apply if an objection is reserved:
(i)full or partial performance;
(ii)request for the performance;
(iv)provision of a security;
(v)assignment of a part of or the whole of a right acquired by the voidable act; or
(vi)compulsory execution.
(Limitation on Period of Right to Rescind)
Article 126The right to rescind an act is extinguished by the operation of the prescription if it is not exercised within five years from the time when it becomes possible to ratify the act. The same applies if 20 years have passed from the time of the act.
第五節 条件及び期限
Section 5 Conditions and Time Limits
(Effect of Fulfillment of Conditions)
Article 127(1)A juridical act subject to a condition precedent becomes effective upon fulfillment of the condition precedent.
(2)A juridical act that is subject to a condition subsequent ceases to be effective upon fulfillment of the condition subsequent.
(3)If the party manifests an intention to make the effects retroactive to the time of or any time prior to the time of the fulfillment, that intention prevails.
(Prohibition of Infringement of Interest of Counterparty Pending Fulfillment of Conditions)
Article 128While it is uncertain whether or not a condition will be fulfilled, a party to a juridical act that is subject to a condition may not prejudice the other party's interests that would arise from the juridical act upon fulfillment of the condition.
(Disposition of Rights Pending Fulfillment of Conditions)
Article 129While it is uncertain whether or not a condition will be fulfilled, the rights and obligations of the party concerned may be disposed of, inherited or preserved, or a security may be provided therefor, in accordance with the general provisions.
(Prevention of Fulfillment of Conditions)
Article 130(1)If a party that would suffer a detriment as a result of the fulfillment of a condition intentionally prevents the fulfillment of that condition, the counterparty may deem that the condition has been fulfilled.
(2)If a party who would enjoy a benefit as a result of the fulfillment of a condition wrongfully has that condition fulfilled, the counterparty may deem that the condition has not been fulfilled.
(Fulfilled Conditions)
Article 131(1)If a condition has already been fulfilled at the time of a juridical act and that condition is a condition precedent, the juridical act constitutes an unconditional juridical act; if that condition is a condition subsequent, the juridical act is void.
(2)If it has already been established at the time of a juridical act that a condition will not be fulfilled and that condition is a condition precedent, the juridical act is void; if that condition is a condition subsequent, the juridical act constitutes an unconditional act.
(3)In the cases referred to in the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the provisions of Article 128 and Article 129 apply mutatis mutandis until the relevant party becomes aware that the condition has been or has not been fulfilled.
(Unlawful Conditions)
Article 132A juridical act subject to an unlawful condition is void. The same applies to a juridical act subject to the condition that an unlawful act not be performed.
(Impossible Conditions)
Article 133(1)A juridical act subject to an impossible condition precedent is void.
(2)A juridical act subject to an impossible condition subsequent is an unconditional juridical act.
(Potestative Conditions)
Article 134A juridical act subject to a condition precedent is void if the condition is dependent only upon the intention of the obligor.
(Effect of Arrival of Assigned Time)
Article 135(1)If a time of commencement is assigned to a juridical act, the performance of that juridical act may not be demanded before the arrival of that assigned time.
(2)If time of expiration is assigned to a juridical act, that juridical act expires upon the arrival of that assigned time.
(Benefit of Time and Waiver)
Article 136(1)The time stipulation is presumed to be provided for the benefit of the obligor.
(2)The benefit of time stipulation may be waived; provided, however, that the waiver may not prejudice the interest of the counterparty.
Article 137The obligor may not assert the benefit of time stipulation if:
(i)the obligor has become subject to the order commencing bankruptcy proceeding;
(ii)the obligor has lost, damaged, or diminished the security; or
(iii)the obligor fails to provide security when it has the obligation to do so.
第六章 期間の計算
Chapter VI Computation of Period of Time
(Common Rules on Computation of Period of Time)
Article 138The method of computation of a period of time is governed by the provisions of this Chapter unless otherwise provided in the laws and regulations or a judicial order, or unless otherwise provided for by the relevant juridical act.
(Commencement of Period)
Article 139When a period is provided for in hours, the period commences immediately at the specified time.
Article 140When a period is provided for in days, weeks, months, or years, the first day of the period is not included in the computation; provided, however, that this does not apply when the period commences at twelve midnight.
(Expiration of Period)
Article 141In the case referred to in the preceding Article, the period expires at the end of the last day.
Article 142If the last day of a period falls on a Sunday, a holiday as provided in the Act on National Holidays (Act No. 178 of 1948), or any other holiday, only when it is customary not to do business on the relevant day, the period expires on the immediately following day.
(Computation of Period with Reference to Calendar)
Article 143(1)If a period is provided for in weeks, months, or years, the period is calculated in accordance to the calendar.
(2)If a period does not commence at the beginning of the week, month, or year, that period expires on the day immediately preceding the day which corresponds to the commencement day in the last week, month or year; provided, however, that if the period is provided for in months or years and the last month does not contain a corresponding day, the period expires on the last day of that month.
第七章 時効
Chapter VII Prescription
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Effect of Prescription)
Article 144The prescription is retroactive to the commencement day.
(Invocation of Prescription)
Article 145The court may not make a judicial decision relying on prescription unless a party (in the case of extinctive prescription, including a guarantor, third-party collateral provider, third party acquirer, or any other person with a legitimate interest in the extinction of a right) invokes it.
(Waiver of Benefits of Prescription)
Article 146The benefits of the prescription may not be waived in advance.
(Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period and Renewal of Prescription Period on the Ground of Demand by Litigation)
Article 147(1)If any of the following grounds exists, the period of prescription does not expire until the ground ceases to exist (if the ground ceases to exist while the right remains undetermined by a final and binding judgment or anything that has the same effect as a final and binding judgment, until six months have passed from the time of cessation):
(i)demand by litigation;
(ii)demand for payment;
(iii)settlement referred to in Article 275, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure or mediation under the Civil Conciliation Act (Act No. 222 of 1951) or the Domestic Relations Case Procedure Act (Act No. 52 of 2011); or
(iv)participation in bankruptcy proceeding, rehabilitation proceeding or reorganization proceeding.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if a right is determined by a final and binding judgment or anything that has the same effect as a final and binding judgment, a new period of prescription commences to run at the time when the grounds set forth in the items of that paragraph cease to exist;
(Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period and Renewal of Prescription Period on the Ground of Compulsory Execution)
Article 148(1)If any of the following grounds exists, the prescription period does not expire until those grounds cease to exist (or until six months after those grounds cease to exist, if they cease to exist due to the withdrawal of a petition or the rescission of a petition for failure to comply with the provisions of the law):
(i)compulsory execution;
(ii)enforcement of a security right;
(iii)auction under the rules of an auction for the enforcement of a security right prescribed in Article 195 of the Civil Execution Act (Act No. 4 of 1979); or
(iv)asset disclosure procedure prescribed in Article 196 of the Civil Execution Act or procedure for acquiring information from a third party prescribed in Article 204 of that Act.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, a new period of prescription commences to run at the time when the grounds set forth in the items of that paragraph cease to exist; provided, however, that this does not apply if the grounds cease to exist due to the withdrawal of a petition or the rescission of a petition for the failure to comply with the provisions of the law.
(Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period on the Ground of Provisional Seizure)
Article 149If either of the following grounds exists, the prescription period does not expire until six months have passed from the time when the ground ceases to exist:
(i)provisional seizure; or
(ii)provisional disposition.
(Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period on the Ground of Demand)
Article 150(1)If a demand is made, the prescription period does not expire until six months have passed since the time of the demand.
(2)A second demand made during the postponement of expiry of the prescription period granted on the ground of the first demand does not have the effect of postponement of expiry of prescription period under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period on the Ground of Agreement on Holding Discussion)
Article 151(1)If an agreement on holding a discussion concerning a right is made in writing, the prescription period does not expire until the earliest of the following points in time:
(i)when one year has passed from the time of the agreement;
(ii)if the period during which the parties are to hold a discussion is specified by the agreement (limited to a period less than one year): when that period has expired; or
(iii)if one of the parties notifies the other party in writing of refusal to continue the discussion: when six months have passed from the time of the notice.
(2)If an agreement referred to in the preceding paragraph is made a second time during the postponement of expiry of the prescription period granted pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph, the second agreement has the effect of postponement of expiry of prescription period under the provisions of the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that the period of that effect may not exceed five years in total from the time when the prescription period should have expired had the postponement of expiry of the prescription period not been granted.
(3)An agreement referred to in paragraph (1) which is made during the postponement of expiry of the prescription period granted on the ground of a demand does not have the effect of postponement of expiry of prescription period under the provisions of that paragraph. The same applies to a demand made during the postponement of expiry of the prescription period granted pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph.
(4)If an agreement referred to in paragraph (1) is made by means of an electronic or magnetic record (meaning a record used in computerized information processing which is created in electronic form, magnetic form, or any other form that cannot be perceived by the human senses; the same applies hereinafter), the agreement is deemed to have been made in writing and the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs apply thereto.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to the notice referred to in paragraph (1), item (iii).
(Renewal of Prescription Period on the Ground of Acknowledgment)
Article 152(1)If a right is acknowledged, a new period of prescription commences to run at the time of the acknowledgment.
(2)With respect to the disposition of the right of the other party, an acknowledgment referred to in the preceding paragraph does not require unlimited capacity to act or authority.
(Scope of Persons Affected by Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period or Renewal of Prescription Period)
Article 153(1)The postponement of the expiry of prescription period or the renewal of prescription period under the provisions of Article 147 or Article 148 is effective only between the parties with respect to whom grounds to postpone the expiry of prescription period or to renew prescription period have arisen and their successors.
(2)The postponement of expiry of prescription period under the provisions of Articles 149 through 151 is effective only between the parties with respect to whom grounds to postpone the expiry of prescription period have arisen and their successors.
(3)The renewal of prescription period under the provisions of the preceding Article is effective only between the parties with respect to whom grounds to renew prescription period have arisen and their successors.
Article 154If the procedure regarding any of the grounds set forth in the items of Article 148, paragraph (1) or the items of Article 149 is not carried out in relation to a person that is to receive the benefit of prescription, it does not have an effect of postponement of expiry of prescription period or renewal of prescription period under the provisions of Article 148 or Article 149 unless the person is notified of it.
Articles 155 through 157Deleted
(Minor or Adult Ward and Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period)
Article 158(1)If a minor or an adult ward has no legal representative during the period of six months preceding the expiration of the period of prescription, the prescription period does not expire with respect to that minor or adult ward until six months pass from the time when that minor or adult ward becomes a person with a capacity to act, or a legal representative assumes the position.
(2)If a minor or an adult ward has a right vis-a-vis the minor's or the adult ward's father, mother, or guardian who manages the property, the prescription period does not expire with respect to that right until six months have passed from the time when that minor or adult ward becomes a person with capacity to act, or a succeeding legal representative assumes the position.
(Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period of Rights Between Husband and Wife)
Article 159With respect to rights which the husband or wife has vis-a-vis the other spouse, the prescription period does not expire until six months have passed from the time of the dissolution of their marriage.
(Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period Regarding Estate)
Article 160With respect to an estate, the prescription period does not expire until six months have passed from the time when the heir is identified, the administrator is appointed, or commencement of bankruptcy proceeding is ordered.
(Postponement of Expiry of Prescription Period Due to Natural Disaster)
Article 161If it is impossible to carry out the procedure regarding any of the grounds set forth in the items of Article 147, paragraph (1) or the items of Article 148, paragraph (1) upon the expiration of the period of prescription due to a natural disaster or other unavoidable grave incident, the prescription period does not expire until three months have passed from the time when that impediment ceases to exist.
第二節 取得時効
Section 2 Acquisitive Prescription
(Acquisitive Prescription of Ownership)
Article 162(1)A person that possesses the property of another for 20 years peacefully and openly with the intention to own it acquires ownership thereof.
(2)A person that possesses the property of another for 10 years peacefully and openly with an intention to own it acquires ownership thereof if the person was acting in good faith and was not negligent at the time when the possession started.
(Acquisitive Prescription of Property Rights Other Than Ownership)
Article 163A person that exercises a property right other than ownership peacefully and openly with the intention to do so on the person's own behalf acquires that right after the passage of 20 years or 10 years, according to the distinction provided for in the preceding Article.
(Renewal of Acquisitive Prescription Due to Discontinuation of Possession)
Article 164The prescription under the provisions of Article 162 is renewed if the possessor discontinues the possession voluntarily or is deprived of that possession by another person.
Article 165The provisions of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the case under Article 163.
第三節 消滅時効
Section 3 Extinctive Prescription
(Extinctive Prescription of Claims)
Article 166(1)A claim is extinguished by prescription in the following cases:
(i)if the obligee does not exercise the right within five years from the time when the obligee came to know that it was exercisable; or
(ii)if the obligee does not exercise the right within 10 years from the time when it became exercisable.
(2)A claim or property right other than ownership is extinguished by prescription if not exercised within 20 years from the time when the right became exercisable.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not preclude the commencement of acquisitive prescription for the benefit of a third party that possesses the subject matter of a right with a time of commencement or a right subject to a condition precedent, at the time of commencing the possession; provided, however, that the holder of the right may demand acknowledgment from the possessor at any time to renew the prescription period.
(Extinctive Prescription of Claim for Compensation for Loss or Damage Resulting from Death or Injury to Person)
Article 167To apply the provisions of paragraph (1), item (ii) of the preceding Article to the extinctive prescription of a claim for damages arising from the death or injury to persons, the phrase "10 years" in that item is deemed to be replaced with "20 years".
(Extinctive Prescription of Claims for Periodic Payments)
Article 168(1)A claim for periodic payments is extinguished by prescription in the following cases:
(i)if the obligee does not exercise each claim for the delivery of things such as money arising from the claim for periodic payments within 10 years from the time when the obligee comes to know that each claim is exercisable; or
(ii)if the obligee does not exercise each claim prescribed in the preceding item within 20 years from the time when it becomes exercisable.
(2)The obligee of periodic payments may require its obligor at any time to issue a written acknowledgment in order to acquire the evidence of the renewal of the prescription period.
(Extinctive Prescription of Right Determined by Judgment)
Article 169(1)The period of prescription of a right determined by a final and binding judgment or anything that has the same effect as a final and binding judgment is 10 years even if a period of prescription shorter than 10 years is provided for.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply to a claim which is not yet due and payable at the time when it is determined.
Articles 170 through 174Deleted
第二編 物権
Part II Real Rights
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
(Establishment of Real Rights)
Article 175No real right may be established other than those prescribed by laws including this Code.
(Creation and Transfer of Real Rights)
Article 176The creation and transfer of a real right becomes effective solely by the manifestations of intention of the parties.
(Requirements of Perfection of Changes in Real Rights on Immovables)
Article 177Acquisitions of, losses of and changes in real rights on immovables may not be duly asserted against any third parties, unless the same are registered pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Real Property Registration Act (Act No. 123 of 2004) and other laws regarding registration.
(Requirements of Perfection of Transfer of Real Rights Concerning Movables)
Article 178The transfer of a real right on movables may not be duly asserted against a third party, unless the movables are delivered.
(Merger of Rights)
Article 179(1)If ownership and another real right on the same thing are acquired by the same person, the other real right is extinguished; provided, however, that this does not apply if that thing or the other real right is the object of the right of a third party.
(2)If a real right other than ownership and another right for which that real right is the object are acquired by the same person, the other right is extinguished. In this case, the provisions of the proviso to the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply to possessory rights.
第二章 占有権
Chapter II Possessory Rights
第一節 占有権の取得
Section 1 Acquisition of Possessory Rights
(Acquisition of Possessory Rights)
Article 180Possessory rights are acquired by possessing a thing with the intention to do so on one's own behalf.
(Possession through Agents)
Article 181Possessory rights may be acquired through an agent.
(Actual Delivery and Summary Delivery)
Article 182(1)The transfer of possessory rights is effected by the delivery of the thing possessed.
(2)If a transferee or the agent of a transferee is actually holding the thing under possession, the transfer of possessory rights may be effected by the parties' manifestations of intention alone.
(Constructive Transfer with Retention of Possession)
Article 183If an agent manifests the intention to thenceforward possess a thing under the agent's own possession on behalf of the principal, the principal thereby acquires the possessory rights.
(Transfer of Possession by Instruction)
Article 184If a thing is possessed through an agent, the principal orders that agent to thenceforward possess that thing on behalf of a third party, and that third party consents thereto, the third party acquires the possessory rights.
(Change in Nature of Possession)
Article 185If it is assumed, due to the nature of the title, that a possessor does not have the intention to own, the nature of the possessor's possession does not change unless that possessor manifests the intention to own to the person that put the thing under that person's possession, or commences possession under a new title with an intention to own from that time.
(Presumption Regarding Nature of Possession)
Article 186(1)A possessor is presumed to possess a thing with the intention to own, in good faith peacefully and openly.
(2)If there is evidence of possession at two different points in time, it is presumed that possession continued during that interval.
(Succession to Possession)
Article 187(1)A successor to a possessor may, as the successor chooses, assert either the successor's own possession only, or the successor's own possession together with that of the predecessor.
(2)If a person asserts the possession of the predecessor together with the person's own, that person also succeeds to defects in the same.
第二節 占有権の効力
Section 2 Effect of Possessory Rights
(Presumption of Lawfulness of Rights Exercised with Respect to Possessed Thing)
Article 188The possessor is presumed to lawfully have the rights that a possessor exercises with respect to the thing under possession.
(Acquisition of Fruits by Possessor in Good Faith)
Article 189(1)A possessor in good faith acquires fruits derived from the thing under possession.
(2)If a possessor in good faith is defeated in an action on the title that legally supports the possession, that possessor is deemed to be a possessor in bad faith as from the time when the action is filed.
(Return of Fruits by Possessors in Bad Faith)
Article 190(1)A possessor in bad faith has the obligation to return fruits, and reimburse the price of fruits that the possessor has already consumed, damaged due to negligence, or failed to collect.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to a person who takes possession of a thing through assault or duress or through concealment.
(Compensation for Loss or Damage by Possessors)
Article 191If a possessed thing has been lost or damaged due to grounds attributable to the possessor, a possessor in bad faith is liable to compensate the person recovering the thing for the entire loss or damage, and a possessor in good faith is liable to compensate that person for the loss or damage to the extent currently enriched as a result of that loss or damage; provided, however, that a possessor that is without the intention to own the thing must compensate the person for the entire loss or damage, even if the possessor has acted in good faith.
(Good Faith Acquisition)
Article 192A person that commences the possession of movables peacefully and openly by a transactional act acquires the rights that are exercised with respect to the movables immediately if the person possesses it in good faith and without negligence.
(Recovery of Stolen or Lost Property)
Article 193In the cases provided for in the preceding Article, if the possessed thing constitutes stolen or lost property, the victim or the person that lost the thing may demand the return of that thing from the possessor within two years from the time of the loss or theft.
Article 194If a possessor has purchased stolen or lost property in good faith at an auction, in a public market, or from a merchant that sells similar things, the victim or the person that lost the thing may not recover the thing without reimbursing the possessor for the price paid.
(Acquisition of Rights through Possession of Animals)
Article 195A person possessing a non-domestic animal bred by another person acquires the rights to exercise with respect to that animal if the person possessing it was acting in good faith at the beginning of the possession and the owner of the animal does not demand its return from that person within one month from the time when that animal left the possession of its owner.
(Possessors' Claims for Reimbursement of Expenses)
Article 196(1)If a possessor returns a thing in the possession thereof, the possessor may have the person recovering the thing reimburse the possessor for the costs the possessor has paid for its preservation and other necessary expenses; provided, however, that if the possessor has acquired fruits, ordinary and necessary expenses are borne by the possessor.
(2)With respect to the costs paid for by a possessor to improve the thing in the possession thereof and other beneficial expenses, the possessor may have the person recovering the thing reimburse the possessor for either the costs the possessor has paid or the amount of the increased value, whichever the person recovering the thing chooses, but only if there is a current increase in value; provided, however, that with regard to a possessor in bad faith, the court may, at the request of the person recovering the thing, grant a reasonable period of time for the same.
(Possessory Actions)
Article 197A possessor may file a possessory action in accordance with the provisions of the following Article through Article 202. The same applies to a person that takes possession on behalf of another person.
(Actions for Maintenance of Possession)
Article 198If a possessor is obstructed from possession, the possessor may claim for the discontinuation of the obstruction and compensation for loss or damage by filing an action for maintenance of possession.
(Actions for Preservation of Possession)
Article 199If a possessor is likely to be obstructed from possession, the possessor may demand either the prevention of the obstruction or for the submission of security for the compensation for loss or damage by filing an action for preservation of possession.
(Actions for Recovery of Possession)
Article 200(1)If a possessor is forcibly dispossessed, the possessor may demand the restitution of the thing and compensation for loss or damage by filing an action for recovery of possession.
(2)An action for recovery of possession may not be filed against a specific successor of a person that forcibly takes possession; provided, however, that this does not apply if that successor had knowledge of the fact that the person has unlawfully taken the possession.
(Periods of Time for Filing Possessory Actions)
Article 201(1)An action for maintenance of possession must be filed during the obstruction or within one year after the obstruction stops; provided, however, that if the possessed thing has been damaged due to construction work and either one year has passed from the time when the construction was started or the construction has been completed, the action may not be filed.
(2)An action for preservation of possession may be filed so long as the danger of obstruction exists. In this case, the provisions of the proviso to the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis if the possessed thing is likely to be damaged by the construction work.
(3)An action for recovery of possession must be filed within one year from the time when a possessor was forcibly dispossessed.
(Relationship with Actions on Title)
Article 202(1)A possessory action does not preclude an action on title that legally supports the possession, and an action on title does not preclude a possessory action.
(2)With respect to possessory actions, no judicial decision may be made on grounds relating to title that legally supports the possession.
第三節 占有権の消滅
Section 3 Extinction of Possessory Rights
(Grounds for Extinction of Possessory Rights)
Article 203Possessory rights are extinguished when the possessor renounces the intention to possess, or loses possession of the possessed thing; provided, however, that this does not apply if the possessor files an action for recovery of possession.
(Grounds for Extinction of Agent's Possessory Rights)
Article 204(1)If a person possesses a thing through an agent, possessory rights are extinguished on the grounds set forth below:
(i)renunciation by the principal of intention to have agent possess;
(ii)manifestation of intention to the principal of an agent to hold the thing possessed on behalf of the agent itself or a third party; or
(iii)the agent has ceased to hold the thing possessed.
(2)Possessory rights are not extinguished solely as a result of the extinction of the authority to represent.
第四節 準占有
Section 4 Quasi-Possession
Article 205The provisions of this Chapter apply mutatis mutandis if a person exercises their property rights with the intention to do so on their own behalf.
第三章 所有権
Chapter III Ownership
第一節 所有権の限界
Section 1 Extent of Ownership
第一款 所有権の内容及び範囲
Subsection 1 Content and Scope of Ownership
(Content of Ownership)
Article 206An owner has the rights to freely use, profit from and dispose of the thing owned, within the limits of laws and regulations.
(Scope of Ownership in Land)
Article 207Ownership in land extends to above and below the surface of the land, within the limits of laws and regulations.
Article 208Deleted
第二款 相隣関係
Subsection 2 Neighboring Relationships
(Use of Neighboring Land)
Article 209(1)An owner of land may use the neighboring land to the extent necessary for the following purposes; provided, however, that the owner may not enter the dwelling house of the resident without the approval of the resident:
(i)construction, removal or repair of barriers, buildings or other structures at or near the boundary;
(ii)investigation of boundary markers or surveying concerning boundaries; or
(iii)cutting of branches pursuant to the provisions of Article 233, paragraph (3).
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the date and time, place, and method of use is to be chosen so as to cause the least damage to the owner of the neighboring land and to the person who is actually using the neighboring land (hereinafter referred to as "user of the neighboring land" in this Article).
(3)A person who uses the neighboring land pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) must notify the owner and user of the neighboring land in advance of the purpose, date and time, place, and method of the use; provided, however, that if it is difficult to give notice in advance, it is sufficient to give notice without delay after starting the use.
(4)In the case referred to in paragraph (1), if the owner or user of the neighboring land suffers damages, they may claim compensation.
(Right-of-Way over Other Land for Access to Public Roads)
Article 210(1)An owner of land that is surrounded by other land and has no access to a public road may pass through the other land that surrounds that owner's land to reach a public road.
(2)The preceding paragraph also applies if an owner cannot reach a public road without passing over a pond, lake, river, waterway, or sea, or if there is an extreme difference in height between the land and the public road on account of a cliff.
Article 211(1)In the cases referred to in the preceding Article, the location and method of passage must be chosen so as to meet the needs of the person that is entitled to the right-of-way under the provisions of that Article and cause the least damage to the other land.
(2)A person that holds the right-of-way under the provisions of the preceding Article may construct a road if necessary.
Article 212A person that is entitled to the right-of-way under the provisions of Article 210 must pay compensation for damage caused to the other land that the same person passes through; provided, however, that except for damage arising from the construction of a road, compensation may be paid on an annual basis.
Article 213(1)If the partition of land creates a parcel of land that has no access to public roads, the owner of that parcel of land may pass to the public roads only through the lands owned by another person that participated in the partition. In this case, it is necessary to pay compensation.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis if the owner of land transfers part of the land to another person.
(Right to Install Facilities for Receiving Continuous Supply)
Article 213-2(1)If an owner of land is unable to receive electricity, gas or tap water supply or any other continuous supply equivalent thereto (hereinafter referred to as "continuous supply" in this paragraph and paragraph (1) of the following Article) without installing facilities on other land or using facilities owned by another person, the owner of land may install facilities on the other land or use facilities owned by the other person to the extent necessary to receive continuous supply.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the place and method of installation or use of the facilities are to be chosen so as to cause the least damage to other land or facilities owned by the other person (referred to as "other land, etc." in the following paragraph).
(3)A person who installs facilities on other land or uses facilities owned by another person pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) must notify in advance the owner of other land, etc. and the person who is actually using the other land of the purpose, place and method of the installation or use.
(4)In order to install facilities on other land or to use facilities owned by another person pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, a person who has the right pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) may use the other land in question or the land on which the facilities owned by the other person in question are located. In this case, the provisions of the proviso to paragraph (1), and paragraphs (2) to (4) of Article 209 apply mutatis mutandis.
(5)A person who installs facilities on other land pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) must pay compensation for damage (excluding damage prescribed in Article 209, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis in the preceding paragraph) to the other land in question; provided, however, that the compensation may be paid annually.
(6)A person who uses facilities owned by another person pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) must pay compensation for damage caused by actions taken in order to start using the facilities.
(7)A person who uses, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), facilities owned by another person must bear the costs required for installation, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of the facilities in proportion to the benefits received.
Article 213-3(1)If the partition of land creates a parcel of land that cannot receive continuous supply without installing facilities on other land, an owner of the land may, in order to receive continuous supply, install facilities only on other land owned by a person who participated in the partition. In this case, the provisions of paragraph (5) of the preceding Article do not apply.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis if an owner of land has transferred a part of the land to another person.
(Prohibition of Obstruction of Natural Water Streams)
Article 214A landowner may not interfere with a natural water stream flowing from a neighboring land.
(Removal of Impediments to Water Streams)
Article 215If a stream is blocked at low-lying ground due to a natural disaster or other unavoidable grave incident, an owner of a higher land may carry out construction work necessary to remove the impediment to the stream at that owner's own expense.
(Repairs of Structures Related to Streams)
Article 216If a land suffers or is likely to suffer damage due to destruction or blockage of a structure installed on other land to store, discharge or draw water, the owner of that land may have the owner of that other land repair the structure or remove the impediments, or, if necessary, have the same carry out preventive construction work.
(Customs with Respect to Allocation of Expenses)
Article 217In the cases provided for in the preceding two Articles, if there are other customs with respect to the allocation of expenses, those customs prevail.
(Prohibition of Installation of Structures That Discharge Rainwater to Neighboring Lands)
Article 218A landowner may not install a roof or other structures that discharge rainwater directly onto neighboring land.
(Changes to Streams)
Article 219(1)An owner of a channel, moat, or other such land containing a stream may not change the course or width of the same if the land on the other side is owned by another person.
(2)If the land on both sides of a stream is owned by the owner of the land containing the stream, that owner may change the course or the width of the same; provided, however, that the owner must return the stream to its natural course at the point where the stream meets a neighboring land.
(3)If there are customs that differ from the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, those customs prevail.
(Running Water through Lower Ground for Discharge)
Article 220An owner of a higher land may run water through lower lands to dry out that owner's higher land if that land is flooded, or to discharge surplus water for household or agricultural or industrial use until the water meets a public stream or sewerage system. In these cases, the location and method that cause the least damage to the lower ground must be selected.
(Use of Structures to Direct Water)
Article 221(1)A landowner may use a structure installed by the owner of higher or lower land in order to cause water from the landowner's land to pass through that land.
(2)In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the person using the other person's structure must bear the expenses of the installation and preservation of the structure in proportion to the benefit that person enjoys.
(Construction and Use of Dams)
Article 222(1)If an owner of land containing a stream needs to construct a dam, that owner may construct that dam by fixing it to the other side even if the land on the other side is owned by another person; provided, however, that the owner must pay compensation for damage arising as a result.
(2)The owner of land on the other side of a dam may use the dam referred to in the preceding paragraph if that owner owns part of the land containing the stream.
(3)The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Installation of Boundary Markers)
Article 223A landowner may install boundary markers, sharing the expenses with the owner of the neighboring land.
(Expenses of Installation and Preservation of Boundary Markers)
Article 224The expenses of installation and preservation of boundary markers are borne equally by neighbors; provided, however, that measuring expenses are borne in proportion to the area of each land.
(Installation of Fences)
Article 225(1)If two buildings are owned by different owners and there is an open lot between them, each owner may install a fence on the boundary, sharing the expenses with the other owner.
(2)If no agreement is reached between the parties, the fence referred to in the preceding paragraph must be a wooden fence, a bamboo fence or a fence made of similar material and must be two meters high.
(Expenses of Installation and Preservation of Fences)
Article 226The expenses of installation and preservation of the fences under the preceding Article are borne equally by the neighbors.
(Installation of Fences by One of Neighbors)
Article 227One of neighboring owners may install a fence using materials better than those provided for in Article 225, paragraph (2) or elevating the height provided for under that paragraph; provided, however, that the relevant owner must bear the increase in expenses arising as a result of the same.
(Customs Relating to Installation of Fences)
Article 228If there are customs that differ from the provisions of the preceding three Articles, those customs prevail.
(Presumption of Co-Ownership of Boundary Markers)
Article 229Boundary markers, fences, walls, channels and moats installed on boundary lines are presumed to be co-owned by the neighbors.
Article 230(1)The provisions of the preceding Article do not apply to a wall on a boundary line that constitutes part of a building.
(2)If the height of a wall that separates two neighboring buildings of different heights is higher than the height of the lower building, the preceding paragraph also applies with respect to that portion of that wall that is higher than the lower building; provided, however, that this does not apply to fire walls.
(Construction Work Raising Height of Co-Owned Walls)
Article 231(1)One of neighboring owners may raise the height of a co-owned wall; provided, however, that if the wall cannot withstand the construction work, the relevant owner must reinforce that wall as necessary or rebuild the same at the owner's own expense.
(2)If the height of a wall is raised pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the raised portion is owned solely by the owner that carried out the construction work.
Article 232In the cases provided for in the preceding Article, if a neighbor suffers damage, that neighbor may claim compensation for the same.
(Cutting of Branches and Roots of Trees and Bamboo)
Article 233(1)If a tree or bamboo branch from neighboring land crosses a boundary line, the landowner may have the owner of that tree or bamboo sever that branch.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the tree or bamboo belongs to several co-owners, any of the co-owners may cut off the branch.
(3)In the case referred to in paragraph (1), an owner of land may cut off the branch in the following cases:
(i)when the owner of the tree or bamboo does not cut off the branch within a reasonable period of time despite receiving a notice requesting the owner to do so;
(ii)when identity of the owner of the tree or bamboo cannot be ascertained, or the owner's whereabouts cannot be ascertained;
(iii)when there are pressing circumstances.
(4)If a tree or bamboo root from neighboring land crosses a boundary line, the owner of the land may sever that root.
(Restrictions on Buildings Near Boundary Lines)
Article 234(1)In order to construct a building, the building must be distanced 50 centimeters or more away from the boundary line.
(2)If a person attempts to construct a building in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the owner of the neighboring land may have the construction suspended or changed; provided, however, that if one year passes from the time when that construction started or if that building is completed, the owner may only claim compensation for loss or damage.
Article 235(1)A person that installs a window or porch (hereinafter in this and the following paragraph including a veranda) at a distance of less than one meter from a boundary line allowing the observation of the residential land of another person must put up a privacy screen.
(2)The distance referred to in the preceding paragraph is calculated by measuring the length of a straight line from the point on the window or porch closest to the neighboring land, to where it reaches the boundary line at a right angle.
(Customs Relating to Construction Near Boundary Lines)
Article 236If there are customs that differ from the provisions of the preceding two Articles, those customs prevail.
(Restrictions on Digging Near Boundary Lines)
Article 237(1)In order to dig a well, service water pit, sewage pit or compost pit, the same must be distanced two or more meters from the boundary line, and in order to dig a pond, cellar or human waste pit, the same must be distanced one or more meters from the boundary line.
(2)In order to bury water pipes, or dig a channel or moat, the same must be distanced from the boundary line by a measurement equivalent to at least half the depth of the same; provided, however, that the distance is not required to be exceeding one meter.
(Duty of Care Regarding Digging Near Boundary Lines)
Article 238When carrying out a construction referred to in the preceding Article near a boundary line, necessary care must be taken to ensure the prevention of earth collapses or leakages of water or contaminated liquids.
第二節 所有権の取得
Section 2 Acquisition of Ownership
(Ownership in Ownerless Property)
Article 239(1)Ownership of movables without an owner are acquired by possessing the same with the intention to own.
(2)Ownerless immovables belong to the National Treasury.
(Finding of Lost Property)
Article 240If the owner of lost property is not identified within three months of the time when public notice thereof is effected as prescribed by the Lost Property Act (Act No. 73 of 2006), the person who found the lost property acquires ownership of the same.
(Discovery of Buried Things)
Article 241If the owner of a buried thing is not identified within six months of the time when public notice thereof is effected as prescribed by the Lost Property Act, the finder acquires ownership of the same; provided, however, that with respect to a buried thing discovered inside a thing that belongs to another person, the finder and that other person acquire equally proportionate ownership of that buried thing.
(Accession to Immovables)
Article 242The owner of immovables acquires ownership of a thing that has been attached thereto as its appurtenance; provided, however, that the rights of the other person that attached that thing by virtue of a title are not prejudiced.
(Accession to Movables)
Article 243If two or more movable properties with different owners can no longer be separated without damage due to accession, the ownership of the composite thing belongs to the owner of the principal movable property. The same applies if excessive expense is required to separate the movables.
Article 244If the distinction of principal and accessory cannot be made between the movables united by accession, the owner of each movable property co-owns the composite thing in proportion to the respective price current at the time of the accession.
Article 245The provisions of the preceding two Articles apply mutatis mutandis if the things of different owners are mixed together and can no longer be distinguished.
Article 246(1)If a person (hereinafter in this Article referred to as "processor") adds labor to another person's movables, the ownership of the processed thing belongs to the owner of the material; provided, however, that if the value derived from the work significantly exceeds the value of the material, the processor acquires ownership of the processed thing.
(2)In the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the processor provides a portion of the materials, the processor acquires ownership of the processed thing only if the value of provided materials added to the value derived from the labor exceeds the value of the other person's materials.
(Effect of Accession, Mixture or Processing)
Article 247(1)If the ownership of a thing is extinguished pursuant to the provisions of Article 242 through the preceding Article, other rights existing on that thing are also extinguished.
(2)In the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the owner of a thing has become the sole owner of the thing formed by accession or appurtenance, mixture or processing (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as "composite thing"), other rights existing on that thing thereafter exist on the composite thing, and if the owner of the thing becomes a co-owner of the composite thing, other rights existing on that thing thereafter exist on that owner's interest in the same.
(Demands for Compensation for Accession, Appurtenance, Mixture or Processing)
Article 248A person that suffers loss because of the application of the provisions of Article 242 through the preceding Article may demand compensation in accordance with the provisions of Article 703 and Article 704.
第三節 共有
Section 3 Co-Ownership
(Use of Property in Co-Ownership)
Article 249(1)Each co-owner may use the entire property in co-ownership in proportion to each co-owner's interest.
(2)Unless otherwise agreed, a co-owner who uses the property in co-ownership is obligated to reimburse other co-owners for the use of the property in co-ownership in excess of the co-owner's ownership share.
(3)A co-owner must use the property in co-ownership with the due care of a prudent manager.
(Presumption of Proportion of Co-Ownership Interests)
Article 250Each co-owner's interest is presumed to be equal.
(Changes to Property in Co-Ownership)
Article 251(1)No co-owner may make changes (excluding those that do not involve extreme changes to the shape or function; the same applies in the following paragraph) to the property in co-ownership without the consent of the other co-owners.
(2)If a co-owner is unable to ascertain the identity of another co-owner or his/her whereabouts, the court may, at the request of the co-owner, render a judicial decision to the effect that changes may be made to the property in co-ownership with the consent of the co-owners other than the other co-owner in question.
(Management of Property in Co-Ownership)
Article 252(1)Matters regarding the management of property in co-ownership (including the appointment and dismissal of a manager of the property in co-ownership prescribed in paragraph (1) of the following Article, and excluding those that make any changes prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to the property in co-ownership; the same applies in the following paragraph) are decided by a majority according to the value of the ownership shares of the co-owners. The same applies when there are co-owners who use the property in co-ownership.
(2)In any of the following cases, the court may, upon the request of a co-owner other than another co-owner listed in the respective items, render a judicial decision to the effect that matters regarding the management of property in co-ownership may be decided by a majority according to the value of the ownership shares of the co-owners other than the other co-owner in question :
(i)when a co-owner is unable to ascertain the identity of another co-owner or his/her whereabouts;
(ii)when a co-owner has given notice to another co-owner requesting him/her to clarify whether he/she is in favor of or against the idea of deciding on matters regarding the management of property in co-ownership within a reasonable period of time, and the other co-owner in question does not clarify whether he/she is in favor of or against within that period of time.
(3)If the decision under the preceding two paragraphs should have a special effect on any co-owner who uses the property in co-ownership based on a decision among co-owners, his/her consent must be obtained.
(4)Pursuant to the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, co-owners may establish on the co-owned property the leases or other rights to use or earn profit listed in the following items (hereinafter referred to as "right of lease, etc." in this paragraph) that do not exceed the period of time specified in the relevant item:
樹木の栽植又は伐採を目的とする山林の賃借権等 十年
(i)right of lease, etc. of forest for the purpose of planting or felling trees: 10 years;
前号に掲げる賃借権等以外の土地の賃借権等 五年
(ii)right of lease, etc. for land other than the leases set forth in the preceding item: 5 years;
建物の賃借権等 三年
(iii)right of lease, etc. of a building: 3 years;
動産の賃借権等 六箇月
(iv)right of lease, etc. of movables: 6 months.
(5)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, each co-owner may perform acts of preservation.
(Manager of Property in Co-ownership)
Article 252-2(1)A manager of the property in co-ownership may perform any act relating to the management of the property in co-ownership; provided, however, that no co-owner may make changes (excluding those that do not involve a extreme change in the shape or function; the same applies in the following paragraph) to the property in co-ownership without the consent of all co-owners.
(2)If a manager of the property in co-ownership is unable to ascertain the identity of a co-owner or his/her whereabouts, the court may, at the request of the manager of the property in co-ownership, render a judicial decision to the effect that changes may be made to the property in co-ownership with the consent of the co-owners other than the co-owner.
(3)When the co-owners have decided on matters regarding the management of the property in co-ownership, a manager of the property in co-ownership must perform the manager's duties in accordance with their decisions.
(4)Any acts of a manager of the property in co-ownership performed in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph have no effect on the co-owners; provided, however, that this may not be duly asserted by a co-owner against a third party acting in good faith.
(Obligations to Bear Burdens Regarding Property in Co-Ownership)
Article 253(1)Each co-owner pays the expenses of management and bears burdens regarding the property in co-ownership, in proportion to each co-owner's interest.
(2)If a co-owner does not perform the obligations referred to in the preceding paragraph within one year, other co-owners may acquire that co-owner's interest by paying a reasonable compensation.
(Claims on Property in Co-Ownership)
Article 254A claim that one of the co-owners holds against other co-owners with respect to the property in co-ownership may be exercised against their specific successors.
(Waiver of Interests and Death of Co-Owners)
Article 255If one of co-owners waives interest or dies without an heir, the-waived interest belongs to the other co-owners.
(Demands for Partition of Property in Co-Ownership)
Article 256(1)Each co-owner may demand the partition of property in co-ownership at any time; provided, however, that this does not preclude concluding a contract agreeing not to partition that property for a period not exceeding five years.
(2)The contract under the proviso to the preceding paragraph may be renewed; provided, however, that the period thereof may not exceed five years from the time of the renewal.
Article 257The provisions of the preceding Article do not apply to the property in co-ownership provided for in Article 229.
(Partition of Property in Co-Ownership by Judicial Decision)
Article 258(1)If co-owners are unable to reach an agreement on, or unable to discuss, the partition of property in co-ownership, they may request the court to partition the property in co-ownership.
(2)The court may order the partition of property in co-ownership by any of the following methods:
(i)partitioning the property in co-ownership in kind;
(ii)having a co-owner assume a debt and acquire in exchange all or part of another co-owner's ownership share.
(3)If it is not possible to partition the property in co-ownership by a method prescribed in the preceding paragraph, or if it is likely that the value of the property in co-ownership will be significantly reduced by the partition, the court may order the sale of the same at auction.
(4)In a judicial decision on the partition of property in co-ownership, the court may order the parties to pay any money, deliver any objects, perform their obligation to register, or perform any other act.
Article 258-2(1)In cases where all, or a share of, the property in co-ownership belongs to inherited property, the property in co-ownership or the share in question may not be partitioned under the provisions of the preceding Article when the coheirs make a division of inherited property with regard to all of, or a share of, the property in co-ownership.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in cases where a share of the property in co-ownership belongs to inherited property, if ten years have elapsed since the time of commencement of inheritance, the share of property in co-ownership belonging to the inherited property may be partitioned in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where there is a request for division of inherited property with respect to the share of property in co-ownership, and an heir has filed an objection to the partition of the share of property in co-ownership in accordance with the provisions of the same Article.
(3)If an heir files an objection referred to in the proviso to the preceding paragraph, it must be filed with the court that received the request under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, within two months from the date on which the heir received from that court a notice to the effect that the request had been made.
(Payment of Claims Regarding Co-Ownership)
Article 259(1)If one of the co-owners holds a claim regarding co-ownership against other co-owners, upon partition, the portion of the property in co-ownership that belongs to the obligor may be appropriated for the payment of the same.
(2)If it is necessary to sell the portion of the property in co-ownership that belongs to the obligor to obtain the payment referred to in the preceding paragraph, the obligee may demand the sale of the same.
(Participation in Partition of Property in Co-Ownership)
Article 260(1)A person that holds a right with respect to property in co-ownership and a creditor of any of the co-owners may participate in partitions at their own expense.
(2)If, notwithstanding a request for participation under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, partition is effected without allowing the participation of the person that submitted the request, that partition may not be duly asserted against the person that submitted the request.
(Co-Owners' Warranties upon Partitions)
Article 261Each co-owner provides the same warranty as that of a seller in proportion to each co-owner's interest, with regards to the thing other co-owners have acquired by the partition.
(Instruments Regarding Property in Co-Ownership)
Article 262(1)When a partition is completed, each of the persons that participated in the partition must retain the instruments regarding things each of them acquired.
(2)Instruments regarding a thing that is partitioned for some or all co-owners must be retained by the person that acquired the largest portion of that thing.
(3)In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, if no person acquired the largest portion, the person that is to retain the instruments is determined by agreement among the persons that participated in the partition. If no agreement is reached, the court designates the same.
(4)A person that is to retain instruments must allow other persons that participated in the partition to use the instruments at the request of the same.
(Acquisition of Ownership Share of Co-owner Whose Whereabouts Are Unknown)
Article 262-2(1)In cases where real property belongs to several co-owners, if a co-owner is unable to ascertain the identity of another co-owner or to ascertain his/her whereabouts, the court may, at the request of a co-owner, render a judicial decision to allow the co-owner to acquire the ownership share of the co-owner in question (hereinafter referred to as "co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown" in this Article). In this case, if there are two or more co-owners who have made the request, they may acquire the ownership share of the co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown in proportion to the ownership shares of property in co-ownership held by each of the co-owners who made the request.
(2)If a request or a request for division of inherited property has been made under the provisions of Article 258, paragraph(1) with regard to real property pertaining to the ownership share for which a request was filed under the preceding paragraph, and if any co-owner other than the co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown has notified the court which received the request filed under the preceding paragraph to the effect that the co-owner has an objection to the court's rendering a judicial decision under the same paragraph, the court may not render the judicial decision referred to therein.
(3)In cases where the ownership share of a co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown belongs to inherited property (limited to cases where the inheritance should be divided among coheirs), the court may not render the judicial decision referred to in paragraph (1) if ten years have not yet elapsed from the time of commencement of the inheritance.
(4)If a co-owner has acquired the ownership share of a co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown is entitled to demand payment of the amount equivalent to the market value of the ownership share acquired by the co-owner.
(5)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a right to use or earn profits from real property (excluding the right of ownership) belongs to several co-owners.
(Transfer of Ownership Share of Co-owner Whose Whereabouts are Unknown)
Article 262-3(1)In cases where real property belongs to several co-owners, if a co-owner is unable to ascertain the identity of another co-owner or to ascertain another co-owner's whereabouts, the court may, at the request of a co-owner, render a judicial decision to the effect that the co-owner is granted the authority to transfer the ownership share of the other co-owner in question (hereinafter referred to as "co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown" in this Article) to a specific person on the condition that all of the co-owners other than the co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown transfer all of their ownership shares to the specific person.
(2)In cases where an ownership share of a co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown belongs to inherited property (limited to cases where the inheritance should be divided among joint heirs), the court may not render the judicial decision referred to in the preceding paragraph if ten years have not yet elapsed from the time of commencement of the inheritance.
(3)If a co-owner has transferred the ownership share of a co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown to a third party based on the authority granted by the judicial decision set forth in paragraph (1), the co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown is entitled to demand from the co-owner who made the transfer payment the amount obtained by proportionally dividing the amount equivalent to the market value of the real property according to the ownership share of the co-owner whose whereabouts are unknown.
(4)The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a right to use or earn profits from real property (excluding the right of ownership) belongs to several co-owners.
(Rights of Common with Nature of Co-Ownership)
Article 263Rights of common that have the nature of co-ownership are governed by local customs and are otherwise subject to the application of the provisions of this Section.
Article 264The provisions of this Section (excluding Article 262-2 and Article 262-3) apply mutatis mutandis if two or more persons share property rights other than ownership; provided, however, that this does not apply if otherwise provided by laws and regulations.Article 264 The provisions of this Section shall apply mutatis mutandis to the cases where two or more persons share property rights other than the ownership; provided, however, that this shall not apply if laws and regulations provide otherwise.
第四節 所有者不明土地管理命令及び所有者不明建物管理命令
Section 4 Administration Order for Unclaimed Land and Administration Order for Unclaimed Building
(Administration Order for UnclaimedLand)
Article 264-2(1)With regard to land for which the identity of the owner cannot be ascertained or for which the owner's whereabouts cannot be ascertained (or in cases where the land belongs to several co-owners, a co-ownership share for which the identity of the owner cannot be ascertained or for which the owner's whereabouts cannot be ascertained), the court may, finding it necessary, upon the request of an interested person, issue a disposition to order administration by an administrator of unclaimed land (meaning the administrator of unclaimed land referred to in paragraph (4); hereinafter the same applies) for the land or co-ownership share pertaining to the request (hereinafter referred to as "administration order for unclaimed Land").
(2)The effect of an administration order for unclaimed land extends to movables (limited to those owned by the owner of the land or the person holding the co-ownership share that is the subject of the administration order for unclaimed land) located on the land that is the subject of the administration order for unclaimed land (or in cases where the administration order for unclaimed land is issued for a co-ownership share, the land that is property in co-ownership).
(3)administration order for unclaimed land, in cases where it is rescinded after the issuance thereof, may also be issued on the property obtained by the administrator of unclaimed land due to management or disposition of the land or co-ownership share that is the subject of the administration order for unclaimed land, and movables to which the effect of the administration order for unclaimed land extends, or for other reasons, when it is found to be necessary.
(4)When issuing an administration order for unclaimed land, the court must appoint an administrator of unclaimed land in the order itself.
(Authority of Administrator of Unclaimed Land)
Article 264-3(1)If an administrator of unclaimed land is appointed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of the preceding Article, the right to manage and dispose of the land or co-ownership that is the subject of the administration order for unclaimed land, and movables to which the effect of the administration order for unclaimed land extends, as well as the property obtained by the administrator of unclaimed land due to management or disposition thereof or other reasons (hereinafter referred to as "unclaimed land, etc."), is exclusive to the administrator of unclaimed land.
(2)An administrator of unclaimed land must obtain permission of the court in order to conduct any act beyond the scope of the following acts; provided, however, that the absence of permission may not be duly asserted against a third party acting in good faith.
(i)acts of preservation;
(ii)acts for the purpose of use or improvement of land with an unclear record of ownership, etc. to the extent that the nature of the land is not changed.
(Handling of Actions Concerning Unclaimed Land, etc.)
Article 264-4In cases where an administration order for unclaimed land has been issued, the administrator of unclaimed land is to stand as a plaintiff or defendant in an action concerning the unclaimed land, etc.
(Duties of an Administrator of Unclaimed Land)
Article 264-5(1)administrator of unclaimed land must exercise the authority for the owner of unclaimed land, etc. (including those holding a co-ownership share therein) with the care of a prudent manager.
(2)If an administration order for unclaimed land is issued for the co-ownership shares of several persons, an administrator of unclaimed land must exercise the authority in good faith and impartially for the benefit of all persons holding the co-ownership shares that are the subject of the administration order for unclaimed land.
(Dismissal and Resignation of an Administrator of Unclaimed Land)
Article 264-6(1)If an administrator of unclaimed land has caused extreme damage to unclaimed land, etc., in violation of the administrator's duties, or if there are other significant reasons, a court may dismiss the administrator of unclaimed land upon the request of an interested person.
(2)An administrator of unclaimed land may resign with the permission of the court when there are justifiable grounds.
(Remuneration of an Administrator of Unclaimed Land)
Article 264-7(1)An administrator of unclaimed land may receive advance payment of expenses, and remuneration in an amount determined by the court from the unclaimed land, etc.
(2)The expenses and remuneration necessary for the management of unclaimed land, etc. by an administrator of unclaimed land are to be borne by the owner of the unclaimed land, etc. (including those who have co-ownership shares therein).
(Administration Order for Unclaimed Building)
Article 264-8(1)With regard to a building for which the identity of the owner cannot be ascertained or for which the owner's whereabouts cannot be ascertained (or in cases where the building belongs to several co-owners, a co-ownership share in a building for which the identity of the owner cannot be ascertained or for which the owner's whereabouts cannot be ascertained), the court may, finding it necessary, upon the request of an interested person, issue a disposition to order administration by an administrator for unclaimed building (meaning the administrator of unclaimed building referred to in paragraph (4); hereinafter the same applies in this Article) for the building or co-ownership share pertaining to the request (hereinafter referred to as "administration order for unclaimed building" in this Article).
(2)The effect of an administration order for unclaimed building extends to movables (limited to those owned by the owner of the building or the person holding the co-ownership share that is the subject of the administration order for unclaimed building ) located in the building (or in cases where the administration order for unclaimed building is issued for a co-ownership share, the building that is property in co-ownership) that is the subject of the administration order for unclaimed building, as well as any rights to the building site for the purpose of owning the building or co-ownership shares therein (limited to right of lease or other rights to use and earn profit (excluding ownership rights) held by the owner of the building or the person holding a co-ownership share that is the subject of the administration order for unclaimed building).
(3)administration order for unclaimed building, in cases where it is rescinded after the issuance thereof, may also be issued on the property obtained by the administrator of unclaimed building due to the management or disposition of the building or co-ownership share therein that is the subject of the administration order for unclaimed building as well as movables and rights on a building site to which the effect of the administration order for unclaimed building extends, or other reasons, when it is found to be necessary.
(4)When issuing an administration order for unclaimed building, the court must appoint an administrator of unclaimed building in the order itself.
(5)administration order for unclaimed building and an administrator of unclaimed building.
第五節 管理不全土地管理命令及び管理不全建物管理命令
Section 5 Administration Order for Mismanaged Land and Administration Order for Mismanaged Building
(Administration Order for Mismanaged Land)
Article 264-9(1)If rights or legally protected interests of another person are infringed upon or are likely to be infringed upon due to inappropriate management of land by its owner, the court may, finding it necessary, upon the request of an interested person, make a disposition to order administration by an administrator of mismanaged land (meaning the administrator of mismanaged land referred to in paragraph (3); the same applies hereinafter) for the land (hereinafter referred to as "administration order for mismanaged land")
(2)administration order for mismanaged land extends to movables (limited to those owned by the owner of the land that is the subject of the administration order for mismanaged land or the person holding a co-ownership share therein) located on the land that is the subject of the administration order for mismanaged land.
(3)When issuing an administration order for mismanaged land, the court must appoint an administrator of mismanaged land in the order itself.
(Authority of Administrator of Mismanaged Land)
Article 264-10(1)An administrator of mismanaged land has the authority to manage and dispose of the land that is the subject of the administration order for mismanaged land, and movables to which the effect of the administration order for mismanaged land extends, as well as the property obtained by the administrator of mismanaged land due to management or disposition thereof, or other reasons (hereinafter referred to as "mismanaged land, etc.").
(2)An administrator of mismanaged land must obtain the permission of the court in order to conduct any act beyond the scope of the following acts; provided, however, that the absence of permission may not be duly asserted against a third party acting in good faith and without negligence.
(i)acts of preservation;
(ii)acts for the purpose of use or improvement of mismanaged land, etc. to the extent that the nature of the land is not changed.
(3)To grant the permission referred to in the preceding paragraph for the disposal of land that is the subject of an administration order for mismanaged land, the consent of the owner must be obtained.
(Duties of an Administrator of mismanaged land)
Article 264-11(1)An administrator of mismanaged land must exercise the authority for the owner of the mismanaged land, etc., with the care of a prudent manager.
(2)If mismanaged land, etc. belongs to several co-owners, an administrator of mismanaged land must exercise the authority faithfully and impartially for the benefit of all of the persons holding co-ownership shares therein.
(Dismissal and Resignation of an Administrator of Mismanaged Land)
Article 264-12(1)If an administrator of mismanaged land has caused extreme damage to mismanaged land, etc. in violation of the administrator's duties, or if there are other important reasons, the court may dismiss the administrator of mismanaged land, upon the request of an interested person.
(2)An administrator of mismanaged land may resign with the permission of the court when there are justifiable grounds.
(Remuneration of an Administrator of Mismanaged Land)
Article 264-13(1)An administrator of mismanaged land may receive advance payment of expenses, and remuneration, in an amount determined by the court from the mismanaged land, etc.
(2)mismanaged land, etc. by an administrator of mismanaged land are to be borne by the owner of the mismanaged land, etc.
(Administration Order for Mismanaged Building)
Article 264-14(1)If rights or legally protected interests of another person are infringed upon or are likely to be infringed upon due to inappropriate management of a building by its owner, the court may, finding it necessary, upon the request of an interested person, make a disposition to order administration by an administrator of mismanaged building (meaning the administrator of mismanaged building referred to in paragraph (3); the same applies in paragraph (4)) for the building (hereinafter referred to as "administration order for mismanaged building" in this Article).
(2)The effect of an administration order for mismanaged building extends to movables (limited to those owned by the owner of the building that is the subject of the administration order for mismanaged building or the person holding a co-ownership share therein) located in the building that is the subject of the administration order for mismanaged building, as well as any rights to the building site in order to own the building (limited to right of lease or other rights for the purpose of use and profit (excluding ownership rights) held by the owner of the building or the person holding a co-ownership share in the building that is the subject of the administration order for mismanaged building).
(3)When issuing an administration order for mismanaged building, the court must appoint an administrator of mismanaged building in the order itself.
(4)All provisions from Article 264-10 to the preceding article apply mutatis mutandis to an administration order for mismanaged building and an administrator of mismanaged building.
第四章 地上権
Chapter IV Superficies
(Content of Superficies)
Article 265A superficiary has the right to use another person's land in order to own structures, or trees or bamboo, on that land.
Article 266(1)The provisions of Articles 274 through 276 apply mutatis mutandis if the superficiary must pay periodical rent to the owners of the land.
(2)Beyond what is provided for in the preceding paragraph, provisions on leasehold apply mutatis mutandis to rent to the extent that application is not inconsistent with the nature of the same.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application of Provisions Regarding Neighboring Relationships)
Article 267The provisions of Section 1, Subsection 2 of the preceding Chapter (Neighboring Relationships) apply mutatis mutandis between superficiaries or between a superficiary and a landowner; provided, however, that the mutatis mutandis application of the provisions of Article 229 to superficiaries is limited to when structures on the boundary line are installed after the establishment of the superficies.
(Duration of Superficies)
Article 268(1)If the duration of superficies is not fixed by the act that established the same and there are no relevant customs, the superficiary may waive that right at any time; provided, however, that if rent must be paid, the superficiary must give notice one year or more in advance or pay rent for one year that has not yet become due and payable.
(2)If the superficiary does not waive that right pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the court may, at the request of the parties concerned, fix a duration of 20 years or more but not more than 50 years, taking into consideration the kind and status of the structures, or trees or bamboo and other circumstances at the time of the creation of the superficies.
(Removal of Structures)
Article 269(1)When the right of the superficiary is extinguished, the superficiary may restore the land to its original state and remove structures and trees or bamboo on the same; provided, however, that if the owner of the land gives notice that the owner will purchase the same by offering to pay an amount equivalent to the market value, the superficiary may not refuse that offer without reasonable grounds.
(2)If there are customs that differ from the provisions of the preceding paragraph, those customs prevail.
(Superficies for Underground or Airspace)
Article 269-2(1)An underground space or airspace may be established as the subject matter of superficies for ownership of structures, through the specification of upper and lower extents. In such a case, restrictions on the use of that land may be added in the act that establishes superficies for the purpose of facilitating the exercise of the superficies.
(2)The superficies referred to in the preceding paragraph may be established even if third parties hold the rights to use or profit from the land provided that all persons holding those rights or rights on them give their consent. In such a case, persons that hold the rights to use or profit from the land cannot prevent the exercise of the superficies to the same.
第五章 永小作権
Chapter V Farming Rights
(Content of Farming Rights)
Article 270A farming right holder has the right to pay rent and engage in cultivation or livestock farming on another person's land.
(Limitations on Alterations to Land by Farming Right Holders)
Article 271A farming right holder may not make any alteration of the land that results in irreparable damage.
(Assignment of Farming Rights or Leasing of Land)
Article 272A farming right holder may assign the holder's right to another person or lease the land during the duration of the right to cultivate or farm livestock; provided, however, that this does not apply if those acts are prohibited by the act that established that right.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application of Provisions Regarding Lease)
Article 273Beyond what is provided for in this Chapter and those provided for in the act of establishment, provisions regarding lease apply mutatis mutandis to the obligations of a farming right holder, to the extent that application is not inconsistent with the nature of the same.
(Rent Reductions or Releases)
Article 274A farming right holder may not demand release from or reduction in the rent even if there is a loss of profits due to force majeure.
(Waiver of Farming Rights)
Article 275If a farming right holder has gained no profit whatsoever for three or more consecutive years or has gained profits less than the rent for five or more consecutive years due to force majeure, that holder may surrender waive that right.
(Demand for Extinction of Farming Rights)
Article 276If a farming right holder fails to pay the rent for two or more consecutive years, the landowner may demand the extinction of the farming right.
(Customs Regarding Farming Rights)
Article 277If there are customs that differ from the provisions of Article 271 through the preceding Article, those customs prevail.
(Duration of Farming Rights)
Article 278(1)The duration of a farming right is 20 years or more and 50 years or less. Even if an act of establishment provides for a period longer than 50 years, the duration is 50 years.
(2)The establishment of farming right may be renewed; provided, however, that the duration of that right may not exceed 50 years from the time of renewal.
(3)If an act of establishment does not provide for the duration of the farming right, the duration of that right is 30 years unless there are other customs to the contrary.
(Removal of Structures)
Article 279The provisions of Article 269 apply mutatis mutandis to farming rights.
第六章 地役権
Chapter VI Servitudes
(Content of Servitudes)
Article 280A servitude holder has the right to use another person's land for the convenience of their own lands in accordance with purposes prescribed in the act establishing the servitude; provided, however, that this right must not violate the provisions (limited to those that relate to public policy) under Section 1 of Chapter 3 (Extent of Ownership).
(Accessoriness of Servitudes)
Article 281(1)Servitudes are transferred together with the ownership in the dominant land (meaning the land of a servitude holder, enjoying benefits from another person's land; the same applies hereinafter) as appurtenances thereof, and are subject of other rights that exist in relation to the dominant land; provided, however, that this does not apply if the act establishing the servitude provides otherwise.
(2)Servitudes may neither be transferred nor made the subject of other rights apart from the dominant land.
(Indivisibility of Servitudes)
Article 282(1)One of the co-owners of land may not terminate, with respect to that owner's own interest, a servitude that exists on behalf of or in relation to the land.
(2)If the land is partitioned or a portion thereof is transferred to another person, the servitude exists on behalf of or in relation to the respective portions of the same; provided, however, that this does not apply if the servitude, by its nature, relates only to a portion of the land.
(Acquisition of Servitudes by Prescription)
Article 283A servitude may be acquired by prescription so long as it is continuously exercised and can be externally recognized.
Article 284(1)If one of the co-owners of land acquires a servitude by prescription, the other co-owners also acquire the same servitude.
(2)Renewal of prescription period does not become effective against co-owners unless it is made against each co-owner that exercises the servitude.
(3)If there are two or more co-owners that exercise a servitude, even if there is any ground for postponement of expiry of prescription period with respect to one of them, the prescription runs in favor of each co-owner.
(Servitude for Water Use)
Article 285(1)If water on servient land (meaning a land of a person other than the servitude holder, made available for the benefit of the dominant land; the same applies hereinafter) subject to a servitude for water use is insufficient for the demand of the dominant land and the servient land, the water is to be used in proportion to the demand on each parcel of land, firstly for household purposes with the remaining portion used for other purposes; provided, however, that this does not apply if the act establishing the servitude provides otherwise.
(2)If more than one servitude for water use is created with respect to the same servient land, the subsequent servitude holders may not prevent the use of water by the previous servitude holders.
(Obligations of Owners of Servient Land to Install Structures)
Article 286If the owner of servient land has borne obligations to install or repair structures for the exercise of a servitude at that owner's own expense by the act establishing the servitude or by a contract concluded after the establishment, specific successors of the owner of the servient land also bear those obligations.
Article 287An owner of servient land may be exempted from obligations of the preceding Article at any time by abandoning the ownership in the portion of the land necessary for the servitude and transferring the same to the servitude holder.
(Use of Structures by the Owner of Servient Lands)
Article 288(1)The owner of a servient land may use structures installed on the servient land for the exercise of the servitude to the extent the use does not obstruct the exercise of that servitude.
(2)In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the owner of the servient land must bear the expense for the installation and preservation of the structures in proportion to the benefit that owner receives.
(Extinction of Servitude by Acquisition by Prescription of Servient Lands)
Article 289If a possessor of servient land has possessed that land in conformity with the necessary requirements for acquisitive prescription, the servitude is extinguished thereby.
Article 290The extinctive prescription under the preceding Article is renewed by the servitude holder exercising the relevant rights.
(Extinctive Prescription of Servitudes)
Article 291The period of the extinctive prescription provided for in Article 166, paragraph (2) commences upon the final exercise of the servitude if the servitude is not exercised continuously, and upon the occurrence of a fact that prevents the exercise of the servitude if the servitude is exercised continuously.
Article 292If dominant land is co-owned by more than one person, and expiry of prescription period is postponed or prescription period is renewed in favor of one co-owner, the postponement of expiry of prescription period or the renewal of prescription period is also effective for the benefit of other co-owners.
Article 293If a servitude holder does not exercise a portion of that holder's rights, only that portion is extinguished by prescription.
(Rights of Common without the Nature of Co-Ownership)
Article 294Rights of common that do not have the nature of co-ownership are governed by local customs and are otherwise subject to the mutatis mutandis application of the provisions of this Chapter.
第七章 留置権
Chapter VII Rights of Retention
(Content of Rights of Retention)
Article 295(1)If a possessor of a thing belonging to another person has a claim that has arisen in relation to that thing, that possessor may retain that thing until that claim is satisfied; provided, however, that this does not apply if the relevant claim has not yet fallen due.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply if possession commenced by means of a tortious act.
(Indivisibility of Rights of Retention)
Article 296A holder of a right of retention may exercise that holder's rights against the whole of the thing retained until the relevant claim is satisfied in its entirety.
(Collection of Fruits by Holders of Rights of Retention)
Article 297(1)A holder of a right of retention may collect fruits derived from the thing retained, and appropriate the same to the satisfaction of that holder's own claim before other obligees.
(2)The fruits referred to in the preceding paragraph must be appropriated first to the payment of interest on the claim, and any remainder must be appropriated to the satisfaction of the principal.
(Custody of Thing Retained by Holders of Rights of Retention)
Article 298(1)The holder of a right of retention must possess the thing retained with the due care of a prudent manager.
(2)The holder of the right of retention may not use, lease or provide as a security the thing retained unless that holder obtains the consent of the obligor; provided, however, that this does not apply to uses necessary for the preservation of that thing.
(3)If the holder of a right of retention violates the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the obligor may demand that the right of retention be terminated.
(Demands for Reimbursement of Expenses by Holders of Rights of Retention)
Article 299(1)If the holder of a right of retention incurs necessary expenses with respect to the thing retained, that holder may have the owner reimburse the same.
(2)If the holder of a right of retention incurs beneficial expenses with respect to the thing retained, to the extent that there is currently an increase in value as a result of the same, that holder may have the expenses incurred or the increase in value reimbursed at the owner's choice; provided, however, that the court may, at the request of the owner, grant a reasonable period of time for the reimbursement of the same.
(Exercise of Rights of Retention and Extinctive Prescription of Claims)
Article 300The exercise of a right of retention does not preclude the running of extinctive prescription of claims.
(Extinction of Rights of Retention by Provision of Security)
Article 301An obligor may demand that a right of retention be terminated by providing a reasonable security.
(Extinction of Rights of Retention by Loss of Possession)
Article 302A right of retention is extinguished if the holder of the right of retention loses possession of the thing retained; provided, however, that this does not apply if the thing retained is leased or it is made the subject of a pledge pursuant to the provisions of Article 298, paragraph (2).
第八章 先取特権
Chapter VIII Statutory Liens
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Content of Statutory Liens)
Article 303The holder of a statutory lien has the rights to have that holder's own claim satisfied prior to other obligees out of the assets of the relevant obligor in accordance with the provisions of laws including this Act.
(Extension of Security Interest to Proceeds of Collateral)
Article 304(1)A statutory lien may also be exercised against things including monies that the obligor is to receive as a result of the sale, lease or loss of, or damage to, the subject matter of the statutory lien; provided, however, that the holder of the statutory lien must attach the same before the payment or delivery of the monies or other thing.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph also apply to the consideration for real rights created by the obligor on the subject matter of the statutory lien.
(Indivisibility of Statutory Liens)
Article 305The provisions of Article 296 apply mutatis mutandis to statutory liens.
第二節 先取特権の種類
Section 2 Kinds of Statutory Liens
第一款 一般の先取特権
Subsection 1 General Statutory Lien
(General Statutory Lien)
Article 306A person that has a claim arising from the causes set forth below has a statutory lien over the entire assets of the obligor:
(i)expenses for the common benefit;
(ii)an employer-employee relationship;
(iii)funeral expenses; or
(iv)the supply of daily necessaries.
(Statutory Liens for Expenses for Common Benefit)
Article 307(1)Statutory liens for expenses for the common benefit exist with respect to the expenses of preservation, liquidation or distribution of the assets of the obligor incurred for the common benefit of all obligees.
(2)With respect to expenses referred to in the preceding paragraph that were not beneficial for all obligees, the statutory lien exists solely in relation to obligees that benefited from those expenses.
(Statutory Liens for Employer-Employee Relationships)
Article 308Statutory liens for employer-employee relationships exist with respect to salaries and other claims that arise from the employer-employee relationship between the obligor and the employee.
(Statutory Liens for Funeral Expenses)
Article 309(1)Statutory liens for funeral expenses exist with respect to the reasonable expenses of a funeral held for the obligor.
(2)The statutory lien referred to in the preceding paragraph also exists with respect to the reasonable expenses of a funeral held by the obligor for a relative whom the obligor is bound to support.
(Statutory Liens for Daily Necessaries)
Article 310Statutory liens for daily necessaries exist with respect to the supply of food and drink items, fuel and electricity for the most recent six months required for the household of the obligor or cohabiting relatives whom the obligor is bound to support and the domestic servants of the same.
第二款 動産の先取特権
Subsection 2 Statutory Liens over Movables
(Statutory Liens over Movables)
Article 311A person that has a claim arising from the causes set forth below has a statutory lien against specific movables of the obligor:
(i)a lease of immovables;
(ii)a lodging at a hotel;
(iii)the transportation of passengers or luggage;
(iv)the preservation of movables;
(v)the sale of movables;
(vi)the supply of seeds and seedlings or fertilizer (including eggs of silkworms or mulberry leaves provided to feed silkworms; the same applies hereinafter);
(vii)agricultural labor; or
(viii)industrial labor.
(Statutory Liens for Leases of Immovables)
Article 312Statutory liens for a lease of immovables exist against the movables of the lessee in connection with the rent of the relevant immovables and other obligations of the lessee that arise from that lease relationship.
(Scope of Subject Matter of Statutory Liens for Leases of Immovables)
Article 313(1)The statutory lien of a lessor of land exists against movables furnished to that land or buildings for the use of that land, movables provided for the use of that land, and fruits of that land in the possession of the lessee.
(2)The statutory lien of a lessor of a building exists against movables furnished to that building by the lessee.
Article 314In the case of an assignment of lease or subleasing, the statutory lien of the lessor extends to the movables of the assignee or sublessee. The same applies to monies that the assignor or sublessor is to receive.
(Scope of Secured Claims under Statutory Liens for Leases of Immovables)
Article 315When all of the lessee's assets are to be liquidated, the statutory lien of the lessor exists only with respect to the rent and other obligations for the previous, current and next terms, and obligations to compensate for loss or damage that arise in the previous and current terms.
Article 316If a lessor has received a security deposit prescribed in Article 622-2, paragraph (1), the lessor has a statutory lien solely against the portion of the lessor's claim that will not be satisfied by that security deposit.
(Statutory Liens for Lodging at Hotels)
Article 317Statutory lien for lodging at hotels exist against the hand luggage of a hotel guest left at that hotel, in connection with room charges, and food and beverage charges, that should be borne by the hotel guest.
(Statutory Liens for Transportation)
Article 318Statutory liens for transportation exist against luggage in the possession of the carrier, in connection with transportation charges for passengers or freight charges for luggage and expenses incidental to the same.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application of Provisions on Good Faith Acquisition)
Article 319The provisions of Articles 192 through 195 apply mutatis mutandis to statutory liens under the provisions of Article 312 through the preceding Article.
(Statutory Liens for Preservation of Movables)
Article 320Statutory liens for the preservation of movables exist against movables, in connection with expenses required for the preservation of those movables, or expenses required for the preservation, approval or enforcement of rights regarding those movables.
(Statutory Liens for Sale of Movables)
Article 321Statutory liens for the sale of movables exist against movables, in connection with the price of those movables and interest on the same.
(Statutory Liens for Supply of Seeds and Seedlings or Fertilizer)
Article 322Statutory liens for the supply of seeds and seedlings or fertilizer exist against fruits (including eggs of silk worms or any thing derived from the use of mulberry leaves provided to feed silkworms) derived from land where the seeds and seedlings or fertilizer were used, within one year of that use, in connection with the price of those seeds and seedlings or fertilizer and interest on the same.
(Statutory Liens for Agricultural Labor)
Article 323Statutory liens for agricultural labor exist against fruits derived from labor, in connection with the most recent year's wages of the person who engages in that labor.
(Statutory Liens for Industrial Labor)
Article 324Statutory liens for industrial labor exist against manufactured things derived from labor, in connection with the most recent three months' wages of the person who engages in that labor.
第三款 不動産の先取特権
Subsection 3 Statutory Liens for Immovables
(Statutory Liens for Immovables)
Article 325A person that has a claim arising from the causes set forth below has a statutory lien over specific immovables of the obligor:
(i)the preservation of immovables;
(ii)construction work for immovables; or
(iii)the sale of immovables.
(Statutory Liens for Preservation of Immovables)
Article 326Statutory liens for the preservation of immovables exist against the relevant immovables, in connection with the expenses required for the preservation of the immovables or the expenses required for the preservation, approval or enforcement of rights regarding the immovables.
(Statutory Liens for Construction Work for Immovables)
Article 327(1)Statutory lien for construction work for immovables exists, with respect to immovables, in connection with the expenses of construction work performed by a person that designs, constructs or supervises construction regarding the immovables of the obligor.
(2)The statutory liens referred to in the preceding paragraph exist with respect to the relevant increased value alone, but only if there is a current increase in the value of the immovables resulting from the construction work.
(Statutory Liens for Sales of Immovables)
Article 328Statutory liens for sales of immovables exist, with respect to immovables, in connection with the price of the immovables and interest on the same.
第三節 先取特権の順位
Section 3 Order of Priority of Statutory Liens
(Order of Priority of General Statutory Liens)
Article 329(1)If there are competing general statutory liens, the order of priority follows the order set forth in each item of Article 306.
(2)Ife there are competing a general statutory lien and a special statutory lien, the special statutory lien has priority over the general statutory lien; provided, however, that statutory liens on expenses for the common benefit have priority being effective against all obligees who benefit from the same.
(Order of Priority of Statutory Liens over Movables)
Article 330(1)If there are competing special statutory liens against the same movables, the order of priority follows the order set forth below. In this case, if there are two or more preservers with respect to the statutory liens for preservation of movables set forth in item (ii), a new preserver has priority over previous preservers:
(i)statutory liens for leases of immovables, lodging at hotels and transportation;
(ii)statutory liens for the preservation of movables; and
(iii)statutory liens for the sale of movables, the supply of seeds and seedlings or fertilizer, agricultural labor and industrial labor.
(2)In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, if a holder of a statutory lien ranked first knew at the time of acquiring the relevant claim of the existence of a holder of a statutory lien of the second or third rank, that holder may not exercise the relevant rights of priority against those persons. The same applies to the exercise against persons that have preserved things on behalf of the holder of a statutory lien of the first rank.
(3)Regarding fruits, the first rank belongs to persons who engage in agricultural labor, the second rank belongs to persons that supply seeds and seedlings or fertilizer, and the third rank belongs to lessors of land.
(Order of Priority of Statutory Liens over Immovables)
Article 331(1)If there is conflict among special statutory liens against the same immovables, the order of priority follows the order set forth in the items of Article 325.
(2)If the same immovables are subject to successive sales, the order of priority of the statutory liens for the sale of the immovables among sellers follows the chronological order of the sales.
(Statutory Liens with Same Priority)
Article 332If there are two or more holders of statutory liens with the same priority with respect to the same object, the holders of statutory liens are paid in proportion to the amounts of their claims.
第四節 先取特権の効力
Section 4 Effect of Statutory Liens
(Statutory Liens and Third Party Acquirers)
Article 333Statutory liens may not be exercised against the movables that are the subject matter of the same after the obligors have delivered those movables to third party acquirers.
(Conflict between Statutory Liens and Pledges on Movables)
Article 334If there is conflict between a statutory lien and a pledge on movables, the pledgee of those movables has the same rights as those of the holder of a statutory lien of the first rank under Article 330.
(Effect of General Statutory Liens)
Article 335(1)Holders of general statutory liens cannot be paid out of immovables unless they are first paid out of property other than immovables and a claim that is not satisfied remains.
(2)With respect to immovables, holders of general statutory liens must first be paid out of those that are not the subject matters of special security.
(3)If holders of general statutory liens fail to participate in distributions in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, they may not exercise their statutory liens against registered third parties with respect to amounts that would have been paid to them if they had participated in the distribution.
(4)The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs do not apply if the proceeds of immovables are distributed prior to the proceeds of assets other than immovables, or if the proceeds of immovables that are the subject matter of a special security are distributed prior to the proceeds of other immovables.
(Perfection of General Statutory Liens)
Article 336General statutory liens may be duly asserted against obligees without special security, even if the liens are not registered with respect to the relevant immovables; provided, however, that this does not apply to registered third parties.
(Registration of Statutory Liens for Preservation of Immovables)
Article 337In order to preserve the effectiveness of statutory liens for preservation of immovables, registration must be carried out immediately after the completion of the act of preservation.
(Registration of Statutory Liens for Construction Work for Immovables)
Article 338(1)In order to preserve the effectiveness of statutory liens for construction work for immovables, the budgeted expenses of the construction work must be registered prior to the commencement of the same. In this case, if the expenses of the construction work exceed the budgeted amount, a statutory lien does not exist with respect to the amount in excess of the same.
(2)The amount of increase in value of immovables that resulted from construction work must be evaluated by an appraiser appointed by the court at the time of the participation in the distribution.
(Registered Statutory Liens for Preservation of Immovables or Construction Work for Immovables)
Article 339Statutory liens registered in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two Articles may be exercised prior to mortgages.
(Registration of Statutory Liens for Sales of Immovables)
Article 340In order to preserve the effectiveness of statutory liens for the sale of immovables, a statement to the effect that the price of the immovables or interest on the same has not been paid must be registered simultaneously with the execution of the sales contract.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application of Provisions Regarding Mortgages)
Article 341Beyond what is provided for in this Section, the provisions regarding mortgages apply mutatis mutandis to the effects of statutory liens, provided that it is not inconsistent with the nature of the same.
第九章 質権
Chapter IX Pledges
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Content of Pledges)
Article 342A pledgee has the right to possess a thing received from an obligor or a third party as security for their claims and to have their own claims paid prior to other obligees out of that thing.
(Subject Matter of Pledges)
Article 343A thing that cannot be transferred to another person may not be made the subject of a pledge.
(Creation of Pledges)
Article 344The creation of a pledge becomes effective through delivery of the subject matter of the pledge to the obligee.
(Prohibition of Possession through Pledgors as Agents)
Article 345A pledgee may not allow a pledgor to possess the thing pledged on behalf of the pledgee.
(Scope of Secured Claims under Pledges)
Article 346A pledges secures the principal, interest, penalties, expenses of enforcing the pledge, expense of preserving the thing pledged and the compensation of loss or damage arising from failure to perform obligations or latent defects in the thing pledged; provided, however, that this does not apply if the act establishing the pledge provides otherwise.
(Retention of the Thing Pledged)
Article 347The pledgee may retain the thing pledged until the claims provided for in the preceding Article are satisfied; provided, however, that this right cannot be duly asserted against an obligee that has priority over the pledgee.
Article 348The pledgee may subpledge the thing pledged within the duration of the pledgee's right, upon the pledgee's own responsibility. In this case, the pledgee is responsible for any loss arising from the subpledge even if the same is caused by force majeure.
(Prohibition on Disposition of the Thing Pledged by Contract)
Article 349The pledgor may not, either by the acts establishing pledges or by contracts made prior to the due dates for the obligations, allow the pledgee to acquire ownership of the thing pledged as satisfaction of the obligations, nor promise to allow the pledgee to dispose of it in any manner other than is prescribed by law.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application of Provisions on Rights of Retention and Statutory Liens)
Article 350The provisions of Articles 296 through 300 and those of Article 304 apply mutatis mutandis to pledges.
(Third-Party Collateral Providers' Rights to Reimbursement)
Article 351If a person that creates a pledge to secure an obligation of another person performs that obligation or loses ownership of the thing pledged due to the enforcement of the pledge, that person has the right to reimbursement from the obligor in accordance with the provisions regarding guarantee obligations.
第二節 動産質
Section 2 Pledges on Movables
(Requirements for the Perfection of Pledges on Movables)
Article 352A pledgee of movables cannot duly assert the pledge against third parties unless that pledgee is in continuous possession of the thing pledged.
(Recovery of Possession of the Thing Pledged)
Article 353A pledgee of movables may, if the pledged thing is usurped, recover the same solely by filing an action for recovery of possession.
(Enforcement of Pledges on Movables)
Article 354If the claim of a pledgee of movables is not satisfied, the pledgee may make a request to the court seeking the immediate appropriation of the thing pledged for the satisfaction of that claim in accordance with the evaluation of an appraiser only when there are reasonable grounds. In this case, the pledgee of movables must notify the obligor in advance of the request.
(Order of Priority of Pledges on Movables)
Article 355If more than one pledge is created with respect to the same movables, the order of priority of those pledges follow the chronological order of their creation.
第三節 不動産質
Section 3 Pledges of Immovables
(Use of and Obtaining Profit from Immovables by Pledgees)
Article 356The pledgee of immovables may use and profit from the immovables that are the subject matter of a pledge in line with the way the relevant immovables are used.
(Management Expenses Borne by Pledgees of Immovables)
Article 357The pledgee of immovables pays the expenses of management and otherwise bear burdens in relation to the immovables.
(Prohibition on Demanding Interest by Pledgees of Immovables)
Article 358The pledgee of immovables may not demand interest on the relevant claim.
(Special Provisions in Act of Establishment)
Article 359The provisions of the preceding three Articles do not apply if the acts establishing pledges provide otherwise or execution against earnings from the immovable collateral (referring to the execution against earnings from immovable collateral provided for in Article 180, item (ii) of the Civil Execution Act; the same applies hereinafter) has been commenced.
(Duration of Pledges of Immovables)
Article 360(1)The duration of pledges of immovables may not exceed 10 years. Even if a longer period is provided for in the act establishing the pledge, the duration of the same is 10 years.
(2)The creation of pledges of immovables may be renewed; provided, however, that the duration of the same may not exceed 10 years from the time of the renewal.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application of Provisions on Mortgages)
Article 361Beyond what is provided for in this Section, the provisions of the next Chapter (Mortgages) apply mutatis mutandis to pledges of immovables, provided that it is not inconsistent with the nature of the same.
第四節 権利質
Section 4 Pledges of Rights
(Subject Matter of Pledges of Rights)
Article 362(1)A pledge may have a property right for its subject matter.
(2)Beyond what is provided for in this Section, the provisions of the preceding three Sections (General Provisions, Pledges on Movables and Pledges of Immovables) apply mutatis mutandis to pledges referred to in the preceding paragraph, provided that it is not inconsistent with the nature of the same.
Article 363Deleted
(Requirements for Perfection of Pledges over Claims)
Article 364The creation of a pledge over a claim (including a pledge over a claim which has not yet arisen) may not be duly asserted against a third party obligor and other third parties unless notice of the creation of the pledge is given to that third party obligor in accordance with the provisions of Article 467, or unless that third party obligors gives consent to the same.
Article 365Deleted
(Collection of Claims by Pledgees)
Article 366(1)A pledgee may directly collect the claim that is the subject matter of the pledge.
(2)If monies are the subject matter of a pledged claim, the pledgee may collect the same to the extent of the portion that corresponds to the amount of the pledgee's own claim.
(3)If the due date of the pledged claim referred to in the preceding paragraph arrives prior to the due date of the claim of the pledgee, the pledgee may have the third party obligor deposit with official depository that amount to be paid to the pledgee. In this case, the pledge exists over the amount so deposited.
(4)If the subject matter of the pledged claim is not monies, the pledgee has the pledge over the thing received for the satisfaction of the claim.
Article 367Deleted
Article 368Deleted
第十章 抵当権
Chapter X Mortgages
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
(Content of Mortgages)
Article 369(1)A mortgagee has the right to have the mortgagee's claim satisfied prior to other obligees out of the immovables that the obligor or a third party provided to secure the obligation without transferring possession.
(2)Superficies and farming rights may be the subject matter of a mortgage. In this case, the provisions of this Chapter apply mutatis mutandis.
(Scope of Effect of Mortgages)
Article 370A mortgage extends to the things that form an integral part of the immovables that are the subject matter of the mortgage (hereinafter referred to as "mortgaged immovables") except for buildings on the mortgaged land; provided, however, that this does not apply if the act establishing the mortgage provides otherwise or the rescission of fraudulent act may be demanded as prescribed in Article 424, paragraph (3) with regard to the act of the obligor.
Article 371If there is a default with respect to a claim secured by a mortgage, the mortgage extends to the fruits of the mortgaged immovables derived after the default.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application of Provisions on Right of Retention)
Article 372The provisions of Article 296, Article 304 and Article 351 apply mutatis mutandis to mortgages.
第二節 抵当権の効力
Section 2 Effect of Mortgages
(Order of Priority of Mortgages)
Article 373If more than one mortgage is created with respect to the same immovables, the order of priority of those mortgages follows the chronological order of their registration.
(Changes in Order of Priority of Mortgages)
Article 374(1)The order of priority of mortgages may be changed with the agreement of all mortgagees; provided, however, that if there are interested persons, the consent of the same must be obtained.
(2)The changes in order referred to in the preceding paragraph do not become effective unless registered.
(Scope of Secured Claims under Mortgages)
Article 375(1)If a mortgagee has the right to demand periodic payments including interest, that mortgagee may exercise the mortgage solely with respect to payments of the last two years before maturity; provided, however, that with respect to prior periodic payments, if special registration is effected after maturity, the mortgagee is not precluded from exercising the mortgage as from the time of that registration.
(2)If the mortgagee has the right to claim compensation for loss or damage resulting from defaults in obligations, the provisions of the preceding paragraph also apply mutatis mutandis to the loss or damage of the most recent two years; provided, however, that the aggregate period including the interest and other periodic payments may not exceed two years.
(Disposition of Mortgages)
Article 376(1)A mortgagee may apply the mortgage to secure other claims, or assign or waive that mortgage, or its order of priority, for the benefit of other obligees of the same obligor.
(2)In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, if a mortgagee disposes of the mortgage for the benefit of two or more persons, the order of priority of the rights of persons who benefit from that disposition follows the chronological order of supplemental registration in the registration of the mortgage.
(Requirements for Perfection of Disposition of Mortgages)
Article 377(1)In the cases in the preceding Article, the mortgagee may not duly assert the disposition of mortgages against principal obligors, guarantors, mortgagors or their respective successors unless the disposition is notified to the principal obligors or the principal obligors consent to that disposition in accordance with the provisions of Article 467.
(2)If the principal obligors have received the notice or given the consent pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, payments made without the consent of the persons who benefit of the disposition of the mortgage may not be duly asserted against those beneficiaries.
(Direct Satisfaction of Mortgage with Purchase Price)
Article 378If a third party that purchases the ownership or superficies of a mortgaged immovables pays the price of the same to a mortgagee at the request of the same mortgagee, that mortgage is terminated for the benefit of that third party.
(Claims for Extinguishment of Mortgages)
Article 379A third party acquirer of a mortgaged immovables may make a claim for the extinguishment of a mortgage as prescribed in Article 383.
Article 380No principal obligor, guarantor or successor of the same may make a claim for the extinguishment of a mortgage.
Article 381A third party acquirer of a mortgaged immovables that is subject to a condition precedent may not make a claim for the extinguishment of a mortgage while it is uncertain whether or not the condition precedent will be fulfilled.
(Timing of Claims for Extinguishment of Mortgages)
Article 382A third party acquirer of a mortgaged immovables must make a claim for the extinguishment of a mortgage before attachment under auction procedure as a result of the enforcement of the mortgage takes effect.
(Procedures for Claims for Extinguishment of Mortgages)
Article 383If a third party acquirer of a mortgaged immovables makes a claim for the extinguishment of a mortgage, that third party must send the documents set forth below to each registered obligee:
(i)a document that specifies the cause and date of the acquisition, the name and address of the assignor and the acquirer, the nature, location and price of the mortgaged immovables and burdens of the acquirer;
(ii)a certificate of registered information regarding the mortgaged immovables (limited to certificates certifying all registered information currently in effect); and
(iii)a document to the effect that, if an obligee does not enforce the mortgage by filing a petition for auction within two months, the third party acquirer of the mortgaged immovables will pay the price provided for in item (i) or an amount specifically fixed in accordance with the order of priority of claims, or will deposit the price or that amount with official depository.
(Deemed Approval of Obligees)
Article 384In the cases set forth below, the obligee that has received the documents set forth in each item of the preceding Article is deemed to have approved the price or amount that the third party acquirer of the mortgaged immovables has offered as stated in the document set forth in item (iii) of that Article:
(i)if the obligee does not enforce the mortgage by filing a petition for auction within two months after receipt of the documents set forth in each item of the preceding Article;
(ii)if the obligee withdraws a petition under the preceding item;
(iii)if a decision dismissing a petition under item (i) has become final and binding; or
(iv)if a decision rescinding auction procedures based on a petition under item (i) (excluding rulings under the provisions of Article 63, paragraph (3) or Article 68-3, paragraph (3) of the Civil Execution Act applied mutatis mutandis under Article 188 of that Act, or under the provisions of Article 183, paragraph (2) of that Act if the certified copy under paragraph (1), item (v) of that Article is submitted) has become final and binding.
(Notice of Petitions for Auction)
Article 385If an obligee that has received the documents set forth in each item of Article 383 files a petition under item (i) of the preceding Article, that obligee must give notice to that effect to the obligor and assignor of the mortgaged immovables within the period under that item.
(Effect of Claims for Extinguishment of Mortgages)
Article 386A mortgage is extinguished if all registered obligees approve the price or amount offered by the third party acquirer of the mortgaged immovables, and the third party acquirer of the mortgaged immovables has paid or deposited with the official depository the price or amount approved.
(Perfection of Leases with Registered Consent of Mortgagees)
Article 387(1)A registered lease may be duly asserted against mortgagees that hold mortgages registered prior to the registration of that lease if all mortgagees that hold those mortgages give their consent and those consents are registered.
(2)For a mortgagee to give the consent referred to in the preceding paragraph, the approval of the persons that hold rights for which the mortgage is the subject matter and other persons that will suffer detriment as a result of the consent of the mortgagee must be obtained.
(Statutory Superficies)
Article 388If the land and a building on that land belong to the same owner, a mortgage is created with respect to that land or building, and the enforcement of that mortgage causes them to belong to different owners, it is deemed that a superficies has been created with respect to that building. In this case, the rent is fixed by the court at the request of the parties.
(Auction of Buildings on Mortgaged Lands)
Article 389(1)If a building is constructed on a mortgaged land after the creation of a mortgage, the mortgagee may auction the building together with the land; provided, however, that the right of priority of that mortgagee may be exercised solely against the proceeds of the land.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply if the owner of that building has rights with respect to the possession of the mortgaged land that may be duly asserted against the mortgagee.
(Purchases of Mortgaged Immovables by Third Party Acquirers)
Article 390A third party acquirer of a mortgaged immovables may be the purchaser at the auction of the same.
(Claims for Reimbursement of Expenses by Third Party Acquirers of Mortgaged Immovables)
Article 391If a third party acquirer of a mortgaged immovables has incurred necessary or beneficial expenses with respect to the mortgaged immovables, that third party may obtain reimbursement of the same out of the proceeds of the mortgaged immovables prior to other obligees, in accordance with the distinctions in Article 196.
(Distribution of Proceeds in Cases of Joint Mortgages)
Article 392(1)If an obligee holds mortgages on several immovable properties to secure the same claim, and the proceeds of those immovable properties are to be distributed simultaneously, the burden of the claim is divided in proportion to the value of each of the immovable properties.
(2)If an obligee holds mortgages on several immovable properties to secure the same claim, and the proceeds from only one of the immovable properties are to be distributed, the mortgagee may receive the payment of the entire claim out of those proceeds. In this case, subordinated mortgagees may exercise their mortgages in subrogation of that mortgagee, up to the amount that that mortgagee that receives payment would otherwise be entitled to receive from the proceeds of other immovable properties, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Supplemental Registration of Subrogation in Case of Joint Mortgages)
Article 393A person that exercises a mortgage by way of subrogation pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article may note that subrogation in the registration of that mortgage.
(Payment from Assets Other than Mortgaged Immovables)
Article 394(1)A mortgagee may receive payment from assets other than the mortgaged immovables only for the portion of that mortgagee's claim that is not paid from the proceeds of the relevant mortgaged immovables.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply if the proceeds of other assets are to be distributed prior to the proceeds of the mortgaged immovables. In these cases, each other obligee may demand that the amount to be distributed to the mortgagee be deposited in order to have the mortgagee receive payment under the provisions of that paragraph.
(Suspension of Delivery by Users of Mortgaged Buildings)
Article 395(1)A person that uses or profits from a building subject to a mortgage by virtue of a lease that cannot be duly asserted against the mortgagee, and that is set forth as follows (in the following paragraph referred to as "mortgaged building user") is not required to deliver that building to the purchaser thereof until six months have passed from the time when the purchaser purchased that building at auction:
(i)a person that has been using or profiting from the building since prior to the commencement of auction procedures; or
(ii)a person that is using or profiting from the building by virtue of a lease given after the commencement of auction procedures by the administrator of compulsory administration or execution against earnings from immovable collateral.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply if the purchaser, specifying a reasonable period of time, issues a notice to the mortgaged building user demanding payment of consideration for a period of one month or more with respect to the use of the building referred to in that paragraph that has been made after the time of purchase by the purchaser, and no payment is made within that reasonable period of time.
第三節 抵当権の消滅
Section 3 Extinction of Mortgages
(Extinctive Prescription of Mortgages)
Article 396No mortgage is extinguished by prescription in relation to obligors and mortgagors unless it is extinguished simultaneously with the claim the mortgage secures.
(Extinction of Mortgages by Acquisition by Prescription of Mortgaged Immovables)
Article 397If a person that is neither an obligor nor a mortgagor has possessed the mortgaged immovables in complete conformity with the requirements for acquisitive prescription, the mortgage is extinguished thereby.
(Renunciation of Mortgaged Superficies)
Article 398Even if a holder of superficies or a farming right holder that created mortgage on that holder's superficies or farming right renounces the relevant rights, the renunciation may not be duly asserted against the mortgagee.
第四節 根抵当
Section 4 Revolving Mortgages
(Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-2(1)Mortgages may be created, by an establishing act, in order to secure unspecified claims of a certain scope, up to the limit of a maximum amount.
(2)The scope of the unspecified claims to be secured by the mortgage under the provisions of the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as "revolving mortgage") must be prescribed by limiting the scope to claims arising from specific contracts with the obligor for continuous transactions or other claims arising from certain kinds of transactions with the obligor.
(3)Claims that arise continuously with the obligor pursuant to a specific cause, claims under negotiable instruments or checks, or electronically recorded monetary claims (meaning electronically recorded monetary claims prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Electronically Recorded Monetary Claims Act (Act No. 102 of 2007); the same applies in paragraph (2) of the following Article) may be treated as claims that are to be secured by a revolving mortgage, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Scope of Secured Claims under Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-3(1)A revolving mortgagee may exercise the relevant revolving mortgage up to the maximum amount with respect to all of crystallized principal as well as periodic payments including interest and compensation for loss or damage resulting from failure to perform obligations.
(2)If a claim under a negotiable instrument or check or electronically recorded monetary claim acquired from causes other than the transactions with the obligor is agreed to be treated as a claim to be secured by a revolving mortgage, and any of the following grounds exist, that revolving mortgage may be exercised only with respect to claims acquired before those grounds arose; provided, however, that even with respect to claims acquired after the grounds arose, the exercise of the revolving mortgage is not precluded as far as the claims were acquired without knowledge of those grounds:
(i)the suspension of payments by the obligor;
(ii)a petition to commence bankruptcy proceeding, the commencement of rehabilitation proceeding, the commencement of reorganization proceeding or the commencement for special liquidation with respect to the obligor; or
(iii)a petition for commencement of auction procedure in relation to a mortgaged immovables or attachment for disposition of delinquency.
(Alterations in Scope of Secured Claims under Revolving Mortgages and of Obligors)
Article 398-4(1)The scope of the claims to be secured by a revolving mortgage may be changed if the change is effected before the principal is crystallized. The same applies with respect to change of obligors.
(2)In order to effect the changes referred to in the preceding paragraph, it is not required that the approval of third parties including subordinated mortgagee be obtained.
(3)If the change under paragraph (1) is not registered before the principal is crystallized, it is deemed that the change was not effected.
(Changes in Maximum Amounts of Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-5Changes in the maximum amount of a revolving mortgage may not be made unless the consent of the interested parties is obtained.
(Provisions of Principal Crystallization Date of Revolving Mortgage)
Article 398-6(1)With respect to the principal secured by a revolving mortgage, the date when the principal is to be crystallized may be specified or changed.
(2)The provisions of Article 398-4, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(3)The date under paragraph (1) must be within five years of the day when the date was prescribed or changed.
(4)If registration with respect to a change in the date under paragraph (1) is not effected before the old date, the principal secured is crystallized on that old date.
(Assignments of Secured Claims under Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-7(1)A person that acquires a claim from a revolving mortgagee before the principal is crystallized may not exercise the revolving mortgage with respect to that claim. The same applies to a person that made payment for or on behalf of an obligor before the principal was crystallized.
(2)If an obligation is assumed before the principal is crystallized, the revolving mortgagee may not exercise the revolving mortgage with respect to the obligation of the person that assumes the obligation.
(3)If the assumption of obligation releasing an old obligor is effected before the principal is crystallized, the obligee may not transfer the revolving mortgage to the obligation assumed by the new obligor, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 472-4, paragraph (1).
(4)If any novation due to the substitution of the obligee is effected before the principal is crystallized, the obligee before the novation may not transfer the revolving mortgage to the obligations after the novation, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 518, paragraph (1). The same applies to the obligee in the case of novation due to the substitution of the obligor before the principal is crystallized.
(Succession of Revolving Mortgagees or Obligors)
Article 398-8(1)If succession involving a revolving mortgagee commences before the principal is crystallized, the revolving mortgage secures the claims that exist at the time of the commencement of succession and otherwise secures claims that were agreed upon by the heirs and the mortgagor of the revolving mortgage and that an heir acquires after the commencement of succession.
(2)If succession involving an obligor commences before the principal is crystallized, the revolving mortgage secures the obligations that exist at the time of the commencement of succession and otherwise secures the claims that were agreed upon by the revolving mortgagee and the mortgagor of the revolving mortgage and that an heir assumes after the commencement of succession.
(3)The provisions of Article 398-4, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis if an agreement as referred to in the preceding two paragraphs is reached.
(4)If the agreements referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) are not registered within six months of the commencement of succession, the principal secured is deemed to have been crystallized at the time of the commencement of succession.
(Mergers of Revolving Mortgagees or Obligors)
Article 398-9(1)If there is a merger with respect to a revolving mortgagee before the principal is crystallized, the revolving mortgage secures the claims that exist at the time of the merger and otherwise secures claims that a corporation that survives the merger or a corporation that is incorporated by the merger acquires after the merger.
(2)If there is a merger with respect to an obligor before the principal is crystallized, the revolving mortgage secures the obligations that exist at the time of the merger and otherwise secures the obligations that a corporation that survives the merger or a corporation that is incorporated by the merger assumes after the merger.
(3)In the cases provided for in the preceding two paragraphs, the mortgagor of the revolving mortgage may demand that the principal secured be crystallized; provided, however, that this does not apply, in the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the relevant obligor is the mortgagor of the revolving mortgage.
(4)If a demand under the provisions of the preceding paragraph is made, the principal secured is deemed to have been crystallized at the time of the merger.
(5)The demand under the provisions of paragraph (3) may not be made if two weeks have passed since the day when the mortgagor of the revolving mortgage acquired knowledge of the merger. The same applies if one month has passed from the day of the merger.
(Company Splits of Revolving Mortgagees or Obligors)
Article 398-10(1)If, before the principal is crystallized, a company split in which the relevant revolving mortgagee is the company to be split is effected, the revolving mortgage secures the claims that exist at the time of the split and otherwise secures claims acquired after the split by the split company and the company incorporated by the split, or claims acquired after the split by the company that succeeded to some or all of the rights and obligations of the split company regarding its business.
(2)If, before the principal is crystallized, a split in which the relevant obligor is the company to be split is effected, the revolving mortgage secures the obligations that exist at the time of the split and otherwise secures obligations that are assumed after the split by the split company and the company incorporated by the split, or claims acquired after the split by the company that assumed some or all of the rights and obligations of the split company regarding its business.
(3)The provisions of paragraphs (3) through (5) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases under the preceding two paragraphs.
(Disposition of Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-11(1)Before the principal is crystallized, a revolving mortgagee may not dispose of a revolving mortgage under the provisions of Article 376, paragraph (1); provided, however, that the revolving mortgagee is not precluded from applying that revolving mortgage to secure other claims.
(2)The provisions of Article 377, paragraph (2) do not apply to payments made before the principal is crystallized in the cases provided for in the proviso to the preceding paragraph.
(Assignments of Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-12(1)Before the principal is crystallized, a revolving mortgagee may assign a revolving mortgage, with the approval of the mortgagor of the revolving mortgage.
(2)A revolving mortgagee may divide the revolving mortgage into two revolving mortgages and assign either of the same pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. In this case, the rights for which that revolving mortgage is the subject matter is extinguished with respect to the revolving mortgage that was assigned.
(3)In order to effect an assignment under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the approval of the person that holds the rights for which that revolving mortgage is the subject matter must be obtained.
(Partial Assignments of Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-13Before the principal is crystallized, a revolving mortgagee may, with the approval of the mortgagor of the revolving mortgage, effect a partial assignment of the revolving mortgage (meaning assignments of revolving mortgages that the assignor effects without dividing the revolving mortgage in order to co-own the same with the assignee; hereinafter the same applies in this Section).
(Co-Ownership of Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-14(1)Co-owners of a revolving mortgage are paid in proportion to the amount of their respective claims; provided, however, that if before the principal is crystallized, a proportion other than the above is agreed upon, or if it is agreed upon that a certain person will be paid prior to another, that agreement prevails.
(2)A co-owner in a revolving mortgage may, with the consent of the other co-owners, assign rights of the same pursuant to the provisions of Article 398-12, paragraph (1).
(Assignments or Waivers of Order of Priority of Mortgages and Assignments or Partial Assignments of Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-15If a revolving mortgagee that has accepted an assignment or waiver of the order of priority of a mortgage has assigned or partially assigned that mortgagee's revolving mortgage, the assignee benefits from the assignment or waiver of that order of priority.
(Joint Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-16The provisions of Articles 392 and 393 apply with respect to a revolving mortgage only when the fact that the revolving mortgage has been simultaneously established on several immovable properties to secure the same claim is registered.
(Changes in Joint Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-17(1)An change in the scope, obligors or maximum amount of the claims to be secured, or assignment or partial assignment of the revolving mortgages for which registration is effected in accordance with the preceding Article does not take effect unless registration is effected with respect to all immovable properties over which that revolving mortgages are established.
(2)The principal secured by the revolving mortgage for registered pursuant to the preceding Article is crystallized even when grounds on which the principal is crystallized arise only with respect to one immovable property alone.
(Aggregate Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-18A person that has a revolving mortgage on several immovable properties may exercise the right of priority with respect to the proceeds of each immovable property up to the respective maximum amounts, except for cases provided for in Article 398-16.
(Requests for Crystallizing of Principal of Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-19(1)If three years have passed from the time of the creation of a revolving mortgage, the mortgagor of the revolving mortgage may request the crystallizing of the principal secured. In this case, the principal secured is crystallized when two weeks have passed since the time of that request.
(2)A revolving mortgagee may request the crystallizing of the principal secured at any time. In this case, the principal secured is crystallized on the request of the same.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply if the date on which the principal secured is to be crystallized is specified.
(Grounds for Crystallizing of Principal of Revolving Mortgages)
Article 398-20(1)The principal secured by a revolving mortgage is crystallized in the following cases:
(i)if the revolving mortgagee has filed, with respect to the mortgaged immovables, a petition for auction or execution against earnings from immovable collateral or the attachment under the provisions of Article 304 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 372; provided, however, that this provision applies only if the commencement of either auction procedures or execution procedures against earnings from immovable collateral, or an attachment has been effected;
(ii)if the revolving mortgagee has effected an attachment for disposition of delinquency against the mortgaged immovables;
(iii)if two weeks have passed from the time when the revolving mortgagee acquired knowledge of the commencement of auction procedures or attachment for disposition of delinquency against the mortgaged immovables; or
(iv)if the obligor or mortgagor of the revolving mortgage has become subject to an order commencing bankruptcy proceeding.
(2)If the commencement of auction procedures, the attachment under item (iii) of the preceding paragraph or the order commencing bankruptcy proceeding under item (iv) of that paragraph ceases to be effective, it is deemed that the principal secured was not crystallized; provided, however, that this does not apply if a person has acquired that revolving mortgage or a right for which the revolving mortgage is the subject matter on the assumption that the principal was crystallized.
(Requests for Reductions in Maximum Amount of Revolving Mortgages)