Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act(Order of the Ministry of Health and Welfare No. 40 of 1990)
Last Version:
- 最終更新:令和三年厚生労働省令第百七十五号
- 翻訳日:令和5年11月1日
- 辞書バージョン:16.0
- 最終更新:令和三年厚生労働省令第百七十五号
- 翻訳日:令和5年11月1日
- 辞書バージョン:16.0
Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act (Any data that the title of a law indicates to be a "Tentative translation" has not yet been proofread or corrected by a native English speaker or legal translation expert; this data may be revised in the future.Tentative translation)
Order of the Ministry of Health and Welfare No. 40 of June 29, 1990
Pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (3), item (iv) of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act (Act No. 70 of 1990), the Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act is established as follows.
Table of Contents
Chapter I License for Poultry Slaughtering Business (Articles 1 to 3)
Chapter II Rules to Be Observed by Poultry Slaughterers (Articles 4 to 7)
Chapter III Registered Training Institutes and Registered Training Sessions (Articles 8 to 24)
Chapter IV Poultry Meat Inspection (Articles 25 to 33)
Chapter V Designated Inspection Body (Articles 34 to 45)
Chapter VI Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 46 to 50)
Supplementary Provisions
Chapter I License for Poultry Slaughtering Business
(Matters to Be Stated in Documents Attached to Written Application for License)
Article 1The matters specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 4, paragraph (2) of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act (Act No. 70 of 1990; hereinafter referred to as "the Act") are as follows:
(i)ground plan of the poultry slaughterhouse;
(ii)layout of machinery to perform poultry slaughtering;
(iii)overview of machinery specifications to perform poultry slaughtering;
(iv)number of poultry birds to be slaughtered;
(v)if water from sources other than a water supply business prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (2) of the Water Supply Act (Act No. 177 of 1957), the dedicated water-supply system prescribed in paragraph (6) of the same Article, or the small water-supply system prescribed in paragraph (7) of the same Article (hereinafter collectively referred to as "water supplied by water supply businesses, etc.") is used in the poultry slaughterhouse, a copy of the certificate of the results of a water quality inspection pertaining to the water to be used, conducted by a local government organ prescribed in Article 20, paragraph (3) of the same Act or by a person designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare; and
(vi)in the case of a corporation, the certificate of its registered information.
(Persons Specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act)
Article 2Persons specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Act are those who are unable to adequately carry out the reasoning, decision-making and communication necessary for appropriately performing the poultry slaughtering business owing to a mental disability.
(Criteria for Building and Equipment)
Article 2-2(1)The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 5, paragraph (2) of the Act are as indicated in Appended Table 1.
(2)The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 5, paragraph (2) of the Act concerning the building or equipment of the poultry slaughterhouse pertaining to the certification of a certified small-scale poultry slaughterer (including the poultry slaughterhouse that pertains to application for the license of a person who intends to obtain certification under Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act at the same time as the license under Article 3 of the Act) are as indicated in Appended Table 2, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Minor Changes)
Article 3The minor changes specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act are as follows:
(i)changes to machinery used for poultry slaughtering;
(ii)changes to lighting equipment; and
(iii)changes to water piping in the poultry slaughterhouse.
Chapter II Rules to Be Observed by Poultry Slaughterers
(Criteria for Sanitation Management)
Article 4(1)The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act regarding the matters set forth in item (i) of the same paragraph are indicated in Appended Table 3.
(2)The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act regarding the matters set forth in item (ii) of the same paragraph are indicated in Appended Table 4.
(3)The poultry slaughterers must establish and comply with measures necessary for public health in accordance with the following, pursuant to the criteria referred to in the preceding two paragraphs:
(i)to prevent a food sanitation hazard, formulate a plan for sanitation management and poultry slaughtering at the facility (hereinafter referred to as "sanitation management plan") and disseminate it to persons engaged in poultry slaughtering and other relevant persons;
(ii)taking into consideration the facilities and equipment, the structures and materials of mechanical devices, and the processes of poultry slaughtering, develop a procedures manual for taking appropriate measures necessary for public health in these processes (hereinafter referred to as "procedures manual");
(iii)record the implementation status of sanitation management and retain the record, and reasonably set the retention period for the record, considering the length of time until the poultry meat, etc. of poultry are used or consumed; and
(iv)verify the effectiveness of the sanitation management plan and the procedures manual and review the sanitation management plan when necessary.
(4)Regarding the measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the poultry slaughterer undergoes inspection or testing implemented by a poultry meat inspector on the following matters, and undertakes a necessary review based on the results thereof; provided, however, that this does not apply to poultry slaughterers who have obtained certification under Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act:
(i)when a sanitation management plan or the procedures manual are formulated or modified, they are scientifically reasonable for the purpose of preventing the occurrence of food sanitation hazards; and
(ii)sanitation management is properly performed in accordance with the sanitation management plan and the procedures manual.
(Criteria for Appointment of Poultry Slaughtering Sanitation Managers)
Article 5An adequate number of poultry slaughtering sanitation managers as prescribed in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Act must be appointed to ensure the sanitary management of poultry slaughtering in each poultry slaughterhouse. In this case, if an overhead conveyor, etc. is installed to perform poultry slaughtering while in continuous conveyance, the number shall be at least the sum of two for each processing line (one in the case of a poultry slaughterhouse that undergoes post-plucking inspection at the same time as post-evisceration inspection pursuant to Article 15, paragraph (5) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "poultry slaughterhouse falling under Article 15, paragraph (5) of the Act")) and one for each processing line with the number of birds slaughtered per minute exceeding 20 (exceeding 35 at a poultry slaughterhouse falling under Article 15, paragraph (5) of the Act).
(Qualification of Poultry Slaughtering Sanitation Manager)
Article 6Persons deemed to have equal or higher academic ability than "persons prescribed by Article 57 of the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947)" in Article 12, paragraph (5), item (iv) of the Act are as follows:
(i)persons who have completed a higher course at a national elementary school under the former National School Order (Imperial Order No. 148 of 1941);
(ii)persons who have completed a course for two years at a secondary school under the former Secondary School Order (Imperial Order No. 36 of 1943);
(iii)persons who have completed the second year of an attached secondary school or attached girls' high school under the former Normal School Education Order (Imperial Order No. 109 of 1943);
(iv)persons who have completed the second year of a secondary school for the hearing and speech impaired under the former Order on Schools for the Visually Impaired and Schools for the Hearing and Speech Impaired (Imperial Order No. 375 of 1923);
(v)persons who have completed the second year of the regular course of a high school under the former High School Order (Imperial Order No. 389 of 1918);
(vi)persons who have completed the general course at a boys' school under the former Boys' School Order (Imperial Order No. 254 of 1939);
(vii)persons who are treated in the same way as the persons who have completed a higher course at a national elementary school, those who have completed a course for two years at a secondary school, or those set forth in item (v), pursuant to the provisions of Articles 1 through 3 and Article 7 of the Regulations concerning the Entrance into and Transfer to Other Schools of Students, Pupils, or Graduates of Schools in Regions Other than the Mainland (Order of the Ministry of Education No. 63 of 1943);
(viii)persons who have completed a sailor's training school under the former Sailor's Training School Institute (Imperial Order No. 458 of 1939); and
(ix)beyond what is set forth in the preceding items, persons certified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as having equal or higher academic ability than those prescribed by Article 57 of the School Education Act with regard to the qualification of poultry slaughtering sanitation manager.
(Matters to Be Reported Concerning Poultry Slaughtering Sanitation Manager)
Article 7(1)The "matters specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order" as referred to in Article 12, paragraph (6) of the Act are as follows:
(i)the name and address of the notifying person or corporation, as well as the name of its representative in the case of a corporation;
(ii)name and location of the poultry slaughterhouse;
(iii)name, address, and date of birth of the poultry slaughtering sanitation manager;
(iv)that the poultry slaughtering sanitation manager falls under one of the items in Article 12, paragraph (5) of the Act; and
(v)date when the poultry slaughtering sanitation manager is appointed or changed.
(2)The notification in the preceding paragraph shall be attached with a document that certifies that the poultry slaughtering sanitation manager falls under one of the items in Article 12, paragraph (5) of the Act.
Chapter III Registered Training Institutes and Registered Training Sessions
(Criteria for Registration of Training Institutes)
Article 8The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act (Cabinet Order No. 52 of 1991; hereinafter referred to as "the Order") are as follows:
(i)the training institute is to be a university under the School Education Act or an educational facility that has courses that are recognized to provide education equivalent to that at universities or graduate schools pursuant to the provisions of Article 104, paragraph (7), item (ii) of that Act;
(ii)for each curriculum stated in the left-hand column of the Appended Table 5, one or more subjects set forth in the right-hand column of that Table are to be taken, and the total number of credits is to be 22 or more;
(iii)subjects set forth in the preceding item and subjects set forth in the Appended Table 6 are to be taken, and the total number of credits is to be 40 or more; and
(iv)classes are to be conducted, in principle, by using the mechanical devices set forth in column 2 of the Appended Table of the Food Sanitation Act (Act No. 233 of 1947).
(Application Procedure for Registration)
Article 9Documents that state the following matters must be attached to a written application set forth in Article 2 of the Order:
(i)name and location of the training institute;
(ii)name of the establisher, location, and date of establishment of the training institute;
(iii)name and address of the head of the training institute;
(iv)name and personal history of each teacher, the subjects they teach, and whether they are full-time teachers or have other jobs;
(v)plans of subjects to be taken in each school year, the number of credits, and whether they are compulsory subjects or optional subjects;
(vi)student quota;
(vii)entrance qualifications and the time of entrance;
(viii)training term;
(ix)a list of machinery and tools and a library index for teaching and training;
(x)drawings and layout of the school site and school buildings;
(xi)school regulations; and
(xii)other matters for reference.
(Recording in Register)
Article 10The registration of a training institute under Article 12, paragraph (5), item (iii) of the Act is made by recording the following matters in a register:
(i)date and number of registration; and
(ii)name, location, and the name of the head of the registered training institute (referring to registered training institute prescribed in Article 3 of the Order; the same applies hereinafter).
(Matters to Be Reported upon Changes)
Article 11The matters specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 3 of the Order are those set forth in Article 9, items (i) through (iii); items (v) through (viii); item (ix) (limited to those pertaining to mechanical devices set forth in Column 2 of Appended Table to the Food Sanitation Act); item (x); and item (xi) of Article 9.
(Documents to Be Attached)
Article 12Documents that state the following matters must be attached to a written application set forth in Article 6 of the Order:
(i)reasons for intending to have the registration revoked;
(ii)planned date on which revocation of registration is requested; and
(iii)if there are participants attending the institute, measures to be taken for them.
(Public Notice)
Article 13The matters specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 7, item (ii) of the Order are matters set forth in Article 9, item (i).
(Courses of Training Sessions)
Article 14The courses of training sessions as referred to in Article 12, paragraph (7) of the Act must satisfy all the requirements below:
(i)providing the courses set forth in (a) through (f) below for more than the number of hours set forth respectively in (a) through (f):
(a)public health overview: 4 hours;
(b)laws and regulations applicable to a poultry meat inspection: 4 hours;
(c)poultry anatomy and physiology: 2 hours;
(d)poultry pathology: 6 hours;
(e)poultry meat hygiene: 6 hours; and
(f)other applicable laws and regulations: 2 hours;
(ii)the lecturers are persons who teach subjects equivalent to those set forth in (a) through (f) of the preceding item at a university under the School Education Act; persons who are engaged in food sanitation administration or examination concerning food sanitation at a national or prefectural agency, a city with health centers, or at a special ward; or persons recognized as having knowledge and experience equivalent to the aforementioned persons;
(iii)to be eligible for the training sessions, participants need to have completed a junior high school under the School Education Act or a school equivalent thereto, a compulsory education school, or the first semester course at a school for secondary education, or satisfy one of the items in Article 6, and have been engaged in poultry slaughtering activities for three years or longer; and
(iv)the completion of the courses is to be appropriately certified for the participants by way of examination at the end of the sessions or by other means.
(Application Procedure for Registration)
Article 15A person who intends to apply for registration pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Order must submit a written application to the prefectural governor of the location where the training session will be conducted pertaining to the registration, with a copy of a resident record (in the case of a corporation, a copy of the articles of incorporation or articles of endowment and the certificate of its registered information) and documents stating the following matters attached:
(i)the name and address of the organizer of the training session (for a corporation, its name, the location of its principal office, and the name of its representative);
(ii)whether the person falls under any of the items of Article 9 of the Order;
(iii)for a corporation, the names, addresses, and profiles of its officers;
(iv)name and location of the training session venue;
(v)name and location of the place where practical training is held;
(vi)period and schedule of the training session;
(vii)planned number of participants;
(viii)training subjects and hours; and
(ix)name and occupations of lecturers, the training subjects they teach, and the number of hours for each training subject.
(Recording in Register)
Article 16The registration under Article 8 of the Order is made by recording the following matters in a register:
(i)date and number of registration;
(ii)the name and address of the organizer of the registered training session (for a corporation, its name, the location of its principal office, and the name of its representative); and
(iii)period of the registered training session;
(Criteria for Organization of Training Sessions)
Article 17The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 11, paragraph (2) of the Order are as follows:
(i)to confirm that the participant meets the qualifications for taking the training sessions through their resume, documents proving their relations with the place of business they have worked for and other documents;
(ii)to issue a certificate for the completion of training to the person who has completed the courses of the training sessions; and
(iii)to hold registered training sessions pursuant to Article 14.
(Matters to Be Reported upon Changes)
Article 18The matters specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 12 of the Order are as follows:
(i)the name and address of the organizer of the registered training session (for a corporation, its name, the location of its principal office, and the name of its representative); and
(ii)period of the registered training session.
(Notification of Suspension or Discontinuation of Operations)
Article 19When intending to suspend or discontinue the operations of a registered training session pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of the Order, the organizer of the registered training session must notify the prefectural governor of the location where the training session will be conducted of the following matters:
(i)the reasons for the suspension or discontinuation and the planned date therefor; and
(ii)in the case of intended suspension, the planned period of suspension.
(Keeping and Inspection of Financial Statements)
Article 20An organizer of registered training sessions must prepare the financial statements, etc. for the previous business year (referring to the financial statements, etc., prescribed in Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Order; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) for the previous business year (when three months have not elapsed since the end of the previous business year, they may be replaced with the financial statements, etc., for the business year before the previous business year), and must keep the financial statements, etc. at the place of business from the time of registration until they discontinue the registered training sessions.
(Means of Indicating Electronic or Magnetic Records)
Article 21The means specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as prescribed in Article 14, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Order are means to indicate matters recorded in electronic or magnetic records on paper or on the screen of an output device.
(Means of Providing Electronic or Magnetic Records)
Article 22The electronic or magnetic means specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as prescribed in Article 14, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Order is either of the means set forth in the following items as determined by the organizer of registered training sessions:
(i)a means of using an electronic data processing system connecting the computer (including input-output devices; hereinafter the same applies in this item) used by the sender and the computer used by the recipient via a telecommunications line, by which information is transmitted and recorded on a file that has been prepared on the computer used by the recipient; or
(ii)a means of delivering a record of information on a file that has been prepared by using a magnetic disk or other object onto which a fixed set of information can be securely recorded by an equivalent means.
(Matters to Be Stated in the Books)
Article 23(1)The matters specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 18 of the Order are as follows:
(i)names and personal histories of the participants;
(ii)number of participants; and
(iii)names, dates of birth, and addresses of persons who have received the certificates of the completion of training, and the names and locations of the place of business they work for.
(2)The books set forth in Article 18 of the Order must be retained for three years from the date of the final entry.
(Certificate for On-site Inspection)
Article 24The identification cards that the employees must carry pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (2) of the Order is as specified in Form No. 1.
Chapter IV Poultry Meat Inspection
(Scope of Diseases or Abnormalities Subject to Inspection)
Article 25The diseases or abnormalities specified in item (ii) or item (iii) of Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act are as listed in Appended Table 7.
(Requirements for Special Provisions on Inspection Methods)
Article 26The requirements specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 15, paragraph (5) of the Act are as follows:
(i)an overhead conveyor with trolley spacing of 15 centimeters or more is to be installed; and
(ii)a mirror for the observation of the back side of an eviscerated poultry carcass is to be installed in an appropriate location of the inspection site.
(Methods of and Procedures for Poultry Meat Inspection)
Article 27(1)The methods specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 15, paragraph (6) of the Act are as follows:
(i)poultry meat inspection is performed under adequate natural light or proper artificial light;
(ii)living bird inspection (referring to inspection referred to in Article 15, paragraph (1) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) is performed by observing the condition of living birds before slaughter. If any disease or abnormality set forth in the items in paragraph (4) of the same Article is suspected, further inspection is performed on each bird of the relevant poultry to make an assessment;
(iii)post-plucking inspection is to be performed after plucking (referring to the removal of feathers from poultry; the same applies hereinafter) by observing and palpating the condition of the surface of each poultry carcass. If any disease or abnormality set forth in the items in Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act is suspected, further inspection is performed on the relevant poultry carcass to make an assessment;
(iv)post-evisceration inspection is performed after removing the organs from poultry carcass by observing and palpating the condition of the organs and the inner face of the body walls of each eviscerated poultry carcass. If any disease or abnormality set forth in the items in Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act is suspected, further inspection is performed on the relevant organs and eviscerated poultry carcass to make assessment; and
(v)after completing poultry meat inspection, the type, variety, number of birds, place of production, and results of inspection for the inspected poultry are recorded.
(2)The procedures specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 15, paragraph (6) of the Act are undertaken by a poultry slaughterer who intends to undergo poultry meat inspections submitting a written application stating the following matters for each poultry slaughterhouse to the prefectural governor with jurisdiction over the location of the poultry slaughterhouse (if the location is in the area of a city specified by Cabinet Order in Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Community Health Act (Act No. 101 of 1947) (hereinafter referred to as a "city with a health center") or of a special ward, the mayor of the city with a health center or special ward; the same applies hereinafter):
(i)the name and address of the person or corporation, as well as the name of its representative in the case of a corporation;
(ii)planned date of poultry slaughter; and
(iii)type, variety, number of birds, and place of production of poultry subject to poultry meat inspection.
(Methods for Verification, Criteria for Verification, and Methods for the Simplification of Poultry Meat Inspection)
Article 28(1)The poultry slaughtering sanitation manager performs the verification of conformity to the criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as prescribed in Article 15, paragraph (7) of the Act regarding the following matters by using the visual, tactile, and olfactory senses under the supervision of the poultry meat inspector (referring to persons prescribed in Article 49; the same applies hereinafter) or inspector (referring to persons satisfying the requirements prescribed in Article 25, paragraph (2) of the Act; the same applies hereinafter) who is conducting poultry slaughtering inspection at the relevant poultry slaughterhouse:
(i)for verification pertaining to post-plucking inspection, the condition of the surface of each poultry carcass after plucking; and
(ii)for verification pertaining to post-evisceration inspection, the condition of the organs and the inner face of the body walls of each eviscerated poultry carcass after removing its organs.
(2)The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 15, paragraph (7) of the Act are as indicated in Appended Table 8.
(3)The simplification of the methods for post-plucking inspection and post-evisceration inspection under the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (7) of the Act is made by omitting a part of the observation and palpation of the condition of the surface of each poultry carcass and a part of the observation and palpation of the condition of the organs and the inner face of the body walls of each eviscerated poultry carcass.
(Matters to Be Stated in Verification Rules and Criteria for Conformity)
Article 29(1)The matters specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act are as follows:
(i)methods for verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act;
(ii)procedures for verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act (including the relationship with the methods and procedures for poultry slaughtering);
(iii)matters pertaining to the recording of the results of verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act and the retention thereof; and
(iv)methods of engagement of poultry slaughtering sanitation managers.
(2)The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act are as follows:
(i)for each verification item listed in Appended Table 9 when verifying the condition of living poultry, and in Appended Table 8 when verifying the condition of the surface of a poultry carcass and the condition of the organs and the inner face of the body walls of an eviscerated poultry carcass, the verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act is properly performed to verify conformity to the respective criteria specified in the same Tables;
(ii)the methods and procedures for verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act are suitable considering the type and number of birds of poultry to be slaughtered by the poultry slaughterer, as well as the form of poultry slaughtering set forth in Article 2, item (v) of the Act, methods for poultry slaughtering, and other business details;
(iii)methods for the recording of the results of verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act and the retention thereof are appropriate; and
(iv)the verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act is appropriately performed by the poultry slaughtering sanitation manager.
(Methods for Verification and Assessment of Abnormality)
Article 30(1)The verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act is performed in accordance with the following:
(i)the verification of the condition of living poultry is appropriately performed using visual and tactile senses; and
(ii)the verification of the condition of the surface of a poultry carcass and the condition of the organs and the surface of the inner face of the body walls of an eviscerated poultry carcass is appropriately performed using visual, tactile, and olfactory senses for each bird.
(2)The criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act are as specified in Appended Table 9 when verifying the condition of living poultry, and in Appended Table 8 when verifying the condition of the surface of a poultry carcass and the condition of the organs and the inner face of the body walls of an eviscerated poultry carcass.
Article 31Reporting under the provisions of Article 16, paragraph (7) of the Act is performed for each poultry slaughterhouse by the final day of each month, reporting the following matters pertaining to the condition of verification prescribed in paragraph (5) of the same Article performed within the preceding month:
(i)date of poultry slaughtering;
(ii)type and number of poultry birds slaughtered;
(iii)type and number of poultry birds conforming to the criteria referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article;
(iv)type and number of poultry birds not conforming to the criteria referred to in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, as well as the reasons for nonconformity to the criteria; and
(v)description of measures based on Article 19 of the Act.
(Notification to Become Notified Processed Meat Sales Business Operator)
Article 32A person who intends to submit notification under the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Act must submit a written notification stating the following matters, attaching a copy of documents proving that the person has already obtained a license for a processed meat sales business prescribed in Article 35, item (iii) of the Order for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation Act (Cabinet Order No. 229 of 1953):
(i)the name and address of the person or corporation, as well as the name of its representative in the case of a corporation; and
(ii)a major source and major customers of poultry carcass.
Article 33(1)The measures prescribed in Article 19 of the Act pertaining to poultry slaughterers (excluding certified small-scale poultry slaughterers) are as follows:
(i)measures based on the results of a living bird inspection;
(a)for poultry assessed as having a disease or abnormality set forth in Appended Table 10 (excluding excessive scalding and inadequate bleeding), the prohibition of the slaughter, as well as the disposal thereof or measures for preventing the human consumption thereof (hereinafter referred to as "disposal or other measures");
(b)for poultry assessed as having a disease or abnormality set forth in the items of Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act (excluding the diseases and abnormalities set forth in Appended Table 10), the slaughter of the poultry after the completion of the slaughter of all poultry birds passing the living bird inspection, followed by the measures specified in (a), (b), or (c) of the following item based on the results of the post-plucking inspection (if post-plucking inspection is undertaken at the same time as post-evisceration inspection pursuant to paragraph (5) of the same Article, the measures specified in (a), (b), or (c) of item (iii) based on the results of the inspections; hereinafter the same applies in (c)); and
(c)for poultry suspected of having a disease or abnormality set forth in the items of Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act (excluding excessive scalding and inadequate bleeding), the slaughter of the poultry after the completion of the slaughter of all poultry birds passing the living bird inspection, followed by the any of the measures specified in (a), (b), or (c) of the following item based on the results of the post-plucking inspection, or by the measures reserving the handling of the poultry until further inspection determines whether the poultry passes or fails living bird inspection;
(ii)the measures based on the results of post-plucking inspection (excluding the cases where post-plucking inspection is undertaken at the same time as a post-evisceration inspection based on Article 15, paragraph (5) of the Act):
(a)for a poultry carcass assessed as having a disease or abnormality set forth in Appended Table 10, the prohibition of the evisceration thereof, as well as the disposal or other measures of the poultry carcass;
(b)for poultry assessed as having a disease or abnormality set forth in the items of Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act (excluding the diseases and abnormalities set forth in Appended Table 10), the evisceration of the poultry after the completion of the evisceration of all poultry birds passing the post-plucking inspection, followed by any of the measures specified in (a), (b), or (c) of the following item based on the results of the post-evisceration inspection; and
(c)for poultry suspected of having a disease or abnormality set forth in the items of Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act, the evisceration of the poultry after the completion of the evisceration of all poultry birds passing the post-plucking inspection, followed by the any of the measures specified in (a), (b), or (c) of the following item based on the results of the post-evisceration inspection, or by the measures reserving the handling of the poultry until further inspection determines whether the poultry passes or fails post-plucking inspection;
(iii)the measures based on the results of the post-evisceration inspection (excluding the cases where post-plucking inspection is undertaken at the same time as a post-evisceration inspection based on Article 15, paragraph (5) of the Act):
(a)for poultry meat, etc. assessed as having a disease or abnormality set forth in Appended Table 10, the disposal or other measures of the whole of the poultry meat, etc.;
(b)for poultry meat, etc. assessed as having a disease or abnormality set forth in the left-hand column of Appended Table 10, the disposal or other measures of the parts set forth in the right-hand column of the same Table; and
(c)for poultry meat, etc. suspected of having a disease or abnormality set forth in the items of Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act, the measures reserving the handling thereof until further inspection determines whether it passes or fails the post-plucking inspection (limited to cases where post-plucking inspection is undertaken at the same time as a post-evisceration inspection based on paragraph (5) of the same Article) and the post-evisceration inspection;
(iv)disinfection: for a poultry, poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc. assessed as having a disease or abnormality set forth in the items of Article 15, paragraph (4) of the Act and therefore involving the risk of transmitting pathogens, measures necessary for preventing the transmission of pathogens, such as the segregation of the poultry; the disinfection of the poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc.; or the disinfection of the facility or equipment in the poultry slaughterhouse that has been, or may have been, contaminated by pathogens.
(2)The measures prescribed in Article 19 of the Act pertaining to certified small-scale poultry slaughterers are as follows:
(i)measures based on the results of the verification of the condition of living poultry: for poultry not conforming to the criteria set forth in Appended Table 9, the prohibition of the slaughter, as well as the disposal or other measures of the poultry;
(ii)measures based on the results of the verification of the condition of the surface of a poultry carcass or of the condition of the organs and the inner face of the body walls of an eviscerated poultry carcass:
(a)for a poultry carcass not conforming to the criteria in item (i), (a) of Appended Table 8, and for an eviscerated poultry carcass not conforming to the criteria in item (ii) of the same Table, the disposal or other measures of the whole of poultry meat, etc. pertaining to the poultry carcass or eviscerated poultry carcass and other measures;
(b)for a poultry carcass not conforming to the criteria set forth in item (i), (b) of Appended Table 8, the disposal or other measures of the parts with abnormality in (b) of the same item and other measures; and
(c)for the organs not conforming to the criteria set forth in item (iii) of Appended Table 8, the following measures:
1.if only one organ does not conform to the criteria set forth in item (iii) of Appended Table 8, the disposal or other measures of the organ and other measures; and
2.if two or more organs do not conform to the criteria in item (iii) of Appended Table 8, the disposal or other measures of the all organs and other measures;
(iii)disinfection: when necessary, measures to segregate poultry or to disinfect a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc., or a facility or equipment in the poultry slaughterhouse.
Chapter V Designated Inspection Body
(Application for Designation)
Article 34A person who intends to apply for designation pursuant to the provisions of Article 21, paragraph (2) of the Act must submit a written application in Form No. 2 to the prefectural governor, attaching the following documents:
(i)a certificate of registered information;
(ii)inventory of assets and balance sheet for the business year preceding the business year in which the date of application falls (for a corporation established in the business year in which the date of application falls, the inventory of assets at the time of establishment);
(iii)business plans for the business year in which the date of application falls and for the following business year (including business plans pertaining to operations other than poultry meat inspections, if applicable) and the relevant income and expenditure budget;
(iv)documents that prove the decision of intention pertaining to the application;
(v)the following documents concerning officers:
(a)names, addresses, and profiles of the officers; and
(b)a document that proves that none of the officers fall under (a) or (b) of Article 22, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act;
(vi)in the case of a general incorporated association, a document that lists the names of its members;
(vii)a document that provides an overview of the operations that are being performed;
(viii)plans concerning the implementation of poultry meat inspection operations stating the following matters:
(a)matters pertaining to the hours undertaking poultry meat inspections and days off;
(b)the following matters for each office where poultry meat inspection operations are undertaken: and location of the office where poultry meat inspection operations are undertaken;
2.overview of the poultry meat inspection operations; and
3.number of inspectors appointed;
(c)matters concerning methods for the collection of fees;
(d)matters concerning methods for the implementation of poultry meat inspections;
(e)matters concerning procedures for the implementation of poultry meat inspections;
(f)matters concerning the types of books and documents concerning poultry meat inspection operations and the management thereof;
(g)matters concerning the appointment and dismissal of inspectors;
(h)matters concerning the training of inspectors; and
(i)other necessary matters concerning the implementation of poultry meat inspection operations;
(ix)documents that list the names and profiles of the inspectors and documents that prove that they satisfy the requirements prescribed in Article 37, paragraph (3);
(x)for each office where poultry meat inspection operations are to be undertaken, an overview of devices to be used for poultry meat inspection and a document that states the maintenance plan thereof; and
(xi)other documents that provide reference information.
(Notification of Change to the Name of Designated Inspection Body)
Article 35When intending to report a change pursuant to the provisions of Article 23, paragraph (2) of the Act, a designated inspection body must submit a written notification in Form No. 3 to the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation.
Article 36Deleted
(Methods of and Procedures for Poultry Meat Inspection and Requirements for Inspectors)
Article 37(1)The methods prescribed in Article 27, paragraph (1) are applied mutatis mutandis to the methods specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as prescribed in Article 25, paragraph (2) of the Act.
(2)The provisions of paragraph Article 27, paragraph (2) are applied mutatis mutandis to poultry meat inspections as referred to in Article 25, paragraph (2) of the Act. In this case, "to the prefectural governor..." in Article 27, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "to the designated inspection body designated by the prefectural governor..." .
(3)The requirements specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 25, paragraph (2) of the Act shall be the persons who have a license of veterinarian pursuant to the provisions of the Veterinarians Act (Act No. 186 of 1949).
(Procedures for Reporting and Reportable Matters)
Article 38(1)Reporting under the provisions of Article 25, paragraph (3) of the Act must be performed for each poultry slaughterhouse by the final day of each month, reporting about poultry meat inspections performed within the preceding month.
(2)The matters specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 25, paragraph (3) of the Act are as follows:
(i)date when the poultry meat inspection was performed;
(ii)type, variety, number of birds, and place of production of poultry that underwent the poultry meat inspection;
(iii)type, variety, and number of poultry birds passing the poultry meat inspection;
(iv)type, variety, and number of poultry birds failing the poultry meat inspection and reasons for failing the poultry meat inspection; and
(v)description of measures based on Article 19 of the Act.
(Application for Approval for the Appointment and Dismissal of Officers)
Article 39(1)When intending to obtain approval for appointment or dismissal pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (1) of the Act, a designated inspection body must submit a written application in Form No. 4 to the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation.
(2)When intending to appoint an officer, a document providing the profile of the person subject to appointment and a document that proves that the person does not fall under (a) or (b) of Article 22, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act must be attached to the written application set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(Notification of Appointment and Dismissal of Inspectors)
Article 40(1)When intending to report an appointment or dismissal pursuant to the provisions of Article 26, paragraph (2) of the Act, a designated inspection body must submit a written notification in Form No. 5 to the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation.
(2)When appointing an inspector, a document providing the profile of the inspector and a document that proves that the person satisfies the requirements prescribed in Article 37, paragraph (3) must be attached to the written notification referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Operational Rules)
Article 41(1)The matters related to the implementation of poultry meat inspection operations specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in Article 28, paragraph (1) of the Act are as set forth in Article 34, item (viii).
(2)When intending to obtain approval pursuant to the provisions of the first sentence of Article 28, paragraph (1) of the Act, a designated inspection body must submit a written application in Form No. 6 to the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation, attaching the operational rules to be approved.
(3)When intending to obtain approval pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of Article 28, paragraph (1) of the Act, a designated inspection body must submit a written application in Form No. 7 to the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation.
(Application for Approval of Business Plan)
Article 42(1)When intending to obtain approval pursuant to the provisions of the first sentence of Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act, a designated inspection body must submit a written application in Form No. 8 to the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation, attaching the business plan and the income and expenditure budget to be approved.
(2)When intending to obtain approval pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of Article 29, paragraph (1) of the Act, a designated inspection body must submit a written application in Form No. 9 to the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation.
Article 43(1)The books prescribed in Article 30 of the Act must be prepared for each poultry slaughterhouse where poultry meat inspection operations are performed, kept in the office where the poultry meat inspection operations are performed, and retained for ten years from the date of entry.
(2)The matters concerning poultry meat inspection operations specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as prescribed in Article 30 of the Act are as follows:
(i)the name and address of the person or corporation applying for poultry meat inspection, as well as the name of its representative in the case of a corporation;
(ii)date when the application for poultry meat inspection was received;
(iii)date when the poultry meat inspection was performed;
(iv)type, variety, number of birds, and place of production of poultry that underwent the poultry meat inspection;
(v)names of inspectors who performed the poultry meat inspection;
(vi)description and results of the poultry meat inspection performed;
(vii)description of measures based on Article 19 of the Act and reasons therefor; and
(viii)other necessary matters concerning the poultry meat inspection.
(Application for Suspension or Discontinuation of Poultry Meat Inspection Operations)
Article 44When intending to obtain permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph (1) of the Act, a designated inspection body must submit a written application in Form No. 10 to the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation.
(Matters for Handover of Poultry Meat Inspection Operations)
Article 45In cases prescribed in Article 35, paragraph (3) of the Act, a designated inspection body (if the prefectural governor has rescinded the designation of the designated inspection body pursuant to Article 33, paragraph (1) or (2) of the Act, the ex-designated inspection body) must undertake the following matters:
(i)to hand over the poultry meat inspection operations to be handed over to the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation;
(ii)to provide the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation with the books and documents concerning the poultry meat inspection operations to be handed over; and
(iii)to undertake other matters deemed necessary by the prefectural governor pertaining to the designation.
Chapter VI Miscellaneous Provisions
(Collection of Reports)
Article 46When collecting reports pursuant to the provisions of Article 37, paragraph (1) of the Act, the prefectural governor shall notify the parties involved of the matters to be reported, the reasons therefor, and the due date of reporting in advance.
(Certificate of Removal and Identification Card)
Article 47(1)When an employee of the prefecture (in the case of a city with a health center or special ward, the city or the special ward) intends to conduct removal pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act, the employee must provide a certificate of removal in Form No. 11 to the person from whom removal is made.
(2)The identification cards that the employees who conduct on-site inspection pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1) of the Act must carry is as specified in Form No. 12.
(3)The identification cards that the employees who conduct on-site inspection pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (2) of the Act must carry is as specified in Form No. 13.
(Employees Specified under Article 39 of the Act)
Article 48The employees specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as prescribed in Article 39 of the Act are rabies prevention officers and environmental health monitors.
(Poultry Meat Inspector)
Article 49Based on the provisions of Article 39 of the Act, employees designated by the prefectural governor are referred to as "poultry meat inspector."
Supplementary Provisions
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 13 of March 25, 1991]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1991; provided, however, that the amending provisions that add an article and Chapter 3 after Article 6 (limited to the parts pertaining to Articles 8 through 10, Article 12, Article 13, Article 15, Article 19, Article 20, Article 26, and Article 27) come into effect as of April 1, 1992.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 47 of July 1, 1994 Extract] [Extract]
(1)This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 77 of December 14, 1994 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 62 of November 20, 1996 Extract] [Extract]
(1)This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 1997.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health and Welfare Order No. 127 of October 20, 2000 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
(1)This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Cabinet Act (Act No. 88 of 1999) (January 6, 2001).
(Transitional Measures Concerning Forms)
(3)Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form" in the following paragraph) are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
(4)Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 12 of February 6, 2004 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the provisions set forth in Article 1, item (iii) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Partially Amending the Food Sanitation Act, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Amending Act") (February 27, 2004).
(Transitional Measures upon the Partial Amendment of the Regulation for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation Act)
Article 3(1)Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form") are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
(2)Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 78 of March 31, 2004 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
(1)This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the provisions set forth in Article 1, item (iv) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Partially Amending the Food Sanitation Act, etc. (April 1, 2004).
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 25 of March 7, 2005 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Real Property Registration Act (March 7, 2005).
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 75 of April 1, 2005 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 143 of September 16, 2005]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
(Transitional Measures)
Article 2(1)Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form") are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
(2)Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 148 of September 28, 2005]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of October 1, 2005.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 40 of March 30, 2007]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2007.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 152 of December 25, 2007]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of December 26, 2007.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 163 of November 28, 2008 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act on General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations (December 1, 2008).
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 82 of July 1, 2011]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of July 1, 2011.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 59 of April 28, 2014]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2015.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 55 of March 31, 2015 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
(1)This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2015.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 93 of April 13, 2015]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 12 of February 3, 2016]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2016.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 25 of February 25, 2016 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
(1)This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Administrative Complaint Review Act (Act No. 68 of 2014) (April 1, 2016).
(Transitional Measures upon the Partial Amendment of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act)
(3)Transitional measures upon the partial amendment of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act
Documents that are already used in Form No. 11 of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act prior to amendment by the provisions of Article 17 at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order are deemed as those in Form No. 11 of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act after amendment by the provisions of the same Article.
(4)Sheets that have already been prepared using Form No. 11 of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act prior to amendment by the provisions of Article 17 at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 166 of November 7, 2016]
(Effective Date)
(1)This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2017.
(Transitional Measures)
(2)Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form before amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 15 of February 16, 2018]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of April 1, 2019.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 1 of May 7, 2019 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
(Transitional Measures)
Article 2(1)Documents that are already used in forms specified by the respective Ministerial Orders prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former forms" in the following paragraph) are deemed as those in forms specified by the respective Ministerial Orders following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
(2)Sheets using the former forms may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto, within a range considered reasonably necessary.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 20 of June 28, 2019 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (July 1, 2019).
(Transitional Measures Concerning Forms)
Article 2(1)Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form" in the following paragraph) are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
(2)Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 46 of September 13, 2019 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act on the Establishment of Relevant Acts for the Purpose of Appropriateness of Measures relating to Restrictions on the Rights of Adult Wards (Act No. 37 of 2019) (September 14, 2019); provided, however, that the provisions of Article 11 (limited to the provisions amending Form No. 11 of the Enforcement Regulation of the Vocational Abilities Development Promotion Act) and the provisions of paragraph (3) of the following Article come into effect on the date of promulgation; and the provisions of Article 3, Article 4, Article 6, Article 7, Article 11 (limited to the provisions adding the following two Articles after Article 42 of the same Order and the provisions amending Form No. 8 of the same Order), Article 16, Article 18, Article 19, Article 21, and Article 24, and the provisions of Articles 4 and 6 of the Supplementary Provisions come into effect as of the date of enforcement of the provisions set forth in Article 1, item (ii) of the Supplementary Provisions to the same Act.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 68 of November 7, 2019]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Food Sanitation Act, etc. (Act No. 46 of 2018) (June 1, 2020).
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 87 of December 27, 2019]
This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the provisions set forth in Article 1, item (iii) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Partially Amending the Food Sanitation Act, etc. (Act No. 46 of 2018) (June 1, 2021).
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 135 of July 1, 2020 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of enforcement of the Act Partially Amending the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Livestock (Act No. 16 of 2020) and the Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Livestock (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Order No. 44 of 2020) (July 1, 2020).
(Transitional Measures upon the Partial Amendment of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act)
Article 4The dispositions, procedures, and other actions that are taken prior to the enforcement of this Ministerial Order pertaining to toxoplasmosis, avian salmonellosis, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, chicken tuberculosis, chicken mycoplasmosis, leucocytozoonosis, or duck hepatitis, as specified in Appended Tables 7, 10, and 11 of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order, shall be respectively deemed as the dispositions, procedures, and other actions pertaining to toxoplasmosis, avian salmonellosis, chicken infectious bronchitis, chicken infectious laryngotracheitis, avian tuberculosis, avian mycoplasmosis, leucocytozoonosis, or duck viral hepatitis, as specified in Appended Tables 7, 10, and 11 of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act after amendment by this Ministerial Order.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 208 of December 25, 2020]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
(Transitional Measures)
Article 2(1)Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form" in the following paragraph) are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
(2)Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Supplementary Provisions [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 175 of October 22, 2021 Extract] [Extract]
(Effective Date)
Article 1This Ministerial Order comes into effect as of the date of promulgation.
(Transitional Measures)
Article 12(1)Documents that are already used in forms prior to amendment by this Ministerial Order at the time of enforcement of this Ministerial Order (hereinafter referred to as the "former form" in the following paragraph) are deemed as those in forms following amendment by this Ministerial Order.
(2)Sheets that have already been prepared using the former form at the time of the enforcement of this Ministerial Order may continue to be used for the time being by making amendments thereto.
Appended Table 1
(i)The poultry slaughterhouse is located in a position without risk of contamination.
(ii)The ground surface surrounding the buildings of the poultry slaughterhouse is paved or otherwise structured to facilitate cleaning, with efficient drainage.
(iii)Facilities of the poultry slaughterhouse and the layout of the facilities
(a)The poultry slaughterhouse has a living bird receiving facility, poultry slaughtering facility, product storage room, packaging materials room, inspection room, dressing rooms, lavatories, and dirty-water processing plant, respectively partitioned and located in appropriate positions; provided, however, that a poultry slaughterhouse that directly discharges blood and dirty water to sewerage system with a sewage treatment plant may not have a dirty-water processing plant.
(b)The living bird receiving facility has a living bird storage site and a quarantine site that are properly laid out.
(c)The poultry slaughtering facility has a slaughter bleeding room, a scalding and plucking room, and an evisceration room (referring to a room that has equipment for removing the organs; the same applies hereinafter) that are respectively partitioned with partition walls and properly laid out, as well as inspection sites that are partitioned and properly laid out for post-plucking inspection and post-evisceration inspection; provided, however, that a poultry slaughterhouse that does not perform the operations set forth in Article 2, item (v), (b) of the Act may dispense with an evisceration room and an inspection site for performing post-evisceration inspection.
(d)The living bird receiving facility; the loading dock for a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc. after poultry slaughtering; and the loading dock for non-edible parts and a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc. failing inspections are located separately.
(iv)Building and equipment of the poultry slaughterhouse (common matters)
(a)having adequately large area for receiving living poultry birds, performing poultry slaughtering, packaging a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc., and the storage thereof in a sanitary manner;
(b)the following materials and structures used for the floor, inner walls, and ceiling:
1.The floors of the living bird receiving facility and the poultry slaughtering facility are made of impermeable materials (referring to materials into which blood and dirty water do not permeate; hereinafter the same applies in this Appended Table, Appended Table 2, and Appended Table 3), have no cracks or unevenness, and have appropriate inclination, with efficient drainage.
2.The inner walls of the poultry slaughtering facility are smooth and easy to clean, with no gaps, and are covered with impermeable materials from the floor to the height of at least 1.2 meters, and waterproof materials are used above that height. The inner walls of facilities other than the poultry slaughtering facility are smooth and easy to clean.
3.The boundaries between the inner walls and the floor in the poultry slaughtering facility are made easy to clean and cleanse by providing a curve or otherwise.
4.The ceiling of the poultry slaughtering facility is smooth and easy to clean, prevents the growth of mold, and the fall of dust, and uses a material and structure resistant to condensation. The ceiling of facilities other than the poultry slaughtering facility are smooth and easy to clean.
(c)structure or equipment that achieves illumination as specified below:
1.illumination of 540 lux or more on the side of the inspection site where inspection is performed;
2.illumination that does not hinder operations in places other than the side set forth in 1.; and that does not alter the actual colors of a poultry, poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, and organs.
(d)water and hot water systems as specified below:
1.water systems that abundantly provide water supplied by water supply businesses, etc. or potable water; water systems that abundantly supply hot water of 60 degrees Celsius or higher;
3.ventilation systems that have adequate capacity in appropriate positions of sites where heat and steam are generated;
(e)drainage equipment that has a smooth inner surface, has appropriate inclination, efficient drainage, and a drain ditch connected to a dirty-water processing plant or a public sewerage system; the drain ditch has a trap for preventing the reflux of dirty water and foul smells, as well as equipment for preventing the entry of rodents;
(f)cleansing and disinfection tools suitable for purposes, the cleansing and disinfection tools and the storage equipment thereof laid out in appropriate positions.
(v)Living bird receiving facility
(a)In accordance with the poultry slaughtering quantity, the living bird storage site has an adequately large area for storing poultry until slaughter and for performing living bird inspection, as well as cleansing and disinfection equipment for the living bird transportation containers and hand-washing equipment of a water-flow type with a device for cleansing and disinfecting the fingers of persons engaged in poultry slaughtering (hereinafter referred to as "workers" in this Appended Table, Appended Table 2, and Appended Table 3) (hereinafter simply referred to as "hand-washing equipment" in this Appended Table, Appended Table 2, and Appended Table 3).
(b)The quarantine site has a necessary number of poultry disposal containers (referring to containers for holding poultry for which disposal or other measures must be taken based on the results of poultry meat inspection; hereinafter the same applies in this Appended Table), hand-washing equipment for poultry meat inspectors or inspectors (hereinafter referred to as "poultry meat inspectors, etc." in this Appended Table), and equipment for cleansing and disinfecting the dirt and dirty water of poultry for which disposal or other measures must be taken.
(vi)Poultry slaughtering facility
(a)The poultry slaughtering facility is partitioned with partition walls from residence, office, and other areas that are not directly related to poultry slaughtering, and the doors thereto can be shut tightly. The windows, vents, and other openings to the outside have equipment for preventing the entry of insects.
(b)Equipment for storing containers for holding non-edible parts (hereinafter referred to as "non-edible part containers" in this Appended Table, Appended Table 2, and Appended Table 3) is installed in an appropriate position of the facility and has a structure that facilitates cleaning.
(c)The slaughter bleeding room satisfies the following requirements:
1.being made of impermeable materials, easy to cleanse, and equipped with a bleeding trough or bleeding ditch of a size suitable for the poultry slaughtering quantity that has a structure for preventing the splattering of blood;
2.having mechanical devices used for slaughter bleeding and cleansing and disinfection equipment therefor;
3.having a number of hand-washing equipment devices in accordance with the number of workers.
(d)The scalding and plucking room satisfies the following requirements:
1.having a scalding machine, a plucking machine, a cleansing machine for poultry carcasses, and cleansing and disinfection equipment therefor, of adequate capacity in accordance with the poultry slaughtering quantity; and
2.having a number of hand-washing equipment devices in accordance with the number of workers;
(e)The evisceration room satisfies the following requirements: capable of identifying each eviscerated poultry carcass and the organs pertaining to the eviscerated poultry carcass with the source bird, while having an overhead conveyor, belt conveyor, vats, or other equipment of a structure that prevents the contamination of other eviscerated poultry carcasses or organs;
2.having mechanical devices for cloaca excision, abdominal incision, evisceration, the cleansing of the inside and outside of an eviscerated poultry carcass, and refrigeration of an eviscerated poultry carcass, as well as cleansing and disinfection equipment therefor, of adequate capacity in accordance with the poultry slaughtering quantity;
3.having cleansing and disinfection equipment for the overhead conveyor, belt conveyor, vats, tables, cutting boards, and other mechanical devices used for poultry slaughtering; and
4.having a number of hand-washing equipment devices in accordance with the number of workers;
(f)The inspection site satisfies the following requirements:
1.having dedicated inspection tables or racks for performing post-plucking inspection or post-evisceration inspection on the whole or part of a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, and poultry meat, etc.;
2.having dedicated hand-washing equipment for poultry meat inspectors, etc. and poultry slaughtering sanitation managers, as well as equipment that supplies hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher for the soaking and disinfection of devices used for poultry meat inspection; and
3.having a necessary number of clearly labeled containers for holding the whole or part of a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, and poultry meat, etc. for which disposal or other measures must be taken based on the results of a post-plucking inspection or post-evisceration inspection (hereinafter referred to as "waste containers" in this Appended Table);
(vii)Product storage room
(a)having refrigeration and freezing equipment; and
(b)having dedicated storage equipment with a locking mechanism for a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc. to be reserved based on the results of a post-plucking inspection or post-evisceration inspection.
(viii)The inspection room has a locking mechanism, inspection tables, and hand-washing equipment.
(ix)The dressing rooms have an adequately large area in accordance with the number of workers and are equipped with dedicated storage equipment for the work boots, aprons, work clothes, etc. of workers.
(a)being completely partitioned with partition walls from other areas, having no direct entrance/exit to the poultry slaughtering facility, and being otherwise designed so as not to affect the poultry slaughtering facility;
(b)having hand-washing equipment; and
(c)windows, vents, and other openings to the outside having equipment for preventing the entry of insects.
(xi)The dirty-water processing plant has dirty-water processing equipment of adequate capacity in accordance with the quantity of dirty water to be processed.
(xii)Structures and materials of mechanical devices
(a)Mechanical devices have structures that facilitate cleansing and disinfection.
(b)The mechanical devices that are immobilized or difficult to move are installed in positions that are convenient for work and easy to clean, cleanse, and disinfect.
(c)The living bird transportation containers are made of noncorrosive materials and have structures that facilitate cleansing and disinfection.
(d)The containers for holding a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or edible organs passing poultry meat inspections are made of noncorrosive materials, structurally prevent contamination by other matters, and have structures that facilitate cleansing and disinfection.
(e)The poultry disposal containers, the waste containers, and the non-edible part containers are made of impermeable materials, have lids, are easy to cleanse and disinfect, and have structures that prevent the leak of dirty liquid and foul smell.
(f)If an overhead conveyor is installed, it is made of noncorrosive materials and has cleansing and disinfection equipment for the shackles.
(g)The plucking machine structurally prevents the scattering of feathers and has the function of spraying cleansing water.
(h)If an automated cloaca excision machine, an automated abdominal incision machine, and/or an automated evisceration machine is used, they have the function of automatic cleansing and disinfection.
(i)The mechanical devices that come into direct contact with a poultry, poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc., such as the belt conveyor, vats, tables, and cutting boards used for poultry slaughtering, are made of noncorrosive materials and have structures that facilitate cleansing and disinfection.
Appended Table 2
(i)The poultry slaughterhouse is located in a position without risk of contamination.
(ii)The ground surface surrounding the buildings of the poultry slaughterhouse is paved or otherwise structured to facilitate cleaning, with efficient drainage.
(iii)Facilities of the poultry slaughterhouse and the layout of the facilities
(a)The poultry slaughterhouse has a living bird receiving site, a poultry slaughtering room, lavatories, and a dirty-water processing plant in appropriate positions; provided, however, that a poultry slaughterhouse that does not perform the operations set forth in Article 2, item (v), (a) of the Act may not have a living bird receiving site and that a poultry slaughterhouse that directly discharges blood and dirty water to sewerage system with a sewage treatment plant may not have a dirty-water processing plant.
(b)The poultry slaughtering room has a slaughter bleeding site, a scalding and plucking site, and an evisceration site (referring to a site that has equipment for removing the organs; hereinafter the same applies in this Appended Table) that are properly laid out; provided, however, that a poultry slaughterhouse that does not perform the operations set forth in Article 2, item (v), (a) of the Act may not have a slaughter bleeding site or a scalding and plucking site and that a poultry slaughterhouse that does not perform the operations set forth in (b) of the same item may not have an evisceration site.
(c)The living bird receiving site and the loading dock for a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, and poultry meat, etc. after poultry slaughtering are located separately.
(iv)Building and equipment of the poultry slaughterhouse (common matters)
(a)having adequately large area for performing poultry slaughtering, packaging a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc., and the storage thereof in a sanitary manner;
(b)having refrigeration or freezing equipment for a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc., as well as appropriate storage equipment for packaging materials;
(c)structure or equipment that achieves illumination that does not hinder operations;
(d)water and hot water systems as specified below:
1.water systems that abundantly provide water supplied by water supply businesses, etc. or potable water; and water systems that abundantly supply hot water;
(e)drainage equipment that has a smooth inner surface, has appropriate inclination, efficient drainage, and a drain ditch connected to a dirty-water processing plant or a public sewerage system; the drain ditch has a trap for preventing the reflux of dirty water and foul smells, as well as equipment for preventing the entry of rodents;
(v)Living bird receiving site
(a)the floor being made of impermeable materials, has no cracks or unevenness, and has appropriate inclination, with efficient drainage.
(b)having an adequately large area for performing the verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act on conformity to the criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in the same paragraph concerning the condition of living poultry (hereinafter referred to as "verification of conformity to criteria" in this Appended Table and Appended Table 3).
(c)having containers for holding poultry for which disposal or other measures must be taken (hereinafter referred to as "poultry disposal containers" in this Appended Table) based on the results of the verification prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (5) of the Act on nonconformity to the criteria specified by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order as referred to in the same paragraph concerning the condition of living poultry (hereinafter referred to as "verification of nonconformity to criteria" in this Appended Table and Appended Table 3).
(d)having hand-washing equipment.
(vi)Poultry slaughtering room
(a)The poultry slaughtering room is partitioned with partition walls from the residence, office and other areas that are not directly related to poultry slaughtering, and the doors thereto can be shut tightly. The windows, vents, and other openings to the outside have equipment for preventing the entry of insects.
(b)The floor is made of impermeable materials, has no cracks or unevenness, and has appropriate inclination, with efficient drainage.
(c)The inner walls are smooth and easy to clean, with no gaps, and are covered with impermeable materials from the floor to the height of at least 1 meter, and waterproof materials are used above that height.
(d)The ceiling is smooth and easy to clean, prevents the growth of mold and the fall of dust, and uses a material and structure resistant to condensation.
(e)The building or equipment achieves adequate natural lighting or artificial lighting and ventilation.
(f)Equipment for storing non-edible part containers is installed in an appropriate position of the facility and has a structure that facilitates cleaning.
(g)The slaughter bleeding site has mechanical devices used for slaughter bleeding and cleansing and disinfection equipment therefor.
(h)The scalding and plucking site has a scalding machine and other mechanical devices for plucking and the cleansing of poultry carcass, as well as cleansing and disinfection equipment therefor, of adequate capacity in accordance with the poultry slaughtering quantity.
(i)The evisceration site satisfies the following requirements: capable of identifying each eviscerated poultry carcass and the organs pertaining to the eviscerated poultry carcass with the source bird, while having equipment that prevents the contamination of other eviscerated poultry carcasses or organs;
2.having cleansing and disinfection equipment for the vats, tables, cutting boards, and other mechanical devices used for poultry slaughtering;
(j)having the necessary number of clearly labeled containers for holding the whole or part of a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc. for which disposal or other measures must be taken based on the verification of nonconformity to criteria concerning the condition of the surface of a poultry carcass or of the condition of the organs and the inner face of the body walls of an eviscerated poultry carcass (hereinafter referred to as "waste containers" in this Appended Table);
(k)having a number of hand-washing equipment devices in accordance with the number of workers;
(vii)The dirty-water processing plant has dirty-water processing equipment of adequate capacity in accordance with the quantity of dirty water to be processed.
(viii)Structures and materials of mechanical devices
(a)The mechanical devices that come into direct contact with a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc., such as the tables and cutting boards used for poultry slaughtering, are made of noncorrosive materials and have structures that facilitate cleansing and disinfection.
(b)The mechanical devices that are immobilized or difficult to move are installed in positions that are convenient for work and easy to clean, cleanse, and disinfect.
(c)The poultry disposal containers, the waste containers, and the containers for non-edible parts are made of impermeable materials, have lids, are easy to cleanse and disinfect, and have structures that prevent the leak of dirty liquid and foul smells.
Appended Table 3
(i)Sanitation management of poultry slaughterhouses
(a)proper cleaning and maintenance of sanitation
(b)keeping things in order and not leaving any unnecessary objects
(c)prompt repair if there is any damage or failure of the floor, inner walls, ceiling, windows, doors, etc.
(d)Adequate ventilation for removing foul smells and excess humidity
(e)Maintaining necessary illumination using natural lighting or lighting equipment
(f)sanitation management of water supply, etc. in accordance with the following:
1.If water from sources other than water supplied by water supply businesses, etc. is used, a water quality inspection is to be conducted at least once annually (and whenever water quality may have been changed owing to the contamination of the water source caused by a disaster, etc.) and the certificate of the results is to be retained for at least one year. If water is evaluated as not potable in the inspection, appropriate measures are to be immediately taken under the instruction of the prefectural governor.
2.If a disinfection system and/or water purifying system are installed, the normal operation thereof is to be checked every day.
3.If a water storage tank is used, periodic inspection and cleaning are to be performed.
4.A hot water system is managed at the proper temperature so that hot water suitable for its purposes is supplied.
(g)The drain ditch is cleaned in order to contain solids while efficiently draining wastewater. Any damage thereto is to be promptly repaired.
(h)The sanitation management of mechanical devices is performed in accordance with the following:
1.Mechanical devices suitable for the purposes are used.
2.The surface of mechanical devices that come into direct contact with a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc. is cleansed and disinfected before each use.
3.Whenever processing birds that have disease or abnormality or those suspected thereof, if there is a risk of the contamination of other matters, the mechanical devices used are cleansed and disinfected.
4.Mechanical devices are cleansed and disinfected after work.
5.Mechanical devices and the disassembled parts thereof are stored in the specified places in a sanitary manner.
6.Mechanical devices are periodically inspected. If there is any failure or damage, etc., prompt fix or repair is performed so that the devices can be properly used at any time.
7.Thermometers, pressure gauges, flowmeters, and other meters are periodically inspected for precision. If there is any failure or damage, etc., prompt repair is performed.
(i)To prevent the entry of rodents, insects, etc. into the poultry slaughterhouse, product storage room, and packaging materials room (in the case of a poultry slaughterhouse pertaining to the certification of a certified small-scale poultry slaughterer, the poultry slaughtering room, product storage equipment, and packaging materials equipment, respectively; the same applies hereinafter), any damage or failure of the rat-/insect-repellent devices is promptly repaired. Windows and exits/entrances without rat-/insect-repellent devices are not left open. Extermination is performed periodically and the record thereof is retained for at least one year.
(j)Rodenticides, insecticides, and other chemical agents are stored in a specified place other than the poultry slaughtering facility and the product storage room.
(k)The refrigeration and freezing equipment in the product storage room is managed at 10 degrees Celsius or lower in the case of refrigerated storage and at minus 15 degrees Celsius or lower in the case of frozen storage.
(l)Sanitation management of non-edible parts is performed in accordance with the following criteria:
1.Non-edible parts are appropriately placed in the non-edible part containers and carried out to prevent any hindrance to the sanitation management of the poultry slaughterhouse. The non-edible part containers are emptied and cleansed after work.
2.The poultry disposal containers specified in Appended Table 1 or in Appended Table 2, or the waste containers specified in Appended Table 1 or in Appended Table 2 (hereinafter simply referred to as "waste containers") are appropriately carried out of the poultry slaughtering facility in a manner that prevents the leak of dirty liquid, foul smells, etc. and are emptied, cleansed, and disinfected after work.
3.The poultry, poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc., as well as non-edible parts, for which disposal or other measures must be taken, are properly processed in a manner that prevents any hindrance to sanitation.
(m)Lavatories are kept clean and periodically disinfected.
(n)Cleansing and disinfection are performed in accordance with the following:
1.When chemical agents are used, the agents are properly used in accordance with the respective purposes.
2.When hot water is used for disinfection, hot water of 83 degrees Celsius or higher is used.
(o)Hand-washing equipment is equipped with cleansing disinfectant required for hand-washing ready for use at any time.
(p)Cleaning tools are stored in specified places.
(ii)Sanitary handling of a poultry, poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, and poultry meat, etc.
(a)Receiving of living birds
1.Efforts are made to exclude abnormal birds from poultry collected to be slaughtered and precautions are taken to maintain the health of living birds during transportation.
2.Clean living bird transportation containers are used and adequately cleansed and disinfected after use.
3.Slaughter bleeding is promptly performed on birds passing the living bird inspection and for birds verified as conforming to the criteria. For birds failing the inspection or for birds verified as nonconforming to the criteria, the measures prescribed in Article 33 are taken.
1.Bleeding is adequately performed.
2.Measures are taken to prevent the contamination of living animals and slaughtered carcasses by blood from bleeding.
3.When blood is collected, collect it in a container made of impermeable materials and carry it out appropriately.
1.Scalding is promptly performed after bleeding.
2.Abundant water is used for scalding.
3.During scalding, take considerations to remove contaminated objects as far as possible at the same time.
1.Jet washing and other measures are taken to prevent the scattering of feathers during the plucking process. The removed feathers are put in the non-edible part containers and frequently carried out of the poultry slaughtering facility even during the process.
2.The remaining feathers are removed by burning or other means. Evisceration is not performed on birds with inadequate plucking.
3.The plucking of a poultry carcass is completed before the post-plucking inspection or the verification of conformity to the criteria concerning the condition of the surface of the poultry carcass.
4.The non-edible parts, as well as the whole or part of the poultry carcass failing the post-plucking inspection or verified as nonconforming to the criteria concerning the condition of the surface of poultry carcass, for which disposal or other measures must be taken, are handled in such a manner that prevents the contamination of other matters, and are respectively put in the non-edible part containers or in the waste containers.
1.The following precautions are taken for the post-evisceration inspection or for the verification of conformity to the criteria concerning the condition of the organs and the inner face of the body walls of an eviscerated poultry carcass: eviscerated poultry carcass and the organs pertaining to the eviscerated poultry carcass undergo inspection or verification in such a manner that enables the identification thereof with the source bird;
ii.the abdominal incision for inspection or verification is limited to the minimum extent that enables inspection or verification; and
iii.the heart, liver, spleen, gizzard, etc. are adequately pulled out for inspection or verification.
2.The following precautions are taken to prevent the contamination of an eviscerated poultry carcass and poultry meat, etc. by the spilled gastrointestinal content:
i.the abdominal incision is carefully performed not to cause any damage to the gastrointestinal tract, avoiding unnecessary incision;
ii.the cloaca excision is carefully performed not to cause a spill of the content; eviscerated poultry carcass passing the post-evisceration inspection or verified as conforming to the criteria concerning the condition of the inner face of its body walls is cleansed both inside and outside with an adequate amount of water;
iv.the organs passing the post-evisceration inspection or verified as conforming to the criteria are divided into edible parts and non-edible parts, with the edible parts adequately cleansed;
v.The non-edible parts and the parts for which disposal or other measures must be taken are handled in such a manner that prevents the contamination of edible parts, and are respectively put in the non-edible part containers or in the waste containers.
1.The poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc. that have been cleansed are promptly refrigerated to 10 degrees Celsius or lower.
2.In cases where a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc. are refrigerated with cold water, the process is performed using water refrigerated in a refrigeration machine or water into which a sufficient amount of crushed ice is put, while adequately changing water. Measures are taken to minimize the amount of water absorbed and remaining therein.
3.The refrigeration tank is emptied and cleansed and disinfected after work.
(g)a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc. are handled in a clean and sanitary manner to prevent contamination by dirt, toxic or hazardous substances, or pathogenic microorganisms.
(iii)Sanitation management of workers
The poultry slaughterer or a poultry slaughtering sanitation manager undertakes the sanitation management of workers as follows:
1. making efforts to ascertain the health condition of workers and having them undergo health checks when necessary;
2. preventing workers infected with a purulent disease or other diseases that may cause food poisoning or with a disease that may be transmitted via poultry meat, etc. from engaging in poultry slaughtering;
3. in a poultry slaughterhouse, having workers put on dedicated work clothes and a cap that are clean and light-colored, as well as dedicated footwear, while preventing them from putting on unnecessary items;
4. preventing workers from entering the lavatories with aprons on during work;
5. having workers keep their fingers clean at all times and adequately cleanse and disinfect them before work, after going to the lavatory, and after coming into contact with matter that may contaminate a poultry, poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc.; and
6. in a poultry slaughterhouse, preventing workers from dressing, smoking, spitting, or eating outside the specified areas.
(iv)Education and training
(a)To ensure that poultry slaughtering is performed in accordance with the sanitation management plan and the procedures manual, necessary training for sanitation management is implemented for workers engaged in poultry slaughtering and other relevant persons.
(b)Education and training are implemented for persons who handle chemical substances, so that they can safely handle the chemical substances for use.
(c)The effectiveness of the education and training in (a) and (b) are periodically verified for the review of training when necessary.
(a)Within a range required for the prevention of food sanitation hazards, efforts are to be made for keeping and retaining records concerning the place of production of the poultry handled, the condition of poultry slaughtering pertaining to a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, or poultry meat, etc., the destinations of delivery or marketing of poultry meat, etc., and other necessary matters.
(b)Efforts are to be made to retain the records of the voluntary inspection of a poultry carcass, eviscerated poultry carcass, and poultry meat, etc. if applicable.
(c)Measures are taken to prevent the unauthorized entry of persons other than those engaged in poultry slaughtering and other relevant persons into the poultry slaughterhouse.
Appended Table 4
(i)Analysis of hazard factors
For each process necessary for poultry slaughtering, list factors that may cause food sanitation hazards (hereinafter referred to as "hazard factors" in this table) and specify measures for controlling these hazard factors (hereinafter referred to as "control measures").
(ii)Determination of critical control points
Determine processes for which control measures must be taken in order to prevent the hazard factors identified in the preceding item, prevent the occurrence thereof, eliminate the factors, and/or reduce them to an acceptable level (the process hereinafter referred to as "critical control point" in this table).
(iii)Establishment of control criteria
Establish criteria to prevent the occurrence of hazard factors at each critical control point, eliminate the factors, and/or reduce them to an acceptable level (the criteria hereinafter referred to as "control criteria" in this table).
(iv)Establishment of monitoring method
Establish a method for ascertaining the implementation status of control on critical control points continuously or at a reasonable frequency (the ascertaining hereinafter referred to as "monitoring" in this table).
(v)Establishment of improvement measures
Establish improvement measures for cases in which deviation from the control criteria is identified through monitoring at each critical control point.
(vi)Establishment of verification method
Establish procedures for periodically verifying the effectiveness of measures prescribed in the preceding items.
(vii)Preparation of records
In accordance with the scale and type of poultry slaughtering business, prepare the written description of the measures prescribed in the preceding items and the records of the implementation thereof.
(viii)Measures by poultry slaughterers certified under Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act
The poultry slaughterers certified under Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act may take measures necessary for public health simplifying the matters prescribed in the preceding items.
Appended Table 5
Analytical chemistry, Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry
Biological chemistry
Biological chemistry, Food chemistry, Physiology, Food analysis, Toxicology
Microbiology, Food microbiology, Food preservation, Food manufacturing
Public health
Public health, Food hygiene, Environmental hygiene, Health administration, Epidemiology
Appended Table 6
Fishery chemistry, Livestock chemistry, Radiation chemistry, Dairy chemistry, Meat chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Biological organic chemistry, Analysis of environmental pollutants, Enzyme chemistry, Food physics and chemistry, Fisheries physiology, Livestock physiology, Plant physiology, Environmental biology, Applied microbiology, Dairy microbiology, Pathology, Introduction to medical science, Anatomy, Medical chemistry, Occupational medicine, Hematology, Serology, Genetics, Parasitology, Veterinary medicine, Nutritional chemistry, Sanitary statistics, Nutritional science, Environmental health science, Hygiene management, Fisheries manufacturing, Livestock products manufacturing, Agricultural products manufacturing, Brewed food manufacturing, Dairy products manufacturing, Distilled liquor manufacturing, Canned product engineering, Food engineering, Food preservation, Freezing and refrigeration studies, Quality control studies, and other similar subjects related to food sanitation
Appended Table 7
Rabies, inclusion body hepatitis, psittacosis, escherichia coli infection, infectious coryza, swine erysipelas, salmonellosis, staphylococcal infection, listeriosis, toxemia, empyema, sepsis, fungus infection, protozoan diseases (except for toxoplasmosis), toxoplasmosis, parasitic diseases, denaturation, urate deposits, edema, ascites, bleeding, inflammation, atrophy, tumors (except for Marek's disease and avian leukosis), abnormal form, size, hardness, color, or smell of organs, abnormal body temperature (limited to noticeably high temperature (43 degrees Cesius or higher) or low temperature (lower than 40 degrees Cesius) and including those caused by sunstroke or heat stroke), jaundice, trauma, toxicoses (limited to those likely to be hazardous to humans), emaciation and underdevelopment (limited to extreme cases), extreme reactions to the administration of biological products, contamination by lubricants or inflammatory products, inadequate bleeding, excessive scalding (referring to cases of meat-boiling appearance caused by scalding);
Appended Table 8
(i)Poultry carcass
(a)None of the following abnormalities are observed:
1.noticeably darkened colors of the skin or muscles;
2.noticeably pallid colors of the skin or muscles;
3.manifestation of dehydration symptoms;
5.extreme emaciation;
6.abnormal bloating;
7.many crusts, wounds, abscesses, or inflammations on the skin;
8.noticeable swelling of the wing and leg bones; or
9.noticeable abnormal smell or abnormal smell overall;
(b)None of the following abnormalities are observed in a part of a poultry carcass:, red, or greenish blue coloration in a part of the skin;
2.overhydration of a part of the skin or muscles;
3.crusts, wounds, abscesses, or inflammations on a part of the skin;
4.swelling of bones or joints; or
5.abnormal smell.
(ii)Eviscerated poultry carcass
None of the following abnormalities are observed:
(a)semi-solid or solid yellow cheese-like substance of pus accumulating in the body cavity or air sac, ascites, substantial blood, or abnormal smell;
(b)tumors; or
(c)inflammation on the inner face of the body walls or on the serous membrane over organs, or the thickening thereof;
(d)excessive adhesion between the inner face of the body walls and an organ, or between organs.
None of the following abnormalities are observed:
1. coverage by gelatin-like or cheese-like exudates;
2. irregular unevenness of the surface;
3. mesh patterns on the surface;
4. green, blue, pink, or other colors that differ from the normal condition;
5. noticeable swelling;
6. noticeable fragility;
7. hardened condition;
8. hematoma or many blood spots; or
9. white or yellow lesion.
(Note) Normal livers have a uniform color (reddish brown) and hardness, with a mostly constant size (to weight ratio).
None of the following abnormalities are observed:
1. thickened coating;
2. white or yellow lesion or noticeable swelling;
3. fragility; or
4. noticeable atrophy.
(Note) Normal spleens are a dark reddish brown, with some exceptions being deep red or pink. The sizes vary and it is relatively hard.
None of the following abnormalities are observed:
1. noticeable thickening of the pericardium;
2. adhesion between the heart and the pericardium;
3. pericardial effusion contains fibrin or cheese-like substance;
4. noticeable increase in pericardial effusion;
5. noticeable hypertrophy or dilation of the heart;
6. petechiae in adipose tissues; or
7. white or yellow lesion.
(Note) A normal heart is placed inside the pericardium, having a fat-rich base and adipose tissues in the coronary base and the cardiac apex.
None of the following abnormalities are observed:
1. noticeable swelling;
2. large or many cysts;
3. white lesion; or
4. dense deposits that are fine and white-colored.
(Note) Normal kidneys are deep red. Completely bled kidneys may be pink or ochre.
(e)No abnormalities are observed in other organs.
Appended Table 9
None of the following abnormalities are observed:
(a)moribund condition;
(b)slowness of movement or appearance of weakness;
(d)substantial discharge from eyes or nostrils; or
(e)adhesion of substantial excrement to feathers around the anus.
Appended Table 10
Poultry cholera, highly pathogenic avian influenza, lowly pathogenic avian influenza, Newcastle disease, avian salmonellosis, avian influenza, lowly pathogenic Newcastle disease, chickenpox, Marek's disease, chicken infectious bronchitis, chicken infectious laryngotracheitis, infectious bursal disease, avian leukosis, avian tuberculosis, avian mycoplasmosis, leucocytozoonosis, duck viral hepatitis, duck viral enteritis, rabies, inclusion body hepatitis, psittacosis, escherichia coli infection, infectious coryza (limited to cases with systemic symptoms), swine erysipelas, salmonellosis, staphylococcal infection, listeriosis, toxemia, empyema, sepsis, fungus infection, protozoan diseases except for toxoplasmosis (limited to systemic infestation), toxoplasmosis, parasitic diseases (limited to systemic infestation), denaturation (limited to systemic cases), urate deposits (except for cases with systemic symptoms), edema (limited to severe cases), ascites, bleeding (limited to systemic cases), inflammation (limited to systemic cases), atrophy (limited to systemic cases), tumors other than Marek's disease and avian leukosis (except for cases where the lesion is localized to a part of the meat, organs, bones, and/or skin), abnormal form, size, hardness, color, or smell of organs (except for cases where the lesion is localized to a part of the organs), abnormal body temperature (limited to noticeably high temperature (43 degrees Cesius or higher) or low temperature (lower than 40 degrees Cesius) and including those caused by sunstroke or heat stroke), jaundice, trauma (limited to systemic cases), toxicoses (limited to those likely to be hazardous to humans), emaciation and underdevelopment (limited to extreme cases), extreme reactions to the administration of biological products, contamination by lubricants or inflammatory products (limited to cases of systemic contamination), inadequate bleeding, excessive scalding (referring to cases of meat-boiling appearance caused by scalding);
Appended Table 11
Disease or abnormality
Infectious coryza (except for cases with systemic symptoms);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Protozoan diseases other than toxoplasmosis (except for systemic infestation);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Parasitic diseases (except for systemic infestation);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the parasites and the sites of lesions caused by parasites
Denaturation (except for systemic cases);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Urate deposits (except for cases with systemic symptoms);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Edema (except for severe cases);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Bleeding (except for systemic cases);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Inflammation (except for systemic cases);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Atrophy (except for systemic cases);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Tumors other than Marek's disease and avian leukosis (limited to cases where the lesion is localized to a part of the meat, organs, bones, and/or skin);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Abnormal form, size, hardness, color, or smell of organs (limited to cases where the lesion is localized to a part of the organs);
Organs pertaining to the site of the abnormality
Trauma (except for systemic cases);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the sites of lesions
Contamination by lubricants or inflammatory products (limited to cases of systemic contamination);
Meat, organs, bones, and skin pertaining to the site of the abnormality