What's New
2025-01-08 Act on Promotion of Competition for Specified Smartphone Software (Outline) has been released.
2025-01-07 Act Partially Amending the Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society to Improve the Convenience of Persons Involved in Administrative Procedures through the Use of Information and Communications Technology and to Simplify and Improve Efficiency of Administrative Operations (Outline) have been released.
2024-12-25 Act Partially Amending the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Outline) has been released.
2024-12-25 Act Partially Amending the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act and the Act on Proper Technical Intern Training and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (Outline) have been released.
2024-12-25 Code of Civil Procedure has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-25 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Ensuring Proper Transactions Involving Specified Entrusted Business Operators have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-25 Act on Ensuring Proper Transactions Involving Specified Entrusted Business Operators have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-24 Order on Non-Disclosure of Patent Applications under the Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security Through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures Relating to the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-12-24 Cabinet Office Order on Non-Disclosure of Patent Applications under the Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security Through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-12-24 Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security Through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-12-24 Hot Springs Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-12-24 Act on the Comprehensive Promotion of Policies Concerning Kanemi Oil Disease Patients have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-19 Guidelines on Measures to Be Taken by Specified Digital Platform Providers to Promote Mutual Understanding in Transactional Relationships with User Providing Goods have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-19 Cabinet Order for Specifying the Business Category and Scale Under in Article 4, Paragraph (1) of the Act on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Specified Digital Platforms
have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-19 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Specified Digital Platforms
have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-19 Act on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Specified Digital Platforms have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-19 Certified Public Accountant Examination Rules have been released.
2024-12-19 Corporate Reorganization Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-16 Act on Utilization of Funds Related to Dormant Deposits to Promote Public Interest Activities by the Private Sector (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-12-12 Quarantine Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-12-12 Basic Act on Traffic Safety Measures (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-12-12 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-12 Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-12 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Access to Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-12 Act on Access to Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-12 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards Related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-12 Enforcement Order of the Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-12 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-12-09 Act Partially Amending the Road Traffic Act (Outline) has been released.
2024-12-06 Basic Act on Ocean Policy has been released.
2024-11-27 Cabinet Order on Export Trade Control have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-27 Regulations for Export Trade Control has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-26 Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-20 Order for Enforcement of the Administrative Procedure Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-20 Administrative Procedure Act (Article 15, paragraphs (1), (3), and (4), Article 16, paragraph (1), Article 22, paragraph (3), Article 31, unenforced) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-20 Trademark Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-19 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-11-19 Secured Bond Trust Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-19 National Land Survey Act has been released.
2024-11-14 Regulation for Enforcement of the Plant Protection Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-13 Administrative Complaint Review Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-13 Regulations for Enforcement of the Administrative Complaint Review Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.

2024-11-13 Order for Enforcement of the Administrative Complaint Review Act
has been replaced with the finalized translation.

2024-11-13 Order for Enforcement of the Basic Act on Cybersecurity has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-13 The Basic Act on Cybersecurity has been replaced with the finalized translation.

2024-11-13 High Pressure Gas Safety Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-12 Outline of the Act on the Revision, etc. of Related Acts to Promote Reform for Increasing Independence and Autonomy of Local Communities (Outline) have been released.
2024-11-07 Ministerial Order on Certification of District Development Plans under the Act on Development of Specified Integrated Resort Districts have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-07 Ministerial Order on Invisible Trade Connected with Visible Trade has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-07 Enforcement Order of the Act on Development of Specified Integrated Resort Districts have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-07 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-07 Act on the Advancement of Government Administration Processes That Use Information and Communications Technology have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-07 Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-07 Order for Enforcement of the School Education Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-07 Regulations for Enforcement of the School Education Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-07 School Education Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-11-07 Act on Special Measures for Responding to Nuclear Disasters have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-10-24 Cabinet Order Specifying the Amount of Fee Referred in Article 5-2, Paragraph 3 of the Attorneys Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-10-24 Cabinet Order Specifying the Government Organ Prescribed in Article 5, Item (i) of the Attorneys Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-10-24 Regulations on Procedures for Certification of Qualifications to Become an Attorney (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-10-21 Regulations for Import Trade Control has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-10-21 Broadcasting Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-10-21 Act on Carbon Dioxide Storage Business [CCS Business Act] (Outline) have been released.
2024-10-16 The Act Partially Amending the Construction Business Act and the Act for Promoting Proper Tendering and Contracting for Public Works (Outline) have been released.
2024-10-10 Outline of the Act on Promotion of Supply and Utilization of Low-Carbon Hydrogen and its Derivatives for Smooth Transition to a Decarbonized, Growth-Oriented Economic Structure [Hydrogen Society Promotion Act] (Outline) has been released.
2024-10-09 Enforcement Order of the Act on the Promotion of Housing Quality Assurance (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-10-09 Enforcement Regulation of the Act on the Promotion of Housing Quality Assurance (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-10-09 Act on the Promotion of Housing Quality Assurance (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-10-09 Act on Cooperation with United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Other Operations (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-10-08 Act Partially Amending the Act on Securing Parking Spaces for Motor Vehicles (Outline) have been released.
2024-10-04 Outline of the Act Partially Amending the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Outline) have been released.
2024-10-01 Regulation for Enforcement of the Notary Act has been released.
2024-10-01 Rules of Criminal Procedure have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-10-01 Labor Standards Act (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-10-01 Water Supply Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-09-27 Act on a Measure in Securing Smooth and Safe Activities by the Self-Defense Forces, etc. with the Use and by Avoiding Transmission Failure of Radio Wave due to the Installation, etc. of Wind Power Generation Facility (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-09-27 Act on the Comprehensive Promotion of Measures for Yusho patients (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-09-25 Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security Through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-09-25 Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security Through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-09-17 Notice of System Maintenance
Thursday, September 19, 2024: 19:00 to 20:00

Users may experience difficulty accessing content during this period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
2024-09-13 Act Partially Amending the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Defense (Outline) has been released
2024-09-12 Nationality Act has been released.
2024-09-11 Act to Partially Amend the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Term of Expenditure for the State Obligation Regarding Specified Defense Procurement (Outline) has been released.
2024-09-09 Act to Partially Amend the Act on Authorization of Public Interest Incorporated Associations and Public Interest Incorporated Foundations (Outline) have been released.
2024-09-02 Cabinet Office Order on Electronic Payment Instruments Service Providers (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-09-02 Cabinet Office Order on Financial Service Intermediary, etc. (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-09-02 Ministerial Order to Specify the Method of Providing Information on the Properties and Handling of Designated Chemical Substances (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-09-02 Enforcement Order of the Insurance Business Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-09-02 Order for Enforcement of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-09-02 Unfair Competition Prevention Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-09-02 An Act to Partially Amending the Act on the Advancement of Integration and Streaming of Distribution Business and the Motor Truck Transportation Business Act (Outline) have been released.
2024-08-30 Act Partially Amending the Urban Green Space Act (Outline) has been released.
2024-08-30 Act on Leave of Absence for Judges to Accompany Their Spouses have been released.
2024-08-29 Order for Enforcement of the Trust Business Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-29 Regulations for Enforcement of the Trust Business Act have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-29 Trust Business Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-26 Act Partially Amending the Act for Controlling the Possession of Firearms and Sword (Outline) have been released.
2024-08-26 Outline of the Act to Partially Amend the Consumer Products Safety Act and Other Acts (Outline) have been released.
2024-08-22 Act Concerning Sophistication of Recycling Business, etc. to Promote Resource Circulation (Outline) have been released.
2024-08-21 Rules on Reporting the Facts and the Submitting the Materials Regarding Immunity from or Reduction of Surcharges (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-08-21 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Ensuring Proper Transactions Involving Specified Entrusted Business Operators (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-08-21 Act on Ensuring Proper Transactions Involving Specified Entrusted Business Operators (Tentative translation) have been released.
2024-08-21 Regulation for Enforcement of the Insurance Business Act (Part II Chapter VI through Part V (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2024-08-21 Regulation for Enforcement of the Insurance Business Act (Part I through Part II Chapter V (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2024-08-19 Outline of the Act on Measures for Situations of Difficulty in Food Supply (Outline) have been released.
2024-08-19 Outline of the Act concerning Charitable Trust (Outline) has been released.
2024-08-16 Outline of the Act Partially Amending the Fishery Act and the Act on Ensuring the Proper Domestic Distribution and Importation of Specified Aquatic Animals and Plants has been released.
2024-08-15 Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-15 Enforcement Order of Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-15 Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-15 Regulations for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-15 Enforcement Order of the Slaughterhouse Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-15 Slaughterhouse Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-15 Act on Promoting the Distribution and Use of Legally Harvested Wood and Wood Products have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-15 National Government Organization Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-08-15 Act Partially Amending the Act on Measures for the Membership to the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Outline) has been released.
2024-08-15 Act Partially Amending the Act on the Establishment of Agricultural Promotion Regions, in Order to Secure Farmland and Effectively Utilize that Land for a Stable Food Supply (Outline) have been released.
2024-08-15 Summary of the Act on the Protection and Utilization of Critical Economic Security Information (Outline) has been released.
2024-08-07 Act on Enhancing Defense Production and Technology Bases (Outline) have been released.
2024-08-01 Civil Enforcement Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-08-01 Act on the Promotion of Smart Agricultural Technology Utilization to Improve Agricultural Productivity (Outline) has been released.
2024-08-01 Overview of the Act on Promoting Activities to Enhance Regional Biodiversity (Outline) have been released.
2024-08-01 Overview of the Act on the Promotion of Cash Flow-Based Lending (Outline) has been released.
2024-08-01 Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Regulation of Manufacture and Evaluation of Chemical Substances have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-07-26 Act on the Implementation of the Agreement between Japan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Concerning the Facilitation of Reciprocal Access and Cooperation between the Self-Defense Forces of Japan and the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (outline) has been released.
2024-07-26 Act on the Implementation of the Agreement between Japan and Australia Concerning the Facilitation of Reciprocal Access and Cooperation between the Self-Defense Forces of Japan and the Australian Defence Force (outline) has been released.
2024-07-24 Information Distribution Platform Act (IDPA) (Partial Amendment of the Provider Liability Limitation Act) (Outline) has been released.
2024-07-24 Human Rights Volunteers Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-07-24 Act on Ensuring the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Services and Protecting Dispatched Workers have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-07-23 Act Partially Amending the Local Revitalization Act (Outline) has been released.
2024-07-19 Act Partially Amendingthe Employment Insurance Act (Outline) has been released.
2024-07-18 Act Partially Amending the Act on Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, etc. (outline) has been released.
2024-07-17 Act Partially Amending the Act on Promotion of Offering of Rental Housing to Persons Requiring Special Assistance in Securing Housing (Outline) have been released.
2024-07-16 Support Standards for Japan Green Investment Corp. for Carbon Neutrality has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-07-16 Act on Land and Building Leases have been released.
2024-07-11 Act to Partially Amend the Broadcasting Act (Outline) has been released.
2024-07-11 Act Partially Amending the Act on the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, National Research and Development Agency (Outline) has been released.
2024-07-09 Act Partially Amending the Act on the Safety of Regenerative Medicine and the Clinical Trials Act (Outline) have been released.
2024-07-05 Act Partially Amending the Basic Act on Food, Agriculture, and Rural Areas (Outline) have been released.
2024-07-05 Bill to Partially Amend the Act on Promoting the Utilization of Sea Areas for the Development of Marine Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities (Outline) have been released.
2024-07-02 Act Partially Amending the Act on Temporary Measures Concerning Improvement of Management of Specified Agro-Processing Industries (Outline) have been released.
2024-07-02 Act to Amend Part of the Act on Infrastructure Development for Wide-Area Regional Revitalization (Outline) has been released.
2024-07-01 Act for Partial Revision of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion and Development of Amami Islands, and the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion and Development of Ogasawara Islands (Outline) have been released.
2024-07-01 Act to Partially Amend the Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members, and the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (Outline) have been released.
2024-06-27 Notice of System Maintenance
Friday, June 28, 2024: 19:00 to 20:00

Users may experience difficulty accessing content during this period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
2024-06-26 Act on the Promotion of Tsunami Countermeasures have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-26 Act on Provision of Disaster Condolence Grant has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-26 Act on Specified Commercial Transactions have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-25 Outlines are not the actual text of the laws, but instead are information intended to aid understanding of the content of the laws.
2024-06-25 Act on Partially Amending the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness and Other Acts to Create New Business and Encourage Investment in Industries (Outline) have been released.
2024-06-21 Act to Partially Amend the Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security Through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures (Outline) have been released.
2024-06-21 Act to Partially Amend the Act for Supporting the Self-Reliance of Persons in Need and Other Laws (Outline) have been released.
2024-06-20 Act Partially Amending the Comprehensive Legal Support Act (Outline) has been released.
2024-06-17 Act on Preventing Unjust Solicitation of Donations by Corporations has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-17 Act on Coordination between Education at Graduate Schools of Law and the Bar Examination has been released.
2024-06-17 Regulations on Commercial Registrations has been released.
2024-06-17 Regulations for Corporate Accounting has been released.
2024-06-07 Design Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-07 Utility Model Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-07 Cabinet Office Order on Transactions Prescribed in Article 161-2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Security Deposits for the Transactions have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-07 Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-07 Financial Instruments and Exchange Act have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-07 Act for the Prevention of Recidivism has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-07 Enforcement Regulations of the Act on Employment Security of Elderly Persons have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-07 Act on Employment Security of Elderly Persons have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-04 Notice of System Maintenance
Thursday, June 6, 2024: 19:00 to 20:00

Users may experience difficulty accessing content during this period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
2024-06-03 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on the Protection and Management of Wildlife, and the Optimization of Hunting have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-03 Act on the Protection and Management of Wildlife, and the Optimization of Hunting has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-03 Employment Security Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-03 Act on Special Measures Concerning Civil Court Proceedings for the Collective Redress for Damage Incurred by Consumers have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-03 Regulation for Effectuating Consumer Contract Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-06-03 Consumer Contract Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-05-27 Notice of System Maintenance
Tuesday, May 28, 2024: 19:00 to 20:00

Users may experience difficulty accessing content during this period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
2024-05-24 Cabinet Office Order Specifying the Methods Specified by the Cabinet Office Order as Set Forth in Article 4, item (iv) of the Act on Preventing Unjust Solicitation of Donations by Corporations have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-05-24 Cabinet Order Specifying the Effective Date for Specific Provisions of the Act on Preventing Unjust Solicitation of Donations by Corporations have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-05-22 Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Protection and Management of Wildlife, and the Optimization of Hunting has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-05-21 Family Register Act has been released.
2024-05-09 Order for Enforcement of the Basic Act on Cybersecurity (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-05-09 The Basic Act on Cybersecurity (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-05-01 Patent Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-04-30 Overview of Revision Proposals for the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations (Outline) have been released.
2024-04-26 Standard Legal Terms Dictionary (March 2024 Edition) has been released.
2024-04-26 Law Translation Guidelines have been updated with the
March 2024 revised version.
2024-04-26 Translation development plan for 2023 has been updated with
the revised version.
2024-04-26 Translation development plan for 2024 has been released.
2024-04-25 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Deposit Transactions have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-04-25 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Deposit Transactions have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-04-25 Act on Deposit Transactions have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-04-25 Enforcement Order for the Act on Development of Specified Integrated Resort Districts (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-25 Regulations on Services and Accounting Books of Legal Professional Corporations, Registered Foreign Lawyer Corporations, and Attorney/Registered Foreign Lawyer Joint Corporations have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-04-25 Attorneys Act has been released.
2024-04-24 Act Partially Amending the National University Corporation Act (Outline) has been released.
2024-04-23 Act for the Prevention of Recidivism (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-23 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-23 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-23 Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-23 Public Notice Related to the Order for Enforcement of the High Pressure Gas Safety Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-11 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Promotion of Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution has been released.
2024-04-11 Cabinet Order on Export Trade Control (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-11 Regulations for Export Trade Control (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-11 Enforcement Order of the Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-11 Order for Enforcement of the Air Pollution Control Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-11 Regulation for Enforcement of the Air Pollution Control Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-11 Air Pollution Control Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-10 Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Derivatives Transaction Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-10 Regulation for Enforcement of the Commodity Derivatives Transaction Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-10 Commodity Derivatives Transaction Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-10 Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Regulation of Manufacture and Evaluation of Chemical Substances(Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-10 Act on Rationalization of Energy Use and Shift to Non-fossil Energy (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-04 Act on the Costs Involved in Criminal Proceedings has been released.
2024-04-04 Trademark Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-02 Act on the Advancement of Government Administration Processes That Use Information and Communications Technology (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-04-02 Act on Promotion of Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-27 Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-27 Bankruptcy Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-27 Ministerial Order on Certification of District Development Plans under the Act on Development of Specified Integrated Resort Districts (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-27 Personal Status Litigation Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-27 Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-27 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Management of and Collection on Monetary Claims has been released.
2024-03-27 Act on Special Measures Concerning the Management of and Collection on Monetary Claims has been released.
2024-03-26 Regulations for Enforcement of the Companies Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-26 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Land and Building Leases has been released.
2024-03-26 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Land and Building Leases has been released.
2024-03-26 Act on Special Measures Concerning Land and Building Leases in Areas Affected by Large-Scale Disasters has been released.
2024-03-21 School Education Act Enforcement Order (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-21 Regulation for Enforcement of the School Education Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-21 School Education Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-21 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Promotion of Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution has been released.
2024-03-21 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-03-21 Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-03-21 Act on Childcare Leave for Judges has been released.
2024-03-21 Order on Fees Related to the Act on the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers has been released.
2024-03-21 Act on the Advancement of Measures to Address Loneliness and Isolation has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-03-19 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Access to Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-19 Act on Access to Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-19 National Government Organization Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-19 Order for Enforcement of the Administrative Complaint Review Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-19 Regulation for Enforcement of the Administrative Complaint Review Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-19 Administrative Complaint Review Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-18 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-18 Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs(Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-18 Order for Enforcement of the Administrative Procedure Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-18 Administrative Procedure Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-15 High Pressure Gas Safety Act(Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-15 Ministerial Order Specifying Goods and Technologies Pursuant to the Provisions of Appended Table 1 of the Cabinet Order on Export Trade Control and the Appended Table of the Foreign Exchange Order(Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-15 Regulations for Import Trade Control (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-15 Ministerial Order on Invisible Trade Connected with Visible Trade(Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-15 Act on Court Holidays has been released.
2024-03-15 Patent Attorneys Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-03-13 Act on Special Measures Concerning Advancement of Resolution of the Northern Territories Issue has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-03-13 Regulation for Enforcement of the Plant Protection Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-13 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards Related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-13 Enforcement Order of the Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-13 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-13 Act on Promoting the Distribution and Use of Legally Harvested Wood and Wood Products (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-06 Deposit Insurance Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-03-06 Act on the Compensation of Judges has been released.
2024-03-06 Act on the Salaries of Public Prosecutors has been released.
2024-03-06 Act on Promoting Measures to Achieve a Society in which the Pride of Ainu People is Respected has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-03-06 Rules of Criminal Procedure (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-05 Act on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Digital Platforms (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-05 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Digital Platforms (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-05 Cabinet Order for Stipulating the Business Category and Scale under in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Digital Platforms (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-03-05 Act on Special Measures for Former Fishery Rights Holders in the Northern Regions has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-02-21 Act on Waste Management and Public Cleaning has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-02-21 Act on the Promotion of Tsunami Countermeasures (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-02-21 Act on Provision of Disaster Condolence Grant (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-02-21 Human Rights Volunteers Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-02-20 Enforcement Order of the Acton the Promotion of Ensuring National Security through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-02-20 Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-02-20 Ministerial Order for Enforcement of the Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-02-01 National Public Service Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-01-31 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Ensuring the Proper Domestic Distribution and Importation of Specified Aquatic Animals and Plants has been released.
2024-01-30 Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-01-30 Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons (Tentative translation) has been released.
2024-01-23 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-01-23 Domestic Relations Case Procedure Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2024-01-16 Radio Act (2022/2023 amendments (including amendments that are not yet in effect) (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2024-01-16 Broadcasting Act (Amendment Act of 2023 unenforced (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2023-12-28 Notice of System Maintenance
Tuesday, January 9, 2024: 10:00am to Friday, January 19, 2024: 18:00pm

Users may experience difficulty accessing content during this period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
2023-12-27 Plant Protection Act has been released.
2023-12-27 Ordinance for Enforcement of the Installment Sales Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-27 Order for Enforcement of the Installment Sales Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-27 Installment Sales Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-25 Banking Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-12-22 Regulations for Enforcement of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-20 Enforcement Order of Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-20 Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-19 Slaughterhouse Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-19 Enforcement Order of the Slaughterhouse Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-19 Regulation for Enforcement of the Slaughterhouse Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-19 Travel Agency Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-12-12 Regulation to Effectuate the Act for the Control of Export and Import of Specified Hazardous and Other Wastes has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-12-12 Order to Effectuate the Act for the Control of Export and Import of Specified Hazardous and Other Wastes has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-12-12 Act for the Control of Export and Import of Specified Hazardous and Other Wastes has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-12-12 Employment Security Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-12 Act on Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Businesses and Protecting Dispatched Workers (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-12-12 Regulations for Enforcement of the Companies Act has been released.
2023-12-12 Companies Act (Part V, Part VI, Part VII and Part VIII) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-12-12 Companies Act (Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-12-12 Trademark Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-12-12 Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards has been released.
2023-11-21 Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-11-17 Payment Services Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-11-16 Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-11-16 Cabinet Office Order on Certified Association for Payment Service Providers has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-11-10 Meteorological Service Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-11-07 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Deposit Transactions(Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-11-07 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Deposit Transactions(Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-11-07 Act on Deposit Transactions(Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-11-01 Enforcement Regulation of the Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-11-01 Enforcement Order of the Act on the Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-11-01 Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-26 Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-24 Cabinet Office Order Specifying the Methods Specified by the Cabinet Office Order as Set Forth in Article 4, item (iv) of the Act on Preventing Unjust Solicitation of Donations by Corporations(Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-10-24 Cabinet Order Specifying the Effective Date for Specific Provisions of the Act on Preventing Unjust Solicitation of Donations by Corporations(Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-10-24 Act on Preventing Unjust Solicitation of Donations by a Corporation(Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-10-24 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-24 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-19 Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Review and Regulation of the Use of Real Estate Surrounding Important Facilities and on Remote Territorial Islands has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-19 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Review and Regulation of the Use of Real Estate Surrounding Important Facilities and on Remote Territorial Islands has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-19 Cabinet Office Order on the Regulation of Over-the-Counter Derivatives Transactions has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-19 Act on Special Measures for Persons that Formerly Held Fishery Rights in Relation to the Northern Regions, etc. (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-10-19 Act on Special Measures concerning Advancement of Resolution of the Northern Territories Issue, etc.(Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-10-17 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals(Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-10-13 Act on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Control of Specific Chemicals(Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-10-12 Trust Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-06 Basic Land Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-06 Act on Promotion of Policy for Loneliness and Isolation (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-10-06 Telecommunications Business Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-06 Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-06 Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-06 Act on the Quality Control of Fertilizer has been released.
2023-10-04 Act on Making Payments That Become Part of the National Revenue by the Method Using Information and Communications Technology has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-04 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Limitation of Liability of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers for Damages and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Sender Identification Information has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-10-04 Act on the Limitation of Liability of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers for Damages and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Sender Identification Information has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-09-28 Act Promoting Measures to Achieve a Society in which the Pride of Ainu People is Respected (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-09-28 Act for Implementation of United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-09-28 Arbitration Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-09-22 Act on the Quota of Court Officials has been released.
2023-09-22 Act on Price Adjustment of Sugar and Starch has been released.
2023-09-22 Order on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-09-22 Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-09-14 Notice of System Maintenance
Monday, September 25, 2023: 9:00am to 12:00pm

Users may experience difficulty accessing content during this period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
2023-09-13 Regulations on Commercial Registrations has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-09-07 Act on Special Measures Concerning Civil Court Proceedings for the Collective Redress for Property Damage Incurred by Consumers (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-09-07 Enforcement Regulation of the Consumer Contract Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-09-07 Consumer Contract Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-09-05 Regulations on Real Property Registration has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-09-05 Real Property Registration Order has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-09-05 Real Property Registration Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-08-23 Veterinary Nurses for Companion Animals Act has been released.
2023-08-23 Patent Attorneys Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-08-23 Civil Rehabilitation Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-08-23 The Board of Audit Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-08-17 Corporate Reorganization Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-08-17 Code of Civil Procedure (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-08-17 Act on the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers (Reflecting amendments in effect as of November 1, 2022) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-08-17 Act on the Establishment of the Digital Agency has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-08-14 The Act Partially Amending the Act on Providing Comprehensive Support for the Daily Life and Life in Society of Persons with Disabilities and Other Acts (Outline) has been released.
2023-08-10 Ordinance for Enforcement of the Law for the Control of Export, Import and Others of Specified Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-08-10 Order for Enforcement of the Law for the Control of Export, Import and Others of Specified Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-08-10 Law for the Control of Export, Import and Others of Specified Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-08-02 Act on Punishment of Financing of Offences of Public Intimidation has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-08-02 Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-31 Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-07-31 Community Health Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-07-31 The Basic Act on Dementia to Promote an Inclusive Society (Outline) has been released.
2023-07-27 Family Register Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-07-27 Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansing (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-25 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Limitation of Liability of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers for Damages and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Sender Identification Information (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-25 Act on the Limitation of Liability of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers for Damages and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Sender Identification Information (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-25 Cabinet Office Order on Financial Instruments Business (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-25 Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-25 Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-21 Private Lodging Business Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-07-21 Ministerial Order Specifying Goods and Technologies Pursuant to the Provisions of Appended Table 1 of the Cabinet Order on Export Trade Control and the Appended Table of the Foreign Exchange Order (Part 1) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-07-20 Enforcement Regulation of the Agricultural and Fishery Cooperatives Savings Insurance Act has been released.
2023-07-20 Enforcement Order of the Agricultural and Fishery Cooperatives Savings Insurance Act has been released.
2023-07-12 Act Partially Amending the Act on Facilitating the Shared Use of Specified Large Advanced Research Facilities(Outline) has been released.
2023-07-12 Act on the Voluntary Guardianship Contract has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-07-11 Act on the Revision, etc. of Related Acts to Promote Reform for Increasing Independence and Autonomy of Local Communities (Outline) has been released.
2023-07-10 Payment Services Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-10 Act on Facilitating the Export of Agricultural, Forestry, and Fishery Products and Food has been released.
2023-07-10 Law to Partially Amend the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (Outline) has been released.
2023-07-07 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-07-06 Practical Guidelines on Measures for Managing the Security of Personal Data Under the Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information in the Financial Sector (Tentative translation) have been released.
2023-07-06 Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information in the Financial Sector (Tentative translation) have been released.
2023-07-06 Deposit Insurance Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-06 Banking Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-05 Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-05 Act on the Development of Laws to Promote the Utilization of Information and Communications Technology in Civil Proceedings (Outline) has been released.
2023-07-04 Notice of System Maintenance
Thursday, July 6, 2023: 9:00pm to 7:00am the next day

Users may experience difficulty accessing content during this period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
2023-07-04 Trust Business Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-04 Order for Enforcement of the Trust Business Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-04 Regulation for Enforcement of the Trust Business Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-04 Cabinet Office Order on the Regulation of Over-the-Counter Derivatives Transactions (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-04 Secured Bond Trust Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-04 Cabinet Office Order on Certified Association for Payment Service Providers (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-07-03 Act Partially Amending the Act on National Strategic Special Zones and the Act on Special
Districts for Structural Reform (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-30 Cabinet Office Order on Transactions Prescribed in Article 161-2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Security Deposits for the Transactions (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-06-30 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-06-30 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures for the Reorganization Proceedings of Financial Institutions (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-06-29 Order on Notary Fees has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-28 Revised Copyright Act (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-28 Act on the Accrediting of Japanese-Language Institutes to Ensure Appropriate and Reliable Implementation of Japanese-Language Education (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-28 Guidelines for the Use of Intellectual Property under the Antimonopoly Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-06-26 Defined Contribution Pension Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-22 The Proposed Act Partially Amending the Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society and Related Acts in Order to Advance Regulatory Reforms That Are Meant to Help Form a Digital Society (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-22 Act on Assisted Reproductive Technology Offering and the Special Provisions of the Civil Code Related to the Parent-Child Relationship of a Child Born As a Result of the Treatment has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-22 Nationality Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-22 Floating Charge Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-22 Act on Contract for Establishment of Security Interests by Use of Provisional Registration has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-19 Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-06-16 Act for Implementation of United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-06-16 Arbitration Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-06-14 Bill to Partially Amend the Act on Anonymized Medical Data That Are Meant to Contribute to Research and Development in the Medical Field (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-14 Bill to Partially Amend the Act on the Proper Implementation of Recreational Fishing Boat Businesses (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-14 Bill to Partially Amend the Act on Development of Fishing Ports and Grounds, and the Fishery Industry Cooperative Association Act (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-13 Proposed Act Partially Amending the Health Insurance Act and Other Acts in Order to Establish a Sustainable Social Security System That Covers All Generations (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-09 Bill Concerning Development of Laws Related to Enforcement of
the Act on the institute for health security (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-09 Act for the institute for health security (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-08 Community Health Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-06-08 Act Partially Amending the Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-07 Act on General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-06 Act Partially Amending the Act on Promotion of Distribution and Use of Legally Harvested Wood and Wood Products (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-05 Foreign Exchange Order has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-05 Cabinet Office Order on Funds Transfer Service Providers has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-05 Cabinet Office Order on Prepaid Payment Instruments has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-06-01 Proposed Bill on Coordinating the Relevant Acts to Enhance the Functionality of Government Administration Relevant to Environmental Health and Other Such Matters (Outline) has been released.
2023-06-01 Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures (Outline) has been released.
2023-05-31 Bill Partially Amending the Private Schools Act (Outline) has been released.
2023-05-31 Enforcement Regulation of the Act on Ensuring Appropriate Handling of Satellite Remote Sensing Data has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-05-31 Enforcement Order of the Act on Ensuring Appropriate Handling of Satellite Remote Sensing Data has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-05-31 Act on Ensuring Appropriate Handling of Satellite Remote Sensing Data has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-05-31 Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-26 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Building Unit Ownership has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-05-26 Act on Building Unit Ownership has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-05-26 Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-05-23 Act Partially Amending the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, etc. (Outline) has been released.
2023-05-22 Bill to Partially Amend the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations (Outline) has been released.
2023-05-18 Act Amending the Civil Code (Parent-Child Legislation) (Outline) has been released.
2023-05-18 Bill Partially Amending the Law Concerning Temporary Relief Measures for Separated USFJ Employees and the Law Concerning Temporary Relief Measures for Separated Fishers according to Conclusion of the International Treaty etc.(Outline) has been released.
2023-05-17 Cabinet Order on Guardianship Registration, etc. has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-05-17 Ministerial Order on Guardianship Registration, etc. has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-05-17 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Launching of Spacecraft, etc. and Control of Spacecraft (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-17 Order for Enforcement of Act on Launching of Spacecraft, etc. and Control of Spacecraft (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-17 Act on Launching of Spacecraft, etc. and Control of Spacecraft (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-17 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Promotion of Business Activities for the Exploration and Development of Space Resources (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-17 Act on the Promotion of Business Activities for the Exploration and Development of Space Resources (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-16 Notice of System Maintenance
Wednesday, May 24, 2023: 9:00am to 12:00pm

Users may experience difficulty accessing content during this period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
2023-05-12 Act on the Science Council of Japan has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-05-12 Bill to Partially Amend the Climate Change Adaptation Act and the
Act on the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency, Independent Administrative Agency (Outline) has been released.
2023-05-12 Guidelines Necessary for the Appropriate and Effective Implementation of the Measures to Be Taken by Enterprises Pursuant to Article 11, Paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Whistleblower Protection Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-12 Guidelines for National Administrative Organs' Handling of Reports Based on the Whistleblower Protection Act(Reports from Internal Personnel and Others) (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-12 Guidelines for National Administrative Organs' Handling of ReportsBased on the Whistleblower Protection Act(Reports from External Workers and Others) (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-12 Guidelines for Local Governments' Handling of ReportsBased on the Whistleblower Protection Act(Reports from Internal Personnel and Others) (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2023-05-12 Guidelines for Local Governments' Handling of ReportsBased on the Whistleblower Protection Act(Reports from External Workers and Others) (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2023-05-12 Commentaries on the Guidelines under the Whistleblower Protection Act (Cabinet Office Notification No. 118 of 2021) (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-05-09 Outline of the Act to Partially Amend the Act on Temporary Measures Concerning Financing for Improving Processing Facilities for Marine Products has been released.
2023-05-08 Regulations on Corporate Accounting has been released.
2023-04-28 Order for Enforcement of the Payment Services Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-28 Cabinet Office Order on Cryptoasset Exchange Service Providers has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-27 Civil Code (Part I, Part II and Part III (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2023-04-27 Bill to Partially Amend the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares and Related Laws in Response to Developments in Information and Telecommunications Technology
(Outline) has been released.
2023-04-26 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms for Shopping has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-26 Enforcement Order of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms for Shopping has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-26 Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms for Shopping has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-26 Guidelines Necessary to Contribute to the Appropriate and Effective Implementation of the Measures Taken by Digital Platform Providers under Article 3, Paragraph (3) of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms for Shopping has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-26 Museum Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-26 Corporate Reorganization Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-25 The Board of Audit Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-04-25 Bill Partially Amending the Method of Providing Special Benefit to the Wives of War Dead(Outline) has been released.
2023-04-20 Patent Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-04-20 Bankruptcy Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-20 Act on Specified Commercial Transactions (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-04-19 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-04-19 Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-04-19 Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-04-19 Cabinet Office Order on Definitions under Article 2 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act has been released.
2023-04-19 Land and Buildings Investigator Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-18 Act on Punishment of Financing to Offences of Public Intimidation (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-04-17 Act on the Quota of Court Officials has been released.
2023-04-17 Commercial Code has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-11 Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Derivatives Transaction Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-11 Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Derivatives Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-04-11 Commodity Derivatives Transaction Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-31 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act Establishing Special Provisions on Performance Agreements That Are Meant to Help Prevent the Harm Associated with Performing in Sexually Explicit Videos and to Contribute to Remedies for Performers in Order to Contribute to the Formation of a Society in Which Individuals' Sexual Dignity Is Respected have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-31 Act Establishing Special Provisions on Performance Agreements That Are Meant to Help Prevent the Harm Associated with Performing in Sexually Explicit Videos and to Contribute to Remedies for Performers in Order to Contribute to the Formation of a Society in Which Individuals' Sexual Dignity Is Respected has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-30 Meteorological Service Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-30 Travel Agency Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-30 Regulation for Enforcement of the Juvenile Classification Home Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-30 National Public Service Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-30 Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-30 Regulations for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation Act have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-30 Enforcement Order of the Act on Preventing Mercury Pollution of the Environmental has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-30 Act on International Assistance in Investigations has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-29 Act to Partially Amend the Act on the Quota of Court (Outline) has been released.
2023-03-29 Rules on Japan Fair Trade Commission Investigations have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-28 Act on the Use of Information and Communications Technology to Make Payments That Become Part of the National Revenue (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-28 Act on the Establishment of the Digital Agency (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-28 Japanese Agricultural Standards for Organic Livestock Products have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-28 Japanese Agricultural Standards for Organic Feed have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-28 Civil Code (Part IV and Part V) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-28 Regulation on Safety of Containers has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-28 Regulation on Safety of Containers Relating to International Reciprocal Recognition has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-28 Act on the Provision of Assisted Reproduction Technology and the Special Provisions of the Civil Code Related to the Parent-Child Relationship of a Child Born As a Result of the Treatment (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-28 Act on the Voluntary Guardianship Contract (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-24 Basic Land Policy (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-24 Basic Act for Land (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-23 Trademark Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-23 Act on the Salaries of Public Prosecutors has been released.
2023-03-23 Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Review and Regulation of the Use of Real Estate Surrounding Important Facilities and on Remote Territorial Islands (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-23 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Review and Regulation of the Use of Real Estate Surrounding Important Facilities and on Remote Territorial Islands (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-22 Design Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-22 Utility Model Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-22 Domestic Relations Case Procedure Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-22 Family Register Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-20 Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-20 Rules on Japan Fair Trade Commission Commitment Procedures have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-16 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-16 Trust Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-14 Act Partially Amending the Gas Business Act and the JOGMEC Act (Outline) has been released.
2023-03-14 Order for Notary Fees has been released.
2023-03-14 Floating Charge Act has been released.
2023-03-13 Public Notice Specifying Business Types to Be Specified by the Minister of Finance and the Competent Minister for the Business Pursuant to the Provisions of Article 4-3, Paragraph (1) of the Order on Inward Direct Investment (Public Notice Specifying Core Business Sectors pertaining to Specified Acquisition has been released.
2023-03-13 Act on Contract for Establishment of Security Interests by Use of Provisional Registration has been released.
2023-03-08 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Unit Ownership of Buildings has been released.
2023-03-08 Act on Building Unit Ownership, etc. has been released.
2023-03-03 Regulations for Import Trade Control have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-03 Ministerial Order on Invisible Trade Connected with Visible Trade has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-01 Nationality Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-01 Private Lodging Business Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-03-01 Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Partly unenforced) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-01 Regulation on Security Deposits by Financial Service Intermediaries has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-03-01 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Provision of Financial Services has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-27 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-27 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-27 Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-24 Act on Mental Health and Welfare for Persons with Mental Disorders or Disabilities has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-24 Act on Control and Improvement of Amusement Business has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-24 Act on Promoting the Treatment of Debris that Drift Ashore Concerning the Conservation of Good Coastal Landscapes and Environments as well as Marine Environments to Protect the Beautiful and Abundant Natural Environment has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-24 Public Notice Specifying Business Types to Be Specified by the Minister of Finance and the Competent Minister for the Business Pursuant to the Provisions of Article 3, Paragraph (1) and Article 4, Paragraph (2) of the Order on Inward Direct Investment (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-02-17 Real Property Registration Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-02-10 Amendment of the Code of Civil Procedure
(related to digitalization) (Outline) has been released.
2023-02-10 Outline of the Act to Partially Amend the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases and Related Laws (Outline) has been released.
2023-02-09 Ministerial Order on Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Technical Requirements for Specified Products has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-09 Secondhand Goods Business Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-06 Public Announcement on the Items of Goods Subject to Import Quotas, the Places of Origin or Places of Shipment of Goods Requiring Approval for Import, and Other Necessary Matters Concerning Import of Goods (Part 1) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-08 Regulations for Export Trade Control has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-08 Cabinet Order on Export Trade Control has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-08 Act on Vesting of Land Ownership Acquired through Inheritance or Bequest in the National Treasury has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-08 The Act on the Science Council of Japan (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-02-04 The Act Partially Amending the Port and Harbour Act (Outline) has been released.
2023-02-04 Whistleblower Protection Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-04 Civil Mediation Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-02-02 Ordinance on Real Property Registration (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-02-02 Real Property Registration Order (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-02-02 Civil Rehabilitation Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-01-31 Bill that Partially Amends the Hotel Business Act and Other Acts to Develop a Business Environment to Support the Continued Business Activities of Businesses with Operations Related to the Environmental Health Industry, etc. in Response to the Changed Circumstances due to Covid-19 Infection (Outline) has been released.
2023-01-31 Ministerial Order on Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records by Designated Notary has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-01-26 Act on the Advancement of Government Administration Processes That Use Information and Communications Technology (Act No. 17 of 2019 unenforced) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-01-26 Secured Bond Trust Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-01-19 Act on the Exercise of Sovereign Rights on Fishing Operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-01-19 Act on the Regulation of Fishing Operations by Foreign Nationals has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-01-19 Copyright Act (Partially unenforced) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-01-18 Regulation on Commercial Registrations (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-01-18 Order on Book-Entry of Corporate Bonds, Shares (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-01-18 Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-01-17 Agricultural and Fishery Cooperatives Savings Insurance Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2023-01-16 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Special Provisions concerning Performance Contracts for Contributing to the Prevention of Harm Associated with Performing in Sexually Explicit Video Productions and to the Remedy of Harm to Performers, thereby Contributing to the Formation of a Society in which the Sexual Dignity of Individuals is Respected (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-01-16 Cabinet Order on Guardianship Registration, etc. (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-01-16 Ministerial Order on Guardianship Registration, etc. (Tentative translation) has been released.
2023-01-16 Defined Contribution Pension Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-28 Public Notice Specifying Business Types to Be Specified by the Minister of Finance and the Competent Minister for the Business Pursuant to the Provisions of Article 3-2, Paragraph (3) of the Order on Inward Direct Investment (Public Notice Specifying Core Business Sectors pertaining to Inward Direct Investment, etc.) (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-28 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-28 Enforcement Order of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-28 Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-26 Guidelines Necessary to Contribute to the Appropriate and Effective Implementation of the Measures Taken by Digital Platform Providers under Article 3, Paragraph (3) of the Act on the Protection of Consumers Who Use Digital Platforms (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-12-26 Basic Space Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-26 Public Notice Specifying Conditions to Be Complied With So That Inward Direct Investment, etc. Does Not Fall Within the Category of Inward Direct Investment, etc. Involving National Security, etc., Which Are Specified by the Minister of Finance and the Competent Minister for the Business, Pursuant to the Provisions of Article 27-2, Paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-26 Public Notice Specifying Conditions to Be Complied With So That Specified Acquisition Does Not Fall Within the Category of Specified Acquisition Involving National Security, Which Are Specified by the Minister of Finance and the Competent Minister for the Business, Pursuant to the Provisions of Article 28-2, Paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-22 Act on Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-21 Regulation for Enforcement of the Family Register Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-19 Foreign Exchange Order (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-14 Commercial Registration Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-12 Museum Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-09 Notice of System Maintenance
Monday, December 19, 2022: 9:00am to 12:00pm

Users may experience difficulty accessing content during this period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
2022-12-06 Order for Enforcement of the Consumer Product Safety Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-06 Regulation for Enforcement of the Special Act on the Immigration Control of Inter Alia, Those Who Have Lost Japanese Nationality Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-06 Order for Enforcement of the Special Act on the Immigration Control of, Inter Alia, Those Who Have Lost Japanese Nationality Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-06 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures concerning the Application for Landing by Foreign National in Possession of Passport Specified in Article 2, Item (v), (b) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-06 Regulation for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-06 Personal Status Litigation Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-06 Enforcement Regulation of the Food Sanitation Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-06 Telecommunications Business Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-12-06 Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-12-01 Disaster Relief Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-01 Regulation for Enforcement of the Basic Act on Disaster Management has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-01 Order for Enforcement of the Basic Act on Disaster Management has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-01 Basic Act on Disaster Management has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-01 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Adjustment of Registration and Administration of Land for Which the Heading Section Owner is Unknown has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-12-01 Act on Adjustment of Registration and Administration of Land for Which the Heading Section Owner is Unknown has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-11-22 Regulation on Security Deposits by a Trust Company, etc. has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-11-18 Act on Limitation of Shipowner Liability has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-11-18 Act on the International Carriage of Goods by Sea has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-11-18 Bar Examination Act (Act No. 44 of 2019 unenforced) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-11-11 High Pressure Gas Safety Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-11-09 Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-11-02 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-10-28 Administrative Counselors Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-10-27 Whistleblower Protection Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-10-25 Act on the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-10-25 Act on Special Provisions concerning Performance Contracts Contributing to the Prevention of Harm Associated with Performing in Sexually Explicit Video Productions and to the Remedy of Harm to Performers, thereby Contributing to the Formation of a Society in which the Sexual Dignity of Individuals is Respected (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-10-21 Regulation on Security Deposits by a Trust Company, etc. (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-10-17 Act of Partial Revision of the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Other Acts in Order to Establish Stable Energy Supply and Demand Structure (Outline) has been released.
2022-10-13 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Ensuring Appropriate Handling of Satellite Remote Sensing Data (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-10-13 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Ensuring Appropriate Handling of Satellite Remote Sensing Data (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-10-13 Act on Ensuring Appropriate Handling of Satellite Remote Sensing Data (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-10-11 Courts Act (Act No. 44 of 2019 Not in force) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-10-11 Act on Ensuring the Proper Domestic Distribution and Importation of Specified Aquatic Animals and Plants has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-30 Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-20 The Act Establishing the Children and Families Agency (Outline) has been released.
2022-09-13 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feeds has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-13 Dental Practitioners Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-12 Cabinet Office Order on Audit Certification of Financial Statements has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-12 Cabinet Office Order on the System for Ensuring the Appropriateness of Documents on Financial Calculation and Other Information has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-12 Basic Act on Fisheries has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-09 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Preventing Environmental Pollution of Mercury (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-09-08 Companies Act (Part V, Part VI, Part VII and Part VIII (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2022-09-08 Companies Act (Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2022-09-05 Regulation on Terminology, Forms and Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-05 Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-05 Regulation on the Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-05 Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Quarterly Financial Statements has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-05 Regulation on the Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Interim Consolidated Financial Statements has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-05 Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Interim Financial Statements has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-05 Act on Support for Reconstructing Livelihoods of Disaster Victims has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-09-05 Act on Promoting the Treatment of Marine Debris Affecting the Conservation of Good Coastal Landscapes and Environments as well as Marine Environments to Protect Natural Beauty and Variety (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-08-31 Act on the Protection of Marine Resources has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-08-31 Ministerial Order Specifying Goods and Technologies Pursuant to the Provisions of the Appended Table 1 of the Export Trade Control Order and the Appended Table of the Foreign Exchange Order (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-08-31 Act on Vesting of Ownership of Land Acquired through Inheritance in the National Treasury (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-08-31 Ministerial Order on Processes Relating to Electronic or Magnetic Records by Designated Notary (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-08-29 Ministerial Order on Invisible Trade Connected with Visible Trade (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-08-29 Act on the Promotion of Administrative Affairs through the Use of Information and Communications Technology (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-08-29 Regulation on Safety of Containers Relating to International Reciprocal Recognition (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-08-19 Ministerial Order on Notification of Specified International Species Business and on Registration of Special International Species Business has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-08-19 Ministerial Order on Notification of Specified National Species Business has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-08-18 Act to Partially Amend the Radio Act and the Broadcasting Act (Outline) has been released.
2022-08-17 Government Policy Evaluations Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-08-05 Ministerial Order on the Procedure for Collection of Expenses Charged under the Provisions of Article 52 of the Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-08-05 Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Livestock has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-08-05 Practical Guidelines on Security Control Measures Under the Guidelines for Protection of Personal Information in the Finance Sector have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-08-02 Ministerial Order on Utilization of Telecommunications Technology in Document Preservation Conducted by Private Business Operators for the Individuals Registration Organization Provided in Article 23, Paragraph (1) of the Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-08-02 Ministerial Order on Utilization of Telecommunications Technology in Document Preservation Conducted by Private Business Operators for the Business Registration Organization and the Certifying Organization Provided Respectively in Article 33-15, Paragraph (1) and Article 33-26, Paragraph (1) of the Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-07-29 Regulations for Import Trade Control (Tentative translation) have been released.
2022-07-25 Order for Enforcement of the Act on Provision of Financial Services (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-25 Order for Enforcement of the Payment Services Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-25 Cabinet Office Order on Crypto-Asset Exchange Service Providers (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-25 Cabinet Office Order on Funds Transfer Service Providers (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-22 Regulation on Security Deposits by Financial Service Intermediaries (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-22 Cabinet Office Order on Prepaid Payment Instruments (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-19 Foreign Exchange Order has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-07-19 Ministerial Order on Technical Requirements for Specified Products Related to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-19 Order for Enforcement of the Consumer Product Safety Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-12 Secured Bond Trust Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-11 Ordinance for Enforcement of the Family Register Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-07-01 Patent Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-06-27 Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-06-27 Rules of Procedures for Investigation under the Patent Act have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-06-17 This is a reminder to beware of fake websites claiming to represent Japan's public-sector organizations and companies. (external link) (in Japanese)
2022-06-14 The Proposed Act to Partially Amend the Payment Services Act and Other Related Acts to Establish a Stable and Efficient Payment Services System (Outline) has been released.
2022-06-10 Act on Providing Comprehensive Support for the Daily Life and Life in Society of Persons with Disabilities has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-06-10 Act Partially Amending the Employment Insurance Act (Outline) has been released.
2022-06-06 Enforcement Order of the Insurance Business Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-06-06 Insurance Business Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-05-26 A Proposed Act to Partially Amend the Certified Public Accountants Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Outline) has been released.
2022-05-24 Basic Act on Traffic Safety Measures has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-05-23 Basic Space Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-05-20 Patent Attorneys Act has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-05-18 Reforming Some of Japan's Fundamental Civil Laws Toward Solving the Issue of Unclaimed Land (Outline of the Act Partially Amending the Civil Code and Other Acts, and of the Act on Vesting Inherited Land in the National Treasury) has been released.
2022-05-17 The Order for Enforcement of the Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-05-16 The Proposed Act to Partially Amend the Consumer Contract Act and the Act on Special Measures Concerning Civil Court Proceedings for the Collective Redress for Property Damage Incurred by Consumers (Outline) has been released.
2022-05-13 The Bill to Partially Amend the Insurance Business Act (Outline) has been released.
2022-05-12 Translation development plan in 2022 has been released.
2022-05-12 Translation development plan in 2021 has been replaced with the revised version.
2022-05-12 Act on the Promotion of Efforts to Eliminate Unfair Discriminatory Speech and Behavior against Persons with Countries of Origin other than Japan has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-05-12 Act on the Promotion of the Elimination of Buraku Discrimination has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-05-11 Rules of Procedures for Cases relating to the Return of a Child under the Act for Implementation of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (Tentative translation) have been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-05-10 The Act on the Use of Information and Communications Technology to Make Payments That Become Part of the National Revenue (Outline) has been released.
2022-05-09 Public Announcement on the Items of Goods Subject to Import Quotas, the Places of Origin or Places of Shipment of Goods Requiring Approval for Import, and Other Necessary Matters Concerning Import of Goods (Part 1 (Tentative translation)) has been released.
2022-05-09 Guidelines Concerning Measures to Be Taken by Employers in Terms of Employment Management in Connection with Problems Arising as a Result of Behavior That Is Based on Dominant Relationships in the Workplace (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-05-02 The Proposed Act Partially Amending the Plant Protection Act (Outline) has been released.
2022-05-02 The Proposed Act Partially Amending the Land Improvement Act (Outline) has been released.
2022-04-27 Cabinet Order on Export Trade Control (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-04-27 Regulations for Export Trade Control (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-04-27 High Pressure Gas Safety Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-04-27 Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-04-27 Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-04-27 The Board of Audit Act (Tentative translation) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-04-26 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations (Tentative translation) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-04-26 Act on the Authority of the Minister of Justice over Suits Relating to the Interests of the State (Tentative translation) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-04-26 Dental Medical Practitioners' Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-04-22 Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on the Securitization of Assets (Tentative translation) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-04-22 Act on the Securitization of Assets (Tentative translation) has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-04-21 The Proposed Act Partially Amending the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, and Other Acts (Outline) has been released.
2022-04-19 The Board of Audit Act (Tentative translation) has been released.
2022-04-18 The Proposed Act Partially Amending the Child Welfare Act and Other Legislation (Outline) has been released.
2022-04-15 The Proposed Act Partially Amending the Civil Aeronautics Act and Other Legislation (Outline) has been released.
2022-04-13 FY2022 Tax Reform(Outline) has been released.
2022-03-31 Act for Mutual Recognition between Japan and Foreign States on the Results of Conformity Assessments for Specified Equipment has been replaced with the finalized translation.
2022-03-25 The website has been renewed.
The translations contained in the Japanese Law Translation Database System are not official texts, and not all of the translations are finalized versions. Only the original Japanese texts of the laws and regulations have legal effect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference materials to aid in the understanding of Japanese laws and regulations. The government of Japan is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the legislative material provided in this website, or for any consequence resulting from use of the information in this website. For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute, users should consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette.
Translation of laws and regulations is carried out in accordance with the plan (Translation Development Plan) decided by the "Liaison Conference of Relevant Ministries and Agencies on the Development of Infrastructure for Promoting Translation of Laws and Regulations into Foreign Languages".
Tentative Translations
Any translation that the title of a law indicates to be a tentative translation has not yet been proofread or corrected by a native English speaker or legal translation expert; this translation may be revised in the future.
Citation, Reproduction and Reprinting
The data contained in the Japanese Law Translation Database System may be cited, reproduced, or reprinted in accordance with the Terms of Use.